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Stephen power's photography blog.

Award-Winning Photographer, teacher, Cameracraft magazine contributor and author.

PI Module 3 - Greyscale Test Setup

photography institute assignment 3

Thank you so much for this information! I have been struggling with this assignment and have searched online for input. I looked in Flickr and people commented how hard it was to get through this exercise but no one really put up any helpful information. I appreciate your additional information-it confirms what I have been doing right and wrong.Thank you:)!!

photography institute assignment 3

Hi and thank you for your kind comment. Please bear in mind that it is some time since I wrote that post as I stopped tutoring for PI over 2 years ago. You may want to check that the assignment has not been updated since then, or at least be sure, in your own mind, I am addressing the current question. If so, I hope you have success with your assignment, and please free free to share this page - and the blog. There are some free gifts on the home page! :)

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photography institute assignment 3

  • Testimonials
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Diploma of Photography Course Outline

photography institute assignment 3

Module 1 Camera

Get to know the authors, before they introduce you to the world of professional photography as it exists today. This module is an extensive look at the equipment you will use, covering cameras, how they function and when to take advantage of the broad range of lenses available to you.

Units covered in this module:

Note: This list is not indicative of unit completion, as most of our units are taught (in parts) across most of our modules.

CUAACD522 – Work with photomedia in creative practice CUADIG415 – Produce innovative digital images CUAPHI312 – Capture photographic images CUAPHI403 – Enhance, manipulate and output photo images CUAPHI521 – Make illustrative photo images for publication and display CUAPHI531 – Apply visual communication theory to photo imaging practice CUAPHI535 – Produce commercial photo images CUAPHI536 – Provide photographic portrait services CUAPHI537 – Produce media photo images CUAPPR511 – Realise a body of creative work

Units Covered

Equipment Requirements

Module Exercises & Activities


Additional Coursework

Self-Directed Study

Helpful Documents

Student Handbook

Introduction to the Professional Photography Course

About the Authors

George Seper

Yvette Worboys

Julian Watt

The Still Image

The Optical Process

The Digital Camera

Camera Overview

Amateur Cameras

Smartphone Cameras

Computational Photography & AI

Point-and-Shoot Cameras

Micro Four Thirds Cameras

Bridge and Superzoom Cameras

Enthusiast vs Pro Cameras

Mirrorless or CSC Cameras

Recent Camera Developments

Which Camera Should I Buy?

Camera Features

Service and Accessories

Parts of a Camera

Camera Body

Digital Sensor

Memory Card

Important Features of the Modern Camera

Sensor Size

Frames Per Second (FPS)

Colour Histograms

Recommendations Regarding Cameras

Some General Observations on Cameras

The Pro Camera

The Small Format Camera

The DSLR Camera

The Rangefinder Camera

A Friendly Caution

Recent Developments in Small Format Cameras

The Medium Format Camera

Small & Medium Format DSLR Features

Interchangeable Lenses

Adjustable ISO

Integrated Light Meters

Mirror Locking

Digital Image Capture

Digital Sensors

CCD & CMOS Compared

In-Camera Controls & What to do With Them

Adobe 1998 RGB

Saturation, Contrast & Sharpening

Uncovering the Lens

Lens Overview

The Science of Lenses

Focal Length

Angle of View

The Normal Lens

Telephoto Lenses

Wide-Angle Lenses

Speciality Lenses & Attachments

Macro Lenses

Extension Rings, Tubes & Bellows

Zoom Lenses

Reflex Lenses

Tilt-Shift Lenses

Lens Faults & Flaws

Spherical Aberration

Chromatic Aberration

Barrel & Pincushion Distortion

Flare & Vignetting

Advanced Features of Modern Lenses


Autofocus (AF)

Image Stabilisation (IS) or Vibration Reduction (VR)

Polarising Filters

Neutral Density (ND) Filters

Taking Care of Your Equipment

Safe Working Practices

Safe Work Australia

Sitting Correctly for Good Posture & Health

Practical Lens Choices

Food Photography

Fashion Photography

Portrait & Beauty Photography

Architecture & Interior Photography

Travel Photography

Sport & Wildlife Photography

Wedding Photography

Assignment 1

photography institute assignment 3

Module 2 Capture

Learn how to control your camera and capture the images you have always imagined. You will learn all aspects of correct camera handling including an in-depth understanding of the settings on your camera and how to control the exposure to achieve the results you want, when you want, every time.

CUAACD522 – Work with photomedia in creative practice CUAPHI312 – Capture photographic images CUAPHI403 – Enhance, manipulate and output photo images CUAPHI521 – Make illustrative photo images for publication and display CUAPHI531 – Apply visual communication theory to photo imaging practice CUAPHI535 – Produce commercial photo images CUAPHI536 – Provide photographic portrait services

Visual Diary

The Exposure Triangle

In-Camera Light Meters

Digital Histograms

Reading a Histogram

Average Reflective Metering

Scenario 1: Light Scenes

Scenario 2: Dark Scenes

Shutters & Aperture

Shutter Types

Focal Plane Shutters

Leaf Shutter

Exposure Stops

Shutter Speed Stops

Aperture Stops

F/Stop Values

The Advantage of Using F/Stops

Full & Third Stop Reference Table

Relationships & Depth of Field

What is Depth of Field?

Depth of Field (DOF) Overview

Circles of Confusion

Perceiving Sharpness

Depth of Field (DOF) Scale

Hyperfocal Distance

DOF Preview Button

DOF Preview & DSLR Cameras

DSLR Shooting Modes in Practice

Aperture Priority (AV) or (A)

Shutter Priority (TV) or (S)

Program Mode (P)

Exposure Compensation

Digital ISO

Understanding ISO

Increasing Light Sensitivity

Digital Noise

High ISO, Contrast & Colour Distortion

Putting it all Together


Assignment 2

photography institute assignment 3

Module 3 Post-production

Quick and accurate post-production plays a very important role in the photography workflow. This module explores in depth the use of post-production programs focusing on Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop. This will give the student a comprehensive experience on how to use and apply these programs in a professional manner and as part of their workflow. This module also focuses on digital art and expanding the student’s knowledge of current industry practice.

CUAPHI523 – Employ colour management in a digital imaging workplace CUADIG518 – Refine digital art techniques CUAACD522 – Work with photomedia in creative practice CUADIG415 – Produce innovative digital images CUAIND411 – Extend expertise in specialist creative fields CUAPHI403 – Enhance, manipulate and output photo images CUAPHI521 – Make illustrative photo images for publication and display CUAPHI533 – Explore and apply photo lighting techniques CUAPHI535 – Produce commercial photo images CUAPHI536 – Provide photographic portrait services CUAPHI537 – Produce media photo images CUAPPR511 – Realise a body of creative work

Post-Production Introduction

Capture & Editing Software

Capture One Software

Adobe Photoshop (Ps)

Adobe Lightroom (Lr)

Exposure Software

Other Image Editing & Retouching Tools

The Interesting Issue of DPI & PPI

Image File Size: How Big is Big Enough?

Computers & Monitors

Data Storage

Digital Video Disc

External Hard Drives

Raid Arrays

Solid State Drives

The Future of File Storage

Future Proofing Your Files

Backing Up Your Photographs

The Graphics Tablet


Why Post-Production?

Why Lightroom?

