How Do I Pick the Right Resume Paper? [All You Need to Know!]

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If you’ve only ever applied for jobs online, resume paper has probably never crossed your mind as a term before. 

Resume paper, however, is very much a thing, especially if you go to a job fair or a job interview and are required to bring a printed copy of your resume. 

Essentially, the right resume paper can make you look professional and attentive to detail, both of which can award you some extra points with recruiters by helping you stand out. 

That said, chances are you’re not so familiar with resume paper - let alone what the right one is in terms of color, weight, texture, and size, or what recruiters commonly prefer. 

Well, that’s totally normal. In this article, we’ll answer all your questions about resume paper. Read on to learn about:

  • What Makes a Good Resume Paper?
  • Resume Paper Color

Resume Paper Weight

Resume paper texture, resume paper size.

And much more!  

What Is Resume Paper?

Resume paper refers to paper specifically designed for resumes and cover letters . 

Compared to regular paper, resume paper usually comes in various colors and is thicker, heavier, and of higher quality. 

Although resume paper is usually not necessary (because the majority of job openings accept virtual applications), there are some cases when you should definitely consider it. These include: 

  • When you’re required to mail a physical copy of your resume
  • When you attend a job interview
  • When you go to a job fair

Since many job-seekers don’t pay a lot of attention to resume paper, they can be a bit hard to come by, so we recommend ordering them online:

novoresume vs regular resume

The type of resume paper doesn’t matter if your resume is not convincing. Use Novorésumé to create a job-winning resume within minutes!

What Makes a Good Resume Paper? 

Before you go on to buy a resume paper, you need to have a clear idea about what will work best for you. 

To make an informed decision, there are several things to take into consideration, including: 

  • Cotton Content

Below we discuss each resume paper aspect separately, as well as offer you some insight on what the best choice might be for you based on your resume , profession, etc. 

Resume Paper Color 

The first thing to consider is the color of your resume paper. To choose the right one, you need to consider the job position, the industry, and your resume’s specific design elements. 

The most common resume paper colors are: 

  • Ivory. Ivory resume paper is classy and timeless, with earthy tones that are perfect for more conservative industries such as law and business and senior professionals like managers, CEO -s, etc. Regarding your resume’s color palette, ivory looks great when matched with dark, contrasting colors and white spaces.
  • White. White resume paper is easy to read and can make the colors of your resume pop out distinctively. While white is fitting for almost every job and industry, it’s particularly great for designers, artists, or anyone with a visual resume that contains graphs and resume icons. White color resume also looks great for resume designs that use light shades like gray or blue. 

While both resume paper colors are highly recommended, go for ivory color if you want to look sophisticated and stand out from the crowd and for white color for a safer, yet professional look. 

After you’ve decided on the color of your resume paper, it’s time to choose the right paper thickness or weight. Typically, resume paper comes in three different weights, namely: 

  • 20 lbs (75 gsm). This is the standard weight for office printing paper. Although there’s nothing wrong with 20 lbs weight, it’s more see-through than the other two options and easier to crumble. Although this is by far the most economical choice, it’s also the least professional one, as it doesn’t compliment high-quality color or texture.
  • 24 lbs (90 gsm). This weight is budget-friendly yet still a professional option. Although it’s more transparent and frail than the 32 lbs option, it’s much more professional than standard office printing paper and a perfectly acceptable option if you want to save some money.
  • 32 lbs (120 gsm). 32 lbs resume paper is the most professional, qualitative, and expensive choice when it comes to paper weight. It’s thick, brightly colored, and the least transparent out of the three options, so if you have the budget don’t hesitate to go for it!

Most standard printers can’t usually handle 32 lbs of paper, so consider going to a printing shop or office supplies store to get the best printing results. 

You’ve probably realized by now that resume paper quality isn’t something to take lightly. And if you haven’t, you will after reading about how important texture is in making your printed resume look professional. 

The texture of your resume paper will define how your resume feels to the touch, which can in turn make it more or less memorable. 

Below, we have listed the pros and cons of the most common resume paper materials out there:

#1. Plain Resume Paper: Pros & Cons

Plain resume paper is a common and safe choice that’s basically used in every office and for most printing purposes. It’s a material that everyone is familiar with, it’s economical, and it’s overall an acceptable choice, especially if you’re on a budget. 

Here’s an overview of the pros and cons of a plain resume paper:

  • Standard and “safe”
  • Works with the majority of resume designs
  • Small chance of ink spills
  • Cheap price
  • Not so memorable
  • Lowest quality material

#2. Parchment Resume Paper: Pros & Cons

Parchment paper is all about class, elegance, and history. 

It’s no wonder that all the important documents were historically printed on parchment paper . Although there’s no denying that the appeal of parchment paper is timeless, this can be a two-edged sword with recruiters. While some may love it, others may find it pretentious and a bit outdated. 

Here’s an overview of the pros and cons of parchment resume paper:

  • Official appearance
  • Classy and elegant
  • Not a common material choice
  • Requires high-quality printer
  • A pretentious choice for some recruiters

#3. Granite Resume Paper: Pros & Cons

Granite paper represents the perfect balance between a speckled and a refined texture that feels like sandpaper but still isn’t too rough to the touch. 

This material effectively highlights darker colors, it’s easy to grip, and can set you apart from the competition with its elegance and originality. Not to mention, granite paper is mainly made from recyclable materials, making it an eco-friendly option. 

Here’s an overview of the pros and cons of the granite resume paper:

  • Suitable for most printers
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Original yet classy 
  • Not suitable for light-colored resumes

#4. Laid Resume Paper: Pros & Cons

Laid paper comes with embossed lines on its surface that look like rolling waves. Today, we see paper as a flat surface, whereas laid paper aims to imitate how the paper looked when it was first invented. 

This alone makes it a memorable choice for your resume paper’s material, especially in an industry or job position where originality is appreciated.  

That said, laid is also the material that’s more likely to bring out printing errors and mess up your resume’s text and font quality - especially if your resume uses a dark-colored palette or if you don’t have a good printer handy. 

Here’s an overview of the pros and cons of a laid resume paper: 

  • Original and classy
  • Nice to the touch
  • Very costly
  • Likely to cause printing errors

#5. Linen Resume Paper: Pros & Cons 

For a thick and durable material, you should choose linen as your resume paper material. It’s weighty, easy to grip, and soft to the touch, all thanks to its unique cross-hatch style texture and natural thickness. 

Much like granite, a linen resume paper is guaranteed to make your resume stand out. Here’s an overview of its pros and cons: 

  • Authentic and classy look
  • Works with most printers
  • Durable and nice to the touch
  • Prone to wrinkling easily

This is probably the easiest resume paper aspect to get right. 

As a rule of thumb, the right resume paper size is the standard paper size in your region. In the US, that’s the letter size (8.5 x 11 inches). 

In Europe and much of the rest of the world, that’s the A4 size (8.27 x 11.69 inches). 

Remember that not following your region’s standard paper size won’t help you stand out from the competition - it will only make you look uninformed and careless. 

Cotton Content on Resume Paper 

Last but not least comes cotton content. 

To understand how important cotton content is for resume paper, just take a look at what it affects:

  • Paper quality and durability
  • Color richness and depth  

Basically, you could have picked the perfect color and material for your resume paper and still leave recruiters unimpressed if the cotton content is low. Meanwhile, if you opt for a medium-quality weight, for example, like the 24lbs one, but with high cotton content, the result is going to impress recruiters much more. 

4 Tips to Choose the Best Resume Paper

At this point, you pretty much know everything there is to know about what makes a resume paper really great. But how exactly do you make the right choice for yourself?

Here are 4 tips for choosing the best possible resume paper for your professional stage: 

  • Consider the design of your resume template : Does your resume template use dark, contrasting colors or lighter shades of gray and blue? Will it take a lot of ink to print, or does it follow a simplistic design? These details can help you determine what color, material, and the weight you should go for. 
  • Print out several options: This might be slightly unrealistic if you’re on a budget, but printing out several resumes to use in different situations can be quite beneficial. You can use, for example, ivory parchment paper weighing 32lbs for more traditional positions, or white linen weighing 24lbs for more casual, creative industries. 
  • Use high-quality paper for executive positions : If you’re applying for executive positions, nothing but the best will cut it. Go for 32lbs, ivory, linen resume paper to make your resume look sophisticated, unique, and professional. 
  • Adapt to the industry: Being original is one thing and being the black sheep among all other applicants is another. Try to find a balance between originality and conventionality by taking into consideration what your industry finds “acceptable” (e.g. creative industries leave more space for experimenting with the resume paper color and material, whereas more conservative industries undoubtedly prefer more minimalistic and high-quality choices, especially in terms of cotton content and paper material). 

Bottom Line: What Is the Best Resume Paper? 

If all these resume paper options left you feeling a tad confused, don’t worry. 

Although there’s a place and industry for every resume paper, a study comparing different resume layouts showed that traditional paper performs better than more creative options .

The traditional resume printed on white paper performed better than all other options used in the study.

Nonetheless, the message is clear. If you’re on a budget or otherwise conflicted about the resume paper you should use, white paper with high cotton content is a commonplace, safe choice that is unlikely to harm your chances of getting the job. 

Resume Paper FAQ 

If you still have some questions regarding resume paper, you can find our answers to some questions we haven’t covered yet below: 

#1. Can I Put My Resume Paper in a Normal Printer?

