Free Hair and Beauty Salon Sample Business Plan PDF

Author: Elon Glucklich

Elon Glucklich

6 min. read

Updated February 7, 2024

Looking for a free,  downloadable hair and beauty salon sample business plan Word doc  or  PDF  to help you create a business plan of your own? Bplans has you covered.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to find a sample business plan that exactly matches your business. Whether you’re launching an upscale, full-service salon in a bustling city or a neighborhood barbershop, the details will be different, but the bones of the plan will be the same.

Are you writing a business plan for your salon because you’re seeking a loan? Is your primary concern building a clear roadmap for growth? Either way, you’re going to want to edit and customize it so it fits your particular company.

No two salons are alike. Your business model will be different if you’re renting space to independent hairstylists, rather than taking on employees, for example. So take the time to create your own financial forecasts and do enough market research so you have a solid plan for success.

  • What should you include in a hair and beauty salon business plan?

Your hair and beauty salon business plan doesn’t need to be hundreds of pages—keep it as short and concise as you can. You’ll probably want to include each of these sections:

  • Executive summary
  • Company summary and funding needs
  • Products and services
  • Marketing plan
  • Management team
  • Financial plan

One of the things that makes a salon business plan different from some service-based business plans is that you might decide to offer a combination of products and services.

Maybe you’ll sell shampoo, beard oil, or other cosmetics and beauty products, in addition to offering services like haircuts, manicures, or massages. If that’s the case, make sure you include your ideas for upselling products to customers to increase the value of every appointment you book.

Here’s an example of a salon business plan outline.

Hair and beauty salon sample business plan outline.

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  • The 7 elements of an effective hair and beauty salon business plan

1. Executive Summary

The  executive summary  provides a high-level overview of your business plan. It should outline the objectives of your hair and beauty salon, such as to offer high-quality services, to expand the client base, or to break into a new market.

Your salon’s mission statement should describe its purpose and what sets it apart from competitors. For example, you may aim to offer a personalized experience for each customer or provide eco-friendly hair and beauty services.

The keys to success are the factors that will help your salon thrive. These may include a prime location, hiring experienced staff, excellent customer service, or a unique product and service range.

2. Company Summary and Funding Needs

The company summary offers a detailed overview of your salon, including its legal structure , location, and history. Also, it highlights your salon’s funding needs if you are seeking financial support.

Clearly state how much funding you need, what you will use it for, and how it will benefit the salon. For instance, you may need funds to renovate the premises, purchase equipment, or boost marketing efforts.

3. Salon Products and Services

This section should detail the products and services your hair or beauty salon will offer. These may include haircuts, hair treatments, manicures, pedicures, massages, and beauty treatments.

If you plan to retail beauty products such as shampoos, conditioners, or skin care items, include this information too. Highlight any unique services or products that differentiate your salon from competitors.

4. Salon Marketing Plan and Analysis

Your marketing plan should outline the strategies you will use to attract and retain customers. These strategies might include social media advertising, loyalty programs, partnerships with local businesses, and special promotions.

Additionally, you should conduct a thorough market analysis. Understand your target customers, their preferences, and their spending habits. Identify your competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and how you can differentiate your salon.

5. Salon Management Team

The management team section provides information about the salon’s key personnel. This could include the salon owner, managers, stylists, beauticians, and other staff members. Highlight their roles, responsibilities, qualifications, and experience.

If you plan to rent chairs to independent stylists rather than hiring employees, describe how this arrangement will work and the advantages it offers for your business.

6. Financial Plan and Forecasts

Your financial plan should present detailed financial projections, including revenue, costs, and profitability. Include a cash flow statement, income statement, and balance sheet. This section should clearly demonstrate the salon’s potential profitability and financial viability.

Also, outline your pricing strategy. How have you priced your services and products, and how do these prices compare with competitors? What are your wage costs, and how will they affect your profitability?

7. Appendix

The appendix includes any additional supporting documents that complement your business plan. This might be market research data, lease agreements, employee contracts, or licensing and permit documents.

While not always necessary, the appendix can provide valuable context and proof to support your business plan’s content.

  • Crafting a Successful Salon Business Plan: Key Considerations

Understanding your target clientele’s needs is crucial to writing a hair or beauty salon business plan that you can put into action. To ensure your business plan is the foundation of a growing operation rather than just checking boxes, ask yourself whether you’re taking these considerations into account.

1. Comprehensive Services Offering

In the beauty industry, customer preferences vary significantly, and staying versatile in your offerings can help cater to a broader clientele. Include a wide range of services that cater to different demographics. You may also consider offering unique or specialized services that distinguish your salon from others.

2. Pricing Strategy

Pricing can make or break your salon. Competitive pricing attracts customers, but your pricing should also cover your costs and ensure profitability. Effective market research can help you understand the average cost of services in your area, which you can use to set your prices competitively.

3. Salon Atmosphere

The ambiance of a salon plays a significant role in attracting and retaining customers. Consider factors like décor, cleanliness, and customer service when planning your salon.

4. Staff Training and Expertise

Quality service is crucial in the hair and beauty industry since word-of-mouth exposure from existing clients is a major driver of new business. Investing in ongoing staff training ensures that your team stays updated with the latest trends, techniques, and customer service skills.

5. Digital Presence

Although word of mouth is one business driver, many of today’s customers research online before visiting a salon. Having a strong online presence, including a well-designed website, effective search engine optimization and active social media accounts, can significantly boost your business.

  • Download your free hair and beauty salon sample business plan PDF

Download this  hair and beauty salon sample business plan PDF  for free right now, or visit Bplans’ gallery of more than  550 sample business plans  if you’re looking for more options.

There are  plenty of reasons  salon business owners can benefit from  writing a business plan —you’ll need one if you’re seeking a loan or investment.

Even if you’re not seeking funding, the process of thinking through every aspect of your business will help you make sure you’re not overlooking anything critical as you grow.

Content Author: Elon Glucklich

Elon is a marketing specialist at Palo Alto Software, working with consultants, accountants, business instructors and others who use LivePlan at scale. He has a bachelor's degree in journalism and an MBA from the University of Oregon.

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How to Write a Business Plan in Kenya (+ Free PDFs)

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There is a system you can use to write a business plan in Kenya that streamlines the entire process.

By using this system, not only makes the writing process faster and simpler but also way more useful in a really practical way.

If you want to organize your business and start strategically increasing your profits and growing towards your goals, then keep reading this guide.

This business plan has six main sections and I’d recommend that you start by scribbling your ideas for each on a separate blank piece of paper.

Once you get your ideas worked out, you can create one cohesive document.

How to Write a Business Plan in Kenya 

Now, the six pages of your business plan in Kenya are 

  • Product 
  • Production and Delivery 

Let’s look at each of these pages, shall we?

Page #1. Overview

Business Plan in Kenya

The first page of your business plan will be an overview.

It is going to give a basic understanding of what your company does and the structure of your business.

Now, on that first overview page of your business plan, you want to include 

  • Your business structure
  • Location, that is where you do business and also
  • A brief description of exactly what your company actually does.

The next piece of information for your company’s overview is your business’s mission, which is really important.

Here is why;

The business mission is the driving force behind your business plan in Kenya.

It is what all your plans are focused on achieving and if you don’t have a mission’s like trying to make plans to reach a goal without having the goal.

So make sure you don’t skip this step.

The final component of the overview page is your chart of accountability.

This chart describes who is accountable for which of the major tasks involved in running the business.

And the three main areas of accountability in most businesses are 

  • Sales operations
  • Finances 

Page #2. Message

free salon business plan in kenya pdf

The second page of your business plan in Kenya will focus on outlining your company’s message.

If you want your business to be successful, you MUST have a clear idea of;

  • What message you are working to communicate to your customers, 
  • Who are those customers
  • How do you fit into their lives and 
  • How can you help them solve a problem that they are facing and create a result that they are looking for.

Here are the questions that you will want to answer on this page of your business plan

  • What problem does your company solve for your customers
  • What result does your company create for those customers
  • How does your company create those results
  • Who does your company serve
  • Why do you do what you do
  • Why should your customers choose you over your competition 
  • What is your company’s step by step plan for creating those results for the customer or what is your proprietary system

This both helps to answer the question of what sets you apart from your competition

It also shows your customers how you are going to create those results that you are promising.

By making this clear, you are instilling confidence in your ability to create the results.

Page #3. Marketing

how to write a business plan doc

Let’s talk about the third page of your business plan.

This page focuses on marketing and generating sales.

First, you will want to define your target market by their demography and psychographics.

Demographics are attributes such as their age, income, where they live.

On the other hand, psychographics has to do with their interests, desires, and fears.

Here, you will also want to include an estimated size of your target market .

More importantly, where you have identified that you can find groups of those target customers.

Here is a little big hint;

If you haven’t yet figured out where you can find groups of those customers be it online or off, you are probably going to have trouble successfully marketing your product or service.

So if you come to this part in the business plan and don’t know what to put here, stop and do some digging.

Make sure that YOU can find this customer you have defined here. 

If you can’t, you might want to consider redefining that target customer and pivoting your marketing position.

The final three pieces of information that you can include on this page of your business plan are

  • Your visibility strategy. This explains how people will first learn about your brand and your products 
  • Your lead generation strategy, which explains how you will establish contact with the people who have discovered your brand
  • Your conversion strategy, which is essentially your sales strategy. Explain how you will turn those leads you’ve generated into paying customers.

Here is a quick heads up;

As you are working through this business plan, it’s more than likely that you won’t know the answers to all of these questions.

And you won’t have all these things figured out yet.

I just want to let you know that that is completely alright.

And actually, one of the main purposes of writing your business plan is to become aware of things you haven’t thought about yet or haven’t figured out.

Because only once you are aware of what you don’t know, you will be able to think through it. 

Don’t put off writing the business plan in Kenya just because you don’t know everything yet.

Rather, write the business plan so that you can get very clear on exactly what you know and need to figure out.

Page #4. Product

business plan in kenya now

This page describes the product or products that you sell.

To clarify, a product could be a physical product or a digital product or service.

I highly recommend that you choose just one product as your business’s primary product.

You might be selling several different things, so determine what your main product is that you are going to center your business’s marketing message around.

Many different parts of your business development will be much easier if you do have one product that is the focus.

Now, on this page of the business plan, start by identifying 

  • what that product is and then 
  • describing the result that the product creates.

Here’s a little SECRET;

What your business sells is really the result your product creates not the product itself.

After describing the results, describe the impact the product creates.

This is different than the result itself.

It’s instead how the customers’ life is affected by the result of the product.

For example;

If your product is a vacuum cleaner, then the result the product creates is clean floors.

But the impact of the product is that your prospect feels better about the state of their house.

Now they have a cleaner, healthier living environment and perhaps feel more confident inviting some company.

Once you have described those three things for your main product, you can move on to other products that your company sells and do the same.

Page #5. Goals

business plan

The final page of your business success plan has to do with your goals.

If you have looked at any examples of business plans in the past or read a guide on how to write a business plan in Kenya, you might have seen a section that focused on projections.

  • sales projections or
  • new customer acquisition projections, or 
  • market share projections 

And if you’ve tried to write a business plan in Kenya in the past and you tried to write this section, you may have found it very difficult.

Chances are that is because you are running a small business in Kenya or maybe you have just started your business.

Truth is, it is really difficult to make accurate projections or projections at all for that matter if you don’t have any data to base them on.

And that is why I’d recommend that instead of trying to create projections, you simply set goals if you are just starting your company or have only been in business for a couple of years.

You can decide exactly how long you want to make your goals for.

But a good place to start would be to set some one-year goals and also some five-year goals.

This way you know what you need to work on right now but you also know where you are aiming long term.

For each time frame, you can set whatever goals you’d like.

