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Class 10 Physics (India)

Course: class 10 physics (india)   >   unit 3.

  • Electricity class 10 numerical: CBSE board practice

Electricity class 10: CBSE previous question paper problems

assignment physics class 10 2022

Electric current and circuit

Closed circuitsOpen circuits
There is a flow of charge.There is no flow of charge.
The switch is ON.The switch if OFF.
  • I = 10   A ‍   ,
  • t = 2   mins = 120   s ‍   .
  • net charge, Q = 1200   C ‍   ,
  • charge of electron, e = 1.6 × 10 − 19   C ‍   ,
  • number of electrons, n = ? ‍  
  • Understand the concept better with this video : Unit of charge (Coulombs)

Electric potential and potential difference

  • W = 100   J ‍   ,
  • Q = 20   C ‍   .
  • Get more practice with this exercise : Voltage and work
  • Understand the concept better with these videos : ( i ‍   ) Intro to potential difference (& voltage) , ( ii ‍   ) Solved example: Potential difference & work done

Circuit diagram

  • Solution A4. [ 1 ‍   mark]
  • Solution A5. ( i ‍   ) Electric cell: [ 0.5 ‍   marks] ( ii ‍   ) Open plug key: [ 0.5 ‍   marks] ( iii ‍   ) Wires crossing without connection: [ 0.5 ‍   marks] ( iv ‍   ) Variable resistor: [ 0.5 ‍   marks] ( v ‍   ) Battery: [ 0.5 ‍   marks] ( vi ‍   ) Electric bulb: [ 0.5 ‍   marks] ( vii ‍   ) Resistance: [ 0.5 ‍   marks]

Ohm's law

  • Ohm's law: The electric current flowing through a conducting wire, I ‍   , is directly proportional to the potential difference across its ends, V ‍   , provided its temperature stays unchanged. Mathematically, V ∝ I ‍   .
  • The graph obtained by plotting the potential difference against the current flowing in a conductor is a straight line .
  • From Ohm's law, V ∝ I ‍   , or V = I R ‍   , where R ‍   is the resistance. So, R = V I ‍   , which represents the slope of the V − I ‍   graph.
  • Understand the concept better with these videos : ( i ‍   ) Introduction to circuits and Ohm's law , ( ii ‍   ) Solved example: Ohms law , ( iii ‍   ) Ohm's law graph (verifying Ohm's law) , ( iv ‍   ) Solved example: (Ohm's law graph) .

Factor on which the resistance of a conductor depends

  • Solution A7. ( a ‍   ) The resistance of a conductor: ( i ‍   ) is directly proportional to the length of the conductor, l ‍   . R ∝ l ‍   ( ii ‍   ) is inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the conductor, A ‍   . R ∝ 1 A ‍   ( iii ‍   ) depends on the material of the conductor. [ 1 ‍   mark] ( b ‍   ) Metals have a much lower resistivity than glass. This makes metals better conductors of electricity. [ 1 ‍   mark] ( c ‍   ) Alloys have a high resistivity and do not oxidise or burn readily at high temperatures , making them perfect for use in heating devices. [ 1 ‍   mark]
  • radius of wire, r = 0.01   cm ‍   = 10 − 4   m ‍   ,
  • resistivity, ρ = 50 × 10 − 8   Ω m ‍   ,
  • resistance, R = 10   Ω ‍   .
  • length of wire, l = ? ‍  
  • length of wire, l = 50   cm ‍   = 50 × 10 − 2   m ‍   ,
  • cross-sectional area, A = 0.01   mm 2 ‍   = 0.01 × 10 − 6   m 2 ‍   ,
  • resistivity, ρ = 5 × 10 − 8   Ω m ‍   .
  • Understand the concept better with this video : Resistivity and conductivity

