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design phd in germany


Promotionsstudiengang Kunst und Design mit dem Abschluss Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in den Schwerpunkten Kunst oder Design

design phd in germany

Promotion Dr. phil.

Die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar verleiht durch die Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung den akademischen Grad Doctor philosophiae (Dr. phil.)

Ph.D. programme and Dr. phil.

Working titles - journal for practice based research.

design phd in germany

Working Titles is an online journal for practice-based and led research initiated by students enrolled in the Ph.D. program Art and Design. By ‘working titles’ we hint at the journal’s main objectives: To serve as a platform for the presentation of research carried out through any practice – from oil painting to anarchist urban plumbing – and to facilitate self-publishing. Contributors submit their papers to a non-blind peer review by those they deem suitable, regardless of their academic affiliation, and based on friendship and trust.


design phd in germany

Disputation im Ph.D.-Programm am 9. Juli 2024

Disputation im promotionsverfahren am 4. juli 2024.

design phd in germany

Offene Sprechstunde für Bewerber*innen

Workshop / veranstaltungskalender der bauhaus research school, disputation im promotionsverfahren am 16. mai 2024, accessibility panel, simple language.

Information about the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in German.

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Universität der Künste Berlin

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Doctoral studies at the faculty of Design

For more information click here  to reach the german webpage. 

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Open StudyGuide

  • You can contact us via phone: +49 30 3185 1480
  • Information on opening hours (telephone and InfoPoint) can be found on the StudyGuide website https://www.udk-berlin.de/en/service/studyguide/

design phd in germany

Structured Doctoral Programs

Each of our structured doctoral programs offers a comprehensive and cross-disciplinary curriculum designed to help you realize your full potential and prepare for a successful career. The programs include innovative, personalized advising with regular progress checks, as well as extensive opportunities to broaden your research network and connect with peers in your field.

The University of Bonn offers a wide range of funding opportunities, which have been summarized for you on this page, divided into the following categories:

Bonn International Graduate Schools (BIGS)

Phd programs within our cluster of excellence.

  • Structured Doctoral Programs by Discipline 

Third-Party Funded Programs

Doctoral education at the highest level: BIGS enable doctoral studies in outstanding research contexts with attractive international collaborations and a qualification program tailored to the needs of graduate students.

Located at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics and supported by Germany’s Excellence Initiative, BIGS-M  is home to all of the University’s doctoral candidates in mathematics and contributes to Bonn’s excellent international reputation in the field.

BGSE offers a structured program that is tailored to the needs of doctoral candidates, including an internationally recognized research network.

Supported by Germany’s Excellence Initiative and jointly administered by the renowned Physics Institutes at the Universities of Bonn and Cologne, BCGS  offers doctoral studies through an integrated honors program.

Home to an international community of talented biomedical scientists, BIGS DrugS 6 6 is the hub for doctoral candidates from pharma research institutes within the University’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Faculty of Medicine.

BIGS-OAS offers a wide range of courses within a research context, focused on the cultures and societies of Asia and Asia Minor.

BIGS Neuroscience provides a top-level, internationally competitive program in this rapidly growing field.

BIGS CPS's interdisciplinary approach combines medical, agricultural and pharmaceutical research.

BIGS Chemistry 10 doctoral candidates enjoy an exceptional and ambitious program covering all fields of chemistry.

This three-year doctoral program  is offered in conjunction with the University’s ImmunoSensation Cluster, which is funded by Germany’s Excellence Initiative.

Part of the University of Bonn’s Center for Development Research, BIGS-DR   trains students for an international career in development cooperation, policy or research through a combination of academic study and intensive tutorship.

The BIGS Land and Food combines the research at the agricultural Faculty with an interdisciplinary study program.

Clusters of Excellence stand for international and interdisciplinary elite research and offer young scientists excellent funding and career conditions. The University of Bonn currently has six clusters of excellence, more than any other university in Germany, and thus opens up a broad spectrum of possible research topics to doctoral candidates. Here you will find an overview of the university's clusters of excellence.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.

PhD Programs within our Excellence Cluster

The goal of the Hausdorff Center of Mathematics is to identify and address mathematical challenges of the 21st century, to advance groundbreaking fundamental mathematical research worldwide, and to develop the mathematical methods and tools required by science and society.

Part of the Hausdorff Center is also a graduate school: The Bonn International Graduate School of Mathematics (BIGS-M) hosts all doctoral students of mathematics and contributes to the outstanding international reputation of the university in this field. The duration of the program is usually 3 years, and the doctorate (Dr. rer nat.) can be earned as a degree.

More information: https://www.bigs-math.uni-bonn.de/de/studies/ 14 15 15

ImmunoSensation2 aims to continue the success story of the existing ImmunoSensation cluster. While the emphasis so far has been on fundamental research in particular of the innate immune system, now the mechanisms of immune intelligence are to be uncovered, i.e. the question of how the body succeeds in adapting immune responses to specific situations and then remembers this in order to be optimally prepared for similar challenges in the future. The cluster's graduate school, the Bonn International Graduate School Immunosciences and Infection offers a structured, three-year doctoral program.

You can find further information about this program here: 


Until today, dependency studies has almost exclusively dealt with slavery on the American continent or in antiquity. The Cluster of Excellence "Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies (BCDSS)" aims to broaden this perspective in terms of content, space and time. Within the framework of the cluster, a structured doctoral program with a duration of 4 years is offered.

Further information can be found at:  https://www.dependency.uni-bonn.de/en 15 16

Over the last few decades, computer hardware has become smaller and smaller, but their technology remains more or less the same. Slowly, this development is reaching its limits.Thus, we need new technologies that satisfy our growing hunger for even more powerful hardware.

Quantum physics could be a solution.

Together with the University of Cologne and the RWTH Aachen, Bonn researchers want to work on making this new technology usable. To achieve this, quantum bits or even qubits - the quantum counterpart to our previous bits - quantum communication channels that build networks and error correction methods have to be explored from the ground up. As part of the Excellence Initiative, the Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy (BCGS) offers a doctoral program with an integrated honors program.

Further information can be found at:  http://www.gradschool.physics.uni-bonn.de/. 4 4

The ECONtribute researches the functioning of markets as well as reasons for their failure. In doing so, the cluster goes beyond traditional analyses by systematically combining model-based theoretical approaches and behavioral explanatory models while incorporating legal and political frameworks. Within the cluster, the Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) offers doctoral students a tailored structured doctoral program that includes an internationally recognized research network.

Further information can be found at:  https://www.bgse.uni-bonn.de. 3 3

Increasing agricultural production despite limited land while reducing the ecological footprint of agriculture - this is one of the challenges of our time. For this reason, the University of Bonn and Forschungszentrum Jülich are jointly developing methods and new technologies to observe, analyze, better understand and more specifically treat plants. The cluster's graduate school, the Theodor Brinkmann Graduate School, offers an interdisciplinary study program to master's students and doctoral candidates at the Faculty of Agriculture.

More information: https://www.phenorob.de/ .

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.

The Third-Party Funded Programs at the University of Bonn offer structured doctoral studies on selected research topics. They enable close networking among doctoral students conducting research on related topics.

Bonn International Graduate School of Mathematics (BIGS-M) 2 17 18 18 Located at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, BIGS-M provides an umbrella for all Bonn PhD students in mathematics. Thus, the BIGS-M contributes to the excellent national and international reputation of mathematics at Bonn.

Bonn International Graduate School Immunosciences and Infection The BIGS Immunosciences and Infection is a structured 3-year PhD program in conjunction with the ImmunoSensation Cluster/Bonn. The ImmunoSensation Cluster is part of the Excellence Strategy.

DFG Research Training Group "Gegenwart/Literatur. Geschichte, Theorie und Praxeologie eines Verhältnisses" (GRK 2291) [only in German] The Research Training group supported by the DFG  aims at the exploration and analysis of the constitutive dimensions of the concept of contemporary literature.  

DFG international Research Training Group "Myeloid antigen presenting cells and the induction of adaptive immunity" GRK (2168) 19 19 19 19 The DFG-funded project is a cooperation of the University of Bonn and the University of Melbourne. The principal research focus is the intersection between innate and adaptive immunity in the context of infection.

DFG Research Training Group  "The Macroeconomics of Inequality"  ( GRK 2281) 20 20 20 20 The research program focuses on the macroeconomic aspects of inequality, an aspect of first-order importance for society. 

DFG Research Training Group "Template-designed Organic Electronics (TIDE)" (GRK 2591) 21 21 21 The Graduate Program 'Template-Designed Optoelectronic Devices' (TIDE) aims to provide comprehensive doctoral education in the field of Organic Electronics (OE) to meet the requirements of highly qualified and multidisciplinary professionals. 

DFG Research Training Group "Tools and Drugs of the Future - Innovative Methods and New Modalities in Medicinal Chemistry" (GRK 2873) The goal of the RTG " Tools and Drugs of the Future" is to modernize medicinal chemistry and train a new generation of medicinal chemists and researchers at the interface with interconnected disciplines. In addition, the projects are intended to contribute to the development of new drug substances.

Integrated Research Training Group at the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Synaptic Micronetworks in Health and Disease" (SFB 1089) 22 22 27 27 Located at the newly inaugurated SFB 1089 on neuronal networks, the Integrated Research Training Group offers a structured graduate program for all doctoral researchers at the Centre.

Integrated Research Training Group at theDFG Collaborative Research Centre "Future Rural Africa" (SFB/TR 228) The integrated research group is investigating the relationship between land use change and shaping the future in rural Africa in a total of 14 subprojects.

Integrated Research Training Group at the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Open System Control of Atomic and Photonic Matter" (SFB/TR 185) 24 The collaborative research centre Oscar will explore the physics of open systems.

Integrated Research Training Group at the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Aortic Diseases" (SFB/TR 259) 25 The aim of this research initiative is to better understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms of resident and non-resident cells in aortic diseases.

Integrated Research Training Group at the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Regional Climate Change: Disentangling the Role of Land Use and Water Management" (SFB 1502) The SFB combines the strengths of the University of Bonn and its project partners to answer one of the most difficult questions in understanding climate change.

Integrated Research Training Group at the DFG Collaborative Research Centre "Brown and Beige Fat - Organ Crosstalk, Signaling and Energetics (BATenergy)" (SFB/TRR 333) The CRC investigates metabolism/diabetes and focusses on brown adipose tissue. 

One Health and Urban Transformation

The NRW Forschungskolleg One Health and Urban Transformation is a transdisciplinary graduate school that aims to find interventions to achieve optimal health for humans, animals, plants and the environment with a special focus on developments in NRW, Saõ Paulo, Accra and Ahmedabad.

International Max Planck Research School Moduli Spaces 27 27 In cooperation with the University of Bonn, the renowned Bonn Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics offers a PhD program with a special focus on the study of moduli.

International Max Planck Research School for Astronomy and Astrophysics 28 28 In cooperation between the Max-Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy and the Universities of Bonn and of Cologne, the Research School facilitates 3 years of PhD studies with a curriculum tailored to the individual student.

International Max Planck Research School for Brain and Behavior 29 The IMPRS for Brain & Behavior is a cooperation between the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior - caesar, the University of Bonn and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Bonn

International Max Planck Research School - Recharge IMPRS-RECHARGE focuses on interdisciplinary research between chemistry and physics with an emphasis on catalytic mechanisms, physical-chemical analysis and energy topics. Scientific challenges shall be looked at from different angles. Furthermore the combination of theory and practice is a vital aim of the IMPRS-RECHARGE.

Marie Curie Innovative Training Network "Macro and Microplastic in Agricultural Soil Systems“ (SOPLAS) The SOPLAS project will assemble a multidisciplinary team to study the nexus of plastic–agriculture–soil. It will also train a new generation of leading experts. The project aims to identify the plastic cycle within agricultural soil systems and support the development of environmental policies related to mitigating the impact of plastics. The findings will advance our knowledge about the sustainable use of plastics in European agriculture.

Marie Curie Innovative Training Network "Early Stage Researchers EDUCational Program on Factor VIII Immunogenicity“ (EDUC8 ) 32 37 The EDUC8 program is a multidisciplinary training program with exposure of the enrolled ESRs to a core common educational package and development of individual PhD researchprojects dedicated to decreasing the societal burden associated with the development of anti-FVIII antibodies in Europe.

Marie Curie Innovative Training Network "Research and Training in Early Life Nutrition to Prevent Disease" (GROWTH)

GROWTH is an Innovative Training Network that aims to train young business-oriented researchers in developing pathological insights, biomarker diagnostics and personalized nutritional interventions for intestinal failure in neonates and preterm infants.

Tools4Teams - "Research Training to Design and Implement Tools Supporting Safe Teamwork in Healthcare"

The Tools4Teams research project will prepare the next generation of teamwork experts to contribute new insights and smart technologies for safe and effective care. Tools4Teams brings together expertise from social and technical sciences, human-centered design, education, and clinical specialties.

Trinational Graduate College "Mass and Integration in Antique Societies" [in German/French] Supported by the Deutsch-Französische Hochschule since 2011, the tri-national Graduate School in Ancient History offers curriculum events in Bonn, Berne, and Strasbourg.

