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Hockey Match Essay in Urdu | ہاکی کھیل پر مضمون

a hockey match essay in Pakistan on education

Today we will write a hockey match essay in Urdu with headings, pdf and quotations for classes 5,4,7,3,4,6, and 8th in easy and short wording. This essay is about the experience of attending a hockey match. It explores the excitement and energy in the arena, the physicality of the game, and the tension as the players compete to score goals. The essay also highlights the importance of referees in keeping the game under control and the thrill of a sudden-death goal in overtime. Overall, the essay conveys the unique and unforgettable experience of watching a hockey match.

ہاکی کھیل پر مضمون

کھیل ہماری زندگی میں تعلیم کی طرح ہی اہم ہیں۔ یہ ہماری جسمانی نشوونما اور صحت کے لئے ضروری ہیں۔ ہاکی ہمارا قومی کھیل ہے۔ پاکستان نے اس کھیل میں کئی اعزازات حاصل کیے ہیں۔ ہمیں اپنے عظیم ہاکی کھلاڑیوں پر فخر ہے۔

essay on A hockey match ground

قوم کی تاریخ جتنی پرانی ہے وہ خود پاکستان ہاکی ہے۔ نو تشکیل شدہ آزاد خودمختار ریاست اس دوسرے ٹیم مقابلے میں اپنا بین الاقوامی آغاز کرتی ہے۔ 1948 میں لندن میں ہونے والے پہلے جنگ کے بعد کے اولمپک ہاکی ٹورنامنٹ میں پاکستان کی نمائندگی ایک گروپ نے کی تھی جس کی کوچنگ مرحوم علی القدر شاہ دارا نے کی تھی۔ پاکستان کو کانسی کے تمغے کے پلے آف میں شکست کا سامنا کرنا پڑا۔

فل بیک نیاز خان کی قیادت میں پاکستانی ٹیم کو 1952 کے اولمپک ہاکی ٹورنامنٹ کے دوران ہیلسنکی میں بھی اسی طرح کے انجام کا سامنا کرنا پڑا تھا۔

پاکستان میں ہاکی کے منتظمین کو لگاتار دو اولمپک مقابلوں میں کانسی کا تمغہ بھی حاصل کرنے میں ناکام رہنے کے بعد اپنی سوچ کی ٹوپیاں پہننی پڑیں۔ پاکستانی حکومت نے ایک انکوائری کمیٹی تشکیل دی ، جس کے کنوینر کے طور پر سینئر آئی سی ایس آفیسر ریاض الدین احمد تھے۔

اس تحقیقاتی ادارے کا مقصد اس بات کا تعین کرنا تھا کہ ماضی میں کیا غلط ہوا اور اگر ممکن ہو تو اسے ٹھیک کرنے کے طریقے پیش کریں تاکہ یہ ضروری بین الاقوامی معیارات پر پورا اترے۔ تحقیقاتی کمیٹی کے نتائج کو ایک رپورٹ میں شامل کیا گیا تھا جو اس کے بعد کے سالوں میں پاکستان ہاکی کے بلیو پرنٹ کے طور پر جانا جانے لگا۔ مذکورہ رپورٹ میں دی گئی سفارشات کو عملی جامہ پہنایا گیا اور مذہبی طور پر ان پر عمل کیا گیا۔

 اس کے نتیجے میں ، پاکستان نے لعنت کا مقابلہ کیا اور 1956 کے میلبورن اولمپک ہاکی ٹورنامنٹ کے فائنل (آسٹریلیا) میں پہنچ گیا۔ صرف چاندی کا تمغہ حاصل کرنے کے باوجود ، پاکستان کو عالمی سطح پر ہندوستان کے ایک سنجیدہ حریف کے طور پر تسلیم کیا گیا تھا جو دنیا کا سب سے بڑا کھلاڑی تھا۔ اس کے بعد، پاکستان نے کبھی پیچھے مڑ کر نہیں دیکھا اور ترقی کرتا رہا، نئے ریکارڈ اور سنگ میل قائم کرتے ہوئے سب سے اوپر تک پہنچ گیا.

