How to Write a Cover Letter [Full Guide & Examples for 2024]

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After weeks of heavy job searching, you’re almost there!

You’ve perfected your resume.

You’ve short-listed the coolest jobs you want to apply for.

You’ve even had a friend train you for every single interview question out there.

But then, before you can send in your application and call it a day, you remember that you need to write a cover letter too.

So now, you’re stuck staring at a blank page, wondering where to start...

Don’t panic! We’ve got you covered. Writing a cover letter is a lot simpler than you might think. 

In this guide, we’re going to teach you how to write a cover letter that gets you the job you deserve.

We're going to cover:

What Is a Cover Letter?

  • How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter, Step by Step
  • 15+ Job-Winning Cover Letter Examples

Let’s get started.

A cover letter is a document that you submit as part of your job application, alongside your resume or CV.

The purpose of a cover letter is to introduce you and briefly summarize your professional background. On average, it should be around 250 to 400 words long .

A good cover letter is supposed to impress the hiring manager and convince them you’re worth interviewing as a candidate.

So, how can your cover letter achieve this?

First of all, it should complement your resume, not copy it. Your cover letter is your chance to elaborate on important achievements, skills, or anything else that your resume doesn’t give you the space to cover. 

For example, if you have an employment gap on your resume, the cover letter is a great place to explain why it happened and how it helped you grow as a person. 

If this is your first time writing a cover letter, writing about yourself might seem complicated. But don’t worry—you don’t need to be super creative or even a good writer .

All you have to do is follow this tried and tested cover letter structure:

structure of a cover letter

  • Header. Add all the necessary contact information at the top of your cover letter.
  • Formal greeting. Choose an appropriate way to greet your target audience.
  • Introduction. Introduce yourself in the opening paragraph and explain your interest in the role.
  • Body. Elaborate on why you’re the best candidate for the job and a good match for the company. Focus on “selling” your skills, achievements, and relevant professional experiences.
  • Conclusion. Summarize your key points and wrap it up professionally.

Now, let’s take a look at an example of a cover letter that follows our structure perfectly:

How to Write a Cover Letter

New to cover letter writing? Give our cover letter video a watch before diving into the article!

When Should You Write a Cover Letter?

You should always include a cover letter in your job application, even if the hiring manager never reads it. Submitting a cover letter is as important as submitting a resume if you want to look like a serious candidate.

If the employer requests a cover letter as part of the screening process, not sending one is a huge red flag and will probably get your application tossed into the “no” pile immediately.

On the other hand, if the job advertisement doesn’t require a cover letter from the candidates, adding one shows you went the extra mile.

Putting in the effort to write a cover letter can set you apart from other candidates with similar professional experience and skills, and it could even sway the hiring manager to call you for an interview if you do it right.

Need to write a letter to help get you into a good school or volunteer program? Check out our guide to learn how to write a motivation letter !

How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter

Now that you know what a cover letter is, it’s time to learn how to write one!

We’ll go through the process in detail, step by step.

#1. Choose the Right Cover Letter Template

A good cover letter is all about leaving the right first impression.

So, what’s a better way to leave a good impression than a well-formatted, stylish template?

cover letter templates for 2024

Just choose one of our hand-picked cover letter templates , and you’ll be all set in no time!

As a bonus, our intuitive AI will even give you suggestions on how to improve your cover letter as you write it. You’ll have the perfect cover letter done in minutes!

cover letter templates

#2. Put Contact Information in the Header

As with a resume, it’s important to start your cover letter with your contact details at the top. These should be in your cover letter’s header, separated neatly from the bulk of your text.

Contact Information on Cover Letter

Here, you want to include all the essential contact information , including:

  • Full Name. Your first and last name should stand out at the top.
  • Job Title. Match the professional title underneath your name to the exact job title of the position you’re applying for. Hiring managers often hire for several roles at once, so giving them this cue about what role you’re after helps things go smoother.
  • Email Address. Always use a professional and easy-to-spell email address. Ideally, it should combine your first and last names.
  • Phone Number. Add a number where the hiring manager can easily reach you.
  • Location. Add your city and state/country, no need for more details.
  • Relevant Links (optional). You can add links to websites or social media profiles that are relevant to your field. Examples include a LinkedIn profile , Github, or an online portfolio.

Then it’s time to add the recipient’s contact details, such as:

  • Hiring Manager's Name. If you can find the name of the hiring manager, add it.
  • Hiring Manager's Title. While there’s no harm in writing “hiring manager,” if they’re the head of the department, we recommend you use that title accordingly.
  • Company Name. Make sure to write the name of the company you're applying to.
  • Location. The city and state/country are usually enough information here, too.
  • Date of Writing (Optional). You can include the date you wrote your cover letter for an extra professional touch.

matching resume and cover letter

#3. Address the Hiring Manager

Once you’ve properly listed all the contact information, it’s time to start writing the content of the cover letter.

The first thing you need to do here is to address your cover letter directly to the hiring manager.

In fact, you want to address the hiring manager personally .

Forget the old “Dear Sir or Madam” or the impersonal “To Whom It May Concern.” You want to give your future boss a good impression and show them that you did your research before sending in your application.

No one wants to hire a job seeker who just spams 20+ companies and hopes something sticks with their generic approach

So, how do you find out who’s the hiring manager?

First, check the job ad. The hiring manager’s name might be listed somewhere in it.

If that doesn’t work, check the company’s LinkedIn page. You just need to look up the head of the relevant department you’re applying to, and you’re all set.

For example, if you’re applying for the position of Communication Specialist at Novorésumé. The hiring manager is probably the Head of Communications or the Chief Communications Officer.

Here’s what you should look for on LinkedIn:

linkedin search cco

And there you go! You have your hiring manager.

But let’s say you’re applying for a position as a server . In that case, you’d be looking for the “restaurant manager” or “food and beverage manager.”

If the results don’t come up with anything, try checking out the “Team” page on the company website; there’s a good chance you’ll at least find the right person there.

Make sure to address them as Mr. or Ms., followed by their last name. If you’re not sure about their gender or marital status, you can just stick to their full name, like so:

  • Dear Mr. Kurtuy,
  • Dear Andrei Kurtuy,

But what if you still can’t find the hiring manager’s name, no matter where you look?

No worries. You can direct your cover letter to the company, department, or team as a whole, or just skip the hiring manager’s name.

  • Dear [Department] Hiring Manager
  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear [Department] Team
  • Dear [Company Name]

Are you applying for a research position? Learn how to write an academic personal statement .

#4. Write an Eye-Catching Introduction

First impressions matter, especially when it comes to your job search.

Hiring managers get hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of applications. Chances are, they’re not going to be reading every single cover letter end-to-end.

So, it’s essential to catch their attention from the very first paragraph.

The biggest problem with most opening paragraphs is that they’re usually extremely generic. Here’s an example:

  • My name is Jonathan, and I’d like to work as a Sales Manager at XYZ Inc. I’ve worked as a Sales Manager at MadeUpCompany Inc. for 5+ years, so I believe that I’d be a good fit for the position.

See the issue here? This opening paragraph doesn’t say anything except the fact that you’ve worked the job before.

And do you know who else has similar work experience? All the other applicants you’re competing with.

Instead, you want to start with some of your top achievements to grab the reader’s attention. And to get the point across, the achievements should be as relevant as possible to the position.

Your opening paragraph should also show the hiring manager a bit about why you want this specific job. For example, mention how the job relates to your plans for the future or how it can help you grow professionally. This will show the hiring manager that you’re not just applying left and right—you’re actually enthusiastic about getting this particular role.

Now, let’s make our previous example shine:

Dear Mr. Smith,

My name’s Michael, and I’d like to help XYZ Inc. hit and exceed its sales goals as a Sales Manager. I’ve worked as a Sales Representative with Company X, another fin-tech company , for 3+ years, where I generated an average of $30,000+ in sales per month and beat the KPIs by around 40%. I believe that my previous industry experience, passion for finance , and excellence in sales make me the right candidate for the job.

The second candidate starts with what they can do for the company in the future and immediately lists an impressive and relevant achievement. Since they’re experienced in the same industry and interested in finance, the hiring manager can see they’re not just a random applicant.

From this introduction, it’s safe to say that the hiring manager would read the rest of this candidate’s cover letter.

#5. Use the Cover Letter Body for Details

The next part of your cover letter is where you can go into detail about what sets you apart as a qualified candidate for the job.

The main thing you need to remember here is that you shouldn’t make it all about yourself . Your cover letter is supposed to show the hiring manager how you relate to the job and the company you’re applying to.

No matter how cool you make yourself sound in your cover letter, if you don’t tailor it to match what the hiring manager is looking for, you’re not getting an interview.

To get this right, use the job ad as a reference when writing your cover letter. Make sure to highlight skills and achievements that match the job requirements, and you’re good to go.

Since this part of your cover letter is by far the longest, you should split it into at least two paragraphs.

Here’s what each paragraph should cover:

Explain Why You’re the Perfect Candidate for the Role

Before you can show the hiring manager that you’re exactly what they’ve been looking for, you need to know what it is they’re looking for.

Start by doing a bit of research. Learn what the most important skills and responsibilities of the role are according to the job ad, and focus on any relevant experience you have that matches them.

For example, if you’re applying for the position of a Facebook Advertiser. The top requirements on the job ad are:

  • Experience managing a Facebook ad budget of $10,000+ / month
  • Some skills in advertising on other platforms (Google Search + Twitter)
  • Excellent copywriting skills

So, in the body of your cover letter, you need to show how you meet these requirements. Here’s an example of what that can look like:

In my previous role as a Facebook Marketing Expert at XYZ Inc. I handled customer acquisition through ads, managing a monthly Facebook ad budget of $40,000+ . As the sole digital marketer at the company, I managed the ad creation and management process end-to-end. I created the ad copy and images, picked the targeting, ran optimization trials, and so on.

Other than Facebook advertising, I’ve also delved into other online PPC channels, including:

  • Google Search

Our example addresses all the necessary requirements and shows off the candidate’s relevant skills.

Are you a student applying for your first internship? Learn how to write an internship cover letter with our dedicated guide.

Explain Why You’re a Good Fit for the Company

As skilled and experienced as you may be, that’s not all the hiring manager is looking for.

