write essay on how to become a responsible adult

How to Become a More Responsible Adult

write essay on how to become a responsible adult

Young people often find themselves struggling with becoming a responsible adult. It’s a cliche that young adults have trouble living up to the same standards held by previous generations, and it’s not entirely an accurate one — while the current generation may seem less productive than the ones before it, it also faces significant stressors that no human society has had to face before.

Of course, just because young people have justification for the lives they live, sadly it doesn’t spare them from the consequences of their actions. Procrastination, unhealthy habits, and forgetfulness may all be natural results of daily stressors, but that doesn’t make them any less destructive. Hopefully, future generations will be better prepared for the world they grow up into, but for now, it’s imperative for you to focus on becoming a responsible adult.

Many people find themselves all grown up with unanswered questions that their parents should have answered for them. How much money should you have left at the end of the month? Do urgent cares do physicals ? Is it okay to get a pet while you’re still struggling to get by? While the answers to all of these questions will seem obvious to some people, it doesn’t change the fact that young adults often feel painfully unprepared, even for simple things like these.

This article will give you some tips and advice for becoming a responsible adult. Whether you need to get adult braces or control your spending, you’ll find at least some of the answers you need here.

Personal Responsibility

The idea of personal responsibility is that human beings cause their own actions, and therefore are responsible for the results of those actions. With that said, anything mentioned in this article could be listed under personal responsibility. But in this case, we specifically mean taking responsibility for things that affect your health and safety: actions that impact your “person.”

becoming a responsible adult

You’d probably rather your family didn’t have to stage a drug and alcohol intervention for you to make improvements to your lifestyle. But even if you aren’t flirting with dangerous substances, thoughtless actions of all kinds can land you in trouble. Here we’ll talk about how to take responsibility for your health and staying out of legal trouble.

Don’t Rely on Healthcare for Your Health

Too many people take their health for granted. Then when they get sick or hurt, they enter “crisis management mode” and expect the doctor or over-the-counter drugs to solve their problem. The problem is, their sickness goes a lot deeper than the current symptoms they’re experiencing.

Healthcare is meant to be a last resort for keeping you healthy. It isn’t a complete strategy all on its own. While medicine can sometimes do wonders for ill individuals, its positive effects will be limited if you’ve allowed yourself to slip into poor health for a long time. For best results, your immune system needs to be working alongside medicine. If your immune system is weak and unhealthy because of bad lifestyle choices, you’ll get sick more often, and have more difficulty getting well again.

Becoming a responsible adult means owning the part you have to play in maintaining your health. Do some research on nutrition and diet, and find out what are some simple things you can do to boost your health. An article from Healthline is a great place to start because it presents a simple overview with clear steps for improving nutrition.

Get Medical Care When You Need It

Nothing we’ve said is meant to downplay the importance of medical care. In fact, too many young adults postpone getting treatment when they need it, and this only makes things worse. If you need adult orthodontics treatments, ignoring this can lead to bigger problems down the line. Sometimes this is because they feel like they can’t afford care, but often, it’s just because they feel they have better things to do.

If you have a condition you’ve been ignoring, do whatever it takes to get a checkup from a good doctor. Most states offer Medicaid to low-income adults even if they don’t have a disability. Even if Medicaid won’t cover the treatment you need, some churches or nonprofits might help you out if you ask them. Finally, if you have to save money for a little while to get treatment like vision therapy , that’s not a bad idea either.

becoming a responsible adult

In general, practice common sense when it comes to caring for your body and health. If you have a cut, use waterproof wound covers before going swimming. If there’s ice on the ground, exercise caution when going outside to avoid slipping. No one is immune to infections or broken bones, so treat your body with care.

Stay Out of Legal Trouble

Becoming a responsible adult involves caring for your health because it maximizes your freedom and mobility. If you get sick, you could be bedridden or prevented from thinking clearly or traveling. No one wants to live like that, which is why prioritizing your health is so important.

But illness isn’t the only threat to your freedom. Besides staying out of trouble when it comes to your health, you should exercise care to avoid trouble with the law as well.

No one expects to become a criminal, and often people are prosecuted for crimes they didn’t realize they were committing. Misunderstandings and mistakes can be blown out of proportion and cause more trouble than you expect. For example, if you’re in a loud, heated argument with a family member, a neighbor could become concerned and call the police. While you wouldn’t expect to go to jail over an argument, this could be exactly what happens without an excellent defense, as judges often give severe sentences to first-time offenders.

The most obvious way to avoid trouble with the law is to stay away from trouble in the first place. Don’t play around with drugs, don’t drive after drinking, and avoid people who seem to attract negative attention.

Beyond the obvious, the best way to stay out of trouble is to practice extreme politeness. This doesn’t mean you need to be a pushover, but you shouldn’t raise your voice or pound your fists on the wall when a simple explanation will suffice to get your point across. Recognize that sometimes it’s better, in the long run, to walk away from a fight. Just because something seems like a big deal in the moment doesn’t mean it will seem as significant when you calm down — especially if you’re forced to calm down behind bars.

Financial Responsibility

Everyone would like to stay out of jail and keep their health intact, but often their biggest concern is financial. Somehow this is one area that always seems to be a problem for not just young people, but nearly everyone. Whether you’re a graduate with student debt or a homeowner trying to afford HVAC installation , becoming a responsible adult seems a lot harder when money is involved.

becoming a responsible adult

The good thing about being young is that you’re less likely to have significant costs to deal with. While the elderly have medical bills and costs from personal injury attorneys , and the middle-aged middle-class have homes and cars to maintain, finances tend to be simpler when you’re just starting out in life. Of course, that doesn’t mean becoming a responsible adult is ever easy. But hopefully, the following tips will get you off to a good start.

Stabilize Your Income

Whether you need to pay down debt or save for retirement, the first step is stabilizing your income. That means you need to make sure you’re earning a steady amount of money every month, and that it’s enough for you to get by with cash to spare. That might mean getting a better, higher-paying job, or it might simply mean cutting costs so you’re spending less money on unnecessary things.

If you’re falling back on credit cards to get by or you’re just barely earning enough from your job, either you aren’t earning enough or you’re spending too much. To find out which it is, carefully track your spending for one month and take note of which purchases are essential and which ones aren’t. Often people find themselves paying for expensive drinks they could make for less at home, or for streaming services that they barely watch. You don’t have to give up all little pleasures to cut costs effectively. You might start fixing nice treats from scratch at home instead of buying them from the cafe. And instead of having all the streaming platforms at once, you could use just one every month, and switch to a new platform when you’re finished watching the shows you really wanted to see.

If you calculate all your costs and find you simply need more money to get by, you might need to increase your skills before you can get a better job. That doesn’t mean you have to go to college, though. Countless certification courses and educational programs exist online, some of which are free. Even the paid programs are far less costly than going to school. While having a lot of courses on your resume may seem less impressive than a degree, more and more businesses are starting to prioritize functional knowledge over degrees. If you can prove your worth, you don’t necessarily need a diploma to prove it for you.

Lower Your Expenses and Start Saving

Whether you’re having trouble getting by or not, it’s always a good idea to cut costs where you can. You can usually find an auto insurance group that offers insurance at a lower price than what you’re paying. As we mentioned already, you can maximize your savings on entertainment by purchasing just one streaming service at a time, and you can save on food by cooking at home. You can even call your credit card companies and negotiate lower interest rates, as explained in this highly-detailed how-to article.

Once your income exceeds your spending and you’ve cut costs as much as you reasonably can, it’s time to start setting money back. At first, you should focus on creating an emergency fund with at least three months worth of expenses. Once you’ve saved a few thousand dollars, you should think about investing that money with a solid strategy so that it doesn’t lose its value while sitting in the bank.

Take Advantage of Every Opportunity

Earning more than you spend is the first step to improving your finances. In fact, if that was all you did you’d be pretty well off. But the subject of finances is complicated and constantly changing, so you should invest a little time in learning about money whenever you can. While you’re at it, be on the lookout for opportunities to earn or save more.

becoming a responsible adult

Your job may offer incentives or benefits to help its employees save for retirement. You should talk to your Human Resources manager to find out what benefits your employer offers that you aren’t already taking advantage of.

Outside of maximizing your job’s value, try thinking like an entrepreneur to find new ways to make or save money. That means being on the lookout for problems that you could solve for people at a profit, as well as unique ways that you could cut your spending even farther without compromising your lifestyle. Most people float through life without thinking creatively, and this is one thing that keeps them poor. You can build a small empire for yourself rather quickly just by finding ways to serve people at a profit.

Even if you don’t want to be an entrepreneur, thinking creatively and constructively is an important part of becoming a responsible adult.

Emotional Responsibility

No discussion on becoming a responsible adult would be complete without talking about emotional maturity. Too many people go through life reacting like children to everything that goes wrong. Becoming a responsible adult means accepting that bad things happen sometimes, and holding on to things that truly matter. In this last section on becoming a responsible adult, we’ll share one of the most important ways you can show emotional maturity.

Value Things That Really Matter

Part of growing older means recognizing what things are truly important, and what are just distractions. As they near the end of life, people tend to realize that family and true friends are the most important aspects of living. Unfortunately, this realization often comes after decades of ignoring relationships in favor of money and pleasure.

You don’t have to wait until you’re old to recognize the importance of family and relationships. If you’re wise, you can start prioritizing these important things right now.

According to 88% of families, a weekly game night would make them happier than a new big-screen TV. Most people know that relationships matter, but only a select few will truly prioritize the healthy relationships in their lives. You can become a truly exceptional person just by putting family and good friends first.

From getting services at an orthodontic practice to practicing emotional maturity, this is some of the most important advice you can remember for being a responsible adult. Between taking good care of yourself and contributing generously to others, both financially and emotionally, soon no one will have any doubt that you’re a mature and responsible person.

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Personal Responsibility Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Looking for an essay on personal responsibility as a student or an office worker? Or want to know more about the importance of being a responsible person? Find here a free short personal responsibility essay to get inspired!

Thesis Statement


  • Importance of Personal Responsibility
  • Personal Responsibility Strategies

Personal responsibility results to increase in the rate of success and decrease in examination cheating among the students in schools.

The word personal responsibility is the self-awareness of a person towards success of one’s life. It is also being aware of the initial goal of one’s life hence doing everything towards one’s own progress, to attain ones initial plan. Different people can define personal responsibility differently but one of the major definitions is that it is an attempt to use your own effort to be successful in everything.

The responsible person is the one who can make decisions and face the consequences of those decisions without complaining. One is responsible in life if he or she can be able to progress in life by abstaining anything, which might not be useful. Making such decisions need a strong person whose focus is purely in God and his ability to work in life without affecting anyone around negatively (Reiss, 2010).

