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Volume 64, Issue 3, 2024

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  • Generative AI—Navigating Between Consumer Utopia and Dystopia Colin Campbell
  • Insights for Advertisers on Immersive Technologies Kirsten Cowan, Kirk Plangger, and Ana Javornik
  • What Drives Advertisers Toward or Away From Immersive Virtual Spaces? Ben Marder, Amy Yau, Jennifer Yule, Elena Osadchaya, Rob Angell, Will Zhiyuan Zhang, Sebastian Oliver, Laura Lavertu, Nikolaos Stylos, Qi Kang, Liyu Gao, Sara AlRabiah, Anouk de Regt, Yiwei Zhang, and Jiayuan Li
  • Immersive Advertising—A Review and Research Agenda Sean Sands, Carla Ferraro, Vlad Demsar, Justin Cohen, and Andrés Gvirtz
  • Virtual Reality Marketing: What Does It Mean to Have a 3D Experience? Alena Kostyk, Jie Sheng, Andrew Murchie, and Stephen Preston
  • Immersive Advertising through Co-Creation—Lessons from the Visitor Economy Xi Y. Leung, Dimitrios Buhalis, and Giampaolo Viglia
  • How the Presence of Employee Avatars Affects Metaverse Shopping Behavior Darius-Aurel Frank, Jason DiPalma, Sascha Steinmann, and Tobias Otterbring
  • Are Virtual Influencers More Effective in Real-World Advertisement Settings? Jeongmin Ham, Sitan Li, Pratik Shah, and Matthew S. Eastin
  • How Virtual Mirrors in Advertising Influence Attitudes about Beauty Products Hui-Fei Lin, Benjamin Yeo, and Tsai-Yi Lu

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Research Article

The impact of interactive advertising on consumer engagement, recall, and understanding: A scoping systematic review for informing regulatory science

Roles Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing

Affiliation RTI International, Research Triangle Park, Durham, NC, United States of America

Roles Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing

Roles Data curation, Writing – review & editing

Roles Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Writing – review & editing

Affiliation Office of Prescription Drug Promotion, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, US Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States of America

Roles Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal analysis, Funding acquisition, Project administration, Supervision, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing

* E-mail: [email protected]

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  • Kristen Giombi, 
  • Catherine Viator, 
  • Juliana Hoover, 
  • Janice Tzeng, 
  • Helen W. Sullivan, 
  • Amie C. O’Donoghue, 
  • Brian G. Southwell, 
  • Leila C. Kahwati


  • Published: February 3, 2022
  • https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0263339
  • Reader Comments

Fig 1

We conducted a scoping systematic review with respect to how consumer engagement with interactive advertising is evaluated and if interactive features influence consumer recall, awareness, or comprehension of product claims and risk disclosures for informing regulatory science. MEDLINE, PsycINFO, Business Source Corporate, and SCOPUS were searched for original research published from 1997 through February 2021. Two reviewers independently screened titles/abstracts and full-text articles for inclusion. Outcomes were abstracted into a structured abstraction form. We included 32 studies overall. The types of interactive ads evaluated included website banner and pop up ads, search engine ads, interactive TV ads, advergames, product websites, digital magazine ads, and ads on social network sites. Twenty-three studies reported objective measures of engagement using observational analyses or laboratory-based experiments. In nine studies evaluating the association between different interactivity features and outcomes, the evidence was mixed on whether more interactivity improves or worsens recall and comprehension. Studies vary with respect to populations, designs, ads evaluated, and outcomes assessed.

Citation: Giombi K, Viator C, Hoover J, Tzeng J, Sullivan HW, O’Donoghue AC, et al. (2022) The impact of interactive advertising on consumer engagement, recall, and understanding: A scoping systematic review for informing regulatory science. PLoS ONE 17(2): e0263339. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0263339

Editor: Qihong Liu, University of Oklahama Norman Campus: The University of Oklahoma, UNITED STATES

Received: September 15, 2021; Accepted: January 15, 2022; Published: February 3, 2022

This is an open access article, free of all copyright, and may be freely reproduced, distributed, transmitted, modified, built upon, or otherwise used by anyone for any lawful purpose. The work is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 public domain dedication.

Data Availability: All relevant data are within the paper and its Supporting Information files.

Funding: Funded through a contract from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to RTI International (Contract 75F40120A00017, Order Number 75F40120F19003). KG, CV, JH, JT, BS, LK are employees of RTI International. HS and AO are employees of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. HS and AO (employees of the sponsor) participated in the study design, decision to publish, and critically reviewed the manuscript prior to submission.

Competing interests: HS and AO are employees of the study sponsor. This does not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.

1. Introduction

In 2020, it is estimated that nearly $356 billion was spent on digital advertising in the United States [ 1 ]. Much of this advertising consists of display ads, social media ads, search engine marketing, and email marketing often with interactive components to target the 85% of US adults who go online daily [ 2 ]. An interactive ad encourages consumers to interact with the ad (and thus the brand), rather than just passively view the ad. Although interactivity is often considered a vital element of successful online advertising [ 3 , 4 ], its impact on consumer engagement and decision-making is not entirely clear.

The academic definition of interactive advertising has evolved and varied at least in part as possibilities for ad design and placement have shifted, meaning interactive advertising can be defined differently depending on the context. Experts have defined interactive ads in terms of processes, features, and/or user perceptions, and no consensus about the definition has been reached to date [ 5 – 14 ]. Conceptual frameworks considered by researchers in approaching interactive advertising have tended to include descriptions of how users behave in response to ads [ 13 , 15 – 17 ]. Metrics employed by the advertising industry also have shifted over time. The operationalization of interactive advertising often has been determined by the conceptual framework used and the outcome of interest to the researcher.

With an increased presence of interactive advertising in digital and social media [ 18 ], it is critical to understand how consumers engage with these types of advertisements and whether interactive features influence consumer recall, awareness, or comprehension of product claims and risk disclosures. This is of particular importance for products or services for which advertising content is regulated, such as prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and financial products or services, to ensure that such advertising does not introduce barriers or challenges to consumer understanding of risks associated with such products. Especially within the past decade, regulatory science researchers have embraced the tools of social science to assess consumer perceptions of risk as well as potential impediments to consumer understanding [ 19 , 20 ]. Social science research can offer evidence of advertising effects on consumer perceptions, and agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have used such approaches to assess consumer engagement with different types of advertisements, such as direct-to-consumer prescription drug television ads [ 21 ]. In order to assess whether interactive advertising poses new theoretical challenges or opportunities, we conducted a scoping systematic review to summarize the research related to consumer engagement with interactive advertisements and impact on recall and understanding of product claims and risk disclosures.

The protocol for this scoping review was registered at Open Science Framework on October 26, 2020 [ 22 ]. The goal of this scoping systematic review was to describe the extant literature on interactive advertising and consumer engagement, particularly as it concerned regulated product advertising and its influence on comprehension of product claims and risk disclosures. We designed the four research questions (RQs) that guided this scoping review to identify gaps in the evidence base and summarize important considerations needed to inform the design and conduct of future primary research studies in this area. The four RQs were:

  • RQ 1: What methods and measures are used to evaluate consumer engagement with interactive advertisements in empirical studies?
  • RQ 2: In empirical studies of interactive advertising in naturalistic or real-world contexts, to what extent do consumers engage with interactive advertisements?
  • RQ 3: What is the association between features of interactive advertisements for goods or services and consumer engagement, recall, awareness, or comprehension of product claims and risk disclosures?
  • RQ 4: How do interactive advertisements for goods and services compare to non-interactive advertisements (e.g., traditional print or broadcast advertisements) with respect to consumer engagement, recall, awareness, and comprehension of product claims and risk disclosures?

2.1 Search and data sources

We searched MEDLINE via PubMed, PsycINFO, Business Source Corporate, and SCOPUS for original research published in English from January 1, 1997, through February 17, 2021, using search terms related to advertising and marketing, internet, and the outcomes of interest (e.g., engagement, knowledge, click-through rate). Little research on digital advertising was conducted prior to the mid-1990s, and our preliminary evidence scan showed very few papers published prior to 1997. The detailed search strategy is in S1 Appendix . We also searched reference lists of systematic and narrative reviews and editorials where relevant.

2.2 Study selection

Two reviewers independently screened titles/abstracts and full-text articles for inclusion based on study selection criteria for each research question. Disagreements at the full-text review stage were resolved by a third reviewer. Detailed study selection criteria are described in S2 Appendix . In brief, we included all studies among persons of any age in the general public who were characterized as being a potential consumer target for interactive advertising. For all RQs, we included studies that examined exposure to interactive advertisements, which we defined as the promotion of a product, service, or idea using various features or tools that provide the opportunity for persons to interact directly with the ad and potentially influence/inform the remaining sequence, appearance, or content to be presented about the product, service, or idea. For RQ 2, we included only studies with exposure to interactive advertising in naturalistic or real-world contexts. For RQ 3, studies that compared alternative versions of advertisements with interactive elements that varied with respect to the type or level of interactivity were selected. For RQ 4, studies that compared interactive advertisements with traditional advertising (i.e., print ads, broadcast ads, or online/internet ads without interactive elements) were included.

Eligible outcomes varied by RQ. For RQ 1, we included studies with any measure of consumer engagement. For RQ 2, we required objective measures of engagement such as time spent viewing, content navigation, click-through rates, page views, shares, likes, or leaving comments. For RQs 3 and 4, we required studies to report outcomes including consumer recall, awareness, and comprehension of product claims, risk disclosures, or both. Lastly, we included only studies conducted in countries designated as very highly developed per the United Nations Human Development Index to maximize applicability to decision-makers in such settings [ 23 ].

2.3 Data abstraction and synthesis

For each article included, one reviewer abstracted relevant study characteristics and outcomes into a structured abstraction form, and a second senior reviewer checked the form for completeness and accuracy. We narratively synthesized findings for each RQ by summarizing the characteristics and results of the included studies in narrative and tabular formats. Because this was designed as a scoping review, we did not conduct risk of bias assessments on included studies, quantitatively synthesize findings, or conduct strength of evidence assessments.

We screened 3,765 titles and abstracts and 136 full-text articles. We included 32 studies published in 33 articles ( Fig 1 ) [ 7 , 24 – 55 ]. Twenty-three studies addressed RQ 1, eight studies addressed RQ 2, nine studies addressed RQ 3, and four studies addressed RQ 4. An overview of included studies is provided in Table S4-1 in S4 Appendix . A list of full-text studies that we reviewed and excluded is provided in the S3 Appendix .


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3.1 Research question 1: What methods and measures are used to evaluate consumer engagement with interactive advertisements in empirical studies?

3.1.1 study characteristics..

We identified 23 studies eligible for RQ 1 that were published between the years 1997 and 2019 and conducted across multiple countries [ 24 – 30 , 33 , 35 – 42 , 46 , 47 , 50 – 53 ]. An overview of the studies is in Table S4-1 and S4-2 in S4 Appendix . Six were observational studies evaluating consumer response to real-world advertisements or campaigns [ 24 , 25 , 28 – 30 , 37 ]. The rest of the studies were experiments conducted in laboratory or controlled environments. The sample sizes across the included studies ranged from 20 to 116,168 participants; however, two studies [ 29 , 30 ] did not report the number of persons participating in the study.

The types of interactive advertisements evaluated varied across the included studies. Six studies [ 26 , 33 , 35 , 40 , 47 , 50 ] evaluated banner ads, three studies [ 7 , 36 , 46 ] evaluated product websites, three studies [ 29 , 30 , 41 ] evaluated paid search engine ads, three studies [ 38 , 51 , 52 ] evaluated interactive television ads, two studies [ 24 , 27 ] evaluated social network site ads, one study [ 39 ] evaluated a pop-up ad and the rest of the studies evaluated other types of digital ads. This included short-message-service TV marketing [ 37 ], an ad with a video clip embedded in a digital magazine [ 42 ], ads within a simulated online store [ 53 ], and combinations of different types of digital and online ads [ 25 , 30 ]. The type of products advertised across the included studies included unregulated consumer products (e.g., digital cameras) and services (e.g., travel planning); regulated products and services (car insurance, financial); and health/health behavior campaigns.

3.1.2 Findings.

An overview of findings is in Fig 2 . Authors of the six observational studies reported engagement outcomes associated with real-world advertising or marketing campaigns [ 24 , 25 , 28 – 30 , 37 ]. Authors of four studies reported objective measures of the proportion of users exposed to an ad that clicked on the ad (i.e., “click-through rates”) by using platform-specific (e.g., Facebook, Google AdWords) analytic tools for advertisers [ 24 , 29 ], specialized web tracking software that members of a market research panel consented to have installed on their computers to monitor web behavior [ 28 ], or a unique event identifier created on the advertiser’s server whenever an online ad was clicked [ 30 ]. Authors of the other two observational studies reported subjective measures of engagement. In one study, authors used audio, computer-assisted self-interviews that asked respondents about their engagement with online marketing of a specific class of product [ 25 ]. In the other study, authors used post-campaign surveys (mode not specified) to evaluate engagement outcomes [ 37 ].



Authors of the 17 experimental studies reported engagement outcomes from experiments using actual real-world ads or from experiments using fictitious ads designed specifically for the experiment. Authors of the experimental studies controlled participant exposure to the ads, and depending on the measure, outcome measurement occurred either concurrently with the ad exposure or through completion of post-exposure surveys or interviews.

Two of the experimental studies used objective measures of ad engagement employing eye-tracking technologies during exposure to evaluate user engagement with digital ads placed on online platforms (Facebook page, blog, and industry-specific search engine) [ 26 , 50 ]. In Muñoz-Leiva, Hernández-Méndez, and Gómez-Carmona [ 26 ] the ads used were fictitious, and the sites they were placed on were mocked up to resemble existing platforms (e.g., Facebook). In Barreto [ 50 ], each participant’s own Facebook page and the authentic Facebook page for a specific brand of athletic shoe was used. In both studies, authors first calibrated the eye-tracking equipment for each participant, then assigned one or more tasks for the participants to complete (e.g., navigate to find a specific item). The eye-tracking technology measured fixation counts and duration of fixation on the ad portion of the screens as participants navigated through the task.

Seven of the experimental studies were designed using a within- or between-subjects randomized factorial design or both [ 27 , 33 , 36 , 38 , 41 , 51 , 52 ]. In these studies, authors manipulated two or more ad features, including message/information content, tone, amount, or presentation order; images; screen placement; and level of interactivity. Eight of the experimental studies were parallel-group randomized experiments with one group assigned to a manipulated ad exposure in one or more ways and the other group assigned to a control ad exposure [ 7 , 35 , 39 , 40 , 42 , 46 , 47 , 53 ]. In both types of experimental studies, measures of ad engagement varied and included both subjective (e.g., user intentions as to whether they would click the ad or like or share the ad post) and objective measures (e.g., actual click-through rates on ads encountered, view duration tracked by computer). Nearly all studies also measured additional outcomes such as attitudes toward ads, ad or brand recall, or purchase intentions through post-exposure surveys.

3.2 Research question 2: In empirical studies of interactive advertising in naturalistic or real-world contexts, to what extent do consumers engage with interactive advertisements?

3.2.1 study characteristics..

Eight studies addressed RQ 2; these were published between 2006 and 2019 (Table S4-3 in S4 Appendix ) [ 24 , 28 – 31 , 39 , 47 , 54 ]. Six were observational studies [ 24 , 28 – 31 , 54 ], and two studies were experimental but conducted in real-world (i.e., not laboratory) settings [ 39 , 47 ]. The sample sizes across the included studies ranged from 30,638 to 2,000,000 participants. The types of interactive advertisements evaluated varied and could include more than one type of ad. Three studies evaluated banner ads [ 28 , 30 , 47 ], two studies evaluated social network site ads [ 24 , 31 ], and one study evaluated a pop-up ad [ 39 ]. Three studies evaluated other types of digital ads including paid search engine ads and video ads [ 28 , 29 , 54 ]. The type of products advertised across the included studies included unregulated consumer products and services and health/health behavior campaigns.

Authors measured consumer engagement with click-through rates; page views; and/or number of “likes,” comments, or shares on social media. The two experimental studies analyzed click-through rates for banner and pop-up ads [ 39 , 47 ], while the six observational studies analyzed click-through rates for banner ads [ 28 , 30 ], search ads [ 28 – 30 , 54 ], and social media interaction [ 24 , 31 ].

3.2.2 Findings.

An overview of findings is in Fig 3 . The level of engagement by consumers varied across studies. Six studies reported click-through rates ranging from 0.02% to 2.30% [ 24 , 29 , 31 , 39 , 47 , 54 ]. Two of these studies also reported differences in click-through rates when selected characteristics of the ad were varied, such as differences on which page the ad was placed, a variable delay before the ad was displayed [ 39 ], or whether the ads were static or morphing and whether they were context matched to the website on which they were placed [ 47 ]. In contrast to other studies reporting click-through rates, Graham et al. [ 30 ] reported a much higher click-through rate (81.6%); this study used ads to recruit individuals to a website to register for smoking cessation treatment.



