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Essays About Christmas: Top 5 Examples and 6 Prompts

Christmas is the most celebrated holiday in the world. Discover our helpful guide that you can use to write essays about Christmas.

Christmas is known to many as the birthday of Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity. However, the festival has become more secular over the years and is celebrated by most people regardless of religion. Every December 25, something magical happens.

To most people, Christmas is “the most wonderful time of the year.” People celebrate, gather at a friend or family member’s house, feast, and open gifts. Whether or not you celebrate it as a religious holiday, the feelings of warmth, joy, and nostalgia that Christmas evokes are universal and meaningful to all.

5 Top Essay Examples

1. the magic of christmas by erin, 2. the possibility of a merry covid christmas by sarah begley, 3. my christmas experience by elliot johnson.

  • 4.  A personal reflection on Christmas by Jo Betz
  • 5. ​​Christmas traditions around the world by Becky Such

6 Prompts for Essays About Christmas

1. what is christmas to you, 2. the history of christmas, 3. a christmas tradition, 4. christmas in your home country, 5. christmas in non-christian households, 6. why is christmas the most celebrated holiday.

“Although, a few years later, I found out that he was not real, the magic of Christmas still remains. I realized that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, and this is something I hold close to my heart. With our family’s traditions and celebrating Jesus’ birth, the magic of Christmas will always be real for me.”

In this short essay, Erin reflects on her family’s Christmas traditions, particularly during her childhood. She recalls the food, music, and different practices of many Christmases ago; in particular, she remembers the magic of Santa Claus and how she wished to see him one day. She eventually found out Santa wasn’t real, but that did not take away the magic of Christmas from her. She still treasures Christmas and anticipates it yearly. 

“Maybe we will come roaring back with great excesses in the holiday season of 2021; it’s hard to imagine now, but who knows? Meanwhile, we can resolve to do something together. We can seize this unwanted opportunity to reimagine everything — to tell a new story about what the season of togetherness means for our country, our homes, and our relationships. In a time that requires distance, we can find new modes of closeness. In a year of austerity, we can rethink the purpose of wealth. And in a period of great uncertainty, we can decide what’s most meaningful about shared rituals.”

Begley discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic affects the way we celebrate Christmas. We cannot have big family gatherings, travel, or attend big religious services as we used to, as guidelines discourage us from doing so. In addition, the declining economy is leaving more families with fewer resources to celebrate Christmas. This Christmas, it may be hard to be happy and celebrate for some, but Begley encourages us to use this time for introspection and to hope for better. 

“In the end, although every family has flaws, and always seems to have a political divide in it, the family is the most special part of Christmas, just like it is for Thanksgiving. Family is one of, if not the most important things in life, and it is very important to stay close to one’s family and all of its members, and that is what Christmas is, and always will be to me.”

In his essay, Johnson gives a brief overview of Christmas and discusses his attitude toward the celebrations in his household. He remembers how as an introvert, he had to interact with many people and how he needed to give up his room for guests to sleep in. However, Johnson greatly appreciates Christmas for being able to unite and bring together a family of very diverse views and perspectives. 

4.   A personal reflection on Christmas by Jo Betz

“My daughter and I purchase a Christmas decoration each year for my husband to put on the tree. It’s something that brings us joy as we select the decoration we think he’d love. But there are other ways you can honour your loved one too – light a candle, write them a letter, purchase them a present, share stories about them on Christmas day. Find a way to honour the person you are missing so much.”

Betz reflects on how the death of a loved one, in this case, her husband, can make it difficult to enjoy Christmas. However, being with her daughter allows her to appreciate the holidays through all the pain. She gives people in a similar situation tip on how to cope, including not keeping such a big “to-do” list, honoring your loved one, and allowing yourself to grieve. You might also be interested in these essays about autumn .

5. ​​ Christmas traditions around the world by Becky Such

“Christmas trees were decorated with candles and topped with an angel or star, to remind children of the angel that brought ‘news of great joy’ to the shepherds in the fields, or the star that guided the ‘Three Kings’ to Bethlehem. In modern times, we’ve kept the star or angel topper, but dropped the candles. Covering a dry tree in lit candles was, of course, a massive fire hazard. Pretty silly of those Victorians if you ask me.   Today, Christmas trees are decorated with tinsel, fairy-lights and small, hanging ornaments – the joy and brightness of the Christmas tree is still a great reminder of Jesus as the ‘Light of the World’.” 

In her essay, Such describes some Christmas traditions from different countries, including different pastries and sweets, fireworks, lanterns, and the iconic Christmas tree. Then, she explains the differences in Christmas celebrations worldwide and how these traditions have evolved. 

Essays About Christmas: What is Christmas to you?

Christmas has a different significance for each person. First, reflect on the meaning of Christmas; think of what your family and friends have told you, what you learned in school, and your thoughts. Next, discuss any religious, cultural, or family traditions that have influenced how you view Christmas. Finally, open up to your readers about the true meaning of Christmas. Perhaps Christmas means spending time with family and friends or giving back to the community. Whatever your viewpoint, share it in this essay.

For your essay, research how Christmas originated and how the festival has changed over the decades. Explain how it came about and the differences between Christmas celebrations over time. As with all historical essays, cite credible, well-researched sources for an accurate essay. 

Essays About Christmas: A Christmas tradition

Think about a tradition you have practiced for many Christmases with family, friends, or the greater community. What does it entail? Explain your chosen tradition in detail and reflect on its significance. 

Christmas is celebrated differently from country to country, with climate, religion, culture, and demographics affecting its importance in each. Based on personal experience and research, write your essay about how Christmas is celebrated in your country. Explain the traditions, the food eaten, and the history behind the Christmas celebration.

Early Christians originally conceived Christmas as a festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, but it has become more secular over the years. A large number of non-Christians celebrate it. Based on research, write about how non-Christians celebrate Christmas and why they do so. If you have personal experience with this, incorporate what you know into your essay.

Whenever the word “holiday” is mentioned, Christmas automatically comes to mind for most. In your essay, look into what makes Christmas so popular: Why do people treasure it so much, and why do more people celebrate it than other holidays? Be sure to use credible sources as the basis for your essay.

Check out our guide packed full of transition words for essays .

If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

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Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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English Compositions

Short Essay on Christmas [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Being a very popular festival worldwide, Christmas is an attractive topic for English essay writing. In this lesson, you will learn how you can write short essays on Christmas that you may find relevant for your upcoming exam. 

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Short Essay on Christmas in 100 Words

Every culture has its celebrations which are important to all of us. These occasions help us to live and have fun. Christmas is one such festival. It is one of the biggest celebrations in the whole world. It is celebrated on 25th December. Christmas Eve is celebrated on 24th December. It is the day of the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus, the god of all Christians.

He was born in a stable, in Bethlehem. Christmas is the greatest time for Christians because it is their only festival. During this time, they enjoy their vacation with family and friends. They visit the church and pray to Jesus. They bake cakes and cookies. Christmas is a time of happiness and the world rejoices at it during winter.

Short Essay on Christmas in 200 Words

What would have happened if there was no festival to celebrate? What would have happened if we had to work and study every day, with no recess? We would soon feel tired and unhappy. Thus the solution is celebrations. So it is the festivals that help us live. Festivals are important to us because it relieves us.

