zomato company presentation

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“One of the nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.” – Unknown

We celebrated our 11th anniversary on the 10th of July. Continuing the tradition we started last year, we marked it by sharing meals with the underprivileged in our communities. Thousands of Zomans and Feeding India Hunger Heroes distributed over 100,000 healthy and hygienic meals across 11 countries. Our company-wide Town Hall on the same day was made extra special because some of our highest performing delivery partners joined us with their families, to share their stories. It was humbling to hear how transformative financial independence has been for our delivery partners; and how Zomato has impacted their lives.

Every anniversary makes us proud of what we have achieved yet, acutely aware of how much there is left to do. Overall, we feel lucky and grateful to be building a business in the world of food. The impact we can make is humungous, and there is so much to do to further our vision of ‘better food for more people’. 

The quality of our business has come a long way in the last six months, and we are proud to share the results with you.

Business Performance

In the last six months, we had put two audacious goals ahead of us, and worked our strategy and execution backwards from there. We said we will shoot for market leadership, and simultaneously steer the business towards a more sustainable P&L.

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Let’s dive into the three business segments that we operate in – 

  • Food Delivery 2. Dining Out and 3. Sustainability.

Food Delivery

“Who earns more, a fresher at a software services company, or a food delivery agent?” – a recent question on Quora

The food delivery business surprises us every day. Each time that we think we have reached a new peak, we find yet another one to conquer. In April ‘19, we were in 200 cities. Today, we offer our food delivery service in over 500 cities across India, and are contribution margin positive across the country.

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Our order volumes in top 15 cities have doubled in the last 12 months; while the remaining cities already contribute 35% to our order volumes.

Our food@work business is growing well, and some very large accounts are slated to go live soon. We are already doing ~3m orders a month for food@work (this is in addition to the orders reported in the chart above).

We are very excited to change the paradigm of food, as we continue to let every town in India get a taste of Zomato.

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We expect the trends across all these charts to continue looking better in the future.

Our delivery partners are the backbone of our operations. Their hard work and determination is what drives this sector forward, and we are proud to be working with 200k+ delivery partners – to create an unprecedented number of jobs, and social impact.

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Areas of urgent concern in the food delivery business – As our order volumes go up, the amount of plastic packaging waste we generate goes up proportionally. We will put in a coordinated effort to reduce/eliminate the use of plastic in deliveries made by Zomato and lower our carbon footprint significantly.

“Together, we can help make sure that every family that walks into a restaurant can make an easy, healthy choice.” – Michelle Obama

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All our services – listings, reviews, and table reservations are geared towards finding new experiences and making them yours.

The number of restaurant listings globally on Zomato has grown from 1.2m in Sep 2018 to 1.5m in Sep 2019. Half of this increase comes from India alone – this huge increase is testament to the pace at which restaurants are mushrooming all over India, and grabbing share from home kitchens.

Table reservations – we’ve grown from 800k booked covers in Jan 2019 to 1.3m+ booked covers in Sep 2019 – organically and with zero investment.

Gold takes the Zomato experience one notch further – from discovery to loyalty. We now have 1.4m members world wide on Zomato Gold; who are using their privileges more than thrice a month. Gold is a niche, but large loyalty program. Having said that, so far, less than 5% restaurants participate in Zomato Gold, and less than 5% of our MAUs are Gold members. There’s so much headroom to grow here.

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From a restaurateur point of view, Gold is not for everyone. We always encourage restaurants to determine if participating in Zomato Gold makes commercial sense for them. Some restaurant owners in India campaigned against Zomato Gold last month (#logout campaign); we engaged with the restaurant owner community and rolled out some changes to the program that were widely accepted by most restaurants, as well as users – thus creating more balance in the program. A number of restaurants who have returned to Zomato Gold post these changes have seen a 100% increase in revenue.

At the start of the ‘logout’ campaign, we had ~6,100 restaurants in India on Zomato Gold (for Dining Out); as of today, we have ~6,300 restaurants in India on Gold (for Dining Out). In addition to that, we have 10,000 restaurants that are participating in recently launched Zomato Gold for delivery (more on how successful this has been in a few weeks). The number of restaurants participating in Gold outside of India stands at 6,500. A third party report (by Redseer) validated much of our belief in Gold. The report shows that – • 90% of Zomato Gold members try out new restaurants because of the program, thus leading to new trials for participating restaurants • Gold increases the total size of the restaurant industry. The frequency of dining out for Gold members has increased from 2.8 to 3.3 times/month post Gold membership The survey also showed that the impact on restaurants has been positive – • Gold Partners have witnessed ~35% average growth in bill volumes after partnering with Zomato Gold • Partners report a marked increase in net profit due to increased utilisation


“You are what you eat eats.” – Michael Pollan (In Defense of Food)

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We set up Hyperpure to not only provide fresh and clean ingredients to our restaurant partners, but to also reduce wastage and inefficiencies in the supply chain.

