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3 Cabin Crew Cover Letter Examples (+Writing Guide)

Posted by Phillip Jewell on Apr 16, 2020

The ultimate guide to writing the perfect cover letter for flight attendants, with 3 cabin crew cover letter examples, including a cover letter sample for flight attendants with no experience.

Along with your CV , an effective cover letter is one of the most important aspects of the job application process when pursuing cabin crew jobs.

Approaching job applications in the aviation industry with a good cover letter is a sure-fire way of ensuring your cabin crew applications don't run aground.

cover letter for cabin crew assistant

Cabin crew jobs are in high demand. Offering freedom, international travel and many fantastic experiences, the role of flight attendant is among the most sought-after jobs.

Just like when writing your CV, it’s extremely important to make yourself stand out from the crowd. View our guide to writing a cabin crew CV, which includes two cabin crew CV templates .

Your cover letter must show recruiters why you’re a stronger candidate than the competition.

In this guide, we’ll show you exactly how to write a brilliant cabin crew cover letter that generates job interviews.

What's included in this guide?

- How to write the perfect cabin crew cover letter for flight attendants and those with no experience as cabin crew

- Three great cabin crew cover letter examples

- How to structure and format your cabin crew cover letter

- What to include on your cabin crew cover letter

- A cabin crew cover letter example for those with no experience as a flight attendant

Cabin Crew Cover Letter Example

Cabin Crew Cover Letter Example

How to Structure Your Cabin Crew Cover Letter?

There are no hard rules regarding the way cover letters should be written. However, following a simple structure can help to guide you through the process.

We find this six-step process works best:

1. Introduction

2. Overview of knowledge and expertise

3. Key selling points

4. Why you want to work for the airline

5. key skills, 6. polite ending and call to action.

As you can see, when broken down into a six-step process, writing a cover letter doesn’t seem so daunting. However, there is plenty of work to be done to ensure you prepare a cover letter that makes an impact on recruiters.

Let’s look at these five steps in more detail.

Start your cover letter with a brief, professional introduction. Explain your interest in the role and tell the reader why you are writing the letter.

2. Overview of expertise, knowledge and experience

Provide a brief summary of yourself, touching on your areas of expertise, experiences and knowledge. Keep this part short and to-the-point.

3. Key Selling points

This part of your cover letter is where you highlight your strongest selling points. Draw on your greatest strengths to convince the reader that you’re the perfect candidate for the job.

Have you got multiple years’ business class flight attendant experience? If so, focus on that here. Have you been recognised for improving the passenger experience? If so, focus on that here.

Showcase your key successes and achievements. If possible, quantify your achievements with numbers to bolster them and make a more powerful impact on the reader.

This is the part where your research comes into play.

Explain how you fit into the airline’s values and culture. By marrying yourself to the airline’s values and showing that you understand the airline, you’ll show that you're genuinely interested in working for the airline.

Describe a few of your strongest skills. Provide examples of times you have used the skills to achieve positive outcomes.

End your cover letter by thanking the reader for their time. State that you look forward to hearing from them and that you would be eager to discuss your application further.

Flight Attendant Cover Letter Sample

Skills for Cabin Crew Cover Letter

What are the most important skills to include on a cabin crew cover letter? Here, we detail five of the most valued skills for flight attendants, as well as how to show them on your cover letter.

However, remember your cover letter should be tailored to you and your experiences. You should identify your most valuable skills and showcase them in a way that sells you to recruiters.

If your skill set includes these skills, ensure to follow our advice to demonstrate them on your cabin crew cover letter.

1. Customer Service

Cabin crew jobs are primarily about optimising the passenger experience while maintaining their safety. Excellent customer service is vital in achieving this.

On your cover letter, articulate your customer experience skills. Show that you go the extra mile to deliver outstanding customer service and ensure to convey your customer-driven approach to tasks.

2. Communication

As with most jobs, communication is a vital skill for flight attendants. Whether it be engaging with passengers or colleagues, strong communication is key to ensuring the smooth-running of flights.

A great way of showing off your communication skills on your cover letter is to describe achievements and successes that came about as a result of your communication skills.

3. Adaptability

As a member of cabin crews, you’ll always be on the move, landing in different countries and working with new colleagues regularly. As such, flight attendants need to be adaptable.

To demonstrate your adaptability on your cover letter, show that you’re dynamic and capable of acclimatising to change. Write about times you were receptive to change and modified your behaviour to accommodate change.

Other ways of showing your adaptability include writing about times you learned new skills to perform new tasks and developed new solutions to problems.

4. Professionalism

Flight attendants are usually seen as the face of airlines. For this reason, cabin crew members must be able to maintain a high level of professionalism at all times.

To covey your professionalism on your cover letter, draw attention to times you demonstrated professionalism while operating in challenging environments.

5. Teamwork

In order to meet objectives and ensure flights run efficiently, a good degree of effective teamwork is essential among cabin crew members.

Highlight times that you have demonstrated your teamworking qualities. This may involve activities outside of employment. For example, do you take part in sporting events? Did you work in groups at university?

These kind of activities enable you to provide fantastic examples that demonstrate your teamworking skills.

When writing your cabin crew cover letter, it's important to conduct some research into the airline you are applying to work for. This is because you need to understand the airline’s values and organisational culture.

When you understand this information, you can then explain how you are aligned with the airline’s values and culture.

As an example, let’s take a look at the values and culture of Emirates.

This was summed up by the airline’s president, Tim Clark, in an interview with Airlines IATA : ‘The success of Emirates is the result of our corporate culture of innovation and a pioneering spirit, combined with a ‘make it happen’ attitude that is shared throughout the organization at all levels. Working with bright, talented people who are not afraid to take calculated risks makes my job easy.’

So, what are the key takeaways from this in terms of Emirates’ values and culture?

Well, we now know that the airline values innovation, a pioneering spirit, determination, talent and calculated risk-taking.

So, if you were preparing a cover letter for Emirates, you should convey how you meet these values. This is, of course, assuming you do in fact meet these values. We would never encourage anyone to lie on their cover letter for any reason whatsoever.

Honesty is always the best policy when approaching job applications.

Another great aspect of research is that is shows recruiters you’re genuinely interested in their airline. At least interested enough to learn about the company.

Take your research a step further and find out what the airline’s objectives are for the future. Learn about their market position. If you can mention any of this in your cover letter, without coming across as pretentious, you’ll convince the recruiter that you have a sincere interest in joining the airline.

How to Write a Cabin Crew Cover Letter With No Experience

If you have no cabin crew experience, you may be wondering how to complete the impossible task of writing a strong cover letter for flight attendant positions.

The truth is, it’s not that difficult.

Customer service experience is the one of the most important experiences for cabin crew jobs. And customer service experience isn’t exclusive to flight attendants .

While customer service experience obtained in the air may be valued more than customer service experience obtained on ground, both use the same principles to provide customers with an excellent service.

So, if possible, make your customer service skills the focus of your cover letter, whether you acquired the experience in air or on the ground.

If you don’t have any customer service experience, identify your transferable skills. You might not have experience supporting customers, but you will most likely have experience supporting people. Draw attention to your people skills, communication skills and how you’re adept at helping people.

It's also important to be prepared to demonstrate your relevant experience in your cabin crew job interview. Check out our 20 most common cabin crew job interview questions and how to answer them .

Here is an example cover letter for a flight attendant who has no prior cabin crew experience.

Cabin Crew Cover Letter Example - No Experience

Cabin Crew Cover Letter Example - No Experience

State that you’re prepared to train

With no cabin crew experience, training is a big factor in the future of your flight attendant career. For this reason, it’s important to focus to any flight attendant training you have undertaken.

If you haven’t yet completed any flight attendant training, get cracking on some training courses. Research courses that cover the basics of cabin crew roles and identify the perfect course for you.

It’s also beneficial to complete cabin crew job interview training, as well as training for the general recruitment process, such as training for open days.

