May 1, 2023

How to Write an Impressive National Honor Society Essay: Examples and Tips

Membership in the National Honor Society is a prestigious achievement that recognizes exceptional academic achievement, leadership, service, and character. But to earn this distinction, students must first write an impressive essay that demonstrates their qualifications and sets them apart from the competition. If you're ready to take on this challenge and earn your place in this esteemed society, you've come to the right place. In this article, we'll provide you with expert tips and real-world examples of successful essays that will help you craft an essay that showcases your unique strengths and accomplishments.

Are you a high school student with a passion for excellence, a track record of leadership , and a burning desire to make a difference in your community? Are you ready to join the ranks of the best and brightest students in your school and beyond? If so, the National Honor Society may be the perfect fit for you. But before you can don that coveted NHS sash, you'll need to write an essay that will knock the socks off the selection committee. 

No pressure, right? Well, don't worry, because we've got you covered. In this article, we'll provide you with expert tips and real-world examples of successful National Honor Society essays that will help you craft an essay that's worthy of your many talents.

 We'll cover everything from the essential elements of a strong NHS essay to tips for effective writing and editing. And hey, if all else fails, you can always bribe the selection committee with cookies. (Okay, maybe not. But it's worth a shot, right?) So grab a pen, fire up your laptop, and let's get started on your path to NHS greatness!

What is the National Honor Society?

National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization that recognizes and encourages academic achievement while developing the essential qualities of leadership, scholarship , service, and character in high school students.

NHS is an invitation-only organization that recognizes students who have demonstrated excellence in academics, leadership, service, and character. Membership in NHS is a significant achievement and serves as recognition for students who have worked hard to excel in their studies and to make a positive impact in their school and community.

In this essay, we will discuss the importance of leadership, scholarship, service, and character, how to apply for the NHS, and tips for writing an impressive NHS Essay.

Leadership is an essential quality that the NHS recognizes in its members. Leadership involves the ability to motivate others, take initiative, and work collaboratively towards a common goal.

Leadership can be demonstrated in a variety of ways, such as leading a team, organizing an event, or advocating for a cause. NHS values leadership because it is essential for achieving success in academics, personal growth, and community involvement.

To demonstrate leadership, NHS requires that applicants have held leadership positions in their school and community. This can include serving as a team captain, organizing a community service project, or leading a school club or organization.

However, it is important to note that leadership is not limited to formal positions of authority. Leaders can emerge in any situation, and the NHS recognizes that leadership can be demonstrated in many different ways.


Scholarship is another important quality that the NHS recognizes in its members. Scholarship involves a commitment to academic excellence, a desire for knowledge, and a willingness to engage in intellectual pursuits. Scholarship is essential for success in higher education and for developing the skills and knowledge needed to make a positive impact in society.

To demonstrate scholarship, NHS requires that applicants have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. However, NHS values scholarship beyond just grades. NHS recognizes that scholarship involves a desire for learning and intellectual curiosity. This can be demonstrated through taking challenging courses, pursuing independent research projects, or participating in academic competitions.

Service is another essential quality that NHS recognizes in its members. Service involves a commitment to giving back to the community and making a positive impact on the lives of others. Service is essential for developing empathy and compassion, and for building strong and supportive communities.

To demonstrate service, NHS requires that applicants have completed a minimum of 40 hours of community service. However, NHS values service beyond just the number of hours completed. NHS recognizes that service involves a commitment to making a difference in the lives of others.

This can be demonstrated through volunteering for organizations that align with personal values, initiating community service projects, or engaging in advocacy work.

Character is the final quality that NHS recognizes in its members. Character involves a commitment to ethical behavior, honesty, and integrity. Character is essential for building trust and fostering strong relationships with others.

To demonstrate character, NHS requires that applicants have a positive disciplinary record and a recommendation from a teacher or school administrator. However, NHS values character beyond just avoiding negative behaviors.

NHS recognizes that character involves a commitment to doing the right thing, even when it is difficult. This can be demonstrated through acts of kindness, ethical decision-making, and demonstrating honesty and integrity in all aspects of life.

Application and Membership

To apply for NHS, students must meet the minimum requirements for leadership, scholarship, service, and character. In addition, students must complete an application, submit a personal statement, and provide letters of recommendation.

The application typically includes basic information such as name, address, and GPA. It may also ask for information about leadership positions held, community service activities completed, and academic achievements. The application may also include short essay questions to allow students to showcase their strengths and accomplishments.

NHS Essay Guide

If you are looking to write an NHS essay, here is a guide that can help you craft an impressive and professional essay:

Understanding the NHS pillars

The National Honor Society is based on four pillars: leadership, scholarship, service, and character. Before you begin writing, it is important to understand what each of these pillars means and how you have demonstrated them in your life.

Brainstorm your accomplishments

Once you understand the pillars, make a list of all the activities and accomplishments that you have achieved in each of the pillars. This could include things like holding a leadership position in a club, achieving academic excellence, volunteering in your community, or demonstrating integrity and honesty in your personal life.

Write a rough draft

Once you have your list of accomplishments, begin drafting your essay. Start by introducing yourself and explaining why you are interested in joining the NHS. Then, use specific examples to demonstrate how you have demonstrated leadership, scholarship, service, and character. Be sure to use strong, descriptive language and avoid vague statements.

Edit and revise 

Once you have a rough draft, take the time to edit and revise your essay. Read it out loud to catch any awkward phrasing or grammatical errors. Make sure that your essay is well-organized and that each paragraph flows smoothly into the next. Make sure to remove any unnecessary information or repetition.

Be Humble and Bold

Many students find it hard to express their hard-earned accomplishments without sounding boastful. Proudly stating your achievements without sounding brash is possible and important. Clearly state your motivations, your challenges, your vulnerabilities, and your mistakes to mitigate any concerns.

Get feedback

Once you have edited and revised your essay, get feedback from others. Ask a teacher, parent, or mentor to read your essay and give you their honest feedback. Use their feedback to make any necessary changes and to strengthen your essay.

Write a strong conclusion

End your essay with a strong conclusion that summarizes your achievements and explains why you would be a good fit for the NHS. Thank the reader for considering your application and expressing your excitement about the opportunity to join the NHS.

By following these steps, you can write an impressive and professional NHS essay that demonstrates your commitment to leadership, scholarship, service, and character. Remember to be specific and use strong language, and get feedback from others to ensure that your essay is the best it can be.

Tips for Writing NHS Essay

The National Honor Society (NHS) is a prestigious organization that recognizes high school students who have demonstrated excellence in academics, leadership, service, and character.

Being a member of NHS is a significant achievement and can provide many opportunities for personal and professional growth. To become a member of NHS, students must apply and write a personal statement. In this section, we will discuss some tips on how to write an impressive NHS essay.

Step 1: Understand the Purpose of the NHS Essay

The purpose of the NHS essay is to demonstrate to the selection committee that you possess the qualities of leadership, scholarship, service, and character. The essay is an opportunity for you to showcase your achievements, skills, and experiences that align with the NHS values. The essay should also highlight your personal goals and how being a member of NHS can help you achieve them.

Step 2: Brainstorm Ideas

Before writing the essay, take some time to brainstorm ideas. Think about your achievements, experiences, and skills that align with the NHS values. Consider examples of how you have demonstrated leadership, scholarship, service, and character in your school, community, or personal life. This will help you to organize your thoughts and create a clear and concise essay.

Step 3: Structure Your Essay

The NHS essay should have a clear structure that includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction should provide a brief overview of the essay and grab the reader's attention. The body of the essay should focus on the four NHS values: leadership, scholarship, service, and character. Use examples and anecdotes to demonstrate how you have demonstrated each of these values. 

Step 4: Be Specific and Concise

When writing your NHS essay, be specific and concise. Use specific examples and anecdotes to demonstrate your achievements and skills. Avoid using general statements that could apply to anyone. Also, be concise and avoid using unnecessary words or phrases. The essay should be clear and easy to read.

Step 5: Show, Don't Tell

When writing your NHS essay, it is essential to show, not tell. Instead of saying that you have demonstrated leadership, provide an example of a time when you led a team or organized an event. Use descriptive language to paint a picture of the situation and show how you demonstrated leadership.

Step 6: Be Honest and Authentic

When writing your NHS essay, be honest and authentic. Don't exaggerate your achievements or skills, but also don't be too modest. Be genuine and let your personality shine through in the essay. This will help the selection committee get to know you better and see why you would be an excellent fit for NHS membership.

Step 7: Proofread and Edit

Before submitting your NHS essay, make sure to proofread and edit it carefully. Check for grammar and spelling errors, and make sure the essay is well-organized and easy to read. You may also want to have someone else read the essay and provide feedback. This will help you to identify areas that need improvement and ensure that your essay is as impressive as possible.

Writing an impressive NHS essay requires careful planning, organization, and attention to detail. By following these tips, you can create an essay that showcases your achievements, skills, and experiences and demonstrates why you would be an excellent candidate for NHS membership. Remember to be specific, concise, honest, and authentic, and to show, not tell your achievements and skills.

Personal Statement

Here is an example of a personal statement for your NHS: “I am thrilled to submit my statement for consideration as a potential member of the National Honor Society. As a student who is deeply committed to the ideals of leadership, scholarship, service, and character, I believe that I would be an ideal candidate for this prestigious organization.

In addition to my academic and extracurricular pursuits, I believe that my personal qualities make me an ideal candidate for the National Honor Society. I am a natural leader who can inspire others and work collaboratively toward a common goal. I am also highly organized, disciplined, and self-motivated, which allows me to juggle multiple responsibilities and stay on top of my commitments.

Above all else, I believe that my commitment to character is what sets me apart as a candidate for the National Honor Society. I believe that integrity, honesty, and respect are the foundation of all meaningful relationships, and I strive to embody these values in everything that I do.

Whether I am working on a group project with my peers or volunteering in my community, I am always mindful of the impact that my actions have on those around me.

In conclusion, I believe that I would be an ideal candidate for the National Honor Society based on my academic achievements, extracurricular activities, personal qualities, and commitment to service and character. I am deeply honored to have the opportunity to apply for membership in this esteemed organization, and I look forward to contributing to the National Honor Society in a meaningful way.”

NHS Essay Examples

Essay example 1.

As a dedicated student, committed volunteer, and aspiring leader, I have always strived to make a positive impact in my university and community. The National Honor Society has always been an organization that I have admired and respected, and I am excited about the opportunity to join such a prestigious group of individuals.

Throughout my bachelor studies, I have been actively involved in various extracurricular activities and clubs, including serving as the president of the university sports society. In this role, I have organized numerous fundraising events, community service projects, and volunteer opportunities for my peers, inspiring them to take action and make a difference in our community.

I have also served as a mentor and tutor to underclassmen, providing guidance and support to help them achieve their academic and personal goals.

Academic excellence is something that I have always prioritized, and I have worked hard to maintain a good GPA throughout my university career. I have taken on challenging coursework, including honors and Advanced Placement courses, to further develop my intellectual curiosity and critical thinking skills. 

As a member of the National Honor Society, I hope to continue to challenge myself academically and inspire others to do the same.

I believe that giving back to my community is not only a responsibility but also a privilege. I have volunteered at various local organizations, including the food bank, animal shelter, and community garden, and have helped to raise money for numerous charities.

Additionally, I have been involved in a peer mentoring program that offers guidance and support to students struggling academically or personally.

Integrity, honesty, and respect are values that I hold dear, and I strive to demonstrate these qualities in everything that I do. I have participated in various character-building programs, including the school’s conflict resolution program and the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards program, which have helped me to develop strong communication and problem-solving skills.

I believe that my commitment to these values will make me a valuable member of the National Honor Society.

As a well-rounded student and active member of my community, I am excited about the opportunity to join the National Honor Society. I am confident that I have demonstrated excellence in leadership, scholarship, service, and character, and I look forward to further developing these qualities as a member of this prestigious organization. Thank you for considering my application.

Essay Example 2:

Dear National Honor Society Selection Committee,

I am honored to apply for membership in the National Honor Society, as I believe that this prestigious organization aligns with my values of leadership, scholarship, service, and character. I am confident that my academic achievements, community service, and leadership experiences demonstrate my commitment to these values and make me a strong candidate for membership.