In the past six months, we have successfully executed over 65,000 orders for 2,200 restaurants across Delhi and Bengaluru. On an average restaurants place 5-7orders every month, with an average order value of $100.

Our revenue from Hyperpure for H1 stands at $6.5m (compared to zero in H1 FY19) with a hearty FY20 projection (10x growth🌲).

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NEW – In July, we started collecting used cooking oil (UCO) from restaurants, processing it in our facilities and delivering it to biodiesel manufacturing facilities. The fuel thus created, emits 75 per cent less carbon than diesel/petrol. We collect ~130 tonnes of used oil per month, from 1000+ kitchens in Delhi NCR, and will expand operations to five more cities this October. We expect this to grow very fast, create a lot of positive environmental impact, and be a significant contributor to the Indian government’s goals for bio-diesel production.

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This January, Zomato and Feeding India ‘s association gave birth to The Feeding Foundation – moving from a primarily philanthropic relationship to a deeply collaborative alliance. While Feeding India continues to remain a non profit – managing their own finances, data, infrastructure and strategy; Zomato’s expertise in consumer tech and deep understanding of the food ecosystem will play a key part in the Feeding Foundation’s goal of designing interventions to eliminate hunger and food wastage globally.

Feeding India distributed 78,300 monthly meals to the underprivileged in the first month of this year. This figure has now skyrocketed to over 1.6m meals a month in September 2019 . Feeding India now has 22,500+ volunteers in 95 cities, up from 8,500 volunteers in 54 cities in Jan ’19.

In the last few months, we are proud to have undertaken industry leading initiatives including, but not limited to –

Paathshala Our initiative पाठशाला, began with a simple thought – create possibilities for the children of our delivery partners to invent and discover a better future. We want every one of them to adapt to a mindset of ‘I can’ by enabling them with right skills, securing them with knowledge and empowering them towards a sustainable future. We now have about 100 children across seven cities in India who attend Paathshala every Sunday.

Parental Leave Policy The first few months of parenting are a challenging time as life changes, financial pressure mounts and sleep departs. Work pressure should not be an additional burden. That is why we give 26 weeks paid leave to all new parents (men and women), so that they can enjoy the new gift of life and love. We also provide a $1000 endowment to new parents to get them off to the best start.

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Pradyot (VP Product) and his wife Himanie with their new-born-twins – Abeer (means ‘strong’) and Tahaan (means ‘merciful’). He is able to do his equal part in helping take care of their twins without any pressure of showing up at work, while making sure that his team doesn’t drop any balls at work .

Probation and notice periods We do not have probation or notice periods at Zomato. We are a company of people connected by relationships, built on trust. No policies will save a failed relationship or change an inevitable outcome of broken trust. By removing these policies our teams focus on working together and finding constructive ways to “work it out” and build mutual respect, rather than fall back on policies. Launching the Founder Program at Zomato What does a ‘founder’ mean? According to me, it just means that you have now earned the leadership team’s trust to be able to take decisions on behalf of the company. Simple, but not easy. This year, we announced Gaurav Gupta (aka GG) as a Founder of Zomato. And when that happened, some people asked me – “I like GG, but how did you decide that he should now be called a founder?” Over time, after speaking to, hearing from, and reading about other founders, I have developed a set of founder ‘values’ that I think are necessary for someone to be a good founder – Commitment – you realise that as a founder, your commitment is not only to the role you play, but to the vision and mission you share with thousands of people who work with you everyday. You value the opportunity to serve millions of people, and the responsibility that comes with being a founder. You deeply understand the commitment and sacrifices it requires to live up to the responsibility. Resilience – when we are rejected, the door before us becomes a wall. We can either push against the wall pretending it’s a door and tell ourselves those who rejected us made a mistake. Or cry on the wall, bemoaning our lack of talent. Or try to scale the wall, realising it is unyielding. Or we can walk away and look for another door. A founder finds other doors. Those new doors mean resilience. When you address uncertainty with flexibility, you exhibit resilience. Culture driver – you are an embodiment and evangelist for the company’s culture and values, both within the company and externally — to employees, customers and business partners.

Sunshine test – you are mindful of the sunshine test – i.e. everything you do should be able to stand public scrutiny.

More hits than misses – founders have strong business and people instincts and make decisions that are mostly right. People first – you prioritise your actions along the interests of the community of employees, consumers and business partners.

