Self Evaluation Comments for Problem Solving (30 Examples)

By Editorial Team on May 19, 2023 — 9 minutes to read

Self-evaluation is an essential aspect of professional development. It helps you to identify areas of improvement and measure your progress towards achieving your goals. By evaluating your problem-solving skills, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses and take steps to improve your performance.

Problem Solving Self-Evaluation Comments Examples

  • I was able to identify the root cause of the problem and develop a solution that addressed it effectively.
  • I was able to think outside the box and come up with a creative solution to a complex problem.
  • I was able to collaborate effectively with my team members to solve a challenging problem.
  • I was able to prioritize tasks and allocate resources efficiently to solve a problem within a tight deadline.
  • I was able to remain calm and composed under pressure while solving a critical problem.
  • I was able to analyze data and information to identify patterns and trends that helped me solve a problem.
  • I was able to communicate clearly and effectively with stakeholders to understand their needs and solve their problems.
  • I was able to adapt to changing circumstances and adjust my problem-solving approach accordingly.
  • I was able to learn from my mistakes and apply those lessons to future problem-solving situations.
  • I was able to use critical thinking skills to evaluate multiple options and select the best solution to a problem.
  • I was able to break down a complex problem into smaller, more manageable parts and solve each part individually.
  • I was able to identify potential obstacles and develop contingency plans to overcome them while solving a problem.
  • I was able to leverage my technical expertise to solve a problem that required specialized knowledge.
  • I was able to use my creativity and innovation to develop a unique solution to a problem.
  • I was able to gather and analyze feedback from stakeholders to continuously improve my problem-solving approach.
  • I was able to use my leadership skills to motivate and guide my team members towards a successful problem-solving outcome.
  • I was able to effectively manage competing priorities and still solve a problem within the given timeline.
  • I was able to use my communication skills to explain complex technical solutions to non-technical stakeholders.
  • I was able to use my analytical skills to identify patterns and trends that helped me solve a problem more efficiently.
  • I was able to use my problem-solving skills to identify opportunities for process improvements and implement them successfully.
  • I was able to use my research skills to gather information that helped me solve a problem more effectively.
  • I was able to use my project management skills to break down a large-scale problem into smaller, more manageable tasks.
  • I was able to use my negotiation skills to reach a mutually beneficial solution to a problem.
  • I was able to remain objective and unbiased while evaluating potential solutions to a problem.
  • I was able to use my attention to detail to identify small but critical issues that were contributing to a larger problem.
  • I was able to use my interpersonal skills to build strong relationships with stakeholders and work collaboratively towards a solution.
  • I was able to use my problem-solving skills to find a solution that balanced the needs of multiple stakeholders.
  • I was able to use my persistence and determination to keep working towards a solution even when faced with obstacles.
  • I was able to use my time management skills to prioritize tasks and allocate my time efficiently while solving a problem.
  • I was able to use my empathy and understanding of others’ perspectives to develop a solution that met everyone’s needs.

Improving Problem Solving Skills

To become a better problem solver, you need to develop critical thinking skills, effective communication skills, prioritize tasks, and use brainstorming techniques. Here are some tips to help you improve your problem-solving skills:

Developing Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze a situation, identify problems, and come up with creative solutions. To develop critical thinking skills, you need to:

  • Ask questions: Don’t be afraid to ask questions to clarify the problem or gather more information.
  • Challenge assumptions: Don’t accept things at face value. Question assumptions and look for evidence to support them.
  • Evaluate evidence: Look for evidence that supports or contradicts your assumptions. Evaluate the quality and reliability of the evidence.
  • Consider alternative perspectives: Try to see the problem from different angles and consider alternative solutions.

Effective Communication Skills

Effective communication is essential for problem-solving because it helps you:

  • Understand the problem: Good communication skills help you clarify the problem and understand what is expected of you.
  • Collaborate with others: Effective communication skills help you work with others to find solutions.
  • Express your ideas clearly: Clear communication helps you convey your ideas and solutions to others.

To improve your communication skills, you need to:

  • Listen actively: Listen to others and try to understand their perspective.
  • Speak clearly: Speak clearly and concisely to avoid confusion.
  • Use nonverbal cues: Pay attention to body language and other nonverbal cues to understand what others are saying.

Prioritizing Tasks

Prioritizing tasks is essential for effective problem-solving because it helps you:

  • Focus on the most important tasks: Prioritizing helps you focus on the tasks that will have the most significant impact.
  • Manage your time: Prioritizing helps you manage your time more effectively.
  • Avoid procrastination: Prioritizing helps you avoid procrastination by breaking down large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones.

To prioritize tasks effectively, you need to:

  • Identify the most important tasks: Identify the tasks that will have the most significant impact.
  • Break down large tasks: Break large tasks into smaller, more manageable ones.
  • Set deadlines: Set deadlines for each task to help you stay on track.

Brainstorming Techniques

Brainstorming is a technique used to generate creative ideas and solutions. To brainstorm effectively, you need to:

  • Generate a lot of ideas: Don’t be afraid to come up with as many ideas as possible, even if they seem silly or unrealistic.
  • Encourage creativity: Encourage creative thinking by allowing everyone to contribute ideas.
  • Avoid criticism: Don’t criticize or judge ideas during the brainstorming process.

To brainstorm effectively, you can use techniques like mind mapping, free writing, or group brainstorming sessions.

Time Management and Productivity

Managing time effectively.

One of the biggest challenges when it comes to problem-solving is managing your time effectively. It’s easy to get bogged down in the details and lose track of the big picture. To avoid this, set specific goals and deadlines for yourself. Make a to-do list and prioritize your tasks based on their importance and urgency. Use a timer or a stopwatch to keep track of how much time you spend on each task, and try to minimize distractions as much as possible.

For example, if you’re working on a project that requires a lot of research, set a goal to finish the research phase by the end of the day. Break the research down into smaller tasks, such as reading a certain number of articles or books, and set deadlines for each task. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you’re making progress towards your goal.

Overcoming Overwhelm

Feeling overwhelmed is a common problem when it comes to problem-solving. When you’re faced with a complex problem, it’s easy to feel like you don’t know where to start. To overcome this, break the problem down into smaller, more manageable parts. Identify the key issues or questions that need to be addressed, and focus on one at a time.

For example, if you’re trying to solve a problem with a product or service, start by identifying the key issues that are causing the problem. Once you’ve identified these issues, break them down into smaller, more manageable parts. Focus on one issue at a time, and come up with a plan to address it. Once you’ve addressed all of the key issues, you’ll have a better understanding of the problem as a whole, and you’ll be better equipped to come up with a solution.

Being Proactive

Being proactive is an important part of problem-solving. Instead of waiting for problems to arise, take a proactive approach and try to anticipate potential problems before they occur. This will help you stay ahead of the curve and avoid potential roadblocks.

For example, if you’re working on a project with a tight deadline, don’t wait until the last minute to start working on it. Instead, start working on it as soon as possible, and set specific goals and deadlines for yourself. This will help you stay on track and ensure that you’re making progress towards your goal. Additionally, be proactive in identifying potential roadblocks or issues that could arise, and come up with a plan to address them before they become a problem.

Performance Review and Goal Setting

Setting objectives.

When preparing for a performance review, it’s important to set specific objectives that will guide the conversation. Start by reflecting on your current role and responsibilities, and consider areas where you could improve or grow. These objectives should be measurable and achievable, and should align with your personal and professional goals.

For example, one objective might be to improve your communication skills by attending a workshop or taking an online course. Another objective might be to take on more leadership responsibilities within your team or department.

Measuring Performance

During the performance review, your manager will likely evaluate your progress towards meeting your objectives. It’s important to come prepared with concrete examples of how you’ve worked towards your goals, as well as any challenges or obstacles you’ve faced.

For example, if your objective was to improve your project management skills, you might share how you’ve successfully led a project from start to finish, or how you’ve implemented new tools or processes to streamline your workflow. If you’ve faced challenges, be honest about what went wrong and what you learned from the experience.

Creating an Action Plan

After reviewing your performance, you and your manager should work together to create an action plan for the next review period. This plan should include specific goals and objectives, as well as a timeline for achieving them. It’s also important to identify any resources or support you may need to reach your goals.

For example, if your objective is to improve your technical skills, you might discuss opportunities for additional training or mentorship. If your goal is to take on more leadership responsibilities, you might discuss ways to gain experience through shadowing or cross-functional projects.

Overall, the performance review and goal setting process is an important opportunity to reflect on your progress and set a course for future growth and development. By setting specific, measurable objectives and working collaboratively with your manager, you can ensure that you’re on track to achieve your personal and professional goals.

When writing self-evaluation comments, it is important to be honest and objective. Avoid making exaggerated or false claims about your abilities or achievements. Instead, focus on specific examples that demonstrate your skills and accomplishments.

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Problem Solving: 40 Useful Performance Feedback Phrases

Problem Solving: Use these sample phrases to craft meaningful performance evaluations, drive change and motivate your workforce.

Problem Solving is the skill of defining a problem to determine its cause, identify it, prioritize and select alternative solutions to implement in solving the problems and reviving relationships.

Problem Solving: Exceeds Expectations Phrases

  • Actively listens when others are talking and seek clarification on issues not well understood.
  • Seeks to brainstorm on problems to try to find the right solutions.
  • Evaluates all possible solutions and chooses the one that will deliver the best results.
  • Knows how well to collaborate with others to find solutions to problems.
  • Knows how to resolve any outstanding client issues and problems amicably.
  • Communicates views and thoughts in a very distinct and understandable manner.
  • Is decisive when it comes to making decisions and sticks by the decisions made.
  • Gathers all the necessary facts and information first before making any decision.
  • Monitors all outcomes of all actions undertaken to take full responsibility for any problem.
  • Breaks a problem down before starting to analyze it in a more detailed manner.

Problem Solving: Meets Expectations Phrases

  • Is always open-minded and readily accepts what others have to contribute.
  • Has an inquisitive nature and tries to analyze all that is happening around.
  • Always asks the right questions and raises any relevant issue when necessary.
  • Keeps things calm even when required to make quick decisions under high pressure.
  • Communicates or articulates issues in an obvious and concise way that people can easily understand.
  • Shows strong level-headedness when assessing situations and coming up with solutions.
  • Tries to be accommodative of other people's views and accepts them easily.
  • Always portrays enough knowledge of the problem and its feasible solutions.
  • Shows the willingness to change tact whenever the conditions change.
  • Creates opportunities to evaluate and implement the decisions that are arrived at properly.

Problem Solving: Needs Improvement Phrases

  • Not willing to be accommodative of other people's ideas and opinions.
  • Does not know how to present a problem in ways that people can understand.
  • Finds it difficult to articulate issues in a clear and understandable manner.
  • Not decisive and assertive when it comes to coming up with solutions.
  • Does not take the time to listen keenly to what others have to say or contribute.
  • Always in a hurry to make decisions and does not think things through.
  • Does not always monitor the decisions made to ensure that they have a positive impact.
  • When faced with a high-pressure problem, does not maintain a cool head to be able to solve it properly.
  • Not willing to collaborate with other people to come up with solutions to problems.
  • Does not manage client-related issues in a professional manner and customers are left unsatisfied.

Problem Solving: Self Evaluation Questions

  • How well do you solve issues and are you confident in your abilities?
  • Give an instance you solved a problem, and it was successful.
  • Give a situation that you solved a problem, and it was unsuccessful.
  • How well do you accommodate other people ideas and opinions when trying to solve a problem?
  • How do you manage high-pressure situations that require fast and urgent attention?
  • Do you involve other people when trying to solve any particular problem?
  • How well do you brainstorm before setting out to solve a problem?
  • Do you research well enough to get proper facts and information?
  • Are you in most cases conversant with what the problem is before you solve it?
  • How well are you keen on everything that is happening around you?

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 48+ Useful Self Appraisal Comments By Employee Examples

Self-appraisals are a crucial part of a comprehensive performance review system. They help to ascertain how employees feel about their performance, understand what motivates them , and gain insights into the challenges they’re facing.

This information enables managers to deliver targeted support and resources to employees based on their unique needs.

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Photo by Burst

However, figuring out what to say in a self-appraisal, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience writing one can be daunting. You have to give a balanced analysis of your work putting yourself down or sounding egotistical.

In this post, we’re going to share examples of self-appraisal comments that you can use as inspiration when writing a personal evaluation for your next round of performance reviews .

Strengths and achievements

Challenges and improvement areas, 1. provide specific examples, 2. support your statements with facts and figures, 3. frame your weaknesses as growth opportunities, 4. be confident, not arrogant, 5. avoid going on the defensive, communication self-appraisal comments.

If you’re asked to evaluate your communication skills, here are self-appraisal comments examples you can use to highlight what you do well and where there’s room for improvement.

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

1. I try to ensure that the lines of communication between me and my team members and leaders are always open by providing constant updates about the progress of my tasks through the company’s internal communication channels.

2. I’ve been able to apply the learnings from the giving and receiving feedback training to my interactions with my team and it has greatly improved our dynamic.

I’m purposeful about delivering positive feedback and using constructive language and sensitivity to frame my criticisms.

3. I am able to build good relationships with my colleagues because they can always count on me to respond to their messages promptly and graciously even outside of regular work hours.

4. I’ve been told I don’t always do a good job of carrying everyone along on the status of the tasks I’m working on. But I’ve been working to address this by communicating whenever I move to the next step of a project task so everyone can easily track my progress.

5. I tend to abstain from having difficult conversations so as not to deal with the awkwardness of the situation.

I understand that having these conversations are often necessary for growth and to avoid resentment so I’m learning to embrace the discomfort and say what needs to be heard.

6. People tend to judge me as being confrontational or unduly critical even in neutral situations where that is not my intention. So I plan to be more conscious of my tone when communicating with others.

Also Read : Constructive Criticism Examples At The Workplace

Productivity and work ethic self-appraisal comments

These self-appraisal comments examples will help you show off your work ethic in a good light, draw attention to how much you’ve been able to accomplish or explain any issues that may have gotten in the way of your productivity.

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Photo by CoWomen

7. I am able to prioritize tasks based on urgency and order and importance to ensure my deliverables are always completed on time, always.

8. While we were trying to complete the X project in time for launch, I stayed late and gave up my weekends for most of the month to help us get to the finish line.

I did this because I understand that sometimes sacrifices have to be made to enable us to reach our goals as a team and an organization.

9. I have taken deliberate steps to boost my productivity at work since the last performance evaluation.

I’ve been using the Timeblocking and Priority Matrix techniques to help me better structure my schedule so I can prioritize and execute tasks efficiently.

Also Read : Best Personal Strength Examples

10. There have been times in the past when I felt demotivated as a result of being criticized for missing deadlines without sufficient notice.

Even though I had legitimate reasons for falling behind on tasks, I realize that staying silent instead of informing everyone of a potential delay disrupts the workflow. Going forward, I will be more intentional about giving advance notice for anticipated delays.

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

11. I tend to struggle with accomplishing tasks on time which increases the number of tasks I have to tackle the following day. I am working to address this and minimize how much time I spend on each task by setting personal deadlines and assigning blocks of time to specific tasks.

12. While I always deliver my tasks on schedule, I sometimes struggle with coming in early to work. I recognize that there are rules and expectations that govern the office and the importance of respecting them.

I will strive to minimize unwarranted lateness by waking up and leaving for the office earlier.

Check Out : Start, Stop, Continue Examples

Time management self-appraisal comments

These self-appraisal examples can help demonstrate how adept or invested you are in managing your time responsibly so you are not constantly missing deadlines or falling behind on tasks.

13. In the past, I’ve had a hard time organizing, prioritizing, and managing tasks to ensure on-time completion but I’ve gotten a lot better at it.

In the last quarter, I only turned in one assignment late and only because the project was hit with an unexpected curveball.

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Photo by Moose Photos

14. I have learned how to say no to tasks when I’m at capacity instead of accepting them and embarking on a mad rush to complete them all in an inadequate timeframe.

15. I am very organized so I’m able to stay on top of projects and juggle multiple tasks easily even with time constraints. I am frequently on the lookout for a better way of doing things that will help me prevent responsibilities and obligations from falling through the cracks.

Also Read : Top Weaknesses List & Examples

16. I struggle with managing time productively. If a task seems too tough or demanding, I tend to postpone doing it until the deadline has almost arrived.

This ultimately leaves me with barely enough time to do it perfectly and forces me to work under pressure so I’m working to address this.

17. I will take greater care in planning meetings and setting a clear agenda to ensure that they don’t end up taking more time than anticipated.

18. I will make an intentional effort to abide by designated break schedules as I tend to lose track of time and over-extend breaks, which eats into the time I have to complete my planned tasks for the day.

Growth and development self-appraisal comments

Here are some examples of comments you can write down if you’re asked to review your growth and development during a performance appraisal.

19. I am passionate about upgrading my skills and fixing any knowledge gaps I might have. Over the past three months, I have successfully completed two marketing courses and earned a Facebook Advertising certification, which I believe will allow me to perform even better at my job.

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Photo by fauxels

20. I take the time to research emerging trends in the X industry that I could leverage for the benefit of the company.

I also search out available learning and development options that could help me be more impactful in my current role or prepare me to take on more advanced roles in the future.

21. I’m good at creating and finding opportunities to network with other interesting professionals in my field and learn from their wealth of knowledge and experiences.

Also Read : Professional Development Goal Examples

22. Last month, I came to the realization that I had not been making an effort to upskill lately. Since my desire is not to stagnate in my knowledge or role, I will do a better job at carving out time for learning.

23. In this quarter, I will focus on creating a defined development plan with realistic milestones for my short-term and long-term career goals.

24. Even though I want to level up my skills, figuring out the right courses to take is challenging for me. I plan to resolve this by seeking counsel and mentorship from someone who has done my job and is currently doing the job I aspire to.

I believe they will be in the best position to offer learning recommendations for my skill set.

Teamwork and collaboration self-appraisal comments

The following self-appraisal examples can be used to indicate your commitment to being a team player and how well you collaborate with your coworkers to achieve the organization’s goals.

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Photo by Jopwell

25. I actively strive to connect with my colleagues including those in other departments. I’m always quick to offer encouragement and praise to highlight when the positive impact my peers make and to offer my support when needed.

26. Last quarter, I played an active role in fostering team rapport by organizing work events and after-work hangouts to help us bond and get to know each other better without the pressures of deadlines and projects getting in the way.

27. I believe that I do my best work in collaborative environments so I try to contribute to building that by sharing my knowledge and expertise freely with my colleagues.

I don’t hesitate to go to them for guidance or feedback, nor do I shy away from incorporating their suggestions into my work.

28. I am learning that just because my ideas are good doesn’t automatically mean they’re the best solutions for the situation.

I work with brilliant people so it’s only natural that they’ll come up with better ideas sometimes and this doesn’t invalidate me or my work in any way. I plan to make more of an effort to solicit and listen to the opinions of my team members.

29. I am introverted and socially awkward by nature so I struggle with forming connections with coworkers, which sometimes gets interpreted as being standoffish and rude. I am learning to step out of my comfort zone and be more open with the people I work with.

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self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

30. I can be a bit of a perfectionist, so I will often assume the lead role on projects even without being asked so I can control the outcomes more closely.

That’s not always fair to other team members so in the future, I’d like to allow others to lead projects and trust in their ability to make the right calls.

Problem-solving self-appraisal comments

Whether you have a natural talent for coming up with creative solutions to workplace problems or you’re struggling with this skill, here are some examples of self evaluation comments you can use to highlight your strengths and weaknesses .

31. I don’t let challenges keep me down. When roadblocks come my way, I see them as opportunities to think outside the box and solve the problem at hand in a way that minimizes the risks involved for everyone.

When we suffered a security breach that threatened to compromise our customers’ data, I was able to identify the source of the threat, squash it, and implement protocols to keep the situation from arising in the future.

32. Before starting any new project or task I like to engage my organizational and planning skills to map out how I expect things to go.

This allows me to envisage and prepare for potential challenges I might encounter along the way. Then I devise strategies for tackling the problem so I don’t spend too much time feeling stuck if and when they occur.

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Photo by

33. I am able to solve problems efficiently because I approach them by first seeking to understand the problem as comprehensively as possible.

I reach out to my team members and other experts for their opinions, then I break down the issue into smaller parts so I can analyze each contributory factor individually.

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34. Rather than try to solve a problem on my own first, I often skip ahead and go to other people for solutions.

I am realizing that this isn’t allowing me to explore my problem-solving potential so in the future I plan to take greater ownership over fixing the issues I encounter.

35. I am often anxious when I’m faced with making key decisions on the spot. I would like to work on building my confidence so I can be more effective in these situations.

36. There have been times when I struggled to find timely and constructive solutions to issues. To address this, I have reached out to my manager and some coworkers who shine in this area to learn the methods they use to address issues so I can apply them to future scenarios.

Achievements and performance self-appraisal comments

Did you hit your KPIs for the last quarter? Were there times where you hit new milestones, exceeded expectations, or contributed to the success of the organization in some tangible way?

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Photo by Vanessa Garcia

Use the following self-appraisal comments examples to exemplify your strengths and challenges as it relates to your job performance and accomplishments.

37. I successfully increased the number of impressions on our website to over 1 million per month over the past year, which amounted to a 425% increase from the previous year.

I was able to achieve this by using innovative SEO methods and building a refined content strategy in collaboration with the content team.

38. During the XX product launch, the product and sales teams noticed a few technical problems that would have prevented the launch from going smoothly. I was able to diagnose and resolve the issues quickly so the launch was able to take place as planned.

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Photo by Christina Morillo

39. I standardized the company’s training program and designed a comprehensive onboarding plan/program for new hires in Q2. So far, the new programs have reported significant increases in engagement, course-completion, and shorter time-to productivity.

40. I wasn’t able to improve on my performance as much as I planned since the last performance review.

I suffered an unexpected health setback and had to take leave for six weeks to recuperate but I intend to work hard to catch up and make up for the reduced productivity in the coming months.

41. Although I achieved most of my KPIs, I fell short of my sales targets for the last quarter. Even though I was able to generate as many high-quality leads as the previous months, they were not converting as expected.

I believe this is as a result of market instability so I plan to reshape my strategy to address these unforeseeable challenges in the future.

Also Read : Best Workplace Culture Examples To Follow

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Photo by Samson Katt

42. While I managed to increase customer engagement and conversions, I fell short of the target to reduce customer attrition by 10%.

So in the coming period, I plan to focus on optimizing our customer retention game plan and coming up with fresh approaches to tackle the challenge and meet set objectives.

Creativity, initiative, and ownership self-appraisal comments

Use these self-appraisal comments to describe the kind of creativity, innovation, and sense of responsibility for your duties that you (plan to) bring to the table.

43. I enjoy new challenges so I am always the first person to raise my hands when a volunteer is needed to supervise a project or work on a new assignment, even if it is tangentially outside of the scope of my regular responsibilities.

44. I am constantly looking for novel ways to approach my work and build upon past successes so I’m quick to adopt the latest trends and developments in my field. I like to experiment and take calculated risks even if others can’t understand or see my vision yet.

45. My strength is that I bring new ideas to the table. Every week, I try to come up with a few ideas to share and brainstorm with the rest of the team. Not all my ideas turn out to be gold but I don’t let that get me down because you find treasure by digging, not by staring at the earth.

46. I often have thoughts on how we can grow the company and win more customers. However, I sometimes hesitate to share them because I’m afraid they won’t be good enough.

I want to work on building my confidence and trusting that my opinions are just as valuable as everyone else’s.

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Photo by William Fortunato

47. I would like to work on overcoming the fear of underperforming when assigned ownership of certain tasks by volunteering to lead or own one new project over the next quarter.

48. I tend to shy away from assuming any managerial or supervisory responsibilities for work tasks. In the coming months, I would like to move away from strictly being a contributor to taking ownership of activities.

Explore : Organizational Culture Examples To Inspire

Dos and Don’ts for writing effective self-appraisal comments

It’s not enough to say how great you’ve been or how skilled you are at a particular thing. You have to demonstrate how the contributions you’ve made have impacted the company positively.

Describe the efforts you’ve made. Get into details about the challenges you faced and what you managed to accomplish. This will give your managers a good sense of your progress and allow them to accurately measure your performance.

Always use hard data to emphasize your achievements and give anyone reading your evaluations a more insightful perspective of your successes.

Keep track of the tangible results that have been generated as a direct or indirect consequence of your performance and actions. Write them down as they happen so you don’t have to rely on memory alone to recall your achievements whenever appraisal season rolls around.

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Photo by Cedric Fauntleroy

Remember that you’re still an employee and you have to avoid painting yourself in too negative a light. Instead of devoting paragraphs to analyzing your weaknesses, try to reframe them as an opportunity for self improvement.

Briefly identify the challenge you’re facing then move on to explaining the steps you’re already taking or actions you plan to take to improve the problem.

While the goal is to promote yourself, you also don’t want to come off as haughty or conceited. Your evaluation should offer a balanced view of your performance, accomplishments, and limitations.

Remember that you don’t know everything and you are yet to reach the final height you can possibly reach in your role or career. Show that you’re someone who is amenable to learning and improving.

A self-appraisal is not an excuse for you to air the secret or unflattering views you hold about the people you work with. Don’t seize the opportunity to say bad things about your teammates or managers or blame other people for your failings.

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Photo by Kampus Production

It’s normal to fall short of expectations now and then. You are not being put on trial for it. Just stay positive, take responsibility for your shortcomings, and express your commitment to addressing them.

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Self-appraisals offer employees a chance to reflect on their work for the period under consideration to determine what they’re doing well, how far they’ve come, and what skills still need work.

These self-appraisal comments examples will give you an idea of how to approach your next performance review and provide answers that will accurately reflect the great work you’ve been putting in.

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing. I started my first e-commerce company in college, designing and selling t-shirts for my campus bar crawl using print-on-demand. Having successfully established multiple 6 & 7-figure e-commerce businesses (in women’s fashion and hiking gear), I think I can share a tip or 2 to help you succeed.

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Self-evaluation examples: 60 of the best sample answers for employees and managers

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Self-evaluations are essential for employee, and organisational development and help employees reflect on their performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, and set goals for improvement.

Self-evaluations provide several benefits, including improved self-awareness, increased ownership, better communication, trust, and development planning.

To aid in the self-evaluation process, it's helpful to have a set of examples to draw inspiration from. This article provides 60 of the best sample answers for employees and managers preparing for a self-evaluation.

How teams benefit from self-evaluations

Self-evaluations can provide valuable insight and help create a more positive and productive performance review process. Let’s look the some of the top benefits.

Improved self-awareness

Self-evaluations help employees reflect on their performance and identify their strengths and weaknesses. This can lead to improved self-awareness and personal growth.

Increased Ownership

When employees are involved in the evaluation process, they take more ownership of their work and are more committed to meeting their goals and objectives.

Better Communication

Self-evaluations allow employees to communicate their accomplishments, goals, and concerns to their managers. This helps to establish open and honest lines of communication, which can improve the team's overall performance.


Self-evaluations can help reduce the subjective bias that can sometimes occur during performance evaluations solely by managers. This can lead to a more objective and fair assessment of an employee's performance.