پاکستان نے 1956 سے 1986 کے درمیان غیر معمولی سنگ میل عبور کیے جو آج بھی ناقابل تسخیر ہیں۔ ان تیس سالوں میں پاکستان نے تین بار اولمپک اور ورلڈ کپ ٹائٹل اپنے نام کیے۔ چھ ایشین گیمز چیمپیئن شپ جیتی گئیں ، جبکہ چیمپیئنز ٹرافی اپنے قیام کے پہلے دو سالوں میں دو بار جیتی گئی۔

پاکستان نے بیک وقت دو بار ایشین، اولمپک اور ورلڈ کپ ٹائٹل اپنے نام کیے جو دنیا کے تین سب سے باوقار ٹائٹلز ہیں۔ ہاکی کھیلنے والی کسی اور قوم نے کھیل کی تاریخ میں یہ کارنامہ پہلے کبھی حاصل نہیں کیا۔

زیر غور وقت کے دوران ، پاکستان کی اولمپک عظمت کو دوبارہ حاصل کرنے کی دو کوششیں ناکام رہیں۔ بارسلونا میں 1992 کے اولمپکس میں ، پاکستان صرف کانسی کا تمغہ حاصل کرنے میں کامیاب رہا تھا۔ چار سال بعد ، اٹلانٹا میں ، وہ اس نتیجے سے بہتر کارکردگی کا مظاہرہ کرنے سے قاصر تھے۔ اس کی وجہ اندرون ملک پاکستانی ہاکی کو متاثر کرنے والی بدامنی تھی۔ 33 میں سے 24 کینوس میں حتمی آزمائشوں اور آزمائشوں میں حصہ لینے کے لئے انتخاب کا انتظار کر رہے تھے ، اور اس وقت تک جب تک کہ ان کی تمام درخواستیں پوری نہیں ہوئیں۔

سابق کپتان اور اسٹار فارورڈز شہباز احمد سے کم کسی کھلاڑی نے “24 کی گنڈ” کی بغاوت کی منصوبہ بندی کی۔ صورتحال نے ایک غیر معمولی موڑ لیا ، جس کی وجہ سے اس معاملے کو کھیلوں ، ثقافت اور ٹورمز سے متعلق سلیکشن کمیٹی کو ریفر کرنے کی ضرورت پیش آئی۔ یہ ممکنہ طور پر پاکستانی ہاکی کی تاریخ کا سب سے گھناؤنا واقعہ تھا۔

پاکستان کا ورلڈ کپ میچوں میں چھ سال کا قابل احترام ٹریک ریکارڈ رہا ہے۔ ساتواں ورلڈ کپ پہلی بار 1990 میں لاہور میں منعقد ہوا تھا۔ جب سیمی فائنل میں آسٹریلیا کے خلاف پاکستان کی فتوحات اور فائنل میں ہالینڈ کے خلاف پاکستان کی فتوحات کو دیکھنے کے لئے 60،000 سے زیادہ تماشائیوں نے کمرہ لاہور ہاکی اسٹیڈیم کا رخ کیا ، جس میں پاکستان ہار گیا تھا ، تو جن لوگوں نے دعوی کیا تھا کہ پاکستان نے 50،000 کے بیٹھنے کی گنجائش کے ساتھ “سفید ہاتھی” تعمیر کیا ہے ، انہیں اپنے دعووں سے پیچھے ہٹنا پڑا۔

پاکستان نے اس کارکردگی کو بہتر بنایا اور 1994 کے ورلڈ کپ کے فائنل میں ہالینڈ کو شکست دے کر اس کا بدلہ لیا ، جو سڈنی میں منعقد ہوا تھا۔ پاکستان 1971 میں شروع ہونے والے ورلڈ کپ کے بعد سے اب تک چار بار ورلڈ کپ جیت چکا ہے۔ ایف آئی ایچ کے کسی بھی رکن ملک نے ابھی تک یہ کامیابی حاصل نہیں کی ہے۔ اس وقت پاکستان کے پاس صرف ایک اہم ٹائٹل ہے.

Importance of a hockey match

ہاکی میچ کی اہمیت.

یہ دیکھتے ہوئے کہ پاکستان نے اسے اپنے قومی کھیل کے طور پر نامزد کیا ہے ، یہ کھیل وہاں کافی اہمیت کا حامل ہے۔ مزید برآں، کھیلوں کے میدان میں پاکستان کی ایک طویل اور شاندار تاریخ ہے۔ مزید برآں ، یہ سب سے پرانا کھیل ہے جو پاکستان میں موجود ہے ، اور ملک نے بہت سے عمدہ کھلاڑی پیدا کیے ہیں۔

آخر میں، اگرچہ اسے کبھی باضابطہ طور پر تسلیم نہیں کیا گیا ہے، ہاکی پاکستان کا قومی کھیل ہے. لیکن اگر ہم ہاکی کے سنہری دور کو بحال کرتے ہیں تو ہم باضابطہ طور پر اس کا اعلان کر سکتے ہیں۔ ہمارے ہاکی کلب کے لیے حکومت کی حمایت کا فی الحال فقدان ہے، لیکن ہماری مدد سے وہ ہاکی کے عروج کو بحال کر سکتے ہیں۔

Essay Hockey Game Conclusion

In conclusion, attending a hockey match is an exhilarating experience that combines athleticism, skill, and a passionate fanbase. From the moment you enter the arena, the energy and excitement are palpable, and you can feel the intensity of the game as the players compete for victory.

