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122 Six Sigma Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Six Sigma is a highly effective methodology that aims to improve processes within an organization by identifying and eliminating defects. It focuses on reducing variation and improving quality, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and cost savings. If you are studying Six Sigma or looking to learn more about this methodology, you may be tasked with writing an essay on a specific topic related to Six Sigma. To help you get started, here are 122 Six Sigma essay topic ideas and examples:

  • An overview of the Six Sigma methodology
  • The history and evolution of Six Sigma
  • The benefits of implementing Six Sigma in an organization
  • The key principles of Six Sigma
  • The DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) process in Six Sigma
  • The roles and responsibilities of Six Sigma project team members
  • The importance of data-driven decision making in Six Sigma
  • The difference between Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma
  • The relationship between Six Sigma and Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • The impact of Six Sigma on organizational performance
  • The challenges of implementing Six Sigma in a service industry
  • The role of leadership in driving Six Sigma initiatives
  • The use of statistical tools in Six Sigma projects
  • The role of Black Belts and Green Belts in Six Sigma projects
  • The benefits of Six Sigma certification for professionals
  • The role of project charters in Six Sigma projects
  • The importance of customer feedback in Six Sigma projects
  • The impact of Six Sigma on employee engagement and morale
  • The role of benchmarking in Six Sigma projects
  • The relationship between Six Sigma and process improvement
  • The use of control charts in Six Sigma projects
  • The role of Pareto analysis in Six Sigma projects
  • The impact of Six Sigma on customer loyalty and retention
  • The use of Root Cause Analysis in Six Sigma projects
  • The importance of project management skills in Six Sigma projects
  • The role of change management in Six Sigma initiatives
  • The impact of Six Sigma on supply chain management
  • The use of Design of Experiments (DOE) in Six Sigma projects
  • The role of cost-benefit analysis in Six Sigma projects
  • The impact of Six Sigma on reducing waste and improving efficiency
  • The use of Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) in Six Sigma projects
  • The role of process mapping in Six Sigma projects
  • The impact of Six Sigma on reducing defects and errors
  • The use of Value Stream Mapping in Six Sigma projects
  • The role of Kaizen events in Six Sigma projects
  • The impact of Six Sigma on reducing cycle times
  • The use of Fishbone diagrams in Six Sigma projects
  • The role of Voice of the Customer (VOC) in Six Sigma projects
  • The impact of Six Sigma on improving product quality
  • The use of 5S methodology in Six Sigma projects
  • The role of Failure Reporting, Analysis, and Corrective Action System (FRACAS) in Six Sigma projects
  • The impact of Six Sigma on reducing variation in processes
  • The use of Process Capability Analysis in Six Sigma projects
  • The role of risk management in Six Sigma projects
  • The impact of Six Sigma on reducing costs and increasing profitability
  • The use of Statistical Process Control (SPC) in Six Sigma projects
  • The role of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) in Six Sigma projects
  • The impact of Six Sigma on improving customer satisfaction
  • The use of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) in Six Sigma projects
  • The role of Balanced Scorecard in Six Sigma initiatives
  • The impact of Six Sigma on reducing lead times
  • The use of Gemba walks in Six Sigma projects
  • The role of Standard Work in Six Sigma projects
  • The impact of Six Sigma on reducing rework and scrap
  • The role of process control plans in Six Sigma projects

These essay topic ideas and examples can serve as a starting point for your research and writing on Six Sigma. Whether you are a student or a professional looking to deepen your understanding of this methodology, exploring these topics can help you gain valuable insights and knowledge about Six Sigma and its applications in various industries. Happy writing!

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Six Sigma Essays (Examples)

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write an essay on six sigma

Six Sigma Concept in Relation

It was thought that the Six Sigma concept was simply "too powerful to fail," a misconception on which the whole misfortune of the Six Sigma programs is based. The human factor is often not taken into consideration. Elements such as empowerment, communication and recognition play an important role in determining the success of the Six Sigma methodology, according to the result of the study. Implementation in sectors like finance and sales were unsuccessful, due to the very nature of the concept, which was developed and is still mainly applied in manufacturing organizations (especially mass-manufacturing). The very basis of Six Sigma, the defect measure approach was simply ineffective in other areas of the economy. The opinion which rises from the literature review above coincides with the result of the study conducted by McAdam and Lafferty: outside a mass manufacturing environment, the Six Sigma methodology is unsuccessful. The data gathered from this research…...

mla References Antony, J. And Banuelas, R. (2001) 'A strategy for survival', Manufacturing Engineer, Vol. 80, No.3, pp.119-121. Antony, J. And Banuelas, R. (2002) 'Critical success factors for the successful implementation of Six-Sigma projects in organizations', the TQM Magazine, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.92-99. Bischeno, J. (2000) Cause and Effect; Lean Operations, Six-Sigma and Supply Chain Essentials, Blackwell, London. Breyfogle J. And Forrest, T. (1999a) 'Implementing Six-Sigma: Part 1', the Quality ManagementForum, Annual Quality Congress.

Sigma Define Six Sigma Six Sigma Is

Sigma Define Six Sigma Six Sigma is a management frame that in the past 15 years has developed from a center on process improvement with statistical tools to an inclusive structure for managing a business. The significance that the Six Sigma procedure has on improving business performance is spectacular and well recognized. Leading global companies including Motorola, General Electric, Allied Signal and Citibank have enlightened the world how Six Sigma programs have enhanced customer approval and helped them initiate new products quicker, influence their market position and save millions in operating costs. Six Sigma has transformed the DNA at GE. According to GE manager, "it is now the approach we work in everything we do and in each product we aim." (Evans, J.. And W.M. Lindsay, 1993) Six Sigma focuses on founding world class business performance bench marks and on providing an organizational configuration and road-map by which these can be recognized. This is…...

mla Reference: DeVor, R.E., T-H Chang, and J.W. Sutherland, Statistical Quality Design and Control: Contemporary Concepts and Methods, McMillan, 1992. Evans, J.R. And W.M. Lindsay, the Management and Control of Quality, West Publishing Company, Second Edition, 1993. Gitlow, H., A. Oppenheim, and R. Oppenheim, Quality Management: Tools and Methods for Improvement, Irwin, Second Edition, 1995. Six Sigma, The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World's Top Corporation, Mikel Harry, Ph. D., Richard Schroeder, Doubleday, Random House, Six Sigma,.

Sigma 'Lean Six Sigma Systems' Is a

Sigma 'Lean Six Sigma Systems' is a strategy that was employed by big industries like Motorola because of the exorbitant costs involved in the black belt strategies and the large organizations were able to afford it rather than in small industries. However now all the sections of the industry is leaning to 'Six Sigma' and there are developments both for the big and the medium industries that can be used and combined to make the process cost effective. The problem is that many companies lack the plan for the good and bad times, especially when the going is good the leadership does not care about quality, cost or efficiency. When the profits shrink there is fighting rather than leadership. Thus cost management is accorded better status than any other plan. (Gupta, 2004) Therefore the quality controls systems ought to be given priority from the beginning to avoid a cost spiral. (1)…...

mla References Bertels, Thomas. (2003) "Rath & Strong's Six Sigma Leadership Handbook." John Wiley & Sons: Hoboken, NJ. Bhote, Keki R. (2002) "The Ultimate Six Sigma: Beyond Quality Excellence to Total Business Excellence." AMACOM: New York. Brue, Greg. (2006) "Six sigma for small business"

Six Sigma Process Improvements Sustainability

Sigma The organization in question is American Express (NYSE: AXP), which is a credit card firm. The majority of the company's business is in issuing consumer credit cards, which are used to purchase a wide variety of goods and services. According to the company's latest annual report, it is also engaged in network services, merchant acquisition and processing, fee services, travel-related services, expense management products and stored value/prepaid products. The company operates globally, but the bulk of its revenues come from developed markets and in particular North America. The company had revenues of $32.8 billion in 2015, down from 2014 levels, and net income of $5.163 billion, also down from prior years. The company's OE and OA both declined in 2015 relative to the two prior years (2015 Annual eport). Six Sigma Analysis & ecommendation Six Sigma is a management technique that is primarily used to improve on processes, either in manufacturing…...

mla References 2015 American Express Annual Report. Retrieved April 17, 2016 from   http://ir.americanexpress.com/Cache/1500081626.PDF?O=PDF&T=&Y=&D=&FID=1500081626&iid=102700  Boyar, S., Maertz, C., Pearson, A. & Keough, S. (2003). Work-family conflict: A model of linkages between work and family domain variables and turnover intentions. Journal of Managerial Issues. Vol. 15 (2) 175-190. iSixSigma.com (2016). What is Six Sigma? iSixSigma.com. Retrieved April 17, 2016 from   https://www.isixsigma.com/new-to-six-sigma/getting-started/what-six-sigma/  Sig Sigma Online. (2016). Six Sigma and its use in marketing. Six Sigma Online. Retrieved April 17, 2016 from   http://www.sixsigmaonline.org/six-sigma-training-certification-information/six-sigma-and-its-use-in-marketing/

Six Sigma Quality Management

rules for evaluating an investigator's research endeavor are closely guarded by a code of research ethics to which the writing and investigation must adhere; namely objectivity, subject knowledge, and professionalism. The article authored by Henderson and Evans and the subject of review is the six-sigma statistical process employed to evaluate manufacturing quality improvement. The article was carefully scrutinized with respect to adhering to proper research formatting. A definitive evaluation was presented in terms of identifying a proper research question, need and problem, proper data analysis, and the effectiveness summary conclusions drawn. Unfortunately the article critiqued is not a true research endeavor as the authors failed to adhere to the stringent rules of conducting research investigations. The totality of the information presented is simply a reporting of what is currently taking place in a large corporation with respect to quality improvement. Introduction The structure of a research report is simple. It is almost…...

mla References Henderson, Kim M. And Evans, James R. (2000). Successful implementation of Six-Sigma: Benchmarking General Electric Company. Benchmark: An International Journal. 7:4. 260-281. Kerlinger, Fred (1964). Foundations of Behavioral Research. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. Ohlson, E.L. (1998). Best-Fit Statistical Procedures and Research Designs. Chicago: ACTS Testing Lab. Polit, D.F. & Beck, C.T. (2004).Research Principles and Methods (7th ed., Chapter 26). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.

