
Case Study in Hindi Explained – केस स्टडी क्या है और कैसे करें

Tomy Jackson

आपने अक्सर अपने स्कूल या कॉलेज में केस स्टडी के बारे में सुना होगा । खासकर कि Business Studies और Law की पढ़ाई पढ़ रहे छात्रों को कैसे स्टडी करने के लिए कहा जाता है । पर case study kya hai ? इसे कैसे करते हैं , इसके फायदे क्या हैं ? इस आर्टिकल में आप इन सभी प्रश्नों के बारे में विस्तार से जानेंगे ।

Case study in Hindi explained के इस पोस्ट में आप न सिर्फ केस स्टडी के बारे में विस्तार से जानेंगे बल्कि इसके उदाहरणों और प्रकार को भी आप विस्तार से समझेंगे । यह जरूरी है कि आप इसके बारे में सही और विस्तृत जानकारी प्राप्त करें ताकि आपको कभी कोई समस्या न हो । तो चलिए विस्तार से इसके बारे में जानते हैं :

Case Study in Hindi

Case Study एक व्यक्ति , समूह या घटना का गहन अध्ययन है । एक केस स्टडी में , किसी भी घटना या व्यक्ति का सूक्ष्म अध्ययन करके उसके व्यवहार के बारे में पता लगाया जाता है । एजुकेशन , बिजनेस , कानून , मेडिकल इत्यादि क्षेत्रों में केस स्टडी की जाती है ।

case study सिर्फ और सिर्फ एक व्यक्ति , घटना या समूह को केंद्र में रखकर किया जाता है और यह उचित भी है । इसकी मदद से आप सभी के लिए एक ही निष्कर्ष नहीं निकाल सकते । उदहारण के तौर पर , एक बिजनेस जो लगातार घाटा झेल रहा है उसकी केस स्टडी की जा सकती है । इसमें सभी तथ्यों को मिलाकर , परखकर यह जानने की कोशिश होती है कि क्यों बिजनेस लगातार loss में जा रही है ।

परंतु , जरूरी नहीं कि जिस वजह से यह पार्टिकुलर कम्पनी घाटा झेल रही हो , अन्य कंपनियों के घाटे में जाने की यही वजह हो । इसलिए कहा जाता है कि किसी एक मामले के अध्ययन से निकले निष्कर्ष को किसी अन्य मामले पर थोपा नहीं जा सकता । इस तरह आप case study meaning in Hindi समझ गए होंगे ।

Case Study examples in Hindi

अब जबकि आपने case study kya hai के बारे में जान लिया है तो चलिए इसके कुछ उदाहरणों को भी देख लेते हैं । इससे आपको केस स्टडी के बारे में जानने में अधिक मदद मिलेगी ।

ऊपर के उदाहरण को देख कर आप समझ सकते हैं कि case study क्या होती है । अब आप ऊपर दिए case पर अच्छे से study करेंगे तो यह केस स्टडी कहलाएगी यानि किसी मामले का अध्ययन । पर केस स्टडी कैसे करें ? अगर हमारे पास ऊपर दिए उदाहरण का केस स्टडी करने को दिया जाए तो यह कैसे करना होगा ? चलिए जानते हैं :

Case Study कैसे करें ?

अब यह जानना जरूरी है कि एक case study आखिर करते कैसे हैं और किन tools का उपयोग किया जाता है । तो एक केस स्टडी करने के लिए आपको ये steps फॉलो करना चाहिए :

Infographic on case study in Hindi

1. सबसे पहले केस को अच्छे से समझें

अगर आप किसी भी केस पर स्टडी करना चाहते हैं तो आपको सबसे पहले उसकी बारीकियों और हर एक डिटेल पर ध्यान देना चाहिए । तभी आप आगे बढ़ पाएंगे और सही निर्णय भी ले पाएंगे । Case को अच्छे से समझने का सबसे बड़ा फायदा यह है कि इसपर स्टडी करते समय आपको ज्यादा मेहनत नहीं करनी पड़ती । केस को अच्छे से समझने के लिए आप यह कर सकते हैं :

  • Important points को हाईलाइट करें
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  • जरूरी और बारीकियों का नोट्स तैयार करें

2. अपने विश्लेषण पर ध्यान दें

Case Study करने के लिए जरूरी है कि आप अपने analysis पर ध्यान दें ताकि बढ़िया रिजल्ट मिल सके । इसके लिए आप विषय के 2 से 5 मुख्य बिंदुओं / समस्याओं को उठाएं और बारीकी से उनके बारे में जानकारी इकट्ठा करें । इसके बारे में पता करें कि ये क्यों exist करती है और संस्था पर इनका क्या प्रभाव है ।

आप उन समस्याओं के लिए जिम्मेदार कारकों पर भी नजर डालें और सभी चीजों को ढंग से समझने की कोशिश करें तभी जाकर आप सही मायने में case study कर पाएंगे ।

3. संभव समाधानों के बारे में सोचें

किसी भी केस स्टडी का तीसरा महत्वपूर्ण पड़ाव है कि आप समस्या के संभावित समाधानों के बारे में सोचें ।इसके लिए आप discussions , research और अपने अनुभव की मदद ले सकते हैं । ध्यान रहें कि सभी समाधान संभव हों ताकि उन्हें लागू किया जा सके ।

4. बेहतरीन समाधान का चुनाव करें

केस स्टडी का अंतिम पड़ाव मौजूदा समाधानों में से एक सबसे बेहतरीन समाधान का चुनाव करना है । आप सभी समाधानों को एक साथ तो बिल्कुल भी implement नहीं कर सकते इसलिए जरूरी है कि बेहतरीन को चुनें ।

Case Study format

meaning case study in hindi

अगर आप YouTube video की मदद से देखकर सीखना चाहते हैं कि Case Study कैसे बनाएं तो नीचे दिए गए Ujjwal Patni की वीडियो देख सकते हैं ।

इस पोस्ट में आपने विस्तार से case study meaning in Hindi के बारे में जाना । अगर कोई प्वाइंट छूट गया हो तो कॉमेंट में जरूर बताएं और साथ ही पोस्ट से जुड़ी राय या सुझाव भी आप कॉमेंट में दे सकते हैं । पोस्ट पसंद आया हो और हेल्पफुल साबित हुई हो तो शेयर जरूर करें ।

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case study - Meaning in Hindi

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Meaning of case study in Hindi