However, some that I might recommend;

  • number of sales total revenue 
  • Profit 
  • impact in terms of the number of customers who you help or how wide you spread your message and
  • Development, could be the extent to which you have advanced the product that you create and offer or to what extent you have built your company.

And of course, when setting goals, it is always important to set specific, measurable goals and a deadline for when you plan to reach them.

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Final thoughts on creating a business plan in Kenya

All right, that is everything you need to include in your business plan in Kenya.

As you can see, they are simple pages and you probably already know most of the information that will be going into this business plan.

There are many other pieces of information that you may want to include in your business plan 

You are more than welcome to include any relevant information that describes how you successfully run you and how you plan to reach your goals.

Here is my final piece of advice for you;

Make sure that you don’t overcomplicate things.

More words are not better.

In fact, your business plan in Kenya will be the most useful if you keep it short and relatively simple.

If you write a document that’s 20 40 or more pages long, chances are high that nobody will ever go back and read it again.

A business plan is a written document that describes your business, its objectives and strategies, and how you will achieve them. It outlines your marketing plan, financial projections, and operational procedures.

A business plan is important because it helps potential investors or lenders understand your business concept, objectives, and strategies. It also gives an overview of the financial viability of the business and helps you analyze potential risks.

A business plan should include a summary of your business concept, products and services, market segment, target consumers, marketing plan, financial plan, including cash flow statement, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and sales forecast, operational procedures, personnel, infrastructure, and ownership.

The cost of writing a business plan varies depending on the complexity of the business and the depth of the analysis required. On average, it can range from KES 10,000 to KES 50,000.

Every business owner, whether an established entrepreneur or a startup, should write a business plan. It is a crucial document required to give potential investors an overview of the business and its financial viability.

To attract an investor with your business plan, you need to clearly define your business concept, market segment, target consumers, and marketing plan. You should also provide financial projections, including the required investment and the expected return on investment.

The purpose of a financial plan in a business plan is to provide an overview of the business’s financial viability. It includes cash flow statement, balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and sales forecast.

To write a marketing plan for your business, you’ll need to analyze your market segment, determine your target consumers, and define your promotional, advertising, and sales strategies to attract and retain them. You should also set objectives and strict budgets for your promotion and advertising activities.

You should update your business plan constantly to reflect changes in your business environment, like increased competition, new regulations, or changes in your products or services. You should review and update it at least once a year, or whenever significant changes occur.

A profit and loss statement is a financial statement that shows the revenues, expenses, and net income or loss of a business for a specific period, usually monthly or annually. It helps business owners analyze their profit margins and identify areas where they can cut costs and increase revenue.

Yes, every business needs insurance to protect its assets, employees, and customers. You should consider insurance options, like liability insurance, property insurance, or workers’ compensation insurance, depending on your business operations and risks.

3 Responses to “How to Write a Business Plan in Kenya (+ Free PDFs)”

Yoh. This was great content. I will apply it on my business and see the results. Thanks a lot.

Yes Chris, glad you found it valuable.

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Beauty Salon Business Plan PDF Example

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  • February 28, 2024
  • Business Plan

The business plan template of a beauty salon

Creating a comprehensive business plan is crucial for launching and running a successful beauty salon. This plan serves as your roadmap, detailing your vision, operational strategies, and financial plan. It helps establish your salon’s identity, navigate the competitive market, and secure funding for growth.

This article not only breaks down the critical components of a beauty salon business plan, but also provides an example of a business plan to help you craft your own.

Whether you’re an experienced entrepreneur or new to the beauty industry, this guide, complete with a business plan example, lays the groundwork for turning your beauty salon concept into reality. Let’s dive in!

Our beauty salon business plan is designed with clarity and thoroughness, addressing all crucial aspects needed for a comprehensive business plan. It details the salon’s operations, strategic approach, market environment, competitive landscape, management team, and financial projections.

  • Executive Summary : Provides a snapshot of your beauty salon’s business, market environment, management, and financial overview.
  • Salon & Location : Describes the beauty salon’s ambiance, equipment, and unique features.
  • Treatments & Pricing : Details the types of beauty treatments and services offered, along with pricing.
  • Key Stats : Includes industry size , growth rates, and significant statistics relevant to the beauty salon sector.
  • Key Trends : Highlights current market trends affecting the beauty industry (customer preferences, technological advancements, etc.).
  • Key Competitors : Analyzes main competitors in the area and your salon’s competitive edge.
  • SWOT : Analyzes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Marketing Plan : Describes promotional strategies to draw in and keep clients.
  • Timeline : Lays out key milestones and objectives from launch to expansion, covering at least the first 12 months.
  • Management : Introduces the team behind the salon, detailing their roles and contributions to the salon’s success.
  • Financial Plan : Projects the salon’s 5-year financial performance, including expected revenue and expenses, and outlines funding expectations.

The business plan template of a beauty salon

Beauty Salon Business Plan

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Fully editable 30+ slides Powerpoint presentation business plan template.

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Executive Summary

The Executive Summary serves as an introduction to your beauty salon’s business plan, providing a succinct overview of your salon and the variety of beauty services it offers. This section should outline your salon’s market positioning, the comprehensive range of beauty treatments and services provided, its location, size, and a brief on operational practices.

Additionally, this section should assess how your beauty salon positions itself within the local market. It should enumerate the number of direct competitors in the vicinity, identify these competitors, and emphasize your salon’s unique selling points that set it apart.

It’s also essential to include details about the management and co-founding team, specifying their roles and how they contribute to the salon’s operational and strategic goals. Lastly, a summary of the financial projections, highlighting expected revenue and profit margins over a 5-year period, should be incorporated to outline the financial plan of your beauty salon.

Make sure to cover here _ Business Overview _ Market Overview _ Management Team _ Financial Plan

Beauty Salon Business Plan exec summary

Dive deeper into Executive Summary

Business Overview

For a Beauty Salon, the Business Overview section is structured into 2 slides:

Salon & Location Illustrate the ambiance and layout of your beauty salon, highlighting features that create a welcoming and luxurious experience for clients. Discuss the salon’s strategic location, emphasizing how its accessibility and the surrounding area contribute to attracting your target market . Mention the benefits of your chosen location, such as high foot traffic or nearby complementary businesses.

Treatments & Pricing Explain the variety of beauty treatments and services your salon offers, including facials, manicures/pedicures, makeup, waxing, and more specialized services. Provide an overview of your pricing structure , showing how it aligns with the quality of services and the expectations of your clientele. Also, introduce any special offers, memberships, or loyalty programs designed to retain customers and enhance their experience at your salon.

Make sure to cover here _ Salon & Location _ Treatments & Pricing

free salon business plan in kenya pdf

Market Overview

In the Market Overview of your beauty salon business plan, initially address the overall size of the beauty salon industry and its prospects for growth. This provides a foundational understanding of the market’s scale and potential for expansion.

Next, explore recent trends within the industry, such as the increasing consumer preference for holistic beauty treatments, the demand for eco-friendly and natural beauty products, and the rise of personalized beauty services. For example, point out the growing popularity of bespoke skincare routines and treatments that cater to individual skin concerns, as well as the shift towards sustainable practices in beauty care.

Following this, delve into the competitive landscape, which spans from luxury beauty salons to more affordable options, including the burgeoning market for niche services like vegan or organic beauty treatments. For example, describe how your salon differentiates itself with a unique service offering , expertise in specific beauty treatments, or a commitment to sustainability. This section will help you to clearly define the demand for beauty salon services, outline the competition, and identify your salon’s unique place in the market.

Make sure to cover here _ Industry size & growth _ Key competitors _ Key market trends

hair salon business plan market overview

Dive deeper into Key competitors

First, undertake a SWOT analysis for the beauty salon, identifying Strengths (such as a diverse range of beauty treatments and experienced beauticians), Weaknesses (like substantial ongoing costs or intense local competition), Opportunities (for instance, an increasing interest in self-care and beauty services), and Threats (such as economic downturns impacting discretionary spending).

Next, craft a marketing strategy that describes ways to attract and retain customers through targeted advertising, special introductory offers, active engagement on social media platforms, and participation in community events.

Finally, map out a comprehensive timeline that highlights essential milestones for the beauty salon’s launch, promotional campaigns, customer growth, and plans for scaling the business, ensuring that the salon advances with strategic intent and defined objectives.

Make sure to cover here _ SWOT _ Marketing Plan _ Timeline

hair salon business plan strategy

Dive deeper into SWOT

Dive deeper into Marketing Plan

The Management section focuses on the beauty salon’s management and their direct roles in daily operations and strategic direction. This part is crucial for understanding who is responsible for making key decisions and driving the salon towards its financial and operational goals.

For your beauty salon business plan, list the core team members, their specific responsibilities, and how their expertise supports the business.

hair salon business plan management

Financial Plan

The Financial Plan section is a comprehensive analysis of your financial projections for revenue, expenses, and profitability. It lays out your beauty salon’s approach to securing funding, managing cash flow, and achieving breakeven.

This section typically includes detailed forecasts for the first 5 years of operation, highlighting expected revenue, operating costs and capital expenditures.

For your beauty salon business plan, provide a snapshot of your financial statement (profit and loss, balance sheet, cash flow statement), as well as your key assumptions (e.g. number of customers and prices, expenses, etc.).

Make sure to cover here _ Profit and Loss _ Cash Flow Statement _ Balance Sheet _ Use of Funds

hair salon business plan financial plan

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How to Start a Successful Salon Business in Kenya [2024 Guide]

How to Start a Successful Salon Business in Kenya [2024 Guide]

The salon business in Kenya has had tremendous growth over the years. Compared to about 10 years ago, hair care is now a highly profitable industry with plenty of opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs.

However, getting into the salon business is not exactly a walk in the park for new beauty enthusiasts. There are a lot of things that you need to consider. From drawing up a viable budget, buying the right salon equipment and find a strategic location; it can all get very overwhelming.

Lucky for you, we did plenty of research and prepared this guide to help you get started quickly. We will be going over the vital requirements you need, plus some tips to help you take your business to the top quickly.

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Let’s start with the basics…


Basics of Salon Business in Kenya

Salon business in Kenya - The basics

In this section, we discuss the basics of the salon business in Kenya including the market overview, why you should start this business, how much you need to start and how much you can expect to make in profit.

Salon Business in Kenya: Market Overview

Kenya’s hair care industry is valued at more KSh. 132 billion. 1 The industry has attracted the attention of many entrepreneurs including celebrities looking to have a share of the beauty fortunes.

The industry has seen tremendous changes, shifting from being just a women’s business and now has the interest of both genders. According to The Standard, 2 more men are now going into the beauty business.

What’s more, Statista estimates that the Revenue in Kenya’s hair care segment will likely cross US$0.53bn in 2023 and the market is expected to grow annually by 7.62%. 3 . This is a significant growth considering that 10 years ago, the industry was valued at less than KSh. 20 billion.

This indicates that their is increasing demand for salon services in Kenya, making this a great business to vendor into.

Most people who are already in this section, are making great fortunes. 4 According to several reports, consumers now prefer natural and organic hair products. There is also increased focus on ingredients such as calamine and cactus as well as products that promote hair growth.

This is something you should keep in mind to ensure that you are at par with consumer needs.