Creative Cloud Overview

Quick Tip: Updates for Adobe Creative Clouds Apps

Lightroom Classic System Requirements

Lightroom Help

Adobe Lightroom

Lightroom Classic vs Lightroom CC

Lightroom Classic vs Photoshop CC

Lightroom Keyboard Shortcuts

Introduction to Lightroom

Setting Up Your File Structure

An Overview of the Lightroom Interface

Setting Up Your Catalog, Importing Images & Collections

Step 1: Creating a New Catalog

Step 2: Setting Up Your Catalog Settings

Step 3: Setting Up Your Preferences

Step 4: Store Presets With This Catalog

Step 5: Identity Plate Setup

Step 5: Importing Your Images

Setting Up Folders in Lightroom


Quick Collections

Creating a Collection

Creating a Target Collection

Smart Collection

Library Module & Viewing

Finding Your Way Around

Understanding the Panels

Compare Mode

Survey View

Lights Out Mode

Quick Develop

Virtual Copies

Before and After View

Library Module, Metadata & Intro To Tools And Adjustments

Metadata & Metadata Templates

Rating, Flag, & Label Options

Searchable Text Filter

Keyword Basics

Keyword Sets

Keyword List

Titles and Captions

Develop Module: Tools & Adjustments

Retouching Tool Strip

Crop & Straighten – How to Crop Images to Specified Size and Straighten Images

Spot Removal, Right Click & Edit in Photoshop Using the Same Tools

Red Eye Correction Tool

Gradient Adjustment

Radial Filter

Colour Controls

White Balance & Eyedropper Tool

Tone Control

Creating Your Own Preset In Lightroom

Develop Module: Advanced Adjustments

The Adjustment Brush Tool

Dodge & Burn

Portrait Retouching

Masking Tools

Advanced Greyscale

Colour Grading / Split Toning & Cross Processing

Noise Reduction

Lens Corrections

Lens Vignette & Grain

Transform Tool


Batch Processing in Lightroom & Speeding Up Your Workflow

Copy & Paste

Match Total Exposures

Exporting Images (Output Files)

Exporting for Print

Exporting for Web Images & Watermarks for Use in Web Images

Slideshows, Web and Print Modules & Web and Print Output

Slideshow Module

Print Module

Proof Sheets

Printing Packages

Web Galleries

Transitioning Between Lightroom and Photoshop

Photo Merge

Working with Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop for Photographers

Photoshop Toolbox

Camera RAW Image Adjustment Basics

Camera Raw Tools

Photoshop’s Densitometer

Selections in Photoshop

Quick Masking

Adjustment Layers

Layer Masks

Unsharp Mask (USM)

Traps for Young Players

One Sharpening Methodology

Selective Sharpening

HDR for High Contrast Scenes


Digital Art

Assignment 3

photography institute assignment 3

Module 4 Lighting

In this module, we will be learning about light, the characteristics of light and how we, as photographers, harness the characteristics of light to good effect in our photographs. The ability to light our subjects well provides us with a unique selling proposition in our professional practice.

CUAACD522 – Work with photomedia in creative practice CUADIG415 – Produce innovative digital images CUAPHI312 – Capture photographic images CUAPHI521 – Make illustrative photo images for publication and display CUAPHI533 – Explore and apply photo lighting techniques

Light & Its Characteristics

About Light

The Properties of Light

Hard Versus Soft

Reflected Light

The Angle of Incidence

Specular or Direct Reflection

Diffuse Reflection

The Inverse Square Law

Natural Light

Love Daylight

Natural Light Phenomena

Moonlight and Starlight

Shooting Using Available Light Outdoors

High Noon Shootout

Fill-In Flash

Artificial Light

Studio Flash

Continuous Lights

Hot Lights – Tungsten Lighting

Cool Lights – Fluorescent & LED Lighting

Fluorescent Lights

The Safe Use of Lighting Equipment

How We Use Light

Lighting Techniques

Light Shapers

Light & Shape

Lighting Ratios

Balancing Flash & Ambient Light

Ambient Light

Whatever’s Available

Flash Duration

Lighting Glossary

Assignment 4

photography institute assignment 3

Module 5 Advanced Lighting

In this module, we will explore a range of historical and contemporary sources of light. You will examine the theories of light and how you can prepare to shoot for a range of lighting techniques and situations. You will explore lighting with a range of subjects in both interior and exterior locations. You will then produce a series of photo images using appropriate lighting techniques and technologies to create an emotional response to the viewer. You will learn how to identify future work directions in the contemporary industry and how to respond to the changes this creates.

CUAACD522 – Work with photomedia in creative practice CUAIND412 – Provide freelance services CUAPHI312 – Capture photographic images CUAIND411 – Extend expertise in specialist creative fields CUAPHI403 – Enhance, manipulate and output photo images CUAPHI521 – Make illustrative photo images for publication and display CUAPHI533 – Explore and apply photo lighting techniques CUAPHI537 – Produce media photo images CUAPPR511 – Realise a body of creative work

Lighting Equipment


Floor Packs

Monobloc Heads

Flash Accessories

Soft Light Shapers


Lighting People

Photographing People


Face Shapes

Lighting for Facial Features

Basic Lighting Positions

Split Lighting

Butterfly Lighting

High-Key Low-Key

Lighting Full-Length & Groups

Lighting a ¾ and Full-Length Portrait

Lighting a Group

Dramatic Lighting

Badger/Krupps Lighting

Lighting Products

Product Photography vs Still Life

Shiny Objects

Light Field

Lighting Locations

Working with Locations

Using Colour

Production Planning


Shot Planning

The Wrap-Up

Assignment 5

photography institute assignment 3

Module 6 Colour Management

In this module, you will learn the advanced techniques of correct colour management. Colour management encompasses areas of capture, display and output in the imaging workflow and evaluates correct management of these spaces. We will identify and select appropriate calibration devices to create profiles for your system. You will then review this impact on your workflow and amend any areas that need consideration.

CUAPHI523 – Employ colour management in a digital imaging workplace CUAACD522 – Work with photomedia in a practice CUAIND412 – Provide freelance services CUAPHI403 – Enhance, manipulate and output photo images CUAPHI521 – Make illustrative photo images for publication and display CUAPHI536 – Provide photographic portrait services

Introducing Colour

The Colour Spectrum

Colour Temperature

Early Colour Theory Development

Maxwell’s Triangle & Modern Colour Theory

Colour Spaces

Additive & Subtractive Colour Systems

The CIE & LAB Colour

Managing Colour & Digital White Balance

Custom White Balance

A Colour Reality Check

Seeing Like a Camera

Colour Perception

How Do You See Colour?

Adobe Colour Wheel

Colour Management In-Camera

Adobe RGB (1998)

ProPhoto RGB

Grey Spaces

Dynamic Range

Calibrating Your Camera

Using Your Data Colour Checker or X-Rite Colour Checker

Colour Management Monitors

The Calibration Device

Calibrating Your Monitor

Your Workspace

Work In RGB

Gamut Warnings

The CMYK Colour Space

Colour Channels in Photoshop

Colour Management ICC Profiles & Rendering Intents

Output Devices & Resolution Requirements

Photo Quality Inkjet Printers

Offset Printing Press

Lines Per Inch & DPI Conversions

The Professional Print Lab

File Formats for Digital Imaging & Printing

Print-Bound Images

PSD Photoshop’s Default File Format

Other Random File Formats

Working With 16-Bit Files

Converting 8-Bit Images to 16-Bit

16-Bit Editing

Do Your Prints Look Like the Screen Image?

Soft Proofing

Professional Labs and File Preparation

Pixel Perfect – Soft Proofing

Printing on a Photo Printer

A Final Word

Assignment 6

photography institute assignment 3

Module 7 The Business of Photography

In this module, you will identify current trends that impact photo imaging and evaluate how these trends can influence your professional practice. You will identify business opportunities associated with these trends and develop entrepreneurial strategies to develop within the marketplace. You will then focus on relevant employment opportunities within industry and maintain industry contacts. You will produce material about the services you provide and promote your business across a range of media outlets and online platforms. You will establish a clear and concise agreement with a client and agree on fees, schedules and expenses.

CUADIG518 – Refine digital art techniques CUAACD522 – Work with photomedia in creative practice CUADIG415 – Produce innovative digital images CUAIND412 – Provide freelance services CUAPHI312 – Capture photographic images CUAIND411 – Extend expertise in specialist creative fields CUAPHI403 – Enhance, manipulate and output photo images CUAPHI521 – Make illustrative photo images for publication and display CUAPHI531 – Apply visual communication theory to photo imaging practice CUAPHI532 – Research and apply photo imaging trends and emerging technologies CUAPHI533 – Explore and apply photo lighting techniques CUAPHI535 – Produce commercial photo images CUAPHI536 – Provide photographic portrait services CUAPHI537 – Produce media photo images CUAPPR511 – Realise a body of creative work CUAPPR414 – Develop self as artist

Business Planning

Photography as a Business

Hobby or Business

Business Plans

5-Year Goal Plan

SWOT Analysis

Exploit Strengths

Reduce Weaknesses

Seize Opportunities

Diminish Threats

Profit vs Loss

Cost of Doing Business & Fees

Return on Equity

Rule of Thirds

Evaluating Opportunities

Will I Love It?

Do You Have the Capability?

Is There a Market?

Are There Existing Relationships?

What is the Financial Potential?