Resistance of system of resistors

  • Resistance, R 1 = 5   Ω ‍   ,
  • Resistance, R 2 = 10   Ω ‍   ,
  • e.m.f., V = 6   V ‍   .
  • R 1 ‍   = R 2 ‍   = R 3 ‍   = 2   Ω ‍   ,
  • potential difference, V = 5   V ‍   ,
  • current, I = ? ‍  
  • Solution A12. Derivation of equivalent parallel resistance: The following diagram shows a parallel combination of the three resistors R 1 ‍   , R 2 ‍   , and R 3 ‍   . Currents I 1 ‍   , I 2 ‍   , and I 3 ‍   flow through the resistors R 1 ‍   , R 2 ‍   , and R 3 ‍   respectively. The total current, I ‍   , is the sum of the currents through the three branches: I = I 1 + I 2 + I 3 ‍   If the equivalent resistance is R P ‍   , we have using Ohm's law, I = V R P ‍   The potential difference across each individual resistor is also V ‍   . Applying Ohm's law for each resistor, we find, I 1 = V R 1 ‍   , I 2 = V R 2 ‍   , and I 3 = V R 3 ‍   [ 1 ‍   mark] Tying it all up, I = I 1 + I 2 + I 3 V R P = V R 1 + V R 2 + V R 3 V × ( 1 R P ) = V × ( 1 R 1 + 1 R 2 + 1 R 3 ) 1 R P = 1 R 1 + 1 R 2 + 1 R 3 ‍   ∴ ‍   The equivalent resistance, R P ‍   , is related to the individual resistors as: 1 R P = 1 R 1 + 1 R 2 + 1 R 3 ‍   [ 1 ‍   mark]
  • Get more practice with these exercises : ( i ‍   ) Finding equivalent resistance , ( ii ‍   ) Identifying types of resistor combinations , ( iii ‍   ) Simplifying resistor networks , ( iv ‍   ) Finding currents and voltages (pure circuits) .
  • Understand the concept better with these videos : ( i ‍   ) Series resistors , ( ii ‍   ) Parallel resistors (part 1) , ( iii ‍   ) Parallel resistors (part 2) , ( iv ‍   ) Parallel resistors (part 3) , ( v ‍   ) Example: Analyzing a more complex resistor circuit , ( vi ‍   ) Solved example: Finding current & voltage in a circuit .

Heating effect of electric current

  • Solution 1 (in words) A13 (in words). The heat produced every second in a fuse wire of resistance, R ‍   , and with a current, I ‍   , in it, is given as, H = I 2 R ‍   . [ 1 ‍   mark] The heat produced for I = 5   A ‍   melts the wire. It follows from the relation that for the same heat to be produced for I = 10   A ‍   , the resistance must be smaller . [ 1 ‍   mark] Since, R ∝ 1 cross-sectional area , ‍   a smaller resistance has a larger cross-section . A larger cross-section implies a larger radius . So, the new fuse wire has a larger radius. [ 1 ‍   mark]
  • Solution 2 (calculation) A13 (calculation). For current I 1 = 5   A ‍   passing through the older fuse of resistance R 1 ‍   , the heat produced every second is, H = I 1 2 R 1 ‍   The same heat is desired for I 2 = 10   A ‍   . If the new fuse wire has a resistance, R 2 ‍   , we have, H = I 1 2 R 1 = I 2 2 R 2 ⇒ R 2 = I 1 2 I 2 2 R 1 = 25 1   A 100 4   A R 1 = 1 4 R 1 ‍   [ 1 ‍   mark] ∵ R ∝ 1 A ⇒ 1 A 2 = 1 4 × 1 A 1 ⇒ A 2 = 4 A 1 ‍   where A ‍   is the cross-sectional area. [ 1 ‍   mark] Since, A = π r 2 ‍   , we get from the result above, π r 2 2 = 4 π r 1 2 ⇒ r 2 = 2 r 1 ‍   The radius of the new fuse wire is twice that of the old one. [ 1 ‍   mark]
  • Solution A14. Derivation: For work done, W ‍   , on moving a net charge, Q ‍   , the potential difference is defined as, V = W Q ⇒ W = V Q ‍   Let t ‍   be the time it takes to move the net charge Q ‍   . Multiplying and dividing the R.H.S. by t ‍   , we get, W = V × Q t × t = V I t ‍   where Q t ‍   is the current, I ‍   , by definition. [ 1 ‍   mark] Since this work is converted into heat energy, we can write, W = H = V I t = ( I R ) × I t H = I 2 R t ‍   where R ‍   is the resistance in the circuit and Ohm's law ( V = I R ‍   ) is applied in the second step. [ 1 ‍   mark] Second part: We obtained, W = H = V I t ‍   . Writing I = V R ‍   from Ohm's law, we get, H = V × ( V R ) × t = V 2 R t H ∝ 1 R ‍   [ 1 ‍   mark] If two equal resistances, R ‍   each, are connected in series , the equivalent resistance, R S = R + R = 2 R ‍   . When connected in parallel , the equivalent resistance, R P ‍   , is found as, 1 R P = 1 R + 1 R R P = R 2 ‍   [ 1 ‍   mark] Let the heat produced in the series combination be H S ‍   , and the parallel combination be H P ‍   . We have, H S H P = 1 / R S 1 / R P = R P R S = R 2 × 1 2 R H S = 1 4 H P H P = 4 H S ‍   Therefore, the heat produced in the parallel combination is four times that of the series combination. [ 1 ‍   mark]
  • Get more practice with this exercise : Calculating heat dissipated in circuits .
  • Understand the concept better with these videos : ( i ‍   ) Heating effect of current , ( ii ‍   ) Solved example - Calculating power & heat dissipated .