The physicality of the game, the roar of the crowd, and the thrill of a sudden-death goal all add to the excitement of this unforgettable event. Whether you are a dedicated hockey fan or just an occasional observer, a hockey match is an event that should not be missed. It is a testament to the sport’s enduring popularity and the excitement it brings to fans worldwide.

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National Game Of Pakistan Hockey In Urdu

Here I have wrote about the national game of Pakistan hockey in Urdu. There are so many games are been playing in Pakistan in which cricket is one of the most liking sport but do you know that it is not the national sports of Pakistan. Yes of course! Hope fully most of us are well familiar with the national game of Pakistan hockey. National game means a game that represent a country’s favorite and most playing game inside. The time of formation of Pakistan the hockey was elected as national game under the British rule and authorities format the Pakistan Hockey Federation (PHF) on 14 th August, 1947. Since that time to now this game is regulate by this agency. Pakistan national hockey team has played numbers of finals and tournaments but they have only won 1971, 1978, 1982 and 1994 world cups. Beside these world cups Pakistan has also won 3 Sultan Sultan Azlan Shah Cup, 3 champions trophies and in 2010 Pakistan won in Asian Games. Pakistan has made a good place in hockey. So now keep on reading the following passage which is about national game of Pakistan hockey in Urdu.

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When Hockey Became the National Game of Pakistan?

Hockey was brought to sub continent during British Raj but after the independence of Pakistan in 1947 it was start playing in Pakistan between national hockey federations. After one year of the formation of Pakistan in 1948 under the tenure of Governor Khawaja Nazimuddin, Pakistan Hockey Federation (PHF) was come into being existence and hockey was defined as the national game of Pakistan. The first president of Pakistan hockey federation was Ghazanfar Ali Khan and Baseer Ali Sheikh was the secretariat. Pakistan played and won its first international match in London during 14 th Olympics games on 2 nd August, 1948 from Belgium (2-1). Later that Pakistan performs very well in other national and international champion ships and make its place among top hockey teams of the world.

What Is Hockey Game?

Hockey is a physical sport which is played between two teams. Both the teams have to goal against each other within a given time duration. One who make more goals is elected as the winner in case both the teams doesn’t made any goal the match got tie and the final results are elected in the final round on 1 on 1 goal.

Hockey is a wooden made stick which is shown in the above shown image. Its length is approximately 48’’ i.e. 4 feet and there is a sharp curve on the edge of once side which is used to hit the ball. It is a very interesting and stamina making game which one can only play if he or she made a good practice in it. This is the national name of Pakistan hockey in Urdu. You can learn this article as an essay on national game of Pakistan hockey or Pakistan ka Qaumi Khail in Urdu.

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Essay on Hockey for Students and Children

500+ words essay on hockey.

Hockey is the national game of India . Also, it is a popular game and an interesting game that many countries play. The game has many rules that need to be followed by each team so that a fair play can be conducted. There are different varieties of this game played across the globe. But, the basic rules remain the same at all places. If we talk about India then the track record of India then it is quite good. Indian has won six gold medals in the Olympics and many consecutive matches.

Essay on Hockey

Origin and history of Hockey

It is an ancient game that is played in India for years. Also, the game is always played with a stick and a ball. Before 1272 BC it was played in Ireland and during 600 BC ancient Greece used to play it. Around the world, there are many variations of the game known by the name ice hockey, field hockey, street hockey, sled hockey, and roller hockey.

Equipment Required for Playing the Game

To play hockey in a safe manner there are various gears and equipment that protect a player from the serious injury. Moreover, this equipment includes helmets, shoulder, pads, neck guards, jockstrap, elbow pads, hockey stick, and a ball or puck.

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Rules of Hockey Game

The field has a fixed dimension and it is in rectangular shape divided into two halves of equal length and breadth. In addition, earlier the game used to be of 70 minutes, which is divided into two halves. But recently a change has been made and now the game consists of 60 minutes that divides into three-quarters of 20 minutes each.

Besides, a team consists of 11 players each. The aim of the match is to hit maximum goals in the opponent team goal post. The team who successfully score more goals wins the match. Also, the dimensions of the stick and the weight of the ball is predefined in the rule books. If on the field they found the dimensions and weight incorrect then the one responsible for false play is eliminated.

