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22 Basic Computer Parts and Their Functions (With Pictures)

Welcome to a beginner’s guide on the basic computer parts and their functions. The world of computers is ever-expanding like some kind of a science fiction infinite universe thing, and it can be quite a daunting task for beginners to learn about computers these days.

But thankfully, the basics have pretty much remained the same, thanks to good global standards. But just what are the common parts of a computer, inside and outside? Let us explore more in this guide, read on!


Basic parts.

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For this first section, let us start with the very basic parts of a computer system.


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This box is where all the main computer components are housed – Motherboard, processor, memory, hard disks, power supply, and more. Computer casings come in all shapes and sizes, with the common ones being tower casings (as above), and small form factors that fit in a backpack.

But with today’s technology, tower casings are kind of losing popularity. Most people will likely prefer to use the “integrated, lightweight, and portable computers” – All-in-one PCs, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices.

P.S. If you have read other guides on the Internet, some people refer to this box as the “CPU” (central processing unit). That is wrong and has always been a major confusion – The CPU is actually a chip inside the casing itself.

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I don’t think this needs much explanation, as you are reading off one right now. 🙂 Monitors are where the text, images, and videos are displayed. Some monitors may even have built-in speakers, much like televisions.

The older designs of computer monitors run off a technology called cathode ray tube (CRT). As you can guess, those bulky and power-hungry displays have been totally taken over by the slim and lightweight liquid crystal display (LCD) or LED (light-emitting diode) displays.


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Now that we are done with the basics, let us move on with the input devices – The devices that you use to provide data and instructions to the computer.


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I don’t think this needs much explanation either, you type and enter data with this device. The most common keyboard layout in the world is QWERTY (as above), but depending on where you are in the world, the layout of keyboards may be a little different; There are also other layouts such as QWERTZ and AZERTY.

Just why don’t people invent a keyboard in straight alphabetical order (A to Z)? Because there are some scientific and design factors behind it. The keys on a keyboard are actually arranged to how common the alphabets are being used, thus the different layouts in the various regions.

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A pointing device that we use to move the cursor on the screen, the mouse buttons are used to interact with various on-screen elements. A standard mouse these days will usually come with at least 3 buttons (left, center, right) and a scroll wheel. Although there are some mouse designs with a lot more buttons, and more meant for the purpose of gaming.


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Trackpads are an alternative to using the mouse. These are what you will normally see on laptops, where it is inconvenient to carry a mouse around. Although trackpads are kind of a staple on laptops, there are also “standalone” trackpads that you can buy and attach to full-sized desktop computers.


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Not to be confused with the tablet computer, the graphics tablet is specifically used by digital artists to paint and do some… art stuff. It kind of works like a trackpad as well, but the graphic tablet is superior in the sense that it is sensitive to pressure (for painting).


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This slug-like device is called a trackball, and it is another alternative to using the mouse. Instead of moving the mouse around, we spin the big ball around to move the cursor.


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Web cameras are used to take photos and videos. Most modern laptops, tablets, and smartphones come with a built-in camera.


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Allows us to record sounds. Again, most modern laptops, tablets, and smartphones already have one of these built-in. It is just a matter of quality, that some people prefer to buy higher-end microphones for recording studio-quality sounds.


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Toys for the gamers. While the keyboard and mouse do provide good enough controls, some gamers still prefer to use specialized game controllers.


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Next, let us move on to the output devices. The computer is capable of processing a lot of digital data quickly, but sadly, poor humans are not able to directly understand electrical signals. So, output devices are used to convert those electronic signals into human-understandable forms.


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Speakers convert electronic signals into sounds that are audible to humans.


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Use a pair of headphones if you want more privacy with the sounds, or not to disturb the rest. Some earphones/headphones these days even come built-in with a microphone, they can be used for phone calls.


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A printer prints text, images, and whatever you want onto a piece of paper. A scanner, on the other hand, is an input device where you scan a piece of paper/document and convert it into a digital image – Which can then be sent to other people via email or fax.

