Call Center Resume Examples & The Skills to Include [+Templates]

Swetha Amaresan

Updated: April 26, 2024

Published: May 15, 2023

A good resume stands between your dream job and rejection. The difference between a good resume and a mediocre one is that of structure, keyword use, skill sets, references, and more.

man shares call center resume examples

Writing a call center resume is no exception. You must include the relevant qualifications, skills, and experiences that align with the job requirements.

Read our guide on best practices for writing call center resumes, what skills and objectives to include in your resume, and the industry-best call center resume examples to stand out.

→ Download Now: 12 Resume Templates [Free Download]

Here’s what we’ll cover in this guide:

What is a call center resume?

Call center resume examples & templates.

  • Customer Service Resume Summary

Call Center Resume Objective

Call center resume skills.

sample resume applying call center agent

12 Free Customizable Resume Templates

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A call center resume focuses primarily on your skills, professional background, and qualifications, aligning them with the job requirements. Depending on the job position, such as the seniority level or the size of the organization, you should know the average length of your resume.

Just like any resume, make sure you include the following sections when on the hunt for your next call center gig:

  • Your name and contact information.
  • Your education.
  • Relevant work experience.
  • Helpful skills.
  • Relevant non-work experience if you're new to the job market.

In the next section, we'll discuss more specific templates you can leverage based on your skill set and the open role.

These templates will help you better understand how to craft a strong resume that will grab the attention of potential employers. Consider the role you're applying to and find the example below that most closely aligns.

Featured Resource: Free Resume Templates

call center resume examples, free resume templates from HubSpot

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Resume templates to create a killer resume for your job application.

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sample resume applying call center agent

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7 Call Center Representative Resume Examples for 2024

Stephen Greet

Call Center

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  • Call Center Representative Resumes
  • Call Center Resume by Experience
  • Call Center Resumes by Role

You’d think that  crafting resumes  and writing cover letters would get easier as you progress through your career. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Entry-level and experienced call center representatives alike struggle with  generating successful resumes . 

Expanding on limited experience or condensing decades of work to fit one page is not an easy task, so that’s where we come in. 

We’ve taken the time to analyze hundreds of resumes from call center representatives  and used analytic tools to determine what does (and what doesn’t) land applicants interviews in 2024. 

We’ve  generated seven call center representative resume samples to help you land your next call center job using this analysis . 

Call Center Resume

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Call center resume example with 12 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Utilizing numbers strategically on your call center resume will allow you to convey more information in a smaller amount of space instead of describing your experience with words alone.
  • Avoid filler words and use numbers as often as possible.
  • When do you need a resume summary? They’re helpful in setting you apart from the competition if you boast 10+ years of expertise in your field and have specializations you can showcase.

Call Center Representative Resume

Call center representative resume example with 9 years of experience

  • To avoid instant elimination from the sea of applicants, ensure that your call center representative resume includes relevant skills. Check the job description, look for key skills and talents, and have them on your resume. 
  • Resumes are frequently processed by applicant tracking systems (ATS) before they reach hiring managers. Call center resumes at this stage with skills that are not specifically pre-selected by hiring teams will never be seen by people. Instead, they’re automatically rejected. 
  • When an employer reads your resume, they should instantly know that you’re extraordinary. Present yourself as confident, capable, and goal-oriented by demonstrating your value and that you understand the job responsibilities. 
  • What makes recruiters want to interview you? The numbers!
  • Pretend for a moment that you’re an employer charged with bringing on an exceptional new team member. Review your current resume and see what you think.

Entry-Level Call Center Representative Resume

Entry-level call center representative resume example

  • When you’re looking to make your first break into a career, it can feel impossible to craft a compelling entry-level call center resume. How do you demonstrate your job capabilities when you have limited prior experience, irrelevant experience, or no job experience? 
  • The most important thing you can do is demonstrate the key skills and responsibilities highlighted in the job description. 
  • If you have some relevant prior experience, make sure it features prominently in your work experience sections and quantify your work in each role. 
  • If you have irrelevant job experience, you can still highlight relevant skills and responsibilities. For example, if you’re looking for a job as a call center representative, you can highlight soft skills like “friendly” or “empathetic.” 
  • If you do not have any work experience, remember that you can detail school projects (perhaps ones that required great communication or leadership), volunteer experience, or extracurricular activities that required relevant expertise. 
  • When do you need a resume objective? They’re more important if you’re looking for a career change. They’re also helpful if you’re a little light on experience and need to fill up space.

Call Center Agent Resume

Call center agent resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Also, remember to weave in your software skills such as Salesforce to give your call center agent resume an edge and put you ahead of the rest.

Call Center Customer Service Representative Resume

Call center customer service representative resume example with 7 years of experience

  • You can borrow a leaf here by composing your piece to highlight big achievements and matching them with realistic numbers.

Call Center Manager Resume

Call center manager resume example with 16 years of experience

  • Increased work responsibilities demonstrate growth and personal development, showing potential employers that you will continue to become more valuable to the company over time and increasing the chances of being contacted for an interview. 
  • Though you may value an internship you completed 15 years ago, it’s no longer relevant to your resume. Only include the most recent (and related) jobs you’ve held, and save an anecdotal tidbit about your internship for the interview. 
  • When you have years of experience, your managerial resume may become denser. Ensure that hiring managers read the most important expertise on your resume by listing it in reverse-chronological order. When your most recent work experience is listed at the top, we’ve found that employers are twice as likely to request an interview. 

Outbound Call Center Resume

Outbound call center resume example with 6 years of experience

  • At a minimum, you should demonstrate your capacity to handle high call volumes, ensure customer satisfaction, and achieve or exceed sales targets. You’ll make yourself an even more compelling job candidate if you highlight how you boosted efficiency for yourself and your co-workers.
  • Mentioning command over popular customer service software tells employers that you’ll require less job training and may be able to train other staff members on new software programs. 
  • Your resume won’t look the same for every application.
  • Try reorganizing, quantifying, and using an active voice throughout your resume. Then check your resume to make sure you get interviews using our  resume checker .

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Call Center Agent Resume Examples: Proven To Get You Hired In 2024

Hiring Manager for Call Center Agent Roles

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  • Call Center Agent

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Call Center Agent Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., call center agent resume sample.

As a Call Center Agent, you're at the heart of customer interaction. You're the voice and ears of the company, providing solutions and offering assistance. Crafting a resume for this role requires a knack for showcasing your communication skills and empathy. Also, as remote operations become more commonplace due to recent trends, it's equally important to highlight experience or comfort with digital tools and remote work environments. Secondly, call centers are evolving into contact centers, with omnichannel interactions (calls, online chats, emails, etc.) becoming the norm, so versatility is key. When writing your resume, it's crucial to show rather than tell. Don't just claim you're patient or agile — provide concrete examples of when you've used these skills. Remember, quality of customer service pulls more weight in call center roles than a high volume of calls handled.

A resume screenshot for a call center agent role, showcasing proficiency in digital tools and versatility in customer interactions.

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Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your call center agent resume in 2024,    show proficiency in using digital tools.

When listing your skills, show you're no stranger to digital tools. Mention specific software or platforms you've used in past roles, especially remote communication and collaboration tools. This shows you're ready to handle remote and on-site work.

Show proficiency in using digital tools - Call Center Agent Resume

   Demonstrate versatility in customer interactions

Instead of focusing solely on call handling, showcase experiences with different forms of customer interactions. Have you handled customer queries through live chats or emails? Have you dealt with difficult customers? Provide examples. These instances show you're adaptable and ready for the modern contact center world.

Demonstrate versatility in customer interactions - Call Center Agent Resume

We spoke with hiring managers at companies like Comcast, Verizon, and American Express to understand what they look for in call center agent resumes. Based on their insights and our analysis of successful resumes, here are six tips to help your call center agent resume stand out and increase your chances of landing an interview.

   Highlight your customer service skills

Hiring managers want to see that you have strong customer service skills. Use specific examples in your resume to show how you've provided excellent customer service in the past.

Examples of customer service skills to highlight:

  • Resolved an average of 50 customer inquiries per day while maintaining a 95% customer satisfaction rating
  • Handled a high volume of calls (100+ per shift) in a fast-paced call center environment
  • Consistently met or exceeded key performance metrics, such as average handle time and first call resolution rate

Bullet Point Samples for Call Center Agent

   Emphasize your communication skills

Call center agents need to have excellent communication skills, both verbal and written. Highlight specific examples of how you've used your communication skills to resolve customer issues and provide a positive experience.

  • Good communication skills
  • Strong verbal and written communication abilities

Instead, provide concrete examples like:

  • Clearly explained complex technical issues to non-technical customers, resulting in a 20% reduction in escalated calls
  • Wrote clear and concise call summaries and case notes, ensuring smooth handoffs between shifts

   Show your ability to handle difficult situations

Call center agents often deal with upset or frustrated customers. Hiring managers want to see that you can stay calm under pressure and de-escalate tense situations.

Examples of how to showcase your ability to handle difficult situations:

  • Successfully de-escalated an average of 5 irate customers per week, turning negative experiences into positive outcomes
  • Remained calm and professional when dealing with a customer who was threatening legal action, ultimately resolving the issue to the customer's satisfaction

   Include metrics to quantify your impact

Use numbers and metrics to quantify your achievements and show the impact you've had in previous call center roles.

Reduced average handle time and improved customer satisfaction scores.

Instead, use specific metrics:

Reduced average handle time by 15% while maintaining a customer satisfaction score of 98%, consistently ranking in the top 5% of the team.

Other examples of metrics to include:

  • Maintained an average call quality score of 95% based on monthly evaluations
  • Consistently exceeded upselling targets by 20%, generating an additional $10,000 in monthly revenue

   Tailor your resume to the specific company and role

Research the company and the specific call center agent role you're applying for. Tailor your resume to highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to that company and position.

For example, if the company emphasizes sales:

  • Consistently exceeded sales targets by 25%, generating an average of $5,000 in additional monthly revenue
  • Skilled in identifying upselling and cross-selling opportunities, resulting in a 15% increase in average order value

If the company focuses on technical support:

  • Provided technical support for a wide range of software products, resolving an average of 30 complex issues per day
  • Collaborated with the engineering team to identify and report common customer pain points, contributing to a 20% reduction in support tickets

   Showcase your industry-specific knowledge

If you have experience in the industry the company operates in, be sure to highlight that knowledge in your resume. This can help you stand out from other candidates who may have call center experience but lack industry-specific expertise.

For example, if you're applying for a call center role in the healthcare industry:

  • Provided customer support for a leading health insurance provider, assisting members with plan details, benefits, and claims
  • Developed a strong understanding of common healthcare terminology and insurance concepts, enabling me to provide clear explanations to customers

If you're applying for a role in the financial services industry:

  • Assisted customers with a range of banking products and services, including checking and savings accounts, loans, and credit cards
  • Maintained up-to-date knowledge of financial regulations and compliance requirements, ensuring all customer interactions met legal and ethical standards

Writing Your Call Center Agent Resume: Section By Section


A resume summary, also known as a professional summary or summary statement, is an optional section that appears at the top of your resume. It's a brief overview of your professional experience, skills, and achievements that highlights your fit for the role you're applying for.

While a summary is not a mandatory section, it can be a valuable addition to your resume if you have several years of experience or are making a career change. It allows you to provide context and connect the dots between your past experience and the call center agent role you're targeting. However, if you're early in your career or have a straightforward work history, you may choose to omit the summary and let your experience speak for itself.

It's important to note that you should never use an objective statement in place of a summary. Objective statements are outdated and focus on what you want from an employer, rather than what value you can bring to their organization.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Call Center Agent resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Call Center Agent resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Call Center Agent Resume Summary Examples , or Call Center Agent Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the call center agent role

When crafting your resume summary for a call center agent position, it's crucial to align your skills and experience with the requirements of the role. Research the company and the specific position to identify the key qualifications and attributes they're looking for in a candidate.

Here's an example of a tailored summary for a call center agent role:

Customer service professional with 5+ years of experience in high-volume call centers. Skilled in handling a wide range of customer inquiries, troubleshooting technical issues, and maintaining a positive attitude under pressure. Consistently met or exceeded performance metrics, including average handle time and customer satisfaction scores. Seeking to leverage my communication skills and problem-solving abilities to provide exceptional support to [Company Name]'s customers.

In contrast, here's an example of a generic, untailored summary:

Experienced professional looking for a new opportunity. Strong communication skills and ability to work in a team environment. Proficient in Microsoft Office and quick learner.

2. Highlight your customer service skills and achievements

As a call center agent, your primary responsibility is to provide excellent customer service. Use your summary to showcase your customer service skills and any notable achievements in your previous roles.