Other measures of consumer engagement beyond click-through rates included number of page views (after clicking through an ad) and interactions such as liking, sharing, or posting comments to ads on social networking platforms. Two studies measured page views, which is the number of pages the viewer visited after going to the landing site [ 29 , 39 ]. In Birnbaum et al. [ 29 ] the median number of pages visited on the website (not including other relevant websites that were linked on the study site) was 1.29. Moe [ 39 ] measured the difference in number of page views when users were exposed to the ad on a gateway page of an informational website compared with exposure to the ad from a content page of the website. The mean number of page views after an ad on a content page (6.31) was higher than page views after an ad on a gateway page (4.86, P < .001), suggesting greater engagement from consumers when involved in the content.

Two studies measured interactive engagement with social media ads through “likes” and shares [ 24 , 31 ]. Horrell et al. [ 24 ] defined levels of consumer engagement as “low” if a consumer liked a page or reacted to a post and “medium” if a consumer shared or commented on a post. Over a 5-week advertising campaign targeted to 91,385 users of a specific Facebook page site targeting lung cancer awareness, the page had 2,602 reactions to posts, 149 page likes, 452 shares, and 157 comments [ 24 ]. Similarly, Platt et al. [ 31 ] reported findings from a 1-month time period in which a Michigan biobank advertising campaign was targeted to an estimated 2 million state residents aged 18 to 28. The campaign’s social media presence garnered 516 page likes, 477 ad likes, 25 page post shares, and 30 entries into an advertised photo contest. This study also reported that a greater percentage of viewers clicked an ad or post they saw when it was associated with the name of a friend who had already liked the Facebook page [ 31 ].

3.3 Research question 3: What is the association between features of interactive advertisements for goods or services and consumer engagement, recall, awareness, or comprehension of product claims and risk disclosures?

3.3.1 study characteristics..

We identified nine studies eligible for RQ 3 that were published between the years 1997 and 2019 (Tables S4-4 and S4-5 in S4 Appendix ) [ 26 , 32 , 34 , 36 , 43 – 45 , 51 , 53 ]. Eight studies were conducted as experiments [ 26 , 32 , 34 , 36 , 43 , 44 , 51 , 53 ], and the remaining study was a meta-analysis [ 45 ]. The sample sizes across the included primary research studies ranged from 60 to 1,600 participants. The type of advertisements evaluated varied. Four studies [ 32 , 34 , 36 , 44 ] evaluated product websites, one study [ 26 ] evaluated banner ads, one study [ 43 ] evaluated both banner ads and advergames, and two studies [ 51 , 53 ] evaluated other types of digital ads (e.g., interactive TV ads and interactive ads in a simulated online store). The included studies manipulated the ad stimuli to vary the level of interactivity or the type of interactive features included in the ad. Interactive features used in these studies included clickable hyperlinks, navigation bars, navigation buttons, rollover and clickable animation, responsive chat features, comment forms, and interactive game elements. The type of products advertised across the included studies included unregulated consumer products and services as well as regulated products or services.

The meta-analysis reported on 63 experimental studies (total N = 13,484) that evaluated how web interactivity affects various psychological outcomes and how those effects are moderated [ 45 ]. Of the included studies, half focused on interactivity within an advertising context, and 25% reported cognition outcomes, the only outcomes of relevance to this review.

3.3.2 Findings.

An overview of findings is in Fig 4 . In the meta-analysis, Yang and Shen [ 45 ] defined cognition measures such as comprehension, elaboration, knowledge acquisition, and recall. The authors reported no significant association between interactivity and cognition (correlation coefficient 0.05, P = .25). Across the eight primary research studies for this RQ, outcomes varied widely by level or type of interactivity. Five of the studies measured consumer recall of the brand, product, or service advertised [ 32 , 34 , 36 , 43 , 44 ]. Four of these involved websites or web pages with varying levels of interactivity [ 32 , 34 , 36 , 44 ].



In Chung and Zhao [ 36 ], undergraduate university students viewed websites advertising cameras, which were classified as either low, medium, or high interactivity based on the number of hyperlinks included. They found a significant association between a higher number of clicks available and higher memory scores [ 36 ].

In Chung and Ahn [ 32 ], authors asked participants to view either a website with a linear structure (scroll to bottom of page and click link to move to next page), an interactive structure (multiple links available on the page), or a mixed linear and interactive structure and asked them to write down all the product information they could recall after exposure [ 32 ]. The authors found that participants who viewed the linear web page exhibited the highest memory score [ 32 ].

In Macias [ 44 ], participants viewed either a low or high interactivity website that advertised one of two consumer products. The high interactivity websites included rollover animation, hyperlinks, comment forms, and chat features. The authors found that participants who viewed the high interactivity website exhibited greater comprehension [ 44 ].

Polster et al. [ 34 ] reported the results of a study comparing interactive and noninteractive versions of a website with important safety information (ISI) about a fictitious medication viewed either on a desktop computer or smartphone. Authors found that a higher percentage of participants allocated to noninteractive websites saw any ISI as measured through objective clicking and scrolling behavior compared with participants who were allocated to the interactive websites ( P < .001). Further, a higher proportion of desktop-using participants allocated to noninteractive websites recalled at least one relevant side effect compared with participants allocated to the interactive websites ( P < .001) [ 34 ]. A higher proportion of participants using a smartphone allocated to noninteractive websites also had higher recall of at least one relevant side effect compared with participants who were allocated to interactive sites, but this finding was only statistically significant for one of the two noninteractive layouts [ 34 ]. Authors also reported the mean percentage correct recognition of medication side effects and conducted additional analyses of recognition limited to those participants who saw any ISI (Table S4-4 in S4 Appendix ).

Finally, in Daems et al. [ 43 ], Belgian secondary students viewed ads for a fictitious smartphone that were either interactive advergames, static in-game ads, interactive banner ads, or noninteractive banner ads. Authors found that interactive banner ads led to the highest percentage of participants exhibiting brand recognition (60.4%), followed by static in-game ads (22.4%), noninteractive banner ads (21.3%), and finally advergames (14.3%) [ 43 ]. They also found that interactive banner ads led to the highest memory of product characteristics (8.22 out of a 12-point scale), while noninteractive banner ads led to the lowest memory (3.87) [ 43 ].

Three studies measured time spent viewing ads and results were mixed [ 26 , 51 , 53 ]. In Cauberghe and De Pelsmacker [ 51 ], participants from a Belgian market research firm watched a Dutch travel agency interactive TV ad with low, medium, or high interactivity. The interactivity level varied based on the presence of clickable links, navigation bars, and two-way communication. The authors reported significantly more time spent viewing the high interactivity ad (6.1 minutes) than the low interactivity ad (4.4 minutes) [ 51 ]. In Yang [ 53 ], each participant viewed one interactive ad and one noninteractive ad for one of two consumer products. The high interactivity ads offered more user control over order of information, duration of each page, and ability to skip information. Authors found that interactive ads were viewed for less time than noninteractive ads ( P < .01) [ 53 ]. In Muñoz-Leiva et al. [ 26 ], the authors compared “Travel 2.0 websites” with embedded vertical banner ads on 3 different platforms: a Facebook page, a blog, and a Tripadvisor page that varied by level of interactivity [ 26 ]. While the banner ads on all three platforms included a call to action and a clickable link to an airline website, the Facebook ad was the most interactive with the ability to like, comment, and share the ad followed by the blog with the ability to comment on the blog post and finally the Tripadvisor page. The authors used eye-tracking technology to measure the number of visual fixations on the ad, number of seconds until the first fixation on the ad, and total duration of fixations on the ad. They found a significant difference in the number of ad fixations (Facebook, 19.1; blog, 11.7; Tripadvisor (6.1), P < .001). Significant differences were also observed across platforms for other measures (Table S4-5 in S4 Appendix ) [ 26 ].

3.4 Research question 4: How do interactive advertisements for goods and services compare with noninteractive advertisements (e.g., traditional print or broadcast advertisements) with respect to consumer engagement, recall, awareness, and comprehension of product claims and risk disclosures?

3.4.1 study characteristics..

We identified three studies eligible for RQ 4 that were published between the years 2008 and 2018 (Table S4-6 in S4 Appendix ) [ 30 , 48 , 49 ]. One was an observational study [ 30 ], and the other two studies were conducted as experiments. The sample sizes for the two experiments were 233 [ 49 ] and 9,902 [ 48 ] participants; the observational study [ 30 ] did not report the number of persons evaluated. The types of interactive advertisements varied. The observational study [ 30 ] compared banner ads and paid search ads (interactive advertising) with billboards, TV ads, radio ads, outdoor signage, direct mail, and physician detailing (noninteractive advertising). One experimental study [ 48 ] had print flyer, online flyer, and no flyer groups, while the other experimental study [ 49 ] compared a standard TV commercial, a PC advergame, and an interactive TV commercial offering an advergame.

Eligible outcomes for this review reported across the three included studies also varied. The observational study [ 30 ] evaluated outcomes associated with real-world advertising including the number of log-ins and pages viewed, session length, and long-term cookies. Authors of the two experimental studies [ 48 , 49 ] randomized participants to different ad types and evaluated recall in addition to other outcomes such as attitudes, which were not within the scope of this review.

3.4.2 Findings.

An overview of findings is in Fig 5 . Across the three included studies, outcomes varied widely. Graham et al. [ 30 ] examined how online advertising increases consumer demand for smoking cessation treatments in Minnesota and New Jersey (N = NR) by comparing the impact of interactive advertisements (banner ads, paid search ads) versus traditional advertisements (billboards, TV ads, radio ads, outdoor signage, direct mail, physician detailing). Outcomes related to engagement are reported in the RQ 2 section of this review. Ultimately, 9.1% of those who clicked the interactive ad registered for treatment compared with 18.6% of those who were directed to the website from traditional media [ 30 ]. The authors found that compared with traditional ads, online ads engaged a higher percentage of males, young adults, racial/ethnic minorities, individuals with a high school education or less, and dependent smokers. While the authors found significant differences in website engagement metrics (e.g., average session length, pages viewed, percentage posting in public forums) between online and traditional ad responders, they noted that the differences in utilization are too small in magnitude to be meaningful.



Ieva et al. [ 48 ] estimated the effect of an online versus print promotional advertising flyer on customer response with an experimental design recruiting from a random sample of customers from a supermarket chain (N = 9,902; however, only the 303 that reported viewing the flyer were included in the analysis). The online flyer was a replication of the print flyer with no banners, videos, or embedded links; however, users could click to zoom or move to another page. The authors found no statistically significant differences in recall, recognition, or advertisement memory measures between the online and print flyers.

Bellman et al. [ 49 ] compared the effectiveness of PC advergames, TV commercials, and interactive commercials enhanced with advergames on recall for four test brands of food or personal hygiene products in an experimental study. Members of an Australian audience panel (N = 233) were randomized to one of three ad types. The authors reported significantly higher unaided recall of at least three unique points about the ad content for participants who viewed the PC advergame compared with those who viewed the traditional TV commercial and as compared with the interactive TV ad. Authors observed no significant difference between participants who viewed the interactive TV commercial and the traditional TV commercial.

4. Discussion

4.1 summary of evidence.

Study design and outcomes varied widely within the evidence base for each RQ. That variation itself is noteworthy, as it affects comparability of results and suggests strengths and weaknesses of different approaches for future research in this arena. Through this review, we also can see ways in which existing literature may not yet be optimal for answering questions about consumer risk perception and decision making in response to interactive advertising; much available evidence focuses on indicators of short-term consumer attention in engaging with advertising more than on consumer information processing beyond eyeball movement or click behavior.

Within the 23 studies eligible for RQ 1 (which summarized methods and measures used to evaluate consumer engagement), six were observational studies and 17 were experimental studies. In the experimental studies, methods included within- and between-subjects randomized factorial design and parallel-group randomized experiments. In both types of studies, objective (e.g., click-through rates, eye-tracking metrics) and subjective (e.g., post-campaign surveys, interviews) measures were used to report engagement outcomes. This variability in methods is understandable. Some measures of engagement are most optimally assessed with experimental designs that allow control over content and resource-intensive measurement of respondents (e.g., eye-tracking metrics). Observational studies nonetheless also can offer objective measures of engagement on a larger scale and without the generalizability concerns stemming from volunteer bias inherent to small sample-sized experimental designs. We also did find examples of large-scale experiments [ 39 , 42 ] involving manipulation of advertising stimuli conducted with various kinds of media (digital magazine, websites publishing reviews, news, or information).

Based on this review, consumer engagement is an umbrella concept covering a range of operationalization efforts. The ways in which studies measured engagement reflect 1) varying levels of technologic sophistication of the advertising platform or ad itself, 2) the salience of click-through rates as a metric in commercial advertising (regardless of the theoretical value of that metric to understanding consumer decision making), and 3) varying levels of integration into a broader social media campaign. We did not identify any differences in the way engagement was measured for regulated versus non-regulated products in this scoping review, per se, but the number of studies focused on regulated products or services also was quite limited. Future research on consumer engagement with interactive ads for regulated products should be able to use both observational or experimental designs, depending on the specific outcomes in question.

For RQ 2, eight identified studies reported on the extent to which consumers engage with interactive advertisements in naturalistic or real-world contexts. Consumer engagement was measured with click-through rates; page views; and/or number of “likes,” comments, or shares on social media. Click-through rate was the most common engagement measure used for this RQ; however, the way in which click-through-rates were calculated varied, limiting direct head-to-head comparisons across studies. A click-through rate may offer a conceptually simple way of measuring consumer engagement because it is closely aligned to the evaluation of cost-per-thousand advertisement impressions (i.e., cost-per-mille) and cost-per-click advertising campaigns. In practice, however, variability in click-through rate calculation limits the ability of current literature to offer definitive conclusions related to the concept. Moreover, in the context of evaluating regulated advertising, crude click-through-rates of a single hyperlink in a digital ad may not be enough to provide a nuanced understanding of whether users engage with specific parts of an ad, specifically, claims of benefits, risk disclosures, or both.

For RQ 3, we identified nine studies, eight of which were experiments, that focused on the association between features of interactive ads and consumer engagement, recall, awareness, or comprehension of product claims and risk disclosures. The studies varied the type or level of interactivity in the ad. Some studies found significant associations between higher levels of interactivity and higher memory scores, comprehension, and brand recognition. Other studies found the opposite: better recall and higher memory scores with fewer interactive features. Studies that measured time spent viewing the ads also had mixed results: one study found higher levels of interactivity led to more time spent viewing the ad, whereas one study found the opposite. Further, a meta-analysis reported no correlation between interactivity and measures of cognition.

The evidence for clear relationships between interactive features and outcomes of interest for this scoping review was mixed, precluding any definitive conclusions. Further, some studies addressing this RQ were published during an early era of online advertising that has faded in relevance to present circumstances. Importantly, we also found instances of confounding. In addition to manipulating interactivity, advertisers often manipulated other aspects of the ad not related to interactivity (e.g., tone, text or graphic content). Previous studies have demonstrated that for regulated products, such as prescription drugs, these features moderate consumer understanding of product claims and risk disclosures [ 21 , 56 ]. Thus, future studies evaluating variations in interactive ads of regulated products and services should ensure that study designs and ad manipulations are robust for evaluating independent effects and potential interactions.

For RQ 4, three identified studies compared interactive with noninteractive advertisements with respect to consumer engagement, recall, awareness, and comprehension of product claims and risk disclosures. One observational study found that compared with traditional ads, online ads engaged certain segments of the population better. The two experimental studies found no significant differences between the interactive and traditional ads, but one study found significantly higher unaided recall for participants who viewed a PC advergame compared with those who viewed the traditional or the interactive ads. With the mixed results from this limited number of heterogeneous studies, there is no conclusive evidence on how interactive advertisements compare with noninteractive advertisements with respect to consumer engagement, recall, awareness, and comprehension of product claims and risk disclosures. The limited number of studies may reflect the challenge in conducting direct comparisons of traditional and interactive advertising in the same study. Digital and online advertising offer new and, in some cases, more objective ways of measuring advertising effectiveness that have no counterpart in the evaluation of traditional advertising. Given shifts away from traditional advertising to digital and online marketing because of better returns on investment and ability to target audiences, comparing traditional to interactive ads may not be a relevant comparison for future studies.

4.2 Limitations of evidence

Studies were quite heterogenous with respect to study design, populations evaluated, types of ads used, and measures reported; this limited our ability to conduct a robust synthesis of outcomes. Many studies were conducted among university students; whether findings from such studies would generalize to broader populations is not known. The measures used by some studies to evaluate product or service information recall or knowledge did not appear to be validated. The era over which studies were conducted was broad; some of the interactivity features or platforms used in included studies are likely obsolete or have been replaced by more sophisticated approaches to interactive advertising.

4.3 Limitations of this review

We limited this scoping review to studies published in English from very highly developed countries to increase applicability of findings to policy makers concerned with regulation of interactive advertising in such countries. Study indexing in bibliographic databases was variable and inconsistent; thus, it is possible we missed some relevant studies. Our RQs were focused on outcomes related to consumer engagement with interactive ads, and information recall and comprehension, as it related to product information or risk disclosures. We did not consider consumer attitudes or purchase behavior. We limited measures of engagement to studies conducted in naturalistic or real-world contexts because experimental studies typically manipulated ad exposure or instructed participants what to view and may have put limits on duration of exposure that would not reflect engagement outside of a controlled environment. We did not assess the risk of bias of included studies consistent with a scoping review approach.

