
  • Algorithms MCQ Questions and Answers – Fundamentals – Part 1

C omputer architecture MCQ questions and answers for the preparation of tests, exams, and certifications. So you will find questions about loops and conditionals, data structure, complexity, flowchart, pseudocode, and much more. This systematic learning method will easily prepare anyone to pass their exam.  

1. What is an algorithm?

A A flowchart

B A flowchart or pseudocode

C A decision

D Step by step instructions used to solve a problem

2. What are the three algorithm constructions?

A Input, Output, Process

B Sequence, Selection, Repeat

C Input/Output, Decision, Repeat

D Loop, Input/Output, Process

  • Repetition.


3. What is the difference between a flowchart and a pseudocode?

A A flowchart is a diagram while the pseudocode is written in a programming language (e.g. Pascal or Java)

B A flowchart is textual but the pseudocode is a diagram

C A flowchart is a schematic description of an algorithm, while pseudocode is a textual description of an algorithm.

D A flowchart and a pseudocode are the same

4. In a flowchart, an input or output instruction is represented by _____?

A A diamond

B Rectangle

C Parallelogram

algorithms and problem solving mcqs

5. In a flowchart, a calculation (process) is represented by _____?

algorithms and problem solving mcqs

6. To repeat a task, we use a ____?

B Condition

7. If ....... then ....... else ....... End If check ____?

A Only one condition

B Two conditions

C Three conditions

D Multiple conditions

8. REPEAT <processing> UNTIL <condition> is a ______?

A Positive loop

The following example uses the REPEAT UNTIL structure to read and validate a positive value:

algorithms and problem solving mcqs

    9. A flowchart should represent the situation in which, for each grade, a student receives a “Good” or ” Average” the system will consider the grade and if it is equal to or greater than 12, assigns a “Good” grade, otherwise it assigns a “Passable” grade. Which of the following options will be used?   A Input

10. What is a Flowchart?

A A way to design a text-based algorithm

B A specific programming language

C A diagram that represents a set of instructions

D A scheme of instructions


Algorithms MCQ Questions and Answers – Fundamentals – Part 2

  • Algorithms MCQ Questions and Answers – Fundamentals – Part 3

Algorithms MCQ – Data Structures & Complexity – Part 1

  • Algorithms MCQ – Data Structures & Complexity – Part 2
  • Algorithms MCQ – Data Structures & Complexity – Part 3

Algorithms MCQ – Data Structures & Complexity – Part 4

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Algorithms MCQ Questions and Answers - Fundamentals - Part 1

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A Basic Quiz on Algorithms #1

This is a set of simple multiple choice questions, provided entirely for your self-assessment, and is based on the most fundamental aspects of data structure and algorithms. The level of the questions is no more than that of what one would encounter in an introductory Programming and Data Structures class in the freshman year at college.

Question 1.

Which of these is the Worst-case time complexity of Quick Sort - and cannot be expressed in lower order terms ?

(a) O(n) (b) O(n log n) (c) O(n 2 ) (d) O(n 3 ) (e) O(log n)

Question 2.

Which of these is the worst case time complexity of Merge Sort - and cannot be expressed in lower order terms ? (a) O(n) (b) O(n log n) (c) O(n 2 ) (d) O(n 3 ) (e) O(log n)

Question 3.

Which of these is the average case time complexity of Merge Sort - and cannot be expressed in lower order terms ?

Question 4.

Which of these is the time complexity involved in building a heap of n elements - and cannot be expressed in lower order terms ?

Question 5.

A heap is a particular kind of a binary search tree. This statement is: (a) True (b) False

Question 6.

The Floyd-Warshall all-pairs shortest path algorithm for finding the shortest distances between nodes in a graph is an example of: (a) A Dynamic Programming formulation. (b) A Greedy Algorithm (c) A recursion based divide and conquer technique.

Question 7.

A bitwise operation 'f' has an interesting characteristic, such that, if f(a,b) = c, it always turns out to be the case that f(b,a) = c; f(a,c) = b; f(c,a) = b; f(b,c) = a; f(c,b) = a. Which of these functions could 'f' possibly be? (a) f(a,b) = a XOR b (b) f(a,b) = a + b (c) f(a,b) = a - b (d) f(a,b) = a * b

( where a and b are the binary representations of any two non-negative integers )

Question 8.

A union find data-structure is commonly applied while implementing: (a) A depth-first search traversal of a graph. (b) A breadth-first search traversal of a graph. (c) Computing the minimum spanning tree of a graph using the Kruskal algorithm. (d) Computing the all-pairs shortest path in a graph.