Wipro Technologies and Six Sigma Wipro Technologies

Wipro Technologies and Six Sigma Wipro Technologies is a successful global services provider that primarily delivers the technology and relative mechanism to those companies that are IT-oriented and use IT as the primary mode for satisfying their clientele. Wipro has 40 'Centres of Excellence' that induce solutions around specified requirements of the producers and manufacturers. Wipro provides unmatched business value to clients through a mix of development excellence, quality structures and repair delivery innovation. Wipro may be the World's first CMMi Level 5 licensed software organization and also the first outdoors American company that was able to get the IEEE Software Process Award for its performance and services (Sharma et al., 2008). Wipro has probably the most advanced and intricate Six Sigma structures in the market making certain that 91% from the projects are finished in a timely manner, which is a much higher percentage than the approximate completion rates of the…...

mla References Adams, Cary W.; Gupta, Praveen; Charles E. Wilson (2003). Six Sigma Deployment. Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. De Feo, Joseph A.; Barnard, William (2005). JURAN Institute's Six Sigma Breakthrough and Beyond - Quality Performance Breakthrough Methods. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Professional. ExpressComputer, Sept.2002 Gygi, C., DeCarlo, N., Williams, B. And Stephen, C. (2012). Six Sigma for Dummies," 2nd edition, Willey Dreamtech India.

Technology Six Sigma Management and

It aids the six sigma team to look at and find out the probable causes of the problem at hand, recognize the root cause and get rid of it. FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis): This is a six sigma tool which deals with Murphy's Law which says that whatever can go wrong will go wrong. This tool takes into deliberation all the possible breakdowns that can take place and find answers for these troubles. Pareto Analysis: The Pareto graph is a six sigma Black Belts best friend. It is the most effectual method to examine and attribute data as also to find a fast win solution to the difficulty at hand. According to this principle eighty percent of the output in a business organization comes from twenty percent of the inputs (Six Sigma Tools Explained, 2011). Six Sigma has been put into practice by thousands of company's world wide. Early famous…...

Smes Six Sigma and Smes

Predictable business processes are often difficult to establish in the SME environment. For one six sigma integration often requires logistics integration which historically has been one of the more prevalent challenges SMEs face in managing processes (Bigras & Gelinas, 2004: p. 263). SMEs must often change operational and organizational styles to conform to six sigma strategies and replace traditional ways of doing business with more integrated systems to help synchronize transactions (Bigras & Gelinas, 2004: p. 263). This is particularly challenging for small industries where replacement of management methods or integrated practices is not feasible in most situations. Why Cost Likely to Big Deterrent for SME's When Financial and H esources Limited Cost is often a large deterrent for SMEs desiring six-sigma implementation. Large enterprises often have no trouble delegating the resources necessary to promote successful implementation. For years human resource management and financial resources have often been highlighted as primary concerns…...

mla References Aragon-Sanchez, A. & Sanchez-Marin, G. (2005). "Strategic orientation, management characteristics and performance: A study of Spanish SMEs." Journal of Small Business Management, 43(3): 287. Bigras, Y. & Gelina, R. (2004). "The characteristics and features of SMEs: Favorable or unfavorable to logistics integration?" Journal of Small Business Management, 42(3): 263. Filion, L.-J. (1991). Vision relations: success keys for the entrepreneur. Montreal, Canada: Les Editions de l'Entreprise.

Balanced Scorecard & Six Sigma

Question 2 BSC has been criticized for being essentially backward-looking, and thus fails to set goals for the future that can truly push the organization forward. The contention that more than 70 per cent of Balance Scorecard implementations fail should be taken with something of a grain of 'salt' given that this may be due in part to faulty human processes, although a Six Sigma advocate might stress that reducing human error should be a goal of any performance management system, and this illustrates the failure of BSC. The fundamental failure of BSC is in its lack of creativity -- its focus on financial performance encourages short-term 'tweaking' and a focus on quarterly or annual results, rather than upon long-term performance improvements. Although the approach has been reformed to give strategic advice, the focus on metrics and statistics can tend to deemphasize unexpected shifts in the environment, such as changes in technology…...

mla Works Cited What is the balanced scorecard? (2009). Balanced Scorecard. Retrieved August 11, 2009 at   http://www.balancedscorecard.org/BSCResources/AbouttheBalancedScorecard/tabid/55/Default.aspx  What is Six Sigma? (2009). Six Sigma. Retrieved August 11, 2009 at   http://www.isixsigma.com/sixsigma/six_sigma.asp

Management Comparison a Comparison of Six Sigma

Management Comparison A Comparison of Six Sigma to Lean Manufacturing, Strategic Quality Management, and Total Quality Management There are a plethora of management strategies and perspectives that are being employed in operations and supply chain management in the modern business environment. Among the various theories being implemented, Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, Strategic Quality Management, and Total Quality Management are among the most popular. This paper will compare and contrast some of the different points associated with these models to provide an introduction into the different strategies as well as look at some of the research that has been conducted in these areas. Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, Strategic Quality Management and Total Quality Management Discussion Six Sigma has gained a significant amount of attention in industry however comparatively little research has been conducted on the conceptual definition and underlying theory associated with this model (Schroeder, Linderman, Liedtke, & Choo, 2008). In fact, in the beginning…...

mla Works Cited Basu, R., & Wright, N. (2012). Quality Beyond Six Sigma. New York: Routledge. Deming, W. (2011, September 22). The Deming System of Profound Knowledge. Retrieved from The W. Edwards Deming Institute:   http://deming.org/index.cfm?content=66  Naslund, D. (2008). Lean, six sigma and lean sigma: rads or real process improvement methods? Business Process Management Journal, 269-287. Schroeder, R., Linderman, K., Liedtke, C., & Choo, A. (2008). SixSigma: Definition and underlying theory. Journal of Operations Management, 536-554.

Commlab India Adopts Six Sigma

Net). Over time Six Sigma will act as a catalyst for aligning the many processes, systems and strategies in the company to the customers that they rely on to survive. This transformation is exactly what the CEO of CommLab India is after when he ends the article with his quote about being market-driven (P-USA.Net). By market-driven, he is saying that his company needs to get the customer at the center of all their activity first, and then build out from that point, aligning each process to be more efficient from the customers' perspective. The six summarized benefits of Six Sigma shown in the article are meant to inform the reader as to the value, both short- and long-term, of pursuing a rigorous Six Sigma design and process methodology. In reality the work will magnify the strengths of CommLab India while alleviating many of the weaknesses, basically rooting out inefficiency processes…...

mla Reference "COMMLAB INDIA ADOPTS SIX SIGMA." PR-USA.Net . PR-USA.Net, 31 May 2011. Web. 12 Jun 2011. . http://pr-usa.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=756466&Itemid=29 Nold, H.. "Merging Knowledge Creation Theory with the Six-Sigma Model for Improving Organizations: The Continuous Loop Model. " International Journal of Management 28.2 (2011): 469-477.

Quality Management Approaches Six Sigma

It is a comprehensive approach that certainly includes the optimization of operational processes emphasized in the Six Sigma framework, but operational processes represent only one small component part of the much broader focus of TQM. If there is a disadvantage to TQM, it would be in connection with the types of businesses or industries in which the standardization and optimization of operational processes is extremely important. In principle, those types of organizations and operations would benefit from the Six Sigma approach whereas industries and organizations in which operational processes are merely one component of a much broader set of variables would likely benefit more from the TQM approach (obbins & Judge, 2009). The ISO 9000 approach to business management is one of the most successful modern business management systems, largely because it offers some of the advantages of Six Sigma and of TQM but with fewer potential negative consequences (George…...

mla References George, J. And Jones, G. (2008). Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Robbins, S.P. And Judge, T.A. (2009). Organizational Behavior. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Sigma Implementation Six-Sigma Has Been

Commitment from top level management is of utmost significance. In order to successfully implement six-sigma, the management must commit to it so that it can influence others and gain their support as well. Employees must be completely convinced that Six-sigma initiative is for real and needs to be taken seriously. Top management can tie rewards with performance based on six-sigma just like GE CEO Jack Welch did when the company first implemented six-sigma in 1996. When it appeared that people might not take it seriously, Welch informed employees that their promotion in the organization would be dependent on how quickly they mastered Six-Sigma (Harry, 2006). This had an immediate impact on people's attitude towards the new initiative. The same kind of conviction needs to be displayed by our executives in order to get the desired results out of this program. eference Mikel Harry, Six Sigma: The…...

mla Reference Mikel Harry, Six Sigma: The Breakthrough Strategy, Bantam Books. 2006

Six Sigma DMAIC 5 Control for Starbucks

To maintain the improvements, it is necessary to rewrite the SOPs, and ensure that the staff are properly trained in the new techniques. One of the key elements to Six Sigma is that not only should the company improve processes, but that those improvements should be replicable. The only way that is possible is if each person involved in the process is aware that the process has changed, and is capable of executing the new process. DMAIC Phase 5 is control, which is the means by which the new process is made replicable. There are a couple of key steps in the control phase to ensure that the method is standardized. The first is documentation. It is critical that the new process is properly documented, including all key aspects of the process. The documentation allows for the improvements to be recorded. But having great documentation is not enough -- it is…...

