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Teachers Day in Vietnam

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National Teachers day.

Vietnam celebrates National Teacher’s Day on November 20th.

Is there a teacher who has had a significant and meaningful impact on your life? Someone who patiently helped you through a difficult topic or subject, or encouraged you to pursue your interests and passions?

If you answered yes, I don’t need to inform you about the immense gratitude that kids have for their teachers.

On National Teacher’s Day in Vietnam, pupils express their thankfulness, gratitude, and respect for their teachers.

In this article, you’ll learn why National Teacher’s Day is so important to Vietnamese students’ and teachers, as well as a little about the history of Teacher’s Day in Vietnam.

On this day, students’ pay tribute to their teachers by visiting them, presenting flowers, and sending messages. Many working people still visit their old schools and teachers, thus this day also serves as an opportunity for graduates to reunite and relive old memories while also discussing their present life.

Additionally, this is the day on which the ministries evaluate and award instructors who have excelled during the year.

When is National Teachers day.

In 1957, a group of Vietnamese educators and education professionals traveled to Poland to attend an international teacher’s conference. The first commemoration was held in 1958 to mark the 50th anniversary of that meeting. It evolved from there, and the day was formally titled Viet Nam Teachers’ Day in 1982.

Teachers day is historically held on the 20th of November. The first nationwide celebration in Vietnam was held on November 20th, 1982. From that day on, the 20th has become one of the most important and customary days for the country’s education sector. It commemorates every single individual who has contributed to the Education sector and celebrates their accomplishments in raising the next generation of students’.

essay about teachers day in vietnam

Stories from Students

Here are some brief stories from students’ in Vietnam and their take on Teachers day.

These stories are unaltered and may contain some mistakes. But it gives a true feeling to how the students’ feel and think.

All nicknames were chosen by the students’.

Teachers Day is a special day for students’ send a thankyou to their teachers. In general, all schools in HCM city will give students’ the day off to organize and attend a ceremony and the afternoon will be a time for former students’ to visit the school and visit their teachers, for example. To me, I usually hang out with my friends or stay at home and sleep on Teachers Day. Because it’s rare that my school just gave us a day off.

Teachers’ Day is November 20th. This is a day celebrated to express our gratitude to our teachers for their dedication and hard work. Students should respect their teachers, and Teachers’ Day is the perfect occasion to show teachers how much they appreciate them. This is an opportunity for students’ to express their gratitude and deep gratitude to their teachers.

Teachers are our second parents. They deserve to be appreciated and respected, especially on Teachers Day- an occasion takes place on 20th November. On this day, most school hold events for students’ to give their teachers presents and also love. This is a big day in the field of education, one of the most meaningful days of the year.

essay about teachers day in vietnam

Teacher Day Celebrations.

The Vietnamese Teachers’ Day holiday allows pupils to express their gratitude and admiration for their teachers. Concerts, recitals, and exhibitions are common events at schools. .

For the ceremonies, students’ also prepare food and flowers. Classes are frequently canceled for the day. In schools. However,.students’ often attend school in the morning and some also spend the whole day partaking in these joyful activities.

there are a slew of activities to commemorate this holiday.

Students’ will have been practising their performances and been preparing for several weeks prior to the day. You will see traditional costumes and dances along with the students’ version of K or V pop. All good fun and highly entertaining.

Some parents take advantage of this opportunity to meet and thank their children’s teachers.

Parents and students’ express their gratitude by bringing to school beautiful flowers and other gifts for teachers. Some students’ even decorate their own ‘thank you’ card to teachers.

Passing of “red envelopes” while officially frowned upon still happens in most schools. Although not so much for Foreigners. But do not be surprised if you have to carry home several bunches of flowers.

essay about teachers day in vietnam

Lucky Money.

Teachers Day for Foreign Teachers.

Do you want to know if international teachers who work in Vietnam are recognized on this day? “Yes,” is the answer. Like other Vietnamese teachers, they will get blessings and presents from their pupils, parents, and the schools were they teach. They will receive all the love and respect that the Vietnamese people have for them.

You will be in awe by what occurs on Vietnam’s national teacher’s day. I have taught at schools were the students’ put on elaborate performances for the Teachers. And afterwards the teachers retreat into the hall and drink beer, eat and sing karaoke. An outrageously funny day.

“When I first heard about Teachers’ Day in Vietnam, I was surprised because we don’t have anything like this in New Zealand,” said Stephen, a teacher who has participated in several Teachers’ Day events in Vietnam.

“I think it’s fantastic that the children are doing so much for the teachers and acknowledging them. It’s always encouraging to watch our pupils put forth so much effort. Stephen Hey, a foreign teacher who has lived in Vietnam for nearly fifteen years, said, “All the teachers look forward to this day.”

I hope you learned something new about Vietnam Teacher’s Day while you were here with me. Is there a day set aside in your country to honor and thank teachers?

If that’s the case, how do you express your gratitude to your teachers? I eagerly await your response!

Learning about different cultures can be one of the most exciting and fulfilling aspects of traveling. If you’re looking for more cultural knowledge about Vietnam you will find these pages helpful.

Etiquette in Vietnam

Vietnam coffee culture

Food in Vietnam .

Many thanks for reading , Stephen.

You can check out my website here. ==> Vietnam <==

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4 thoughts on “Teachers Day in Vietnam”

The Vietnamese Teachers’ Day is different from what it is in other parts of the world. I like that in the Vietnamese culture, teachers are held in high regard. And that not only shows on Teacher’s Day but during every day of the year. Not only inside the classroom but also in the market, the park or where ever a teacher is.

Thanks for your comments. Yes teachers are well respected in Vietnam and like everywhere in the world, provide a very valuable service.  

I am not a teacher but it was truly heartwarming to read about the admiration and comraderie displayed on Teachers’ Day.  Teachers are truly unsung heroes.  They play so many different roles other than that of educator.  They are parents and caregivers during school hours as well.   Where I live in Trinidad & Tobago World Teachers’ Day is celebrated on October 5th.  While it seeks to recognise the value of teachers as is done in Viet Nam, the celebration are most definitely not on the same scale.  I think we can learn a lot from what is done in Viet Nam and I most certainly plan to share this article with teachers and educators that I know.