What are the Challenges?

Is the Answer No?

Evaluating Commercial Risk

External Risk

Internal Risk

Assessing Risk


Risk Mitigation

Cost Management

Return on Investment

Profit Margin

Buy vs Rent

Business Setup

Setting up a Business

Sole Trader


Business Names & ABN

Domain Names & Email

Finding & Retaining Customers

Industry Bodies

Identify New Business Opportunities

Target a New Client Base

Revenue Streams

Marketing Strategy

Direct Marketing

Social Media

Content Marketing

Email Campaigns

Terms of Trade

Location Permits, Model & Property Releases

Price Lists, Estimates & Invoices


Successful Negotiation

Blake Discher’s Negotiating Quick Tips

Debt Management

Professional Advisors

Financial Management

Tax and GST



Professional Development


Assignment 7

photography institute assignment 3

Module 8 Visual Communication

Visual communication is part of our everyday lives – we see it online, on the TV and in our geographical locations. The effective use of communicating visually is complex and requires the creative to correctly interpret a brief, develop conceptual ideas around the brief, be able to critique the idea, and interpret the mode of delivery for the audience. In this module, you will learn how to determine your intent of visual communication specific to your target audience for photo images.

CUAPHI523 – Employ colour management in a digital imaging workplace CUADIG518 – Refine digital art techniques CUADIG415 – Produce innovative digital images CUAIND412 – Provide freelance services CUAPHI312 – Capture photographic images CUAIND411 – Extend expertise in specialist creative fields CUAPHI521 – Make illustrative photo images for publication and display CUAPHI531 – Apply visual communication theory to photo imaging practice CUAPHI532 – Research and apply photo imaging trends and emerging technologies CUAPHI533 – Explore and apply photo lighting techniques CUAPHI535 – Produce commercial photo images CUAPHI537 – Produce media photo images CUAPPR511 – Realise a body of creative work CUAPPR414 – Develop self as artist

What is Visual Communication?

Advantages of Visual Communication

Disadvantages of Visual Communication

Styles of Communication

Elements of Design

Line Character

Line Within Images

Shape and Form

Shape Within Images

Lighting for Shape

Implied Shape

Shape in Images

The Role of Tone in Composition

Controlling Tone Range

Tone in Images

Texture in Photographs

How to Create Volume in an Image

Ways of Representing Volume

Linear Perspective

Diminishing Perspective

Aerial Perspective

Tonal Perspective

Colour Perspective

Primary Colours

Secondary Colours

Complementary Colour

Analogous Colours

Monochrome Colours

Warm and Cool Colours

A Final Word on the Elements of Design

Principles of Composition

Centre of Interest & Dominance

Compound Centre of Interest

Isolating the Topic

Golden Ratio

Golden Mean & Rule of Thirds

Negative Space & Reverse Dominance

Formal Balance

Informal Balance

Contrast of Mood

Rhythm Through Repetition

Interval Repetition

Elements and Principles - A Final Word

Visual Communication Used by the Masters

Garry Winogrand

Dorothea Lange

Henry Peach Robinson

Yousuf Karsh

Media & Visual Communication

Printed Media

Magazines (Printed)

Magazines (Online)

Social Media Advertising

Meaning & Context in Visual Communication

What is Content & What is Context?

Erik Johansson

Bill Diodato

Irving Penn

Aleksandra Kingo

Uwe Duettmann

Visual Communication Used in Propaganda

Robert Capa

Eddie Adams

Kevin Carter

Malcolm Browne

Jeff Widener

Assignment 8

photography institute assignment 3

Module 9 Interpreting Creatively

In this module, you will examine traditional and contemporary ways that photomedia is used. You will identify appropriate digital, traditional and contemporary methods that can be applied to photomedia projects. You will develop a body of work using research as an underpinning requirement. You will achieve different effects and results within your photography practice and refine your ideas through a process of experimentation. You will review your work and finalise the images while applying safe work practices. Your final project for this module will be a body of work encompassing your research and experimentation that will inform your final images.

Think Creatively

Research Contemporary Photography Sources

Research Historical Creative Photography

Timeline of Photography

The Genius of Photography

Traditional Process in Modern Creative Practice

David Hockney

Craig Tuffin

Stephen McNally

Adrian Cook

Conceptualising the Potential of Photomedia in Your Own Work

Interview with George Byrne

Experimenting with Photomedia in Your Own Work

How a Body of Work Evolves

Experimenting Digitally

Tools of the Trade

New Technology: AI, CGI, Computational Photography

AI (Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning)

CGI (Computer Generated Images)

Computational Photography

Developing Ideas From Experimentation

Experiment with Tools

Refine Ideas Through a Process of Experimentation

Double Exposure


Timelapse Photography

New Editing Software Solutions

Review Work in Progress

Evaluate Finished Work for Intended Purpose

Plan & Organise the Production of Creative Work

Steps in a Process

Planning & Collaboration Tools

Set Up or Gain Access to an Appropriate Workspace

Develop a Realistic Timeframe for the Production of Work

Evaluate & Respond to Project Constraints

Monitor Project Workflow Against the Plan

Working with a Team

Intellectual Property Considerations

Principles & Rules of Copyright

Moral Rights

Copyright Resources

Create & Present a Body of Work

What is a Body of Work?

How to Create a Body of Work

Create & Present a Body of Work & a Portfolio

Soft Copy Portfolio

Hard Copy Portfolio

Website Portfolio

Develop Your Own Presentation Style

Document Your Work from Initial Ideas to Project Completion

Evaluate Your Work

Review Work in Progress Against Personal, Professional & Artistic Objectives

Responding to Constructive Feedback

Objectively Evaluate Your Own Work

Video Resources

Assignment 9

photography institute assignment 3

Module 10 Commercial Photographic Services

In this module, we will explore how to interpret a commercial photography brief. You will learn how to research styles and conceptualise aesthetic approaches to specific job requirements. You will learn how to prepare job estimates and how to apply a creative fee for your time and effort. You will prepare terms and conditions, budgets, quotes on shooting (against your initial estimate), make an agreement and complete your contract. We will investigate codes of practice, licensing and permit requirements for commercial shoots. Then, you will apply this knowledge to the stock photography industry and create a body of work for a stock agency.

CUAPHI523 – Employ colour management in a digital imaging workplace CUAACD522 – Work with photomedia in creative practice CUADIG415 – Produce innovative digital images CUAIND412 – Provide freelance services CUAPHI312 – Capture photographic images CUAIND411 – Extend expertise in specialist creative fields CUAPHI403 – Enhance, manipulate and output photo images CUAPHI521 – Make illustrative photo images for publication and display CUAPHI531 – Apply visual communication theory to photo imaging practice CUAPHI533 – Explore and apply photo lighting techniques CUAPHI535 – Produce commercial photo images CUAPHI536 – Provide photographic portrait services CUAPHI537 – Produce media photo images CUAPPR511 – Realise a body of creative work CUAPPR414 – Develop self as artist

Product Photography for Advertising

Annual Reports

Case Studies


Architecture & Real Estate

Domestic Real Estate


Domestic Portraiture

Specialist Genres

Portrait Workflow

Portrait styles

Copyright & Contracts

Working With Domestic Clients

Product Sales

Corporate Portraiture

Environmental Portraits

Advertising & Editorial Portraiture

Media Photographers



Photographer’s Treatments

Mood Boards

Production Scheduling

Call Sheets

Equipment Lists

Shooting Tethered

WHS In the Digital Age

Time Management

File Processing

Batch Processing

Proof Delivery

File Delivery

Digital Asset Management

DAM What & Why

Hardware Failure

Human Error

Software Corruption

Computer Malware & Hacking

Natural Disasters

Backup Strategies

Backup Software

Recovery Software

Hardware Solutions

Assignment 10

photography institute assignment 3

Module 11 Develop Yourself Artistically

In this module, you will be developing your own ideas and studying the work of others to stimulate your own conceptual and technical skills and consider intellectual property implications. You will explore and use technology to expand your own practice, identify industry networks and events to generate work opportunities, and promote yourself as an artist. This will include considerations for an exhibition and all associated promotional material, artist statements and PR requirements. You will investigate and present a body of work using a range of visual communication modes and media to engage a target audience of your choosing and seek to evaluate how this theory impacts your own creative practice.

