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The Ultimate Guide to Listing Presentations + Templates & Examples

If you’re a real estate agent, you understand that crafting an impressive listing pitch or listing presentation is a crucial aspect of your role. This opportunity allows you to showcase your skills, expertise, and track record to potential clients, convincing them that you’re the ideal choice to sell their property.

However, developing a winning real estate listing pitch can seem like a daunting task. That’s why we’ve compiled the Ultimate Guide to Listing Presentations, complete with templates and examples to assist you in creating a presentation that will leave a lasting impression.

Whether you’re an experienced pro or a new agent embarking on your career, this guide offers all the insights you need to produce a compelling and impactful listing pitch, ultimately securing more business. So, grab a cup of coffee and let’s get started!

What Is a Real Estate Listing Presentation?

A property sales pitch is a tool utilized by real estate agents to present their services to prospective clients interested in selling their homes. This opportunity allows agents to highlight their expertise, capabilities, and marketing approaches to gain the confidence and business of potential sellers.

The real estate sales pitch typically comprises details about the agent’s background, their methods for selling properties, and an in-depth examination of the current real estate market in the seller’s locality. It might also encompass instances of prior property sales by the agent, along with their promotional materials and strategies. Crafting a well-structured property sales pitch is critical, as it can be the deciding factor in securing or losing a potential client. Therefore, it’s vital to dedicate the effort needed to make it as engaging and influential as possible.

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real estate agent benefit

Benefits of a Listing Presentation for Real Estate Agents

There are numerous advantages to developing a robust property sales pitch as a real estate agent. Foremost, it’s an opportunity to exhibit your knowledge, professionalism, and track record to prospective clients. A well-crafted presentation can bolster your reputation and instill confidence in potential clients that you possess the qualifications to effectively sell their properties.

An outstanding property sales pitch can help you distinguish yourself from other agents who may be vying for the same business. By delivering a concise and persuasive marketing strategy, you can set yourself apart and illustrate why you’re the optimal choice for the task.

The objective of the property sales pitch is to secure more property listings. A compelling and carefully constructed presentation can sway potential clients to opt for your services over those of other agents, ultimately resulting in an increase in listings and sales.

Lastly, an effective property sales pitch can aid in cultivating stronger connections with prospective clients. By investing the time to comprehend their requirements and concerns and offering a tailored marketing blueprint, you can convey your dedication to their success and establish trust and rapport that may lead to enduring business associations.

  • Establish credibility and professionalism with potential clients.
  • Demonstrate your expertise and experience in the real estate industry.
  • Stand out from other agents who may be competing for the same business.
  • Communicate your unique who may be proposition to potential clients.
  • Provide a clear and compelling marketing strategy for selling a home.
  • Win more listing and sales.
  • Increase your income and commissions.
  • Create stronger relationships with potential clients.
  • Build trust and rapport with potential clients.
  • Provide a roadmap for the selling process, which can help alleviate concerns and anxiety.
  • Outline your approach to marketing and advertising the property.
  • Provide market data and analysis to help sellers understand the current real estate landscape.
  • Demonstrate your attention to detail and professionalism.
  • Show your commitment to the success of the client and their property sale.
  • Boost your confidence and improve your overall performance as a real estate agent.

listing presentation

How to Create the Best Listing Presentation?

Drawing from my experience as a seasoned real estate agent, I can attest that crafting a successful property sales pitch demands dedication, hard work, and meticulous attention to particulars. Here are some recommendations to assist you in developing the most effective property sales pitch possible:

  • Know your audience : Understand who your potential client is and what their needs and goals are. Tailor your presentation accordingly.
  • Use visuals : Incorporate high-quality photos, videos, and infographics to showcase your expertise and the property.
  • Showcase your track record : Highlight your experience and success as a real estate agent. Share case studies or examples of past properties you’ve sold.
  • Be informative : Include a thorough analysis of the local real estate market, current trends, and buyer behavior.
  • Explain your marketing strategy : Outline how you will market and advertise the property to potential buyers. Highlight your unique approach and marketing materials.
  • Highlight your services : Let potential clients know what sets you apart from other agents. Share your unique value proposition and services.
  • Be organized : Use a clear and logical structure for your presentation. Break it down into easy-to-digest sections.
  • Practice : Rehearse your presentation to ensure that you’re confident and engaging during the actual meeting.
  • Be authentic : Be yourself and let your personality shine through. Potential clients will appreciate your honesty and authenticity.
  • Follow up after listing presentation : After the meeting, follow up with potential clients to answer any questions and provide additional information if necessary.

listing tools

Listing Presentation Tools

Various presentation tools are available to aid real estate agents in crafting polished and convincing property sales pitches, which can ultimately secure the confidence and business of prospective clients. Here are a few examples of such tools, including Trafft, Highnote, Pixlr, Grammarly, and Jasper:

  • Trafft – the best online booking system that helps agents streamline their booking process, making it easier to set up and schedule listing presentations with potential clients.
  • Highnote – real estate presentation software that allows agents to create multimedia presentations that incorporate video, audio, and images. It’s a great way to showcase your expertise and provide a more engaging and interactive experience for potential clients.
  • Pixlr – photo editing software that helps agents enhance and edit photos of a property, making them more attractive and compelling to potential buyers.
  • Grammarly – a writing assistant tool , can help agents ensure that their presentation is error-free and grammatically correct, which can add to their professionalism and credibility.
  • Jasper – helps agents generate content for their presentations, such as property descriptions, market analyses, and marketing materials. It uses artificial intelligence to create high-quality and relevant content that can save agents time and effort.

listing appointment checklist

Listing Appointment Checklist

To help you ensure that your presentation is comprehensive and effective, we’ve created a listing appointment checklist :

  • Ask Thoughtful Questions Before Listing Appointment. You can ask the potential client about their goals and objectives for selling their property. Make sure you understand their needs and expectations. I’ve written an in-depth guide about questions to ask sellers at listing appointment that will be helpful
  • Get To Know the Property. Explain how you’ll Include high-quality photos and videos of the property, as well as a detailed description of its features and benefits in the buyer presentation.
  • Find Out Everything About the Neighborhood
  • Perform Competitive Market Analysis (CMA). Provide a thorough analysis of the local real estate market, current trends, and buyer behavior.
  • Learn How to Prepare for a Listing Appointment. Outline how you will market and advertise the property to potential buyers. Highlight your unique approach and marketing materials.
  • Mention Relevant Results and Testimonials. Share case studies or examples of past properties you’ve sold. Provide references or testimonials from satisfied clients.
  • Go Over and Beyond at Your Listing Appointment. Highlight any additional services you offer, such as staging, virtual tours, or professional photography.
  • Follow Up After Listing Appointment. End your listing appointment with a strong closing statement that summarizes the key points and highlights the value you can bring to the potential client. You can do it as a follow-up listing presentation.

presentation examples

Listing Presentation Examples

If you’re looking for inspiration and guidance on how to create a winning listing presentation, there are plenty of great examples available on our website. Check out some of the top real estate listing presentation examples and create a winning one. Just remember to tailor your presentation to your audience and highlight your unique value proposition as a real estate agent. With a little research and creativity, you can create a listing presentation that sets you apart from the competition and wins the trust and business of potential clients.

listing presentation templates

Listing Presentation Template

If you’re looking for a comprehensive and customizable listing presentation template , look no further! We have prepared an amazing template that includes all the essential sections you need to create a persuasive presentation. Our template includes a cover slide, introduction, market analysis, marketing strategy, property details, pricing strategy, case studies, references, additional services, and a closing statement.

The best part is that you can easily customize and personalize the template to fit your unique style and brand. Whether you’re a seasoned real estate agent or just starting out, our template can help you create a professional and persuasive listing presentation that wins the trust and business of potential clients. So, what are you waiting for? Check out our listing presentation templates today and take your real estate business to the next level!

listing presentation template

What You Need to Know About Luxury Listing Presentations

Luxury listing presentations require a different approach than regular listing presentations. Luxury properties often require a more sophisticated and personalized approach to marketing and advertising. As a result, luxury listing presentations must be tailored to the needs and preferences of high-end clients.

Luxury listings should be presented with high-quality photography, videography, and virtual tours that showcase the property's unique features and amenities. Additionally, luxury listing presentations should include a comprehensive analysis of the local luxury real estate market, including recent sales, current trends, and buyer behavior.

When it comes to luxury listing presentations, attention to detail is key. Every aspect of the presentation should be polished and refined, from the font and layout to the language and tone used. You should emphasize your expertise and experience in the luxury real estate market, as well as your ability to provide personalized and discreet services to high-end clients.

Luxury listing presentations should also include a detailed marketing plan that showcases the property to the right target audience, such as affluent buyers and investors. By taking a personalized and sophisticated approach to luxury listing presentations , you can successfully market and sell high-end properties and build a reputation as a trusted and knowledgeable luxury real estate professional.

how to followup

How to Follow Up After a Listing Presentation

Following up after a listing presentation is a crucial step in the sales process. Here are 5 tips on how to follow up after a listing presentation:

  • Send a thank-you email: After the presentation, send a personalized email thanking the potential client for their time and the opportunity to present your services. Mention a few key points that you discussed during the presentation to reinforce your value proposition.
  • Address any concerns or questions: If the potential client had any concerns or questions during the presentation, make sure to address them in your follow-up email. This shows that you listened and care about their needs.
  • Provide additional resources: Include any additional resources or information that may be helpful to the potential client. This can be anything from market reports to links to your online portfolio or social media channels.
  • Send a follow-up listing presentation: If the potential client seems interested in your services, send a follow-up meeting to encourage further discussion.
  • Keep in touch: Even if the potential client decides not to work with you at the moment, keep in touch and send occasional updates on the local real estate market or any new listings that may be of interest to them. This can help build a long-term relationship and may lead to future business.

listing software

Real Estate Listing Presentation Software

Highnote is an incredible real estate presentation software that will elevate your listing presentations. With its easy-to-use interface and robust set of features, Highnote can help you create stunning and interactive presentations that capture the attention of potential clients. Highnote allows you to easily add images, videos, and interactive widgets to your presentation, making it more engaging and memorable for viewers. Plus, you can easily customize your presentations with your branding and style, ensuring that they reflect your unique value proposition as a real estate agent. With Highnote, you can create a professional and persuasive listing presentation that helps you stand out from the competition.

Ready to elevate your next listing presentation? Try Highnote for free today and see for yourself how it can help you win more business. With a variety of real estate listing presentation templates and design options, you can quickly and easily create a stunning presentation that showcases your expertise and experience in the real estate industry.

The intuitive analytics dashboard is a nice addition that allows you to track how viewers are engaging with your presentations and adjust your strategy accordingly. Don’t wait any longer to take advantage of this amazing real estate presentation software. Try Highnote with this free resource all for free and start creating beautiful and persuasive listing presentations that help you close more deals!

See how Highnote instantly elevates your listing presentations and helps you land more clients.

listing in presentation

Questions to Ask Sellers at the Listing Appointment

Wondering how to prove your worth? We’ve prepared questions to ask sellers at listing appointment to increase your chances of winning a listing!

listing in presentation

What is Solar Proposal Software?

This comprehensive guide will introduce you to solar proposal software, highlighting its significance, features, and how it’s transforming the solar business.

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Step-by-step Guide to Creating Buyer Presentation

Check out now the step-by-step guide to creating buyer presentations. Try Highnote and sign up for a free trial to elevate your buyer presentations.

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Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials How to Prepare a Listing Presentation: Guide for Real Estate Pros

How to Prepare a Listing Presentation: Guide for Real Estate Pros

How to Prepare a Listing Presentation: Guide for Real Estate Pros

Do you want to close more leads on a regular basis?

In that case, you may need to level up your communication skills. To win more listings, move on from having a polite “pre-sales” chit chat with prospects to doing full-scale presentations of your services.

What is a Real Estate Listing Presentation?

A listing presentation is your pitch to a prospective seller to represent them in a Real Estate transaction. Succeeding with your presentation means that you will sign on a new client and receive a bigger commission this month.

But of course, there will be other agents knocking on the seller’s door, offering their services. In fact, 55% of sellers interview two or three agents before making the decision. So how do you get chosen among the sea of other agents? Wrong, if you thought that most prospects will stick with someone offering the highest listing price and asking for the lowest commission.

When putting up their homes for sale, most people want to partner with a competent, forthcoming and proactive agent, capable to broker the best arrangement for them. Obviously, the best Real Estate agents are rarely those charging the lowest commission.

In fact, the main goal of conducting a full-scale, deck-ready listing presentation is to persuade the prospect that you are their optimal choice.

The best listing presentation isn’t a brief oral interview on the porch; it’s a carefully staged, full-scale demo of your professional capabilities. Keep in mind that creating a listing presentation isn’t the only way to market effectively in your industry. There are dozens of other Real Estate marketing ideas that can help you beat out the competition and stand out from the pack. For example, if you can’t make time for an in-person listing presentation, consider recording a seminar and linking it to your email subscribers.

How to Prepare for a Listing Presentation: 7 Key Steps

Building a rapport with a new prospect is never easy. But there are a few quick neuroscience tricks you can leverage to appear instantly more likable to prospects, even before you pull out your Real Estate brochures and other collateral.

  • Give a firm handshake . Scientists proved that a handshake preceding any social interaction has a strong positive impact on how the recipient will further evaluate this social interaction.
  • Have some brew ready. Pleasant smells like those of fresh coffee make us act nicer to one another and be more cooperative.
  • Appear interested and ask questions.  Again, science proves that people are more willing to engage with an interlocutor, eagerly posing questions, and also act in a more receptive manner.

Now with a few neat physiological tricks in your sleeve, let’s move on to how you should approach listing presentation design.

1. Open with a Brief Introduction

A Real Estate listing presentations can start with a short overview, recapping who you are, what you do and what’s your success record.

To save you time on design, we have lined up a few short Real Estate bio templates you can grab and customize.

listing in presentation

Sellers want to be reassured that you can close the deal fast and secure them a fair price. They want someone confident in their abilities and capable to back up their skills with examples and data.

Here’s listing presentation sample questionnaire you can answer to fill in your first few slides:

What are your top skills? Are you a Real Estate marketing guru? Do you have exceptional graphic design skills and can create for sale by owner flyers that stand out from the crowd? Do you have a photography background and can shoot professionals photos without hiring any external help? Show exactly what you can do. Bonus point if you manage to align your key skills with your buyer’s needs.

How many houses have you sold in this area? It’s best to line up some fresh data e.g. the past 12 months. Specifically, mention what types of properties have you sold and whether any were similar to this particular buyer’s estate.

Now comes the tricky part: offer some numbers comparing the original list price versus the final sales numbers (if the latter are more favorable) and the average day on the market (DOM) numbers for the property.

Such numbers will also help you justify higher commission rates. Of course, every sane buyer would rather stick with an agent charging a higher rate (e.g. 6% commission for houses for sale), but who also secures them a higher sales price due to better marketing experience.

2. Toss in Some Social Proof

People are social creatures and thus, we are extremely prone to opinions shared by others. To learn what’s good, we observe what others are doing and this extends to our purchase decision making: 92% of consumers state that word-of-mouth recommendations carry the most value to them.

You shouldn’t hard-sell your services. Instead, just show that “others” already think you are that good . There are a few ways you can use “social proof” as a Real Estate agent:

Ask past sellers to provide quick testimonials (with photos) and use them in during your presentation. Here’s a quick example from one of our PowerPoint templates :

Example of Low Poly slide design for PowerPoint with Testimonial slides

Add a separate slide highlighting your key achievements up-to-date (personal or agency-wide).  The good “boasting” figures to include are:

  • Total number and value of properties sold.
  • Total number of clients you have worked with.
  • Average time to close a deal.
  • Average customer satisfaction rate.
  • “Big name” corporate clients and partners.
  • Professional organizations you are part of e.g. National Association of Realtors.

Gather and display reviews online.  Of course, prospects will google you post-presentation. Your job is to ensure that they’ll find only positive stuff, rather than nothing at all. You can set up a dedicated profile on popular review services or display ratings directly on your website.

3. List The Benefits of Your Brokerage

Keep this one succinct and on-point. Most buyers are interested in just three things:

  • Receiving a fair price for their property.
  • Getting it sold off fast.
  • Avoiding the associated sales hassle as much as possible.

Your Real Estate presentation should address how you will deliver them just that. You can also sweeten the deal here by including a few “promos” e.g. list special circumstances for when you will accept a lower commission or pitch them with some bundled promos your agency currently runs.

At this point, you should also explain how that communication will occur: what types of updates they can expect and when.