Focus on skills such as:

  • Active listening
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication

Additionally, quantify your achievements whenever possible. For example:

  • Maintained a 95% customer satisfaction rating over 12 months
  • Resolved 80+ customer inquiries per day while consistently meeting quality assurance standards

Avoid making vague or unsubstantiated claims like:

  • Great communication skills
  • Team player
  • Fast learner


Your work experience section is the core of your resume. It's where you detail your call center experience and accomplishments to show hiring managers you have the right background for the job.

In this section, we'll cover what to focus on in your work experience section, and tips to make your experience stand out to employers.

1. Use strong, relevant action verbs

When describing your call center duties, choose strong action verbs that highlight your customer service skills:

  • Resolved an average of 80 customer inquiries per day
  • Collaborated with team of 15 agents to improve customer satisfaction scores 18%
  • Mentored and trained 5 junior call center representatives

Avoid passive, vague language that downplays your contributions:

  • Responsible for answering customer calls
  • Helped improve customer service
  • Worked with other agents

Action Verbs for Call Center Agent

2. Quantify your accomplishments with metrics

Numbers jump off the page and make your achievements more impactful. Include metrics like:

  • Average number of calls handled per day/week/month
  • Customer satisfaction scores or percentage increases
  • Average call handling time
  • Number of team members you collaborated with or led
  • Revenue generated or money saved through your efforts
Consistently maintained customer satisfaction scores 15% above team average, handling 85+ calls per day

3. Showcase your career progression

Highlight any promotions, title changes, or increases in responsibility to show your growth in the call center field. For example:

  • Promoted to Senior Customer Service Representative after one year, taking on additional responsibilities training and mentoring new hires
  • Advanced to Call Center Team Lead, managing team of 8 representatives and implementing new QA processes that reduced average call times by 90 seconds

This demonstrates to employers that you excel in your work and have the drive to advance your career.

4. Tailor your experience to the job description

Highlight the call center experience and skills that are most relevant to the specific job you're applying for. Mirror the language in the job description.

For example, if a posting mentions 'Zendesk,' include any Zendesk experience you have:

Leveraged Zendesk CRM to log customer interactions and document solutions, consistently maintaining a 98%+ customer satisfaction rating

If a job emphasizes sales, focus on metrics related to revenue generated or upselling.


Your education section is an important part of your call center agent resume. It shows hiring managers that you have the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in the role. Here are some tips to help you write an effective education section:

1. Put education at the top if you're a recent grad

If you graduated from college within the past few years, consider putting your education section at the top of your resume. This is especially important if your degree is relevant to the call center agent position you're applying for.

Here's an example of how to list your education if you're a recent grad:

Bachelor of Arts in Communication, XYZ University, Graduated: May 2022 Relevant coursework: Customer Service, Public Speaking, Conflict Resolution GPA: 3.8/4.0

2. Keep education section concise for senior roles

If you have several years of call center experience, your education section should be brief. Hiring managers will be more interested in your work history and accomplishments. You can simply list your degree, school name, and graduation year.

Here's an example of a concise education section for a senior call center agent:

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, ABC University

Avoid listing dates if you graduated more than 10-15 years ago, to prevent potential age discrimination, like this:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, DEF College, Graduated: 1995

3. Include relevant certifications

In addition to your formal education, include any relevant certifications you've earned. Certifications show that you've invested in developing your skills and knowledge in areas that are important for call center agents.

Some examples of relevant certifications include:

  • Certified Customer Service Professional (CCSP)
  • Call Center Supervisor Certification
  • Workforce Management Certification

Here's how you might list a certification in your education section:

Certified Customer Service Professional (CCSP), Customer Service Institute of America, 2021


The skills section of your resume is one of the most important parts, especially for a call center agent role. Hiring managers will scan this section to quickly assess if you have the right skills and experience for the job. Here are some key tips to keep in mind when writing your skills section:

1. Highlight call center software and tools

Call center agents use a variety of software and tools to manage customer interactions, so it's important to highlight your proficiency with these on your resume. This shows hiring managers that you have the technical skills needed to hit the ground running.

Some key call center software and tools to mention include:

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software like Salesforce or Zendesk
  • Helpdesk and ticketing systems like Freshdesk or Jira
  • Call center platforms like Five9, Genesys, or NICE inContact
  • Live chat and messaging tools like Intercom or LiveChat

Be specific about the tools you've used and your level of proficiency. For example:

Salesforce (Advanced) Zendesk (Intermediate) Five9 (Beginner)

Tip: If you have experience with multiple CRM or helpdesk systems, consider creating a separate 'Software' or 'Technical Skills' section to highlight these. This will make them stand out to hiring managers who often look for these specific skills.

2. Tailor your skills to the job description

One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make is including a generic list of skills on their resume. Instead, take the time to tailor your skills section to the specific job you're applying for.

Carefully review the job description and identify the key skills and qualifications the employer is looking for. Then, make sure to include these same skills on your resume, using the same language and terminology.

For example, if the job description mentions 'conflict resolution' as a key skill, don't just list 'communication skills' on your resume. Instead, include 'conflict resolution' as one of your top skills.

Conflict resolution Active listening De-escalation techniques

Our Targeted Resume tool can help you quickly identify the most important skills to include based on the job description. It scans your resume and compares it to the job posting, highlighting any missing skills or keywords. This is a great way to ensure your skills section is tailored and optimized.

3. Focus on customer service and soft skills

While technical skills are important for call center agents, soft skills are equally critical. After all, your primary job is to interact with customers and provide excellent service.

Some key customer service and soft skills to highlight on your resume include:

  • Communication (written and verbal)
  • Time management
  • Adaptability

Whenever possible, provide specific examples or metrics to back up your skills. For instance:

Maintained 95%+ customer satisfaction ratings Resolved 80+ customer inquiries per day Consistently met or exceeded sales targets by 10-20%

This level of detail helps hiring managers understand the impact you can make in the role.

Avoid listing subjective or vague skills like 'people skills' or 'team player'. Instead, focus on concrete, measurable skills that align with the job requirements.

4. Use industry-specific language

Every industry has its own unique language and terminology, and the call center world is no different. Using industry-specific terms in your skills section shows hiring managers that you understand the field and can communicate effectively with colleagues and customers.

Some common call center terms to consider using include:

  • Average handle time (AHT)
  • First call resolution (FCR)
  • Customer satisfaction score (CSAT)
  • Upselling and cross-selling
  • Call quality monitoring
  • Service level agreement (SLA)

For example:

Consistently maintained AHT under 6 minutes Achieved 90%+ FCR for technical support calls Skilled in upselling and cross-selling products

By speaking the same language as hiring managers, you'll demonstrate that you're a strong fit for the role.

Tip: If you're new to the call center industry, spend some time researching common terms and metrics before writing your resume. This will help you create a more targeted and effective skills section.

5. Beat the ATS with relevant keywords

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to automatically screen resumes for relevant skills and keywords. If your resume doesn't include the right terms, it may never make it to a hiring manager's desk.

To optimize your skills section for ATS, focus on including relevant keywords from the job description. For example, if the job posting mentions 'Salesforce CRM' multiple times, make sure to include that specific term in your skills section.

Generic skills section: Customer service Problem-solving Attention to detail
ATS-optimized skills section: Salesforce CRM (Advanced) Customer service Problem-solving Attention to detail

By including relevant keywords, you'll increase your chances of passing the initial ATS screening and getting your resume in front of a human recruiter.

Our Score My Resume tool instantly checks your resume against 30+ key criteria that hiring managers and ATS look for. It identifies missing skills and keywords, so you can optimize your resume and land more interviews.

Skills For Call Center Agent Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from Call Center Agent job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

  • Social Media
  • Contact Centers

Customer Service

  • Troubleshooting
  • Customer Experience
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Customer Support
  • Telecommunications

Skills Word Cloud For Call Center Agent Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Call Center Agent job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top Call Center Agent Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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  • Skills for Call Center Agent Resumes
  • Free Call Center Agent Resume Review
  • Other Administrative Resumes
  • Call Center Agent Interview Guide
  • Call Center Agent Sample Cover Letters
  • Alternative Careers to a Customer Support Representative
  • All Resumes
  • Resume Action Verbs

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A call center agent , also known as a customer service representative or operator, is someone who is responsible for handling incoming and outgoing customer calls for a business and assisting customers through the phone. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , concierge careers are at a 0.5% growth rate . Additionally, in the U.S., there are currently 2,833,250 employment opportunities. Regardless of where you are, call center agents work worldwide and in a variety of industries. Here are the top 5 states with the most call center agent career opportunities:

Now, if you're looking to update your call center agent resume or land that dream customer service representative job, you've come to the right place. In this article, we are going to go over 7 steps that will help you perfect your call center agent resume. Here are the steps we will be covering:

  • Formatting your resume
  • Writing a resume summary
  • Describing your work experience
  • Listing your key skills
  • Adding your education
  • Including languages
  • Include your taken courses

1. Format your call center agent resume like a professional

A hiring manager is not going to hire you if your resume is sloppy and poorly formatted. As a call center agent, it's oftentimes in the details to assure guest satisfaction. When it comes to your resume, it should be all in the details , too. Speaking of details, here are some details you should always include in your resume:

  • Contact information
  • Work experience
Tip: Feel free to include other details, like languages and courses to your resume, too.

When it comes to formatting your resume, there are three ways you can do so:

  • Reverse-chronological , which emphasizes your previous work experience
  • Functional , which highlights your key skills
  • Hybrid , which combines the previous formats

As a call center agent, selecting the hybrid format would be to your best advantage as you can showcase to hiring managers that you are both skilled in customer service and have the experience to back it up.

Tip: If you're just beginning to be a call center agent, consider using the functional format to highlight your key skills since you don't have much work experience.

Take a look at our guide on how to format your resume if you want to learn more.

2. Impress hiring managers with a resume summary

A resume summary is a 1-2 sentence blurb that summarizes everything your resume consists of. It's a quick and easy way to show hiring managers that you appreciate their time, which can help your resume stand out from the pile since not everyone writes one. You can also think of it as your elevator pitch . Here are some elements you should always include in your resume summary:

  • Years of experience
  • Achievements
  • Some personal characters
Tip: Sometimes, it's easier to write your resume summary after you have already written your resume. That way, it's easier to pick and choose what characteristics to include.

If you're still stuck on how to write your resume summary, here's a good and simple example :

Friendly call center agent with 5+ years experience using expert problem solving and communication to provide customer service to callers in a variety of industries. Skilled in discussing product knowledge in an effective and efficient way.

‍ Tip: Always run your resume, especially your resume summary, through a spellcheck . You wouldn't want to miss your opportunity of getting hired.

Want to write the perfect resume summary? Our guide on writing resume summaries has tons of examples.

3. Describe your work experience

Being a call center agent is not an easy feat. You have to accommodate and help a lot of different kinds of people, and sometimes, that can get difficult, especially when people are hanging up on you. Therefore, showing hiring managers that you already have previous experience in the field may help you to get hired sooner. When listing your work experience, it's important to highlight the specifics you did on the job, and do so using good verbs . Your work experience should include the following:

  • Company name
  • Years worked
  • Job description

Here are some examples of job descriptions you may be able to include in your call center agent resume:

  • Talked to customers over the phone, email, online chat or social media to resolve their questions or concerns
  • Maintained and updated customer information as necessary
  • Calmly attempted to resolve and de-escalate any issues
  • Escalated calls to supervisor when necessary and appropriate
  • Responded to requests for assistance and/or possible processing of credit card authorizations
  • Tracked call-related information for auditing and reporting purposes
  • Provided feedback reports on call issues related to downtime and/or training issues
  • Upsold to customers as necessary
  • Handled customer inquiries and complaints
  • Provided information about the products and services
  • Troubleshot and resolved product issues and concerns
  • Documented and updated customer records based on interactions
  • Developed and maintained a knowledge base of the evolving products and services
Tip: If you're not sure how to list your achievements in the job, write them under the job description bullet points and write them like this, 20% above average success rate and 91% customer satisfaction.

Want more tips and tricks on how to write your work experience description? Check out our guide on describing your work experience .

4. List your key skills

Letting your key skills shine may be what lands you the job as a call center agent because listing impressive and relevant skills gives hiring managers more reasons to hire you. Here are some examples of key skills you can include in your resume as a call center agent:

  • Customer Service
  • Communication
  • Product Knowledge
Tip: Customer service and communication are the most important key skills you can have for this job.

Having trouble identifying your skills? We have a guide with 100+ key skills you can include in your resume.

5. Add your education

To become a call center agent, you don't need a bachelor's or master's degree, but at least a high school diploma or equivalent is preferred.

Tip: It's almost always a good idea to include your education on your resume, even if you think it is so important for the job you are creating a resume for.

