College Golf Experience | Golf Camps with College Coaches

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how to make a college golf resume

Jim Ott | Illinois Wesleyan

how to make a college golf resume

Dan Wesley | Rochester

It probably seems like you’ve spent your entire academic life adding achievements and activities to your academic resume in preparation for college. If your goal beyond high school, though, is to make it onto a college golf team roster, you should be building a unique kind of resume targeted at impressing the right College Coaches.

Ensuring that your college golf resume hits all the proper notes and is presented in a way that stands out to coaches involves a delicate combination of art and science. Therefore, we asked the experts, some of the top college golf coaches in the country, what an ideal golf resume should contain so it rises above the sea of emails coaches regularly receive.

“I love to hear from kids who are competing and moving up to higher and higher-level tournaments so they’re pushing themselves to play against better players,” said Jim Ott, Men’s Head Golf Coach at Illinois Wesleyan. “Academics are important, too, because that shows you about the kid’s discipline, organization, and responsibility. That tells you a little bit about their personality and shows how conscientious, organized, and responsible they are. You know if they’re bringing the full package together.”

The most common advice we heard from coaches was to keep your golf resume simple and concise but thorough with the right data. For example, a solid tournament resume will include scores, the par, yardage, and course rating of the golf course where each tournament was played, the size of the field, and where you placed. Hey, if you keep data on the fairways and greens that you hit in regulation and your strokes gained numbers, that’s great. But just give the coach a synopsis or average, not a round-by-round deep dive. They should be duly impressed that you’re tracking your results and trying to improve.

Coaches encourage aspiring college golfers to include EVERY score, even the highest rounds. “I want to see how young players handle adversity, so knowing how they handle a round when things aren’t going their way tells me a lot about that player’s maturity on the course and maybe even if they have leadership potential,” said Dan Wesley, Men’s Head Golf Coach at the University of Rochester.

Coaches want to see the caliber of tournaments you’re playing and the kind of competition you’re competing against, so include accurate, searchable details on the tournaments and the organizations hosting them. You might get the chance to play in front of college coaches, so it’s good to know what they’re looking for beyond how you swing and what you score. “I want to see how a player accepts good and bad shots, and I want to see how they interact with other players, rules officials, and the people running the golf tournament. The ideal candidate for our roster is a good person who is also a good player,” Wesley adds.

For all of the coaches who won’t get to see you playing in person, consider adding videos to your college golf resume. You can speak directly to the camera to give coaches a taste of your personality and your goals, and brief golf swing videos or shot highlights can also be a big asset to your resume. “We definitely tend to click on the videos, so more and more, that’s a vital part of how outreach from a potential player stands out to a coach. If they want to include a link to their golf-specific social media page, that’s informative, too,” Wesley says. “And, bear in mind, we’re looking at the golf content but we’re also looking at how you portray yourself online in what attributes of your personality and character you’re choosing to show.”

One coach says he pays attention to who the player uses as a swing coach because “if the teacher has a proven track record of helping players reach the next level, the family has done their homework and committed to a working plan to play better and progress as a competitor.”

Coaches also stress that the first part of being a student-athlete is the “student” component, so provide an up-to-date academic transcript and a concise description of what you intend to study in college. Many coaches prefer to see this information prominently displayed in the résumé so they know immediately that the candidate meets the academic requirements at their institution.

Along with your tournament record, coaches will be impressed to see that you attend coaches’ camps like CGX Top25, Preview, or Prospect Camps because it shows the willingness to learn more about the pathway to college golf and an eagerness to spend quality time with college golf coaches. Including this information on your résumé will indicate to coaches that you’re going the extra mile to prepare for thriving in the right fit on a college golf roster.

To find a camp near you, visit our upcoming schedule.

“Learning from college coaches, being able to ask them anything you ever wanted to know and seeing how a college golf practice works is incredibly valuable,” said Ott. “Then, going on the course with coaches and seeing how the practice applies to playing and scoring is huge. Between the on-course learning and the deep-dive Q&A sessions, players leave with a ton more confidence than they had when they arrived. The benefits from attending these camps can be an absolute game-changer for families.”

Other advice coaches give on building a college golf resume that will resonate with the right coach includes being careful to proofread and be sure you’re addressing the correct coach by name. If you’re sending several coaches the same basic message all at once, be sure to personalize and properly address each coach. Proper grammar, punctuation, and clarity of thought might not register as highly as hitting towering drives and being able to maneuver iron shots both ways, but good communication does show that you are academically prepared for the next level.

Coaches encourage young players to reach out when they have something significant to share with them. Don’t be shy. But, get to the point quickly and don’t undervalue the opportunities to go one-on-one with several top coaches at a CGX camp. It’s the perfect environment to ask any question you want answered by the ultimate experts. It’s also going to give you a clear impression of the kind of coaches and schools that are the best fit for your game, your personality, and goals. The education and networking opportunities you get from a camp will carry you a long way toward your dream of playing college golf and help put you on the college golf radar.

“Coaches definitely talk to other coaches, and we go into CGX camps with notes on certain players that we add to those notes throughout the camp and beyond. I might have already completed my recruiting cycle, but I’m always talking to other coaches about players, and the more we know about a player, the more we are in a position to suggest a fit that could be amazing for them.”

You can learn more about college golf resumes and the recruiting process at an upcoming CGX camp. We want to hear from you and any questions you might have about setting yourself up for ultimate success on the next level. Email us anytime!

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5 Features of a Great College Golf Resume

by Claire Richardson | Aug 17, 2021 | Recruiting Process | 0 comments

College Golf Resume

If you’re a junior golfer looking to be recruited to play golf in college, you’ll need to write a college golf resume to send to coaches.

Having a golf resume is an essential element of the recruiting process. Your resume is the place where you list all of the key “data” about yourself that allows coaches to quickly and easily determine an initial impression of whether you are a good fit for their team.

Want to make a strong first impression? Here are five features of a great college golf resume…

The numbers speak for themselves

Focus on the numbers. The phrase I like to use here is that your golf resume should be “data driven”. Be sure to include:

  • Weighted and unweighted GPA
  • SAT , ACT (and possibly PSAT scores)
  • Tournament results

These pieces of information are the meat and potatoes of the college golf resume. They should be listed near the top of your resume so that coaches can see it right away. Part of your goal in emailing coaches, especially early on, is to make it as easy as possible for them to assess your level of play and ability to help their team. And remember, let them assess you — don’t tell them why you know you are a good fit for their team — let the numbers do the talking. Sharing the wrong information is one of the main reasons why a coach might not be responding to your emails .

In addition to listing your tournament scores, include some information about the event — where it was played, the dates, course length, course par, and your finish in the field. Here is an example of how to list tournament scoring data on your golf resume:

Keep it short and sweet

The ideal length for a college golf resume is 1-page. Just over or under is fine, and you should feel free to play around with the margins to help keep things to a page if you are running over. 

College golf coaches don’t have a lot of time to scour through resumes, and they don’t need to know everything you’ve ever accomplished. Focus on the important details that will help you get recruited, i.e. the data and most impressive non-golf accomplishments and essential details.

A golf resume should be well-organized

What you share in your college golf resume doesn’t matter if coaches can’t easily absorb the information they’re looking for. It’s essential that your resume is well-formatted and features the most important information right at the top of the page.

Give the coaches the information (data) they need to evaluate you and come to their own conclusions about your level of play. 

Along these lines, make sure that your resume is free of typos, spelling errors, and formatting issues. Attention to detail goes a long way in demonstrating maturity and genuine interest.

Your resume is about more than just golf

Your tournament scores and academics should absolutely be the focus of your college golf resume, but your resume should include a lot more info beyond that! 

Make your resume more personal by adding a headshot and an action shot. You should also have an entire section of your resume dedicated to non-golf activities. These might include volunteer experience, club involvement at school, awards you’ve earned, etc. Anything you think someone should know about you! 

Be sure to include other athletic accomplishments, too. I once worked with a multi-sport athlete who included a link to a video of him dunking… coaches loved it! 

A great resume is accompanied by a great intro email

When you initiate contact with coaches during the recruiting process, you’ll include your resume as an attachment to an email. All the work that you’ve put into writing a great college golf resume doesn’t matter if a coach doesn’t click to open your resume. 

How do you increase the chances that a coach is going to take that step and click to open your resume? Write a great intro email. Here’s everything you need to know to help you write a great intro email, so that coaches want to open your college golf resume and start recruiting you.

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College Recruiting Help: Keys to an Effective Resume

  • by Chris Smeal
  • October 13, 2017 October 13, 2017

College Recruiting

how to make a college golf resume

The Keys to an Effective Resume

October 13, 2017 | Ponte Vedra Beach, FL

By Mike Smith, ForeCollegeGolf

During today’s college recruiting process, it is more important than ever to have an established game plan. If you are a Junior Golfer who aspires to play college golf, you probably already know the basics of developing a resume, cover letter and swing video. However, college coaches are overwhelmed with hard copy and online resumes on a daily basis and can’t tackle the duties of recruiting by themselves. Saying that, most collegiate golf programs have a staff of one, the head coach. It’s also not uncommon to find Division III and NAIA schools where the head coach advises both the Men’s and Women’s programs. At the Division I level college programs have assistants which may offset the additional athletic duties but still take on the obligations of sorting through the countless numbers of resumes they receive. Bottom line, college coaches simply don’t have time to look at each and every detail on your resume. For this exact reason, it is crucial that you arrange your resume in the format they are looking for. Here’s a list of things they will look for and below you will find a sample resume for formatting purposes:

  • Graduation year
  • Tournament finishes and scores
  • Junior Golf Scoreboard or Polo Golf Ranking
  • Personal references, Instructor Contact Info, other points of contact 
  • Academic profile (GPA, test scores & transcripts) and which parts
  • Community involvement 
  • Leadership roles (sport or non-sport)
  • Fitness / other sport involvement 
  • Swing video
  • Time management techniques

how to make a college golf resume

Keep in mind : A well written golf resume provides college coaches a quick and clear understanding of your ability to contribute, athletically and academically, to their respective golf program as soon as you enroll Freshman year.  

So, is your golf resume ready for college coaches? Take a look below at ForeCollegeGolf’s sample resume.

Attached to your resume should be several letters of recommendation. High school coaches, instructors and other personal references serve as great recommendations. In addition, your recruiting profile also included an original cover letter addressed (individually) to each college coach.  As you can see from the above image, all of your resume content should fit on one or two printed pages and be neatly organized. Thus, giving college coaches the ability to quickly see your successes as you mature through high school. While a few individual tournaments can be left out, the bulk of your recent successes AND failures should be included on your resume. Upcoming tournament schedules should also be included for coaches’ reference and to give them an opportunity to come watch you play.

Hope this clears up some of the confusion and frustrations you’ve been having during the recruiting process!

how to make a college golf resume

Mike Smith is the Founder & CEO of ForeCollegeGolf and specializes in assisting junior golfers & their families through the college recruiting process. Email him @ [email protected]


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11 Tips for a Successful College Golf Recruiting Process

By Claire Sheldon

11 Tips for a Successful College Golf Recruiting Process

1) Do research early

If you wait until your junior or senior year to start thinking about college golf, you will likely have already missed out on a number of opportunities. Coaches will either already be committed to other players or it will simply be too late for you to gain the experience necessary to be a strong candidate. Start to research college golf programs, paying special attention to the roster and player bio section, early in high school. This will give you a sense of the kind of experience you need to gain by your junior year.

2) Play in the right tournaments

Part of being a great recruit means having the tournament experience. Play in tournaments that will help you develop your game and demonstrate your level of play. Most D1 programs will look for national-level tournament results. Learn more about the National High School Invitational . 