Development Planning

Self-evaluations can help employees identify areas where they need to improve and then work with their managers to develop a plan to address those areas.

Increased Trust

Employees who feel their contributions and efforts are recognised and valued are more likely to trust their managers and the organisation. This can increase engagement and commitment to the company's goals and objectives.

What is typically covered in a self-evaluation?

Self-evaluations typically cover a range of topics that assess an employee's performance, contributions, and development over a given period. Some common topics that are covered in self-evaluations include:


This includes reviewing significant projects, tasks, and achievements the employee has accomplished over the review period.

Goals and Objectives

This includes an assessment of the employee's progress towards their individual goals and objectives and any changes or updates to their goals for the upcoming period.

Contributions to the Team and Organisation

This includes evaluating the employee's contributions to the team and organisation, such as collaboration, communication, and leadership.

Skills and Competencies

This includes a self-assessment of the employee's current skills and competencies and any areas where they need further development.

Professional Development

This includes an evaluation of the employee's efforts to further their professional development and growth, such as taking on new responsibilities, seeking additional training and development opportunities, and seeking feedback from others.

These are some of the most common topics covered in self-evaluations, but the exact content can vary depending on the organisation and the individual employee's role and responsibilities.

Understanding your strengths and weaknesses is crucial for personal growth, which can be greatly facilitated by structured self-evaluations. Roslin's self-evaluation tools allow you to reflect accurately on your performance, using tailored feedback that aligns with your career aspirations. Dive deeper into your professional journey and discover how Roslin can transform your self-assessment process.

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Leadership examples

Positive comments.

  • "I am proud of my ability to lead by example and consistently demonstrate a positive attitude and strong work ethic. I have inspired my team to work towards common goals, increasing productivity and morale."
  • "I have successfully led multiple projects this year, ensuring they were completed on time and within budget. My strong organisational skills and attention to detail have allowed me to manage complex projects and delegate tasks effectively to my team."
  • "I have made a conscious effort to foster a positive and inclusive work environment by promoting open communication and encouraging collaboration. This has resulted in a more cohesive and motivated team better equipped to meet our organisational goals."

Areas for improvement

  • "I must improve my public speaking skills and become more confident in presenting to large groups. I plan to attend a public speaking course and seek opportunities to practice my skills."
  • "I have sometimes struggled with delegating tasks effectively, leading to feelings of burnout and overwork for myself and my team. I plan to improve my delegation skills by setting clear expectations, providing ongoing support, and allowing team members to take ownership of their responsibilities."
  • "I recognise that I can be too focused on the big picture and neglect to provide regular feedback and recognition to my team. I plan to make a more conscious effort to provide regular feedback, both positive and constructive, and to recognise the contributions and achievements of my team members."

Collaboration and teamwork examples

  • "I have demonstrated strong teamwork skills by actively seeking out opportunities to collaborate with others and build positive relationships with my colleagues. I have consistently been able to find common ground and work towards shared goals, resulting in more efficient and effective work processes."
  • "I have effectively supported my team members by sharing my knowledge and expertise and providing guidance and mentorship. This has resulted in a more cohesive and supportive work environment and has allowed my team to achieve better outcomes."
  • "I have shown strong conflict resolution skills by navigating and resolving disagreements and challenges professionally and respectfully. This has helped to maintain positive and productive relationships within my team and across departments."
  • "I recognise that I can sometimes be too focused on my own goals and tasks, neglecting to consider the needs and perspectives of others fully. I plan to be a more active listener and seek input and feedback from my colleagues to ensure everyone's needs and priorities are considered."
  • "I have sometimes struggled to effectively communicate and coordinate with team members, leading to misunderstandings and delays. I plan to improve my communication skills by being clearer and more concise in my messaging and by making a greater effort to involve all team members in decision-making processes."
  • "I recognise that I need to improve my time management skills, as this can impact my ability to collaborate with others effectively. I plan to prioritise my tasks, set clear deadlines, and seek support from my team when needed to ensure that all collaborative projects are completed on time and to the best of my ability."

Communication examples

  • "I have consistently demonstrated strong communication skills in person and in writing. I have effectively conveyed my ideas and messages to many audiences and received positive feedback on my clear and concise writing style."
  • "I have made a concerted effort to be an active listener, seeking out the perspectives and opinions of others and providing empathy and understanding. This has helped to build positive relationships with my colleagues and has allowed me to understand and respond to their needs more effectively."
  • "I have effectively used various communication tools and platforms to reach and engage with my audience, including email, video conferencing, and social media. This has allowed me to reach a wider audience and to more effectively convey important information and updates."
  • "I sometimes struggle to articulate my ideas and thoughts clearly, especially in high-pressure situations. I plan to improve my public speaking skills by attending workshops and seeking opportunities to practice my skills."
  • "I have sometimes struggled to effectively communicate with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures, leading to misunderstandings and miscommunications. I plan to seek training and development opportunities to improve my cultural competency and better understand and communicate with people from diverse backgrounds."
  • "I recognise that I can sometimes be too direct or blunt in my communication style, leading to negative perceptions and misinterpretations. I plan to improve my interpersonal skills by being more mindful of the tone and delivery of my messages and by seeking feedback from others on my communication style."

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Job Knowledge examples

  • "I have demonstrated a strong understanding of my role and responsibilities and a deep knowledge of industry best practices and emerging trends. This has allowed me to perform my job effectively and to make informed decisions that benefit my team and the organisation."
  • "I have shown a commitment to continuous learning and professional development, regularly seeking opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills. This has kept me at the forefront of my field and has allowed me to bring new and innovative ideas to my role."
  • "I have effectively applied my job knowledge to solve complex problems and to complete challenging projects. My strong analytical skills and attention to detail have allowed me to identify and resolve issues quickly and effectively, improving my work's overall efficiency and quality."
  • "I recognise that I need to improve my technical skills in a specific area, as this will enhance my ability to perform my job and to provide value to the organisation. I plan to seek training and development opportunities to build my skills in this area."
  • "I have sometimes struggled to keep up with new developments and changes in my field, leading to a lack of awareness of best practices and emerging trends. I plan to make a more conscious effort to stay informed and seek new learning opportunities regularly."
  • "I recognise that I need to improve my project management skills, as this will enhance my ability to plan and execute projects effectively. I plan to seek out training and development opportunities to build my skills in this area and to apply my newfound knowledge to my current role."

Job performance examples

  • "I have consistently exceeded expectations in the performance of my job duties, consistently meeting or exceeding project deadlines and delivering high-quality work."
  • "I have taken the initiative to identify and address areas of improvement in my work and the work of my team, leading to increased efficiency and improved outcomes."
  • "I have effectively collaborated with my colleagues and cross-functional teams, demonstrating strong teamwork skills and a positive attitude towards achieving common goals."
  • "I must improve my time management skills to be more efficient and better prioritise my workload. I plan to seek training and development opportunities to build my skills in this area."
  • "I have sometimes struggled to manage my workload effectively and to balance competing priorities, leading to stress and burnout. I plan to work on better prioritising my tasks and to seek out additional support when needed."

"I recognise that I need to improve my delegation skills to manage my workload effectively and to empower my team members. I plan to seek out training and development opportunities to build my skills in this area and to apply my newfound knowledge to my current role."

Time management examples

  • "I have consistently demonstrated strong time management skills, effectively balancing my workload and meeting deadlines on time."
  • "I have effectively prioritised my tasks and responsibilities, ensuring that high-priority items receive the attention they deserve."
  • "I have implemented various time management techniques and tools, such as creating to-do lists and scheduling regular review sessions, which have greatly improved my efficiency and productivity."

"I recognise that I sometimes struggle with distractions and procrastination, leading to decreased efficiency and longer completion times for tasks. I plan to work on maintaining focus and reducing distractions to improve my time management skills."

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Problem-solving examples

  • "I have consistently demonstrated strong problem-solving skills, effectively identifying and addressing issues in a timely and efficient manner."
  • "I have a curious and analytical mindset, which allows me to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to complex problems."

"I recognise that I need to improve my decision-making skills, as this will enhance my ability to solve problems and make informed decisions effectively. I plan to seek training and development opportunities to build my skills in this area."

"I have sometimes struggled to manage my emotions and biases effectively when solving problems, leading to suboptimal solutions. I plan to develop emotional intelligence and objectivity when approaching problems."

"I recognise that I need to improve my research and data analysis skills, as this will enhance my ability to gather and interpret information needed to solve problems. I plan to seek training and development opportunities to build my skills in this area."

Company values examples

  • "I have consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to the company's values, aligning my actions and decisions with the company's mission and goals."
  • "I have been a role model for the company's values, inspiring my colleagues and team members to embody them in their work."
  • "I have sought out opportunities to promote and reinforce the company's values, both within my work and interactions with others."
  • "I must improve my understanding of the company's values and how they align with its mission and goals. I plan to seek training and development opportunities to build my knowledge in this area."
  • "I have sometimes struggled to balance my workload and personal values effectively with the company's values, leading to conflicts. I plan to align my actions and decisions better with the company's values."
  • "I recognise that I need to improve my communication skills. This will enhance my ability to effectively convey the company's values to others and promote a culture of values-driven decision-making. I plan to seek training and development opportunities to build my skills in this area."

Productivity examples

  • "I have consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and a commitment to productivity, consistently delivering high-quality work on time and exceeding expectations."
  • "I have implemented various productivity techniques and tools, such as time tracking and task management software, which have greatly improved my efficiency and productivity."
  • "I recognise that I sometimes struggle with distractions and procrastination, leading to decreased efficiency and longer completion times for tasks. I plan to work on maintaining focus and reducing distractions to improve my productivity."
  • "I recognise that I need to improve my time management skills, as this will enhance my ability to balance my workload effectively and to meet deadlines. I plan to seek training and development opportunities to build my skills in this area."

Customer experience examples

  • "I have consistently demonstrated a strong commitment to providing excellent customer service, always going above and beyond to meet the needs of our customers."
  • "I have effectively communicated with customers, building strong relationships and gaining their trust and loyalty."
  • "I deeply understand our customers' needs and preferences and have effectively used this knowledge to enhance the customer experience."
  • "I sometimes struggle managing customer complaints and conflicts, leading to dissatisfaction and negative experiences. I plan to develop my conflict resolution skills and seek additional training in this area."
  • "I have sometimes struggled to effectively manage my workload and balance competing priorities, leading to longer response times and reduced customer availability. I plan to work on better prioritising my tasks and to seek out additional support when needed."
  • "I recognise that I need to improve my empathy and emotional intelligence skills, as this will enhance my ability to understand and respond to the needs of our customers effectively. I plan to seek training and development opportunities to build my skills in this area."

As you plan your professional development, consider how a comprehensive evaluation tool can streamline this process. With Roslin's performance review software , you can not only track your progress but also set actionable goals based on insightful analytics. Empower your career development with Roslin and make your next self-evaluation your stepping stone to success.

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

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  •  Guest Posts

The List of 50 Effective Self Appraisal Comments

You are your harshest critic, but can you really appraise yourself the right way? Here's how you thoroughly aid yourself with these self-appraisal comments.

Taruna Lohmror

You are your harshest critic, but can you really appraise yourself the right way? Here's how you thoroughly aid yourself with these self-appraisal comments.

Self Appraisal Comments

Table of Contents

  • Why Is Self-Appraisal Important?
  • How to Write Self-Appraisal Comments?

Benefits of self appraisal for the team and manager

  • 50 Self-Appraisal Comments and Phrases

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Self-appraisal comments or self-evaluation mostly form the first step in a performance review program. While this offers an excellent opportunity for an employee to accurately evaluate their performance elaborate on their achievements and areas of improvement, most of us do not do complete justice to this step.

As a result, we misrepresent our work by either overestimating or underestimating our efforts. To do complete justice to oneself, an employee needs to use the art of writing with the science of data.

If done correctly, this exercise can provide meaningful data that can help reward the right attributes, plan training interventions, re-assess the need for realignment with organization objectives at regular intervals, and help employees in their daily and long-term performance projects.

Here you will find 50 self-appraisal comments and phrases that will help you write a performance review for yourself.

self appraisal quote

While self-appraisals are meant to be our best friend and help us in getting a crisp, clear understanding of our work and learning, it somehow does not come on our priority at all.

This could be because of:

  • Lack of time.
  • Sheer laziness.
  • Feeling that your work is anyways known to your manager.
  • Unable to recall the information while doing self-appraisal.
  • Not seeing the importance of doing it elaborately.

Influence of others and pre-set notions such as whatever we write, managers will anyways give the score they want or let me write only good things about me as the manager will anyways criticize or as I am aspiring for promotion or good hike let me only write thoughts that show me in good light can also hinder the objectivity of this exercise.

This blog will take you through the importance of self-appraisal, how to write self-appraisal comments, and 50 examples for performance reviews to clear any doubts.

Why is self-appraisal important?

For an organization to continue succeeding, it is important that all its employees precisely know what they are doing. At all times, there must be an alignment of individual efforts towards the organization's objective.

There must be a sense of accountability, a will to introspect and learn, and a sense of accomplishment at each level. Hence, an employee must assess themselves correctly with supporting data points.

As an individual, it is every employee’s responsibility to do justice to the work they have made and their contributions by presenting it in the best possible manner they can.

We also hear that the managers didn’t provide the right or constructive feedback . They didn’t gauge an employee’s performance correctly or were not fair in their scoring – well, it may be impractical to expect the managers to remember all your accomplishments and then score you.

The foundation for a great review process starts with writing a performance review for yourself.

How to write self-appraisal comments?

Here are the steps following that can teach you how to write your self-evaluation and help write a performance review for yourself.

1. Track your work regularly

Get in a regular habit of making your notes. You surely would not remember it all when you get down to writing your self-appraisal.

Keep track of your improvements from the last feedback, your contributions, the training you did, and the challenges you faced.

In an ideal scenario, it would be good to start maintaining a performance document at the beginning of an assessment period and record your performance under the following categories month on month.

  • Contributions and achievements
  • Areas of improvements
  • Extra initiatives
  • Feedback received and action taken
  • Training and certifications and so on

2. Prepare a draft

Do not be in a hurry to click on the ‘Submit’ button in your self-appraisal form. Working in the draft mode will allow you to read, review, amend your inputs and refer to data points.

Remember, presentation matters! Be sure to check on grammar, sentence formation, and overall presentation of your thoughts.

3. Take time to complete it

Usually, the tendency is to start working on self-evaluation when HR sends reminders. The priority then is to complete the exercise and, in an attempt, to meet the timelines – the quality of content is compromised to a great extent.

The 1st two points can come in handy if you are crunched on time. If you do not follow this practice, it surely will be good to start early to have ample time to refer to historical data and prepare your write-up.

4. No achievement is a small achievement

We often don't understand how to do self-appraisal assessments. While working on self-appraisals, there is always a dilemma – how much self-praise is a lot?

Would it look better if I were more critical of myself? Will it be considered arrogance if I write about every achievement of mine – big or small?

Well, the whole intent of self-appraisal is to provide an avenue for an employee to express and share their inputs. Utilize it to the best.

You can probably consider the style of writing – see what works best – paragraphs or bullet points. Would you want to make a list of small ones and describe the big achievements?

Find ways to make your data crisp yet cover all the details you want to present.

5. Be realistic

Do not under or overestimate yourself. Be realistic about scoring your work. Remember to do this exercise to benefit your learning and intellectual growth first.

There is no fun in over-rating yourself and then having an unpleasant discussion during review stages and getting demotivated about your final rating.

Self-appraisals, also known as self-assessments or self-evaluations, can offer several benefits for both team members and their managers. Here are the advantages of self-appraisals:

Benefits of self appraisal for the team members

  • Increased self-awareness : Self-appraisals encourage employees to reflect on their own performance, strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This self-awareness is a crucial component of personal growth and development.
  • Ownership of performance : When employees are actively involved in assessing their own performance, they tend to take greater ownership of their work. This sense of responsibility can lead to improved job satisfaction and commitment to achieving goals.
  • Goal alignment : Self-appraisals help team members align their own goals and objectives with those of the organization. This ensures that individual efforts contribute to the overall success of the team and the company.
  • Open communication : Self-appraisals often include opportunities for employees to provide feedback to their managers . This fosters open communication, as team members can express their concerns, suggestions, and ideas for improvement.
  • Professional development : Self-appraisals can identify areas where employees wish to improve or acquire new skills. This information can be used to create personalized development plans , leading to professional growth.
  • Recognition of achievements : Employees can use self-appraisals to highlight their achievements, contributions, and milestones. This recognition can boost their self-esteem and job satisfaction.

Benefits of self appraisal for managers

  • 360-degree evaluation : Self-appraisals provide managers with valuable insights into how employees perceive their own performance. This information complements the manager's perspective and can lead to a more comprehensive evaluation.
  • Efficient performance reviews : Self-appraisals can streamline the performance review process. Managers can review employees' self-assessments in advance, allowing for more focused and productive discussions during review meetings.
  • Identification of skill gaps : Managers can use self-appraisals to identify skill gaps and training needs within the team. This information can guide decisions about training and development initiatives.
  • Goal setting and alignment : Self-appraisals help managers understand employees' career aspirations and goals. This enables managers to align team members with roles and responsibilities that match their interests and ambitions.
  • Enhanced engagement : Involving employees in self-appraisals can lead to greater engagement and commitment to their own performance improvement. Employees who actively participate in their evaluations are more likely to be motivated to achieve their goals.
  • Feedback loop : Self-appraisals create a feedback loop that promotes regular communication between managers and team members. This ongoing dialogue can lead to better performance and a deeper understanding of individual strengths and weaknesses.

In summary, self-appraisals benefit both team members and managers by fostering self-awareness, open communication, goal alignment, and professional development. When conducted effectively, self-appraisals contribute to a positive work environment and can lead to improved individual and team performance.

50 Self-appraisal comments and phrases

With data in place and time set aside to write self-appraisal, it is time management to get creative in writing the review. You may have the best of work to write about.

Still, if you cannot articulate your thoughts and express them in a crisp, engaging, and data-based manner, you may see a repetition of content and an excessively lengthy yet less impactful self-review.

Here we will take some commonly known functional and additional skills and suggest fifty self-appraisal comments and phrases for your reference, which can be used in conjunction with your project details to describe your work.

Note that these phrases will be meaningful when used along with crisp data points/supporting instances.

Let us now look at a couple of self-appraisal comments examples that can help in self-evaluation for performance review.

Customer support

1. I have handled X tickets and resolved Y% of tickets in Z amount of time.

2. Service SLAs maintained for Y% of time.

3. I have received appreciation from the client for handling the critical case [mention the details].

4. While my interaction with A client is seamless, I need to strengthen my working relationship with B client.

5. Based on my rapport and team delivery, I pitched in for a new assignment, and we received [provide the details on the new assignment].

6. I was selected as the KT point of contact by the client for the X project.

Business communication

7. I am always polite and respectful during my written and verbal communications.

8. I set my expectations with other stakeholders.

9. I document the meaningful discussions for later reference.

10. I have handled escalation emails with ease and composure.

11. I participate in team collaboration and idea-sharing forums and contribute ideas. [if you have any ideas that helped in process improvements, you can add them here].

12. I share feedback constructively that helps in acceptance, assimilation, and action.

Team handling and collaboration

13. I deal with my team respectfully and acknowledge everyone’s presence.

14. I invite fresh ideas of process improvements from the team.

15. I encourage open dialogue in the team.

16. In absence of my Team leader, I take the team huddle every day.

17. I planned a team outing and team bonding exercise that involved [can share the details here].

18. I collaborated with other departments on the recent RFI and sales pitch.

19. I work with the support teams in driving their initiatives in my team.

20. I am the engagement POC for my team and plan for team celebrations and budget utilization.

21. My team participated in inter-corporate sports/cultural events.

Learning and development

22. I attended X training on the following subjects [mention the issues].

23. I have incorporated the following learning in my daily task, which has helped [enter the details on how it has helped your work].

24. I encourage my team to indulge in self-learning and attend training constantly.

25. In X duration, L&D penetration in my team is at Y%.

26. I introduced the concept of cross-training and upskilling within the team, thereby enhancing the team’s learning and ensuring business continuity.

27. As part of IDP (individual development plan), I am participating in a leadership job shadowing and mentoring program.

Process improvements and innovations

28. I worked on X projects and made a saving of Y person-hours.

29. I constantly strive to add more quality by automating manual processes.

30. I constantly contribute fresh ideas within the organization beyond my scope of work too.

31. I am undergoing Quality concept training [providing details and certification level].

Additional initiatives and responsibilities

32. I took X number of initiatives beyond my regular task in Y duration.

33. For the “A” initiative, I also received appreciation from the Business head.

34. I could not devote time to X initiative taken due to [add details].

35. Due to a lack of resources and understanding, I could not complete the Y initiative.

36. I participated in the DD/MM/YY CSR drive and helped [detail the contribution].

37. I am part of a corporate cultural group.

38. I volunteered to [provide details].

Improvement areas

39. I need to improve my time management and problem-solving skills.

40. I can work on enhancing my people management skills.

41. I can get more proactive in gauging my team sentiments.

42. I delegate tasks within the team but eventually, I get down to doing it on my own. I need to hence work on upskilling and supporting my team.

43. I can further improve my interviewing skills.

44. I identify the need for advanced excel and presentation skills training.

45. I need to work on balancing between work and personal time.

Discipline and compliance

46. I am punctual, always log in on time, and complete my work timings.

47. I ensure I follow IT and data security safety guidelines.

48. I do not indulge in password and access card sharing.

49. I contribute to the safety of the organization by reporting matters.

50. I participate in compliance projects run by various departments.

self appraisal quote

Self-evaluation is a must. Unless you know your actions, how can you expect to improve yourself? Self-appraisal comments can be an overwhelming experience as we usually do not know how to do self-appraisal assessments.

You can opt to take the help of some self-help books, contact your training department for assistance, and then try this technique of looking and evaluating yourself as a third person.

But the key for this technique to work will be that you stay honest in capturing the accomplishments and improvements correctly.

Taking periodic feedback from your stakeholders will also help you gather the correct data and aid in a constructive self-appraisal.

Writing self-appraisals might bore you at some time, but it's the need of the hour because it's you who know about your strengths and weaknesses better than the others.

Self-appraisal is not just about evaluating your actions but is more about looking at things from a different point of view.

Remember, if you articulate and present the data in a correct, precise, and accurate manner, you will be able to do justice to your work and carve a learning and upskilling path for future growth.

How do you write a comment for a self-performance appraisal?

  • Be honest and objective.
  • Highlight key achievements.
  • Discuss challenges and how you overcame them.
  • Mention any areas where you're keen to improve or develop.
  • Reflect on feedback from peers, managers, or clients.
  • Align your comments with job responsibilities and goals.

What do you write in a self-appraisal comments?

  • Start by reviewing your job description and your objectives for the review period.
  • Discuss key projects, their outcomes, and your role in achieving those outcomes.
  • Discuss any new skills you’ve acquired or areas where you’ve expanded your expertise.
  • If you faced any setbacks, discuss what you learned from them and how you'll approach similar situations in the future.
  • Mention any training or development you'd like to undertake in the next review period.

How to write self-appraisal comments sample?

  • Achievements : "Over the past year, I successfully led the team in the XYZ project, which was completed 15% under budget and 2 weeks ahead of schedule. This success was a direct result of collaborative team efforts and proactive problem-solving."
  • Challenges : "I faced challenges in integrating the new software into our workflow. However, by seeking additional training and collaborating with IT, we streamlined the process and improved productivity by 10%."
  • Skills & growth : "I have honed my skills in data analytics and successfully applied these in forecasting our Q4 sales. I also initiated a bi-weekly knowledge-sharing session within the team, which has been beneficial for all."
  • Areas for improvement : "One area I'd like to focus on in the coming year is improving my public speaking and presentation skills. While I've grown more comfortable in internal meetings, I recognize the value of being able to present our work effectively to larger audiences."
  • Feedback & collaboration : "Feedback from peers indicates that they appreciate my collaborative approach. I'd like to continue fostering this team spirit and also seek feedback more proactively to ensure continuous alignment with team objectives."
  • Future goals : "In the next year, I aim to take on more leadership roles within the team and actively mentor newer team members. I also plan to complete the advanced certification in ABC, which I believe will be beneficial for our upcoming projects."

What is self appraisal?

Self appraisal is a process wherein employees evaluate and assess their own work performance, achievements, challenges, and areas of improvement over a specified period. It's an introspective look into one's strengths, weaknesses, achievements, and areas for development.

This can be a formal process as part of an organization's performance review system, or it can be an informal personal exercise for self-growth.

How to write a self appraisal?

  • Begin with achievements : Start by listing down the key milestones and accomplishments you've achieved during the appraisal period. Be specific, and where possible, quantify your achievements (e.g., "Increased sales by 15%")
  • Assess strengths : Identify the key strengths and competencies you've displayed. This could include technical expertise, soft skills, or any specific qualities that have helped you excel in your role.
  • Recognize areas for improvement : Honestly evaluate areas where you believe you can do better or skills you need to develop. Be constructive and think about the next steps or trainings that can help you grow in these areas.
  • Set goals : Based on your self-assessment, outline clear and achievable goals for the next period. These could be related to your job responsibilities, skill development, or personal growth.
  • Gather feedback : If possible, incorporate feedback you've received from peers, supervisors, or clients during the period. This adds a comprehensive view of your performance.
  • Be honest and constructive : Avoid downplaying or inflating your achievements. Being honest gives a more accurate representation of your performance, helping in further development.

How to write self appraisal comments?

When commenting on your own performance:

Be Specific: Instead of writing "I did well in project management," you could say, "I effectively managed the XYZ project, ensuring it was completed two weeks ahead of the deadline."

Stay Balanced: While it's great to highlight successes, also acknowledge areas where you faced challenges and how you overcame them or plan to address them in the future.

Use Positive Language: Even when addressing challenges, frame them in a positive light, e.g., "While I faced challenges in team communication, I've enrolled in a communication workshop to enhance this skill."

Link to Business Goals: Whenever possible, tie your comments back to broader business or team objectives. This shows alignment and understanding of company goals.

Why is Self Appraisal Important?

  • Self Awareness: It encourages employees to reflect on their strengths and areas of development, promoting self-awareness.
  • Professional Growth: By understanding one's areas of improvement, it becomes easier to seek relevant training or mentorship.
  • Goal Setting: Self appraisals provide a foundation to set measurable and achievable goals for personal and professional development.
  • Feedback Loop: It opens up a channel of communication between employees and managers. Through self appraisal, managers gain insights into an employee's self-perception, which can be a basis for constructive feedback.
  • Recognition: Acknowledging one's own achievements boosts morale and reinforces positive behaviors and outcomes.
  • Accountability: By evaluating their performance, employees take ownership of their work, outcomes, and areas of growth.

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50 Self-Appraisal Comments For Your Next Performance Review


Performance reviews can be jittering for anyone, particularly when it comes to self-appraisal or self-evaluation. It is often difficult to analyze what to say and what to omit while writing a self-evaluation.

This article will help you see how self-appraisal is essential to performance management and learn 50 phrases that you can use during your performance appraisal.