These 2 used to be separate devices, but with the help of technology, we have all-in-one (AIO) printers these days that do both printing, scanning, and some even act as fax machines.


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This is the technology that raised many eyebrows, and brought printers to the “next level”. 3D printers are nothing like the “old school” printers, and they do not print on paper – They print actual objects using plastic, metal, or rubber filaments. Yep, we can print almost any object to the wildest imaginations with a 3D printer.


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Is the “normal monitor” not big enough? Then use a projector and project it onto the wall. Good for movie nights and presentations.


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Finally, let us take a look at the “crazy electrical stuff” inside a computer. A fair word of warning though – Switch off the power, unplug the power cord, and ground the casing safely before you decide to open up a computer. Save yourself from nasty electrical shocks.


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This is the component that converts power from the wall outlet to one that the computer needs.


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Can’t miss this one, the heart and biggest circuit board of the computer. All the components and devices are connected to the motherboard, and thus, rightfully called the motherboard.

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This little chip is known as the central processing unit (CPU), and it is the brain of the computer where all data crunching and processing is done. In the old days, a CPU used to have “only one single brain” or what we call a “single-core CPU”.

But as the wise saying goes “two heads are better than one”, so smart monkeys eventually improved the design of CPUs. Even though it is one physical chip, there could multiple “brains” (or cores) within that chip. This is where the terms dual-core (2 processors in one chip), quad-core (4 processors), and multi-core (N processors) come from.


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The hard disk is where data is permanently stored – The operating systems, the applications, your pictures, music, documents, and more. There are a few types of hard disks in the market:

  • Mechanical Disk – The so-called “traditional” hard disk. Has a motor and “read-write head”, thus rightfully called “mechanical”. Not that it is bad, it’s just heavier and less shock resistant.
  • Solid State Disk (SSD) – Has no moving parts, pretty much just a solid circuit board with a load of memory chips. Thus, rightfully called a “solid-state drive”.
  • M.2 SSD – As computers become slimmer and smaller, there is also a need to make smaller hard disks. The M.2 SSD is a variant of the “normal SSD” with a smaller footprint.


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The RAM is probably one of the more confusing components for beginners. It is also used for data storage, but temporarily (power off and all data in the RAM will be lost).

The reason why RAM exists is that it reads and writes a lot faster than hard disks. The CPU will utilize RAM for quick calculations, and for the storage of temporary data. For example, temporarily store a text file in the RAM while the user edits it.


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A graphics card also does processing and calculations like a CPU, but it is specialized for graphical purposes. It processes all “graphic things” for gaming, video, and photo editing. So instead of being called a CPU, the graphics card has a graphical processing unit (GPU). You will not see this card in some computers, as it is already built into the motherboard.


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Finally, this one should be self-explanatory. Fans are used to cool the components, to prevent a meltdown from occurring.


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That’s it for all the computer parts, and here are a few more extras that may be useful to you.


Desktop, laptop, tablets, smartphones, just what are the different types of computers? Read my other guide to find out.

17 Different Types Of Computers (With Pictures)


This is an old YouTube video that I find to be rather useful in identifying the computer parts… A few of the components are really outdated, but the basic structure of desktop computers have not changed much.


  • The Basic Parts of a Computer with Devices – InformationQ
  • Basic Computer Parts Explained – Nerds On Call
  • Computer Hardware – Wikipedia

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Thank you for reading, and we have come to the end of this short guide. I hope that this has helped you to better understand the cyber world, and if you have anything to share with this guide, please feel free to comment below. Good luck, and may the digital force be with you.

7 thoughts on “22 Basic Computer Parts and Their Functions (With Pictures)”

Thanks a lot. this was really good and helpful stuff to me

very informative thank you so very much!

U are share good info 🙏 for all👌

THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. I am 73+ and use the computer but am clueless on anything but how to type & send. That is until something [ still dont know what-lol] started not to work. The superstore guy could only say one consistent thing- buy new, buy new, buy new. So not having the xhundred dollars, I ran out to the bookstore, loaded up on computer books but guess what- what if you dont know- YA JUST DONT KNOW. This website is a true first step on my journey. Many thanks…..