Why You Should Start a Salon Business in Kenya

Starting a salon business in Kenya can be an appealing venture for several reasons. Here are some key factors that make it an attractive option:

  • Growing Demand: Kenya’s beauty and salon industry is experiencing steady growth due to changing consumer preferences, increasing urbanization, and rising disposable incomes. Kenyans are becoming more conscious of their appearance and willing to invest in beauty and grooming services, creating a robust market for salon businesses.
  • Diverse Customer Base: Kenya is a culturally diverse country with a wide range of ethnicities, each with unique hair and beauty needs. By offering specialized services tailored to different hair types, textures, and styles, you can tap into this diverse customer base and cater to their specific requirements.
  • Employment Opportunities: Starting a salon business in Kenya can contribute to job creation and provide employment opportunities for local communities. The industry is labor-intensive, and by hiring skilled stylists, beauticians, nail technicians, and support staff, you can make a positive impact on the local economy.
  • Entrepreneurial Freedom: Opening a salon business allows entrepreneurs to pursue their passion for beauty and creativity while having the freedom to shape their business according to their vision. You have the opportunity to create a unique brand, develop innovative services, and establish a loyal customer base.
  • Low Barrier to Entry: Compared to many other industries, the beauty and salon sector has relatively low barriers to entry. While it requires initial investment in equipment, supplies, and salon space, it is possible to start small and gradually expand as the business grows. This makes it accessible for aspiring entrepreneurs with limited capital .
  • High Profit Potential: With the increasing demand for beauty services, salon businesses have the potential for good profit margins. By offering a variety of services, upselling retail products, and building a loyal customer base, you can generate a steady stream of revenue and achieve profitability.
  • Continuous Growth and Innovation: The beauty and salon industry is constantly evolving, with new trends, techniques, and technologies emerging. By staying updated with the latest developments, investing in training and education for your staff, and incorporating new services and products, you can position your salon as a leader in the market and attract a discerning clientele.

Despite these reasons, you will need to conduct thorough market research, develop a comprehensive business plan, and consider factors such as location, target market, competition, and regulatory requirements in order to be successful.

How Much Do I Need to Start a Salon Business in Kenya?

A rough estimate for starting a small to medium-sized salon business in Kenya can range from approximately KES 10,000 to KES 2,000,000 or more , depending on the factors such as the location, size, scope of services, and your business model.

Here are some key aspects to consider when estimating the initial investment:

  • Salon Space: The cost of renting or purchasing a suitable space for your salon will depend on the location and size. In prime areas, rental costs tend to be higher. Consider the number of styling stations, treatment rooms, reception area, and other facilities you require.
  • Equipment and Furniture: You will need salon equipment such as styling chairs, shampoo units, hairdryers, styling tools, manicure and pedicure stations, beauty beds, and other essential equipment. Additionally, you will need salon furniture like reception desks, waiting area seating, and storage units.
  • Salon Supplies: Budget for an initial stock of haircare products, skincare products, nail polish, beauty accessories, and other consumables required for providing services to your clients.
  • Licensing and Permits: Obtain the necessary licenses and permits as required by the local government regulations. These may include business permits, health permits, and any specific permits related to the salon industry.
  • Staffing and Training: Factor in the cost of recruiting and training your staff, including hairstylists, beauticians, nail technicians, receptionists, and other support staff. Training expenses might include professional courses, certifications, and ongoing development programs.
  • Marketing and Promotion: Allocate a budget for marketing and advertising to promote your salon business. This may include developing a website, social media presence, printed materials, and other marketing initiatives to attract customers.
  • Utilities and Operational Expenses: Consider ongoing operational costs such as electricity, water, internet, telephone, salon software for scheduling and management, insurance, and other administrative expenses.
  • Contingency Fund: We recommend setting aside a contingency fund for unexpected expenses, maintenance, repairs, or slow business periods during the initial stages of your salon business.

While it’s challenging to provide an exact figure, conducting a thorough business plan, seeking advice from industry professionals, and consulting with a financial advisor can help you determine a more accurate estimate based on your specific business goals and requirements.

Is a Salon Business Profitable in Kenya?

Yes, generally, a salon business in Kenya can be profitable. However, the profitability will vary depending on various factors such as location, target market, competition, management, and the ability to attract and retain customers. While the beauty and salon industry in Kenya has seen growth and offers potential for profitability, success is not guaranteed, and individual results may vary.

Here are some considerations regarding the profitability of a salon business in Kenya:

  • Market Demand: The growing demand for beauty services and products indicates the potential for profitability. However, it is essential to assess the specific market demand in your chosen location and cater to the needs and preferences of your target customers.
  • Competition: The level of competition in the salon industry can impact profitability. Consider the number and quality of existing salons in your target area. If the market is saturated or dominated by well-established competitors, it may be more challenging to attract customers and achieve profitability. Differentiation through unique services, exceptional customer experience, and strong branding can help you stand out from the competition.
  • Location: The location of your salon can significantly impact profitability. Choose a strategic location that is easily accessible, visible, and convenient for your target customers. Consider factors such as foot traffic, parking availability, and proximity to residential areas or commercial hubs. A prime location can attract more customers and positively impact profitability.
  • Pricing and Services: Setting competitive yet profitable pricing is crucial. Conduct market research to understand the average pricing for salon services in your area and ensure that your pricing is reasonable for the target market. Offering a diverse range of services and packages can help attract different customer segments and increase revenue streams.
  • Customer Retention: Building a loyal customer base is key to the long-term profitability of a salon business. Providing excellent customer service, personalized experiences, and maintaining high standards of quality can help retain customers and generate repeat business. Implement customer loyalty programs, referral incentives, and effective marketing strategies to encourage customer retention and word-of-mouth promotion.
  • Operational Efficiency: Effective management and operational efficiency play a vital role in profitability. Managing costs, optimizing staff schedules, controlling inventory, and monitoring financial performance are essential to maximize profitability. Additionally, investing in staff training and development can improve service quality and customer satisfaction, leading to increased profitability.

It is important to conduct a thorough analysis of the local market, develop a comprehensive business plan, and regularly review and adapt your strategies based on market dynamics and customer feedback. While the beauty and salon industry in Kenya can be profitable, success requires diligent planning, effective management, and a focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences.

What Do I Need to Start a Salon in Kenya – Equipment & Requirements

Setting up a salon business in Kenya requires various equipment and supplies to provide a range of services to your customers. Here is a comprehensive list of equipment typically needed for a salon business:

  • Styling chairs
  • Shampoo chairs and bowls
  • Styling stations with mirrors and storage
  • Reception desk and chairs
  • Waiting area seating
  • Manicure and pedicure stations
  • Facial and massage beds
  • Hairdryers (with hood or handheld)
  • Hair straighteners and curling irons
  • Hair clippers and trimmers
  • Hair steamers
  • Hair color mixing bowls and brushes
  • Hair rollers and perm rods
  • Hair sectioning clips and combs
  • Facial steamers
  • High-frequency machines
  • Microdermabrasion machines
  • Galvanic machines
  • Facial trolleys and magnifying lamps
  • Hot towel cabinets
  • Extraction tools
  • Manicure tables
  • Nail drills and files
  • UV/LED nail lamps
  • Nail polish racks and displays
  • Nail sterilizer and sanitizing equipment
  • Nail dust collectors
  • Acrylic and gel nail extension equipment
  • Massage tables
  • Hot stone warmers
  • Body treatment equipment (scrubs, wraps, etc.)
  • Aromatherapy diffusers
  • Waxing equipment (wax warmers, spatulas, strips)
  • Paraffin wax baths
  • Autoclave or UV sterilizers for tools
  • Disposable liners for pedicure chairs
  • Hand sanitizers and dispensers
  • Towel warmers and laundry equipment
  • Waste bins and disposal systems
  • Cleaning supplies and disinfectants
  • Product display shelves and racks
  • Mirrored retail display cabinets
  • Cash register or point-of-sale system
  • Retail product inventory management system
  • Salon trolleys and carts
  • Mirrors and salon decor
  • Hair washing basin accessories (shampoo, conditioner, towels)
  • Disposable gloves and aprons
  • Hair and beauty product inventory and storage systems
  • First aid kit and safety equipment

Remember that this list may vary depending on the specific services you offer and the size and scope of your salon business. It is advisable to research industry standards, consult with suppliers, and consider local regulations while procuring the necessary equipment for your salon business in Kenya.

Now that we have the basics out of the way, let’s go through the steps to starting a salon business in Kenya.

Capital: How Much Do I Need to Start a Salon Business in Kenya?

You will need at least KSh 50,000 to start a successful salon business in Kenya. While you may get off the ground with a lower amount, it will take significantly longer to see any viable profits.

Generally, we recommend that you start with an initial investment of 100K. The amount will vary depending on which equipment you settle for and the location you rent out.

There are three ways you can get money for your salon business:

  • Savings – The ideal way to get the capital would be to save up for some time. This way, you don’t feel any financial pressure if things don’t pick up fast.
  • Loan – Instead of waiting until you save enough, you can approach your bank or a Sacco to lend you. Just be careful not to take a loan with high interest or unfriendly terms that might cost your business.
  • Friends and Family – If you have friends or family members who can support you financially, don’t hesitate to approach them.

Location: Which are the Best Places to Start a Salon Business in Kenya?

The location of your salon can break or build the business. This determines how much you pay up as rent or lease. Additionally, it also dictates the type of clients you will have and in what numbers.

When choosing a location, aim to get a place that is as busy as possible. Target city centres or inside estates.

Another thing you have to consider is the type of customers you want to draw. If you want to cater to the middle class and below, you don’t have to go to a city centre and you do not need a lot of space.

On the other hand, if you want to target high-end clients, you need to get a huge, posh place that has enough parking for at least 4 clients at a time.

After getting the perfect space, you need to renovate it to fit a salon set-up. Unless you get a place that is already a salon, you will most likely find a plain room or space. You have to get it fitted with glasses, wiring that favors your equipment position, and paint the premise with cool colours and graffiti to entice customers. 

In general, when picking a location for your salon:

  • Ensure that it is easy to find
  • Ensure that most of the people living around there are likely to need salon services
  • Research your competitors. Found out how other salons in the area are doing. Discover their weaknesses and make them your strengths (more on this later)

Skill and Labor: Do I Need Training Before Starting a Salon Business?

Hairdressing is all about the skill. If you know what you are doing and the customer loves it, they will come back again and bring more people while at it.

In case you are completely blue, you can take some classes tp sharpen your skills. While you might be a natural in cornrows or braids, you need to learn the art behind it. 

On top of that, salons are not only for hairdressing, you should know how to do facials, manicures, and pedicures. Every professional hairdresser must be able to convince their customer they are competent and training is a great pitching point.

Currently, enrolling in a hair and beauty college will throw you back by around 15k per term. We recommend you get a skilled hairdresser to train you if you want to keep the costs low.

On the other hand, you might not be able to do all the work on your own even if you get the training. That means you will still need to hire a few extra hands in order to be more efficient.

However, we advise you not to get more manpower than you need, it will only cost you more. You can continue hiring more personnel as the salon grows.

Equipment: What Equipment Do I Need to Start a Salon Business in Kenya

A bigger share of your budget will go into buying salon equipment. There are necessities you can’t begin without:

Work Station

This is usually a wooden or metallic structure complete with a mirror, drawers, and compartments.

Apart from being convenient to a client, it also makes work easier. You get different safe spaces to store your change money and all the other subtle things you will need. 

Do not forget to include a washing station. If you are on a tight budget, let your local carpenter make one for you. The workstation will cost about KSh 20k and KSh 2,000 on average for the hair washing stand or sink.

Blow dryer, Water heater, and Hairdryer

You will rarely miss these three in a salon. For a new, good quality blow dryer, you will need about Ksh.20-30k. If that will throw you off budget, consider getting a workable second-hand one. In that case, you will pay about half the price for it.

There is a vast variety of water heaters in the market. While the classic water heating coil rods are outdated, you can still get some at the beginning because they are cheaper. That is about KSh 300. The safest option is getting a water heating jug or an electric kettle for around KSh 5,000

For a hairdryer, you can get one with as little as KSh 3,000. Since it is not costly, there is no need to buy a used one even if it is in mint condition. As you grow, you can add a tong or a flat iron. Otherwise, for starters, it is not mandatory because the two can do the job.