Besides, most of the rules of the game are similar to Football and violation of rule has some penalties. There are rules for everything that happens during the math whether it relates to a player or the referee.

Importance of Hockey

The game has much importance in India as it has chosen it as its national game. Also, India has a bright and big deep-rooted history related to sports. In addition, India has many brilliant players that played for the country and it is the oldest known game in the country.

In conclusion, Hockey is the national game of India but it was never declared officially. But, we can make this official by bringing the golden period of hockey back once again. Currently, our hockey team lacks support from the government but with our support they can bring the glory days of hockey back.

FAQs about Essay on Hockey

Q.1 How to start a hockey game? A.1 The game of hockey starts with a face-off in the center of the rink. In this rink, the referee drop the ball or puck and the players of the opposite team have to fight to gain control over the ball or puck.

Q.2 How to score a goal in hockey? A.2 For scoring a goal in hockey the player needs to hit the ball in opponents’ team goal post without committing any foul. If he misses the goalpost then no points are given to her/his team. But for scoring the ball needs to either cross the line or hit the net. Moreover, if it is not successful in doing so then no points will be awarded to his team.

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Essay On Hockey – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Children


Key Points To Remember: Essay On Hockey For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on hockey for kids, a paragraph on hockey for children, short essay on ‘my favourite game: hockey’ in english for kids, long essay on hockey for children, interesting facts about hockey for kids, what will your child learn from hockey essay.

Hockey is considered the national sport of our country, and it has been an extremely popular sport in India. When your child writes an essay on hockey in English, they get to look at the sport from a close view. They become aware of the different technicalities of the game. Essay writing improves your child’s thought process and gives structure to their thoughts. It lays the foundation of English grammar and enriches vocabulary. The act of writing also develops your little one’s fine motor skills. You can write an interesting essay on hockey for classes 1, 2 and 3.

Your child needs to remember a few significant points while writing an essay on hockey.

  • In the first step, let your child research the game.
  • In the second step, let them structure the ideas they want to write about the sport.
  • The third step is to note the ideas to form an outline to cover all the points while writing the essay.
  • In the fourth step, let them make short and simple sentences from the pointers.
  • Encourage your child not to get too deep writing about any single idea. It will help them stick to the word count.
  • Help your child write with the flow, making them enjoy every bit of writing the essay.
  • Your little one can write about the importance of Hockey in India, the rules of the game, the legendary players, etc.

Hockey is an extremely important sport in our country. Let us help your child write an interesting essay for classes 1 and 2 in 10 lines on this game.

  • Hockey is the national sport of our country.
  • It is considered the national sport because of its popularity and historical background.
  • Even when cricket was not a popular sport in India, Hockey had stolen many hearts.
  • India has won 6 Olympic awards for Hockey.
  • There are different types of hockey games, though Field Hockey is the most popular.
  • Hockey is an outdoor game.
  • It requires a team of 10 players.
  • The team also has a goalkeeper apart from the ten players.
  • The players undergo a lot of practice and hard work.
  • People play the game with a hockey stick that looks like the letter J, and a ball.

Hockey is considered the national sport of India due to its popularity and outstanding performance. It is an important game.

India has won 6 gold medals at the Olympics in Hockey. Even when cricket was not a popular sport in India, Hockey was a favourite. There are different types of hockey, though Field Hockey is the most popular. It is an outdoor game played in a stadium or on plain grass, requiring a team of 11 players, including a goalkeeper. The sport involves a lot of practice and dedication.

Hockey is an essential sport in our country, and it has been in our country since the olden days.

Hockey is considered the national sport of our country due to its popularity and fabulous performance in the past. India has won 6 gold medals at the Olympics in Hockey. In India, people loved hockey even when cricket was not popular. There are different types of Hockey, namely, Field Hockey, Ice Hockey, Sledge Hockey, and Roller Hockey. Field Hockey is the most popular outdoor game played in a stadium, on plain grass, or on synthetic material. The game requires a team of 11 players, including a goalkeeper. The players need a lot of practice and hard work under the guidance of a professional.

Hockey is a very important sport in our country. Let us help your child write a Hockey essay for class 3.

