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Classification of Computers

According to research, classification essay is an essay that requires the writer to take different types of information and create sensible information out of it by putting it properly. There are various computer types ranging from the hybrid to the analog types. The computers used by a high number of people on a daily basis to accomplish their tasks include laptops, palmtops, and desktop computers (Kim, 2009). Because of the ever-increasing rate of technological advancement, there have been inventions of new computers that are able to meet the daily needs and demands of people of all ages.

Let’s find out together!

Laptop is the most familiar form of computers which is designed for personal usage. There are also other types of personal computers, and these include the desktop and the personal computer. Desktop is not portable meaning that it must be in a certain location for it to be used. It, however, provides extra power, storage capability and versatility at a cheaper price than the others which are portable.

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Computers play a significant part in the daily lives of people, for example, acting as servers. They can be optimized in order to offer services to other computers through a network. Such computers always have strong processors, large memory and bigger hard drives. Other types of computers such as the main frame enable a large group of individuals to accomplish their work on time with similar data.

Therefore, because of the ever-increasing demands from the consumers, new advancements are in the process of developing new computers that meet different demands and purposes. Thus, it is vital that people keep on following each and every step the science department takes in order to be at the same level with the current knowledge concerning computers.

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  • Classification of Computers Based on Size and Capacity
  • Computer Science


Computer Classification

A computer is a device that transforms unusable data into information. According to the set of instructions the user gives it, it processes the input and generates the desired outcome. Modern digital computers are classified on the basis of their size and capacity. The size and data handling capabilities of the various types of computers may be used to categorize them into two groups.

1. Computers according to Size:


Mainframe computer.

Personal computer.



2. Computers according to their Capacity to manage data:

Digital computer.

Hybrid computer.

Analog computer.

Classification of Computers

Classification of Computers

Different classifications of Computers are as follows.

Classification According to Size

There are four different sorts of computers based on their size and how they are configured to operate:

1. Supercomputers



The most efficient computers in terms of processing data and performance are supercomputers. These computers are used for research and exploratory purposes. Supercomputers are exceedingly large and highly expensive. It can only fit in large, air-conditioned spaces.

Supercomputers are used for a range of tasks, such as space exploration, seismic research, and the testing of nuclear weapons.

Supercomputer Features:

They make use of AI (Artificial intelligence)

They are the fastest and strongest;

They are very costly.

They are enormous in size.

They are employed by companies that manufacture goods.

They process information at a rapid rate.

2. Mainframe Computers

Mainframe Computers

Mainframe Computers

Despite being less efficient than supercomputers, mainframe computers are nevertheless extremely expensive. Large corporations and governmental organizations frequently employ mainframe computers to run everyday operations. They have the ability to store and analyze a lot of data. To maintain information on their customers, students, and insurance policyholders, banks, colleges, and insurance companies utilize them. They may also act as a server in a network environment. Hundreds of users may be managed simultaneously by them.

Mainframe Computer Features:

They have enormous amounts of memory.

They are capable of running several different operating systems.

They have a significant number of CPUs with powerful processing speeds.

Tightly Coupled Clustering Technology is employed.

3. Minicomputers

Mini Computer

Mini Computer

Minicomputers are used by small businesses and industries. They go by the term "Midrange Computers." These minicomputers frequently have several users, just as mainframe computers. They are a bit slower than mainframe computers.

For example, the manufacturing department may employ minicomputers to keep an eye on specific production processes.

Features of Minicomputers:

It is smaller than mainframes or supercomputers in terms of size.

In comparison to a mainframe or supercomputer, it is less costly.

It is able to perform many jobs at once.

It may be utilized by several users simultaneously.

It is utilized by small businesses.

4. Microcomputers.

Micro Computer

Micro Computer

A microcomputer, sometimes referred to as a personal computer (PC), is a type of computer that runs on a smaller scale than traditional computers (Personal Computer). A component that is commonly referred to as a motherboard houses the central processing unit (CPU), a microprocessor, memory in the form of ROM (Read Only Memory), RAM (Random Access Memory), I/O ports, and a bus system of connecting wires. They are the most affordable.

Features of Microcomputers:

They are extensively employed for personal usage.

They are smaller and comparably less expensive.

Multi-user functionality is not supported.

It has a limited computational capacity.

They are quite simple to use.

Based on Capacity

According to fundamental operating principles, there are three different kinds of computers. They are as follows:

1. Analogous Computers

Analog computers process analog data. Temperature, pressure, weight, depth, and voltage are a few examples of this type of data. These have an infinite range of values and are continuous quantities.

The first computers were analog, and they laid the groundwork for today's digital computers.

Analogous Computers

Analogous Computers

2. Digital Computers

In digital computers, letters, numbers, and other special symbols are represented by digits. On-off (ON-OFF) inputs are used by digital computers, and ON-OFF signals are also generated by them.

An ON is often represented by a 1 and an OFF by a 0, respectively. A digital computer is capable of processing both numerical and non-numerical data. In addition to doing fundamental arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, it can also perform logical operations.

Digital Computer

Digital Computer

3. Hybrid Computers

Computers that combine digital and analog components are called hybrid computers. It combines the best features of both types, having the speed of an analog computer with the memory and precision of a digital computer. Hybrid computers are typically used in specific applications where both forms of data need to be processed. As an example, a gas pump contains a processor that converts measurements of fuel flow into information about quality and cost.

Hybrid Computer

Hybrid Computer

Solved Questions

1. Comparison between micro and mini-computers?

S. No.




It's a personal computer that was released in 1970.

It is a small computer which was first released in 1960.


People utilize these computers for entertainment and education.

Companies utilize these computers to control the production process.


There is only one processing optimization in it.

It consists of two separate processing optimizations.


The CPU only employs one microprocessor, which handles all logical and mathematical processes.

It employs many processors.

2. What are the uses of Super Computers?

Ans: Supercomputers are employed in data-intensive and computation-intensive scientific and technical operations including quantum mechanics, meteorology, fossil fuel extraction, molecular dynamics, physical modeling, aerodynamics, nuclear fusion research, etc.

Practice Questions

Write true or false:.

1. Supercomputers are the fastest and strongest. (T/F)

2. There is only one processing optimization in Minicomputers. (T/F)

3. Supercomputers are employed in data-intensive operations. (T/F)

4. Microcomputers are capable of running several different operating systems. (T/F)

Computers are divided into several categories based on their architecture, the speed at which commands or instructions are carried out, the peripherals they use, and the tasks for which they were designed.

The different computer types may be divided into two groups based on their size and capacity for handling data.

There are five main kinds of computers based on size: PC (Personal Computer), minicomputer, microcomputers, supercomputers, and mainframe.

Additionally, there are three different kinds of computers based on their capacity to manage data: A computer can be digital, hybrid, or analog.


FAQs on Classification of Computers Based on Size and Capacity

1. What are the units of measuring data?



0 or 1



8 bite



1024 bits



1000 bits



1024 bytes



1000 bytes



1000 kilobits



1024 kibibytes



1000 kilobytes



1000 megabits



1024 mebibytes



1000 megabytes



1000 gigabits



1024 gibibytes



1000 gigabyte



1000 terabyte 



1024 tebibytes



1000 terabytes



1000 petabits



1024 pebibytes



1000 petabytes

2. Which is the largest computer?

Supercomputers are the most expensive and biggest computers available. Supercomputers are exceedingly large and highly expensive. It can only fit in large, air-conditioned spaces.

3. Which computer do most people use at home?

Microcomputers. A microcomputer is a type of computer that uses a single microprocessor chip as its central processing unit (CPU). Because they are made to be used by only one person at a time, they are more frequently referred to as personal computers. In general, people use personal computers at home, at school, or in the workplace.

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Classification of Computers


Computers can be classified according to

  • Physical size
  • Functionality

Classification of computers according to physical size

Based on physical size computers can be classified into four main groups

  • Super computers
  • Mainframe computers
  • Minicomputers
  • Microcomputers


Supercomputers are the fastest, largest, most expensive & also the most powerful computers available.


  • Fastest computers
  • Largest in size
  • Most expensive
  • Huge processing power
  • Generate a lot of heat
  • Use multiple processors
  • They are operated by computer specialists.  A Supercomputer can be operated by over 500 users at the same time


  • Scientific research
  • Defense and weapon analysis
  • Nuclear energy research
  • Weather forecasting
  • Petroleum research.

Note .  These tasks use large amounts of data, which need to be manipulated within a very short time.

Examples of Supercomputers:

  • ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer)

Mainframe computers.

Mainframes are less powerful & less expensive than supercomputers. Mainframe executes many programs concurrently and supports many simultaneous execution of programs. They are mostly found in government and big organizations such as banks, hospitals, airports etc

  • Have a large storage capacity
  • Large in size
  • Multi-processing
  • Supports a variety of peripherals

Areas where mainframe computers are used:

Mainframe computers are mostly found in government departments, big organizations and companies which have large information processing needs, e.g., they are used; 

In Banks & Hospitals for preparing bills, Payrolls, etc. 

In communication networks such as the Internet where they act as Servers.

By Airline reservation systems where information of all the flights is stored.

Examples of Mainframes:

  • IBM 360,4381.
  • ICL 39 Series.
  • CDC Cyber series.


A Minicomputer is physically smaller than a mainframe.  However, it can support the same peripheral devices supported by a mainframe.

  • Multi-user, e.g., can be operated by 6 users at a time. 
  • Easier to manufacture & maintain compared to mainframes.
  • Cheaper than the mainframes
  • They handle small amounts of data, are less powerful, & have less memory than the mainframes.
  • Minicomputers are slow compared to mainframe computers.
  • Used in scientific laboratories
  • Used in research institutions
  • Engineering plants
  • Automatic processing

Also they are well adapted for functions such as

  • Word processing
  • Database administration


Microcomputers are the PCs mostly found today in homes, schools & many small offices.  They are called Personal Computers ( PCs ) because they are designed to be used by one person at a time.

