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Eggcellent Work

12 common barriers to critical thinking (and how to overcome them).

As you know, critical thinking is a vital skill necessary for success in life and work. Unfortunately,  barriers to critical thinking  can hinder a person’s ability. This piece will discuss some of the most common  internal and external barriers to critical thinking  and what you should do if one of them hinders your ability to think critically.

Critical Thinking Challenges

You already know that  critical thinking  is the process of analyzing and evaluating a situation or person so that you can make a sound judgment. You normally use the judgment you derive from your critical thinking process to make crucial decisions, and the choices you make affect you in workplaces, relationships, and life’s goals and achievements.

Several  barriers to critical thinking  can cause you to skew your judgment. This could happen even if you have a large amount of data and information to the contrary. The result might be that you make a poor or ineffective decision instead of a choice that could improve your life quality. These are some of the top obstacles that hinder and distort the ability to think critically:

1. Using Emotions Instead of Logic

Failing to remove one’s emotions from a critical thinking analysis is one of the hugest barriers to the process. People make these mistakes mainly in the relationship realm when choosing partners based on how they “make them feel” instead of the information collected.

The correct way to decide about a relationship is to use all facts, data, opinions, and situations to make a final judgment call. More times than not, individuals use their hearts instead of their minds.

Emotions can hinder critical thinking in the employment realm as well. One example is an employee who reacts negatively to a business decision, change, or process without gathering more information. The relationship between that person and the employer could become severed by her  lack of critical thinking  instead of being salvaged by further investigations and rational reactions.

2. Personal Biases

Personal biases can come from past negative experiences, skewed teachings, and peer pressure. They create a huge obstacle in critical thinking because they overshadow open-mindedness and fairness.

One example is failing to hire someone because of a specific race, age, religious preference, or perceived attitude. The hiring person circumvents using critical thinking by accepting his or her biases as truth. Thus, the entire processes of information gathering and objective analysis get lost in the mix.

3. Obstinance

Stubbornness almost always ruins the critical thinking procedure. Sometimes, people get so wrapped up in being right that they fail to look at the big picture. Big-picture thinking is a large part of critical thinking; without it, all judgments and choices are rash and incomplete.

4. Unbelief

It’s difficult for a person to do something he or she doesn’t believe in. It’s also challenging to engage in something that seems complex. Many people don’t think critically because they believe they must be scholarly to do so. The truth is that  anyone  can think critically by practicing the following steps:

  • 1. Gather as much data as possible.
  • 2. Have an opinion, but be open to changing it.
  • 3. Understand that assumptions are not the truth, and opinions are not facts.
  • 4. Think about the scenario, person, or problem from different angles.
  • 5. Evaluate all the information thoroughly.
  • 6. Ask simple, precise, and abundant questions.
  • 7. Take time to observe.
  • 8. Don’t be afraid to spend time on the problem or issue.
  • 9. Ask for input or additional information.
  • 10. Make it make sense.

5. Fear of Failure or Change

Fear of change and failure often hinders a person’s critical thinking process because it doesn’t allow thinking outside the box. Sometimes, the most efficient way to resolve a problem is to be open to changing something.

That change might be a different way of doing something, a relationship termination, or a shift of positions at a workplace. Fear can block out all possible scenarios in the critical thinking cycle. The result is often one-dimensional thinking, tunnel vision, or proverbial head-banging.

6. Egocentric Thinking

Egocentric thinking is also one of the main barriers to critical thinking. It occurs when a person examines everything through a “me” lens. Evaluating something properly requires an individual to understand and consider other people’s perspectives, plights, goals, input, etc.

7. Assumptions

Assumptions are one of the negative  factors that affect critical thinking . They are detrimental to the process because they cause distortions and misguided judgments. When using assumptions, an individual could unknowingly insert an invalid prejudgment into a stage of the thought process and sway the final decision.

It’s never wise to assume anything about a person, entity, or situation because it could be 100 percent wrong. The correct way to deal with assumptions is to store them in a separate thought category of possibilities and then use the data and other evidence to validate or nullify them.

XYZ  might  be why ABC happened, but there isn’t enough information or data to conclude it. The same concept is true for the rest of the possibilities, and thus, it’s necessary to research and analyze the facts before accepting them as truths.

8. Group Thinking

Group thinking is another one of the  barriers to critical thinking  that can block sound decisions and muddy judgments. It’s similar to peer pressure, where the person takes on the viewpoint of the people around him or her to avoid seeming “different.”

This barrier is dangerous because it affects how some people think about right and wrong. It’s most prevalent among teens. One example is the “everybody’s doing it (drugs, bullying), so I should too” mindset.

Unfortunately, this barrier can sometimes spill over into the workplace and darken the environment when workers can’t think for themselves. Workers may end up breaking policies, engaging in negative behavior, or harassing the workers who don’t conform.

Group thinking can also skew someone’s opinion of another person before the individual gets a chance to collect facts and evaluate the person for himself. You’ve probably heard of smear campaigns. They work so well against targets because the parties involved don’t use the critical thinking process at all.

9. Impulsivity

Impulsivity is the tendency to do things without thinking, and it’s a bona fide critical thinking killer. It skips right by  every  step in the critical thinking process and goes directly to what feels good in the moment.

Alleviating the habit takes practice and dedication. The first step is to set time aside when impulsive urges come to think about all aspects of the situation. It may take an impulsive person a while to develop a good critical thinking strategy, but it can work with time.

10. Not Knowing What’s Fact and Opinion

Critical thinking requires the thinker to know the difference between facts and opinions. Opinions are statements based on other people’s evaluative processes, and those processes may not be critical or analytical. Facts are an unemotional and unbiased piece of data that one can verify. Statistics and governmental texts are examples.

11. Having a Highly Competitive Nature

A “winning” mindset can overshadow the fair and objective evaluation of a problem, task, or person and undermine critical thinking. People who  think competitively  could lose sight of what’s right and wrong to meet a selfish goal that way.

12. Basing Statements on Popularity

This problem is prevalent in today’s world. Many people will accept anything a celebrity, political figure, or popular person says as gospel, but discredit or discount other people’s input. An adept critical thinker knows how to separate  what’s  being said from  who  said it and perform the necessary verification steps.

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How To Overcome Barriers in Critical Thinking

If you can identify any of the above-mentioned  barriers , your critical thinking may be flawed. These are some tips for overcoming such barriers:

1. Know your flaws.

The very first step toward improving anything is to know and admit your flaws. If you can do that, you are halfway to using better critical thinking strategies.

2. Park your emotions.

Use logic, not emotion, when you are evaluating something to form a judgment. It’s not the time to think with your heart.

3. Be mindful of others.

Try to put yourself in other people’s shoes to understand their stance. A little empathy goes a long way.

4. Avoid black-and-white thinking.

Understand that there’s always more than one way to solve a problem or achieve a goal. Additionally, consider that not every person is all bad or all good.

5. Dare to be unpopular.

Avoid making decisions to please other people. Instead, evaluate the full lot of information and make the decision you feel is best.

6. Don’t assign unjustified merit.

Don’t assume someone is telling the truth or giving you more accurate information because of his or her name or status. Evaluate  all  people’s input equally.

7. Avoid judging others.

Try to keep biases and prejudices out of your decision-making processes. That will make them fair and just.

8. Be patient with yourself.

Take all the days you need to pick apart a situation or problem and resolve it. Don’t rush to make hasty decisions.

9. Accept different points of view.

Not everyone will agree with you or tell you what you want to hear.

10. Embrace change.

Don’t ever be afraid of changing something or trying something new. Thinking outside the box is an integral part of the critical thinking process.

Now you know the answers to the question,  “What are the challenges of critical thinking?”  Use the information about the  barriers to critical thinking  to improve your critical thinking process and make healthier and more beneficial decisions for everyone.

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Jenny Palmer

Founder of Eggcellentwork.com. With over 20 years of experience in HR and various roles in corporate world, Jenny shares tips and advice to help professionals advance in their careers. Her blog is a go-to resource for anyone looking to improve their skills, land their dream job, or make a career change.

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How to Overcome Critical Thinking Barriers

critical thinking barriers

Critical thinking is typically needed when graded performances and livelihoods are involved. However, its true value shines outside of academic and professional settings. When we have the power to think critically , we’re not only going to get recognized at school or at work. We also become better at solving personal problems , making crucial decisions, and maintaining good relationships with others.

No Openminded Person is Completely Infallible

Yes, practicing critical thinking is bound to improve our thought processes and our whole understanding of the world. However, that is not enough to keep us from failing to exercise our best judgment in certain situations.

Barriers to Critical Thinking: What is Clouding Your Judgments?

There will be moments when we’ll lose sight of our problems’ best solution because something prevents us from moving towards the right path. Something is clouding our vision and holding us back from realizing that we are doing things wrong. These are the barriers to critical thinking.

Egocentric thinking usually stems from extreme closemindedness. If we wish to overcome this barrier, we should start being mindful of other’s needs. Our minds will gradually open up once we realize that their perspectives are as valid as ours.

To get out of our biased experiences, it is important to question ourselves multiple times if we are thinking of our situation rationally. A good way of confirming this is to ask our trusted friends what they think. We must choose someone who can tell us things as it is –– someone who isn’t afraid to speak the truth even if that’s not what we want to hear.

Another offshoot of egocentric thinking are arrogance and intolerance. These two characteristics can set anyone back because it is often a result of a bloated sense of self. When someone believes in themselves too much, they refuse to see that others may have better ideas.

Oftentimes we underestimate the time and effort it takes to get things done, leading to the pressures of having to work within tight and unreasonable schedules. To break out of such a vicious cycle, we must learn how to properly plan things out before we even start. This will save us from wasting time and resources that we will never get back.

One of humanity’s biggest problems is its inability to accept each other. More often than not, our refusal to accept others is a result of social conditioning from the moment we are born. We are taught to believe that certain stereotypes are the absolute truth.

Depending on what is being established as the norm, it can be uncomfortable to go against the group’s tide. But to be a critical thinker means you have to continually ask if something makes logical sense. It’s about upholding your principles when you know that something clearly isn’t right.

To successfully avoid running into these harmful barriers, we must first become aware of what they are, and that we are not immune to them. When we know what we should consciously avoid, we allow ourselves to make informed decisions and become better at practicing the best critical thinking techniques.

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Understanding & Overcoming Barriers to Critical Thinking

Want to become a more critical thinker? The first step is being aware of the barriers that stand in the way of you and clear, rational thought. Knowing what to watch out for can help you overcome them and move closer to making well-informed decisions.

Critical thinking is essential to using your overall experience, background, common sense and other attributes to become more aware of how your efforts for success are being spent. When you have barriers to the critical thinking process, it can seriously harm your ability to move forward.

When you’re aware of these barriers, you can better overcome them and focus your thinking on what’s going to move you forward rather than getting stuck behind a barrier — unable to move forward.

Barriers to Critical Thinking

Here are five barriers that can impede the critical thinking process:

(i) Thinking in Black and White. Some people ignore a situation’s complexities by thinking that there’s only one way to solve a problem. The problem is placed in a category, given a label, and that’s the only way that matters. Thinking in black and white comes from our need to have certainty in our lives, but it’s false logic to assume that everything is totally one way.

(ii) Thinking with the Ego . Egocentric thinking is thinking with a lack of understanding others’ wants and needs. It limits your thinking to only your point of view and doesn’t have room for others’ ideas. This thinking process is deeply embedded in our psyches, and it sometimes takes deliberate effort to overcome it.

(iii) Social Thinking . The drone mentality of social thinking only lets us see things in the way of the popular point of view – or how our spouse, companions, parents and friends think. Thinking outside the box is almost impossible when you have a barrier of social thinking and it can impede the critical thinking process.

(iv) Authoritative Thinking . Just because someone in authority says it’s true doesn’t mean it is. You’ve likely been swayed by political leaders who say one thing is true, only to find out later that it was a lie or a misleading way of thinking. The authority could be a person, peer group, institution or anything that makes you think that they’re right because they’re in an authoritative position.

(v) Judgmental Thinking . When you judge something or someone based on moral evaluation, it’s usually done in haste and based on our past – such as the way we were raised, educated or other values and mores. Judgmental thinking is usually non-rational thinking and can block understanding and insight about a person or an issue.

SO what can you do to overcome these barriers? Here are five suggestions to try:

a. Recognizing Your Cognitive Biases. Cognitive biases are tendencies we all have that lead us to make certain decisions, judgments or beliefs. We develop them over time and they don’t necessarily serve us well in our decision-making process. Some of the more common cognitive biases include confirmation bias (seeking out evidence to support existing beliefs), anchoring bias (overestimating or underestimating based on initial information) and the “availability heuristic” (making decisions quickly and with little research). Recognizing when they are at play can help you make choices free of bias and more reflective of your values.

b . Acting on Your Assumptions. Before making a decision or forming an opinion, it’s important to take the time to analyze the facts. Don’t act on your assumptions right away. Instead, question why you’re feeling something and address any underlying fear or insecurity with facts. Ask yourself questions like “What do I really know about this?” and “Is there evidence to back up my thought?” Taking some extra time can help you make decisions without bias.

c . Avoiding Confirmation Bias. One of the most common barriers to critical thinking is confirmation bias, which is when someone only looks for facts that support an idea they already have. To avoid this type of thinking, ensure your research and data are coming from a variety of sources. This way you’re not only getting information from one side, but also learning opposing points of view. Questioning your own opinion or ‘gut feeling’ can help to prevent yourself from making decisions without fully understanding all sides of the story.

d . Reframing Your Thoughts and Perspectives. Reframing your thoughts and perspectives is a great way to overcome barriers to critical thinking. Make an effort to step out of your comfort zone, look at matters from a different angle, and challenge yourself by looking for contradicting evidence or anomalies. You can also challenge your own beliefs in this process and be open to other people’s viewpoints. Through this exercise, find new insights and become more well-rounded.

e. Search for Different Points of View & Solutions. In order to prevent confirmation bias, actively search for different points of view and solutions. Don’t limit yourself to one path — consider the range of possibilities. Ask questions, research information with an open mind, and form opinions based on fact instead of assumptions or what has been said in the past. You’ll become more adept at critical thinking as you learn how to look for new angles, draw conclusions from evidence, and recognize diverse perspectives.

It’s important that we recognise our own barriers to the critical thinking process and replace those barriers with rational and reasoned thinking and then make a concentrated effort to avoid them.

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7 barriers to critical thinking and how to overcome?

barriers to critical thinking and how to overcome

Critical thinking is a skill that lets one understand and evaluate an issue or situation logically. All available facts and information related or likely to be related to the issue are analyzed. It involves sorting, organizing, and analyzing facts and information to define a problem and then find an effective solution. It is a mindset that is crucial for the desired development of our personal and professional life. In this article, we will discuss critical thinking and process, barriers of critical thinking, and how to overcome it.