This article has also peaked my interest in Viet Nam and I most certainly will be done some research of other cultural and social activities.  Thanks for sharing.

Thanks Roberta for your heartwarming reply. It is a very nice experience to be part of teachers day in Vietnam. It gives you an insight into the culture of the people who live here. It is a great place to visit, whether for holiday or work. Thanks for the kind comments.

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Vietnamese Teacher’s Day- everything you need to know about this day!

On September 28, 1982, the Council of Ministers (now the Government) issued Decision No. 167-HDBT establishing November 20 every year as a holiday named “Vietnam Teachers’ Day”. From then, the November 20th of every year will be the Vietnamese Teacher’s Day .


What is Vietnamese Teacher’s Day?

In Vietnam, the teacher’s day falls on the 20th of November, this day allows students to show respect and gratitude’s to their teachers. Since teaching is a noble profession, Vietnamese Teacher’s Day is a big day not only for teachers but also for all society.

Vietnamese Teacher’s Day

Vietnamese Teacher’s Day is an important occasion for anyone at any age

In Asian culture, we have an idiom “Một chữ cũng là thầy, nửa chữ cũng là thầy”, it literally means if someone teaches you even a word or a half word, you have to see them as your teacher. It shows how important teachers are and how much we need to appreciate them. Not only the students who are in schools, all people send wishes to their old teachers to show their respects to the people who gave them knowledge and many life lessons.

In honor of said near approaching day, follow us through this article to find out what makes this day special.

Vietnamese Teachers’ Day origin

Teaching is one of the 3 most-respected professions in Vietnam since the very beginning

In January 1946, an organization dedicated solely for educational employments called FISE (Féderation International Syndicale des Enseignants) was established in Paris, France.

Then in 1949, at Vacsava international conference, the FISE organization officially announced a charter regarding teachers and educational employees that included 15 chapters in total.

The charter’s content mainly revolved around the fight between modern education systems against its bourgeois and feudal counterpart; protecting the legitimate substantial and mental rights of everyone involved in the educational field.

From the 26th to 30th of August 1957, FISE had 57 countries in total participations, including Vietnam. In the end, Vietnam decided to choose November 20th annually as our country’s Teachers’ Day.

On November 20th 1982, the first nationwide celebration was grandly held in Vietnam. From that day on, the particular 20th has become one of the most traditional and important days for the country education sector, honoring every single individual that has contributed to the development of said sector and their achievements to grow the new future, their students.

How Vietnamese students and teachers celebrate Teacher’s Day

Instead of having classes, the whole teachers and students in Vietnam have a day off to attend an annual meeting to celebrate the teacher’s day. In the meeting, the teachers usually give speeches about the importance of education in the development of the country to encourage the students to study harder and become a great person. There are also some performances from the students during the meeting, this is a great opportunity for them to show their talents and make the meeting more interesting.

A students' performance on the Teacher’s Day

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What students do:

The students show their love to their teachers by saying how much they appreciate the teacher’s work to give them knowledge and also teaching them how to become a good person. They give their teachers flowers and gifts as a thank you. There is a tradition on this day, people go visit their teachers so the teachers are quite busy when they have a lot of students through many generations coming to express their gratitude’s to the one who guided them on their education path.

What schools and parents do:

Beside the love and affection from students, teachers also get a lot of care from the parents and the government.

  • If the children are in kindergartens or primary schools and don’t know how to express their feelings, their parents will do the job. They bring the kids to the teacher’s house with flowers and presents. Since Vietnamese people are told to respect their teachers since they are kids so this spirit is maintained from generations to generations.
  • The government spends most of the time on the national TV channel for television reportages and documentary shows to honor the teaching career in general and also the importance of being a teacher.

Vietnamese Teacher’s day of foreign teachers in Vietnam

Are you wondering if foreign teachers who are currently teaching in Vietnam are honored on this day? The answer is “Yes”. They will get blessings and gifts from the students, the parents and the schools where they are teaching just like other Vietnamese teachers. They will feel all the love and respect from Vietnamese people.

Vietnamese Teacher’s day of foreign teachers in Vietnam

Vietnamese Teacher’s day of foreign teachers in Vietnam

Someone is even so surprised by what happens in the Vietnamese national teacher’s day as it is not a traditional holiday in their home country.

“I heard about Teachers’ Day when I came to Vietnam, and it was a surprise to me because we don’t have anything like that in Australia,” a lecturer who engaged in four Teachers’ Day celebrations in Vietnam told Vietnam Insider.

“I think it’s great and wonderful that the students are doing all this for the teachers, recognizing the teachers. It’s always nice to see so much effort from our students. I think all the teachers look forward to this day,” asserted Melvin Fernando, a foreign lecturer who has lived in Vietnam for nearly ten years.

As a foreigner working as a teacher in Vietnam, this means a lot to me as well. Anticipating the day has given me some time to evaluate myself as a teacher. When the greetings and the appreciation come pouring in, I can’t help but make some time for self-reflection and review my life as a teacher. It helps me rebuild myself and motivates me to become a better teacher.

Don’t be afraid of getting gifts and flowers

I am a person that is very easy to please so I often tell my students to avoid grand gestures. My adult students would usually give me flowers or treat me in a coffee shop. Small bag accessories are also usual gifts I receive. However, when it comes to my students’ parents, I cannot really control how they show their appreciation. I have received bags, perfumes, ceramics and other useful things from the parents. It’s quite overwhelming, to be honest. As much as we appreciate this day, there are more pressing issues that need to be addressed in the whole educational system of the country.

I hope that the government will consider other measures to show appreciation to the Vietnamese teachers like higher salary and more laws for their protection. That’s my only prayer for Teachers’ Day”. The feeling of Rowena D Law-agey, a Filipino teacher living in Vietnam for more than 2 years.

