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Get Inspired From These Top 12 Slides in Apple's Original Pitch Deck

Get Inspired From These Top 12 Slides in Apple's Original Pitch Deck

Are you looking to build a powerful pitch deck for fundraising? Want to know how Apple drives funds? We have covered all, but before, let us know how it started for Apple.

On the 2nd of August, 2018, Apple created history by becoming the first publicly-traded company to reach the $1 trillion mark in the United States of America.

Later in 2020, they again broke the record by attaining the feat of 2 trillion dollars market capitalization.

The Story of Steve Jobs & Apple

The history of Apple's origin will take us back to the 1970s. The journey of our startup tech, Apple, is a fairy-tale of one garage, three friends, and absolute dedication to succeed.

The two Steve's, Jobs and Wozniak, are the brains behind Apple.

But, there would have been no i Pods, iPhones or Mac, if Jobs hadn't convinced his friend Wayne to invest in 10% of the company's stocks.

Three friends launched the first personal computer named Apple 1 in 1976, sold at a whopping price of $666.66.

A few weeks later, Wayne left the company.

A year after, Apple II was launched with ground-breaking features such as spreadsheets and calculating software; it also introduced color graphics that revolutionized the computer industry.

By 1978, they had a real office with a team of intelligent programmers.

From 1977 to 1980, their sales numbers grew at a rapid annual rate of %533.

After 1980, things weren't easy because of the mushrooming of competitors in the market, such as IBM and Microsoft.

Therefore, Apple came with its computer upgrade Apple III to stand out.

However, they lost the battle to IBM computer because of its primary design flaw.

On 12th December 1980, they went public, selling their stocks at $22 per share.

In 1984, the Lisa operating system was swapped with Macintosh, delivering a user-friendly experience.

In 1983 Jobs hired John Sculley as the company's CEO. He was brought from PEPSI (he was the youngest CEO) with this famous quote- "Do you want to sell sugared water for the rest of your life? Or do you want to come with me and change the world?"

However, differences between Jobs and Sculley became a rift, and the company's board of members took the side of Sculley to send Jobs packing.

What's the Master Financial Plan of Apple?

This scripted the tremendous decline of the company as the stocks of Apple were at 12-years lowest. And the entry of Jobs as an interim CEO in 1997.

From there on, Jobs made some bold decisions, such as partnering with Microsoft to create a new version of Macintosh and starting an online Apple store. The Apple iTunes music store was introduced in 2003. Between 2003-2006, the stocks of Apple increased ten times.

Now, arrived at the acne Apple's biggest gamble, which paid off, the iPhones in 2007. Their range of iPhones was selling like hot cakes across the globe. The shares of Apple hit a staggering $300 in October 2010.

A year after Job resigned as CEO due to health concerns, Tim Cook replaced him. On 5th October 2011, Steve Jobs was passed — the end of an incredible era.

Apple’s Funding at a Glance (Apple Pitch Deck Included)

To date, Apple has raised $6.2 billion from SIX fundraising rounds, with the latest being on Sep 6, 2017, from a Post-IPO Debt round.

SIX central investors fund Apple, and Berkshire Hathaway & Microsoft are two notable names in that list. We talk about Apple's original pitch deck in the upcoming segment, essential slides included.

12 Top Slides Included in Apple’s Investor Funding Pitch Deck

Apple has done a terrific job pitching its idea to angel investors. They have prepared a compelling pitch deck that narrates the brand story, describing the management & team, sustainability indices, objectives and problems to be solved, competitive analysis, etc.

Let's dive right into the relevant slides in Apple's investor deck to increase the success chances of raising necessary funds from prospective investors.

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Slide 1: a well-illustrated slide about apple as a multinational technology firm.

Show how you can change the thought and philosophy for a particular product or service in the market. Grab the attention of investors by showcasing your upcoming plans using vision, mission, and goal statements, just like Apple.

Tell the purpose of your technology firm, and this is what Apple has demonstrated though this slide.

Don't forget to state what you will offer to the public with a quick brief on who you are and how you decided to corporate this plan into your business.

Try to give a brief of your story to investors from this point of the presentation.

Apple Pitch Deck

Download this 100% editable slide from Apple Pitch Deck Presentation

Slide 2: A Stately Covered Slide for Various Problems Limiting User Experience

“It’s So Much Easier to Suggest Solutions When You Don’t Know Too Much About the Issues,” said Malcolm Forbes.

Describe the real problem the public is facing.

Showcase and include this impactful slide in your pitch deck as it will elevate the interest of the investors in your business.

See how Apple has clearly stated their product’s problems in brief. Try to demonstrate the same situation as yours with our editable slides of the pitch deck.

Also, remember to use a creative image reflecting the problem and emphasizing the impact.

Apple Pitch Deck

Slide 3: An Impressive Slide That Showcases the Solutions Provided by Apple

Apple has pictorially demonstrated the answers they are going to offer the general public.

The solutions slide in the pitch deck must be well-aligned to the exact problems and provide something that the target audience cares about.

“Business Must Be the Solution, Not the Problem” – said Dennis Weaver.

Put forth the solutions just like mentioned in this pitch deck for Apple. Mention the need for the solution section-wise. Use images to elaborate.

Try to avoid distractions by using too many graphics and infographics. Clearly state what you have to offer the customers.

Potential investors fund your business only when there is something definite and unique in your solutions.

Edit this slide of the Apple pitch deck and augment your growth with winsome tactics.

Apple Pitch Deck

Download This 100% Editable Apple Pitch Deck Presentation

Slide 4: A Professionally Designed Slide That Determines the Potential Market Size for Your Company

Highlight the insights of the market size present across the globe. Apple has much market share in Asian and European countries.

