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  • J Adv Med Educ Prof
  • v.4(4); 2016 Oct

Effective Teaching Methods in Higher Education: Requirements and Barriers

Nahid shirani bidabadi.

1 Psychology and Educational Sciences School, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran;


Amir rouhollahi.

2 Department of English, Management and Information School, Isfahan University of Medical Science, Isfahan, Iran;


3 Quality Improvement in Clinical Education Research Center, Education Development Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran


Teaching is one of the main components in educational planning which is a key factor in conducting educational plans. Despite the importance of good teaching, the outcomes are far from ideal. The present qualitative study aimed to investigate effective teaching in higher education in Iran based on the experiences of best professors in the country and the best local professors of Isfahan University of Technology.

This qualitative content analysis study was conducted through purposeful sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten faculty members (3 of them from the best professors in the country and 7 from the best local professors). Content analysis was performed by MAXQDA software. The codes, categories and themes were explored through an inductive process that began from semantic units or direct quotations to general themes.

According to the results of this study, the best teaching approach is the mixed method (student-centered together with teacher-centered) plus educational planning and previous readiness. But whenever the teachers can teach using this method confront with some barriers and requirements; some of these requirements are prerequisite in professors' behavior and some of these are prerequisite in professors’ outlook. Also, there are some major barriers, some of which are associated with the professors’ operation and others are related to laws and regulations. Implications of these findings for teachers’ preparation in education are discussed.


In the present study, it was illustrated that a good teaching method helps the students to question their preconceptions, and motivates them to learn, by putting them in a situation in which they come to see themselves as the authors of answers, as the agents of responsibility for change. But training through this method has some barriers and requirements. To have an effective teaching; the faculty members of the universities should be awarded of these barriers and requirements as a way to improve teaching quality. The nationally and locally recognized professors are good leaders in providing ideas, insight, and the best strategies to educators who are passionate for effective teaching in the higher education. Finally, it is supposed that there is an important role for nationally and locally recognized professors in higher education to become more involved in the regulation of teaching rules.


Rapid changes of modern world have caused the Higher Education System to face a great variety of challenges. Therefore, training more eager, thoughtful individuals in interdisciplinary fields is required ( 1 ). Thus, research and exploration to figure out useful and effective teaching and learning methods are one of the most important necessities of educational systems ( 2 ); Professors have a determining role in training such people in the mentioned field ( 3 ). A university is a place where new ideas germinate; roots strike and grow tall and sturdy. It is a unique space, which covers the entire universe of knowledge. It is a place where creative minds converge, interact with each other and construct visions of new realities. Established notions of truth are challenged in the pursuit of knowledge. To be able to do all this, getting help from experienced teachers can be very useful and effective.

Given the education quality, attention to students’ education as a main product that is expected from education quality system is of much greater demand in comparison to the past. There has always been emphasis on equal attention to research and teaching quality and establishing a bond between these two before making any decision; however, studies show that the already given attention to research in universities does not meet the educational quality requirements.

Attention to this task in higher education is considered as a major one, so in their instruction, educators must pay attention to learners and learning approach; along with these two factors, the educators should move forward to attain new teaching approaches. In the traditional system, instruction was teacher-centered and the students’ needs and interests were not considered. This is when students’ instruction must change into a method in which their needs are considered and as a result of the mentioned method active behavior change occurs in them ( 4 ). Moreover, a large number of graduated students especially bachelor holders do not feel ready enough to work in their related fields ( 5 ). Being dissatisfied with the status quo at any academic institution and then making decision to improve it require much research and assistance from the experts and pioneers of that institute. Giving the aforementioned are necessary, especially in present community of Iran; it seems that no qualitative study has ever been carried out in this area drawing on in-depth reports of recognized university faculties; therefore, in the present study the new global student-centered methods are firstly studied and to explore the ideas of experienced university faculties, some class observations and interviews were done. Then, efficient teaching method and its barriers and requirements were investigated because the faculty ideas about teaching method could be itemized just through a qualitative study.

The study was conducted with a qualitative method using content analysis approach. The design is appropriate for this study because it allows the participants to describe their experiences focusing on factors that may improve the quality of teaching in their own words. Key participants in purposeful sampling consist of three nationally recognized professors introduced based on the criteria of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (based on education, research, executive and cultural qualifications) and seven other locally recognized professors according to Isfahan University of Technology standards and students votes. The purposive sampling continued until the saturation was reached, i.e. no further information was obtained for the given concept. All the participants had a teaching experience of above 10 years ( Table 1 ). They were first identified and after making appointments, they were briefed about the purpose of the study and they expressed their consent for the interview to be performed. The lack of female nationally recognized professors among respondents (due to lack of them) are restrictions of this research.

The participants’ characteristics

ParticipantsAge (years)GenderWorking history (years)Working fields
362Male25Civil engineering
962Male24Materials engineering

The data were collected using semi-structured in-depth interviews. Interviews began with general topics, such as “Talk about your experiences in effective teaching” and then the participants were asked to describe their perceptions of their expertise. Probing questions were also used to deeply explore conditions, processes, and other factors that the participants recognized as significant. The interview process was largely dependent on the questions that arose in the interaction between the interviewer and interviewees.

In the process of the study, informed consent was obtained from all the participants and they were ensured of the anonymity of their responses and that the audio files will be removed after use; then, after obtaining permission from the participants, the interview was recorded and transcribed verbatim immediately. The interviews were conducted in a private and quiet place and in convenient time. Then, verification of documents and coordination for subsequent interviews were done. The interviews lasted for one hour on average and each interview was conducted in one session with the interviewer’s notes or memos and field notes. Another method of data collection in this study was an unstructured observation in the educational setting. The investigator observed the method of interactions among faculty members and students. The interviews were conducted from November 2014 to April 2015. Each participant was interviewed for one or two sessions. The mean duration of the interviews was 60 minutes. To analyze the data, we used MAXQDA software (version 10, package series) for indexing and charting. Also, we used qualitative content analysis with a conventional approach to analyze the data. The data of the study were directly collected from the experiences of the study participants. The codes, categories and themes were explored through an inductive process, in which the researchers moved from specific to general. The consequently formulated concepts or categories were representative of the participants’ experiences. In content analysis at first, semantic units should be specified, and then the related codes should be extracted and categorized based on their similarities. Finally, in the case of having a high degree of abstraction, the themes can be determined. In the conventional approach, the use of predetermined classes is avoided and classes and their names are allowed to directly come out of the data. To do so, we read the manuscripts and listened to the recorded data for several times until an overall sense was attained. Then, the manuscript was read word by word and the codes were extracted. At the same time, the interviews were continued with other participants and coding of the texts was continued and sub-codes were categorized within the general topics. Then, the codes were classified in categories based on their similarities ( 6 ). Finally, by providing a comprehensive description about the topics, participants, data collection and analysis procedures and limitations of the study, we intend to create transferability so that other researchers clearly follow the research process taken by the researchers.

To improve the accuracy and the rigor of the findings, Lincoln and Cuba’s criteria, including credibility, dependability, conformability, and transferability, were used ( 7 ). To ensure the accuracy of the data, peer review, the researchers’ acceptability, and the long and continuing evaluation through in-depth, prolonged, and repeated interviews and the colleague’s comments must be used ( 8 ). In addition, the findings were repeatedly assessed and checked by supervisors (expert checking) ( 9 ). In this research, the researcher tried to increase the credibility of the data by keeping prolonged engagement in the process of data collection. Then, the accuracy of data analysis was confirmed by one specialist in the field of qualitative research and original codes were checked by some participants to compare the findings with the participants’ experiences. To increase the dependability and conformability of data, maximum variation was observed in the sampling. In addition, to increase the power of data transferability, adequate description of the data was provided in the study for critical review of the findings by other researchers.

Ethical considerations

The aim of the research and interview method was explained to the participants and in the process of the study, informed consent was obtained from all the participants and they were ensured of the anonymity of their responses and that audio files were removed after use. Informed consent for interview and its recording was obtained.

The mean age of faculty members in this study was 54.8 years and all of them were married. According to the results of the study, the best teaching approach was the mixed method one (student-centered with teacher-centered) plus educational planning and previous readiness. Meaning units expressed by professors were divided into 19 codes, 4 categories and 2 themes. In the present study, regarding the Effective Teaching Method in Higher Education, Requirements and Barriers, the experiences and perceptions of general practitioners were explored. As presented in Table 2 , according to data analysis, two themes containing several major categories and codes were extracted. Each code and category is described in more details below.

Examples of extracting codes, categories and themes from raw data

Meaning unitCodeCategoryTheme
•Alignment with organizational strategiesPre-requisite in professors outlookRequirements
•Interest in students and trust in their abilityPre-requisite in professors outlookRequirements
•Systemic approach in higher educationPre-requisite in professors outlookRequirements
•Interest in their study fieldPre-requisite in professors outlookRequirements
•Having lesson plan, using appropriate educational strategiesPre-requisite in professors outlookRequirements
•Meta cognition training and self-assessment of students during teachingPre-requisite in professors outlookRequirements
•Using concept maps and pre organizer of teachingPre-requisite in professors outlookRequirements
•Knowledge and explanation of how to resolve problems in professional career through teaching topicsPre-requisite in professors outlookRequirements
•Documenting experiencesPre-requisite in professors' behaviorRequirements
•Having satisfactory interaction with studentsPre-requisite in professors' behaviorRequirements
•Masters' lack of notice from the benefits and how to implement accurate and complete student-centered methodsAssociated with the professorBarriers
•The lack of having a predetermined program and, if possible, creative presentation by mastersAssociated with the professorBarriers
•Do not use of educational assistantsAssociated with the professorBarriers
•Lack of interest and lack of motivation among studentsAssociated with the professorBarriers
•Masters' lack of notice from meta cognition importance and necessity of teaching it to studentsAssociated with the professorBarriers
•The requirements defined curriculum and resources in the teaching. The large number of students in classes.High volume theoretical principlesAssociated with laws and regulationsBarriers
•Do not take a problem-based learning and student-centered learning in their evaluation as a bonus for teachersAssociated with laws and regulationsBarriers

New teaching methods and barriers to the use of these methods

Teachers participating in this study believed that teaching and learning in higher education is a shared process, with responsibilities on both student and teacher to contribute to their success. Within this shared process, higher education must engage the students in questioning their preconceived ideas and their models of how the world works, so that they can reach a higher level of understanding. But students are not always equipped with this challenge, nor are all of them driven by a desire to understand and apply knowledge, but all too often aspire merely to survive the course, or to learn only procedurally in order to get the highest possible marks before rapidly moving on to the next subject. The best teaching helps the students to question their preconceptions, and motivates them to learn, by putting them in a situation in which their existing model does not work and in which they come to see themselves as authors of answers, as agents of responsibility for change. That means, the students need to be faced with problems which they think are important. Also, they believed that most of the developed countries are attempting to use new teaching methods, such as student-centered active methods, problem-based and project-based approaches in education. For example, the faculty number 3 said:

“In a project called EPS (European Project Semester), students come together and work on interdisciplinary issues in international teams. It is a very interesting technique to arouse interest, motivate students, and enhance their skills (Faculty member No. 3).”

The faculty number 8 noted another project-based teaching method that is used nowadays especially to promote education in software engineering and informatics is FLOSS (Free/Liber Open Source Software). In recent years, this project was used to empower the students. They will be allowed to accept the roles in a project and, therefore, deeply engage in the process of software development.

In Iran, many studies have been conducted about new teaching methods. For example, studies by Momeni Danaie ( 10 ), Noroozi ( 11 ), and Zarshenas ( 12 ), have shown various required methods of teaching. They have also concluded that pure lecture, regardless of any feedback ensuring the students learning, have lost their effectiveness. The problem-oriented approach in addition to improving communication skills among students not only increased development of critical thinking but also promoted study skills and an interest in their learning ( 12 ).

In this study, the professors noted that there are some barriers to effective teaching that are mentioned below:

As to the use of new methods of training such as problem-based methods or project-based approach, faculty members No. 4 and 9 remarked that "The need for student-centered teaching is obvious but for some reasons, such as the requirement in the teaching curriculum and the large volume of materials and resources, using these methods is not feasible completely" (Faculty member No. 9).

"If at least in the form of teacher evaluation, some questions were allocated to the use of project-based and problem-based approaches, teachers would try to use them further" (Faculty member No. 2).

The faculty members No. 6 and 7 believed that the lack of motivation in students and the lack of access to educational assistants are considered the reasons for neglecting these methods.

"I think one of the ways that can make student-centered education possible is employing educational assistants (Faculty member No. 6).”

"If each professor could attend crowded classes with two or three assistants, they could divide the class into some groups and assign more practical teamwork while they were carefully supervised (Faculty member No. 7).”

Requirements related to faculty outlook in an effective teaching

Having a successful and effective teaching that creates long-term learning on the part of the students will require certain feelings and attitudes of the teachers. These attitudes and emotions strongly influence their behavior and teaching. In this section, the attitudes of successful teachers are discussed.

Coordination with the overall organizational strategies will allow the educational system to move toward special opportunities for innovation based on the guidelines ( 13 ). The participants, 4, 3, 5 and 8 know that teaching effectively makes sense if the efforts of the professors are aligned with the goals of university.

"If faculty members know themselves as an inseparable part of the university, and proud of their employment in the university and try to promote the aim of training educated people with a high level of scientific expertise of university, it will become their goal, too. Thus, they will try as much as possible to attain this goal" (Faculty member No.9).

When a person begins to learn, according to the value of hope theory, he must feel this is an important learning and believe that he will succeed. Since the feeling of being successful will encourage individuals to learn, you should know that teachers have an important role in this sense ( 14 ). The interviewees’ number 1, 2, 3 and 10 considered factors like interest in youth, trust in ability and respect, as motivating factors for students.

Masters 7 and 8 signified that a master had a holistic and systematic view, determined the position of the teaching subject in a field or in the entire course, know general application of issues and determines them for students, and try to teach interdisciplinary topics. Interviewee No. 5 believed that: "Masters should be aware of the fact that these students are the future of the country and in addition to knowledge, they should provide them with the right attitude and vision" (Faculty member No.5).

Participants No. 2, 4 and 8 considered the faculty members’ passion to teach a lesson as responsible and believed that: "If the a teacher is interested in his field, he/she devotes more time to study the scriptures of his field and regularly updates his information; this awareness in his teaching and its influence on students is also very effective" (Faculty member No. 8).

Requirements related to the behavior and performance of faculty members in effective teaching

Teachers have to focus on mental differences, interest, and sense of belonging, emotional stability, practical experience and scientific level of students in training. Class curriculum planning includes preparation, effective transition of content, and the use of learning and evaluating teaching ( 15 ).

Given the current study subjects’ ideas, the following functional requirements for successful teaching in higher education can be proposed.

According to Choi and Pucker, the most important role of teachers is planning and controlling the educational process for students to be able to achieve a comprehensive learning ( 16 ).

"The fact that many teachers don’t have a predetermined plan on how to teach, and just collect what they should teach in a meeting is one reason for the lack of creativity in teaching" Faculty member No.4).

Klug and colleagues in an article entitled “teaching and learning in education” raise some questions and want the faculty members to ask themselves these questions regularly.

1- How to increase the students' motivation.

2- How to help students feel confident in solving problems.

3- How to teach students to plan their learning activities.

4- How to help them to carry out self-assessment at the end of each lesson.

5- How to encourage the students to motivate them for future work.

6- How I can give feedback to the students and inform them about their individual learning ( 14 ).

Every five faculty members who were interviewed cited the need to explain the lessons in plain language, give feedback to students, and explain the causes and reasons of issues.

"I always pay attention to my role as a model with regular self-assessment; I'm trying to teach this main issue to my students" (Faculty member No. 9).

Improving the quality of learning through the promotion of education, using pre-organizers and conceptual map, emphasizing the student-centered learning and developing the skills needed for employment are the strategies outlined in lifelong learning, particularly in higher education ( 17 ).

"I always give a five to ten-minute summary of the last topic to students at first; if possible, I build up the new lesson upon the previous one" (Faculty member No. 4).