The main aim of personal responsibility is to be able to show forth and even express the inner most beauty in visible ways, by responding to the issues of life and express your genuine love towards yourself and other people. The main aim of one’s personal responsibility is to ensure that the environment can also benefit from the gift of your appearance in that particular place or the society.

Making ones personal responsibility relies mainly on the people who want to ensure total success in everything they are doing. It also takes one’s self to be able to motivate own self to pursue a goal that seems difficult for people or even which people might neglect due to the vices that they are doing.

Importance of Personal Responsibility for a Student

There is correlation between personal responsibility of the student and their success in college. This relationship exists because personal responsibility directly affects issues that are pertinent to one’s life such as family, education, relationships as well as physical and spiritual well-being of an individual. Personal responsibility determines the success of the student in college for a number of reasons (Chester, 2008).

The first reason is self-discipline or self-control. Personal responsibility is the ability to be in control of one’s life in terms of emotions and actions. Students who do not have personal responsibility concerning their lives are prone to influences of doing what others are doing without proper reasons because they simply shift the blame on others when things do not go as they were expected. This lack of self-control comes about because any individual without a sense of personal responsibility will always be irresponsible.

A student without personal responsibility will blame the lecturer for failing in the exam. On the other hand, a student who has personal responsibility will not blame the lecture for the failure rather the student will critically analyze the reasons behind his failure and decide that they have a responsibility to pass. This explains why students who have a sense of personal responsibility have higher scores than those without personal responsibility (Bourbon, 1994).

Students who know that their actions affect others are also sensitive to the needs of others. They know when they have hurt someone and they are quick to apologize. If they wrong a teacher, they are likely to apologize. This endears them to both their fellow students and to their teachers.

This harmonious coexistence with others because of taking personal responsibility creates inner peace and concentration required by the mind for study purposes. Therefore, a student who has personal responsibility is likely to understand concepts better than a student who is at loggerheads with everyone (Chester, 2008).

Peer pressure as a factor that wields huge influence on the college students seems not to have a major effect on students who have a sense of responsibility. Personal responsibility dictates that one’s actions have consequences even when acted in a group setting.

Drug abuse, which often starts in a group setting, is not likely to affect a student who has a personal responsibility over his or her actions. This means that students who are personally responsible for their lives are unlikely to be involved in drug abuse, which negatively affects one academic performance (Chester, 2008).

The other factor that makes the student who takes personal responsibility to succeed in college more than those who do not take personal responsibility is that they do not allow circumstances to hinder their progress in life. They have a high sense of self-esteem or self worth, which makes them to confront issues critically rather than emotionally.

Students who feel that they are not in control pity themselves when they have issues to deal with in their lives thus affecting their physical health negatively. This may lead to absenteeism from classes and even suicidal cases (Chester, 2008).

Students who are aware of the word personal responsibility also manage to delay gratification. Delay of gratification is simply the ability to deny oneself pleasure in pursuit of a particular goal.

Personal responsibility enables the student to stick out or to persevere in pursuit of academic excellence thereby delaying the enjoyment of pleasures, which may affect the concentration, or peace of mind in pursuit of excellence.

They delay gratification of pleasures such as drug use, sexual relationships, and hooliganism known to affect student’s academic performance (Bourbon, 1994).

Personal Responsibility Strategies for Success

As a student, one should ensure that all the work given does not go to waste by ensuring that all people around do not copy the assignments but rather do their own work as commanded by the lecturers or professors. Copying of other student’s work robs the student competency and the necessary self-confidence required at work as well as circumstances outside college.

This will be a great stride in personal responsibility by personally handling one assignment, as it will give the student a chance to have mastery of the topic in an honest manner.

One should also ensure that the area surrounding the school is always clean and ready for use by anyone who wants to learn and all students can breathe the right air as required by the education policies. Commitment to the environment is imperative in promoting personal responsibility not only over oneself but also on the environment at large (Bourbon, 1994).

Personal timetable that will assist to manage time during study hours and to reduce time wastage during other activities is very important. One should also ensure timely completion of the school projects to avoid being at loggerheads with the lecturers.

This is because the recognition that time is a resource, it is precious, and it is out of order to waste it is the beginning of personal development (Bourbon, 1994).

There is a need to ensure that the people around are able to learn about self-responsibility and its advantages by setting a good example to them. This is because personal responsibility involves having responsibility on not only ones actions but also reviewing ones plans and goals all the time for better performance.

Goal setting enables one to review their personal progress. Goals also provide a sense of purpose to a student as they focus on ones actions and activities towards one major goal. One should break down those goals into daily goals, monthly goals and yearly goals.

Personal responsibility is an important aspect of human life. It is even more important when the student learns personal responsibility early in life. The apathy, accidents, and laziness, which lead to lower standards of living, are preventable if the students learn early in life to exercise responsibility over their own lives.

The world would certainly be a better place if the blame games stopped and people took responsibility over their actions. This change can start from the school especially if teachers take as their responsibility to instill a culture of taking responsibility among students.

Performance of college students therefore directly relates to the student’s ability to take personal responsibility over their lives. Although there is no direct correlation between college grades and success in life, there is direct correlation between the ability to take responsibility in life and to succeed elsewhere.

One of the best environments to nurture personal responsibility in one’s life is in college and students in college should take it upon themselves to ensure that they not only score better grades in life but they have also mastered the art of self responsibility which will propel them to higher heights of life.

Bourbon, T. (1994). Discipline at home and at school . New York: Brandt.

This book is about Perceptual control theory PCT on how perceptions determine actions. This theory looks into what happens in the classroom and how teachers try to bring in discipline to the students based on their perceptions.

The student on the other hand has his or her perceptions about what discipline is. This book looks into human behavioral system on how perceptions affect habit and performance of students in the classroom. Thomas Walter Bourbon is a retired professor of psychology who focused his study on physiology and human perceptions.

He has worked with medical research institutions to develop the perceptual control theory into an alternative science. He is now a consultant with various schools and colleges on how they may apply the perception control theory to deal with behavioral problems in school, homes, and in clinical settings.

Chester, C. (2008). Building classroom discipline. Boston: Pearson Education.

This book is indeed helpful to teachers who wish to understand how to model discipline in their classrooms. It looks into the various ways and models of doing this in a way that involves the student.

It shows the impact of discipline on students and how to motivate students in self-responsibility. It also delves into the new ways and trends in the application of classroom discipline. This book is helpful to beginner teachers and teachers in colleges in handling adult students.

Charles Chester the author of the book is a professor in San Diego University and he has many awards accorded to him due to his contribution in the field of classroom discipline. Due to his wealth of experience in classroom, teaching his work is worth of study.

Reiss, S. (2010). What happened to personal responsibility? Chicago, Journal of Psychology (8).

This journal article is a critique on the education system as well as the society as a whole for their failure to instill personal responsibility in the life of students.

Institutions are the ones blamed for individual failures. The author gives an example where if a student fails in the exam or caught cheating in national exams, it is not the student who is to blame but the education system. This kind of attitude irks the author as he questions the kind of society, which we are building without taking responsibility for the consequences of one’s actions.

Steven Reiss is a contributor and a commentator on social issues in the Journal of Psychology today. He teaches psychology in Ohio State University. His research on human motivation makes his work on issues of discipline and personal responsibility authentic.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 7). Personal Responsibility Essay. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personal-responsibility/

"Personal Responsibility Essay." IvyPanda , 7 June 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/personal-responsibility/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Personal Responsibility Essay'. 7 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Personal Responsibility Essay." June 7, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personal-responsibility/.

1. IvyPanda . "Personal Responsibility Essay." June 7, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personal-responsibility/.


IvyPanda . "Personal Responsibility Essay." June 7, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personal-responsibility/.

Greater Good Science Center • Magazine • In Action • In Education

How to Help Young People Transition Into Adulthood

With so much rapid-fire change in the world, the job of preparing our young people for the future has become increasingly daunting. The Institute of the Future issued a report in 2017 that declared that 85 percent of the jobs in 2030—when today’s second-graders will graduate high school—have not been invented yet. On top of that, we’re facing an unfolding crisis in the environment; rampant racial, ethnic, and gender inequities; the impending confluence of bioengineering and artificial intelligence; and escalating craziness on the geopolitical stage.

Over the past decade, I talked to thousands of educators grappling with the question of how to best prepare young people for the uncertain future. The vast majority agree that skills like critical thinking, resilience, creativity, systems thinking, and empathy are crucial and must be prioritized over compliance and standardized test scores. But, more recently, there’s a sense that young people need to gain real-world experience in navigating the unknown through some kind of authentic rite of passage—and more and more research is exploring what that might look like. 

For millennia, elders have led youth through scaffolded rites of passage. French ethnographer Arnold van Gennep analyzed rites of passage across cultures in history and found that they have a universal three-part structure—separation, liminality, and reincorporation—to help people make sense of great transition. A young person undergoing a coming-of-age rite of passage must leave her “normal world” (separation) and enter into a situation where she experiences the free-fall of being no longer a child but not yet an adult (liminality). Once the initiate has successfully mastered the liminal phase, she returns to the normal world as an adult (reincorporation), having “leveled up” with skills that are needed to function as a healthy member of the community.

write essay on how to become a responsible adult

But meaningful rites of passage are not as common today. In fact, 75 percent of people between the ages of 12 and 25 lack a clear sense of purpose and many young adults are intimidated by “adulting.” This led me to wonder: How might we combine what we know from psychology and education research with traditional rite-of-passage rituals to help youth practice dwelling in the unknown, while building up critical skills for the future?

Over the past two years, I have worked with individuals and small groups of graduate students and educators to prototype a more contemporary approach to rites of passage. The updated three steps we designed—now preparation , threshold , and reflection —revolve around a student-centered project that allows youth to deepen their self-knowledge while learning to be comfortable in the unknown. Dozens of young people have gone through this process, and I hope teachers, community leaders, and others can use this model to facilitate meaningful and impactful rites of passage to support the development of the youth in their communities.

1. Preparation: Student-centered project design

Rites of passage provide a safe and structured container for young people to undergo a metamorphic shift in identity from youth to adult. The goal of the first phase is for you (as a teacher, leader, or parent) and the initiates to develop a deeper understanding of themselves: their character strengths, interests, skills, and passions.

Student inventory. Ask students the following questions (inspired by Project Wayfinder and Angela Maiers ):

  • What are your strengths? This can be skills such as math, drawing, or swimming, or dispositions such as patience, leadership, or the ability to focus. You can also have them take the free VIA Character Strengths Survey for Youth .
  • What do you love to do? Note that many teens’ first answer will be something to do with video games or social media. Capture these ideas, but dig a little deeper to see what else is under there. Do they enjoy strategizing with friends in Fortnite ? Or creating beautiful images for Instagram? Once you’ve captured the digital stuff, be sure to find out what else they love in the “offline” world, just for balance.

