• Aug 12, 2018

How to write an Oxford personal statement

oxford personal statement format

Make sure your personal statement conveys your interest in the subject – write down talks you’ve been to (and what they made you think), open days you’ve attended (and what you took away from them), and maybe even books you’ve read (and whether or not you agree with the author and why). Are you seeing a common thread? It’s less about what you’ve done and more about what you make of it! It’s best to only mention one book or one talk, but really go in to some critical analysis, rather than to just write a list of seven without any additional commentary.

Any extra-curricular activities should be ‘super-curricular’, i.e. related to your degree: for Maths, maybe the Maths Olympiad, for Science, maybe a Science EPQ or that time you entered a Lego competition (totally relevant to Engineering!). For Law, I talked about teaching and debating, and the self-discipline involved in teaching myself a language as an A Level. You can honestly make anything work – try to make yourself stand out a little by having something people don’t normally have! But don’t worry about not having twenty different hobbies – you don’t have space to mention more than one or two, and you won’t really be asked about your personal life at interview.

What I would reiterate, above all, is to not stress over the personal statement. If you’ve spelt everything correctly and you’ve got all your proof that you’re genuinely and voluntarily interested in your subject outside of school then you’re doing it right! And, to the year 12s going in to year 13 – for the love of all that’s holy, take a few weeks off this summer. Breathe. Let yourself detach from the intimidating university admissions process and the pressure of A Levels for a bit, because that will let you be so much more engaged when you jump back in.

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What is a personal statement?

Let’s start with the basics. A personal statement is the supporting statement that you send along with your UCAS application. It is your chance to tell universities, in your own words, why you will be a great student in your chosen subject. Your personal statement should demonstrate your interest in, and suitability to, your subject. It is limited in length to 4000 characters, which translates to around 500-600 words.

What do Oxford look for in a good personal statement

At the University of Oxford we read every personal statement, multiple times, so it is definitely worth spending a good amount of time writing it. We are interested in your potential in your chosen subject, so we are very keen to hear about anything academic . This means that were interested in what you have done/are doing at school, but also in anything that you have done above and beyond your school curriculum that can be linked to your chosen subject of study. We refer to these as super-curricular activities .

Super-curricular is different to extra-curricular, as extra-curricular is not related to your academic interest. Super-curriculars can be things you’ve read, listened to, watched or visited, or any number of combinations. However, this should not just be a list of things. We also want to know how these things support you academic ambitions. Why did you choose these activities? What impact did it have on you? What did you do next? You can use all of this as specific  evidence  of your interest in, and commitment too, your subject.

For some ideas you could start with some suggestions from the University of Oxford here .

Basic structure

As a base line, around 80% of your personal statement should focus on your academic and super-curricular activities:

  • You should have an opening paragraph explaining why you want to study the course
  • Followed by 3 or 4 paragraphs analysing your academic and super-curricular activities
  • Finally, a short closing paragraph about your extra-curricular interest, focusing on transferable skills, and future aspirations/career plans

Pitfalls to avoid

An important thing to remember is that if we invite you to interview we could use your personal statement as the starting point of your interview. This means it is a good idea to re-read your personal statement beforehand. It also means that you should not be tempted to embellish your personal statement with things you haven’t read or done because you think they sound good. If we ask about those things in interview it can get very awkward very quickly!

Likewise it is important that the personal statement is in your own words and not copied from anywhere else. You also do not need to be entertaining or funny, you just need to get to the point about your academic interests and your evidence for why you will be a good scholar.

Finally, please take care with spell-checking and use whatever opportunity you can to have someone (teacher, parent, etc.) proofread for you. Most schools will want to do this for you, so please listen to your teachers.

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How to write a brilliant personal statement

Your personal statement satisfies a number of checkboxes for Admissions Tutors. It’s the first opportunity to give them the chance to meet the real you. You can demonstrate a passion to study your intended subject, show what you are capable of bringing to the university and faculty and prove why you are the applicant that should be offered a place.

As you only have a limited space to express yourself – just 4,000 characters or 47 lines in the UCAS box (whichever limit you reach first) which is equivalent to just over a full typed page of A4 – you need to make every included sentence count. It’s important to remember you only get to write one personal statement that will be sent to all your over university choices. Your statement needs to be tailored as much as you can to each of the courses you are applying to as you don’t want tutors to doubt your commitment to their university and course. 

There is one guarantee when writing a personal statement – you won’t get a quality, polished personal statement on your first attempt. In fact, it often takes many drafts, lots of editing and plenty of late-night spurs of inspiration to get a strong personal statement that encourages offers from your preferred universities. To assist you in getting started, we’ve gathered together the following useful tips that will lead you in the right direction and help you to get to grips with how to write a great personal statement for university. 

What should you include?

It’s called a personal statement but that doesn’t mean Admissions Tutors want a complete timeline of your life from childhood. They want to see the best side of your academic self, your passion for the course and subject you are applying to and an overview of your academic achievements that are relevant to your subject. In your personal statement, it’s beneficial to include;

  • Any subject-related work experience you have completed or intend to carry out
  • Any courses or lectures you have attended that advanced your knowledge
  • Demonstrations of your interest extending beyond the classroom environment
  • A relevant list of book, articles and essays you have read

Try to avoid simply listing the things you have done and instead, try to show how your reading and experiences have expanded your knowledge and developed your interests and understanding of your chosen subject. Relevant extra-curricular activities and achievements should also get a mention however, how much space you dedicate to this section is dependent on the university you are applying to. For students applying to Oxford, Cambridge or Imperial universities, extra-curricular activities should be kept to a footnote mention with a greater focus on your academic achievements. Students that are applying to universities such as Loughborough will need to include their extra-curricular achievements in more detail. These universities look at what you can bring to the faculty as a whole and supporting extra-curricular activities can show you will be a good fit. 

How do you start?

Starting your personal statement can be done in a million ways and is often the part that many students get stuck on. There is no correct way to start your statement off, some applicants choose to begin with a quote that is relevant to their interests while others open with an anecdote that provides insight into where their curiosity for the subject has come from. 

How you open will set the tone for the rest of your personal statement, including establishing your enthusiasm and interest in your subjects and providing the Admissions Tutor with an introduction to your personality. Never use someone else’s words or pretend to be someone else in your personal statement, the Admissions Tutors will quickly see through this and with only a short space to express your true academic self, you don’t want to waste space on other’s content. We recommend speaking as though you were speaking to your headteacher, in a clear, mature tone that retains a sense of who you are as an individual. 

How do you finish?

Finishing your personal statement can be as hard as finding the right words for your introduction. The final paragraph doesn’t have to be long or expansive, but simply enough to round off your statement and summarise your interest and dedication to your chosen subject. This part may need some reworking after 4,000 characters of blowing your own trumpet so get plenty of feedback to avoid getting carried away and coming across too arrogant or self-assured in your outro!