High standards – you uphold the highest standards for quality of work for yourself and your teams. You stay connected to details, and only have tolerance for well-intended mistakes. Personal mastery – you have a learning mindset, are intellectually honest, and are open to new ideas and change. You proactively seek feedback, take everything positively, and invest in your own learning and growth.

Eye for talent – you not only have the ability to hire people better than yourself, but also invest in converting people’s capabilities into their abilities. You bet on exceptional talent, irrespective of their age and experience and put these people at the right places where they can add the most amount of value. Go wide, and deep – founders have a reasonable amount of meaningful input for each aspect of the business; and when required, founders can quickly master any topic that they need to (irrespective of whether they like that topic or not). Self confidence – founders are fearless and comfortable to respectfully challenge decisions when they disagree. They do not submit to authority and operate from deep-rooted, mission-oriented convictions.

Ambition – you create and communicate a bold direction that inspires extraordinary action. Then you inspire people to execute and beat these goals.

Humility – you look into the mirror and take ownership for negative outcomes, whereas you look out of the window and give credit to those responsible for positive ones. Prudence – you do more with less and maximise the output of your own and your team’s work, while keeping budgets and costs as low as possible. Source of energy – a founder is a source of energy for everyone around them. Founders have to energise, and build morale around lots of stakeholders. They know that if they are drained of energy, then other people around them will also feel drained. Ignorance – founders are blindly ignorant to the challenges around the problems they’re seeking to solve. That means they think outside the box and are undeterred by the failings of those who have tried before them. This is not an exhaustive list and I can add more points to it, but in my opinion, these are the most important aspects of being in a founder’s mindset. If you zoom out and look at this list, operating with a founder’s mindset is simple, but not easy. It just needs you to detach from yourself, and bring your soul to work. Also, it is not necessary that you are in the founder’s mindset everyday; what’s important is whether the days you are in the founder’s mindset are significantly more than the days you are not. Creating the Founder Program – we formalised a program where people who have contributed to Zomato deeply; have built/scaled businesses, and have consistently demonstrated a founder’s mindset for a reasonable period of time, are acknowledged for their passion, commitment and perseverance. They should have the ability, and our trust to take decisions on behalf of the company. Every year, we will assess and announce deserving individuals as founders at Zomato. Being a founder gives you the privilege of serving our employees, our customers and our business partners from the highest possible level. It is a privilege to play a cornerstone role in building out our ambitious vision – ‘better food for more people’.

All growth begins with discomfort. Without it, there is no reason to change. We mature when we finally realise that life is not about achieving absolute peace but about effectively managing tension.

Until next time, Deepinder


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What Zomato’s $12 Billion IPO Says About Tech Companies Today

  • Vijay Govindarajan
  • Anup Srivastava

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Six qualities that define a modern tech business.

Zomato, a food delivery company, is aiming to transform the eating habits of 1.36 billion people in India. In mid-July, its initial IPO was oversubscribed 35 times, giving it a valuation of $12 billion. Despite operating a traditional food business, Zomato epitomizes a modern tech company, and its successful IPO can teach us what a modern tech company is — and what it isn’t. It can transform whole industries, achieve expansion of scale and scope at breakneck speeds, and make enormous profits, all without requiring significant capital investments. The authors present six features that make Zomato a tech company.

In mid-July, Zomato, a food delivery company, listed its shares in Indian stock markets. Its initial public offering (IPO) was oversubscribed 35 times , giving it a valuation of $12 billion . Why does a loss-making company — with no real properties or assets — command such high valuation and attract global celebrity investors like Fidelity, Morgan Stanley, Canadian Pension Fund, and the Singapore Government?

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  • Vijay Govindarajan is the Coxe Distinguished Professor at Dartmouth College’s Tuck School of Business, an executive fellow at Harvard Business School, and faculty partner at the Silicon Valley incubator Mach 49. He is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. His latest book is Fusion Strategy: How Real-Time Data and AI Will Power the Industrial Future . His Harvard Business Review articles “ Engineering Reverse Innovations ” and “ Stop the Innovation Wars ” won McKinsey Awards for best article published in HBR. His HBR articles “ How GE Is Disrupting Itself ” and “ The CEO’s Role in Business Model Reinvention ” are HBR all-time top-50 bestsellers. Follow him on LinkedIn . vgovindarajan
  • Anup Srivastava holds Canada Research Chair in Accounting, Decision Making, and Capital Markets and is a full professor at Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary. In a series of HBR articles, he examines the management implications of digital disruption. He specializes in the valuation and financial reporting challenges of digital companies. Follow Anup on  LinkedIn .