Question 9.

Which of these is the worst case time complexity for looking up a key in a binary search tree - and cannot be expressed in lower order terms ?

Question 10.

The graph algorithm which forms an essential component of the 'make' or 'ant build' used by programmers and software developers is:

(a) Flow maximization algorithm (b) Shortest path algorithm (c) Minimum spanning tree algorithm (d) Bipartite matching (e) Topological sort

Answer Format

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Do not add any leading, trailing or intermediate spaces. In case you are unsure about the answer, you can use the letter 'x'. Your answer should contain ten lines, answering sequentially, all of the questions 1 to 10.

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Computer Algorithms MCQ Questions

  • By HJ Penick
  • Published April 27, 2018
  • Updated December 22, 2023
  • 10 mins read

algorithms and problem solving mcqs

Computer algorithms are a fundamental part of computer programming and problem-solving. They are sets of instructions that solve a specific problem step by step efficiently. Mastering algorithms is essential for any programmer or software engineer. Here are some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to test your knowledge in computer algorithms.

Key Takeaways

  • Computer algorithms are sets of instructions that solve problems efficiently.
  • Algorithms are essential for programming and software engineering.
  • MCQs are a useful tool for testing knowledge in algorithms.
  • Understanding algorithms helps improve problem-solving skills.

1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good algorithm?

  • Flexibility

In computer science, efficiency is a crucial characteristic of a good algorithm as it ensures quick execution and optimal resource usage.

2. What is the time complexity of an algorithm?

  • It measures the amount of time it takes to execute an algorithm.
  • It determines the space required to store an algorithm’s variables and data structures.
  • It expresses the growth rate of an algorithm’s execution time as the input size increases.
  • It represents the number of steps an algorithm takes to complete.

The time complexity of an algorithm represents the growth rate of its execution time as the input size increases. It helps estimate the algorithm’s efficiency.

3. Which sorting algorithm has the fastest average-case time complexity?

  • Selection Sort
  • Insertion Sort

Merge Sort has the fastest average-case time complexity of O(n log n) among the given sorting algorithms.

4. What is the difference between BFS and DFS algorithms?

  • BFS explores tree or graph nodes based on their depths, while DFS explores them based on their heights.
  • BFS uses a stack data structure, while DFS uses a queue data structure.
  • BFS guarantees that it will find the shortest path, while DFS does not.
  • BFS is more memory-efficient than DFS.

BFS (Breadth-First Search) explores tree or graph nodes based on their depths, while DFS (Depth-First Search) explores them based on their heights. BFS uses a queue data structure, while DFS uses a stack . DFS does not guarantee finding the shortest path, whereas BFS does.

5. Which algorithm is used for finding the shortest path in a weighted graph?

  • Depth-First Search
  • Breadth-First Search
  • Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  • Prim’s Algorithm

Dijkstra’s Algorithm is used for finding the shortest path in a weighted graph. It efficiently solves the single-source shortest path problem.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is the importance of algorithms in computer programming?

Algorithms are essential in computer programming as they provide systematic and efficient solutions to various problems.

  • How can mastering algorithms benefit software engineers?

Mastering algorithms improves problem-solving skills, enhances efficiency in programming, and helps produce optimized software solutions.

Image of Computer Algorithms MCQ Questions

Common Misconceptions

1. computer algorithms mcq questions.

There are several misconceptions surrounding computer algorithms MCQ questions. One common misconception is that there is always a single correct answer for each question. However, in reality, multiple choices can be correct based on the specific conditions or requirements of a given problem. Additionally, some may believe that MCQ questions only assess basic knowledge and are not useful for testing higher-level understanding. In truth, well-designed MCQ questions can effectively evaluate critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Lastly, people often think that MCQ questions limit creativity and innovation, but they can be designed to encourage creative thinking and finding novel solutions.

  • There can be multiple correct answers in MCQ questions.
  • MCQ questions can evaluate critical thinking skills.
  • Well-designed MCQ questions can promote creativity and innovation.

2. Application of Algorithms

Another common misconception is that algorithms are only used in computer science or programming-related fields. However, algorithms are widely applicable across various disciplines, including mathematics, engineering, biology, and social sciences. Algorithms are essentially step-by-step procedures to solve problems, making them valuable in any domain that requires problem-solving skills. Another misconception is that algorithms always involve complex mathematical equations or computations. While some algorithms may be mathematically intensive, many algorithms are conceptually simple and can be implemented without extensive mathematical knowledge.

