
Speech On Mahatma Gandhi [1-2 Minutes]

Speech On Mahatma Gandhi – The father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi had a great and rigid personality. That is why he achieved success in his life. He had a lot of hurdles in his way yet he never gave up on his goals.

In the schools, Colleges and other competitions there are many events organised on different occasions like Republic Day, Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti. Speech Competition is one of those activities. Students have to share their own unique views on different topics like Mahatma Gandhi, Pollution, Sports, Education etc.

1 Minute Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

Before I deliver my speech I would like to wish you all the best wishes. And I also want to thank you a lot for having me a chance to share my views on Mahatma Gandhi.

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is a name in the golden texture of Indian history. He was an outstanding Indian patriot. He contributed his whole life to serving his nation. Indians got freedom from British rule because of their enormous efforts. He was an appreciable philanthropist with an effective personality.

Undoubtedly, Each Indian knows about him if not, we can conclude that person not to be an Indian. He lived a hard life that we can’t even imagine living. He was also a great leader. If he were alive, I would be his follower but unfortunately, we can only follow their teachings now.

There is a lot to tell but the time is limited and we should respect time so I have to stop here.

Thank you all for listening to my words. I hope you will have liked my speech.

2 Minute Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

Good morning all [wish according to time]

I wish you all the best wishes and greetings. And I also would like to thank you all for having me here to share my thoughts on Mahatma Gandhi.

Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian freedom fighter. He helped our country to get freedom from English Rule. His full name was Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi took care of his country as a father and hence he is known as the father of the nation and Bapu.

Mahatma Gandhi always fought against the evil spread in society. He always ran on the path of non-violence. Even if Mahatma Gandhi did not like politics, his name is counted as one of his most renowned political figures. This is because he had to descend into politics for public welfare.

I have to stop here because time is limited and we should respect time. I hope you liked my thoughts on Mahatma Gandhi.

Thank you all for listening to my words.

3 Minute Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

There are many great personalities who took birth on the holy earth of India. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is one of those whose name is written in the golden texture in Indian history. He served his country as a father. Hence, he is also known as The Father of the Nation .

2nd October 1869 , was the day when India got a great patriot. He was born in an Indian Hindu family at Porbandar in Gujrat. At that time his father Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi was Diwan ( Chief Minister) of Porbandar. Putlibai Gandhi was the mother of the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi.

After observing the violation of Indians by the Britishers, Gandhiji started a fight against this unfair and rough treatment. He conducted various campaigns against evil. Some of those campaigns are Satyagraha Campaign, Salt March, Disobedience Movement, Non-cooperation Movement, and Quit India Movement.

Even if Mahatma Gandhi did not like politics, his name is counted as one of his most renowned political figures. This is because he had to descend into politics for public welfare. Most noteworthy, despite a lot of hardships, he did never lose his self-confidence. He was such a rigid and exceptional personality. He taught us the great lesson of Ahimsa (Hindi translation of non-violence).

You Can Read These Paragraphs on Mahatma Gandhi for more Ideas.

Speech On Mahatma Gandhi | 1 Minute

Insights on Mahatma Gandhi

  • Full Name -Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
  • Date of Birth – 2nd October 1869
  • Place of Birth – Porbandar, Gujrat
  • Profession – Barrister (Advocate), Politician, Author
  • Father’s Name – Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi
  • Father’s Profession -Diwan ( Chief Minister) of Porbandar
  • Mother’s Name -Putlibai
  • Wife’s Name – Kasturbai Makhanji Kapadia (Married in 1883)
  • Son’s Names -Harilal, Manilal, Ramdas, and Devdas.
  • Date of Death -30 January 1948
  • Reason of Death -shot by Nathuram Godse
  • Campaigns led – Satyagraha Campaign, Salt March, Disobedience movement, Non-cooperation Movement, Quit India Movement

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Gandhi Jayanti Speech for Students and Children in English

Gandhi Jayanti Speech for Students and Children in English

10 Lines Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

Short speech on gandhi jayanti for kids, long speech on gandhi jayanti in 400-600 words.

Hello, young learners! Every 2nd of October, India celebrates a special day – Gandhi Jayanti. It’s a day to honour and remember the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi, the pioneer of India’s freedom journey. Every 2nd of October marks the birth anniversary of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, aka Mahatma Gandhi, known worldwide for his peaceful negotiations and participation in the Indian freedom struggle. Today, let’s dive into a Gandhi Jayanti speech that enlightens and informs. For those who’ve been looking forward to a Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti speech in English or eager to understand more about the 2 October Gandhi Jayanti speech, you’re in the right place.

For those wanting a Gandhi Jayanti speech in English with 10 lines or to grasp the essence of 10 lines on Gandhi Jayanti, let’s delve deeper. Mahatma Gandhiji, the “Father of the Nation,” taught that the mightiest weapon isn’t aggression but a compassionate heart. Ready for a Mahatma Gandhi speech in English within 10 lines? This is your gateway to the Gandhi Jayanti speech for class 1 and so on.

Mahatma Gandhi’s birth on 2nd October 1869 marked history.

A beacon of peace, truth, and non-violence, he led from the front.

Through ‘Satyagraha’, he showed the might of truth and patience.

His Dandi March was a peaceful protest against British salt laws.

Because of his guidance, India today enjoys the fruits of freedom.

He championed simplicity, evident in his choice of hand-spun attire.

For Gandhi, the spinning wheel was more than a tool, it was a philosophy.

His principles continue to inspire countless souls globally.

Celebrated worldwide, his messages of peace remain unmatched.

Every 2 October, Gandhi Jayanti, we’re reminded of his unwavering spirit.

It is important to remember that Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy isn’t just about the past. It’s a torch that lights our path today and always. If ever you need a 1-2 minute speech on Mahatma Gandhi in English, or even ten lines about Mahatma Gandhi, reflect upon these lines and let his wisdom shine through.

10 Lines Speech on Gandhi Jayanti in English

For our younger school students, especially those in the lower primary grades, who are keen on delivering a short speech on Mahatma Gandhi, we’ve tailored two samples just for you. These Mahatma Gandhi short speeches in English for students are concise, ranging between 200-300 words, ensuring they’re both engaging and easy to remember. Let’s explore them!

Short Speech 1

Dear friends,

Whenever I think about peace and truth, one name instantly resonates: Mahatma Gandhi. Born on 2nd October, we celebrate his ideals and life every year through Gandhi Jayanti. More than a remembrance, this day calls us to embrace his values of non-violence and honesty. A beacon of compassion and courage, Mahatma Gandhi continues to inspire generations of all age groups at different timelines.

Mahatma Gandhi showcased that genuine transformation arises not from aggression but through compassion and mutual respect. His vision steered India to independence, powered not by weapons but by sheer will and peaceful defiance. He led powerful movements throughout India that inspired not only Indian citizens at that time but also people of other nations later on. Some of the popular movements he exercised include the Champaran Movement (1917), the Non-cooperation Movement (1920), the Civil-Disobedience Movement (1930), the Quit India Movement (1942), and more.

In today’s rapidly advancing world, it becomes even more vital to recollect his teachings. As we navigate our lives, let’s endeavour to radiate kindness, uphold truth, and champion what’s just. Today, let’s salute this luminous spirit and vow to uphold the principles he so ardently championed with different acts of kindness and compassion.

Short Speech 2

Hello everyone,

This morning, I wish to share about a beacon of hope and resilience: Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi Jayanti, celebrated on 2nd October, isn’t just a date but a testament to this great man’s enduring legacy.

He wasn’t merely a freedom fighter; he embodied hope. He engrained in us that victories are sweeter when achieved with patience and peace. Through non-violence, he illustrated that true power lies in gentleness and conviction. History has witnessed his powerful movements throughout India that inspired not only Indian freedom enthusiasts at that time but also people across continents. Some of the popular movements he exercised include the Champaran Movement (1917), the Non-cooperation Movement (1920), the Civil-Disobedience Movement (1930), the Quit India Movement (1942), and more.

As we confront daily adversities, let’s draw inspiration from Gandhi’s teachings. By fostering peace, love, and unity, we don’t merely remember him; we strive for a harmonious world.