Hockey is considered the national sport of our country due to its popularity and historical background. The first Hockey club in India was in Calcutta. The sport has a rich legacy in India, and its past performance has been outstanding. India has won 6 gold medals at the Olympics and many more consecutive matches, and there are different types of Hockey, namely, Field Hockey, Ice Hockey, Sledge Hockey, and Roller Hockey. The game’s basic rules are similar in all the forms of the sport. Field Hockey is the most popular. It is an outdoor game played in a stadium, on plain grass, or on a mat-like synthetic material called turf. The game requires a team of 11 players, including a goalkeeper. The team with the higher number of goals win the match. The players need a lot of practice and hard work under the guidance of a professional trainer. The dimension of the hockey stick and the ball’s weight has to abide by the rulebooks. The sport is good for our health. The eyes, brain, and muscles work to hit the ball or the puck. Players of both teams have to be extremely alert on the field. It is a game that involves a lot of interest and excitement and grips the spectators. India has produced a couple of heroes in the game. Dhyan Chand was known as the Wizard of Hockey. Other prominent names are Balbir Singh Sr., Ajit Pal Singh, Dhanraj Pillay, Ashok Kumar, Udham Singh, Baboo Nimal, Mohammed Shahid, Gagan Ajit Singh, and Leslie Claudius. Let us talk about another hero of Indian Field Hockey. His name is Dhanraj Pillay. He is a retired Indian field hockey player, former captain of the Indian national team, and winner of the Arjuna Award for Hockey. Hockey is a popular game in India and beyond our country.

  • What Is The Origin And History Of Hockey?

Hockey emerged in England in the mid-18th century.

2. Why Is Hockey Called The National Game Of India?

Hockey was chosen as the National Game of India because of the golden period during which our country won 6 gold medals at the Olympics and several other awards consecutively.

3. Things Needed For Playing Hockey?

Some equipment that’s required to play hockey: Helmets, neck guards, shoulder pads, elbow pads, jockstraps, hockey sticks, and balls or pucks.

4. How Is Hockey Played And What Are The Rules Of Playing?

A Hockey match starts with a toss. There are two teams with 11 members each, including a goalkeeper. While one team tries to put the ball or puck into the net, the goalkeeper from the other team tries to stop the goal. The team that can make the highest number of goals wins the match.

Advantages Of Playing Hockey

Hockey keeps the players both mentally and physically fit. It helps to build concentration and stamina.

  • The name ‘hockey’ has come from the French word hoquet (shepherd’s stick).
  • Some people believe the game evolved from the ancient Irish game of hurling.
  • Hockey was originally called Shinty.
  • Mi’kmaq carvers made the first hockey sticks.
  • The first hockey pucks used in field hockey games were pieces of frozen cow dung.

When your child writes an essay on hockey, they come to learn about how important this sport has been for our country. They also learn about the excellent performance of India and the heroes of this sport. They will know how to play the game.

1. How Is Ice Hockey Played?

As the name suggests, people play ice hockey on ice. The players wear ice skates on their feet, and it helps them skate on the ice at a very high speed and play the game. They push, shoot and fire the ball with the hockey stick. They score by flinging the ball into the net while the goalkeeper tries to stop them.

2. Who Are Some Famous Hockey Players Of India?

Dhyan Chand, Balbir Singh Sr., Ajit Pal Singh, Dhanraj Pillay, Ashok Kumar, Udham Singh, Baboo Nimal, Mohammed Shahid, Gagan Ajit Singh, Leslie Claudius, and Dhanraj Pillay at present are some of the well-known hockey players of India.

3. Can You Play Hockey as an Indoor Game?

Hockey is an outdoor game, and it is played on grass, artificial or watered turf, or synthetic fields.

We hope the above blog will help your child write an amazing essay on hockey. Essay writing is an activity that will help your little one even after they grow up, till much later in life.

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Hockey Essay

Hockey is a field game played between two teams consisting of eleven players each. The game is played with sticks and a ball. Each team tries to score a goal by hitting the ball in opponent team’s goal with the help of hockey sticks. There are many types of hockey games such as bandy – played on ice; field hockey- played on grass or artificial turf and rink hockey or roller hockey played with five members in each team.  Games similar to the hockey have been played in the ancient Egypt, almost 4000 years ago, dating before 1272 BC. Field Hockey is also the national sports of India.

Long and Short Essay on Hockey in English

We have provided below various short and long essay on hockey game under various words limit to help students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc.

Essays or paragraphs writing have been one of the common strategies followed by the teachers to enhance writing skill and knowledge of student about any topic.

All the hockey essay provided below are written in easy words and simple sentences.

So, students can select any of the essays given below according to their need and requirement:

Hockey Essay 1 (100 words)

Hockey is a national game of India however played all over the country. It is a fast game played between two teams against each other. Each team has 11 players. All the players aim to hit the ball in other team net in order to get more score. Our country has been the world champion of hockey in 1928 and had won 6 gold medals in the Olympics games.

