
Assignments (QP)

S.S.C., H.S.S.C.,ATTC,NFE& Literacy certificate, French Online Courses

Bachelor, ATTC, ADC,ADB,BS,BBA,B.ed, Post Graduate Courses

Bachelor, ADC,ADB,BS,BBA,B.ed, Post Graduate Courses

Assignment Covering Form

Bachelor, ADC,ADB,BS,BBA,B.ed,Post Graduate Courses

S.S.C., H.S.S.C.,NFE& Literacy certificate, French Online Courses

S.S.C., H.S.S.C., French Online Courses

Bachelor, BS/BBA, B.Ed.,ATTC,CT,PTC Courses

All Post Graduate Courses

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BEGS 185-English Language Teaching(BAG) Solved Assignment 2022-2023

  • 1 Section A
  • 2.1 (i) Development language disorder
  • 2.2 (ii) Visual motor difficulties
  • 2.3 (iii) Multiple Intelligences
  • 2.4 (iv) General Scholastic Ability
  • 2.5 (v) Learner independence and autonomy
  • 3 Section B
  • 4.1 1. Discuss the speech and language difficulties in children?
  • 4.2 2. Discuss the underprivileged learners and their history of education.
  • 4.3 3. Why do students lose interest in school work in general? What can the teachers do to help them renew their interest in their studies?
  • 5 Section C
  • 6.1 1. Discuss the difficulties with writing.
  • 6.2 2. How can the curriculum be made meaningful for the underprivileged learners?
  • 6.3 3. Discuss the problems faced by underprivileged in learning English and ways in which they can be helped to overcome this difficulty.
  • 7.1 Where can I find the BEGS 185- English Language Teaching (BAG) Solved Assignment?
  • 7.2 Can I use the BEGS 185- English Language Teaching (BAG) Solved Assignment for exams as well?
  • 7.3 Can I download the BEGS 185- English Language Teaching (BAG) Solved Assignment for free?

BEGS 185-English Language Teaching Solved Assignment (2022-2023 ) : is designed to support students in their learning of the theories and practices of teaching English as a second language. This assignment covers a wide range of topics, from language assessment and curriculum development to teaching methods and materials. The content of the assignment is based on current research and best practices in the field of English language teaching, and is intended to help students develop a deeper understanding of the subject.

english assignment 2022

The assignment is an important component of the IGNOU BEGS 185-English Language Teaching course, providing students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge to real-world situations. Whether you are a teacher, a student, or simply interested in the field of English language teaching, this assignment is an excellent resource for enhancing your knowledge and skills in this area.

BEGS-185 English Language Teaching Assignment July, 2022 & January, 2023 Sessions (Based on Blocks 1 – 3)

Write short notes on the following: 5 × 5 = 25

(i) development language disorder.

Development language disorder, also known as developmental language disorder, is a condition where an individual has difficulty acquiring and using language, even though they have typical intellectual and physical development. The onset of the disorder is usually in early childhood, often before the age of five, and can persist into adulthood.

The symptoms of developmental language disorder include difficulties with speaking, understanding, and producing language, as well as problems with grammar, vocabulary, and social communication. The severity of the symptoms can vary widely from person to person, and can range from mild to severe.

Developmental language disorder is not caused by hearing loss, cognitive impairment, or other medical conditions. It is also not related to cultural, educational, or socioeconomic factors. However, genetics and environmental factors, such as exposure to language during early childhood, can play a role in the development of the disorder.

Diagnosis of developmental language disorder is based on an evaluation of the individual’s language abilities, as well as a thorough assessment of their developmental and medical history. There is no cure for the disorder, but there are a range of treatment options available, including speech and language therapy, educational support, and behavioral therapy.

(ii) Visual motor difficulties

Visual motor difficulties refer to challenges with the coordination of the eyes and hands, leading to difficulties in tasks such as drawing, cutting, and using tools. This can impact a child’s ability to perform everyday tasks and can also have a significant impact on their ability to learn and succeed in school.

There are a number of causes of visual motor difficulties, including neurological problems, developmental delays, and visual perceptual difficulties. Children with these difficulties may have trouble tracking moving objects, accurately judging distances, or coordinating their hand movements with what they see.

Signs of visual motor difficulties can include poor handwriting, trouble copying from the board, difficulty with activities such as cutting or drawing, and a tendency to get tired quickly when completing fine motor tasks. These difficulties can also have an impact on a child’s self-esteem and confidence.

It’s important to seek help from an occupational therapist or a developmental pediatrician if you suspect your child has visual motor difficulties. Early intervention is key to ensuring that children with these difficulties receive the support they need to succeed.

(iii) Multiple Intelligences

Multiple Intelligences is a theory of intelligence developed by Howard Gardner in 1983, which states that intelligence is not just a single general ability, but rather a set of several different intelligences that work together. Gardner initially identified seven distinct intelligences: linguistic, logical-mathematical, musical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal.

Each of these intelligences corresponds to different ways of processing information and solving problems. For example, individuals with a strong linguistic intelligence excel in language-based activities such as reading, writing, and speaking, while those with a strong musical intelligence have a talent for rhythm, melody, and harmony.

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences challenges the traditional view of intelligence as a single entity, and suggests that individuals can have strengths in different areas. This can have implications for education and teaching, as it encourages teachers to consider the diverse needs and abilities of their students, and to find ways to engage and challenge each student based on their unique strengths.

(iv) General Scholastic Ability

General Scholastic Ability refers to an individual’s overall ability to learn and perform in a school setting. It encompasses a range of cognitive abilities, including verbal and nonverbal reasoning, memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.

General Scholastic Ability is commonly assessed through standardized tests, such as aptitude or intelligence tests. The results of these tests are used to identify areas of strength and weakness, as well as to predict future academic success.

It is important to note that General Scholastic Ability is not the only predictor of academic success. Other factors, such as motivation, work habits, and study skills, also play a significant role in academic achievement. Furthermore, General Scholastic Ability should not be viewed as a fixed or permanent trait, as it can be developed and improved over time through continued learning and practice.

(v) Learner independence and autonomy

Learner independence and autonomy refers to the ability of students to take charge of their own learning and make decisions about their education. This means that they have the skills and knowledge to identify what they need to learn, set goals, and plan and carry out their own learning activities.

Promoting learner independence and autonomy has a number of benefits. It can help students develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as fostering a sense of responsibility and ownership over their own learning. It can also increase motivation, as students are more likely to be engaged in learning when they have a say in what they are learning and how they are learning it.