Geographical representation of the market size for your company not only indicates crucial points in the pitch deck but is also pivotal for getting funded from genuine investors.

Like Apple conducted and is continuously working on surveys that can cater details for the potential market size it can gather in its cluster.

Every new start-up or business looking for augmented capital while raising funds must give due importance to the research of potential market share of themselves.

Try to give reasons to people to choose you over others through world maps or international market competitive analysis.

Apple Pitch Deck

Slide 5: An Engaging Slide to Cover the Prospective Target Market for Your Brand

Investors are interested in your pitch deck because they are looking for fertile financial products like your business to invest their money in and generate valuable profits from them.

“There Is Only One Winning Strategy. It Is to Carefully Define the Target Market and Direct a Superior Offering to That Target Market” – Philip Kotler.

This slide in the pitch deck exhibits the potential target market of Apple with detailed customer demographics based on many selects.

Intense research on the customer base attracts angel investors’ attention to your business. This assures them of returns on their investments, long-term picture of your goals, all at the same time.

Never underestimate the investor’s knowledge about the demand and requirements of the market.

Your wrongly presented information or stats can affect the decision to fund a lot.

Apple Pitch Deck

Slide 6: An Effectively Designed Slide That Will Determine the Profitable Business Model for Your Company

Apple is an entirely customer-centric brand & their business model emphasize two elements:

“Every innovation should come from the customer. Innovation should be as such it is not able to be replicated in 2 years.”

Customize this slide and establish a brand identity for your business.

The model will clarify investors about your idea and all the activities undertaken to achieve that position. Describe how your profitable model can align with brand strategy to give productive and effective results.

Make the slide eye-catching.

Try using high-quality images complimenting the business model.

Apple Pitch Deck

Slide 7: Potential Slide to Showcase Various Products Offered by Your Brand

Undermentioned is the slide through which Apple made aware about their products to angel investors with a briefing on each of those products’ features, specs, prices, etc.

Why have you called investors to your place? Why must they invest in your business? What new are you offering that is not there in the market?

This slide is the answer to all of such questions.

Segment your products based on different categories.

Offer your products in the most creative form, using images and infographics.

Conserve your investors towards your offering and assure them to gain a competitive advantage over others.

Apple Pitch Deck

Slide 8: Persuasive Market Traction Slide That Displays Competitive Landscape Addressing Your Brand’s Competitors

To work as a clear winner in the eyes of angel investors, showcase your competitive advantage analysis like Apple has done.

“If all you are trying to do is essentially the same thing as your rivals, then it’s unlikely that you will be very successful – Michael E. Porter.”

Exhibit every bit of information that others offer in the same product line and how you are better.

Even guarantee investors that your competition factors stand-alone and single out in the market after conducting in-depth research.

Assured investors like Apple have done that they can beat the competition in the technology sector like a river flowing down from the mountain.

Edit this slide for your funding pitch deck & get goal-driven solutions for brand expansion.

Apple Pitch Deck

Slide 9: An Engaging Slide to Address Sales & Distribution Channels for Customer Reach

Investors want to trace your sales and distribution reach strategy after listening about what products and solutions you offer to customers.

Apple’s pitch deck embraces such a slide that exhibits details for sources of sales and distribution of the products to the customer.

It has presented each channel with its name and picture to clear investors about the business model.

Convey the complete information to investors that assures them of your integrity, transparency, commitment, and perseverance for getting funds.

Download this well-researched and impactful pitch deck and seal the business deals with genuine investors.

Reach new milestones with guidance from our research teams and access to the Apple pitch deck.

Apple Pitch Deck

Slide 10: An Amazing USP Slide Carrying Details About Key Members Involved in Brand’s Management Team

The slide in the pitch deck citing the details of the team members responsible for the project is the perfect attention-grabber for investors.

‘Great things in business are never done by one person. They are done by a team of people. – Steve Jobs’

The team slide of the Apple pitch deck exhibits the introduction, experience, designation, and other vital descriptions of each key team member.

Edit this slide according to your business requirements and team details and fill your funnels with efficient investor’s capital.

Do you know what investors are looking for in this slide of your pitch deck? ‘THE EXPERIENCE OF YOUR TEAM MEMBERS!’

Apple Pitch Deck

Slide 11: A Traction Slide That Determines Your Company’s Progress

As we discussed earlier, fundraising is not a one-time affair. Instead, it is a long game for any business to survive in the market for long.

Apple’s pitch deck includes this slide to present investors with the progress of Apple’s past products across the globe.

It even mentions the achievements of showcasing Apple’s success over the years.

Similarly, you can use this slide to address investors about your accomplishments in the past.

Customize the slide based on requirements and drive potential angel investors for your business in 2021.

Apple Pitch Deck

Slide 12: Showcase your Key Statistics associated with Brand through this Impactful Slide

Here is the last chance to grab the maximum attention of investors for raising funds with the key statics.

Use numbers, ratios, percentages, and other info-graphic tools to showcase data like Apple has done. Include every component of your business in this slide, whether it is, no. of employees, year of establishment, etc.

‘People who know what they are talking about don’t need PowerPoint” – Steve Jobs.

Raising funds is no more a challenging task for Apple because they have proved themselves in the market for their innovation.

Discover the art of elevating ROI by grabbing this pitch deck and customizing it based on personal needs.

Unlock your potential in front of investors and skyrocket your business in no time.

Apple Pitch Deck

Let’s Put the Lid On

Come with your ideas and problems to us. Our team will prepare a compelling pitch deck for you and guide you on how to customize the same in the future.

I hope you got the idea of how to get into the footsteps of the Apple pitch deck.

