
Essay on Books Are Better Than Television

Students are often asked to write an essay on Books Are Better Than Television in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Books Are Better Than Television

The power of books.

Books are treasures of knowledge. They offer a deep dive into different worlds, helping to expand our imagination and creativity. Unlike TV, books stimulate our minds, encouraging us to think and visualize.

Books Enhance Vocabulary

Reading books enhances vocabulary. Each page introduces new words, improving language skills. TV often uses simple language, limiting vocabulary growth.

Books Improve Concentration

Books require focus and concentration. This helps in improving attention span. Television, on the other hand, often promotes passive consumption.

Books Are Portable

Books are portable and can be enjoyed anywhere, anytime. TV requires electricity and specific place to watch.

In conclusion, books offer numerous advantages over television, making them a better choice for knowledge and entertainment.

250 Words Essay on Books Are Better Than Television

The intrinsic value of books.

Reading books offers a unique experience that television cannot match. It engages the mind in a deeper and more complex manner. Books allow readers to delve into the intricacies of a character’s thoughts, emotions, and motivations, fostering empathy and understanding. On the contrary, television presents a pre-interpreted and visually packaged version of stories, leaving little room for personal interpretation.

Books Enhance Cognitive Skills

Books also have cognitive benefits. Reading stimulates brain activity, improves concentration, and enhances memory. It’s a mental workout, requiring the brain to translate symbols (words) into concepts and ideas. In contrast, television encourages passive consumption, which does not stimulate the brain in the same way.

Books: A Portal to Imagination

Books are gateways to imagination. They allow readers to visualize characters, settings, and events in their own unique way, promoting creativity. Television, however, robs viewers of this opportunity by providing ready-made images.

The Longevity of Books

Books have a timeless quality. They can be revisited, savored, and studied, with new insights gleaned each time. Television shows, conversely, are often transient and fleeting, with less substance for repeated consumption.

While television has its place in entertainment and information dissemination, books offer a more enriching and engaging experience. They stimulate the mind, foster empathy, and spark creativity. Therefore, books are indeed better than television.

500 Words Essay on Books Are Better Than Television


Books and television are two of the most popular sources of entertainment and knowledge. While television has a mass appeal due to its visual and auditory nature, books have their unique charm that has withstood the test of time. This essay will explore the reasons why books are superior to television.

Depth of Content

One of the primary reasons books are superior to television is the depth of content they offer. Books, unlike television shows, are not constrained by time slots or commercial breaks. They can delve deep into the subject matter, providing intricate details and complex narratives that television often simplifies. This depth allows readers to engage with the material more thoroughly, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills.

Stimulating Imagination

Books stimulate imagination in a way television cannot. Reading a book allows the reader to visualize characters, settings, and events in their mind, making the experience highly personalized. This active engagement of the mind enhances cognitive abilities and promotes creativity. On the other hand, television provides ready-made images, leaving little room for imagination.

Improving Language Skills

Books are an excellent tool for improving language skills. They expose readers to a wide range of vocabulary, complex sentence structures, and nuanced use of language. This exposure not only enhances reading comprehension but also improves writing skills. Television, conversely, often uses colloquial language and simplified sentences, which may not contribute significantly to language learning.

Less Distraction, More Focus

Books demand focus and concentration from the reader. This sustained attention promotes mental stamina and improves concentration skills. Television, with its quick scene changes, advertisements, and often sensational content, can be more distracting and less conducive to developing these skills.

Control Over Pace

Books provide control over the pace of consumption. Readers can pause, reflect, reread, or skip sections based on their understanding and interest. This flexibility allows for a more personalized and satisfying experience. Television, however, follows a set pace, leaving viewers little control over their viewing experience.

While television has its merits, books offer a richer, more engaging experience. They provide depth, stimulate imagination, enhance language skills, demand focus, and offer control over the pace. Thus, books, in many ways, are better than television. As we navigate the digital age, it is crucial to promote the habit of reading, ensuring that the charm and benefits of books are not lost in the glare of screens.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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books are better than television essay

Opinion | Reading books vs. watching TV — is one…

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Opinion | Reading books vs. watching TV — is one really better for us?


Idiots like me. I’m going to Scotland this year, and three different people told me I must watch “Outlander” before I go. I don’t have STARZ, so I ordered old-fashioned DVDs from Netflix. “Outlander” is like “Game of Thrones” for fans of romance novels: a little magick (with a “k”), a lot of sex, some tasteful 18th-century violence and handsome men in kilts. I watched the first four hourlong episodes back to back.

When I stood up from the couch I felt sick, and it wasn’t just the cookies, popcorn and peanut butter crackers I’d scarfed down without noticing. My brain was fuzzy, but worse, I felt furtive and ashamed. I looked outside surprised to see the sun had set. My house was dark around me except for the blue glow of the TV screen. I had spent half a day on the couch. Research for Scotland? Not exactly.

A few days later I had a library book due: The National Book Award winner “The Friend,” by Sigrid Nunez, about a woman mourning the death of her best friend who then inherits his enormous Great Dane. It was wonderful and I loved it, but I needed to finish it, so I read the last half straight through. I was immersed in Nunez’s New York City, worrying about the grieving dog and the narrator’s pending eviction because of it, as well as her career and her future. I finished the book with tears in my eyes and stood up feeling, well, great.

I had wasted another four hours on my couch. I hadn’t eaten as much junk food because I needed my hands free — and not sticky — so I could turn pages and return the book to the library relatively clean, but I hadn’t moved and once again it was dark outside.

Why did I feel so much better and guilt-free? I would have proudly told someone I spent the entire day reading, but when my sister called and asked if I’d watched “Outlander” yet, I hedged, too embarrassed to admit I was sucked into the vortex of the MacKenzie/Fraser clans.

Full disclosure: My husband produces television shows, but I think of myself as a TV snob. We don’t have one in the bedroom. My children never had their own TVs. I limited their viewing.

I told my kids TV would rot their brains, and there are plenty of studies to back that up. In 2013, Hikaru Takeuchi, at Tohoku University in Japan, found that the more TV a child watched, the lower her verbal reasoning and the higher her levels of arousal and aggression. The child’s frontal lobe actually thickened.

But recently another investigation by criminologists Joseph Schwartz, of the University of Nebraska at Omaha, and Kevin Beaver, of Florida State University, concluded that genetics has the greatest effect on how children react to TV. A kid with aggressive tendencies might prefer watching television to being with other children. Same with a child with a tendency for depression.

And in 2015, a study at the University of Maryland found that kids who watched “Sesame Street” as preschoolers were better prepared to learn when they entered kindergarten. Of course, that study didn’t look at what happened if a child binge-watched four straight hours of Bert and Ernie and Big Bird.

All the research says reading a book is good for you. Better even than listening to an audiobook or reading one on an e-reader. It reduces stress, promotes comprehension and imagination, alleviates depression, helps you sleep and may contribute to preventing Alzheimer’s.

Reading is active; watching TV is passive. The act of physically turning a page creates a momentary pause for understanding to sink in. Our brains have to work to translate the black squiggles on the page into words and then interpret the meaning and intent of those words. When a character is described as tall with brown hair, a reader creates her own picture. TV takes all that imagination away.

And yet sometimes it’s great to just sit on the couch and surrender. Let someone else do the work. Since my kids have left home, I watch more TV, and I look forward to it.

TV is egalitarian. Even if we aren’t all watching the same three networks anymore, we are all connected via video. Who didn’t catch at least some of the Brett Kavanaugh hearings or Bishop Curry’s homily at the Markle-Windsor royal wedding? At work or a party, it’s easier to share the latest plot twist in “The Americans” than to talk about how you’re finally getting around to reading “Middlemarch.” It’s more fun to discuss the baked-Alaska controversy on “The Great British Bake Off” than whether “Less” by Andrew Sean Greer deserved the Pulitzer Prize.

Many people tell me they just don’t read anymore, and that breaks my heart, but there’s a lot of good TV now, Golden Age-type TV. I’d like to say the answer to TV versus books must be, as Aristotle said, “Moderation in all things,” though he never had a television or a computer and had to read his papyrus scrolls by candlelight.

I believe too much television is bad for you. I know I feel better if I binge-read, but it won’t stop me from watching too. I’m willing to risk thickening my frontal cortex. Therefore my resolution: When I watch, just as when I read, I’m going to banish feeling furtive and guilty. And take an extra walk.

My second DVD of “Outlander” has just arrived, and as soon as I get this essay done, the rest of my day is free.

Tribune Content Agency

Diana Wagman is a contributor to the Los Angeles Times’ Opinion section.

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Reading vs Watching TV. The Debate Is Finally Settled

Reading vs Watching TV

The “reading vs watching TV” battle has been going on ever since the invention of television programs. While the enthusiasm of being entertained without putting in any effort of their own has won over the hearts of millions, if not billions of people over the years, the debate on the benefits of books vs TV seems to have been settled long ago. Despite that, the general trend doesn’t seem to favor reading. 

Why is that and how can you avoid wasting your time watching TV and reaping the benefits of being a reader instead? Keep reading and all your questions will be answered.

Is reading better than watching TV?

The short answer? Yes. Reading is a whole lot better than watching TV in more ways than you can imagine. Even from an early age, the use of screens brings massive disadvantages when compared to time spent reading . Not only because reading is an incredibly useful learning tool, while the TV has a mainly entertainment purpose, but also because of the effect both have on our brains. 

Reading has a positive effect on our mental health, while watching TV has the exact opposite effect. Reading can reduce stress , lower our blood pressure, our heart rate and muscle tension. 

On top of the knowledge boost reading provides us with, it also has a healing effect on our mental state. Especially if we approach reading with mindfulness, there is a lot for us to gain if we spend more time reading and less time watching TV. Reading allows us to live less stressful, wiser and more empathetic lives. 