How to Professionally Format Your Cabin Crew Cover Letter

Line spacing.

This is a very important aspect of cover letter writing.

To ensure your cover letter is professional and easy-to-read, you must add line spacing between paragraphs.

Cover letters that don’t use line spacing often appear as one huge block of text. Most recruiters won’t even read these letters as they make for such a poor reading experience, so make sure to utilise Microsoft Word’s line spacing feature.

To add spacing to your cover letter, highlight the text, click ‘Layout’, then add 8 pt. spacing in the ‘After’ section.

This will ensure your paragraphs are easily distinguished from each other. It will also optimise your recruiter’s reading experience, which can only be a positive thing!

Ideally, you should be aiming for margin sizes of between 1.7 cm (0.66”) and 2.2 cm (0.86”). Of course, you can widen or narrow the margins further in line with the amount of content you do or don’t have to include. But try not to make them too wide or too narrow in order to ensure your letter is professional in appearance.

Fonts and font sizes

Use common fonts that readers have become accustomed to. These include Times New Roman, Garamond and Calibri.

Don’t be creative with your fonts. At best your cover letter will look unprofessional. At worst it will be too difficult to read.

Font sizes should be between 11 pt. and 12 pt. for most fonts, including Times New Roman, Calibri and Garamond. Make sure your text is neither too small or too large.

Job Application Follow Up

A week or two after applying for the job, it’s advisable to send a job application follow up letter. Follow up letters thank the hiring manager for their time, reinforce what makes you a unique candidate and reiterate your interest in the role.

Keep your follow up letter short and concise. Don’t go into too much detail and try to avoid a pestering tone in your cover letter.

You may think of follow up letter as a bit pushy. However, they are a professional way of recapping on your suitability for the role and demonstrating you’re enthusiasm.

Further Tips

Accompany your cover letter with an effective cv.

Your cover letter should be accompanied with a powerful CV. Without a strong cabin crew CV, even a great cover letter will struggle to get you results in the job market.

To learn how to write an effective flight attendant CV, take a look at our step-by-step cabin crew CV writing guide , which includes flight attendant CV examples.

Or view 15 of our CV examples and templates , which you can use today to maximise your job search.

Give your document a professional title

When saving your cover letter in Microsoft Word – or whichever word processor you are using – make sure to give it a simple, professional title. Something like ‘Cover Letter’ is appropriate.

Avoid unprofessional titles such as ‘coverletter023432’. When recruiters see such titles on documents, they may instantly form an opinion of you as an unprofessional candidate.

State that your CV is attached/enclosed

If you’re submitting your CV along with your cover letter, state that you’ve enclosed the CV. To do this, include the abbreviation ‘Enc.: CV’ at the bottom of your cover letter, as demonstrated in the cover letter samples in this guide.

We hope this guide and our cabin crew cover letter templates have proved useful in helping you prepare an engaging, interview-generating cover letter.

More of our free cabin crew/flight attendant career resources:

- 2 cabin crew CV examples and templates

- Cabin crew LinkedIn summary example

- 20 cabin crew job interview questions and how to answer them

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Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Cabin Attendant Cover Letter Example (+How-to Write)

Welcome to our page dedicated to providing you with a stellar cabin attendant cover letter example and a comprehensive guide on how to write an effective cover letter.

Crafting a captivating introduction is crucial as it sets the tone for the rest of your letter and captures the attention of hiring managers.

In this article, we will show you exactly how to achieve that. So, let’s get started!

Sample Cover Letter for Cabin Attendant Position

Sara Chris (000) 999-1234 sara.chris @ email . com

September 27, 2023

Ms. Anna Smith Human Resources Manager Continental Airlines 521 Alexander Ave. Boston, MA 25888

Re: Cabin Attendant Position

Dear Ms. Smith:

I am writing to express my interest in the Cabin Attendant position at Continental Airlines. With my strong background in customer service and my passion for the airline industry, I am confident in my ability to contribute to the exceptional onboard experience provided by Continental Airlines.

Throughout my career, I have developed essential skills that align perfectly with the requirements of a Cabin Attendant. I am well-versed in Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations and have a demonstrated ability to prepare and serve food and beverages to passengers. Additionally, I have experience in selling promotional items and assisting passengers with their luggage. I am dedicated to ensuring the security and ease of customers during their flights. Furthermore, I have completed specialized courses in handling adverse situations, equipping me with the skills necessary to handle any challenges that may arise.

As a customer-oriented individual with a strong work ethic, I am committed to providing top-notch service to passengers. I thrive in fast-paced and dynamic environments, and I am always eager to assist others and learn from new experiences. I believe that my combination of skills, enthusiasm, and dedication make me an ideal candidate for the Cabin Attendant position at Continental Airlines.

I have attached my resume for your review. I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further and demonstrate the match between your needs and my abilities. I will follow up with you next week to inquire about the possibility of setting up an interview. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me at (000) 999-1234 or sara.chris @ email . com if you require any additional information.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the success of Continental Airlines as a Cabin Attendant.

Attachment. Resume

How to Write a Professional Cover Letter for a Cabin Attendant Job?

Writing a professional cover letter for a cabin attendant job is crucial to make a positive impression on potential employers. Here are some tips to help you craft an effective cover letter:

Address the hiring manager:   Begin your cover letter by addressing the hiring manager or HR representative by name. If you don’t have the name, you can use a generic salutation such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear HR Team.”

Introduce yourself:   Start by stating your name and expressing your interest in the cabin attendant position. Mention how you came across the job opening and highlight your enthusiasm for the airline industry.

Highlight your relevant skills and experiences:   Emphasize your transferable skills and hands-on experiences that make you a suitable candidate for the cabin attendant role. Mention your customer service skills, knowledge of aviation regulations, ability to handle challenging situations, and any experience in food service or sales.

Showcase your personal qualities:   Describe yourself as an individual and mention qualities that will appeal to the hiring manager, such as being a team player, a leader, or a self-starter. Demonstrate your dedication to providing exceptional service to passengers and your ability to thrive in fast-paced environments.

Customize your cover letter:   Tailor your cover letter to the specific airline you are applying to. Research the airline’s values, mission, and customer service approach, and highlight how your skills and qualities align with their needs.

Request an opportunity to discuss further:   Express your interest in discussing your qualifications further and request an interview. Provide your contact details and let the hiring manager know that you will follow up on your application.

Include a professional closing:   End your cover letter with a professional closing, such as “Sincerely,” followed by your full name. Attach your updated resume to the email/application if required.

Remember to proofread your cover letter for any errors or typos before sending it. Customizing your cover letter and showcasing your relevant skills and experiences will greatly enhance your chances of landing a cabin attendant job.

Related: Cabin Attendant Resume Sample

  • Cabin Attendant Resume Sample
  • Cabin Attendant Job Description, Duties, and Responsibilities
  • Top 20 Cabin Crew Resume Objective Examples
  • Cabin Crew Follow-up Thank You Letter After Interview

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StandOut CV

  • Cabin Crew cover letter examples

Andrew Fennell photo

A good cover letter will make your application stand out from all the other Cabin Crew candidates, and ensure that your CV gets noticed.

But selling yourself effectively in a few sentences can be tricky.

So, to help you out, we have put together 3 Cabin Crew cover letter examples and a guide that tells you everything you need to know about writing a winning cover letter.

Guide contents

How to write a Cabin Crew cover letter

  • What to include in a Cabin Crew cover letter

CV templates 

Cabin Crew cover letter example 1

Cabin Crew cover letter 1

Cabin Crew cover letter example 2

Cabin Crew cover letter 2

Cabin Crew cover letter example 3

Cabin Crew cover letter 3

These 3 Cabin Crew cover letter examples will provide you with some good ideas on how to format a cover letter, along with the type of message you should be trying to put across to recruiters .

To further understand exactly how you can write a cover letter that will get you noticed, check out our further guidance.