Wow so much interesting and thoughtful and thanks for which I got more on Ict thanks

Thanks a lot. This info is very helpful to my son who is in year 9 doing computer studies. All the best and God will richly bless you in your life.

nice lessons I would like to learn more on the internal parts and functions of the computer

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Computer Basics  - Basic Parts of a Computer

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Computer Basics: Basic Parts of a Computer

Lesson 3: basic parts of a computer.



The basic parts of a desktop computer are the computer case , monitor , keyboard , mouse , and power cord . Each part plays an important role whenever you use a computer.

Watch the video below to learn about the basic parts of a computer.

Looking for the old version of this video? You can still view it here .

Computer case

showing computer cases

The computer case is the metal and plastic box that contains the main components of the computer, including the motherboard, central processing unit (CPU), and power supply. The front of the case usually has an On/Off button and one or more optical drives .

Computer cases come in different shapes and sizes. A desktop case lies flat on a desk, and the monitor usually sits on top of it. A tower case is tall and sits next to the monitor or on the floor. All-in-one computers come with the internal components built into the monitor, which eliminates the need for a separate case.

showing a computer monitor

The monitor works with a video card , located inside the computer case, to display images and text on the screen. Most monitors have control buttons that allow you to change your monitor's display settings, and some monitors also have built-in speakers.

Newer monitors usually have LCD (liquid crystal display) or LED (light-emitting diode) displays. These can be made very thin, and they are often called flat-panel displays . Older monitors use CRT (cathode ray tube) displays. CRT monitors are much larger and heavier, and they take up more desk space.

The keyboard is one of the main ways to communicate with a computer. There are many different types of keyboards, but most are very similar and allow you to accomplish the same basic tasks.

Click the buttons in the interactive below to learn about the different parts of the keyboard.


Print Screen, Scroll Lock, Pause/Break

The Print Screen , Scroll Lock , and Pause/Break keys are at the top-right corner of the keyboard. The Print Screen key takes a picture of your screen (called a screenshot) that you can edit or save using a graphics program. Scroll Lock and Pause/Break are rarely used today, so some keyboards don't have them.

The Escape (Esc) key allows you to stop a function or action. For example, if a webpage is taking a long time to load, you can press the Escape key to stop loading it.

Function Keys

The function keys are labeled F1 through F12 . Some programs use these keys as shortcuts for common tasks. For example, in many programs, F1 opens the Help file.

The Tab key is used to create indents in word processing programs. Also, if you are filling out a form online, you can use the Tab key to switch to the next field.

Alphanumeric Keys

The main part of the keyboard includes the alphanumeric keys ( letters and numbers ) and the spacebar .

Ctrl, Alt, and Shift

The Control (Ctrl), Alternate (Alt), and Shift keys are designed to work in combination with other keys. Typically, you hold down Ctrl, Alt, or Shift and then type another key to perform a specific task. For example, in many programs, typing Ctrl+S will save a file.

The arrow keys are used for many different purposes, including moving the cursor, scrolling a document, and controlling a game.

Numeric Keypad

The numeric keypad resembles a calculator keypad. Many users find that it is easier to type numbers using this keypad. On some keyboards, these keys double as arrow keys.

Backspace Key

The Backspace key (also known as the delete key) erases the character to the left of the cursor.

The Enter key (also known as the return key) executes commands. For example, while on the Internet, you can type a website address and then press Enter to go to the site. It is also used to start a new line in word processing programs.

Home and End

These move the cursor to the beginning or end of the current line.

Insert and Delete

Insert : This switches between insert mode (which inserts new text without deleting anything) and overtype mode (which deletes text after the cursor as you type). Delete : This erases the character to the right of the cursor.

Page Up and Page Down

These scroll a document or webpage up or down.