Using Basmo , a reading tracking app for the modern reader, can help you gain a much more mindful approach to this incredibly beneficial activity. Use Basmo to take notes, keep a reading journal, schedule your reading sessions and even to create, save and share your favorite quotes. Basmo is a great way to enhance any of the countless benefits of reading. 

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Why is reading better than watching TV?

Now that we have established that reading is a much healthier, useful and rewarding activity than watching TV, let’s have a look at a couple of important aspects that differentiate the two and some of the most relevant benefits of reading vs watching TV.

Reading benefits

First, let’s explore some of the most important benefits that those of us who have the habit of reading can enjoy.

  • Reading improves general knowledge : there is no better way of acquiring information on pretty much any subject than through reading. 
  • Reading makes us better people : by helping us relax, by making us wiser and better informed, by improving our ability to empathize with others and by teaching us countless life lessons, reading makes us better people in countless aspects.
  • Reading helps us live longer and healthier lives : the benefits of reading books go well beyond our mental health. Reading can lower your blood pressure, slow your heart rate, delay the onset of age related cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s or dementia and can even extend our life expectancy. 
  • Reading is like cardio for your brain: even though anatomically they have almost nothing in common, your brain and your muscles share a couple of similarities to a certain extent. More precisely, your brain will function a lot better the more you exercise it, just like your muscles. Reading is a great exercise for your brain and people who read constantly not only have better learning performance, they also have a much healthier brain, which allows them to have a young and sharp mind even in old age.

If you are interested, we have an extensive article prepared for you where you can learn more about the benefits of reading !

List of disadvantages of watching TV

While the TV vs books debate has a clear winner in everyone’s eyes, it is still worth having a quick look at the drawbacks of choosing to watch TV instead of reading. 

Just to be clear, we know that completely swearing off television is not really an option these days. What’s important for you is to manage to find a balance between the time you spend watching TV and the time you spend reading, while being aware of the effects of both. 

Just like in a chocolate vs fruit debate, everyone knows which one is better, but very few people manage to completely stick to the healthy choice and no nutritionist will ever expect their patients to completely stop eating chocolate. As long as you make the right choice more times than you make the wrong one, you will be a lot better off.

Here is what you should know about watching TV the next time your hand is on the remote.

The TV is a time-wasting machine

Did you ever find yourself sitting in front of your TV planning to watch it for a little while only realize after a while that 2 hours went by? We’ve all been through that. 

The thing about television programs is that they rely on keeping you engaged for as long as possible. Commercial breaks always happen when things get interesting in the show you’re watching because they know you won’t turn off the TV in the middle of a suspenseful movie for example. 

Decades have been spent on developing strategies for engaging watchers for extended periods of time and that’s because the longer you watch, the more the television earns. This can be extremely toxic for you as you are very likely to waste a great portion of your free time watching pointless TV programs .  

TV exposes you to violence, disturbing news and sexually explicit content. 

Even if you’re an adult and you may not realize it, constantly allowing yourself to get exposed to toxic content will have an effect on your mental state. Depression, anxiety and other similar conditions are partly rooted in the type of content we consume . 

Also, if there is a child in your household as well, they will unwillingly be exposed to certain images that may not be appropriate for their age. Even if you’re just watching the news, certain things will not be a great idea for your child to see or hear. 

TV makes you lazy

And not just because most of your TV watching will happen with you sitting or laying on a couch (the term couch potato is no coincidence, as studies have found a relation between watching countless hours of TV and obesity), but also because it doesn’t stimulate you in any way. It leaves nothing for you to imagine, there’s very little thought involved in watching any type of TV program. 

TV will teach your brain that entertainment is an effortless activity, where you are overstimulated by flashing imagery, enticing sound effects, violence and nudity.

TV is not your friend 

For some viewers, watching television becomes a full time activity, which slowly replaces their relationships with friends and family. Not only that, but one study has found that for certain people who are too invested in TV shows, losing a loved one and losing a fictitious character from a show generate quite similar emotions. On top of this warped emotional behavior, TV also changes viewer’s vision about certain things: body shape, a predisposition to consumerism, and enforces racial and sexual stereotypes that are far from the reality we live in. 

As you can see, there are a lot of drawbacks to watching TV. Despite that, we don’t necessarily encourage you to completely stop. You just need to be aware of the consequences of over-exposing yourself to TV content and take the necessary measures in order to make better use of your free time.

How do Books and Television Affect Your Brain?

Well, to put it very shortly, they affect your brain in completely different ways. The brain activity while reading vs watching TV has been studied in the past. The conclusions were quite blunt: especially for children, TV had a toxic effect on arousal and aggression levels and delayed mental development compared to the levels of children who read. 

While reading increases brain connectivity and strengthens the neuronal connections of readers at any age and level, TV has the exact opposite effect.

Here’s a couple of other ways your mental state and your brain are affected differently by books and TV.

Reading has a calming effect, while TV overstimulates you

As I mentioned before, reading is a great way to relax after a hard day of work. You can escape your day to day life and allow yourself to be engulfed in the adventures presented by the author in a safe and healthy way, while your blood pressure drops, your stress level is reduced and you feed your mind and soul. 

TV often has the exact opposite effect. Watching the news will leave you worried. Watching an action movie will probably leave you wishing you hadn’t seen that much violence or nudity. Comedies are unrealistic, romantic shows seed stereotypes and false expectations. All this while blue light invades your eyes and nerves, flashing images set your brain on high alert and the advertisements push you one step closer to toxic consumerism.

Books are great sources of information, while the TV is often used to misinform

There’s not  much you can think of that hasn’t already been studied and explored in a book. Books are amazing sources of knowledge and information, regardless of the area you are interested in.

Some TV programs like documentaries can be pretty useful too. Make sure to always double check the information you get from TV though. In the past years, misinformation has been a key element for the informational war we are all going through. Never get your news for example from the same TV station every day. 

Books provide quality content, while TV programs don’t stimulate you

The great thing about books is that they don’t provide you with any imagery whatsoever for the most part, leaving your mind to fill in the blanks. You can imagine what characters look like according to the author’s description, visualize the action, the places they see. Your mind is constantly at work to fill in all these blanks while reading and that is a very good thing for you and your brain.

TV programs leave no blanks to be filled. You have all the information right there on the screen, you hear the sounds, the music, the voices. You see the action, sometimes even more of it than you would like, leaving you wishing you hadn’t seen all that blood. Your brain does nothing else than to process all this information that is blasted towards it. Your imagination is at a complete halt and stays that way until you stop watching TV. And as we already know, most people spend at least a couple of hours every day watching TV.

Reading vs TV before bed

If you’re ever wondering whether you should read or watch TV before bed, there’s no way around it: you should choose the book. Reading relaxes you, helps you fall asleep quicker and sleep better. 

TV on the other hand will shine blue light at your eyes and into your brain, which will agitate you and will delay the secretion of melatonin in your brain. In other words, you will sleep less and worse. 

How to watch less TV? Create a reading habit

We have to admit, watching TV does come with a couple of benefits books cannot provide, such as presenting valuable real-time information. It can also be a family bonding experience, you could have an interesting, visual learning experience through documentaries and it can be a rather satisfying pass-time activity.

We also know that the temptation to watch mindless TV shows is sometimes too much to handle and you will give in. That’s ok. But know that if you want to start watching less TV and start reading more , there are ways you can go about doing it. And it’s actually a bit easier than you might expect, thanks to Basmo .

Basmo is a reading tracking app which was designed with the modern reader in mind. We know how hard it is to fight off distractions and temptations. And that is why our app is fully packed with features that come to your aid.

First and foremost, if you want to read more, you need to set yourself a realistic goal . Basmo can help: it allows you to set daily or yearly reading goals for how much time you spend reading every day or how many books you go through in a year. 

Once you know your goal, it’s time to set your motivation straight. To do that, find the one reading benefit that speaks to you the most. Do you want to be smarter? More empathetic? More relaxed. Take your pick and set that as your ultimate motivation to stick to your goals.

Then, it’s time to set your schedule. Yes, you will need a reading schedule and Basmo is there to help as well. Just in a couple of taps, the app allows you to personalize your schedule as you see fit, you choose how many days per week you want to read in, what time of day and the app saves your choices and even sets alarms for you so you get a reminder before any upcoming reading sessions.

But that’s not all. Basmo will also allow you to:

  • Take notes while reading
  • Keep a reading journal
  • Create personalized reading lists
  • Save quotes

While the reading vs watching TV debate has a clear winner, keeping up with the promises you make yourself is going to be tough. Basmo will be there to support you all along the way.

Give Your Reading Experience An Extra Boost With Basmo

Track the books you read, monitor the time you spend reading and keep notes on your reading habits and how it makes you feel. You can set yourself targets for the time you spend reading and you can get notified whenever you’re behind on your reading time. 

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books are better than television essay

Reading Books Is Better Than Watching TV Essay Example

Lots of children would say that they love coming home from school, relaxing on the couch and watching some TV. But it is not better for you and the question is are books better than TV. So, if you want to find out the true reasons why books are better than TV then read on. 

TVs are expensive, you cannot say they are not. You buy a TV, and you are happy you did it even though you lost 1000 odd dollars. Then you worry about the power bill. These TV's cause stress and are the most annoying things in the world. You pay the bill and then sit down and start watching. But unless you want to pay more for the adless TV, you will not be able to enjoy a good show without being interrupted every 10 minutes. Whereas books are calm, relaxing and are inexpensive. You could even borrow a friend’s book or use a library. So, TVs are more expensive than books.

Have you ever seen someone take their TV outside and start watching something? We all know the answer, no. Books are portable take them outside on a warm summer day and relax or on a chilly day stay inside and read. When watching TV, you must stay in the one place. You might want to go outside when it is warm but must stay inside if watching TV. Books are a lot more portable.