The belief that creative talent is universal and it will be strengthened with appropriate programs is a piece of evidence to prove that innovative features of the programs should be attended to continually ( 18 ). Certainly, in addition to the enumerated powers, appropriate fields should be provided to design new ideas with confidence and purposeful orientation. Otherwise, in the absence of favorable conditions and lack of proper motivations, it will be difficult to apply new ideas ( 19 ). Teacher’s No. 3, 5 and 7 emphasized encouraging the students for creativity: "I always encourage the students to be creative when I teach a topic; for example, after teaching, I express some vague hints and undiscovered issues and ask them what the second move is to improve that process" (Faculty member No.3).

Senior instructors try to engage in self-management and consultation, tracking their usage of classroom management skills and developing action plans to modify their practices based on data. Through consultation, instructors work with their colleagues to collect and implement data to gauge the students’ strengths and weaknesses, and then use protocols to turn the weaknesses into strengths. The most effective teachers monitor progress and assess how their changed practices have impacted the students’ outcomes ( 20 ).

"It is important that what is taught be relevant to the students' career; however, in the future with the same information they have learned in university, they want to work in the industry of their country" (Faculty member No.1).

Skills in documenting the results of the process of teaching-learning cannot only facilitate management in terms of studying the records, but also provides easier access to up to date information ( 21 ). Faculty members No. 7 and 3 stressed the need for documenting learning experiences by faculty.

"I have a notebook in my office that I usually refer to after each class. Then, I write down every successful strategy that was highly regarded by students that day" (Faculty member No.3).

Developing a satisfactory interaction with students

To connect with students and impact their lives personally and professionally, teachers must be student-centered and demonstrate respect for their background, ideologies, beliefs, and learning styles. The best instructors use differentiated instruction, display cultural sensitivity, accentuate open communication, offer positive feedback on the students’ academic performance ( 20 ), and foster student growth by allowing them to resubmit assignments prior to assigning a grade ( 22 ).

"I pay attention to every single student in my class and every time when I see a student in class is not focused on a few consecutive sessions, I ask about his lack of focus and I help him solve his problem" (Faculty member No. 5).

The limitation in this research was little access to other nationally recognized university faculty members; also their tight schedule was among other limitations in this study that kept us several times from interviewing such faculties. To overcome such a problem, they were briefed about the importance of this study and then some appointments were set with them.

This study revealed the effective teaching methods, requirements and barriers in Iranian Higher Education. Teachers participating in this study believed that teaching and learning in higher education is a shared process, with responsibilities on both student and teacher to contribute to their success. Within this shared process, higher education must engage the students in questioning their preconceived ideas and their models of how the world works, so that they can reach a higher level of understanding. They believed that to grow successful people to deal with the challenges in evolving the society, most developed countries are attempting to use new teaching methods in higher education. All these methods are student-centered and are the result of pivotal projects. Research conducted by Momeni Danaei and colleagues also showed that using a combination of various teaching methods together will lead to more effective learning while implementing just one teaching model cannot effectively promote learning ( 10 ). However, based on the faculty member’s experiences, effective teaching methods in higher education have some requirements and barriers.

In this study, barriers according to codes were divided two major categories: professor-related barriers and regulation-related ones; for these reasons, the complete use of these methods is not possible. However, teachers who are aware of the necessity of engaging the student for a better understanding of their content try to use this method as a combination that is class speech presentation and involving students in teaching and learning. This result is consistent with the research findings of Momeni Danaei and colleagues ( 10 ), Zarshenas et al. ( 12 ) and Noroozi ( 11 ).

Using student-centered methods in higher education needs some requirements that according to faculty members who were interviewed, and according to the codes, such requirements for effective teaching can be divided into two categories: First, things to exist in the outlook of faculties about the students and faculties' responsibility towards them, to guide them towards effective teaching methods, the most important of which are adaptation to the organizational strategies, interest in the students and trust in their abilities, systemic approach in higher education, and interest in their discipline.

Second, the necessary requirements should exist in the faculties’ behavior to make their teaching methods more effective. This category emerged from some codes, including having lesson plan; using appropriate educational strategies and metacognition training and self-assessment of students during teaching; using concept and pre-organizer maps in training, knowledge; and explaining how to resolve problems in professional career through teaching discussion, documenting of experience and having satisfactory interaction with the students. This result is consistent with the findings of Klug et al., Byun et al., and Khanyfr et al. ( 14 , 17 , 18 ).

In addition and according to the results, we can conclude that a major challenge for universities, especially at a time of resource constraints, is to organize teaching so as to maximize learning effectiveness. As mentioned earlier, a major barrier to change is the fact that most faculty members are not trained for their teaching role and are largely ignorant of the research literature on effective pedagogy. These findings are in agreement with the research of Knapper, indicating that the best ideas for effective teaching include: Teaching methods that focus on the students’ activity and task performance rather than just acquisition of facts; Opportunities for meaningful personal interaction between the students and teachers; Opportunities for collaborative team learning; More authentic methods of assessment that stress task performance in naturalistic situations, preferably including elements of peer and self-assessment; Making learning processes more explicit, and encouraging the students to reflect on the way they learn; Learning tasks that encourage integration of information and skills from different fields ( 23 ).

In the present study, it was illustrated that a good teaching method helps the students to question their preconceptions, and motivates them to learn, by putting them in a situation in which they come to see themselves as the authors of answers and the agents of responsibility for change. But whenever the teachers can teach by this method, they are faced with some barriers and requirements. Some of these requirements are prerequisite of the professors' behavior and some of these are prerequisite of the professors’ outlook. Also, there are some major barriers some of which are associated with the professors’ behavior and others are related to laws and regulations. Therefore, to have an effective teaching, the faculty members of universities should be aware of these barriers and requirements as a way to improve the teaching quality.

Effective teaching also requires structural changes that can only be brought about by academic leaders. These changes include hiring practices reward structures that recognize the importance of teaching expertise, quality assurance approaches that measure learning processes, outcomes in a much more sophisticated way than routine methods, and changing the way of attaining university accreditation.

The nationally and locally recognized professors are good leaders in providing ideas, insight, and the best strategies to educators who are passionate for effective teaching in the higher education. Finally, it is supposed that there is an important role for nationally and locally recognized professors in higher education to become more involved in the regulation of teaching rules. This will help other university teachers to be familiar with effective teaching and learning procedures. Therefore, curriculum planners and faculty members can improve their teaching methods.


The authors would like to thank all research participants of Isfahan University of Technology (faculties) who contributed to this study and spent their time to share their experiences through interviews.

Conflict of Interest: None declared.


Research methods in teacher education: meaningful engagement through service-learning.

Dominik E. Froehlich

  • 1 Department of Education and Centre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
  • 2 Ecological Economics & RCE Vienna, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria
  • 3 Centre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

Competence in research methods is a major contribution to (future) teachers’ professionalism. In the pedagogical approach presented here, which we call the Teaching Clinic, we combine service-learning and design-based research to create meaningful learning engagements. We present two cases to illustrate the objectives, processes, and outcomes of the service-learning projects and reflect about both in terms of learning and service outcomes. This includes discussions of how this pedagogical approach led to motivation and engagement, how principles of transfer of training are obeyed, and what this means quite generally for school-university relationships.


Research skills, such as the knowledge and skills necessary to pose clear (scientific) questions, to critically review the literature, and to collect, analyze, and interpret data, are important to navigate the complexity of daily life. This is also true for teachers, where research skills and increasingly seen as important elements of professionalism ( Amirova et al., 2020 ) and the establishment of evidence-based teaching practices ( Burke et al., 2005 ). In this article, we aim to present case studies of a pedagogical approach that helps in increasing the perceived relevance of discussing methodological issues within teacher education ( Davidson and Palermo, 2015 ): the Teaching Clinic (TC).

TCs are designed as semester-long courses in which teachers in training (now “students”) collaborate with practicing teachers (now “teachers”) on pedagogical innovations in the teachers’ classrooms through design-based research ( Bakker, 2018 ). They can be seen as instances of service learning in the domain of teacher education ( Stoecker, 2016 ). TCs tackle the combined needs of students, such as the wish for more formal experiences directly in the school-context and obtaining well-transferable competences and knowledge, and teachers, who may want a more direct access to state-of-the-art knowledge and support in implementing pedagogical innovations.

The objective of this article is to present the pedagogical approach taken in the TC and to explore its outcomes in terms of research competence and service through the accounts of stakeholders to the TC. Specifically, we present two exemplary projects that were conducted within the TC and showcase the reflections from students, teachers, and the course facilitators.

Context and Frameworks

The Teaching Clinic (TC) is a course for Master students in a teacher education curriculum at an Austrian university. Established teachers submit research questions about current professional challenges. These questions are then picked up by students, who conceptualize and execute research projects to find evidence based solutions.

The primary objective of doing research at this very local and practical level is to instill a scientific mindset in the students. Research skills are increasingly seen as tools of the professional practice; not as something confined to academic research. Importantly, this perspective is not only shared with the students that work on the projects, but also with the teachers that submit them. In that sense, the TC is about the transfer from university to practice (see also the current debate about “Third Mission”; Schober et al., 2016 ).

In terms of research methods, two secondary objectives of the format exist. First, the TC presents a clear purpose, and, therefore, motivation, to apply research methods. Second, the students apply research methods in a context that is almost identical to the context of their later work. This facilitates the transfer from the training context to the subsequent professional work as teachers ( Blume et al., 2010 ; Quesada-Pallarès and Gegenfurtner, 2015 ).

Main Pedagogical Approach: Service-Learning

The main pedagogical frame used to conduct the TC was service-learning ( Sotelino-Losada et al., 2021 ). There are numerous definitions of service-learning, but perhaps the most cited is the one formulated by Bringle and Hatcher (1995) , who define service-learning as a

“...course-based, credit-bearing educational experience in which students (a) participate in an organized service activity that meets identified community needs and (b) reflect on the service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of personal values and civic responsibility” (p. 212).

Service-learning is an experience-based learning approach ( Biberhofer and Rammel, 2017 ) that combines learning objectives with community service and emphasizes individual development and social responsibility through providing a service for others; service situations are viewed as learning settings and opportunities for public engagement ( Forman and Wilkinson, 1997 ). According to Furco (1996) , the key lies in the equal benefit for providers (TC: students) and recipients (TC: teachers). The TC could also be discussed from the perspective of transformative learning ( Mezirow and Taylor, 2009 ), as the learning goal of the seminar is not about pure knowledge acquisition, but about “building the capacity of students as agents of change” ( Biberhofer and Rammel, 2017 , p. 66). The TC provides a rather open learning environment, in which students engage in an open dialogue with each other, with the teachers, and the course facilitator, who does not necessarily possess the necessary subject-matter expertize but provides feedback and guidance throughout this process of dialectic inquiry.

Useful Methodological Lens: Design-Based Research and Action Research

As stipulated above, the main objective of the TC is to implement research projects at a local level in the teaching context. One methodological perspective that is very well adapted to this aim is design-based research (DBR). DBR is a research approach that claims to overcome “the gap between educational practice and theory, because it aims both at developing theories about domain-specific learning and the means that are designed to support that learning” ( Bakker and Van Eerde, 2015 , p. 430). In DBR, the design of learning environments proceeds in a reflective and cyclic process simultaneous to the testing or development of theory. The design includes the selection and creation of interventions which is done in cooperation with practitioners, while holding only little control of the situation. This research approach aims to explain and advise on ways of teaching and learning that proved to be useful and to develop theories that can be of predictive nature for educational practice. Because of its interventionist nature, researchers conducting this type of research are often referred to as “didactical engineers” ( Anderson and Shattuck, 2012 ; Bakker and Van Eerde, 2015 ).

In the TC, we use DBR as a methodological frame to set up the projects. On a micro level, different projects feature very different data (e.g., video recordings, surveys among pupils, interviews, texts, etc.) and methods (e.g., field experiments, statistical analyses, content analysis, etc.). The students need to decide which ones to use, get appropriate data, and run the analysis.

In this section, we present how TCs are a useful context for becoming teachers to develop research competences. Since this is the very first discussion about TCs, we use case studies to explore the outcomes of this pedagogical format. The case studies presented here contain reflections of students, teachers, and course facilitators based on a set of guiding questions in the direction of research methods and service-learning. Specifically, two independent TC projects will be presented. The first project focused on implementing concepts of Education for Sustainable Development (EDS) in the context of socio-economically disadvantaged classes in the field of Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology (STEM). A team of two students and two teachers collaborated to further develop and evaluate lesson plans based on classroom experience, pupils’ feedback, and expert knowledge. The second project focused on improving the feedback strategies in response to students’ writing in language classrooms. Using an experimental research design, a team of four students generated data to allow for the evidence-based improvement of personal feedback and marking strategies.

Both projects will be reflected from the angles of multiple stakeholders; the team of authors of this article include a Master student, a teacher, and a researcher (and facilitator of the course). This reflects the nature of the TC as a learning experience that is co-created by multiple stakeholders; the participating students are not just learners, but also co-researchers and pedagogical co-designers (see Bovill et al., 2016 ). In the context of this publication students not only helped by providing additional reflections and data (see Case 1), but also by taking the position as a co-author (Case 2 was written by a student of the project; the course facilitator, an experienced researcher and first author of this text, provided feedback but otherwise did not interfere in the writing process; for student faculty-student co-authoring also see Abbott et al., 2021 ). For each case, we will first describe the objectives as laid out by the submitting teacher(s), the methodological process to find answers to the questions posed, and the final outcomes as reported back to the teacher(s).

Case 1: Education for Sustainable Development for Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Classes in the Prevocational School Sector (Teacher’s View)

This first case about Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) for socio-economically disadvantaged classes in the prevocational school sector is presented from the point of view of the teacher (who submitted the problem to the TC).

The relevance of the global educational environment for social fields of action was already taken up by the United Nations (UN) before the turn of the millennium and led to the years 2005–2014 being declared the World Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (WDESD) ( Combes, 2005 ). In the German-speaking countries, the Orientation framework for the learning area “ Global Development ” serves as an essential contribution to explicit didactics for ESD in the secondary education sector ( Schreiber and Siege, 2016 ).

This pedagogical concept was used by the students to support two teachers at a prevocational school in implementing ESD didactics into Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) lessons. The aim of the curriculum was to help low-income pupils at a vulnerable prevocational school location to develop highly demanded competences in the field of STEM professions.

Another objective was to strengthen the students’ sense of responsibility for society and environment in alignment with the bottom-up drive of the “FridaysforFuture” movement. The starting point for the research needs in schools was a study conducted by the German Federal Environment Agency, which asked whether environmental protection as a motive is useful for addressing young people’s motivation to enter STEM professions more successfully than before ( Örtl, 2017 ). The results of the study imply, among other aspects, that STEM didactics have close links to ESD and that synergetic overlaps in this area seem to be a promising approach for STEM lessons at prevocational schools.

Throughout the TC, promising learning formats in STEM lessons were tested in iterative cycles of implementation, evaluation, and adjustment in the sense of DBR at the chosen school site. Here, learning journals produced by students for different learning formats in STEM lessons on the topic “Renewable Energies” and “Climate Change” served as the primary data to create a scientifically and empirically driven curriculum for motivating students to pursue STEM professions (see Figure 1 ).


FIGURE 1 . Overview over the work process in Case 1.

The method of structured qualitative content analysis ( Mayring, 2014 ) was used to search for indicators that make learning formats subjectively interesting for students. The students were required to document steps and problems that occurred during the implementation and evaluate the learning opportunities on an ordinal scale from one to five after completion of the learning journal. The underlying learning formats include problem-centered films, concrete technical tasks (programming, mechanics, construction, electronics, and applied computer science), external workshops and lectures with companies from the technology sector.

After an initial review of the data, implications for the indicator “perceived as subjectively interesting by the students” could be concluded. The finding showed that individual isolated learning opportunities on the topic of climate change do not necessarily lead to the desired effect of students showing intrinsic motivation to acquire relevant professional skills for finding solutions.

Based on these interim results, the TC students consulted the scientific literature, which allowed for contextualization of socially relevant and scientific-technical dimensions in the acquisition of competencies in the sense of ESD. The framework for this approach was provided by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BWZ) and the German Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) ( Schreiber and Siege, 2016 ).

Through the continuous cycles of the DBR approach using different learning formats in ongoing school lessons, the students were able to develop a hybrid ESD/STEM curriculum step by step by evaluating the data material. Decisive input for the concrete lesson plans was derived from the indicators identified through the structured content analysis according to Mayring (2014) , which were perceived by the students as subjectively interesting and motivating. Due to COVID-19-related school closures, it was not possible to complete an annual curriculum. Nevertheless, a total of 16 lessons that met the requirements of the research assignment based on the identified indicators were designed. The curriculum created through the cooperation of school and TC now serves as a preliminary study and basis for a fully empirical main study, which is to be carried out at several school locations after the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the qualitative preliminary study were used by the students in the final step to formulate hypotheses for the main study in accordance with the underlying research question following Mayring (2014) methodological approach.