Self-appraisal is also known as self-assessment, and it is a popular tool used by managers to assess their employees’ performance. It is the opportunity for employees to shine and evaluate their own performance during the time of promotions or feedback. These performance appraisal processes act as a bridge between the expectations set and the performance.

These assessments create a medium for open communication, improved interpersonal skills , and opportunities and developments in the workplace. It provides employees the chance to discuss personal issues and their progress. Also, it helps an employee to showcase their skills with team members and show their managers their potential—a type of self-criticism an employee needs to maintain healthy work progress.

Now that you have known about self-appraisal comments let’s delve a little deeper into it.

Want to deliver a holistic and impactful appraisal to your employees?

Benefits of self appraisal.

Self-appraisal is a significant part of your performance review , because it reflects your self-awareness and professional development. As an employee, it is important to be self-aware because you become conscious about your strengths and weaknesses and how others perceive you. Higher the sense of awareness, higher the chances of having better self-confidence, stronger relationships, and enhanced decision-making and problem-solving skills .

Self-awareness helps you improve on an individual level and grow professionally which impacts the company’s growth as well. Research by Kerry Fong Institute shows that employees working in poor-performing organizations had 20 percent more blind spots than employees who work at financially equipped organizations.

50 Self Appraisal Comments to Use in Your Next Performance Review

First and foremost, when you are writing a self-appraisal for yourself, you must keep the following factors in mind.

What you must continue doing- Remember to mention your contributions towards the team, your accomplishments, time management, and work efficiency.

Recognize your blind spots- Understand what affects your peers or managers negatively with your specific doings.

What you must start doing- Now is the time to start doing new projects to come out of your comfort zone.

Once you've done this analysis, you are ready to write your self-evaluation comments.

Now, without further ado, let’s take a dig at 50 sample self-appraisal comments you can use on your next performance review.


  • With strong communication skills , I communicate my expectations to my team without being imposing.
  • I can communicate effectively on various levels in our company.
  • I can take and give constructive feedback and deal well in sensitive situations.
  • I convey my ideas and opinions effectively to different teams and individuals.
  • I share information transparently with peers for team success.
  • I can communicate with clients with a convincing speech.
  • If my peers have done an excellent job, I never fail to appreciate them, either personally or publicly.

Job Performance

  • I am proud of my job, and I value my responsibilities.
  • I never hesitate to participate in challenging tasks and go above and beyond.
  • I take my job responsibilities seriously and believe in working in a team-oriented work environment.
  • With sheer dedication, I have exceeded my (mention your goal) performance goal by (mention the numbers).
  • I have decreased (e.g. costs and customer churn) by (insert specific number here) percent.
  • I always challenged myself to become a better performer every day.
  • I gladly help my peers by collaborating and assisting them in difficult situations.


  • I never fail on my commitments and continuously keep them informed about the challenges I incur.
  • I have completed (Add numbers) percent of my decided deadlines.
  • I refrain from procrastination and possess good time management skills .
  • I tend to plan and prioritize my meetings with clients and the team.
  • I am always on time and always start my day with enthusiasm and positivity.
  • I never hesitate to seek guidance from my leaders whenever necessary.
  • I follow proper email etiquette while replying to customers and peers.

Customer Orientation

  • I can very well handle irate and hostile customers by (explain your tactics).
  • I actively listen to customers to decipher their point of view.’
  • I never fail to update our customers about the recent ongoings and products.
  • I have achieved a total of (specify numbers) on my customer service survey.
  • I work continuously to enhance the customer experience (mention the examples)
  • I always try to think from the customer’s point of view to understand their psyche and perspective towards us.

Would you like to send meaningful appreciation messages to your teammates?

Innovation and creativity.

  • I keep looking forward to improving our work processes continually.
  • If you noticed, my idea of (mention the idea) has been a success, showing my creativity.
  • I have an eye-for-detail and always think out-of-the-box while looking for solutions.
  • I still collaborate with the team while brainstorming and come up with new ideas.
  • I faced multiple challenges like (mention the challenges), but I successfully tackled it by (mention the solution).
  • I try to think from everyone’s perspective and find solutions that benefit everyone.
  • I can adapt to new predicaments quickly and open to possibilities.

Growth and Development

  • My personal goal is my priority, and I set my personal development.
  • I keep myself updated with recent trends and apply them in my work regularly.
  • My commitment to my work adds to my personal growth, and I believe in training to improve my skills.
  • I continuously seek opportunities to connect with employees from various fields.
  • I take progressive steps towards achieving my goals and visualize my long-term plans.
  • I am a quick learner and can quickly adapt to changes.
  • I am curious and always tend to learn new things.

Opportunities for Improvement

  • Even though I am transparent, I have noticed my team doesn’t think I am, and I will work on it further.
  • I have a knack for customer service, yet I need to follow up more often, and I am continually working on it.
  • I always have positive thinking, yet some people find it difficult to hold a conversation with me, and I want to break this misconception.
  • I have good communication skills, but I need to work on my public speaking skills as it gets difficult to interact with large groups sometimes.
  • Sometimes, I tend to get stuck with only one task; I need to enhance my multi-tasking skills.
  • I have many ideas to share, but sometimes I feel shy to share everything.
  • I know my team’s needs, yet sometimes I fail to work according to the work calendar.
  • Even though I am a happy-go-lucky person, people still mistake me for being arrogant and rude. Even though I value my peers, I can sometimes come across as unapproachable.
  • Sometimes, I forget to probe and ask for suggestions and keep working solo; there, I need to improve and become more proactive.

Writing self-appraisal comments can sometimes become tedious and lengthy, but it holds immense importance in one’s personal growth and company growth. For your next performance review, remember to put some of these phrases into practice and let us know if it was helpful.

This article is written by Gautam Gayan . He works as a Content Marketer at Vantage Circle . Apart from being a passionate content creator for HR services and employee engagement, Gautam is a theatre enthusiast, an avid reader and an aspiring poet. For any related queries, contact [email protected]

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80+ Helpful Self-Appraisal Comments for Your Performance Review

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Preparing for your review can be a valuable chance to reflect on your work and set goals. We’ve gathered more than 80 helpful self-appraisal comments to assist you in this process.

Whether you want to highlight your accomplishments, recognize areas for improvement, or plan for the future, this list is designed to help you express yourself clearly and confidently during your review.

Table of Contents

What is self-appraisal.

Self-appraisal is when you take a close look at your own work, skills, and behaviour. It’s like giving yourself a report card. You think about what you’ve done well, where you could improve, and what goals you want to achieve in the future. It’s a chance to reflect on your performance and set new targets for yourself.

What is the purpose of self-appraisal?

The purpose of self-appraisal is to help you understand how well you’re doing at your job and how you can do better. It’s like taking a step back to look at your work and behaviour from a distance. By doing this, you can identify what you’re good at and where you need to improve.

Self-appraisal also helps you set goals for yourself and figure out what you want to achieve in the future. It’s a way to take control of your growth and development in your job.

1. Understanding Your Performance

By self-appraisal, you should be able to view your performance critically. Ask yourself how you felt when you completed certain tasks successfully and where you had some difficulties. Through analysis of your performance, you can picture more vividly your strengths and weaknesses.

2. Identifying Areas for Improvement

For your own benefit, self-evaluation allows you to find out your areas of improvement and where you can advance. Taking note of your lack of expertise or where you could be better would give you the motivation to do something about it. This could be in the form of attending other classes, polishing some skills and amending how you approach doing certain tasks.

3. Setting Goals

Self-appraisal helps you set goals for yourself. Once you understand your strengths and weaknesses, you can establish objectives to work towards. These goals might relate to improving specific skills, taking on new responsibilities, or achieving certain outcomes in your role.

4. Personal Development

Self-appraisal is a crucial tool for personal development. It enables you to take ownership of your growth and progress in your career. By actively engaging in self-reflection and assessment, you can continuously strive to become better at what you do.

5. Communication

Self-appraisal also plays a role in communication between you and your manager or employer. When you have a clear understanding of your performance and goals, you can effectively communicate this information during performance reviews or discussions with your supervisor. This helps ensure that you and your employer are aligned in terms of expectations and objectives.

How Self-Appraisal work?

Self-appraisal is like taking a good look at yourself at work. You think about what you’ve done well and what you could do better. First, you look back on your work and think about what you’ve accomplished and what was tough. Then, you think about your skills and behaviour to see where you’re strong and where you need to improve.

After that, you set goals for yourself, like learning new things or getting better at certain tasks. Finally, you talk about all of this with your boss during your performance review. Self-appraisal helps you get better at your job by giving you a chance to examine and set goals for yourself.

Now let’s dive in and see how to write a helpful self-appraisal for yourself.

How to write a self-appraisal

Writing a self-appraisal is like writing a report about yourself at work. It’s a chance to talk about what you’ve done well and what you could improve. Here’s how you can do it.

  • Think About Your Work: Start by thinking about what you’ve accomplished in your job. What tasks have you completed? What goals have you achieved?
  • Identify Strengths and Weaknesses: Next, think about your skills and behaviour at work. What are you good at? Where could you do better? Be honest with yourself.
  • Set Goals: Based on what you’ve thought about, set some goals for yourself. What do you want to achieve in the future? How can you improve in areas where you’re not as strong?
  • Write It Down: Finally, write down your thoughts in a clear and organized way. Use simple language and be specific about examples of your work.

By following these steps, you can write a self-appraisal that helps you understand your performance and set goals for yourself.

Important things to keep in mind during the self-appraisal process

These are the few points you need to keep in mind during the self-appraisal.

  • Be Honest: It’s essential to be truthful about your strengths and weaknesses. Don’t exaggerate or downplay your achievements
  • Give Examples: When you talk about what you’ve done, give specific examples from your job. This makes it easier for your manager to see exactly what you’ve achieved.
  • Focus on Improvement: While it’s good to highlight your successes, also talk about areas where you can improve. This shows that you’re committed to growing in your role.
  • Be Positive: Even when discussing challenges, maintain a positive tone. Focus on what you’ve learned from setbacks and how you plan to overcome them.
  • Establish Achievable Goals: When you’re planning for the future, ensure your goals are realistic and related to your job. Break them into smaller tasks to make them easier to handle.
  • Request Feedback: Feel free to seek input from coworkers or your supervisor. Their viewpoints can offer valuable insights into your work performance.

Example of Self Appraisal

Let’s have a look at a self-appraisal for example,

I worked as a cashier this year.

I greeted customers with a smile and made sure their purchases were rung up correctly.

I have also helped train two new employees, showing them how to use the cash register and handle customer inquiries.

One thing I want to improve on is handling busy times more efficiently.

Sometimes, I felt a bit overwhelmed when many customers were waiting in line.

Next year, I plan to practice staying calm under pressure and speed up my checkout process.

80+ Outcome-Oriented self-appraisal comments

Self-appraisal comments on communication.

1. I ensure that my expectations are communicated clearly to all stakeholders.

2. I stay in touch with department heads and actively participate in team meetings.

3. I offer constructive feedback and tackle challenges through effective communication.

4. I present my ideas professionally and skilfully.

5. I share relevant information with my team members to ensure everyone is well-informed.

6. I proactively communicate any changes to stakeholders as soon as they occur.

7. I publicly appreciate the excellent work done by my team members.

Self-Appraisal comments on job performance

8. I genuinely enjoy my job and strive to perform at my best each day.

9. I often take the initiative to address issues beyond my assigned tasks that impact the team.

10. I prioritize fostering a collaborative work environment.

11. I have surpassed my performance goal (specify goal) by (mention percentage).

12. I approach my work without bias or favouritism.

13. I continuously seek ways to enhance my performance.

14. I am consistently available to answer questions and support my colleagues.

Self-Evaluation Comments on Growth and Development

15. I actively establish goals to foster both professional and personal growth.

16. I am committed to enhancing my skills and expertise through continuous learning.

17. I embrace opportunities to learn from peers and colleagues, becoming a self-driven learner.

18. I seek connections and insights from experienced professionals in my field to broaden my knowledge.

19. I maintain a clear vision for my career path and proactively pursue it.

20. I demonstrate agility by quickly adapting to changes in my work environment.

21. I have a genuine enthusiasm for learning, recently acquiring (specify details).

Self-Appraisal Comments on Attention to Detail

22. I diligently review my work multiple times to ensure accuracy before submission.

23. I maintain a comprehensive task list to prevent overlooking any important details.

24. The majority of my submitted work is of high quality, with minimal errors.

25. I am deeply committed to delivering projects with meticulous attention to detail and excellence.

26. My track record demonstrates consistently high-quality work, with over 90% of projects meeting stringent quality standards.

27. However, when managing multiple tasks, I occasionally miss important details.

28. Under time constraints, I may unintentionally overlook minor errors.

29. Occasionally, I may neglect to proofread my work thoroughly.

30. I recognize the need to enhance my prioritization skills to avoid errors and improve efficiency.

31. I am dedicated to developing my organizational skills to manage tasks effectively and maintain attention to detail.

Self-Evaluation Comments on Job Knowledge

32. I possess a clear understanding of my role and responsibilities.

33. I recognize the significance of my contributions to the organization’s success.

34. In the previous quarter, I successfully achieved 80% of my objectives.

35. I stay updated on the latest developments in my field to maintain proficiency.

36. I prioritize regular training and upskilling to remain current and competent.

37. However, due to the diverse nature of my responsibilities, I may occasionally struggle to grasp specific requirements.

38. Sometimes, I find it challenging to explain my role or expertise to others.

39. I am eager to make a meaningful impact within the organization.

40. My goal for the next quarter is to surpass job expectations by achieving at least 70% of my objectives.

41. In areas where I lack proficiency, I plan to enrol in relevant courses to bridge the knowledge gap.

Self-Appraisal Comments on Customer Success

42. I adeptly address customer inquiries and concerns.

43. I prioritize understanding customers’ needs through active listening before offering solutions.

44. I consistently exceed expectations to provide customers with the information or assistance they require.

45. (Specify percentage) % of customers have rated my service with the highest satisfaction score.

46. I am committed to enhancing the overall customer experience through continuous improvement efforts.

47. I make it a priority to empathize with customers’ perspectives and tailor solutions to meet their specific needs.

Self-Evaluation Comments on Innovation and Creativity

48. I actively seek opportunities to enhance our work processes.

49. I demonstrate adaptability by swiftly adjusting to new situations.

50. I tackle challenges with a problem-solving mindset.

51. I enjoy collaborating with colleagues to generate ideas.

52. My focus remains on finding solutions rather than dwelling on problems.

53. I strive to consider the perspectives of others and find solutions beneficial to the entire team.

54. I actively seek out learning opportunities and value insights from those around me.

Self-Appraisal Comments on Performance Improvement

55. I realize the significance of increasing transparency within my team moving forward.

56. Though skilled in customer support, I acknowledge the necessity to enhance follow-up procedures.

57. I tend to avoid difficult conversations, often favouring a positive demeanour.

58. Enhancements are needed in my communication within larger groups or across departments.

59. While inclined towards traditional methods, I remain receptive to new perspectives.

60. Recognizing the importance of active participation, I aspire to contribute more ideas during team discussions.

61. I admit instances of inadequate communication regarding leave and aim to improve in this area.

Self-Evaluation Comments on Ownership and Initiative

62. I find satisfaction in undertaking tasks and projects that extend beyond my designated Key Result Areas (KRAs).

63. I have assumed responsibility for approximately 40% of the new projects delegated to our team.

64. I am often the first to express interest in exploring new opportunities within the team.

65. Approximately 15-20% of my time is dedicated to overseeing projects from initiation to completion.

66. Notably, last quarter, upon assuming responsibility for our largest client, I successfully increased sales by 10%.

67. I tend to prefer contributing to projects rather than assuming full responsibility for their management.

68. Looking ahead, I aspire to take ownership of at least one new project in the upcoming quarter.

69. I plan to seek guidance from my manager to address any apprehensions I may have about assuming additional responsibilities and meeting expectations.

Self-Audit Comments on Teamwork

70. I am committed to leaving my home earlier to ensure punctuality at the office, considering various factors.

71. Empowering my team members to excel is a primary focus of mine.

72. I prioritize soliciting input from all team members in every project.

73. Actively participating and contributing ideas during team discussions and brainstorming sessions is a regular practice for me.

74. I actively encourage other team members to share their perspectives and viewpoints.

75. Maintaining a positive rapport with the majority of my team members is essential to me.

76. I am currently working on familiarizing myself with all team members to foster better collaboration.

77. Improving my confidence to express ideas comfortably within the team is a personal goal of mine.

78. I am actively addressing my tendency to overlook ideas shared by others and strive to be more attentive.

79. My focus remains on optimizing the effectiveness of delegated tasks by ensuring appropriate assignment and follow-up.

80. I am committed to attending most team meetings and actively engaging in discussions to contribute to team success.

Self-Evaluation Comments on Attendance

81. Any planned time off is communicated to my team well in advance, maintaining transparency and minimizing disruptions.

82. I refrain from unnecessary breaks during working hours, maintaining focus and productivity.

83. I am committed to maintaining steady employment and addressing any gaps in my work history proactively.

84. Moving forward, I aim to plan vacation days ahead of time to facilitate better scheduling and coordination.

Sample Template for Self-Appraisal

In the past year (or a specified period), I have achieved several significant goals, including [mention specific achievements and results]. These accomplishments have positively impacted my work by [provide details on how they have influenced your job performance and productivity , or contributions to the team/organization]. However, I also recognize that there are areas where I can enhance my performance. Areas where I aim to enhance include [mention areas of improvement]. To address these areas, I plan to [briefly outline solutions or strategies you have in mind to improve in these areas].

In conclusion, self-appraisal comments for performance reviews help individuals talk about what they’ve done well, where they can improve, and what goals they have. These comments are important for having productive discussions with supervisors during evaluations. They give employees a chance to take charge of their own growth and make their work environment better.

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A self-appraisal comment is a statement where you evaluate your own performance, highlighting achievements, areas of improvement, and goals.

Self-appraisal comments help employees reflect on their work, provide insight into their contributions, and open avenues for constructive discussion during performance reviews.

You can use this resource as a reference to formulate your own self-appraisal comments. Tailor the examples provided to align with your experiences, achievements, and areas for improvement.

Yes, the resource includes a variety of self-appraisal comments across different job roles and skill sets, making it adaptable for individuals in various professions.

Absolutely! Feel free to customize and modify the self-evaluation comments to accurately reflect your specific achievements, challenges, and goals.

By engaging in thoughtful self-reflection and articulating your accomplishments and areas for growth, you can take proactive steps to enhance your skills, performance, and career path.

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Self-Appraisal Comments

40 Meaningful & Effective Self-Appraisal Comments

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40 Meaningful & Effective Self-Appraisal Comments

With the arrival of your company’s performance appraisal season, there also comes an increased focus on self-evaluation and reflection on your own work. Self-appraisals can be  tricky but  are a critical component to the overall appraisal process as they communicate directly to managers and supervisors how their employees are perceiving their own performance within the organization.   

The ultimate objective of the self-appraisal process is to ensure that the employee and the management team are on the same page regarding the employee’s performance. However, many employees fall into the trap of thinking of the self-appraisal process as an opportunity to widen the scope of evaluations and go overboard when citing their own accomplishments. A good, thorough self-appraisal is one in which you are able to highlight your positives, but also honestly mention your points of weaknesses too. The areas in which you need to improve upon should be accompanied with a clear sense of your own willingness to proactively work on improving them. Simply put, your self-appraisal comments need to be open, honest, and believable.  

Recognizing the appropriate phrases to use when drafting your self-appraisal comments is critical to ensuring they are as effective as you wish them to be. When your self-appraisal comments are strong, your supervisor can better evaluate your performance, opening the door for the coveted promotion you’re after or the raise in your salary you’ve been working towards.  

In order to help you project yourself well in your self-appraisal process, and set yourself up for success down the line, here are some examples of key self-appraisal phrases you can incorporate during the next evaluation season.  

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40 self-appraisal comments.

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Communication Self-Appraisal Comments  

1. I clearly communicate my expectations and goals to my team members.  

2. I effectively communicate with all levels of our organization by maintaining contact with department heads and corporate meetings consistently.  

3. I tactfully provide difficult feedback and approach sensitive situations with skill and compassion.  

4. I present my ideas to groups of all sizes in a skillful, effective, and professional manner.  

5. I frequently share relevant information and updates with my peers and supervisors so that our team as a whole can benefit and stay on track and informed.   

6. I proactively communicate changes that  consider  the stakeholders, coworkers, and customers they will affect.  

7. I frequently acknowledge the successes of my peers both publicly and  privately and  commend them for a job well done.  

Job Performance Self-Appraisal Comments  

8. I take pride in my work and value doing my job to the best of my ability.  

9. I frequently volunteer to participate in projects that extend beyond by job responsibilities.  

10. I have exceeded my performance goal this year/quarter/etc. by [insert specific  number]% .  

11. I have decreased my job costs and customer churn rates by [insert specific  number]% .  

12. I frequently challenge myself to perform better.  

13. I am happy to answer any questions my peers may have, and often provide guidance on the subject areas I am most skilled in.  

14. I promote a team-oriented work environment by remaining collaborative and seeking out opportunities to work with my peers on projects I need assistance on.  

Customer Experience Self-Appraisal Comments  

15. I effectively handle difficult or hostile customers by communicating with them respectfully and trying my best to accommodate their needs and wishes.  

16. I actively listen to the customer to better understand their point of view.  

17. I go beyond what is required to ensure that are customers are educated and informed on the topics that may concern them.  

18. I have received [insert specific  number]%  on my customer satisfaction survey this year/quarter/etc.  

19. I am continuously working towards improving the customer experience by strengthening my outreach with key clients and ensuring my follow up strategy is consistent and effective.  

20. I am mindful of my own interactions as a customer outside of my work so I can better understand our customers’ perspective.  

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Innovation and Creativity Self-Appraisal Comments  

21. I regularly look to streamline and improve our work processes in new and innovative ways.  

22. I am committed to my professional growth and have taken training courses specific to the skills in which I recognize a need for improvement.  

23. I regularly seek out opportunities to connect and learn from others in my field.  

24. I stay current on developments in our industry and regularly read up on any new innovations or disruptive projects or companies that may be a source of inspiration for our own.  

25. I have a long-term vision for the future of my career and continually take steps toward achieving it.  

26. I learn quickly and am able to adapt to change in an efficient manner.  

27. I value learning and regularly seek out opportunities to learn something new and of value to my work efforts.  

Performance Improvement  Self-Appraisal Comments  

28. I understand that because I remain intensely focused on the task at hand, I may appear to be blunt at times towards my colleagues. I am working towards strengthening my interpersonal skills and easing tensions between me and my peers.  

29. I am aware that not all of my peers may be comfortable with my style of communication. My intent and focus is  always to get the job done in a timely manner, and with good results, so I will aim to eliminate circumstances in which my coworkers may interpret my actions as a personal attack.  

30. I have been questioned by many regarding my style of work. I believe that I have been able to successfully deliver results despite working in a manner which is different from others.  

31. I am aware that time management is not one of my core strengths, so I will consciously and consistently work towards managing my time better and prioritizing my tasks more efficiently.  

32. While I am comfortable with written communication, I recognize that there is scope for improvement in my verbal communication skills.  

33. I recognize that while I am able to complete projects within the stipulated deadline, this is not enough to contribute to my career growth. I will need to work on my soft skills to view the true progress of my job.  

34. I have realized that I am much more practical than I am creative in how I approach my work. This sometimes hinders me from offering innovating solutions during challenging situations or brainstorming sessions with the team, so I will continue to make a genuine effort to take more positive risks in my job and consider more creative, outside-of-the-box solutions as and when I can.  

35. I realize that I rely a lot on group effort to get my tasks done. However, I am working towards ensuring that I am able to participate equally, or even more, than my team members in group situations to aid my individual working efforts.  

36. I understand the value of communication with management as well as my colleagues, and I am working towards improving the same in order to avoid any instances of miscommunication with either group.  

37. While I am skilled at delivering results on time, I recognize that I sometimes fall short of following up with my key clients. I am working to improve my follow up activity with clients.  

38. I have realized that I am finding myself uncomfortable with dealing with negative feedback from clients. As time goes on, I hope to teach myself to handle such situations better.  

39. I may not be the strongest in customer relations, but I will continue to work towards reducing the instances of negative customer feedback.  

40. I typically have a very positive mindset and struggle with holding difficult conversations that need to take place, which I will aim to work on in the future.  

Get Started with Your Self-Appraisal Process Today  

The self-appraisal process may  sometimes  seem  daunting , but with the right tools and templates, it does not have to be an intimidating process. Self-evaluations are about much more than simply how you are viewing your own performance. It is an opportunity to look at things from another point of view, reflecting on how others may be perceiving your actions and recognizing the areas that need improvement.  

A great way to collect this type of performance feedback is  through the use of   SpriggHR’s  360-Degree Feedback Tool, which allows you to request feedback from anyone within your company at any time. Feedback can be given and received anonymously or  with full transparency , and templates and suggested action verbs are provided to help you write stronger self-evaluations, make the improvements necessary in your work efforts, and strengthen the relationships you have with your peers and superiors.  

If you’re looking for appraisal comments suited for others, check out this article !

Take these self-appraisal comments to go!

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self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Table of contents


Self appraisal comment examples by category, core competencies, achievements, areas for improvement, communication skills, reliability, job performance, adaptability, critical thinking, customer service, time management, additional considerations, how to write effective self appraisals, evaluating strengths, identifying areas for improvement, setting goals, biggest mistakes to avoid when writing a employee self appraisals, related articles.

Workplace Culture

100 Most Useful & Effective Employee Self Appraisal Comments

Image of author Giacomo Venier

Giacomo Venier

Content Lead

The purpose of employee self-appraisals is to provide employees an opportunity to reflect on their performance, skills, accomplishments, and growth areas over a certain time period. It allows employees to evaluate and document their own job performance and set goals for improvement.

Self-appraisals benefit both employees and managers . For employees, it's a chance to thoughtfully consider their strengths and weaknesses, achievements, and future aspirations. They can demonstrate their value and growth. For managers, self-appraisals provide valuable insight into how employees view their performance and goals. This enables better coaching, development, and performance management.

Overall, self-appraisals aim to facilitate open communication between employees and managers. When done effectively, they can improve job satisfaction, productivity, and professional growth. Both employees and managers gain a clearer understanding of performance expectations.

simple abstract illustration of  Employee filling out self appraisal form at desk, warm colours

When doing a self-appraisal , it can be challenging to accurately evaluate your own performance and find the right words to describe your achievements. Having some go-to phrases ready can make the process smoother. Here are some examples of effective self-appraisal comments organized into common performance categories:

  • My core competencies in [specific skill] have significantly improved over the past year, allowing me to contribute more effectively to the team's goals.
  • I consistently demonstrate strong problem-solving abilities, which have been crucial in resolving complex issues within our projects.
  • I have developed a deep understanding of our company's products and services, which has enabled me to provide valuable insights to clients and colleagues.
  • My technical skills have advanced, enabling me to efficiently complete tasks and projects related to [specific domain].
  • I continually enhance my knowledge and expertise in [specific area] to stay ahead of industry trends and best practices.
  • My ability to prioritize tasks has improved, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity.
  • I have consistently demonstrated my expertise in [specific skill] through successful project implementations.
  • I actively seek opportunities for professional development to further strengthen my core competencies.
  • My proficiency in using [specific software or tool] has been instrumental in streamlining our processes.
  • I consistently apply my core competencies to provide innovative solutions that benefit our team and organization.