CUADIG518 – Refine digital art techniques CUADIG415 – Produce innovative digital images CUAIND412 – Provide freelance services CUAPHI312 – Capture photographic images CUAIND411 – Extend expertise in specialist creative fields CUAPHI403 – Enhance, manipulate and output photo images CUAPHI521 – Make illustrative photo images for publication and display CUAPHI531 – Apply visual communication theory to photo imaging practice CUAPHI532 – Research and apply photo imaging trends and emerging technologies CUAPHI533 – Explore and apply photo lighting techniques CUAPHI536 – Provide photographic portrait services CUAPHI537 – Produce media photo images CUAPPR511 – Realise a body of creative work CUAPPR414 – Develop self as artist

Selecting a Speciality Area

Fashion & Beauty

Weddings & Family

Nudes, Boudoir & Glamour


Landscapes, Travel & Resort

Product & Still Life

Architecture & Interiors

Art Photography

Industrial & Corporate

Real Estate & Drones

The Photographer’s Assistant

Plan Strategies to Improve Your Practice

Continuing Education

Identify Opportunities for Growth

Finding a Mentor

Opportunities for Growth Through Networking

Trade Shows

Industry Conferences

Unforeseen Opportunities

Peer Groups


Develop Your Own Style

Pursue Work Opportunities

Artist Statement

Curriculum Vitae

The Freelance Resume

Resume Objective

Work Experience


Promotional Material

Press Releases

Assignment 11

photography institute assignment 3

Module 12 Final Body of Work - Portfolio and Area of Specialisation

In this module, you will be building your final body of work as a portfolio in your area of interest. You will combine everything you have learned so far to create an industry standard series of images. You will consider your target audience for this body of work and a variety of means of displaying your images online. This will include a website and social media considerations. You will investigate how visual communication engages your target audience and how you will apply visual communication theories to your photo images. You will explore presentation layouts for your portfolio and consult with relevant people when developing these layout options. You will develop your presentation concept using critical thinking skills. You will refine how the presentation will work and explore the production budget, time frames and workflow plans while considering the objectives and copyright requirements. You may need to address technical challenges that arise during this process. You will then present your own creative work that stylistically suits your genre and seek feedback on your body of work. You will also develop systems to identify to future presentations and business opportunities.

CUAACD522 – Work with photomedia in creative practice CUADIG415 – Produce innovative digital images CUAIND412 – Provide freelance services CUAPHI312 – Capture photographic images CUAIND411 – Extend expertise in specialist creative fields CUAPHI521 – Make illustrative photo images for publication and display CUAPHI535 – Produce commercial photo images CUAPHI536 – Provide photographic portrait services CUAPPR511 – Realise a body of creative work CUAPPR414 – Develop self as artist

Where do you want to pitch your business?

What do you want to do?

Where and How to Pitch

Presentation Options

Portfolio boxes

Custom Portfolio Books

Printed Books

Online Options

The Importance of Design

Researching Competitors

Your Corporate Identity

Your Values

Your Target Market

Visual Style Guide

Outsourced Design

Bidding Sites


Design Students

Budget Implications

Copyright Implications

Design Implementation

Image Selection

Image Layout

Industry Professionals

Experienced Clients

Copyright Protection & Clearances


Create Presentations

Present Work

Wedding and Portrait Photographer

Advertising, Commercial and Editorial Photographer

Fine Art and Décor

Seek Feedback

Evaluate Presentation

Finalise Presentation

Assignment 12


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Two ePz staff members have joined the Photography Institute and you can follow their progress here.

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Nik is trained in journalism and joined ePHOTOzine with not much photography experience and has picked most of her photography knowledge up as she's gone along. As a result, she decided a formal photography qualification would be something that's not only useful for her but the company as well. Dan is trained in accounting and as he's our Finance Manager, photography isn't something he has to do everyday. However, as Dan's just bought a new DSLR he decided a photography course would give him the chance to learn a whole new set of skills and make the most of his camera.
 Nik and Dan both use a with an 18-55mm lens, kept safely in a Bag (Modules 2 - 11).
(Module 2 - 11).
 and (Module 2 - 11).
from Johnsons Photopia. (Module 3).
As much lighting equipment as you can get would be useful for Module 6. Myself and Nik used 2 softboxes as well as white and black backgrounds. (Module 6 & 7)

ePHOTOzine goes on the Photography Institute course: Photography Institute Website Screenshot

Nik's opinion:

When I first downloaded the assignment the 67 page document was a little daunting. Especially as I'd have to sit at my computer and read it all! I have to be honest here and admit that I did skip the first few pages because I already had a rather good idea about what would be covered and I really didn't need to know what the author does and why. The rest of the document I did read, twice in fact, as I found it a little hard to absorb all of the information during the first go. If you don't have the time or attention span to read the course documents in one go don't worry as your tutor won't pressure you for your first assignment even if you've had the module papers open for a week.  

Talking of the tutor, they are very helpful and if you have any questions, even something as small as what's the word count for the assignment, they respond promptly and thoroughly which is good to know. I eventually made it to the end of the document and onto the assignment. If you're a complete beginner to photography I think you'd struggle with some of the answers for module one as the information in the PDF document isn't enough to help you fully complete the questions. It's understandable that you're not spoon-fed information but if you are doing the course as a way to 'start an exciting new hobby' as the homepage suggests you can, you may be left a little confused and searching the internet for help. But don't forget there is 24 hour student support so even though your tutor can't give you the answers they will assist you as much as they can.  

Overall, the information supplied was useful and in depth however, you can find the same information in photography books. The assignment questions are interesting though and they will make you really think about what lens you'd use and why.  

Dan's opinion:

As I worked through the pages I did find my attention began to waver and it took a couple of reads to fully grasp the information given. If you're like me and you don't have a particularly long attention span when it comes to reading educational material you'll be happy to hear that due to the relaxed course finishing time you can walk away from the document, make a cup of tea and come back to it once you've given your mind something else to do for a while.  

You'll be happy to hear the assignment only took around forty minutes to complete and the submission process online was very easy to follow. The assignment was marked and comments back with us the next day which was impressive. The comments weren't just 'great answer', 'good work' either. They were constructive and quite lengthy which is good to know when you're paying for a course where you don't actually meet your tutor.  

The first module wasn't as enjoyable as I thought it would be but I think that's due to the made-up scenarios that I had to imagine I was part of. I did learn about lenses I've never used before and the questions really put me to the test!  

I look forward to seeing what module two brings.  

"I can't really complain about getting 9 out of 10 in the first module! Lets hope the next score will be just as pleasing. It would be great to actually get outside with the camera next time." "I am a complete newcomer to photography. I was very unsure what mark I was likely to get, so to score 8 out of 10 was very pleasing for me. Hopefully I can keep this up when we move into actually taking some pictures."

When it came to the assignment, actually getting out with the camera was much more enjoyable than sat at a desk answering questions about scenarios we had to imagine.  

The way the four assignment questions focused on different aspects of photography (ISO, depth of field etc.) before asking you to take and submit a photograph meant that once you got to the final, picture taking stage you were in the right mind-set to tackle the task correctly. It was quite easy to get carried away with taking photographs at this stage and quite a few were saved to the memory card before I remembered we only needed to submit one!

This module was much more enjoyable than the last and more like I'd expect modules on a photography course to be.  

Bring on module three.  

Nik's submission - "As module two covered using depth of field I decided a chess board would be a great subject to demonstrate this in use."

"Still a positive score from the tutor but I'm sure I can beat Dan again next time. Looking forward to seeing what module 3's all about." "Wow, I didn't expect that. This has definitely given me a boost and can't wait to crack on with the next module."
"Ten out of ten isn't something to complain about! I just have to try and maintain this good performance now." "Wow, I knew Nik had got ten a day before me, so I was feeling the pressure. Very happy with this score."

Dan's opinion :

 "Another ten out of ten! Things are going well!" "Another good mark here, yet again very pleased with my achievement on this module."
Nikita's before and after shots for the black and white question.

I'm not much of an expert when it comes to Photoshop so found this module quite tough. I found changing the varying settings on my raw files could get quite messy as I was trying to do too much to start with and quite often started again. With much persistance I came to a result I was happy with and submitted by pictures. Part of the assignment was to change an image to black and white. I chose an image I had used in the previous module and my tutor claimed the image looked even better in black and white. Yet again, there seemed to be a lot of reading, little of which was used in the assignment, but as with the previous modules, I can happily say I have further expanded my photographic knowledge.  