According to the https://doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igx004.1696 and Reading books vs. watching TV — is one really better for us? - Chicago Tribune, reading reduces stress, promotes comprehension and imagination, decreases the risk of depression and helps you sleep. Researchers have also proven that by reading books you could live longer. If living longer does not win this argument what will?

Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, brain disorder that slowly causes memory loss, decreases the ability to think clearly and eventually, effects the way people complete daily tasks. But reading every day could lower the chance of obtaining this deadly disease. 1.

Therefore, books are a lot better than TV. So, if you have the choice next time to read a book or to watch TV, you know which one to choose.

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Why Picking Up a Book Beats Turning on the TV: 10 Compelling Reasons

Posted by Why Read | Apr 13, 2024 | Self-Help Books

We have long believed in the benefits of reading over watching TV. Yet for many people, watching TV is their go-to activity for relaxation and entertainment, leaving little time to read books.

In an era where screens dominate our attention, the debate between why reading is better than watching TV takes on new significance. While many default to television for its ease of entertainment, we advocate for the unmatched benefits of delving into a good book. Reading not only enriches our vocabulary but also enhances our capacity for empathy, focus, and imagination.

Through this exploration of reading vs watching, we aim to unveil the profound advantages of choosing books over TV, presenting a compelling case for why books are better than TV as a choice for both relaxation and personal growth.

To help you understand the why reading has more benefit than watching tv, we will step through our   10 benefits of reading   and compare them to TV.

1. Develop Verbal Abilities

Even though TV is mostly dialogue, books are better than television at increasing your vocabulary. So why is reading better for your vocabulary?  TV typically uses short and simple sentences, pitched at a fourth grade level.

Good children’s books however, typically contain language twice as complex as a tv show. This means using a greater range of vocabulary, longer sentences and more complex sentences. Adult novels and especially newspapers can step up the benefits again, with even richer and more varied language.

A   paper on What Reading Does for the Mind   stated that reading volume contributed directly to vocabulary knowledge in fourth to sixth-grade children.  Author Anne Cunningahm of Berkeley concludes that reading can build verbal (and other) abilities in children regardless of academic achievement levels.

Better verbal abilities also translate to better writing skills which is important in many jobs. Understanding the impact of books on our language skills unveils why reading is indeed better than watching TV.

2. Develop Focus And Concentration

This benefit of reading is one that TV actually damages.  TV actively develops short concentration habits leading to poor focus.  TV shows are made up of short ‘scenes’ between advertisement breaks.  Most scenes in shows are fast paced, high action, with constantly changing camera angles.  We call this the “Sesame Street syndrome” as that show changes more frequently than average.

Rapid changes are designed to stop people hitting the remote button and switching stations. So watchers of television tend to develop a short attention span or lack of focus. If you also multitask when watching TV your lack of focus gets even worse.  You probably multitask because you are not fully engaged in the experience and not using mental muscles.

Books, on the other hand, develop focus and concentration skills as they engage and hold the reader’s attention. This is an exercise for our focus and thinking muscles.   We don’t usually take a break from reading every few minutes.  In fact, we rarely do other things at the same time as reading.  Sometimes we are so focused on our reading we are barely aware of the world around us at all.  Sound familiar? Another compelling reason why books are better than TV is their ability to develop focus and concentration .

3. Readers Enjoy The Arts

Studies have shown that readers tend to enjoy concerts, plays and museums more than non-readers. We haven’t found any studies on this compared to TV watchers, but again, the skills of concentration and focus are needed to enjoy the Arts.  Skills watching TV do not seem to help.

4. Improve Your Imagination

A Los Angeles County study showed children produced less imaginative responses after watching a film, compared to listening to a story.  When we read (or just listen) we have to create a vision of everything in our mind.  We use our imagination to craft the world and events described in the book.  This exercise stimulates many functions of the brain.

In comparison, a TV show provides the full visual image for us and eliminates any background information or musings by the characters.  We turn off our imagination and receive the story as imagined by the director.

This is one reason we never think the   movie is as good as the book.   We imagined it differently to the director so it doesn’t match our experience.  Who hasn’t seen the outcries then the cast of the latest book to movie project is announced. Each reader has their own vision and the selection of a particular actor can polarize the book community who see it quite differently.

Enhancing your imagination through reading is a journey of endless discovery. Titles such as ‘ Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon ‘ will help readers discover their artistic side and build a more fulfilling creative life.  Exploring such books not only fuels your creativity but also provides a gateway to new ideas and perspectives.

5. Watching TV Can Lower Your IQ

Some television programs do provide great educational input. We love National Geographic as much as the next person.  But more often a tv show requires little to no input or thinking by the viewer.  We admit it, this is one of the attractions of television on occasion.

Trouble is, a    Japanese study   in 2013 found watching tv actually lowered the IQ of children. In contrast, a recent study by   Emory University   found reading novels created heightened connectivity in the brain for up to five days after reading.  Connectivity in the brain translates to getting smarter over time.  So reading can make you smarter.

10 benefits of reading over watching tv

6. Be Interesting And Attractive

Reading is not generally seen as a social activity.  Yet reading can have great impact on how we react in social situations.  Reading develops better verbal and empathy skills (see below).  Better empathy, verbal skills, and knowledge makes readers more interesting and attractive people.

Watching TV is a basically antisocial experience. Especially for young children compared to being   read a story by a parent   or grandparent.  Reading aloud together is an interactive process especially important for the development of young children.

Then for straight-out social events, there are book clubs.  Social events just to discuss books.  We can’t imagine a “[fill in your favorite show] TV club” to discuss the latest episode. Can you?

7. Reading Is Best At Reducing Stress

Reading has been shown to   reduce stress in just six minutes!   Research shows reading works faster and better than listening to music, drinking coffee or even taking a walk. TV might feel like it relaxes your body, but another study showed television can amplify stress   because we frequently feel guilty or like a failure afterwards.

To continuously discover reading materials that relax and inspire, consider subscribing to a book subscription service. These curated experiences deliver hand-picked books right to your door, ensuring you always have something fresh and exciting to read. It’s a wonderful way to expand your horizons and find new favorites that you might not have picked up otherwise.

8. Effects On Memory: Reading Vs Television

Readers have to remember the plot line and any subplots; what the hero or heroine looked like; who they’ve met and many other details to make the story coherent and enjoyable. Reading a book series can increase that mental exercise.

In comparison, TV eliminates much of the extra inputs and provides a visual feed instead. The typically simple plots limit the variables a watcher needs to remember.

After all, you can only fit a limited story into  a 30-50 minute ‘episode’.  And TV shows typically provide a recap after every break. So TV shows tend to contain very surface level characters & ideas.  They rarely involve complex situations or ideas as there just isn’t time. Even longer formats such as movies typically have to leave out large chunks of plots or even whole characters (does anyone else miss Peeves in the Harry Potter movies).

Active mental stimulation like reading slows down the rate of memory loss a  2012 study  has shown. And   Alzheimers is 2.5 times less common   in elderly people who read regularly.

9. Self Discovery: Love And Empathy

Research is showing that the excessive violence on TV through news, or just television shows is overpowering both children and adults.  This bombardment desensitizes our ability to feel sympathy or empathy with those suffering.  Reduced empathy has been shown to significantly contribute to aggressive behavior.

When we read, we can identify with characters and their thoughts – we can be the hero who solves the mystery, the kick-ass vampire heroine who finds herself, and a million other characters. Reading allows us to experience emotions in a safe environment, without ongoing obligations. This has been shown to develop our empathy and understanding.

At a higher level, reading requires us to attribute the mental state of a character to that character – called Theory of Mind. Sometimes described as ‘putting yourself in another’s shoes’.  We rarely get insight into character’s thoughts in TV.  Emotions have to be kept simple and acted out clearly for watchers to follow.

10. TV Is Entertaining Too

Perhaps this benefit of reading is shared with watching TV.  We can laugh and cry with a good book or a good movie.

We are not saying don’t watch television if you want some entertainment.  Just remember, many benefits of reading are already proven by science. Reading benefits our brains.  And unfortunately, the research suggests that tv watching has few if any benefits, and is not so good for us in general.  So keep reading as well.

Clear Benefits Of Reading Versus Watching TV

As we conclude our journey through the compelling reasons why reading is better than watching TV, it’s clear that the act of reading offers unparalleled benefits for our minds and souls. From fostering imagination and improving focus to enhancing empathy and verbal skills, the advantages of reading are as diverse as they are significant. This exploration reaffirms why books are better than TV, not as a dismissal of television’s entertainment value, but as a celebration of reading’s profound impact on our lives.

In embracing books, we choose a path of active engagement and self-discovery, enriching our lives beyond the passive consumption of screen-based entertainment. Let’s cherish and prioritize the timeless joy of reading, furthering our understanding of reading vs watching and embracing the endless benefits that books bring into our lives.

Reading is an exercise for the brain. Like exercise develops the body, reading develops the brain in many different ways. As the saying goes, if you don’t use it you lose it. So   reading is important   and the benefits of reading over watching TV are proven.

Infographic comparing reading vs watching TV, highlighting why reading is better for brain engagement

Book Recommendations:

The shallows.

What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains” by Nicholas Carr – Explore the impact of technology on our cognitive abilities and discover the importance of reclaiming our attention.

the Shallows by Nicholas Carr

The Reading Mind

A Cognitive Approach to Understanding How the Mind Reads” by Daniel T. Willingham – Dive into the fascinating world of cognitive science and uncover the secrets of how our minds process written language.

The Reading Mind By Daniel T Willingham

Digital Minimalism

Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World” by Cal Newport – Learn practical strategies for decluttering your digital life and reclaiming your time and attention in an age of constant connectivity.