The period between 1928 to 1956 is known as the golden era of Indian hockey. The brilliant Indian hockey players has made the country so proud of them as they have won Olympics games for hockey many times for India. They knew well the magic of playing hockey and won the heart of everyone.


Hockey Essay 2 (150 words)

Hockey is a most popular game and known as the national game of India. Playing it regularly benefits us in many ways. It helps in improving the body stamina by offering good health. The person playing and practicing it, needs more effort and dedication to continue. It is an outdoor game generally liked by Indian youths. It is not so easy however regular practice of this game may help a lot to be the champion.

There are 11 players in each team (divided as five forwards, two full backs, three half backs, and a goal-keeper). It is played in two halves of 35 minutes with an interval of 5 to 10 minutes. It is a game of much interest and enjoyment easily motivates watchers to see the hockey match. It provides various health and financial benefits to the player. A person interested in this game can easily make his/her nice career.

Hockey Essay 3 (200 words)


Hockey is a national game of India in spite of ever-growing popularity of other games and sports in India (like cricket, badminton, etc). It is not officially recognized however chosen as national game. The golden period of hockey in India was from 1928 to 1956 when its brilliant players had won the six consecutive Olympic gold medals for it.

Later, the future of hockey got in darkness after the death of a hockey star and hero named Dhyan Chand. At that time many hockey-playing Anglo Indians were migrated to the Australia. However, recently it is seen a little growth in the interest of Indian players towards hockey. Dhanraj Pillay was another hero of Indian field hockey who has been a former captain of Indian hockey team. Currently he is appointed as the manager of Indian hockey team. He had won an Arjuna Award for Hockey.

Why Hockey is National Game of India

Hockey has been chosen as the National Game because of the golden period of hockey in India (from 1928 to 1956). At that time, the Indian hockey players were doing really excellent job of them, so their regular win and outstanding talent was the reason to choose this game as a national game of the country. During that golden time, India had actively participated and played 24 Olympic matches. And the most surprising thing was that it had won all the matches scoring 178 goals and conceding only 7 goals. It had won gold medals in Tokyo Olympics (1964) and Moscow Olympics (1980).

Hockey is a nice game and mostly liked by the students. In order to bring another golden period for the hockey, it should be promoted in the schools and colleges among students to actively participate. Talented children should be properly trained to play hockey right from the school level. There should be the arrangement of necessary funds and other facilities for students by the government in order to preserve the Indian glory.

Hockey Essay 4 (250 words)

Hockey is a nice game generally liked and played by the youths of the country. It is also played in other countries worldwide. However, it is the national game of India, as India has been glorified by this sport many times through amazing wins. Indian has been the world champion in the field of hockey for many years.

Now this game has also been popular in other countries such as Holland, Germany, Pakistan, Australia, England, etc. It is a fast game, in which players have to run all time whenever game takes its speed. It is a game of two teams with eleven players in each. Players have to be alert all through the time till game becomes over. All the positions of players in this game (such as goal keeper, right backs, centre forwards and left backs) become very important.

Some of the Indian heroes of golden era hockey were Dhyan Chand, Ajit Pal Singh, Dhanraj Pillay, Ashok Kumar, Udham Singh, Baboo Nimal, Balbir Singh Sr., Mohammed Shahid, Gagan Ajit Singh, Leslie Claudius, etc. They were real heroes who led India towards a huge success in the field of hockey. Dhyan Chand was a brilliant hockey player who is still called as the wizard of hockey.

India became the world champion first time in hockey in 1928 and won the Gold Medal at Amsterdam Olympics. After that year, India had continued maintaining its world championship in hockey till it lost to win in the Rome Olympics. Later, it got seventh place in Montreal Olympics, regained Gold Medal in Moscow Olympics (1980); however, again lost a Gold Medal in 1984.

Hockey Essay 5 (300 words)

Hockey is an outdoor game played by two teams having eleven players in each. It has been chosen as the national game of India because India has been a world champion in hockey for many years. It is not officially declared as the national game however only considered as the national game as India had won many gold medals in hockey. It is played in many countries all over the world. It is not an expensive game and can be played by any youth. It is a game of much interest and enjoyment which involves lot of action and suspense. It is very fast game and situation changes very often in this game which creates surprise.

Importance of Hockey in India

Hockey is a game of much importance in India as it is chosen as the national game because it had made India a world champion in hockey many times. This game has a big and bright history as it was deep rooted in India by the brilliant hockey players. It is one of the oldest known sports of India however the root has been weak now because of the lack of talented hockey players and required facilities. This game is considered to be in existence for around 1200 years old before the Ancient Games of Olympia.