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  • वृत का अध्ययन

case study Definition

  • a process or record of research in which detailed consideration is given to the development of a particular person, group, or situation over a period of time. ( अनुसंधान की एक प्रक्रिया या रिकॉर्ड जिसमें किसी विशेष व्यक्ति, समूह या समय की स्थिति के विकास पर विस्तृत विचार किया जाता है। )
  • a particular instance of something used or analyzed in order to illustrate a thesis or principle. ( एक थीसिस या सिद्धांत को चित्रित करने के लिए उपयोग या विश्लेषण की गई किसी चीज़ का एक विशेष उदाहरण। )

case study Example

  • There are no guarantees or hard and fast rules, although Canada provides an interesting case study . ( कोई गारंटी या कठोर और तेज़ नियम नहीं हैं, हालांकि कनाडा एक दिलचस्प केस स्टडी प्रदान करता है। )
  • For those contemplating a legislative grand gesture, France provides a sobering case study . ( एक विधायी भव्य इशारे पर विचार करने वालों के लिए, फ्रांस एक साहसी मामला अध्ययन प्रदान करता है। )
  • This provides a good case study of the work the Commission does on evaluating the costs and benefits flowing from it decisions. ( यह उन निर्णयों से होने वाले खर्च और लाभों के मूल्यांकन पर आयोग द्वारा किए गए कार्य का एक अच्छा मामला अध्ययन प्रदान करता है। )
  • the case study was undertaken over a period of two months through a series of visits to the school ( केस अध्ययन दो महीने की अवधि में स्कूल की यात्राओं की एक श्रृंखला के माध्यम से किया गया था )
  • Argentina's plight provides an invaluable case study on the dangers of adhering to untenable policies. ( अर्जेंटीना की दुर्दशा, अस्थिर नीतियों के पालन के खतरों पर एक अमूल्य मामला अध्ययन प्रदान करती है। )

More Sentence

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  • Johnson's analyses are based on a case study of a single institution that has unique attributes.
  • the project is a case study in good practice
  • The case study also illustrates the level of distrust and fear felt by some users of message boards.
  • The case-study creators begin by identifying how market conditions have changed during the past six months.
  • Looking at six case-study schools, Piper and her colleagues conducted interviews with teachers, parents and children on the rights and wrongs of touch.
  • The arguments in these two books are theory-based, subtle, and supported by extensive case-study evidence.
  • Conceptually, the case-study firms are situated at a critical cusp between a regional production system with its division of labor and an international supply chain.
  • The case-study methodology can be adapted to the observation of large samples of dyslexics.
  • Much of the data in the appendices doesn't fit the case-study paradigm but is essential to further study of variables that tend to affect military-assistance programs.
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  • The case-study method is effective for the teaching of formal and compositional skills, but it hinders the development of critical analysis and interpretive value.
  • However, in recent decades the implicit analysis this approach provides has been greatly strengthened by the more explicit case-study method.
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Primary Ka Master ● Com - प्राइमरी का मास्टर ● कॉम

एक छतरी के नीचे 'प्राइमरी का मास्टर' की समस्त ऑनलाइन सेवाएँ

केस स्टडी विधि के उद्देश्य, विशेषताएं और इस विधि की उपयोगितायेँ

  •  विद्यार्थी स्वतंत्र होकर, स्वयं ही सृजनात्मक ढंग से समस्या पर विचार कर सकेंगें।
  •  वे समस्या समाधान ( Problem based learning )तक पहुंचने में सक्रिय हो  सकेंगें।
  •  वे अपने पूर्व ज्ञान का प्रयोग करते हुए प्रमाणों को संग्रह कर सकेंगें।
  •  घटनाक्रम में नवीन तथ्यों को जान सकेंगे।
  •  स्वयं अपने अनुभव से सीखते हुए ज्ञान प्राप्त कर सकेंगें।
  •  व्यक्तिगत, सामाजिक संबंधों को उत्तम ढंग से स्थापित कर सकेंगे।
  •  छात्रों में अभिप्रेरण एवं अभिव्यक्ति की क्षमता में वृद्धि हो सकेगी।
  •  छात्रों की उपलब्धियों का मूल्यांकन हो सकेगा।

meaning case study in hindi

व्यक्तिगत अध्ययन छात्रों को एक सार्थक ज्ञान प्रदान करता है जिसका प्रयोग विभिन्न प्रकार के समाधान या अध्ययन के लिए किया जाता है। यह एक जटिल अधिगम का स्वरूप होता है। इसमें  सृजनात्मक चिन्तन निहित होता है और चिन्तन स्तर पर शिक्षण की व्यवस्था होती है।

meaning case study in hindi

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case-study - Meaning in Hindi

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case study - Meaning in Hindi

Definitions and meaning of case-study in english, case study noun.

A case study is an in-depth, detailed examination of a particular case within a real-world context. For example, case studies in medicine may focus on an individual patient or ailment; case studies in business might cover a particular firm's strategy or a broader market; similarly, case studies in politics can range from a narrow happening over time like the operations of a specific political campaign, to an enormous undertaking like world war, or more often the policy analysis of real-world problems affecting multiple stakeholders.

केस स्टडी वास्तविक दुनिया के संदर्भ में किसी विशेष मामले की गहन तथा विस्तृत जाँच है। जैसे - चिकित्सा के क्षेत्र में केस स्टडी किसी व्यक्तिगत रोगी या बीमारी पर केंद्रित हो सकती है; व्यवसाय के क्षेत्र में केस स्टडी किसी विशेष फर्म की रणनीति या व्यापक बाजार को समाहित कर सकती है।

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What is case-study meaning in hindi.

The word or phrase case-study refers to a detailed analysis of a person or group from a social or psychological or medical point of view, or a careful study of some social unit (as a corporation or division within a corporation) that attempts to determine what factors led to its success or failure. See case-study meaning in Hindi , case-study definition, translation and meaning of case-study in Hindi. Learn and practice the pronunciation of case-study. Find the answer of what is the meaning of case-study in Hindi. देखें case-study का हिन्दी मतलब, case-study का मीनिंग, case-study का हिन्दी अर्थ, case-study का हिन्दी अनुवाद।

Tags for the entry "case-study"

What is case-study meaning in Hindi, case-study translation in Hindi, case-study definition, pronunciations and examples of case-study in Hindi. case-study का हिन्दी मीनिंग, case-study का हिन्दी अर्थ, case-study का हिन्दी अनुवाद


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Case Study Meaning In Hindi

सरल उदाहरणों और परिभाषाओं के साथ case study का वास्तविक अर्थ जानें।., definitions of case study.

1 . समय की अवधि में किसी विशेष व्यक्ति, समूह या स्थिति के विकास पर अनुसंधान की एक प्रक्रिया या रिकॉर्ड।

1 . a process or record of research into the development of a particular person, group, or situation over a period of time.

2 . किसी थीसिस या सिद्धांत का वर्णन करने के लिए इस्तेमाल या विश्लेषण की गई किसी चीज़ का एक विशेष उदाहरण।

2 . a particular instance of something used or analysed in order to illustrate a thesis or principle.

Examples of Case Study :

1 . उदाहरण के लिए, हमारे केस स्टडी में 48 वर्षीय व्यक्ति

1 . For example, the 48 year old man in our case study

2 . आप जानते हैं कि आपको केस स्टडी की आवश्यकता क्यों है।

2 . You know why you need a case study .