Hair Styling Chairs

In an ideal situation, you should get a few adjustable styling chairs. These chairs not only make the client feel more comfortable but also make the whole salon look better.

A single adjustable chair goes for about KSh 20k. You can begin with 2 or just get one if you will have no employee.

For a friendlier budget, you can begin with a few plastic chairs instead. You will get this with around KSh 650 each. Remember to include a small size chair for your young customers too. 

Other Necessary Salon Items in Kenya

Apart from the equipment named above, you will also need other small like this hairdresser apron.

There are items you simply can’t do without. Shampoos, conditioners, combs and brushes, cosmetics, hair chemicals, etc. You’ll also need aprons, towels, protective gloves, head wraps, and heat caps.

If you will be offering manicures and pedicures you need to buy the tools as well.

 There are a couple of popular stores you can get these items. For the products, consider places like;

  • Prestige Global Link Limited
  • House of Braids

You will get good products at fair prices. For the towels and aprons, you can even get them from an open-air market near you.

In summary, KSh 10k should be enough to buy all the items for a start. Put in mind that the quality determines the price, therefore, don’t go for the lowest price tags. Your clients’ needs are very important, never compromise on quality.

Certification: What Legal Requirements Do I Need to Start a Salon Business in Kenya?

Like every other business in Kenya, you will need a few certificates if you want to operate legally. Firstly, you need a trade license. Your local county government will price your trading license according to the size and location of your business. You will have to go to their offices to apply for one and follow due process.  

For a trade license, you will part with an amount between Ksh 3k to Ksh 15k. You will also have to get a health certificate and a fire safety certificate. You will get a health certificate from any government or private hospital for KSh 1,000 or less. It is essential to guarantee your customers a healthy environment. 

For a fire safety certificate, you can get it from your local county government office, like the trade license. Almost every activity in a salon uses electricity and produces a lot of heat. You need to be able to counter any fire accident that might occur swiftly and safely.

Generally, with KSh about 20k, you will get all three certificates.

The Bottom Line

We hope you now understand how to start a successful salon business in Kenya. As it is with any entrepreneurial enterprise, adequate and realistic planning is the key. Don’t be scared to start small either, a long journey begins with a single step. Your salon journey begins now.

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L.K. Nathans

L.K. Nathans

I am a personal finance enthusiast and digital marketer. My work here is to help you navigate your financial journey and achieve your main money goals. Through Omoka Digital, I provide practical tips, strategies, and insights on budgeting, saving, investing, and debt management. My aim is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to make informed financial decisions and improve your financial well-being.

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How to start a salon business in Kenya that makes money

how to start a beauty salon business - How to start a salon business in Kenya that makes money

Beauty salons and hair salons are everywhere! From major towns to rural areas down to school halls and residential estates you will hardly miss a salon.

The secret is because this type of business makes good money especially if done correctly. Have you been wondering how to start your own salon or whether or not it’s a nice business for you?

This guide will show you exactly how to start a salon business in Kenya, one that makes profit.

It costs as low as Ksh 50,000 or even lower to start your own beauty salon and realize profits. Some salons, especially the ones operated by a single person can cost cheaper than that.

People, especially women, love looking good.

C’mon no one wants to go to work with some unkempt hair or rugged face or shaggy appearance. Salons are beauty zones. Psychology says that being good looking not only boosts your confidence but also attracts opportunities for you.

That’s why everyday people visit salons to get their hair done, nails polished, skin ‘tonned’ or just say to look good.

See also: How To Start a Barber Shop in Kenya | Kinyozi Business Idea

A salon business falls in the service industry category and that means that there are little overhead costs incurred compared to other types of businesses, say in the product industry.

Types of salon businesses you can start

Salons come in all types and sizes. From simple one-person kiosks to big beauty parlors or a hybrid of diffetent services.

There’s even a new trend of makeshift salons coming up. These ones don’t need you to have a store or room or heavy equipment for operations.

You just need to have skills (i.e know how to plate and style hair) and have a few equipment like combs, brushes and hair lotions and you are good to go. They are operated by a single person who visit clients home to offer their services.

If you don’t have any capital but know how to style hair then this is the best business you can start even from the comfort of your home.

There are also

  • small salons –those that are found in local areas or informal settlements,
  • middle-class salons –these ones target the middle class earners and,
  • Executive salons –sometimes also reference to as posh salons and target high-end clients.
  • Hybrid salons –these may be a combination of anything.

Types of Salons

Salons are categorized into different types based on the services they offer.

  • Boutique salon
  • Speciality salon
  • Beauty school

How to start a salon business in Kenya

Before you even think on how to start your own salon business in Kenya there are certain things you need to keep in mind. These are:

Business plan

  • Staff/personnel

How to start a salon business in Kenya

It goes without saying that a business plan is essential for your business. The first step on how to start a salon business in Kenya is to create a business plan.

With a business plan you will be able to know the requirements, operations and expectations of your business.

A business plan also helps you secure funding if you want to apply for loans or funding from outside investors. It shows investors how serious you are with your business and if your plan of starting a salon in Kenya is feasible.

Even if you won’t require outside funding we strongly advise you to write down your business plan as this will be like your business cheat sheet especially during the first days.

Salons fall in the service industry and you will therefore need adequate skills to offer such services. You will need to know how to style hair, curl or braid, cut hair and everything else you would want to offer.

If you don’t have the requisite skills you can choose to enroll for hair styling or beautician programmes at your local college. They typically cost an average of Ksh 20,000 per term and you’ll be good to go.

Similarly, you may choose to hire other people with skills to help you run the business. Keep in mind that adding staff may bring along additional costs to your business.

Whatever route you choose we strongly advise that you get to know enough information about your business. You cannot operate a business that you are conversant with unless you are planning to fail.

The main equipment needed will be hair sinks, blow-dryers, towels, lotions, combs, and cosmetic and cleaning equipment.

These equipment can be purchased brand new or you can buy slightly used ones at cheaper prices. The former are costly but durable.

A number of things will affect your capital requirements.

These include the location you intend to set up your business, your choice of equipment, size of the salon and additional services you intend to offer.

Some areas are expensive to rent premises or run businesses while others are cheaper.

Similarly if you choose to open a high-end salon then be prepared to cough out a lot more than if you were to start with a smaller salon.

With that said the average costs of starting a small salon (having one or two attendants) ranges from 50,000 on the lower side and could go upto Ksh 500,000 or more.

If you don’t have much capital and would like to operate alone as single attendant you can choose to start a make-shift salon or visit clients at their homes.

For this you will only require around Ksh 10,000 for basic equipment like combs, brushes, shampoos, etcetera.

Licences and permits

Each county in Kenya requires you to have a single business permit from the local county council office for you to operate your business. A single business permit can cost anywhere from Ksh 3000 to Ksh 15,000 depending on your county.

Counties such as Nairobi, Mombasa, Nakuru and Kisumu are known to charge higher since they have major towns and cities.

Other licences include health permits, fire safety licenses and advertising permits though some of them may not be required.

The location you choose to start your business will greatly influence the success of your business.

On one side it is expensive to start a business in big towns and urban centers. This is because the cost of rent and buying equipment is higher there.

However these are also the best places to run businesses because they command a lot of customers.

On the other hand it is cheaper to start and run a business in the rural areas. Rent is lower, licenses are also cheaper and county requirements are less stricter.

But turning profits in the rural areas may be difficult especially if your intention is to run a high-end salon.

Services to offer

Depending on the type of salon you wish to operate you can decide to put any one or more of the following services;

  • Hair styling
  • Hair cutting or barbering
  • Hair conditioning and relaxing
  • Weaving and curling
  • Blow-drying/blowouts
  • Nail polish
  • Manicure and pedicure
  • Body waxing
  • Massage services

Apart from these you can offer additional services like mobile money, pick-up station for online shops like Jumia, hair dressing college and such.

Are salons profitable

The answer is Yes. They are very profitable especially if you have a good business plan, proper marketing skills and know how to price your services. As a matter of fact you control your pricing according to the services you are offering.

10 important steps on how to start a salon business in Kenya

Starting a salon business in Kenya could be the best and most profitable businesses idea for you. Here is a summary of the steps to follow:

Total cost: Ksh 100,000 0

1. Validate your idea

Find out whether or not your idea is feasible and viable.

2. Acquire necessary skills

You will need to learn important skills for your business like plating, barbering, curling, styling, etc.

A good business management.

3. Create a business plan

A business plan will help you outline the important details and operations of your business.

It will also help you secure funding from investors and bank loans.

4. Acquire capital

You can get capital from your own savings, bank loans, bootstraps, investors or grants

The amount of capital needed depends on how exactly you want your business to be.

5. Decide on location

Choose your location, type of room, renovations and floor space.

Consider security and accessibility to the business.

6. Buy necessary equipment

They include furniture, dryers, sinks, towels, cosmetics and cleaning equipment.

You can save on costs by going for cheaper but original equipment.

7. Get necessary licenses and permits

You will need to get your single business permit from your local county council and other permits as necessary.

8. Decide on services to offer

Whether it is braiding or barbering or massaging you will need to decide on your main services and then add additional services.

Offering additional services can positively impact your income.

9. Hire staff

You can run the business on your own or higher additional talent to help you.

Keep in mind that hiring people increases your costs of operations.

10. Launch your business

After you have completed all the necessary steps it is time to launch your salon business.

Remember to always explore new ideas for your salon!

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salon business plan in kenya pdf

The hair salon business plan outlines the creation of a new hair salon that will offer high-quality services to customers in the area. The salon will be equipped with the latest hair styling equipment and staffed by experienced and knowledgeable hairstylists. The salon will offer a range of services including haircuts, hair styling, hair coloring, and other beauty treatments.

Market Analysis: The hair salon industry is growing rapidly, with more and more people becoming interested in hair styling and beauty treatments. The demand for hair services has been increasing, especially among young people and working professionals who are looking for a convenient and affordable way to maintain their hair.

Target Market: The target market for the salon will be young adults and working professionals who are looking for a convenient and affordable hair styling solution. The salon will be located in a busy commercial area that is easily accessible and close to public transportation. The salon will also offer online booking and a loyalty program to attract and retain customers.

Services: The salon will offer a range of hair styling and beauty treatments, including haircuts, hair coloring, hair styling, and other beauty treatments. The salon will use high-quality products and equipment to ensure that customers receive the best possible service.

Marketing Strategy: The salon will use a variety of marketing strategies to reach its target market and promote its services. The salon will use social media, local advertising, and word of mouth to spread the word about its services. The salon will also offer a loyalty program to reward repeat customers and encourage them to recommend the salon to their friends and family.

Financial Plan: The salon will require an initial investment of $100,000 to cover the costs of equipment, supplies, rent, and staffing. The salon will generate revenue through the sale of hair services and beauty treatments, as well as through the sale of hair care products. The salon will aim to achieve a profit margin of 25% within its first year of operation, with projections for continued growth in the future.

Operations Plan: The salon will be owned and operated by an experienced hairstylist who has a strong background in the hair styling industry. The salon will be staffed by a team of experienced and knowledgeable hairstylists who will provide high-quality services to customers. The salon will use an online booking system to manage appointments and a point of sale system to process transactions.

Conclusion: The hair salon business plan outlines the creation of a new hair salon that will offer high-quality services to customers in the area. The salon will use a combination of marketing strategies, experienced staff, and high-quality products and equipment to attract and retain customers. With a strong focus on customer service and satisfaction, the salon is poised for success in the competitive hair styling industry.

salon business plan in kenya pdf

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Starting a Salon Business in Kenya

Vincent Nyoike | Posted in: Kenya

A hair salon business is one of the most profitable businesses you can start in Kenya. To make the most out of this business, you will need to be creative, committed, and have a passion for making people look good. If you are thinking of starting a salon business in Kenya, here is what you need to get started.