Ditial Minimalism by Cal Newport

How to Read Literature Like a Professor

A Lively and Entertaining Guide to Reading Between the Lines” by Thomas C. Foster – Unlock the secrets of literary analysis and deepen your appreciation for the art of reading with this insightful guide.

How to Read Literature Like a Professor

Reader, Come Home

The Reading Brain in a Digital World” by Maryanne Wolf – This book delves into the neuroscience behind how digital media is affecting our reading abilities and proposes ways to cultivate a new generation of readers in the digital age.

Reader Come Home by Maryanne Wolf

Words Onscreen

The Fate of Reading in a Digital World” by Naomi S. Baron – Baron examines how digital mediums have affected reading practices and preferences, and what this means for the future of books and deep reading.

Words Onscreen by Naome S Baron

How to Read and Why

In “How to Read and Why,” Harold Bloom presents a passionate argument for the importance of reading deeply as a means of personal and intellectual fulfillment. Bloom guides readers through key works of literature—spanning novels, plays, poems, and short stories—and explains how to engage with these texts critically and thoughtfully. He illuminates the wisdom and joy that can be gained from connecting with great literary minds.

How to read and why by Harold Bloom

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Reading stories from a book is better than watching TV Sample Essay

Courtney Miller

Updated On Jan 05, 2024

books are better than television essay

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Reading stories from a book is better than watching TV Sample Essay

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This article contains Reading stories from a book is better than watching TV sample essays.

Given below is a real IELTS Writing Part 2 Essay question. We have provided sample essays as well as an essay outline so that you can practice writing your own!

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Read the sample essay for Some people believe that people who read books can develop more imagination and language skills than those who prefer to watch TV. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people believe that reading stories from a book is better than watching TV or playing computer games for children. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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Sample Answer

While it has been said that reading books for pleasure rather than watching TV is more beneficial for one’s imagination and acquiring language skills, I contend that the role of the former in boosting intelligence and language ability is equal to the latter.

One the one hand, books are instrumental in enhancing children’s imagination and development. A kid reading a fairly tale with illustration will have to think, fantasize and use their creativeness to comprehend ideas and reasoning, which in turn sharpen their mental skills . Moreover, reading books helps to improve language skills. Spending time reading a book which is not written in our mother tongue leads to the development of a strong language base referring to its vocabulary, or comprehending meaning of a word in different contexts. Besides, reading out a book for children is also an effective way to help them improve their communication skill , which is greatly stimulated as the kids grab a spoken word and use it in daily conversations.

On the other hand, watching TV is considered an important activity as reading in order to cultivate one’s imaginativeness regarding its characteristics of programs. Firstly, when audiences watch a tourism channel for example, they are exposed to a wide range of knowledge by seizing images of worldwide landscapes or feel tastes of specialties in various geographical region s. The broadcasting of quiz shows serves as an efficient learning tool for both children and adults who prefer taking challenges which involve critical thinking . Secondly, the role of TV in boosting linguistic competence is pivotal . Recent English programs not only support audience to remember words easily by associating them with vivid images shown on the screen but catch their constant attention with entertaining aspects.

In conclusion, while the benefits of reading are undeniable, they cannot outweigh the role of TV in enhancing a person’s imaginativeness and language skills.

  • The former (phrase): denoting the first or first mentioned of two people or things.
  • The latter (phrase): denoting the second or second mentioned of two people or things.
  • Instrumental (adj): very important in helping or causing something to happen or be done
  • Fairly tale (phrase): a simple children’s story about magical creatures
  • Fanticise (verb): to imagine that something pleasant, exciting, or unusual is happening to you
  • Critical thinking (phrase): the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.
  • Linguistic competence (phrase):  the system of linguistic knowledge of a language
  • Pivotal (adj): very important

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Courtney Miller

Courtney Miller

Courtney is one of our star content writers as she plays multiple roles. She is a phenomenal researcher and provides extensive articles to students. She is also an IELTS Trainer and an extremely good content writer. Courtney completed her English Masters at Kings College London, and has been a part of our team for more than 3 years. She has worked with the British Council and knows the tricks and tips of IELTS.

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books are better than television essay

diksha nimje

Posted on Mar 25, 2022

A certain number of individuals conceive that reading books is more effective than watching television in improving imagination and language skills. I completely agree with the statement. In this essay, I will discuss reasons in support of my view. To begin with, when people read, they get direct and excessive access to how words are structured, therefore, gradually improving their language. They can learn the varieties of new words and collocations skillfully used by writers in a different context. Moreover, the language used by writers in books is more precise and formal than the spoken language shown on TV. By interacting with them many times through reading, readers will naturally absorb the words, acquiring a better understanding of how words are used in many ways and expanding vocabularies. They can always get back to it for reference as well. To cite an example, lately, I used to watch shows on TV. However, after reading novels for IELTS preparation, I was surprised by the progress I made in two weeks during the process. Furthermore, reading books, especially fictional ones, stimulates readers’ imagination effectively. A books’ content has no boundaries and a unique ability to take people to different worlds, even the impracticable ones. Thus, readers’ minds can think out of the box as there is no such thing as impossible or irrational in books that eventually enhances their imaginative abilities and even creativity. For example, while reading a fantasy novel having mythical creatures, some readers can imagine themselves in the characters while others can imagine something different. In conclusion, I believe people who love to read tend to have a more active imagination and advanced linguistic comprehension than those who watch television, since readers are required to imagine the story in the book and learn new words and their use from the context.


Posted on Mar 28, 2022

Band Score: 6

Since it is an opinion essay, you are required write about one line of contrast in a separate body after presenting two body paragraphs supporting your views.

Use C2 level of words.

books are better than television essay

Posted on Jul 3, 2017

Hello Team members, i pickup some of your ideas and put it in the essay in my own format. i’m really thankful to you if you check it. thanks 20. Some people believe that people who read books can develop more imagination and language skills than those who prefer to watch TV. Do you agree or disagree?

While some people think that reading books rather than watching television is more beneficial for one’s imagination and language acquisition. I partly agree with their views because the TV also play a similar role like a book.

On the one hand, there are various reasons why people support reading books for enhancing imagination. This is to say that, when any person read a book with many illustrations, then they can easily imagine the same situation in their mind, and think about what happen when they have the same case. For example, when a child read a fairy tale, then by using creativeness and imagination they build the world like that in their own mind, which in turn sharpen their mental skills. Furthermore, reading out a book is an effective way to improve the communication skills, such as, people can pick up most common words from any article, and can utilize these phrases in their normal life.

On the other hand, watching TV also consider as an important tool in cultivating one’s imaginativeness. Firstly, a TV has a media effects that hardly see in books, and people without any difficulty can analyze the behavior of any story. For example, by watching documentary about how to assemble a laptop, I understood what items I needed, and can imagine how I’ll put all items together. However, in the case of books, no doubt I can get information about items, but cannot imagine how I fix it in right ways. Secondly, the role of TV in boosting linguistic competence is pivotal. As most of the programs not only show the words associating with vivid images but also attract the audience attention with entertaining aspects.

In conclusion, its seem to me that reading books cannot outweigh the role of television in enhancing person’s imaginativeness and language skills.

IELTS Material

IELTS Material

Posted on Jul 9, 2017

Your essay is around Band 6.0. You should work on Grammatical Accuracy and Range, especially Subject-Verb Agreement (now at Band 5.0).

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Books vs. TV: How They Stack Up Against One Another

Writer at http://jumpstartyourdreamlife.com

There's a perception that books are good, while TV is bad. Spend a day curled up with a book and you're an intellectual, but spend a day watching your favorite show and you become a couch potato.

Similar to how candy gives you cavities and sun tanning is bad for our skin, it's common knowledge that reading books is good for you. It increases your knowledge and makes you think. Watching television on the other hand kills off brain cells.

But why is that? Why can't watching TV be just as educational as reading a book? For example, does watching the show Game of Thrones lower your intelligence, while reading the books does the exact opposite?

After all, there are all sorts of books. Some good, some poorly written. The same applies to shows as well. Is the situation as simple as categorizing books as good and TV as bad? What Science Says About Books and Television

In 2013, a study was performed at Tohoku University in Japan. A team led by Hiraku Takeuchi examined the effects of television on the brains of 276 children, along with amount of time spent watching TV and its long-term effects.

While there had been numerous studies in the past that showed how television affected children's verbal abilities and physical, mental and emotional development, there had yet to be a study on how brain development related to TV viewing.

Researcher Takeuchi found that the more TV the kids watched, parts of their brain associated with higher arousal and aggression levels became thicker. The frontal lobe also thickened, which is known to lower verbal reasoning ability.

The more hours of television the kids watched, the lower their verbal test results became. These negative effects in the brain happened regardless of the child's age, gender, and economic background.

In the same year, a study was done on how reading a novel affected the brain. Gregory Burns and his colleagues at Emory University wanted to see the before and after effects of reading based on fMRI readings.

College students were asked to read Pompeii by Robert Harriss , a thriller based on the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Italy. The book was chosen due to its strong narration and a dramatic plot based on true events.

After reading the novel, the students had increased connectivity in parts of the brain that were related to language. There was also increased activity in the sensory motor region of the brain, suggesting that readers experienced similar sensations to the characters in the book.

There are also long-term effects from reading books. Reading keeps your mind alert and delays cognitive decline in elders. Research even found that Alzheimer's is 2.5 times less likely to appear in elderly people who read regularly, while TV was presented as a risk factor.

Six minutes of reading can reduce stress levels by 68 percent, according to researchers at the University of Sussex. Reading beat out other relaxing activities, including listening to music (61 percent), drinking tea or coffee (54 percent), and taking a walk (42 percent).

Why These Activities Have Opposite Effects on Us

So far, reading's looking pretty good compared to television. We can see that it calms the nerves, increases language and reasoning, and can even keep you mentally alert as you age. TV, on the other hand, has the opposite effect.

