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Good E-Books Vs. Printed Books Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Literature , Books , The Reader , Reading , People , Technology , Size , Typography

Published: 02/04/2021


Various innovations of technology have transformed the living styles of the individuals. With the help of technology, people have devised and embraced more simple and advanced ways of doing things. Technology offers people a great deal of simplicity in their lives with the use of their intelligence. The new gadgets available in the market possess a wide variety of new features, which grant the people several new means doing things. Technology is advancing to include virtually all aspects of human life through the invention of gadgets and software for the amelioration of the people. One such significant advancement is the e-books. E-books are accessible over the internet and are available to any individual who uses the modern-day gadgets. People who have keen interest in reading books have the great opportunity to utilize the e-books to read the content online. With the growth in the number of e-books readers, the popularity of printed books is showcasing a diminished approach. On the contrary, printed books still hold a prominent position in the lives of the readers. The debate, which argues about the importance of any one of the two kinds of books, is an extended process as they share certain similar characteristics. On the other hand, some of the attributes are specific to only a single form of reading to a great extent. Readers who use printed books can gain an experience of reading while feeling the pages, which is not possible with e-books. The readers who have a passion for reading novels can perceive the effect of the sense, aroma, and feel of the printed pages while reading the novel. Furthermore, it is possible to convey the images and illustrations to the reader in a better way through printed books. Hence, the readers of classical books and novels would always value the printed books and prefer them over the e-books. Although the sense of touch and feeling is not possible through the e-books, they are beneficial for having the capability to alter the size of the screen. The reader can increase or decrease the size of the font, page as well as background color in the e-books according to his choice. These features enable the reader to experience a different taste of reading according to their desire. For a majority of the readers who prefer the font size of the page to be large, e-books are the best solution for them as they can enhance their reading experience without exerting an additional stress on the vision. Since variable font size is not possible while using the printed books, the readers will have to compromise on the size of letters and read within the standard font range provided in the printing books. On the other hand, another advantage of the printed books is that they enable the readers to make any alterations in the books as far as the reader owns the book. While reading any book, most of the people have the habit of jotting their persuasions or making designs, which associate with their thoughts. The printed books offer an opportunity of writing and drawing whatever the reader wants to do. In printed books, the reader can highlight, mark, fold or show concern of significant lines or for that matter, any fact noted in the book. Conversely, unlike the printed books, the e-books fail to provide such access as they are not handy. Moreover, the e-books contribute their readers with the advantage of searching any word or paragraph from the entire book at a great speed with the help of a searching tool. Whenever the reader is in hurry and wishes to look for a point, he can make use of the searching tool, which directs the reader to the page that contains the specific word or line essential to the reader. The e-books are also handy as the gadgets that contain e-books are portable. The readers can access them while travelling or at school. Moreover, the e-books have the advantage of keeping the reader away from boredom as they can carry the reading material with them all the time. On the contrary, since the printed books are heavy to carry, the reader would not be able to carry them easily from one place to other. Therefore, during journeys, it is difficult to carry the printed books as they add an extra weight to the luggage. Conversely, it is possible to share the printed books with other persons, which is not possible in e-books if they do not contain the technology gadget that is essential for e-books. The library of e-books does not contain all the books, which are available in the printed form. Hence, in order to refer a book that is not available in the e-book form, the reader will have to purchase it in the printed form. However, the time taken to publish a printed book is more when compared to the e-books as e-books are accessible to the readers as soon as the authors complete writing them. (941 words)


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My Book Brief .

Updated on November 3, 2023

eBooks vs. Printed Books: The Ultimate Comparison

eBooks vs. Printed Books: Which is Better?

The debate over eBooks vs. printed books has been raging for years, with passionate arguments on both sides. Some people swear by the convenience and portability of eBooks, while others insist that nothing can replace the tactile experience of reading a physical book. So which is better? The answer, as with most things, is not black and white.

Understanding eBooks and Printed Books Before diving into the pros and cons of each format, it’s important to understand what they are. eBooks are digital versions of books that can be read on electronic devices like tablets, e-readers, and smartphones. Printed books, on the other hand, are physical copies of books that you can hold in your hands and flip through. Both formats have unique characteristics and benefits; their choice ultimately depends on personal preference.

Key Takeaways:

  • The debate over eBooks vs. printed books has been ongoing for years.
  • eBooks are digital versions of books, while printed books are physical copies.
  • The choice between the two ultimately comes down to personal preference.

eBooks vs. Printed Books

  • 1.1 What are eBooks?
  • 1.2 What are Printed Books?
  • 2.1 From Print to Digital
  • 2.2 Growth of eBooks
  • 3.1 Price of eBooks
  • 3.2 Price of Printed Books
  • 4.1 Access to eBooks
  • 4.2 Access to Printed Books
  • 5.1 Reading eBooks
  • 5.2 Reading Printed Books
  • 6.1 Portability of eBooks
  • 6.2 Storage of Printed Books
  • 7.1 Impact of eBooks
  • 7.2 Impact of Printed Books
  • 8.1 Features of eBooks
  • 8.2 Drawbacks of eBooks
  • 8.3 Features of Printed Books
  • 8.4 Drawbacks of Printed Books
  • 9.1 Popularity of eBooks
  • 9.2 Sales of Printed Books
  • 10 Role in Education
  • 11.1 eBook Publishing
  • 11.2 Printed Book Publishing
  • 12 Conclusion

Understanding eBooks and Printed Books

What are ebooks.

E-books are digital books that can be read on electronic devices such as e-readers, tablets, smartphones, and computers. EBooks are typically available in digital formats like PDF, EPUB, and MOBI. They can be purchased and downloaded online from various online retailers or borrowed from online libraries.

EBooks offer several advantages over printed books. One of the most significant advantages is portability. EBooks can be stored on a single device, making them easy to carry. They are also lightweight, which makes them ideal for people who travel frequently. Additionally, eBooks can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making them convenient for people who don’t have access to physical libraries.

What are Printed Books?

Printed books, also known as physical books, are traditional books that are printed on paper and bound together. Printed books have been around for centuries and are still widely used today. Printed books are available in various sizes, formats, and bindings, including hardcover, paperback, and spiral-bound.

Printed books offer several advantages over eBooks. One of the most significant advantages is the tactile experience. Printed books have a physical presence that digital books cannot replicate. They have a distinct smell, texture, and weight that many people find appealing. Additionally, printed books do not require any electronic devices to read, making them accessible to people who do not have access to technology.

In summary, eBooks and printed books each have their advantages and disadvantages. EBooks are portable and convenient, while printed books offer a tactile experience that digital books cannot replicate. Ultimately, the choice between eBooks and printed books comes from personal preference.

The Evolution of Reading

From print to digital.

For centuries, books have been printed on paper and bound together to create a physical product that people could hold in their hands. This traditional format has been the primary way people have consumed books for centuries. However, digital reading has become increasingly popular with the advent of technology.

Introducing e-readers such as Kindle and other e-reader devices has revolutionized how people read. E-readers allow readers to download and store thousands of books on a single device, making it easier to carry around many books. They also come with font style and size flexibility, which is especially helpful for those with visual impairments.

Growth of eBooks

E-books have seen tremendous growth in recent years as more and more people have embraced digital reading. According to a study, the global paper books market will encompass around 1.87 billion readers by 2027, while e-reader users are expected to reach 1.2 billion. This suggests that e-books have the potential to complement the publishing industry instead of replacing it.

One of the advantages of e-books is that they tend to be significantly cheaper than print versions. Plus, many public domain books can be downloaded as e-books for free on sites like Project Gutenberg. E-books can be read on computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers, making them more versatile than print books.

While print books remain popular, the fast-paced modern world has increased the popularity of e-books. As technology evolves, it will be interesting to see how the reading experience evolves.

Comparing Costs

Price of ebooks.

One of the most significant advantages of eBooks is their lower cost than printed books. EBooks do not require printing, shipping, or storage costs, so they are significantly cheaper than their printed counterparts. Many public domain books can be downloaded as eBooks for free on sites like Project Gutenberg. Additionally, eBooks can be stored electronically and in the cloud to protect them from getting lost, stolen, or damaged.

However, it is essential to note that the price of eBooks can vary depending on various factors, including the publisher, author, and platform. Some eBooks may be more expensive than printed versions, particularly for new releases or bestsellers.

Price of Printed Books

On the other hand, printed books tend to be more expensive than eBooks due to the costs associated with printing, shipping, and storage. Additionally, the price of printed books can vary depending on the publisher, author, book format, and retailer. Hardcover books, for example, tend to be more expensive than paperbacks.

Moreover, printed books may not offer the same cost savings as eBooks, especially for avid readers who purchase many books. Buying and storing printed books can add up over time, making eBooks a more cost-effective option in the long run.

In conclusion, while eBooks tend to be cheaper than printed books, the price of eBooks can vary depending on various factors, and some printed books may offer better value than eBooks in certain situations. Ultimately, the decision between eBooks and printed books should be based on personal preferences, reading habits, and budget.

Accessibility and Availability

Access to ebooks.

One of the biggest advantages of eBooks is their accessibility. eBooks can be purchased and downloaded from anywhere with an internet connection, enabling readers to enjoy them from their homes. Additionally, eBooks can be read on various devices, including tablets, smartphones, and e-readers, making them a convenient choice for readers who are always on the go.

Another advantage of eBooks is that they are often cheaper than printed books. Many eBooks are available for free, especially those that are in the public domain. Websites like Project Gutenberg offer a vast collection of free eBooks that can be downloaded and read on any device.

Access to Printed Books

While eBooks are convenient, they are not the only option for readers. Printed books are still widely available and can be found in bookstores, libraries, and even online. While some books may be out of stock, readers can usually find what they want by checking with their local library or ordering the book online.

One advantage of printed books is that they do not require an internet connection to access. This means that readers can take their books wherever they go without worrying about battery life or internet connectivity. Additionally, printed books can be shared with others, making them a great option for book clubs or for readers who enjoy discussing books with friends and family.

In conclusion, both eBooks and printed books have advantages regarding accessibility and availability. While eBooks offer convenience and affordability, printed books offer a tangible reading experience and can be found in various locations. Ultimately, the choice between eBooks and printed books comes down to personal preference and the reader’s needs.

Reading Experience

Reading experience is a crucial aspect when it comes to deciding which one is better, between eBooks and printed books. Both have their pros and cons. Let’s take a closer look at each.

Reading eBooks

Reading an eBook can be a different experience than reading a printed book. One of the major advantages of eBooks is that they are lightweight and portable. You can carry hundreds or even thousands of books in a single device. This makes it easy to read on the go or while traveling.

Another advantage of eBooks is that they offer interactive features such as highlighting, bookmarking, and dictionary lookup. You can easily highlight a word or a sentence and look up its definition without putting down the book. This can be especially helpful for people with dyslexia or struggling with reading.

However, reading eBooks can also cause eye strain due to the backlit screen. Taking breaks and adjusting the brightness and font size is important to avoid eye strain.

Reading Printed Books

Reading a printed book can be a more immersive experience than reading an eBook. The book’s physicality can make it easier to focus on the content and get lost in the story. The tactile experience of turning the pages and feeling the weight of the book can also be satisfying.

Additionally, printed books do not cause eye strain as eBooks do. The font size is fixed, which can be helpful for people with visual impairments. However, this can also disadvantage those who prefer larger font sizes.

One downside of printed books is that they do not offer interactive features like highlighting or dictionary lookup. This can make it more difficult to keep track of important information or look up unfamiliar words.

Overall, the reading experience can be different between eBooks and printed books. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and what works best for each reader.

Portability and Storage

Portability of ebooks.