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Zomato: How is it Delivering Delicious Happiness to Your Doorsteps?

Rishabh Rathi

Rishabh Rathi , Manisha Mishra

There were days when we used to call different restaurants to place orders and again call up for corrections, directions, and reservations. Then came applications like Zomato, which reversed the whole scenario and made it extremely simple for consumers.

Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah founded Zomato in 2008, which eased the process of food delivery and eating out, with the help of which we now can enjoy the best food served by the restaurants in our locality.

Know more about Zomato's Success Story, Founders and Team, Funding and Investors, Acquisitions, Business Model, Revenue Model, Competitors, Growth in the article ahead.

Zomato - Company Highlights

Zomato - About Zomato - Industry Zomato - Founders and Team Zomato - Startup Story Zomato - Startup Launch Zomato - Mission and Vision Zomato - Name, Tagline, and Logo Zomato - Products/Services Zomato - Business Model Zomato - Revenue Model Zomato - Challenges Faced Zomato - Funding and Investors Zomato - ESOPs Zomato - Investments Zomato - Acquisitions Zomato - Growth Zomato - Partnerships Zomato - Advertisements and Social Media Campaigns Zomato - Awards and Achievements Zomato - Competitors Zomato - Future Plans

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Zomato - About

Zomato is an Indian food delivery startup restaurant aggregator. It primarily provides concrete information, menus, and user reviews of the restaurants. Along with this, Zomato also has food delivery options from partnered restaurants in the selected cities.

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Zomato - Industry

The online food delivery industry in India is anticipated to generate US $43.78 billion in revenue by 2024 , growing at a remarkable 16.95% CAGR (CAGR 2024-2028) according to Statista's study analysis.

According to growth projections, the market volume is expected to reach US $81.91 billion by 2028 , highlighting the noteworthy influence and continued growth of the online food delivery sector in India.

Zomato - Founders and Team

The founders of Zomato are Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah . Both are IIT graduates and were working with Bain & Co. in New Delhi before they came together to launch Zomato.

Deepinder Goyal (Co-Founder and CEO) and Pankaj Chaddah Co-Founder of Zomato

Deepinder Goyal

Deepinder Goyal, the Co-Founder and CEO, is an IIT Delhi alumnus. Goyal was not a good student back at school, but he eventually made his way to the prestigious IIT. After completing his graduation, Goyal was hired by Bain and Company, where he served as a Senior Associate Consultant for a little less than 4 years, after which he founded Zomato.

Deepinder Goyal has waived his salary for FY22 . This was disclosed in a regulatory filing of Zomato dated June 7, 2022 . He is also one of the sharks on Shark Tank India.

zomato company presentation

Pankaj Chaddah

Pankaj Chaddah is a BTech, Mechanical Engineering graduate from IIT Delhi. Chaddah completed his graduation and then went to join Bain and Company, where he served for two and half years before joining Deepinder to found Zomato. However, this co-founder resigned from Zomato in May 2018, where he served as a " conscience keeper and a support system during upheavals, " as he had described his role, for over 10 years. Chaddah founded Shyft (formerly Mindhouse) in November 2019, where he currently serves as a Co-Founder.

Aakriti Chopra, one of the early employees of Zomato, has been promoted to the Co-Founder position. She worked as the Chief People Officer when the promotion landed to recognize her contributions to the company. Aakriti Chopra is the wife of Albinder Dhindsa, the chief of Blinkit, and her promotion came in on June 9, 2022, with the signaling of the companies coming closer. So now, the revelation is somewhat interesting that the Zomato Co-Founder, Aakriti Chopra, is married to the Founder of Blinkit, Albinder Dhindsa.

Gaurav Gupta , who initially joined as the Global Head of the Advertising sales of Zomato and COO and was later promoted to the Co-Founder position of the platform, resigned on September 14, 2021. Gaurav headed the supply of the food-tech company.

On his parting, Gaurav Gupta had drafted a beautiful mail that he sent to everyone at Zomato with a special address to Deepinder Goyal. Zomato CEO Deepinder Goyal had not failed to reply to the touching mail.

Furthermore, Deepinder also tweeted about the exit of his co-founder, thanking him for the amazing journey they spent together. Here goes his Tweet:

Thank you @grvgpta – the last 6 years have been amazing and we have come very far. There's so much of our journey still ahead of us, and I am thankful that we have a great team and leadership to carry us forward. https://t.co/AJAmC5ie6R — Deepinder Goyal (@deepigoyal) September 14, 2021

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Zomato - Startup Story

Zomato's beginning story can be traced back to the creative minds of Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah, two IIT Delhi grads who worked in New Delhi for Bain & Company. 'Foodiebay' was developed in 2008 by them as a way to save time and streamline food access. It became the biggest restaurant directory in Delhi NCR in an astounding nine months, and it quickly spread to Mumbai and Kolkata.