They also want someone who’s a good fit for their company and who actually wants to work there.

Employees who don’t fit in with the company culture are likely to quit sooner or later. This ends up costing the company a ton of money, up to 50% of the employee’s annual salary , so hiring managers vet candidates very carefully to avoid this scenario.

So, you have to convince the hiring manager that you’re passionate about working with them.

Start by doing some research about the company. You want to know things like:

  • What’s the company’s business model?
  • What’s the company’s product or service? Have you used it?
  • What’s the company’s culture like?

Chances are, you’ll find all the information you need either on the company website or on job-search websites like Jobscan or Glassdoor.

Then, pick your favorite thing about the company and talk about it in your cover letter.

But don’t just describe the company in its own words just to flatter them. Be super specific—the hiring manager can see through any fluff.

For example, if you’re passionate about their product and you like the company’s culture of innovation and independent work model, you can write something like:

I’ve personally used the XYZ Smartphone, and I believe that it’s the most innovative tech I’ve used in years. The features, such as Made-Up-Feature #1 and Made-Up-Feature #2, were real game changers for the device.

I really admire how Company XYZ strives for excellence in all its product lines, creating market-leading tech. As someone who thrives in a self-driven environment, I truly believe that I’ll be a great match for your Product Design team.

So, make sure to do your fair share of research and come up with good reasons why you're applying to that specific company.

Is the company you want to work for not hiring at the moment? Check out our guide to writing a letter of interest .

#6. Wrap It Up and Sign It

Finally, it’s time to conclude your cover letter.

In the final paragraph, you want to:

  • Wrap up any points you couldn't make in the previous paragraphs. Do you have anything left to say? If there’s any other information that could help the hiring manager make their decision, mention it here. If not, just recap your key selling points so far, such as key skills and expertise.
  • Express gratitude. Politely thanking the hiring manager for their time is always a good idea.
  • Finish the cover letter with a call to action. The very last sentence in your cover letter should be a call to action. This means you should ask the hiring manager to do something, like call you and discuss your application or arrange an interview.
  • Remember to sign your cover letter. Just add a formal closing line and sign your name at the bottom.

Here’s an example of how to end your cover letter :

I hope to help Company X make the most of their Facebook marketing initiatives. I'd love to further discuss how my previous success at XYZ Inc. can help you achieve your Facebook marketing goals. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at the provided email address or phone number so that we may arrange an interview.

Thank you for your consideration,

Alice Richards

Feel free to use one of these other popular closing lines for your cover letter:

  • Best Regards,
  • Kind Regards,

Cover Letter Writing Checklist

Once you’re done with your cover letter, it’s time to check if it meets all industry requirements. 

Give our handy cover letter writing checklist a look to make sure:

Does your cover letter heading include all essential information?

  • Professional Email
  • Phone Number
  • Relevant Links

Do you address the right person? 

  • The hiring manager in the company
  • Your future direct supervisor
  • The company/department in general

Does your introductory paragraph grab the reader's attention?

  • Did you mention some of your top achievements?
  • Did you use numbers and facts to back up your experience?
  • Did you convey enthusiasm for the specific role?

Do you show that you’re the right candidate for the job?

  • Did you identify the core requirements for the role?
  • Did you show how your experiences helped you fit the requirements perfectly?

Do you convince the hiring manager that you’re passionate about the company you’re applying to?

  • Did you identify the top 3 things that you like about the company?
  • Did you avoid generic reasons for explaining your interest in the company?

Did you conclude your cover letter properly?

  • Did you recap your key selling points in the conclusion?
  • Did you end your cover letter with a call to action?
  • Did you use the right formal closing line and sign your name?

15 Cover Letter Tips

Now you’re all set to write your cover letter! 

Before you start typing, here are some cover letter tips to help take your cover letter to the next level:

  • Customize Your Cover Letter for Each Job. Make sure your cover letter is tailored to the job you're applying for. This shows you're not just sending generic applications left and right, and it tells the hiring manager you’re the right person for the job.
  • Showcase Your Skills. Talk about how your skills meet the company’s needs. And while your hard skills should be front and center, you shouldn’t underestimate your soft skills in your cover letter either.
  • Avoid Fluff. Don’t make any generic statements you can’t back up. The hiring manager can tell when you’re just throwing words around, and it doesn’t make your cover letter look good.
  • Use Specific Examples. Instead of saying you're great at something, give an actual example to back up your claim. Any data you can provide makes you sound more credible, so quantify your achievements. For example, give numbers such as percentages related to your performance and the timeframe it took to accomplish certain achievements.
  • Research the Company. Always take time to learn about the company you're applying to. Make sure to mention something about them in your cover letter to show the hiring manager that you're interested.
  • Follow the Application Instructions. If the job posting asks for something specific in your cover letter or requires a certain format, make sure you include it. Not following instructions can come off as unattentive or signal to the hiring manager that you’re not taking the job seriously.
  • Use the Right Template and Format. Choose the right cover letter format and adapt your cover letter’s look to the industry you’re applying for. For example, if you’re aiming for a job in Law or Finance, you should go for a cleaner, more professional look. But if you’re applying for a field that values innovation, like IT or Design, you have more room for creativity.
  • Express Your Enthusiasm. Let the hiring manager know why you're excited about the job. Your passion for the specific role or the field in general can be a big selling point, and show them that you’re genuinely interested, not just applying left and right.
  • Address Any Gaps. If there are any employment gaps in your resume , your cover letter is a great place to mention why. Your resume doesn’t give you enough space to elaborate on an employment gap, so addressing it here can set hiring managers at ease—life happens, and employers understand.
  • Avoid Quirky Emails. Your email address should be presentable. It’s hard for a hiring manager to take you seriously if your email address is “[email protected].” Just use a [email protected] format.
  • Check Your Contact Information. Typos in your email address or phone number can mean a missed opportunity. Double-check these before sending your application.
  • Mention if You Want to Relocate. If you’re looking for a job that lets you move somewhere else, specify this in your cover letter.
  • Keep It Brief. You want to keep your cover letter short and sweet. Hiring managers don’t have time to read a novel, so if you go over one page, they simply won’t read it at all.
  • Use a Professional Tone. Even though a conversational tone isn’t a bad thing, remember that it's still a formal document. Show professionalism in your cover letter by keeping slang, jargon, and emojis out of it.
  • Proofread Carefully. Typos and grammar mistakes are a huge deal-breaker. Use a tool like Grammarly or QuillBot to double-check your spelling and grammar, or even get a friend to check it for you.

15+ Cover Letter Examples

Need some inspiration? Check out some perfect cover letter examples for different experience levels and various professions.

5+ Cover Letter Examples by Experience

#1. college student cover letter example.

college or student cover letter example

Check out our full guide to writing a college student cover letter here.

#2. Middle Management Cover Letter Example

Middle Management Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a project manager cover letter here.

#3. Team Leader Cover Letter Example

Team Leader Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a team leader cover letter here.

#4. Career Change Cover Letter Example

Career Change Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to a career change resume and cover letter here.

#5. Management Cover Letter Example

Management Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a management cover letter here.

#6. Senior Executive Cover Letter Example

Senior Executive Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing an executive resume here.

9+ Cover Letter Examples by Profession

#1. it cover letter example.

IT Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing an IT cover letter here.

#2. Consultant Cover Letter Example

Consultant Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a consultant cover letter here.

#3. Human Resources Cover Letter

Human Resources Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a human resources cover letter here.

#4. Business Cover Letter Example

Business Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a business cover letter here.

#5. Sales Cover Letter Example

Sales Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a sales cover letter here.

#6. Social Worker Cover Letter

Social Worker Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a social worker cover letter here.

#7. Lawyer Cover Letter

Lawyer Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing a lawyer cover letter here.

#8. Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Administrative Assistant Cover Letter

Check out our full guide to writing an administrative assistant cover letter here.

#9. Engineering Cover Letter Example

Engineering Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing an engineer cover letter here.

#10. Receptionist Cover Letter Example

Receptionist Cover Letter Example

Check out our full guide to writing a receptionist cover letter here.

Need more inspiration? Check out these cover letter examples to learn what makes them stand out.

Plug & Play Cover Letter Template

Not sure how to start your cover letter? Don’t worry!

Just copy and paste our free cover letter template into the cover letter builder, and swap out the blanks for your details.

[Your Full Name]

[Your Profession]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Email Address]

[Your Location]

[Your LinkedIn Profile URL (optional)]

[Your Personal Website URL (optional)]

[Recipient's Name, e.g., Jane Doe],

[Recipient's Position, e.g., Hiring Manager]

[Company Name, e.g., ABC Corporation]

[Company Address]

[City, State/Country]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

As a seasoned [Your Profession] with [Number of Years of Experience] years of industry experience, I am eager to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. With my experience in [Your Industry/Sector] and the successes I've achieved throughout my education and career, I believe I can bring unique value and creativity to your team.

In my current role as [Your Current Job Title], I've taken the lead on more than [Number of Projects/Assignments] projects, some valued up to $[Highest Project Value]. I pride myself on consistently exceeding client expectations and have successfully [Mention a Key Achievement] in just a [Amount of Time] through [Skill] and [Skill].

I've collaborated with various professionals, such as [List Roles], ensuring that all [projects/tasks] meet [relevant standards or objectives]. This hands-on experience, coupled with my dedication to understanding each [client's/customer's] vision, has equipped me to navigate and deliver on complex projects.

My key strengths include:

  • Improving [Achievement] by [%] over [Amount of Time] which resulted in [Quantified Result].
  • Optimizing [Work Process/Responsibility] which saved [Previous Employer] [Amount of Time/Budget/Other Metric] over [Weeks/Months/Years]
  • Spearheading team of [Number of People] to [Task] and achieving [Quantified Result].

Alongside this letter, I've attached my resume. My educational background, a [Your Degree] with a concentration in [Your Specialization], complements the practical skills that I'm particularly eager to share with [Company Name].

I'm excited about the possibility of contributing to [Something Notable About the Company or Its Mission]. I'd be grateful for the chance to delve deeper into how my expertise aligns with your needs.

Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

The Heart of Your Job Search - Creating a Killer Resume

Your cover letter is only as good as your resume. If either one is weak, your entire application falls through.

After all, your cover letter is meant to complement your resume. Imagine going through all this effort to leave an amazing first impression in your cover letter, only for the hiring manager to never read it because your resume was mediocre.