Rowena's feeling about Vietnamese Teacher's Day

All in all…

Watch ” What is Vietnamese’s TEACHER DAY like?”

In general, the 20th of November in Vietnam has become the day that teachers get all the attention and love they deserve. Although being a teacher sometimes can be really difficult but because of having this day, they will feel very proud to be a teacher and encourage young talented people to choose teaching careers in the future and contribute their knowledge to the development of the nation’s education.We want to say thank you to all teachers currently teaching in Vietnam and wish you to have a wonderful teacher’s day with your students. Nevertheless, we hope that you will keep your dedication with the teaching career to guide the younger generation on the education path.

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Celebrating National Teacher’s Day in Vietnam

Do you have a teacher who made a huge positive impact on your life ? Someone who patiently guided you through a topic or subject you struggled with, or encouraged you to pursue your passions and interests?

If your answer is yes, then we don’t have to tell you the weight of gratitude that students may feel toward teachers.

Each year in Vietnam, students show thanks, gratitude, and respect for their teachers on National Teacher’s Day. In this article, you’ll learn about why this is so significant to Vietnamese students and teachers, a little bit of history of Teacher’s Day in Vietnam, and how National Teacher’s Day is celebrated today.

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1. What is Teacher’s Day?

Vietnam Teacher’s Day is a festival of education to honor those who work in the field. This day is an opportunity for generations of students to express their gratitude to teachers.

In Vietnam, Teacher’s Day is set aside to praise the country’s spirit of being deferential to your teacher and having respect for morals by showing gratitude and respect to teachers.

2. When is Teacher’s Day in Vietnam?

Each year, Vietnam celebrates Teacher’s Day on November 20.

3. Reading Practice: Teacher’s Day Celebrations & Events

Read the Vietnamese text below to learn how students in Vietnam celebrate Teacher’s Day and honor their teachers! Then check your reading skills against the English text directly below it.

Trong ngày này, các học trò sẽ đến thăm, tặng hoa và gửi những lời chúc đến các thầy cô giáo đang và đã từng dạy mình. Có nhiều người tuy đã đi làm những cũng vẫn sẽ về thăm trường cũ, thầy cô giáo cũ, vì vậy, ngày này cũng trở thành như một ngày họp lớp, để các học sinh sau khi tốt nghiệp tập hợp và ôn lại kỷ niệm cũ cũng như chia sẻ về cuộc sống hiện tại của mình. Ngoài ra, đây cũng là ngày các bộ ngành đánh giá và khen thưởng các giáo viên có thành tích tốt trong một năm đã qua.

Các hoạt động chào mừng ngày lễ này đều diễn ra tưng bừng trong các nhà trường. Từ nhiều tuần trước đó, các hoạt động thi đua trong học tập cũng như văn nghệ của các em học sinh cũng đã được chuẩn bị. Trong ngày lễ này, học sinh vẫn đến trường nhưng thường sẽ dành phần lớn thời gian để tham gia các hoạt động kỷ niệm.

Một số phụ huynh học sinh cũng tranh thủ dịp này để đến gặp và cảm ơn thầy cô giáo của con mình. Tuy nhiên, hiện tượng này đã được Bộ Giáo dục hạn chế và không khuyến khích để tránh những hiện tượng tiêu cực có thể xảy ra.

On this day, students visit, give flowers to, and send greetings to the teachers who have been teaching them. Many people who are workers still come to visit their old schools and teachers, so this day also becomes an occasion for class meetings in which graduates reunite and relive old memories as well as talk about their current lives. In addition, this is also the day when the ministries assess and reward teachers who’ve performed well during the year.

Activities to celebrate this holiday take place jubilantly in schools . From several weeks prior to the day, students’ learning and performances are also prepared for emulation. On this holiday, students still go to school, but they often spend their time participating in these celebratory activities .

Some parents also make use of this chance to see and give thanks to their children’s teachers. However, this phenomenon has been limited and discouraged by the Ministry of Education and Training to avoid the negative outcomes that can occur.

4. Origin of the Date

Do you know when the November 20 date was chosen for this holiday?

On September 28, 1982, the Ministerial Council (now the Government ) made an official decision to select November 20 as Vietnam Teacher’s Day.

5. Essential Vietnamese Vocab for Teacher’s Day

Here’s some essential Vietnamese vocabulary you need for Teacher’s Day in Vietnam!

  • Trường học — “ School “
  • Hoa — “Flower”
  • Quà tặng — “Present”
  • Lớp học — “Class”
  • Hát — “Sing”
  • Bưu thiếp — “Postcard”
  • Ngày Nhà giáo Việt Nam — “Teacher’s Day in Vietnam”
  • Tiệc — “Party”
  • Lời chúc mừng — “Wish”
  • Thăm nhà thầy cô giáo — “Visit teacher’s house”
  • Đến thăm thầy cô giáo của con — “Visit one’s child’s teacher”
  • Bày tỏ lòng biết ơn — “Pay tribute”
  • Cuộc mít-tinh — “Meeting”

To hear each of these vocabulary words pronounced, and read them alongside relevant images, be sure to check out our Vietnamese Teacher’s Day vocabulary list !

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about Vietnam Teacher’s Day with us. Does your country have a day for celebrating and thanking teachers? If so, how do you show gratitude to your teachers? We look forward to hearing from you!

Learning about other cultures may be the most fascinating and enriching aspect of trying to master their language. If more Vietnam cultural information is what you’re after, you may find the following pages on helpful:

  • The Vietnam National Day: Vietnamese Independence Day
  • How to Celebrate President Ho Chi Minh’s Birthday
  • Vietnamese New Year: How to Celebrate Tet Holiday in Vietnam
  • What’s Your Favorite Vietnamese Food?
  • Top 20 Words You’ll Need for the Internet

If you’re more interested in expediting your Vietnamese language skills, we have you covered! By creating a free lifetime account , you can have access to numerous learning tools: more insightful blog posts like this one, vocabulary lists , and even mobile apps . Upgrade to Premium Plus to take advantage of our MyTeacher program and learn Vietnamese with a personal tutor.