At SlideTeam , we offer full-spectrum pitch decks for you that are well-researched and tailored based on your requirement.

At SlideTeam, we have a pool of research analysts, content curators, and designers to create a investor deck that echoes your idea and improves the chances of nailing the investment prospect.

We have specialization across industries. Purchase our membership and have access to ten original companies and industry-specific investor presentations. Membership Starting Only at $49.99.

Have Any Questions? Feel Free to Talk to Our Experts at [email protected] or 408-659-4170.

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Home / Free Pitch Deck Templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides Themes / Free Apple Inc PowerPoint Presentation And Google Slides

Free Apple Inc PowerPoint Presentation And Google Slides

Free Apple Google Slides Template

About the Template

Apple inc presentation slides.

Good presentation skills are important in the workplace. They can make or break a deal, provide information for an audience, or strengthen your argument. Finding the right PowerPoint template is crucial to presenting well and ensuring you give off the best impression. Download this amazing free Apple template and create a lasting impression on your audience.

Unlock the world of creativity with these captivating “Apple Elegance” themes – a tribute to the innovative spirit of Apple Inc. This free Apple presentation template is a perfect blend of sleek design and intuitive functionality, embodying the essence of Apple’s iconic style.

About the Template:

  • Sleek Design: Immerse your audience in a realm of refined aesthetics that mirror Apple’s hallmark elegance and simplicity, elevating your content to new heights.
  • Vibrant Color Palette: This template color scheme draws inspiration from Apple’s timeless shades, radiating modernity and professionalism throughout your presentation.
  • Data Visualization: Transform complex data into easily digestible insights with these interactive charts and graphs, designed to resonate with Apple’s focus on user-friendly design.
  • Versatile Slides: From title slides to content layouts, each slide exudes a sense of sophistication that mirrors Apple’s attention to detail, allowing your narrative to shine.

Whether you’re a tech aficionado, a creative professional, or an educator aiming to inspire, the “Apple Elegance” template empowers you to craft presentations that mirror Apple’s captivating ethos. From boardroom presentations to educational seminars, this template is your gateway to showcasing your ideas in a way that’s as cutting-edge as the Apple brand itself.

This free Google Slides Apple template for PowerPoint presentation – a perfect design for your next business meeting, conference, or training session. This Apple version of the PowerPoint template has a sleek and professional theme with the right amount of detail to make it stand out from other templates on the web. The Apple logo and iPhone 13 mockups give the deck a professional appeal. Finding the right PowerPoint template is crucial to presenting well and ensuring you give off the best impression. Stand out from the corporates in the meeting room and present an outstanding presentation using these Free Google Slides Apple template for PowerPoint presentations. Find out the more interesting business deck template here at our Business Pitch Deck library.

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Apple's Top Leaders Use This Simple Presentation Hack to Make Their Slides Instantly Memorable

Steve jobs began using this presentation formula long before it caught on..


Your audience is overwhelmed with data, numbers, and statistics in their daily lives. When they're watching your presentation, they certainly don't want to be bombarded by another barrage of numbers. But in most cases, you can't avoid meaningful statistics that provide the evidence for your pitch or proposal. What's a speaker to do?

The folks who design Apple's slides have a solution. It's brilliant. It works. And you can do it easily in your next presentation. Here's the simple hack: Stick to one number per slide.

For an example, look no further than Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference held earlier this month.

When Apple CEO  Tim Cook  began talking about a new release of Apple's mobile operating system (iOS 13), he said: "iOS has the highest customer satisfaction in the industry, with an incredible 97 percent." The slide had one number in large font--97 percent. In smaller font beneath the number, a sentence read: "Customer satisfaction for iOS 12."

That's it. One number and one sentence.

Few leaders know numbers as well Cook does. He's capable of poring over excel spreadsheets for hours and catching the one discrepancy that everyone else overlooked. Yet, when Cook delivers public presentations, he's careful to focus on one number on one slide. Only after he's done explaining the statistic does he move to another slide.

"Our adoption rate is industry leading as well," Cook continued. "Eighty-five percent of iOS customers are on the latest release." What number is the one and only statistic on the slide? You got it--85 percent.

Cook isn't the only Apple presenter who follows the formula. All of Apple's senior executives use the same presentation template.

When Craig Federighi, Apple's senior vice president of software engineering, took the stage to show off the new features of iOS 13 for the iPhone, he rattled off a series of numbers related to the phone's performance. Each number got its own slide.

According to Federighi, the new OS allows phones to unlock FaceID 30 percent faster, downloads are 50 percent smaller, and updates are 60 percent smaller--all making apps a faster experience. In this order the slides read:

30 percent Faster FaceID unlock 50 percent Smaller app downloads 60 percent Smaller app updates

Steve Jobs began using the formula of one number or theme per slide long before business professionals even started thinking about designing presentations more effectively.

When I wrote The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs , I cited a presentation he delivered for the second version of the iPad. In the first five minutes, his slides altogether contained a total of just 33 words. To put that into context, it's said that the average presentation slide contains 40 words--that's on each slide.

Even today, most speakers create slides that look more like documents with numbers, charts, and bullet points. This is exactly the wrong way to present information that's intended to be recalled and acted upon. According to neuroscientists, our brains are energy hogs. The brain evolved to be as efficient as possible and to save energy. If it has to work too hard to figure out a slide, it tunes out.

Stick to one theme--one number--per slide. Your audience will thank you.

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Carmine Gallo

Apple’s Latest Product Launch Presentation Was Vintage Steve Jobs

by [email protected] | Apr 10, 2018

Apple introduced new   products today for the education market, and its presentation was vintage  Steve Jobs . From the way they told the story behind the new iPad for students to the way the slides were designed, Apple’s leaders used the same techniques that Steve Jobs perfected from his earliest presentations.

