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Artificial Intelligence – Boon or Bane

Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals with the development of machines that can perform tasks that require human intelligence like speech recognition, language translation, and decision making. Artificial Intelligence is said to be the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and perform tasks like humans. There are various real-life applications of Artificial Intelligence they are as follows:

1. Gaming: In strategic games like Chess the machine is programmed such that it can generate its moves and also study the moves of its opponents and decide which movie to be made next.

2. Speech Recognition: Some systems can recognize the language spoken by humans and respond in the same way by grasping the accent, grammar, etc. These types of speech recognition systems are present in our smartphones and home devices. Some examples of speech recognition systems are Google Now, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa.

3. Handwriting Recognition: Handwriting Text Recognition system in the machine enables it to read handwriting and transform into editable text.

4. Robotics: Robotics is a branch of science and engineering which deals with construction, design, and programming of robots. Robots are the most sophisticated and complex inventions of humans to date. Robots are capable of carrying out a series of a complex tasks. They are efficient in their tasks as they can multitask as well and save time doing so. They have vast memory space and can adjust to their environment.

With the growth in AI, there is a debate that whether AI is a boon or a bane. Some factors support AI to be a boon as well as a bane.

Factors that support AI to be a Boon:

  • Ease in Availability: Machines do not require refreshment like humans and can work for a longer period. They are capable of performing tasks and work continuously and produce quality output.
  • Daily Usage: Currently the most widely used machine in our daily life is a smartphone, which results knowingly and unknowingly using the benefits of AI. A few examples that demonstrate the use of AI in our daily life are speech recognition system used in our search engine on our smartphones, GPS used for navigation and fingerprint recognition and face recognition system in our smartphone for security.
  • Performing Complex Tasks: For a human performing tedious task is time-consuming. AI algorithms are developed to perform complex tasks. Machines are capable of performing multiple tasks at a particular period and function faster than humans.
  • Virtual Assistants: Virtual assistants communicate with various users, thus resulting in less use of manpower. As machines do not have emotions they perform more logically and efficiently and thus arrive at the right decision.

AI as a Bane:

  • Incurs High Cost: With the use of AI the productivity enhances and efficient results are obtained but huge costs are incurred in the process as machines are very complex and complicated in their training. And machines require regular maintenance at a particular point of time thus resulting in bigger costs to incur.
  • Lack of Experience: Humans depend upon their experience and perform accordingly in the future whereas do not have experience. Machines act according to the algorithm that is set for its functioning. They do not react with the environment and this what creates the difference between machines and humans.
  • Unemployment: The growing concern in the global economy today is that will AI completely take over human jobs. To enhance the productivity enterprises are adopting AI-based technologies that are now replacing human jobs and making us more dependent on machines. This would lead to a major loss in the ability of thinking and result in creativity and ideas.

AI will grow further in the future and shape our lives. It has its advantages and disadvantages. It has the factors that support it be a boon or bane. But still, there is a debate whether it will be a boon or a bane. We’ll come to know in the future whether it proves to be boon or bane.

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Essay on Artificial Intelligence – a boon or bane

We are in an era of rapid technological advancement, where artificial intelligence (AI) is changing how we live and work. You may have heard of popular AI models like ChatGPT, MidJourney, and others that have made headlines in year 2023 for their impressive capabilities, such as text-to-speech, text-to-image, and text-to-video.

Indeed, thousands of people have lost their jobs due to the proliferation of chatbots and other AI-powered systems. This has led to a debate over whether AI is a boon or a bane for society. In this essay, we will explore both sides of this issue and examine the potential benefits and drawbacks of AI.

Students must stay exam-ready by reading these types of essays based on current affairs .

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that is revolutionizing the way we live, work, and communicate. AI is a type of technology designed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing images, and making decisions. Some people believe AI is a boon, while others consider it a bane. In this essay, we will explore both sides of the argument.

On one hand, AI can be seen as a boon. AI has the potential to revolutionize industries such as healthcare, education, and transportation. In healthcare, AI can help doctors diagnose diseases more accurately and quickly. In the educational field, AI can personalize learning experiences for each student based on their strengths and weaknesses. In the transportation sector, AI can help reduce traffic accidents and congestion by enabling self-driving cars.

AI can also make our lives more convenient. Virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa can help us manage our schedules, answer questions, and control our home devices with just our voice. AI-powered chatbots can help businesses provide better customer service by answering frequently asked questions and resolving issues more quickly.

On the other hand, AI can also be seen as a bane. One of the main concerns about AI is that it could potentially take over jobs that humans currently do. For example, self-driving cars could eliminate the need for taxi and truck drivers. AI-powered robots could replace workers in factories and warehouses. This could lead to job losses and economic instability.

Another concern is that AI could be used for malicious purposes. AI could be used to create fake news and spread disinformation. It could also be used to build autonomous weapons that could make decisions without human intervention.

In conclusion, AI is a complex and multifaceted technology that can be both a boon and a bane. While AI can revolutionize industries, improve our lives, and make our world a better place, we must also be mindful of potential risks and challenges associated with this technology. As we continue to develop and integrate AI into our lives, it is important that we carefully consider the ethical implications and strive to create a future where AI serves the common good.

If you were an ex-employee of Google, Meta, Alphabet or Microsoft, you would have surely termed Artificial intelligence a bane. On the other hand, for a graphic designer who has started earning a handsome amount of money with the help of Mid journey, artificial intelligence is no less than a boon or blessing for him.

Artificial intelligence (AI)Machine intelligence
Self-driving carsAI-controlled vehicles
ChatbotsVirtual conversational agents
Personalized learningTailored education experiences
Job displacementWorkforce reduction
DisinformationMisleading information
Autonomous weaponsSelf-acting weaponry
EthicsMoral principles

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Is Artificial Intelligence a Boon or Bane?

Our lives are not complete without Artificial Intelligence, which also holds the promise of an even more futuristic and sophisticated future. However, challenges do arise in the development of AI. The applications of AI are numerous, ranging from home assistants to self-driving automobiles, from business automation to medical care. Nowadays, business owners prefer AI-run programs to reduce expenses and boost efficiency. Additionally, AI is utilized by individuals to do hazardous and life-threatening tasks. However, AI has drawbacks, such as the inability to make judgments based on morality and compassion, which might result in more significant issues. It also replaces fundamental human occupations, which will cause many people to lose their jobs. Let us briefly discuss the benefits and drawbacks of AI.

is artificial intelligence a boon or a bane essay

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What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intellect in machines that are designed to behave and think like humans. It also refers to any device that demonstrates characteristics of human intelligence, such as learning and problem-solving. An AI system uses given data and instructions, which then use the information to make decisions and carry out tasks. Artificial intelligence aims to improve learning, thinking, and perception using machines. We can see various instances where AI is applied in multiple sectors, including banking and healthcare.