Structured Doctoral Programs by Discipline

Find the right structured doctoral program at the University of Bonn in your discipline here:

  • Cross-Disciplinary Options
  • Medicine and Life Sciences
  • Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • Agriculture


Faculties at the University of Bonn work together to design interdisciplinary programs that combine key perspectives and offer unique insights.

Cross-Disciplinary Programs

Bonn International Graduate School for Development Research (BIGS-DR) 42 Unique in Europe, BIGS-DR links perspectives from the Faculties of Philosophy, Agriculture, and Law and Economics – with an international focus.

Bonn International Graduate School of Neuroscience (BIGS Neuroscience) 8 8 A collaboration between the University’s Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, as well as external partners, BIGS Neuroscience offers a medical program alongside five research areas in medicine.

SciMed Doctoral College 43 42 The Doctoral College offers scientific training for students in medicine and dental medicine, leading to a dual Dr. med. and Dr. med. dent. degree.

Researchers at the University of Bonn explore a wide variety of issues in economics, including game theory, applied microeconomics, monetary and international macroeconomics, contract theory, labor economics and finance.

Economics Programs

Bonn Graduate School of Economics (BGSE) BGSE offers a structured program that is tailored to the needs of doctoral candidates, including an internationally recognized research network.

DFG Research Training Group "Die Macroeconomics of Inequality" (GRK 2281) The research program focuses on the macroeconomic aspects of inequality, an aspect of first-order importance for society. 

Law Programs

Graduate School of Law and Political Science Department of Law The Graduate School of the Faculty of Law and Political Science was founded in the summer semester of 2018 and supports the doctoral students in preparing their doctoral studies.

The University of Bonn’s Faculty of Medicine offers doctoral programs in medical biochemistry, neurosciences and pharmacology. With the exception of the SciMed Doctoral College, all programs are administered in cooperation with the University’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Cross-Disciplinary Program

SciMed Doctoral College The Doctoral College offers scientific training for students in medicine and dental medicine, leading to a dual Dr. med. and Dr. med. dent. degree.


Bonn International Graduate School of Neuroscience (BIGS Neuroscience) BIGS Neuroscience provides a top-level, internationally competitive program in this rapidly growing field.

Synaptic Micronetworks in Health and Disease (SFB 1089) Supported by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – DFG) collaborative research centers, this integrated research training group works to identify fundamental rules that govern neuronal behavior at the network level and translate network dynamics to mammalian and human behavior.

International Max Planck Research School for Brain and Behavior A joint venture of the University of Bonn, the Max-Planck-associated Center of Advanced European Studies and Research, the Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience, and Florida Atlantic University, this graduate school offers a complete doctoral and research program in the neurosciences.

Marie Curie Initial Training Network "modelling and pRedicting Human decision-making Using Measures of subconscious Brain processes through mixed reality interfaces and biOmetric signals" (RHUMBO) RHUMBO proposes using measures of subconscious brain processes through the use of mixed reality technologies (MRT) and advanced biometric signals processing as a new paradigm to improve the knowledge that implicit brain processes have in human decision-making.

Pharma Research

Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences (BIGS DrugS) Home to an international community of talented biomedical scientists, BIGS DrugS is the hub for doctoral candidates from pharma research institutes within the University’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Faculty of Medicine.

Bonn International Graduate School of Immunosciences and Infection

This three-year doctoral program is offered in conjunction with the University's ImmunoSensation Cluster , which is funded by Germany’s Excellence Initiative.

DFG Research Training Group "Myeloid antigen presenting cells and the induction of adaptive immunity" GRK (2168) The DFG-funded project is a cooperation of the University of Bonn and the University of Melbourne.

At the University of Bonn’s Faculty of Arts, you’ll find a highly international environment with students and researchers in a wide range of fields.

German Studies, Comparative Literature and Culture 

Structured Doctoral Program in German Studies (SPP) [website in German] Taught in German, the SPP supports doctoral candidates’ initiatives within the Institute for German, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies.

German-Italian Doctoral College [website in German] Taught in German, this three-year grant program provides structured doctoral studies for researchers in German and Italian, with time in both Bonn and Florence.

History and Ancient History 

Mass and Integration in Antique Societies [website in German and French] Supported by Franco-German University and taught in German and French, this trinational doctoral program includes study in Bonn; Berne, Switzerland; and Strasbourg, France.

Oriental and Asian Studies Bonn

International Graduate School of Oriental and Asian Studies (BIGS-OAS) BIGS-OAS offers a wide range of courses within a research context, focused on the cultures and societies of Asia and Asia Minor.

Romance Studies

Italian Studies [website in German and Italian] Offered in cooperation with the Universities of Florence and Paris-Sorbonne IV, this trinational doctoral program is taught in German and Italian.

Structured DPhil program at the Faculty of Arts The program supports qualified doctoral candidates from all disciplines in their doctoral projects. It provides the opportunity for networking, interdisciplinary exchange in diverse social sciences and humanities subjects, progress monitoring and financial support for travel, workshops or research funding as part of the doctorate.

European Founding Myths in Literature, Arts and Music [website in German, French and Italian] This trinational program is jointly organized by the Universities of Bonn, Florence and Paris-Sorbonne IV and taught in German, French and Italian.

Bonn International Graduate School for Development Research (BIGS-DR) Part of the University of Bonn’s Center for Development Research, BIGS-DR trains students for an international career in development cooperation, policy or research through a combination of academic study and intensive tutorship.

The University’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences offers numerous externally funded doctoral programs in areas including mathematics and informatics, physics, biology, pharmacology and molecular biomedicine.

Programs in neuroscience, pharma research, immunoscience, and infection and molecular biomedicine are offered in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine.


Bonn International Graduate School of Mathematics (BIGS-M) 2 2 Located at the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics, BIGS-M is home to all of the University’s doctoral candidates in mathematics and contributes to Bonn’s excellent international reputation in the field.

International Max Planck Research School on Moduli Spaces 53 53 This program includes courses, seminars and activities focused on the geometric spaces whose points represent fixed algebro-geometric objects (or isomorphism classes of such objects).

Physics und Astronomy

Bonn-Cologne Graduate School of Physics and Astronomy (BCGS) 4 4 Supported by Germany’s Excellence Initiative and jointly administered by the renowned Physics Institutes at the Universities of Bonn and Cologne, BCGS offers doctoral studies through an integrated honors program.

International Max Planck Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics 55 55 This program offers a broad spectrum of topics in observational and theoretical galactic and extragalactic astrophysics, observational and theoretical cosmology, and fundamental physics – using astronomical tools and instrumentation.

Leibniz Graduate School on Genomic Biodiversity Research Based at Bonn’s Alexander Koenig Research Museum, this school is focused primarily on insect genome evolution.

Bonn International Graduate School of Chemistry (BIGS Chemistry) 57 57 BIGS Chemistry offers an internationally competitive doctoral program and opportunities to perform cutting-edge research.


Bonn International Graduate School of Neuroscience (BIGS Neuroscience) 8 8 BIGS Neuroscience provides a top-level, internationally competitive program in this rapidly growing field.

Synaptic Micronetworks in Health and Disease (SFB 1089) 22 22 Supported by DFG collaborative research centers, this integrated research training group works to identify fundamental rules that govern neuronal behavior at the network level and translate network dynamics to mammalian and human behavior.

International Max Planck Research School for Brain and Behavior 29 29 The IMPRS for Brain & Behavior is a cooperation between the Max Planck Institute for Neurobiology of Behavior - caesar, the University of Bonn and the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Bonn.

Bonn International Graduate School of Drug Sciences (BIGS DrugS) 6 6 Home to an international community of talented biomedical scientists, BIGS DrugS is the hub for doctoral candidates from pharma research institutes within the University’s Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Faculty of Medicine.

BIGS Immunoscience and Infection A structured, three-year doctoral program, IITB is offered in conjunction with the ImmunoSensation Cluster at the University of Bonn.

Doctoral candidates in the field of agriculture may choose to study through the Faculty of Agriculture’s Theodor Brinkmann Graduate School or earn their degree through the University of Bonn’s Center for Development Research.

Agriculture Programs

Bonn International Graduate School for Land and Food (BIGS Land and Food)  Founded in 2008, the Brinkmann School is home to master's and doctoral candidates in the Faculty of Agriculture, combining research with an interdisciplinary study program.

Bonn International Graduate School for Development Research (BIGS-DR) 12 Part of the University of Bonn’s Center for Development Research 59 , BIGS-DR trains researchers for an international career in development cooperation, policy or research through a combination of academic study and intensive tutorship.

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Dr. Robert Radu

[email protected]

+49 228 73-60222

Poppelsdorfer Allee 47

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  • Tuesday 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.

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Graduate Center - LMU

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LMU Munich offers a broad range of doctoral programs  as well as some umbrella structures. In addition, the university cooperates with other institutions on a doctoral level.

For further information on the academic focus of a doctoral program as well as the application procedures and closing dates, please refer to the website of the specific program. If you have any questions on a specific program, please contact the coordinator / managing director of the respective program directly.

As an alternative to participating in a doctoral program, LMU Munich offers graduates the option to complete individual doctoral studies in more than 100 subjects. Doctoral candidates are also supervised within the framework of research projects , academic institutions and research networks .

Humanities and Cultural Studies

  • Cultures of Vigilance. Transformations – Spaces – Practices  (DFG: SFB 1369 - Integrated Research Training Group)
  • Doctoral Program Buddhist Studies
  • Doctoral Program Classical and Ancient Studies (PAW)
  • Doctoral Program Environment and Society
  • Doctoral Program Medieval and Renaissance Studies
  • Family Matters. Figures of Allegiance and Release  (DFG: Research Training Group 2845)
  • Graduate School Language & Literature: Class of Culture and History. American History – History of the Americas
  • Graduate School Language & Literature: Class of Language
  • Graduate School Language & Literature: Class of Language Education
  • Graduate School Language & Literature: Class of Literature
  • International Doctoral Program "Transformations in European Societies"
  • Munich Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies
  • Philology. Practices of Pre-modern Cultures, Global Perspectives and Future Concepts (Elite Network of Bavaria: International Doctoral Program)

Social Sciences and Economics

  • Doctoral Training Program in the Learning Sciences (DTP)
  • Munich Graduate School of Economics (MGSE)

Natural Sciences and Medicine

  • Advanced Medical Physics for Image-Guided Cancer Therapy (DFG: Research Training Group 2274)
  • Atherosclerosis – Mechanisms and Networks of Novel Therapeutic Targets (DFG: SFB 1123 - Integrated Research Training Group)
  • Cell-Fate Decisions in the Immune System (DFG: SFB 1054 - Integrated Research Training Group)
  • Chemical Biology of Epigenetic Modifications (DFG: SFB 1309 - Integrated Research Training Group)
  • Chromatin Dynamics (DFG: SFB 1064 - Integrated Research Training Group)
  • ConVeY - Continuous Verification of CYber-Physical Systems (DFG: Research Training Group 2428)
  • Doctoral Program Clinical Pharmacy
  • Doctoral Program "Infection Research on Human Pathogens@MvPI"
  • Graduate School Life Science Munich: From Molecules to Systems
  • Graduate School of Quantitative Biosciences Munich
  • Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences
  • Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Reliable AI (relAI) (DAAD)
  • Molecular Evolution in Prebiotic Environments (DFG: TRR 392 - Integrated Research Training Group)
  • Nanoagents for Spatiotemporal Control of Molecular and Cellular Reactions (DFG: SFB 1032 - Integrated Research Training Group)
  • Ph.D. Program Medical Research in Cardiovascular Science
  • Ph.D. Program Medical Research in Epidemiology & Public Health
  • Ph.D. Program Medical Research in Genomic and Molecular Medicine – Personalized Approaches to Childhood Health
  • Ph.D. Program Medical Research – International Health  (DAAD: exceed)
  • Ph.D. Program Oral Sciences
  • Predictors and Outcomes in Primary Depression Care  (DFG: Research Training Group 2621)
  • Statistics: Theory and Methods of Empirical Modelling
  • Targets in Toxicology – Deciphering Therapeutic Targets in Lung Toxicology (DFG: Research Training Group 2338)

Umbrella Structures and Networks

  • Graduate School Language & Literature Munich (GS L&L)
  • Munich Graduate School of Sociology (MuGSS)
  • Munich Medical Research School (MMRS)
  • Promovierenden-Gruppe am Historischen Seminar (PromoHist)

International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS) in which LMU Munich participates

  • IMPRS Biological Intelligence
  • IMPRS for Molecules of Life
  • IMPRS for Quantum Science and Technology
  • IMPRS for Translational Psychiatry
  • IMPRS on Advanced Photon Science
  • IMPRS on Astrophysics
  • IMPRS on Elementary Particle Physics

Max Planck Schools in which LMU Munich participates

  • Max Planck School Matter to Life
  • Max Planck School of Cognition
  • Max Planck School of Photonics

Helmholtz Graduate School in which LMU Munich participates

  • HELENA - Helmholtz Graduate School Environmental Health

Munich School for Data Science in which LMU Munich participates

  • MUDS – Munich School for Data Science

ENB Doctorate Program in which LMU Munich participates

  • Rethinking Environment: The Environmental Humanities and the Ecological Transformation of Society (Elite Network of Bavaria: International Doctorate Program)

BayWISS-Verbundkollegs in which LMU Munich participates

  • BayWISS-Kolleg Health
  • BayWISS-Kolleg Life Sciences and Green Technologies
  • BayWISS-Kolleg Sozialer Wandel

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN) in which LMU Munich participates

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Find your PhD position in Germany

Before you start your search ....