Although most standard printers can print out resume paper, you’ll have to first check the printer’s manual to make sure it will print resume paper. After you make sure your printer can print resume paper, read the instructions for any specific steps you need to follow. 

If your home printer can’t print resume paper, you can try printing it at a printing store or office supply store.

#2. Can I Use A4 for My Resume?

In most cases, the A4 size is perfectly suitable for your resume paper. 

Actually, your printed resume should follow the standard paper size by region. In most of the world, that’s the A4 size (or 210mm x 297mm), whereas in the US and Canada it’s Letter size paper.

#3. Should I Staple My Resume?

Most recruiters are not fond of stapled resumes for the simple reason that staples make it difficult to take the resume apart. Not to mention, as a rule of thumb, most resumes shouldn’t be longer than one page , which means you don’t even need to staple it. 

Key Takeaways 

And that’s a wrap! You should have all the info you need in order to pick the right resume paper for you. 

Before you go, though, here are the main points we covered in this article: 

  • Resume paper refers to paper specifically designed for resumes and cover letters. In comparison to regular paper, resume paper usually comes in various colors and is thicker, heavier, and of higher quality.
  • You need to think about resume paper when the job position requires that you submit a printed copy, when you go to a job fair, or when you attend a job interview. 
  • Resume paper quality depends on several factors, including quality, color, texture, size, weight, and cotton content. 
  • Keep in mind that most standard printers can’t handle the highest-quality resume papers, so make sure to go to a printing office to get the best printing results. 

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How to Choose the Right Resume Paper

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How to choose the best resume paper, resume paper weight, resume paper color, resume paper format, resume paper size.

One key aspect for creating a good impression for a job application is your choice of resume paper. When you apply for a job, it’s important to submit a quality resume since it is essentially a formal representation of yourself. This article explains how to choose the best resume paper to communicate your professionalism and personality.

Resume paper is the material chosen for a candidate’s resume. It’s made from various materials such as parchment, cotton, bamboo and more. Making the right selection of resume paper can have the potential to improve your chances of getting hired over other applicants. Big companies receive a large number of resumes daily. Therefore, it’s important to choose a good, high-quality paper that will not only avoid the automatic rejection of your application but also stand out among the stacks of resumes from other applicants.

A common practice is to use a 32lb high cotton content paper for your resume. Another is to use a white-colored paper with plain texture to keep yourself in the acceptable list. Ultimately, using a high-quality paper over one that’s easily tearable and low-quality provides a professional backdrop to your resume’s content.

You may also use a different approach to your resume paper to create a more distinct impression than other applicants. One way is to use recycled paper for your resume to show your support for eco-friendly practices, a concept widely followed and promoted by most organizations worldwide. Another way of forming the same impression is by using paper made from environmentally friendly material, such as bamboo. Some people prefer a paper with a textured background for a vivid impression.

Paper weight is vital in determining how well the printed copy of your resume looks. Keep in mind that a heavyweight paper may prevent optimal print quality. If you select a very lightweight resume paper, however, the edges of your resume may turn during the printing. The paper may also tear and result in a wrong impression. 

The suggested paper weight for your resume is any of the three standard ones: 20lb, 24lb and 32lb. You can use 20lb paper if you want to use the paper with an at-home printer, while 24lb and 32lb paper are best known for providing higher opacity and thickness.

You may use the 24lb paper to print on both sides. This paper weight is suitable to prevent leaking of printer ink. It is also different enough from the 20lb paper to create an impression on the potential employer. Using a paper weight greater than 32lb can result in print distortion.

The paper color of your resume affects its readability and the general impression it leaves on an employer. Generally, it is preferable to use white-colored paper because it is easier to read from a white background. The white background also makes the resume look neat and clean. However, you may select between different variations of white colors, such as off-white or ivory color. 

Examples for resume paper color by appearance:

The appearance of your resume also plays an essential part in deciding the color of your resume paper. For example, if your resume uses a dark red and black font with a textured background, using a white-colored paper will be more suitable. This will make it easier for the recruiter to read the printed content. 

However, if you are using a blue and orange combination for font colors, using an ivory-colored paper for your resume will create a better impression. Your resume appearance should create a formal and positive impression. You may use a paper with gradient colors if it suits your resume’s content.

Examples for resume paper color by job type:

The type of job you are applying to is also crucial in deciding the paper color of your resume. If you are applying for the position of a writer for a female magazine that follows a pink color scheme, you may choose pink-colored paper for your resume. This choice will show your consideration of the employer’s brand, thus improving your chances of employment.

Examples for general trends:

Resume color also depends on the trends in the industry or company. Some firms may require you to follow a specific resume pattern. You must use the resume color prescribed by the firm in such cases.

Here are some things to keep in mind when selecting a suitable resume paper format:

Most people use either serif or a sans-serif font for their resume. If you are opting for a serif font, use Times New Roman. If you choose a sans-serif font, opt for Arial, Calibri or Verdana.

You can be specific about font size as well. Size 10 and 12 are better. Your final choice depends on the style of your resume. Most experts recommend font size 11 for its readability and outlook.

The standard one-inch margins are more suitable for the resume. You may opt for a different margin size, depending on your format. Although most people use 0.5-inch margins, yet, 1-inch margins are preferred to reduce reader fatigue. For alignment, use left, as it works in most contexts. You may use center or justified alignment to match a particular design for your resume. If your resume is in a right-to-left language, you may use the right alignment.


Some recruiters have a specific resume pattern. You must follow the guidelines on the recruiter’s website. These specifications may include narrower margins or specific font sizes.

It is generally preferable to use the 8.5 in x 11 in paper size for your resume. This size looks professional and suits the general business environment of most workplaces. Still, using a larger or smaller size may be suitable according to the requirements of the vacancy. 

For example, if you are applying for a graphic designer job for a banner designing company, you may use a larger sized paper to create an impression on the recruiter regarding your banner designing skills. A resume for a calligraphy job may need stylish papers with a variety of sizes. Refer to the job you’re applying to and select a size that best matches what you’d be doing in the role.

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How to choose the best resume paper

Debbie Bride

Is resume paper still a thing? The answer is yes — resume paper is a relevant subject today for the same reasons it was in the pre-digital age, even if printed hard copies are needed far less often. In fact, the number of considerations for making informed choices about resume printing paper may surprise you, both on the practical and esthetic side. 

That the overall quality of resume paper is better than ordinary printer paper is fairly obvious. Typically, it feels heavier and looks noticeably nicer than regular printer paper. But with so many different types of resume paper available, comparisons among them are less straightforward. In the following guide, we will be covering: 

  • What resume paper is
  • The best color, weight, material and texture of resume paper
  • Expert tips and insights on how to choose the right paper.

What is resume paper?

It’s easy to explain what resume paper is not . Except for the letter-size dimensions, resume paper is not the same as ordinary printer paper (sometimes called “copy” paper — as in office copier). Resume paper is designed specifically for printing resumes and cover letters, and may also be used as stationery for a wide variety of other specialty purposes. 

One size does fit all Your only choice for resume paper should be the letter-size standard — 8.5 by 11 inches in the U.S. or A4 in other parts of the world — the same as ordinary printing paper.

What do you need resume paper for?

Of course, the content of an outstanding resume should always be worth more than the paper it’s printed on. But there’s no question the document’s look and feel when placed on a desk or in someone’s hands can make a critical difference, for better or worse. 

So when exactly does this matter? With online job applications being the norm nowadays, how likely is it that anyone in the hiring organization is going to print your resume on special paper, if they even print it at all? Shouldn’t the PDF version be your only preoccupation when it comes to resume design elements?

There are three modern-day situations where job seekers need printed copies of their resume, on the best quality resume paper they can afford:

  • Mailing or hand-delivering your resume to an employer.
  • Handing out during a face-to-face job interview — either your resume alone or prefacing a portfolio of work samples.
  • Leaving your resume with recruiters at a job fair.

Your choice of resume paper will affect the overall impact on those who first notice the printed copy you’ve provided and hold it in their hands while reading. What do you want recruiters to see and feel? Optimizing the way your printed resume will be “experienced” by the target employer is the goal of selecting the best resume paper. 

What is the best paper for your resume?

As a key takeaway from our occupation-specific writing guides and resume examples , we emphasize the importance of tailoring every version of your resume to the specific job you are applying for, along with the employer and industry. Then take the same customized approach a step further in choosing a resume design template with cohesive formatting elements, perhaps harmonizing with the employer’s visual identity. 

Resume paper options add one more layer of compatibility considerations. Take cues from your resume design template in finding the best resume paper fit. Just as financial or legal professionals are well served by a meticulously buttoned-down resume design template, a resume paper that emits minimalist, premium-quality vibes would do justice to their printed resume document. 

Resume paper for a management or executive job application should convey a polished sophistication that reflects attention to detail. An understatedly simple look on paper — without sacrificing quality — would be just fine for most entry-level job applicants. There’s more leeway in creative and artistic fields to consider less conventional resume paper colors and textures. Other resume papers lend themselves to manufacturing or high-tech job markets.

So how do you choose which paper to print your resume on?

Choosing the best resume paper is largely a matter of personal preference — not just your own, but also your best guess about those on the receiving end of your resume. HR research data can be somewhat helpful in determining which printing paper is your safest bet or could land your resume in the reject pile without being read. But it still comes down to subjective assessments when people are asked to pick this or that favorite. 