3) Be proactive

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4) Lead the process yourself

Coaches want to hear directly from the prospect -- not their parents, not their coach, and not a consultant. This is a preferable strategy for a few reasons… 1) it allows prospects to develop a personal relationship with coaches, which is important because prospects will have a close relationship with their college coach, 2) it allows coaches to gauge whether a prospect’s interest in genuine, and 3) it provides prospects with the opportunity to develop their communication and self-advocacy skills.

5) Write a great introductory email

Again, coaches are busy. You might be able to write a great email, but if it’s too long or doesn’t contain certain key pieces of information up front, it can easily fall into the category of “too long, didn’t read”. Your introductory email should be your “elevator pitch” -- a concise email that contains only the essentials. Send your intro email at the end of sophomore year and again at the start of junior year.

6) Let the numbers talk

Your intro email should contain several key pieces of information, including your GPA, SAT or ACT scores, and a short golf resume that includes all of your tournament scores. Rather than telling your whole story in your first email, let these numbers speak for themselves and generate initial interest.

7) Be honest

On your resume and throughout the recruiting process, be honest with coaches and with yourself. Include all of your scores on your resume (even the high ones), tell coaches what other schools you are looking at (if they ask), and honestly ask yourself what you want (and really think about the answer).

Not sure about varsity golf? Check out the NCCGA!

8) Share your goals

Coaches care a lot about your prior results. They care even more about your future results, when you might be playing for them. One of the best ways to demonstrate your future potential is to talk about your goals: What drives you? What do you want to achieve in college (athletically and personally)? Why? This is one of the best ways to advocate with yourself.

9) Be respectful of a coach’s time

Coaches get hundreds and of emails and requests for meetings. Every time you send an email, call, or ask to meet, you are asking a coach to give you time. Know that you are doing this, and be respectful. Demonstrating this kind of awareness goes a long way.

10) This is about you

The college golf recruiting process is about you and what you want. Try not to lose sight of your goals and target schools. It feels good when coaches reach out and express their interest, but ultimately, what you want should to be what guides you.

11) Know that perfect is unrealistic

At the end of the day, “perfect” is probably unrealistic. Look for the school that offers the “best fit” overall.

More about Claire Sheldon, the founder of PSACC (Prospective Student-Athlete College Counseling)

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**You can contact Claire at  or via email [email protected].

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Recruiting Tips – Building a Golf Resume

how to make a college golf resume

Building a Golf Resume

Building your golf resume is crucial to the recruiting process, because it’s the normally the first contact with a college coach. This process can sometimes seem like a job interview, but it kind of is. Back in the day (really only 6 years ago) I was sending my resume to colleges I was interested in. Be sure to make your first contact personal, don’t just send your resume. Type up something to the coach, maybe adding a note about their most recent tournament finish. Do your research, then attach your resume to the email.  Parents, you should definitely be involved in this process with your child. It’s always great to have an extra set of eyes to look for formatting, spelling, and grammatical errors.

A personal golf resume should include the following:

  • Contact Information
  • Graduating Class
  • Updated and Accurate tournament results
  • Upcoming Tournament Schedule
  • Rankings (if you have one)
  • Golf Achievements (National, State, Local, and High-School Tournaments)
  • Academic Achievements
  • Extra-Curricular Activities

Now, I’ve had some questions about if you should include bad tournament results in your resume. The answer is yes. Due to the fact that, coaches can easily google you to see that you’re leaving out information. If you have the opportunity to speak with the coach and they say “Hey, I saw you had a rough tournament at the TJGT Tour Championship.”‘ You can reply with “Yes, I had trouble with _____, ____, and ____. But I’ve been working hard at practice to get better in those areas!” This leaves you room to explain that you are aware of problem areas and how you can improve. Bingo, coaches love that.

Not only do coaches want to see your tournament scores, they love seeing junior golfers involved in the community with volunteering, other clubs or extra-curricular activities. It gives them a good sense of who you are and what you like to do. Finally, the last tip I may add would be to make sure your email address is professional. If not, take the time to make a new one. Sending emails out as “[email protected]'” isn’t the first step in the right direction with coaches.

Click this link to check out a great sample resume I found!

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Do Juniors Need a Golf Resume?

  • / By The Junior Golfer Admin

NCAA college golf resume

Why should juniors have a golf resume?

Every junior player that hopes to play college golf should at some point have both a golf and an academic resume that is available to coaches. It is important to know how to go about creating a golf resume and also what the pitfalls to avoid are. A golf resume also helps juniors to clarify their goals both from a golf as well as an academic perspective. Very few players will be actively recruited by College coaches without having to provide a resume.

At what age or grade do junior golfers need to have a golf resume? 

Junior golfers with college aspirations should start to develop their golf resume in their freshman year of high school and by their sophomore year should be on the radar of college coaches for their selected schools. Juniors should be actively taking steps in the college recruiting process by starting to reach out to coaches by the end of their freshman year and definitely in their sophomore year. In addition, certain regional and national tournaments will require an application to gain entry and an updated golf resume is perfect for this purpose.

For additional information on the college recruiting process refer to the following excellent resources:

  • The First Tee College Golf Roadmap (PDF document)
  • Junior Golf Scoreboard (JGS)
  • Ping American College Golf Guide (paid resource) 
  • AJGA College Recruiting Information
  • If you really want some in depth reading, here is a PDF document of the NCAA’s Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete . 
  • Good quick read:  Do You Want to Play College Golf: Notes from a College Golf Prep Seminar .

Why have a golf resume?

The primary purpose of a golf resume is to market yourself and make it easy for coaches to get to know you. When so many players look alike based on their score, a resume can make the difference in helping them focus on you first. In addition, a golf resume is a great tool for coaches to know how to contact juniors. 

What information should be included on a golf resume?

Juniors should make sure to have a golf resume that includes academic information and that can be made available to, or sent to, prospective coaches. The sole purpose of a golf resume is to provide enough information to a prospective college golf coach to enable them to decide if they are interested in finding out more about the player. A good academic record is a great selling point for aspiring college golfers. 

A golf resume should not be overly detailed or elaborate but should include information in the following basic categories:

  • Personal information and a profile picture.
  • Academic information and accomplishments including graduation year, GPA, SAT or ACT results, desired major etc.
  • Basic details about home courses, coaches contact information, school information, names of school golf team coach and any other coaches such as physical training or mental coaches.
  • Golf specific information such as highlights, recent and upcoming junior golf tournaments , last 12 month results etc.

A good guideline is to provide factual information and keep it concise. One to three pages is the ideal length for a golf resume.

Many juniors looking for a sport scholarship will wonder why academics are so important in the process. First and foremost, the junior will need to actually be able to get into the school from an academic perspective to even be able to play on the golf team. Secondly, college coaches are required to maintain a certain average GPA within his/her team to avoid penalties including loss of playing / practice time and funding. Therefore, if one player on a team has a very high GPA it can pull up the average for the rest of the team - a big advantage!

Don't coaches just look at results on Junior Golf Scoreboard?

While it is true that coaches will reference tournament results that are posted on Junior Golf Scoreboard (JGS), the basic ranking information and scores that are available on JGS will not provide coaches with academic or other intangible information that they are looking for.

Additionally, a golf resume can include events that do not get reported on JGS such as USGA and AJGA one-day qualifiers, high school tournaments, and any variety of adult tournaments.  It should be noted that JGS does have a popular golf resume service that will automatically update with new results that are posted on the JGS site. A one year resume subscription service on JGS is $175.

What are good examples of golf resumes?

There are various sites that provide good examples of golf resumes and golf resume templates including the following:

  • JGS provides a nice golf resume example.
  • The Tennessee Junior Golf website has 2 golf resume examples and a couple of examples of cover letters to college coaches. It also has a lot of other great information and resources for aspiring College golfers.

Should golf resumes be online or paper?

An online resume is great to have, but do not assume that coaches will "just find you" unless you are one of the top players in your year (e.g. top 100 on JGS). You should be prepared to email a link to your resume and/or email a pdf of your actual resume to potential coaches.

A pdf is a good option since you know how it will look when viewed and printed and saves coaches' time opening a link and trying to print from there. We also recommend an online resume since scores will change and therefore the resume will need to be updated over time.

Some juniors like to create a website that has all their information on it and a link to the website can simply be emailed to coaches along with a cover letter.

Should I provide a swing video to coaches?

While not required, it is recommended to provide a recent swing video. This can be done through a link to your YouTube swing video(s) or to your website that has your swing videos on it.

How should a golf resume be sent to coaches? 

A personalized email is the right way to go. First identify the coaches you would like to send it to, then create your personalized email that includes some specifics about the school's program and your accomplishments.

Follow basic communication protocols like addressing the email directly to the coach by name (not to "whom it may concern"!). Demonstrate your desire to play for them. This can be done by mentioning what you like about their program, what has impressed you watching them in tournaments or what you liked when you visited their campus/practice facilities. A comment about team accomplishments or connection to the school though family alumni also helps.

Given the amount of excellent information available on the internet about the college recruiting process in general, we have intentionally tried to keep the advice in this article simple and to the point.

If you have any additional tips or favorite resources please share them in the comments section below.

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COLLEGE GOLF RESUMES Every Junior Golfer should have a current resume of his/her golfing/academic/extra curricular activities and accomplishments. Below are samples of letters of introduction and golf resumes.  You may want to add a picture and some more information.  Be creative, but do not overload your resume with too much information.  Tables are a great way to organize your information.  Females need to list yardage information along with tournament results.  Make sure and list all your multi-day events.  Coaches are aware that there are good days and bad days.  If you only show the good ones, you are not being fair to yourself or others.  If you shoot a score under par, list it in red!  Make your resume attractive, easy to read and include something that coaches can remember you easily. Sample Resume 1 Sample Resume 2 Sample Letters of Introduction Reference letters may also be included, but you may just want to list your references and their contact information.  A link to your You Tube video may be added also.  Some players are creating their own websites so with just one link, coaches have all your info available and updates are easy.

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Golf Professional Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the golf professional job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Assist with planning, conducting, and scoring golf tournaments and other golf-related activities
  • Help the merchandise manager with restocking, tagging and displays
  • Assist in keeping the Golf Shop neat and clean
  • Assist with golf club repair
  • Play golf with the Members and work on golf game
  • Assist with inventory control
  • D. Teach and help to conduct junior golf lessons and clinics
  • Assist in management of department members: starters, player assistants, and guest service assistants
  • Assists in the management of department members that may include, but is not limited to: Starters, Player Assistants, and Guest Services Attendants
  • Assists in the management of department members that may include, but is not limited to: Player Assistants, Guest Services
  • Creates lesson plans and provides both individual and group instruction
  • Ensures that effective orientation and training are given to each new associate. Assists in developing ongoing training programs
  • Incorporates safe work practices in job performance
  • Assists Head Professional in interviewing, hiring, training, planning, assigning and directing work in Golf Dept
  • Assures that effective orientation and training are given to each new associate. Develops ongoing training programs
  • Assist in hiring, developing and supervising all key management employees of the property
  • Comprehensive knowledge of expense control as it relates to payroll and the forecasting and budgeting of expenses
  • Provides leadership and vision to golf staff, building people, and preparing them for career advancement
  • Performs payroll tasks as scheduled and makes adjustments prior to submitting to payroll. Monitors hours to maximize productivity and minimize overtime
  • Assists in the development and day to day tracking of the budget and business plan. Helps to control expenses in relation to revenues
  • PGA of America Member in good standing
  • Plans, promotes and directs all golf activities including management responsibilities on a daily basis
  • Assists the General Manager in preparing and monitoring the annual golf operations budget
  • Orders, keeps inventory, and display of all merchandise in the golf shop
  • Organizes and executes golf tournaments, members events, and league programs
  • Develops player development programs, clinics and lessons to all player segments
  • Interprets and imposes club policies, rules and regulations
  • Hires, trains, and supervises golf shop staff and outside services staff
  • Conducts staff meetings with pro shop staff and outside services staff to ensure facility goals, objectives and standards are being met
  • Directs and promotes golf operation safety program
  • Supervises maintenance of golf cart fleet