Earlier it was played in different variations, however currently it is played as field hockey which was developed in British Isles in 19 th century. It was an English school game however brought to India by British Army regiments. Later, it was spread internationally and got worldwide popularity. In order to govern this game and standardize its rules, London Hockey Association was formed. Later, the International Hockey Federation (in 1924) and International Federation of Women’s Hockey were formed.

First hockey club in India was formed in Calcutta (1885-86). Indian hockey players made their successful Olympic debut in 1928 Amsterdam Games where they won the Olympic gold medal. It happened because of a brilliant Indian hockey legend named Dhyan Chand. He really mesmerized all the Indians in front of the Amsterdam crowd. India continuously won six Olympic gold medals and 24 consecutive hockey matches during its golden era of hockey. Some of the outstanding players of golden era of hockey were Dhyan Chand, Balbir Singh Sr., Ajit Pal Singh, Ashok Kumar, Udham Singh, Dhanraj Pillay, Baboo Nimal, Mohammed Shahid, Gagan Ajit Singh, Leslie Claudius, etc.

Hockey Essay 6 (400 words)

Hockey is a most popular and interesting game played in many countries. It has been chosen as the national game of India however never got any official declaration. This game has two teams with eleven players in each. Players of a team in this game aimed to make maximum goals against other team by putting a ball into the opponent’s goal post using hockey stick. Our country has made an excellent record in the field of hockey after winning the six Olympic gold medals and various consecutive matches. The period when India won various consecutive hockey matches is called as the golden period (1928 to 1956). Dhyan Chand was a famous hockey player of the golden time and known as the wizard of hockey because of his outstanding achievement.

History and Origin of Hockey

Hockey is an ancient game played for years in India. It is played with a hockey stick and a ball. It was played in Ireland before 1272 BC and during 600 BC in Ancient Greece. There are various variations of the hockey; some of them are named as field hockey, ice hockey, sledge hockey, roller hockey, street hockey, etc. Now-a-days, field hockey is generally played. Ice hockey was evolved as a derivative of field hockey to be played in the icy conditions of Canada and northern United States.

Equipment Needed to Play Hockey

Playing hockey game in safe manner requires some important equipment which are named as helmet, neck guard, shoulder pads, elbow pads, Jockstrap with cup pocket and protective cup (to support or protect male genitals), hockey stick, and a puck or ball.

Forms of Hockey

Other forms of the hockey (derived from hockey or its predecessors) are like air hockey, beach hockey, ball hockey, box hockey, deck hockey, floor hockey, foot hockey, gym hockey, mini hockey, nok Hockey, pond hockey, power hockey, rossall hockey, skater hockey, table hockey, underwater hockey, unicycle hockey and many more.

Future of Hockey in India

As we all know that, the good time of hockey game in India became really over after the golden era of hockey in India. It was due to the lack of interested and talented hockey players as well as required facilities for youths to continue the game in future. It seems that it will never finish and the golden era of hockey will return back because of the love, respect and dedication of Indian youths in this national game.

However, it needs a lot of effort, dedication and support by the Indian government to bring golden period of hockey back in India. Hockey India League is planning to implement some effective strategies to expand hockey teams (8 teams by 2016 and 10 teams by 2018). There is a favorable agreement made between Hockey India and Hockey Australia to participate in hockey for the upcoming three seasons (6 match test tournament will take place from 2016 to 2018 in Australia).

Hockey is a national game of India. It is only said so, however not officially declared. Now, it is our responsibility to make it an officially declared national game by bringing its golden period again. It should be highly promoted among students from the school time by providing them all the facilities from the end of teachers, parents and government.

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Essay on Quaid e Azam in Urdu

قائداعظم پر مضمون

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قائداعظم کی پیدائش

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ابتدائی تعلیم

قائداعظم بچپن ہی سے کافی ذہین تھے۔ چھ سال کی عمر میں محمد علی جناح کو اسکول میں داخل کروا دیا گیا۔ انہوں نے میٹرک مشن ہائی اسکول سے پاس سے کیا۔ اس وقت ان کی عمر سولہ سال تھی۔

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مسلم لیگ میں شمولیت

جلد ہی قائداعظم کانگریس سے بددل ہو گئے۔ انہوں نے محسوس کیا کے کانگریس صرف ہندوؤں کی نمائندہ جماعت ہے۔ جسے مسلمانوں کی بہتری کا کوئی خیال نہیں۔ چناچہ وہ مسلم لیگ میں شامل ہو گئے اور اس کے صدر بن گئے۔ قائداعظم کی ولولہ انگیز قیادت کی وجہ سے مسلم لیگ جلد ہی مسلمانوں کی مضبوط ترین سیاسی جماعت بن گئی۔

