Market Research Analyst salary in US

Average base salary in us, how much does a market research analyst make in us.

The average salary for a Market Research Analyst in US is $67,099. The average additional cash compensation for a Market Research Analyst in US is $7,704. The average total compensation for a Market Research Analyst in US is $74,803. Market Research Analyst salaries are based on responses gathered by Built In from anonymous Market Research Analyst employees in US.

Salary Insights

Best-paying cities for market research analyst.

City NameAverage SalaryCompared to National Average
$74,899 12% (65,799)
$72,800 10% (65,799)
$63,771 3% (65,799)
$61,880 6% (65,799)
$61,832 6% (65,799)
$59,613 10% (65,799)

Market Research Analyst Salary by gender

Market research analyst salary by years of experience, market research analyst salary ranges, average marketing salaries in us.

Job TitleAverage SalarySalary Range

Career Info

Market research analyst jobs in us, average market research analyst salary by company size, recent market research analyst salaries in us.

Market research analyst salary

The average salary for a market research analyst in the United States is around $63,920 per year.

Market research analysts earn an average yearly salary of $ 63,920 . Wages typically start from $ 37,570 and go up to $ 128,320 .

12 % above national average ● Updated in 2021

Market research analyst earnings by seniority

Top-level market research analyst earnings begin at :.

$ 61.69 per hour

$ 128,320 per year

what is a market research analyst salary

Senior-level market research analyst earnings begin at :

$ 46.93 per hour

$ 97,600 per year

what is a market research analyst salary

Mid-level market research analyst earnings begin at :

$ 30.73 per hour

$ 63,920 per year

what is a market research analyst salary

Junior-level market research analyst earnings begin at :

$ 23.27 per hour

$ 48,400 per year

what is a market research analyst salary

Starting level market research analyst earnings begin at :

$ 18.06 per hour

$ 37,570 per year

what is a market research analyst salary

Approximate values based on highest and lowest earning segments.

Market research analyst salary by state

State Name Average Salary

How do market research analyst salaries compare to similar careers?

Market research analysts earn about the same as related careers in the United States. On average, they make less than fraud analysts but more than sales representatives.

Career Median Salary

Source: CareerExplorer (Aggregated)

Average Research Analyst Salary

The average salary for a Research Analyst is $61,588 in 2024

Featured Content

What is the pay by experience level for research analysts .

An entry-level Research Analyst with less than 1 year experience can expect to earn an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of $54,912 based on 463 salaries. An early career Research Analyst with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation of $60,925 based on 2,129 salaries. A …Read more

What Do Research Analysts Do?

Research analysts must carefully examine data and produce meaningful information for their employer. This can involve not only drawing meaning from the data, but also checking to make sure the data is correct and using it to validate ideas and theories. When not examining or verifying information, a research analyst must work with their superiors to demonstrate what they have learned from their data and how it can be applied in the future for their business.

Research analysts can be found in …Read more

How do Research Analysts Rate Their Jobs?

Common health benefits for a research analyst, gender breakdown for research analysts.


FAQs About Research Analysts

What is the highest pay for research analysts.

Our data indicates that the highest pay for a Research Analyst is $88k / year

What is the lowest pay for Research Analysts?

Our data indicates that the lowest pay for a Research Analyst is $46k / year

How can Research Analysts increase their salary?

Increasing your pay as a Research Analyst is possible in different ways. Change of employer: Consider a career move to a new employer that is willing to pay higher for your skills. Level of Education: Gaining advanced degrees may allow this role to increase their income potential and qualify for promotions. Managing Experience: If you are a Research Analyst that oversees more junior Research Analysts, this experience can increase the likelihood to earn more.

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Average Market Research Analyst Salary by State

A market research analyst helps organizations understand the products and services people want and what price they are willing to pay for them. ( These analysts also examine market conditions to gauge the sales potential of new products and services. That research can come in many forms, as long as it helps the organization to understand its audience and industry, market their products well and maximize profits.

Sponsored School(s)

Common duties of market research analysts include: ( )

  • Monitor and forecast sales and marketing trends.
  • Measure how effective marketing programs and strategies are.
  • Devise and evaluate methods for collating and collecting data, including surveys, questionnaires and opinion polls.
  • Collect important data on competitors, consumers, and market conditions
  • Analyze company data with statistics software
  • Convert datasets and findings into tables, graphs and written reports that can be understood by laymen.
  • Prepare reports and present data findings to management and clients.

Market research analysts play a critical role in the competitiveness of modern companies. They research and collect data to help companies market services and products better and to the right people. They also collect information and data with many methods, such as focus groups, interviews, market analysis surveys, and literature reviews.

By analyzing prices, sales and marketing techniques, market research analysts, they find potential new product markets, and learn about product demand and pricing. In the end, their vast knowledge of the target customer allows them to develop marketing materials and sales plans to increase sales and profitability.

Market Research Analyst Salary Outlook

Professionals and students interested in a market research analyst career might consider getting their degree in marketing, business, finance or a related field. But before you commit to a college program, learn as much as you can about the salary outlook for this profession. Below is detailed information to help your decision-making process.