4. Walk The Prospect Through The Home Sales Process

Not everyone is experienced in flipping property. So be sure to customize your listing presentation template so that includes this optional slide – for when you are presenting to first-time buyers.

There’s no need to go into many details at this point. Just briefly mention the overall timeline, key milestones and what kind of actions we’ll be required from them.  All of this can be neatly packed into one slide like this one :

Presentation timeline Real Estate - Example of a timeline design in a listing presentation

If needed you can separately walk them through the home inspection and appraisal processes; Real Estate presentations to the buyers; negotiations and closing process.

5. Present a Comparative Market Analysis for a List Price Range

Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) is another nugget to persuade the client that you know your deal.

Price Comparison Real Estate Houses Slide design for PowerPoint

The wrinkle, however, is that it’s not always easy to come up with good numbers if you are yet to see the property in person. That’s why most agents will do two CMAs. First, one using the comps and their educated guesses based on prices for similar homes. And the second, more refined CMA after seeing the property, talking to the owners and digging further into the data.

6. Explain Your Marketing Strategy

Realtor Client meeting drinking a coffee

Image Source: StockSnap

What channels do you plan to leverage – digital, offline or a mix of both? Give the clients some general insights and explain why your approach works. They certainly don’t want to know all the nitty-gritty, but we’ll appreciate some general insights.

Show them a few video demos you have created; your standard property templates for websites; copywriting and other marketing collateral you plan to use and distribute during open house visits.

7. Wrap It Up with a Killer Case Study

The best listing presentation examples we have ever seen always included case studies. They are another form of “social proof”, and a direct illustration of your professional abilities.

You don’t need to make this one lengthy though. Just stick to a simple copywriting formula:

  • Customer background (e.g. a mid-aged couple just like you based in NYC).
  • Challenge: what kind of a problem those former customers had? (e.g. needed to sell a house in 1.5 months in an unpopular neighborhood).
  • Solution: how your agency helped them?
  • Results: some quick numbers illustrative the positive outcome you have helped them achieve e.g. house sold in 35 days for 5% higher than the initial listing price.

This way you are finishing your listing presentation with a bang, and encourage the prospects to take further action.

Listing Presentation Templates for Real Estate Pros

To ease up the processes of preparing for your listing presentation, our team has lined up a few neat templates you can download and customize in PowerPoint to match your current needs.

1. Commercial Real Estate Template for PowerPoint

listing in presentation

A versatile template that could be easily adapted for both residential, commercial listings or for land sale listing presentation. It includes excellent slides (e.g. US Map slide ) to present your market analysis and pitch the approximate listing price.

Use This Template

2. Real Estate Industry PowerPoint Template

listing in presentation

Another template that makes it easy to turn your scattered data into a coherent and persuasive story. Customize it in a few quick clicks in PowerPoint to match your corporate branding, add additional slides and elements from our collection and voilà – you now have a shining new listing presentation to dazzle even the most reluctant prospects!

3. Real Estate Listing PowerPoint Template

listing in presentation

Work with all the assets required to showcase a property in a neat layout that contains tools such as market price comparison, team introductory slides, housing interior details, key features & more.

4. Residential Real Estate Illustrations PowerPoint Template

listing in presentation

If you want to boost your listing presentation for real estate, get to know these professional-design vector images tailored for the real estate industry. A selection of slides that go through the entire process of acquiring a property from both realtor and customer’s perspective. High-end graphics to enhance the impact of your presentation.

5. Proptech PowerPoint Template

listing in presentation

Get ready to introduce in-the-market properties with a high degree of smart home devices or sustainable housing solutions with a slide deck filled with visual cues for that talk. This tech-savvy listing presentation template is ideal for targeting properties to millennials and discussing the infrastructure in the neighborhood or building complex.

6. Real Estate Open House PowerPoint Template

listing in presentation

Graphics can make or end a business deal, and that’s why your next real estate listing should count on carefully designed slides that boost the performance of your speech. This listing slide deck includes a selection of icons that help increase the retention rate of key information disclosed about the property while keeping the right balance between whitespace and content. With a striking color combination, go ahead and edit this template to meet the demands of your work.

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listing in presentation

The Real Estate Listing Presentation: A How-To Guide

An agent getting a contract signed after a real estate listing presentation.

A How-To Guide to a Real Estate Listing Presentation

The real estate listing presentation… The secret weapon of any successful listing agent. 

It might just be the MOST IMPORTANT factor in your business. That’s because a real estate listing isn’t just a single home or a transaction – it’s a chunk of the market that you control and can leverage for more – and a realtor listing presentation is THE way to get them.

In this blog, I’ll walk you through exactly what a listing presentation is, what goes into it, and how you can make yours stand out from the competition to convince sellers to work with you and even attract new business. 

Let’s start with what a realtor listing presentation consists of…

What is a realtor listing presentation?

A realtor listing presentation is a formal meeting or presentation that a real estate agent conducts with a potential seller who is interested in listing their property for sale. The purpose of the listing presentation is to showcase the agent’s qualifications, expertise, marketing strategies, and the services they provide to help sell the property.

That’s the very direct definition of it. Put another way, it’s your shot to answer two questions: “Why should I sell my house right now and why are you, above anyone else, the person to do it?” 

Or, to put it another way… “How will you make me more money, achieve my goals, and make me feel safe and cared for in the process?” 

The Elements of an Effective Listing Presentation

During the real estate listing presentation, you’ll typically discuss:

  • Background and Qualifications: Introduce yourself and provide information about your experience, credentials, and track record in the real estate industry.
  • Market Analysis: Present a comparative market analysis (CMA) to help the seller understand the current market conditions, recent sales of similar properties in the area, and the appropriate pricing strategy for their home.
  • Marketing Plan: Outline your marketing plan for the property, which may include strategies such as professional photography, virtual tours, open houses, online listings, social media promotion, and print advertising.
  • Services Offered: What makes you worth the full commission? Set yourself apart by covering not only the basic services but some unique ones at well. You’ll of course mention staging advice, scheduling showings, negotiating offers, and managing paperwork.
  • Agency Agreement: If you convince’em, sign’em! The listing presentation is the place to get that contract signed or at least let them know it needs to be signed before moving forward.

Realtor dot com playbook

Preparing for the Listing Presentation

Every listing presentation is going to be slightly different, but the core elements will be the same. Your goal is to give this as often and effectively as possible, and that means coming into it prepared. 

At a certain point, you might want to have a team that takes care of every other element of your business so that you can do nothing other than go on listing appointments – because that’s where the money is. So take this preparation seriously.

Research the client

Notice how I’m not calling them a “lead” or a “prospective client” here? Go in with the idea that they are already your client – because you’re going to learn a lot about them before you even get the contract signed. 

First, send out a questionnaire or seller needs analysis asking them all the relevant questions you need to know (more on this below).

Next, dive into research. Start with Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to learn about their preferences, the industry they work in, and previous business history. 

Your objective is to identify their specific needs. See what you can learn to customize your approach to the client.

Now… If you can… try to identify this seller’s DiSC profile . It’ll set you up for success moving forward.

Conduct a needs analysis with potential sellers

Wanna know how to know what a client wants and needs? Start with asking them. All it takes is a simple needs analysis. 

As we’ve already covered, your job in the preparation phase is to discern the motivation so you can tailor the presentation to the seller’s specific needs. 

Are they looking to:

  • Sell the house as fast as possible
  • Move out by a certain time
  • Get more money for some urgent need
  • Get more than the home might be worth
  • Upgrade or downsize 

On this note, our coaching clients have access to 70+ case studies from top agents, complete with toolkits that include extremely effective needs analysis questionnaires for you to rip-off-and-duplicate.

Gather market statistics and data

Let’s jump back to the topic of DiSC profiles… Some sellers are more motivated by social connection and the trust they build with an agent. Others are motivated by hard data and understanding the numbers. 

It doesn’t matter which one it is – thorough market research is the way to both. It will establish you as the expert who is willing to put in the time to gather this information and then explain it in a way they can understand. 

Where do you get your market data from? Are you combing the MLS? Do you subscribe to Keeping Current Matters or some other real estate trends source? Figure it out and be sure you can show that your information is objective and verifiable.

You’ll want to go armed with:

  • A thorough knowledge of the property details
  • National and local market statistics
  • Comparable sales
  • Local rules and regulations (working this in will really establish credibility)

Most importantly, be able to synthesize this information, letting them know that you can both elaborate on any point or break down what is most important for their needs. All of this info will be used in your pricing strategy and help them achieve their goals.

Create a compelling presentation template

If you know me, I’m all about using technology to maximize efficiency and impact, but there is A LOT to be said for the old school route of physical presentation materials. Either way you decide to go, be sure you have a real estate listing presentation template to work off of and customize. 

One of my clients, Carolyn Young , is one of those team leaders who has cleared herself up to focus almost solely on going on listing appointments (going on almost 200 appointments a year) – and that’s because she’s created a listing presentation that is 95% effective in closing the deal. And the centerpiece of her appointment is a set of 200 beautiful, laminated slides that she spreads out across the table to show just how through she is. It blows people away.

On the other hand, a digital approach will give you a much more customizable template. Some of my clients are absolutely killing it with HighNote , which will offer you pre-built templates to upload your material into. You can include professionally edited explainer videos to send to the client before the actual appointment and then open into the full presentation once you’re together.

Just be sure that your presentation is comprehensive and includes all the necessary elements mentioned above, including past sales performance, market data, your marketing plan, and why they should sign an agreement.

The Listing Appointment

Now that you’re all prepared, let’s move on to conducting the appointment itself.

Setting up an effective listing appointment

Where is the best place to conduct a listing appointment? Ideally, it’s in the home you’ll actually be working to sell. Be sure to mention that when setting the appointment, but if it doesn’t work for any reason, don’t wait to set that appointment. Do it in a coffee shop or your office or wherever, because an appointment done anywhere is better than no appointment at all.

No matter where it is, you MUST do a technology and tools check before showing up. If you need anything, be sure you have it:

  • Charged laptop
  • Presentation slides
  • Agency agreement
  • Scripts (memorized)

If you need more help with this, you can download this free offer full of listing presentation scripts and strategies . 

Build rapport and establish trust

There’s a very specific reason to practice your listing presentation over and over until you can do it effortlessly, and it’s not so that you get it perfect… Actually, it’s so that you can relax and be calm and receptive to what the seller has to say. 

You’re more than just someone who is going to do this one job for them and be gone; this is an audition to be a part of their lives, and that means you have to be confident, friendly, and likable. Let them know that you’ll be there for them in anything they need in a genuine way before diving into your past client success stories. 

When you’re showing your real estate photos, before and after videos, or CMA findings, it’s about establishing trust and providing value, and your expertise and credentials are a part of that but not the only factor.

Your Listing Presentation Will Make or Break Your Business

I cannot stress how important your real estate listing presentation is. It’s the crux of your business and the key to your financial success. 

Hopefully these tips have been helpful, but if you’re really serious about creating a listing presentation that blows people away and establishes your dominance in your market, the place to get it is Roadmap. 

I’ll be breaking down the best and most advanced listing presentation strategies working today – and best of all, I’ll be doing it in an area near you. So find a location and sign up soon.

But until then, start putting the pieces in place.

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21 Steps to a Stellar Listing Presentation

It’s all here. Twenty one great ideas for building your listing business from the ground up, all neatly packaged in a step-by-step action plan. Let us know how it goes.

Set a Strong Foundation

1 build an online presence.

Use your website, blog, or social media channels to publish articles that demonstrate your core competencies. Do you specialize in upscale properties? Do your staged homes sell 30 percent faster and closer to list price than market averages? Your articles could also include seasonal tips for home maintenance, tips to prepare your home for sale, or market data for buyers. Share the content on your Facebook page.

2 Monitor your online appearance

What is showing up when someone searches your name? One of the easiest and most effective ways to monitor your reputation comes from Google Alerts, a free Google service that allows you to enter a search term (i.e. your name, company, etc.) and then receive email alerts as the system finds matches.

3 Practice your presentation

“Can you cut your commission rate?” and “I was going to try and sell it myself” are common objections heard by Realtors®. To prepare, ask a colleague to role play with you, maybe even serve your pitch at a sales meeting.

Supplement your standard listing presentation materials

A listing presentation isn’t complete without your bio, testimonials, marketing strategies and more. If these documents are in PDF format, quickly upload them to your RPR account and then easily include them in your RPR reports. Here are a few things you might want to include:

4 Bio “Your Story”

Tell your story in 75 words or less, just enough to cover the highlights of why someone would want to work with you. Are you a lifelong community member? Do you do volunteer work? How long have you been a Realtor and are you a Top Producer?

5 Social Proof

Do your clients love you? Get proof! Take the time to collect testimonials from your past clients in print or video format. Also, collect any news clips that back up your professionalism or credibility.

6 Personal Statistics

Your success record is worth sharing. Sellers want to know you’ve done this before and for similar homes. Consider creating a map that highlights your past sales activity. Do your staged homes sell 30 percent faster and closer to list price than market averages? Let your prospects know with a simple chart.

7 Service Levels

Differentiate yourself from other agents in the market by showing how your service levels will exceed seller expectations. Do you have an assistant or are you part of a team? What kind of communication can the seller expect, both in scheduling showings, and follow-up and feedback from the showing agent? How often will they receive market updates? (See the section below on Using Creative Delivery Systems.)

8 Marketing Plan

There’s a lot of competitive marketing in the real estate industry. How will you go above and beyond to capture the attention of home buyers? Your plan should include strengths offered through your MLS, website, advertising strategy, staging resources, special virtual tour/video marketing, photographers, local Broker tours, etc. Be creative.

9 Take a photo of the property

Make the extra effort to drive by and snap a photo of the property, then upload it to the cover of your RPR report . It will demonstrate your commitment to individual attention and give you an opportunity to check out the condition of the property. That insight will be helpful when you refine the value of the property using RPR.

The Phone Call

10 ask questions.

Every question you ask, big or small, demonstrates interest in the homeowner’s personal well being. And what’s more personal than selling the biggest investment of your lifetime? Find out what makes your client click.

  • Why are they moving and when?
  • Are they relying on the sale proceeds to fund a retirement?
  • Does the house need too much work and they want something maintenance free?
  • Are they downsizing in preparation for retirement?
  • What did they love and “not love” about the house? The neighborhood?

No other CMA tool will do…

11 do your research.

Did you know that Realtors® have the power to analyze and manage a platform of unparalleled data to the extent that no other search mechanism offers? In fact, no other real estate data sharing website offers side-by-side, listing vs. public record comparisons like RPR. Here you’ll find current and historical property information, the home’s basic facts, photos, maps, mortgage records, tax info, the Refined Value Tool, comp analysis tool, and more.

12 Automated Values

No matter what, consumers are going online to look at the value of their homes. Yet, we know that not all of these sources are reliable. Use this as an opportunity to include the exclusive RPR Realtors Valuation Model® (RVM®) in your pricing discussions. Your clients will be impressed by its level of accuracy.

13 Create a CMA

Not all CMAs are cut from the same cloth. RPR’s CMA wizard walks you through five simple steps to generate a Comparative Market Analysis unlike any other offered in today’s real estate industry. You’ll confirm the home’s facts, search for and adjust the comps, land on your own list price by refining the property’s value, and then generate an RPR Seller’s Report. All in one place and with the highest level of accuracy afforded to today’s Realtor.

14  Refine Value

Every homeowner wants to know the return on investment for their home improvements. Here, savvy agents will tap into RPR’s Refine Value Tool . With up to 30 predefined home improvements to choose from, the tool accurately calculates the depreciated value of home improvements. The tool also enables users to refine a home’s value by confirming/adjusting basic facts about the property, as well as other factors such as an assessment of local market conditions, the interior and exterior of the home’s condition, lot size, view, privacy, and more.

15 Market Stats

Our mindsets move far beyond our own particular home. Both buyers and sellers want to know everything about the neighborhood, local economy, quality of life, and economy. All of that and more are a few quick clicks away at RPR.

No other CMA tool will do …

16 rpr reports.

Don’t let your lead get away without sending the seller something before your actual listing presentation. Use what you’ve garnered from RPR to create and send RPR’s Market Activity and/or Property Report. Be sure to let the sellers know that you have the power to refine the value of their home (using RPR) once you’ve had a chance to tour the property and see their upgrades first hand.