If you want to learn how to type or improve your touch-typing skills, check out our free Typing Tutorial .

showing a mouse

There are two main mouse types: optical and mechanical. The optical mouse uses an electronic eye to detect movement and is easier to clean. The mechanical mouse uses a rolling ball to detect movement and requires regular cleaning to work properly.

To learn the basics of using a mouse, check out our interactive Mouse Tutorial .

Mouse alternatives

There are other devices that can do the same thing as a mouse. Many people find them easier to use, and they also require less desk space than a traditional mouse. The most common mouse alternatives are below.

  • Trackball : A trackball has a ball that can rotate freely. Instead of moving the device like a mouse, you can roll the ball with your thumb to move the pointer.

showing a touchpad on a laptop computer



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Parts of a Computer.

Published by Harriet Dalton Modified over 8 years ago

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Choose a different computer, how to build your own pc.

Building your own computer may seem like a daunting project, especially for a first timer. You might be worried it’s too complex, too expensive, or too time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be!

In this guide, we’ll explain how to build a PC step by step, starting with understanding your PC needs, exploring the different parts of a computer, and guiding you through the PC build process.

Read through our guide for easy-to-follow instructions or view our installation videos for visual demonstrations.

What do you want to build?

As with anything you build, understanding what you want to create is usually the best place to start.

You might be a die-hard gamer looking for a custom gaming PC , a student doing research and editing, or someone who uses their computer for day-to-day tasks.

Once you know what kind of PC you want, you'll understand what kind of hardware and performance you need — and avoid paying for things you don't.

What can you afford?

The amount of money you spend on computer parts can vary greatly, so it’s a good idea to have a realistic budget in mind ahead of time.

Expect to pay more if you're going for the best possible performance in all of your PC components. Faster processors cost more than slower ones, and newer generations of memory and storage with more capacity generally cost more than older ones with less.

Since memory and storage take a large chunk of the cost of a new computer, building your own PC gives you the flexibility to save on these components if you wish. While RAM and SSD costs rise with the amount of capacity they offer, they can be less expensive than buying pre-installed components that are often inadequate and need to be upgraded quickly.

What hardware parts will you need?

The five areas of hardware you'll need to research for any PC build are:

  • Motherboard
  • Processor/Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  • Memory (RAM)
  • Storage (SSD)
  • Case, fans and power supply

Other components — such as the case, operating system (OS), monitor, mouse, power supply, and keyboard — will have less of an impact on performance, but don’t forget to include them in your overall budget.

1. Motherboard

The motherboard is the circuit board that connects everything together — your hardware, the power supply and the graphics cards — so it’s the first component you'll want to choose. The motherboard also determines what other pieces of hardware the computer can use. In other words, not all components are compatible with all motherboards.

For example, the motherboard establishes the power of the processor your PC can handle, the memory technology ( DDR5 , DDR4 , DDR3, etc), the storage form factor ( 2.5-inch , mSATA , or m.2) and the storage interface (SATA or PCIe). (If these terms all sound confusing to you, check out our explanations on memory technology generations and storage form factors ).

2. Processor/Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The CPU is the engine of your computer and sets the performance expectations for the entire build. The CPU provides the processing power and instructions behind all your computer’s operations.

When determining which CPU to install, pay attention to the gigahertz (GHz) — the higher the GHz, the faster the processor. However, more GHz also means the CPU consumes more energy, leading to higher system temperatures that require better airflow or heat dissipation. This will likely mean you need to add a cooling system to your build as well.

3. Memory (RAM)

Adding memory (RAM) is one of the fastest and most affordable ways to boost the performance of a computer.

RAM gives your system more available space to temporarily store data that's being used, so it helps you carry out simultaneous tasks, like having several programs open, or surfing the web without long load times.

Choosing the best RAM for your system involves two things: compatibility and how much RAM your system can support. First, identify the kind of module your system uses by the form factor (the physical form of the module — generally, desktops use UDIMMs, laptops use SODIMMs), then figure out the memory technology ( DDR5 , DDR4, DDR3, etc.) your system supports.