Bureau of Labor Statistics

BLS reports the median salary for market research analysts is $63,100, with a range between $34,300 and $121,000. Market research analysts with the most experience and a master’s or MBA generally earn the highest salaries. ( ). The top industries for salary in this profession are:

  • Publishing: $74,300
  • Management of companies and enterprises: $73,400
  • Finance and insurance: $69,600
  • Wholesale trade: $61,400
  • Management, scientific and technical consulting: $60,800

A related position to consider for salary information is survey researcher. These professionals do some of the same work as market research analysts, such as design surveys and analyze data to help companies make decisions about products, services, and prices.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the median salary for survey researchers is $57,700 as of May 2018, with a range between $29000 and $103,500. ( )

Highest paying industries in the survey research field are:

  • Scientific research and development services: $73,400
  • Other professional, scientific, and technical services: $54,600
  • Educational services: $53,000
  • Religious, grantmaking, civic, professional and related organizations: $50,300 states the average salary for marketing research analysts is $51,766, with a range between $39,000 and $75,000. Popular skills and corresponding salaries in the market research analyst field are: ( )

  • Market research: $51,700
  • Data analysis: Data analysis: $54,200
  • Microsoft Excel: $51,400
  • Research analysis: $49,000
  • Strategic marketing: $56,500

This website also reports higher salaries in market research analysis as your experience increases:

  • Zero to one year of experience: $45,500
  • One to four years of experience: $51,600
  • Five to nine years of experience: $57,756
  • Ten to 19 years of experience: $75,000
  • More than 20 years of experience: $71,500

Payscale notes that your salary can be higher or lower than the average salary of $51,766 based on living in these cities:

  • San Francisco: +35%
  • Boston: +14%
  • Chicago: +13%
  • New York City: +6%
  • Seattle: +3%
  • Washington DC: -2%
  • Atlanta: -5%

US News and World Report

This source notes the median salary for the field is $63,200 with a range between $46,460 to $89,200 from the 25th to 75th percentile. ( ) reports the average salary for market research analysts is $63,100, with a range between $11,000 and $59,000. ( ) reports the average salary for market research analysts is $61,588. Other related salaries are: ( )

  • Market researcher: $67,300
  • Research analyst: $72,800
  • Business analyst: $75,900
  • Market analyst: $68,600
  • Product analyst: $80,600
  • Intelligence analyst: $56,100 reports the average salary for market research analysts is $62,900 per year, with a range between $23,500 and $106,000. Most in the profession earn between $46,000 and $64,000. ( )

This website reports a median salary of $58,600 with a range between $52,100 and $66,100 for market research analysts. ( )

Job Demand for Market Research Analysts

BLS reports that employment of market research analysts will soar 20% by 2028, much faster than average. Employment growth is being caused by the greater use of big data and market research in most industries to determine the products and services consumers want and the prices they are willing to pay. Market research analysts will be needed to better grasp the wants and needs of customers, measure how effective marketing and business strategies are, and identify the factors that shape product demand. ( )

Job demand also is increasing because companies know that market research gives them a chance to boost sales and reduce costs. Companies are studying consumer behavior in more detail to develop finer tuned marketing strategies to drive sales.

StateHourly WageAnnual Salary
New York - Market Research Analyst$33.08$68,808
Massachusetts - Market Research Analyst$32.84$68,312
New Hampshire - Market Research Analyst$32.05$66,655
Maryland - Market Research Analyst$30.48$63,404
Hawaii - Market Research Analyst$30.34$63,106
Connecticut - Market Research Analyst$30.25$62,923
Alaska - Market Research Analyst$30.25$62,919
Montana - Market Research Analyst$30.25$62,919
North Dakota - Market Research Analyst$30.25$62,919
Wyoming - Market Research Analyst$30.25$62,919
Nevada - Market Research Analyst$30.25$62,919
Idaho - Market Research Analyst$30.25$62,919
Vermont - Market Research Analyst$30.17$62,752
Nebraska - Market Research Analyst$30.11$62,630
Washington - Market Research Analyst$30.09$62,593
Rhode Island - Market Research Analyst$29.78$61,948
California - Market Research Analyst$29.77$61,912
Virginia - Market Research Analyst$29.62$61,606
Arizona - Market Research Analyst$29.30$60,948
New Jersey - Market Research Analyst$29.11$60,557
Colorado - Market Research Analyst$28.73$59,759
West Virginia - Market Research Analyst$28.71$59,724
Minnesota - Market Research Analyst$28.60$59,491
Pennsylvania - Market Research Analyst$28.60$59,487
South Dakota - Market Research Analyst$28.59$59,465
South Carolina - Market Research Analyst$28.55$59,378
Tennessee - Market Research Analyst$28.44$59,147
Delaware - Market Research Analyst$28.42$59,120
Oregon - Market Research Analyst$28.40$59,064
Utah - Market Research Analyst$28.20$58,651
Ohio - Market Research Analyst$28.14$58,537
Kentucky - Market Research Analyst$28.11$58,472
Indiana - Market Research Analyst$27.95$58,138
Oklahoma - Market Research Analyst$27.88$57,995
Louisiana - Market Research Analyst$27.80$57,826
Wisconsin - Market Research Analyst$27.75$57,726
Kansas - Market Research Analyst$27.67$57,547
Maine - Market Research Analyst$27.64$57,492
Iowa - Market Research Analyst$27.58$57,361
Texas - Market Research Analyst$27.12$56,402
Georgia - Market Research Analyst$27.02$56,200
Arkansas - Market Research Analyst$26.92$55,987
New Mexico - Market Research Analyst$26.76$55,670
Alabama - Market Research Analyst$26.56$55,255
Michigan - Market Research Analyst$26.54$55,194
Illinois - Market Research Analyst$26.45$55,021
Mississippi - Market Research Analyst$26.15$54,399
Missouri - Market Research Analyst$25.89$53,846
Florida - Market Research Analyst$25.50$53,038
North Carolina - Market Research Analyst$23.19$48,236