Before you start your search you should know that there are different PhD models:

  • Individual doctorate  or
  • Structured PhD programmes

What's the difference? Check out our  overview of the various ways to do your PhD in Germany  

Find your individual doctorate

Two young researchers are sitting on a lab desk listening to a standing professor and taking notes. The professor holds a molecular model in his hands.

The "traditional" or "individual" path to a PhD remains the most common in Germany. An individual doctorate involves a thesis or dissertation that is produced under the  supervision of one professor . This form of PhD study offers a great deal of  flexibility , but demands a high degree of  personal initiative  and responsibility.

How to find your PhD supervisor

In Germany there is no central admissions or selection office for doctoral students. Therefore, your first step is to find a suitable professor who is willing to be your supervisor.

One way to find a supervisor is to look for a university institute that matches your area of research. The following online search engines might help you find a suitable supervisor:

  • GERiT – German research institutions GERiT is a website containing information on approximately 29,000 research institutions in Germany. GERiT allows the user to search easily by location or subject. It provides all the information needed to choose an institution at which to research, study or do a doctorate. www.gerit.org
  • Finding a PhD position PhDGermany publishes PhD openings in Germany that specifically target international applicants. Accordingly, in most cases the working language is English. Fluent knowledge of German is only required for certain special positions. PhDGermany helps you find the right PhD opening or supervisor for your doctoral thesis and assists you with the online application process. www.phdgermany.de
  • Higher Education Compass   This database provides up-to-date information from universities about doctoral opportunities in Germany. The search engine enables you to carry out targeted searches on the basis of departments, admission requirements and form of doctoral thesis. www.higher-education-compass.de

Furthermore,  your contacts with your professors or previous university  could help direct you to a suitable department or potential supervisor in Germany.

It is also helpful to attend  academic conferences  in your own subject area. There you will be able to exchange information and make contacts ­– and perhaps even find a future PhD supervisor.

Find your structured PhD programme

Students are sitting in a modern study hall on red chairs at grey desks.


Structured PhD programmes in Germany are frequently very similar to the PhD programmes in English-speaking countries, in which a  team of supervisors  look after a  group of doctoral students . Around 12,000 doctoral students from abroad – roughly one in four – do their PhDs in structured programmes. As a rule, it is possible to complete a doctorate in four to five years.

Where to find your PhD programme

There is no central database of all structured PhD programmes in Germany. You can usually find these programmes directly through the respective universities, graduate schools or non-university research institutions. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) database is also a good place to look. Here you will find a large number of PhD programmes that are specially aimed at international doctoral students.

International doctoral programme database

Are you interested in an international doctoral programme in Germany? This DAAD database presents a selection of roughly 230 international doctoral programmes in Germany. The database can be searched according to different criteria.  www.daad.de/international-programmes 

Doctoral programmes at universities

Many universities offer structured doctoral programmes, which they publicise on their websites. The Student Advisory Service or Graduate Centre at the respective university will also provide help here. You can find the relevant addresses using the Higher Education Compass provided by the German Rectors’ Conference. www.higher-education-compass.de

​​​​​​​DFG-funded research training groups

Research training groups are also funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation, DFG) for a period of up to nine years. Their key emphasis is on the qualification of doctoral researchers within the framework of a focused research programme and a structured training strategy. www.dfg.de > Current Research Training Groups

Helmholtz Research Schools, Colleges and Graduate Schools

The Helmholtz Association is Germany’s largest scientific organisation. In collaboration with various institutions of higher education, Helmholtz Association research centres have established structured PhD programmes under the auspices of Helmholtz Graduate Schools, Helmholtz Research Schools and Colleges.  www.helmholtz.de > PhD Candidates 

Leibniz Graduate Schools

The Leibniz Association connects 97 research institutes that conduct problem-oriented research and provide scientific infrastructure of national and international importance. Together with universities they run structured PhD programmes in Leibniz Graduate Schools. www.leibniz-association.eu > Leibniz Graduate Schools

International Max Planck Research Schools

The Max Planck Society specialises in innovative basic research and its institutes are able to offer up-and-coming researchers excellent infrastructure and support. The website lists the programmes available at International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS):  www.mpg.de > International Max Planck Research Schools  

Max Planck Schools

In Germany, the best researchers in a specific field are often work at different universities and non-university research institutions spread throughout the country. The Max Planck Schools serve as hubs which gather this distributed knowledge. Here, the brightest minds in their fields have come together from within the scientific community to interconnect in faculties made up of active researchers. Students gain access to these unique networks, learn in close personal exchange from leaders in their fields and their peers, and enjoy access to outstanding infrastructure. Currently, three Schools are operating in the fields of Cognition, Matter to Life, and Photonics. www.maxplanckschools.de

Where can I find out about requirements?

Application procedures  differ from programme to programme . The precise requirements and deadlines can be found on the website of the respective university, research training group or graduate school. You should therefore first choose a PhD programme and/or graduate school.

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PhDGermany database

Find a selection of open PhD positions in Germany in the PhDGermany database!

Search PhD offers

You've found the position you want to apply for, but how does applying to a potential supervisor or structured PhD programme work in Germany? Find out more here.

DAAD/Jan Zappner

We help you navigate through the large number of job portals that specialise in openings for academics and scientists. These are some of the sites that may get you started.

DAAD/Uta Konopka

The cover of the brochure "Doing a PhD in Germany". It depicts a graduation cap and a diploma. On the bottom left there is the logo of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. On the bottom right is the logo of "Research in Germany"

Check out our brochure

Doing a phd in germany (2019, 40 pages).

This booklet for (prospective) international doctoral students presents the different options for doing a doctorate in Germany. It explains the formal requirements and gives some practical advice on finding the right supervisor or doctoral programme. It also outlines different sponsorship and funding options.

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Doing a PhD in Germany

Ceremonie to get PhD

Germany’s reputation as an outstanding research destination continues to attract the world’s finest minds. In 2014 an incredible Number of 85,000 people chose Germany to write their dissertations or join one of our growing number of doctoral research teams. Discover your best route to a PhD in Germany, including financing options and advice on how to prepare for your research stay.

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Studying in Germany

How to Apply for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding, & FAQs

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Germany is an excellent destination for both young and experienced researchers. 

The European country is third behind the U.S. and China for research & development expenditure . Plus, it is home to some of the most prestigious (and affordable!) research universities in the world.

If you’re considering doing a PhD in Germany, you will need to follow these steps:

The main steps to doing a PhD in Germany:

  • Find a PhD Program and a Supervisor
  • Decide Between Individual and Structured PhD Programs
  • Meet All Requirements & Prepare Your Application
  • Apply for Doctoral Studies
  • Secure Funding
  • Get a Student Visa or Resident Permit
  • Arrive in Germany and Begin Your PhD Program

Why Pursue a PhD in Germany?

If you’re not yet sure if you should choose Germany for your PhD studies, here are some compelling reasons why you should consider it:

  • Top-tier universities. Four German universities are ranked in the top 100 global universities, and many more are in the top 200.
  • Large international student community. Germany welcomes a diverse and thriving international student community. Over 458,210 international students are currently studying in the country.
  • Quality research institutions. There are over a thousand publicly funded research institutions (universities, universities of applied sciences, research institutes, businesses, and government bodies) that you can choose from in Germany.
  • High investment in research and development. Germany’s public expenditure in the research and development sector reached a record high of 112.6 billion euros in 2021.
  • Strong economy. Germany is known for its strong and stable economy. After completing your PhD, there are plenty of employment opportunities in the academic, business, and research sectors.

How to Apply for a PhD in Germany

From finding the perfect program for you to submitting your application and starting your PhD, here are all the steps you need to take:

Important Tip: To Maximize Your Chances of Getting Your German Student Visa You Should Use a Blocked Account as Proof of Financial Resources.

A blocked account is a special type of bank account , to prove you have enough funds to live in Germany for one year.

As of 2024, as a foreigner in Germany you need a minimum of €934 euros per month for living expenses. So, you are required to have a total of €11,208 in your bank account before you apply for a German internship visa.

Click here to learn more about the German Blocked Account

1. Find a PhD Program and a Supervisor

After all the years of studying leading up to this step, you most likely have a few areas of interest you want to do your research in.

This is the first important step: define your research focus by considering your interests and academic background. If you need more help, you can consult online resources from research universities. Or, even better, you can discuss your decision to pursue a PhD with academic communities online or offline and seek advice from current PhD students in Germany who can tell you more about their individual experiences.

If you already know what your research direction is, you can begin searching for suitable programs right ahead. 

  • The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has an extensive list of current opportunities, which you can look up at the  DAAD PhD Database . 
  • Another option is to research universities in Germany individually to find the newest opportunities and offerings at each institution.

You will also have to find a supervisor. The best way to do this is to go to university websites and find faculty directories with profiles of professors and their research fields/current projects. Contact professors whose work aligns with your interests via email to inquire about supervision opportunities.

> Search PhD programs from 31,000 research institutions listed on the GERiT database .

Types of PhD Programs in Germany

There are two different paths you can take when pursuing a PhD: individual PhD programs and structured PhD programs. Each comes with its own set of advantages and requirements.

Individual doctorates are the most common and what is considered the more ‘traditional’ PhD route in Germany, especially in humanities and social sciences. 

They are flexible and you’re expected to take charge of your work. You are responsible for finding your supervisor (“Doktorvater” or “Doktormutter”) and proposing your research topic.

These programs don’t have a fixed curriculum, so you’ll have plenty of freedom to design your research timeline and choose the coursework you like. 

To succeed, you need a lot of self-discipline and to actively network, be it in doctoral candidate meetings or events related to your research.

Structured PhD programs are ideal for people who want a clear path to completing this degree, although they’re not as common in Germany.

It usually takes three to five years to complete a structured PhD path. 

They are called such because they include a curriculum and research proposal that has to fit an existing project, within a set timeline for coursework and research.

Candidates work under the supervision of an advisor and collaborate with peers from different disciplines to get the best possible results.

2. Verify That You Meet All Requirements & Prepare the Application

Requirements and application documents to apply for a PhD in Germany are specific to the institution and research area you’re applying to. But, as a general guideline, you should prepare the following:

  • Academic degree recognized in Germany. You need a master’s degree or a German state examination (Staatsexamen) in a field relevant to the PhD program to qualify.
  • Copy of master’s thesis. Submit a copy of your master’s thesis. The work should demonstrate your research skills and the depth of your academic work.
  • Research proposal. Craft a clear and detailed research proposal that includes your intended research topic, objectives, methodology, and significance. 
  • Statement of purpose. Write a statement of purpose why you want to do a PhD in your chosen field, your academic and career goals, and how this program aligns with them.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV). Prepare a detailed CV highlighting your academic achievements, research experience, relevant coursework, publications, and any other qualifications.
  • Proof of language proficiency. Depending on the language of instruction, you may have to provide proof of language proficiency in English and/or German. You can do this with certificates like TestDaF and DSH for German or TOEFL and IELTS for English. Proof of previous studies in the language is also sufficient.
  • Academic references. Provide contact information or recommendation letters from professors/ academic advisors who can attest to your academic abilities and potential.
  • Predoctoral examination. Some programs ask that you pass a predoctoral examination as part of the application process.

3. Apply for Doctoral Studies

After finding a suitable PhD program and mentor, and making sure your academic qualifications are recognized, you can send in your application.

You can send in your application online or by post, depending on the hosting institution’s preferences. To make sure, check their guidelines and specifications. Admission committees are selective, so you may also have to attend an interview soon in the application process.

4. Secure Funding

You must demonstrate access to a minimum of €992 per month (€11,908 per year) to meet visa requirements and live comfortably while you’re in Germany. You can prove this through an admission agreement or relevant PhD contract, or you can open a blocked account with individual funds.

There are many ways to support yourself financially while pursuing a PhD in Germany:

  • PhD scholarships. DAAD offers the highest number of doctoral scholarships. PhD students get an average monthly stipend of €1,139. 
  • Paid PhD positions. Many universities and research institutions offer paid PhD positions in Germany. You will work on specific research projects on a contract and receive a salary.
  • Research associate positions. You can also work as a research associate in a university, research institution, or company and receive a salary as compensation.
  • Part-time jobs. Some PhD students/researchers work part-time jobs that are not related to their studies for extra income.

> Read more about the costs of studying in Germany.

> Discover PhD scholarships in Germany.