To promote learner independence and autonomy, teachers can provide students with opportunities to make decisions about their learning, such as choosing their own topics or projects, working in groups, or using technology to access information. They can also encourage students to reflect on their own learning, set goals, and assess their progress.

Answer the following questions in 150 words each: (3 X 10 = 30 )

1. discuss the speech and language difficulties in children.

Speech and language difficulties in children refer to challenges with communication and language development. These difficulties can impact a child’s ability to understand and express themselves through speech and language, and can have a significant impact on their daily life and learning.

Some common speech and language difficulties in children include:

  • Speech sound disorders: difficulty producing sounds correctly, such as substituting or omitting sounds
  • Stuttering: difficulty with the flow of speech, including repeating words or phrases
  • Articulation disorders: difficulty with speaking clearly, including substituting or omitting sounds or words
  • Receptive language difficulties: difficulty understanding language, including following instructions or answering questions
  • Expressive language difficulties: difficulty expressing thoughts and ideas through language, including forming sentences and using vocabulary
  • Pragmatic language difficulties: difficulty with the social use of language, including understanding nonverbal cues and taking turns in conversation.

2. Discuss the underprivileged learners and their history of education.

Underprivileged learners are students who face significant barriers to accessing quality education due to poverty, discrimination, and social disadvantage. They may come from low-income families, be refugees, live in rural areas with limited educational opportunities, or belong to minority groups.

Throughout history, underprivileged learners have often been marginalized and excluded from formal education systems, leading to a perpetuation of poverty and inequality. In the past, they were often denied access to education due to laws that prohibited certain groups from attending school, such as people of color, women, and indigenous peoples.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, efforts were made to improve educational opportunities for underprivileged learners, particularly in the United States and Europe. This led to the development of public schools and the introduction of compulsory education laws, which made it possible for all children to receive an education, regardless of their background or social status.

However, despite these efforts, many underprivileged learners continue to face significant barriers to accessing quality education. They may attend overcrowded schools with inadequate resources, have limited access to technology and educational materials, and face discrimination and bias from teachers and classmates.

3. Why do students lose interest in school work in general? What can the teachers do to help them renew their interest in their studies?

There are several reasons why students can lose interest in school work, including:

  • Boredom: students may feel that their studies are repetitive or not challenging enough
  • Lack of relevance: students may not see the connection between what they are learning and their daily life or future goals
  • Poor relationships with teachers: students may feel unsupported or discouraged by their teachers
  • Learning difficulties: students may struggle with a particular subject or have a learning disability
  • Lack of motivation: students may not see the value or importance of their studies, or may have other priorities.

To help students renew their interest in their studies, teachers can take several steps, including:

  • Differentiating instruction: providing students with multiple ways to access information and engage with the material to meet their individual needs
  • Making connections to real-life: helping students see the relevance and application of their studies in their daily life or future goals
  • Building positive relationships: fostering a supportive and encouraging learning environment where students feel valued and respected
  • Providing support for learning difficulties: offering accommodations, resources, and support for students who struggle with specific subjects or have learning disabilities
  • Fostering intrinsic motivation: helping students see the value and importance of their studies, and encouraging them to set and pursue their own goals.

Answer the following questions in 250 words each: (3 X 15 = 45 )

1. discuss the difficulties with writing..

Writing is a complex and nuanced task that can present several difficulties for individuals, regardless of their level of experience or skill. Some of the most common difficulties include:

  • Writer’s block: One of the biggest challenges in writing is facing a lack of ideas or a loss of creative flow. This can result in frustration and make it difficult to continue writing.
  • Lack of inspiration: Another common issue is a lack of motivation or inspiration. This can lead to a feeling of boredom or disinterest in the writing process, making it challenging to continue.
  • Organization: Writing often requires a high level of organization and structure. The difficulty in organizing thoughts and presenting them cohesively can be a challenge, especially when writing longer pieces.
  • Grammar and syntax: Another common challenge is the difficulty in constructing sentences correctly and using proper grammar and syntax. This can make the writing process time-consuming and can lead to frustration if not addressed.
  • Time management: Writing often requires a significant amount of time and focus. Balancing the demands of other tasks and responsibilities can make it difficult to allocate enough time and attention to writing.
  • Feedback and criticism: Receiving feedback and criticism can be a challenging aspect of writing. It can be difficult to accept criticism and incorporate it into the writing process in a constructive way.

2. How can the curriculum be made meaningful for the underprivileged learners?

Making the curriculum meaningful for underprivileged learners involves considering their unique needs and experiences, and adapting instruction to meet their needs. Some strategies that can be used to make the curriculum meaningful for underprivileged learners include:

  • Relevance: Connecting the curriculum to the learners’ experiences, interests, and cultures, and highlighting how the material will be useful in their future lives.
  • Hands-on learning: Incorporating hands-on, experiential learning opportunities, such as projects and field trips, which can make the material more engaging and memorable.
  • Technology integration: Using technology to access information and resources and make learning more interactive and engaging.
  • Cultural sensitivity: Incorporating the learners’ cultures and experiences into the curriculum and acknowledging the diverse perspectives and experiences of all students.
  • Collaborative learning: Encouraging students to work together and engage in group activities, which can build relationships, increase motivation, and help students learn from one another.
  • Access to resources: Providing students with access to books, technology, and other resources, and encouraging them to take advantage of community resources and organizations that support their learning.
  • Supportive environment: Creating a positive and supportive learning environment that values and respects the learners and encourages them to take an active role in their own education.
  • Emphasizing soft skills: Incorporating the development of soft skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication, which can help students succeed in school and beyond.

3. Discuss the problems faced by underprivileged in learning English and ways in which they can be helped to overcome this difficulty.

Underprivileged learners face several challenges in learning English, including:

  • Lack of exposure: Many underprivileged students may have limited exposure to the English language, making it difficult for them to develop listening and speaking skills.
  • Lack of resources: Many underprivileged students may not have access to resources, such as books, technology, and educational materials, that can support their learning of English.
  • Limited support: Many underprivileged students may not have access to trained teachers or tutors who can provide support and guidance in their learning of English.
  • Learning difficulties: Some underprivileged students may have learning difficulties, such as dyslexia or other learning disabilities, which can make it difficult for them to learn English effectively.