The good news is that each of the following decisions you make about the perfect resume paper need not be complicated. We’re going to keep it simple as possible so overthinking doesn’t bog you down. 

While HR research has yielded no conclusive verdict on any overall “best” choice of resume paper, the consensus on these two characteristics is solid.

  • Weight: 32lb.
  • Material: Cotton content should be at least 75%, and ideally 100%

Resume paper color: one or the other

White or ivory? Seldom should a passing thought be given to any other resume paper color… and then pretty much only in special creative circumstances when you’re certain the employer would be enthused. Notwithstanding the dozens, or even hundreds, of different white and ivory shade variations, your paper color can be narrowed down to this “either-or” choice. 

But not so fast … because the white-versus-ivory question is often not simple or obvious at all. It may require a tougher judgment call than any other resume paper consideration. 

Deciding whether your resume looks better on a white or ivory background depends on the resume design template you’ve chosen, alongside the image you want to project. Experimenting with both paper colors is the only way to be sure. 

New York resume template

Our New York template is monochromatically clean and refined with elegant graphic touches. You could never go wrong with white or ivory paper, but ivory might give you a distinctively worthy edge.

Blogs - New York resume template

Sydney resume template

Sydney makes a vibrantly modern statement by adding a side column of transparent text and graphics against a solid dark-colored fill. White or ivory paper are equally effective, but ivory shows more originality. Be sure your printer is up to the task of producing color true and deep enough for high-quality results. 

Blogs - Sydney resume template

Amsterdam resume template

Our Amsterdam resume template also features a side column with a solid background fill. But instead of a 100% dark color, it’s a light shade of grey that does not show up as well on the ivory paper. So in this case, white resume paper is a better choice.  

Blogs - Amsterdam resume template

With leading job search experts yet to rule unanimously on a verdict favoring white or ivory resume paper across the board, we can only offer these general areas of consensus.

Safest, foolproof color option eliminates guesswork. Instantly conveys individuality by making your resume stand out in a sea of white others. 
Clean, crisp, easy-to-read and makes colors pop.  Adjectives often used to describe the effect: classic, professional, pretty, nice, rich, elegant, classy, sophisticated, refined, timeless.
Greatest assurance of legibility, crucial for  graphics, non-black colors, light colors and any color shade at less than 100% opacity. Well-suited to resume templates with minimal graphics and solid dark colors at 100% opacity. 

Resume paper weight: worth your weight in words

This may actually be your least weighty decision about the best resume paper for printing. Paper weight refers to thickness and density characteristics affecting the printed appearance, as well as the feel and durability. Thinner, lighter-bodied sheets of paper are more transparent and less crumple-proof.

Increases in paper weight come with improved product quality and professionalism — real and perceived. A resume that looks and feels firmer and less flimsy will stand out in the stack with good reason, psychologically lending solidness to the job application.

Printing paper weight is measured in pounds per “ream” — equal to a package of 500 sheets. With 20 lb. being the standard printing paper weight, resume paper is generally also available in two heavier weight options: 24 lb. and 32 lb.. 

Of the three resume paper weight options typically available — 20 lb., 24 lb. and 32 lb. — you’ll never regret splurging on 32 lb.

Resume paper material: the content you write on, not about

Resume content takes on a whole new tangible meaning when we talk about what the paper itself is composed of. Paper material is a key quality indicator of your printed resume document, sometimes relevant to the weight and texture.

The most significant make-or-break impact of resume paper material comes from the percentage of cotton content. From 0% to 100% in relation to standard wood pulp composition, the higher the cotton content in your resume paper the better the quality and durability. With less light reflection, cotton enhances the richness and depth of ink color. It contributes both softness and crispness to the paper feel. 

As a preferred resume paper material, cotton scores extra marks for eco-friendliness. Other environmentally sustainable materials include bamboo and linen, the latter appreciated for its lovely resemblance to the woven cloth made from the same flax plant source. 

Not sure which resume paper to pick? Feel it an see! 

Often, when you're ordering things online, you don't see (and feel) them until they arrive. However, if you're stuck choosing between different types of resume paper, it may help to touch the options. Head to a retailer and test out the different varieties.

Resume paper texture: the full finish

We’ve saved resume paper texture until last to address here, but by no means is it the least important. Resume paper “finish” — in both visual and tactile senses of the word — can make the biggest difference in achieving the finished product you desire.

Again, your decision should reflect your resume design template, particularly graphic elements whether it incorporates colors other than black. Experiment with a variety of paper textures to assess which one will achieve the desired effect.

Plain resume paper is self-explanatory in terms of the texture it lacks, as opposed to having any distinctive finish. Its plainness is familiar to everyone as a staple in every office. It’s a failsafe choice for showcasing your printed text and graphic elements without detracting or sacrificing legibility.

But by no means is plain paper synonymous with bland. As discussed in the previous section, the higher the percentage of cotton composition, the more striking the impact.

The unmistakable resemblance of linen to a finely stitched canvas or woven tablecloth is what makes it such a popular choice of paper texture. The look and feel of linen imparts a sense of premium quality, lending itself to virtually any resume template. 

In this context of resume paper finish, bear in mind that the paper material need not be linen (see previous section). In fact, the subtly embossed crosshatch pattern is often achieved using 100% cotton paper. 

Blogs - Linen paper

The vintage elegance that makes parchment paper an obvious choice for official documents, diplomas, formal invitations and special event programs makes it an iffy option for resumes. Employers could very well be impressed — but not always in a good way. In the eyes of some beholders, parchment imparts formality and class. Others are turned off by what they perceive as trying too hard, if not pretentious.

The marbled effect of parchment-textured paper makes it unreliable for resume design templates with non-black text and graphic elements, which can be obscured. Beware also that some parchment paper colors may have greyish or greenish overtones.

Blogs - Parchment paper

Resume paper with a granite finish can be the best of both worlds for a look that’s refined and understatedly original. There’s a sense of style and substance in the appearance and touch. The quality of printed text and graphics on the smooth, fleck-patterned surface is generally good. One possible drawback is that the paper shade may be darker overall.

what is the best paper size for resume

Resume paper with a laid finish replicates the Old World look of paper when the manufacturing process was first invented. The embossed “chain line” pattern is similar to the impressions made by antique machinery.

The main drawback of laid paper for resumes is the very thing that makes it unique and sophisticated. Those texture-defining raised lines can interfere with printing quality, and even cause missed spots. Laid paper is not recommended if your resume contains many solid dark areas.  Access to a high-caliber printer is vitally important. 

Blogs - Laid paper

Where to buy resume paper

Once you’ve decided which type of resume paper to use, shopping for it should not be too difficult. You can either head to the stores and find the resume paper you need, or shop for it online. Here's a quick breakdown of where you can get he best resume paper:

  • Local retailers like CVS, Walmart, Target or Walgreens should have a decent selection of basic resume paper.
  • For a much wider variety of paper colors, weights and finishes, visit your nearest office supply store such as Staples, Office Depot or FedEx Office.

Heading to a stationery retailer? Don't miss this trick. 

Consider printing your resume at one of these locations while you are at it, even if you have a printer at home. An office supply retailer can be a convenient, affordable and dependable option for professional-quality results.

  • The Paper Mill Store
  • Goulet Pens
  • Office Depot

Key takeaways

  • The predominance of online job applications has not rendered resume paper obsolete. Printed resumes are still needed for mailing or hand-delivery to an employer, in-person job interviews and job fairs.
  • Resume paper quality can make or break the recruiter’s first impression of a job applicant’s professionalism and attention to detail.
  • Besides affecting the overall impact of your resume, the paper color, weight, material and texture can influence the appearance of text and graphic graphic elements, for better or for worse.
  • With resume paper choices largely subjective, there are no hard and fast rules, only general guidelines. Strive for compatibility with your resume design template, which should already be a good fit with the occupation, employer and industry.

How to list education on your resume - featured image

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There’s so much to consider when creating the perfect resume . When writing one, you have to think about every little detail – wondering if you have chosen the right font size, the correct spacing, and if the template you have chosen is appealing enough. You even have to think about the paper you choose, whether it is the right weight or color.

Many are under the impression that there is no need to have a hard copy of your resume because everything is done online . Even if this is the case, keep in mind that many interviews take place in person. When getting ready for an interview , you have to ensure that you are well prepared, meaning you will need a printed copy of your resume.

Here you will learn more about what a resume paper is and how to choose the best one for your resume.

Key Takeaways:

When creating your resume , the two main colors that you should consider the paper being are white and ivory.

When choosing the right resume paper make sure you consider your resume template and your printer type, research the company, and buy multiple kinds to test which works best.

Always keep your primary goal in mind, which is making sure your resume looks presentable and well organized .

What is Resume Paper? (And How to Choose The Best Kind)

What Is Resume Paper?

Different types of resume paper, how to choose the best resume paper, resume paper brands you can use and where to buy them, why choosing the right resume template is important, final thoughts.

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A resume paper is a paper that is specifically designed for candidates to print hard copies that break down a person’s work experiences . It comes in different kinds of materials such as cotton, linen, recycled paper, parchment, bamboo, etc.

It might be hard to believe something as simple as choosing the right type of paper can increase your chances of getting hired. The reason for that is this paper will help your resume stand out amongst the hundreds of different applicants.

Using high-quality paper can show prospective employers how serious you are about the job and demonstrate that you are willing to go the extra mile to do what’s needed.