3 . $2 मिलियन के साथ कैसे सेवानिवृत्त हों [केस स्टडी]

3 . How to Retire with $2 Million [ Case Study ]

4 . 8000 ब्लॉग टिप्पणियाँ कैसे प्राप्त करें: एक केस स्टडी

4 . How to Get 8000 Blog Comments: A Case Study

5 . (दुर्व्यवहार किए गए विषमलैंगिक व्यक्ति का एक केस स्टडी।

5 . (A case study of an abused heterosexual man.

6 . 01:19 - परिणाम के साथ अपनी केस स्टडी शुरू करें

6 . 01:19 – Start your case study with the result

7 . न्यू केस स्टडी: ईस्टर्न बैंक एंड जॉइन अस फॉर गुड

7 . New Case Study : Eastern Bank and Join Us For Good

8 . केस स्टडी के अलावा, आप (जैसा कि उल्लेख किया गया है) आपके द्वारा ऑनलाइन किए गए साइकोमेट्रिक आकलन का भी परीक्षण करेंगे।

8 . Aside from the case study , you will also (as mentioned) resit the psychometric assessments that you have taken online.

9 . वास्तव में, समान-लिंग विवाह के लिए अभियान अनुरूपता में एक केस स्टडी प्रदान करता है, आधुनिक युग में नरम अधिनायकवाद और साथियों के दबाव को हाशिए पर रखने और अंततः किसी भी दृष्टिकोण को समाप्त करने के लिए एक तेज अंतर्दृष्टि प्रदान करता है। बहुत महत्वपूर्ण, पुराने जमाने का माना जाता है, भेदभावपूर्ण, "फ़ोबिक"। ,

9 . indeed, the gay-marriage campaign provides a case study in conformism, a searing insight into how soft authoritarianism and peer pressure are applied in the modern age to sideline and eventually do away with any view considered overly judgmental, outdated, discriminatory,“phobic”,

10 . केस स्टडी होम वास्तव में एक स्केचबुक है।

10 . Case Study Homes is actually a sketchbook.

11 . केस स्टडी सारांश का भी स्वागत है।

11 . case study abstracts will also be welcomed.

12 . अन्य केस स्टडी, पारदी, महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव।

12 . The other case study , Pardis, valued impact.

13 . केस स्टडी: आह, साइबरसेक्स की कालातीत कला।

13 . Case Study : Ah, the timeless art of cybersex.

14 . आज की हमारी केस स्टडी के पास है!

14 . Our case study for today is with!

15 . इफपग ने इंस्टेंट केस स्टडी रिवॉर्ड प्रोग्राम लॉन्च किया।

15 . ifpug is launching a snap case study award program.

16 . केस स्टडी #15: अपने आगंतुकों को कम विकल्प प्रदान करें

16 . Case Study #15: Offer fewer options to your visitors

17 . ग्रीस में पेलोपोनिस मुख्य केस स्टडी बनाता है।

17 . The Peloponnese in Greece forms the main case study .

18 . केस स्टडी: किस तरह ऐन ने अपना पसंदीदा काम करने के लिए अपनी नौकरी छोड़ दी

18 . Case Study : How Ann quit her job to do what she loves

19 . (अंजीर। केस स्टडी: लिंडा स्पैनर एक नया अपार्टमेंट चाहती है।)

19 . (Fig. Case study : Linda Spanner wants a new apartment.)

20 . केस स्टडी: बिना SEO के Google पर कैसे हावी हों (43 दिनों में)

20 . Case Study : How to Dominate Google Without SEO (in 43 Days)

21 . हमारी टीम एक केस-स्टडी पर काम कर रही है।

21 . Our team is working on a case-study.

22 . यह एक केस-स्टडी है.

22 . This is a case-study.

23 . उन्होंने केस-स्टडी का विश्लेषण किया।

23 . She analyzed the case-study.

24 . यह एक क्लासिक केस-स्टडी है.

24 . This is a classic case-study.

25 . केस-स्टडी दिलचस्प है.

25 . The case-study is interesting.

26 . इस केस-स्टडी का व्यापक रूप से हवाला दिया गया है।

26 . This case-study is widely cited.

27 . हमें केस-स्टडी की समीक्षा करने की आवश्यकता है।

27 . We need to review the case-study.

28 . यह केस-स्टडी सुप्रसिद्ध है।

28 . This case-study is well-regarded.

29 . हम इस केस-स्टडी से सीख सकते हैं।

29 . We can learn from this case-study.

30 . मैं इस केस-स्टडी से रोमांचित हूं।

30 . I'm fascinated by this case-study.

31 . उन्होंने इस केस-स्टडी पर एक किताब लिखी.

31 . He wrote a book on this case-study.

32 . मैं केस-स्टडी पढ़ने की सलाह देता हूं।

32 . I recommend reading the case-study.

33 . यह केस-स्टडी अच्छी तरह से प्रलेखित है।

33 . This case-study is well-documented.

34 . केस-स्टडी से प्रमुख जानकारियां सामने आती हैं।

34 . The case-study reveals key insights.

35 . उन्होंने केस-स्टडी के लिए डेटा एकत्र किया।

35 . He collected data for the case-study.

36 . उन्होंने केस-स्टडी के निष्कर्ष प्रस्तुत किये।

36 . He presented the case-study findings.

37 . यह केस-स्टडी व्यापक रूप से मान्यता प्राप्त है।

37 . This case-study is widely recognized.

38 . यह केस-स्टडी अत्यधिक प्रभावशाली है।

38 . This case-study is highly influential.

39 . केस-स्टडी हमारे निष्कर्षों की पुष्टि करती है।

39 . The case-study validates our findings.

40 . इस केस-स्टडी को व्यापक रूप से स्वीकार किया गया है।

40 . This case-study is widely acknowledged.

case study

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Case Study meaning in hindi

केस स्टडी मतलब [सं-स्त्री.] - 1. किसी प्रकरण विशेष की छानबीन 2. किसी समूह , समस्या या परिस्थिति आदि का समयावधि विशेष में अध्ययन ।

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Case Study Meaning in Hindi

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Definition of Case

  • a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy; "the family brought suit against the landlord"
  • an occurrence of something; "it was a case of bad judgment"; "another instance occurred yesterday"; "but there is always the famous example of the Smiths"
  • a special set of circumstances; "in that event, the first possibility is excluded"; "it may rain in which case the picnic will be canceled"


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Case meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Case in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence usages by ShabdKhoj. Know answer of question : what is meaning of Case in Hindi? Case ka matalab hindi me kya hai (Case का हिंदी में मतलब ). Case meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग ) is कारक.English definition of Case : a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy; the family brought suit against the landlord

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  • Published: 01 September 2024

Utilisation of rondavel space by amaXhosa people: a case of Mbhashe local municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

  • Africa Ndude 1 &
  • Sinenhlanhla Memela 1  

Humanities and Social Sciences Communications volume  11 , Article number:  1122 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Anthropology

Traditional rondavel building patterns, designs and materials have changed due to urbanisation, economic status, globalisation, and modernisation. There is limited understanding of how the architectural change has impacted the utilisation of rondavel space. This study uses the concept of habitus to understand whether the changing design of traditional rondavels has influenced their utilisation, based on a case study of the Mbhashe Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa. The data was collected using semi-structured interviews. The findings reveal the habitus of the AmaXhosa people on how they utilise traditional rondavels (family house) for childbirth, placing a deceased’s coffin, sleeping, seating, food preparation, serving and storage, keeping the spear, hosting ceremonies, communicating with ancestors, and interacting with the living. While the influence of contemporary architecture has changed the construction of rondavels, the inhabitants have not resisted changes to the architecture or cultural values as they have found different ways to adapt. Certain old dispositions are adaptable to contemporary structures, but some people are uninterested in adapting elements to the contemporary rondavel. Some habits of utilising traditional rondavels cannot be adapted to the contemporary rondavel because of health and medical innovations.