Each small action we take has the power to reshape our world. Just as Mahatma Gandhi once profoundly expressed, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Delivering a short speech on Gandhi Jayanti is meaningful, but truly imbibing the values and essence found in every small speech on Mahatma Gandhi is how we genuinely honour his teachings in our everyday lives.

Dear students and children, immerse yourselves in the profound wisdom of Bapu through this Gandhi Ji speech. Embrace the teachings and legacy in this English speech on Mahatma Gandhi, tailored just for our budding leaders.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech 1

Respected Principal sir/maam, teachers, and my dear friends, today we are assembled here to remember and commemorate a beacon of peace, the Father of our Nation – Mahatma Gandhi. As India marks Gandhi Ji’s 155th birth anniversary, it’s an honour to walk you through his journey.

Born in Porbandar, Gujarat, in 1869, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is widely recognised as Mahatma Gandhi. His legacy is so profound that 2nd October isn’t just celebrated in India but is also recognised by the UN as the ‘International Day of Non-Violence’. The moniker’ Mahatma’, signifying ‘the one with a grand soul’, was aptly bestowed upon him by the legendary Rabindranath Tagore.

From his early days as a barrister in South Africa, where he fought against racial discrimination, to his return to India, Gandhi Ji was determined to combat injustice. He became a pivotal figure in the Indian National Congress, initiating groundbreaking movements like the Champaran Satyagraha in 1917 and, later, the Dandi March and Quit India Movement. Other significant movements led by this popular figure include the Non-cooperation Movement in 1920, the Civil-Disobedience Movement in 1930, the Kheda Movement in 1914, the Khilafat Movement in 1920, and more. His principle of Ahimsa, or non-violence, wasn’t just a political strategy but a philosophy he lived by. People from different ethnicities and castes supported Gandhi Ji in their movements. One prime example of people supporting them is Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who, under Mahatma Gandhi’s guidance, directed several farmers to protest against the tax collection by Britishers during the times of the famine. Similarly, several other philanthropists of that time, including Sarojini Naidu, Jamanalal Bajaj, Vallabhbhai Patel, Vinoba Bhave, and more supported Gandhi.

His simple living, adorned in self-spun Khadi, was a testament to his belief in self-reliance and indigenous products. Apart from the fight for freedom, Gandhi Ji was a staunch advocate against social evils, pushing for women empowerment, supporting farmers, and championing Hindu-Muslim unity. His life’s motto, ‘My life is my message’, resonates with us even today.

On this day, our leaders, including our honourable Prime Minister and President, pay homage to Raj Ghat in Delhi. Schools and institutions nationwide commemorate his legacy with various programs and activities, such as slogan competitions, plantation drives, sketching competitions, skits, fancy dress competitions, seminars, and more. As we remember Gandhi Ji, let us pledge to imbibe his teachings of non-violence, truth, and harmony in our lives.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech 2

Honourable Principal, esteemed guests, revered teachers, and my dear fellow students,

Today, as we congregate in this hall, we pay homage to a visionary who not only led India to its much-desired freedom but also gifted the world a philosophy imbued with truth and non-violence. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, affectionately known as Bapu, is not just a historical figure; he is a beacon of hope, a symbol of perseverance, and a testament to the indomitable human spirit.

In the coastal town of Porbandar, 1869, Gujarat, the young Mohandas was as ordinary as any of us. But it was his experiences, both in India and abroad, especially in South Africa, that shaped his convictions, molding him into the Mahatma – the great soul. It’s these convictions that taught us the power of peaceful dissent, of Satyagraha , and of the belief that in the heart of all human beings, there resides an inherent sense of good.

But why, after so many years of his passing, do we still find the teachings of Gandhiji relevant? The world today is starkly different from the one he lived in. Yet, the core principles he advocated for are timeless.

In a world grappling with intolerance and discrimination, his unyielding stand against all forms of prejudice resonates strongly. At a time when he could’ve chosen to be bitter against those who were oppressed based on colour or caste, he chose love, understanding, and reconciliation. He dreamt of an India where all its citizens, irrespective of caste, creed, or religion, lived in harmony. This dream, in today’s diverse and often divided world, stands as a goal we should all strive towards.

Furthermore, as our planet faces unprecedented challenges, Gandhiji’s emphasis on sustainable living is more pertinent than ever. His life was a testament to minimalism. He believed in consuming only what was necessary. Today, as we deal with climate change and environmental degradation, adopting a Gandhian approach to consumption could very well be the solution we seek.

Another of his invaluable teachings was that of self-reliance. At a time when India was under colonial rule, he championed the cause of the indigenous industry, urging people to wear Khadi to spin their own yarn. This wasn’t just a protest against foreign goods but a call to every individual to be self-sustaining and to believe in their own potential.

Furthermore, in today’s era of rapid digital communication, where misunderstandings proliferate at the click of a button, Gandhiji’s commitment to truthful communication is a lesson for all. His regular writings, be it in ‘Harijan’ or ‘Young India’, always aimed at spreading truth and fostering understanding among communities.

To sum up, the life of Mahatma Gandhi stands as a testament to the power of will, the strength of conviction, and the potential of the individual to bring about meaningful change. His journey, from being the young, unsure Mohandas to becoming the Mahatma, is a journey each of us can undertake in our own capacities. As we remember him today, let’s pledge to imbibe and inculcate his teachings, to be the change we wish to see, and to create a world that he would be proud of.

1. What is a good way to initiate a speech?

One can begin by introducing the core idea or by sharing a relevant quote. This not only sets the tone but also engages the audience right from the start.

2. How can you enhance the impact of your speech?

To amplify the effectiveness of your speech, keep it concise, use relatable anecdotes, maintain a clear structure, and employ vocal variations to emphasize key points. Additionally, interactive elements like questions can engage the audience.

3. How many years of Gandhi Jayanti celebrations does 2024 represent?

The year 2024 marks 155 years of Gandhi Jayanti celebrations since Mahatma Gandhi’s birth in 1869.

4. Can you list some prominent freedom movements led by Mahatma Gandhi?

Some of the major movements initiated by Mahatma Gandhi include the Non-Cooperation Movement, the Salt March or Dandi March , and the Quit India Movement.

5. What are some key themes to touch upon in a Gandhi Jayanti speech?

In a Gandhi Jayanti speech, one can discuss Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence, his contribution to India’s freedom struggle, and his enduring impact on global peace and justice movements.

6. How to incorporate Gandhi’s teachings in a modern-day speech?

One can draw parallels between current global challenges and Gandhi’s principles, emphasizing the relevance of his teachings on non-violence, truth, and harmony in today’s context.

7. What are some of the most famous slogans associated with Mahatma Gandhi?

Mahatma Gandhi slogans that are closely associated with him include:

  • “Satyameva Jayate” (Truth Alone Triumphs)
  • “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

In delivering a speech about Gandhiji in English, we don’t just remember a historical figure, but we embrace timeless values of truth, non-violence, and perseverance. His teachings, transcending generations, serve as a guiding light, urging us to be agents of positive change in our world today.

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Speech on Mahatma Gandhi for Students in English | 3 Minutes Speech

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

Speech on Mahatma Gandhi: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2nd, 1869 at Porbandar, Gujarat. He was a lawyer by profession who later served the country as a politician and social activist. He was also a renowned writer who spearheaded the nationalist movement against British rule in India. He was called ‘Bapu’ by the masses and is considered the ‘Father of our nation’. He is internationally recognised for preaching and practising non-violence.

Below we have provided Mahatma Gandhi Speech in English, written in easy and simple words for class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

Speech On Mahatma Gandhi for Students 500 Words In English

Below we have provided Mahatma Gandhi Speech in English for students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10.

Good evening to one and all present. I wish you Happy Gandhi Jayanti. I feel great pride and honour on this occasion to speak before you about the life journey of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the nation.

He was born on 2nd October in Porbandar, Gujarat to Putlibai and Karamchand family. He attended schools in Porbandar and later in Rajkot. At the age of thirteen, he married Kasturba. From London, he acquired a law degree and became the lawyer in 1891. A few years later, he travelled to South Africa to practice law. During his stay in South Africa, he experienced racism and ill-treatment that refurbished him into a courageous and robust person who fought against injustice.