4.4 Research gaps

Although the research on interactive advertising is extensive in terms of the volume of available publications, as judged by the size of our initial search yield, the amount of research specifically focused on the influence of interactive advertising on product information recall and specifically risk perception is sparse. Several studies that we screened but excluded as not eligible for this scoping review focused on evaluating tone, content, graphics, placement, or variable deployment of an interactive ad and impact on consumer attitudes about the product or brand or subsequent purchase intention or behavior (see S3 Appendix for a list of excluded studies). Whether such outcomes correlate to an accurate understanding of product features or services and risk disclosures is not known but could be relevant when considering interactive advertising for regulated products, such as prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and financial products or services. Regardless, it is clear that available research on interactive advertising does not provide much of the evidence most useful to regulatory science focused on whether regulated advertising encourages informed decision making about products.

We need rigorously designed studies of consumer experiences with interactive advertising that use objective and validated measures to assess recall and understanding of product or service information and risk disclosures. We note a disjuncture between our selected studies and recent work on social media activities. A type of study we commonly encountered during screening but excluded as not eligible were studies evaluating the impact of influencer marketing through social media. Though not a focus of this scoping review, we noted many of these studies in the latter part of the time period we searched, suggesting an increasing use of this type of digital, interactive advertising for the future and a possible area for future inquiry.

5. Conclusion

This scoping systematic review summarized the research related to consumer engagement with interactive advertisements and impact on recall and understanding of product claims. The evidence shows that consumers do engage with interactive advertisements, but the evidence is mixed as to whether features of interactive advertising increase consumer engagement, recall, awareness, or comprehension of product claims and risk disclosures. Only a few studies compared traditional advertisements with interactive advertisements on these outcomes and these results also were mixed. Some of the limitations of existing interactive advertising literature as a source for informing regulatory science appears to reflect inconsistent labeling of concepts as well as adherence to industry metrics rather than regulatory science needs.

Supporting information

S1 checklist. prisma checklist..


S1 Appendix. Detailed search strategy.


S2 Appendix. Study selection criteria.


S3 Appendix. Excluded studies.


S4 Appendix. Results tables.



The authors acknowledge Sharon Barrell and Loraine Monroe for editing and document preparation.

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Exploring global trends and future directions in advertising research: A focus on consumer behavior

  • Published: 03 June 2023
  • Volume 43 , pages 6193–6216, ( 2024 )

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research paper for advertisements

  • Ahmed H. Alsharif 1 ,
  • Nor Zafir Md Salleh 1 ,
  • Mahmaod Alrawad 2 , 3 &
  • Abdalwali Lutfi 4  

8055 Accesses

16 Citations

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This study aims to select the physiological and neurophysiological studies utilized in advertising and to address the fragmented comprehension of consumers' mental responses to advertising held by marketers and advertisers. To fill the gap, the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) framework was employed to select relevant articles, and bibliometric analysis was conducted to determine global trends and advancements in advertising and neuromarketing. The study selected and analyzed forty-one papers from the Web of Science (WoS) database from 2009–2020. The results indicated that Spain, particularly the Complutense University of Madrid, was the most productive country and institution, respectively, with 11 and 3 articles. The journal Frontiers in Psychology was the most prolific, with eight articles. The article "Neuromarketing: The New Science of Consumer Behavior" had the most citations (152 T.Cs). Additionally, the researchers discovered that the inferior frontal and middle temporal gyri were associated with pleasant and unpleasant emotions, respectively, while the right superior temporal and right middle frontal gyrus was connected to high and low arousal. Furthermore, the right prefrontal cortex (PFC) and left PFC were linked to withdrawal and approach behaviors. In terms of the reward system, the ventral striatum played a critical role, while the orbitofrontal cortex and ventromedial PFC were connected to perception. As far as we know, this is the first paper that focused on the global academic trends and developments of neurophysiological and physiological instruments used in advertising in the new millennium, emphasizing the significance of intrinsic and extrinsic emotional processes, endogenous and exogenous attentional processes, memory, reward, motivational attitude, and perception in advertising campaigns.

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Qualitative methods have been used in marketing research for a long time to measure the consumer’s attitudes and behaviors toward advertising campaigns, which is actually measuring consumers' awareness behavior such as attitudes and perceptions (Carrington et al., 2014 ). Therefore, advertisers and marketers resorted to the use of neuroscientific methods or techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in the marketing field in general and advertising in specific to study, measure and understand the unconscious/subconscious responses of customers to stimuli, which largely contribute in the decision-making process (Harris et al., 2018 ; Plassmann et al., 2012 ). Using neuroscientific methods to better understand the concealed behavior of customers toward external stimuli such as marketing and environmental in the last 20 years has led to an emerging mixed field, so-called “Neuromarketing”, which used neuroscientific and self-report methods to get more accurate findings about conscious and unconscious responses of the customer to advertising (Alsharif et al., 2021a ). According to the literature, in 2022, professor Smidts ( 2002 ) coined the NM (NM) term. According to Javor et al. ( 2013 ), NM is placed on the borderline of neuroscience, marketing, and psychology, which has been spread by the USA company named "Bright House Company" (Fortunato et al., 2014 ), when this company established the first neuroscience department for marketing research.

Contemporarily, NM is one of the most important fields for studying customers' neural and physiological responses, such as inner and extrinsic responses toward marketing stimuli and advertising. In addition to the aforementioned, some researchers and scholars considered NM an embryonic field that needs more improvements to overcome the artifacts in some techniques (Alsharif et al., 2021b ). Bočková et al. ( 2021 ) mentioned that NM is in an improving process because of technological advancement in communication and medical fields recently. The technology has been utilized by the marketing and advertising leader to enhance marketing and advertising success by managing and reducing task conflicts, as stated by To et al. ( 2021 ). Isabella et al. ( 2015 ) have categorized neuromarketing instruments into two groups: (1) neurophysiological tools, including EEG, MEG, fMRI, PET, and TMS, and (2) physiological tools, such as GSR, ET, ECG, and EMG. As mentioned by Ahmed et al. ( 2022c ); Izhikevich ( 2003 ), neurophysiological instruments capture the cognitive and emotional reactions toward advertising, including arousal, pleasure, engagement, approach, and withdrawal. Meanwhile, physiological tools like eye-tracking (ET), according to (Ahmed et al., 2020 ; Dimpfel, 2015 ), monitor physiological responses such as visual fixation, pupil dilation, eye movements, heartbeat, perspiration, and excitement at the point of purchase. This enables the acquisition of dependable and useful information concerning preferences, such as whether a product is liked or not liked.

According to the literature, the first official publication in NM was done in 2004 by McClure et al. ( 2004 ), which contributed to shifting the NM studies from a pure study to a practical one. NM research is highly significant for the academic and industrial world to overcome the limitations of traditional methods, such as consumer social bias (e.g., consumer choices can be affected by others) (Alsharif et al., 2022 ; Fortunato et al., 2014 ). The COVID-19 pandemic has created a lot of concerns globally in markets, businesses, and establishments’ activities (Aki et al., 2020 ). However, understanding the global trends in advertising research within the NM field (e.g., the most prolific countries/academic institutions, the most-cited articles, the most productive journals, authors, and so forth) is still unclear in academic studies. Thus, we aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the top and new approaches in the field, recent methods, and other relevant aspects that would be more interesting and beneficial to scholars. Our key contribution is to provide a broader perspective that goes beyond just publication and citation data, and we hope that our article will be useful to researchers and practitioners in their research. In addition, The main difference in the current paper is that the current paper focused on empirical that used neurophysiological such as fMRI, EEG, fNIRS and physiological tools such as ET, ECG, GSR/EDA, and EMG to study the mental responses of consumers behavior (e.g., inner and extrinsic emotional responds, perceptions, motivational of customers attitudes, reward system, endogenous and exogenous attentional processes, and memory) toward advertising research within NM. The present study endeavors to achieve a precise and succinct conclusion by conducting an in-depth analysis of the extracted articles. The primary contributions of this research are outlined as follows:

Provide the latest update on the global trends in advertising research within the NM field, such as the most prolific countries/academic institutions, the most-cited articles, the most productive journals and authors, etc.

Provides a comprehensive assessment of the up-to-date advertising studies that have used neurophysiological and physiological techniques to investigate the consumers’ behavior, such as inner and extrinsic emotional responses, motivational attitudes, perceptions, reward, memory, and endogenous and exogenous attentional processes toward advertising.

Provides a comprehensive overview of studies that used neurophysiological and physiological tools between 2009 and 2020.

In summary, this study offers a thorough examination of neuromarketing and its present research objectives. The second section outlines the data collection materials and methodologies, while the third section presents the bibliometric and content analysis of the articles selected for this study. The fourth section discusses the limitations and challenges of applying neuromarketing. Findings are discussed in section five, and the study concludes in section six.

This study is designed to identify original articles on advertising in the field of neuromarketing by searching the Web of Science (WoS) database, thereby addressing a gap in the existing literature. WoS was selected over Scopus due to its cleaner data, which helps to minimize duplication, and because it includes publications from top-tier journals (Strozzi et al., 2017 ). In the first step of our research, we followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol developed by Moher et al. ( 2015 ) to identify empirical articles in advertising research that used neurophysiological and physiological tools to investigate consumers' behavior in the context of neuromarketing (as shown in Fig.  2 ). For the second step, we conducted a bibliometric analysis to identify global trends and advancements in advertising research within the field of neuromarketing, including the most productive countries and academic institutions, the number of publications and citations, and the most prolific authors in the field (as recommended by Ahmed et al. ( 2022a ), (Ahmed et al., 2022b ); Ahmed et al. ( 2021 ); Pilelienė et al. ( 2022 )). To conduct this analysis, we followed the guidelines Block and Fisch ( 2020 ) set forth to ensure that our analysis was impactful and accurate, and used VOSviewer software to visualize our findings. VOSviewer is a widely-used tool for bibliometric research and has been employed in previous studies (see Abbas et al. ( 2022 ); Ali et al., ( 2021a , 2021b ); Alsharif et al. ( 2020 ); Alsharif et al. ( 2021c )). Figure  1 provides an overview of the analytical structure of our study, including the methods used and the organization and structure of the study itself.

figure 1

Analytical structure of the current paper

These processes will give us a deep insight into advertising advancement by identifying and analyzing the general and specific domains. Additionally, it would give us a comprehensive understanding of the most common NM tools used in advertising research, the most productive academic institutions, and the top productive authors to be considered when conducting further research in advertising research. Therefore, the findings provide a guide for scholars who are interested in the advertising and NM field.

Relevant documents were extracted from the WoS by using the following query applied to the title, abstract, and keywords: (("neuromarketing" OR "consumer neuroscience") AND ("adverti*")) to extract the relevant articles related to this study and fill the gap. This paper has focused on the papers that used neurophysiological and physiological tools in advertising research between 2009 and 2020; therefore, the total number of publications was 125 documents from 2009 to 2020. The study focused on original journal articles, which are subject to a more thorough review process than conferences and book chapters. This helps to increase the credibility of research published in journals (Saha et al., 2020 ).

The researchers selected 41 articles from the WoS database and followed the PRISMA protocol, which involves four steps for selecting relevant articles. These steps include identification through database searching, screening of publications, assessing eligibility, and selecting relevant articles. The included articles had to meet the specific characteristics outlined in Fig.  2 :

Articles published in advertising research within the NM context from 2009 to 2020 were included.

Articles that used neurophysiological and physiological tools in advertising research were included.

Articles published in the non-English language were excluded.

Publications such as book chapters, conferences, and so forth were excluded.

figure 2

PRISMA flow chart for selecting publications for the current study

Table 1 provides an overview of the chosen articles in advertising research. By analyzing these articles, we were able to identify three key dimensions in the field of neuromarketing: (i) studies on advertising in the context of neuromarketing; (ii) the use of neurophysiological and physiological techniques in advertising; and (iii) consumers' unconscious and subconscious reactions to advertising. Through our review of these papers, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter and meet the goals of this review article.

Descriptive analysis

We conducted a descriptive analysis of forty-one articles in the advertising field and utilized neuromarketing instruments to determine the overall trend in advertising, including annual and cumulative publications of countries, academic institutions, and journal outlets.

Growth of the publication

Forty-one articles in journals belonging to the WoS database related to advertising have been published, which have used NM tools. As we can see there is a fluctuation in the number of publications in advertising and NM research from 2009 to 2020. In 2020, it was the highest number of annual publications with thirteen articles, as depicted in Fig.  3 .

figure 3

The annual and cumulative publications in advertising and NM

Journal outlets

The results indicate that six countries were represented by eight publishers, who published a minimum of two articles in advertising and NM. Table 2 lists the publishers and their respective number of publications. Frontiers Media Sa and MDPI, both based in Switzerland, were the top publishers in NM and advertising with fourteen articles, which accounted for 34% of the total articles. Grupo Comunicar and University Complutense Madrid, based in Spain, followed with six articles. While Hindawi Ltd had only published two articles in advertising and NM, their article by Vecchiato et al. ( 2011 ) had the most citations with fifty-seven citations. Stallen et al. ( 2010 ) from the Netherlands had the second most cited article with thirty-eight citations, and they also published two articles.

Bibliometrics analysis

Productive countries and academic institutions.

A total of 41 papers from the WoS database were analyzed, and the results are summarized in Table 3 . The findings reveal that Spain, Italy, and the USA are the primary contributors to advertising research in the context of NM, accounting for over 60% of the total publications. This suggests that these countries play a crucial role in advancing studies in advertising research within the NM context. Specifically, Spain had the highest number of publications, with eleven papers (approximately 26.83% of total papers), followed by Italy, with almost eight documents (19.51% of total documents). The USA ranked third with seven documents (almost 17% of total documents), while Australia and England tied for fourth place with four documents each. The Netherlands had three documents, ranking fifth. Finally, China, Lithuania, and Germany, with two documents each.

Table 4 presents a group of academic institutions that have contributed significantly to advertising research in NM, publishing at least two papers. Sapienza University Rome, Complutense University of Madrid, and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos are the most prolific institutions. They have produced nine documents with three publications from each institution. Following them are Brainsigns SRL, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Vytautas Magnus University, Swinburne University of Technology, and the University of Salamanca, having contributed two documents each, making twelve publications among them.

Prolific authors

We have identified the top prolific authors in the NM context who have contributed at least two advertising research papers. These authors belong to four countries, Italy, Spain, Lithuania, and Australia. Table 5 presents the list of these authors who collaborated extensively and published 26 documents. Notably, each author has published an equal number of two papers, and hence, we have grouped them into four clusters, as shown in Fig.  4 . Cluster 1, the most collaborative cluster, comprises six authors from Sapienza University Rome (Italy), namely Babiloni, Fabio; Cherubino, Patrizia; Carato, Myriam; Rossi, Dario; Modica, Enrica; and Cartocci, Giulia. Cluster 2 includes four authors from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Spain), namely Goya-Esteban, Rebeca; Banos-Gonzalez, Miguel; Baraybar-Fernandez, Antonio, Barquero-Perez, Oscar. Cluster 3 comprises two authors, Pileliene, Lina, and Grigaliunaite, Viktorija, from Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania). Finally, Ciorciari, Joseph from Swinburne University of Technology (Australia) belongs to cluster 4.

figure 4

The network map of leading authors (minimum contribution of two documents)

Leading journal

In this section, we have identified eight highly productive journals that have published at least two papers in advertising research within the NM context. These journals are presented in Table 6 , and Frontiers in Psychology emerged as the most prolific journal, publishing eight articles. Comunicar and Frontiers in Neuroscience followed closely behind, with four articles each. The remaining journals, including Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Journal of Economic Psychology, Scientific Annals of Economics and Business, Behavioral Sciences, Neuropsychological Trends, and Vivat Academia, contributed two papers each. Additionally, the number of citations a journal receives is an indicator of its article's quality and popularity, while the publication number reflects its productivity. To evaluate the leading journals, we computed their average citation per item (ACI) using total citations (TC) and total publications (TP) from the WoS database. Table 6 indicates that the Journal of Economic Psychology and Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience have the highest ACI, despite only publishing two papers on advertising and NM, with 32 and 31 citations, respectively. These findings suggest that many publications do not necessarily imply a high number of citations.

Keywords analysis

The bibliometric analysis involves representing the frequency of keywords in papers numerically (Wang & Chai, 2018 ), to assess their relevance and coherence with the papers' content (Comerio & Strozzi, 2019 ). Additionally, the correlation between pairs of keywords is expressed numerically as link strength, where a higher numerical value indicates a stronger link based on the number of times both keywords appear in the same paper (Ravikumar et al., 2015 ). The total number of links signifies the overall number of appearances of the two keywords in the same article. In this study, we conducted a keyword co-occurrence analysis on 56 keywords from 41 articles in 23 journals, with a minimum requirement of one source document. Synonymous keywords were also analyzed before inclusion, such as "neuromarketing" and "consumer neuroscience." To appear on the bibliometric map between two keywords that occur together in the same paper, a minimum of two occurrences of a keyword was required in VOSviewer.