One of the biggest advantages of eBooks over printed books is their portability. eBooks can be stored as digital files on smartphones, tablets, and e-readers. This makes it easy for readers to carry around an entire library of books without needing physical storage space. Users can access their eBooks from anywhere, as long as they have their device with them and an internet connection. This makes eBooks a great option for people who are always on the go and don’t want to carry around heavy books .

Storage of Printed Books

Printed books, on the other hand, require physical storage space. Hardcover books can take up a lot of space on bookshelves, and carrying them around can be cumbersome. While paperbacks are more portable, they can still take up a lot of space if you have a large collection. Additionally, printed books can be damaged by moisture, pests, and other environmental factors. This means that they require proper storage conditions to ensure their longevity.

Regarding storage, eBooks have a clear advantage over printed books. They don’t require physical storage space, and environmental factors can’t damage them. However, some readers may prefer the tactile experience of holding a physical book. Ultimately, the choice between eBooks and printed books will come from personal preference and individual needs.

Environmental Impact

Impact of ebooks.

Ebooks are often considered to have a lower environmental impact than printed books. According to a study by the Cleantech Group, the carbon footprint of an ebook is about 40-50% lower than that of a printed book. This is because ebooks do not require paper, ink, or transportation, which all contribute to printed books’ carbon footprint.

However, the production and use of electronic devices used to read ebooks, such as e-readers and tablets, also have an environmental impact. These devices require the mining and processing of metals and other materials, as well as the use of electricity. The production of these devices contributes to electronic waste, which can harm the environment if not disposed of properly.

Impact of Printed Books

Printed books also have an environmental impact, particularly in terms of the use of paper and ink. Paper production can lead to deforestation and habitat loss, while ink can be harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly.

However, printed books can also be recycled, which can help reduce their environmental impact. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, paper recycling can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save energy.

Both ebooks and printed books have an environmental impact. The choice between the two depends on various factors, including personal preference, convenience, and environmental concerns. When deciding, it is important to consider the entire lifecycle of both options, including production, use, and disposal.

Additional Features and Drawbacks

Features of ebooks.

One of the most significant features of eBooks is their accessibility. eBook displays and font sizes can be adjusted to accommodate those with impaired sight. This enhances readability and accessibility for those with disabilities. eBooks also offer the ability to search for specific text, highlight, and take notes, making it easier to find and remember important information. Additionally, eBooks take up less physical space, making them ideal for those with limited storage space.

Drawbacks of eBooks

One of the most significant drawbacks of eBooks is the potential for glare and eye strain. Some eBook readers may glare in the sunlight, making reading hard in some settings. Additionally, eBooks require a device to read them, which can be a potential distraction. Some people may also find it difficult to concentrate on reading an eBook due to the potential for notifications and advertisements on their devices.

Features of Printed Books

Printed books offer a tactile experience that eBooks cannot replicate. A book’s weight, texture, and smell can enhance the reading experience for some people. Printed books do not require a reading device, which can reduce potential distractions. Printed books are also more shareable than eBooks, as they can be easily passed on to friends and family.

Drawbacks of Printed Books

One of the most significant drawbacks of printed books is their potential to take up a lot of physical space. This can be a problem for those with limited storage space. Printed books can also be damaged or lost, which can be a significant problem for those who value their books. Additionally, printed books cannot be easily searched for specific text, highlighted or annotated, making it harder to find and remember important information.

eBooks and printed books have unique features and drawbacks. The decision between the two ultimately comes down to personal preference and individual needs.

Popularity and Sales

Popularity of ebooks.

According to a survey conducted by Pew Research Center , the share of American adults who have read an eBook in the previous 12 months has increased from 17% in 2011 to 32% in 2023. The survey also revealed that younger adults (18 to 29-year-olds) are more likely to read eBooks than older adults. However, despite the growth in popularity of eBooks, a survey conducted in 2021 showed that 68% of younger readers (18 to 29-year-olds) in the United States still prefer printed books.

Sales of Printed Books

Despite the growth in popularity of eBooks, printed books continue to dominate the book market. In the United States, for example, 45% of the population bought a printed book last year, compared to only 23% who purchased an eBook. Furthermore, the revenue generated by printed books in the U.S. is still significantly higher than that of eBooks. In January 2023, eBook sales in the U.S. generated $85 million in revenue, while printed books generated $1.1 billion.

Publishers have also reported that printed books continue to outsell eBooks. In 2023, Penguin Random House reported that printed books accounted for 75% of its global revenue, while eBooks accounted for only 25%.

Notes and audiobooks are also popular formats for reading, with audiobooks experiencing significant growth in recent years. However, when comparing eBooks and printed books, printed books remain the more popular and profitable format.

While eBooks have grown in popularity in recent years, printed books dominate the book market in terms of sales and revenue. Younger readers may prefer eBooks, but printed books are still the preferred format for most readers.

Role in Education

Regarding education, the debate between eBooks and printed books is ongoing. Both formats have advantages and disadvantages, and the choice between them depends on individual preferences and needs.

Studies have shown that students tend to concentrate, learn, or remember better with printed books than with digital texts. This is especially true for longer texts, such as textbooks, where print books are superior to eBooks for reading comprehension. However, eBooks have their advantages as well. They are more portable and can be accessed from anywhere, making them a convenient choice for students who are always on the go.

Textbooks are an essential part of education, and the format in which they are presented can significantly impact the learning experience. Printed textbooks provide a tangible and tactile experience that many students find helpful in retaining information. On the other hand, eBooks offer interactive features that can enhance the learning experience, such as embedded videos, animations, and quizzes.

Classics, or books that have stood the test of time are an important part of any education. Printed versions of these books provide a connection to the past and a sense of tradition. However, eBooks offer several advantages when it comes to classics. They are often more affordable and accessible, making them a great option for students who may not have access to a physical library.

Choosing between eBooks and printed books in education depends on individual preferences and needs. Both formats have advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to the individual to decide which is best for them.

Role in the Publishing Industry

Ebook publishing.

eBooks have revolutionized the publishing industry in many ways. They have made it easier for independent authors to publish their work without needing a traditional publishing house. This has led to a rise in self-publishing and the emergence of new authors who may not have been able to break into the industry before. Additionally, eBooks are relatively inexpensive to produce and distribute, which has made it easier for publishers to experiment with new authors and genres.

Amazon has been a major player in the eBook industry with their Kindle platform. They have made it easy for authors to self-publish and distribute their work while providing a platform for traditional publishers to sell their eBooks. The ease of use and accessibility of the Kindle has made it a popular choice for readers, which has further cemented Amazon’s position in the market.

Printed Book Publishing

Printed books have been the traditional format for publishing for centuries and continue to play an important role in the industry. While eBooks have made it easier for independent authors to publish their work, traditional publishers still play a vital role in producing and distributing printed books.

Power in the publishing industry is still largely concentrated in the hands of a few major publishers. These publishers have the resources to invest in marketing and distribution, which can make or break a book’s success. However, the rise of independent publishers and self-publishing has led to a more diverse range of published books, benefiting readers.

Marketing and distribution are key factors in the success of a printed book. Publishers must invest in advertising and promotion to ensure their books reach their target audience. This can be costly, so traditional publishers still hold a significant advantage over independent publishers.

Both eBooks and printed books play important roles in the publishing industry. While eBooks have made it easier for independent authors to publish their work, traditional publishers still have a significant advantage in marketing and distribution. The rise of self-publishing and independent publishers has led to a more diverse range of published books, benefiting readers.

The debate between eBooks and printed books is ongoing, and both formats have pros and cons eBooks are more portable, offer a wider range of customization options, and are often cheaper than printed books. On the other hand, printed books offer a tactile reading experience, are easier on the eyes, and are better for note-taking and cross-referencing.

According to a survey , 45% of people bought a printed book last year, while only 23% bought an eBook. This suggests that many readers still prefer printed books. However, the popularity of eBooks is on the rise, with devices like the Barnes & Noble Nook and Kobo offering readers a wide range of options.

Ultimately, the choice between eBooks and printed books comes from personal preference. Some readers may prefer the convenience of eBooks, while others may enjoy the feel and smell of a physical book. When deciding, it is important to consider factors such as portability, cost, and environmental impact.

Ultimately, whether someone prefers eBooks or printed books, the most important thing is continuing to read and enjoy the written word. See also What Is the Best Time to Read Books? Tips and Insights and The 16 Best Places To Read Books

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E-Books VS Printed Books: An Argumentative Essay

📌Words: 510
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 July 2022

The norm for school reading is heavy, expensive textbooks. But some have proposed that e-textbooks, available through school tablets or laptops, could be a better alternative. A textbook is a book used to formally define concepts in education. An e-textbook contains the same material, but is not bound to a single physical object. A typical print textbook is not only expensive, costing 50 US$ or more, but also cumbersome to house and maintain. E-textbooks, on the other hand, are easily accessible with most devices and are much less expensive. In this paper, we’ll be discovering why e-textbooks are a better investment than cumbersome print textbooks.

One of the largest factors of resource decisions is the cost, and this applies to textbooks in addition to many other things. Print textbooks are a big investment for a school. The price of print textbooks is high simply because of the amount of materials required to make them. E-textbooks, however, are priced solely on their content, and tend to be much less expensive than print textbooks. Another factor is the costs going forward after the initial purchase. A print textbook is vulnerable to rips, stains, and mildew, and because of this print textbooks must be cared for carefully. If a print textbook falls victim to one of these mishaps, often a new textbook is required. E-textbooks, though, are accessible to all of the school upon purchase, and cannot degrade or be damaged. As a result, E-textbooks are very low maintenance.

The accessibility of the material is also important. With a print textbook, there is only a few copies, or sometimes only one, in circulation. Only one student can use a given book at a time. These problems are eliminated in e-textbooks, which can be accessed by anyone with an authorized device, even simultaneously. In addition, print textbooks are sometimes not allowed to leave the school, forcing students to read at school. However, with an e-textbook, a student can access the textbook from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Something that might not be considered as much is engagement. Many print textbooks look dull and boring just from their size, their rough paper, and their minuscule type. E-textbooks have the advantage of not being associated with a physical weight, and being presented through a screen that can be zoomed in to focus on the content. Print textbooks also have a stereotype applied to them that claims that they are flat, dull, and long-winded, which is only reinforced by their physical medium. But e-textbooks? They are accessed through an electronic device, the same devices that are used to plan outings with friends and chat with fellows. Simply by being accessed through a device that is often considered useful, or even fun, e-textbooks have the advantage of being associated with that usefulness.

Some might say that this is a disadvantage, and that being on a such a device would distract the student’s attention from the textbook. This point becomes moot if the device is issued by the school and does not allow access to distracting services such as social media. Others may claim that print textbooks make the student connect more with the real, physical world. It might do so, but since the connection is through a print textbook, the students might end up associating the dullness of such a book with the physical world.

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No More E-Books Vs. Print Books Arguments, OK?

Jonathan Segura

ebooks and printed books essay

Jonathan Franzen brandishing his National Book Award for The Corrections . STUART RAMSON/AP hide caption

Jonathan Franzen's in the news again, this time talking about how e-books are chiseling away at the foundations of civilization as we know it. Absurd, isn't it? That the author of two of the better regarded novels of the past decade (give or take) would be concerned about how you read his books. The problem, according to Franzen, is manifold. E-books and digital readers are a con designed to rob you of money that you could otherwise be spending on paper books; e-books are trivial non-objects that you cannot hold and fetishize; print books are durable ("I can spill water on it and it would still work!" he is quoted as saying); and, most perniciously, e-books are supplanting the gorgeous permanence of book-books. "But I do fear that it's going to be very hard to make the world work if there's no permanence like that," Franzen said. "That kind of radical contingency is not compatible with a system of justice or responsible self-government."