"Another ten! It's great to be getting full marks! Lets hope I can keep this up for module 6." "I'm very pleased with nine, but it's not enough to keep up with Nik. It's a good job it's not a competition."

ePHOTOzine goes on the Photography Institute course: Low key lighting shot

I quite enjoyed the reading for this module but found that when it came to the assignment what I had read wasn't of much help. At first I was a bit lost as to what to do, but myself and Nik had a good look through some of the portrait photos on ePHOTOzine and the creative juices were soon flowing. In the end I had a lot of fun creating my pictures, especially using the lighting we had in the studio. My favourite shot was a very high-key portrait of our very own David. The outdoot shots weren't as easy to be creative with, but I used a reflector to ensure light got onto both sides of the models face and was happy with the result.  

ePHOTOzine goes on the Photography Institute course:

"Not a ten but I am still pleased with the result. It was a longer task this time but the hard work paid off." "Another high score, I'm suprising myself, this module took a lot more effort than the others, so I am glad my tutor was pleased with my work."
"Another high score which is great! This module is one you could have thought about for a very long time and when I submitted the assignment I was still wondering how I could have made it better! The nine goes to show I wasn't far off and I'm happy with that." "I was nervous about this one, but when my tutor came back with an eight out of ten I was very pleased."
"I might not have enjoyed this module but it seems I am on the right lines when it comes to picking kit." "Another pleasing mark. The tutor's comments for this were also extremely helpful and has given me lots to think about."
"Easy assignment this one so I'm glad I got a ten."  "Great, I've not had full marks for a while. I found this module quite easy, but picked up some extremely useful knowledge."
"The score's OK but it's the feedback you get from your tutor in this module that's the
really great bit." 
"I am pleased with an eight, but more pleasing and useful was the feedback received from my tutor."
 "Can't not be happy with a ten! The tutor's advice was great too." "I am pleased with a nine, it reflects the effort I put in."

Nik's verdict

Dan's verdict.


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Lesson Plan

Five Photography Assignments That Invite You to Look Closely at the World

Students, try one of these exercises inspired by the visual series The Take. What can you learn about the world by looking at it through a particular lens?

A close-up of a pair of hands with chipped yellow nail polish holding a twig with a caterpillar crawling across it.

By Natalie Proulx

How often do you look — really look — at the world around you? Below, we offer five photography assignments that challenge students to do just that, all inspired by The New York Times visual series The Take .

In this series, The Times asks photographers to explore different cultural themes through images — for example, to document what they see when they look up, to capture the sounds they hear in New York City or to find dance in everyday movements.

What can you learn about the world by looking at it through a particular lens? Choose one (or more) of the five assignments below to try out. For each, we’ll guide you through a warm-up activity, a reading of the Take article that inspired the exercise and your own photo shoot. When you’re done, you can create your own visual article by putting together a gallery of your images and writing a short commentary on what they mean to you.

These exercises are meant to be accessible to anyone with a camera or smartphone, whether you’re an experienced photographer or you’re just looking for a fun visual challenge. If you’d like to experiment with some composition and editing techniques, see our related photography lesson plan .

And if none of these projects inspires you, look through The Take’s archives for more ideas.

Assignment No. 1

Most of us spend our days looking down: at our phones, computers, homework, meals. What would you see if you looked up instead? For this assignment, we invite you to photograph what you see when you turn your gaze to the sky.

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These categories and many of the examples given come from
1990, Mayfield Publishing Company, Mountain View, CA For more information and better explanations you can see the book in our library or purchase a copy through

Some Internet links to images are included here.
These are generally not the same images published in the Barrett book.

Photos that make a record of something
Examples: portfolio slides, photographs of the moons surface, the cave paintings of Lascoux, medical X-rays, your photo i.d., security camera images

Photos that help us understand something that is hard to see without using a camera.
Examples include the scientific work of Eadweard Muybridge and Harold Edgerton.
Photos by Bill Owen and Mary Ellen Mark help use understand society and people.
Muybridge work and history

HAROLD 1903-1990
Indian Street Performers. India 1981 cat no 207X-001-001

Made, not taken
Directed and/or Manipulated

Jerry Uelsmann, Duane Michals, Anne Brigman, Gertrude Kasebier

Chairs 2001Interpretive

The Water-Nixie
1914 / ca. 1940, reworked from earlier negative gelatin silver glass interpositive

, (1852-1934)
Image has been identified as Agnes Rand Lee, and the "heritage" bitterly referred to is the sudden death of her daughter Peggy. [Anastasia Wilkes, Art in America, November 1992]

(Barrett's term)
Ethically Evaluative
Photos that praise or condemn
Try to produce improvements in society

Dorothea Lange and Walker Evans (Farm Security Administration work),
Jacob Riis (labor & housing conditions),
W. Eugene and Aileen Smith (Minamata), Carrie Mae Weems and Gordon Parks (racial injustice)
W. Eugene Smith  Toimoko in Her Bath Minimata, Japan 1972     22" x 16"

Jacob Riis Home of an Italian Ragpicker 1888

Carrie Mae Weems (racial injustice)

See No Evil, 1997 Color photograph 20 x 24 inches Edition/15

December 9, 2002.  pp. 82-98.

(Barrett's term)
“. . beautiful things photographed in beautiful ways. . . nude . . . landscape . . . still life.” Barrett, pg. 64

Robert Maplethorpe, Irving Penn, Edward Weston, Imogene Cunningham, Ansel Adams, Minor White, Henri Cartier-Bresson , Gary Winogrand

Cindy Sherman film stills, Joel-Peter Witken work about historical art, Sherrie Levine copies of Walker Evans & Edward Weston, Les Krims book .

Cindy Sherman, Untitled Film Still #13. 1978. Collection The Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Cindy Sherman, Untitled Film Still #3. 1977. Collection The Museum of Modern Art, New York.
Theoretical Photography about photography

Sherrie Levine copies of Walker Evans

Joel-Peter Witken -  Cover photo for Love and Redemption
Photography about photography Theoretical

Link to:  A to use when conducting a photo class critique by Marvin Bartel
Also see of Photographs
Link to:  What is a ?  by Marvin Bartel
Link to:  A to use when conducting a photo class critique by Marvin Bartel
Link to:  A
Link to:  A
Link to:

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Finally made it to Module 8, looks like quite an interesting module about equipm...

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I'm currently working on module 3 and I'm stumped when it comes to the white and...

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Hi, new to the group and new to photography, any help with Module 1 would be app...

Module 2 Part A

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Hi everyone, I'm having trouble with Module 2, I've been stuck on this assig...

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For the second part of the assignment were the sitters supposed to face the came...

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I only made it to Module 6 and then my time ran out, even after the free extensi...

Module 6 Self Portrait

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Okay, so this may sound silly... but in Module 6 Part B the assignment asks for ...

Assignment 11

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This module was about Lenses and filters and when to use them.

The assignment did not require any photographs to be taken, it was split into 10 sections each giving a different photo assignment eg, what lens and filters would you use for architecture(buildings), food displays and various model shoots, this module is to get you thinking about the best composition and how you want the image to look.

scored 70% on the assignment.

At first glance there appears to be a lot more theory about how to take and compose pictures over the first part of the course


As a total beginner, I am struggling a bit with this assigment - not a good start! Is there an absolute 'right' answer with regard to lens choice or is it more personal preference?


not sure, I went for what I thought would give good composition, did better than I expected to on the assignment , you get good feedback on the assignment from your tutor.

Am now in the middle of assignment 2


I too am a total beginner. It's alot of information to take in when you don't know the first thing about photography.

I am reading through my module again and researching on the internet in the hope I will pick up more information to put towards the assignment. Did you end up submitting your assignment gems2009?


I started the course around 4 days ago, i have read over module 1 over and over and am struggling a bit with the first assignment as i found not enough info in the module to help answer the questions. Am i alone on this or did anyone else finding it hard?


I found that i was a bit lost when it came to looking at what was needed as you say the course does not give a lot of information, tried to pick out the relevant pieces from the course work, rest was what i thought would be reasonable answers, but it got me thinking about various lighting and DOF scenarios regarding the subject.