A simple step-by-step guide to writing your very own winning cover letter.

How to write a cover letter

Write your cover letter in the body of an email/message

When you send a cover letter with a job application, you should always write your message into the body of your email – or the body of the messaging system if you are sending via a job website.

Why do this?

Simply because you want to get your message seen as soon as the recruiter opens your application.

If you attach the cover letter as a separate item, this means the recipient will have to open it before they can read it – slowing down the process and potentially causing frustration along the way.

So, write your cover note in the body of your email/message to ensure you make an instant connection with the reader.

Cover letter writing

Start with a friendly greeting

Cover letter address

Start you cover letter with a greeting that is professional but friendly.

This will build rapport with the recruiter whilst showing your professionalism.

  • Hi, hope you’re well
  • Hi [insert recruiter name]
  • Hi [insert department/team name]

Avoid overly formal greetings like “Dear sir/madam ” unless applying to very traditional companies.

How to find the contact’s name?

Addressing the recruitment contact by name is an excellent way to start building a strong relationship. If it is not listed in the job advert, try these methods to find it.

  • Check out the company website and look at their  About page. If you see a hiring manager, HR person or internal recruiter, use their name. You could also try to figure out who would be your manager in the role and use their name.
  • Head to LinkedIn , search for the company and scan through the list of employees. Most professionals are on LinkedIn these days, so this is a good bet.

Identify the role you are applying for

Once you have opened the cover letter with a warm greeting, you need to explain which role you are interested in.

Sometimes a recruitment consultant could be managing over 10 vacancies, so it’s crucial to pinpoint exactly which one you are interested in.

Highlight the department/area if possible and look for any reference numbers you can quote.

These are some examples you can add..

  • I am interested in applying for the role of Cabin Crew with your company.
  • I would like to apply for the role of Sales assistant (Ref: 40f57393)
  • I would like to express my interest in the customer service vacancy within your retail department
  • I saw your advert for an IT project manager on Reed and would like to apply for the role.

See also: CV examples – how to write a CV – CV profiles

Highlight your suitability

The sole objective of your cover letter is to motivate recruiters into to opening your CV. And you achieve this by quickly explaining your suitability to the roles you are applying for.

Take a look at the job descriptions you are applying to, and make note of the most important skills and qualifications being asked for.

Then, when crafting your cover letter, make your suitability the central focus.

Explain why you are the best qualified candidate, and why you are so well suited to carry out the job.

This will give recruiters all the encouragement they need to open your CV and consider you for the job.

Cover letter tips

Keep it short and sharp

A good cover letter is short and sharp, getting to the point quickly with just enough information to grab the attention of recruiters.

Ideally your cover letter should be around 4-8 sentences long – anything longer will risk losing the attention of time-strapped recruiters and hiring managers .

Essentially you need to include just enough information to persuade the reader to open up your CV, where the in-depth details will sit.

Sign off professionally

To round of your CV, you should sign off with a professional signature.

This will give your cover letter a slick appearance and also give the recruiter all of the necessary contact information they need to get in touch with you.

The information to add should include:

  • A friendly sign off – e.g. “Kindest regards”
  • Your full name
  • Phone number (one you can answer quickly)
  • Email address
  • Profession title
  • Professional social network –  e.g. LinkedIn

Here is an example signature;

Warm regards,

Jill North IT Project Manager 078837437373 [email protected] LinkedIn

Quick tip: To save yourself from having to write your signature every time you send a job application, you can save it within your email drafts, or on a separate documents that you could copy in.

Cover letter sign off

What to include in your Cabin Crew cover letter

So, what type of information should you write about in your Cabin Crew cover letter?

The specifics will obviously depend on your profession and the jobs you are applying to, but these are the key areas you should be covering.

  • Your industry experience – Tell recruiters the types of companies you have been working for and the roles you have held in the past.
  • Your qualifications – Highlight your most important relevant qualifications to show employers you are qualified to do the roles you are applying for.
  • The impact you have made – Demonstrate the positive impact you have made for employers in previous jobs. Have you saved money? Improved processes? Made customers happy?
  • Your reasons for moving – Employers will want to know why you are leaving your current/previous role, so provide them with a brief explanation here.
  • Your availability – When will you be able to start a new job ? Check your current contract to find out your notice period if you are in a position already.

To round up

Writing an impressive cover letter is a crucial step in landing a Cabin Crew job, so taking the time to perfect it is well worth while.

By following the tips and examples above you will be able to create an eye-catching cover letter that will wow recruiters and ensure your CV gets read – leading to more job interviews for you.

Good luck with your job search!

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Cabin Crew Cover Letter Guide With Examples And Tips

Get your dream job with our Cabin Crew cover letter filled with tips, examples, and more. Start your journey towards a high-flying career today!

Shaoni Gupta

Shaoni Gupta

Read more posts by this author.

Welcome to your guide to creating the perfect cover letter for the cabin crew position. Our article is designed to give you the most illustrative examples and tips on landing your dream job.

The role of a cabin crew member is incredibly dynamic, blending customer service excellence with strict safety protocols. Here, we will focus on conveying your passion for customer service and your understanding of safety standards.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or aspiring to join the cabin crew, this guide includes tailored examples highlighting your key experiences and skills.

Our examples prove how you can articulate your traits effectively, which will help your cover letter stand out amongst the competition.

Together, let us take this journey on how to write the perfect cabin crew cover letter for your ultimate success:

Cabin Crew Cover Letter Sample (With Experience)

VL1.Cabin Crew-Cover Letter Sample With Experience

[Jane Doe] [123 Main Street] [Los Angelas , California 12345] [[email protected]] [(123)-123-123] [29.2.2023]

[Recruiter's Name] [XYZ Airlines] [Airline Address] [Los Angelas , California 12345]

Dear [Recipient's Name], I am applying for the Cabin Crew role at [Airline Name], as advertised. With over [number of years] years of experience in air travel, I bring a strong record in customer service and safety management.

During my tenure at [Your Previous Airline], I have thoroughly provided exceptional customer service and ensured passenger comfort. I also excel in maintaining the highest safety standards. My ability to handle stressful situations calmly and efficiently was recognized when I successfully managed a medical emergency on board. I ensured the passengers' safety and well-being and maintained a composed atmosphere for others.

I admire [Airline Name] 's dedication to customer satisfaction and crew welfare. My experience and skills are well-suited to contribute to your team's success.

Please find my resume attached. I look forward to joining [Airline Name] and discussing how I can contribute to your esteemed crew.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Sincerely, [Jane Doe]

Cabin Crew Cover Letter Sample (Without Experience)

VL 2.Cabin Crew Cover Letter Sample Without Experience

[John Doe] [123 Main Street] [Los Angelas , California 12345] [[email protected]] [ (123)-123-123 ] [29.2.2023]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am excited to apply for the Cabin Crew position at [Airline Name]. Although I am new to the airline industry, my background in customer service and hospitality has provided me with the skills essential for a high-flying career in cabin crew service.

During my time at [Mention University or Institution Name], I honed my ability to work under pressure, deliver exceptional customer service, and collaborate effectively with a team.

These experiences have prepared me to transition seamlessly into a role where passenger safety and satisfaction are paramount.

I admire [Airline Name] for its [specific aspect of the airline], and I am eager to contribute to your team. My dedication to customer service and a keen interest in aviation make me a promising candidate for this position.

Enclosed is my resume for your review. I look forward to discussing how my background and eagerness to learn can be an asset to your cabin crew team.

Thank you for considering my application. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of starting my aviation career with [Airline Name].

Sincerely, [John Doe]

How Do You Write a Cover Letter For The Role of Cabin Crew Member?

Elaborate your interest in the role: In your cover letter, emphasize your enthusiasm for the position of cabin crew member. You can showcase how your skills and values perfectly align with the job requirements.

Summarize your experiences and skills: Present your professional skills and experiences over the years in a way that highlights all your professional qualities without being too lengthy. Use specific educational and professional examples to demonstrate these competencies.