Be sure to mention the following when listing your education:

  • School name and location
  • Years in school

Here's what adding your education to your resume can look like: Riverview High School

Sarasota, FL

2008 — 2012

High School Diploma

GPA: 3.5/4.0

Don't know if to put your GPA on your resume? Take a look at our guide on adding your GPA to your resume , which includes tips and examples.

6. Include your known languages on your resume

Working in customer service, you're sure to come across a lot of different kinds of people who might feel more comfortable speaking to you in their mother tongue. Therefore, including your known languages on your resume may just be what separates you from other candidates and lands you the job. Here are some languages you can include on your resume if you know them:

Tip: Next to the languages you know on your resume, add if you're fluent, intermediate or a beginner in the language to show hiring managers just how well you know the specific language.

Need more help writing the perfect resume ? We have a guide that can help you do just that.

7. Include your taken courses

As a call center agent, there are classes you can take that can help you deal with difficult customers and overall improve your communication and customer service skills. If you've taken these courses , while not required to include in your resume, it's a good idea to include them. This is because it shows hiring managers that you are dedicated to the job and this makes you a better candidate . Here are two classes that you can take as a call center agent and include on your resume:

  • Managing Difficult Customers (ICMI Course)
  • Blending Sales & Service (ICMI Course)

Key Takeaways

Now that we've helped you perfect your resume, it is time for you to help customers. Here's a summary of everything we've covered:

  • Include your taken course

Best of luck!

Browse more resume templates that fit your role

Flor Ana Mireles

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Professional resume templates to help land your next dream job.


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25 Call Center Resume Examples & Skills for 2024

sample resume applying call center agent

When it comes to crafting your call center resume, there are some basic components that you need to include in order to make a great first impression on potential employers. In addition to the standard sections, like your contact information and work history, there are also a few specific considerations that are unique to call center resumes.

Basic Components of a Resume

Here are the key elements that every resume should have:

  • Contact Information: Include your name, phone number, email address, and physical address (optional).
  • Summary/Objective Statement: This is a brief statement that describes your goals and qualifications.
  • Work Experience: List your previous jobs, including your job title, the company you worked for, and the dates you worked there. Be sure to include any relevant accomplishments or responsibilities.
  • Education: List your degree(s), the school(s) you attended, and the dates you attended.
  • Skills: Highlight any skills or certifications that are relevant to the position you’re applying for.

Specific Considerations for Call Center Resumes

When it comes to call center resumes, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Highlight customer service skills: Your resume should showcase your ability to provide exceptional customer service, including your communication skills, professional demeanor, and ability to handle difficult situations.
  • Emphasize metrics and performance: Call center employers are often interested in metrics such as the number of calls you handled, your average handle time, and your call quality scores. If you have any of these metrics to showcase, be sure to include them in your resume.
  • Showcase technical proficiency: Many call center positions require proficiency with specific software or equipment. If you have experience with any of these tools, be sure to include them in your resume.

Examples of Effective Formats

Not sure where to start when it comes to formatting your call center resume? Here are a few examples of effective formats:

  • Chronological Resume: This is the most common type of resume, which lists your work experience in reverse chronological order.
  • Functional Resume: This format emphasizes your skills and qualifications above your work experience.
  • Combination Resume: As the name suggests, this format combines elements of both chronological and functional resumes.

No matter which format you choose, be sure to customize your resume to the specific position you’re applying for. This will help you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of landing an interview.

Crafting a great call center resume requires attention to detail and a focus on highlighting your unique skills and qualifications. By including the basic components of a resume, paying attention to specific considerations for call center positions, and choosing an effective format, you can create a winning resume that helps you land your dream job.

Professional Summary

A professional summary is a brief statement that summarizes the most important aspects of your career and accomplishments. It is typically located at the top of your resume and serves as a quick snapshot of your qualifications for the job you are applying for.

When it comes to writing an effective summary for a call center position, it is important to highlight your experience providing excellent customer service and your ability to handle high-pressure situations. Emphasizing your communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and proficiency in utilizing call center software can also be beneficial.

An effective professional summary for a call center position should be concise and tailored to the specific job you are applying for. It should provide a clear and focused overview of the value you can bring to the company.

Here are some examples of successful professional summaries for call center positions:

Experienced Call Center Representative with a proven track record of providing exceptional customer service. Skilled in handling high-pressure situations and resolving complex customer issues. Proficient in using call center software and technologies.

Results-driven Call Center Manager with over 5 years of experience leading teams of customer service representatives. Adept at developing strategies to improve customer satisfaction and streamlining call center operations. Excellent communication and leadership skills.

Motivated and detail-oriented Call Center Agent with 2 years of experience in the industry. Excels at multitasking, problem-solving, and providing personalized customer service. Proficient in using call center software and technologies.

Your professional summary should showcase your relevant skills and experience while also providing a glimpse of your personality and work ethic. It should be tailored specifically to the call center position you are applying for and show why you are the best fit for the role.

Skills and Abilities

When it comes to working in a call center, there are specific skill sets employers are looking for. These include:

Customer service: Demonstrating excellent customer service skills is a must in any call center role. This involves being able to maintain a positive attitude, displaying empathy, and communicating clearly and effectively.

Communication: Excellent communication skills are essential in a call center role. This includes being able to listen actively, ask the right questions, and convey information clearly and concisely.

Technical abilities: Many call centers use advanced technologies and databases to manage customer interactions. Having a strong aptitude for technology and experience with online systems can be a significant advantage.

Time management: In a fast-paced call center environment, it’s essential to be able to manage your time effectively. This includes the ability to prioritize tasks, complete work efficiently, and meet deadlines.

Multitasking: Call center employees are required to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, such as answering phone calls while updating customer records. Being able to multitask while maintaining a high level of accuracy is crucial.

To showcase these skills effectively in a call center resume, be specific and use concrete examples. Instead of listing soft skills like “good communication skills,” use action verbs and phrases like “Managed a high volume of customer calls daily while maintaining a positive and upbeat demeanor.”

Here are some other tips to keep in mind for crafting an effective call center resume:

Tailor your resume to the specific job. Highlight the skills and experiences that directly align with the job listing.

Quantify your accomplishments. Use numbers and statistics to demonstrate your successes, such as “Increased customer satisfaction ratings by 10% through effective communication and problem-solving skills.”

Keep it concise. Employers receive many resumes, so make sure your resume is easy to read and only includes relevant information.

Finally, when it comes to including a skills section on your call center resume, make sure you use powerful and specific language. Here are some examples of effective skill sections:

Professional Skills: Strong communication skills, customer service expertise, ability to work well under pressure, proficiency in CRM software and call center technologies.

Technical Skills: Experienced with cloud-based customer service software, adept at navigating complex databases, broad understanding of customer data privacy and security protocols.

By showcasing your relevant skills and demonstrating how you can add value to a call center team, you can create a compelling resume that stands out to employers in this competitive space.

Work Experience

When it comes to detailing your previous call center work experience in your resume, there are a few best practices to keep in mind. These best practices include quantifying accomplishments and responsibilities, along with providing examples of call center work sections.

Best Practices for Detailing Previous Call Center Work Experience in a Resume

Focus on relevant experiences  – If you have worked in multiple call centers during your career, emphasize the experiences that are most relevant to the job you are applying for.

Be specific  – Provide details about your role and the types of calls you handled. For example, did you handle customer complaints? Tech support? Sales calls? Be specific and provide examples.

Highlight achievements  – Detail specific achievements and accomplishments from your past call center work experience. By quantifying your achievements, you can demonstrate your impact and value as an employee.

Include relevant skills  – List the skills that you acquired and used during your call center work experience, such as communication skills, problem-solving skills, and technical skills.

Use metrics  – Whenever possible, use metrics to quantify your accomplishments. For example, if you were able to achieve a high rate of customer satisfaction or reduce call wait times, include those statistics in your resume.

Quantifying Accomplishments and Responsibilities

To make your past call center work experience more impactful on your resume, you need to quantify your accomplishments and responsibilities. Here are a few examples of how to do that:

  • Increased sales revenue by 20% through successful cross-selling techniques.
  • Responded to an average of 50 customer complaints per day, maintaining a 95% customer satisfaction rating.
  • Handled 80 calls per day with an average call time of 2 minutes or less.

By providing specific numbers and statistics, you can demonstrate your value as a call center employee and showcase your abilities to potential employers.

Examples of Call Center Work Sections

Here are a few examples of how to structure your call center work experience section in your resume:

Call Center Representative ABC Company June 2017 – May 2020

  • Handled 75 calls per day, achieving a 92% customer satisfaction rating.
  • Generated a conversion rate of 15% through successful upselling techniques.
  • Trained new reps on company policies and procedures.

Customer Service Representative XYZ Corporation January 2015 – May 2017

  • Consistently met and exceeded monthly quotas for sales revenue and customer retention.
  • Provided technical support for customers experiencing software and hardware issues.

Education Section

When it comes to creating your call center resume, the education section is an important part that you shouldn’t overlook. Even if you don’t have a college degree, it’s still important to include any relevant education and training that you’ve received. Here are some tips on how to effectively convey your education in a call center resume:

How to effectively convey education in a call center resume

Be concise and clear:  Only include the necessary information and keep it simple.

Highlight relevant coursework:  If you have taken any courses that are specifically related to a call center job, make sure to include them.

Include certifications:  If you have any certifications, such as a certificate in customer service, that can also be listed.

Don’t forget about on-the-job training:  If you have any training that you received on the job, it can still be included in the education section.

List your GPA (if applicable):  If you have a good GPA, it can be an asset to your resume. However, if your GPA is low, you may want to leave it off.

Appropriate education level for a call center position

While a college degree isn’t always required for a call center job, having at least a high school diploma or GED is usually necessary. However, some call center positions may require additional education or training. For example, if you are applying for a technical support position, having a degree in a related field may be required.

Examples of effective education sections

Here are some examples of effective education sections that can be used as a guide when creating your own:

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, XYZ University, 2015-2019
  • Relevant coursework: Customer service management, communication skills, marketing principles

Education and Training:

  • Diploma in Business Administration, ABC High School, 2011-2015
  • On-the-job training: Six months of customer service and sales training

Certifications and Training:

  • Certificate in Customer Service, XYZ Training Center, 2018
  • Training: Three months of call center operations training

Remember, your education section should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for. Highlight any relevant education and training that you have received and make sure to keep it clear and concise.

Basic Tips for Writing an Effective Call Center Resume

When it comes to crafting a strong call center resume, there are general tips that apply to any type of resume as well as best practices specific to call center resumes. It’s important to also be aware of common mistakes to avoid.

General tips for any type of resume

  • Keep your resume clear, concise, and easy to read. Use bullet points and clear headings to organize your information.
  • Tailor your resume to the job description. Highlight specific skills and experiences that align with the requirements of the position.
  • Use action words to describe your achievements and responsibilities, such as “managed,” “resolved,” and “improved.”
  • Quantify your accomplishments wherever possible. For example, instead of saying “handled customer complaints,” say “successfully resolved an average of 50 customer complaints per week.”

Best practices specific to call center resumes

  • Emphasize your customer service skills. Call center roles require excellent communication and problem-solving abilities.
  • Highlight your experience with call center software and technology. This includes familiarity with phone systems, customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, and call monitoring software.
  • Mention any language proficiency. If you are bilingual or multilingual, this can be a huge asset in call center roles as it allows you to assist a wider range of customers.

Common mistakes to avoid

  • Being too vague. Avoid using overly general terms or phrases that do not clearly convey your responsibilities or achievements.
  • Failing to customize your resume. Using the same generic resume for every job application can make it seem like you’re not invested in the specific role.
  • Listing irrelevant experience. While it’s important to include all relevant work experience, including irrelevant experience can make your resume less focused and effective.

By following these tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can create a call center resume that highlights your strengths and experiences, and ultimately helps you stand out to potential employers.

Call Center Resume Samples

As an experienced copywriter and subject matter expert, I understand the importance of a well-crafted resume. In this section, we will provide 25 sample call center resumes and analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Our goal is to help you identify what makes a particular resume stand out from the rest and how specific sections of the resume contribute to its overall quality.

Sample Call Center Resumes

We have curated 25 call center resume examples that showcase various styles, designs, and formats. We have chosen resumes from candidates with different levels of experience and skill sets to provide a comprehensive view of the field. Each resume will be analyzed in terms of its structure, content, and presentation.

Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis

Our team of experts will provide a detailed analysis of each resume, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses. We will identify key areas such as formatting, achievements, skills, and work experience to provide valuable insight into what makes a great call center resume.

Standout Resume Factors

We will also discuss what makes a particular resume stand out from the rest. By identifying key factors such as attention-grabbing opening statements, relevant skills, and quantifiable achievements, we will provide actionable tips to help you improve your resume and make it stand out in a highly competitive field.