Implementing Six Sigma at Starbucks

Six Sigma at Starbucks Starbucks is a coffee-making giant in the retail sector that has experienced tremendous growth and profitability since inception. The company's success to an extent that its renowned as one of the leading coffeehouses across the globe is attributable to its relatively effective business operations and processes. Starbucks Coffeehouse has a huge customer base that has contributed to a significant market share and competitive advantage. This coffeehouse targets customers from all walks of life and provide coffee products for a wide range of customers based on their needs and preferences. However, the firm's major customers are urban and affluent populations, especially on-the-go white-collar professionals who want to take coffee to their workplaces (Bowman, 2016). This target population is Starbucks' favorite customer given that the firm considers its major customers to be educated professionals with an average income of $90,000. Additionally, Starbucks targets customers who are looking to relax…...

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What Is Six Sigma? Essay Example

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The purpose of this project is to determine the application of lean methodology in the information technology industry. The report will begin with an understanding of the history of lean methodology in addition to a discussions of the minimum viable product. Applications of lean methodology in addition to relevant successes and failures will be included. Finally, an application of lean methodology in terms of health care, education, and information technology, with an emphasis on information technology, will be included. The study aims to determine the utility of lean methodology in the modern setting.

Assignment Text

You need to produce a report that in a detailed manner discusses the lean methodology. Your report should focus on:

  • The history of the lean methodology

Minimum Viable Product

  • Sectors where the lean methodology has been used
  • Successes and failures of the lean methodology
  • How the lean methodology is used within IT
  • Lean and tech start-ups

For individuals to thrive in the modern work industry, it is necessary for them to know how to either create or use technology. By implementing use of this important tool, companies are better able to implement interventions in a manner that contributes to their profitability. Even though some companies fail at lean methodology due to a lack of insight about implementation, technology will be developed in a way that will make failure less possible as time progresses. Lean methodology is the key to success.

The History of and Introduction to Lean Methodology

Lean methodology was designed to eliminate waste from manufacturing processes. Overall, it is important for organizations to consider how to reduce this waste in order to gain the greatest possible profit. Since the total earnings that a company receives is based on their income minus their expenses, lean methodology is a useful tool to help get rid of these expenses. Therefore, the most profitable companies are those who are able to sell their products or services for the greatest possible price while avoiding detracted funds in the form of expenses. While this concept has been applied in various practices throughout history, it is important to determine its evolving relevance in the modern business world.

One of the earliest recorded examples of lean methodology is contained within a document created by Benjamin Franklin. In this paperwork, he claims, “He that idly loses 5s. worth of time, loses 5s., and might as prudently throw 5s. into the river” (Wood 2014). In this statement, Franklin is advising people to not waste time. In short, he is stating that “time is money”. In the modern setting, the application of time saving techniques continues to be relevant to business practices. If companies are able to optimize the time of their employees efficiently, they will be better able to product output that will contribute to profit. It is also important to consider that companies could implement many practices that would positively contribute to the ability for them to save time. Therefore, the history of lean methodology is based on this fact in addition to interpretations and adaptations of techniques that could be used to further refine this understanding in practice.

As a consequence of Franklin’s philosophy, Ford developed the assembly line, in which factory workers are each responsible for constructing a certain component of a car. Because of this practice, these workers were specialized in their individual knowledge, which contributed to the company’s ability to produce cars more quickly. The assembly line is a practice that is still used today, whether using human labor or machinery. The use of machinery is another way in which efficiency has been implemented in the modern workforce; even though people are needed to operate the machinery, a smaller labor force is required and this change is associated with higher productivity. Therefore, it is apparent that lean practices have evolved over the years to accommodate the changing needs of small and large organizations.

Another individual that positively contributed to the development of lean practices was Frank Gilbreth. As a professional mason, Gilbreth noticed that workers would stoop down to pick up bricks that they had dropped during the construction process. In addition, individuals were required to climb down to ground level to pick up more bricks to add to existing structures. In doing so, these employees were not acting in the most efficient manner due to the time needed to travel up and down a ladder or to bend down. To resolve this problem, Gilbreth recommended that the bricks be placed at the waste level of each employee to allow them to focus more on their direct job responsibility instead of carrying the brick to the necessary location. As a result of this practice, Gilbreth demonstrated how construction projects could be completed more quickly. This understanding was further developed for additional practices in the modern industry,

A 20 th century understanding of lean practices was introduced by Frederick Winslow Taylor, who stated that:

“And whenever a workman proposes an improvement, it should be the policy of the management to make a careful analysis of the new method, and if necessary conduct a series of experiments to determine accurately the relative merit of the new suggestion and of the old standard. And whenever the new method is found to be markedly superior to the old, it should be adopted as the standard for the whole establishment. (Taylor 1911)”

This is an important understanding for modern lean practices because the idea suggests that it is important for companies to use the scientific method to determine which practices it should use to optimize practices. In doing so, they can create an intervention that they believe will reasonably resolve a problem and conduct analytical testing over a period of time to determine whether this will be the case. As a result, Taylor introduced the concept of lean methodology that many organizations implement into their practices today. When companies wish to understand which operations they can implement to reduce waste, they simply look at the existing literature to determine which methods have been attempted in the past and then create an experimental procedure based on this understanding. These individuals then carry out the experiment and analyze results. If it is found that practices are beneficial, they will remain in action. If this is not the case, the intervention and procedure will be refined and the experiment will be repeated until an ideal solution to the problem is found. It is often necessary to repeat an analysis of an intervention several times before an appropriate solution to the problem is found. It is beneficial to examine the information from different angles in order to best determine how to modify the procedure in a manner that will produce viable results.

The minimum viable product has been defined as the product with the highest return compared to the risk of investment. To achieve an understanding of the minimum viable product, it is important for business professionals to determine the variables that exist in a current market to determine both the risk and how the greatest return can be received. Overall, it could be said that the use of the minimum viable product is a form of hypothesis testing. A hypothesis is typically used in the scientific method to create a direction for the experiment. As such, it is considered to be the best guess to answer a research question based on the existing data. The minimum viable product is helpful because it allows researchers to predict the outcome of an intervention using consideration of a small number of resources. In realistic situations, it is challenging to gain an understanding of all variables related to an economic prediction, so it is preferable to use what is known. Even though an exact answer cannot be retrieved using this method, the minimum viable product serves as a valuable estimation.

Other advantages of the minimum viable product that have been cited include the fact that using this as a form of prediction accelerates the company’s ability to learn about the problem they are trying to solve. As a consequence, they are likely to either confirm or deny their hypothesis more quickly, which allows for progression of the development of a valuable intervention. Intrinsically, this reduces engineering hours in terms of the development of the project and actual product manufacturing hours spent. Last, this method allows companies to get the products to consumers in the most efficient time frame, which contributes to the acquisition of profit more quickly.

Sectors Where the Lean Methodology has Been Used

Although lean methodology has traditionally been applied in the business word, it is important to consider that it could also be utilized in other industries. The most common adaptations for lean methodology procedures have been in information technology, health care, and education. This section will focus on the use of lean methodology in health care and education, as its use will be described in relation to information technology exclusively in future sections.

The health care industry has recently encountered a host of funding issues related to government funding and new requirements. Many hospitals and private health care settings have needed to acquire new technology to be able to comply with electronic health record requirements. As such, there is a greater need for health care professionals to reduce wastes in practice. Initially, focus was placed on reducing staffing available during non-peak hours. However, this failed because it negatively contributed to patient outcome. Later practices indicated that in spite of the initial expense caused by the implementation of electronic health record systems, these machines helped reduce the wait time for patients and are contributing to the optimization of care. Health care professionals are currently conducting a series of studies that will allow them to gain a greater understanding of how lean practices could be implemented using the electronic health record system.

An additional implementation of lean methodology that has been incorporated into health care practices involves the use of six sigma. According to the American Society for Quality, six sigma is defined as:  

“A method that provides organizations tools to improve the capability of their business processes. This increase in performance and decrease in process variation lead to defect reduction and improvement in profits, employee morale, and quality of products or services. Six Sigma quality is a term generally used to indicate a process is well controlled (within process limits ±3s from the center line in a control chart, and requirements/tolerance limits ±6s from the center line)” (ASQ 2015) .

Ultimately, the implementation of six sigma in the health care industry is related to regulatory practices put in place by hospitals and other health care organizations. Comprehensive research is conducted in the health care field to determine how health care professionals could best contribute to patient care. As such, studies that are conducted on the institutional, city, state, federal, and world level are applied to these practices. Once effective practices are identified by these studies, health care professionals are trained in a manner that helps them make these regulations become a consistent part of care. In doing so, health care organizations are helping to ensure that their practices are controlled, which allows them to more reasonably predict patient outcome based on existing variables. Deviation from these expectations will reflect a need for better training and the six sigma process allows for different understandings to be incorporate into practice to better achieve organizational goals.

In a sense, it could be said that lean methodology is being incorporated into modern educational practices as well. Throughout history, a majority of state governments required that testing should be put in place to help determine the abilities of students and to assess whether they should or should not be allowed to graduate to the next grade. In addition to serving this purpose, these tests are currently being used to determine the efficacy of the teacher and the curriculum. In the United States, a majority of states have adopted a new curriculum called the common core. This curriculum was put in place to implement high standards uniformly for students in each state. As a result, students that graduate from one grade in one state should technically be able to continue in a second state without feeling that their education has been disrupted in terms of difficulty and content. It is important to understand that this methodology is currently in the experimental phase. As such, the federal governments and individual school boards are continuing to collect data to determine if this curriculum change is effective or if it is not and additional modifications should be made to this plan.

Currently, the federal Board of Education is not aware as to whether or not the use of the common core will remain. The plan has only been implemented for two years, indicating that more data is needed to determine whether it is successful or a failure. Therefore, it is important to consider that the longevity that is needed for some studies of lean methodology. If researchers intend to determine what interventions will call for long-term change, the studies need to be longitudinal in nature to effectively answer the research question. Thus, it is important for organizational leaders in a variety of industries to determine which question is being asked and how it should be answered to determine whether their individual application of lean methodology will prove successful.