17 Use Creative Delivery Systems

Oftentimes, the opportunity to meet prospects or clients face to face is hampered by distance, personal schedules, or even preference. Yet, you know that nothing conveys professionalism and expertise more than personal interaction. There must be a way to virtually, if not literally, meet your clients “where they are. ”

BombBomb , a video marketing platform, helps REALTORS® prove their “client first” commitment by offering intuitive, low-cost digital communications solutions. With BombBomb, you can create a personalized video message and email it to clients within minutes. And because the app is integrated with RPR, REALTORS® can seamlessly include an RPR report. Then by way of real-time alerts, see when your client has interacted with the email. These live notifications are key in determining the best time to follow up.

18  Create Your RPR Seller’s Report

Pull your analysis all together into a customized RPR Seller’s Report , complete with an updated photo of the property, as well as your photo and contact information. Inside, the Seller’s Report highlights details of the subject property, your comp analysis with side-by-side property comparisons, local market trends, a pricing strategy, and a worksheet for estimated seller proceeds. RPR’s Seller’s Report can also be displayed and/or emailed from your laptop, phone, or tablet.

19  Identify the Seller’s Motivation

While with the homeowners, be sure to listen closely to what the sellers are saying. Selling a home is a deeply emotional experience for most and they want a Realtor who understands how personal it is. Revisit some of the questions you asked earlier. Why are they moving and what is their timeline? Are they using the proceeds to fund a retirement plan? Are children involved? What improvements are needed to sell the home?

20 The RPR App

Showing is always better than telling, so here’s where your impressive tech skills come into play. Respond instantly to your seller’s questions with RPR Mobile™ on your handheld device . Show the prospect how their home compares to those on the market. Click on the magnifying glass to display a map of the nearby area. Then, select any home’s icon to go to the property’s full details, including price, history, photos, and more.

21  Follow up With a Thank you Note

The five minutes it takes to write a personal thank you card to prospects is worth it’s weight in gold (or actual listings). Very few of our contemporaries take this route in our digital world. So set yourself apart. In fact, send flowers.

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Related posts, tailor your message and impress your clients with rpr’s commercial ai scriptwriter, unlock market obstacles: 10 rpr blueprints for success, how rpr commercial provides value for realtors®, 9 data-driven strategies to elevate your value proposition, rental beast helps realtors® navigate the application screening process, pre-designed canva custom pages now available in rpr, 28 comments.

Great ideas here! I love that you can produce a report in seconds. Keep up the great work RPR!

Great info. Would love to see this all put together so I could customize for my market or listing appointment. A template.

Me as well. I love the RPR product.

Great information.Would love to see if we can customize these for listing appointments

I knew RPR will seal the deal for me. Kudo to RPR.

When I first became a REALTOR five years ago, a veteran agent showed me how she completed a CMA for an upcoming listing appointment. SIX HOURS later, and we still weren’t done! I thought to myself, “I’m just going to stick to BUYERS”! Fast forward, I now use RPR exclusively for creating in-depth reports for my potential Sellers AND for my Buyers preparing offers. I wouldn’t consider using any other program! Thank you for these great ideas, I’m going to start to implement them immediately.

I woukd like to sign up

I would love to see a template, also.

I would like to add just the type of home such as reverse 1 1/2 or ranch only as not to compare to 2 story homes

Do you have a tutorial showing each of these steps? I read it and understand in theory but I am a visula learner and once I SEE how it’s done I can modify it. I cannot visualize each of these steps. It seems logical but a bit overwhelming without any examples. A video tutorial step by step would be helpful. A template might work but it would not show the step by step of HOW it was done but it would be good also to see a finished product. It seems that RPR is a tool that a computer presentation w/ video capability is best. Is your CMA best on a phone on a computer screen? or is it printable. So many questions… I really need to see it in action.

[…] This post was published by Realtors Property Resource. It covers everything you need for a stellar listing presentation. It includes everything from what to include in the presentation to pro tips about how to give the presentation.21 Steps to a Stellar Listing Presentation […]

I appreciate the information given in this article about the marketing strategies a realtor should follow to improve his business. The internet is one of the most important sources of information and a realtor should follow different types of blogs related to real estate business to learn more effective marketing strategy. Besides, effective utilization of the internet could also give a realtor a competitive edge and helps to find more clients.

Sign me up please [email protected]

Hi Jorge, create your account here: https://www.narrpr.com

Great! If you don’t have your RPR account started, go here and click “Create Account” https://www.narrpr.com

Good information. can I customize these information

Very interested, is there live support?

Hi Alice, Yes, get help any time by calling (877) 977-7576.

Outstanding program. Great improvement.

I would like to take classes and learn more

[…] This incredible article by RPR has several suggestions for how to create a stellar listing […]

Great article!, I love all this, because I was able to gain information and also some tips. Thank you for posting this very informative article.

[…] Related reading: RPR – 21 Tips for a Stellar Listing Presentation  […]

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Persuasive Real Estate Listing Presentation Examples & Tips

See top real estate listing presentation examples and templates. Learn from insider tips how to create a listing presentation and pre-listing packet that wins deals.


8 minute read

 Real estate listing presentation examples

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Short answer

What is a real estate listing presentation?

A real estate listing presentation is a pitch by realtors to persuade owners to sell their property through them. It includes market analysis, marketing plans, pricing, and the realtor's success history, crucial for building trust and showcasing expertise.

A boring listing presentation can cost you more than commission

Real life isn't quite like "Selling Sunset" - you can't rely on stunning properties and personal charm to win listings.

But the truth is, most real estate presentations out there are boring, yawn-inducing, static PDFs, lacking any real excitement or engagement.

In the competitive real estate market, a weak listing presentation can lead to lost high-value listings and a dent in your professional reputation.

But there's a way to turn this around.

In this post, I’ll teach you how to create persuasive real estate listing presentations.

I'll show how to infuse life into your property presentations, making them so compelling that sellers can't resist signing with you, and follow up with the best listing presentation examples to inspire your efforts.

Get ready to ditch the dull slides and step up your game!

What makes an effective real estate listing presentation?

An effective real estate listing presentation combines engaging storytelling, clear data visualization, and personalized content to connect with clients.

It persuasively showcases an agent's expertise, market knowledge, and unique marketing strategies to convince sellers to entrust them with their property listing.

What should you include in a real estate listing presentation?

Just like a first date, your seller presentation is your chance to make a memorable first impression. It's the perfect opportunity to build a strong foundation for your client relationship and show your dedication to their success.

Here's what you should include to make your realtor presentation engaging and effective:

1) Introduction

Start with a strong introduction showcasing your experience, professionalism, and unique qualities. Highlight any awards you have received, your years of experience, and local expertise to establish trust and credibility.

2) Comparative advantage

Explain what sets you, your team, or brokerage apart. Use relevant statistics to demonstrate your market performance and include testimonials to provide social proof of your success.

3) Market analysis

Present a detailed Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) to show your knowledge of the property and its value. This analysis should convincingly justify your recommended pricing strategy.

4) Marketing strategy

Outline a customized marketing plan for the property. Include tactics like professional photography, video tours, and social media promotion to show how you'll attract buyers.

5) Professional advice

Offer guidance on preparing the home for sale, such as decluttering, cleaning, and making necessary repairs. Suggest potential renovations that could increase the property's value.

6) Your role

Clarify your responsibilities as the listing agent and set expectations for the selling process. This helps in building a transparent and trustworthy relationship with the seller.

7) Call to Action

Conclude with a persuasive call to action, encouraging the seller to sign the listing agreement. Be prepared to handle any objections and reiterate the benefits of choosing you as their agent.

How to create a real estate listing presentation?

Creating a realtor listing presentation is much like preparing for a key performance. It's your stage to demonstrate your expertise, build trust, and persuade sellers to choose your brokerage.

You need to showcase your skills while aligning perfectly with the needs and goals of your sellers.

Here's how it's done:

1) Personalize your introduction

Start by introducing yourself and your brokerage, focusing on your experience and how it benefits the client.

Highlight your relevant experience, such as years worked as a listing agent and homes sold, especially those similar to the client's property.

Explain what your brokerage offers, emphasizing its unique selling propositions. Remember, the introduction should be about the client, not just you.

Here's an example of a personalized slide:

how to make a good personalized presentation slide

2) Tell a compelling story

Instead of just listing features, weave a narrative about the property that highlights its potential and the lifestyle it offers. This storytelling approach can help sellers see the unique value you bring in marketing their property, making it more appealing to potential home-buyers .

3) Use data visualization

Incorporate local housing market data to set realistic expectations. Use clear, understandable visualizations to present information like local inventory, selling prices for comparable homes, and average time on the market.

This helps clients grasp the market dynamics and aligns their expectations with reality.

Here's a great example of a data visualization slide:

Data slide example

4) Guide through the home selling process

Explain each stage of the home selling process, from pre-sale activities to closing. This includes discussing paperwork, home inspections, marketing strategies, and the negotiation process.

5) Prepare the home for market

Discuss how to prepare the home for sale, focusing on decluttering, depersonalization, and necessary repairs or updates. Emphasize the impact of a well-presented home on buyer perception and potential selling price.

6) Outline your pricing strategy

Explain the importance of an accurate listing price and how overpricing can hinder the selling process. Discuss the client's priorities and how they affect the pricing strategy. Use a comparative market analysis (CMA) to guide your pricing approach.

7) Detail your marketing plan

Walk through your marketing plan, covering aspects like direct marketing, home staging, professional photography, and social media strategy. Be clear about which services you provide and any associated costs such as hiring a real estate software development company , for example.

8) Set expectations for open houses and negotiations

Discuss your approach to open houses and managing negotiations. Set clear expectations about your role and how you will support the client through these stages.

9) Guide sellers to the next steps

Provide an overview of the closing process and discuss the next steps, ensuring the client understands the timeline and any actions they need to take.

Here's a great example of a next step slide:

Next step slide example

Real estate listing presentation examples that secure clients

In the world of real estate, a listing presentation is more than just a set of slides; it's a key to unlocking new opportunities and securing clients.

The best listing presentations for real estate agents go beyond mere facts and figures. They tell a story, resonate with the audience, and showcase a realtor's unique strengths.

Let's dive into some standout real estate listing presentation examples that have proven their worth in clinching deals.

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Dark mode real estate listing

Engage potential sellers with this dynamic real estate listing template, featuring a clear sales process, market statistics, and immersive property tours to showcase your effective selling strategy.

What makes this listing presentation great:

The presentation provides a comprehensive overview of services , showcasing versatility in handling various real estate needs.

It includes a detailed and transparent sales process timeline , building trust by setting clear expectations.

Engaging property listings with high-quality images and thorough descriptions demonstrate attention to detail and commitment to attractive presentation.

Modern real estate listing

This example is tailored for residential realtors, focusing on a clear, step-by-step sales approach. It highlights community features and local market trends, making it ideal for convincing homeowners to list their properties by showcasing the area's appeal.

The presentation starts with a warm, personal greeting from the agent , creating a welcoming and professional first impression.

It emphasizes a tailored marketing strategy , including virtual tours and social media promotion, showcasing a modern approach to property marketing.

The presentation includes client testimonials , providing social proof and reinforcing the agency's reputation for successful and satisfying transactions.

Light mode real estate listing

Designed for the suburban market, this presentation emphasizes the unique lifestyle and community benefits of suburban living. It's crafted to persuade homeowners by highlighting the serene and family-friendly aspects of suburban areas.

The presentation emphasizes a personalized consultation process , showcasing the agency's commitment to understanding and meeting each client's unique goals.

It features a narrated slide for each current property listing, providing an engaging and detailed exploration of the properties, enhancing the overall appeal and understanding.

Data visualization elements in the year-by-year sales performance section, demonstrating the agency's growth in the market through engaging graphics.

Luxury listing presentation

This presentation is tailored for the luxury real estate market, emphasizing the unique allure and premium aspects of high-end properties.

It's designed to captivate homeowners by highlighting the opulence and distinctiveness of their luxury homes, showcasing them as not just residences but as embodiments of a lavish lifestyle.

The presentation includes multiple smart CTAs (Call to Actions), strategically placed to encourage immediate engagement and response from potential clients.

It features image placeholders for each property listing, allowing for a visually appealing and customizable showcase of properties.

The deck effectively uses data visualization to present sales statistics, making complex information easily understandable and visually engaging.

Commercial listing presentation

Focused on commercial properties, this presentation showcases investment potential and key market data. It's designed to appeal to commercial property owners by highlighting the financial benefits and opportunities of listing their properties.

What makes this real estate sales presentation great:

The presentation utilizes tiered slides , offering a structured and engaging way to present information, making it easy for clients to follow and understand.

It includes the ability to embed videos directly into the deck , providing a dynamic and immersive experience that brings properties to life.

It comes with a built-in analytics panel , allowing for real-time tracking of client engagement and effectiveness of the presentation.

Real estate seller presentation

Perfect for properties in lively urban settings, this example captures the essence of city living. It's aimed at convincing urban homeowners to list by showcasing the dynamic and exciting lifestyle that city properties offer.

What makes this real estate seller presentation great:

An intuitive editor simplifies the process of creating and customizing the deck to suit specific needs and preferences.

It is designed with an adaptive layout that automatically adjusts when changes are made, ensuring the design remains cohesive and visually appealing without extra effort.

The deck allows for modifications even after it has been sent , offering flexibility and the ability to update information in real-time to keep the presentation accurate.

Real estate listing

This presentation is all about bringing a fresh, modern approach to property marketing. It demonstrates to homeowners how innovative and interactive techniques can make their listings stand out in a competitive market, appealing especially to those who appreciate a contemporary and dynamic selling approach.

What makes this seller presentation great:

The presentation allows for direct integration of the agent's calendar , streamlining the process of scheduling meetings and enhancing client convenience.

You can use an AI assistant to help with generating images and tweaking copy to ensure a high-quality and efficient presentation creation process.

The ability to add dynamic variables lets you easily personalize the presentation for each client, which adds a personal touch and increases engagement.

How to design a seller presentation?

In the digital age, the design of your real estate agent presentation is as crucial as its content. Gone are the days when static PDFs and basic PowerPoint slides could capture and hold a client's attention.

These traditional formats, while once the backbone of presentations, now fall short in a world where interactivity and visual engagement are key. They lack the dynamism and immersive experience that modern clients expect.

Here’s how to design a pre-listing packet that not only informs but also captivates:

1) Embrace interactive presentation tools

Interactive presentation makers are a game-changer, especially for those without a design background who would normally outsource it to a professional.

These tools allow you to create presentations with embedded videos, clickable content, and virtual tours, offering an engaging and immersive experience that static PDFs and PPTs simply can't match.

2) Utilize scroll-based design

Scrollytelling , or scroll-based storytelling, is an innovative way to engage viewers. As the audience scrolls, the story and information unfold in a visually appealing and interactive manner.

This technique keeps the viewer engaged and eager to discover more.

Here's an example of Storydoc scrollytelling:

Narrator slide example

3) Ensure your presentation is responsive

With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, your presentation must look great and function seamlessly across all devices. Responsiveness has shifted from being a luxury to an essential requirement.

4) Move beyond outdated formats

The limitations of PDFs and PPTs – such as their static nature and lack of engagement – make them less effective in today's fast-paced, visually-driven world. Exploring dynamic, interactive formats can set your presentation apart and demonstrate your adaptability to current trends.

Here's the difference some interactivity can make. Which deck do you find more engaging?

listing in presentation

5) Maintain a clean and organized layout

Avoid clutter. A well-organized presentation with a clean design makes it easier for clients to follow and absorb the information.

6) Consistent branding is key

Your branding should be evident throughout the presentation. Consistent use of logos, colors, and fonts builds brand recognition and trust. Interactive presentation makers can take care of that for you, extracting branding information directly from your website or brand book.

How to deliver a compelling real estate listing presentation?

Delivering a compelling real estate listing presentation is like telling a captivating story where you are both the narrator and the hero. It's your opportunity to demonstrate how your unique skills and experiences can transform a seller's journey.

Here's how to make your presentation not just informative, but truly engaging and persuasive:

1) Start with an engaging introduction

Kick off with a captivating story about a previous sale or a current property you're working on. This sets the stage and showcases your experience.

2) Outline the sales timeline

Clearly explain each step of the sales process, from pre-sale events to closing the deal. This helps clients understand what to expect and prepares them for a quick turnaround in today's fast-moving market.

3) Ask insightful questions

Engage with your clients by asking questions about their goals, challenges, and expectations. This not only shows your interest in their needs but also helps tailor your presentation to them.

4) Showcase personal statistics

Use your sales data to demonstrate your success and expertise. Include metrics like your sales compared to market averages and average days on the market for your listings.

5) Detail your marketing plan

Explain how you'll market their home, using current trends like virtual tours, HD photography, and social media promotion. This shows your commitment to using every tool at your disposal to sell their home.