Throughout my high school career, I have demonstrated leadership skills in various extracurricular activities and organizations. I have served as a captain of my school’s varsity basketball team for two years, where I have not only led my team to multiple championships but also served as a role model for my teammates by demonstrating a strong work ethic, positive attitude, and sportsmanship

Academic excellence is a top priority for me, and I have consistently maintained a high GPA throughout my high school years. I have taken on challenging coursework, including Honors and Advanced Placement classes, to further my intellectual curiosity and challenge myself.

Furthermore, I have actively participated in academic competitions, including the National Science Olympiad, where I have won multiple medals and awards.

I have always been passionate about serving my community and making a positive impact on the lives of others. I have volunteered at various local organizations, including the food bank, homeless shelter, and community garden, where I have helped to feed the hungry, care for the less fortunate, and create a sustainable future.

Furthermore, I have served as a mentor and tutor to younger students, providing guidance and support to help them achieve their academic and personal goals.

Integrity, honesty, and respect are values that I hold dear, and I strive to demonstrate these qualities in everything that I do. I have participated in various character-building programs, including the school’s peer mediation program, where I have learned effective communication and problem-solving skills.

In summary, I believe that my leadership, scholarship, service, and character make me a strong candidate for membership in the National Honor Society. I am excited about the opportunity to further develop these qualities and contribute to the mission of this esteemed organization.

I thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity to represent the National Honor Society with honor and distinction

In conclusion, the National Honor Society is an esteemed organization that recognizes high-achieving students who demonstrate excellence in the pillars of leadership, scholarship, service, and character. Writing a brilliant NHS essay requires thoughtful reflection on your accomplishments and an ability to effectively communicate how you embody these pillars in your life.

By following the tips and guidelines provided in this article, you can craft an impressive and professional essay that showcases your dedication to these pillars and your potential as a valuable member of the National Honor Society.

If you're ready to take the next step in your academic and personal journey, we encourage you to apply to the National Honor Society. As a member, you will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful service projects, connect with other high-achieving students, and further develop your leadership skills. 

Don't let this opportunity pass you by - take the time to write an exceptional NHS essay and join the ranks of some of the most accomplished students in the country.

So what are you waiting for? Start crafting your NHS essay today and take the first step towards achieving your goals. We wish you the best of luck in your application and hope to see you among the distinguished members of the National Honor Society.

With the help of essay writing tools , writing an NHS essay can be made easier and quicker.'s AI-powered writing tools can help you develop a strong thesis statement and produce high-quality articles. 

By utilizing these tools, you can save time and energy while still producing top-notch work. By following the steps outlined in this blog and using the features offered by, you can master the art of writing NHS essays and achieving academic and professional success.

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How to write the National Honor’s Society Essay

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Being recognized as a member of the National Honor Society (NHS) is a testament to a student’s academic achievements, leadership, and service in their community. The NHS recognizes outstanding high school students for their dedication and challenges them to develop further. An important component of the application process is the NHS essay, which is an opportunity for candidates to detail their accomplishments and explain how they align with the NHS’s core values. This essay plays a significant role in the selection process, as it allows the applicant to showcase the individual behind the grades and other achievements on paper. This blog post aims to demystify the writing process by providing step-by-step guidance on crafting a strong NHS essay. 

Understanding the NHS Essay

4 pillars of nhs, scholarship, polishing your essay, common mistakes to avoid with the national honor’s society essay, wrapping up.

National Honor's Society Essay

Before diving into the pillars that form the backbone of the National Honor Society (NHS), it’s crucial to grasp what the NHS essay entails and what it aims to achieve. The NHS essay is more than just a writing sample; it is a narrative that encapsulates your journey, achievements, and the alignment of your personal values with the core principles of the NHS. This essay is your opportunity to communicate directly with the selection committee, offering a glimpse into who you are beyond your academic scores and extracurricular activities. The prompt for the NHS Essay is to detail how you represent the Four Pillars of NHS Membership: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character in 300-500 words. In doing so, here are some key components that are good to include:

Personal Introduction: Begin with a brief introduction of yourself, highlighting your academic and personal background. This sets the stage for a deeper dive into your achievements and how they reflect the NHS values.

Impact and Personal Growth: Discuss the impact of your contributions on your community and personal growth. Reflect on how your actions have made a difference and what you may have learned from them. This will show the selection committee your potential for future leadership and service.

Future Plans and Contributions: Briefly outline how you plan to continue your commitment to the NHS’s principles by contributing both to the organization and to your community. This will underscore your dedication to the NHS’s mission.

Staying Authentic: Your essay should reflect your own authentic voice and perspective. The selection committee is solely interested in understanding who you are as an individual.

Alignment with NHS Values: It is important to explicitly detail how your experiences embody the NHS’s core values of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Rather than simply listing your accomplishments, delve deeper into how these experiences have shaped you and prepared you to contribute to the NHS while remaining as concise as possible.

When addressing the pillar of Scholarship in your National Honor Society essay, it is important to go further than just listing your academic achievements on paper. This section should detail your personal affinity for learning and intellectual growth. Highlight your areas of curiosity, your passion for gaining knowledge, and how you have been able to apply your knowledge outside of the classroom. Obviously you should discuss any academic awards or recognitions you have received, but also delve into how these accomplishments reflect your attitude towards learning.

In demonstrating Leadership, your writing should detail both formal leadership positions and informal leadership roles you have taken. Leadership is not just about being the head of a club or student organization: it is about influencing others positively, driving initiatives, and setting a good example in your community. Share specific instances where you led by example, overcame challenges, or motivated others toward a goal. Whether it’s captaining a sports team, leading a group project, or taking the initiative in organizing an event, include any instances that highlight your ability to lead.

The Service section of your essay is your chance to show how you have contributed to your community through volunteer work or service projects. Describe the types of service activities you have experience in, the impact these activities had on your community, and any other insights or knowledge you gained in the process. 

Reflecting on Character involves a deep dive into your the ethics and moral principles that guide you. The NHS values members who exhibit a strong character in both their personal and academic lives. Discuss situations where you’ve had to make difficult choices and/or stand up for what you believe in in the face of challenges. Your character is at the center of your personality, so share anecdotes that best illustrate how you personally embody the values the NHS holds dear ( like honesty, respect, and responsibility).

Crafting a strong conclusion for your essay is crucial in reinforcing your case for membership. This final section should serve as a summary of your narrative, reiterating how you align with the NHS’s core values of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Begin by concisely restating the key experiences and achievements you’ve discussed throughout the essay. Then, synthesize this information and emphasize your readiness to take on the responsibilities of NHS membership. Articulate a clear vision of how you intend to contribute to the NHS, drawing on specific examples from your past experiences to illustrate your capacity for leadership, service, and continued personal and academic growth.

Revision is a vital step in crafting a good NHS essay. It is imperative to revisit your essay with a critical eye, assessing the coherence of your writing and ensuring that each paragraph flows logically and smoothly to the next one. We recommend doing at least two drafts, and the more the merrier. Make sure your essay comprehensively details your achievements and character, and make adjustments to enhance your message’s delivery and effectiveness.

NHS Essay

Simply Reiterating Your Resume: One of the most common mistakes is simply listing your academic achievements and other roles as one might on a resume and not delving into the experiences. Your writing should go beyond listing accomplishments, explaining how these experiences have effected you and/or how they might align with the NHS values.

Lack of Personal Reflection: Not including enough personal reflection on how your experiences have contributed to your growth or demonstrated your alignment with NHS values is a missed opportunity to show your unique perspective. Share insights into your personal journey, any challenges overcome, and how these experiences impacted you.

Ignoring the NHS Core Values: Each section of your essay should clearly relate to one or more of the NHS pillars: Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character. Failing to explicitly connect your experiences to these values will weaken your essay. Make sure to keep in mind how your experiences and actions embodied these core principles while you are writing.

Overlooking the Importance of Character: While it’s crucial to highlight your leadership, service, and academic achievements, neglecting to adequately address your character and personal ethics is a mistake. The NHS values integrity, honesty, and respect, so be sure to reflect on moments that have shaped your character.

Neglecting the Essay Structure: A well-organized essay that flows logically and linguistically from section to section is essential for clarity and impact. Jumping randomly between topics or cluttering your essay with too much information will confuse readers, and ultimately weaken your essay. Use a clear structure, with each paragraph smoothly transitioning to the next, ensuring your essay is coherent, and in turn, compelling.

Failing to Proofread: Grammar mistakes, typos, and awkward phrasing can distract from the content of your essay and give the impression of carelessness. Take the time to thoroughly proofread your essay, and write multiple drafts. Consider asking a teacher, parent, peer, or other mentor to review it for errors you might have missed.

Not Showing Authenticity: Trying to fit a perceived ideal or exaggerating experiences will come off as insincere. Be authentic in your writing. The NHS values honesty!

In conclusion, when writing your NHS essay, embrace the opportunity to not only detail your accomplishments but to give readers an understanding of what makes you unique. This essay is your stepping stone towards becoming a part of a community that values not just academic excellence, but the development of character and the commitment to making a difference in communities. Through your words, make it clear that you embody 4 central tenets of the NHS, but also document your unique perspective and how you personally will contribute to its mission. If you follow these steps and proofread effectively, you should be well on your way to producing an excellent NHS essay! Good luck!

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Why do many students invest many efforts in writing the National Honor Society essay? In the US, the National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization that picks exceptional students who have excelled in the fields of scholarship, social services, volunteering, internship, etc. It provides unlimited opportunities. That is why we have prepared an article explaining the ways to write national junior honor society essays with an example. Do you plan to join the organization? You will need an outstanding national honor society application essay, and our professional college application essay writers are ready to lend a helping hand to every student who needs help.

The National Junior Honor Society Essay Requirements

What is the goal of such academic paper? The purpose is to show the applicant from the best side and prove this person is eligible to become a part of the authoritative organization. It is critical to meet the organization’s expectations. The paper should be well-structured, formatted, and composed with clarity. Experts recommend adding a story to show the applicant’s leadership qualities or academic/professional achievements. These components make it similar to the scholarship essay. Many US students wonder how to write a national honor society essay. Each subsidiary established own rules regarding the membership, and they conform to the requirements offered by the NHS. The basic requirements are:

  • A minimum cumulative GPA (85% or B);
  • Participation in different volunteer programs;
  • Exceptional leadership traits;
  • High morals & ethics.

How to Write a National Honor Society Essay?

If you believe you are the one to possess the features required by the NHS, read on to find out how to start a national honor society essay.

How to Start a National Honor Society Essay?

Several ways to start this type of paper are successful. No matter which way a student chooses, it is critical to make an introduction eye-catchy, to-the-point, & relevant. The methods include:

  • Starting with the primary reasons to become a member of the NHS.
  • Describing what a writer knows about the organization (this way, you show the pure interest).
  • Stressing the major advantage of the candidate.
  • Providing several great hooks to make the readers want to read the paper from cover to cover. To get more information on how to write a hook for an essay , read our other blog on this topic.

That is the way to begin the scholarship essay! It is time to discuss a conclusion.

National Honor Society Essay Conclusion

The paper conclusion should leave an impression on the admission committee. An applicant must persuade them to choose this piece of writing. An applicant should put the final dot by highlighting the main reason why the NHS would benefit from selecting this person.

The National Honor Society Essay Samples

Observe one of the national honor society essay samples below to get an overall picture of what the commission expects from you. We recommend having a checklist with your best traits. Develop an essay outline not to get lost during the writing process.