Sectional Contributions to Overall Quality

To help you understand the importance of each section of the resume, we will provide an explanation of how specific sections contribute to its overall quality. We will review each section, such as the profile summary, skills section, work experience, and education and analyze how they add value to the resume.

Frequently Asked Questions About Call Center Resumes

When crafting a resume, it’s common to have questions about what information to include and how to present yourself in the best light. A call center resume can present some unique challenges, which is why we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help guide you in the right direction.

Common questions about resumes in general

What should I include in my resume? A: Your resume should include your contact information, a professional summary, work experience, education, relevant skills, and any additional certifications or training.

How long should my resume be? A: A standard rule of thumb is to keep your resume to one page, but if you have extensive work experience or additional relevant information to include, your resume can extend to two pages if necessary.

How do I format my resume? A: Use a professional and clean layout, with clear section headings and bullet points to succinctly highlight your experience and skills.

Questions specific to call center resumes

What skills should I include? A: Relevant skills for a call center resume include excellent communication, customer service, problem-solving, and multitasking abilities. Additionally, proficiency in call center software and a familiarity with customer relationship management (CRM) systems can be a plus.

Should I include metrics in my resume, such as call volume or resolution rates? A: Yes! Including specific metrics in your resume can help quantify your achievements and showcase your success in the role.

How do I handle gaps in my call center work experience? A: Be honest and transparent about any gaps in your work history, and use your cover letter to explain any reasons for time away from the industry. Additionally, highlighting any transferable skills or experience gained during this time can be valuable.

Answers to frequently asked questions

What are some common mistakes to avoid? A: Avoid misspellings and grammatical errors, using inappropriate language or tone, and failing to customize your resume to the job description. Additionally, be sure to include only relevant information and avoid including any personal information outside of your contact information.

How do I make my resume stand out? A: Along with including relevant skills and metrics, use keywords and phrases from the job description, and highlight any unique experiences or accomplishments that set you apart from other candidates.

Should I include a cover letter with my resume? A: Yes, including a tailored cover letter can help show your enthusiasm for the role and highlight your qualifications in a more personal way.

Crafting a call center resume is all about showcasing your relevant skills, experience, and accomplishments in a clear and professional way. By following these frequently asked questions and best practices, you’ll be well on your way to landing your next call center job.

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Call Center Agent Resume Examples

Writing a great resume for a call center agent position can be challenging, as employers tend to look for specific skills and qualities that must be highlighted in order to stand out from the competition. Crafting the perfect resume requires a unique combination of qualifications, experience, and personal attributes. In this article, we’ll provide a guide to writing a call center agent resume along with some helpful examples for inspiration. With the right approach, you can land the job you’ve always wanted in the call center industry.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of resume examples .


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Call Center Agent

123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]

A hardworking and dedicated professional with over five years of experience in the call center industry. Skilled in providing excellent customer service, resolving complex customer service issues and troubleshooting technical issues. Possess excellent communication and problem- solving skills, as well as a strong ability to work independently and handle customer inquiries in a timely and efficient manner.

Core Skills :

  • Excellent customer service skills
  • Ability to troubleshoot technical issues
  • Knowledge of call center operations
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite
  • Excellent communication and problem- solving skills
  • Ability to work independently

Professional Experience :

  • Call Center Agent, ABC Call Center, 2018 – Present
  • Handle incoming customer inquiries in a professional and timely manner
  • Troubleshoot technical issues and provide solutions
  • Monitor customer inquiries and provide feedback to management
  • Monitor customer satisfaction levels and ensure customer satisfaction
  • Respond to customer inquiries in an efficient and friendly manner

Education :

  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication, ABC University, 2014 – 2018

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Call Center Agent Resume with No Experience

  • Focused and motivated recent graduate eager to start a career as a Call Center Agent
  • Highly developed customer service skills including the ability to remain calm and compose under pressure
  • Committed to going above and beyond to ensure customers are satisfied
  • Excellent communication skills both verbal and written
  • Proficient in computer and software programs
  • Strong problem- solving and decision- making skills
  • Ability to work in a fast- paced environment
  • Data entry and filing
  • Managing phone calls professionally and efficiently
  • Multitasking and time management


  • Answer incoming calls and assist customers with their inquiries
  • Respond to customer inquiries in a timely and accurate manner
  • Resolve customer complaints quickly and efficiently
  • Identify customer needs and provide appropriate solutions
  • Provide customers with product and service information
  • Record customer interactions in the company database
  • Update customer information as needed
  • Inform customers about the company’s products and services
  • Comply with all customer service policies and procedures

Experience 0 Years

Level Junior

Education Bachelor’s

Call Center Agent Resume with 2 Years of Experience

An experienced Call Center Agent with two years of experience in providing customer service in fast- paced call center environments. Skilled in troubleshooting customer issues, resolving conflicts, and managing multiple calls at once. Possesses excellent communication, customer service, and technical skills. Committed to providing top- notch customer service while surpassing expectations and achieving sales goals.

  • Excellent communication and customer service skills
  • Skilled in troubleshooting customer issues
  • Proficient in using computer systems and applications
  • Ability to handle multiple calls
  • Skilled in resolving conflicts
  • Ability to meet sales goals

Responsibilities :

  • Answered incoming calls and addressed customer inquiries in a timely and professional manner
  • Troubleshot customer issues and provided technical assistance when needed
  • Resolved customer conflicts and provided solutions to customer problems
  • Upsold products and services when applicable
  • Maintained customer records in the system and updated customer information
  • Followed up with customers to ensure their satisfaction
  • Monitored customer feedback to improve customer service processes

Experience 2+ Years

Call Center Agent Resume with 5 Years of Experience

A dedicated and experienced call center agent with 5 years of extensive customer service experience in the telecommunications industry. Proven track record of providing excellent customer service and support to a large number of customers. Skilled in managing customer inquiries and resolving complex customer issues. Able to analyze customer needs and able to identify and suggest products and services to meet those needs.

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Knowledge of customer service principles and practices
  • Flexible and adaptable to new environments
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and CRM systems
  • Able to stay calm and professional in high pressure situations
  • Ability to multi- task and prioritize tasks
  • Strong analytical and problem- solving skills
  • Receiving and responding to customer inquiries via phone, email, and chat
  • Providing accurate and timely information to customers
  • Maintaining data and keeping records up to date
  • Upselling and cross- selling products and services
  • Analyzing customer needs and suggesting appropriate products and services
  • Troubleshooting customer issues and escalating issues as required
  • Ensuring customer satisfaction through quality customer service
  • Handling customer complaints in a professional and timely manner

Experience 5+ Years

Level Senior

Call Center Agent Resume with 7 Years of Experience

Highly motivated and customer focused call center agent with 7+ years of experience in customer service and support. Experience in assisting customers with inquiries, troubleshooting problems and providing solutions in a timely manner. Proven ability to effectively manage incoming calls, emails and chat requests while providing quality customer service. Possess excellent communication and problem- solving skills.

  • Process transactions
  • Provide customer support
  • Upsell products and services
  • Troubleshoot technical issues
  • Maintain customer records
  • Resolve customer complaints
  • Process customer orders
  • Handle escalations
  • Responding to customer inquiries in a timely manner
  • Answering incoming calls and addressing customer concerns
  • Troubleshooting technical issues and providing solutions
  • Upselling products and services to customers
  • Processing customer orders and payments
  • Resolving customer complaints
  • Documenting customer interactions and maintaining accurate records
  • Supporting management with customer service related tasks

Experience 7+ Years

Call Center Agent Resume with 10 Years of Experience

Ten years of experience as a call center agent with expertise in customer service, problem solving, sales and communication. Proven track record of successful customer service interactions and sales growth. Adept at quickly assessing customer needs and providing effective solutions in a timely and professional manner.

  • Exceptional customer service
  • Ability to learn quickly
  • Strong problem- solving skills
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Proven sales record
  • Proficiency in computer software
  • Answer incoming customer calls and provide quality customer service
  • Resolve customer complaints and questions in a timely manner
  • Process customer orders and provide follow- up support
  • Utilize computer software to maintain customer records
  • Upsell products and services to existing customers
  • Record customer interactions and provide input to improve internal processes
  • Adhere to company policies and procedures

Experience 10+ Years

Level Senior Manager

Education Master’s

Call Center Agent Resume with 15 Years of Experience

A results- driven and experienced call center Agent with over 15 years of experience in providing exceptional customer service and exceeding goals. Expert in managing customer inquiries and helping them resolve their issues quickly and efficiently. Possess excellent communication and problem- solving skills with the ability to build strong customer relationships. Proven track record of consistently providing high- quality customer service in cross- cultural environments.

  • Excellent customer service and communication skills
  • Able to quickly adapt to changing environments
  • Proven track record of meeting customer service goals
  • Experienced in cross- cultural customer service
  • Skilled in resolving customer issues promptly
  • Proficient in using customer relationship management systems
  • Assisting customers with inquiries, complaints and orders
  • Handling customer calls and providing exceptional customer service
  • Responding to customer emails and resolving customer issues
  • Entering customer data into customer relationship management software
  • Updating customer records in the system
  • Following up with customers to ensure their satisfaction
  • Analyzing customer feedback and providing recommendations for improvement

Experience 15+ Years

Level Director

In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates , resume formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

What should be included in a Call Center Agent resume?

A successful resume for a Call Center Agent should illustrate your customer service experience and phone skills. It should also highlight your ability to handle a range of customer-related issues. Here is what you should include in your resume:

  • Professional Summary: A brief overview of your call center experience and the qualities you bring to the position.
  • Education: Any degrees or certifications that are directly applicable to your role as a Call Center Agent.
  • Skills: Specific skills relevant to the position, such as communication, problem solving, and customer service.
  • Experience: Include prior call center positions, along with the duties and accomplishments you achieved while in those roles.
  • Technical Skills: List any technical skills you have, such as operating a CRM, using a phone system, or navigating computers and software.
  • Accomplishments: List any awards or recognition you have received in your call center experience.
  • Additional qualifications: List any special abilities or traits you have that could be useful in a call center, such as language fluency and active listening skills.

What is a good summary for a Call Center Agent resume?

A good summary for a Call Center Agent resume should focus on the skills and experience that make the applicant well-suited to the job. It should also highlight any accomplishments or awards that the applicant has earned. The summary should be concise and should not exceed four sentences. It should also explain why the applicant is a great choice for the role, emphasizing any relevant customer service experience and soft skills such as patience and an ability to remain calm under pressure. The summary should demonstrate that the applicant is prepared to take on the challenges of a call center role and deliver great customer service.

What is a good objective for a Call Center Agent resume?

Having a well-crafted objective on your resume can set you apart from other applicants when you apply for a Call Center Agent position. A good objective statement should be tailored to the position you are applying for, highlight your qualifications and showcase your best attributes.

Here are some examples of good objectives for a Call Center Agent resume:

  • Highly organized and detail-oriented Call Center Agent with 5 years of experience in customer service and problem-solving, looking to apply my skills and training to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Seeking a Call Center Agent position at ABC company to leverage my 5 years of experience in customer support, problem-solving and conflict resolution.
  • Ambitious individual seeking a Call Center Agent role at ABC company to utilize my excellent customer service and technical skills.
  • Experienced Call Center Agent seeking an opportunity to use my 5 years of customer service experience to provide exceptional service to clients.
  • Results-driven Call Center Agent with 5 years of experience in customer support and problem-solving. Looking to apply my knowledge and expertise to a Call Center Agent position at ABC Company.

These objectives demonstrate your qualifications and emphasize your best attributes to potential employers. They should be tailored to the job you are applying for, and highlight the specific skills and experiences that make you an ideal candidate. With a well-crafted objective, you can show employers that you are the best candidate for the position.

How do you list Call Center Agent skills on a resume?

When it comes to listing call center agent skills on a resume, it can be tricky to know what information to include and what to leave out. Your call center agent resume should be tailored specifically to the job you are applying for, and should demonstrate your ability to excel in customer service and communication. To help you get started, here are some of the skills that should be included when listing call center agent skills on a resume:

  • Excellent customer service skills: Call center agents should be experts in customer service and have experience dealing with customer complaints and inquiries.
  • Clear communication: Call center agents need to be able to effectively communicate with customers over the phone and via email.
  • Technical proficiency: Call center agents should be familiar with technical systems and be able to quickly learn new technologies.
  • Time management: Call center agents should be able to multitask and move quickly between different tasks.
  • Problem-solving skills: Call center agents should be adept at troubleshooting and problem solving.
  • Stress management: Call center agents should be able to stay calm under pressure.
  • Patience: Call center agents need to be patient and understanding with customers.
  • Strong listening skills: Call center agents should be able to listen to customers and accurately interpret their needs.