Following two prosperous years, the business changed its name and became Zomato. Due to the app's ability to browse menus, read reviews, and place food orders from partner restaurants, its popularity skyrocketed, and it began to expand steadily throughout the world. Foodiebay changed its name to Zomato on January 18, 2010, and by 2019, it had grown into a major international restaurant aggregator with operations in 24 countries and more than 10,000 cities.

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Zomato - Startup Launch

When the founders launched this website, it wasn’t called Zomato back then, it was called Foodiebay. And it initially started out in Delhi, then the services were extended to cities like Mumbai and Kolkata.

With the tremendous user base and growth rates that Foodiebay brought in to the founders, they decided to modify it and take it international. That’s when this venture started being called Zomato, as we know it today. It was in 2010 when Foodiebay was officially rechristened as Zomato.

Zomato - Mission and Vision

Zomato states that their mission is "to provide better food for more people."

Zomato Co-Founder Pankaj Chaddah had declared that the vision of Zomato "is to be the global platform when someone is looking for food locally."

Zomato - Name, Tagline, and Logo

Zomato Logo

The founders changed Foodiebay to 'Zomato' to make it more prominent and easier to memorize.

Zomato - Products/Services

Some of the prominent products/services of Zomato are:

Zomato Wings: Linking Restaurants and Investors

Zomato unveiled Zomato Wings, a website that links restaurant owners and investors. Serving as a fundraising intermediary, Zomato places a strong emphasis on building a connection between restaurants and venture capital firms to promote expansion in the food sector.

Zomato AI - Revolutionizing Food Discovery

Zomato AI, an innovative AI-powered food discovery companion, is integrated into the platform to redefine how users interact with food-related services. This advanced feature offers personalized suggestions, catering to individual preferences, dietary needs, and moods, revolutionizing the dining experience.

Zomato Future Foundation

Investing in Education: Up to two children of Zomato delivery partners are financially supported by the Zomato Future Foundation, which focuses on education. The project supports employee families and provides further education scholarships for top performance, with an annual coverage of Rs 50,000 per child.

Zomato's Hyperpure

The B2B food tech vertical Hyperpure by Zomato is revolutionizing restaurant operations. With the help of this program, restaurants can purchase premium foods straight from farmers and producers, guaranteeing the consistency, quality, and freshness of their supply.

Zomato Gold

Free deliveries, VIP access during rush hours, and extra savings on dining and delivery services are all included with this exclusive Zomato Gold membership.

Zomato curates an offline carnival called Zomaland that features interactive installations, musicians, comedians, and some of the best restaurants in town. The finest of Zomato Collections are on display at this large event, which provides an immersive experience that goes beyond the screen.

Zomato's parcel delivery app, Xtreme, was released in October 2023 and allows retailers to send and receive tiny parcels. Zomato's revenue streams are diversified and its services are expanded beyond food delivery through Xtreme's utilization of its vast network of delivery partners.

Zomato - Business Model

Zomato's business model is a shining example of innovation and change in the food technology industry. Zomato is an international restaurant aggregator and food delivery company based in India that has completely changed how people find restaurants and order food.

Originally established as a restaurant discovery platform, Zomato swiftly evolved to encompass a broader spectrum of services, including food delivery and table reservations. Its success is ascribed to the skillful fusion of state-of-the-art technology, effective logistics, and a user-centric mindset. Zomato's business model is multidimensional, encompassing many revenue streams and services, which together form a comprehensive ecosystem within the food and restaurant industry.

Zomato is a powerful player in the fast-paced food delivery and restaurant aggregation business. It operates in a highly competitive environment both locally and abroad. Its tenacity, diversification, and skillful use of technology have cemented its position.

Zomato - Revenue Model

Zomato makes revenue from different resources; some of the prominent ones are:

Primary Revenue Source: Zomato's primary source of revenue is the channel it offers for businesses to place their advertisements on the platform.

Commission-Based Plan: Zomato charges restaurants a fee to be included on its platform and to process orders. Its business plan is based on commissions.

Zomato Pro membership: Through the Zomato Pro membership program (previously Zomato Gold), a loyalty program that offers members access to special privileges and services, Zomato increases its revenue.