جدو جہد آزادی

قائداعظم نے ہندوستان کے مسلمانوں کے لئے ایک الگ آزاد ملک بنانے کا مطالبہ شروع کر دیا۔ مسلمانوں کو انگریزوں اور ہندوؤں کی غلامی سے آزاد کروانے کے لئے قائداعظم نے ان تھک کوششیں کیں۔ انگریزوں اور ہندوؤں نے زبردست مخالفت کی لیکن انہوں نے ہمت نہ ہاری اور اپنے مقصد پر ڈٹے رہے۔

قیام پاکستان

آخر کار قائداعظم اپنے مقصد میں کامیاب ہو گئے اور 14 اگست 1947ء کو مسلمانوں کے لئے ایک الگ آزاد وطن پاکستان وجود میں آگیا۔

پہلے گورنر جنرل

آزادی کے بعد قائداعظم پاکستان کے پہلے گورنر جنرل بن گئے۔ انہوں نے پاکستان کو مضبوط بنانے کے لئے دن رات محنت کی۔

صحت کی خرابی

کام کی زیادتی کی وجہ سے ان کی صحت خراب ہو گئی۔ ڈاکٹروں نے انہوں آرام کا مشورہ دیا لیکن پاکستان کے استحکام کی خاطر انہوں نے اپنی صحت کی ذرا پروا نہیں کی۔

قائداعظم کی وفات

بیماری کی حالت میں بھی قائداعظم لگاتار محنت کرتے رہے جس کے نتیجے میں قائداعظم کی طبیعت مزید بگڑ گئی اور وہ 11 ستمبر 1948ء کو وفات پا گئے۔

قائداعظم کا مزار کراچی میں ہے جہاں دور دور سے لوگ اس عظیم قائد کو خراج عقیدت پیش کرنے آتے ہیں۔

نتیجہ (Conclusion)

قائداعظم ہماری تاریخ کے عظیم ترین رہنما ہیں۔ قیام پاکستان کے دوران ،   ان کی خدمات ناقابل فراموش ہیں۔   اگر آج ہم ایک آزاد ملک میں آزادی سے زندگی بسر کر رہے ہیں تو یہ ہمارے عظیم رہنما قائداعظم کی کوششوں کا نتیجہ ہے۔

مزید پڑھیے:

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Cricket is one of the most famous games in the world. It has a different position and rules from any other sports played in the world. It is a bat and ball game played between two teams of eleven players each on a field, at the centre of which is a rectangular 22-yard long pitch. A cricket match is completed in one day on the grounds, but can last up to five days in a Test match played at a neutral venue. Dating back to the 16th century, cricket has become one of the most popular sports in the world.

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There are many reasons why cricket is the most popular game in Pakistan. For one, cricket is a very exciting and fast-paced sport that is enjoyed by people of all ages.

Additionally, cricket is a relatively simple game to understand and follow, which makes it accessible to a wide range of people. Moreover, cricket is a very social game and is often played in communal settings, which helps to bring people together. Finally, cricket is a game that is steeped in history and tradition in Pakistan, and is thus deeply ingrained in the culture.

پاکستان میں کرکٹ کے مقبول ترین کھیل ہونے کی بہت سی وجوہات ہیں۔ ایک تو کرکٹ ایک بہت ہی دلچسپ اور تیز رفتار کھیل ہے جس سے ہر عمر کے لوگ لطف اندوز ہوتے ہیں۔ مزید برآں، کرکٹ سمجھنے اور پیروی کرنے کے لیے نسبتاً آسان کھیل ہے، جو اسے لوگوں کی ایک وسیع رینج کے لیے قابل رسائی بناتا ہے۔ مزید یہ کہ کرکٹ ایک بہت ہی سماجی کھیل ہے اور اکثر فرقہ وارانہ ماحول میں کھیلا جاتا ہے، جو لوگوں کو اکٹھا کرنے میں مدد کرتا ہے۔ آخر میں، کرکٹ ایک ایسا کھیل ہے جو پاکستان میں تاریخ اور روایت سے جڑا ہوا ہے، اور اس طرح ثقافت میں گہرا جڑا ہوا ہے

In this essay, we write on essay on cricket in Urdu, and we select cricket as my favourite game and others have different passion like badminton , football, hockey, baseball, snooker etc. If you love to play cricket with me, write in a comment section, we will find a neutral venue and play cricket with all of you.

NOTE : you can also read maholiyati aloodgi essay in urdu

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