What are the advantages of AI?

Reduction in human error.

Machines take decisions based on past data. It also applies certain algorithm sets to lower the possibility of error. Business enterprises engage with their users by utilizing digital assistants, which helps them save a significant amount of time. For instance, AI has reduced most human errors in weather forecasting. This is the cause of the dramatic increase in the use of artificial intelligence in numerous fields. It provides precise results and completely invalidates human error.

Nowadays, AI assists in completing tasks that involve human lives at risk. By developing an AI robot that can perform risky functions for humans, humans can overcome many perilous limitations. AI can predict natural disasters, disarm bombs, travel to outer space, and explore the deepest regions of seas. This relieves human pressure and offers more accuracy in identifying technical nuances compared to conventional manual approaches.

Round-the-clock availability

An average human will work 4–6 hours daily, excluding breaks. They have a break to recharge themselves and take a week’s vacation to maintain their pristine balance between their personal and professional lives. AI , however, is capable of nonstop operation. It can multitask with accuracy and think far more quickly than humans can.

Digital assistance

The assistance of AI is crucial to our daily lives. Alexa, Siri, and Google Assistants listen to what we say and do the task with just one tap. Traveling the world is made easier with GPS. The smartphone autocorrect feature interprets what we are attempting to say and presents the sentence as best. Digital assistants are used by businesses to interact with customers, doing away with the necessity for human employees. Additionally, an innovative card-based system employs artificial intelligence to identify fraud.

Perform repetitive jobs

Machine intelligence can do tedious yet repetitive tasks without any complaints. It can assist in carrying out several repetitive tasks in our regular work routines, such as reviewing certain documents, sending emails, and scheduling meetings. As a result, individuals won’t have to do monotonous jobs, freeing them up to concentrate on becoming more creative.

What are the disadvantages of AI?

AI is a complicated machine as it requires organizations to spend extensively. The price of its installation, maintenance and repairs are very high. It requires the newest technology and software to stay current and satisfy pretty expensive criteria. Additionally, the purchase cost is particularly expensive in the event of a breakdown.


In manufacturing companies, human resources are replaced by robots, which leads to unemployment. Using AI-enabled machines that provide risk- and error-free labor reduces the need for human intervention. Machines also offer speed and precision, eliminating many available work prospects and employment choices.

Lack of emotions

Due to their lack of emotions and compassion, machines cannot form bonds with humans. Machines are undeniably far more productive than they were previously, but they still cannot replace the interpersonal relationships that bring a group together. They cannot develop strong human relationships, a key component of team management.

No creativity 

Machines can’t be creative. The limitation of AI is that it cannot be taught to think creatively. They are limited to following instructions or commands. No matter how advanced a machine becomes, it will never be able to match the fundamental intuitive skills of the human brain. For example, Quil, a bot, is used by Forbes to write reports. These reports include information that has already been sent to the bot. Unlike other Forbes articles, the article written by a bot lacks a human touch.

No improvement 

Artificial intelligence can accomplish the same task repeatedly if the same command is provided; they cannot get more intelligent with experience. AI is good at performing the same work constantly, but if we want any modifications or enhancements, we must manually change the programs. Additionally, they cannot adapt to a dynamic environment, making it difficult to do so.

Conclusion: Is Artificial Intelligence a boon or bane?

Artificial intelligence is crucial and significantly impacts global industries, despite its pros and downsides. It is expanding rapidly every day to automate daily chores while being adaptable and promoting business sustainability. AI will advance our ability to think and explore new realms, like the seas and outer space. Professionals interested in learning AI can enroll in  Artificial Intelligence Expert . The training assists professionals in acquiring the fundamental ideas, terminology, and most recent applications of AI. This will also help them advance their careers in AI and place them in lucrative job positions in the world.

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Is Artificial Intelligence a boon or bane?

artificial intelligence

Strong And Weak AI

AI can be classified into two types:

artificial general intelligence

  • Strong AI , also known as  Artificial General Intelligence (AGI)  is capable of finding solutions to unfamiliar tasks and it can replicate the cognitive ability of the human brain.
  • Weak AI , also known as Narrow AI is designed to complete a specific task.  Chatbots , Voice assistants like  Siri , and Industrial Robots all belong to this weak AI.

ai chatbot

Different Types Of AI

According to Arena Hintze, Assistant professor of integrative biology and computer science and engineering at Michigan state university, AI can be divided into 4 types:

  • Reactive Machines : These AI systems are task-oriented and are not able to memorize, which makes them incapable of informing future ones about past experiences.
  • Limited Memory : self-driving cars are examples of this AI system. here it can memorize and can inform about the future.
  • Theory of mind : The theory of mind is so much related to human emotions. When it applies to AI the system will be able to understand emotions.
  • Self-awareness : In this type of AI system they have a sense of self, which makes the machine find out their state and this system does not yet exist.

How is AI Applied today?

Ai has its demand in today’s market w hether it’s in Education, Healthcare, Business,  Finance, and so on. 

AI can automate a variety of time-consuming and repetitive processes, freeing up human labor or higher-order, more creative tasks.


AI may be used to customize goods and services, giving customers a better experience and raising customer happiness.

Improved Safety

In sectors like transportation, manufacturing, and construction, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help increase safety by identifying possible risks and averting accidents.

Precision And Accuracy

AI can thoroughly and accurately evaluate and process massive volumes of data, which can result in better-informed decisions in a variety of industries, including healthcare, finance, and education.

AI Domination Over Human

As Stephen Hawking once said, “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race”, this i s still circling as a current issue in everyone’s conversation. As we know, AI is the future , and especially in this digital age, its multitasking ability makes it a boon. It reduces the time for data-heavy tasks, and consistent results all make it one of the best inventions of the 21st century.

ai domination

At the same time, the reason that AI can give better results in less time than humans makes it a bane to the entire human society. As it completely replaces human beings and can interrupt human presence in every field.

Consequences of AI

  • Job displacement : The automation of certain jobs through AI could lead to job displacement for some workers, particularly those in low-skill or repetitive jobs.
  • Discrimination and Bias : AI algorithms have the potential to reinforce and even exacerbate pre-existing bias and discrimination in society if they are not carefully designed and tested.
  • Privacy and security issues : If AI systems that gather and analyze vast volumes of personal data are not properly safeguarded, they could constitute a threat to privacy and security.

AI’s potential for weaponization, including the creation of autonomous weapons, could have negative and potentially harmful effects.