6) Handle pricing objections

Be prepared to address concerns about pricing, especially if clients have heard higher estimates from others. Use data and your market knowledge to justify your pricing strategy.

Here's a video on how to handle tough seller objections:

How to handle tough seller objections

7) Build trust before the presentation

Use the time leading up to your presentation to build trust. Send personalized videos and emails, showcasing your marketing plan and success stories.

8) Reverse your presentation

Instead of a traditional approach, start with the end result of a successful sale and work backward. Show the steps you took to achieve that result, demonstrating your process and effectiveness.

9) Speak to all decision-makers

When you're heading to a listing appointment, it's crucial to chat with all the decision-makers involved.

You wouldn't want to miss out on securing the listing just because you only connected with one person. Keep in mind, especially when dealing with couples, that all individuals have their own ideas and expectations about selling their home.

As Jeffrey Kosiorek , a real estate expert with 22 years of experience, says:

"You must consider both parties' perspectives when making your pitch to win the listing. If not, you will most likely not get the listing."

Interactive real estate listing presentation templates

Starting from scratch on a real estate listing presentation can feel overwhelming, especially if you're not a design whiz. Imagine trying to convey the charm and value of a property, but the blank screen in front of you just doesn't cooperate.

This is where interactive real estate listing presentation templates come in. They take the guesswork out of design and structure, providing you with a professional, polished framework that you can easily customize.

These templates are designed with the real estate market in mind, ensuring that each slide, each interactive element, is tailored to showcase properties in the most engaging way possible.

Grab one and see for yourself.

listing in presentation

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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Engaging decks. Made easy

Create your best real estate listing presentation to date.

Stop losing opportunities to ineffective presentations. Your new amazing deck is one click away!

listing in presentation

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9 Critical Components Every Real Estate Listing Presentations Needs in 2024

  • Open Houses
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March 26, 2024

real estate agent creating real estate listing presentation on laptop

You’ve generated leads, networked with potential sellers, and found a prospective client. You must position yourself as the ideal agent to represent your prospective client’s home, and to do that, you’ll need to present a real estate listing.

A real estate listing presentation is a powerful business tool that demonstrates your expertise, impresses sellers, and increases your close rates. We understand the impact a powerful presentation can have on your business––so much so that we’ve built a tool into our platform to help you craft your own standout presentation.

Luxury Presence’s listing presentation tool is designed to help you increase your close rates with stunning professional presentations. We make the design process as simple as possible so you can focus on what really matters––your clients.

Find It Fast

The 9 components of a winning real estate listing presentation

Our experts have compiled a list of everything you need to create a stellar real estate listing presentation. Following this guide can create lasting impressions that will turn prospective sellers into clients.

1. A Self-introduction

This section is vital––you want to establish your expertise and experience, build familiarity with your client, and then bring the focus back to them. Explain how your experience serves your client, clearly lay out what you and your brokerage can do for them, and seek common ground that builds trust and rapport.

Your listing presentation introduction should be statements of value––no fluff. Start by sharing your relevant experience, which includes how many years you’ve worked as a listing agent, the number of homes sold, and a brief anecdote about your success selling a similar home.

Then, move on to explain what your brokerage can offer these sellers. 

This is your opportunity to give an overview of the unique selling proposition you, your team, or your brokerage can provide. Sellers will be interested in knowing your brokerage’s level of success in the market, its reputation, the network of professionals that support and streamline your work, and specific metrics or standards that set your brokerage apart. 

This process can be overwhelming for clients, but your expertise and composure during the listing presentation will put them at ease.

2. Local housing market data

Sellers are frequently under-informed or overly optimistic about the current real estate market conditions. This is your opportunity to set expectations by preemptively correcting assumptions about the market in your area. Providing realistic generalizations at this stage can help temper disagreement or disappointment when you get to the pricing strategy. If the market is rocky, you can demonstrate confidence in expertly navigating through the current turbulence.

Your market overview should include data on local inventory, listing and selling prices for relevant comps, average days on market, and typical home improvements. Remember that while you see these numbers daily, home sellers don’t—everything you share with them should be clear and relevant to their situation. 

3. An explanation of the home selling process

Outlining the process sets expectations and showcases your value. Be flexible during this part of your real estate listing presentation. Some sellers may need more hand-holding and detailed answers, while a veteran home seller won’t need a detailed explanation of each process step.

Explain these process stages:

  • Pre-Sale Activities : This includes filling out paperwork like the Seller’s Disclosure, arranging a home inspection, having marketing photographs taken, making repairs, and arriving at an agreed-upon price before the home goes on the market.
  • Marketing : During this stage, you’ll create the listing and add all the details, prepare digital marketing content, stage the home, and get everything lined up for the day it goes on the market.
  • Active Listing Period: Open houses, agent showings, and hopefully receive some offers.
  • Accepting Offers : Walk your client through different strategies for this stage, such as accepting an offer they like or arranging for “best and final”—the day when all offers are due. Explain how you’ll present every offer and assure them that you’ll help them understand the pros and cons of each.
  • Closing period : Sellers might not know what happens after an offer is accepted. Explain the option period, which has the potential for renegotiations, what happens in a month or so between accepting an offer and closing the deal, and options for leasebacks.

Be sure to include printed materials so the sellers can engage with your presentation and not worry about memorizing everything.

4. An explanation of the pre-listing work needed to be successful

If you haven’t seen the property yet, ask your seller questions to understand its condition. Is it move-in ready? Are there repairs or updates that will significantly alter the potential selling price?

Emphasize the value of having a home that looks beautiful and is in excellent condition. Explain depersonalization—it’s not a matter of the seller’s taste but rather about creating a generically stylish interior that any buyer can imagine making their own. Even if the seller isn’t willing to make repairs or renovations, professional cleaning and decluttering will positively affect buyers’ perceptions. 

5. A detailed pricing strategy

Ask the sellers about their priorities with the sale. Some must sell quickly, while others can wait for the highest possible number. Ask if they’re looking for a lease back or if there are any other strategic elements affecting their asking price. These factors will influence the total offer strategy.

Be ready with your comparative market analysis (CMA), which supports your pricing strategy through comps and relevant data. Sellers can be emotionally attached to their home; sometimes, sentimental value and a market price don’t match. Emphasize the importance of starting with an accurate listing price. If priced too high, a home can languish without offers.

6. The highlights of your marketing strategy

real estate agent reviewing marketing plan

This is the point in the real estate listing presentation where you explain your planned marketing efforts and are clear about who is responsible for the costs. Some listing agents pay for photography and staging, while others have the sellers cover these expenses. 

Make sure to discuss the benefits and steps of these four basic marketing strategies:

Direct marketing

  • Hosting open houses
  • Listing the home on MLS and real estate sites
  • Sending out mailers

Home staging

Discuss the particulars of staging, including your network of staging professionals and price ranges.

Photography and videography

Most listings, especially luxury properties, have professional photography and virtual tours . Speak confidently about your network of professional photographers and show samples from listings you’ve made in the past.

Social media posts

Discuss your social media strategy for home sales, including what platforms you use , posts specific to the listing , how you plan to promote open houses, and how this strategy has succeeded in past home sales.


Present your plan for where the property will be listed. Add in any promising statistics or metrics to details.

  • Your local MLS: This is a great way to differentiate yourself from home sellers who may be considering an FSBO. Only licensed agents have access to the MLS.
  • Website and landing page: If you create property websites and landing pages for your properties, provide examples and discuss the benefits.
  • Internet platforms such as Zillow and Realtor.com
  • Social media: Find out how your sellers feel about social media and give them the option of whether or not you use it.

7. Expectations for showings and open houses

Take this opportunity in the listing presentation to explain how you will manage and host showings and open houses. Clients may feel uneasy thinking of strangers walking through their home. Assure them that you or a team member will always be present during an open house and that any private showings will always be conducted by a licensed agent.

8. Your offer and negotiation strategy

Give an overview of how the offer and negotiation process works. Assure sellers that you will present every offer that comes in, and you’ll walk through the particulars. Provide examples of different offer details they may see and the most common areas for negotiation beyond the offer price. Reassure the clients that you will always act in their best interests, an obligation of being a fiduciary.

9. Final questions and “The Ask”

At this point, the meeting is coming to a close. Answer any remaining questions and discuss what needs to happen before you can start with the pre-sale activities. And then—ask for their business. Politely assure the sellers that you have the skills and expertise needed to sell their home, and that you would love the opportunity. 

If they are ready to sign, complete the paperwork and finalize your pricing strategy. If they want more time to think things over, give them a deadline by which you will call them––and definitely call them on that date. 

Additional real estate listing presentation tips

real estate agents sitting at conference taking notes on real estate listing presentation tips

Here are a few more things to keep in mind as you craft the strongest possible listing presentation:

Focus on the client’s needs

Every piece of information should be designed to serve the client’s needs and provide clear value. Cut away anything extraneous. Selling a home is a stressful process. Even though you’re used to the process, always be mindful of your client’s perspective and be ready to respond with empathy to their nerves and uncertainty.

Practice often

Nailing a listing presentation takes practice. To polish your performance, practice in front of team members or family. As you gain experience, you’ll be able to anticipate questions and concerns. Even when you’re comfortable with your skills, be sure to reevaluate your listing presentations occasionally.

Be authentic

Above all else, be authentic. Your clients need to feel like they can trust you. Always be transparent and honest.

Real estate listing presentations + Luxury Presence

Looking for even more advice and resources about successful real estate listing presentations? Our platform can help you develop business strategies and strengthen your network. To learn more about how we can help you grow your real estate business, reach out to our team today .

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How to deliver a killer listing presentation

listing in presentation

For any real estate agent looking to hit the next level, there’s a lot riding on the listing presentation. If you nail it, you could be looking at a profitable seller relationship that delivers steady commissions for years to come. But if you bomb?

Short of discounting your commissions, it’s hard to bounce back from a listing presentation flop. 

And while the listing presentation has been a cornerstone of real estate marketing for decades, there are now more ways than ever to create it. So how do you know which type of listing presentation makes the most sense for you? And what are the best ways to deliver your presentation in the current real estate market?

The truth is, every real estate team or agent is going to have their own recipe for what makes a killer listing presentation. If you want to deliver a presentation that makes you feel calm, confident and gets sellers ready to sign that agreement, it’s time to scrap (or adapt!) the classic formulas.

Table of contents

What is a listing presentation and how do you nail it, before your listing appointment.

  • During the listing presentation

After the listing presentation

A listing presentation is essentially a deep and informative sales pitch made by a real estate agent to a homeowner interested in selling their home.

Whether you’re a new or experienced agent, listings are a crucial part of maintaining a thriving real estate business. With a rich portfolio of property listings on your real estate website , you’re able to attract more buyers, elevate your authority, grow your sphere of influence (SOI) , and fuel your marketing efforts with a selection of beautiful homes for sale.

But it all comes down to your success with the listing presentation. With so much at stake, it’s understandable that agents often feel skittish about their ability to perform during this key meeting.

And it doesn’t help that some of the common advice (i.e., show up ten minutes early, send the pre-listing packet exactly three days before the appointment, always take your shoes off at the entrance, and so, so much more) doesn’t always fit every agent’s unique approach or personality.

Let’s outline the crucial factors of each part of the listing presentation to help give you a powerful but flexible structure to start with. From there, feel free to color outside the lines to create a listing presentation framework that makes you feel calm and confident.

💡Be sure to look out for bonus tips, scripts, and advice in this article from leadership coach & founder of Smart Inside Sales , Dale Archdekin!

Learn everything you can about the potential client, property and neighborhood.

The goal is to position yourself as the best possible person to help your prospect sell their home. 

For that to happen, you’ll need to know what the seller’s motivations are, while demonstrating deep knowledge of the market, property type and area in order to help secure the best possible price within their desired timeframe.

Get to know the prospect and property

Any real estate rainmaker will tell you that knowing your customer’s key needs and motivations is a crucial part of closing more listings, especially in today’s digital age when the next agent is literally just a click away.

Let’s check in on the latest data about what today’s sellers want , according to the National Association of Realtors Generational Trends Report:

  • 21% of sellers want an agent's help in marketing their home to potential buyers.
  • 20% want help selling the home within a specific timeframe.
  • 35% want an agent with a good reputation.
  • 85% of sellers said the real estate agent provided a broad range of services.

Clearly, trust, credibility, and a solid marketing plan are still crucial factors for sellers when it comes to choosing an agent. But how do you know what sellers might need on a personal level?

Social media can help fill in the blanks. Take a quick look at the seller’s online presence. Do they have a family? A pet? A love of the arts? By taking just a few minutes to “get to know” your prospect before you shake hands, you’ll be that much more confident when walking through the door.

Similarly, do your best to get to know the property and surrounding community as well as possible. Drive through the area and pinpoint the factors that will be most helpful in securing a top-dollar offer. 

Send your pre-listing packet

In your initial conversation with the potential seller, let them know you’ll be creating a detailed market analysis for their home. 

Be sure to ask if there’s anything that could impact the value of their home in either direction — updates, renovations, repairs needed, etc.

💡BONUS: Dale Archdekin’s essential questions

These questions help lay the ground work for securing the listing at the appointment. You are essentially asking the potential seller to tell you what they need to hear about you as an agent and about your marketing strategy in order to win the business at the appointment…and they don’t even realize it.

  • Can you tell me what makes your home special?
  • What’s important to you about the agent you use to sell your home?
  • How will you know when you’ve found the right agent?
  • How do you think your home would best be marketed/advertised?
  • Who do you think would be the ideal buyer for your home?
  • Have you worked with a listing agent in the past? What was your experience? Is there anything you would like done differently by your next listing agent?

Let them know in advance that you’ll be bringing the comparative market analysis (CMA) to your meeting so you can walk through it together, answer any questions they might have, and determine the highest possible price for their home.

Another great way to set yourself apart and get the seller warmed up before the big meeting is to send a pre-listing packet in advance.

But when should you send your pre-listing packet? Answers to this will vary depending on who you ask, but anywhere from three days to a week in advance is typically a good window to give your prospect time to digest the information, while staying present in their mind to help reduce the chance of cancellation.

💡BONUS: Advice & scripts from Dale

When you tell the potential listing client that you’ll be sending a pre-listing packet, get them to commit to reviewing it, coming up with questions and being prepared prior to the meeting. Include a URL with a pre-listing video, that’s nicer than just printed material.

Script 1: Prior to sending the listing packet

 “...we will be sending you a pre-marketing packet of information. It includes X, Y, and Z that are important information for you to make decisions about at our appointment. Can you do me a favor and review that information and make a note of your biggest questions before you meet with me/my listing partner on (date)?”

This quick script will help you or your assistant follow up after the pre-listing packet is sent and help set the scene for a successful appointment.

Script 2: Follow up prior to the appointment

 “Hi (contact name(s), this is (name) from (company), did you receive the pre-marketing packet we sent you? Have you reviewed it? Are you prepared with your top questions for me/my listing partner?

Script 3: Response prior to the appointment that sets the expectation

"Great! We look forward to seeing you on (date). We will be reviewing all of the paperwork needed to begin marketing your home at that time in addition to a pre-market advertising plan. We look forward to meeting you on (date)!"

Create your listing presentation

Now remember, your listing presentation doesn’t need to look like everyone else’s.

However, there are a few fundamental pieces that most successful agents tend to rely on to get their agreements signed.

Once you’ve chosen the structure and order of your content, you’ll need to decide what tools and format you’ll use to create your listing presentation. Classic hard-cover? A PowerPoint deck? Pdf? Live web page? Video? There are a ton of tools, options, and templates. Take this Canva template for example:

Here are just some of the tools agents are using to deliver their listing presentations:

  • Google Slides
  • SlideGo templates
  • Breakthrough Broker
  • Etsy templates

While the digital options are endless, many top-producing agents still recommend keeping a high-quality hard cover presentation in the mix.

If you’re using both a hard copy presentation and a digital version, try sending the digital version a day before the event via email. For extra points, you can also have your hard copy presentation hand-delivered to the seller’s home by a courier or supporting staff member. This is just another great way to show up professionally while reducing the likelihood of cancellation.

💡BONUS: Advice from Dale

Begin your listing presentation with the exciting marketing part, save the boring market analysis for later. In fact, wow them with the marketing/advertising plan, discuss the process of getting the home listed, ask how much they’d like to list for and then go to the market analysis if they ask for it or you disagree with their listing price. Don’t forget to bring at least one backup copy of your hardcover presentation to the appointment.

During your listing presentation

Now that you’re an expert on the property and prospect, you’re ready to make your presentation and win that listing!