Electric power

  • Solution A15. Since the lamps are connected in parallel to the mains supply, the voltage across each lamp is 220   V ‍   . The current drawn by a lamp = power rating voltage applied ‍   . Current drawn by the 100   W ‍   lamp, I 1 = 100   W 220   V = 100 220   A ‍   Current drawn by the 60   W ‍   lamp, I 2 = 60 220   A ‍   [ 1 ‍   mark] Net current drawn from the mains supply, I ‍   , is, I = I 1 + I 2 = 100 220   A + 60 220   A = 160 220   A ≈ 0.73   A ‍   [ 1 ‍   mark]
  • Solution A16. ( a ‍   ) Power, P = V I ‍   , where V ‍   is the voltage and I ‍   is the current. Power consumed is minimum when the current passing is minimum. So the resistors should be connected in series . [ 1 ‍   mark] ( b ‍   ) Bulbs: Power of each bulb = 100   W ‍   . Total power of three bulbs, P B = 300   W ‍   . Energy consumed by three bulbs in a day, E B = 300   W × 5   h = 1500   Wh = 1.5   kWh ‍   [ 1 ‍   mark] Fans: Power of each fan = 50   W ‍   . Total power of two bulbs, P F = 100   W ‍   . Energy consumed by two fans in a day, E F = 100   W × 10   h = 1000   Wh = 1   kWh ‍   [ 1 ‍   mark] Heater: Energy consumed by heater in a day, E H = 1   kW × 1 2   h = 0.5   kWh ‍   [ 1 ‍   mark] Total energy consumed, E = E B + E F + E H = ( 1.5 + 1 + 0.5 )   kWh = 3   kWh ‍   [ 0.5 ‍   marks] Energy consumed in a month of 31 ‍   days = E × 31 = 93   kWh ‍   . Therefore, the cost of energy consumed ₹ ₹ = ₹ 3.60 / kWh × 93   kWh = ₹ 334.80 ‍   [ 0.5 ‍   marks]
  • Get more practice with this exercise : Bulbs connected in series or parallel .
  • Understand the concept better with these videos : ( i ‍   ) Electric power & energy , ( ii ‍   ) Solved example: Power dissipated in bulbs , ( iii ‍   ) Solved example - Cost of operation of electrical device .

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Class 10 Science Chapter-wise assignments Pdf

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Chapter 3 – Metals and Non-metals assignment pdf

Chapter 4 – Carbon and Its Compounds assignment pdf

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