Source:, January 2020.

Demand for market research analysts will be strong for the next decade, as companies want to better understand the needs and wants of customers. The vital input of market research analysts can be the difference between a successful company and one that is just hanging on.

Earning a bachelor’s degree in market research, statistics, math, business or even computer science can give you a good start in the field with a salary starting in the $40,000s or $50,000s.

Marketing Research Analyst salary

Average marketing research analyst salary, how much does a marketing research analyst make.

The average marketing research analyst salary in the United States is $54,431. Marketing research analyst salaries typically range between $36,000 and $81,000 yearly. The average hourly rate for marketing research analysts is $26.17 per hour. Marketing research analyst salary is impacted by location, education, and experience. Marketing research analysts earn the highest average salary in Washington.

Where can a Marketing Research Analyst earn more?

  • Marketing Research Analyst

A marketing research analyst with 0-2 years of experience earns an average entry-level salary of $34,153. A mid-career marketing research analyst with 3-6 years of experience makes $54,431 a year on average. A senior level marketing research analyst with 7-12 years of experience enjoys an average annual salary of $94,461. According to Dr. Andrew Burnstine, Associate Professor in the College of Business and Management at Lynn University, "Maximizing your salary potential when starting your career involves a combination of strategic planning, negotiation skills, and demonstrating your value to employers. Here are some steps you can take to increase your earning potential: Research Salary Benchmarks, Invest in Education and Skills, Gain Relevant Experience, Build a Strong Personal Brand, Negotiate Effectively, Consider Total Compensation, Be Willing to Relocate, Demonstrate Value, Stay Informed About Industry Trends, and Build a Strong Professional Network."

Experience LevelAvg. SalaryHourly Rate
Entry-level marketing research analyst$34,200$16.42
Mid-level marketing research analyst$57,700$27.73
Senior-level marketing research analyst$94,500$45.41

Marketing Research Analyst salary estimates from across the web

Average marketing research analyst salary by state.

The highest-paying states for marketing research analysts are Washington, Minnesota, and New Jersey. The lowest average marketing research analyst salary states are Arizona, Florida, and Missouri.

  • County View

Highest paying states for marketing research analysts

RankStateAvg. SalaryHourly Rate
3New Jersey$75,033$36.07
4New Hampshire$59,450$28.58
7Rhode Island$58,794$28.27
10District of Columbia$75,171$36.14
14New York$65,197$31.34
15North Dakota$53,416$25.68
19South Dakota$52,164$25.08
26North Carolina$51,611$24.81
36New Mexico$46,135$22.18
41West Virginia$45,617$21.93
48South Carolina$43,053$20.70

Highest paying cities for marketing research analysts

The highest-paying cities for marketing research analysts are Seattle, WA, Minneapolis, MN, and Washington, DC.

RankCityAvg. SalaryHourly Rate
1Seattle, WA$90,884$43.69
2Minneapolis, MN$75,774$36.43
3Washington, DC$75,234$36.17
4Jersey City, NJ$75,041$36.08
5San Francisco, CA$66,345$31.90
6New York, NY$65,374$31.43
7Norwalk, CT$62,613$30.10
8McLean, VA$62,441$30.02
9Waltham, MA$60,552$29.11
10Rockville, MD$57,301$27.55
11Philadelphia, PA$56,969$27.39
12Milwaukee, WI$55,887$26.87
13Elk Grove Village, IL$54,343$26.13
14Irving, TX$52,208$25.10
15Charlotte, NC$50,262$24.16
16Atlanta, GA$45,895$22.06
17Orlando, FL$40,471$19.46
18Montgomery, AL$39,493$18.99

Marketing Research Analyst salary details

A marketing research analyst's salary ranges from $36,000 a year at the 10th percentile to $81,000 at the 90th percentile.

Average Marketing Research Analyst Salary Graph

What is a marketing research analyst's salary?

PercentileAnnual SalaryMonthly SalaryHourly Rate
90th Percentile$81,000$6,750$39
75th Percentile$67,000$5,583$32
25th Percentile$44,000$3,667$21
10th Percentile$36,000$3,000$17

Highest paying marketing research analyst jobs

The highest paying types of marketing research analysts are senior marketing analyst, product analyst, and senior research analyst.