In addition to the general results of the qualitative preliminary study, various positive effects on the stakeholders could be identified in the present case as a result of the service-learning offering. The question chosen in the case study whether environmental protection issues can contextually contribute to motivating young people in STEM classes to take an interest in related professions could not be fully answered. However, the DBR approach has served to identify those indicators based on different learning formats that were rated as subjectively interesting and motivating for students. As a pedagogical and didactic core concept, the approach of the “Recognize- Evaluate- Act”-principle from the Orientation framework for the learning area “ Global Development ” ( Schreiber and Siege, 2015 ) turned out to be particularly promising. Furthermore, a concrete further research assignment for the TC could be derived from the results to initiate a fully comprehensive empirical study based on pre-formulated hypotheses.

The TC research semester was described by the students as an eye-opening experience between university teaching and practical school experience. In this case, the service-learning project enabled the Master students to implement theoretically learned scientific methods in a practical way within the school environment. The scholarly exposure to ESD content along with instructional development using STEM learning opportunities gave the Master students a holistic view into practice-based teaching and learning research.

“The exchange, especially the feedback, with teaching staff at a preparatory vocational school with difficult socio-economic conditions was far more informative and practically relevant to me than most frontal lectures at the university. In addition to the practical and school-relevant part of the research semester, the TC together with ESD principles was an enriching support for me to be able to conduct current educationally relevant research in a scientifically and methodologically correct way. The balance between the cornerstones of school practice, TC and the final research work has given me a new perspective and understanding of the profession of a teacher and the different places of work.” (Student)

Furthermore, the underlying DBR approach has been identified as a promising approach for adapting hybrid ESD-STEM learning formats and teaching contents to determine successful learning effects with students.

The service-learning concept offered freed up additional resources for instructional development that would have been difficult to implement during the regular school year due to administrative duties and other teacher commitments. This gave teachers the opportunity not only to get ideas for lesson design, but also to further develop their own teaching based on sound and up-to-date scientific methodology. Learnings reportedly included new ways “to inspire the students with new approaches and to show them that STEM cannot be purely theoretical, but that it is important for them and society.”

Through the joint development of the curriculum, it was possible to link subject-related STEM lessons with social relevance, which often seems intangible for students, especially in STEM subjects. Teachers attributed great importance to this interconnection in identifying students' ability to explore, reflect, and critically evaluate scientific content from multiple perspectives.

“Experiencing values such as sustainability, environmental awareness and solidarity […] provide a good basis for developing into independent and responsible personalities.” (Teacher)

Particularly the context of teaching at a socially vulnerable school site suggests a value-oriented attitude and precise concept of learning formats next to topics that are relevant to the realities of the young people’s lives.

The composition of the student body in the underlying pre-vocational preparation school class showed a high degree of heterogeneity in terms of country of origin and socio-economic status. 90% of the students had a first language other than German and the vast majority could be classified as belonging to a deprivileged class of the population. The empowerment of being able to work on a curriculum for their future career led to increased motivation for the lessons, which could be seen in the underlying learning journals. The motivation was also reflected in an increased learning curve in STEM-related subject knowledge. Moreover, students’ involvement with environmental and social issues of the 21st century led to an observable increased interest in technical and scientific career profiles.

Case 2: Effective Feedback (Student’s View)

The second case shall illustrate the student’s perspective and is written by a student of the TC. The project had been carried out in the summer term 2020 and was conducted by a team of four students. The collaboration took place in a school in Vienna with two teachers and two lower-secondary classes of theirs.

At the beginning of the TC, we were confronted with a common problem of teachers: An English and a German teacher reported that they spend much time correcting their pupils’ assignments while suspecting that their pupils did not use the feedback for their own progress. In close exchange with the teachers and after an initial evaluation of the problem, we formulated a project goal: an invention should be set to counteract this problem and improve the situation for both learners and teachers.

As a first step, a thorough literature review was necessary to find appropriate strategies to tackle the problem. There exists a plethora of publications about feedback strategies; to narrow down our focus, we opted for the “minimal marking” approach because this strategy directly addresses both issues voiced by the teachers. As Hyland (1990) puts it very precisely:

Many teachers find marking to be a tedious and unrewarding chore. While it is a crucial aspect of the classroom writing process, our diligent attention and careful comments only rarely seem to bring about improvements in subsequent work (p. 279).

Besides Hyland (1990) , also Haswell (1983) dedicated a publication to the same issue. Both suggested minimal marking as a solution to reduce the teacher’s workload by simultaneously increasing the positive effect of the feedback. The basic principle of minimal marking is that instead of detailed feedback, only a cross or a check is set beside the line in which the mistake occurred; subsequently, it is the pupil’s task to correct his/her own text by identifying the mistakes and correcting it using prior knowledge or a dictionary (p. 600). Thus, the pupil receives as minimal information as necessary and is encouraged to edit the text independently ( Haswell, 1983 , p. 601). Through this approach, pupils shall be enabled to edit their texts without much support of the teacher or other adults, which shall help them to develop essential writing skills. This method is considered especially effective because it requires the pupil to act on the feedback received by the teacher ( Hyland, 1990 , p. 279). Although this approach is still applied nowadays ( McNeilly, 2014 ), it has received little attention in research. Due to this research gap and our personal interest in the topic as future language teachers, we ventured out to explore the effects of minimal marking on (a) learner’s mistake awareness, (b) the time teachers spend on giving feedback and (c) the quality as perceived by pupils and teachers.

To answer these research questions, we chose a set of methods consisting of quantitative and qualitative tools (see Figure 2 ). The procedure can be described as the following: Pupils of both classes were divided in an experimental group and a control group. Then all pupils of one class were asked to write a text in response to the same task. Teachers gave feedback using their traditional method, in which they indicate every mistake and write a short comment to each one, among the control group and using the minimal marking strategy to give feedback on the texts of the experimental group. Both teachers measured the time they needed to correct every single text. Then the pupils got their texts back and edited them. Then the edited texts were collected again. Discovered and undiscovered mistakes were counted and analyzed in the texts of both groups. Time spent on correction was analyzed for each group and juxtaposed. The pupils were asked for their opinion after the experiment through an online survey which consisted of closed and open questions. Finally, the teachers shared their experience in a narrative interview, which was also conducted online.


FIGURE 2 . Experimental setup of case 2.

Although the results of this small-scale study were not statistically significant, some interesting insights could be gained. Although an increased mistake awareness among pupils could not be proved with the number of mistakes occurring in the first and second text, an increased mistake awareness can be inferred from the pupil’s answers given in the questionnaire. Several pupils highlighted the positive aspects of the minimal marking approach and considered it as (really) helpful; one of the learners summarized: “I thought more about my mistakes than I usually do and, hence, I could improve my writing skills. It was more difficult to find the mistakes, but it also helped me to get better” (translated by the authors).

Regarding the time spent for correction, an advantage of the minimal marking approach could only be detected in one of both classes. The German teacher reported an average correction time of 3:14 (first round) and 2:12 (second round) per text using the traditional method and an average time of 1:39 (first round) and 1:14 (second round) per text using the minimal marking approach. The English teacher measured similar times for both feedback strategies. Limiting factors, such as the small sample size of the project and the pupils’ unfamiliarity with the new method, need to be kept in mind when conclusions are drawn. However, this only highlights the need for further research about the effects of this specific feedback method.

Probably the most promising outcomes can be reported about the attitudes of teachers and pupils. Both teachers described the collaboration between them and the students as enriching and both want to continue the collaboration with the university. Additionally, they reported an increased interest in action research for themselves but also among their colleagues. Through the questionnaire we could also observe a positive attitude toward the experiment among pupils, which gives reason for further projects in class and to further incorporate pupils in research. And finally, we students were able to develop a deeper understanding of teacher professionalism and a more positive attitude toward the application of research in teaching. Additionally, all members of the team were convinced that they wanted to apply this method as teachers in their future practice.

As outlined above, the objectives of the pedagogical/didactical concept of the TC are to create a highly effective (co-creative) learning environment for teachers in training while at the same time delivering valuable service to practice.

Reflections on Learning

Several themes of learning emerged in the cases above. The opportunity to combine own learning with delivering a service was described as important. Being of service to someone matters and enhances the motivation of students to engage also with the methodological parts of the course. The ESD case confirms the findings of Biberhofer and Rammel (2017) derived in the context of their two-semester “Sustainability Challenge”, which has been successfully executed since 2010. Participation in real life problems increases intrinsic motivation to investigate solutions (and to apply the methods needed to carry out this investigation). The master students who carried out the minimal marking project pointed out that this collaboration enabled them to apply research methods in an authentic environment and, thus, rendered them more meaningful. Additionally, this project allowed them to engage with research methods in a demanding but motivating manner which is a frequently neglected part in teacher education. The project enabled them to practice teaching methods and evaluate them through scientific methods in a systematic way; this led to a better understanding of the vital symbiosis between research and practical teaching ( Paran, 2017 ). The exploratory case studies presented in this paper cannot give an in-depth account of the learnings processes and outcomes. Future research could seek to further explore the impact of service-learning approaches to the students’ motivation (cf. Medina and Gordon, 2014 ; Huber, 2015 ).

There are some indications that the course had a positive impact on the students’ future professionalism as teachers and their scientific attitude. In the ESD case, students’ engagement with the dimensions of ecological and social justice (which are integral components of ESD) was evident primarily at two levels. On the one hand, the professional engagement with ESD led to the desire to make its impact on students measurable through scientific methodologies. On the other hand, a reframing in the sense of transformative learning ( Mezirow and Taylor, 2009 ) about the subjective role perception as a teacher for shaping an sustainable worldview for future generations of pupils could be observed. The master students of the minimal marking project considered the collaboration with already practicing teachers as especially helpful. Firstly, this special constellation allowed them to gain practical experience besides the obligatory practicum and benefit from the teachers’ experience. Secondly, the conduction within the university context required them to combine academic research and practical teaching. This supported them in their professional development as teachers because it made them realize the importance of research methods in evidence-based teaching ( Paran, 2017 ).

Basically, having learned and experienced how to utilize research methods not just for the purpose of “pure research”, but framing it as a practice of evidence-based teaching, is expected to make teachers perform better in an increasingly VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous; Johansen and Euchner, 2013 ; LeBlanc, 2018 ) world. The COVID-19 pandemic is a case in point here. While all teachers needed to react to the changing context, not all did so in a thoughtful and effective manner ( Hodges et al., 2020 ). Different levels of professionalism and of having a scientific mindset could be a major factor in this equation. As described above, increasing this mindset was the primary objective of the course format and we hypothesize that this is an important ingredient to foster teachers’ lifelong learning ( Bakkenes et al., 2010 ; Hoekstra and Korthagen, 2011 ).

An important strategy to increase the learning outcomes for students used in the TC is to work directly in the context that the knowledge should later be applied in. Put differently, the Master students support one individual overcoming a teaching-related challenge. This similarity of contexts aids the transfer of the learnings and helps to make them more applicable ( Blume et al., 2010 ; Burns, 2008 ). Additionally, the learning process is highly social, including peers, the course facilitator(s), and the teachers. Previous research indicates that this social dimension may additionally increase the odds of “successful” learning ( Daniel et al., 2013 ; Penuel et al., 2012 ). In the ESD case, confirmation of the success of the underlying ESD/STEM concept for increasing young people’s enthusiasm for STEM careers was a transformational realization for the teachers and master’s students in the collaborative learning process. Similarly, the minimal marking group reported an unprecedented feeling of responsibility in comparison with other university courses. Because of the knowledge that their collaborating teachers and their students profited from the project, the students’ work felt meaningful and important. Simultaneously, this environment enabled them to gain experience in research methods and practical teaching which would not be possible without this unique course format.

On the other hand, students gained practical experience in non-university organizations during their studies. In the feedback, the students commented on both, gaining experience from the school context in cooperation with the teachers and the methodological and research-oriented support by the TC itself. The work at local school sites additionally motivates the students to further develop their pedagogical and didactic knowledge in a practical setting based on current school challenges. Furthermore, the interaction of the scientific approach together with the practical school experiences enables the students to internalize their own values for contemporary teaching for their future role as teachers themselves.

Reflections on Service

The teachers involved in the projects described above reported high satisfaction with the project results and an increased interest in research even extending to their colleagues. Teachers valued the opportunity to develop and improve their teaching formats and methods based on evidence and through scientific methods. Through the collaboration with students, time-consuming research could be outsourced, and the desired role of the teacher researcher could be fulfilled despite time constraints.

As shown in Figure 1 of the ESD case, the clear division of roles with clear lines of communication and distributions of action items was a major advantage in the creation and implementation of the ESD/STEM curriculum. The well-structured method of the DBR approach throughout the semester allowed for proper planning at each point in time for the scarce time resources of the various stakeholders involved during the school year. The teachers engaged in the minimal marking project also reported an increased interest in research and collaboration with the university which further extended among their colleagues. At the end of the project, they expressed their wish to continue collaboration with students of next courses to further improve their teaching. This illustrates the positive influence on the teachers’ attitude toward research and even a potential multiplying factor of the teaching clinic on teachers beyond the active participants.

Finally, the TC can function as a promising channel to maintain communication between teachers and research ( Paran, 2017 ). The collaboration between teachers working in the field and university may lead to the identification of new research gaps on the one side and more evidence-based teaching on the other. Introducing teachers to the concept of evidence-based teaching in early stages of their education may have a positive effect on their attitude toward research in teaching and be the key to the development of a professional role teacher as researcher ( Paran, 2017 ). This illustrates the close interconnections between research at university, teacher education and practicing teachers and their potential to profit from collaboration with each other.

Other Outcomes

The TC aims to create value in terms of enhancing university social responsibility ( Vasilescu et al., 2010 ). Universities play an important role in addressing global challenges, such as growing socio-economic differences, the climate crisis, or the current COVID-19 pandemic. Irrespective of the specific disciplines, the concept of university social responsibility suggests that universities should not limit themselves to research and teaching, but should commit to solving economic, social, and ecological problems. Universities play a central role in raising students’ awareness of social responsibility to help them develop into social personalities ( Bokhari, 2017 ). In that sense, special attention must be paid to teacher education for its promise of achieving multiplication effects that will eventually reach all educational levels. The principle of “Third Mission” provides a key point of reference in this context, which emphasizes the targeted use of scientific findings to deal with a wide range of societal challenges and proposes the transfer of technologies and innovations to non-academic institutions ( Schober et al., 2016 ).

The systematic approach at hand uses a university research service to address concrete issues in the local field of schooling. The benefit lies in the possibility of merging education theory with socially relevant topics from multiple perspectives. The TC initiates a sustainable circular process, which facilitates the generation of a mutual learning curve for the university system and the school system by instrumentalizing research on an evidence-based level. Thereby, the TC acts as a door opener for practice researchers with access to the otherwise difficult to access compulsory school system.

Data Availability Statement

The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary Material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author.

Author Contributions

DF designed the didactical concept and has written the conceptual part of this article. UH and KM were stakeholders to the two case studies presented in the article. Both have collected data for their case-study and offered their own reflections. All authors contributed to the overall discussion.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Keywords: service-learning, design-based research, research methods, teacher education, engagement

Citation: Froehlich DE, Hobusch U and Moeslinger K (2021) Research Methods in Teacher Education: Meaningful Engagement Through Service-Learning. Front. Educ. 6:680404. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.680404

Received: 14 March 2021; Accepted: 05 May 2021; Published: 18 May 2021.