What is critical thinking?

Critical thinking is the quality of Thinking clearly and thoroughly. It’s a Careful application of reason to explain an issue. It is the ability to define and analyze facts to understand a problem deeply. It often involves a few steps that start from identifying and characterizing a problem and continues through analysis, interpretation, and ends up with developing a solution.�

A critical thinker questions any idea or assumption rather than accepting it blindly. They approach the problem consistently and systematically rather than by intuition. Identify, make, and evaluate arguments and use the facts, arguments, and findings to build the real picture.

Examples of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking can be applied in every sphere of our life. Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Politicians, and business Professionals always using the Critical thinking approach. Few examples of Critical thinking are given bellow.

Evaluating news

Today we are confronting with plenty of news and events every day. We are getting information from various media e.g., newspapers, radio, television, and online media like the internet and social media. With the blessing of these media, it has become effortless to get information from anywhere anytime today.

At the same time, it is tough to say whether any news we came across is authentic or not. Doubt regarding online news is increasing nowadays, as fake news is widespread there today. While we think to find a solution to this problem, critical thinking is the only one that can apply.

Whenever we come across any news or information, we should not take it as a divine word. We should try to find or guess the answer to few questions like “From whom it came, what is the place it came from, why did he make it, is there any interest of him or anyone else and so on.”

By analyzing the answers to these questions, we can justify the news’s reliability and authenticity.

Deciding to Purchase a product

Deciding to purchase a product also requires to think critically today. A few years back, we didn’t need to overthink to buy something. It was easy to go to the mall or market, look for the item we need, choose one from the available item, and buy it.

As we are living in a digital age, there is also scope to apply a critical thinking approach to decide to buy something. If you would like to purchase something, you first justify the need for the thing, i.e., do you need the item, or can another way meet it.

If you feel the need, then search the product on the internet to find the model and brand available in the market and know each one’s merits and demerits. Ask your friends and others within your network to see the product’s experience if you find anyone having a good experience to collect further details of the product from him and the internet.

If you do this, there is a low chance of having a bad experience with this product.

Taking care of Health

Health is one of the prime concern to every conscious people today. Most of us try to keeping well, try to get rid of obesity, etc. And there Is no scarcity of suggestions and information around us regarding this. Some of these are not scientific, exaggerated, and rumor.

Moreover, any time information is continually changing. So we need to apply critical thinking to decide how to lead our lives, choose a healthy diet, eat, and what not to eat.�

Presently we are facing the COVID-19 situation throughout the world. And this Pandemic disease is somewhat different from other diseases. Even the scientists are getting baffled to suggest what to do.

Suggestions and information regarding the disorders are frequently changing. A recognized treatment yet to be discovered. If we apply critical thinking, we can be benefitted at least a bit.�

Risk assessment

Business organizations today are undergoing various risks. Economic uncertainty, Political agitation, Climate change, Cyberattack, etc. are continuously pushing the business organization into a threat. To survive within such an environment, business organizations need to assess the risk and threat it abounds with. And it is the employee’s critical thinking ability, which can evaluate the risk with the right approximate.

It involves the activity like listing the risk, defining the nature and extent of each, finding out the factor that influences the risk, whether it is a temporary or permanent risk, and finally to take measures to mitigate the risks.

Some industries are more risk involved e.g., a construction company where the working environment is risky for workers’ lives. So here, addressing and assessing the risk factor is essential.

Otherwise, there could be injuries or even deaths that cause workforce shortage and negatively impact its reputation. Similarly, a financial organization is much more prone to be affected by some financial index.

For example, the introduction of a new law affects overall business activities and customers. It requires critical thinking skills, such as analysis, creativity, and problem-solving. If the financial institution doesn’t apply these critical thinking skills, it could result in losing profit or will suffer legal consequences from regulatory non-compliance. �

Elements of Critical thinking process

Critical thinking is a process that compromises some elements and requires a few steps to follow.

1. Problem Identification

critical thinking process begins with the identification of a problem. Note abnormalities and indications that are likely to cause a problem. Consider it is a problem, why is it a problem. Determine why this problem is there and the possible consequences if no attempt is taken to solve it.

2. Information Gathering

Once something is considered as a problem, gather information about it. Engage yourself to learn as much as possible about the problem. Look for possible reasons, facts, and evidence; Ask other people’s opinions and perspectives regarding the issue. Gather information from multiple sources.

3. Evaluation

In this step, evaluate the information collected in the previous stage. Assess the validity and reliability of the information and ensure that they are accurate. Evaluate the source of information and check whether it is from a single source or more than one source.

4. Find solutions

After evaluating the information and evidence collected, try to deduce solutions to the problem. Plan several solutions based on the conclusions made in the evaluation. List the advantages and disadvantages of each solution.

5. Choose the best solution and Implement

This is the final stage where each solution already suggested is evaluated by considering all the advantages and disadvantages. Consider the risk a solution pose and think whether a solution is easy or difficult to implement. Finally, a practical solution is chosen and implemented.

What are the barriers to critical thinking and how to overcome?

Critical thinking is an important mindset that can help improve our personal life and our professional life. But in reality, very few among us can think critically. Most people don’t have Critical thinking skills because of some reason.

The following are the barriers to critical thinking that prevent us from thinking critically. Also, how to get around this barrier is discussed here.

1. Egocentric behavior

It is the tendency of a person to relate everything to himself and leads to the inability to evaluate others’ perspectives and feelings. He can not tolerate anything beyond his philosophy. He wants others to think of an issue in the same way he thinks.

As a result, he can not broaden his thinking, and the Peoples surrounding him dishearten to think critically. It is one of the most significant Barriers to Critical Thinking and many a time challenging to overcome.�

It is complicated to correct this behavior for a person as he can not find this character flaw. One thing that can help eliminate this tendency is to bring them to an environment where everyone can exchange their views, respect others’ opinions, and question any ideas. Arrange debates, open question-answer session, and group discussion to make them accustomed to open thinking.

2. Group thinking

It is another harmful thing or one of the barriers to Critical thinking. In this case, most of the group people don’t give their views or ask any questions. They remain idle and support whatever other says without any argument.�

To overcome this obstacle, each group member should stand apart and question and argue ideas and opinions presented before him and give his thoughts, beliefs, and ideas.

Only suggesting to do such is not sufficient; also inspire them to think and ask questions, help them grow thinking capability, bring context, and create a situation before him to believe and ask questions easily.

3. Drone mentality

It can be described as a person’s inability to pay attention to what’s going on around him. These kinds of people cannot be attentive in a class meeting or discussion. It becomes a habit for them, and as a result, they cannot think so much.

This habit grows when a person gets exhausted from working a long time and find work tedious. To overcome this barrier, Teachers, supervisors, or hosts Should aware of their audience or officials, make things interesting to them, change topics and tasks.

4. Social condition

The society we live in has some values, thoughts, and assumptions prevailing. Therefore many of us think in a particular way. Their thinking is related to society’s values, beliefs, and assumptions. Usually, it is challenging for them to think beyond this spectrum.�

Again, this is one of the significant barriers to critical thinking as it confined our thinking to a limit. This barrier is also tough to overcome as most people do not realize they are being conditioned to think in a certain way.

Only social and cultural awareness can help to overcome this barrier.

5. Personal Biases

Personal Biases hinder Critical thinking because they influence a person’s justice, and It also prevents one from using experience, reasoning, and common sense to make correct decisions.

To overcome this decision, everyone should practice honesty and integrity.

6. Work pressure

We often are swamped in the workplace. We don’t have much time to accomplish the work assigned. It does affect our skill of critical thinking awfully. When the time is short, and the deadline is knocking the door, most of us walk in a way that does not involve any strategic thinking to complete the job. And here is when the barrier arises to think critically.

To overcome this barrier, we should have a plan and schedule for each job, whether small or big. Also, we should not keep work piled for the future.

It hinders the overall growth and development of a person. As an effect, it is also a barrier to critical thinking. Fear makes a person unconfident and demotivated, and he is not willing to think beyond his circle.

To remove fear from people’s minds, managers, supervisors, or heads of the workplace can play an essential role by ensuring the right working environment.

How can I apply critical thinking to my life ?

In our everyday life, we frequently face various situations, problems, or difficulties. And many a time we conventionally get around this. But if we apply critical thinking, we can quickly meet that moreover, the solution we find here would be more effective than anyone we get otherwise.

Whatever types of situations or problems we encounter and whatever professional we are, student, teacher, doctor, engineer, lawyer, and so on, we first treat everything that we face or everything that we do a problem. And we have the determination or passion for having a solution to it.

Then we try to collect information on this. To do so, we should fond of acquiring knowledge. We always keep our sense alert to receive information from our surroundings.

Next, we must have a certain level of analytical ability to deduce facts from data. However, this requires practice. If we start thinking in this way and continue, hopefully, we could apply critical thinking in our life.

The human being is the best of creations because of the incredible power of its brain. Critical thinking is nothing but to utilize the brain more effectively. We could realize how powerful our brain is if we start thinking critically.

Critical thinking has tremendous value to the employer. Already it is in the list of top seeking soft skills in the world. So it is time for all of us to start thinking critically and make the future generations habituated with this.

But there are some barriers to critical thinking process and If we try, we will be able to overcome them.


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  • Ad hominem fallacy: Attacking the character or personal traits of an individual rather than addressing the substance of their argument. For example, “I can’t believe anything he says; he’s a known liar.”
  • Appeal to authority fallacy: Supporting an idea with an authority figure rather than presenting evidence or logical reasoning. For example, “Dr. Smith says that this treatment is effective, so it must be true.”
  • False cause fallacy: Assuming that one event caused another simply because it happened before the second event. For example, “I wore my lucky socks, and we won the game, so my socks must have caused the win.”
  • Straw man fallacy: Misrepresenting an opponent’s argument to make it easier to attack. For example, “My opponent thinks we should do nothing about climate change, which is ridiculous.”
  • Slippery slope fallacy: Suggesting that one event will inevitably lead to a chain of events without presenting evidence or logical reasoning. For example, “If we allow gay marriage, next we’ll be allowing people to marry animals.”
  • False dichotomy fallacy: Presenting an argument as if there are only two options when in fact, there are more. For example, “Either you’re with us, or you’re against us.”
  • Hasty generalization fallacy: Making a generalization based on insufficient or unrepresentative evidence. For example, “I met one rude French person, so all French people must be rude.”
  • Red herring fallacy: Introducing an unrelated topic to distract from the main argument. For example, “I know my proposal is controversial, but what about all the good things I’ve done for this company?”
  • Post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy: Assuming that one event caused another simply because it happened after the first event. For example, “I took this pill, and then my cold went away, so the pill must have cured my cold.”
  • False analogy fallacy: Comparing two things that are not similar enough to support the conclusion drawn. For example, “Driving a car is like flying a plane, so if you can do one, you can do the other.

barriers to critical thinking and how to overcome them

Aastha Bensla

Aastha, a passionate industrial psychologist, writer, and counselor, brings her unique expertise to Risely. With specialized knowledge in industrial psychology, Aastha offers a fresh perspective on personal and professional development. Her broad experience as an industrial psychologist enables her to accurately understand and solve problems for managers and leaders with an empathetic approach.

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barriers to critical thinking and how to overcome them

Wesley Cherisien

barriers to critical thinking featured image

Barriers to Critical Thinking & How To Unlock Your Mind’s Full Potential

Thinking critically is a skill that many people aim to perfect. It involves analyzing and evaluating an issue or situation deeply and objectively to form a judgment. It’s not just about solving problems but also about making decisions, understanding the connections between ideas, and even identifying, constructing, and evaluating arguments.

Critical thinking is not just beneficial; it’s necessary for our survival. We use critical thinking skills in our daily lives when making decisions – from what to have for breakfast to which route to take to work. It’s especially important in today’s world, where misinformation, disinformation, and biased information are rampant. Being able to critically assess the information we come across is key to making informed decisions.

What you will learn in this guide:

  • Understanding the Barriers: Dive into the obstacles that hinder our ability to think critically, from cognitive biases to emotional barriers, and even social influences.
  • Strategies to Overcome: Uncover various strategies to bypass these barriers and unlock your mind’s full potential.
  • Developing a Critical Thinking Mindset: Learn practical tips for developing a mindset that naturally gravitates towards critical thinking.

In this guide, we will delve deep into the barriers to critical thinking, the strategies to overcome them, and tips for developing a critical thinking mindset. Let’s get started on this journey towards unlocking your mind’s full potential.

Understanding Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a term that gets thrown around a lot, but what does it really mean? At its core, critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. In other words, it’s about being active, not passive, in your thought process.

Importance of Critical Thinking

Why is critical thinking so important? For starters, it helps us make better decisions. By analyzing and evaluating all the available information, we can make more informed and rational choices. It also helps us solve problems more effectively because we can identify and analyze the issue at hand, consider all possible solutions, and then select the most appropriate one. Additionally, critical thinking helps us understand and challenge our beliefs and assumptions, leading to personal growth and development . Ultimately, critical thinking is essential for improving ourselves and the world around us.

Key Components of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a multifaceted skill that involves several key components:

  • Analysis: This involves examining information in detail and breaking it down into its component parts to understand its structure and meaning.
  • Evaluation: This involves assessing the credibility and strength of the information and arguments presented.
  • Inference: This involves drawing conclusions from the information available, even when it is not explicitly stated.
  • Interpretation: This involves understanding and explaining the meaning of information or a particular situation.
  • Explanation: This involves stating the results of one’s reasoning and justifying that reasoning.

Common Barriers to Critical Thinking

Despite its importance, several barriers can hinder our ability to think critically.

Being aware of these barriers is the first step towards overcoming them.

Here are some common ones:

Cognitive Biases

Our brains are wired to take shortcuts, which often leads to cognitive biases. These are systematic patterns of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment.

Emotional Barriers

Emotions play a significant role in decision-making. However, they can also be a barrier to critical thinking. For example, if we feel strongly about a particular issue, we may ignore or dismiss information that contradicts our beliefs. It’s essential to be aware of our emotions and not let them cloud our judgment.

Intellectual Laziness

Thinking critically requires effort. It’s much easier to accept information at face value or go along with what everyone else is doing. However, this intellectual laziness can lead to poor decisions and a lack of personal growth.

Conformity and Groupthink

Humans are social creatures, and we often seek approval from others. This can lead to conformity and groupthink, where we go along with the group even if it goes against our judgment. This can stifle creativity and independent thought.

Assumptions and Overgeneralizations

We often make assumptions about people, situations, or information without having all the facts.

Similarly, we tend to overgeneralize from a single instance to a broader conclusion. These habits can lead to misunderstandings and faulty conclusions.