Job TitleAnnual SalaryMonthly SalaryHourly RateJob Openings

Top companies hiring marketing research analysts now:

  • U.S. Bank Jobs (6)
  • IBM Jobs (7)
  • Johnson & Johnson Jobs (6)
  • Comcast Jobs (7)
  • Nielsen Holdings Jobs (13)

Which companies pay marketing research analysts the most?

Marketing research analyst salaries at Meta and NVIDIA are the highest-paying according to our most recent salary estimates. In addition, the average marketing research analyst salary at companies like Amd and Precision Dynamics are highly competitive.

RankCompanyAverage SalaryHourly Rate
1 $128,463$61.76
2 $125,858$60.51
3 $112,774$54.22
4 $108,021$51.93
5 $107,726$51.79
6 $98,830$47.51
7 $97,159$46.71
8 $92,207$44.33
9 $85,375$41.05
10 $85,340$41.03
11 $84,024$40.40
12 $82,870$39.84
13 $80,887$38.89
14 $79,834$38.38
15 $79,385$38.17
16 $79,220$38.09
17 $78,441$37.71
18 $76,671$36.86
19 $76,319$36.69
20 $75,795$36.44

Wage gap by gender, race and education

Marketing research analyst salary by industry.

The average marketing research analyst salary varies across industries:

  • The average marketing research analyst salary in the health care industry is $73,419, the highest of any industry.
  • The average marketing research analyst salary in the finance industry is $69,556.
  • Marketing research analysts in the hospitality industry earn an average salary of $51,308, the lowest of any industry.

Highest paying industries for marketing research analysts

RankIndustryAverage SalaryHourly Rate
1Health Care$73,419$35.30

High Paying Marketing Research Analyst Jobs

Marketing research analyst salary trends.

The average marketing research analyst salary has risen by $4,599 over the last ten years. In 2014, the average marketing research analyst earned $49,832 annually, but today, they earn $54,431 a year. That works out to a 5% change in pay for marketing research analysts over the last decade.

Compare marketing research analyst salaries for cities or states with the national average over time.

Average marketing research analyst salary over time

Compare marketing research analyst salaries for individual cities or states with the national average.

Marketing Research Analyst salary by year

YearAvg. SalaryHourly Rate% Change

Recently added marketing research analyst salaries

CompanyJobLocationDate AddedSalary
Admissions Market Research SpecialistAtherton, CA07/03/2023$64,480
Denver, CO06/24/2023$53,845
Sacramento, CA06/22/2023$49,045
New York, NY06/04/2023$90,000
San Diego, CA04/03/2023$69,400
Pittsburgh, PA03/31/2023$37,566
Muselive Inc.Marketing Research Analyst and SpecialistFoster City, CA03/20/2023$61,000
Krishna BalramMarketing Research AnalystSan Jose, CA02/22/2023$64,168
Krishna BalramMarketing Research AnalystSan Jose, CA02/16/2023$64,168
Copy P, Inc.Marketing Research AnalystUpper Darby, PA01/31/2023$46,801

Marketing Research Analyst salary FAQs

What state pays marketing research analysts the most, how do i know if i'm being paid fairly as a marketing research analyst.

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How To Become a Data Analyst [2023 Roadmap]

How to Become a Data Analyst [2024 Roadmap]

Brett Smith

Written by: Brett Smith

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Ready to launch your career?

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of data professionals is projected to jump 25% by the year 2030 , meaning data analytics has one of the highest growth rates in the country.  This comprehensive guide is your roadmap to a rewarding career in data analytics. We meticulously unpack the essentials—from initiating your journey to mastering the specific skills employers seek. Data analytics offers the promise of high earning potential and positions you at the forefront of decision-making processes, empowering companies to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape.

Buckle up and get ready to unlock the power of data!

Table of Contents

Is it hard to become a data analyst.

Becoming a data analyst isn’t hard per se, though it does require specific technical skills that might be more challenging for some than others. Additionally, because of continuing advancements in the field, data analysis is a career path that requires ongoing education. 

Data Analyst student

Become a Data Analyst. Land a Job or Your Money Back.

Transform real-world datasets into actionable recommendations. Master technical and strategic thinking skills and frameworks. Land a job — or your money back.

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How To Become a Data Analyst

Follow these steps to land your first job as a data analyst:

Understand the fundamentals

Consider a course, meet the education requirements, learn a programming language, get familiar with data analytics tools, develop your skills, pursue volunteer, open-source, or freelance projects, build your network, find a mentor, consider an internship, prep for interviews, understand the fundamentals.

The first step of your journey is ensuring you fully grasp the fundamentals. You want to ensure you understand the key principles of data analytics, the different types of data analysis, and the tools data analysts use.

Consider a Course

One of the most efficient and comprehensive approaches to acquiring the necessary skills for a data analyst role is to enroll in an online analytics bootcamp . Through this focused learning path, you’ll gain in-depth knowledge and have the opportunity to receive guidance from mentors who are currently practicing in the field.