  • Is there anything that you wish you knew how to do? A skill or disposition that you want to develop? Again, see if you can find both digital and offline answers here.
  • What issue or cause out in the world do you care about the most? Climate? Gun violence? Homelessness? Animal welfare? Government corruption? Talk to them about a few specific issues.

Brainstorm projects. Using the student’s answers to each question, begin to brainstorm project ideas that would be meaningful. Projects should be designed to use the initiate’s skills to help solve a community problem that he deeply cares about.

For instance, say you are working with a 19-year-old named Sam who loves to draw, write fiction, and make short videos with her friends. The VIA Character Strengths Survey shows she’s strong in social intelligence (which she knew) but also in bravery (which she didn’t!). She wants to learn business skills and how to make better videos. The daughter of immigrants, Sam is deeply troubled by the racist attacks to which she and her friends are increasingly subjected.

Sam and her mentor brainstorm some ideas for projects. For instance, she might make a short video interviewing three immigrants in her community about their experiences with racism. Or maybe she could illustrate t-shirts with messages of equity and inclusion, and set up a pop-up shop. A third idea might be to write, illustrate, self-publish, and sell a book of short stories about a teenage immigrant.

Discuss viability of project. Have your student review the projects and select a couple of favorites to evaluate what it will take to pull each off successfully. Will it require a lot of money or volunteers? What about location? What is the scope? Are there a lot of interdependencies? Involve the initiate in brainstorming solutions. Ultimately, as in the real world, the final project scope will be determined by a combination of will and resources.

Because it will be a ton of work to fill up an entire shop, and then organize a pop-up, Sam settles on the video project, which seems very doable within her three-month summer break.

Write a project plan. Written as much as possible by the student with support as needed from their mentor, a project plan should include real-world skills like calling venues, organizing volunteers, setting up a Kickstarter campaign, writing a basic budget, using social media for promotion, gathering sponsors, writing, and performing speeches. 

Sam’s project plan outlines in detail the content, production process, budget, and timeline for her documentary short. Using her mentor’s connections, Sam reaches out to a local nonprofit that has a video editing suite and asks if she can use it after-hours.

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Prepare for departure. Integral to the design of a rite of passage is that the initiate must leave the comfort of home and venture out into a new realm. This separation is baked into the experience of going away to college or summer sleepaway camp, but it can also be engineered in other ways: a summer or gap-year project, or over a holiday break.

The night before Sam is to shoot her first interview, her mentor and parents invite eight adults—family members, former teachers, and friends who know and love Sam—to an opening circle to witness her at the beginning of her journey. The room is illuminated with candles. Each adult speaks to Sam of her strengths and their belief in her, offering one piece of advice and one thing they appreciate about her. The adults have also made a short video of each of them repeating their wishes for her. Sam speaks of her intentions to learn more about filmmaking and to speak out against racism.

2. Threshold: Tasks must be hard (and relevant)

The ordeal will be a challenge. Students need to feel frustrated—pushed as close to the point of giving up as possible—or it won’t have the impact. 

This is the time when we as facilitators have to step out of the way and let the student work on her own, grapple with setbacks, and, yes, fail. If they show signs of withering, you can support independent problem solving wherever possible. There are several research-based practices you can share that will help build resilience and well-being during the ordeal and well into adulthood, as well.

Growth mindset . If she is not already skilled at learning from mistakes, remind your student that every failure is a learning opportunity. If she starts to internalize negative self-talk, such as “I will never be able to do this!,” remind her of the power of “yet”—as in, “You don’t know how to do this, yet. But you will get it.”

Three Good Things . This is a super simple and proven practice of writing down three good things that happened at the end of each day. Research shows that this can help us sustain a sense of happiness and fend off depressive symptoms for up to three months—an excellent practice to build while amid an ordeal. 

write essay on how to become a responsible adult

Three Good Things

A way to tune into the positive events in your life

Cultivate awareness . Have the initiate reflect on how he’s doing and identify any challenges with self-compassion. Bring any negative self-talk to awareness. Help the initiate become aware of what he does when he starts to experience the frustration of obstacles. Keeping a regular project journal can help facilitate this reflection.

Ethics . In the real world, we come up against ethical challenges all the time. Especially now with the ever-shifting sands of ethical standards in our public discourse, it is important that adults model respect, morality, and ethical decision making during an ordeal. It will be tempting for your student to make some unethical choices. You will want to make it safe and supportive to make the right choice. 

Awe. Awe, “numinosity,” or the sense that there is a larger force at work in the world is key to meaningful rites of passage, as research shows it is a positive way to catalyze the identity shift necessary to leave childhood and become fully adult. This can be designed into the experience by taking young people out into awe-inspiring nature for several days, creating a deck of personally meaningful cards as in Soul Collage , or reading the poetry of Rumi, Lucille Clifton, or Mary Oliver.

3. Reflection: Completion of project

Once the ordeal has concluded, it is time to celebrate the accomplishments of the initiate! Like the departure, this return is a time of celebration and welcoming back to the “normal world.” Many traditions have the initiate stand up in front of his peers and community and speak about the experience. This celebration can be big and formal, or small and intimate. The key is that the initiate should be able to answer the following questions:

  • Why did you do this project?
  • What did you hope to learn?
  • What did you learn?
  • What will you take with you?
  • What is one of your best memories?

Ideally, there is time to help the initiate integrate the experience and set about planning for another self-designed goal. In Sam’s case, her family and mentor will invite the same adults to come over for a special screening of her video, and she will give a short introduction to the video offering her reflections.

Finding Purpose Across the Lifespan

This article is part of a GGSC initiative on “ Finding Purpose Across the Lifespan ,” supported by the John Templeton Foundation. In a series of articles, podcast episodes, and other resources, we’re exploring why and how to deepen your sense of purpose at different stages of life.

In traditional rites of passage, the initiate returns home as an adult, having been prepared for adult responsibilities—mind, body, and soul—through the ordeal. We don’t really have a similar expectation in our contemporary communities, and of course there are myriad reasons why young people are taking longer to find their footing as adults.

But we can certainly help young people deepen their self-knowledge and strengthen their sense of identity, develop real-world skills, and (most importantly) experience the state-change that comes with accomplishing a major stretch goal. We can provide a model for navigating the unknown as a means of strengthening their identity and engaging community support.

Indeed, I would like to live in a world where each child is initiated into adulthood—not to fit them into a prescribed societal box, but to help them understand who they are, why they’re here, and how they can share their gifts with the world.

About the Author

Headshot of Betty Ray

Betty Ray, M.A. , is an author, speaker, and consultant. She spent the better part of the last decade in senior editorial leadership roles at Edutopia, published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation. Now, her work explores the question: How might we design educational experiences that cultivate the inner life of young people so that they know their own purpose, and can apply that purpose to solving some of the most vexing problems we face today?

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Essay on Responsibility

Students are often asked to write an essay on Responsibility in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Responsibility

Understanding responsibility.

Responsibility means being accountable for our actions. It involves making decisions and facing the consequences. It’s a vital life skill, crucial for personal growth.

Types of Responsibility

Responsibility can be personal or social. Personal responsibility involves self-care, while social responsibility involves caring for others and the environment.

Importance of Responsibility

Being responsible helps in building trust and respect. It also aids in developing self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment.

In conclusion, responsibility shapes our character. It’s a key to success, making us reliable and respected individuals.

250 Words Essay on Responsibility

Responsibility is a multifaceted concept that encompasses moral, social, and personal dimensions. It is the obligation to carry out tasks and roles effectively and efficiently, and it is integral to the development of an individual’s character and societal structure.

Moral Responsibility

Moral responsibility refers to the duty one has towards oneself and others, encapsulating the principles of honesty, integrity, and fairness. It involves making conscientious decisions that respect the rights and welfare of others. For instance, a journalist has a moral responsibility to report news objectively, without bias or distortion.

Social Responsibility

On a broader scale, social responsibility concerns the obligations individuals or organizations have towards society. It includes actions that contribute to the welfare of the community, such as volunteering, environmental conservation, or philanthropy. Corporations, too, bear social responsibility, aiming to minimize their negative impact on society while maximizing their positive contributions.

Personal Responsibility

Personal responsibility, meanwhile, involves acknowledging and fulfilling personal commitments and obligations. It is about taking ownership of one’s actions and their consequences. For example, a student has a personal responsibility to complete their assignments on time and to the best of their ability.

The Importance of Responsibility

Responsibility is pivotal in shaping a just and harmonious society. It fosters trust, cooperation, and respect among individuals and groups. Moreover, it promotes personal growth, self-discipline, and resilience. Embracing responsibility, therefore, is a stepping stone towards personal success and societal progress.

In conclusion, responsibility is a cornerstone of ethical conduct and social cohesion. It is an attribute that should be cultivated and cherished for the betterment of individuals and society at large.

500 Words Essay on Responsibility


Responsibility is a fundamental concept that permeates all aspects of life. It is a principle that guides our actions, decisions, and relationships, shaping our character and defining who we are as individuals and as members of society. Understanding responsibility and its implications is crucial to personal development and social cohesion.

Conceptualizing Responsibility

Responsibility is a multifaceted construct. It can be seen as a duty or obligation, an expectation to perform certain tasks or uphold specific standards. It can also be understood as accountability, the acceptance of the consequences of our actions. Responsibility implies a moral dimension, an ethical commitment to do what is right and fair.

Personal responsibility involves taking charge of one’s own actions, decisions, and their outcomes. It is about owning up to mistakes, learning from them, and striving to do better. Personal responsibility is a cornerstone of self-improvement and personal growth. It promotes self-efficacy, self-respect, and integrity.

Responsibility and Freedom

Responsibility is intrinsically linked to freedom. With freedom comes responsibility. The more freedom we have, the more responsibility we bear for our actions. Conversely, the more responsible we are, the more freedom we are likely to enjoy. Responsibility and freedom are thus two sides of the same coin, mutually reinforcing and interdependent.

Challenges and Opportunities

Responsibility, while fundamentally important, is not always easy to uphold. It requires self-discipline, moral courage, and a sense of duty. It can sometimes be burdensome and demanding. However, responsibility also presents opportunities. It empowers us to shape our destiny, to make a difference, and to lead a meaningful and fulfilling life.

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Ways to Become a Responsible Adolescent Prepared for Adult Life

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Essays On Responsibility | Responsibility Essay for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Responsibility: Responsibility is quite possibly the main part of human life and character. It is duty regarding one’s activities that make a human. It is a usually acknowledged thought that the individual who isn’t assuming liability for their activities ought not and can’t be believed, that they are not genuinely a person. In any case, in the cutting-edge world, we have the always developing propensity of the state to eliminate the possibility of obligation from new and new spaces of human life.