Is there anything to avoid?

Your personal statement is submitted alongside your UCAS form, so there is no need to rehash or revisit certain details such as your A-Levels or GCSE grades. Avoid mentioning anything that is readily available to the Admissions Tutors and instead, use the space to focus on selling your own subject interest and dedication. 

Aim to remain positive in your personal statement as you are selling your achievements and showing off why you are going to be a good choice for the university, so you should avoid using this space to explain potential disagreements that influenced your grade or reasons behind extended periods of leave. 

If there is further information that you feel is beneficial for the Admissions Tutors to know, you should talk to your teacher about including a note in the reference section of your UCAS form. Admission Tutors prefer to read this from the teacher’s point of view and it ensures you can use your personal statement space for the things that matter – the achievements, interests and eagerness that universities are looking for. 

Final advice

After potentially spending days, weeks and even months drafting, editing and reworking your personal statement, proof-reading may not seem like an exciting activity but it is absolutely essential. Typos can and do regularly change our opinion of a piece and its author, even if it is something minor in an otherwise engaging and informative article, so it’s key to ensure your personal statement is without grammatical flaws. 

Admission Tutors are likely to be strict on accuracy and grammar and to ensure your personal statement ticks the right boxes. We recommend asking your teachers, friends and parents to read over and proof-read your personal statement a few times. A further tip we can offer is to begin with the last sentence and work your way through your personal statement backwards, sentence by sentence. This ensures you can focus on the individual sentence and its accuracy and grammar, rather than getting distracted by the full statement. 

From all of us at Oxbridge Applications, we wish you the best of luck with your personal statement. It can be tricky, but look at it as your first challenge to university life and use this opportunity to talk about your best and most interesting subject – you!

Writing a personal statement for Oxford and Cambridge? We explore some of the frequently asked questions about Oxbridge personal statements in our  12 Personal Statement FAQs and answers  article.

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Top Tips for an Oxford PPE Personal Statement

Oxford philosophy, politics, and economics personal statement – top 10 tips : dos and don’ts.

The Oxford Personal Statement is a crucial component of your PPE Oxford university application. It presents a unique opportunity for you to differentiate yourself from other applicants. You would be able to articulate your story and explain your interests beyond that of numbers on an admissions test. Furthermore, it gives the interviewer a chance to understand who you are. It also provides a platform to bounce off questions during your interview. 

Some of the Oxford interview PPE questions will be tailored to your personal statement and include personality and interests. Questions will also ask about your commitment to who you are as a person and your amalgamation of experiences before you. Our Oxbridge application experts have compiled a list of top 10 Oxford Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Personal Statement tips. These include dos and don’ts for your Oxford Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Personal Statement . 

General Advice for your Oxford PPE Personal Statement

Self-explanatory in its title, Philosophy, Politics, and Economics is a course that comprises three main branches.

Philosophy shapes and demands critical thinkers. The study of it involves a high amount of logical rigour, leading one to be extremely analytical.

The study of politics leads one to have a strong knowledge base on the political systems worldwide. It also delves into their impact on communities and societies at large. It allows you to not only understand but also evaluate and form an opinion on the priorities and choices of political parties. You will also learn how to explain the ideas and values that help to make such decisions and analyses.

Economics studies how three main stakeholders in our society (governments, consumers, and firms), make decisions in determining the allocation of scarce resources. 

These three branches complement each other well. The knowledge and skills picked up in each branch being transferable to the other. For example, the critical thinking skills that philosophy hones are extremely relevant and useful when studying politics and economics. The knowledge and skills from all three branches have great applications that help students understand the world around them.

PPE personal statements can be difficult to write. In your Oxford PPE personal statement, you must explain your interest and skills in each branch but in a limited word count. Furthermore, when planning your Oxford PPE personal statement, research Oxford’s achievements in PPE. Use it as a guide to illustrate your interest in the course. 

Top 5 Tips for your Oxford Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Personal Statement

Display in your oxford ppe personal statement that you can think critically and have good analytic skills.

A key quality that Oxford admissions tutors are looking out for in a PPE student is having critical thinking skills. You can illustrate this in your Oxford PPE personal statement by mentioning and reflecting on experiences that involve analysing data or formulating arguments. It is equally valuable for you to reflect on other types of achievements and experiences that you have. For example, if you have adopted a particular passion for a specific economic policy or theory, you can talk about why you started being interested in it. Is this linked to a personal interest in a greater societal problem such as that of reducing inequality or poverty? It is also advised to talk about what you have done to cultivate and grow this passion.

Focusing your Oxford personal statement on your interest in PPE and how you have the relevant skills for the course

The main purpose of your PPE personal statement and the top thing that Oxford admissions tutors are looking out for when reading your statement is to determine if you are going to be a good Philosophy, Politics, and Economics student. Being a good PPE student can be demonstrated in two main ways. If you are able to show that you are interested and passionate about the course. And, if you have the relevant skills that would make a good PPE student. You can show that you are interested and passionate about the course by talking about self-reading that you have taken the initiative to do. You can list specific details and aspects about the course that enthrals you. Equally, you can mention and reflect on experiences that you have undertaken to cultivate further your interest in philosophy, politics, or economics. You can demonstrate that you have the relevant skills that would make a good PPE student by talking about the experiences that you have done in the past. Reflect on how they have shaped you as a person. Try and extract a personal quality or trait from each of the experiences you mentioned. Then talk about how it would be relevant for PPE.

Being well-read in philosophy, politics, or economics

Oxford definitely does not require you to be an expert in your field of study. After all, you are applying to study PPE. So it does not make sense for you to be a specialist in it even before you have started. However, it would definitely be useful both to you as a future student as well as an applicant to have done preparatory reading. This would signal to your Oxford admissions tutor that you are passionate about the field of study. If you are interested in something, you would take the initiative to learn more about it on your own even without being pressured to! It would also signal to them that you are able to get through large volumes of text, a skill useful in any humanities course. If you do not know where to start, you can simply google Oxford PPE reading lists, you access one put together by one of the Oxford colleges here: Oxford PPE .

It is also good to keep in mind that you do not necessarily have to pick up a book. Reading can be in the form of magazine columns, news articles. Or even in alternative medium forms such as podcasts, Youtube videos, or documentaries. Some news sites that you can check out include Vox, The New Yorker, The New York Times, The Economist, The Guardian, and many more.

Don’t burden yourself with reading textbooks. If you are truly interested in the course, there would definitely be a book or video out there that you will find enjoyable reading. Furthermore, reading news articles instead of scrolling on Tiktok, or listening to podcasts on your way to school instead of your usual playlist would be a great way to incorporate content into your everyday life that is not burdensome.