When we celebrate, we feel lots of energy. So celebrations are very important to all of us. Christmas is one of the biggest festivals in the world. It is celebrated worldwide. Everyone participates on this occasion. It is mainly the festival of the Christians. But today, the entire world enjoys the Christmas season. 

Christmas is the centre of all joys for Christians. This is the day to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. He was born on 25th December at Bethlehem, in Jerusalem, in a stable. His mother is Mary and his father is Joseph. Christ is worshipped by all Christians. On the day of this festival, they bake cakes and cookies. Everyone visits the church to pray to Christ.

They drink bread and wine to complete their prayer. Christmas is the occasion when they leave all their worries and only enjoy some days with their family and friends. The biggest attraction of Christmas is Santa Claus. He comes to distribute gifts to little kids. The winter vacation concentrates only on Christmas and then the New Year. 

Short Essay on Christmas in 400 words

Festivals are the biggest source of fun and happiness. Any upcoming festival keeps us energetic. We get all strength to work hard because we can enjoy ourselves during festivals. Christians have very few festivals. It is only during Easter and Christmas that they can have fun. So the winter is the time of their celebration. The world awaits the arrival of Christmas. They make preparations for a long period of time. So Christians rejoice the best during this festival.

Christmas is not just any festival. It is like the Janmasthami, where the Hindus celebrate the birth of Lord Krishna as a little baby. Just like Janmasthami, Christmas is the festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Lord of all Christians. He was born on 25th December at Bethlehem, in Jerusalem, in a stable. His mother is mother Mary and his father is Joseph.

Jesus and Krishna have lots of similarities. Both of them were shepherds. Both were born in a very humble household. Both of them preached about peace. They taught us not to hurt others, even plants and animals. Being kind to all was their biggest teaching. So Christmas is as beautiful as Janmashtami.

On the eve of Christmas, on 24th December night, people arrange a Christmas tree. They decorate it with gifts and lights. They also bake cakes and cookies. Lots of guests are invited. Those who are rich, throw parties at their houses to celebrate Christmas. On the morning of Christmas, they visit churches and pray to Jesus for the overall peace and well-being. They are offered bread and wine to eat as the blessings of Christ. After they return, their festival starts with sharing food and serving the poor.

The saints, popes, and nuns serve the needy as part of the celebration. The biggest fun of Christmas is Sants Claus. He arrives the night before Christmas and distributes gifts to good children. The kids rejoice at the gifts, which increases their happiness.

Now Christmas is not just a festival of the Christians. It is now for all. In India, everyone enjoys the winter vacation. Kolkata is one of the biggest attractions during this time. It lights up beautifully and people come out of their houses to have fun. Eating cakes, praying to God is now the ritual of all. Christmas is the best year-end celebration that soon passes into the new year.

That was pretty much everything about writing short essays on Christmas. In the session above, I have discussed every possible aspect of this popular festival. Here also I adopted a simplistic approach of writing in a very simple language for easy understanding of all kinds of students. If anybody still has any doubts regarding this session, they can comment down below. To read more such essays on important topics keep browsing our website. 

Thank you. 

The Pen Company Blog

12 creative writing prompts for Christmas

Woman hand holding pen on notepad at home on winter holidays xmas.

With snow-covered settings and family reunions, winter makes the perfect backdrop for many story writers. Let the merriment of Christmas seep into your tales, or perhaps explore a sinister side to these dark, wintery days.

These Christmas writing ideas fit perfectly with this dynamic season and are sure to add a festive spark to your writing journal .

It’s Christmas Eve and you can’t sleep. You decide to go downstairs for a glass of water. You walk into your living room just in time to find a pair of feet coming down from your chimney and landing in your fireplace.

There are a number of ways you can go with this prompt. While the above image may be a child’s dream, it could also be an adult’s nightmare. A classic start to what is sure to be an intriguing tale.

You are stuck in the world of a Christmas song. You must write a suspenseful story based on the words and concepts.

Love them or hate them, the same Christmas songs resurface each year without fail. Use these festive jingles as writing inspiration for your next Christmas story idea. Pick your favourite (or most hated) and embed it into your own fictional world.

It’s just a few minutes until Christmas Day. You forgot to leave cookies and milk out as an offering for Santa Claus. He’s not going to be happy, and it terrifies you.

cookies and milk for santa claus, christmas concept, seasonal celebration, new year eve, xmas evening, festive family tradition.

Again, the direction your story takes following this prompt depends largely on your main character. ‘Offering’ suggests something peculiar, but could this just be an innocent, misguided fear? How jolly Santa turns out to be is entirely up to you.

You wake up as Santa Claus on the afternoon of Christmas Eve. The sleigh is set, the presents are wrapped, and the elves are singing around the tree. Rudolph stands over you with his nose glowing bright, and asks if it’s time to take flight.

Take on the role of Santa Claus himself in this next Christmas creative writing idea. Will the day go off without a hitch, or will you encounter some festive mishaps along the way? Play around those other mentioned Christmas characters too, for a rich and varied story.

It’s Christmas Eve on one of the coldest winters of the century. You have 24 hours to think of something to do to get you high enough on the Naughty List to get enough coal to keep your small village warm.

This short Christmas writing prompt has so many layers already, pushing the idea of what it means to be ‘nice’ for Christmas. The harsh wintery scenes will no doubt be a joy to write while thinking up various naughty acts will bring you hours of fun.

You have been invited to a Christmas party by an old friend.

This idea has been purposely left short to allow your creative mind to wander where it wishes. Is your character happy to receive the invitation? Or perhaps the note brings up feelings they would have rather left buried…

You get woken up in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve by a loud voice: “Help! I’m stuck in the chimney!”

A touch of comedy with this next Christmas writing idea. A rescue mission for Santa Claus himself, or will you be forced to help an incompetent festive intruder? A chance to experiment with your humour writing, whatever tone that takes.

One Christmas day, you wake up to find a bunch of mistletoe floating above your head. You feel as though it’s trying to lead you somewhere.

Mistletoe bunch with red bow on blurred background, space for text. Traditional Christmas decor

A Christmas mystery that could lead your character on a tale of love, heartbreak, or something else entirely. Choose to centre your story in the real world, or allow the supernatural element to take you into the fantasy realm.

While everyone else was getting Christmas presents, all you got was a card containing a name and a phone number.

So much for the wish list! This Christmas writing idea is thick with mystery and anticipation and has the freedom to move into a number of genres or styles. The age of your character will greatly affect their response, too.

You’re in a little coastal town pub on Christmas Eve. “What a night,” you say out loud to your drink. A salty old sea captain comes out of the darkness to tell the tale of his Night Before Christmas on the sea…

Coastal writing is always so much fun – throw in a Christmas twist, and you’ve got yourself a truly enjoyable festive tale just waiting to be penned . This dark and stormy writing prompt is the ultimate creative spark.

The Grinch is trying to steal Christmas, but things start to go wrong when he chooses to start with Kevin McCallister’s home.

A shout-out to two of the best Christmas films of all time, and plenty of opportunities to create a Christmas story idea that is already rich in character and contextual detail. The overlapping of these two worlds will be something to wrack your brain around but is sure to be a story your whole family will want to read.

A young child wished that it could be Christmas every day, and now it is – for every single person on Earth.

It’s Groundhog Day, the festive edition, for this final Christmas story writing prompt. How long will it take for society to tire of those ringing sleigh bells? Are there enough Christmas crackers to pull, day after day? And finally (perhaps most importantly), does Santa Claus have enough presents to go around?