“The NHS is a unique organization which makes it possible to take care of the needy, kids, aged people, and non-profit organizations. The best thing is that students do that. My dream is to become a member of this society because of my big desire to help people around the world. I believe the organization offers unlimited opportunities. Being a member of such organization will make it possible to develop both educational and professional skills in the field of social services. I hope the examples of my scholarship achievements will help me to join HNS. Scholarship matters in many fields. According to the official dictionary, this word refers to the academic study or achievement or studying at a high level. I aim to be the best in everything I do. I complete personal learning schedule with the top rigorous classes, and I plan to take the full list of honors and AP courses later to release my potential. I have been on the honor roll since my initial high school year. I have obtained enough skills and in-depth knowledge of the social problems to contribute to the NHS. The rest of the students should join charity organizations too. My another quality is the exceptional leadership. Thanks to the participation in the National Young Leaders Conference in Washington, I have discovered a talent of a speaker in me. It means I place emphasis on being special. One of the examples of my achievements could be the fact that I co-founded a rock club at my high school, where every student received an opportunity to learn to play a particular musical instrument without paying anything. We helped each other. The club gathered the representatives of various genders, ages, and ethnicity groups ready to promote cultural diversity. I bring passion to the outside society. I was chosen a youth leader at the church I attend every Sunday. Thanks to this role, I have a chance to observe personal passion for the Christian mythology and study Bible in-depth. I translate the attraction into skits, sessions, and musical instruments that assist youngsters in grasping their cultural identity. My character is strong to join the organization. I enjoy communities that do their best to bring people of different ages and income groups together. It helps to find common speech to resolve interpersonal conflicts. Every person shapes their destiny. It means I realize the significance of investing maximum efforts. I have contributed to the improvement of the local community by taking part in several types of medical charity. The previous year, I had a seasonal job in one of the hospitals. It provided me with the great experience of a registered nurse working under both conditions: at the workplace and home. My client base consisted of the aged population. I enjoyed listening to their stories, sharing experience with them, taking part in numerous fun activities, and supporting these sweet people. I learned to be more specific working in the medical field. Volunteering provided me with a necessary, valuable experience required to join HNS. I wish to keep on developing healthcare & medical set of skills in the future with the help of your organization.”

A place to Order Outstanding National Honor Society Essay

Do you need brilliant national junior honor society essays like the example above? We are ready to help 24/7! The writers from our team have accomplished numerous successful admission and scholarship papers along with cover letters & resumes. It makes us your number one helper! Thanks to our team, many students have joined the NHS and started excellent careers. Do not waste your time sitting & dreaming - buy a ready solution now!


Rachel R. Hill is a real educational devotee. She prides in writing exceptional general guides while listening to every need of students.


  • How to write National Honor Society essay
  • How to Write the Best National Honor Society Essay

How to Write the Best National Honor Society Essay

Why write the National Honor Society essay?

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If you discover your passion for writing, reading, leadership, and overcoming new challenges, there are some organizations that can support your enthusiasm. To join them, you need to submit a winning application. It is free to participate. 

Your National Honor Society essay is an effective tool that will let you become a member of a highly prestigious organization in the US. To write the best National Junior Honor Society essays, read this online article with brilliant tips and examples provided by the best writers that will make this task less hard. Also, you can get admission essay writing services  from our professional writers.

Many students put their time and effort in writing successful National Junior Honor Society essays every year to get access to unlimited opportunities. The NHS is the organization that chooses exceptional students who excel in social services, school activities, volunteering, scholarships, internships, and so on. It is a good place where you can find many opportunities. 

You don’t need to have an excellent GPA, which courses you take or be a perfect student in order to be able to write it. The admission committee will pay attention not only to those things. NHS membership essay will allow you to show your personality and skills you have. It can also help you go to the college of your dream. If you know that this is a place where you want to be, then you will be able to achieve what you want. 

The main purpose of your National Honor Society essay is to show the admission committee you from the best side and help you prove that you’re eligible to become a member of this authoritative organization. It’s important to meet the National Junior Honor Society essay requirements for those who want to become one of the NHS members. Here is a list of them:

  • Format, structure, and compose your National Honor Society application essay correctly and with clarity;
  • Add a personal story to show that you’re ready to take a leader’s role and highlight your major achievements;
  • Include your high ethics and morals , exceptional character traits, participation in volunteer programs, and other relevant details.

If you strongly believe that you possess the traits required by this organization, find out how to write a National Honor Society essay. Use a few basic tips to succeed. Here are some recommendations that will provide you with the chance to write a top-quality and outstanding academic essay:

  • Conduct your in-depth research on the chosen topic. You should use academic resources in order to gather interesting and useful information for your essay. Don’t forget to cite the used sources later. 
  • Analyze your catchy and unique subject. Even if you know a lot of information about the chosen topic, still it would be great if you have analyzed the subject more deeply. You never know which ideas might come to your head. 
  • Brainstorm relevant ideas. Brainstorming can help you find more good topics that you can discuss in your writing. It will take only a few minutes of your time, but as a result, you will come up with great ideas that you can use. 
  • Create an outline of your thoughts. Every paper should have its plan so you would be able more understandable. You can use a sample of an outline to know how the essay should be written.
  • Write and proofread your National Honor Society personal essay to fix some common mistakes. If you are not sure how to do that or don’t have enough time, you can trust the team of experts to help you with that.

Did you write a letter of intend for graduate school ? It may help with your NHS essay.

To make the process of writing easier, you should create an outline. Here is a list of things you should write about in your essay. Use these tips to ease the writing process: 

  • Write your intro.
  • Talk about the reasons why you want to become one of the NHS members.
  • Discuss social initiatives in your community or school.
  • Talk about the organization and why it inspires you and makes you feel motivated.
  • Share your achievements.

If you wonder how to start a National Honor Society essay , there are several effective ways that you can use to write a relevant, concise, and catchy introduction. Here is a list of them: 

  • State your primary reasons to become its member;
  • Stress your biggest advantages;
  • Describe what you know about the NHS to show your interest;
  • Include some excellent hooks to make the audience want to read your entire paper.

A concluding paragraph should leave a positive impression on the committee and persuade them to choose you. How to write a strong National Honor Society essay conclusion? Highlight the main reasons why this organization will benefit from choosing you. Here is a list of the things that differentiate you from other candidates by mentioning these factors:

  • Your grade point average;
  • Professional skills and personal qualities;
  • The main purpose of your application;
  • Leadership experiences;
  • A call to action.

We also advise our students to read and find out college admission secrets to be ready how to impress every member from the beginning.

The NHS is a great organization that makes it possible to take care of kids, non-profit organizations, and aged people. The best part is that students do that. I dream of becoming its member because I want to help people and learn more about this world. I know the organization has unlimited opportunities and being its member will enable me to develop my professional and academic skills in social services. I hope that my scholarship achievements will help me join it. It’s a privilege that my tutors and other leaders chose me to become the NHS member, and I’m very happy because they recognized my dedication and willingness to contribute to the community. I’ll keep serving the community to change the world. I can categorize all of my goals into a few groups. My basic long-term academic goal is to get into a prestigious college with excellent learning conditions and I also want to become a political scientist in the future. I consider creativity and power of observation to be my greatest strengths. They’re important to create all political theories. I’m very confident in the future success of my debate and interview and I expect to take part in social study programs this summer. This is where I’ll prepare for this occupation academically and mentally. I have my personal goals too. I strive to succeed in everything, including typing, writing academic papers, playing sports, playing music, passing my exams, and gaining a deeper understanding of actual information. That’s because I have my determination to excel. There are many activities that interest me. I also want to accomplish life goals by earning the respect of other people around me because it’s an important element. I have many personal goals, both short-term and long-term. They all deal with pursuing excellent in different fields. I realize that it’s possible to accomplish all of these goals with enough determination for success and a strong character. I also understand that life will throw many obstacles and challenges in my path of achieving these goals, and I feel I am ready to push through them all. I know my weak and strong sides. I keep using them to achieve important goals. I have strengths in listening, observing, being patient, understanding, using my creativity, leading other people, and these are only a few of my positive characteristics. They all shape my personality and make me who I am. I lead other people well due to my ability to analyze and understand their unique situations and be patient with them. I can evaluate and learn their weaknesses and strengths, such as willingness to work, and I take them into account when making my decisions. Being a good leader means being a good servant. I will always follow others regardless of my position of power. I realize the amount of studying necessary to get into a prestigious college that fits my professional and personal interests. I can excel in different areas of interest in my high school, and I will retain my personal strengths and keep improving them for the rest of my life.

National Honor Society essay samples and tips will guide you in writing a top academic paper and increasing your chance to impress the committee and avoid common mistakes. Get professional assistance provided by a team of writers who work online if writing the National Honor Society essay is still a challenge for you. 

Every student can feel free to write this type of paper and participate in the competition. No need to have a perfect GPA for that: just read the article and learn all the tips from professional writers. The writers who are experts will provide the best tips and recommendations on writing.

Writing your graduate school personal statement may seem like a waste of your free time if you aren’t familiar with this type of academic paper or admissions essay format. It’s important because it sets the tone of your application. Although all personal statements are different, looking at some exa...

Students who graduate schools need to create a statement of purpose or a letter of intent. In this article, our college admission essay writing service has gathered the most important hints on writing this paper as well as selected some good examples of statements of purpose.This paper demonstrates ...

A letter of intent for graduate schools is an important part of the university admission process every student must know how to write, especially for research-oriented and science grad programs. Here, I want to share my personal experience to help others learn what to avoid.I know that not everyone ...

Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: National Honor Society

Writing an essay for the National Honor Society (NHS) is a pivotal step for students seeking to join an organization that recognizes outstanding academic achievements and civic involvement. The NHS essay is more than just an academic exercise; it is a showcase of a student’s character, leadership, service, and citizenship. Here is a comprehensive guide to crafting a compelling 500-word essay for the National Honor Society.

Table of Contents

Understanding the NHS and Its Values

Before you begin writing, it is crucial to understand what the NHS stands for. The National Honor Society is an organization that honors high school students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Recognizing these pillars is essential as they will guide the content of your essay.

Brainstorming and Prewriting

Start by reflecting on your high school career and jot down examples where you’ve exemplified the four pillars. Think about your academic milestones, instances where you’ve taken the lead, how you’ve served your community, and moments that have tested and shaped your character.


Discuss your academic achievements but go beyond the grades. Talk about your dedication to learning, your curiosity, and how you’ve applied your knowledge.

Leadership isn’t just about holding a title. It’s about influencing others positively. Reflect on situations where you’ve inspired or coordinated with peers, whether in school projects, sports teams, or clubs.

Service is about volunteering and contributing to the community without expecting anything in return. Highlight your volunteer work and describe the impact it had on others and on your personal growth.

Character is about integrity and ethical behavior. Think about times when you’ve had to stand up for what’s right or demonstrate resilience in the face of adversity.

Structuring the Essay

An NHS essay typically follows a standard structure: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Here’s how to utilize this structure effectively:


Your introduction should serve as a hook, capturing the reader’s attention. Start with a personal anecdote or a powerful statement that reflects your dedication to the NHS’s core values. Clearly state the purpose of your essay and provide a preview of what you will discuss.

Body Paragraphs

Each body paragraph should focus on one of the four pillars of the NHS. Start with a topic sentence that introduces the pillar, followed by supporting sentences that provide evidence and examples of how you embody that attribute.

Paragraph 1: Scholarship

Explain your approach to academics and your passion for learning. Detail any academic awards or recognitions you’ve received.

Paragraph 2: Leadership

Describe specific leadership roles and what you’ve learned from them. Discuss how you’ve made a difference in these roles and what you’ve contributed to your community.

Paragraph 3: Service

Share your experiences with community service. Emphasize the value of selflessness and the importance of making a positive impact.

Paragraph 4: Character

Reflect on moments that have tested or demonstrated your character. Describe how you’ve adhered to ethical principles and learned from these experiences.

Your conclusion should summarize the main points of your essay and reaffirm your commitment to the NHS’s values. End on a high note, expressing your aspirations and how being a part of the NHS will further your personal and academic growth.

Writing Tips

  • Be Authentic:  Write in your own voice and be genuine in your storytelling. Authenticity resonates with readers and makes your essay memorable.
  • Show, Don’t Tell:  Use specific examples to illustrate your points. Showing how you embody the NHS values through actions will have a stronger impact than simply stating it.
  • Focus on Impact:  Whenever you describe an activity or achievement, emphasize the impact it had on others or yourself. This demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to growth.
  • Be Concise:  With a 500-word limit, every sentence should serve a purpose. Be succinct and clear, avoiding unnecessary filler words.
  • Revise and Edit:  A polished essay is a result of thorough revision and careful editing. Check for clarity, grammar, and adherence to the word limit.
  • Seek Feedback:  Before finalizing your essay, get feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers. A fresh perspective can help you identify areas for improvement.

National Honor Society Essay Example #1

As I step forward to submit my application for the National Honor Society, I am filled with a sense of pride and anticipation. This moment is not just an opportunity to join a prestigious community of high-achieving peers; it is a reflection of the values that I have woven into the fabric of my life. The four pillars of the NHS—scholarship, leadership, service, and character—are not abstract ideas to me, but guiding principles that I strive to live by every day.