These are effective strategies that any entrepreneur or business professional can–and should–use to elevate their  presentation skills . Here are three takeaways from the introduction of  Apple’s new iPad  for students that anyone can copy to present like Steve Jobs:

1. Treat presentations as performances.

The event was held in the auditorium of Lane Tech, a high school in Chicago’s Northwest side. Apple CEO, Tim Cook, said more PhD’s have come from Lane Tech than any public high school in the country. Invitations to the members of the press looked like a class schedule and promoted an “assembly.”

The font on the slides looked like a version of “Chalkboard” that comes with Apple Keynote. Everything from the setting to the font on the slides were consistent with the theme.

The lesson:  Great presentations are performance art. Think about how every detail of the event or presentation reinforces the larger theme.

2. Explain the backstory before revealing new products.

I’ve  written about this  before: Great presenters don’t start with the product. They start with the backstory. A backstory introduces the characters, experiences, history, or innovations that brought you to this place.

“At Apple, we care deeply about education,” Cook began, before reminding the audience that 40 years ago–in 1978– Apple was the first to bring computing technology to the masses and exploded in the education market. Several times in the presentation, Cook connected the new products to a famous quote or insight from Steve Jobs.

These two particularly stood out:

  • “Our place is at the intersection of technology and liberal arts.” Jobs said this in the first iPad launch 2010.
  • “At Apple, we’ve always believed that people with passion could change the world.” Jobs used this line as early as 1997.

The lesson:  Products are much more interesting when your audience learns about its backstory. Features and benefits don’t inspire; stories do.

3. Keep slides simple with no bullet points.

There were no bullet points on a Steve Jobs slide. Ever.

And there were no bullet points on the Apple Education event at Lane Tech. The slides were remarkably simple, clean and uncluttered. When Tim Cook delivered key statistics, the number was the only thing on the screen. For example,

Cook said Apple’s cared deeply for education for 40 years. The slide only had the numeral: 40. Cook said Apple would give 200 gigabytes of free cloud storage for the education market. The slide only had the numeral: 200 gb. Apple announced it handed out one million badges to teachers [earned by taking online programs]. The slide only had the numeral: 1 million.

Very few words cluttered the slides. I saw nearly every slide–the most “wordy” contained a total of 18 words, but it was one quote from a famous educator, Horace Mann. The rest of the slides were mostly photos with–at most–one or two words complementing the image.

The lesson:  Bullets have no place in a presentation meant to inspire and excite. People can’t focus on what you’re saying while reading text on a slide at the same time. Keep text to a minimum.

Steve Jobs turned presentations into an art form. Apple’s current leaders were taking notes. And so should you.

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Apple Park

The largest Apple product ever made is not something you'll be able to take home to enjoy, but it is something to behold. Apple Park is the company's second campus built in Cupertino, California, and it was one of the final products pitched by the late CEO, Steve Jobs. The massive ring-shaped building is now an iconic symbol of Apple's dedication to design, green energy, and the future of technology.

● 175 acres ● 2.8-million-square-foot main building ● Main building worth $4.17 billion ● Powered by 100% renewable energy ● Houses 12,000 employees ● Worlds largest panels of curved glass ● Largest naturally-ventilated building ever ● 17MW on-site solar power ● 9,000 drought-resistant trees ● 100,000-square-foot fitness center ● Home of the Steve Jobs Theater

Page last updated: 1 year ago

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Apple calls Cupertino, California home, and its main headquarters had been located at 1 Infinite Loop since 1993. In 2017, the company finished construction and officially moved its employees into the massive "spaceship" campus, called The Ring, located at One Apple Park Way.

The campus is surrounded by grass and trees, has an orchard in the center of the ring, and contains energy and design innovations throughout. Apple Park is the beacon of creativity and unity meant to drive Apple into the future.

Life at Apple's new campus was short-lived, however, since the COVID-19 pandemic drove most employees to work from home. Despite being able to hold thousands of employees, only a tiny fraction were able to work on-site from March 2020.

The design team at Apple benefits from in-person work. Image source: Wallpaper

After multiple delays due to the pandemic, Apple was finally able to begin bringing employees back to its campus in April 2022. The move back was slow and highly contested by several employees who wished to work from home, but Apple won out in the end.

Early Development and Construction

The late CEO and co-founder Steve Jobs  saw the rapid growth of the company and knew its current campus couldn't last. So, Apple purchased land formerly owned by Hewlett-Packard, a company important to Jobs' history as he worked there as a summer intern.

Steve Jobs personally presented an ambitious plan to the Cupertino City Council for building one of the largest office buildings in the world.

Apple met many of its initial goals within its first presentation of the campus, although it took two years longer and went well over cost estimates . Sadly, Steve Jobs died only a few months after that meeting, and it is known as one of his last public appearances. The campus theater is named after him in remembrance.

In 2014, Apple began the initial tear-down of the old Hewlett-Packard buildings and broke ground. The project took a little over three years to get finalized and ready for the employee move-in.

Throughout the construction process, Apple faced several challenges from buying up all the available trees to city taxes coming into question.

Final Design and Jony Ive

Jony Ive’s attention to detail is felt through the campus

Jony Ive was the Chief Design Officer at Apple, and he has since left the company to start his own design firm. While Apple Park was under construction, Ive stepped away from leading the product design team to take a more personal interest in the construction and design of the new campus.

Ive worked closely with the design firm Foster+Partners on this massive undertaking. His design influences are seen throughout the campus, and he speaks of Apple Park in this interview  with Wallpaper* magazine.