  • Algorithms are not limited to computer science or programming fields.
  • Algorithm application spans across multiple disciplines.
  • Not all algorithms require complex mathematical equations.

3. Efficiency and Optimality

One common misconception is that an efficient algorithm is always the best solution for a problem. While efficiency is important, it is not the only factor to consider. An algorithm’s optimality depends on the specific problem requirements, constraints, and trade-offs. A suboptimal algorithm that is easier to implement or more maintainable may be preferred in certain cases. Moreover, people often assume that an algorithm that works well for one input will work equally well for all inputs. However, the performance of an algorithm can vary based on different input sizes or distributions.

  • Efficiency is not the sole factor determining a good algorithm.
  • The optimality of an algorithm depends on problem requirements and constraints.
  • An algorithm’s performance can vary depending on input characteristics.

4. Algorithm Complexity vs. Difficulty

There is a misconception that algorithm complexity directly correlates with the difficulty of implementing or understanding an algorithm. While complex algorithms can be challenging, simplicity and clarity in algorithm design are crucial for maintainability and comprehension. Clear and well-documented code and algorithmic thinking skills can greatly simplify the implementation and understanding of even complex algorithms. Furthermore, some may assume that a higher-level understanding of mathematics or computer science is necessary to comprehend algorithms. Although knowledge in these disciplines can be helpful, many algorithms can be understood and implemented effectively with a fundamental understanding of problem-solving techniques.

  • Algorithm complexity does not determine implementation or understanding difficulty.
  • Clear and well-documented code simplifies algorithm implementation.
  • Fundamental problem-solving skills are often sufficient for understanding algorithms.

5. Algorithmic Bias and Objectivity

A common misconception is that algorithms are inherently objective and free from bias. However, algorithms are created by humans and can reflect biases present in the data they are trained on or the assumptions made during their design. Biased algorithms can perpetuate discrimination, reinforce stereotypes, or produce unfair outcomes. Additionally, people may think that algorithms always produce deterministic results. While deterministic algorithms always produce the same output for a given input, non-deterministic algorithms like machine learning models can produce varying outputs, leading to different interpretations and decisions.

  • Algorithms can have biases inherited from the data or design process.
  • Biased algorithms can perpetuate unfair outcomes.
  • Not all algorithms produce deterministic results.

Image of Computer Algorithms MCQ Questions

Types of Computer Algorithms

There are various types of computer algorithms used in solving different problems. Here are ten different types of algorithms along with a brief description of each:

Sorting Algorithms

Sorting algorithms are used to arrange data in a specific order, such as ascending or descending. Here are some commonly used sorting algorithms:

Search Algorithms

Search algorithms are used to find a particular element in a dataset. These algorithms help in quickly locating a specific item. Here are some popular search algorithms:

Graph Algorithms

Graph algorithms are used to solve problems related to graphs, which consist of nodes and edges. These algorithms help in solving complex network-related problems. Here are some common graph algorithms:

Dynamic Programming Algorithms

Dynamic programming algorithms break down complex problems into smaller subproblems, solving each subproblem only once and storing the result for future use. Here are some examples of dynamic programming algorithms:

Divide and Conquer Algorithms

Divide and conquer algorithms divide a problem into smaller subproblems, solve them separately, and then combine the results to find the final solution. Here are some instances of divide and conquer algorithms:

Greedy Algorithms

Greedy algorithms make locally optimal choices at each step with the hope of finding a global optimum. Here are some examples of greedy algorithms:

Backtracking Algorithms

Backtracking algorithms attempt to solve a problem by exploring all potential solutions incrementally and backtracking when a solution is found to be incorrect. Here are some common backtracking algorithms:

Brute Force Algorithms

Brute force algorithms try all possible solutions to a problem, usually by exhaustively iterating through a large search space. Here are some examples of brute force algorithms:

Randomized Algorithms

Randomized algorithms introduce randomness into the decision-making process, often leading to more efficient solutions. Here are some widely used randomized algorithms:

Parallel Algorithms

Parallel algorithms are designed to perform computations simultaneously on multiple processors or threads, improving efficiency and reducing execution time. Here are some examples of parallel algorithms:

In conclusion, computer algorithms form the backbone of problem-solving in the field of computer science. They help us tackle a wide range of computational problems efficiently and effectively. Whether it’s sorting data, searching for information, or solving complex network-related issues, algorithms play a crucial role in the digital world.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are computer algorithms.

Computer algorithms are step-by-step instructions or procedures designed to solve a specific problem or perform a particular task using a computer system.