11 Golf Professional resume templates

Golf Professional Resume Sample

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  • Administers all point of sales application revisions and needs as it applies to green fee sales, merchandise sales, and member/guest billing. Coordinates with Accounting Departments all policy and procedure revisions, updates, and implementation
  • Maintains a clean, orderly, and well-stocked golf shop. Assists retail buyer with procurement and merchandise and shop assistants with merchandising and sales
  • Supervises preparations for all golf outings including scorecards, cart labels, rules sheets, score sheets, format sheets, favors, pairing sheets and hole assignments
  • Assists the Manager in interviewing, hiring, training, planning, assigning, and directing work, evaluating performance, rewarding, and disciplining maintenance associates; addressing complaints and resolving problems
  • Responsible for implementing and maintaining excellent service to achieve guest satisfaction
  • Current PGA/LGPA Membership
  • Ability to read and speak English is required in order to perform the duties of the job (e.g. the associates are required to communicate with English speaking customers or co-workers, the manuals for the equipment the associates may use are in English)
  • Experience with computerized POS and tee time system
  • Assists in monitoring business volume forecast and plans accordingly in areas of manpower, productivity, costs and expenses
  • Assist with monthly inventory
  • PGA/LPGA Professional or Apprentice
  • Jonas/EZ Links experience
  • Microsoft Office experience

Golf Professional Resume Examples & Samples

  • As required, will be asked to participate with the Head Golf Professional to represent the Golf Department as need for Member orientations, Member functions and actively participate in individual play with the pro and play with the pro events
  • As required, train golf professionals on golf instruction and the management of programs to include clinics, juniors, group, private lessons, and special population lessons. Utilize state-of-the-art teaching and learning theories, and be able to integrate the use of teaching aids, video, when appropriate in all programs
  • Assist fellow Employee Partners, Members and guests to ensure delivery of the 3 steps of service without being directed. Be aware of team members and the environment and participate as a member of the team
  • Assists in administering all daily operations including, but not limited to: facilitating sales, assisting with merchandise, operating POS system, managing handicap and tee sheet applications, guest relations, tournament coordination, outside
  • Associates Degree; or one year of experience; or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Must be enrolled in PGA PGM program or PGA member

PGA Golf Professional Resume Examples & Samples

  • Delivery of golf tuition
  • Assisting in the business development of the golf academy
  • To ensure targets are hit and standards are maintained
  • To develop group coaching
  • Build a rapport with regular golfers at Meydan Golf and the Meydan Golf team
  • To upsell equipment and all Meydan products
  • Preferably already be based in the UAE or have previously worked in the UAE
  • Must be experienced in lesson delivery to golfers of all standards
  • Self motivated, flexible, proactive
  • PGA Qualified or in Final Year of PGA Training
  • Looking to further develop through external courses / seminars
  • Preferably TPI Qualified
  • Experience of coaching technology

Head Golf Professional Resume Examples & Samples

Head / teaching golf professional resume examples & samples.

  • Create & Execute a teaching program for all levels of - men, ladies, juniors, beginners and accomplished players
  • Administer tournaments for members and outside groups
  • Member Relations and daily play on the course
  • Must have prior experience as a Head Professional
  • Qualified Golf Instructor - has established a quality teaching program
  • Experienced in planning and organizing golf tournaments
  • Reports to the Director of Golf
  • Assist with merchandising and sales
  • Provide individual and group instruction
  • Responsible for implementing & maintaining excellent service to achieve guest satisfaction
  • Conduct staff meetings with subordinates
  • Familiar with Jonas POS & EZ Links tee time software
  • Familiar with TPP tournament software
  • Familiar with Microsoft Office
  • PGA Apprentice
  • Drive and sustain lessons and fittings sales intensity and profitability by setting high expectations and monitoring and measuring positive results
  • Promote Golf Galaxy by participating in community organizations, PGA or LPGA of America and other service organizations to promote and enhance Golf Galaxy’s standing in the business community
  • Other tasks/responsibilities as business needs dictate

Golf Professional / Club Fitter Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design, schedule and maintain all instructional programs and private lessons and assure quality service and instructional experiences working with the Golf Department management to ensure to meet the Member/Guest needs based on department objectives. Be creative in instructional programs to enhance service and maintain interest and enthusiasm among all Members/guest using the most current techniques, designs and standards
  • Facilitate and promote club fitting program and equipment sales throughout the Club through supervision of club fitting program
  • Responsible for keeping the Golf Range of the Club clean and orderly. Communicate with the golf shop staff concerning the management of the driving range, chipping areas and other areas of the practice facility. Follow all daily club procedures and enforce all club rules to assure proper performance while at the driving range
  • Serve as an ambassador improving Member relations and communication, keeping Membership as the priority and critical success factor of the club. Improving golfers playing ability and serving as a conduit to connect and retain Members and increase lesson revenue
  • Supervise information requests regarding or pertaining to schedule of lessons and instructional golf
  • Attend all meetings scheduled by the management team as requested
  • As needed, responsible for efficient and friendly customer service throughout the pro shop, checking in golfers, accurately ringing up charges at the register and properly checking in all golfers prior to play. This also includes proper cash handling procedures as well as making sure that all standards of operations are being met
  • Promote the game of golf and promote the Club while maintaining a high level of professionalism and service
  • Create and Promote Junior programs in the club
  • Provide lessons and create more activities for golfing members
  • Oversee golf operations, staff and merchandise inventory and sales
  • Class A PGA Member in good standing
  • A minimum of 2 years experience in a private club facility
  • Skilled golfer with experience in teaching

Tumble Creek Golf Professional Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide high level customer service and manage day-to-day operations
  • Provide individual and junior group instruction
  • Organize and promote all Club Tournaments and other special events/functions at the Club
  • Oversee all aspects of outside golf operations and staff
  • Provides and ensures efficient and friendly customer service throughout the pro shop, checking in golfers, accurately ringing up charges at the register and properly checking in all golfers prior to play
  • PGA Membership Required
  • Private Club experience preferred
  • Previous golf operations experience
  • High School Education Required
  • Previous customer service experience preferred
  • Supervises preparations for all golf outings including scorecards, cart labels, rules sheets, pairing sheets, etc
  • Assists in management of dept. members that may include, but is not limited to: Starters and Member Services staff
  • Responsible for implementing and maintaining excellent service to achieve member and guest satisfaction
  • Associate's degree (AA); or one to two years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Current PGA/LPGA Membership
  • Experience in private club setting preferred
  • Helpful if candidate possesses working knowledge of Jonas

Director of Golf / Head Golf Professional Resume Examples & Samples

  • Leads all Golf Operations including Golf Shop, Golf Car Facilities, and Outside Golf Services in order to consistently deliver products and services that align with Troon’s goals and standards for quality
  • Develops and implements continuous improvement process in areas of responsibility based on industry best practices, competitive analysis, service standards, and financial requirements of the club operation
  • Works with the Assistant Golf Professionals in overseeing the development and successful operation of golf leagues, lesson programs, and other golf-related programs and activities at the Club
  • Performs human capital management responsibilities including employee selection, performance management, coaching and development. Manages priorities and workload distribution, and removes barriers that impede progress. Completes all personnel, salary administration, and reporting duties. Performs operational responsibilities that drive team performance including planning, execution, process improvement and best-practice sharing
  • Responsible for the prudent management of business expenses and the financial management of the team. This includes budget planning, adherence to budgets and reporting on status. Monitors the budget and directs corrective action procedures as necessary to help assure that budget goals are maintained
  • Development and management of club events
  • Manages Golf Shop merchandise inventory. Implements special order programs including custom club fitting and demo days. Directs purchasing , promotion, sale and marketing of the merchandising programs that ensure the satisfying of the goals
  • Regular operation of golf cars and/or other maintenance vehicles in order to accomplish other essential functions outlined above
  • Works with General Manager in development and implementation of annual and long range business and workforce plans. Responsible for effective communication regarding these plans while ensuring needed approvals, and/or justifying variances and changes to plans
  • Member in good standing of the PGA of America
  • Minimum 5 years of experience as a Head Professional, Director of Golf or equivalent experience preferred
  • Demonstrated leadership including experience coaching and developing direct reports
  • Maintains PGA membership in good standing status, fulfilling all requirements set forth by the PGA
  • Proven financial and budgeting acumen including experience managing budgets, analyzing results, maintaining costs and meeting reporting deadlines
  • Collaborates effectively with facility management team as needed to support the business goals and objectives
  • Proven record of providing superior member/guest service and staff training and development
  • Excellent communicator, both verbal and written
  • Positive attitude, professional manner and appearance in all situations
  • Lead Golf, Sales & Marketing, Retail day to day Operations
  • Assist GM and other department heads to further improve operation
  • Ability to lead and manage large group of associates working under Head Professional
  • Past Head Golf Professional Experience
  • Experience in creating annual golf course budget and presentation
  • Sales minded operator with solid understanding of golf business analysis skill
  • Golf Operations
  • Tournament and Member relations
  • Merchandise Buying
  • Experienced Assistant Professionals or Head Professionals
  • College Degree and PGA Member preferred
  • Private or Resort facility Experience
  • Managment, Member relations, Merchandising/Buying, Spanish Speaking a must
  • None other than relocation
  • Manage the office area to ensure effective telephone and mail communications
  • Manage all aspects of the club in the absence of the General Manager
  • Produce daily reports related to rounds, sales, etc. for management
  • Assist in coordinating of individual, group, and tournament play as directed by the 1st Assistant Golf Professional and/or Head Golf Professional
  • Work closely with Marshall and Starter to monitor all aspects of play including starting, monitoring pace of play, safety on the course and golf course markings
  • Provide customer service to arriving guests to help expedite check-in process
  • Assist in reconciliation of cash and accounts receivable charges to daily register at the closing of the day
  • Assist in overseeing the care and maintenance of the property’s physical assets and facilities
  • Provide assistance in management of Pro-Shop
  • Maintain positive and productive relationships between the golf facility and its board of directors, golfers, guests, employees, community, government and industry
  • Oversee all aspects of the golf operations
  • Manage all golf shop operations
  • Directing the “traffic” that group golf brings and always maintaining one course open for member play
  • Responsible for helping the Director of Golf with coordinating the play-days with the WGA, Lady 9-holers, and the HSBR MGA
  • Participate on the Board of Directors of the MGA
  • Assist in setting the club’s tournament event schedule
  • Stay in constant communication with the Director of Golf Course Agronomy
  • Supervise and delegate to the Assistant Golf Professionals
  • Set budgets and adhere to the budgets
  • Coordinate plans with the F&B manager for all food and beverage needs, course food and beverage needs, banquets, outside events, and catering for all golf functions
  • Oversee the golf instruction, clinics, golf schools, and golfer development programs for all customer segments
  • Oversee golf marketing initiatives including promotional materials, the promotion of new golf membership Player recruitment, yield management, golf packages, and outside events
  • Oversee all fiscal responsibilities and performance for the golf operations including planning, budgeting, forecasting, monitoring, and corrective management
  • Oversee all fiscal responsibilities for golf course maintenance including planning, budgeting, monitoring, and corrective management
  • Oversee all operational policies, procedures, controls, and fee structures to ensure the safekeeping of assets, Inventory, and resources
  • Member of the PGA
  • Previous experience is required
  • Requires problem solving abilities
  • Requires excellent oral and written communications skills
  • Comprehend reading materials, speak, read and write English
  • Must have neat and pleasant overall appearance
  • Manage the office area to ensure effective telephone and mail communication
  • Manage all aspects of the club in the absence of the general manager
  • Assist in coordination of individual, group, and tournament play as directed by the 1st Assistant Golf Professional and/or Head Golf Professional