"As a design team our goal has been, in some ways, to get design out of the way," Ive said. "We try to define a solution that seems so inevitable that it does recede." He stated this referring to the philosophy that is behind everything Apple designs.

Even the stairs received such scrutiny. "There are so many connections between floors," he continued. "There are light wells that go all the way down. You have visual connections to the floors and connections by the stairs."

Not even the stairs could escape Jony Ive’s influence

When discussing the building's flexibility, Ive states, "Our building is very configurable and you can very quickly create large open spaces or you can configure lots of smaller private offices. The building will change and it will evolve."

The idea that the building could change as Apple changes was the driving factor behind much of the design.

Shaped like a large flying saucer of sorts, Apple calls the main campus building The Ring. This massive building features 800 45-foot-tall rounded glass panels that connect all the way around the four-story structure. Some of these panels function as large sliding doors, allowing for the interior to be exposed to the outdoors during nice weather.

The main building is called 'The Ring'

The Ring uses  base isolation to protect against earthquakes. The isolation system consists of 692 large steel saucers located two stories underground. This system is a modified version of Japan's and will protect the campus from all but the most severe earthquakes.

The Ring's interior hosts large rooms with glass walls and entryways, including wide-open spaces that can be collapsed into smaller sections as needed. The Ring is divided into eight identical segments and surrounded by a hallway roughly three-quarters of a mile around.

The wide, brightly lit hallway runs around The Ring

The Ring uses natural ventilation to aid in making it the greenest office building in the world, requiring no heating or cooling for nine months out of the year. To further its green initiatives, Apple partnered with First Solar  to provide 130MW of clean energy to the campus and surrounding buildings.

Design rules the campus from top to bottom and will influence the company moving forward. Many consider Apple Park to be an Apple product designed by Jony Ive, his crown jewel before exiting the company and gift to his departed friend Steve Jobs.

Other structures at Apple Park

  • Steve Jobs Theater

The Steve Jobs Theater is a 165-foot diameter circular glass building without visible supports. The carbon-fiber roof is the largest in the world, weighing 80 tons. Underneath the glass structure, underground, is an auditorium seating 1,000 people. The theater won the  'Structural Artistry'  award in 2018.

Steve Jobs Theater overlooks Apple Park

Apple intended the theater for product reveals and events, but that intention was short-lived due to the pandemic. With the company moving to a more online event style, it seems the theater will be used for pre-recorded event showings rather than a live stage.

  • Visitors' Center

The Apple Park  Visitor Center  overlooks the campus and is divided into four sections: a 10,000-square-foot Apple Store, a 2,000-square-foot cafe, an observation deck, and an area for an AR experience. The augmented reality area is a scale model of Apple Park that lets you view the campus via an iPad using AR software.

The Apple Park Visitor's Center doubles as an Apple Store

This is the only publicly accessible area of Apple Park. Apple sells limited-edition t-shirts and other merchandise at this store.

  • Glendenning Barn

The Glendenning Barn is a historical landmark moved and restored by Apple during Apple Park's construction. It was originally a part of the farmland that housed apricot, prune, and cherry orchards.

It is now used for simply storing groundskeeping tools but still stands as a symbol of community and innovation at Apple Park.

Virtual Keynotes

The Apple Park campus was meant to be the ultimate workspace for its thousands of employees. It was also meant to be a marvel that visitors could enjoy when conducting work or traveling for keynotes. The COVID-19 pandemic made this impossible for months, but Apple made due.

Apple Park viewed in Apple Maps

Starting with WWDC 2020, Apple held virtual conferences instead of inviting thousands of people to its campus. This allowed the company to expand its reach to more developers and consumers with highly-produced videos rather than a stage performance.

Apple invited people to participate in an in-person WWDC event in June 2022. A pre-recorded keynote was shown to viewers outdoors via a projector set up outside the cafeteria, then developers were able to interact with employees and visit the newly opened Developer Center.

This mixed in-person and online style will likely be used for events going forward. They give Apple greater control over product presentation while keeping the campus open for events.

The iPhone 14 lineup was revealed at an in-person Apple event held in the Steve Jobs Theater at Apple Park in September 2022. A pre-recorded keynote was shown, but products were viewable in person in a display area afterward.

  • 1. Development
  • 2. Final Design and Jony Ive
  • 3. The Ring
  • 4. Other structures
  • 5. Virtual keynotes

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ipad2 -auto-advance slide presentation

Google Slides presentations can be auto-advanced in Windows but not on ipad2.

Many apps will NOT install on ipad2.

Any suggestions for an app that will auto-advance slides on an ipad2 please?

Posted on Mar 20, 2020 12:52 PM

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Mar 20, 2020 12:58 PM in response to hooz2no

Good afternoon! The Keynote app has a feature that will auto-advance slides. Simply tap the "More" button (three dots at the top right of your Keynote presentation) --> Settings --> Presentation Type --> Self-Playing. You can then select the delay between slides and builds.

Mar 23, 2020 3:24 PM in response to celliott147

About 18 months ago, I set up an auto-advancing slide show using Google Slides (it may have been Powerpoint though) on a Windows computer and saved the presentation on my Google Drive. What I seem to remember doing is then launching the presentation on my Windows computer. copying the URL address of the running presentation somehow, entering that URL address into a browser (Chrome probably) on my same ipad2 running IOS 9.3 , and the result was that the presentation ran on the ipad2 with the same 5 seconds (or whatever I specify) between slides then looped back at the end (all this was set up in windows). In addition, any change I made on the slides in Windows (saved to Google Drive) would be (through wifi of course) be reflected on the ipad2 without touching it as all...all remotely. The purpose is to use the ipad2 as a remote display controlled from my office but running automatically once started up. Anyway at the time I thought it was the greatst thing since sliced bread but I should have wrote down what I's also possible that the programs that I used then no longer install on the old ipad2...anyway...that's the whole 9 yards (that was the length of a belt of machine gun ammo for the .50 cals in the bays of the B-17s in letting an enemy plane get "the whole 9 yards" meant that the whole belt of ammo was spent on just one plane...pretty harsh stuff).