Only bring up experiences if you are able to draw the relevance to Philosophy, Politics, or Economics

There is little value in bringing up an impressive experience unless you are able to draw how it is relevant to Philosophy, Politics, or Economics. If you are bent on talking about an experience but find it difficult to draw the link to PPE, you can think about how it has inspired you to be interested in any of the three fields. For example, being heavily involved in mission trips and being a committed volunteer might not have a direct link to PPE. However, you can talk about how witnessing poverty and inequality has led you to be curious about learning more about the economical theories and policies that political systems use to reduce such destitution. You can then elaborate that this motivation has then led you to read up more on politics or economics or participate in related competitions.

Another way of linking a seemingly irrelevant skill is to talk about relevant skills or qualities that you picked up during your experience that are transferable and applicable as a PPE student. For example, if you were involved in a scientific research project, you could mention how this has led you to be comfortable and efficient in reading large volumes of information or research journals. This is a useful skill as a PPE student. Otherwise, you could also say that it has led you to recognise that there are always limitations and no theoretical model applies perfectly in real life. This is similar to economic or political policies.

Have multiple drafts before submitting a finalised version

Do keep in mind that your first draft would never be your best draft, so you should always buffer sufficient time that allows you to make multiple drafts. You can also seek feedback from seniors of the same course, friends. Or even school career guidance counsellors, and use their feedback to further refine your Oxford PPE personal statement. Even if they are not familiar with the subject, they could also provide valuable feedback on the readability and the clarity of your Oxford PPE personal statement. However, do take care when sharing your Oxford PPE personal statement with anyone, as you want to avoid plagiarism issues!

Top 5 things to AVOID for your Oxford Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Personal Statement

Only mentioning one or two branches of ppe, instead of all three.

The course that you are enrolling on consists of three different fields of study, each important in its own right. Hence, your Oxford personal statement should reflect this. It should signal to the Oxford admissions tutor that you have a strong understanding of the course that you are applying to. It should also show that you are a good fit for it. You can ensure that you do not miss out on any points that you would have liked to mention. You should also ensure that you can communicate all your points and relevant achievements within the limited 4000-character word count. To do this, you can frame your Oxford PPE personal statement with a good structure. For example, you could have 3 body paragraphs, each explaining your interest or relevant skill in each field.

Simply listing achievements and experiences without reflecting on them

Many applicants mistake the application process and think that Oxford is looking out for the most decorated student with the highest number of achievements. This is not the case. Instead, Oxford is looking out for the student who is the best fit for the course. This does not necessarily refer to the student who has the highest number of achievements. But rather the student who has the most relevant achievements explained and reflected in a way that shows that you are a good match for the course. Instead of simply listing or name-dropping an achievement, you should reflect on it and talk about how it has led you to develop certain relevant skills. For example, merely mentioning how you won your school’s debate tournament is not enough. You should talk about how it developed your ability to form coherent arguments and communicate them to a general audience. Oxford admissions tutors would not care if you started a non-profit and cured children from cancer. They want to know why you did the things that you did and what you have learnt from them. Also, how these skills would help you become a good PPE student.

Wasting precious word count on achievements that would otherwise be available on other aspects of your application

Do not waste your precious words on achievements or experiences that your Oxford admissions tutor would already know about you by reading it off other aspects of your application. For example, if you have achieved impressive grades at your GCSEs or your A levels, do not feel the need to go in-depth about it in your application. This is because this information would already be made available to your Oxford admissions tutor. They would already have considered it alongside your Oxford PPE personal statement. You can choose to talk about information that they would not otherwise have known about. For example, the societies that you were a part of or competitions that you have participated in or won. It could also be events that you have organised, or books that you have read.

Not starting early

If you are just starting out on your Oxford PPE personal statement and find it difficult to overcome writer’s block, you can start out by listing all your achievements. In a separate column, you can create a list of all the desirable qualities of being a PPE student. You can then list details and aspects of the course that interest you. Next, you can match up your achievements and experiences with the qualities and course details. Use each match as a backbone or inspiration when fleshing out your main body paragraphs.

Using vocabulary that you are not familiar with

You might feel that using difficult terms and fancy vocabulary is necessary. However, it is much better to use words that you are more familiar with in order to communicate your ideas more clearly to the Oxford admissions tutor. Furthermore, if you embellish your essay with too much unconventional terminology, it could make your essay wordy and hard to read. You want to get your thoughts across, so always prioritise clarity and readability before anything else!

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Oxford Personal Statement Examples: Top 4

Oxford Personal Statement Examples

If you’re looking to craft the perfect personal statement, reading over some Oxford personal statement examples will be the best way to start. It’s one thing to read college essay tips or instructions on how to write the perfect personal statement, but another entirely to see an example of how it’s done.

How to start a college essay can be tricky, but we have you covered! In this article, we have Oxford personal statement examples for your edification so that you can write your own best work.

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Oxford personal statement examples, example no.1.

We are made of stories. History itself is the story we tell ourselves about who we are, and our oldest stories are still with us. Gilgamesh would never have found his immortality but through his story being told over and over again. Scrooge is visited by three ghosts every year for some people, and no matter how many times we hear about his conversion from miser to “…as good a man as the good old city knew…” we have our hearts warmed, reminding ourselves of the importance of human comfort and generosity. I have come to my interest in the classics through my interest in the stories we tell that make us who we are.

My personal reading list always exceeds my school’s reading list. When I was a boy, I was gripped by the stories of heroes like Perseus and Hercules. As I grew, I sought further stories and came across the epic poems. Over the years, I have found many people who share my enjoyment of these tales, but often they do not truly know them. One of my perpetual fascinations with classics is how these stories change, or are perceived, in the public consciousness.

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For example, many people know of the Labours of Hercules – or Herakles, as the Greeks said – but they rarely know why he was tasked with these Labours: he killed his children. We often make dark aspects of old stories into children’s stories. We see this with modern cartoon versions of far grimmer fairy tales. I believe that this has done our world a disservice. Instead of confronting unpleasant truths, we hide them. History is often whitewashed along with the stories to make it palatable.

My studies of the classics have led me to begin a work on Hercules – investigating how his story has been told and retold. I am also examining how the story has changed over the years, why it has changed and how retelling this story in gentler ways has paralleled pop culture dumbing down stories and ignoring unpleasant truths.

“It’s just a frog,” I thought, but no matter how I tried to convince myself of that fact, I didn’t find it any easier to dissect. I was disappointed in myself because I thought that a scientist should be dispassionate, logical, and capable of dealing with any sentimental subject in an objective fashion. Yet there was the frog, my scalpel poised dramatically above its little, amphibian torso. I was almost paralysed with sympathy, and I began to fear that I would never be a scientist.

When I was young, I would wander the woods, sketching plants and animals before looking them up at home. I am happiest when I am learning something new – even if it means unlearning a truth I “knew” the day before. I had loved labs and experiments, but I had hit the wall of dissection. Could I take these creatures apart? I love learning about them, but how could I slice them open?