Why are algorithms important in computer science?

Algorithms are fundamental to computer science as they provide the foundation for efficient problem-solving and enable the development of software applications.

What is the difference between a recursive and an iterative algorithm?

A recursive algorithm is one that solves a problem by breaking it down into smaller subproblems of the same type, while an iterative algorithm uses loops and iterations to repeatedly execute a set of instructions.

What is the time complexity of an algorithm?

The time complexity of an algorithm is a measure of the amount of time required by an algorithm to run as a function of the input size. It helps analyze the efficiency of an algorithm.

How can algorithm efficiency be measured?

Algorithm efficiency can be measured through various factors such as time complexity, space complexity, and algorithmic analysis techniques like Big O notation.

What is the significance of Big O notation in algorithm analysis?

Big O notation expresses the upper bound of an algorithm’s time complexity in terms of the input size. It allows us to compare algorithms and select the most efficient one for a given problem.

What is a search algorithm?

A search algorithm is used to find a specific element or value in a collection of data. Examples include linear search, binary search, and hash-based search algorithms.

What is a sorting algorithm?

A sorting algorithm is used to arrange a collection of data in a specific order, such as ascending or descending. Common sorting algorithms include bubble sort, quicksort, and merge sort.

What is the difference between a greedy algorithm and a dynamic programming algorithm?

A greedy algorithm makes locally optimal choices at each step to find the overall optimal solution, while a dynamic programming algorithm breaks down a problem into overlapping subproblems and stores the results of subproblems to avoid redundant computation.

How can I learn and practice computer algorithms?

There are several ways to learn and practice computer algorithms, including studying textbooks and online resources, taking algorithmic courses, participating in coding competitions, and implementing algorithms in programming languages.

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Student MCQs

Problem Solving Techniques MCQs with Answers

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Welcome to the Problem Solving Techniques MCQs with Answers . In this post, we have shared Problem Solving Techniques Online Test for different competitive exams. Find practice Problem Solving Techniques Practice Questions with answers in Aptitude Test exams here. Each question offers a chance to enhance your knowledge regarding Problem Solving Techniques.

Problem-solving entails several steps, including defining the issue, pinpointing its underlying cause, prioritizing and evaluating potential solutions, and finally implementing the chosen resolution. It’s important to note that there isn’t a universal problem-solving approach that applies to all situations.

Problem Solving Techniques Online Quiz

By presenting 3 options to choose from, Problem Solving Techniques Quiz which cover a wide range of topics and levels of difficulty, making them adaptable to various learning objectives and preferences. Whether you’re a student looking to reinforce your understanding our Student MCQs Online Quiz platform has something for you. You will have to read all the given answers of Problem Solving Techniques Questions and Answers  and click over the correct answer.

  • Test Name:  Problem Solving Techniques MCQ Quiz Practice
  • Type:  MCQ’s
  • Total Questions:  40
  • Total Marks:  40
  • Time:  40 minutes

Note:  Questions will be shuffled each time you start the test. Any question you have not answered will be marked incorrect. Once you are finished, click the View Results button. You will encounter Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) related to Problem Solving Techniques , where three options will be provided. You’ll choose the most appropriate answer and move on to the next question without using the allotted time.

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Top 50 Data Structures MCQs with Answers

Which of the following sorting algorithms can be used to sort a random linked list with minimum time complexity?

Insertion Sort

In the worst case, the number of comparisons needed to search a singly linked list of length n for a given element is (GATE CS 2002)

log(2*n) -1

Let P be a singly linked list. Let Q be the pointer to an intermediate node x in the list. What is the worst-case time complexity of the best known algorithm to delete the node Q from the list?

What is the worst case time complexity of inserting n elements into an empty linked list, if the linked list needs to be maintained in sorted order ?

Consider the following conditions:

 (a)The solution must be feasible, i.e. it must satisfy all the supply and demand constraints. 

(b)The number of positive allocations must be equal to m1n21, where m is the number of rows and n is the number of columns. 

(c)All the positive allocations must be in independent positions. 

The initial solution of a transportation problem is said to be non-degenerate basic feasible solution if it satisfies: Codes:

(a) and (b) only

(a) and (c) only

(b) and (c) only

(a), (b) and (c)

  • In push operation, if new nodes are inserted at the beginning of linked list, then in pop operation, nodes must be removed from end.
  • In push operation, if new nodes are inserted at the end, then in pop operation, nodes must be removed from the beginning.
  • Both of the above
  • None of the above
  • Managing function calls
  • The stock span problem
  • Arithmetic expression evaluation
  • All of the above

Question 10

There are 50 questions to complete.