My academic journey has been one of continual curiosity and dedication. Scholarship is more than a grade point average; it is a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Throughout my high school career, I have consistently achieved high grades, but my commitment to scholarship extends beyond the classroom. Whether I am engaging in lively debates in history class or conducting independent research for the science fair, I am driven by a desire to delve deeper and to challenge myself intellectually. As a member of the NHS, I would continue to embrace scholarship not only as a personal goal but as a means to contribute meaningfully to my school and community.

Leadership is often misconstrued as holding a position of power, but I believe true leadership is about service and impact. As the captain of the debate team, I have learned that effective leadership requires empathy, strategic thinking, and the ability to mobilize and inspire others. Under my leadership, our team has not only secured victories but has also fostered a supportive and collaborative environment. I have also taken the initiative to mentor younger students, helping them to find their voice and confidence. Leadership, in the context of the NHS, means setting a positive example and working towards the betterment of the organization and its members.

I have always been passionate about community service, understanding that my actions can create ripples of positive change. Volunteering at the local food bank, organizing charity events, and participating in clean-up drives have been incredibly rewarding experiences that have taught me about compassion and civic responsibility. Service is a testament to the human spirit’s capacity for kindness, and it is an integral aspect of my life. As an NHS member, I would be excited to lead and participate in service projects that not only aid those in need but also encourage a spirit of generosity in others.

Character is the cornerstone of trust and respect, and it is cultivated through consistent ethical behavior. I pride myself on being a person of integrity, whether that means standing up against bullying, maintaining honesty in my academic work, or being a reliable friend in times of need. In moments of challenge and pressure, I have striven to make choices that reflect my values and principles. The character is not about perfection; it is about striving to be better and doing the right thing, even when it is difficult. Within the NHS, I would continue to uphold high standards of character, knowing that it is the essence of true leadership and citizenship.

In conclusion, my aspiration to join the National Honor Society is driven by a genuine commitment to embodying the qualities of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. I am eager to bring my enthusiasm and perspective to the NHS, to learn from other members, and to contribute to the organization’s noble objectives. I am confident that my inclusion in the NHS will not only aid in my personal growth but also allow me to add value to the myriad initiatives that the society undertakes. Thank you for considering my application.

National Honor Society Essay Example #2

To the esteemed selection committee of the National Honor Society, I extend my deepest gratitude for considering my application. The National Honor Society’s pillars—scholarship, leadership, service, and character—are not only foundational to the organization but resonate deeply with the principles I uphold in my life. It is with a spirit of earnest dedication that I present how these tenets have shaped my journey and how I aspire to embody them as a potential member of this venerable society.

Scholarship: A Commitment to Intellectual Growth

Scholarship serves as the beacon that guides my academic voyage. It represents an unwavering commitment to excellence and a passion for knowledge that transcends the confines of textbooks and examinations. My academic record is a testament to my dedication to learning, marked by a GPA that reflects my diligence and perseverance. Beyond the classroom, I actively engage in educational pursuits, from participating in science symposiums to attending workshops that expand my horizons. My inquisitive nature fuels my desire to continuously seek understanding and to apply my knowledge for the betterment of those around me. As a prospective member of the National Honor Society, I am eager to further my academic endeavors and to inspire a love of learning within our community.

Leadership: A Journey of Influence and Inspiration

True leadership emanates from the ability to inspire and uplift others while forging paths towards common goals. My leadership journey is characterized by my tenure as the president of the student council, where I spearheaded initiatives that fostered school spirit and community involvement. I have learned that leadership is not about wielding authority, but about listening, empathizing, and collaborating with peers to achieve collective success. Whether leading by example or by encouraging my peers to realize their potential, I have embraced the responsibility that comes with being a leader. In the National Honor Society, I aim to bring my leadership skills to the forefront, contributing to the society’s initiatives and driving positive change.

Service: The Heartbeat of Community Connection

Service is the heartbeat of community connection—it is where compassion meets action. My service experiences range from tutoring underprivileged children to participating in local environmental conservation efforts. These activities have not only provided me with profound joy and satisfaction but have also instilled in me a sense of civic duty and an understanding of the impact one individual can make. Service has taught me the importance of selflessness and the joy that comes from helping others. As a part of the National Honor Society, I am committed to continuing my service contributions and to fostering a community culture that prioritizes the welfare of others.

Character: The Silent Strength of Integrity

Character is the silent strength that underpins every action and decision. It is the moral compass that guides me through life’s complexities and challenges. I hold fast to principles of honesty, respect, and responsibility, whether in my academic pursuits or personal interactions. In times of adversity, it is the strength of character that has allowed me to act with integrity and to learn from every experience. My peers and teachers recognize me as a trustworthy and principled student, and I take pride in this reputation. As a member of the National Honor Society, I will continue to uphold these standards of character, knowing that they are essential to the trust and respect that form the foundation of any esteemed organization.

In presenting this essay, I humbly offer a glimpse into the core values that define me. My aspiration to join the National Honor Society is driven not only by my desire for personal excellence but by my eagerness to contribute to and grow with a community of scholars who hold themselves to the highest standards. I am ready to embrace the opportunities and responsibilities that come with being a member of the NHS and to work alongside my peers to uphold the honor and legacy of the society. Thank you for considering my application for membership, and I look forward to the possibility of contributing to the NHS’s esteemed tradition.

National Honor Society Essay Example #3

Dear Members of the National Honor Society,

It is with a profound sense of respect and aspiration that I submit my application for membership into the National Honor Society (NHS). The pillars of the NHS—scholarship, leadership, service, and character—are not only pillars of the society but also the cornerstones upon which I have built my high school career. I am honored to share how these principles have guided my personal and academic growth and how they fuel my desire to contribute to the NHS and its esteemed legacy.

Scholarship: The Pursuit of Excellence in Learning

Scholarship is the foundation upon which the edifice of my academic life is built. It encapsulates my unwavering commitment to not just academic performance, but to a deeper understanding of the world around us. With a consistent placement on the honor roll and participation in Advanced Placement courses, I have demonstrated my dedication to academic excellence. However, true scholarship extends beyond grades; it is evident in my thirst for knowledge, whether it’s through engaging in book clubs, seeking mentorship in research projects, or volunteering to help peers with their studies. Joining the NHS will provide me with a platform to continue pursuing scholarly excellence and to encourage others to do the same, fostering a community where learning is celebrated and knowledge is shared.

Leadership: Empowering Others and Myself

Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. For me, leadership has been about taking initiative and setting a positive example in every endeavor, from captaining the soccer team to spearheading community service projects. It has been about listening to others, valuing diverse opinions, and bringing people together to work collaboratively. My leadership experiences have taught me the importance of adaptability and resilience, and as a member of the NHS, I would strive to lead with compassion and conviction, encouraging my peers to excel and to take on leadership roles themselves.

Service: The Gift of Giving Back

Service is a selfless expression of a caring heart, and it has been integral to my personal development. I have committed myself to various service efforts, such as organizing food drives and volunteering at local shelters. These experiences have not only helped those in need but have also allowed me to gain a deeper appreciation of the impact we can have on our community. I believe that service is not an obligation but a privilege. As a member of the NHS, I would seek out new service opportunities and strive to inspire a spirit of volunteerism within the school, reinforcing the idea that we can all be stewards of positive change.

Character: The Essence of Identity

Character is the defining attribute of an individual’s actions and beliefs. It is the moral fiber that weaves through one’s life, shaping decisions and interactions. I have always held myself to high ethical standards, respecting others, and upholding a sense of fairness and honesty. In moments where my character has been tested, I have chosen to stand by my principles, even when it was not the easy path to take. My commitment to maintaining a strong character is unwavering, and as an NHS member, I would endeavor to be a role model for others, embodying the integrity and ethical standards that the NHS upholds.

In conclusion, my journey thus far has been greatly aligned with the values of the National Honor Society. I see my potential membership as a continuation and deepening of my commitment to these principles. It would be an honor to join the ranks of those who have exemplified scholarship, leadership, service, and character before me, and I eagerly look forward to the opportunity to do so. Thank you for considering my application.

Final Thoughts

The NHS essay is your opportunity to shine and showcase how you’ve lived the values of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. It is an opportunity not just to reflect on your achievements but to demonstrate your readiness to uphold the principles of the National Honor Society.

Remember, the essay is not just about showing that you belong in the NHS but also about how the NHS will benefit from your participation. By carefully crafting your essay with sincerity and depth, you can leave a lasting impression on the selection committee and take a significant step toward becoming a member of this prestigious organization.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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how to write the national honor society essay

How to Write a National Honor Society (NHS) Essay

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
  • Icon Page 3353 words
  • Icon Clock 16 min read

The National Honor Society (NHS) is an American organization that offers students numerous academic and professional opportunities. To gain membership in this prestigious institution, young individuals write essays for consideration by the admission committee. In this case, writing a national honor society essay is an activity that allows students to make a case for why the committee should give them the NHS membership. To achieve this aim, applicants should satisfy the committee’s evaluation standards and expectations. In turn, these aspects include formatting, structuring, and composing the paper in line with academic standards, and ensuring the essay is free of any grammatical and other errors. Hence, students need to learn how to write a national honor society essay to provide well-organized academic papers.

General Guidelines for Writing a National Honor Society (NHS) Essay

Writing is an essential discipline that creates opportunities for students in various areas of professional endeavor. For example, writing is one of the essential requirements of getting admission to the National Honor Society (NHS). Ideally, students who wish to be affiliated with the organization write essays that, in essence, provide them with unlimited opportunities. Through these essays, the NHS chooses exceptional students – those who excel in social services, school activities, volunteering, scholarships, and internships, among other fields. Even without an excellent GPA (grade point average), a student can still write a national honor society essay and access unlimited opportunities. Hence, NHS essays allow students to demonstrate their personality and skillset.

How to write a national honor society essay

Definition of a National Honor Society Essay

A national honor society essay is an exercise that provides students with access to membership in a highly prestigious American organization. In particular, the essay’s primary purpose is to demonstrate to the admission committee that a student is fit to access advanced learning opportunities. Basically, the organization sets specific standards that help to evaluate the most exceptional membership candidates. Consequently, the organization spells out certain expectations for students writing an admission essay. In turn, one can argue that writing a national honor society essay is an activity that students undertake to increase their exposure to academic and professional opportunities.

Evaluation Standards

Evaluation standards that underscore an effective national honor society essay include formatting, structuring, and composing the NHS essay as per established standards; incorporating a personal anecdote in writing to demonstrate one’s achievements and capability and readiness to take up leadership roles; and capturing one’s ethical and moral commitments, as well as exceptional character traits.


On expectations, the NHS requires a national honor society essay to exhibit an in-depth analysis of the subject matter through a critical examination of diverse points of view. In this case, students have to rely on scholarly texts, such as journal articles, to gather information. Then, another expectation is that NHS essays must be free of mistakes: spelling and grammatical errors and inconsistencies in arguments. Therefore, students should proofread their work and correct such mistakes before submitting academic papers to the admission committee.

Writing a National Honor Society (NHS) Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

Based on the preceding section, writing a national honor society essay requires a student to conduct in-depth research on the chosen topic. Basically, this aspect means using academic sources, such as online databases, to gather useful information for an essay. In this case, the use of scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles as sources of evidence is advisable. Then, brainstorming on relevant ideas helps identify good essay topics that writers can use for a discussion in their texts. Consequently, creating an essay outline enables students to organize their thoughts for a more comprehensive and understandable paper. Lastly, authors must proofread their works to make sure it is free of grammatical and other errors.

Step 1: Preparation

Preparation is the first step in writing a national honor society essay. Basically, it is the stage where students plan their work by defining the chosen topic and arranging their ideas with their audience in mind. In essence, writers use external credible sources to find the best topic, one that they can find information about through research. Deciding on the topic allows authors to brainstorm ideas that resonate with the target audience. In essence, preparing to write NHS essays is all about getting the topic that resonates with the target audience and ensuring that there is enough evidence to back up the writer’s claims and arguments.