  • Are cheaper than both mini & mainframe computers.
  • Are very fast (i.e. have high processing speeds).
  • Small in size, hence they occupy less space in an office.
  • Are more energy efficient (i.e., consume less power).
  • Are more reliable than the early Mainframe computers.

Areas where microcomputers are used:

  • Microcomputers are commonly used in:
  • Training and learning institutions such as schools.
  • Small business enterprises, and
  • Communication centers as terminals.

The following are the various types of microcomputers in operation today arranged in descending order according to size.

  • Desktop computer ; is designed to be placed on top of an office desk
  • Notebook or laptop; portable convenient for mobile users.
  • Personal Digital Assistant(PDA ); Is small enough to fit in the pocket


Computers can be classified according to the tasks they perform as general or special purpose computers.

General purpose computers

They are the most common types of computers in use today. Their flexibility enables them to be applied in a wide range of applications like;

  • Document processing
  • Performing calculations,
  • Accounting,
  • Data and information management

Examples of general-purpose computers : Mainframes, Minicomputers, Microcomputers & Laptops used in most offices & schools.

Special-purpose computer.

A special-purpose computer is designed to handle/accomplish a particular specific task only. Such computers cannot perform any other task except the one they were meant to do.  Therefore, the programs which are used in a special-purpose computer are fixed (hard-wired) at the time of manufacture.

For example;

In a computer Network, the Front End Processor ( FEP ) is only used to control the communication of information between the various workstations and the host computer.

A Special-purpose computer is dedicated to a single task; hence it can perform it quickly & very efficiently.

Examples of special-purpose computers:

  • Robots used in a manufacturing industry for production only.
  • Mobile phones used for communication only.
  • Calculators that carry out calculations only.
  • Computers used in Digital watches.
  • Computers used in Petrol pumps.

mobile phone

Dedicated computer

A Dedicated computer is a general-purpose computer that is committed to some processing task; though capable of performing a variety of tasks in different application environments.

  • E.g., the computer can be dedicated to carrying out Word processing tasks only.


Usually, there are two forms of data; Digital data , and Analogue data . Computers can be classified according to the type of data they can process as either.

  • Digital computers.
  • Analogue computers

Hybrid computers.

Digital Computers

This is the most commonly used type of computers.

Digital computers process data that is discrete in nature. Discrete data also known as digital data is usually represented using a two-state square waveform. .  It can process both numeric & alphabetic data within the computer, e.g., 0, 1, 2, 3…, A,B,C….

Their operation is based on 2 states, “ON” & “OFF” or on digits “1” & “0”.  Therefore, any data to be manipulated by a digital computer must first be converted to digital form.

Most of the devices found at homes today are digital in nature.

  • ¨A Television with a button which is pressed to increase or decrease the volume.
  • ¨Digital watches.
  • ¨Calculators.

Analogue computers.

An Analogue computer is a computer that operates on continuous data. They carry out their data processing by measuring the amount of change that occurs in physical attributes/quantities, such as changes in electrical voltage, speed, currents, pressure, length, temperature, humidity, etc.

analog comp

An Analogue computer is usually a special-purpose device that is dedicated to a single task.  For example, they are used in specialized areas such as in:

  • Scientific or engineering experiments,
  • Military weapons,
  • Controlling manufacturing processes like monitoring & regulating furnace temperatures and pressures.
  • Weather stations to record & process physical quantities, e.g., wind, cloud speed, temperature, etc.

The output from analogue computers is in form of smooth graphs produced by a plotting pen or a trace on a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) from which the information can be read. 

Analogue computers are very accurate & efficient since they are dedicated to a single task.

They are very fast since most of them use multiple processors.

Examples of analogue devices:

  • Thermometer. It uses a volume of Mercury to show temperature.  The Thermometer is calibrated to give an exact temperature reading.
  • A Petrol pump measures the rate of flow of Gasoline (petrol) & converts the volume delivered to 2 readings; one showing the volume & the other showing the cost.
  • A Post-office scale converts the weight of a parcel delivered into a charge for posting.
  • A Monitor with knobs that are rotated to increase brightness.
  • A Television with knobs that are rotated to increase or decrease the volume.

Hybrid computers are designed to process both analogue & digital data.  They combine both the functional capabilities of the digital and analogue computers. 

Hybrid computers are designed by interconnecting the elements of a digital computer & analogue computer directly into one processor, using a suitable interfacing circuitry.

Hybrid computers are more expensive.

In a hospital Intensive Care Unit , an analogue device may be used to measure the functioning of a patient’s heart, temperature and other vital signs.  These measurements may then be converted into numbers and send to a digital device, which may send an immediate signal to the nurses’ station if any abnormal readings are detected.

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Classification of Computers: Explained In Detail

Understanding the classification of computers can provide insights into their diverse capabilities and how they are tailored to meet different needs.

This blog post delves into the classification of computers, exploring their distinct characteristics and uses.

Classification of Computers

#1. supercomputers.

Supercomputers are the most powerful type, capable of processing trillions of calculations per second. They are designed for tasks that require vast computational power, such as climate modeling, scientific simulations, and complex data analysis. Supercomputers are typically used by government agencies, research institutions, and large corporations. Examples of supercomputers include IBM’s Summit and China’s Sunway TaihuLight.

#2. Mainframe Computers

#3. minicomputers (midrange computers), #4. microcomputers, #5. workstations.

Workstations are high-performance single-user computers designed for technical or scientific applications. They offer greater processing power and graphics capability compared to standard personal computers. Workstations are used by engineers, architects, and graphic designers for tasks that demand robust computational resources. Examples include the HP Z8 G4 and Lenovo ThinkStation P520.

#6. Embedded Systems

Computers come in many shapes and sizes, each tailored to specific functions and users. From the powerful supercomputers driving scientific discovery to the ubiquitous microcomputers powering personal and professional activities, understanding the classification of computers highlights their profound impact on various aspects of life. As technology continues to advance, these classifications will evolve, bringing even more specialized and efficient computing solutions to the forefront of our digital landscape.

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Classification of Computers By Purpose, Size, Type, with Example, PDF Download -_0.1

  • Classification of Computers By Purpose, Size, Type, with Example, PDF Download

Classification of Computer is done By Size, Usage, and Purpose. To know about the classification of computers, keep reading the article.

Classification of Computers By Purpose, Size, Type, with Example, PDF Download -_2.1

Table of Contents

Unusable data can be converted into information using a computer. It processes the input and produces the intended result by the set of instructions provided by the user. Size and capacity are the two main factors used to categorize modern digital computers. this article is about the classification of computers. To know about the computer classification, keep reading the article.

Classification of Computers

A computer is a machine that may be configured to automatically perform arithmetic or logical functions. Modern computers can even conduct programmes, which are generic sets of procedures that allow computers to accomplish a wide range of activities. A computer system is a “full” computer that comprises the hardware, operating system, and peripheral equipment required for “full” functioning. Computers are used as control systems in a wide range of industrial and consumer products, including simple special-purpose devices such as microwave ovens and remote controls, as well as factory devices such as industrial robots and computer-aided design, as well as general-purpose devices such as personal computers and mobile devices such as smartphones. The Internet is powered by computers, which connect billions of other computers and people.

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What are the Classification of Computers with Example?

Computers can be classified in various ways depending on different factors like size, functionality, processing power, and purpose. Here’s an overview of the primary classifications:

Based on Size and Power

a. Supercomputers:

  • The most powerful in terms of processing capacity.
  • Used for complex scientific calculations, weather forecasting, molecular modeling, etc.

b. Mainframe Computers:

  • Large and powerful machines capable of handling and processing huge amounts of data rapidly.
  • Often used by large organizations for bulk data processing like census, industry and consumer statistics, etc.

c. Minicomputers (Midrange Computers):

  • Smaller and less powerful than mainframes.
  • Serve as network servers and internet servers.

d. Microcomputers (Personal Computers):

  • Widely used by individuals and businesses.
  • Includes desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

Based on Functionality

a. Servers:

  • Provide services to other computers over a network.
  • Can manage network resources, databases, and storage.

b. Workstations:

  • Single-user computers designed for technical or scientific applications.
  • More powerful than a personal computer.

c. Embedded Systems:

  • Computers built to perform a specific function as part of a larger system.
  • Found in a variety of devices like cars, televisions, and home appliances.

Based on Purpose

a. General-purpose Computers:

  • Designed to perform a range of tasks.
  • Can run various types of software applications.

b. Special-purpose Computers:

  • Built for a specific task.
  • Often found in industrial machines, medical equipment, and scientific instruments.

Based on Data Handling Capabilities

a. Analog Computers:

  • Process data that is continuous and not discrete.
  • Used for tasks such as measuring and controlling physical quantities like voltage, pressure, etc.

b. Digital Computers:

  • Work with discrete data.
  • Use binary digits (bits) to process data.

c. Hybrid Computers:

  • Combine features of both analog and digital computers.
  • Can process both continuous and discrete data.

These classifications overlap and evolve as technology advances. Each category serves different computing needs, from simple personal tasks to complex industrial operations.

What are the Different Classification of Computer?