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Mariah enjoys typing articles for our blog on her laptop but she'd much rather be writing them by hand with a luxury fountain pen!

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Opinion This Christmas, hope may feel elusive. But despair is not the answer.

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Many in our country have lost the simple confidence that better days are ahead, for a variety of understandable reasons. There are the coronavirus’s false dawns, followed by new fears. There are rising prices and empty store shelves, as if in Soviet Romania. There is Afghanistan, descending into man-made catastrophe. There are increases in urban violence. And deeply embedded racial injustice. And an environment buckling under terrible strains. Everything seems crying out in chaotic chorus: Things are not getting better.

That spirit possesses our politics. The right sees a country in cultural decline, stripped of its identify and values. The left fears we are moving toward a new American authoritarianism. Both are ideologies of prophesied loss. In a society, such resentments easily become septic. So many otherwise irenic people seem captured by the politics of the clenched fist. A portion seem to genuinely wish some of their neighbors humiliation and harm.

Under such circumstances, it can feel impossible to sustain hope. Yet from a young age, if we are lucky, we are taught that hope itself sustains. It is one of the most foundational assurances of childhood for a parent to bend down and tell a crying child: It is okay. It will be all better. We have an early, instinctual desire to know that trials are temporary, that wounds will heal and all will be well in the end. When a child abuser violates such a promise, it is the cruelest possible betrayal. When young people and adults lose confidence in the possibility of a better day, it can result in the diseases and ravages of despair: drug addiction leading to overdose, alcoholism leading to liver failure, depression leading to suicide.

A columnist living through an appropriate column illustration should probably disclose it. I have been dealing with cancer for a long time. For most of that period, the cancer was trying to kill me without my feeling it. It was internal and theoretical. Now I have reached a different and unpleasant phase, in which the cancer is trying to kill me and making me feel it — the phase when life plans become unknitted and the people you love watch you be weak.

I am not near death and don’t plan to be soon. But there is a time in the progress of a disease such as mine when you believe that you will recover, that you will get better. And I have passed the point when that hope is credible. Now, God or fate has spoken. And the words clank down like iron gates: No, it will not be okay. You will not be getting better.

Such reflections flow naturally when you are writing from the antiseptic wonderland of the holiday hospital ward. But nearly every life eventually involves such tests of hope. Some questions, even when not urgent, are universal: How can we make sense of blind and stupid suffering? How do we live with purpose amid events that scream of unfair randomness? What sustains hope when there is scant reason for it?

The context of the Nativity story is misunderstood hope. The prophets and Jewish people waited for centuries in defiant expectation for the Messiah to deliver Israel from exile and enemies. This was essentially the embodied belief that something different and better was possible — that some momentous divine intervention could change everything.

But the long-expected event arrived in an entirely unexpected form. Not as the triumph of politics and power, but in shocking humility and vulnerability. The world’s desire in a puking infant. Angelic choirs performing for people of no social account. A glimpse of glory along with the smell of animal dung. Clearly, we are being invited by this holy plot twist to suspend our disbelief for a moment and consider some revolutionary revision of spiritual truth.

Or at least this is what the story says, which we try to interpret beneath limited, even conflicting texts. No matter how we react to the historicity of each element, however, the Nativity presents the inner reality of God’s arrival.

He is a God who goes to ridiculous lengths to seek us.

He is a God who chose the low way: power in humility; strength perfected in weakness; the last shall be first; blessed are the least of these.

He is a God who was cloaked in blood and bone and destined for human suffering — which he does not try to explain to us, but rather just shares. It is perhaps the hardest to fathom: the astounding vulnerability of God.

And he is a God of hope, who offers a different kind of security than the fulfillment of our deepest wishes. He promises a transformation of the heart in which we release the burden of our desires, and live in expectation of God’s unfolding purposes, until all his mercies stand revealed.

There is an almost infinite number of ways other than angelic choirs that God announces his arrival. I have friends who have experienced a lightning strike of undeniable mission, or who see God in the deep beauty of nature, or know Jesus in serving the dispossessed.

For me, such assurances do not come easy or often. Mine are less grand vista than brief glimpse behind a curtain. In Sylvia Plath’s poem “ Black Rook in Rainy Weather ,” she wrote of an “incandescent” light that can possess “the most obtuse objects” and “grant / A brief respite from fear.” Plath concluded: “Miracles occur, / If you care to call those spasmodic / Tricks of radiance miracles. The wait’s begun again, / The long wait for the angel. / For that rare, random descent.”

Christmas hope may well fall in the psychological category of wish fulfillment. But that does not disprove the possibility of actually fulfilled wishes. On Christmas, we consider the disorienting, vivid evidence that hope wins. If true, it is a story that can reorient every human story. It means that God is with us, even in suffering. It is the assurance, as from a parent, as from an angel, as from a savior: It is okay. And even at the extreme of death (quoting Julian of Norwich ): “All shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.”

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Community News for Lyme and Old Lyme, CT

A Christmas Essay: Food For Thought At Christmas

December 25, 2021 by Linda Ahnert

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Editor’s Note: We are delighted to re-publish this wonderful piece by our friend Linda Ahnert of Old Lyme. She wrote it way back in 2005 but it remains especially appropriate for today.

Yes, Virginia, there can be too much of a good thing. That’s especially true during the Yuletide.

All that over-spending, all the over-eating, and all those over-decorated houses. That is why, last year at this time, I went back to several books I first read in childhood to look for Christmases just like the ones I used to know. Yes, I found tidings of comfort and joy. I also realized the importance of food in these stories and in our own Christmas memories.

One of the books, “Little Women,” is the classic about the four March sisters growing up in New England. As the story opens, it is a Christmas during the Civil War and the March family is living in straightened circumstances. But when the girls hear of a needy family in the neighborhood, they gladly give up their Christmas breakfast to feed the hungry children. Even self-centered Amy sacrifices her favorite things—“the cream and the muffins.”

Jo March laments that “Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presents.” And for most of us, Christmas wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t have some particular food in the house during the season.

For instance, one of my early food memories of Christmas is tangerines and walnuts. My paternal grandparents came to this country from Germany. On Christmas Eve, everyone would gather at their home. I remember my grandfather playing the mandolin and singing “Stille Nacht” and other German carols. My grandmother decorated the buffet in the dining room with evergreen boughs. Interspersed in the greens were tangerines and all varieties of nuts in the shell. Before we left, my grandmother would stuff our mittens with the fruit and nuts.

Another family that I spent many hours with as a child were the Ingalls in the “Little House” books. How I loved reading about the adventures of Laura, Mary, Carrie, Ma and Pa as they crossed the prairie. The author, Laura Ingalls Wilder, describes the delight of the children one Christmas morning. The girls have reached into their stockings to find shiny tin cups and each has a “long, long stick” of peppermint candy, striped red and white.

But their stockings weren’t empty yet. The girls pull out small packages and unwrap them to discover heart-shaped cakes. “Over their delicate brown tops was sprinkled white sugar. The sparkling grains lay like tiny drifts of snow.” It might be a simple Christmas on the frontier but the girls can’t imagine being any happier.

Across the pond in merrie old England, Charles Dickens included numerous descriptions of food in “A Christmas Carol.” You may not look forward to your weekly trips to the A & P but, trust me, your mouth will water reading Dickens’ descriptions of the produce in the London grocery shops at Christmas.