Step 2: Setting Up

Set up is the second step in writing a national honor society essay. Here, writers use reliable sources identified through research, such as journal articles, to make notes and create an outline and an annotated bibliography, as applicable. Basically, note-making is about taking the information relevant to the topic and defining how it would advance the writer’s thesis statement. Moreover, the outline provides students with a plan on how to go about writing the essay. In other words, it gives the paper its structure. Regarding the outline, authors set out their introduction and highlight reasons for wanting to join the NHS membership. In turn, they discuss some of their accomplishments, such as social initiatives they have participated in, whether at school or in the community. Also, students explain why they think the NHS is good for them and why it inspires them.

Annotated Bibliography

While not many instances of academic writing require an annotated bibliography, students need to make one. Basically, an annotated bibliography serves to provide writers with a summary of sources that they would use or have used to gather the information that enriches their claims and arguments. Therefore, when writing a national honor society essay, students can prepare an annotated bibliography as an overview of arguments that they would make in their papers.

Step 4: Writing the First Draft of a National Honor Society Essay

Like in most academic texts, including theses and dissertations, writers must start with a first draft. Basically, this paper ensures that students have an opportunity to go through their work and make improvements. In this case, authors organize their thoughts to make papers have a logical flow of ideas. In turn, the most critical aspect of the draft is the definition of the thesis statement, which becomes the central argument that writers focus on in academic papers. Hence, every paragraph in the main text should use this statement as the referent point.

Step 5: Wrapping It Up

After completing the draft, students should take the time to go through it to ensure that it is free of mistakes. In writing academic texts, authors make various kinds of mistakes, including grammatical errors and inconsistencies in arguments. Basically, the former makes it harder for readers to understand the text, while the latter undermines the logical flow of the paper. In turn, both kinds of mistakes make academic papers unexciting to read, which can deny students to get their NHS membership. Therefore, authors of NHS essays must read through their drafts and revise documents to correct any mistakes.

Structure of a National Honor Society Essay

1. topic sentences.

When writing a national honor society essay, students should start every paragraph in the main text with a topic sentence that draws the reader’s attention to the thesis statement. Basically, topic sentences serve as an introduction to the content of the paragraph, which should be focused on proving the thesis. What follows the topic sentence is evidence from an external source backing up the writer’s claim, which authors should cite in parentheses or the sentence. Then, the third element is an explanation, which means that students connect the claim made in the topic sentence with the evidence offered.

2. Concluding Sentences

Every paragraph in national honor society essays, like any other academic texts, should have a concluding sentence. Here, students should provide concluding thoughts about the content in the paragraph, linking the topic sentence with the thesis statement. More importantly, writers should prepare readers for the following paragraph by using a transition. In short, concluding sentences should create a logical flow of ideas or arguments from one paragraph to another.

3. Transition

Transition is the element that creates a logical flow of thought, ideas, and arguments in academic writing. Generally, writers should use transitionary words within the paragraph or in the concluding sentence of a paragraph. In turn, examples of transitionary words include: consequently, furthermore, hence, thus, equally important, moreover, and so on.

4. Peer Review

In academic essay writing, writers need to ensure their texts pass the test of credibility and reliability. Indeed, it is what qualifies them to be scholarly, academic texts. An example is journal articles. For an article to be published in a journal, it must undergo rigorous scrutiny to ensure it is of high quality. Then, what determines this quality is being free of grammatical errors and lacking inconsistencies in arguments. When writing a national honor society essay, students should give the first draft and even the final draft to a friend, instructor, or mentor to assess its quality. In turn, these individuals would help review academic papers for quality before submission to the admission committee.

4. Final Draft

As discussed previously, a student must start a national honor society essay by writing the first draft. Basically, it is only after submitting this draft to a rigorous review that a student should write the final draft. In essence, the final draft is a refined paper, usually free of grammatical mistakes and other errors, such as inconsistent opinions, claims, and ideas. Although the final draft should be an improved version of the first draft, a writer should reread it to be confident it is of high quality. After being satisfied with its quality, a student can submit this draft to the NHS admission committee.

Writing Each Part of a National Honor Society Essay

Generally, academic texts, including research essays, admission essays, theses, and dissertations, have structures that students should strictly observe. For essays, this structure involves having three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. In turn, research-themed papers, such as theses, usually have additional parts, such as abstracts, literature review, methodology, findings, and discussion. Therefore, when writing a national honor society essay, students should be keen to capture essential details in the introduction part, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

1. Introduction

The introduction part of a national honor society essay sets out the intent of the writer. Since the purpose of the essay is to convince the NHS admission committee of the suitability of the candidate for NHS membership, the introduction should be relevant, concise, and catchy. In this case, students should concisely state their primary reasons for wanting to become a member of the NHS community and mention the advantages that they bring to the table. Also, they should give their understanding of the NHS to indicate their interest and provide some excellent hooks to make the audience interested in reading the entire essay.

2. Body Paragraphs

Body paragraphs provide authors of national honor society essays with an opportunity to tell their whole story to convince the admission committee on why they should be members of the organization. Basically, the story should be concise, meaning that the content should focus on why a student is best qualified to join the NHS membership. Moreover, writers can describe their recent activities to give the audience a clue about the advantages that they would bring to the organization. When giving this story, students should use a strict writing style. In other words, they follow the exemplary model of an academic paper by avoiding exaggerations. Nevertheless, authors should show some creativity in their writing, such as telling the audience how they can affect the present world. Also, the content should be of high quality, meaning that there are no grammatical errors.

3. Conclusion

While the introduction and body paragraphs are essential in laying out the case of why students want to become members of the NHS, the conclusion offers them an opportunity to make the final impression. Here, writers should not focus on giving the committee new information but on leaving the members with a positive impression, which is essential in persuading them to grant them NHS membership. In this case, students should make a brief statement as to how the organization would benefit from their membership. In general, authors should reiterate what they have already stated in the introduction and body paragraphs. For example, these elements include the purpose of the text, professional and personal skill set, leadership experience and qualities, and a call to action. In turn, the call to action is about asking the committee to consider students in their application and grant them NHS membership.

Techniques for an Effective NHS Essay

The focus of any admission essay is to convince the audience of the writer’s suitability for membership in the institution or organization. In this case, students must use a writing technique that makes their case strong. Regarding a national honor society essay, students should focus on satisfying the admission committee’s evaluation standards and expectations. Basically, the technique includes formatting, structuring, and composing the NHS essay as an academic text. To make essays more powerful, authors should provide a personal story in which they give the audience an insight into their strengths and weaknesses. Also, writers should use academic sources to back up their claims. In turn, it is essential to convince the audience that they take the matter seriously and research specific issues, including the NHS itself.

Major Mistakes and Problems in Writing a National Honor Society Essay

There are several mistakes that students make when writing a national honor society essay. For example, the first one involves neglecting a thesis statement. Basically, this statement is critical in shaping the writer’s arguments in the entire essay. Also, failing to state the thesis creates problems for authors. These problems include writing a directionless paper, thus complicating the reading experience. In turn, the best way to solve this problem is to capture the thesis statement in the introduction and make it catchy to make the audience interested in reading the entire essay. Besides, placing the thesis in the concluding sentence helps to blend the introduction with body paragraphs. Then, the second mistake that students make is writing an essay being too detailed with information and facts, which creates the problem of burdening the audience. As a result, the solution is to make the writing precise – stick to the thesis statement.

Example of Writing a National Honor Society Membership Essay

I. introduction sample of a national honor society essay.

Membership in a professional entity is essential in exposing individuals to numerous professional and personal opportunities. For a long time, I have desired to become a member of the National Honor Society (NHS). I have read so much about the entity and have come to learn that it was at the forefront of creating change in our present world. I am writing this essay to convince you of my desire to become a member of this prestigious organization. For me, joining the NHS membership is not only a destination but also the start of a journey to more excellent work that ultimately leads to personal and professional fulfillment.

II. Examples of Body Paragraphs for a National Honor Society Essay: The Case for Membership

A. description.

The National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization of great value and importance in society. I understand that it is an entity that helps students become agents of change in their communities in diverse areas, including taking care of children and senior citizens and giving voluntary service in non-profit organizations. In this case, I have always dreamed of being a member of the NHS because of my passion for helping people and making a change in my world. Since the organization exposes students to immense opportunities, I believe that being a member will provide me with access to opportunities that allow me to pursue and accomplish my passion. Moreover, I firmly believe that, as I pursue this passion, I will contribute positively to the organization by putting into use my professional and personal skillset. I am delighted that my tutors and select community leaders have chosen me to become a member of the NHS. Hence, I consider this gesture an honor that society has bestowed upon me, and I confirm my dedication and willingness to contribute to the community.

B. Strengths

In essence, becoming a member of the NHS is not a destination for me, Basically, it is the beginning of a challenging future. I perceive this future as a service to the community. In this case, I look forward to exploiting my skillset to attain specific goals. Moreover, my one short-term academic goal is to join an Ivy League higher learning institution, while my long-term goal is to become a political scientist. Then, creativity and keen observation are my greatest strengths, and I believe they are vital in developing a great political career. As a people-person, I consider myself easy to relate to, and I believe this to be an essential attribute in service delivery at NHS and my future career. I have a personal drive to succeed, and that is why I have always participated in various professional activities, such as essay writing competitions and competitive sports. My impressive GPA is a testament that I am self-driven and keen on excellence.

C. Weaknesses

However, I am also aware of my weaknesses. I tend to be too observant and committed to details. In particular, these habits tend to limit my viewpoint by making me too focused on perfection and failing to see opportunities. Therefore, I believe being a member of the NHS will expand my viewpoint and help me turn my weaknesses into strengths.

III. Conclusion Sample of a National Honor Society Essay

Joining the NHS membership has been a lifelong dream for me. Given the organization’s role in exposing students to numerous professional opportunities, I seek membership to exploit these opportunities. However, I come with the mentality that I should give and not just take. In this sense, the NHS membership is a platform for a more exceptional contribution to society.

Summing Up on How to Write a National Honor Society Essay

A national honor society essay is a critical tool for students wishing to become members of this prestigious organization. Like any other essay, students should write a national honor society essay by observing academic writing conventions. For greater effectiveness, the focus should be on the evaluation standards and committee expectations. Here, authors should pay attention to the paper’s format and structure. Doing so helps to compose a paper that meets the standard of an academic text. Also, students should also use external evidence to support claims, observations, and arguments.

In summary, students should master the following national honor society writing tips:

  • Start the essay by writing the first draft of a national honor society essay.
  • Create an outline to organize thoughts.
  • Be precise about the purpose of the essay by creating a thesis statement in the concluding sentence of the introduction part.
  • Give a clear picture of yourself, such as a high school student.
  • Talk about your professional and personal skill set, including personal attributes.
  • Highlight your scholarship achievements.
  • Indicate your short-term and long-term goals.
  • Include an introduction part where you mention reasons for wanting to become a member of the NHS. Include the significant advantages you bring to the table. Ensure the thesis is precise and catchy.
  • Include body paragraphs where you outline your short- and long-term academic goals. Here, students should give details of their scholarship, leadership qualities, and personal attributes. The focus should be on convincing the admission committee to grant the NHS membership.
  • Include the conclusion section to reiterate the purpose of the essay, the thesis statement, and all other essential details. In turn, the conclusion should be a summary of the content in the introduction and the body paragraphs. Also, ensure that the concluding remark leaves an impression on the audience.
  • Mention your weaknesses and state how being a member of the NHS would help you to turn them into strengths.

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how to write the national honor society essay

(NHS) National Honor Society Essay: Example and Tips

how to write the national honor society essay

The National Honor Society (NHS) is a probably the biggest nationwide organization for high school students in the United States of America and outlying territories. The structure of organization is very spread, it consists of many chapters in high schools around the country. Participation in the national honor society is prestigious and promising. Only the most worthy students are accepted into the ranks of the organization.

Selection of the candidates is based on four basic criteria:

  • scholarship (academic achievement),
  • leadership,

The organization requires some sort of service to the society, community, school, or other organizations. The candidate must show that he or she is not only an excellent student, but also a useful and helpful member of society.

Student groups of National Honor Society are commonly active in the activities of community service. They provide help to schools and community. Many chapters of NHS maintain a requirement for their participants to take part in such service activities. In order to apply to become a member of NHS, a student should be an essay writer and must write a national honor society essay, describing why he or she deserves to be a part of this organization.