According to Comerio and Strozzi ( 2019 ), keyword co-occurrence analysis is a crucial technique for understanding the content of articles and evaluating current research trends in a specific topic, such as advertising in neuromarketing. This technique is useful in identifying research directions and assessing hot themes. Ahmed et al. ( 2020 ) also noted that the analysis could reveal current academic documents in advertising and neuromarketing trends. The keyword co-occurrence map, as shown in Fig.  5 , indicates that neuromarketing research mainly focuses on marketing practices like advertising (12 occurrences, 63 total link strength), which means that advertising is mentioned 12 times and is linked to the NM theme 63 times. Brand (6 occurrences, 42 total link strength) is the second most frequent keyword, followed by brain processes such as attention, emotion, and memory. Finally, neuromarketing and advertising are linked to neuroscience tools such as EEG and fMRI, indicating that NM research aims to explore the consumer's brain responses to marketing stimuli such as advertising and brand.

figure 5

All keywords co-occurrence (with min. two occurrences)

We hypothesized a strong association between neuromarketing/consumer neuroscience and neurophysiological tools such as EEG and fMRI. We also expected a robust relationship between unconscious and subconscious responses like "attention," "emotion," and "memory," and marketing stimuli such as "brand," "advertising," and "advertising effectiveness." As an illustration, "advertising" emerged as the most prominent theme with twenty-seven frequencies and hundred-twenty-seven total link strength (TLS), followed by "attention" with eight frequencies and fifty-one TLS, and "emotion" with six frequencies and twenty-seven TLS. Notably, "EEG" exhibited a high connection with neuromarketing and advertising research. Table 7 summarizes the most frequent keywords with a minimum of five occurrences, and the most common keyword is "NM.".

Citation analysis

In this section, we employed citation analysis to identify the most popular articles in the area of advertising and NM. Citation analysis is a method that counts the number of times other scholars refer to a paper. It is an effective way to determine the most popular articles in a given field (Kumar et al., 2019 ). We scrutinized and evaluated the citations of forty-one papers. The outcomes are presented in Table 8 , which summarizes the most-referenced articles in the field of advertising and NM with a minimum of ten citations. Our results indicate that the most-cited article in this area is "Neuromarketing: The New Science of Consumer Behavior" authored by Morin ( 2011 ) and published in the journal Society, with a total of hundred-fifty-two citations. The second most-cited paper is "On the Use of EEG or MEG Brain Imaging Tools in Neuromarketing Research" authored by Vecchiato et al. ( 2011 ) and published in the journal Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, with 57 citations as of the end of 2020. Finally, the least cited paper on the list is "Using Support Vector Machine on EEG for Advertisement Impact Assessment" published by Wei et al. ( 2018 ) in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience, with a total of ten citations.

Content analysis of selected papers

Inner and extrinsic emotional processes.

According to Dolcos et al. ( 2019 ); Eijlers et al. ( 2020 ), feelings are an extrinsic emotional status that is a conscious response of customers, which can be translated to pleasant/unpleasant responses toward advertising. Feelings are considered an important aspect of understanding and interpreting the physiological response to advertising campaigns (Eijlers et al., 2020 ; Siddharthan et al., 2018 ). Morris et al. ( 2009 ); Pham et al. ( 2013 ) mentioned that feelings stimulated by advertising refer to the response of customers toward that advertisement, which can be considered as the enormous index of customers' responses to the advertisement (Ahmed et al., 2023b ). According to Dolcos et al. ( 2019 ); Ramsoy ( 2014 ), emotions are an inner emotional status, which is an unconscious/subconscious response of customers. These responses are linked to the involuntary nervous system, for example, increased heartrate in some cases as fear, anger, happiness, and so forth, which plays a vital role in the decision-making process, learning, and solving problems (Gordon, 2006 ). In addition to the aforementioned, changes in the involuntary nervous system result in changes in facial muscles, such as zygomatic and corrugator muscles, which can provide important information about unspoken decisions, customers' inner and extrinsic emotional status toward advertising (Winkielman et al., 2008 ). Thus, inner and extrinsic emotional responses have grabbed advertisers and marketers researchers to employ both in advertising campaigns to grab customers’ attention and influence their decision (Alsharif et al., 2021a ).

According to Barrett and Satpute ( 2013 ), emotions are produced from a set of neural activities, which execute basic functions psychological such as perception and memory. Emotion has several definitions based on the following way of the scholar. For example, Damasio and Carvalho ( 2013 ); Damasio ( 1999 ) defined emotion as changes in a customer's or individual's neural and physiological responses according to previous experiences. At the same time, LeDoux and Brown ( 2017 ) defined it as the relationship between the customer/individual and the surrounding environment, including physiological and behavioral factors. Accordingly, emotions' role in decision-making has been explored and interpreted using neurological and cognitive frameworks such as somatic sign theory (Damasio, 2012 ; Reimann & Bechara, 2010 ). Valence measures from positive, i.e., a pleasure, to negative, i.e., displeasure; at the same time, arousal measures from high, i.e., a surprise, to low, i.e., calmness, as depicted in Fig.  6 (Lang et al., 1997 ; Posner et al., 2005 ; Russell & Barrett, 1999 ).

figure 6

Dimensions model of emotions (Posner et al., 2005 )

(Sundar & Kalyanaraman, 2004 ) noted that several studies have utilized self-report and physiological methods to map and measure customers' emotional responses to ads. For instance, Lajante et al. ( 2020 ) used both EMG and self-report to assess customers' positive or negative reactions to ads. They found that these reactions positively affected customers' attitudes toward the ads. Baraybar-Fernández et al. ( 2017 ) employed ECG, EDA/GSR, and questionnaires to evaluate the impact of visual and audio messages in ads on participants. They discovered that sad messages had a significant influence on the participants. Barquero-Pérez et al. ( 2020 ) used ECG, EDA, and questionnaires to investigate the emotional responses to different kinds of ads and found that each type of ad elicited a unique emotion, including surprise. Guixeres et al. ( 2017 ) conducted brain response, ECG, and eye-tracking studies and found a strong correlation between ad effectiveness and the number of views on YouTube. According to Herrador et al. ( 2020 ), the EDA experiment showed that both male and female groups experienced strong initial activation. Still, there was reduced activation during the male group's most critical part of the video material. Finally, Venkatraman et al. ( 2015 ) discovered that activity in the ventral striatum could predict the response to advertising.

Neurophysiological instruments like fMRI and EEG have been extensively utilized in advertising research by various researchers research (Banos-González et al., 2020 ; Boscolo et al., 2020 ; Crespo-Pereira et al., 2017 ; Eijlers et al., 2020 ; Guixeres et al., 2017 ; Silberstein & Nield, 2012 ). For instance, the EEG analysis by Vecchiato et al. ( 2010 ); Vecchiato et al. ( 2012 ) indicated that the activity in the right frontal alpha is related to positive/liked ads, whereas the left frontal alpha is correlated with negative/disliked ads. Eijlers et al. ( 2020 ) used EEG to investigate and found that arousal is positively associated with successful ads among a large population, but consumer attitudes have a negative association. Morris et al. ( 2009 ); Shen and Morris ( 2016 ) employed fMRI to determine the affective responses of individuals towards advertising and found that the inferior frontal and middle temporal gyri were activated in response to positive and negative stimuli, respectively. Furthermore, they found that the right superior temporal and right middle frontal gyrus were activated in response to low and high arousal. Leanza ( 2017 ) EEG study found that some emotional aspects of the Virtual Reality (VR) experience significantly impacted consumer preferences.

Endogenous and exogenous attentional processes

Attention is described as "the tendency of humans to seek, accept, and absorb messages that match their interests, beliefs, values, expectations, and ideas while ignoring those that are incompatible with this system"(Hovland et al., 1949 ). Additionally described as selective perception (Wu et al., 2019 ). Selective perception is characterized by filtering away irrelevant information and focusing on essential information (e.g., different aspects of stimulus or different stimuli) (Dayan et al., 2000 ). Daily, customers are exposed to about 10 million pieces of visual information (such as advertisements, pictures, music, video, and color) through their senses (such as their eyes, ears, and skin). The majority of incoming data passes undetected, although consumers may digest about 40 bits of input data every second (Cherubino et al., 2019 ; Scheier & Held, 2006). That leads us to conclude that attention substantially impacts how consumers represent, interpret, and process information and, therefore, how they choose to prioritize information (Ahmed et al., 2020 ). Attentional and emotional processes are intertwined, and emotion is seen as a trustworthy and successful means of attracting customers' attention (Genco et al., 2013 ; Matthews & Wells, 1999 ). For instance, emotional stimuli are associated with the activation of the amygdala (AMY) and cingulate cortex (CC) in the brain (Montazeribarforoushi et al., 2017 ).

Attention is a fundamental brain activity that plays a vital role in assessing the efficiency of advertising campaigns; hence, it indicates consumer behavior and advertising effectiveness (Hamelin et al., 2021 ). The bulk of researchers have identified two systems to evaluate attention to advertising: (i) the exogenous attentional system and (ii) the endogenous attentional system (Kandel, 2009 ; Knudsen, 2007 ; Venkatraman et al., 2015 ). The exogenous attentional system (visual saliency/exogenous/involuntary) is triggered by external stimuli such as color, discount, voice, promotion, faces, text, novelty, brightness, etc., leading to the automatic processing of the information contained in external stimuli. Top-Down (goal-driven/endogenous/voluntary) attention, this other sort of attentional system is launched by internal and external objectives and expectations; hence, it is necessary to concentrate all of your mental energy on the goal you are seeking to accomplish, thereby filtering aims to reach your goals (Knudsen, 2007 ; Plassmann et al., 2012 ; Van Zoest et al., 2004 ).

Due to this, the underlying brain processes of attention and visual processing have a strong interest in advertising. In addition, the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is strongly associated with top-down and bottom-up attentional processes (Crottaz-Herbette & Menon, 2006 ; Meneguzzo et al., 2014 ). For example, Smith and Gevins ( 2004 ) revealed that the occipital lobe (OL) is connected with the processes of paying attention to television ads. Recent fMRI examinations of Casado-Aranda et al. ( 2018 ) discovered that advertisement and gender voice (male, female) stimulate attentiveness-related brain areas. Ananos ( 2015 ) Examined the attention level and processing of information in advertising (content recognition) between groups of old and young individuals using EEG. According to their results, the attention levels of both age groups are the same, but the recognition level of young people is greater than that of the old. Guixeres et al. ( 2017 ) Using neural networks and neuroscience-based measures, we have undertaken an experiment to determine the correlation between ad efficacy (e.g., remember ad) and YouTube channel views (e.g., brain response, ECG, and ET). Their results indicate a significant correlation between neuroscience measurements, self-reported ad efficacy (e.g., ad recall), and YouTube views. Cuesta-Cambra et al. ( 2017 ) examine how information is processed and learned, as well as visual attention. Their findings indicated that the visual activity of men differs from that of women, but that this difference does not affect subsequent recall, where recall depends on the emotional value and simplicity of advertisements, while complex advertisements require more visual fixation and are therefore difficult to remember. EEG also demonstrated the significance of the fun component of memory and low involvement processing. Treleaven-Hassard et al. ( 2010 ) evaluated the involvement of consumers with interactive and non-interactive television advertisements for a certain brand. The results demonstrated that companies associated with interactive advertisements get higher automatic attention. Boscolo et al. ( 2020 ) used EEG and questionnaires; an experiment was undertaken to evaluate variations in the visual attention paid by males and females to print advertisements. Their results demonstrated a difference in visual attention between males and females but no difference between males and females.

According to Simson ( 2010 ), the marketing mix ingredients may be altered to impact the perceived value of a product, as shown by research on the formation of value perceptions. But research on how attention systems influence customers' perceptions and behaviors have been restricted to consumer report and behavioral studies, which rely on a rational report and are insufficient to describe attention processes. Two attentional systems affect consumers' perceptions (e.g., endogenous and exogenous attentional systems) (Ramsoy, 2014 ). Consumer perception is the first stage in engaging with marketing stimulus or any other environmental stimulation (Rezaee & Farahian, 2015 ). Hogg et al. (2006) The process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting marketing stimuli is termed perception. Therefore, people add meaning and interpret information in a specific manner, resulting in perceptions as the person's discoveries for each individual. As shown by Belch and Belch ( 2007 ), perception processing relies heavily on internal processes, including previous knowledge (experiences), present objectives, beliefs, expectations, wants, and emotions, as well as exterior inputs like color, direction, intensity, and movement (Ramsoy, 2014 ). Although this explains how consumer perceptions are created, the section about the explanation of sensations and the internal and unique assignment of meaning to sensations remains hidden and unexplained in depth in the present literature on consumer behavior. However, it is widely thought that the unconscious drives this process.

Cartocci et al. ( 2017 ); Modica et al. ( 2018 ) performed an experiment to determine the accuracy of EEG, GSR, and ECG measurements of the cerebral and emotional perception of social advertising campaigns (i.e., antismoking). According to the approach-withdrawal index, the anti-smoking campaign that used a symbolic communication style had the greatest approach scores. While images with a "fear-inducing appeal" and a narrative style had the highest and lowest effort value indices, respectively, those with a "fear-inducing appeal" had the highest effort value index. The fMRI investigation of Falk et al. ( 2012 ) To forecast the population-wide (non-sample) efficacy of stop-smoking advertisements. The results demonstrated that activity in a previous mPFC predicted the performance of numerous real-world advertising initiatives. Plassmann et al. ( 2008 ) Using the fMRI device, research was conducted on the sense of pleasantness in the taste of wines. Their results revealed a larger activity in the brain's medial OFC (mOFC) areas, responsible for perceived pleasure when individuals felt they were drinking costly wine. This suggested that the correlation between the pleasantness report and perceived product value and price was stronger than the correlation with flavor itself. Neuroscientists have discovered that the OFC and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) are engaged in decision-making via product perceived value (Daw et al., 2006 ). Nuñez-Gomez et al. ( 2020 ) conducted an EEG experiment to test how two groups perceive advertising materials (e.g., a healthy group and a group with Asperger syndrome). The results indicate that the two groups perceptions of emotion and attention characteristics vary significantly. Gong et al. ( 2018 ) Using EEG/ERP, we conducted an experiment to determine the effect of sales promotion (e.g., gift-giving, discount) on customer perception and purchasing choices. The data indicate that discount promotions influence purchasing choices more than gift-giving promotions.

Motivational Attitude

Emotional and motivational processes complement one another. Lang and Bradley ( 2008 ). Chiew and Braver ( 2011 ); Pessoa ( 2013 ), motivating processes were discovered to have a significant impact on customers' cognition and behavior. The positive motivating cues, for instance, will encourage people to accomplish their objectives (e.g., get or predict a reward for performing a task correctly) (Chiew & Braver, 2016 ). The negative motivating stimuli may lead to distraction, whilst positive motivational stimuli can lead to focus. (Anderson et al., 2013 ). Pessoa ( 2013 ); Raymond ( 2009 ) argued that motivational processes are a compass of consumers' attitudes toward external stimuli in order to interact with the environment and attain objectives. Higgins ( 1998 ) proposed two dimensions for measuring motivational processes: withdrawal and approach attitudes. Researchers and practitioners examined the neurological responses of motivational processes to better comprehend customer reactions to commercials and goods.(Vecchiato et al., 2010 ). For instance, Cherubino et al. ( 2015 ); Davidson ( 2004 ) EEG was used to study the link between the prefrontal cortex and motivational characteristics. The results demonstrated that the PFC is associated with motivational aspects, with the right PFC correlating with withdrawal attitude and the left PFC with approach attitude. The EEG examination of Pozharliev et al. ( 2015 ); Zhang et al. ( 2019 ) documented brain reactions to luxury items (motivations). Findings revealed that social incentives play a crucial role in encouraging the purchase of luxury items to achieve social aspirations (at least one goal). The EEG investigation of Bosshard et al. ( 2016 ) In the right parietal cortices, liked brands display greater motivational features and activity signals than disliked ones. Therefore, a high correlation exists between PFC activity and motivational characteristics in response to marketing stimuli such as ads (Davidson et al., 1990 ). In order to orient the marketing mix, marketing academics, and practitioners must concentrate on the motivating processes of customers (e.g., target appropriate audiences and increase the effectiveness of ads and products) (Bahrabad & Farrokhian, 2017 ). According to past studies, NM study has evaluated television advertisements using an approach-withdrawal attitude (Di Flumeri et al., 2016 ). Therefore, approach/withdrawal motivational attitudes are critical to marketing and advertising research.

Reward Processing

According to the findings, scientists and practitioners must examine and understand the brain responses involved in processing rewards such as money, food, and social activities (Case & Olino, 2020 ); (Berridge, 1996 ; Knutson et al., 2001 ; Lehner et al., 2017 ). Because the positive incentive, such as monetary gain, food, or other rewards, improves precision and cognitive task performance (Anderson, 2016 ; Gilbert & Fiez, 2004 ; Krawczyk et al., 2007 ) by the modification of the initial attentional process. Anderson et al. ( 2013 ) It has been established that visual characteristics (e.g., product design) that are associated with reward will immediately capture the consumer's attention since they are prioritized. For instance, the design/preference of a product or brand may enhance activity in regions involved in reward processing, resulting in increased activation in areas of motives that may influence customers' purchasing choices (Cherubino et al., 2019 ). Numerous research focused on people's reactions to monetary rewards by analyzing their approach/avoidance attitude (Case & Olino, 2020 ; Knutson et al., 2001 ). For instance, Bechara et al. ( 1994 ) used GSR, an experiment titled "Iowa Gambling Task" was conducted to examine the effect of reward on decision-making. Participants were separated into two groups: the healthy group and the group with vmPFC lesions. The results indicated that healthy individuals were more perspiring, indicating that they experienced a negative emotional response when picking up cards from a losing deck, but the lesion group picked up cards regardless of whether they were winners or losers. Consequently, rewards significantly impact decision-making (Bechara & Damasio, 2005 ; Case & Olino, 2020 ; Maia & McClelland, 2004 ).