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Based on archaeological evidence, rondavels have existed since pre-colonial times as a prime settlement form in homesteads in much of South Africa and other African countries, including Botswana, Kenya, Lesotho and Eswatini (Schoenauer 2000 ; Steyn 2006 ). The rondavel is considered as a vernacular architecture: it is built using locally sourced material and forms part of a region’s culture and heritage (OpenHeritage 2016 ). Steyn ( 2006 :1) describes the rondavel as a “drum”, often built with mud and grass-thatched roofs (Fig. 1A ). They are popular indigenous settlements which are still prevalent in the rural areas. While most households have more than one rondavels (Fig. 1B ), some indigenous settlements are now roofed with zinc materials (Fig. 1B ). Going forward, this article refers to indigenous settlements as traditional rondavels.

figure 1

A traditional rondavel with grass-thatched roof and ( B ) household two rondavels with zinc roof.

Traditional rondavels were used for dwelling and hosting important customary rituals and celebrations in Africa (Steyn 2006 ). Modern day rondavels exist with flat-roofed rectangular buildings or structures built using cement and zinc roofs, which will be referred to as contemporary rondavel design henceforth (Van Vuuren 2017 ).

Steyn ( 2006 ) argues that the change is a result of urbanisation and economic status because people admire urban architecture and can afford their desired building materials. A study by Aikpehae et al. ( 2016 ) reveals that globalisation, urbanisation and modernisation transformed building patterns, designs and materials used for construction. They illustrate how Nigerian building patterns and housing have transformed because of the influence of colonisation (Aikpehae et al. 2016 ). Guerrieri ( 2020 ) adds that migration has allowed the export of architecture and urban planning models from one country to another; hence, we see the same style across countries. The global intercultural contact led to the change in dwellings in southern Africa (Frescura 1981 , 2015 ) where traditional dwellings were constructed using mud, wattle and thatch grass. Missionaries introduced contemporary building constructed using sun brick and mortar with corrugated iron sheet for roofing as well as highveld and parapet housing styles, the contemporary building is illustrated in Fig. 2 .

figure 2

Illustration of the contemporary building under construction.

Tapiero et al. ( 2024 ) indicates that in Montesinho Natural Park, north-east of Portugal, residents had vernacular buildings constructed using locally available wood, slate stone tiles, lime mortar, schist and granite. The availability of industrialised material and decreasing traditional labour posed a threat vernacular buildings.

The following section discusses the evolution of the traditional and modern rondavel followed by the utilisation of rondavels by amaXhosa people, detailing the study area, research methods, results, discussion and conclusion.

Traditional and modern rondavel evolution

Early African dwellings were caves, stone-walled iron shelters or houses quickly erected and dismantled as nomadic societies followed herds of animals (Frescura, 1981 ; Moremoholo, 2021 ). Frescura ( 1981 ) explains the historical development of dwelling types, presented in Fig. 3 . The earliest traditional dwelling was a beehive hut also known as ngqu-phantsi . It was made up of stakes organised in a circle with their tops arched inward to a point. The stakes were then bound together by hoops and the frame was insulated with thatched grass (Walton, 1949 ). It is possible that the need for more living space resulted in the rondavel, which is a cone-on-cylinder rondavel with a wall and roof. Although its doorway was raised higher compared to the beehive hut, it was still lower than the height of a man. The material used to construct traditional rondavel was either a thatch roof with stones and mud bricks or sticks mixed clay and dung mortar or mud and wattle (Walton 1949 ; Frescura 1981 ; Oliver 2006 ; Moremoholo 2021 ; Onyejegbu et al. 2023 ). These vernacular dwellings were constructed using locally available materials (Tapiero et al. 2024 ).

figure 3

This figure is covered by Creative Commons licence.

The third iteration of dwelling development was influenced by Western ideas of hipped-on-cone, which had a linear floor plan, rooms divided into rows and triangulation of the thatch roof. The fourth dwelling type was an introduction of the highveld style with iron-sheet roofing and sun brick (Frescura 1981 ).

Western ideas influenced the cone-on-cylinder rondavel design and materials used which included the use of iron-sheet roofing and sun brick. Despite the Western influences, the traditional rondavel still exists while others have modernised (Moremoholo 2021 ; Onyejegbu et al. 2023 ). Vellinga ( 2006 ) notes that the traditional vernacular architecture has not vanished, but has rather merged with modern styles to suit the current circumstances. Tapiero et al. ( 2024 ) argue that the use of modern materials in construction does not compromise the values of the dwelling in the community. They also note that conserving vernacular architecture plays an essential role in the preservation of culture and sustainable practises by optimising energy usage (Tapiero et al. 2024 ). Onyejegbu et al. ( 2023 ) argue that some Nigerian households still have traditional mud huts that were built by their forefathers in commemoration of their culture, tradition and prowess.

Moremoholo ( 2021 ) used a case study of the Sotho community in Makgabeng, a rural area in Limpopo to investigate how indigenous values have been incorporated or retained on houses built using brick and mortar. The findings show that both traditional rondavel and modern dwellings exist and residents were able to adapt values of indigenous rondavel to modern dwellings, including practising ancestral ceremonies.

Smith ( 2022 ) suggests that the modernisation of the traditional rondavel design into contemporary sensibilities reflects the development of awareness of the diverse heritage that connects South Africa to the rest of the African continent and its people. Thus, the integration and adaptation of indigenous values into modernisation promotes self-definition for many South Africans. Moreover, it encourages a deeper appreciation of the connections between South Africa and the rest of the world. Bianco ( 2022 ) states that this hybrid form of building reflects the evolution of local culture and ways of life so that one can imagine new development aspects entrenched in the culture and environment (Bianco 2022 ). Thus, currently, vernacular architecture can be understood as the foundation of the contemporary architectural type that is rooted in integrating local building traditions (Naude 2010 ; Bianco 2022 ). The current study focuses on the amaXhosa people and intends to understand whether the changing design of traditional rondavels has influenced their utilisation.

The utilisation of rondavels by amaXhosa people

The amaXhosa people are predominantly located in the Eastern Cape province (Nyamende 1994 ; Mokhoathi 2021 ). A rondavel in a Xhosa home ( umzi ) typically exists in a cluster of other structures. Umzi , plural imizi , is a collection of physical, social and organic elements constituting a settlement component known as homestead. It typically comprises several rondavels or huts (the family house, with middle huts reserved for children and visitors as well as a traditional dispensary and consultation), an adjacent garden and a kraal with tools and equipment often used in various ways (Perry 2013 ).