Successes and Failures of the Lean Methodology

Successes related to lean methodology depend on the industry and method use. As indicated earlier, Ford’s implementation of the assembly line as a lean practice was essential to changing the way that lean practices are viewed. As such, Ford was able to outcompete other businesses in the automotive industry until they too, adopted these practices. In the modern setting, some of the successes related to lean methodology are tied to the transport and logistics industry. When this industry first became prevalent, there were minimal travel options and routes to choose from in order to implement practice. In the modern setting, however, there is a nearly infinite set of possibilities. It is therefore necessary for professionals in these fields to carefully consider the possibilities in a manner that will reduce costs and maximize profit. To do so, they must determine which modes of transportation could be used in addition to the speeds of these vehicles and the routes they are able to take. Additional considerations include the locations of warehouses and altering the locations of manufacturing altogether. Transportation and logistics businesses are successful when they are able to compute the right combinations in a manner that allows for profitability. Even though this appears to be specific to this industry, most organizations are able to successfully implement lean methodology if they carefully consider the procedures they use, if they are able to justify their methods, and if care is taken in their application.

According to professionals in the Fabricators and Manufacturers Association, the most challenging aspect of lean methodology is its actual implementation. As a result, it is essential to consider how implementation of these plans will be conducted:

“The most important parts of lean implementation are preparation—especially an objective assessment and development of the business and technical cases for lean—leadership that can get things done, appropriate training, resolution of people issues, and well-designed deployment methods” (Kallage 2006).

It is likely that a lean methodology intervention will succeed if it is carefully developed (Liker 2003). However, a lack of consideration of the plan will likely destine it for failure. As a consequence, it is important for a team of specialized professionals to be involved in the development of this plan. In addition to having an understanding of lean methodology, it is also important for them to have comprehensive experience in their particular industry in addition to an understanding of the scientific method. Individuals that are responsible for creating lean interventions must act as scientists. Therefore, it is important for them to be able to think critically about the problem and potential plans for solutions. Last, they must have the analytical skills necessary to determine if an intervention is effective or not.

It is also important to consider that organizations that have effective lean methodology plans have good leadership as well (Denning 2012). It is the responsibility of the leader to determine whether individual members of a team will work together in an effective manner and to pair abilities on this basis. Furthermore, the leader must also be considered an expert in the field and have an understanding of organizational needs in a manner that will allow him or her to direct the work of these employees. The best type of leader to encourage such as process would implement either transformational or transactional leadership because these individuals are best able to facilitate the development of creativity and skill among employees. Furthermore, employees are more likely to be satisfied while working for this type of individual. As a result, the personality of the leader is highly connected to the ability of the team to be able to successfully complete a challenging and long-term project. If employees are provided with the skills they need to accomplish such a task, they will succeed. If they are not provided with the correct resources, whether human or material, they will fall to failure.

How the Lean Methodology is Used in Information Technology

In the information technology setting, waste is broadly defined as work that does not contribute any value to a product or service. The application of lean methodology in the information technology field is interesting because this concept has only been recently applied in this work. In a sense, this could be understood in terms of both the practices implemented by information technology professionals with regards to the services they provide to individuals within their organization in addition to the physical coding they need to occasionally perform.

In terms of coding, it is important to consider that coding could be conducted in several ways. While several codes can be used to obtain the same result, the leanest code would be the one that has no redundancies and is able to complete its function in the quickest manner. As such, it is important for information technology professionals to revise their codes in a manner that allows them to identify these redundancies. Doing so will positively contribute to the outcomes of their applications.

Information technology professionals are employed in a variety of fields which makes their practices an important component of the lead methodology process. Since nearly all modern companies use computing in some manner, information technology professionals can become directly involved in these optimizing practices to contribute to the team. In the health care setting, for example, information technology staff members are typically required to enforce HIPAA requirements, which call for a provision of patient privacy. These individuals are therefore required to implement safety measures on the computers and electronic health record systems of health care professionals to ensure that they don’t mistakenly or purposely disseminate information to the wrong individual. One method that is implemented to prevent these practices is programming computers to instantly time out after periods of disuse. This helps contribute to lean practices because it reduces the financial risk of the health care organization that would result if a lawsuit was placed for accidental release of information. Another way these professionals prevent the spread of information is by setting password requirements for members of the team and monitoring individual access to health information.

In a broader sense, information technology professionals are aware of software and hardware modifications that are needed to optimize company computer systems. As a result, they are able to boost the networks they work with in order to offer company employees greater browsing speed and accessibility to necessary work information. Furthermore, they are responsible for recommending software that will further optimize these practices. Thus, it is reasonable to consider that information technology professionals are responsible for increasing the speed of work, which helps contribute to profitability in terms of efficiency.

Overall, information technology professionals are currently being used by a number of organizations to help the company executives determine how to improve customer service. For some companies, this can be web-based or over the phone. The best example of waste reduction in the modern era is the widespread implementation of robotic answering systems that are used to determine the concerns of the customer and forward them to the correct party. Because of these procedures, customer service representatives are able to spend more time assisting customers, and less representatives may be needed as a whole. In fact, many customer concerns can be addressed by the information presented by the robot operator. Very advanced systems have learned to detect the frustration of the customer and will automatically transfer certain clients to operations if they express their anger with the company. In doing so, organizations are better able to meet the concerns of multiple customers at the same time.

Lean and Tech Start-Ups                

Because the implementation of lean practices in information technology is relatively new, it is important to consider the new innovations that have been possible as a consequence of its use. One of the most fascinating applications of these measures are being used to prevent against robot scams and other scam phone calls. Modern scammers make calls to a variety of phones to determine which number will lead to a person in addition to the individual’s likelihood to answer the phone. These scammers will then use this phone information in addition to conversations with the person who answers the device to retrieve a portion of their private information. They will then call banks pretending to be the individual in order to make small to large withdrawals, depending upon their confidence about the information retrieved. Sine many scammers have gotten away with these practices and have successfully retrieved money from banks in this manner, companies have developed anti-scamming technology to help determine the probability that the individual calling is a scammer. To do so, a technological system measures the tone of the caller’s voice in addition to how they phrase certain requests to determine their level of confidence and likelihood that they are the individual who they say they are. This technology is a consequence of the integration of information technology and human psychology and will prove significant benefit to many members of society.

Preventing scammers is one useful application that tech start-ups have formed. Banks have been able to deter criminal actions, saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars and preserving the economy. Other technology start-ups that are relevant include those that are developing cloud computing and other remote communication and sharing platforms. Because of these innovations, professionals are able to communicate with one another in real time, independently of their location. As a result, collaborations between companies in different locations has become more effective because information that they intend to share and discuss can be done with a click of a button. Furthermore, many of these applications have built in translators that assist these individuals with language needs.

Overall, technology is evolving at a rapid pace, which is made possible in part due to lean methodologies. It is expected that lean methodologies will allow the technological world to evolve at an exponential rate because lean methodologies are used to manufacture new technologies more efficiently, and these technologies could continue the cycle to promote the use of lean methodologies in other industries. A majority of businesses in the modern world are dependent on technology for practices and therefore can benefit from the use of lean methods. Even not for profit or government organizations would benefit from the incorporation of these methods. It is important to consider that modern practices are shifting towards efficiency and it is helpful for the modern worker to comprehend associated implications.

ASQ (2015), What is Six Sigma?, [Internet] Available from: http://asq.org/learn-about-quality/six-sigma/overview/overview.html, [Accessed 9 September 2015]

Frederick Winslow Taylor (2013). The Principles of Scientific Management. London: Forgotten Books.

Jeffrey Liker (2003), Operations: Why lean programs fail, [Internet] Available from: http://www.bus-ex.com/article/operations-why-lean-programs-fail, [Accessed 9 September 2015]

Richard Kallage (2006), Lean implementation failures, [Internet] Available from: http://www.thefabricator.com/article/shopmanagement/lean-implementation-failures, [Accessed 9 September 2015]

Samuel Wood (2014), Lean Manufacturing: Keep Moving Forward | A Brief History | Part 1, [Internet] Available from: http://www.rootstock.com/erp-blog/lean-manufacturing-keep-moving-forward-a-brief-history-part-1/, [Accessed 9 September 2015]

Steve Denning (2012), Why Lean Programs Fail — Where Toyota Succeeds: A New Culture of Learning, [Internet] Available from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/stevedenning/2011/02/05/why-lean-programs-fail-where-toyota-succeeds-a-new-culture-of-learning/, [Accessed 9 September 2015]

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Table of Contents

The Six Sigma framework provides the basis upon which the development of a new product could lead to the reduction of production costs, quality improvement and the satisfaction of a firm’s customers. This framework informs the primacy of this paper, which dwells on the provision of background information on the management model. Conversely, the paper covers the methodological aspect that could be applicable to the development of a new product. For this reason, the methodology focuses on the DMAIC performance improvement model applicable to this framework. The process leads to the conclusion that the model is essential for evaluating the procedure needed for the development of a new product, which assists in the improvement of the process. 


Six Sigma could be understood as a standard used by a company to improve the performance of its business and ensure the satisfaction of its customers. Motorola developed the management strategy in the year 1986, during a period when a considerable number of manufacturing entities were seeing a revolution in their operations (Thakore, Dave, Parsana, & Solanki, 2014). This period saw numerous consumer demands arise, prompting the manufacturing companies to consider the significance of customer satisfaction to ensure their survival in the market. For this reason, the firms were forced to enhance not only the quality of their products, but the quality of their processes as well. The Six Sigma business management strategy was essential for the improvement of quality while following up on the costs of production.