To help underprivileged students overcome these difficulties in learning English, several strategies can be employed:

  • Providing exposure: Providing students with opportunities to listen to and speak English, through exposure to media, literature, and conversation with native speakers.
  • Providing resources: Providing students with access to books, technology, and educational materials that can support their learning of English.
  • Providing support: Providing students with access to trained teachers or tutors who can provide support and guidance in their learning of English.
  • Adapting instruction: Adapting instruction to meet the needs of underprivileged students, including providing visual aids and hands-on activities.
  • Encouraging family involvement: Encouraging families to support their children’s learning of English by reading books, playing language games, and engaging in conversation at home.
  • Emphasizing soft skills: Emphasizing the development of soft skills, such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication, which can help students succeed in school and beyond.

Where can I find the BEGS 185- English Language Teaching (BAG) Solved Assignment?

The BEGS 185- English Language Teaching (BAG) Solved Assignment is usually available on websites that offer study material for students. It can also be found on educational blogs like Edukar.in

Can I use the BEGS 185- English Language Teaching (BAG) Solved Assignment for exams as well?

The BEGS 185- English Language Teaching (BAG) Solved Assignment is mainly intended to provide solutions to the assignments and should not be used as a sole source for exams but you can revise through it during the exams. It might help you.

Can I download the BEGS 185- English Language Teaching (BAG) Solved Assignment for free?

Yes, www.edukar.in provides you all the IGNOU Assignments for free.

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Class 11 English Assignments

We have provided below free printable Class 11 English Assignments for Download in PDF. The Assignments have been designed based on the latest NCERT Book for Class 11 English . These Assignments for Grade 11 English cover all important topics which can come in your standard 11 tests and examinations. Free printable Assignments for CBSE Class 11 English , school and class assignments, and practice test papers have been designed by our highly experienced class 11 faculty. You can free download CBSE NCERT printable Assignments for English Class 11 with solutions and answers. All Assignments and test sheets have been prepared by expert teachers as per the latest Syllabus in English Class 11. Students can click on the links below and download all Pdf Assignments for English class 11 for free. All latest Kendriya Vidyalaya Class 11 English Assignments with Answers and test papers are given below.

English Class 11 Assignments Pdf Download

We have provided below the biggest collection of free CBSE NCERT KVS Assignments for Class 11 English . Students and teachers can download and save all free English assignments in Pdf for grade 11th. Our expert faculty have covered Class 11 important questions and answers for English as per the latest syllabus for the current academic year. All test papers and question banks for Class 11 English and CBSE Assignments for English Class 11 will be really helpful for standard 11th students to prepare for the class tests and school examinations. Class 11th students can easily free download in Pdf all printable practice worksheets given below.

Topicwise Assignments for Class 11 English Download in Pdf

Class 11 English Assignments

Advantages of Class 11 English Assignments

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IGNOU MA English Solved Assignments 2021-22

  • 1.1.1 IGNOU MEG 1st Year Assignments Free Download
  • 1.2.1 IGNOU MEG 2nd Year Assignments Free Download
  • 2 Last Date of Ignou MA English Assignment submission
  • 3 Guidelines to write IGNOU MA English Solved Assignments
  • 4 How to obtain IGNOU MA English first & second Year Solved Assignments?

Students of Indira Gandhi National Open University who are pursuing MA English programme have to submit IGNOU MA English solved assignments to complete their courses.

They can download Tutor Marked assignments in both English & Hindi medium from the official website for the session 2021-22.The Ignou MEG assignments can be downloaded in any of the medium as per the requirement.

For MEG Solved Assignments 2021-22 & 2020-21, Whatsapp at: 7428482160

The details of Ignou MA English assignments has been mentioned below:

  • Programme Name: Master Degree Programme in English
  • Programme Code: MEG
  • Validity of Assignment: These assignments will remain valid for July 2021 and January 2022 session.

For 20 marks questions, student should write an answer within the approximate range of 500 words each. For 10 marks question, the word limit should be within 250 words each.

IGNOU MEG First Year Solved Assignments 2021-22

The students have to prepare the solved assignments for the Core Courses in the first year.The code and name for the courses for which assignments have to be submitted by students in the first year has been mentioned below:

  • MEG-1: British Poetry
  • MEG-2: British Drama
  • MEG-3: British Novel
  • MEG-4: Aspects of Language

The maximum marks for each assignment is 100. The university gives 30% weightage to these assignments.

It means the 30% of the total marks obtained by the students in the assignments will be added in the total marks of the course.

Therefore total marks for any course will be combination of 70% theory and 30% assignment marks.

IGNOU MEG 1st Year Assignments Free Download

Students can easily download Ignou MA English 1st year assignment question papers free of cost from the university official website.They do not have to pay any charges or fee for that.

The university also send the hard copy of MEG first year assignments at the physical communication address of student. In case, if anyone do not receive it, he/she may download it here…

  • Assignment Code: MEG-01,02,03,04/TMA/2021-2022
  • First Year Assignment – Download Link

IGNOU MEG 2nd Year Solved Assignments 2021-22

In the second year of IGNOU MA English programme, students have to submit solved assignments for the four courses. MEG-05 is compulsory. Students have to choose three more courses from the pool of remaining courses. The code and name of the courses has been mentioned below:

  • MEG-05: Literary Criticism and Theory
  • MEG-06: American Literature
  • MEG-07: Indian English Literature
  • MEG-08: New Literatures in English
  • MEG-09: Australian Literature
  • MEG-10: English Studies in India
  • MEG-11: American Novel
  • MEG-12: A Survey Course in 20th Century Canadian Literature
  • MEG-13: Writings from the margins
  • MEG-14: Contemporary Indian Literature in English Translation
  • MEG-15: Comparative Literature: Theory and Practice
  • MEG-16: Indian Folk Literature

IGNOU MEG 2nd Year Assignments Free Download

Students can easily download IGNOU MA English 2nd year assignment question papers free of cost from the university official website.They do not have to pay any charges or fee for that.

The university also send the hard copy of MEG second year assignments at the physical communication address of student. In case, if anyone do not receive it, he/she may download it here…

  • Assignment Code: MEGE-05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,14,16/TMA/2021-2022
  • Second Year Assignment – Download Link

Last Date of Ignou MA English Assignment submission

Students have to submit the solved assignments of IGNOU MA English programme in both first and second year for the courses which requires it. Let’s discuss about these courses…

Guidelines to write IGNOU MA English Solved Assignments

  • Please read the assignments thoroughly and carefully
  • Students have to answer the questions as per the word limit.
  • Write the answers in your own handwriting.
  • Try to write answers in your own words. Don’t just copy & paste the answers from the study material.

How to obtain IGNOU MA English first & second Year Solved Assignments?

It is always good to solve assignments by yourself.Because it help students to go through complete study material. It also help them in exam preparation.