Make sure that when you print your resume, you keep it in a folder . Nothing screams unprofessionalism like a wrinkled page . One of the advantages of using a resume paper is its durability. Typically, resume paper is more durable and less susceptible to wrinkling or creasing.

As mentioned above, there are many different types of resume paper. These papers can vary in color, material, texture, and weight.

Color. Even though resume paper comes in a variety of colors, tread lightly. Choosing the wrong shade of paper can come off as unprofessional. When selecting a paper color, however, you also need to consider the industry you choose. Some companies or organizations have specific expectations when it comes to resume papers. One of the safest choices for a resume paper is natural colors.

White. If you plan on using colors other than black for graphics or text, white will make sure that is is easily read and will make those colors stand out.

Ivory. Many employers recommend that candidates use off-white colored paper, such as ivory. This works well if you have minimal colors and graphics on your resume. Using ivory instead of white can give your resume a classic, professional look.

Other colors. Using colors can be seen as unprofessional in certain industries but some jobs such as design positions are more accepting of colors. Colors such as light blue, brown, green, or yellow paper can work if you are looking to put a little flair to your resume.

If you are looking to add color to your resume, try including in in shaded columns, colored borders or backgrounds. What ever colors you chose will affect the color of the paper you should choose..

Material. The material you choose is just as vital as anything else. It is something that will help set your resume apart from every other candidate.

Cotton is one of the most recommended materials – not only does it give your resume an overall clean look, but it is also more environmentally sustainable.

Linen is another great material to use for your resume. This material gives your resume a clean look and has an excellent texture, which makes it look very professional.

Parchment is fine paper that goes through a chemical process to look older and more classic.

Recycled has started to become more in demand with the increased focus on the environment. If you chose to use recycled paper, try eco-friendly bamboo paper.

Texture. Using textured paper will give your resume an elegance and professionalism than plain copy paper can never do. Textured paper comes in different finishes such as satin, woven, matte, linen, etc.

Using textured can display elegance and can help make your resume more memorable to the hiring manager .

Weight. Though the weight of the paper you use is not something you have ever considered before, now would be the best time to start. The weight of the paper often refers to the thickness. Having thicker paper will decrease the chances of your resume getting wrinkled or creased. Most professionals would recommend using:

24-pound paper. This is the most common choice for resumes. It is slightly heavier than the standard paper and helps it appear thicker and stand out among regular resumes.

32-pound paper. This weight is better at handling the printing of graphics and saturated colors. The heavier weight makes your resume mees more professional. It also stands out from all the other resumes since it thicker and heavier.

Size. Keep in mind that the size of the paper is also something to consider. If you pick a paper that is too big or too small, it can be taken the wrong way. The ideal size for a resume paper is 8.5 x 11 inches.

Now that you have a better understanding of what resume paper is and the different kind there is, your next step is to choose the paper that will best serve you in the long run. Remember that choosing the right paper will help you stand out among hundreds of other applicants.

Consider your template. Before you decide what paper you are going to use, know what template you want to use. Some templates will look better on white paper and some will look better on ivory. If you just have a standard black text going on your resume, then go with an ivory colored paper. But if you need graphics and lots of color, try a white paper or even a colored paper.

Buy multiple styles of paper. To know which would be the right paper for your resume, you might want to consider buying multiple reams of papers to test which one will serve you better. Print your resume out, trying each one of the papers you have purchased. That way, you will know with certainty which one will work.

Research the company. Before you start printing your resume, remember to do your research correctly, gather as much information as you can about the company or organization you are applying to. Perhaps this is an entirely green company. They might have a preference for recycled paper.

Know your printer. Remember that you should also use the high-quality setting on your printer when you are printing your resume. Keep in mind that if you do not change this setting, the quality of the paper you have chosen will not do much if your resume looks blurry. This will use a significant amount of ink. However, it will guarantee a more professional-looking resume .

If you do not have a place to print out your resume by chance, you can always go to a printing service store, a Staples, Office Depot, FedEx, or perhaps your local library. Remember to properly format your document in either a Microsoft Word Document format or a PDF.

Now that you know which things you will need to take into consideration when choosing a resume paper. Here is a list of paper brands you can consider when picking a ream of paper:

Southworth specialty paper. Created for special occasions, this high-quality paper would be an excellent choice for you to use for your resume. This paper’s brand comes in a variety of materials, such a parchment, linen, and granite.

Magnum opus. Designed to help you make a great first impression , this high-quality paper comes in a whole array of colors. The Magnum Opus resume paper weighs 28 pounds typically.

HP printer paper premium24. Because of this paper’s quality, you will be able to print brighter, more vivid colors. Another excellent quality of this paper is how affordable it is compared to other reams of paper.

Mohawk 54301 copier 100% recycled paper. Known as one of the ultimate recycled papers, this paper will guarantee a quick, efficient, and high-quality copy of your resume that is 100% recyclable.

You should know that you do not need to go to a specific paper store to purchase your ream of resume paper. You can either buy the resume paper online or at a run-of-the-mill retail store such as:

Office Depot

Once you have gone through all the motions of choosing the right resume paper, the next thing you will need to do is choose the best template for your resume. Your resume says a lot about you. It is a document where you print a breakdown of a person’s work experiences.

Picking out the right template can show how organized your resume will look and ultimately help you land a job .

When creating your resume, be sure that you have done your research correctly. Make sure that the resume is specially tailored to the job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying to become a paper processor , you will need to list your experiences closer to this position, like being a receptionist or a logistics processor.

Remember to keep things simple. Many people make the mistake of trying to make their resume sound overly sophisticated. This can actually work against you making it seem unprofessional and wordy.

Another thing you need to keep in mind when writing your resume is the language that you use. Many companies use what is known as a tracking system . This program picks up on specific words and forwards it on to the hiring manager.

You should also take the readability of your resume into account. Though you might be tempted to choose an elaborate and fancy font, try to remember that it is essential for the hiring manager to be able to read your resume. Most employers recommend that you use Arial, Calibri, and Times New Roman for your fonts – it should also be between sizes 10 and 12.

In the end, when you are deciding how to write and format your resume , you need to keep an eye on every single detail . This means you will need to choose the adequate paper, font, and template to help you stand out amongst the other applicants.

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Chris Kolmar is a co-founder of Zippia and the editor-in-chief of the Zippia career advice blog. He has hired over 50 people in his career, been hired five times, and wants to help you land your next job. His research has been featured on the New York Times, Thrillist, VOX, The Atlantic, and a host of local news. More recently, he's been quoted on USA Today, BusinessInsider, and CNBC.

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Writing a resume is not easy.

You have to take care of every detail, such as using a professional font, current font size, line-spacing, keywords, and many other things.

But have you ever thought about which resume paper to use in printing your resume?

Since the inception of the internet, many people assume that you no longer need a physical copy of a resume.

However, the truth is that most interviews nowadays happen face-to-face, and the recruiters expect you to bring a hard copy of your resume during the interviews.

While providing a hard copy of your resume to the recruiter, you must remember that it should look presentable.

The paper should be of high quality, without bends or wrinkles. It would surprise you to see how a high-quality resume paper makes you more presentable and likable in the eyes of a recruiter.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about resume papers in 2022.

  • What is a resume paper?
  • Is a resume paper necessary?
  • What are the different types of resume papers?
  • Tips for choosing the best resume paper?

What is a Resume Paper?

Resume paper is designed to print resumes and cover letters. It's more durable than regular copy paper but not as heavy as card stock.

If you're looking to print your resume or cover letter, resume paper is a good choice because it is sturdy enough to stand up multiple copies without tearing or smudging.

It's also important because it makes your first impression extremely good in front of the recruiter or an employer.

Poor quality resume paper can get wrinkled or bent, and it may make you look slouchy and schlumpy.

**Also Read: ** What are the 14 Best Fonts For Resumes in 2022?

Difference Between Resume Paper & Regular Paper

A resume paper is thicker, more durable, and more high-quality than a regular paper. Depending on your requirements, it also comes in different sizes, features, and colors.

Many people think resumes and regular papers are the same, which is incorrect.

Is Resume Paper Necessary?

The resume paper is unnecessary if you are applying virtually and giving the interviews virtually.

However, there are some situations where a resume paper is necessary. Such as:

  • When you're attending an in-person interview
  • If you are applying for a job at a job fair
  • If you're physically mailing a copy of your resume to a company

In these particular cases, you need a resume paper if you want to look professional.

A high-quality resume paper makes your resume stand out and leaves a great first impression on the hiring manager,

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What are the Different Types of Resume Paper?

There are multiple types of resume papers in the market. Different resumes can have different colors, textures, materials, weights, and sizes for different jobs, industries, and companies.

Resume papers can come in various colors. It's your responsibility to choose the right shade of color when picking a resume paper. A wrong choice of color can make you look unprofessional.

Here are some standard colors to use in a resume:

This is the standard color of a resume paper. And the safest option. If you have no idea what color to choose for a resume paper, ‌go with a white resume paper with your eyes closed.

Ivory is also a popular color choice for resume papers. It has a slightly toned off-white look. It can work well if you follow the material or minimal design for your resume. Ivory color can give your resume a classic professional look.

3. Other Colors:

It's not recommended to use other colors in your resume paper. However, you can use colorful resume papers to showcase your talent and skill for some creative jobs such as graphic designer, UI-UX designer, etc.

However, the choice of color, variety of colors, and the template you use should be complementary to one another and should not look out of place.