Computers can be classified into various categories based on different criteria, such as their size, functionality, usage, architecture, and more. Here are some common classifications of computers:

  • Mainframe Computers: Large and powerful computers designed to handle complex and critical tasks for organizations.
  • Supercomputers: Extremely powerful computers used for scientific and engineering simulations that require massive processing power.
  • Minicomputers: Mid-sized computers that are more powerful than microcomputers but less powerful than mainframes.
  • Microcomputers: Personal computers or small workstations, including desktops, laptops, and tablets.
  • Personal Computers (PCs): Used for general-purpose tasks such as word processing, browsing, and entertainment.
  • Workstations: Specialized computers used for tasks like graphic design, video editing, and scientific simulations.
  • Servers: Computers designed to provide services, data, or resources to other computers (clients) over a network.
  • Embedded Computers: Computers integrated into other devices and systems, such as cars, appliances, and industrial equipment.
  • Gaming Consoles: Computers optimized for gaming and multimedia entertainment.
  • Von Neumann Architecture: Computers that use a single memory space for both data and instructions. Most modern computers follow this architecture.
  • Harvard Architecture: Computers that have separate memory spaces for data and instructions, which can improve performance in certain applications.
  • Windows PCs: Computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system.
  • macOS Computers: Computers manufactured by Apple and running the macOS operating system.
  • Linux Computers: Computers running various distributions of the Linux operating system.
  • Unix Systems: Computers using Unix-like operating systems, commonly found in servers and workstations.
  • General-Purpose Computers: Regular computers used for a wide range of tasks.
  • Special-Purpose Computers: Designed to perform specific tasks, such as weather forecasting or cryptography.
  • CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer): Processors with a wide variety of instructions, allowing complex operations to be performed in a single instruction.
  • RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer): Processors with a simplified instruction set, focusing on executing simple instructions quickly.
  • Home Computers: PCs and laptops used for personal tasks and entertainment.
  • Office Computers: Used in workplaces for tasks like document processing, communication, and data management.
  • Industrial Computers: Embedded computers used in industrial automation and control systems.
  • Scientific Computers: Supercomputers and high-performance computers used for scientific research and simulations.

These classifications are not exhaustive, and computers can often fit into multiple categories simultaneously. The field of computing is dynamic and constantly evolving, leading to new types of computers and classifications as technology advances.

Classification of Computers by Size

  • Vacuum tubes or specifically tailored tubes – or even mechanical arrangements – were utilised in the first generation of computers. These were slower, used more energy, and were less flexible in terms of programming.
  • Discrete transistors were utilised in second-generation computers, which were smaller. They also used less energy.
  • Integrated Circuits were employed in third-generation computers. The density of transistors in each integrated circuit is the fundamental difference between hardware in 1960s computers and today’s computers.
  • Microprocessors are used in fourth-generation computers. Microprocessors are used because millions of ICs are packed onto a single silicon-based chip. With the introduction of personal mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones, the form factor of computers has shrunk, task processing and graphic rendering have improved, and it has become more battery-powered.

Classification of Computers by Purpose

  • Microcomputers, sometimes known as personal computers, became the most popular type of computer in the late twentieth century, and the word “microcomputer” was coined with the introduction of single-chip microprocessor systems.
  • Minicomputers, also known as mid-range computers or Superminis, are a type of multi-user computer that falls somewhere in the middle of the computing spectrum. The term “supermini computer,” or simply “supermini,” was coined to describe more powerful minicomputers that were capable of competing with mainframes.
  • Then is Mainframe computers. The term mainframe computer was used to distinguish the typical, huge, institutional computer designed to serve multiple users from smaller, single-user machines capable of handling and processing massive amounts of data quickly. Large organizations employ mainframe computers, which can handle hundreds of millions of people at once.
  • A supercomputer is a computer that is at the cutting edge of current processing power and is focused on doing tasks demanding heavy numerical calculations. The word “supercomputer” is a bit of a misnomer. Today’s supercomputers have a tendency to become indicative of tomorrow’s average computer. The calculation of mathematical equations in real numbers is an example of a floating-point operation, which is measured in floating-point operations per second, or FLOPS. These computers were developed in the 1970s and are the fastest and most powerful computers available.

Classification of Computer by Type

  • A server is a computer dedicated to providing one or more services and is supposed to be dependable, capable of running for several years, and capable of providing valuable diagnostics in the event of an error. Many of the smaller servers are simply personal computers that have been set up to deliver services to other PCs.
  • Workstations are computers designed to serve a single user and may include unique hardware advancements not present on a personal computer; currently, the phrase is used to refer to desktop PCs with high-performance hardware.
  • Information appliances are computers that are specifically built to perform a certain “user-friendly” job. The term is most typically used to describe battery-operated mobile devices.
  • Embedded computers are computers that are built into a machine or device and often run a program that is stored in non-volatile memory and is exclusively intended to operate that equipment.

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Classification of Computers by Capacity

There are three types of computers based on basic operating principles. They are as follows:

1. Analogous Computers : Analogue computers work with analogue data. Examples of this type of data include temperature, pressure, weight, depth, and voltage. These are continuous quantities with an infinite range of values. The early computers were analogue, and they created the framework for digital computers today.

2. Digital Computers :

Digits are used to represent letters, numbers, and other special symbols in digital computers. Digital computers use on-off (ON-OFF) inputs, and they also create ON-OFF signals.An ON is frequently represented by a 1 and an OFF by a 0. A digital computer can handle both numerical and non-numerical data. It can do logical operations in addition to basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

3. Hybrid Computers :Hybrid computers are those that blend digital and analogue components. It combines the greatest aspects of both systems, combining analogue computer speed with digital computer memory and precision. Hybrid computers are generally utilised in applications that require the processing of both types of data. A petrol pump, for example, comprises a processor that transforms fuel flow measurements into quality and cost information.

Classification of Computers by Usage

  • A public computer is one that is available to the general public and is generally fire-walled and limited to running only pre-installed applications.
  • A personal computer has only one user, who has full access to all hardware resources, complete control over all aspects of the computer, and the ability to install and delete software. Personal files are usually stored on personal computers.
  • A shared computer is one on which multiple individuals may log on at various times. They would, however, have usernames and passwords assigned on a long-term basis, with the files they see and the computer’s settings tailored to their specific account, unlike public computers.
  • Display computers are computers that are only used to display a limited amount of information in a store, meeting, or trade exhibition and are rarely firewalled. Such computers are typically utilized and maintained as appliances rather than as the principal storage location for vital files.

Classification of Computers According to Functionality

Early computers were solely supposed to be used for computations, and certain mechanical devices were built to automate long, boring jobs early in the Industrial Revolution. Furthermore, in the early twentieth century, complex electrical machines performed specialised analogue calculations, and the first digital electronic calculating machines were constructed during World War II. Since then, computer speed, power, and versatility have increased considerably, with transistor counts increasing at a rapid rate. A modern computer typically consists of at least one processing element and some type of computer memory, with the processing element performing arithmetic and logical operations and a sequencing and control unit changing the sequence of operations in response to stored data. Input and output devices, as well as devices that fulfill both roles, are peripheral devices that allow information to be retrieved from an external source and enable the outcome of operations.

Categories of Computer

Computers can be categorized in various ways based on different criteria. Here are some common categories of computers:

  • Supercomputers: These are the most powerful computers designed for high-performance calculations and simulations, often used in scientific research, weather forecasting, and complex simulations.
  • Mainframe Computers: Large and robust computers used for handling critical and data-intensive tasks in large organizations and industries.
  • Minicomputers: Intermediate in size and power between mainframes and microcomputers, often used for departmental tasks and network services.
  • Personal Computers (PCs): General-purpose computers used by individuals for tasks such as browsing, office work, and entertainment.
  • Embedded Computers: Computers integrated into other devices or systems, such as household appliances, cars, medical equipment, and industrial machinery.
  • Tablets and Smartphones: Mobile devices that function as computers, with touch interfaces and a range of applications.
  • Servers: Computers designed to provide services, data, and resources to other computers (clients) over a network, serving various purposes like web hosting, file storage, and database management.
  • Thin Clients: Computers that rely on a central server for most processing, often used in environments where centralized management is preferred.
  • Wearable Computers: Computers designed to be worn on the body, such as smartwatches and augmented reality glasses.
  • Quantum Computers: Cutting-edge computers that use the principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations at a vastly accelerated rate for specific types of problems.
  • AI and Machine Learning Computers: Specialized computers designed to perform complex artificial intelligence and machine learning tasks, often utilizing GPUs or TPUs.
  • Cloud Computers: Virtualized computers hosted on remote servers and accessed over the internet, providing scalable resources and services.
  • Rugged Computers: Computers built to withstand harsh environments, such as extreme temperatures, vibrations, and dust, often used in military and industrial applications.
  • Single-Board Computers: Compact computers built on a single circuit board, often used for educational purposes, prototyping, and embedded systems.
  • Cluster Computers: Multiple interconnected computers working together as a single system to achieve high performance, often used in scientific research and simulations.
  • HPC (High-Performance Computing) Clusters: Clusters of computers specifically designed for parallel processing and handling computationally intensive tasks.
  • Neuromorphic Computers: Computers designed to simulate the architecture and behavior of the human brain’s neural networks, used for AI and cognitive research.

These categories reflect the diverse and evolving nature of computing technology. New categories might emerge as technology advances and new applications are developed.

Computer Classification Essay

The computer classification is a crucial aspect of understanding the different types of devices that are available in the market today. It is important to note that the computer classification is based on several factors such as size, usage, type, and purpose. In this article, we will explore these factors in detail and provide a comprehensive overview of the classification of computers.

One of the most commonly used methods of classifying computers is based on size. The size of computers can range from small handheld devices to large mainframe computers. The smallest category of computers is known as handheld computers or personal digital assistants (PDAs). These devices are small enough to fit in the palm of your hand and are typically used for personal tasks such as scheduling, note-taking, and internet browsing. Laptops and tablets are also considered small computers, and they are more powerful than handheld devices.

Another way of classifying computers is based on usage. Some computers are designed for specific tasks such as gaming, graphic design, or video editing. These computers are known as specialized computers, and they typically have high-end hardware and software that is optimized for specific tasks. On the other hand, general-purpose computers are designed for a wide range of tasks and are suitable for everyday use.