And who could forget the account of the Cratchit Christmas dinner? (“There never was such a goose.”) To complement this “feathered phenomenon,” Mrs. Cratchit “made the gravy (ready beforehand in a little saucepan) hissing hot, Master Peter mashed the potatoes with incredible vigor, Miss Belinda sweetened up the apple sauce …”

Bob Cratchit rolled up his threadbare sleeves and “compounded some hot mixture in a jug with gin and lemons, and stirred it round and round, and put it on the hob to simmer.” In 21st century parlance … I’ll have what they’re having.

Truman Capote’s “A Christmas Memory” is an autobiographical story set in rural Alabama in the 1930s. It opens on a November morning when the elderly cousin who is raising seven-year-old Buddy announces that “It’s fruitcake weather!” For Buddy this means the official start of the Christmas season.

They begin the yearly ritual of gathering pecans in an old buggy and scrimping together their meager funds to buy the ingredients to bake 30 fruitcakes. For days “eggbeaters whirl, spoons spin round in bowls of butter and sugar, vanilla sweetens the air, ginger spices it; melting, nose-tingling odors saturate the kitchen, suffuse the house, drift out to the world on puffs of chimney smoke.” When the work is done, the “cakes, dampened with whiskey, bask on window sills and shelves.”

In our family, too, the holiday season begins on a November day. A week or two before Thanksgiving, we receive a package of pecans from Louisiana. They are from the trees in my aunt’s yard and she sends them each year in time to bake our holiday desserts. My mother was born and raised in Louisiana and it wouldn’t be Christmas in our house without cornbread and pecan pies.

And so, gentle readers, whether your Christmas traditions include roasting chestnuts on an open fire or whipping up a batch of wassail, may God bless us, everyone.

Home — Essay Samples — Life — Christmas — Christmas as My Favorite Time of the Year


Christmas as My Favorite Time of The Year

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Published: Mar 18, 2021

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Works Cited:

  • Goldberg, L. R. (1990). An alternative "description of personality": The Big-Five factor structure. Journal of personality and social psychology, 59(6), 1216–1229.
  • Goleman, D. (1995). Emotional intelligence. Bantam Books.
  • Johnson, J. A. (2014). Measuring thirty facets of the Five Factor Model with a 120-item public domain inventory: Development of the IPIP-NEO-120. Journal of Research in Personality, 51, 78–89.
  • Kappes, H. B., & Oettingen, G. (2014). Positive fantasies about idealized futures sap energy. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 54, 10–18.
  • Myers, I. B. (1980). Gifts differing. Consulting Psychologists Press.
  • Myers, I. B., McCaulley, M. H., Quenk, N. L., & Hammer, A. L. (1998). MBTI manual: A guide to the development and use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Consulting Psychologists Press.
  • Petrides, K. V., & Furnham, A. (2001). Trait emotional intelligence: Psychometric investigation with reference to established trait taxonomies. European Journal of Personality, 15(6), 425–448.
  • Quenk, N. L. (2009). Essentials of Myers-Briggs type indicator assessment. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Robbins, S. P., Judge, T. A., Millett, B., & Boyle, M. (2017). Organizational behavior. Pearson Education.
  • Watson, D., & Clark, L. A. (1984). Negative affectivity: The disposition to experience aversive emotional states. Psychological Bulletin, 96(3), 465–490.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Happy Christmas Day 2021 Essays & Speeches For Children & Students

To celebrate Happy holy Christmas Festival these short essays & Paragraph for UKg kids, class 1,2,3,4,5 and high school students have been written to help them understand it well. These essays are short and in simple words, and are equally helpful for children & students

Christmas Day 2021 Essays & Speeches | 7+ Short & Long Essays, Speeches & Paragraphs For Students

Christmas day is the holy event that is celebrated for bliss and happiness to the people of christian community. It is celebrated all across the world with great respect and honor. In the honor of that day various programs, rites, festivals etc are held.

The following compositions of short essays & Paragraphs on holy Christmas have been written in that context to express the love and respect for this blissful day.

1. Essay on Christmas For Children & Students

Christmas is well known Christian holiday celebrated in the month of December. Christmas is celebrated all around the world with great enthusiasm and spirit. Christian families wait for this ominous event whole year.

Christmas means “Feast Day of the Christ.” It is yearly celebration in the remembrance of birth of Jesus Christ birthday. It is widely celebrated cultural and traditional event in different ways in different corners of the world. Christmas tells us that the change and revolution Jesus birthday brought to the whole world.

It gives us a chance to think about our existence and purpose in our life with renewed commitments for education and awareness . Christmas reminds us of Jesus’ message of love and peace. Christmas celebrations are the most special ones. People take Christmas break to celebrate this event with great merry makings. Preparations began about a week ago.

It includes a lot of activities. People clean their houses thoroughly. There is special shopping on this event. Families buy matching outfits and a lot of gifts for their near and dear ones.

Children are most excited for this event. This event brings a lot of happiness for kids. Families usually decorate their houses with lighting and flowers. The place is usually decorated with Christmas tree. It is believed that tree brings the Christmas spirit inside the house.

Gifts are placed under the trees and they are not allowed to open till the eve of Christmas. People write cards for their loved ones. Families spend a lot on this event.

Special food is cooked in every house. It includes homemade pan cakes, plum cakes and muffins. These are special treats of this event. People usually start their celebrations by visiting church. Churches are specially decorated for this event. They are deeply cleaned and decorated with lights.

Songs and skits are performed on this day in church. The matter of excitement for kids is meeting Santa Claus. Santa Claus meets them with joyful hugs and pleasant gifts. It is special feast of Christmas and adds to the happiness of this event.

This event is of great importance and celebrated by all the people whether they belong to Christian family or not. It binds people of the all world to strong knot of peace .

It has hidden message of importance of love, care and sharing in life. Families and friends often get together on this event. They show their immense love for each other.

This event gives them a chance to resume their relationships. It is message of peace, love and sacrifices for the whole universe. In a busy life, an event of Christmas is no less than blessing.

It is considered to be omen of good luck. People believe that this event evicts bad and evil spirits from their lives. It brings good luck and pleasures in their life.

People usually buy clothes and gifts for the poor and the needy on this event. This creates a wave of peace all around. In short, Christmas is very special event and must be celebrated with great joys and happiness.

2. My favorite holiday Christmas Essay For Students

Christmas is well known Christian holiday celebrated in the month of December. Christmas is celebrated all around the world with great enthusiasm and spirit. It is also my favorite holiday and I wait for this ominous event whole year. Christmas means “Feast Day of the Christ.”

It is yearly celebration in the remembrance of birth of Jesus Christ birthday. It is widely celebrated cultural and traditional event in different ways in different corners of the world. Christmas reminds us of Jesus’ message of love and peace.

I love this holiday because Christmas celebrations are the most special ones. It includes a lot of activities. People clean their houses thoroughly. There is special shopping on this event. Families buy matching outfits and a lot of gifts for their near and dear ones. Children are most excited for this event.

This event brings a lot of happiness for kids. Families usually decorate their houses with lighting and flowers. The place is usually decorated with Christmas tree. It is believed that tree brings the Christmas spirit inside the house. ‘

Gifts are placed under the trees and they are not allowed to open till the eve of Christmas. We write cards for their loved ones. Families spend a lot on this event. Special food is cooked in every house. It includes homemade pan cakes, plum cakes and muffins.