In the light of the identified elements regarding Six Sigma, this paper provides an overview of the management model, consequently summarizing its distinctive elements. Conversely, the paper looks into several concerns regarding its effectiveness in an organization. The provisions recognize the idea that achieving high productivity in a company characterizes the fundamental element defining production. In spite of this essential element, it would be necessary for a company to consider other factors that fulfill various needs such as customer demands, competition, product diversity, and lead time demands, among other provisions.  The benchmark of this strategy considers these elements. The primary initiative of the strategy involves reducing variations in the manufacturing process, consequently reducing production costs and processes.

Definition and background of Six Sigma

As identified earlier, Motorola invented the lean tool (Thakore, Dave, Parsana, & Solanki, 2014). The need to create this tool emanated from the organization’s desire to minimize production costs and improve the quality of its products. Just as several other companies that were operational in this period, the capability of the production processes were low, with a large portion of the producers failing to meet some of the demands from customers. The failure to meet customer requirements meant that most of their products needed rework, some of them were scrap, the business entity needed to perform field services to ensure customer satisfaction, and it had to recall some of the products already shipped to other markets outside the local market. 

The rationale for coming up with this strategy emanated from the need to reduce the costs incurred during production, reduce possible wastages, and ensure that the customers were satisfied with the firm’s products and services. This need saw the birth of the Six Sigma concept, developed by Motorola engineers, which contributed to the firm’s bottom line (Thakore, Dave, Parsana, & Solanki, 2014). The application of this strategy would enable the company to achieve a “3.4 Defects per Million Opportunities (DPMO)” (Panneerselvam, 2012). Motorola’s achievement influenced other companies, such as General Electric (GE), during which it underwent a significant evolution. GE enhanced the model, consequently infusing it to every section of the business to ensure its success (General Electric, n.d). This infusion enabled GE’s business to realize an improvement in its financial performance, similarly benefiting its employees, shareholders, as well as consumers. The then CEO claimed the quality improvement model to be an integral part of the firm’s culture (General Electric, n.d). 


Using Six Sigma the procedure that would be in place for the development of a new product will be the primary concern. The fundamental strategy is to upgrade a firm’s competitiveness. The procedure will focus on meeting quality demands, the delivery time, and the cost limitations that an organization might encounter. For this reason, this development will focus on Six Sigma’s DMAIC process. In the light of this provision, the initial step in the development of the new product would involve the definition and provision of its layout. Since the development of the product will be computer-aided, it would be essential to designate given codes for the different production phases hierarchically. This section also involves the definition of control items, which are inclusive of the presentation of the schedule, the production capability and capacity, and regulatory elements, among other provisions.

The next step, which falls in the measurement domain, focuses on the use of a method that will assist in measuring the performance of the process. One of the possible methods that could be used in measuring the performance index of the product development process is the use of questionnaires. The indices considered for inclusion in the questionnaire cover the importance of the new product and its execution. The other phase attends to the performance evaluation and factor analyses. Factor analysis focuses on finding primary elements that can affect the performance of the product development procedures (Jou et al., 2010). 

On the other hand, the performance evaluation analysis, which looks into the work performance standards, reveals possible work items and resources distributed unevenly. For this reason, it would be possible to focus on a strategy that will improve the production process and reduce inefficiency. During this phase, it is possible to locate some of the variable work items that fall outside the confines of the evaluation matrix.

Figure I: Reality chart providing the execution of the new product development 

Reality chart providing the execution of the new product development

Source: Jou et al., 2010

The other phase is the development phase that focuses on the improvement of the development procedure as well as the establishment of the complete product development system. In relation to the aspect of improvement, it would be essential to realign the management skills that would assist in meeting the objective of the project, which involves the decision-making aspect of the product. When establishing the system, several provisions are fundamental. These elements are inclusive of collecting appropriate information, developing testing and examination systems, and data processing systems. The verification phase uses the system application that can process data based on the object-oriented technique used in the development phase. The process makes it possible for users to establish a plan and system that follows the different strategic and scales applicable to the product development mechanism. 

Figure II: The phases of the Six Sigma Process

The phases of the Six Sigma Process

The study considered several aspects that are inclusive of performance and factor analyses, among other provisions, into the Six Sigma framework. This framework works towards the improvement of the quality of the new product, consequently leading to the development of a system that would assist in the evaluation and improvement processes. A company can use the described model to evaluate the production of a new product systematically since it assists in revealing possible problems, analyzing their causes and establishing schemes that could assist in their execution and considered improvements. The systematic provisions are essential for the realization of appropriate product development procedures necessary for enhancing the producer’s competitiveness. 

Discussion and conclusion

The discussed model assists in evaluating and improving the performance of procedures that can assist in the development of a new product. It does not focus on the development of a performance index applicable to the production system but the systematic steps necessary for identifying, analyzing and assisting in the improvement of procedural entities applicable to the development of a new product. The entities primarily assist in the identification of elements that might degrade performance in relation to the process of a new product development. A suggestion that would assist in further research would include the implementation of studies that could determine whether the model would be applicable in any industry. However, the adoption of the proposed model would assist in the enforcement of manufacturing provisions such as the competitiveness of the new products. 

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  • General Electric. What is six sigma? The roadmap to customer impact.  Retrieved July 28, 2016, from http://www.ge.com/sixsigma/SixSigma.pdf
  • Jou, Y. T., Chen, C. H., Hwang, C. H., Lin, W. T., & Huang, S. J. (2010). A study on the improvements of new product development procedure performance-an application of design for Six Sigma in a semi-conductor equipment manufacturer.  International Journal Of Production Research ,  48 (19), 5573-5591.
  • Panneerselvam, R. (2012).  Production and operations management . New Delhi: PHI Learning Privated Limited. 
  • Thakore, R., Dave, R., Parsana, T., & Solanki, A. (2014). A Review: Six Sigma Implementation Practice in Manufacturing Industries. Int. Journal Of Engineering Research And Applications , 4 (11), 63-69.


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Six Sigma Principles: A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing and Optimizing Your Processes

  • Written by Contributing Writer
  • Updated on June 16, 2023

Six sigma Principles

When processes don’t work as they should, productivity suffers, and unexpected variations lead to product defects that compromise customer experience and a company’s bottom line. Six Sigma (also called 6 Sigma) is a process management system that aims to improve efficiency, quality, and performance. Lean Six Sigma principles provide a framework for understanding how processes work and what steps a company can take to identify and remedy obstacles to quality and customer satisfaction.

In this article, we will dig into Lean and Six Sigma principles, the benefits of applying them, real-world examples, how you can get started on your Lean Six Sigma training , and more.

What Are the Principles of Six Sigma?

Six Sigma is a popular process management methodology that originated in 1986 when engineer Bill Smith implemented its core principles at Motorola. The Six Sigma methodology draws heavily from Japanese production principles in use at its Toyota plants in the 1930s, where workers were empowered to halt production lines when they encountered glitches.

Also Read: Six Sigma Belt Levels: A Comprehensive Guide

Although its origins lie in the world of manufacturing, Six Sigma has been adopted across sectors as diverse as finance, healthcare, hospitality, and aviation. Six Sigma provides a systematic, data-driven framework for improving quality and empowering employees in these and many other industries. That framework rests on Six Sigma’s five core principles: define, measure, analyze, improve, and control.

The first step in improving processes and performance is clearly identifying the problem interfering with desired outcomes. This requires understanding how a process is supposed to work and how it actually works. By asking questions and observing processes and outcomes, Six Sigma teams can dig deep to find the root causes of variations that create obstacles.

The Six Sigma methodology requires proof of a cause-and-effect relationship between processes and outcomes before embarking on a plan for improvement. That improves efficiency and reduces the waste of resources and materials. Through observation, statistical analysis and other means, Six Sigma teams can establish clear connections to guide improvement.

Establishing causal relationships that impact processes and performance requires collecting and analyzing data from various relevant sources. The data analysis tools allow Six Sigma teams and professionals to uncover the true cause of process variations that lead to defects in production and performance.

After identifying the core causes of process problems, all team members work together to resolve those problems. Six Sigma encourages everyone on the team to take a proactive approach to improve processes, which makes team members invested in outcomes and committed to company goals.

Once problems have been identified and processes have been corrected, it’s essential to maintain control of those processes so that they continue to work properly and variations can be prevented before they lead to defects that compromise quality.

Known collectively as DMAIC principles, these define the Six Sigma methodology. But other concepts have also become a part of the broader Six Sigma system, including:

  • A customer-first perspective. To achieve the desired outcomes, teams need to focus on what customers need and want, not what the company thinks they want. Working from the customer’s perspective allows teams to identify defects and deficits affecting the optimal customer experience.
  • Flexibility and diligence. To establish the root causes of problems and make the changes needed to fix them, companies need to thoroughly investigate and evaluate processes and be flexible enough to adopt new approaches. Empowering employees and educating them about the benefits of Six Sigma can help them adapt to new ways of working that lead to better outcomes.

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Lean Six Sigma: Reducing Both Variables and Waste

Six Sigma principles share features of other process improvement methodologies , specifically Lean, a methodology aimed at reducing waste that is also inspired by Japanese manufacturing processes. In its emphasis on improving outcomes from a “people-first” perspective, Six Sigma has also been likened to Agile, which emphasizes flexibility and adaptability for better outcomes. But Agile is a mindset rather than a framework, and Lean focuses specifically on eliminating waste.

Six Sigma offers a methodology for process improvement that starts with identifying and establishing clear connections between the causes of process variations and their outcomes. That provides a roadmap for improvement that can be easily applied in various corporate settings.

Because Six Sigma and Lean are inspired by Japanese manufacturing philosophies and share the goal of increasing efficiency, Lean’s principles of waste reduction can also be incorporated into Six Sigma. The result is a hybrid of Lean and Six Sigma principles called Lean Six Sigma, which works toward reducing process variations and waste on every level.