The purpose of national honor society essay

Before you proceed to the following section with a national honor society essay example, we want to warn you that the given text should not be used verbatim, but rather like an inspiration to get an idea of your own presentation. The main purpose of a nhs essay sample is to show students how to present a candidate and prove the committee that he or she is worth joining this respected organization. Thus, when writing a national honor society application essay, the high school student should address the selection criteria listed in the previous section. If possible, the candidate should address all four of them. It will win positive attitude of the committee and give you a chance to present your personality in the fullest way possible.

As any properly composed essay, national honor society application essay must be well structured, informative, written clearly and sincerely. Even though, the given below national honor society essay template seems to suit you, do not neglect the rule of writing an essay yourself. It is crucial that the application essay is personal and unique. Presence of plagiarism in the text of your essay will ruin your reputation and dreams of becoming a member of NHS. A well-written essay does not guarantee that you will be accepted into an organization, much depends on whether you meet the selection criteria. However, such an essay surely will draw attention to your candidacy and will allocate you from the crowd of other applicants.

The national honor society essay example

It’s a great honor for me to apply for membership in the National Honor Society. My teachers and other leaders have seen potential in me and chosen me to be a candidate for such a prestigious organization. Their trust demonstrates that I have proved my determination, eagerness and willingness to help other people and serve the community. I truly believe that I would become a valuable member of the national honor organization because I possess all the required qualities, such as scholarship, character, leadership, and service abilities. I am a hard working and reliable person.

My academic achievements are the best illustration of my hard work and dedication to studies. Building the future I want takes much effort, but when I see a goal, I find a way. I believe that my membership in NHS is a one more towards my goal to achieve success. I want to become a leader and a decent role-model for other people. Every day I make one step towards making my dreams come true. My GPA of 3.92 and 3.93 in the 9th and 10th grades prove my words. Throughout the years of studying, I have participated in academic competitions (you can see their list in my resume). Taking part in spelling contests, I achieved some good results. In the 7 th grade, I was the third and became a winner in the 8 th grade. I like the taste of victory and I am ready to work hard for it. Another my interest is programming. I take additional courses to improve my skills. I am not a genius Sheldon Cooper of our time, but I do maximum to develop my natural abilities.

When I was a student of the second grade, I started wearing glasses. As it happens pretty often, unfortunately, I was bullied. I did not know what to do. I was weak, lonely and scared. I did not tell my parents, had no will to go to school, study and sometimes even live. It continued for almost a year. At some point, I got tired of being a victim and stood up against the bully. I am proud of that boy I became that moment. Becoming older, I started trying kids understand all the horror of bullying. Every year I organize anti-bullying day. With the permission and assistance of the leaders, teachers and other active students of our school, we inform students about bullying and teach them to fight it. I believe that our effort is not worthless. In future, I want to do more to victims from bullying, violence and crimes.

Three evenings a week I spend in the swimming pool training. I have been practicing jumping into the water since I was seven years old. I don’t see my future connected with professional sport. I don’t dream of becoming an Olympic champion. But I believe that physical training strengthens not only body but character, too. Every time when you have to overcome pain, fatigue, and laziness, you become a stronger person. All the medals and diplomas I have make me believe that when I want something, I achieve it.

Becoming a chosen candidate for national honor society, I see that my school is the place where my leadership qualities are valued. I am proud to be its representative whenever I get such an opportunity.  My personal traits of character help me to gain trust and respect of my peers and teachers. I will do everything possible to prove they are right.

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how to write the national honor society essay

How (And Why) To Get Into the National Honor Society

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The National Honor Society (NHS) is an organization dedicated to recognizing and encouraging outstanding high school students in grades 10-12. Founded in 1921 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals, it was the first nationwide honor society and now has chapters in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and many other US territories. The National Honor Society estimates that today, more than one million students participate in their activities.

You are probably wondering what qualifies you as an “outstanding high school student” eligible for membership. And beyond that, you may question what sorts of services and activities are required of and provided to members.

Read on to find out how to get into the National Honor Society, and what you’ll get in return!

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Why Should I Become a Member of the National Honor Society?

Being a member of the National Honor Society shows that you are among the best students in your class, not just in terms of academics but also in terms of leadership, service, and character. It shows a commitment to community service projects and provides you the opportunity to network with like-minded peers. College admissions committees like to see anything that sets you apart as a top student, and this is one of them.

Additionally, NHS provides regular opportunities for you to build your leadership skills. Though not required, multiple conferences and events are available to NHS members throughout the year, including:

LEAD Conferences

Open to students in NHS, National Junior Honor Society (NJHS), and the National Association of Student Councils, Leadership Experience and Development (LEAD) conferences are held several times a year on weekends in varying cities across the country. They aim to improve leadership skills and provide networking opportunities for peers from around the country.

National Student Leadership Week

Established in 1972 to promote the value of student leadership, National Student Leadership Week is an open-ended way for schools to celebrate and recognize the importance of student leadership. On their website, NHS provides a list of suggested activities and outreach materials for planning this week.

State Summits

These local events are available only to students in NHS or NJHS, and they provide the opportunity for students to participate in think-tank style sessions with state leaders. They are designed to spark conversation with the goal being tangible solutions to real problems in schools and communities.

College Scholarships

Finally, NHS also offers college scholarships. Any high school senior who is a member in good standing of a local NHS chapter is eligible to apply for one of the 400 scholarships awarded annually. The 2017 scholarship application will be available online on November 1, 2016 and due on February 1, 2017. More information is available here.

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how to write the national honor society essay

Our chancing engine factors in extracurricular activities, demographic, and other holistic details.

Our chancing engine factors in extracurricular activities, demographic, and other holistic details. We’ll let you know what your chances are at your dream schools — and how to improve your chances!

Who Can Become a Member of the National Honor Society?

First of all, it is worth noting that membership in the National Honor Society (NHS) is determined at the local level. Before you find out if you can become a member, you’ll need to locate your local chapter of the NHS. This can be done with a quick search on their Chapter Finder online, or by talking with a teacher or guidance counselor.

If your school does not currently have a local NHS chapter, you can talk with your principal or an advisor about founding one. Though students are not allowed to found chapters themselves, it is a simple process and one that most administrators can navigate easily. To apply, your school will need to appoint a faculty adviser and a five-member faculty council, fill out an application form, and pay an annual membership fee of $385. If this fee is financially prohibitive for your school, check out our Guide to Fundraising where you’ll find ideas on how to raise the money yourselves.

All public and accredited private schools are eligible to establish a local NHS chapter, and all students in grades 10-12 who meet the minimum GPA requirements at these schools are welcome to apply. Unfortunately, at this time, homeschooled students are not able to apply, though part-time students may be eligible if permitted by the bylaws of their local chapter.

Is There Any Reason That a Qualified Student Should Not Apply?

Like any other extracurricular, the National Honor Society requires time and commitment from all of its members. You will be asked to attend regular meetings, and you must participate in chapter and individual service projects. You should check the obligations of your local chapter before making the commitment if you aren’t sure you will have the time or energy to participate.

How Am I Evaluated for Membership?

Once you have located your local NHS chapter, you will need to review their membership requirements. Each local chapter sets forth their own unique qualification requirements which must be published and available for review. Although the exact requirements for membership vary by local chapter, all are based on the same four pillars of NHS, detailed below:

1. Scholarship

National guidelines require you to be in grades 10-12 and maintain a cumulative GPA of 85 or higher in order to qualify. This is a B average or a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Though this is the national minimum, many local chapters establish higher standards, so you will need to check the requirements of your local chapter to see if your GPA qualifies you.

If your GPA does meet the minimum standard as defined by your local chapter, you will have the opportunity to complete a form detailing your accomplishments in the other three pillars, listed below.    

Part of your application will ask you to detail your experiences in volunteer work, or other uncompensated, voluntary contributions to your school or community. Some local chapters will require you to have served a specific number of community service hours in order to qualify.  These hours could be spent organizing clothing or food drives, participating in clean up days on campus, or voluntarily tutoring younger students.

Keep in mind, though, that service hours aren’t something you should be rushing through just to accumulate them as quickly as possible. You should choose service activities with value to you. For more on this, check out the advice in “Do I Need Community Service For My College Application?”

3. Leadership

You will also be evaluated for your leadership skills. In this area, you should highlight your experiences taking leadership roles in school and community activities. This could include things like being a team captain, organizing a youth group, or being a part of student government. NHS specifically seeks student leaders who are “ resourceful, good problem solvers, and idea contributors.

4. Character

Finally, to gain membership to NHS, you will need to prove that you’re cooperative, responsible, reliable and honest. You should have a clean disciplinary record and show respect and courtesy to those around you.

Some chapters of NHS might require a written recommendation to vouch for your character. If you need a written recommendation, make sure to choose a teacher who has taught you in a core subject and has known you well for an extended period of time. Meet with the teacher ahead of time to discuss your goals for the application and to talk about why you feel you are qualified to become a member.

If you meet the minimum GPA requirements for your local chapter, the faculty council will meet to evaluate your candidacy based on your application. They will review each of the characteristics outlined above, and you may be accepted for membership by a majority vote of the five members.

What Happens if I Am Denied Membership?

If you are denied membership, you may appeal the decision at the local level, but the national NHS organization does not review individual appeals. You may also reapply another year. A rejection of your NHS application does not appear on your transcript or any of your college application materials.

What Happens if I Am Accepted?

If you are accepted to the National Honor Society, you will be invited to an induction ceremony with the rest of the newly accepted members of your local NHS chapter. These induction ceremonies are typically public events as the NHS endeavors to inspire others through them. Your parents will be invited, and you can usually invite anyone else who might be interested.

Though the national office does not dictate a specific format or script for local induction ceremonies, they do dictate that such ceremonies must be “appropriate and impressive”. They also offer a number of ideas and sample programs which can reviewed in their handbook available here with an NHS account .

In general, the induction ceremony usually includes:

  • A procession or special entrance by inductees
  • Invocation or welcome from the adviser, principal, or chapter president
  • National Anthem or Pledge of Allegiance
  • Guest Speaker
  • Review of criteria for membership
  • Honor Society Pledge
  • Closing remarks

Many ceremonies also include a candle lighting or other symbolic presentation. Even if you have been accepted in NHS, you are not considered an official member until you have been inducted, signed into your local chapter’s registration, and taken the NHS Pledge.

Great, I’m In! Now what?

As a member of the NHS, you’ll need to attend chapter meetings and participate in service projects, both as a group and as an individual. Though it can sometimes be hard initially to come up with new service projects and ideas, the NHS national website maintains a searchable National Student Project Database and a guide to Community Service Idea Starters .

When you begin a new service project, whether as a group or on your own, you should add your project to the database. You never know when others might want to join you, and your ideas could inspire other people, too!

Take as much advantage of your membership in the National Honor Society as you can. Attend conferences and events, organize your own events, and apply for the NHS scholarships your senior year! On your college application, being a member of the NHS is a great indicator of your academic successes and generous spirit. But being an active member is even more convincing, as it drives home your leadership skills and dedication.

For more information about community service, be sure to check out our article, “Community Service, Reimagined: MCC’s Recommendations for High School Service” wherein we summarize some of the main points about service as made by Making Caring Common , a project of Harvard’s Graduate School of Education.

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How to Be Accepted Into the National Honor Society

Last Updated: April 12, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed. . Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 618,467 times.

The National Honor Society is an American organization with chapters in high schools in all 50 states, several U.S. territories, and Canada. The NHS allows high school students with a dedication to the society's core values - scholarship, leadership, service, and character - to receive recognition, participate in volunteer activities, apply for college scholarships, and more.

Embodying NHS Values

Step 1 Maintain your GPA.

  • Members of National Honor Society must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher on the 4.0 scale. On a 5.0 scale, this would be at least a 4.375 and 5.25 on a 6.0 scale. On a letter grade scale, this would be at least a B+ and 90% or higher grade average on a 100 point scale.
  • Start working on your grades early in high school. If you start off with a low GPA you'll have to work extra hard to pull it up in the following semesters. Take your studies and homework seriously.
  • If you're struggling with a particular subject, consider hiring a tutor or asking a friend in class to help you out. Most people do not excel equally well in all subjects. You might be an excellent chemistry student but struggle remembering dates for history class, for example.

Step 2 National Honors Society...

  • Practice good study skills. Flashcards, memorization, and practice tests and quizzes are all great means to prepare for an exam. If your teacher offers any optional after school review sessions, always attend even if you feel confident about your skill set.

Step 3 Do well on standardized tests.