Definatley not alone mariax-m, I am hearing you loud and clear. I have been finding research on the internet useful but still out of my depth. Have you contacted your tutor to advise you are struggling? I did and they were kind enough to give me some beginner courseware - a 'primer' workbook. It made things a little more clear however I am still struggling in the assignment. I guess it's the lack of knowledge. I am assuming for anyone with any previous experience it probably is pretty basic.

I haven't even purchased my camera yet so especially makes it hard that I can't 'experiment' or 'play' with the settings to get a feel. I definatley learn by 'doing' and just reading the theory doesn't sink in for me.

Am looking at purchasing a Nikon D90 for my very first Digital SLR. Hope I'm making the right choice but like everything else, it's hard when you are an absolute beginner!! Well back to my assignment!!


Thanks for that, its nice to know its not just me. My Camera is coming on Thursday, a Canon 50D. I've ordered a book on SLR and photography for dummies!! should be good. I've done the first 3 scenarios on assignment one and will do another one tonight once ive finished work.
I am also someone that learns from doing, my plan is when my camera comes is to go and sit and use the camera in the same spot using all the different features and lenses to see what they all do.


sorry to be a pain but just a quick question-
how much detail are they looking for and are they looking for a lense, filter and attachment for each scenario?


hy Maria

your right they are looking for all details on each scenario and why you would use them


Hy Mark

Using a lens of 50mm focal length with an angle of 46% will give you the same image area as a lens of 100mm Focal Length with an angle of 23% at half the distance from the subject ie 50mm at 5metres or 100mm at 10metres will give the same image.

The best way to illustrate this is to take either a telephoto lens and try different focal lengths to see the difference or use different lens with varying focal lengths


good to see your sorted Mark


Hi everyone,

I emailed the institute with my concerns and got the reply below, I hope this helps.

For assignment one, all you need to do is have a look at what effect each lens has and what it is best used for. Then think about the situations (but don't overthink them or you'll get bogged down!) and pick which lens would best capture the image you need. You can use the same lens for more than one of the situations, and you may not need an attachment for every scenario. There is more than one right answer for each scenario, and your tutor is more than happy to listen to your ideas - so go for it! You don't need to write an essay,
maybe a paragraph or so.

Have a go at the first assignment, see how you go, and then see what your tutor has to say. If you have missed the mark, he will point you in the right direction, and you can have another crack at it.


i'm going to submit mine tonight, fingers crossed it goes ok!! what is everyones estimated time of doing the course? do u think u will complete it before the 24weeks?


I think that you are expecting a little too much if you only enrolled yesterday :) I found that once I had read the module properly, most of the necessary information was there. I managed that assignment ok, with a high mark, and am now looking at second assignment.

I do find the assignments difficult on first view, but once I actually look at what they are asking, and reread the module with those questions in my head, then it very quickly makes sense. The general advice to not rush in, and to use Word document to keep track of assignment answers helps too ....


you seem to have deleted your previous comments in this thread - strange. They were fairly contradictory to be honest.

It came across that you enrolled for the course yesterday (posted about 7hrs ago from memory), and that you managed to get 90% in your first assignment, within a day of enrolling. That suggests that you must be a far quicker learner than the rest of us; not always a helpful thing for someone just starting out to read in my humble opinion.

I agree that the facility exists to use the Update Assignment button, I personally found it useful to use a word document as I find it easier to read and follow. I also download and save the modules rather than downloading them from the site each time. Unnecessary maybe, but works for me.

But there you go. Since you deleted the comments the context has gone, but thought I would answer some of your points anyway


I notice that Mark has now left the group, could not understand how he got his marks the next day, mine take 3-4 days normally


Mine took 4-5 days too, next day for Mark surprised me too :)


thats a bit strange. why would someone want to come on here and lie about something like that?


Just read through the first module and now starting the assignment questions. I have to admit I am not sure of all the answer but then I am just going to give it my best shot and see what the tutor says. Hopefully if I am far off the mark the tutor will point me in the right direction.

Just wanted to say thanks to Mike for coming up with the idea of this forum too, I am sure myself and others will benefit greatly from having this support forum



its been 5 days and my assignment still hasnt been marked!


Hy Maria, I submitted my assignment 4 last Monday and had my marks back about midnight on Saturday giving 6 days this is the longest I have waited. don;t rely on getting the Email as soon as its marked mine arrived this morning, just keep checking the results page


thanks Mike,
i have been checking regularly, i guess it all depends on which tutor you have


Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't been posting - and I didn't respond to you, SurferGirlBec, but I've been ill, then on holiday. I have yet to do Assignment 1! Hoping to submit it tonight. I'm just going to go for it and see what feedback I get, as I'm getting bogged down in the detail now. I will def be taking the full year to complete!

Q on Assigment 2 - is a tripod really necessary? Or could I sort of fudge it by using something else? I don't have a tripod, and not sure I want to buy one - this is just a hobby really.


you can buy a cheap tripod at Asda (£10-£20)if necessary, but you could most likely do this using something to support the camera, you just really need to take the image from the same location


Thanks Mike. I'll have a look in Asda.


hi Gems2009,
a little while ago i bought a mini tripod from Poundland, its fit for the purpose and does the job and is really cheap.


My assignment was marked at last :)


How did you go Maria, I have most of my assignment 1 done. I'm nervous about submitting. I guess its because I still doubt whether I have grasped an understanding or not.

A positive is that the assignment has forced me to look over the module again and again and I guess slowly things are sinking in.

Can't wait to get a camera though so I can my theory into practice!


i did suprisingly well, 90% and i wasnt very confident with it all either


Good one Maria


Thanks, it was worth the wait. Even tho it would be better if the wait wasnt so long


Well done Maria :-)


Good result Maria. I have submitted my first assignment on sunday and waiting patiently for my result too. I did find myself re-reading alot of the modules to clarify the answers but I think I got a basic understanding of lenses.

Fingers crossed :-)


Hi Maria. Thanks for the info. I need to go get one this weekend. Just got Assignment 1 back. I got 80% and some really helpful feedback. Now nervous about Assignment 2!!!


Well done Maria! I've just submitted mine, hopefully I get the same result!


Submitted Assignment 1 and 8/10. Better than I thought it might be for a complete novice. Great feedback from the tutor. I'm going to go back over each question looking a his tips so I actually learn from it.

Hope everyone else is doing fine. :-)



Got my results yesterday and ended up with the magic 80% which is better than I expected. My tutor's feedback was really helpful too and helped me better understand the best lens for the job and why. Onto assignment 2 it is then. Nice to see everyone is getting good marks.


I got my results back and am dumbfounded - I got 10 marks. I keep logging back in to check it in case they've made a mistake!! Very suprised but very happy. Still don't have a camera though, which makes completing assignment 2 a little hard. I'm definatley making a decision by the end of the week regarding my purchase. Can't wait to get my hands on it!!


thats a great result, hope you enjoy your camera when you get it


I submitted the assignment yesterday and got my results this morning, which i think is pretty fast i was expecting it to take a few days at least! so onto mod 2 now. (got 8 points by the way).


Congratulations Fruity, That is indeed a quick response, I usually wait 3-5 days for my results. Who is your tutor?


It's Mathew, i was surprised to receive the results so quick.
Maybe he was bored.


I found this module bogged me down a bit with terms and concepts I'm pretty unfamiliar with. I found this article that acted as a good starting point into lenses and digital SLRs.



Hi to you all

I stumbled across this group while researching online topics and tutorials for module 1.

Obviuosly a new student to the course - I found this forum very interesting indeed. Seems to be a very friendly and supportive group!!

I submitted my assignment last night - after (admittedly) A LOT of struggle and confusion to begin with...but I perservered and read and re-read over and over again - until it all started to sink in and make sense- phew!!

I was quite suprised at my super fast results - had them back by lunch time today - and after feeling really not confident at all - I didn't want to open my results page!!! BUT I am soooo glad I did!!

90% - AWESOME!! I am on such a high and can't wait to get stuck into assignment 2 now!!

But first - I might go and take a sneak peak at your wonderful images on here!!

Take care all, I look forward to chatting!!

Nadine xx

Welcome Nadine!!!

Yeah, Chapter One was a bear.. I think alot of us panicked when we read through it the first time... its very technical, and its kinda like getting smacked in the head with a text book. Lots of information, and a little overwhelming : ) Great mark though! Good for you!

Enjoy cruising through the images... be sure to post some of your own, we all enjoy looking through them!