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CBSE Skill Education

Introduction to Problem Solving Class 11 MCQ

Teachers and Examiners ( CBSESkillEduction ) collaborated to create the Introduction to Problem Solving Class 11 MCQ . All the important Information are taken from the NCERT Textbook Computer Science (083) class 11 .

1. Computers cannot solve problems on their own. We must provide clear, step-by-step directions on how to solve the issue, this solving technique is known as ____________. a. Problem Solving  b. Problem Addressing c. Problem Analysis d. None of the above

2. ___________ is the process of identifying a problem, developing an algorithm for the identified problem and finally implementing the algorithm to develop a computer program. a. Problem Solving  b. Problem Addressing c. Problem Analysis d. None of the above

3. It is essential to device a solution before writing a program code for a given problem. The solution is represented in natural language and is called an ___________. a. Problem b. Algorithm  c. Problem Analysis d. None of the above

4. After finalizing the algorithm, we need to convert the algorithm into the_________. a. Format which can be understood by the computer b. High level programming language c. Both a) and b)  d. None of the above

5. What are the different type of testing. a. Component testing b. Integration testing c. System testing & Acceptance testing d. All of the above 

6. The developed programme needs to pass different parameter __________. The programme needs to fulfil the user’s requirements. It must respond in the anticipated amount of time. a. Method b. Testing  c. Error d. None of the above

7. To complete each activity in a computer, we follow a sequence of steps. This sequence of steps is known as ________. a. Problem b. Algorithm  c. Problem Analysis d. None of the above

8. ____________ is the act of locating and fixing problems in software code that could lead to unexpected behavior or crashes. These errors are sometimes referred to as “bugs.” a. Algorithm b. Problem Solving c. Debugging  d. All of the above

9. Why do we need an Algorithm? a. Accuracy b. Minimized mistakes c. Best possible solution d. All of the above 

10. Writing an algorithm is mostly considered as a ________. a. First step of programming  b. Second step of programming c. Third step of programming d. None of the above

11. Purpose of using algorithm? a. Increase the reliability b. Accuracy of the program c. Efficiency of obtaining solutions d. All of the above 

12. Characteristics of a good algorithm. a. Precision & Uniqueness b. Finiteness c. Input & Output d. All of the above 

13. Before implementing algorithm, the programmer should __________ first. a. Analyze the problem b. Identify the problem c. Both a) and b)  d. None of the above

14. A __________ is a visual representation of an algorithm. a. Flowchart  b. Pseudocode c. Algorithm d. None of the above

15. A flowchart is a diagram made up of __________. a. Boxes b. Diamonds c. Shapes d. All of the above 

16. Start/End also called _________ symbol, it indicates where the flow starts and ends. a. Terminator  b. Decision c. Input / Output d. Arrow

17. Process is also called ________, it represents a process, action, or a single step. a. Terminator b. Action Symbol  c. Decision d. Input/ Output

18. A __________ or branching point, usually a yes/no or true/ false question is asked, and based on the answer, the path gets split into two branches. a. Terminator b. Action Symbol c. Decision  d. Input/ Output

19. _________ is also called data symbol, this parallelogram shape is used to input or output data. a. Terminator b. Action Symbol c. Decision d. Input/ Output 

20. ___________ connector to show order of flow between shapes. a. Terminator b. Action Symbol c. Decision d. Arrow 

21. A ___________ is another way of representing an algorithm. It is considered as a non-formal language that helps programmers to write algorithm. a. Flowchart b. Pseudocode  c. Algorithm d. None of the above

22. The word “pseudocode” means ___________. a. Not real code  b. Real code c. Temporary code d. None of the above

23. It is necessary to run different input values through the algorithm’s phases in order to verify. This process of taking an input and running it through all of the algorithm’s steps is commonly referred to as a _______. a. Code b. Dry run  c. Method d. None of the above

24. Dry run will help us to __________. a. Identify any incorrect steps in the algorithm b. Figure out missing details or specifics in the algorithm c. Both a) and b)  d. None of the above

25. algorithms can be ___________ on the basis of the amount of processing time they need to run and the amount of memory that is needed to execute the algorithm. a. Compared b. Analyzed c. Both a) and b)  d. None of the above

26. ___________ is the set of rules or grammar that governs the formulation of the statements in the language, such as spellings, order of words, punctuation, etc. a. Analyzed b. Syntax  c. Code d. None of the above