Becoming fluent in Vietnamese as a second language isn’t easy, but your determination and hard work will pay off! And will be here with practical learning tools and encouragement on every step of your way to language mastery!

Happy Vietnamese Teacher’s Day!

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Celebrating Vietnamese Teachers' Day

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How can you celebrate 20 November in 2021?

If you are a teacher, a teacher educator or just interested in learning more about teaching English, we have a whole range of activities, events and resources for you. Below we let you know about some of what’s on offer this month. 

Celebrate ELT innovation – ELTons on Monday 15 November 

Did you watch the international awards that celebrate excellence in innovation in English language teaching and learning? Now in its 19th year, the ELTons celebrate the most innovative ways to learn and teach English from around the world, as well as the teams behind them. Innovators and leaders from across the English language education community, and beyond, gathered again for the awards – in our first hybrid ELTons event.  

Among the winners on the night was The Hands Up Project for their project in Palestine. Hands Up are currently partnering with Can Tho University and IH London on the Digital English Theatre Project in the Mekong Delta as part of our Digital Learning Innovation Fund . Congratulations to Hands Up and all the winners.   

Learn more about all the winners of ELTons 2021 and watch the recording of the live event here .

Explore our wide range of resources for teachers using the new branding Teaching English Viet Nam

Whether you visit our website , are one of over 8,000 followers of our Facebook page or one of the almost 20,000 people who subscribes to our You Tube channel, by 20 November you should start to notice a common branding – Teaching English Viet Nam. This is an extension of our global website for teachers TeachingEnglish and the TeachingEnglish Facebook page, which is followed by over 4 million teachers worldwide.  

One of the latest resources on our You Tube channel is the Teacher Takeaway  playlist of four webinars. The term ‘takeaway’ refers to a concept, activity or technique, that teachers can take directly take from the webinar and use in their own classrooms. The series presents ideas from international perspectives and contexts, with British Council trainers from China, Japan and Viet Nam presenting their classroom ideas on different topic areas for teachers to ‘take away’. 

We are also relaunching our monthly newsletter, formally the VTSN, as the ‘Teaching English Viet Nam update’. Each edition will include information about free events, resources and activities that teachers and teacher educators can access and use free of charge. To join the mailing list for this monthly simply subscribe here . 

Take part in a CPD webinar for teachers on Saturday 20 November (15.00-16.00) 

In the first of a new series of webinars, specifically designed for teachers and educators in Viet Nam, Fiona Dunlop from the Wimbledon School of English, who recently partnered with the VietTESOL Association as part of the British Council’s PRELIM project will present a webinar entitled Accessing Meaningful CPD for Busy Teachers. In it, Fiona will share some of her experiences of PRELIM in Viet Nam before presenting some practical CPD suggestions for teachers. Click here to register for this webinar. 

In future months, we will feature more webinars and presentations from our three Digital Learning Innovation Fund pilot projects , who will not only present information about the projects themselves but also share some practical suggestions for teachers to help you with your professional development.

Indeed, Fiona’s webinar is one of many Continuing Professional Development (CPD) webinars for teachers in Viet Nam at the moment. 

  • Saturday Tech-Talk  – Immediately, following Fiona’s webinar, will be the third webinar in the Saturday Tech-Talk series from our British Council and i-TELL colleagues in Indonesia. This week’s topic is Maintaining Classroom Interaction online. The session is also on Saturday 20 November, 16.00–17.00 and you can register here  
  • ASEAN teacher webinar series – From September 2021 to March 2022, we have monthly webinars on a range of practical topics for teachers. You can still watch the first two here . To register for the third one on How to Teach Listening on Tuesday 23 November, click to register here. Times and dates of the other webinars will be shared in due course, so stay tuned. 
  • World Teachers' Day webinars  – Finally, as we celebrate Vietnamese Teachers' Day, don’t forget you can still watch all eight of the TeachingEnglish webinars for World Teachers' Day (5 October) by clicking on the playlist here . 

However you choose to celebrate, we at British Council wish you a very happy Vietnamese Teachers’ Day. 

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High school of Education Sciences (HES) University of Education - Vietnam National University, Ha Noi Add 1: 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay & Kieu Mai , Phuc Dien, Hanoi, Vietnam Add 2: HT2 Building, National University Urban Area, Hoa Lac, Thach That, Hanoi. Hotline: 0981.830.838/0965.670.499 Email: [email protected] Website:

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Celebration the 39th anniversary of Vietnamese Teachers' Day

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November has returned in the joyful atmosphere of the whole country towards November 20th. Today (November 18, 2021), the High School of Education Sciences solemnly celebrated the 39th anniversary of Vietnamese Teachers' Day by means of an in-person and online ceremony.

Attending were Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quy Thanh - Rector of the University of Education, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Van Thuan, Dr. Nguyen Duc Huy and the heads of the Departments/Departments of the University of Education, the Board of Directors, and the teachers of HES.

 MG 8814

In the warm atmosphere of the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quy Thanh shared his enthusiasm for HES. He believed that with the collective effort, enthusiasm, and solidarity, HES would achieve many great victories in all activities, growing a stronger school that is worthy of the trust and love of all the leaders, teachers, and parents of students.

Following the speech of Prof. Dr. Nguyen Quy Thanh, Assoc. Dr. Nguyen Thi Huong - Principal of the High School of Educational Sciences made a congratulatory speech: "A great teacher is one who holds hands, broaden the horizons, and touches hearts."