Right. So. Read that again. That free copy of Moby-Dick you downloaded to your Kindle with the full intention of one day maybe starting to read it — that copy of Moby-Dick is the harbinger of some liberties-trampled nightmare world. Somehow.

Look. I think Jonathan Franzen is a talented novelist. I loved Freedom and The Corrections . I thought The Twenty-Seventh City was pretty damned good. But, whatever. People are allowed to say silly things. But can we please, please, please get past the e-books versus print books thing? Please?

There's really no need for a discussion about the technology any longer. Readers like the Kindle and Nook are great. They work. They're cheap. You can put a lifetime's worth of books on one — including a ton of public domain classics for a buck or less each. You can cobble together a virtual classics bookshelf for less than the cost of a round of drinks. Amazing.

Of course e-books aren't perfect. I am a scribbler, and you cannot scribble in the margins of an ebook. Not all books are available in digital editions (Martin Amis' Money , for instance, and most of Saul Bellow). E-books do not allow you to advertise your literary affectedness on the subway. And then there's the matter of all those barren bookshelves, in your home and at the soon-to-be-closed local independent bookseller.

Here's the thing: you don't have to be a print book person or an e-book person. It's not an either/or proposition. You can choose to have your text delivered on paper with a pretty cover, or you can choose to have it delivered over the air to your sleek little device. You can even play it way loose and read in both formats! Crazy, right? To have choice. Neither is better or worse — for you, for the economy, for the sake of "responsible self-government." We should worry less about how people get their books and — say it with me now! — just be glad that people are reading.

Jonathan Segura is the author of Occupational Hazards .

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E-Books vs. Print Books: Which Should You Choose?

ebooks and printed books essay

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E-Books vs. Print Books: An Overview

E-books have become a mainstay of the publishing industry. However, predictions of the demise of printed books as a result of the introduction of e-books has not materialized thus far.

At the end of 2023, the industry was up 0.4% over 2022, with total revenues from all categories at $12.6 billion. Overall, print books experienced decreases in revenue, and e-book revenues were up just 0.6%. Let's take a deeper look at both options and the publishing industry in general.

Key Takeaways

  • Print books have the feel of a book that many readers love. You can hold it, turn the pages, and feel the paper.
  • Illustrations on paper are generally higher quality than even high-end e-readers can reproduce.
  • E-books come with font style and size flexibility.
  • E-readers can store thousands of books on a single device.
  • The publishing industry experienced a 0.4% increase in revenue in 2023, with increases in e-book revenues and declines in print books.

Recent History of Print Books and E-Books

According to the Association of American Publishers, e-book sales in the U.S. were down 1.5% during the first quarter of 2024 compared to the first three months of 2023, for a total of $255.6 million in revenue. They currently make up 12% of total consumer book sales. Their share of the market has been inching up over time, but hardcover and paperback books still rule the market, with approximately $3.3 billion and $3.1 billion in sales in 2023, respectively.

The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic was a boon to print publishing. Sales rose 8.2% year over year to a total of 751 million copies, according to Printing Impressions , a publishing industry journal. More leisure time and a need to educate children at home were cited as reasons for the book-buying spree.

2022 brought about several unique trends. First, paperback and hardback revenue both decreased, with hardback coming in 13.6% lower than the year before. E-books also declined, falling 6.5%. It's interesting to note that digital audio revenue grew 71.7% from 2021 to 2022.

Print books have the feel of a book that many readers love. You can hold it, turn the pages, and feel the paper. People who love to read spend a lifetime acquiring books. They may find it wrenching to abandon their shelves of books for a single slab of plastic.

Readers may also compare the quality of illustrations between the two formats and find the print versions superior. The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes can be bought in either hardcover or Kindle versions but readers may find the Kindle version lacking due to the shrunken size of the illustrations and the relative clumsiness of toggling between story text and annotations.

Some readers also experience eye strain using an electronic device instead of a printed book.

Books on paper are difficult to carry around, especially hardcovers. If you're an avid reader and you're going on a trip, or if you're just stepping out to a coffee shop, an e-reader or iPad is a far lighter burden than a book or a stack of them.

An e-book might be priced about the same or differently than a printed book. Because of the difference in format, there is an entirely different economic consideration for the good.

There's also the satisfaction of having an entire library at your fingertips, not to mention an infinite supply just a click away, ready to download instantly.

In addition, e-book buyers have the advantage that the internet gives consumers of any products: No space constraints. Just about everything ever published is available, all the time.

There are some drawbacks. You must recharge an e-reader or any other electronic device. Some screens are not easily readable in sunlight. And, if you are one of the millions who spend the entire workday in front of a computer, reading your favorite author on a computer screen in the evening may not appeal.

Beyond Amazon

Avid e-book readers can stray beyond Amazon or Barnes and Noble and read for free.

The nonprofit Project Gutenberg offers 70,000 free downloadable books, most of them classics well beyond their copyright protection expiration dates. The site Free Classic Books offers just that, in an alphabetized list from Alcott, Louisa M., to Wodehouse, P.G.

Google Books also brags that it has more than 10 million books available to download for free, including textbooks and government documents as well as literary classics.

Special Considerations: The Publishing Business

E-books may omit some of the traditional costs of publishing, but it imposes other costs. Added technology costs involve formatting the e-book so that various electronic devices and browsers can properly download and store the book.

Whether it's printed or downloaded, a percentage of the e-book price must be paid to online sellers such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. This can be anywhere from 30% to 65% of the sale price.

The Independent Route

Smaller publishers and independent authors have more leeway with pricing, but they still have many of the same costs. They must give a percentage of their e-book sales to the online distributor, and unless they are graphic designers, they must hire an illustrator to create their cover art.

Most independent authors have to hire someone to convert their books into e-book format. Plus, they still have the marketing and promotional costs that are required to get their books noticed. However, e-books are overall lower in cost to produce, and that is typically reflected in their lower prices compared to print editions.

Print Books, E-Books, and Personal Finance

With the overview of the industry behind us, let's talk about the finances of owning books. There's a handful of personal finance considerations to make about which to buy.

Upfront Cost

Purchasing an e-reader may involve a higher initial investment than buying a single printed book. However, the economic advantage lies in the long-term savings as e-books may be priced lower than their physical counterparts (as they may cost less to produce). The upfront cost of an e-reader can be considered a one-time expense, and PCMag often recommends e-readers that cost less than $100.

Subscription Costs

Subscription services like Kindle Unlimited or Audible offer a cost-effective way to access a vast library of e-books. From an economic standpoint, these services can significantly reduce the per-book cost for avid readers, making it a financially smart move as opposed to buying individual books. However, you will not retain ownership during this subscription period, and you won't keep books like you otherwise would a print book. Also, there are no subscription costs for print books that you can check out of a public library with a free library card.

Book Resale Value

The resale value of physical books adds an economic dimension to owning a print collection. Used bookstores, online platforms, and book swaps provide avenues for recovering some of the initial investment in printed books. E-books, unfortunately, lack a resale market, making them less financially flexible in this regard.

Storage Costs

Physical books incur storage costs in terms of space requirements and furniture like bookshelves. And consider how much it may cost to move those physical books if you need to relocate homes. The economic advantage of e-books is that they eliminate the need for physical storage or moving expenses, meaning readers can amass a vast collection without incurring additional costs.

Environmental Cost

From an economic perspective, the environmental impact of printed books, including production and disposal costs, contributes to their overall expense. E-books, unfortunately, may not be as sustainable as you might think. The continual need for electricity and the use of fossil fuels to generate it mean that e-books still contribute to environmental costs, just in a different way than printed books do.

Production and Distribution Costs

The cost of producing and distributing physical books encompasses expenses related to paper, printing, transportation, and warehousing. E-books sidestep these costs, offering a potentially more economically efficient model for publishers and authors. Though the costs may vary based on each book and genre, the total cost to self-publish a book are unofficially estimated to be several thousand dollars.


The economic advantage of e-books in terms of accessibility is evident for readers with visual impairments. Digital formats allow for features like adjustable text size and screen-reading technology, enhancing the reading experience for a broader audience.

Percentage of U.S. adults who have ever listened to an audiobook. Thirty-eight percent have listened to one in the past year.

Change in Preference

Changes in reading habits have implications for e-books and printed book owners. Think of someone who's preference may shift from one genre to another very quickly. If this sounds like you, the greater flexibility that electronic media offers may make more financial sense.

Which Is More Cost-Effective in the Long Run: Buying E-books or Printed Books?

The long-term cost-effectiveness of buying e-books versus printed books depends on factors such as individual reading habits, the frequency of book purchases, and the availability of discounts. While e-books often have a higher upfront cost with the purchase of an e-reader, the generally lower prices of digital copies may result in greater savings over time, especially for avid readers who buy books regularly.

Is There a Significant Difference in the Resale Value of E-books and Printed Books?

Printed books often have a resale market, allowing readers to recoup some of their initial investment. In contrast, e-books lack a formal resale market due to licensing restrictions.

What Is the Impact of E-books on Local Bookstores From an Economic Standpoint?

The rise of e-books has had a notable impact on local bookstores, with potential economic challenges such as decreased foot traffic and competition from online retailers. However, many small independent bookstores are partnering with affiliate partners to allow patrons to buy e-books.

E-books offer a potentially cost-effective solution for avid readers. The absence of physical production costs, reduced storage needs, and frequent digital promotions may make a digital library more cost effective. On the other hand, printed books may have resale value, no subscription cost, and greater sentimental appeal to old-fashioned readers. There are many factors to consider when choosing between e-books and printed books from a financial perspective.

Association of American Publishers. " AAP StatShot: In 2023, U.S. Revenues Were $12.6 Billion ."

Association of American Publishers. " AAP StatShot Report Covering First Quarter of the 2024: Overall Industry Was Flat ."

PIWorld. " Pandemic Drives Printed Book Sales in the US to Highest Level in a Decade ."

Association of American Publishers. " AAP StatShot Annual Report: Publishing Revenues Totaled $28.10 Billion for 2022 ."

Project Gutenberg. " Welcome to Project Gutenberg ."

Google Books. " About Google Books ."

Barnes & Noble Press. " Make More Money by Self-Publishing with B&N Press ."

Kindle. " Digital Pricing Page ."

PCMag. " The Best Cheap Tablets for 2024 ."

Kindlepreneur. " How Much Does It Cost to Publish a Book? "

Edison Research. " Audiobook Revenue and the Number of Listeners Continue to Grow ."

Speechify. " Best Independent Companies to Buy eBooks From ."

ebooks and printed books essay

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E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages

What are the similarities and differences between physical and e-books? Find out in this essay sample on e-book vs print book advantages and disadvantages! Get some ideas and inspiration for your paper and learn more about e-book and paper book advantages and disadvantages.

E-book vs Print Book: Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Introduction

E-book advantages & paper book disadvantages, paper book advantages and disadvantages of e-books, e books vs paper books: essay conclusion.

Ever since e-books became a thing, there have been debates on their and paper books’ advantages and disadvantages. Some people believe that e-books will never replace paper ones. E-books are good, but they are gaining popularity at a very high rate which essentially translates to the death of printed publications. It is because having publications in digital format and available to the entire world at the click of a button means they can easily be freely and maliciously circulated over the internet. As such, the writers and publishers will not profit from their works because readers prefer to contact a hacker and get the free e-book rather than buy the more expensive printed text.

Some advantages of e-books over paper books include the fact that they are easy to read, mainly because of the various available functions such as zooming. The e-books are also easily portable using light devices such as compact disks and flash disks. It contrasts with paper books, which are more bulky, notably bigger volumes. E-books are also much easier to read than paper books because accessing a particular item in the publication is defined by the search function.

