The Real Estate Listing Presentation: A How-To Guide

An agent getting a contract signed after a real estate listing presentation.

A How-To Guide to a Real Estate Listing Presentation

The real estate listing presentation… The secret weapon of any successful listing agent. 

It might just be the MOST IMPORTANT factor in your business. That’s because a real estate listing isn’t just a single home or a transaction – it’s a chunk of the market that you control and can leverage for more – and a realtor listing presentation is THE way to get them.

In this blog, I’ll walk you through exactly what a listing presentation is, what goes into it, and how you can make yours stand out from the competition to convince sellers to work with you and even attract new business. 

Let’s start with what a realtor listing presentation consists of…

What is a realtor listing presentation?

A realtor listing presentation is a formal meeting or presentation that a real estate agent conducts with a potential seller who is interested in listing their property for sale. The purpose of the listing presentation is to showcase the agent’s qualifications, expertise, marketing strategies, and the services they provide to help sell the property.

That’s the very direct definition of it. Put another way, it’s your shot to answer two questions: “Why should I sell my house right now and why are you, above anyone else, the person to do it?” 

Or, to put it another way… “How will you make me more money, achieve my goals, and make me feel safe and cared for in the process?” 

The Elements of an Effective Listing Presentation

During the real estate listing presentation, you’ll typically discuss:

  • Background and Qualifications: Introduce yourself and provide information about your experience, credentials, and track record in the real estate industry.
  • Market Analysis: Present a comparative market analysis (CMA) to help the seller understand the current market conditions, recent sales of similar properties in the area, and the appropriate pricing strategy for their home.
  • Marketing Plan: Outline your marketing plan for the property, which may include strategies such as professional photography, virtual tours, open houses, online listings, social media promotion, and print advertising.
  • Services Offered: What makes you worth the full commission? Set yourself apart by covering not only the basic services but some unique ones at well. You’ll of course mention staging advice, scheduling showings, negotiating offers, and managing paperwork.
  • Agency Agreement: If you convince’em, sign’em! The listing presentation is the place to get that contract signed or at least let them know it needs to be signed before moving forward.

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Preparing for the Listing Presentation

Every listing presentation is going to be slightly different, but the core elements will be the same. Your goal is to give this as often and effectively as possible, and that means coming into it prepared. 

At a certain point, you might want to have a team that takes care of every other element of your business so that you can do nothing other than go on listing appointments – because that’s where the money is. So take this preparation seriously.

Research the client

Notice how I’m not calling them a “lead” or a “prospective client” here? Go in with the idea that they are already your client – because you’re going to learn a lot about them before you even get the contract signed. 

First, send out a questionnaire or seller needs analysis asking them all the relevant questions you need to know (more on this below).

Next, dive into research. Start with Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to learn about their preferences, the industry they work in, and previous business history. 

Your objective is to identify their specific needs. See what you can learn to customize your approach to the client.

Now… If you can… try to identify this seller’s DiSC profile . It’ll set you up for success moving forward.

Conduct a needs analysis with potential sellers

Wanna know how to know what a client wants and needs? Start with asking them. All it takes is a simple needs analysis. 

As we’ve already covered, your job in the preparation phase is to discern the motivation so you can tailor the presentation to the seller’s specific needs. 

Are they looking to:

  • Sell the house as fast as possible
  • Move out by a certain time
  • Get more money for some urgent need
  • Get more than the home might be worth
  • Upgrade or downsize 

On this note, our coaching clients have access to 70+ case studies from top agents, complete with toolkits that include extremely effective needs analysis questionnaires for you to rip-off-and-duplicate.

Gather market statistics and data

Let’s jump back to the topic of DiSC profiles… Some sellers are more motivated by social connection and the trust they build with an agent. Others are motivated by hard data and understanding the numbers. 

It doesn’t matter which one it is – thorough market research is the way to both. It will establish you as the expert who is willing to put in the time to gather this information and then explain it in a way they can understand. 

Where do you get your market data from? Are you combing the MLS? Do you subscribe to Keeping Current Matters or some other real estate trends source? Figure it out and be sure you can show that your information is objective and verifiable.

You’ll want to go armed with:

  • A thorough knowledge of the property details
  • National and local market statistics
  • Comparable sales
  • Local rules and regulations (working this in will really establish credibility)

Most importantly, be able to synthesize this information, letting them know that you can both elaborate on any point or break down what is most important for their needs. All of this info will be used in your pricing strategy and help them achieve their goals.

Create a compelling presentation template

If you know me, I’m all about using technology to maximize efficiency and impact, but there is A LOT to be said for the old school route of physical presentation materials. Either way you decide to go, be sure you have a real estate listing presentation template to work off of and customize. 

One of my clients, Carolyn Young , is one of those team leaders who has cleared herself up to focus almost solely on going on listing appointments (going on almost 200 appointments a year) – and that’s because she’s created a listing presentation that is 95% effective in closing the deal. And the centerpiece of her appointment is a set of 200 beautiful, laminated slides that she spreads out across the table to show just how through she is. It blows people away.

On the other hand, a digital approach will give you a much more customizable template. Some of my clients are absolutely killing it with HighNote , which will offer you pre-built templates to upload your material into. You can include professionally edited explainer videos to send to the client before the actual appointment and then open into the full presentation once you’re together.

Just be sure that your presentation is comprehensive and includes all the necessary elements mentioned above, including past sales performance, market data, your marketing plan, and why they should sign an agreement.

The Listing Appointment

Now that you’re all prepared, let’s move on to conducting the appointment itself.

Setting up an effective listing appointment

Where is the best place to conduct a listing appointment? Ideally, it’s in the home you’ll actually be working to sell. Be sure to mention that when setting the appointment, but if it doesn’t work for any reason, don’t wait to set that appointment. Do it in a coffee shop or your office or wherever, because an appointment done anywhere is better than no appointment at all.

No matter where it is, you MUST do a technology and tools check before showing up. If you need anything, be sure you have it:

  • Charged laptop
  • Presentation slides
  • Agency agreement
  • Scripts (memorized)

If you need more help with this, you can download this free offer full of listing presentation scripts and strategies . 

Build rapport and establish trust

There’s a very specific reason to practice your listing presentation over and over until you can do it effortlessly, and it’s not so that you get it perfect… Actually, it’s so that you can relax and be calm and receptive to what the seller has to say. 

You’re more than just someone who is going to do this one job for them and be gone; this is an audition to be a part of their lives, and that means you have to be confident, friendly, and likable. Let them know that you’ll be there for them in anything they need in a genuine way before diving into your past client success stories. 

When you’re showing your real estate photos, before and after videos, or CMA findings, it’s about establishing trust and providing value, and your expertise and credentials are a part of that but not the only factor.

Your Listing Presentation Will Make or Break Your Business

I cannot stress how important your real estate listing presentation is. It’s the crux of your business and the key to your financial success. 

Hopefully these tips have been helpful, but if you’re really serious about creating a listing presentation that blows people away and establishes your dominance in your market, the place to get it is Roadmap. 

I’ll be breaking down the best and most advanced listing presentation strategies working today – and best of all, I’ll be doing it in an area near you. So find a location and sign up soon.

But until then, start putting the pieces in place.

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Home Blog PowerPoint Tutorials How to Prepare a Listing Presentation: Guide for Real Estate Pros

How to Prepare a Listing Presentation: Guide for Real Estate Pros

How to Prepare a Listing Presentation: Guide for Real Estate Pros

Do you want to close more leads on a regular basis?

In that case, you may need to level up your communication skills. To win more listings, move on from having a polite “pre-sales” chit chat with prospects to doing full-scale presentations of your services.

What is a Real Estate Listing Presentation?

A listing presentation is your pitch to a prospective seller to represent them in a Real Estate transaction. Succeeding with your presentation means that you will sign on a new client and receive a bigger commission this month.

But of course, there will be other agents knocking on the seller’s door, offering their services. In fact, 55% of sellers interview two or three agents before making the decision. So how do you get chosen among the sea of other agents? Wrong, if you thought that most prospects will stick with someone offering the highest listing price and asking for the lowest commission.

When putting up their homes for sale, most people want to partner with a competent, forthcoming and proactive agent, capable to broker the best arrangement for them. Obviously, the best Real Estate agents are rarely those charging the lowest commission.

In fact, the main goal of conducting a full-scale, deck-ready listing presentation is to persuade the prospect that you are their optimal choice.

The best listing presentation isn’t a brief oral interview on the porch; it’s a carefully staged, full-scale demo of your professional capabilities. Keep in mind that creating a listing presentation isn’t the only way to market effectively in your industry. There are dozens of other Real Estate marketing ideas that can help you beat out the competition and stand out from the pack. For example, if you can’t make time for an in-person listing presentation, consider recording a seminar and linking it to your email subscribers.

How to Prepare for a Listing Presentation: 7 Key Steps

Building a rapport with a new prospect is never easy. But there are a few quick neuroscience tricks you can leverage to appear instantly more likable to prospects, even before you pull out your Real Estate brochures and other collateral.

  • Give a firm handshake . Scientists proved that a handshake preceding any social interaction has a strong positive impact on how the recipient will further evaluate this social interaction.
  • Have some brew ready. Pleasant smells like those of fresh coffee make us act nicer to one another and be more cooperative.
  • Appear interested and ask questions.  Again, science proves that people are more willing to engage with an interlocutor, eagerly posing questions, and also act in a more receptive manner.