These skills are just a few of the important skills that should be included when listing call center agent skills on a resume. By emphasizing the important skills for call center agents in your resume, you can make sure that employers see that you are qualified for the job.

What skills should I put on my resume for Call Center Agent?

When you apply for a job as a call center agent, it’s important to tailor your resume and highlight the skills that are pertinent to the position. Many call center agents have experience in customer service and sales, as well as technical and communication skills. Here are some of the skills that you should include on your resume when applying for a call center agent position.

  • Customer Service: Call center agents must be friendly and have excellent customer service skills. This includes being patient, understanding, and helpful. Highlight your customer service experience and any awards or recognition that you may have received.
  • Communication: Communication skills are paramount for call center agents. You need to be able to explain things in a clear and concise manner, both verbally and in writing. Include any language proficiency or other communication-related skills that you may have.
  • Sales: Many call center agents also have experience in sales, so highlight any sales experience or training that you have.
  • Technical Skills: Call center agents need to be computer literate and be able to quickly learn new software and other technical systems. Showcase your knowledge of computers, software programs, and any other technical skills that you may have.
  • Problem-Solving: Problem-solving skills are essential for call center agents because they must be able to quickly and effectively troubleshoot customer issues and find solutions.
  • Organizational: As a call center agent, you also need to demonstrate organization and attention to detail. Your resume should show any organizational skills that you have, as well as any office software experience.

By showcasing the relevant skills on your resume, you can demonstrate that you have the qualifications necessary to be a successful call center agent. Doing so can help you stand out among other applicants and increase your chances of getting the job.

Key takeaways for an Call Center Agent resume

A call center agent plays an integral role in customer service, handling customer inquiries efficiently and providing resolutions. As a result, employers tend to look for certain qualifications and experiences when reviewing resumes for call center agents. Here are some key takeaways for crafting an effective resume for a call center agent role:

  • Highlight your call center experience: Employers want to know that you have the knowledge and skills necessary to handle the responsibilities of a call center agent. Be sure to include any experience you’ve had in a call center role, such as managing customer inquiries, troubleshooting technical issues, and following up with customers.
  • Demonstrate excellent communication skills: Communication is key when it comes to working in a call center. You’ll need to be able to articulate solutions to customers in a clear and concise manner. To stand out, showcase any communication courses you’ve taken and any awards or recognition you’ve received for your communication skills.
  • Showcase your customer service expertise: As a call center agent, customer service is your main focus. Demonstrate your expertise in customer service by listing any customer service certifications you’ve earned and highlighting any relevant customer service experiences.
  • Share any technical skills you have: Technology is an integral part of a call center role. Any technical skills you have, such as knowledge of software programs, should be highlighted.
  • Highlight your problem-solving skills: Resolving customer inquiries quickly and efficiently requires strong problem-solving skills. Employers want to know that you can think on your feet and come up with solutions in a timely manner. Be sure to showcase any problem-solving courses you’ve taken or successes you’ve had in previous positions.

By following these tips, you can create a resume that showcases your qualifications as a call center agent and helps you stand out from the

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Call Center Agent Resume Sample

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Work Experience

  • Flexibility. This is a demanding business and we look for flexibility with work days and hours, but it’s also a lot of fun!
  • Learn ICD-9 and CPT coding
  • Secure headset to console and log onto system
  • Access all functions of system according to established procedures and standards
  • Tactfully and courteously interface with customers in order to build strong business relationships
  • Troubleshoot and resolve moderately complex system issues such as but not limited to Password issues, Technical issues, Navigation, Permissions via inbound calls and CRM ticket requests
  • Responsible for providing excellent customer support
  • Network with internal business partners in order to resolve a customer’s issues
  • Perform user setups and configurations for customers
  • Exercise multi-tasking skills when managing multiple systems and applications during customer interaction
  • Proactively utilize strong problem-solving skills in order to deliver customer-focused solutions
  • Educate customers on respective business processes and procedures
  • Demonstrate active listening & consultative skills
  • Display strong verbal communication skills through daily customer interaction
  • Convey strong understanding of Motorola customer satisfaction and business goals
  • Recommend continuous process improvements within the team
  • Maintain Departmental/Organizational service level goals
  • Age or above
  • Deliver industry leading customer support
  • Improve the costumers experience by improving customer up time and reducing the incident rate
  • Document all applicable customer contacts/warranty claims in related software systems
  • Assist in accurately determining failure root cause by utilizing diagnostic procedures, repair strategies, part requirements, labor hours, and technical or other assistance related to the repair
  • Assist with employee on-boarding and training as needed

Professional Skills

  • Excellent communication skills including active listening and questioning skills
  • The ability to change directions quickly. Multi-tasking skills, Strong attention to details, Great attitude, Team Player
  • Excellent verbal and written skills, time management, and deductive reasoning required
  • Strong data entry, typing, and web navigation skills
  • Strong typing and grammar skills
  • Strong data entry and typing skills, while on the phone
  • Strong verbal and written communication, interpersonal, problem solving and organizational skills

How to write Call Center Agent Resume

Call Center Agent role is responsible for computer, customer, basic, training, general, microsoft, english, typing, interpersonal, research. To write great resume for call center agent job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Call Center Agent Resume

The section contact information is important in your call center agent resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Call Center Agent Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your call center agent resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous call center agent responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular call center agent position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Call Center Agent resume experience can include:

  • Solid computer and keyboarding skills
  • Good computer skills with knowledge of Microsoft Office (Excel)
  • Good computer skills with knowledge of Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, etc…)
  • Well organized with solid time management skills
  • Growth: The opportunity to continuously expand your skills and knowledge through ongoing training and development
  • Knowledge of basic plumbing and electrical skills

Education on a Call Center Agent Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your call center agent resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your call center agent experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Call Center Agent Resume

When listing skills on your call center agent resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical call center agent skills:

  • Effectively uses questioning and relating skills to maintain control of all call situations
  • Having good computer and word processing skills and open to multi-media topics
  • Strong customer service skills and the ability to convey information in a receptive manner
  • Excellent customer service skills
  • Excellent English and interpersonal communication skills
  • Good computer skills

List of Typical Experience For a Call Center Agent Resume

Experience for lead call center agent resume.

  • Work requires the ability to read, write, follow oral and written instructions, and communicate effectively at a level generally
  • Learn, understand, and effectively communicate with guests about products and services offered; and recommend most suitable options to guests
  • Prior PBX or multi-line telephone system experience is preferable
  • Strong interpersonal, verbal/written communication and listening abilities required
  • Represent the Roadranger Customer Experience Center in cross-functional teams and project/as needed
  • Mechanical experience needed (Automotive, Truck or AG)

Experience For IT Service Desk Call Center Agent Resume

  • Experience with MS Office helpful
  • Clarify and assess customer’s needs and offer effective solutions in a positive manner
  • Maintain MFP hardware and Barcode Printer knowledge to ensure effective problem resolution
  • Understand the guest path at the resort; and set the guest up for success prior to arrival
  • Make good decisions and resolve issues in a clear and calm matterMore Information

Experience For OPS Call Center Agent Resume

  • One to two years call center experience
  • 14.Ability to set priorities and solve problems
  • Handling incoming phone calls of customers through call center
  • Typing at 35 words per minute with accuracy
  • Supporting end to end ticket oversight and ultimately the final resolution to all issues
  • Responding to guest and or employee requests received in digital form, i.e. emails, text message portal, instant messages, etc
  • Attend all mandated training sessions, including ongoing training and development plans

Experience For Recipient Call Center Agent Resume

  • High level of critical and logical thinking, analysis, and/or reasoning to identify underlying principles, reasons, or facts
  • Troubleshoot and diagnose the repair of Miele appliances using schematics, wiring diagrams and assorted tools over the phone
  • Handle other calls associated with our business, i.e. parts availability, parts pricing, and parts ordering
  • Receive and respond to membership and product inquiries via chat, email and phone; paying attention to detail and responding with first class customer service
  • Responsible for incoming calls regarding customer issues
  • Provides monthly reporting, including unresolved issues, main events and quality programs

Experience For Call Center Agent p & p Start Times Resume

  • Follow all standard operating procedures (SOP’s) and quality standards, while still exceeding the guest’s expectation
  • Multitask speaking with customers while operating computer systems
  • Identifies and reports problems relating to Contact Center equipment, including malfunctions, hardware issues, and software issues, to the appropriate party
  • Completes requests for pager service while maintaining the appropriate documentation. Assists with scheduling and provides input to employee evaluations
  • Responsible for manage (production, sending and correcting) all invoices to clients
  • Ensures safeguarding of member information by following identification and document retention policies
  • Work as part of the Customer Service Center team, helping and assisting colleagues where necessary

Experience For Magic Call Center Agent Resume

  •  Supporting corporate queue by handling SME authorized and end-users inquires
  •  Supporting collection queue by handling collections inquires and bills explanation
  • Proactively promoting and selling lift tickets, season passes, lessons, rentals, activities and events
  • Information gathering, and/or troubleshooting
  • Assist with all caller’s requests including modifications and cancellations of existing reservations

Experience For Bill Review Call Center Agent Resume

  • Responsible for supporting internal and external customers by providing support services in account
  • Enjoy answering questions and helping people!
  • Award winning training
  • Utilize feedback provided during call calibrations and coaching to improve on quality of calls
  • Assist managers with building a cross-functional and flexible support organization to meet future support requirements
  • Knowledge of electrical systems and troubleshooting

Experience For Reservation Call Center Agent st & nd Shifts Available Resume

  • A working knowledge of computer software
  • Ensure clear communication regarding various memberships, services and products to colleagues, departments and members/customers
  • Integrate customer transaction survey into call model thus supporting CCO’s business initiative to evaluate customer service support levels
  • Maintains ongoing contact with appropriate operations managers to ensure follow through on requests (work order updates, completion, etc
  • Follows the utmost professionalism, positive corporate image, and enthusiasm when dealing with customer

Experience For Inbound Call Center Agent East Lincoln Highway Resume

  • Escalate problems that are not resolved according to department escalation process
  • Works closely with internal and external client contacts (up to and including members of client management) to resolve complex customer and HCP issues
  • Deliver award winning customer service
  • Provide tracking information for completed orders
  • Check part availability and pricing upon request
  • Responsible for communicating with customers
  • Responsible for maintaining all system information
  • Responsible for processing on a timely basis all vendor invoices received

Experience For Seasonal Call Center Agent Resume

  • Responsible for processing on a timely basis all internal jobs
  • Process incoming telephone or e-mail service requests or parts orders through the SAP system
  • Deliver outstanding guest service over-the-phone and through email
  • Enter new, and update existing, guest information into systems
  • Offer technical support for guests using ecommerce website
  • Complete individual call reporting
  • Negotiate pricing with technicians
  • Promptly answers incoming calls, direct calls to appropriate personnel, and assists callers with information or transactions on their account

List of Typical Skills For a Call Center Agent Resume

Skills for lead call center agent resume.