There he advocated for the civil rights of Indians that proved to be successful in drawing attention to the conditions of Indians in South Africa. After returning from South Africa, Gandhiji witness British tyranny in India. So he commenced a civil disobedience movement by conducting salt satyagraha through Dandi March. This was an essential milestone in the history of India as it involved defying laws of British. Not only men but women too voluntarily participated in this movement.

The essence of the Non-cooperation movement contained a non-violent fight against the British Rowlatt Act and the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. He undertook innumerable fasts to drive them away and create a patriotic wave among the masses. After that, A Quit India Movement was launched with the slogan Do or Die to end the British rule finally.

He was a simple man clad in dhoti, who was passionate about reading and writing. He penned down some books like Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule, an autobiography-The story of my experiments with truth, Key to Health etc. His philosophy of non-violence and satyagraha still remains a dominant guiding force in people’s lives and has helped across the world to reap courage among all.

Under his guidance, the national movement in the country took concrete shape. Throughout his leadership, he not only bolstered his political stance but also played a significant role in the unification of people. Gandhiji attached great importance to the culture. He stressed more on cultural education than literacy one.

Mere acquisition of knowledge won’t assist an individual in his life but the quality of mind and soul, which is reflected in the daily conduct. Culture purify man’s personality and is a reflection of life. Lastly, Many historians portray him as a man who had the stomach to take down an entire British empire by adopting ethics and intelligence.

Time Magazine named him Man of the year in 1930. He was identified as a spectacled dissident who rose to suppress the authoritarian rule—thus creating a ripple among his people to fight against the wrong. His famous quote, be the change you wish to see still holds relevance in current society. He left a great legacy of ahimsa and selflessness to win over problems. Thanking you and hoping for the future generation to infuse such values in them and stand for the unruly dictatorship.

Short Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

Find below Gandhiji Speech in English, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 students.

Good morning respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends. I have been given this opportunity by my teacher to speak a few words on this day. It is a privilege to rise in front of you and deliver the purpose for celebrating this day.

Today marks the birth anniversary of a great revolutioner who is also known as the father of the nation, Mr. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Affectionately famous as Bapu all over India. He was born in Porbandar, Gujarat to a merchant caste family. He graduated from London and achieved the barrister title.

To practice law, he went to South Africa, where he faced grave racism. Thus he decided to fight such atrocity by imposing fundamental civil rights through non-violence. His non-violence and Satyagraha were the means through which he attained independence without shedding a single drop of blood. He was a staunch believer of truth and initiated the concept of three H in the overall development of an individual.

The vision and desire he had for India were paid off by his relentless struggle and faith. His optimistic outlook towards life set an example for every effort he exerted to free India. Many other historic personalities got inspiration from Bapu and led their freedom struggle effectively by following his principles and method. Even today, many people support his ideology and respect the troubles he went through to achieve independence.

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  • Speech on Mahatma Gandhi for Teachers


The Father of the Nation - Mahatma Gandhi

One of the most famous leaders of the country and the one who helped India achieve Independence, Mahatma Gandhi, or the father of our nation. His life could be considered as an open book that teaches everyone many values.

Mahatma Gandhi has been a forever renowned leader of our nation known for his contributions and sacrifices to gain freedom. He believed in simplicity and had a simple attire with the vision to achieve big goals in life. The path chosen by him has led to the betterment of the entire nation. His significant teachings give us life lessons. The greatness of Mahatma Gandhi is difficult to express in a few words. We'll try and remember a few of his excellent deeds to cherish the golden times. 

Below 2 speeches on Mahatma Gandhi are given, a long speech in English for students of 600 words and a short speech on Mahatma Gandhi of 300 words. These speeches on Mahatma Gandhi will help students to understand his life and the struggle with which he helped to achieve Independence in our country. 

The entire life of Mahatma Gandhi is a source of inspiration for everybody out there. From being an introverted child to becoming a national hero and the reason we are living freely, who wouldn’t want to know more about his amazing journey? Listening to the story of the great leader never fails to arouse a sense of patriotism in our hearts. The speeches that follow will inform us about Mahatma Gandhi's contributions to our country.

Elaborated Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

'Good morning, everyone!', it’s with great pride and honour that I want to say a few words about the father of our nation Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. 

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat , was the son of Porbandar's chief minister, Karamchand Gandhi, and his mother was Putlibai. He grew up in a deeply religious family, where he learned about self-discipline and non-violence from a young age . Mahatma Gandhi’s mother, Putilbai, taught him several important virtues of life, which Mahatma Gandhi followed with his whole heart. This is the reason he is said to be a man of great values.

At the age of 19, Gandhi left his home to study law in London. Time passed and in 1891 he started his law practice in Bombay court. As he found success, he was approached to represent an Indian firm in South Africa. 

With his wife Kasturbai and his children, he lived in South Africa for almost 20 years. 

So you may be thinking- what resulted in him fighting for the independence of the country?

So here we begin the lessons we get to learn from his actions- ‘We shape our destiny by making our own decisions.’ Every decision has a backstory, and so made his decision to fight for the country.

When Mahatma Gandhi lived in South Africa, he experienced a lot of unfair treatment because he was Indian. One time, while he was traveling on a train, a white conductor beat him and forced him out of the first-class section because he didn't want to give up his seat to a European passenger.

This event is seen as a moment that made Gandhi think about how Indians were treated in society, and it had a big impact on his life . That day Gandhiji decided to bring in a good change for the betterment of the people, and the enthusiastic leader never backed off. He could not tolerate the indiscrimination and the biased behaviour. 

He realised that a lot of other brown people like him also go through the same harassment. So he decided to fight instead of ignoring the situation. This shows his courage and intolerance to incorrect actions. No other man would choose to stay in a country where he gets humiliated, but Gandhi was firm in his opinion to face and fight against injustice. He decided to stay back in South Africa and rescue the people facing these kinds of issues.

At first, Gandhi began teaching people about truth and firmness, which he called satyagraha. He thought that peaceful resistance was the only way to fight against violence, discrimination, and injustice. He believed that freedom could only be attained through nonviolent resistance . 

In July 1914, after spending almost 20 years in South Africa, Gandhi returned to India. In 1919, Gandhi launched an organized campaign of passive resistance against the Rowlatt Act. He had to withdraw his campaign against the Rowlatt act after witnessing the massacre done by 400 British-led Indian soldiers. And by 1919, he was the most visible leader in the movement for Indian Independence. His decision to stay back in South Africa changed the destiny of our nation. Not one of the many brave efforts he took for our nation went in vain. 

After many peaceful protests and efforts to gain freedom from British rule, India was granted independence in 1947, but it was divided into two countries: India and Pakistan. Gandhi didn't like this division but believed it might bring peace between Hindus and Muslims. He always tried to find the positive side of things, which is why he's called the father of our nation.

On January 30, 1948, while coming back from an evening prayer in New Delhi, Mahatma Gandhi was shot and killed by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu extremist. Godse was angry because Gandhi opposed the partition and was trying to stop it. The following day, millions of people grieved, and Gandhi was cremated on the banks of the sacred Yamuna river.

You all might wonder why many leaders gave their lives for our country, but what makes Mahatma Gandhi so special? His leadership qualities, noteworthy principles, unending dedication to attain freedom, mindset, and more make the man the father of the entire nation. The amount of respect Gandhi gained has no limits. We, as Indians, have our hearts filled with major respect for the great man and the people living in foreign countries.

To conclude this speech I wanna say that Mahatma Gandhi's life is an open book through which many things could be learned. His passive resistance approach to solving life and the way he was always in a state of self-discipline, if implemented by everyone, could lead to success. He loved each one of us. He kept many fasts as there were riots due to partition in 1947 and he tried his best to stop it but in the end, he was shot dead by a lunatic. It is very sad to see that to this day people are fighting in the country in the name of religion. If we love and respect him, and all the freedom fighters who fought to achieve independence in our country, we should be Indians first and stop violence in the name of religion. 