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Implementing Research-Based Teaching Methodology, a Multi-disciplinary Case Study

  • Conference paper
  • First Online: 15 August 2024
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research paper for teaching method

  • Karla Miriam Reyes Leiva   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-3269-0830 7 , 8 , 8 ,
  • María Elena Perdomo   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-6059-0650 7 &
  • José Luis Ordoñez-Avila   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-3537-1739 7  

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Educational Technology ((LNET))

Included in the following conference series:

  • International Conference on Advances in Education and Information Technology

11 Accesses

Research-based teaching methods are applied to increase student learning and engagement in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). This methodology promotes active participation, critical thinking, and problem-solving. This article presents the case of study of applying this methodology in five different lectures in biomedical, mechatronics, and industrial engineering majors, showing how research-based teaching creates a dynamic environment. The methodologies include the development of literature reviews, scientific article writing, state-of-the-art writing, posters, and oral presentations. These assessments foster research skills and improve students’ scientific communication. To implement these methodologies, criteria aligned with curricular objectives and standards were adapted in the different lectures. The case reports the implementation results, including increased participation, mastery of topics, and development of scientific communication skills. Research-based teaching transforms the learning experience by focusing on stimulating curiosity, critical thinking, reading comprehension, and the ability to research, and problem solve and discuss.

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Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana, San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Karla Miriam Reyes Leiva, María Elena Perdomo & José Luis Ordoñez-Avila

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain

Karla Miriam Reyes Leiva & Karla Miriam Reyes Leiva

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National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan

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Leiva, K.M.R., Perdomo, M.E., Ordoñez-Avila, J.L. (2024). Implementing Research-Based Teaching Methodology, a Multi-disciplinary Case Study. In: Hong, JC. (eds) New Technology in Education and Training. AEIT 2024. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-3883-0_25

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-97-3883-0_25

Published : 15 August 2024

Publisher Name : Springer, Singapore

Print ISBN : 978-981-97-4217-2

Online ISBN : 978-981-97-3883-0

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Preparing Educators for the Digital Age: Teacher Perceptions of Active Teaching Methods and Digital Integration

24 Pages Posted: 18 Aug 2024 Publication Status: Under Review

Gulmira Abildinova

LN Gumilev Eurasian National University

Elmira Abdykerimova

Sh Yessenov Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering

Almagul Assainova

Pavlodar State Pedagogical University

Kaussar Mukhtarkyzy

Dariya abykenova.

This study investigates higher education teachers' perceptions of active teaching methods, specifically Case-Based Learning, Team-Based Learning, Problem-Based Learning, and the use of digital technologies. A survey was administered to teachers who had completed a specialized training program aimed at equipping them with the skills and knowledge to implement these methodologies in their courses. The results indicate that most teachers found the training program highly effective in enhancing student engagement, fostering collaboration, and integrating digital tools into teaching practices. However, challenges such as resource limitations and time constraints were identified, indicating areas for improvement. This study highlights the potential of active teaching methods and digital integration to significantly enhance teaching practices in higher education.

Keywords: Active Teaching Methods, Higher Education, Digital technologies, teacher training, Student Engagement

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The effect of the teacher's teaching style on students' motivation.



The teachers, being the focal figure in education, must be competent and knowledgeable in order to impart the knowledge they could give to their students. Good teaching is a very personal manner. Effective teaching is concerned with the student as a person and with his general development. The teacher must recognize individual differences among his/her students and adjust instructions that best suit to the learners. It is always a fact that as educators, we play varied and vital roles in the classroom. Teachers are considered the light in the classroom. We are entrusted with so many responsibilities that range from the very simple to most complex and very challenging jobs. Everyday we encounter them as part of the work or mission that we are in. It is very necessary that we need to understand the need to be motivated in doing our work well, so as to have motivated learners in the classroom. When students are motivated, then learning will easily take place. However, motivating students to learn requires a very challenging role on the part of the teacher. It requires a variety of teaching styles or techniques just to capture students' interests. Above all, the teacher must himself come into possession of adequate knowledge of the objectives and standards of the curriculum, skills in teaching, interests, appreciation and ideals. He needs to exert effort to lead children or students into a life that is large, full, stimulating and satisfying. Some students seem naturally enthusiastic about learning, but many need or expect their instructors or teachers to inspire, challenge or stimulate them. "Effective learning in the classroom depends on the teacher's ability to maintain the interest that brought students to the course in the first place (Erickson, 1978). Not all students are motivated by the same values, needs, desires and wants. Some students are motivated by the approval of others or by overcoming challenges.

Teachers must recognize the diversity and complexity in the classroom, be it the ethnicity, gender, culture, language abilities and interests. Getting students to work and learn in class is largely influenced in all these areas. Classroom diversity exists not only among students and their peers but may be also exacerbated by language and cultural differences between teachers and students.

Since 2003, many foreign professional teachers, particularly from the Philippines, came to New York City to teach with little knowledge of American school settings. Filipino teachers have distinct styles and expressions of teaching. They expect that: education is interactive and spontaneous; teachers and students work together in the teaching-learning process; students learn through participation and interaction; homework is only part of the process; teaching is an active process; students are not passive learners; factual information is readily available; problem solving, creativity and critical thinking are more important; teachers should facilitate and model problem solving; students learn by being actively engaged in the process; and teachers need to be questioned and challenged. However, many Filipino teachers encountered many difficulties in teaching in NYC public schools. Some of these problems may be attributed to: students' behavior such as attention deficiency, hyperactivity disorder, and disrespect among others; and language barriers such as accent and poor understanding of languages other than English (e.g. Spanish).

As has been said, what happens in the classroom depends on the teacher's ability to maintain students' interests. Thus, teachers play a vital role in effecting classroom changes.

As stressed in the Educator's Diary published in 1995, "teaching takes place only when learning does." Considering one's teaching style and how it affects students' motivation greatly concerns the researchers. Although we might think of other factors, however, emphasis has been geared towards the effect of teacher's teaching style and student motivation.


If teacher's teaching style would fit in a class and is used consistently, then students are motivated to learn.

Purpose of the Study

The main thrust of the study was to find out the effect of the teacher's teaching style on students' motivation.

Action Research Questions

This paper attempted to answer specific questions such as: 1. What is the effect of teacher's teaching style using English As A Second Language Strategies on student's motivation? 2. How does teacher's teaching style affect students' motivation? 3. What could be some categories that make one's teaching style effective in motivating students?

Research Design/Methods of Collecting Data

The descriptive-survey method was used in this study, and descriptive means that surveys are made in order to discover some aspects of teacher's teaching style and the word survey denotes an investigation of a field to ascertain the typical condition is obtaining. The researchers used questionnaires, observations, interviews, students' class work and other student outputs for this study. The questionnaires were administered before and after ESL strategies were applied. Observation refers to what he/she sees taking place in the classroom based on student's daily participation. Student interviews were done informally before, during, and after classes. Several categories affecting motivation were being presented in the questionnaire.

Research Environment and Respondents

The research was conducted at IS 164 and IS 143 where three teachers conducting this research were the subjects and the students of these teachers selected randomly specifically in the eighth and sixth grade. The student respondents were the researchers' own students, where 6 to 7 students from each teacher were selected. Twenty students were used as samples.

To measure students' motivation, researchers used questionnaires which covered important categories, namely: attitudes, student's participation, homework, and grades. Open-ended questions were also given for students' opinion, ideas and feelings towards the teacher and the subject. The teacher's teaching style covers the various scaffolding strategies. The data that were collected from this research helped the teachers to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses so as to improve instruction. The results of this study could benefit both teachers and students.

Research Procedure

Data gathering.

The researchers personally distributed the questionnaires. Each item in each category ranges from a scale of 5-1 where 5 rated as Strongly Agree while 1 as Strongly Disagree. The questionnaires were collected and data obtained were tabulated in tables and interpreted using the simple percentage. While the open ended questions, answers that were given by the students with the most frequency were noted.

Review of Related Literature

Helping students understand better in the classroom is one of the primary concerns of every teacher. Teachers need to motivate students how to learn. According to Phil Schlecty (1994), students who understand the lesson tend to be more engaged and show different characteristics such as they are attracted to do work, persist in the work despite challenges and obstacles, and take visible delight in accomplishing their work. In developing students' understanding to learn important concepts, teacher may use a variety of teaching strategies that would work best for her/his students. According to Raymond Wlodkowski and Margery Ginsberg (1995), research has shown no teaching strategy that will consistently engage all learners. The key is helping students relate lesson content to their own backgrounds which would include students' prior knowledge in understanding new concepts. Due recognition should be given to the fact that interest, according to Saucier (1989:167) directly or indirectly contributes to all learning. Yet, it appears that many teachers apparently still need to accept this fundamental principle. Teachers should mind the chief component of interest in the classroom. It is a means of forming lasting effort in attaining the skills needed for life. Furthermore teachers need to vary teaching styles and techniques so as not to cause boredom to the students in the classroom. Seeking greater insight into how children learn from the way teachers discuss and handle the lesson in the classroom and teach students the life skills they need, could be one of the greatest achievements in the teaching process.

Furthermore, researchers have begun to identify some aspects of the teaching situation that help enhance students' motivation. Research made by Lucas (1990), Weinert and Kluwe (1987) show that several styles could be employed by the teachers to encourage students to become self motivated independent learners. As identified, teachers must give frequent positive feedback that supports students' beliefs that they can do well; ensure opportunities for students' success by assigning tasks that are either too easy nor too difficult; help students find personal meaning and value in the material; and help students feel that they are valued members of a learning community. According to Brock (1976), Cashin (1979) and Lucas (1990), it is necessary for teachers to work from students' strengths and interests by finding out why students are in your class and what are their expectations. Therefore it is important to take into consideration students' needs and interests so as to focus instruction that is applicable to different groups of students with different levels.


This chapter presents and analyzes data that answer the subsidiary problems of the study. Table I showed that out of the 20 student respondents, 50% were males and 50% females. Of the male students respondents, only 2 males belong to the high group while 8 males from the low group. For the females, each of the group had 5 respondents. It also showed that there were 7 respondents from the high group and 13 came from the low group.

Table 1:Respondents by Gender

Gender Group Male Female Total
High 2 5 7
Low 8 5 13
Total 10 10 20

Table 2 showed that out of the 20 students respondents, 80% of students were of Hispanic origin; 10% of respondents were White (not of Hispanic origin); and 10% were Black (not of Hispanic origin); while 0% were of American Indian, Asian or Pacific Islander ethnicity. The results also showed that among the Hispanic, 40% came from the low and 40% came from the high group. There were only 10% White respondents from both groups. There were 10% respondents who were Black from both groups.

Table 2: Respondents by Ethnicity

Respondents by Ethnicity
Ethnicity Group American Hispanic White (not of Hispanic origin) Black (not of Hispanic origin) Asian or Pacific Islander Others Total
High 0 8 1 1 0 0 10
Low 0 8 1 1 0 0 10
Total 0 16 2 2 0 0 20

Table 3 showed that 15% of the respondents had grades between 96-100 in Science, 0% between 91-95, while 15% scored between 86-90, the same as the range between 81-85. However, on the low group 25% of the respondents had grades between 71-75, 5% each had a range between 66-70 and 61-65; while 15% of the respondents did not have Science last year.

Table 3: Grades in Science



100-96 95-91 90-86 85-81 80-76 75-71 70-66 65-61 Below 60 No Science last year Total
High 3 0 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 10
Low 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 3 10
Total 3 0 3 3 1 5 1 1 0 3 20

Table 4 revealed that for students' motivation-attitude, more than half of the respondents agreed that they are always excited to attend classes this school year. 75% of the students believed that Science is fun and interesting. Similarly, 80% of the respondents agreed that Science is important for them and 60% said that they love Science.

For student motivation-participation, it showed that more than half of the respondents affirm that they are always prepared in their Science classes. 75% of the students participated in Science activities; 50% did their Science assignments consistently.

For student motivation-homework, it could be noted that 60% of the students completed their homework on time and 50% found homework useful and important. 85% of the students said that they got enough support to do homework at home and 90% said that the teachers checked their homework.

For student motivation-grades, 65% got good grades in Science. 65% of the respondents said that they study their lessons before a test or a quiz. More than half of the respondents disagreed that the terms or words used in the test were difficult to understand. Less than half of the respondents agreed tests measure their understanding of Science concepts and knowledge, while 80% thought that grading is fair. On the other hand, the data under teaching style as noted on table 4 showed that 65% of the students strongly agreed that they have a good relationship with their Science teacher and no one disagreed. 75% noted that their Science teachers used materials that were easy to understand. 60% said that their teachers presented the lessons in many ways. More than half of the students said that they understood the way their Science teachers explained the lesson while 25% were not sure of their answer. 75% said that they got feedback from their Science teacher.

Table 4: Data on the Five Categories

5 Strongly Agree 4 Agree 3 Not Sure 2 Disagree 1 Strongly Disagree
1. I am always excited to attend my science class this school year. 10 45 30 10 0
2. Science is fun and interesting. 15 60 15 5 5
3. I hate Science. It is not important for me. 5 0 15 20 60
4. I don't like Science at all. It is difficult to learn. 0 0 10 30 55
5. I love Science. It gives me opportunities to experiment, discover and explore the things around me. 15 45 30 5 5
1. I'm always prepared in my Science class. 20 35 30 5 5
2. I participate actively in Science activities by asking questions. 35 40 15 10 0
3. I do my Science assignments consistently. 25 25 45 5 0
4. Science activities do not help me understand concepts easily. 5 5 10 40 40
5. I feel bored in my Science class. 0 15 25 20 40
1. I complete my Science homework on time. 15 45 20 20 0
2. I find homework very useful and important. 25 25 30 10 10
3. Science homework is difficult to do. 0 15 25 40 20
4. I don't get enough support to do my homework at home. 0 5 10 40 45
5. My teacher does not check my homework at all. 0 10 0 30 60
1. I got good grades in Science. 25 40 30 5 0
2. I study my lessons before a test or quiz. 20 45 25 5 5
3. The terms/words used in the test are difficult to understand. 0 15 30 45 10
4. The test always measures my understanding of Science concepts and knowledge learned. 10 30 20 20 20
5. The grading is not fair. 0 10 10 35 45
1. I have a good relationship with my Science teacher. 65 20 15 0 0
2. My Science teacher uses materials that are easy to understand. 45 30 15 5 5
3. My Science teacher presents the lesson in a variety of ways. 30 30 15 20 5
4. I don't understand the way my Science teacher explains the lesson. 10 10 25 40 15
5. I don't get any feedback about my understanding of the lesson from my Science teacher. 15 5 5 5 2

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Examining the perception of undergraduate health professional students of their learning environment, learning experience and professional identity development: a mixed-methods study

  • Banan Mukhalalati 1 ,
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BMC Medical Education volume  24 , Article number:  886 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

122 Accesses

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The quality of the learning environment significantly impacts student engagement and professional identity formation in health professions education. Despite global recognition of its importance, research on student perceptions of learning environments across different health education programs is scarce. This study aimed to explore how health professional students perceive their learning environment and its influence on their professional identity development.

An explanatory mixed-methods approach was employed. In the quantitative phase, the Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure [Minimum–Maximum possible scores = 0–200] and Macleod Clark Professional Identity Scale [Minimum–Maximum possible scores = 1–45] were administered to Qatar University-Health students ( N  = 908), with a minimum required sample size of 271 students. Data were analyzed using SPSS, including descriptive statistics and inferential analysis. In the qualitative phase, seven focus groups (FGs) were conducted online via Microsoft Teams. FGs were guided by a topic guide developed from the quantitative results and the framework proposed by Gruppen et al. (Acad Med 94:969-74, 2019), transcribed verbatim, and thematically analyzed using NVIVO®.

The questionnaire response rate was 57.8% (525 responses out of 908), with a usability rate of 74.3% (390 responses out of 525) after excluding students who only completed the demographic section. The study indicated a “more positive than negative” perception of the learning environment (Median [IQR] = 132 [116–174], Minimum–Maximum obtained scores = 43–185), and a “good” perception of their professional identity (Median [IQR] = 24 [22–27], Minimum–Maximum obtained scores = 3–36). Qualitative data confirmed that the learning environment was supportive in developing competence, interpersonal skills, and professional identity, though opinions on emotional support adequacy were mixed. Key attributes of an ideal learning environment included mentorship programs, a reward system, and measures to address fatigue and boredom.


The learning environment at QU-Health was effective in developing competence and interpersonal skills. Students' perceptions of their learning environment positively correlated with their professional identity. Ideal environments should include mentorship programs, a reward system, and strategies to address fatigue and boredom, emphasizing the need for ongoing improvements in learning environments to enhance student satisfaction, professional identity development, and high-quality patient care.