But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered here, too.

Check out our dedicated guide on how to make a resume and learn everything you need to know to land your dream job!

Just pick one of our resume templates and start writing your own job-winning resume.

resume examples for cover letters

Key Takeaways

Now that we’ve walked you through all the steps of writing a cover letter, let’s summarize everything we’ve learned:

  • A cover letter is a 250 - 400 word document that’s meant to convince the hiring manager that you’re the best candidate for the job.
  • Your job application should always include a cover letter alongside your resume.
  • To grab the hiring manager’s attention, write a strong opening paragraph. Mention who you are, why you’re applying, and a standout achievement to pique their interest.
  • Your cover letter should focus on why you’re the perfect candidate for the job and why you’re passionate about working in this specific company.
  • Use the body of your cover letter to provide details on your skills, achievements, and qualifications, as well as make sure to convey your enthusiasm throughout your whole cover letter.
  • Recap your key selling points towards the end of your cover letter, and end it with a formal closing line and your full name signed underneath.

At Novorésumé, we’re committed to helping you get the job you deserve every step of the way! 

Follow our career blog for more valuable advice, or check out some of our top guides, such as:

  • How to Make a Resume in 2024 | Beginner's Guide
  • How to Write a CV (Curriculum Vitae) in 2024 [31+ Examples]
  • 35+ Job Interview Questions and Answers [Full List]

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More From Forbes

20 key elements to include in your cover letter.

Forbes Human Resources Council

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When it comes to landing your dream job, your cover letter can be your strongest ally. A well-crafted cover letter goes beyond just reiterating your resume—it's a chance to showcase your personality, highlight your relevant skills and explain why you're the perfect fit for the position. In a competitive job market, standing out is crucial and a thoughtfully written cover letter can catch the right attention.

Below, Forbes Human Resources Council members share advice on 20 essential components that every potential employee should include in their cover letters to make a lasting impression and increase their chances of securing an interview.

1. Tailor Your Cover Letter To A Specific Role

If asked for a cover letter, make it meaningful and use the opportunity to show a potential employer you did your homework. Don't miss an opportunity to bring your unique voice to your application, and be sure to make it relevant to the specific role. Employers, if you want to read something interesting, ask for it! Put the effort in, too—ask candidates to respond to a creative prompt. - Tory Clarke , Bridge Partners

2. Share The Context That Supports Your Resume

Cover letters are tricky. I don’t just want your sales pitch. I want to see the context that supports and informs your quantifiable impact and accomplishments in your career. The cover letter is your opportunity to share the context that supports the resume, not regurgitate it. - Christopher Courneen , M S International, Inc. (MSI)

3. Let Your Personality Shine Through

Your cover letter is an excellent opportunity to highlight your past accomplishments and how they can benefit this potential employer. All accomplishments should be personalized to the specific role you're applying for. It's also a great way to let your personality shine through. Doing something a little different will often catch the hiring manager's eye and make you stand out. - Hazel Kassu , Sudduth Search

4. Demonstrate How You Will Fit In With The Culture

As culture is moving to the forefront, many companies are looking more for cultural fit. Cover letters should connect your character traits and practices to that of the company's core values and culture indicators, which makes it easier for companies to visualize a great fit. - Tiersa Smith-Hall , Impactful Imprints, Training & Consulting

5. Create A Compelling And Tailored Narrative

The most important thing for candidates to include in their cover letters is a compelling and tailored narrative that effectively communicates their qualifications, experience, enthusiasm, unique selling points, company knowledge and alignment with the job requirements. Tailor each letter, be concise, proofread and include contact information. - Subhash Chandar , Laminaar Aviation Infotech

Forbes Human Resources Council is an invitation-only organization for HR executives across all industries. Do I qualify?

6. Explain Questions That Arise About Your Resume

A cover letter can show your story. Were you laid off? Did you take time off to have a family? What did you learn from your time off of work? It is a great way to explain resume gaps, highlight training or education, add additional skills and abilities and explain any other situations. It gives the recruiter and hiring manager a chance to get to know more about you. - Erin ImHof , CertiK

7. Treat Your Cover Letter As A Mission Statement

Your cover letter is a mission statement, presenting not what you can do but why you do it. In a tough market with an abundance of qualified candidates, you need to differentiate yourself with personality and aspirations. Recruiters are looking for your passion for the company and why your values match the company’s mission—stand out as a candidate who will have drive behind their work. - Laurie Chamberlin , LHH

8. Do Your Research And Demonstrate Your Knowledge Of The Company

Cover letters that stand out demonstrate a potential employee’s deep knowledge of the company and why they want to work there. Cover letters should not be vague or formulaic. Candidates who want to land a job need to take the time to do their research, get to know the company and be specific about why they are a good fit. - Leigh Yanocha , Knopman Marks Financial Training

9. Outline Two Tangible Accomplishments And Keep It Brief

Keep it brief. Outline two tangible accomplishments that showcase ownership, collaboration and determination to succeed. Also, it is important to not repeat what is included in your resume. Instead, connect specific and relevant information that highlights your communication and critical thinking skills, and your growth and progressive mindset. Lastly, what is your value to the company? - Chandran Fernando , Matrix360 Inc.

10. Demonstrate How Your Skills Are Transferable And Adaptable

Talent agility is key for organizations in this era of technological innovation. Demonstrate what skills you have in your backpack and how those are transferable and adaptable across different kinds of work and roles. Given the shrinking shelf-life of skills, it's also a huge advantage to show an appetite for continuous learning so that you can grow and pivot with the organization. - Siobhan Savage , Reejig

11. Be Present On Social Media, Especially LinkedIn

Cover letters are a practice that is a little outdated. CVs, too. Keep your LinkedIn profile up to date and add as many details as you can there. Write articles or be present on social channels. And if you want to add an extra flavor to your application, record a short video highlighting why you are the best person for this role. - Ilona Bernotaite , Kilo Health

12. Be Specific About What Excites You

Candidates should explain why they are enthusiastic about the job. Organizations want skilled employees, but they also want employees who will bring positive energy to work and contribute to the culture. By being specific about what excites them about the role, candidates demonstrate their ability to drive culture, engagement and productivity. - Niki Jorgensen , Insperity

13. State Your Value Proposition Clearly

Some may argue that the cover letter's crown jewel is your value proposition: what you can offer that no one else can. This isn't merely a repetition of your CV. Instead, it's a story about how your unique skills and experiences make you the right person for the job. Conveying this effectively can set you apart from the crowd. What makes you unique? What is your superpower? - Joseph Soares , IBPROM Corp.

14. Highlight Your Value As A New Hire

Always intertwine the mission, vision and values of the organization into your message. It allows the reader to easily convey which skills and experiences support and relate to the company's specific values and aspects of the vision and mission. Also, using the mission, vision and values to describe how you plan to address conflict and company challenges will highlight your value as a new hire. - Kimika Banfield , Arootah

15. Choose The Appropriate Format To Submit

Are cover letters passé? Maybe. Maybe not. Many employers describe the value of cover letters as a means for the candidate to highlight their alignment of values and skills, yet so many cover letters go unread or skimmed at best. If applying for a writing position, then adhering to the tradition might be a good idea. If not, consider replacing the written document with a quick and entertaining video clip that exposes personality and fit! - Laci Loew , XpertHR (a division of LexisNexis Risk Solutions)

16. Prepare Your Digital Footprint As Well

A cover letter may still be expected, but is it really needed? In today’s world, let your digital footprint tell your story. Make sure your online brand and resume—your LinkedIn account and social media channels—are updated, professional and competition-ready. A cover letter is fine, but it doesn't tell your whole story. - Jess Elmquist , Phenom

17. Make Your Cover Letter Interactive

Cover letters can be seen as outdated and offer little space to tell a truly impactful story. So, work with that and create a differentiated and interactive cover letter that engages the reader. Add a QR code to your LinkedIn profile, a custom microsite or portfolio, social media accounts, or a personalized video message that shows your passion (free tools exist). Branding 101—get creative to stand out. - Nicole Fernandes , Blu Ivy Group

18. Treat Your Cover Letter And Resume As Marketing Materials

Cover letters continue to be controversial in their value proposition. Some recruiters and managers may say the most important thing to include is to not submit a cover letter at all. That said, if you are including a cover letter, use that to differentiate and capture the attention of the reader. Cover letters and resumes are marketing documents so choose your words and tone wisely. - Julie Hankins , NNIT

19. Highlight Your Most Significant Accomplishments

Cover letters are not an effective tool in the modern job market but they can supplement a resume if written in formal, explicit language. It should be well-organized, concise and accurate, highlighting the candidate's most significant accomplishments on projects or tasks. The key to overcoming an employer's preconceptions about all job applicants is to highlight relevant skills and experience. - Dr. Nara Ringrose , Cyclife Aquila Nuclear

20. Sell Who You Are And Your Superpower

As cover letters start to fall out of trend, the employers that require them are even more likely to read them. So don't miss the opportunity to sell who you are, how you align with the role and the superpower that makes you rise above the other candidates. - Jessica Wallen , Marten Law

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How to Write a Cover Letter That Will Get You a Job

Portrait of Alison Green

I’ve read thousands, maybe tens of thousands, of cover letters in my career. If you’re thinking that sounds like really boring reading, you’re right. What I can tell you from enduring that experience is that most cover letters are terrible — and not only that, but squandered opportunities. When a cover letter is done well, it can significantly increase your chances of getting an interview, but the vast majority fail that test.

So let’s talk about how to do cover letters right.

1. First, understand the point of a cover letter.

The whole idea of a cover letter is that it can help the employer see you as more than just your résumé. Managers generally aren’t hiring based solely on your work history; your experience is crucial, yes, but they’re also looking for someone who will be easy to work with, shows good judgment, communicates well, possesses strong critical thinking skills and a drive to get things done, complements their current team, and all the other things you yourself probably want from your co-workers. It’s tough to learn much about those things from job history alone, and that’s where your cover letter comes in.