I told my friend Jeremiah that I wasn’t going to dissect the bullfrog. I would drop the course and do something else with my life. “I’ll help,” he said, “Come on.” With his support and encouragement, I made the first cut and couldn’t believe what I saw; I was entranced by the intricacy of the frog. Being able to see and understand nature from an insider’s perspective, so to speak, was no longer “gross,” and my curiosity finally kicked in.

As I continued in biology, through lab experiments, dissections and investigations, I found myself reversing my position on the mentality of the scientist. It is not that we must be dispassionate, but that we must intimately feel a connection with the natural world. We are a part of this world – as perfectly slotted into our evolutionary position as any other creature. More excited than ever, I joined a biology club in our city where I was surrounded by biologists of all ages – amateur and professional – and I grew immensely. I was even awarded 1 st place in a biology Olympiad.

I believe that a truly successful scientist is one who finds harmony in the natural world, not one who exploits it, and I have had several conversations with my laboratory instructor on these points. He agreed with me, and we have been working on a rubric to create a more nature-friendly approach to the science curriculum at our school. He was already quite nature-conscious, but we both agree that we could be doing more to minimise our ecological footprints.

My dream job is one that helps to balance human interaction with nature on a global scale, to fight climate change and ensure the survival of all natural species. I hope to study the natural sciences at Oxford to bring this about. I believe that my journey is one of lifelong learning, a concept stressed at your school. I am also interested in your research in sustainable urban development. I think that co-existing with nature is one of the all-important issues for humanity and for an aspiring biologist. I want to contribute to a world where, even if we dissect frogs, we do so with a sense of responsibility, not callous indifference.

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Example No.3

I was ten minutes into a well-structured argument as to why I was not argumentative before I realised the irony of my words. I shut my mouth, red-faced and laughing with the rest of my family. I come from a family of debaters. Not that being a debater is the only thing that makes me want to study history and politics at your institution. Politicians are more than just arguers, but my temperament is well-suited to challenging ideas and wrestling with those ideas in the public sphere.

I want to make a difference on a national level in the political arena, serving the public as a politician. I joined the debate club to learn how to perform well in front of an audience, how to test my ideas and most importantly, how to lose. I am proud of my track record, wins and losses. Losses can be a strength. My first debate was, “Be it therefore resolved that there is an obesity problem in this country.” I was assigned the “pro” angle, and I was so sure that I could win by appealing to statistical realities. However, I lost. My opponent had sharper arguments and convinced the audience that “problem” implied an inherent morality issue with obesity. I had no counterargument.

From that loss, I learned how to use language better, to anticipate counterarguments and to know my opponent’s position better than my own. Every loss is an opportunity to grow, and I love that I have been pitted against fierce opponents who make me earn every point. I would rather achieve fewer victories against a skilled debater than gain many victories against those who are ill-prepared. I also rarely lose on the same subject twice.

This is relevant to my political philosophy, which is that I believe politicians should be willing to change their opinions, even on important issues. If nobody changed their minds, we would all be pig-headed fools. I want the best information, and if that changes my mind, so be it. We need more changed minds and evidence-based policies coming from politicians who value truth and accuracy, as well as the ethics to provide morally defensible positions.

Thanks to my debate club experience, I was able to campaign successfully for student body president, a position I held for two years. I took this responsibility seriously, even if not every peer or authority figure felt the same way. During my time in student government, my proudest accomplishment was helping create a new scholarship programme to fund the university studies and housing of one student. I believe that politicians should fight for changes that will benefit people, not just institutions, so this scholarship was a particularly exciting project for me to work on.

Outside of political ambitions, my favourite thing to do is to go to museums and art galleries. I take tremendous pleasure in discovering who we were and are and being able to compare the two. I hope to bring my historical knowledge and understanding to my career in politics.

Whether I am debating at family dinner or quietly, reverently studying in a museum, my greatest joy would be to help people build the society that they want to see.

Example No.4

When the first atomic bombs were detonated, Oppenheimer famously stated, “I am become death, destroyer of worlds,” characterising the transcendent regret he felt. Of course, Oppenheimer was himself quoting from the Bhagavad Gita. When I think of Oppenheimer’s sorrow, I think of the importance philosophy has for a person navigating hard sciences, like mathematics.

For many people, philosophy and mathematics – what I hope to study at Oxford – are divorced from one another, if not opposites. One, resulting from the musings of a curious mind, is seen as almost useless in practical terms. The other is seen as cold, scientific truth in written form. But I believe they are linked. I loved reading Oxford’s published paper, “Influencing HIV/AIDS Policy in India Through Mathematical Modelling.” Our math knowledge, and the application thereof, can directly affect the world around us, improving it for all.

In my final year of high school, I wanted to write about the impact that mathematics has on the world. I wrote a paper on black holes. I interviewed a mathematician named Peter Richards who was working at a physics lab studying the phenomenon. Mr. Richards told me how the gravity of black holes creates event horizons, shaping space around them, but that scientists are investigating whether gravity is influenced by light. This cosmological-level chicken-or-egg question became the basis of my paper, which was about how we think about the universe and our place in it. Mathematics might one day answer who we are and why we are here. This paper won 1 st place in an essay competition and secured me a small scholarship.

Math is the language of the universe. I see it everywhere: in nature’s patterns and in the music I play. I have been learning to play flutes – everything from woodwinds to concert flutes to world music instruments like ocarinas. As my study of math deepens, I become more immersed in exploring the range of the instrument, which, in turn, transforms my music. Math reshapes the world around us.

This study of the interplay between mathematics and philosophy led me to study the mathematics of global populations, which I believe will soon become imperative research on how we can maintain a sustainable eco-system. I attended a recent event for mathematicians studying global trends, where I interviewed several prominent mathematicians in the field for the school paper. I got to ask these important persons about their thoughts on the responsibility mathematicians have regarding humanity and the care needed to help our species. A surprising number – two out of the five I spoke with – had given little or no thought to the idea of blending philosophy and mathematics. I was shocked at this mathematical proof that even people in the field did not give much thought to this.

I hope to combat this in my own life and studies, encouraging mathematicians to increase their conscientious use of their skills to better humanity in a direct way, as well as to be more conscious of their responsibilities in the world today.

Oxford recommends that you follow the UCAS advice on personal statements when writing your own. It is well worth taking your time drafting your personal statement because the admissions committee at Oxford reads each one several times. They are really interested in learning about anything academic because they are curious about your potential in your field of study. This implies that they are interested in both what you have done and are doing in school as well as anything you have done outside of the classroom that is related to the subject you have chosen to study. More than being the best extracurriculars for college , Oxford refers to these activities as super-curriculars . Super-curriculars can be anything “you’ve read, listened to, watched or visited” that relates to your academic interests, unlike extracurriculars.

