Introduction to the Electromagnetic Spectrum

What is Electromagnetic energy?

Electromagnetic energy travels in waves and spans a broad spectrum from very long radio waves to very short gamma rays. The human eye can only detect only a small portion of this spectrum called visible light. A radio detects a different portion of the spectrum, and an x-ray machine uses yet another portion. NASA's scientific instruments use the full range of the electromagnetic spectrum to study the Earth, the solar system, and the universe beyond.

When you tune your radio, watch TV, send a text message, or pop popcorn in a microwave oven, you are using electromagnetic energy. You depend on this energy every hour of every day. Without it, the world you know could not exist.

A diagram of the electromagnetic spectrum showing the 7 regions of the spectrum (from longest to shortest wavelength):  radio waves, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma rays. Examples of radio waves include fm & am radio frequencies. Mircrowaves are used in microwave ovens and their lengths are about the size of a baseball. Infrared waves are much shorter – about the size of a thickness of paper. The heat energy that radiates off human and other animals is in the infrared region.

Our Protective Atmosphere

Our Sun is a source of energy across the full spectrum, and its electromagnetic radiation bombards our atmosphere constantly. However, the Earth's atmosphere protects us from exposure to a range of higher energy waves that can be harmful to life. Gamma rays, x-rays, and some ultraviolet waves are "ionizing," meaning these waves have such a high energy that they can knock electrons out of atoms. Exposure to these high-energy waves can alter atoms and molecules and cause damage to cells in organic matter. These changes to cells can sometimes be helpful, as when radiation is used to kill cancer cells, and other times not, as when we get sunburned.

Atmospheric Windows

Image of NASA Spacecraft RHESSI

Electromagnetic radiation is reflected or absorbed mainly by several gases in the Earth's atmosphere, among the most important being water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone. Some radiation, such as visible light, largely passes (is transmitted) through the atmosphere. These regions of the spectrum with wavelengths that can pass through the atmosphere are referred to as "atmospheric windows." Some microwaves can even pass through clouds, which make them the best wavelength for transmitting satellite communication signals.

While our atmosphere is essential to protecting life on Earth and keeping the planet habitable, it is not very helpful when it comes to studying sources of high-energy radiation in space. Instruments have to be positioned above Earth's energy-absorbing atmosphere to "see" higher energy and even some lower energy light sources such as quasars.

Next: Anatomy of an Electromagnetic Wave

National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Science Mission Directorate. (2010). Introduction to the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Retrieved [insert date - e.g. August 10, 2016] , from NASA Science website:

Science Mission Directorate. "Introduction to the Electromagnetic Spectrum" NASA Science . 2010. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. [insert date - e.g. 10 Aug. 2016]

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The image is divided horizontally by an undulating line between a cloudscape forming a nebula along the bottom portion and a comparatively clear upper portion. Speckled across both portions is a starfield, showing innumerable stars of many sizes. The smallest of these are small, distant, and faint points of light. The largest of these appear larger, closer, brighter, and more fully resolved with 8-point diffraction spikes. The upper portion of the image is blueish, and has wispy translucent cloud-like streaks rising from the nebula below. The orangish cloudy formation in the bottom half varies in density and ranges from translucent to opaque. The stars vary in color, the majority of which have a blue or orange hue. The cloud-like structure of the nebula contains ridges, peaks, and valleys – an appearance very similar to a mountain range. Three long diffraction spikes from the top right edge of the image suggest the presence of a large star just out of view.

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The Electromagnetic Spectrum

Published by Arthur Craig Modified over 5 years ago

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Lesson Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Grade Level: 8 (8-10)

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Engineers help design and create healthier tomorrows

Engineers have designed many devices and instruments that use various types of waves found in the electromagnetic spectrum, including the radio, x-ray instruments, CT scans and sterilization techniques. These devices use electromagnetic waves in different ways. To successfully design these instruments and make them safe for people to use, engineers must understand every aspect of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Through this legacy cycle lesson, students continue to gather the knowledge necessary to come up with a solution to the engineering challenge outlined in lesson 1 of this unit. Before designing a solution to a problem, engineers must conduct research and gather information—an important step of the engineering design process.