To help the restaurant sector, we will also forego the payment gateway charges incurred on all such orders. We have already seen more than 200% increase in takeaway order volume in the last few months. [2/n] — Deepinder Goyal (@deepigoyal) November 18, 2020

Zomato commission-free takeaway service for restaurant partners

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Zomato - ESOPs

According to a news story from August 2023, Zomato announced in a BSE filing that it has granted employee stock option plans (ESOP) worth Rs 2.52 crore to a subset of its workers as well as employees of its subsidiaries.

Zomato has distributed equity shares worth around 10.65 crore through various employee stock option programs (ESOPs). According to an exchange statement, the business stated that 10,64,69,448 fully paid-up shares had been allotted under the Zomato Employee Stock Option Plans of 2018, 2021, and 2022 by its board, as per the news report of November 2023.

According to a news source dated February 8, 2024, Zomato reported in an exchange filing that its board has approved the allotment of 10,88,68,081 equity shares with a face value of Rs 1.

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Zomato - Challenges Faced

Throughout its progress, Zomato encountered numerous obstacles that called for calculated solutions. One of the biggest challenges was trying to incorporate every restaurant in all of the major cities so that customers could have access to the best local eating alternatives. This goal, which has remained constant since the company's founding, needs constant work.

Critical obstacles that Zomato faced included possible business losses as a result of relationships being negatively impacted by growing commissions, investor exits having an influence on its captable, and share price declines subsequent to the acquisition of Blinkit. The Competition Commission of India (CCI) investigated the company for alleged unfair trading practices, focusing on problems including deep discounting and hefty fees.

Zomato has had to deal with controversy, including the #Logout campaign that restaurants started because of their profit margins. Threats to cybersecurity, a significant cyberattack in 2017, and problems with customer service, including the #RejectZomato incident, highlighted the company's need to deal with a variety of difficulties.

Notwithstanding these obstacles, Zomato demonstrated tenacity by modifying its business plans and operations, rebranding, cutting back on services, and addressing legal issues while highlighting its dedication to expansion and advancement.

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Zomato - Funding and Investors

To date, Zomato has raised close to $3 billion in funding over 23 funding rounds.

Here is a list of all the funding rounds of Zomato:

Zomato - Investments

Zomato has invested in 14 companies to date.

Here is a list of the major investments done by Zomato:

Zomato has exited from two companies: blinkit and Grab.

Zomato - Acquisitions

Zomato has acquired 15 companies to date.

Here's a list of the Zomato acquisitions:

Zomato - Growth

Zomato has grown far and wide ever since it brought the disruptive idea of food delivery into the Indian ecosystem of startups .

Here's a look at Zomato's growth highlights:

  • By 2011, Zomato had successfully established a monopoly in Delhi, NCR, and had moved to other Indian cities like Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, and Ahmedabad.
  • Zomato also kept up with the smartphone boom and timely launched its mobile application. This greatly contributed to its growth.
  • By 2012, Zomato had begun its overseas operations, full-fledged in countries like the UAE, Sri Lanka, Qatar, the United Kingdom, the Philippines, and South Africa.
  • In 2013, it added Turkey, Brazil, and New Zealand to its ever-growing list of expansions.
  • In 2017, Zomato claimed that it was operating profitably in all 24 countries, along with rolling out a zero-commission model. The company claimed that its revenue grew by 81% in this particular year.
  • In the same year, the online ordering services of the company crossed the mega milestone of 3 million orders per month . Zomato proudly boasts of serving 1.5+ million orders in a day .
  • Zomato delivered its 1 billion order in July 2021.
  • Zomato had 226,000 average monthly active food delivery restaurant partners .
  • Zomato had   352,000 average monthly delivery partners .
  • It had 647 million orders and 58 million customers in fiscal year FY23.
  • It served more than 800 cities in the same year.
OMG! 2 million orders! First time in a single day. Three more hours to go... https://t.co/ahODGjXWdF pic.twitter.com/2omWRQSRve — Deepinder Goyal (@deepigoyal) December 31, 2021

Zomato Financials

As per the news report of February 8, 2024, below are the financials of Zomato for Quarter Q3 FY24:

Zomato total expenses rises from Rs 6,205 crore in FY22 to Rs 8,775 crore in FY23.

Zomato - Partnerships

Being active since 2008, Zomato has also seen a lot of partnerships with a diverse range of national and international companies, including restaurants, cafes, fintech companies, and more. To mention some of the prominent partnerships of Zomato are:

  • Zomato has partnered with the government of India for a street food project on February 5, 2021.
  • Zomato joined hands with InCred to extend credit facilities to restaurant partners on December 21, 2020.
  • Zomato collaborated with RBL Bank on March 2, 2020, to launch the "Edition Credit Card," powered by Mastercard.
  • Zomato and BioD Energy collaborated to reduce the wastage of cooking oil in the country on October 21, 2019.
  • The company partnered with Paytm to expand its food ordering business online in India on January 18, 2019.