But we still haven't gotten to why that's the case.

Let's look first at a study on how preschoolers and toddlers interact with their mothers during TV viewing versus reading a book.

The results found that watching TV resulted in lower amounts and quality of communication between the mother and child. During an educational TV program, mothers made few comments to their children, and if they did, it was unrelated to what their children said.

On the other hand, reading books together increased the amount and level of communication. Mothers were more likely to ask their child questions, respond to their child's statements and questions, and explain concepts in greater detail.

Beyond mothers and their children, it's not just an issue of the quality of the TV program or the book. It seems that the nature of the activities themselves is what's causing the differences.

Television is designed to be passive. After switching to the show you like, you can just sit back and watch everything unfold without effort on your part. You're less likely to pause to reflect on what's happening.

TV also presents ideas and characters on a surface level. Shows don't have the luxury of describing or explaining situations in great detail, since they need to keep viewers visually entertained. TV programs are fast-paced in order to keep people from switching.

Books, on the other hand, are a more proactive form of entertainment and learning. The reader has to concentrate on what's being said and to think through concepts in the book. When we read, we're forced to use our imaginations to fill in the gaps.

Books also have the advantage of being able to describe everything in greater depth. While television is mostly composed of dialogue between characters, books can walk readers through scenes, characters' thoughts, and provide lengthier commentary.

So now that we've seen the benefits of reading, how can we fit more of it into our lives?

Break Away From Your Environment

If you're glued to the television set constantly, it's largely because of the environment that that you're in. Surround yourself with people who talk about TV shows, and you'll be more likely to watch them yourself. Place yourself within arm's reach of a remote, and it becomes easier to watch TV. Flip on the switch as soon as you get home, then it becomes a habit.

So how can you go from watching TV to reading something that will help you grow as a person?

The first thing you can do to break the habit is to change your environment. Being in the same environment for a long time encourages you to keep doing the same things. But go to a completely new place, and you immediately drop your habits .

For instance, if you travel somewhere, you immediately have to adapt and create different habits. You're exposed to a different way of life, and your everyday activities change drastically. Your TV watching habit can easily go from 5 hours a day to zero when you're in a new environment.

While it might not be feasible to move somewhere new, you can take a brief vacation from your routine. Taking a break and traveling gives you a different perspective on everyday life, and it also forces you to develop new routines. When you return home, you can start fresh on your habits.

You can also break away from your environment by re-arranging your current space. Using the concept of environmental cues , I recommend setting up your office and entertainment space so that it's easier to pick up productive activities.

Choose the Right Books

The next thing you can do is pick the books that will give you the most value out of your time. If you have a choice between an e-book and a paper book, choose the latter.

Here are a few reasons why paper books are better:

  • Readers who use paper books have an easier time remembering the content than tablet readers. Traditional books provide a sense of progress as readers flip through the pages, along with greater immersion (i.e., you can't click away from your book), which is key to absorbing information.
  • Light from e-readers interferes with sleeping patterns, while paper books actually help you sleep better .
  • Using electronic devices such as e-readers is linked to higher stress and depression levels. Traditional books, on the other hand, help reduce stress .

If you're not sure when to fit in some reading, try setting aside time in the morning or evenings.

For myself, I like to dedicate half an hour before bed to read a book. It's not a big chunk of time, and it also helps me wind down before it's time to sleep.

During the day, I often bring a book with me when I head out in case I need to wait or have a moment to spare.

If you're stuck on what to read, you can try going through my book list and seeing what interests you. I have found that reading a good book helps me to de-stress and gives me new ideas for improving myself.

If books bring back dreary memories of mandatory reading in school, try picking a book on a topic that interests you. I think you'll find that reading rewards your personal growth in ways that television can't replace.

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This post was originally published on JumpstartYourDreamLife.com .

Melissa Chu writes at JumpstartYourDreamLife.com , where she helps people live better and achieve their goals. For more ideas on success and making an impact, join the newsletter .

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books are better than television essay

my reading world

Why Reading a Book is 20x Better Than Watching TV

Did you know that reading a book for only six minutes can lower your stress levels by 68%?

Or what about the fact that adults who read for just 30 minutes a week are 20% more likely to report greater life satisfaction?. You might not believe it, but this ancient pastime is like hardcore exercise for your brain!

Reading is far more healthy, useful and beneficial than watching television. In fact, reading books can lead towards positive changes to your cognitive ability, mood and even your general happiness. Not to mention it can make you a much more interesting and well-rounded person.

Is reading books better than watching TV?

Reading books is better than watching TV. Reading can prevent some diseases, prepares for life and exercises your brain. Watching TV is bad for physical health and has negative impact on your brain.

What's Included in This Post

Why should you pick books over TV?

These days, many people are looking towards the written word instead of television or streaming.

It’s a proven fact that modern trends of media consumption are leading to very problematic habits , which are ultimately affecting our abilities to focus, recall information or simply pay attention.

If you need some convincing arguments to swap the gogglebox for some hardbacks then you’ve come to the right place.

1. Reading Exercises Your Brain

Rather than let you be inactive, reading requires your full, undivided attention.

Pssst! No time for reading? Click here to reveal how to read a whole book in 15 minutes!

This doesn’t mean that you need to grab the works of Shakespeare every time you sit down to read, but it does mean that instead of sitting on the sofa, passively taking in information, you’ll be exercising your imagination, vocabulary, comprehension, as well as many other brain functions.

Studies have shown that reading is able to leave physical changes to the brain days after a person reads a book . Subjects showed heightened brain ability even when they weren’t actively reading.

2. It’s Cheaper Than TV

TV, streaming or going to the movies are all expensive activities. Whether you’re paying for license fees, subscriptions or one-off payments, the cost to watch films and shows is certainly felt by your wallet. Conversely, books are considerably cheaper. Of course there’s fancy hardbacks that make your collection look like an 18th century library, but for the most part, cheap paperbacks are always in abundance.

There’s always second-hand books too. You can find books almost anywhere, in any genre. Because of their abundance, these books cost next to nothing, and you can find some real bargains if you’re willing to sift through some dusty old tomes.

3. You Can Read Anywhere

Unlike TV, you don’t need to be plugged in to enjoy reading. And while your smartphone might let you sign in to Netflix or YouTube, you’re much better off leaving your phone fully charged, for when you actually need to use it. Instead, why not read a book? You can read as much or as little as you like, wherever you like! Whether you’re sitting in your garden or you’re catching a bus, there’s no bad time to get through a couple of chapters.

4. Reading Fiction Can Prepare You For Life

Amazingly, reading books that don’t always provide closure can actually lead to real life benefits in the future.

People tend to need closure in all aspects of life, but unfortunately life doesn’t always provide the neat ribbon that many of us crave. Indulging in fiction that leaves things to the imagination or doesn’t give readers all the answers can apparently reduce our need for ‘cognitive closure’. This means that people can become better at dealing with uncertain or unforeseen situations.

5. Reading Can Help Prevent Dementia & Alzheimers

Years of study into brain disease like dementia and alzheimers have shown that reading regularly helps to maintain the health of the brain and to slow the development of disease . From early adolescence into old age, regular readers are shown to have greater brain health.

Research highlights time and time again that individuals who regularly participated in mentally stimulating activities (like reading or puzzles) across their lifespan had a noticeably slower rate of memory decline than those who didn’t.

6. There’s a Book for Everyone

Most of the shows on television are identical to each other. In TV land, producers want shows that are projected to get good ratings, not push boundaries. This means that lots of the shows on TV are samey, boring and predictable.

Books on the other hand cover an almost endless range of topics, styles and genres. From literary classics to experimental, modern novels, the different stories, lessons and worlds are almost infinite. Dive into deep and mysterious dungeons in a fantasy setting, or hop onto a world-trotting adventure in an air balloon. Or if fiction isn’t your thing, learn about everything from cooking to ancient history in the thousands of non-fiction books that are published every year.

What’s Wrong with TV?

1. It’s Bad for Your Physical Health

Whilst TV turning your eyes square might be an old wives’ tale, there are actually lots of negative health effects of spending too much time staring at the television screen.

For example, when asked, respondents were 71% more likely to develop a blood clot if they watched television “very often”.

Similarly, those who watched tv for more than four hours a day had 5 0% greater risk of heart disease and premature death .

Clearly, sitting down for extended periods encourages a lack of exercise and probably a poor diet. These daily habits then snowball into long-term health problems.

2. It Has a Negative Impact on Your Brain

TV is able to warp your brain’s natural functions. In fact, research shows that watching television during childhood can lead to attention problems which can follow into adult life .

Even anecdotal evidence shows that people are more likely to watch TV in excess when they are depressed or mentally unwell. Binge-watching can then spiral rapidly, making you feel worse and reliant on the dopamine that is released when you’re staring at the screen.

3. TV Makes You Sedentary

You don’t need to move around very much when watching television. Aside from the occasional wriggle to find where the remote has got to, you can spend hours potentially doing absolutely nothing.

And while you might think that doing nothing would have a neutral impact on your body, you’d be wrong.

Research highlights that standing up and moving around even for short periods allows the body to regulate itself properly. Glucose and insulin can do their jobs much more efficiently even with 2 minutes of movement.

4. Television is Linked to Social Isolation

You know the image: a person sat in front of the TV screen, their face lit up with that familiar blue glow, their eyes sad and tired as they watch endless programming, entirely alone.

In a report done by ABC, watching too much television cuts out the benefits of social interaction in a person’s life. This in turn, affects other areas of their lives.

It’s also a kind of twisted feedback loop , where people might depend on watching television due to loneliness, and then will slowly become more isolated because they rely so heavily on watching TV.

What Books Should I Read to Get the Most Out of It?

While reading is basically a universal good, there are certain types of books that can give you the most benefits as possible, depending on what you are after.