About 80% of your personal statement should discuss your academic interests and super-curriculars. The recommended structure is as follows:

  • Opening paragraph explaining why you want to pursue the programme
  • 3 or 4 paragraphs analysing your academic and super-curricular activities
  • Brief closing paragraph about your extracurricular interests, with a focus on transferable skills and career plans/future aspirations

To ensure that your personal statement applies specifically to the University of Oxford, first look at the school’s mission, vision statement and core values. Aligning your essay with these values will help prove that Oxford is the perfect fit for you, which is your main goal. This is the first step in how to write a college essay for this school.

You may also want to reference other important aspects of Oxford. Do they have research in the area you want to work in? Do they have a professor you cannot wait to study with? Do they have the curriculum set up in a way that best suits you as a student and your future goals? You need to show not only how you fit with Oxford, but also how the school will propel you forward in a way that no other school could.

Oxford’s Mission Statement

“We inspire people locally, nationally and globally by extending access to Oxford’s world-class teaching and resources through flexible and inclusive opportunities for study and research.”

Oxford’s Vision Statement

“To be a global centre of excellence for lifelong learning. Courses will be underpinned by the best teaching, research and support for learning to meet the needs of diverse, ambitious and intellectually curious students. Staff and students will work together within and beyond Oxford to foster a vibrant learning community attentive to the importance of promoting sustainability and social justice.”

Oxford’s Values

Finally, note that all Oxford personal statements have a character cap of 4,000, including spaces, and must be no longer than 47 lines.

Essay Writing Tips

Here are some general pieces of advice to keep in mind while working through your college essay review process. These tips will apply to your Oxford essays, but they will also be beneficial for any essays. Essays follow a basic structure and have a fundamental goal that is shared among them, even when specifics differ. So, you could be writing supplemental college essays , college diversity essays , or Harvard medical school secondary essays , but regardless of the type of essay or school, these tips will still apply.

The Main Objective

All essays are, directly or indirectly, “ why this college” essays . The admissions committee is looking for students who fit their institution and are excited about attending. Whatever your college essay topics are, you’re always answering that fundamental question.

Start Strong

College essay introductions are hard in and of themselves. Conquering the introduction means beating the blank page. Start with the best “"hook” sentence you can find. That means you need an attention-grabbing opener that compels the reader to continue.

Once you’re through the introduction, you must follow through with two or three paragraphs about your accomplishments or criteria the school expect to hear about – in Oxford’s case, those are your academics and super-curriculars.

Each story should answer the fundamental question: “Why is this person perfect for this school?"

Wrap it up with a conclusion that summarises your main points and, if possible, connects to the introduction like a loop.

Up to 4,000 characters, which includes spaces.

You don’t want to go so short you can’t say anything of substance. Brevity is the soul of wit, however, so don’t worry about having a personal statement that is “only” 300–400 words long. Don’t pad out your statement; say what you need to and no more.

Your personal statement shows your unique abilities and personality and why you are ideally suited for the institution and programme to which you are applying. Showcase qualities like perseverance, leadership, teamwork, curiosity, creativity, logic and personal growth.

Your main focus will be on academics and super-curricular activities.

Negative people don’t come off well, so dwelling on problems, whining, or badmouthing people is never a good idea.

Formal, standard essay format is perfect: hook sentence, introduction, main body – which expresses one or two main ideas – and a conclusion that comes full-circle, ideally connecting to the introduction. You can use the first person, since this is a personal essay.

Always follow the rule of “show, don’t tell” to demonstrate your qualities and abilities.

Free-associate for a while. Give yourself one or two minutes to write on the programme you want to take at Oxford and just free-associate. By the end, your passion for the subject will have won out and given you a good list of ideas to explore.

Your essay gets cut off. Never exceed the limit. So, in practical terms, if you exceed the character limit, or 47 lines, part of your personal statement will be missing.

Not formally, no, but it is being evaluated, so make sure you edit properly and go over spelling and grammar with a fine-tooth comb.

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Oxford University Personal Statements

We hope our collection of oxford university personal statements provides inspiration for writing your own. please do not plagiarise them in any way, or ucas will penalise your application. our  personal statement editing & review services  are availble if you feel you need a little extra help..

History Personal Statement Example 3 Recently, I found out that my grandma was gambled into slavery for seven years. She escaped her prison and made her way back to Hong Kong, 300 miles south. I was amazed at how courageous she was. This personal discovery led me to read Jung Chang's 'Wild Swans' which made me both proud and ashamed of my heritage...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 4 I find it amazing to watch as the digital revolution sculpts society at a rate that has never before been seen; there is so much to still be discovered. Quantum computing is a topic that particularly interests me, stemming from my studies and keen interest in physics...

Economics and PPE Personal Statement Example My aspiration to study economics at both advanced and degree level has stemmed from my lasting interest in current affairs and world development. These issues require an application of economics in real-life situations and can be related to many diverse subjects such as politics, philosophy and psychology...

English Literature Personal Statement Example 1 When I saw Gatz, John Collin's eight hour interpretation of The Great Gatsby, I noticed that Fitzgerald changes the colour of Daisy's hair every time he describes it. It is "like a dash of blue paint", "yellowy" like her daughters and then "dark, shining"...

Geography Personal Statement Example 2 In a dynamic world, the study of geography is increasingly important. The diversity of the subject and the interaction between the physical environment and human population is becoming even more evident with climate change and globalisation influencing our everyday lives...

Psychology Personal Statement Example 11 “If she’s smart she will study Medicine.” This is an unwritten rule in my culture - all Nigerian parents want their children to become doctors. What becomes of the aspiring psychologist in the family? I met a junior doctor, at an educational conference, who wanted to specialise in psychiatry...

History Personal Statement Example 13 Until I began my A-levels last September, I had never been to school or followed a formal syllabus. My parents homeschooled me. They guided, encouraged, and fed my interests with books, documentaries and discussions...

Natural and Biological Sciences Personal Statement Example Experiencing first-hand life as a human in the natural world, I have the authority to confirm that regardless of previous knowledge, unexplained phenomena still exist. As a scientist, I adore observing the unknown, analysing the known and making decisions accordingly...

English Personal Statement Example 22 What I enjoy above all else in a piece of literature is the feeling that it has brought about change, either in me or in some wider context. Literature which offers the opportunity for an adapted way of living or thinking, however slight, is I think a thing to be kept and treasured in our intellects...

English Literature and Creative Writing Personal Statement Example 1 I once aspired to be a visual artist, a photographer or painter. However, I later discovered the unique ability of poetry and the written word to maintain its power and resonance in a world saturated with images and messages...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 45 Advances in computer and information technology over the past few decades have brought about revolution in science, medicine, education, business, and entertainment. I wish to be part of the future revolution and that is why I want to study computer science...