Now with a few neat physiological tricks in your sleeve, let’s move on to how you should approach listing presentation design.

1. Open with a Brief Introduction

A Real Estate listing presentations can start with a short overview, recapping who you are, what you do and what’s your success record.

To save you time on design, we have lined up a few short Real Estate bio templates you can grab and customize.

listing presentation day

Sellers want to be reassured that you can close the deal fast and secure them a fair price. They want someone confident in their abilities and capable to back up their skills with examples and data.

Here’s listing presentation sample questionnaire you can answer to fill in your first few slides:

What are your top skills? Are you a Real Estate marketing guru? Do you have exceptional graphic design skills and can create for sale by owner flyers that stand out from the crowd? Do you have a photography background and can shoot professionals photos without hiring any external help? Show exactly what you can do. Bonus point if you manage to align your key skills with your buyer’s needs.

How many houses have you sold in this area? It’s best to line up some fresh data e.g. the past 12 months. Specifically, mention what types of properties have you sold and whether any were similar to this particular buyer’s estate.

Now comes the tricky part: offer some numbers comparing the original list price versus the final sales numbers (if the latter are more favorable) and the average day on the market (DOM) numbers for the property.

Such numbers will also help you justify higher commission rates. Of course, every sane buyer would rather stick with an agent charging a higher rate (e.g. 6% commission for houses for sale), but who also secures them a higher sales price due to better marketing experience.

2. Toss in Some Social Proof

People are social creatures and thus, we are extremely prone to opinions shared by others. To learn what’s good, we observe what others are doing and this extends to our purchase decision making: 92% of consumers state that word-of-mouth recommendations carry the most value to them.

You shouldn’t hard-sell your services. Instead, just show that “others” already think you are that good . There are a few ways you can use “social proof” as a Real Estate agent:

Ask past sellers to provide quick testimonials (with photos) and use them in during your presentation. Here’s a quick example from one of our PowerPoint templates :

Example of Low Poly slide design for PowerPoint with Testimonial slides

Add a separate slide highlighting your key achievements up-to-date (personal or agency-wide).  The good “boasting” figures to include are:

  • Total number and value of properties sold.
  • Total number of clients you have worked with.
  • Average time to close a deal.
  • Average customer satisfaction rate.
  • “Big name” corporate clients and partners.
  • Professional organizations you are part of e.g. National Association of Realtors.

Gather and display reviews online.  Of course, prospects will google you post-presentation. Your job is to ensure that they’ll find only positive stuff, rather than nothing at all. You can set up a dedicated profile on popular review services or display ratings directly on your website.

3. List The Benefits of Your Brokerage

Keep this one succinct and on-point. Most buyers are interested in just three things:

  • Receiving a fair price for their property.
  • Getting it sold off fast.
  • Avoiding the associated sales hassle as much as possible.

Your Real Estate presentation should address how you will deliver them just that. You can also sweeten the deal here by including a few “promos” e.g. list special circumstances for when you will accept a lower commission or pitch them with some bundled promos your agency currently runs.

At this point, you should also explain how that communication will occur: what types of updates they can expect and when.

4. Walk The Prospect Through The Home Sales Process

Not everyone is experienced in flipping property. So be sure to customize your listing presentation template so that includes this optional slide – for when you are presenting to first-time buyers.

There’s no need to go into many details at this point. Just briefly mention the overall timeline, key milestones and what kind of actions we’ll be required from them.  All of this can be neatly packed into one slide like this one :

Presentation timeline Real Estate - Example of a timeline design in a listing presentation

If needed you can separately walk them through the home inspection and appraisal processes; Real Estate presentations to the buyers; negotiations and closing process.

5. Present a Comparative Market Analysis for a List Price Range

Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) is another nugget to persuade the client that you know your deal.

Price Comparison Real Estate Houses Slide design for PowerPoint

The wrinkle, however, is that it’s not always easy to come up with good numbers if you are yet to see the property in person. That’s why most agents will do two CMAs. First, one using the comps and their educated guesses based on prices for similar homes. And the second, more refined CMA after seeing the property, talking to the owners and digging further into the data.

6. Explain Your Marketing Strategy

Realtor Client meeting drinking a coffee

Image Source: StockSnap

What channels do you plan to leverage – digital, offline or a mix of both? Give the clients some general insights and explain why your approach works. They certainly don’t want to know all the nitty-gritty, but we’ll appreciate some general insights.

Show them a few video demos you have created; your standard property templates for websites; copywriting and other marketing collateral you plan to use and distribute during open house visits.

7. Wrap It Up with a Killer Case Study

The best listing presentation examples we have ever seen always included case studies. They are another form of “social proof”, and a direct illustration of your professional abilities.

You don’t need to make this one lengthy though. Just stick to a simple copywriting formula:

  • Customer background (e.g. a mid-aged couple just like you based in NYC).
  • Challenge: what kind of a problem those former customers had? (e.g. needed to sell a house in 1.5 months in an unpopular neighborhood).
  • Solution: how your agency helped them?
  • Results: some quick numbers illustrative the positive outcome you have helped them achieve e.g. house sold in 35 days for 5% higher than the initial listing price.

This way you are finishing your listing presentation with a bang, and encourage the prospects to take further action.

Listing Presentation Templates for Real Estate Pros

To ease up the processes of preparing for your listing presentation, our team has lined up a few neat templates you can download and customize in PowerPoint to match your current needs.

1. Commercial Real Estate Template for PowerPoint

listing presentation day

A versatile template that could be easily adapted for both residential, commercial listings or for land sale listing presentation. It includes excellent slides (e.g. US Map slide ) to present your market analysis and pitch the approximate listing price.

Use This Template

2. Real Estate Industry PowerPoint Template

listing presentation day

Another template that makes it easy to turn your scattered data into a coherent and persuasive story. Customize it in a few quick clicks in PowerPoint to match your corporate branding, add additional slides and elements from our collection and voilà – you now have a shining new listing presentation to dazzle even the most reluctant prospects!

3. Real Estate Listing PowerPoint Template

listing presentation day

Work with all the assets required to showcase a property in a neat layout that contains tools such as market price comparison, team introductory slides, housing interior details, key features & more.

4. Residential Real Estate Illustrations PowerPoint Template

listing presentation day

If you want to boost your listing presentation for real estate, get to know these professional-design vector images tailored for the real estate industry. A selection of slides that go through the entire process of acquiring a property from both realtor and customer’s perspective. High-end graphics to enhance the impact of your presentation.

5. Proptech PowerPoint Template

listing presentation day

Get ready to introduce in-the-market properties with a high degree of smart home devices or sustainable housing solutions with a slide deck filled with visual cues for that talk. This tech-savvy listing presentation template is ideal for targeting properties to millennials and discussing the infrastructure in the neighborhood or building complex.

6. Real Estate Open House PowerPoint Template

listing presentation day

Graphics can make or end a business deal, and that’s why your next real estate listing should count on carefully designed slides that boost the performance of your speech. This listing slide deck includes a selection of icons that help increase the retention rate of key information disclosed about the property while keeping the right balance between whitespace and content. With a striking color combination, go ahead and edit this template to meet the demands of your work.

listing presentation day

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listing presentation day

1. Understand Your Audience

To write a compelling listing presentation , you must understand your audience. This includes the client, the property, the market, and the competition.

Research the Client

Understanding the client’s needs, preferences, and expectations is key to creating a listing presentation that will resonate with them.

Consider the following when researching the client:

  • Their personal and professional background
  • Their motivations for selling the property
  • Their timeline for selling the property
  • Their communication style and preferred methods of contract

Research the Property

Knowing the details and unique features of the property is essential for creating a listing presentation highlighting the property’s strengths.

Here are some things to consider when researching the property:

  • The property’s location, size, and age
  • The property’s layout, features, and amenities
  • Any renovations, upgrades, or repairs that have been made
  •  Any potential issues or challenges that may affect the sale of the property

Research the Market

Understanding the local real estate market is crucial for developing an effective pricing and marketing strategy.

Here are some things to consider when researching the market:

  • Recent trends in the local real estate market
  • Average home prices and average days on the market
  • The current supply and demand for homes in the area
  • The competition and how their properties compare to the client’s property

Research the Competition

Analyzing the competition can give you a competitive edge in your listing presentation.

Here are some thing to consider when researching the competition:

  • The number of similar properties on the market
  • The price, condition, and features of competing properties
  • The marketing strategies of competing real estate agents
  • Any unique selling points or weaknesses of competing properties

2. Define Your Unique Selling Proposition


A unique selling proposition (USP) is a statement that describes what sets you apart from the competition. You USP should be the foundation of your listing presentation. It should communicate why the client should choose you are their agent.

Determine Your Strengths and Differentiators

Consider your strengths, skills, and experience when developing your USP.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What skills and experience do I have that sets me apart from other agents?
  • What unique value do I bring to the table?
  • What results have I achieved for previous clients?

Craft Your USP

Use the information you gathered to create a clear and concise USP that highlights your strengths and differentiators. Your USP should be easy to remember and communicate to the client.

Example USPs:

  • “I use the latest technology and marketing strategies to sell homes faster and for more money.”
  •   “As a lifelong resident of this area, I have an unparalleled knowledge of the local market and community.”
  • “I have a proven track record of exceeding my client’s expectations and achieving record-breaking sales.”

develop an outline

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3. Develop an Outline

Creating an outline is essential for organizing your thoughts and ensuring that you cover all the necessary topics in your listing presentation.