Second, your system can only handle so many GBs of memory. If you buy 64GB of RAM and your computer can only handle 16GB, that's 48GB wasted. And not everyone needs the same amount of RAM – think realistically about how much RAM you need for your computer usage .

There's an easy way to find compatible upgrades: download the Crucial® System Scanner . It displays how much memory you currently have, the maximum memory capacity of your computer, and available upgrades for your specific system. Using the System Scanner is safe, doesn't cost a thing, and guarantees product compatibility when you order on

4. Storage (SSD)

Your files and data are saved on a storage drive — either a hard disk drive (HDD) or a solid state drive (SSD). Although HDDs have traditionally given you more storage for a higher value, SSDs have essentially made them outdated – performing 6x faster on average and 90x more energy-efficient2 than HDDs.

5. Case, fans, and power supply

The kind of PC you're building will also influence the kind of case, fan, and power supply you’ll need to use. If you're creating a high-powered performance workhorse, for example, you'll need a robust power supply to run it.

You’ll also require a case with optimal internal airflow and fans to expel hot air that could potentially damage the system.

Top tip: Zip ties are a massive help when managing all the cables inside your rig. Consolidating cables also helps improve airflow.

How to build a PC

The build is where it really starts to get exciting!

Before you start

  • Add the hardware
  • Install the memory>
  • Install the SSD
  • Test the system

Prepare a large workspace to keep your build organized — it's frustrating to not be able to find what you’re looking for!

Wear an electrostatic discharge (ESD) wrist strap or ground yourself by touching an unpainted metal surface to prevent static electricity, and work on solid floors rather than carpeting, if possible. Static energy is one of the few ways in which hardware can get damaged.

Keep a can of compressed air handy to remove any dust or fine debris from the interface, especially while you install the processor, memory and SSD.

1. Add the hardware

First, install the processor and power supply on the motherboard, and then put the motherboard in the case.

Installation and assembly of parts isn't complicated, but there is potential for errors to occur. We recommend you consult each component's manual for precise instructions.

2. Install the memory

RAM is the most straightforward hardware to install when building a PC:

  • Locate the memory slots on the motherboard.
  • Hold your memory modules on the side to avoid touching the chips and gold pins.
  • Align the notches on the module with the ridge in the slot, then firmly press the module in place until it clicks.
  • As you're pressing, note that it takes about 30 pounds of pressure to install a module fully.

For more details on installing RAM, explore how to install memory on a laptop or on a desktop .

3. Install the SSD

Installation will differ depending on the form factor of the SSD you've purchased ( 2.5-inch , mSATA, or M.2 ).

For instructions on installing your hard drive, consult its owner's manual, refer to our how to install a Crucial SSD in your computer page, or view all of our SSD installation FAQs .

4. Test the system

Once your system is assembled, it's time for the big moment — hit the power button!

Make sure your monitor and keyboard are connected, and if everything works correctly, a screen will appear where you can enter the system BIOS.

If you have a disc or flash drive with an OS, put it into the appropriate drive, boot up, and you can install the OS. Congratulations, you've now built your own PC!

The price of building a PC depends on the specification of the components you're buying. Generally speaking, building a PC will initially be more expensive. In the long run, however, you'll save money because it's less likely you'll need to replace components, and, if you do need to, they're easier to fix.

You’ll need various components to build your own PC. The main parts that you’ll need are:

  • Processor (CPU)
  • Storage (hard drive or SSD)
  • Power supply

With a little guidance, anyone can build their own PC . Building your own PC allows you to create a perfect PC for your needs. 

Building a computer is surprisingly easy. You'll only need a few tools, a good level of understanding of the parts, and the ability to follow some simple instructions. If you can build ready-to-assemble furniture, you'll be able to build your own PC!