After this lesson, students should be able to:

  • Explain the relationship between the size of a wave and frequency.
  • Explain the relationship between a wave's energy and wavelength.
  • Compare all EM waves in terms of their energy and wavelengths.

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(In advance, make copies of the All About EM—Notes Outline , one per student. Also [optional], prepare to show students the attached 11-slide Electromagnetic Spectrum Presentation to accompany the lesson introduction. The slides are "animated" so you can click to show the next item when ready.)

We have already discussed the properties of light and how light interacts with objects. Today, we are going to move on and begin talking about the electromagnetic spectrum. (Show students a diagram of the electromagnetic spectrum.)

It turns out that the only type of electromagnetic radiation that we can see is visible light, which makes up only a fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum. We will begin by introducing you all to the EM spectrum and how it is organized and then we will look at the different types of waves that can be found in this spectrum, many of which will be familiar to you.

Have the students stand up with their feet close together. As they oscillate side to side have them take small steps sideways so that they stand wider. They will not be able to sway side to side as fast, as their stance gets wider. This can help relate wave size and frequency. Show the following equation on the board:

v = speed of wave (distance/time)

λ = wavelength (distance)

f = frequency of wave (1/time)

The speed of a wave depends on the material it is traveling through. The speed of an electromagnetic wave (including light) through a vacuum is always the same (300,000,000 meters per second...or 670,000,000 miles per hour! This is represented by c). Through other materials the speed varies! To find the speed of an electromagnetic wave, you only have to divide c (speed through vacuum) by the "refractive index" shown in Table 1.

Table showing Refractive the index (n) for a variety of materials.

(Next, hand out the notes outlines and present the lecture material provided in the Background section, in tandem with the slides.)

Lesson Background and Concepts for Teachers

Legacy Cycle Information : This lesson falls into the research and revise phase of the legacy cycle. During this phase, students begin to learn the basic concepts required to design solutions to the engineering challenge presented in lesson 1 of this unit. After lesson 4, students should be able to revise their initial thoughts, forming new ones that will help solve the engineering challenge.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

(The following lecture material aligns with the slides.)

Diagram shows the common wave names, wavelength (with size examples), sources, frequency (waves per second) and energy of one photon (electron volts).

Waves in the Spectrum

Radio waves have the longest wavelengths and lowest frequencies; wavelengths range from 1000s of meters to 0.001 m. (The shortest radio waves are microwaves.) Radio waves are used in RADAR (radio detection and ranging), sending sound, pictures (TV), cell phones, cooking and satellite transmissions.

Infrared waves (heat) have shorter wavelengths, from 0.001 m to 700 nm and higher frequencies (a nm is one billionth of a meter). Infrared is used to find people in the dark and in TV remotes.

Visible light is what we can see in the EM spectrum. Wavelengths of visible light range from about 700 nm (red light) to 400 nm (violet light). Visible light frequencies are higher than the frequencies of infrared waves. Notice how visible light is such a small portion of the entire spectrum.

Ultraviolet wavelengths range from about 400 nm to 10 nm; the frequency (and therefore the energy) is high enough with UV rays to penetrate living cells and cause them damage. We need UV rays to produce vitamin D in our bodies. Even though too much can lead to sunburn and skin cancer, UV rays are easily stopped by clothing. UV rays are used for sterilization of materials because they kill bacteria in high enough concentrations. Although humans cannot see UV light, bees, butterflies, some small rodents, and some birds can.

X-rays have wavelengths from 10 nm to 0.001 nm. They have enough energy to penetrate deep into tissues, but are stopped by dense materials, such as bones. Used for examining solid structures (such as looking for cracks in bones and bridges), and for cancer treatments.

Gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths (less than one trillionth of a meter: 10 to the negative 12), therefore the highest frequencies, therefore carry the most energy. These are the most damaging to tissues and can penetrate the deepest. They are hard to stop! You would need a 3–4 foot thick concrete wall to stop them. Gamma rays are released in nuclear power plants, by nuclear bombs, and by naturally occurring elements on Earth. They are sometimes used in the treatment of cancer.

As we continue to gather information—an important step of the engineering design process—we now know a lot about the electromagnetic spectrum. Tell me what you know. (Listen to student responses, adding and correcting as necessary.) What is the relationship between the size of a wave and frequency? And what about the relationship between a wave's energy and wavelength?