Meet the Educational Requirements

Data analysts spend a lot of time working with numbers. Because of this, many employers look for candidates with bachelor’s degrees in mathematics, statistics, computer science, or a related field. 

However, you don’t necessarily need a formal degree to land a data analyst job. In fact, companies often hire candidates who have completed an online course in data analysis or a data analytics bootcamp , or can demonstrate the requisite technical knowledge and skills . Look for the requirements listed in the descriptions of jobs that interest you.

Learn an Essential Programming Language (or Multiple)

Not all data analysts need to know how to code (though most data scientists do). In fact, at the start of your career, a cursory familiarity with the more popular querying languages should suffice. However, if you want to become the best (most employable) data analyst you can be, consider learning one or more of the essential programming languages (i.e., Python, R, SQL). 

Get Familiar With Data Analytics Tools

Data analysts use a wide variety of tools and applications to collect, manipulate, and analyze data. You should familiarize yourself with the most used analysis tools, including:

  • Tableau . A popular data visualization tool used to perform data analysis, manipulation, and visualization
  • Microsoft Excel . A well-known spreadsheet application commonly used by data analysts   
  • Microsoft Power BI. A free data visualization and business insight tool ideal for collaboration
  • Google Analytics. A web-based analytics tool used to track website traffic
  • Jupyter Notebook . An open-sourced web application that enables exploratory analysis using “big data” tools (e.g., Python, R, and Scala)

Develop Your Data Analyst Skillset

how to become a data analyst, skillset

Having the right skillset is paramount to your becoming a data analyst. Make sure you’ve developed the following hard skills and soft skills:

Technical Skills

  • Statistical analysis and math skills . Data analysts work with numbers. A lot. Data analysts should have strong math skills and be comfortable analyzing data sets.
  • Programming and querying languages. In order to process data and make it understandable for others, analysts use various programming and querying languages, such as Python and R. As a data analyst, you probably won’t have to build many programs, but being familiar with the commonly used languages and understanding how they function is essential.  
  • Microsoft Excel. MS Excel is a go-to tool for data analysts. It’s widely available, easy to use, and has a ton of useful features.
  • Data visualization. If the insights derived from your analysis are incomprehensible, what is their value? A good data analyst can produce meaningful insights and present those findings visually in their most understandable form.
  • Machine learning. One of the unofficial differences between data analysts and data scientists is that data scientists use machine learning to design new processes for data modeling. As a data analyst, you likely won’t have to do that. However, in order to work with data scientists effectively, you will need to be familiar with these processes and understand how they work.

Soft Skills

  • Analytical thinking. Data analysis involves collecting raw data and refining it into meaningful information. Analysts analyze the data to uncover more profound truth and value once the data has been refined. This can only be done through analytical thinking.
  • Problem-solving skills. Well-developed problem-solving skills help data analysts recognize the nature of the problem before them, the best data analysis tools and techniques to solve the problem, and the solution to the problem itself.
  • Presentation skills. Data analysts must effectively present their insights in a way that everyone—mainly non-technical stakeholders—can understand. Strong presentation skills will enable you to convey your findings and predictions in a compelling manner that your audience will care about.
  • Communication and interpersonal skills. Data analysts rarely work in a bubble. In fact, as an analyst, you’ll likely interact with a variety of different people, including colleagues and coworkers, managers, and subject matter experts. Having strong communication and interpersonal skills will help facilitate collaboration among different parties.

Get To Know Other Data Analytics Students

Bart Teeuwen

Bart Teeuwen

Global Business Analyst, Global Talent Intelligence (GTI) at Meta

Rahil Jetly

Rahil Jetly

Sales Operations Manager at Springboard

Nelson Borges

Nelson Borges

Insights Analyst at LinkedIn

Pursue Volunteer, Open-Source, or Freelance Projects to Build Your Portfolio

Building a solid portfolio is one of the best and most surefire ways to demonstrate your analytical skillset. Pursue volunteer opportunities, find freelance work , or work on a personal project to highlight your analytical knowledge.

If you are considering showcasing a personal project in your data analyst portfolio but don’t have one readily available and are unsure where to start, consider using a publicly available data set. You can find all kinds of datasets on sites like and .

Finding a dataset that covers a topic you are already interested in is helpful. But more importantly, choose data that the most proficient methods can best analyze—this will allow you to showcase your strengths to their fullest potential as an analyst or data scientist.

In addition to personal projects, you will also want to fill your portfolio with projects that demonstrate your analytical skillset and showcase your ability to tackle real-world problems as part of a team.

That’s where volunteer work and freelance projects come in. Look for opportunities that will allow you to collaborate with others while working on the different phases of the data analysis life cycle. Not only will this experience make a good impression on potential employers, but it will also help strengthen the data analytics skills you need to be successful.

Build Your Network

Good networking can help you get your foot in the door, develop valuable relationships with experienced professionals, find a mentor, and more. Consider these resources to start building your professional network today:

  • LinkedIn . The well-known social networking service for professionals makes finding and connecting with data analysts and other like-minded individuals easy.
  • Online Communities. Online communities aren’t just great for meeting people with similar interests. They are also a great source of support and helpful information.
  • Conferences and Meet-Ups . Attending a data analyst conference or meet-up will allow you to network in person, which is a great way to make lasting impressions that could benefit you down the road.