Zomato - Advertisements and Social Media Campaigns

Zomato Campaign

Zomato's digital campaign, #zomatoloot, is causing a stir on the internet thanks to its creative marketing approach. Zomato addresses consumers weary of seeing the same old YouTube advertisements for "creamy pasta" and "butter chicken," and presents an option for interaction.

By encouraging people to make advertisements they would actually enjoy viewing, the campaign upends the status quo in the advertising industry. Zomato is well known for its meal delivery services, but it has also made a name for itself with clever slogans and creative advertising campaigns. This campaign demonstrates the brand's capacity to use creativity to engage consumers in ways that go beyond its main service offering.

Zomato - Awards and Achievements

Zomato has won a range of prestigious awards throughout the years. The food tech giant even bagged the top honors at the seventh edition of The Economic Times Startup Awards , including the Startup of the Year award in 2021 .

Zomato - Competitors

Though Zomato is very predominantly present in the industry, it does face a lot of direct and indirect competition. Zomato faces direct competition from Swiggy , and competition from other players, including:

  • TravelKhana

Some of the other international competitors of Zomato are:

  • Grubhub Inc.

Zomato - Future Plans

Zomato plans to use its wide network of restaurant partners to its advantage as it enters the catering industry. Zomato wants to get into the large-order service industry, as indicated by this strategic plan that was announced by a senior executive in December 2023.

With the use of its well-established platform, the large food delivery company hopes to expand its customer base and provide new services. This action is in line with Zomato's future goals to investigate uncharted territory and offer a wide range of services in addition to standard meal delivery.

What does Zomato do?

Zomato is a foodtech company , which helps users scan through the restaurants and eateries in their town, book reservations, share reviews, opt for home deliveries from them, and more.

Who are the Founders/Owners of Zomato?

The founders of Zomato are Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah.

When was Zomato founded?

Zomato was founded in 2008 by Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah in Gurgaon, Haryana India.

Where did Zomato start?

Zomato started in Delhi NCR and is currently headquartered in Gurgaon , Haryana.

What is Zomato South Africa?

Zomato South Africa Proprietary (Pty) Ltd. was a Zomato subsidiary that operated in South Africa. However, Zomato South Africa was shut down by Zomato in January 2022.

How does Zomato make Money?

The main source of revenue is the advertisements channel that the portal offers to display. This accounts for most of its revenue followed by the commissions that it charges to the restaurants. It works on a Commission Business Model .

Is Zomato an Indian Company?

Yes. Zomato is headquartered in Gurgaon, Haryana, India.

What is the Zomato profit?

Zomato hasn't been profitable yet. In FY23, the company reported net losses amounting to Rs 971 crore.

What number of orders per day does Zomato deliver?

Looking at the Zomato number of orders per day, we can safely conclude that the foodtech delivers over 1.5 million orders daily.

Will Zomato-blinkit merger happen?

Zomato had finally acquired Blinkit in an all-stock deal worth $568 million on June 24, 2022, when its board approved the transaction.

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Zomato investor funding elevator pitch deck ppt template

Zomato is an Indian multinational restaurant aggregator and food delivery startup created in 2008 by Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah. Zomato offers restaurant information, menus, and user ratings, as well as food delivery services from partner restaurants in various cities. Pitch deck is specifically designed to present short summary of Zomato showing general overview of the company and company outline, what does company do and some statistics related to the company. Also, this powerpoint presentation provides information about Zomatos core competency, value proposition, business model of the Zomato, history and customer experience details of Zomato. Additionally, this pitch deck provides details on social media following of the company, valuable customers of the company, competitor analysis, SWOT analysis and best practices that are followed by the company.

Zomato investor funding elevator pitch deck ppt template

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  1. Financial Reports & Presentations :: Zomato

    Are you interested in Zomato's financial performance and outlook? Visit the Financial Reports & Presentations page to access the latest quarterly and annual reports, investor presentations, and earnings call transcripts. Learn how Zomato is growing its revenue, expanding its reach, and enhancing its value proposition.

  2. Investor Relations :: Zomato

    Zomato is a leading online food delivery and restaurant discovery platform that operates in 24 countries. If you are interested in its financial performance, growth strategy, and market insights, visit its Investor Relations page to access its annual reports, presentations, and stock information.

  3. Zomato presentation

    Zomato presentation - Download as a PDF or view online for free. ... (Jeff Funk) course entitled Biz Models for Hi-Tech Products to analyze the business model for Zomato, a food discovery site that is transforming the global restaurant business and that is a member of the WSJ's billion dollar startup club. Not only does it connect users and ...

