Posted Wednesday, May 29, 2024

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Thesis - Interior adaptation within the existing built environment. A comparative study of restoration, preservation and adaptive reuse

Profile image of Teresa Zywotkiewicz

This thesis explores the fundamental aspects of interior architecture regarding the existing built environment. It focuses on the necessity of restoration, preservation and adaptive reuse as possible solutions when approaching a new project concerning an existing building. Through the study of books, current journals and relevant projects, a universal understanding is formed about approaches that can be used to react to the existing built environment. Also discussed are the more challenging situations that can arise, such as how to deal with heritage, contentious places or the concept of memory of place. Examples and case studies are worldwide to appeal to a greater audience. The thesis outlines and defines possibilities for repairing, restoring, and protecting the existing built environment while keeping them practical in the current time. Before concluding the thesis, a design project, done in conjunction with the thesis, is discussed and explores how the different approaches and interventions discussed can be used to react to a site based on the specific site’s history, value and intangible qualities.

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This article seeks to explore adaptive reuse as a form of connection between the preservation of architectural and urban heritage and the sustainability of the built environment. Reuse in architecture can make the use of spaces more effective while preserving memory, as new life is given to buildings that have potential for use. Furthermore, bringing new function to an underutilized or disused historic building means avoiding complete demolition and less need for construction. Historic buildings represent much more than simply a physical construction, but also something that brings identity and character to the city and serves as a witness to the history of the place. Adaptive reuse is considered a preservation strategy; however it is only effective if it brings social fruition to the building. In this study, the category of reuse represents a new way of conceiving architecture in the 21st century. In this context, we discuss the reasons that make the reuse of architecture and urban ambience a viable alternative, in many cases, for the sustainable preservation of heritage and for the best use of a potential built environment. The criteria that make adaptive reuse an effective strategy for both environmental sustainability and heritage preservation are also presented and discussed. To be considered sustainable, adaptive reuse must preserve the historical value of the building and, at the same time, holistically bring social, economic and environmental advantages to it.

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How to write the perfect design dissertation

Tutors and students from top design colleges share their advice.

thesis topics for interior design dissertation

Studying design is about crafting a great design portfolio that will wow potential employers, right? Well, yes. But don't discount the importance of astute creative thinking, and expressing yourself eloquently through the written word. In short, your design dissertation matters.

"I don't believe that design students should be focused entirely on portfolio work," argues Myrna MacLeod , programme leader for Graphic Design at Edinburgh Napier University. "They should also be able to demonstrate an interest in the contexts that underpin their work, and the histories and connections that have informed our practice."

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"Think of a dissertation as an opportunity, not a burden," urges Craig Burston , Graphic and Media Design course leader at London College of Communication (LCC). "It gives us visually-minded people an opportunity to demonstrate that we too can construct arguments and distil complex notions." 

As Burston points out, this is not just an academic exercise: the power of persuasion is often key to success as a commercial designer. "Clients seek clarity, and project concepts or proposals need to be put into context," he says.

Read on to discover some top tips from leading tutors and their students for nailing your design dissertation…

01. Treat it like a design brief

"A great dissertation should be a designed artefact, and portfolio-worthy in its own right," says Burston. And like a design brief, it should be about solving a problem: "Make sure it has clearly stated aims, strong focus, and doesn't lack opinion or rhetoric," he adds.

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"The value of a designed dissertation as a portfolio piece is that it's a holistic view of the individual," agrees Sarah James , senior lecturer in Visual Communication at Arts University Bournemouth (AUB). 

"It shows, type, editorial, research and aesthetic skill, as well as the personal interests and convictions of the individual."

For her AUB dissertation on responsive type, Maarit Koobas conducted an extensive research process

James identifies AUB student Maarit Koobas , who investigated responsive type in both her dissertation and final project, as a particularly strong example of this. "Her design version was one of the most authentic, restrained and elegantly expressive I have ever received," she enthuses.

Koobas conducted a huge amount of initial research into both the contexts in which responsive type can be seen – such as advertising, product design, science and material cultures – and the theories behind its analysis, including semiotics, philosophy and politics. "Creating and analysing ideas, before they end up in your portfolio, is what design is all about," argues Koobas.

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02. Write about your passion

"To develop essay questions, AUB students are asked to consider what they love, hate or are puzzled by in their practice – essentially, what moves them," says James. 

"A poor dissertation is inauthentically chosen for ease as opposed to interest," she adds. "It rambles and blusters, using complex language to mask insufficient research." 