By being aware of these barriers and actively working to overcome them, we can improve our critical thinking skills and make better decisions.

The Impact of Barriers on Decision Making

Critical thinking is crucial for effective decision-making. It allows us to evaluate information objectively, consider different perspectives, and make well-informed decisions. However, the barriers to critical thinking can significantly impact our decisions.

The Role of Critical Thinking in Decision-Making

Critical thinking involves evaluating information and arguments in a balanced way. It means not just accepting everything we hear or read but questioning it, analyzing it, and determining its validity. This process helps us make decisions that are logical, well-thought-out, and less likely to be influenced by emotions or biases.

How Barriers to Critical Thinking Affect Decisions

The barriers to critical thinking, such as cognitive biases, emotional barriers, and intellectual laziness, can lead to poor decisions. Similarly, emotional barriers can cause us to make decisions based on our feelings rather than objective facts. For example, if we are angry at someone, we may make a decision to spite them rather than considering what is best for the situation.

Real-life Examples of the Impact of These Barriers

A classic example of the impact of barriers to critical thinking is the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961. The decision-makers involved were victims of groupthink, a phenomenon where a group of people strive for consensus at the expense of critically evaluating alternative viewpoints. This led to a flawed decision-making process and, ultimately, a failed mission.

Another example is the financial crisis of 2008. Many financial experts and investors ignored warning signs and made decisions based on overconfidence and a lack of critical analysis. This led to disastrous consequences for the global economy.

By being aware of the barriers to critical thinking and actively working to overcome them, we can make better decisions in both our personal and professional lives.

Strategies to Overcome Barriers

To become better critical thinkers and make better decisions, it’s essential to recognize and overcome the barriers to critical thinking. Here are some strategies that can help:

Recognizing and Acknowledging Barriers

The first step in overcoming any barrier is to recognize and acknowledge its existence. This may involve some self-reflection and an honest assessment of our own thinking processes. For example,  are we making assumptions without questioning them?

Developing a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is the belief that our abilities and intelligence can be developed with practice and effort. This mindset encourages us to view challenges as opportunities to learn and grow rather than obstacles to be avoided. By developing a growth mindset , we can become more open to new ideas and perspectives, which is essential for overcoming barriers to critical thinking.

Enhancing Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence

Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand our own emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage and use our emotions in positive ways. By enhancing our self-awareness and emotional intelligence, we can become more aware of the emotional barriers that may be affecting our thinking and decision-making.

Practicing Mindfulness and Reflection

Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. Reflection involves taking time to think about our thoughts, feelings, and actions. By practicing mindfulness and reflection, we can become more aware of our thought processes and identify any barriers that may be affecting our critical thinking.

Seeking Diverse Perspectives and Challenging Assumptions

Seeking out diverse perspectives and challenging our own assumptions is essential for overcoming barriers to critical thinking. This may involve actively seeking out people with different viewpoints, reading articles or books that challenge our existing beliefs, or engaging in debates or discussions that encourage us to think critically about our own assumptions.

By actively working to overcome these barriers, we can become better critical thinkers and make better decisions in our personal and professional lives.

Tips for Developing a Critical Thinking Mindset

Developing a critical thinking mindset is not just about overcoming barriers; it’s also about actively cultivating positive habits that encourage critical thinking. Here are some tips that can help you develop a critical thinking mindset:

Creating a Conducive Environment for Critical Thinking

Our environment plays a significant role in shaping our thinking. Create an environment that encourages critical thinking by surrounding yourself with intellectually stimulating materials, engaging in meaningful conversations, and minimizing distractions.

Regularly Engaging in Critical Thinking Exercises

Like any skill, critical thinking improves with practice. Regularly engage in exercises that challenge your thinking, such as solving puzzles, analyzing case studies, or debating controversial topics.

Adopting a Questioning Attitude

Adopt an attitude of curiosity and skepticism. Question everything, including your own assumptions and beliefs. Ask questions such as, “What is the evidence for this?” “Are there alternative explanations?” “What are the implications of this?”

Being Open to New Ideas and Perspectives

Being open-minded is essential for critical thinking. Actively seek out new ideas and perspectives, and be willing to change your mind when presented with compelling evidence.

Continually Seeking Self-Improvement

Critical thinking is a journey, not a destination. Continually seek to improve your thinking by seeking feedback, reflecting on your experiences, and actively working to overcome your biases and assumptions.

By actively cultivating a critical thinking mindset, you can improve your decision-making and problem-solving skills , both in your personal and professional life.

Final Thoughts

Overcoming the barriers to critical thinking is of utmost importance in today’s world, where we are constantly bombarded with information, misinformation, and disinformation. Developing a critical thinking mindset is not just about overcoming these barriers; it’s about actively cultivating a mindset that enables us to make better decisions, solve problems more effectively, and lead more fulfilling lives.

We encourage you to actively work on developing your critical thinking mindset by recognizing and acknowledging your barriers, developing a growth mindset, enhancing your self-awareness and emotional intelligence, practicing mindfulness and reflection, seeking diverse perspectives, and challenging your assumptions. Remember, critical thinking is a journey, not a destination, and it requires continuous effort and practice.

We hope that this article has provided you with valuable insights and practical tips for overcoming the barriers to critical thinking and developing a critical thinking mindset. We encourage you to apply the strategies and tips shared in this article to your daily life and to continually seek self-improvement.

Recap: Key Points Discussed in this Article

  • Understanding Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is the process of actively analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating information to make better decisions, solve problems, and understand the world around us.
  • Common Barriers to Critical Thinking: Cognitive biases, emotional barriers, intellectual laziness, conformity and groupthink, and assumptions and overgeneralizations are common barriers that hinder our ability to think critically.
  • The Impact of Barriers on Decision Making: Barriers to critical thinking affect our decisions by limiting our ability to accurately assess situations, consider alternative perspectives, and make well-informed choices.
  • Strategies to Overcome Barriers: Recognizing and acknowledging barriers, developing a growth mindset, enhancing self-awareness and emotional intelligence, practicing mindfulness and reflection, seeking diverse perspectives, and challenging assumptions are key strategies for overcoming barriers to critical thinking.
  • Tips for Developing a Critical Thinking Mindset: Creating a conducive environment for critical thinking, regularly engaging in critical thinking exercises, adopting a questioning attitude, being open to new ideas and perspectives, and continually seeking self-improvement are essential tips for developing a critical thinking mindset.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. If you have any questions or would like further guidance, please do not hesitate to reach out. Remember, the journey to developing a critical thinking mindset is a continuous one, and we are here to support you along the way.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why is it so hard to overcome cognitive biases?

Cognitive biases are deeply ingrained mental shortcuts that our brains have developed over time to help us make quick decisions without having to analyze every piece of information consciously. These biases often operate in the background, without our conscious awareness, making them difficult to recognize and overcome. Additionally, acknowledging our biases requires a level of self-awareness and self-criticism that can be uncomfortable for many people.

How can I develop a growth mindset?

Developing a growth mindset involves recognizing and challenging your fixed mindset beliefs, embracing challenges, seeing efforts as a path to mastery, learning from criticism, and being inspired by others’ success. It’s essential to practice self-awareness, be open to feedback, and focus on self-improvement rather than comparing yourself to others.

Why is it important to seek diverse perspectives?

Seeking diverse perspectives is crucial for overcoming barriers to critical thinking because it helps us challenge our assumptions, consider alternative viewpoints, and avoid groupthink. It allows us to see the world from different angles, understand the complexities of a situation, and make better-informed decisions.

How can I practice mindfulness and reflection?

Practicing mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. You can practice mindfulness through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply by being fully present in your daily activities. Reflection involves taking time to think about your thoughts, feelings, and actions, and considering how they affect your well-being and the people around you. You can practice reflection by keeping a journal, setting aside time for self-reflection, or engaging in activities that encourage introspection, such as reading or spending time in nature.

What are some examples of critical thinking exercises?

Some examples of critical thinking exercises include analyzing a piece of writing or a situation from different perspectives, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of an argument, solving complex problems that require creative thinking, and engaging in debates or discussions that encourage you to consider alternative viewpoints and challenge your assumptions.

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barriers to critical thinking and how to overcome them

9 Deadly Critical Thinking Barriers (And How to Eliminate Them)

Anthony metivier.

  • November 9, 2023
  • Critical Thinking , Podcast

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9 deadly critical thinking barriers feature image

The answer is simple:

It’s because they’re lurking inside you. 

And if you don’t know that these barriers are standing between you and exploding your thinking abilities, you’re powerless to improve your situation.

Starting right now, let’s identify and remove the biggest barriers. 

You’ll experience greater clarity of mind just by knowing what they are and how to get them out of your life. 

Let’s dive in.

The 9 Most Common Barriers to Critical Thinking (And How to Overcome Them)

As you go through this list, keep a journal.

Write down the ones that pose the biggest issue for you.

Then make time on your calendar to deal with each. 

Rest assured, without putting in the time, nothing will change.

But when you do, your independent thinking abilities will explode. In fact, your critical thinking abilities will improve overall .

One: Letting The World Revolve Around You

Most of us experience inner talk .  And it’s normal to include yourself and your experiences in the topics you think about.

But those who have excellent critical thinking skills know how to contextualize their SRIN. 

What is SRIN?

Self-referential Inner Narrative. 

Others call this the “blah blah blah” monkey-mind.

blah blah blah

No matter what you call it, if you can’t think about contexts larger than your immediate self, it will be impossible to think critically. 

Here’s what to do instead: 

  • Notice when you say or think things like, “I don’t personally know anyone this has happened to.” 
  • Stop and think about the larger context at the level of your neighborhood, your city, your region, your country, your continent, your hemisphere and the world. Where relevant, include the entire universe.
  • Imagine a topic through the eyes of at least one other person. In autobiographical memory studies, this is called shifting from the field perspective to the observer perspective.
  • Ask about what would be true even if you did not exist. 

For more help, these critical thinking examples will help you think through other perspectives.

Two: Lack Of Critical Thinking Skills

If you want to remove the obstacles to critical thinking you’re experiencing, some study will be involved. 

Critical thinking books abound and it is worth spending time with some of the best. Look for books that include examples and exercises . 

a student walking with some books

You’ll also want to think about a particular goal for critical thinking that you have. For example, do you want to think better as a student preparing for law school? Or do you need thinking skills for being a better contributor to your family or neighborhood? 

Setting a goal can help guide which resources you choose and your study and practice plan . 

Three: Not Knowing Your Cognitive Biases

We are all included to make serious errors in our thinking.

But we’re not alone in making them. Far from it. 

In fact, because all of us operate from having a human brain, psychologists have identified patterns.

These are called cognitive biases .

One that I suffer from quite badly is called “ recency bias .” Basically, it’s very tempting for me to judge reality based on the most recent events, rather than looking at the broad scope of history.

I use all of the tips on this page to cope and improve. One of the most helpful benefits of critical thinking is the ability to engage in continual discussions with friends about history. It’s something I continue to read for one simple reason.

a long history castle

The more you know and discuss the past, the more you are automatically reminded of a bias like this.

What cognitive biases are strongest in your life? 

Four: Being In A Hurry

We’re all in a rush once in a while. 

But it’s one of the biggest critical thinking challenges all the same. 

If you don’t stop and think, mistakes are so much easier to make. 

One of my favorite tools for making sure I don’t rush into making decisions without thinking about them is called W.R.A.P.

  • Widen Your Options
  • Reality Test
  • Attain Distance
  • Prepare To Fail

As can see, it has tools in it to help you slow down.

It’s also a superior alternative to “trusting your gut.” In fact, Chip and Dan Heath who came up with it in their book Decisive did a lot of research on it for the book. 

They show that relying on gut instinct is often very harmful. (And it’s often a cognitive bias that drives us to rely on it anyway.)

How do you remember to use the W.R.A.P. technique? You need to get thinking about it deep into your procedural memory . 

For that, a Memory Palace will help. Grab this free course so you know how to create and use one:

Magnetic Memory Method Free Memory Improvement Course

Five: Lack Of Scientific Literacy

Unfortunately, a lot of people leave school not knowing how to evaluate research. They often have limited numeracy skills.

They also barely understand some of the core principles of science, such as:

  • Sampling and generalizability
  • Probability and coincidence
  • Correlation and causation
  • Differentiating fact from opinion
  • Logical reasoning

To remove these barriers from your life, make sure to learn what science is really all about. This is the kind of understanding that can help save your life as you think better. And the best part is that it will boost your concentration skills, something far too many people lack .

Six: Exhaustion

Of all the most common barriers to critical thinking, not being well rested destroys our decision-making abilities. 

Sleep and memory go together, and we need to remember to think critically in the first place. Please be sure to privilege your rest. 

a women is sleeping on a blue pillow

Seven: Lack Of Communication Skills

Thinking is more than a two-way street. It’s a complex network of many freeways, highways, streets and cul de sacs.

You need to communicate with many people and you need to do it well. 

Some people don’t have a big enough vocabulary, so need to learn how to remember more words .

Others lack writing skills.

Yet others are not yet able to read fast enough so that they can talk and write enough to effectively communicate.

One way to improve in all these areas is to create a 90-day research and communication goal. 

For example, I spent 90-days learning about the art of memory in the sixteenth century. To practice building my communication skills, I spoke with many people about it, wrote frequently and read the suggestions I got from others. 

To remove your critical thinking barriers, spend the next 90 days reading about it. Find a philosophy discussion group. Start a blog or journal privately about what you’re learning.

It will help you tremendously.

a discussion group

Eight: Fear Of Failure

A lot of people are so afraid to make mistakes that they never take action. 

Well, critical thinking is itself an action. If you never get started, you won’t be able to learn from the mistakes you will inevitably make. 

This barrier circles us back to the problem of the ego and SRIN. You might be overly protective of yourself because you’re stuck in a self-referential loop.

How to get past this comes down to:

  • Recognizing the issue
  • Committing to get past it
  • Setting a plan for when you’re going to start taking risks

One quick win would be to join a debate club. This will give you meeting deadlines and specific topics for which you need to be prepared. You’ll have removed this common barrier in no time.

Nine: Inability To Improvise

Of all the critical thinking strategies out there, you need to be able to think on your feet. 

One of the reasons people fear failure so much is that they’re just not used to opening their mouths, making mistakes and being able to pivot. 

open the mouth

I’ve learned to do this by giving lots of speeches from memory and other kinds of presentations. 

And I’ve also learned and memorized a lot about logic and philosophy , in more than just one language.

Spend some time learning a language to break through this barrier. Practicing speaking in a new language will give you verbal dexterity that improves your ability to improvise in your mother tongue. 

The Best Time To Remove Your Barriers Was Yesterday

Thanks for reading this post.

There are obviously more barriers than the ones we’ve gone over today, but as you can see, the nine I’ve listed are massive.