Obviously, the prevailing advice to dress professionally, show up on time, and make sure you don’t block the prospect’s driveway still stands. In addition to nailing the etiquette, there are a few physical items you’ll want to bring along.

Alright, we’re clearly being a bit cheeky here. And sure, brownies are optional. But in all honesty, the one thing you need more than anything else if you want to win more listings is the ability to build a connection.

And that comes down to your ability to listen .

No matter how much effort you put into creating a killer listing presentation, it’s still not unheard of for experienced agents to lose listings to newer agents because the seller just felt a better connection with them. So slow down and tune in!

Touring the home and making the close

A common mistake many agents make is going straight into the tour of the property. But by starting in the living room or another relaxed setting to hear more about the seller’s goals, you start the appointment by flexing your listening skills and have the chance to really get clear on your seller’s motivations.

From there, you can go ahead and tour the property together. Many agents recommend doing the upstairs first, then downstairs, and then a full 360 tour of the outside before sitting down to look at the CMA together, pricing strategy, and marketing plan.

💡BONUS: Dale’s listing appointment flow

When the listing appointment gets set, the critical info of why the seller is selling, the unique situation they are in, what’s most important to them in their home sale, what’s important to them about the marketing of their home…etc. That information must be collected so you can use that at the beginning of your live meeting with the seller.

Listing appointment flow:

  • Introductions
  • Review the goals/needs/wants of the seller “When we spoke you mentioned x was important to you…” (this proactive retelling of what the seller said shows that you are professional, prepared, actively listened, and more importantly, sets the tone and direction of the conversation)
  • Ask for a guided tour of the property
  • Reconvene at the meeting spot and solicit the seller's questions from the pre-list packet. “I’m really excited to expose your amazing home to the market and generate a solid pool of buyers who want to compete with each other for it. Let me show you how we do that with a mixture of marketing, paid advertising, and leveraging our market share here in (local market).” Now it’s time to head into the next step of presenting.
  • Present your exciting marketing/advertising strategy
  • Ask the seller if they’ve decided how much they want to list for
  • If agreeable, cover paperwork and skip market analysis, ask for signature
  • If not agreeable, review market analysis, then cover paperwork and ask for signature

You’ve made it through the presentation and (hopefully) won the listing. Congrats! 🎉

If you’ve listened like a friend, handled objections with ease and empathy, and kept the presentation focused firmly on their needs — you’re probably holding a signed listing agreement in hand.

But regardless of the outcome, remember to always thank the seller for their time. From there, you can add the seller to a dedicated email drip campaign that keeps them updated on the market and provides them with tips on how to stage their home and make the most of each viewing. 

If you’ve already got a killer real estate newsletter , much of this content can be repurposed to be targeted directly toward sellers. If you’re a Follow Up Boss user, you can easily get these emails going out automatically by using our super straightforward action plans .

Ultimately, you aren’t in control of your prospect’s decision to work with you. But you are responsible for the amount of energy and empathy that goes into your listing presentations. Focus on showing up as a trusted ally for sellers, and the listings are sure to follow!

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Kyle Handy

25 Tips To Create The Ultimate Real Estate Listing Presentation

If you’re a new real estate agent, you might be intimidated by the thought of doing your first real estate listing presentation.

This post details 25 steps you can take to prepare for your presentation and give you the confidence you need to make the best impression. 

Tips For Preparation

1. build and maintain your online presence.

In today’s internet-driven world, people do their research on you before they even speak with you. Focus on building and maintaining your online presence across social media, Zillow and Realtor.com , and your website.

Interact with your audience across these platforms so that people get a sense of your personality. You want to attract people who are actually interested in working with you.

The more people know of you before you show up, the easier the appointment will go. They’ll already have an idea about your experience and your process, which gives you a great foot in the door.

2. Practice Your Presentation

Remember, it’s ok to feel nervous. Try practicing your real estate listing presentation out loud before going to the client’s home. Repeat it enough times until you feel confident in your delivery. Having a firm grasp on the main points of your presentation will help tame your nerves.

3. Visit Active Listings in the Client’s Neighborhood/Area

A unique tip that most agents don’t take the time to do is to visit other active listings in the client’s neighborhood before your listing appointment. 

This will give you more knowledge about the area, and you’ll see the prices of other homes in the area. Sellers will appreciate this extra work because it shows your dedication.

5. Drop Off A Pre-Listing Package

One tip that will start you off on the right foot before the listing appointment even starts is to drop off a real estate pre-listing package . The package should include any marketing materials you have created, including a description of your unique value proposition and marketing plan.

When you drop off your real estate pre-listing package, make sure that it is presented professionally. Use binders, folders, and be sure it’s personally branded.

A real estate agent conducting a listing presentation with a couple

Tips For During the Presentation

5. share your story in under 2 minutes.

Clients want to get to know you and your business, but make sure you keep it short. The main goal in your real estate listing presentation is to get the client talking more about themselves and their goals in selling their home.

Tell a brief story about what you do and what makes you different from other realtors. If this isn’t your first listing, talk about successful listings you’ve handled in the past.

6. Have Good Posture and Body Language

Most experts agree that 70% to 93% of all communication is nonverbal . So whether you’re touring the home or sitting down with your clients to get to know them, be sure your back is straight, you aren’t slouched, and you don’t cross your arms. And of course, give all your attention to your client as they are speaking and practice basic listening skills.

7. Use Social Proof to Your Advantage

If you have some previous listings under your belt, be sure to leverage them as social proof and use them to your advantage. For example, add in quotes from satisfied past clients, or share a success story regarding a previous transaction.

Having social proof in addition to what is online goes a long way in impressing your potential client. It will also help to establish you as a real estate professional with authority and knowledge in the real estate industry.

8. Personal Statistics

Along with social proof, be sure to include some personal statistics about your previous listings, such as:

  • Average days on market
  • Average list price to sales price ratio
  • How you compare to the market average

9. Create a Slide Deck to Stay on Task

A classic slide deck or PowerPoint presentation is the best way to keep your pre listing presentation organized and flowing smoothly. It’ll help you stay focused from one point to the next, so you don’t end up rambling throughout your presentation.

The interior of a home

10. Have a Marketing Plan

Come up with a comprehensive  real estate listing marketing plan  for listing your client’s home. Be sure to include the following marketing material:

  • How you will leverage social media
  • Which websites their listing will be shown on
  • Advertising strategy
  • Any broker groups or email lists you plan to use
  • If you plan on holding open houses , and if so, how often
  • Professional photos  and video

Don’t skimp on photos in your marketing strategy. Even if it seems expensive, professional photos will showcase the home much better than personal photos. In addition, you’ll build a beautiful portfolio to show future clients. They will take notice of how much better your photos look compared to your competition and want to work with you as a result.

11. Introduce the Power of Your Brokerage

If you have a brokerage, be sure to talk about what makes your brokerage unique. Highlight past experience and successes, and focus on how your brokerage will add value to your client’s listing as well.

12. Ask Questions, Build Trust, and Identify Motivation

Before you tour the home or jump into your own background, sit down and ask the client some questions to get to know them, build rapport, and understand their goals for selling their home. Some good questions to ask include:

  • The reason they want to sell their home and what date they need to move by
  • What area they are looking to move to, and if they’ve already found a home there
  • What’s more important to them: selling their home quickly, or for the best price
  • What their alternative plans are in case their home doesn’t sell
  • What their ideal listing agent would look like
  • How much they still owe on their mortgage and whether or not the property has any liens
  • If there are any hidden issues with the home
  • Their experience level with selling homes, and what those other experiences were like

The more you can connect with the client in these first 15 to 20 minutes, the better the listing presentation will go.

A photo of a living room filled with furniture

13. Tour The Home

Next, after you’ve gotten to know the seller, ask them if they can give you a tour of the inside and outside of their home before you begin your presentation.

As they’re showing you around, have them point out details about their home. For example, any work they’ve done and any work they know needs to be done before they sell the home.

Your goal is to get them to point out that their house isn’t perfect. This will give you a couple of details to lean on later when you’re discussing the price.

As you’re walking through the house, be very observant and take your time looking at every aspect, including the ceilings.

14. Tailor Your Presentation to Relate to Sellers Motivation

Use the client’s answers to the questions above to create a story in your real estate listing presentation. Go through a comparative market analysis ( CMA ) and show them the listings that have and haven’t sold in the area.

For example, you might find a listing that was priced way too high, sat on the market for 125 days, and sold for 10k below its listing price. Explain to your client all these details, and then show them a listing of another home that was perfectly staged and photographed.

Show them how it got a contract in seven days for above the asking price, which may also be their goal for their own home. This way, you’re creating a more relatable story for your client, and they will want to follow the same strategy as the second home.

Home search on a tablet

Tips For Research

15. do your research.

Everyone knows that knowledge is power, and power breeds confidence. Doing your research ahead of time will give you the knowledge you need to keep the ball in your court.

One strategy is to call recently sold listings in your client’s neighborhood and ask those agents how they thought the sale went and if they can give you any tips on selling in the area.

16. Automated Values

Be sure to cover Zestimates and tax values in your presentation. The prospective seller probably came across these numbers already and will want to know if they are accurate or not.

A couple of questions you can ask your clients to get an estimate of what they think their home is worth include:

  • What do you think your home is worth, based on the research you’ve done?
  • What number do you think is a good starting point for your home?

17. Local Market Statistics

During your real estate listing presentation, have some statistics on hand for the local market so that the client can compare their home to others in the area. These should include:

  • Average days on the market for homes in the area
  • Average sales price
  • Price per square foot
  • Inventory level

18. Neighborhood Comp Analysis

Be ready with a comp analysis. Choose four to five other homes in the neighborhood that are similar to the client’s home and become familiar with the ins and outs of those properties.

After you’ve toured their home, you’ll have a better idea of which comp to show them.

You can let them know how long they can expect the selling process to take based on the average list price to sales price, sold comps, available comps, and days on the market.

A real estate agent talking to a couple

Tips For Moving Forward

19. refine value.

Once you have a good feel for the home, let the home seller know if you think the home’s value should be higher or lower than your initial assumption based on the market data.

At that point, you can tell them that you recommend listing their home for X amount to have the most realistic chance of selling it.

In order to figure out a good price, you can use the MLS to find out the average list price to sales price ratio for a certain neighborhood.

20. Outline Your Pricing Strategy

Go through your pricing strategy and let your clients know how you determine if a home is above, fair to, or below the market value.

21. Explain Your Sales Process

Your real estate listing presentation is a great chance for you to go through each step of your sales process, from pre-listing to closing. Explain every detail, so your clients can know what to expect when working with you.

22. Additional Included Services

Offer the client any other services that you and your team provide. This could be transaction management, a preferred vendor list, or buyer services.

23. Don’t Be a “Yes” Agent Just to Win New Business

Stay firm on your process and pricing. Some sellers will see if they can get you to negotiate on your own terms. However, this isn’t advisable. Stick to your process and price, and be confident in your knowledge and research.

A real estate agent giving a real estate listing presentation to a couple

24. Prepare For Some Objections and Lots of Questions

To that end, be prepared to face some  real estate objections  and questions about your experience, process, and pricing. Some of the questions might include:

  • What makes you different from other realtors in the area? How are you better?
  • Why do your credentials make you the right person to sell my home?
  • How familiar are you with this market? Have you sold homes in this area before?
  • What is your opinion on my home, and what do you think we can do for it to sell better?
  • Do you have an ideal list price in mind for my home? If so, is it lower or higher than what I think it is?
  • What are your sales and marketing strategies for listing a home?
  • How many other clients are you working with, if any? Will your workload affect your ability to work on my home?
  • I’ve spoken to another real estate agent who said they would list my home for a certain percent. Can you match that?

25. Follow up with a Thank You Note

Even if you don’t walk away with a  signed listing agreement  in hand, be sure to send a thank you note. Mail this out the day before your appointment, so it arrives soon after the appointment is over. This will ensure you make a good impression on everyone you meet.

Final Thoughts on 25 Steps to Win a Real Estate Listing Presentation

Whether it’s your first real estate listing presentation or you are a seasoned Realtor, these 25 steps can help you build a successful real estate business and bring the most amount of value to your clients.

Keep in mind that in the end, how you treat people will be more impactful than anything you say or do.

Kyle Handy

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Keeping Current Matters

5 Steps to Build the Perfect Real Estate Listing Presentation


Free listing presentation template for realtors

13 Minute Read Time

The real estate world has changed dramatically in the past few years. While clients used to work with the biggest and most well-known companies based on their brand and advertising campaigns alone, today’s consumers want much more than a compelling commercial. They want to buy into something they can trust.

But trust is earned. And with increased competition and nonstop marketing noise, agents need an ace up their sleeve to stand out. That ace is a perfect listing presentation .

Why a Perfect Listing Presentation is Important: Sellers Must Trust You To Do Four Things

We all know that a listing presentation is a pitch that agents give to a prospective client who is looking to sell their house. But there’s more to it. The seller must trust you to:





It’s not enough to just simply have a listing presentation. You need a perfect listing presentation that accomplishes all of the above AND gets you the listing.

In this guide, we discuss the five elements that make up a ‘perfect’ listing presentation, and show you how to use it to separate yourself from your competition by proving that you can be a ‘trusted advisor’ to the seller.


You have to build trust with them so they can be certain you’re the best person to help them reach their goals..

Think of it like owning a shoe store. If you knew there were people already lined up around the corner and busloads of people coming, you’d make sure you had every single size, in every single color, and every single style in stock. Likewise, when a buyer contacts you on the web, comes into your office or calls you from a sign you have posted, you want to have plenty of inventory so you can meet their needs.

Today, more and more sellers are stepping back, taking a look at the advice real estate professionals give them, and asking themselves whether they can trust that advice. Therefore, when you’re at a listing presentation, the most important element is whether you can build trust with the homeowner.

Your sellers must know that you have their best interest in mind, and that you’re going to be able to help them accomplish their goals. To do that, you must first make sure you understand what those goals actually are.

5 Steps to Making the Perfect Listing Presentation





Step 1: Build Rapport

Just as in any other presentation, your listing presentation needs to start strong and end strong..

The beginning and the end are the most important parts. But the beginning isn’t when you start talking; it’s the moment you walk in the door, before you say a word. Sellers are not going to trust you until they like you. To get them to like you, you must make sure they understand that you care about them. So make sure their first impression of you is a positive one, even if you’re giving a virtual listing presentation .

Smile, show genuine interest in them and their needs, and look professional. Those first few moments of your meeting, before the actual presentation begins, will set the stage for rapport building. Once you start the actual presentation, add enthusiasm to your voice and facial expressions.


Being boring will make it extremely difficult for you to build rapport. The seller will be nervous. They may be moving their children to another school. There may be medical issues that caused the move. They might need as much money out of the sale of the house as they possibly can get. They want to make the right decision for themselves and their family, and they’re looking to you for your expert guidance.

Unfortunately, there are still many agents who start the presentation by bragging about their company or themselves. But that’s not what’s important to the homeowner—at least not up front. What’s important to the homeowner is that they know you care about them, not how much you care about yourself or your company.

Step 2: Identify the Seller’s Needs

You need to prove to the seller’s that you’re there to make sure they’re okay. how can you do that.

listing in presentation

So, before you start doing anything, pull out a blank piece of paper and break it down into these three categories. See the image on the right for reference.

You do this because:

They’ll know you care about them right out of the gate because you’re asking what they need. , they know you’re the person they can trust because you’ve demonstrated value. .

Some agents argue that a pre-scripted presentation manual allows them to keep better control of the appointment.

However, in reality, the person doing the talking is never in control. The person asking the questions is always in control. If you don’t believe this, think about a courtroom.

Who’s in control: the attorney or the person on the witness stand? The attorney, of course, because he or she is directing the conversation by asking questions.

You may ask, “What if they say something I’m not prepared for?”

First, let us say that the chance of that happening is very slim. In fact, there are five things that a seller will potentially tell you when you ask them what they need from the sale of their home.






These are the five things every single seller is going to tell you, and it’s been the same five things for the last 30 years. The potential for someone saying anything different is extremely low, so don’t worry about them saying something you’re not prepared for.

As you can see, the first step in building rapport is pretty simple: start with caring about them. Start with talking about them. Start by asking them what’s important to them. They will begin to like you and you’ll begin the process of getting them to feel that they can trust you.


listing in presentation

Now that you know what they need from the sale of the house, you need to teach them the answers that will fulfill these needs—the staple things they need to accomplish their goals.

If they want the house sold for the most money, in the least amount of time, and without hassles, what is necessary?