Name your cover letter file properly: Ensure you have changed the file name and added your name (e.g., Jane Doe's Cover Letter), before sending your cover letter. This approach makes it simpler for recruiters to locate your file. And also increases your chances of successfully navigating through applicant tracking systems.

Highlight your suitability: Examine the job descriptions you're interested in and identify the key skills and qualifications required. Then, center your narrative around your suitability based on those requirements to show that you are the most well-suited candidate for the position.

What should you include in a cover letter for the position of cabin crew member?

Your cover letter should be able to stand out among the competition. This is why you must paint a vivid picture, demonstrating your passion for being a cabin crew member. Listed below are key components that will help you do so:

Bring attention to your hard skills and soft skills-

Ensure you include your hard and soft skills to enhance your chance of selection. Some examples have been mentioned below:

Hard Skills-

  • Safety and Emergency Procedures
  • First Aid and CPR
  • Flight Operation Knowledge
  • Food Service Skills
  • Physical Fitness
  • Security Procedures

Soft Skills-

  • Appearance and Grooming
  • Language Proficiency
  • Conflict Management
  • Adaptability
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • Communication Skills

Mention your availability:

You can mention your availability for an interview or to commence the position starting from [specific date] in your cover letter.

Maintain uniformity:

Be sure to maintain a professional format in your cover letter and resume. You can use Times New Roman font size 12 for your cover letter, as it is professionally accepted.

Mistakes to avoid:

Mentioned below are a few mistakes you can avoid while crafting your cover letter:

1. Lengthy Paragraphs: Avoid lengthy paragraphs that may lose the recruiter's attention. Aim for a balance between providing enough information and maintaining readability.

2. Ignoring Job Requirements: Ensure that your cover letter addresses the key requirements and qualifications mentioned in the job description.

3. Grammatical Errors: Carefully proofread your cover letter to eliminate grammatical errors and typos. Mistakes in language can create a negative impression and suggest a lack of attention to detail.

4. Exaggeration or False Information: Providing false information can harm your credibility and may lead to disqualification from the hiring process.

Key Takeaways

Craft a cover letter specific to the cabin crew position you are applying for, showcasing your skills, such as passion for customer service and understanding of safety protocols.

Remember to use examples in your cover letter highlighting relevant experiences and skills, whether you are a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the airline industry. Clearly articulate how your background aligns with the requirements of the cabin crew role.

Ensure a professional format for your cover letter and resume. Use a standard font and maintain uniformity. Remember to properly name your cover letter file to enhance visibility for recruiters.

Highlight your hard and soft skills (e.g., safety procedures, first aid) and soft skills (e.g., communication, adaptability). Any other qualifications relevant to the cabin crew position to enhance your candidacy.

Steer clear of common mistakes such as lengthy paragraphs ignoring job requirements. Proofread to avoid grammatical errors. And do not provide exaggerated or false information.

Shaoni Gupta

This article has been written by Shaoni Gupta. She works as a content writer at Vantage Lens . Her areas of interest range from art to astronomy. When she's not writing, she is daydreaming about stepping into the worlds of high fantasy novels.

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How to Write a Dynamic Cabin Crew Cover Letter: Empowered by the Top 5 AI Tools

Table of contents, introduction.

In the dynamic world of aviation, a well-crafted Flight attendant cover letter can be your golden ticket to securing a coveted position as a cabin crew member or flight attendant. Beyond just a formality, your cover letter serves as a first impression, a glimpse into your personality, and a showcase of your qualifications. Let’s explore how you can elevate your application with a compelling cover letter that takes you soaring above the competition.

Understanding the Role: Embracing the Cabin Crew Journey

Before we dive into the art of crafting an impeccable Application Letter, let’s take a moment to understand the exciting world of cabin crew or flight attendant roles. These amazing professionals go beyond ensuring passenger safety; they’re the embodiment of exceptional customer service, teamwork, and adaptability.

Crafting a Captivating Cabin crew Cover Letter: Your Personal Invitation

Picture your application letter as a heartfelt invitation to your potential employer. By tailoring it to the job’s specific requirements, you’re not just showcasing your attention to detail but also expressing your genuine interest in the position.

Structuring Your Application Letter: Building a Professional Blueprint

The structure of your cover letter isn’t just a technicality—it matters. An organized layout with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion leaves a lasting professional impression. Start with an attention-grabbing opening that sparks curiosity in the hiring manager.

Showcasing Relevant Experience: Making Waves in a Sea of Applications

In the vast ocean of applications, your cover letter needs to stand out. Illuminate your relevant experience by drawing parallels between your past roles and the skills required for cabin crew positions. Make it a breeze for the reader to see how seamlessly your background aligns with their needs.

Highlighting Soft Skills: Beyond Technical Proficiency

While technical skills are crucial, soft skills are the heart of a cabin crew member. Showcase your interpersonal, communication, and teamwork skills—attributes that airlines treasure in individuals creating positive and enjoyable travel experiences for passengers.

Adding a Personal Touch: Infusing Personality into Your Pitch

A touch of personality in your application letter can be a game-changer. Express your genuine interest in the airline and share the unique contributions you bring to the table. Sprinkle in personal anecdotes about your passion for travel or highlight previous customer service triumphs to make your letter unforgettable.

Avoiding Common Mistakes: Steering Clear of Generic Pitfalls

Generic application letter? No thank you! They’re the express lane to the rejection pile. Sidestep overused clichés and let your uniqueness shine through. Prove that you’ve done your homework about the airline and the specific position you’re applying for.

Formatting Tips: Crafting an Aesthetically Pleasing Document

Presentation is key. Ensure your cover letter follows a professional format, complete with an appropriate font, spacing, and length. Keep a tone that’s both formal and engaging, striking the right balance between professionalism and approachability.

Cover Letter Making Tools

To help you get started, here are 5 Websites where you can make a cover letter that you can customize based on your experiences and the specific requirements of the job, providing you with Cover letter format and examples.

1. Rezi: Your ATS-friendly Cover Letter Assistant

Looking to navigate through the complexities of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) with ease? Rezi is your go-to AI-powered cover letter builder. This platform not only assists in creating compelling cover letters but also optimizes them for seamless compatibility with ATS. Discover personalized suggestions that enhance your cover letter’s effectiveness, aligning it with industry standards to increase your visibility in the job market.

2. Novoresume: Crafting Professional Cover Letters Made Easy

Crafting a professional and visually appealing cover letter is a breeze with Novoresume’s AI-enhanced builder. This platform guides users on structure, content, and formatting while offering customization options tailored to various industries. Elevate your application with a application letter that not only meets but exceeds industry expectations.

3. Jobscan: Your Personal Cover Letter Optimization Tool

Jobscan’s Cover Letter Scan tool, powered by AI, revolutionizes the way you tailor your application letters. Analyze your letter against job descriptions, receive insights on keyword optimization, and ensure your application aligns perfectly with the desired qualifications. Let Jobscan help you stand out in a competitive job market.

4. Kickresume: AI-Driven Cover Letters for Maximum Impact

Kickresume combines AI prowess with customizable templates to assist you in creating application letter that leave a lasting impression. Receive expert advice and tailored suggestions to refine your writing and build a compelling narrative. Make your job applications memorable with Kickresume’s innovative cover letter builder.

5. ChatGPT:

ChatGPT is a cutting-edge language model developed by OpenAI, designed to engage in natural language conversations. Celebrating its first anniversary, ChatGPT has spent a year assisting users with information, answering queries, generating creative content, and offering language-based support. Harnessing the power of GPT-3.5 architecture, ChatGPT continues to evolve, providing a versatile and dynamic conversational experience. you can use chatGBT with vairous prompt like “Write me a cabin crew application letter” or “cover letter examples”

Remember to review and personalize the final output to showcase your unique skills and experiences effectively.