In case, if someone is unable to solve assignment then he/she may request for IGNOU MA English solved assignments 2021-22 for all subjects in the form of PDF at cheap price.

All you have to do is to click on this link to get assignments:

Click here to get solved assignments

Or you can send email at: [email protected] or  Whatsapp at: 7428482160

shubham Sharma

Sir, I need solved assignments of MEG-1,MEG-2,MEG-3, MEG-4

Manoj Nayee

I have commented for MEG (eng. 5 to 14 assignmets duly solved


Hello Manoj, you can get assignments from here: https://bookstrolley.in/product-category/ignou/ignou-assignments/ignou-ma-english-assignments/

How many times have to type


I need solved assignment of MEG-1,MEG-02,MEG-03, MEG-04

Mani aggarwal

Sir i have taken admission in july 2017 in M.A English what all assignments i have to submitt??

You have to submit solved assignments of MEG-1, MEG-2, MEG-3 and MEG-4


I need free solved assignmnt m.com 2nd for dec 2019 plz sir provide me solved assignmnt is free of cost

Hemalata sahu

Sir I have discontinued my meg programme due to some problems.what to do

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HSC English Assignment Answer, Class 11 English Assignment, Inter 1st Year English Assignment, 2nd Week, 3rd, Week

HSC English Assignment Answer 2022 For Class 11

HSC English Assignment Answer is available here for 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 10th and more weeks. DSHE has published Inter 1st Year, Class 11 HSC 2022 English assignment question for Inter 1st year students. So Inter 1st year students should be solved the Class 11 English Assignment of HSC 2022 exam. In this case, we will help to solve all the HSC English Assignment questions for class 11 students. So that, Class 11 students can do their English Assignment answer to the good result of HSC exam 2022.

HSC English Assignment

English is one of the most important subjects in HSC exams. So HSC English assignment activities for Class 11 students to complete English syllabus. We know English is a difficult subject at the Higher Secondary level. Most students can’t do well in English in HSC exams. Therefore, the Department of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has started HSC English Assignments. For this a short HSC syllabus 2022 was prepared and the important aspects of that syllabus will be completed by the HSC English assignment.

HSC students should take English assignments very seriously. Because the solutions of this HSC English assignment will be the experience of knowledge about every topic of the syllabus. Moreover, all the chapters that will come from the textbook of 11th class in the English assignment will be very important. If all these chapters can be mastered well then HSC 2022 English exam can be expected to be very good.

So let’s see the answers to all the weekly questions of HSC English Assignment . Also discuss everything about HSC assignments. Such as HSC English assignment routine, syllabus, assessment method and way of good results.

HSC English 10th Week Assignment 2022

HSC 10th Week English Assignment 2022

Assignment : Write an email to the admission committee of Harvard University to obtain a full ride scholarship.

HSC English 10th Week Assignment 2022 Answer

সমাধান খুব দ্রুত এখানে পাওয়া যাবে।

HSC English 7th Week Assignment

The 3rd English assignment for HSC 2022 students is in the 7th week. In this assignment, students will have to write a neatly arranged speech. To answer HSC English 7th week assignment, students need to think that he is a mayoral candidate in his area. A speech must be written for the people of the area before the vote. This speech should be within 250 words.

HSC 2022 7th Week English Assignment

We know that candidates make various promises before the election. In this case, the students have to write a beautiful speech as a mayoral candidate in an election. At the beginning of the speech, you have to introduce yourself. Then you have to show your experience as a mayoral candidate with dedication, qualifications and skills. If the mayor is elected, there will be discussions on what future plans there are for the development of the area and the people (about health education, weather, and communications) and how they can be implemented. As a candidate in the election, you have to present arguments in your favor. In the end, we have to end the speech by asking for votes and prayers from everyone.

HSC English 7th Week Assignment Answer

Hello, My dear all brothers and sisters. I’m Mobarak Chowdhury and it is an honor to be here as a part of this election. In this time, we have a great chance to transform Chattogram into the calm and clean Chattogram city it is destined to be. But for this, you should keep voting for me in the upcoming election and select me as a Mayor in your city.

I will improve the city’s health, and improve our lifestyles. Not only that but, I will improve fitness, enforce the laws, and focus on education. First of all, I think if I become mayor will be to improve the police forces. There are too Underage. I know many people smoking pot kids under 21 that smoke pot illegally. There are also people who just break the laws of the city constantly, and don’t obey the city’s rules. I will make more police stations, and have officers roam neighborhoods. One benefit from this is the city and the stations can work together and get people on probation to help clean up the city. There is a lot of litter across the city. In general, this will improve Redmond’s safety, cleanliness and make people Solow the law. I will make people think twice before doing something, knowing that the laws are serious business and police are everywhere.

This will also Gym Improve how safe people feel in neighborhoods during the night. The next thing I will do as a mayor will be to start construction on a new building that will include a full-size basketball court/gym, yoga and dance lessons, cardio machines, weights, and weight machines. If we had a public gym- everyone will be happy, everyone could do what they want to do.

Also, I will improve education. Now, as one can see the many mayors now have responsibilities. Along with handling these responsibilities. I will improve Chattogram better, and make it a cleaner city. I will improve education by making more advanced classes. I will also improve the city’s health by making a new gym everyone Can go to.

Finally, I will improve the law by Creating more police stations. I will even recruit big companies to come to Chattogram to support our growing city, and provide high-paying jobs. We Can all further enhance our lifestyles and make Chattogram a better place. That is what I would do if I was mayor.

I am Mobarak Chowdhury and I would appreciate your vote in the election. Goodbye everyone and hopes to see you soon as a Mayor in your city.

Md. Mobarak Chowdhury

Govt. Hazi Mohammad Mohsin College, Ctg.

HSC English 3rd Week Assignment Question

HSC English 3rd Week Assignment 2021

The time has come for the third week Class 11, Inter 1st Year, HSC 2022 English assignment. The third week’s English 2nd paper Second Assignment has been from the Byakoron (Bangla Grammer) syllabus. Class 11 students have to be written “essay” in the third week as English second assignment. There is an important aspect of the current situation as the content of the essay. These are related to online classes and classes on campus.

None of us were aware of online classes before the Covid-19 situation. We all took classes directly on campus. But considering the current situation, many educational institutions take online classes. As a result, the students have gained new experiences and are also facing various problems.

The HSC 3rd week English assignment will require an 300 words essays with descriptions of all these experiences and problems of the online class and live class on campus.

If you can write essays about online and offline classes, you will get maximum 12 to 18 marks. For this, there are four important points to keep in mind while write answer.