Type of computers is also used to classify them. There are two main types of computers: analog and digital. Analog computers are used to process continuous data, while digital computers are used to process discrete data. Digital computers are more widely used than analog computers and are more common in today’s market.

Lastly, the computer classification can also be based on purpose. Personal computers are designed for personal use, while business computers are designed for use in the workplace. Servers are designed to handle large amounts of data and provide network services to other computers. Supercomputers are the most powerful computers and are used for complex scientific and engineering simulations.

The computer classification is a crucial aspect of understanding the different types of devices that are available in the market today. It is based on several factors such as size, usage, type, and purpose. Understanding the computer classification can help users make informed decisions when buying or using a computer.

Classification of Computers PDF

form the Student of computer subject here we give important computer classification pdf, Click below link to download the classification of computer pdf.

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What exactly do you mean when you say classification?

Classification is the act or process of classifying.

What are the different types of computer classifications?

Microcomputers, Minicomputers, Mainframe computers, and Supercomputers are the classifications based on capability.

What is the difference between classification and types?

Classification is a division or category in a system that organises or categorises objects.

What are the different classifications for computers?

They're divided into categories based on their intended use, data management, and functionality.

What is the purpose of classification?

We can better understand diversity by classifying it.

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Unit 7. Evolution of computers

Topic A: Computer generations

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Basic Terms

essay on classification of computer

Vacuum tube – an electronic device that controls the flow of electrons in a vacuum. It used as a switch, amplifier, or display screen in many older model radios, televisions, computers, etc.

essay on classification of computer

Transistor – an electronic component that can be used as an amplifier or as a switch. It is used to control the flow of electricity in radios, televisions, computers, etc.

essay on classification of computer

Integrated circuit (IC) – a small electronic circuit printed on a chip (usually made of silicon) that contains many its own circuit elements (e.g. transistors, diodes , resistors, etc.).

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Microprocessor – an electronic component held on an integrated circuit that contains a computer’s central processing unit (CPU) and other associated circuits.

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CPU (central processing unit) – It is often referred to as the brain or engine of a computer where most of the processing and operations take place (CPU is part of a microprocessor).

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Magnetic drum – a cylinder coated with magnetic material, on which data and programs can be stored.

Magnetic core – uses arrays of small rings of magnetized material called cores to store information.

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Machine language – a low-level programming language comprised of a collection of binary digits (ones and zeros) that the computer can read and understand.

Assembly language is like the machine language that a computer can understand, except that assembly language uses abbreviated words (e.g. ADD, SUB, DIV…) in place of numbers (0s and 1s).

essay on classification of computer

Artificial intelligence (AI) – an area of computer science that deals with the simulation and creation of intelligent machines or intelligent behave in computers (they think, learn, work, and react like humans).

First Generation of Computers

Classification of generations of computers.

The evolution of computer technology is often divided into five generations.

Five Generations of Computers
Generations of computers Generations timeline Evolving hardware
First generation 1940s-1950s Vacuum tube based
Second generation 1950s-1960s Transistor based
Third generation 1960s-1970s Integrated circuit based
Fourth generation 1970s-present Microprocessor based
Fifth generation The present and the future Artificial intelligence based

The main characteristics of first generation of computers (1940s-1950s)

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  • Main memory – magnetic drums and magnetic tapes
  • Programming language – machine language

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  • Speed and size – very slow and very large in size (often taking up entire room).
  • Input/output devices – punched cards and paper tape.
  • Examples – ENIAC, UNIVAC1, IBM 650, IBM 701, etc.
  • Quantity – there were about 100 different vacuum tube computers produced between 1942 and1963.

Second Generation of Computers

The main characteristics of second generation of computers (1950s-1960s).

  • Memory – magnetic core and magnetic tape / disk

essay on classification of computer

  • Power and size – low power consumption, generated less heat, and smaller in size (in comparison with the first generation computers).
  • Speed – improvement of speed and reliability (in comparison with the first generation computers).
  • Input/output devices – punched cards and magnetic tape.
  • Examples – IBM 1401, IBM 7090 and 7094, UNIVAC 1107, etc.

Third Generation of Computers

The main characteristics of third generation of computers (1960s-1970s).

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  • Memory – large magnetic core, magnetic tape / disk

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  • Size – smaller, cheaper, and more efficient than second generation computers (they were called minicomputers).
  • Speed – improvement of speed and reliability (in comparison with the second generation computers).

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  • Examples – IBM 360, IBM 370, PDP-11, UNIVAC 1108, etc.

Fourth Generation of Computers

The main characteristics of fourth generation of computers (1970s-present).

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  • VLSI– thousands of transistors on a single microchip.
  • RAM (random-access memory) – a type of data storage (memory element) used in computers that temporary stores of programs and data (volatile: its contents are lost when the computer is turned off).

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  • A mix of both third- and fourth-generation languages
  • Size – smaller, cheaper and more efficient than third generation computers.
  • Speed – improvement of speed, accuracy, and reliability (in comparison with the third generation computers).

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  • Network – a group of two or more computer systems linked together.
  • Examples – IBM PC, STAR 1000, APPLE II, Apple Macintosh, etc.

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Fifth Generation of Computers

The main characteristics of fifth generation of computers (the present and the future).

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  • ULSI – millions of transistors on a single microchip
  • Parallel processing method – use two or more microprocessors to run tasks simultaneously.
  • Language – understand natural language (human language).
  • Power – consume less power and generate less heat.
  • Speed – remarkable improvement of speed, accuracy and reliability (in comparison with the fourth generation computers).
  • Size – portable and small in size, and have a huge storage capacity.

essay on classification of computer

  • Example – desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.

Three women sitting around a table with laptops.

The computer – this amazing technology went from a government/business-only technology to being everywhere from people’s homes, work places, to people’s pockets in less than 100 years.

essay on classification of computer

an electronic device that controls the flow of electrons in a vacuum. It used as a switch, amplifier, or display screen in many older model radios, televisions, computers, etc.

an electronic component that can be used as an amplifier or as a switch. It is used to control the flow of electricity in radios, televisions, computers, etc.

a small electronic circuit printed on a chip (usually made of silicon) that contains many its own circuit elements (e.g. transistors, diodes, resistors, etc.).

an electronic component held on an integrated circuit that contains a computer's central processing unit (CPU) and other associated circuits.

The brain or engine of a computer, where most of the processing and operations take place.

a cylinder coated with magnetic material, on which data and programs can be stored.

uses arrays of small rings of magnetized material called cores to store information.

a low-level programming language comprised of a collection of binary digits (ones and zeros) that the computer can read and understand.

a physical device that is used to store data, information, and programs in a computer.

an area of computer science that deals with the simulation and creation of intelligent machines or intelligent behave in computers (they think, learn, work, and react like humans).

Key Concepts of Computer Studies Copyright © 2020 by Meizhong Wang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Classification of Computers according to Size, Type and Purpose

We see many Computers nearby, But they all are different from each other. In this article, we are going to know about the basics and classification of computers which included all the different types of computers.

There are different classes of computer technology available these days. The functionality and data processing of each type of computer is different and output results as well.

However, the methods or techniques, Size, capacity, characteristics , and data handling of the data of each computer may be different too. Let’s Get to Know the “ What are the Classifications of Computers System “:-

Classification of Computers

We can classify the computers into the following 3 categories:

Classifications of Computers System:-

  • On the Basis of Size and Capacity , [Supercomputer, Mainframe, Mini, and Micro Computer].
  • On the Basis of Purposes , [General and Special Purpose].
  • On the Basis of Hardware Design and Type [Analog, Digital, and Hybrid Computer] . 

Classification of Computers system

Computers on the Basis of Size and Capacity

1. supercomputer.

A Supercomputer is the very  fastest  and  powerful , and  expensive  type of computer for processing data. Supercomputers’ size and  storage capacity  are also huge (can occupy huge premises) designed to process vast amounts of data in a short time with high productivity.

These are specially made to perform  multi-specific tasks . Therefore, many CPUs work in parallel order on these supercomputers. This function of a Supercomputer is called Multiprocessing or Parallel Processing.

A supercomputer’s design is complicated, like it can be heterogeneous, combining computers of different architectures, is significantly surpassed most existing personal computers. This made this machine an  ultra-high-performance  supercomputer.

Each part of a supercomputer is responsible for its own specific task, such as structuring and solving the most complex problems requiring an incredible amount of calculations.


Applications : The uses of supercomputers are dedicated to –

  • In research and study of energy and nuclear weapons and designing the aircraft, airplanes, and flight simulators.
  • Climate research and Weather Forecasting and Prediction of Natural Disasters.
  • Spaceship and Satellite Launching.
  • Used in scientific research laboratories.
  • Used in Chemical and Biological research and for highly calculation complex tasks.

Examples : IBM Roadburner , IBM Blue Gene, Intel ASI Red. PARAM-1000 , and CRAY-XMP-14 .

Good to Know ~ World’s first supercomputer is the Control Data Corporation (CDC) 6600 invented by Seymour Cray.

2. Mainframe Computer

Mainframe computers are  multi-programming, high-performance  computers, and multi-user, which means they can handle the workload of more than 100 users at a time on the computer.

The storage capacity of the mainframe is enormous, with a high-speed data process as well. As well as handling hundreds of input and output devices at a time.

The mainframe is a highly efficient computer capable of simultaneously solving complex calculations and continuously for a long time . These computers have several microprocessors that have the ability to function the data at too high performance and speed.

The mainframe is ahead of our conventional modern Personal computers in almost every metric. The possibility of their “hot” replacement in the mainframe computer ensures continuity of operation. And the standard amount of processor utilization effortlessly exceeds 85% of the total power.

Somehow mainframes can be more powerful than supercomputers because the mainframe supports many processes simultaneously. On the other hand, supercomputers can run a single program but faster than a mainframe. In the past,  Mainframes requires entire rooms or even floors of whole buildings for set up.