What do you think that engineers have done with their understanding of EM? (Listen to student ideas.) Well, engineers have designed many devices and instruments that use various types of waves found in the electromagnetic spectrum. Some examples are: radios, x-ray instruments, CT scanners and sterilization techniques. These devices use electromagnetic waves in different ways. And since, as we have learned, some waves can be powerful and dangerous, engineers must understand every aspect of the electromagnetic spectrum to make the instruments and tools safe for people to use.

electromagnetic radiation: A phenomenon that takes the form of self-propagating waves in a vacuum or matter. It is comprised of electric and magnetic field components that oscillate in phase perpendicular to each other and the direction of energy propagation. All travel the speed of light.

electromagnetic spectrum: The range of all possible frequencies of electromagnetic radiation.

Note Taking : During the lecture, have students complete the All About EM—Notes Outline and refer to it for visuals that supplement the lecture material. Then, with the notes turned over on their desks, ask students various questions that were covered in the lecture material. Evaluate students' answers to gauge their mastery of the subject.

Math Worksheet: Hand out the attached Math Worksheet .

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Browse the NGSS Engineering-aligned Physics Curriculum hub for additional Physics and Physical Science curriculum featuring Engineering.


Supporting program, acknowledgements.

This lesson was developed through Clemson University's "Engineering Fibers and Films Experience – EFF-X" Research Experience for Teachers program, funded by National Science Foundation grant no. EEC-0602040. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: March 26, 2024

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Electromagnetic Spectrum - Lesson Powerpoint and Comparison Table

Electromagnetic Spectrum - Lesson Powerpoint and Comparison Table

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"The lesson covers the properties, uses, dangers and safety measures of UV, X-ray and Gamma waves." No it does not, it is a worksheet. The ppt presentation has no information about the waves whatsoever. I will now have to use the single worksheet you've provided as a research frame. A bit disappointing considering what other sellers are offering for £2.

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This is a useful worksheet but very easy to put together yourself, I thought as this was £2 I was getting a lesson with it, the starter advertised is literally just a note on a ppt slide telling kids to put EM waves in order. Not useless but a bit disappointing to pay for.

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The Electromagnetic Spectrum: An Overview

  • There is a wide range of electromagnetic radiation in nature, and visible light is one example.
  • Radiation with the highest energy includes forms like ultraviolet radiation, x-rays, and gamma rays.
  • X-rays and gamma rays can remove electrons and cause the atom to become ionized.

Electromagnetic spectrum. Different types of electromagnetic radiation, includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. frequency, and wavelengths.

The most common form of radiation we are all familiar with is visible light. Light is energy that originates from a source and travels through space at the speed of...light! It has a particular frequency that defines its energy.

We can detect this visible radiation with our eyes. The only difference between various colors of light is in their wavelength and frequency or in other words in their energy. Red light, for example, has less energy than purple light.

An illustration of the electromagenetic spectrum

The visible part of the spectrum is only a tiny part of this wide range of energies.

As we move lower in frequency from red light, there are other familiar forms of electromagnetic radiation:

  • Signals from our cell phones
  • Radio waves

These are all forms of radiation that are invisible to our eyes and that have less energy than visible light or light of different colors .

As we move up (higher) in frequency from purple light, there are:

  • Ultraviolet (UV) radiation

These are all forms of radiation with energies much higher than visible light.

X-rays and gamma rays have enough energy that during interaction with atoms, they can remove electrons. This causes the atom to become charged or ionized. That's why we refer to this as ionizing radiation. When most people talk about radiation, they are referring to ionizing radiation.

Ionization is a unique property that other forms of radiation at lower frequencies do not have.

Frequency - How rapidly waves move or 'oscillate' up and down. The lower the frequency of the radiation, the lower its energy.

Ionizing radiation - Any radiation capable of displacing electrons from atoms, thereby producing ions. High doses of ionizing radiation may produce severe skin or tissue damage.

Ionization - The process of adding one or more electrons or removing one or more electrons. Very high temperatures, electrical discharges, or nuclear radiation can cause ionization.

Radiation - Energy in the form of particles or waves moving through space or matter. Familiar radiations are heat, light, radio waves, and microwaves. Ionizing radiation is a very high-energy form of electromagnetic radiation.