Ultimately, it’s critical to guarantee that AI is created and applied responsibly and ethically to maximize its positive effects while minimizing any potential bad ones.

Does AI Need It?

According to history, individuals are continually looking for ways to do the activities they are working on that are quicker, easier, and more efficient, and easy.

As a result, people always look for new and better ways to complete tasks due to the need for growth.

AI enables computers to reason, learn, and use logic. When scientists, medical researchers, doctors, mathematicians, and engineers work together, they can develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is specifically geared toward medical diagnosis and treatments, offering dependable and secure ways to deliver healthcare.

Machines are good at long, boring tasks like risk monitoring, information gathering to make decisions, data analysis for patterns and trends, arranging for us to use scarce or polluting resources more effectively, reacting quicker than humans, operating other machines, and don’t get tired or afraid. They can even be used to take care of their human owners, as in the form of smartphones with applications. But, the more we rely on technology, the less creative, productive, and self-sufficient we become.

Artificial Intelligence can be good or bad depending on how we use it. The purpose of the knife is to cut it. A cook may produce delectable food, whereas a murderer can cause harm to others. The use of AI is therefore entirely dependent upon how we educate it and how we use it.

We at Fegno believe that by using machine learning to develop consumer profiles based on datasets, marketers who wish to better understand their potential customers can do so. Marketers can quickly create customer personas or divide their consumer base into demographic segments thanks to Fegno’s Automated Sales. The greatest promise for AI in this field is enhancing creative human labor rather than taking its place.

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Is AI a Boon or a Bane?

is artificial intelligence a boon or a bane essay

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been one of the most talked-about and debated topics of the 21st century. It has been hailed as a revolutionary technology that could change the way we live, work, and play. But it has also been criticized for its potential to displace workers, create a surveillance state, and even lead to the extinction of humanity. So, is AI a boon or a bane? 

On the one hand, AI has the potential to revolutionize industries and provide solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems. For example, AI can be used to develop medical breakthroughs, automate mundane tasks, and even make cars and other vehicles safer and more efficient. AI can also help us understand the world better and make more informed decisions. 

On the other hand, AI also has its downsides. For example, AI can be used to automate processes that could result in job losses, particularly in manufacturing and service industries. AI can also be used for surveillance, which could lead to a loss of privacy and civil liberties. Finally, AI could be used to create autonomous weapons systems, which could lead to a dangerous arms race. 

Ultimately, the answer to the question of whether AI is a boon or a bane depends on how we choose to use it. If we use it responsibly, AI can be a powerful tool for solving problems and creating a better future. But if we misuse it, it could lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, it is essential that we use AI wisely and ensure that its benefits are shared by all. 

How AI can be a boon?

is artificial intelligence a boon or a bane essay

 AI can be an incredible boon when used responsibly. Here are some of the potential benefits of AI: 

• Automation: AI can automate tedious and repetitive tasks, freeing up people to focus on creative and high-value activities. 

• Increased efficiency: AI can analyze and process large amounts of data quickly, helping to identify trends and opportunities that would otherwise be missed. 

• Improved healthcare: AI can be used to diagnose diseases, develop personalized treatments, and even help with drug and vaccine development. 

• Enhanced safety: AI can help detect potential hazards and alert people to potential risks, reducing the chances of accidents and fatalities. 

How AI can be a bane? 

is artificial intelligence a boon or a bane essay

AI can also be a bane when misused or abused. 

Here are some of the potential downsides of AI: 

• Job losses: AI can automate processes, reducing the need for human workers and leading to job losses. 

• Loss of privacy: AI can be used for surveillance, leading to a loss of privacy and civil liberties. 

• Increased inequality: AI can lead to increased inequality, as those with access to the technology will have an advantage over those who do not. 

• Autonomous weapons: AI can be used to create autonomous weapons systems, leading to a dangerous arms race. 

In conclusion , AI can be a powerful tool for solving problems and creating a better future. But it must be used responsibly and ethically, or else it could lead to disastrous consequences. It is therefore essential that we use AI wisely and ensure that its benefits are shared by all.

10 Amazing facts about AI, you may be interested in:

1. AI is capable of creating original art. AI-generated artworks have been sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars in auctions. 2. AI can now diagnose cancer as accurately as a human doctor. AI algorithms are now being used to detect skin cancer with a 99% accuracy rate. 

3. AI is being used to create personalized cancer treatments. AI algorithms are being used to analyze a patient’s tumor data and create customized treatment plans. 

4. AI can now recognize human emotions. AI algorithms are being used to detect human emotions through facial expressions and speech patterns. 

5. AI is being used to detect counterfeit items. AI algorithms are being used to detect counterfeit items such as currency, luxury goods, and pharmaceuticals. 

6. AI can now detect cyber threats. AI algorithms are being used to detect and respond to cyber-attacks. 

7. AI is being used to develop self-driving cars. AI algorithms are being used to help self-driving cars detect obstacles in the environment and make decisions about how to respond.

8. AI can now be used to detect fraudulent financial transactions. AI algorithms are being used to detect fraudulent financial transactions with a 95% accuracy rate. 

9. AI is being used to improve natural language processing . AI algorithms are being used to improve natural language processing and enable computers to better understand human speech. 

10. AI is being used to create virtual personal assistants. AI algorithms are being used to create virtual personal assistants such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

So decide for yourself – is AI a boon or a bane?


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Essay on AI Boon Or Bane

Students are often asked to write an essay on AI Boon Or Bane in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on AI Boon Or Bane

Introduction to ai.

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a modern technology that makes machines think like humans. It allows computers to learn, understand, and do tasks that usually need human intelligence. This includes things like recognizing speech, learning, planning, and problem-solving.

AI as a Boon

Ai as a bane.

On the other hand, AI can also be a bane. It can lead to job loss as machines replace humans. It might also lead to privacy issues as AI can collect and use personal data. There’s also a risk of machines becoming too powerful.

In conclusion, AI can be both a boon and a bane. It depends on how we use it. If used responsibly, AI can be a great tool for progress. But if misused, it can also cause problems. So, it’s important to use AI wisely.

250 Words Essay on AI Boon Or Bane

Introduction, ai – a boon.

AI is a boon because it can do many things faster and better than humans. It can help doctors diagnose diseases, help farmers grow better crops, and even help us find information on the internet. It can also do jobs that are too dangerous for humans, like defusing bombs or exploring space.

AI – A Bane

On the other side, AI can also be a bane. It can take away jobs from people because machines can work 24/7 without getting tired. It can also be used for bad things, like spying on people or creating fake news. Plus, if AI machines become too smart, they might start making decisions without human input, which could be dangerous.