Peer Review reports

The learning environment is fundamental to higher education and has a profound impact on student outcomes. As conceptualized by Gruppen et al. [ 1 ], it comprises a complex interplay of physical, social, and virtual factors that shape student engagement, perception, and overall development. Over the last decade, there has been a growing global emphasis on the quality of the learning environment in higher education [ 2 , 3 , 4 ]. This focus stems from the recognition that a well-designed learning environment that includes good facilities, effective teaching methods, strong social interactions, and adherence to cultural and administrative standards can greatly improve student development [ 2 , 5 , 6 , 7 ]. Learning environments impact not only knowledge acquisition and skill development but also value formation and the cultivation of professional attitudes [ 5 ].

Professional identity is defined as the “attitudes, values, knowledge, beliefs, and skills shared with others within a professional group” [ 8 ]. The existing research identified a significant positive association between the development of professional identity and the quality of the learning environment, and this association is characterized by being multifaceted and dynamic [ 9 ]. According to Hendelman and Byszewski [ 10 ] a supportive learning environment, characterized by positive role models, effective feedback mechanisms, and opportunities for reflective practice, fosters the development of a strong professional identity among medical students. Similarly, Jarvis-Selinger et al. [ 11 ] argue that a nurturing learning environment facilitates the socialization process which enables students to adopt and integrate the professional behaviors and attitudes expected in their field. Furthermore, Sarraf-Yazdi et al. [ 12 ] highlighted that professional identity formation is a continuous and multifactorial process involving the interplay of individual values, beliefs, and environmental factors. This dynamic process is shaped by both clinical and non-clinical experiences within the learning environment [ 12 ].

Various learning theories, such as the Communities of Practice (CoP) theory [ 13 ], emphasize the link between learning environments and learning outcomes, including professional identity development. The CoP theory describes communities of professionals with a shared knowledge interest who learn through regular interaction [ 13 , 14 ]. Within the CoP, students transition from being peripheral observers to central members [ 15 ]. Therefore, the CoP theory suggests that a positive learning environment is crucial for fostering learning, professional identity formation, and a sense of community [ 16 ].

Undoubtedly, health professional education programs (e.g., Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy, and Health Sciences) play a vital role not only in shaping the knowledge, expertise, and abilities of health professional students but also in equipping them with the necessary competencies for implementing healthcare initiatives and strategies and responding to evolving healthcare demands [ 17 ]. Within the field of health professions education, international organizations like the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), European Union (EU), American Council on Education (ACE), and World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) have emphasized the importance of high-quality learning environments in fostering the development of future healthcare professionals and called for considerations of the enhancement of the quality of the learning environment of health profession education programs [ 18 , 19 ]. These environments are pivotal for nurturing both the academic and professional growth necessary to navigate an increasingly globalized healthcare landscape [ 18 , 19 ].

Professional identity development is integral to health professions education which evolves continuously from early university years until later stages of the professional life as a healthcare practitioner [ 20 , 21 ]. This ongoing development helps students establish clear professional roles and boundaries, thereby reducing role ambiguity within multidisciplinary teams [ 9 ]. It is expected that as students advance in their professional education, their perception of the quality of the learning environment changes, which influences their learning experiences, the development of their professional identity, and their sense of community [ 22 ]. Cruess et al. [ 23 ] asserted that medical schools foster professional identity through impactful learning experiences, effective role models, clear curricula, and assessments. A well-designed learning environment that incorporates these elements supports medical students' socialization and professional identity formation through structured learning, reflective practices, and constructive feedback in both preclinical and clinical stages [ 23 ].

Despite the recognized importance of the quality of learning environments and their influence on student-related outcomes, this topic has been overlooked regionally and globally [ 24 , 25 , 26 , 27 , 28 , 29 , 30 ]. There is a significant knowledge gap in understanding how different components of the learning environment specifically contribute to professional identity formation. Most existing studies focus on general educational outcomes without exploring the detailed ways in which the learning environment shapes professional attitudes, values, and identity. Moreover, there is a global scarcity of research exploring how students’ perceptions of the quality of the learning environment and professional identity vary across various health profession education programs at different stages of their undergraduate education. This lack of comparative studies makes it challenging to identify best practices that can be adapted across different educational contexts. Furthermore, most research tends to focus on single-discipline studies, neglecting the interdisciplinary nature of modern healthcare education, which is essential for preparing students for collaborative practice in real-world healthcare settings. Considering the complex and demanding nature of health profession education programs and the increased emphasis on the quality of learning environments by accreditation bodies, examining the perceived quality of the educational learning environment by students is crucial [ 19 ]. Understanding students’ perspectives can provide valuable insights into areas needing improvement and highlight successful strategies that enhance both learning environment and experiences and professional identity development.

This research addresses this gap by focusing on the interdisciplinary health profession education programs to understand the impact of the learning environment on the development of the professional identity of students and its overall influence on their learning experiences. The objectives of this study are to 1) examine the perception of health professional students of the quality of their learning environment and their professional identity, 2) identify the association between health professional students’ perception of the quality of their learning environment and the development of their professional identity, and 3) explore the expectations of health professional students of the ideal educational learning environment. This research is essential in providing insights to inform educational practices globally to develop strategies to enhance the quality of health profession education.

Study setting and design

This study was conducted at Qatar University Health (QU Health) Cluster which is an interdisciplinary health profession education program that was introduced as the national provider of higher education in health and medicine in the state of Qatar. QU Health incorporates five colleges: Health Sciences (CHS), Pharmacy (CPH), Medicine (CMED), Dental Medicine (CDEM) and Nursing (CNUR) [ 31 ]. QU Health is dedicated to advancing inter-professional education (IPE) through its comprehensive interdisciplinary programs. By integrating IPE principles into the curriculum and fostering collaboration across various healthcare disciplines, the cluster prepares students to become skilled and collaborative professionals. Its holistic approach to teaching, research, and community engagement not only enhances the educational experience but also addresses local and regional healthcare challenges, thereby making a significant contribution to the advancement of population health in Qatar [ 32 ]. This study was conducted from November 2022 to July 2023. An explanatory sequential mixed methods triangulation approach was used for an in-depth exploration and validation of the quantitative results qualitatively [ 33 , 34 ]. Ethical approval for the study was obtained from the Qatar University Institutional Review Board (approval number: QU-IRB 1734-EA/22).

For the quantitative phase, a questionnaire was administered via SurveyMonkey® incorporating two previously validated questionnaires: the Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure (DREEM), developed by Roff et al. in 1997 [ 35 ], and the Macleod Clark Professional Identity Scale-9 (MCPIS-9), developed by Adam et al. in 2006 [ 8 ]. Integrating DREEM and MCPIS-9 into a single questionnaire was undertaken to facilitate a comprehensive evaluation of two distinct yet complementary dimensions—namely, the educational environment and professional identity—that collectively influence the learning experience and outcomes of students, as no single instrument effectively assesses both aspects simultaneously [ 36 ]. The survey comprised three sections—Section A: sociodemographic characteristics, Section B: the DREEM scoring scale for assessing the quality of the learning environment, and Section C: the MCPIS-9 scoring scale for assessing professional identity. For the qualitative phase, seven focus groups (FGs) were arranged with a sample of QU-Health students. The qualitative and quantitative data obtained were integrated at the interpretation and reporting level using a narrative, contiguous approach [ 37 , 38 ].

Quantitative phase

Population and sampling.

The total population sampling approach in which all undergraduate QU-Health students who had declared their majors (i.e., the primary field of study that an undergraduate student has chosen during their academic program) at the time of conducting the study in any of the four health colleges under QU-Health ( N  = 908), namely, CPH, CMED, CDEM, and CHS, such as Human Nutrition (Nut), Biomedical Science (Biomed), Public Health (PH), and Physiotherapy (PS), were invited to participate in the study. Nursing students were excluded from this study because the college was just established in 2022; therefore, students were in their general year and had yet to declare their majors at the time of the study. The minimum sample size required for the study was determined to be 271 students based on a margin error of 5%, a confidence level of 95%, and a response distribution of 50%.

Data collection

Data was collected in a cross-sectional design. After obtaining the approval of the head of each department, contact information for eligible students was extracted from the QU-Health student databases for each college, and invitations were sent via email. The distribution of these invitations was done by the administrators of the respective colleges. The invitation included a link to a self-administered questionnaire on SurveyMonkey® (Survey Monkey Inc., San Mateo, California, USA), along with informed consent information. All 908 students were informed about the study’s purpose, data collection process, anonymity and confidentiality assurance, and the voluntary nature of participation. The participants were sent regular reminders to complete the survey to increase the response rate.

A focused literature review identified the DREEM as the most suitable validated tool for this study. The DREEM is considered the gold standard for assessing undergraduate students' perceptions of their learning environment [ 35 ]. Its validity and reliability have been consistently demonstrated across various settings (i.e., clinical and non-clinical) and health professions (e.g., nursing, medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy), in multiple countries worldwide, including the Gulf Cooperation Council countries [ 24 , 35 , 39 , 40 , 41 , 42 ]. The DREEM is a 50-item inventory divided into 5 subscales and developed to measure the academic climate of educational institutions using a five-point Likert scale from 0 “strongly disagree” to 4 “strongly agree”. The total score ranges from 0 to 200, with higher scores reflecting better perceptions of the learning environment [ 35 , 39 , 43 ]. The interpretation includes very poor (0–50), plenty of problems (51–100), more positive than negative (101–151), and excellent (151–200).

The first subscale, Perception to Learning (SpoL), with 12 items scoring 0–48. Interpretation includes very poor (0–12), teaching is viewed negatively (13–24), a more positive approach (25–36), and teaching is highly thought of (37–48). The second domain, Perception to Teachers (SpoT), with 11 items scoring 0–44. Interpretation includes abysmal (0–11), in need of some retraining (12–22), moving in the right direction (23–33), and model teachers (34–44). The third domain, academic self-perception (SASP), with 8 items scoring 0–32. Interpretation includes a feeling of total failure (0–8), many negative aspects (9–16), feeling more on the positive side (17–24), and confident (25–32). The fourth domain, Perception of the atmosphere (SPoA), with 12 items scoring 0–48. Interpretation includes a terrible environment (0–12); many issues need to be changed (13–24), a more positive atmosphere (25–36), and a good feeling overall (37–48). Lastly, the fifth domain, social self-perception (SSSP), with 7 items scoring 0–28. Interpretation includes Miserable (0–7), Not a nice place (8–14), Not very bad (15–21), and very good socially (22–28).

Several tools have been developed to explore professional identity in health professions [ 44 ], but there is limited research on their psychometric qualities [ 45 ]. The MCPIS-9 is notable for its robust psychometric validation and was chosen for this study due to its effectiveness in a multidisciplinary context as opposed to other questionnaires that were initially developed for the nursing profession [ 8 , 46 , 47 ]. MCPIS-9 is a validated 9-item instrument, which uses a 5-point Likert response scale, with scores ranging from 1 “strongly disagree” to 5 “strongly agree”. Previous studies that utilized the MCPIS-9 had no universal guidance for interpreting the MCPIS-9 score; however, the higher the score, the stronger the sense of professional identity [ 46 , 48 ].

Data analysis

The quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS software (IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 27.0; IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA). The original developers of the DREEM inventory identified nine negative items: items 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 23, 42, 43, and 46 – these items were reverse-coded. Additionally, in the MCPIS-9 tool, the original developers identified three negative items: items 3, 4, and 5. Descriptive and inferential analyses were also conducted. Descriptive statistics including number (frequencies [%]), mean ± SD, and median (IQR), were used to summarize the demographics and responses to the DREEM and MCPIS-9 scoring scales. In the inferential analysis, to test for significant differences between demographic subgroups in the DREEM and MCPIS-9 scores, Kruskal–Wallis tests were used for variables with more than two categories, and Mann–Whitney U-tests were used for variables with two categories. Spearman's rank correlation analysis was used to investigate the association between perceived learning environment and professional identity development. The level of statistical significance was set a priori at p  < 0.05. The internal consistency of the DREEM and MCPIS-9 tools was tested against the acceptable Cronbach's alpha value of 0.7.

Qualitative phase

A purposive sampling approach was employed to select students who were most likely to provide valuable insights to gain a deeper understanding of the topic. The inclusion criteria required that participants should have declared their major in one of the following programs: CPH, CMED, CDEM, CHS: Nut, Biomed, PS, and PH. This selection criterion aimed to ensure that participants had sufficient knowledge and experience related to their chosen fields of study within QU-Health. Students were included if they were available and willing to share their experiences and thoughts. Students who did not meet these criteria were excluded from participation. To ensure a representative sample, seven FGs were conducted, one with each health professional education program. After obtaining the approval of the head of each department, participants were recruited by contacting the class representative of each professional year to ask for volunteers to join and provide their insights. Each FG involved students from different professional years to ensure a diverse representation of experiences and perspectives.

The topic guide (Supplementary Material 1) was developed and conceptualized based on the research objectives, selected results from the quantitative phase, and the Gruppen et. al. framework [ 1 ]. FGs were conducted online using Microsoft Teams® through synchronous meetings. Before initiating the FGs, participants were informed of their rights and returned signed consent forms to the researchers. FGs were facilitated by two research assistants (AA and OY), each facilitating separate sessions. The facilitators, who had prior experience with conducting FGs and who were former pharmacy students from the CPH, were familiar with some of the participants, and hence were able to encourage open discussion, making it easier for students to share their perceptions of the learning environment within the QU Health Cluster. Participants engaged in concurrent discussions were encouraged to use the "raise hand" feature on Microsoft Teams to mimic face-to-face interactions. Each FG lasted 45–60 min, was conducted in English, and was recorded and transcribed verbatim and double-checked for accuracy. After the seventh FG, the researchers were confident that a saturation point had been reached where no new ideas emerged, and any further data collection through FGs was unnecessary. Peer and supervisory audits were conducted throughout the research process.

The NVIVO ® software (version 12) was utilized to perform a thematic analysis incorporating both deductive and inductive approaches. The deductive approach involved organizing the data into pre-determined categories based on the Gruppen et al. framework, which outlines key components of the learning environment. This framework enabled a systematic analysis of how each component of the learning environment contributes to students' professional development and highlighted areas for potential improvement. Concurrently, the inductive approach was applied to explore students' perceptions of an ideal learning environment, facilitating the emergence of new themes and insights directly from the data, independent of pre-existing categories. This dual approach provided a comprehensive understanding of the data by validating the existing theory while also exploring new findings [ 49 ]. Two coders were involved in coding the transcripts (AA and BM) and in cases of disagreements between researchers, consensus was achieved through discussion.

The response rate was 57.8% (525 responses out of 908), while the usability rate was 74.3% (390 responses out of 525) after excluding students who only completed the demographic section. The demographic and professional characteristics of the participants are presented in Table  1 . The majority were Qataris (37.0% [ n  = 142]), females (85.1% [ n  = 332]), and of the age group of 21–23 years (51.7% [ n  = 201]). The students were predominantly studying at the CHS (36.9%[ n  = 144]), in their second professional year (37.4% [ n  = 146]), and had yet to be exposed to experiential learning, that is, clinical rotations (70.2% [ n  = 273]).

Perceptions of students of their learning environment

The overall median DREEM score for study participants indicated that QU Health students perceive their learning environment to be "more positive than negative" (132 [IQR = 116–174]). The reliability analysis for this sample of participants indicated a Cronbach's alpha for the total DREEM score of 0.94, and Cronbach's alpha scores for each domain of the DREEM tool, SPoL, SPoT, SASP, SPoA, and SSSP of 0.85, 0.74, 0.81, 0.85, and 0.65, respectively.

Individual item responses representing each domain of the DREEM tool are presented in Table  2 . For Domain I, QU Health students perceived the teaching approach in QU Health to be "more positive" (32 [IQR = 27–36]). Numerous participants agreed that the teaching was well-focused (70.7% [ n  = 274]), student-focused (66.1% [ n  = 254]) and aimed to develop the competencies of students (72.0% [ n  = 278]). The analysis of students’ perceptions related to Domain II revealed that faculty members were perceived to be “moving in the right direction” (30 [IQR = 26–34]). Most students agreed that faculty members were knowledgeable (90.7%[ n  = 345]) and provided students with clear examples and constructive feedback (77.6% [ n  = 294] and 63.8% [ n  = 224], respectively. Furthermore, the analysis of Domain III demonstrated that QU Health students were shown to have a "positive academic self-perception" (22 [IQR = 19–25]). In this regard, most students believed that they were developing their problem-solving skills (78% [ n  = 292]) and that what they learned was relevant to their professional careers (76% [ n  = 288]). Furthermore, approximately 80% ( n  = 306) of students agreed that they had learned empathy in their profession. For Domain IV, students perceived the atmosphere of their learning environment to be "more positive" (32 [IQR = 14–19]). A substantial number of students asserted that there were opportunities for them to develop interpersonal skills (77.7% [ n  = 293]), and that the atmosphere motivated them as learners (63.0% [ n  = 235]). Approximately one-third of students believed that the enjoyment did not outweigh the stress of studying (32.3% [ n  = 174]). Finally, analysis of Domain V indicates that students’ social self-perception was “not very bad” (17 [IQR = 27–36]). Most students agreed that they had good friends at their colleges (83% [ n  = 314]) and that their social lives were good (68% [ n  = 254]).