Latest news & event

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HES 11th and 12th graders had the opportunity to meet and exchange with Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Ngoc Thang about the admission process to top universities in the US, Australia, and Europe

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TEDxHanoi - The Stage Project at HES - Former HES Students Return and Connect, Spreading Inspiration

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 Collaboration Exchange between Missouri State University and HES

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METANOIA 2023 - HES's English Eloquence Contest

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With the desire to create opportunities for international students to learn about Vietnamese culture in general and explore Nha Trang tourism in particular, NTU organizes the ISOC for a week with the following criteria:

  • Introducing Vietnamese culture, Nha Trang tourism, and Nha Trang marine ecosystem through specialized lectures by professors at the University.
  • Introducing Nha Trang tourism through sightseeing activities at famous tourist destinations in the city.
  • Introducing Nha Trang's marine ecosystem through activities on the island: diving to see coral, and visiting marine protected areas.
  • Learn about Vietnamese culinary culture through cooking class.
  • Create a playground for international students to interact with Vietnamese students.
  • Experience and explore one of Vietnam's most famous and attractive tourist cities.
  • A certificate of participation in Summer Camp is issued at the end of the course.  

The program activities: DOWNLOAD HERE

Program fee: US$ 420/participant

  • Pick-up and Drop-off at Cam Ranh International Airport
  • Accommodation: 6 nights at 4 stars hotel (2 pax/room)
  • Meals: All breakfast, 4 lunches, 2 dinners
  • 2 field trips all inclusive
  • Participation fees and entrance tickets for all activities mentioned in the program
  • T-shirt and hat (ISOC 2024)

Not including:

  • Flight ticket
  • E-visa application fee (if needed)
  • Personal travel insurance
  • Personal Expenses, Mobile Phone Expenses, Expenses incurred at hotels and attractions

Participants: Students, trainees, and lecturers of regional and international partner universities/institutes (Aged 18 years old or older)

Information & Registration

Time of ISOC: 22 - 27/07/2024

Deadline for registration and payment: 22/06/2024

We are now open for registration: REGISTER HERE

For more information, please contact: International Cooperation Department

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Tel: +84 258 247 1303
  • Address: 02 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street, Vinh Tho Ward, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa

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Kicking off the project “Fostering Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Ecotourism to support sustainable development in Vietnam and the Philippines”

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  • Vietnamese Teachers’ Day - a special celebration in Vietnam

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Vietnamese Teachers’ Day – a special celebration in Vietnam

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Vietnamese Teachers’ Day in Vietnam is a key occasion not only for students but also for all of society. This day honours natives and foreigners who get teaching jobs in Ho Chi Minh City as all of them have dedicated their entire lives to bringing knowledge to every single one of their beloved students.

essay about teachers day in vietnam

1. The origin of this special day

On September 28, 1982, the Ministerial Council made an official decision to select November 20 as Vietnamese Teachers’ Day. Since this significant milestone, the Vietnamese recognised this date as a momentous occasion not just for students but for all of society as well. So far, Vietnamese people celebrate Vietnamese Teachers’ Day yearly on November 20.

2. Which activities do the Vietnamese hold on this day?

Both local and international schools in Vietnam grandly celebrate this event. Teachers and students attend the joint meeting, in which teachers will give speeches about the importance of education to the development of the country.

Along with these moving lectures, students also express their true feelings through a speech which is often presented by a student on behalf of all other students in the school, to acknowledge teachers’ contribution to the education field in general, as well as in an effort to help them achieve fruition in their learning path. 

Additionally, students also arrange delicately some performances, which makes the meeting more compelling and vibrant. They host many jubilant activities in order to savor these fond memories together. 

Vietnamese people have always been known for respecting traditional values, including venerating teachers. This day is the best chance for students to express gratitude toward their teachers. They visit their teachers’ homes and bring some presents prepared carefully to partially reciprocate their teachers’ contribution.

With foreigners, who work teaching jobs in Ho Chi Minh City , Vietnamese also owe a debt of gratitude for their support and education.

3. Is Vietnamese Teachers’ Day special for foreign teachers?

Along with local teachers, foreign teachers, who work teaching jobs in Ho Chi Minh City or any place in Vietnam, are also honored due to their dedication to the education sector. 

On this day, they receive many flowers and gifts representing their students’ gratitude and respect for them. In addition, the Vietnamese are pleased to invite foreign teachers to both their traditional events and parties to enhance the relationship between overseas teachers and students.

essay about teachers day in vietnam

It is hard to educate and teach children to become adults with kindness and knowledge. Therefore, Vietnamese people always respectively give merit to teachers, including foreign teachers, especially those who taught and enlightened them with expertise and other worthwhile virtues in their life, such as modesty, justice, and patience. These characters are very important in their development as human beings.

Teachers, especially those who embrace teaching jobs in Ho Chi Minh City and all over the country will absolutely see formality and professionality in preparation because Vietnamese people deliberately arrange every activity on this utmost important date.

If you want to join hands in building a bridge of human knowledge for children and create more and more true values, don’t hesitate to contact us to begin your career path in a good working environment:  

More information: 

  • Why Vietnam teaching jobs are worth it
  • 4 public holidays in Vietnam you should attend for the first time
  • Why is teaching job in Vietnam popular with foreigners?

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essay about teachers day in vietnam

Celebrating Teachers’ Day in Vietnam

ABROADER November 20, 2022 3 minute read

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Every year, on November 20th, millions of people all over Vietnam celebrate National Teachers’ Day . We give flowers, gifts, and gratitude, and the quiet yet enormously significant contribution to our noble teachers in particular, and anyone who works in the education field in general. We respect what they have been making for society with their career. The Vietnamese have had a long history of paying gratitude to educators dating back from the time of Confucian.

essay about teachers day in vietnam

How do Vietnamese celebrate this special day?

The Vietnamese have a long list of sayings and lessons which means to teach children to respect their teachers and parents. Also to pay tribute to the noble work that teachers have done to educate their children.

“If you want to cross a river, build a bridge If you want your kids to do well at school, love the teachers”

Days before the occasion, students at all schools prepare some music performances. They can sing, dance, or do a flashmob, some schools even organize a competition. There, the best performances will be chosen to perform on this special day. The best one will, of course, wins a prize. On this special day, most schools allow students and teachers a day off for a formal ceremony including a speech by the principal and a student representative. Then the teachers will receive special prizes, in recognition of their respective contributions to education. Parents and alumni students pay respect to teachers by offering gifts like clothing, cosmetics, fruits, flowers, and so on. Alumni often wait for this day or the days before to visit their old teachers. It is a chance to pay respect and talk about memories from the past.

essay about teachers day in vietnam

People do not strictly dedicate this celebration to people who teach classes, but also to those who provide moral education or anyone who has been nurturing the development of children and students in one way or another, and anyone who is important to your own development. All are deserving!