Requirements to Open Hair Salon in Kenya

Acquire the necessary training.

Starting a salon is flexible in terms of workforce. You can decide to run the salon yourself or hire a hairdresser. If you are going to run the salon yourself, you will need to acquire hairdressing and beauty therapy training. Colleges and Vocational Centers like Cambridge University College, Joyka College, Kivuli College, Pwani Vocational Center, Jodan College of Technology provide hairdressing training. Alternatively, when hiring a hairdresser, make sure that they have the right qualifications to offer the best services.

Draft a Hair Salon Business Plan

A business plan is essential for any business’s success since it will help you set and achieve your objectives, both short and long term. A hair salon business plan can include the startup costs, the location you intend to set up your business premises, your budget and how you intend to raise funds, services you will offer, and salon equipment with their respective costs.

Raise Startup Capital

How much do you need to start a salon in Kenya? The amount of capital needed to start a salon business in Kenya depends on the services you will want to offer, the quality of equipment you intend to buy, the location of your business premises, and the size of the business you intend to set up. Depending on your budget, you can start a salon business with as little as Kshs.50, 000 to as high as Kshs. 2 million. Alternatively, you can decide to buy an already established salon business in Kenya. However, it is essential to find out why the salon business is on sale before deciding to make a purchase.

Sources of funding for your salon business can be donations from family and friends. You can also apply for interest-free loans or instant mobile and online loans .

Also read: How to Fund Your Business in Kenya

Choose a Suitable Business Location

The success of your hair salon business will depend on your ability to choose a strategic location. It will be best to carry out market research before you select a location. Places with high foot traffic are ideal for salon businesses as they ensure good visibility. Examples of excellent salon business premises are inside or next to shopping malls, around colleges, or in city centers. Choosing a salon business location also depends on your budget and how much you are willing to pay for rental charges.

Acquire the Necessary Business Licenses and Permits

It is essential to acquire business licenses and permits when starting any business in Kenya. You will need the following permits for a hair salon business.

Register Your Business

You need to register your business as required by law. The different forms of businesses have different registration procedures and costs, which can be paid via M-Pesa or any other supported payment method. You can register your business completely online using the eCitizen portal . Find out more about how to register a business in Kenya .

Trade License

The size and location of your business will determine how much you pay for a trading license from your local county government. Trading licenses cost between Ksh 10,000 and Ksh 15, 000.

Music Copyright Society of Kenya License

Most customers love to be entertained as you serve them. Entertainment in your business premises can be in the form of music or short films on TV. Either way, you will need to obtain an MCSK license at the local offices or MCSK officials. An MCSK license costs around Ksh 2,000.

Health Certificate

Salon service providers in Kenya are required to obtain a health certificate before they can start serving customers. This ensures that hair salon service providers are healthy and that clients are not at risk of contracting contagious diseases. You can obtain a health certificate from public or private hospitals at the cost of between Ksh 400 and Ksh 1000.

Fire Safety Certificate

Many activities involve the use of heat in a hair salon business. As such, it is essential to obtain a fire safety certificate from your local county government offices to show that your salon is well equipped to prevent or control fire spread in case of any fire accident.

Find out more: Types of Business Permits in Kenya

Essential Hair Salon Equipment

The quality, type, and amount of salon equipment to purchase depending on your budget and how much money you want to use on equipment. The following is opening a salon checklist in Kenya.

  • Hairstyling chairs
  • Water heaters
  • Towels, shower caps, gloves and aprons
  • Shampoo and shampoo bowls
  • Hair conditioners
  • Scissors and tweezers
  • Sterilisers
  • Salon station mirrors
  • Waiting area chairs
  • TV or music system for entertaining customers, if possible

The list above is not comprehensive. If you have a friend with a salon, you can visit the salon and draw up a list of what you need.

Services to Offer is a Hair Salon Business

Most hair salons in Kenya offer the following services.

  • Hair services like weaving and curling.
  • Skins care services like facials and massages.
  • Nail services like manicure and pedicure.

You can also sell beauty products such as perfumes, lipsticks, shampoos, hair colours, skin moisturizers, fingernail polishes, eye and facial makeup preparations, wigs, etc.

Is Hair Salon Business Profitable in Kenya?

Yes, salon business is profitable in Kenya. However, the profitability of salon business depends on business location and services offered. Hair salons in towns fetch more money than those in rural areas. Also, some hair services bring more money than other services. It is essential to offer more hair services to tap on the market.

You can offer other services that are relevant in the industry to ensure that you are competitive. The success of any hair salon business depends on your skills in making your client’s hair. If your clients like your work, they will refer their friends to your salon.

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81 How to start a lucrative salon business in Kenya

Home » Business » How to start a lucrative salon business in Kenya?

How to start a lucrative salon business in Kenya?

Real estate property values may fall, retirement funds may diminish, economies of scale can collapse, and exotic viruses may spread unchecked. But starting a salon business in Kenya is one of the best ideas.

But despite humanmade and natural disasters, what we can all agree on that stays stagnant is the fact that hair still grows, and hair care is still important.

So, it doesn’t matter what condition the economy of the world is in.

It’s always an excellent opportunity to consider how to start a salon business in Kenya because the prospects for “shear” success in the country are excellent.

And the reason is that many of the services & equipment offered by salons can’t be copied at home, or at least not duplicated well.

There are three primary methods by which you can positively impact to start a salon business in Kenya.

You can start a hair salon business by working under someone else’s well-respected name (which guarantees a good reputation from the jump).

It also provides you with extensive marketing tools (like advertising campaigns).

You can purchase an already existing salon venture from someone who is on their way out of the industry.

You can establish your salon and buy new equipment using your own money, allowing your ingenuity, hard work, and optimism win out.

What services are typically offered in hair salons?

Before we get into the multitude of things that go into how to open a beauty salon business in Kenya.

So let’s take a look at the numerous services that you need to start considering.

The most popular services involve haircutting as well as skillful hair styling.

This includes the more unique hairstyles made with blow dryers, curling irons, hair and scalp treatments with hair braiding being another area of its own.

Most salons tend to focus primarily on this particular service.

But there’s no reason you can’t offer it to your salon as a bonus.

However, it is a very time-consuming service, and many salons tend to have two or more stylists on hand for this kind of work.

Finally, there is also hairstyling specifically for special events like weddings.

It is important to note that these services are on the premise that you will be establishing a full-service salon in Kenya.

However, take into consideration that the number of special services & equipment you provide need not be as thorough.

And can be limited by the proficiency of the help you hire, the training you can offer, and your overall financial budget.

Getting started:

1. formal training for staff and employees.

These days, nine months of beauty school in Kenya is not sufficient to teach.

And fully coach young hairdressers to meet industry requirements and fulfill consumer demands in the cut-throat salon market.

Also, especially if they want to work in upscale salons, charging upscale prices.

This is because the beauty school curriculum is to simply prepare young hairdressers with the basic skills needed to qualify.

They don’t tend to teach students all the skills they’ll need to thrive in an adapting and competitive business environment successfully.

Lack of hands-on mastery—especially when it comes to skillful haircut & styling methods, proper equipment use, good customer relations.

And a number of other crucial skills— can make it a difficult industry to thrive in successfully.

This is why the need to start your salon’s training program has been growing of late and is a cost-effective and valuable way to develop young talent.

Who’ll meet customer demands without compromising your high-quality services and client retention efforts?

Suppose you can find a local professional who has all these skills.

On a day to day basis, they can slowly train your other inexperienced hairdressers to build self-confidence and gain valuable hands-on work experience.

All while working in a relaxed and professional salon environment.

2. Put together a solid business plan

A salon business plan effectively allows an entrepreneur well to develop a solid action plan for a building.

To grow, or to revive a salon venture in Kenya or anywhere for that matter.

For instance, a new salon business plan involves factors such as company image, salon location, equipment costs, hair care services, and pricing.

As well as assessing competitor positioning and future growth.

Typically, a business strategy is put down into a written document and is basically like a roadmap.

The business plan must illustrate current status, expected needs, projected results of new business, and every aspect of venture needs to describe.

This does help you navigate through your business and find achievable ways to reach your goals.

The most advisable way to make use of it is to set dates on your calendar to review and revise it quarterly.

This keeps you in line as you aim to meet your salon’s business goals.

And also means that if you need to get a bank loan in the future.

You’re well prepared to answer any of the important questions they are sure to ask.

For those who need to start, here’s what’s usually cover in a typical business plan:

  • Brand image, future goals, and prospects
  • What makes your venture unique, as compared to your competitors
  • Financial goals
  • Estimated running costs services, equipment purchases, pricing strategy, and revenue streams
  • Target market and what attracts them
  • Positioning and marketing strategy

This might look like a long, tedious list.

Still, given all the extra details like equipment costs, wages, etc…

You need to get start your salon business strategy in tip-top shape and provide you with the best chance to face Kenya’s local competition in the booming salon industry successfully.

On average, starting a salon in Kenya will require a capital of roughly KES 75,000 to KES 150,000.

This is where the value of having a salon business plan comes very handy and pays dividends.

Many entrepreneurs get their projects financed by Kenya’s local banks or venture capitalists after they show promising and concrete business plans.

Plus, if you have the necessary collateral, credit history, and evidence of business stability, you can visit a local provider.

Some of the available bank and commercial lenders you can pursue include:

  • Equity Group Holdings.
  • Housing Finance Company (HFC) Ltd.
  • Family Bank.
  • Chase Bank.
  • Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB).
  • Barclays Bank.
  • Standard Chartered Bank.

However, if you are unable or unwilling to go through the lengthy process of meeting potential lenders or no collateral to support your application.

Then there’s also a number of digital financing options available to small business enterprises in Kenya.

Some of these local mobile/web-based financing options include; M-Shwari, M-Co-op Cash, KCB M-Pesa, Equitel, Tala, Saida, Zidisha, etc.

These are alternatives that are easier to qualify for and offer much quicker loan approval turnaround times, compared to going for the traditional bank route.

4. Licensing & Permits

If you plan on setting up a salon business in Kenya, you have to follow all the legal procedures.

The permits that are issued are for the identification and registration of a business.

Having a certified salon business reduces the risk of closure by allowing you to have a smooth running of your salon business without facing harassment from the local county council officials.

On average, a single business permit in Kenya will cost you about KES 15,000.

5. Location

It is best to locate your Kenyan salon somewhere with high foot traffic for the best possible visibility.

However, this means that the cost of these areas translates to high rent prices and probably goodwill requirements.

Location is also of utmost importance because it can also influence the salon’s ability to market itself.

A salon business based on an active road is more likely to be noticed and garner new clients than a business in an unnoticeable side street.

Moreover, a salon’s location can affect the competition it faces from other hairdressers in the same area.

For instance, basing your salon business in an upscale Kenyan neighborhood like Muthaiga or Karen might have hairdressers.

That has over time already but a loyal clientele, while locating in a slightly less high end.

Still, bustling locations such as South C, Westlands or Parklands, can allow you to capture new prospective clients easier.

6. Equipment

When trying to figure out the things needed to start a salon.

You don’t necessarily have to buy a lot of equipment and products.

As all you need are the basic hair cutting and styling essentials.

You will also need to purchase salon equipment like; sinks, chairs, wall-mounted mirrors, and reception furniture, such as a desk and sofas or seating for clients who are waiting for their appointments.

When it comes to getting all this, the costs can tend to add up.

So make sure you factor all this into your startup costs.

In regards to the furniture, the best thing to do is spare no expense in purchasing quality seating since these are essential in keeping your clients comfortable.

And guarantees that they have a relaxed experience in your salon.