Write the answers on the piece of paper. 

Notice that you haven’t talked about your company yet. You haven’t talked about yourself yet. Instead, you’ve discussed the generic answers to their needs. These are the things they’re going to need from your real estate company. These are the things they’re going to need from an agent.

You’ve built rapport by first asking what they need. You’ve given them the answers to their needs in a generic form without ever talking about you or your company. Now you’re in a nice conversation: two people talking about how they can help each other.

Then, and only then, should you begin to discuss the resources you and your company have to make sure you can fulfill their needs.

Step 3: Explain Your Company’s Value

What are the biggest benefits a seller gets from choosing to work with your company that they could not get from another.

Think of your answers to the questions above from the seller’s perspective. Your company’s value proposition should explain what unique benefits it delivers to the seller and why they should choose your firm over another. We admit that articulating a company’s unique value can be difficult.

Agents sometimes ask if an outside vendor could put together the perfect listing presentation for them, complete with the ideal value proposition. The answer is no. When it comes to the value proposition your company offers, you know that much better than anyone else does.

Some points to consider when explaining your company’s value:

  • What are the fundamentals of your company’s marketing plan?
  • How do you find and qualify prospective purchasers?
  • What is your company’s ability to manage the overall process?

Every company has distinct advantages. You need to be able to simply and effectively explain your company’s unique value proposition and how it differs from your competitors’.

Free listing presentation template for realtors

Step 4: Communicate Your Value

This is the time to differentiate yourself from other agents.

When explaining your personal value proposition, you want to differentiate yourself from the other agents in the marketplace, including the agents from your own company that might go on that listing presentation.

Remember, having a strong beginning and a powerful ending is crucial. Gain their interest during the first couple of minutes of the presentation and then build to a real strength at the end.

What Do You Bring to the Table?

You now have successfully articulated the benef its of your company, but why should they work with YOU over another agent?

Here are some examples of things to include in your personal value proposition:

Sres designation.

If you are speaking to a baby boomer or a senior citizen and you have your SRES designation, be sure to mention it. (The same goes for any other relevant designations)

Certificates or Classifications

If you’ve taken a negotiation class in the past and received a certificate for it, take the syllabus or the brochure for the class and make it part of your listing presentation.

Market Insights

If you subscribe to services like KCM or other programs that help you stay abreast of market conditions, let them know. Sellers want to be confident you are knowledgeable.

Just as you need to be able to talk about your company’s value proposition, you also need to have a value proposition of your own. Again, this can be difficult. After all, as children we were often told not to brag about ourselves.

But you’re not a child anymore, and you’re not bragging. You’re giving your sellers the information they need to make an informed decision. Your personal value proposition highlights what sets you apart from other agents and how you can best serve your seller.

Step 5: Develop Trust

Clients want an expert. experts speak with confidence, and that’s how you build trust. .

Sellers have to trust you enough to let you set the market value on possibly the largest asset their family owns. They have to trust you enough to set the time schedule for a successful liquidation of that asset. They have to trust you enough to set a fair fee to handle the liquidation of that asset. Therefore, you want to make sure they trust you enough at the conclusion of your presentation.

So, how do you get them to trust you?

Here’s the Challenge…

Whenever we become more involved in any situation, we enter a hyper-sensitive state of awareness. That is, when something becomes important to us, we become more sensitive to it.

For example, let’s say you went out to buy a car, and the reason you bought that particular car is because it was unique. Not very many people have that car. You were going to look pretty cool driving that car.

However, as soon as you pull out of the dealership and hit the road in your hot new wheels, what do you see all over the highway? THAT CAR! The dealership didn’t sell millions last night. You’re just now in a hyper-sensitive state of awareness.

This same phenomenon occurs when someone is considering a real estate transaction. Once a homeowner decides to sell their home they enter this hyper-sensitive state of awareness. They begin following housing news more closely. They watch the real estate segments on CNBC, listen for them on Bloomberg radio and read them in the Wall Street Journal. They get a good idea of the national housing news.

Here’s the Solution…

At this moment, what they really need is someone to explain how what they heard on the radio, what they saw on television, what they read in every newspaper does—or doesn’t— apply to your market. And you have to prove it to them.

It isn’t until then that you can discuss how what they’ve seen impacts their situation.

Additional Tips to Help Build the Right Listing Presentation

Now that you understand the essential steps, we can cover what other pieces are important for the perfect listing presentation.

But first, let’s take a look at a quote by financial guru, Dave Ramsey:

“When getting help with money, whether it’s insurance, real estate or investments, you should always look for someone with the heart of a teacher, not the heart of a salesman.”

In his quote, Dave Ramsey talks about our industry specifically. When you have the heart of a teacher, you’re willing to take the time in each presentation to teach. Every conversation is an educational opportunity.

You shouldn’t be trying to convince someone to sell their home (that’s what salespeople do); instead, you should be helping your sellers discover what their options are, explaining the pros and cons of each of those options, and then letting them make the decision that is best for them and their families.

That’s what a trusted advisor, with the heart of a teacher, does.

But while it’s just as important for you to be able to speak eloquently, intelligently and directly to your clients, it’s more important that you show them why you’re the best agent. Here are some tips and tricks on how to win a listing presentation so your listing presentation is successful for today’s market.

Featured Resource: Free Customizable Listing Presentation Template

The importance of visual aids.

Simply “telling” your clients something isn’t enough. They need to “see” it to believe it. If you’re not using strong visuals in all your communications with clients (face-to-face meetings, emails, newsletters, etc.), then you’re not being fully heard or understood.

Using visuals enables you to explain your clients’ options in a way they can understand. This heavily researched topic has been proven time and time again.

Here are some more statistics that back it up:





Remember, your job now is to help your clients understand how the market impacts their situation. Powerful and relevant visuals give them the best opportunity to understand the complexities and nuances of the real estate market.

Your job is not done until they are fully informed, can fully understand the information, and can make the decision that is best for them and their family. This is also when you will have their trust and be seen as a true professional.

Take the time to prepare visuals for every appointment. It is vital to your success in today’s environment.

After all, what makes more sense:

' title=

Your Path to Success: How KCM Can Help

Yes, the real estate industry is changing dramatically. It’s no longer about being the biggest office or dispensing information; it’s about your ability to analyze that information so well that you can teach it to others, because that’s how you gain trust.

The agents that EMBRACE this concept are going to be the DOMINANT agents moving forward. They are the ones who will win the race!


As you develop yourself as a great listing agent, remember to plot out these three steps along the way:

Step 1: Continually Educate Yourself

Whether you use the KCM membership that we provide or some other educational means, know what’s going on and why it’s happening. As Albert Einstein said, “Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the life-long attempt to acquire it.”

Step 2: Communicate What You Learn

Think of it as the ability to sing versus being on iTunes. If you can sing, but deliver your message on the equivalent of 8-track tapes, no one will listen to you. If, however, you can sing and you publish your music digitally (the modern format), you’ll have a much higher likelihood of reaching your audience.

In real estate, this means making sure your listing presentations are filled with impactful, relevant information that will help your clients gain clarity from the confusion in the market.

Make your presentations overly visual and so simple that anyone—even a child—can understand what is happening in the current market. Graphs, charts, and infographics are great formats to use.

Step 3: Become a Keeping Current Matters Member

Fact: keeping current matters! You can have a tremendous understanding of key factors and wonderful visual materials to help make it easy for your sellers, but if you’re not updating these things on a consistent basis, you’re lost. Keeping Current Matters offers easy-to-share blog posts, social media graphics, videos, guides, and more to help you stand out as the go-to real estate agent.

How valuable would a physician be if he/she didn’t update his/her advice and recommendations based on the newest medical research? Don’t be caught with outdated information in your presentations and conversations. Do your homework and be on top of all the major news that will impact the current real estate market.

For most families, selling a home is one of the most important personal decisions and possibly the largest financial decision they’ll ever make. They are looking for someone they can trust—for a true professional to help them through this process.

Make sure that’s exactly who they get when you walk into their home for a listing presentation. 

listing in presentation

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listing in presentation

Luminary Agent

Everything You Need for a Killer Pre-Listing Presentation [Complete Guide with Examples]

Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Post Last Updated on 

A persuasive pre-listing presentation can be a killer part of your marketing arsenal. A great one can help you stand out amongst your competitors and will greatly reduce the time you spend answering questions during your in-person listing presentation. A poor pre-listing presentation, on the other hand, can harm your chances of securing a listing and make the listing appointment more arduous than it needs to be.

If you don’t have a listing presentation, or if you cringe every time you pass it out, this post is for you. We’re going to go deep into what a pre-listing presentation is, what it should look like, and what you should include—with a long list of success tips and examples.

[highlight icon=”fa-cloud-download-alt”]PSST! There’s a FREE download below. Don’t miss it!!![/highlight]

What is a Pre-Listing Presentation?

Pre-listing presentation vs listing presentation.

Many people confuse a pre-listing presentation and an actual listing presentation. So first, let’s separate the two. A pre-listing presentation is something you deliver BEFORE the actual listing appointment. This is not an in-person presentation—your listing presentation is your actual in-face presentation/interview.

The Setup Before the Big Show

A pre-listing presentation is a great way to get a potential client acquainted with you and your team, your marketing, and even your market. You want your face-to-face time to be as effective as possible. The pre-listing presentation helps reduce a lot of the explanation time and leaves more time open for questions, interview time, and the house tour.

Does Not Replace You or Your Listing Presentation

As is often the case, you will be the main reason someone chooses to hire you and your team. The pre-listing presentation is not meant to replace your sales pitch or your charm (though it can certainly help). You will likely still need to do some in-person selling at your actual listing presentation appointment.

It’s Not About You

The biggest problem we see with many pre-listing presentations is how self-absorbed they are. The typical pre-listing presentation is all about the agent—the awards they’ve won, the houses they’ve sold, etc.

Remember, the client only cares about themselves. They want to know what you can do for them. So, while you should absolutely build your credibility with your stats/awards, that should be secondary, or even tertiary, to what you’re going to do to help them get their home sold.

Pre-Listing Presentation Design Rules

Now that we know what a pre-listing presentation is, let’s talk about the general principles for putting one together. Then we’ll get into the meat of a pre-listing presentation’s content.

Rule #1—Keep It Concise!

The best way to bore someone quickly is to drone on and on and on about, well, anything. Keep your copy concise and to the point. Don’t waste the seller’s time.

Rule #2—Break Up Your Content

A wall of text is a surefire way to get your presentation overlooked. In addition to keeping things concise (rule #1), you need to break up your content into easily digestible bites. Use lots of headings, subheadings, bullet and number lists, and assets.

Rule #3—Use Plenty of Assets

Speaking of assets, the adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” is very applicable to a pre-listing presentation. Images help break up content (rule #2) and breathe additional life into your presentation. Even better than images? Illustrations! Illustrate as many points as you can. Illustrations help get important points across and are easier for most people to digest.

Rule #4—Keep It On-Brand and On-Message

Remember, the pre-listing presentation comes BEFORE your actual listing appointment. You want the seller’s impression of you to be an excellent one. Your pre-listing presentation should convey what working with you and your team will be like.

Think about your target audience when you’re putting your presentation together (as you should do with all marketing). If you’re a friendly and fun team, your pre-listing presentation should reflect that in both the copy’s tone and the template’s design.

Rule #5—Less is More

When we were looking through pre-listing presentations in preparation for this article, we all noticed that the presentations we were most drawn to as a team were the ones that took a less-is-more approach. Let your design give the content room to breathe, even if it makes your pre-listing presentation a few pages longer.

What Should Your Pre-Listing Presentation Include?

Brace yourself, Effie—this section is very detailed! We’ve broken up what should be included in your pre-listing presentation into sections, topics, examples, and resources. This will help you arrange your own pre-listing presentation in a way that’s easy for sellers to understand. Ready? Let’s get it!

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Download our Pre-Listing Presentation Resources

You’ll get all of the ideas below in an easy-to-follow outline as well as a sample of the pre-listing presentation offered in our own product, Sidekick .

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Section #1—Introduction

Your introduction should be a brief hello from you and your team. Don’t go deep here. Save that for later. For now, you’re just welcoming the seller and thanking them for reading through your pre-listing presentation and potentially choosing your team to list their home.

Idea—Welcome Letter

Tips for Success

  • Include your photo
  • Include your signature
  • Make it heartfelt and warm
  • Include your “big why”—why are you in real estate anyway?

Chris Morrison, Welcome Letter, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Chris Morrison , Henry Billete , and Justin Oberholtzer .

Idea—Table of Contents

Any way that you can help the seller navigate your listing presentation, please do so.

  • Break it up into sections and topics
  • Use color-coded sections to further tie sections together

Table of Contents, Mary Pope-Handy, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Mary Pope-Handy ,  Ann Kieran , and Houlihan Lawrence .

Idea—Questions to Ask

The seller will obviously have a lot of questions both before and after reading this presentation. Remind them to write them all down and give them space to do so. This will help your listing presentation go smoother.

  • Leave them enough space to write all their questions
  • Remind them that the listing presentation is the perfect time to go over these questions
  • Give them a few reminders throughout the pre-listing presentation to go back and write down their questions on this page

Section #2—Understand the Market

Before you talk about pricing and marketing strategies, you should prep the seller by helping them understand the market. Your local market has its own unique intricacies. Remember, real estate is local. This is a good place to show off your local know-how.

Idea—Local Market Statistics

  • Cover the big 3 stats—sales price, inventory, days on market
  • Use graphs to show market trends
  • Explain the graphs so the seller knows what they’re looking at
  • Update these numbers frequently! (at least every quarter)
  • Explain a buyers’ vs. a sellers’ market

Local Market Stats, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: The Hollinger Team .

Idea—Where Buyers Come From

Different markets and even different segments of markets have different ways of attracting buyers. Sign calls may be popular in your area, while Craigslist may not be. Or vice versa. Having this conversation now will help prep the seller for your marketing strategies laid out later in your pre-listing presentation.

  • Use a graph to teach and explain
  • Show differences in national vs. local numbers
  • Give them stats showing where your last 20 buyers came from

Where Buyers Come From, Kentwood Real Estate, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Kentwood Real Estate , Realty Partners , Robin Fink , Ranch & Recreational Group , Farrell Realty .

Section #3—Hire a Professional

There are many ways to sell a house. New startups crop up every day with a new way to sell your home without the use of a Realtor®. While that may work for some, the majority of homeowners need your expertise.

Idea—Why Use a Realtor®

It’s important to not only point out why using an agent is important, you’ll also want to emphasize why using a Realtor® is better than a regular agent.

  • Talk about the Realtor® Code of Ethics, and even link to it in this presentation
  • Show them how you save them time, money, frustration, and anger
  • Remember, you are shielding them against buyers and other agents—that’s valuable!

Why Use a Realtor®, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Idea—Interview Your Realtor®

A seller may not know good questions to ask when she is interviewing Realtors®. This idea gives them a list of hard-hitting questions to ask during the listing presentation with the goal being your answers will be better than your competitors.

  • Put in questions that matter to you and your market
  • Be prepared to answer them!
  • Touch on this section in your listing presentation and ask what other agents have said

listing in presentation

Special thanks to: The Hollinger Team , Tristan & Associates , Mary Pope-Handy , and Katie DeBill .

Idea—Commission Explained

Oh, commissions. The oft-talked about subject. It’s important to have this conversation in your pre-listing presentation before it comes up in person. It may help remedy any objections once you’re speaking face-to-face. It’s also a good place to educate sellers about where commission goes and explain how you get paid.

  • Be matter-of-fact in your explanations
  • Educate the seller on all the things you pay for to market their home
  • Emphasize that Realtors® often get their clients more money for their homes

Commission Explained, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Ashley Garner and Ranch & Recreational Group .

Section #4—Price Your Home

Now that we’ve taken the time to explain the local market and we’ve educated the client on why they should hire a professional, it’s time to talk price. Pricing can be seen as very mysterious to many sellers and, with automated tools like Zillow around, it’s important to highlight the correct way to arrive at a proper price and what happens when you don’t.

Idea—How to Find Price

This is a great place to go into some detail about how price is determined. Even a simple example here could help provide much clarity to the seller

  • Talk about how comparable sales are adjusted to arrive at a price
  • Provide a side-by-side example of three properties with similar features. If this takes up too much space, link to an example on your website.
  • Mention that real examples from their neighborhood will be shown in the in-person listing presentation

Determining Price, Ben Beesley, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Ben Beesley , Tom Savage , Daniel Walker , Bunch Real Estate Group , At Properties , and Kentwood Real Estate .