Find a Mentor

No matter your profession, a mentor can provide guidance and feedback to help you achieve your career goals. Through them, you can learn lots of valuable insights, including how other analysts started out, the different career paths an analyst can take, as well as the pros and cons of those varying paths. As a mentee, you will benefit from your mentor’s real-life experience and gain actionable insights you can use to chart your ideal career path.

One way to find a good mentor is to use your professional network. Reach out to contacts to let them know you are looking for an experienced data analyst to become your mentor. Use professional networking platforms like LinkedIn to potential mentors and approach them about a mentorship.

Before you reach out to someone about becoming your mentor, be sure to have a specific goal in mind. Be prepared with detailed questions and answers to potential questions, as well. Your potential mentor will likely ask questions about your personal and professional life, including what your career goals are, where you would like to be, and why you want them to mentor you.

It is also a good idea to come up with a plan or structure for how you imagine your mentorship would work. You should be clear from the beginning about how much time you would like to spend with your mentor, the type of guidance you are looking for, and so on. Establishing what you are looking for early on is crucial if you want to get the most out of your mentorship as possible. 

Consider an Internship

Landing an internship as a data analyst is arguably one of the best ways to break into the industry. As an intern, you’ll work on real-world projects, further develop your analytical skills, and gain valuable insights into the world of data analytics. Internships also provide excellent networking opportunities. Internships also give aspiring analysts the kind of hands-on experience that looks great on a resume.

Polish Your Resume, Prep for Interviews, and Start Applying

Now that you’ve honed your skillset and compiled a professional portfolio, it’s time to start your application prep. Talk to your mentor: have them sign off on your portfolio and help you with interview prep. Tap into your network for job leads and begin applying for entry-level data analyst jobs .

Data Analyst Roles to Consider

How much can you make as a data analyst.

While not the most important factor in your exploration of how to become a data analyst, being able to earn a living should be high on your list of considerations. As with most professions, salaries vary based on several factors, including geographic location, relevant work experience, etc. That being said, here are the current national averages for data analyst salaries :

  • Entry-Level : Currently, the average base salary for entry-level data analyst job postings in the US is $47,669 per year .
  • Mid-Level : Job opportunities for mid-level data analysts include an annual salary of $69,343 per year . 
  • Senior : The average salary for a senior data analyst is around $102,820 per year .

Examples To Learn From

Curious to see how others began their career as data professionals? Check out the following videos for an inside look at how two successful analysts made the leap into the data field.

How I Became a Data Analyst

This video features Wally Gbads, who successfully switched careers from mechanical engineering to data analysis after being laid off.

In the video, Wally shares three critical skills needed to be a data analyst and resources to get you started, including online courses and software. You’ll also learn to how to update your resume and LinkedIn profile to reflect your new skills.

YouTube video player for oZbEvdn9pbE

How I Became a Data Analyst (Without a Related Degree)

This video features Stefan, who transitioned from a recruiter role to a freelance data analyst without a degree in computer science, statistics, or econometry.

In the video, Stefan shares the most essential skill for data analysts and how he developed it. He also talks about the importance of continuously learning new tools and skills. You’ll also learn how he landed a job at a big multinational company and transitioned to freelancing.

YouTube video player for LLakmj2v8xA

FAQs About Becoming a Data Analyst

We’ve got the answers to your most frequently asked questions:

Can I Become a Data Analyst Without a Degree?

Yes. Though some job listings for data analyst positions do list a bachelor’s degree as a prerequisite, it’s very possible to become a data analyst without a degree . For instance, in lieu of advanced degrees, many companies hire graduates from data bootcamps.

Can You Learn Data Analytics on Your Own?

Yes , but it’s not for the faint of heart. A structured learning plan taught by a skilled instructor is the easiest path to take—something you’ll realize the first time you run into a problem you can’t solve on your own. That doesn’t mean you have to enroll in an undergraduate program or earn your bachelor’s degree to become an analyst. Online courses and top data analytics bootcamps can provide you with the structure, support, and skillset you need to become a skilled data analyst.

Is It Worth Getting a Data Analytics Certificate?

If you are interested in a career in data analytics , then a data analytics certificate can be a stepping stone to a rewarding career. It demonstrates your foundational knowledge and commitment to the field, potentially giving you an edge in a competitive job market with high demand for skilled professionals.

Does Data Analytics Require Coding?

Coding is not a required skill for most data professionals, though having a surface-level familiarity and understanding of common programming languages is recommended. The most common languages include Python, R, and SQL.

Is Data Analysis a Stressful Job?

Data analysis can be stressful due to tight deadlines, complex data, and high-stakes decisions. But, setting realistic expectations, taking breaks, delegating tasks, and seeking help can alleviate this pressure. Overall, data analysis offers both challenges and rewards.