Numerous researchers have proven the significance of striatal activity in reward processing, with striatal components such as the caudate nucleus, nucleus accumbens (NAcc), and putamen playing a vital role in reward anticipation and appraisal (Knutson & Wimmer, 2007 ; Lehner et al., 2017 ; Padmala & Pessoa, 2011 ). For example, Galvan ( 2010 ); Geier et al. ( 2010 ) Investigated the link between reward processing and the striatum via experimentation. Their results demonstrated that the ventral striatum (VS) is crucial in reward prediction. Padmanabhan et al. ( 2011 ) examined the relationship between the reward system and attention processes. Their research demonstrated that rewards promote cognitive control. Prior neurophysiological research has shown that rewards engage the ventral medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and ventral striatum (Davey et al., 2010 ; Izuma et al., 2008 ; Lieberman, 2013 ). The ventral striatum has previously been mentioned in relation to the reward system (Fliessbach et al., 2007 ). Consequently, the results imply that neurodevelopmental changes in striatum systems may lead to alterations in the manner in which reward influences attentional processes (Dolcos et al., 2019 ).

Memory is described as a continuous, brain-based learning process with input and output functions (Endo & Roque, 2017 ; Myers & DeWall, 2021 ). The input function encodes information while the output function retrieves it, which is important for advertising research (Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1968 ; Genco et al., 2013 ). Recall and recognition of advertising information are examples of the retrieval function (Venkatraman et al., 2015 ). Atkinson and Shiffrin ( 1968 ); Myers and DeWall ( 2021 ) proposed a three-step model of memory, known as the multistore model, which includes sensory memory, short-term memory (STM), and long-term memory (LTM) (McLeod, 2017 ). As McGaugh ( 2000 ) demonstrated, memory-related brain processes can positively impact customer behavior, particularly regarding advertising recall and recognition. Research has shown that memory-related brain processes positively impact customer behavior, such as in advertising recall and recognition (Genco et al., 2013 ; Plassmann et al., 2012 ). Memory and emotion are intricately intertwined. For instance, past research has shown that emotional experiences are often recalled more than neutral ones, particularly if they match the events occurring at the time (Bradley et al., 1992 ).

According to extensive research, the hippocampus (HC) situated in the temporal lobe (TL) plays a crucial role in forming and processing memories (McGaugh, 2000 ). Additionally, HC activation has a strong association with long-term memory (LTM) and short-term memory (STM), which significantly influences customers' purchasing choices (Murty & Adcock, 2014 ; Wittmann et al., 2005 ). The AMY, located near the HC, is also critical for the memory system (McGaugh, 2000 ). Research has shown that stronger activity in the left prefrontal areas is connected with advertising efficacy and is deemed a predictor of advertising success (Silberstein & Nield, 2008 ) (Rossiter et al., 2001 ). Astolfi et al. ( 2009 ); Fallani et al. ( 2008 ) have utilized the EEG to assess the brain areas activated by effective memory encoding of television advertisements. They discovered increased activity in the cortical areas. Morey ( 2017 ) The effect of advertising messages on recognition memory was explored. The results demonstrated that gamma band activity has a direct influence on memory. The fMRI investigation of Bakalash and Riemer ( 2013 ); Seelig et al. ( 2014 ) tested the brain areas responsible for memory advertising. Stronger activity in the amygdala (AMY) and frontotemporal areas was related to memorable versus forgettable advertisements. Tests have been conducted to examine the relationship between ad content and the activity of frontal areas and memory, indicating that ad content boosted activity in frontal areas and memory input function (Langleben et al., 2009 ). Additionally, systematic fixations on the brand and graphical aspects of printed advertisements enhance brand memory, while text fixations have little impact on later recall Pieters and Wedel ( 2004 ).

To improve advertising research, it is important to focus on mental processes such as emotion, attention, memory, reward processing, motivation, and perception.

Difficulties and constraints of NM application

Data interpretation, time-consuming, and sample size.

According to the literature, NM deployment around the globe faces a number of challenges, including data interpretation and time consumption. For example, according to Ariely and Berns ( 2010b ); Banos-González et al. ( 2020 ); Cherubino et al. ( 2019 ); Gang et al. ( 2012 ), the extracted data from the NM experiment using fMRI or EEG is more difficult to understand than eye tracking data, which is one of the difficulties addressed by NM researchers. NM employs neurophysiological and physiological technologies that are exclusive to the medical industry, hospitals, and a few institutions. Consequently, NM trials often include small populations. According to Banos-González et al. ( 2020 ); Bercea ( 2012 ); Berns and Moore ( 2012 ); Dierichsweiler ( 2014 ); Gang et al. ( 2012 ); Hensel et al. ( 2017b ); Isa et al. ( 2019 ); Plassmann et al. ( 2015 ); Stanton et al. ( 2017 ); Wolf and Ueda ( 2021 ), Small sample sizes in NM and consumer behavior research are seen as one of the obstacles to generalizing experimental results. According to Eser et al. ( 2011 ), it is difficult to recruit subjects for experiments due to the unfavorable reputation associated with legal and ethical difficulties. In addition, employing neurophysiological techniques such as but not limited to the fMRI is time-consuming, with each participant requiring between 30 and 60 min for a single experiment. Banos-González et al. ( 2020 ); Dierichsweiler ( 2014 ); Schiessl et al. ( 2003 ); Turna and Babus ( 2021 ) mentioned that the complexity of the data, which necessitates time-consuming analysis, as well as the requirement for adequate time to design the experiment and recruit individuals to execute an experiment, are cited as one of the NM's most time-intensive obstacles.

Cost of NM approaches and research

According to the available literature, NM trials use pricey equipment. For instance, the fMRI device cost more than $1.5 million US. As endorsed by Ahmed et al. ( 2023a ); Ariely and Berns ( 2010a , 2010b ); Bercea ( 2012 ); Chandwaskar ( 2019 ); Dierichsweiler ( 2014 ); Gang et al. ( 2012 ); Mansor and Isa ( 2018 ); Sebastian ( 2014 ); Turna and Babus ( 2021 ), the expense of NM techniques like as fMRI (estimated at $1.5 million) is one of the most significant hurdles and limits encountered by neuro-marketers and researchers interested in conducting trials. Additionally, NM research is costly. As shown by Ariely and Berns ( 2010a , 2010b ); Bercea ( 2012 ); Hensel et al. ( 2017a ); Isa et al. ( 2019 ); Plassmann et al. ( 2015 ); Turna and Babus ( 2021 ) The high expense of performing NM trials in the business area to examine consumer behavior, such as emotions and decision-making, is one of the most significant obstacles and limitations to the expansion of NM research.

Neuromarketing specialists

Neurophysiological and physiological instruments need the employment of specialists with a medical or physiological background. As described by Dierichsweiler ( 2014 ); Hammou et al. ( 2013 ), NM research utilizes software and advanced technology. Experiments thus need a high degree of technical understanding of how to utilize NM tools, how to conduct experiments, and how to analyze the data/findings, which we lack (Ahmed et al., 2023a ; Banos-González et al., 2020 ).

Ethical concerns

In the last decade, there has been a rapid increase in interest in the phrase "NM."(Ariely and Berns ( 2010a , 2010b ); Du Plessis, 2011 ). NM is a relatively young branch of study concerned with cognitive and emotional neuroscience as well as tactics for influencing consumer behavior. This prompted society and academic sectors (e.g., researchers, journalists, and press) to explore the ethical implications (e.g., privacy, autonomy, secrecy) of utilizing these new approaches to control/influence consumer behavior (Martineau & Racine, 2019 ; Murphy et al., 2008 ; Singer, 2004 ; Thompson, 2005 ; Ulman et al., 2015 ). For instance, when the press and media have reported on the possible dangers of employing NM methods to locate a "purchase button" in the brains of persons (Blakeslee, 2004 ; Isa et al., 2019 ; Stanton et al., 2017 ; Thompson, 2003 ) to analyze their thoughts, memory, attention, and emotions in order to influence their purchase choices, in addition to ads and marketers manipulating their brains (Racine et al., 2010 ). The primary objective of NM is to locate a "purchase button" in the human brain that may be targeted and activated by commercial advertising in the future (Spence, 2020 ). Undoubtedly, some folks are concerned about the influence of NM. Thus, NM's potency has prompted several nations (such as France) to adopt specific measures against the unauthorized use of brain-imaging methods (Nemorin & Gandy-Jr, 2017 ; Oullier, 2012 ; Ulman et al., 2015 ). For instance, the French parliament updated its 2004 bioethics regulations to read: "brain-imaging methods may only be employed for medical or scientific research or in the framework of judicial expertise"(Spence, 2020 ).

In fact, NM is used to produce more appealing goods and advertisements, but not to control people's thoughts.(Stanton et al., 2017 ). According to Ariely and Berns ( 2010a , 2010b ), The use of NM methods in harmful advertising campaigns (e.g., cigarettes, alcohol, etc.) to promote profit rather than the well-being of customers led to a rise in concerns, and therefore, the discussion of the possible ethical difficulties of NM. The Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission has prohibited these sorts of advertisements (MCMC) (Isa et al., 2019 ). Therefore, ethical concerns should be carefully explored (Pop et al., 2014 ). Thus, businesses must comply with government regulations and ethical standards (Arlauskaitė et al., 2013 ). In this context, several scientists and academics have identified the following ethical considerations for corporations and researchers: (i) privacy and secrecy; and (ii) independence(Isa et al., 2019 ).

Confidentiality and privacy

They are regarded as one of the most critical challenges, including maintaining participant data's confidentiality and anonymity. Due to the fact that neurophysiological procedures might reveal sensitive information that, if disclosed to the general public or marketing agencies, could be abused and breach ethical standards, these techniques are not permitted. Consequently, NM approaches may threaten people's privacy if this technology can efficiently and precisely interact with the consumer's brain (Murphy et al., 2008 ). Others, however, have stated that these concerns are probably unwarranted since current imaging technology does not provide exact forecasts of consumer choices (Brammer, 2004 ; Neurology, 2004 ). Therefore, the ethical dimension poses the greatest obstacle to the application of NM techniques. The protection of experiment participants is one of the top ethical concerns in NM research, as identifying the neural correlates of emotional and cognitive processes of interest for advertising can produce crucial information about consumer behavior (i.e., decision-making) and, thus, may compromise the participants' privacy (Hubert & Kenning, 2008 ; Javor et al., 2013 ; Murphy et al., 2008 ; Ulman et al., 2015 ), the risks associated with data confidentiality (Flores et al., 2014 ).

It is people's right that must make choices without external influence. However, some opponents have argued that the neuro marketer may employ NM tactics to influence customer decisions and disregard their autonomy in selecting items or commercials (Dierichsweiler, 2014 ). For instance, it conducted an experiment to explore the influence of the frequent presentation (without their conscious knowledge of the brand) of a Dasani water bottle on customer decisions, in which participants were instructed to pick one bottle from four distinct brands. The majority of participants selected the Dasani water bottle above others, indicating that regular exposure to a product, brand, or commercial may influence the consumer's brain and decision-making (Stanton et al., 2017 ). According to detractors, this is improper and immoral since it demonstrates that consumer autonomy has been undermined by repeated exposure to a certain product (Isa et al., 2019 ). However, the critics' argument that repeated exposure to a particular product, marketing, or brand plays a major role in affecting decision-making is not entirely accurate since the human brain is not that straightforward. It may be accurate to say that frequent exposure will lead to the prioritization of this product at the point of purchase but not necessarily to a purchase decision. Furthermore, decision-making processes in the brain are not easily measured or predicted because they are interconnected with numerous brain processes (e.g., emotional and cognitive processes). It has openly challenged what they define as a rush to embrace neurophysiology and explain all human brain activities, prompting him to invent the word "neuromania" to represent all of these concerning elements (Cherubino et al., 2019 ).

Based on an evaluation of relevant literature, the number of publications both yearly and cumulatively, has risen since 2004. The PRISMA framework recommended by Moher et al. ( 2015 ) was used to determine the appropriate papers for this study, as mental processes must be considered in advertising research. Among all publications, more than half were produced by three nations: Spain, Italy, and the United States. Spain was the most prolific, with eleven papers and 96 citations by the end of 2020, while Italy only released eight papers. The study employed bibliometric analysis to identify global trends in the subject area of interest. The most prolific journals with at least two publications each were located in six nations, including Switzerland, Spain, England, Poland, Netherland, and Italy. Frontiers in Psychology, with eight papers, was the most productive journal in NM and advertising, followed by Comunicar and Frontiers in Neuroscience, each with four papers. Additionally, the most-cited paper was "Neuromarketing: The New Science of Consumer Behavior," published by Morin ( 2011 ) in the journal Society, with over 152 citations.

According to this study, inner and extrinsic emotional responses, endogenous and exogenous attentional processes, memory, perception, motivational attitudes, and reward processing are the most important brain functions to be addressed in advertising research. The authors revealed that the right dlPFC plays a vital role in the motivational attitudes of customers, which in turn influences customer behavior to approach or avoid the advertisement, product, or even brand. At the same time, the gyrus regions have a key role in emotional valence and arousal responses such as pleasure/displeasure and high arousal/low arousal, wherein the inferior frontal and middle temporal gyri are related to pleasant and unpleasant responses. At the same time, the right superior temporal gyrus and middle frontal gyrus are associated with the intensity of arousal, i.e., high and low. In terms of memory and attention, the occipital lobe (OL) is important for both endogenous and exogenous attention processes, whereas the hippocampus (HC) plays a critical role in memory processes. Other brain regions, such as the amygdala and frontotemporal regions, are associated with remembering/un-remembering information. The ventral striatum (VS) in the basal ganglia plays a central role in reward processing, with components like the putamen, caudate nucleus, and nucleus accumbens (NAcc) involved in assessing consumer expectations versus actual reward. The ventral tegmental area is also considered part of the reward system, transmitting dopamine to other brain regions to influence goal-seeking behavior. The anterior cerebral hemispheres are important for withdrawal/approach motivation, with activity in the right prefrontal cortex (PFC) associated with withdrawal behavior and activity in the left PFC linked to approach behavior (Cherubino et al., 2015 ; Davidson, 2004 ). The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) are crucial in perceiving reality and perceived value (Daw et al., 2006 ).

Implications for theory and practice of the study findings

Theoretically, neuroscientific tools and methods allow the measurement of brain and body activity signals that indicate consumers' reactions to advertising campaigns. These signals can include emotions, attention, memory, perception, reward processing, and motivation. For example, neurophysiological instruments such as fMRI, EEG, and fNIRS can record the neural signals of mental responses, such as advertising recall and recognition, while physiological instruments like ET, GSR, EMG, and ECG can provide valuable information on physiological responses like pupil dilation, heart rate, and so forth. By identifying the strengths and weaknesses of advertising campaigns before implementation, advertisers can develop more effective campaigns and rectify negative aspects that generate a negative attitude towards advertising. Furthermore, researchers can use the neural and physiological correlates of emotions, attention, memory, reward processing, motivation, and perception to predict consumer behavior following advertising campaigns, such as in response to presenter features like celebrities, gender voice, commercial appeal, social efforts like anti-smoking campaigns, and public health. Practically, this study can provide insight into how advertising works in customers' minds, which can be applied to develop appealing advertising in various sectors, including political, social, and commercial.

General Conclusion

Neuromarketing is a field with enormous potential to address commercial issues such as advertising effectiveness and budget waste and to develop more impactful advertising campaigns in the social, political, and public health domains to increase public awareness. With intense competition in the advertising industry, each agency seeks to discover the most advantageous strategies to outperform rivals and become the consumer's top choice. Therefore, advertisers and marketers have employed neuroscientific methods and techniques to explore, analyze, explain, and predict consumers' mental and physiological responses to marketing stimuli, especially advertising. They can increase advertising effectiveness by identifying the most important mental and physiological processes involved in advertising research (as described above in Sect. 3.3). The majority of advertising research studies have focused on these primary mental processes.

The results indicated that neuroscientific approaches and procedures are crucial for capturing and recording consumers' mental and physiological reactions to marketing stimuli, including but not limited to advertising research. For instance, neurophysiological instruments allow for measuring and recording the brain's activity signals, while physiological tools may record bodily reactions such as eye movements, perspiration levels, and fixation. We think this study gives a complete review of the current and most important neuroscientific approaches used in advertising research and the most important mental processes to be addressed in advertising research. Furthermore, we think that this study will assist researchers in identifying the appropriate mental processes for obtaining accurate and high-quality outcomes.