Besides, paper books are more advantageous than e-books because they do not cause unnecessary eye strain. By contrast, e-books require the reader to constantly stare into bright screens, sometimes leading to tearing eyes due to the strain.

E-books also require the reader to have a specialized digital and battery/electricity-powered device to access the data. If one cannot access a power source, then he/she cannot read the book. Paper books do not have this constraint as they can be accessed at any time, provided the lighting conditions are favorable for reading. E-books are also prone to destruction by viruses and bugs compared to paper books which can easily be protected from damage.

With the demand for pirated e-books over 54% in the United States, authors are gradually losing out on earnings from their works. If not well taken care of, this problem will eventually lead to the de-motivation of writers and the decline of the publishing industry in general. E-books are primarily software functions that must be hosted on computers or sold as independent products that digital readers can access.

This presentation in forms can easily be transferred from one machine to another, making them more prone to the deeds of hackers and pirates. With the world gradually becoming a global village owing to the spread of internet connections, pirates can easily distribute cheaper versions of e-books by providing cracks to counter the need for access codes.

The security of e-books and their genuine marketing is the primary factor countering the development of this technology. In order to address this issue, the publishers must find a proper team of computer specialists to develop incorruptible ways of safeguarding the sanctity of their products.

It includes the development of difficult-to-crack security codes and one-time-use passwords for accessing e-books. The law-enforcement agencies should also ensure that they constantly monitor online activities in order to arrest criminal activities such as e-book pirating before they become widespread.

In conclusion, even with e-books gaining immense popularity, they face numerous serious challenges that have prevented them from being appreciated as a potential threat to paper books.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, May 4). E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages. https://studycorgi.com/e-book-vs-paper-book-advantages-and-disadvantages/

"E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages." StudyCorgi , 4 May 2020, studycorgi.com/e-book-vs-paper-book-advantages-and-disadvantages/.

StudyCorgi . (2020) 'E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages'. 4 May.

1. StudyCorgi . "E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages." May 4, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/e-book-vs-paper-book-advantages-and-disadvantages/.


StudyCorgi . "E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages." May 4, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/e-book-vs-paper-book-advantages-and-disadvantages/.

StudyCorgi . 2020. "E-book vs. Paper Book: Advantages and Disadvantages." May 4, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/e-book-vs-paper-book-advantages-and-disadvantages/.

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Improving Sentences: E-books and paper books

Improve your academic writing skills for IELTS writing task 2.

In recent years, more and more people are choosing to read e-books rather than paper books. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

The statements below are taken from a student’s essay and contain some mistakes. Can you re-write these sentences so that they are not only correct but also higher band score?

  • In my point of view, reading digital books have more advantages compared with printed books.
  • First and foremost, E-book is been accessed, nowadays, easily by the people in a fraction of seconds through the advanced modern communication technologies.
  • Secondly, buying an electronic version books are easier than the printed paper books.
  • On the other hand, People health will affect when they spend more time to read books by using the modern gadgets such as laptop, mobile phones and tablets.
  • In conclusion, in my view, electronic version books bring more pleasure and easily to access.
  • In my opinion, reading digital books has more advantages compared to printed books. (“reading digital books” is the subject and it is actually singular so the verb must be “has” not “have”)
  • First and foremost, e-books can be easily accessed by people in only a fraction of a second through the use of advanced modern technology. ( The phrase “a fraction of a second” can’t be plural and must be written as it is. It’s a nice phrase to use and can be used for academic writing – just make sure you write it correctly)
  • Secondly, buying electronic books online is easier for the consumer than purchasing printed paper books.
  • On the other hand, spending too much time reading e-books on bright screens from gadgets such as laptops or tablets, can have an adverse effect on people’s health.
  • In conclusion, I think that e-books are more accessible to both read and buy for the consumer than conventional paper books.

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E-books have become increasingly popular as reading options over physical books. I believe that the benefits of this trend far overshadow the drawbacks.

One of the main disadvantages of reading digital books could be the harm it causes to human eyes. Staring at the screen when reading e-books for a prolonged period may cause strain on the eyes, whereas one can enjoy reading paper books as long as they wish with the proper lighting. Furthermore, eBooks may not always be accessible; readers sometimes struggle to find some old or scientific books in a digital format, as they are often available in a physical format in libraries. In addition, another drawback of e-books may be that they lack the tactile and sensory experience of a physical book. Most people find it joyful to experience the feeling of turning the pages, smelling the ink, and the overall authenticity of traditional books.

However, there are plenty of convincing reasons for digital books to become more popular and advantageous. Firstly, the mobility of eBooks is one of the main factors contributing to their popularity. Digital books are portable and lighter than printed books, and a single device may accommodate a whole library with thousands of them. Secondly, e-books are often remarkably cheaper than their physical counterparts, making them affordable for many readers. Moreover, it requires the cutting of a huge number of trees in order to produce paper and print physical books, which, as a result, harms the environment. In contrast, digital books do not require any paper, ink, or energy, making them more environmentally friendly than conventional books.

To conclude, despite having some minor disadvantages, I believe the benefits of e-reading outweigh the drawbacks. Electronic books are convenient, accessible, and affordable, making them a substantially popular choice among readers.

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This website is really helpful for ielts. I have learnt many things from this website. Thanks a lot madam for your kind cooperation and help.

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Is it important to follow the (task 2)structure,introduction like….paraphrase,thesis,outline. Body paragraph 1 ●topic sentence ●reason ●example ●effect Same as second body paragraph. Actually i am baffled about this structure because I do not understand how I write in example. Please tell me, how I can do😕

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No. You should not be fixing a structure like that. It is completely inflexible and not suitable for all essays. The content of your body paragraphs depends on the ideas you use. The body paragraphs are simply – main idea followed by explanation in whatever form suits the idea. See my model essays and see the flexible range of developing ideas: https://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-2/

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Hello, Liz! This is my first time to take IELTS. Could you please tell me that – In Writing task2 essay conclusion part, can we write “By considering both sides of the views, i would like to conclude that” following by my opinion. Can we write like that in discussion types of essays?

Don’t memorise long chunks of language!! Memorise linking words, but not 13 words in a row. IELTS do not accept memorised language and you are not given a higher mark for it.

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Hey Liz I bought your lesson on Advantage Disadvantage essay and learnt the intricacies thoroughly. However, i still have a doubt. The above question talks about e-books and then mentions paper books in the statement. So do i have to follow the same order while writing the essay or can i alter it? In your lesson on the same topic, when you discuss about the essay on ‘advantages outweigh disadvantages’ you have followed the same logical order as mentioned in topic question (topic about children doing paid work) can i talk about paper book first(admittedly, there are some basic benefits of using paper books…) and then mention e-books (nevertheless, despite the advantages..)? Is it alright to change the order?

Always have a logical structure. The order in your introduction will be the order in your essay. Also use clear signposts in your essay so the reader knows immediately which paragraph is about which issue. The examiner is testing logical organisation and clear linking.

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hi liz, should i write the advantages or disadvantages ? thank you .

You need to explain which one is more important that the other.

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Hello,Liz! This is my first time to take ielts..could you please have a look at my essay and give me your feedback 🙂

Nowadays, a majority of people choose to rely on electronic gadgets to read rather than traditional books.Despite of the daggers drawn as a results of e-books, it has numerous merits.

First of all, it is preferable to choose e-books as they are convenient and extremely portable. For instance,instead of packing a bunch of books to keep your self entertained while you are on a holiday, you can carry a pocket-size device where you can store multiple books of different genres.Apart from its convenience, it is possible to magnify and adjust the font and size of the words according to the reader’s preference and therefore, it makes it enjoyable to read.This is also a blessing to people who has eye-related problems. Moreover, probably many people spend most of their money on buying new books. It is affordable to buy a laptop or an ipad instead of wasting your money on printed counterparts.

However, on the other hand, it is perceived that e-books possess numerous negative impacts. People tend to spend innumerable hours glued to the device to read a story. This possibly has myriads detrimental health hazards. For example, radiations can destroy your nerve cells,not only this but excessive use of electronic devices damages your eyes as well.

In conclusion, too much of anything ruins it. E-books receives many tremendous benefits to people.So, to avoid missing any of them and protect yourself from their harms, it is advisable to limit the number of reading hours.


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In “advantages outweigh disadvantages” essays, if we are taking side of “advantages”, do we need to mention disadvantages?im bit confused about tgis type of essays

“Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” This means if you agree the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, you need to show that the advantages are more important and the disadvantages are less important. As you see, you tackle both but lean clearly to one side more than the other side. This means you don’t choose one side and ignore the other – you tackle both but with a very clear position of each.

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Thank you so much, it really helped and I will keep practicing until I get it better. Thank you again for your help and for all your dedication.

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Print Books vs Ebooks: A Long Battle for Existence

Print books vs Ebooks: a long battle for existence

Abstract: One of the most significant human achievements has been the invention of books. When things are tough, we turn to books for comfort. As the pages turn, books open a secret gateway to a previously unknown universe. They give us solace when the going gets hard and work as an escape from reality. Thanks to technological advancements, paper books are no longer the only format available to readers worldwide. E-books have taken the world by a storm since their inception and continue to enthral readers with various advantages. But the ebook vs. printed book issue is far from finished, and it's just getting more difficult as time goes on. It might be difficult to choose one over the other, and the battle between digital and traditional books appears to be far from over. But which is better, e-books or printed books? Will future readers flip pages or swipe?

Keywords: Digitisation, Readers, Libraries, Technology, Publishers, Bookworms.

E-books provide readers with a wider range of options than they would get in a bookstore. Books can be downloaded anywhere, anytime without going to the bookstore. They are made available in the native language of the reader anywhere in the world. Instead of the hassle of carrying multiple books, one e-reader can carry dozens of titles.

Though the question pops up that are we still reading as attentively and thoroughly as we did before the rise of digital texts and technologies? Why does text read on a screen differ from text read on paper in our brains? The truth of such concerns is questionable. Therefore, should we be concerned about dividing our attention between pixels and ink? According to laboratory research, surveys, and consumer reviews, many people miss certain tactile aspects of reading on paper that current screens and e-readers don't fully replicate. More crucially, they don't allow people to easily navigate extensive texts. Reading comprehension may be hindered as a result of difficulty locating information on a map. In addition to draining our mental resources while reading, screens may also make it more difficult to recall what we've read after we've finished. Another part of the research examines people's views on various forms of media. If they're not aware of it, many individuals approach computers and tablets with a mindset that is less conducive to learning than the mindset they bring to paper. Paper and ink may still be superior when it comes to reading long passages of plain text. There are more ways to read than text.

According to the 2019 annual report of the Association of American Publishers, publishers of books in all media generated over $26 billion in revenue in the U.S. in 2018, with print accounting for $22.6 billion and e-books for $2.04 billion. According to Meryl Halls, managing director of the U.K. Booksellers' Association, despite the fact that digital media has disrupted businesses such as news publishing and the music industry, consumers still enjoy owning real books. There is nothing like the scent, feel, and feeling of sitting down — with no electronic devices in sight. Those who love to read also like to flaunt what they've read. They enjoy keeping track of the books they've read. Print publishing still has a lot going for it – books never run out of batteries. Besides, they can be passed along to friends when done reading.

Publishers and authors feared that cheaper e-books would eat away at their print revenues, and retailers were struggling to stay open. In reality, the end of print books never came, at least not on time. Since e-books were predicted to overtake print books by 2015, digital sales have actually decreased sharply . Digital book subscription businesses like Netflix and Pandora have failed to convert bookworms into digital binge readers, and as a result, several have folded. A tablet and Smartphone use has led to a decline in sales of specialised e-reading devices. Young readers who are digital natives, on the other hand, prefer to read on paper, according to several studies.