Being capable alludes to our capacity to settle on choices that serve our own advantages and the interests of others. We first should be responsible for ourselves before we can be answerable for other people. In figuring out how to be more capable it is significant that we know our constraints. It doesn’t make any difference how keen we are, there is just such an excess of duty that an individual can deal with. It is additionally imperative to recollect that we are not answerable for things that are out of our control, for instance, how others feel or how they respond to ourselves or others. Sharing obligation regarding both achievement and disappointment can prompt expanded duty to oneself as well as other people.

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What is Responsibility?

Responsibility is one of the attributes of our character which implies that an individual can react to his moves, can take a few obligations and confront certain outcomes of the activities that may happen. Responsibility is the state or certainty of having an obligation to manage something or of having power over somebody.

Unquestionably, individuals are not brought into the world with the feeling of obligation and it doesn’t show up on the double by wizardry fasten of the fingers. Duty is something each individual ought to develop it themselves; it should turn into a piece of one’s character. The absence of such an attribute of character or even its supreme nonappearance was never viewed as a positive component. At the point when you are dependable, it is simpler to acquire the admiration of individuals and to assume a nice position in the general public.

Short Essay on Responsibility 150 Words in English

Somebody’s irresponsibility can be not just bothering when an individual doesn’t adapt or doesn’t have any desire to adapt to the obligations, yet now and again, it tends to be hazardous. There are particular sorts of occupations that request a moral obligation, occupations where the absence of duty can prompt sad results or even a calamity.

Allow us to envision a circumstance when an understudy was to compose an exposition however he didn’t figure out how to finish this errand on schedule. A teacher would call the understudy unreliable. For this situation, there is no harm from untrustworthiness, with the exception of the understudy’s very own mischief. But on the other hand, how about we envision another circumstance. A representative of a Nuclear Power Plant was not mindful enough, pressed an off-base catch and it prompted a blast. This disaster brought about by the absence of duty as horrible results, it can harm the climate as well as can end individuals’ lives. Obviously, these models are misrepresented however the last one shows how significant roles and responsibilities are.

Essays On Responsibility

Long Essay on Responsibility for Students

The essential duties of a student are to learn and procure information. Their primary obligation consists of improving their acumen and broadening their psychological capacities. Shockingly, numerous understudies fail to remember this objective and spend their school days pointlessly getting a charge out of and standing by their time. Just later they understand the consequence of their imprudence.

School is the stage wherein students become familiar with the great qualities of life, for example, discipline, acquiescence, loyalty, ingenuity, regard to older folks, trustworthiness, enthusiasm, and so forth School gives various freedoms to the improvement of these characteristics. It is the obligation of each pupil to gain these fine characteristics of life which will empower him/her to place in an advantageous position later on.

Another significant obligation of the pupils is to set them up for the profession they need to seek after. It is in school life that the future profession takes root. During school life, one gets mindful of one’s capacities, restrictions and the various callings accessible. Thus, during this stage, they should decide with respect to what they should become throughout everyday life. School life is the perfect chance to settle on an appropriate decision of one’s vocation.

Students are the watchmen of society. It is their obligation to battle against all shades of malice existing in the general public. They have a huge obligation to see that treachery, imbalance, persecution, abuse, defilement, criminalisation of governmental issues, communalism, casteism, abuse of public cash, and so on, are discarded. Understudies have incredible solidarity to go against these wrongs of society.

Students likewise have an incredible obligation to assist the less blessed individuals from the general public via social work. They can offer extraordinary administrations by showing uneducated offspring of close by towns, building houses for the needy individuals of the region, undertaking cleaning drives, making public mindfulness on different social issues, and so forth

Social Duties and Responsibilities

Social duty is a moral system and recommends that a substance, be it an association or individual, has a commitment to represent the advantage of society on the loose. Social obligation is an obligation each individual needs to perform to keep harmony between the economy and the environment.

Social responsibilities are significant and assume an incredible part in each circle of our life. So on the off chance that we need to live in a prosperous and creating society, we as a whole ought to be cognizant about close to home as well as about friendly duty. Every individual from a local area has his own obligations and obligations towards himself and towards others which he needs to satisfy to keep the agreeable soul and to keep an equilibrium between individuals as well as among individuals and nature.

FAQ’s on Essays On Responsibility

Question 1. What is the responsibility and why is it important?

Answer: Responsibility is the state or certainty of having an obligation to manage something or of having power over somebody. At the point when you do what you have guaranteed, individuals consider you to be a capable and solid individual. This lifts an individual’s confidence and self-esteem. For a representative they’ll before long discover they’re given undertakings and tasks of higher significance, eventually prompting raises and advancements.

Question 2. What is personal responsibility?

Answer: Moral duty is having regard for yourself and for others as far as dealing with your activities and responses, feelings, and the outcomes that may emerge because of your activities/responses or feelings. Moral duty is accepting that as people we need to comprehend and acknowledge the job our activities or responses sway others around us. Moral duty is being responsible and not depending on others to characterize or approve what our identity is or a big motivator for us or add to society all in all.

Question 3. What are the benefits of being responsible?

Answer: Each progression we take towards being dependable and beneficial assists with raising our confidence and our associations with companions, family and colleagues improve ten times. Being dependable delivers enormous profits – we have considerably less pressure and disorder in our lives and we acquire the admiration of others.

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Characteristics of Responsibility in Life

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Words: 785 |

Published: Mar 19, 2024

Words: 785 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

I. introduction, ii. personal accountability, iii. time management skills, iv. decision-making abilities, v. adaptability and flexibility, vi. communication skills, vii. conclusion.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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12 signs you’re a responsible adult, according to psychology.

Ava Sinclair

You can be as old as 50 yet be so irresponsible. But you could be as young as 18 and be the responsible one in a room full of middle-aged adults.

My point is, being a responsible adult isn’t always about age. 

It’s really about how you approach everyday situations. 

Responsible adulthood is all about having the right set of habits or attitudes. 

Do you meet the criteria for being a responsible adult?

In this list, we’ll take a look at 12 signs that show you’re a responsible adult, according to psychology experts.

Let’s dive in!

1) You own your life

Speaker and Psychology Today contributor John Kim emphasizes the importance of personal accountability when it comes to responsible adulthood.

When you take responsibility for your life , you understand that where you are today is a result of your past actions and decisions.

You stop blaming others or circumstances and instead focus on what you can do to improve your situation.

This acceptance and accountability are  what fully allow you to create a better plan for your future.

As Hal Elrod said, “The moment you take responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you can change anything in your life.”

2) You make decisions and take actions that reflect your values

When your actions align with your values, it shows you’re living authentically. And according to clinical psychologists Dr. Shoba Sreenivasan and Dr. Linda Weinberger , this is a telltale sign that you’re a responsible person.

You know what matters to you and your choices show that. 

For example, you own up to a mistake at work instead of covering it up because you value honesty.

Sure, any adult can be honest. 

But the real measure of responsible adulthood is when you choose to be truthful even when it’s hard.

3) You practice gratitude

You know you’re a responsible adult when you appreciate what you have instead of constantly seeking more. 

Don’t get me wrong. It’s not wrong to strive for more.

But as psychology expert John Kim notes, the practice of gratitude is closely linked to better mental health and increased life satisfaction. 

He says it helps shift our focus from what’s lacking to what’s present.

This means that you can hope for better circumstances but you don’t need to wait for them to feel happy and content. 

4) You stop lying, especially to yourself

Another thing Kim notes is the difference between children and responsible adults. He says the former “can believe their own lies” because they live in fantasy, while the latter is honest with themselves.

In other words, he’s saying that being real with yourself and others even when it’s hard is a big sign of being a responsible adult.

It means facing the truths about your abilities, your relationships, and your responsibilities.

Take it as a sign that you’re a responsible adult if you wholeheartedly agree with this quote:

“The truth may hurt for a little while, but a lie hurts forever.” – unknown. 

5) You don’t act like a jerk

Let me ask you something:

If a child accidentally steps on your brand new shoes, would you immediately get angry and yell at them or would you rather let it go?

As Kim highlights, “Being a jerk is a choice and a reaction. If you want to be an adult, there’s no excuse for it.”

So if you’d rather let petty things go than unnecessary blow it up into a major incident, that’s the true mark of responsible adulting.

6) You control your ego

Another point that Kim emphasizes is that an unchecked ego is your biggest hurdle to being a truly mature adult.

But how do you know that you’re actually keeping your ego in check?

It’s when you understand that everyone has value and that your needs and opinions aren’t more important than others. 

It means you’re okay with not always being the center of attention .

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It doesn’t mean you have to dim your light completely. 

What it really means is being able and willing to adjust your own brightness from time to time, so that others have a chance to shine.

7) You love hard and responsibly 

write essay on how to become a responsible adult

Another valuable input from Kim when it comes to the key traits of responsible adults is the concept of loving responsibly. He says that this involves open communication and  being unafraid to show your vulnerability.

He says that the way a responsible adult loves is by giving their all while also setting healthy boundaries . 

According to him, this kind of love requires courage and maturity because it involves balancing your needs with those of others. 

If this sounds like you, rest assured that you are truly a responsible and loving adult.

8) You are an active listener and an effective communicator

Speaking of relationships, licensed professional counselor Marissa Moore notes that having great relationships skills is another sign that you’re a responsible adult.

She zooms in on this further and says that being an effective communicator is a key component of exemplary relationship skills.

So if you’re someone who engages in conversations and truly hears what others are saying and you respond thoughtfully, that’s a confirmation of your responsible adulthood, plus more:

These skills also show that you’re someone who values the people in your life and are willing to invest time and effort into maintaining healthy relationships.

9) You handle your own issues

Another behavior that’s important for healthy relationships and one that sets apart responsible adults identified by John Kim is one’s ability to handle their own issues.

Here’s his thoughts on this:

“If you don’t take care of your own stuff, boundaries are blurred, and you will set yourself up for an adult/child dynamic instead of adult/adult.”

In other words, being a responsible adult means being aware of your issues and working on them, so that you don’t end up relying on others to fix things for you.

10) You call people back

I know this sounds trivial but here’s what psychologists say about ti:

Maintaining personal connections through direct communication, like phone calls, is a practice that shows respect and commitment.

I’m guilty of preferring text messages over voice ones but returning a phone call with another one shows you value their time and effort, plus, it also feels more personal and respectful to the other person.

Returning a call after someone reaches out to you is a good way of showing them that you care about maintaining that connection with them – whether it’s personal or professional.

11) You manage your finances effectively

Going back to our psychology expert, Marissa Moore, she links financial literacy to better financial behaviors and consequently, responsible adulthood.

You know you’re a responsible adult if you keep track of your expenses, pay your bills on time, and plan and save for the future. 