  4. Understanding Zomato and its business model

    9. GROWTH (PAST 3 YEARS) • India's online food business segment reached as high as USD 750 million in 2017 to USD 1580 million in 2019 • Registered a YOY revenue growth of 150% (2018 and 2019) • Zomato is the leader with sales revenue of approximately INR 3.33 billion, followed by Swiggy at INR 1.33 billion and Foodpanda at INR 0.62 billion as of 2018.

  5. Zomato Business Model

    The Zomato business model represents innovation and transformation in the food technology industry. The company is an Indian multinational restaurant aggregator and food delivery company. As a pioneering force in the food delivery and restaurant discovery industries, Zomato has revolutionized how people interact with dining options and culinary experiences.

  6. Zomato

    Zomato (/ z oʊ m ɑː t oʊ /) is an Indian multinational restaurant aggregator and food delivery company. It was founded by Deepinder Goyal and Pankaj Chaddah in 2008. Zomato provides information, menus and user-reviews of restaurants as well as food delivery options from partner restaurants in more than 1,000 Indian cities and towns, as of 2022-23. Zomato rivals Swiggy in food delivery ...

  7. Zomato H1 FY2020 Report

    We said we will shoot for market leadership, and simultaneously steer the business towards a more sustainable P&L. Revenue in the first six months of FY2020 has exceeded our last year's (like to like) annual revenue. Loss - our monthly burn rate is down to 60% of what it was six months ago.

  8. What Zomato's $12 Billion IPO Says About Tech Companies Today

    Zomato, a food delivery company, is aiming to transform the eating habits of 1.36 billion people in India. In mid-July, its initial IPO was oversubscribed 35 times, giving it a valuation of $12 ...

  9. Zomato Presentation for Strategic Management

    Zomato Presentation for Strategic Management. Mar 13, 2020 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 3 likes • 2,511 views. AI-enhanced description. S. ShashwatRastogi3. This document provides information about Group 5's project on the consumer services industry. It discusses the origin of the industry when division of labor became commonplace.

  10. Zomato's Growth Story of Delivering Happiness at the Doorsteps!

    Zomato's business model is multidimensional, encompassing many revenue streams and services, which together form a comprehensive ecosystem within the food and restaurant industry. Zomato is a powerful player in the fast-paced food delivery and restaurant aggregation business. It operates in a highly competitive environment both locally and abroad.

  11. Indian food guide Zomato expands globally from 2008 origins

    Zomato is an Indian company that started in 2008 as Foodiebay, providing restaurant information and user reviews. It expanded globally in 2012 by acquiring similar companies. The company offers features like menus, photos, ratings and reviews, online ordering and payments. Deepinder Goyal co-founded Zomato after seeing demand for menus at his ...

  12. PDF Q3FY23 (Quar ter ending December 31, 2022)

    1,482 million for the quarter and nine months ended December 31, 2022 and in respect of one subsidiary whose financial results reflects total revenue of Rs. 2,060 million and Rs. 2,834 for the quarter ended December 31, 2022 and for the period from August 10, 2022 to December 31, 2022, total loss after tax of Rs.

  13. ESG Initiatives

    The Investor Relations page contains information about Zomato's business for stockholders, potential investors, and financial analysts. By using this site you agree to Zomato's use of cookies to give you a personalised experience. Please read the cookie policy for more information or to delete/block them. Accept

  14. Zomato Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck Ppt Template

    Also, this powerpoint presentation provides information about Zomatos core competency, value proposition, business model of the Zomato, history and customer experience details of Zomato. Additionally, this pitch deck provides details on social media following of the company, valuable customers of the company, competitor analysis, SWOT analysis ...

  15. What's The Story Of Zomato: Origin, Journey And Evolution

    2019 And Beyond For Zomato. In terms of numbers, Zomato recorded a 225% rise in revenue in the first half of FY2020. According to the company's biannual report, it has registered $205 Mn in ...

  16. Zomato PPT

    zomato_ppt (2) - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. zomato business model

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    Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for PENOPLAST.RU, OOO of Elektrostal, Moscow region. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.

  18. Metallurgicheskii Zavod Electrostal AO Company Profile

    Metallurgicheskii Zavod Electrostal AO (Russia) In 1993 "Elektrostal" was transformed into an open joint stock company. The factory occupies a leading position among the manufacturers of high quality steel. The plant is a producer of high-temperature nickel alloys in a wide variety. It has a unique set of metallurgical equipment: open induction ...

  19. SOYUZ, TOO Company Profile

    Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for SOYUZ, TOO of Elektrostal, Moscow region. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet.

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