There's nothing like a printed book; the weight, the woody scent, the feel, the look. ― E.A. Bucchianeri

As per the Adverts & Media Outlook , ebook usage continues to lag far behind that of printed books around the world. For example, in the United States, where ebooks are still quite prevalent, 23 percent of the population is reported to have purchased an ebook last year, versus 44 percent who bought a printed book. All formats will stand the test of time when it comes to the future of books; e-books will not be the death knell for printed books but rather a complementing product.

JD Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye author, who died in 2010 at the age of 91, detested the idea of his books being interpreted in any medium beyond the page and often turned down requests to adapt his writing for the stage and the big screen. The estate of J.D. Salinger has declared that the author's infamously limited body of work would be made available as ebooks for the first time after years of the author's estate refusing to allow publishers to digitise his writings. In February 2019, Matt Salinger, son of JD Salinger, revealed that decades of unpublished writing by his father will be released over the next 10 years, predicting that it will take five to seven years to finish assembling.

Stephen Fry, an actor, in 2009 tweeted , “One technology doesn’t replace another, it complements. Books are no more threatened by Kindle than stairs by elevators.”

The metaphor can be applied to ebooks and printed books as well. It's just a matter of time before print media succumbs to a similar fate to the internet-enabled mobile phones and laptops that are already threatening to overtake the market. The old-fashioned sheet and adhesive books, despite all of this, continue to exert their impact in society. In the same way that digital notes cannot replace handwritten pencil and paper ones, looking at words on a screen is just not the same as reading them on paper. Nothing will ever replace the thrill of holding a book made entirely of hand-lettered ink on pulp-pressed paper.


1.      American Scientific, “The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens”, https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/reading-paper-screens/ (accessed on June 20, 2022). 

2.      CNBC, “Physical books still outsell e-books — and here’s why”, https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/19/physical-books-still-outsell-e-books-and-heres-why.html (accessed on June 20, 2022).

3.      The New York Times, “The Plot Twist: E-Book Sales Slip, and Print Is Far From Dead”, https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/23/business/media/the-plot-twist-e-book-sales-slip-and-print-is-far-from-dead.html (accessed on 28 June, 2022).

4.      Statista, “E-Books Still No Match for Printed Books”,  https://www.statista.com/chart/24709/e-book-and-printed-book-penetration/ (accessed on July 5, 2022).

5.      The Gaurdian, “Matt Salinger: ‘My father was writing for 50 years without publishing. That’s a lot of material”, https://www.theguardian.com/books/2019/feb/01/matt-salinger-jd-the-catcher-in-the-rye (accessed on July 5, 2022).

6.      Twitter, “Stephen Fry”, https://twitter.com/stephenfry/status/1312682218?lang=en (accessed on August 2, 2022).

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EBooks vs. Printed Books: Which Are Better?

ebooks and printed books essay

In the case of eBooks vs. printed books, have you ever wondered which is better? The answer may surprise you.

Some people might think that whether books or eBooks are superior is an open and shut case. But then again, the fact that you are reading this indicates that there are two sides to this debate.

As a printing company, we certainly like books, but at the same time, we strive to innovate and embrace change, so this requires us to look carefully at the arguments both ways.

First off, in measuring books against eBooks, it is important to define which factors we are comparing. The arguments over the superiority of books or eBooks consist of several categories:

  • Convenience and Ease of Use

Retention of Information/Learning

Impact on the environment.

There are good arguments on both sides for all categories listed above. Without getting too academic, here is a short list of pros and cons for eBooks vs. books.

EBooks vs. Printed Books: Discover the Better Option

Ease of use.

eBooks can be used in most places, so long as you can keep the reading devices charged. Most eReaders can even be used to read in the dark. It is also convenient to download an eBook since you can have it in seconds as long as there is Wi-Fi or a good cellular signal.

Most eBooks will hold your place, so whenever you open your device, you can automatically see where you stopped reading. eBooks can also contain thousands of books at all times, allowing you to carry an entire library with you.

Books require no power to operate, so you can read them in any environment with light. You don’t need power to “recharge” a book. You can also easily write, highlight passages, or dog-ear pages in a book, although some book lovers may frown upon doing so.

Many users report having more eye strain reading digital editions than physical books. In addition, it is much easier to work with multiple books and sources (for example, to write a research paper) when dealing with physical books. Is it also usually easier to keep track of specific pages or passages in physical books since the pages never change.

There are some specialized situations where eBooks outperform physical books. Some of this depends on the personal preference of individual readers. In addition, some readers with physical limitations, such as poor eyesight or dyslexia, may find electronic text easier since they can magnify the font and enjoy some of the interactive features of eBooks.

Many studies confirm that reading comprehension is better with physical books than with eBooks. Although young people may read more quickly on an eReader, the speed and potential distractions of links, scrolling, and advertisements usually mean people remember and retain what they are reading better in physical books. Many readers also enjoy the touch and feel of holding and turning the pages of a book.

Taking it at face value, you would think that eBooks win when it comes to the environment. However, evaluating the environmental impact of books and eBooks is complicated. For one, it depends on how many books you read on an eReader.

eReaders take a lot more carbon to produce than books, so studies indicate you need to read between twenty-two and one hundred books on an eReader to be more environmentally conscious than simply reading hard copy books. In addition, you need to consider that eReaders need to be recycled properly, have to recharge regularly, and contain some toxic metals requiring proper disposal.

When you buy a book, you can get it new or used, and used books are certainly more environmentally conscious than new. Borrowing books from a library is even more environmentally friendly. In addition, when you are done with a book, you can sell it or gift it to the next reader
 a feat which is nigh impossible with eBooks. Lastly, if a book reaches the end of its life or falls into disrepair, you can recycle the book.

Additionally, many printing companies who produce books follow “green” printing practices that prevent harmful chemicals or excessive amounts of waste from entering the environment.

Typically, eBooks are priced lower than new paper books. This reflects the fact that there are no printing costs associated with creating eBooks.

You don’t truly own eBooks when you buy them. For instance, if your eReader breaks or your account shuts down, you lose all the books you purchased.

Physical books can be borrowed, gifted, or sold. You can also borrow books easily from the library. Also, in the case of a book that has special value to a reader or is an antique, it can be retained for a lifetime without worrying about eReader compatibility or eBook formatting. Lastly, books have some decorative value as they are placed on bookshelves for later use.

Can You Print An EBook?

Have you written and self-published an eBook, and then you realized that you’d like to have physical copies of your book? Do you want to sell copies or distribute them to friends, family, or business associates? If so, you’re probably wondering, “Can you print an eBook?”

If you’re an eBook author who wants to print physical copies of your eBook project, keep in mind that the process is more complicated than simply pressing the “print” button on your computer. Digital books typically consist of dynamic computer files which allow the reader to change print size, zoom in on images, leave virtual bookmarks, highlight passages, and otherwise interact with their book. Files used to print books, on the other hand, are typically static files such as PDF files created using Adobe InDesign .

When considering eBook printing, think about the following challenges.

The eBook printing process is not as simple as saving your eBook as a PDF file and then printing it, as you must keep considerations such as bleed in mind. Bleed, which consists of an image running off the edge of a page, is a key aspect of printing products such as books.

After all of the pages in a book are printed, they are then cut down to a uniform size, and the bleed is the extra space at the edges of the page that is cut off. Adding bleed in print files is vital, as it ensures that the pages in the printed book will contain correctly-sized margins and that all pages will be the exact same dimensions.


Typesetting is also a serious consideration when trying to print eBook files. The code for some characters in eBook files does not easily transfer to static file types, fonts might not be compatible, and file conversions can alter how the text is arranged on the page.

As a result, you might need to spend hours or days manually typesetting the entire book, finding custom characters, and ensuring that every line is exactly as you intend it. If you’ve ever had to typeset — or re-typeset — a book, you know that this process is a headache!

Legal Considerations

Many eBooks are protected intellectual property. As such, be sure that you have the proper permission to print an eBook, whether you are the author or not. Many publishing houses control the copyright to their books, so contact them with any questions before printing an eBook.

If you are self-publishing your own book, this task might be easier. Before printing an eBook, consult with a lawyer who is knowledgeable about copyright law and digital rights management and can help you navigate the process.

The Print Authority Can Print Your eBook for You

If you’re feeling discouraged, we have good news: The Print Authority can print your eBook for you and take care of all of the potential pitfalls we’ve described! Our expert team has experience converting eBook files to stable PDFs that contain the correct bleed and which can be easily printed. We convert eBooks into professionally-printed paper books with a variety of bindings , letting you sit back, relax, and enjoy your beautiful finished paper book.

Which Should You Use?

There are obvious pros and cons for both eBooks vs. books, and both media are in high demand. Interestingly, recent articles point out that sales of both books and eBooks are increasing .

Additionally, there are more new ways of printing and distributing books than ever before. Self-publishing is extremely common, and there are more niche publications than ever.

If you need help with designing or printing a book, please don’t hesitate to contact us at The Print Authority . We have decades of experience and will be glad to help!

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Evolution of Reading: Paper vs. Electronic Books

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Prof. Emily

Evolution of Reading: Paper vs. Electronic Books. (2016, Sep 09). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/ebooks-vs-books-essay

"Evolution of Reading: Paper vs. Electronic Books." StudyMoose , 9 Sep 2016, https://studymoose.com/ebooks-vs-books-essay

StudyMoose. (2016). Evolution of Reading: Paper vs. Electronic Books . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/ebooks-vs-books-essay [Accessed: 29 Jun. 2024]

"Evolution of Reading: Paper vs. Electronic Books." StudyMoose, Sep 09, 2016. Accessed June 29, 2024. https://studymoose.com/ebooks-vs-books-essay

"Evolution of Reading: Paper vs. Electronic Books," StudyMoose , 09-Sep-2016. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/ebooks-vs-books-essay. [Accessed: 29-Jun-2024]

StudyMoose. (2016). Evolution of Reading: Paper vs. Electronic Books . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/ebooks-vs-books-essay [Accessed: 29-Jun-2024]

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Difference Between Printed Book and eBook


Books play a significant role in the life of a human being by laying down the foundation of learning at a young age. They aim to deliver authentic information to the readers.

In the last few decades, not just the appearance of books have been changed, but the mode of reading books has also taken a turn, which is mainly due to the digitalization process. eBooks and audiobooks have come into vogue in recent years.

In this section, we will talk about the difference between printed book and eBook.

Content: Printed Book Vs eBook

Comparison chart.

Basis for ComparisonPrinted BookeBook
MeaningA printed book is a literary publication comprising of pages bound together along single side and, protected by a cover.A book that is transformed into electronic form, for reading on a dedicated e-reader or computer and handheld devices, is called an eBook
Book coverPrinted books have front covers and back covers.eBookooks have front covers.
CostHighComparatively higher
Footnotes and end-notesPrinted books contain both footnotes and end-notesE-books contain end-notes
StorageStorage space is required.A device or application can contain many e-books.
SpeedAfter buying a book or picking it from the library, one can immediately start reading it.It may require some time to load.
SharingEasy to share.Sharing is not possible as a paid e-reader supports only one account.
WeightDepends on the volumeLight weight
SearchSearching is a bit difficultSearching is extremely easy

Definition of Printed Book

Printed books are the physical form of books, comprising of pages or sheets of paper fastened together inside the cover (often cardboard). It is a literary work of fiction and non-fiction, which contains information, stories, poetry, or similar stuff. In other words, a printed book is an extended published literary composition.