Short Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

Good morning, everyone!

Today, we gather to pay homage to the revered Mahatma Gandhi, the architect of our nation's freedom and a man whose ideals resonate deeply within our hearts.

Mahatma Gandhi was the son of Porbandar's chief minister, Karamchand Gandhi, and Putlibai was born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat. Growing up in a profoundly religious environment, Gandhi imbibed the values of self-discipline and nonviolence, lessons instilled in him by his mother.

At the age of 19, Gandhi ventured to London to study law. Later, in 1891, he was tasked with representing an Indian firm in South Africa. Accompanied by his wife, Kasturbai, and their children, he spent nearly two decades in South Africa. During his time there, he confronted harsh discrimination, notably exemplified when he was expelled from a train for refusing to give up his first-class seat to a European passenger. This incident profoundly impacted Gandhi, leading him to realize the injustices faced by Indians under British rule. Gandhi chose to stay in South Africa, dedicating himself to the struggle against such oppression.

Gandhi introduced nonviolent methods to combat this humiliation. Through various movements, including mass fasting, he showcased to the world that justice could be attained without resorting to violence. Although he is no longer with us, his enduring principles guide us, offering invaluable lessons to navigate life's challenges.

In 1947, the British granted independence to India but divided it into two parts: India and Pakistan, a decision that Gandhi opposed. Unfortunately, on January 30, 1948, while returning from an evening prayer in New Delhi, Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu extremist. Godse was angry because Gandhi was against the partition and was working to prevent it. The following day, millions of people grieved his loss, and his funeral took place on the banks of the sacred Yamuna River.

I want to conclude by saying that Mahatma Gandhi's life serves as a valuable lesson on how to navigate life with the principles of non-violence, honesty, and consistency. These principles are powerful tools to overcome any challenges life throws at us. He dedicated his life to improving our country, and he made the ultimate sacrifice for it. Thank you for listening.  

10 Lines on Speech on Mahatma Gandhi in English

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, born on October 2, 1869, in Porbandar, Gujarat, was the son of Porbandar's Chief Minister, Karamchand Gandhi, and his mother was Putlibai. 

At 19, he left for London to study law, and in 1891, he was asked to represent an Indian company in South Africa. Along with his wife, Kasturbai, and children, Gandhi lived in South Africa for nearly two decades.

During a train journey, Gandhi faced discrimination when he was beaten and thrown out of a first-class compartment by a white conductor for not giving up his seat to a European passenger. 

This incident marked a turning point in Gandhi's life, leading him to stay in South Africa and fight against injustice. 

He began teaching the principles of truth and firmness, known as satyagraha, advocating passive resistance as the way to combat violence and discrimination.

In July 1914, after almost 20 years in South Africa, Gandhi returned to India and in 1919, initiated an organized campaign of passive resistance against the Rowlatt Act. 

In 1947, India gained independence from British rule but was partitioned into India and Pakistan, a decision Gandhi initially opposed. 

However, he eventually agreed, hoping it would bring peace between Hindus and Muslims.

On January 30, 1948, while returning from an evening prayer in New Delhi, Gandhi was tragically assassinated by Nathuram Godse. 

His life's journey signifies his unwavering dedication to our country, as he lived and ultimately sacrificed his life for India.


FAQs on Speech on Mahatma Gandhi for Teachers

1.   When was Mahatma Gandhi born and what was his family like?

2. Which principle did Mahatma Gandhi follow the most?

3. Why did Gandhi Ji choose to wear simple attire?

4. Why was the title ‘Mahatma’ given to Gandhi Ji?

5. Who assassinated Mahatma Gandhi?

6. When was Mahatma Gandhi’s death happened?

Mahatma Gandhi's death occurred on January 30, 1948.

7. Which are some of the Mahatma Gandhi books?

Mahatma Gandhi authored several influential books and writings that have left a lasting impact on the world. Some of his famous books include

Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth: This is Gandhi's autobiographical account, delving into his personal journey, principles, and experiments with nonviolence.

Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule: In this thought-provoking work, Gandhi discusses his vision of self-rule for India and critiques modern civilization.

Satyagraha in South Africa: This book recounts Gandhi's experiences with nonviolent resistance in South Africa.

Young India: Gandhi used this journal to convey his views on various social and political issues.

The Essential Gandhi: An anthology of Gandhi's writings, speeches, and letters that encapsulate his philosophy and ideals.

Speech on Mahatma Gandhi [1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Minutes]

Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

2 Minutes Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

My dear teachers and students!

Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian nationalist leader and political figure who is most remembered for his non-violent uprising against British colonial power. Gandhi, who was born in 1869, started out as a lawyer before deciding to devote the rest of his life to the cause of India’s freedom.

Henry David Thoreau and the teachings of Jesus Christ served as the foundation for Gandhi’s nonviolent resistance doctrine, or satyagraha. He thought that one could oppose injustice and oppression without using force, and that ultimately, the force of love and the truth would triumph over hatred and hostility.

Boycotts, strikes, and civil disobedience were some of Gandhi’s nonviolent resistance strategies. Throughout his life, he was the leader of many rallies and movements, such as the Salt Satyagraha, in which he and thousands of supporters marched to the sea to denounce the British monopoly on salt manufacturing.

Gandhi is still regarded as a national hero in India because of the essential roles his leadership and tenacity played in the country’s war for independence. His legacy has influenced freedom and civil rights movements all across the world, and leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela have embraced his ideas of nonviolence and civil disobedience. People are still motivated by Gandhi’s leadership and philosophy today, and his message of justice and peace is more important than ever.

  • “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
  • “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
  • “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.”
  • “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”
  • “The future depends on what you do today.”
  • “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
  • “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”
  • “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”
  • “A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.”
  • “There is more to life than increasing its speed.”

3 Minutes Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian politician and statesman who is best remembered for his nonviolent stance and contribution to the nation’s fight for independence from British domination. Gandhi, who was born in Porbandar, India, on October 2, 1869, studied law in London before coming back to his native country in 1891 to begin his legal career.

Satyagraha, Gandhi’s nonviolent philosophy, was founded on the idea that oppression and injustice could be resisted without using force. He led boycotts and rallies against British rule in India using this idea, and his strategies were successful in bringing about social and political change.

Gandhi’s dedication to nonviolence and leadership inspired independence and civil rights movements all across the world, especially the American civil rights movement. Although he was murdered on January 30, 1948, his memory endures as a testament to optimism and nonviolent resistance.

Gandhi’s nonviolent philosophy and his faith in the ability of individual action to effect change are still as relevant now as they were back in his day. People all across the world are still motivated by his legacy to fight for what they believe in and contribute to a more just and peaceful world.

5 Minutes Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

A key figure in the campaign for India’s independence was Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi, who was born in Porbandar, India, on October 2, 1869, was a man of tremendous conviction and morality who supported nonviolent civil disobedience as a strategy for bringing about political and social change.

Gandhi had his education and legal training in London, but he decided to go back to India and strive to better the lives of the underprivileged and oppressed. He advocated for nonviolent resistance and guided India’s fight for independence from British domination using this concept.

Gandhi’s activity and leadership inspired people all around the world, and in India he earned the title “Father of the Nation.” He supported the use of non-violent resistance to advance political objectives and thought that civil disobedience was crucial. Civil rights movements and political figures all around the world have been inspired by Gandhi’s nonviolent approach and use of civil disobedience.

Gandhi’s legacy is still felt today as people continue to be motivated by his principles to struggle for social justice and equality. His advocacy of civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance is still pertinent today as it was then.

To sum up, Mahatma Gandhi was an exceptional leader and a strong force for change in India. People all throughout the world are still motivated to work toward a more equal and peaceful society by his ideals and principles.