Cover Letter Dos and Don’ts

  • Tailor your cover letter to the job description.
  • Use quantifiable achievements to demonstrate your impact.
  • Research the company’s values and incorporate them into your letter.


  • Submit a generic application letter for multiple applications.
  • Overuse clichés or buzzwords.
  • Neglect proofreading—typos can be a deal-breaker.

Adapting to Different Airlines: Tailoring Your Approach with a Smile

Just like each passenger has a unique journey, every airline boasts its own culture and values. When applying, be sure to delve into the essence of each company. Showcase not only how your skills align with their specific requirements but also why you’re the perfect fit for their awesome team.

Addressing Career Gaps or Changes: Navigating Your Flight Path with Grace

If your career journey involves transitioning to a cabin crew role or features gaps in employment history, address these scenarios proactively. Shine a light on the skills gained during any career gaps and illustrate how your previous experiences have primed you for this exciting new venture.

Review and Revision: Fine-Tuning Your Application Letter Symphony

Your cover letter is like a well-composed melody—it deserves a few rehearsals. After crafting it, resist the urge to hit send immediately. Take a moment to review and gather feedback from peers or mentors. Fresh eyes can catch any unnoticed errors and provide valuable insights, ensuring your application hits all the right notes.

Conclusion: Let Your Career Take Flight with a Stellar Cover Letter

In wrapping up, remember, your cover letter is your chance to soar. Follow these friendly guidelines, infuse your unique personality into the narrative, and get ready to make a lasting impression on potential employers. Craft your story with care, and witness your career taking off to new heights. Happy writing and happy flying!

If you like this article check out also our article on how to Craft a Perfect cv for cabin crew!

  • Aim for a concise one-page cover letter that highlights your key qualifications and experiences.
  • It’s generally better to provide references upon request during the interview stage.
  • Yes, tailoring your cover letter to each airline demonstrates your genuine interest and commitment.
  • While creativity is encouraged, maintain a professional format that aligns with industry standards.
  • Focus on showcasing your unique experiences, skills, and genuine passion for the role.

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writing a cover letter

How to write the best Cabin Crew Cover letter

Photo of Cabin Crew Wings Team

It’s getting more and more common for airlines to request a cover letter in addition to your CV in the application process.

One of the reasons for this is to help them filter through the applicants more efficiently, especially when they tend to receive a HUGE amount of application for cabin crew positions.

Think of the cover letter as a complement to your CV and a way to enhance it even more.

This is going to be one of the first impressions the recruitment team gets of you so it needs to be a good one. The great thing about cover letters is that they let you express a little of your personality and character.

Here are our top ten tips for a fantastic cover letter to get you started!

  1 You don’t need to write a long letter – keep it short and to the point. 3-5 short paragraphs is an ideal format. And remember, it shouldn’t just duplicate your CV! 2 Tailor your cover letter to the airline you’re applying for – do a bit of research on them, on their values, mission statement and what they expect of their crew. Tell them what you like about them and why you want to work for them. 3 Think outside the box with your opening line. So many cover letters begin “I am writing to apply for the position of…”? Starting with something like “I have always admired the values of … airlines and am excited to have the opportunity to apply as cabin crew” will make your letter standout. 4 If you have any qualifications that are relevant to being cabin crew, such as having completed a recognised Cabin Crew Course , then make sure you highlight these. 5 Tell them why you’re passionate about becoming Cabin Crew. Link the requirements for cabin crew for the airline to your own skills and experience. 6 Be enthusiastic! Let your personality come through in the letter – you don’t have to be overly formal. Conversational but business like is what to aim for. 7 Your cover letter should be in three parts:

  • An introduction stating why you want to work as cabin crew for this particular airline
  • A middle section highlighting your skills and how they relate to the job
  • A conclusion telling the airline why you want to be crew and why you’d be an excellent crew member!

Use your CV too and pick the most useful information to include! You can use it as a starting point for your cover letter, and get an indication of what it might be helpful to research.

Check your cover letter against your CV – your CV is the proof to back up your claims ! Make sure all of the contact details match too.

Finally our last, very important piece of advice is to proof-read your cover letter (and CV!) before you hit that upload button!

It’s surprising how often this is overlooked – errors look unprofessional and could damage your chances of progressing in the application process.

Check your grammar and spelling thoroughly, then check it again for good luck!

Do you think your CV could use a little help?

Our CV Review service will give you advice that we promise will make your CV better – and a bit more ‘crew’!

Photo of Cabin Crew Wings Team

Cabin Crew Wings Team

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Cabin Crew Cover Letter Examples

Use these Cabin Crew cover letter examples to help you write a powerful cover letter that will separate you from the competition.

cover letter for cabin crew assistant

Cabin crew are responsible for the safety and comfort of passengers on board an aircraft. They work in close cooperation with the pilots and other crew members to ensure a smooth flight.

To work as a cabin crew member, you need to be able to work under pressure and be able to handle difficult situations. In your cover letter, highlight the skills and experience that make you the perfect candidate for the job.

Use the examples below to write a cabin crew cover letter that will help you get the job.

Formal/Professional Writing Style Example

With a strong passion for providing exceptional customer service and an unyielding commitment to safety, I believe that I would be an excellent fit for the role of Cabin Crew.

During my previous employment as a Flight Attendant with XYZ Airlines, I had the opportunity to perfect my interpersonal skills while interacting with passengers of diverse backgrounds. My fluency in English, Spanish, and French also allowed me to communicate effectively and provide tailored services to our international clientele.

In my three years with XYZ Airlines, I was recognized with the ‘Outstanding Team Player’ award twice, for my ability to handle challenging situations and maintain harmony among the team. I have completed extensive training in safety procedures, first aid, and conflict resolution, enabling me to confidently manage any situations that may arise during the flight. My dedication to maintaining a high standard of service has consistently resulted in glowing passenger feedback and contributed to customer loyalty.

Furthermore, I possess excellent time management and multitasking abilities that are crucial in a fast-paced environment such as cabin crew. I am adept at ensuring the timely completion of tasks, while maintaining a warm, approachable demeanor that puts passengers at ease.

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my extensive experience and unwavering commitment to safety and customer service to your esteemed company. I am confident that my strengths align with the values and objectives of your organization and would make me a valuable asset to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity of discussing my suitability for this position further in an interview.

[Your Name]

Entry-Level Writing Style Example

As a recent graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality Management from XYZ University, I believe I have the skills, enthusiasm, and passion required to provide an exceptional in-flight experience for your passengers.

During my studies, I completed coursework in areas such as customer service, conflict resolution, and crisis management, which have equipped me with a strong foundation to handle the various challenges that may arise in the airline industry. Additionally, I have honed my communication and interpersonal skills during my part-time job as a front desk associate at ABC Hotel.

Moreover, I have been committed to enhancing my knowledge of other cultures and languages, having pursued a minor in Spanish and participated in an exchange program in France. My language skills and cultural understanding will allow me to connect with diverse passengers and meet their unique needs.

I am confident in my ability to be a strong team player and provide top-notch service to passengers while maintaining a professional and friendly demeanor. I would appreciate the opportunity to contribute as a member of your distinguished cabin crew and deliver the exceptional service your airline is known for.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications in an interview.

Networking/Referral Writing Style Example

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with [Referrer’s Name], who is an experienced and dedicated member of your team. [Referrer’s Name] brought to my attention the positive work environment and growth opportunities at your company, and I believe my strong interpersonal skills and passion for customer service make me a perfect fit for the role.

For the past two years, I have worked as a flight attendant with [Previous Airline Company], where I received excellent training and hands-on experience in providing first-class service to passengers. My attention to detail and ability to handle emergency situations have been particularly praised by my supervisors. As a result, I have developed a strong foundation of skills that I am eager to bring to your company.

[Referrer’s Name] has also spoken very highly of your organization’s commitment to staff development and the personalized nature of your customer service. These are values that I truly admire, and I am confident that my dedication to providing exceptional service and creating memorable experiences for passengers aligns with your company’s goals.