Table 3 illustrates the differences in the perception of students of their overall learning environment according to their demographic and professional characteristics. No significant differences were noted in the perception of the learning environment among the subgroups with selected demographic and professional characteristics, except for the health profession program in which they were enrolled ( p -value < 0.001), whether they had relatives who studied or had studied the same profession ( p -value < 0.002), and whether they started their experiential learning ( p -value = 0.043). Further analyses comparing the DREEM subscale scores according to their demographic and professional characteristics are presented in Supplementary Material 1.

Students’ perceptions of their professional identities

The students provided positive responses relating to their perceptions of their professional identity (24.00 IQR = [22–27]). The reliability analysis of this sample indicated a Cronbach's alpha of 0.605. The individual item responses representing the MCPIS-9 tool are presented in Table  2 . Most students (85% [ n  = 297]) expressed pleasant feelings about belonging to their own profession, and 81% ( n  = 280) identified positively with members of their profession. No significant differences were noted in the perception of students of their professional identity when analyzed against selected demographic subgroups, except for whether they had relatives who had studied or were studying the same profession ( p -value = 0.027). Students who had relatives studying or had studied the same profession tended to perceive their professional identity better (25 IQR = [22–27] and 24 IQR = [21–26], respectively) (Table  3 ).

Association between MCPIS-9 and DREEM

Spearman's rank correlation between the DREEM and MCPIS-9 total scores indicated an intermediate positive correlation between perceptions of students toward their learning environment and their professional identity development (r = 0.442, p -value < 0.001). The DREEM questionnaire, with its 50 items divided into five subscales, comprehensively assessed various dimensions of the learning environment. Each subscale evaluated a distinct aspect of the educational experience, such as the effectiveness of teaching, teacher behavior and attitudes, academic confidence, the overall learning atmosphere, and social integration. The MCPIS-9 questionnaire specifically assessed professional identity through nine items that measure attitudes, values, and self-perceived competence in the professional domain. The positive correlation demonstrated between the DREEM and MCPIS-9 scores indicated that as students perceive their learning environment more positively, their professional identity is also enhanced.

Thirty-seven students from the QU Health colleges were interviewed: eleven from CPH, eight from CMED, four from CDEM, and fourteen from CHS (six from Nut, three from PS, three from Biomed, and three from PH). Four conventional themes were generated deductively using Gruppen et al.’s conceptual framework, while one theme was derived through inductive analysis. The themes and sub-themes generated are demonstrated in Table  4 .

Theme 1. The personal component of the learning environment

This theme focused on student interactions and experiences within their learning environment and their impact on perceptions of learning, processes, growth, and professional development.

Sub-theme 1.1. Experiences influencing professional identity formation

Students classified their experiences into positive and negative. Positive experiences included hands-on activities such as on-campus practical courses and pre-clinical activities, which built their confidence and professional identity. In this regard, one student mentioned:

“Practical courses are one of the most important courses to help us develop into pharmacists. They make you feel confident in your knowledge and more willing to share what you know.” [CPH-5]

Many students claimed that interprofessional education (IPE) activities enhanced their self-perception, clarified their roles, and boosted their professional identity and confidence. An interviewee stated:

"I believe that the IPE activity,…., is an opportunity for us to explore our role. It has made me know where my profession stands in the health sector and how we all depend on each other through interprofessional thinking and discussions." [CHS-Nut-32]

However, several participants reported that an extensive workload hindered their professional identity development. A participant stated:

“The excessive workload prevents us from joining activities that would contribute to our professional identity development. Also, it restricts our networking opportunities and makes us always feel burnt out.” [CHS-Nut-31]

Sub-theme 1.2. Strategies used by students to pursue their goals

QU Health students employed various academic and non-academic strategies to achieve their objectives, with many emphasizing list-making and identifying effective study methods as key approaches:

“Documentation. I like to see tasks that I need to do on paper. Also, I like to classify my tasks based on their urgency. I mean, deadlines.” [CHS-Nut-31]
“I always try to be as efficient as possible when studying and this can be by knowing what studying method best suits me.” [CHS-Biomed-35]

Nearly all students agreed that seeking feedback from faculty was crucial for improving their work and performance. In this context, a student said:

“We must take advantage of the provided opportunity to discuss our assignments, projects, and exams, like what we did correctly, and what we did wrongly. They always discuss with us how to improve our work on these things.” [CHS-Nut-32]

Moreover, many students also believed that developing communication skills was vital for achieving their goals, given their future roles in interprofessional teams. A student mentioned:

“Improving your communication skills is a must because inshallah (with God’s will) in the future we will not only work with biomedical scientists, but also with nurses, pharmacists, and doctors. So, you must have good communication abilities.” [CHS-Biomed-34]

Finally, students believe that networking is crucial for achieving their goals because it opens new opportunities for them as stated by a student:

“Networking with different physicians or professors can help you to know about research or training opportunities that you could potentially join.” [CMED-15]

Subtheme 1.3. Students’ mental and physical well-being

Students agreed that while emotional well-being is crucial for good learning experiences and professional identity development, colleges offered insufficient support. An interviewee stated:

“We simply don't have the optimal support we need to take care of our emotional well-being as of now, despite how important it is and how it truly reflects on our learning and professional development” [CDEM-20]

Another student added:

“…being in an optimal mental state provides us with the opportunity to acquire all required skills that would aid in our professional identity development. I mean, interpersonal skills, adaptability, self-reflection” [CPH-9]

Students mentioned some emotional support provided by colleges, such as progress tracking and stress-relief activities. Students said:

“During P2 [professional year 2], I missed a quiz, and I was late for several lectures. Our learning support specialist contacted me … She was like, are you doing fine? I explained everything to her, and she contacted the professors for their consideration and support.” [CPH-7]
“There are important events that are done to make students take a break and recharge, but they are not consistent” [CHS-PS-27]

On the physical well-being front, students felt that their colleges ensured safety, especially in lab settings, with proper protocols to avoid harm. A student mentioned:

“The professors and staff duly ensure our safety, especially during lab work. They make sure that we don't go near any harmful substances and that we abide by the lab safety rules” [CHS-Biomed -35]

Theme 2. Social component of the learning environment

This theme focused on how social interactions shape students’ perceptions of learning environments and learning experiences.

Sub-theme 2.1. Opportunities for community engagement

Participants identified various opportunities for social interactions through curricular and extracurricular activities. Project-based learning (PBL) helped them build connections, improve teamwork and enhance critical thinking and responsibility as stated by one student:

“I believe that having PBL as a big part of our learning process improves our teamwork and interpersonal skills and makes us take responsibility in learning, thinking critically, and going beyond what we would have received in class to prepare very well and deep into the topic.” [CMED-12]

Extracurricular activities, including campaigns and events, helped students expand their social relationships and manage emotional stress. A student stated:

“I think that the extracurricular activities that we do, like the campaigns or other things that we hold in the college with other students from other colleges, have been helpful for me in developing my personality and widening my social circle. Also, it dilutes the emotional stress we are experiencing in class” [CDEM-22]

Sub-theme 2.2. Opportunities for learner-to-patient interactions

Students noted several approaches their colleges used to enhance patient-centered education and prepare them for real-world patient interactions. These approaches include communication skills classes, simulated patient scenarios, and field trips. Students mentioned:

“We took a class called Foundation of Health, which mainly focused on how to communicate our message to patients to ensure that they were getting optimal care. This course made us appreciate the term ‘patient care’ more.” [CHS-PH-38]
“We began to appreciate patient care when we started to take a professional skills course that entailed the implementation of a simulated patient scenario. We started to realize that communication with patients didn’t go as smoothly as when we did it with a colleague in the classroom.” [CPH-1]
“We went on a field trip to ‘Shafallah Center for Persons with Disability’ and that helped us to realize that there were a variety of patients that we had to care for, and we should be physically and mentally prepared to meet their needs.” [CDEM-21]

Theme 3. Organizational component of the learning environment

This theme explored students' perceptions of how the college administration, policies, culture, coordination, and curriculum design impact their learning experiences.

Sub-theme 3.1. Curriculum and study plan

Students valued clinical placements for their role in preparing them for the workplace and developing professional identity. A student stated:

“Clinical placements are very crucial for our professional identity development; we get the opportunity to be familiarized with and prepared for the work environment.” [CHS-PS-27]

However, students criticized their curriculum for not equipping them with adequate knowledge and skills. For example, a student said:

“… Not having a well-designed curriculum is of concern. We started very late in studying dentistry stuff and that led to us cramming all the necessary information that we should have learned.” [CDEM-20]

Furthermore, students reported that demanding schedules and limited course availability hindered learning and delayed progress:

“Last semester, I had classes from Sunday to Thursday from 8:00 AM till 3:00 PM in the same classroom, back-to-back, without any break. I was unable to focus in the second half of the day.” [CHS-Nut-38]
“Some courses are only offered once a year, and they are sometimes prerequisites for other courses. This can delay our clinical internship or graduation by one year.” [CHS-Biomed-36]

Additionally, the outdated curriculum was seen as misaligned with advancements in artificial intelligence (AI). One student stated:

“… What we learn in our labs is old-fashioned techniques, while Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) is following a new protocol that uses automation and AI. So, I believe that we need to get on track with HMC as most of us will be working there after graduation.” [CHS-Biomed-35]

Sub-theme 3.2. Organizational climate and policies

Students generally appreciated the positive university climate and effective communication with the college administration which improves course quality:

“Faculty members and the college administration usually listen to our comments about courses or anything that we want to improve, and by providing a course evaluation at the end of the semester, things get better eventually.” [CPH-2]

Students also valued faculty flexibility with scheduling exams and assignments, and praised the new makeup exam policy which enhances focus on learning:

“Faculty members are very lenient with us. If we want to change the date of the exam or the deadline for any assignment, they agree if everyone in the class agrees. They prioritize the quality of our work over just getting an assignment done.” [CHS-PS-37]
“I am happy with the introduction of makeup exams. Now, we are not afraid of failing and losing a whole year because of a course. I believe that this will help us to focus on topics, not just cramming the knowledge to pass.” [CPH-9]

However, students expressed concerns about the lack of communication between colleges and clinical placements and criticized the lengthy approval process for extracurricular activities:

“There is a contract between QU and HMC, but the lack of communication between them puts students in a grey area. I wish there would be better communication between them.” [CMED-15]
“To get a club approved by QU, you must go through various barriers, and it doesn't work every time. A lot of times you won't get approved.” [CMED-14]

Theme 4. Materialistic component of the learning environment

This theme discussed how physical and virtual learning spaces affect students' learning experiences and professional identity.

Sub-theme 4.1. The physical space for learning

Students explained that the interior design of buildings and the fully equipped laboratory facilities in their programs enhanced focus and learning:

“The design has a calming effect, all walls are simple and isolate the noise, the classrooms are big with big windows, so that the sunlight enters easily, and we can see the green grass. This is very important for focusing and optimal learning outcomes.” [CPH-5]
“In our labs, we have beds and all the required machines for physiotherapy exercises and practical training, and we can practice with each other freely.” [CHS-PS-27]

Students from different emphasized the need for dedicated lecture rooms for each batch and highlighted the importance of having on-site cafeterias to avoid disruptions during the day:

“We don't have lecture rooms devoted to each batch. Sometimes we don't even find a room to attend lectures and we end up taking the lectures in the lab, which makes it hard for us to focus and study later.” [CDEM-23]
“Not having a cafeteria in this building is a negative point. Sometimes we miss the next lecture or part of it if we go to another building to buy breakfast.” [CHS-Nut-29]

Sub-theme 4.2. The virtual space for online learning

Students appreciated the university library's extensive online resources and free access to platforms like Microsoft Teams and Webex for efficient learning and meetings. They valued recorded lectures for flexible study and appreciated virtual webinars and workshops for global connectivity.

“QU Library provides us with a great diversity and a good number of resources, like journals or books, as well as access medicine, massive open online courses, and other platforms that are very useful for studying.” [CMED-16].
“Having your lectures recorded through virtual platforms made it easier to take notes efficiently and to study at my own pace.” [CHS-PS-38]
"I hold a genuine appreciation for the provided opportunities to register in online conferences. I remember during the COVID-19 pandemic, I got the chance to attend an online workshop. This experience allowed me to connect with so many people from around the world." [CMED-15]

Theme 5. Characteristics of an ideal learning environment

This theme explored students’ perceptions of an ideal learning environment and its impact on their professional development and identity.

Sub-theme 5.1. Active learning and professional development supporting environment

Students highlighted that an ideal learning environment should incorporate active learning methods and a supportive atmosphere. They suggested using simulated patients in case-based learning and the use of game-based learning platforms:

“I think if we have, like in ITQAN [a Clinical Simulation and Innovation Center located on the Hamad Bin Khalifa Medical City (HBKMC) campus of Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC)], simulated patients, I think that will be perfect like in an “Integrated Case-Based Learning” case or professional skills or patient assessment labs where we can go and intervene with simulated patients and see what happens as a consequence. This will facilitate our learning.” [CPH-4]
“I feel that ‘Kahoot’ activities add a lot to the session. We get motivated and excited to solve questions and win. We keep laughing, and I honestly feel that the answers to these questions get stuck in my head.” [CHS-PH-38].

Students emphasized the need for more opportunities for research, career planning, and equity in terms of providing resources and opportunities for students:

“Students should be provided with more opportunities to do research, publish, and practice.” [CMED-16]
“We need better career planning and workshops or advice regarding what we do after graduation or what opportunities we have.” [CHS-PS-25]
“I think that opportunities are disproportionate, and this is not ideal. I believe all students should have the same access to opportunities like having the chance to participate in conferences and receiving research opportunities, especially if one fulfills the requirements.” [CHS-Biomed-35]

Furthermore, the students proposed the implementation of mentorship programs and a reward system to enable a better learning experience:

“Something that could enable our personal development is a mentorship program, which our college started to implement this year, and I hope they continue to because it’s an attribute of an ideal learning environment.” [CPH-11]
“There has to be some form of reward or acknowledgments to students, especially those who, for example, have papers published or belong to leading clubs, not just those who are, for example, on a dean’s list because education is much more than just academics.” [CHS-PS-26]

Subtheme 5.2. Supportive physical environment

Participants emphasized that the physical environment of the college significantly influences their learning attitudes. A student said:

“The first thing that we encounter when we arrive at the university is the campus. I mean, our early thoughts toward our learning environment are formed before we even know anything about our faculty members or the provided facilities. So, ideally, it starts here.” [CPH-10]

Therefore, students identified key characteristics of an optimal physical environment which included: having a walkable campus, designated study and social areas, and accessible food and coffee.

“I think that learning in what they refer to as a walkable campus, which entails having the colleges and facilities within walking distance from each other, without restrictions of high temperature and slow transportation, is ideal.” [CPH-8]
“The classrooms and library should be conducive to studying and focusing, and there should also be other places where one can actually socialize and sit with one’s friends.” [CDEM-22]
“It is really important to have a food court or café in each building, as our schedules are already packed, and we have no time to go get anything for nearby buildings.” [CHS-Biomed-34]

Data integration

Table 5 represents the integration of data from the quantitative and qualitative phases. It demonstrates how the quantitative findings informed and complemented the qualitative analysis and explains how quantitative data guided the selection of themes in the qualitative phase. The integration of quantitative and qualitative data revealed both convergences and divergences in students' views of their learning environment. Both data sources consistently indicated that the learning environment supported the development of interpersonal skills, fostered strong relationships with faculty, and promoted an active, student-centered learning approach. This environment was credited with enhancing critical thinking, independence, and responsibility, as well as boosting students' confidence and competence through clear role definitions and constructive faculty feedback.