Feel free to adapt these self-appraisal comments to your specific circumstances and achievements.

I demonstrated strong communication skills by clearly conveying project needs in team meetings and preparing comprehensive status reports. This supported collaboration and transparency.

My time management abilities allowed me to consistently meet deadlines and deliver results ahead of schedule without compromising quality.

I leveraged my analytical skills to identify process bottlenecks and propose solutions that improved efficiency by 15%.

  • I successfully led a cross-functional team that achieved a [specific milestone or goal], resulting in a [percentage] increase in revenue.
  • I completed [specific project] ahead of schedule and under budget, showcasing my ability to deliver results.
  • I consistently exceeded my sales targets, contributing to a [percentage] increase in overall sales revenue.
  • I received recognition from clients for my outstanding service, leading to increased client retention.
  • My efforts in optimizing processes led to a [percentage] reduction in operational costs.
  • I successfully implemented a new system that improved workflow efficiency and reduced errors.
  • I was recognized with the [award name] award for my exceptional contributions to the team.
  • I consistently met or exceeded my quarterly performance metrics, demonstrating my commitment to achieving results.
  • I played a key role in launching [specific initiative] which significantly improved our company's market position.
  • My contributions to [specific project] resulted in a [percentage] increase in customer satisfaction ratings.

I exceeded my sales target by 10% through prospecting new clients and upselling to existing ones. This added $50k in new revenue.

The support portal I designed boosted customer satisfaction scores by 30%. Customers can now easily access FAQs and track ticket status 24/7.

I identified and fixed over 50 bugs pre-launch, preventing any major software issues. My testing diligence directly improved product quality.

simple abstract illustration of  Group of employees discussing self appraisals in a meeting, warm colours

  • I recognize the need to enhance my time management skills to meet project deadlines more consistently.
  • There is room for improvement in my ability to delegate tasks and responsibilities effectively.
  • I need to work on improving my public speaking and presentation skills to be more confident in meetings.
  • I should prioritize taking more proactive steps to seek out feedback from colleagues and superiors.
  • I need to focus on better aligning my personal goals with the company's strategic objectives.
  • I should work on enhancing my attention to detail to reduce errors in my work.
  • I need to develop a more comprehensive understanding of [specific subject or domain].
  • I should work on enhancing my conflict resolution skills to improve teamwork and collaboration.
  • I recognize the need to improve my ability to handle stress and pressure in high-intensity situations.
  • I should strive to enhance my networking skills to build more professional relationships within and outside the organization.

I aim to improve my public speaking skills by practicing presentations and seeking feedback. This will allow me to convey ideas with greater clarity and confidence.

In the coming year I want to enhance my leadership abilities by coaching direct reports more effectively and fostering their professional development.

I plan to expand my technical knowledge by taking courses on new programming languages. This will make me a more versatile engineer and allow me to take on more complex projects.

  • My communication skills have greatly improved, leading to more effective collaboration and clearer project communication.
  • I actively listen to others and ensure that I understand their perspectives before responding, which has improved the quality of my interactions.
  • I consistently provide clear and concise written communication in emails, reports, and documentation.
  • I actively participate in team meetings and contribute valuable insights to discussions.
  • I have made efforts to enhance my presentation skills, resulting in more engaging and informative presentations.
  • I effectively convey complex technical information to non-technical team members, promoting better understanding.
  • I actively seek feedback on my communication style and make adjustments to better meet team and client needs.
  • My written communication has improved, resulting in fewer misunderstandings and improved documentation.
  • I am proactive in sharing information and updates with team members, promoting transparency and collaboration.
  • I consistently maintain a professional and respectful tone in all communication, even in challenging situations.

Effective communication is essential for success in any role. When reviewing your communication skills in a self-appraisal, it's important to highlight your strengths and areas for improvement .

For communication strengths, you may want to mention skills like active listening, facilitating discussions, delivering clear and concise messages , and building rapport with colleagues. Examples might include:

"I prioritize active listening during one-on-one and team conversations to ensure I fully understand others' perspectives."

"When facilitating team discussions, I summarize key points and drive consensus to align our group on next steps."

"My messages are consistently clear, concise and tailored to my audience to convey information effectively."

It's also key to acknowledge communication skills you'd like to develop further. Some examples might be:

"While I communicate well in small groups, I'd like to improve my public speaking and presentation skills for larger audiences."

"I will seek opportunities to expand my written communication skills through drafting proposals, reports, and other technical documents."

"To collaborate more seamlessly with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, I plan to take an intercultural communication course to become more aware of potential language and cultural barriers ."

Being honest about your communication strengths and development areas demonstrates self-awareness and a drive to continually improve. Focusing your self-appraisal comments this way provides valuable insight into your capabilities and growth mindset as a communicator.

simple abstract illustration of  Employee writing down self appraisal comments, warm colours

  • I take my responsibilities seriously and consistently meet deadlines, ensuring that projects are completed on time.
  • Colleagues can rely on me to fulfill my commitments and deliver quality work, even under pressure.
  • I am known for my punctuality, which has a positive impact on team productivity and meetings.
  • I maintain a high level of consistency in my work, which helps create a stable and dependable work environment.
  • I take pride in being a reliable team member who can be counted on to support others when needed.
  • I have a strong track record of attending meetings and appointments promptly, minimizing disruptions.
  • I consistently follow through on tasks and projects, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.
  • My colleagues can trust me to communicate any potential issues or delays promptly.
  • I am committed to maintaining a reliable work ethic and continue to seek opportunities for improvement.
  • My dependability is reflected in the positive feedback I receive from teammates and supervisors.

When conducting a self appraisal, assessing your reliability is crucial. Reliability refers to being consistently punctual, meeting deadlines, staying organized and being prepared.

Focus on the positives first. Mention times when you demonstrated strong punctuality , never missed a deadline, kept tasks and projects neatly organized and came well prepared to meetings or presentations. Provide specific examples to back up these claims when possible. Quantify your reliability by noting your attendance record, on-time project completion rate or other relevant metrics.

Then look for areas of improvement. Did you struggle with time management at times during the year? Were there instances when you overcommitted yourself and couldn't deliver on every task? Do you need to work on delegating more tasks and responsibilities to others to lighten your load? Again, have concrete examples ready to demonstrate these needs for improvement.

Reliability is a make-or-break skill for any employee. Showcase your consistent punctuality, preparation and organization. But also demonstrate self-awareness by acknowledging times when you could have managed your time or workload better. Powerful self appraisal comments require this mix of confident positives and constructive self-critique.

  • I consistently meet or exceed performance metrics and targets set for my role.
  • I take pride in the quality of my work and strive for excellence in all tasks I undertake.
  • I actively seek opportunities to improve my job performance and regularly seek feedback for growth.
  • I consistently achieve high levels of customer satisfaction through my job performance.
  • I adapt quickly to changes in job requirements and continue to excel in various aspects of my role.
  • My performance reviews reflect a consistent pattern of exceptional job performance.
  • I actively participate in ongoing training and development to enhance my job-related skills.
  • I am proactive in identifying and addressing potential issues that may affect job performance.
  • I maintain a high level of efficiency and effectiveness in my role, optimizing our team's productivity.
  • I am dedicated to maintaining and improving my job performance to contribute to the company's success.

Writing an effective self-appraisal for your job review can be challenging. However, providing specific examples of your achievements and areas for improvement can help provide context for your manager. When writing your self-appraisal, focus on facts, numbers, and concrete examples of how you contributed over the past review period.

For positive feedback, quantify your accomplishments as much as possible. For example, "I exceeded my sales target by 37% this quarter by landing the ABC account worth $500k in recurring revenue." Providing numerical examples demonstrates the impact and value you delivered.

You can also highlight examples where you improved business processes or workflows . For instance, "I automated our invoice processing system which reduced the time spent on monthly invoicing by 50%." Giving specific illustrations of process improvements you implemented underscores operational efficiencies you created.

When noting areas for improvement, use your self-appraisal to demonstrate self-awareness and commitment to growth . For example, "I missed the deadline on the Johnson report due to overlooking a key dependency. For future projects, I will build out more comprehensive project plans to identify risks earlier." Acknowledging specific shortcomings and how you will approach things differently exhibits maturity and dedication to improvement.

In summary, quantifying achievements, underscoring systems improvements, and demonstrating self-reflection are all effective approaches for writing impactful self-appraisal comments. By providing tangible examples instead of generalizations, you provide helpful context to showcase your contributions and growth opportunities. This benefits both you and your manager during the performance review process .

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  • I readily embrace change and have successfully adapted to new tools, technologies, and processes.
  • I am comfortable working in diverse and dynamic environments, which has proven valuable in our ever-evolving industry.
  • I have a track record of quickly adjusting to unexpected challenges and finding creative solutions.
  • My ability to adapt to new team dynamics has allowed me to collaborate effectively with various colleagues.
  • I actively seek out opportunities for professional growth and adapt my skillset accordingly.
  • I effectively pivot between different tasks and priorities, maintaining productivity even in shifting circumstances.
  • I am open to feedback and continuously improve based on the changing needs of my role.
  • I take on new responsibilities with enthusiasm and demonstrate a willingness to learn.
  • I thrive in fast-paced environments, and my adaptability has been crucial in meeting tight deadlines.
  • My adaptability has allowed me to contribute positively to our team's ability to respond to unforeseen challenges.

Being adaptable and flexible are crucial skills in today's ever-changing work environment. When writing your self-appraisal, highlight ways you've demonstrated these traits over the past year.

For positives, mention examples like learning new skills or systems quickly when changes arise, being open to fresh ways of doing things , and stepping up to take on new responsibilities outside your normal role. Quantify results when possible, like how much more efficient a new system you implemented made your team.

On the improvement side, look at areas where you can keep getting better at adaptability. Consider mentioning things like feeling challenged when too far out of your comfort zone , occasionally struggling with uncertainty when things are in flux, or having trouble with last-minute flexibility in your schedule. Be honest about these, but also optimistic that you can develop in these areas.

By showcasing your adaptability during times of change, and your willingness to continue improving, you'll demonstrate that you're the kind of agile employee all managers want on their team.

  • I actively foster a collaborative work environment by sharing knowledge and supporting team members.
  • I consistently contribute to team projects and make an effort to align my goals with the team's objectives.
  • I am a reliable team player who can be counted on to step in and assist when colleagues need help.
  • I actively listen to team members' ideas and feedback, valuing diverse perspectives.
  • I effectively communicate with team members to ensure that everyone is on the same page.
  • I play a key role in team cohesion and maintain positive working relationships with all colleagues.
  • I am proactive in resolving conflicts and finding common ground to keep the team focused on our goals.
  • My collaborative approach has led to successful cross-functional projects and improved teamwork.
  • I actively participate in team meetings and contribute valuable insights and ideas.
  • I am committed to building a positive team culture and continuously seek ways to enhance our collaboration.

An effective team player is someone who can work collaboratively with others to achieve shared goals. In your self-appraisal, highlight your ability to be a team player by providing examples of how you embody the spirit of cooperation, support, and mentorship.

Focus on positives like how you actively collaborate with colleagues, freely share information, and incorporate team input into your work. Mention any instances where you provided guidance and mentoring to new hires or less experienced employees. If relevant, note times when you helped resolve conflicts between team members in a constructive manner.

You can also call out your talent for motivating others and creating an enthusiastic team environment. Quantify results where possible, like improvements in team productivity or output after you spearheaded a new collaborative approach.

When identifying areas for improvement, consider mentioning any difficulties with delegation , taking the lead on team projects, providing performance feedback , or empowering junior staff to take on more responsibilities. While highlighting weaknesses, reaffirm your commitment to continuous development in these areas.

Keeping comments focused on actual examples will ensure your self-appraisal provides meaningful insight into your teamwork abilities . This helps demonstrate you are a cooperative, supportive asset to any group effort.

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  • I consistently analyze complex problems and provide well-thought-out solutions.
  • My ability to evaluate multiple perspectives allows me to make informed decisions.
  • I actively seek opportunities to improve my critical thinking skills, such as attending relevant workshops or courses.
  • I am known for my ability to identify potential issues and address them proactively.
  • I excel in data analysis and use data-driven insights to inform my decision-making.
  • My critical thinking skills have been instrumental in resolving challenging client issues.
  • I am proactive in seeking feedback to continuously improve my critical thinking abilities.
  • I effectively weigh the pros and cons of different options when making decisions.
  • I contribute to problem-solving discussions by asking insightful questions and encouraging creative solutions.
  • I am committed to honing my critical thinking skills to enhance my overall effectiveness in my role.

When writing your self-appraisal, highlighting your critical thinking skills is crucial for showing your value. Critical thinking involves breaking down complex problems, analyzing information, and coming up with innovative solutions.

In your self-appraisal, start by noting your key strengths when it comes to critical thinking. For example, you may write: "I excel at identifying core issues and coming up with creative solutions to complex problems." This shows you have strong analytical abilities.

You can provide a specific example to back this up: "For instance, when our team was struggling to meet an important deadline, I analyzed the root causes of the delay and proposed a new system to streamline our process going forward."

However, it's also important to show awareness of areas for improvement. You may say: "While I'm adept at analyzing information, I can sometimes struggle with quick decision-making under pressure." This level of honest self-reflection is appealing to managers.

Then, detail the steps you are taking to improve: "To enhance my skills in this area, I've been taking time-management courses and prioritizing quick analysis in practice scenarios."

Showcasing your critical thinking in this way highlights your problem-solving abilities. It also demonstrates self-awareness and a commitment to continuous skills development - two highly desirable qualities in top performers.

An effective self-appraisal focuses on key strengths, provides real examples, notes areas for growth, and shows steps taken for improvement. With strong critical thinking skills at the forefront, you can write a self-review that highlights your value and potential.

  • I consistently provide exceptional customer service by addressing inquiries and concerns promptly and professionally.
  • My ability to empathize with customers allows me to provide personalized and effective solutions.
  • I maintain a high level of patience and professionalism when dealing with challenging customer situations.
  • I actively seek feedback from customers to understand their needs and improve our services.
  • I have received positive feedback from customers, which reflects my commitment to exceptional service.
  • I actively contribute to the development of customer service best practices and training materials.
  • I proactively anticipate customer needs and offer solutions before issues arise.
  • I effectively manage customer expectations and provide clear communication regarding our products and services.
  • My customer service skills have contributed to high levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • I continuously strive to enhance my customer service skills and adapt to changing customer preferences.

Providing excellent customer service is crucial for any company's success. When doing your self-appraisal, highlighting your customer service skills and areas for improvement can help you grow professionally. Here are some examples of what to say:

For positives, you can mention your ability to build rapport, follow up in a timely manner, and resolve customer complaints. For example, "I consistently receive positive feedback from customers about my friendly demeanor and ability to solve their problems. This year, I improved our response time to customer inquiries by 20%."

When it comes to areas for improvement, consider mentioning a desire to improve patience, empathy, and communication skills. For instance, "While I resolved over 200 customer complaints this year, there were a few instances where I became frustrated and could have handled the situation with more empathy. My goal for next year is to take a short break when I feel myself getting impatient, so I can respond to the customer calmly and effectively."

Providing specific examples will make your self-appraisal more credible. Quantify your accomplishments when possible, like the 20% improvement in response time. Also be honest about skills you can develop further. The key is showing you are self-aware and ready to continue improving. With thoughtful self-appraisal comments, you can highlight your customer service talents while setting yourself up for future growth.

simple abstract illustration of  Employee receiving coaching on self appraisal process, warm colours

  • I consistently bring innovative ideas to the table, leading to creative solutions for various challenges.
  • My creative thinking has resulted in the development of new products, services, and processes.
  • I actively seek out opportunities to brainstorm and collaborate with colleagues to generate innovative ideas.
  • I am open to experimenting with new approaches and taking calculated risks to achieve better outcomes.
  • I have a track record of thinking outside the box and proposing unconventional but effective solutions.
  • I foster a creative work environment by encouraging colleagues to share their unique ideas and perspectives.
  • I actively participate in brainstorming sessions and contribute original concepts.
  • My creativity has been instrumental in finding cost-effective solutions to complex problems.
  • I continually seek inspiration from various sources and industries to stay at the forefront of creative thinking.
  • I am committed to nurturing my creative abilities and contributing to our organization's innovative culture.

When evaluating your own creativity and innovative thinking in a self appraisal, it can be helpful to reflect on specific examples and tangible outcomes. Here are some self assessment comments that highlight your creative strengths as well as areas for improvement.

First, focus on the positives. Mention any new ideas or solutions you brought to the table, especially ones that were successfully implemented. For instance, "I came up with the idea to streamline our onboarding process by creating video tutorials. This has reduced onboarding time by 25%." Quantify results when possible to showcase your impact.

Also discuss instances when you thought outside the box or took a unique approach to solving a problem. For example, "When our top salesperson left unexpectedly, I suggested we film them answering common customer FAQs rather than scrambling to train new hires. This allowed us to maintain continuity in our support during the transition."

On the other hand, consider constructive feedback around expanding your creative skills. Are there ways to get out of your routine and generate more innovative ideas ? Could you be taking more calculated risks or piloting new processes?

For example, you might say “I’d like to brainstorm new marketing strategies each quarter to bring fresh thinking to our campaigns.” Or “While my ideas are pragmatic, I should take more risks by piloting new tech even if success isn't guaranteed."

Regular brainstorming sessions , free-flowing idea generation, and pushing into uncertain territory will all stretch your creativity. Be sure to balance prudent planning with an openness to experimentation.

By highlighting your imaginative accomplishments and also identifying opportunities to flex your innovation muscles, you can demonstrate a commitment to continuous creativity.

  • I effectively lead by example, setting high standards for performance and professionalism.
  • I have successfully managed and motivated teams to achieve ambitious goals and milestones.
  • My leadership style promotes open communication, trust, and collaboration among team members.
  • I actively mentor and coach team members to help them reach their full potential.
  • I lead with integrity and make decisions that align with our company's values and mission.
  • I have a track record of successfully delegating tasks and responsibilities to team members.
  • I excel in crisis management and have led teams through challenging situations.
  • My ability to inspire and motivate others has resulted in increased team morale and productivity.
  • I actively seek leadership development opportunities to enhance my leadership skills further.
  • I am committed to continuing to grow as a leader and positively influence the success of our team and organization.

Giving thoughtful feedback during self-appraisals is crucial for leaders to showcase their strengths while identifying areas for growth. When preparing your review, focus on your leadership competencies like strategic thinking, motivating others, and decision-making. Provide specific examples to demonstrate your capabilities and self-awareness. Consider commenting on your ability to:

Think strategically to determine long-term goals and execute effective plans. For instance, "I led my team in developing our 5-year growth strategy, outlining measurable objectives to increase market share by 15%."

Motivate others by communicating a compelling vision and recognizing contributions. "I boosted my team's engagement scores 25% this year by scheduling regular one-on-ones and sending weekly recognition emails."

Make decisions in a timely manner with confidence and consideration. "By gathering input from key stakeholders, I was able to decide on expanding to a new market within the target timeline."

While highlighting your strengths, also identify areas needing development . Do you need to delegate more tasks to empower your team? Could you work on people skills through leadership training? Setting specific goals around empowering your team shows you are committed to continuous improvement.

Being open and honest during self-appraisals enables leaders to improve. With thoughtful preparation, you can provide constructive feedback to guide your growth.

simple abstract illustration of  Employee setting goals based on self appraisal feedback, warm colours

  • I excel at time management, consistently prioritizing tasks to meet project deadlines efficiently.
  • My ability to organize and plan my workdays has led to increased productivity and reduced stress.
  • I proactively identify time-wasting activities and find ways to optimize my workflow.
  • I consistently meet or exceed project milestones, demonstrating effective time management skills.
  • I am skilled at setting realistic goals and managing my time to achieve them.
  • I actively use time management techniques like the Pomodoro method to maintain focus and productivity.
  • My ability to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously without compromising quality showcases my time management proficiency.
  • I regularly review and adjust my time management strategies to adapt to changing workloads and priorities.
  • I make effective use of digital tools and apps to schedule tasks and reminders, enhancing my time management capabilities.
  • My colleagues often seek my advice on time management techniques, reflecting my expertise in this area.

Time management is a crucial skill for any employee. In your self-appraisal, highlight how you effectively prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and work efficiently . This shows you can juggle multiple responsibilities and complete quality work on time.

For example: "I have become very adept at prioritizing my tasks in order of importance and urgency. I use tools like to-do lists and calendars to stay organized and meet all deadlines . Even when handling multiple projects, I maintain my efficiency and avoid falling behind."

Commenting on your strengths demonstrates you can manage your time well. However, also mention areas for improvement. For instance, note if you struggle to say no to extra assignments or have difficulty blocking off time for focused work .

You might say: "While I get all my core tasks done on time, I sometimes take on too many extra projects. This can lead to occasional overtime and weekend work. Going forward, I will work on saying no to non-essential requests to ensure a more manageable workload."

Or: "I want to get better at minimizing interruptions and distractions during the day. My productivity suffers when I multitask too much. I will start blocking off set time on my calendar for deep-focus work. This will help me complete projects more efficiently."

Being honest about your time management challenges shows self-awareness. It also demonstrates you are committed to improving these skills. With some adjustments, you can become even better at organizing your time and workload.

Focusing on time management in your self-review highlights crucial productivity abilities. Tout your strengths in prioritization, meeting deadlines, and efficiency. But also look for ways to enhance skills like minimizing interruptions and blocking off focused time. This balanced approach will showcase your current abilities and commitment to growth.

  • I maintain an exemplary attendance record, consistently arriving at work on time and rarely taking unplanned absences.
  • My punctuality and reliability in attending meetings and appointments have positively contributed to team efficiency.
  • I actively communicate with my supervisor and colleagues if I anticipate any potential attendance issues due to personal reasons or emergencies.
  • I have a strong commitment to my work responsibilities, which is reflected in my excellent attendance record.
  • I ensure that I am present for all scheduled training sessions and professional development opportunities.
  • I make an effort to plan personal appointments and vacations in a way that minimizes disruptions to work.
  • My colleagues can count on me to be present and engaged during critical team meetings and collaborative efforts.
  • I have successfully managed to maintain good attendance even during challenging circumstances, such as illness.
  • I actively participate in flexible work arrangements when needed, ensuring that work commitments are not compromised.
  • I understand the importance of being present and engaged in my role, and I take my attendance seriously to contribute to the team's success.

Being punctual and maintaining good attendance at work is crucial for any employee. Here are some examples of self appraisal comments you can use when reviewing your own attendance and punctuality:

Rarely being late or absent from work is a clear sign that you can effectively manage your schedule and ensure you are present to fulfill your duties. Maintaining consistent attendance and punctuality demonstrates reliability, commitment and professionalism. Be sure to highlight if you have consistently shown up on time ready to work. For example, "Over the past year, I have been on time to work every day and have not missed any days due to unplanned absences. I make it a priority to properly manage my schedule outside of work to ensure I can be present and ready to take on my responsibilities."

While a good attendance record is certainly something to highlight, also consider areas related to attendance and scheduling where you can improve. For instance, you may want to work on contingency planning to be prepared for unexpected emergencies or conflicts. Building in some buffer room in your schedule can help prevent being late. Additionally, be mindful of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and avoiding burnout. Taking needed time off can actually help your attendance in the long run. For example, "One area I want to improve on is planning for contingencies and being proactive about potential conflicts with my work schedule. I aim to build in extra buffer time when scheduling important appointments or events so that any unexpected delays won't make me late for work."

simple abstract illustration of  Employee seeking clarification on self appraisal process, warm colours

When writing your self-appraisal, it's important to tailor your comments to your specific role and responsibilities . Avoid vague generalizations and focus on providing quantitative metrics and concrete examples of your achievements whenever possible. This shows your manager clear evidence of your contributions. For instance, you could state, "I increased website traffic by 30% this year by optimizing SEO and implementing a content strategy."

At the same time, balance discussing your strengths with acknowledging areas needing improvement . This demonstrates self-awareness and a desire to grow. For example, you may write, "While I met my sales targets this quarter, I would like to improve my close rate by requesting more sales coaching and practicing objection handling."

Finally, set S.M.A.R.T. development goals - specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Outline 1-3 goals to work towards next review period. This provides a clear roadmap for your career growth. For example, "Over the next 6 months, I will take on project management of our website redesign to gain experience leading cross-functional initiatives."

An effective self-appraisal provides quantitative examples, balances strengths and improvements, and sets targeted development goals . This shows your value and growth mindset. With thoughtful preparation, you can craft an impactful review positioned for success.

Writing an effective self-appraisal requires understanding your role, evaluating your performance, and setting goals. Here's how to craft a meaningful self-review:

First, understand the criteria. Review any forms, guidelines or objectives provided. Know what skills and achievements your manager will evaluate.

Next, assess your performance. Consider your biggest accomplishments and contributions. What value did you add through projects and initiatives? How did you demonstrate important competencies?

Identify areas to improve. Self-appraisals aren't just about highlighting achievements. Think critically about any skills you need to develop, knowledge gaps to fill, or processes to improve.

Set SMART development goals. Draft one to three Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound goals. These provide tangible targets to motivate your growth.

Use metrics and examples. Quantify achievements with numbers, percentages or dollars whenever possible. Provide specific anecdotes that illustrate strengths, achievements and competencies.

Maintain a positive tone. Balance self-critique with humility and focus on opportunities rather than just shortcomings. Convey enthusiasm for continuously developing new skills.

Knowing your strengths is crucial for professional growth and success. When doing a self-appraisal, take time to reflect on skills you excel at . This provides valuable insights into areas you can maximize and continue building expertise.

For instance, assess communication abilities . How you convey ideas through writing, presentations, and conversations influences relationships and outcomes. Consider improvement opportunities like tailoring messaging for certain audiences.

Examining teamwork skills is also key . Working well cross-functionally and resolving conflicts constructively are hallmarks of collaborative ability. Identify ways to be an even better team player.

Likewise, evaluate technical competencies . These hard skills allow you to complete core tasks with excellence. Stay updated on innovations in your field through training and certifications.

Finally, review organizational and time management strengths . Skills like prioritizing, meeting deadlines, and planning projects are essential. Look for chances to systematize processes and mentor others.

The self-appraisal process gives you a chance to celebrate and optimize your abilities. By focusing on strengths, you can chart a path for ongoing accomplishment.

The key to growth is honestly assessing where you can improve. Start by looking at skills you need to develop, knowledge gaps to fill, weaknesses to address, and obstacles holding you back. Then, make a plan to actively work on those growth areas. The more strategic you are, the faster you'll progress.

First, reflect on technical skills or soft skills that would help you excel. Maybe you need to get better at public speaking, learn a new computer program, or improve your time management. Pinpoint precise skills so you can seek training opportunities or practice.

Next, identify knowledge gaps in your role. Do you need to deepen your understanding of a key concept, industry trend, or company policy? Filling knowledge gaps will boost your confidence and competence.