Wavelength – Distance covered by one complete cycle of the electromagnetic wave. In other words, the distance from one peak to another peak or from trough to trough in one wave. The longer the wavelength of the radiation, the lower its energy.

Radiation and Your Health

Information about what radiation is and the many sources of radiation in our lives.

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Expanding Clinical Spectrum of Anti-GQ1b Antibody Syndrome : A Review

  • 1 Department of Neurology, Korea University Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea
  • 2 Neurotology and Neuro-ophthalmology Laboratory, Korea University Anam Hospital, Seoul, South Korea
  • 3 Biomedical Research Institute, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, South Korea
  • 4 Dizziness Center, Clinical Neuroscience Center, Department of Neurology, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, South Korea
  • 5 Deparment of Neurology, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea
  • 6 Department of Neurology, Pusan National University Hospital, Pusan National University School of Medicine and Biomedical Research Institute, Pusan, South Korea

Importance   The discovery of the anti-GQ1b antibody has expanded the nosology of classic Miller Fisher syndrome to include Bickerstaff brainstem encephalitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome with ophthalmoplegia, and acute ophthalmoplegia without ataxia, which have been brought under the umbrella term anti-GQ1b antibody syndrome . It seems timely to define the phenotypes of anti-GQ1b antibody syndrome for the proper diagnosis of this syndrome with diverse clinical presentations. This review summarizes these syndromes and introduces recently identified subtypes.

Observations   Although ophthalmoplegia is a hallmark of anti-GQ1b antibody syndrome, recent studies have identified this antibody in patients with acute vestibular syndrome, optic neuropathy with disc swelling, and acute sensory ataxic neuropathy of atypical presentation. Ophthalmoplegia associated with anti-GQ1b antibody positivity is complete in more than half of the patients but may be monocular or comitant. The prognosis is mostly favorable; however, approximately 14% of patients experience relapse.

Conclusions and Relevance   Anti-GQ1b antibody syndrome may present diverse neurological manifestations, including ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, areflexia, central or peripheral vestibulopathy, and optic neuropathy. Understanding the wide clinical spectrum may aid in the differentiation and management of immune-mediated neuropathies with multiple presentations.

Read More About

Lee S , Kim H , Choi J , Choi K , Kim J. Expanding Clinical Spectrum of Anti-GQ1b Antibody Syndrome : A Review . JAMA Neurol. Published online May 13, 2024. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2024.1123

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electromagnetic spectrum


Jul 27, 2014

380 likes | 791 Views

ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM. Electromagnetic Radiation. Definition: Radiant energy emitted by all matter whose temperature is greater than absolute zero (0° K). Best known as VISIBLE LIGHT but includes radio waves and ultraviolet waves too. Light and the EM Spectrum.

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Presentation Transcript

Electromagnetic Radiation • Definition: Radiant energy emitted by all matter whose temperature is greater than absolute zero (0° K). • Best known as VISIBLE LIGHT but includes radio waves and ultraviolet waves too.

Light and the EM Spectrum • The terms light, radiation, and electromagnetic wave can all be used to explain the same concept. • Light comes in many forms. • x-rays, visible light, radio waves, etc. are all the same phenomena • By using these different wavelengths, astronomers are able to gain a lot of information on various objects Jupiter seen at different wavelengths of light tells you different things.

Light and EM Radiation • Electromagnetic Radiation can travel through empty space (without a medium). • They travel as vibrations in electrical and magnetic fields • All forms of EM radiation travel at the SAME SPEED. • Speed of Light = 300,000 Km/sec • Speed of Sound = 340 m/sec (.340 km/sec) Click here Animation: Interaction of vibrating charges

Light as Waves • One way to think about light is as a traveling wave • A wave is just a disturbance in some medium (water, air, space) • A wave travels through a medium but does not transport material • A wave can carry both energy and information

Wave Terminology • Wavelength - distance between two like points on the wave • Amplitude - the height of the wave compared to undisturbed state • Period - the amount of time required for one wavelength to pass • Frequency - the number of waves passing in a given amount of time

Electromagnetic Spectrum • Electromagnetic Spectrum—name for the range of electromagnetic waves when placed in order of increasing frequency • Click here (Animation—Size of EMwaves)

The Electromagnetic Spectrum • Human eyes see the visible part of the spectrum • Longer wavelengths includesinfrared light, microwaves, and radio • Shorter wavelengthsincludesultraviolet light, X-rays, and gamma rays • All of these are forms of electromagnetic radiation

RADIO WAVES • A. Have the longest wavelengths and lowest frequencies of all the electromagnetic waves. • B. A radio picks up radio waves through an antenna and converts it to sound waves. • C. Each radio station in an area broadcasts at a different frequency. # on radio dial tells frequency.