Because of that …

2. Whatever you do, don’t just summarize your résumé.

The No. 1 mistake people make with cover letters is that they simply use them to summarize their résumé. This makes no sense — hiring managers don’t need a summary of your résumé! It’s on the very next page! They’re about to see it as soon as they scroll down. And if you think about it, your entire application is only a few pages (in most cases, a one- or two-page résumé and a one-page cover letter) — why would you squander one of those pages by repeating the content of the others? And yet, probably 95 percent of the cover letters I see don’t add anything new beyond the résumé itself (and that’s a conservative estimate).

Instead, your cover letter should go beyond your work history to talk about things that make you especially well-suited for the job. For example, if you’re applying for an assistant job that requires being highly organized and you neurotically track your household finances in a detailed, color-coded spreadsheet, most hiring managers would love to know that because it says something about the kind of attention to detail you’d bring to the job. That’s not something you could put on your résumé, but it can go in your cover letter.

Or maybe your last boss told you that you were the most accurate data processor she’d ever seen, or came to rely on you as her go-to person whenever a lightning-fast rewrite was needed. Maybe your co-workers called you “the client whisperer” because of your skill in calming upset clients. Maybe you’re regularly sought out by more senior staff to help problem-solve, or you find immense satisfaction in bringing order to chaos. Those sorts of details illustrate what you bring to the job in a different way than your résumé does, and they belong in your cover letter.

If you’re still stumped, pretend you’re writing an email to a friend about why you’d be great at the job. You probably wouldn’t do that by stiffly reciting your work history, right? You’d talk about what you’re good at and how you’d approach the work. That’s what you want here.

3. You don’t need a creative opening line.

If you think you need to open the letter with something creative or catchy, I am here to tell you that you don’t. Just be simple and straightforward:

• “I’m writing to apply for your X position.”

• “I’d love to be considered for your X position.”

• “I’m interested in your X position because …”

• “I’m excited to apply for your X position.”

That’s it! Straightforward is fine — better, even, if the alternative is sounding like an aggressive salesperson.

4. Show, don’t tell.

A lot of cover letters assert that the person who wrote it would excel at the job or announce that the applicant is a skillful engineer or a great communicator or all sorts of other subjective superlatives. That’s wasted space — the hiring manager has no reason to believe it, and so many candidates claim those things about themselves that most managers ignore that sort of self-assessment entirely. So instead of simply declaring that you’re great at X (whatever X is), your letter should demonstrate that. And the way you do that is by describing accomplishments and experiences that illustrate it.

Here’s a concrete example taken from one extraordinarily effective cover-letter makeover that I saw. The candidate had originally written, “I offer exceptional attention to detail, highly developed communication skills, and a talent for managing complex projects with a demonstrated ability to prioritize and multitask.” That’s pretty boring and not especially convincing, right? (This is also exactly how most people’s cover letters read.)

In her revised version, she wrote this instead:

“In addition to being flexible and responsive, I’m also a fanatic for details — particularly when it comes to presentation. One of my recent projects involved coordinating a 200-page grant proposal: I proofed and edited the narratives provided by the division head, formatted spreadsheets, and generally made sure that every line was letter-perfect and that the entire finished product conformed to the specific guidelines of the RFP. (The result? A five-year, $1.5 million grant award.) I believe in applying this same level of attention to detail to tasks as visible as prepping the materials for a top-level meeting and as mundane as making sure the copier never runs out of paper.”

That second version is so much more compelling and interesting — and makes me believe that she really is great with details.

what should u put in a cover letter

5. If there’s anything unusual or confusing about your candidacy, address it in the letter.

Your cover letter is your chance to provide context for things that otherwise might seem confusing or less than ideal to a hiring manager. For example, if you’re overqualified for the position but are excited about it anyway, or if you’re a bit underqualified but have reason to think you could excel at the job, address that up front. Or if your background is in a different field but you’re actively working to move into this one, say so, talk about why, and explain how your experience will translate. Or if you’re applying for a job across the country from where you live because you’re hoping to relocate to be closer to your family, let them know that.

If you don’t provide that kind of context, it’s too easy for a hiring manager to decide you’re the wrong fit or applying to everything you see or don’t understand the job description and put you in the “no” pile. A cover letter gives you a chance to say, “No, wait — here’s why this could be a good match.”

6. Keep the tone warm and conversational.

While there are some industries that prize formal-sounding cover letters — like law — in most fields, yours will stand out if it’s warm and conversational. Aim for the tone you’d use if you were writing to a co-worker whom you liked a lot but didn’t know especially well. It’s okay to show some personality or even use humor; as long as you don’t go overboard, your letter will be stronger for it.

7. Don’t use a form letter.

You don’t need to write every cover letter completely from scratch, but if you’re not customizing it to each job, you’re doing it wrong. Form letters tend to read like form letters, and they waste the chance to speak to the specifics of what this employer is looking for and what it will take to thrive in this particular job.

If you’re applying for a lot of similar jobs, of course you’ll end up reusing language from one letter to the next. But you shouldn’t have a single cover letter that you wrote once and then use every time you apply; whatever you send should sound like you wrote it with the nuances of this one job in mind.

A good litmus test is this: Could you imagine other applicants for this job sending in the same letter? If so, that’s a sign that you haven’t made it individualized enough to you and are probably leaning too heavily on reciting your work history.

8. No, you don’t need to hunt down the hiring manager’s name.

If you read much job-search advice, at some point you’ll come across the idea that you need to do Woodward and Bernstein–level research to hunt down the hiring manager’s name in order to open your letter with “Dear Matilda Jones.” You don’t need to do this; no reasonable hiring manager will care. If the name is easily available, by all means, feel free to use it, but otherwise “Dear Hiring Manager” is absolutely fine. Take the hour you just freed up and do something more enjoyable with it.

9. Keep it under one page.

If your cover letters are longer than a page, you’re writing too much, and you risk annoying hiring managers who are likely sifting through hundreds of applications and don’t have time to read lengthy tomes. On the other hand, if you only write one paragraph, it’s unlikely that you’re making a compelling case for yourself as a candidate — not impossible, but unlikely. For most people, something close to a page is about right.

10. Don’t agonize over the small details.

What matters most about your cover letter is its content. You should of course ensure that it’s well-written and thoroughly proofread, but many job seekers agonize over elements of the letter that really don’t matter. I get tons of  questions from job seekers  about whether they should attach their cover letter or put it in the body of the email (answer: No one cares, but attaching it makes it easier to share and will preserve your formatting), or what to name the file (again, no one really cares as long as it’s reasonably professional, but when people are dealing with hundreds of files named “resume,” it’s courteous to name it with your full name).

Approaching your cover letter like this can make a huge difference in your job search. It can be the thing that moves your application from the “maybe” pile (or even the “no” pile) to the “yes” pile. Of course, writing cover letters like this will take more time than sending out the same templated letter summarizing your résumé — but 10 personalized, compelling cover letters are likely to get you more  interview invitations  than 50 generic ones will.

Find even more career advice from Alison Green on her website,  Ask a Manager . Got a question for her? Email  [email protected] .

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What to Include in a Cover Letter for a Job

what should u put in a cover letter

When writing a cover letter, specific information needs to be included: a contact section, salutation, and introduction to the hiring manager, as well as information on why you are qualified for the job, a closing, and your signature. The format generally depends on how you are sending your letter. 

The goal of your cover letter is to make a case for getting selected for a job interview, so it's important to include all required information along with a compelling argument for why you would be a strong candidate for the position.

It can be time-consuming to write a custom cover letter for each job you apply for, but it's important to take the time and effort to show the company why you are a good match.

Tips on Writing a Cover Letter

The more your experience and your skills match the job description, the higher your chances of getting picked for an interview.

Don't simply repeat what's in your resume. Your resume lists your skills, but your cover letter should highlight how you have put those skills to use.

Be sure to include information in your letter about how you possess the particular skills and requirements that the employer is seeking.

Before you start writing, review cover letter examples and make sure that your letter explains how your skills relate to the criteria listed in the job posting. Looking at examples of effective cover letters will give you a starting point for creating your own letter.

Here's what to include in a cover letter to send with a resume when you apply for a job.

What to List in a Cover Letter Contact Section

When writing a cover letter to mail or upload to a job board or company website, the first section of your cover letter should include information on how the employer can contact you.

Printed or Uploaded Letter List the following information in the contact section:

Hiring Manager Name (if you have it) Title Company Address City, State Zip Code

Your Name Address City, State Zip

Email Cover Letter When you send an email cover letter , include your contact information in your signature instead of listing your contact information at the top of the message:

Your Name Street Address City, State Zip Code Email Phone LinkedIn

Here's more information, with examples, on how to address a cover letter .

Choose an Appropriate Salutation

It's important to include an appropriate greeting at the beginning of the cover letter or message. If you have a contact person for your letter, be sure to include their name in your letter.

Consider salutation examples that are appropriate for cover letters and other employment-related correspondence.

For example:

  • Dear Hiring Manager (if you don't have a contact person)
  • Dear Mr. Smith
  • Dear Ms. Jones
  • Dear Rory Dolan
  • Dear Dr. Milliard

Highlight Your Qualifications in the Body Section

The body is the most important part of a cover letter or an email message applying for employment.

The body of a cover letter includes the paragraphs where you explain why you are interested in and qualified for the posted job :

  • Why you are writing.
  • How you are qualified for the job.
  • Appreciation for being considered for the position.

Be specific by referencing the employer's job requirements as listed in the job posting in this part of your cover letter.

Include Keywords in Your Letter

Including keywords related to the jobs for which you are applying in your cover letters can help you get selected for a job interview. These are specific words hiring managers look for when considering applications.

As hiring processes have become automated, online applicant tracking systems are programmed to search for keywords.

Choose an Appropriate Closing

Make sure to close your letter  in a professional manner. Casual closings as you would write to a friend or a family member are not appropriate in a letter to a potential employer. 

  • Best regards
  • Respectfully
  • Thank you for your consideration

Add Your Signature to the Letter

Hard copies of letters should be signed by hand. Scanning your signature to include on PDFs can be a nice touch, while emails should include a professional electronic signature that includes your contact information.

Review Cover Letter Examples

Here's an example of the final product, including information on why the applicant would be an excellent candidate with a summary of his qualifications for the job. 

Download the template for a cover letter here . You can also review more  cover letter samples  with free downloadable templates to use as starting points for your own letter.