5. Get a Student Visa or Resident Permit

If the institution confirms your place in the PhD program, next in line is applying for a student visa or residence permit. The requirements for a German PhD visa or permit can vary depending on your nationality and circumstances: 

Visa Requirements

If you’re a citizen of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA), or Switzerland, you don’t need a special permit or visa for a PhD in Germany. You can enter the country for research and work purposes with a valid passport or ID card.

Otherwise, you will need a visa and/or a residence permit to do your PhD in Germany. Nationals of some countries, including the United States, Australia, Israel, Japan, and Korea, don’t need a visa but must apply for a residence permit.

Depending on the circumstances, you need one of the following visas:

  • Study visa. If you’re pursuing a full-time doctoral program.
  • Research visa. If your focus is on research and you have a formal affiliation with a research institution in Germany.
  • EU Blue Card. If your PhD contract pays a gross annual salary of at least €45,300 (or €41,041.80 in certain professions), you can apply for an EU Blue Card . This is a special residence title for international academics and other professionals.

Residence Permit Requirements

If you come to Germany on a visa, you will need to apply for a residence permit within three months of arrival. This also applies to nationals of countries outside the EU, EEA, and Switzerland who are exempt from the visa requirement.

You can apply for one of the following residence permits:

  • Study permit. If you’re accepted into a PhD program at a German university, apply for a study-based residence permit. It lasts up to two years, extendable.
  • Research permit. If you’re a researcher with the right qualifications for doctoral programs, apply for a research permit. This requires a contract with a research institution for your project.
  • EU Blue Card. With a PhD offer that has a minimum salary of €45,300 per year, or €41,041.80 for some bottleneck professions , you may be eligible for the EU Blue Card. Apply for this permit if you meet the criteria.

> For more specific information tailored to your situation, we recommend contacting the German embassy or consulate in your home country. You can also use this visa navigator.

6. Arrive in Germany and Begin Your PhD Program

The most exciting step of all is near—time to unpack your bags and begin your life as a PhD student or researcher in Germany. Once you’re settled in, there are some formalities you need to take care of.

The international office at the university or another representative can guide you best on this. However, here are some of the main things you need to do once you arrive in Germany:

Register Your Residence

Shortly after your arrival, you must register your residence at the local registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt or Bürgeramt). This is mandatory, and you typically have a window of two weeks to complete this process. 

Get Health Insurance

Everyone in Germany is required by law to have health insurance coverage. This includes international PhD students. Depending on the source of your funding, you are eligible for one of the following health insurance coverages: 

  • Doctoral candidates with an employment contract are automatically insured with a state-regulated health insurance provider (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung-GKV) in most cases.
  • Doctoral candidates without an employment contract (with a fellowship or private funding) can choose between:
  • Voluntary health insurance coverage with a state-regulated provider.
  • Coverage with a private health insurance company.

There are some exceptions in which you can use your insurance from your home country. These apply to students from a European Union (EU) country or other countries with social security agreements with Germany.

Open a Bank Account 

You should open a German bank account as soon as possible. Most financial transactions in Germany, including receiving your stipend or salary, are done through a German bank account.

Enroll at the University

If your PhD program is part of a university degree, you need to enroll as a student at the university. Follow your university’s instructions to submit the necessary documents to the enrollment office. These usually include your admission letter, passport, proof of health insurance, and semester fee.

After you complete this process, you will receive an Enrollment Certificate (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung). This is a very important document that you most likely need in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

There’s a lot of planning involved if you’re considering doing a PhD, especially if it’s in a foreign country. We’re sure you’ve got more questions, and we’re here to help.

How Long Does It Take to Get a PhD in Germany?

A PhD in Germany usually takes between three to six years to complete. Just like in other countries, it can take longer or shorter than expected, depending on several factors. The type of PhD you choose (structured programs can be more rigid), your subject area, and individual progress can all make a difference in the time it takes to get a PhD in Germany.

Are PhD Programs in Germany Tuition-Free?

The majority of PhD programs in Germany are tuition-free, at least for the first six semesters. However, if need to enroll at a university for your PhD, there is a small semester fee you need to cover. The fee can be higher or lower depending on the university, but it usually falls within the range of €100 to €350.

Is German Mandatory to Pursue a PhD in Germany?

You don’t necessarily have to know German to do a PhD in Germany. In fact, most PhD programs in Germany are in English, especially in fields such as science, engineering, and humanities. In these programs, you can both write your thesis and communicate with your advisor and peers in English.

There is of course the chance that the program you’ve chosen is in German or requires knowledge of German (in most cases, in addition to English). In this case, you have to prove your proficiency through a recognized language certificate or proof of previous studies in German.

Even if German isn’t mandatory, we strongly encourage you to learn the basics. They will be super helpful in daily interactions and getting accustomed to life in Germany.

How Much Does a PhD Student Earn in Germany?

Most PhD candidates in Germany receive financial support in the form of a salary or grant. This includes candidates affiliated with universities, research institutes, or company collaborations.

The majority of doctoral positions are structured under either the Collective Agreement for Civil Service TVöD (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst or the Collective Agreement for the Civil Service of Individual Federal States TV-L (Tarifvertrag der Länder). Since universities are funded by their respective federal government, if your PhD is affiliated with one, your salary will be structured under the TV-L.

Doctoral positions fall within the TV-L 13 category, with a salary range spanning from €4,188 (Tier 1) to €6,037 (Tier 6). The difference between the tiers (Stufe) depends on prior experience in the field. If you don’t have any research experience, you will fall under Tier 1 and progress to the other tiers throughout your PhD.

Your salary will ultimately be determined based on a wage agreement that specifies the contract tier (Stufe) and working hours (percentage-based). Many entry-level PhD students start with tier 1 contracts that are not full-time. For example, if your contract places you in Pay Group E-13 Tier 1 of the TV-L and you work at 75% capacity, your monthly gross salary will be €3,141.

> Learn more about pay ranges for PhD students using this convenient calculator .

Can I Work While Pursuing a PhD in Germany?

Part-time work is an option in most cases unless it’s strictly stated otherwise in your contract. Whether or not you are allowed to work on the side as a PhD in Germany depends on the working hours stated in your PhD contract, supervisor, and other specific circumstances. 

However, since the PhD is considered a job in itself, it’s usually frowned upon to have a side hustle. Even if you have a 50% contract, a PhD is demanding and requires long hours of work and research. If you choose to work on the side, make sure to find the right balance between work and your PhD commitments. To be on the safe side, it’s best to talk to your supervisor and go over all the legal and contractual obligations related to your PhD.

What Is the Process for Defending a PhD Thesis in Germany?

Here are the main steps to defending your PhD thesis in Germany:

  • Submit your thesis. The first step is submitting submit your thesis and supporting documents in adherence to all the formal requirements. A commission will be formed, and in some cases, you can suggest reviewers.
  • Oral defense. The next step is preparing and undergoing an oral defense, which can take between 30 minutes to 2 hours. During this time, you will present your research and discuss it with the committee. The defense can be either public or private.
  • Receive the title and publish your work. The outcome of the discussion determines your final grade, to be received after the defense. If everything goes well, you’re granted the Ph.D. title and have about two years to publish your dissertation.

What Are the Career Prospects Like After Doing a PhD in Germany?

Career prospects after a PhD in Germany are quite promising. 

The most common paths for PhD holders in Germany are either in academia as professors or post-doctorate researchers or in industry positions. 

Technology, healthcare, and finance, in particular, are some of the most in-demand industries in Germany. The country’s strong economy and research-oriented environment make it an attractive place to develop your career.

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Quick Links

  • 8 Steps to Study in Germany
  • German Education System
  • Requirements
  • Universities in Germany
  • International Programmes
  • Funding Your Education
  • German Student Visa
  • German Health Insurance
  • Germany Blocked Account
  • Learn German Guide
  • Cost of Living

Latest News and Statistics

German universities receive €220 million to improve international mobility for students & staff, german universities registered 9% increase in guest students in winter semester 2023/24, bachelor students in germany more likely to drop out within first academic year, higher education in germany: key trends & statistics, new study reveals high level of satisfaction among students at german universities.

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Doctorate at the Technical University of Munich

Doctoral candidates at TUM work on challenging academic questions, and are supported by prominent researchers. TUM Graduate School encourages an environment in which academic knowledge and professional qualification are perfectly interwoven. On the following pages, you will find all the information you need about doing a doctorate at TUM.

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Doctoral degree programs

The University of Stuttgart has graduate schools, PhD research groups, and doctoral degree programs in an interdisciplinary research environment for doctoral researchers from Germany and abroad.

The University of Stuttgart offers multiple structured programs leading to a doctoral degree in a variety of subjects. Please refer to the respective homepages of individual programs to find out how to apply.

Cooperative doctoral degree programs Thanks to the University of Stuttgart’s cooperation with both post-secondary technical schools (universities of applied sciences that lack the right to confer doctorates) and with private sector companies, students in cooperative doctoral degree programs get an excellent scientific education with strong practical relevance. As a student in one of these programs, you will have two supervisors, one from the University and one other from the technical school or business enterprise.

Doctoral Degree Programs

Cooperative doctoral degree programs.

Engineering and Natural Sciences

  • German-French doctoral student research group: Analyse intelligenter Systeme unter Berücksichtigung von Mehrfeldkopplungen
  • Doctoral student research group: Aerothermodynamic design of a scramjet propulstion system for future space transportation systems
  • Graduate School: Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME)
  • Graduate School: Simulation Technology (SimTech)
  • Graduiertenkolleg: Intelligent Methods for Test and Reliability (GS-IMTR)
  • International doctoral degree studies program: Environment Water (ENWAT)
  • Integrated doctoral student program: CRC/TRR Biological Design and Integrative Structures
  • Integrated doctoral student program: Interface-Driven Multi-Field Processes in Porous Media (IRTG-IMPM)
  • International Research Training Group: Droplet Interaction Technologies (DROPIT)
  • Graduate and Research School: Efficient Use of Energy Stuttgart (GREES)
  • Research Training Group 2543: Intraoperative Multisensoric Tissue Differentiation in Oncology

Completed projects

  • Doctoral student research group: Non-linearities and upscaling in porous media (NUPUS)
  • Graduate School  KIC InnoEnergy , a European consortium for promoting sustainable energy supply that has some 160 partners from industry, universities, research facilites and business schools. The University of Stuttgart is one of its founding members.
  • Doctoral degree studies research group: HYBRID (University of Stuttgart, Esslingen University, Daimler AG, Robert Bosch GmbH)
  • Doctoral degree studies research group: PROMISE 4.0 – Intelligent production systems and methods in the Industry 4.0 context for smaller and mid-size enterprises (University of Stuttgart, Esslingen University, Aalen University, Heilbronn University) (in formation).
  • Doctoral degree studies research group: Windy Cities (University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart Technology University, Esslingen University)
  • Doctoral degree studies research group: Robert Bosch Center for Power Electronics
  • Doctoral degree studies research group: Services Computing (University of Stuttgart, Reutlingen University)
  • Doctoral degree studies research group: Soft Tissue Robotics (University of Stuttgart, University of Auckland)  

Media studies

  • Doctoral degree studies research group:  Digital Media (University of Stuttgart, University of Tübingen, Stuttgart Media University)

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  • Study for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding & Opportunities
  • International

When considering a  PhD in Germany , you’ll encounter a diverse and globally recognised academic environment rich in opportunities for research and academic growth. To apply, you’ll typically need a Master’s degree or equivalent , and language requirements vary by program. Germany offers internationally-oriented  structured PhD programs , which last three years and include compulsory units for ECTS credits. You’ll work closely with a PhD supervisor and research training group. As an international candidate, you’ll find various  scholarships and grants  to support your studies. With tuition fees waived at  public universities  and diverse PhD programs often taught in English, Germany provides an ideal destination to study abroad.

Key Takeaways

  • Applying for a PhD in Germany requires a minimum of eight semesters of academic study, usually a Master’s degree or equivalent.
  • Language prerequisites for PhD programs in Germany vary, but many are taught in English, especially structured programs.
  • Financial support options include DAAD grants, stipendiums, and research positions at universities, which cover living expenses and provide income.
  • Structured PhD programs in Germany last typically three years and involve compulsory units for ECTS credits.
  • International students without a Master’s degree may be admitted with a Bachelor’s degree in exceptional cases.

Why Undertake a PhD in Germany?

Germany offers many compelling reasons to pursue a PhD:

  • High-quality research and education : German universities and research institutions have an outstanding reputation globally, providing access to cutting-edge research facilities and expertise across various disciplines.
  • No tuition fees : Most public universities in Germany do not charge tuition fees for PhD students, regardless of nationality, making it an affordable option for international students.
  • Excellent funding opportunities : There are numerous scholarships and funding programs available for PhD students in Germany. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) alone supports over 4,000 international doctoral students annually.
  • Strong industry connections : Germany has a robust research ecosystem with close ties between academia and industry. Many PhD programs offer collaborations with companies, providing valuable experience and potential career opportunities.
  • International environment : German universities welcome international researchers, creating a diverse and multicultural academic community. PhD theses and dissertations can often be written in English.
  • Career prospects : A German PhD is highly respected globally and can lead to excellent career opportunities in academia, international research institutions, or industry. Many PhD graduates find employment in Germany’s thriving industrial sector, making it a favourable place to work in Germany post-study.
  • Work-life balance : PhD students in Germany typically receive employment contracts with benefits such as health insurance, pension contributions, and vacation days.
  • Research freedom : Germany values academic freedom highly, with constitutional protection for research and scientific pursuits.
  • European mobility : As a PhD student in Germany, you can easily travel to other European Union countries for research or study purposes.
  • Cultural experience : Germany offers a rich cultural landscape, high quality of life, and relatively moderate living costs compared to other developed countries.