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8 Famous Speeches of Mahatma Gandhi in English

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Famous speeches of Mahatma Gandhi: Mahatma Gandhi, originally named Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi , is an iconic figure renowned for his pivotal role in India’s freedom struggle. His legacy extends beyond mere historical significance; it encapsulates the embodiment of non-violence, civil rights, and unwavering determination. Gandhi’s speeches in English not only conveyed his deep-seated beliefs but also served as beacons of inspiration for millions worldwide. His articulate orations often highlighted the principles of truth, justice, and the importance of peaceful resistance, shaping his stature as a famous figure whose words still reverberate with relevance. For students, Mahatma Gandhi’s thoughts continue to offer invaluable guidance, advocating for moral integrity, perseverance, and the transformative power of unity. He was the pioneer in using non-violence as a weapon to fight against much bigger and powerful enemies. He was imprisoned many times in his life fighting for the Indian freedom and faced tortures of British government. The courage and strong determination of this man shook the foundation of the British rule.

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Mahatma Gandhi Speeches

Famous speeches of Mahatma Gandhi during Freedom Struggle of India

Mahatma Gandhi speech are a guiding soul and an inspiration for every individuals of this world.

He delivered many speeches at various places and occasions during his freedom struggle which were of great value and importance.

We have collected and summarized some of the top speeches of Mahatma Gandhi given by Him at various events during freedom struggle.

These famous speeches by Mahatma Gandhi will help you to understand the ideology and thoughts of this great man.

Speech at Madras Reception – 21st April 1915

“If there is anything that we have deserved, as has been stated in this beautiful address, I can only say I lay it at the feet of my Master under whose inspiration I have been working all this time under exile in South Africa”

“In the great city of Johannesburg, the Madarasis look on a Madrasis as dishonored if he has not passed through the jails once or twice during this terrible crisis that your countrymen in South Africa went through during these eight long years”

Mahatma Gandhi was welcomed in Madras in 1915. The speech he delivered in Madras was mostly a thanksgiving speech and basically a narration of the struggle in South Africa. He also emphasized the participation and sacrifices of the Indians in South Africa at the time of civil rights crisis. It was the speech given in reply to the welcomed address by Mr. G. A. Natesan on behalf of South African League.

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Famous Speech of Mahatma Gandhi at Banaras Hindu University – 4 th Feb 1916

“It is a matter of deep humiliation and shame for us that I am compelled this evening under the shadow of this great college, in this sacred city, to address my countrymen in a language that is foreign to me

“If even our temples are not models of roominess and cleanliness, what can our self-government be?”

“If we are to receive self-government, we shall have to take it. We shall never be granted self-government”

On the occasion of the opening of the Banaras Hindu University, Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya invited Mahatma Gandhi to speak on the occasion. Gandhiji mainly focused on the importance of Indian language for the basic communication and speeches and castigated the use of English language. In his famous speech by Mahatma Gandhi he discussed the importance of cleanliness especially in Temples and Trains and said that if we are not able to clean our temples and city then how will we able to manage self-government.

He also challenged the British government demanding India’s independence and said that if India is not given the self-government then we will be forced to take it by own. Gandhiji speech was considered as the act of courage and it was one of the first speeches in which Mahatma Gandhi fiercely demanded the independence from the British rule and was considered as the seed of his independence movement.

Famous Speech of Mahatma Gandhi The Great Trial of 1922 – 18th March 1922

“I do not plead any extenating act. I am here, therefore, to invite and cheerfully submit to the highest penalty that can be inflicted upon me for what in law is a deliberate crime, and what appears to me to be the highest duty of a citizen”

“I came reluctantly to the conclusion that the British connection had made India more helpless than she ever was before, politically and economically ”

The speech given by Mahatma Gandhi in the Great Trial of 1922 was a legal statement rather being a speech. Mahatma Gandhi was convicted for spreading dissatisfactions against the British Rule. Mahatma Gandhi had given his statement to the Judge and pleaded that he accepts all the charges, and demands for the highest penalty.

He accepted that he was sole responsible for some non-violence incidents happened during his movement. The Judge in the court was completely shaken by the determination of a man cladded in white piece of cloth as this was the first time when a convict demanded the penalty for himself. Gandhiji also criticized the British government for their oppressive and cruel policies in India.

Famous Speech of Mahatma Gandhi on the Eve of Dandi March – 11th March 1930

“ Let there be not a semblance of breach of peace even after all of us have been arrested. We have resolved to utilize all our resources in the pursuit of an exclusively nonviolent struggle. Let no one commit a wrong in anger. This is my hope and prayer”

“The history is full of instances of men who rose to leadership, by sheer force of self-confidence, bravery and tenacity. We too, if we sincerely aspire to Swaraj and are impatient to attain it, should have similar self-confidence”

“Let all who are co-operating with the Government in one way or another, be it by paying taxes, keeping titles, or sending children to official schools, etc. withdraw their co-operation in all or as many watts as possible. Then there are women who can stand shoulder to shoulder with men in this struggle”

On the eve of Dandi March Mahatma Gandhi addressed a mass gathering of around 10000 people. The speech he gave was mostly a roadmap of the civil disobedience movement. He pressurized that whether he lives or not after the Dandi march , the mode of operation must always be peace and non-violence. He invited every section of the society to come forward and take part in the civil disobedience movement and break the laws of the British government.

He also emphasized the women participation in the movement and said that they should come forward and stand shoulder to shoulder with men. The effect of his speech had a long term effect when the civil disobedience movement started from a pinch of salt spread on a mass scale across the nation.

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Speech at the Round Table Conference – 30th November 1931

“Were Hindus and Mussalmans and Sikhs always at war with one another when there was no British rule, when there was no English face seen there? We have chapter and verse given to us by Hindu historians and by Mussalman historians to say that we were living in comparative peace even then. And Hindus and Mussalmans in the villages are not even today quarrelling”

“Let India get what she is entitled to and what she can really take, but whatever she gets, and whenever she gets it, let the Frontier Province get complete autonomy today”

“It will be one of the richest treasures that I shall carry with me. Here, too, I have found nothing but courtesy and nothing but a genuine affection from all with whom I have come in touch. I have come in touch with so many Englishmen. It has been a priceless privilege to me”

This was the speech given by Mahatma Gandhi at the round table conference in London in the presence of Indian and British political leaders. Gandhiji politely criticized the divide and rule policy of the Britishers and said the people and religions of India were residing in peace and there were no conflicts between them, it was the arrival of the Britishers and their policies which started dividing the people of India.

He also kept the demand to provide the self-government status to India through his speech. He thanked the people of England for extending the arm of friendship and for the utmost courtesy and affection given by the Englishmen.

Also Read: Independence Day Speech for Teachers

The Quit India Movement Speech – 8th August 1942

“Ours is not a drive for power, but purely a non-violent fight for India’s independence. In a violent struggle, a successful general has been often known to effect a military coup and to set up a dictatorship. But under the Congress scheme of things, essentially non-violent as it is, there can be no room for dictatorship”

“People may laugh, nevertheless that is my claim. At a time when I may have to launch the biggest struggle of my life, I may not harbour hatred against anybody”

“I have pledged the Congress and the Congress will do or die”

On the eve of ‘Quit India’ movement Mahatma Gandhi addressed people at the August Kranti Ground, Bombay. The speech of Gandhiji included many important points but mostly it was more prominent in describing the importance of ‘Ahimsa’ or Non-Violence. He said that the draft resolution of the working committee of Congress is written on the foundation of non-violence and anyone who does not have faith in non-violence can politely separate himself from the resolution.

He also cited many examples of revolutions from the history which were fought with weapons and lost. He also affirmed that our fight is against the British rule and not the British people so the people of India should avoid the sour feeling of hatred against the Englishmen. The appeal to the United Nations to discharge their obligations in declaring free India was also an important aspect of the Quit India speech.

He concluded his speech by giving the slogan”Do or Die” pledging to fight for the Indian independence or die fighting for it. The speech was an open challenge to the British government from the Mahatma Gandhi towards the road of Independent India.