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1 Performance times based on internal lab testing conducted in August 2015. Each task was executed and timed after the system had undergone a fresh boot so that other factors and applications didn’t affect the reported load and boot times. Actual performance may vary based on individual system configuration. Test setup: 1TB Crucial MX200 SSD and 1TB HGST Travelstar® Z5K1000 internal hard drive, both tested on an HP® Elitebook 8760W laptop, Intel® Core™ i7-2620M 2.70GHz processor, 4GB Crucial DDR3 1333 MT/s memory, BIOS Rev. F50 (5 August 2014), and Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 Pro 64-bit operating system. 2 Active average power use comparison based on published specs of the 750GB Crucial MX300 SSD and the 1TB Western Digital® Caviar Blue™ WD10EZEX internal hard drive, which, as of January 2016, is one of the industry’s top-selling internal hard drives. All other capacities of the Crucial MX300 SSD have comparable active average power consumption specs, with the exception of the 2050GB version of the drive, which consumes 0.15W.

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Computer parts - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computer parts

All about computer parts and types – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • this looks like a TV and lets you sees the software/programed and everything you do on your computer.
  • this is the main part of the computer. It contains the brain of the computer which processes and communicates information with all other parts of the computer.
  • the keyboard is an input device used to type in information into the computer.
  • the mouse is an input device which is used to control what you see on your monitor. With a mouse you can click, select and move what you see on your screen.
  • this is an output device used to print out hard copy of what is displayed on your monitor. You can use it to print text and pictures.
  • is any part of your computer that has a physical structure, such as the computer monitor or keyboard.
  • is any set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do. It is what guides the hardware and tells it how to accomplish each task. Some examples of software are web browsers, games, and word processors such as Microsoft Word. is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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computer basics 1

Computer Basics 1

Apr 03, 2019

1.97k likes | 5.13k Views

Computer Basics 1. Computer Basic 1 includes two lessons: Lesson 1: Introduction to Computers Lesson 2: Common Computer Terminology. Lesson 1 – Introduction to Computer Objectives. After completing lesson 1, you will be able to: Describe the importance of computers in today’s world.

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Presentation Transcript

Computer Basics 1 Computer Basic 1 includes two lessons: • Lesson 1: Introduction to Computers • Lesson 2: Common Computer Terminology

Lesson 1 – Introduction to Computer Objectives After completing lesson 1, you will be able to: Describe the importance of computers in today’s world. Identify the main parts of a computer. Identify the steps for starting a computer. Identify the different groups of keys on a keyboard. Perform different tasks by using a mouse.

The Role of Computers In Business and Industry In Publication Field In Education Field In Government Organizations In Medical Field In Science Field In Entertainment Field

Parts of a Computer Input Devices (Keyboard, Mouse, etc.) Output Devices (Monitor, Speakers, etc.) Central Processing Unit (CPU) and memory Motherboard (Circuit Board) Expansion Cards (Video Card, Sound Card, or NIC) Hard Drive Ports and Connections (USB, Firewire, etc.)

Parts of a Computer Input Devices Mouse Keyboard Microphone Scanner Webcam

Parts of a Computer Output Devices Monitor Printer Speaker/Headphone

Parts of a Computer Central Processing Unit (CPU) A device that interprets and runs the commands that you give to the computer. Also referred to as the processor. Two major brands are Intel and AMD. Examples: Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD Turion X2

Parts of a Computer Memory • Memory is where information is stored and retrieved by the CPU. • There are two main types of memory: • Random Access Memory (RAM): It is the main memory and allows you to temporarily store commands and data. • Read Only Memory (ROM): It is the memory that retains its contents even after the computer is turned off.

Parts of a Computer Motherboard • Is the main circuit board inside the computer. • Has tiny electronic circuits and other components on it. • Connects input, output, and processing devices together (CPU, Memory, Hard Drive, DVD Drive) • Tells the CPU how to run.

Parts of a Computer Expansion Cards Video Card – is connected to the computer monitor and is used to display information on the monitor. Network Interface Card (NIC) – is connected to other computers so that information can be exchanged between them. Sound Card– converts audio signals (microphone or audio tape) which can be stored as a computer audio file.