In the end, whether AI is a boon or a bane depends on how we use it. If we use it to help people and make the world a better place, it can be a boon. But if we use it to harm others or to replace humans, it can be a bane. So, it’s up to us to make sure we use AI in the right way.

500 Words Essay on AI Boon Or Bane

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a term you might have heard often. It is a type of computer science that allows machines to act and think like humans. AI can do many things, like recognizing speech, learning, planning, and problem-solving. It is an exciting field, but it also brings up many questions. Is AI a boon or a bane? Let’s explore this.

AI is a boon in many ways. Firstly, it can help us do tasks faster and more accurately. For example, AI can process and analyze large amounts of data in seconds. This helps businesses make better decisions and improve their services.

Thirdly, AI can help in areas like healthcare and education. AI-powered systems can diagnose diseases, suggest treatments, and even help with surgeries. In education, AI can provide personalized learning experiences based on a student’s needs.

Despite the benefits, AI also has potential downsides. One issue is job losses. As machines become smarter, they might replace humans in many jobs. This could lead to unemployment and social problems.

So, is AI a boon or a bane? It’s not a simple answer. AI has the potential to bring many benefits. It can help us do tasks better, faster, and safer. But it also has potential risks, like job losses, privacy issues, and the fear of machines becoming too powerful.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

Happy studying!

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is artificial intelligence a boon or a bane essay

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is artificial intelligence a boon or a bane essay

Artificial Intelligence: A boon or bane for educators?

February 6, 2023

Dr Armin Alimardani’s prototypes showcase how AI tools can improve learning and teaching experience

ChatGPT has become a hot topic worldwide due to its potential to complete tasks – including university assignments –with minimal human input.

This has sparked global concern for educators, given that the AI tool can be used by students to complete assignments – including lengthy essays.

The end results are not always factually correct – or of HD standard – but the fact that material generated by an AI can often be difficult or impossible to distinguish from that written by a human raises grave academic integrity concerns.

While the uptake of AI tools such as ChatGPT raises many concerns, it also presents novel opportunities for educators to develop and implement new learning and teaching modes.

UOW’s Dr Armin Alimardani , from the School of Law researches the legal, social and ethical impacts of emerging technologies with a particular focus on AI.

For the past year, he and UNSW Associate Professor Emma A. Jane have collaborated to develop a toolkit of AI prototypes aimed at improving the quality of learning for students in forms such as providing instant feedback and engaging in friendly dialogue about key course topics.

Their Safe-to-fail AI site is home to a growing number of customisable AI tools for university teaching and research purposes. Unlike other tools on the market, they are not locked behind closely guarded corporate paywalls but are freely available.

“One of the key motivations behind the project is the need to democratise the development and use of emerging technologies like AI,” Dr Alimardani said.

“We believe it is important for non-experts to have a greater understanding of what AI can and can't do, and to have more control over how it is used and developed, rather than leaving it to commercial companies to shape the future of AI in education.

“Many big technology companies offer easy-to-use AI platforms, but these often come at significant costs, such as large upfront payments or opaque data harvesting. We wanted to create a platform that is accessible to everyone and that doesn't require any knowledge of coding. Our goal is to ensure that our universities, at least, don’t have to rely on such costly and potentially problematic solutions.”

Dr Alimardani and Associate Professor Jane have developed tools such as SmartTest , which is designed to help educators evaluate student understanding and provide instant feedback on answers to open-ended questions. It uses text provided by educators to assess student answers in real-time, giving immediate feedback that helps identify areas for student improvement and promotes critical thinking.

FAQ 2.0 is another tool offered on the Safe-to-fail AI website. It helps students quickly find answers to simple questions by allowing educators to upload their course outlines and queries related to their degrees.

With this tool, students can have fast and easy access to the information they need without having to sift through multiple pages or send repetitive emails to their teachers.

(a)icon is a conversational AI tool where users can chat about anything and receive answers to those queries over the course of a casual and personalised dialogue.

“While there has been much discussion surrounding the potential misuse of ChatGPT by students, our project is a prime example of looking at the flip side of AI – that is, how it can assist educators to save time and improve the quality of learning for students,” Dr Alimardani said.

“Our aim is to offer an interactive and engaging experience for students. It’s not intended to replace human interaction, but rather act as an additional support in students’ learning and development process.”

Safe-to-fail AI prototype can be accessed via this link https://safetofailai.streamlit.app/

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  • DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2836438
  • Corpus ID: 114144167

Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane?

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With the advancements in information and communication technologies (ICTs), news media industries have undergone sea changes. Moreover, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning has redefined the implications of technologies in numerous fields. The field of journalism is no exception to it. The rise of the robot reporter and automated journalism has made inroads in the area of news and journalism [ 1 ]. As of today, digital media has intensified the dissemination of news manifold. The process from production to consumption of news stories has slowly witnessed the newer technological adoption. The production, distribution, and consumption in journalism have been influenced by the use of newer technologies. The current chapter intends to assess the implications of AI in journalism worldwide.

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Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication (SIMC), Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune, Maharashtra, 412115, India

Santosh Kumar Biswal

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Suresh Chandra Satapathy

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About this chapter

Biswal, S.K., Gouda, N.K. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in Journalism: A Boon or Bane?. In: Kulkarni, A., Satapathy, S. (eds) Optimization in Machine Learning and Applications. Algorithms for Intelligent Systems. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0994-0_10

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-0994-0_10

Published : 30 November 2019

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Print ISBN : 978-981-15-0993-3

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Artificial Intelligence: Bane or Boon

Artificial Intelligence: Bane or Boon

By Apoorva Mehta

A computer system that can perform tasks that under ordinary circumstance requires human touch and intelligence is known as Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, AI is considered a bane by some people, mainly because it may lead to loss of jobs and replacement of human beings. This poses a tangible threat to humans and their lifestyles. Along with that it also raises a lot of questions, for instance, civil or criminal liability of wrong doings. But what we are forgetting is that AI can be of greater help and will ease out various processes. Keeping the legal fraternity as the central topic in this article, AI can turn over the tiring process of reading bulky documents, logistics can be taken care off, like preparing case files or summarizing judgments etc.

AI raises a lot of questions and has its dangers too but at the same time it can give the legal fraternity a new way of functioning and a unique opportunity to explore new fields of law. Every time a new system replaces the old one, it brings new set of jobs and opportunities with itself. Inclusion of Artificial Intelligence will bring in new theories of jurisprudence to work with. It will open a scope for new field of law considering the legal ramifications of AI.

Chief Justice of India, S.A. Bobde holds the idea of introducing a system of Artificial Intelligence with the purpose of speedy justice delivery. Justice Bobde pitched for pre-litigation mediation against the backdrop of large number of pending cases in courts, observing that it is the need of the hour .