Speech on Kashmir Issue, At a Prayer Meeting – 4th January 1948

“Today there is talk of war everywhere. Everyone fears a war breaking out between the two countries. If that happens it will be a calamity both for India and for Pakistan”

“I shall therefore humbly say to the responsible leaders of Pakistan that though we are now two countries – which is a thing I never wanted – we should at least try to arrive at an agreement so that we could live as peaceful neighbors ”

In a prayer meeting on 04 th January, 1948 Mahatma Gandhi discussed the ongoing tension between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir Issue. As a follower of non-violence and peace Gandhiji never wanted any conflicts between India and Pakistan. He was always a supporter of a dialogue system and wanted that both the countries should initiate a dialogue system and find a solution of the problem. He also emphasized the importance of the United Nations in initiating a settlement between the two countries.

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Speech on the Day before his Last Fast – 12th January 1948

“The fast begins from the first meal tomorrow
It will end when and if I am satisfied that there is a reunion of hearts of all the communities brought about without any outside pressure, but from an awakened sense of duty”

“Death for me would be a glorious deliverance rather than that I should be a helpless witness of the destruction of India, Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam”

Mahatma Gandhi was completely devastated by the recent communal riots. He was encircled by the sorrows of the aftermath of the riots. He started the fast to spread the communal harmony, love and respect towards each others. It was the last recorded speech of Mahatma Gandhi just few weeks before his assassination.

In the speech he emphasized on the importance of fast as a penalty and protest against the wrong doing. He requested for the communal harmony between all the communities of the country. He was so much disappointed by the enmity of the religions that he said that it was better to die than to see India killed by its own people.

It had been more than 70 years since our independence but the speeches given by Mahatma Gandhi are even relevant in the modern times. It is the call of the time to follow the ideologies of Mahatma Gandhi and walk on the path shown by him. Now in the world when there is a competition of developing nuclear weapons, the non-violence teachings of Mahatma Gandhi become more important. The path shown by Gandhiji is very essential to create a peaceful and weaponless world.

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Famous Speech of Mahatma Gandhi in English FAQ’s

What was the most famous speech of gandhi.

One of Mahatma Gandhi's most famous speeches is the Quit India speech delivered on August 8, 1942, urging Indians to demand complete independence from British rule.

What are 3 famous Gandhi quotes?

Be the change you wish to see in the world. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.

What was the first public speech of Mahatma Gandhi?

Mahatma Gandhi's first major public speech was at the Imperial Theater in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 1904, where he spoke on the issue of discrimination against Indian immigrants.

What are the famous speeches of freedom fighters?

Several freedom fighters delivered iconic speeches, including: Jawaharlal Nehru's Tryst with Destiny speech on India's independence. Subhas Chandra Bose's Give me blood, and I shall give you freedom speech. Bhagat Singh's courtroom statement during his trial.

What was a short note on Mahatma Gandhi's life?

Mahatma Gandhi, born on October 2, 1869, was a key figure in India's independence movement. He advocated non-violent civil disobedience, inspired by principles of truth, non-violence, and equality.

What is 2 October for speech?

October 2 is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti in India, commemorating Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary. It's a day to honor his life, teachings, and contributions to India's freedom struggle and global advocacy for peace and non-violence.

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  • Famous Speeches by Mahatma Gandhi




Speech on Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi is an extremely important figure for all the Indians and therefore none can forget his contribution towards winning back India’s independence. This is the reason why Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti is celebrated in India and he is remembered for all his great deeds and words of wisdom. So it is quite likely that you may be asked to deliver a speech on Mahatma Gandhi on various occasions, such as Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti itself, on Independence Day, Republic Day or may be as a student it could be a part of your studies. And, if you are unprepared, we are here for you.

Long and Short Speech on Mahatma Gandhi in English

Our both short speeches on Mahatma Gandhi and long speeches on Mahatma Gandhi are comprehensive and easy to understand that can prove to be of great help in your assignment. So browse through our pages and get the required help.

Mahatma Gandhi Speech 1

Good morning Principal Sir, teachers and my dear friends. Today, I will speak on Mahatma Gandhi. He was the greatest freedom fighter. We also call him “Bapu” and father of the nation.

He believed in simple living and high thinking. His policy of non violence had won many hearts. He knew India and its people well.

People from all the religions loved and respected him. He always wore a simple dhoti made from khadi. We celebrate his birth day on 2 nd October as a national holiday.

Bapu was a great freedom fighter of all times. We truly admire his efforts.

Thank you everyone! Have a nice day!

Mahatma Gandhi Speech 2

Good morning teachers and friends. I am ________ from class _______ section _______. Today I will give a short speech on Mahatma Gandhi.

He is also called “Father of the Nation” or “Rashtrapita”. We also fondly call him “Bapu”. He was used to wear only a simple dhoti in all weathers. He was the greatest leader India ever had. He was also the greatest champion of freedom.

Bapu was also very famous in Africa for his social works. There also people loved and respected him. In India, Bapu fought against British rule. His fight was peaceful yet effective. He united the people of whole India.

He was a simple man with great works. His favorite song was “Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram”. His favorite pass time was spinning yarn on Charkha. Bapu was a great soul and a great freedom fighter. We should always remember him and his works.

Mahatma Gandhi Speech 3

Good Morning teachers and my dear friends. I am _________ from class _________. Today, I feel honored to have the opportunity of giving a short speech on Mahatma Gandhi.

We all are familiar with the name and also some of the noble deeds of this great man. I am going to reiterate the same in my own words and feelings. I will hence refer to him as “Bapu” as the whole country fondly calls him with this name.

Bapu was undoubtedly the greatest freedom fighter of India’s freedom struggle. Of course there were many political leaders, freedom fighters at that time, but Bapu was a different. His simplicity and pious thinking made him instantly connect with the masses. On top of that his policy of non-violence was an instant hit. People throughout the country, whether from the Hindi speaking northern belt or the conservative southern India, instantly recognized him as their true leader.

His policy of non-violence and non-cooperation proved to be the effective weapons against British oppressions. Bapu was so greatly engrossed in the service to the nation that throughout the freedom struggle he roamed from north to south, east to west, protesting against British policies and inspiring people.

Let’s always remember the great man and his efforts. Thank you all! Have a nice day!

Mahatma Gandhi Speech 4

Good Morning ladies and gentlemen. Let me begin with introducing myself. I am _________ from ______. Today, I am given an opportunity to give a short speech on father of the nation – Mahatma Gandhi.

Born on 2 nd October 1869 in Porbandar, Gujarat, in a Hindu family, he was the fourth and last child of Karamchand Uttamchand Gandhi and Putlibai. Since his childhood he was hugely influenced by his mother’s ascetic nature. It is from her that he developed an ability to fast.

But, what made him Mahatma, or the Bapu, as we know him today. Incidents of his life where he faced suppression of British, sometimes personally or sometimes on fellow Indians played a great role in setting off the revolutionary in him.

His indomitable spirit for speaking against injustice had made him a hero in far South Africa, where he fought for the rights of black Africans. He is still being admired in South Africa where his Jayanti is celebrated at some places on 2 nd October.

India remembers him as the most notable freedom fighter and the greatest leader ever born. His simplicity and piousness were his greatest possessions. The poor and farmers instantly recognized him as one of their own.

He also knew very well that any violent protest will lead to more violence, ultimately resulting in both sides losing heavily. Hence, he introduced unique methodologies of protest – non-violence and non-cooperation. This was something the world hadn’t seen before and it was instant hit, all over the world.

What happened next is all in history. The man, his resilience and non-violent policies, finally got India’s Independence. Let’s not forget the great man and his services to the nation and humanity as a whole.

Thank you all and have a nice day!

Mahatma Gandhi Speech 5

Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Friends – Warm Greetings to all of you! As you all know that we have gathered today to pay homage to Mahatma Gandhi and celebrate his jayanti. So I, Shreyansh from standard-IX (A), consider this opportunity a great honor to address this momentous day.

Who doesn’t know the complete name of Mahatma Gandhi, i.e. Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi being popularly known as Bapu, who was born on 2nd October in the year 1869. His father’s name was Karam Chand Gandhi who held the position of Diwan in the state of Rajkot. His mother’s name was Putlibai, who was a pious and devout lady. If I were to mention about his early childhood days, I would say that he was like any other average student who started going to school at the age of seven. But he was a regular student and punctual in his class.