I have enclosed my resume for your review, and I welcome the opportunity to discuss my candidacy further at your convenience. Thank you for considering my application. I am enthusiastic about the prospect of contributing to the success of your team and am confident that my skills and personality will be an excellent addition to your cabin crew.

Yours sincerely,

Enthusiastic/Passionate Writing Style Example

Having admired your airline’s commitment to customer service and innovation, I am confident that my strong communication skills and dedication to the role will make me an ideal candidate for this opportunity.

From a young age, I have been enthralled by the world of aviation and the thought of being able to combine a career in customer service with the chance to explore new destinations is a dream come true. I have always been passionate about enriching the lives of others and believe that as a member of your cabin crew, I would have an unparalleled opportunity to accomplish this through ensuring the comfort, safety, and satisfaction of our valued passengers.

I am proud to have honed my interpersonal skills through my previous experiences in customer-centric roles. These roles have taught me the importance of engaging with diverse individuals and the impact it has on fostering an environment of inclusivity and understanding, values that strongly align with your organization’s mission.

Your company’s emphasis on providing passengers with an unforgettable travel experience resonates with my own personal philosophy, making it the perfect environment for me to fully commit my energy and dedication to the role. I am excited about the prospect of continuing my personal and professional growth as a part of your esteemed team.

In closing, I would welcome the opportunity to bring my enthusiasm, commitment, and passion for the aviation industry and exceptional customer service to your organization as a member of your cabin crew. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss my candidacy with you.

Problem-Solving Writing Style Example

Having thoroughly researched your airline, I understand that safety, exceptional customer service, and cost-effectiveness are some of the key challenges currently faced by the aviation industry.

With my background as a certified flight attendant, I have experience in providing personalized care and addressing the diverse needs of passengers. I consistently receive commendations for my ability to exceed customer expectations, contributing to an enhanced onboard experience and increased customer satisfaction ratings. As a result, I can help your airline tackle the challenge of maintaining and improving customer service standards in the midst of evolving customer preferences and a highly competitive marketplace.

In addition to my customer service skills, I have also undergone intensive safety training and am well-versed in emergency procedures. I have successfully completed crisis management and first aid courses, ensuring that I am prepared to handle any in-flight emergencies that may arise. My skills in this area will aid your organization in maintaining the highest safety standards required by the modern aviation industry.

Furthermore, I have acquired various cost-saving techniques during my previous experience as a flight attendant, which have resulted in reduced wastage, efficient resource allocation, and ultimately, cost savings for former employers. By implementing these tactics in your organization, I can contribute to your commitment to offering affordable, high-quality air travel to your customers.

I believe that by combining my customer-centric mindset, safety expertise, and cost efficiency-driven attitude, I can make valuable contributions to your airline’s objectives. I am excited about the opportunity to join your team and make a positive impact on the company’s growth and success.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my candidacy further.

Storytelling/Narrative Writing Style Example

As I sat in the bustling café, sipping my coffee and watching people from all walks of life pass by, I couldn’t help but reminisce about my first flight as a passenger. The excitement of soaring through the sky and the butterflies in my stomach as the plane ascended had me completely captivated. This feeling has never left me, and it is the reason I am applying for the role of Cabin Crew today.

I vividly remember the warm smile and genuine kindness of the flight attendant who had noticed my nervousness. She went above and beyond to make my experience comfortable and memorable. In that moment, I was inspired to follow in her footsteps, and I have been dedicated to pursuing this career ever since.

Over the past few years, I have developed exceptional interpersonal skills while working in the service industry. This has granted me the ability to quickly establish rapport with customers, ensuring their needs are met and that they feel valued. Additionally, my experiences in various volunteer projects have instilled in me the importance of teamwork and adaptability.

I recently completed my cabin crew training, where I honed my skills in safety procedures, emergency response, and customer service. The rigorous training and my unwavering passion for the aviation industry have prepared me to contribute to your esteemed organization as a compassionate, professional, and reliable Cabin Crew member.

In conclusion, I am thrilled at the prospect of joining your team, and I am confident that my enthusiasm, dedication, and personal experience will make a positive impact on your passengers and the overall success of your airline. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to the opportunity to demonstrate my passion and capabilities in person.

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Anna Muckerman

Cabin Crew cover letter example

Cabin Crew cover letter example

Not all of us love flying. Being stuck in a long metal tube with a load of other people at an unfathomable height is not for everyone. Yet, despite the unnatural setting, flying is often an experience that many of us relish. The procedures, the seat belt rules, the inevitable screaming baby…. and the unfailingly polite and smiling cabin crew members.

If there was a job that demanded a certain type of person, it is cabin crew. They are confined to that narrow gangway for hours on end, seemingly serving hundreds of passengers simultaneously. Their smile never leaves their lips, and their demeanour is permanently switched to helpful. 

When cabin crew are looking for a job, their cabin crew cover letter needs to consequently venture far beyond the factual nature of their CV. The hiring manager needs to feel the warmth of their smile as they read the words on the page. The most personality-packed cover letters will likely get the interview invites. But how do you go about writing such a cabin crew cover letter? 

To start with, it is useful to do some research. Our range of cover letter examples is a good place to start. For some cabin crew specific advice, in this guide we look at:

  • Writing a cabin crew cover letter to help your application soar
  • Deciding which aviation career stories to tell in the letter
  • Picking a format and structure that works for you (plus a cover letter sample)
  • Writing a cabin crew cover letter with no experience
  • Mistakes to avoid if you are keen on that interview invite.

Here are a few other cover letter examples to offer more inspiration:

  • Sales assistant cover letter example
  • Supermarket cover letter example
  • Receptionist cover letter example
  • Retail cover letter example
  • Barista cover letter example

Best format for a cabin crew cover letter

Before we take a look at a cover letter sample, let’s deal with the basics. Cabin crew are very process driven. They have so much to do on their flights, so they appreciate the need for structure in their work. A cover letter is no different. Talk a hiring manager through your experiences in the way they expect — there is no need to do anything differently from the norm in terms of structure. Your cabin crew cover letter should include the following elements:

  • The cover letter header
  • The greeting / salutation
  • The cover letter intro
  • The middle paragraphs (body of the letter)
  • The ending paragraph of your cover letter (conclusion and call-to-action)

A cabin crew cover letter should be all about the extras that you cannot find in a CV. You know, all the stuff that you don’t have to do on the flight, but you know that the passengers will appreciate it. You need to make the hiring manager feel like you have gone the extra mile and personalised the cover letter to such a degree that it feels that it is written just for them. Let your innate love for detail come to the fore.

Before we dive into the detail of the letter, it may well be worth gaining a more general appreciation of cover letter writing. Our comprehensive cover letter guide would be a good place to start. When you have decided on things such as font size, margin width and cover letter design, you will know how much space you need to tell your story.

Dear Alice Fletcher,

I am writing to express my interest in the advertised cabin crew position at UK Airlines Ltd., a role I came across on your official website. As a dedicated individual who has always been fascinated by the aviation industry, I believe I can offer excellent customer service skills and a keen attention to detail, both of which I understand are crucial for this role.

In 2021, I successfully completed a BSc in Hospitality and Tourism Management from the University of Surrey, graduating with honours. This academic journey has equipped me with a deep understanding of the hospitality sector, emphasising customer satisfaction and service excellence. Moreover, my coursework in safety and emergency procedures has provided a solid foundation that I am eager to apply and build upon in the cabin crew role at UK Airlines Ltd.

During my time at university, I also completed an internship at a renowned hotel in Manchester where I developed a strong skill set in attending to clients from diverse backgrounds with varied needs and preferences. These experiences have honed my communication and interpersonal skills, allowing me to excel in high-pressure environments and maintain a calm, professional demeanour.