Determine the Key Topics to Cover

Consider the topics that will be most relevant and interesting to your audience.

Here are some topics that will be most relevant and interesting to your audience.

Here are some topics that you may want to include in your outline:

  • Introduction and background
  • You unique selling proposition
  • Your marketing plan
  •  Pricing strategy and market analysis
  • Property Details and features
  • Closing and call to action

Organize Your Outline

Arrange your topics in a logical and easy-to-follow order. Consider using  subheadings and bullet points to make the information more accessible.

Example Outline:

I. Introduction and Background

  • Personal introduction
  • Company background

II. Unique Selling Proposition

  • My skills and experience
  • How can i help the other client
  • My proven results

III. Marketing Plan

  • Overview of my marketing approach
  • Marketing channels to be used
  • Timeline for marketing activities

IV. Property Details and Features

  • A visual tour of the property
  • Property features and amenities
  • Upgrades or renovations
  • Potential challenges and solutions

V. Closing and Call to Action

  • Recap the benefits of working with me
  • Call to action and next steps
  • Follow-up plan

create an engaging introduction

4. Create an Engaging Introduction

The introduction is your chance to make an excellent first impression and set the tone for the rest of the presentation.

Grab the Client's Attention

Use a personal story, interesting statistic, or relevant information to capture the client’s attention.

Here are some examples:

  • “Did you know that homes in this area sell for an average of 15% above the listing price?”
  • “As a fellow dog lover, I noticed the dog park down the street from your property.”
  • “I am passionate about helping homeowners achieve their dreams, and I believe I can help you too.”

Build Rapport with the Client

Use the introduction to connect with the client. Here are some ways to build rapport:

Ask questions to learn more about the client’s needs and preferences

Use humor or storytelling to break the ice

Express empathy for any challenges the client may face

build rapport with the client

5. Highlight Your Company's Background

A brief company history and overview can give the client confidence in your abilities and expertise.

Share Your Company's History

Explain how your company was founded and any essential milestones or achievements. Here are some examples:

“Our company has been in business for over 20 years, and we’ve helped thousands of homeowners sell their properties.”

“Our team of agents has over 50 years of combined experience in the local real estate market.”

Emphasize Your Company's Values

Highlight your company’s values and mission and how they align with the client’s needs. Here are some examples:

“Our company is committed to providing exceptional service and achieving the best results for our clients.”

“We pride ourselves on our honesty, integrity, and professionalism.”

explain your unique selling proposition

6. Explain Your Unique Selling Proposition

Use this section to explain what sets you apart from the competition and why the client should choose you as their agent.

Highlight Your Skills and Experience

Describe your skills and experience that make you the best choice for the client. 

“I have over ten years of experience in the local real estate market and have sold over 100 properties.”

“My negotiation skills are unmatched, and I’ve helped many clients get the best price for their property.”

Focus on the Client's Needs

Please explain how your unique selling proposition benefits the client and addresses their needs. 

“My marketing approach will help you sell your property faster and for more money.”

“My local market knowledge will help you price your property competitively and attract the right buyers.”


7. Present Your Marketing Plan

This section should describe your marketing approach and how you advertise the property to potential buyers.

Provide an Overview of Your Marketing Approach

Explain your marketing approach and how it will help clients sell their property. 

  • “I use a combination of online and offline marketing channels to reach a wide audience of potential buyers.”
  • “I specialize in social media marketing and will use targeted ads to reach buyers specifically interested in properties like yours.”

Detail Your Marketing Channels

List the channels you plan to advertise the property. 

  • Online listings on popular real estate websites such as Zillow, Redfin, and

Professional photography and video tour of the property

Social media marketing on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn

Direct mail campaigns to targeted buyers in the area

Discuss the Timeline for Marketing Activities

Explain the timeline for your marketing activities and when the client can expect to see results. 

“I will list your property on all major real estate websites within 24 hours of signing the listing agreement.”

“I will host an open house within the first two weeks of listing your property to attract potential buyers.”

“I will provide you with weekly updates on the progress of the marketing campaign and any feedback from potential buyers.”


8. Explain Your Pricing Strategy

This section should explain how you will price the property and provide a detailed analysis of the local market.

Provide a Comparative Market Analysis

Explain how you arrived at the proposed listing price for the property. Here are some examples:

“I conducted a comparative market analysis (CMA) of similar properties in the area to determine a competitive listing price.”

“I analyzed the local real estate market and trends to arrive at a price that reflects the current market conditions.”

Detail Your Pricing Strategy

Explain how your pricing strategy will help the client sell their property.

“I will price your property competitively to attract buyers while still ensuring that you get the best possible price for your property.”

“I will use a pricing strategy that considers the current market conditions, the property’s unique features, and the client’s timeline and goals.”


9. Showcase the Property

Use visuals such as photos, videos, and virtual tours to showcase the property. Provide details about the property’s features, benefits, and any upgrades or renovations.

Use Visuals to Showcase the Property

Use high-quality visuals to showcase the property, such as photos, videos, and virtual tours. 

“Here are some photos of the property’s stunning views from the backyard.”

“I created a virtual tour of the property so potential buyers can get a feel for the layout and flow of the home.”

Detail the Property's Features and Benefits

Describe the property’s features and benefits.

  • “This property has a spacious, open floor plan that is perfect for entertaining.”

“The property has recently been renovated with new appliances and a modern design.”

Address Any Potential Challenges

Explain any potential issues or challenges with the property and how you plan to address them. 

“The property is on a busy street, but we can use landscaping and privacy features to mitigate the noise.”

“The property has outdated features, but we can stage the home to make it more appealing to buyers.”

close the presentation

10. Close the Presentation

The closing is your chance to summarize the benefits of working with you and ask for the listing.

Recap the Benefits of Working with You

Summarize the key benefits of working with you as the client’s agent. 

“Working with me means you’ll have a dedicated and experienced agent who will use the latest marketing strategies and negotiation skills to sell your property.”

“I deeply understand the local market and community, which will help us price and market your property effectively.”

Provide a Clear Call to Action

Ask for the listing and a clear call to action. Here are some examples:

Based on our discussion, I am the best agent to sell your property. Are you ready to get started?”

“If you’re interested in working with me, let’s set up a time to sign the listing agreement and start the marketing campaign.”

“I understand that you may need some time to think it over, but I encourage you to get in touch with me as soon as possible so we can start the process.”

Follow Up with a Timeline for the Next Steps

Provide a timeline for the next steps, such as signing the listing agreement and starting the marketing campaign.

  • “I will send you the listing agreement within 24 hours, and we can sign it as soon as possible.”

“Our marketing campaign will start within the next week, and I will provide you with regular updates on the progress.”

review and practice

11. Review and Practice

Review your presentation and practice it before the actual presentation. Get feedback from peers, colleagues, or mentors to ensure your presentation is effective.

Practice Your Presentation

Practice delivering your presentation in front of a mirror, with a friend or family member, or using a recording device.

Here are some tips:

  • Practice delivering the presentation clearly and confidently.

Use visual aids and other props to make the presentation more engaging.

Time your presentation to ensure it fits within the allotted time frame.

Get Feedback

Invite feedback from peers, colleagues, or mentors to fine-tune your presentation.

For instance:

  • Was the presentation clear and easily understood?
  • Did it captivate attention and maintain engagement?

Did it effectively cover all the key topics?

By adhering to these steps and weaving visual elements into your presentation, you’ll craft a compelling performance that not only secures the listing but leaves a lasting impression. And Highnote is here to help you. Elevate your listing presentations with a powerful drag-and-drop tool designed to help real estate professionals like you. Sign up for free trial and experience it firsthand!

Once you’ve written a winning listing presentation, learn how to create a visually appealing and engaging presentation using these expert tips .

Break a leg!

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How to deliver a killer listing presentation

listing presentation day

For any real estate agent looking to hit the next level, there’s a lot riding on the listing presentation. If you nail it, you could be looking at a profitable seller relationship that delivers steady commissions for years to come. But if you bomb?

Short of discounting your commissions, it’s hard to bounce back from a listing presentation flop. 

And while the listing presentation has been a cornerstone of real estate marketing for decades, there are now more ways than ever to create it. So how do you know which type of listing presentation makes the most sense for you? And what are the best ways to deliver your presentation in the current real estate market?

The truth is, every real estate team or agent is going to have their own recipe for what makes a killer listing presentation. If you want to deliver a presentation that makes you feel calm, confident and gets sellers ready to sign that agreement, it’s time to scrap (or adapt!) the classic formulas.

Table of contents

What is a listing presentation and how do you nail it, before your listing appointment.

  • During the listing presentation

After the listing presentation

A listing presentation is essentially a deep and informative sales pitch made by a real estate agent to a homeowner interested in selling their home.

Whether you’re a new or experienced agent, listings are a crucial part of maintaining a thriving real estate business. With a rich portfolio of property listings on your real estate website , you’re able to attract more buyers, elevate your authority, grow your sphere of influence (SOI) , and fuel your marketing efforts with a selection of beautiful homes for sale.

But it all comes down to your success with the listing presentation. With so much at stake, it’s understandable that agents often feel skittish about their ability to perform during this key meeting.