  • Most bookstores, as well as Amazon, sell up to date study guides for most standardized tests. Many colleges and organizations like Kaplan offer prep courses, which can be taken in person or online. If you're serious about NHS membership, consider asking your parents if you can enroll in one of these courses.
  • Remember, you can retake most standardized tests if you do not like your score the first time.

Step 4 Be a leader.

  • Get involved in your school. Join a club that speaks to your passions and go for a leadership role. You might not be able to be say, president, right away but you can always take a smaller position as a board member or treasurer. Consider running for student council. Being a representative for your class would look great on an NHS membership application. [6] X Research source
  • You can also get involved outside of school. If you play sports, being the captain of your hockey or soccer team can convey leadership skills. Consider volunteering to coach little league, taking on the role of coach to kids younger than yourself. If you're involved in any other type of community, you can try to be a leader there as well. Say you take art lessons at the community art center. See if they need volunteers to tutor younger students.

Step 5 Volunteer.

  • There are many ways to volunteer. You should pick a cause you feel passionate about as you'll be more motivated to stick your service out. Love animals? Work for your local Humane Society. Interested in politics? Try doing campaign work for a cause you support. Big reader? Ask your local library if they need assistance.
  • If you're struggling to find volunteer opportunities, go to a local community center, church, hospital, or coffee shop. People often leave flyers in these kinds of establishments trying to recruit volunteers. You can also ask the school counselor or principal of your school. He or she might be in contact with a variety of local organizations seeking out student workers.

Step 6 Stay out of trouble.

Applying for NHS

Step 1 Obtain candidate status.

  • Remember that individual chapters differ in their precise rules. Some require you to complete an application to even be considered for membership, while others don't require you to apply until after you've been singled out as eligible. When in doubt, always consult your local chapter for precise instructions.

Step 2 Work hard on your application.

  • Include all the experience you have related to NHS's core values: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Include things like work on school clubs, experience with sports, volunteer work, after school jobs, and any awards or achievements.
  • Many chapters of NHS require an essay as part of the membership application. The essay might be a broad overview of your qualifications or it might ask a specific question, like "If you had to have dinner with anyone living or dead who would you pick?" Spend a lot of time on your essay. Write a couple of drafts and have a friend or family member look it over for you.
  • If you are not granted membership, you have the right to appeal the council's decision. However, appeals must be made to the local chapter itself - state and national NHS agencies do not hear membership appeals. Do not be discouraged. Continue your service activities and leadership activities and maintain your good GPA. You can always apply again next year.

Step 3 Maintain membership.

Researching Your School's Chapter

Step 1 Find a local chapter.

  • Students cannot apply to enter the NHS at the national level, via the organization's website or any other means. All admissions to the NHS are handled at the local level - you must apply to your high school's NHS chapter and no other. That's why it's important to get information about your chapter before attempting the application process. [11] X Research source
  • If your school doesn't have an NHS chapter, all is not lost. Try asking your principal, academic adviser, or teacher to establish an NHS chapter at your school. Though students and parents aren't allowed to apply to establish chapters, they are encouraged to share information with receptive school faculty members. [12] X Research source

Step 2 Review the criteria for your local chapter.

  • Sometimes, a teacher will simply nominate you without your asking. However, if this does not happen and you feel qualified consider approaching a teacher and asking. Pick a teacher whose class you feel you've done well in and who is impressed by your work and dedication.
  • Your teacher will have to print out and submit a student nomination form. You can find this form for your teacher on the NHS website.

Expert Q&A

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

  • If you don't make it in, hold your head high. You will get another chance next year. Just continue to expand your application and be an active leader. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Maintain your GPA even if you're accepted into NHS. If your grades slip, you will be removed from the organization. Below a 3.6 weighted on the 4.0 scale is risky. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Keep up your community service. You will still need to perform a certain number of community service hours per year in order to stay in NHS. Remember, there is always someone who could take your place. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

To be accepted into the National Honor Society or NHS, maintain a GPA of at least a 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, and study for standardized test, like the SAT or ACT. Get involved in school activities by participating in clubs, and take on leadership positions whenever you can. Be sure to take advantage of volunteering opportunities, or take initiative and start a volunteer program at a local non-profit. When you're ready to apply for NHS, ask a teacher to nominate you for consideration and then complete the application. For tips on finding more information about your schools chapter and getting accepted, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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National Honor Society Essay Example

National Honor Society Essay Example

The purpose of national honor society essay

The following text will serve as a national honor society essay example and will demonstrate one of the possible ways to write it properly. The main purpose of a national honor society essay sample is to show how to present a candidate and prove that he or she is eligible to join this prestigious organization. Thus, the applicant should address the requirements of the membership, which include personal qualities or academic achievements, such as grade point average and service as well as one’s character or leadership experience. Custom essay has to be well structured and written with clarity like in the national honor society essay paper example, given below. A story, which demonstrates leadership qualities and character of the applicant, will be a brilliant addition. This national honor society essay examples service may be useful as an additional help for applicants to see what kind of information is crucial for successful essay; however, it is also crucial to keep an essay personal and unique. The following text can be used as a national junior honor society application essay example as well.

The national honor society essay example

Being chosen by my teachers and other leaders to be a candidate for membership in the National Honor Society is a great honor for me. It means that I have achieved my goal of demonstrating my determination and willingness to help people and serve the community. I believe that I am able to become a valuable member of the NHS because I am hard working, reliable and I possess all the qualities required by this prestigious organization, such as scholarship, leadership, character, and service abilities.

My academic achievements are the result of my hard work and assurance that my membership in NHS is another step that will enable for me to achieve success and cherish the chances of becoming a leader and thus a worthy role-model for other people. By having a GPA of 3.91 and 3.92 in the 9th and 10th grades, respectively, I have proven to my teachers and myself that I am able to make my dreams come true. One of these dreams is to have an honor to be a part of NHS society. In addition, while in high school I have been taking all honors courses and, as an elementary student, I have participated in many academic competitions such as the Academic Challenge in 6 th and 7 th grade, where my team and I scored the second and first places, respectively.

Apart from studying with dedication and participating in competitions, I also play active role in the life of my school. Since childhood, I had a chance to develop my leadership and organizational skills through sports and had my school team win many competitions. My school is one of the places where my leadership qualities are valued as I often become a head of many activities, such as staging plays, organizing shows and school trips with my teachers. Being a leader gives me the opportunity to work in a team and consider my peers’ ideas to make our plans creative and enjoyable for everyone. My personal traits help me to gain trust and respect of my peers as they believe me to be a positive, open-minded and reliable person. I have learned to solve problems and conflicts thanks to this great experience of leadership, and I am always ready to assist my peers when it is needed.

The skills mentioned above can be useful not only at school, but also in the community, where I always try to take an active part. For example, each year I and my parents take a trip around all the hospitals, where we give patients flowers and gifts and just spend quality time with them. This has been a tradition since my childhood, and I am sure to keep it when I have my own family. I think that it is my duty as a member of my community to help and be an uplifting power and example for others, so that our society becomes what we want it to be.

I believe that with my skills and abilities I will be able to contribute to the society most effectively and reach my full potential in helping others. My academic achievements serve as a proof that my personal qualities and dedication will help me to develop character needed to serve and meet all the expectations of NHS to the fullest extent.

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Celebrating the Accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr.: a Legacy of Justice and Equality

This essay about Martin Luther King Jr. highlights his significant impact on the Civil Rights Movement and his lasting legacy of justice and equality. It covers his early life, influences, and pivotal moments like the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington. Despite facing intense opposition, King’s dedication to nonviolence and his instrumental role in landmark legislation left an enduring influence, inspiring future generations to pursue justice and unity.

How it works

Celebrating the extraordinary accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr. is not merely a nod to historical milestones; it underscores the timeless pursuit of justice and equality that continues to shape our modern world. King’s profound legacy, a beacon in times of turmoil, highlights the transformative power of courage and conviction.

Born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia, King rose from modest beginnings to become one of the 20th century’s most influential figures. His upbringing by Reverend Martin Luther King Sr.

and Alberta Williams King in a nurturing, faith-based environment instilled in him a deep commitment to social justice.

King’s path to activism was forged during his years at Morehouse College, where he was introduced to Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings and the principles of nonviolent resistance. These early influences profoundly shaped King’s leadership style and his approach to activism, guiding him through the turbulent Civil Rights Movement.

A pivotal moment in King’s journey occurred in 1955 with the Montgomery Bus Boycott, ignited by Rosa Parks’ defiance against bus segregation. As the boycott’s leader, King’s passionate oratory and unwavering dedication to nonviolence galvanized the African American community and drew national attention. The boycott’s success led to a Supreme Court ruling that deemed public transportation segregation unconstitutional, marking a significant triumph in the civil rights struggle.

King’s leadership reached its zenith during the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Addressing over 250,000 people at the Lincoln Memorial, King delivered his legendary “I Have a Dream” speech, a visionary appeal for racial harmony that inspired a generation to envision a more just and equitable society.

Beyond his iconic speeches, King was instrumental in the enactment of critical legislation, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which eradicated racial discrimination and guaranteed equal voting rights.

Despite relentless opposition and personal threats, King steadfastly adhered to nonviolence. His commitment to confronting injustice with love and dignity set him apart as a moral titan of unmatched caliber.

Tragically, King’s life was cut short on April 4, 1968, when he was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee. His premature death was a severe blow to the Civil Rights Movement, yet his enduring legacy continues to inspire future generations to fight for justice and equality.

As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day today, we honor not only the man but also the principles he championed. King’s legacy is a powerful reminder that change is achievable when ordinary individuals stand up and speak out against injustice. His message of hope and unity continues to resonate with millions globally, urging us to work together for a more inclusive and brighter future.


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Celebrating the Accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr.: A Legacy of Justice and Equality. (2024, May 21). Retrieved from

"Celebrating the Accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr.: A Legacy of Justice and Equality." , 21 May 2024, (2024). Celebrating the Accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr.: A Legacy of Justice and Equality . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 21 May. 2024]

"Celebrating the Accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr.: A Legacy of Justice and Equality.", May 21, 2024. Accessed May 21, 2024.

"Celebrating the Accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr.: A Legacy of Justice and Equality," , 21-May-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 21-May-2024] (2024). Celebrating the Accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr.: A Legacy of Justice and Equality . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 21-May-2024]

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Eleven graduating seniors honored with top yale college prizes.

Yale College 2024 Class Prize winners

Top row, from left, Maile Somera, Carter Sundown King, Ariana Reichler, Resty Fufunan, Eliza Kravitz, and Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind. Second row, from left, Jimmy Hatch, Jasselene Paz, Jordi Bertrán Ramirez, Matt Brandau, and Andrew Milas. (Photos by Dan Renzetti)

Eleven members of the Yale College Class of 2024 who distinguished themselves in the classroom, on the athletic field, and in their communities were honored with top prizes today in one of Class Day’s most treasured traditions. The prizes were awarded by Yale College Dean Pericles Lewis and other Yale leaders.

The recipients of the top five academic prizes will have the privilege of carrying an official flag or banner during the Yale Commencement procession on May 20. The winner of the Warren Memorial Prize carries the American flag. The winner of the Russell Henry Chittenden Prize carries the Connecticut flag. The winner of the Arthur Twining Hadley Prize carries the Yale College banner. The winners of the Sudler Prize carry the president’s banners. Finally, the winner of the Alpheus Henry Snow Prize carries the Yale University banner.

The names of the prizewinners, and their citations, are listed below, in the order of their presentation.

The Nellie Pratt Elliot Award

Awarded to a senior woman whose excellence on the field of play, and in her life at Yale, best represents the highest ideals of American sportsmanship and Yale tradition .

Maile Somera

MAILE SOMERA, Pierson College

“ Maile Somera is the team captain of the 3-time Ivy League championship volleyball team, which won the Ivy League tournament this year for the second year in a row. She was the 2023 Ivy League Defensive Player of the Year and is 2nd All-time at Yale in number of aces served to opponents — who watched the balls whiz by, unable to return them. And, Maile is graduating with distinction in her Architecture major!

“ In recognition of her record as a fearless opponent, a consummate leader, a fine student, and a selfless example, Yale College is proud to award the Nellie Elliott Award to Maile Somera.”