The family house ( indlu enkulu ) is the main hut where everyone meets to socialise and prepare, store and eat food (McAllister 2004 ). It is a space where all rituals take place and people communicate with their ancestors (McAllister 2004 ; Mlisa 2009 ). In the past, following the birth of a child in the family house, children and men were prohibited from using the space (Kobo 2016 ). McAllister ( 2004 ) illustrates how the family house is divided, as shown in Fig. 4 .

figure 4

This figure was reproduced with permission: Ethnology, Department of Anthropology at the University of Pittsburgh.

The upper part, called entla , is associated with ancestors; an appointed person will commune with the ancestors, and it serves a storage space for meat and beer if there is a ritual planned (McAllister 2004 ; Reeve 2011 ). The right side is the sitting area for men while the left is reserved women. Older people sit next to the door on either side, while the youngest generation often sits next to the upper part of the rondavel (McAllister 2004 ). At the centre is a hearth ( eziko ), where they make fire for cooking (McAllister, 2004 ; Brocious 2021 ). Kobo ( 2016 ) identifies the hearth as a pedagogical space for the girl child to learn food preparation. The way the amaXhosa people utilise the traditional family house can be purported as a gendered space.

A gendered space is “…more attractive for women than for men; men and women use the same space in different ways: some spaces give feelings of comfort and belonging to men, while women feel excluded; in some spaces, women have authority, while other spaces are under male authority” (Fortuijn et al. 2004 : 215). This is a gendered space because of how a spatial order of seating and gender roles in the utilisation of the space is enforced (McAllister 2004 ; Kobo 2016 ).

It should be noted that the number of rondavels in a homestead depends on the family’s needs. In addition to the family house, a rondavel may be reserved as a bedroom for younger family members and to accommodate visitors (Mlisa 2009 ). Moreover, a rondavel may be used by traditional healers for consultations and storing dispensary (umrawule) items. Certain people are often excluded from using such a space. Menstruating women are prohibited from accessing this space while on their cycle because of a belief that they will defile the herbs (Mlisa, 2009 ). The dispensary is only built once a rondavel has been revealed to a potential traditional healer in a dream, and a ritual is performed to officially open the rondavel and the dispensary prior to consultations being held (Mlisa, 2009 ).

Literature is ambiguous as to whether the recorded rondavel uses are performed in traditional or contemporary rondavels and whether the uses are adaptable to current rondavel designs (McAllister 2004 ; Mlisa 2009 ; Perry 2013 ; Kobo 2016 ; Brocious 2021 ). The available literature focuses on understanding traditional rondavel architecture, its utilisation, history and the changes in the design and structure (Schoenauer 2000 ; Steyn 2006 ). Vellinga ( 2006 ) also notes that publications on vernacular architecture are rarely featured and those that are available focus on drawings, forms and material. The impact of changing building designs and structures in traditional space utilisation is inadequately understood. It is against this backdrop that this study uses the concept of habitus to understand whether the changing design and structure of rondavels has influenced the traditional utilisation of rondavel spaces, based on a case study of the Mbhashe Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa.

Pierre Bourdieu, a French sociologist who was concerned with what motivates social action and behaviour (Navarro 2006 ), developed the concept of habitus, which refers to the norms, values, habits, dispositions and behaviour of a particular group. Each society has its own habitus. Habitus can then guide how a particular group feels, thinks, acts and uses the space (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). Habitus can be a product of past experiences and practices learned from parents, family experiences, and society (Hong and Zhao 2015 ). It is created and reproduced by the structures and practices of society (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). People with similar backgrounds (social class, religion, nationality, ethnicity, education and profession) usually share habitus which shapes how individuals perceive or receive the world. It is not fixed; it changes due to circumstances (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). However, when change occurs, some within the group may resist the change while others adapt to a new style of doing things. Often, others combine the traits of new and old habitus. Therefore, the theory seeks to provide an in-depth understanding of how people adapt in a changing world and circumstances resulting to change.

Bourdieu used this concept to study how the Algerian habitus changed during the liberation struggle in the 1950s (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). He analysed their norms, values, habits, dispositions and behaviour before and after colonisation. He defined Algerian peasantry as a traditional society which believed in:

the importance of group solidarity;

kinship based on patriarchal and patrilineal relationships;

patriarchal division of labour;

marriage as the primary concern of the family; and

an economy governed by pre-capitalist methods such as

subsistence farming,

products not sold but shared by the community

goods exchanged for social capital (i.e. a neighbour will lend you an ox in exchange for fresh produce).

The economy was governed by strict reciprocity and non-payment. The blacksmith was expected to provide each peasantry with all repairs in exchange for goods and services (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). Their habitus was passed from generation to generation. As determined by Bourdieu, habitus changes over time due to circumstances. The change in the Algerian habitus was a result of French colonial imposition which introduced a capitalist economy leading to a decline in agricultural activities and the establishment of factories in urban areas (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). Due to this increased urbanisation, people started working for wages, which resulted in the development of social classes (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). Subsequently, women were granted access to receiving an education and earning a living. Likewise, society was introduced to the concept of bachelorhood, with marriage being an individual choice. Communal living with neighbours sharing their fresh produce evolved into neighbours selling their produce for cash (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). Ultimately, the culture of group solidarity was destroyed, and the focus was on individualism.

Bourdieu argues that change can be adopted or resisted, as evidenced in Algeria (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). Certain Algerian norms, values, habits, dispositions and behaviours were influenced by innate traditions of peasantry and colonial imposition (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). Most older people resisted the change and continued to be trapped in the old way of life.

This study focuses on the traditional family house rondavel with the users’ social activities derived from the norms, values, habits, dispositions and behaviours of amaXhosa. Premised on the concept of habitus used by Bourdieu et al. ( 2000 ) and Navarro ( 2006 ) in the analysis of Algerian peasantry, this study unpacks the utilisation of the traditional family house rondavel before the introduction of contemporary architecture and design changes. Before the introduction of the contemporary architecture, the traditional family house rondavel was spatially divided based on gender and used for childbirth, communicating with ancestors and hosting rituals, serving and storing food and igniting a fire for warmth (McAllister 2004 ; Kobo 2016 ; Brocious 2021 ). This paper intends to understand whether the changing design and structure of rondavels has influenced its utilisation, using the case of Mbhashe Local Municipality.