Always print the colored resume on paper, and see if the hard copy looks better or not before sending it to recruiters.

Also, when selecting a resume color, you need to consider the industry you're applying for.

Some companies may require a formal application. For these types of industries and companies, it's best to use white color resume paper.

Deep colors such as blue, brown, green, and yellow do not look good on hard copies .

There are three main types of resume papers:

Cotton is the most popular choice and expensive for resume paper material, as it's made with cotton fibers woven together to create a smooth surface for printing on.

2. Recycled Paper:

Recycled paper has become popular because of the current focus on the environment. These have similar properties to Cotton since it's made with recycled cotton papers.

3. Parchment:

Parchment papers look and feel vintage and classic. So, if you want a classic vibe in your resume, you can choose a parchment resume paper.

A textured paper gives the paper a classic feel. Depending on your choice, it can be rough, semi-rough, or smooth. Here are some of the popular textured papers for your consideration:

1. Linen Resume Paper:

Linen is a premium-quality textured paper. You can choose a variety of linen finishes to get the perfect feel you want.

Laid is also a premium texture, which gives the paper a sophisticated look. However, you need to test and review the final print of your resume to ensure the pattern in the resume paper doesn't affect the print quality.

3. Granite:

Granite textured papers are made with recycled paper. And the color of these papers is on the darker side than regular paper. This dark speckled look gives the paper a unique look, and if you can use it in the right context, it can draw the recruiter's attention extremely well.

Resume Paper Weight

The weight of the paper also plays an essential role in the look and feel of a resume paper.

The weight of the paper comes from the paper's thickness. The thicker the resume paper, the more difficult it is to bend or wrinkle the resume. So, most professionals will tell you to use a 24-pound or 32-pound resume paper.

Resume Paper Size

The size of the resume paper also matters. The size shouldn't be too small that, you can’t fit all your content on one page. It shouldn't be too big either. The ideal size for the resume paper is 8.5 * 11 inches.

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Tips For Choosing The Best Paper For Resume

Here are five tips to choose the best resume paper:

1. Consider Your Resume Template

You may decide on different resume papers based on the different resume formats. For example, the functional resume format and chronological resume format look good on ivory papers.

Combination resumes and creative resumes stand out more on white paper.

2. Purchase Multiple Styles of Paper

If you're unsure which type of resume paper will work best for you, consider purchasing multiple types and testing them on your printer before printing hundreds of copies.

3. Use High-quality Paper For Management And Executive Positions

If you're applying for management or executive positions, consider using high-quality resume paper such as linen or cotton that feels nice in the hands when reading through applications at high-end companies like Google or Apple Inc. It also shows that you are a detail-oriented person.

4. Compare Your Resume Paper to Your Industry

When it comes to choosing the perfect resume paper for your industry, there are many factors at play.

For example, if you're applying for an executive position in finance or insurance, you might want to use a heavier weight of paper with more texture — because these industries tend to use heavier stock than other industries.

On the other hand, if you're applying for an accounting position in an investment bank, it's probably best to stick with regular-weight paper because those companies usually prefer something lighter that can easily be filed away in a folder or file cabinet without weighing down the folder too much.

5. Create a Unique Experience for Recruiters

To get your resume noticed by the recruiter, you need to create a unique experience for them. So, send the resume in a nicely chosen 24 or 32-pound resume paper. Recruiters will notice the weight difference among other resumes and surely will pick your resume.

**Also Read: ** What are the top 5 Essential Resume Sections in 2022?

Key Takeaways

We bet you didn't know that a resume paper has so much influence on the recruitment process.

Here are some of the key information we can revisit from the blog:

  • Always bring 3-4 copies of your resume during job interviews
  • Use ivory, 32lb 100% cotton resume papers to give the resume to interviewers
  • You can use a 24lb or 28lb paper if you can't find a 32lb paper

Visit Hiration's 360 Degree Career Platform to create your professional resume and cover letter. Download it in PDF and Word format to print and send to recruiters.

If you have any questions, reach out to us at [email protected] . We provide 24/7 online chat assistance for our AI-powered tool.

what is the best paper size for resume

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Resume Paper: Why You Still Need It and How to Pick the Best

  • Klara Cervenanska , 
  • Updated November 10, 2023 9 min read

Resume paper is a special type of paper to print a physical copy of your resume on. 

Do resume papers still matter in our digitalised world? Short answer, yes. They are not completely retired yet, and you are better off using one. Sure, it is very niche — but why not increase your chances of standing out and being hired?

Why can't I simply print my resume and go about my day, you ask? Because everything that you do or don't do during a job interview, says something about you. Yes, even the resume paper you are turning in. In other words, first impressions matter — a good resume paper is only going to help you.

Wait, so there are multiple types of resume paper? Well, yes. But don't panic. You will find everything you need to know, useful tips, recommendations and quick links here. We know time is money so let's get to it.

It's not just a piece of paper.

Express your personality with a standout resume.

  • When will you need a hard copy of your resume?

Today, most job applications only require a PDF version of your resume, which means that a hard copy isn’t always necessary. Still, there are scenarios when a physical copy (or copies) of your resume can come handy.

It is especially in those situations when you come into personal contact with recruiters or hiring managers:

  • Career and networking fairs. Your resume is the most important item you should bring with you. Make sure to print at least 20-40 copies (depending on the size of the event and the number of companies that you’d like to meet with).
  • Job interviews.  It isn’t always expected. And yes, they've already read your resume. But it’s good to remind them of your credentials by giving them a copy to have in front of them throughout your conversation. Moreover, it makes you look prepared for anything. Ideally, you should bring about 3 copies of your resume.

They may also ask you to  mail a physical copy  of your resume before you’re invited for  your interview . 

If you want to make a great first impression in all the situations above, using professional resume paper is a way to go.

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Best resume paper - our choice

Color, weight, material, size, texture — often depends on the job, where to buy resume paper, where to print your resume.

As you can learn in the following paragraphs, there are many types of resume paper — some of them will suit a certain type of job better than other. This is why it is ultimately up to you to choose from.

In any case, we did the research so that you don't have to.  This is our winner:

Best resume paper: Kickresume’s choice

  • Color: ivory
  • Weight: 32lb
  • Size: US letter — 8.5 × 11 inches (US, Canada, SA), A4 — 8.3 × 11.7 inches (everywhere else)
  • Material: 100% cotton
  • Texture: plain

And why do we think it's the best?

Color: Ivory — immediately stands out in a pile of white resumes

Weight : 32 lb — firm, durable, will not crease, not see-through

Size: 8.5 by 11 inches in the US, Canada, South America (A4 everywhere else)

Material: 100% cotton — does not reflect light, great color pay-off

Texture: Plain — professional, safe and classy

You can buy it on Amazon .

There are a few parameters which you should consider before choosing your resume paper: color, weight, material, size, texture.

Even though choosing the best resume paper is subjective to your own personal preference, some jobs requires a specific type of resume paper.

Resume paper color

Generally, you should stick to neutrals . Especially different shades of white. White is logically the most used paper color —  text is easily readable, colorful infographics stick out and it's easy to get a hold of.

But since it's the standard color, it may seem a bit boring — everyone naturally goes with white paper.

Remember, the whole resume paper "science" is about you making an impression and standing out. This is why going for a slightly different shade can help.

We recommend off-white and ivory as go-to colors. Using these instead of white will make your resume immediately stand out in a pile of basic white paper sheets.

If you used colored elements in your resume, bear in mind that colors show best on white. Because of that, try to go with the most subtle shade — this will keep it elegant and ensure good color pay-off.

Other colors such as grey, pastel blue or pink may seem even better at catching the eye. Nevertheless, there is a thin line between standing out and seeming unprofessional.

Colored resume paper can, however, work for people who need to show their creativity (such as designers or people in the arts).

Resume paper weight

We mean thickness but it's called weight because it refers to how much 500 sheets of paper weigh.

With weight it is pretty straight forward. A very thin resume paper is going to seem flimsy. Try going for 32 lb paper, which is slightly thicker than your usual paper.

It will not crease in the pile of resumes, it is durable and it is not see-through. In the hands of your potential employer it will feel professional and firm.

A slightly thinner option is 24 lb. This is still heavier and firmer than your regular printing paper. This is a pretty decent, more affordable option.

Resume paper material

Cotton with the content of 75% or higher . The advantages of high cotton paper include: overall durability, extreme smoothness while having a subtle texture, it does not reflect light. Most importantly colors look great on these!

Some rather unconventional choices are linen and parchment. One word — overkill. I mean c'mon... Imagine someone walking in with a parchment resume.

An interesting choice for someone working in Sustainable Development or Environmental and Conservation Sector is recycled resume paper. This eco-friendly choice is never a mistake.

Resume paper size

If you're applying for a job in the North and South America, use a  US Letter-sized paper (8.5 by 11 inches) .

However, if you're applying for a job anywhere else —   A4 is the standard and we recommend using it. Yes, yes standing out from the crowd and all... But having a different size than A4 will probably just make everybody's lives more difficult.

Do not experiment with paper sizes, unless your potential employer explicitly requires a different size resume paper.

Resume paper texture

Here we have several acceptable choices. However, in our opinion only one of them is safe (yet classy).  Go with plain cotton resume paper texture.

Here's why: it's a conventional safe choice and it won't feel weird to any potential employer, plus there's zero risk of faulty printing.

Other options are somewhat unconventional, but that does not mean that they can't work for some people.