"You can tell a mile off when the writer isn't interested," agrees Burston. "How can you expect the reader to care about it if you don't? Write about something that reflects your interests, focus and direction. I've read fascinating dissertations on topics as diverse as patterns in nature, and Brutalist car parks. Make me interested in what interests you."

Research by Napier graduate Fiona Winchester on typography in graphic novels

For Edinburgh Napier graduate Fiona Winchester , this topic turned out to be typography in graphic novels. "I love reading them, but I think people still don't take them seriously as an art form, which is a shame," she says. For her dissertation, she conducted qualitative interviews using modified pages with and without imagery (shown above). 

Her advice is simple: "Narrow down your idea to be as precise as possible. The smaller your question, the easier it is to research and try to answer it."

If you're struggling to get the ball rolling on the actual writing process, Winchester advocates starting with whichever bit you have ideas for. "If you're stuck, it's so much easier to write in whatever order it comes to you, and then edit it into a dissertation, than to try write straight through from beginning to end," she insists.

03. Don't be afraid to talk to people

"I always think my students get the most out of the new streams of knowledge they find from talking to people," says McLeod. "It breaks down barriers and allows them to find answers to problems. Hopefully they will adopt that approach when designing for people also."

In some cases, this can involve interviewing your design heroes. "Students are very surprised when they send a question to Stefan Sagmeister , Milton Glaser or Michael Wolff and they reply with the most precious nugget of knowledge," smiles McLeod. 

But remember: it's your dissertation, so don't get lazy and expect your interview subject to do all the heavy lifting.

Kaori Toh's CSM dissertation on Mapping as a Creative Agency: Revelations and Speculations in the Age of Infrastructure

In other cases, it could be as simple as asking friends or family to help proofread. "It is quite daunting writing such a large body of text," admits Kaori Toh , a recent graduate from Central Saint Martins, whose dissertation explored the politics of design and technology.

"I often felt I'd get lost in all that text and research," she confesses. "Therefore, I would often send my drafts to a couple of friends to have them look through, and keep my writing cohesive."

04. Reflect on your design practice 

Most of all, dissertations are an opportunity to reflect on, and develop, your creative process as a designer. "Ultimately, it's your job to make your work relevant and credible, and the dissertation helps you learn how to do this," adds Burston. 

Of course, writing doesn't always come easily to visually minded people – and Burston highlights the fact that dyslexia is not uncommon amongst designers. 

"You're not on your own – in our profession, quite the opposite in fact – so do seek academic support, and just enjoy thinking and writing about 'stuff' that informs your practice," is his advice.

Entitled New Faces, Tom Baber's thesis at LCC discusses the craft of type design in the 21st century, inspired by his own experience creating a working typeface: Elephant Grotesk

One of Burston's stand-out students from this year, Tom Baber , welcomed support from the university to help with his dyslexia. Baber's dissertation focused on type design, and particularly the extent to which the longwinded design process is worth the effort, compared to using an existing typeface.

"I saw it as an opportunity to approach other type designers and see what they thought. Turns out I'm not the first to ask the question," he smiles. "Writing my dissertation helped me change from a 'maker' mentality to a 'designer' mentality, and be more critical of my ideas."

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Nick is a content strategist and copywriter. He has worked with world-class agencies including Superunion, Wolff Olins and Vault49 on brand storytelling, tone of voice and verbal strategy for global brands such as Virgin, Pepsi and TikTok. Nick launched the Brand Impact Awards in 2013 while editor of Computer Arts, and remains chair of judges. He's written for Creative Bloq on design and branding matters since the site's launch.

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thesis topics for interior design dissertation


Interior Design: Theses & Dissertations

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Finding UF Theses & Dissertations

All dissertations & theses written by students who entered into graduate programs in 2001 or later are only available online. Older theses and dissertations are being digitized, and may be both in print and online. 

Finding Non-UF Dissertations

Search ProQuest Dissertations to find dissertations from other universities. The database covers 1867 to the present, however, each university's coverage varies. Notable exceptions include Harvard & MIT. Additionally, masters theses are not usually included in this database.

WorldCat Dissertations and Theses lists all dissertations, theses and published material based on theses cataloged by members of OCLC, a worldwide library consortium. This database includes links to full text of many freely-available theses and indicates whether any member library has a print copy that may be borrowed through ILLiad Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) provides links to theses that may be freely available online.