My suggestion?

Get started on just one at a time.

Follow-up with the resources I’ve provided.

Familiarize yourself with those cognitive biases and improve your science literacy. 

And if you want to get started practicing your writing skills, feel free to post your thoughts in the comments below.

And if you ever spot me suffering from issues in my thinking, please let me know. I always want to improve!

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Picture of Anthony Metivier

4 Responses

This article is a true masterpiece

Thank you so much for this incredible work

It’s my pleasure, Olena.

Any particular critical thinking barriers you’re facing lately?

There are way more articles on critical thinking than I expected. Thank you so much.

My pleasure. I might have more coming soon, so please stay tuned.

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barriers to critical thinking and how to overcome them

Anthony Metivier is the founder of the Magnetic Memory Method, a systematic, 21st century approach to memorizing foreign language vocabulary, names, music, poetry and more in ways that are easy, elegant, effective and fun.

Dr. Metivier holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from York University and has been featured in Forbes, Viva Magazine, Fluent in 3 Months, Daily Stoic, Learning How to Learn and he has delivered one of the most popular TEDx Talks on memory improvement.

His most popular books include, The Victorious Mind and… Read More

Anthony Metivier taught as a professor at:

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Recent posts, how to learn a new language fast: a step-by-step guide, pegword method: 5 powerful ways to use this system, how to memorize vocabulary: a step-by-step guide, spaced repetition is the best study hack: how to use it perfectly, 20 simple memory techniques that work wonders, pay with confidence.

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P.O. Box 933 Mooloolaba, QLD 4557 Australia


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10 Barriers to Critical Thinking & Tips to Overcome Them

students overcoming barriers to critical thinking

Critical thinking is an essential life skill, especially in an age where deceptions like “my truth” and “your truth” run rampant. 

It allows us to think our way through issues and arrive at effective solutions, and it is a skill that deserves the dedication it takes to hone it.

In some cases, there are invisible barriers to critical thinking that must first be broken down before progress can be made. 

Because it is so vitally important for our teens to develop such skills—to think for themselves in a world pressuring them to tow the line—I think it’s worth addressing potential obstacles in their way. 

Here are 10 common barriers to critical thinking that may reveal themselves as you seek to teach this vital skill. 

1. Lack of Practice

Considering what causes a lack of critical thinking , the word “practice” comes to mind. 

The phrase “practice makes progress” rings true when developing critical thinking skills .

Critical thinking may be discussed at length and encouraged theoretically, but is it expressed in the assignments or exercises our teens do on a daily basis?

Sadly, many assignments simply ask for regurgitated facts from a textbook that require little to no real thinking. 

If we want to see our students thrive in the realm of critical thinking, we need to provide them with opportunities to practice and apply what they’ve learned in real-life situations.

2. Perceived Inability to Teach It

The idea that you’re not capable of teaching such a thing may just become a self-fulfilling prophecy. 

If you believe you can’t teach critical thinking, you may not even try. If you do try, you may be plagued by self-doubt that shakes your confidence. 

If you’ve ever thought …

“Why is critical thinking so difficult?”

You’re not alone.

It can be hard to plainly identify what critical thinking is and how to teach it. That’s one of the main reasons we created Philosophy Adventure —to provide an intriguing way to teach critical thinking effectively.

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Introduce critical thinking gently & easily with thought-provoking exercises.

3. Normalcy Bias

Normalcy bias is a subconscious response that falsely assures things will remain the same as they always were. 

Every type of bias works against critical thinking as it uses emotion to make decisions rather than rational thought rooted in truth.

This bias encourages our minds to ignore danger and new information in favor of maintaining the safety and security of our “regular” lives. 

For example, normalcy bias leads us to believe that freedom will always be free despite growing threats to quench it. 

Frankly, it’s a dangerous barrier to critical thinking with the potential for lasting consequences.

4. Group-Think

The group-think effect is a phenomenon where individuals conform to the beliefs of others in order to avoid appearing different. 

It can lead to mass conformity in which society grows blind to flaws in opinion-based reasoning. 

Why think for yourself when someone else can do it for you? It’s a sobering thought—and a major obstacle to critical thinking—but I fear it’s one that is sweeping the world.

This is an especially tough barrier for teenagers who are often desperate to be accepted and liked by their peers. 

Rather than relying on critical thinking to decipher between right and wrong, they may cave to peer pressure because “everyone else is doing it.”

This barrier is yet another poignant example of why it’s so important to help our children develop critical thinking skills.  

5. Distorted View of Truth

We’re also susceptible to having a distorted view of what is fact and what isn’t. If we’re not careful, our view of truth can be distorted by misleading opinions.

barriers to critical thinking and how to overcome them

Passionate people with deeply held beliefs are often willing to loudly defend them. 

Such passion and charisma can seduce teens and adults alike who may not fully know what they believe— or why they believe it . 

Of all the psychological obstacles to critical thinking, fear is a weighty one. 

I humbly suggest that it is the fear of failure or the fear of change that is most likely to act as a hindrance to critical thinking. 

Sometimes, when we look at an issue from every angle, we find that the only right reaction is to change. 

Likewise, if we fear failure, we’re likely to not act or try at all. 

And when it comes to trying to discern the truth in order to act upon it, not doing so can be far worse than the perceived failure itself. 

7. Viewing Everything Through the Lens of “Self”

Some people call it “egocentric thinking.” Whatever the name, it is the tendency to think about the world only as it relates to us. 

This self-centered thinking is natural, but there’s great value in training our minds to be able to view issues from another’s point of view. When problem-solving, it’s important to consider other perspectives.

This is particularly true when dealing with people who may be affected by our actions.

8. Past Experiences

Past experiences, relationships, even trauma can change us in a number of ways. 

What happened in the past surrounding any given thing most certainly influences how we think and feel about that thing in the future. 

But it’s important to recognize past experiences for what they are—a single moment (or period) of time.

They should not define our thoughts, nor should they dictate our actions as we seek to answer life’s questions objectively.  

Undoubtedly, it can be difficult to put such things in perspective so, and it calls for self-control, but it’s important to train our teens to try.  

Relying exclusively on the past to make decisions today can lead to negative outcomes as it relies on information that may not be true. 

9. Assumptions

Assumptions dampen our ability to learn. Though often flawed, assumptions quench our desire  to ask questions because we think we already know the answers. 

What a sad state to be stuck in because the truth is …

We don’t know what we don’t know.

How can we learn what we don’t know if we never root out the truth in a given matter?

Similarly, some people assume that because they don’t understand something, then it must be impossible to learn. 

That’s simply not true. We have an innate ability to learn new things, and critical thinking helps us do just that—with integrity.  

10. Time Constraints

There’s so much to learn in school that it can be hard to find the time to invest in critical thinking discussion and activities . 

This skill can often be moved to the side while teens learn about world history and how to write a proper essay—both of which are no doubt important. 

But I would argue that critical thinking gives students the foundation to not only better digest the material learned but to excel in it. 

How to Overcome Common Barriers to Critical Thinking 

We’ve established that critical thinking is an essential part of becoming a discerning adult, unmoved by news biases or passionate, emotional language. 

That being said, how do we break through the barriers that hinder critical thinking and move forward to teach such a significant skill?

You can help your students better develop their critical thinking skills by encouraging thoughtful questions and debate. 

When consuming news from around the world, inspire them to challenge their initial emotional reactions to the information presented. Teach them how to seek impartial data and use that to form an educated opinion. 

Providing real-world examples and connections between topics is a great way to encourage teens to think more deeply about a subject. 

Rather than presenting multiple choice answers or fill-in-the-blanks, ask them to talk through the question out loud based on the information they’ve been given.  

You can also try a fun exercise with these critical thinking questions for kids .

The ability to clearly vocalize beliefs and express thoughts is a priceless skill, and one that we have weaved into every lesson of Philosophy Adventure :

barriers to critical thinking and how to overcome them

will your children recognize truth?

Critical thinking is a learned skill that requires practice (and breaking down barriers when they arise). 

However, the ability to identify logical fallacies in arguments and recognize deception is well worth investing in. 

Recognizing potential barriers that are obstructing that end goal is a solid first step. 

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Stacy Farrell

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Break through these 5 common critical thinking barriers

Break through these 5 common critical thinking barriers

Can you think of the last time you made a decision? It was probably about one second ago, even though you may not have realized it.

Our days are filled with choices, from pressing the snooze button on the morning alarm to selecting what to eat for dinner. On average, adults make around 35,000 decisions a day . If you average 16 hours of waking time, that's almost 36 decisions per minute.

Most decisions are entirely unconscious, like whether or not to scratch an itch or having a knee-jerk reaction to the expression on your significant other's face. Others, though, require a more careful and critical examination.

Critical thinking is one of the most valuable skills we can possess in our personal and professional lives. It allows us to analyze information, make sound decisions, and solve problems. However, many people find it difficult to think critically.

This article will discuss what critical thinking is, why it's important, and how you can overcome common critical thinking barriers.

What is critical thinking?

The origin of critical thinking can be traced back thousands of years to the teaching practice of the Greek philosopher Socrates. After discovering that many people couldn't explain the truth of their statements, he encouraged people to ask questions that go deep into their thoughts before accepting them.

Socrates used open-ended questions to stimulate critical thinking and uncover assumptions, a process that bears his name today — Socratic Questioning. It’s grounded in the belief that thoughtful questioning allows the student to examine ideas logically and determine their validity.

Socrates' method of questioning set the stage for thoughtful reflection. Today, the Foundation for Critical Thinking defines critical thinking as "the art of analyzing and evaluating thinking to improve it." Unlike automatic or subconscious thought, thinking critically requires you to actively use intellectual tools to reach conclusions rather than relying on subconscious processes. This strengthens decision-making skills.

Critical thinking consists of two components:

  • A set of skills used to process information and beliefs
  • The act of consciously applying those skills as a guide for behavior

Each of these components is equally important during the critical thinking process.

What is the critical thinking process?

Critical thinking barriers: Steps on a wall

Critical thinkers evaluate evidence and analyze information before making a judgment. The process requires higher-order thinking skills such as sorting, analyzing, comparing data, and assessing logic and reason.

The critical thinking process consists of five primary elements :

  • Identify the claims. Organize arguments into basic statements and conclusions.
  • Clarify the arguments. Look for inconsistencies and ambiguities in statements.
  • Establish the facts. Verify whether the claims are reasonable, identify missing or omitted information, apply logic, and check for possible contradictions.
  • Evaluate the logic. Analyze whether the assumptions align with the conclusions.
  • Make the decision. Evaluate the argument using evidence, logic, and supporting data to increase the weight, contradictions, poor reasoning, or lack of evidence to decrease the weight.

Finding accuracy in ideas and challenging assumptions are essential parts of this process. Observing these two steps closely enables critical thinkers to form their own conclusions.

Why is it important to think critically?

Success in both business and life depends on the ability to think critically.

Human nature doesn't permit us to be completely objective. Instead, we each have our own viewpoints, close-mindedness, and social conditioning that influence our objective thinking capability. Everyone experiences distorted thinking and cognitive biases, leading to irrational thought processes. Critical thinking ability is necessary to overcome the limitations of irrational thinking.

Thinking critically is beneficial because it:

  • Promotes problem solving and innovation
  • Boosts creativity and curiosity
  • Encourages deeper self-reflection, self-assertion, and independence
  • Improves career opportunities
  • Builds objectivity and open-mindedness

Critical thinking isn't about reaching the "right" answer — it's about challenging the information you're given to make your own conclusions. When you can question details and think for yourself, you're less likely to be swayed by false claims, misleading arguments, and emotional manipulation.

5 common critical thinking barriers and how to break through them

It's possible to break through critical thinking barriers

The ability to think critically is essential to our personal and professional development. To become excellent critical thinkers, we must embrace a growth mindset — the idea that we can cultivate intelligence through learning and practice. This includes stepping out of our comfort zone to push our thinking patterns and checking in to correct ourselves as needed.

Very few of us can think critically without hitting a couple of roadblocks. These critical thinking barriers can come in many forms, including unwarranted assumptions, personal biases, egocentric thinking, and emotions that inhibit us from thinking clearly. By becoming aware of these common challenges and making a conscious effort to counter them, we can improve our critical thinking skills and learn to make better decisions.

Here are five of the most commonly encountered critical thinking barriers, how to spot them, and what you can do to overcome them.

1. Confirmation bias

What it is: Confirmation bias refers to the tendency to see new information as an affirmation of our existing beliefs and opinions. People with this bias disregard opposing points of view in favor of evidence that supports their position.

Why it occurs: Confirmation bias results from our emotional inclination to see the world from our perspective. Having quick reflexes keeps us safe, so we interpret information from our own perspective because it enables us to react instinctively . Another explanation is that our minds struggle with the parallel processing of two opposing arguments, so we only process the one we already believe because it’s easier.

How to overcome it: Confirmation bias may be the hardest bias to defeat . It’s difficult to not hold preconceived notions, but you can train your mind to think differently. Make an effort to be open-minded and look at situations from an alternative perspective. When we're aware of our own confirmation biases and diligently watch out for them, we can avoid favoring specific facts when evaluating arguments.

2. Self-serving bias

What it is : The self-serving bias concerns how we place attribution for results. An individual with this bias externalizes blame for any undesirable results, yet takes credit for success.

Why it occurs: Researchers have found that people with a self-serving bias make attributions based on their need to maintain a high level of self-esteem . Our minds fear losing confidence if we take responsibility for failure or negative outcomes.

How to overcome it: You can counteract self-serving bias by maintaining a growth mindset. To have a growth mindset, you must be able to admit your errors, examine personal biases, and learn to take criticism. To overcome a self-serving bias, practice self-compassion. Accepting your imperfections and being kind to yourself when you fall short of your goals can help you maintain confidence.

3. Normalcy bias

What it is: The normalcy bias arises from our instinctual need for safety. Using this bias, we tend to overlook new information and common sense so that nothing changes and we can continue to live our lives as usual.

Why it occurs: The normalcy bias is a protection mechanism, a form of denial. Usually active when facing a traumatic event, this bias shuts down the mind to protect us from things that are too painful or confusing to comprehend.

How to overcome it: Although it is the brain's attempt to protect us, the normalcy bias can be harmful — and even dangerous — if it keeps us from facing reality. The best way to overcome it is to face facts and truth head-on, no matter how difficult it may be.

4. Availability heuristic

What it is: The availability heuristic occurs when we rely on the first piece of information that comes to mind without weighing other possibilities, even when it may not be the best option. We assume that information that is more readily accessible is more likely to be true.

Why it occurs: This heuristic stems from the brain’s use of shortcuts to be efficient. It can be used in a wide variety of real-life situations to facilitate fast and accurate estimation.