Idea—Pricing Factors/Non-Factors

We recommend being very bold here. Make sure the seller understands what does and does not matter when determining price.

  • Emphasize the market dictates price—you’re just the messenger
  • Again, visual elements make a huge difference here

listing in presentation

Special thanks to: Henry Billette , Steve Shalongo , Robin Fink , and Karen Fallon .

Idea—Price/Time Comparison

Make sure the seller understands how time affects price.

  • Remind them that the longer a home is on the market, the less interest there will be and buyers will start to assume something’s wrong with the home
  • Include examples of past listings in your local area with price problems (don’t identify them outright)

Pricing vs. Time, Bunch Real Estate Group, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Bunch Real Estate Group , Karen Fallon , and Chris Morrison .

Section #5—Prepare Your Home

It’s a great idea to give sellers some tips to get their home market-ready. This is a great section to highlight how you go above and beyond most Realtors® with your access to home stagers and other contractors who can help prep the home.

While this section isn’t absolutely necessary for a pre-listing presentation—you could just as easily provide it later—it’s common practice to include it here. We will warn you that this should NOT be half of your pre-listing presentation. (Many we previewed were mostly made up of this section.)

Idea—Staging Tips

  • DON’T give a huge list here—provide a concise list of items that can be done
  • Mention your access to professional stagers who can help
  • Talk about how staging shortens time on market and increases price
  • Collaborate with or ask a professional stager for advice on this section

Staging Tips, Adam Powers, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Adam Powers , Farrell Realty , and Brandy Underberg.

Idea—Curb Appeal Tips

  • Like the Staging Tips idea above, don’t give a huge list. Keep it concise.
  • Provide before/after photos of homes with great curb appeal updates
  • Create a Pinterest board with curb appeal ideas and link to it

Curb Appeal Tips, Ann Kieran, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Ann Kieran and Kentwood Real Estate .

Idea—Cleaning List

  • Create a simple checklist of items that are UNCOMMON—things people don’t think about
  • Link to a Pinterest board or some videos with cleaning hacks for those harder tasks
  • Include a checklist or handout as an appendix to this presentation or as a download on your website for sellers to follow

Idea—Info for Buyers

This is not about seller disclosures but is more about providing that extra information that most buyers will be curious about.

  • Tell sellers not to pack things like appliance manuals
  • Create a separate handout to be left at the listing with utility averages, paint colors, appliance warranties, and past contractors who have worked on the home
  • Include a checklist or handout as an appendix to this presentation or as a download on your website that sellers can fill out

Section #6—Market Your Home

Up until now, we’ve provided a lot of education but haven’t been too strong on sales. This section is where you get to really show how you market listings. The biggest advice we have for this section is to provide concrete examples. Let’s dive right in.

Idea—Marketing Plan

Add your step-by-step marketing plan to your pre-listing presentation. Make it thorough and provide numerous examples. This pairs well with a marketing timeline (discussed below) so your seller can see when items will be executed.

  • List important steps, not basic steps (think “send postcards to closest 100 homes” not “put keybox on property”)
  • Point out the items that are “exclusive” to you and your team
  • This is a good place to call out your questions page

Marketing Plan, Ben Beesley, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Ben Beesley , Karen Fallon , Katie DeBill , Novello Group , Robin Fink , and Ann Kieran .

Idea—Marketing Items

Showcase the pieces of marketing you and your team create and use to market a home. This is a great place to showcase the cohesion of your branding and marketing.

  • Provide visual examples of your listing materials
  • Include brief descriptions of how the materials will be used
  • Customize the preview items for the seller
  • Include a link to your website where a seller can go download a sample packet of materials

Marketing Items, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Chris Morrison , Daniel Walker , Greg Barteluk , Hancock Group , Listing Power Tools , Steve Shalongo , Tom Savage , At Properties , and Kentwood Real Estate .

Idea—Marketing Timeline

Sellers want to know when things are going to happen. This timeline will help them understand at what point in the process you’ll be doing these marketing activities.

  • Separate pre-market and on-market activities
  • Highlight one-time vs ongoing activities
  • Point out items that are “exclusive” to you and your team

Marketing Timeline, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Ann Kieran .

Idea—Generating Awareness/Interest/Traffic

This idea focuses on the activities you and your team will perform to generate awareness about your new listing.

  • Focus on things not represented in your Marketing Items section above. A good rule of thumb is if you can’t represent it with a photo example, put it here
  • Highlight things like calls you make, industry events you attend, relationships you have, etc.
  • Tie this in with the “Where Buyers Come From” idea from the “Understand the Market” section

listing in presentation

Special thanks to: Daniel Walker .

Section #7—Timeline to Sell

We’ve previously mentioned that sellers like to know the timeline of selling a home so they know what to expect. Any way that you can give them a complete glimpse of the process is helpful. This section is pretty straightforward so we don’t have individual ideas, but here are some tips for success.

  • Separate pre-market, on-market, and in-contract activities
  • Color code these separate activity sections
  • Provide a rough time estimate of when each stage happens
  • Tie in items from previous sections

Timeline to Sell, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Section #8—About You/Your Team

After seven sections all about the client, this section CAN and should be all about you and your team. Make this as personal and friendly as possible. Make sure you only choose two or three of the items below.

Idea—Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

A USP (unique selling proposition) is that one thing that makes you totally different from the competition. It could be huge thing like “we’ll sell your home in 30 days or less” or something small like “every home gets a 4k video shoot.” Whatever it is (and we wrote a whole blog post about it), it has to be one-of-a-kind to count.

  • Your USP doesn’t have to be mind-blowing, but it should be unique
  • Consider branding your USP to help it stand out
  • Call out to your USP in the marketing section above

Unique Selling Proposition, Michael Davis, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Michael Davis .


A biography is great for Realtors® who may be new to the business or whose resume is light in features. It’s a great way to talk about your love for real estate or your background in other fields.

  • Add some personal touches to humanize your biography
  • Use either a bio or a resume, but shy away from using both
  • Include a photo of yourself doing something you love like gardening, skiing, or playing with your dog

Biography, Ashley Garner, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Ashley Garner .


If your professional experience includes lots of honors, awards, or educational history, consider adding your resume to your pre-listing presentation.

  • Break up your resume into sections: Education, Experience, Awards, Personal/Volunteer
  • Keep each point brief; don’t drone on in paragraphs
  • Keep it to one page or less
  • Only include items that are applicable to real estate; truncate any non-related items

Resume, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Hancock Group and Michael Davis .

Idea—Your Team

If you have a team of people helping you, showcase them here. This will show strength in numbers but will also help the seller know who is who.

  • Give a brief explanation of each person’s role
  • Include a professional or fun photo of each person—make sure it’s high-quality!
  • Consider adding # of years in real estate or similar compelling statistic
  • If you have a large team, keep it to staff directly involved in home selling
  • Add a link to your website’s team page where people can get a more detailed biography of each person

Your Team, Hancock Group, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Hancock Group and The Hollinger Team .

Idea—Your Stats

Stats are compelling. If you don’t know your numbers, how can you improve? Include your own statistics to show the seller how you’re better.

  • Include things like how much more you net your sellers than others, how much faster you sell homes than the typical agent in your area, etc.
  • Make sure these stats are seller-focused, not you-focused
  • Use charts/graphs to show the differences in numbers between you/your team and your market average
  • Have a map on your website that shows your entire listing history and link to it here

Your Stats, Baldwin Team, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: The Baldwin Team , Novello Group , KJK Properties , Karen Fallon , Jim Maloof , GoodLife Team , At Properties , Ewing & Associates , and Kentwood Real Estate .

Idea—Office/Company Info

If you have a large office or work for a franchise with global capabilities, consider adding a section to your pre-listing presentation to showcase this.

  • Keep this section brief. If you can give it no more than a half-page, do it
  • Only include items that benefit the seller
  • Add a link to view more information on your website

listing in presentation

Special thanks to: Brandy Underberg, Daniel Walker , Engle & Völkers , The Hollinger Team , Ann Kieran , At Properties , and Kentwood Real Estate .


You have two options for testimonials. You can include them all on one page or you can sprinkle them throughout the pre-listing presentation. It’s up to you!

  • Include the client’s full name, whether they were a buyer or seller, and a date from their transaction
  • Update these when you update your stats (at least once a quarter)
  • Extra points if you include a photo of the client or a photo of you and the client together
  • Keep the testimonial to 1–3 sentences. If it’s longer, consider truncating it
  • Add a link to view a complete list of testimonials on your website

Testimonials, Top Left Creative, Killer Pre-Listing Presentation

Special thanks to: Ben Beesley , Chris Morrison , Hancock Group , and Michael Davis .

Bonus Ideas

Bonus idea #1—create an online resources page.

Many of the items in your pre-listing presentation can be expanded on with additional info, checklists, examples, etc. Consider creating one page on your website that provides all of the additional information in one place.

  • Arrange the page in the same order as this pre-listing presentation
  • Use the same section headings for easy navigation
  • If items are in different places on your website, at least link to all of them here

Bonus Idea #2—Create an Autoresponder for Sellers

A pre-listing presentation can be a lot of information at once. Some sellers may simply glance over it but fail to read the more important details. Consider creating an email autoresponder that will go over one specific item every couple of days. This is a great way to highlight the most important information in a focused manner.

  • Cover only one specific item in each email
  • Keep the emails short and sweet
  • Include one or two visuals in the email itself
  • Link to additional items on your website
  • Follow up with a phone call

A pre-listing presentation is an important element of your overall brand and seller strategy. It should not be an afterthought but should be put together with careful planning. Above all, make sure it is seller-focused, not you-focused. Follow these tips and you’ll have a killer pre-listing presentation that will get you more sellers and make your competitors jealous!

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listing presentations for real estate

Listing Presentation Tips

At some point during your Direct Mail campaign, the phone is going to ring with a prospective client on the other end who’s interested in selling their home. In a previous post, we shared some of our top tips for Successfully Following Up with Real Estate Leads . In this post, we will bridge the gap between getting that phone call, and converting your lead into a listing with a winning listing presentation.

listing presentations for real estate

What is a Listing Presentation?

In real estate, a listing presentation demonstrates everything you will do and utilize to market and sell a prospective client’s home. The listing presentation itself can be in print form, like a real estate brochure , or in PDF form.

Regardless of its format, the listing presentation goes a long way in determining whether a client will make the decision to sign a listing agreement with you or another agent. If you are an agent in a competitive  market, how do you differentiate yourself as an expert real estate agent?

listing presentations for real estate

What’s in a Great Listing Presentation?

A great listing presentation boils down to your Value Proposition: demonstrating your expertise, and what you can offer them compared to another real estate agent or team. Here are a few tips that can help you create the best possible listing presentation for your clients.

Proof of Production

Demonstrating expertise to prospective listing clients comes down to proof of production and experience in their industry. When it comes to real estate, the Gold Standard of proof comes in the form of listing (and closing) a home in the same subdivision.

If your listing presentation takes place within your real estate farm , there is a strong chance they are responding to one of your postcard marketing campaigns. Therefore, your presentation should be a more in-depth version of the information you’ve been sending.

Here are some examples of the sections to include to make your listing presentation the best it can be.

A Short Bio

Unless you have an About Me page on your website or social media page, they may not know much about your experience in the industry or who you are.

Your bio should be kept to the basics:

  • How long you have been in the industry;
  • Your ties to the area;
  • Why you love selling real estate;
  • Any relevant certifications or designations

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listing presentations for real estate

Marketing Tactics for Listing Homes

There are two distinct avenues when it comes to marketing a home for sale: methods used by every real estate agent, and methods you use.

The latter avenue is where savvy real estate agents demonstrate their unique value proposition, setting themselves apart from other Realtors in the area.

For example, any real estate agent can list a home on their region’s MLS, and put a For Sale Sign on the front lawn. 

Going above and beyond, and being willing to spend money on their behalf, is where great real estate agents separate themselves from the average. Notable marketing offerings include:

  • A substaintial database of buyer contacts.
  • An extensive list of vendors that can help them get their home ready for showings.
  • Hiring a professional photographer to take photos that will go on the MLS and additional real estate marketing materials .
  • Hosting Open Houses (you’d be amazed at how many real estate agents dislike hosting them).
  • Video and Virtual Tours

This is by no means an extensive list, but the more value you can offer to a listing client, the more likely they will choose you as their agent.

listing presentations for real estate

Do Your Homework and Double-Check

One of the reasons you send postcards and market to a particular area is because you know the area, and consider yourself an expert within a specific community. However, has anything changed since you started your farming campaign ? Has turnover or the average sale price dipped or spiked in the last few weeks or months? 

Doing your homework also applies to your clients themselves. Thanks to search engines or social media, 

By doing your homework ahead of time, you avoid the possibility of contradicting yourself during your presentation.

listing presentation

Professional Image is a Must

Presenting a professional image is important during every step of the real estate transaction and organization will set you free. Let’s compare two real estate agents:

  • Agent Alpha: Agent prepares a clean, colorful, and professional listing presentation via PowerPoint, and brings at least two (2) tablets with the slideshow uploaded for convenient viewing.
  • Agent Beta: Agent brings a stack of loose leaf documents, printed in gray-scale or black and white, with grainy images and graphs.

Agent Beta may be the greatest salesperson in the world, but taking the extra time to create a professional image for your presentation improves your chances of gaining your prospective client’s trust and attention.

listing presentation

Provide Valuable Information

Once you have established yourself as a real estate agent who knows how to convert listings, your listing presentation should shift its focus into your prospective client’s specific needs. The best way to provide this information is through graphs, charts, and other pertinent statistics regarding their home.

As you go through the various data points, make sure to make eye contact, and read their reactions. If they interject, stop talking and listen carefully . It’s incredibly easy to stay in sales mode, and if you make your prospective client(s) feel like you’re not listening, you reduce your chances of earning a listing. 

Be Honest in Your Listing Presentation

The most important reasons to provide your clients with cold, hard facts in your presentation are transparency and honesty . Savvy real estate agents have encountered numerous prospects who think their home is worth more than what the market dictates.

Since honesty is the key to building any relationship, the worst thing you can do is provide false hope that you can sell their home for more than the market norm. Even if they choose to go with a different agent, there will always be another opportunity.

Final Touches

At the end, ask them if they have any questions. If you presented a slideshow on a tablet, offer to email the presentation to them. You can also offer to add them to your email list, and let them know that you will follow up in the near future. 

When you hop into your car, take a few moments to think about how you did. Open up the voice recorder on your smartphone, and if you have any thoughts or notes regarding your presentation. These notes can help you with future listings, and help you polish your skills.

Follow-Up and Feedback

You’ve given it your all, and now it is up to your prospects to make a decision. A gentle thank-you email is a nice touch, and will demonstrate your enthusiasm for helping them sell their home. 

If they opt for a different agent, don’t take it personally. Instead, ask them for feedback on how you did with your presentation. This will not only help you improve your skills, but could also set you up for future listings, especially if the agent they chose doesn’t deliver.

A quality Listing postcard is a great way to show proof during your Listing Presentation, and Wise Pelican makes it easy. You can create a free account with no credit card to see how Wise Pelican works by clicking here .

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Listing Presentation Template

  • December 13, 2018

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Download and customize this professionally designed presentation with your own information and leverage it at your next listing appointment!

  • Completely customizable for digital or print use
  • Allows you to highlight your specific online marketing strategies
  • Shows statistics on consumers’ buying habits and how they have moved online
  • Can integrate slides into your own corporate listing presentation

Click to Download Listing Presentation Template

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How to Present to an Audience That Knows More Than You

  • Deborah Grayson Riegel

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Lean into being a facilitator — not an expert.

What happens when you have to give a presentation to an audience that might have some professionals who have more expertise on the topic than you do? While it can be intimidating, it can also be an opportunity to leverage their deep and diverse expertise in service of the group’s learning. And it’s an opportunity to exercise some intellectual humility, which includes having respect for other viewpoints, not being intellectually overconfident, separating your ego from your intellect, and being willing to revise your own viewpoint — especially in the face of new information. This article offers several tips for how you might approach a roomful of experts, including how to invite them into the discussion without allowing them to completely take over, as well as how to pivot on the proposed topic when necessary.

I was five years into my executive coaching practice when I was invited to lead a workshop on “Coaching Skills for Human Resource Leaders” at a global conference. As the room filled up with participants, I identified a few colleagues who had already been coaching professionally for more than a decade. I felt self-doubt start to kick in: Why were they even here? What did they come to learn? Why do they want to hear from me?