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Design Dissertation Topics

Design is all around us; the technology we use, the products we buy and the buildings we inhabit have all been carefully designed! That said, there is always more to be learned about the process and impact of design. Here are some dissertation topics suitable for an undergraduate or masters dissertation in design.

Graphic Design Topics

Fashion design, product or service design, industrial or interior design.

  • To study the cost-benefit analysis of hiring a graphic design firm for SMEs. Graphic design firms are expensive and small and medium-sized enterprises have limited funds. This topic focuses on evaluating if it is beneficial to hire a graphic design firm by SME.
  • To study the evolution of graphic design in 21st Century. Graphic design has evolved tremendously in the current century, first with the arrival of internet and then with social media. This topic studies this in detail.
  • To analyze the impact of the connection between design and emotional response it evokes. A beautiful design such as iPhone or MacBook can create an instant emotional connection with the product creating desire to own. This association between emotion and design will be systematically evaluated in this design dissertation.
  • To analyze the interconnectivity of graphic design and culture. It is said that culture impacts graphic design and vice versa design impacts culture as well but which is the dominant factor? The interconnectivity will be evaluated in this design dissertation.
  • To calculate the impact of graphic design in an advertisement. Design has evolved tremendously and so have advertisements with visual and interactivity becoming the key focus. This research will try to create a measurement tool to calculate this.
  • To evaluate the impact of fast fashion on fashion design. Consumers are flocking to fast fashion products more than ever before; fashion designers today have to incorporate this in their design. This study is about the impact fast fashion has on fashion design.
  • To study the impact of online fashion shops on luxury fashion design. The number of people buying fashion online is growing exponentially, this research focuses on the impact of these online shops on luxury fashion design.
  • To analyze the ability of luxury fashion designers to revive luxury fashion post-pandemic. The demand for luxury fashion has dropped to an all-time low due to people staying indoors during pandemic. This research will analyze if the luxury fashion designers can revive demand once things return to normal.
  • To study the behavioural change on fashion consumers with regards to sustainability. As consumers become more conscious of environmental damage, does their behaviour change?
  • To study the change in fashion design due to the increase in the environmental awareness. As the customers become more conscious of the environmental issues, the fashion designers have to incorporate that in their design, but are they doing enough good job which will be analysed.
  • Study to evaluate the evolution of the personalized luxury fashion design. The niche segment of personalized fashion design can be insightful, and this study focuses on its evolvement.
  • To study the role of digital technology in fashion design. This will focus on changes in the fashion design owing to the changes in the digital technology.
  • To study the evolution of sports fashion design. Leading companies like Nike and Adidas are constantly changing the sports fashion and fashion design plays a major role in it.
  • The evolution of British fashion design over the years. Considered one of the best in the world, this research will focus on evolution of British fashion.
  • Study to analyze changes in the role of computer-aided design in the creation of product. CAD plays an important role in product design; this research will study and analyze this.
  • What is the role of customer interface design in consumer experience? This research will evaluate whether interface design increases or decreases or has no impact on consumer design.
  • To study the effectiveness of service blueprint design for the customer journey mapping. A blueprint of service design can be an effective way to map customer journey and this research studies its effectiveness.
  • How powerful is information visualization in service design? This research will evaluate the impact of information visualization in service design.
  • To evaluate the ‘missing’ link in the effectiveness of service design. Based on the research by Susan Meyer, Johnston and Rao this research investigates what are missing links in making service design effective.
  • A study to measure the value of product design on consumer buying intention. Does the buying intention alter with new product design and by how much?
  • To investigate the role of service dominant logic on the effectiveness of service design. The new tool service dominant logic is now widely used in service design, and this study will try to measure how effective it is.
  • To study the extent of the role played by product innovation in product design. Innovation is considered to be at the heart of new product design; this research will measure the impact it has on product design.
  • A case study to understand how Apple conquered the markets with their groundbreaking designs. Apple is considered a pioneer in product design and this research will reveal how it achieved market success through its designs.

These topics focus on the interior design challenges relevant to the current times.

  • To study the impact of heritage on the future design of residential projects.
  • To investigate the impact of eco-friendly materials on the design of a commercial project.
  • To study the challenges faced in project design in major emerging markets of India and China.
  • To understand the success factors of iconic industrial designs: case study of Dyson vacuum cleaners.
  • To study the challenges faced in new designs that facilitate working from home for professionals.
  • A study to develop common measures for the aesthetic appeal in the design of large commercial buildings.
  • A study to evaluate zero-waste design thinking.
  • To understand the role of innovation in design thinking.