The essay needs to present the correct argument about online class and campus class. In this case, if you have experience in online classes, it is better to use your own experience. The correct word spelling and grammar must be used in the sentence. Above all, the whole presentation has to be done well with logic.

HSC English 3rd Week Assignment Answer

HSC English 3rd Week Answer

HSC English 2nd Week Assignment Question

HSC English 2nd Week Assignment Question

2nd week HSC English Assignment question is – Write (in English) about a Bangla or English short story that you have read.

Topic & Learning outcome : Unit -13 (Food Adulteration) A learner will be able to

  • write a short summary of the story.
  • write his personal opinion about a short story.
  • write creative statement about a story.
  • use vocabulary suitable to comment on a story.

Steps / instructions / scope

  • Choose a short story that you enjoyed reading (either in Bangla or in English).
  • Write within 200 to 250 words Write the summary of the story (Focus on plot, characters in 5 to 8 sentences).
  • Write what you liked and did not like about the story.
  • If you are asked to bring some changes in the story, what would you change. A concluding statement.

Everyone should try to get highest marks in this HSC English 2nd week assignment. So you must follow the number indicators for Excellent. In this case, just follow Organization, Vocabulary, Grammar, Writing summary of the story, Presenting opinion correctly like the instructions below.

HSC English 2nd Week Assignment Answer

Choosing a Short Story: I read an interesting Short Story written by William Somerset Maugham named “ The Luncheon ”.

Summary of the Story

The story is about a lady admirer of the speakers. The Speaker is a young writer who received a letter from a lady who highly praised his writing. The speaker also replied thanking her. One day the speaker met the lady in a five star hotel. He was not too rich but he was flattered. He had 80 francs. He thought that he could manage the lunch easily. He requested the lady to Choose the food item from the menu book. She assured that she doesn’t eat much food. So the speaker ordered Salmon fish that was expensive . Later the Speaker asked if she liked anything. The lady replied that she liked carviare though it was horribly expensive. Then she enjoyed champagne, asparagus, coffee and finally the salmon. The speaker was sweating. He was too anxious if he could pay the bill or not. He didn’t take anything except a mutton chop. Finally he manages the lunch paying the total amount of the whole month.

What I liked And Did Not Like

I like the way the speaker narrates the story. He uses metaphors in the story. As first person narrator the Speaker easily depicts the inner feeling of the Character. The speaker also shows humor narrating the story. For example at the end of the story he mentions “today she weights twenty-one Stone”:

There are a number of climaxes in the story. I do not like that flat line of the climax graph. It is not too high. It could be more interesting.

My Changes In The Story

If someone asked me to change the story then I would decrease the number of climaxes. I would decrease the flat line of the climax graph in high. Finally I could make the story more interesting to the reader.

Concluding Statement

Although the story has some demerits, I enjoyed the story very much. It was an outstanding story that I read in my life.

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Routine Of HSC 2022 English Assignment 2021

The Department of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has published the HSC Assignment on 14th June. That assignment notice contains the schedule for the English subject. According to the HSC Assignment 2021 notice, there are a total of ten English assignments for the preparation of HSC 2022 exam. These are the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 10th, 10th, 13th, 18th, 22nd, 25th, 28th and 30th weeks. The HSC English 2022 syllabus will be completed on the basis of these ten week assignments. However, the number of HSC English assignments may increase if necessary considering the situation.

English Assignment Mark Assessment Of Class 11

The teacher will give the number of the English assignment answer of class 11 through the assessment instruction. In this case, there will be instruction and assessment rubix for answering the English assignment question of class 11 every week. The mark assessment of HSC English Assignment will be done through that instruction. The teacher will check how the student will answer according to the HSC English assignment 2021 instructions. If you want to get good marks in class XI English assignment, you must follow the excellent level instructions. Although the best approaches will be given to the question, some common guidelines are that the constructive answer should be – write the sentence correctly by vocabulary and grammar. Always try to give your opinion on the subject of the question. Do not copy answers from any source.

Syllabus of HSC English Assignment For Inter 1st Year

According to the short syllabus of HSC 2022, the class 11 English assignment. Inter 1st year English assignment questions are being asked by making HSC short syllabus 2022 more concise. class XI English 1st paper assignment syllabus has a total of nine units and the 2nd paper has 13 chapters. If we look at the HSC English assignment syllabus, we can see that there are a total of ten assignments for English. So a total of 22 chapters have to be completed through ten assignments of English first and second papers together.

The Syllabus of HSC English 1st & 2nd Paper Assignment

English 1st Paper

Unit One: People and Institutions Making History

  • The Unforgettable History
  • Nelson Mandela from Apartheid Fighter to President

Unit Three: Dreams

  • What is a Dream?
  • Dream Poems
  •  I have a Dream

Unit Four: Human Relationship

  • Etiquette and Manners
  • Love and Friendship

Unit Six: Adolescence

  • The storm and stress at Adolescence
  • Adolescence and some (Related) problems in Bangladesh
  • Why Does a Child Hate School?
  • Story of Shipli
  • Amazing Children and Teens who have changed the World

Unit Eight: Human Rights

  • Are we aware of these Rights-I
  • Are we aware of these Rights-II
  • Rights to Health and Education
  • Amerigo, A Street child
  • Human Right

Unit Nine: Diaspora

  • What is Diaspoirs
  • ‘Banglatown’ in East London
  • Bangladeshis in Italy
  • Bangladeshi Community in the UK

Unit Eleven: Tours and Travels

  • Traveling to a village in Bangladesh
  • Arriving in the Orient
  • Imaginary Travel
  • The Wonders of Vilayet

Unit Twelve: Environment and Nature

  • Water, Water Everywhere…..
  • The Hakaluki Haor
  • The Giant Panda
  • Threats to Tigers of Mangrove Forest
  • Kuakata: Daughters of the Sea

Unit Thirteen: Food Adulteration

  • Food Adulteration Reaches New Height
  • Eating Habit and Hazards

English 2nd Paper

The Sentence

Word formation

The Phrases

Use of Nouns

Use of Pronouns

Use of Preposition

Subject -verb Agreement Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs

Study of verbs

Use of Tenses

Adverb and Adverbials

Direct and Indirect Speech (Special Uses)


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IGNOU MA English (MEG) Solved Assignments 2022-23

Table of Contents

IGNOU MA English Solved Assignments 2022-23

IGNOU MA English solved assignments submission is must for both first year as well as second year courses of Ignou Master of Arts in English programme.