The Benefits of Implementing Lean Six Sigma Principles

Implementing Six Sigma principles in the workplace brings a long list of benefits for customers, employees, and the organization’s overall mission, including:

  • Improved efficiency and productivity. Because Six Sigma principles emphasize targeting the root causes of process inefficiency, processes work better and improve productivity when minimizing deficiencies and variables. That improves efficiency and reduces time and resources lost from poorly performing processes.
  • Higher quality output and customer satisfaction . Lean Six Sigma principles prioritize customer satisfaction, encouraging teams to see processes and performances from the customer’s perspective to identify critical points for improvement. Eliminating the variables that create defects leads to higher-quality output that better meets the needs and expectations of customers.
  • Reduced costs and less waste. Poorly performing processes cost money and waste an organization’s resources. The principles of Six Sigma aim to make processes work optimally, eliminating the variables that lead to defective products and poor performance. In that way, the Six Sigma framework can cut costs and reduce waste, especially when combined with the waste-reducing principles of Lean.
  • Increased employee engagement and satisfaction. Six Sigma principles encourage employees to find and resolve process problems proactively. When their input is valued, and they become empowered to take action, employees experience greater engagement with the organization and satisfaction with their jobs.

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Applying Six Sigma Principles in Practice

Six Sigma is one of the top process management frameworks in the world, used to improve operational efficiency and product quality in companies ranging from small startups to global giants, including:

  • 3M completed more than 30,000 projects using the principles of Six Sigma and Lean while reducing environmental impacts from waste and energy expenditures.
  • Rockwell Automation used Lean Six Sigma to improve its cooling systems and reduced energy costs by more than $300,000 annually.
  • Xerox uses the principles of Six Sigma to adapt to industry changes and remain competitive in a rapidly evolving global marketplace.

Implementing Lean Six Sigma principles in an organization requires company-wide coordination and commitment. The process begins with management. Executives and managers must embrace Six Sigma on an organizational level to define projects needing attention, allocate resources and make training available.

Once an organization commits to using Six Sigma, managers must find and train employees who will put the principles to work, resolving practical issues. Building Six Sigma teams from different work areas provides multiple perspectives and ideas for new approaches, and organizations can provide opportunities for high-performing employees to take advanced Six Sigma training.

The key to Six Sigma’s success is data analysis, which reveals the causes of process and performance issues. To implement the methodology, organizations need to plan what data is needed and how it will be collected and analyzed. Employees on Six Sigma teams must have access to the tools and resources they need to analyze the data correctly.

Six Sigma Tools and Techniques for Implementing the Principles

Six Sigma teams can use various statistical and analytical tools to acquire and analyze data and extract the insights that guide process change. The basic tools for Six Sigma arise from a framework designed by Japanese engineer Kaoru Ishikawa for the Japanese manufacturing sector, and they are still used, with some modification, today. Essentials include:

  • Cause and effect diagrams allow the team to list all possible causes and sub-causes of a poorly performing process. This might incorporate the “5 Whys” — a strategy of asking five “why” questions about an issue to find its root cause.
  • Control charts track how a process changes over time to compare past and present process data and identify changes that cause process variation.
  • Process mapping provides a visual representation of an entire process and the steps it contains. A process map offers a holistic view of the process and gives teams a simple tool for locating problems and tracking progress.
  • Histograms display frequency distributions for a given data set and provide a visual snapshot of process performance over time.

In Conclusion

Six Sigma training includes multiple certification levels, called “belts,” which include Yellow Belt for beginners, Green Belt for intermediate-level users, and Black Belt for advanced training in leading projects and teams. Learn the essentials with our IASSC-accredited Lean Six Sigma certification program and fast-track your career in quality management in just six months.

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Essay on Six Sigma: What? Why? How?

  • 6 Works Cited

I. INTRODUCTION Six Sigma Beginnings Companies have spent millions of dollars and numerous hours attempting to lower production costs and reduce the amount of rejected items. A breakthrough principle that attempts to solve these problems was first developed by Motorola Corporation and is known as the Six Sigma concept. This concept was first initiated in the early 1980s and did not become widely known until approximately ten years later. By this time the CEO of General Electric, Jack Welch, and the CEO of Allied Signal, Larry Bossidy had given some credibility to the Six Sigma concept through the success of their own organizations (Pheng and Hui 2004). Six Sigma has since become a quite common quality concept. II. WHAT IS SIX SIGMA …show more content…

This is perhaps the most surprising principle of Six Sigma. In the everyday business world, revenues and profits seem to snatch up most of the attention. The second theme is that the cold hard facts will be the ground for the decisions, not the opinions and feelings of those in charge. Listed as the third theme is being process focused. In Six Sigma, focusing on the process is a vital step for success. The fourth Six Sigma theme is to have proactive management, a style that focuses on preventing problems instead of fixing them after they have occurred. The fifth theme is unlimited teamwork. Six Sigma focuses on teamwork being improved all over the corporation and having the goal of line management and staff management cooperating together as well. The last theme essentially sums up all the other five. Six Sigma’s end goal is perfection but understands the importance that with an end goal of perfection comes the some delays and possible failure (Pheng and Hui 2004: 483). III. WHY IMPLEMENT SIX SIGMA Benefits of Six Sigma in the Manufacturing Sector Although Six Sigma sounds good in theory, many companies still want to know what’s in it for them. The concept of Six Sigma gives process owners solid techniques to weigh different decisions and record the reasoning for those decisions as well. Having this “data-driven approach” to making decisions removes all the biases and provides a way to evaluate the pros and

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1. Six Sigma is a management philosophy that sets objectives, collects data and analyzes results as a way to remove wasted expenses from its processes and help reduce the number of defective products produced. Six Sigma uses quality measures to strive for near perfection by eliminating errors and variables.

Similarities And Differences Between Six Sigma, Lean, And Kaizen

Six Sigma was first introduced in the 1980’s by none other than Motorola. It was not however necessarily a novel concept at the time so much as it drew from a conglomerate of proven manufacturing principles. It is strikingly similar to the scientific method in design. Six Sigma approaches areas that may not necessarily be viewed as problematic with an open mind. It seeks to analyze problems or questions with a stepwise, statistical, and quantitative focus in order to discover, fix, or disprove problems that may or may not exist within a process. By doing this Six Sigma can improve efficiency and therefore improve positive outcomes for whatever the endpoint may be (Mast, Bisgaard, & others, 2007).

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  • 3 Works Cited

Six Sigma is a business metrics that seeks to identify and eliminate causes of errors or defects as well as failures in business processes by focusing on output that are critical to customers (De Feo, Barnard 2004). It is also a measure of quality that strives to eliminate defects using the application of statistical methods. In this case, a defect is defined as anything that could lead to customer dissatisfaction. Six Sigma’s statistical quality control is the method used to measure variability in a product for evaluation and corrective actions. When the product metrics exceeds the bounds of acceptability, based on statistical inference, the product can be rejected with reasonable assurance that does not meet requirement. It aims to identify and eliminate waste in order to increase speed and flow from start to finish. It also identifies the critical steps, and deleting those not required or nonessential. There are so many metrics process in today’s business industries but the metrics that Six Sigma’s statistical thinking can also be defined as a thought process. In which it recognize the variation is all around us and present in everything we do. The Six Sigma’s interconnected processes and identifying, characterizing, quantifying, controlling and reducing variation provide opportunities for improvement within any organizations or firms. That is to say,

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3. While I am all for putting processes in place and improving effectiveness and eliminating waist, I have never been a fan of the Six Sigma process. I feel the Six Sigma, just as the expert believe, takes away the creative processes and does not allow enough flexibility for research and development. “Society and business are always changing. Consumers develop needs for new products and preferences for new styles. Businesses look for new technologies that give them

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Breyfogle III, F.W., Cupello, J.M. and Meadows, B. (2001), “Managing Six Sigma”, John Wiley and Sons, New York.

Research Paper On Lean Six Sigma

The basic principle of improvement by the processes of Six Sigma methodology is by the reduction of diffusion. The six sigma approach aims to reduce defect levels to only a few parts per million for an organization's key products and processes. The Six Sigma philosophy is based on the fact that all processes from design, through to manufacturing and to services provided to customers, display aberrances, which may result in product errors that cost time and money. These errors are variations of processes that can be reduced by various methods in order for the real cause of the problem to be systematically identified and

Six Sigma Approach

The six sigma Black Belt has found and accepted all known underlying drivers for the current open door. The six sigma methodology obliges Black Belts to distinguish arrangements. Couple of thoughts or opportunities are good to the point that all are a moment achievement. As a major aspect of the six sigma approach there must be checks to guarantee that the coveted results are being accomplished. A few investigations and trials may be needed with a specific end goal to locate the best arrangement. At the point when making trials and tests it is imperative that all task partners comprehend that these are trials and truly are a piece of the six sigma

The Success And Failure Of Implementing Six Sigma

The driving factors for a success or failure of implementing Six Sigma is largely dependent on the inputs set forth at the conception and duration of the integration. This whitepaper will compare and contrast these critical inputs for a successful deployment. In order to accomplish this five various companies: GE Electric, W.R. Grace, Royal Chemicals, Diversified Paper and Lemforder. Some of these organizations had very successful results while others failed to reach their full potential. What is clear is the similarities of those that succeed and those that failed.