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20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse

thesis topics for interior design dissertation

Adaptive reuse is an architectural typology which gives importance to the existing characteristics of the site. This mainly refers to adding a programme or function in the existing built environment of the site. Historic importance of the site is considered before imposing new briefs or programmes in the site. This rejuvenation of the site or the existing built gives a new character and life to the urban environment around the site. Each and every site or built environment can be rehabilitated via adaptive reuse. 

As architects, it is our decision making process, which determines the impact of the proposed adaptive reuse on the surrounding environment . A lot of research has been and can be done on this topic. 

Here are the 20 topics which can lead further in the research. 

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet1

1. Factors determining the Adaptive Reuse.

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Before deciding whether to revive the existing or insert a built form is decided based on many factors such as economic considerations, social considerations, and environmental considerations. These factors are further divided and help architects and developers to decide what to design on the site. 

2. Effects of adaptive reuse on the environment.

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet3

A lot of new buildings are being built, which consume energy, water, and other resources. These effects on the environment are to be considered while proposing an adaptive reuse. The natural surroundings around the site are most likely to be affected by the intervention. 

3. What are principles of adaptive reuse? 

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet4

A systematic approach to rejuvenate the abandoned buildings has to be designed in order to cater to the factors affecting adaptive reuse.  

4. Relationship between sustainability and adaptive reuse.

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet5

Sustainability is of three types: economic, environmental, and social. These three aspects of sustainability are connected to adaptive reuse as they play an important role in deciding the programme and design decisions taken for the rehabilitation of the site. 

5. Impact of history in adaptive reuse.

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet6

Historic significance of a site, serves as a crucial factor. As the existing built on the site, holds a significant place, it should be considered to be revived. Many old significant buildings are converted into usable spaces. Hence it is important to study and analyse the history of a site before formulating a programme. 

6. What is urban regeneration? Is it associated with adaptive reuse?

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet7

Many vacant or abandoned buildings in the urban context have been occupied as parkings, or by slum dwellers. This confiscation deteriorates the life of the built environment along with its surroundings. In many cases these abandoned buildings also hold a significant importance in the history of the context, yet it is neglected.

7. Research or Process required for adaptive reuse.

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet8

A study on an existing site, its neighbourhoods, along with the structure and services of the existing built form. This study helps in deriving a programme and design. 

8. Historic preservation as adaptive reuse.

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet9

Also known as historic conservation, this mainly focuses on preserving the existing heritage of the site and intervenes in a proposal which not only keeps the heritage intact but also enhances it. This is mainly seen in palaces, heritage sites, etc. The palaces are converted into museums and some old abandoned monuments are converted into heritage sites with small museums displaying their historic significance. 

9. Does renovation fall under adaptive reuse?

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet10

Renovation revives the building giving new life to the dead built form. 

10. Adaptation of sustainable technologies as adaptive reuse.

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet11

If the environment is considered important while proposing a design intervention, certain sustainable technologies have to be adapted. Technologies like solar panels, active-passive cooling systems should be considered and adapted while designing. 

11. Can restoration of a project be associated with adaptive reuse? 

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet12

Many UNESCO declared heritage sites are restored and turned into tourist spots adding to the revenue. Even few sites with a small built infrastructures can be repaired with minor alterations and new usage either complementing the existing or even completely opposite to the existing programme can be proposed. This brings harmony between the old and the new. 

12. Construction materials as adaptive reuse.

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet13

Sometimes ruins on the site become an important part of the building. Many projects are constructed on the ruins by either using them as a construction material or replicating the existing construction material. Even the surroundings of the site can help in determining the constructing material.  

13. Industrial buildings refurbishment via adaptive reuse.

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet14

During the british era many warehouses and industries were constructed across the nation. These warehouses are either abandoned or degraded due to haphazard usage. These built structures can be reused and rehabilitated.

14. Revival of abandoned building via adaptive reuse.

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet15

Some of the old, damaged, abandoned buildings or some that don’t serve the purpose. These buildings can be revived by introducing functions that are in need and relevant in changing the urban environment of the surrounding. 

15. Can communities be rehabilitated with the help of adaptive reuse?

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet16

Many communities have been rejuvenated by the government led programmes. These programmes mainly focus on upliftment of these communities by proposing art and cultural spaces within the community. 