Since you’re here… Switching to a career in data analytics is possible, no matter your background. We’ve helped over 10,000 students make it happen. Check out our free data analytics curriculum to gauge your interest, or go all-in with our Data Analytics Bootcamp .

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what is a market research analyst salary

Capital Market Analyst Salaries in the United States

How much does a capital market analyst make.

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What Does a Capital Market Analyst Do?

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Below are the most recent Capital Market Analyst salary reports. Employer name has been removed to protect anonymity.

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What Is a Market Research Analyst? 2024 Guide

Market research analysts pore over trending keywords, survey responses, social media mentions, and more to understand markets, customers, and competitors. Learn more about this high-demand role.

[Featured Image] Two market research analysts converse as they study data on a computer screen in an office.

Market research analysts—sometimes called market researchers—help companies develop or maintain a competitive edge by finding and delivering data-backed insights into potential markets, competitors, and even customer behaviour. They’re an integral part of a company’s overall marketing strategy and are in demand across multiple industries.

Learn more about what market research analysts do, the different types of research, the skills you need to succeed in this role, and more.

What does a market research analyst do? 

Market research analysts pore over trending keywords, survey responses, social media mentions, and other data to find answers. Essentially, they transform information into actionable insights to help companies develop everything from competitive product launches to effective marketing campaigns.   

Each company’s needs differ, but your responsibilities as a market research analyst may include: 

Developing data collection tools and techniques 

Using data modelling tools

Analyzing data sets and communicating findings 

Contributing data-backed insights to marketing strategy 

Conducting product testing and brand research 

What type of research does a market research analyst conduct? 

A market research analyst conducts qualitative and quantitative research. They gather statistical data and solicit responses about people’s beliefs, opinions, and experiences.

An analyst’s research can span multiple areas, including: 

Primary and secondary customer research—everything from demographics to opinions—helps a company develop more targeted marketing and align its products and services with customers’ differing needs. Market research analysts may also identify how companies find, acquire, and retain customers while avoiding churn or customer loss. 

Primary vs. secondary research: What's the difference?

Primary research is research you conduct yourself, building original tools or techniques to help you collect new information. Secondary research is published research someone else has done, like a government agency or research think tank.

As a company develops new offerings—like products, services, or ideas—market research about competitors, similar products, and potential sales can help successfully position each launch. Market research analysts investigate new and existing markets, learning as much as possible so they can deliver precise suggestions. 

New and established companies rely on brand research to strengthen their market position. Conducting a competitive analysis to see how a company’s brand fares against competitors and researching customers’ brand awareness and perception helps them remain competitive. Those findings can also yield insights into customer acquisition, retention, and loyalty. 

Understanding how a company’s customers feel about advertising at all phases of a marketing campaign can produce specific messaging and more impactful campaigns. While this type of research typically falls under a marketing analyst role, market research analysts at smaller companies may sometimes analyze a company’s marketing strategy.   

Market research analyst job description

Market research analyst jobs typically require a bachelor’s degree in commerce, business administration, economics, or public administration. More senior-level market research analyst jobs may require a master’s degree.

Majors that can prepare you for a job as a market research analyst include: 

Business administration 


Market research analyst technical skills

Data collection tools: Market research analysts gather data from an array of sources, including surveys, social media platforms, keyword trends, and audience insights. Market research analysts use Qualtrics, SurveyMonkey, Typeform, Google Trends, and SEMrush, among many other tools, to learn more about customers, markets, and competitors.

Statistical analysis: Because market research involves working with quantitative data, it’s important to understand how to apply statistical techniques to group your data into relevant, actionable findings. While many programs offer a statistical analysis feature, they shouldn’t replace more foundational knowledge.  

Data visualization: Once a market research analyst has collected relevant data, they must structure their findings comprehensively. Knowing how to use data dashboards or data analytics suites can help convey important findings to other teams. Market research analysts use data visualization tools like Tableau, Qlikview, and Plotly.  

Programming languages: Although not always necessary, some companies require market research analysts to know a programming language, such as R, SQL, SAS, or SPSS, which feeds into their data gathering and data interpretation efforts. Always read over job descriptions to learn which language, if any, a company prefers. 

A course like IBM’s Introduction to R Language on Coursera can help you learn more about one of the most popular programming languages used today for data analysis. 

Market research workplace skills 

Interpretation: Parsing data is critical to a market research analyst’s role. After gathering the necessary data, you must interpret those findings in light of a company’s product and marketing needs.  

Critical thinking: Conducting market research means knowing how to ask the right questions to find the best data, extracting meaning from collected data, and then applying those insights to a company’s marketing strategy.    

Communication: Translating insights into recommendations other teams can act upon will help in a marketing research analyst's line of work. A strong ability to speak and write clearly and constructively is an asset. 

Interviewing: Many market research analysts rely on digital surveys to glean customer responses, but the role can also involve conducting customer interviews or focus groups. Being comfortable speaking with strangers and getting them to open up about their experiences is a key skill.  

What are the benefits of being a market research analyst? 

Job prospects.

As companies need insight into customer behaviour to keep their competitive edge, market research analysts will serve an integral role. The Canadian government anticipates market research analysts to have moderate job opportunities within most provinces over the next three years [ 1 ].