Mbhashe local municipality

The Mbhashe Local Municipality extends over a geographic area of over 3200 km² and is situated within the Amathole District Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa (Mbhashe Local Municipality IDP, 2016 ; 2023 a). The municipality is named after the Mbhashe River, which tracks between the municipality’s major urban regions of Willowvale (Gatyane), Xhorha and Dutywa, the latter being the administrative centre or municipal headquarters. The municipality has a total population of approximately 240 020 people (Municipalities of South Africa 2023 ), 94% of whom speak the isiXhosa language (Mbhashe Local Municipality IDP, 2016 ; 2023 b). It is a rural region facing various challenges, including poor road infrastructure, high unemployment and inadequate access to essential services such as water and electricity (Mbhashe Local Municipality IDP, 2016 ; 2023 a). It finds significant economic leverage from tourism nodes through coastal, inland and historic or heritage site attractions.

Rondavel structures are prominent in every homestead. Over 66% of households in the municipality are traditional dwellings Footnote 1 , followed by 21 and 5% of households living in brick or concrete block structures and flat blocks, respectively (Mbhashe Local Municipality IDP, 2021 ). However, some households have a modernised rondavel and, more commonly, an octagonal-shape veranda structure, sometimes with an attached garage. Others tend not to have a rondavel at all albeit infrequently. In rural areas, the process of domestic building is not influenced by planning schemes and policies (Oliver 2006 ). Instead, rural architecture is enriched by the surrounding natural environment, local economy and livelihood of villagers (Pirzad and Moghaddam 2023 ). This offers villagers free will to build the type and design of house they desire.

Figure 5 represents the spatial location and geographical extent of Mbhashe Local Municipality in the Amathole District Municipality, with reference to the Eastern Cape Province and South Africa, respectively. The points of interest indicated in the map are examples of homesteads and places across the municipality where:

contemporary rondavels at the Village Lodge in the Dutywa urban region,

rondavel clusters in the homestead of Nqadu great place (Komkhulu ) in rural Willowvale,

Emanzothweni , a multitype dwelling homestead in Bende location, rural Dutywa (Photo: Lilitha Breakfast), and

Kwa-Nonyameko, a multitype dwelling homestead in the Mbhangcolo administration area in rural Willowvale (Photo: Luyanda Ndude).

figure 5

A map representing a study area—Mbhashe Local Municipality.


Ethical clearance was received from Rhodes University. Purposive sampling was used to select a sample population, which included participants of amaXhosa descent with a rondavel structure in their homesteads and residing within the Mbhashe Local Municipality. Ten participants, aged 24–48 years old, were interviewed; they are referred to as Participants 1 to 10 (P01–P10).

Data was collected using participatory mapping and semi-structured interviews consisting of open-ended questions. The interview schedule was developed with a purpose of obtaining an in-depth understanding of the utilisation of rondavels and changes that occurred over time because of the new architectural style. The interviews were conducted face-to-face at the participants’ residences. The participants were also given a rondavel diagram to illustrate the spatial ordering of how the rondavel family house was utilised in the Mbhashe Local Municipality. The results are presented in Fig. 6 .

figure 6

Spatial ordering of how the amaXhosa family house rondavel was utilized in the Mbhashe Municipality.

The information from the participants' drawings were then used to create Fig. 6 diagram, which was constructed using ArcMap 10.7.1 software for visualisation of the activities undertaken in the family house. The circle represents a typical rondavel floorplan with a diameter of 6 m (3 m radius). The diameter of the rondavel intersects the doorway and therefore dictates the gendered sides. The points in the diagram do not represent actual geometric values, instead they are ordinal representations of circular living in the AmaXhosa family house. Data was analysed and presented using thematic analysis. The concept of habitus guided the development of the themes presented. The first theme related to the amaXhosa habitus and the utilisation of traditional rondavels in the Mbhashe Local Municipality and the second was the amaXhosa habitus and the changing rondavel design in the Mbhashe Local Municipality

In both themes, specialised quotations to highlight some pertinent statements and demonstrate how the participants make sense of the rondavels and their utilisation, using their exact words.

amaXhosa habitus and the utilisation of traditional rondavel in the Mbhashe municipality

The section of findings only focus on the traditional family house rondavel before the introduction of the contemporary architecture. Adapted from McAllister ( 2004 ), the participants were given a circle to explain the use of each space and its purpose. They also revealed some uses that were not presented in earlier sections. First, the spatial division of the family house based on gender was discussed, followed by how the Mbhashe people utilised the family house. Figure 6 illustrates the spatial division between men (right) and women (left) inside the family house. Women married into the family ( makoti ) are forbidden to access the men’s side. The mud bench, known as soze , is built on the men’s side by the door for seating.

Women sit on the floor on handcrafted mats woven from reeds or grass known as ikhukho . Behind the door on the women’s side is a place for childbirth. The participants also alluded to the statement made by Kobo ( 2016 ) that during the birthing process, children and men are prohibited from using the space. They revealed that there was no cultural significance in giving birth at home. Instead, the inaccessibility of health facilities necessitated home births. Booysen ( 2003 ) argues that, in South African rural areas, women give birth at home because health facilities are located remotely to the homesteads and they do not have the means to access them.

Regarding funeral rites, the deceased’s coffin will arrive at the homestead the day before the funeral and a night vigil – a ceremony to honour the deceased—will be held in the family house. The coffin is usually placed on the women’s side and senior women will gather to sleep next to the coffin until the funeral. An elderly family member will burn impepho (incense) and request the ancestors to welcome the deceased. It is believed that if this ritual is not performed, the deceased will not rest in peace.

In households that use the family house for sleeping, designated spaces will be allocated for men and women. A handcrafted mat is used as a base for the foam mattress on both sides. The seating arrangement in the family house is based on seniority, with younger members of the household placed toward the upper layer, as noted by McAllister ( 2004 ). The participants further explained that seniority was not based on age: married women were regarded as senior and women who were not related by blood or matrimony would occupy the upper end of the women’s side. Men’s seating arrangements depend on when one was initiated, with the youngest (the last to go to the bush) towards the upper layer.

McAllister ( 2004 ) and Reeve ( 2011 ) reveal that an appointed person will commune with the ancestors, and store meat and beer in the upper part of the rondavel if there is a ritual. Their findings concur with how the Mbhashe people utilise the space, further indicating that the upper layer is divided into A and B, as shown in Fig. 6 . On the right (men’s side) is where slaughtered meat and beer is stored. It is the responsibility of the men to serve both the meat and beer; hence, it is located on their side. Section B in Fig. 6 is a space in the uppermost end of the rondavel on the women’s side. It contains domestic essentials such as a table and cupboard, crockery, and cutlery and ilitye lokuguba , which is a flat rock which is used to grind food.

In the centre of the family house is a hearth. Kobo ( 2016 ) argues that this is where women are taught to prepare food. The findings of this study also reveal that men also use the space to roast corn. So, there are no gender-based restrictions on the use of this space. The centre also has a pole called intsika , which supports the roof structure. The door is positioned in the lower part of the family house. Section C, illustrated in Fig. 6 , is where the spear ( umkhonto) is kept by sticking it on the roof above the doorway on the men’s side. The spear is used for the slaughter of traditional animals if there is a ritual or ceremony. The spear is believed to obstruct lightning during a storm and is placed in the doorway.