27. Programs written using ________ are directly understood by the computer hardware, but they are difficult to deal with and comprehend by humans. a. High Level Language b. Binary Digit  c. 4GL Language d. None of the above

28. A program written in a high-level language is called ___________. a. Source code  b. Object c. Machine language d. None of the above

29. What type of problems are solved by computer. a. Easy problem b. Complex problem c. Both a) and b)  d. None of the above

30. The basic idea of solving a complex problem by decomposition is to __________. a. Decompose b. Break down c. Complex problem into smaller sub problems d. All of the above 

31. An algorithm is defined as a _________ procedure designed to perform an operation which will lead to the desired result, if followed correctly. a. Reverse procedure b. Step-by-step procedure  c. Random procedure d. None of the above

32. Algorithms have a definite ________ and a definite ________, and a finite number of steps. a. Middle & End b. Beginning & End  c. Beginning & Middle d. None of the above

33. A good algorithm, which is __________, receives input and produces an output. a. Precise b. Unique c. Finite d. All of the above 

34. In order to write effective algorithms we need to identify the__________ to be followed and the desired output. a. Input b. Process c. Both a) and b)  d. None of the above

35. A flowchart is a type of diagram that represents the algorithm graphically using boxes of various kinds, in an order connected by arrows. a. Flowchart  b. Algorithm c. Pseudocode d. None of the above

36. An _________ where all the steps are executed one after the other is said to execute in sequence. a. Flowchart b. Algorithm  c. Pseudocode d. None of the above

37. _________ making involves selection of one of the alternatives based on outcome of a condition. a. Terminator b. Action Symbol c. Decision  d. Arrow

38. An _________ may have a certain set of steps, which are repeating for a finite number of times, such an algorithm is said to be iterative. a. Flowchart b. Algorithm  c. Pseudocode d. None of the above

39. There can be __________ approach to solve a problem and hence we can have more than one algorithm for a particular problem. a. Only one b. More than one  c. No approach d. None of the above

40. The choice of __________ should be made on the basis of time and space complexity. a. Flowchart b. Algorithm  c. Pseudocode d. None of the above

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  • Unit 2 : String in Python
  • Unit 2 : Lists in Python
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Introduction to programming mcqs.

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1. What is programming?

  • The process of designing computer hardware
  • The process of writing instructions for a computer to perform tasks
  • The process of repairing computer software
  • The process of analyzing computer algorithms

Programming is the process of writing instructions (code) for a computer to perform tasks.

2. What is a program or set of instructions that a computer can execute called?

A program or set of instructions that a computer can execute is called software.

3. What is the purpose of a programming language?

  • To write computer hardware specifications
  • To communicate with other programmers
  • To facilitate communication between humans and computers
  • To design computer algorithms

The purpose of a programming language is to facilitate communication between humans and computers.

4. What does "debugging" refer to in programming?

  • Writing code
  • Testing code
  • Fixing errors in code
  • Documenting code

Debugging refers to the process of finding and fixing errors in code.

5. Which of the following is NOT a high-level programming language?

  • Assembly language

Assembly language is a low-level programming language, not a high-level one.

6. What is the purpose of a variable in programming?

  • To store data that can be changed during program execution
  • To store data that cannot be changed during program execution
  • To perform mathematical calculations
  • To print output to the screen

Variables in programming are used to store data that can be changed during program execution.

7. Which data type is used to store whole numbers in programming?

The integer data type is used to store whole numbers in programming.

8. What is the result of the following expression: `5 + 3 * 2`?

The expression is evaluated according to the order of operations, resulting in 11.

9. Which of the following data types is used to store decimal numbers in programming?

The float data type is used to store decimal numbers in programming.

10. What is the purpose of a string data type in programming?

  • To store numerical values
  • To store true/false values
  • To store text and characters
  • To perform mathematical operations

The string data type is used to store text and characters in programming.

11. What is a "conditional statement" in programming?

  • A statement that is always executed
  • A statement that performs calculations
  • A statement that makes decisions based on conditions
  • A statement that repeats a task

A conditional statement in programming makes decisions based on conditions.

12. What is the purpose of a loop in programming?

  • To perform a task only once
  • To repeat a task multiple times
  • To make decisions
  • To store data

A loop in programming is used to repeat a task multiple times.

13. What is the result of the following code snippet?

  • "x is greater than 3"
  • "x is not greater than 3"
  • Both A and B
  • None of the above

Since `x` is 5, the condition `x > 3` is true, so the first statement is executed.