John Bigham 111 Maple Street Anytown, MA 02222 555-555-5555

September 1, 2024

Shaun Lee Human Resources Goodspring 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee:

I am writing to state my interest in the position of Assistant to the Director of Goodspring. I believe that my work experience and education have equipped me with the skills necessary to be a successful candidate for this position. 

During my years with XYZ Wellness, I have been responsible for everything from accounting, bookkeeping, marketing and maintaining records to scheduling appointments and greeting clients and their families at the door. I have proudly overseen our growth from a startup business to a well-respected contributor to the community. 

I have also been in charge of organizing our very successful annual golf fundraiser and dinner. Last year, we raised $145,000 for our local homeless shelter. 

Your mission is an important one, and I would very much appreciate the opportunity to speak with you about how I can contribute to your team and help you continue to provide the services so vital to our community. Thank you for your consideration.

John Bigham  (signature hard copy letter)

John Bigham

When you're sending an email cover letter  (see below)  your contact information should be listed after your signature.

What to Include in an Email Cover Letter

The body of an email cover letter should contain the same information as a document cover letter, but two big differences are the subject line and your contact information.

Many employers ask that specific information be included in the subject line , and you must follow those instructions carefully. Contact information should be included with your electronic signature.

What Not to Include in a Cover Letter

Some things don't belong in a cover letter. Don't go overboard. Including too much information can hinder your chances of getting an interview.

Keep your letter concise and focused, and don't include extraneous details.

How to Start a Cover Letter: 30 Creative Opening Sentences Recruiters Will LOVE

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Wondering how to start a cover letter? Traditional cover letter wisdom might tell you to begin with something like, “Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to apply for the marketing manager position with the Thomas Company.” But we say: A cookie cutter cover letter intro feels as outdated as a Hotmail address.

A cover letter is your chance to introduce yourself to a hiring manager—who you are, what you have to offer, and why you want the job—but you have an extremely limited amount of space to do it. If you really want to get noticed, you’ve got to start right off the bat with something that grabs your reader’s attention.

What do we mean? Well, we won’t just tell you, we’ll show you. Keep reading to find tips on how to start a cover letter, along with 30 creative cover letter opening lines and sentence examples.

Still looking for that perfect next role? One of these open jobs on The Muse just might be the one »

5 tips on how to start off a cover letter

Here are a few pointers to guide you as you use our example cover letter openings—we’re getting there, we promise!—to craft your own:

1. Avoid boring or overused openers

Recruiters have read cover letters that start with lines like “I’m excited to apply for the front-end engineering position,” or “Your job posting on The Muse prompted me to…” so often they could wallpaper their homes with them. While those are OK and still acceptable, you'll have a better shot at impressing potential employers with a less cliché opening line.

2. Be lively and personable

People like reading interesting, engaging stuff—the kind that paints a picture, tells a story, and maybe even makes them smile. People like it when you’re human, genuine, and memorable. So figure out something about yourself and your background that relates to the company or position you're interested in, and use that to build a connection.

3. Show what you bring the company

You’ll get more into the details after your opening paragraph, of course. But your cover letter opener should still tell the reader, “This person can do something for us,” rather than, “This job would really help them.”

4. Stick to the point

Your opener, while creative, should still be relevant to the job. Don’t begin by highlighting an unrelated accomplishment or recounting an anecdote that never connects back to why you’re applying for the job. Part of writing an effective cover letter is curating key information that relates to that specific job opportunity and shows the reader that you're a good fit for the role.

5. Don't start with “To Whom It May Concern”

Find an alternative to “ To Whom It May Concern .” Seriously, banish those five words from your cover letter vocabulary forever. Nowadays, this phrase is seen as outdated, overused, and even rude—especially when better options exist.

30 cover letter opening sentence examples

We’ve come up with 30 creative cover letter opening sentence examples and separated them by the method they use to grab the reader’s attention. We don’t recommend copying and pasting because, well, your cover letter should be unique to your stories, background, and interests.

But you can most definitely use these examples to get inspired for your next application. (If you’re looking to see what an entire cover letter might look like, check out our article on the best cover letter examples for every type of job seeker .)

Start with passion

Employers want to hire people who care about what they’re doing. If you start your cover letter off talking about your passions and how they relate to the job, you’re telling the reader that you’ll be an engaged and motivated employee who’s likely to stick around. Plus, it’s a good way to tell the company a bit about who you are as a person right off the bat. Just be honest and realistic.

If truly loving data is wrong, I don’t want to be right. It seems like the rest of the folks at [Analytics Company] feel the same way—and that’s just one of the reasons why I think I’d be the perfect next hire for your sales team.

I’ve been giving my friends and family free style advice since I was 10, and recently decided it’s time I get paid for it. That’s why I couldn’t believe it when I found an open personal stylist position at [Company].

After about three years of trying out different roles at early-stage startups around San Francisco, watching more “ find your passion “ keynotes than I’d like to admit, and assuring my parents that, yes, I actually do have a real job, I’m starting to come to terms with the fact that I’m happiest when I’m doing two things: writing great content and getting it out into the world.

The other day, I took a career assessment , which told me I should be a maritime merchant. I’m not quite sure what that is, but it did get me thinking: A role that combines my skills in business development with my lifelong passion for the ocean would be my absolute dream. Which is how I found this role at Royal Caribbean.

As a kid, I once gave up a day of a family vacation to transport an injured lizard I found by our hotel two hours each way to the nearest animal hospital (and talked my dad into driving me pre-GPS!). When I was a bit older, I found out I could care for animals every day for a living, and I’ve been working toward that goal ever since.

I am constantly checking my LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds—and not because of FOMO. Because I’m someone who wholeheartedly believes in the power of sharing ideas in online communal spaces, and I’m positive that I can help spark meaningful conversations as your next social media assistant.

When I was growing up, I wanted to be one of those people who pretend to be statues on the street. Thankfully, my career goals have become a little more aspirational over the years, but I still love to draw a crowd and entertain the masses—passions that make me the perfect community manager.

Start with admiration

Companies often want to hire people who already know, love, eat, and sleep their brand. What better to kick off your cover letter than a little flattery? Of course, remember when you’re telling a company why you love it to be specific and genuine. Because while everyone likes a compliment, no one likes obvious self-serving B.S.

I pretty much spent my childhood in the cheap seats at Cubs games, snacking on popcorn and cheering on the team with my grandfather. It’s that memory that’s shaped my career—from helping to establish the sports marketing major at my university to leading a college baseball team to an undefeated season as assistant coach—and what led me to apply for this position at the Chicago Cubs.

It was Rudy, my Golden Retriever, who first inspired me to apply to your operations assistant opening—not only have we used your app to find other dogs to play with in our neighborhood, he’s really excited about the prospect of coming to work with me every day. As I learned more about how [Company] is using modern tech to help pets thrive in cities, I couldn’t help but get excited to be part of it, too.

Example 10:

When I was seven, I wanted to be the GEICO gecko when I grew up. I eventually realized that wasn’t an option, but you can imagine my excitement when I came across your events manager position, which would have me working side by side with my favorite company mascot.

Example 11:

When I attended SXSW for the first time last month, I didn’t want to leave. So I decided I shouldn’t—and immediately went to check out job openings at the company.

Example 12:

If I could make the NYC apartment rental process better for just one person, I would feel like the horrors of my recent search would all be worth it. So a customer service role at [Apartment Search Company], where I could do it every day? I can’t think of anything more fulfilling.

Example 13:

[Vacation Rental Company] is synonymous with luxury and escape, known for spaces that inspire. I’ve felt this firsthand every time I’ve stayed at one of your properties—whether I was throwing a bachelorette party or working from home in a new locale—and I would love the chance to contribute to this reputation as your destination manager.

Example 14:

I was an hour out from hosting my first big dinner party when I realized I had forgotten to pick up the white wine. In a panic, I started Googling delivery services, and that’s when I first stumbled across [Delivery Service Company]. I’ve been hooked ever since, so I couldn’t help but get excited by the idea of bringing this amazingness to nervous hosts like me as your next social media and community manager.

Example 15:

Though I’m happily employed as a marketing manager, seeing the job description for your company’s PR director position stopped me in my tracks. I’ve been wearing your glasses for many years, and have always been impressed by the way the company treats its customers, employees, and the community at large.

Example 16:

A group of us IT folks were sitting around talking about our favorite Pacific Northwest companies this morning (coincidentally, over coffee). As you might figure, Starbucks was among the first names that came up. What makes you such a standout among Seattle-based corporations? Here’s the list we compiled:

Start with accomplishments

For any given job, you’re going to be competing with a lot of other job seekers—presumably, a lot of other similarly qualified people. A great way to stand out in your cover letter is to highlight something about yourself—a character trait, an accomplishment, a really impressive skill—that’ll quickly show how you stand out.

Example 17:

My last boss once told me that my phone manner could probably defuse an international hostage situation. I’ve always had a knack for communicating with people—the easygoing and the difficult alike—and I’d love to bring that skill to your open office manager position.

Example 18:

Among my colleagues, I’m known as the one who can pick up the pieces, no matter what amount of you-know-what hits the fan. Which is why I think there’s no one better to fill this customer service leader position.

Example 19:

Last December, I ousted our company’s top salesperson from his spot—and he hasn’t seen it since. Which means, I’m ready for my next big challenge, and the sales manager role at your company is exactly what I’m looking for.

Example 20:

After spending three years managing the internal communications for a 2,000-person company, I could plan a quarterly town hall or draft an interoffice memo in my sleep. What do I want to do next? Put that experience to work as a consultant for executives looking to level up their communications strategy.

Example 21:

While you won’t find the title “community manager” listed on my resume, I’ve actually been bringing people together online and off for three years while running my own blog and series of meetups.

Example 22:

If you’re looking for someone who can follow orders and doesn’t like to rock the boat, I’m probably not the right candidate. But if you need someone who can dig into data, see what’s working (and what’s not), and challenge the status quo, let’s talk.

Example 23:

I recently relocated my family to Texas. As we neared our new home, I noticed with intrigue the many wind turbines dotting the landscape. Suddenly, it hit me: “This is the career for me.” After unloading the moving van, I promptly researched companies in this sector that may benefit most from a skilled field engineer with expert electromechanical skills. And I discovered that [Company] is where I want to be.