Artificial Intelligence can bring in development for smooth processing of the judiciary. Supreme Court of India has already taken a step to digitalize the system by launching its Official Multilingual Mobile Application ( Can be downloaded from Google Playstore – Supreme Court of India- Official Mobile App ) . This app would provide authentic real-time access to Case Status, Display Board, Daily Orders, Judgments, Office Reports, Circulars and several other useful information for Lawyers, Litigants and citizens. This app will be available in English, Hindi and six regional language scripts . Supreme Court of India has also developed an AI system to make its 17 benches paperless. The software will aid the judges in accessing files, annexures to petitions and make soft notes on computers itself, which will be inaccessible to others. Furthermore, another tool was launched called SUVAS, Supreme Court Vidhik Anuvaad Software to translate judicial documents from English to nine vernacular languages — Marathi, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi, Gujarati, Malayalam and Bengali and vice-versa.

Judiciary has already taken its steps to include AI software and digitalize the system. Moreover, inclusion of this can help getting insights into legal profession within seconds reducing the significant man hours, leading to profitability of the firms and companies.  Natural Language Processing based applications can be of great boon to the legal fraternity. It can create new platforms to aid the law firms for example, automation in contract drafting, search engine optimization, E- solutions, etc. Adaptation of these technologies will thereby ease out the hectic man hours a lawyer puts in just to make sense out of a 100 pages long judgement.

Furthermore, this technology can perform data analysis. Instead of reading thousands of statistical data, AI can provide the data points from past case laws and provide judgements and precedent laws to be used by lawyers in their present cases. It can help in presenting the IP portfolios like search and registration and renewal of trademarks, copyrights, and patents.

All the facts and justifications mentioned above marks that AI will not take over humans and jobs instead it will create a new platform, bringing in new opportunities for people to dive in. It will increase the efficiency, give accurate outputs, and will lead to more productivity. Smoothing and prevention of undue delay in justice delivery is another positive key point to take into consideration.

(The writer is a BBA-LLB hons., 2017 batch student.)

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Guest Essay

Will A.I. Be a Creator or a Destroyer of Worlds?

A hand projects into a swirl made up of the colors of the rainbow.

By Thomas B. Edsall

Mr. Edsall contributes a weekly column from Washington, D.C., on politics, demographics and inequality.

The advent of A.I. — artificial intelligence — is spurring curiosity and fear. Will A.I. be a creator or a destroyer of worlds?

In “ Can We Have Pro-Worker A.I. ? Choosing a Path of Machines in Service of Minds,” three economists at M.I.T., Daron Acemoglu , David Autor and Simon Johnson , looked at this epochal innovation last year:

The private sector in the United States is currently pursuing a path for generative A.I. that emphasizes automation and the displacement of labor, along with intrusive workplace surveillance. As a result, disruptions could lead to a potential downward cascade in wage levels, as well as inefficient productivity gains. Before the advent of artificial intelligence, automation was largely limited to blue-collar and office jobs using digital technologies while more complex and better-paying jobs were left untouched because they require flexibility, judgment and common sense.

Now, Acemoglu, Autor and Johnson wrote, A.I. presents a direct threat to those high-skill jobs: “A major focus of A.I. research is to attain human parity in a vast range of cognitive tasks and, more generally, to achieve ‘artificial general intelligence’ that fully mimics and then surpasses capabilities of the human mind.”

The three economists make the case that

There is no guarantee that the transformative capabilities of generative A.I. will be used for the betterment of work or workers. The bias of the tax code, of the private sector generally, and of the technology sector specifically, leans toward automation over augmentation. But there are also potentially powerful A.I.-based tools that can be used to create new tasks, boosting expertise and productivity across a range of skills. To redirect A.I. development onto the human-complementary path requires changes in the direction of technological innovation, as well as in corporate norms and behavior. This needs to be backed up by the right priorities at the federal level and a broader public understanding of the stakes and the available choices. We know this is a tall order.

“Tall” is an understatement.

In an email elaborating on the A.I. paper, Acemoglu contended that artificial intelligence has the potential to improve employment prospects rather than undermine them:

It is quite possible to leverage generative A.I. as an informational tool that enables various different types of workers to get better at their jobs and perform more complex tasks. If we are able to do this, this would help create good, meaningful jobs, with wage growth potential, and may even reduce inequality. Think of a generative A.I. tool that helps electricians get much better at diagnosing complex problems and troubleshoot them effectively.

This, however, “is not where we are heading,” Acemoglu continued:

The preoccupation of the tech industry is still automation and more automation, and the monetization of data via digital ads. To turn generative A.I. pro-worker, we need a major course correction, and this is not something that’s going to happen by itself.

Acemoglu pointed out that unlike the regional trade shock that decimated manufacturing employment after China entered the World Trade Organization in 2001, “The kinds of tasks impacted by A.I. are much more broadly distributed in the population and also across regions.” In other words, A.I. threatens employment at virtually all levels of the economy, including well-paid jobs requiring complex cognitive capabilities.

Four technology specialists — Tyna Eloundou and Pamela Mishkin , both on the staff of OpenAI , with Sam Manning , a research fellow at the Centre for the Governance of A.I., and Daniel Rock at the University of Pennsylvania — provided a detailed case study on the employment effects of artificial intelligence in their 2023 paper, “ GPTs Are GPTs : An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models.”

“Around 80 percent of the U.S. work force could have at least 10 percent of their work tasks affected by the introduction of large language models,” Eloundou and her co-authors wrote, and “approximately 19 percent of workers may see at least 50 percent of their tasks impacted.”

Large language models have multiple and diverse uses, according to Eloundou and her colleagues, and “can process and produce various forms of sequential data, including assembly language, protein sequences and chess games, extending beyond natural.” In addition, these models “excel in diverse applications like translation, classification, creative writing, and code generation — capabilities that previously demanded specialized, task-specific models developed by expert engineers using domain-specific data.”

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Does Artificial Intelligence Help Journalists: A Boon or Bane?

7 Pages Posted: 29 Mar 2023

Dr. Bharat Dhiman

J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA, Faridabad, Haryana, India

Date Written: March 24, 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used in our day-to-day life. AI for journalism is a reality. Just like other vital aspects of our life, AI has also entered the world of journalism. Many reputed news organizations have adopted AI in journalism to perform various newsroom tasks. In today’s digital world, several technologies are powering journalism. One such technology that is transforming the journalism field is artificial intelligence. Accuracy is a core value of journalism. With AI and machine learning systems, there’s a statistical element of uncertainty which means it’s impossible to guarantee 100 percent accuracy. AI tools such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Microsoft’s Bing chatbot, and Google’s Bard have been subject to debate now. AI tools have the potential to assist in a variety of tasks, such as scraping PDF files, writing code, and translating languages. AI can be a helpful tool for journalism students and media researchers. A main concern among computational journalists is that AI sometimes hallucinates data. This review paper highlights how artificial intelligence can help journalists.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Robot Journalism, Hallucinate data

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Dr. Bharat Dhiman (Contact Author)

J.c. bose university of science and technology, ymca, faridabad, haryana, india ( email ).