These are special treats of this event. People usually start their celebrations by visiting church. Churches are specially decorated for this event. They are deeply cleaned and decorated with lights.

Songs and skits are performed on this day in church. The matter of excitement for me is meeting Santa Claus. Santa Claus meets us with joyful hugs and pleasant gifts. It is special feast of Christmas and adds to the happiness of this event.

It has hidden message of importance of love, care and sharing in life. Families and friends often get together on this event. They show their immense love for each other. This event gives them a chance to resume their relationships. It is message of peace, love and sacrifices for the whole universe. It brings good luck and pleasures in our life.

People usually buy clothes and gifts for the poor and the needy on this event. This creates a wave of peace all around. In short, Christmas is very special event and I have always celebrated this event with great joys and happiness.

3. Essay On Christmas Day For Students

The Christmas day 25th December of every year is celebrated all across the world. it is the religious festivals of Christians. This day is celebrated in the remembrance of Lord Jesus Christ who was born on 25th December.

It is a religious holiday in most of the countries around the world, including India, USA, UK, European countries etc. The Christmas day is celebrated with great love, peace and respect.

The Christmas day celebrated in lines with customs of Christianity. The Christmas celebration start even before the Christmas day. On Christmas day people celebrate their homes, they visit their and friends.

Apart from that, they offer gifts, sweets etc to each other. The homes as well as the gardens are decorated with lights and Christmas trees etc. The children are very happy on Christmas day. The Christmas event is the festival of love and festivity. It is celebrated in different ways in many countries around the world.

However, the common traditions of Christmas celebration include; lightening Christmas tree, Hanging the wreaths of Advent, distributing gifts and sweets, preparing special meals, cookies, milk etc. Since, Christmas is the biggest annual event of the world. It is celebrated by Christians who are settled in every country around the world.

Even the Muslim, Hindus, Jews and other people also greet Christmas day to the Christians. The literary meaning of Christmas is the feast day of Christ. This day honors the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity religion

The Christmas day spreads the love of mutual love, happiness, peace and friendship. It mends the relationships and makes the world happy. This day is truly blessing as the Jesus Christ was born who came with the message of love and kindness.

4. Short Paragraph on Christmas Festival 2021

The Christmas is an annual festival celebrated throughout the world on 25th December. This festival brings a lot of happiness, fun and enjoyment among people every year.

This day is celebrated in the memory of the lord of humanity, Jesus Christ. During the Christmas season everyone forget their enmity and come closer to celebrate the birthday of their beloved God Jesus Christ. Sharing of gifts and distributing sweets among one another spreads a message that our deeds should be devoid of any malice or hatred.

This festival has became a national festival of many countries. On the occasion of Christmas cities are illuminated with different types of colorful lights. The entire month of December gets colored in the festive mood, this month actually brings a lot of happiness among people. People wish each other by saying Merry Christmas and embrace each other.

People look forward to this festival for the entire year and since it falls in the winter season, the enthusiasm of the people is worth observing. On this day Christians start their day by visiting church and offering special prayers. They wear new clothes, prepare cultural delicacies and exchange gifts.

A huge fir or pine tree is decorated on this day and bells of the church are rung to signify the start of the Christmas service. The Jesus himself is the symbol love and peace thus the festival unites people beyond their caste, creed and religion barriers.

5. Ten lines on Christmas Festival For Children & Students

1) The Christmas is a Christian festival, it is celebrated on 25th December every year.

2) In Christianity it is the festival of joy celebrated by everyone.

3) On the eve of Christmas all Christians brightly lit up their houses and gardens.

4) On this day specially children go out with their family members to meet friends and relatives.

5) The exchange of gifts is commonly found among children and adults.

6) Each and every Christian child waits for the Santa clause to come to their well decorated houses.

7) Christmas teaches the lesson of love and care, loving and caring others equally.

8) The Christmas is not only limited to Christianity but it is also celebrated by almost every religion to spread message of brotherhood.

9) Where Christians are in majority in those countries to celebrate this festival, public holiday is announced.

10) This festival is celebrated in the honor of the lord Jesus Christ.

6. Why I love Christmas Essay For Children & Students

Christmas is national holiday and celebrated all around the world by Christian families. It is traditional and cultural event full of pleasures and joys. It reminds us of great Christ.

This day is celebrated with great merry makings. Families start preparations earlier to main event. I love Christmas because it brings us together. It gives us chance to resume our relationships. We show our love for the special ones. There is wave of peace, love and care all around.

Beautiful and mesmerizing decorations are done on massive scales. We decorate our houses with lights and set the Christmas tree. Gifts are placed under the tree and not allowed to open till the eve of Christmas. The gifts also contain cards on which special lines are written to remind the importance of loved ones in life.

It is one of the most beautiful aspects of Christmas. People buy new clothes and families design special clothing for this event. Mothers cook delicious food on this event. Homemade pan cakes and plum cakes are the most special ones. Churches are decorated with great enthusiasm and spirit with bright lights of different colors.

Different events are organized in church. It includes skits and songs. Kids often actively take part in these skits and songs. Kids are showered with beautiful presents on this day.

They also get a chance to meet Santa Claus. Santa Claus is dressed in red and white specific dress. He meets kids with hugs and pleasures and is surely the biggest feast of this event.

Christmas is day to celebrate the happiness with your loved ones. All families gather for these celebrations. This event is considered ominous of good luck as it takes away bad spirit from houses. I love Christmas and it is matter of great happiness to spend this day with your family.

7. Speech on Christmas Day 2021 For Children & Students

Ladies and gentleman! Christmas is day to celebrate our pleasures and joys together. It is celebrated all over the world in the month of December. It reminds us of great Christ. It is cultural and religious celebration celebrated with great enthusiasm and spirit in every corner of this world.

Christmas is public holiday and a lot of preparations are made for this event in every Christian family. They consider it as an omen of good luck to celebrate this day. It is always followed by wave of happiness and pleasures.

People prepare special dresses for this event and preparations began a week before the eve of Christmas. People mostly spend this ominous occasion with their loved ones. Christmas is very special for every person of Christian family. They share their joys and pleasures with each other.

They also share gifts with their loved ones to make it even more special in the remembrance of Christ. Special arrangements are made in every house for this event.

Christmas preparations began with cleaning a house thoroughly. The common decorations include Christmas tree and lightening. It is believed that Christmas tree brings the Christmas spirit. Churches are also cleaned for this event. They are decorated beautifully with bright lights of different colors.

Different events are organized in church. It includes skits and songs to be performed on this day. People also cook delicious meals for the eve of Christmas.

Homemade muffins, cupcakes and other sweets are special treats of this occasion. There is biggest get together on this event. People exchange gifts and cards with each other. They really feel each other special and highlight their importance in life.

This ominous day of Christmas has a beautiful message of love and peace for all the people of this world. It teaches us to love each other and share happiness with each other.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why do I like Christmas?

I Like Christmas because of it being a simple, holy and pure day. On this day of celebration, we spend time with family and friends. It is certainly the day of blessing for all of us.

2. What is Christmas essay

The Christmas Day Essays is written in order to describe all about Christmas. A good Christmas day essay describes the Christmas day events, festival celebrations, happiness, rituals and traditions of Christmas.

3. Why is Christmas important?

The Christmas is an important religious day for Christians that is celebrated in remembrance of Jesus who was sent to Earth. The Christmas day is therefore in great remembrance of Holy Jesus for Christians of all across the world.