However, discrepancies emerged between the two phases. Quantitative data suggested general satisfaction with timetables and support systems, while qualitative data uncovered significant dissatisfaction. Although quantitative results indicated that students felt well-prepared and able to memorize necessary material, qualitative findings revealed challenges with concentration and focus. Furthermore, while quantitative data showed contentment with institutional support, qualitative responses pointed to shortcomings in emotional and physical support.

This study examined the perceptions of QU Health students regarding the quality of their learning environment and the characteristics of an ideal learning environment. Moreover, this study offered insights into the development of professional identity, emphasizing the multifaceted nature of learning environments and their substantial impact on professional identity formation.

Perceptions of the learning environment

The findings revealed predominantly positive perceptions among students regarding the quality of the overall learning environment at QU Health and generally favorable perception of all five DREEM subscales, which is consistent with the international studies using the DREEM tool [ 43 , 50 , 51 , 52 , 53 , 54 ]. Specifically, participants engaged in experiential learning expressed heightened satisfaction, which aligns with existing research indicating that practical educational approaches enhance student engagement and satisfaction [ 55 , 56 ]. Additionally, despite limited literature, students without relatives in the same profession demonstrated higher perceptions of their learning environment, possibly due to fewer preconceived expectations. A 2023 systematic review highlighted how students’ expectations influence their satisfaction and academic achievement [ 57 ]. However, specific concerns arose regarding the learning environment, including overemphasis on factual learning in teaching, student fatigue, and occasional boredom. These issues were closely linked to the overwhelming workload and conventional teaching methods, as identified in the qualitative phase.

Association between learning environment and professional identity

This study uniquely integrated the perceptions of the learning environment with insights into professional identity formation in the context of healthcare education which is a relatively underexplored area in quantitative studies [ 44 , 58 , 59 , 60 ]. This study demonstrated a positive correlation between students' perceptions of the learning environment (DREEM) and their professional identity development (MCPIS-9) which suggested that a more positive learning environment is associated with enhanced professional identity formation. For example, a supportive and comfortable learning atmosphere (i.e., high SPoA scores) can enhance students' confidence and professional self-perception (i.e., high MCPIS-9 scores). The relationship between these questionnaires is fundamental to this study. The DREEM subscales, particularly Perception of Learning (SpoL) and Academic Self-Perception (SASP), relate to how the learning environment supports or hinders the development of a professional identity, as measured by MCPIS-9. Furthermore, the Perception of Teachers (SpoT) subscale examines how teacher behaviors and attitudes impact students, which can influence their professional identity development. The Perception of Atmosphere (SPoA) and Social Self-Perception (SSSP) subscales evaluate the broader environment and social interactions, which are crucial for professional identity formation as they foster a sense of community and belonging.

Employing a mixed methods approach and analyzing both questionnaires and FGs through the framework outlined by Gruppen et al. highlighted key aspects across four dimensions of the learning environment: personal development, social dimension, organizational setting, and materialistic dimension [ 1 ]. First, the study underscored the significance of both personal development and constructive feedback. IPE activities emerged as a key factor that promotes professional identity by cultivating collaboration and role identification which is consistent with Bendowska and Baum's findings [ 61 ]. Similarly, the positive impact of constructive faculty feedback on student learning outcomes aligned with the work of Gan et al. which revealed that feedback from faculty members positively influences course satisfaction and knowledge retention, which are usually reflected in course results [ 62 ]. Importantly, the research also emphasized the need for workload management strategies to mitigate negative impacts on student well-being, a crucial factor for academic performance and professional identity development [ 63 , 64 ]. The inclusion of community events and support services could play a significant role in fostering student well-being and reducing stress, as suggested by Hoferichter et al. [ 65 ]. Second, the importance of the social dimension of the learning environment was further highlighted by the study. Extracurricular activities were identified as opportunities to develop essential interpersonal skills needed for professional identity, mirroring the conclusions drawn by Achar Fujii et al. who argued that extracurricular activities lead to the development of fundamental skills and attitudes to build and refine their professional identity and facilitate the learning process, such as leadership, commitment, and responsibility [ 66 ]. Furthermore, Magpantay-Monroe et al. concluded that community and social engagement led to professional identity development in nursing students through the expansion of their knowledge and communication with other nursing professionals [ 67 ]. PBL activities were another key element that promoted critical thinking, learning, and ultimately, professional identity development in this study similar to what was reported by Zhou et al. and Du et al. [ 68 , 69 ]. Third, the organizational setting, particularly the curriculum and clinical experiences, emerged as crucial factors. Clinical placements and field trips were found to be instrumental in cultivating empathy and professional identity [ 70 , 71 ]. However, maintaining an up-to-date curriculum that reflects advancements in AI healthcare education is equally important, as highlighted by Randhawa and Jackson in 2019 [ 72 ]. Finally, the study underlined the role of the materialistic dimension of the learning environment. Physical learning environments with natural light and managed noise levels were found to contribute to improved academic performance [ 73 , 74 ]. Additionally, the value of online educational resources, such as online library resources and massive open online course, as tools facilitating learning by providing easy access to materials, was emphasized, which is consistent with the observations of Haleem et al. [ 75 ].

The above collectively contribute to shaping students' professional identities through appreciating their roles, developing confidence, and understanding the interdependence of different health professions. These indicate that a supportive and engaging learning environment is crucial for fostering a strong sense of professional identity. Incorporating these student-informed strategies can assist educational institutions in cultivating well-rounded healthcare professionals equipped with the knowledge, skills, and emotional resilience needed to thrive in the dynamic healthcare landscape. Compared to existing quantitative data, this study reported a lower median MCPIS-9 score of 24.0, in contrast to previously reported scores of 39.0, 38.0, 38.0, respectively. [ 76 , 77 , 78 ]. This discrepancy may be influenced by the fact that the participants were in their second professional year, known for weaker identity development [ 79 ]. Students with relatives in the same profession perceived their identity more positively, which is likely due to role model influences [ 22 ].

Expectations of the ideal educational learning environment

This study also sought to identify the key attributes of an ideal learning environment from the perspective of students at QU-Health. The findings revealed a strong emphasis on active learning strategies, aligning with Kolb's experiential learning theory [ 80 ]. This preference suggests a desire to move beyond traditional lecture formats and engage in activities that promote experimentation and reflection, potentially mitigating issues of student boredom. Furthermore, students valued the implementation of simple reward systems such as public recognition, mirroring the positive impact such practices have on academic achievement reported by Dannan in 2020 [ 81 ]. The perceived importance of mentorship programs resonates with the work of Guhan et al. who demonstrated improved academic performance, particularly for struggling students [ 82 ]. Finally, the study highlighted the significance of a walkable campus with accessible facilities. This aligns with Rohana et al. who argued that readily available and useable facilities contribute to effective teaching and learning processes, ultimately resulting in improved student outcomes [ 83 ]. Understanding these student perceptions, health professions education programs can inform strategic planning for curricular and extracurricular modifications alongside infrastructural development.

The complementary nature of qualitative and quantitative methods in understanding student experiences

This study underscored the benefits of employing mixed methods to comprehensively explore the interplay between the learning environment and professional identity formation as complex phenomena. The qualitative component provided nuanced insights that complemented the baseline data provided by DREEM and MCPIS-9 questionnaires. While DREEM scores generally indicated positive perceptions, qualitative findings highlighted the significant impact of experiential learning on students' perceptions of the learning environment and professional identity development. Conversely, discrepancies emerged between questionnaire responses and FG interviews, revealing deeper issues such as fatigue and boredom associated with traditional teaching methods and heavy workloads, potentially influenced by cultural factors. In FGs, students revealed cultural pressures to conform and stigma against expressing dissatisfaction, which questionnaire responses may not capture. Qualitative data allowed students to openly discuss culturally sensitive issues, indicating that interviews complement surveys by revealing insights overlooked in quantitative assessments alone. These insights can inform the design of learning environments that support holistic student development. The study also suggested that cultural factors can influence student perceptions and should be considered in educational research and practice.

Application of findings

The findings from this study can be directly applied to inform and enhance educational practices, as well as to influence policy and practice sectors. Educational institutions should prioritize integrating active learning strategies and mentorship programs to combat issues such as student fatigue and boredom. Furthermore, practical opportunities, including experiential learning and IPE activities, should be emphasized to strengthen professional identity and engagement. To address these challenges comprehensively, policymakers should consider developing policies that support effective workload management and community support services, which are essential for improving student well-being and academic performance. Collaboration between educational institutions and practice sectors can greatly improve students' satisfaction with their learning environment and experience. This partnership enhances the relevance and engagement of their education, leading to a stronger professional identity and better preparation for successful careers.


As with all research, this study has several limitations. For instance, there was a higher percentage of female participants compared to males; however, it is noteworthy to highlight the demographic composition of QU Health population, where students are majority female. Furthermore, the CHS, which is one of the participating colleges in this study, enrolls only female students. Another limitation is the potentially underpowered statistical comparisons among the sociodemographic characteristics in relation to the total DREEM and MCPIS-9 scores. Thus, the findings of this study should be interpreted with caution.

The findings of this study reveal that QU Health students generally hold a positive view of their learning environment and professional identity, with a significant positive correlation exists between students’ perceptions of their learning environment and their professional identity. Specifically, students who engaged in experiential learning or enrolled in practical programs rated their learning environment more favorably, and those with relatives in the same profession had a more positive view of their professional identity. The participants of this study also identified several key attributes that contribute to a positive learning environment, including active learning approaches and mentorship programs. Furthermore, addressing issues like fatigue and boredom is crucial for enhancing student satisfaction and professional development.

To build on these findings, future research should focus on longitudinal studies that monitor changes in the perceptions of students over time and identify the long-term impact of implementing the proposed attributes of an ideal learning environment on the learning process and professional identity development of students. Additionally, exploring the intricate dynamics of learning environments and their impact on professional identity can allow educators to better support students in their professional journey. Future research should also continue to explore these relationships, particularly on diverse cultural settings, in order to develop more inclusive and effective educational strategies. This approach will ensure that health professional students are well-prepared to meet the demands of their profession and provide high-quality care to their patients.

Availability of data and materials

The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.


United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

European Union

American Council on Education

World Federation for Medical Education

Communities of Practice

Qatar University Health

College of Health Sciences

College of Pharmacy

College of Medicine

Dental Medicine

College of Nursing

Human Nutrition

Biomedical Science

Public Health


Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure

Perception to Learning

Perception to Teachers

Academic Self-Perception

Perception of the Atmosphere

Social Self-Perception

Macleod Clark Professional Identity Scale

Focus Group

InterProfessional Education

Project-Based Learning

Hamad Medical Corporation

Hamad Bin Khalifa Medical City

Artificial Intelligence

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The authors would like to thank all students who participated in this study.

This work was supported by the Qatar University Internal Collaborative Grant: QUCG-CPH-22/23–565.

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Authors and affiliations.

Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Practice, College of Pharmacy, QU Health, Qatar University, P.O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar

Banan Mukhalalati, Aaliah Aly, Ola Yakti, Sara Elshami, Ahmed Awaisu, Alla El-Awaisi & Derek Stewart

College of Dental Medicine, QU Health, Qatar University, P.O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar

College of Health Sciences, QU Health, Qatar University, P.O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar

Ahsan Sethi

College of Medicine, QU Health, Qatar University, P.O. Box 2713, Doha, Qatar

Marwan Farouk Abu-Hijleh

Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

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Study conception and design: BM, and SE; data collection: BM, OY, AA, and AD; analysis and interpretation of results: all authors; draft manuscript preparation: all authors. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Banan Mukhalalati .

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Mukhalalati, B., Aly, A., Yakti, O. et al. Examining the perception of undergraduate health professional students of their learning environment, learning experience and professional identity development: a mixed-methods study. BMC Med Educ 24 , 886 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-024-05875-4

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Received : 03 July 2024

Accepted : 08 August 2024

Published : 16 August 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-024-05875-4

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New sensor can detect cholesterol and glucose from skin

New sensor can detect cholesterol and glucose from skin

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A new, non-invasive method may do away with the need to draw blood for testing blood glucose and cholesterol levels.

Researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star) have developed a stretchable, hydrogel-based sensor that can detect such biomarkers in a solid state on the skin.

The technology could be used in wearables for purposes such as chronic disease management and remote patient monitoring.

The team’s findings were published in the scientific journal Nature Materials in June.

While traditional methods of monitoring biomarkers in fluids such as blood, urine and sweat are effective, they come with hurdles that can impede the early diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

Blood tests, for example, can be invasive and inconvenient, while sweat can be difficult to induce in inactive people.

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The researchers noted that such challenges do not apply to solid-state epidermal biomarkers – which include cholesterol and lactate – that are found in the stratum corneum, the outermost layer of the skin.

Such biomarkers have shown strong correlations with diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Outside of some scattered literature, these correlations have been overlooked for decades, said Assistant Professor Liu Yuxin from the NUS Institute for Health Innovation & Technology.

Prof Liu, who is one of the leads for the study, said solid electrodes placed on the skin, used in conventional monitors, do not allow for the electrochemical sensing of these biomarkers.

Instead of electrodes, the sensor developed by the researchers uses hydrogels, which dissolve and diffuse solid-state epidermal biomarkers that then undergo electrochemical reactions catalysed by enzymes.

This results in the transfer of electrons to an electronically conductive hydrogel, which can then be read by a flexible printed circuit board connected to the sensor.

The circuit board is able to wirelessly transmit the relevant physiological data to a user, who can use the data to monitor a patient’s health.

Dr Yang Le, principal scientist and head of the sensors and flexible electronics department at the A*Star Institute of Materials Research and Engineering, said the sensor is possibly the first such device that is able to monitor biomarkers on dry skin.

“The stretchable design enhances comfort and accuracy as well, by adapting to our skin’s natural elasticity. This innovation can change the way we approach health and lifestyle monitoring, particularly for those living with chronic conditions requiring constant health monitoring,” said Dr Yang, who is the study’s other lead.

Clinical studies showed that the sensor found “strong correlations” between biomarkers on the skin and those in blood samples, positing that it could act as an alternative to blood tests for monitoring chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular conditions.

It is also able to detect solid-state lactate and cholesterol, even at very low levels.

High levels of lactate, also known as lactic acid, can be indicative of a number of diseases, such as pulmonary or circulatory disorders, and liver disease.

One possible application of the technology is as a replacement for the pregnancy diabetic test, said Prof Liu.

The test for gestational diabetes – which affects about one in five pregnant women in Singapore – is offered to all women who are between 24 weeks and 28 weeks of pregnancy here.

“Rather than subject pregnant women to multiple blood draws, our sensor could be used to track real-time sugar levels conveniently in patients’ homes, with a similar level of accuracy as traditional tests. This also can be applied to diabetes in general, replacing the need for regular finger-prick tests,” Prof Liu said.

Dr Yang identified the daily monitoring of heart health as another possible use of the innovation.

“The research team has embarked on a research programme to work closely with cardiologists in establishing clinical correlation between biomarkers – lactate, cholesterol and glucose – with heart health,” she said.

While the sensor is currently limited to these three biomarkers, the researchers aim to expand its abilities to detect others as well, she added.

Noting that the sensor can eventually be integrated with a variety of devices, including smartwatches and fitness trackers, Dr Yang said the technology can be employed both for lifestyle and medical purposes.

The researchers expect to be able to commercialise the sensor within the next five years or so, once the technology is more mature, she added.

Medical wearables are becoming increasingly popular, with market researcher Fortune Business Insights predicting that the global market for such devices is expected to grow from $120 billion in 2024 to $427 billion by 2032.