The name of his spouse is Kasturba whom he got married to at the age of 13. Post his matriculation and studies in college, he went to England in order to enroll himself in law studies. There he got qualified as a barrister and came back to his native land. He began his practice in Mumbai and thereafter he left for Rajkot but he couldn’t become a successful lawyer. He once visited South Africa regarding his one case. There he remained for about two decades and during that time he happened to observe the despicable condition of the Indians.

He put up a brave front against the injustice of White men towards the Indians in many ways. One of the disagreeable attributes given to them was that of ‘coolie’. There he began running an ashram known as Tolstoy Farm. There he also laid the foundation for Natal Indian Congress. It is owing to his endeavors that Indian Relief Act was conceded in the year 1914. This of course helped him improve the conditions of many Indians. In the year 1915, he returned to India and allied with Congress.

He also launched the great historic movement called the Satyagrah movement against Britishers. It was under his leadership that congress began such movement as non-cooperation and non-violence to oppose the unfair laws of the British government. Then there was the momentous Dandi March that happened under his aegis which did not comply with the Salt Law and led to its rupture.

In the year 1942, he began yet another movement called the “Quit India” movement and forced Britishers to quit our country. At last, under his successful leadership India won back its independence on 15th August 1947.

The man dressed in loin-cloth with a frail body weaned magical influence upon others. He believed in living a simple life with no ostentations. A poor village called Sevagram was a place he belonged to and lived his life. It was from there that he took the onus to free India from the bondage of slavery. Besides fighting for the nation’s independence, he also addressed other issues which were broiling in our country, such as discrimination on the basis of caste, class and gender.

He also worked for the betterment of Harijans. Eventually, when India won back its independence, Gandhiji undertook a trip to Noakhali which was broiling with the Hindu-Muslim fight. He also observed fast to bring home the point that it is necessary to live in peaceful co-existence and like brothers. But unfortunately, bapu couldn’t live with us for a long time.

It was on January 30, 1948 in the evening that Nathu Ram Godse gunned him down with three shots at Birla Bhawan venue while he was present there to convene a prayer meeting as always. His death ritual was performed on the river bank of Yamuna. In the present times, Rajghat – a place of his Samadhi, has become a place of pilgrimage for people from across the world. This way he left behind his footprints for the world, who was the servant of humanity in the true sense of the term. That’s all I have to say.

Mahatma Gandhi Speech 6

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Dear Colleagues and Our Lovely Students – Warm Greetings to all of you!

I, Krishna Murti, teacher of higher secondary school warmly welcome everyone to our half yearly cultural meet. I am sure all our students and staff must be excited to be a part of this wonderful celebration which breaks the daily monotony and brings a lot of excitement in the air. However, before we proceed with our celebration and electrifying performances, let’s take out a few minutes to commemorate one of our great freedom fighters, i.e. Mahatma Gandhi who majorly contributed in winning back our country’ freedom.

The reason why I decided to deliver a speech on such a great man is because I am personally very much impressed by Mahatma Gandhi’s fundamental philosophy and his policy of non-violence. Today we stand united and independent as a nation because of the sacrifice and concerted efforts of such great personalities who didn’t bow down to the adverse circumstances posed by the British Raj and emerged victorious at all odds.

Such a distinguished personality he was that he dedicated his entire life in the pursuit of truth or what we call Satya and even gave his movement the name called Satyagraha, which implies “insistence on, appeal to or reliance on the truth”.

It was in the year 1920 that the movement Satyagraha came into existence as a political maneuver, which was tabled by Mahatma Gandhi as a “Resolution on Non-cooperation” in the month of September before the commencement of the Indian Congress Session. It was the formulation of Satyagraha that profoundly resonated with the socio-cultural beliefs of the people, deeply entrenched into the consciousness of the people thereby transforming this great spiritual leader into becoming the Bapu for its people.

He stated that it’s very significant for a man to constantly fight against his own demons, insecurities and fears. Gandhiji first summed up his beliefs in the phrase called “God is Truth”. He later went on to change his statement by saying that “Truth is God”. Thus, satya or truth in the words of Gandhiji is nothing but God himself. He supported his beliefs through the citations from Richards by stating that “God is not distinct from truth, but as the Being (Atman, Brahman) of the Advaita Vedanta tradition”.

It’s the universal power that flows in all living things, in everything that has life. In the words of Nicholas Gier, that every living being carries one soul and so deserves equality. If I were to put it in other words, it would be that ‘atman exists and is not distinct from this universe. Non-violence (ahimsa) is the very governing principle of this atman.

So students what do we learn out of this is that we should refrain from doing violence and live in peaceful co-existence as the children of one God and should make our mother Earth a better place to live in. Only then would we be able to pay homage to this great man in the truest sense.

Now, I would like to bring an end to my speech and request my co-host to join me on stage and take the ceremony further.

Mahatma Gandhi Speech 7

Warm Greetings Everyone – I heartily welcome you all to the speech ceremony of today! I, Ashwin Chawla – your host for today evening, am going to deliver a short speech on Mahatma Gandhi. As you all know that Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti is approaching, our team decided to host a small ceremony to commemorate the memory of one of our great freedom fighters, i.e. Mahatma Gandhi.

I am personally very fond of Mahatma Gandhi and his fundamental policy of non-violence or the marg of ahimsa that he adopted while fighting for the nation’s independence from the Britishers. His aura was so impeccable that he drew hundreds and millions of people and gathered a huge force in order to compel Britishers for leaving India. Needless to mention, he was the quintessential leader of India’s struggle for freedom and also the architect of non-violent civil disobedience movement which in fact influenced the whole world.

He never lived his life for himself but for the underprivileged and weaker section of society who couldn’t fight for their own rights. Through his persistent efforts, he helped in raising the consciousness of people and helped in eradicating gender, caste and class consciousness. I am sure we all know that fateful day when he was born, i.e. on 2nd October 1869 in Porbandar, the coastal town of Gujarat and went on to study law in abroad. He was a pioneer in fighting for the civil rights of the Indian citizens.

He was truly a ‘Mahatma’, which means a “great soul” as he believed in the Almighty Vishnu God and followed Jainism. Over and above all this, he espoused the policy of non-violence, including meditation, fasting and vegetarianism. He not only worked in his own country, but travelled other countries as well and tried to ameliorate the world for good.

He could not see evil forces prevail in any part of the world and worked in his utmost capacity to move the world to his opinions. He lived for a brief period in South Africa and went on to learn world religions. He once wrote there, “The religious spirit within me became a living force”. He also dedicated himself to the study of revered spiritual texts of the Hindus and believed in living a life of austerity, simplicity, celibacy and fasting which did not seek any materialistic existence.

In the year 1915, Gandhi ji laid the foundation of an ashram in the city of Ahmadabad, which was open for all the castes. He lived his whole life with no ostentations and by just donning a simple loincloth as well as shawl devoting himself to prayer, mediation and fasting.

Unfortunately, even such a great man as Mahatma Gandhi had to bear the brunt of the turbulent times as he was put behind the bars in the year 1932. The reason behind his imprisonment was that he went on six days fast in order to raise objection against the British code of conduct of separating the untouchables from even the lowest rung our country’s caste system by giving them electorates separately. The public outcry compelled the Britishers to reconsider the proposal.

He never lived his life peacefully but always remained proactive in removing the social evils from our society. So let’s devote a few hours in the memory of this great man and recall all his good deeds as well as learning which he left behind for the world to follow.

Mahatma Gandhi Speech 8

Dear Friends – How are you all doing?

Welcome to the speech ceremony of today. Firstly, let me extend a note of thank you to all of you for making to today’s event and making it happen. I also would like to especially thank my seniors and team members for working day and night in order to make this event a success and reaching out to more and more people so that people in large numbers could connect with each other and raise the consciousness for national unity or what we can also call Rashtriya Ekta.

When we talk about national unity, I cannot help but mention the name of one great leader who played a pro-active role in bringing the entire nation together and rooting out discrimination on various grounds, such as caste, class and gender.

He was the father of nation. He was a part of many successful movements and acted as a catalyst in the freedom struggle of India. He inspired lakhs of people to come together, to prove an indomitable force against the British rule and frustrate their efforts in exploiting our resources and force them to grant us the freedom, which is our birth right, as well as civil rights.