Mar 25, 2020 12:14 PM in response to hooz2no

Ok. That's fine. We're just users here. Also, Apple has a strong record when it comes to human and employee rights. Yes, they seek profit as they are a corporation and their shareholders would not be too happy if they didn't...

Mar 20, 2020 1:25 PM in response to hooz2no

Since you're on an older version of iOS, I'd suggest using an Apple ID you've used to previously download the Keynote app and following the steps here: .

Mar 20, 2020 1:18 PM in response to Apple_DanK

"Many apps WILL NOT INSTALL on ipad2 under IOS 9.3" and this includes kEYNOTE !!!!! IT WILL NOT INSTALL.

Mar 23, 2020 2:57 PM in response to hooz2no

Unfortunately, due to the age of your device, you may find difficulty finding apps that are still supported. What is the iPad being used for specifically?

Mar 24, 2020 5:24 PM in response to hooz2no

What kind of slide presentation are you showing? Is it something an Apple TV and monitor could replace? Amazon also has current gen models of the iPad at steep discounts (brand new in the package).

Mar 25, 2020 5:17 AM in response to celliott147

I will NEVER EVER purchase another Apple product. I will strenuously try to discourage anyone from ever buying any Apple product. Apple is an exploitative profit-obsessed labour-exploiting POS.

Apple Retail

Inside the all-new apple valley fair: a polished design taken to new heights.

Avatar for Michael Steeber

The totally reimagined Apple Valley Fair opened today in Santa Clara, California, coinciding with the launch of the iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro. Nestled in the heart of Silicon Valley, the new store joins Apple’s brightest retail design ideas and latest products to create a space uniquely suited for Apple’s own backyard.

Apple Store architecture always strives to blur the barrier between inside and out, but the new Apple Valley Fair goes even further. The store reflects its own environment in the most literal sense, creating a bridge between the mall’s energetic restaurant collection and innovative new expansion wing.

Soaring stone walls anchor the store and draw inward with dramatically curved corners. The double-height glass facade is split by a set of floor-to-ceiling sliding doors that dematerialize the entryway. Entering from outdoors, customers are sheltered by a treetop extension of the store’s cantilevered roof. From inside the mall, a single-story entrance steps upward to reveal the full volume of the store.

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Mirror-polished finishes play an important role in the architecture of Apple Valley Fair. From the second level of the restaurant collection, reflective panels mirror the Santa Clara skyline. Inside, a second set of panels mirror the store’s plank ceiling, making the space look nearly infinite.

Facing outdoors is the Genius Grove with parallel sets of trees. The trees break to reveal the video wall and Forum , where Today at Apple sessions will resume in the future, hosted by Apple’s Creative Pros. The video wall provides a natural separation between the energy of the Forum and the more intimate Product Zone facing into the mall.

Apple has carved out two special areas in the heart of the store, tucked between the Avenue display shelving that lines the walls.

The first is Apple Pickup, a convenient place to collect online orders. Apple Valley Fair is the first Apple Store in the world with the new space. Cabinets house products reserved for pickup, and Apple’s team will greet you at a counter to find your order and answer questions.

The second area is a Boardroom where entrepreneurs, developers, and business customers meet. For the first time, customers can see into the Boardroom thanks to a glass curtain wall.

Apple has served customers at Westfield Valley Fair since 2001, when the store opened as Apple’s 22nd location. The new Apple Valley Fair is a tribute to the store’s importance in Apple Retail history and a unique architectural expression that couldn’t exist anywhere else.

If you’d like to visit Apple Valley Fair, reserve an appointment to Shop with a Specialist for the best experience.

Attend a store opening? I’d love to share your photos . Follow along on Twitter for daily Apple Store news.

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Michael is a Creative Editor who covered Apple Retail and design on 9to5Mac. His stories highlighted the work of talented artists, designers, and customers through a unique lens of architecture, creativity, and community.

Contact Michael on Twitter to share Apple Retail, design, and history stories: @MichaelSteeber

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How to get the most out of attending keynote presentations.

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Audience listening to keynote speaker

Conferences promote professional growth and development, collaboration, and phenomenal opportunities to network. They offer the chance to get out of the office and surround yourself with like-minded people in an atmosphere of congeniality and sociability. When you head back to the office, you should feel motivated, renewed, and ready to share new ideas with your colleagues.

Breakout sessions focus on specific topics. But it’s the keynote presentations that should inspire you most. Imagine how tech developers feel when they leave the keynote at an Apple conference . They’re more than ready to explore new frontiers, taking what they’ve learned along for the adventure.

As a frequent keynote speaker, I take the responsibility to inspire seriously. I strive to pull together the big picture, galvanize action, educate, and motivate my audience to leave and conquer whatever challenges they face.

These presentations shouldn’t be lectures. Speakers should engage and interact with you with vibrancy and energy. They should raise and answer questions, and leave you with compelling takeaways . But to get the most out of the ones you attend, you’ll need to do your part as well. Here’s how.

Do Your Homework

It’s OK to just show up, take a seat, and listen to a keynote presentation. In fact, that’s probably what most people do. But if you want to get the most out of the experience, come prepared.

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Conference schedules will feature speakers’ bios and keynote topics. It will be infinitely easier to connect with presenters if you know something about their background. What about them can you relate to, admire, or want to learn more about? Read what they’ve published and what’s been published about them. Finding that type of information is fairly easy with a quick online search.