  • Communicate effectively using scripted material, policy, guidelines and procedures
  • Demonstrated experience troubleshooting MFP hardware related issues
  • Be highly empowered to problem solve with customers using your judgment and skills on the first call
  • Work as a team member, interacting with staff, patients, and physicians to communicate and coordinate patient flow effectively
  • Computer literacy with basic typing skills
  • Keen to learn new skills, open-minded
  • Accurate and thorough written communication skills
  • Courteous and professional telephone manner along with the ability to deal effectively with customers/clients in a fast-paced environment
  • Professional communication skills and phone etiquette

Skills For IT Service Desk Call Center Agent Resume

  • Use customer service and sales skills to optimize the opportunity of each customer contact
  • Effectively deal with job stress, angry callers, and upset customers
  • Apply appropriate actions to effectively control a telephone call
  • Making business and performance with executing an excellent customer focus - together with a winning, self-confident appearance
  • Ensuring excellent customer service at all times
  • Communicating the need for roadside assistance to the service provider (Goodyear Commercial Center or contractor)
  • Strong understanding to all governing regulations pertaining to communication with debtors, and the collection of past due consumer accounts
  • Demonstrate a detailed understanding of products, services and pricing for all domestic, foreign and luxury brands within Group 1’s dealership network
  • Provide a world-class customer service experience for our customers by answering questions & diffusing frustrations

Skills For OPS Call Center Agent Resume

  • Candidates need to have experience working with the microsoft suite
  • 11.Ability to multitask as well as the ability to set and change priorities in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment while maintaining a positive attitude
  • A talent in professional customer communication with experience in going direct (acquistion)
  • Shows empathy and experience in adopting quickly to different customer needs
  • Two years experience in a position with direct public contact providing customer service
  • Gather call information or work with Technicians of varying skill levels in order to identify root cause analysis or troubleshoot problems
  • Strong understanding of First Party Mortgage collection
  • Strong understanding of Fiserv mortgage systems

Skills For Recipient Call Center Agent Resume

  • Have excellent opportunity for career advancement, including positions that offer sales and commission
  • Pay starting at $11-16/hour with proven growth opportunities
  • Deliver a “BEST IN CLASS” customer experience utilizing web chat and/or telephone contact with guests
  • Previous Nightclub experience desired
  • Experience in a call center or customer service environment
  • Two (2) years experience in Workers’ Compensation
  • Provide excellent customer service to all external and internal customers

Skills For Call Center Agent p & p Start Times Resume

  • Strong work ethic and positive team attitude
  • Customer service, administrative and/or sales experience required
  • Experience with veterinary medicine in a general practice environment
  • Good knowledge of POS systems, Word, Excel and Outlook is an asset
  • Previous telephone experience is an asset
  • Broad experience in various aspects of customer service an asset
  • Experience in Toshiba MFP and/or Barcode Printer hardware support
  • Excellent locations, with daycare and fitness facilities nearby

Skills For Magic Call Center Agent Resume

  • Experience in a Call Center and/or Customer Service role
  • Variety – Every day offers new experiences
  • Experience in contact center (customer service background is an advantage)
  • Telephone Experience: Min. 6 months
  • Excellent phone presence
  • Demonstrated confidence and initiative
  • 18 months related experience
  • At least three years of Telecommunications switchboard experience
  • Processing medical bills, coding , or data entry with 98% accuracy during phone downtime

Skills For Bill Review Call Center Agent Resume

  • Providing customer service regarding their accounts and billing questions
  • Monitoring and maintaining accounts including: adjustments, customer reconciliation, and credit memos
  • Accessing company programs using company computer equipment and headset in order to meet customer requests
  • Understanding of State rulings and regulations as relating to Workers’ Compensation
  • Networking: Work with employees from other departments and divisions, building relationships that last a lifetime!

Skills For Reservation Call Center Agent st & nd Shifts Available Resume

  • Answering roadside assistance calls from customers and locating a service provider in the area
  • Housekeeping - making sure restrooms are clean and facility is clean
  • Conducting outbound calls to ensure guest satisfaction has been obtained for Front Desk, Housekeeping, Bell Desk, Valet guest request calls, etc
  • Monitoring all dispatch systems to ensure any pending requests are dispatched out to an active/on duty responder
  • Staffing 10 Data Entry clerks now!!

Skills For Inbound Call Center Agent East Lincoln Highway Resume

  • Answering guest in-bound calls and emails
  • Staying up to date on all Whistler Blackcomb products, policies and operations in order to provide the highest level of guest service at all times
  • Working knowledge of Excel, Word, Power Point and General Microsoft Office Applications
  • Getting to work with other fun people like yourself
  • Providing escalation support for a centrally monitored global ATM network
  • Opening service requests for clients

Skills For Seasonal Call Center Agent Resume

  • Placing outbound calls to follow up on service
  • Ensuring detailed call information is captured and keyed into computer systems and relayed to the service provider
  • Resolving issues to take care of customers
  • Following prescribed procedures and protocols at all times
  • Resolving any and all guest complaints to the best of their ability
  • Transferring calls from members and providers to the appropriate department
  • Following-up on inquiries and complaints that have not been resolved

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Call Center Agent Resume

Responsibilities for lead call center agent resume.

  • Suggest Contact Center process improvements and participate in Contact Center initiatives for increased effectiveness
  • Handles incoming calls with intent of providing customer satisfaction and retention
  • Update membership system, email system and phone support system with required customer information, notating accounts as necessary
  • Act as a back-up to the Member Services and Camping World Sales queues; strike-force
  • Provide exemplary customer service on every customer engagement, including but not limited to: calls, emails, social media and any other type of communication
  • Build trust among employees and other Marketing/Sales department

Responsibilities For IT Service Desk Call Center Agent Resume

  • Adapt with changing environment
  • Clear verbal communication, written communication, and reading comprehension in English
  • Receive four weeks of paid training
  • Attends meetings, workshops and training classes for professional development
  • Obtain or confirm required demographic, billing and insurance information
  • Schedule appointments and tests according to established protocols

Responsibilities For OPS Call Center Agent Resume

  • Maintain professional level at all times especially when conducting business via telephone
  • Perform scheduling function for all departments serviced by the Call Center
  • Educate and recommend products to the customer maximizing opportunities to upsell or cross-sell company products and services
  • We require a 2-3 week mandatory training
  • CALL TODAY FOR A 10-15MIN DISCUSSION ABOUT THIS GREAT OPPORTUNITY!! Scheduling in-person interviews with clients NOW!!
  • Answer incoming calls in a call center environment
  • Amenable to work on a shifting schedule in Ortigas
  •  Handle all USB and mobile internet basic trouble shooting related issues
  • Handle all inquiries and complaints in a professional and competent manner employing a win-win attitude

Responsibilities For Recipient Call Center Agent Resume

  • Maintain an acceptable call calibration grading based on departmental/client standards
  • Adhere to attendance policies pertaining to punctuality and unplanned absences
  • Adhere to policies pertaining to the use of personal electronic devices
  • Utilize active phone engagement and empathy when discussing delinquent borrower accounts
  • Be able to aggressively pursue collection efforts while maintaining a professional demeanor to efficiently resolve past due mortgages
  • Typically closes sale. Uses computerized system for tracking,
  • Comfortable answering phones

Responsibilities For Call Center Agent p & p Start Times Resume

  • Read, write, and understand English - required
  • Ski passes for employees and dependents
  • Discount ski coupons for extended family and friends
  • Colorado Mountain Express transportation
  • Take incoming telephone calls from our Chuck E. Cheese guests and discuss location information, options for birthday parties and organizational parties and assist guests in scheduling fundraising events
  • Handle customer inquiries both telephonically and by email
  • Research open invoice information requests from suppliers and employees

Responsibilities For Magic Call Center Agent Resume

  • Analyze and resolve a wide variety of complex customer business issues
  • Act as single point of contact for external customers, business partners, and internal business groups
  • Utilize internal business tools and applications to effectively resolve the customer’s issues. This involves multi-tasking between systems while interacting with the customer
  • Focus on first call resolution
  • Flexibility to support shift schedules within a 24 x 7 x 365 environment
  • Organize campaigns with members of the staff

Responsibilities For Bill Review Call Center Agent Resume

  • Answers telephone inquiries for the day to day building maintenance issues, following standards, dispatch appropriate personnel as required, or redirect calls as necessary. Escalate calls as required
  • Receives all work order requests via telephone or email and creates work order, determining description, correct trade skill set, priority, location, requestor and contact information
  • Utilizes multiple CMMS systems to distribute, coordinate, track and monitor requests
  • Contacts customers to ascertain data omitted on work orders and follow up to determine customer satisfaction
  • Has general knowledge of facilities, technician capabilities, and knowledge of equipment used
  • Tracks and assists in resolution of customer issues and follow-up
  • Performs random completed WO surveys to provide management with customer satisfaction report
  • Reserves conference room space, audio visual equipment and other special requests

Responsibilities For Reservation Call Center Agent st & nd Shifts Available Resume

  • Listen to customer’s feedback/needs and respond with empathy
  • Understand and be able to explain the Hotel’s guarantee and credit policies
  • Provide telephone support for hardware related issues on Toshiba MFP Barcode printer and other problems reported from the field
  • Access and search Toshiba documentation, TABS’ website for additional information
  • Research new problems and document support activities
  • Engage in other well-defined and documented telephone support activities
  • Open, transfer and close incident tickets to the standards of the department within a timely fashion
  • Perform confirmation test as directed
  • Document findings as identified and advise management of problematic areas. Configure, manage and maintain test equipment as appropriate

Responsibilities For Inbound Call Center Agent East Lincoln Highway Resume

  • Document findings as identified and advise management of problem areas
  • Responsible for approximately 35 inbound and 45 outbound calls per day
  • Read write and comprehend instructions, correspondence, and memos in English
  • Functions as the backup to the Call Center Supervisor/Coordinator. Communicates all customer and staff complaints or concerns to the Call Center Supervisor/Coordinator. Assists in the development and implementation of new agent training manuals and procedures
  • Speak Spanish and/or French is desirable, but not necessary
  • Handle a high volume of incoming phone calls, online orders and emails and respond to guest feedback and questions appropriately in a quick and efficient manner
  • Mature, reliable and honest
  • Work in a team environment and not be afraid to jump in and do whatever needs to be done to get the job finished
  • Multi-task in a fast-paced and high-volume call center environment

Responsibilities For Seasonal Call Center Agent Resume

  • Proficient data entry / inbound order entry with 100% accuracy
  • Answer inbound calls and process/dispatch requests accordingly, (i.e.: Maintenance, Front Desk, Housekeeping, Bell Desk, Valet calls from guest and or employees, etc.)
  • Assist with Front Desk functions as needed, i.e. Check In and/or Out guests, Lobby Greeting, printing of boarding passes, system tasks, etc
  • Assist with Room Reservations functions as needed, i.e. assisting with guest call volume, entering third party reservations, creating guest key packets, assisting with reservations report processing, etc
  • Understand and convey property information – Assist guests verbally over the phone to explain a variety of goods and services offered to guests during their stay while providing location, hours, and thorough descriptions of goods and services
  • Strong ability to probe and correctly identify member needs and concerns
  • Offering a 5 Star / 5 Diamond standard of service to every caller
  • Build quick rapport with members and apply sales methodologies and problem-solving strategies while providing solutions to customers
  • Actively seek out opportunities for self-improvement, continually maintaining working knowledge of all company products, services and promotions

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Call Center Agent Resume Example

Are you looking for an example of a Call Center Agent resume? This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to craft a winning resume for your next career move. You will find information on how to highlight your best skills, qualifications, and experience to stand out from the competition. Additionally, you will gain valuable insight into the job responsibilities of a Call Center Agent and the kind of qualifications employers are looking for. Finally, you will find a detailed example of a successful Call Center Agent resume that you can use as a template for your own.

We will cover:

  • How to write a resume , no matter your industry or job title.
  • What to put on a resume to stand out.
  • The top skills employers from every industry want to see.
  • How to build a resume fast with our professional Resume Builder .
  • What a resume template is, and why you should use it.

What does a Call Center Agent do?

A Call Center Agent is responsible for providing customer service and technical support to customers via telephone, email, and chat. This can include answering customer inquiries, resolving customer issues, and providing product or service information. The Agent may also be responsible for taking orders, upselling products and services, and providing customer feedback to the company.

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What are some responsibilities of a Call Center Agent?

  • Answer incoming customer calls promptly and courteously
  • Identify customer needs and provide appropriate solutions
  • Research required information using available resources
  • Manage and resolve customer complaints
  • Provide customers with product and service information
  • Recognize and suggest possible improvements on procedures
  • Follow up customer calls where necessary
  • Complete call logs and reports

Sample Call Center Agent Resume for Inspiration

John Doe Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown, CA 12345 Phone: (555) 555-5555 Email: [email protected]

John Doe is a professional Call Center Agent with 5+ years of experience in a fast-paced customer service environment. He is an exceptional problem solver with a commitment to customer satisfaction and a proven track record of success. He has a strong ability to adapt quickly to changes in customer service policies and procedures.

Work Experience

  • Call Center Agent, ABC Company, Anytown, CA (2016-Present)
  • Answer incoming customer calls and address customer issues and inquiries
  • Provide accurate information regarding the company's products and services
  • Monitor customer accounts on a daily basis
  • Resolve customer inquiries in a timely manner
  • Customer Service Representative, XYZ Company, Anytown, CA (2014-2016)
  • Handled customer inquiries via phone, email, and chat
  • Provided exceptional customer service and support
  • Performed data entry and account maintenance
  • High School Diploma, Anytown High School, Anytown, CA (2014)
  • Customer Service
  • Problem Solving
  • Telephone Etiquette
  • Account Management


  • Certified Call Center Representative, ABC Certification (2017)
  • Certified Customer Service Representative, XYZ Certification (2016)
  • English (Fluent)
  • Spanish (Conversational)

Resume tips for Call Center Agent

Creating a perfect, career-launching resume is no easy task. Following general writing rules can help, but it is also smart to get advice tailored to your specific job search. When you’re new to the employment world, you need Call Center Agent resume tips. We collected the best tips from seasoned Call Center Agent - Check out their advice to not only make your writing process easier but also increase your chances of creating a resume that piques the interest of prospective employers.