And it doesn’t help that some of the common advice (i.e., show up ten minutes early, send the pre-listing packet exactly three days before the appointment, always take your shoes off at the entrance, and so, so much more) doesn’t always fit every agent’s unique approach or personality.

Let’s outline the crucial factors of each part of the listing presentation to help give you a powerful but flexible structure to start with. From there, feel free to color outside the lines to create a listing presentation framework that makes you feel calm and confident.

💡Be sure to look out for bonus tips, scripts, and advice in this article from leadership coach & founder of Smart Inside Sales , Dale Archdekin!

Learn everything you can about the potential client, property and neighborhood.

The goal is to position yourself as the best possible person to help your prospect sell their home. 

For that to happen, you’ll need to know what the seller’s motivations are, while demonstrating deep knowledge of the market, property type and area in order to help secure the best possible price within their desired timeframe.

Get to know the prospect and property

Any real estate rainmaker will tell you that knowing your customer’s key needs and motivations is a crucial part of closing more listings, especially in today’s digital age when the next agent is literally just a click away.

Let’s check in on the latest data about what today’s sellers want , according to the National Association of Realtors Generational Trends Report:

  • 21% of sellers want an agent's help in marketing their home to potential buyers.
  • 20% want help selling the home within a specific timeframe.
  • 35% want an agent with a good reputation.
  • 85% of sellers said the real estate agent provided a broad range of services.

Clearly, trust, credibility, and a solid marketing plan are still crucial factors for sellers when it comes to choosing an agent. But how do you know what sellers might need on a personal level?

Social media can help fill in the blanks. Take a quick look at the seller’s online presence. Do they have a family? A pet? A love of the arts? By taking just a few minutes to “get to know” your prospect before you shake hands, you’ll be that much more confident when walking through the door.

Similarly, do your best to get to know the property and surrounding community as well as possible. Drive through the area and pinpoint the factors that will be most helpful in securing a top-dollar offer. 

Send your pre-listing packet

In your initial conversation with the potential seller, let them know you’ll be creating a detailed market analysis for their home. 

Be sure to ask if there’s anything that could impact the value of their home in either direction — updates, renovations, repairs needed, etc.

💡BONUS: Dale Archdekin’s essential questions

These questions help lay the ground work for securing the listing at the appointment. You are essentially asking the potential seller to tell you what they need to hear about you as an agent and about your marketing strategy in order to win the business at the appointment…and they don’t even realize it.

  • Can you tell me what makes your home special?
  • What’s important to you about the agent you use to sell your home?
  • How will you know when you’ve found the right agent?
  • How do you think your home would best be marketed/advertised?
  • Who do you think would be the ideal buyer for your home?
  • Have you worked with a listing agent in the past? What was your experience? Is there anything you would like done differently by your next listing agent?

Let them know in advance that you’ll be bringing the comparative market analysis (CMA) to your meeting so you can walk through it together, answer any questions they might have, and determine the highest possible price for their home.

Another great way to set yourself apart and get the seller warmed up before the big meeting is to send a pre-listing packet in advance.

But when should you send your pre-listing packet? Answers to this will vary depending on who you ask, but anywhere from three days to a week in advance is typically a good window to give your prospect time to digest the information, while staying present in their mind to help reduce the chance of cancellation.

💡BONUS: Advice & scripts from Dale

When you tell the potential listing client that you’ll be sending a pre-listing packet, get them to commit to reviewing it, coming up with questions and being prepared prior to the meeting. Include a URL with a pre-listing video, that’s nicer than just printed material.

Script 1: Prior to sending the listing packet

 “...we will be sending you a pre-marketing packet of information. It includes X, Y, and Z that are important information for you to make decisions about at our appointment. Can you do me a favor and review that information and make a note of your biggest questions before you meet with me/my listing partner on (date)?”

This quick script will help you or your assistant follow up after the pre-listing packet is sent and help set the scene for a successful appointment.

Script 2: Follow up prior to the appointment

 “Hi (contact name(s), this is (name) from (company), did you receive the pre-marketing packet we sent you? Have you reviewed it? Are you prepared with your top questions for me/my listing partner?

Script 3: Response prior to the appointment that sets the expectation

"Great! We look forward to seeing you on (date). We will be reviewing all of the paperwork needed to begin marketing your home at that time in addition to a pre-market advertising plan. We look forward to meeting you on (date)!"

Create your listing presentation

Now remember, your listing presentation doesn’t need to look like everyone else’s.

However, there are a few fundamental pieces that most successful agents tend to rely on to get their agreements signed.

Once you’ve chosen the structure and order of your content, you’ll need to decide what tools and format you’ll use to create your listing presentation. Classic hard-cover? A PowerPoint deck? Pdf? Live web page? Video? There are a ton of tools, options, and templates. Take this Canva template for example:

Here are just some of the tools agents are using to deliver their listing presentations:

  • Google Slides
  • SlideGo templates
  • Breakthrough Broker
  • Etsy templates

While the digital options are endless, many top-producing agents still recommend keeping a high-quality hard cover presentation in the mix.

If you’re using both a hard copy presentation and a digital version, try sending the digital version a day before the event via email. For extra points, you can also have your hard copy presentation hand-delivered to the seller’s home by a courier or supporting staff member. This is just another great way to show up professionally while reducing the likelihood of cancellation.

💡BONUS: Advice from Dale

Begin your listing presentation with the exciting marketing part, save the boring market analysis for later. In fact, wow them with the marketing/advertising plan, discuss the process of getting the home listed, ask how much they’d like to list for and then go to the market analysis if they ask for it or you disagree with their listing price. Don’t forget to bring at least one backup copy of your hardcover presentation to the appointment.

During your listing presentation

Now that you’re an expert on the property and prospect, you’re ready to make your presentation and win that listing!

Obviously, the prevailing advice to dress professionally, show up on time, and make sure you don’t block the prospect’s driveway still stands. In addition to nailing the etiquette, there are a few physical items you’ll want to bring along.

Alright, we’re clearly being a bit cheeky here. And sure, brownies are optional. But in all honesty, the one thing you need more than anything else if you want to win more listings is the ability to build a connection.

And that comes down to your ability to listen .

No matter how much effort you put into creating a killer listing presentation, it’s still not unheard of for experienced agents to lose listings to newer agents because the seller just felt a better connection with them. So slow down and tune in!

Touring the home and making the close

A common mistake many agents make is going straight into the tour of the property. But by starting in the living room or another relaxed setting to hear more about the seller’s goals, you start the appointment by flexing your listening skills and have the chance to really get clear on your seller’s motivations.

From there, you can go ahead and tour the property together. Many agents recommend doing the upstairs first, then downstairs, and then a full 360 tour of the outside before sitting down to look at the CMA together, pricing strategy, and marketing plan.

💡BONUS: Dale’s listing appointment flow

When the listing appointment gets set, the critical info of why the seller is selling, the unique situation they are in, what’s most important to them in their home sale, what’s important to them about the marketing of their home…etc. That information must be collected so you can use that at the beginning of your live meeting with the seller.

Listing appointment flow:

  • Introductions
  • Review the goals/needs/wants of the seller “When we spoke you mentioned x was important to you…” (this proactive retelling of what the seller said shows that you are professional, prepared, actively listened, and more importantly, sets the tone and direction of the conversation)
  • Ask for a guided tour of the property
  • Reconvene at the meeting spot and solicit the seller's questions from the pre-list packet. “I’m really excited to expose your amazing home to the market and generate a solid pool of buyers who want to compete with each other for it. Let me show you how we do that with a mixture of marketing, paid advertising, and leveraging our market share here in (local market).” Now it’s time to head into the next step of presenting.
  • Present your exciting marketing/advertising strategy
  • Ask the seller if they’ve decided how much they want to list for
  • If agreeable, cover paperwork and skip market analysis, ask for signature
  • If not agreeable, review market analysis, then cover paperwork and ask for signature

You’ve made it through the presentation and (hopefully) won the listing. Congrats! 🎉

If you’ve listened like a friend, handled objections with ease and empathy, and kept the presentation focused firmly on their needs — you’re probably holding a signed listing agreement in hand.

But regardless of the outcome, remember to always thank the seller for their time. From there, you can add the seller to a dedicated email drip campaign that keeps them updated on the market and provides them with tips on how to stage their home and make the most of each viewing. 

If you’ve already got a killer real estate newsletter , much of this content can be repurposed to be targeted directly toward sellers. If you’re a Follow Up Boss user, you can easily get these emails going out automatically by using our super straightforward action plans .

Ultimately, you aren’t in control of your prospect’s decision to work with you. But you are responsible for the amount of energy and empathy that goes into your listing presentations. Focus on showing up as a trusted ally for sellers, and the listings are sure to follow!

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21 Steps to a Stellar Listing Presentation

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It’s all here. Twenty one great ideas for building your listing business from the ground up, all neatly packaged in a step-by-step action plan. Let us know how it goes.

Set a Strong Foundation

1 build an online presence.

Use your website, blog, or social media channels to publish articles that demonstrate your core competencies. Do you specialize in upscale properties? Do your staged homes sell 30 percent faster and closer to list price than market averages? Your articles could also include seasonal tips for home maintenance, tips to prepare your home for sale, or market data for buyers. Share the content on your Facebook page.