16. Religious Heritage implementing adaptive reuse.

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet16

Most of the communities reside near a religious institute. After years due to certain circumstances, either these institutes are abandoned or turned into ruins.  

17. Can tourism interlinked with adaptive reuse? 

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet17

Restoration of the heritage sites like palaces, religious institutes later converted into museums. These museums have become an important tourist spot giving rise to the tourism industry. 

18. Use of surroundings of historic buildings in adaptive reuse.

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet19

Context is extremely important. As architects, the intervention within the site should be such that it brings life to the surroundings leading them towards rejuvenation and upliftment. 

19. Adaptive reuse for rejuvenation of traditional vernacular architecture.

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet20

Cities with great historical significance which have been dying and losing its significance. These cities have been following traditional techniques and a revival of these technologies and buildings are important. 

20. Can revitalization of small towns support adaptive reuse? 

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Small towns and villages have cultural significance associated with a historic significance. This significance is associated with conservation and protection of these heritage sites.

20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse - Sheet1

She is an architecture student , a dog lover , a travel enthusiast and a trekker. She is enthusiastic about writing and architecture so mixing both through architecture journalism. She has worked both in commercial architectural firms as well as a sustainable architecture firm and is juggling to find a balance between both.

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thesis topics for interior design dissertation


  1. 65 Thesis topics for interior design students [Explained] (2022)

    thesis topics for interior design dissertation


    thesis topics for interior design dissertation

  3. Fashion studio

    thesis topics for interior design dissertation

  4. Senior Interior Design Thesis Booklet by Callie Walton Gallemore

    thesis topics for interior design dissertation

  5. Interior Design Thesis

    thesis topics for interior design dissertation

  6. Interior Architecture + Design Thesis presentations IAD450 2021 Group 3

    thesis topics for interior design dissertation


  1. My Architecture Thesis Project (Masters Portfolio)

  2. SECRETS TO BECOME TOP 1 IN THESIS || Episode 2 || How to Choose Your Thesis Topic

  3. Architecture Thesis Presentation 2023

  4. Exploring Architecture Dissertations & Thesis Topics

  5. Design Dissertation

  6. Top 40 Ideal Construction Dissertation Topics for Undergraduate or Master's Level


  1. 25 Interior Design Dissertation Topics and Ideas for Writing

    Keep all of the points in mind when selecting among topics. Here are 25 interior design topic ideas for you to get inspired. The Best Dissertation Topic Ideas on Interior Design. 20 color combinations for bedroom designs. The role of functionality in contemporary interior design. Modern apartment designs and the role of versatility.

  2. 20 Thesis topics related to Residential Design

    Yurts as a residential thesis topic will give students a different look in a sustainable and vernacular approach to designing. 7A_Zion Backcountry Yurt_© Residential Design-7B_A Architecture That Feels Like A Part Of Nature_© 7C_Wooden Latticework Creating A Aesthetic Interior_© 8. Earthships | Residential ...

  3. Annual Index of Interior Design Dissertations, Theses, and Creative

    Kashyap K. (2014). Boundaries blurred: This thesis tests a design strategy were the interior and exterior are independent and impact each other in order to create balance in Bushwick, Brooklyn, NY. Unpublished master's project, Pratt Institute, New York City, NY. Google Scholar.

  4. Dissertation Topics Ideas (Interior Designing)

    1) The document discusses potential dissertation topics in residential design, including earthen interiors, vastu and feng shui, psychological perception of space, and interior organic landscaping. 2) For each topic, it outlines the intended outcome and research methodology, which involves literature reviews, case studies, and surveys to understand public views and preferences. 3) The topics ...

  5. Dissertations / Theses: 'Interior design'

    Video (online) Consult the top 50 dissertations / theses for your research on the topic 'Interior design.'. Next to every source in the list of references, there is an 'Add to bibliography' button. Press on it, and we will generate automatically the bibliographic reference to the chosen work in the citation style you need: APA, MLA, Harvard ...

  6. (PDF) Thesis

    This paper aims to evaluate the process and results of a design studio, which was realized during 2014-2015 Fall Semester in the ITU Department of Interior Architecture. The main purpose of the studio experience was to create adaptive reuse proposals for a historic commercial building by focusing on the theme of "functional unity".

  7. Interior Design Dissertations, Theses and Creative Projects

    Interior Design Dissertations, Theses and Creative Projects. May 2004. Journal of Interior Design 30 (2):56-58. DOI: 10.1111/j.1939-1668.2004.tb00404.x. Authors: Katharine Leigh. Colorado State ...