  • Highlight your customer service skills
  • Include any awards or certifications you have received
  • Focus on quantifiable achievements
  • List the specific software or phone systems you have experience with
  • Make sure your resume is tailored to the job description

Call Center Agent Resume Summary Examples

The answer to this question depends on the type of job you're applying for and your level of experience. If you're applying for a call center job with limited experience, then a resume summary may be the best option. A resume summary will help to quickly summarize your relevant skills, work experience, and qualifications for the job. It will also help to highlight your ability to effectively communicate and handle customer service inquiries. On the other hand, if you have more extensive experience in the call center industry, then a resume objective may be more appropriate. A resume objective will help to emphasize your specific goals and objectives for the job, as well as demonstrate how your skills and experience fit into the company's needs. For Example:

  • Experienced Call Center Agent with 5 years of experience in customer service and sales. Possesses excellent communication and problem-solving skills.
  • Highly-skilled Call Center Agent with 7 years of experience providing exceptional customer service. Proficient in using various customer service software.
  • Dynamic Call Center Agent with 10 years of experience in sales and customer service. Excellent track record of meeting and exceeding sales goals.
  • Well-organized Call Center Agent with 3 years of experience in customer service. Skilled in resolving customer inquiries and complaints quickly and efficiently.
  • Call Center Agent with 5 years of experience in customer service and sales. Skilled in creating strong customer relationships and resolving customer issues.

Build a Strong Experience Section for Your Call Center Agent Resume

A strong experience section for a call center agent resume is important because it helps potential employers to quickly assess your qualifications and determine if you are a good fit for the job. It also helps employers to get a better understanding of your work history, job duties, and customer service skills. By highlighting relevant experience, you can demonstrate your ability to handle customer inquiries efficiently, resolve customer issues, and provide quality customer service. Additionally, a strong experience section can help to set you apart from other applicants, helping you to stand out in a competitive job market. For Example:

  • Operated a multi-line telephone system for a busy call center.
  • Assisted customers with inquiries, complaints, and billing issues.
  • Provided customers with product and service information.
  • Identified customer needs and helped customers understand product features.
  • Maintained customer records and updated customer profiles.
  • Resolved customer inquiries and complaints in a professional manner.
  • Performed customer service duties such as answering questions, providing information, and resolving complaints.
  • Processed orders, forms, applications, and requests.
  • Handled customer interactions in a friendly and courteous manner.
  • Met and exceeded customer service expectations and goals.

Call Center Agent resume education example

A call center agent typically needs a high school diploma or GED equivalent. In some cases, employers may also require a college degree or certificate in customer service, communication, or another related field. Other important qualifications include strong communication and customer service skills, problem solving abilities, computer proficiency, and a professional phone demeanor. Here is an example of an experience listing suitable for a Call Center Agent resume:

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK
  • Certificate in Customer Service, ABC Customer Service Institute, Manchester, UK
  • Professional Diploma in Call Center Management, XYZ Management Institute, London, UK

Call Center Agent Skills for a Resume

Adding skills to your call center agent resume is important in order to help you stand out from other applicants and demonstrate your expertise in the field. By including skills such as customer service, problem-solving, time management, active listening, communication, computer literacy, and data entry, you can show employers that you have the qualifications necessary to excel in the role. Additionally, including relevant skills can help employers quickly understand what qualifications you possess, so they can easily determine if you are a good fit for the position. Soft Skills:

  • Communication
  • Time Management
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Multi-tasking
  • Computer Skills
  • Active Listening

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Call Center Agent Resume

In this competitive job market, employers receive an average of 180 applications for each open position. To process these resumes, companies often rely on automated applicant tracking systems, which can sift through resumes and eliminate the least qualified applicants. If your resume is among the few that make it past these bots, it must still impress the recruiter or hiring manager. With so many applications coming in, recruiters typically give each resume only 5 seconds of their attention before deciding whether to discard it. Considering this, it's best to avoid including any distracting information on your application that could cause it to be thrown away. To help make sure your resume stands out, review the list below of what you should not include on your job application.

  • Not including a cover letter. A cover letter is a great way to explain why you are the best candidate for the job and why you want the position.
  • Using too much jargon. Hiring managers do not want to read a resume full of technical terms that they do not understand.
  • Omitting important details. Make sure to include your contact information, educational background, job history, and any relevant skills and experiences.
  • Using a generic template. Take the time to customize your resume to the job you are applying for. This will show the employer that you are serious about the position.
  • Spelling and grammar errors. Always double-check your resume for typos, spelling mistakes, and grammar errors.
  • Focusing too much on duties. Make sure to include accomplishments and successes to show the employer that you are a great candidate.
  • Including personal information. Avoid including any personal information such as age, marital status, or religious beliefs.

Key takeaways for a Call Center Agent resume

  • Highlight your customer service experience in a call center.
  • Include any technical skills you have related to call center operations.
  • Describe the achievements you have achieved while working in a call center.
  • Mention any certifications or training you have received related to call centers.
  • Focus on the soft skills you have used to successfully interact with customers.
  • Include any additional languages you can speak or write fluently.
  • Demonstrate your ability to use the latest technologies related to call centers.

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Top 18 Call Center Agent Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 12, 2023 14 min read

A resume objective for a call center agent position is a short statement that outlines the skills and qualities needed to excel in the role. It should be customized to each job application, as it gives employers an insight into your background and qualifications. When writing a resume objective for a call center agent position, it is important to highlight your customer service experience, communication skills, and technical aptitude. You should also include any relevant certifications or training you have completed that make you an ideal candidate for the role. Examples of good resume objectives for a call center agent position include: “Seeking to leverage my 5+ years of experience in customer service roles and excellent communication skills to provide top-notch support as a Call Center Agent at ABC Company” or “Experienced Call Center Agent looking to apply my exceptional problem-solving abilities and technical knowledge to deliver superior customer service at XYZ Corporation.”

Call Center Agent Resume Example

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Top 18 Call Center Agent Resume Objective Samples

  • To obtain a position as a Call Center Agent utilizing strong customer service, communication and problem-solving skills.
  • To secure a position as a Call Center Agent in order to use my excellent communication and organizational skills.
  • Seeking a role as a Call Center Agent to apply my exceptional customer service and technical support experience.
  • To work as a Call Center Agent with the opportunity to help customers solve their issues while gaining valuable experience.
  • Looking for an opportunity to join an organization as a Call Center Agent where I can utilize my knowledge and expertise in customer service.
  • To be part of an esteemed organization as a Call Center Agent with the aim of providing excellent customer service.
  • Aiming for a position at your call center that will allow me to use my strong interpersonal skills and customer service background.
  • Eager to work as a Call Center Agent where I can contribute my expertise in resolving customer complaints quickly and efficiently.
  • Seeking an opportunity to join your team as a Call Center Agent, where I can use my communication and problem-solving skills to provide outstanding customer service.
  • To obtain the position of Call Center Agent at your company, where I can employ my excellent communication skills and knowledge of customer service procedures.
  • Applying for the role of Call Center Agent with the goal of utilizing my extensive experience in providing top-notch customer satisfaction.
  • Desire to work in an environment that encourages growth by taking on the role of Call Center Agent with your company.
  • Looking for an opportunity to join your team as a motivated, hardworking, and reliable call center agent who is eager to learn new things every day.
  • Achieving success through dedication by applying for the position of call center agent at your company with the aim of providing excellent customer services.
  • Seeking employment as a call center agent utilizing exceptional phone etiquette, problem solving abilities, and multitasking capabilities in order to ensure quality client satisfaction.
  • Applying for the position of call center agent at your company so that I may utilize my strong organizational skills and passion for helping people find solutions quickly and efficiently.
  • Aiming for the position of call center agent at your company so that I may apply my proven ability to handle difficult conversations professionally while maintaining positive relationships with customers.
  • Pursuing an opportunity to serve customers through the role of call center agent by leveraging strong communication skills, technical knowledge, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Utilizing exceptional interpersonal skills combined with comprehensive understanding of computer systems by applying for the role of call center agent at your organization

How to Write a Call Center Agent Resume Objective

A call center agent resume objective is an essential part of any job application. It provides potential employers with a concise summary of your skills and experience, and highlights why you are the ideal candidate for the role. Crafting a compelling resume objective can be daunting, but it does not have to be difficult. By following these simple steps, you can create an effective call center agent resume objective that will help you stand out from the crowd.

First, consider what qualifications you possess that make you well-suited for the position. This includes relevant certifications and training, as well as experience in customer service or sales roles. Be sure to include any technical knowledge or specialized skills that may be beneficial in a call center environment. Additionally, think about any unique qualities or attributes that could make you an asset to the company.

Next, focus on how your qualifications and experiences can benefit the employer. Make sure to emphasize your ability to handle customer inquiries quickly and efficiently while providing excellent customer service. Also emphasize your ability to work under pressure and think on your feet when dealing with difficult customers or time-sensitive situations. Finally, highlight any successes or accomplishments from previous positions that demonstrate your commitment to excellence in customer service and sales roles.

Finally, keep it short and sweet! Your resume objective should be no more than three sentences long; this allows potential employers to quickly understand why you are a great fit for the position without having to read through unnecessary detail. Be sure to use action words such as “achieve” or “excel” when describing yourself—this will help make your resume stand out from others vying for the same position.

By following these steps, you can create an effective call center agent resume objective that will capture potential employers’ attention and help them understand why you are the perfect fit for their team. Good luck!

Related : What does a Call Center Agent do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Call Center Agent Resume Objective

Crafting a compelling resume objective is crucial for any job application, but it holds particular importance for aspiring call center agents. This section of your resume serves as the first impression to potential employers, providing a snapshot of your capabilities and career objectives. The key skills you highlight in this area can significantly influence an employer's decision to consider you for the role. In this section, we will discuss the essential skills that can make your call center agent resume objective stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of landing the job.

1. Active Listening

Active Listening is a crucial skill for a Call Center Agent as it involves fully focusing, understanding, responding and then remembering what is being said by the customer. This skill is necessary to understand customers' needs, problems or complaints accurately in order to provide appropriate solutions or responses. It also helps in building good rapport with customers which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates the ability of the candidate to effectively communicate and handle customer interactions.

2. Clear Communication

Clear communication is a crucial skill for a call center agent as they are the primary point of contact between the company and its customers. They need to effectively convey information, understand customer concerns, and resolve issues. Miscommunication can lead to customer dissatisfaction or loss of business. Therefore, highlighting this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate can successfully manage customer interactions and maintain high service standards.

A Call Center Agent often deals with customers who may be frustrated, confused, or upset. Empathy is needed to understand and share the feelings of another. This skill allows the agent to connect with customers on a personal level, showing them that their concerns are understood and valued. It helps in providing excellent customer service, resolving issues effectively and ensuring customer satisfaction. Including empathy in a resume objective demonstrates the candidate's ability to handle difficult situations with care and understanding, which is crucial for a call center role.

4. Problem Solving

A Call Center Agent often encounters a variety of issues and complaints from customers on a daily basis. Having problem-solving skills is crucial as it enables the agent to quickly analyze the situation, identify potential solutions, and implement the most effective one to resolve the customer's issue. This skill not only helps in providing efficient service but also contributes to customer satisfaction and loyalty. Including this skill in a resume objective can demonstrate an applicant's ability to handle challenging situations effectively, making them a valuable asset for any call center team.

5. Multitasking

A Call Center Agent often has to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, such as speaking with a customer on the phone, inputting data into a computer system, and resolving customer issues. Therefore, demonstrating the ability to multitask in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate can efficiently manage their workload and perform their duties effectively under pressure. This skill is crucial for maintaining productivity and high-quality customer service in fast-paced call center environments.

6. CRM Software (e.g., Salesforce)

A Call Center Agent needs to have proficiency in CRM Software like Salesforce because it is essential for managing customer interactions. This skill helps in tracking and recording calls, emails, sales, and contacts. It also aids in analyzing customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. This can improve customer service relationships, assist in customer retention, and drive sales growth. Therefore, having this skill can make the resume more appealing to employers as it shows the candidate's ability to efficiently handle and manage customer relationships.

7. Time Management

A Call Center Agent often handles multiple calls and inquiries in a fast-paced environment. Effective time management skills are crucial to prioritize tasks, manage calls efficiently, respond promptly to customer inquiries, and meet performance metrics. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates the candidate's ability to handle high-volume workloads and deliver excellent customer service within tight deadlines.

8. Adaptability

A call center agent often has to deal with a wide variety of situations and customer personalities. Adaptability is crucial as it allows the agent to adjust their approach and communication style according to each unique scenario or customer. This skill demonstrates an ability to handle unexpected challenges, learn new systems and processes quickly, and effectively manage stress in a fast-paced environment. Including adaptability in a resume objective can make an applicant more appealing to employers by showing that they are flexible and capable of handling change efficiently.