2 Monitor your online appearance

What is showing up when someone searches your name? One of the easiest and most effective ways to monitor your reputation comes from Google Alerts, a free Google service that allows you to enter a search term (i.e. your name, company, etc.) and then receive email alerts as the system finds matches.

3 Practice your presentation

“Can you cut your commission rate?” and “I was going to try and sell it myself” are common objections heard by Realtors®. To prepare, ask a colleague to role play with you, maybe even serve your pitch at a sales meeting.

Supplement your standard listing presentation materials

A listing presentation isn’t complete without your bio, testimonials, marketing strategies and more. If these documents are in PDF format, quickly upload them to your RPR account and then easily include them in your RPR reports. Here are a few things you might want to include:

4 Bio “Your Story”

Tell your story in 75 words or less, just enough to cover the highlights of why someone would want to work with you. Are you a lifelong community member? Do you do volunteer work? How long have you been a Realtor and are you a Top Producer?

5 Social Proof

Do your clients love you? Get proof! Take the time to collect testimonials from your past clients in print or video format. Also, collect any news clips that back up your professionalism or credibility.

6 Personal Statistics

Your success record is worth sharing. Sellers want to know you’ve done this before and for similar homes. Consider creating a map that highlights your past sales activity. Do your staged homes sell 30 percent faster and closer to list price than market averages? Let your prospects know with a simple chart.

7 Service Levels

Differentiate yourself from other agents in the market by showing how your service levels will exceed seller expectations. Do you have an assistant or are you part of a team? What kind of communication can the seller expect, both in scheduling showings, and follow-up and feedback from the showing agent? How often will they receive market updates? (See the section below on Using Creative Delivery Systems.)

8 Marketing Plan

There’s a lot of competitive marketing in the real estate industry. How will you go above and beyond to capture the attention of home buyers? Your plan should include strengths offered through your MLS, website, advertising strategy, staging resources, special virtual tour/video marketing, photographers, local Broker tours, etc. Be creative.

9 Take a photo of the property

Make the extra effort to drive by and snap a photo of the property, then upload it to the cover of your RPR report . It will demonstrate your commitment to individual attention and give you an opportunity to check out the condition of the property. That insight will be helpful when you refine the value of the property using RPR.

The Phone Call

10 ask questions.

Every question you ask, big or small, demonstrates interest in the homeowner’s personal well being. And what’s more personal than selling the biggest investment of your lifetime? Find out what makes your client click.

  • Why are they moving and when?
  • Are they relying on the sale proceeds to fund a retirement?
  • Does the house need too much work and they want something maintenance free?
  • Are they downsizing in preparation for retirement?
  • What did they love and “not love” about the house? The neighborhood?

No other CMA tool will do…

11 do your research.

Did you know that Realtors® have the power to analyze and manage a platform of unparalleled data to the extent that no other search mechanism offers? In fact, no other real estate data sharing website offers side-by-side, listing vs. public record comparisons like RPR. Here you’ll find current and historical property information, the home’s basic facts, photos, maps, mortgage records, tax info, the Refined Value Tool, comp analysis tool, and more.

12 Automated Values

No matter what, consumers are going online to look at the value of their homes. Yet, we know that not all of these sources are reliable. Use this as an opportunity to include the exclusive RPR Realtors Valuation Model® (RVM®) in your pricing discussions. Your clients will be impressed by its level of accuracy.

13 Create a CMA

Not all CMAs are cut from the same cloth. RPR’s CMA wizard walks you through five simple steps to generate a Comparative Market Analysis unlike any other offered in today’s real estate industry. You’ll confirm the home’s facts, search for and adjust the comps, land on your own list price by refining the property’s value, and then generate an RPR Seller’s Report. All in one place and with the highest level of accuracy afforded to today’s Realtor.

14  Refine Value

Every homeowner wants to know the return on investment for their home improvements. Here, savvy agents will tap into RPR’s Refine Value Tool . With up to 30 predefined home improvements to choose from, the tool accurately calculates the depreciated value of home improvements. The tool also enables users to refine a home’s value by confirming/adjusting basic facts about the property, as well as other factors such as an assessment of local market conditions, the interior and exterior of the home’s condition, lot size, view, privacy, and more.

15 Market Stats

Our mindsets move far beyond our own particular home. Both buyers and sellers want to know everything about the neighborhood, local economy, quality of life, and economy. All of that and more are a few quick clicks away at RPR.

No other CMA tool will do …

16 rpr reports.

Don’t let your lead get away without sending the seller something before your actual listing presentation. Use what you’ve garnered from RPR to create and send RPR’s Market Activity and/or Property Report. Be sure to let the sellers know that you have the power to refine the value of their home (using RPR) once you’ve had a chance to tour the property and see their upgrades first hand.

17 Use Creative Delivery Systems

Oftentimes, the opportunity to meet prospects or clients face to face is hampered by distance, personal schedules, or even preference. Yet, you know that nothing conveys professionalism and expertise more than personal interaction. There must be a way to virtually, if not literally, meet your clients “where they are. ”

BombBomb , a video marketing platform, helps REALTORS® prove their “client first” commitment by offering intuitive, low-cost digital communications solutions. With BombBomb, you can create a personalized video message and email it to clients within minutes. And because the app is integrated with RPR, REALTORS® can seamlessly include an RPR report. Then by way of real-time alerts, see when your client has interacted with the email. These live notifications are key in determining the best time to follow up.

18  Create Your RPR Seller’s Report

Pull your analysis all together into a customized RPR Seller’s Report , complete with an updated photo of the property, as well as your photo and contact information. Inside, the Seller’s Report highlights details of the subject property, your comp analysis with side-by-side property comparisons, local market trends, a pricing strategy, and a worksheet for estimated seller proceeds. RPR’s Seller’s Report can also be displayed and/or emailed from your laptop, phone, or tablet.

19  Identify the Seller’s Motivation

While with the homeowners, be sure to listen closely to what the sellers are saying. Selling a home is a deeply emotional experience for most and they want a Realtor who understands how personal it is. Revisit some of the questions you asked earlier. Why are they moving and what is their timeline? Are they using the proceeds to fund a retirement plan? Are children involved? What improvements are needed to sell the home?

20 The RPR App

Showing is always better than telling, so here’s where your impressive tech skills come into play. Respond instantly to your seller’s questions with RPR Mobile™ on your handheld device . Show the prospect how their home compares to those on the market. Click on the magnifying glass to display a map of the nearby area. Then, select any home’s icon to go to the property’s full details, including price, history, photos, and more.

21  Follow up With a Thank you Note

The five minutes it takes to write a personal thank you card to prospects is worth it’s weight in gold (or actual listings). Very few of our contemporaries take this route in our digital world. So set yourself apart. In fact, send flowers.

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Great ideas here! I love that you can produce a report in seconds. Keep up the great work RPR!

' src=

Great info. Would love to see this all put together so I could customize for my market or listing appointment. A template.

' src=

Me as well. I love the RPR product.

' src=

Great information.Would love to see if we can customize these for listing appointments

' src=

I knew RPR will seal the deal for me. Kudo to RPR.

' src=

When I first became a REALTOR five years ago, a veteran agent showed me how she completed a CMA for an upcoming listing appointment. SIX HOURS later, and we still weren’t done! I thought to myself, “I’m just going to stick to BUYERS”! Fast forward, I now use RPR exclusively for creating in-depth reports for my potential Sellers AND for my Buyers preparing offers. I wouldn’t consider using any other program! Thank you for these great ideas, I’m going to start to implement them immediately.

' src=

I woukd like to sign up

' src=

I would love to see a template, also.

' src=

I would like to add just the type of home such as reverse 1 1/2 or ranch only as not to compare to 2 story homes

' src=

Do you have a tutorial showing each of these steps? I read it and understand in theory but I am a visula learner and once I SEE how it’s done I can modify it. I cannot visualize each of these steps. It seems logical but a bit overwhelming without any examples. A video tutorial step by step would be helpful. A template might work but it would not show the step by step of HOW it was done but it would be good also to see a finished product. It seems that RPR is a tool that a computer presentation w/ video capability is best. Is your CMA best on a phone on a computer screen? or is it printable. So many questions… I really need to see it in action.

[…] This post was published by Realtors Property Resource. It covers everything you need for a stellar listing presentation. It includes everything from what to include in the presentation to pro tips about how to give the presentation.21 Steps to a Stellar Listing Presentation […]

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I appreciate the information given in this article about the marketing strategies a realtor should follow to improve his business. The internet is one of the most important sources of information and a realtor should follow different types of blogs related to real estate business to learn more effective marketing strategy. Besides, effective utilization of the internet could also give a realtor a competitive edge and helps to find more clients.

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Sign me up please [email protected]

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Hi Jorge, create your account here:

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Great! If you don’t have your RPR account started, go here and click “Create Account”

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Good information. can I customize these information

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Very interested, is there live support?

Hi Alice, Yes, get help any time by calling (877) 977-7576.

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Outstanding program. Great improvement.

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I would like to take classes and learn more

[…] This incredible article by RPR has several suggestions for how to create a stellar listing […]

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Great article!, I love all this, because I was able to gain information and also some tips. Thank you for posting this very informative article.

[…] Related reading: RPR – 21 Tips for a Stellar Listing Presentation  […]

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Listing Presentations That Win Sellers

October 7, 2019

How can I help my team get more listings? How can I get more listings?

These are questions mega agent Jeff Glover asks himself every day. He believes everything should revolve around listing presentations and offers five concepts to help you master them in the field.