Intern Golf Professional Resume Examples & Samples

  • A. Promote the game of golf
  • B. Aid the Golf Professional in every phase of the golf operation
  • C. Spread hospitality and goodwill to the Members and Guests
  • Responsible for daily golf shop operations and bookkeeping. Operations duties include keeping an accurate tee sheet and providing professional service. Bookkeeping duties include maintaining a balanced daily ledger, closing daily books, and reporting daily sales and deposits
  • Coordinate the junior golf program
  • Answer phones and book tee times for Members, Guests and special events
  • Attend P.G.A. Schools and Education Seminars
  • Responsible for all functions of the club’s handicap service
  • Work closely with the Head Golf Professional, Assistant Professionals, Merchandiser (Golf Shop Buyer), Golf Shop Staff, Outdoor Operations Staff, Golf Course Superintendent/Maintenance Staff, Rendezvous Club Manager and Chef and Beaver Creek Club Director
  • Attend golf-related staff meetings
  • Maintains an attractive and orderly appearance in the golf shop
  • Provides golf lessons to facility patrons
  • Creates annual budget plan for golf operations
  • Manages inventory of merchandise in the pro shop and the outside service equipment

PGA / Lpga Golf Professional Resume Examples & Samples

  • Meet or exceed sales goal objectives for lessons and fittings
  • Develop, design, recommend and implement instructional programs, customer clinics and other promotional activities as directed
  • Create a climate within the store in which staff are motivated to do their best, strong morale and spiriting in his/her team; share wins and successes; foster open dialogue; and create a feeling of belonging within the team
  • Promotes and executes member events and daily play
  • Promotes teaching among all groups of men, ladies, juniors, seniors and families
  • Provides a professional atmosphere that the members and guests would be proud to recommend potential members to join
  • Oversees golf operations including tournaments, rules, tee sheet activity, merchandise inventory, range operations, player service operations, cart fleet, and may assist with supervising Food and Beverage operations
  • Creates a customer service oriented atmosphere that promotes the game of golf and meets the needs of the members. Ensures that associates provide a high level of customer service
  • Works closely with the Superintendent and the Food and Beverage Manager on a daily basis to ensure timely communication and to establish a good working relationship
  • Prepares work schedules and assigns associates areas of responsibility
  • Provides golf instruction through lessons and clinics to members and guests
  • Responsible for interviewing, hiring, training, planning, assigning, and directing work, evaluating performance, rewarding, and disciplining associates; addressing complaints and resolving problems
  • Manages department members that may include, but is not limited to: Assistant and Associate Golf Professionals, Teaching Professionals, Tournament Coordinator, and Guest Services Attendants
  • Bachelor’s degree (BA) from four-year college or university; or three to five years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience (Multi-course facilities may require more experience)
  • Must be a Professional Golfers Association (PGA) Member
  • Must have qualified teaching skills
  • Initiates and promotes all club golf activities
  • Current Professional (PGA)/Ladies Professional Golf Association (LPGA) membership preferred
  • Level 3 PGA Apprentice preferred
  • Bachelor’s degree (BA) from four-year college or university; or three to five years related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Must be a Class A Professional Golfers' Association (PGA) member
  • Private club experience required
  • Possesses qualified teaching skills
  • Resort experience strongly preferred
  • Commitment to, and passion for, the mission of the university, the values of a service driven operation and best practices in customer service
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in golf course management with demonstrated increasing levels of responsibility including golf tournament, event and league management
  • Passion for golf and demonstrated background in playing golf
  • Knowledge of the technology available for use in golf course operations
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and a highly professional image with the ability to interact with customers, students, faculty and staff
  • Outstanding organizational skills and the ability to complete projects on a timely basis and to manage multiple priorities
  • Proven planning skills
  • Awareness of trends in the golf industry and the ability to identify if/how they will enhance the operations at The Meadows
  • Bachelor’s degree in business or related field
  • College and university or public golf course management
  • PGA Professional
  • Experience with Player Development Programs of all ages and levels
  • Experience with food and beverage service
  • Experience with golf course maintenance operations
  • Help direct and lead profitable golf course operations including course maintenance, golf shop, and food and beverage operations
  • Help position The Meadows as best in class for customer service
  • Contribute to a work environment that encourages inclusive and open communication, teamwork and entrepreneurship that emphasizes outstanding customer satisfaction
  • Identify and assess opportunities for innovation
  • Help develop, implement, and monitor marketing objectives
  • Supervision of temporary and student staff
  • Understand and help monitor and develop annual operational budgets and forecasts
  • Understand the financial reports including, but not limited to, daily deposits and sales reports in conformity with best practices established by the university, monthly financial statements, and financial comparison reports
  • Work with Director of Golf to develop and report on capital project plans to improve the overall golf operation
  • Help monitor and report on meaningful operational performance measures
  • Maintains professional growth and development
  • Perform special projects and other duties as assigned by the Director of Golf

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Golf Professional Resume: Sample & Guide [Entry Level + Senior Jobs]

Create a standout golf professional resume with our online platform. browse professional templates for all levels and specialties. land your dream role today.

Golf Professional Resume Example

Are you looking for a way to stand out from the competition and get your foot in the door as a Golf Professional? Our Golf Professional Resume Example article offers you a comprehensive guide on how to construct a winning resume that will help you secure the job of your dreams. Our resume example provides you with a detailed overview of what recruiters are looking for, as well as tips and tricks that you can use to make your resume stand out from the crowd. With our help, you can be sure that your resume will make a lasting impression and land you the job you’ve been dreaming of.

We will cover:

  • How to write a resume , no matter your industry or job title.
  • What to put on a resume to stand out.
  • The top skills employers from every industry want to see.
  • How to build a resume fast with our professional Resume Builder .
  • What a resume template is, and why you should use it.

What does a Golf Professional do?

A golf professional is someone who is trained and certified in the game of golf. They can provide instruction to players, arrange tournaments, and be responsible for running the golf shop and pro shop. They may also give lessons, provide advice on equipment, and help maintain the course.

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What are some responsibilities of a Golf Professional?

  • Teach golf lessons to individuals and groups
  • Maintain golf equipment and golf courses
  • Promote golf events and tournaments
  • Advise customers on golf equipment and apparel
  • Maintain a golf shop and manage inventory
  • Keep records of golf scores, lessons, and tournaments
  • Ensure adherence to golf course rules and regulations

Sample Golf Professional Resume for Inspiration

Golf Professional

John Smith is a passionate and experienced golf professional with a successful track record of managing and teaching golf lessons. He is a certified golf instructor with over 10 years of experience in the golf industry.

John has excellent customer service and communication skills and is highly motivated to help clients improve their golf skills and overall game. He is dedicated to helping golfers of all levels reach their goals and maximize their potential.

  • Work Experience
  • Golf Instructor, ABC Golf Club – 2007 – Present
  • Instructing and coaching golfers of all levels
  • Developing and teaching customized golf lessons
  • Organizing and conducting golf clinics and workshops
  • Developing and executing marketing strategies to promote golf lessons and services
  • Head Golf Professional, XYZ Golf Course – 2004 – 2007
  • Managing golf operations, including pro shop, staff, and course maintenance
  • Coordinating golf tournaments and events
  • Creating promotional programs to increase golf course membership and motivation
  • University of Golf, BS in Golf Management – 2004
  • Golf Instruction
  • Organizational Skills
  • Customer Service
  • Certifications
  • PGA Certified Golf Instructor
  • English (Fluent)
  • Spanish (Basic)

Resume tips for Golf Professional

Creating a perfect, career-launching resume is no easy task. Following general writing rules can help, but it is also smart to get advice tailored to your specific job search. When you’re new to the employment world, you need Golf Professional resume tips. We collected the best tips from seasoned Golf Professional - Check out their advice to not only make your writing process easier but also increase your chances of creating a resume that piques the interest of prospective employers.

  • Highlight your qualifications and licensure.
  • Include any awards or accolades you’ve received throughout your golf career.
  • Include the most relevant information first.
  • List your golf experience in reverse chronological order.
  • Include relevant personal information such as hobbies and interests.

Golf Professional Resume Summary Examples

A professional resume summary or resume objective is a great way to quickly summarize your professional experience and qualifications for a potential employer. It should be used to capture the employer's attention and provide a brief overview of your most relevant skills and achievements. It should also highlight your strengths and unique qualifications that make you a strong candidate for the position. By using a professional resume summary or objective, you can demonstrate your value to potential employers in a concise and impactful way. For Example:

  • Highly experienced Golf Professional with 10+ years in the golf industry. Skilled at teaching, customer service, and club repair. Excellent communication skills.
  • Golf Professional with 8+ years of experience. Maintained a successful golf teaching business for 5 years and developed strong relationships with customers.
  • Golf Professional with 6+ years of experience. Expert in teaching, course management, and tournament planning. Strong customer service and organizational skills.
  • Results-oriented Golf Professional with 5+ years of experience. Proven success in teaching, club repair, and customer service. Highly organized and detail-oriented.
  • Golf Professional with 5+ years experience in the golf industry. Skilled in teaching, club repair, and customer service. Experienced in tournament planning and operations.

Build a Strong Experience Section for Your Golf Professional Resume

Building a strong experience section for a golf professional resume is important because it allows the hiring manager to easily determine your expertise in the field and the areas in which you excel. Additionally, it provides the hiring manager with a comprehensive overview of your background and highlights any specialties or achievements that you may have. A strong experience section also helps to demonstrate your commitment to the profession and your dedication to improving your skills. Finally, it shows that you are knowledgeable about the game of golf and can effectively communicate your skills to potential employers. For Example:

  • Managed the daily golf operations of the private country club for five years.
  • Developed and implemented various golf instruction techniques to improve the performance of golfers.
  • Provided innovative golf instruction programs to members, guests, and the public.
  • Organized and conducted golf tournaments and special events.
  • Assisted in the development of the golf shop and pro shop.
  • Coordinated golf instruction and golf activities with the golf professionals.
  • Monitored and maintained golf course grounds, equipment, and facilities.
  • Performed golf course maintenance, including mowing, raking, and edging.
  • Provided customer service to all guests, including answering questions and resolving issues.
  • Developed and implemented strategies to increase golf course revenue.

Golf Professional resume education example

Golf Professionals need to have a college degree in golf management, golf operations, business, or a related field. They should also have comprehensive knowledge of the game of golf, including rules, regulations, and game strategies. They should also have excellent communication and customer service skills as well as knowledge of proper golf etiquette. Golf Professionals may also need to be certified by the Professional Golfers’ Association of America (PGA). Here is an example of an experience listing suitable for a Golf Professional resume:

  • Bachelor of Science in Sports and Leisure Management, University of the West of Scotland, Glasgow, UK, 2013
  • Certificate IV in Golf Management, Golf Australia, Sydney, Australia, 2015
  • Advanced Golf Professional Training Program, PGA of Australia, Melbourne, Australia, 2017

Golf Professional Skills for a Resume

Adding skills to a Golf Professional resume is important because it allows potential employers to quickly identify the applicant's relevant skills and abilities in the golf industry. It also demonstrates the applicant's knowledge and familiarity with the game and the golf industry. Examples of skills to include on a Golf Professional resume are: knowledge of golf rules and regulations; experience in golf instruction; knowledge of golf course management; experience working with golf course equipment; knowledge of golf course maintenance; and knowledge of golf tournament planning. Soft Skills:

  • Communication
  • Organizational
  • Interpersonal
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Instruction
  • Golf instruction
  • Club fitting
  • Course management
  • Golf equipment
  • Golf maintenance
  • Club repair
  • Tournament planning
  • Revenue optimization
  • Marketing strategy
  • Customer service

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Golf Professional Resume

In this competitive job market, employers receive an average of 180 applications for each open position. To process these resumes, companies often rely on automated applicant tracking systems, which can sift through resumes and eliminate the least qualified applicants. If your resume is among the few that make it past these bots, it must still impress the recruiter or hiring manager. With so many applications coming in, recruiters typically give each resume only 5 seconds of their attention before deciding whether to discard it. Considering this, it's best to avoid including any distracting information on your application that could cause it to be thrown away. To help make sure your resume stands out, review the list below of what you should not include on your job application.