In short, Germany provides an ideal environment for pursuing a PhD, combining academic excellence, affordability, strong funding support, and promising career prospects in both academia and industry.

design phd in germany

What is it like to study and live in Germany as a research student?

Academic environment.

The research culture in Germany places a strong emphasis on independent research and critical thinking, with high expectations for original contributions to your field. Students regularly participate in seminars and colloquia to present and discuss their ongoing research. Supervision tends to be less structured than in some other countries, with regular meetings with supervisors but an expectation that students will take significant initiative in their work. Being part of a research group often offers additional opportunities for collaboration.

German universities are well-equipped with extensive digital resources and state-of-the-art laboratories. Students also have numerous opportunities to attend and present at international conferences. While many PhD programs, especially in STEM fields, are conducted in English, learning German can greatly enhance your overall experience and career prospects.

Day-to-Day Life

Germany is known for valuing a healthy work-life balance. PhD students typically work 38-40 hours per week and enjoy generous vacation time, usually around 30 days per year. Most PhD students live in shared apartments (WGs) or student dormitories, with rent in major cities ranging from €300 to €800 per month. The country boasts excellent public transportation systems, and many students use bicycles for daily commuting. Often, a student ID includes a public transport ticket for the local area.

The social life for students in Germany is vibrant, with active student communities organising regular events and activities. There are numerous opportunities to join sports clubs, cultural groups, and student organisations, along with international student networks that offer support and socialising opportunities.

Financial Aspects

Many PhD positions in Germany are funded, providing a salary rather than requiring tuition payments. Typical monthly salaries range from €1,500 to €2,500 before taxes. Additional funding opportunities are available through scholarships and research grants. Average monthly expenses, including rent, range from €850 to €1,000, and health insurance, which is mandatory, costs around €80 to €100 per month. Students can also take advantage of various discounts for cultural activities and museums.

Support Services

German universities offer robust support services for abroad students. International offices assist with visa processes, accommodation, and integration, providing orientation programs and language courses. Career services offer guidance on job searching and career development, organising career fairs and networking events. Mental health support and counseling services are also available, ensuring access to quality healthcare through the German health insurance system.

Challenges and Opportunities

While navigating German bureaucracy can be challenging, patience and attention to detail can help manage administrative processes. Initial culture shock is common but typically subsides over time, offering the opportunity to experience German culture and traditions firsthand. Building an international network of researchers and professionals is a significant benefit, with potential collaborations with industry partners. The strong job market for PhD graduates, especially in STEM fields, is an added advantage, and the option to stay in Germany for job searching after graduation (with an 18-month visa extension) provides further opportunities.

The Two Paths to a PhD in Germany

In Germany, doctoral candidates can choose between Individual Doctorates and Structured PhD Programs. The Individual Doctorate remains the most common path, chosen by over 75% of doctoral students, while Structured PhD Programs are gaining popularity, especially among international students, with about 25% opting for this route.

Individual Doctorates: Flexibility and Independence

Supervision and Structure : Individual Doctorates are characterised by their flexibility and self-directed nature. Candidates are supervised by a single professor, known as the Doktorvater or Doktormutter, and the research process is highly flexible. This approach demands a high degree of personal initiative and responsibility, with no fixed curriculum or mandatory coursework.

Research Focus and Duration : In this model, candidates often propose their own research topics, enjoying greater freedom in choosing their research direction and methodology. The duration of an Individual Doctorate typically spans 5-6 years, though there’s no strict timeframe as it depends on individual progress and the specific research project.

Funding and Employment : Individual Doctorate candidates often work as part-time research associates at universities. However, they may need to secure their own funding or scholarships, which requires proactive effort on the part of the doctoral student.

Structured PhD Programs: Guidance and Collaborative Learning

Supervision and Structure : Structured PhD Programs offer a more defined approach to doctoral studies. Candidates are supervised by a team of advisors and follow a predefined curriculum. This model includes regular progress checks, guidance, and mandatory coursework, seminars, and colloquia.

Research Focus and Duration : Research topics in Structured PhD Programs often align with existing program themes or research groups, and candidates may be part of larger research projects or collaborations. These programs are usually completed in 3-4 years, following a more defined timeline due to their structured nature.

Funding and Additional Benefits : Structured PhD Programs often come with funding or stipends and may offer more opportunities for paid doctoral positions. They also provide training in academic and scientific methods, as well as opportunities to develop soft skills such as presentation techniques.

Comparing the Two Approaches

International Orientation : While Individual Doctorates can be conducted in German or other languages depending on the field and supervisor, Structured PhD Programs often have a strong international orientation and frequently use English as the primary language.

Networking and Collaboration : Structured PhD Programs offer extensive opportunities to broaden research networks and encourage collaboration with peers and interdisciplinary work. In contrast, networking in Individual Doctorates depends largely on individual initiative, with fewer built-in opportunities for peer collaboration.

Entry Requirements for undertaking a PhD in Germany

The entry requirements for undertaking a PhD in Germany are generally similar for both home and international students, with some additional steps for international applicants.

Here are the specific requirements:

General Requirements for All Applicants

  • A master’s degree or equivalent (e.g., German Staatsexamen) in a relevant field
  • Strong academic record, typically with a GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Research Proposal : A detailed outline of your intended research topic , objectives, methodology, and significance
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) : Highlighting academic achievements, research experience, publications, and relevant qualifications
  • Statement of Purpose : Explaining your motivation for pursuing a PhD , academic goals, and how the program aligns with your objectives
  • Academic References : Letters of recommendation or contact information for professors/advisors who can attest to your academic abilities
  • Master’s Thesis : A copy of your master’s thesis or equivalent research work
  • For German-taught programs: TestDaF or DSH certificates
  • For English-taught programs: TOEFL or IELTS scores
  • Interview : Many programs include an interview stage

Additional Requirements for International Students

  • Qualification Recognition : Ensure your foreign degree is recognised in Germany. You may need to submit your credentials to uni-assist for evaluation
  • Visa Application : Apply for a student visa at the German embassy in your home country
  • Health Insurance : Obtain valid health insurance coverage for Germany
  • Residence Permit : Apply for a residence permit for study upon arrival in Germany

Application process for applying to a PhD in Germany

The application process for a PhD degree in Germany can vary depending on whether you’re pursuing an individual doctorate or a structured PhD program, and whether you’re a home or international student.

Here are the key steps and requirements:

General Application Process

  • Choose your path : Decide between an individual doctorate (traditional route) or a structured PhD program.
  • A master’s degree or equivalent in a relevant field
  • Strong academic record (typically a GPA of 3.0 or higher)
  • Proficiency in English and/or German, depending on the program
  • For individual doctorates, contact potential supervisors directly
  • For structured programs, search for openings at universities or research institutions
  • Curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Copy of your master’s degree certificate
  • Master’s thesis (or a copy)
  • Research proposal
  • Statement of purpose
  • Academic references
  • Language proficiency certificates (e.g., TestDaF, DSH for German; TOEFL, IELTS for English)
  • Follow the specific guidelines of the university or program
  • Applications may be submitted online or by post
  • Many programs, especially structured ones, include an interview stage
  • This may be in person or via video conference

Considerations for International Students

International students face some additional steps and requirements:

  • Qualification recognition : Ensure your foreign degree is recognised in Germany. You may need to submit your credentials to uni-assist for evaluation.
  • Provide proof of German proficiency (TestDaF or DSH) for German-taught programs
  • For English-taught programs, submit TOEFL or IELTS scores
  • Apply for a student visa at the German embassy in your home country
  • You’ll need an admission letter from a German university
  • Health insurance : Obtain valid health insurance coverage for Germany
  • Residence permit : Apply for a residence permit for study purposes upon arrival in Germany. This typically lasts for two years and is extendable.

Application Process for Structured PhD Programs

Structured programs often have a more formalised application process:

  • Check for specific application deadlines, which may occur once or twice a year
  • Submit initial application materials online
  • Visits to the institution
  • Meetings with potential supervisors and current students
  • A short presentation of your previous research
  • A panel interview

Application Process for Individual Doctorates

For individual doctorates, the process is more flexible:

  • Identify a potential supervisor whose research aligns with your interests
  • Contact the professor directly with a brief inquiry
  • If the professor expresses interest, submit a full application including your research proposal
  • The professor may invite you for an interview or further discussion
  • If accepted, you’ll need to formally enroll at the university

Remember that the specific requirements and processes can vary between universities and programs. Always check the official website of the institution you’re applying to for the most up-to-date and accurate information.

PhD in Germany

Typical Cost of a PhD in Germany

The costs of pursuing a PhD in Germany are generally similar for both home and international students, with a few key differences:

Tuition Fees

  • Most public universities in Germany charge no tuition fees for PhD students, regardless of nationality
  • There is a small semester contribution (administrative fee) of up to €300 per semester for all students, which typically covers student services and public transport

Living Costs

  • The average annual living costs in Germany range from €10,200 to €12,000
  • This includes rent, food, health insurance, and other daily expenses
  • Costs can be higher in major cities like Munich or Berlin

Breakdown of Monthly Expenses (approximate)

  • Rent: €280-€400 (shared flat or student residence)
  • Health insurance: €80-€100
  • Public transport: Often included in semester contribution
  • Other expenses (phone, internet, leisure): €100-€200

Visa for International Students

  • Non-EU students must prove they have access to about €11,208 per year (€934 per month) to cover living costs as part of their visa application.
  • Visa application fee: approximately €75

Health Insurance

  • Mandatory for all students, including PhD candidates
  • Costs around €80-€100 per month
  • EU students may be covered by their home country’s insurance through agreements

Additional Costs

  • Research-related expenses (e.g., conference attendance, materials) are often covered by the research group or university
  • Language courses (if needed): €200-€500 per course

In short, the main costs for PhD students in Germany are living expenses, as tuition is generally free. The overall experience is affordable compared to many other countries, especially considering the lack of tuition fees. International students should factor in additional costs for visa applications and potentially language courses. However, with many funded positions available, pursuing a PhD in Germany can be financially viable for both home and international students.

Research Grants

Funding Sources for PhD students in Germany

Many PhD positions in Germany are funded, offering a salary (of typically €1,500-€2,500 per month before taxes) rather than requiring payment of fees.

The main funding sources and opportunities for PhD students in Germany include:

  • Doctoral Programmes in Germany: Supports international PhD students to complete their doctoral degree at a German university or research institution. Provides monthly payments of 1,300 euros, health insurance, travel allowance, and annual research allowance.
  • One-Year Grants: For international doctoral candidates to carry out research as part of a doctoral project for up to one year.
  • Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees/Cotutelle: Supports doctoral degrees at the student’s home university with integrated research phases in Germany.
  • Research Training Groups: Established by universities to promote early career researchers. Funded for up to 9 years, providing structured training and qualification programs.
  • Collaborative Research Centres: Offer opportunities for PhD students to pursue research across disciplines and institutions.
  • Individual Doctoral Projects at Max Planck Institutes
  • International Max Planck Research Schools ( IMPRS ): Structured PhD programs at 68 locations
  • Max Planck Schools: Joint graduate programs in specific interdisciplinary fields
  • Individual Doctoral Projects at Leibniz Institutes
  • Leibniz Graduate Schools and Leibniz ScienceCampi: Structured doctoral programs
  • Individual Doctoral Projects at Fraunhofer Institutes: Opportunity to complete a doctorate while working on cutting-edge technology projects
  • DLR-DAAD Research Fellowships: For PhD students in fields like space, aeronautics, energy, and transport
  • PhD Fellowships: For early career researchers in basic biomedical research
  • Travel Grants: For PhD students and postdoctoral researchers
  • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks: Structured doctoral training within European institution networks
  • ERA Fellowships – Green Hydrogen: Funding for research projects in green hydrogen
  • Green Talents: Competition winners can complete a research stay at a German institution
  • Munich Aerospace PhD Scholarships: For research in aerospace-related fields
  • Many PhD positions are offered directly by universities and research institutes, often tied to specific research projects or programs
  • These typically provide a salary (often around 1,500-2,500 euros per month before taxes) rather than requiring payment of fees

Top Universities in Germany for PhD study

As of 2024, the top universities in Germany for PhD study in STEM subjects include:

Technical University of Munich (TUM)

  • Ranked as the best university in Germany for engineering and technology
  • Offers structured PhD programs through the TUM Graduate School
  • Known for excellence in research and strong industry connections
  • Provides interdisciplinary training and professional skills development for doctoral candidates

Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin)

  • Ranked 2nd in Germany for engineering and technology
  • Offers doctorates across various STEM fields through its Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Provides structured support for international doctoral candidates
  • Known for interdisciplinary research and collaboration

Technische Universität Berlin, TUB, Hauptgebäude

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

  • Ranked 3rd in Germany for engineering and technology
  • Strong focus on energy, mobility, and information technologies
  • Offers both individual and structured doctoral programs
  • Emphasises international collaboration and industry partnerships

RWTH Aachen University

  • Ranked 4th in Germany for engineering and technology
  • Considers doctoral studies as the first part of professional practice, with an application-oriented focus
  • Offers both individual doctorates and structured PhD programs
  • Strong emphasis on industry partnerships and applied research

Technical University of Dresden

  • Ranked 5th in Germany for engineering and technology
  • Known for its research in microelectronics, materials science, and bioengineering
  • Offers structured PhD programs and graduate schools
  • Strong focus on interdisciplinary research and innovation

Technical University of Dresden

When choosing a university for PhD study, prospective students should consider factors such as:

  • Specific research areas and expertise of potential supervisors
  • Availability of funding or paid positions (many PhD students in Germany work as research assistants)
  • Language requirements (some programs require German proficiency, while others are conducted in English)
  • Opportunities for international collaboration and research stays abroad
  • Post-graduation career prospects and industry connections

Prospective PhD candidates should thoroughly research potential supervisors and reach out to them directly to discuss research opportunities before applying to a program.