Linen paper bears resemblance to woven fabric. The quality of linen paper ranges from a very subtle finish to a more pronounced one. This type of texture could work for someone who wants to be really extra and is looking for an extra job. Other than that it's just unnecessary.

Laid paper can look quite elegant thanks to the symmetrical horizontal chain line pattern. However, it's prone to ink smudging and bleeding. We do not recommend taking the risk of ruining your resume.

Granite paper is usually made of recycled material and is, therefore, an attractive and environmentally sound choice. Again, if you work in Sustainable Development this is going to make a very good first impression.

Usually you should be able to find resume paper at any office supply or stationary retailers such as Office Depot, Costco and Target, or Staples and Ryman (if you shop in the UK).

However, shopping online saves a lot of time and often you have a wider choice of products:

Southworth is a very high quality resume paper brand recognised by the National Resume Writers Association . But keep in mind that most of their papers are watermarked. On the other hand, some people may take that as an opportunity to show off a little.

Southworth offers a variety of different resume papers — cotton, linen, granite, laid and even ... parchment. All in either white or ivory, and either 24lb or 32lb version (go with 32).

Shop for Southworth resume papers on Amazon or Walmart

  • 100% Cotton, Ivory, 32 lb, Plain paper —  Amazon link
  • 100% Cotton, Ivory, 24 lb, Plain paper (a cheaper option) —  Amazon link , Walmart link
  • Recycled, Granite, 24 lb resume paper (an environmetally conscious choice) —  Walmart link , Amazon link

The most convenient and affordable option for printing on your own resume paper is probably your own printer.

However, be mindful about printing on different textures! Laid and linen textures can make your printer ink bleed — and you don't want your resume ruined.

If you don't own a printer — try one in your university campus or your local library . Bear in mind that it can be tricky to print on your own paper on public printers.

Other options include:

  • FedEx Office
  • Staples Cloud Printing
  • OfficeDepot

If you want to support local businesses — try finding a Copy and Print shop near you by typing: "copy print shop [zip code]"

Christy's word of advice

There are times when a printed resume is needed or at least strongly recommended. It’s a good idea to take a copy with you to an interview, in case you need to refer to a specific point, or the recruiter doesn’t have a copy. Or if a company asks you to drop off your resume in person or by post. In these cases, clean white A4 paper will always come across as professional. On the other hand, if you’re in a creative field where visual design skills are important, feel free to channel your inner Warhol and go with something that matches your professional personality (at a company I used to work at, a graphic designer presented theirs in an A6 pack-of-cards format. Brilliant, original, and still memorable many years later!).

Christy Morgan, Resident HR Expert

Key takeaways

It may seem like a waste of time and money to speculate about resume paper nowadays.

But the truth is, we live in a very competitive environment. Even if you're extremely competent, there's probably someone just as competent as you.

This is why you should increase your chances of being hired in any way possible. A high quality resume paper can help you stand out and make a good impression — it shows that you put in the little extra work.

Anyway, just to summarize, our recommendation is stick to neutral colors (ivory, off-white) or go for a more unconventional color if you work in a creative field. Try a heavier 32 lb paper for a firm grip, or go for slightly thinner and more affordable 24 lb version.

When it comes to textures and material — moderation is key. The 100% cotton material and plain texture ensures high quality printing. You can also try recycled paper if it's relevant to the job you're applying for.

Concluding thought — all things covered in this article are irrelevant if the actual content of your CV isn't as exciting as the resume paper.

We have got you covered. Check out these related articles to help you amp up your resume game:

  • A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Write a Professional Resume in 2020
  • Resume Format: How to Pick the Best and Get Hired in 2020
  • How to Prepare Your Resume for Job Search During the Coronavirus Outbreak
  • 7 Quick Tips to Prepare Your Resume for World with Coronavirus [Infographic]
  • 7 Quick Tips on How to Find a Job After College in Under 30 Days

Ivory, white, textured?

No matter which you choose, your resume will always stand out.

Gear up to make a digital impact! Convert your LinkedIn profile into a standout resume using our user-friendly tool and be ready for any application process, paper or digital.

Klara graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she began writing full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. Her pieces were featured in multiple CNBC articles. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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What type of paper should you use for your resume?

Ben Temple

Though job boards and applications have mostly moved online, there are still reasons to print your resume on an actual piece of paper. Job interviews, job fairs, networking events, and mail applications are all situations where a paper resume is important.

Just like when you apply for a job with a PDF, it’s important to make sure that your paper resume stands out from the rest. This requires not only great resume content with an attractive layout , but paper that shows professionalism and style. In this article we will discuss the different types of paper you can use to print your resume.

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  • Our collection of 500+ professional resume examples .
  • Our gallery of 20+ downloadable resume templates .
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  • What is resume paper?

Resume paper is a heavy, high-quality, and often off-white paper used for resumes and other important documents. It tends to be sturdier and longer-lasting than regular printer paper. Resume paper gives your resume a professional feel, and evokes a high standard of quality that employers appreciate.

You could, of course, print your resume on whatever standard paper you already have sitting in your printer. Many job seekers do this. But to stand out, better quality paper goes a long way.

  • What paper should you print your resume on?

There are many factors to consider when choosing a paper type. The weight, colour, material, and texture will all affect the appearance of your resume.

Paper weight

Paper weight is a measurement of a ream, or 500 pages, of that paper before it is cut down to size. Paper weight tells you the thickness of the paper. The heavier it is, the thicker it is.

Typical printer paper is 20lb. For a resume it is better to use a heavier paper stock, such as 24lb or 32lb. The heft and thickness of these weights gives the paper a feeling of importance and professionalism. Where regular 20lb paper is flimsy and tears easily, 32lb paper feels sturdy and important. With a heavier paper weight, your resume will feel like something made to last.

Paper colour

Many job-seekers wouldn’t think to use a colour other than white to print something. When it comes to printing a resume, however, plain white isn’t the only option. The two main colours used for printing resumes are white and ivory.

White is the colour of typical printer paper. It will work well for any resume design, as the white background won’t interfere with the colours of the resume.

Ivory is a warm, off-white colour that can give your resume a classic feel. It works best with traditional resume designs, like VisualCV’s Monte template . A classic, professional resume template paired with high-quality ivory paper makes for an impressive resume.

However, if your resume has large coloured sections, like VisualCV’s Avant template , the off-white colouring of ivory paper may interfere with the colours. Simple designs and dark colours will look best on ivory paper. Make sure to test different papers before sending your resume along to an employer so you know your resume layout still looks as good as it can.

Other colours

Paper is, of course, available in many different colours. For the purposes of resume paper, however, it is safest to stick with white or off-white. More colourful paper may be difficult to read, or stand out for the wrong reasons. Employers won’t be interested in reading a bright red resume.

If you are in a particularly artistic field like graphic design or illustration, you may prefer to use coloured paper to demonstrate your creativity and really stand out. If this is the case, make sure the colour is subtle, like light blue or a gentle yellow. The colour should be mild enough that it complements the resume design, and the resume should still be easy to read.

Paper material

The ingredients that make up your paper affect how the paper feels. The right materials can make a big difference. As you research paper materials for your resume, the important thing to look for is cotton content.

Cotton paper is a strong, durable type of paper that is commonly used for important documents like resumes. It is soft to the touch, making it pleasant to handle, and it lasts longer than typical printer paper. Printing your resume on 100% cotton paper will ensure that it is sturdy and impressive.

Typical printer paper is made using wood pulp. As long as it is thick and high-quality enough to print well without the printer ink bleeding through, the paper in your printer can handle a resume if necessary. When it comes to printing a document this important, however, higher quality cotton paper will improve the appearance and durability.

Paper texture

Many producers offer different paper textures, called finishes. Parchment paper, woven paper, linen paper, and velvet paper all have slightly different textures and appearances. A popular choice for resumes is linen, which is a pleasant woven texture meant to feel like the fabric it is named after.

Adding unusual textures to your resume can be risky, however. The added ridges may make your resume more difficult to print, and some employers may find the texture to be a distraction rather than a refined touch. If you particularly like the look of linen paper—and your printer can handle it—then it is an acceptable choice, but for most job-seekers a resume without a finish is ideal.

Your resume should be the standard paper size for your region. In The US and Canada, this is Letter size paper, or 8 ½” x 11”. In Europe and much of the rest of the world, use an A4 paper, or 210mm x 297mm. There shouldn’t be any need to do research here, as the paper already in your printer—or at your local print shop—will likely already be in the regular size.

  • What Color Resume Paper is the Best?

Ivory or White colored resume paper is generally the best for most resumes. They both support most font colors very well and reduce the risk of your resume’s text becoming too hard to read.

  • How thick should the resume paper be?

We recommend that your resume paper should be between 37 gsm to 47.36 gms. To find this resume paper, look for 25lb and 32lb text paper respectively.

  • Is Blue resume paper OK?

Blue resume paper is okay as long as the text is readable to the hiring manager. We commonly see blue being used and accepted in the case of creative job applications.

  • Should I use White or Ivory resume paper?

While using a resume paper, Ivory colored resume paper leaves a much higher impact when it is used for a traditional job application. A white resume paper on the other hand is a great fit for the majority of the job applications.

  • Can you put resume paper in a normal printer?

Yes, you can place a resume paper in a normal printer. If your resume paper is watermarked, you need to print a sample to see if the output is as you expected. Once you are sure, you can go ahead and print your resume on the watermarked resume paper using your normal printer.