  8. Annual Index of Interior Design Dissertations, Theses, and Creative

    Journal of Interior Design. Volume 38, Issue 3 p. 37-44. INDEX. Annual Index of Interior Design Dissertations, Theses, and Creative Projects ...

  9. Interior Design Dissertations, Theses, and Creative Projects

    Dissertations Abercrombie, T. ( 2011 ). Experience by design: A post occupancy evaluation of the Tarrant County College Fire Service Training Center, Fort Worth, Texas.

  10. How to Choose a Dissertation Topic

    Step 1: Check the requirements. Step 2: Choose a broad field of research. Step 3: Look for books and articles. Step 4: Find a niche. Step 5: Consider the type of research. Step 6: Determine the relevance. Step 7: Make sure it's plausible. Step 8: Get your topic approved. Other interesting articles.

  11. 6 guidelines for how to pick a design thesis topic

    When design students ask me for advice on picking a topic for a thesis, these are the six guidelines I give: Brainstorm topics based on what resources you have available to support you. If you ...

  12. How to write the perfect design dissertation

    01. Treat it like a design brief. "A great dissertation should be a designed artefact, and portfolio-worthy in its own right," says Burston. And like a design brief, it should be about solving a problem: "Make sure it has clearly stated aims, strong focus, and doesn't lack opinion or rhetoric," he adds. Best laptops for graphic design.

  13. Interior Architecture and Design Dissertation Topics

    This document discusses dissertation topics for students in interior architecture and design. It notes that selecting a dissertation topic can be challenging due to the complex, creative nature of the field and the need to explore innovative concepts and current trends. It recommends seeking assistance from, which offers specialized support for interior architecture and design ...

  14. Interior Design Dissertations, Theses, and Creative Projects

    Unpublished master's thesis, Savannah College of Art and Design, Atlanta, GA. Request PDF | On Dec 1, 2012, Jennifer Webb and others published Interior Design Dissertations, Theses, and Creative ...

  15. Interior Design Dissertations, Theses, and Creative Projects

    Each year a list of recently completed dissertations, theses, and creative projects is compiled and submitted for publication in JID. Interior design programs responding to the network's request for information are listed. The present list represents submittals for 1995 and those for 1994 that had not been previously listed.

  16. Interior Design Dissertation Topic Ideas

    Interior Design Dissertation Topic Ideas - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. interior design dissertation topic ideas

  17. Guides @ UF: Interior Design: Theses & Dissertations

    WorldCat Dissertations and Theses lists all dissertations, theses and published material based on theses cataloged by members of OCLC, a worldwide library consortium. This database includes links to full text of many freely-available theses and indicates whether any member library has a print copy that may be borrowed through ILLiad ...

  18. Interior Design

    Interior design is an ideal academic home for energetic and inquisitive students seeking a meaningful, varied and creative profession. For each new problem encountered, interior designers use a variety of methods to investigate and analyze user needs and alternatives for satisfying them. Armed with this insight, they enhance interior spaces to maximize occupant quality of life, increase ...

  19. Ideas for Interior design thesis : r/InteriorDesign

    Lighting! Using the Classical Orders in interior design - i.e., some older homes might very intentionally have a Doric (masculine) library but Corinthian (feminine) entertaining space. The intersection between fine arts and decorative arts. The cyclical nature of trends towards minimalism or maximalism.

  20. List of architecture dissertation topics

    This topic is not limited to modular buildings and can innovate for concentration camps to resolve the issue. Shigeru Ban's Cardboard Cathedral Underway in New Zealand_©Christchurch City Librairies' Flickr. References: Online sources: Arkitecture & design. 100+ latest unusual architecture thesis topics list for dissertation research ...

  21. Design Dissertation Topics for FREE

    A study to develop common measures for the aesthetic appeal in the design of large commercial buildings. A study to evaluate zero-waste design thinking. To understand the role of innovation in design thinking. Design Dissertation Topics - over 40 free, excellent Master & Bachelor dissertation topics will help you get started with your proposal ...

  22. 20 Thesis topics related to Adaptive reuse

    Here are the 20 topics which can lead further in the research. 1. Factors determining the Adaptive Reuse. Before deciding whether to revive the existing or insert a built form is decided based on many factors such as economic considerations, social considerations, and environmental considerations.

  23. Dissertation Topics Interior Design

    Dissertation Topics Interior Design - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.