A printed book is arranged in a specific format called a ‘book’s layout’. The fundamental layout has a front cover, back cover and the body copy or content pages.

The front cover has the title, subtitle, author name and name of the publication house. The inner portion of the front cover is typically left blank. On the other hand, the back cover carries the book’s ISBN, picture of the author, along with his/her introduction. It may also include, barcode, price and excerpted reviews.

Printed books are available both online and offline. You can get them from the nearby bookstall, market or library as well. Also, you can order books online through various e-commerce websites, such as Amazon, Flipkart, etc. Once used, the consumer can also resell the book at a good price.

Definition of eBook

When a book is available in a digital format, it is termed as an eBook. By the term ‘available’, we mean the book offered, stored, distributed and read in electronic form.

It comprises of text, graphics, tables, etc. which can be readable in a flat-panel or touch screen devices, such as a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, mobile or eBook reader.

In finer terms, an eBook can be defined as a non-editable book, with a reflowable layout, which can be read on any electronic device, having a controllable viewing display. One can easily get access to books by simply downloading them from the internet.

An eBook contains a hyperlinked table of contents, which allows the user to click and land on the page of interest.

The e-reader provides a touch screen display and contains a number of features to ease the reading process. Along with that, it has a paper-like look, making it cushy to read the text in brightly lit places. Moreover, the brightness level automatically adjusts to the light.

The eBook reader can be a software application, for use on PC or laptops. For instance: Reader application offered by Microsoft Corporation. It can also be an e-reading device, also called an eReader. ‘Kindle’ is one such eReader presently sold by Amazon. A similar product is offered for sale by Barnes and Noble as ‘Nook’ and by Nuvomedia as ‘Rocket eBook’.

Key Differences Between Printed Book and eBook

Upcoming points will discuss the difference between the printed book and eBook:

  • A printed book is a book in its material form, which contains text, images, graphs, etc. printed or typed on a paper. On the other hand, an ebook is defined as the electronic form of the conventional printed paperback, formatted as a file, which is readable with the help of eReader device or on an application.
  • Printed books have back cover, which is mainly used for protection as well as attracting the readers. The cover can be hardcover or softcover (paperback). As against, an eBook has a front cover, which is displayed on the online shopping sites, to attract visitors.
  • Printed books have a fixed layout which can’t be changed after the printing is performed, whereas eBook has a reflowable layout. Reflowable means that the text’s ability to wrap the words according to the device, user settings and application. Hence, the eBook allows the reader, to enjoy the books as per their needs and preferences.
  • An eBook is cheaper in comparison to the printed one, however, the initial price of an eReader is higher than print. A study also revealed that the e-reader is costlier, i.e. it has a premium price, which the consumer needs to bear. Moreover, it also has some sort of annual charges.
  • Footnotes are used in a printed book to provide additional information relating to the highlighted text. However, in the case of an eBook, hyperlinks are used, which redirect the consumer to the endnotes, where they can read the information, and hop back.
  • Talking about storage, as printed books are the physical form of books, so obvious it requires a specific place for storage. As against, in case of eBooks, the books are stored in the device or the application itself, and so physical storage of the books is not required.
  • When it comes to speed, once you buy the book, you can immediately start reading it. But an eBook might take some time to load.
  • A printed book can be easily shared with friends, acquaintances and relatives. As well as it can also be resold after use. On the contrary, in case of a paid eBook, only one account can be used to access the books, which automatically limits its shared usage, as for sharing you have to share your login credentials with that person.
  • A printed book can be light or heavy, which simply depends on the volume. When it comes to weight, an eBook is lighter in comparison to the printed paperback, and so one can hold it for many hours.
  • When it comes to searching a particular matter in a printed book, it is quite difficult, as one can either search the topic in the table of contents or in the glossary at the end. In contrast, searching some topic is very easy in eBooks, as all you need to do is type the name in your device and it will show the list of all the mentions.

Book reading always helps in gaining or learning something new, irrespective of the purpose, i.e. personal, professional or educational. There is a fine line of difference between printed book and eBook, with respect to cost, availability and features. A consumer has to weigh the options so as to arrive at a decision, concerning the kind of format they like to prefer.

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Ebooks or Paper Books: Your Best Arguments

With the advance of phones, tablets, and ereaders, ebooks have become a popular reading standard. Still, there's something about the feel of an old-fashioned paper book. We asked you which one is better and why, and here are some of the best arguments we heard.

There were a lot of great responses so let's see where you landed.

Ebooks are More Accessible

Ebooks can be read practically anywhere on anything, and MyklFuman points out how easy it is to have your library at hand for whenever there's some waiting to do:

I have a large screen phone (Galaxy S3) so I then always have my books with me. Waiting for the take away to be ready, I read a few pages. Waiting pretty much anywhere, I read. I have been doing so since the Palm Pilot Treo came out... Nice thing with Google books is I can read at my desk on the big monitor then pick up right where I left off on my cell, and visa versa.

CessTHEBest explains how location makes it hard to get certain books, so ebooks are by far the most accessible choice:

I LOVE paper books. But, living in Latin America, e-books have saved my life. The bookstores here have a very small English language selection, and I am just too lazy to read in Spanish. So, E-books have meant no postage, no heavy suitcases full of books, no waiting 4-5 weeks for books from amazon, or lost books.

And some had been dreaming of the accessibility that ebooks finally brought. TheLaughinKipper is one of them:

Ever since the eighties I had been dreaming of replacing those bulky, unwieldly stacks of paper with a thin, light slate that could contain all my library. It has rekindled (pun not intended) my passion for reading like you wouldn't believe.

dr_bombay agrees, and also cites the perks that come along with a lot of ebooks:

i can carry an entire library in my pocket; i can adjust type size, contrast, and color to my liking; i can look up unfamiliar words instantly with the built-in dictionary...

Different Situations Call for Different Things

Our own Whitson Gordon says ebooks all the way, but still makes a solid case for times when a paper book is ideal:

I'm an ebook guy through and through, but my fiancee has a pretty good argument for buying physical books—at least sometimes.
If you're going to the pool or the beach and want to bring a book, it's a lot easier to bring a physical book, since you can leave it alone (to go swimming or whatever) without worrying about it getting stolen. Can't do that with a $100 Kindle. You can also leave it in your car, in your backpack at school, etc.

Paper books are also necessary for certain things. TheRevanchrist mentions one particular situation—going to a book signing—and CaptainJack agrees:

You do have a point about the signed copy. My Wife and many of her author friends have had to resort to signing prints of covers for ebook fans. There really isn't a good way to deal with that without print copies being easily available.

Some of you were die hard paper book readers, but got nudged the other way because of your situation. Wittyname talks about how traveling changed everything:

I bought my Kindle saying that, at worst, I would just use it for flying home for Christmas when I didn't want to carry a bunch of books around but needed more than one to read for the flight and my time at home. But from there I've moved to almost exclusively reading on the Kindle.

It Depends on What You're Reading

Many of you buy certain types of ebooks, but still think paper is the way go for a lot of books. Our own Melanie Pinola has a couple of items on her list that help her determine which to buy:

For me, it depends on the book—how visual it is (graphic novels I like in paper format), whether I'm more likely to race through it (a good novel) or linger and bounce around (poetry), how big it is (I wish the gigantic Robert Moses book was in eBook form), and how well the text was translated to Kindle (I heard bad things about the Game of Thrones digital versions, so went with paper for that).

Sometimes you might not feel like sharing what you're reading with everyone around you. chancyrendezvous points out that ebooks can help prevent embarrassment or strange looks:

No one knows what I'm reading! I'm the Mikey of books, so when someone says, "Hey, CR, read this dinosaur erotica and tell me if it's as awful as it seems it would be," (surprisingly not) or "Someone has to read 50 Cent's book series and it's not going to be me," (it shouldn't be you either, even if the title is Thong on Fire ), I can read in public and no one gives me judgy eyebrows.

And SuperWittySmitty likes classic paper books, but just doesn't want to haul around War & Peace:

I have a Nook and have enjoyed using it- right now I am working my way through War & Peace and it's certainly easier to grab the Nook than carrying around the big fat book.

Some Prefer the Feel and Utility of Paper Books

I personally think the weight and feel of a paper book is hard to beat most of the time, and Charis agrees:

I am still a total paper book lover. It's just satisfying curling up with a book, the smell of the pages, the heft of the book. And there is the classic "Three B test" - bath, bus, bed.

Plus, chitheatergirl points out that it's easy to immediately see how far you really are in a book:

I was Switzerland in this discussion, but the ebook I was reading told me I was 84% finished with the book when the book ended. The remaining 16% was excerpts from the author's other books, an author interview, and a discussion guide. Paper books are far superior when it comes to letting you know your place in a book, and that's why I prefer them.

Others Think People are Just Being Nostalgic

I may be one of those weirdos that likes the smell of a book, but not everyone thinks the same way. DanYHKim is someone who does not think the same way:

People who love paper books will sometimes wax poetic about the unique smell of books. For me, that is the smell of dust mites and silverfish droppings.

Not everyone thinks the "feel" of a book is anything to write home about, either. Michael Bond sees paper books as nothing but a disadvantage:

I don't really get this... nothing about the "feel" of the book is an advantage to me. I used to read some big books, and having to balance that weight so that I don't have to crane my neck was a pain.

The Right Tool for the Right Job

When you boil it all down, you need the right type of book for the right job it seems, but everyone can at least agree that reading is definitely a job that's right. A good majority of you think there's a time and place for both ebooks and paper books. KnightTim isn't up for battle, just reading, despite what his name might suggest:

I'm going to have to say YES. I love them both, my wife and I have several bookshelves in our house and I would not get rid of my books. But I also have and love my kindle paperwhite.
So I think at this point my vote would be 55% e-book and 45% physical book. (I guess I'm not very good at the war part of this post...)

At the end of the day, James T Wood draws a comparison that I'm sure most of us can get on board with:

I think of the physical vs. electronic book as a both-and proposition.
I have both DVDs and a Netflix subscription.
I have both CDs and a Google Music subscription.
I have both physical books and ebooks.

Whatever you prefer to read on, it seems there's no better choice. As long as you get to read, that's a win.

7 reasons why ebooks are better than printed books, and where to download new titles to read right now

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  • I love reading ebooks because I can download them in a matter of minutes, they're more portable than physical books, and I don't have to go to the store to buy them or wait for them to be delivered.
  • Ebooks are also often available on sale for as little as $1 to $4 , and I can even access many of them for free through my local library and other avenues .
  • I didn't always love ebooks — I used to think that they were terrible, in fact, but when I started reviewing e-readers as a tech reporter about six years ago, I discovered that I actually love ebooks.
  • Now, I almost exclusively read ebooks on the Amazon Kindle Oasis (8GB) and all the other e-readers I review and test.
  • If you're curious to learn more about all the e-readers I've tested, check out our guide to the best e-readers , my guide on how to use a Kindle , and my review of the Kindle Paperwhite .

Insider Today

I have always been a book worm. When I was eight, I even won an award for "being an avid, spontaneous reader" (my reward was a book — a beautifully illustrated version of " The Secret Garden " by Frances Hodgson Burnett).

Growing up, my room was full of shelves upon shelves of paperbacks and hardcovers. I kept a journal to remember all the books I had read. I scorned people who bent the corners of pages instead of using a bookmark, I couldn't imagine marking up a book with a pen or highlighter, I hated when book spines cracked or covers bent.

When ebooks came on the scene, I thought they were ridiculous. Why would I want to read on a digital device when I could hold a lovely physical book, when I could smell the pages and have the satisfaction of turning real pages? I was, in short, a book fanatic.

I tell you all this because I'm never not surprised that I am now an ebook evangelist.