English Literature Personal Statement Example 16 I believe that to read English is to read the human being itself: after all, we are all writers. Even in the very act of choosing our words - thinking them, speaking them, physically writing them down - we create something meaningful...

Human Sciences Personal Statement Example Perhaps what makes me different from other University applicants is that I have ambition to understand multidimensional human life. It is not the appeal of a top qualification or the zesty student lifestyle that attracts me to this course; but it is the long-term knowledge and answers to interdisciplinary human problems, and the enigmas that I will commit a lifetime investigating with perhaps no solution, that inspires me to apply...

Engineering Personal Statement Example 19 Physics is that branch of science without which science is just like a beautiful lamp with no light. For centuries, mathematicians and physicists have made plenty of scientific contributions thus helping the world make a better place to live...

History (Ancient and Modern) Personal Statement Example 1 It is those things we don’t yet know or understand that make history a fascinating, intellectual puzzle. We know a remarkable amount about history and the development of society but new archaeological discoveries, the dedicated efforts of historians, translators and other academics and advancements in areas such as archaeometry mean that the body of historical information is still expanding...

Archaeology and Anthropology Personal Statement Example 2 As an immigrant living in Spain, I am constantly reminded of the importance social and cultural factors have on my daily life, the language I speak, and the difference between the relationships I maintain with people from my own country and those I encounter here on a daily basis...

Computer Science Personal Statement Example 49 My views about computing changed considerably when I heard about Linux. In the late nineties it was a newer operating system and tasks like installing and configuring were considered to be quite challenging in India...

Law Personal Statement Example 70 Law is ever changing, whether parliament is passing new legislation, existing legislation is being rewritten or the courts are interpreting laws in different ways. In the case of Anthony Bland the distinguishing of earlier precedents was vital...

History and English Personal Statement Example Studying history and English concurrently has appealed to me ever since I recognised the inseparability of the two disciplines closest to my heart. Personally, I believe that the literary style of a piece of writing is as important as scholarly research and I try to make my essays as lively as possible whilst still grounded in solid historical or literary method, dulce et utile, following the example of writers such as Richard J Evans...

Economics and Management Personal Statement Example 2 My interest in Economics goes beyond an appreciation of statistics and profit margins. In my mind, economics represents the relationship between people and their money – a relationship that dates back to the history of mankind...

German Personal Statement Example 7 The study of language has always been appealing and is the focus of much of my time and energy, but the study of the German language is what mesmerises me most. Before understanding German I was first intrigued by its sound, and as I began to learn it, I became fascinated by its complexity...

Economics Personal Statement Example 30 The ever-changing nature of the human science intrigues me. Newton’s laws of motion will never change, from wherever ‘the ball is dropped’. However, different strategies and policies have to be framed and implemented for each economic problem...

Mathematics & Computer Science Personal Statement Example I have found mathematics a fascinating subject since my early years. I enjoy it as it is challenging and logical. I am particularly interested in decision mathematics as it is a field that is directly related to real-life applications of mathematics and can be used to solve problems, such as finding the optimal solution for transporting materials from one place to another while minimising the cost...

Physics Personal Statement Example 15 I have always been intrigued by the world of physics. From everyday experiences to the most extreme boundaries of today's knowledge, I have always voraciously searched for answers to my questions. As I grew up, the elegance of mathematical demonstrations and of physical theorems fascinated me, and I have often dreamt of making contributions to the unification theory and of improving and simplifying the Navier-Stokes equations...

Electrical Engineering Personal Statement Example 2 The defining wonder of today’s age is electricity. In just two centuries, we have come from Faraday’s crude but prophetic experiments to devices just a square inch that can calculate in seconds what the most gifted of human minds might take days...

Medicine Personal Statement Example 70 The challenge of spending my working life immersed in the fascinating, ever-evolving world of the medical sciences, and the opportunity to use this knowledge to benefit others, has drawn me to seek a career in medicine...

Politics, Philosophy & Economics (PPE) Personal Statement Example 3 In this day and age virtually every aspect of our lives may be considered political. My passion to study Politics stems from this tenet and a belief that a comprehension of Politics is integral to understanding the current state of humanity...

Chemistry Personal Statement Example 18 Chemistry explores the properties of all matter and energy in our universe, which eventually leads to breakthroughs that benefit mankind, ranging from how to prevent food from decomposing to understanding what chemicals can help or harm you...

Philosophy Personal Statement Example (Mature Student) Since leaving education in 2006 I have always wanted to return; a great love of learning, desire for knowledge and natural curiosity throughout my life resulted in an ambition to teach. It was with this ambition in my heart that I took the plunge and returned to education, beginning my Access course last year with the intention of applying to study for a primary education degree...

Civil Engineering Personal Statement Example 17 My decision to study engineering stems from a desire to contribute to the evolution of society through a process that does not just define our environment but our era. My personal inspiration is the Segovia aqueduct, an 800m long, 30 metre high Roman marvel which still stands today...

Ancient and Modern History Personal Statement Example 1 What makes history engaging and interesting to me is its interdisciplinary nature and its ability to take you on a journey to the discovery of humanity's past. History has been a constant source of captivation for me, from studying the mythology of Ancient Greece in primary school through to the study of the Russian Revolution at A Level...

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Oxford Brookes University

Personal statements

Your personal statement is an important part of the application process. It is how you show a university that you are right for their course. Writing a good one can take a lot of work, but don’t worry. This isn’t a test, but an opportunity to show yourself off in the best possible light. You need to show them what would make you a good student. Be clear, be honest, and be enthusiastic about your course.

Your course

The university is interested in you as a student. Show them that you are interested in your subject and will work hard at it during your studies. Look in detail at what studying this subject will involve and try to apply your existing knowledge or experience.

  • Why are you interested?
  • What sparked your interest?
  • What specific topics do you enjoy?
  • What have you done to learn about these topics?
  • What have you read about your subject?
  • What projects have you done to do with your subject?
  • If the subject is one you study at school - how have you gone beyond school requirements to learn more about it?
  • If you have an idea of a career path you’d like to follow - how does the course fit into it?

What if I’m applying for a combined course?

Make sure you include why you’re interested in both subjects and talk about them both equally.

Work experience

Relevant work experience can look great in your personal statement. Make sure you’re specific about what you have learnt and how it relates to your course. If it isn’t directly relevant, include the transferable skills you’ve gained.

The example here relates the work experience to the course. Even the most basic work experience looks good if you write about it well. It will also show the admissions team your critical and reflective thinking skills, and that you can write creatively.

Extracurricular activities and volunteering

Include activities that support your course choice. For example, going to galleries and museums for art or history courses. If you’re writing about your clubs and teams, be specific about the skills you’ve learnt from them. This could include teamwork, perseverance and time management.