In addition to my academic and professional background, I have always been committed to maintaining a high level of physical fitness, which I understand is a vital aspect of a cabin crew member’s role to ensure the well-being and safety of all passengers on board. My multilingual abilities in English and Spanish further enhance my readiness to communicate effectively with a diverse clientele and to provide assistance to passengers in various circumstances.

I am extremely excited about the opportunity to join the UK Airlines Ltd. team, where I am eager to contribute to the high standards of safety and customer service that your airline is known for. I am confident that my background in hospitality and tourism, coupled with my enthusiasm for the aviation industry, positions me well to contribute positively to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to potentially discussing how my educational background and skill set can align with the goals and standards of UK Airlines Ltd., and how I can play a role in ensuring a pleasant and safe journey for all passengers.

Yours sincerely, Samantha Brown

Cover letter header

People probably feel good when they see the logo of your airline. Design can have an intangible effect on someone’s perception. The cover letter header is your chance to introduce an element of design into your application, but make sure that it isn’t too flashy or colourful. After all, you have a no-nonsense job that is focused on efficiency.

Include your full contact details at the top of the cabin crew cover letter — name, email, and mobile number. The hiring manager may wish to invite you to interview there and then, so repeat these details here as well as on your resume. 

There is no need for a full home address — data protection issues are everywhere these days. Finally, you should also forgo the employer’s inside address. You won’t set foot in a corporate office, after all, and it just takes up vital cover letter space.

Cover letter greeting

Greeting people and making them feel welcome comes naturally to a cabin crew member. Getting the greeting right at the start of a cover letter is therefore important. Opt for the standard “Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Surname” and you won’t go far wrong.

If the hiring manager is not listed on the job description (you will likely be interviewed by someone from the cabin crew HR team first), try to find out a name if you can. There may be an HR email address where you can inquire. A phone call to a massive corporate office will likely end in failure. If you are still not sure, go for a warm “Dear Airline cabin crew team” rather than the overly formal “To whom it may concern.”

Cover letter introduction

The introduction of the cabin crew letter should get into your story of service. Don’t talk about your responsibilities – instead, tell your future hiring manager about your personality and motivations at work. Attitude is everything when your job is to keep passengers happy on a long flight. Your passion for customer service should shine through right from the start.

Maybe tell an unusual story to demonstrate how you go above and beyond when the moment demands it. You will experience all sorts of situations, so give a hint that there are many more stories to come during an interview.

Cover letter middle part (body)

The middle paragraphs of cover letters should address some specifics from the job description. The airline will likely have a few expectations that are above and beyond the normal job — share some accomplishments that show you have what it takes.

The middle part of the cover letter is also where you can double down in the potential culture fit. If you have worked for an airline with a similar customer service mentality, tell the potential employer more about your experiences. You need to minimise the perceived risk of hiring you at this early stage. 

If an airline makes a hiring mistake with their cabin crew it can have serious ramifications for their brand — especially at a time when viral social media posts can shine a light on any customer service failures. Come across as a safe pair of hands.

How to close a cabin crew cover letter (conclusion and sign-off)

The close of a cabin crew cover letter should end on one last story of success. Then there is the simple matter of saying that you are looking forward to finding out more during an interview. This call to action will serve to show your confidence in your ability and it will also hopefully prompt a hiring manager to invite you to an interview. If your application is good, they should get the sense that time is of the essence.

Cabin crew cover letter with no experience

Getting a job as a cabin crew member requires a high level of customer service, but plenty of people enter the industry without previous aviation experience. There are plenty of similarities if you have worked in a customer-facing high-end luxury setting — you are there to facilitate an experience. 

Focus on your transferable skills and make the link between what you have done and what you will be expected to do when you are in the air. If you are moving into the industry, it is important to show that you have done your homework.

Basic mistakes in a cabin crew application letter (and how to avoid them)

A mistake by a cabin crew member can be amplified when they are on a long flight and need to walk past the customer that they have let down multiple times before they land. Flying is stressful for many people, and you can never quite tell how someone might react to an error. Try to avoid these mistakes in your cover letter to show that you are not error-prone.

  • Grammar mistakes. While writing might not be an integral part of your job, make sure that you use a program like Grammarly to double-check the basics.
  • Get the tone right. You should write your cover letter in the same tone that you would use with a passenger –— professional but warm. Don’t be too casual.
  • Keep it relevant. Telling a story from a budget airline might not work if you are applying for long haul flights with a significant percentage of business class passengers. Check the job description carefully to avoid any mismatch.

Key takeaways

  • Make sure that your personality comes across in the cover letter — that is so important for your future employer. It is important for them to get to know you.
  • Share plenty of customer-centric stories — it is all about the passengers, after all.
  • Include facts and figures about your career — you need to be able to measure your success. How have you dealt with the inevitable emergencies in the air?
  • If you are wondering about the cover letter design, have a look at our attractive cover letter templates .

Free professionally designed templates

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Career Paths

  • Nov 18, 2022
  • 11 min read

Careers: How to Become an Emirates Cabin Service Assistant

Want to work for Emirates? Follow these steps!

Mike Dalley

Mike Dalley

HR and Learning & Development Expert

Reviewed by Hayley Ramsey

Person happy to be an Emirates cabin assistant

Emirates is the main airline of the Emirate of Dubai , and one of two national flag carriers in the UAE (the other being Etihad, based out of Abu Dhabi). Regarded as one of the best airlines in the world, Emirates is the largest airline in the Middle East, operating a fleet of over 250 aircraft (including the largest fleet of Airbus A380 “Superjumbos” in the world) that travels to 80 countries. 

The Emirates group is known for the high standards of service it offers customers, as well as for the lifestyle and perks it offers its crew, including the cabin service assistants. Despite its high standards, getting a job as an Emirates cabin service assistant has never been easier, as the global job market for aviation jobs is currently very tight. This article covers how to get a job as a cabin service assistant with Emirates, including the duties and responsibilities of the crew and the skills you need to possess — as well as the steps to take to join this career path .


  • What they do

What the job is like

Essential skills and qualities.

  • Steps to become a cabin service assistant

What Emirates cabin service assistants do

There are three main parts to the Emirates cabin service assistant job. The first one is the most important, and this covers safety procedures before, during and after the flight. They need to ensure all safety equipment is working correctly and flag any issues where needed. You will be responsible for passengers’ safety during the flight and guiding them through the pre-flight safety check. Finally, you will be responsible for the evacuation of the aircraft in an emergency. 

Secondly, you are responsible for the aircraft’s readiness for passengers. This includes ensuring the galley is stocked with food and drink, checking the cabins are clean and well maintained, and the premium class lavatories and showers are stocked with toiletries. Although you will not be cooking food or cleaning the cabin, you need to liaise with the relevant teams to ensure this is happening. You will also check the passenger manifest to see who’s onboard and if they have any special requirements. 

Finally, you are responsible for the excellent customer service experience that Emirates promises its passengers. Cabin service, even in economy class, is deemed to be among the best available in any airline, and if you are looking after passengers in business class or first class, then the expectations are even higher. 

Here are the top six responsibilities of an Emirates cabin service assistant: 

  • Conducting safety checks in the cabin before, during and after the flight.
  • Coordinating emergency situations, such as evacuations or passenger disturbances.
  • Liaising with ground teams on cabin manifests and cleanliness. 
  • Looking after passengers and ensuring a consistently high level of service in accordance with Emirates’ standards.
  • Communicating with the flight deck on messages and information regarding the flight.
  • Serving food and beverages throughout the flight. 

Being a cabin service assistant can be a glamorous job with any airline, but if you work for Emirates, then you are based out of Dubai in accommodation paid for by the company. It’s a great chance to experience the Middle East while traveling and earning a good salary. Here’s a breakdown of what working with Emirates is like:

Work environment

As an Emirates cabin service assistant, you will live and work in Dubai , but much of your working time will be spent in an aircraft. Emirates is a long-haul airline, and flights can be anything up to around 17 hours, in the case of Dubai to Los Angeles. Away from the sky, you’ll need to participate in lots of training and will spend plenty of time at the Emirates Aviation Training College in Dubai. Because your downtime is spent in Emirates accommodation buildings around the city, you might also feel that you’re still at work, even when you’re not!