The William Neely Mallory Award

Awarded to a senior man whose excellence on the field of play, and in his life at Yale, best represents the highest ideals of American sportsmanship and Yale tradition .

Matt Brandau

MATT BRANDAU, Benjamin Franklin College

“ Matt Brandau is a 3-time NCAA tournament participant, a 3-time All-American, the 2023 New England Player of the Year, the All-time leading scorer in Yale men’s lacrosse and the All-time leading scorer in Ivy League history, and the 2024 Ivy League Player of the Year.

“ For his truly extraordinary athletic accomplishments, and for the qualities that make him a quintessential teammate, and the epitome of the scholar-athlete ideal, Yale College takes pride in honoring him with the William Neely Mallory Award.”

The Nakanishi Prize

Awarded to two graduating seniors who, while maintaining high academic achievement, have provided exemplary leadership in enhancing race or ethnic relations at Yale College .

Resty Fufunan

RESTY FUFUNAN, Trumbull College

“ Resty Fufunan has embodied the Nakanishi Prize through his activism, grounded in equal parts of listening, critical thinking, and hard, pragmatic work. He has been a community builder through his many roles on campus, among them First-Year Counselor, Co-Head Counselor for Camp Yale’s Cultural Connections program, and choreographer and dancer for DanceWorks. Thanks to him, this community has become more open and welcoming.

“ Resty has also been a pillar of the Asian American community. He has served as a first-year liaison; President of the Filipino student organization, Kasama; student co-head of the Asian American Cultural Center; and co-moderator of the Asian American Students Alliance. He has coordinated an inter-group trip to Washington, D.C., to protest the Supreme Court's oral arguments in cases about affirmative action, in the process building a foundation for future coalitions on ethnic relations and advocacy.

“ Resty’s two majors — Ethnicity, Race, and Migration and Data Science — have enabled him to promote ethnic and racial relations by focusing on the policy intersections between data and social justice. He has also applied that knowledge through internships, analyzing census data to prepare a national survey of Asian American voters. Now that he is graduating, he will continue his studies in China next year as the recipient of a Richard U. Light Fellowship.

“ For his transformational work advancing ethnic and race relations, and his unforgettable impact on ethnic relations in our community, Yale College is proud to bestow the Nakanishi Prize upon Resty Fufunan.”

Jasselene Paz

JASSELENE PAZ, Silliman College

“ Jasselene Paz is a community builder who has forged partnerships, re-examined histories, and created new communities for Yale’s campus culture. She has dedicated herself to making Yale a place where multiple and intersecting identities — around race, gender, sexuality and ethnicities — can take root, bloom, and flourish.

“ Jasselene is the founder and president of Central Americans for Empowerment; a radio host with WYBCx Yale Radio; a co-head counselor for Camp Yale’s Cultural Connections program; a Peer Liaison for La Casa Cultural; a Silliman Latine Affinity Group Co-Founder & Event Coordinator; a dancer and leader in the dance groups Sabrosura and Rhythmic Blue; and a Community Consent Educator.

“ An Ethnicity, Race, & Migration major and a Human Rights scholar, Jasselene has brought the theory and practice of community building to a global context. She has studied at Yonsei University, South Korea, as a recipient of a Richard U. Light Fellowship, and also in Cartagena, Colombia, working with community members and organizations to understand how the country’s armed conflict and its subsequent 2016 Peace Accords have affected Black, Indigenous, Brown, urban, rural, and gender- marginalized communities.

“ For her many contributions to Yale’s campus culture, Yale College is honored to bestow the Nakanishi Prize upon Jasselene Paz.”

The James Andrew Haas Prize

Awarded to that member of the senior class in Yale College whose breadth of intellectual achievement, strength of character, and fundamental humanity shall be adjudged by the faculty to have provided leadership for his or her fellow students, inspiring in them a love of learning and concern for others .

Jimmy Hatch

JIMMY HATCH, Timothy Dwight College

“ Jimmy Hatch entered Yale at the age of 52, after a long and distinguished career as a Navy SEAL in the United States military. He graduates with a degree in Humanities, concluding an undergraduate career that began in Directed Studies — he was the first Eli Whitney student to enroll in the program — and culminating in a senior thesis exploring the interplay between literature and lived experience, with a particular focus on depictions of combat in classical Greek, Roman, and Italian texts.

“ Jimmy’s extracurricular life on campus has been rich and varied, ranging from his partnership with the Jackson School in creating an “After Action’ class immediately following the U.S. exit from Afghanistan to his collaboration with the Yale University Art Gallery on a ‘Public Plato’ project, for which he recently hosted a conversation with Dean Tamar Gendler on ‘Ancient Thinking and the Modern Human.’

“ Jimmy is invested in the life of the mind, in the creation of community, in often winding pursuit of light and truth. For the depth and breadth of his commitments, Yale College is proud to bestow the James Andrew Haas Memorial Prize upon James Hatch.”

The Warren Memorial Prize

Awarded to the senior majoring in the humanities who ranks highest in scholarship .

Eliza Kravitz

ELIZA KRAVITZ, Morse College

“ Eliza Kravitz graduates summa cum laude with distinction in her History major. Elected to Phi Beta Kappa in her junior year, she is also a member of the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society. Eliza is a recipient of the Yale Review of International Studies Acheson Prize for her essay in international affairs. This year, she also received the Carlos R. Morena Prize, given annually to the best student paper focusing on the field of Latinx Studies.

“ Outside the classroom, Eliza has made a significant impact in the surrounding communities of Connecticut. As a first-year student, she helped students incarcerated in the Manson Youth Institution pass the GED. She has also volunteered as a tax preparer with organizations that assist under-served families in preparing their taxes, and she has worked as a Spanish interpreter for the New Haven Legal Assistance Association.

“ In recognition of her extraordinary scholarly achievements, Yale College is proud to award the Warren Memorial High Scholarship Prize this year to Eliza Rose Kravitz.”

The Arthur Twining Hadley Prize

Awarded to the senior in Yale College majoring in the social sciences who ranks highest in scholarship .

Ariana Reichler

ARIANA REICHLER, Trumbull College

“ Ariana Reichler was elected to Phi Beta Kappa in her junior year and graduates summa cum laude with distinction in her major, Cognitive Science, and a certificate in Education Studies. Her academic pursuits have been broad and interdisciplinary, with a steady focus on cognitive development.

“ As a member of theClinical Affective Neuroscience & Development Lab since her sophomore year, Ariana’s research has focused on child and adolescent development and its intersection with mental health, specifically examining mechanisms linking childhood adversity exposure with risk for posttraumatic stress disorder.

“ Outside of the classroom, Ariana’s extracurricular commitments have often focused on children, too. From serving as a Community Mental Health Fellow with Dwight Hall and the Connecticut Mental Health Center Foundation to volunteering as a swim instructor to local children with special needs or disabilities, Ariana has made a significant impact in the broader New Haven community.

“ For her exceptional scholarship, Yale College proudly awards the Arthur Twining Hadley Prize to Ariana Reichler.”

The Russell Henry Chittenden Prize

Awarded to the senior majoring in the natural sciences or in mathematics who ranks highest in scholarship .

Andrew Milas

ANDREW MILAS, Grace Hopper College

“ Andrew Milas graduates summa cum laude, with distinction in both his majors, Computer Science and Mathematics. He has distinguished himself as one of the most outstanding scholars in his fields of study, showing extraordinary talent in his demanding coursework, much of it at the graduate level, and far exceeding the requirements for the major or the undergraduate degree. Whether studying economics or artificial intelligence, deep learning theory or statistics and data science, he has done, in the words of one of his instructors, ‘spectacularly.’

“ Andrew is the recipient of numerous awards and prizes, among them a first-place win in the Jane Street Electronic Trading Challenge Final Hour. At the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, he and his teammates took fifth place in the 2022 Putnam Exam, he received an honorable mention, and Yale’s Department of Mathematics praised Andrew and his team as placing Yale among ‘the top five for the first time since 1991,’ a first in over three decades.

“ For his exceptional scholarship and future promise in his field, Yale College proudly awards the Russell Henry Chittenden Prize to Andrew Milas.”

The Louis Sudler Prize

Awarded to two seniors for excellence in the performing or creative arts .

Carter Sundown King

CARTER SUNDOWN KING, Pauli Murray College

“ Carter Sundown King graduates with distinction in his major, Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies. Admired by faculty and students alike, he is not only a costume designer who raises the standard of every production he joins; he also has a deep respect for the materials, histories, and bodies with which he works. Moving between rigorous research and ‘intuitive leaps of the imagination’ his costumes demand to be seen and understood.

“ An enrolled member of the Oneida Nation, Carter King's design practice centers his Oneida experience, drawing on lessons in creativity, community, integrity, and ingenuity he learned while being raised on the Oneida Nation Reservation in Wisconsin. If you find yourself anywhere in his vicinity, you cannot help but notice him. He wears his Nation and his art form everywhere he goes, teaching us all how to carry elements of what we love with us, on our very bodies.

“ For his unwavering dedication to the highest standards of his art form, Yale College is honored to award the Louis Sudler Prize for Excellence in the Performing and Creative Arts to Carter Sundown King.”

Jordi Bertrán Ramirez


“ Jordi Bertrán Ramirez of Trumbull College graduates with a double major in Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies and in History of Science, Medicine, and Public Health. In his doubled studies he has investigated popular and political cultures of information, identity, and representation, using not only classrooms and computers but also stages, voices, and bodies to explore urgent questions.

“ Anyone who has seen Jordi on stage (in his over 30 productions at Yale), knows that he has ‘It’ — the ‘it’ of a theater actor’s magnetic force that compels audiences to watch and listen; the ‘it’ of an actor’s grace, charisma, and artistic intelligence; the ‘it’ that Professor Joseph Roach has called ‘easy to perceive but hard to define, possessed by abnormally interesting people.’ Jordi is not only such a person; he brings his own interests and ethics alive in his performances; he plays the stage as a virtuoso plays the piano; he channels his talent into projects that matter — to him, to his community, and to our changing and challenging world.

“ For his luminous accomplishments in theatrical performance, Yale College is honored to award the Louis Sudler Prize for Excellence in the Performing and Creative Arts to Jordi Bertrán Ramirez.”

The Alpheus Henry Snow Prize

Awarded to the senior who through the combination of intellectual achievement, character, and personality, shall be adjudged by the faculty to have done most for Yale by inspiring in his or her classmates an admiration for the traditions of high scholarship .

Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind


“ Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind graduates summa cum laude and with distinction in his major, Comparative Literature. Elected to Phi Beta Kappa in his junior year and serving as its president in his senior year, Xavier has also completed an Advanced Language Certificate in French. Next year, he will pursue a Masters in Comparative Literature at Oxford as a Marshall Scholar.

“ Xavier has devoted much of his undergraduate years exploring languages. He has received numerous awards for his work in Spanish, French, and Portuguese, including the Scott Prize for the best essay in French and the Bildner Prize for ‘an outstanding essay in Spanish on any subject in Latin American Literature and/or Culture.’ The English department has also recognized Xavier, twice awarding him the John Hubbard Curtis Prize ‘for love of the English language and facility in writing’ as well as the sophomore C. Wyllys Betts Prize and the Elmore A. Willets Prize for Fiction. His love of languages continues with ongoing study of Italian and Amharic.

“ Awards from outside Yale have also been bestowed on Xavier for his fiction and non-fiction prose stories, which have been published in literary journals such as The Threepenny Review, The Drift, Gulf Coast, West Branch, and Brevity, to name just a few. He won the Editors’ Prize in Prose from the Copper Nickel.

“ Xavier’s deep belief in the value of language and literature ties directly to his enthusiastic service as a mentor to others. On campus, Xavier tutors students in French and Portuguese. In the New Haven community, he uses his talents and expertise to serve as a volunteer translator and interpreter for immigration nonprofits and asylum attorneys.

“ Xavier has contributed to the life of Yale through his writing as well. Since May 2023, he has served as Editor-in-Chief of the Yale Literary Magazine, having previously occupied the roles of managing editor and literary editor. In addition, he has worked as a staff writer for the Yale Daily News Magazine and as a reporter for the YDN. Somehow, he has also played the viola in the Yale Symphony Orchestra for two years.

“ For his remarkable achievements and his promise for the many more to come, Yale College takes great pleasure in bestowing the Alpheus Henry Snow Prize upon Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind.”

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