  • What is the difference between resume paper and regular paper?

A resume paper is much stronger and more durable than a regular paper. A regular paper feels weaker when handed over to a hiring manager, whereas a resume paper would leave a higher impact.

  • Should resume paper have a watermark?

Watermarked resume paper displays that an applicant cares enough about the job application that they end up picking a higher quality paper.

  • What is the weight of the resume paper?

A resume paper typically has a weight between 25 lb to 32 lb.

  • The Bottom Line

That’s a lot of information for something so everyday as paper! At the end of the day, what type of paper should you use for your resume?

When it’s time to print your resume, 32lb, 100% cotton, ivory paper is likely your best bet.

If your resume is colourful, you may not want to use ivory, and if you can’t afford 100% cotton paper, a lower percentage will do. Even 24lb or 28lb paper is sufficient if you can’t find 32lb paper. The important thing is that your paper is slightly heavier and higher quality than typical paper. When every other candidate submits plain, 20lb printer paper, your thicker, finer paper is sure to stand out.

Ben Temple

Community Success Manager & CV Writing Expert

Ben is a writer, customer success manager and CV writing expert with over 5 years of experience helping job-seekers create their best careers. He believes in the importance of a great resume summary and the power of coffee.

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What’s the Actual Standard of Resume Paper

Posted on 15 sep 2020.

When creating a resume, people often focus more on the content, and less on the resume paper that the content is printed on.

Presentation is key to producing a powerful and appealing resume, and so choosing the right paper for resume is just as important a consideration as font, format, and style. Even in today’s digital age where a large percentage of resumes are sent via email, one’s choice of paper still matters. Based on our extensive experience in resume writing service , we know for a fact that many recruiters and hiring managers still prefer to read physical resumes over scrolling through a screen.

Needless to say, aside from sending your resume through email, you also have to print it out on paper and send it out to the appropriate person. But you shouldn’t just use any type of paper for your resume—you need to use resume paper.

What is a resume paper?

As the name suggests, resume paper refers to a type of paper used for resume writing. It is thicker, weightier, and more opaque than regular 20-lbs copy paper that people use for printing office documents. Resume paper can come in different materials, colors, and textures as well.

Though you can always use any type of paper for your resume, rule of thumb dictates that you must use quality paper that prints better, is made of high-grade material, and looks professional, and resume paper checks all these boxes. It goes without saying that if you want your resume to be taken seriously by recruiters and hiring managers who read it, then you absolutely need to use resume paper.

Of course, there’s more than one type of resume paper that you can use. Below are some of the considerations and options you have when choosing the right resume paper for your needs.

Resume paper

The material you choose for your resume is crucial, as it immediately conveys whether the paper is of high quality or not. Some of the best options for resume paper material include cotton, linen, and granite. Cotton is the more widely accepted material, as its crisp and clean appearance instantly makes it a great professional-looking paper choice. Cotton is also an environmentally sustainable material, making it the best paper for resume for many.

Linen, on the other hand, adds a nice texture while retaining an all-important professional appearance. Granite comes with dark speckles, which lend a unique quality to a resume without sacrificing a formal tone.

The choice for resume paper weight often falls between 24 lbs. or 32 lbs. Many consider the standard 20-lbs. paper unacceptable for resume writing, as it is far too bland and common, and makes a resume look cheap and sloppy. 24 lbs. paper is the most common choice, as it can adequately handle frequent handling and prints. Most of the formal papers sold in the market come in 24 lbs. weight. However, many believe that 32 lbs. the paper gives a resume better ‘gravitas,’ which helps make the paper feel more important. Proponents of the use of 32 lbs. paper for resume writing cites the official appearance of diplomas and certifications—which use weightier paper—as good reasons.

You might think that white is your best resume paper color choice, and you’d be wrong. Though white works for most occasions, you’ll want to take into consideration the industry you want to work in, and if some artistic merit is warranted. Subtle shades of blue, brown, green or yellow can work for more creative positions, such as web designers or graphic illustrators. Likewise, an off-white or ivory paper will still appear formal while giving your resume a distinguishing factor that helps you stand out from the rest of the candidates.

Although you have many choices in terms of material, weight, and color, you only have one resume paper size option: 8.5 x 11 inches. Go smaller or larger, and you risk your resume getting looked at unfavorably. Leave the best impression by sticking to the tried-and-true 8.5 x 11-inch resume paper size.

Professional paper comes in two general textures, coated and uncoated. Examples of the coated paper include matte, dull, satin, and glass, while uncoated paper types include wove and laid. Although any of these will work for your resume, you don’t want your paper’s texture to be too distracting. Regardless of the texture of the paper, you decide on using, make sure to check the final printed product before sending it out. If the texture takes the focus off your resume’s content, replace it with something subtler.

Printing considerations

Your choice of high-quality resume paper will be for nothing if you don’t print your resume using an equally high-quality printer. If you plan on printing your resume at home, make sure to use an inkjet photo printer for best results. And do consult your printer’s manual if it supports the thickness of your preferred paper for resume, and if there are any special steps you must take to ensure your resume prints correctly.

If your home printer is not up to standards, you can visit an office supply store, printing service store, or your local public library to have your resume printed. Don’t forget to bring with you your flash drive containing your resume. And save your resume in different file formats including *.doc, *.docx, and *.pdf if you’re not sure which ones the printing service will accept.

Don’t compromise on quality

Your resume represents you, that’s why your choice of resume paper has a major impact on how recruiters and hiring managers will view you. A high-quality resume paper serves as the proper background for a well-written, well-structured resume. Keep the considerations above in mind when choosing the right resume paper for your needs.

Let Resumeble work on your resume’s content

Match your high-quality resume paper with resume content that not only catches the attention of recruiters but also sustains it. Resumeble’s professional resume writing service comes with a 60-day interview guarantee after finalizing your resume. Give yourself a better chance of getting your foot in the door. Have us write your resume today.

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The Best Resume Dimensions, Margins, and Layouts for 2022

what is the best paper size for resume

Brandi Glass

• 5 min read.

Woman Sitting at Computer Typing

One of the most frustrating resume errors is the margin that’s too small. It’s often a result of an ambitious candidate keen to fit as much valuable information as possible into their resume. The result, however, is almost never what they were hoping for.

Rather than reading all that meticulously crafted text, most recruiters will take one look at this cluttered resume and put it to one side. Simply put, get your margins (or any other resume dimensions) wrong, and your resume will be hard to read. With hundreds of resumes on their desk, most recruiters will simply move on to the next one.

In contrast, a well-designed resume will encourage recruiters to spend longer on it, and potentially net you more invites to interviews. Fortunately, there are some time-tested rules to resume dimensions, margins and layouts. Let’s break them down.

Resume Dimensions that Will Make Your Resume More Attractive

Resume paper dimensions.

Your resume should be designed to be printed out on the standard paper size where you live. Be careful if you’re applying for roles abroad: in most of North America, Letter (8½” x 11”) is the standard paper size. Meanwhile, in Europe, A4 (210mm x 297mm) is more common.

Don’t be tempted to send an A4-sized resume to a company in the US. You might submit it via email, but chances are they’ll print it off in the office. As a result, your carefully planned formatting will be ruined.

Resume Margins

The standard resume margin is one inch. Although you might be able to get away with narrowing your margins by 1/16th or 1/8th of an inch without it being noticeable, it’s rarely a good idea. Only do it as a last resort.

Number of Pages

In the US, most resumes will fit on one page, although there is a growing trend of submitting two-page resumes. If your resume doesn’t fit onto one page, pay close attention to the page breaks.

It’s worth creating a manual page break rather than relying on your word processor’s page breaks. You should also double-check to see if the page break falls differently across different file formats, e.g. DOCX (Microsoft Word) vs PDF.

The Best Resume Layouts and Style for Reader-Friendliness

White space.

When creating your resume, you want to maximize the amount of white space without cutting out valuable information. Resumes with lots of white space are more reader-friendly, and as a result, more attractive to recruiters and employers. Most of the points in this section are designed to help you achieve a reasonable amount of white space.

Although there are a few situations where multiple-column resumes can work well, they’re normally a bad idea. They’re not as machine-readable, and with more and more companies using applicant tracking systems , that can seriously disadvantage you.

Additionally, surveys using eye-tracking software have found that recruiters spend less time reviewing resumes with multiple columns. Not only is your resume less likely to make it through to the recruiter, but it’s also harder for you to impress them.

In short, avoid columns to increase your chance of a positive response from recruiters.

Paragraph Spacing

Generally speaking, your resume shouldn’t contain many paragraphs. You have limited space, meaning that bullet points and headers should dominate. However, you should still pay attention to paragraph spacing, since it will decide how much space there is between your headings and lists.

Don’t be tempted to reduce spacing in order to squeeze more information onto your resume. It will backfire as the reader-friendliness falls. As a general rule, the paragraph spacing should be at least twice the font size — i.e. the same paragraph spacing that we’re using in this blog post. Additionally, the space between sections, e.g. “Education” and “Career History” will often benefit from being increased.

Line Spacing

Just like with paragraph spacing, line spacing is important for improving readability. For most font styles and sizes, a line spacing of 1.5 will be ideal.

Headers structure your resume, direct the recruiter’s attention and ensure your resume is easy to read. When we speak about headers, we often have a hierarchy of headers. In your word processor, these will typically be referred to as header 1, header 2 and so on. Header 1 is the biggest heading, with other headings designed to be nested beneath it.