In today, IBM company is leading the production of mainframe computers. Mainframe  reliability is increased  with development in the past 60 years. These computers can fix most of the hardware and software bugs.

Mainframe computer

Applications : Uses of Mainframe Computer –

Mainframe computers are mainly used by departmental and commercial organizations like Banks, Companies, Scientific research centers, and governmental departments like railways. These computers can work for 24 hours. Hundreds of users can work on these computations simultaneously.

Using the mainframe completes the tasks, Such as keeping details of payments, research centres, advertising, sending bills and notices, paying employees, ticket booking, maintaining details of purchases by users, keeping detailed tax details, etc.

Examples : IBM Es000 series, ICL39 Series , and CDC 6600 .

3. Mini Computer

Minicomputer is a  digital and multi-user  computer system with the connection of more than one CPU. Thus, many people can work on these computers simultaneously instead of a single person. Also, it can process with other accessories like a printer, plotter, etc.

Minicomputers are the medium type of computers that have more functionality power and are expensive than microcomputers. On the other hand, the size, storage, and speed of minicomputers are  large but less than  the mainframe and supercomputers.

Minicomputers are made for performing multiple computing tasks at a single point of time, instead of assigning many microcomputers for a single task, which will be time-consuming and expensive.

In general, a minicomputer is a multi-threaded system (several processes at a time) capable of supporting from one to up to 200 users simultaneously: these computers are currently used to  store large databases, multi-user applications, and the automation industry .

Mini Computer

Applications : The uses of Minicomputers –

The minicomputers are used as real-time applications in Industries, bookings, and Research Centres. Banks also use minicomputers for preparing payroll for employees’ salaries, records, tracking of financial accounts, etc. As well as in the field of Higher Education and Engineering.

Examples : PDP 11 and IBM (8000 Series).

Good to Know ~ PDP-1 was the world’s first minicomputer , small and interactive, introduced in 1960 by the Digital Equipment Corporation.

4. Micro Computer

Today we are using many computers at home is also the most common microcomputer. With this invention of the microprocessors in the year 1970, it became possible to use computers for people personally at a low cost and reasonable price known as Digital  Personal Computer .

The design of microcomputers is minimal in size and storage capacity. These computers consist of many parts like  Input and Output devices, Software, operating systems, networks, and Servers all these need to connect to form a complete Personal Digital Computer.

There is not only a PC or laptop are examples of microcomputers. Other examples of the microcomputer are smartphone, Tablet, PDA, server, palmtop, and workstation.

This can be installed in any work area or even at home for personal use.

The primary purpose of microcomputers is to keep and process the everyday tasks and needs of the people. Only one person can work on a single PC at a time, but its operating system is multitasking . The PC can be connected to the Internet to take benefits and enhance the user experience.

The development of multimedia, small equipment, optimized energy consumption, and the LAN made the microcomputers increase in demand for every field.

The increase in the demand and need for microcomputers between the people leads to the  tremendous development  of each part related to the microcomputers.

Types of microcomputer

Applications : The uses of MicroComputer –

PC is being widely used in many fields like home, office, data collection, business , education, entertainment, publishing, etc.

It keeps the details and prepares letters for correspondence in small businesses, creating bills, accounting, word processing, and operation of the filing systems in a large company.

Some of the major PC manufacturers are IBM, Lenovo, Apple, HCL, HP, etc.

Examples : Desktops, tablets, smartphones, and Laptops.

The fast development of microcomputers with technology. As a result, today, microcomputers coming in the form of a book, a phone, and even a clock in the name of a digital clock.

The above is the classification of computers according to Size and Capacity!

  • Related :  Advantages and Disadvantages  of the Computer .

Computers on the Basis Purpose

 1. general purpose.

General computers can do various  everyday tasks  such as writing a word processing letter, Document preparation, recording, financial analysis, Printing documents, creating databases, and calculations with accuracy and consistency.

The size, storage capacity, and cost of such computers are mainly less. The ability of these computers is limited in performing specialized tasks. Still, it has versatility and useful for serving people’s basic needs at home or  in the workplace in the environment.

Desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets are used on daily basis for general purposes.

2. Special Purpose

These computers are designed to perform a particular or specialized task. The size, storage capacity, and cost of such computers mainly depend on the nature and size of the work. The function of these computers is consistent with any particular task.

The special computer  needs specific and input and devices  as well as a compatible motherboard with the processor to conduct work efficiently.

These computers are used for special purposes in  weather forecasting, space research, agriculture, engineering, meteorology, satellite operation, traffic control, and research in chemical sciences.

  • Automatic teller machines (ATM),
  • Washing machines,
  • Surveillance equipment,
  • Weather-forecasting simulators,
  • Traffic-control computers,
  • Defense-oriented applications,
  • Oil-exploration systems,
  • Military planes controlling computers.

The above is the classification of computers according to Purpose!

Computers on the Basis of Hardware Design and Data Handling .

1. analog computer.

An analog computer performs tasks using continuous data ( the physical amount that changes continuously ). Analog computers are used primarily to measure physical units like the voltage, pressure, electric current, temperature, and convert them into digits.

It is also used to measure and perform arithmetic calculations of numbers, the length of an object, or the amount of voltage that passes through a point in an electrical circuit. Analog computers obtain all their data from some measurement way.

Analog computers are mainly used in the fields of science and engineering. Analog computers are slow and equipped to measure things rather than countable or check.

The efficiency of this computer increases when we get the result of the data in graphs, etc. Analog Computers  cannot  store statistics.

Analog Computer

They are used in the fields of  technology, science, research, engineering , etc. Because quantities like voltage, pressure, electric current, temperature  are used more in these areas, these types of computers give only approximate estimates.

An analog computer installed on a petrol pump measures the amount of petrol coming out of the pump and appears in liters. And calculates its value. These quantities vary continuously while measuring the amount, such as the temperature of a human body changes consistently.

A simple clock, the  vehicle’s speedometer, Voltmeter , etc. are examples of analog computing.

2. Digital Computer

As its name suggests, a digital computer represents the digital computer’s letters, numerical values, or any other special symbols. This computer is the computer that calculates the number for processing the data .

They run on electronic signs, and the binary numeral method Binary System 0 or 1 is used for calculation. Their speed is fast.

It can perform arithmetic operations such as  addition, occurrence, subtraction, multiplication, or division and all types of logical(mathematical) operations .  Today, most of the computers available in the market are digital computers.

Digital computers are built to bring the solution of equations to an almost unlimited precision, but in a bit slow manner compared to analog computers. To some extent, they all have similar components for receiving, processing, sorting, and transmitting data and use a relatively small number of essential functions to perform their tasks.

Digital computers use discrete electrical signals for operation rather than continuous electrical signals as analog computers have, making them the most common form of computers today because of their  versatility, speed, and power .

The desktop or Laptop at our home is one the common and best example of a digital computer.

Digital computer

Other Examples of Digital Computers

  • Personal Desktop Computers,
  • Calculators,
  • Laptops, Smartphones, and Tablets,
  • Chromebooks ,
  • Digital watch,
  • Accounting machines,
  • Workstations,
  • Digital clock, etc.
  • Recommended:  Analog vs Digital Computer (Difference Between Explained .)

3. Hybrid Compute r

A hybrid computer is a combined complex computer unit built using both  analog and digital  properties and united by a single control system. The purpose of designing hybrid computers is to provide functions and features that can be found on both analog and digital devices.

The aim behind creating a hybrid computer is to create a kind of work unit that offers the best of both types of computers.  Hybrid computers are extremely fast  when driving equations, even when those calculations are incredibly complex.

As both the properties of a computer consist in the form of a single hybrid computer made possible  to solve too complex calculations or problems,   at the same time, these devices are not only too expensive but also able to solve complex issues a bit fastly.

Incorporating the properties of both(analog and digital) computers into hybrid computers makes it possible to resolve more difficult equations immediately.

The analog computer systems solve the equation process immediately. But it is not necessary that those solutions would be completely accurate.

Here, the digital computer system gives 100 % correct solutions, but it takes a bit of time in the calculation. Therefore, Hybrid computers are made to overcome the flaws of both these analog and digital systems.

Applications of hybrid Computer:

Hybrid computers are most commonly used in vast industries, research centres, organizations, and manufacturing firms ( where many equations need to be solved ).

Also, the solutions and uses of hybrid computers have proved to be much more detailed, accurate, and useful. Hybrid computers are used in scientific calculations, for nations’ defence and radar systems as well.

Auto Gasoline pump is the example of a hybrid computer , this device is installed on a petrol pump do not only to measure the amount of petrol but also to calculates its value, in this way It is capable of both functions i.e  hybrid function.

The above is the classification of computers according to type and hardware design!

  • Recommended :  Classification of Computer According to Generation ( Explained from 1st to 5th ).
  • Read Also :  Analog vs Digital vs Hybrid Computer ( Differences Explained ).

What are the three classes of computer?

One can classify the computer system in the following three classes: 1. Computers on the Basis of Size and Capacity include Super, Mainframe, Mini, and Micro Computer. 2. Computers on the Basis of Purposes include General purpose and Special Purpose. 3. Computers on the Basis of Hardware Design and Data Handling include Analog, Digital, and HybridComputer.

What are the categories of computer?

The computers are categorized as Supercomputers, Mainframe computers, Minicomputers, Personal computers, Mobile computers, Laptops computers, Tablet computers, Portable computers, Personal digital assistants, Calculators, Handheld game consoles, Information appliances, Embedded systems.

What are the 2 types of computer?

There are two types of computers; 1. General purpose and 2. Special purpose computers. General computers perform common tasks such as a word processing letter, recording, financial analysis, Printing documents, calculations with accuracy, and consistency. While special computers are designed to perform specialized tasks efficiently in specialized fields like weather forecasting, space research, agriculture, engineering, meteorology, satellite operation, traffic control, and research in chemical sciences.