You should also research the topic slated to be addressed. Having a grasp of it going in will help you to understand the presentation better and to ask more informed questions if you choose to. And if the keynote is virtual, be prepared to turn on your camera to focus on the presentation rather than multitasking. That leads me to my next point.

Audience engagement isn’t just a marketing strategy. A great keynote should raise questions or prompt comments from the audience. As a presenter, it’s my job to draw the audience into what I’m talking about, pushing the door wide open to interaction. If I look out and see people dozing off or checking their social media feeds, I’m not doing my job.

But you also have a job to do. You need to engage in the presentation to get the most out of it. Note questions as they come to you, so you don’t forget them when it’s time for the Q&A. You should also jot down your ideas for applying what the speaker’s saying to your job. If, for example, the speaker talks about the value of role play in team projects, don’t dismiss it because you aren’t a D&D aficionado. Figure out how you can apply the principles of it to your team.

Take advantage of the opportunity to ask the presenter specific questions about your unique situation. That sort of engagement could cost thousands of dollars if you were to hire the speaker as a consultant. Don’t miss the chance to get some free direction. Most presenters truly enjoy sharing their wisdom with curious minds.

Share the Wealth

Keynote attendees should be like sponges, absorbing all the new ideas an event worth its salt will provide. If you soak up some wisdom, don’t keep it to yourself. Share what you’ve learned with others while everything is shiny and fresh.

Discuss what you learned with friends, old and new, who were also in the room. Whatever the speaker imparted will grow exponentially during this type of discussion. Note the highlights, the kernels of knowledge, and the takeaways the presenter offered you. Then make sure you volunteer those takeaways to your colleagues back at the office, even if you aren’t required to deliver a report.

Not everyone you work with can attend keynote presentations. If you’re chosen to, take back what you’ve learned. Just remember, you can only share it if you gleaned the most out of it while you were there. So, pay close attention.

Get a Bigger Bang for Your Attendance Buck

Time and money are inevitable investments in attending a keynote presentation. If you’re going to make it, make it count. Prepare before, engage during, and share what you’ve learned when you leave. You’ll be a better professional and your employer will reap the benefits as well. That’s a win for everyone—including the keynote speaker.

John Hall

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A CIO canceled a Microsoft AI deal. The reason should worry the entire tech industry.

  • A pharma company stopped using Microsoft's Copilot AI tool, with an exec citing high cost and low value.
  • The company used Office 365 Copilot for 500 staff and compared it to middle-school presentations.
  • Microsoft is mulling repackaging 365 licenses to better monetize AI features amid record spending.

Insider Today

AI models and tools look great when researchers measure success with their own wonky benchmarks. When paying customers try this technology in the real world, things can get ugly.

That's what happened when an IT executive at a pharmaceutical company tried out Microsoft's Copilot AI features, according to a recent research note from Morgan Stanley.

The chief information officer of this pharma company paid extra to have 500 employees use Office 365 Copilot in the fourth quarter of 2023 and first quarter of 2024. This is Microsoft 's much-heralded AI upgrade to its popular suite of productivity software.

After six months, the exec canceled the upgrade because the AI tools weren't good enough to be worth the extra money.

In fact, he compared the slide-generation capability of Microsoft's AI tools to "middle school presentations," according to a transcript of a call with the Morgan Stanley analysts that was included in their research note.

"The price is double," the executive, identified only as Greg, said. "And we really just do not see the value we're getting out of those tools worth double."

The E3 version of Microsoft's 365 software suite costs about $34 per user a month. Adding Copilot AI features costs another $30 per user a month. For 500 employees, that would roughly add an extra $180,000 a year.

These new Microsoft tools are considered some of the premier examples of powerful artificial intelligence in action in the real world. Investors have bid up Microsoft and other big tech shares massively, betting that this product and similar offerings will catch on with paying customers.

If a large pharma company can't see $180,000 of value in these tools, that's a problem that should worry the entire tech industry.

Legal issues with AI meeting summaries

The 365 Copilot AI feature that the IT executive found more compelling was the ability to archive and summarize video meetings on Microsoft's Teams app. But he said his legal team was wary of retaining meeting transcripts, so the pharma company didn't use that feature.

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"What you're left with are tools that are along the lines of building ChatGPT instead of Word, which I think is marginally useful at best," the exec said. "Building a generative AI slide capability, which really is at the quality of middle school presentations at this point. And then Excel, which is, again, not really something that most people who use spreadsheets would think of using it."

He added that the company would consider adopting Office 365 Copilot for a subset of employees if it cost a fraction of its current price.

Microsoft must recoup big AI investments

The comments follow internal concerns at Microsoft about whether its AI services will create enough value to persuade corporate customers to pay more.

Wall Street is also wondering how Microsoft will recoup its massive AI spending. The company is amassing 1.8 million graphics processing units to build and run AI models and related products. It also has a plan to triple data-center capacity, mainly to handle AI workloads. Its capital expenditure hit a record $14 billion in the most recent quarter. A company spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.

Microsoft is considering revamping the way it packages 365 software licenses like E3 to try to make more money from AI. The outcomes could include repackaging AI features into existing licenses or creating a more expensive bundle with Copilot AI capabilities, a person with direct knowledge of the plan said.

Do you work at Microsoft or have insight to share?

Contact Ashley Stewart via the encrypted messaging app Signal (+1-425-344-8242) or email ( [email protected] ). Use a nonwork device.

Watch: Volkswagen is using AI to speed up and scale marketing, while also integrating ChatGPT into its vehicles, says CMO Susanne Franz

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Five things to know about Tim Walz

On Tuesday, Vice President Kamala Harris decided on Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate in her bid for the White House.