Also, analyze areas where you struggle or feel less capable than your peers. We all have weaknesses, so don't beat yourself up. But be honest about what's holding you back so you can improve. If you're not detail-oriented, vow to double check your work. If you're introverted, push yourself to speak up more in meetings.

Finally, look at obstacles that hinder your performance, like inadequate resources or unclear expectations. While you may not control external factors, look for ways to adapt or speak to your manager. The goal is to minimize hurdles so you can maximize your contributions.

Growth takes self-awareness, proactivity, and perseverance. But the investment is well worth it. When you make developing your skills and abilities a priority, success will follow.

simple abstract illustration of  Manager reviewing employee self appraisal, warm colours

Setting clear, specific, and achievable goals is crucial for professional development and career growth. The SMART framework is an effective strategy for crafting meaningful goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. A Specific goal clearly defines what you want to accomplish. Measurable goals have concrete criteria to track progress. Achievable goals push you while remaining realistic. Relevant goals align with broader objectives. Time-Bound goals have a deadline.

To set SMART development goals, first identify areas needing improvement. Consider skills you want to develop or knowledge to gain that will help you advance professionally. Pinpoint current gaps holding you back from reaching targets. Then, craft S.M.A.R.T. goals around those needs. For example, "Improve public speaking skills by researching and practicing recommended techniques for 30 minutes daily. Give a department presentation confidently with minimal nervousness by end of Q3."

Outline detailed plans to accomplish each goal. Break goals down into smaller, manageable steps. List actions required to complete each step by specific dates. Identify resources needed, like training programs or mentors. Share plans with your manager to align on priorities, secure needed support, and discuss progress during regular check-ins. Celebrate successes along the way. Consistently applying S.M.A.R.T. principles ensures your professional goals are clear, focused, and attainable.

When writing a self-appraisal, it can be tempting to exaggerate your achievements in an effort to make yourself look as good as possible. However, this will likely backfire. Your manager will be able to tell if you are embellishing, and it will undermine your credibility. Instead, be factual and accurate about your accomplishments over the review period. Focus on highlighting your biggest contributions that are supported by quantifiable evidence.

Similarly, you want to avoid being overly critical of yourself . Self-deprecation does not make you look humble. It gives the impression you lack confidence in your performance and abilities. The self-appraisal is meant to emphasize your strengths, not weaknesses. Mention areas needing improvement, but don’t harp on them or be overly negative.

Dwelling on the negatives is another common mistake. While you want to acknowledge room for growth, you don’t want your entire self-appraisal to sound like a list of complaints or disappointments. This will give the impression you are difficult to work with or never satisfied. Instead, maintain a balanced, constructive tone focusing on achievements, solutions and your commitment to professional development.

It can also be tempting to shift blame for any shortcomings onto external factors like the economy, lack of support, etc. However, the self-appraisal is designed for self-reflection, not finger pointing. Take accountability for any areas of your performance that were lacking without making excuses. Explain how you intend to improve going forward.

Finally, your self-appraisal should provide specific examples to back up your claims, not vague, generic statements. Quantify your accomplishments and contributions with metrics, data and factual details that provide credible evidence of your achievements. This adds more credibility and depth to your self-assessment.

In summary, be factual, own your performance, highlight achievements with examples, and maintain a balanced, constructive tone. This will demonstrate self-awareness and lead to a more meaningful appraisal.

In summary, over the past year I have made significant contributions in streamlining operations and boosting sales . I successfully led cross-functional teams to optimize workflows , resulting in a 15% increase in productivity . My proactive approach in seeking feedback and implementing improvements also led to record sales growth of 25% this quarter.

However, there are still areas I can improve on. In particular, I aim to enhance my delegation skills to empower my team and free up more time for strategic planning. I also want to set aside time every quarter to give more comprehensive feedback to each team member.

Moving forward, I am fully committed to continuous skills development and achieving excellence. I sincerely appreciate the guidance and mentoring from my manager which has helped me develop professionally . I look forward to setting new goals together and continuing to deliver outstanding results for the company. With the firm foundation we have built, I am confident that the coming year will be even more successful.

Thank you for taking the time to provide such thoughtful feedback. I greatly value these constructive development conversations, and I look forward to working together to take the team to new heights.

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60+ Performance Appraisal Comments: Constructive Feedback for Growth

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Performance Appraisal Comments for Quality of Work

  • “Consistently produces high-quality work that meets or exceeds our standards.”
  • “Attention to detail is exceptional; consistently delivers error-free reports.”
  • “Demonstrates a commitment to delivering work of the utmost quality.”
  • “Quality of output is consistently reliable and of a very high standard.”
  • “Efforts in maintaining and improving work quality are commendable.”
  • “Occasionally, work quality has fallen short of the expected standards.”
  • “Needs to double-check work for accuracy to reduce errors.”
  • “Could benefit from more thorough review and quality control measures.”
  • “Has room for improvement in consistently meeting quality benchmarks.”
  • “Quality standards need to be consistently maintained for all tasks.”

Performance Appraisal Comments for Leadership

  • “Displays strong leadership skills by motivating and guiding team members.”
  • “Leads by example, setting a positive tone and inspiring others.”
  • “Effectively delegates tasks and empowers team members to excel.”
  • “Provides clear direction and encourages collaboration among team members.”
  • “Demonstrates the ability to make tough decisions and take ownership of outcomes.”
  • “Could enhance leadership presence by communicating expectations more clearly.”
  • “Opportunity to delegate more effectively to optimize team performance.”
  • “Needs to actively seek and incorporate team members’ input and ideas.”
  • “Should work on fostering a more inclusive and collaborative team environment.”
  • “Could benefit from developing conflict resolution skills for team harmony.”

Performance Appraisal Comments for Communication Skills

  • “Exceptional communicator who ensures clarity and understanding in all interactions.”
  • “Active listener who values others’ perspectives and feedback.”
  • “Effectively conveys complex ideas and information to diverse audiences.”
  • “Clear and concise in both written and verbal communication.”
  • “Facilitates open and constructive dialogue among team members.”
  • “Occasionally, communication lacks clarity, leading to misunderstandings.”
  • “Needs to work on active listening skills to better understand colleagues.”
  • “Could improve written communication to make reports more reader-friendly.”
  • “Struggles with conveying ideas concisely and often provides excessive detail.”
  • “Should focus on improving feedback delivery to be more constructive and supportive.”

Performance Appraisal Comments for Teamwork

  • “A strong team player who collaborates effectively with colleagues.”
  • “Promotes a sense of unity and cooperation within the team.”
  • “Shares knowledge and resources to help team members excel.”
  • “Encourages and appreciates diverse contributions from team members.”
  • “Plays a vital role in fostering a positive team atmosphere.”
  • “Could work on more actively seeking input and ideas from team members.”
  • “Occasionally, resists team decisions or appears disengaged during group discussions.”
  • “Needs to be more open to others’ perspectives and feedback.”
  • “Opportunity to enhance participation and engagement in team activities.”
  • “Should focus on conflict resolution skills to address team conflicts more effectively.”

Performance Appraisal Comments for Goal Achievement

  • “Consistently meets or exceeds performance goals and targets.”
  • “Efforts have directly contributed to achieving team and organizational objectives.”
  • “Reliably delivers on assigned tasks within specified timelines.”
  • “Sets and pursues ambitious goals, inspiring others to do the same.”
  • “Maintains a strong commitment to personal and professional growth.”
  • “Occasionally, falls short of meeting established performance goals.”
  • “Needs to prioritize tasks and manage time more effectively to meet deadlines consistently.”
  • “Should focus on setting more specific and measurable goals.”
  • “Could benefit from more proactive goal tracking and progress reporting.”
  • “Opportunity to align personal goals more closely with team and organizational objectives.”

Performance Appraisal Comments for Ownership

  • “Takes full ownership of assigned tasks and responsibilities, ensuring their completion.”
  • “Demonstrates a strong sense of accountability for outcomes and results.”
  • “Proactively seeks solutions and takes initiative to address challenges.”
  • “Committed to the success of projects and the organization as a whole.”
  • “Reliable and consistent in meeting commitments and deadlines.”
  • “Occasionally, exhibits a lack of ownership, leading to delays or incomplete tasks.”
  • “Needs to develop a stronger sense of responsibility for project outcomes.”
  • “Could benefit from more proactive problem-solving when obstacles arise.”
  • “Should focus on improving follow-through on commitments.”
  • “Opportunity to take more initiative and contribute ideas for process improvements.”

Performance Appraisal Comments for Problem Solving

  • “A creative problem solver who consistently finds innovative solutions to challenges.”
  • “Analyzes complex issues thoroughly and generates effective problem-solving strategies.”
  • “Demonstrates resilience and adaptability when faced with unexpected obstacles.”
  • “A valuable resource for tackling complex and critical problems.”
  • “Consistently contributes to process improvements and efficiency gains.”
  • “Occasionally, struggles to identify effective solutions for complex problems.”
  • “Needs to work on enhancing critical thinking skills to address challenges more effectively.”
  • “Could benefit from seeking input and collaboration when encountering difficult issues.”
  • “Should focus on maintaining composure and clarity when confronted with unexpected obstacles.”
  • “Opportunity to enhance problem-solving skills by seeking training or mentorship.”
  • Personal attacks:  Avoid derogatory or offensive language attacking an employee’s character or personality. Focus on behaviors and performance-related aspects.
  • Bias or discrimination:  Do not base your comments on an employee’s gender, age, race, religion, or any other protected characteristic. Ensure that your feedback is fair and unbiased.
  • Assumptions:  Do not make assumptions about an employee’s intentions or motivations. Stick to observable facts and behaviors.
  • Legal risks:  Be cautious about making promises or commitments in writing that could have legal implications, such as job security guarantees or future promotions.
  • Non-professional language:  Keep the language in appraisal comments professional and appropriate for the workplace. Avoid slang, jargon, or offensive language.

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100+ Most Useful Self Appraisal Comments for Your Next Performance Review

Improve your performance review process by encouraging employees to use appropriate self appraisal comments across 10+ parameters. (Free template inside)

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In the recent years, there has been a lot of attention that is being given to employee feedback, performance reviews and evaluation as a part of the whole performance management system . 

While a major focus has been to prepare managers to give feedback in a constructive and effective manner, paying attention to employee self evaluation is equally important. Knowing what self appraisal comments to use can play a major role in helping employees to effectively reflect and evaluate their performance and convey it effectively to the rest of the team. 

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Purpose of self appraisal

The purposes of employee evaluation and performance review in general have been talked about time and again. However, self appraisal takes the process of evaluation at a very personal and individual level, leading to a more pronounced understanding of an employee’s performance. Some of the top benefits of employee self assessment include:

  • Getting a true reflection of the contribution an employee perceives he/she has made to the organization
  • Ensuring that the employee formally makes an effort to evaluate their developmental areas
  • Facilitating self awareness for employees to ensure they are able to see the true picture
  • Helping the employees navigate their next steps in the professional journey

Read: Employee self assessment: How to write a great one  

Benefits of self appraisal for the team and manager

In the section above, we have talked about the purpose or the need of self evaluation mostly from the perspective of the employee. However, self appraisal, when done correctly, has equally compelling benefits for the team as well as managers. A quick snapshot is captured below:

1. Higher engagement

With self appraisal, employees become active participants in their review and appraisal process, rather than simply being passive recipients. Consequently, they feel valued, motivated and the level of engagement increases. Furthermore, with greater engagement, levels of commitment, retention and productivity go up. 

2. Greater alignment

When employees take a step back to reflect on their performance with self appraisal, they become more receptive to diverse ideas. Put simply, in the absence of self reflection, they will have a hard time gauging where they need to improve. Consequently, they will be defensive when a manager or the team gives them feedback on the same. However, self evaluation will help them accept the gaps and be open to learning and growing. 

3. Development of a problem solving mindset

When employees reflect on their performance and identify the development areas, they will don a problem solving hat on to accelerate their professional journey. Through the course of time, this problem solving attribute will become a part of their skill set which will benefit the team and the manager greatly. 

4. Higher accountability

As a result of greater alignment due to self reflection on the strengths and areas of development, teams will see a greater sense of accountability to bridge the gaps identified. Under conventional circumstances, performance improvement might be seen as just a tick in the box by employees. However, after self appraisal, employees truly acknowledge and accept the need to bridge those gaps and take greater ownership and accountability. 

Download the printable Self Assessment Template and take the best practices to where you work. Click Here

100+ self appraisal comments 

Now that you have an understanding of why self appraisal matters, let’s quickly look at how to make it most effective. If you are experimenting with self evaluation for the first time, it can be an overwhelming activity for your employees. It is human nature to feel uneasy when you’re expected to evaluate your own performance. However, if you provide your employees with some comments they can use for self evaluation as a starting point, you can make the journey easier for them. 

Put simply, self appraisal comments are common statements that can be customized by your employees during the self evaluation process, especially, if they find themselves at a loss of words to describe their performance

These phrases are available for both strengths and areas of development to help employees paint a realistic picture of their performance. Here are the top 100 self appraisal phrases that you can use for different performance parameters.

1. Communication phrases

Use these self phrases to reflect on your clarity of communication, willingness to listen to others, etc. 

Positive self appraisal comments

  • I am able to clearly share my ideas and opinions with the team 
  • I keep my team members duly informed about my work and progress
  • I ensure that I respond to all emails in a timely and professional manner
  • I actively listen to and comprehend what others have to say
  • I excel at storytelling and presenting my ideas in front of a large audience

Phrases that indicate need for improvement

  • I find it difficult to get the right words to express my views
  • I am able to write down my thoughts well, but struggle to communicate them verbally
  • I hesitate in communicating my ideas to the top leadership
  • I get overwhelmed when I have to present to a large group
  • I need to work more on my email writing skills

2. Reliability phrases

These self evaluation phrases reflect how reliable or dependable you are for your team members, especially under special circumstances.

  • I diligently follow up on the work allotted to me
  • I have been able to meet 80% of the deadlines and have proactively informed about delays with the reason for all other times
  • I promptly respond to emails 
  • I have an organized to-do list to ensure no work falls through the cracks
  • I ensure high quality of work consistently
  • I struggle to meet the deadlines more than 60% of the times
  • I find it hard to deal with multiple tasks at once
  • I get overwhelmed when the entire project depends upon me
  • My goal is to deliver at least 70% of the projects on time
  • I seek to be more proactive in communicating any delays to the leadership team

3. Ownership and initiative phrases

Using these self appraisal phrases can help indicate how invested or engaged you are in taking ownership of work without being asked to at times. 

  • I like to participate in activities beyond my KRAs
  • I have taken ownership of at least 40% new projects allocated to our team
  • I am the first person in the team to raise my hand for something new
  • I enjoy spending 15-20% of my time on projects that I manage end to end
  • I took the ownership of the biggest client last quarter and the sales went up by 10%
  • I often shy away from taking responsibility and ownership of any project
  • I restrain myself to being a contributor than taking ownership and managing projects
  • I intend to take ownership of at least 1 new project in the next quarter
  • I find it difficult to take part in activities beyond my defined work
  • I intend to seek support from my manager to help me in getting over the phobia of underperforming when given the ownership 

4. Attendance phrases

The following self appraisal comments are important to help review your performance on the basis of how punctual and attentive you are.

  • I always arrive office on time
  • I attend all meetings and inform in advance in case I am not able to attend any
  • I respect other people’s time and ensure that all my meetings start and end on time
  • I plan my time off in advance and inform my team members about the same
  • I do not take unnecessary breaks during office hours
  • I seek to be on work every time, and bridge the occasional gap that exists right now
  • I intend to plan all my vacation days in advance
  • I will ensure that I plan my meetings in advance with a clear agenda to ensure they don’t last longer than intended
  • I sometimes get carried away during breaks, I will ensure that I adhere to the break schedules
  • I will account for different factors and leave house early to reach office on time
If you forgot to download the template, here's the link for you again: Self Appraisal Template & Form

5. Teamwork phrases

Use these self evaluation phrases when you want to highlight your strengths/ areas of improvement of working with the team, your collaboration skills, etc.

  • I go out of the way to ensure that my team members are able to deliver their best
  • I actively seek inputs from all team members on every project
  • I actively participate in brainstorming sessions and team discussions
  • I encourage other team members to share their perspectives
  • I get along with almost everyone in the team
  • I find it a little difficult to mix up with all the team members
  • I will work on my confidence to share my ideas with the team
  • Occasionally, I tend to overlook the ideas shared by others, which I will work towards
  • I will focus on delegating work correctly to ensure maximum impact
  • I will attend most of the team meetings and participate actively

6. Creativity phrases

Creativity self appraisal comments can help you in reflecting on how effectively you are able to come up with novel and innovative solutions to challenges and new ideas to augment the impact and value created.

  • I am able to pivot my priorities and come up with new ideas based on changes in a project requirement
  • I like to experiment with new ways of addressing a problem 
  • In the last quarter, I came up with a new marketing solution that increased our organic traffic by 15%
  • I am able to think out of the box even in pressure situations
  • While I rely on standard processes, I am not afraid of taking the risk to try something unique that can lead to better results
  • Occasionally, I find it difficult to break free from the established process for any task
  • I feel that at times, I restrain my creativity in the face of practicality
  • In the next quarter, I will focus on accepting new ideas and ways of work
  • Sometimes I make the situation more complex by adding too much creativity, when only a simple solution is needed
  • I tend to shy away from sharing my innovative solutions, preventing higher impact

Similar Read: 150+ performance review phrases for managers

7. Attention to detail phrases

The following phrase can create a picture of your quality of work and how much attention you pay while undertaking a particular task during your self reflection process. 

  • I check all my work at least 3 times before submitting
  • I have a detailed to do list to ensure nothing falls through the cracks
  • Most of the work I deliver has negligible errors
  • I am extremely patient with each project I work on to deliver the best
  • I ensure delivering consistent quality of work in at least 90% of the projects
  • When I am working on multiple projects, I tend to miss out on attention to detail
  • Occasionally, when I am in a hurry, I tend to overlook minor errors
  • I miss proofreading my work at times
  • I find it hard to prioritize work, leading to some inaccuracies at times
  • I aspire to become more organized in the near future to ensure all requirements are taken care of

8. Job knowledge phrases

You can use these self appraisal comments to illustrate how well you understand what is expected out of you and how well you are able to deliver on the same. 

  • I have a clear understanding of what I am expected to do as a part of my role
  • I understand the value my work is able to contribute to the overall organizational success
  • I was able to meet 80% of my OKRs in the last quarter
  • I stay updated on the latest trends and insights in my field
  • I take up training and upskilling every quarter to stay relevant for my role
  • Due to a multifunctional role, I find it difficult at times to understand the expectations
  • I sometimes struggle to explain to others what I do
  • I am not sure how I am able to create an impact for the organization
  • I seek to increase meeting my job expectations by meeting at least 70% OKRs in the next quarter
  • Occasionally, I find myself unprepared for the role, and plan to take up courses to address the same

9. Customer satisfaction phrases

Customer satisfaction self evaluation performance phrases help gauge how effectively you are able to address customer requests or complaints that leads to a higher Net Promoter Score, brand credibility, etc. 

  • I respond to all customer queries within 24 hours
  • I have been constantly receiving high remarks on customer satisfaction surveys 
  • I am always calm and patient when dealing with customer complaints
  • I have been able to increase the customer lifetime value for my customers by 15% in the last year
  • I am able to answer difficult questions for customers in a professional manner
  • At times, I find it difficult to respond to customers in a timely manner
  • I intend to ensure that I become more patient while dealing with customer complaints
  • I sometimes get overwhelmed when a customer raises an objection, which I seek to overcome
  • While I am able to handle customer service over phone/email, I intend to achieve the same for in-person customers
  • I intend to improve my score on customer satisfaction surveys by at least 10% in this quarter

10. Growth and development phrases

Finally, these self-appraisal comments can help you highlight your growth plans towards your professional development and impact on the organization.

  • I set personal growth plans every month to ensure a healthy balance
  • I have taken 2 trainings in the past quarter
  • I have a clear 5 year vision for my career and am taking ‘abc’ steps towards it
  • By the end of the year, I plan to complete 5 trainings in my domain
  • I believe learning and development is integral to success
  • I sometimes find it difficult to make time to upskill myself
  • In this quarter, I will try to take up at least two courses on technical skills
  • I struggle to identify the right courses for my skill set
  • I tend to leave trainings in between occasionally
  • In this quarter, I will focus on creating a professional development plan for myself

Self appraisal template 

With a broad understanding of the more than 100+ self appraisal comments that you can use as a part of your self evaluation process, let’s move to this concluding section. Here, we will focus on sharing a few templates that employees can use to articulate their performance in an effective manner. 

The self evaluation phrases mentioned above can be added at the right places in these templates to give a holistic picture of one’s performance. A few things to focus on include:

  • What you did
  • What was the result
  • What was the overall impact
  • What were your learnings
  • What are some areas of improvement

You can download this in PDF here:   Customizable Self Evaluation Template

Template 1: Positive impact

In the last <performance period>, I have successfully <activity/ initiative undertaken> which led to <tangible impact (metrics)> for the organization. 

My focus was on <a detailed view of everything that was done> which resulted in <accomplishments>. 

Overall, I believe that I have been able to create an impact by achieving <top 3 achievements> and seek to amplify the same in the future. 

Template 2: Areas of improvement

I believe that the last <performance period> has been full of learning and development for me. 

While I was able to <quick snapshot of achievements>, I acknowledge that I need to pay attention to <areas of improvement>. 

I believe that this focus will help me <intended outcome for improvement>. 

Towards this, I will ensure that I consistently work towards <improvement plan (courses, behavioral changes)> to achieve <SMART goal>. 

Wrapping Up

That said, self appraisal is an extremely crucial step of performance review. As a manager you must encourage your team members to provide honest reflection on their performance without being afraid of any negative consequences. Apart from providing the self appraisal comments mentioned above, you can also use assessment tools to make self appraisal a common practice within the organization. 

Custom Pulse Surveys by SuperBeings can help you with understanding their needs and help you support them better. If interested, book a free demo today .

Suggested Reading

Employee Self Assessment: How to write a great one

150+ performance review phrases for managers

How to use custom pulse surveys to enhance employee experience

Sudeshna Roy

Hi There! I am Sudeshna. At SuperBeings, I lead our content strategy to bring you the best and latest on everything related to people management

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50+ most useful employee onboarding survey questions.

‘Onboarding: How to get your new employees up to speed in half the time’ - George Bradt, founder and Chairman PrimeGenesis

Did you know that a strong onboarding process improves new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%?  

However, only 12% of employees strongly agree their organization does a great job at onboarding new employees.  

This clearly states that while employee onboarding has a direct impact on the bottom line, most organizations miss out on how to get it right. 

Don’t let that happen to you. To onboard new employees like a pro, keep reading.

What is an onboarding survey?

By definition, an onboarding survey is a questionnaire that is administered on new hires to gauge their initial experience and level of satisfaction, in an attempt to understand their engagement and retention potential. 

As an HR, you can get multiple insights from an onboarding survey, including:

  • what employees thought about the organization when they heard about it for the first time
  • how their impression changed over time 
  • whether or not their experience aligns with their expectations, etc.

It can help you estimate how long the employees are likely to stay and how you can further optimize your onboarding process to make it more aligned with employee expectations. 

Why are onboarding surveys important?

An effective onboarding survey can help you reflect on your performance through the onboarding process, which directly impacts KPIs for organizational success, including:

1. Retention

93% of employers believe a good onboarding experience is critical in influencing a new employee’s decision whether to stay with the company. At the same time, 25% of a company’s new hires would leave within a year if the onboarding experience was poor. 

20% of new hires are unlikely to recommend an employer to a friend or family member and an onboarding survey can help you identify the reasons for the same. However, new team members who were asked to provide feedback prior to their start date also had a 79% increase in willingness to refer others. Thus, illustrating how onboarding surveys and feedback can impact eNPS.

Read: How to use eNPS for better employee engagement

3. Satisfaction and Engagement

Employees with exceptional onboarding experiences are 2.6x more likely to be extremely satisfied with their workplace and 70% say they have ‘the best possible job ’.

4. Performance

77% of employees who went through a formal onboarding process were able to meet their first performance goals. However, 49% of individuals who failed to reach their first performance milestone had no official onboarding instruction. An onboarding survey can help you determine the effectiveness of your onboarding process.  

In addition, your new employees might also have an inclination towards providing feedback as a part of the onboarding survey, which you will lose out if you don’t conduct the same. Research shows that only 26% of new employees recall being asked for feedback on their candidate journey and the hiring process before their start date wherein 91% of new hires are willing to provide this feedback. 

Employee onboarding survey: Best practices

Now that you understand the importance of an employee onboarding survey, let’s quickly discuss how to effectively run an onboarding survey. 

1. Set the cadence

You must coincide your employee onboarding survey with important milestones for the new employee in the organization. Mostly, these milestones coincide with the end of the first few months. Thus, you should circulate your onboarding survey after 30, 60 and 90 days respectively, with different objectives for each. Furthermore, you can send interim surveys in case you feel the need, for instance, when the employee starts a project, or when the orientation process is over. 

“Effective employee onboarding isn’t about swag, stickers, & company value pamphlets on their desk the 1st day. But, how you help them understand their goals & how co values are interwoven in operating are more important.”- Suhail Doshi, founder and chairman of Mixpanel, Inc.

2. Identify critical areas and build questions

Based on the milestones or cadence you have set up, it is important to identify areas you would want to cover with each milestone. For instance:

In the first 30 days, you should focus on themes like: 

  • Orientation process
  • Initial thoughts
  • Expectation alignment 
  • Recruitment process
  • Onboarding experience

In 60 days, you can touch on themes like:

  • Knowledge transfer
  • Level of engagement and satisfaction
  • Induction process

By the end of 90 days, focus should shift towards:

  • Manager support
  • Role clarity
  • Likelihood to stay
  • Organizational alignment

Once you have decided the themes, you can start building questions, a snapshot of which is covered in the next section or you can download the template now here. The themes can be fluid across milestones, depending on the context for your organization. 

3. Roll out the survey for participation

Once the milestone arrives, you should roll out the onboarding survey and drive participation. It is important to explain to your new employees why the onboarding survey is important and how they can fill it up. Give them the requisite time, deadlines and communicate what will be the next steps to encourage them to participate. 

4. Follow up

Simply rolling out the survey is not enough. You must reach out to your new employees to remind them to fill the onboarding survey as amidst numerous new things, they might lose track of it. Don’t push too hard, yet send subtle reminders to get genuine responses. For instance: employee survey tools such as SuperBeings integrate with chat tools like Slack, Teams, Gchat to send personalized nudges to fill out the survey in the flow of work at set intervals as well as allows them to participate directly without switching context. 

Unlock a wide array of survey questions and employee analytics. See how SuperBeings can help

5. Take action

Once your onboarding survey responses are in, slice and dice them to get insights into what your employees feel and leverage the data points to further refine your onboarding process to facilitate engagement, retention and advocacy from the beginning. 

Sample onboarding survey questions for 30-60-90 day review

Taking cue from the section above, here are 50+ onboarding survey questions that you can leverage to gauge the pulse of your new employees as they complete different milestones.