Your journey to  PhD study  in Germany awaits. With its exceptional research landscape, structured programs taught in English, and excellent  funding opportunities , Germany offers a unique experience for international students.

Enjoy the benefits of no tuition fees, low living costs, and a safe, culturally rich environment.

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PhD Studies

Planning your phd, eligibility and application, german or english medium, living as a student, working in germany, get guidance.

With a long tradition of research and ground breaking discoveries, Germany is indeed a land of innovation and progress. Besides giving your ideas a research-based boost, Germany also offers promising career opportunities along with a vibrant social and cultural milieu. So like for many other international students, it can be the right place to pursue a doctoral degree for you too!

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Starting your doctoral studies is a big step in your academic life. Along with identifying your research area you also have to plan where and in which institute you want to pursue your PhD.

Where does research take place in Germany?

Contemplating pursuing a PhD in Germany?  There are a number of universities, research institutions and business houses that will welcome you. So getting an insight into the research landscape of the country is of paramount importance!

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© DAAD India

Research is extensively carried out by and through universities, research organisations and the industry. These three are famously known as the three pillars of research in Germany.

You can take a closer look at this on  Research in Germany .

Which universities should I look at for PhD?

There are various kinds of institutions of higher education in Germany. A majority of these belong to either of the following categories:

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Universities and Universities of Technology (TU), are research-oriented and offer a wide variety of subjects. These are the only establishments that can award a PhD degree.

In case you are carrying out your PhD at a research organisation/ University of Applied Sciences, it will always be through a partner university/TU that you will get your degree. Therefore it is important that you fulfill the eligibility criteria of the university/TU as well.

Before you finalise a university or a research institution make sure to check out their websites to know what kind of research is already going on there.

Which is the best university in Germany?

There is no “best university”, neither in one subject and certainly not across all subjects.

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DAAD India © CHE Ranking

Germany offers a multidimensional ranking, considering various criteria that are important from a student’s perspective. For example, student and staff judgments on quality of teaching, atmosphere at the university, library and other equipment, student numbers, average study duration, number of graduations, third party funding etc. This way you get a detailed picture of the strengths and weaknesses of each university on university-ranking.de . Here you can find your programme by selecting a subject, a university or even a city in Germany!

As a researcher you should also take the research rankings  into consideration. The criteria for such rankings could be research infrastructure, citations, patents, publications and student reviews, to name a few.

How should I plan my doctorate?

If you have set your mind on a PhD in Germany, you can consider two approaches: the traditional approach i.e. individual doctorate and the structured doctoral programmes.

design phd in germany

Individual doctoral studies involve identifying a supervisor ( Doktorvater / Doktormutter ) at a German university who is willing to guide your research. This system offers a lot of freedom, and calls for a great deal of personal initiative right from identifying a topic in your research field. This kind of doctorate takes about 3-5 years to complete.

Structured PhD programmes  are internationally oriented, conducted largely in English and are comparable to PhD programmes offered in English-speaking countries. Here supervision is carried out by several university teachers. These programmes lead to a PhD in about three years.

What if I want to do a part of my PhD research in Germany?

The research Grant: Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle which is also famously known as DAAD Sandwich Scholarship lets you complete your PhD in two countries. The first country being your home country where you are registered as a doctoral student and the second country is but naturally Germany.

You are supervised at your home university as well as at the host institute in Germany. Your doctoral degree is awarded by the home institution. This is the well known “sandwich model”.

While generally as a Master degree holder you will have ticked off the first major requirement, it is always a good idea to check if the university’s requirements and your qualifications match. And then you can start with the application procedure.

Am I eligible to apply for a PhD?

In Germany, every university is autonomous. This means that every university/ study programme has its own set of criteria for admitting students. So please check the university website, and specifically the programme you are interested in. Here you will find the exact admission requirements.

However, some generalisation is  possible. As a Master degree holder from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal or Sri Lanka your degree is treated at par with a German Master degree. In some cases, further assessment of eligibility will be required. Do clarify the matter of eligibility with the university or the research organisation of your choice before you send in your application.

Some universities may ask for the proof of your English language proficiency in form of TOEFL or IELTS scores. Some universities may ask for good German language skills depending upon subject of your research. In such cases, your knowledge of German needs to be certified through examinations like the TestDaF  or DSH.

How do I go about applying for a PhD?

  • PhD Germany   – A portal where German universities advertise openings for doctoral positions
  • An interactive database of  Graduate Schools at German universities
  • Research Training Groups  coordinated by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
  • International Max Planck Research Schools (IMPRS) Academicians from your country who have collaborations with German academicians or your seniors who might be carrying out research in Germany can be a great source of information too!
  • Contact and convince a supervisor. Make sure that you approach a potential supervisor the right way and in good time – a brief and well-structured communication with an overview of your research proposal and relevant information about yourself is more likely to get you the right kind of response than a simple email stating that you are interested in doing a PhD!
  • Communicate information about your background, academic performance and academic goals.
  • Get a letter of acceptance from your supervisor.
  • Identify a programme. Contact the selected university. This will be your most important source of information as far as exact details about eligibility, programme structure, fee, application procedure etc. are concerned.
  • Check the application deadline for the programme chosen!
  • Application forms and other relevant material can be downloaded from the respective university website.
  • Send the application packet.
  • Get a confirmation of admission.
  • The Admission procedures vary for different universities and for different programmes.
  • Check about these with the university of your choice or your supervisor.
  • Make sure you have a valid passport!
  • Apply for a student visa as soon as you have the admission letter, as the procedure can take 8 to 12 weeks. The German Embassy and the Consulates require proof of funding for the first year of studies. At this stage make sure if you need to get the APS certificate ( www.aps-india.de ) that some universities/host professors may insist upon. To find out where you should apply for a visa, visit the website of the Germany Embassy in your country.
  • Apply for a place in a hostel. In some cases the International Office ( Akademisches Auslandsamt ) of the university will help you.
  • Arrive in Germany at least a week before your course begins.
  • Contact the International Office ( Akademisches Auslandsamt ) of your university for guidance.
  • Step 6 Get your residence permit within the first three months of your stay in Germany from the Foreigners’ Registration Office ( Ausländeramt ).

Germany offers education in German as well as in English. Different subject fields can have different language requirements.

Can I do my PhD completely in English medium?

Germany offers close to 200 structured international programmes with English as the sole or primary medium of instruction. These programmes are called International Programmes.

Few of these programmes may require students to have learnt/learn some German language during their PhD.

Must I learn German for my PhD?

As you have already seen, Germany offers numerous PhD programmes with English as the sole or primary medium of instruction and the language for your thesis. English is also accepted as a language of research and education in Germany.

However, some universities/ subject fields may expect you to have German language proficiency for your PhD.

As a student in Germany, your life will not be limited to the university campus. You will surely want to interact with people, travel through the country-side and make the best of your time there. This is where knowledge of German will present a great advantage!

Universities offer beginner and well as advanced level courses where you can learn German. You can also start learning the language while you are still in your home country at a  Goethe-Institut (Max Mueller Bhavan) / Goethe-Zentrum.

Do I require to learn German for DAAD scholarship?

To apply for the DAAD PhD scholarship knowledge of the German language is not mandatory. However, after getting the scholarship you will be expected to complete a DAAD sponsored German course. This will help you with your life Germany.

While in a foreign country being able to manage your finances on your own is very important. You would need to plan your budget by keeping your living expenses, travel costs and tuition fees if any in mind.

What kind of budget should I have in my mind?

Fees: As a PhD scholar in Germany, you are exempted from tuition fees. You will need to pay a semester contribution of around Euro 300, depending upon the university and the services or benefits provided.

Living costs : Apart from the tuition fees, if any,  you will require about EUR 934 per month for subsistence i.e. housing, food, clothing, study material and other expenses such as health insurance and leisure activities. The precise split up for this amount will be updated soon. The amounts can vary from city to city, and of course from lifestyle to lifestyle!

The following table shows the split up at the time of the last budget indicated in 2019.

Rent and utilities EUR 332
Food and Drink EUR 154
Clothing EUR 48
Learning Materials EUR 24
Car and Public Transportation EUR 116
Health Insurance, Medical Costs, Medicine EUR 96
Telephone, Internet, TV EUR 32
Recreation, Culture, Sports EUR 66

Source: German Student Union (Deutsches Studentenwerk), 2019 

How can I finance my doctorate?

If you are participating in a structured doctoral programme and doing your doctorate at a graduate school, research centre or research training group, the issue of funding is usually resolved with you either working as a research assistant or receiving a scholarship of about EUR 1,000 per month.

If you are pursuing your doctorate on the basis of the traditional approach, you can apply for a job as a research assistant, if there is vacancy.

Working as a research/doctoral assistant involves collaboration in research/teaching and doing administrative work in addition to completing the dissertation. Non-university research institutions like Fraunhofer Institutes and also some companies offer doctoral candidates employment and / or fund their doctoral dissertations.

The DAAD offers the most extensive scholarship programme.  Also a number of foundations support international candidates approved for the doctoral process. A database of scholarships offered by various German organisations can be found at  www.funding-guide.de .

What is a DAAD PhD scholarship like and how can I apply for it?

If you are a well-motivated researcher with high-calibre this research grant supports your complete doctoral studies in Germany. In general the duration of your PhD should not exceed more than four years.

If you have already registered for PhD in your home country and would like to carry out a part of the research in Germany, you may consider applying for Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle scholarship of the DAAD .

An independent selection committee consisting of specialist scientists reviews your applications, wherein your academic qualification, quality of your research project is checked along with your career prospects, motivation and extra curricular activities including your civic engagement.

If you want to do your full PhD in Germany DAAD PhD Scholarship would be more relevant for you. The application deadline is 20 October every year. This is for scholarship starting from October of the following year.

Here is a step-by-step guideline for your application process:

  • Collect general information about the DAAD PhD scholarship.
  • Thoroughly check the eligibility criteria.
  • Attend information sessions or internet-based seminars (webinars) organised by the DAAD.
  • Once you have the letter of acceptance from your supervisor/admission letter from your university, complete the application procedure as specified in the scholarship announcement.
  • The application deadline typically falls in the month of October the current year for a PhD beginning in the next year.
  • Shortlisted applicants from India will be invited for a personal interview around January-February. For Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka the procedure will be announced closer to the date of interviews.
  • The final decision will be announced for applicants from Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal and Sri Lanka around mid or end of April of the following year.
  • Step 4 Once selected, you will have to attend a mandatory German language course, which is a necessary and important part of your scholarship.
  • Step 5 After the successful completion of your language course in Germany, your PhD will begin in October.

Living on your own comes with lots of responsibilities, at the same time it can also be very  interesting. It starts with finding a place to stay, learning how to cook, shopping on a budget, making friends and connections. Hope this section helps you with some of your questions.

How do I find accommodation?

Germany offers various types of accommodations:

  • Students hall of residence:  Here you can rent rooms provided by  Student Services Organisation ( Studentenwerk ). They are low in cost and preferred by many students. Studentenwerk also provides specially designed Service Kits for international students. Get in touch with Studentenwerk of your city know more.
  • Shared Flats ( Wohngemeinschaft – WG) : Shared flat or WG is another affordable accommodation, where you have your own room in a flat and share the kitchen and the bathroom with other flatmates. Living in a shared flat is cheaper as the rent and other expenses  get shared. You can find advertisements for vacancies in WGs online on social media groups or on student-friendly websites.
  • Private apartments:  If you prefer living alone, private apartments can be an option for you.  You can find them with the help of Studentenwerk, on boards in the university foyer or even on social media groups and websites for rental real estate.

Make sure to be on the lookout from early on, so that you find the best place at an affordable price.

How do I connect with other students?

Connecting with other students can help you to learn from their experience. It may also help you get acquainted with the lifestyle, once you are in Germany.