How to overcome it: Some real-world scenarios (like probability estimations) can benefit from the availability bias, so it's neither possible nor advisable to eliminate it entirely. In the event of uncertainty, however, we must be aware of all relevant data when making judgments, not just that which comes readily to mind.

5. Sunk cost fallacy

What it is: The sunk cost fallacy arises from the instinctual need for commitment. We fall victim to this illusion when we continue doing something even if it's irrational, simply because we’ve already invested resources that we can’t get back.

Why it occurs: The sunk cost fallacy occurs when we’re affected by feelings of loss, guilt, or regret. These innate feelings are hard to overcome — research has found that even rats and mice struggle with sunk costs when pursuing a reward. Because of this tendency, when we feel like we've already put considerable effort into organizing our information and pursuing a result, we tell ourselves that we can’t waste it by changing course.

How to overcome it: Instead of dwelling on past commitments, pay attention to the present and future. Thinking with logical reasoning, in terms of concrete actions instead of feelings, is vital.

Be ABLE to think critically despite barriers

Thinking critically is an essential skill for self-learners . Making sound decisions starts with recognizing our critical thinking barriers. Practicing self-compassion and self-awareness are excellent ways to identify biases in your thinking. From there, you can begin working toward overcoming those obstacles. When you have no critical thinking barriers in your way, you can develop and strengthen the skills that will help you succeed.

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7 Critical Thinking Barriers and Ways To Crush Them

Ivaylo Durmonski

  • Self-improvement

Technologies evolve. But insecurities, blind spots, and gullibility rarely does. We might have the latest software across all of our devices. Sadly, this doesn’t mean that our ability to reason gets frequent updates.

Thinking, and most notably critical thinking. Gives us, humans, a way to parse our way through the plot-twisting narrative of this thing called life.

But simply understanding why is critical thinking important and asking critical thinking questions is rarely enough to move forward and successfully diverge from the pack.

Yes, we need to know how to think better . But we should also consider what can prevent us from thinking better.

This article describes 7 critical thinking barriers.

Obstacles, that can violate our ability to construct a sound thought and restrain us from advancing. And, also, potentially send us back to the starting point of our journey.

What Prevents Us From Thinking Critically?

A catch-all word for foolishness or lack of critical thinking is this one: hurry. As the famous Baltasar Gracián once said, “Fools are fond of hurry: they take no heed of obstacles and act incautiously.”

When we don’t pause to consider the consequences, we rely on the concepts that are top of mind. But what’s immediately available as a solution, it’s rarely the best solution.

And what else is true is that when we are quick to make a conclusion, it usually means that we fall into conformity. In other words, we barrow the viewpoints of the people around us without critical evaluation.

However, taking time to reflect and think deeply about a subject is a privilege not all situations can provide us with. We might be in a bad situation – say, you injured yourself and the doctor is suggesting an operation. And you have to decide fast how you’d respond.

Critical thinking requires analyzing the available facts; Considering what might be the unknown unknowns ; Making predictions; Playing the different scenarios in your head and making a decision while excluding your biases.

All of this is hard work. And it’s not always successful.

Besides lack of time. Lack of access to vital information. There are other barriers to critical thinking.

Below, I’m observing the most common ones. Hoping that they’ll help you in your day-to-day decision-making.

7 Critical Thinking Barriers:

1. lack of expertise knowledge, 2. knowledge shields, 3. cognitive biases, 4. groupthink, 5. ignorance, 6. rut think, 7. emotional distress.


An obvious critical thinking barrier is lack of skills.

If you find yourself in a situation where you can’t find a good solution to a problem. Or you continuously make mistakes. Chances are, that you are still not skilled enough. You are still not in a possession of the main decision-making mental models the job requires.

Since your outside performance is based on your inner processes. When seeking to upgrade your skills in a given area of life, consider beginning by looking not at outside factors. But the reasons behind your current actions.

Consider what you were thinking about before making a decision and why. Develop the right mental representation – i.e., understand what’s the best way to handle a particular task. 1

If you are new to a field. For example, if you just started a new position as a junior guy/girl, it’s acceptable to make mistakes. But the number of mistakes should decrease with time.

As the authors of the book Accelerated Expertise write, the main ambition of everyone looking to master a field should be:

“A sentiment that has been expressed by many people and in many ways is that apprentices make the same mistake twice, journeymen make the same mistake once, and experts work until they never make mistakes.” Robert R. Hoffman

How do you reach an error-free state?

Ask for feedback.

Seeking corrective feedback from coworkers needs to be part of your toolkit – even if you’re well past the junior state. By perceiving your errors, you will reduce your errors.


Knowledge shields are a strange gimmick of the human mind. I’m sure you’ve experienced using a shield to defend your viewpoints – we all have.

The concept is the following:

When we are presented with evidence that is opposite to our views. Instead of taking a moment to make corrections to our wrong mental models, we do something else. We engage in mental maneuvers to rationalize our faulty beliefs. 2

Simply put, through self-talk, we convince ourselves that what we believe is truthful and what was just presented is false or not that important.

For example, say you just opened a local business where you are going to sell t-shirts with funny prints. On day 3 of the grand opening, you meet an old friend who shares how most local businesses fail between the 1 and the 2nd year. “Huh! Thanks for the support,” you think. But at this moment, are you going to continue, or are you going to dig deeper into the subject and potentially pivot?

Commonly, people will dismiss the fidelity of such statements and push hard to make the impossible possible.

Another universal example is social media. By now, you’ve probably heard dozens of talks, posts, and videos on why social media is bad for you . I personally wrote about the topic here , here , and also here . 3 Nonetheless, there is a high chance that you still participate in the endless online scroll. You hear the facts, but your mind simply passes them by.

In a way, what you know acts like a shield. It blocks new incoming ideas to defend your current beliefs. Thus, the phrase knowledge shield.

Facts that endorse and oppose our beliefs are all around us. You can go insane if you try to figure out all of them. But if you want to move forward, it’s vital to engage in the refinement of your own knowledge and beliefs.

Don’t hold your blinders and just hope to make it. Keep an open mind and make corrections when necessary if you really want to make it.


Cognitive biases are gaining popularity. Which is good, more and more people need to understand how our brains are hardwired to operate.

While the topic deserves a longer treatment. This is the short version… Our brain is trying to reduce energy consumption. That’s why it creates shortcuts.

For example, instead of engaging in the prolonged process of considering all the present information. Asking for advice. Reading books on the subject. At the end of the day, you just put your salary under the mattress.

Why would you do something different?

Investing in stocks is risky. There are a lot of unknowns. In contrast, when your cash is “safely” stored under the mattress, you know where you put your money. You can see them. That’s why we avoid investing. We call it risky because the outcomes are unknown.

That’s a simple example of just one of the large list of cognitive biases – the ambiguity aversion bias. We prefer the familiar instead of something new that can potentially give you bigger rewards or will make you feel better after the initial dose of uncertainty.

That’s also the reason we prefer vacationing in the same average place year after year. Even when there are a ton of options out there.

In The Art of Thinking Clearly , Rolf Dobelli presents a lot of thinking faults that can help you spot your errors. It’s a light read. Go and get it.

And if you’re looking for something more complex on the subject. Consider the following titles:

  • Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
  • Critical Thinking by Tom Chatfield
  • Super Thinking by Gabriel Weinberg

Cognitive biases are a major critical thinking barrier. Keep them in mind when you are about to make an important decision.


Groups are all around us.

Hopefully, you have the opportunity to be a part of many different groups.

Your family is a group. Your friends are another group. In your job, there are many different groups within the big group with potentially different viewpoints.

And the above are just the primary groups you participate in – there is also the school, the church, the club you support, the online communities, etc.

We love to be part of groups. Especially groups full of people who understand and support us.

Sadly, groups have a terrible side effect. When we “live” in a group for long enough. We absorb the viewpoints of the group. Like a sponge, we soak up the main concepts of the group which then changes how we think and act. The so-called groupthink phenomenon.

I have a first-hand experience with the negative side of groupthink. When I switched schools around the age of 14, most of the folks in my new class were quite average. Not that they weren’t smart, they simply didn’t push themselves compared to my previous class where we were constantly competing for better grades. But instead of keeping my edge, I gave in. I started to didn’t care either.

Of course, there is also the good side. If you want to get fit. To ease the process, you can simply join a group of people who regularly train – e.g., go to the gym or insert yourself in a running club.

As James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits proposes. If you want to adopt a good habit do this:

“The key—if you want to build habits that last—is to join a group where the desired behavior is the normal behavior.” James Clear

Along with that, always keep a healthy distance. Never completely gave in to the ideas of the people around you.

You can be loyal to your friends, but this doesn’t mean that you should be loyal to bad ideas.


Ignorance can be intentional or unintentional.

Intentional ignorance is often caused by arrogance. You consider yourself too smart. Too “adult”. Or, for example, too superior to consider something said by another person lower down the hierarchy.

“Look at these pitiful reptiles. I’m way smarter than them. I don’t care what they say. I graduated from college and I own a Mustang!”

That’s something an arrogant person might think when other people are trying to share an interesting idea.

Ceasing this type of behavior is hard work. A step in the right direction will be employing empathy. In short, you stop thinking solely about yourself, and you start considering the other side.

The other type of ignorance is unintentional. Also labeled as drone mentality.

The short version of this behavior is that you stop paying attention to what’s happening around you. You just kind of live on autopilot.

No thinking is involved in what you do, and you proactively avoid involving yourself in new challenges or problems.

Overcoming this robot-like behavior requires critical awareness. Auditing your beliefs by considering what to think about and fostering your curiosity .


There are two different categories of rut think.

When psychologists talk about rut think, they mean that you feel stuck. Every day feels the same, and you are unmotivated to do anything.

The other definition of rut think is that you simply can’t produce original ideas. You are stuck in the “we’ve always done it this way” thinking.

Let’s consider an example to portray this better…

You work in a marketing agency. There’s a new client who sells mattresses. The representative of the company is looking for a fresh ad that will showcase the uniqueness of their brand. You, on the other hand, after working for more than 10 years in the same position. Don’t see them as unique as they claim to be. “You’ve seen it all!” So, you just copy an ad you did for a similar project in the past because you can’t think about anything else. The client is not pleased. You get fired.

In the book Learning How To Learn , the authors describe rut think as: “Your mind gets so used to running along certain neural pathways that it can’t easily change. You become less flexible in your thinking.”

The everyday sameness leads to the opposite of thinking outside the box – you think inside the box.

Now, after we have a better idea of what is rut think. We can see that the psychological explanation is the cause of the creative problem.

A solution to this type of thinking is doing something different. Read a different book. Learn a new skill. Do something different to break the daily dullness.

By engaging in something different, you’ll invite new original ideas and also start to feel better.


Emotions are probably the biggest critical thinking barrier.

Knowing the best thinking strategies along with the major types of thinking and actually applying them are two different things.

For example, you might consider quitting your boring job to start a small online business because it’s cool to do this these days. You have some money saved, and you go all in. However, after a few months, you realize that running a business is harder than what you initially thought. Yes, online gurus are telling you to keep pushing. But how can you? Your bank account is draining fast!

Let’s think about this for a moment.

Surely, you knew that it was going to be hard. But you didn’t know that it was going to be that hard – i.e., to hurt more than what you thought. It didn’t feel that bad when you were dreaming about becoming a business owner.

Even though we have the ability to forecast how the future will unfold, we can’t adequately predict how our emotions will guide our behavior. We imagine our future in a vacuum. A bubble that is emotionless.

When making a plan, the thought of losing half your savings feels quite different than when you actually lose half your savings.

So, when you are about to make a decision. Don’t simply consider what will happen. But also think about how you’ll feel when this happens. Then, think about how you usually respond when you feel this or that way.

If you freak out when you lose money, it’s probably not a good idea to ditch your current job completely. Consider starting a side thing and see how it will go.

Breaking Down Critical Thinking Barriers

If after reading all of the above, you think something like: “Oh, I don’t have any critical thinking barriers. My decision-making process is quite good, actually. Thanks for nothing, Ivaylo!”

If that’s the case. Well, you probably have a problem. The worst of them all – denial of your own flaws.

Thinking about how to improve your decisions is difficult because your initial thought is that you don’t have issues.

As pointed out above, our brains do all possible to rationalize our faulty beliefs.

So, the first step, sort to say, to crush the critical thinking barriers is to realize that it’s up to you. You are responsible for upgrading your thinking. And, it’s a never-ending process.

And it all starts with changing your perspective.

What’s the best way to do that?

Four things:

  • Read more books.
  • Hang around people who either read a lot of books or are ought to write a book.
  • Pay attention.
  • Discover critical thinking skills.

The first one is obvious. By reading books, you soak up the knowledge shared by the author. The more you read, the more different viewpoints you accumulate.

Interested? Here’s something to get you started: Before, During, and After Reading Activities .

The second point is also something perceptible. Just change your environment.

Hang around people who complain and are quick to blame others and you’ll become the same. Conversely, talk with positive folks who are optimistic, have and pursue crazy ideas, and you’ll feel more hopeful. You know, smart folks who are so intelligent that you think that they should write a book.

Thirdly, pay attention. Actually listen to what others are saying. Then, think about why they said it.

To become better at critical thinking, you must become watchful of what others do. Deconstruct what they are saying and consider their thought processes.

And finally, acquire a set of critical thinking skills. I’ve covered this here: What Are The 7 Critical Thinking Skills ? and here: How To Improve Critical Thinking Skills .

All of these will help you see the world through a different lens. You’ll expand your possibilities and start to notice things you were unable to see before. The new way of seeing things will lead you to new ideas and unique insights.

Some Closing Thoughts

Critical thinking sounds so mysterious.

Like a magical spell, that only a selected few are able to cast. Yet, everyone interested in learning how to think can become better at this skill.

The main point is to shift your attention away from trying to impress others, agree with others, and sound cool toward taming your mind.

Critical thinkers consider “is this true” and “what else is true” instead of automatically agreeing with everything they hear and see just to comply with the group.

Sadly, this doesn’t make them a preferred friend. Since you’ll commonly disagree with the people around you. There’s a possibility that the group will want to displace you.

But there is also good news. The better you become at this mind-flex, even if it’s in one field. The better you’ll see opportunities in other fields. Meaning that the skill of critical thinking is transferable.

And if critical thinking still sounds too “out there”. Simply call it thinking. The goal is to never stop doing it and become better at it.

“If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” George S. Patton

Trouble Saying No to Temptations?

Join Farview: A newsletter fostering long-term thinking in a world driven by impatience. Trusted by over 4,300 thinkers, Farview is a concise, thoughtfully organized newsletter helping you handle the self-sabotaging thoughts trying to corrupt you.