These are also known as Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA). The programme code of MA English is ‘MEG’.So, Many students search it on internet with the name IGNOU MEG solved assignments.

For IGNOU MEG Solved Assignments 2022-23 & 2023-24 , Contact on WhatsApp at 7428482160

The MA English programme offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University is of two year duration. Every year, the university uploads the new assignment question booklet on its official website.Students can easily download Ignou MEG assignment questions from the website in the PDF format.

Students who enroll them for IGNOU MA English programme have to solve and write these assignments within time frame. The IGNOU MEG solved assignments 2022-23 should be submitted in the study centres before the due date.

Related Post: IGNOU BA solved assignments

How to get IGNOU MA English Solved Assignments 2022-23

To complete IGNOU MA English study in Indira Gandhi National Open University, the students have to submit assignments of eight courses. I always recommend students to solve these assignments by themselves.They should try to write the answers by reading their MEG study material .

If someone is looking for assignment help, they can click on the link mentioned below at following url:

The team will provide them proper solution. It should be noted that these solved assignments available online are just for reference. You should not completely copy them.

Download IGNOU MA English 1st & 2nd Year Assignments 2022-23

The assignment questions of Ignou MA English 1st year courses has been included by the university in the single booklet. The code and name of these courses has been mentioned below:

  • MEG-1: British Poetry
  • MEG-2: British Drama
  • MEG-3: British Novel
  • MEG-4: Aspects of Language
  • MEG-5: Literary Criticism & Theory
  • MEG-06: American Literature
  • MEG-07: Indian English Literature
  • MEG-08: New Literatures in English
  • MEG-09: Australian Literature
  • MEG-10: English Studies in India
  • MEG-11: American Novel
  • MEG-12: A Survey Course in 20th Century Canadian Literature
  • MEG-14: Contemporary Indian Literature in English Translation
  • MEG-16: Indian Folk Literature
  • MEG-17: American Drama
  • MEG-18: American Poetry
  • MEG-19: The Australian Novel

The total marks of each course assignment is 100 marks. All these assignments will be tutor marked after submission by students at their study centres.

Below we have provided the link to download IGNOU MEG assignment questions. It is as follows:

  • Download Assignment Question Booklet

Last date to Submit IGNOU MA English Solved Assignments 2022-23

IGNOU MEG assignments 2022-23 is valid for July 2022 and January 2023 session.

  • It means the students who take admission in July 2022 can submit these assignments before 31st May 2023.
  • The learners who take admission in January 2023 session can submit these assignments before 31st October, 2023.

Where to submit IGNOU MEG solved Assignments?

Students have to submit the solved assignments of IGNOU MEG programme at the study centre concerned.They must obtain the acknowledgement receipt of assignment submission from study centre.

It can be very useful in case if IGNOU MEG assignment 2022-23 get misplaced and the marks do not get updated in the grade card.

Students have to show this receipt to the concerned person in study centre to avoid re-submission of assignment if the marks do not get updated on website.

Is it mandatory to submit IGNOU MA English Assignments?

Yes, it has to be submitted for each subject/course included in the syllabus of both first and second year.In case of non submission of assignment, the course will be marked as “Not Completed” in the grade card.

Students have to obtain minimum of 50% marks in IGNOU MEG solved assignments to complete the course.

Importance of IGNOU MEG Solved Assignments

To complete study of IGNOU MA English programme, students have to secure passing marks in both Term End Examination as well as Tutor Marked Assignments.

In total marks of MEG courses, there are two components: theory & assignments. The total marks for any subject will be calculated as 70% of marks obtained in Theory exam plus(+) 30% of marks obtained in assignments.

Therefore, it becomes really important for the students to submit good IGNOU MEG solved assignments to obtain good marks.It will help them in improving their total percentage.

IGNOU MA English Assignment Submission Status

After submitting the assignments in the IGNOU Study Centre concerned, the students can check their assignment status online at university official website. It may take 1-2 months by the university in updating the IGNOU MEG assignment submission status online.

The assignments submitted by students in the study centre are checked by authorised tutors.The marks are compiled by them and sent to the Student Evaluation Division (SED) at IGNOU, New Delhi. This complete process may take more time then mentioned above.

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Compulsory English-I Code 1423 Assignments of Autumn 2022

Compulsory english-i code 1423 assignment number 1.

Download Assignment

Compulsory English-I Code 1423 Assignment Number 2

  • Important Note:

1. Allama Iqbal Open University  ASSIGNMENTS :-

First and foremost Assignments are an essential part of the students. Because this plays a very important role.  Moreove r , you can’t clear your semester without assignments. Most Importantly send your assignments in time. However, you can not pass exams without assignments. In other words, your attendance in exams is wasteless.

2. Assignments Recommendation:-

You will be considered to fail without submitting your assignment. In other words, even if you get 95% marks in the examination you will be considered as fail. If you clear your assignments, you have the chance to appear in the examination. Therefore you can have 3 attempts to appear.

Following are the passing marks for each assignment

  • 1st Assignment must have at least 50% marks.
  • 2nd Assignment must have at least 50% marks.
  • 3rd Assignment must have at least 50% marks.
  • 4th Assignment must have at least 50% marks.

In contrast, subjects having 2 assignments follow the above same percentage.

Above All  AIOU Master Academy  strives to help AIOU students. Moreover, we provide exam preparation notes like  Key books ,  Guess papers , and  5 years papers.

3. Academy Mission:-

First of all our mission is to educate our young generation. Secondly Academy tries its best to build civilized and sophisticated mankind in our  country. besides, we are not indulged in any kind of miscellaneous activity that detracts students to take any shortcut in their education. subsequently, we always promote legal education as a priority, as well as help students self-learning and build skills to perform best in the future.

4. Earnings:-

Our basic earnings are from selling hardcopy notes like Key books ,  Guess papers , and  5 years’ Papers  to students at a very reasonable price. The Academy doesn’t earn by providing any kind of consultancy services. We assist students on  Call  or  WhatsApp and we have premium support like others to earn money from needy students.

5. Free Notes:-

We also provide free  Guess Papers ,  5 Years Papers , and Soft Copy of  Assignments  to students on our website. Assignments are only available on the website for guidelines and awareness about the conten t   and   pattern of related courses.

6. Online Earning:-

Despite this, our earnings are from the internet,  YouTube ,  and  Google . Similarly, They pay us because of the ads they publish on our  YouTube channel or on our website.

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NIOS English 202 Free Solved Assignment [TMA] 2022 – 23 (English Medium)

Nios free solved assignment  [tma] 2022 – 2023, english 202 free solved assignment [tma] 2022 – 23, tutor marked assignment, max. marks: 20.