You can also download these questions as a template and use it whenever you need. Click here to download

1. Onboarding survey questions for 30 day review

A) onboarding and orientation process.

  • How can we change or improve the onboarding process?
  • What did you like most about the onboarding process?
  • Was the orientation interactive and engaging?
  • Did the onboarding process meet your expectations?
  • Do you feel welcome and proud to be working here?
  • How would you rate the duration and quality of your onboarding experience?
  • How would you describe your first day?

b) Decision related questions

  • What were the top 3 reasons for joining this company?
  • Do you think those reasons have been met?

c) Technical training and knowledge transfer

  • Have you received the training that you were promised during your induction?
  • Did the training meet your expectations and was accurately described during the hiring process?
  • Is the training relevant to your roles and responsibilities?
  • Were adequate tools and materials shared during training to facilitate knowledge transfer?

2. Onboarding survey questions for 60 day review

A) engagement related questions.

  • Would you recommend the company to others in your network?
  • Do you see yourself working here in 2 years?
  • Do you feel motivated to come to work in the morning?
  • Do you feel prepared for your role?

b) Onboarding experience

  • Did the first 30 days of onboarding go as expected?
  • What is the one thing you would like to change from your experience so far?

c) Company policies

  • Are you clear on the different company policies shared with you?
  • Do you have any concerns about any of the policies that you would like to highlight?
  • Do you think any policy is missing that you think must be a part of our governance?

d) Questions about team

  • Have your team members been integral in smooth onboarding?
  • Have you been able to connect and collaborate with all your team members?
  • Do you consider your team members to be welcoming and inclusive?
  • What is the thing you would like to change about how your team works currently?

e) Reflection questions

  • Have you been able to achieve the goals you set out for your 60 days?
  • How has your journey been so far?
  • What has been your biggest accomplishment in 60 days?
  • What are some achievements you would like to ensure in the next 30 days?

3. Onboarding survey questions for 90 day review

A) role and expectation clarity.

  • Do you have an understanding of what is expected from you as a part of this role?
  • Is your role similar to what was communicated to you during the hiring process?
  • Do you have the necessary resources you need for the role?
  • Do you have clarity of your goals?
  • Do you understand how your work will be evaluated?
  • Does your role meet your career aspirations?
  • What do you think is the most difficult part about your role?
  • What excites you most about your current role?
  • Do you understand the importance of the work you do?

b) Organizational alignment

  • Do your values align with the organizational values?
  • Do you believe in the vision and mission of the organization?
  • Do you believe your ideas are valued?
  • Do you have clarity on the organization’s future plans and do you align with them?
  • Do you see yourself as a part of this organization 5 years from now?

c) Manager support

  • Have your conversations with the managers been effective?
  • Does your manager support your career aspirations?
  • Does your manager provide you with the necessary support to perform your role effectively?
  • Do you receive regular feedback from your manager?
  • Does your manager include you in key discussions, wherever applicable?

d) Other questions

  • What are some of the challenges you have faced so far?
  • Do you feel your onboarding was successful?
  • How can we help you in improving the overall experience?
  • Do you feel included and accepted by everyone in the team?
  • How do you see yourself progressing from here?
  • Do you have access to all the information you need?

Wrapping up (TL:DR)

By now, it would be very clear to you that an employee onboarding survey can help you in multiple ways to create a high performance culture. It can enable you to augment retention, engagement, satisfaction and advocacy among employees to ensure that there is minimal turnover and you are able to attract high quality talent. Ensure that you roll out an onboarding survey at 30/60/90 days frequency to check onboarding experience, knowledge transfer, manager support, role clarity, etc. 

You should focus on other forms of employee feedback on culture, training and development opportunities, level of engagement, manager effectiveness, workplace collaboration, work-life balance, among others. 

Finally, you should focus on leveraging technology and automation to add efficiency and effectiveness to your onboarding survey and process. 

Research shows, automating onboarding tasks resulted in a 16% increase in retention rates for new hires.

Thus, consider partnering with a survey platform which enables you to:

  • Use science-backes best practices onboarding survey templates
  • Track employee milestones automatically and roll out surveys on due date with zero to minimal manual intervention 
  • Integrate surveys with existing chat tools for reminders and sending out survey questions
  • Use NLP for decoding sentiments behind open comments to understand the reason behind each response
  • Use other employee engagement surveys to get the whole picture of new hire engagement

Related Reading

How to use employee engagement survey comments

Best employee engagement survey tools in the market today

How to Give Constructive Feedback? (With Examples)

When it comes to performance management for employees, you would agree that feedback plays an important role. However, only offering positive feedback and appreciating the performance of your employees is not enough. You need to give them an equal amount of constructive feedback which is specific to ensure high levels of performance. If you feel that your employees may not embrace constructive feedback, think again.

Research shows that 92% of people believe that constructive feedback is effective at improving performance.

In this article we will help you understand how you can give constructive feedback and examples you can leverage. 

What is constructive feedback?

Constructive feedback is essentially a tool that most forward looking professionals leverage to help others in their team with specific and constructive inputs on areas where one’s performance can be improved. Put simply, if you have an employee who doesn’t pay attention to detail, constructive feedback involves helping them acknowledge that this is a problem area, and more than that, enabling them with the support to overcome the same. It involves not only identifying a performance problem, but also, providing action items and ways to address the same. 

Importance of constructive feedback

Now that you have an understanding of what constructive feedback means, let’s quickly look at some of the top reasons why constructive feedback is important. Constructive feedback:

  • Improves performance : It enables your team members to understand how they can perform better with specific inputs on areas of improvement
  • Reinforces expectations : It helps your employees clearly gauge what is expected out of them in terms of performance, and sets clear deliverables and measurement parameters to avoid any surprises during performance appraisal
  • Boosts morale and confidence : It involves also appreciating employees for a job well done and illustrates how they can become a better version of themselves
  • Facilitates employee stickiness: It ensures that employees see your organization which cares about their professional growth and encourages them to stick around longer, and even act as advocates for others.

Positive feedback vs constructive feedback 

When delivering feedback, you must understand the difference between positive and constructive feedback and ensure that you use both of them where they fit the best. Here a quick distinction between positive feedback vs constructive feedback:

  • Positive feedback focuses on a job well done and highlights where an employee has excelled. Whereas, constructive feedback talks about areas of improvement and action items for desirable outcomes. 
  • While positive feedback seeks to reinforce the positive behavior, constructive feedback focuses more on facts and traits.
  • Positive feedback is a reflection of the past performance and doesn’t necessarily have a futuristic orientation, however, constructive feedback takes reference from the past to feed better performance in the future.  
  • “Your presentation during the board meeting was crisp and informative” is an example of positive feedback. Whereas, “While your presentation was informative, you can focus more on articulation to ensure that all your research is communicated in a way that everyone is able to understand. Using pointers can help here”, is an example of constructive feedback.
In a nutshell, positive feedback is a reinforcement tool, whereas constructive feedback is a mechanism to facilitate development. 

How to give constructive feedback

With an understanding of the fundamentals of constructive feedback, let’s quickly jump to the best practices which can help you deliver constructive feedback in a nuanced and effective manner. 

1. Decide when to give the constructive feedback

The first thing you need to focus on is ensuring that the timing of the constructive feedback is ideal. For instance, a busy period when the employee is putting in a lot of effort may not be ideal for giving them feedback about their performance from three months ago. At the same time, ensure that you provide constructive feedback regularly and consistently, to avoid recency or primacy bias. However, don’t offer feedback when you are angry about their performance either. 

2. Set the context and build trust

Before you get down to giving the feedback, set the tone. Share with the employee the purpose of the meeting and make them comfortable prior to sharing your reflections. It is important that you build trust so your employees can share their perspective and don’t feel intimidated by what you have to say. 

3. Share your reflections

Once the context and tone is set, start sharing your reflections. Your focus should be on sharing what you have observed about their performance. However, ensure that you also share how the same is likely to impact their career growth as well as organizational success. For instance, if you are providing constructive feedback about missing deadlines, you can use the impact of losing clients for the organization and a casual attitude marker for the employee.

4. Give specific examples

When sharing reflections, use specific examples of when you noticed a particular behavior. For instance, in the above example, you can share instances of when the employee missed his/her deadlines . Ensure that you use examples which illustrate a pattern, rather than a one off incident, which is very uncommon. Furthermore, always use concrete examples and not interpretation of what you hear or see.   

5. Balance positive and negative

With constructive feedback, your focus should be on helping the employee improve their performance and work on their areas of development.

However, simply pointing out their weaknesses or negatives in their performance will not help . You need to also talk about some of the positive aspects of their performance and how those qualities can help them absorb and implement their constructive feedback. 

6. Be empathetic

Emotional intelligence is extremely important when delivering constructive feedback. You cannot be apathetic towards your employee when delivering the same. Put yourself in their shoes to choose your phrases carefully. We will share some examples in the next section. Also, use your EQ to read the situation when you are delivering the feedback. If you see that the employee is getting uncomfortable, take a pause and comfort them first. Read their gestures and body language to ensure that the employee is not feeling attacked. 

7. Don’t make it personal

Like it or not, constructive feedback involves pointing out one’s weaknesses and areas of improvement. However, you should refrain from equating the performance of the employee with his/her personality or whole self. For instance, if someone misses deadlines, encourage them to be more organized or prioritize important work, than labeling them as a procrastinator. 

8. Encourage response from the other side

While you are delivering the constructive feedback, you have to make sure it is a dialogue.

The idea is to give the other person enough room to share their side of the story.

Try to understand whether or not they agree with your feedback and how they perceive the same. They may share the lack of support or resources, which have resulted in a weak performance. Be open to some reverse feedback as well. Again, your EQ must be at play here. If your employee has an outburst, or reacts negatively, you need to stay composed and calm them down. 

9. Discuss potential solutions

Once you and your employee are aligned on the areas of improvement, the most important part of constructive feedback is to provide adequate solutions to address the performance challenges. Don’t give abstract or vague solutions like be punctual if the employee misses deadlines. Rather, give very specific and action oriented solutions which are directed towards a particular outcome. The idea is to collectively understand the cause of the weak area of performance and use concrete solutions to remedy the same. 

10. Create a time bound action plan

Now that you have shared some potential solutions, you must revise the top action items with your employee to avoid any confusion. At the same time, you should focus on creating a time bound plan with key milestones to ensure that development is taking place. Summarize what was discussed and how you will proceed from there. Best is to set up a date to review the progress to ensure constructive feedback is paid heed to. 

Read our article on Start Stop Continue Feedback to give action oriented feedback

20 Constructive feedback examples 

Here are top 20 constructive feedback examples that you can use during your next conversation. To make your constructive feedback more effective, we have also illustrated examples of what you should steer away from.

1. Communication skills

Example of how to give constructive feedback.

I would really like to know how you have progressed on the tasks assigned to you last month. It would be ideal if you could share a progress update on what has been achieved with a small summary of challenges/ support needed at the end of every week to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Example of how not to give constructive feedback

You have not kept your team updated about your work, this is highly unprofessional.

2. Attention to detail

I was going through the work you submitted last week and I can see you have put in a lot of effort. However, I could see that there were some small errors and inaccuracies in the report across multiple sections. I believe that if you proofread your work thoroughly before turning it in, it will reduce the number of iterations and improve your quality of work. 

You seem completely distracted as you have been submitting flawed and below average work, this will not be tolerated. 

3. Time management

I understand that you are working on multiple projects, however, you need to ensure that the most important projects are not overlooked and their timelines are not missed. Therefore, I would suggest you create a list of tasks you are working on and check with the respective reporting managers on the priority and set clear expectations to ensure that no deadlines are missed. 

You have missed your deadline again, it seems like you are not serious about you work. 

4. Goal achievement

I see that you have been able to achieve only a part of the goals that you set out for this year. Maybe you were trying to spread yourself too thin. I would suggest you reduce the number of projects you are working on and ensure that the goals you set you are able to achieve. Furthermore, you must be vocal about the support or resources you need to achieve your goals. 

Are you even serious about your work, your level of goal achievement indicates otherwise. 

5. Absenteeism

I see that you have been taking some time off lately, without any prior intimation. Let’s try to understand if there is a particular reason for the same. We can work on your schedule to make it more flexible. 

You have been missing all meetings lately, this tardiness is not appreciated. 

6. Problem solving

I see that you are excellent at execution of ideas. However, I believe that you need to focus more on coming up with solutions on your own. I would suggest participating more in the brainstorming sessions and coming up with solutions. Try to think on your own, before you reach out to others with the problem.

You lack any problem solving capabilities, and will be stuck to execution for the rest of your career.

Wrapping up

Constructive feedback is integral to organizational success. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Always use facts and examples to deliver constructive feedback
  • Don’t forget to differentiate between positive and constructive feedback
  • Make sure you have practical tips or suggestions 
  • Leverage specific constructive feedback examples for specific performance problems, instead of being vague

50 top 360 degree feedback question examples

150 performance review phrases

How to Use Performance Management Cycle for High Performance Teams

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

While performance management has been a key priority for organizations, for a long time, year end reviews were considered to be the most effective way to facilitate the same. However, recently organizations are observing a shift towards continuous performance management with an introduction of the performance management cycle. This article will focus on different aspects of the performance management cycle and how it enables unlocking the potential of high performance teams. 

What is a performance management cycle?

Before going into the diverse aspects, you should first understand what a performance management cycle essentially is. If you have an idea of what continuous performance management is, you’re already a step ahead in the understanding. Performance management cycle primarily is a way or a model in which you evaluate or focus on the performance of your employees throughout the year. The idea is to break down the different elements of employee performance into different stages and focus on them consistently. It starts with setting goals and ends with rewards for a job well done, which leads to setting of new goals and the performance management cycle resets.  

Understanding 4 stages of the performance management cycle

While you may want to divide your performance management cycle into any number of stages, mostly there are four stages. 

The first stage, at the very beginning of the performance management cycle, focuses on creating a plan for the performance ahead. The idea is to have a clear understanding on what your employee must achieve and how you will eventually review and evaluate them. During the planning stage, you and your team member, collectively should:

  • Set SMART goals of OKRs based on the performance expectations
  • Have clear KPIs or metrics which you will use for performance appraisal
  • Clarify how individual goals or OKRs contribute to organizational vision

Thus, the planning stage of the performance management cycle sets the tone for the year ahead and ensures there is clarity at all levels. 

Once the goals have been set in the planning stage, you enter the monitoring stage of the performance management cycle. This stage essentially focuses on ensuring that things are moving as planned. The idea is to ascertain that your team members are more or less on track for specific milestones outlined as a part of goal setting. Additionally, this stage will help you address any performance challenges that you may observe, sooner than later. Monitoring stage includes:

  • Regular one-on-one meetings to review performance so far
  • Providing feedback to your team members on what you think has been going well and what needs to improve
  • Relooking at goals in case they are behind or ahead of schedule in terms of achievement
  • Understanding the kind of extra support or resources your team members might need to improve their performance
  • Having candid conversations with your employees on wellbeing, professional development objectives, and other factors which may impact performance, morale and engagement 

The monitoring stage essentially focuses on tracking the performance of your employees against the set goals to provide constructive feedback and help them perform better. 

The third stage of the performance management cycle comes into existence towards the end. It involves reviewing the performance and providing ratings based on the established KPIs and metrics. While this is the formal review process, if you have been constantly monitoring the performance of your employees, this will essentially be a consolidation of all the reviews and feedback shared overtime. While delivering performance reviews, ensure that you:

  • Shed any performance review biases that might come your way, including primacy effect, recency bias, halo/horns effect, etc. 
  • Give your employees concrete examples and facts to support your review, rather than being vague and ambiguous
  • Should try to get 360 degree feedback and review for your team members
  • Answer some of the following questions to create an informed review:
  • Did the employee achieve the goals set out?
  • What were the key enablers in their achievement?
  • Did you observe growth in the employee during the performance management cycle?
  • Did the employee share any concerns, and were they addressed?

Since you have been connecting regularly with your employees, the reviews will not come as a surprise to them, but will help you monitor the trends of their performance and guide the next stage for the employee’s professional growth. 

Finally, the rewarding stage in the performance management cycle acts as a culmination to one cycle and sets stage for the commencement of the next. The objective is to take into account their performance over the performance management cycle and create a culture of rewards and recognition to celebrate and appreciate high performance. Some of the quick ways to reward your employees include, giving them:

  • Healthy increments and promotions
  • Public appreciation through social media, company intranet
  • Bonuses and other incentives
  • Rewards like vouchers, gifts, etc. 

This stage is important to make your employees feel valued and motivate them to keep the performance going. It will also push average performers to step up their efforts and enable you to create a high performance culture. 

Why is a performance management cycle important?

Now that you understand the various stages of a performance management cycle, let’s quickly look at why the performance management cycle is important for your organization. It will help you:

  • Clearly define goals and expectations from your employees to drive directed performance.
  • Keep your employees engaged. When you constantly connect with your employees for 1-o-1 meetings and consistently take interest in their performance improvement, they are likely to feel engaged, satisfied and motivated.
  • Address performance challenges preemptively and provide your employees with corrective actions, resources and support to bridge performance issues.
  • Retain talent as employees who feel that their performance is being valued and receive regular feedback tend to stay longer at an organization. 

Top 4 ways in which performance management cycle leads to high performance

In addition to the above mentioned benefits, a performance management cycle can help you build a high performance culture in a number of ways. Some of the top aspects include:

Clarifies KPIs and metrics

What constitutes high performance can be abstract. For some, closing 5 deals can be high performance, for others, it might be closing 15. Planning stage in the performance management lifecycle will help your employees understand what constitutes high performance and thus, proceed towards it. 

Boosts recognition

A key part of the performance management cycle is the rewards and recognition . When employees feel their performance is being valued and recognized, they tend to double up their efforts, leading to a high performance team.

Facilitates communication and feedback

Monitoring and tracking followed by 1-o-1 conversations can help you communicate with your employees regularly. Not only will you track their performance, but will also listen to their concerns or challenges and offer them feedback. Such conversations and feedback have a positive impact on performance, leading to a high performance culture. 

Ensures appropriate training

One of the foundations of high performance is enabling your team members to undergo the right training. Performance management cycle can help you understand which training is important for your employees at which performance stage, realizing high quality results. 

Top tips for managers for effective performance management cycle

As a manager, there are several ways in which you can unlock the true potential of a performance management cycle. You are one of the key stakeholders who plays an important role in every stage of the cycle. Here are a few tips that can help you augment the effectiveness of the performance management cycle:

  • Invite employee participation and make the OKR setting process collaborative and action oriented
  • Provide constructive feedback to your employees, instead of being too sweet or too negative
  • Help your employees access the right resources and training they need to meet their goals
  • Give your employees a safe space to share their concerns and challenges
  • Don’t micromanage your employees in the name of monitoring
  • Be open about relooking at the goals in case of a misalignment as you move along the performance management cycle

Benefits of using a performance management tool

A performance management tool can significantly help you streamline your performance management cycle by offering the following benefits. 

Performance snapshots

Get automated performance snapshots of your employee’s performance over the 9 box grid to track performance trends over time and provide reviews without recency bias.

1:1 conversations

Leverage guided templates with AI based suggestions for your 1:1 conversations with employees during the monitoring stage based on performance over time. Receive suggested talking points for goal-centered conversations.

Compare performance

Look at historic feedback to see improvement in performance and compare performance over time. You can also compare performance of peers over specific parameters. 

How to create a high performance culture using OKRs

7 steps to effective performance management system

12 common performance review biases to avoid

Ready to get started? Speak to our team today

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110 Effective Self Appraisal Comments for Your Performance Review

Performance reviews  bring more anxiety than joy. Especially during a  self-appraisal  process. An employee’s mind is full of things like:  

  • Should I only talk about achievements?  
  • Am I bragging too much?  
  • Am I being self-critical?  
  • and more…  

It’s difficult to know what exactly you should write in your assessment about your work.

In this guide, you will see why  self-evaluation  is important for your career growth.

What  comments for self-appraisal you can use, and how you can write a review during your  self-appraisal process .  

What is Self-Appraisal?

Love it or hate it, we are always at the receiving end of some form of judgment.

At work, our boss and colleagues provide their fair share of feedback.

However, sometimes we do not agree with that feedback and want to put forward our side of the story.

It is where  self-appraisal meaning  comes into play.

It is the process where the employees review their performance. Organizations want to listen to the employees. 

They even want to reflect on their productivity from the past performance cycle. 

It helps in figuring out the areas of improvement and what results can actually be used during the appraisal process.  

Recommended Read: – Performance Review and Performance Appraisal

Purpose of Self-Appraisal

Are most employees scared of the process?    

Yes, they are ,  at least  according to this  study .

While the process may be considered dreadful, the process can do so much good if implemented in the right way.  

Here are a few reasons why the self-appraisal process is important and why your organization should have it too.  

1. Promotes Accountability

It helps employees take ownership of work.

Now, the employees can’t leave the assessment part to only their bosses.

They have to actively track the impact of their work and show it during the self-appraisal cycle conversations.

Plus, their opinions are valued.  

2. Better Work Relationships

When all parties are involved, it leads to stronger relationships in the workplace.

Self-appraisals are a platform to engage in continuous conversation between employees and managers.

As employees have their voices, it reduces the chances of bias and conflict.

3. Two-way Communication

Two-way communication involves active listening.

Generally, managers talk during the appraisal process and do that a lot.

However,  self-evaluation meaning  normalizes the interaction for every employee.

They can talk about strengths and weaknesses.

They have done the work themselves, so they highlight their outputs better than anyone else.

It provides deeper insights and a clear picture of what happened during the performance cycle.

Rewards go to those who deserve them.

4. Motivated Workforce

Employees feel empowered when they are offered trust. 

Self-assessment  is a way of telling an employee that ‘we trust your judgment on your work.’

Each employee participates actively in the process.

It is a time to identify motivated employees according to the quality of goals they set and how they were met and assessed.

Eventually, it leads to better output and more employee engagement.

5. Career Growth

When employees assess themselves, they get a clear understanding of their strengths and shortcomings.

All employees have career aspirations.

To reach a certain path, they need improvements and the ability to learn new things. 

Here is an  example of self-evaluation for a performance review : 

Training needs are identified along with future preferences.

Self-appraisal is a time where employees can tell their bosses about what they want going forward.   

How Does Self Appraisal Work?

Employees can use self-appraisal to assess their performance, which can then be compared to the views of managers and peers. Individuals are usually given a form divided into different categories or skills. Some frequent assessment elements include, for example, performance, communication, and organization.

Many people ask how to write favourable feedback without coming across as arrogant. You should not be afraid to remind your manager of your positive attributes or important organizational achievements. At the same time, it is critical to achieve a balance between recognising one’s inadequacies. You are more likely to be offered appropriate further training chances to help enhance your capabilities if you are forthright and open.

Let us see how to write a self appraisal.

How to write Self Appraisal  

There is no specific  format for self-appraisal . 

This part is specifically for employees who will assess themselves during the process.

Focus on positives and keeping the process straightforward for all stakeholders.

The  STAR method  is effective when writing self-appraisal.

It involves situation (S), task (T), the action (A) you took, and the results (R) you achieved.  

Infographics on things to remember during self appraisal process

Before you start working on your self-appraisal, do consider the below suggestions

  • If you don’t advocate for yourself, no one else will.
  • State everything objectively and clearly.
  • Do not, but focus on the results you achieved.  
  • Talk about where you need improvement.
  • No employee does everything right.
  • Be humble and specific about areas of development.  
  • Talk about what you’ve learned during the journey and how that’s helped your career.  
  • If you’re talking about weaknesses, please add solutions to show that you feel responsible and want to solve challenges.  
  • Pick your words wisely. Include numbers, measurable objectives, and show results.
  • Nobody wants to listen about responsibilities. People want to see outputs.   

Self Appraisal Examples

Let us provide you with a self-appraisal example for your team members. Here is an example:

Three years in a row, Roshan Singh*, a senior marketer at an MNC, didn’t achieve the goals he set for himself.

“I was optimistic and set challenging goals for myself,” he says.

His performance evaluation took place against the goals he set, and he struggled.

“Most people just talk about their achievements, but I wanted to talk about the shortcomings too,” he adds.  

After evaluation, he listed out each goal, explaining which ones weren’t met along with the reason.

Roshan also added goals that were achieved and extra work that he did during the year.

It was risky but integrity mattered more to the guy than anything else.   

His boss and department head reviewed the  self-appraisal form  and felt surprised.

“They were happy that I mentioned my failures along with an improvement plan. 

Plus, I had a decent list of achievements as well,” he explains.   

Roshan’s calculated yet truthful approach paid off and left a good impression on the stakeholders.  

110 Performance-driven Self-Appraisal Comments 

We have a list of self-appraisal comments  to help you out. These  self-appraisal samples  can be tweaked as per requirements.  

          Communication Self Appraisal Comments

  • I communicate my expectations clearly to all stakeholders. 
  • I maintain contact with department heads and stay an active part of team meetings.
  • I provide constructive feedback and focus on solving challenges with communication. 
  • I present my ideas in a skillful, effective, and professional manner. 
  • I share relevant information with my team members, so everyone stays on the same page.
  • I proactively communicate changes with stakeholders the moment they happen.

Job Performance Self Appraisal Comments

  • I love my job and value performing well every day.
  • I frequently work on solving problems that are not included in job responsibilities but are affecting the team.
  • I focus on promoting teamwork.
  • I have exceeded my performance goal (mention goal) by (mention a number in percentage).
  • I work without bias.
  • I work on improving my performance every day.

Reliability Self Appraisal Comments

  • I don’t commit more than I can handle at work. And I follow through on whatever I commit to others.
  • I have met all my major deadlines with tremendous results.
  • I prioritize my work and focus on the important tasks first.
  • I keep a check on my team and customers’ needs and plan my schedule accordingly.
  • I’m punctual and stay active during work hours.
  • I take guidance whenever necessary to solve problems.

Customer Success Self Appraisal Comments

  • I effectively handle customer queries .
  • I use the ‘listen first, suggest later’ approach to better understand our customer’s pain points.
  • I go above and beyond to help customers get the information or solution they’re looking for. 
  • (mention a number) % customers have given a maximum rating on my customer satisfaction survey.  
  • I continuously strive hard to improve our customers’ experiences.

Innovation and Creativity Self Appraisal Comments 

  • I regularly try to find ways to improve our work processes.
  • I can quickly adapt to newer situations and surroundings.
  • I approach each challenge with a ‘get this solved’ thinking.
  • I love to collaborate with others for ideas.
  • I focus on solutions.
  • I keep myself in others’ shoes and try to find a solution that suits everyone in the team.

Growth and Development Self Appraisal Comments

  • I set goals that help me grow professionally and personally.
  • I take care of my development path by upgrading my skills.
  • I am a self-learner and pick up new skills from people around me.
  • I find opportunities to connect and learn from other amazing folks in my field.
  • I have a clear vision for my career and take steps to achieve it.
  • I learn quickly, and that’s why I adapt to change without any trouble.