  • I highly recommend reading my summary of Peak , or the actual book, for more on the topic of mental representation.
  • The knowledge shield concept allows people to maintain their incorrect beliefs and understandings. It’s closely related to the cognitive dissonance theory .
  • Honestly, I think that the normal usage of social media is devastating to your psychological well-being – and not only. If you are looking for a way out. I might have a solution. See: Follow Yourself .

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5 Barriers to Critical Thinking

What holds us back from thinking critically in day-to-day situations.

Posted January 18, 2019 | Reviewed by Davia Sills

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Quite often, discussions of Critical Thinking (CT) revolve around tips for what you or your students should be doing to enhance CT ability. However, it seems that there’s substantially less discussion of what you shouldn’t be doing—that is, barriers to CT.

About a year ago, I posted "5 Tips for Critical Thinking" to this blog, and after thinking about it in terms of what not to do , along with more modern conceptualizations of CT (see Dwyer, 2017), I’ve compiled a list of five major barriers to CT. Of course, these are not the only barriers to CT; rather, they are five that may have the most impact on how one applies CT.

1. Trusting Your Gut

Trust your gut is a piece of advice often thrown around in the context of being in doubt. The concept of using intuitive judgment is actually the last thing you want to be doing if critical thinking is your goal. In the past, intuitive judgment has been described as "the absence of analysis" (Hamm, 1988); and automatic cognitive processing—which generally lacks effort, intention, awareness, or voluntary control—is usually experienced as perceptions or feelings (Kahneman, 2011; Lieberman, 2003).

Given that intuitive judgment operates automatically and cannot be voluntarily "turned off," associated errors and unsupported biases are difficult to prevent, largely because reflective judgment has not been consulted. Even when errors appear obvious in hindsight, they can only be prevented through the careful, self-regulated monitoring and control afforded by reflective judgment. Such errors and flawed reasoning include cognitive biases and logical fallacies .

Going with your gut—experienced as perceptions or feelings—generally leads the thinker to favor perspectives consistent with their own personal biases and experiences or those of their group.

2. Lack of Knowledge

CT skills are key components of what CT is, and in order to conduct it, one must know how to use these skills. Not knowing the skills of CT—analysis, evaluation, and inference (i.e., what they are or how to use them)—is, of course, a major barrier to its application. However, consideration of a lack of knowledge does not end with the knowledge of CT skills.

Let’s say you know what analysis, evaluation, and inference are, as well as how to apply them. The question then becomes: Are you knowledgeable in the topic area you have been asked to apply the CT? If not, intellectual honesty and reflective judgment should be engaged to allow you to consider the nature, limits, and certainty of what knowledge you do have, so that you can evaluate what is required of you to gain the knowledge necessary to make a critically thought-out judgment.

However, the barrier here may not necessarily be a lack of topic knowledge, but perhaps rather believing that you have the requisite knowledge to make a critically thought-out judgment when this is not the case or lacking the willingness to gain additional, relevant topic knowledge.

3. Lack of Willingness

In addition to skills, disposition towards thinking is also key to CT. Disposition towards thinking refers to the extent to which an individual is willing or inclined to perform a given thinking skill, and is essential for understanding how we think and how we can make our thinking better, in both academic settings and everyday circumstances (Norris, 1992; Siegel, 1999; Valenzuela, Nieto, & Saiz, 2011; Dwyer, Hogan & Stewart, 2014).

Dispositions can’t be taught, per se, but they do play a large role in determining whether or not CT will be performed. Simply, it doesn’t matter how skilled one is at analysis, evaluation, and inference—if they’re not willing to think critically, CT is not likely to occur.

4. Misunderstanding of Truth

Truth-seeking is one such disposition towards thinking, which refers to a desire for knowledge; to seek and offer both reasons and objections in an effort to inform and to be well-informed; a willingness to challenge popular beliefs and social norms by asking questions (of oneself and others); to be honest and objective about pursuing the truth, even if the findings do not support one’s self-interest or pre-conceived beliefs or opinions; and to change one’s mind about an idea as a result of the desire for truth (Dwyer, 2017).

barriers to critical thinking and how to overcome them

Though this is something for which many of us strive or even just assume we do, the truth is that we all succumb to unwarranted assumptions from time to time: that is, beliefs presumed to be true without adequate justification. For example, we might make a judgment based on an unsubstantiated stereotype or a commonsense/belief statement that has no empirical evidence to justify it. When using CT, it’s important to distinguish facts from beliefs and, also, to dig a little deeper by evaluating "facts" with respect to how much empirical support they have to validate them as fact (see " The Dirtiest Word in Critical Thinking: 'Proof' and its Burden ").

Furthermore, sometimes the truth doesn’t suit people, and so, they might choose to ignore it or try and manipulate knowledge or understanding to accommodate their bias . For example, some people may engage in wishful thinking , in which they believe something is true because they wish it to be; some might engage in relativistic thinking , in which, for them, the truth is subjective or just a matter of opinion.

5. Closed-mindedness

In one of my previous posts, I lay out " 5 Tips for Critical Thinking "—one of which is to play Devil’s Advocate , which refers to the "consideration of alternatives." There’s always more than one way to do or think about something—why not engage such consideration?

The willingness to play Devil’s Advocate implies a sensibility consistent with open-mindedness (i.e., an inclination to be cognitively flexible and avoid rigidity in thinking; to tolerate divergent or conflicting views and treat all viewpoints alike, prior to subsequent analysis and evaluation; to detach from one’s own beliefs and consider, seriously, points of view other than one’s own without bias or self-interest; to be open to feedback by accepting positive feedback, and to not reject criticism or constructive feedback without thoughtful consideration; to amend existing knowledge in light of new ideas and experiences; and to explore such new, alternative, or "unusual" ideas).

At the opposite end of the spectrum, closed-mindedness is a significant barrier to CT. By this stage, you have probably identified the inherent nature of bias in our thinking. The first step of CT is always going to be to evaluate this bias. However, one’s bias may be so strong that it leads them to become closed-minded and renders them unwilling to consider any other perspectives.

Another way in which someone might be closed-minded is through having properly researched and critically thought about a topic and then deciding that this perspective will never change, as if their knowledge will never need to adapt. However, critical thinkers know that knowledge can change and adapt. An example I’ve used in the past is quite relevant here—growing up, I was taught that there were nine planets in our solar system; however, based on further research, our knowledge of planets has been amended to now only consider eight of those as planets.

Being open-minded is a valuable disposition, but so is skepticism (i.e., the inclination to challenge ideas; to withhold judgment before engaging all the evidence or when the evidence and reasons are insufficient; to take a position and be able to change position when the evidence and reasons are sufficient; and to look at findings from various perspectives).

However, one can be both open-minded and skeptical. It is closed-mindedness that is the barrier to CT, so please note that closed-mindedness and skepticism are distinct dispositions.

Dwyer, C.P. (2017). Critical thinking: Conceptual perspectives and practical guidelines. UK: Cambridge University Press.

Dwyer, C.P., Hogan, M.J. & Stewart, I. (2014). An integrated critical thinking framework for the 21st century. Thinking Skills & Creativity, 12, 43-52.

Hamm, R. M. (1988). Clinical intuition and clinical analysis: expertise and the cognitive continuum. In J. Dowie & A. Elstein (Eds.), Professional judgment: A reader in clinical decision making, 78–105. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kahneman, D. (2011). Thinking fast and slow. Penguin: Great Britain.

Lieberman, M. D. (2003). Reflexive and reflective judgment processes: A social cognitive neuroscience approach. Social Judgments: Implicit and Explicit Processes, 5, 44–67.

Norris, S. P. (Ed.). (1992). The generalizability of critical thinking: Multiple perspectives on an educational ideal. New York: Teachers College Press.

Siegel, H. (1999). What (good) are thinking dispositions? Educational Theory, 49, 2, 207–221.

Valenzuela, J., Nieto, A. M., & Saiz, C. (2011). Critical thinking motivational scale: A contribution to the study of relationship between critical thinking and motivation. Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 9, 2, 823–848.

Christopher Dwyer Ph.D.

Christopher Dwyer, Ph.D., is a lecturer at the Technological University of the Shannon in Athlone, Ireland.

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What are the barriers to critical thinking and how can we destroy them? Critical thinking is one of the most essential skills of the 21st century. Research indicates that 90% of employers believe critical thinking is the most valuable skill at work. Yet, it is greatly lacking in the current workforce. Today’s workplaces have multidimensional problems requiring critical thinking to solve effectively.

What Exactly is Critical Thinking?

Researchers have defined critical thinking as the ability to handle information gained through observation, experience, reflection, or from a knowledge source. It involves questioning the data in detail and dealing objectively with the information. It includes asking the right questions, specifically the “why” question is an indicator of critical thinking.

Critical thinking is a higher-order thinking process that is organized and evaluative. You cannot accept information passively if you’re a critical thinker. Instead, you think deeply about it, question it and view it from multiple angles. You doubt the new information and look for evidence that supports it.

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Characteristics of Critical Thinking

  • Habit of Asking Questions

Critical thinkers ask questions. They do not passively accept any information but question it to get to the depth of the matter.

  • Weighing Evidences to Know the Truth

Critical thinking involves getting to the truth of the matter. It treats any information as an assumption until it is supported by solid evidence. Critical thinkers look for evidence backing an argument and its counterarguments and weigh which statement has more robust proof.

Related: Critical Thinking Exercise: Argument Analysis Worksheet

  • Questioning Your Belief System

Critical thinking is about questioning further information and examining one’s existing beliefs. Critical thinkers actively keep updating their thoughts and knowledge with any new evidence that challenges their previously held ideas.

  • Realization of Human Fallibility

Being a critical thinker, you understand that humans are flawed creatures with flawed thinking, judgment, and reasoning. They question everything because they realize that human judgment is imperfect and no one can be entirely right.

  • Open-mindedness

Open-mindedness is a crucial feature of critical thinking. As a critical thinker, you are always open to new information or evidence that counters existing ones.

  • Constructive rather than Destructive Criticism

Often people think critical thinking is about proving others wrong and criticizing them. However, critical thinking is not about insulting or attacking other people. It is about searching for the truth to separate facts from fiction.

Related: Dealing with Criticism Worksheet: A Critical Thinking Exercise .

  • Thinking Impersonally

Critical thinking is not about forming your mindset and fixating on it. Critical thinking is about detaching yourself from your beliefs so you can view your beliefs as an outsider to be truly objective. You need to be able to question your own and your group’s beliefs and attitudes to be a critical thinker. Critical thinking is free of biases, prejudice, and partiality.

Related: Mindset to Win- 7 Powerful Mindsets for Success

Barriers to Critical Thinking

1. egocentric nature of human beings.

Egocentric thinking is our tendency to view the world from a narrow mindset that only attempts to serve our interests. We think our thinking is rational, but it’s not. It is always colored by how we want to see the world. We do not fair-mindedly listen to the arguments of others; instead, we listen for facts that are in our favor and reject others. This type of thinking is one of the most powerful barriers to critical thinking as it reduces our thinking capacity and worldview.  

2. Conformity and Groupthink

Groupthink is another barrier to critical thinking. It is the inclination to think similarly and consensually in a group without thinking critically and thoroughly about the consequences. When in a group, people tend to follow what the majority thinks. Anyone with a dissenting opinion is not appreciated but forced to follow groupthink. Groupthink stifles critical thinking by not giving space to independent thought or criticism.

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3. Generalization and Stereotyping

Generalization and stereotyping are lethal to critical thinking. Stereotyping is when you have a fixed belief about an over-generalized group. Stereotypes are shortcuts that let you group things into categories rather than seeing them as their own. They do not allow us to see individual differences, and they may often need to be corrected.

4. Biased Judgements

Biases are our preferences towards or against something. They cloud our judgment by providing us shortcuts to thinking that can be inaccurate and ill-founded. For instance, confirmation bias lets us search for information that confirms our pre-existing beliefs and ignore information that goes against it. Likewise, attribution bias calls for attributing the causal factors of an event or behavior to other people’s actions rather than the situational factors without any ground evidence. Biases have no room for critical thinking, which is solely evidence-based.

5. Assuming rather than Questioning

When we are unclear about something, we tend to make assumptions and believe them true. Instead of assuming how things must be, ask questions. How can we learn something if we do not ask questions about it? Many people don’t ask questions for fear of appearing stupid and ignorant. However, the fact is not asking questions further pushes you into ignorance.  

6. Using Emotions instead of Rational Thinking

Humans are essentially emotional creatures . Our emotional brain is the oldest part of our brain, which is why emotional thinking is so overpowering. We often base our understanding on how something makes us feel rather than what it is. This emotional reasoning is a barrier to critical thinking as it casts aside reality and objective facts to give way to emotions and feelings.

Related: Best Emotional Intelligence Practices to Get Results at the Workplace

7. Cognitive Overload and Mental Fatigue

In today’s times, cognitive overload is widespread and is one of the barriers to critical thinking. Cognitive overload is when your brain is overwhelmed with information or work that negatively affects your ability to think clearly and make effective decisions. Cognitive overload diminishes your critical thinking skills by reducing your ability to handle data and make judgments. Today we live in an age of vast information being bombarded at all times. It is necessary to minimize non-essential information intake, such as reducing time spent on social media.

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How to Break these Barriers to Critical Thinking

Developing a skeptical mindset will significantly disturb you by shaking your core beliefs and values. It will also annoy and offend others around you when you demand authentic sources or question their beliefs. 

1. Question your information source

Whenever you come across a piece of information, always question its source. Do not accept information with no evidence or basis for it to be true. This is especially important regarding the information on the internet, where anyone can post about anything. Refrain from believing everything thrown your way. Always check for validity.

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2. Carefully evaluate others’ arguments.

“ Assume the person you are listening to knows something you don’t .” -Jordan Peterson

When in an argument, remember you are sometimes wrong. It is crucial to weigh the other person’s argument for facts. You never know. The other person may have something new for you to learn. Keep an open mind. But always look for the authenticity of the information being delivered.

Download our free argument analysis worksheet to enhance your critical thinking skills.

3. Understand you can be wrong

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates

This is the hardest one. No one likes to be wrong. But here’s the truth: you can’t always be correct. No one can. Humans are fallible creatures that are prone to making errors. You need to develop the ability to recognize when you believe something without concrete evidence. Also, keep yourself open to criticism and learn to take it constructively rather than getting upset over it.

Check out our free Dealing with Criticism Worksheet to learn to take criticism positively.

4. Have a sense of childlike wonder

Children have a fantastic sense of wonder. They marvel at everything they see and hear. But as they grow older, they begin to stop wondering and start traditionally thinking about the world. Having a sense if wonder is what keeps critical thinking alive.

“Wonder is the beginning of wisdom.” -Socrates

5. Do not fall for conformity

We are reinforced to conform and be like everyone. That is why it is easy to fall for groupthink. However, it would help if you fostered independent thinking and always questioned what everyone else was doing. Not everything popular is a good idea.