MRI of the Brain • MRI (MAGNETIC RESONACE IMAGING) • Uses Short wave radio waves with a magnet to create an image

Radio Waves • FM=Frequency modulation—waves travel in a straight line & through the ionosphere--lose reception when you travel out of range. • AM=Amplitude modulation—waves bounce off ionosphere can pick up stations from different cities.

MICROWAVES • Microwaves—have the shortest wavelengths and the highest frequency of the radio waves. • Used in microwave ovens. • Waves transfer energy to the water in the food causing them to vibrate which in turn transfers energy in the form of heat to the food. • Used by cell phones and pagers. • RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging) • Used to find the speed of an object by sending out radio waves and measuring the time it takes them to return.

INFRARED RAYS • Infrared= LONGER than the color red • Shorter wavelength and higher frequency than microwaves. • You can feel the longest ones as warmth on your skin • Heat lamps give off infrared waves. • Warm objects give off more heat energy than cool objects.

INFRARED RAYS Thermogram—a picture that shows regions of different temperatures in the body.

Wavelengths of Light - Visible • What we see as white light is actually made up of a continuum of components • We break white light into red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet (ROY G BIV) • Red is the LONGEST • Violet is the SHORTEST • Visible light is the Smallest section of the EM Spectrum

ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION • Referred to as UV rays • Shorter wavelength and higher frequency than visible light • Carry more energy than visible light • Used to kill bacteria. (Sterilization of equipment) • Causes your skin to produce vitamin D (good for teeth and bones) • Used to treat jaundice ( in some new born babies. • Too much can cause skin cancer. • Use sun block to protect against (UV rays)

XRAY RADIATION • Shorter wavelength and higher frequency than UV-rays • Carry a great amount of energy • Can penetrate most matter. • Bones and teethabsorb x-rays. (The light part of an x-ray image indicates a place where the x-ray was absorbed) • Too much exposure can cause cancer • (lead vest at dentist protects organs from unnecessary exposure)

GAMMA RADIATION • Shorter wavelength and higher frequency than X-rays • Carry the greatest amount of energy and penetrate the most. • Used in radiation treatment to kill cancer cells. • Can be very harmful if not used correctly.

EM Spectrum in Astronomy • If we could only observe in visible light, our knowledge of the universe would be greatly limited • By looking at objects at different wavelengths, we get a different view and lots more information • Some objects are only visible at certain wavelengths

The Sun at Different Wavelengths Visible Ultraviolet X-ray X-ray

TELESCOPES • Invented by Dutch lens maker in 1608 • Galileo: designed small 30X scope • Observed the moon and “began” the modern age of Astronomy where measurement was more important than philosophy

General types of Telescopes • Refracting (objective is a glass lens) • Reflecting (objective is a mirror) • Newtonian • Cassegrain

Problems with Earth-based telescopes • Earth’s atmosphere reflects certain wavelengths • x-rays, gamma rays and most UV light is not transmitted by our atmosphere • Earth’s atmosphere blurs images • the bending of light by the atmosphere depends on the temperature of the “air” • “twinkling of stars” (Caused by movement of air) • “Light pollution” • Solution? Put the telescope in space.