What are the classification of computers by size?

There are four types in the classifications of the computer by size are Supercomputer, Mainframe computer, Minicomputer, and Micro Computer.

What are the classification of computer according to speed?

The following are the classification of computers according to speed from fastest to lowest: Supercomputers, Mainframe computers, Minicomputers, and personal computers.

What are the classifications of computers according to function?

There are four types in the classifications of computers by function viz. Analog, Digital, and Hybrid Computer. Analog computers are mainly used to measure physical units like voltage, pressure, electric current, temperature. And Digital Computer represents and calculates the digital letters, numerical values, or any other special symbols for processing the data. While hybrid Computer is a combined complex computer of both the properties of analog and digital and united by a single control system.

  • Read Also :  10 Best Things to do after building a PC that Shouldn’t Miss

The above is the classification of computers according to size, capacity, purpose, and functionality . Share the above-given knowledge on the classification of computers on social networks.

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12 thoughts on “classification of computers according to size, type and purpose”.

Meter installed on fuel stations by which we use to monitor amount and litre is which of computer is it analog, digital or hybrid?

Hi Ishtiyaq, A fuel meter is an analog computer because it is used to measure the quantity of fluid that has been moved during the transfer process. Also, it hasn’t involved any digital data processor, and the binary numeral method used either, so it is not a digital computer but an analog machine.

Wow, it is readable and explicit. I love ❤️ it

Wow! What a great article

You’re welcome, Jeffa.

That’s quite broad i like that

The notes was very easy to understand thanks a lot.

I can understand very well

Wow! Thanks for this productive and resourceful piece of information. You deserve a thumbs up.

wow very easily explain . think you for your information .

I love the explanation

The information given here is very vital resource

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Classification of Computers: By Size, Usage, Type and Purpose

classification of computers

Classification of Computers

Classification of Computers – According to uses and applications, computers come in a variety of sizes and shapes with varying processing capabilities. In the beginning, the size of a computer was as large as building rooms and processing speeds were relatively slow. With the introduction of microprocessor technology, the size of the computer was drastically reduced, and the processing speed increased.

Classification of Computers – Based on their Functionality and Sizes

Computers are categorized into four groups according to their external dimensions, internal capabilities, and external uses.

Here is list of computers classified based on functionality:

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  • Mainframe computer
  • Minicomputer
  • Microcomputer

Among digital computers, supercomputers are the biggest, fastest, strongest, and priciest. The first supercomputer was created in the 1960s for the American Department of Defense (USA). Supercomputers use several processors to increase their speed, and many people can use them simultaneously. Supercomputers are generally utilized for scientific purposes and large-scale, complex calculations.

They are widely used in the aerospace, automotive, chemical, electronics, and petroleum industries, as well as for weather forecasting and seismic analysis.

Example for supercomputer Jaguar, Nebulae, Roadrunner, Kraken, Tianhe-1


Mainframe Computer

Mainframe computers, also known as mainframes, are the most commonly used type of digital computer in large industries for controlling processes as well as in offices for maintaining networks and providing access to shared resources. IBM is estimated to control two-thirds of the mainframe market. They are far more suitable for intensive operation than supercomputers. Many modern computers can multitask; however, they are typically limited to eight or fewer processors.

Megaflops (millions of floating-point arithmetic operations per second) are used to measure processor speed. Mainframe computer systems are powerful enough to support a hundred users at remote terminals at the same time. It can support hundreds of users by keeping multiple programs in primary memory and switching between them quickly. Multi-programming refers to the ability to run multiple programs at the same time for multiple users.

Example for Mainframe computer IBM-3000 series, IBM 4300, IBM 3090.

Mainframe computer

Mini Computer

Most minicomputers, like mainframes, are multiuser and general-purpose computers. The primary distinction between mainframes and minicomputers is that minicomputers are slower even when performing the same tasks as mainframes.

Example for Mini computer PDP series

Mini computer

Micro Computer

The most common type of computer, is widely used in homes, schools, banks, and offices, among other places. It is a low-cost digital computer with a single microprocessor, storage unit, and input/output device. Microcomputers are typically designed for individual use only.

They were originally referred to as microcomputers because they were so small in size compared to supercomputers and mainframes. They are commonly used in homes, offices, and for personal use, so they are also referred to as personal computers.

Example for Micro computer Desktop computers and portable computers like a laptop, personal digital assistant (PDA)

Micro computer 

Desktop Computer:

A desktop computer, also known as a PC (Personal computer), is the most common type of microcomputer. It has CPU (Central Processing Unit), a keyboard and a mouse for input, and a monitor or display unit for output. The CPU is made up of a microprocessor, main memory, a secondary storage unit such as a hard drive or optical drive, and a power supply unit all housed in a single cabinet.

Example for Desktop computer Apple, Dell, Hp, Lenovo.

Portable Computer

Portable computers, such as laptops and PDAs, have surpassed desktop computers in popularity. The best feature of this portable computer is that it is lightweight and portable. Laptops have all of the same components as desktop computers, but they are more compact and smaller in size.

A palm-sized portable digital assistant (PDA) is another type of portable computer. As a result, it is also known as a palmtop computer. PDAs are used to keep track of appointments, take important notes, set reminders, perform mathematical calculations, play games, and even surf the internet and send emails. In 1993, Apple released the Newton, the first personal digital assistant.

Example for Portable computer Palm Pilot, Handspring Visor, HP Jordana, Compaq Aero, Franklyn eBook man

Classification of Computers – Based on Purpose

Computers are broadly classified into two types based on its purpose:

  • General-purpose computer
  • Specific-purpose computer

General Purpose Computer

A general-purpose computer is built to do a variety of common tasks. Computers of this type have the ability to store multiple programs. They can be applied in the workplace, in science, in education, and even at home. Such computers are adaptable, but they are also less effective and move more slowly.

Specific Purpose Computer

A single specific task can be handled by a specific-purpose computer, which is designed to execute a certain task. They aren’t made to manage several programs. They were therefore not adaptable. Since they are made to handle a specific task, they are more efficient and faster than general-purpose computers.  These computers are utilized for things like airline reservations, air traffic control, and satellite tracking.

Classification of Computers – Based Data Handling

The computer is further classified into three types based on its ability to handle data or how it processes incoming data differently. They are

  • Digital computer
  • Analog computer
  • Hybrid computer

Digital Computer

 A digital computer deals with the data that can be stored in binary format i.e. in the form of 0s and 1s. This computer stores data or information as voltage pulses that either indicate 0 or 1. Before being stored in a computer’s memory, all types of data, including text documents, music files, and graphic images, are transformed into binary format. It is a machine that manipulates discrete data and executes logical and mathematical operations.

Analog Computer

An Analog computer is used to process the analog data. Analog data is data that is constantly changing or varying. They are used to measure continuously varying aspects of physical quantities such as electrical current, voltages, hydraulic pressure, and other electrical and mechanical properties. Analog computers does not measure discrete values. They are employed in scientific and industrial applications.

Hybrid Computer:

A hybrid computer is a combination of both a digital computer system and an analog. The hybrid computer can handle both analog and digital input. While the digital half of the system manages the numerical and logical operation, the analog portion of the system handles the continuously varying aspects of complex mathematical computation. The system’s controller is also a part of the digital component.

Hybrid computers are used in medical science to measure the heartbeat of the patient, also used in controlling industrial processes and scientific applications.

essay on classification of computer

FAQs: Classification of Computers

Ans. The computer system can be divided into three categories: 1. Computers are classified into Super, Mainframe, Mini, and Micro Computers based on their size and capacity. 2. Purpose-based computers include general-purpose and special-purpose computers. 3. Analog, Digital, and Hybrid Computers are types of computers based on hardware design and data handling.

Ans. Supercomputers, mainframe computers, minicomputers, personal computers, mobile computers, laptop computers, tablet computers, portable computers, personal digital assistants, calculators, handheld game consoles, information appliances, and embedded systems are the various types of computers.

Ans. Super computers are the powerful computers.

Ans. The computer is classified into four sizes: supercomputers, mainframe computers, minicomputers, and microcomputers.

essay on classification of computer

Sindhuja is a passionate content writer with a strong background in preparing for various state exams and defence examinations. Drawing on her own experiences as an aspirant, she brings valuable insights and expertise to her writing. With a keen understanding of exam patterns, syllabus, and effective study techniques, Sindhuja creates engaging and informative content to assist fellow aspirants in their preparation journey. Her dedication to accuracy and clarity ensures that candidates find convenience and reliability in her work. As a content writer, she aspires to empower others with the knowledge and guidance needed to excel in their respective exams and achieve their dreams.

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What is Computer? Definition, Characteristics and Classification

A computer is an electronic device that can store, manipulate, and process data according to a set of instructions. Know more about the Computer and its Classification, Characteristics, Functionality.


Table of Contents

What is a Computer?

In the modern world, computers have become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we work, communicate, and entertain ourselves. From desktops to laptops, tablets to smartphones, computers come in various forms, yet many people are still unfamiliar with their inner workings and potential. In this article, we will discuss everything about the Computer Definition, Characteristics, Components, Functionality, and Classification .

Definition of Computer

A computer is an electronic device wherein we need to input raw data to be processed with a set of programs to produce a desirable output . Computers have the ability to store, process, and manipulate data. The term “ computer ” is derived from the Latin word “ computare ,” which means “to calculate.” A computer is made to run programs and apps by using both hardware and software. It also has a memory to store data, programs, and what they produce. The Full Form of Computer is “Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research.”