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6. Be inquisitive

Questioning is a potent tool for getting to the truth.

Don’t be over-confident in your own information; instead ask questions. Don’t hold back for fear of seeming incompetent. Stop stifling your curiosity with such ridiculous attitudes. Instead of assuming things, be inquisitive.

The Socratic questioning technique is one of the most effective ways to do it. Ask questions such as what do you mean by this? Why is this important? How is this relevant to the context we were discussing? Why would someone assume this or come to this conclusion? What effect does this have?

7. Avoid unnecessary information

Excess of everything is terrible. Avoid taking in too much information daily as it stresses your mind. Keep your mind relaxed through healthy activities such as going for a walk or doing sports. Refrain from consuming social media excessively. You do not have to keep in touch and get information all the time.

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Well said!! beautifully put together🤩 So beneficial for personal development

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11 Common Barriers To Critical Thinking – A Simple Guide

Critical thinking is the capacity to think in a clear and rational way . It’s a perspective related to what one should do and what one believes.

But what makes critical thinking a harder task to do. There are some barriers that come in the way of critical thinking.

Critical thinking is just not about collecting information. If you have a good IQ and know a lot of things, you can totally nail it.

A person can do critical thinking only if he can conclude results from his knowledge.

11 Most Common Barriers To Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a skill that everyone should have. It helps you make decisions and solve problems, but it can be difficult to use when there are barriers in your way.

In this blog post, we’ll talk about the most common barriers to critical thinking and how you can overcome them.

1. Not Being Able To Tell The Difference Between A Fact And An Opinion

The first barrier to critical thinking is confusing facts with opinions. Facts are indisputable and indubitable , whereas opinions are not.

Everyone has different opinions about things, so it’s important to understand the difference between facts and opinions.

Here are some examples of facts you can easily check:

– The distance from the earth to the sun is approximately 93 million miles.

– The sky is blue.

– The human population was 7 billion in 2012.

2. The Person Is Too Self-Obsessed To See Anything Else:

It is the most difficult barrier that makes a person see nothing but themselves. These people consider themselves as an important asset for the world.

This barrier won’t let you acknowledge other people. 

Egocentric Thinking As A Barrier To Critical Thinking

They just want to create a sense of authority .

Critical thinking demands to analyze different aspects to test their validity. Also, finding good aspects of these perspectives is a portion of critical thinking.

But being self-obsessed is the most difficult barrier to overcome.

SEE ALSO: 7 Barriers To Effective Listening

3. A Trend Of Brainstorming Together – A Barrier To Critical Thinking:

The nature of critical thinking stands on famous objectives, beliefs, and ideas. When people think collectively, it hardens for everyone to think in their own space.

Everyone relies on what the majority decides and thinks in that direction.

Critical thinking requires that people have to think differently while in a group.

Group Thinking As A Barrier To Critical Thinking

To break this barrier, everyone in the group must maintain their individuality .

Everyone should think according to their own style even if they are working in a group.

SEE ALSO: Groupthink Vs Group Polarization – Healthy Discussion

4. Barriers To Critical Thinking – Emotions Are Heavier Than The Logic:

People are becoming more sensitive to the opposite views as time passes. So when people have to face the challenge of disagreement , logic flies out of the window.

And then irrelevant reactions take the place of logic that defies reason and disturbs management.

It’s a barrier to deciding based on emotions and emotion-based decision-making is bad for organizations.

5. The Competition Is Real Hard:

This obstacle treats conversations and discourages competitive sports. The main aim of everyone is to win, not to seek learning.

Sophistry And Rhetoric

The greater interest of both sides is in winning the argument than in reaching the truth.

Though this concept has its function in a courtroom. And it has nothing to do with the other real life. But even then this is an important barrier to consider.

6. Barriers To Critical Thinking – Overly Relying On Experiences: 

When this barrier comes to the table of discussion, there are many people who get defensive.

It doesn’t mean that there is no value for the experience. Of course, experience has its own place, but one should not rely only on experience.

The Universality Of Experience

An individual’s experience is his own experience. It doesn’t define what others experience or what happens outside his sphere.

Every person is different. Even the geographical regions are different. So you need to consider experience as an individual’s experience.

7. Accepting Statements Of Superhumans:

This barrier occurs when we test statements based on who said it rather than merit. In such cases, people accept statements to be true.

If someone they respect or like said these. They don’t pay attention to whether the statement is true or not.

Contrary to that, people would reject a statement if it comes from a person they don’t like.

Removing this barrier is difficult. Because people have already made up their minds. They would accept something from a respected person and vice versa.

8. Intellect Is Greater Than Excellence:

For a very long period of time, IQ i.e. intelligence quotient was a measure for intelligence.

But the passing time told us that intelligence has a different number of dimensions.

High Reliance On IQ As A Barrier

T here is no longer only one perspective to look at intelligence.

Still, some companies consider IQ the only measurement for intelligence. This can be a barrier when companies would miss out on people who could prove to be excellent.

If they got a chance and their intelligence got measured in a correct way.

9. Blindly Going Behind What A Myth Says:

Following myths is something that relates to accepting things based on stereotyping.

As we know that stereotypes and assumptions ignore individualistic thinking. These are the factors that hinder the person’s will to analyze the facts and figures.

It also makes people believe what they are doing is right. So they won’t be able to recognize and accept that they are making assumptions.

In such conditions, people can never identify that their judgments base on stereotypes.

10. Barriers To Critical Thinking – Grinding In The Same Cycle:

It happens when an individual falls into a routine. Even the most open-minded people can fell prey to this.

We don’t mean that routine is a bad thing. But it lessens one’s ability to think in an analytical way.

If a person has to do the same thing day after day, week after week, or even for his whole life.

He would forget how to respond to new situations and lose leadership. Moreover, he would begin to shy away from new situations.

Drone Mentality As A Barrier To Critical Thinking

So convenience can be great but it can take a toll on the capability of critical thinking.

11. Following The Power:

This barrier is about accepting someone’s view or assertion based on their level of authority.

You may be accepting your boss’ views about a certain topic and you think the opposite to that.

But you are doing so because of the authority of the boss and the discipline of the organization.

It involves the factor of respect or admiration while the former involves accepting views based on authority.

Now the problem is not with accepting the view of a boss or an expert. The real problem comes when we are not allowed to question it.


Remember neither to confuse critical thinking with being argumentative. Nor it relates to being critical about others.

Critical thinking is so important because it exposes fallacies and bad reasoning.

It also plays an important role in cooperative reasoning and constructive tasks.

The barriers discussed in this article are important to note. But it’s not impossible or difficult at all to remove these barriers.

Do mention in a comment which barrier you think you are facing.

Last Updated on 4 months by Assma Riaz

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Overcoming Obstacles to Critical Thinking

The ability to think critically will benefit students throughout their lives. Here are a few tips on how to get started teaching it.

A young boy stands thinking in front of a blackboard covered with question marks.

The ability to think critically is one skill separating innovators from followers. It combats the power of advertisers, unmasks the unscrupulous and pretentious, and exposes unsupported arguments. Students enjoy learning the skill because they immediately see how it gives them more control. Yet critical thinking is simple: It is merely the ability to understand why things are they way they are and to understand the potential consequences of actions.  

Devastating Consequences, Tremendous Opportunities

Young people—without significant life experience and anxious to fit in—are especially vulnerable to surface appeal. Sometimes that appeal actively discourages analysis, as is the case with the targeted advertising that affects buying and eating habits. Students may choose friends for the wrong reasons, leading to heartache. Later on, decisions about joining the military or pursuing another career or about becoming a parent will have indelible effects on their lives.

Every educator is in a position to teach students how to gather information, evaluate it, screen out distractions, and think for themselves. Because critical thinking is so important, some believe that every educator has the obligation to incorporate the application of critical thinking into his or her subject area. This helps students evaluate prepackaged conclusions and clears a path for original thoughts. Practicing critical thinking in the classroom may mean discussing the quality of a textbook, considering whether traditional beliefs about a subject are accurate, or even discussing the teacher’s instructional style.

A World of Illusions

Seeing beyond superficial appearances is especially important today because we are surrounded by illusions, many of them deliberately created. The effects may be subtle yet profound. While we seek out and appreciate some illusions, such as films and novels, others can make us miserable or even kill us. We need to know if foods that taste perfectly fine can hurt us in the short term (as with Salmonella contamination) or in the long term (cholesterol). A virus might be so dangerous that we should avoid public places, and political candidates promising to clean up government can end up being more corrupt than their predecessors. We want to know if items we purchase are durable or junk, and whether people we’re attracted to are truly as considerate as they seem at first. Students are constantly being presented with information not only in the classroom, but also from their friends, parents, the internet, films, television, radio, newspapers, and magazines. They need tools to analyze all the input.

Making a Start in Teaching Critical Thinking

The first step in teaching critical thinking is to help students recognize how easily false ideas can creep into their belief systems. For example:

1) People believe stories because they are the ones available. Most people identify Thomas Edison as the inventor of the incandescent light bulb. Although Edison perfected a commercially successful design, he was preceded in the experimentation by British inventors Frederick de Moleyns and Joseph Swan, and by American J. W. Starr. Sometimes stories become accepted because they are simple, sensational, entertaining, or already popular. But just because a story is available doesn’t mean it’s accurate.

2) Beliefs may justify past actions. In July 2006, half the respondents to a Harris Poll said they believed that when the United States invaded Iraq in March 2003, that country possessed weapons of mass destruction. But back in 2004, the CIA had already concluded that Iraq possessed no stockpiles of illicit weapons. Even reliable, readily available facts had not superseded the mistaken impression that many still held.

3) People may not recognize the significance of their own perceptions. In November 2005, a suicide bomber struck the Radisson Hotel in Amman, Jordan. On the eighth floor, Ita Martin heard a loud noise. Yet it was not until she turned on CNN that she learned a bomb had gone off. “Oh, my God, I’m in that hotel!” she exclaimed. Had she trusted her own ears and eyes, she would have left the building much more quickly.

4) People may not want to question their beliefs. Students don’t need much convincing that two of the biggest enemies of the truth are people whose job it is to sell us incomplete versions of the available facts, and the simple absence of accurate information. They may need more convincing that a significant problem is their own desire to believe what feels comfortable.

Students can be reminded that companies advertising products take advantage of our desires; they don’t describe the benefits of their competitors’ products any more than a man asking a woman to marry him encourages her to date other men before deciding. It’s a social reality that people encourage one another to make important decisions with limited facts.

When students are shown how to gather information, question what appears obvious, and think through possible consequences, they’ll be able to make decisions based on facts, not myths or propaganda. Years later, students may forget some details of a subject, but they’ll never forget the teacher who taught them how to think more effectively.

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Eight Barriers to Critical Thinking

Eight Barriers to Critical Thinking Part 1 of 2 by Mike Saxton, PhD

At the beginning of every term, I share a message with all my students about being critical thinkers, warning them about fallacious thinking: allowing cognitive biases and logical fallacies to replace reason. I highlight the barriers to critical thinking that come up most often, both in and outside the classroom. When students are aware of these concepts, they can participate in breaking down barriers and allowing real discussion to take place. While this article is not an exhaustive list, it comprises a number of issues that surface in academic settings.

Confirmation Bias Confirmation bias, one of the better-known fallacies, is effectively “cherry picking.” People seek only evidence that supports their views and disregard contrary points. This bias forms the foundation of “echo chambers,” where people with similar beliefs group together and assure each other that their view is the correct one. While it’s normal and reasonable to seek the company of those with similar views and interests, it can be highly detrimental to managers when they only seek advice from “yes people.” Part of the critical thinking that’s so important in management is to explore ideas contrary to one’s own and to evaluate them appropriately.

Normalcy Bias Normalcy bias — the belief that because an event has seldom, if ever, occurred, it will never occur — can be intimidating, especially in business environments or project management. A person operating under a normalcy bias may ignore dangerous warning signs for significant events. A good example is the credit implosion of 2008. Although numerous individuals sounded the alarm, they were unfortunately dismissed and accused of paranoia. When they turned out to be correct, the global economy was near catastrophe.

Emotional Clouding It is no secret that people are becoming increasingly sensitive to views that run contrary to their own. This sensitivity tends to elicit an emotional response. When confronted by areas of disagreement, logic flies out the window, replaced with reactions that defy reason. Emotion-based decision-making in management has led business units and entire organizations down destructive paths. I knew a small business owner who had an emotional response when the management qualifications of a business partner were challenged. In reality, the partner had no management experience or training, and the owner of the other company was correct in questioning the supposed expertise. This inappropriate response ultimately caused the small business owner to lose out on a valuable merger.

Sophistry and Rhetoric This critical thinking obstacle treats conversations and discourse as competitive sports; the goal is to win, not to learn or seek truth, although some will claim otherwise. Illustrations can be found in the legal field. Prosecuting attorneys are interested in securing convictions or putting together advantageous plea bargains, while defense attorneys have the job of creating reasonable doubt. While there are certain ethical guidelines overall, both sides are more interested in winning than in reaching the truth. While this concept has its function in a courtroom, it does not belong in a classroom or in management. A board room decision made because one member “won” an argument will not benefit the company if that argument turns out to be wrong or unpacked by data (a discussion on data-driven management is a topic of its own).

Click here to go to Part 2 of “Eight Barriers to Critical Thinking Part II.”

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Dr. Mike Saxton has been an adjunct faculty member at Goodwin for three years. He is passionate about working with adult learners and strives to develop a learning environment that fosters holistic growth for the student, not just academically. He uses his diverse professional, personal, and academic experience to offer guidance above and beyond just passing the test. Dr. Saxton encourages students to pass the test of life through both successes and learning from failures. As an instructor and mentor, he utilizes his diverse background that includes higher education, wireless technology services, information technology, and self-defense instruction. He has served in Student Affairs as an administrator, instructional faculty member, property management, business owner, database developer, network manager, and self-defense instructor. Dr. Saxton graduated Eastern Connecticut State University in 2001 and 2004 with a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and a master’s degree in Organizational Management, respectively. He holds CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Project+, CompTIA Cloud Essentials+, CompTIA CIOS, Six Sigma Data Analytics, and Blockchain Council Blockchain Expert certifications.

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How to Identify and Remove Barriers to Critical Thinking

An illustration of an office worker jumping over a brick wall representing barriers to critical thinking.

Critical Thinking: Structured Reasoning

Even a few simple techniques for logical decision making and persuasion can vastly improve your skills as a leader. Explore how critical thinking can help you evaluate complex business problems, reduce bias, and devise effective solutions.

Critical Thinking: Problem-Solving

Problem-solving is a central business skill, and yet it's the one many people struggle with most. This course will show you how to apply critical thinking techniques to common business examples, avoid misunderstandings, and get at the root of any problem.