Include any personal achievements and what they demonstrate. For example, taking part in a fundraising event could show your commitment and organisational skills. If you have any positions of responsibility like being a club leader or student mentor, describe those.

What if I want to take a gap year?

You’ll need to include it in your personal statement. Describe how you plan to use it constructively. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, learning new skills, volunteering and experiencing new cultures (if you choose to travel) all look great on personal statements.

Things to remember

  • Don’t leave it to the last minute - you’ll need to write several drafts.
  • You only write one personal statement and this is used for all your course choices.
  • Don’t mention things specific to only one of the courses you’re applying for.
  • Focus on themes present in all your choices.
  • Your course is the most important thing to write about.
  • Write positively in a style you feel comfortable with.
  • Use clear sentence structures.
  • Be analytical (not descriptive) about yourself and the subject.
  • Don’t try to be funny or controversial - not everyone will share your sense of humour!
  • Be honest - if you go to interview you will probably be asked about things you’ve written.
  • Write it in word processing software first, then copy and paste it into UCAS.
  • Proofread as many times as possible, don’t just rely on a spell checker.
  • Leave a few days between writing and proofreading (you’ll be more likely to spot mistakes).
  • Make sure your statement is your own and not copied (plagiarised) from anywhere.
  • Ask your parents/guardians, teachers and friends to help make final checks.
  • You are limited to 4000 characters - including spaces!

Useful links

  • UCAS has online advice on  how to write an undergraduate personal statement where you can find out more about what to write and how to structure it.
  • Check out these  example personal statements from Studential . Use them as inspiration - do not copy them! You will get caught by UCAS’ plagiarism system.
  • Browse these  Which University? articles all about personal statements .

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  • Oxbridge Personal Statement Examples

Check out our successful Oxbridge personal statement examples below.

You will find a collection of standout personal statements that have helped students gain admission to the prestigious universities of Oxford and Cambridge .

These Oxbridge personal statement examples can serve as inspiration and guidance as you begin to write your own.

Whether you are applying to study law , natural science , economics , or any other course , these examples can help you showcase your unique strengths and experiences compellingly.

Recommended reading:

  • How to Apply to Cambridge University
  • How to Apply to Oxford University
  • The Best Cambridge Colleges
  • The Best Oxford Colleges

Successful Oxbridge Personal Statement Examples

Oxbridge personal statement example for economics course.

I volunteer at a local soup kitchen in Singapore, where I help distribute food and check on the well-being of lower-income families living in public housing.

One day, we encountered a family of five who were all seriously or terminally ill but were not receiving any government social support and had been relying mostly on NGOs for assistance.

This experience highlighted a social issue that concerns me – the lack of adequate social security support in Singapore despite its economic strength.

I believe more attention should be paid to addressing poverty and inequality.

I volunteered at the soup kitchen not only to help those in need but also to understand their struggles, as their interests are often overlooked.

As an economics student, I have learned how well-informed economic policy can improve lives by guiding social analysis.

This subject excites me and has motivated me to learn more through books, volunteering, and participating in economics-related competitions.

For example, I received a distinction award in the National Economics and Financial Management Quiz, which tests quick thinking, logical, and mathematical skills.

I also submitted an essay for the GlaxoSmithKline-Economic Development Board Book Prize on how Singapore can capitalize on Asian talent as a source of growth.

In addition, I participated in the local Math Olympiad received a bronze award, and completed a month-long internship at Centennial Asia Advisors, where my work contributed to the analysis of the Great Recession and the process of purchasing bonds to address the crisis.

This experience gave me a greater understanding of the importance of economic policy and its application.

I am also actively working to make a difference. Along with a group of friends and an NGO, I am committed to helping the village of Tom in Cambodia escape poverty by building schools and providing water filtration devices for villagers.

We also plan to support children with scholarships through fund-raisers. Personally helping Tom overcome poverty is one of my goals, and I believe that a strong understanding of economics will be essential in achieving this.

In addition to my academic and volunteer pursuits, I have also participated in various activities that have helped me grow as a person.

For example, I participated in The Odyssey of The Mind, a competition that challenges teams to think creatively through dramatic performances.

Our team won the World Championship after competing against teams from 60 other countries.

I am also an avid sailor, having represented my school as captain and Singapore in international competitions.

What I value most from these experiences are the relationships I formed with my teammates and the importance of dedication and perseverance in achieving success.

At school, I helped start the Young Diplomats’ Society, an interest group focused on Model United Nations Conferences (MUNC).

At Princeton University MUNC, I received an honourable mention, and at the Nanyang Technological University MUNC, I received the Dorothy Cheung Award for Best Delegate.

I also organized the annual iMUN@AC, serving as Chief of Staff in one year and Secretary General in another.

These MUNCs sparked my interest in global politics and led me to research the causes of the Rwandan Genocide for my IB Extended Essay, a 4000-word research paper that I thoroughly enjoyed and received an “A” grade for.

As John Maynard Keynes said, an economist is part philosopher, part statesman, and part mathematician.

I hope to study economics so that I can learn how to make changes on local, regional, and global levels.

Oxbridge Personal Statement Example For Law Course

I have always been drawn to the fields of law and justice. Even as a child, I was fascinated by the concepts of right and wrong and how they were applied in society.

My interest in history has also allowed me to learn about the evolution of the legal system over time.

During my school years, I took on leadership roles, including being a Senior Prefect and a member of the Student Council.

These experiences gave me a unique perspective on how a school operates and the importance of rules for both students and staff.

In my GCSE years, I had the opportunity to study Critical Thinking, which allowed me to hone my analytical and debate skills.

As part of this course, we visited Winchester Crown Court, giving us the chance to observe a court case in person and see the legal system in action.

This experience had a profound impact on me and further solidified my desire to pursue a career in law.

I also gained valuable insights into the legal profession through a two-week work placement at a local solicitor’s firm during the summer between school and college.

During this time, I was able to observe court proceedings and learn about the daily operations of a solicitor’s office.

In my free time, I enjoy reading classic fiction such as “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens and “North and South” by Elizabeth Gaskell.

I also enjoy cooking, travelling, and leading a healthy and active lifestyle.

I am confident that my personal skills, knowledge, attributes, and work ethic make me an excellent candidate for a law degree at your university.

I hope to use my time at university to develop the skills and qualifications necessary to have a successful career in law and to gain further experience in the courtroom.

Oxbridge Personal Statement Example For Natural Sciences Course

I was always fascinated by the natural world and spent hours exploring the forests and streams near my home.

This curiosity eventually led me to pursue a degree in biology at Oxford University, where I excelled academically and gained valuable experiences that have prepared me to take the next step in my education.

Throughout my undergraduate studies, I have taken a range of ecology courses and consistently earned high marks. In addition to my coursework, I have also been actively involved in several extracurricular activities that have allowed me to further explore my interests in biology and ecology.