J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology, YM Faridabad India 9915605141 (Phone)

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The Scientific Teen

Stem by the youth, for the youth.

  • Mar 27, 2022

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Bane or Boon?

By Srivallabh Sabnivisu

is artificial intelligence a boon or a bane essay

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is bringing a paradigm shift to healthcare and has become an essential part of our daily lives. The Healthcare sector is one of the most challenging sectors to be digitalized due to the loads of information needed to train the algorithms. In this process, the smartphone has become the hub of digitalization in the new era of medicine.

The most important advancements of AI in healthcare include diagnosis of diseases as well as management of chronic conditions, palliative care, predicting post-surgery complications, virtual care, or remote monitoring through a medical assistant, to name a few. To achieve these, retrospective data is collected and a hypothesis is generated to test it potentially, which is called machine learning.


In chronic conditions like hypertension and diabetes, management of these conditions play a crucial role in preventing damages to vital organs in the body. For example, uncontrolled diabetes can lead to diabetic retinopathy, and uncontrolled hypertension could lead to kidney disease. It is also now possible to predict the possibility of a person suffering from cancer in the latter part of their life. Advanced diabetes management is achieved through AI in the form of smartphone apps and glucose sensors. Glucose sensors count the amount of sugar taken by the individual, and suggest appropriate diet and exercise. In the same way, blood pressure readings can be taken by smartwatches and smartphone apps to alert the patient, as well as count steps and suggest a healthy diet to promote a balanced control of their health. Chatbots are also used to answer common health questions of customers as well as to measure their satisfaction.

Obesity has become one of the major problems of the modern world. Lifestyle changes with diet and exercise can help in efficient weight loss. A hybrid coach – AI along with human coaching – will turn out to be the best strategy for weight loss since this will provide a personalized diet plan. There is also a genetic aspect of obesity. Interestingly, it is also possible to scan the genes for any mutations and alter the diet to reduce the symptoms, and thereby its effects on other organs.

Palliative medicine is one of the many medical fields that is leveraging AI to improve the quality of care for terminally-ill patients, and also predicting the life expectancy of these patients. This information can help in determining the time needed for their care.

Administration work at hospitals, like scheduling appointments, nurse call lights, and billing systems are dealt with easily without much manpower. The machine learning systems can also completely scan the patient record and provide recommendations to the doctor, as well as rapidly analyze medical images and scans for accurate decision making.

In the process of the ‘democratization’ of healthcare, the power has slowly shifted from the physician to the patient. Nowadays patients have access to their Electronic Health Records (EHR) on their phones. They can use them to design their optimal diet or improve their physical and mental health. They can also get automatic suggestions based on their recent blood values.

There was a general tendency to avoid hospitals because of the possibility of sepsis or hospital-acquired infections. This can be minimized by tracking the hand hygiene of clinicians and surgeons using video footage and depth sensors, which use infrared light.

AI also helps in the speedy diagnosis of many diseases like brain stroke through small robotic devices. Paramedics use these devices so that the type of stroke can be alerted to the receiving hospital for them to start treatment immediately. This can reduce the toll of brain damage in the future

Benefits of AI in the healthcare domain

After a detailed discussion about the applications of AI in healthcare, the following benefits can be summarized:

· Better patient outcomes

· Simplified healthcare with better data-driven decisions

· Reduced healthcare costs

· Screen diagnostic reports on par with radiologists

· Drastic reduction in re-admission rates

· Enhanced primary care

· Reduced mortality rates

· Delivery of customized treatment plans.


· Use of AI analytics by insurance companies might increase the rates of coverage for patients.

· The quality of input data is a critical factor in the functioning of AI assistants.

· Coaching a deep learning model on individual health has its complexities. It involves combining all the known data along with new data which can be too much intruding into the personal life.

· To train a virtual medical coach to be able to interact with a large population, all the biomedical literature needs to be continually ingested. This is a limitation considering the huge volumes of data that need to be used for the training.

· The imminent risk in the current era is cyber theft. The privacy of medical data needs to be taken very seriously as data in the wrong hands could lead to unwanted outcomes.

· As patients undergo different tests from time to time, physicians need to face the problem of handling ever-increasing loads of complex information.

AI in medicine and healthcare is still in its nascent stages. Better patient outcomes and reduced mortality with simplified healthcare and lower costs are the major advantages of AI. Right from the discovery of a drug until the time it reaches the patient, AI plays a major role in many aspects.

However, as discussed above, there are several limitations to using AI in healthcare. Nonetheless, scientists are striving hard to minimise these limitations and make them a boon to mankind.

The innovations that AI brings into healthcare systems can change things: new ways to treat people and a way – not to replace doctors – but to reduce the potential risk of mistakes happening during the process.

· ‘The Patient will see you now- The future of medicine is in your hands’ by Eric Topol

· ‘The Digital Doctor’ by Robert Wachter

· ‘Deep Medicine- How artificial intelligence can make healthcare human again’ by Eric Topol

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In Depth – Artificial Intelligence

  • 09 Jul 2019
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At the two day G-20 summit in Osaka in Japan, the Prime Minister of India underscored the significance of Digital Economy & Artificial Intelligence. He emphasised the government's reliance on the 5 ‘I’s that stand for Inclusiveness, Indigenization, Innovation, Investment in infrastructure & International cooperation in developing these two areas. The concept of Artificial Intelligence is based on the idea of building machines capable of thinking, acting, and learning like humans.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • It describes the action of machines accomplishing tasks that have historically required human intelligence.
  • It includes technologies like machine learning, pattern recognition, big data, neural networks, self algorithms etc.
  • Example: Million of algorithms and codes are there around the humans to understand their commands and perform human-like tasks. Facebook’s list of suggested friends for its users, a pop-up page, telling about an upcoming sale of the favourite brand of shoes and clothes, that comes on screen while browsing the internet, are the work of artificial intelligence.
  • A Complex Technology: AI involves complex things such as feeding a particular data into the machine and making it react as per the different situations. It is basically about creating self-learning patterns where the machine can give answers to the never answered questions like a human would ever do.