Good luck with Module 2!


Hi Nadine, Great to see another member.

I found Module 1 quite daunting too and did lots of extra research before I was confident to answer the assignment questions.

Well done on your result and good luck with module 2.



Welcome on board Nadine.

You are just like the majority of us were when starting module 1, it is daunting and there is alot of foreign terminology but trust me it will all start to make sense later on in the course. I am currently on module six (waiting on some flashes from Ebay before I continue) But I can safely say I am much more adept at taking photos now than I was when I started.

Good luck with the course


Welcome Nadine. Great result! I am currently on Module 5 and very behind. There always seems to be a delay, this time I've broken a Lens and waiting for a new one to arrive. Have been enjoying the course although at times I've doubted myself but at the end of every assignment I realise I've learnt so much more than the last.

Good luck with the Course.



Hi, I just wanted to say a big thank you to Mike for this Group (I found you on T189 Group) I joined PI a month or so ago and haven't got around to completing Assignment 1 yet (life and stuff always gets in the way) But finding this Group has given me a kick up the ar*e and inspired me to get on with it. Nice to know there's some support here when I inevitably flounder.

Welcome 4paw. Life and stuff has a lot to answer for......... :-) I have had the same problem since I started the course last year! This group is great, has given me the boost I needed to get on with it.


Hi everyone,
I am new to the group and I have just received marks for my first assignment...was really happy to recieve a great mark however I struggled with it for two weeks not really getting it but I think I was over thinking it and was worried after such a long time since I last studied! (I also did a bit of online research but was still unsure of if I had got the jist of it all!!)
I submitted my assignment yesterday afternoon and being unsure how long it usually takes to be marked I straight away I sent a message asking how long until I get the results they said up to 5 days but when i got online this morning I had the marks I guess my tutor wasn't to busy and got the results to me straight away!! now to module two...guess we will see how we go with this one!


Well done :)

I submitted assignment 11 last Monday, and am still waiting :(


Just started on the PI course. Have downloaded the first two modules and am about to get stuck into the first assignment.

New to Flickr and the Group, so will try to keep updating.
Regards to all.



Welcome, I'm on Module 4 and a bit puzzled about what is required for part of it so have logged in to check on here. Some great pointers from people that have already completed modules and some great people. You'll enjoy it here.



Hi Lewis, good luck on the course. Don't let module 1 put you off.
It gets a lot better believe me.


Welcome onboard Lewis and best of luck with the course


Welcome Lewis :) Enjoy the course and the group

I just signed up at PI and downloaded Module 1. It's late right now so I'll start reading tomorrow. Is anyone else just starting now? BTW my tutor is Matthew. I have the feeling that a lot of people have him as tutor?

Hi Cheryle, Matthew is my tutor too. He's great. Marks assignments really quickly - usually back within 24hours!

Have fun.

Thanks Sally. I just finished answering the questions for assignment 1, but haven't sent them in yet. Did anyone else have a hard time deciding on just one lens which would be the best for the situation? I often found myself have two or three lenses that I could imagine using depending on other factors that might or might not be involved!

I think this assignment is hard because you are not really sure what is expected of you for your answers. Gets easier as you progress. I chose one lens for each scenario and I got 9/10. I know a few people have had questions about this and I've attached a copy of Surfergirlbec's post from earlier in this thread which may help put your mind at rest

...................'I emailed the institute with my concerns and got the reply below, I hope this helps.
For assignment one, all you need to do is have a look at what effect each lens has and what it is best used for. Then think about the situations (but don't overthink them or you'll get bogged down!) and pick which lens would best capture the image you need. You can use the same lens for more than one of the situations, and you may not need an attachment for every scenario. There is more than one right answer for each scenario, and your tutor is more than happy to listen to your ideas - so go for it! You don't need to write an essay,
maybe a paragraph or so.
Have a go at the first assignment, see how you go, and then see what your tutor has to say. If you have missed the mark, he will point you in the right direction, and you can have another crack at it.'

Thanks Sally! I definitely found this assignment a challenge!

I sent in my answers to assignment 1 this morning and within an hour I got my marks and very extensive, helpful comments from Matthew. I had been nervous about what to expect from the marks as I just wrote what I thought which often included more than one choice on lens and my reasons what the choice would be depending on what other circumstances were happening. I got 9/10!


Hi Cheryle,

Welcome to the group. You have made a good start with the first assignment congratulations on getting 9/10. I am on assignment 5 at the moment and have found this group very helpful. Good luck with the rest of your assignments.

thanks Brian!


Hey Everyone,

I sent an email to Mrs. Frosty about the course as she was one of the "recommendations" on the site, and she told me about this group. I signed up, downloaded the first section, and am going to start reading. I have a feeling this might be a bit overwhelming, as I have a 4 month old at home who never sleeps during the I might need a bit of help - thanks for being here....


Welcome to the group, Hope. I'm on module 3 right now and have been waiting for two weeks now for time to read and get started on it! It is hard with kids and especially now before Christmas. Good luck with getting started. :)



i have decided to join your group after stumbling across you on looking for advice on the PI 1st module, im about to start my assignment and feel a little anxious as i found the module very difficult and rather technical. But upon having read all of your posts im feeling a little braver!! this is the first discussion group where everyone is friendly! one thing... i havent yet bought a camera, does anyone have any suggestions. i was thinking of the canon eos 500d as the Nikon D90 (my first choice) was a little over what i wanted to spend?


it was a good stumble by the way!! looks a little rude now re-reading what i have written


Hi vbird1979, I didn't have a camera when I started either and decided to buy the Nikon D40. Feel that it has been great value for money so far and good entry level camera. Don't be scared - just have fun - and I agree about how friendly and helpful everyone is. :->



Hi vbird1979. Welcome to the group.
Either camera would be an excellent choice I think. I treated myself to a D300 this year with the D90 running a very close second, as many of the features are effectively the same. Canon cameras very good too - used to have a 400D but sold it to go Nikon.
Possibly the types & prices of lenses available for each brand will make your decision - I'm always window shopping!
You might consider secondhand via a camera shop or ebay. is a good source for camera reviews past & present, if a bit technical. Also amazon or often seem to have the best prices if you are in the UK.
I just need to pull my finger out & finish the Module 2 assignment.....



thanks. ive now took the plunge and am awaiting delivery on the canon exciting!! just a little question regarding the module 1 assignment, do you literally just say what lens you would use or do you also say where you would take the photos from eg on top of the building opposite? dont know if im looking too much into it..


HY Vbird1979 When I did this module I only listed lens I would use and why, I didn't say where I would take photo from



Hi vbird1979
I think you are right, you can look too hard and end up going round and round in circles. Equally if you can think of anything you would find useful to achieve the shot you want given the opportunities and potential difficulties of the locations then stick it in your answer!
I wouldn't worry about being wrong about something either, that's what the tutors are there for.
Personally I found some answers much easier than others. Probably a clue as to what sort of photography interests you most!


ps You're not limited to one lens per scenario!

Hi Vbird, I did list where I would take the picture if it was relevant to the lens choice (that was part of my "why" answer on some questions).


thanks everyone, sent my answers off and managed an 8/10 which im relieved about. youre right...i put whatever i felt was necessary for each answer including and little extras i would do and wasnt penalised for it. phew one down eleven to go!!



Signed up for the course this morning and took a sneaky peek at the first assignment *gulps*

My "knowledge" of photography is extremely limited, I'm more of a point-and-shoot-and-see-what-it-looks-like kinda gal, and so for me, this technical side of things is just way over my head!

I don't want to end up looking like a complete noob when I submit my first assignment; I have no clue what to include in my "reasons why" bit, do you take into consideration such things as lighting, shadows, what you are trying to achieve creatively with each shot etc etc? Honestly, I'm not thick, but I'm starting to feel like a complete empty head after looking at the scenarios - I think in terms of images in my head, rather than the technical know-how of how to achieve them, I'm not sure how to translate what I'm thinking into the information they are looking for....HELP!


Don't panic too much - you haven't even given yourself the time to read the module properly yet ;)

The module and assignment are about which lenses to use, Once you have studied the module then it will give you the information that you need to do the assignment. The reasoning is simply why you would choose the lens that you have ...... you can add things like artistic use of shadows etc, but at its simplest it is all about the lens choice .....