9. Conflict Resolution

A Call Center Agent often deals with customers who may be frustrated, confused, or upset. Conflict resolution is a crucial skill in this role as it enables the agent to effectively handle and resolve any customer complaints or issues. This not only helps to maintain good customer relationships but also contributes to the overall reputation of the company. Including conflict resolution in a resume objective demonstrates an ability to manage difficult situations and ensure customer satisfaction, making it an attractive trait for potential employers.

10. Zendesk Knowledge

A Call Center Agent needs the skill of Zendesk Knowledge because it is a popular customer service software platform. This platform is used to manage customer interactions, track customer history, and improve customer satisfaction. By having this skill, the agent can effectively handle customer queries and complaints, ensuring a smooth operation in the call center. It also shows potential employers that the candidate has experience with industry-standard tools and technology, making them a valuable asset to the team.

Top 10 Call Center Agent Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, your resume objective should effectively underscore your key skills as a call center agent. It is crucial to strategically highlight those abilities that align with the job description and set you apart from other candidates. Remember, this section serves as your first impression to potential employers, so make it compelling and relatable to the role you're applying for. Tailoring your skills to meet the specific needs of the position can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview and ultimately securing the job.

Related : Call Center Agent Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Call Center Agent Resume Objective

Writing a resume objective for a call center agent position is an important step in the job application process. It should clearly communicate your professional goals and highlight your qualifications as they relate to the job. Unfortunately, many applicants make mistakes when constructing their resume objective, which can lead to them not getting hired or even being overlooked entirely.

One of the most common mistakes made when writing a call center agent resume objective is making it too general. Applicants often write objectives that are overly broad and fail to focus on specific qualities desired by employers. For instance, an applicant might write an objective such as “To obtain a call center agent position in order to utilize my communication skills” without specifying how their communication skills would be used in the role or any other concrete details about what they could bring to the position. A more effective approach would be to include more specific information such as “To use my excellent customer service skills and knowledge of sales techniques in a call center agent role at ABC Company”. This highlights both your qualifications and your interest in working at ABC Company specifically.

Another common mistake is including irrelevant information in the resume objective. While it’s important for applicants to showcase their strengths, adding too much detail can detract from the main point of the objective. For example, an applicant might include unnecessary information about personal hobbies or interests that have nothing to do with the job they’re applying for. The focus should be on demonstrating why you are uniquely qualified for the role instead of providing extraneous facts about yourself that don’t add value to your candidacy.

Finally, applicants often make mistakes when using industry jargon or acronyms in their resume objectives without properly explaining what they mean. While these terms may seem impressive on paper, employers won’t know what they mean unless you explain them thoroughly first. Moreover, using too much technical language can detract from clarity and make it difficult for employers to understand exactly what you are trying to say.

Overall, crafting a compelling resume objective is essential for success when applying for a call center agent position. To ensure that yours stands out from other applicants, avoid making common mistakes like being overly general, including irrelevant information, and using industry jargon without explanation. With careful consideration and attention to detail, you can craft an effective resume objective that will help you land your dream job!

Related : Call Center Agent Resume Examples

Call Center Agent Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for a call center agent should state the job seeker's qualifications and experience that make them an ideal candidate for the position, while a wrong resume objective is vague and does not provide enough information to demonstrate their suitability.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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9 Call Center Interview Questions That Expose #1 Prospects

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Hiring agents for your call center can be hard. You publish one job posting, receive a mountain of applications, and your real work doesn’t even start until you identify the most qualified candidates and begin interviewing for the best personal and cultural fit. 

Finding and hiring new employees can be a bit like searching for a needle in a haystack—it often feels like you’re helpless until you stumble upon the right candidate by sheer luck. But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

In fact, there are many surefire interview questions you can ask that will help you uncover the best prospects for your call center. If a candidate answers all of them well, you can be confident they’ll be a good hire.

9 Call Center Interview Questions that Reveal Top Prospects

When hiring a call center agent, you need to ask a few job-specific questions and blend them in with the tried-and-true questions that practically every interviewer will ask. Most prospects know what kind of questions to expect, so this will make it obvious which ones do their homework and show up prepared. 

From there, the way a candidate responds to these nine questions can tell you all you need to know about whether or not they’re cut out for your call center.

How would you handle the everyday grind of call center work?

Working in a call center can become repetitive very quickly.

Each day, agents handle many of the same types of calls from the same types of customers who express the same types of issues and frustrations. At the same time, they also have to do many of the same post-call follow-up work, creating a grind that some people just aren’t cut out for.

When interviewing prospective call center agents, then, it’s important to get a feel for how the candidate handles this kind of repetitive work. Employee turnover rates in call centers tend to be high, and bad hiring decisions are a big part of that.

In general, the better you are at weeding out the candidates who are likely to leave soon after they are hired, the more you can reduce your churn rate. Thus, a candidate’s answers to this question will tell you a lot about how well they will manage the monotonous aspect of the job.

If they make it clear they aren’t interested in tedious days filled with the same work repeatedly, that’s a big red flag. Since the last thing you want to do is start your agent search all over again just a few weeks after onboarding the wrong person, it is better to filter these folks out before hiring them rather than finding this out afterward.

Why do you want to work in a call center?

Many candidates see a call center agent role as an opportunity for growth, while others see it as a mere paycheck. You want people who desire to learn, gain work experience, and grow their skills—especially in customer service.

Of course, most of your hires will not end up being lifers in your call center (at least, not as agents), but having an appetite to grow as professionals means they will likely stick around for a while. For example, they may be interested in moving up the ladder to a supervisory role, growing into a more coveted call center position, or transitioning to a different department entirely. 

When an interviewee gives you a solid and honest answer to this question, you’ll know whether they are a top candidate for the role.

What do you do to improve on your own time?

New agents quickly learn that coasting in a call center is pretty easy. In other words, it’s possible to do the bare minimum and go through the motions each day. Meanwhile, as long as their call center metrics are satisfactory and customers aren’t complaining, their supervisors don’t get on their case. 

The agents you want to hire are not the ones who are content just to get by—at least, not if you want your call center to thrive. Instead, what you should look for are people who are self-motivated to keep learning and improving their skills.

Top candidates will take pride in their professional development and work on it whether their boss pushes them to do so or not. 

Ask candidates how they feel about professional growth. Don’t simply ask where they see themselves in X number of years down—that’s too abstract. Dig deeper and ask them to talk about their long-term professional goals. 

A top candidate will be able to explain what they are doing to grow their career trajectory. They’ll also be able to explain how being a call center agent aligns with their plans.

These self-motivated candidates are the most likely to succeed in the role. 

What’s the worst thing about working at a call center and how would you get through it?

Working in a call center isn’t all sunbeams and lollipops. Sure, there are great days, but every agent can expect to run into tough days and even tougher tasks.

You want to be sure that a candidate understands the day-to-day challenges of being a call center agent. Most importantly, you want to hear their plan to avoid quitting when the going gets tough.

A strong candidate will demonstrate their knowledge of the role and everything it entails, including the good, the bad, and the ugly. A top candidate will go one step further and be able to explain their strategies for overcoming these challenges.

Don’t settle for abstract answers to this question. These can indicate that the interviewee doesn’t have a solid grasp of what a call center agent does on a daily basis. They are also a sign that they aren’t prepared for the reality of their challenges.

What can you tell me about yourself?

Ah, the universal interview question that everyone knows and probably hates. It’s open-ended, and there’s almost never a right answer to it. 

Still, despite its reputation as interview kryptonite, this question is a really good one to ask—but not for the reason you may think. 

Rather than merely reciting all of the work experience, education, and accolades listed on their resume, you are looking for someone who injects their personality into their response. They’ll tell you what they like to do for fun, how they work with others, why they applied for this role, and more. If they make it a conversation rather than a canned response to a canned question, this is a really good sign. 

Personality and cultural fit are just as important as ability to do the actual job. After all, even the most technically skilled person won’t thrive in the role if they don’t fit in with the rest of the team.

Why do you want to join our specific call center?

It’s foolish to think your call center has the only open position in town. Since many call centers offer remote positions, there are probably hundreds seeking new agents at any given time. 

This question aims to see how much thought the candidate put into applying for your particular role. Did they do any research on your company, or did they simply blanket every open call center job notice with an application?

You want candidates who apply because they believe your company fits their professional goals well—or, at the very least, you want candidates who took the time to research your business and make an educated decision before submitting their applications.

Prospects who take the time to do some pre-application research are usually the ones who stay for a while after hiring.

When you’re helping a caller, what’s the most important thing to focus on?

Experienced call center managers have priority lists for what their agents should focus on when fielding customer questions. These lists will obviously vary slightly from call center to call center, but they will always be highly important.

You want the candidates you consider to have similar priorities regarding customer service. Even if it isn’t a line-for-line match, you want them to share your views on what matters. Use this question to weed out candidates whose priorities are wildly divergent, as they aren’t likely to bring consistency to your team’s customer service. 

The best way to see if there is alignment is by asking candidates what their top priorities are when answering a call. Their responses will give you much insight into how well they will fit into your team and how likely their customer engagement will meet your expectations.

What can you tell me about the biggest personal or work-related challenge you had recently and how you handled it?

Working in a call center requires a certain personality type. The people who thrive are the ones who can overcome challenges and manage frequent frustration.

You want to know how a candidate deals with both.

When an interviewee answers this question, you want to see examples of how they successfully managed a high-stress situation, de-escalated tension, and successfully resolved the situation. Even if they couldn’t find a solution, learning how they dealt with adversity is a good indicator of how they will perform on the job.

What questions do you have for me?

Although this is yet another standard interview question, there’s a reason why it gets asked in so many interviews: because it tells you who is prepared and who understands the big picture. 

When an interviewee has real, thoughtful questions for the interviewer, it shows they are an equal part of the meeting and want to make sure it’s the right choice for them as much as it is for you.

When the person you’re interviewing asks interesting questions, it also gives you a chance to provide additional information the candidate may need to make a decision if they are offered the job. Serious candidates might have absolutes in their heads that will influence whether or not they take a role. This is their chance to reveal that information if it wasn’t covered in the interview.

In both cases, thoughtful questions from the interviewee at this stage are a good sign of a top candidate.

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The 6 Best Ways To Measure Call Center Service Levels

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sample resume applying call center agent

14 Call Center Scripts That Guarantee Customer Satisfaction

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Steps for how a call moves through the IVR system.

What To Say In Every Call to Ensure Call Center Compliance

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sample resume applying call center agent

Once Reps Master Call Handling, Sales Volume Takes Off

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4 Signs You Need Overflow Call Center Services

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Resume Samples for Call Center Agent in the Philippines

The business process outsourcing (BPO) industry, especially call centers, is very competitive for job seekers. It welcomes practically everyone—with or without experience and even students and stay-at-home parents who need a part-time job .

With so many applicants vying for call center positions, the challenge is to make your credentials shine.

Check out these good examples of resumes for a customer service role:

Resume example for entry-level call center agents.

resume sample philippines 15

Despite having no actual call center experience, the candidate proves his customer service background earned from his previous experience.

The inexperienced call center applicant also highlights his soft skills that will make him effective at his job. Strong interpersonal skills are his greatest asset, stressing his ability to make people feel comfortable and handle tense situations.

The way he wrote his work experience and skills can convince employers that the candidate has comparable qualifications with experienced call center agents.

Related: How to Become a Call Center Agent in the Philippines: An Ultimate Guide

Resume example for experienced call center agents.

resume sample philippines 16

If you have vast call center experience, you’d better play it up on your resume. This is exactly what this sample resume accomplishes.

The most striking part is the position title that clearly sums up the candidate’s call center experience. The professional profile supports it by listing his areas of expertise.

Related: How to Pass Call Center Interview (with Sample Questions and Answers)

The professional experience section uses a lot of powerful words to describe the candidate’s past and present performance. Phrases like “rapidly promoted,” “top producer and revenue generator,” “goal-surpassing performance” all paint a picture of a call center employee who delivers results.

Also noteworthy is the mention of different call center metrics to showcase the candidate’s achievements at work and potential to add value to the business.

Go back to the main article: How to Write a Resume in the Philippines (with Samples, Formats, and Templates)

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    Phone etiquette. Leo Lopez. Charlotte, NC | 704-555-0126 | [email protected]. Summary. Seasoned Customer Call Center Professional with a 15-year history of excelling in all call center functions, including roles as an initial customer-contact representative, floor supervisor and center administrator.

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  11. 6 Great Call Center Agent Resume Examples

    Why this example passes: Numbers and statistics add detail and quantify the results this call center agent delivers: 4% improvement and a class size of 20-25. Good use of strong words and active language. References specialized value cahier provides with "individualized lesson plans.".

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