In this article, you will get English 202 Free Solved Assignment [TMA] 2022-23 .  You will solved assignment of other subjects in our page nios solved assignment 202-23 .

English 202 Free Solved Assignment

(i) All questions are compulsory. The Marks allotted for each question are given beside the questions.

(ii) Write your name, enrollment numbers, AI name, and subject on the first page of the answer sheet.

1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.          2

(a) Shovan Lal, though poor, was large-hearted. Give at least one example in support of your answer.     (See Lesson-7)

Ans: Yes, I am totally agreeing with his statement because Shovan Lal was a poor boy, who earned money by polishing shoes of other people. He came first to help Narrotam to help him to earn some money for his survival.   So we can say that Shovan Lal was a large hearted boy.

(b) I have three visions for India. Mention all the three visions of APJ Abdul Kalam.   (See Lesson-15)

Ans: Answer any one

2. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.         2

(a) List out noises that you find intolerable and give suggestions to reduce them.    (See Lesson-10)

Ans: Some of the annoying noise and the ways to reduce them are as follows:

1) Noise form vehicles: This leads to sound pollution and can be reduced if “No hone Zones” are Created on the buys streets.

2) Noise from parties in residential area: Sound system should be kept at a lower volume and rules should be imposed regarding such noises.

3) Sound from machines: This is mainly caused due to dryness between moving points and can be controlled by proper greasing or oiling.

(b) “All fathers are not alike. Some show their love and affection for their children, and play with them. Others also love and care for their children, but they show it by working hard for them and giving them instructions and advice.” Describe the kind of relationship between Kezia and her father.        (See Lesson-18)

3. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words.        2

(a) Mother Teresa took care of the old and the sick who were unwanted and abandoned by their relatives. How did Mother Teresa make her patients feel comfortable?       (See Lesson-17)

Ans: Mother Teresa opened a school in Calcutta and the sisters would spend the time in teaching little children, giving them food and look after them. As more and more people joined her, Mother Teresa began to open more school. Mother Teresa always want patient to feel comfortable. So, she always takes care of her patients.

Explanation: Mother Teresa was born on 26th August 1910. She was the founder of the Missionaries of Charity.

(b) We have all seen neem trees growing near our houses, on roadsides, in parks, in gardens, in forests and even in our own courtyards. Some of us also know a few of its uses. Describe in your words the advantages of Neem trees, and do you think it is correct to call it a village pharmacy.   (See Lesson-21)

4. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 – 150 words.       4

(a) In the poem ‘Tall Trees’, the poet presents an integrated picture of nature. It is a harmonious world where various elements and objects of nature like the clouds, birds, day, night, and moon work in close association and without any disagreement. It is a pleasant picture of selfless care and protection. Write a paragraph of 20-25 words about the three activities of the tall trees as described in the poem.         (See Lesson 4)

Ans: Nature can be felt and tree can be seen everywhere. One can see tall trees in forests, villages and mountain slopes. The poet says that the tall tree has their hearts in the stay.

They see the clouds passing by. This shows that there are really tall. In the evening, when the sky darkness and the birds move to their home in the trees for safety. During the night and by the light of the moon, the stay awakes to keep a watch over the chick as it sleeps.

The poet confers noble to tall trees because they have a noble character which distinguished them from common people. They are rooted in the soil like trees. It means they are humble and just as trees provide a caring shelter to birds and animals, good people also show care and concern for the weak and protect them.

(b) “Show me, son, how to laugh; show me how I used to laugh and smile once upon a time when I was like you.” The father and son in the poem represent two different periods of time. Elaborate.   (See Lesson-25)

5. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 – 150 words.        4

(a) “Look, I can’t carry mountains or rocks. God gave me only a little strength. I can only carry pebbles. My heart cries out for Rama, and I’ll do all I can for him.”Was the work of the squirrel less important than the monkey’s work? Give reasons for your answer.      (See Lesson-2)

Ans: Lord Rama was building a bridge and ordered his army to do so. In it his entire army of monkey picked and carried large stone. In it the little squirrel too was helping to build a bridge for Lord Rama. The squirrel wanted to work hard.

When the monkey asked him how he would help in building a bridge, the squirrel said that he could not carry mountain or rock. God had given him very little strength due to which he could carry only pebbles. But, he wanted to help lord Rama as his heart cried out for Lord Rama. He was very affectionate of him.

He said that he was going to do whatever he could for lord Rama out of love and affection.

The squirrel said that he would not carry mountains or rocks, he did not have much strength but he could still help by carrying pebbles. He wanted to held Lord Ram in whatever way he could because his heart cried for him. He lover lord ram dearly.

From the above discussion, we can say that the work of the squirrel is also very important like the monkey’s work because he is working above his capacity.

(b) Answer the following questions in about 80-100 words each.

(i) Comment on the role of the grandmother in trying to make the family atmosphere warm and friendly.

(ii) Why do you think people give gifts to their loved ones?

(iii) Do you think Kezia’s father was a cruel man who didn’t love his daughter? Give reasons. (See Lesson-18)

6. Prepare any one project out of the following in about 500 words:       6

(a) We often hear,” Ekk naari padhegi, saat peedhi taregi”. Women’s Education in India has a major preoccupation of both the government and civil society, as educated women can play a very important role in the development of the country. Education is a milestone of women’s Empowerment because it enables them to respond to the challenges, to confront their traditional roles, and change their lives.

Women’s Education in India has been a need of the hour, as education is a foundation stone for the empowerment of woman. Education also brings a reduction in inequalities and functions as a means of improving their status within the family and develops the concept of participation.

What advantages does society get from having educated women? What are the various steps taken by the government to support Women’s Education in the country?

Ans: We often hear,” Ekk naari padhegi, saat peedhi taregi”. Women’s Education in India has a major preoccupation of both the government and civil society, as educated women can play a very important role in the development of the country.

This is mainly because society gents many advantages from having educated women which are given below:

1. Woman’s education will assist to decipher many problems faced by society.

2. By stre ngthening woman education India can attain the goal of social growth.

3. Education will enable us to control a gender rift in society. Co-education association will help children to give respect to females.

4. It will bring economic growth not only for women but will also boost the GDP of a nation.

5. A well-educated woman will have an extra likelihood of giving rise to better decision for her family’s health.

6. Education will enhance employment opportunities for women.

7. Education is an influential tool for woman’s liberalisation and authorization.

8. Education will establish awareness amongst woman which will cause improved participation in politics which eventually directs to the strengthening of democracy.