Knowing to budget, save, and invest your money is a sign of financial responsibility that ensures you can handle unexpected costs and work towards your financial goals.

It’s a big sign of being an independent and responsible adult.

And let’s be honest, it’s also a key part of giving us peace of mind and reducing any money-related stress during adulthood.

12) You take care of your mental health and practice self care

Speaking of stress reduction, let’s look at the final, and definitely not the least important skill set required for responsible adulthood, according to Moore:

This includes managing stress, getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and seeking help when needed.

Regular self-care isn’t a privilege nor a luxury – it’s a sign of responsibility. 

It shows that you’re mature enough to know your limits and responsible enough to take steps to recharge and rejuvenate.

This quote summarizes this point best:

“Self-care is how you take your power back.” – Lalah Delia

Keep calm and adult on!

How many of these signs reflect your actions and attitudes? 

Seeing any of these traits in yourself is a great indicator of your progress in adulting. 

But here’s a couple of things to remember:

  • These aren’t the only signs of a responsible adult, there’s definitely more – but this list is definitely a good start.
  • You don’t need to tick all the boxes. You simply need to understand where you stand and where you can grow.

Adulting comes with its share of ups and downs, but each responsible choice you make definitely adds up.

Keep going, you’re doing an amazing job adulting!

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How to Be a Responsible Adult: 7 Things You Should Be Doing

The generation of millennials are entering or well into adulthood, but many haven’t yet learned what it means to be a responsible adult. You may have gotten away with slacking off and making poor decisions up until now, but the stakes are higher and you need to take action to get your life in order.

Whether you are tired of screwing up and disappointing others (or yourself) or you’re starting a family, it’s time to learn how to be responsible. 

Luckily for you, it just takes a shift in mindset and a bit of time, and then you’ll be on your way to becoming a productive member of society. 

Here are 10 things you should be doing as a responsible adult.

1. Start Budgeting

Budgeting doesn’t mean occasionally opening up your bank account and freaking out about your spending problems, promising to change your habits. Budgeting means sitting down and setting strict rules for what you do with your income.

You can still have fun, but don’t spend all of your money every month on draft beer and new clothes. After taking into account your necessary expenses such as rent or mortgage, groceries, utilities, car payments, etc., see how much you have left each month.

Some of your extra money should go towards your savings, some may go into investments, and some into extra spending money or fun activities. Get a quality credit card like mbna smart cash to help diversify and improve your credit. 

Once you start tracking your spending each month, you’ll be shocked at how much you had been wasting on unnecessary expenses. Be smart about your spending habits and you’ll be on your way to responsible adulthood.

2. Don’t Be Afraid to Say “No”…

Do you find yourself taking on tasks that you hate doing? Or maybe you continually are there for others who are never there for you?

You’re an adult with real opinions and emotions, so why are you letting others walk all over you still?

Being a responsible adult means standing up for yourself and what you want. Don’t agree to do something just because you feel bad. Once you start to say no to things that don’t serve you, you’ll have a ton more time for things you actually want to be doing. 

3. …And Be Okay with Being Told “No”

Rejection is hard to take, there’s no doubt about that. But it’s completely unavoidable. You may get rejected by job opportunities, friends, or partners, but how you deal with it is up to you.

The best advice to keep in mind when you are told “no” is to not take it personally. Don’t let the rejection completely derail you and destroy your self-confidence. Allow it to fuel you to work harder and turn that “no” into a “yes” next time. 

4. Stop Making Excuses

Do you continually put off things like exercising, cleaning the house, or running important errands? Maybe you think you don’t have the time or it doesn’t hurt to put it off a bit longer.

Wrong! Stop making excuses and start doing the things you need to do every week. Putting it off will only add to your stress and turn your to-do list into a short novel.

Also, stop making excuses that are holding you back in your personal or professional life. Do you want to finally start that business you’ve always dreamed of? The only thing that’s stopping you is… you.

5. Admit to Your Mistakes

Admitting that you’re wrong or that you made a mistake is difficult. It puts us in a vulnerable position and leaves us open to criticism. But admitting to mistakes is an important part of growing up.

It goes along with no longer making excuses. Take responsibility for your actions, regardless of the consequences, instead of hiding from your mistakes. 

It may be difficult at first, but the people around you will respect you so much more for owning up to your errors. It’s a tell-tale sign of truly growing up and becoming a responsible adult.

6. Learn Self-Discipline

Being an adult requires a level of self-discipline that you may not have needed in the past. You have bills to pay, a family to support, and people that rely on you every day. This means you need to get your stuff done and motivate yourself every day.

You’ll be faced with choices between doing something fun and being responsible, and you should start choosing the be responsible. Once you learn self-discipline, you truly are a responsible adult.

7. Be Reliable

Responsible adults don’t arrive an hour late to work. They don’t cancel on friends or family at the last minute. People rely on you and it’s time to stop letting them down. 

Turn into someone who your friends, family, and coworkers can always rely on. You don’t want to be that person that people expect to be let down by. Even if you have been unreliable your whole life, surprise the people in your life and change your ways.

8. Stop Complaining and Take Control

Life happens and things go wrong, even if you do everything right. But how you react to things going wrong says a lot about your maturity.

Do you sit back and complain about how the whole world is out to get you? Do wonder what the point is of even trying if things don’t go your way?

Stop complaining about external forces that you can’t control. Accept what has happened and figure out what you can do about it.

It’s okay to feel sad or disappointed at first, but don’t let those emotions consume you. Get back up, dust it off, and take control of what happens next.

Now That You Know How to Be Responsible…

It’s time to make some changes in your life! Stop making excuses and become the person you’ve always looked up to.

Part of learning how to be responsible is making smart financial decisions. Check out our blog page on frugal living for some great tips!

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Adulting Starts Here

Adulting Checklist: 12 Actions To Become a Responsible Adult

adulting checklist

Are you ready to start taking action to become a responsible adult and build those life skills? Not sure about the best way to start? That is perfectly normal, so don’t worry! Here is your adulting checklist! Just keep reading and you will learn 12 actions that you can take right now to become a responsible adult and not an adult child.

Embrace Accountability

This is first on the adulting checklist for a reason.

At the end of the day, all being an adult ultimately comes down to is embracing accountability. You are in control of your life, what you do, and how you respond to what is done to you. This is the most important thing to realize as you transition from a young adult.

It’s more than just doing your own laundry, completing your own household chores, or deciding a career path. Feeling more like an adult means embracing the mentality that you are not the victim of your story but the hero of it. Life does not solely happen to you. You have some control and it’s important to keep that in mind, especially for your mental health. There is almost nothing more defeating than feeling helpless, full of negative emotions, and like you have no control over your life.

The power lies within you to take action and change the circumstances of your situation if you do not like them. The “real world” is not here to destroy you and the quality of life you seek. Yes, it can seem like it’s against you at times or that you are being left behind, especially on social media, however, this is not the case. The right time for you to take control of your life is now. So, let’s discuss some life skills to help make it happen!

Be Proactive And Fight Procrastination

A major part of being a responsible adult is being proactive in life. Whatever you are trying to accomplish, don’t wait until the last minute to start. And above all actually start!

We are all working against the clock and what we do with our free time while we are young adults will have a large impact on our future selves. Seek out the obstacles that might arise and be proactive in finding solutions for them. A simple example of this is putting money aside for an emergency fund. It is extremely easy to go into debt and become burdened by it. To help mitigate that possibility, frequently save money that can be used for emergencies. So, if establishing financial goals is an obstacle for you, this is your sign to start working on them!

Being proactive also can be just treating yourself with greater care. For example, being proactive today and seeking ways to improve your physical health through diet and exercise can help you stave off future ailments and medical bills.

Nurturing a proactive mindset is a lifelong quest that can help you avoid many obstacles and therefore allow you to operate as a more responsible adult.

Also, I do want to say that a lot of this is easier said than done. If this is your first time really thinking about these topics, don’t worry, you are in the right place to find some answers to help you on your journey. This is the whole point of Adulting Starts Here. It is here to help young adults find better ways to transition into adulthood and discover the life skills necessary to do it in the real world. So, do use this website as a resource whenever you need it.

Develop Financial Goals To Properly Manage Your Money

As highlighted earlier, financial literacy is important. You might already be working a full-time job and hopefully earning a decent salary. Therefore, it is time to start managing your money like a responsible adult, prioritizing needs over wants. If you don’t have them already, bills are a staple of adult life and they suck. No matter if you live a debt-free life, make $10 million a year, or are just trying to get by, we all have bills to pay.

Managing your bills and other expenses takes care and forward thought. You must ensure that you have the proper tools to help you budget, track your income and spending, and master personal finance.

So take the time today to look into tools that can help you better manage your money. I will say that my favorite budgeting software is called You Need A Budget (YNAB) . It has undoubtedly been the most integral part of my adulting success so far.

If interested, I have a referral link for a 34-day free trial of YNAB. Click the link to learn more about how YNAB can help you!

Read More: Why YNAB Is My Favorite Adulting Tool

Pay Yourself First

When you get income, always always always set aside a portion of your paycheck. It is the responsible thing to do. It does not matter if it is just $1. Pay yourself first.

As you continue to grow your income, increase the amount that you pay yourself first. Now this money isn’t for spending. Use this money to grow your savings and set yourself up for retirement.

You could start off by paying yourself 10% of any income that you receive. As you become comfortable doing that, try and up that portion of your paycheck by 5% or 10% periodically.

If you couple this with increasing your actual income, you are increasing the amount you can pay yourself even further.

Understand And Build Credit

Having a good credit score is such an overlooked part of being an adult. Developing a good credit score early on helps make being an adult a lot easier.

Your credit can make or break your finances and ability to get the things you want, at least in the U.S. You need good credit to secure financing for a car, home, furniture, heck sometimes even a phone at a reasonable rate. Otherwise, you will be charged high interest rates that can cause you to pay more over the financing life.

Do you know why?

As alluded to above, it helps you get those milestone items usually at a better interest rate if you cannot afford to pay for them all at once.

For example, if you are looking to buy a car, a good credit score can be the difference between a high-interest loan and a low-interest loan. That interest can be the difference between you saving or spending an extra $150 dollars a month.

The same goes for buying a house – which translates into thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars in difference because of interest rates. Even if you want to rent an apartment, a credit check will be run before your application is approved.

Understanding credit is an essential personal finance skill to become familiar with. It removes a lot of the obstacles that come with transitioning into adulthood. Plus it can help you reach your financial goals.

An app that I use to track my credit score is CreditWise . It is pretty helpful for the monitoring aspect but extremely useful for simulating how certain actions will affect my credit score.

For example, if I am thinking about taking out a loan for a car. I can open the CreditWise app, go to the simulate section, and put in the car loan amount. The app will then show me how that will affect my credit score.