1 thought on “Happy Christmas Day 2021 Essays & Speeches For Children & Students”

i love christmas because i am monkey and doggy like santa. he bark bark when he see him. Cookie i eat when he not ttherre. I once left dog cookies for him and he eat it! lollo he was!

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essay about christmas 2021

English Essay on Christmas in 150, 300 & 500 Words

By Vijay Gupta

Updated on: December 22, 2021

Today, I’m going to write an English essay on Christmas. Here, I’ll write the essay in 150, 300 and 500 words. You can choose the one which you prefer the most.

Well, I have written this essay very comprehensively, but you can also write it in your own words after reading this article completely.

Hence without wasting your valuable time, let’s start writing the article on English essay on Christmas.

Read also, essay on my ambition in life .

Table of Contents

English Essay on Christmas in 500 Words –

1. introduction –.

This festival is celebrated every year on the 25th of the month of December. In other words, it’s celebrated in winter. It’s the most awaited festival for Christians.

There is so much enthusiasm among the people about this festival that even after the end of this festival, people keep celebrating it for at least seven days.

Actually, the festival is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ, the head of Christianity. However, this festival is mainly for the people of the Christian community, but in today’s time, people of all religions celebrate it.

People consider him as God and worship him on this day as he made many efforts to increase the love towards humanity and did many other things to maintain the balance in society.

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2. How do people celebrate Christmas? –

Since it’s everyone’s favorite festival, so people of all ages eagerly wait for it.

To celebrate this festival, people start the preparations one month in advance. A few days before this festival, people start cleaning homes, buying essential items from the markets. Additionally, they decorate homes with shining lights.

A large number of people gather for worship in churches. They perform various types of performances and sing songs there.

Some people decorate the Christmas trees at home, cut cakes, congratulate each other and distribute gifts to family members.

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3. History of Christmas trees –

As you all know that it’s customary to decorate the Christmas tree on Christmas day.

This practice has been going on for a long time, not from today. In other words, the practice of decorating the Christmas tree is going on since the 16th AD.

Actually, in ancient times, people used to hang branches of trees on the doors and windows of the houses. Additionally, they believed that planting trees keeps their houses away from evil spirits and powers.

That’s why along with planting the trees, people also decorate them on this day.

Millions of trees are grown every year in Europe so that people can do good business of trees on Christmas day.

4. Conclusion –

Christmas is one of the biggest festivals. Every year, a religious holiday is given on 25 December all over the world so that people can celebrate it very well.

This festival gives a message to us that people should live together with love and affection. Moreover, they should help the poor when it’s needed.

Also, it fills people’s hearts with purity and inspires them towards humanity.

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English Essay on Christmas in 300 Words –

The day of Christmas is very special for Christians. People of Christian society celebrate this day with great enthusiasm. They celebrate it as the birthday of Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity.

Jesus Christ was one of the most popular figures of Christianity. He always taught people the lesson of love and brotherhood.

That’s why people celebrate it every year on 25 December in the memory of Jesus Christ.

The day of Christmas brings a lot of happiness to the people of the Christian community. People of this religion decorate their homes and churches with colorful lights and trees. Also, they sing special types of songs on this day and pray to God for their good future.

People celebrate this festival in their own ways.

Those who celebrate it at their homes decorate Christmas trees, cut cakes and distribute amazing gifts to the children. Also, they assure the children that when they sleep, Santa Claus will leave presents for them at 12 o’clock midnight, which makes the children very happy.

In addition, those who celebrate this festival in churches hold prayer meetings with their families, colleagues and friends. The prayer lasts till about 12 o’clock at night. After the prayer, they greet each other.

On Christmas, the female members of the households prepare special types of dishes and all the members enjoy it with the whole family.

Along with this, the head members of the household narrate stories related to Christmas to the children and tell them that Jesus Christ came to this earth to remove the grievances of the people and wished the creation of good society by spreading happiness among others.

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English Essay on Christmas in 150 Words –

Christmas festival is very popular all over the world and its popularity is increasing day by day. It is mainly celebrated by Christians. But today, people of other religions have also started celebrating it.

As Holi and Diwali are the biggest festivals for Hindus, similarly, Christmas is the biggest festival for Christians. They celebrate it on 25 December every year.

The main purpose of celebrating this festival is to celebrate the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ. People of Christ’s society celebrate it with great pomp.

This festival is celebrated all over the world.

At this festival, there is a lot of excitement in the markets, churches and houses. People cut the cakes and sing songs in the churches and houses.

Also, on Christmas day, the tradition of giving gifts to children through Santa Claus is very popular. People share happiness, sweets and chocolates with colleagues, friends and families.

Final words –

In the end, I hope the article has satisfied you. Here, the English essay on Christmas has been written in different formats, you can choose any of them as per your suitability.

If you really liked this English essay on Christmas, please share it with those who need it. For more essays, keep in touch with us.

Vijay Gupta

Hello everyone, My name is Vijay Gupta and I belong to a very small town that is situated in district Hardoi, which is in Uttar Pradesh. 1. Education – I’ve completed my primary education from a private school that is situated in my hometown and upper primary, matric and higher secondary education have been completed from a government college. Well, I was an average student till class 5th, but I accelerated my preference towards studies from class six. Consequently, I passed out many classes with good positions. Even I passed out 12th with good marks ( 405/500 ) and topped my college. Due to getting good marks, I got a cheque of 500 rupees and was rewarded by the Principal of my college. After completing my 12th, I prepared twice for IIT ( Indian Institute of Technology ) from Aakash institute, but unfortunately, I failed to get selected into the best IIT colleges. But during the preparation, I was being graduated from CSJMU Kanpur. I completed my graduation in 2016 and now I’m pursuing an educational degree ( B.Ed. ). 2. Profession – Although I love teaching, but I also do blogging. Both are my favorite jobs.

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Christmas and Easter: Two Contrasting Holidays Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Religious significance.

Society has always been big on holidays. These events are celebrated with as much pomp and pageantry that could only be equaled by preparations for a state or royal visit and met with much excitement by everyone. Of all these holidays though, there are two which seem to stand out from the pack. These are Christmas and Easter. Although considered mostly religious events by most, it has become non denominational enough to warrant its celebration by most of the world.

As religious events, both holidays mark a type of birth for the one they consider to be the Savior of the world although for highly different reasons. Christmas, marks his birth in the human world while Easter celebrates his rebirth as a spiritual leader taking his place in the heavens as a God.That is technically the big difference between the two holidays. Religiously speaking that is. Modern society however does not give too much weight to religious significance these days. Thus the current commercialization of the two holidays in order to make it more open as a celebration to people across the board.

Religious followers choose to celebrate Christmas as the birth of their personal savior, Jesus Christ. It also marks the beginning of the religious calendar for most Christian faiths. However, as a non denominational event, Christmas had to be given a more commercial feel and generic meaning in order to make it more understandable and accessible to others. Hence the emergence of various Santa Claus incarnations and the tradition of gift giving among friends and family.

Christmas was given a magical feel because of the time of the year when it is celebrated. The falling white snow, building of snowmen, families gathering to open gifts and rekindle relationships… These all fall under the magic that Christmas holds for everyone. It does not really require a religious belief in order to realize that special events require the gathering of family and some sort of commeration of the event, the gift giving.