  • Not including a cover letter. A cover letter is a great way to explain why you are the best candidate for the job and why you want the position.
  • Using too much jargon. Hiring managers do not want to read a resume full of technical terms that they do not understand.
  • Omitting important details. Make sure to include your contact information, educational background, job history, and any relevant skills and experiences.
  • Using a generic template. Take the time to customize your resume to the job you are applying for. This will show the employer that you are serious about the position.
  • Spelling and grammar errors. Always double-check your resume for typos, spelling mistakes, and grammar errors.
  • Focusing too much on duties. Make sure to include accomplishments and successes to show the employer that you are a great candidate.
  • Including personal information. Avoid including any personal information such as age, marital status, or religious beliefs.

Key takeaways for a Golf Professional resume

  • Highlight golf-related certifications, qualifications, and professional experience
  • Include knowledge of golf instruction, golf course operations, and customer service
  • Demonstrate strong leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills
  • Mention ability to use golf-related software, such as golf management and point-of-sale systems
  • List specific achievements, such as junior golf program development or golf tournament organization

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Golf Resume Sample

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Work Experience

  • Assists customers by ascertaining their needs and upon customer’s request, perform needed repairs and/or modifications as well as aiding in product fitting and selection of components such as club heads, grips, shafts, tools, supplies and machines
  • Prior experience with components and club repair with a customer service focus
  • Prior experience with customer service focus, preferably in a retail organization
  • Keeps a complete set of records for equipment and parts inventory purchases, equipment conditions, costs of repairs and preventive maintenance for all equipment
  • Working knowledge of light and heavy maintenance equipment and automotive apparatuses
  • Skill in the use of a variety of equipment repair tools, and the making of various types of mechanical repair
  • Working knowledge of the theory, care, and operation of internal combustion engines and mowing equipment
  • Participate or lead the recruiting, interviewing, and hiring for hourly and salaried associates
  • To deliver the club’s membership targets and ensure sales standards are adhered to
  • Anticipate our guests’ needs and respond promptly
  • Accurately account for all guests playing the golf course on a daily basis
  • Inform members/guests of the daily course conditions (cart paths, yardages, pin placements, etc.)
  • Communicate options related to on-course services
  • Accurately record all cart numbers as they pertain to each individual tee time, to assist the Rangers with pace of play
  • Thorough knowledge of the game of golf and U.S.P.G.A rules
  • Working knowledge of the hazards and safety precautions of the profession
  • Move heavy objects
  • Work in a variety of weather conditions while repairing equipment
  • Diagnose mechanical troubles and determine appropriate maintenance work
  • Communicate effectively and keep business records
  • Knowledge of and/or ability to play the game of golf and understand how job performance affects the playing conditions of the golf course
  • Possession of a valid driver's license, possibly a commercial driver's license (CDL)
  • In Golf Course Maintenance

Professional Skills

  • Strong interpersonal skills: Very good communication and negotiating abilities as well as high presentation, relationship management and facilitation skills
  • Excellent organizational and problem-solving skills with a strong attention to detail and accuracy
  • Strong management, organization and prioritization skills, ability to work with little or no direct supervision
  • Strong overall sales skills and an ability to effectively close
  • Strong problem-solving, decision-making, and organizational skills
  • Excellent multitasking, time management and planning skills
  • Strong problem-solving ability and analytical skills

How to write Golf Resume

Golf role is responsible for computer, organizational, customer, basic, interpersonal, retail, leadership, design, reporting, analysis. To write great resume for golf job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Golf Resume

The section contact information is important in your golf resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Golf Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your golf resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous golf responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular golf position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Golf resume experience can include:

  • Excellent interpersonal skills. Ability to effectively interact with all employees’ levels, and customers/vendors of diverse populations
  • Effective communication skills and basic computer/photographic skills
  • Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail. Willing and able to maintain accurate records and documentation
  • Strong listening and oral communication skills
  • Strong retail analysis and computer skills - outlook, word, excel, powerpoint, etc
  • Effective interpersonal, communication, presentation, and leadership skills

Education on a Golf Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your golf resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your golf experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Golf Resume

When listing skills on your golf resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical golf skills:

  • Excellent organizational skills and ability to prioritize tasks and workload; meet deadlines. Strong multitasking skills
  • Strong planning, organizational and delegation skills
  • Strong communication skills, positive attitude, professional demeanor and an easy-going sense of humor
  • Experience and basic horticultural skills i.e. working with grasses, flowers, trees
  • Strong computer, organizational and communication skills and the ability to work in a demanding environment
  • Proven interpersonal skills and the ability to build working relationships with industry stakeholders and relevant associations

List of Typical Experience For a Golf Resume

Experience for assistant golf course superintendent resume.

  • Establishes strong rapport with clientele; maintaining strong communication prior to event
  • Demonstrated ability to work under pressure, managing several projects simultaneously and setting priorities
  • Effectively handle all cash transactions including close out procedures
  • MS Word, Excel, Inter and intra net, email computer skills
  • Basic computer skills(Word, Excel)
  • Communicates effectively with resort staff to ensure smooth delivery of all golf services

Experience For Golf Sales Manager Resume

  • Train, motivate, and effectively direct the work of employees in a safe and efficient manner
  • Effectively evaluate and train additions to staff
  • Proven capability and experience with Human Resource Management
  • Effectively qualifies leads to ensure outside golf rounds do not undermine the ability of the resort group sales team to sell guest rooms
  • Evaluates priorities and helps identify areas that need attention for foremen, such as fertilizing, irrigating, seeding, mowing, raking, and spraying
  • Operates small machinery to assist with edging, trimming and mowing
  • Operates utility vehicles for hauling material and removing debris
  • Maintains strong awareness of trends in hospitality, especially focusing on golf

Experience For Golf Course Superintendent Resume

  • As needed and directed, plays golf with club members, employees and guests with varying degrees of golf experience and proficiency
  • Experience executing celebrity endorsements and sponsorships
  • Experience and understanding of PGA Professionals, Golf industry organizations & influencers
  • Establishes and maintains effective relationships with customers and gains their trust and respect by using diplomacy and tact
  • 0-9 months landscaping experience
  • A valid Drivers license and a clean driving record for the previous 3 years
  • Member in good standing of the Canadian Golf Superintendents Association

Experience For Director of Golf Resume

  • Member of the PGA in good standing
  • Strong working command of Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Outlook
  • Sale of Golf Shop Stock / Merchandising goods
  • Ability, willingness and flexibility to aggressively travel. Experience and understanding of PGA Professionals, Golf industry organizations & influencers
  • Sources locally produced ISC that are at the lowest price while still maintaining good adidas quality and standards
  • Operates mechanical loaders in moving soil, debris, and other materials
  • Meet with vendors to view upcoming lines and maintain excellent vendor relations
  • Inspect all tools and equipment prior to, during and after use
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the work order system for equipment repair and maintenance

Experience For Superintendent, Golf Course Resume

  • Valid Driver’s Licenses and updated drivers abstract
  • Excellent oral and written communication – required
  • Operates and uses golf course maintenance equipment and tools correctly and safely as directed by his/her supervisor
  • Strong desire to continue a career in golf course maintenance
  • Management or supervisory experience of a crew of more than
  • Desire to build effective relationships with associates, managers, supervisors, and vendors
  • Maintains strong client base within golf market segment
  • Maintains strong knowledge of golf markets, with the ability to sell and service golf events at Wild Dunes Resort

Experience For Golf Course Maintenance Resume

  • Knowledge of office management/administrative support practices and procedures. Skilled in
  • Perform responsibilities with strong customer service orientation
  • Demonstrate ability to successfully complete delegated projects of some complexity with minimal supervision
  • Operates a variety of equipment
  • To provide excellent customer service at all times
  • Safely operates powered equipment in mowing golf course putting greens, aprons, and tees

Experience For Golf Course Assistant Superintendent Resume

  • Safely operates light equipment in hauling materials and removing debris
  • Operates tractors, using specific attachments, to till, cultivate, and grade new turf areas
  • Experience in golf course management and/or promotion
  • Previous experience in a similar role in the golf business
  • Valid BC Driver’s License required
  • Previous golf experience is an asset
  • Maintains an exceptional golf experience for members and guests
  • Works closely with the GM/CEO/Supervisor to operate the Golf Course in a fiscally responsible and professional manner
  • Strong attention to detail and high standard of grounds maintenance

Experience For Golf & Retail Coordinator Resume

  • Operate complex equipment in the completion of agronomic practices
  • Experience in MS Word, Excel, and Access
  • Perform in a manner that demonstrates the philosophies of customer service
  • Provides accurate, complete, and effective turnover to conference services or the golf tournament coordinator
  • Can develop clear and effective market plans and action steps

Experience For Director BU Adidas Golf Resume

  • Contact all outside golf groups prior to arrival to obtain details for the event
  • Three years golf course repair manager experience
  • Build digital brand experiences to support both campaigns and product launches
  • Strong understanding of Google analytics to help make critical decisions based on numbers and trends
  • Maintaining putting and tee surfaces - Hand mowing, ball mark repair, topdressing, rotating placement markers

Experience For Manager, Digital Marketing, Cobra Puma Golf Resume

  • Recruiting, supervising and retaining maintenance staff. Conducting employee performance evaluations and exercising disciplinary action when needed
  • Cooperating with sales and marketing staff planning and executing special projects and programs within the territory
  • Completing all documentation (including transfers, stock requests and invoicing) accurately and according to Toro requirements
  • Patrolling & observing play on the golf course including proper pace of play
  • Assisting/standing in for the starter running first tee

List of Typical Skills For a Golf Resume

Skills for assistant golf course superintendent resume.