The participants also utilised the rondavel for interacting with each other and the ancestors. Interaction takes place through song and dance during ceremonies. People also interact through spoken word to communicate with or appease ancestors, to socialize with each other by telling stories of love, horror, fiction, and the past, and to play games. The study’s participants expressed clearly how the family house is used which they learned from growing up in rural areas and passed from generation to generation. They have the duty to continue passing this information to the younger members of the family.

amaXhosa habitus and the changing rondavel design in the Mbhashe local municipality

People in the rural areas of the Mbhashe Local Municipality were inclined to architectural change and desire contemporary architecture and luxury, including those who did not currently own it. The contemporary rondavel design was considered progressive, cognisant of the times and, for that matter, the contemporary way of life to which there was a strong inclination to conform: “I too [wish to have a modern house] because these are the houses that are built nowadays, and they make the home beautiful” (P 01).

Notwithstanding, there was a strong consensus to preserve conventional ways of using space and adapt to the contemporary design, including the structure and shape (multi-room), the material used (no longer a thatched roof or mud walls), or hard surfaces (tiles/concrete). The respondents preferred contemporary structures because of their aesthetic and convenience: “…contemporary houses have better aesthetical value, spacious and are functional (e.g., energy consumption, natural lighting)” ( P 09).

Other uses were not adopted in the contemporary house design such as utilising the family house for childbirth because modern women mostly give birth in hospitals and clinics. Statistics South Africa ( 2020 ) revealed that the number of home deliveries has decreased from 14% in 1998 to 4% in 2016 while health facility deliveries have increased from 83.4% in 1998 to 96.7% in 2016 (Statistics South Africa 2020 ). Both 1998 and 2016 home deliveries statistics are indicative of the national level (Statistics South Africa 2020 ).

Placing the deceased’s coffin in the upper part of the family house (section B in Fig. 6 ) was adopted in contemporary rondavel utilisation until the Covid-19 pandemic when people became sceptical of disease transmission. Before the pandemic, the deceased’s body would arrive at home a day before burial, and people would gather for a final ceremony the night before the funeral (night vigil) inside the family house to honour the deceased (Bambalele 2020 ). A South African Covid-19 restriction prohibited corpses being sent home prior to the funeral and the hosting of night vigils (Bambalele 2020 ). This practice has continued since Covid-19 restrictions were relaxed, while others have stopped. However, once the deceased’s coffin arrives on the funeral day, it is taken to the upper part of the family house and a ritual will still be performed where incense is burnt and a request is made to the ancestors to welcome the deceased. Therefore, the cultural significance of the whole process does not rest with the placement of the deceased’s body a day before the funeral but the performance of the ritual.

The presence of mud benches on the men’s side no longer exists. Although the traditional rondavel structure is diminishing in the physical environment, modernisation has certainly swayed people’s sense of feeling, thinking, acting and their use of space. Admittedly, modernisation has not entirely appropriated the Xhosa people’s habitus. Some people were uninterested in adapting to some elements of the contemporary rondavel and house design: “A traditional rondavel must be present in a home. You can make fire, but it is difficult to do that on floor tiles. Still, you perform customs in traditional rondavel” (P 03).

These people continue to use traditional rondavels for the above purposes while also adapting the contemporary rondavel or house design for other uses such as sleeping, unless there is a ceremony when there is no space: “ People do not want to sleep on the floor in the rondavel, and there is no privacy and tile, or cemented floor is cold” (P 04).

While other participants preferred to continue performing traditional ceremonies and communicating with ancestors in the traditional rondavel structure, there were respondents who were open to communicating with ancestors and interacting with the living, and divide space based on gender in the contemporary rondavel – as indicated in Fig. 6 . The cultural strongholds continued to be practiced regardless of the house structure. Therefore, in the absence of a traditional rondavel structure in a homestead, any other house design such as butterfly or flat-roof corner houses can be used for traditional ceremonies: “any house structure can be used as a rondavel; it does not change the culture. It is the same” (P01).

Regarding food preparation, serving and storage, some people used the contemporary rondavel with slight changes for cooking. For example, food is prepared in the family house’s upper part (B section in Fig. 6 ) using a gas or electric stove instead of a hearth at the centre. Others will prepare food and store it in the kitchen of the main house, but people will be served in the contemporary rondavel.

This paper used the concept of habitus to understand whether the changing design and structure of rondavels has influenced its utilisation. Habitus refers to the norms, values, habits, dispositions and behaviours of a particular group, which can then guide how they feel, think, act, and use the space. Habitus can be a product of past experiences and practices learned from parents, family experiences, and society (Hong and Zhao 2015 ). It is created and reproduced by structures and practices of society; it is not fixed and changes over time due to particular circumstances (Bourdieu et al. 2000 ; Navarro 2006 ). The study discussed the amaXhosa people’s habitus on the utilisation of the traditional family house rondavel and how it has been influenced by the introduction of contemporary architectural designs. It is noted that architectural change brought by society does not change cultural norms, values, habits, dispositions and behaviours attached to rondavels but results in finding ways to accommodate and preserve its utilisation in new architectural developments and selectively choosing ideas to be transmitted to the contemporary house design. The cultural norms, values, habits, dispositions, and behaviours attached to rondavels have also been influenced by advancements in health and medical innovation, as well as Covid-19.

The findings revealed the habitus of the amaXhosa people at the Mbhashe Local Municipality. The utilisation of the traditional family house rondavel includes childbirth, placement of the deceased’s coffin, sleeping, seating, food preparation, serving and storage, keeping the spear, hosting ceremonies, communicating with ancestors, and interacting with the living. The amaXhosa habitus is acquired by growing up in the Xhosa society, being taught by parents, and observing how things are done, which has been passed down from generation to generation. The influence of contemporary architecture brought changes in the construction of rondavel.

Home births are no longer practised because of advancements in health and medicine. The placement of the deceased’s coffin in the upper part of the rondavel a day prior to the funeral has been adopted in the use of a contemporary rondavel; however, it is no longer prevalent because of the Covid-19 restrictions. However, on the day of the funeral, the deceased’s coffin is placed in the upper part of the rondavel for a shorter period and a ritual burning incense and asking the ancestors to welcome the deceased is performed because it is a critical cultural practice.

People also do not opt to sleep on the floor unless there is a ceremony. The preparation of food, its serving and storage differs in that there is no hearth in the new contemporary house; so food is prepared in the main house or the upper part of the rondavel. The gendered division of space, hosting ceremonies, communicating and interacting with ancestors has been adopted in contemporary houses too. However, some still prefer to host ceremonies and communicate with the ancestors in traditional rondavels instead.

People have not resisted new architectural designs or changing cultural norms, values, habits, dispositions and behaviours but have found ways to adapt. Certain old dispositions are adaptable to contemporary structures. Also, a study conducted by Moremoholo ( 2021 ) reveals that some indigenous values such as practising ancestral ceremonies can be incorporated or retained in modern house structure. However, some people are not interested in adapting elements to the contemporary rondavel. They would rather have two structures – the current rondavel design and a traditional rondavel to be utilised for uses that cannot be adapted to the contemporary rondavel. The presence of traditional rondavel in modern times is also witnessed even in Nigeria (Onyejegbu et al. 2023 ).