Vietnamese Teachers Day is an invaluable tradition that teaches young people about the importance of education and the people who are providing them. Their presence is anything but flashy but their impact is undeniably significant to each and every life that they touch. So let us all say…

Dear teachers , Working in the field of international education, we understand how tough it can be to educate a generation into smart, hard-working, and earnest people. We also understand that it is harder than ever to be an educator in this increasingly globalized world. And that is why we regard your work very highly. On this special day of celebration for educators around Vietnam, we wish you an amazing day filled with joy, inspiration, and perseverance to pursue the noble mission of educating and connecting young people across Vietnam. ABROADER

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Expat Teachers In Vietnam: Making A Difference In Every Vietnamese Child’s Life

Hiezle Bual

(L-R) Kat Olan, Daryl Ann, and JP Opperman.

To say teaching is only a profession is an understatement. While it’s true, there’s more to spending hours with a bunch of enthusiastic and curious minds than meets the eye.

Teaching is a calling. And as the Chinese proverb says, “If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.”

It goes without saying that none of us could land our fancy job titles today if it weren’t for our teachers who gave their hearts full of patience and understanding, with courage and passion.

As cliche as it may sound, a good teacher is like a candle — it consumes itself to light the way for others. While they usually enjoy a generous salary, benefits, and paid vacation days, the joy of sacrificial giving is priceless.

It’s true, being a teacher means having to carry heavy responsibilities, but what makes it fulfilling is when the student’s achievements are not solely theirs to celebrate. It is a teacher’s joy, too.

In celebration of Vietnamese Teachers’ Day, we reached out to a few foreign teachers who have, in more ways than one, touched and improved the lives of the young Vietnamese generation. We asked them what brought them to Vietnam and the best part about their job. They also shared their fondest memories with their students.

To all educators, foreigners and locals, thank you for your service. This day is for you!

Ryan Cooper

Originally from the US, Ryan is a 39-year-old English teacher focused on speaking, reading, and communication. Prior to coming to Vietnam, he taught in Phnom Penh, Cambodia but decided to cross the border and move to Ho Chi Minh City and teach here instead. Ryan also spent a few years teaching in South Korea and Thailand.

“My goal when teaching students is to prepare them for the global marketplace,” he said. “If they can speak English proficiently, it should benefit them in the workforce.”

Ryan said what he loves most about his profession: “I think what I love most about teaching is that I get to hear from students their dreams and aspirations.”

Fondest memory as a teacher in Vietnam:

As a teacher, my fondest memories in Vietnam are of when the students make me laugh. Students can be so clever, witty, and funny. I appreciate these moments in the classroom the most.

Claude Diaz

When Claude decided to move abroad and hone his skills, he chose Vietnam because of its rich and diverse culture, which “offers myriads of opportunities to cultivate” his profession.

Claude teaches ESL (English as a Second Language) at Vinschool Central Park in HCMC.

To Claude, teaching goes beyond the four-walled classrooms. “What I love most about my profession is that every day offers a different opportunity to mold young minds and make a difference in their lives,” he shared. While it’s his responsibility to teach, he also gets something to live by every time.

My profession as a teacher in Vietnam benefits my students and my fellow Filipino teachers. Currently, I am the leader of the SAPI-Education sector, which primarily caters to the welfare of Filipino teachers in the country. I am glad that through this community, we can help other teachers in any way possible.

Tamryn Johnson

Unlike most overseas workers who plan their trips abroad, 24-year-old Tamryn left her hometown in South Africa in 2018 after her now-mother-in-law decided to book her and her then-boyfriend, now-husband, tickets to Vietnam.

“I ended up in Vietnam by chance,” she told Vietcetera. After the tickets were booked, they “told us to pack our bags and we’re going.”

Fortunately, she was hired as an English teacher through AMA Vung Tau and taught mainly in public schools on the southern beach island. A natural with kids, Tamryn instantly found a home in Vietnam, teaching not only English but the basics of life.

“What I love most about my profession is seeing my kids progress and get so good at another language,” she said.

One of my fondest memories is hearing one of my grade 2 kids ask me a question in perfect English but using a South African accent. It was great!

JP Opperman

Also from South Africa, JP is Tamryn’s husband and co-recipient of the surprise trip to Vietnam. “By picking a new place I’d never been to and decided to move there on a whim,” he said.

JP also taught English in public schools in Ho Chi Minh City’s closest beach access through AMA Vung Tau. And he hosted school events, too.

“What I love most is being a kid with the kids, it reminds me to be young and carefree sometimes because just as they learn from me, I learn from them,” JP shared.

My fondest memory is building bonds with all my kids, having them be so comfortable they talk about anything and everything with me.

Twenty-six-year-old Daryl Ann started teaching ESL in the Philippines until one of her Vietnamese students gave her the idea to fly to Vietnam and teach in-person classes. And three years later, Daryl teaches Social Studies at the Asian International School and English at AEG STEAM English.

“I can’t teach every child in the world, but I can make a difference for the ones I teach,” she said. “The impact I have on their lives can stay with them throughout their years of schooling and beyond.”

I taught Kindy class in a language center. One time, I played a game with my students and brought three medals with me for the students who won the game in that class. The next day, one student brought his own medal and wore it in class. I assumed he asked his Mom/Dad to buy one for him and show it to his classmates. It made me realize that the little things you do in your class will always impact the students.

Conor Flaherty

Conor, originally from Ireland, is an English and Science teacher at the Asian International School. He’s 26 years old and has been based in Vietnam for nearly two years. “I came to Vietnam after hearing positive experiences and stories from friends and acquaintances who traveled and worked in Vietnam as teachers,” he said.