Six Sigm Integrated Learning Project

Design can be related to the creation of products goods and services for the benefit of customer satisfaction. When a product is not created effectively the organization could be plagued with costly problems down the line. However, Six Sigma uses tools that will allow companies protection from future problems and widespread liabilities (Kumar et al., 2009). If an organization implements six sigma in well planned out and methodical way, the benefits for the organization could be endless and have a positive effect well into the future of the organization. Therefore, main focus of Six Sigma is to ensure speedy breakthrough performances, substantial financial outcomes, and to have long lasting effects. Another component of Six Sigma is Total Quality Management which focuses things such as strategy, process, and the end

Six Sigma Project : Ibraa Essay

The concept of Six Sigma is completely consistent with the aims and objective of many healthcare organizations. At times it is very challenging to attain an excellent Six Sigma accomplishment level in real life. A good example is, a health organization that has 100,000 surgeries annually, apparently it would be allowed only one undesirable occurrence for every three years, which is not very sensible. Nevertheless, the concept behind it is still beneficial and significant, and in

Demming Total Quality Management Model

Six Sigma improves the design, the original design business strategies, optimize satisfaction and minimize waste while increasing the financial stability or include monitoring the process of elimination.

Six Sigma Certification And Consulting Services Essay

Six Sigma is a methodology used to improve business processes by utilizing statistical analysis rather than guesswork. This proven approach has been implemented within a myriad of industries to achieve hard and soft money savings, while increasing customer satisfaction. 6Sigma.us is at the forefront of Six Sigma certification and consulting services.

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Six-Sigma is used to optimize these labor costs and alleviate the concern. Cost accounting principles are also applied to these productivity improvements.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a highly disciplined process that helps us focuses on Problem solving and delivering near-perfect products and services. Why "Sigma"? The word is a statistical term that measures how far a given process deviates from perfection. The central idea behind Six Sigma is that if you can measure how many "defects" you have in a process, you can systematically figure out how to eliminate them and get as close to "zero defects" as possible. The Six Sigma methodologies are a business philosophy and initiative that enables world-class quality and continuous improvement to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction. Metrics established that align an organisation’s strategic goals and values to that of their customer’s needs and

Six Sigma Notes

Looking at the success of Motorola, many companies like Texas Instruments, Allied Signal etc started using Six Sigma methodology to bring organization-wide improvements.

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  • Lean Six Sigma Implementation and the Digital Era
  • Lean and Six Sigma: Total Quality Management
  • The Effect of the Digital Era on the Implementation of Lean Six Sigma
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  • The Six Sigma and Its Current Relevance The Six Sigma approach allows viewing an organization as a combination of unique elements and the collaboration of numerous experts, who, in their turn, are linked together in different departments.
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  • Process Capability and Six Sigma Methodology Controlling the manufacturing process is a challenging task that requires using a range of resources that an organization has at its disposal.
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What Is Six Sigma?

Understanding six sigma, the 5 steps of six sigma.

  • Lean Six Sigma
  • Certification and Belt Rankings

The Bottom Line

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What Is Six Sigma? Concept, Steps, Examples, and Certification

Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master's in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

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Investopedia / Zoe Hansen

Six Sigma is a set of techniques and tools used to improve business processes. It was introduced in 1986 by engineer Bill Smith while working at Motorola. Six Sigma practitioners use statistics, financial analysis, and project management to identify and reduce defects and errors, minimize variation, and increase quality and efficiency.

The five phases of the Six Sigma method, known as DMAIC, are defining, measuring, analyzing, improving, and controlling.

Key Takeaways

  • Six Sigma is a quality-control methodology that businesses use to significantly reduce defects and improve processes.
  • The model was developed by a scientist at Motorola in the 1980s.
  • Companies often use the Six Sigma model to increase efficiency and boost profits.
  • Six Sigma practitioners can earn certifications modeled on the color belts used in martial arts.

Six Sigma is based on the idea that all business processes can be measured and optimized.

The term Six Sigma originated in manufacturing as a means of quality control. Six Sigma quality is achieved when long-term defect levels are below 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO). 

Six Sigma has since evolved into a more general business concept, focusing on meeting customer requirements, improving customer retention, and improving and sustaining business products and services. Among its best-known proponents was the longtime General Electric CEO Jack Welch .

Six Sigma certification programs confer belt rankings similar to those in the martial arts, ranging from white belt to black belt.

The Six Sigma method uses a step-by-step approach called DMAIC, an acronym that stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. According to Six Sigma adherents, a business may solve any seemingly unsolvable problem by following these five steps.

A team of people, led by a Six Sigma expert, chooses a process to focus on and defines the problem it wishes to solve.

The team measures the initial performance of the process, creating a benchmark, and pinpoints a list of inputs that may be hindering performance.

Next the team analyzes the process by isolating each input, or potential reason for any failures, and testing it as the possible root of the problem.

The team works from there to implement changes that will improve system performance.

The group adds controls to the process to ensure it does not regress and become ineffective once again.

What Is Lean Six Sigma?

Lean Six Sigma is a team-focused managerial approach that seeks to improve performance by eliminating waste and defects while boosting the standardization of work. It combines Six Sigma methods and tools and the lean manufacturing/ lean enterprise  philosophy, striving to reduce the waste of physical resources, time, effort, and talent while assuring quality in production and organizational processes. Any use of resources that does not create  value  for the end customer is considered a waste and should be eliminated.

Six Sigma Certification and Belt Rankings

Individuals can obtain Six Sigma certification to attest to their understanding of the process and their skills in implementing it. These certifications are awarded through a belt system similar to karate training. The belt levels are:

  • White belt : Individuals with a white belt have received some instruction in the basics of Six Sigma, but have not yet gone through any formal training or certification program. This gives them enough knowledge to become team members.
  • Yellow belt : This level can be attained after several training sessions, and equips participants with the knowledge to lead small projects and assist managers who hold more advanced belts.
  • Green belt : To achieve this level, individuals take a more comprehensive course that prepares them to become project leaders.
  • Black belt : After reaching the green belt level, participants can move on to black belt certification, preparing them for leadership roles in larger and more complex projects.

People with black belts can become masters and champions. Someone with a master black belt is considered an expert and strong leader with excellent problem-solving skills. A champion is a lean Six Sigma leader trained in maximizing profits through the elimination of waste and defects.

These certifications, and the courses required to obtain them, are offered by a variety of companies and educational institutions and can differ from one to another.

Real-World Examples of Six Sigma

Six Sigma is used by many companies, local governments, and other institutions. Here are two examples of how Six Sigma improved operational efficiency, saved money, and increased customer satisfaction.

Microsoft (MSFT) is one of the largest software producers in the world. It used Six Sigma to help eradicate defects in its systems and data centers and systematically reduce IT infrastructure failures.

The company first established standards for all of its hardware and software to create a baseline measurement for detecting defects. It then used root-cause analysis, including collecting data from past high-priority incidents, server failures, and recommendations from product group members and customers, to pinpoint potential problem areas.

Large amounts of data were collected on a daily and weekly basis from various servers. The incidents were prioritized based on how severely the defects affected the business and the company's underlying services. Data analysis and reporting identified the specific defects, after which remediation steps for each defect were established.

As a result of Six Sigma, Microsoft says it improved the availability of its servers, boosted productivity, and increased customer satisfaction.

Ventura County, California, Government

Ventura County, California, credited the use of Lean Six Sigma for a savings of $33 million. The county government began to use the program in 2008 and has trained more than 5,000 employees in the methodology. The county says the savings are due in part to the introduction of more efficient new systems and the elimination of unnecessary, but time-consuming, steps from its prior processes.

For example, the VC Star newspaper reported in 2019 that the county saved "$51,000 with an appointments system that reduced labor costs and rates for maintenance of county vehicles [and] almost $400,000 annually by implementing a new system to track employee leaves of absence."

How Can You Get Six Sigma Certification?

You can receive Six Sigma certification through private companies, associations, and some colleges. Keep in mind, though, that there is no single governing body that standardizes the curriculum. This means that courses can vary based on where you take them.

Can You Get Six Sigma Certification Online?

Yes, many of the universities and organizations that offer Six Sigma certification have both classroom and online offerings.

What Is the Basic Difference Between Six Sigma and Lean Six Sigma?

Lean Six Sigma uses the Six Sigma methodology (define, measure, analyze, improve, control) with the specific goal of eliminating waste in a company's, or other organization's, processes or use or materials—that is, making it "leaner." It derives in part from the principles of lean manufacturing.

Six Sigma has become a widely used quality-improvement methodology in both the private and public sectors. Anyone who wishes to learn it can take courses that lead to various levels of certification.

ASQ. " What Is Six Sigma? "

Purdue University. ' Six Sigma Belt Level Rankings ."

Microsoft. " Microsoft Announces Accelerator for Six Sigma ."

VC Star . " Efficiency Program Rooted in Car Business Drives $33 Million in Government Savings ."

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Six Sigma Methods for Quality Improvement

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Critical to quality (CTQs) – Establish metrics customers value most

SIPOC – Identify limits in the business process

Pareto charts – Highlight the solutions for issues in order of rank

Control charts

Process map

5-Why Technique – Separate symptoms from causation

Cause and Effect Diagram – Establish the root cause of the issue

Interrelationship Diagram – Establish the relationship formed between the causes.

Quality Function Deployment – Aid in enhancing the design phase and achieving client satisfaction.

Measurement Metrics

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write an essay on six sigma

  • Smętkowska, M. and Mrugalska, B. (2018) ‘Using Six Sigma DMAIC to improve the quality of the production process: a case study’, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 238, 590 – 596, available: doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2018.04.039.
  • Hahn, G.J., Hill, W.J., Hoerl, R.W. and Zinkgraf, S.A. (1999) ‘The Impact of Six Sigma Improvement-A Glimpse into the Future of Statistics’, The American Statistician, 53 (3), 208-215.
  • Karout, R. and Awasthi, A. (2017) ‘Improving software quality using Six Sigma DMAIC-based approach: a case study’, Business Process Management Journal, 23(4), 842-856, available: https://doi.org/10.1108/BPMJ-02-2017-0028.
  • Sharma, P., Malik, S.C., Gupta, A. and Jha, P.C (2018) ‘A DMAIC Six Sigma approach to quality improvement in the anodising stage of the amplifier production process’, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 35 (9), 1868-1880, available: https:// doi.org/10.1108/IJQRM-08-2017-0155.
  • Walsh, P. (2009) ‘Problem Solving Tools and Techniques’, BST115, National University of Ireland, Galway, unpublished.
  • Golding, G. and Walsh, P. (2011) ‘Quality Science-Six Sigma’, BST114, National University of Ireland, Galway, unpublished.