Example 24:

You might be wondering what a 15-year veteran of the accounting world is doing applying to an operations role at a food startup. While I agree the shift is a little strange, I know you’re looking for someone who’s equal parts foodie and financial expert, and I think that means I’m your person.

Example 25:

Over the last 10 years, I’ve built my career on one simple principle: Work smarter. I’m the person who looks for inefficient procedures, finds ways to streamline them, and consistently strives to boost the productivity of everyone around me. It’s what’s earned me three promotions in the supply chain department at my current company, and it’s what I know I can do as the new operations analyst for [Company].

Start with humor and creativity

OK, before you read any of these, we have to stamp them with a big, blaring disclaimer: Do your homework before trying anything like this—learn everything you can about the company and the hiring manager to gauge whether or not they’d appreciate some comedic relief or a bit of snark. If it seems like they would, it’s a great way to make them smile (then call you). If they don’t? Try a different approach.

Example 26:

Have you ever had your mom call five times a day asking for a status update on how your job search is going, and then sound incredulous that you haven’t made more progress since the last phone call? That’s my life right now. But I’m hoping that soon my life will revolve around being your full-time social media manager. The good news is, I bring more to the table than just an overbearing mom. Let me tell you more.

Example 27:

Thank you so much for offering me the marketing manager position at [Company]! I wholeheartedly accept. OK, I know we’re not quite there yet. But if we were, here are just a few ideas for what I would do once in the role.

Example 28:

I considered submitting my latest credit card statement as proof of just how much I love online shopping, but I thought a safer approach might be writing this cover letter and describing all the reasons I’m the one who can take [E-Commerce Company]’s business to the next level.

Example 29:

I never thought that accidentally dropping my iPhone out of a second story window would change my life (it’s a funny story—ask me about it). But thanks to my misfortune, I discovered [Phone Repair Company]—and found my dream job as an expansion associate.

Example 30:

If we were playing “Two Truths and a Lie,” I’d say: I’ve exceeded my sales quotas by at least 20% every quarter this year, I once won an international pie-eating contest, and I have an amazing job at [Company]. The last, of course, is the lie. For now.

Frequently asked questions

How do you start off a cover letter.

When unsure how to open a cover letter, a good rule of thumb is to steer clear of clichés or overused opening lines. Instead, start by highlighting a passion or accomplishment relevant to the company or role you're applying for. You could also mention something about the company that caught your attention. Get creative, but keep it professional and make sure your narrative makes sense in that context.

How to start a cover letter greeting?

Try to find the hiring manager's name on LinkedIn or the company's website and address them directly, like “Dear Jane Doe”. If you can't find their name, “Dear Hiring Manager” is a good alternative. Avoid using “To Whom It May Concern” as it sounds outdated and impersonal.

How do I introduce myself in a cover letter?

Introducing yourself in a cover letter is straightforward: just share a bit about yourself. For example, “I'm a copywriter with seven years of experience in online content writing. At least officially. Since my first year of college I've been working on personal projects and keeping a track record of my accomplishments throughout the years.” No need to repeat your name since it's already in your contact information at the beginning of the letter.

How to start a cover letter without a name?

If you don't know the name of the person receiving your cover letter, start with “Dear Hiring Manager” or similar. Other possibilities include: “Dear Hiring Team”, “To the Hiring Team”, “To the Hiring Team”, “Dear Recruiter/Recruiting Team”, or “Dear Hiring Committee” if your industry evaluates cover letters and applications through a board.

Jenny Foss , Erica Breuer , Regina Borsellino , Amanda Cardoso also contributed writing, reporting, and/or advice to this article.

what should u put in a cover letter

Cover letter examples

Account Manager

Mary Lopez, an experienced Account Manager, selected the Auckland cover letter template to showcase her professional achievements. She combines her expertise in customer relationship management, business development, and strategic planning to highlight her key skills.

"I am writing to express my interest in the Head of Business Development position at Mira, as advertised. With over five years of experience in account management, I have developed a robust skill set in building and maintaining strong client relationships, exceeding sales targets, and driving business growth."

account manager cover letter example

Table of contents

How to Write an Account Manager Cover Letter

As an account manager, your role is essential for building strong client relationships and driving sales while ensuring client satisfaction. Whether you're in finance , technology , marketing , or any other field that relies on account management , employers are looking for candidates with excellent communication skills, a strategic mindset, and a knack for problem-solving. A good cover letter is key to showcasing these qualities and making a memorable impression.

In this guide, we provide comprehensive support specifically designed for account management roles, including cover letter examples , formatting advice, and expert writing tips for roles including:

Entry-level account manager

Account executive

Key account manager

Sales account manager

Business development manager

Technical account manager.

Whether you are an experienced account manager, changing careers , or a recent graduate entering the field, our resources will help you stand out and secure more interviews in the competitive job market. Let’s begin with an example!

Customise our account manager cover letter example

Ready to kickstart your career? Let CVMaker help you create the perfect cover letter template !

Account manager cover letter example

Account manager

Interested in a matching CV ? Check out our guide on how to write an account manager CV .

matching CV and account manager cover letter example

What should an account management cover letter include?

Like a good CV , a cover letter is essential for account managers at any stage of their career, whether you're just starting or aiming for more senior roles. Your cover letter should be concise, impactful, and specifically tailored to the position you're applying for. Make sure to highlight relevant work experience , skills, and achievements that demonstrate your fit for the role.

Key sections for a good account manager cover letter:

Contact information

Opening paragraph

Body paragraph(s)

Closing paragraph

account manager cover letter example sections

Your cover letter should emphasise your key skills and achievements relevant to the job. This will give your cover letter depth and demonstrate a practical understanding of how you can leverage these skills in an account management context. For more tips and inspiration, refer to the top skills employers are looking for.

1. Introduction: How to start an account manager cover letter

Start your cover letter with a strong introduction that grabs the recruiter or hiring manager's attention and briefly highlights your interest in the position. You can mention where you found the job posting and express enthusiasm for the opportunity.

account manager cover letter introduction

Account manager for marketing agency cover letter example

I am excited to apply for the Entry-Level Account Manager position at Mira., as advertised on your website. I recently graduated from London University with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, and I am eager to bring my strong communication skills, attention to detail, and enthusiasm for customer relations to your team.

Perhaps you want to switch to a career in marketing? Check out the marketing CV example and matching marketing cover letter.

Account executive cover letter example

I am writing to express my interest in the Account Executive position at Vertex, as listed on LinkedIn. With over three years of experience in sales and account management, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your team and help drive growth for Vertex Solutions.

Strategic account manager cover letter example

I am eager to apply for the Strategic Account Manager position at Amazon, as advertised. With over seven years of experience in account management and a proven track record of developing strategic relationships with high-profile clients, I believe I would be a great fit for your team.

Key account manager cover letter example

I am thrilled to apply for the Key Account Manager position at Prime. With over eight years of experience managing high-value accounts in the tech industry, I am confident in my ability to drive growth and build long-lasting client relationships at your esteemed company.

Sales account manager cover letter example

I am writing to express my interest in the Sales Account Manager position at Synergy Solutions, as posted on your company’s career page. With over six years of experience in sales and account management, I have developed a strong track record of achieving and exceeding sales targets, and I am excited about the opportunity to bring my skills to your team.

Interested in sales? Refer to the writing guide for a sales CV or sales cover letter.

Business development manager cover letter example

I am writing to apply for the Business Development Manager position at Innovative Solutions, as advertised. With over eight years of experience in business development and a proven track record of driving growth and building strategic partnerships, I am confident that I would be a great fit for your team.

Check out the business development CV example .

Technical account manager cover letter example

I am excited to apply for the Technical Account Manager position at TechWorks Solutions, as advertised on your website. With over seven years of experience in technical account management and a strong background in IT solutions, I am confident in my ability to provide exceptional service to your clients and drive growth for your company.

For more examples, refer to our guide on how to start a cover letter. 

2. Body: What should I put in the body of my account manager cover letter?

In your cover letter, highlight the skills, experiences, and accomplishments that make you a strong candidate for the position. Include specific examples of your achievements and how they match the job's requirements.

account manager cover letter body

During my time at university, I was actively involved in the Business Club, where I spearheaded a project that increased our membership by 40% over two semesters. This experience taught me the importance of understanding client needs, developing targeted communication strategies, and maintaining strong client relationships — skills that I am confident will make me a valuable asset to your team. Mira has a stellar reputation for fostering innovation and maintaining a client-first approach. I am particularly impressed by your recent campaign to expand into new markets, and I am eager to contribute to these efforts. I am a quick learner with a strong work ethic and a passion for helping clients achieve their goals.

Senior Account executive cover letter example

In my current role as Senior Account Executive at Revolute, I have been responsible for managing and expanding key accounts, resulting in a 45% increase in revenue over the past two years. By implementing data-driven strategies and leveraging my deep understanding of market trends, I successfully developed and executed plans that aligned with our clients goals and enhanced their overall experience with our company. Amazon's reputation for innovation and its focus on delivering exceptional value to clients is truly inspiring. I am particularly impressed by your recent efforts to incorporate advanced AI tools into your analytics services. I am confident that my experience in developing long-term strategic plans, coupled with my passion for analytics, would allow me to make significant contributions to your organisation.
During my tenure at Prime, I managed several key accounts, including Fortune 500 companies, and achieved a 60% increase in sales within my first year. My strategic approach to account management, combined with my ability to deeply understand client needs and deliver tailored solutions, has been instrumental in expanding our market presence and enhancing customer satisfaction. PrimeTech Industries' commitment to innovation and excellence aligns perfectly with my professional values. I am particularly drawn to your recent advancements in cloud technology, which I believe have significant potential to drive growth. I am eager to leverage my experience and skills to contribute to the continued success of PrimeTech Industries.

For more examples, refer to our guide on the structure of a cover letter.

3. Conclusion: How do you end an account manager cover letter

Conclude your cover letter by expressing gratitude for the opportunity to apply and reiterate your interest in the position. Also, mention your availability for a job interview and express readiness to discuss how your skills and experiences align with the needs of the organisation.

account manager cover letter conclusion

Example 1: Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experience can help Alpha continue to thrive in the competitive analytics market. Example 2: I would welcome the opportunity to discuss how my experience and skills align with your needs. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to Vertex's continued success.

For more examples, refer to our guide on how to end a cover letter.