Limitations and future directions

The aim of this study was to reduce errors in methodology, but there are constraints that offer opportunities for further academic research. The study focused exclusively on empirical papers in advertising within the neuromarketing context, published in English, and using physiological and neurophysiological instruments, ignoring non-English books, conference papers, proceeding books, and chapter books, resulting in some bias. To overcome these obstacles in future studies, including the high cost of instruments and research, inadequate facilities in Business Schools, time consumption in data interpretation, experiment design, and participant recruitment, as well as increased funding in NM research and instruments (Ahmed et al., 2023a ). The authors suggest investigating the effect of ads on consumer persuasion, attractiveness, engagement, and enthusiasm, as well as the contributions of NM research to other areas, such as social sciences, public health, politics, and stocks. Additionally, researchers from developing countries are invited to publish in this field. To obtain accurate results, researchers and practitioners must use the appropriate instruments for their research.

Data Availability

Not applicable.

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The authors would like to thank Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Azman Hashim International Business School; King Faisal University, College of Business Administration; Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, College of Business Administration and Economics; King Faisal University, for supporting this study.

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Ahmed H. Alsharif & Nor Zafir Md Salleh

Department of Quantitative Methods, College of Business Administration, King Faisal University, Al-Ahsa, 31982, Saudi Arabia

Mahmaod Alrawad

College of Business Administration and Economics, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma’an, 71111, Jordan

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Alsharif, A.H., Salleh, N.Z.M., Alrawad, M. et al. Exploring global trends and future directions in advertising research: A focus on consumer behavior. Curr Psychol 43 , 6193–6216 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-04812-w

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Accepted : 25 May 2023

Published : 03 June 2023

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-04812-w

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Key Factors That Drive Advertising Effectiveness

Key Factors That Drive Advertising Effectiveness

research paper for advertisements

By Peter J. Danaher

The internet has enabled many business developments, but it has turned media allocation and planning on its head. In traditional mass media like television, advertisers can purchase a commercial slot and expect large audiences.

However, many of those reached are not interested in the advertised product or service, so a large percentage of those exposed to advertising do not respond to the message. In digital advertising, websites containing specialized content (e.g., model airplanes) allow advertisers to display their products to loyal and attentive audiences. In the social media space, Facebook delivers ad content to ideal target audiences by examining the web activity of users and their networks. Paid search advertising sends firms customers who are already “in the market” for their products, as indicated by their keyword use.

Over the past 15 years, television channels have grown in number. But the more significant change has been the exponential growth in websites supporting themselves with advertising, not to mention the rapid uptake of paid search advertising.

Advertisers have moved to new digital media outlets not only because of their ability to target customers, but also their lower cost compared to traditional media. Furthermore, digital media allows firms to connect ad exposures and search clicks to downstream sales, a feature Danaher and Dagger (2013) suggest eludes traditional media. Sethuraman, Tellis, and Briesch (2011) show the most convincing way for firms to demonstrate advertising’s effectiveness is by linking the effort to sales. In turn, researchers can use two methods to assess advertising effectiveness: field experiments and econometric models.

Field Experiments

Targeting and retargeting customers who are more likely to respond to offers, an increasingly common practice, makes advertising appear more effective than it is. Lambrecht and Tucker (2013) , in an award-winning Journal of Marketing Research paper, reported a comparison of advertising response between customers exposed to standard banner ads and retargeted banner ads showed the ads displaying products previously viewed were six times more effective at generating sales. However, the consumers receiving retargeted ads had already demonstrated product predilection. The researchers therefore randomly assigned consumers to a treatment group seeing retargeted, product-specific ads and a control seeing generic product category ads. They found the retargeted ads were less effective than the generic ads, as the customers were in different stages of the purchase funnel, and while retargeted ads work well near purchase, they are not effective for the larger group of customers embarking on their search.

The use of field experiments to determine ad effectiveness has subsequently blossomed, with studies using “ghost ads” on Google ( Johnson, Lewis, and Nubbemeyer 2017 ) and Facebook ( Gordon et al 2019) to create randomized control groups. For example, Sahni (2016) used a field experiment to show digital ads for one restaurant increased sales at competing restaurants offering similar cuisine.

In every case, these field experiments have shown that advertising effects are often difficult to detect. For example, the study of Facebook ads by Gordon and colleagues (2019) examined 15 campaigns and found that only eight produced a statistically significant lift in sales.

Econometric Models

The studies by Johnson, Lewis, and Nubbemeyer and Gordon and colleagues also highlight the challenges of designing an experiment to assess digital ad effectiveness. Individual customers use the internet in different ways, and providers deliver digital ads via unique online auction processes. Econometric models therefore provide a versatile approach to gauging advertising effectiveness. And while field experiment studies have been limited to examining one medium at a time, econometric models allow researchers to compare effectiveness across several media.

Researchers can use econometric models to examine time series data, such as weekly or monthly advertising and sales records. Dinner, van Heerde, and Neslin (2014) studied traditional and digital advertising’s effects on in-store and online sales for an upscale clothing retailer across 103 weeks. The retailer made about 85% of its sales in-store, and the researchers examined three media: traditional (i.e., total spend on newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and billboards), online banner advertising, and paid search. They found online display and paid search were more effective than traditional advertising. Although firms might expect digital advertising to influence only online sales, the researchers found it also influenced in-store sales.

Researchers can also use econometric models to examine single-source data linking individual-level ad exposure to sales, the strategy employed by Danaher and Dagger in 2013. They examined 10 media types employed by a large retailer: television, radio, newspaper, magazines, online display ads, paid search, social media, catalogs, direct mail, and email. The researchers found traditional media and paid search effectively generated sales, while online display and social media advertising did not.

Multimedia, Multichannel, and Multibrand Advertising

Danaher and colleagues (2020) also used single-source data but extended it to multiple retailer-brands, two purchase channels, and three media (email, catalogs, and paid search). They collected the data from a North American specialty retailer selling mostly apparel, where 80% of sales were in-store. The parent retailer owned three relatively distinct brands operating independently. They collected customer data in a combined database, giving them information on sales for each retailer-brand over a two-year period.

The researchers found emails and catalogs from one retailer-brand negatively influenced competing retailer-brands in the category. Paid search influenced only the focal retailer-brand. However, competitor catalogs often positively influenced focal retailer-brand sales among omni-channel customers. The researchers also segmented customers by retailer-brand and channel usage, revealing customers shopping across multiple retailer-brands and both purchase channels were the most responsive group to multimedia advertising.

In the contemporary business environment of ever-increasing media channels but static advertising budgets, firms must be able to measure advertising effectiveness. Many businesses have shifted their advertising expenditure toward digital media, but multiple studies show traditional media remain effective.

How do marketing managers decide what is best for their companies? Digital media firms like Google and Facebook offer in-house field experiment methods of examining advertising effectiveness. For multimedia studies, analysts can apply econometric models in any setting where time series or single-source data are available.

Peter Danaher is Professor of Marketing and Econometrics and Department Chair at Monash Business School in Melbourne, Australia. He was recently appointed a co-editor of the Journal of Marketing Research .

Danaher, Peter J. (2021), “Advertising Effectiveness,” Impact at JMR , (January), Available at: https://www.ama.org/2021/01/26/advertising-effectiveness/

Danaher, Peter J., and Tracey S. Dagger (2013), “Comparing the Relative Effectiveness of Advertising Channels: A Case Study of a Multimedia Blitz Campaign,” Journal of Marketing Research , 50(4): 517-534. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmr.12.0241

Danaher, Peter J., Tracey S. Danaher, Michael S. Smith, and Ruben Laoizo-Maya (2020), “Advertising Effectiveness for Multiple Retailer-Brands in a Multimedia and Multichannel Environment,” Journal of Marketing Research , 57(3): 445-467. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022243720910104

Dinner, Isaac, Harald J. van Heerde, and Scott A. Neslin (2014), “Driving Online and Offline Sales: The Cross-channel Effects of Traditional, Online Display, and Paid Search Advertising,” Journal of Marketing Research , 51(5): 527-545. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmr.11.0466

Gordon, Brett R., Florian Zettelmeyer, Neha Bhargava, and Dan Chapsky (2019), “A Comparison of Approaches to Advertising Measurement: Evidence from Big Field Experiments at Facebook,” Marketing Science , 38(2): 193-225. https://doi.org/10.1287/mksc.2018.1135

Johnson, Garrett A., Randall A. Lewis, and Elmar I. Nubbemeyer (2017), “Ghost Ads: Improving the Economics of Measuring Online Ad Effectiveness,”  Journal of Marketing Research , 54(6): 867-84. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmr.15.0297

Lambrecht, Anja, and Catherine Tucker (2013), “When Does Retargeting Work? Information Specificity in Online Advertising,” Journal of Marketing Research , 50 (October): 561-576. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmr.11.0503

Sahni, Navdeep S. (2016), “Advertising Spillovers: Evidence from Online Field Experiments and Implications for Returns on Advertising,” Journal of Marketing Research , 53(4): 459-78. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmr.14.0274

Sethuraman, Raj, Gerard J Tellis, and Richard A. Briesch (2011), “How Well Does Advertising Work? Generalizations from Meta-Analysis of Brand Advertising Elasticities,” Journal of Marketing Research , 48 (June): 457-471. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmkr.48.3.457

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The Emotional Effectiveness of Advertisement

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Based on cognitive–emotional neuroscience, the effectiveness of advertisement is measured in terms of individuals’ unconscious emotional responses. Using AFFDEX to record and analyze facial expressions, a combination of indicators that track both basic emotions and individual involvement is used to quantitatively determine if a spot causes high levels of ad liking in terms of attention, engagement, valence, and joy. We use as a test case a real campaign, in which a spot composed of 31 scenes (images, text, and the brand logo) is shown to subjects divided into five groups in terms of age and gender. The target group of mature women shows statistically more positive emotions and involvement than the rest of the groups, demonstrating the emotional effectiveness of the spot. Each other experimental groups show specific negative emotions as a function of their age and for certain blocks of scenes.


Measuring the effectiveness of an advertising campaign is a major challenge for most companies, marketing professionals, and scientists in the twenty-first century ( McCarthy and McDaniel, 2000 ). Starting back in the 1960s, a first conceptual model was developed to define the effectiveness of advertising. The “Hierarchy of Effects” model ( Lavidge and Steiner, 1961 ) articulated customer response to spots in three stages: (1) cognitive, characterized by consciousness and information gathering, (2) affective, where liking for the spot and preferences for the product are set, and (3) behavior, where propensity or actual buy takes place. Following this model, the measurement of the impact of the consumer’s response to advertising campaigns was carried out through studies primarily aimed at the conscious cognitive processes of consumers (self-reporting, surveys, focus groups, etc.; Lewinski et al., 2014 ). These approaches generally failed to provide clear findings because they were not able to observe what happens in the consumer’s brain while taking a decision, they did not understand the role that emotions play both in understanding the message and in decision making, and they did not fully capture the way in which consumers process and understand cognitive responses to messages in advertising ( Morin, 2011 ; Bercea, 2012 ; Cherubino et al., 2019 ). Moreover, in most cases, these techniques generated strong biases, such as social desirability ( Benstead, 2013 ).

A new discipline, called consumer neuroscience, was born to try to resolve these voids of the previous model, going beyond emphasizing the conscious cognitive processes. Consumer neuroscience based “its objective in better understanding the consumer, through their unconscious processes. Explaining consumer preferences, motivations and expectations, predicting their behavior, and explaining successes or failures of advertising messages” ( Bercea, 2012 ).

Consumer neuroscience was developed to penetrate in the consumers’ brain, and one of its focuses is on measuring effectiveness of advertising more precisely. The focus was shifted from the cognitive processes (stage 1 of the “Hierarchy of Effects” model), which were no longer considered to be the main drivers of consumer behavior, toward emotions and sentiments (primarily stage 2), which incorporated perceptions, experience, and recall ( Halls, 2002 ). More precisely, marketing professionals and researchers, when measuring emotional responses following consumer neuroscience principles, were able to evaluate the unconscious assessment of the respondent ( Poels and Dewitte, 2006 ; Lewinski et al., 2014 ; Varan et al., 2015 ), thereby providing a greater understanding of the effects of emotion on memory ( Vecchiato et al., 2013 ).

Since the turn of the century, emotions have therefore been proposed to be a good predictor of advertising effectiveness ( Poels and Dewitte, 2006 ) with a known important impact also in the cognitive process ( Hamelin et al., 2017 ). Moreover, emotions have demonstrated to be necessary for the human function because they are strongly correlated with attention, decision-making, and memory ( Le Blanc et al., 2014 ). Emotions also had an impact on the allocation of resources to the visual system and that more attention is placed on negative than on neutral stimuli ( Öhman and Mineka, 2001 ; Algom et al., 2004 ; Estes and Verges, 2008 ).

Emotions have also been shown to impact highly on an individual’s response to receiving a message ( Mai and Schoeller, 2009 ; Lewinski et al., 2014 ). Likewise, providing an emotional message in publicity increases the audience’s attention to the advertisement, and the product enhances the product’s appeal and generates a higher level of brand recall. Indeed, advertisements with emotional content are more likely to be remembered than those conveying news ( Page et al., 1990 ).

Therefore, one necessary approach in this day and age to quantify the effectiveness of advertisements is to resort to emotions and emotional responses in the quest for properly measuring “ad liking and purchase intent” ( McDuff et al., 2015 ).

To successfully achieve this quantitative challenging task, the pillars of consumer neuroscience are cognitive–emotional neuroscience, neuroimaging technologies, and biometric measurements, which together allow for obtaining objective data about emotions after observing and studying in real time what happens inside the consumer’s brain. The available tools permit the analysis of emotional activity without cognitive biases, providing instantaneous and continuous data that can be broken down into small pieces of study.

Accordingly, both advertising and marketing companies look for new or improved models, methodologies, indicators, tools, and techniques that can evaluate and predict consumer behavior based on unconscious emotional responses, making it difficult for customers to hide their true response. Some of these tools focuses on recording in a real environment or using virtual reality (VR) the metabolic activity [functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), positron emission tomography], others on recording electrical activity in the brain [electroencephalography (EEG), magnetoencephalography, transcranial magnetic stimulation, steady-state topography], and still others without recording brain activity [eye tracking (ET), galvanic skin response (GSR), electromyography (EMG) or facial expression recognition].

These neuroscience tools are becoming popular for quantifying the emotional effectiveness advertising, especially (1) ET ( Wedel and Pieters, 2008 ; Ramsøy et al., 2012 ; Lewinski et al., 2014 ; De Oliveira et al., 2015 ), (2) analysis of facial microexpression ( Teixeira et al., 2012 ; Lewinski et al., 2014 ; Wedel and Pieters, 2014 ; Taggart et al., 2016 ), (3) fMRI ( Bakalash and Riemer, 2013 ; Venkatraman et al., 2015 ; Couwenberg et al., 2017 ), and (4) VR ( Bigné et al., 2016 ).

As for the analysis of facial microexpressions, different software was used to assess the effectiveness of advertising using the Facial Action Coding System, for example, FaceReader-FEBE system ( Lewinski et al., 2014 ), GfK-EMO Scan software ( Hamelin et al., 2017 ), and FACET and AFFDEX ( Stöckli et al., 2018 ).

In all these studies, the measurement of emotions was mainly focused on understanding the seven basic emotions proposed by Ekman (1972) : two positive (joy and surprise) and five negative (anger, contempt, disgust, fear, and sadness). In some cases, valence was also analyzed, directly from facial expressions or coupled with questionnaires ( Timme and Brand, 2020 ).

It is important that all the available information is used to enrich the studies. On that regard, AFFDEX is a state-of-the-art software that, after recording people’s faces in front of stimuli, provides not only seven indicators about the likelihood on the emotional response being present in terms of the Ekman’s basic emotions, but also three additional indicators about the emotional involvement of the individual, namely, attention (focus of the participants during the experiment based on head position), engagement (the emotional responsiveness that the stimuli trigger), and valence (the positive or negative nature of their experimental experience; iMotions, 2020 ). All of the seven emotional indicators are scored in a normalized scale indicating the proportional likelihood of detecting the emotion. Attention and engagement have a range from 0 to 100, whereas the range of valence is from −100 to 100, providing an indication of positive, neutral, or negative experience. The initial thresholds are usually arbitrarily set at ±50 ( iMotions, 2020 ).

Its applications in the last few years in diverse fields are numerous, for example:

  • geriatric care ( Taggart et al., 2016 ),
  • forensics ( Lei et al., 2017 ; Kielt et al., 2018 ),
  • pain studies ( Xu and Sa, 2020 ),
  • sport ( Timme and Brand, 2020 ),
  • the influence of negative emotions on driving ( Braun et al., 2019 ), and
  • consumer satisfaction from tourism ( González-Rodríguez et al., 2020 ).

To our knowledge, AFFDEX has not been yet applied in marketing to its full potential. One key novelty of this study is the integration of the three involvement measures together with the analysis of the seven basic emotions to develop a framework to quantify emotional effectiveness of commercial advertising ( Figure 1 ). We believe that the joint use of these complementary measures provides new insights into the emotional response that the advertisement provokes to fully measure the effectiveness of a given spot. Moreover, as will be demonstrated in this article, the differences among scenes of the spots or among the groups of viewers of the advertisement might be analyzed in detail.

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Framework to quantify emotional effectiveness by target group and/or blocks of scenes.