Read Non-fiction

If you want to gain practical and useful skills from reading then the best route is through non-fiction books that are centred on improving your skills in the real world .

There are plenty of self-help books, life guides and improvement books on the market, but they aren’t all made equal. It’s important to make sure that whatever you read is based on science, as there’s plenty of books out there that will fill your brain with more clutter than you started with.

Read Fiction

Of course, fiction might not be ‘real’, but that doesn’t mean its usefullness isn’t either .

Research has shown that one of the benefits of being sucked into a novel is enhanced connectivity in the brain and improves brain function. Novels, whether long or short, can help you explore new ideas, connect with your emotions, and open up your mind to new possibilities. Reading a book can help you strengthen your empathy, allowing yourself to relate to different characters, each with their unique backstory.

Analyse Your Books

Reading isn’t just about the literal process of identifying words on a page, it’s also about digesting information, examining it and forming your own ideas.

When you finish a book ask yourself ‘What was that book about’? You’d be surprised at the different answers people give. You can begin to think about the author’s intentions about the book, whether the characters were supposed to be the heroes, or if they were actually the villains.

Hopefully this list has convinced you to swap out some of your television hours for a bit of quality time with a good book.

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Why Should Reading (Books) Be Preferable to Watching (Television)?

  • First Online: 01 January 2024

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books are better than television essay

  • Dalit Milshtein 4 &
  • Avishai Henik 5  

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Narrative comprehension may be considered as one of the most essential aspects of reading books as well as watching movies or TV series. Although narratives can sometimes overlap, it would be inaccurate to claim that the reader’s experience is the same as that of the viewer. Can a similar argument be made with respect to the cognitive processes involved in narrative comprehension? Different theoretical approaches emphasize that different cognitive processes are involved in narrative comprehension. Quasi-perception, completion of perception, simulation processes and assimilation in narrative imagery are four relevant perspectives, with extensive, diverse and up-to-date empirical research, as well as a broad theoretical discourse. These different perspectives imply different cognitive bases of narrative comprehension in reading versus watching. In the present chapter, we present key concepts and findings in each of the above perspectives and examine how they can affect narrative comprehension during reading and watching. Importantly, cognitive research cannot unequivocally prioritize one medium (i.e., books) over another (i.e., TV series). Nonetheless, we suggest seriously considering reading as an act that manipulates more cognitive processes and allows for a richer and deeper narrative comprehension compared with watching.

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Department of Psychology, University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel

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Milshtein, D., Henik, A. (2023). Why Should Reading (Books) Be Preferable to Watching (Television)?. In: Hung, W.L.D., Jamaludin, A., Rahman, A.A. (eds) Applying the Science of Learning to Education. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-5378-3_6

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-5378-3_6

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DEBATE TOPIC: Books are Better than Television ( Support and Oppose the motion)

Explore why the debate topic “Books are better than Television ” holds true with these 11 convincing reasons. Dive into the benefits of reading, learning, and engaging through books.

In a world dominated by technology and screens, the debate between books and television has taken center stage. Both mediums offer unique experiences, but when it comes to the enrichment of knowledge, imagination, and overall personal growth, books have an edge that television can’t quite match. The DEBATE TOPIC: Books are better than Television is a nuanced one, encompassing various aspects of learning, entertainment, and cognitive development.

The Power of Imagination and Creativity

One of the most compelling reasons that support the argument that books are better than television is the stimulation of imagination and creativity. When you read a book, your mind paints the scenes, characters, and settings using your own imagination. Unlike television, which presents visuals to you, books allow you to co-create the world within the pages, enhancing your creative faculties.

Learning Through Engagement

Books provide a deeper level of engagement compared to television. The act of reading requires focus and concentration, leading to better understanding and retention of information. Whether you’re exploring the intricate plot of a mystery novel or delving into the complexities of historical events, the engagement with the text facilitates a more profound learning experience.

Emotional Connection and Empathy

Characters in books often come to life through detailed descriptions and internal monologues. As a result, readers develop a strong emotional connection with them, experiencing their joys, sorrows, and struggles. This deepens emotional intelligence and fosters empathy, allowing readers to see the world from different perspectives, which television might not evoke as powerfully.

Quiet Reflection and Relaxation

Reading a book offers a peaceful escape from the noise and distractions of daily life. Unlike television, which bombards you with visuals and sounds, books provide a serene environment for quiet reflection and relaxation. Whether you’re reading by a cozy fireplace or lounging in a comfortable chair, books create a haven of tranquility.

Expanding Vocabulary and Language Skills

The written word is a treasure trove of language, introducing readers to new words, phrases, and sentence structures. Books expose readers to diverse vocabulary and linguistic styles, improving their language skills organically. This linguistic enrichment contributes to effective communication and cognitive growth.

DEBATE TOPIC: Books are Better than Television

In-depth exploration of topics.

Books offer the luxury of delving deeply into a subject matter. Whether it’s non-fiction or a historical novel, books provide comprehensive insights that television often struggles to deliver in its limited timeframe. This depth of exploration fosters a profound understanding of various topics.

Cognitive Development in Children

For young minds, books play a crucial role in cognitive development. Reading from an early age enhances language acquisition, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Unlike the passive nature of television, reading actively stimulates brain development in children.

Personalized Learning Journey

Every reader brings their unique background, experiences, and perspective to the act of reading. This personalized approach allows individuals to connect with books on a deeper level, making the learning journey more meaningful and impactful. Television, on the other hand, offers a one-size-fits-all experience.

Building Concentration and Patience

In a fast-paced digital world, cultivating concentration and patience is essential. Books require sustained attention over an extended period, training the mind to focus deeply. This practice in patience and concentration has far-reaching benefits beyond reading itself.

Emotional and Intellectual Satisfaction

Finishing a book brings a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that is unparalleled. The journey of following characters, understanding complex plots, and exploring new ideas culminates in a fulfilling experience that enriches both the emotional and intellectual realms.

FAQs: Books are Better than Television

Q: Can television offer the same level of detail as books? A: Television often condenses content for time constraints, while books can provide intricate details that contribute to a richer experience.

Q: Are there any cognitive benefits to reading books over watching television? A: Yes, reading enhances cognitive abilities such as critical thinking, comprehension, and vocabulary expansion.

Q: How does the emotional connection with book characters differ from television characters? A: Books allow readers to delve into characters’ thoughts and emotions, fostering a deeper emotional bond compared to television characters.

Q: Is reading more suitable for introverted individuals? A: Both introverts and extroverts can enjoy reading, as it offers a quiet escape and an opportunity for self-reflection.

Q: Can television be educational in the same way as books? A: While some television programs offer educational content, books generally provide a more comprehensive and in-depth learning experience.

Q: How does the experience of reading for pleasure compare to watching television for entertainment? A: Reading offers a focused and immersive experience that encourages mental engagement, while television provides passive entertainment.

In the ongoing debate of books versus television, it’s evident that books hold a unique and indispensable place in fostering imagination, learning, and personal growth. The act of reading, with its power to engage the mind and transport readers to different worlds, provides an experience that is enriching and enduring. While television has its own merits, the depth, personalization, and cognitive benefits of reading make books the preferred choice for those seeking intellectual and emotional fulfillment.

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Compare & Contrast Sample Essay -Television Vs Books

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IELTS Essay Sample – Reading vs Watching TV

IELTS Essay: It has been believed that people who read for pleasure develop better imagination and language skills than people who prefer to watch TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

I agree with the statement that reading has an edge over TV as far as developing language skills and imagination is concerned. A number of arguments surround my opinion.

To begin with, reading books is better than watching television because it provides an active learning for learners wh ile the latter is a passive one. Reading can greatly enhance people’s imagination. For example, the individuals make different images in their mind when they read some articles or sentences and then use their imagination to put the story together whereas the TV audience just passively accepts information from the TV screen.

What is more, reading can also contribute a lot to language skills. Reading begins the journey through one’s language development stages. Language is so much more than just letters and sounds. It is words, sentences, grammar, syntax, and most importantly, putting it all together for meaning. Reading weaves these complex and vital aspects of language development stages together. Reading opens doors to all kinds of new worlds for people. Reading and writing are important ways we use language to communicate.

On the other hand, watching television does not develop a person’s skills in high-level thinking, spelling, vocabulary or recognition of word. TV programmes focus more on pictures than on language. The quick change of visuals and the fast pace of the scenes causes the visuals to dominate the language. To add to it, the vocabulary of television is lower than nearly all forms of print, from comic books to children’s books and newspapers and magazines.

Finally, reading relaxes the body and calms the mind. This is an important point because people have forgotten how to relax and especially how to be silent. The constant movement, flashing lights and noise which bombard our senses when we’re watching TV are actually quite stressful for our brains. When we read, we read in silence and the black print on a white page is much less stressful for our eyes and brains.

To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that reading is undoubtedly better than TV not only in developing language skills and imagination but also in many other ways.

3 thoughts on “IELTS Essay Sample – Reading vs Watching TV”

Thank you for this essay. It helped me to say a speech in an assembly in my school 😊😊

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Books vs TV: 11 Reasons Books are Better than Television

Books or Television? Did you say Books? Awesome, you’re totally our kind of person. If not than you better read this post. Books have been the first source of entertainment ever since humans learnt to write. Televisions are rather the new comers. I know TVs are now  an essential household thing that serves you tailored entertainment but for all its charms, TV will never be books. Books are better than Television and will always be.

Still doubt it? I am gonna prove it loud and clear that books are better than TV and you will agree. Let me tell you 11 reasons why books are way cooler than that idiot-box sitting in your living room.

11 Reasons Why Books Are Better Than Television

Here’s eleven undeniable reasons that will make you believe that Books are better than television. Let’s start the fight of Books vs Television.