AI is a Different Technology

  • AI is different from hardware driven robotic automation. Instead of automating manual tasks, AI performs frequent high volume computerised tasks reliably.
  • AI is often misunderstood for machine learning. AI is a broader concept with a bunch of technologies that include machine learning and other technologies like natural language processing, inference algorithms, neutron networks etc.
  • In the year 1956 , American computer scientist John McCarthy organised the Dartmouth Conference , at which the term ‘Artificial Intelligence’ was first adopted. From then on, the world discovered the ideas of the ability of machines to look at social problems using knowledge data and competition.
  • There used to be several dedicated projects on the same and the government was funding the research.
  • Every aspect of science and especially when one starts looking at empowering machines to behave and act like human beings, the questions of ethics arise. About 70’s and late 80’s there was a time when the governments stopped funding research into AI.
  • AI experienced a resurgence following concurrent advances in computer power and large amounts of data and theoretical understanding in the 21 st century.
  • AI techniques now have become an essential part of the technology industry helping to solve many challenging problems in computer-science. From Apple Siri to self driving cars, AI is progressing rapidly.

is artificial intelligence a boon or a bane essay

India and AI

  • The top ranked countries in this report have many academic institutes with programs on AI. They have therefore a much greater number of people skilled to do research in the field.
  • India, on the contrary, lacks the opportunities in formal education in data science but is slowly trying to encourage the adoption of AI in educational institutes.
  • Starting this year, the CBSE has AI as an elective subject for its ninth grade classes.
  • IIT Hyderabad has launched a full fledged Bachelor of Technology (B Tech) program in AI becoming the first Indian educational institution to do so. It is also most likely the third educational institute in the world after Carnegie Mellon University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to have a full fledged B Tech program on AI.
  • IIIT Hyderabad is another educational institute that introduced popular executive programs on AI and machine learning and blockchain and distributed ledger technologies.
  • Defence forces of India are now venturing into the products and technologies which will aid defence measures using the AI and technologies.
  • In India, corporates have started collaborating with academia on AI. IBM’s Blue project is an example.
  • There are many startups in the country which are doing great work in image analytics, data analytics, predictive intelligence etc.
  • It is estimated that AI will add 957 billion dollars to India’s GDP by the year 2035 boosting India’s annual growth by 1.3% points.
  • Government is digitizing all the records, especially the crime records putting it into one single place called CCTNS where all the data including the image, biometrics, or the criminal history of a convict or suspect is available.
  • In Agriculture: It has many uses, for example, it can help sense one how much water the crop needs.
  • For solving complex issues like efficient utilization of available resources.
  • Analyzing the Data: The AI technology helps in analyzing data and thus can improve the efficiency of the systems like power management in cars, mobile devices, weather predictions, video and image analysis.

Negative Impacts of AI

Steps taken by the Government

  • NITI Aayog then adopted a three pronged approach undertaking exploratory proof of concept AI projects in various areas, crafting a national strategy for building a vibrant AI ecosystem in India and collaborating with various experts and stakeholders.
  • The note circulated by NITI Aayog proposes that the government should pump in Rs. 7,500 crore rupees over 3 years as well as set up a high-level task force that will oversee the roll out and implementation of AI.
  • The move to create cloud computing platform is part of the government’s goal of making India a pioneer amongst emerging economies with regards to AI and transform sectors like education, health, agriculture, urbanization and mobility.
  • In Budget 2018, the government announced funds to support the country’s AI, machine learning, robotics and IoT sector.
  • It envisioned AI use case clearly in the sectors like healthcare , agriculture, education, smart cities and infrastructure, smart mobility and transportation.
  • The Commerce and Industry Ministry has also set up task forces to explore the use of AI and Big Data technologies in the country.
  • In the Budget 2019-20 , the government has announced setting up of a National Sports Education Board under Khelo India to prepare youth for new age skills, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Big Data, 3D Printing, Virtual Reality etc.

AI in China

  • China has been consistently building an ecosystem to fuel its ambition to become a world leader in AI by the year 2050.
  • A report on China AI development released in the year 2018 said that from the year 2013 to the first quarter of the year 2018, the investment and financing in AI technology in China accounts for 60% in the world valued at 27 billion dollars in the year 2017.

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IT Pros Love, Fear, and Revere AI: The 2024 State of AI Report

Is AI a boon or a bane to job security? A security tool or a vulnerability? Mature enterprise technology or immature toy? Essential enterprise technology or threat to humanity?

Picture of InformationWeek Staff

June 7, 2024

A robot predicting the future of technology with a crystal ball.

According to survey respondents from InformationWeek 's latest State of AI Report , it’s all of the above.

More than a year after generative artificial intelligence became widely available to the public, we polled 292 people directly involved with AI at their organizations.

Unsurprisingly, results reveal that adoption of AI is widespread, and businesses are using the technology for a wide range of different tasks—with 85% of respondents describe their organizations’ approach to AI as “pioneering” or “curious but cautious.”

But expectations about this novel technology are also quite different from reality. So far, AI hasn’t significantly affected headcount, and respondents overwhelmingly feel their own jobs are safe from its reach.

On the other hand, concerns around data security, hallucinations, and the reliability of outcomes are weighing on respondents' minds. 53% say that, if “unchecked,” artificial intelligence poses a “threat to humanity.”

Download this free report to learn how IT departments are investing in AI now and what’s guiding their plans for the future.

About the Author(s)

InformationWeek Staff

InformationWeek Staff


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  1. (PDF) Essay: Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane?

    is artificial intelligence a boon or a bane essay


    is artificial intelligence a boon or a bane essay


    is artificial intelligence a boon or a bane essay

  4. (PDF) Artificial Intelligence -Boon or Bane?

    is artificial intelligence a boon or a bane essay

  5. (PDF) Review On Artificial Intelligence : A Boon or Bane to Humans

    is artificial intelligence a boon or a bane essay

  6. (PDF) Does Artificial Intelligence help Journalists: A Boon or Bane?

    is artificial intelligence a boon or a bane essay


  1. Study Circle

  2. Artificial Intelligence And Robots 🤖. Boon And Bane

  3. Essay On Science Boon Or Curse Essay On Science

  4. Artificial Intelligence a Boon or a Bane 🤖

  5. b.AI

  6. Artificial intelligence: Boon or Bane


  1. Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial Intelligence - Boon or Bane. Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that deals with the development of machines that can perform tasks that require human intelligence like speech recognition, language translation, and decision making. Artificial Intelligence is said to be the simulation of human intelligence in ...

  2. AI: Boon or Bane? A Discussion of the Advantages and Disadvantages

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly advanced in recent years and has become an essential component of many industries. AI systems have the ability to learn from data, identify patterns, and ...