The theoretical objective of this research is therefore to shed new light on the quantification of the emotional effectiveness of advertising among different groups based on the measurement and joint specification of emotions and emotional involvement using the analysis of facial expressions provided by AFFDEX and its 10 indicators.

Accordingly, we propose within this framework a set of three hypotheses to measure the emotional effectiveness of advertisement. The first hypothesis is stated as:

  • the average level of attention is high (≥50 in AFFDEX),
  • the average level of engagement is high (≥50 in AFFDEX),
  • the average level of valence is positive (≥0 in AFFDEX), and
  • the predominant emotion is joy and its average level is high (≥50 in AFFDEX).

Indeed, one of the objectives in advertising communication is to achieve high levels of attention and engagement because emotions are highly correlated with decision-making and memory ( Le Blanc et al., 2014 ). Thus, high levels of engagement to an advertisement influence long-term memory and increase consumer purchase ( Loewenstein, 1966 ; Kiehl et al., 2001 ; Öhman and Mineka, 2001 ; Algom et al., 2004 ; Estes and Verges, 2008 ; Milosavlejevic and Cerf, 2008 ; Ramsøy et al., 2012 ; Le Blanc et al., 2014 ).

We propose valence to understand the general emotional experience. The analysis of valence allows us to understand the quality, positive or negative, of the emotions. A positive valence in commercial advertising reflects approaching behavior, whereas a negative valence is a sign of distancing behavior ( Timme and Brand, 2020 ). Similarly, in order to demonstrate ad liking, out of the seven emotions, the predominant one must be joy ( Tomkovick et al., 2001 ; Lewinski et al., 2014 ; Shehu et al., 2016 ).

A second hypothesis relates to the sequence of scenes or maybe block of scenes of the advertisement and the aim to measure if the emotions are stable throughout the whole length of the spot or some scenes trigger certain emotions ( Dimberg et al., 2011 ).

  • Hypothesis 2: An advertisement is emotionally effective across scenes whenever the indicators for some scenes are higher on average than the indicators for the rest of the scenes in the spot.

We propose Hypothesis 2 after realizing that spots are usually broken into scenes to compare among spots that differ only in one scene or to focus on the scene of a single spot that triggers the emotions that are sought ( Lienhart et al., 1997 ; Teixeira et al., 2012 , 2014 ; Braun et al., 2013 ; Vecchiato et al., 2014 ; Yang et al., 2015 ). In fact, if Hypothesis 2 is accepted because of differences between scenes, a deeper analysis could and should be carried out to determine why some scenes are more emotional than others. If Hypothesis 2 is rejected, the conclusion might be that the scenes provoke stable emotions throughout the length of the spot.

Finally, an effective advertisement is also one that reaches its target audience and positively influences the emotional attitude and responses of the consumers ( Meyers-Levy and Malaviya, 1999 ; Lee et al., 2015 ). The experimental objective of many studies is to evaluate the effectiveness of the advertisement in terms of ad liking for the different groups of participants, differentiating between the target group and the rest of participants ( Kotler et al., 2000 ; Ansari and Riasi, 2016 ; Gountas et al., 2019 ). The third hypothesis might accordingly be stated as follows:

  • Hypothesis 3: An advertisement is emotionally effective for the target group whenever the indicators for this group are higher on average than the indicators for the rest of participants.

As a test case to validate the framework, this study aims to quantify the effectiveness of advertisement using a 91-s commercial spot composed by 31 scenes made by Scotch-Brite and its line of scouring pads to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the brand’s presence in Spain. The spot shows scenes along the lifetime of women while the study focuses on mature women and moms as the target group to compensate their lifelong efforts on raising children and creating family ties while buying and using its products and developing the brand’s name.

The article is structured as follows. After setting the theoretical background and the framework to measure effectiveness of advertisement in this introduction, “Materials and Methods” section explains the method of analysis based on facial expressions as well as the experimental setting, including the spot and its scenes and the grouping of subjects. “Results” section shows the results by scene and gender and statistically test the hypothesis. “Discussion” section is used to discuss the possibilities of emotions being the tool for marketing in the future.

Materials and Methods

Affdex, the analysis of facial expressions and emotional reactions.

Facial expressions are a gateway to the human mind, emotion, and identity. They are a way of relating to others, of sharing understanding and compassion. They are also a way of expressing joy, pain, sorrow, remorse, and lack of understanding ( Taggart et al., 2016 ). These characteristics can be crucial while capturing the key features of a stimulus in the form of a video or image frame. Individual facial recording while watching the computer screen is compared with a biometric database that represents “true” emotional faces, while looking for similarities or even a possible match. Therefore, facial recognition is used to measure and analyze the emotional reactions of the subjects to a given stimulus.

To carry out the emotional measurements in this study, a software platform for biometric measurements research called iMotions was used ( iMotions, 2020 ). This company indicates that its software can combine “eye tracking, facial expression analysis, EEG, GSR, EMG, ECG, and surveys” ( Taggart et al., 2016 ). The platform is used for various types of academic and business research. Version 7.0 was used in this research.

The software records several raw indicators per frame based on biometric measurements or action units while an experimental subject is watching a stimulus on the computer screen: 34 core facial landmarks (jaw, brows, nose…), interocular distance, and head position (yaw, pitch, and roll).

The recorded values for the raw indicators are then transformed by the software underlying models into Ekman’s seven basic emotions. An indicator for each emotion is provided based on the probability of appearance of the emotion, so the range of values for each of them is from 0 to 100. A value of 50 is proposed by AFFDEX as an initial threshold to determine if an emotional response has been detected.

Three involvement indicators are also calculated after combining the raw values. Attention is calculated from the head position and gives an indication of the focus of the individual. Attention ranges from 0 to 100, although is not a probability. Engagement or the level of responsiveness has also a range from 0 to 100. Finally, the range of valence is from −100 to 100, providing an indication of positive, neutral, or negative experience. The initial thresholds are usually arbitrarily set at ±50.

The Stimulus: The Spot

The stimulus was a spot that belonged to a campaign to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the Scotch-Brite brand’s presence in Spain. The video presentation of the spot lasted 91 s and was broadcast on social networks 1 .

The content of the video describes the accompanying role that a mother plays throughout the life of a child, from birth to adulthood. The video was split into 31 scenes by the advertising company ( Table 1 ). There are 22 real images with family connotations, six frames with text, a black scene, the logo of the sixtieth anniversary, and the campaign’s hashtag.

Description of the scenes.

Scene numberContent
3Mother and baby’s hands
4Taking baby pictures
5Old family video I
7Scrubbing with a hanging baby
8Baby bathing
9Girl on a mop
11Child in arms over the horizon
12Brushing teeth as a family
13Learning how to ride a bike
15Hug girl-mother
16Family in the country
17Girl with a thermometer
19Girl making soap bubbles
20Old family video II
21Family together
23Interaction between grandmother and granddaughter
24Interaction between mother and daughter on her wedding day
25Hug between three women
26Family reunited with grandma
27Mother and Child
28Two women making a heart with their hands
29Fade to black
: #I cannot be without her

The Experiment

Recruitment to watch the spot was done through a snowball process. Snowball is traditionally used whenever the theme of study is relatively new ( Strydom and Delport, 2005 ) and for which it is difficult to find participants ( Babbie, 2008 ). This type of sampling is particularly used to influence in the buying process of both consumers and nonconsumers ( Rozalia 2007 , Venter et al., 2011 ).

The snowball process helps complete the sample based on a specified set of criteria ( Henning et al., 2004 ), once the first subjects are selected ( McDaniel and Gates, 2007 ). For this research, the target group had to be habitual consumers and users of scoring pads and older than 18 years. The first requisite, that of consumers and users, drove the sample toward women, because they are primarily those that do the housework. Seventy-eight percent of European women (84.5% in Spain) perform house cleaning (which includes dishwashing), whereas only 33.7% (41.9% in Spain) of the men do ( EIGE, 2018 ).

The recruiting process started with a first sample provided by the company that produced the spot, both consumers and nonconsumers. The first contact was made by telephone after randomly selecting the potential participants, and if available, they were scheduled to go to the research site and participate by watching the video. These selected subjects were also asked to provide contacts to guarantee a continuous chain of sampling ( Strydom and Delport, 2005 ).

The subjects were divided into two large groups: that of product consumers or the target group (mature women between the ages of 50 and 65 years) and that of nonconsumers. To further divide the nonconsumers, while keeping the gender perspective, the decision was to divide the women in two groups by age (young and middle aged) and assign men to a third group. Four groups were therefore available at the initial stages of sampling: three for women and one for men.

However, while interviewing the initial set of participants, we identified some rejection or repulse to the theme under study, that of washing dishes with scouring pads. As a consequence, it made sense to include women with a strong feminist sensitivity as a separate fifth group. This additional “feminist” group was identified by asking women the following question:

“As for the social movements that claim to incorporate the gender perspective in the different instances of society, up to what level do you identify with this type of proposal?”

The answer had to be provided using a 10-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (nothing identified) to 10 (fully identified). Those women regardless of age who responded with scores between 8 and 10 were included in this special group.

As a result of the snowball process, 100 people participated in the experiment (80 women and 20 men, between 18 and 65 years old). The five groups with 20 people each were then defined as follows:

  • group 1: young women, aged 18–29 years
  • group 2: middle-aged women, aged 30–49 years
  • group 3: mature women, aged 50–65 years
  • group 4: women with a strong feminist sensitivity, aged 18–65 years
  • group 5: men, aged 35–65 years

The experiment was carried out at the Brain Research Lab of the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain, between November 10, 2018, and December 10, 2018. The room was kept at a constant temperature of 22°C throughout the experimentation phase. The room was isolated from the outside by means of a soundproofing system. We also used the same indirect lighting system for all the participants, so the emotional comparison across groups of subjects was robust.

The participants were scheduled in 10-min intervals and viewed the video on their own. The subjects entered the room, where they sat in front of a 14-inch monitor on which the spot would be projected, at a distance of 50 cm from the screen. On top the screen, there was a Logitech HD recording camera. iMotions was then calibrated to ensure that the facial microexpression detection mask captured the entire face of the subjects. Once an adjustment of 96% was achieved by iMotions, the spot was viewed. They did not know a priori what the spot was about.

The participants received a compensation of 20 euros for their collaboration. All subjects signed a priori a consent form that considers all aspects of data protection. This consent ensures the nonidentification of the participants, nor the dissemination of individualized data of a personal nature.

Statistical Methods

We developed a database with the 10 indicators provided by AFFDEX by scene and subject. Because 100 individuals watched the 31 scenes of spot, there were 3,100 registers in the database, each with 10 columns, one per indicator. Each indicator ranges between 0 and 100, indicating the likelihood of the emotion being present (0 = absent, 100 = present). Therefore, the higher the values that are recorded, the higher the emotional levels that are shown. Two additional columns were added to identify each register with the levels of the two control variables: scene (1–31) and group (1–5).

A descriptive analysis was first carried out to obtain an overall idea of the emotional responsiveness to the spot. Besides providing plots and summary statistics of the whole set of records, the extreme values, defined as those above the 90 th percentile and below the 10 th percentile, were highlighted in colors (green for high, red for low).

An inferential analysis was then undertaken to compare the average values of the different levels of the control variables. The general linear analysis of variance (ANOVA) model was used to capture the differences among levels of one variable at a time, as well as both variables together. A series of F tests (one per each of the 10 emotional indicators) were used to statistically reject (or not) the null hypothesis of equality of means across levels. A significance value of 5% was used as the threshold for rejection. The corresponding values of p were calculated, highlighting those that are lower than 5%, to demonstrate which variables significantly influence on the emotional responses by group and/or scene.

Concerning which levels of the variable are significantly different than the rest, we performed a series of t -tests, maintaining the significance level at 5% The values of p are provided, highlighting those that are lower than 5%, to demonstrate which levels of the variables significantly influence on the emotions. A “+” sign was used to demonstrate higher values than average, and a “−” to depict lower values than average.

Overall Results

The results for the three involvement indicators and the seven basic emotions are shown in Table 2 and depicted in Figure 2 . Each observation in the plot is the average measurement by individual and scene, for a total of 3,100 samples (31 scenes and 100 subjects) in each of the 10 plots. The lower and upper sides of the boxes correspond to the first and third quartiles, with the dots indicating the values outside the box. For illustrative purposes, and following AFFDEX initial configuration, thresholds are shown at ±50. Nevertheless, the research is based on the whole set of values.

Descriptive statistics for the whole sample by emotional response.

VariableNMeanSE MeanStDevMinimumQ1MedianQ3MaximumAbove 50 (%)

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Descriptive plot for the whole sample by emotional response.

Only four of the indicators show reads consistently outside the thresholds and almost reaching the maximum value of 100: attention, engagement, valence, and joy. None of the five negative emotions reach 100, with only a few combinations of scene and individual above 50 for anger (three reads, 0.1%) and contempt (five reads, 0.02%). Moreover, three of the negative emotions (disgust, fear, and sadness) do not even reach the initial threshold.

Starting with attention, all the values are above 75 except for only a single value at 61.22. The lower quartile is above 96. Therefore, attention during the spot is kept across the individuals. High mean values (≥50) for this indicator show involvement and therefore emotional effectiveness, corroborating Hypothesis 1a.

Engagement shows most of the values under the threshold, but 309 of the 3,100 (10%) are above the limit. Whereas the third quartile is just at 9.27 and the average at 12.34. Because these values are not high (<50), Hypothesis 1b is not fully supported for the entire sample, but it looks worthy to investigate emotional reactions further by segregating by scene and group.

The same happens for valence, which shows more values above the positive threshold (168, 5.4%, maximum at 99.94) than below −50 (12, 0.4%, minimum at −76.24). Hypothesis 1c is not fully supported either for the entire sample, because not a significant amount of the samples is positive.

The predominant emotion is joy, with the percentage of values above 50 (probability of the emotion being present) being 4.7% (147 observations). Once again, from a descriptive perspective, the percentage is low enough to not accept Hypothesis 1d for the entire sample.

The overall descriptive analysis implies that the positive emotions are present at times, whereas the negative ones are almost never shown. Although the hypotheses are not fully accepted for the whole sample, the aim behind the spot is that the positive emotions are shown primarily by the target group, triggered by the sequence of images and text. Let us proceed therefore with the inferential analysis by scene and gender and age groups in order to quantify emotional effectiveness.

Results by Scene

Figure 3 shows the results averaged across individuals for each of the 31 scenes. For each of the 10 emotional indicators, the three scenes (first decile or top 10%) with the highest values are highlighted in green, and the three scenes with the lowest values in red.

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Inferential analysis per scene.

The main green zone for positive emotions and involvement indicators goes from scene 9 to scene 15. Attention provides the two highest values in this block of scenes, with engagement, valence, and joy providing all of their top three scores. Fear and sadness also give maxima in this block. The text scenes are “She taught us how to grow” and “She gave us the most sincere love,” both related to the important role of moms. It must be remembered at this point that mature women are the target of the spot.

The negative emotions are higher at the beginning (scenes 1–4, anger and contempt) and at the end of the spot (29–31, disgust). It is eye catching that the scene with the company logo, scene 30, shows a peak of disgust, not showing any high values for the rest of the indicators except for surprise. The lower peaks of involvement (in red) are found between scenes 16 and 22, whereas joy is low between scenes 5 and 8.

To statistically test if these visual differences are significant per indicator, a series of one-way ANOVA test are performed. The null hypothesis is that the average value for each scene is the same, and the alternative hypothesis is that not all the scene averages are equal. The bottom rows of Figure 2 include the values of F and the p of each test ( p < 0.05 for rejection). Only anger (three individual values above 50) and fear (0 observations over 50), both negative emotions with very low averages, show differences across scenes. Their peaks surprisingly occur while positive emotions flourish, whereas their valleys are found at the end of the spot.

The summary is that Hypothesis 2 is not corroborated for scenes because no significant differences are found across them. Therefore, no clear emotional effectiveness by scene is shown. It is worth highlighting that the three involvement indicators and joy (relating all four to Hypothesis 1) are stable throughout.

To deeper analyze the spot, we continue the study in terms of block of scenes and not just single scenes. After the results of the descriptive analysis based on top and bottom deciles, we have broken the scenes into five blocks, which have been named according to a common theme:

  • block 1: birth (1–4),
  • block 2: first cares (5–8),
  • block 3: teaching growth and love (9–15),
  • block 4: sharing the best moments (16–22),
  • block 5: reunion of three generations (23–28), and
  • block 6: logo (29–31).

Figure 4 includes the statistical analysis by block. Differences are found on average emotional involvement across blocks of scenes in engagement and valence, with block 3 related to growth and love obtaining the highest results for involvement and positive emotions. Correspondingly, block 3 causes joy, although it is also significantly different in fear.

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Inferential analysis per group.

Block 1, related to birth, is significantly high in negative emotions of contempt and sadness. Block 2 shows low values for positive emotions, block 4 for engagement, and block 5 for attention and contempt. Finally, and although the indicator is not significant, block 6 shows a peak of contempt.

Therefore, Hypothesis 2 is corroborated for blocks, providing an indication that the advertisement provokes emotions unevenly along the duration of the commercial. The spot is emotionally effective for blocks of scenes, in this case, generating higher positive involvement and joy for block 3: teaching growth and love.