Advantages of Space Telescopes • Can collect EM wavelengths that do not penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere • Gamma rays • X-rays • Most Ultraviolet waves • Can collect all EM radiation without disruption from Earth’s atmosphere • Images MUCH sharper

Disadvantages of space-based telescopes • Expensive to launch and maintain • Difficult to repair • Short lifetime

HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE • Launched in 1990 • Mirror error fixed ‘93 • 15 yr life expectancy • Going on year 20!! • 96 minutes for 1 orbit around Earth


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Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic Spectrum

What is the electromagnetic spectrum?. It contains waves with the same speed but different frequencies and wavelengths, organized from high to low (frequency).What is it made up of?Radio waves, microwaves, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, and gamma rays. What are radio wav

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ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM. Name: ________________ Class: _________________ Index: ________________. At the end of the topic you should be able to…. state that all electromagnetic waves are transverse waves that travel with the same high speed in vacuo and state the magnitude of this speed

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

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ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM. Transverse waves created by the sun as well as electrical and magnetic energy sources and sent through the vacuum of space to Earth. EM Spectrum Diagram. Diagram. Measuring the electromagnetic spectrum. You actually know more about it than you may think!

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

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ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM. Objectives. The types of radiation Characteristics Wavelength Frequency Uses Hazards 3. Applications Understanding planetary images Understanding satellite photographs. Essential question.

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic Spectrum. Classification of objects in space, with light. More Spectrums! Emissions spectrum- Light emitting objects give off various light wavelengths (colors) based on the content of the object. . Absorption Spectrum.

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic Spectrum. Astronomy Chapter 3.1 Pages 94, 95, 99 & 100. Electromagnetic Radiation. Travel in the form of waves These waves can travel through empty space. Electromagnetic Spectrum. ER waves travel at the speed of light 300,000km per second

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic Spectrum. Open your textbooks to Page 380 “Light and Colour”. Let’s read page 382 and 383 “Energy in a Wave”. Write the definitions for the bolded terms on page 382 and 383 into your notebook You have 8 minutes...GO. Electromagnetic Spectrum.

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Electromagnetic spectrum

Electromagnetic spectrum

Electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum is a wave that only travels in one direction,. It starts off slow going to the left then goes fast when heading to the right. The importance for this wave is that it takes and measures speed its also a scale to measure earth quakes as well.

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electromagnetic Spectrum. Different Types of Light . Light is a form of energy It travels in waves Also called Electromagnetic Radiation Some Electromagnetic Radiation we can see (Visible Light), but most we cannot (Radio, Microwave, Infrared, Ultraviolet, X-Ray and Gamma Rays) .

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Electromagnetic spectrum

Electromagnetic spectrum. By: Taylor Honaker. Electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum is important because it helps us determine how fast a wave goes. The scale is organized from the slowest speeds to the fastest. Uses of the electromagnetic spectrum in every day use.

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ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM. Notes Provided by Mr. Martonik. Brief review: Water and sound waves transfer energy from one place to another - they require a medium through which to travel. They are mechanical waves. Electric field -region in which charged particles can be pushed or pulled.

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

NATURE OF LIGHT. Electromagnetic Spectrum. Electromagnetic Spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum comprise of the following: 1. Radio waves Electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths that range from hundreds of meters to less than a centimeter. Familiar due to their use in communications.

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

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ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM. By. Mr.K.V.RAO. Brief review: Water and sound waves transfer energy from one place to another - they require a medium through which to travel. They are mechanical waves. Electric field -region in which charged particles can be pushed or pulled.

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Electromagnetic spectrum

Electromagnetic spectrum. Visible light. Visible light. λ ≈ 700 nm. λ ≈ 420 nm. Ultraviolet waves. λ ≈ 700 - 420 nm. Ultraviolet waves. λ ≈ 700 - 420 nm. λ ≈ 10 – 100 nm. X-rays. λ ≈ 700 - 420 nm. λ ≈ 10 – 100 nm. X-rays. λ ≈ 700 - 420 nm. λ ≈ 10 – 100 nm. λ ≈ 1 – 0.01 nm.

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

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Electromagnetic Spectrum

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  2. The Electromagnetic Spectrum

    powerpoint presentation on electromagnetic spectrum

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    powerpoint presentation on electromagnetic spectrum

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    powerpoint presentation on electromagnetic spectrum

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    powerpoint presentation on electromagnetic spectrum

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    powerpoint presentation on electromagnetic spectrum


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  1. Electromagnetic-Spectrum-PowerPoint.ppt

    Electromagnetic radiation has properties of waves but also can be thought of as a stream of particles. Light as a wave: Light behaves as a transverse wave which we can filter using polarized lenses. Electromagnetic Spectrum—name for the range of electromagnetic waves when placed in order of increasing frequency. RADIO WAVES.