You can simulate other things too, like – opening a new credit card, borrowing money to buy a house, taking out a personal loan, or even paying off credit card debt.

It is a pretty helpful feature, especially for young adults looking to learn how certain milestones will actually affect their credit score. So, you can use this app to find the best way to plan out certain credit-dependent transactions.

Create And Fund An Emergency Savings Account

Building up strong emergency savings is a must for anyone who wants to be a responsible adult. The earlier you start, the better and easier it will be. Waiting until later in life to develop this fund means you will need to save more because you will probably have more responsibilities as you grow older. As young adults though, you probably only have to take care of yourself, so your expenses won’t be as high compared to when you have a mortgage and a family. So start building now little by little.

If you do not know anything about emergency funds, I wrote a detailed article here explaining how to get started developing your emergency savings account. Check it out!

Look Into A Roth IRA

Just as it is important to budget and save, it is also important to put money towards a Roth IRA. That money is important for retirement and can be a major factor in how well you can live during retirement.

And what is more responsible than taking action to set yourself up for a successful future retirement?

This is a long-term adulting checklist item. And a powerful one.

Because Roth IRA contributions are after-tax, you get to withdraw the money in retirement completely tax-free.

The annual contribution limit on a Roth IRA is much lower than other retirement accounts. For anyone under 50 years old, the max you can contribute is $6,000. While anyone over 50 can contribute $7,000.

Everyone is not eligible to contribute to a Roth IRA. Who can contribute is based on your income. Check here to see if you qualify.

Note: I am not a financial advisor, nor am I giving explicit financial advice here or anywhere on the blog. This is for educational and entertainment purposes. Do your due diligence before making any financial decisions.

Learn How To Do Your Taxes

Don’t overlook this on your adulting checklist or you might end up in jail.

You should take the time to learn about how to properly do your own taxes. Learning about this subject helps improve your financial literacy but also can help you save on taxes in the future.

Plus, as a responsible adult, you have to pay them yearly. You might as well take action and learn how taxes work.

If interested, I have an article titled “5 Tax Hacks That Could Save You Thousands” . It dives into tax advantage opportunities and other avenues to help maximize your earnings. Be sure to check it out.

Organize Your Life

If you want to be a more responsible adult, you need to have some type of organization in your life. From this organization, you can more easily build healthy habits that promote growth and security.

Plus, it will be difficult to apply the adulting checklist if you do not organize your life.

I have actually written an article that dives deeper into what steps you can take to get your life organized as an adult. The article is titled “How to Organize Your Life As A New Adult” .

Resist Impulse Buying

Just as it is important to budget it is also important to resist impulse buying, especially at the expense of your budget. Impulse buying if left unchecked can really wreck your financial standings.

Don’t overlook this on your adulting checklist. It can easily make or break you.

A tip I have been following for a while now to help myself resist impulse buying is waiting 24 hours and saving up twice the cost. Once I do both those things and I still want the item then I will buy it. Often though, I no longer want the item. Unless it is dealing with food… I love my food!

Plan Your Next Steps For Life And Career

As a young adult, we are about to hit that time in our life where we are expected to have some type of plan for ourselves. While there is no need to have our life figured out immediately, it is important to have some goals set for yourself. So, take the time to reflect on where you are in life and where you want to be. Then start planning your next steps to close that gap.

Remember that it is the consistent small moments of progress that later turn into major developments and improvements in our quality of life.

Plan, begin, adjust, and stay committed. As you grow your adulting checklist will mature along with you.

Practice Delayed Gratification

Delayed gratification is one of the most important life skills to practice to become a responsible adult. Understanding how to resist the pull of immediate rewards in pursuit of more long-term gains is essential. More so, it is powerful.

I would actually argue that delayed gratification is the most underrated life skill a person can have.

So, what is delayed gratification?

It is exactly what it sounds like – delaying gratification to a later date. Now, you might be thinking that it sounds like you will be denying yourself things, and you do deserve to have things. So why in the world would someone do this?

But I would like to challenge that question. To make this more of a concrete conversation, let’s apply a simple real world example.

A classic example of delayed gratification is you tell a kid he can have a cookie now or two cookies later if he waits to eat the cookies. For a kid that loves chocolate chip cookies – putting a fresh, soft, oven-melted chocolate chip cookie in front of him will be very compelling. He very well might eat that cookie right then and there, giving in to what is called immediate gratification.

He’s not thinking that he could have two cookies later if he waits. His eyes see the gratification he can get from the cookie that is right in front of him and he wants to feel that gratification right then and right there.

Without getting to existential, this is how much of our human existence goes. We seek gratification in various manners, often on impulse.

Let us jump back to the kid and cookie example.

If the kid waits until later to eat the cookies he can have two of them. Two is definitely better than one in this case.

And arguably he might enjoy those two cookies more than he could have enjoyed that first one purely because he had the self-restraint to wait and get more later.

Now, a kid probably is not thinking about the importance of developing a cognitive function life self-restraint or being proud of it. However, the example still holds as a method to explain delayed gratification.

As an adult, mastering delayed gratification might help you turn your life into a marathon rather than a sprint. It’s something I work on every day.

Focusing on delayed gratification has allowed me to play my long game better, see more pathways in life, and get more out of what I do.

So what do you think? Is this a helpful adulting checklist? What would you add to the adulting checklist? Let us know in the comments below!

Best of luck adulting!

And Remember,

Adulting Starts Here

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Disclosure: This post may contain some referral links, if you follow them and purchase anything from the recommended services/products, I might receive some commission. I can assure you though that I would never recommend something I don’t trust myself. Thanks for supporting Adulting Starts Here!

write essay on how to become a responsible adult

About The Author

Donald williams, jr..

Donald is an avid believer in helping young people prepare for adulthood. He spends his time working on Adulting Starts Here and helping new adults plan for the future. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family and going to the beach.

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Responsibility Essay: How To Become The Responsible Person

write essay on how to become a responsible adult

From the childhood, the parents learn their children to be responsible for their actions. But what is the responsibility? What does it mean for everyone?

The responsibility is the understanding of the consequences, which can be caused by the actions of the person.

Benefits of the responsibility

  • We will become more confident in our power and in ourselves.
  • It gives us the respect of other people and also self-respect.
  • We can control the situation.
  • We get the freedom.

The evolution of the responsibility

When children are little, they do not have a lot of responsibility, but when they grow up, they understand, that a lot of things in their life depend on their actions and they are responsible for the consequences. The responsibility helps to develop such qualities as freedom and confidence.

Every year people get a lot of responsibility. For example, parents always are responsible for their children, the head of the organization is always responsible for the workers. If you need to write the personal response essay, you have made the right choice. You can order the essay on this site and we will be glad to help you with it.

4 methods to develop the responsibility

  • You should work to improve yourself and the self – control will help you a lot. You should analyze all your words and actions and it will help you become more responsible. You should not give up at once, if you have any difficulties, because this work needs a long period, but you will be surprised with the result.
  • It will be helpful, if you write all your tasks on the paper and will set the deadline. You will be more organized and responsible.
  • If you work with people and you need to organize their actions, it is the great choice to improve your responsibility.
  • If you spend the time with children, you must be responsible for them and to think a lot about the decisions you make.

To be responsible for your future, it is the important quality of the successful person. The meaning is like : “ I said- I did it”. It means that such person will do everything, that he or she promised. Sometimes, teachers ask to write the responsibility essays at school to check the personal qualities of the pupils. It will show them if children are responsible and will help to communicate with the children in the better way.

What does the responsibility mean?

First of all it is setting goals and their reaching. It means to be responsible for all your words, actions and even thoughts. It is the responsibility for your improvement and professional development and of course, it is the responsibility for your health and body.

The possibility to promise something and to do it is one of the fact, that this person is reliable. It is the ground of the leadership and professional growth. If the person does not want to take any responsibility, it means, that this person cannot do a lot in the real life. These people will not be able to reach the success in this life or create the family , because the family is the huge responsibility. But people, that are not afraid of the responsibility and can take it are successful and can control the situation and even the life of other people. They increase their opportunities and they are doing their best to reach the success.

The interesting fact is, that even if the person is wise and have a lot of talents, but do not have the responsibility, he will not reach the success, because he will lose the support of other people, they will not trust him, because he is unreliable.

Check yourself

You need to answer to these 5 questions. The answer is only “Yes” or “No”.

  • Do you always do what you promised to other people?
  • Do you think, that you are reliable person? Can other people say, that you are the reliable person, that can take the responsibility of the actions? Do you have the examples?
  • Do you have long term goals in your life?
  • Do you think about your professional development and improvement of your personal qualities?
  • Do you like to help other people to solve their problems?

If your answers to all the questions above were “YES”, it means, that you are the reliable person. But if you answered “NO” to any of these questions, it means that you have to work further to be the reliable person.

How to be the responsible person?

  • You need to develop yourself. For example, visit some additional courses or seminars, read the books about famous and successful people.
  • It is needed to improve your responsibility. You can start from some simple tasks, like to promise something not very difficult to your friends and to do it. You will get the feeling of success, because you did it. To make your life easy, you can write your tasks on the paper and you can be sure, that you will not forget anything. You should be confident, that if you promised something to someone, you need to do it.
  • You should constantly work with your life goals.
  • You need to control yourself in different situations. It is the factor, which shows if you are the responsible person.

It is very difficult to be the responsible person, but you can be sure, that you will get the respect of other people if you are responsible. It will help you to change your life or to start your business, it will even help you to earn a lot of money .

But the responsibility is different for every person, because all people are different and understand the information in different ways. Because of it, everyone should realize, what exactly is the responsibility in his or her life. If you wish to get more detailed information about the responsibility, our professional writers will be glad to write for you the paragraph about responsibility, which you can order here . You can be sure, that you will be satisfied with the result.

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How to be a Responsible Adult

How to be a Responsible Adult

It’s time to take responsibility for your own successes and failures, and accept there is no one else to blame or pass the buck onto but YOU.

The truth is, assuming you are an adult, you are responsible for how you feel at every moment.  We are in charge of how we think. And thus, since we know that our thoughts trigger our feelings, we are in charge of how we feel. Ultimately, how we think and feel leads to a result. 

So, if you are not seeing what you want in your life, and in your business, you need to shift your mindset so that you can take responsibility and become a responsible adult .

Step into emotional adulthood

When we’re functioning as emotional children, we are blaming other people for how we feel, for how we act, and for the results that we’re getting in our life. 

I always refer to tennis since I have watched my son play a lot of tennis matches in my day. My son would sometimes say that his opponent was making bad calls. “That’s why I lost.” Or “he was acting strange, he was doing things and walking slowly or looking at the ball in a weird way. And that is why I lost.” 