It all started when I (accidentally) became a tech reporter and I started to review e-readers. At first, I disliked having to test them and eagerly awaited going back to my paperbacks, but then I started traveling a lot for work and something clicked: Ebooks are good!

Ebooks vs. books: Why are ebooks better?

  • They are much more portable than physical books, so you can carry dozens if not hundreds or thousands of them around with you on a device that weighs less than half a pound.
  • You can download them in a matter of minutes so you don't have to wait for them to be delivered if you ordered them online.
  • You don't have to go to the store to buy them.
  • They are never out of stock because they are digital files.
  • You can get many ebooks for free from Project Gutenberg , Amazon , and your local library .
  • Ebooks often go on sale, so you can get bestsellers for $1 to $5. You can follow BookBub for deal alerts.
  • They come with fun features like sharing highlighted quotations on social media, looking up words in the dictionary as you read, digital bookmarks, and much more.

Convinced yet? You should be! Now that I've got you, here's some more information on where to buy ebooks, where to get free ebooks, and which e-readers are the best ones.

Where to buy ebooks

You can read ebooks with or without an e-reader — all you need is a smartphone or tablet. Here is a list of places where you can buy ebooks:

  • Amazon is the obvious choice. The Kindle Store has millions of ebooks, including bestsellers, exclusives, and classics. 
  • Kobo is the other main alternative to Amazon's Kindle Store. It also has millions of ebooks, including all the best sellers you could want.
  • Barnes & Noble's Nook Store has a large selection of ebooks, too. You can read them in the Nook app for iOS or Android.
  • Apple's Books Store  is another great option for anyone who wants to read on their iPad or iPhone and doesn't think they'll ever get an e-reader.
  • The Google Play Book Store is great for Android users who aren't interested in buying an e-reader, either.

You can also check out ebook subscription apps like Scribd and Kindle Unlimited , both of which I've tried personally and love. Essentially, for a flat rate of about $12 a month, you can read as many ebooks as you want. Scribd also offers magazines and audiobooks.

Where to download free ebooks

It's easy to find free ebooks from a variety of sources. My favorite avenue is the Libby app from Overdrive, which gives me access to all the ebooks I can borrow from my local library. Although I sometimes have to wait for a title to be available, it's a wonderful resource.

When it comes to classics, you can get many of them free from Amazon or Project Gutenberg. I've used both often.

  • Amazon offers thousands of classic ebooks (like "Pride and Prejudice") for free.
  • For Prime subscribers, Amazon's Prime Reading Library is another great resource for free ebooks.
  • You can also borrow ebooks from the Kindle Lending Library if you own a Kindle e-reader.
  • Project Gutenberg has around 57,000 free ebooks, including classics like "Pride and Prejudice," "The Odyssey," "Moby Dick," and more.
  • Overdrive and its app Libby ( iOS and Android ) give you access to free ebooks that you can borrow from your local library.

Guillermo Garzon/Business Insider

What is the best e-reader .

I have strong opinions about e-readers . I personally think the Amazon Kindle Oasis (8GB) is worth its high cost of $280. However, I fully acknowledge that's not a reasonable price for most people (I just read too much and can't live without page-turning buttons). Most people will be more than happy with the mid-range Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (2018) or the basic Amazon Kindle.

If you prefer to have an e-reader from a company that's not Amazon, Kobo's e-readers are excellent. I like the budget-friendly Kobo Clara HD , the waterproof Kobo Libra H2O , and the large-screened Kobo Forma .

Now go forth and read ebooks!

ebooks and printed books essay

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Essay 10: Ebooks – Advantages and Disadvantages

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With the rise of Ebooks comes the decline of paper books. Some people see this as a good step forward while others do not. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

Sample response 1.

Over the past decade, technology has revolutionized almost every walk of life. One such innovation has been Ebooks which are increasingly becoming popular and replacing paper-based books. Many considered it a positive development because of the convenience they offer and environment-friendliness; however, there are others who deem the trend negative because of harmful effects on health and difficulty in maintaining focus for the reader.

The foremost benefit of electronic books is that they are extremely easy to handle and carry. For instance, one can store hundreds of books on his tablet or smartphone, and travel while reading comfortably without facing the hassle of lifting heavy books. In addition to that, these books are contributing to efforts to tackle climate change. Papers that are used in conventional books are made from wood, and have over the years, led to massive deforestation. With digital books becoming popular, a significant drop of 23% in deforestation has been noted over the past decade, as indicated by a report published in Daily Times.

However, there are drawbacks to this trend of using digital copies over paper ones. One major demerit is that such books affect readers’ visual health adversely. That is to say, if a reader is exposed to a screen for an extended duration, he may develop eyesight issues because of excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Additionally, it is also a fact that reading a book on a smart gadget, for instance, a smartphone comes with numerous distractions from social media and other applications. On the contrary, paper-based books are neither associated with eyesight issues, nor any distractions.

To conclude, there are a few disadvantages of e-books like distractions from social media applications and harmful effects on eyesight; but them being pro-environment and easy to carry, they are attracting more people every passing day.

Sample Response 2

In recent years, Ebooks have gained immense popularity, and this has led to a decline in the demand for paper books. While some individuals perceive this as a positive development, others view it as negative. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the trend toward e-books.

On the one hand, Ebooks offer several benefits over traditional paper books. Firstly, they are more convenient and portable. With e-books, one can carry an entire library with them on a single device, whereas with paper books, it is not possible to carry more than a few books at a time. Secondly, e-books are often cheaper than paper books, making them more accessible to a wider range of readers. Additionally, e-books are more environmentally friendly, as they do not require paper or ink and do not contribute to deforestation or pollution.

On the other hand, the decline of paper books has some disadvantages. Firstly, many people still prefer the tactile experience of reading a physical book, as they enjoy the smell and feel of the pages. Secondly, some people argue that e-books do not offer the same level of engagement as paper books, as the lack of physical presence can make it difficult for readers to connect with the story. Finally, the shift towards e-books could lead to the closure of traditional bookstores and libraries, which are important cultural institutions in many communities.

In conclusion, the rise of Ebooks has both advantages and disadvantages. While e-books offer greater convenience, affordability, and environmental benefits, they may lack the same level of engagement and cultural significance as paper books. It is up to individuals to decide which format they prefer and to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each. Ultimately, the shift towards e-books is a reflection of the changing nature of reading habits and technological advancements in the digital age.

Sample Response 3

In recent years, the popularity of Ebooks has grown exponentially, leading to a decline in the use of paper books. While some individuals view this trend as a positive step forward, others are more skeptical. In this essay, I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend.

On the one hand, Ebooks offer several advantages over traditional paper books. First and foremost, e-books are more convenient to carry around. With a tablet or e-reader, individuals can have access to an entire library of books in one compact device. This portability allows individuals to read books on the go, without having to carry around heavy paper books. Additionally, e-books are often more affordable than paper books, which is a significant advantage for those on a tight budget. Finally, e-books are more environmentally friendly than paper books, as they require no physical paper or ink.

On the other hand, there are also several disadvantages to the rise of e-books. Perhaps the most significant disadvantage is the impact that e-books can have on physical bookstores. As more and more individuals switch to Ebooks, physical bookstores may struggle to stay afloat. Additionally, e-books require a significant initial investment, as individuals need to purchase an e-reader or tablet. While the cost of e-books may be lower in the long run, this initial investment can be a barrier for some individuals. Finally, some individuals argue that reading an e-book simply does not compare to the experience of reading a physical book. They argue that the tactile experience of holding a book and turning its pages is an integral part of the reading experience that cannot be replicated with an e-reader.

In conclusion, while Ebooks offer several advantages, such as convenience, affordability, and environmental sustainability, there are also several disadvantages to their rise in popularity. These include their potential impact on physical bookstores, the initial investment required to purchase an e-reader or tablet, and the loss of the tactile experience that comes with reading a physical book. Ultimately, whether one views this trend as positive or negative depends on their personal preferences and priorities.

Sample Response 4

The advent of e-books has brought about a marked decline in the usage of traditional paper books. While some individuals perceive this trend as a step in the right direction, others remain apprehensive. In this essay, I will explicate the pros and cons of this development.

On one hand, e-books are advantageous for a number of reasons. Firstly, e-books are far more convenient than paper books, as they allow for the storage of thousands of books in one small device. This not only reduces the physical burden of carrying a bulky book but also makes reading on the go more feasible. Moreover, e-books are generally more cost-effective than paper books, which can be especially beneficial for students who require a large number of books. Furthermore, e-books are environmentally friendly, as they reduce the need for paper, which in turn reduces deforestation and pollution.

On the other hand, the rise of e-books has a few significant drawbacks. One of the main concerns is the impact on traditional bookstores, which may be forced to shut down due to the increasing popularity of e-books. This would not only result in job losses but would also have a detrimental effect on communities, as bookstores often serve as cultural hubs. Additionally, e-books require an initial investment in an e-reader or tablet, which can be a barrier for individuals who are unable to afford such a device. Furthermore, some individuals argue that the experience of reading a paper book, with its tactile sensation, cannot be replicated by an e-reader or tablet.

In conclusion, while Ebooks provide numerous benefits, including convenience, affordability, and eco-friendliness, there are also a few significant drawbacks to this trend, such as the potential impact on traditional bookstores, the initial investment required to purchase an e-reader, and the loss of the tactile sensation of a physical book. Ultimately, the decision of whether to embrace e-books or continue with paper books rests with each individual, based on their priorities and preferences.

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eBooks vs. Printed Books: Which is Better? [2024]

Whether eBooks are better than printed books has been a long-standing debate.

Though eBooks today have become the mainstay of the publishing industry, they have not completely overtaken print as predicted by analysts.

While there may be several advantages of going digital, some people find reading online daunting. Plus, there have also been some signs of eBook readers switching back to print. 

So which option should you pick? 

Let’s take a look at eBooks vs. printed books and compare the critical factors that make people choose one over the other.

eBooks vs. Printed Traditional Books: A Comparative Analysis

Portability .

One of the primary reasons behind the popularity of eBooks is their portability. Unlike printed books, eBooks are lightweight and easy to carry. You can carry an entire library of thousands of books in a single device.

The books are easy to access too. All you need is a good internet connection, and you can download any book you like within minutes. You can carry them anywhere and even enjoy reading on the go, as long as you keep your device charged.

On the other hand, you can carry only a handful of printed books at one time. However, since printed books require no power, you won’t have to worry about charging them time and again. 

Useful Features

Supporters of print books argue that it’s much easier to work around printed books. You can easily dog-ear pages, highlight passages, or write notes. It is also easier to keep track of pages in physical books since they never change.

Besides, some people feel that the ability to hold books or turn pages with fingers provides a more fulfilling reading experience.

However, with the advancement of technology, many features have been introduced into eBooks to provide users with a wholesome reading experience. You can now add bookmarks, highlights, and notes to digital books as well.  

Plus, many eBooks have an inbuilt dictionary so you can quickly look up difficult words without getting distracted. Not to forget the search feature that enables you to track a single word or phrase from thousands of pages. Such functionalities make eBooks better suited for the fast-paced modern world. 


Have you ever heard of an eBook going out of stock? No! because they never do. Also, there is no waiting time when you buy eBooks . This is in contrast to printed books, where the timeline from buying books online to getting them delivered and finally being able to read them is often long and tenacious.

With eBooks, on the other hand, you can download and read them as soon as you purchase them. You can also print eTextbooks if you want to keep a hard copy of the same.


Printed books have a set layout that cannot be altered. But the same is not the case with eBooks. You can change the font size and line spacing and adjust the format from landscape to portrait or vice versa.