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Research on the teaching of laser chaotic communication based on optisystem and matlab software.

research paper for teaching method

1. Introduction

2. basic information of laser chaotic communication course, 3. teaching implementation of “laser chaotic communication based on p-i electro-optic cascade phase feedback” course, 3.1. model of electro-optic cascade-phase feedback laser chaotic communication system, 3.2. theoretical model, 3.3. analysis of chaotic characteristics in matlab software, 3.3.1. bifurcation diagram, 3.3.2. probability density distribution, 3.3.3. acf and ccf, 3.3.4. robustness, 3.4. p-i electro-optic cascade-phase feedback laser chaotic synchronization communication system based on matlab and optisystem, 3.5. teaching effect analysis based on matlab and optisystem software, 4. conclusions, author contributions, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

1. The chaotic system based on optical feedback can make the laser output a chaotic signal by increasing the laser bias current or setting the appropriate feedback coefficient—( ) Yes or No?Yes (45)
No (0)
2. Based on the chaotic system of light injection, the response laser can be brought from the stable state to the chaotic state by modulating the phase or intensity of the perturbed light by external injection—( ) Yes or No?Yes (45)
No (0)
3. The correlation coefficient can analyze the synchronization degree of the chaotic signal at the transmitter and the chaotic signal at the receiver, and the larger the correlation coefficient is, the better the synchronization of the chaotic system is—( ) Yes or No?Yes (42)
No (3)
4. Synchronization error can reflect a similar degree of output chaotic signal amplitude. The smaller the value is, the worse the synchronization degree of the system is—( ) Yes or No?Yes (2)
No (43)
5. The properties of chaotic systems can be characterized by the following indicators: A. bifurcation diagram; B. Lyapunov exponent; C. fractal dimension; D. convergence.A (45)
B (45)
C (41)
D (44)
QuestionsStrongly Agree, n (%)Agree, n (%)Neutral, n (%)Disagree, n (%)Strongly Disagree, n (%)
Matlab and Optisystem software help you better understand the theoretical knowledge of the course.16 (35.56%)25 (55.56%)4 (8.88%)0 (0.00%)0 (0.00%)
Matlab and Optisystem software improve your ability to design and analyze projects.20 (44.44%)25 (55.56%)0 (0.00%)0 (0.00%)0 (0.00%)
Teaching based on Matlab and Optisystem software improves your scientific research ability.18 (40.00%)19 (42.22%)7 (15.56%)1 (2.22%)0 (0.00%)
The practice homework improved your team’s cooperation ability.25 (55.56%)20 (44.44%)0 (0.00%)0 (0.00%)0 (0.00%)
This kind of teaching mode stimulates your interest in learning the course.22 (48.89%)20 (44.44%)3 (6.67%)0 (0.00%)0 (0.00%)
It is hoped that the follow-up courses will also offer an opportunity to practice homework by using Matlab or Optisystem software.19 (42.22%)19 (42.22%)7 (15.56%)0 (0.00%)0 (0.00%)
The practical homework improves your software application ability and operation ability.23 (51.11%)20 (44.44%)2 (4.44%)0 (0.00%)0 (0.00%)
If you had another chance, would you hope to make the project more perfect?17 (37.78%)16 (35.56%)10 (22.22%)2 (4.44%)1 (2.22%)
Do you want to apply for a research project related to the course?20 (44.44%)18 (40.00%)5 (11.11%)1 (2.22%)1 (2.22%)
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Click here to enlarge figure

τ The time of the high-pass cutoff frequency in the external phase feedback loop20 ns
θ The time of the low-pass cutoff frequency in the external phase feedback loop16.6 ms
T The delay of the phase-modulated branch300 ns
δT The coherence time of phase-modulated branch MZI1600 ps
τ The time of the high-pass cutoff frequency in the inner phase feedback loop12.2 ns
θ The time of the low-pass cutoff frequency in the inner phase feedback loop16.6 ms
T The delay of phase-modulated shunt500 ns
δT The coherence time of phase-modulated branch MZI2400 ps
Φ The static offset phase introduced by the two-phase feedback loopsπ/4
BDispersion1200 ps/km
β The feedback coefficient[0, 5]
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Share and Cite

Zhou, X.; Li, M.; Bi, M.; Yang, G.; Hu, M. Research on the Teaching of Laser Chaotic Communication Based on Optisystem and Matlab Software. Electronics 2024 , 13 , 3274. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13163274

Zhou X, Li M, Bi M, Yang G, Hu M. Research on the Teaching of Laser Chaotic Communication Based on Optisystem and Matlab Software. Electronics . 2024; 13(16):3274. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13163274

Zhou, Xuefang, Minjun Li, Meihua Bi, Guowei Yang, and Miao Hu. 2024. "Research on the Teaching of Laser Chaotic Communication Based on Optisystem and Matlab Software" Electronics 13, no. 16: 3274. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13163274

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Computer Science > Computation and Language

Title: mutual reasoning makes smaller llms stronger problem-solvers.

Abstract: This paper introduces rStar, a self-play mutual reasoning approach that significantly improves reasoning capabilities of small language models (SLMs) without fine-tuning or superior models. rStar decouples reasoning into a self-play mutual generation-discrimination process. First, a target SLM augments the Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) with a rich set of human-like reasoning actions to construct higher quality reasoning trajectories. Next, another SLM, with capabilities similar to the target SLM, acts as a discriminator to verify each trajectory generated by the target SLM. The mutually agreed reasoning trajectories are considered mutual consistent, thus are more likely to be correct. Extensive experiments across five SLMs demonstrate rStar can effectively solve diverse reasoning problems, including GSM8K, GSM-Hard, MATH, SVAMP, and StrategyQA. Remarkably, rStar boosts GSM8K accuracy from 12.51% to 63.91% for LLaMA2-7B, from 36.46% to 81.88% for Mistral-7B, from 74.53% to 91.13% for LLaMA3-8B-Instruct. Code will be available at this https URL .
Subjects: Computation and Language (cs.CL)
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Biostatistics Graduate Program

Siwei zhang is first author of jamia paper.

Posted by duthip1 on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 in News .

Congratulations to PhD candidate Siwei Zhang , alumnus Nicholas Strayer (PhD 2020; now at Posit), senior biostatistician Yajing Li , and assistant professor Yaomin Xu on the publication of “ PheMIME: an interactive web app and knowledge base for phenome-wide, multi-institutional multimorbidity analysis ” in the  Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association on August 10. As stated in the abstract, “PheMIME provides an extensive multimorbidity knowledge base that consolidates data from three EHR systems, and it is a novel interactive tool designed to analyze and visualize multimorbidities across multiple EHR datasets. It stands out as the first of its kind to offer extensive multimorbidity knowledge integration with substantial support for efficient online analysis and interactive visualization.” Collaborators on the paper include members of Vanderbilt’s Division of Genetic Medicine, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Department of Urology, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Hematology and Oncology, VICTR , Department of Pharmacology, Center for Drug Safety and Immunology, and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, as well as colleagues at Massachusetts General Hospital, North Carolina State University, Murdoch University (Australia), and the Broad Institute. Dr. Xu is corresponding author.

Three-part figure comprising visualization tools for analyzing schizophrenia

Tags: cloud computing , EHR , methods , network analysis , R , schizophrenia , Shiny

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Carbon capture method is cheap, efficient and reversible

Nina Notman

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New carbon capture method uses low-cost charcoal to absorb and release carbon dioxide with the flick of a switch 

Preview image of hydroxide sponge carbon capture summary slide

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Use this story and the accompanying summary slide for a real-world context when studying alkalis or climate change and carbon capture with your 14–16 learners.

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Charcoal ‘sponges’ charged with hydroxide ions (OH - ) offer a low-cost, energy-efficient way to capture carbon dioxide directly from air.

The researchers behind the finding decided to explore using activated charcoal for this purpose because it is ‘cheap, stable and [already] made at scale’. The material’s electrical conductivity also permits a rapid release of captured carbon dioxide, allowing the charcoal sponge to be easily reused.

According to the group leader Alexander Forse, capturing carbon from the atmosphere is a last resort. Still, it is something that needs to be investigated due to the scale of the climate emergency.

A sponge with CO2 written on next to a toy Earth

Source: © Techa Tungateja/Getty Images

Could capturing carbon dioxide with a charcoal sponge be key to helping mitigate climate change?

Hydroxide-charged charcoal

The research team took the less explored route of using hydroxide ions to bind carbon dioxide. ‘It’s very rapid, and more efficient than other methods,’ says Alexander. The secret is ‘sticking’ the hydroxide ions inside the porous (spongy) structure of activated charcoal. The chemists devised a battery-like charging process to stick hydroxide ions inside the charcoal sponge. They use charcoal sponge electrodes and an electrolyte that is full of hydroxide ions. When they apply a voltage, the hydroxide ions accumulate in the tiny pores of the activated charcoal. ‘The material is then ready to capture carbon dioxide,’ says Alexander.

100g of the sponge material soaks up around 1g of carbon dioxide, and it’s easy to recycle and reuse the system many times per day. Camille Petit, an expert in porous materials at Imperial College London, says that the rapid regeneration of carbon dioxide is an important breakthrough. She explains that normally heat is needed to release carbon dioxide from these types of materials. In this case, electricity is the trigger, which could lead to significant energy savings.

This article is adapted from Fernando Gomollón-Bel’s in Chemistry World . 

Nina Notman

H Li et al , Nature , 2024, 630 , 654–659 (doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07449-2)


Summary slide with questions and the article for context when teaching 14–16 lessons on the alkalis or climate change and carbon capture: rsc.li/3YCedYR

Carbon sponge absorbs CO2 from atmosphere summary slide

Carbon sponge absorbs co2 from atmosphere student sheet.

Nina Notman

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    Abstract. This paper outlines ways to structure a research-methods class so that students gain a practical knowledge of how research is done. Emphasis is placed on data collection, using ...

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    PDF | The objective of this study was to investigate the differential effectiveness of teaching methods on students' academic performance. A sample of... | Find, read and cite all the research you ...

  5. Effective Teaching Methods in Higher Education: Requirements and

    This study revealed the effective teaching methods, requirements and barriers in Iranian Higher Education. Teachers participating in this study believed that teaching and learning in higher education is a shared process, with responsibilities on both student and teacher to contribute to their success.

  6. PDF Teaching Methodology and its Effects on Quality Learning

    This paper presents the characteristics of many teaching methods including online teaching and a comparison between them is highlighted, in order to choose the method that satisfy the aims and provide the teacher with high competency. Keywords: Teaching Methodology, Competency, Strengths and Limitations, Quality of Teaching, Online Learning.

  7. Frontiers

    3 Centre for Teacher Education, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Competence in research methods is a major contribution to (future) teachers' professionalism. In the pedagogical approach presented here, which we call the Teaching Clinic, we combine service-learning and design-based research to create meaningful learning engagements.

  8. Teaching research methods in education: using the TPACK framework to

    This article contributes to the discussion on research methods pedagogy by adding a technological dimension to Nind's use of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in research methods education (RME). Within a Scholarship of Teaching and Learning approach, this research-inspired reflection is based on the literature, on the scholar's praxis ...

  9. Teaching Research Methods in the Social Sciences: Expert Perspectives

    This paper builds upon recent thematic reviews of the literature to report new research that shifts the focus from individual experiences of research methods teaching to empirical evidence from a study crossing research methods, disciplines and nations.

  10. Implementing Research-Based Teaching Methodology, a Multi ...

    Research-based teaching methods are applied to increase student learning and engagement in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). This methodology promotes active participation, critical thinking, and problem-solving. This article presents the case...

  11. Research-based teaching-learning method: a strategy to motivate and

    To this end, teaching-learning methods that involve research can be useful tools to increase interest and encourage the search for knowledge. Research is a vital component of undergraduate education and can play a key role in students' learning, their higher education experience, and the development of general skills.

  12. PDF Investigation of the Effect of Different Teaching Methods on Students

    This will also contribute the development of students' research skills scientifically to. In this respect, the methods and technical knowledge of their related to research process of students with improved research skills will improve.

  13. PDF The Role of Teaching and Learning Aids/Methods in a Changing World

    The diverse teaching methods used in today's world provide opportunities to enrich and develop teachers. A teaching method is an effective way to organise learning and unite both the teacher's and learner's efforts. It is important that teachers are creative and professionally developed to use and combine these teaching methods.

  14. Preparing Educators for the Digital Age: Teacher Perceptions of ...

    Abstract. This study investigates higher education teachers' perceptions of active teaching methods, specifically Case-Based Learning, Team-Based Learning, Problem-Based Learning, and the use of digital technologies.

  15. PDF Reality of Using Modern Teaching Methods in Teaching English ...

    To cite this article: eality of using modern teaching methods in teaching English language among teachers. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, S atics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST) is a peer-reviewed scholarly online ournal. This article may be used for research, teaching, and priv te study purposes. Authors alone are responsibl

  16. Teaching Methods Research Papers

    Innovative Strategies for Heritage Language Teaching, by Marta Fairclough and Sara M. Beaudrie, Eds. (2016) Download. by Francisco Salgado-Robles. 6. Applied Linguistics , Teaching Heritage Languages , Teaching Spanish as a heritage language , Teaching Methods. Learning Communities for Students in Developmental English: Impact Studies at Merced ...

  17. The Effect of the Teacher's Teaching Style on Students' Motivation

    Research Design/Methods of Collecting Data The descriptive-survey method was used in this study, and descriptive means that surveys are made in order to discover some aspects of teacher's teaching style and the word survey denotes an investigation of a field to ascertain the typical condition is obtaining.


    Learn how effective teaching strategies can boost learning outcomes in this research paper. Find and cite relevant studies on ResearchGate.

  19. effective teaching strategies: A research paper

    In the end, their learning could be described as self directed and spontaneously. Individualized teaching strategies includes independent study, interest learning centers, problem solving, journal writing, projects, collections, special reports, discovery, reading and students research. Teaching with media.

  20. Methods that teach: developing pedagogic research methods, developing

    This paper addresses ways of researching the pedagogy involved in building research methods competencies in the social sciences. The lack of explicit and shared pedagogy in this area make it particularly important that research is conducted to stimulate pedagogic culture, dialogue and development. The authors discuss the range of methods used ...

  21. Research paper Teaching methods

    Chi square test was used to find out the association between the teaching technique and its effectiveness. The main finding of this research is that different teaching strategies raise the level of interest of learners. Teacher should make their teaching style more interesting and challenging for the students.

  22. Examining the perception of undergraduate health professional students

    The quality of the learning environment significantly impacts student engagement and professional identity formation in health professions education. Despite global recognition of its importance, research on student perceptions of learning environments across different health education programs is scarce. This study aimed to explore how health professional students perceive their learning ...

  23. New sensor can detect cholesterol and glucose from skin

    A new, non-invasive method may do away with the need to draw blood for testing blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star) have developed a stretchable,...

  24. Electronics

    Through after-class exercises and questionnaire surveys, it was verified that the teaching method is widely recognized by students and that it effectively improves the teaching effect of the course of laser chaotic communication and the students' academic research ability.

  25. Research on the Training Model and Evaluation System of

    Abstrac-This paper aims to establish a comprehensive interdisciplinary graduate training model and improve the model in three stages: enrollment, training, and degree granting. The Analytic Hierarchy Process is used to establish a comprehensive evaluation index system for interdisciplinary graduate innovation and practical capabilities, and a specific quantitative evaluation method is proposed ...

  26. (PDF) Modern methods of teaching

    PDF | The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the traditional methods of teaching as well as multimedia teaching and to suggest other useful teaching... | Find, read and cite all the research you ...

  27. Research methods for pedagogy: seeing the hidden and hard to know

    Obviously, research methods adopted for the exploration of any concept need to align with definitions and conceptualizations of the substantive area in question. In the case of pedagogy the range of interrelated elements is considerable and hence the research methods needed for their exploration and theorization have evolved and grown accordingly.

  28. Mutual Reasoning Makes Smaller LLMs Stronger Problem-Solvers

    This paper introduces rStar, a self-play mutual reasoning approach that significantly improves reasoning capabilities of small language models (SLMs) without fine-tuning or superior models. rStar decouples reasoning into a self-play mutual generation-discrimination process. First, a target SLM augments the Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) with a rich set of human-like reasoning actions to ...

  29. Siwei Zhang is first author of JAMIA paper

    Siwei Zhang is first author of JAMIA paper. Posted by duthip1 on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 in News.. Congratulations to PhD candidate Siwei Zhang, alumnus Nicholas Strayer (PhD 2020; now at Posit), senior biostatistician Yajing Li, and assistant professor Yaomin Xu on the publication of "PheMIME: an interactive web app and knowledge base for phenome-wide, multi-institutional multimorbidity ...

  30. Alkali sponge fights climate change

    New carbon capture method uses low-cost charcoal to absorb and release carbon dioxide with the flick of a switch ... The research team took the less explored route of using hydroxide ions to bind carbon dioxide. ... Summary slide with questions and the article for context when teaching 14-16 lessons on the alkalis or climate change and carbon ...