Parts of a Computer Storage Devices Hard Disk Flash Drive CD-ROM DVD-ROM

Parts of a Computer Ports and Connections Universal Serial Bus (USB) Port FireWire (similar to USB but faster) Network Port (Ethernet) Parallel Port and Serial Port Display Adapter Power

Using a Computer To turn on a computer, press the power button on the system unit. Log on to the operating system by your user name and password. Computers allow you to create, modify, and save files. To shut down a computer, click Start, and then, at the bottom of the Start menu, click Shut Down.

Using a Keyboard

Using a Mouse A mouse is a small device that you can use to move, select, and open items displayed on your monitor. Most mouse devices have at least two buttons, left and right. Mouse’s action: Point Double Click Left Click Right Click Click-and-Drag or Drag-and-Drop

Using a Mouse (cont.) Different types of mouse devices available in the market: • Regular mouse • Trackball mouse • Optical mouse

Lesson 2 – Common Computer TerminologyObjectives Identify the primary hardware components of a computer. Define an operating system and its role. Define the term program. Explain what is meant by data. Define the term network, and identify the benefits of networking. Define the term Internet.

Hardware Refers to all the physical components of a computer. Includes all input devices, processing devices, storage devices, and output devices. Examples of hardware are: keyboard mouse motherboard monitor hard disk cables printer

Operating Systems Is the most important software on the computer Controls and manages the hardware connected to your computer Provides an interface that helps you to interact with the computer Ensures that your computer is functioning properly Windows XP is an example of the operation system. Can be either text-based or graphics-based. Graphics-based operating system help you install hardware or software with easy-to-use interface.

Programs • The hardware and the operating system together are referred to as a platform. • Programs, also called applications, use this platform to perform tasks. • There are many types of programs: • Some programs allow you to perform tasks such as writing letters, doing calculations, or sending e-mail messages. • Other programs allow you to create illustrations, play games, watch movies, or communicate with other computer users.

Data • Programs process data that you provide as input to your computer. • Data can be in the form of text, graphics, audio, or video depending on the type of program. • Program processes the data and displays the output on the screen. • You can save this output in a file. • The file can be an audio file, a text file, a graphics file, or a video file.

Networks Is a group of computers and associated devices that are linked together to facilitate sharing information. Can also be used to share data and devices such as printers. A typical network has the following three components: Server Workstation Communication channel

NetworksLAN Connects devices within a limited area (home or a small group of offices) Commonly includes computers and shared resources (printers and scanners)

Networks WAN Is a network that connects devices in geographically separated areas. Is used to connect networks across different countries. The Internet is an example of a WAN.

Internet Internet is a worldwide collection of public networks that are linked to each other for information exchange. Internet offers a range of services to its users (file transfers between Internet users and electronic mail) The World Wide Web (WWW), or the Web, is another service that the Internet provides. An intranet is similar to the Web but is accessible only to authorized users of the organization.

Practices Lesson 1: • Practice typing by visiting • Practice using the mouse at Lesson 2: Suggestion: • Bring a box of computer hardware (mother board, video card, hard drive, CD/DVD drive, etc.) • Ask students to name them.

Next Class Computer Basic 2 Includes two lessons: • Lesson 3: Computer Performance and Features • Lesson 4: Computer Operation Systems

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    presentation about pc parts

  3. Computer Components.

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    An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy: ... _____ parts of the computer, including processor and memory chips, input/output devices, tapes, disks, modems, cable, etc. Click on the parts of the computer to learn more. Click when the pointer arrow changes to a. 227 views • 19 slides. ...

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    contains the brain of the computer which. processes and communicates information with all. other parts of the computer. 6. Keyboard. the keyboard is an input device used to type in. information into the computer. 7. Mouse.

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    During download, if you can't get a presentation, the file might be deleted by the publisher. E N D . Presentation Transcript. Computer Basics 1 Computer Basic 1 includes two lessons: ... Describe the importance of computers in today's world. Identify the main parts of a computer. Identify the steps for starting a computer. Identify the ...

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