Some eBooks even allow you to change the font style and color instead of sticking to the default format . This flowable quality of eBooks is another reason behind the massive surge in their sale.

Ease of Learning

There are certain situations where eBooks can outperform printed books in ease of learning.

For instance, visually challenged readers or people with dyslexia and other learning difficulties can benefit from the interactive features eBooks provide. They can magnify the font and set the layout that is comfortable for them. 

Ebooks are also easier to integrate with audio. With the new read-aloud features in most eBooks, you can listen to written words and complete a book even while doing other chores.

However, not everyone is tech-savvy. Some people might find the features of eBooks difficult to use and prefer the simplicity that printed books provide. This is usually the case with the older generation. Even with youngsters, the potential distractions of links and advertisements in eBooks may affect their learning.

Ebooks do not support prolonged reading as spending too much time on screen can easily strain your eyes.

So reading a book on a digital device requires you to take frequent breaks. Even with the anti-glare technology, you can still experience visual fatigue after long reading sessions.

The same is never the issue with printed books. If you have good lighting, you can read printed books as long as you like without harming your eyes. 

Impact on the Environment

On the surface, eBooks seem more environment-friendly than printed books. However, the analysis is much more complicated. The environmental impact of printed books vs. eBooks depends greatly on your reading habits. 

eReaders consume more carbon to produce than printed books. So buying an eReader will only make environmental sense if you are an avid reader. Also, they are difficult to recycle. 

If you prefer physical books, you can go for used textbooks or borrow one from a library to reduce your carbon footprint. Besides, you can easily recycle printed books when they reach the end of their life.

You can generally get eBooks a lot cheaper than physical books since no printing cost is associated with them. So if you prefer purchasing books rather than borrowing, you could save a lot of money by going digital.

eReaders can also get access to many free eBooks available online. However, you initially have to invest in a good reading gadget to access all the eBooks. 


Sharing books with family and friends is much easier with printed books.

You can physically hand them over once you’re finished reading. Some people even sell used books or donate them to the library. This way, more than one person can benefit from a single purchase.

However, with eBooks purchased online, the usage is generally restricted to only one account. So you may miss the joy of sharing your favorite books with your loved ones.

Both eBooks and printed books have their pros and cons, though eBooks can be more convenient in many respects.

So the ultimate verdict of which option is better depends on the personal preference of each individual. If you’re unsure, why don’t you give eBooks a try and decide if it suits you better?

The best-selling S peech-to-Print eBook from author Louisa Cook Moats would be a great book to start your digital journey.

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Mike Harman

Mike is the SVP Business Development at HurixDigital. He has over 30 years experience in achieving consistent top-line revenue growth and building mutually beneficial relationships. More posts by Mike Harman

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Reading Books — The Reasons Why EBooks Cannot Fully Replace Printed Books


A Disucssion of Whether E-books Will Replace Paper Books

  • Categories: Digital Era Reading Books

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Words: 2313 |

12 min read

Published: Mar 18, 2021

Words: 2313 | Pages: 5 | 12 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, can digital devices replace traditional textbooks (essay), works cited.

  • Chen, G., Gong, X., Yang, J., Yang, X., & Huang, R. (2019). Digitized Textbooks: Opportunities and Challenges. In 2019 11th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers (ICETC) (pp. 210-214). IEEE.
  • Daniel, D. B., & Woody, W. D. (2013). E-textbooks at what cost? Performance and use of electronic v. print texts. Computers & Education, 62, 18-23.
  • Duncan, I., Korey, S., & Stuart, D. (2014). Exploring the Digital Textbook Practices of University Students. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 15(4).
  • Mangen, A., Walgermo, B. R., & BrĂžnnick, K. (2013). Reading linear texts on paper versus computer screen: Effects on reading comprehension. International Journal of Educational Research, 58, 61-68.
  • Muir, L., & Hawes, G. (2011). E-books in libraries: a practical guide. Facet Publishing.
  • Mulholland, J., & Bates, J. (2017). E-books and e-content: developments and trends. In E-content in libraries: Marketplace and cataloging practices (pp. 21-39). Routledge.
  • Shin, D. (2006). The impact of electronic books on college students: Views from a college library. First Monday, 11(9).
  • Weisberg, M. S. (2012). The future of eBooks: A new standard of eBooks is needed for e-readers to replace traditional textbooks. Journal of Visual Literacy, 31(2), 1-16.
  • Yusof, N., Zainudin, F. M., Salleh, S. M., & Jusoh, A. (2018). Acceptance of e-books among university students: A case study in Malaysia. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 15(1), 10.
  • Zitkus, E., & SteinerovĂĄ, J. (2016). The preference of students for e-books in academic education. Studia Paedagogica, 21(4), 151-164.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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eBooks vs Printed Books: Which are better?


  • Updated on  
  • May 4, 2023

ebooks vs Printed Books

Opening up hundreds of worlds as the pages flip, books are a secret door to an undiscovered place. Do the pages flip or are swiped? With the advent of technology, printed books are both the only format available to readers worldwide. ebooks have taken the world by storm since their inception and continue to enthrall readers with various advantages. Picking one over the other can be a nerve-wracking dilemma and the conflict of ebooks vs printed books seems nowhere near ending. This blog is an attempt to pitch one against the other and see the advantages and disadvantages of each. If you are one of those million readers facing the problem, join the club and read this blog to make a satisfactory pick. 

This Blog Includes:

Ebooks vs printed books: at a glance, what is an ebook, what is a printed book , portability, connectivity, availability , layout , price , storage , shareability , relatable reads.

PortabilityMore portableLess Portable
StorageTakes less spaceTakes more space
FeaturesHas multiple featuresDoesn’t have features
Cost of booksLess expensiveMore expensive
ConnectivityRequired Not required
FocusHas distractions in the form of linksMore focussed
Eye-strainMore strainLess Strain
Initial CostMore expensiveLess Expensive
ChargingNecessary Requirement frequentlyNot a necessary requirement
AvailableEasily available anytimeNot so easily available anytime
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When a book is made available in digital form, it is referred to as an eBook. The phrase “available” refers to a book that is offered, saved, distributed, and read in digital mode. It consists of text, images, tables, and other elements that may be viewed on a flat panel or touch-screen device, such as a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, mobile device, or eBook reader. In more technical terms, an eBook is a non-editable book with a reflowable layout that can be read on any electronic device with a configurable viewing display. They are easily accessible by just downloading them from the internet.

Printed books are books in their physical form, consisting of pages or sheets of paper glued together inside the cover. A printed book, in other words, is a lengthy published literary creation. A printed book is laid out in a precise manner known as a “book’s layout.” The basic layout includes a front cover, a rear cover, and body copy or content pages.

Portability is an important feature of anything in the present world. With an increase in movement with the advancement of technology, it is necessary that people are able to carry books about it too. Printed books are rigid and therefore their portability is less. Ebook readers are lightweight and can be conveniently carried anywhere. Only a few printed books can be carried in one go while ebooks can be carried in gigantic numbers in hundreds and thousands. This makes ebooks a miraculous creation.

Ebook readers have a large number of features that have been introduced with the advancement of technology that can’t be found in traditional printed books. From features involving bookmarking, highlighting, and note-making to an inbuilt dictionary, ebooks have it all. With printed books, these features aren’t available making ebooks more tech-savvy and better suited for the fast-paced modern world.

Being a creation of the world of technology, ebooks require connectivity at all times for readers to access ebooks. However, for printed books, connectivity is not a prerequisite making it possible for readers to read in areas with less or no connectivity. A trusty book is never likely to disappoint. Printed books are reliable and can be reached out at any time, anywhere without any potential connectivity inhibitions. 

Ebooks can be hard on the eyes when constantly used. Printed books are a savior because they cause no eye strain and are therefore recommendable for avid readers. Even with ‘low light’ and ‘anti-glare’ technology, ebooks can create pressure on the eyes and makes it hard to read in the sunlight. That is never an issue with a good old printed book. Open the page of a printed book and you are good to jump right into the story, anytime, in any light.

Have you ever ordered a book and waited for it with bated breath? The wait is never-ending, isn’t it? With ebooks, this concern can be overcome because ebooks give access to all the books in a digital version at a moment’s notice. Ebooks can never go out of stock and there is no waiting time. Great, right? With printed books, from ordering or buying to finally being able to read the book involves a long and tenacious process that can often seem exasperating. Printed books may be purchased both online and offline. You may also purchase books online from different e-commerce websites such as Amazon, Flipkart, and others. The ebooks, on the other hand, maybe simply downloaded from the internet or purchased from Amazon (Kindle version of any book).

The rear cover of a printed book has two purposes: it protects the book and attracts readers. The cover may be either hardback or softcover (paperback). An eBook, on the other hand, has a front cover that is shown on online purchasing sites or e-commerce sites to attract visitors. Aside from that, printed books have a set layout that cannot be altered after printing, but eBooks have a reflowable layout. The capacity of the text to wrap the words according to the device, user preferences, and application is referred to as flowability. As a result, the eBook allows the reader to enjoy the books according to their requirements and tastes.

An eBook is less expensive than a printed book; nevertheless, the initial cost of an eReader is more than that of a print book. In order to become an e-reader, you are required to invest in good e-reading gadgets like laptops, phones, PC, Kindles, Nooks, Rocket eBooks, etc. So the initial investment of having an ebook is more than getting a conventional or traditionally printed book. Research also found that the e-reader is more expensive, implying that it has a premium price that the user must endure. Furthermore, it has some type of yearly fee.

In our debate of ebooks vs printed books, our next comparison point is related to storage. As we know that printed books are the physical form of books, it is apparent that they require a specific location for storage. In contrast, eBooks are kept in the device or program itself, thus physical storage of the books is not necessary.

What’s better when you share and recommend your favorite books to your friends, cousins, family, etc. Hence, the next point of our debate on ebooks vs printed books is on the shareability of these books. A printed book is simple to exchange with friends, acquaintances, and family. It can also be resold after it has been used. In the event of a purchased eBook, only one account may be used to access the books, limiting its shared usage, because sharing requires you to provide your login details with that individual.

Now that you have evaluated all the possible differences between ebooks and printed books, here is a bonus list of Best Business Books of all Times for you!
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eBooks are significantly less expensive than printed books since they do not require paper printing, attractive covers, packing, shipping, or other expenses. You may receive up to ten eBooks for the price of one paper book! Furthermore, unlike printed books made of paper, eBooks cannot be readily damaged or injured, which means they last longer.

A digital or electronic book that has been formatted into a file that can be read on an e-reader device or app is known as an ebook. The most significant distinction is that print books have static layouts that do not alter once printed, but ebooks have dynamic layouts.

eBooks, on the other hand, are unquestionably more portable than print textbooks, particularly hardbound textbooks. eReaders, such as the Kindle, are far lighter than even a single textbook, making them easier to transport home and back to class. To utilize eBooks, you don’t even need a specific eReader device.

They take up a lot of room on the shelf. They’re heavier than ebooks. In improper conditions, they gather dust and might grow mold. The font cannot be changed to accommodate different reading circumstances. You cannot use auto-scroll. In poor lighting, it is impossible to read.

E-books are far less expensive to manufacture, distribute, and sell than traditional books. There is no paper, printing, transportation, or retail space. So they should cost a lot less to acquire, but the offer isn’t always as fantastic as it should be.

These are some ways to compare ebooks vs printed books but both have their importance in their own ways. Do stories in books inspire you to write your own masterpiece? Are you longing to unleash your thoughts through the power of a pen? Some of the renowned universities across the world offer esteemed degrees in creative writing. Experts at Leverage Edu will help you in applying for these universities and in reviewing your applications. Register today for a free counseling session and get ready for the time of your life!

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