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Six-Sigma Methodology in Process Improvement Research Paper

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Methodology description, methodology application to process improvement and optimization, empirical evidence of methodology efficacy, works cited.

The philosophy of continual improvement is a popular paradigm in managerial practice. Hence, this concept is comprised of a wide range of positive reinforcements, such as the elimination of critical flaws and weaknesses, the improvement of service and product quality, and the advanced understanding of the needs and requirements of consumers.

In order to integrate the strategy of continual improvement into practice, managers need to rely on a consistent methodology that would provide them with a relevant framework. From this perspective, the Six Sigma model is one of the most widely used methodologies aimed at improving performance outcomes.

The key benefit of this model resides in the fact that it provides managers with a detailed guideline for implementing change. Thus, the paper at hand aims to examine the value of the Six Sigma methodology, its background, the mechanisms of its implementation, and the empirical evidence for its efficacy.

The Six Sigma concept is a model aimed at ensuring a steady improvement in quality and productivity. According to Gershon, the model was first designed by the Motorola Company in the 1980s (63). Initially, its appearance was determined by the urgent need to optimize operation flow and lower production costs. It was assessed that performance-related flaws were the result of poor managerial practices exercised by the Motorola Company.

Therefore, Japanese experts were involved in working out an innovative approach that would ensure a smooth shift to a quality-focused leadership and eliminate the existing weaknesses. Throughout the subsequent decades, the Six Sigma model has been widely adopted by global corporations striving to improve their operation processes (Gershon 64).

The key aim of the Six Sigma methodology is to ensure an error-free performance. This philosophy is aligned with the emerging trends in the modern market, i.e., the growing expectations of consumers who require flawless quality and immediate services. In the meantime, it is essential to note that it would be inaccurate to characterize this concept as a management approach, since the Six Sigma model features a much more complex paradigm. Hence, some experts suggest analyzing Six Sigma within three dimensions: metrical, methodological, and managerial (“Six Sigma” par. 11).

As a metric tool, Six Sigma has established the rule of “3.4 defects per one million opportunities” (Gershon 65). In other words, it offers an effective measuring scale that assists in eliminating manufacturing defects. From the methodological perspective, Six Sigma emphasizes four critical aspects: understanding the needs of the consumer, aligning performance to expected outcomes, minimizing process variation through consistent data analysis, and continually improving business processes (“Six Sigma” par. 15). As a managerial strategy, Six Sigma emphasizes the efficacy of a top-down approach that allows companies to ensure sustainable progress, as well as accelerate this progress (“Six Sigma” par. 21).

The Six Sigma model comprises the so-called “DMAIC” and “DMAICT” elements. These abbreviations stand for the names of the key Sigma processes: defining, measuring, analyzing, improving, controlling, and transferring. The latter process refers to transferring the positive experience to other organizational levels (“Six Sigma” par. 21).

One of the most widely used formats of the Six Sigma model is the so-called “Lean Six Sigma” (Gupta 11). This model is comprised of elements of two methodologies: the Lean model that focuses on eliminating process waste, and the Six Sigma model that emphasizes the importance of defect elimination. Unlike the standard Six Sigma model, this approach aims to eliminate seven categories of waste: “transportation, inventory, motion, waiting, overproduction, over-processing, and defect” (Gupta 10).

The concept of applying the Six Sigma model to process improvement is relatively simple, as it relies on its core elements. Hence, there are five major phases that need to be accomplished: definition, measurement, analysis, improvement, and control. The first phase implies defining the problem that needs to be resolved. At this stage, it is essential to state the problem, target the desired outcomes, map the solution process, and identify whether the targeted goal is likely to meet the clients’ expectations. Such tools as a project charter, a translation matrix, and a tree diagram might be used to complete the phase (Furterer 25).

The next phase is measurement. At this stage, it is, first and foremost, necessary to select effective measuring tools and define the subject of the measurement precisely. As soon as the preparatory activities are completed, it is essential to work out a detailed plan for data collection and point out the criteria that will determine its reliability. The collected data should be further incorporated into the project charter. Such supplementary tools as check sheets and stream maps might be helpful while completing this phase (Furterer 108).

The analysis phase is one of the most challenging, since the quality of its accomplishment will determine the success of the entire project. At this stage, it is essential to carry out a critical analysis of the data collected and define the key flaws in the process flow. The identified flaws should be further verified and evidenced by the relevant facts and figures. At this stage, managers might find it helpful to use such analytical instruments as cause and effect diagrams, stream maps, and visual summaries of the process analysis (Furterer 226).

Improvement is one of the most important phases in the Six Sigma model, since it is essentially aligned to its core goal—enhancing the quality of the performance. At this stage, managers are supposed to target potential solutions and choose the most effective approach to fixing the problem. The best solution should be put into practice, and its outcomes can be further evaluated through the selected measurement tools. Such tools as brainstorming, a weighted criteria matrix, and To-Be process maps can be helpful at the improvement stage (Furterer 136).

The final phase of the Six Sigma model is control. At this stage, managers are expected to continue searching for alternative solutions for process improvement and to ensure a consistent monitoring of the operation flow. It is likewise recommended to apply the positive experience to optimizing the processes in other departments and at other organizational levels. Various forms of control charts and plans can be useful to perform effective control (Furterer 55).

There is a wide scope of scientific research and studies that provide evidence for the efficacy of the Six Sigma model in terms of process improvement and optimization. Hence, for instance, a group of English researchers has carried out a large-scale study aiming to evaluate the impact of implementing a Six Sigma model in order to optimize the processes in automotive product manufacturing.

Their findings show that the implementation of this method allows for a significant reduction of the tolerance-related barriers to the first pass yield processing. The method has helped to improve the quality of service and has raised the consumers’ satisfaction in such a manner that the total savings came to more than $70,000 (Gijo et al. 133). Otherwise stated, the research illustrated the high problem-solving capacity of the Six Sigma model.

Other valuable insights into the impact of the Six Sigma model on the optimization of work processes have been revealed by a group of Romanian researchers who aimed to evaluate the method’s efficacy in terms of raising performance quality. The study was likewise carried out in the framework of the automotive industry. In comparison to the English researchers’ study, its focus was slightly different.

While the previous research analyzed the Six Sigma model in its metrical dimension, this study considered its managerial efficacy. The study findings show that the application of this model helps to improve the main performance indicators considerably. Hence, among the key positive outcomes, the researchers point out the improvement of management outcomes, the establishment of a favorable workplace environment, and an advanced understanding of customers’ needs and the triggers of their dissatisfaction (Pugna, Negrea and Miclea 314).

The analysis of the Six Sigma model has helped in acquiring a better understanding of the method’s value. Hence, it can be suggested that the key benefit of this methodology resides in the fact that it offers a complex approach to continual improvement. Additionally, the method has different dimensions—metrical, methodological, and managerial—so that it can be potentially applied to the resolution of varied problems. Lastly, the model offers an explicit guideline to change implementation that allows reshaping the entire managerial system.

Furterer, Sandra. Lean Six Sigma in Service: Applications and Case Studies , New York, New York: CRC Press, 2016. Print.

Gershon, Mark. “Choosing Which Process Improvement Methodology to Implement.” Journal of Applied Business & Economics 10.5 (2010): 61-69. Print.

Gijo, Ev, Antony Jiju, Kumar Maneesh, McAdam Rodney and Hernandez Jose. ” An application of Six Sigma methodology for improving the first pass yield of a grinding process.” Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 25.1 (2004): 125-135. Print.

Gupta, Dinesh. Success Using Lean Six Sigma in Terms of Operations and Business Processes , Hamburg, Germany: Anchor Academic Publishing, 2015. Print.

Pugna, Adrian, Romeo Negrea, and Serban Miclea. “Using Six Sigma Methodology to Improve the Assembly Process in an Automotive Company.” Procedia – Social and Behavioral Science 221.1 (2016): 308-316. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 9). Six-Sigma Methodology in Process Improvement. https://ivypanda.com/essays/six-sigma-methodology-in-process-improvement/

"Six-Sigma Methodology in Process Improvement." IvyPanda , 9 Aug. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/six-sigma-methodology-in-process-improvement/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Six-Sigma Methodology in Process Improvement'. 9 August.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Six-Sigma Methodology in Process Improvement." August 9, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/six-sigma-methodology-in-process-improvement/.

1. IvyPanda . "Six-Sigma Methodology in Process Improvement." August 9, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/six-sigma-methodology-in-process-improvement/.


IvyPanda . "Six-Sigma Methodology in Process Improvement." August 9, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/six-sigma-methodology-in-process-improvement/.

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Visual Charts for an Essay on Achieving Six Sigma

  • Thread starter dsmacdon
  • Start date Dec 3, 2007
  • Dec 3, 2007

I have to write a essay detailing what a firm should do in order to achieve six-sigma. I have a pretty good essay, but do not many visuals to accompany it. I created a house of quality diagram, have created a scatter plot identifying the outliers, but I feel as though I need a few more charts. I plan on making a CPK chart, but am not sure how to make one. Does anyone know of any other chart that I could incorporate to make my essay better?  


dsmacdon said: I have to write a essay detailing what a firm should do in order to achieve six-sigma. I have a pretty good essay, but do not many visuals to accompany it. I created a house of quality diagram, have created a scatter plot identifying the outliers, but I feel as though I need a few more charts. I plan on making a CPK chart, but am not sure how to make one. Does anyone know of any other chart that I could incorporate to make my essay better? Click to expand...

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