No experience account manager cover letter example

Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to express my interest in the Account Manager position at Miro, as advertised on your website. As a recent graduate with a degree in business management from London University, I am excited to begin my career and believe that my education, enthusiasm, and strong communication skills make me an excellent candidate for this role. During my time at university, I developed a passion for building relationships and delivering exceptional customer service through my coursework and extracurricular activities. As a member of the culture club, I collaborated with team members to plan and execute events that attracted over 300 participants. This experience taught me the importance of strategic planning, clear communication, and attention to detail—skills that I am eager to bring to the Account Manager position at Miro. I am particularly drawn to your company because of your commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. I am impressed by your recent initiatives and I would love the opportunity to contribute to such forward-thinking projects. I am confident that my proactive approach, strong organisational skills, and ability to adapt quickly would allow me to effectively manage client relationships and support your team in achieving its goals. Although I am just starting out in my career, I am eager to learn and am committed to growing as a professional within your company. I am excited about the opportunity to leverage my skills and passion to contribute to your team and help deliver outstanding results for your clients. Thank you! I look forward to the possibility of discussing how I can bring value to Miro as your next Account Manager. Sincerely, Amber Lanhgam

If you're a school leaver or perhaps someone who took a career break , refer to our detailed guide for more tips on how to write a cover letter with no experience.

Key takeaways

Customise your cover letter for each position by aligning your skills and experiences with the specific requirements of the job. This shows the employer that you have taken the time to understand their needs and are genuinely interested in the role.

Focus on your most relevant skills and accomplishments that directly relate to the position. Use concrete examples to demonstrate how you have successfully managed accounts, built client relationships, or achieved sales targets.

Demonstrate that you have researched the company by mentioning its values, goals, or recent achievements. This not only shows your enthusiasm for the role but also your commitment to becoming part of the company.

Keep the cover letter concise and to the point. Aim for a few paragraphs that clearly communicate your interest in the role, your relevant qualifications, and what you can bring to the company.

Next steps?

Interested in trying our cover letter builder where you can easily customise one of our cover letter examples to fit your needs? Try it for free or contact our support team to learn more about our CV writing services .

What is the difference between account manager and account executive?

An account executive typically focuses on acquiring new clients and driving sales, while an account manager is responsible for maintaining relationships, managing existing accounts, and ensuring client satisfaction.

Can I use AI to write my cover letter for account management? 

Yes, you can use AI tools like ChatGPT to draft your cover letter. It can provide a good starting point by generating a well-structured letter, but be sure to personalise and refine the content to match your unique experiences and the specific job requirements. For similar tips, refer to our article about AI CV writing. 

What are the best skills to boost my account manager cover letter? 

Communication: Strong verbal and written skills.

Relationship building: Ability to maintain and grow client relationships.

Problem-solving: skills in addressing client needs and finding solutions.

Organisational skills: Ability to manage multiple accounts and projects.

Sales and negotiation: Experience in upselling and cross-selling.

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Effortlessly create your professional CV within 10 minutes and download it whenever and wherever you want!

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Politics latest: Tony Blair 'still involved' in Middle East; Rwanda scheme resurfaces in unexpected fashion

Former prime minister Sir Tony Blair has told Sky's Politics Hub With Sophy Ridge he's "still involved" in the Middle East, as he outlined his desire for a ceasefire in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.

Thursday 5 September 2024 23:00, UK

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  • MPs to get a vote on winter fuel payment cut
  • Liz Bates: Government did not seem prepared for level of backlash
  • Rwanda scheme resurfaces in unexpected fashion
  • Plan to house asylum seekers at old RAF base scrapped
  • Rayner 'not happy' with work to remove dangerous cladding
  • Dominic Waghorn: PM may have useful partner in 'Brexit bogeyman'
  • Live reporting by Tim Baker and (earlier) Faith Ridler

Politics Hub With Sophy Ridge highlights

  • Watch: Tony Blair 'still involved' in Middle East
  • Ex-PM 'worried' about rise of 'macho leaders'
  • Sam Coates: Why Blair should be treated sceptically
  • Watch Politics Hub With Sophy Ridge  Monday-Thursday at 7pm

Explained: Our latest essential guides

  • Who's running to be Tory leader
  • Tax rises: What might go up | How council tax could change | What chancellor could do to pensions

It's 10pm and things are wrapping up for the night in Westminster.

Here's what you need to know before you head to bed:

  • MPs will get to vote  on the government's proposed cut to who gets the  winter fuel payment ;
  • It comes after weeks of pressure on the prime minister and chancellor, including from some Labour MPs, and focus will now turn to limiting a rebellion when the Commons votes  next Tuesday .
  • Number 10 has vowed to "change the law" if building owners don't speed up the removal of unsafe cladding;
  • But Sir Tony Blair told Sky News that tragedies like Grenfell cannot be completely stopped ;
  • It comes in the wake of the Grenfell inquiry's final report , which yesterday blamed "systematic dishonesty" from cladding and insulation companies and "decades of failure" in government for the tragedy;
  • Sir Tony also confirmed he was "still involved" in the Middle East - and gave some advice to Sir Keir Starmer on running a government ;
  • But deputy political editor Sam Coates warned that some scepticism about Sir Tony's words was needed .
  • The Home Office has scrapped a plan by Rishi Sunak's government to house asylum seekers at an old RAF base in Lincolnshire;
  • RAF Scampton will now be sold off after it was decided the plan didn't represent "value for money" .

We're pausing our live coverage for tonight.

Thank you for joining us today.

The government has confirmed MPs will get a vote on plans to means test the winter fuel payment for pensioners.

One Labour rebel, Rachael Maskell, has written in The Daily Telegraph to lay out why she is opposed to the government's plan.

"The fear is that, if we withdraw winter fuel payments for those in fuel poverty, it will lead to excess deaths," she says.

Ms Maskell, who has been an MP since 2015 and served as a shadow minister under Jeremy Corbyn, added: "Those just above the pension credit threshold will end up worse off than those who qualify. 

"Without tapering, the cliff edge of pension credit is a blunt instrument for those who have worked hard and saved yet live on the poverty line."

Under the government's plans, only those on pension credit would be eligible for winter fuel payments.

With such a sizeable majority, it would take a rebellion of hundreds of Labour MPs to overturn the government's plan in next week's vote.

But a big pushback could force concessions in order to avoid embarrassment.

Is the Treasury to blame?

Earlier today, Ed Balls - who worked as an adviser to Gordon Brown when he was chancellor - laid the blame for the policy at the feet of the Treasury and its civil servants.

Speaking on the Political Currency podcast, he said: "I think [Chancellor Rachel Reeves] will have been given a list of things and told she has to do one of them, and I think she's probably, in retrospect, quite annoyed at the Treasury for pushing her into an immediate decision like this. 

"She may have felt, in retrospect, it was bad advice. 

"And she'll be acutely aware of the politics, because the reality is this isn't just a storm in a teacup."

By Faye Brown , political reporter

Hereditary peers will not be banned from re-joining the Lords as life peers under government reforms to the upper chamber.

Abolishing the 92 seats reserved for hereditary members was one of Labour's manifesto commitments.

But Baroness Smith of Basildon, the leader of the Lords, today confirmed there could be a route back for those individuals - as life peers.

"I can confirm that if members leave this House as hereditary peers, there is no block at all of them coming back as life peers if their party so wishes to introduce them," Baroness Smith said.

A life peer is nominated by the prime minister, though by convention the Leader of the Opposition and other party leaders can propose a certain number.

Traditionally, the title is awarded to individuals on retirement from important public office and allows them to be a member of the House of Lords for life.

By Jennifer Scott , political reporter

Former Labour MP Harriet Harman has called for the police to act "quicker" when it comes to their investigation into the Grenfell Tower fire.

The public inquiry into the west London blaze that saw 72 killed in 2017 delivered its final report on Wednesday.

It accused successive governments of "failing to act", despite knowing the risk of certain cladding and insulation, as well as criticising the "systematic dishonesty" of the firms behind the materials.

But speaking on Sky News' Electoral Dysfunction podcast , the Labour peer said the seven years the probe took was "too long" as she appealed for police to move faster with prosecutions.

"I'd be saying to the police, you've got to get on with your inquiry as quickly as possible," she said. "The idea that after seven years of a public inquiry, there's got to be another two years before they decide on prosecutions... you've got to crack on and do it quicker.

"Don't leave it till the end of 2026. People have waited long enough for that."

Listen to the latest episode of the Electoral Dysfunction podcast from 6am on Friday

By Paul Kelso , business correspondent

The chief executive of Thames Water has insisted he can rescue the debt-laden utility, which faces running out of cash in months if it cannot raise fresh equity.

Speaking after the environment secretary announced new legislation threatening water company bosses with jail alongside a review of the industry, Mr Weston told Sky News he was untroubled by the threat of prosecution, and confident he can turn around the troubled company.

"I need to digest what the secretary of state said today, I am completely aligned with what he's trying to do in cleaning up the rivers," he said.

"I'm focused, like he is, on getting investment and I will work with the secretary of state to do that. I am very encouraged by the tone I heard and I will work with him to try to do what he's outlined to do."

Asked directly if he could save Thames Water, he said: "I can save it."

With around £18bn of debt and cash reserves only until next May, Mr Weston is racing to raise fresh investment after existing shareholders withdrew plans for £3.5bn of fresh equity.

A topic of conversation on Politics Hub With Sophy Ridge tonight is a new law which will see stiffer penalties for water companies - and possible jail sentences for their bosses if they don't deal with sewage.

It's also the main topic on our latest Daily podcast.

Niall Paterson spoke to business correspondent Paul Kelso , who was there, for his assessment of what it could mean for the companies and bill payers.  

Plus, as police investigating the Grenfell Tower fire warn it could be at least a year until they hand over evidence to prosecutors, Niall speaks to Chris Daw KC, author of Justice On Trial, on why it is going to take so long for the survivors and bereaved families to get justice.

👉 Tap here to follow the Sky News Daily podcast – 20 minutes on the biggest stories every day 👈      

Deputy political editor Sam Coates has listened to tonight's interview with Sir Tony Blair twice now.

Speaking to Sophy Ridge , Sam thinks he may have spotted a warning for the current Labour prime minister from his political predecessor.