The work hours for Emirates cabin service attendants can be intense. At times, on long-haul flights and changing between different trips, you might be awake for longer than 24 hours (though you will get time to rest and sleep on the aircraft). There will be little time to recover from jet lag. On average, you will be working around 80–100 hours a month, but this might vary wildly. For example, Emirates operates fewer flights during Ramadan, so expect fewer hours during this time and more either side. 

Occupational hazards

As is the case with any cabin crew job , stress and burnout can be two main occupational hazards. Emirates expects high standards from its attendants, and you will be expected to adhere to these, no matter how tough a day you are having. Working on an aircraft will also present outer hazards, such as the risk of falling luggage, slips, trips, and falls, and handling hot liquids. It’s also worth pointing out that female assistants need to wear (low) heels, which might take a little getting used to at first.

Job satisfaction

Emirates promote their cabin service assistant roles as “the best job in the world”. In terms of salary and benefits, Emirates is very competitive. The basic salary is no different from many other flight attendant roles, but when you consider that it is tax free, and you are living rent-free in Dubai while you earn it, you can save plenty of money.

Crew member accommodation is provided. If you’re an entry-level cabin service assistant, you might have to share an apartment with one or two other same-sex cabin crew, but first-class attendants often have their own apartment. Whatever the case, you will also benefit from free transportation, healthcare, gym, and a swimming pool. For these reasons, Emirates cabin service assistants are ranked as very satisfied , and also deem the role to be both fun and challenging. 

The job market has been struggling recently , as the travel industry rebounds after the COVID-19 travel shutdowns. Airlines all over the world are finding it difficult to find employees, and Emirates is no exception, having embarked on a global recruitment campaign back in Spring 2022. The role offers good career progression, with the chance to get started looking after economy class passengers and moving up through the premium economy, and business class cabins, culminating in first class and becoming either a trainer or lead cabin service assistant.

Emirates pays wages tax free in the local currency of Dubai, the UAE Dirham (AED). The average salary for an Emirates cabin service assistant is AED9,250 ($2,518) monthly . The entry level wage is AED4,430 ($1,206) per month and you will earn flying pay of AED 63.75 per hour. You can earn more than this by graduating to different cabin classes and taking on leadership and training roles, as well as through annual salary increases.

You are given free accommodation, but if you choose to live outside Emirates’ accommodation, you might be entitled to some living expenses. It’s important to check with your home country if you have to pay any tax on income earned in Dubai.

Emirates expects the very best from their cabin service assistants, and you will need to ensure that you have all the right skills and qualities needed for success in the role. Here is a list of the most important skills you will need:

  • Excellent verbal and visual communication skills : They need to be able to communicate effectively in all situations. They also need excellent presentation skills to make the right impression in front of passengers.
  • Dependability and reliability: Adhering to strict timetables and being on time for every shift is critical for every airline. If the flight crew isn’t ready, aircraft can arrive or depart destinations late, and the airline can be subject to large fines. 
  • Stress tolerance and crisis management: This skill is most important when dealing with emergencies, but also they must be able to act calmly and cope well when undertaking daily tasks. A key part of the Emirates service offering is service, and you must be able to carry this out even when tired or under pressure. 
  • Assertiveness : Cabin service assistants must be able to confidently tell passengers what to do in a variety of settings. Doing this in an emergency is critical, but getting unruly or disobedient passengers under control is important as well. 
  • Customer service skills : They need to understand the importance of five-star customer service, as well as how to respond to passenger complaints. 
  • Food and beverage service skills: At Emirates, the food and beverage offerings are comprehensive, especially in premium classes. They must be able to recommend beverages, open bottles of wine, and gracefully serve food to all passengers. The A380 fleet has bars on board, too!

Steps to become an Emirates cabin service assistant

The aviation world might be urgently needing cabin service assistants, but Emirates still requires a certain quality of candidate, as well as the right skills. This section takes you through how to successfully apply for the role. 

Step 1: Determine if it’s the right career for you

The first thing you need to consider is if your natural skills match what Emirates is looking for (use the above skills as a baseline for this). These are skills you must naturally enjoy using. You must also have an interest and passion for great customer service and looking after people: after all, this is a major part of your job! Finally, you must really enjoy traveling ; this is a job that takes you literally all over the world!

If you are unsure what kind of career your passions, interests, and skills might lead to, then consider taking a career assessment, such as the one CareerHunter offers. This six-stage test matches your interests and skills to various careers and gives you recommendations on how to get started on your career journey . 

Step 2: Gain a high school diploma and hospitality experience

You will need to complete high school to fly with Emirates. The airline isn’t fussy on subjects, but focusing on maths and languages will be a good starting point (Emirates require English as a minimum but other languages are advantageous). 

You will also need hospitality experience. Consider working as a server or for an international hotel chain to gain a basic understanding of excellent customer service principles, and if possible, work in a five star or luxury setting, which is aligned to what will be expected of you with Emirates. 

Step 3: Take note of the minimum requirements

Like many airlines, Emirates has strict minimum requirements you need to completely fulfill before applying to the cabin service assistant role. The first one is qualification for a UAE visa . This is quite easy, as most countries have reciprocal visa arrangements. You will also need to be at least 160cm tall and be able to reach up to 212cm, have no visible tattoos while in uniform, be fluent in written and spoken English, have a high school education, and one year’s customer service experience. 

Step 4: Attend an Emirates recruitment event

Emirates hold recruitment events all over the world; the most recent listings are on their recruitment website . Even if you cannot make it to one of these events, you can apply for the role online and, should your application be considered, you will be emailed about an invite-only recruitment event instead. When you attend the recruitment event, ensure you are aware of the minimum requirements above, be well-prepared for the cabin crew interviews , and come neatly groomed and dressed in business attire. Ladies must wear heels.

Step 5: Complete Emirates’ training process

If you have been accepted as an Emirates cabin services assistant, then you will be enrolled in a seven-stage training process that takes place in Dubai and starts with an eight-day induction. You will then go through two weeks of safety and emergency procedure training, a week of medical training, two days of security training, uniform standards training, service personality training, then two weeks of customer service training. Only after this will you embark on four months of on-the-job training!

Final thoughts

Getting a job as a cabin service assistant with Emirates can be a wonderful experience. You will get to see the world, be based out of vibrant Dubai, and earn a tax-free salary. The airline places high expectations upon the shoulders of its cabin service attendants. You will be expected to offer the excellent service that this airline commands, always be on call and professional when in the air and cover a wide range of responsibilities. Provided you take note of the airline’s minimum requirements and focus on your training, becoming a star cabin service assistant for Emirates is an achievable career goal for many.

Are you interested in working for Emirates? Have you been through the interview process? Let us know in the comments about your experiences.

Originally published 21 November 2016.

Career Exploration

Tourism and Hospitality

cover letter for cabin crew assistant


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    1. Create a header. Every cover letter starts with a formal header that lists the candidate's current contact information. Include the current date, your name, address, phone number and professional email address. Compare these details to what you wrote on your resume and make any changes to ensure they are up-to-date and accurate.

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    Use this Cabin Crew cover letter example to finish your application and get hired fast - no frustration, no guesswork. This cover letter example is specifically designed for Cabin Crew positions in 2024. Take advantage of our sample sentences + expert guides to download the perfect cover letter in just minutes. 4.3.

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    The average salary for an Emirates cabin service assistant is AED9,250 ($2,518) monthly. The entry level wage is AED4,430 ($1,206) per month and you will earn flying pay of AED 63.75 per hour. You can earn more than this by graduating to different cabin classes and taking on leadership and training roles, as well as through annual salary increases.

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