  3. Essay on Artificial Intelligence

    Essay on Artificial Intelligence - a boon or bane. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly growing field that is revolutionizing the way we live, work, and communicate. AI is a type of technology designed to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as understanding natural language, recognizing images, and making decisions.

  4. Is Artificial Intelligence a Boon or Bane?

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intellect in machines that are designed to behave and think like humans. It also refers to any device that demonstrates characteristics of human intelligence, such as learning and problem-solving. An AI system uses given data and instructions, which then use the information to make ...

  5. Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane? Pros and Cons Explained

    As Stephen Hawking once said, "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race", this i s still circling as a current issue in everyone's conversation. As we know, AI is the future, and especially in this digital age, its multitasking ability makes it a boon. It reduces the time for data-heavy tasks ...

  6. Essay: Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane?

    According to the definition of AI in Oxford dictionary [ 1 ], Artificial Intelligence is. intelligence exhibited by machines. In computer science, an ideal "intelli gent". machine is a flexible ...

  7. PDF Artificial intelligence

    Artificial intelligence — bane or boon to humanity? University of Lethbridge professor Dr. Sidney Shapiro weighs in on the possibilities of AI Artificial intelligence (AI) is certainly a hot topic — some people tout it as the next best thing for ... with the next word in a sentence or the next paragraph in an essay.

  8. Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane? by Amit Tyagi :: SSRN

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the nature of almost everything that is connected to human life, e.g., employment, economy, communication, warfare, privacy, security, ethics, healthcare, etc. However, we are yet to see its evolution in the long term—whether it is leading humanity towards making this planet a better place to live ...

  9. Is AI a Boon or a Bane?

    AI can also be a bane when misused or abused. Here are some of the potential downsides of AI: • Job losses: AI can automate processes, reducing the need for human workers and leading to job losses. • Loss of privacy: AI can be used for surveillance, leading to a loss of privacy and civil liberties.

  10. Essay on AI Boon Or Bane

    250 Words Essay on AI Boon Or Bane Introduction. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic these days. It is the science of making machines that can think and learn like humans. Some people see it as a blessing, while others see it as a curse. Let's look at both sides of the coin. AI - A Boon. AI is a boon because it can do many things ...

  11. Artificial Intelligence: A boon or bane for educators?

    Dr Armin Alimardani's prototypes showcase how AI tools can improve learning and teaching experience. ChatGPT has become a hot topic worldwide due to its potential to complete tasks - including university assignments -with minimal human input. This has sparked global concern for educators, given that the AI tool can be used by students to ...

  12. Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane?

    The major domains where human life is significantly affected by AI in both positive and negative ways are covered, including smart home, smart healthcare, Industry 4.0 or autonomous cars. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the nature of almost everything which is connected to human life e.g. employment, economy, communication, warfare, privacy, security, ethics, healthcare etc ...

  13. PDF Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane?

    sure that it proves to be a boon for humanity rather than a bane. The hypothesis of this essay is, therefore: "If we keep ignoring the social bugs of Artificial Intelligence (AI), it could be a ...

  14. Artificial Intelligence in Journalism: A Boon or Bane?

    Artificial intelligence (AI) has been an important part of the technology industry. As an academic discipline, AI came into existence in 1956 [], and since then, it has been experiencing a series of optimism and pessimism.AI, an area of computer science, stresses on the creation of intelligent machines to work and react like human beings.

  15. Artificial Intelligence: Bane or Boon

    By Apoorva Mehta A computer system that can perform tasks that under ordinary circumstance requires human touch and intelligence is known as Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, AI is considered a bane by some people, mainly because it may lead to loss of jobs and replacement of human beings. This poses a tangible threat to humans … Continue reading "Artificial Intelligence: Bane or Boon"

  16. Opinion

    Artificial intelligence, Schneier asserted, "can change this. We can imagine a personal A.I. directly participating in policy debates on our behalf, along with millions of other personal A.I.s ...

  17. Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane? by Amit Tyagi :: SSRN

    Abstract. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the nature of almost everything which is connected to human life e.g. employment, economy, communication, warfare, privacy, security, ethics, healthcare etc. However, we are yet to see its evolution in long-term, whether it's leading humanity towards making this planet a better place to ...

  18. (PDF) Artificial Intelligence -Boon or Bane?

    there are two basic categories of AI: Narrow AI and General AI. Narrow AI can perform only. 1 narrowly defined task or a small set of related tasks whereas, General AI can demonstrate. intelligent ...

  19. Does Artificial Intelligence Help Journalists: A Boon or Bane?

    AI can be a helpful tool for journalism students and media researchers. A main concern among computational journalists is that AI sometimes hallucinates data. This review paper highlights how artificial intelligence can help journalists. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, OpenAI's ChatGPT, Robot Journalism, Hallucinate data. undefined.

  20. Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane?

    The global artificial intelligence market is projected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 37.3% between 2023 - 2030. It is projected to reach $1,811.8 billion by 2030. A report by NASSCOM suggests that AI use in India could add USD 450-500 billion to the country's GDP by 2025.

  21. Artificial Intelligence

    AI is the ability of a computer, or a robot controlled by a computer to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require human intelligence and discernment. Although there is no AI that can perform the wide variety of tasks an ordinary human can do, some AI can match humans in specific tasks. Characteristics & Components: The ideal ...

  22. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Bane or Boon?

    After a detailed discussion about the applications of AI in healthcare, the following benefits can be summarized: · Better patient outcomes. · Simplified healthcare with better data-driven decisions. · Reduced healthcare costs. · Screen diagnostic reports on par with radiologists. · Drastic reduction in re-admission rates.

  23. AI should not be a black box

    AI researchers once released papers on their designs, but the rush for market share has ended such disclosures. Yet without the understanding of how a model functions, it is difficult to rate an ...

  24. In Depth

    Evolution. In the year 1956, American computer scientist John McCarthy organised the Dartmouth Conference, at which the term 'Artificial Intelligence' was first adopted. From then on, the world discovered the ideas of the ability of machines to look at social problems using knowledge data and competition. There used to be several dedicated ...

  25. PDF Artificial intelligence in healthcare: Boon or bane

    This is basically engrossing human intellect in a machine for the growth of mankind. It is not a new concept and can be traced back to the Ancient Greek thinkers who encouraged the coding of ...

  26. IT Pros Love, Fear, and Revere AI: The 2024 State of AI Report

    On the other hand, concerns around data security, hallucinations, and the reliability of outcomes are weighing on respondents' minds. 53% say that, if "unchecked," artificial intelligence poses a "threat to humanity." Download this free report to learn how IT departments are investing in AI now and what's guiding their plans for the ...