  • Maintains a professional and service-oriented environment in the Club/Shop by utilizing excellent interpersonal and customer service skills
  • Excellent (verbal & written) communication with ability to effectively interpret, communicate, and implement University policies & procedures
  • +5 solid years of progressive experience in multi-national Human Resources Management with experience in HR Management, Rewards and Development
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills both, in Japanese as well as in English
  • Excellent computer skills particularly MS Excel
  • Effective and professional communication, presentation, negotiation and interpersonal skills to inform and influence both internal and external customers
  • Strong interpersonal skills and a "customer first" mentality
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to develop working relationships with various departments

Skills For Golf Sales Manager Resume

  • Strong financial planning and retail analysis skills
  • Effective interpersonal, communication, presentation, leadership skills
  • Excellent organizational skills and data management capabilities
  • Very strong interpersonal skills via phone and e-mail
  • Excellent organization, presentation and time management skills
  • Proficient written and verbal bilingual (English/Spanish) communication skills are strongly desired
  • Interacting with guests, providing excellent customer service and ensuring all guest have an Experience of a Lifetime
  • Working knowledge of mathematical skills in order to calibrate fertilizer and chemical applications (spray equipment and spreaders)
  • Basic accounting/budgeting & computer skills including desktop publishing

Skills For Golf Course Superintendent Resume

  • Advance computer skills required for financial reporting and control of operations, including use of Microsoft Office Suite
  • Highly developed team building skills and abilities
  • High level customer service skills as this is the first contact golfing guests have with SentryWorld
  • Develop good working relationship with golf sales co-ordinator to ensure excellent golf event execution
  • Cash Handling Skills required
  • Procurement / Delivery Control / Quality Control with consuming goods Experience. Production / Import knowledge

Skills For Director of Golf Resume

  • Demonstrated experience regarding golf, golf equipment and professional tours required
  • Valid Drivers License to operate Golf Course vehicles
  • Operate and oversee operation of equipment. Directs employees to operate and maintain turf grass equipment
  • Strong management experience in golf
  • Prior experience in golf course Management
  • College level skills in math, business English, vocabulary, communications, and writing

Skills For Superintendent, Golf Course Resume

  • Communicate effectively with others in English both verbally and in writing
  • Basic mechanical skills: for routine maintenance of small engines and equipment
  • Player’s Assistant – Components and Club Repair -Prior experience with components and club repair with a customer service focus
  • Work with Distribution Centre to manage in-transit shipments for in-bound goods and provide priority schedule when applicable
  • Mechanical aptitude to effectively identify mechanical and operational aspects of capital equipment
  • Have experience and proven record of sales, ideally within Golf
  • Valid pesticide application license, Valid driver’s license
  • Performs skilled and semi-skilled grounds maintenance tasks

Skills For Golf Course Maintenance Resume

  • Two years satisfactory experience as a Greenskeeper I or an equivalent combination of technical training and experience
  • Effectively communicate with a variety of staff and customer personalities
  • Design skills – a working knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator and Adobe Creative Suite is beneficial
  • Prepare and effectively manage a budget
  • Proven skill sets in landscaping and/or golf course maintenance
  • Effectively monitor and develop subordinates
  • Prior golf maintenance experience is an asset
  • Determining capital equipment requirements and priorities and writing specifications for bidding and procurement processes
  • Developing a strong understanding of the Company’s product range

Skills For Golf Course Assistant Superintendent Resume

  • Providing strong customer service
  • Landscaping/ Irrigation experience
  • Skill in recruiting, supervising, training, monitoring, evaluating and motivating personnel
  • Obsess over to bring a best in class shopping experience. Speak up and share opinions; see something say something
  • Proven success in recruiting, evaluating, and coaching at the collegiate level
  • Operates irrigation system and pump station, including programming, troubleshooting, repair and coordination of all irrigation practices with staff
  • Ensures that effective orientation and training are given to each new associate. Develops ongoing training programs
  • Professional and or collegiate playing or coaching experience

Skills For Golf & Retail Coordinator Resume

  • Experience with developing and growing staff
  • Can work in a challenging environment, requires good planning and an open mind
  • Purchasing experience or equivalent
  • Experience with repair and maintenance of golf course mowing equipment
  • Experience in the renovation and remodeling of golf courses
  • At least five years of coaching experience at the collegiate level
  • Additional years’ experience managing clubhouse operations and practice facilities
  • Experience managing golf course grounds

Skills For Director BU Adidas Golf Resume

  • Experience with short and long term golf facility planning
  • Experience managing leagues and tournaments
  • Strong professional presence, and an inspiring demeanor who can develop and sustain a highly functional golf course
  • Extensive experience with all Microsoft Office products including Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Responsible for Golf Event administration – Working with group contact prior to event, production of BEO and contracts, event follow up
  • Two years’ of training or related experience required
  • Experience working on a golf course
  • Valid Driver's License with a clean driving record required

Skills For Manager, Digital Marketing, Cobra Puma Golf Resume

  • 1-2+ yrs work experience in event marketing
  • Develop good working relationships with golf day clients/organisers
  • Cleanliness and good grooming habits
  • Experience teaching the game of golf
  • Strong problem solving and organizational abilities

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Golf Resume

Responsibilities for assistant golf course superintendent resume.

  • Collaborate with the Integrated Marketing teams to create landing pages and optimize user experience
  • Operates chemical application equipment and other light equipment in hauling materials and removing debris
  • Valid US driver's license and satisfactory driving record
  • Preference given to those with more than 3 years experience leading a Golf oriented retail operation
  • Enhances Member Relations by working with General Manager and Department Managers to deliver exceptional golf experiences
  • Sales experience in commercial golf cart industry
  • Manages the office area to ensure effective telephone and mail communication

Responsibilities For Golf Sales Manager Resume

  • Operate all equipment safely and with care and consideration of its value
  • Provide effective written and verbal instructions, as well as the ability to carry out detailed written or verbal instructions independently
  • Two years commissioned sales experience required
  • Understanding of tournament golf, including formats of play, scoring, and courses
  • Conducting regular training with end users, and where able, offering service and technical support
  • Working shift work and weekends, and public holidays, ensuring prompt timekeeping and attendance
  • Supervising and controlling all maintenance expenses associated with Golf Course Operations, including payroll, supplies, chemicals and fertilizers
  • Maintaining records and completing required reporting
  • Providing leasing/rental information with all quotes or as seen as necessary

Responsibilities For Golf Course Superintendent Resume

  • Accepting and adhering to all WHSE responsibilities, policies, procedures and safe work practices related to the position
  • Driving maximum guest satisfaction Driving maximum employee engagement
  • Supervising and participating in the application of chemical applications (fertilizers and pesticides) on the Club’s grounds
  • Preparing and implementing annual maintenance protocols for golf course grounds
  • Developing and implementing tree renewal and stewardship program
  • Planning and budgeting for additional and/or replacement capital equipment
  • Developing annual operating budget and plans for maintenance and capital improvement projects

Responsibilities For Director of Golf Resume

  • Managing and maintaining inventory list
  • Identifying and optimising in-season reorder opportunities
  • Maintaining brand standards and working with best practice guidelines
  • Working with Director of Retail to determine proper pricing of product based on current trends
  • Operating a blower, string trimmer, hedge trimmer or other simple 2 cycle equipment
  • Selling food, beverages, clothing & golf paraphernalia
  • Managing ARAMARK’s service and sanitation standards for all the Golf Course

Responsibilities For Superintendent, Golf Course Resume

  • Ensuring sales activities comply with legal and ethical standards
  • Ensuring compliance in accordance with Toro Code of Conduct
  • Providing accurate market data on a weekly basis. This data to be recorded in Infor CRM
  • Working knowledge of health, safety and sanitation regulations and current Maricopa County certification
  • Working knowledge of Responsible Service standards for alcohol and current certification
  • Working knowledge of operation (36 holes, practice facility, etc.)

Responsibilities For Golf Course Maintenance Resume

  • Looking after the Hire Club operation
  • Understanding of the wider UK/IRE Golf marketplace and knowledge of current golf product and apparel in the UK/IRE would be advantageous
  • Working knowledge of HTML and CSS would be beneficial but not essential
  • Assisting Professional Golf Staff with tournament and operational activities
  • Overseeing up to 10 staff in the care and maintenance of the turf, ornamental plants, shrubs, trees and wetlands on the facility grounds
  • Ordering parts, supplies and equipment as needed
  • Maintaining records of fertilizer and pesticides applications in compliance with all university, local, state and federal regulations

Responsibilities For Golf Course Assistant Superintendent Resume

  • Aerating and other course project coordination around peak play
  • Optimizing use of golf course personnel
  • Ensuring balanced and optimised assortments and appropriate product placement
  • Auditing google and yahoo’s general business listings for partner courses
  • Assisting the Credit Department in the resolution of customer disputes in regards to RMA’s
  • Designing, re-sizing & art working print & digital campaign assets
  • Running and maintaining monthly reports
  • Negotiating Pre-book budgets/OTB

Responsibilities For Golf & Retail Coordinator Resume

  • Assisting in projects such as drainage installation and irrigation repair Other golf course detail work
  • Assists in interviewing, hiring, training, planning, assigning, and directing work at all levels
  • Design and market Special Prospecting Projects to bring in more business and implements any other marketing programs increasing prospecting base
  • All aspects of colleague management including the recruiting, training, mentoring and evaluations
  • Maximize revenue opportunities by controlling inventory, receiving, monitoring and ordering of stock
  • Plans and supervises of maintenance of greens, tees and fairways, as well as the planting, cultivating, pruning, and care of plants, shrubs and trees
  • Participate in the hiring, training and developing all staff
  • Possess an understanding of dynamic green fee pricing structures
  • Provide assistance in preparing for and conducting club tournaments

Responsibilities For Director BU Adidas Golf Resume

  • Participate in developing sales and marketing plans recommend modifications to strategies in light or market trends
  • Responsible for providing continuous detailing and maintenance to the golf course equipment and facility (E.g. Golf cars, workstation, etc...)
  • Monitors basic personnel policy, reviews policies relating to personnel actions and training along with development
  • Responsible for taking and recording requests and cancellations for start times to play golf in accordance with proper procedures
  • Ensures staff is working within OSHA, club safety, state and federal guidelines for safe working conditions
  • Recruits, hires, trains and supervises all staff including assistant and teaching professionals, outside assistants, starters and rangers
  • Oversees all golf services and operations, rental and maintenance of golf carts, the reservation system, starting and monitoring of play

Responsibilities For Manager, Digital Marketing, Cobra Puma Golf Resume

  • Assists in the preparation of budgets, including forecasting and review of all golf revenues and expenses on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis
  • Assists with arranging the room and setting tables for special events, as needed
  • Maintains and repairs surrounding walkways, benches, drinking fountains, and adjacent appurtenances
  • Assists in planning and supervising the maintenance of greens, tees and fairways
  • Perform basic mathematical calculations, including calculations involving fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Works closely with Membership Department in referring prospects for Membership and obtaining information on new Members and their needs

Related to Golf Resume Samples

Assistant golf professional resume sample, golf attendant resume sample, golf pro resume sample, basketball operations resume sample, manager, sports resume sample, resume builder.

How to create a swing video for your golf resume

good swing video example

One of the most important parts of a college golf resume is your swing video. College coaches can’t always watch you play in person, so it’s important to showcase all parts of your game in a 1-3 minute long video.

Good Example of a swing video in a resume

  • Length should be 1-3 minutes (coaches don’t have a ton of time to review these)
  • Include putting, chipping, short/mid/long irons, and your driver as well
  • Use text on the screen of which club you are using
  • Have two views of each club (One from down the line or behind and another from head on or the side)
  • Try to avoid using songs or music with any profanity or that would distract the coaches attention
  • If you are indoors, try to avoid using a simulator, it’s important for a coach to be able to see your ball flight

how to make a college golf resume

Bad Example of a swing video in a resume 

  • Length is longer than 3 minutes
  • Only use 1 club or focus on one area of your game than aspects
  • Loud music or background noise that distracts the coach from your swing
  • Only 1 angle is used in the video
  • Video is filmed in a simulator (this doesn’t give a coach a good idea of how the ball reacts off your club)
  • The actual footage is blurry or difficult to see
  • No labels on what clubs are being used

These above tips and examples can help you make sure your video will be well received by a college coach. If you are looking for additional tips on making a college golf resume be sure to check out our other articles. Websites such as Hudl or Youtube can be great platforms to share your swing with coaches

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Keep it simple. Name should be 14-18pt font. Contact information should be 11-12pt font. Add links such as Github, LinkedIn, or other professional portfolio sites. Make sure that this section is located at the top of the page. Do not put it in the header section of Word/Google Docs (that is, in the top margin) to ensure readability and Applicant Tracking System (ATS) compliance.

Summary (also called the Profile) is optional. If you choose to include this, make sure that it is highly tailored to the field you are pursuing. Express your goals and value beyond “looking for a summer internship”.

The Summary should be located between your Name & Contact and your Education sections.

Arrange your Degree and University along the left margin and your expected Graduation Date and GPA (if it is above a 3.5) along the right margin. Consider putting your Degree in bold to better highlight your skills and knowledge.