1. Every Book is UNIQUE to every Reader.

Everything you watch on a television is pretty same for every viewer and pretty lame too. But Books are absolutely unique for every person who reads it. Each reader sees his own unique world in a book. That’s what make books better than television.

2. Books really give you WINGS.

Well, Redbull has its own benefits but Books are something that actually give you wings. Just pick up a good book and get onto the journey from paradises to fairy lands and even space! Which Television does it ever? None.

3. Books have NO ADS or Breaks.

Here’s another thing that makes books better than television – Advertisements. Remember how those nonsense ads disturb you on an occasionally good TV show? Try reading a book and you won’t complain again. I made my point!

4. And NO TIMINGS unlike TV shows.

So you are travelling or working overtime and your favorite TV show didn’t wait for you? Alas. Guess what, books don’t have timings. Read them whenever you want; wherever you want and however you want. Believe me folks, Books are better!

5. Books open up Your IMAGINATION.

11 Reasons Books are Than Television

You use all your senses including brain while you read a book. Another thing that make books better than television. When you’re reading a book, it kicks off your imagination. But when you just sit on the couch and binge watch your television, it’s totally unimaginative.

6. Books make you SPELL champ! Can TV?

That’s a plus for books over television. Books go through a series of editing and proofing. And it’s fairly good to believe everything written in a book is spelled right. Reading books will help you learn them in one go.

7.  And embellishes one’s idiosyncratic lexicon.

I mean Vocabulary. Not just spellings, books boosts your vocabulary subconsciously while you enjoy the book. Isn’t that way better than just watching the television and searching for subtitles? LOL.

8. No Electricity. No Television. Books Win.

11 Reasons Books are Better Than Television

If you still don’t agree that books are better than television than this one will convince you. Televisions are just a box of electronic junk if there’s no electricity. And Books… you can read them on a deserted island and even on moon.

9. Books fit in your BAG.

Yeah, you can never carry your television in your bag unless you are pizza delivery guy. But books can be your best friend who will accompany you everywhere you sitting comfortably in your bag. Now, you agree that books are better television? No. there are two more left.

10. Books have an END. For sure!

How annoying it is when they stretch a TV show for no reason. And even your favorite TV series could seem pathetic because of that. But buddy, a 300 page book will definitely end after the 299th page. No drama. no nothing.

11. A Good BOOK = A Good SLEEP.

After this one you definitely have to agree that books are better than television. A Good book especially romantic books makes up for a soothing lullaby that takes to world of sweet dreams comfortably. While late night TV gives you nothing but headache and sleepless night.

Well, that’s the end but I can tell you hundred more reasons if still don’t agree that books are better than TV. And If you agree then you must share this post. In case you have more say on Books vs Television, then drop your thoughts in comments.


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ମୁ ଆପଣଙ୍କ କଥା ବୁଝିପାରିଲିନି

Yeah, thanks very much for the points. They have been really helpful.

Yes same here

I’m a pizza man

Gimme 100 more reasons

That’s a good idea It helps me a lot to clear my confusions

i mean a good book is always better than some tv show or movie

These are absolutely the points which I wanted for my debate . Thank you so much.

I wanted some points for a debate and this article helped me a lot. Thank you so much.

I wanted some points for a debate it helped me a lot thank you

Kinda old post but meh. I like both lol.

Here’s some more points: 1. This is true, though writing could also miss what the writer intends you to imagine, whereas TV will always “show something”. It depends on the quality of the writing though, I guess.. 2. Television does do that though, especially animated shows. 3. True ads suck. But some services like Netflix don’t have ads. Though, I guess you have to pay monthly. 4. Just stream the show. 5. Shows can too, like predicting what could happen next, context, or the history of something. Books can do this too though. 6. True lol 7. True. Unless you watch word girl. xD 8. Can you read books in the dark? But true. 9. Phones lol 10. Oh true. I hate padding for time, but books can do it too with long, drawn out unnecessary details and bad pacing. Also, when a book ends, they can just keep releasing books for the same series lol 11. True. There are some good TV shows to help you fall asleep, but the lights could make it harder.

It appreciable

Wonderful article that has led me to open my eyes to books.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 – Band 9 Strategies – Reading vs. TV

Hi Students! Here is the Task 2 writing question that we covered recently. Remember to get editing feedback on your writing by clicking, “Task 1 or Task 2” green buttons in your My Student Account at www.gieltshelp.com/full-course/ (Use code A8TW9 to get a 10% discount when you join the Premium Package) Good studies.

IELTS Task 2 Writing

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Some people believe that people who read books can develop more imagination and language skills than those who prefer to watch TV. To what degree do you support this opinion?

Write at least 250 words.

Certain individuals ascertain that avid readers can improve their creative thinking and linguistic aptitude more than those who opt for television. To what extent are you in favor of this position?

TOPIC = Developing imagination and language skills

Controlling ideas = whether or not reading books is advantageous over watching TV for developing imagination and language.

What is developing imagination?

The ability to accurately visualize situations, to visualize content from various perspectives, To create visual images in detail quickly.

What is developing language skills?

To learn more vocabulary and grammar. The ability to use language more dynamically with reading, listening, writing, speaking. To express ideas in many different ways, to paraphrase. To know and use the best language for an intended audience.

What are the main differences between acquiring information through reading vs. television?

(reading is ) active vs (television is ) passive

Thesis Statement (It is the position (argument) of the author (you) which clearly shows the reader the content and structure of the essay – it is the last sentence or two of your introductory paragraph):

It took me a week to read the book “The Da Vinci Code” but only two hours to watch the film.

I am strongly in favor of the idea that reading books develop both more creativity and language than watching television because it is active and comprehensive.

Introductory Paragraph

(Hook, about 8 to 12 word – a simple worldly fact that catches the reader and introduces the topic).

The development of language and imagination is achieved daily through various interactions. (Background). The ability to learn broad vocabulary and grammar for clear communication, as well as to visualize and manipulate information in the mind’s eye, are some of the most advanced human abilities. For the past several centuries most people in society improved their creativity and linguistics skills through literature; however, in recent decades, there has been a major shift to television. (thesis) Nevertheless, I am strongly in favor of the idea that reading books develop both more creativity and language than watching television because reading is active and comprehensive.

BODY (Reading is Active, TV is passive, – topic sentence)

While reading, people put in the effort to interpret and visualize the text thereby deeply engaging the content which is in stark contrast to television where the content is passively absorbed through video and audio with little energy required. (Explanation – think quantitative language, should give the why to the topic sentence) When readers become entwined in a novel, they are challenged to picture the characters, setting, and events of the story while understanding and interpreting a broad array of lexical knowledge presented by the author, and this greatly develops both imagination and linguistic aptitude. (Example – use a real-life example, first-person voice is okay here, an example that can be used in body 2 also – Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Romeo, and Juliette, War and Peace, Godfather, Sherlock Holmes, Pride Prejudice) Although I saw the Harry Potter movies and found them entertaining, I felt that having read the books I was much more involved in the story and imagined much more detailed characters and creatures as well as learned far more unique British English expressions and vocabulary.

HW. Body 2 + Conclusion

Is it a good introductory paragraph?

A good introductory paragraph should clearly answer the questions for the reader:

What are you discussing?

Why are you discussing it?

What is your position and direction?

books are better than television essay

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Argumentative Essay: TV is Taking Away the Habit of Reading Books

Ever since the invention of books, reading has been a popular past time with those able to read. As literacy levels increased, reading soon became something that the majority of the population enjoyed, and because literacy and reading are integral to each other, the more people read books, the better they could read, and the better educated they became. But more recently, technology means that less and less people are choosing to read to fill their time. One of the main things that people now do in their free time when they ordinarily would have been reading is to watch television, and there are a number of reasons why this is happening.

First of all, watching television is easier than reading. It doesn’t require us to use our brains as much or concentrate as hard, so watching TV can be more appealing after a long day of work. Furthermore, some people are not very well educated and do not want to be, and would consider reading to be something done by intellectuals only. But this perpetuates the problem and becomes a cycle, whereby people don’t read because they can’t read well, and never will read better because they won’t read.

The increase in choice of TV programmes also means that more and more people are choosing to watch TV. When there were only a handful of channels available, if there was nothing on that someone wanted to watch, they would pick up a book. But now, with the great choice of channels and the ability to record and watch on demand too, we can always find something on that we are interested in watching, so we are less likely to pick up a book because we are bored with the television.

The cost of books is also having an impact, because with television you don’t have to pay for as much as you want. There are subscription costs and license fees, but once you’ve paid those, you can watch as little or as much TV as you want, with the only additional cost being electricity. With books, however, the more you read, the more you have to spend. And while it’s true that you can pick them up second hand, sometimes it’s hard to find what you want, and some people don’t like to buy things second hand, so the price of books compared to television could certainly be a factor.

Overall, there can be no doubt that the availability, choice and price of television are meaning that less people are choosing to read books. Plus, because reading improves with practice and technology is moving forward all the time, it is a situation that is only going to get worse.

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Why Television Is Better Than Books [Unbiased Assessment]

Outline of “why television is better than books”.

Introduction: Television has been around for decades, while books are a much older form of entertainment. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but this essay will argue that television is the superior form of entertainment.

Pros of Television: Television is able to reach a much wider audience than books. It can be seen in millions of homes all over the world, and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Television also allows for more visual effects, which can make the experience more engaging and exciting. Finally, television is often less expensive than books , making it more accessible to people of all income levels.

Pros of Books: Books provide a much more intimate experience than television. They allow readers to immerse themselves in a story, and can be enjoyed in a quiet, peaceful environment. Books also provide more depth than television, as they can explore topics in greater detail. Finally, books can be enjoyed anywhere, as they are not limited by location or access to technology.

Comparison of Pros: While both television and books have their advantages, television is superior in its ability to reach a wider audience, provide more visual effects, and be more affordable.