10 Different Definitions of a Computer

  • Electronic device: A computer in generally termed as an electronic device that transmits data using electronic facilities and software programs
  • Data processor: The computer processes data using arithmetic, logical and input/output operations
  • Information machine: By processing multiple algorithms and computations, a computer gets up a meaningful definition to what we have searched
  • Digital device: A computer manipulates, stores, and retrieves data represented in binary form to present it can understanding manner for humans
  • Universal machine: A computer is also known as a universal machine as it can solve problems of people by understanding their program and not by any other factor
  • Communication tool: Computer is a universal communication tool as it provides the facility to connect, collaborate or transfer of messages through a network and the internet
  • Problem solver: Computers are designed to solve problems that can affect or slow down daily human tasks, therefore, it is a problem solver
  • Multifunctional device: Multifunctionality is the power of a computer as it can perform more than 1 task at a time and that too with utmost perfection
  • Information processor: Computers are fitted with processors that process raw data into organized and meaningful outputs
  • Automation tool: Computers have the functionality to automate the repetitive tasks and enhance productive by saving time

Characteristics of Computer

Computers are now an integral part of our daily lives, from managing student records in schools to handling patient records in hospitals. They have significantly simplified our tasks. Now, we can quickly access stored data and solve complex problems in just seconds. Some of the characteristics of Computers are listed below-

  • Saves Time: A computer saves time by completing tasks quicker and more efficiently. For example, it can solve big complex problems within seconds which can save many minutes of ours.
  • Internet: Computers connect us to the internet which can help us to know important information from around the world, it can connect us with people from around the world through social networking sites, etc.
  • Storage: The computer gives us enough storage space that can be used to store a large amount of data including your projects, ebooks, documents, movies, pictures, songs, etc.
  • Entertainment: Computers are also a big source of entertainment as you can play games, listen to songs, watch movies, and can also use social networking sites.
  • Organized Data: It not only stores the data for you for also organizes the data for you. You can create different folders for different types of data and can easily access them when required.
  • Helps the physically challenged: Computers are a big boon for the physically challenged people as Stephen Hawking, who was not able to speak used the computer to speak. It also can be used to help blind people by installing special software to read what is on the screen.

Features OF Computer

We have discussed a few points that will highlight the different features of computers. These features collectively contribute to the versatility and functionality of computers.

  • Processing Power: Computers can execute instructions and perform calculations quickly.
  • Storage Capacity: They can store vast amounts of data, from documents to multimedia files.
  • Memory (RAM): Temporary storage used for actively running programs and processes.
  • Input Devices: Keyboards, mouse, and other peripherals allow users to input data.
  • Output Data: Monitors, printers, and speakers display or produce results.
  • Upgradability: Components like RAM, storage, and graphics cards can be upgraded.
  • Portability: Laptops and tablets offer mobility compared to desktop computers.
  • User Interface: Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) or command-line interfaces for interaction.
  • Security Features: Passwords, firewalls, and antivirus tools protect against unauthorized access.
  • Power Management: Features to optimize energy consumption.

History of Computer

To understand the development of computers, and how they evolved from simple mechanical devices to the complex electronic machines that we use today. The knowledge can help to appreciate the challenges that computer scientists have faced over the years and the ingenuity they have shown in overcoming them.

Studying the history of computers can help to anticipate future developments in the field. The history of computers can be traced back to the ancient Greeks, who used the abacus to perform simple calculations. In the 17th century, Blaise Pascal invented the mechanical calculator, which could perform more complex calculations. In the 19th century, Charles Babbage designed the Analytical Engine, which is considered to be the first general-purpose computer. By understanding the history of computers that have shaped the development in the past.

Classification of Computers

Computers come in various types, primarily categorized by their data handling capacity and physical size. Based on the size, computers are 5 types namely, Micro Computer, Mini Computer, Mainframe Computer, Super Computer and Work stations. Whereas, based on data handling capacity, there are 3 types of computers namely analogue computers, digital computers, and hybrid computers. All the different types of computers perform different tasks and have been designed differently. For your reference, we have discussed all the types of computers and you can scroll through the page to read them all.

Based on Size

There are various types of computers available in the markets which are of different sizes. These computers are different from each other with respect to the amount of work they can do or the amount of data they can hold. Here we have classified the main 5 types of computers based on their size and have also provided the details regarding the same.

Microcomputers are small, affordable computers for personal use. Examples include desktops and laptops. They handle everyday tasks like browsing, word processing, and entertainment.
Minicomputers are mid-sized computers, more powerful than personal computers but smaller than mainframes. They handle complex tasks for businesses and institutions, offering moderate processing capabilities.
Mainframe computers are powerful computers used by large organizations for critical applications and data processing.
Supercomputers are high-performance machines used for complex calculations, simulations, and scientific research.
Workstations are advanced computers used for graphics, engineering, and scientific applications.

1. Micro Computer:

Micro Computers are mainly single-user computers and have comparatively lesser storage and speed than other computers. The first microcomputer was built with 8-bit microprocessor chips as these computers use microprocessors as CPU. Laptops, smartphones, desktop computers, etc. are all examples of microcomputers. These computers are made for everyday tasks like browsing the web and using programs like Microsoft Office MS Word etc..

2. Mini Computer:

Midrange computers or Mini-computers are multi-user computers designed in a way so as to entertain multiple users simultaneously. Small businesses and firms use these computers for their specific purposes. For example- a company or organization may use mini computers to look after the employee directory which may handle the payment history of its employees and any schools may use them to keep records of the students or for admission purposes.

3. Mainframe Computer:

Mainframe Computers are also not designed for single users, rather it is a multi-user computer that can handle thousands of users all at once. Large industries and government organizations utilize these computers to facilitate their business operations by storing substantial volumes of data. Banks and insurance companies use these computers to store the data of their customers, their policies, etc.

4. Super Computer:

Super Computer is the fastest type of computer amongst all and is also the most expensive. They can store a large number of data and can perform the most complex tasks within seconds. They can also execute millions of instructions per second. These computers are designed specifically to handle specific tasks such as weather forecasting, space research, and more. Supercomputers are also used by NASA for their Satellite launching.

5. Work Stations:

Workstations are single-user computers and have more powerful microprocessors than a microcomputer. When it comes to speed and storage capacity, it comes between a personal computer and a mini-computer. The most common uses of a workstation are desktop publishing, engineering designs, etc.

Based on Data Handling Capacity

Computers can be divided into 3 types based on their data handling capacity namely, analog, digital, and hybrid computers. These are different from each other with respect to the type of work they can do and the amount of data they can handle. We have discussed these types of computers in detail below.

Analog computers use continuous physical quantities to represent data and perform calculations. They operate with signals like voltage and are distinct from digital computers.
Digital computers process information using discrete elements (bits) represented as 0s and 1s. They perform calculations through logical operations, enabling versatile tasks and precise results.
Hybrid computers combine features of both analog and digital computers. They use analog for continuous data and digital for precise calculations, offering versatility across various applications.

Analog Computer:

The main function of Analog Computers is to process analog data. The data that changes frequently and does not have discrete values are called data and the analog computers are used at places where we have approximate values e.g., speed, temperature, pressure, etc. These computers can pick data from the devices without converting it into machine language. Some common examples of analog computers are speedometers, thermometers, etc.

Digital Computer:

Digital Computers are designed in a way so that they can perform calculations and logical operations at high speed. These computers input raw data and with the help of the programs stored in their memory, it gives the final output. Digital computers can only understand binary language i.e., 0 and 1 hence, the raw data to be given as input is converted into 0 and 1 and then it is processed. Examples are laptops, desktops, smartphones, etc.

Hybrid Computer:

Hybrid, as the name suggests is a mixture of both analog and digital computers. Hybrid computers are as fast as analog computers and also have accuracy like that of digital computers. These computers can process both continuous and discrete data as they accept analog signals and then convert them into digital signals before processing. Some common uses of Hybrid computers are in airplanes, hospitals, etc.

Components of a Computer

A computer mainly has two components i.e. hardware and software wherein the components of the computers having a physical structure such as wires, transistors, circuits, and hard disk make up the hardware whereas the programs and data make up the software. Some other important components of a Computer are discussed below.

The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the brain of a computer, executing instructions and performing calculations to run software and process data for overall system functionality.
Computer memory stores data for the computer to use. RAM (Random Access Memory) is for temporary storage, and storage devices like hard drives store data permanently.
The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) in a computer performs mathematical and logical operations, like addition and comparison, enabling the CPU to execute tasks and make decisions.
Common computer input devices include keyboards for trying, mice for pointing and clicking, touchscreens for direct interaction, and microphones for voice input.
Common computer output devices include monitors for displaying information, printers for producing hard copies, speakers for audio output, and projectors for larger visual displays.
The motherboard is a computer’s main circuit board, connecting and facilitating communication between components like CPU, RAM, and Peripherals. It provides the foundation for the system to foundation for the system to function.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

Often referred to as the “brain” of the computer, the CPU is responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations. It interprets and carries out the commands from software and hardware components.

Computer Memory

Computers have different types of memory for temporary and permanent data storage. Random Access Memory (RAM) provides fast but volatile storage, while the hard drive or Solid-State Drive (SSD) offers non-volatile, long-term storage for programs and files.

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

An arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is a key component of a computer’s central processor unit. The ALU is part of a central processing unit (CPU) and performs all arithmetic and logic operations that must be performed on instruction words. The ALU is split into two parts in some microprocessor architectures: the AU and the LU.

Input Devices of Computer

Input Devices of the Computer enable users to interact with the computer. These are tools used to provide information and commands to the computer. Examples include keyboards, mice, touchscreens, scanners, and microphones. They allow us to input commands, data, and instructions for the computer to process. Keyboards and mouse allow users to input text, navigate interfaces, and interact with software. Tochpads offer similar functions on laptops and touch-enabled devices. Microphones capture audio input, enabling voice commands, voice recordings, and communication in applications like voice chat and video conferencing.