Here’s a simple and general breakdown of the cost of salon equipment in Kenya:

  • Hairstyling chairs/barber chairs – KES 20,000.
  • Hairstyling tools – KES 30,000.
  • Shampoo bowls: KES 10,000.
  • Water heater: KES 3,000.
  • Towels and aprons – KES 3,000.
  • Transport and miscellaneous – KES 5,000.

You can source all this beauty salon equipment and more from reputable salon suppliers in Kenya.

Do not forget to perform comparison shopping before complete your equipment purchases as you should ensure that you are receiving quality equipment that you and your staff can use for a long time to come.

7. Customer Service

In today’s competitive and changing business market, as a salon entrepreneur.

One of the primary factors you must consider to kick off your business successfully is finding and keeping committed.

So people who share your vision and genuinely want to exceed your own and your clients’ expectations.

This is such a crucial and important factor to keep in mind as your salon’s future.

And growth depends heavily on your staff members’ dependability and efficiency in regard to work performance.

They have to satisfy and in some cases, exceed their client expectations in order to keep them coming back and encourage referrals for customers’ friends, relatives, and business associates.

After all, post-of-mouth referrals will always be your cheapest and best form of advertising.

Especially in Kenya’s salon industry dominated primarily by customer satisfaction.

8. Availability

Although you may still be in the budding stages of planning your new salon.

You should also consider some of the specific operational issues that can normally affect the success of your given venture.

To start with, you have to take into consideration the number of hours of operation carefully that will allow you to accommodate the maximum number of customers on a business day.

It’s pretty common knowledge that the beauty business isn’t a typical 9-to-5 kind of gig.

Generally speaking, start a salon business in Kenya tend to be open seven days a week and even on some holidays.


This is primarily because being a service business, and salons cater to their clientele when they are available.

It’s during the late evenings, weekends, or holidays that are often the only time a busy professional or mother can get away for some personal hair care.

Typically, hair salons in most Kenyan localities are open from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M, six days a week.

Most of the time, Sunday and holiday hours often are the same as those of other local businesses and generally run from noon to 5 P.M.

Moreover, around noon and early evening hours can be the busiest times for salons.

This is something you need to keep in mind when recruiting staff and hairstylists.

As you need employees who are willing to work flexible work hours and aren’t inconvenienced by the late schedules at times.

9. Pricing your services

Another important part of starting a salon in Kenya is pricing your services appropriately.

If they are too expensive, then you’ll limit the number of people who can afford them.

If the prices are set too low, you’ll end up limiting your profit potential and risking the salon business.

You also have to consider that demographics and location can also influence your salon business prices.

If the location is in areas such as Lavington, Runda, Karen, or Muthaiga.

Which primarily comprised of high earning families in high-end homes with more disposable income.

Then you can comfortably price your services accordingly.

However, if the given locality primarily comprises of a low to middle class demographic like Kitengela, South C, Kawangware, etc..

Then you’ll have to concentrate instead on basic haircutting, affordably priced braiding services, and manicures.

Moreover, you need also to remember that setting prices in the salon industry goes beyond just visiting other hairdressers in your target market and pricing your services, so they’re competitive.

Rather, you must also consider other factors that will influence your prices.

This includes; equipment costs, labor and supplies, overhead, and profit.

Labor costs for salons generally cover, salary, and benefits for your employees with your salary also included as a part of this cost.

This cost can come as a price per hour fee or as a monthly wage to start a salon business in Kenya.

So it can vary depending on what business model suits you best.

And the amount of time it takes your workers to cut hair, braid, or conduct other hair care services.

This is where having a salon business plan once again comes extremely handy.

10. Promotion and Advertising

Next on your initial list of things to focus on is presenting your salon & equipment services to prospective clients and advertising them to reach your target well demographic.

One of the best ways of doing this is by creating a salon services & equipment menu.

This should handle the moment you determine what services you plan to offer and how much you intend to price them.

Moreover, since it can give potential clients, it can also be used as an advertising tool to generate pre-opening buzz about the salon business.

Other marketing tactics you can use include; utilizing social media, offering promotional discounts, etc.

Additionally, you can also think of getting someone to help you design a logo for the salon.

It can be on your equipment, salon signs, promotional materials, etc.

It should have a unique design to stand alone without the name of your salon attached.

It’s best to pick something that effectively evokes your brand visibly when prospective clients see it.


A question you may now be asking yourself is, is starting a salon business in Kenya is a good business?

If executed well, a startup a salon in Kenya can net you up to Sh240,000 per year on average, so yes, it is.

However, do keep in mind that in the end, salons are all about image.

You need to start focussing on this in the beginning.

The clients are also all about the image when they’re seeking out services.

Try not to set your salon’s image according to your personal preference.

But instead, pick something that defines your target customer and builds an image that will appeal to them.

You want clients you click with, who appreciate your services, value your hair equipment, and are happy to spend money and spread the good word to friends.

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How To Start A Salon Business In Kenya Easily For Profits

How To Start A Salon Business In Kenya Easily For Profits

Are you here to know how to start a salon business in Kenya? Well, you are at the right place and I will show you the right procedure that will work well for you. Besides, you have chosen the right type of business that is worthwhile to delve into

Without further ado, let us get started on how to start a salon business in Kenya:

Step 1: Put together your capital for the start by either getting capital from your savings, loans, family among others.

Step 2: Draft a solid salon business plan that will be your guide through the entire process of your business.

Step 3: Obtain the licenses and permits by following the legal procedure to prevent inconveniences from the local authorities.

Step 4: Locate your salon in a strategic place where you will attract more clients at your doorstep. Some of the best places to start a salon in Nairobi include: in towns, markets, residential area, streets, among others.

Step 5: Purchasing of equipment by opening a salon checklist that will help you budget well and prevent overspending.

Step 6: Have a competent customer service as this is very important in your salon business.

Step 7: Make sure you are always available in that customers can fully rely on you anytime.

This is the procedure that will help you set your salon business in Kenya. You may also want to have a nail parlor inside your salon which forces you to draft an effective nail salon business plan in Kenya.

Salon Business Earnings Per Day

Are you wondering how much does a salon owner make in Kenya? Salon owner makes an average of Ksh.2,000 to Ksh. 10,000 in a day.

Salon owners make good money on a daily basis. Although this highly depends on the competency of the salon, reputation, expertise and location.

Best Places To Start A Salon In Nairobi

The greatest areas for business in Nairobi include estates with adequate people and places with a substantial number of middle-class people willing to spend up to Ksh 3,000 per head.

Such locations include but not limited to:



Cost Of Starting A Salon In Kenya

Perhaps, you are curious to know how much do you need to start a salon business in Kenya? Basically, you need an average of Ksh.60,000 to start a simple salon.

You can as well use higher capital in order to have a bigger salon that is more equipped and advanced.

List Of Salon Equipments With Price In Kenya

Here are some of the salon pricelist that will help you as a beginner:

a. Salon sink at Ksh.12,000.

b. Salon drier at Ksh.14,500.

c. Waiting benches at Ksh.5,000.

d. Salon trolley at Ksh.6,500.

e. Blow Drier at Ksh.5,000.

To summarize, salon business is the best business that you can delve into due to higher profits at the end of the tunnel.

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Salon Business Plan Templates

Put Your Cosmetology and Barbing Expertise to Good Use by Starting a Hair Salon, Nail Salon, or Beauty Salon! Start Planning for It Using Our Free Salon Business Templates on! They Feature a Complete Business Plan Outline, Including an Example Cover Page, Executive Summary, and Management Strategy. Download Now!

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Are you planning on starting your own cosmetology business? Or you want to revamp your hair and nail salon business venture? If yes, then you've come to the right site! Starting or improving your salon business can be tricky if you don't know what ropes and courses to take. We offer high-quality and professional templates, as well as ways on how you can improve your business strategies. Your salon and cosmetology business will surely reach its goals through a Salon Business Plan. We offer fully customizable and highly editable salon business plan templates , available for download through Google Docs , MS Word , and Apple Pages . Get yours now!

What Is a Salon Business Plan?

A salon business plan is a document that states in detail the business strategies, various data analysis , summaries, and statements which will be used to propel the salon business forward. It states the goals and mission of a certain salon business and on how these goals will be realized and put to action.

How to Write a Salon Business Plan

salon business plan template

A beauty salon is an establishment where a hairdresser, beautician, or couturier conducts business. Beauty professionals and cosmetologists offer various pampering and enhancement services to people of all genders. There are different kinds of salons that cater to different services for nails, hair, makeup, among other services.

A salon should always innovate and keep up with the trends and new styles. To keep the salon business afloat, a business plan must be created to define the nature of business. If your aim is to create a complete and comprehensive business plan outline , read through the guide below.

1. Read and Conduct a Thorough Research

Understanding the process of research will propel the salon business to greater heights. Even in small business ventures, a good amount of research will change and improve the ways of conducting business. Research must always be of high quality in order to produce knowledge, ways, and means applicable in the drafting of the salon business plan. Reading different materials from reliable online and offline sources to gather up verified and credible information is a good way to start.

2. Start with the Executive Summary

The executive summary is the first vital part of the business plan. It offers a synopsis of your overall salon business plan and highlights the vital points you want to address in the rest of your document. In the executive summary, the company information, business description, mission, and vision statement must all be included. Add in also the competitive edge of the salon from its competitors. Every detail must be written clearly and concisely because it serves as an advance organizer for the overall plan .

3. Target your Market

Identify the people who will benefit from your beauty salon and pampering services. Conducting a target market analysis will help you identify the basic customer demographics, trends, and the newest and hottest styles. Identifying the trend means knowing what in or out in the industry. When you have done the survey with your target market, interpret the data then figure out ways on how to reach out to them.

4. Analyze your Competitors

Your business plan must include basic information about the competition. This part is important because it will encourage you to step up your game and strategies. People go to salons that are tried, tested, and trusted. Be the salon that will be the talk of the town, to draw in more eager salon patrons. A SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) must also be performed to determine the problems and identify possible solutions in the overall salon workflow.

5. Write the Marketing and Operations Strategies

The marketing strategy section should explain how your salon business will penetrate and appeal to the target market. Write in the details about how your company plans to introduce the desired image and branding strategy. The marketing and operations strategies must identify all the pertinent requirements in realizing the vision. A time table of scheduled events must also be added to map out all activities.

6. Write Down Projected Financial Statements

This part of the business plan involves the salon operator's financial capability and funds to put the planned strategies into action. The projected financial statement will assess the sales forecast, balance sheets , and cash flow analyses .

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Starting A Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan (PDF)

Hair salon business plan

The hair beauty salon business is one of the most lucrative businesses you can start. A hair & beauty salon is a business that offers cosmetic services for men and women. Almost any person on earth normally regularly requires such services. This means the pool of prospects for the hair beauty salon business is huge. The services that an individual hair & beauty salon business can offer are broad and diverse. There definitely is a piece for everyone interested in starting a hair beauty salon. Operating a hair & beauty salon business is a profitable business venture. However, above everything else, the hair & beauty salon business calls for exceptional relationships and the highest standards of service. This is one of the most lucrative businesses that have undergone significant transformation over the past two decades. This industry has continued to thrive and rebound even during the recessions. This article will outline how to set up a hair and beauty salon, and the hair & beauty salon business plan – PDF, Word and Excel.

Hair and beauty salons provide income for many entrepreneurs but to set up a such a business there are some important factors you need to consider. You must determine on the size of your salon, where you will locate your business and the kind of products and services you intend to offer to your customers. All these and other various factors are affected by who your target market is and the amount of capital you want to invest in the business. As such, you must conduct proper market research and have a well thought out hair & beauty salon business plan.