Cons of Television: Television can be seen as a distraction from more important tasks, and can be seen as a waste of time. Additionally, television can be a source of violence, which can be damaging to viewers.

1. Introduction

In the modern world, there are numerous ways to entertain ourselves, from books to television, and it can be difficult to decide which one is better. The debate between books versus television has been going on for years, and both sides have valid points. While books are often seen as the more intellectual choice, television can offer a more immersive experience. In this essay, I will explain why television is the superior form of entertainment.

First, I will discuss the advantages of television, including its ability to provide visual stimulation, its wide variety of content, and its convenience. Then, I will examine the advantages of books, such as the mental stimulation they provide and the fact that they are more affordable. Finally, I will compare the two forms of entertainment and discuss the few drawbacks of television.

Overall, television has more to offer than books in terms of entertainment. It is more engaging, provides more options, and is more convenient. Therefore, it is the better choice for those seeking a form of entertainment.

2. Pros of Television

Television has become an integral part of our everyday lives. It is a medium which has revolutionized the way we perceive entertainment, providing us with a wide variety of content to choose from. There are numerous advantages associated with television, some of which are discussed below.

First, television is a great source of entertainment. It offers viewers a wide range of programming, from movies to sitcoms to reality shows, and more. This makes it easy for viewers to find something that interests them and keeps them entertained. Furthermore, television shows often feature high-quality production values, with amazing special effects and stunning visuals. This makes them more engaging and enjoyable to watch than books.

Second, television provides viewers with news, information, and education. Television news programs provide viewers with up-to-date information on current events, while educational shows and documentaries provide viewers with knowledge and insight into a variety of topics. This makes television a great source of knowledge and information.

Third, television is a great way to stay connected with the world. With the increasing prevalence of social media, viewers can easily stay connected with their friends and family, as well as stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends. This makes television a great way to stay in touch with the world.

Fourth, television is a great way to relax and unwind. Watching television can be a great way to take a break from the stresses of everyday life. Viewers can sit back, relax, and enjoy their favorite show. This makes television a great way to relax after a long day.

Finally, television is a great way to bond with friends and family. Watching television together can be a great way to spend time with loved ones, as well as a great way to start conversations and debates. This makes television a great way to bond with family and friends.

3. Pros of Books

Books have been a source of knowledge and entertainment for centuries, and are still widely popular today. There are many benefits to reading books that make them a great source of entertainment and education.

One of the biggest advantages of books is that they can be read anywhere. You don’t need to be near a television or have an internet connection to enjoy a good book. This makes books an ideal choice for people who travel often or who don’t have access to technology. Additionally, books don’t require any additional equipment, such as a television or streaming device, which makes them more cost-effective than other forms of entertainment.

Books also provide more depth than television. While television shows often have short episodes that can be watched in a matter of minutes, books provide a much more in-depth look at a subject or story. This allows readers to fully immerse themselves in the world of the book and gain a better understanding of the characters and plot.

Books also offer readers the opportunity to use their imagination. With television, viewers are presented with a finished product and can only imagine what the characters and story look like in their own minds. With books, readers can create their own version of the story and characters, allowing them to be more creative and engaged.

Finally, books provide an opportunity to escape. Reading a good book can be a great way to take a break from reality and escape into a different world. This can be especially beneficial for people who are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Books can provide a sense of comfort and solace that can be hard to find in other forms of entertainment.

Overall, books offer many benefits that make them a great source of entertainment and education. They can be read anywhere, provide more depth than television, allow readers to use their imagination, and provide an escape from reality.

4. Comparison of Pros

When it comes to comparing the pros of television and books, it is important to consider the impact that each has on our lives. Television has the advantage of providing immediate gratification, allowing viewers to get the information they need quickly and easily. Television can also provide visual stimulation, allowing viewers to experience a story in a more immersive way than books can.

Books, on the other hand, provide a more in-depth look at a subject matter. They can provide a more complex narrative, allowing readers to explore different perspectives on a given topic. Additionally, books can provide readers with a much more detailed look at a subject, as they often require more time and effort to read than television does to watch.

In terms of entertainment value, television has the advantage of providing viewers with a wide variety of shows and movies to choose from. This variety allows viewers to find something that appeals to their interests and tastes. Books, however, have the advantage of offering a much more personal experience. Readers can take the time to explore characters and settings in a much more intimate way than they can with television.

When it comes to educational value, both television and books can be beneficial. Television can provide viewers with a wealth of information in a short period of time, allowing them to learn more quickly than they would if they had to read a book. Books, on the other hand, can provide readers with a much more in-depth look at a subject, allowing them to explore it in greater detail.

Ultimately, television and books both have their advantages and disadvantages. Television can provide viewers with a quick and easy way to get the information they need, while books can provide readers with a much more intimate and detailed look at a subject. It is up to each individual to decide which medium is best suited to their needs.

5. Cons of Television

Despite the many advantages of television, there are some significant drawbacks to consider.

First, television is often a source of excessive violence and inappropriate content. While parental controls and ratings systems can help to limit the amount of violent or explicit content that children are exposed to, it is difficult to completely control what is seen. In addition, television can be a source of unhealthy body images and can lead to a sedentary lifestyle.

Second, television can be a source of distraction and can lead to decreased focus and attention. With so many channels and streaming services, it can be easy to become distracted and lose track of time. This can lead to a decrease in productivity, especially when studying or completing tasks that require focus and concentration.

Third, television can be a source of stress and anxiety. Watching the news or other programs that contain a lot of negative information can lead to increased stress and anxiety levels. This can be especially problematic for people who are already prone to anxiety or depression.

Fourth, television can be a source of misinformation. Unfortunately, there is a lot of inaccurate information on television, and viewers can easily be misled. This can lead to a lack of critical thinking and an inability to discern between reliable and unreliable sources.

Finally, television can be a source of addiction. Watching too much television can lead to a lack of motivation and a decrease in physical activity. This can lead to unhealthy habits and can even have long-term physical and mental health consequences.

In conclusion, television can be a great source of entertainment, but it is important to be aware of the potential drawbacks. Watching television can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and misinformation, as well as unhealthy habits. It is important to be aware of these potential risks and to take steps to ensure that viewing television is done in a responsible and healthy manner.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, while both television and books have their own advantages, television is the clear winner when it comes to entertainment. Television offers a much more immersive experience than books, with the added benefit of being able to watch a story unfold in real-time. Additionally, television is often more accessible than books, as it is easier to find and watch a show than it is to find and read a book. Finally, television offers a variety of genres and types of shows, making it easier to find something that appeals to a wide range of viewers. Therefore, it is safe to say that television is the superior form of entertainment when compared to books.

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An author you can refuse ... The Godfather.

A novel idea: is the book always better than the film?

It’s a cliche as old as cinema itself. But dismissing film-making as the weak sibling of the arts is often rooted in snobbery

In the Guide’s weekly Solved! column, we look into a crucial pop-culture question you’ve been burning to know the answer to – and settle it, once and for all

Saturday afternoon, any given multiplex, pre-Covid. The credits roll. We rise and shuffle, still brushing popcorn husks off our fronts. And it’s about now that you’ll hear the braying of the literati in the row behind: “Well, obviously, the book is always better than the film.”

It is a viewpoint as old as cinema itself. I wasn’t at the premiere of Alice in Wonderland’s silent-film adaptation in 1903, but it’s a safe bet that someone piped up afterwards to say that it wasn’t fit to stitch the leather binding of Lewis Carroll’s 1865 novel. They probably weren’t sure about the casting of the White Rabbit, either. And so, this cultural snipe has echoed through the ages. The book is always better than the film. It just is.

But is it, really? Firstly, if you have already read the book, of course the film won’t seem as good. You’ve already travelled along the narrative arc. The characters have already taken form in your mind’s eye, and they look nothing like Tom Cruise’s platform-heeled Jack Reacher or Sean Connery’s “overgrown stuntman” Bond (as Ian Fleming would have it). You have already experienced the rug-pulling twists, too, such as Fight Club’s Tyler Durden turning out to be the embodiment of the narrator’s schizophrenia. Oh, sorry. You knew that, right?

Whereas, if you watch the film first, the book loses its page-turning power, because we see it all coming: the Hogwarts Express; the Wizard of Oz’s unmasking; Boo Radley saving the day. But you don’t see cinephiles tossing literary classics from their shelves: “Yeah, yeah, there’s a mad woman in the attic. Change the record, Brontë … ”

Perhaps there is another factor at play here. When we say the book is better, we’re announcing that we read, we’re cultured, we feed our brains something loftier than big, colourful moving images. This is rooted in the stubborn snobbism that film is the weak sibling of the arts. “Over the years, I’ve grown used to seeing the cinema dismissed as an artform,” wrote Martin Scorsese in 2017 . “It’s tainted by commercial considerations … there are too many people involved in its creation … it ‘leaves nothing to the imagination’.”

Nobody has ever said the book is better than the play. We’d be terrified of someone countering that we’ve just misunderstood Sir Trevor Nunn’s mise-en-scène. The best a film adaptation can hope for is that it’s deemed better than the rollercoaster, like Pirates of the Caribbean.

Actually, when you line them up, the film often leaves the book for dust. Would you rather slog through Peter Benchley’s Jaws (in which, boringly, the shark slowly succumbs to its wounds)? Or choose Mario Puzo’s The Godfather over Brando’s hamster-pouching charisma? Has any child ever laughed harder at Beatrix Potter’s finger-wagging tales than when James Corden’s Peter Rabbit pumped Mr McGregor with 10,000 volts?

And Tolkien fans might toss me into Mount Doom for saying this, but if you would rather digest marathon descriptions of irritatingly named dwarves, instead of being sprayed with the glorious multisensory spectacle of Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit, then God help you.

So, no, the written word is not always better than the silver screen. If you disagree, you can throw the book at me in the comments.

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