  • Get in touch with  DAAD Young Ambassadors . They have studied or carried out their research in Germany. Contact them with your questions, they will be happy to guide you!
  • You can also find out about various student associations and groups formed by students of your country/ region.
  • You can contact students on various socials media platforms as well. There are groups based on nationalities or interests and activities.
  • Many universities arrange introductory events. Ask the international office of your university about them. Research institutions too generally run such initiatives.

You can of course work in Germany as long as you follow the regulations, which are not complex and are easy to understand.

Can I work in Germany as a student?

As an international student, you are permitted to work for 120 full days or 240 half days in a year. This will help you in getting a bit of extra pocket-money!OK

design phd in germany

Can I work in Germany after my studies?

After completing your degree in Germany, you can choose from amongst a wide range of options:

design phd in germany

You can stay on in the country for up to 1.5 years to look for a job that is in keeping with your education. Once you find a job, the residence permit issued to you for the purpose of studying, can be converted into a residence permit for taking gainful employment.

Germany has always had a very strong industry-academia linkage. A lot of scientific research is funded by the industry as well. During your studies you can get the opportunity to do internships with German companies, which can open new vistas for your professional career.

In Germany, a doctorate is a prerequisite for a career in research or higher education. Your options include:

  • Teaching/Research Assistantships
  • Postdoc Positions
  • Research Positions in Industry

The portal  www.academics.com has Germany’s biggest online job market for researchers. There are also scholarships for Postdocs offered by the  Alexander-von-Humboldt Foundation  and other organizations.

Whether you are in India, Nepal or Bhutan, the DAAD is there to help you with your study in Germany plans. Check out how you can reach us!

Individual Appointments

You can connect with the DAAD offices online or offline in Bengaluru ,  Chennai ,  New Delhi  and  Pune .

Information Sessions

The DAAD offers free of cost information session about studying in Germany regularly. Check which dates and topics suit you, register and join!

Click here for dates, timings and registration links: www.daad.in/events .

Writing a Research Proposal

Take a look at the DAAD’s guidelines for writing research proposal

Research Proposal writing: Guidelines 2023

PhD Proposal Writing Workshop

Wondering how to write a PhD proposal? The DAAD offers PhD Proposal Writing Workshop on various topics for aspirants who intend to pursue their doctorate in Germany!

Early Career Research Symposia

The  Early Career Research Symposia offer you a platform to help you propel your research, amplify its reach and get inspired by exchange of ideas.

  • Did you find the information about  doctoral studies in Germany useful? Keep the digital  PhD brochure with you, so that it is all handy!
  • You will also find the digital brochure Research Proposal Guidelines 2023 useful.
  • There is comfort  and certainty in numbers. With the fact sheet Germany India 2022 you can check out actual number of Indian students, what fields they are opting for and which universities they have preferred.


  • General Information
  • Tuition fees

Application & Admission

Language requirements, program features.

  • List of Universities

3171 Study programs


Study Design in Germany: 43 Universities with 79 English Degree Programs

All important info for international students in germany (2024/2025).

There is a broad choice of Master’s programs available in Germany for students looking to study Design in Germany in English. Whether you are interested in the role of design in technology or automotive industry, in design of urban spaces, of games or communication, in creative industries such as interior design, or interested in fashion or jewelry, you are certain to find an excellent choice for yourself in Germany. Many of the programs are interdisciplinary and combine artistic elements with engineering, management training, or anthropology and cultural studies.

Moreover, many of these programs have a strong focus on training their students to be able to work in international business settings upon their graduation and you will find that many programs are structured around teaching the skills needed for professional life, including field trips and work with business partners.

There are some universities that may be of special interest to students interested in Design, such as the Wismar University of Applied Sciences, the Design Academy of Berlin or the Bauhaus University of Weimar - yes THAT Bauhaus! Take your time and browse all your options in our Study Finder.

Study Programs in English


Universities in International Rankings

€ 0 (26 programs for EU citizens, 22 programs for Non-EU citizens)

€ 16,680 per semester (1 program for EU citizens/Non-EU)

Winter Semester

between August 23 and August 16

Summer Semester

between September 01 and August 15

Top-ranked German Universities in Design


private (state-approved) University of Applied Sciences

No. of Students: approx. 105,000 students

Program Fees: € 3,498 (per semester)


public University

No. of Students: approx. 3,700 students

Program Fees: € 0 (per semester)


No. of Students: approx. 36,000 students

Program Fees: € 1,250 - € 1,800 (per semester)

Tuition Fees

3 english degree programs for design in germany.


Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Weimar

Natural hazards and risks in structural engineering.

program image

Hochschule der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (HDBW) Munich

Digital business modeling and entrepreneurship - full time.

program image

Digital Business Modeling and Entrepreneurship - Part Time

program image

Application Deadlines

Winter Semester 2024/2025

Summer Semester 2025

Winter Semester 2025/2026

Open Programs

31 programs

36 programs

67 programs

Application Requirements

The degree requirements to be fulfilled for a Master’ degree in Design vary broadly, since the programs are often interdisciplinary and accept applicants with backgrounds in Anthropology, Business, Engineering, Communication and of course artistic subjects such as Architecture, Arts, Design or Theatre.  Furthermore, students need to fulfill the language requirements (usually a sufficient level of English [B2]) and need to hand in other standard documents such as a CV or a letter of motivation. Some programs are looking to only recruit people who can illustrate their artistic talent by handing in a portfolio of their previous works or show that they acquired relevant work experience. Check the websites’ of the programs that interest you to find more information.

Application Modes

Application process.


ifs Internationale Filmschule Köln / TH Köln - Cologne University of Applied Sciences Cologne

Digital narratives.

program image

NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management Hamburg University of Technology · Hamburg

Technology management.

program image

Technology Management - Double Master's Program [English]

program image

TOEFL Scores

Cambridge Levels

5 (3 programs )

71 (2 programs )

B2 First (FCE) (14 programs )

7.5 (1 program )

100 (1 program )

C2 Proficiency (CPE) (2 programs )

Technology Management - Double Master's Program [German]


Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences Dieburg / Darmstadt

Augmented and virtual reality design.

program image

Animation and Game

program image

2-7 semesters

→ View all programs with online courses

Master of Arts

Master of Business Administration

Master of Engineering

Master of Fine Arts

Master of Science

Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Engineering

Bachelor of Science

Winter intake

Summer intake

Winter & Summer intake

List of all German Universities offering English-taught Study Programs in Design


AMD Academy Fashion & Design

Program Fees: € 4,500 - € 5,190

B.A. (Bachelor of Arts)

M.A. (Master of Arts)


Anhalt University of Applied Sciences

Program Fees: € 800 - € 1,250

M.Sc. (Master of Science)


Augsburg University of Applied Sciences

Program Fees: € 0


Bauhaus-Universität Weimar

M.F.A. (Master of Fine Arts)


Berlin International University of Applied Sciences

Program Fees: € 4,470 - € 5,550

MBA (Master of Business Administration)

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Next Page →

News & Articles


Tuition-free Universities in Germany in English


Master's Requirements in Germany


Scholarships for international students 2024/25


Uni-assist: A guide for international students (2024)


How Much Does it Cost to Live in Germany?


Germany in University Rankings


DAAD Scholarships: Guide


Engineering Universities in Germany: A Guide 2024/25

PhD Design programs in Germany

Visual computing.

University of Saarland logo

University of Saarland

Design and development in automotive and mechanical engineering.

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences logo

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences

Integrated design.

University of Applied Sciences Cologne logo

University of Applied Sciences Cologne

Anhalt University of Applied Sciences logo

Anhalt University of Applied Sciences

Game development and research, lighting design.

Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences logo

Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences

Interior architecture / interior design.

Berlin International University of Applied Sciences logo

Berlin International University of Applied Sciences

Graphic design and visual communication, deadline information, best universities with design in germany.

best universities with design programs

Bachelor Design programs in Germany

bachelor design programs

Master Design programs in Germany

master design programs

Most Popular Design programs in Germany

most popular design programs

PhD Design programs in Germany

phd design programs

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The way to a doctorate

You would like to get a PhD in Germany? Here you will find attractive programmes for international doctoral students.

Structured PhDs: research in teamwork

Working in a team, following a clear programme and intensive mentoring by several scholars or scientists: if that sounds like a good idea, a structured PhD programme is the right choice for you. Two more pluses: such programmes usually offer an international environment and the language of teaching and working is often English.

design phd in germany

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Research training group

In a research training group you are part of a team of doctoral students, post-docs, and scholars or scientists. You carry out research together on a subject, often interdisciplinary and focused on the specialty of the scholar or scientist who is supervising your doctorate.

International research training groups specifically promote scholarly and scientific exchange. During your doctorate work, you conduct research abroad for six months.

Some collaborative research centres of universities operate integrated research training groups . There you can do your PhD in a research-intensive environment in a structured PhD programme.

A survey of research training groups can be found on the DFG website. Applications must be sent to the head of the respective group.

Quick facts

Research schools.

In non-university research institutions, it is almost the rule to participate in structured, largely interdisciplinary doctoral programmes. The Max Planck Society , Helmholtz Association and Leibniz Association have set up research and graduate schools for their doctoral students, which are also open to international doctoral candidates.

Max Planck Schools

The new Max Planck Schools are something special. They are a joint project of universities and the major research organizations of the Max Planck Society, Helmholtz Association, Leibniz Association and Fraunhofer Society. In these international graduate schools, excellent graduates from all over the world work together in a structured doctoral programme with the best scholars and scientists in their fields.

design phd in germany

Doctoral programmes and courses of study

Many universities also run special international doctoral programmes that either target specific research topics or support doctoral students with interdisciplinary offerings. These programmes can be found in the DAAD database (in English).

More information and tips can be found at Research in Germany

© www.deutschland.de

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An der FU Berlin studieren und forschen Menschen aus 125 Ländern.


  • Studying in Berlin – A Guide for Postgraduate Students

Written by Sarah Hastings-Woodhouse

If you’re deciding where to study in Germany, Berlin is likely to be high on your list of potential locations. With three universities featuring in the global top 100 , Germany’s capital offers no shortage of prestigious educational opportunities. A fascinating history, countless cultural attractions and an exciting nightlife only add to its worldwide appeal!

This guide will cover everything you need to know about studying in Berlin as an international student, including universities, accommodation, living costs and more.

Why study your PhD in Berlin?

Here’s just a snapshot of what’s on offer for postgraduate students in Berlin:

  • World-renowned universities : Of the nine universities in Germany that feature in the top 100 worldwide, three are in Berlin.
  • A historic contribution to education : An Enlightenment model of education known as Humboldt’s ideal originated at the University of Berlin in the early 1800s, which still underlies Western teaching and research today, and even gave rise to the modern-day PhD .
  • Cultural attractions : Berlin is home to 170 museums, 150 theatres and three opera houses, not to mention symbolic historical monuments such as the Brandenburg Gate and remnants of the Berlin Wall.
  • Travel opportunities : Berlin’s location in central Europe makes it the perfect starting point for adventures further afield. You can reach other European capitals such as Warsaw and Prague in a matter of hours – perfect for a weekend trip!

Top Universities in Berlin for PhD study

We’ve picked out the best universities in Berlin for PhD students, using the 2023 Times Higher Education World Rankings .

#1 Humboldt University of Berlin

Situated in the heart of the city, the Humboldt University of Berlin is credited as one of the most influential in Europe. It pioneered the Humboldtian model of higher education, which still informs Western teaching and research to this day. It is also the birthplace of the modern-day PhD.

There are currently 28 structured doctoral programmes on offer at the university. Students also have the option of designing their own research project and applying for a traditional PhD.

#2 Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin is one of Europe’s largest university hospitals, and has produced more than half of German Nobel prize winners for Medicine and Physiology. It is also amongst Germany’s most research-intensive medical institutions and home to almost 5,000 researchers working across 1,000 projects and collaborations.

The university offers several structured doctoral programmes focused on a number of fields including Medical Neuroscience, Regenerative Therapies and Integrative Oncology.

#3 Free University of Berlin

The Free University of Berlin is a public research university with an international outlook, welcoming students from over 80 countries and offering a selection of English-taught structured doctoral programmes, as well as the option to apply for a traditional PhD. It is particularly well-renowned for its research in the humanities and social sciences, but also offers cutting-edge science programmes.

#4 Technical University of Berlin

The Technical University of Berlin is one of Germany’s most internationally orientated universities, with almost 30% of its student population hailing from overseas. It is regarded as Germany’s first technical university, and is now amongst its largest, educating over 34,500 students across 40 institutes.

Living costs in Berlin for international students

Berlin may not be amongst the cheapest cities in Germany, but it does offer relatively low living costs when compared to many other European countries. Germany is also a budget-friendly option for international study since you (usually) won’t pay tuition fees .

The German government estimates that international students will need to budget €867 per month – though this is a nationwide average and will vary according to your choice of accommodation and lifestyle. Costs may be considerably higher for students renting private accommodation in Berlin.

We’ve put together some typical costs for international students in Berlin, based on crowdsourced data from Numbeo:

Student Cost of Living in Berlin - 2024

You can reduce the cost of rent significantly by opting for student accommodation or a flat share ( Wohngemeinschaft ).