You want your headers, especially your bigger ones, to jump off the page. The recruiter should be able to instantly find your education section, skill section and so on when they look at your resume. So make sure to use a large font size, e.g. 14–16 points. Don’t be tempted to use a smaller size and instead change the color of your headers: many recruiters will print out your resume in black and white or grayscale.

You can also use smaller, nested headers for specific job titles. This is particularly helpful when you have extensive professional experience.

The standard font size for regular text on resumes is 12 points. Although you might be able to adjust the font slightly if you have a particularly large or small font style, it’s not generally a good idea to deviate too much. If the font is too big, it wastes space and can look juvenile. Too small, and it becomes hard to read.

Your resume is not the right moment to experience with font styles (unless, of course, you’re applying for a design-based job). There’s a reason Times New Roman and Arial are the most common font styles: they’re easy to read. Stick with them for the best results.

Bullet Points

Bullet points will create more white space on the page and allow you to write more concisely. They can be used anywhere except for your professional summary. Just make sure they are all identically formatted.

Templates Take the Guesswork Out of Resume Building

There’s lots to consider when building a resume: dimensions and margins, sections and headers , machine readability … And that’s without considering how to best frame your professional background, education and skill sets.

It’s important to get your resume right. A well-structured and professionally written resume will help you impress recruiters, get invited to interviews and potentially negotiate a higher starting salary .

Building your resume can be easier than you might think, however. All you need is a good template that you can customize to your personal situation.

Here at Rocket Resume, we have millions of resume templates that you can use as a starting point. Whether you’re a recent college graduate, workplace returner or an experienced professional, our templates will help you show off your skills and experiences.

Moreover, our resume builder will suggest the ideal structure and style based on your background. You’ll even get recruiter-approved suggestions for the best phrasing to use.

Each resume is machine-readable, comes with pre-set dimensions and margins, and can be built in just 10 minutes. Take the stress out of resume building and create yours now .

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Graphic Design

Resume sizes.

The resume sizes are often overlooked, but the right size opens opportunities and may advance you to the next level. Resume sizes differ in the US and Europe, so make sure to choose a stationery size that works according to your location’s standards.

what is the best paper size for resume

Download the Resume Size Infographic

Resume sizes standard, resume sizes for digital – social media, facebook resume.

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Twitter Resume

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Instagram Resume

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Linkedin Resume

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Resume Sizes for Print

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Resume Sizes for Email

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Resume Sizes for Business

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Resume Sizes for Adobe Photoshop

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Resume Sizes for Adobe Illustrator

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Resume Sizes FAQs

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  1. FAQ: What Paper Should I Use for My Resume?

    Instead of using the standard weight, opt for 24 or 32-pound paper. 24-pound paper is more formal than 20-pound paper. It's also cost-effective and budget-friendly, and can usually go through a home printer easily. 32-pound resume paper is heavier and opaque, and it's less likely to tear. It's usually more expensive than 24-pound paper, and ...

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    Resume Paper Size. This is probably the easiest resume paper aspect to get right. As a rule of thumb, the right resume paper size is the standard paper size in your region. In the US, that's the letter size (8.5 x 11 inches). In Europe and much of the rest of the world, that's the A4 size (8.27 x 11.69 inches).

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    What's the best resume paper size? One of the last things to consider when buying resume paper is the size of the page. In the U.S., always stick with 8.5 x 11 inches for your resume paper size unless stated otherwise by the employer. Otherwise, you'll likely be disqualified by a hiring manager as a candidate for the job immediately.

  4. Resume Paper Guide: Best Size, Color & Type

    3. Best Resume Paper Size. There isn't much to say here. Always print on A4 paper, which is 8.5x11in. Too small of a resume paper will mean you will either have to increase the length of your resume or decrease the resume's font so much that it will become barely readable.

  5. Resume Paper: Best Types, Colors & Brands to Choose

    32 lbs, 75-100% cotton is the best resume paper. And we're feeling absolutely positive about this choice. Plus, here's our take on the details as to what makes the best resume paper: Ivory, granite resume paper is prettiest and most sophisticated. White, plain resume paper is the safest and the most standard pick.

  6. How to Choose the Right Resume Paper

    The suggested paper weight for your resume is any of the three standard ones: 20lb, 24lb and 32lb. You can use 20lb paper if you want to use the paper with an at-home printer, while 24lb and 32lb paper are best known for providing higher opacity and thickness. You may use the 24lb paper to print on both sides.

  7. How to Pick the Correct Resume Paper in 2024 [Expert Tips]

    Copy to clipboard. The size of your resume paper is one area where you should avoid experimenting. This is the time when you do not want to stand out, and you should instead stick to the standards. In the US and Canada, the standard resume paper size is 8.5 x 11 inches, also known as " letter size ." That's it.

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    Ivory paper is best for traditional industries like law and finance, while white paper suits creative roles that use bold colors in their resumes. We recommend opting for a 24- or 32-pound resume paper to achieve a professional look. If you live in the U.S., use a letter size paper, but A4 is the standard paper size if you live anywhere else.

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    The standard size for resume paper is 8.5 x 11 inches, with your information on one or two pages at most. Two pages is typically appropriate for senior positions, with extensive relevant experience to show. ... If 32 lb paper is unavailable, 24 lb paper is the next best option. The paper you use may also depend on what is available for purchase ...

  11. How to Choose the Best Paper for Your Resume

    6. Choose an appropriate weight. Resume paper is typically around 24 to 32 pounds, and it's a good idea to avoid plain printer paper, which is only 20 pounds. The paper weight also depends on what you are printing. For instance, if your resume includes graphics, dark areas of ink or has bolded text, a heavier paper weight helps avoid ink ...

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    Do you know how to choose the best resume paper? Check out our blog with the to know how to choose and get tips and examples for free! Resume Cover Letter Blog FAQ. ... Your only choice for resume paper should be the letter-size standard — 8.5 by 11 inches in the U.S. or A4 in other parts of the world — the same as ordinary printing paper.

  13. How to Choose the Best Resume Paper

    Resume paper weight. The weight of resume paper is measured in pounds (lbs) per square meter and is heavier than regular printing paper. The weight typically ranges from 24 lbs to 32 lbs and helps your printed resume to have a sense of substance. It also makes your resume more durable. Choose 24 lbs if you're trying to make a cost-effective ...

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  15. What is Resume Paper: How to Choose the Best Resume Paper in 2022?

    Here are some standard colors to use in a resume: 1. White: This is the standard color of a resume paper. And the safest option. If you have no idea what color to choose for a resume paper, ‌go with a white resume paper with your eyes closed. 2. Ivory: Ivory is also a popular color choice for resume papers.

  16. Best Resume Paper Tips: Material, Size, Weight, Texture, Color

    Color: Ivory — immediately stands out in a pile of white resumes. Weight: 32 lb — firm, durable, will not crease, not see-through. Size: 8.5 by 11 inches in the US, Canada, South America (A4 everywhere else) Material: 100% cotton — does not reflect light, great color pay-off.

  17. What type of paper should you use for your resume?

    Paper size. Your resume should be the standard paper size for your region. In The US and Canada, this is Letter size paper, or 8 ½" x 11". In Europe and much of the rest of the world, use an A4 paper, or 210mm x 297mm. ... Ivory or White colored resume paper is generally the best for most resumes. They both support most font colors very ...

  18. Resume Paper: What Is It and Why Do You Need It?

    In this article, you'll learn about the best paper for resume to use for your needs. When creating a resume, people often focus more on the content, and less on the resume paper that the content is printed on. ... you only have one resume paper size option: 8.5 x 11 inches. Go smaller or larger, and you risk your resume getting looked at ...

  19. What is Resume Paper? And How to Choose the Best Kind for Yours

    Use high-quality paper for management and executive positions. If you are applying for a management position, using the highest quality paper for your resume shows your attention to detail and makes your resume appear more sophisticated. A 32-pound ivory paper with linen texture can be an excellent choice. 4.

  20. The Best Resume Dimensions, Margins, and Layouts for 2022

    Resume Paper Dimensions. Your resume should be designed to be printed out on the standard paper size where you live. Be careful if you're applying for roles abroad: in most of North America, Letter (8½" x 11") is the standard paper size. Meanwhile, in Europe, A4 (210mm x 297mm) is more common.

  21. Which Resume Paper Weight to Pick

    The case for 24 lbs. paper. 24 lbs. paper is a common choice for resumes. In fact, much of what is sold as resume paper is the 24 lbs. weight. It strikes the happy medium between the thick 32 lbs. paper and flimsy 20 lbs. paper. Because of this, it stands up to frequent handling and prints well.

  22. Resume Margins, Fonts, Style & Paper [Expert Tips]

    Resume margins, length & alignment. Style Elements. Resume paper: Color, weight, size & texture. 1. Best font for a resume: Style, size & color. Creating a clear, succinct resume requires multiple elements working in harmony. For this to happen, one thing is certain: don't use Comic Sans. Choosing an aesthetic font might seem daunting, but it ...

  23. Resume Size

    Linkedin Resume. It is not new to see Linkedin Resumes, since this platform is created and used for professional linkages and employment. Uploading a resume on Linkedin must have a file size of 2MB or less, and must follow the standard paper size of either the US- 8.5 x 11 inches, Europe- 210 mm x 297 mm, and A4- 8.27 x 11.7 inches.