Business Model

Traditionally there are several hair & beauty salon services you can offer. They are typically packaged in such a way that there are service charges. The service charge can vary depending on the certain circumstances. For instance, a customer might want their hair done but having already bought the necessary supplies themselves. That will mean they will only get to pay for the service of getting the hair done. If not, they will pay for everything in-house. Times are changing and hair beauty salons are also moving into retail. Thus money-making methods for the hair beauty salon business are evolving.

Location And Premises

The location and premises of your hair and beauty salon are important to consider when setting up your business. This is because your chosen location has a direct effect on how successful your business will be. Thus, when choosing a location for your hair and beauty salon consider where your target market is, whether there is road and foot traffic, as well as how accessible your salon will be. Think about setting up your hair and beauty salon at a popular shopping centre, a mall, or somewhere close to the CBD. It is also important to consider how the surrounding area will affect your business. You do not want to set up your hair and beauty salon in a saturated place where there are a lot of salons because that will not be good for your business. Also consider the size of your premises and make sure that your premises are large enough for your equipment and can accommodate a reasonable number of people. Parking space is also essential when considering your premises. Your customers should not have hard time when it comes to parking space if they are to come to your hair and beauty salon. Your beauty and hair salon business plan should include the costs of renting or purchasing the premises.

Permits/Licenses, Insurance & Business Bank Account

You can be operating a solo hair & beauty salon, as many do or start off as. That does not mean you should operate informally. There are doors you will open for your hair beauty salon business if you formally register it. Follow up on that by applying for a business operating license. Approach your respective municipality offices to seek guidance. When that is in order the next step should be to get insurance for your hair beauty salon business. Insurance providers will offer guidance on the specific types of insurance covers you will need. Garnish all these steps by opening a business bank account for your hair beauty salon. The principle is to separate your hair beauty salon entity from your personal finances.

Competitive Analysis

By nature, the hair & beauty salon business is quite competitive. There is typically always a high number of hair & beauty salons in any central business district. That is why it is vital that you do some research into your competitor dynamics. The best approach is to identify your top 3 notable competitors. Look into the composition of their hair beauty salon businesses. What type of services do they offer? Do they sell any products, if so, which ones? What are their service prices? What are their customers experiences like? What is their customer segmentation dynamics like? Where are they located?

These are some of the questions to guide you in researching your competitors. Go as far as researching into indirect competitors too. These can be hair & beauty salons in other locations with customers you could lure away. You are looking into all these aspects to find ways you can use to make your hair beauty salon outstanding. Always remember that there are too many options for consumers when it comes to hair beauty salons. Any slight shortcoming on your part and consumers will gladly explore other options.

Furniture & Equipment 

When it comes to a hair and beauty salon you need the right tools and equipment to be successful in the business. You must invest in good quality hair dryers, styling kits, curlers, combs, and furniture. The chairs that you may need include hair styling chairs, shampoo chairs, dryer chairs & all purpose chairs. The furniture which you purchase for your hair & beauty salon should be c omfortable, durable, and easy to use. The size of your business together with the services you intend to offer will determine the kind of furniture and equipment that you will need for your business. Your hair & beauty salon business plan should include the costs of purchasing the furniture & equipment.

Products And Services

When it comes to the products and services of your hair and beauty salon you need to first understand who your customer is. Researching your target customer will help you understand what their needs are when it comes to hair care. The hair & beauty salon business lends itself to variety in terms of the services that are on offer. For example, you can offer cutting, color, braiding, styling, pedicure, manicure, massages and skin treatments. The individual services and products will vary greatly depending on the tastes and preferences of your client at any given moment in time. There will be lots of troubleshooting along the way because you may be required to respond to requests that were not originally part of your program. The hair salon business is unique in this respect because it varies so greatly depending on the fashion trends and the responses of the clients at that particular time. It is always best to have a variety of products and services in order to increase your business’ earning potential. If you decide to sell hair or other complimentary products it is important to make sure that you source your products from the right supplier. Always purchase your products from suppliers who have good quality products. Any other additional services such as facials, make up application and skincare will help you generate more income and serve a wider customer base.  Your hair and beauty business plan should outline the products and services you will offer.

Staff & Management

If you are going to be a customer centric business, you need to have a good team. Service businesses such as a hair and beauty salon need people that know how to work with clients from all walks of life. It is best to hire experienced workers who are passionate about their jobs. Your hairdressers for example, should know how to braid, cut, apply chemical treatments, and communicate well with  customers. If you hire people with no experience, it is best to train them first before giving them to intricate tasks. It is important for your beauty & hair salon business plan to include the number of people you need to employ together with their salaries.

Some of the day to day activities of a hair and beauty salon include;

  • Shampooing, styling, colouring, hair cuts, braiding
  • Manicures and pedicures,
  • Skincare treatments, facials and make up application,
  • Advertising and marketing,

Other important issues to consider when running a hair and beauty salon are health and safety regulations. Some of the health and safety regulations include cleanliness, the products you use and the general safety of your workers and your customers. It is necessary to conduct proper research and understand the regulations that govern your industry.

Marketing Strategies

Be cognizant of the many customer segments.

In your marketing efforts you must be cognizant of the many customer segments that exist. Borne out of market research, it is prudent to appeal to the biggest segments. Customers in search of hair & beauty salon services are so diverse. There are those who are seeking to keep up with the latest trends. There are those who aim to subscribe to a certain societal class or status. There are also customers who are mostly conservative in their preferences. Do not forget there are kids on the one end and senior citizens on the other end. This is to just show you that your market targeting must be cognizant of the many available customer segments.

Build An Online Profile For Your Hair Beauty Salon

Establishing your hair beauty salon online is highly effective in pushing brand awareness. Sure enough some hair beauty salons do set up digital footprints, but not all. Just being online opens up your hair beauty salon to a limitless audience. Actively and regularly post content and buttress that with running online contests. Offering giveaways for engagement-centred online contests quickly builds your hair beauty salon’s online audience. Get involved with strategic online platforms or activities. For instance, you can offer your services for free to podcasts hosts or social media influencers. These are some the ways you can build your hair beauty salon’s online profile. This will all contribute in making your hair beauty salon business easily discoverable online.

Encourage And Reward Referrals

The hair beauty salon thrives on referrals. It is often the case that someone tries out a hair beauty salon only after someone they trust recommended it. To tap into this dynamic you have to encourage and reward referrals by your customers. You can even put together a customer loyalty programme for your hair beauty salon business. To spice up the referrals element you can offer specials such as discounts. You can also run promotions; basically anything that causes others to refer customers to your hair beauty salon business.

The demand for hair & beauty salon services is very huge and ever increasing. The increase is due to the increased urbanization and population growth. You can offer your services to both male & females, young & old. The kind of services that you provide will determine the kind of customers that you will get. So you should offer services that suit your target market. If you offer good quality services, you will get many repeat customers, as people require hair & beauty services regularly. If you are in need of a retirement plan, or you are a professional simply looking for a side business setting up a hair and beauty salon is something worth considering. You can either set up your own company and create your own brand or go the less risky route and become a franchise. This way you can benefit from a proven successful business model although it may be limiting. Whatever you decide, setting up a hair and beauty salon is a business venture worth considering. To succeed in any business make sure that you understand your target market, and that you research the industry thoroughly.

Keys To Profitability

Diversification into retail and complementary services.

Most hair beauty salons focus on just offering the applicable services. That is limited in as far as revenue and profitability is concerned. You have to diversify into product retail as well. You can do this retail in-store or via an online shop. There is a wide range of products you can sell in a hair beauty salon. The idea is to make it possible for every client to spend as much as possible. Complementary services you can add include a wide range of body treatments or therapy e.g. massages. This all aims at making your hair beauty salon a one stop shop.

Going To Digital

This refers to more than just being active online. This specifically refers to availing digital services such as online booking and online payments. This will differentiate your hair beauty salon; most hair beauty salons do not offer digital services. Streamline these services by using new age technologies such as chatbots and artificial intelligence assistants. Already the common social media platforms you use can be integrated with such innovations. The basic thrust is to offer convenience and efficiency for your clients.Once you have internalized all this information you are ready to start your hair beauty salon. Your biggest sources of valid information are already existing hair beauty salons. Closely studying them will open your eyes to tricks of the trade.

Before setting up any business you need to develop a well thought out hair & beauty salon business plan. A business plan will help you think through your financial, operational, and marketing plan as well as develop a functional strategy. With a hair and beauty business plan you can also figure out if your business will be profitable or not. You can also determine the risks associated with your business and find ways to minimise them. A beauty and hair salon business plan is a useful tool both in the short run and long run.

Pre-Written Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel): Comprehensive Version, Short Funding/Bank Loan Version and Automated Financial Statements

For an in-depth analysis of the hair & beauty salon business, we encourage you to purchase our well-researched and comprehensive hair & beauty salon business plan. We introduced the business plans after discovering that many were venturing into the hair & beauty salon business without enough knowledge and understanding of how to run the business, lack of understanding of the financial side of the business, lack of understanding of : the industry, the risks involved , costs and profitability of the business; which often leads to disastrous losses.

The StartupBiz Global hair & beauty salon business plan will make it easier for you to launch and run your hair & beauty salon business successfully, fully knowing what you are going into, and what’s needed to succeed in the business. This is a complete business plan for a hair & beauty salon. It will be easier to plan and budget as you will be aware of all the costs involved in setting up and running the hair & beauty salon business.

Uses of the Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

The salon business plan can be used for many purposes including:

  • Raising capital from investors/friends/relatives
  • Applying for a bank loan
  • Start-up guide to launch your hair & beauty salon business
  • As a hair & beauty salon business proposal
  • Assessing profitability of the hair & beauty salon business
  • Finding a business partner
  • Assessing the initial start-up costs so that you know how much to save
  • Manual for current business owners to help in business and strategy formulation

Contents of the Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

The business plan for hair & beauty salon includes, but not limited to:

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Financial Statements (monthly cash flow projections, income statements, cash flow statements, balance sheets, break even analysis, payback period analysis, start-up costs, financial graphs, revenue and expenses, Bank Loan Amortization)
  • Industry Analysis
  • Market Analysis
  • Risk Analysis
  • SWOT & PEST Analysis
  • Operational Requirements
  • Operational Strategy
  • Why some people in the hair & beauty salon business fail, so that you can avoid their mistakes
  • Ways to raise capital to start your hair & beauty salon business

The hair & beauty salon business plan package consists of 4 files

  • Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan – PDF file (Comprehensive Version – 77 Pages)
  • Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan – Editable Word File (Comprehensive Version – 77 Pages)
  • Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan Funding/Bank Loan Version- Editable Word File (Short version for applying for a loan/funding – 43 pages)
  • Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan Automated Financial Statements – (Editable Excel File)

The business plan can be used in any country and can be easily edited. The financial statements are automated. This implies that you can change eg the costs, salaries etc, and all the other financial statements will automatically adjust to reflect the change. 

Click below to download the Contents Page of the Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan (PDF)

Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan PDF

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StartupBiz Global provided a very professional and comprehensive business plan which I used for my business. The business plan was easy to edit, and I was able to get the funding which I wanted. I highly recommend their business plans.

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Many thanks for your incredibly efficient service and thorough business plan. I am very impressed with the business plan. Before I bought the business plan, I tried to do my own business plan – it was such a nightmare and it turned out badly, also not to mention the stress it caused me. I wish I knew about your website earlier!

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I found Startupbiz Global online when I was in desperate need of a business plan. I was overwhelmed by the quality of the business plan, it’s comprehensive and well researched! I did not have to wait to get the business plan, I got it instantly after payment. I highly recommend Startupbiz Global, and would happily use them again in the future.

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I was extremely lucky to come across StartupBiz Global. Their business plan exceeded my expectations, and most importantly I was able to secure a loan from my bank. Thank you guys, now my dreams are coming true!

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The business plan which I purchased from your website saved me TIME and MONEY! The layout of the business plan was excellent. The financial statements were detailed and easy for me to edit. I will come back to purchase another business plan soon.