14. What is the primary purpose of a "function" in programming?

  • To group code into reusable blocks

The primary purpose of a function in programming is to group code into reusable blocks.

15. Which loop type repeats a block of code as long as a specified condition is true?

  • Do-while loop
  • Foreach loop

A while loop repeats a block of code as long as a specified condition is true.

16. Which type of loop in programming always executes its body at least once, even if the condition is initially false?

A do-while loop always executes its body at least once, as the condition is checked after the loop body.

17. In a for loop, what are the three components that define the loop control structure?

  • Initialization, condition, and increment
  • Start, end, and step
  • Begin, middle, and end
  • Start, condition, and end

In a for loop, the three components are initialization, condition, and increment.

18. What is an infinite loop in programming?

  • A loop that repeats a fixed number of times
  • A loop that never terminates because its condition is always true
  • A loop that performs a single iteration
  • A loop that has no body

An infinite loop is a loop that never terminates because its condition is always true.

19. What is an array in programming?

  • A type of loop
  • A data structure used to store a collection of values
  • A conditional statement
  • A function that performs calculations

An array is a data structure used to store a collection of values of the same data type.

20. In many programming languages, what is the index of the first element in an array?

  • The size of the array

In many programming languages like C and Python, the index of the first element in an array is 0.

21. What is a "parameter" in the context of functions in programming?

  • A return value of a function
  • A variable that stores the function's name
  • A value passed into a function when it is called
  • A statement inside a function

A parameter is a value passed into a function when it is called, and it is used within the function.

22. What is the purpose of a "return statement" in a function?

  • To print a message to the console
  • To end the program
  • To terminate the function and return a value to the caller
  • To declare a variable

A return statement is used to terminate the function and return a value to the caller.

23. What is "function overloading" in programming?

  • Using too many functions in a program
  • Defining multiple functions with the same name but different parameters
  • Creating a function with too many lines of code
  • Using functions without any parameters

Function overloading is the practice of defining multiple functions with the same name but different parameters.

24. In a function, what is the purpose of the "local variables"?

  • To store data that can be accessed from anywhere in the program
  • To store data that is only accessible within the function
  • To store global data
  • To store data that is shared among multiple functions

Local variables in a function are only accessible within that function.

25. What is "recursion" in programming?

  • A function that calls itself
  • A function with no return statement
  • A type of array

Recursion in programming is a technique where a function calls itself to solve a problem.

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algorithms and problem solving mcqs

Algorithms powering John Ruiz’s company being probed by SEC, Justice Department

W hen attorney John H. Ruiz took his company public in 2022, the Miami entrepreneur promised that its software algorithms were so effective they could spot billions of dollars in improperly paid health-insurance claims that would eventually yield significant profits for investors.

Now, those problem-solving algorithms — the core of his Coral Gables-based company, LifeWallet — are being investigated by federal authorities, according to the firm’s recent filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

LifeWallet, in an annual report filed in April , revealed that federal civil and criminal subpoenas were seeking corporate documents about the company’s data analytics as well as its stock price decline, marketing materials and agreements offered to potential investors.

Those revelations — which hint at federal investigators’ focus on whether LifeWallet may have misled investors — come as the company announced 2023 revenue of little more than $7.7 million, far less than what the company projected before it went public in 2022. LifeWallet also reported that its net loss last year had ballooned to $835 million, more than double what the company reported for the previous year, and that it carries a heavy debt load that could soon grow even larger.

SEC, grand jury seeking records from Ruiz’s company

In the April 15 filing, the company said that the Securities and Exchange Commission issued subpoenas seeking information about “certain historical and projected financial results, investor agreements, and data analytic platforms and algorithms.”

The company also said a grand jury in the Southern District of Florida had subpoenaed documents related to “the Company’s proprietary algorithms and other software” as well as “the drop in the price of the Company’s common stock.” The company went public in May 2022 through a merger with a special purpose acquisition company, or SPAC. The company’s stock price lost more than half its value the day it began trading and it’s currently trading for less than $1.

The federal investigations into the company aren’t new, and were first reported by the Miami Herald last year, but the SEC filings in February and April provide more information about the subpoenas and what U.S. authorities are zeroing in on at LifeWallet.

“Any potential misrepresentations regarding a public company’s business capabilities and operations have been historically ripe areas for the Justice Department and SEC to investigate,” said Richard Hong, a veteran litigator who worked more than 25 years for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Miami and the Justice Department in Washington, D.C., as well as the SEC.