Performance Improvement Self Appraisal Comments

  • I have realized that I need to be more transparent with my team members going forward.
  • I’m good at customer support, but I can improve during follow-ups.
  • I shy away from difficult conversations as I try to be positive all the time.
  • My communication with larger groups or projects which involved multiple departments needs improvement.
  • I follow traditional methods am not always open to new ways of thinking.
  • I don’t always share ideas during conversations, and it leads to more passive team talks.
  • I do focus on my teams’ needs. However, I sometimes take leave without informing others on time.
  • It’s hard to approach me during work hours.
  • I don’t always ask for help. It sometimes leads to more problems than before.

Ownership and Initiative Self Appraisal Comments

  • I enjoy engaging in tasks and projects beyond my Key Result Areas (KRAs) scope.
  • I have taken responsibility for at least 40% of the new projects assigned to our team.
  • I am the team’s pioneer in expressing interest in something fresh.
  • 15-20% of my time is spent on projects I manage from beginning to end.
  • Last quarter, after taking ownership of the largest client, I increased sales by 10%.
  • I avoid taking responsibility and ownership of projects frequently.
  • I prefer to contribute to projects rather than take responsibility for managing them.
  • I aim to assume responsibility for at least one new project over the next quarter.
  • I need help to engage in activities outside my designated responsibilities.

Attendance Self Appraisal Comments

  • Consistently, I am punctual in arriving at the office.
  • I attend all scheduled meetings; if I cannot attend, I inform the appropriate individuals beforehand.
  • One of my core values is considering others’ schedules, and I prioritize beginning and concluding all my meetings punctually.
  • I schedule my time off in advance and communicate it to my team members.
  • I refrain from taking any breaks that are not necessary during my working hours.
  • I aspire to maintain continuous employment and fill in any temporary gaps that may currently exist in my work history.
  • I intend to plan my vacation days ahead of time.
  • To avoid meetings lasting longer than necessary, I will plan them ahead of time with a well-defined agenda.

Teamwork Self Appraisal Comments   

  • I will consider various factors and depart from my house earlier to ensure I arrive punctually at my office.
  •  I try to ensure that my team members perform at their highest potential.
  • I make a point to solicit input from all team members for each project.
  • I am an active participant in team discussions and brainstorming sessions.
  • I suggest that the other team members express their viewpoints.
  • I have a good rapport with almost everyone on the team.
  • I am struggling to get to know all the team members.
  • I aim to improve my confidence to feel more comfortable expressing my ideas to my team.
  • I am working on improving my tendency to overlook the ideas that are shared by others.
  • My goal is to optimize the impact of delegated tasks by ensuring they are assigned effectively.

Attention to Detail Self Appraisal Comments

  • I reviewed my work thoroughly three times before handing it in.
  • I have a comprehensive list of tasks to ensure nothing is forgotten or overlooked.
  • The majority of the work I submit contains minimal mistakes.
  • I am highly committed to ensuring that every project I undertake is delivered with the utmost attention to detail and quality.
  • My track record demonstrates a commitment to maintaining a high standard of work, with at least 90% of projects consistently meeting that level of quality.
  • When juggling multiple projects, I often overlook important details.
  • When pressed for time, I may unintentionally neglect small mistakes.
  • At times, I find myself lacking in proofreading my work.
  • I struggle with prioritizing my work effectively, sometimes resulting in errors or mistakes.

Job knowledge Self Appraisal Comments

  • I have a concise comprehension of my responsibilities and duties within my position.
  • I comprehend the significance of the contribution that my work can make towards the achievement of the organization’s overall success.
  • In the previous quarter, I achieved 80% of my OKRs.
  • I keep myself informed about the most recent developments and knowledge in my area of expertise.
  • I train and upskill every three months to remain current and competent.
  • As my job involves multiple responsibilities, I sometimes struggle to comprehend the specific requirements expected of me.
  • I sometimes find it challenging to articulate to others the nature of my occupation or area of expertise.
  • I am unsure how to make a meaningful difference within the organization.
  • My goal for the next quarter is to achieve a minimum of 70% of my OKRs to exceed my job expectations.

Opportunities for Improvement Self Appraisal Comments

  • Even though I’m honest, my team doesn’t think I’m honest, so I’ll keep working on it.
  • I’m good at customer service but must follow up with people more often. I’m working on this all the time.
  • Even if I only look on the bright side, some people think it’s hard to talk to me, and I want to dispel this idea.
  • I’m good at talking to people, but I need to improve my public speaking because it’s sometimes hard to talk to a big group.
  • I sometimes get stuck doing just one task. I need to improve at doing more than one thing at a time.
  • I have a lot of ideas to share, but sometimes I’m too shy to say them all.
  • I am aware of my team’s needs, yet I do not always adhere to the work schedule.
  • Although cheerful, people continue to mistake me for being arrogant and nasty. Even though I respect my peers, I might occasionally appear inaccessible.
  • Sometimes I forget to investigate and ask for advice, and I continue to work alone; I must improve and become more proactive.

Self-appraisal Template

Here is an example of a template:  


Writing  self-evaluations can be difficult. However, with a clear and honest approach, you can do it well and even impress your boss.

FAQs – 

Q1) What do I write in self appraisal?

You should fill in your self-appraisal with an honest and comprehensive evaluation of your performance, highlighting your strengths and areas for improvement and providing specific examples to support your assessment. You can use our self appraisal comments to start self-appraisal.

Q2) What do you write in a self-review?

In a self-review, write about your accomplishments, areas for improvement, and goals for the future.

Q3) How do I write a self appraisal comment for myself?

To write a self-appraisal comment for yourself, focus on highlighting your achievements, areas of improvement, and goals for the future. Be honest, specific, and concise in your self-assessment.

Q4) What is positive self-appraisal?

Positive self-appraisal means positively evaluating oneself by recognizing and appreciating one’s strengths and accomplishments. It can boost self-esteem and motivation but it should be balanced and realistic.

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80+ Self-Appraisal Comments For Your Performance Review

A step-by-step guide to your self-appraisal. Self-appraisal comments by employees with examples. Know how it helps the employees and the HR.

Self-Appraisal Comments For Your Performance Review


Every good professional undertakes a self-appraisal by standing back and honestly evaluating their efforts. A self-appraisal is like planting a seed for future success. It is based on experience and self-awareness. Did you always deliver the project earlier than expected? Did your exceptional communication skills get your team back on track? If so, these are the strengths you need to play to win next time. 

There are areas where you may have tripped during the project. Identifying what an individual is good at helps him or her take full advantage of his or her talents. Understanding your areas of weakness enables you to learn new skills, techniques, or practices that can help rectify them. It’s as if one were enriching their professional garden bed so that they could benefit in the future.

What is a self-appraisal?

Self-appraisal, which is usually in a professional setting, is the process of evaluating one's performance. During self-appraisal, you reflect on your accomplishments, strengths, and weaknesses in a particular period, mostly one year. This way, you can develop a better understanding of your professional skills and be able to identify areas that need improvement.

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Sometimes employees have to write a self-assessment before their bosses perform an annual evaluation. Such assessments are essential tools for constructive dialogue involving all parties concerned.

Why is it necessary to do self-assessments?

A crucial aspect of one’s life is taking an active role in your development.  Self-assessment, or self-appraisal, a process that allows you to evaluate yourself on a project, offers several benefits that can drive your career forward. 

So let us see some key reasons why self-assessment is important:

  • Self-awareness: Doing self-appraisal regularly, helps a person know his strengths and weaknesses deeply. When you critically assess your work, you get important information about areas where you are good and those that need improvement. This self-awareness helps you make informed decisions about your career and skill growth.

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  • Goal setting: Goal setting depends on having a clear understanding of what one can do at the time. The process of self-appraisal lays a good foundation for formulating achievable goals that have an impact. By recognizing where they are strong, individuals can take advantage of these strengths and then venture into more challenging projects and goals.
  • Skill enhancement: The identification of areas for improvement allows one to focus their study on specific skill gaps. Whether it be via professional development courses, online resources, or mentors, self-evaluation helps you actively search for educational experiences that build your skills.
  • Motivation: Regular recognition of accomplishments can be a strong motivator. Self-appraisal lets you acknowledge milestones achieved, thus boosting your self-esteem and encouraging you to take on new challenges. Additionally, recognizing areas for growth can instil a development mindset.
  • Career development: By understanding one’s strengths and aspirations, one can align their career path accordingly. Self-evaluation will show ways of improving the job level that suits an individual's abilities as well as future ambitions. This consciousness empowers employees to discuss career progression options with their employers beforehand.
  • Performance recognition: A well-constructed personal evaluation can take note of your achievements and contributions to the boss. Despite this important point, through self-appraisal, you will be able to communicate your worth to others in the team more effectively. 
  • Feedback loop: This way, self-appraisal creates a foundation for a two-way conversation with your manager regarding your performance. Sharing your feedback leads to constructive criticism that enables an interactive dialogue on career development objectives against organizational needs.

Self-assessment is more than just an exercise; it is a vital professional development tool. Taking part in appraising one’s performance actively supports the growth of self-awareness and fosters goal setting.

Read: Appraisal Email to Employees

How is it beneficial for HR?

Self-appraisal, when employees review their performance, is typically thought of from the employee's standpoint. But HR also benefits from self-appraisals. These reviews have the potential to make HR's job easier. 

Here's how self-appraisal helps HR. 

  • Better review preparations: Self-appraisals can also serve as a starting point for performance review discussions.  When HR professionals consider employee self-assessments, they get a glimpse into how the employee perceives his or her performance, strengths, and weaknesses. Incorporating more than one view leads to more targeted conversations in performance reviews and sets expectations.
  • Encourages employee reflection: The act of self-appraisal forces employees to think about their work, which leads to a better awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses.
  • Records employee accomplishments: Self-appraisals act as a record of all employee achievements and contributions that would otherwise go unnoticed in day-to-day life. For HR, it allows the discovery of numerous underappreciated workers and helps identify high performers who deserve more opportunities.
  • Measures employee happiness: Most self-appraisals include at least one section that looks at employee happiness within the company. This is a helpful tool for HR to see where their employees are satisfied and where the company needs improvement.

Read: Employee Engagement in HR

  • Empowers employees: By encouraging workers to perform self-appraisals, they feel a strong sense of personal ownership and empowerment in their self-growth. When you involve them in the discussion about development, they will feel valued.
  • Insights on performance:   The combination of self-ratings and manager feedback can provide an all-around assessment of the performance of a worker. HR may also establish or alter training and development programs to meet specific skill gaps by examining strengths, weaknesses and career objectives throughout the company. 

By using insights from self-appraisal reports, HR departments can create a more involved workforce, recognize high performers, and therefore make the business more competitive and successful in the long run.

How to write a self-appraisal? Step-by-step guide for crafting an effective self-appraisal.

An effective self-appraisal assists in career development and improvement. The following stages show an effective method for performing a self-assessment:

  • Go through the job description for fundamental duties and performance goals. Previous goals for performance can also help you examine your progress.
  • Identify completed projects and quantify their value on the team and overall success. Recognize the skills and knowledge you need to achieve those outcomes. Discuss the problems you faced and what you learned from them, showcasing your problem-solving skills.
  • Identify any skills or knowledge gaps that are limiting your growth. Highlight areas where you might improve your current skills, displaying your commitment to continuous improvement.
  • Develop Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound (SMART) targets to meet your development needs. Evaluate which resources, such as training programs, might help you reach those goals.
  • Be ready to receive feedback. Contribute to a productive conversation by communicating opinions and sharing ways of correcting your weaknesses.

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Common mistakes to avoid during self-appraisal

Don't let recent achievements overpower your contributions during the full review period. While it is important to be honest about your weaknesses, you shouldn't focus on what you lack. Focus on showcasing what you've achieved and what you're doing to advance.

Strike a balance between recognizing your accomplishments and identifying areas of development. Make sure your growth targets are achievable and feasible within the timeframe given. Use actual instances and quantitative information to back up your claims whenever possible.

What is a self-appraisal comment?

A self-appraisal comment is an overview that you convey in your self-appraisal document that highlights your contributions, issues, and future objectives. It helps you to express your worth clearly and suggest particular areas for conversation during your performance evaluation.

Key Elements of Self-Appraisal Comments

  • Briefly describe an important achievement you made during the review period. Quantify your findings whenever possible for a greater impact.
  • Outline a key challenge you experienced and how you surpassed it. This exhibits your capacity for solving problems and flexibility.
  • Mention a specific skill you performed that played a role in your success or helped you solve an obstacle.
  • Express a clear and logical target for future development, based on your current skills and accomplishments.

Self-appraisal comments by employee example

"Successfully led the implementation of a new CRM system, resulting in a 20% increase in lead conversion rates. Proactively addressed user concerns during the transition, leveraging my strong communication and training skills. My goal for the coming year is to further develop my project management expertise by pursuing a certification course."

This example shows a quantifiable achievement, highlights a challenge overcome, and demonstrates skills used. Moreover, it expresses a future goal for development.

How to handle negative feedback in a self-appraisal?

Consider unfavourable feedback as a possibility for improvement.  Listen actively and seek explanations if needed. Recognize the feedback and show your commitment to work on improving the problems identified. Consult with your management on developing an action plan to address the identified problems.

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Instead of focusing on previous shortcomings, concentrate on showcasing improvement over time. By following these steps and avoiding standard errors, you can create a self-appraisal that displays your skills, shows your dedication toward advancement, and sets the foundation for future career success.

80 sample self-appraisal comments for your next performance review

Find 80+ self-appraisal comments for different scenarios in your employee performance review cycle.

Self-appraisal comments for achieving goals

  • Successfully exceeded my sales quota by 15% through targeted outreach and relationship building.
  • Completed the development of the new company website on schedule and within budget.
  • Achieved a 10% reduction in production costs by implementing a lean manufacturing process.
  • Surpassed my professional development goal by completing two online courses on project management.
  • Exceeded client expectations by delivering the project a week ahead of schedule.
  • Successfully implemented a new marketing campaign that resulted in a 20% increase in website traffic.
  • Achieved a perfect score on my annual customer satisfaction survey.
  • Exhibited strong leadership by motivating my team to achieve a record-breaking month for sales.
  • Proactively identified and addressed a potential bottleneck in production, ensuring on-time delivery.
  • Developed and implemented a new training program that resulted in a 15% increase in employee productivity.

Self-appraisal comments for adaptability

  • Successfully transitioned to a new role within the company, quickly mastering new skills and responsibilities.
  • I adapted my communication style to effectively collaborate with a diverse team of colleagues.
  • Quickly adjusted to a new software program, ensuring efficient completion of my tasks.
  • Developed a creative solution to overcome an unexpected challenge during project implementation.
  • Demonstrated flexibility by readily adjusting to changes in workload and priorities.
  • Maintained a positive and productive attitude during a period of significant organizational change.
  • Successfully navigated a difficult client relationship by actively listening and addressing concerns.
  • Adapted my teaching style to meet the individual needs of my students.
  • Took the initiative to learn a new language to better serve our international clientele.
  • Quickly adjusted my sales strategy in response to a shift in market trends.

Self-appraisal comments for communication skills:

  • Effectively communicate complex technical information to a non-technical audience during a client presentation.
  • Utilized active listening skills to understand client needs and ensure project success.
  • Provided clear and concise written instructions that resulted in a reduction in errors.
  • Facilitated productive team meetings by fostering open communication and active participation.
  • Effectively delivered persuasive presentations that secured buy-in for new initiatives.
  • Developed strong written communication skills by actively seeking feedback and editing my work. 
  • Utilized active listening skills to de-escalate a tense situation with a customer.
  • Successfully negotiated a win-win contract by clearly communicating our company's value proposition.
  • Tailored my communication style to different audiences, ensuring understanding and engagement.
  • Leveraged social media platforms to effectively communicate company news and updates to a broad audience.

Self-appraisal comments for leadership quality

  • Provided strong leadership by motivating my team to achieve a record-breaking sales quarter.
  • Delegated tasks effectively, empowering team members to take ownership and develop their skills.
  • Created a positive and supportive work environment that fostered collaboration and innovation.
  • Mentored a junior colleague, providing guidance and support for their professional development.
  • Effectively resolved a conflict within the team by facilitating open communication and finding common ground.
  • Led by example, demonstrating a strong work ethic and dedication to achieving goals.
  • Earned the trust and respect of my team by fostering a culture of transparency and accountability.
  • Successfully spearheaded a new project, providing clear direction and keeping stakeholders informed.
  • Empowered team members to make decisions, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability.
  • Proactively identified and addressed potential roadblocks, ensuring the team's success.

Self-appraisal comments for professional development:

  • Demonstrated a strong commitment to professional development by actively seeking out learning opportunities.
  • Completed two online courses on project management to further develop my skills.
  • Attended industry conferences and workshops to stay up-to-date on current trends and best practices.
  • Sought out mentorship opportunities to gain insights from experienced professionals.
  • Actively participated in professional development programs offered by the company.
  • Identified a skill gap in a specific area and took the initiative to develop it through self-study.
  • Shared my knowledge and expertise with colleagues by leading training sessions on new software programs.
  • Actively sought feedback from my manager and colleagues to identify areas for improvement.
  • Volunteered my time to participate in professional development initiatives within the company.
  • Dedicated time to reading industry publications and staying current with relevant research in my field.

Self-appraisal comments for achieving innovation:

  • Developed a creative solution to a longstanding problem, resulting in increased efficiency.
  • Proposed a new marketing campaign that utilized innovative digital strategies.
  • Identified an unmet customer need and developed a new product or service to address it.
  • Streamlined a complex process by proposing a new workflow that saved time and resources.
  • Challenged the status quo by proposing new ideas and approaches to problem-solving.
  • Encouraged a culture of innovation within the team by fostering a safe space for brainstorming and experimentation.
  • Leveraged technology to automate tasks and improve overall efficiency.
  • Successfully implemented a new approach to customer service that resulted in a higher client satisfaction rating.
  • Developed a creative solution to overcome a budget constraint for a critical project.
  • Championed the adoption of new technologies that improve productivity and streamline operations.

Self-appraisal comments for time management:

  • Effectively managed my workload by prioritizing tasks and meeting deadlines consistently.
  • Developed strong time management skills, allowing me to juggle multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Utilized time management tools and techniques to stay organized and efficient.
  • Delegated tasks effectively to ensure all deadlines were met.
  • Minimized distractions and maintained focus throughout the workday.
  • Proactively communicated potential delays to stakeholders and adjusted timelines as needed.
  • Identified and eliminated time-wasting activities, allowing me to prioritize more important tasks.
  • Utilized project management tools to track progress and ensure efficient completion of projects.
  • Leveraged calendar features and scheduling tools to avoid double-booking and optimize my time.
  • Said no to additional tasks when my workload reached capacity, ensuring existing commitments were met.

Self-appraisal comments for self-improvement:

  • Demonstrated a willingness to learn and grow by taking on new challenges and responsibilities.
  • Identified a weakness in a specific area and developed a plan for self-improvement.
  • Proactively enrolled in training programs to enhance my skill set.
  • Consistently reflected on my performance and made adjustments to improve my work style.
  • Admitted mistakes and used them as learning opportunities for personal growth.
  • Utilised online resources and self-study materials to develop my knowledge base further.
  • Sought out opportunities to mentor others and share my knowledge.
  • Developed a strong work ethic and consistently strived to exceed expectations.
  • Maintained a positive and proactive attitude throughout the review period.

You may stumble upon the techniques to provide an excellent self-appraisal if you consider your achievements. If you have a more rigid corporate culture, the use of examples can be immensely helpful. The suggestions here can give you a model to follow and allow you to fill in the holes where your specific experiences might be the most relevant. You'll find plenty of opportunities in your self-appraisal to illustrate your value, whether you are part of a team or contribute independently.

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Key takeaways

Blog sources, faqs on self-appraisal.

Have questions? We are here to help

How do I write an appraisal for myself (self-appraisal)?

A self-appraisal is a professional document where you evaluate your performance during a review period. Reflect on accomplishments, challenges, skills used, and goals for the future. Use specific examples and quantifiable data to strengthen your self-assessment.

What is an example of self-appraisal?

Example: "Successfully led the marketing campaign for the new product launch, resulting in a 20% increase in sales within the first quarter. I effectively collaborated with the design team to create engaging visuals and utilized social media platforms to reach a wider audience. My goal for the coming year is to develop my expertise in data analysis to further optimize future marketing campaigns."

How do you answer self-appraisal questions?

For self-appraisal questions, be honest, and concise, and highlight your strengths. Briefly describe your achievements, skills used, and lessons learned. Use the provided questions as a guide to showcase your contributions and growth throughout the review period.

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You're just one step away from redefining performance reviews and closing your employee feedback loop.

101 Self-Evaluation Examples to Nail Your Performance Review

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  • Self evaluation and its impact on employees
  • Examples for job performance
  • Examples for innovation and creativity
  • Examples for communication
  • Examples for customer experience
  • Examples for performance improvement

Evaluating yourself impartially and without favoring yourself can be one of the most challenging things you might have to do. The more honest you are with yourself, the better the evaluation results will be. And feedback is the backbone of a thriving company.

After all, 43% of highly engaged employees receive feedback at least once a week. So how should you go about the process? Here are 101 Self-Evaluation examples, categorized and sorted by use-case to help you nail your performance reviews!

Self-Evaluation and its Impact on Employees

You might wonder why you go through all this trouble and evaluate yourself when the company conducts an evaluation for you.

It's because the insights that you get from your peers are evaluated against your self-rating which will help you understand how people see you, and is an excellent way to increase self-awareness.

Let's now understand how self-evaluations positively help your employees.

1. Employees are More Aware

Self-evaluations help employees identify their strengths and areas of improvement, thereby making them more self-aware and dedicated to their personal growth.

2. Leads to Greater Accountability

Self-evaluations encourage employees to take responsibility for their performance. As a result, they tend to be more proactive to accomplish tasks and counter challenges before they arise.

3. Better Communicators

Employees are more open and communicate better with their managers after they evaluate themselves. Therefore, workplace communication is enhanced.

4. Helps Them Prepare for Performance Reviews

Employees are better prepared for future performance reviews after self-evaluating themselves. Articulating their strengths and weaknesses before-hand makes the review process seem productive and less daunting.

5. Allows for Clear Goal-Setting

Evaluating and reflecting on one's performance helps set realistic and achievable goals . This helps them achieve targets sooner, and aligns their own goals with that of the organization's goals.

So yes, it is extremely important and impactful on employees. Now let's look at several examples on self-evaluation examples that will help refine your own examples.

Self-Evaluation Examples for Job performance

These examples assist employees in self-assessment and provide a clear roadmap for enhancing their job competencies .

  • I promote a team-based work atmosphere by including everyone on the team.
  • I have successfully made sure that our website's "bounce rate" goes down.
  • Working on challenging activities beyond my job description is something I find rewarding. Helping coworkers and building teams makes me happy.
  • I appreciate teamwork and leadership. Overachieving my goals helps me feel successful.
  • I like new challenges and learning new things. I appreciate open communication and collective problem-solving. 
  • I like non-work stuff. I help coworkers with no effort. I am also happy to foster teamwork and achieve goals.
  • Exceeding employment criteria motivates me. Working together, answering questions, and helping others is wonderful.
  • My hustle includes doing the extra work. I like helping teammates, managing teamwork, and celebrating triumphs.
  • I willingly address my peers' questions and help clear any confusion without any inconvenience.
  • I make sure that I'm willing to talk, and easy to reach if my coworkers need help.
  • I manage my team effectively and engage in activities to enhance our strength.
  • I am proud to share that exceeding my achievement goals brings me great joy.
  • I adore finishing tasks and challenging myself. Helping colleagues and increasing abilities through shared activities is gratifying and essential to success.
  • I find work enjoyable, not tedious, and I extend my support to coworkers through volunteering outside of work.
  • I appreciate challenging tasks, and I try to help, communicate, and collaborate in the office.
  • I go above and beyond for our team. I take on projects, support others, and foster workplace collaboration.
  • I care about my work and find pleasure and worth in it.
  • A lot of the time, I undertake projects that go beyond my designated job duties.
  • I always try to take on new, hard tasks.
  • I make sure that I'm willing to talk and easy to reach if my coworkers need help.

Try out a self-evaluation template for performance reviews for absolutely free. Test out the survey here to get a feel for how it looks like.

Self-Evaluation Examples for Innovation and Creativity

Here are examples of self-evaluation statements focused on innovation and creativity, highlighting an individual's commitment to finding new solutions, and improving their work approach.

  • I'm always looking for new ways to get my work done and keep track of my responsibilities.
  • I am committed to my career growth and will consistently enroll in training courses targeting the specific skills essential for my professional development.
  • I always test myself to enhance productivity and accountability, finding excitement in workshops that focus on specialized work skills.
  • I enjoy learning and working with others. Staying updated through professional development is a key part of my approach.
  • I prioritize novel ideas and advancements in my field. I quickly optimize processes to enhance efficiency and usability.
  • Innovative solutions thrill me. I enjoy learning and want to develop new ideas. Collaboration helps me solve creative problems from different viewpoints.
  • I tackle every project with a creative mindset. Always studying business helps me stay relevant in the industry.
  • I love work inventiveness. I love learning. I learn from others and solve problems constructively.
  • I stay updated on the latest ideas, trends, and breakthroughs in my field.
  • I appreciate innovation, seeing every role as an opportunity for improvement. I adapt rapidly to increase productivity and user experience since I'm continually learning. I strive harder because of their talents.
  • I value learning in my personal and professional life and am always seeking for methods to improve my job.
  • I always try different methods to complete my tasks. Targeted instruction and peer interaction boost my skills.
  • I think outside the box for every project. I want to always learn. Working with others inspires me to learn.
  • I love working with others in my area and learning new skills.
  • I've decided what I want to accomplish with my career and began taking action.
  • I learn quickly and can fix things to make them more efficient and nice.
  • Learning is my basis, personally and professionally. I pro-actively seek work-enhancing learning. To innovate and push limitations, I approach each project differently.
  • I approach every assignment differently and tackle difficulties creatively.
  • I contribute fresh ideas in team discussions, fostering creative problem-solving.
  • I regularly explore new technologies to bring innovative solutions to my projects.

Self-Evaluation Examples for Communication

These examples are centered on communication, illustrating how individuals assess and articulate their effectiveness in conveying ideas, engaging in teamwork, and fostering clear and constructive interactions.

  • I handle disagreements with care, ensuring a positive resolution.
  • To keep everyone informed of significant and little changes, I always update my coworkers and managers.
  • I make sure my team knows the objectives.
  • I communicate my thoughts to the whole company.
  • While being very considerate, I give my team members comments and ideas all the time.
  • I always let partners, coworkers, and customers know about success or changes that might affect them.
  • I handle serious conflicts gently. Sharing crucial information promotes teamwork. Communication transparency aligns goals.
  • Our team's aims are explained to guarantee comprehension. I share ideas and respect sensible feedback to help my team succeed.
  • I swiftly inform partners, coworkers, and customers of critical developments. I'm clarifying conversations despite my flaws. I stay cheerful and encourage healthy discourse, even in conflict.
  • Politeness is my communication style. I spontaneously and honestly congratulate coworkers. As I strengthen my communication, I will tackle difficult conversations with grace and positivity.
  • I handle sensitive matters carefully to sustain relationships through disagreements. I notify everyone to accurately communicate organizational aims and concepts.
  • Honest updates and feedback help in effective communication. I cherish colleagues' successes but also honest, entertaining conversations.
  • I build team and outside relationships by being approachable and trying to understand others. I respect my teammates' achievements. 
  • I strive to be honest, but I just discovered I'm not always clear when I speak. I'll plan to enhance my communication.
  • Despite knowing the need for harsh chats with a positive mindset, I steer clear of them.
  • Because I can talk to people politely, I can get along well with my team members and other members outside of work.
  • When my coworkers do well, I'm proud of them and don't think twice about applauding them.