  2. Electromagnetic Spectrum

    Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum longer than infrared light. This is used for long distance communication. Radios, TV, and wi fi have a wavelength that is longer than visible light and frequency is lower than visible light. Wavelength becomes shorter as we move to the right.

  3. The Electromagnetic Spectrum

    J. Jan Parker. Technology Entertainment & Humor. 1 of 24. The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  4. Electromagnetic Spectrum PowerPoint, Physical Science

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  5. Electromagnetic spectrum

    The electromagnetic spectrum represents the range of electromagnetic radiation from low energy, long wavelength radio waves to high energy, short wavelength gamma rays.

  6. The Electromagnetic Spectrum

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  7. Introduction to the Electromagnetic Spectrum

    Introduction to the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Electromagnetic energy travels in waves and spans a broad spectrum from very long radio waves to very short gamma rays. The human eye can only detect only a small portion of this spectrum called visible light. A radio detects a different portion of the spectrum, and an x-ray machine uses yet another ...

  8. An introduction to the Electromagnetic Spectrum

    An introduction to the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Objective: To understand that there are seven main types of electromagnetic waves, classified according to their wavelengths. Outcomes: Recall the seven types of EM radiation in order. Describe typical uses of different types of EM radiation. Report this resource to let us know if it violates our ...

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    The Electromagnetic Spectrum longest wavelength shortest wavelength The Electromagnetic Spectrum The name given to a group of energy waves that are mostly invisible and can travel through empty space Shorter waves have more energy and longer waves have less energy ... Download ppt "The Electromagnetic Spectrum" Similar presentations . ENERGY ...

  11. Lesson Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum

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  12. PPT

    The Electromagnetic Spectrum. An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use and may not be sold / licensed / shared on other websites without getting consent from its author. Download presentation by click this link.

  13. PPT

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  16. Electromagnetic Waves & EM Spectrum Presentation PPT with Student

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    pptx, 53.78 KB. This is a lesson on the Electromagnetic Spectrum based on the new Trilogy Specification. The lesson covers the properties, uses, dangers and safety measures of UV, X-ray and Gamma waves. The PowerPoint contains a starter, objective and graded success criteria. The A3 comparison table is to be used by the students during the ...

  18. Electromagnetic spectrum

    5. The electromagnetic waves are grouped into types that have similar wavelengths and so have similar properties. Electromagnetic waves form a continuous series in order of changing wavelength, frequency and energy. This series is called the electromagnetic spectrum. gamma raysX-raysultraviolet visible lightinfraredmicrowaves radio waves 0.01nm100nm 1nm0.01mm1mm10cm100m smaller wavelength ...

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    Presentation Transcript. Electromagnetic Radiation: Quick Facts • There are different types of EM radiation, visible light is just one of them • EM waves can travel in vacuum, no medium needed • The speed of EM radiation "c" is the same for all types and very high ( light travels to the moon in 1 sec.) • The higher the frequency ...

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  22. ACC Commander: Dominance in electromagnetic spectrum is not optional

    The mission of the 350th SWW is to deliver adaptive and cutting-edge electromagnetic spectrum capabilities that provide the warfighter a tactical and strategic competitive advantage and freedom to attack, maneuver, and defend. (U.S. Air Force photo by Capt. Benjamin Aronson) Photo Details / Download Hi-Res. 240412-F-DT029-1027 ...

  23. Electromagnetic Spectrum (#EM SPECTRUM)

    19. REFERENCE CARD The EM spectrum is the ENTIRE range of EM waves in order of increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength. As you go from left right, the wavelengths get smaller and the frequencies get higher. This is an inverse relationship between wave size and frequency.

  24. PPT

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    Electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic spectrum. The electromagnetic spectrum is a wave that only travels in one direction,. It starts off slow going to the left then goes fast when heading to the right. The importance for this wave is that it takes and measures speed its also a scale to measure earth quakes as well. 141 views • 4 slides

  27. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Electromagnetic Radiation • Definition: Radiant energy emitted by all matter whose temperature is greater than absolute zero (0° K). • Best known as VISIBLE LIGHT but includes radio waves and ultraviolet waves too. Light and the EM Spectrum • The terms light, radiation, and electromagnetic wave can all be used to ...