To Conor, working with kids, as they have great energy and are full of life, is the best part about his job. “It is a nice feeling helping students learn and develop, which is why teaching is a pleasant profession.”

One of my fondest experiences was going to the school’s front gate to enter, and the grade 1 students were there with their class teacher, excited to see me and shout my name. It is hard not to smile when you see students happy.

When Kat first came to Vietnam, it was for pleasure and to enjoy the country’s beauty. However, weeks became indefinite when she fell in love with Vietnam and the quality of life here. (Because really, who wouldn’t?)

After that, job opportunities came, and that was the time she decided to stay. Considering that the cost of living is also cheaper compared to the Philippines, it was an easy decision to make.

Based in Vung Tau, Kat is a lecturer and Student Affairs Manager at the Imperial International Hotel College. On top of that, she’s also the main lecturer for the Customer Service in the Hospitality Industry module.

As a lecturer and a Student Affairs manager simultaneously, Kat’s job requires her to interact with students more than any other college faculty member. And to her, “that is what I love the most because I have the opportunity to also learn from the students and understand them, not just academically, but more on a personal level. It is a challenging responsibility, but I enjoy it because I get to contribute to the student’s development and hopefully inspire them to pursue their dream careers in the future.”

There are a lot of good memories, especially on special occasions. But, one unforgettable memory happened just last year when I had the chance to teach students of all levels, from kindergarten to college level, and even working professionals. It was really tough switching from beginner to adult learners every day as I had to apply an entirely different approach and teaching methodology for each class. However, I found it fulfilling, and I also learned a lot from that experience.

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Vietnamese Teachers' Day (November 20): History and best gift ideas to show gratitude

Vietnamese teachers’ day origin.

In January 1946, an organization dedicated solely to educational employments called FISE (Féderation International Syndicale des Enseignants) was established in Paris, France.

In 1949, at Vacsava international conference, the FISE organization officially announced a charter regarding teachers and educational employees that included 15 chapters in total. The charter’s content mainly revolved around the fight between modern education systems against its bourgeois and feudal counterpart; protecting the legitimate substantial and mental rights of everyone involvements in the educational field, Vietnam Insider reported.

From the 26th to 30th of August 1957, FISE had 57 countries in total participations, including Vietnam . In the end, Vietnam decided to choose November 20th annually as its Teachers’ Day.

“So this Teachers’ Day – forget the bad, horrible, mean teachers and pay your respects to the people who make your lives richer with knowledge, smarter with skills and wiser with good words about life and how to become the person you are destined to be.” Said Stivi Cooke – an English teacher based in central Vietnam.

Vietnamese’s Teachers’ Day is a very meaningful and noble day

On November 20, 1982, the first nationwide celebration was grandly held. From that day on, the particular 20th has become one of the most traditional and important days for its country education sector, honoring every single individual that has contributed to the development of the said sector and their achievements to grow the new future, their students.

Students from all around the country showing their respect by either giving gifts or revising their old mentors and proudly present their successes in life to show gratitude and let their mentors know that their efforts have not been in vain. Not only students, parents, and the government also take time and effort to honor and celebrate everyone in the education field. The celebration is not limited solely in words but also in mass media and all sorts of real-life means.

“Respected moral venerated teacher” is also a way in the Vietnamese’s mind as a way to remember who they are, how they came to be, and that their successes are not their own but many others as well. With that, let’s us all join hand and make the most out of the upcoming holiday.

“Having worked with a lot of local educational institutions, I know firsthand what it’s like to teach big classes of thirty or forty students with only overhead fans to keep us from dying on our textbooks. It’s quite embarrassing for me to teach with sweat running down my face and chalk spattered across my nice shirt – it ruins my credibility.” Stivi Cooke added.

Best teacher gift ideas that show your appreciation

If you want to show local educators some extra love this school year, consider these teacher gift ideas. Accredited Schools Online suggested some interesting ideas for this special day to show our gratitude.

Personalized pencils

Nothing is worse than having your pencils stolen. Help your teacher keep track of their supplies with personalized school supplies, like these customized pencils.

Everyone loves a good book

Perhaps your teacher introduced you to an author who just released a new book, or maybe you read a story that reminded you of something your teacher said in class. Books can be great gifts for teachers because there are tons of opportunities to make them personal.

Their go-to grading tool, but better

Teachers spend a huge amount of their time grading assignments, so giving them something to help with that process can be a great gift.

A new lanyard

A thoughtful gift to help your teacher keep their ID, classroom key and other necessities in one spot.

School supplies

Teachers usually pay out of pocket for the supplies in their classrooms, which can add up quickly. Pencils, pens, dry erase markers, coloring supplies, disinfecting wipes, and tissues are used on a daily basis, so whenever teachers get a new stock of any classroom supplies, it’s a big help.

A movie night

Treat your teacher to a night at the movies. A gift certificate or a couple of tickets and concession vouchers is a fun gift that gives teachers an easy way to spend some time with a friend or loved one.

A sturdy, personalized tote bag

Teachers have a lot to haul to and from school. This gift is a simple gesture that shows you pay attention and care for your teacher, and it won’t go unappreciated.

A well-thought gift basket

When done well, gift baskets can be a huge hit and a lot of fun for students and parents who are more DIY-oriented. The key is to make the basket useful and geared toward the teacher’s interests. Teachers are pragmatic folks, and if the basket is more style than substance, its contents will probably still be appreciated, but not necessarily used.

Something fun to add to their collection

Does your math teacher always work Star Wars characters into word problems? Or maybe your teacher is a Volkswagen enthusiast and has a row of toy cars on their desk. Teachers are people, too, with lives and interests that extend beyond the classroom.

A keepsake or memory book

Whether it’s a scrapbook-style binder filled with quotes, pictures, memories and notes or a blank book that the teacher can keep all the doodles and letters they receive from students over the years, teachers will cherish something like this forever.