Self-Evaluation Examples for Customer Experience

These examples are great for customer-facing teams, and showcases empathy, active listening, and effective communication to understand and meet customer needs. These examples can help individuals assess themselves in their customer-facing field, thereby enhancing service quality and customer satisfaction.

  • The way I talk to customers makes me very thoughtful, and I try to see things from their point of view by thinking like them.
  • By persuading them and staying calm, I am good at dealing with tough and argumentative customers.
  • Empathy helps me understand consumers. I softly persuade reluctant clients. Customer input guides our decisions, therefore I listen.
  • Empathy helps me address client queries fast. I persuade and calm challenging clients to succeed. Positive customer responses have grown 80% owing to feedback-driven improvements.
  • My consumer relationships are based on empathy. Caution calms stressful customer conversations. I carefully consider client feedback before determining.
  • Customer empathy and problem-solving are my aims. Problems are overcome by being cool and convincing demanding Consumer feedback helps me enhance our products.
  • I care about customers. I ease challenging customers to success. 
  • Empathizing with customers helps me understand them. I sometimes convince and pacify difficult customers. Active listening and customer choice are my preferences.
  • I pay attention and learn from users.
  • I prioritize empathy and customer needs. I ease challenging customers to success. We consider consumer feedback.
  • In my interactions with customers, I listen carefully and use their feedback to improve our services. I also work to calmly and effectively handle demanding customers.
  • Customer empathy and understanding are my goals. I persuade and solve problems. 
  • I utilize client feedback to enhance services.
  • Active listening is my key technique for ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • I try to be cool and persuade tough customers.
  • I feel for customers. I settle problems with peace and persuasion. 
  • Before making a decision, I carefully listen to what the customers have to say.
  • If I see that a customer doesn't know much about our goods or services, I make sure that their questions are answered and that they get help right away.
  • My good customer feedback has grown by 80% in the past year.
  • Being quick and helpful are two things I do to really improve the customer experience.

Self-Evaluation Examples for Performance Improvement

The following examples help you assess and focus on enhancing and achieving high performance .

  • I'm aware of how often I count on the team's work. I'm working on being able to achieve more and add to my team's work so that I can do that better.
  • I know how important communication is when managing a team, and I always work to make sure there isn't any confusion within or between team members. To help me make more sales, I'm working on getting better at following up.
  • Teamwork makes me work harder. Team communication is crucial, therefore I prevent misunderstandings.
  • Self-awareness and feedback help me achieve team success. I improve workplace harmony and people skills by working on interpersonal issues. 
  • Although balancing goals is difficult, I prioritize and manage time well. My strength is writing, but I wish to speak better. My schedule includes a customer service workshop.
  • I speak well in small groups but want to in bigger ones. 
  • After identifying my weaknesses, I am committed to improving in these areas.
  • I like transparent communication to minimize team misunderstanding. I try to improve my sales strategy by following up.
  • Self-awareness and criticism inspire me. For various goals, I prioritize time and tasks.
  • Collaboration helps me achieve goals, therefore I collaborate. 
  • The feedback I receive  increases my self-awareness. 
  • I am dedicated to contributing more to strengthen our team dynamics. 
  • Being able to see myself clearly has helped me realize that I can use feedback to keep me motivated to reach my goals.
  • My goal is to improve my people skills and calm down events that make things worse between me and my coworkers.
  • I want to make a personal communication plan to help my team members work in an open and honest way.
  • I sometimes have trouble meeting all of my goals at once. Working hard to get things in order by handling my time and goals well is what I'm doing.
  • While I agree that I tend to communicate better through writing, I am still determined to improve my spoken communication and put more of my attention on it.
  • I think my customer service skills could be better. To get better at these skills, I'm going to take a workshop course.
  • I usually figure things out on my own, but I'm trying really hard to get used to having other people help me get things done quickly.
  • While I'm good at short and clear communication in small groups, I often fail to get my point across when I'm giving information to a bigger group. To improve my skills in this area, I'm going to take a class right now.
  • It's likely that what works best for me will guide me, but I also plan to try new and different things.
  • I'm fine with telling close friends and family about my ideas, but I'd like to share these with the whole team.

This may also interest you: 101 employee pulse survey questions for your ready reference.

101 Arrows in your Quiver!

Now, you have a clear idea of the kinds of questions you can ask yourself to gain a clear and unbiased understanding of your performance across various areas. Once you get the hang of things, you will start coming up with questions of your own! And if you need a little bit of push to find the right questions for your employees, ThriveSparrow is here to help!

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self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

The best self-evaluation examples for performance reviews

self appraisal comments by employee example problem solving

Asking employees to do what's known as a  self-evaluation is a normal part of the performance review process . In other words, we ask them to analyse and reflect on their performance and their contribution to the company throughout a given period and put it in writing. To ensure we receive accurate, complete and honest self-evaluations, especially when doing so for the first time, we recommend looking at other employee self-evaluation examples or use pre-designed templates . The HR team can also provide a script or questionnaire on how to write a performance evaluation self-evaluation as a reference for employees. Below, we take a look at some examples of self-evaluations for performance reviews to clear any doubts:

Self-evaluation examples

Harvey Mudd College proposes a questionnaire that enables the user to choose which questions they want to answer and customise their self-evaluation. The questions are also split into categories to make it easier to understand.

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Job description

  • How would you describe your main responsibilities?
  • Have these responsibilities changed over time
  • Do you carry out any other tasks, and if so, which?
  • Is there anything in your work you would like to change, and if so, how would you do it?
  • What could your line manager do to help you be more successful in your job?
  • How do you think your department could improve?

Performance vs achievements

  • What action have you taken to fulfil your responsibilities?
  • Do you feel you've been successful during this period?
  • Do you think you could have done anything better?
  • How do you think you have contributed to our department during this period?
  • What are your main strengths?
  • In which areas do you feel you could improve?
  • What objectives have you reached during this period?
  • Which ones did you not manage to achieve, and why?
  • What objectives do you propose for the next period?
  • Do you think you need help or extra resources to reach these objectives?

Professional development

  • What training programmes have you taken part in?
  • Are there any areas you would like to train in?
  • Do you need extra resources or training to do your job?
  • What could your line manager do to help you achieve your professional development goals?

Free Self Evaluation Template

To help you and your employees with their next self evaluation, we've created this self evaluation template that you can download for free. With this template, you and your employees will be able to prepare themselves in no time for their next performance review - with the added benefit that all your future self evaluations will be consistent in style and form. If you do have any additional questions that you would like to add to our template, you are of course more than welcome to modify it. 

Kenjo Self Evaluation Template

Self-evaluation sample answers

Properly preparing the self-evaluation answers is just as important as having a script, as they will be a part of the company's final assessment. Some inspiration for possible answers:

1. Collaboration and teamwork

Positive option: " I believe that my skills and my ability to work in a team have been valuable during this period. I have taken an active role in my department, working with confidence and expressing my ideas and opinions." Negative option: "I realise that I can be too controlling in a project, and I don't give other members of the team enough room to contribute or develop their ideas. I must learn to give others more space and let them take the initiative too."

2. Motivation

Positive option: "I have consistently shown commitment and motivation ever since I joined the company. I meet set deadlines and objectives on time." Negative option: "As I'm a perfectionist, I think that I sometimes spend too much time on one task. I must learn to use resources more efficiently."

3. Leadership

Positive option: " I feel that I lead my team by example. My actions are what defines my work." That's why I spend time thinking about how to solve the problems and challenges that may arise." Negative option: "Maybe I should try harder to promote the company's culture and values within my team. While I regularly hold meetings with this in mind, I should focus on boosting team spirit and collaboration."

self evaluation examples for work

4. Problem-solving

Positive option: "I have demonstrated my problem-solving skills several times during my time in the company." I manage to solve difficult situations efficiently, always taking the rest of the team into consideration." Negative option: "I sometimes feel overwhelmed when having to make an important decision, so I ask others for advice. I need to work on my ability to solve complex problems."

5. Decision-making skills

Positive option: "When faced with a difficult decision, I make a rational assessment of the positives and negatives, as well as the possible outcomes." I do research and seek expert advice to make an informed decision." Negative option: "When it comes to making decisions, I tend to fall back on past experiences instead of looking for new solutions. I should spend more time reflecting and avoid making the same mistakes."

6. Working under pressure

Positive option: "I manage my time effectively to meet deadlines, however tight they may be." I have the ability to prioritise the most important tasks, and if I can't do it, I'll delegate to others who have the experience." Negative option: "Time management is one of my weaknesses. I usually leave the more difficult or least appealing tasks until the last minute. My attention to details gets worse as the stress builds."

7. Communication

Positive option: "I value conversation and debate among colleagues. I actively listen to my team and encourage joint decision-making. I try to build positive relationships when communicating with clients." Negative option: "I need to work on my ability to deal with emotions and not let them affect my working relationships. I sometimes find it hard to communicate."

8. Adaptability

Positive option: "I adapt to change and I try to do my bit during transitions." I appreciate feedback when things don't go well, I stay calm and positive." Negative option: "I must work on supporting change and avoid micromanagement. I find it difficult to take on new tasks or those that don't fall under my responsibility."

9. Negotiation and problem-solving

Positive option: "I successfully negotiated (fill in as applicable) during this period which resulted in (add information about gains) for the company. I'm an analytical thinker which enables me to accurately assess situations and steer the conversation towards achieving results." Negative option: "While I feel I have progressed with my negotiation skills, I still think there's room for improvement. I approach meetings appropriately, and I always try to use active listening."

10. Emotional intelligence

Positive option: "I'm aware of my strengths and weaknesses, which enables me to deal with emotions more easily. I try to understand and listen to everyone." Negative option: "I often feel frustrated, and I find it hard to communicate when faced with certain behaviours by other team members. I get distracted and don't take other people's opinions into consideration."

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Tips on how to write a performance evaluation self-assessment

As well as taking these self-evaluation examples into consideration, below are some general tips that can be useful when writing the document.

1. Use numbers to your advantage

Include figures that add value to your work, if possible. It's always better if you use numbers to speak for themselves. Also, a self-evaluation should include metrics and KPIs. For example: Wrong: "I achieved great success in 2020." Correct: "I exceeded my sales targets by 135% in 2020."

2. Mention results

Don't take anything for granted or think that numbers speak for themselves. Mention and explain every one of your achievements during the period in question. Don't expect your boss to remember every single one. For example: "In the third quarter, the marketing campaign achieved twice as much visibility than the previous quarter."

3. Take the company's objectives into account

One good way to stand out in your evaluation is to consider the company's objectives and explain how your work has contributed to achieving them. Find specific figures and justify them. For example: "I increased my own sales by 10% as part of the department's general sales strategy."

4. Record your achievements in real-time

Make notes throughout the year in preparation for the self-evaluation. Record them regularly, or even at the time, instead of having to remember everything at the eleventh hour. If we don't think this system is feasible, we can also go back through the schedule to remind ourselves what happened at each stage. This is a good exercise for jolting the memory.

5. Take your time

A well-written self-evaluation takes time. It's not something you can do in 20 minutes, nor in a day. Spend whatever time it takes to ensure that it shows your worth. Try to reserve a few days in your calendar before the deadline to work on the text.  

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Blog · Performance Management

February 20, 2020

Employee Self-evaluation Sample Answers for Key Soft Skills

These self-evaluation sample answers will help you to keep the management informed of your work progress and to encourage your personal development.

Dominika Cechova

by Dominika Cechova

Employee Self-evaluation Sample Answers for Key Soft Skills

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We have previously explored the art of writing a self-assessment review and how to structure it, providing some useful examples for various industries and areas of work . In this article, we provide sample answers for assessing soft skills that are essential for each and every role .

Remember that once you are writing your self-evaluation you should always be critical and reflective but shouldn’t put yourself and your achievements down . Provide facts and figures to illustrate your achievements and make your statements stronger . Be specific and descriptive of both positive and negative attributes of your work.

For each of the areas, you should always consider the positive and negative attributes of your performance. Determine where did you exceed the expectations, where did you meet them and where and how you can continue to improve. Additionally, you might want to connect your self-assessment to the core values of the company.

Self-Evaluation - Soft Skills to Include in your Self-Evaluation

1. Collaboration and Teamwork

Think about how other team members see you, how effective are you at collaboration and what are your relationships at work like. You might also want to think about your ability to come up with creative solutions as a part of a team.

Self-Evaluation - Collaboration and Teamwork

Positive Sample Answer

“I believe that during the past quarter I have demonstrated strong teamwork skills. I have effectively collaborated with my department and team as well as I have shown my ability to work with external parties. During projects, I have shown confidence to express my creative ideas and opinions that added value to the team discussion.“

Negative Sample Answer

“I am aware I can be overly controlling and take over a project, not allowing others for enough space to contribute and develop their skills. I need to work on my ability to work effectively as a team and give others space to express their opinions and ideas. I need to learn how to take a step back and follow others rather than attempt to take a lead in every project.”

2. Self-motivation

Do you have a positive attitude towards your job and the company you work for? Do you meet the expectations of your role and maintain sufficient levels of productivity? Are you working to improve your knowledge and skills?

Self-Evaluation - Self-Motivation

“Throughout my time at XX I have demonstrated high levels of self-management and motivation. I continuously manage to meet deadlines and finish my responsibilities in a timely manner.“

“I feel sometimes I get too focused on a task and take much longer than is appropriate due to my perfectionism. I have to learn to effectively dedicate resources to not only get work done well but also efficiently”

3. Leadership

Are you able to effectively manage people and work with others? Can you provide direction to your reports and teammates?

“I reckon I effectively lead by example and take actions and adopt behaviors I expect from my team. I feel I am defined by the actions I take at work rather than by what I say. I dedicate time to spend with my reports to help them resolve their challenges and issues and encourage their personal and professional development.”

Self-Evaluation - Leadership

“I think I should focus more on promoting the company culture and values around my team. Despite the fact I am effectively developing individual relationships across the team and support them through regular check-ins and one-to-ones, I should focus more on promoting team-spirit and collaboration across the team.”

4. Problem Solving

Are you able to effectively solve problems? Do you come up with creative solutions when a challenge occurs? What methods to solve problems do you use?

Self-Evaluation - Problem Solving

“I strongly feel problem-solving skills are one of my strongest characteristics. I usually manage to solve complex problems effectively by taking into consideration different perspectives and breaking down the problem to analyze it. When solving problems as a team I apply active listening to understand the issue thoroughly through the experience and knowledge of others. I seek clarification if the problem is not well understood.”

“I tend to get overwhelmed if an important decision needs to be made, and seek the support of others rather than looking at the facts myself. I need to work on how to prioritize and evaluate complex problems.”

5. Decisiveness

Are you able to make effective and informed decisions that are beneficial for you, your team and the whole business?

Self-Evaluation - Decisiveness

“I effectively prioritize the most urgent tasks and decisions. When a difficult decision needs to be made, I evaluate the positives and negatives and possible outcomes to make an informed decision. When analyzing a problem, I research it and request evidence from those who are more familiar with the theme.”

“I tend to rely too much on my past experiences and assumptions rather than putting effort into doing my research before coming to difficult decisions. Additionally, I should dedicate more time to self-reflection when things go wrong to eliminate bad habits and prevent the issue from happening again.”

6. Ability to work under pressure and Time Management

Are you able to work under pressure and manage your tasks? Do you manage your workload and avoid having unfinished commitments?

“I always meet my deadlines and effectively manage my workload. I believe I have a strong ability to prioritize the most important tasks. I am also aware of my lack of experience and thus I leave enough time to review completed tasks before I submit them to my manager.“

Self-Evaluation - Ability to work under pressure and time management

“I tend to struggle with time management. I often leave tasks that I find too challenging or boring last minute and then I do not have enough time to finish them to a required quality. If I am under stress, my attention to detail worsens.”

7. Communication

When evaluating your communication skills you should consider your written communication as well as verbal communication skills. Effective communication is key to a happy teamwork.

Self-Evaluation - Communication

“I try to cultivate a culture of openness and sharing among the team. I appreciate critical conversations and positive confrontation over ignoring problems and challenges. I actively listen to my team and promote shared decision making. In my communication with clients I engage in professional manner and successfully build a positive rapport.”

“I sometimes get involved in miscommunication. Hence, I often spend too much time clarifying problems and tasks. I need to work on my ability to manage my emotions and not let them affect my professional relationships.”

8. Flexibility

Being flexible and adaptable is a must-have in a modern workplace. You have to be able to respond to change quickly and be able to adjust.

Self-Evaluation - Flexibility

“I handle change with ease and often make improvements to make the transition easier. I also appreciate comments and criticism when adjusting to change to make it smooth. If things go wrong I remain calm and positive and aim to find a solution in a proactive manner.”

“I have to work on my ability to support others through change and avoid micromanagement. I also struggle to adopt new work assignments and tasks that I feel are outside of my job responsibilities.”

9. Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Do you have a sufficient ability to negotiate deals for yourself and your business? Are you able to effectively resolve conflict?

“During my time at xx I have effectively negotiated xx deals and brought xx to the business. I believe that my analytical character and strong people skills allow me to be in control during the meetings and direct the manner to achieve results.”

Self-Evaluation - Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

“I think I have made great progress in my negotiation skills since I first stared at xx, yet I am aware of the areas of my improvement. I feel I approach the meetings in an appropriate manner and make the other part feel comfortable. However, I struggle to actively listen; I tend to interrupt the others, I also should, seek clarification when needed and thus I often jump into assumptions that are not 100% correct.”

10. Emotional intelligence

To get more examples on your performance read our article on 70 performance reviews phrases examples that will help you evaluate different areas of your job.

Self-Evaluation - Emotional Intelligence

“I feel I am very aware of my strengths and weaknesses and thus I am able to manage my emotions and frustrations as well as to recognise the value of my colleagues ideas, opinions and challenges. I am an effective listener and always try to understand and listen to colleagues' objections.”

“I often get frustrated when other members of my team struggle to keep up. I get overly emotional and do not handle frustration, stress or anger well. I struggle to communicate and often engage in conversations that are off-putting to others and am too controlling. Therefore, I often get distracted and do not take others' points into account.”

Writing a self-evaluation can be tricky. To some, it can be difficult to recognize the areas of improvement while others struggle not to be overly critical. The most fundamental thing is be reflective , and to take a step back. Be objective. Highlight your achievements without bribing or giving yourself too little credit and also identify areas of improvement and how they can be reached.

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Teamwork skills self-appraisal comments: 40 example phrases

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Performance review phrases for excellent teamwork skills

Performance review phrases for satisfactory teamwork skills, performance review phrases when teamwork skills need improvement, feedback to improve teamwork skills, 8 self-appraisal questions to assess your teamwork skills.

Teamwork makes the dream work. 

At least, that’s what they say. But when it comes to teamwork, feedback and guidance are just as important as collaboration. There are plenty of types of feedback — and knowing which feedback lever to pull is important. 

If you’re managing a team (or in a self-managed team ), consider ways you can use communication and feedback to unlock your team’s potential. 

Use these practical examples of teamwork self-appraisal phrases, sample comments, and templates for your performance review , 360 feedback survey, or manager appraisal. The following examples relate don't just relate to teamwork. Use them for relationship-building, peer relationships, motivation , building enthusiasm, and employee engagement .

  • You are always willing to coach others and you often make yourself available to demonstrate your learning to the team around you. Well done.
  • You are extremely well mannered, often treating people with dignity and respect they deserve. As a result, people feel they can approach you about any problems they may have
  • You treat every suggestion or request equally. Great! Keep it up!
  • Trustworthiness is one of your key traits. You create an environment of open communication between your colleagues. Well done!
  • You often share the achievements of projects with the team. You are a very humble and down-to-earth person. Great work!
  • You approach conflict logically and rationally.  You don't often let the emotions of others cloud your judgment. Keep it up! 
  • When the team has an issue, you identify and resolve the problem quickly and easily.
  • You have no problem getting along with everyone in the organization, no matter what their position is.
  • You often put the team first! You are the go-to person when problems need solving and you always put your personal problems aside. The team could really take a leaf out of your book.
  • When providing feedback , you often encourage and motivate the right behavior. Well done!
  • You communicate ideas and opinions clearly to other team members. 
  • You receive constructive feedback well from other team members. You also give constructive feedback from time to time, which has been helpful. 
  • Your confidence has improved. You show confidence when making decisions for the team. 
  • I feel like your leadership skills have shown improvement. You have a good ability to influence others and lead by example. 
  • You tend to build relationships with other team members well but could do a better job of making sure all stakeholders are informed. Great work making sure everything is completed on time. 
  • You build rapport with others well and make your teammates feel appreciated. 
  • You’re good at regulating your emotions . You know how to express your feelings in non-confrontational ways. 
  • You’re observant and intuitive. You are quick to notice when tension might be building within the team and take action as needed. 
  • You model empowerment for others but you could encourage more of it. Do more of asking others to speak up in meetings. 


  • I feel you allow your team to have too much freedom. This can be great if they effectively complete projects in time, however at this stage they seem to easily get sidetracked with other tasks.
  • You tend to act alone in most projects. Try to become more involved with the team, they could do with your input.
  • You tend to shy away from assignments that require group efforts. Remember that team effort can yield greater results.
  • Try and remember that your opinions are only opinions and not necessarily the best way to deal with projects and tasks. Employees should be encouraged to challenge the opinions of their leaders.
  • You tend to crave personal recognition, which results in the team feeling impartial and detached from any of your decisions. Try to praise others more.
  • You tend to domineer others, which puts people off and leads to misjudgment. Try to encourage others to contribute too.
  • Try to interact and communicate with your team more often. Open communication leads to a trusted and engaged work environment.
  • Often co-workers will have ideas but you can shut them down. Sometimes your teammates will have really great ideas. Try to create an environment that encourages this.
  • When you are the manager of a team, you need to understand what motivates others . By understanding motivations, you can encourage them to do their best.
  • Remember people will trust you more when you get to know them. Take the time to have conversations with people.
  • You could be more receptive to feedback . Try to reframe your perspective on feedback — it’s coming from a place of care. 
  • When coaching your peers, try to have a more hands-on approach and provide constructive reinforcement amongst the team.
  • Try to have regular check-ins with employees to gauge where their heads are at and where they feel they need improvement.
  • Remember to offer training to enhance the team's effectiveness and identify weaknesses in teams.
  • When groups underperform, try to take appropriate action to address the issues in the team.
  • When teams are performing above and beyond their defined task, remember to reward and recognize your employees .
  • Try to engage the team more. Guide them to embrace change .
  • You’re really good at understanding individual teams. Try to create a cross-functional department, using the skills from each department to boost productivity .
  • You’re good at delegating responsibility. However, try to foster an environment where your colleagues take responsibility automatically.
  • Try to communicate the team's vision and expectations so that they fall in line with the company’s overall goals and vision.
  • You’re good at providing feedback with group accountability. However, try to be more constructive so that teams can learn and develop the necessary skills.


If you’re wondering how you’re doing with your teamwork skills, try asking yourself some of these questions . With a self-evaluation , you can gain insight into your teamwork skills. 

  • When have you encouraged others to speak up or voice their perspective? 
  • When was the last time you put the teams’ goals ahead of your own goals? 
  • What has been your biggest challenge with your team in the last 3 months? What was your role in solving that challenge? 
  • What’s been your biggest team accomplishment in the last 3 months? What was your role in reaching that goal? 
  • Do teammates or peers seek advice or input from you often? 
  • When was the last time you publicly recognized a teammate for their contributions? 
  • How do you promote a team-oriented work environment? 
  • When’s the last time you gave a teammate positive feedback ? 

Fine-tune your collaboration skills 

It’s rare (and dare we say, impossible) to have a successful career without teamwork. The secret to high-performing teams lies in a team that works well together . 

In the workplace, teamwork is a muscle that we all need to build. But for most (if not all) of us, it takes practice. 

BetterUp can help fine-tune your teamwork skills. At BetterUp, we’re here to help everyone live with purpose, clarity, and passion . And to unlock your team’s potential, you have to understand the whole person . You have to understand who your teammates are as people, what their strengths are, and how to empower them. 

Get started with virtual coaching . With BetterUp, you can help your team thrive in an ever-changing world. 

Boost your teamwork skills

Explore tailored coaching to enhance collaboration and drive team success in your professional environment.

Madeline Miles

Madeline is a writer, communicator, and storyteller who is passionate about using words to help drive positive change. She holds a bachelor's in English Creative Writing and Communication Studies and lives in Denver, Colorado. In her spare time, she's usually somewhere outside (preferably in the mountains) — and enjoys poetry and fiction.

Want to thrive at work? Learn these essential teamwork skills

What will make or break your next role find out why teamwork matters, the importance of teamwork for agility at work, 13 benefits of collaboration your organization needs to know, 6 career changes for teachers that truly pay off, 20 marketing skills professionals should have in 2023, 8 strategies to collaborate effectively in the workplace, 9 high-income skills to learn in 2024, 50 teamwork quotes to motivate and inspire your team, similar articles, 31 examples of problem solving performance review phrases, 30 communication feedback examples, 30 leadership feedback examples for managers, self-awareness in leadership: how it will make you a better boss, 53 performance review examples to boost growth, 30 customer service review examples to develop your team, 37 innovation and creativity appraisal comments, 10 performance review tips to drastically move the needle, stay connected with betterup, get our newsletter, event invites, plus product insights and research..

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  1. 110 Effective Self Appraisal Comments for Your Performance Review

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  2. How To Write Good Self Appraisal Comments

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  6. The List of 50 Effective Self Appraisal Comments

    Take time to complete it. 4. No achievement is a small achievement. 5. Be realistic. Benefits of self appraisal for the team and manager. Benefits of self appraisal for the team members. Benefits of self appraisal for managers. 50 Self-appraisal comments and phrases.

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  13. 100+ Most Useful Self Appraisal Comments for Your Next ...

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    For example: "I increased my own sales by 10% as part of the department's general sales strategy." 4. Record your achievements in real-time. Make notes throughout the year in preparation for the self-evaluation. Record them regularly, or even at the time, instead of having to remember everything at the eleventh hour.

  20. Employee Self-evaluation Sample Answers for Key Soft Skills

    Positive Sample Answer. "I always meet my deadlines and effectively manage my workload. I believe I have a strong ability to prioritize the most important tasks. I am also aware of my lack of experience and thus I leave enough time to review completed tasks before I submit them to my manager.".

  21. Teamwork Skills Self-Appraisal Comments: 40 Example Phrases

    Use these practical examples of teamwork self-appraisal phrases, sample comments, and templates for your performance review, 360 feedback survey, or manager appraisal. The following examples relate don't just relate to teamwork. Use them for relationship-building, peer relationships, motivation, building enthusiasm, and employee engagement.