Easter on the other hand is more about the celebration of a rebirth. It is the marker of the end of the Lenten Season which celebrates the passion and death of Jesus Christ. It is significant in the sense that by his death on the cross and subsequent resurrection, he has fulfilled his role as “Savior of Mankind”. Once again, there was a need to make the event more accessible to those of the non religious sector of society. So the Easter Bunny was created as a way to celebrate the joyous occassion through games and family gatherings, less religion, more about celebrating life in itself.

However, Easter is not an American tradition as others may think. It was originally celebrated in the fashion that has become familiar to us — the Easter Bunny, The Easter Egg Hunt, etc. , were all introduced to American soceity through the German settlers who came to settle in Pennsylvania.

Christmas on the other hand is celebrated in similar , yet unique fashions all over the world because of the way the holiday has become easily adaptable to the exisiting traditional social celebrations during that time of the year.

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 2). Christmas and Easter: Two Contrasting Holidays.

"Christmas and Easter: Two Contrasting Holidays." IvyPanda , 2 Nov. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Christmas and Easter: Two Contrasting Holidays'. 2 November.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Christmas and Easter: Two Contrasting Holidays." November 2, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Christmas and Easter: Two Contrasting Holidays." November 2, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Christmas and Easter: Two Contrasting Holidays." November 2, 2021.


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Christmas 2021: How to celebrate the festival in pandemic

Christmas 2021: we have prepared a list of things you can do for christmas this year..

Christmas 2021: Merry Christmas! That time of the year is here again. The festival of colours, lights and happiness have made their way for the year 2021 and we cannot keep calm – especially after last-year's Christmas celebrations which was spent in isolation, in scare of the pandemic and in uncertainty. The pain of having missed out on seeing our near and dear ones for the holiday season have made us anticipate this year's celebrations a lot more.

Christmas 2021: How to celebrate the festival in pandemic(

ALSO READ: Christmas 2021: History, Significance and all you need to know about this day

However, the pandemic is not over yet. In fact, it is far from being over. With the new Omicron variant making its way in several countries, the restrictions are again in place and the scare has returned. As the fear of contracting the new variant again grapples the world, it has dim the lights of the Christmas celebrations, yet again. However, we can still celebrate the festival – at home, with the family and by having a calm and low-key day with our loved ones. We have prepared a list of things you can do for Christmas this year:

Secret Santa – Be the Secret Santa to your family and friends. Instead of traveling miles to celebrate the festival, do a Secret Santa contest among your family members and don't reveal the names till the end of the day. Watch yourself and others get gifts randomly and spread the Christmas joy.(

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essay about christmas 2021

Miss Huttlestone's GCSE English

Because a whole class of wonderful minds are better than just one!

Model Grade 9 ‘ACC’ essay: Christmas as a Joyful Time

Starting with this extract, explore how far Dickens presents Christmas as a joyful time. (30 marks)

Throughout Dickens’ allegorical novella, his aim is to passionately highlight how such a joyful season can create positive role models for Scrooge. The constant succession of images relating to joy around Christmas may well have been utilised to demonstrate how readers too can learn and improve from the inspirational characters during the novella.

Primarily, within stave 1 of the novella, Dickens utilises the characterisation of Fred as the embodiment of the Christmas spirit with all the positive virtues associated with Christmas. This is evidenced when Fred is described as coming in ‘all in a glow’ with ‘his face ruddy and handsome; his eyes sparkled.’ Here the use of the noun ‘glow’ connotes light and warmth which is strongly linked to hope and purity. This highlights the contrast between Fred and his uncle Scrooge, who was described as ‘hard and sharp as flint.’ Structurally, introducing Fred immediately after Scrooge focuses the reader’s attention on the clear variation between the two and all of the positive qualities that Scrooge lacks. Furthermore, Fred highlights the belief that Christmas is a time for unity within the social hierarchy although it ‘never puts a scrap of gold or silver’ in his pocket and he frowns upon his uncle, completely consumed in the greed for money. Dickens may have done this to foreshadow Scrooge’s transformation into a better man as a result of the inspirational role models around him during the novella. Alternatively, Dickens may have used Fred and Scrooge together to challenge the situation in Victorian Britain during the Industrial Revolution. Scrooge highlights all of the negative traits of upper class men during this time and Fred is a caring and benevolent character, who cares for people lower down on the social hierarchy.

Secondly, within the extract, Dickens utilises the characterisation of Fezziwig to suggest a clear contrast in the two employers. This is evidenced when Fezziwig ‘laughed all over himself, from his shoes to his organ of benevolence.’ The use of the abstract noun ‘benevolence’ suggests the joy and love Fezziwig has for Christmas time. Fezziwig’s kind, caring personality is another role model and catalyst for Scrooge’s transformation. Furthermore, Dickens presents Christmas as a joyful time through Fezziwig’s Christmas party. ‘Fuel was heaped upon the fire’ and the warehouse was transformed into a ‘snug, and warm’ ballroom filled with light. The use of the adjective ‘warm’ connotes kindness and comfort. The detail here in Fezziwig’s scene overwhelms the senses; his generosity is physical, emotional and palpable. As an employer he is the foil of Scrooge and presents all of the positive virtues that Scrooge lacks. Dickens may have done this to highlight a different side to capitalism. Alternatively, presenting Fezziwig as the embodiment of Christmas suggests the importance of Christmas and all of its positive qualities on everyone in society.

Thirdly, within the novella, Dickens utilises the Ghost of Christmas Present to personify Christmas itself. When the ghost appears it has set up an impressive feast of lights and food. This is evidenced when Scrooge’s room is filled with ‘the crisp leaves of holly, mistletoe and ivy reflected back the light, as if so many little mirrors had been scattered there, and such a mighty blaze went roaring up the chimney.’ The scene is hyperbolic and creates a clear contrast with the frugal state of Scrooge’s past Christmases. The use of the light imagery here provides a clear and undeniable tableau of the joyful Christmases Scrooge can afford but chooses to shun. Dickens may have done this to portray Christmas as a bright and familiar celebration which everyone should celebrate in harmony. A modern reader may feel hope that Scrooge will use his wealth to celebrate Christmas with all of the festivities that Christmas should include and celebrate it with the people that care for him, like his nephew Fred.

Finally, in ‘A Christmas Carol’ Dickens reinforces the theme of Christmas spirit through the Cratchit family. Dickens utilises Bob Cratchit to symbolise the true spirit of Christmas and the importance of family. This is evidenced at the Cratchit’s dinner where nobody remarked that it was ‘a small pudding for a large family’. The adjective ‘small’ emphasises the Cratchit’s lack of luxury and yet their enthusiasm in the scene is palpable. This highlights that this ‘small’ pudding was seen as an indulgence to them which is something Scrooge takes for granted. Furthermore, the Cratchit’s ‘four roomed house’ is filled with an overwhelming sense of energy and excitement, which exists as an antithesis of Scrooge’s ‘old…dreary’ abode. This is evidenced as the youngest Cratchit children ‘danced about the table’ this suggests the sense of energy despite their lowly status in society on this festive day. Dickens may have done this to suggest the importance of Christmas to all members of society. Although the Cratchit family are less fortunate than Scrooge or Fred their Christmas is filled with the love they have for each other. A reader may feel delighted to see this family enjoying Christmas day, contented with what they own and hope that Scrooge will see this family as a role model for his transformation.