Something that reflects a class memory

This kind of gift can take many forms, like a note, a doodle or some sort of knick-knack. If it is meaningful and will remind your teacher of a specific, positive moment in class, it will be valued. Try a class picture with each students’ signature.

A letter or card

By far, this is the best gift a student can give a teacher. Teachers live to see their students’ progress and growth, and the thing they treasure the most is a handwritten letter from a student thanking them and letting them know that they made a difference.

While snacks get eaten, candles burn down, and mugs get donated, the gratification and affirmation that comes from knowing they’ve made a difference in the lives of their students stay with teachers forever. Pair this with the keepsake book and get the whole class in on letter-writing for a gift that will most definitely be cherished by your teacher forever.

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Vietnam Teacher's Day

Essay by people   •  October 12, 2011  •  Essay  •  524 Words (3 Pages)  •  5,639 Views

Essay Preview: Vietnam Teacher's Day

With every pupil in my country, the first lesson in the first day at school was: "first learn manner, then learn knowledge.". The "manners" mean are the ways we behave in family and school. Therefore, pupils in Vietnam were very respected to their teachers. In my country, there are a lot of special holidays but I think Teacher's Day is the most special day with everybody because the teacher is the person who should be respected more than anyone in Vietnam.

In Vietnam, Teacher's Day is celebrated throughout the country on November 20, every year. It is locally called as "Ngay Nha Giao". This day was set when Ho Chi Minh (a first president in Vietnam) sent a thanks letter to all teachers across my country for their effort in educating the young generation. The festival was first celebrated in North Vietnam. From then to now, November 20 has become a traditional Teacher's day of teachers and everyone in Vietnam. Teacher's day is really a unique celebration which shows how important and valued the position of teacher is in Vietnam. Highly respecting teachers is one of our traditional customs for many centuries now, especially in Vietnam.

This holiday allows students to express their respect to their teacher. There was a lot of interesting activities in preparation for greeting it. Students begin preparing a week, and many classes usually prepare literature and art to welcome teacher's day. Many students try to learn very hard and get a lot of good mark to present for their teachers. Students may also prepare foods and flowers for the parties held at their schools. Students usually visit their teachers at their homes to offer flowers and small gifts. Former students , who graduated a long time ago, have a job or get married , also pay respect to their former teachers on this day. That is a special day for all of us to gather together and talk about many memories that we had at that time.

A day for teachers like that should to be a custom in every country. As we know, even in Viet Nam or other countries, teachers are always respected by everybody. Each of us have our own teachers, they may be the ones who taught you in high school, in university or maybe only the one who you admire as your teacher because of his advice. After your parents, they are the persons who give you a lot of knowledge and experiences. A good teacher, with his dedication and enthusiasm, can instruct his students not only how to do a difficult problem but also how to be a good person. A teacher can give his knowledge to hundreds or even thousands of students in his whole lifetime. That's really a hard and great job.

In summary, Vietnam Teacher's Day is a chance for students to remember their teachers and express their admiration. I hope in the near future, I can come back to my country in this time, so I can visit my old teacher

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Teachers' Day in Vietnam Date in the current year: November 20, 2024

Teachers' Day in Vietnam

The history of Vietnamese Teachers' Day dates back to the late 1950s. In 1957, Vietnamese educators participated in a meeting for teachers from socialist countries held in Warsaw, Poland. The anniversary of the meeting was first celebrated in Vietnam in 1958 as the Day of the International Manifesto of Educators. In 1982, it was renamed Vietnamese Teachers' Day.

Teachers' Day allows Vietnamese students to express their gratitude and respect to their teachers. It is usually celebrated with special events held at schools, such as concerts, recitals, and exhibitions. The classes are canceled for the day. Students typically give their teachers flowers, greeting cards and small gifts. Former students visit their former teachers either at school or at home to thank them for their hard work and dedication.

The Minister of Education of Vietnam usually addresses teachers on the occasion of their professional holiday, expressing gratitude for their contribution to society.

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Memorial day reflection: vietnam was a different war in so many ways.

Ira Cooperman stands alongside the fire truck dedicated July 26 in his son Robert Cooperman's memory. (MediaNews Group file)

Vietnam was one of the longest wars of the 20th century, for America lasting from 1959-75.

The cost of human suffering was monumental and difficult to calculate. In what was then called South Vietnam, the war produced an estimated seven million displaced persons, and two million Vietnamese casualties.

And no one should forget the 58,000 Americans who were killed, the 300,000 seriously wounded, and the thousands still listed as “missing in action.”

Among other miasmic effects, the war had a profound impact on American culture and politics. Only now, after decades of avoidance, repression and silence, Americans have finally come to terms with this war which deeply divided our nation for years.

However, it was a different kind of war. Politically, militarily and in its outcome, Vietnam didn’t resemble what I learned in school about America’s other wars.

Bloody events, which included the coordinated attacks that occurred throughout South Vietnam as part of the Tet (New Year) offensive of 1968; the My Lai massacre of March 1968; and the Kent State shootings in 1970 also contributed to making it a different war.

Vietnam was a different war in a helicopter or an F-4 Phantom jet, or a B-52 bomber. Different in the Delta, the Highlands, near the DMZ, Laos or Cambodia.

It was different on the rivers, in the mud, in field hospitals, on ships in the South China Sea.

It was a different war for women, the seven thousand American women, mostly nurses, who volunteered to care for those doing the fighting.

And the eight women who died and whose names are inscribed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.

Today it is remembered as a different war in its physical and emotional aftermath. For Americans and Vietnamese suffering from Agent Orange absorbed decades ago.

For the Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians still affected from exposure to toxic chemicals and unexploded ordnance left behind.

Finally, it is remembered today as a different war than it was 50 or 60 years years ago — for those who cannot forget it whether they were in Vietnam or not. Memorial Day’s significance, however, is in the hearts and minds of veterans and the families of veterans who are counted among the war’s casualties.

Especially each year on the observance of Memorial Day.

Ira Cooperman, a resident of Wyncote, served as an Air Force intelligence officer in the Vietnam War from 1965-66. His email address is: [email protected]

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