The price of student accommodation will vary between universities, but you can expect to pay an average of €480 per month in Berlin. It’s worth noting that places in student halls are limited, so it’s a good idea to apply early.

Read more about accommodation options in Germany .

Working during your degree in Berlin

Working part-time can be a great way to bring in extra income during your degree. EU and EEA students can work in Germany without restrictions (although you will need to make the required insurance contributions if you work more than 20 hours per week).

All other international students can work a maximum of 140 full days or 280 half days per year.

There are a variety of casual jobs on offer for students in Berlin. Common off-campus roles include waiting tables, babysitting and courier work. You could also consider private tutoring or writing for your university as an academic assistant.

You can browse current opportunities on student job portal stellenwerk Berlin , or learn more in our guide to working in Germany .

Things to see in Berlin as an international student

You’re spoiled for choice when it comes to attractions and monuments in the cultural hotspot of Berlin.

History enthusiasts will enjoy visiting what remains of the Berlin Wall , a once 28-mile-long barrier between East and West that can still be observed from multiple places in the city. The striking Brandenburg Gate in the central district of Mitte is hard to miss and marks the meeting place of the East and West German leaders in the immediate aftermath of reunification.

To visit the political heart of Germany, you can take a trip to the Reichstag , which houses the German parliament and attracts thousands of guests each year. You can book ahead of time for a 360-degree view of the city from the glass dome at the top of the building.

There are over 170 museums in Berlin, from those commemorating Germany’s tumultuous 20th-century history such as the Allied Museum , DDR Museum and Berlin Wall Memorial to the more light-hearted Currywurst Museum .

Berlin has a worldwide reputation for its nightlife. There are countless clubs for international students to frequent – from former power station turned techno bar Berghain , to the canal-side Club der Visionaere , which you’ll find nestled under a huge weeping willow.

Careers in Berlin

The job market in Berlin has plenty to offer international graduates, with particularly strong links to industries such as IT, communications and public administration. The city is also one of Europe’s hotspots for startups, with many companies founded in Berlin having achieved global success, such as Zalando and Soundcloud.

The German government is keen to attract overseas talent and offers generous post-study work opportunities for international graduates. You’ll be able to apply for an 18-month jobseekers permit after completing your Masters or PhD, and for permanent residence if you manage to find employment during this time.

Read more about working in Germany after your studies .

Find a PhD in Berlin

Keen to make Berlin your new home away from home? Browse PhD projects in Berlin now or visit our study in Germany page for information on universities, funding, applications and more.

Our postgrad newsletter shares courses, funding news, stories and advice

design phd in germany

This guide tells you all about everything you need to apply for a PhD programme in Germany.

design phd in germany

There are no fees for PhD study at most German universities and funding is available from a range of government agencies, research societies and other organisations.

design phd in germany

Want to study a PhD in Ireland? This guide gives a detailed introduction to the kind of visa you need to study in Ireland and how to apply for it.

design phd in germany

Everything you need to know about part-time and full-time work in Germany as a student or recent graduate in Germany.

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design phd in germany

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13 phd-in-ic-design positions in Germany

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  • Scholarship 6
  • Research Job 1
  • Postdoctoral 1
  • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft 5
  • Forschungszentrum Jülich 2
  • Technical University of Munich 2
  • Computer Science 4
  • Earth Sciences 1
  • Electrical Engineering 1
  • Engineering 1
  • Materials Science 1
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PhD thesis in IC Design with focus on CMOS backplanes

of IC design with a focus on new architectures of CMOS backplanes. What you will do Developing, implementing and experimentally testing concepts for CMOS backplanes for OLED microdisplays Designing analog

PhD Position – Method Development of Cryo-STEM Imaging

microscopes with ice - embedded biological samples Perform image analysis to determine high-resolution cryo-EM structures of ice - embedded test specimens and in situ cellular samples Employ advanced imaging

PhD position in the Section of Biological Oceanography (f/m/d)

The Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde (IOW) has a temporary vacancy for a PhD position (f/m/d) in the Section of Biological Oceanography for a period of three years and a

PhD Thesis: Quantum Security IP 1 1 1 1

of Physics, Electrical Engineering or comparable (master's or diploma degree) Experience in analog-signal or mixed-signal IC design Profound interest in silicon photonics and trustworthy electronics Result

Postdoc position (m/f/d)

11.06.2024, Wissenschaftliches Personal The Chair of Space Mobility was created in January 2022 and is now already team of 15. Through projects such as SPARK, Solar for Ice to Thrust (S4I2T

Earth System Modeler for the Tipping Point Modelling Intercomparison Project (m/f/d)

      critical thresholds which might commit parts of the Earth system to large-scale, non-linear change. Earth system components which might show such non-linear behavior include the Greenland and Antarctic ice

PhD position in water-based in-space propulsion (m/f/d)

14.05.2024, Wissenschaftliches Personal The Chair of Space Mobility and Propulsion is looking for a new and motivated scientist to join its team for its upcoming “Solar for Ice to Thrust” project

PhD Position – Co- Design of Neuromorphic Algorithms and Circuits

Your Job: There are multiple openings for new PhD students interested in the co- design of neuromorphic circuits and systems with novel algorithms in different fields of applications e.g. solving

Biosphere Modeler for the Tipping Point Modeling Intercomparison Project (m/f/d)

, evaluation and interpretation of data and in the conception and implementation of research projects Requirements: Completed scientific higher education degree ( PhD ) in the field(s) of Earth science, ecology

Searches related to phd in ic design

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  • integrated circuit
  • integrated circuits
  • phd in circuits
  • electronics
  • microelectronics
  • phd electronics
  • electronics phd
  • graphene electronics

Doctor of Design Admissions

The admissions process for the DDes program is extremely competitive and requires that applicants hold a graduate level degree in a design related field such as a professional degree in architecture, landscape architecture, planning or urban design. Applicants with a degree in a related discipline such as engineering, geography, computer science, or industrial design also qualify for admission. Applicants are required to present a concise and clearly articulated research proposal as the core element of the application. Other critical elements include documentation of the academic record, a curriculum vitae including professional experience, the portfolio, and letters of recommendation. For non-native speakers, recent TOEFL scores are required. UPDATE : For the 2023 admissions cycle, the GRE requirement is waived. The GRE is not required for the 2023 application and will not be included in the review process for these programs. At this time, the change to the GRE requirement is for the 2023 application season only.

The program seeks applicants who have demonstrated research and analytical skills essential for advanced doctoral study as well as the ability to pursue such work independently. Applicants should submit a proposal describing the research in which they plan to engage during their studies. The proposal will be evaluated on (1) its promise for original contribution to the design professions, (2) the feasibility of its being completed within the time constraints of the program, and (3) its congruence with research interests of at least two GSD faculty members who will eventually serve on the thesis committee.

Portfolio Requirement

The portfolio for DDes applicants should consist of scholarly, academic and/or professional work and may or may not include visual material, at the discretion of the applicant and as related to the proposed research topic.

DDes students receive financial support and teaching fellowships from the GSD to cover a major part of their tuition. Additional support may be available through funded research and other resources at the school.

For more information, please contact the Admissions Office .


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    The research training group »Identität und Erbe« started as a joint programm of the TU Berlin and the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in October 2016 with all in all 12 doctoral positions (6 at each university). The first group (2016-2019) is still working on their doctorates in Weimar and Berlin. The following subjects are involved: architecture, architectural theory, history of building and ...

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  7. Doctoral Programs

    As an alternative to participating in a doctoral program, LMU Munich offers graduates the option to complete individual doctoral studies in more than 100 subjects. Doctoral candidates are also supervised within the framework of research projects, academic institutions and research networks.

  8. Find your PhD position

    Doing a PhD in Germany (2019, 40 pages) This booklet for (prospective) international doctoral students presents the different options for doing a doctorate in Germany. It explains the formal requirements and gives some practical advice on finding the right supervisor or doctoral programme. It also outlines different sponsorship and funding options.

  9. Doing a PhD in Germany

    Doing a PhD in Germany. Germany's reputation as an outstanding research destination continues to attract the world's finest minds. In 2014 an incredible Number of 85,000 people chose Germany to write their dissertations or join one of our growing number of doctoral research teams. Discover your best route to a PhD in Germany, including ...

  10. How to Apply for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding, & FAQs

    The majority of PhD programs in Germany are tuition-free, at least for the first six semesters. However, if need to enroll at a university for your PhD, there is a small semester fee you need to cover. The fee can be higher or lower depending on the university, but it usually falls within the range of €100 to €350.

  11. Doctorate at the Technical University of Munich

    TUM Graduate School Technical University of Munich Boltzmannstr. 17 85748 Garching. Phone: + Contact

  12. PDF Long Live the Late Bloomers: Current State of the Design PhD in Germany

    [academic design research] in the German design community.7 We might conclude, then, that the German design doctorate is a degree in the making: It is without a pre-established framework, a coherent theoretical background, or a consistent body of knowl edge; and it is influenced from a variety of design disciplines. Current Design PhDs in Germany

  13. Doctoral degree programs

    The University of Stuttgart has graduate schools, PhD research groups, and doctoral degree programs in an interdisciplinary research environment for doctoral researchers from Germany and abroad. The University of Stuttgart offers multiple structured programs leading to a doctoral degree in a variety of subjects.

  14. Study for a PhD in Germany: Programs, Funding & Opportunities

    When considering a PhD in Germany, you'll encounter a diverse and globally recognised academic environment rich in opportunities for research and academic growth.To apply, you'll typically need a Master's degree or equivalent, and language requirements vary by program.Germany offers internationally-oriented structured PhD programs, which last three years and include compulsory units for ...

  15. Study in Germany: the ultimate guide for a PhD in 2024

    Tuition fees in Germany depend on the type of university you attend - public or private - and on your level of study - undergraduate, postgraduate or doctorate degree.. Public universitiesare free for all undergraduate students, meaning there are no tuition fees for international students. The only cost is a small administration fee of 265 EUR per year.

  16. How to Study a PhD in Germany

    Beyond this, you may be required to pay fees. However, as with all levels of study in Germany, PhD students are also required to make a semester contribution of between €150 to €200 (~US$175-230) for administration and other costs. This means that your main expenses will be the general costs of living in Germany.

  17. PhD Studies

    PhD Studies. With a long tradition of research and ground breaking discoveries, Germany is indeed a land of innovation and progress. Besides giving your ideas a research-based boost, Germany also offers promising career opportunities along with a vibrant social and cultural milieu. So like for many other international students, it can be the ...

  18. List of 43 Design Universities in Germany ️

    Top-ranked German Universities in Design. Top 100 Worldwide. Top 250 Worldwide. National Ranking. #21 QS Online MBA Rankings: Europe. IU International University of Applied Sciences. private (state-approved) University of Applied Sciences. No. of Students: approx. 105,000 students.

  19. 63 PhD programmes in Design in Europe

    Design. Ph.D. / Full-time, Part-time / On Campus. 27,635 EUR / year. 3 years. Brunel University London London, England, United Kingdom. Ranked top 2%. Top 2% of Universities worldwide according to the Studyportals Meta Ranking.

  20. StudyQA

    University of Saarland. Saarbruecken, Germany. Study mode: On campus Languages: English. Local: $ 198 / Year (s) Foreign: $ 198 / Year (s) StudyQA ranking: 3036. Similar programs. Choose an adviser Ask Admissions. Master.

  21. Get your PhD in Germany: Structured PhD programmes

    slide 2 of 5. 33,300 visiting students are taking part in the European funding programme Erasmus in Germany. 359,000 foreign students are enrolled at German universities. That's 12.8 per cent of all students. 46,000 foreign scientists are researching and teaching at German universities. 90 per cent of the international students want to ...

  22. Studying in Berlin

    Here's just a snapshot of what's on offer for postgraduate students in Berlin: World-renowned universities: Of the nine universities in Germany that feature in the top 100 worldwide, three are in Berlin.; A historic contribution to education: An Enlightenment model of education known as Humboldt's ideal originated at the University of Berlin in the early 1800s, which still underlies ...

  23. 13 phd-in-ic-design positions in Germany

    PhD Thesis: Quantum Security IP 1 1 1 1. Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft | Cottbus, Brandenburg | Germany | about 2 months ago. of Physics, Electrical Engineering or comparable (master's or diploma degree) Experience in analog-signal or mixed-signal IC design Profound interest in silicon photonics and trustworthy electronics Result.

  24. Doctor of Design Admissions

    The proposal will be evaluated on (1) its promise for original contribution to the design professions, (2) the feasibility of its being completed within the time constraints of the program, and (3) its congruence with research interests of at least two GSD faculty members who will eventually serve on the thesis committee.

  25. Behind the curtain: the key role of biostatistics in advancing clinical

    Haitao Pan, PhD, Department of Biostatistics, emphasizes the importance of biostatistics to making sure trials advance through the phases. Establishing optimal doses of new drugs, including the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and the optimal biological dose (OBD), to maximize effectiveness and minimize side effects is an important part of early ...