Align on the left margin and make a list or use bullet point formatting to ensure Applicant Tracking System compliance. Only list coursework that clearly demonstrates your value.

Be sure to spell out the title of the class; most people outside of UTD will not recognize the course abbreviation/numbers.

Classify your skills if you have many. Otherwise, start at the left margin and make a list. As long as you can honestly speak to your ability, you can add it to your Skills section. Don’t sell yourself short!

Soft skills (for instance, communication, active listening, customer service) do not go in the Skills section. Rather, work these into your bullet points.

Experiences can be Professional or Academic. In both cases, be sure to build out the sections like you would for a job—clearly demonstrate the skills you used and the results you gained. For Academic Experience, do not simply discuss the end results of the app you built or the topic you wrote a paper about. Keep in mind that you likely will not be hired to create that exact app again, but you will be called upon to use those hard and soft skills again. Sell your skills, not the particular project.

Start with a strong action verb. Try not to repeat the same verb.

Be specific—you want the potential employer to clearly picture your skillsets and work style.

Use a model like WHO ( What you did, How you did it, Outcome /Purpose) to ensure that you are covering all the important information. See our full guide for more examples of the WHO model and for other effective models. Add metrics—quantify where possible.

Add any experiences that you believe will help showcase you as a professional. Athletics or other non-industry organizations can be added; however, be sure to prioritize industry-related content on your resume. Do not add hobbies unless you are affiliated with an organization (for instance, a UTD Baking Club would be all right to list. However, you would not want to list simply “baking”.

Awards can go close to the end of your resume. You can also consider adding scholarships as part of your Education section.

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How To Write A Resume In 7 Steps (With Examples)

  • How To Write A Resume
  • Resume Skills Section
  • Resume Objective Section
  • Career Objective Section
  • Resume Reference Section
  • Resume Summary Section
  • Resume Summary Example
  • Resume Interests Section
  • Address On Resume
  • Relevant Work Experience
  • Anticipated Graduation Date On Resume
  • Education Section On Resume
  • Contact Information On Resume
  • Statement Of Qualifications
  • How To List Publications On Resume
  • Accomplishments On Resumes
  • Awards On Resume
  • Dean's List On Resume
  • Study Abroad On Resume

Resumes are still the most important document in your job search . Generating a professional and interesting resume isn’t easy, but there is a standard set of guidelines that you can follow. As hiring managers usually only spend a short time looking over each resume, you want to make sure that yours has a reason for them to keep reading.

If you’re looking to write a resume, rewrite a resume you already have, or are just curious about resume format, then you’ve come to the right place. This article will go through the steps to writing an excellent resume, as well as offering examples for what sections of the resume should look like.

Key Takeaways:

A resume is a short document that details your professional history in a way that tailors your experience and skill set for the particular job you’re applying for.

Resumes follow a few standard formatting practices, which hiring managers and recruiters expect to see.

Highlighting your work experience, skills, and educational background with relevant keywords can help you get past applicant tracking systems and into more interviews.

How To Write A Resume

How to write a resume

Writing a resume involves using the proper formatting, writing an introduction, and adding your work experience and education. Stuffing your entire professional life into a single page resume can feel overwhelming, but remember that you’re distilling the relevant parts of your professional experience in order to catch the eye of the recruiter .

Formatting your resume. To start, use a word processor such as Microsoft Word or Google docs. Standard resume formatting calls for:

1 inch margins

10-12 point font

A professional, commonly-used font

Additionally, there are three resume formats that are commonly used. Most people should stick with a chronological resume format , but the combination resume format and functional resume format can be effective for more advanced workers or those who have significant gaps in their resume.

Write a resume header . It doesn’t matter if you have the best resume in the world if the hiring manager can’t contact you. Every single resume should include the following contact information:

Your full name. First and last.

Your phone number. Use a personal phone number, and make sure your voicemail is set up properly.

Your email address. Nothing inappropriate — [email protected] is a safe choice.

Location. City, State, Zip Code is fine, but you can include your full mailing address if you think it’s appropriate.

Your social media (optional). LinkedIn is the obvious one you’d want to include, but make sure your profile looks good. If you have an online portfolio , either on a personal blog/website or on a site like Journo Portfolio , feel free to include that here as well.

Your job title. Also optional, but can be useful for applicant tracking systems.

Resume introduction. You have four options for your resume introduction: a resume objective, summary statement, resume profile, or qualifications summary. For most job-seekers, a resume summary statement is the best choice. Regardless of which resume introduction you choose, avoid first-person pronouns (I/me/my).

Resume objective. A resume objective is the goal of your resume. Since the objective of every resume is to land a job, this is not the most original or impressive opener you can have.

On the other hand, it’s a good choice for an entry-level applicant or someone who is changing career paths . This should be a 1-3 sentence summary of why you’re motivated to get the position you’re applying for.

Who should use a resume objective: Entry-level applicants, career-changers, and recent college graduates.

Resume summary. This is the best opener for most job-seekers. As the name suggests, a resume summary highlights the most salient aspects of your resume.

It should include your current position, how many years of experience you have, some of your biggest achievements, and possibly your career goals. This should be a 1-3 sentence spiel and should include some quantifiable experiences.

Who should use a resume summary: Most job seekers; anyone with quantifiable accomplishments to emphasize and a broad range of skills.

Qualifications summary. A bullet point list (4-6 points is the sweet spot) of your qualifications for the position. It’s best used by applicants going for jobs that require a fixed skill set. It’s not a great choice for entry-level applicants who lack quantifiable achievements.

You’ll notice that a qualifications summary takes up more space than a resume objective or summary, but it can actually save the hiring manager time if you provide a bunch of valuable information right off the top.

Who should use a qualifications summary: Those applying to a job with requirements for certain skills and job-seekers who have a lot of experience in their industry and/or field.

Resume profile. A resume profile is similar to a resume summary, but goes into more detail about your accomplishments at your current or former job, while also telling the reader about your career goals. Think of a resume profile as a section that pulls all the best parts of your work experience section into one place.

Who should use a resume profile: Anyone with significant accomplishments under their belt, expertise in a niche field, or applying to a job in the same industry that they have lots of experience in.

Resume headline. Resume headlines aren’t necessary, but you can include one alongside any of the four types of resume introduction listed above. A resume headline comes between your contact information and the resume introduction of your choice.

Headlines can be used by entry-level applicants and experienced job-seekers alike. The important point is that your headline should be short and to the point. Additionally, you should use title case when writing your resume headline (capitalize words as you would for a book title).

Who should use a resume headline: Any job-seeker who wants to showcase their experience or unique value right off the bat.

Work experience. Your work experience section is the place to let hiring managers know that you have relevant experience that would allow you to handle the job you’re applying for.

If you’re using the chronological resume format, your work experience section would come after your resume summary/objective. In a funcitonal reumse, it would follow your skills section. Either way, work experience should be listed in reverse-chronological order (most recent experience at the top).

When listing your work experience, you should include all of the following information:

Job title. Start by stating the position you held at the company. These are easy cue for the hiring manager to look at and determine whether your past positions would help you succeed at their company.

Company Info. Include the name of the employer, the location where you worked, and perhaps a brief description of the company, if it isn’t a well-known name.

Dates Employed: Use the mm/yyyy format if you want to be sure that most applicant tracking systems (ATS) will pick it up. Whatever format you use for dates, be consistent, or your resume will look sloppy.

Job Description. Don’t just list your job’s responsibilities; hiring managers and recruiters already have an idea of your duties based on the job title. Instead, list your most important and impressive responsibilities/achievements at the job with bullet points. Determine which of these are most relevant for your new role based on the job description.

Ideally, each bullet should be no longer than a single line. However, two lines is acceptable, if used sparingly.

Always start with a strong action verb, followed by a quantifiable achievement and a specific duty. For example: “Developed ad campaigns for clients, increasing sales by an average of 27%.” Each job title should include 3-5 bullet points.

The order that you include this information can be changed around, as long as you are consistent throughout your resume. However, the bullet points detailing your job’s achievements should always be the last item for each entry.

It’s important that you tailor your resume’s work experience section to the job you’re applying for. We recommend reading the job description carefully and highlighting the action verbs in one color and the skills, adjectives, and job-specific nouns in a different color.

Educational background. In almost all cases, your education section should come after your professional history. If you’re a recent college graduate with limited work experience, you may choose to put your educational achievements first.

Like the section on your professional history, educational experiences should come in reverse-chronological order, with your highest level of education at the top. If you have a college degree, you don’t need to add any information about your high school experience. If you didn’t finish college, it’s okay to give a list of what credits you did complete.

Each educational experience can be listed in the following format:

Degree/Program Name College/University Name Dates attended

You don’t need to add anything else, especially if your resume is already impressive enough. But if you’re struggling to fill up the page, or you feel that aspects of your educational experience will help make you a standout, you may consider also including:

Minor. If you think it rounds out your not-exactly-relevant-to-the-job major nicely.

GPA. Only if it was 3.5 or higher. Otherwise, it’s not going to do you any favors to include this.

Honors. Dean’s List, Cum Laude, etc.

Achievements. If you wrote a killer thesis/dissertation that showcases intimate knowledge relevant to the job to which you’re applying, you can include its title and a very brief description.

Extracurricular activities. Only include if they’re relevant. For example, if you’re applying for a management position and you were president of your student government.

Certifications/Licenses. If the job you’re applying for requires/likes to see certain certifications or licenses that you have, you may include them in this section as well.

Skills section. Your impressive skills should be scattered logistically throughout your professional history section, but you should also include a section solely dedicated to highlighting your skill set . Skills can be broken down into two categories:

Hard skills are skills you learn through training and indicate expertise with a technical ability or job-specific responsibility.

Soft skills are your personality traits, interpersonal abilities, and intangible qualities that make you more effective at your job.

Your resume should have a healthy mix of hard and soft skills, as both are essential to job performance. However, since soft skills are harder to prove in the context of a resume, we recommend leaning more toward hard skills. Additionally, whenever you list a soft skill, make sure that it has a correlating item in your work experience section.

For example, if you say you are skilled in collaboration, you should mention a time when a team project was a major success somewhere in your work experience section.

Optional sections. If you still have space left or there’s more you want to show off that doesn’t quite fit in any of the above sections, you may consider adding an additional section covering one or more of the below categories:

Language . Being bilingual is always impressive, and can be included on a resume for any company. Highlight this more if your position involves liaising with international distributors and/or clients. Don’t lie about your proficiency level.

It may be best to not mention it if you’re not particularly proficient speaker . Such as if you took courses in school, or haven’t really managed to gain fluency. It can end up looking like an attempt to inflate your credentials, which you want to avoid.

Volunteer experience . Always a good thing to include. It shows you’re a team player who behaves in a way that promotes the greater good, without thought of personal gain. Especially good for entry-level candidates and those applying for jobs at a non-profit. If you have gaps in your work history, you can also consider including volunteer experiences in your work history section instead.

Personal projects. A personal blog, published works, or a portfolio of your past projects are all good things to include. They show you take initiative, enjoy and take pride in your work, and that you can handle the responsibilities of the job, if relevant.

Certifications/licenses. If you didn’t include these in your education section, this is another good place to list relevant certifications or licenses that you have.

Interests . This is largely just a space filler if your resume is light in other areas. However, if your hobbies are directly related to the job that you’re applying for, it’s not a bad idea to include them. And it might draw a recruiter’s attention if you end up sharing some of the same interests as they do.

If you have several seemingly random items that are valuable, but don’t warrant creating a whole separate section for, you can also make a section called “Additional Experience.” Here you can include all of the above categories in one place. Just make sure that each item is clear and easy for readers to understand.