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Just wanted to say I am very happy with the business plan and I will gladly recommend your products, thank you very much and have a great day.

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I was able to understand the business side of farming because of your business plan. You did extensive research; the business plan was well prepared and fully detailed.  It made everything clear, and I have somewhere to start now. I am confident that I am going to succeed in my business because of the guidance from your business plan.

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I purchased a business plan from you, and I’m glad to inform you that I was able to get my loan, and I’m starting my poultry farming business on the 1 st of July. This was made possible because of your business plan. Thank you very much, you made my dream come true.

Get the Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

Click Buy Now  below to purchase using Paypal, Credit Card, or Debit Card. After you have purchased, you will immediately see the download link for the business plan package on the screen. You will also immediately get an email with the business plan download link. The Pre-written business plan package (PDF, Word, and Excel) costs $30 only!

hair & beauty salon business proposal

If you want to purchase multiple business plans at once then click here: Business Plans Store.

The business plan package is a zipped compressed file containing the PDF, Word and Excel documents. To open the package after downloading it, just right click, and select Extract All. If you have any problems in downloading and opening the files, email us on [email protected] and we will assist you.

We wish you the best in your hair & beauty salon business! Check out our collection of business plans  , and more business ideas .

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How to Start a Barber Shop Business in Kenya

free salon business plan in kenya pdf

A kinyozi business in Kenya is a profitable venture with a ready market. Many Kenyan men and some women get a haircut once a month. The startup capital for a small barber shop is relatively low compared to other businesses.

With limited capital, you can start a kinyozi business with only a shaving machine and a chair. However, make sure to open a comfortable barbershop business and give them a good customer experience to retain them. 

Learn How to Barb

It is important that you learn the barbering skill. Barbing is an art, and if customers like your skill, they will keep coming back. Giving clients an ugly haircut will push them away forever. You also need to learn different hairstyles, like hair trimming.

You can enroll in a short course in barbing to ensure you perfect the skill. Before you start shaving customers, you need to have perfected your barbering skills. No customer wants to get a shave from a learner and end up with a funny haircut. The success of your business will depend on how you have perfected the skill.

Write a Barber Shop Business Plan

You need to write a barbershop business plan that will help you identify startup costs, business location and its necessities. A business plan will help you plan for uncertainties and how you can compete with your competitors.

Write your business goals and the services you will be offering in your kinyozi. Make sure to identify services that are in demand within your locality before starting an executive barbershop. There is no need to offer services that are not in demand.  

Find a Business Location and Rent a Shop

You need to find a suitable business location that is easily accessible and has high foot traffic. A barbershop business can do well in a town or a market center where there are many people. Make sure that your barbershop is visible. The room should be spacious enough to have a sitting area for customers as they wait for their turn to get a haircut.

Furnish Your Barbershop Business

Customers like to get a haircut in a smart and comfortable kinyozi. As such, you need to furnish and partition the barbershop so that it has a sitting area and a shaving area. Make sure the walls are repainted. Then fit mirrors on the walls for customers to see how they look after a haircut. 

Acquire Business Permits

You need to have the necessary business licenses and permits to operate any business in Kenya. You can get a single business permit from County Offices or county council offices. The cost of a single business permit varies from one county to the other.

On average, it costs Ksh 5,000 annually to get a single business permit. Operating a business without a business permit will put you in constant conflict with the county council.

Develop a Pricing Plan

You need to develop pricing for different hairstyles. The price varies depending on the hairstyle, location, amenities in the barbershop, and after-shave services.

For instance, you need to determine the price of services like haircuts, a beard shaves, and after-shave services like massages and cleaning services.

Before you start after shave services, it is important to know if they are in demand. For instance, you will hardly get customers requesting massage services in rural areas . But if you are in a busy town, these services are usually in high demand. Consider your competitors’ prices and your business location when setting barbing prices.   

What You Need to Open a Kinyozi Business in Kenya  

For a small kinyozi business, you need clippers, shears, combs, hairdryers, sterilizers, razors, towels, a water heater, a hairbrush, hair spray, mirrors and after-shave lotion. You also need a rotating chair to make your work easier when shaving a customer.

The following is the price of the items you need for your kinyozi business. 

  • Clippers - Ksh 3,000
  • Sterilizer - Ksh 10,000
  • Water heater and storage - Ksh 5,000
  • Apron and towels - Ksh 2,000
  • Barber chair - Ksh 15,000
  • Single business permit - Ksh 5,000
  • Hair spray, spirit and after shave lotion - Ksh 1,000
  • Basins and combs - Ksh 5,000
  • Branding ad partitioning - Ksh 10,000
  • Customer waiting chairs - Ksh 10,000

Also read: How to start a nail salon business in Kenya.

Cost of Starting a Barber Shop in Kenya 

The cost of starting a barbershop depends on its size, business location and comfort. You can start a small barber shop for Ksh 50,000. However, if you want to start an executive barbershop, you will need at least Ksh 200,000. If you have limited capital, you can start a small kinyozi business and then expand it as your customers increase.

For business consultancy, strategic planning, organizational development, market research, financial management & accounting, risk management and business plan writing at an affordable fee, please reach out to us through a phone call 0728 621 138,   WhatsApp , or email: [email protected]

Is Barber Shop Profitable in Kenya?

A barbershop is a profitable business in Kenya with a ready market. With a good business location, you can make at least Ksh 25,000 in a month. With an executive barbershop with amenities, you can be making over Ksh 50,000 profit monthly. The interesting thing about barbershops is that they never lack customers, even during hard economic times.

Before starting a barber shop business in Kenya, make sure you have good barbing skills. No customer wants a trainee barber to shave them. Also, get to know different hairstyles. After that, establish customer relationships so that your customers can keep coming back. You can offer other services, like phone charging, in your barber shop and make extra income . 

  • How to start a hair salon business
  • How to start movie shop business
  • How to start a computer sales business
  • How to start a car wash business in Kenya  

Get in touch

For business consultancy, business plan writing, market research, strategic planning, risk management, financial management & accounting at an affordable fee, please reach out to us through:



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    The 7 elements of an effective hair and beauty salon business plan. 1. Executive Summary. The executive summary provides a high-level overview of your business plan. It should outline the objectives of your hair and beauty salon, such as to offer high-quality services, to expand the client base, or to break into a new market.

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  3. How to Start a Salon Business in Kenya

    The cost of starting a salon business in Kenya depends on the size and location of the business. You will need to invest around Ksh 100,000 for a medium-sized hair salon business in a town. The following is a startup capital breakdown: Hairstyling chairs - Ksh 25,000. Hairstyling tools - Ksh 30,000. Water heaters - Ksh 5,000.

  4. Beauty Salon Business Plan PDF Example

    Business Overview. For a Beauty Salon, the Business Overview section is structured into 2 slides: Salon & Location Illustrate the ambiance and layout of your beauty salon, highlighting features that create a welcoming and luxurious experience for clients. Discuss the salon's strategic location, emphasizing how its accessibility and the surrounding area contribute to attracting your target ...

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    Salon Business in Kenya: Market Overview . Kenya's hair care industry is valued at more KSh. 132 billion. 1 The industry has attracted the attention of many entrepreneurs including celebrities looking to have a share of the beauty fortunes. The industry has seen tremendous changes, shifting from being just a women's business and now has the interest of both genders.

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  7. How to start a salon business in Kenya that makes money

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  8. salon business plan in kenya pdf

    salon business plan in kenya pdf. The hair salon business plan outlines the creation of a new hair salon that will offer high-quality services to customers in the area. The salon will be equipped with the latest hair styling equipment and staffed by experienced and knowledgeable hairstylists. The salon will offer a range of services including ...

  9. How to Start a Successful Salon Business in Kenya

    The salon industry in Kenya is one of the most lucrative and competitive sectors in the country. According to a report by McKinsey, the beauty market in Kenya is valued at over KES 20 billion and is expected to grow annually by 7.62% until 2027.. This means that there is a huge demand for salon services and products, as well as a lot of opportunities for entrepreneurs who want to venture into ...

  10. How To Start a Salon Business In Kenya

    5 Tips For Running a Successful Salon Business In Kenya Running this business in Kenya can be a very profitable venture, but it can also be challenging. There are a few things you can do to make ...

  11. How to Start a Salon Business in Kenya

    Salon service providers in Kenya are required to obtain a health certificate before they can start serving customers. This ensures that hair salon service providers are healthy and that clients are not at risk of contracting contagious diseases. You can obtain a health certificate from public or private hospitals at the cost of between Ksh 400 ...

  12. How to start a lucrative salon business in Kenya?

    You need to get start your salon business strategy in tip-top shape and provide you with the best chance to face Kenya's local competition in the booming salon industry successfully. 3. Funding. On average, starting a salon in Kenya will require a capital of roughly KES 75,000 to KES 150,000.

  13. How To Start A Salon Business In Kenya Easily For Profits

    Step 2: Draft a solid salon business plan that will be your guide through the entire process of your business. Step 3: Obtain the licenses and permits by following the legal procedure to prevent inconveniences from the local authorities. Step 4: Locate your salon in a strategic place where you will attract more clients at your doorstep.

  14. PDF Free Version of Growthinks Hair Salon Business Plan Template

    The real version of Growthink's Ultimate Hair Salon Business Plan Template is much more than a fill-in-the-blanks template. That template professionally guides you step-by-step so you can quickly, easily and expertly complete your business plan. Perhaps most importantly, it includes complete financial projections.

  15. FREE Salon Business Plan Template

    What Is a Salon Business Plan? A salon business plan is a document that states in detail the business strategies, various data analysis, summaries, and statements which will be used to propel the salon business forward. It states the goals and mission of a certain salon business and on how these goals will be realized and put to action.

  16. Starting A Hair & Beauty Salon Business Plan (PDF)

    When it comes to a hair and beauty salon you need the right tools and equipment to be successful in the business. You must invest in good quality hair dryers, styling kits, curlers, combs, and furniture. The chairs that you may need include hair styling chairs, shampoo chairs, dryer chairs & all purpose chairs.

  17. Sample Salon Business Plan

    Tomato Farming Business Plan in Kenya. Well analyzed and high quality document. Brief Overview: 1.1 Business Description. General overview of the proposed business plan shows that the owner of... Price: KES : 170. Download; Sample Dairy Plant Business Plan. This is a detailed business plan with all the necessary details required by a learner ...

  18. How To Write the Perfect Salon Business Plan in 7 Simple Steps

    Here we've broken down the entire process into 7 easy-to-follow, foolproof steps, along with their templates, to help you create a successful salon business plan. Write a mission and vision statement. Create an executive summary. Analyze and identify your target market. Perform a competitor analysis.

  19. Business plan sample

    COURSE : BUSINESS PLAN LECTURER : MR KINITY SUGGESTED BUSINESS NAME : CYNDY CLASSIC BEAUTY SPA DATE OF PRESENTATION : SIGN : i. UZURI DECLARATION. I Ann hereby declare that this is my own work and has never been submitted to any award of certification and examination purpose, it is written for the award of diploma in cosmetology. Presented by ...

  20. How to Start a Barber Shop Business in Kenya

    Cost of Starting a Barber Shop in Kenya. The cost of starting a barbershop depends on its size, business location and comfort. You can start a small barber shop for Ksh 50,000. However, if you want to start an executive barbershop, you will need at least Ksh 200,000. If you have limited capital, you can start a small kinyozi business and then ...


    HOW TO START A WINES & SPIRITS BUSINESS IN KENYA.PDF.pdf. BUSINESS PLAN- DAIRY FARMING.pdf. CYBER CAFE BUSINESS PLAN.pdf. Time Management - Mind Tools' Essential Skills.pdf. . Coffee Shop Business Plan-Diploma.pdf. .