Some cultural norms, values, old habits, dispositions, and behaviours of utilising traditional rondavels were not adapted to the contemporary rondavel because of health and medical innovations such as childbirth and placing the deceased’s coffin in the rondavel. Clearly, some amaXhosa cultural practices are modified but not completely forgotten.

Future studies can focus on profiling architectural designs found in the Mbhashe Local Municipality and investigate their origins and influencing factors. Others could also focus on rondavels utilised by traditional healers to understand how they have been impacted by architectural changes to space utilisation. It will be also interesting to understand why people still opt for traditional rondavels despite the existence of beautiful modern buildings.

Data availability

All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this published article and additional information is available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

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Africa Ndude & Sinenhlanhla Memela

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Ndude, A., Memela, S. Utilisation of rondavel space by amaXhosa people: a case of Mbhashe local municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 11 , 1122 (2024).

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Received : 13 February 2024

Accepted : 21 August 2024

Published : 01 September 2024


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    केस स्टडी विधि (Case-Study Method) शिक्षा तकनीकि के आर्विभाव तथा विकास के साथ शिक्षा की प्रक्रिया में अनेक परिवर्तन हुए तथा नये आयामों ...

  4. Case Study का हिन्दी अनुवाद

    case study का हिन्दी अनुवाद |। आधिकारिक कोलिन्स अंग्रेज़ी-हिन्दी शब्दकोश ऑनलाइन। 100,000 से अधिक हिन्दी अंग्रेजी शब्दों और वाक्यांशों के अनुवाद।

  5. Case study meaning in Hindi

    Case study meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग ) is व्यष्टि अध्ययन.English definition of Case study : a careful study of some social unit (as a corporation or division within a corporation) that attempts to determine what factors led to its success or failure.

  6. case study

    A case study is an in-depth, detailed examination of a particular case within a real-world context. For example, case studies in medicine may focus on an individual patient or ailment; case studies in business might cover a particular firm's strategy or a broader market; similarly, case studies in politics can range from a narrow happening over time like the operations of a specific political ...

  7. Hindi translation of 'case study'

    Hindi Translation of "CASE STUDY" | The official Collins English-Hindi Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Hindi translations of English words and phrases.

  8. case study meaning in Hindi

    Carey's victimisation provides a case study of how the discipline unit operates. Johnson's analyses are based on a case study of a single institution that has unique attributes. the project is a case study in good practice; The case study also illustrates the level of distrust and fear felt by some users of message boards.

  9. case study in Hindi

    case study meaning in Hindi with examples: केस अध्ययन वृत्त अध्ययन व्यक्‍ति अध्ययन ... click for more detailed meaning of case study in Hindi with examples, definition, pronunciation and example sentences.

  10. Case Study: Meaning, Sources and Limitations

    Read this article in Hindi to learn about:- 1. Meaning of Case Study 2. Characteristics of Case Study 3. Sources of Information 4. Merits 5. Limitations. Contents: व्यक्तिगत अध्ययन पद्धति का अर्थ (Meaning of Case Study) वैयक्तिक अध्ययन पद्धति की विशेषताएँ (Characteristics of Case ...

  11. case study in Hindi

    Translation of "case study" into Hindi. case stuudy, व्यक्ति अध्ययन are the top translations of "case study" into Hindi. Sample translated sentence: Here are some case studies of websites that have implemented search features for their site: ↔ यहां उन वेबसाइटों की केस ...

  12. केस स्टडी विधि के उद्देश्य, विशेषताएं और इस विधि की उपयोगितायेँ

    केस स्टडी विधि (Case-Study Method) शिक्षा तकनीकि के आर्विभाव तथा विकास के साथ शिक्षा की प्रक्रिया में अनेक परिवर्तन हुए तथा नये आयामों ...

  13. case-study

    What is case-study meaning in Hindi? The word or phrase case-study refers to a detailed analysis of a person or group from a social or psychological or medical point of view, or a careful study of some social unit (as a corporation or division within a corporation) that attempts to determine what factors led to its success or failure.

  14. Google Translate

    Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

  15. Case Study Meaning In Hindi

    Meaning of Case Study in Hindi language with definitions, examples, antonym, synonym. हिंदी में अर्थ पढ़ें.

  16. Meaning of Case-study in Hindi

    Case-study meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Case-study in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence usages by ShabdKhoj. Know answer of question : what is meaning of Case-study in Hindi? Case-study ka matalab hindi me kya hai (Case-study का हिंदी में मतलब ). Case-study meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग ...

  17. Case Study meaning in hindi

    Case Study meaning in hindi. केस स्टडी मतलब. [सं-स्त्री.] - 1. किसी प्रकरण विशेष की छानबीन 2. किसी समूह, समस्या या परिस्थिति आदि का समयावधि विशेष में अध्ययन ।.

  18. case-study in Hindi

    case-study meaning in Hindi with examples: व्यक्ति अध्ययन ... click for more detailed meaning of case-study in Hindi with examples, definition, pronunciation and example sentences.

  19. What is Case Study? Urdu / Hindi

    Case study in urdu/Hindi| methods of psychology |By dear knowledgeExperimental Method & Case Study History Method || Urdu / HindiCASE STUDY Reading, Understa...

  20. Case study

    A case study is an in-depth, detailed examination of a particular case (or cases) within a real-world context. [1] [2] For example, case studies in medicine may focus on an individual patient or ailment; case studies in business might cover a particular firm's strategy or a broader market; similarly, case studies in politics can range from a narrow happening over time like the operations of a ...

  21. How to say "case study" in Hindi

    More Hindi words for case study. मामले का अध्ययन. maamale ka adhyayan case study. केस अध्ययन. Kēsa adhyayana case study. वृत का अध्ययन.

  22. Case Study Meaning in Hindi

    Looking for the meaning of case study in Hindi? Our Pasttenses English Hindi translation dictionary contains a list of total 1 Hindi words that can be used for case study in Hindi. case study. व्यक्ति अध्ययन (vyakti adhyayan) Alternate Words for Case Study.

  23. Case meaning in Hindi

    Case ka matalab hindi me kya hai (Case का हिंदी में मतलब ). Case meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग ) is कारक.English definition of Case : a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy; the family brought suit against the ...

  24. Utilisation of rondavel space by amaXhosa people: a case of ...

    Traditional rondavel building patterns, designs and materials have changed due to urbanisation, economic status, globalisation, and modernisation. There is limited understanding of how the ...

  25. Quantum DNA Encoder: A Case-Study in gRNA Analysis

    Quantum computing, with its potential to expedite specific tasks, requires a more precise definition of its benefits in early research. This paper introduces the Quantum DNA Encoder (QDE), a novel approach for encoding genetic information efficiently and effectively. Utilizing a simple circuit suitable for a 4-qubit system, QDE surpasses One-Hot Encoding (OHE) in creating better class ...