Resume samples

Now that we have a good idea of how to write a resume, let’s take a look at some example resumes:

resume example zippia resume builder

Jack Pilgrim Washington , DC 14015 – (555) 444-3333 – [email protected] – Resume Summary Graphic designer with 3+ years of experience creating and implementing promotional materials and social media graphics. Worked with sales and marketing teams to increase inbound calls by 23% YoY through compelling digital media. Adept at planning, managing, and prioritizing multiple deadlines at once, and thrives in fast-paced work environment. Work Experience Creative Designs | Washington, DC Lead Graphic Designer | June 2018-Present Worked with sales and marketing teams to create landing pages, sales proposals, and supporting media elements to drive sales by over $250,000 per quarter Trained, managed, and mentored team of 4 junior designers to fulfill 40+ project orders on a weekly basis Conducted UX research through surveys, usability testing, and data analysis to plan content marketing strategy, driving organic search traffic by 12% Presented proposals, results, and status updates to set of 4-7 clients, ensuring customer satisfaction at or above 95% for 3 years straight Happy Place | Alexandria, VA Junior Graphic Designer | July 2016-May 2018 Translated client needs and branding strategies into design and content strategy, increasing client retention by 22% Reduced project turnaround time by 8% by Utilizing web-based ticket system for completing and archiving finalized pieces Posted digital artwork to network IPTV using web interface to produce high-end info-graphics and other materials Happy Place | Alexandria, VA Marketing Intern | September 2015-July 2016 Assisted marketing team with data collection, analysis, and presentation using Google Analytics Drew up storyboards for new marketing campaigns alongside sales team, increasing brand awareness through social media Wrote 500-1000 word articles to pair with graphical elements on page, leading to a 40% boost in engagement on company website Education Savannah College of Art and Design | Savannah, Georgia May 2016 Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design Skills Adobe Creative Suite Typography HTML/CSS WordPress Collaboration Organization
Allison Neederly Chicago, Illinois , 60007 | (333) 222-1111 | [email protected] | Resume Summary Dedicated customer service representative with 4+ years experience resolving customers’ needs in-person, online, and over the phone. Top achiever at XYZ Inc. with a 100% customer satisfaction rate for Q1 of 2020. Friendly personable, and knowledgable about company’s products and services. Relevant Skills Customer Service Responded to upwards of 200 customer queries daily with XYZ Inc., reducing the average wait time by 56% and increasing customer satisfaction rates by 13% Ability to resolve conflict and create a positive atmosphere for shopping for both new and existing customers through technical proficiency Expert product knowledge and communication skills, and experience training and mentoring new customer service staff Web Chat and Phone Skilled in 3 web chat platforms for helping online customers resolve their queries quickly and accurately Achieved fastest call resolution rate at XYZ Inc., with an average resolution time of under 5 minutes per customer Performed outbound calls for customer satisfaction surveys, as well as writing web-based surveys for 10,000+ customers Troubleshooting Detailed product knowledge allowed for customer technical issues to be resolved at rate within top 5% of all customer service associates at XYZ Inc. Created manual for step-by-step directions for troubleshooting that was implemented for team of 100+ customer service reps Positive attitude took average tech-related negative response from 1/5 stars to 4/5 stars, increasing trust in brands and services Work Experience XYZ Inc. | Philadelphia, PA Customer Service Associate New Look Global | Burlington, VT Junior Customer Service Representative L.L. Bean | Burlington, VT Sales Associate Education University of Vermont | Burlington, VT May 2012 Bachelor of Arts in Humanities
Priya Laghari New York, NY | (222) 111-0000 | [email protected] | Resume Profile Strategy Development: Grew John Deere’s international sales by 13% by tapping into undeserved countries in Southeast Asia Management: Oversaw a team of managers representing marketing, sales, and product teams. Streamlined collaborative, cross-functional communications through agile and scrum management system CRM: Developed, customized, and implemented new customer relationship management database for accounts totaling over $10M in value Work Experience Business Development Manager 01/2015-Present Microsoft | Redmond, WA Developed product strategies and roadmap for Google AdWords, increasing inbound traffic by 26% YoY Reduced time training on new software by 50% for new and existing employees by implement e-learning programs Spearheaded digital marketing campaign worth $1M that saw a return of 200% in first year by qualifying leads earlier in the sales funnel Regional Sales Manager 11/2012-01/2015 Big Things Inc. | St. Louis, MO Managed territory encompassing 29 regional locations with an annual revenue of approx. $55M Worked with C-level executives to plan business strategies, resulting in 20% reduction in overhead costs Increased client retention by 12% in first year by implementing a CRM approach based on account profiling and elevating levels of relationship selling Account Manager 02/2009-11/2012 Solutions Corp. | Chicago, IL Implemented and developed CRM strategic plans, increasing retention of long-term clients by 22% Maintained 50+ accounts totaling over $35M in value Generated leads through one-on-one consultation via phone inquiries, online check-ins, and meeting office walk-ins Relevant Skills CRM: Proficient with Salesforce, Zoho, and HubSpot; some experience with Keap. Used various CRM software over a decade to successfully manage customer relations and quick to adapt to new software and tools that aid in quality of customer experience. Salesmanship: Negotiated and closed over several deals worth $1M+ and skilled in upselling and cross-selling. Adept at working closely with marketing and product teams to maximize the efficiency of the sales funnel for both inbound and outbound traffic. Presentation: Represented Microsoft Northwest Region at quarterly board meetings, ensuring all stakeholders were kept abreast of new developments and opportunities. Also deliver monthly presentations to big clients and vendors to maintain positive relationship. Data analytics. Expert at integrating data from various analytics platforms, including Google, Microsoft Power BI, and SAP BusinessObjects Education Colgate University | May 2008 MBA Fordham University | May 2006 Bachelor’s Degree in Business

For more resume examples and templates:

Resume examples by job

Google docs resume template

Resume templates

Resume builder

Resume Headers Samples:


Tip : Never put your contact info in the header of your document; some applicant tracking systems might miss it.

For more on how to write a resume header:

Resume Header

Resume Titles

Resume introduction examples

Entry-Level Resume Objective.

Recent graduate with a bachelor’s in Marketing from the University of Virginia seeking an entry-level role in content marketing. Excellent copywriter with 2+ years experience editing content as a member of the UVa Writing Center.

Career Change Resume Objective.

Eager to apply 7+ years of experience with customer success management to make successful outbound B2B calls, deliver customized business solutions to new and existing customers, and provide expert product knowledge in the role of Account Manager for XYZ Inc.

Example Resume Summary Statement.

Accountant with over 8 years of experience in the medical industry. Adept at advising on management of cash deficits, reconciling departmental accounts, and creating new accounts and codes. Coordinated invoice preparation system for ABC that reduced contractor overhead by 19% YoY.
English teacher with a love of language and 6 years of experience teaching high school students. Developed new curriculum that boosted freshman reading comprehension scores by 12% and created after school book club for AP Lit class, resulting in 100% of participating students achieving a 5 on the AP Lit test.

Example Qualifications Summary.

Executive assistant with 5+ years experience helping maintain efficiency in an office of 25 employees Communicated directly with internal and external stakeholders, helping Senior Vice President manage projects worth $5M+ Proactively managed office schedules, identifying and prioritizing changes to ensure client satisfaction Recognized in a company of 500 for “Outstanding Achiever” in May 2019

Example Resume Profile.

Detail-oriented IT Specialist with 4 years of experience overseeing and improving the infrastructure of IT systems. Adept at building and running troubleshooting systems and testing services. Decreased security risk by 47% through continual optimization, while also improving the speed of client portal by 22%. Excellent communicator both internally and for client-facing discussions. Achieved 98%+ customer satisfaction ratings through weekly and monthly check-ins with accounts valued cumulatively at $500,000.

Entry-Level Resume Headline.

Bilingual College Graduate with 80 WPM Typing Speed and Tutoring Experience

Experienced Resume Headline.

Business Development Specialist with 6+ Years Experience Scaling Start-Up Tech Teams

For more on resume introductions:

Resume objective statement

Resume summary statement

Resume summary statement examples

Qualifications summary

Sample resume work experience sections

sample resume work experience section

Work Experience XYZ Industries | Seattle, WA Marketing Associate | May 2019-Present Delivered weekly presentations to client-base to communicate brand messaging, increasing client retention by 11% Served as liaison between marketing and product teams, resulting in projects finishing 2 weeks early, on average Leveraged Excel skills to create and maintain spreadsheet to track consumer insights, emergent trends, and inform decisions of marketing team through competitive analysis Managed team of 5 contractors to juggle multiple priority projects simultaneously, never missing a deadline Initiated an affiliate referral program that PR team went on to turn into a revenue-generating stream valued at $30,000 annually ABC Corp | Seattle, WA Marketing Intern | September 2018-May 2019 Developed, maintained, and processed 20+ digital consent forms and distributor forms Worked collaboratively with a team of 10 marketing professionals, closely aligning our goals with the PR team Provided data analysis using Google Analytics and performed keyword research to increase blog traffic by 56% over six months Answered up to 50 customer queries by phone and email each week

For more on building the perfect resume work experience section:

Resume work experience section

First resume (no experience)

Examples Of Education Resume Sections

Graduated recently from a 4-year program.

Western Illinois University | Macomb, Illinois May 2020 Bachelor of Arts in Sociology | Minor in Psychology 3.95 GPA magna cum laude Dean’s List all semesters

Two degrees.

Fordham University | Bronx, New York April 2016 Master of Chemical Engineering Stony Brook University | Stony Brook, New York April 2014 Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Anticipated graduation date (not yet graduated).

DePaul Univeristy | Chicago, Illinois Bachelor of Arts in History – Degree anticipated May 2021 Current GPA: 3.8

Older job seeker (graduated 10+ years ago).

University of Chicago | Chicago, Illinois Bachelor of Business Administration

High school graduate (no college degree).

Johnston High School 2016-2020 Head of Computer Club

More on crafting the perfect resume education section:

Education resume section

GPA on resume

Dean’s list

Magna cum laude

Examples Of Skills For Resume

Examples of hard skills include:

Examples of soft skills include:

Here’s more information on how to incorporate skills into your resume:

Resume skills section

Hard skills

Soft skills

Top skills for professionals

Skills-based resume

Resume writing FAQ

What is a resume?

A resume is a one to two-page document that focuses on professional experience, past achievements, education and certifications, and specific skills tailored to the job you’re applying for.

Almost every job application requires a resume, and hiring managers use them as a first impression in determining which applicants get a shot at an interview.

Whether you’re fresh out of college or have 30 years of professional experience, this guide should help craft a resume that stands out from the crowd and get you one step closer to landing your dream job.

What is the format for writing a good resume?

Most people will want to use a chronological or reverse-chronological resume format. This format is compatible with most applicant tracking systems (ATS) and is easy for employers to read. Additionally it helps highlight your experience, which helps prove your qualifications.

How far back should a resume go?

A resume should go back no further than 10 to 15 years. However, it is important that all your information is relevant. Therefore, do not include job experience that is irrelevant to your application, even if it’s fewer than 10 years old. Save that information for later discussions.

Should you personalize your resume for each job?

Yes, you should personalize your resume for each job you apply to. Many recruiters use ATS now, which will search for keywords in a resume and reject those that don’t have them. That means that the skills you choose to highlight as well as your opening, such as your resume summary, should be altered to suit each job you apply to.

You don’t need to rewrite the entire resume for each job, but it does show attention to detail and initiative to make sure that your resume is customized. It also makes it more likely that you’ll get past the first step of the process.

State of New York Department of Labor – Resumes, Cover Letters and Job Applications

Harvard University – Create a Resume/CV or Cover Letter

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Matthew Zane is the lead editor of Zippia's How To Get A Job Guides. He is a teacher, writer, and world-traveler that wants to help people at every stage of the career life cycle. He completed his masters in American Literature from Trinity College Dublin and BA in English from the University of Connecticut.

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