For example, I have participated in research projects on the Forest Eco Programme and have worked as an intern at EcoBio Ltd where I gained valuable hands-on experience.

One of the things that set me apart from other applicants is my passion for biology and my dedication to making a positive impact in the world.

This drive was sparked by my achievements in school, which taught me the importance of the environment and motivated me to pursue a career in which I can make a difference.

I am excited to apply to the biology course at Oxford University because of its reputation for excellence and its commitment to providing students with a world-class education.

I believe that the University of Oxford will provide me with the knowledge and skills I need to achieve my goals and make a meaningful contribution to my field.

I am confident that my strong academic and extracurricular background, along with my passion and dedication, make me a strong fit for the course.

I am eager to join the vibrant intellectual community at Oxford and to continue pursuing my goals in biology.

Oxbridge Personal Statement Tips 

Focus on the following suggestions to write a successful personal statement for Oxbridge :

  • Start by thinking about your goals and why you want to pursue them at Oxbridge. What sparked your interest in your field of study, and how have your experiences prepared you to pursue it at a top university?
  • Reflect on your achievements and experiences. What have you accomplished that demonstrates your potential to succeed at Oxbridge? This could include academic achievements, extracurricular activities, internships, or other experiences.
  • Consider what makes you unique. What sets you apart from other applicants and makes you a strong fit for the program you’re applying to?
  • Write in a clear and concise manner, using concrete examples to illustrate your points. Avoid using overly complex language or jargon, and be sure to proofread for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Edit and proofread your personal statement carefully. It’s important to take the time to polish your statement and make sure it’s the best it can be.

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Successful Personal Statement For Classics At Oxford

Last Updated: 7th April 2022

Author: Rob Needleman

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Classics applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Oxford University. The Classics Course at Oxford involves extensive study of ancient languages, with a view to studying texts in the original.

Read on to see how this candidate managed to navigate the many disciplines and perspectives of Classics. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement:


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:

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Classics Personal Statement

Listening to operas like Handel’s Acis and Galatea, or looking at paintings like Raphael’s exquisite Triumph of Galatea, I am always reminded of Ovid’s brilliant manipulation of sources in producing stories now well ingrained in our culture – in this case transplanting the terrifying Cyclops of Odyssey 9 into a comic love triangle from Theocritus. In the Iliad, by contrast, Homer tells a deeply profound story of the cost of war, in which the humanity and inhumanity of war, presented through the sympathetic voice of the poet and the scope of the action respectively, are drawn together throughout the poem, culminating in the meeting of two tragic figures, Achilles and Priam, in Book 24. For me, however, the most moving part of the Iliad is Hector’s speech to Andromache in Book 6 when he imagines her being enslaved, because it combines the shame-driven bravery of the heroic code with an acute sense of conflicting duties, alien to most of the other characters in the poem. It is this variety in Classical literature, especially in the rich traditions of epic and mythology, that most appeals to me about Classics. In reading Classics at university I am particularly looking forward to studying more Greek tragedy, since I so enjoyed reading King Lear and Endgame at English AS-Level and the Antigone at Bryanston.

The infectious curiosity of Herodotus, the witty cynicism of Tacitus: Ancient History offers the whole range of authorial perspectives, but what struck me the most last year when I studied Ancient History for the first time was the fact that one need look no further than Plutarch’s Lives to find the whole range of personalities still found in today’s politics. An idea particularly resonant in modern politics, from Neil Kinnock to Joe Biden, is that of the ‘novus homo’, and my interest in Cicero, through studying his works at AS-Level, led me to write an article for Omnibus in which I argued that Cicero intended to publish not only the seventy-nine epistulae commendaticiae of ad Familiares 13, as suggested by Ludwig Gurlitt, but also some of the letters to Atticus.

In my Extended Project dissertation I investigated the issues surrounding the UK’s euthanasia legislation. In researching this subject I studied the views of Immanuel Kant and Jeremy Bentham, but also the opinions of more recent philosophers such as Peter Singer. I was especially impressed by Joseph Fletcher’s essay, The Cognitive Criterion of Personhood, because his clear and logical argument for defining a ‘person’, especially the criterion of one’s sense of the future, was the foundation for my argument concerning the value and sanctity of human life.

Outside the classroom I like to be involved in a lot of music, mostly singing – in which my favourite genre is Baroque oratorio – cello, and harpsichord. I recently performed in Mendelssohn’s Octet at the Cadogan Hall, and having won first prize in London’s Spring Grove Chamber Music Festival with my string quartet we are spending the money on making a CD of some of our recent repertoire. My other pursuits include some amateur journalism and representing my school in public speaking, while at home I particularly enjoy reading the books of P. G. Wodehouse and watching the 1950s films of Federico Fellini and Ingmar Bergman.

For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:

Successful Personal Statement For Natural Science (Physical) At Cambridge

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

The student clearly engages with the subject and is eager to demonstrate the knowledge they have already built in their studies. Importantly, attention is given to both classical literature and ancient history, showing that the student has well-rounded interests in their chosen subject. The student is able to talk competently about a number of classical sources and figures, but also is able to make links with current affairs, which works well. Mentioning the article that the student wrote was a strong inclusion because it shows the student took initiative and undertook an academic style activity, moving beyond what is required of them in their studies.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

The student takes some time to begin to talk about their own personal interests in Classics. The phrasing for the first half of the introductory paragraph is, for the most part, quite abstract and factual. Writing in this way can present difficulties in getting your personality across. The paragraph about the student’s extra-curricular activities would be better if the activities given attention to were linked to Classics in some way. While a wealth of extra-curricular activities may demonstrate that the student is capable of balancing their interests and their studies, it would be more impressive to show a commitment to Classics, in this instance, through these activities. Wider reading in a particular area of Classics the student finds interesting would be more relevant than who they enjoy reading or the types of film they enjoy.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

This personal statement is well written and demonstrates the student’s wealth of knowledge about Classics from the outset. At times, it sadly lacks in personality, the student talks happily about facts and concepts but does not sustain a noticeable passion throughout- resulting in a personal statement that seems at times overly factual. While by no means a bad personal statement, it would benefit from getting across at every opportunity the view that the student has a real passion for this subject and engages with it at every opportunity. The student should be the focus, not the subject.

This Personal Statement for Classics is a good example of a well-written Statement that demonstrates a wealth of knowledge and interest, vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Oxford, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

You can find more successful personal statements and our expert guides on our Free Personal Statement Resources page.

Our expert tutors are on hand to help you craft the perfect Personal Statement for your Oxford Classics application.

With our  Oxbridge Classics Premium Programme, we help you craft the perfect Personal   Statement , score highly on the CAT and teach you how to  Interview effectively .

Discover our Oxbridge Classics Premium Programme  by clicking the button below to  enrol and triple your chances of success.

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