Minnesota voters gathered outside Governor Tim Walz’s residence react as Walz was announced as the running mate of Kamala Harris in the U.S. presidential election. (AP Video by Mark Vancleave)


Vice President Kamala Harris has picked Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate, turning to a Midwestern governor, military veteran and union supporter who helped enact an ambitious Democratic agenda for his state.


FILE - Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, right, laughs as he stands with Fridley, Minn., Mayor Scott Lund during a visit to the Cummins Power Generation Facility in Fridley, Minn., Monday, April 3, 2023. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster, File)

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FILE - Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz applauds as President Joe Biden speaks at Dutch Creek Farms in Northfield, Minn., Nov. 1, 2023. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)

FILE - Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz listens after meeting with President Joe Biden, July 3, 2024, at the White House in Washington. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin, File)

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz speaks during a news conference for the Biden-Harris campaign discussing the Project 2025 plan during the third day of the 2024 Republican National Convention near the Fiserv Forum, Wednesday, July 17, 2024, in Milwaukee. (AP Photo/Joe Lamberti)

FILE - Minnesota Governor Tim Walz greets reporters before Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at Planned Parenthood, March 14, 2024, in St. Paul, Minn. (AP Photo/Adam Bettcher, File)

FILE - Rep. Betty McCullum, D-Minn., left, and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, listen as Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at Planned Parenthood, March 14, 2024, in St. Paul, Minn. (AP Photo/Adam Bettcher, File)

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MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris has decided on Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate in her bid for the White House. The 60-year-old Democrat and military veteran rose to the forefront with a series of plain-spoken television appearances in the days after President Joe Biden decided not to seek a second term. He has made his state a bastion of liberal policy and, this year, one of the few states to protect fans buying tickets online for Taylor Swift concerts and other live events.

Some things to know about Walz:

Walz comes from rural America

It would be hard to find a more vivid representative of the American heartland than Walz. Born in West Point, Nebraska, a community of about 3,500 people northwest of Omaha, Walz joined the Army National Guard and became a teacher in Nebraska.

He and his wife moved to Mankato in southern Minnesota in the 1990s. That’s where he taught social studies and coached football at Mankato West High School, including for the 1999 team that won the first of the school’s four state championships. He still points to his union membership there.

Walz served 24 years in the Army National Guard, rising to command sergeant major, one of the highest enlisted ranks in the military, although he didn’t complete all the training before he retired so his rank for benefits purposes was set at master sergeant.


He has a proven ability to connect with conservative voters

In his first race for Congress, Walz upset a Republican incumbent. That was in 2006, when he won in a largely rural, southern Minnesota congressional district against six-term Rep. Gil Gutknecht. Walz capitalized on voter anger with then-President George W. Bush and the Iraq war.

During six terms in the U.S. House, Walz championed veterans’ issues.

He’s also shown a down-to-earth side, partly through social media video posts with his daughter, Hope. One last fall showed them trying a Minnesota State Fair ride, “The Slingshot,” after they bantered about fair food and her being a vegetarian.


He could help the ticket in key Midwestern states

While Walz isn’t from one of the crucial “blue wall” states of Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, where both sides believe they need to win, he’s right next door. He also could ensure that Minnesota stays in the hands of Democrats.

That’s important because former President Donald Trump has portrayed Minnesota as being in play this year, even though the state hasn’t elected a Republican to statewide office since 2006. A GOP presidential candidate hasn’t carried the state since President Richard Nixon’s landslide in 1972, but Trump has already campaigned there .

When Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton decided not to seek a third term in 2018, Walz campaigned and won the office on a “One Minnesota” theme.

Walz also speaks comfortably about issues that matter to voters in the Rust Belt. He’s been a champion of Democratic causes, including union organizing, workers’ rights and a $15-an-hour minimum wage.

He has experience with divided government

In his first term as governor, Walz faced a Legislature split between a Democratic-led House and a Republican-controlled Senate that resisted his proposals to use higher taxes to boost money for schools, health care and roads. But he and lawmakers brokered compromises that made the state’s divided government still seem productive.

Bipartisan cooperation became tougher during his second year as he used the governor’s emergency power during the COVID-19 pandemic to shutter businesses and close schools. Republicans pushed back and forced out some agency heads. Republicans also remain critical of Walz over what they see as his slow response to sometimes violent unrest that followed the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer in 2020.

What to know about the 2024 Election

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  • AP’s Role: The Associated Press is the most trusted source of information on election night, with a history of accuracy dating to 1848. Learn more.

Things got easier for Walz in his second term, after he defeated Republican Scott Jensen , a physician known nationally as a vaccine skeptic. Democrats gained control of both legislative chambers, clearing the way for a more liberal course in state government, aided by a huge budget surplus.

Walz and lawmakers eliminated nearly all of the state abortion restrictions enacted in the past by Republicans, protected gender-affirming care for transgender youth and legalized the recreational use of marijuana.

Rejecting Republican pleas that the state budget surplus be used to cut taxes, Democrats funded free school meals for children, free tuition at public colleges for students in families earning under $80,000 a year, a paid family and medical leave program and health insurance coverage regardless of a person’s immigration status.


He has an ear for sound-bite politics

Walz called Republican nominee Donald Trump and running mate JD Vance “just weird” in an MSNBC interview last month and the Democratic Governors Association — which Walz chairs — amplified the point in a post on X . Walz later reiterated the characterization on CNN, citing Trump’s repeated mentions of the fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter from the film “Silence of the Lambs” in stump speeches.

The word quickly morphed into a theme for Harris and other Democrats and has a chance to be a watchword of the undoubtedly weird 2024 election.

Hanna reported from Topeka, Kansas.



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