Contrary to popular belief, being intelligent or logical does not automatically make you a critical thinker.

People with high IQs are still prone to biases, complacency, overconfidence, and stereotyping that affect the quality of their thoughts and performance at work. But people who scored high in critical thinking —a reflection of sound analytical, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities—report having fewer negative experiences in and out of the office.

Top 5 Barriers to Critical Thinking

To learn how to think critically, you’ll need to identify and understand what prevents people from doing so in the first place. Catching yourself (and others) engaging in these critical thinking no-no’s can help prevent costly mistakes and improve your quality of life.

Here are five of the most common barriers to critical thinking.

Egocentric Thinking

Egoism, or viewing everything in relation to yourself, is a natural human tendency and a common barrier to critical thinking. It often leads to an inability to question one’s own beliefs, sympathize with others, or consider different perspectives.

Egocentricity is an inherent character flaw. Understand that, and you’ll gain the open-minded point of view required to assess situations outside your own lens of understanding.

Groupthink and Social Conditioning

Everyone wants to feel like they belong. It’s a basic survival instinct and psychological mechanism that ensures the survival of our species. Historically, humans banded together to survive in the wild against predators and each other. That desire to “fit in” persists today as groupthink, or the tendency to agree with the majority and suppress independent thoughts and actions.

Groupthink is a serious threat to diversity in that it supports social conditioning, or the idea that we should all adhere to a particular society or culture’s most “acceptable” behavior.

Overcoming groupthink and cultural conditioning requires the courage to break free from the crowd. It’s the only way to question popular thought, culturally embedded values, and belief systems in a detached and objective manner.

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Drone Mentality and Cognitive Fatigue

Turning on “autopilot” and going through the motions can lead to a lack of spatial awareness. This is known as drone mentality, and it’s not only detrimental to you, but those around you, as well.

Studies show that monotony and boredom are bad for mental health . Cognitive fatigue caused by long-term mental activity without appropriate stimulation, like an unchanging daily routine full of repetitive tasks, negatively impairs cognitive functioning and critical thinking .

Although you may be tempted to flip on autopilot when things get monotonous, as a critical thinker you need to challenge yourself to make new connections and find fresh ideas. Adopt different schools of thought. Keep both your learning and teaching methods exciting and innovative, and that will foster an environment of critical thinking.

The Logic Tree: The Ultimate Critical Thinking Framework


Personal Biases and Preferences

Everyone internalizes certain beliefs, opinions, and attitudes that manifest as personal biases. You may feel that you’re open minded, but these subconscious judgements are more common than most people realize. They can distort your thinking patterns and sway your decision making in the following ways:

  • Confirmation bias: favoring information that reinforces your existing viewpoints and beliefs
  • Anchoring bias: being overly influenced by the first piece of information you come across
  • False consensus effect: believing that most people share your perspective
  • Normalcy bias: assuming that things will stay the same despite significant changes to the status quo

The critical thinking process requires being aware of personal biases that affect your ability to rationally analyze a situation and make sound decisions.

Allostatic Overload

Research shows that persistent stress causes a phenomenon known as allostatic overload . It’s serious business, affecting your attention span, memory, mood, and even physical health.

When under pressure, your brain is forced to channel energy into the section responsible for processing necessary information at the expense of taking a rest. That’s why people experience memory lapses in fight-or-flight situations. Prolonged stress also reduces activity in the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that handles executive tasks.

Avoiding cognitive impairments under pressure begins by remaining as calm and objective as possible. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a deep breath and slow your thoughts. Assume the role of a third-party observer. Analyze and evaluate what can be controlled instead of what can’t.

Train Your Mind Using the 9 Intellectual Standards

The bad news is that barriers to critical thinking can really sneak up on you and be difficult to overcome. But the good news is that anyone can learn to think critically with practice.

Unlike raw intelligence, which is largely determined by genetics , critical thinking can be mastered using nine teachable standards of thought:

  • Clarity: Is the information or task at hand easy to understand and free from obscurities?
  • Precision: Is it specific and detailed?
  • Accuracy: Is it correct, free from errors and distortions?
  • Relevance: Is it directly related to the matter at hand?
  • Depth: Does it consider all other variables, contexts, and situations?
  • Breadth: Is it comprehensive, and does it encompass other perspectives?
  • Logical: Does it contradict itself?
  • Significance: Is it important in the first place?
  • Fairness: Is it free from bias, deception, and self-interest?

When evaluating any task, situation, or piece of information, consider these intellectual standards to hone your critical thinking skills in a structured, practiced way. Keep it up, and eventually critical thinking will become second nature.

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10 Challenges and Barriers to Critical Thinking: How to Overcome Them


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Cultural Barriers to Digital Transformation and How to Overcome Them

by Panorama Consulting Group | Aug 7, 2024

Cultural Barriers to Digital Transformation and How to Overcome Them

Many organizations have a company culture that’s averse to the adoption of new technologies. These cultures revel in the status quo, hindering collaboration and stifling innovation. 

While digital transformation might seem like a pipe dream, you do have options. The key is identifying cultural barriers and developing strategies to overcome them. 

Today, we’re talking about how to overcome resistance to digital change and foster a culture that supports innovation.

The Role of Organizational Culture in Digital Transformation​

Organizational culture plays a vital role in shaping employees’ attitudes toward digital transformation. 

Aligning your organizational culture with your digital goals is essential for success. Here’s why:

  • Strategic alignment ensures that employees are motivated and engaged in the transformation process. Without this alignment, digital initiatives may face resistance, resulting in delayed implementation and limited success. 
  • In a culture that encourages risk-taking and experimentation, employees are more likely to adopt new tools and processes. Conversely, a culture that penalizes failure may foster stagnation.
  • A culture that promotes open communication and collaboration can make it easier to implement a change management plan . This is a practice that utilizes communication strategies, training strategies, and more to help employees adapt to new ways of working.

Change Management Case Study

The client recognized their need for more comprehensive change management, so they asked us to fill in the gaps. We developed a robust communication plan to supplement the vendor’s communication approach.

Top Cultural Barriers to Digital Transformation​

Digital transformation involves integrating digital technology into all areas of an organization, fundamentally changing how the business operates. This can be challenging in itself, but it can seem impossible when you consider cultural issues. 

Here are some of the top cultural barriers our ERP implementation consultants have seen across industries:

1. Resistance to Change

A culture that is resistant to change can be a barrier to adopting new systems and processes. This is a culture where employees have a strong distaste for shifting routines and evolving roles. 

While distaste for change is natural, it’s not necessarily a barrier unless it’s deeply ingrained in the organizational culture.

To address this cultural barrier, we recommend regularly communicating the benefits of digital transformation and involving employees in project activities, such as software requirements gathering.

2. Siloed Thinking

In many organizations, departments operate in silos. This can hinder digital transformation efforts by preventing cross-functional collaboration and stifling innovation. 

To overcome this barrier, organizations should keep teams focused on shared objectives, while ensuring seamless integration between software systems. They should also implement communication platforms that enable employees to collaborate and share diverse perspectives.

3. Lack of Digital Literacy

When employees are unfamiliar with modern digital tools and technologies in general, they may struggle to use new software effectively. 

In addition to system-specific training, organizations must invest in digital literacy programs to equip employees with the necessary skills to navigate modern and emerging technologies, like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

(Learn about AI in ERP .)

4. Ingrained Hierarchies

Traditional hierarchical structures can impede digital transformation efforts by limiting the flow of ideas. In such organizations, decision-making is often centralized, making it difficult to implement agile and innovative solutions. 

To address this barrier, organizations should consider a hybrid approach where certain teams operate more independently. This is also an area where cross-functional teams become important.

5. Fear of Failure

Improving efficiency and securing a competitive edge requires unrestrained creativity. A culture that penalizes failure can discourage employees from “thinking outside the box” when problem solving. 

To overcome this barrier, organizations should focus on rewarding innovative thinking and providing training and resources for employees to develop new skills.

6. Lack of Customer-Centricity

Organizations that lack customer-centricity often fail to prioritize the customer experience in their digital transformation efforts. In these organizations, employees may be more focused on internal processes than on meeting customer needs.

To overcome this barrier, companies should cultivate a customer-centric culture by actively seeking customer feedback and incorporating these insights into decision-making. 

Additionally, training programs should emphasize the importance of customer satisfaction and encourage employees to consider the customer perspective in all initiatives.

How to Identify Cultural Barriers

Conduct a cultural assessment to identify cultural strengths and weaknesses. By understanding your current culture, you can develop targeted strategies to drive change.

What About Change Management? ​

At the intersection of organizational culture and digital transformation lies a comprehensive organizational change management plan. This is the key ingredient for overcoming cultural barriers to digital change. 

Here’s what our change management consultants recommend focusing on when executing a change management plan:

  • Communicating the Vision : Leaders should communicate the vision for digital transformation and explain the benefits of new technologies. By providing a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of digital initiatives, organizations can increase employee buy-in and reduce resistance.
  • Involving Employees : Seeking input from employees gives them a sense of ownership and accountability. We recommend involving employees in activities such as process mapping and attending software demos.
  • Providing Training and Support : It’s important to organize hands-on training sessions focused on the specific technologies and processes relevant to each employee group. Providing ongoing support through mentorship programs and easily-accessible online resources will further help employees develop the skills they need. 
  • Addressing Concerns and Fears : Leaders should listen to employees’ feedback and address any anxieties about digital change. We recommend fostering an environment of transparency and openness where employees feel comfortable sharing ideas. By providing channels for feedback and responding promptly, organizations can alleviate fears and build trust. 
  • Leading by Example : Leadership plays a crucial role in driving cultural change and overcoming resistance to digital transformation. Executive engagement can set the tone for change and inspire employees to embrace digital initiatives.

Learn More About Organizational Culture and Digital Transformation

Digital transformation initiatives are essential in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.

While cultural barriers to digital transformation can impede innovation, a strategic approach can help you achieve your digital goals. 

Contact our ERP selection consultants below to start driving culture transformation.

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Panorama Consulting Group

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Building a better future through global access to STEM

barriers to critical thinking and how to overcome them

As the largest global provider of computing devices to Education, Lenovo believes it has a responsibility to invest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) learning for students everywhere. Investing in STEM education not only fulfills our corporate vision to provide smarter technology for all, but also creates future innovators who can help overcome the challenges the world faces today. Whether mitigating climate change, researching cures for disease, or exploring space, humankind’s boldest dreams require a strong and diverse pipeline of STEM talent.

In alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Lenovo global philanthropy focuses on reducing inequalities, quality education, and poverty reduction. The company and the Lenovo Foundation partners with charitable organizations, educational institutions, and civic groups to empower under-represented populations with access to technology and STEM education. In FY 2023/24 Lenovo made more than USD $21M in charitable impact through partnerships, programs and volunteerism.

Among the dozens of STEM programs funded by Lenovo worldwide in recent years include:

  • Girls Belong in Tech – a Lenovo initiative to help high school and middle school girls in the United States discover careers in the technology field.
  • Solve Education – a program to promote access to a digital game-based learning environment on STEM and employability skills for low-income children in Southeast Asia.
  • STEMintheCity – organized by Municipality of Milan, the program promotes STEM education , closing the gender gap in STEM-related professions, and dispelling cultural stereotypes.
  • Becometech – as part of its annual Love On month of service, local Lenovo volunteers in Paris and the partnering organization delivered a month-long STEM discovery and free training program for teenage girls. 
  • WISE – Women in STEM entrepreneurship across Latin America is focused on diversifying the talent pipeline and bringing more women into STEM.
  • African Storybook – looks at language, and specifically how a lack of exposure to the written word can impact education outcomes. Lenovo supports their mission to widen access to storybooks in the many languages of Africa to enhance children’s literacy and imagination .
  • Children on the Edge – addresses the physical barriers to accessing education, working with refugee communities around the world to deliver educational tools and training to help create safe, protective environments where children can learn and thrive .

All around the world, NGOs and charitable organizations Lenovo partners with share an unwavering belief that science and technology can be a big force for good and there must be more equitable access to these fields so the world can benefit from a larger and more diverse pool of STEM talent.

STEM’s Uneven Playing Field

STEM education prepares students for careers in high-demand fields such as engineering, computer science, biotechnology, and healthcare. By equipping young people with technical skills and problem-solving abilities, STEM education contributes to a skilled workforce that drives innovation and economic growth.

However, women and minorities are frequently under-represented in STEM fields. Too frequently, cultural norms about suitable careers for women and underfunded schools in low-income communities result in diverting kids away from future STEM careers. The gender gap is striking, women represent 24% of the STEM workforce in the United States, 17% in the European Union, 16% in Japan, and 14% in India. 1   

The lack of diversity and inclusion in STEM is highly concerning because it limits the opportunity for individuals and communities by leaving them behind in the growing global knowledge economy. In addition, it hinders the pursuit of scientific knowledge and technological innovation by robbing the fields of so much unrealized talent. Moreover, the diversity of ideas and experiences by a heterogeneous group of innovators is critical for creating smarter technology for all.

This is why Lenovo has placed STEM education at the forefront of its philanthropic activities.

Supporting the Future of STEM Education

Lenovo’s support of STEM education is not just philanthropy, it’s part of our business. In addition to offering the widest portfolio of education ready devices for students at all levels, we also provide the software and services that support teachers and new pedagogies for STEM learning.  

Lenovo EdTech Consulting Services  are two pronged. Our strategic planning services support schools in creating a roadmap for digital transformation that addresses changing educational needs and focuses on student outcomes. Lenovo’s professional development services focus on educators’ digital skills development, pedagogy, and instructional design to help address the transformational challenges educators face when adopting new technologies in the classroom.

As educators worldwide look for resources to better prepare students for careers of the future, Lenovo is supporting the   Intel ®  Skills for Innovation Initiative (SFI) , and its mission to integrate technology into classroom learning. The initiative offers professional development resources for teachers to help them become leaders of technology-infused learning experiences and facilitators of future-ready skill building as well as a library of over 100 lessons that integrate emerging technologies across the disciplines.

Lenovo, the only global OEM partner to design content specifically for SFI, is offering six technology-focused starter pack lessons for educators. These standards-aligned lessons develop design thinking and computational thinking skill sets through modeling more sustainable cities, designing the laptop of the future, and designing racing bikes based on Lenovo’s collaboration with Ducati Corse, and using supercomputing to model DNA for cancer research.

Lenovo will continue to use its technology, expertise, and global reach to help level the playing field in education, provide more STEM learning opportunities to more children, and build a world with more scientists, innovators, and problem solvers.

Visit our website to learn more about Lenovo’s portfolio of education solutions.

1 MIT Professional Education – The Gender Gap in STEM:  Still Gaping in 2023  

Lenovo powers Lenovo



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