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  1. Reflection Essay: My 2021 Christmas Experience

    essay about christmas 2021

  2. Short and Long Paragraph on Christmas 2021 in English for School Students

    essay about christmas 2021

  3. Christmas Essay

    essay about christmas 2021

  4. College Essay Examples: Essay about christmas

    essay about christmas 2021

  5. Essay On Christmas In English

    essay about christmas 2021

  6. Short Essay on Christmas [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    essay about christmas 2021


  1. 10 lines on Christmas in english/Christmas essay in english/Essay on Christmas in english

  2. 10 Lines Essay On Christmas

  3. Write English essay on Christmas 🎄| English Paragraph on Christmas ☃️ Simple English essay writing

  4. Short essay on Christmas in English || Christmas day essay in English || Christmas essay writing ||

  5. 10 lines on Christmas essay in English writing

  6. Essay on Christmas in English || 10 lines essay on Christmas tree || Christmas tree Essay


  1. Opinion

    Christmas is the grand miracle that makes space for all the smaller miracles. ... Guest Essay. Christmas Is Weird. Dec. 23, 2021. A roadside produce stand in Homer, New York. Credit...

  2. Essays About Christmas: Top 5 Examples And 6 Prompts

    5 Top Essay Examples. 1. The Magic of Christmas by Erin. "Although, a few years later, I found out that he was not real, the magic of Christmas still remains. I realized that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, and this is something I hold close to my heart.

  3. Opinion: The Christmas story's deeper message

    Pedestrians, some wearing face coverings to combat the spread of Covid-19, walk past shops in Covent Garden on the last Saturday for shopping before Christmas, in central London on December 18, 2021.

  4. Short Essay on Christmas [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

    Short Essay on Christmas in 100 Words. Every culture has its celebrations which are important to all of us. These occasions help us to live and have fun. Christmas is one such festival. It is one of the biggest celebrations in the whole world. It is celebrated on 25th December. Christmas Eve is celebrated on 24th December.

  5. 12 creative writing prompts for Christmas

    This short Christmas writing prompt has so many layers already, pushing the idea of what it means to be 'nice' for Christmas. The harsh wintery scenes will no doubt be a joy to write while thinking up various naughty acts will bring you hours of fun. You have been invited to a Christmas party by an old friend.

  6. Christmas Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Christmas Essay. Christmas is a well-known Christian holiday set in December, celebrated the world over and famed for its decorations and Santa Clause. The Christmas means "Feast day of Christ".It is a yearly celebration marking Jesus Christ's birth; it is observed on the 25th of December as a cultural and religious ...

  7. What a Perfect Christmas is to Me: [Essay Example], 478 words

    Christmas is a magical day we take as remembrance of the birth date of Jesus. I will share my idea of a perfect Christmas in this essay. It includes my family loving each other, a toothsome dinner, and extraordinary presents. Say no to plagiarism. ... What a Perfect Christmas is to Me. (2021, March 18). GradesFixer. Retrieved June 1, 2024, from ...

  8. 15 Prompts for Talking and Writing About the ...

    15 Prompts for Talking and Writing About the Holidays and the New Year. Share your traditions, weigh in on a seasonal debate, write a creative story or reflect on the year behind you while ...

  9. This Christmas, hope may feel elusive. But despair is not the answer

    On Christmas, we consider the disorienting, vivid evidence that hope wins. If true, it is a story that can reorient every human story. It means that God is with us, even in suffering.

  10. Views About Christmas Time Review

    Christmas is a celebration that includes two different perspectives. For many it is a religious celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. For many more it is a secular celebration that includes Santa Claus, Christmas trees, and exchanging of gifts. Ted Byfield and Almas Zakiuddin share their thoughts about the celebration of Christmas and how ...

  11. A Christmas Essay: Food For Thought At Christmas

    As the story opens, it is a Christmas during the Civil War and the March family is living in straightened circumstances. But when the girls hear of a needy family in the neighborhood, they gladly give up their Christmas breakfast to feed the hungry children. Even self-centered Amy sacrifices her favorite things—"the cream and the muffins.".

  12. Christmas Essay Contest 2021

    Essay Contest - December 8, 2021- 7. The final thing that brings me joy is family. Family makes Christmas much better, especially since my Aunt comes home for it from where she lives in Saudi ...

  13. Christmas as My Favorite Time of The Year

    Everything Christmas entails, from spending time with family and friends to gifting and serving others, gives me joy and purpose. The magical spirit of Christmas is what makes us great people, and being surrounded by so many great people is what makes Christmas "the most wonderful time of the year". Works Cited: Goldberg, L. R. (1990).

  14. Happy Christmas Day 2021 Essays & Speeches For Children & Students

    Christmas Day 2021 Essays & Speeches | 7+ Short & Long Essays, Speeches & Paragraphs For Students. Christmas day is the holy event that is celebrated for bliss and happiness to the people of christian community. It is celebrated all across the world with great respect and honor. In the honor of that day various programs, rites, festivals etc ...

  15. Queen Elizabeth II Christmas 2021 Message (text-video)

    Annual Christmas Message to the British People. Original Broadcast 25 December 2021 . Although it's a time of great happiness and good cheer for many, Christmas can be hard for those who have lost loved ones. This year, especially, I understand why. But for me, in the months since the death of my beloved Philip, I have drawn great comfort ...

  16. Reflection Essay: My 2021 Christmas Experience

    The document is a reflection essay about the author's 2021 Christmas experience in the Philippines. Some key points: - Filipinos celebrate Christmas differently than other countries, emphasizing traditions like Noche Buena, caroling, and Simbang Gabi. - The author believes Christmas has made Filipinos more materialistic, focusing on gifts from a young age. As a child, Christmas meant new toys ...

  17. How to write a top grade essay on A Christmas Carol

    In this video, I provide a top grade essay exemplar on Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol', marked against official GCSE assessment rubrics and objectives. ...

  18. English Essay on Christmas in 150, 300 & 500 Words

    By Vijay Gupta. Updated on: December 22, 2021. Today, I'm going to write an English essay on Christmas. Here, I'll write the essay in 150, 300 and 500 words. You can choose the one which you prefer the most. Well, I have written this essay very comprehensively, but you can also write it in your own words after reading this article completely.

  19. Christmas and Easter: Two Contrasting Holidays Essay

    Religious Significance. As religious events, both holidays mark a type of birth for the one they consider to be the Savior of the world although for highly different reasons. Christmas, marks his birth in the human world while Easter celebrates his rebirth as a spiritual leader taking his place in the heavens as a God.That is technically the ...

  20. Christmas 2021: How to celebrate the festival in pandemic

    The festival of colours, lights and happiness have made their way for the year 2021 and we cannot keep calm - especially after last-year's Christmas celebrations which was spent in isolation, in ...

  21. Model Grade 9 'ACC' essay: Christmas as a Joyful Time

    Furthermore, Dickens presents Christmas as a joyful time through Fezziwig's Christmas party. 'Fuel was heaped upon the fire' and the warehouse was transformed into a 'snug, and warm' ballroom filled with light. The use of the adjective 'warm' connotes kindness and comfort. The detail here in Fezziwig's scene overwhelms the ...

  22. The 2021 Holiday Gift Guide

    What should you get for all the beloved but quirky, picky, fancy, practical or eccentric people in your life? Let our experts help.

  23. Essay on Christmas in English 2021 speech on Christmas day in ...

    #ChristmasEssay#essaychristmasRelated Links🖲Speech on Christmas :🖲song creditJingle Bells 7 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under...