I've read and re-read the module over and over now to the point that it is literally driving me crazy! I keep deciding on a lens, or lenses, for particular scenarios and then second guessing myself and starting from scratch. AAAARGH! I can't wait for this assignment to be over, it's doing my head in!


I felt the same for Module 1....and 2.. and 3. Every time I do an assignment I talk myself into thinking there could be another answer. The best thing you can do is read the module again and if you are unsure, check your answers against other sources (plenty of websites or books to refer to). I did this, submitted my assignment and it came back with a decent mark.

Keep going, you will get there in the end.



Hi to everybody else doing this course!

I signed up the other day and have just finished reading through the first module and taking notes etc. The first assignment looks daunting, but I'll give it my best shot!

Glad I found this group, and its great to know there are many others experiencing the same course. Being in full-time employment its difficult to give time to a college course, so this seems ideal so far. I would rather follow a structured course that makes me think instead of reading through books, and then being unable to apply the knowledge!

Looking forward to getting my teeth into this course and sharing my experiences and photographs with you all!



Thanks for the encouragement guys!

Submitted the assignment just now and I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best :O)

Just glad to get this one out of the way!


9 out of 10! woooo-hoooooooo! :O)


I have a question regarding Assignment 1. After reading through the module and making some notes, it appears that for several of the scenarios there could be a couple of lenses used. Is it okay to submit a couple of len types as answers where applicable?

Many Thanks,


Hi Andy,
I found that sometimes I thought two or three of the lenses might be useful for different shots, which was fine with the tutor. He did suggest that if you've overdelivered on a job that's better than the alternative! Good luck with Module 1.


Thanks for the advice Lewis!

Just got my assignment marks and got 8/10. I'm kicking myself now though because I got two of the answers the wrong way round so I had a head in the hands moment! Matt's feedback was really good, and gave me a few pointers in the right direction especially regarding the use of filters.

I also found that some information from other sources (a textbook I have) contradicted the module text! I think a lot of the settings and lenses are George Seper's personal favourites, whilst Matt seems to have his own favoured settings and lenses too. Its a good job photography is subjective!!

Still, I'm happy with 8/10 for the first assignment! Now on to Module 2!



Just to clarify - it wasn't me copying and pasting my answers the wrong way round! I mixed up where you would use a Shift Lens and a Wide Angle lens.


Hi Everyone,
I found your group when searching in desperation for some guidance to help me complete module 1. I have read and re-read the module and it is not coming to me. How in depth do the answers have to be? Do I have to do extra research on the net to get the answers or is everything I need to know in the module? Help..................


hey guys & gals!!

ok, so i have the same dilema as 'malibugurl' right above me.. came online searching for some help with module 1 & found this group.. was so happy to read that I was the only 'amateur' on this course. hehe. but still I feel like I missed something within all that information, because I have no idea what I would answer for the assignment???



@ malibugurl and kenz.8

There is no right or wrong answer - but some lenses are better choices for specific type of pictures - obviously you wont use a macro lens for a photo that requires a zoom lens etc ...
All photographers are different ans will use different lenses to get different effects and photos.
Answer more to the point than elaborating - stick to the point and answer from the notes
I do extra research on all the modules, but my tutor advised me to seek the answers in the modules

There is no right or wrong - they just want to see of you understand the basic concepts of what different types of lenses are used for.


Thanks for the advice Anmar1983 :)

i submitted it in lastnight & recieved my results back this morning 8/10 - not that bad, considering I wasn't too confident about my answers.
Module 2 here i come - eeeeek!

im glad I found this group :)


Hi Everyone,

I received my mark back and am happy to say that I got 8/10. I am thrilled with that mark because just like kenz.8 I was not confident about the answers.

Going to work on module 2 this weekend.

I'm glad to have found the group too.


Congrats on the marks :D


Hi everyone,

Finally I enrolled into the course. I just submitted my assignment 1 last night. Still waiting for the mark to come back! Fingers crossed!!!

Just want to say hello and so glad to see other students here.



Hi everybody,
just joined PI last night and i am looking now at assignment no. 1 questions. haven't finished reading the module 1 yet - so i am hoping i'll get a good idea of what's happening here... fingers crossed !


Hi all,
So I have been sitting on module 1 for almost a week now... reading, and re-reading and apparently over thinking things! Have to admit I was hugely relieved when I realized from some previous posts that I am not alone in my frustration! I can see the look in my head but the technical jargon has me going in circles! Anybody as hung up on the 'attachments' part of the assignment as I am??


hi mis phoxx i was searching the web and found this would have loved it when i started assignment 1 oh well i did alot of research for it and was so scared when i submited it i thought i would get 3/10 but OMG i got 9/10 i was so blown away my teacher told me it was a personal prefference to which lens and that there was no reall worng answer but one lens would be better that another so just trust your gut and good luck


Thanks c4a4eva, after much deliberation, I have finally submitted assignment one!! feeling worried and relieved at the same time! I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best! I messaged my tutor about some questions and told him I was a COMPLETE amateur - up until about a week ago, I'd never even held an SLR! Anyway, they sent me a photography fundamentals primer and that seems to have made a world of difference for me!


Super excited!!! Just got my marks for assignment one - 10/10!!!!! Feeling so relieved! I guess all the deliberating and stressing out paid off!


hi .. can someone explain to me whats the difference between questions 1 and 2?


Hi All,

I am new to the course, and stumbled upon the forum whilst trying to make heads or tails of module 1. I was (and still am) overwhelmed with the information in module 1! it was VERY reasuring to read that
I was not the only one that thought so!

Will hopefully have simmilar results once I submit my first assisgnment! :-)

Have a good one!

photography institute assignment 3

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California lawmaker switches party, criticizes Democratic leadership


FILE - State Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil, D-Jackson, at the Capitol in Sacramento, Calif., Monday, July 10, 2023. Alvarado-Gil announced Thursday, Aug. 8, 2024, that she is switching to the Republican Party. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli,File)

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SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A moderate California Democratic state lawmaker announced Thursday that she is switching to the Republican Party while criticizing her former party’s leadership and policies.

State Sen. Marie Alvarado-Gil said she had long been a Democrat, but she and the Democratic Party no longer have the same values since she was elected in 2022.

“In the past two years that I’ve been working in the Senate, I have not recognized the party that I belong to,” Alvarado-Gil said in an announcement on “The Steve Hilton Show,” a YouTube series hosted by a former Fox News host and policy adviser to British ex-Prime Minister David Cameron. “The Democratic Party is not the party that I signed up for decades ago.”

Alvarado-Gil represents a largely rural district northeast of the Central Valley. She said the Democratic Party’s policies are hurting middle class and children in California and pushing the state in a wrong direction.

“It’s not a very popular decision to leave a supermajority party where perhaps, you know, you have a lot more power and ability,” she said.

She adds: “But this is a decision that is right for the constituents that voted me into office.”


Alvarado-Gil is known for her support of the tough-on-crime approach and fiscally conservative outlook. She also has voted with Republicans on labor legislation.

“It takes courage to stand up to the supermajority in California and Marie has what it takes,” Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones said in a statement. “Her record on tackling crime, protecting communities from sexually violent predators, and prioritizing her constituents speaks for itself.”

Her defection gives Republicans nine votes in the 40-member Senate, still well under the majority they need to control the chamber. Democrats hold supermajorities in both the Assembly and Senate at the Capitol.

State Senate President Pro Tem Mike McGuire said her decision “is disappointing for voters” who elected her in 2022.

“They trusted her to represent them, and she’s betrayed that trust,” he said in a statement.

He added: “One silver lining is MAGA Republicans are gaining a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ+ rights, anti-Trump colleague. We wish her the best of luck.”

Alvarado-Gil, who represents a conservative-leaning district, won her 2022 election against a progressive Democrat by more than 5 points after the duo beat out six Republican candidates in the primary. Her district has become slightly more Republican since 2022, with Republicans having nearly 39% of registered voters to Democrats’ 34% in 2024.

Alvarado-Gil is not up for reelection until 2026.

There have been 273 lawmakers who switched parties during their time in office throughout California history, and it’s even less common for a member of the majority party to defect to another party, said California State Library legislative historian Alex Vassar. The most recent example was when former Assemblymember Dominic Cortese left the Democratic Party in 1995 to become a member of Ross Perot’s Reform Party.

photography institute assignment 3


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    photography institute assignment 3


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