Here is a brief of some of the notable movements undertaken by him:

1. Quit India Movement

In order to dismount British ruling, Mahatma Gandhi launched an historic movement on 8 August 1942, called the Quit India Movement, which actually proved to be the most powerful campaign. In this movement too, he adopted the path of non-violence, i.e. ahimsa and truth as his principal yardsticks.

2. Dandi March

Dandi March or popularly known as Salt Satyagrah was a movement launched against the unfair policy of the Britishers, which was the policy of ‘tax collection over salt in our country”. It was on March 12 until April 6, 1930 that Gandhi launched the movement. He undertook march for about 388 kilometers with his thousands of supporters from Ahmadabad to Dandi which is in Gujarat and processed salt on his own.

3. Fight for the Untouchables

It was on 8th May, 1933 that Gandhi went on 21 days fast for self-purification and launched a campaign for one year in order to lend his support to the untouchables to whom he attributed the sobriquet called “Harijan”. Even though he was born in a well-to-do family and of higher caste, he came forward to support the Dalit cause. He fought for the rights of the harijans all his life.

4. Non-Cooperation Movement

Who doesn’t know the famous non-cooperation movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi? It was a nationwide campaign and Gandhi ji became the illustrious leader of national significance by then when the ill-fated Jallianwala Bagh massacre took away the lives of hundreds of peaceful civilians because of the firing at them by the British militant in Amritsar.

5. Khilafat Movement

Gandhi also lent his support to the Muslims in their worldwide protest against the falling status of the Caliph (their religious leader) in the year 1919 by calling it as Khilafat Movement. This way he became quite popular amongst the Muslims too and went on to become the most famous spokesman of our country having a vast multicultural base.

Thus, Mahatma Gandhi became a great force to reckon with and the whole world moved to his opinions and fundamental philosophies of life.

This is all I have to say. Thank You!

Mahatma Gandhi Speech 9

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and Dear Students- Warm Greetings Everyone!

On the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi today being the 2 nd October, I take immense pleasure to deliver a speech before you on Mahatma Gandhi as role model. I want to thank everyone for giving me this opportunity to speak about a most noble man of our country.

You all might be wondering why Gandhi Ji is considered as a role model by thousands of fellow Indians like us? Many people across the world consider him as symbol of peace and non-violence. It’s always said that even in war ridden situations think and do what Gandhi did. Every day we hear stories of students like us moving abroad and then in turn forgetting the Indian Culture altogether. Gandhi Ji was the only person who in spite of several journeys’ abroad never forgot his country and after completing his studies he came back and fought for the Indian Society to gain Independence.

Gandhi Ji was very clear regarding his thoughts to free India from the Britishers. He wanted that fellow Indians should understand that we don’t require anybody to rule ourselves; we are self-sufficient in any manner. This was the most important reason why Gandhi persuaded the Indians to give up foreign clothing and adopt khadi made by Indian Mills themselves and to make salt out of our own seas. The day Dandi March took place clearly revealed how big an influencer was Gandhi Ji as people from every social strata of society participated in the March so that the Britishers would abolish the Salt Tax.

We all admire Gandhi Ji for various reasons, be it imprisonment many times, supporting women to any extent possible and that’s the only reason why women in today’s times hold great political and social roles. It’s not only us who support Gandhi Ji but also great individuals like Martin Luther king too adopted his strategy of ahimsa to establish the Apartheid regime. We should be giving a grand salute to him as he sacrificed his entire life to develop India and service to mankind. People were only attracted to him due to his simplistic lifestyle and personality. He spent his entire life working towards removing Britishers from India.

We all are greatly influenced by Gandhi Ji’s idea of tolerance and sometimes we all apply it in our lives when situation goes out of hand. The discipline of Peace that we now study in India was a step to take Gandhi Ji’s ideas further which would influence the future generation too. He used passive resistance not only at individual level but to fight social evils like untouchability, caste system etc. too. His worship to God was seen in his service to mankind and even when he was assassinated his last breath too enchanted the name of God.

These practices and belief structures clearly revealed to the entire world that how humble Mahatma Gandhi was and there could be no better role model than him. I hope I have inspired everybody present here to seek Gandhi Ji’s ideas and practices.

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Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English For Student 10 lines – 2 October Speech

Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech For Student In English 10 Lines 2 Minute Speech On Mahatma Gandhi In this article you will find. The Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech, spoken on Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary, has to be presented correctly in short, his life and the work done by him. You all must know about Mahatma Gandhi , today through this article we will throw light on some important points about him. Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday is celebrated on 2 October every year. This time also it is going to be made on October 2 in schools, colleges and many places.

Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech for Students 2 October Speech

For this, you have to have the student teacher or the principal speak to them. This speech is in the form of a description of the work done by him about Mahatma Gandhi. You will find Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech in this article. For this, you have to read the article completely, only then you will be able to speak well about the life of Mahatma Gandhi. If you are a student then your speech will be different. If you are a teacher or a principal, then you will have to speak in a high level manner.

Gandhi Jayanti Speech

Died 30 January 1948
Date of Birth 2 October 1869
Born Porbandar
Died Place New Delhi, India
Spouse Kasturba Gandhi
Children Harilal Gandhi, Ramdas Gandhi, Devdas Gandhi, Manilal Gandhi

10 Lines Speech on Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti

Good morning to all of you, respected principals, teachers and my dear friends. As we all know that we are all here to celebrate a lovely festival called Gandhi Jayanti, on this occasion I want to give a speech in front of all of you. My dear friends, 2nd October is the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi.

We celebrate this day with full enthusiasm every year to pay tribute to the Father of the Nation as well as to remember his courageous actions in the form of freedom struggle for the country from British rule. We celebrate Gandhi Jayanti as a big national holiday all over India. The full name of Mahatma Gandhi is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and he is also famous as Bapu and Father of the Nation.

October 2 is also celebrated internationally as International Day of Non-Violence as he was a lifelong preacher of non-violence. On 15 June 2007, 2 October has been declared by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Day of Nonviolence. We will always remember Bapu as a symbol of peace and truth. Bapu was born on 2 October 1869 in the small town of Porbandar in Gujarat, while he did great things throughout his life.

He was a lawyer and took a law degree from England and practiced in South Africa. In his biography titled “Experiment with Truth”, he describes his entire history of independence. He fought with full patience and courage against the British rule for the freedom of India throughout his life till independence.

Gandhiji was a man of simple living and high thinking, whom he set before us as an example. He was vehemently opposed to smoking, drinking, untouchability and non-vegetarianism. Liquor has been completely banned by the Government of India on the day of his birth anniversary. He was a pioneer of truth and non-violence who started the Satyagraha movement for the independence of India.

It is celebrated at Raj Ghat in New Delhi with a lot of preparations like offering prayers, offering flowers, paying tribute to Gandhiji by playing his favorite song “Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram”. I want to share with you all his great saying “A man is a creature made of his thoughts, he becomes what he thinks”.

Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech (FAQs)

Why do we celebrate Gandhi Jayanti speech?

Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti Speech is spoken so that we can remember the work done by Gandhiji and follow the path shown by him.

How To wish Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti?

To celebrate the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, we can send photos or wishes to our friends through the quotes given by them to our friends.

How do you write 10 lines on Mahatma Gandhi?

Here you will find 10 lines related to the life of Mahatma Gandhi.

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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav In English

Greetings and very good morning to everyone present. Today on this auspicious day I am going to speak about what is ïżœAzadi ka Amrit Mahotsavïżœ about. The Government of India launched the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav to celebrate and remember 75 years of progressive independence for India. India commemorated the illustrious history of its people, culture, and accomplishments during Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. It represents everything forward-thinking about India’s sociocultural, political, and economic identity.

On this day in 2021, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the symbolic Dandi Yatra, which marks the revival of our journey of self-reliance and self-respect with the start of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. Mahatma Gandhi began the Dandi Yatra from Sabarmati Ashram on March 12, 1930, for the awakening of the nation’s self-reliance and self-respect.

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