“Listing presentations are valuable for many reasons,” says Glover. “They empower you, the agent, to be an employer and secure transactions in less time. They also free you up, so you are not locked into a buyer’s schedule.”

jeff glover sitting in chair wearing blue suit

Glover’s Listing Presentation Strategy

1. content creation.

Content is the core of a great listing presentation. What content should you include?

Content that communicates your value

“You have a lot to offer compared to the market,” says Glover.

“Share the unique value you have to offer, your status as a local expert and how your expertise has specifically benefited clients. Make sure your content aligns with the type of property of your listers.”

Your Marketing Plan

Listers want to know how you will market their properties once they decide to sell. Do you use online marketing, agent-to-agent, print or others? Glover recommends you include it all.

Your Pricing Strategy

“The majority of appointments are either won or lost in the pricing discussions,” shares Glover. “When discussing the suggested price your clients should list at and what the comparative market analysis (CMA) suggests about the price, you will be prepared for sellers that expect a higher price and lay the groundwork for strategic price reductions as needed.” Visuals

Attractive Visuals

Visuals matter! Infographics are a great way to combine display both relevant information and data. Make sure you share the right amount of information and take into consideration how to showcase it (print versus digital).

listing presentation day

Pro Tip: Leverage Keller Williams’ new listing presentation templates in Designs! New and improved, each template has been handcrafted in partnership with KW’s top agents to help you bring more expertise, brand recognition and insight to the listing table. 

2. Practice

Once you’ve customized your listing presentations in Designs or created your own, it’s time to practice. Like everything, delivering a great listing presentation is a skill that takes repetition and consistency. Before sitting down with your listers, practice your scripts and focus on sharing value without selling.

Here are three scripts that Glover uses to help him land the listing:

  • Wouldn’t it make sense to get just one more opinion before you get tied up in a multi-month contract?
  • Do you feel I can sell your home?
  • When would you like our photographer to come out to shoot the home?

Glover shares three tips to master your scripts in 90 days:

  • Take the listing presentation and write it down once a day for 30 days.
  • Take the listing presentation and recite the script aloud once a day for 30 days.
  • Role-play the listing presentation once a day for 30 days.

3. Delivery

Here are four things Glover says to keep in mind when delivering your presentation:

  • Rate of speech: Pay attention to the rate based on the seller you’re meeting with.
  • Tonality and dialect: You may have to change how you speak to build rapport with the seller.
  • Volume: Control the volume of your voice to match theirs whenever possible.
  • Body language: Watch the seller and see how they respond to certain things. Mimic their body language.

4. Prequalification and Homework

Don’t go out to a listing presentation without asking these questions and doing your homework:

Female realtor discussing documents with couple

  • If what I say makes sense and you feel 100% comfortable and confident in my abilities to get your home sold, will you be ready to put your home on the market?

Several sellers will say “no.” This question allows you to find out the objections they have for selling before you even go to the appointment.

  • Will you please describe your home for me?

This question allows you to find out the personality type of the seller and of course any updates/improvements they have made.

  • When I see you, what price do you want to list your home for?
  • As a professional real estate agent, I study home prices every day. I assume you will list with me at a price that will get your home sold ?
  • Will all the decision-makers be present?

Once you’ve confirmed the appointment, let the sellers know what to expect at the meeting and ask them to gather any needed information. It’s your obligation to have great follow-up and communication.

Tags: Listings Marketing Sellers

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Listing Presentation Script for Real Estate Agents – Learn the listing presentation scripts and dialogues that top agents use in listing consultations to list more homes for sale.  An effective listing presentation script allows agents to conduct an efficient consultation by focusing on questions to determine the needs of clients rather than presenting a long and drawn out value proposition  containing all of the agent’s marketing activities and other credentials.   The ideas is to come from curiosity to determine the needs of the clients instead of simply telling sellers what you think they should want to hear in a traditional “dog-and-pony show” marketing presentation.

Not only does asking questions engage clients and build rapport, it also enables agents to quickly ascertain client needs and concerns so that they can be addressed right away.  Although agents should bring a marketing presentation materials to leave with their clients, it should only be referenced to address specific concerns that clients may raise during the consultation.  Before examining our listing presentation scripts below, watch as members of our agent panel reveal their favorite listing presentation scripts & techniques in this video .

Listing Presentation Scripts & Dialogues

Listing presentation scripts:  before viewing the home.

SCRIPT No. 1 – “I’m going to walk through the home with you looking at it through the eyes of a buyer, speaking aloud and candidly about what I see as a buyer would.  Is that alright with you?” (“Yes”)  “What I’m hearing from you is that you want me to be honest with you, correct?”  (“Yes”)  “So if I think there is something in your home that will hurt you financially, like something that needs to be updated, improved or fixed, you will want me to tell you?”  (“Yes”)  “Great! Then let’s get started.”

SCRIPT No. 2  – “Would you mind quickly filling out this quick Home Seller Information Questionnaire while I look through the home on my own so that I can see it through the eyes of a buyer to evaluate how updated it is and to see if there are any repairs needed that would prevent us from selling?”

SCRIPT No. 3  – “On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most honest, how honest do you want me to be?” (“10”)  “Great.  Now I’m not going to go through your home and tell you to move walls around, but I will provide you with some suggestions that will help you sell your home faster and give you the best return on investment.  Does that sound good to you?”

Listing Presentation Scripts:  Sitting Down at the Table

SCRIPT No. 1  – “Besides price, is there anything else you would like to know?”

SCRIPT No. 2 – “Now I’ve got a lot that I can show you today, but before we get started, tell me what questions you have for me?”

SCRIPT No. 3  – “First tell me, what are you most concerned about with selling your home?”

Listing Presentation Techniques

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Brian Icenhower is the CEO and Founder of Icenhower Coaching & Consulting (ICC), which provides customized coaching and training programs to many of the highest producing real estate agents, teams, and brokerage owners in North America. This progressive company also produces online courses, podcasts, training materials, white label training portals, speaking events, video modules, and real estate training books. ICC is one of the largest real estate coaching companies in the world with thousands of clients and a large team of the most accomplished coaches in the industry.

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5 Steps To Improve Your Listing Presentation

5 tips for a professional real estate listing presentation.

Well, good morning and welcome to Mike Ferry TV . It’s the week of May the 8th. I’m Ron Cronin and we are working today on using a strong Listing Presentation.

Using a strong Listing Presentation. I got to tell you about this Listing Presentation. As a Real Estate Agent, getting this part of my business down was extremely helpful in the prospecting that I was doing. And for those of you watching that don’t feel that you have a strong presentation or you know you don’t, or you’re not really proud of what you do when you go to their house or your presentation. Well, understand, this is something that you can focus on that will help you throughout other areas of your business, especially the prospecting and the lead follow-up. If you’ve got a rock-solid presentation, you’re going to be more likely to prospect, you’re going to be more likely to follow up aggressively with your leads because you’re happy with what you’re going to do. You’re excited to show these folks this presentation that you’ve developed. Okay.

“ Always follow the 5-Step Listing Process”  

So when it comes to being a great presenter and getting good results with the Mike Ferry system, we want to learn point number one. Let’s make sure we’re taking notes today. You’re going to want to. The first point is to remember always to follow the 5-Step Listing Process, the 5-Step Listing Process . Okay, This is a process Mike Ferry developed years ago when he was a Real Estate Agent and he explained that he was going out to people’s houses and not getting the contract signed or he couldn’t get it signed that night. It would take follow-up and follow-up and eventually get it signed. So he’s trying to figure out how can I avoid it taking more than one appointment with the Sellers. How can I make sure I get it the night I’m there and make sure that I get the listing? So Mike developed this 5-Step Process. It’s very simple, but let’s make sure we write down the first step. Okay.

Step 1: Prequalify the appointment

Step number one is to prequalify the appointment that you just said. Prequalify the appointment. Now we want to prequalify 100% of the people. 100% of the time. No exceptions. No exceptions to that rule. Prequalify every appointment before you go out. Okay. Remember, it determines if the Seller is serious or not. Okay? It determines the Buyer. If you’re prequalifying a Buyer, it determines their level of seriousness. It gives you their concerns and their objections ahead of time. So I can get ready for that. If I know that he’s got more agents or I know he’s looking for a lot of marketing or I know he’s looking for a low commission or a high price, if I know what the objections are, then I can prepare for that in advance. Who wants to go unprepared? Right, Exactly. Okay. It demonstrates when you prequalify your professionalism. Demonstrates your professionalism. It also gives you by prequalifying you learn a lot more about the Seller, which gives you the information you need to build rapport and to make it a really effective appointment that night. Okay. So always prequalify. “But Ron, do I have to prequalify my friends?” Yes. Okay, everyone. So I’m going to say it again. 100% of the people. 100% of the time. No exceptions. That’s pretty easy to follow.

Step 2: Mail or deliver a Pre-Listing Packet

Write down step number two. Once we’ve prequalified and we’ve got everything we need, then we either mail or deliver a Pre-Listing Packet. Mail or deliver a Pre-Listing Packet. The packet is designed to help the Sellers get ready for the appointment. Mike says the purpose of the packet is to answer their questions in advance so that it’s easier for them to make a decision when you arrive. So it’s designed to answer their questions. Okay, remember the packet is not designed to show you off. It’s not about you, it’s not about your company. It’s designed to answer their questions. What do they want to know? How much will my home sell for? How much is it going to cost me? How long will it take? And what are you going to do to sell it? Those are the four basic questions I’d say pretty much every Seller has. They don’t want to know, “Hey, where did Ron go to school and what does he think about Real Estate?” And, you know, they don’t want to know about us typically. All right. Especially not at this point in the game.