Sam highlights a section where Sophy asked the New Labour architect about whether Sir Keir Starmer was radical enough.

Sam points out Sir Tony "compared his government and Keir's government" and claimed the 1997 administration had a series of easy wins with things like independence of the Bank of England, changing the rules on gay rights, and introducing the mayor of London.

Sir Tony then compared these to Sir Keir's "missions", Sam says, and that success will depend on those missions.

Sam goes on: "That's not an endorsement - each one of those things that [Sir Tony] did was a political risk, a huge political risk that he pushed through and got political credit for. 

"And he's admitting that Keir Starmer doesn't have that kind of ambitious agenda.

"And he's saying, well, the missions will work if they work."

'A little bit of narcissism'

On a broader point, Sam says Sir Tony was advertising a "style" of government - building a good team - and then "telling Keir Starmer that's the model".

But our deputy political editor urged some scepticism, saying Sir Tony seemed to be advertising his institute that "sells help with governance to friendly - and other - governments all around the world".

"There was a little bit of, dare I say, narcissism in what we saw from Tony Blair today - because what he did was sit there and go: I know best, I'll tell you for a fee," Sam concludes.

For many, prime minister Sir Tony Blair's legacy is defined by his foreign policy decisions regarding the Middle East - most notably the Iraq war.

And he tells Sophy Ridge he's "still involved" in "quite a lot" regarding what's happening in the region now.

He was asked for his thoughts on Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu, who has found himself under increasing pressure from Western allies to do a ceasefire deal with Hamas.

Sir Tony wouldn't comment on "individual leaders" as "that wouldn't be very helpful to what I'm doing".

Without elaborating on what his role is, the former Labour leader says: "The most important thing is that we get a ceasefire that's sustainable and that we find a path back to some concept of security for the Israelis and self-determination for the Palestinians."

Speaking to tonight's  Politics Hub With Sophy Ridge , former prime minister Sir Tony Blair is asked about an increase of "strong man" or "macho" leaders.

Sir Tony says he is "worried" about the trend - and that it's important to understand why it's happening.

The former leader - who famously proposed a "third way" of UK politics and advocated a centrist position - said the reason for the increase was the lack of a "strong centre that's delivering".

But he defends the centre as not "the mushy middle between left and right", but rather "the place of solutions".

Sir Tony claims politics and political allegiances have become "more fractured" - and this will only continue as technology develops, reducing voters' traditional loyalties to certain parties.

'Solutions beat strongmen'

He says: "The other thing that's going to happen is that people are, if there are grievances, they are going to expect you to deal with them. 

"And the centre has got to be the place that you deal with them."

Sir Tony says it is no good to just say various groups are "extreme" and try to manage the problem that way.

"If you want to defeat this sort of strongman populism, they're defeated by the solutions," he says.

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what should u put in a cover letter


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  2. How to Write a Great Cover Letter

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  4. How to Format a Cover Letter: Layout Examples for 2023

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  5. 5 Cover Letter Template Nz Sampletemplatess Sampletemplatess

    what should u put in a cover letter

  6. How to Write a Cover Letter in 2024

    what should u put in a cover letter


  1. How To Write the BEST Cover Letter for Your Next Job Application

  2. 5 Cover Letter Tips You Should Be Using

  3. How to Write a Cover Letter or Personal Statement

  4. How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets Noticed

  5. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job Application 2023

  6. The Secret Formula For A Great Cover Letter!


  1. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

  2. What to Include in a Cover Letter (& What to Leave Out)

    What to put in a cover letter in 2024. Understanding the main parts of a cover letter and their purposes is essential for writing an effective cover letter that will impress employers. Here are the main elements you need to include: 1. Your name and contact information in a header. The hiring manager needs to have your contact information.

  3. 7 Key Components of an Effective Cover Letter

    A great cover letter uses a logical progression of ideas to advertise your skills. There are seven sections that every cover letter should include to fit employer expectations and highlight your best qualities: 1. Header. All cover letters start with a header that includes your contact information. People often use the same header for their ...

  4. How to Write A Cover Letter In 2022 (6 Tips And 3 Templates)

    The cover letter is a tool to help introduce yourself in a memorable, personal way during a job application. A well-crafted cover letter goes over information on your resume and expands this information for the reader, taking them on a guided journey of some of your greatest career and life achievements.. Its purpose is to elaborate on the information contained in your resume while infusing ...

  5. How To Write the Perfect Cover Letter (With Template and Example)

    Include the name of the person to whom you are writing as well as the company name and address just above the salutation. In the salutation, greet the hiring manager by name. If you don't know the name of the person, consider greeting the hiring department or the department with which you would be working if hired. 3.

  6. What Should You Include in Your Cover Letter? [w/ Tips for 2024]

    A cover letter is a document that you send as part of your job application, along with your resume or CV. The cover letter's purpose is to introduce you and briefly summarize why your professional background makes you the right person for the job. On average, a cover letter should be between 250 and 400 words long and fit neatly on one page.

  7. How to Write a Cover Letter (Examples and Tips)

    Step 2: Add your contact info. At the top of your cover letter, you should list out your basic info. You can even copy the same heading from your resume if you'd like. Some contact info you might include (and the order to include it in): Your name. Your pronouns (optional) Your location (optional) Your email address.

  8. How to Write a Cover Letter for a Job in 2024

    If you're ready to jump in, follow these seven simple steps to make a cover letter that leaves a lasting impression on employers: 2. List your contact details. Underneath your name in your cover letter header, list the following contact information: Email address. Phone number. Mailing address (optional)

  9. How to Write a Cover Letter [Full Guide & Examples for 2024]

    How to Write the Perfect Cover Letter #1. Choose the Right Cover Letter Template #2. Put Contact Information in the Header #3. Address the Hiring Manager #4. Write an Eye-Catching Introduction #5. Use the Cover Letter Body for Details #6. Wrap It Up and Sign It Cover Letter Writing Checklist 15 Cover Letter Tips 15+ Cover Letter Examples 5 ...

  10. 6 Tips for Formatting a Cover Letter, With Examples

    Use 1.15 line spacing throughout and insert a blank line between each paragraph. Format your cover letter as a PDF. Name your cover letter file with your first name, last name, the words "cover letter," and the job title or company name. Keep your letter within 250 to 400 words and less than one page.

  11. 20 Key Elements To Include In Your Cover Letter

    Cover letters should connect your character traits and practices to that of the company's core values and culture indicators, which makes it easier for companies to visualize a great fit. - Tiersa ...

  12. How to Write a Cover Letter

    When a cover letter is done well, it can significantly increase your chances of getting an interview, but the vast majority fail that test. So let's talk about how to do cover letters right. 1. First, understand the point of a cover letter. The whole idea of a cover letter is that it can help the employer see you as more than just your résumé.

  13. What to Include in a Cover Letter (Examples for 2024)

    Here are the 7 things you should include in a cover letter: Cover Letter Header: add your contact information and contact details of the company. Salutation: tailor the cover letter greeting and use the hiring manager's name instead of the cliché " Dear Sir or Madam ".

  14. What to Include in a Cover Letter for a Job

    When writing a cover letter, specific information needs to be included: a contact section, salutation, and introduction to the hiring manager, as well as information on why you are qualified for the job, a closing, and your signature. The format generally depends on how you are sending your letter. The goal of your cover letter is to make a ...

  15. How to Write the Best Cover Letter (With Template and Sample)

    Include a postscript. 1. Use the proper formatting. There are several rules to follow when structuring your cover letter: Make sure everything is left-aligned. Use single line spaces within paragraphs and double spaces between sections or paragraphs. Include a one-inch margin on every side of your letter.

  16. How to Write a Cover Letter (With Tips and Examples)

    1. Note the date. Document the date you are sending the letter. The date line is usually in between your address and the address to which you are sending the letter. 2. Include your name and address. It is standard practice to begin with your name and address at the top of your cover letter.

  17. How to write the perfect cover letter (With examples)

    To start your cover letter, introduce yourself. This means including your full name, your specific interest in the position and the reasons you've chosen to apply. If you got a referral to the job from another party, ensure to mention this in the first paragraph. 2. Mention your skills and qualifications.

  18. 10 Cover Letter Do's and Don'ts

    Here are 10 cover letter do's and don'ts to help you avoid mistakes and put together a killer cover letter that properly highlights your passion, skills, and experience to employers. Our free-to-use cover letter builder can make you a cover letter in as little as 5 minutes. Just pick the template you want, and our software will format ...

  19. How to write a cover letter in 5 steps

    2. Use an appropriate greeting. If you know the name of the hiring manager for this job, begin your cover letter by addressing them directly (Example: Dear Jane). When writing your CV, it's important to avoid weak and passive verbs, stay away from business jargon or clichés, and watch out for tired words and phrases.

  20. How To Format a Cover Letter (With Outline and Examples)

    Follow these guidelines: Make your cover letter single-spaced. Add a space between each section: contact information, salutation, opening paragraph, middle paragraph, closing paragraph and complimentary closing. (There's no need to indent any of your paragraphs.)

  21. How to Start a Cover Letter: 30 Creative Opening Sentences

    1. Avoid boring or overused openers. Recruiters have read cover letters that start with lines like "I'm excited to apply for the front-end engineering position," or "Your job posting on The Muse prompted me to…" so often they could wallpaper their homes with them. While those are OK and still acceptable, you'll have a better shot at ...

  22. 2024 Account Manager Cover Letter Examples (All Levels)

    Your cover letter should be concise, impactful, and specifically tailored to the position you're applying for. Make sure to highlight relevant work experience, skills, and achievements that demonstrate your fit for the role. Key sections for a good account manager cover letter: Contact information. Salutation. Opening paragraph. Body paragraph(s)

  23. Politics latest: Tony Blair 'still involved' in Middle East; Rwanda

    Former prime minister Sir Tony Blair has told Sky's Politics Hub With Sophy Ridge he's "still involved" in the Middle East, as he outlined his desire for a ceasefire in the ongoing war between ...

  24. What Is a Cover Letter? (And What To Include in One)

    A cover letter is a short introduction to you that concisely communicates your interest in a job opportunity along with your top skills and relevant experience. It's important to customize your cover letter for each role to demonstrate that you've researched the organization's mission and values. — Genevieve Northup, MBA, SHRM-CP, HCI-SPTD.