Market research analyst salary

The median salary for a market research analyst in Canada is $68,250 or $35 per hour, according to, though salary can differ depending on the industry [ 2 ]. This is higher than the average hourly wage of $31.37 for all employees within the country [ 3 ].

Market research analyst vs. similar roles

Market research analysts have a lot in common with roles that also parse data and deliver strategic insights. 

Marketing analyst

Although market research analysts are sometimes confused—and even called—marketing analysts, the roles differ slightly. Marketing analysts focus internally on a company’s marketing efforts rather than externally on markets, but both use data to inform their recommendations. 

Business analyst

Another data-reliant role, a business analyst analyzes large data sets to make recommendations to strengthen a business’ processes and help it run more efficiently. 

Data analyst

A much broader role than the three previously described, a data analyst typically works with large, raw data sets that must first be cleaned to yield important insights. Data analysts apply their findings to an array of organizational and business needs.  

How to become a market research analyst 

1. look for a related entry-level role..

While some entry-level market research analyst roles exist, many employers prefer some prior experience. If you’re interested in becoming a market research analyst, consider a related role to help you gain experience and grow more competitive. Working as a marketing assistant or data analyst can provide you with the experience necessary to move into market research analysis.  

2. Brush up on related technical skills.

Knowing that market research analysts use specific tools to gather and assess data about customers, markets, and competitors, it’s a good idea to research the most popular programs and refine your knowledge of them. Watch tutorials, use free trials, and familiarise yourself with the tools of the trade.

Develop your technical skills with one of these Guided Projects, designed to be completed in two hours or less:

Use SurveyMonkey to Create a Survey and Analyze Results  

Introduction to Relational Database and SQL

Create a Brand Awareness Survey in Qualtrics

Google Trends Analysis using R

3. Take a course. 

Taking courses that expose you to key strategies of market research can help introduce you to the work of a market research analyst. This Market Research Specialization from UC Davis , available on Coursera, might be a good place to start. Not only will you learn about what it takes to do market research and decide if it’s a good career option for you, but you’ll begin learning the necessary techniques to succeed in the field.

You could consider deepening your knowledge with a skill-specific series of classes, like Data Visualization with Tableau Specialization .

A credential, like the Meta Marketing Analytics Professional Certificate , is designed for beginners with no prior market research experience. Get up to speed on the key tools and techniques used in the profession while learning from industry experts at Meta.

4. Get a degree.

A bachelor's degree is generally required to qualify for a position as a market research analyst in Canada. Consider getting a degree in a qualifying topic, such as economics, business administration, commerce, or public administration.

Start your market research analyst career with Coursera

Prepare for your career by taking a course or pursuing your degree. A great place to start if you are new to the field or want to decide if this career is right for you is the Market Research Specialization from UC Davis on Coursera. You can also conveniently earn your degree online, such as a Bachelor of Science in General Business , a BSc Business Administration , or a Master of Business Administration (iMBA)

Article sources

Job Bank. " Analyst - Market Research in Canada ," Accessed January 26, 2023. " Market Research Analyst average salary in Canada, 2022," Accessed January 26, 2023.

Statistics Canada. " Employee wages by industry, annual ," Accessed January 26, 2023.

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  2. What Is a Market Research Analyst? 2024 Guide

    The median salary for a market research analyst in the US is $63,920, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), though salary can differ depending on the industry . Market research analyst vs. similar roles. Market research analysts share much in common with roles that also parse data and deliver strategic insights. Marketing analyst

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  4. Salary: Marketer Research Analyst in United States 2024

    The estimated total pay for a Market Research Analyst is $87,946 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $69,530 per year. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users.

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  8. Market Research Analyst Salary

    Market Research Analysts made a median salary of $68,230 in 2022. The best-paid 25% made $99,000 that year, while the lowest-paid 25% made $49,980. Salary Outlook. X is Year and Y is Mean Salary.

  9. Market research analyst salary ‐ CareerExplorer

    The average salary for a market research analyst in the United States is around $63,920 per year. Avg Salary. Show avg hourly wage. $37.6k Bottom 20%. $63.9k Median. $128.3k Top 20%. Market research analysts earn an average yearly salary of $63,920. Wages typically start from $37,570 and go up to $128,320. 12% above national average Updated in ...

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    Market research analyst salaries typically range between $36,000 and $73,000 yearly. The average hourly rate for market research analysts is $24.85 per hour. Market research analyst salary is impacted by location, education, and experience. Market research analysts earn the highest average salary in Delaware." On This Page.

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  15. What is Market Research Analyst Salary with Masters states the average salary for marketing research analysts is $51,766, with a range between $39,000 and $75,000. Popular skills and corresponding salaries in the market research analyst field are: ( Market research: $51,700. Data analysis: Data analysis: $54,200. Microsoft Excel: $51,400.

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    Market research analyst salary. The median salary for a market research analyst in Canada is $68,250 or $35 per hour, according to, though salary can differ depending on the industry . This is higher than the average hourly wage of $31.37 for all employees within the country .

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