No, the reason you’re feeling crappy right now, the reason you lost is that you didn’t win enough points.

It is not the opponent’s fault. It’s not the opponents’ responsibility. It’s yours. Nobody holds our hand and takes us from this emotional childhood into emotional adulthood. 

Our brains don’t fully develop until age twenty-five. But when you’re an adult, you have the brain function, and the processes to be able to understand what you’re thinking.

As children, we don’t have this capacity. In fact, we think that everything is going on in our life because of other things . We think other things , the world at large, is causing our feelings. And this is perpetuated really by how most of us were raised. 

We’re made to apologize. I’m not saying it is a bad thing, apologizing isn’t a bad thing, but when we apologize, we take responsibility for someone else’s feelings and ultimately, it’s pretty disempowering. 

It’s so ingrained, though, this emotional childhood, that we don’t even realize that we teach each other that other people are responsible for how we feel. It’s the most disempowering thing that we can do, not only for our children but especially for ourselves as adults. 

So take my hand, and let’s learn together how to become a responsible adult.

Mindset shifts to OWN your life and your business results

Emotional adulthood is when we decide to take full responsibility for every single thing we feel, no matter what someone else does or doesn’t do. If you are ready to take responsibility for your own success and failures…

#1 Observe your actions

Write down some examples of where you are acting like an emotional child, where you are blaming in your life, and where you are not taking responsibility. Where do you feel entitled to something you haven’t earned? That is when you’re in that place of not taking responsibility for your actions and thinking that they should just happen and that you are entitled to them. 

Being an adult does require more effort and it requires a lot more responsibility (and you will need to become more mature! ) . But it is worth it. It’s so worth taking that step into managing our own lives in our own minds so we aren’t dependent on other people. Ultimately, we get the results we want. 

#2 Stop playing the blame game

When we feel a certain way that we don’t want to be feeling, we too often point the finger…Blaming a situation, a person, or a circumstance for our problems, our actions, and our result. 

It’s blaming vs responsibility. Children don’t have the capacity to make this distinction. And there really are so many emotional children out there who are functioning as adults. The problem with it is that the most disempowering thing that we can do is to keep ourselves in a space of emotional childhood and blame. 

When you recognize when you are blaming and take responsibility , you become more mature and become a responsible adult !  

#3 Stop whining

Emotional childhood is that we want others to take care of our needs. We want others to figure things out for us, to do things for us. And if we don’t get what we want, our response is to throw a fit or have a temper tantrum. 

Emotional childhood is making our needs the responsibility of someone else, recognizing or believing that we can’t or don’t have the ability to take care of ourselves.  

When we are an emotional adult, we take care of our own needs. We make ourselves responsible for handling our own needs. We do things for ourselves and figure things out for ourselves. And if we don’t get what we want, we let it go or do something to change it.

#4 Get in the driver’s seat

It’s fascinating to see people, especially women, take emotional childhood to the ultimate level and want other people to take responsibility for us and take care of us financially. 

Some women completely abdicate responsibility not just for their feelings, but for their financial results, and for their life. And they let someone else take care of those things in a way that doesn’t make them feel good. They don’t even like how it feels to have someone else take care of them or pay for everything. 

When you are in a place of disempowerment when you’re in a place where you feel like you don’t have control over your emotional life, you give that responsibility to someone else.   When we go to the place of really expecting that we will control our own minds, we will control our own feelings.

#5 Be accountable

Ask yourself, do you want to spend your time and energy trying to make you happy because you’re trying to manage your own emotional life? I hope you said yes to that. Delegating that responsibility to even someone that you love can affect that relationship in a really deep and painful way. The best relationships are when two people come together and say, I’m going to meet my needs, you meet your needs, and then we can just come together and have a good time.

If and when you’re in emotional adulthood, you take responsibility for how you feel and you make choices for how you show up. You end up so much more empowered and you get to be the person you want to be instead of being in this default emotional childhood space. 

The takeaway

So you wanted to know how to be a responsible adult …The bottom line is that it takes work but the payoff is high! Emotional adulthood says “I’m responsible for my happiness, I’m also responsible for my unhappiness, and I’m responsible if my feelings get hurt. I’m responsible for my thoughts, my feelings, my actions, and ultimately my results.” 

People will sometimes ask, “if you’re only responsible for how you feel, then doesn’t that relinquish or take away responsibility for how you treat other people? Does that mean that you can do whatever you want and not worry about the other person’s feelings?” 

No. When you are acting from a place of emotional adulthood, you are acting in the best way. You’re acting like your best self. You don’t act in a way that’s mean to other people. You don’t act in a way that’s cruel because you’re acting from a place of trying to get them to behave in a way so that you can feel better. You’re not trying to manipulate their behavior. 

This does not mean that you’re not going to take action that is sometimes going to be something you regret or as you reflect, you realize that maybe that was not the best choice. It doesn’t mean that you don’t apologize. It doesn’t mean that you don’t take responsibility for how you treat another person.

Even if you’re not responsible for how they feel, you are responsible for how you behave and the words that come out of your mouth, or what you type into the email. This is really important to understand, It’s really important when you’re learning the mindset shifts to become a responsible adult. 

By taking control of your mind – you create your feelings, which in turn drive your actions that determine your results – you create change. I’m going to tell you a lot more about this in the coming months. Subscribe to my newsletter to have them delivered to your inbox!

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I'm Andrea Liebross.

I am the big thinking expert for high-achieving women entrepreneurs. I help these bold, ambitious women make the shift from thinking small and feeling overwhelmed in business and life to getting the clarity, confidence and freedom they crave. I believe that the secret sauce to thinking big and creating big results (that you’re worthy and capable of) has just two ingredients – solid systems and the right (big) mindset. I am the author of best seller She Thinks Big: The Entrepreneurial Woman’s Guide to Moving Past the Messy Middle and Into the Extraordinary and host of the Time to Level Up podcast.


Success Mindset

5 tips on how to be a more responsible person.

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Responsibility doesn’t come at birth. It is something that is acquired as you age, go to school and progress in life. Your sense of responsibility can come from your family members, friends or from something you see on TV. However, you can hear and see a lot of different things, both good and bad. That is why your sense of responsibility depends solely on you. You choose your own behavior, actions and words.

So, responsibility is a skill. You learn it. However, there are different ways of doing so. You shape your personality with your actions. For example, it is you who chooses to be lazy or to get up early every day, or if you want to save money or spend it recklessly. It is about proving to yourself that you can be, and that you are, in fact, accountable.

In the end, again, all of it comes down to your own conscious decision. Therefore, blaming others for your mistakes is out of the question. With that said, here are a few tips on how you can improve your responsibility.

1. Stop making excuses for yourself

If, and when you make a mistake, own up to it . Instead of transferring the blame to someone or something else, say the true reason why you failed to do something. By coming up with an excuse, you actually admit to being irresponsible. Moreover, it makes you a coward. If you cannot complete a task such as making it in time for a meeting or something similar, do not make the promise in the first place.

You need to think clearly about what you can and cannot do, in order to avoid having to make excuses for yourself. Even better, when you find yourself in this kind of situation, say why you didn’t get that thing done instead of coming up with a pretty little lie.

2. Stop complaining

Complainers are usually the people who talk too much and do nothing. They can be big with words, but when it comes to actually doing something about an issue, they are motionless. Alternatively, you could stop complaining and take responsibility into your own hands. If you do not like how a certain task is being carried out, do it yourself or consult with the person who did it wrong.

By consulting, you offer guidance and a chance to calmly come to a better solution. If you were to complain, those would be just empty, frustrating words coming out of your mouth.

Also, by always nagging about the world around you, you actually fill yourself with negativity. It seems as though you cannot find anything nice to say. By being negative, you are being miserable. Therefore, cutting down on complaining will bring you to a better mind-set, as well as prolonged happiness. [1]

3. Learn how to manage your finances

One of the major responsibilities you will have as an adult is to take care of your money. You will get a job, receive a salary and try to live with it month by month. Perhaps, you will try to put some away on the side, as a precaution; savings are always a good idea. Unfortunately, not everyone learns, or knows how to manage their finances.

Usually, people spend the majority of their salary before the end of the month. Sometimes, they even neglect to pay their bills because they found some other, usually shiny thing to spend the money on. These are examples of what an irresponsible person does.

If you want to be taken seriously, and live a normal life, you will need to learn how to deal with money. You should pay all your bills when you get your salary. Then, buy groceries and make a plan on how you will use the rest. You should also have some money in your savings account or, maybe you could invest part of it. Both of these are better than spending recklessly, which can lead to debt and other problems for you.

4. Overcome procrastination

Successful people are hard-working people. In order to earn and succeed in every aspect of your life, you need to work hard for it. Therefore, you need to be responsible. Without it, you will not make it big. The first step you could make towards the top is to stop procrastinating. Stop wasting precious time.

The hours you spent browsing through the internet, scrolling through social media, [2] or lying around doing nothing, could have been used for better things. For instance, you could have read a book, went for a walk or done a workout. Moreover, you could have finished that project you were far behind on. Anything other than wasting time would be better.

Procrastination will lead you nowhere. You’re responsible for your own future, so learn how to stop procrastinating now and start taking action on what truly matters. To help you with that, join Lifehack’s free Fast-Track Class – No More Procrastination . It’s a focused-session that can help you decode your procrastination behavior and learn the one simple strategy to start taking action and never procrastinate again. Join the free class here .

5. Be consistent and stick to your schedule

Having a routine is good. Routine means order, and this means that you are on the right track. If you are working, try to wake up at the same time every day. Even on the weekends, you could wake up earlier rather than staying in bed until noon. This will give you some consistency.

Plus, getting up early allows you to have more time for whatever things you had to finish that day. Alternatively, you could just relax and enjoy the day off too. If you are a student, then you should make a habit of studying regularly. Or, if you are living abroad, remember to call your friends and family every week.

Additionally, you should make a schedule for your work and personal tasks. If a few things are repetitive during the week, keep them that way. Getting off your schedule could ruin your whole routine and leave you off-balance.

Being responsible means that you are in control of everything you do. You do not let others take the blame, or forget about your friends and family. Also, you should not let laziness overcome your approach to your work. If you are given a task, you can get through it until the end.

This is what responsible people do. More importantly, they accept every responsibility that is thrown at them, whether it is work or life related. They do not leave stuff half-done or play the victim – no. Responsible people stand strong on the ground, with both their feet firmly planted.


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Develop Good Habits

9 Habits to Be a More Responsible Person

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As kids, many of us had a tendency to associate being responsible with being grown-up.  In fact, the two went hand in hand, as far as I was concerned.

People like our parents, grandparents, teachers… they were responsible.

They had jobs, cars, homes. They took care of us. 

But when I was in high school, the concept of adulting started to creep in… take shape and become somewhat real to me. 