All of these factors, ranging from questions about LifeWallet’s algorithms to carrying heavy debts, point to a company that could be headed toward bankruptcy, said Jay Ritter, a business professor at the University of Florida.

“The company clearly doesn’t have a business model that looks like profitability is around the corner,” Ritter told the Miami Herald.

Ruiz, who is perhaps best known in South Florida as a major University of Miami booster whose companies have backed various UM athletes with hundreds of thousands of dollars in name, image and likeness sponsorships, did not respond to multiple requests for comment from the Herald. Nor did LifeWallet’s corporate lawyer, Gonzalo Dorta, or the company’s public relations firm respond to the Herald’s queries.

In its latest annual report filing with the SEC, LifeWallet said: “To the best of the Company’s knowledge, the Department of Justice has not issued any target letters to anyone associated with the Company as a result of this investigation.” That means that federal authorities have not notified Ruiz that he is a “putative defendant” in the probe, though Hong and other former federal prosecutors have told the Herald that such letters are typically sent at the end of an investigation, if at all.

“The Company has cooperated, and will continue to cooperate, fully with these inquiries,” LifeWallet said in the mid-April SEC filing.

Ruiz has long maintained that the company’s algorithms and data analysis are what sets LifeWallet apart.

When the merger was announced in July 2021, Ruiz told investors that the company relied on “more than 1,400 algorithms which help identify billions in recoverable claims.”

The company identifies instances in which the wrong insurer paid a claim and then attempts to recover money from the party that should have paid – such as when a health insurance company pays medical bills after a car accident that should have been paid by a car insurer. Ruiz’s company focuses on recovering insurance payments incorrectly made by Medicare-affiliated carriers, with the goal of splitting the potentially vast proceeds between the company and the claimant.

Ruiz said to investors in 2021 that the company’s “data-driven” approach would “disrupt the antiquated healthcare reimbursement system” and would eventually incorporate artificial intelligence, or AI.

When the company went public in 2022, it was valued at more than $32 billion.

So far, the company’s efforts have not resulted in significant revenue. While the company said it has been assigned the right to pursue claims valued at $1.5 trillion in their billed amount, it has taken in just over $12 million in claims recovery income in 2022 and 2023 combined. That’s well short of the company’s initial lofty projections that it would take in more than $990 million in gross revenue in 2022 and more than $3 billion in gross revenue in 2023.

The company announced in early March that it had reached a settlement with 28 affiliated property and casualty insurers, but it didn’t disclose how much LifeWallet took in from the agreement.

Forced to take on more debt

In the February filing , LifeWallet first shared greater detail about the dual investigations after SEC regulators had told the company in December to disclose the probe by the agency more prominently in its registration statement.

As the company has struggled to increase revenue, it has been forced to take on additional debt and strike deals with existing lenders, pushing back the due dates on existing loans. The company acknowledged in its annual 2023 filing in April that its loans have high interest rates that will “continue to increase over time by a significant amount” if the company can’t boost revenue soon and begin paying down what it owes.

That debt could also drive down the price of the company’s stock, since LifeWallet said it could issue new shares to satisfy its obligations to one of its lenders, diluting existing shares.

“I think that should definitely be a concern for investors here,” said Ritter, the business professor at the University of Florida.

Last August, the health-insurance claims company led by Ruiz acknowledged for the first time in SEC filings that LifeWallet was under federal civil and criminal investigations. Months earlier, the company had admitted to accounting issues that rendered two of its financial filings for 2022 unreliable.

Subpoenas for corporate records

LifeWallet, which went public in May 2022, disclosed that the SEC initiated an investigation into the company three months later. The company also revealed that it received three SEC subpoenas in 2023 for a variety of corporate records.

The company also said it received a subpoena in March 2023 from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for similar records in connection with a grand jury investigation in the Southern District of Florida.

But no details were revealed at that time about specific records – such as LifeWallet’s algorithms – that federal authorities were seeking from the company and its executives, including Ruiz.

Hong, the former federal prosecutor and SEC lawyer, said that it comes as no surprise that authorities are focusing on LifeWallet’s software because its data analysis is touted as the force behind its business of recovering health insurance claims.

“These days, in the age of AI, a company’s alleged secret sauce is frequently claimed as some proprietary algorithm or AI-driven technology,” said Hong, a partner with the Morrison Cohen law firm in New York. “So, both the Justice Department and SEC are looking into such claims more intensely these days.”

©2024 Miami Herald. Visit Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Coral Gables entrepreneur and attorney John H. Ruiz at his Coral Gables house in 2021.


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