What does the listing packet contain?

So to answer those four questions, I’m going to say it quickly. Here’s what goes in that packet. A list of personal references with names and phone numbers, your Plan of Action. Right. The steps you’re going to take to get the home sold. Make sure you have that. A copy of your track record or a copy of your company’s track record or if you don’t have either one of those or they’re not very good, well then we’ll just skip that one. Okay. But if you have it, put that track record in there to show them what you’ve done, okay? And that you have the ability to sell the house. Okay.

“The CMA with the price you’re suggesting gets over there in advance “

A complete CMA with your suggested price goes in the packet. You send that in advance. The CMA with the price you’re suggesting gets over there in advance and some of you are squirming right now. I know that. You don’t want to tell him in advance. You want to spring it on him when you get there. All right. We might want to think twice about that. Okay. You want to put a completed net sheet, right? That goes along with your CMA and net sheet, showing them all the costs and everything involved in the commission and what they’re going to net at the end. It’s that way. It’s easier for him to make a decision. If you don’t bring a net sheet, well then I guess the Seller is going to have to calculate and estimate what the cost is going to be, and that’s going to prevent him from making a decision with you right now. You see how that works. By sending the information in advance. We’re able to get a decision when we arrive. That’s the whole point. All right.

Add the completed contract to the packet

A completed contract goes in the packet. What? I like to use DocuSign. I know. Me too. And you may end up using that. But while we’re there, you know, maybe you’re going to use DocuSign and have them do it right there and if you’ve got that pretty worked out and it’s smooth and it works when you need it to, I guess that would be okay. But, you know, Mike recommends maybe have them sign that paper copy when you arrive and you can email them a digital copy later. But at least we get their ink on paper and the signature. Okay. A completed contract. So their name, everything goes in there, the suggested price, the commission is in there, the terms is in there. You know, the six months agreement or whatever you’re using. That’s all in there. You’ve signed it and got it ready to go. It’s completed. Ready for the Seller to sign. All right.

Add your disclosure statement 

And then lastly, Mike has recommends we put our disclosure statements in there. Now, for some of you watching, especially those Californians, my fellow Californians, yeah, we have a lot of disclosures in California. Don’t put them all in there. Maybe just the important ones that go along with the listing agreement Agency and the important ones. Okay. And you can bring the others with you, right? You can bring the other stack with you on the presentation and leave them there for them. All right.

Step 3: Confirm, confirm, confirm…

So step one is to prequalify . Then we’re going to mail that package. We’re also going to call back and confirm. We’re going to call back and confirm maybe an hour or two before the appointment. Give them a call, and try to confirm the time. We’re still on for 5:00 PM. All the important decision-makers will be there and they’ve had a chance to review and go over the packet and the numbers and everything. Okay. Confirm that if they haven’t gone over the packet, you might try to encourage them to look at it before you arrive. Otherwise, it’s not going to help you at all. Okay. I’ll say to them, Hey, I put some very important dollar amounts in that packet. Would you take 60 seconds and review it? And they’re like, “Oh yeah, sure, I’ll check that out.” Okay, Thank you. I’ll see you at 5:00 PM. Okay, so we call back and confirm.

Step 4: Show up physically, mentally, and emotionally

And then step four is we show up physically, mentally, and emotionally . We show up physically. What do we wear? Well, I’m just going to say be conservative. Wear a business suit. Okay? Wear a business suit, ladies. Wear a business suit. All right. Professional. Okay. Professional. Dressed professionally. But you got to be careful because I’m in Las Vegas right now and you say dress professionally. It depends on what profession you’re talking about. Okay. Right. But, you know, be conservative, wear a suit, you’re happy, you’re excited to be here. You’re thrilled about the opportunity to help them complete this move. So physically, mentally, and emotionally. Remember, it’s showtime Okay? Everything you’ve been waiting for.

Step 5: Follow the listing scripts verbatim

And then the last step is when you arrive at the house, you want to follow the listing scripts verbatim. Okay. Follow those verbatim. “Well, Ron, I don’t really like the presentation.” That’s okay. Follow the scripts verbatim. Remember that the appointment script, the prequel script, the packet you sent and then the presentation you give all work together. See this. They all work together. If you do all those steps and then you do this, your own presentation, that’s going to be really awkward for the listener. It doesn’t make any sense. Okay, so the whole thing works together.

If you don’t think that these five steps I talked about apply to you, generally we have an ego issue .  

Now, if you don’t think that these five steps I talked about apply to you, generally we have an ego issue. Generally, that means there’s something wrong. Something’s going on. You know better. All right. But that five-step that’s going to help your presentation dramatically, that you follow those, it’s going to increase the likelihood of you getting it and getting it the night that you’re there. So have fun with that. All right.

Prepare a Pre-Prospecting Routine

Now, I have a lot of material to cover, so let’s keep moving. Okay. For your Listing Presentation for you yourself, consider creating a pre-prospecting routine. A pre-prospecting routine. Okay, maybe 15 or 20 minutes where you get your head in the game and you get aligned with the activity and your goals and you get it all together. Okay? And those of you that have prospected or those of you that have gone on an appointment, you know what I’m talking about how important it is to get this in here. So I’m sorry. I think I said a pre-prospecting routine, but I meant to say a pre-appointment routine. Okay. A pre-appointment routine. So it would include getting your mindset in order, practicing that presentation, maybe go through it once or twice. It only takes 10 or 12 minutes to do it. Maybe you go through it once or twice looking and dressing professionally, ensuring you have all the proper materials and you’re used to where they are and where to point and which materials to use. This can all be practiced and rehearsed on a daily basis so that when you go out once or twice or three times a week, when you go out, you’re ready to go, right? Like referring to the points and turning the comps around and showing the Seller and going over how many bedrooms, how many baths, how many square feet. Right. Being able to do that where it’s smooth, that’s going to come from you and all the practice that you do. Okay.

Be Punctual

So make sure that you are part of your routine would be being early or at least being punctual. Okay. And being 15 minutes early at that appointment where you can sit out in the car and kind of prepare, go through your notes again, and get your mindset in order, right? Block out everything that you’re going to do before you walk up to the door. Remember that they always give the listing to the person who earns it, not the one who needs it. But they give it to the one who earns it and you’ll earn it by having good skills and by practicing a lot and developing the skills. And I’ll tell you what the Sellers will really appreciate a beautifully practiced, rehearsed professional presentation versus what you may be doing now. I’m not sure. Okay.

Record your listing presentation role play

All right. Well, how do you know if you’re improving, how do you know if you’re getting better? Well, record your presentation live on a regular basis. Maybe ask a seller if they allow you to record it and maybe a video or maybe an audio recording. Definitely record yourself in role-play. You know, do an official dress rehearsal Listing Presentation where you got to Sellers and you sit down and you present to them and just get in the habit of doing it. And like I said, using the materials. It won’t take very long and you’ll be great at it. It’ll improve dramatically with practice. Okay.

Practice makes perfect

Part of the fear that you may be experiencing with going out and making a presentation is that you haven’t done it before and so allow yourself some mistakes. Allow yourself that you may not get them all in the beginning, right? Allow yourself the chance to go out, mess it up, make an adjustment and it just gets better every time you go. Eventually, you won’t be making mistakes anymore. Okay, the confidence is going to come from the knowledge you have. Remember that knowledge equals confidence. Ignorance. You know or if I don’t know, something will that equals all the fear that I have. Okay, so knowledge equals confidence. So if you have a canned presentation on and you know what to say and you rehearse it all the time, ha, you’re going to be beaming with confidence when you get there. Okay?

Pro-Tip 1: First impressions are critical

Listing Presentation. Remember, first impressions are critical. That includes everything from the clothes you wear to how well you’re groomed, to whether your shoes are shined, the smile on your face, and the strength of your handshake. That handshake says a lot to people. Okay? And when I teach seminars for fun, I go around and I shake people’s hands just to test out their handshake. And oh, boy, sometimes you’ll get that. They’ll shake your hand. They’ll give you that wet fish, you know, Hey, that says a lot. And especially in this area, right? So a firm handshake, you know.

Pro-Tip 2: Upgrade yourself and your confidence

Consider upgrading everything to become a great presenter. Maybe you have one suit. That’s the one you wear on the presentation. You keep it in the glass box ready to go like Superman. Right. But consider upgrading everything. Your smile, your grooming, everything that you’ve got so that you come across better as a professional. And it looks like you deserve the amount of money that you’re charging. Right? I think that’s important. You know, showing up in jeans and a t-shirt asking me for $55,000 in commission. Whoo! That’s hard for me. Someone who wears a suit all the time. Okay. All right.