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  • Deborah Grayson Riegel is a professional speaker and facilitator, as well as a communication and presentation skills coach. She teaches leadership communication at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and has taught for Wharton Business School, Columbia Business School’s Women in Leadership Program, and Peking University’s International MBA Program. She is the author of Overcoming Overthinking: 36 Ways to Tame Anxiety for Work, School, and Life and the best-selling Go To Help: 31 Strategies to Offer, Ask for, and Accept Help .

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• Japanese martial art of Ki-Aikido class, with 5th-dan Fincher Sterling will be from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Mondays, June 3rd to 24th at the Shunshinkan Dojo of Maui Ki Aikido, 194 S. Market, Wailuku. Registration is from 6 to 6:15 p.m. Monday, June 3rd, at the dojo. Cost is $40. Call (808) 268-3818.

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Palena R. Neale Ph.D, PCC

10 Tips for a Persuasive Presentation

Powerful presentation is persuasion. here's how to elevate your impact..

Posted May 11, 2024 | Reviewed by Ray Parker

  • Presentations aim to effect change. It's essential to be clear about what change you want to see.
  • Powerful presenters embrace and extend empathy to seek first to understand their audience.
  • Substance and style both matter to create an audience-informed communication experience.
  • Persuasive presentations are relevant, reasoned, real, and resonant.


How many of us realize that giving a presentation or making a speech is all about persuasion , influence, and emotional intelligence ? Impactful presenters understand the power of empathy to understand and engage their audience, the efficiency and kindness of having a clear objective and message, and the importance of substance and style—all as a way to connect in a way that engages and inspires.

Much has been written on the power and behavioral science of persuasion, not least by expert Robert Cialdini. His bestselling book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion explains seven research-based universal principles of influence .

From my experience as a leadership coach working with thousands of people worldwide, I have compiled a list of ten essentials to elevate our presentation.

1. Maintain an "other" focus. What do you know about your audience and how can you find out more? Ask yourself what kind of a speaker will appeal to your audience, what arguments are likely to resonate with them, and what feelings you want to inspire so the audience will positively respond to your ask. If your audience is predominantly data-driven, you may want to use more evidence-based arguments. If the audience is mixed, a combination of data, authority, and storytelling may be more appropriate. Extend Daniel Goleman’s three types of empathy to gather intelligence , understand your audience, and tailor your intervention to connect more profoundly.

2. Determine a specific objective: Presentations aim to effect change in some way. What change do you want to see in your audience? Every presentation aims to change the audience in some way. For instance, gaining their approval for a certain investment, soliciting their buy-in for a change, or creating a sense of enthusiasm for an idea or initiative. The purpose of a presentation is to bring about change so make sure you are clear on what kind of change you want to bring about.

3. Design a grabber: Our attention spans have shrunk as we have more and more competing demands on our attention . If you want to get someone’s attention you need to grab it at the outset and try and hold on. You can do this in a number of different ways. Throw out a question that demands a response from the audience. Give a surprising fact or statistic, or quote from a well-known figure. Tell a story or an anecdote. A good grabber captures the attention of everyone there, and makes them focus on what you have to say.

4. Crystalize your message and construct your arguments : Your message is the heart of your speech. Craft a brief phrase that clearly defines your proposal in 10-12 words. For example, “This post is about crafting presentations that inspire and engage others to elevate their presentations.” Make it memorable by choosing inspiring words, symbols, catchy expressions, something that will remain in the audience's mind. As Brené Brown says: “Clear is kind,” and a clear message provides a path to develop your ideas.

When you have a clear and concise message, it helps you formulate your arguments. Think of developing your arguments using the rule of three —three compelling arguments to convince but not overwhelm your audience.

5. Prepare a call to action: Remember, we want to change our audience in some way, so we need to make our ask in a clear and concrete manner.

Consider your call to action in terms of what you want your audience to think/feel/do:

  • Think—“I want you to think about how you can improve your presentations.”
  • Feel—“I want you to feel enthusiastic and motivated so that you can elevate your power to persuade.”
  • Do—“I want you to try out some of these tips and tools for yourself.”

6. Craft a memorable closing: Close the speech in an elegant and memorable way. We need people to remember what we've told them, so prepare it well. This is not the time to improvise. Try to connect your closing to your opening grabber, which makes the presentation more memorable. Good preparation means preparing everything to the very end—finish well.

listing in presentation

7. Plan your delivery: A dynamic speaker draws listeners in by using vocal variety (tone, intonation, speed, volume, pace, pauses, silence) and body language (posture, gestures, expression, and movement) to highlight important points and hold the audience’s attention. Be intentional: How will you use your voice and your body to emphasize a thought or idea? Think about it: If you increased the time you spent on style or delivery by 20 percent, what would it mean for the impact you make?

8. Think about how you will engage your audience : You want the audience to feel considered throughout. Include pauses so they can process what’s being said; connect with individuals throughout the room and make deliberate eye contact while speaking, especially when delivering key points. Read and respond to the audience by changing how you deliver as you go based on the audience’s nonverbal communication .

9. Rehearse and Practice: Practice is one of the most crucial elements of presenting—and probably the most neglected one. If this is new to you start by reading your presentation in front of a mirror to get comfortable speaking your presentation. Next, video yourself and watch out for nervous or distracting habits to eliminate them and identify any areas where you can improve your delivery. If you are feeling brave, practice in front of an audience and ask for feedback.

10. Prepare your success rituals and mantra: Public speaking and/or stage fright can feel debilitating for some. Have your calm-down ritual prepared and ready to go before you start your presentation. This might be a certain gesture, a power pose, breathwork, or a mantra. Try this tip: Identify three adjectives to describe how you would like to show up during this presentation. This sets an intention and helps focus our cognitive and emotional resources on success.

Powerful presenters embrace and extend empathy to seek first to understand their audience. They use this intelligence to carefully make choices about substance and style to create an audience-informed communication experience that feels relevant, reasoned, real, and resonant and creates a pathway for change.

Palena R. Neale Ph.D, PCC

Palena Neale, Ph.D. , is a women’s leadership coach, lecturer, and founder of unabridged, a boutique leadership development practice.

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The Role of AI Photo Editing in Enhancing E-commerce Product Listings

Lakisha Davis

In the ever-changing world of e-commerce, visual presentation is not only an element of product listings, but often a decisive factor for success. For companies vying for customers’ attention, the quality of product images can sway the balance between sales and rejection. That’s where AI photo editing tools come in, changing the way product images are designed and presented.

The Importance of Visual Content in E-Commerce

Visual appeal is crucial in e-commerce. Studies have shown that consumers make purchasing decisions within seconds, based in large part on product images. High-quality images are the key to increase engagement and conversions. For example, sales of products with high-definition images can increase by 30% compared to products with lower visual quality. The clarity, color and composition of these images play a crucial role in the appeal of the product, making the first impression a lasting one.

Photo Enhancer: Elevating Visual Appeal

With the help of AI, photo enhancers can easily improve the quality of images automatically. This technology adjusts brightness, sharpness, contrast, and saturation to make photos look their best. For e-commerce, where the visual representation of a product can make or break a sale, these enhancements are crucial, which ensures that the product images are not only clear and detailed but also aesthetically pleasing.

One of the primary benefits of using photo enhancers is their ability to bring out the true colors and textures of products. This accuracy is vital, as customers rely heavily on images to make purchasing decisions. When a product looks vibrant and its features are well-highlighted, potential buyers are more likely to be convinced of its quality. Moreover, enhanced images can create a sense of trust and credibility, as they reflect a professional and high-standard presentation.

Background Remover: Focusing on the Product

Background removal tools are another AI-driven solution critical for e-commerce sites. These tools automatically detect the product in a photo and remove background , replacing it with a clean, uniform backdrop. This focus shifts entirely to the product, free from any potential distractions that could detract from the item’s appeal.

This capability is particularly beneficial for creating a consistent look across all product listings. Whether it’s fashion, electronics, or home goods, presenting products against a consistent background enhances the professional appearance of an e-commerce site. It also helps in maintaining visual consistency, which is essential for brand identity. A uniform look not only makes the website cleaner and more organized but also ensures that the products are the stars of the show.

Best Tools for Photo Editing

Adobe photoshop express.

A streamlined version of the industry-standard Adobe Photoshop, Photoshop Express offers powerful AI enhancements like auto-fix, perspective correction, and advanced filters. This tool is ideal for e-commerce businesses that require detailed editing capabilities for their product images, providing precision and control over every aspect of the image.

Known for its user-friendly interface, Canva integrates AI to simplify design and photo editing. Features like background removal, smart mockups, and magic resize are particularly useful for e-commerce platforms. Canva allows businesses to create consistent and professionally styled images across all their product listings and marketing materials.

Fotor is renowned for its powerful AI photo editing suite, which includes features like background removal, HDR effects, and beauty retouching. Its intuitive design makes it accessible for beginners, while its advanced tools cater to more experienced users. Fotor helps e-commerce businesses quickly enhance product images, ensuring they look professional and appealing.

PicsArt offers a comprehensive set of AI-driven tools, including AI photo effects, background changer, and object remover. Its versatility makes it a favorite among social media marketers and e-commerce businesses alike. PicsArt’s tools are particularly useful for creating eye-catching product images that stand out in crowded marketplaces.

Focused exclusively on background removal, Remove.bg uses AI to detect and erase backgrounds from images automatically. This tool is incredibly efficient for e-commerce businesses that need to process images in bulk, ensuring that every product is showcased against a clean, distraction-free backdrop.

The integration of AI in photo editing is transforming e-commerce product listings, making them more appealing, consistent, and efficient. While challenges remain, the potential benefits in terms of increased sales, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty are significant. As we move forward, embracing these AI tools will be key for e-commerce businesses aiming to thrive in a competitive market. The future of product presentation is bright, with AI leading the way in innovation and effectiveness.

listing in presentation

Lakisha Davis is a tech enthusiast with a passion for innovation and digital transformation. With her extensive knowledge in software development and a keen interest in emerging tech trends, Lakisha strives to make technology accessible and understandable to everyone.

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  1. 10 Steps for a Great Listing Presentation

    listing in presentation

  2. Listing Presentation Template

    listing in presentation

  3. How to Create a Killer Listing Presentation

    listing in presentation

  4. The Ultimate Listing Presentation Template

    listing in presentation

  5. Powerpoint Listing Templates

    listing in presentation

  6. How to Create a Killer Listing Presentation

    listing in presentation


  1. Module 4: Record, Enhance, & Share Your Presentation with VideoCom Presenter

  2. Listing Presentation & KVCore Present

  3. Guide to luxury listing presentations #realestate #highnote #listingpresentation

  4. Why do you NEED to ask these 4 Questions at EVERY Listing Presentation? 🔥


  6. Generate Seller Leads with Your 27 Page Branded Listing Presentation!


  1. The Ultimate Guide to Listing Presentation + Templates

    Following up after a listing presentation is a crucial step in the sales process. Here are 5 tips on how to follow up after a listing presentation: Send a thank-you email: After the presentation, send a personalized email thanking the potential client for their time and the opportunity to present your services. Mention a few key points that you ...

  2. What You Need for a Killer Listing Presentation

    Listing presentations are the first dates of real estate. You dress well, show up on time—don't bring flowers, it isn't necessary—but do bring your A-game. This is your chance to show why you are the perfect agent to list and sell a property. You pitch your expertise, they ask questions, you respond professionally, and hopefully, at the ...

  3. How to Prepare a Listing Presentation: Guide for Real Estate Pros

    1. Open with a Brief Introduction. A Real Estate listing presentations can start with a short overview, recapping who you are, what you do and what's your success record. To save you time on design, we have lined up a few short Real Estate bio templates you can grab and customize.

  4. The Real Estate Listing Presentation: A How-To Guide

    The listing presentation is the place to get that contract signed or at least let them know it needs to be signed before moving forward. Preparing for the Listing Presentation. Every listing presentation is going to be slightly different, but the core elements will be the same. Your goal is to give this as often and effectively as possible, and ...

  5. 21 Steps to a Stellar Listing Presentation

    9 Take a photo of the property. Make the extra effort to drive by and snap a photo of the property, then upload it to the cover of your RPR report. It will demonstrate your commitment to individual attention and give you an opportunity to check out the condition of the property. That insight will be helpful when you refine the value of the ...

  6. How to Do Real Estate Listing Presentations [Checklist]

    Build your real estate listing presentation in 7 simple steps. Aim for no more than a dozen slides, a video that's only a few minutes long, a single physical takeaway (like a tear sheet), and a script. Quick tip: Your script should let you cover the most important elements in between 30 and 90 minutes.

  7. Persuasive Real Estate Listing Presentation Examples & Tips

    A real estate listing presentation is a pitch by realtors to persuade owners to sell their property through them. It includes market analysis, marketing plans, pricing, and the realtor's success history, crucial for building trust and showcasing expertise. Get real estate listing templates. Try our AI presentation maker.

  8. 9 Critical Components Every Real Estate Listing Presentations Needs in

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  9. How to deliver a killer listing presentation

    A listing presentation is essentially a deep and informative sales pitch made by a real estate agent to a homeowner interested in selling their home. Whether you're a new or experienced agent, listings are a crucial part of maintaining a thriving real estate business.

  10. The Best Listing Presentation Guide for 2024

    The flow of your appointment might go like this, for example: Get comfortable - handshakes, small talk, finding a place to sit, etc. Offer a quick overview of how the meeting will go. Go through "part one" of the listing presentation. Tour the home. Go through "part two" of the listing presentation.

  11. 25 Real Estate Listing Presentation Ideas and Tips

    15. Be Confident in Your Knowledge. You are a licensed industry expert and it is important to exude that confidence when giving a listing presentation. Real estate is a "fortune favors the bold" industry. Arm yourself with in-depth knowledge about the market and the latest in real estate tools and marketing.

  12. 25 Tips To Create The Ultimate Real Estate Listing Presentation

    Try practicing your real estate listing presentation out loud before going to the client's home. Repeat it enough times until you feel confident in your delivery. Having a firm grasp on the main points of your presentation will help tame your nerves. 3. Visit Active Listings in the Client's Neighborhood/Area.

  13. 7 ways to stand out in your next listing presentation

    Here are just a few of the ways that you can stand out in your next listing presentation, PowerPoint and all. #1. Remember it's a "listening" presentation. It's easy to think of a listing ...

  14. How to Prepare the Perfect Listing Presentation

    More of a gentle squeeze. Handshakes should last between two to five seconds at most but pay attention to the other person's lead, and politely pull away when ready. And as you shake your client's hands, make sure you maintain eye contact. Eye contact communicates confidence and honesty.

  15. Free and customizable listing presentation templates

    Our listing presentation slides come with fields for your unique selling points as agents, client testimonials, and success stories. Collaborate with your colleagues to add photos and graphic elements from your gallery or our stock library to your custom listing presentation. You can work together simultaneously in applying changes to your ...

  16. 5 Steps to a Perfect Real Estate Listing Presentation

    So make sure their first impression of you is a positive one, even if you're giving a virtual listing presentation. Smile, show genuine interest in them and their needs, and look professional. Those first few moments of your meeting, before the actual presentation begins, will set the stage for rapport building.

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  18. 6 Steps: How to Prepare for a Listing Presentation

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  20. Listing Presentation Tips

    listing presentation Professional Image is a Must. Presenting a professional image is important during every step of the real estate transaction and organization will set you free. Let's compare two real estate agents: Agent Alpha: Agent prepares a clean, colorful, and professional listing presentation via PowerPoint, and brings at least two (2) tablets with the slideshow uploaded for ...

  21. Listing Presentation Template

    Download and customize this professionally designed presentation with your own information and leverage it at your next listing appointment! Completely customizable for digital or print use ...

  22. How to Prepare for a Listing Presentation

    #exprealty #newrealestateagent I explain how I prepare and what I take with me on every real estate listing presentation. #exprealty #newrealestateagent WATC...

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    HBR Learning's online leadership training helps you hone your skills with courses like Presentation Skills. Earn badges to share on LinkedIn and your resume. Access more than 40 courses trusted ...

  24. Ahead of the Class

    To have your class, workshop or presentation included in this free listing, email its title, instructor, location, dates, start/end times, cost and brief description to aheadoftheclass@mauinews ...

  25. Philadelphia PA Real Estate & Homes For Sale

    Zillow has 6161 homes for sale in Philadelphia PA. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place.

  26. 10 Tips for a Persuasive Presentation

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  27. The Role of AI Photo Editing in Enhancing E-commerce Product Listings

    In the ever-changing world of e-commerce, visual presentation is not only an element of product listings, but often a decisive factor for success. For companies vying for customers' attention, the quality of product images can sway the balance between sales and rejection.