1. (PDF) The effectiveness of yoga to prevent diabetes mellitus type 2: A

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  2. (PDF) Impact of Yoga Intervention on Physical and Mental Health of

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  3. (PDF) Therapeutic Role of Yoga in Type 2 Diabetes

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  4. Research Papers On Yoga For Diabetes

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  5. (PDF) Yoga-based Lifestyle Intervention for Prevention and Management

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  6. Yoga for Diabetes: 15 Best Yoga Asanas to Control Diabetes

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  1. XiaoQian Keren, M.A. Thesis

  2. 3 Minute Thesis- Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

  3. Yoga Research & Thesis Format

  4. Yoga Workshop by Dr. Surakshit Goswami- Part 1

  5. Yoga Research & Thesis Format

  6. डायबिटीज़ में ये 5 जरुरी योग आसन करें