The various steps taken by the government to support woman’s education in the country are:

1. Sakshar Bharat mission for female literacy.

2. SABLA – Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for empowerment of adolescent girls.

3. Right to education consider education as a basic right which will give free and mandatory education to every child aged between 6 to 14.

4. Enterprise of residential upper primary schools for girls.

5. Under the scheme, women’s forms known as Mahila Sangha were created.

6. Infrastructure for girl’s hostel for secondary education is build.

(b) Writing your autobiography can seem like an overwhelming task. To break it in to manageable pieces, ask yourself questions that will separate your life into ages, experiences,and important events. Then, interview yourself just as you would another person if you were writing their life story.

The following list of questions will help you generate brilliant ideas for your auto biographies whenever you need them:

• Who influenced your personal development?

• What are your best and worst childhood memories?

• What is your family’s social and ethnic background?

• What are your relations with parents and other relatives?

• What are your main achievements in life?

• What are your goals for the future?

• What skills would you like to develop and why?

• What was the most memorable day in your life?

• What was the most important lesson you have ever learned in your life?

• What are the most important values in life, in your opinion?

Prepare your autobiography in about 150-200 words incorporating the answers to the questions mentioned above.

So, Finally you reached the end of the post. Hope you like English 202 Free Solved Assignment [TMA] 2022-23 . You will solved assignment of other subjects in our page nios solved assignment 202-23 . Visit Official website of NIOS for details about assignment.

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Chakrir Khobor

6 Class English Assignment Answer 2022 PDF File – 4th week

Education Boards Bangladesh had to be submitted for class 6 Assignment Answer 2022 4th weeks. They has been released 6 class English assignment 2022 question solution 4th week. We also posted and you can get your 6 English assignments at chakrirkhobor.net. Six English Assignment is also scheduled assignments. Most of the Assignment finder many time fine six class English assignment 4th week. So all People Keep read this article and know all details here.

All Education Board start all subject Assignment and will end on December 2022. Six Class assignment 4th week start from February and end maybe November. Students can also check their 6 English assignments on these websites.

Class 6 English Assignment Answer 2022 – 4th Week

You can get the first 6 Assignments all boards. This year newly start Assignment answer 2022 all board on their website. You want to get a 6 class English Assignment keep reading below.

See here 6 English Assignment Answer, Pdf question solution, full off Marks all details given on this Page. Check also 6 English Assignment submit Date 2022 and Download link on this page. Check assignment Date Of School 2022. So all Applicants continue to read our article and know all details about http://www.dshe.gov.bd/ Assignment 2022.

english assignment 2022

Class 6 English Assignment PDF File Download 2022

DSHE has recently released the notification regarding the 6 English Assignment Exam solution 2022 exam dates check on the official Website. 6 English Assignment Exam solution released soon on the official website a direct link we provide below of this page.

How to do Class 6 Assignment Answer 2022?

On the off chance that you don’t think about the 6 English Assignment process, this area will improve your insight in a matter of seconds. It would be ideal if you’re Assignment and ensure you are following the procedure appropriately. Here you go.

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৬ষ্ঠ শ্রেণির গনিত এসাইনমেন্ট সমাধান- ২০২২-1st week , ৬ষ্ঠ শ্রেণির বাংলা এসাইনমেন্ট সমাধান- ২০২২-1st week , how to get english assignment answer 6.

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4th Week Six class English Assignment answer 2022

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  • Comprehensive Solutions: The solved assignments provide comprehensive answers to the questions asked in the assignments, which makes it easier for students to understand and study the topics.
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Read more: How to Make IGNOU Solved Assignment?


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MPCE-046 Applied Positive Psychology Solved Assignment 2023-2024

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BECC-108 मध्यवर्ती व्यष्टि-अर्थशास्त्र ॥ in Hindi Solved Assignment 2023-2024

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Can you tell the last date of the assessment submission of IGNOU? I was admitted to IGNOU on Jan 2019

30 sep 2019

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  1. AP English Language and Composition Exam

    Section II: Free Response. 3 Questions | 2 hours 15 minutes (includes a 15-minute reading period | 55% of Exam Score. Students write essays that respond to 3 free-response prompts from the following categories: Synthesis Question: After reading 6-7 texts about a topic (including visual and quantitative sources), students will compose an ...

  2. BEGAE 182: English Communication Skills (BAG) Solved Assignment 2022

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  3. PDF BEGAE 182: English Communication Skills

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    2022-2023 Mrs. A. Dales, M.Ed. - Combs High School AP Literature and Composition The first part of the summer assignment is designed to help you prepare for college and the AP Literature Exam, where skills developed by avid reading are essential. Only the well-read student can respond

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  9. SSC English Assignment (10th, 4th & 2nd Week) Answer 2022

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  14. IGNOU MA English Solved Assignments 2022-23

    For IGNOU MEG Solved Assignments 2022-23 & 2023-24, Contact on WhatsApp at 7428482160. The MA English programme offered by Indira Gandhi National Open University is of two year duration. Every year, the university uploads the new assignment question booklet on its official website.Students can easily download Ignou MEG assignment questions from the website in the PDF format.

  15. Compulsory English-I Code 386 Assignments of Spring 2022

    Compulsory English-I Code 386 Assignment Number 2. Important Note: 1. Allama Iqbal Open University ASSIGNMENTS :-. First and foremost Assignments are an essential part of the students. Because this plays a very important role. Moreover, you can't clear your semester without assignments. Most Importantly send your assignments in time.

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    SSC 2022 English Assignment Answer has been published. Students need to create a total of 5 assignment solutions in English. Through this, SSC exam 2022 preparation for English will be completed. The test will be taken after completing the short syllabus. In addition, if the educational institution is started, normal teaching activities will ...

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  19. Class 6 English Assignment Answer 2022 pdf- 4th week

    6 Class English Assignment Answer 2022 PDF File - 4th week. Shere This.. Education Boards Bangladesh had to be submitted for class 6 Assignment Answer 2022 4th weeks. They has been released 6 class English assignment 2022 question solution 4th week. We also posted and you can get your 6 English assignments at chakrirkhobor.net.

  20. IGNOU M.A English SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2023-2024 MA

    IGNOU MASTER OF ARTS M.A English (MEG) Solved Assignment For 2023-2024 Session: . If you were searching for the IGNOU MASTER OF ARTS M.A English Semester Solved Assignment for 2023-2024 Session then finally you are at right place as IGNOU MASTER OF ARTS M.A English Solved Assignment for 2023-2024 is now available for Download.