Pro-Tip 3: How to win listings in Real Estate? Asking good questions

A couple more thoughts. This listing presentation is basically a sales presentation and sales presentation requires asking good questions. A good presentation is asking good questions. Right. If I’m presenting this object and I’m trying to sell this object to you, I’m not going to explain it to you. I’m not going to describe it for you. I’m not going to tell you all the things and what I think about it. I’m going to ask you questions about your needs, about your wants. And then see if I can match those up with this product or this service. Right. Selling is asking questions. It’s not telling people what you think. Selling is not telling people what you know. All right. “Ron, Ron, how do I get better at asking questions?” Well, for now, just commit to following the script. You’re safe. If you follow the script, you’re within the lanes. You’re going the right direction. You know, you might be a teller or someone who talks a lot. That’s okay. But during the presentation you commit to the script. It makes it easy for you. What to say is perfect in the script and I’m referring to the Mike Ferry Listing Presentation that you can download from Mike Ferry, the Mike Ferry website under Resources and all the Scripts are there. This is one of them that you can download for free. All right.

Pro-Tip 4: Questions NOT telling

So the Listing Presentation. Questions not telling. Okay. Now my last thought for you is that we want you to work under the assumption that because you prequalified and because you’ve had these conversations work under the assumption that they’re going to hire you and that you can use the One-Minute Listing Presentation to do it. That’s right. I said a One-Minute Listing Presentation. Again, you need to download those from the website. Okay. But if you set the appointment using the script and you prequalify and ask all the questions, you are set up to walk in and do the Mike Ferry One-Minute Presentation. It’s basically asking them three questions. One of them is the close, so it works out easy. Raise your hand if you’ve gone to the house, done the one minute and they sign the contract. Will it happen without prequalifying? Probably not. Will it happen if you don’t follow the five steps? Probably not. Remember the packet answering all the questions, the prequel that all set it up so that when I walked in, they were ready to go. Okay. All right, good.

Pro-Tip 5: Give them all your answers in advance as self-screening 

Now, I know some of the fear is that if you give them all the answers in advance, well, then they won’t meet with you or they’re going to cancel the appointment. But again, remember their reaction to information and the data and the truth and the statistics. Their reaction is very important to you, isn’t it? I mean, this whole process, let’s you know how serious they are as a Seller. Let you know, how likely they are to move forward. It’s all part of it. And some of these steps people bounce. They don’t want to. Okay. And I can understand that. But I’d rather have you send the information and then save the appointment. If they call to cancel. Save the appointment. Okay. All right. Good. Okay.

Download and use scripts this week

Our last thought for you and I’m going to give you a little homework assignment, which is to download the One-Minute Presentation and the CMA Presentation from the Mike Ferry website if you don’t have them already. Download those as a homework assignment. Okay. And I want you to remember that I’m going to read this to you. A poorly scripted presentation delivered with great energy and enthusiasm can win a lot of the time. Like if you only have energy and enthusiasm and your script is kind of “eh” can win a lot of the time just with the enthusiasm and the smile and the energy. Okay. However, a well-practiced, well-rehearsed, scripted presentation delivered with energy and enthusiasm, it works all the time! Hands down. So start the job of becoming a great presenter. And I think the key for most of you watching is going to be the practice in this little area of your business. Thanks for watching. Mike Ferry TV. We look forward to seeing you soon.

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2 injured in shooting at Missouri HS graduation, a day after gunfire near separate ceremony

listing presentation day

Two people were injured after gunfire erupted at a high school graduation in Missouri on Sunday, just one day after shots reportedly rang out near a separate graduation ceremony in Kansas City.

Gunfire was reported around 2:33 p.m. local time at the Show Me Center, located on the Southeast Missouri State University campus in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, just as school resource officers with the Cape Girardeau Public School District were at the center for high school graduation, the Cape Girardeau Police Department said in a news release .

The officers detained a person of interest and rendered aid to the two victims, the release continued.

The two victims were taken to a local hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, police said. The person of interest is in the Cape Girardeau Police Department's custody.

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'No students or staff members were injured'

Howard Benyon, Cape Girardeau Public Schools superintendent, said on Facebook , "During our graduation ceremony today at the Show Me Center, an altercation occurred forcing us to stop the ceremony and evacuate the building."

"Fortunately, no students or staff members were injured and thanks to the assistance of staff members at the Show-Me Center, we were able to get everyone out of the building safely," Benyon continued.

Due to the incident, the school district will be "forced to reschedule the graduation ceremony at a later time," Benyon said.

"We want to plan an event that celebrates our graduates the way they deserve, but our priority at this time is working with police to aid their investigation of this situation," according to the superintendent.

Shots fired near DeLaSalle Education Center's graduation ceremony

Graduating seniors at DeLaSalle High School also had their ceremony interrupted by gunfire over the weekend.

The shots were reported around 3:35 p.m. on Saturday near the DeLaSalle Education Center's graduation, a Kansas City Police Department spokesperson Sgt. Phillip DiMartino told The Kansas City Star . No injuries were reported to police, the public information officer said.

Police do not believe the shooting had anything to do with the graduation, according to the spokesperson.

It is unclear if police have made any arrests related to the shooting.

USA TODAY contacted the Kansas City Police Department but did not receive a response.

DeLaSalle High School's graduation 'marred by an unforeseen event'

DeLaSalle responded to the shooting with a statement on the school's website saying, "Today, a tragic incident occurred during the high school graduation ceremony at DeLaSalle High School."

"What began as a beautiful day with over 500 families and guests celebrating our largest graduating class in 20 years was marred by an unforeseen event," the school said in the statement.

The school also confirmed that "no physical harm came to any students, families or staff attending the graduation," according to the statement.

"DeLaSalle High School prays for the safety of all of Kansas City, and our thoughts are with the community during this difficult time," the school said.

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2024 PGA Championship TV schedule, coverage, live stream, channel, where to watch online, golf tee times

How to watch every memorable moment of the 2024 pga championship on tv or streaming live online.


The second major of the 2024 golf season wraps Sunday in Louisville with plenty of big-time players looking to capture the Wanamaker Trophy and $3.3 million winner's prize from the PGA Championship's $18.5 million purse while setting a tone for the remainder of their respective campaigns. This as the beautify of May surrounds Valhalla Golf Club with the PGA Championship concluding its return to town for the first time in a decade. Do not miss a moment of the action by following  live leaderboard coverage of the PGA Championship  with analysis and highlights throughout the day.

An unfortunate wrench was thrown into the tournament Friday morning as, in unrelated incidents, a pedestrian was killed outside the Valhalla grounds in a traffic incident and world No. 1 golfer Scottie Scheffler was arrested for violating traffic rules . Though Scheffler looked like he was going to hang tough, he played himself out of contention in the third round and opened the door to the rest of the field.

Xander Schauffele entered Sunday atop the leaderboard for the third straight day, except this time, he was for the lead with Collin Morikawa. Shane Lowry, Bryson DeChambeau, Justin Rose and Viktor Hovland all surged up the leaderboard Saturday, while Sahith Theegala remained hot bouncing back from a rough start to put pressure on the leaders down the stretch. Rory McIlroy, Justin Thomas and Jordan Spieth are among the other notable names lurking, though given the way the leaders started Sunday, it would take a miracle for any of them to move up far enough to capture the Wanamaker.

While attending the PGA Championship can be a ton of fun, simply being able to watch golf on the game's grandest stages is an incredible treat each year. We here at CBS Sports are thrilled to bring you wall-to-wall coverage with action streaming live all weekend.

CBS Sports golf anchor Jim Nantz is calling the action for the 34th consecutive year while hosting coverage from the super tower alongside lead analyst Trevor Immelman. Also at Valhalla for CBS Sports are Ian Baker-Finch, Frank Nobilo, Dottie Pepper, Colt Knost and Mark Immelman with Amanda Renner reporting and conducting interviews.

The 106th PGA Championship is the 34rd consecutive (and 41th overall) being broadcast by CBS Sports, which is offering multi-platform coverage throughout the week. In partnership with the PGA of America, CBS Sports is leading overall production efforts deploying 125 cameras and nearly 150 microphones to capture all the sights and sounds. Additional technological enhancements include Fly Cams, Bunker Cameras, state-of-the-art drone coverage, panoramic Falcon 360 cameras, Toptracer and more.

Enough talking about it. Here's how you can watch as much PGA Championship as possible Sunday. Be sure to stick with CBS Sports for live coverage throughout and  download the CBS Sports App  to watch the PGA Championship live on your mobile device.

All times Eastern

Round 4 -- Sunday, May 19

Round 4 start time:  7:45 a.m. [ Tee times ]

PGA Championship live stream:  8-10 a.m. on ESPN+

  • Featured Groups -- 8 a.m.
  • Holes 16-18 -- 8 a.m.

Early TV coverage:  10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on ESPN,  fubo  (Try for free)

Prime TV coverage:  1-7 p.m. on CBS, Paramount+

TV simulcast live stream:  1-7 p.m. Desktop and mobile:  Free on ,  CBS Sports App Connected devices*:  Available on  Paramount+ ,  CBS Sports App *Paramount+ login required

Clubhouse Report:  8-9 p.m. on CBS Sports Network Round 4 encore:  9 p.m. to 3 a.m. on CBS Sports Network

PGA coverage on CBS Sports Network

  • PGA Championship On the Range -- 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Thursday, Friday) Pre-round player interviews, analysis, daily previews
  • PGA Championship Clubhouse Report -- 8-9 p.m. (Thursday-Sunday) Post-round highlights, analysis, player interviews
  • PGA Championship encore presentations Round 3 -- Sunday -- 6-10 a.m. Round 4 -- Sunday -- 9 p.m. to 3 a.m.

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