In my parents’ home, certain things were expected of me once I turned 16. Things like:

  • Helping out more around the house
  • Staying home alone (or babysitting my brother)
  • Holding down a part-time job
  • Saving and spending my own money for the things I wanted
  • Practicing good hygiene
  • Maintaining good grades
  • Staying active

While there were times when I thought my parents were being unfair or unrealistic in their expectations, I later realized they were simply teaching me how to be a responsible person … and that being responsible isn’t just for adults.

Responsibility builds character. It will define how people see you, as well as how you handle everyday situations.  

Responsible people tend to earn the respect of others. They will work hard for what they want and are rarely a disappointment to their family, friends, employers or  colleagues.

They are successful in life, both personally and professionally.

They are someone to be counted on… and you can be too.

In this article, I will outline 9 habits that are guaranteed to help you be more responsible.

Table of Contents

1. Be Accountable For Yourself

The first, and most basic, step you can take when trying to be a responsible person is to be accountable for yourself .

This means owning your mistakes and admitting when you are wrong.

It also means stop blaming others for your shortcomings or inability to get what you want. ( Read about the differences between accountability vs responsibility. )

Say, for instance, you and your co-worker are up for the same promotion. She stays late every night for weeks to get ahead… but you choose to leave on-time to get to spin class three days a week.

When your boss decides to give your colleague the raise, whose fault is it?

You didn't lose out because they were more qualified. You lost out because you chose not to  make the opportunity a priority. Spin class was more important. 

Admit it and move on.

Don’t make excuses!

Responsible people also tend to only commit to what they know they can do.

They assess and manage expectations… and learn to recognize their own limitations.  They are not afraid to say “no”.

You will earn more respect from others if you don’t bite off more than you can chew. Trust me. 

There is nothing worse than committing to something you can’t finish and leaving other people to pick up the slack. It breeds disappointment and that is a hard thing to get past.

2. Be Punctual

I can’t stand when people are late.

I also hate being late.

We are taught the importance of being on time from a young age.

Setting alarms to wake up for school.

The bell that rings when it’s time to get to class.

Your coach making you do extra laps for being late to practice.

Learning to be punctual is a big part of being responsible.

There is honestly no good reason to be late to work, a doctor appointment or social engagement… barring an unforeseen train delay or accident on the highway. In which case, a responsible person would call.

But even circumstances like these could sometimes be prevented just by leaving the house a bit earlier.

So what if you’re early? You can stop for a cup or coffee or sit on a park bench for a while to clear your head.

They say the early bird catches the worm… and it’s so true.  Not feeling rushed is a great way to relieve stress and will likely make you more productive in the end.

3. Get Organized

Responsible people are typically organized.

They are not necessarily “Type A”… but definitely have their act together when it comes to planning and scheduling.

Being organized comes more naturally for some than others. For some people, it’s been ingrained in them since college… maybe even earlier.

A day planner is a great way to stay on point with tasks… be it daily, weekly or monthly. Even longer term project planning can be broken down in a planner.  It can also be color coded for social versus work obligations.

This traditional method is great for visual minded people. You can also utilize a wall calendar or white board to help you stay organized.

For the more tech savvy person, there are a plethora of calendar apps available to help you stay ahead of the game. Some are free, others free to try.

You can set alarms to remind you of upcoming tasks and often send emails or texts right from the calendar. 

But the best part about these apps is you can typically share your calendar and schedule with family members or colleagues very easily, with seamless integration between all smart devices… keeping everybody in the know. 

4. Quit Procrastinating

Procrastination may just be your worst enemy when you are trying to be a responsible person.

Life can be so hectic at times that it is only natural to want to put things off.

In some instances, that is ok to do… but a responsible person accounts for those hiccups in their schedule. 

 Don’t save things for the last minute !

If you have a project that is due in three weeks, and you planned to work on it every weekday for 1 hour… it may be wise to allot yourself an extra hour or two a weekend, just in case. 

This way, you won’t fall behind.

It may mean you’ll have to take a pass on a hike with friends or going to a movie with your girlfriend, but things happen.  They will understand if you have to reschedule, as long as you give ample warning and are honest.

Yes, procrastination also comes into play when you're making plans with other people.

If you need to change or cancel plans, barring an emergency, be sure to give advance notice.

It really stinks when a friend bails on you last minute… especially if it’s something they were looking forward to or counting on you for.

5. Keep Your Emotions In Check

If you want to be responsible, you need to choose your words wisely and have a clear course of action… especially when you are seeking to resolve a conflict or improve a situation in some way. 

In order to do that, you need to keep your emotions at bay . 

If you go into a meeting with your boss, feeling angry about being passed over for a promotion, you’re likely going to lash out and say something you’ll regret. Or worse, quit.

If you’re unhappy with certain aspects of your romantic relationship , the last thing you want to do is initiate a conversation when you’re feeling emotional.

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This can lead to blaming… or else saying hurtful things to each other in the heat of the moment that you can’t take back.

Whatever the scenario, a responsible person will often compose their thoughts before engaging in important discussions.  Perhaps they’ll even make a list… being sure to avoid words like “always” and “never”.

You rarely see a responsible person lose their cool or become easily rattled… and this is why.

Understanding the value of keeping your composure and having patience is key if you want to be a responsible person.

6. Stop Whining

Along with a willingness to own their own mistakes, responsible people will not complain very often… because they understand that complaining usually gets you nowhere .

While there are certain exceptions, such as letting a manager know about poor service in their restaurant… there is a time and a place.

Responsible people won’t whine about things being unfair or place unwarranted blame on others. 

Instead, they will reflect on why things happened the way they did… and try and figure out what, if anything, they could have done for things to turn out differently.

Responsible people own the circumstances.

They are always looking for ways to learn from their mistakes and improve upon them. 

These people are optimistic and often upbeat, rarely looking for scapegoats.

7. Be Willing To Work To Earn Someone’s Trust

There is a saying… “Trust is given, never earned.”.

But I would argue that there is a place for both when it comes to gaining someone’s trust.

You see, there are people who blindly trust others because they want to… or simply have no good reason not to.

Many people will do this when it comes to romantic relationships.

They start dating someone and have no reason other than to think they are a good person… worthy of their time.

You start by meeting at restaurants, movies, bars. Eventually you invite them into your home for a meal… then wind up cohabiting and taking trips together. 

Love is a leap of faith and, sometimes, so is trust .  We are willing to give it until it’s broken.

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Responsible people, however, often won’t accept trust that isn’t earned… especially when it comes to pleasing their parents or employers. ( They are not people pleasers! )

Starting in their formative years, many tweens and teens are anxious to prove to their parents they can be a responsible person… meaning they can stay home alone, ride their bike to a friend’s house, get a phone, extend their curfew. You name it.

These kids will help out with chores without being asked.  They will do something nice for their parents or siblings… just because.

When responsible people enter the workplace, they will often feel the need to work hard for their boss’ approval and trust.  They are determined to let the higher-ups know they can be counted on to handle more responsibility. 

Responsible people will never let themselves be overlooked for lack of trying.

8. Be Dependable (Consistent)

If you were to ask almost anybody what they look for in a colleague … one of the top answers would be consistency.


They are not looking for perfection.

We all make mistakes.

Responsible people will make mistakes, just like everybody else.

But what sets them apart is their desire to be someone that others can count on… which means they will make things right in the end.

A responsible person shows up when they’re supposed to.

They do what is expected of them.

Others are rarely surprised by their behavior because responsible people mean what they say and follow through with their promises… adhere to their commitments.

Being dependable means thinking about how your actions affect others and taking that into account.  

9. Exercise Self-Discipline

If you want to be a responsible person, you’ll need self-discipline.

There are things you will need to do in order to be successful and fulfill your daily obligations.

For example, your dream job may require you to wake up earlier than you’re used to in order to be ontime… but you like your sleep.  You also like staying up late to catch up on your favorite television shows. 

So, what’s the bottom line?

If you want the job, you will need to find a way.

You will need to say “no” to certain things and change some of your habits.

You’ll need to condition yourself to do whatever is necessary to get into a better routine… a routine that works, without making you miserable.

This could be as simple as not allowing yourself to meet up with friends during the work week. Instead, go home and have a nice dinner… then start your shows earlier, so you are still in bed at a reasonable time.

If exercise is important to you, but you don’t see how the gym fits into your already crowded morning… why not try an online workout to save yourself time driving back and forth?

Responsible people know what they want… and will tweak their lifestyle to make it happen, if necessary. 

They will eat a healthy, balanced diet. They will get enough sleep. They will make time for exercise. They will seek ways to sharpen their minds .

Responsible people are masters of the balancing act because they know that anything is possible if they want it bad enough.

Acts of self-discipline are merely rungs on the ladder to success.

Final Thoughts On Being A More Responsible Person

Being responsible is more than a state of mind.

It is more than the way others perceive us. 

If you want to be a responsible person, you must recognize that it is a commitment.

A commitment to be accountable to both yourself and to others.

It is about being courteous and diligent… about standing strong in your convictions and always being willing to improve. To learn.

Responsible people aren’t ok with mediocrity. They strive to be the best version of themselves so that good things will happen.

Even if you don’t consider yourself responsible now… it doesn’t mean you can’t still be.

If you want it badly enough, and adhere to the advice I’ve given you, it will happen.

Change starts from within and the possibilities are endless.

Finally, if you want to take your goal-setting efforts to the next level, check out this FREE printable worksheet and a step-by-step process that will help you set effective SMART goals .

write essay on how to become a responsible adult

Nicole Krause has been writing both personally and professionally for over 20 years. She holds a dual B.A. in English and Film Studies. Her work has appeared in some of the country’s top publications, major news outlets, online publications, and blogs. As a happily married (and extremely busy) mother of four… her articles primarily focus on parenting, marriage, family, finance, organization, and product reviews.

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When does someone become an adult? Responsibility of an adult.

EF_Kevin 8 / 13253   Apr 14, 2011   #2 Great idea. This is the age of COLLABORATION, and it is great to get a diversity of ideas. Posting a question like this on an online forum is a good way to do some original research. If you go to other people's threads and helped them, you can ask them to visit this thread. With enough work, you can get opinions from many people and write a great article. But anyway, about the IETLS... google this: how to write paragraph topic sentences. That is the most important thing to do. If you begin each paragraph with a good topic sentence, the essay will be strong. The paragraph can have explanations and examples to support the idea in the topic sentence. So, if your essay has 5 paragraphs, it might have 3 big ideas. Each body paragraph is an idea. Here is my contribution: Someone is an adult when they know how to control their emotions. You can be an adult if you control your emotions, and some people are older than you but they are not adults because they cannot control their emotions. :-)

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write essay on how to become a responsible adult


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