Results by Group

The analysis of the groups is critical also to determine ad liking, specifically for the target group. Figure 5 has the same format as Figures 3 , ​ ,4 4 but, instead of segregating by scene, the averages are calculated for each of the five groups in which the individuals were pooled together. The maximum values per indicator are highlighted in green, and the minimum values in red.

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Inferential analysis per block.

Indeed, all groups behave differently, as demonstrated by the one-way ANOVA shown at the bottom row of Figure 5 . Differences across groups in terms of average emotional response are found significant for each and every one of the 10 indicators. All the values of p are 0, indicating that the null hypothesis of equality of averages across groups is rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis of differences in averages across groups.

Moreover, group 3 of mature women gets the top values in engagement, valence, joy, and surprise, and the middle one in attention (although at a very high 96.77). Therefore, for this group, which is the target group, all four indicators included in Hypothesis 1 are higher than those of the nontarget groups.

Compared to the average behavior, each group shows peaks of negative emotions, different in each case. Group 1 of young women demonstrates negative valence and disgust. Group 2 of middle-aged women shows attention but no emotions other than some fear. Group 3 of mature women exhibit sadness. Group 4 lacks attention while showing some contempt. Group 5 demonstrates some anger.

The summary of this section is consequently that Hypothesis 3 is corroborated. The spot is effective because involvement and joy are higher for the target group, in this case, the mature women.

Results by Group and Block of Scenes

We finalize the analysis by performing a two-way ANOVA to jointly study scenes (or blocks) and groups. As expected, following the rationale and conclusions of the previous sections, group is significant across indicators ( p = 0), and scene is nonsignificant in all the cases ( p ≥ 0.277), so it looks more appropriate to direct the efforts toward studying the relationship between groups and blocks of scenes.

Figure 6 shows the two-way ANOVA by group and block of scenes that helps summarize the whole study. The first part of the table shows the analysis of significance for the variable “group,” the second for the variable “block,” and the third for their interaction “group × block.” The first row of each section includes the F values, and the second the values of p for each indicator. For the variable group, there are significant differences on average for each of the 10 indicators ( p < 0.05, highlighted in green). For block, there are differences for engagement, valence, and joy, and also for fear and sadness. For the interaction, differences are found for joy, contempt, and fear.

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Inferential analysis per group and block.

It is worth mentioning at this point that, except for two values of p that are close to 1, the rest of the values of p are below 0.25, a threshold that is commonly used for exploratory purposes. Accordingly, we have analyzed all the indicators while highlighting the values for group, block, or the interaction that are responsible for determining the significant differences. These differences are depicted with a “+” (if the value is significantly higher than average) or a “−” sign (if significantly lower) in the ANOVA table. For example, for group 2, the “+” sign in the attention column indicates that this group has paid significantly more attention than the average attention for all the groups. The “−” sign in the Engagement column indicates that group 2 was significantly less engaged than the average.

For groups, and concerning positive emotions, group 3 of mature women is the only group above average, the exception being attention, in which group 2 of middle-aged women and group 5 of men excel. For negative emotions, group 1 of young women is above average in disgust, group 2 of middle-aged women in fear, group 3 of mature women in anger and sadness, group 4 of feminists in contempt and group 5 of men in anger, corroborating the importance of the “group” variable, as anticipated by the one-way study.

For blocks, block 1, related to birth, causes higher responses in negative emotions (anger, contempt, and surprise); block 3, with the focus on the mom, shows higher responses in engagement, valence, joy, and sadness; and block 6, the logo and the hashtag, provokes disgust.

For the group × block interaction, we list those specific interactions that are significantly “higher” than average and those that are significantly “lower,” the latter within parenthesis. For example, and with respect to attention, two combinations are higher than average: group 3 × block 5 (the interaction between mature women and the reunion of generations) and group 4 × block 2 (feminists and first cares). Two others are lower than average: group 3 × block 2 (mature women and first cares) and group 4 and block 5 (feminists and reunion of three generations).

Assessment of the Spot

The results indicate that the spot is indeed emotionally effective because it generates involvement and positive emotions (Hypothesis 1) on the target group, indicators that are statistically higher than the average for the rest of the groups (Hypothesis 3). Mature women like the spot especially whenever the role of the mother is stressed, even showing some sadness, probably due to remembrance of old times.

The rejection of Hypothesis 2 in block of scenes indicates that ad liking might be improved especially for the nontarget group, addressing the scenes or blocks of scenes that cause negative emotions. By looking at the interactions that generate “higher” averages for the negative emotions, spot designers might understand better the “brain” of the participants and the groups they represent. It is eye-striking that each group is characterized by one negative emotion, which is usually triggered by a few blocks of the spot.

Young females (group 1) show disgust, the opposite of ad liking. This emotion is caused by blocks B4 (sharing best moments) and B6 (logo). The explanation might be that these youngsters do not like the best moments with mom or in family. It is worth to remember that they probably have not had relation with the advertised brand.

Middle-age females (group 2) show fear, as well as attention. They like the ad, but emotions are caused by block B4 (sharing best moments). The interpretation is that they are feeling mixed emotions about their life experiences.

Feminists (group 4) show contempt throughout the spot. All interactions between blocks of scenes and disgust are significantly high, except for block B4, which provokes low surprise. Feminist might not like family traditions or pregnancy periods.

Men (group 5) show anger, as well as attention. After showing anger during the first block, their attention level is high, indicating ad liking but without showing positive emotions. It is like they are watching from the outside and not showing extraordinary emotional responses.

The targeted mature women (group 3) show anger and sadness, although not particularly caused by any block of scenes. These two emotions might not be “negative” for this spot in particular as they must be related to reminiscences of the past. In fact, those negative emotions are justified in the literature as an empathy mediator ( Eisenberg et al., 1994 ; Sonnby-Borgström, 2002 ; Dimberg et al., 2011 ; Johnson et al., 2014 ; Richaud and Mesurado, 2016 ; Rawal and Saavedra, 2017 ). Anyhow, group 3 however shows above-average involvement and joy.

After this analysis by groups, we can conclude that emotions as expected are a good predictor of ad liking, which is the key measure of emotional effectiveness of advertisement. The combinations of positive and negative emotions that have been found in each of the groups clearly define the groups, relating them to their stage in life. As a conclusion, marketing professionals therefore have tools to measure emotional effectiveness of advertising before and during campaigns.

One necessary approach in this day and age to quantify the effectiveness of advertisements is to resort to emotions and emotional responses in the quest for properly measuring “ad liking and purchase intent” ( McDuff et al., 2015 ). We have proposed a framework composed of a set of three hypotheses to determine the emotional effectiveness of spots and blocks of scenes primarily focusing on ad liking. The novelty was to merge emotional responses, covering the seven basic emotions of Ekman, with involvement, including attention engagement and valence. Under this emotional perspective, the spot must cause involvement and joy in high, constant levels throughout the scenes for the target group.

We have tested the framework with a commercial spot that strived for strong positive emotional reactions among the target group. The combined use of involvement and emotional indicators has proven to be more than satisfactory. There is a direct relationship between blocks and experimental groups, indicating that the emotional responses of the different groups vary with the composition of the groups. On that regard, if the spot was supposed to be attractive to several groups, the effectiveness is lost outside the target group ( Kotler et al., 2000 ). The target group is emotionally more attracted to the spot. The results after analyzing a spot of scouring pads help validate the framework and determine that unconscious emotional responses are liable to be used to quantify effectiveness of advertisement. Therefore, the proposed framework should and must be used also before a spot is marketed to increase its emotional effectiveness.

Several limitations or words of caution might be mentioned at this point. The first one relates to the application of the proposed framework to any sort of spots. The framework looks to be readily usable for advertisements whose aim is to provoke positive emotions throughout the length of the spot. That is usually the case of commercial spots, although some also try to provoke peaks of emotions at certain (blocks of) scenes of the spot. The framework might be used to test these “peaky” commercials, because the null hypothesis of Hypothesis 2 is stability, and therefore the alternative hypothesis is lack of stability. In fact, for the test case that was used for this research, an analysis by scene and by block provided different results. No differences were found among scenes, but differences were found among blocks. We argue that the important feature of the framework is to be able to highlight differences, whether that is a proof of effectiveness or lack of it.

The spots might also look for negative emotions ( Rivera et al., 2000 ). Adding (or substituting) emotions to Hypothesis 1 is straightforward. The methods of analysis of emotions other than joy are the same. In fact, we have analyzed in this research all of the seven Ekman’s emotions, although we have focused primarily on joy because, to demonstrate ad liking, out of the seven emotions, the predominant one must be joy ( Tomkovick et al., 2001 ; Lewinski et al., 2014 ; Shehu et al., 2016 ). We, however, acknowledge that there are certain situations in which responses based on negative emotions are sought for example, for fear ( Basil et al., 2008 ).

There are also several directions for future improvement and research. To further quantity purchase intent and recall, questionnaires might be added to spot viewing. Moreover, the questionnaires might be shown to the participants on the screen, so emotions might be measured both while watching the spot and while filling the questionnaire. An additional step is to measure empathy, which in neuroscience is usually quantified with fMRI and EEG ( Mouras et al., 2008 ; Neumann and Westbury, 2011 ; Touchette and Lee, 2016 ), while measuring the reaction of mirror neurons to the stimuli; this approach, however, could make the research unaffordable for a reasonable sample size.

Continuing with technology, while the framework is based on neuroscience techniques and tools, namely, those provided by the software platform AFFDEX, other software that quantify the proposed indicators included in the hypotheses might be also used. The state-of-the-art platform AFFDEX translates microfacial expressions at the same time into attention, engagement, valence, and the seven basic emotions of Ekman. Many steps forward are, however, necessary to be able to improve the study of the consumers’ brain using these tools. We have only used the analysis of facial microexpressions, but some other techniques might be simultaneously used, for example, eye tracking or EEG. The statistical analysis of this type of combined output will shed new light on how the emotions are trigged, in lieu of a more thorough analysis of emotional effectiveness of advertising.

To conclude, we have been able to demonstrate that unconscious emotional responses might be used to understand more about the consumers’ brain. In the era of big data and the internet of things, the more indicators are present, the better the analysis might be. Consistently measuring emotions based on the principles of consumer neuroscience might be the key to understanding consumer behavior and effectiveness of advertisement in the upcoming years.

Data Availability Statement

Ethics statement.

The studies involving human participants were reviewed and approved by Ethics Committee – 3M Spain SL. The patients/participants provided their written informed consent to participate in this study.

Author Contributions

FO and DS designed the study. DS acquired the data. FO prepared and analyzed the data. FO and DS drafted the manuscript. All authors revised and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


We acknowledge the research participants. We also acknowledge the rest of members of the Brain Research Lab and the Behavioural Neuroeconomics Research Group. We also acknowledge the referees for their invaluable comments.

Funding. This work was partially supported by a grant from 3M España S.L.

1 The video is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaLqgWmoh2Y

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The End of the Universe: Critical Writing Program Fall 2024: Researching the White Paper

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Research the White Paper

Researching the white paper:.

The process of researching and composing a white paper shares some similarities with the kind of research and writing one does for a high school or college research paper. What’s important for writers of white papers to grasp, however, is how much this genre differs from a research paper.  First, the author of a white paper already recognizes that there is a problem to be solved, a decision to be made, and the job of the author is to provide readers with substantive information to help them make some kind of decision--which may include a decision to do more research because major gaps remain. 

Thus, a white paper author would not “brainstorm” a topic. Instead, the white paper author would get busy figuring out how the problem is defined by those who are experiencing it as a problem. Typically that research begins in popular culture--social media, surveys, interviews, newspapers. Once the author has a handle on how the problem is being defined and experienced, its history and its impact, what people in the trenches believe might be the best or worst ways of addressing it, the author then will turn to academic scholarship as well as “grey” literature (more about that later).  Unlike a school research paper, the author does not set out to argue for or against a particular position, and then devote the majority of effort to finding sources to support the selected position.  Instead, the author sets out in good faith to do as much fact-finding as possible, and thus research is likely to present multiple, conflicting, and overlapping perspectives. When people research out of a genuine desire to understand and solve a problem, they listen to every source that may offer helpful information. They will thus have to do much more analysis, synthesis, and sorting of that information, which will often not fall neatly into a “pro” or “con” camp:  Solution A may, for example, solve one part of the problem but exacerbate another part of the problem. Solution C may sound like what everyone wants, but what if it’s built on a set of data that have been criticized by another reliable source?  And so it goes. 

For example, if you are trying to write a white paper on the opioid crisis, you may focus on the value of  providing free, sterilized needles--which do indeed reduce disease, and also provide an opportunity for the health care provider distributing them to offer addiction treatment to the user. However, the free needles are sometimes discarded on the ground, posing a danger to others; or they may be shared; or they may encourage more drug usage. All of those things can be true at once; a reader will want to know about all of these considerations in order to make an informed decision. That is the challenging job of the white paper author.     
 The research you do for your white paper will require that you identify a specific problem, seek popular culture sources to help define the problem, its history, its significance and impact for people affected by it.  You will then delve into academic and grey literature to learn about the way scholars and others with professional expertise answer these same questions. In this way, you will create creating a layered, complex portrait that provides readers with a substantive exploration useful for deliberating and decision-making. You will also likely need to find or create images, including tables, figures, illustrations or photographs, and you will document all of your sources. 

Nick Okrent

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Ai tools fuel rise of fake research papers on google scholar.

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AI ethics are in question when scientific papers use AI without disclosing or AI is tapped to ... [+] produce completely fake research results.

There’s a quote frequently attributed to Mark Twain that goes, “A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get on its boots.” Whether or not Twain truly said that, a reality in the age of AI is it’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish truth from fiction .

New evidence supporting that fact comes from a group of Swedish researchers that just issued its findings regarding a growing number of fake scientific papers published to Google Scholar . The study found that more than 130 submissions either used AI without proper disclosure or were entirely faked using AI tools.

Google Scholar Not So Scholarly?

The researchers decided to conduct a mini-scrape of the Google Scholar index looking for two commonly generated phrases that public AI tools such as ChatGPT or Claude provide as part of the answers produced in response to prompts. The two phrases are:

  • "as of my last knowledge update"
  • "I don\'t have access to real-time data"

If either or both of those obvious genAI phrases were found in one of the papers uploaded to Google Scholar the team flagged it, and looked it over for proper acknowledgement that an AI tool was used as part of that specific paper’s study methodology.

The search flagged 227 papers, of which 139 papers failed to cite, mention or reference any use of AI—despite its clear use. It’s worth noting that Google Scholar reportedly has more than 389 million records on its website and the researchers’ sample represents a miniscule 0.0000003573% of all published papers.

Google Warns Millions Of Android Users—Do Not Install These Apps

Ukrainian troops breached russian border defenses 20 miles west of the kursk salient—but didn’t get very far, ‘shock and awe’—china could be about to trigger a $1.4 trillion bitcoin and crypto price earthquake.

Regardless, researcher Kristofer Rolf Söderström from Lund University, Sweden explained in an email exchange why his team’s study to callout sham science was necessary.

“With this research, we wanted to address the issue by looking into how common this is, especially because Google Scholar is so easy to use and it is very widely used, even by ourselves, but actually it is not that well controlled,” Söderström wrote.

“Our motivation was that the depth of the issue could be mitigated by such an investigation, thus making an early contribution to highlight the growing concern of undeclared GPT-use in academic papers since this runs the risk of ill-will hacking of society’s evidence base. But really, just the possibility of this happening—even if it is quite uncommon—risks further undermining trust in science, and that this is the last thing society needs right now.”

AI Makes Science Easier and More Accessible To Fake

Söderström highlighted that there are two main risks from this type of scientific flimflammery.

First is the increasing risk that undeclared and mischievous use of genAI in scholarly research produces believable—but still false—academic publications that can be tricky to detect.

Second, the sheer quantity of papers that large language models can produce suggests that the scholarly record risks being overwhelmed with bogus studies.

“One of our findings was that many of these papers have spread to several repositories online, and have appeared in social media. This is a common and mostly automated process, but it makes retractions or corrections of research extremely difficult. Especially because Google Scholar will keep on finding and displaying them,” he wrote.

AI Is Not To Blame —They Blame a Broken System

However, Söderström and his colleagues point out that AI itself isn’t the core problem it’s merely a tool that academicians have found to try and survive within the flawed “publish or perish” culture at most research universities.

The publishing of phony science papers is further compounded given Google’s disproportionate control over scholarly papers, search engines and basic access to online information.

He said the team is doing a larger, deeper dive on this specific topic since their initial query was so limited, but it turned up some many issues and left so many questions unanswered.

“While it is not clear that all papers were actually produced by individuals – they might also be produced by so-called paper mills producing results from fake studies resembling scholarly publications – there might be several potential reasons. The pressure for researchers to continuously publish scholarly output, which can be conducted more frequently through the use of LLM misconduct, could be one of the reasons,” Söderström expressed in the email.

The report doesn’t offer any simple solutions, but it does suggest a multi-pronged approach that needs to include technical, regulatory and educational components to protect the truth.

Let’s just hope we don’t have to wait much longer for it to get its boots on.

Tor Constantino, MBA

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