Output Devices of Computer

Output Devices of Computers display or transmit processed information to users. These are tools that display or produce information from the computer. Common examples include monitors, printers, speakers, and headphones. They present the results of computations, provide visual feedback, or produce audio output. Monitors show visual data like tests and images, while printers create physical copies of documents. Speakers and headphones produce sound output, allowing us to hear audio from videos, music, or other multimedia on our computer.


The motherboard acts as the central hub connecting all the computer’s components. It houses the CPU, memory modules, expansion slots, and connectors, facilitating communication and data transfer between different parts of the system.

Functionality of a Computer

Computers possess remarkable versatility and can perform a multitude of tasks. Some basic Functionalities and uses of a Computer are discussed below.

  • Data Processing: Computers excel at processing vast amounts of data quickly and accurately. They can manipulate numbers, perform complex calculations, analyze patterns, and generate reports.
  • Information Storage: With their vast storage capacities, computers can store massive amounts of information, from personal files to entire databases. They enable quick retrieval and organization of data for efficient access and analysis.
  • Communication: Computers facilitate seamless communication through various means, such as email, instant messaging, video conferencing, and social media. They enable global connectivity and information sharing on an unprecedented scale.
  • Multimedia and Entertainment: Computers serve as multimedia powerhouses, allowing users to watch movies, listen to music, view images, play games, and edit videos. They provide immersive experiences and entertainment options for users of all ages

Finally, a computer is a remarkable electronic device that processes data, performs calculations, and executes tasks based on programmed instructions. It comprises various components working together to facilitate the input, processing, and output of information. From their ability to process data at incredible speeds to their role in communication, entertainment, and information storage, computers have revolutionized every aspect of our lives. The Computer was invented by Charles Babbage.  So he is known as the father of computers .

Some Interesting Facts About Computer

Below we have discussed a few interesting Facts about computers:

  • The first computer programmer was Lady Augusta Ada Lovelace, who wrote the first algorithm for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine in the 1840s.
  • The word “Bug” in the context of computer glickes originated in 1947 when a moth caused a malfunction in the Harvard Mark II computer.
  • The world’s first computer mouse was invented by Douglas Engelbart in 1964 and was made of wood.
  • The term “Byte” was coined by Dr. Werner Buchholz in 1956 while working on IBM’s Stretch computer.
  • The first electronic computer, ENIAC, weighed around 30 tons and used more than 17,000 vacuum tubes.
  • The Apollo 11 guidance computer, which landed humans on the moon in 1969, had less processing power than a modern smartphone.

Generation of Computer (1st to 5th)- Read Now

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Q1. What is computer?

Ans. A computer is an electronic device wherein we need to input raw data to be processed with a set of programs to produce a desirable output. Computers also have the capacity to store, process and manipulate the data.

Q2. What are Super Computers?

Ans. Super Computers is the fastest type of computer amongst all and is also the most expensive. They can store a large number of data and can perform the most complex task within seconds. They can also execute millions of instructions per second.

Q3. How many types of Computers are there?

Ans. The computers can classified on the basis of their size and their data handling capacity. There are 5 types of computers based on the size whereas there are 3 types of computers based on their data handling capacity.

Q4. What are Hybrid Computers?

Ans. Hybrid computers are fast as an analog computer and also has accuracy like that of digital computers. These computers can process both continuous and discrete data as it accepts analog signal and then converts them into digital signals before processing. Some common uses of Hybrid computers are in airplanes, hospitals, etc.

Q5. What is the full form of COMPUTER?

Ans. The full form of COMPUTER is Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and Educational Research.

What are the 4 types of computer?

Ans. Four types of computer are Supercomputers. Mainframe computers. Minicomputers. Personal computers (PCs) or microcomputers.

What is the Computer Operating System?

Ans: The Operating System in Computer is the set of programs that manages all the resources.

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As Team Lead- Content Writer, I take on leadership within our content creation team, overseeing the development of error-free educational content. My primary responsibility is to produce and analyse high-quality content educating and informing the aspirants about upcoming government exams published on our website. I have more than 6 years experience in content writing wherein 3.5 years of experience in ed-tech content writing.

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Classification Of Computers

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Classification of Computers by Size, Purpose, Generation and Functionality

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Table of Contents

A computer is like a super-smart machine that can do all sorts of tasks for us. It’s not just the laptop or desktop you might use at home or school, but there are many different types of computers out there. Some are big and powerful, while others are small and fit in your pocket. These computers can be grouped into categories based on their size, capabilities, and what they’re used for. In this page about the classification of computers, we’ll explore these different categories to help you understand the exciting world of computers better.

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Classification of Computers

Computers are essential tools in today’s digital age, serving a wide range of purposes and functions. Classification of computers are based on various factors, such as size, purpose, and architecture, to help us understand their unique characteristics and capabilities. In this section, we will delve into the classification of computers and explore how they are categorized according to their size, purpose, and more. Whether you’re curious about mini computers, digital computers, or the generation of computers, we’ll shed light on these classifications and provide examples to make it easier to grasp the diversity of these remarkable machines.

Also Check: History of Computers

Classification of Computer According to Size

When it comes to computers, size matters! Computers can be classified based on their physical dimensions and processing capabilities. This classification system helps people choose the right computer for their specific needs, whether it’s for personal use, business tasks, or specialized applications.

Here are the classification of computers on the basis of size main categories:

  • Supercomputers : These are the giants of the computer world. Supercomputers are enormous and incredibly powerful, often used for complex scientific simulations, predicting the weather, and tackling advanced research challenges.
  • Mainframe Computers : Mainframes are sturdy and sizable machines primarily employed by organizations. They excel in tasks like processing data, handling financial transactions, and managing large databases.
  • Mini Computers : Smaller than mainframes but more capable than personal computers, mini computers find their niche in scientific laboratories and mid-sized businesses. They’re perfect for specific tasks that require more oomph than a personal computer can provide.
  • Micro Computers : Also known as personal computers or microcomputers, these are the little guys of the computer world. They’re compact and the most common type of computers used for individual purposes, whether it’s for work or entertainment.

By understanding the classification of computers based on size, you can make informed choices when picking a computer system that matches your needs. Factors like processing power, storage capacity, and physical size all come into play.

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Based on Data Handling Capabilities

Computers come in different types, and we classify them based on how they manage data. This helps people pick the right computer for their needs. Here are the computers classified according to their capacity to manage data:

Mainframe Computers

These are super-strong in dealing with lots of data all at once. Industries like finance and healthcare use them for important tasks.


They’re like the superheroes of computing, especially good at doing really hard math and simulations quickly.

Mini Computers

While not as powerful as supercomputers, they’re still pretty good at handling data. You’ll find them in medium-sized organizations and research places.

Micro Computers (Personal Computers)

These are your everyday computers, like desktops and laptops. Great for regular stuff like office work and browsing the internet.

Embedded Systems

These are specialized computers made for specific jobs, like controlling machines or appliances. They only handle what they need to do their job.

Mobile Devices

Think smartphones and tablets – they’re easy to carry around and can handle tasks like talking, texting, and using apps.


These computers are in between regular ones and super powerful servers. They’re used for things like 3D design and scientific simulations.

Servers are like the backbone of the internet. They store and provide data for websites and networks. Really important for businesses and online services.

Quantum Computers

These are the newest and most advanced. They use special quantum physics to handle data in totally different ways. They could change the game for things like security and problem-solving.

Based on Operating System

Operating systems come in different types, depending on how they work and what they’re used for. Here are some common types of operating systems:

  • Single-Tasking Operating System: This type only lets one program run at a time. You have to close one program before you can open and use another.
  • Multi-User Operating System: These operating systems allow many people to use the computer at the same time. Examples include Novell, UNIX, Linux, and Windows NT/2000.
  • Batch Operating System: With this type, you don’t directly interact with the computer. Instead, someone groups similar tasks together into a batch, and then the computer does them all one after the other.
  • Time-Sharing Operating System: Also called multitasking systems, these let multiple programs run at the same time, sharing the computer’s resources efficiently.
  • Distributed Operating System: These systems manage resources across multiple computers connected through a network. They allow sharing files, printers, and more among connected computers.
  • Network Operating System: These run on servers and help manage data, users, security, and other networking stuff.
  • Real-Time Operating System: These are for tasks that need to happen super quickly and precisely, like industrial control systems or medical equipment.
  • Mobile Operating System: Designed for phones and tablets, these have colorful screens and icons to make them easy to use.

Examples of operating systems you might have heard of include Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. Each type of operating system has its own good and not-so-good points, depending on what you need it for.

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Based on Performance

Based on performance, computers can be classified into several categories, such as supercomputers, mainframes, personal computers, workstations, and minicomputers. Here’s a brief overview of each category:

  • Supercomputers : These are incredibly powerful computers used for really complex tasks like weather forecasting and scientific simulations. They’re measured in terms of how fast they can do calculations, called FLOPS.
  • Mainframes : Mainframes are big, sturdy computers that handle a lot of data. They’re often used in businesses to manage huge amounts of information, like transactions and databases.
  • Personal Computers (PCs) : PCs are the ones most of us have at home or work. They come in two types: desktops and laptops. You can use them for gaming, work, or watching videos.
  • Workstations : These computers are like supercharged PCs for professionals. They’re great for tasks like designing buildings or editing videos because they’re really fast and have top-notch graphics.
  • Minicomputers : These are in-between mainframes and personal computers. They’re used by smaller businesses for tasks like handling data, managing databases, and running networks.

Each type of computer has its strengths and weaknesses, depending on what you need it for. When judging how good a computer is, we look at how well it does its job, how efficient it is, and how fast it can complete tasks

Based on Usage Environment

Computers can be classified according to usage environment based on their purpose, user base, and the specific tasks they are designed for. Here are some common classifications of computers based on usage environment:

Home Computers

These are personal PCs and laptops used for everyday activities like gaming, getting work done, and enjoying multimedia content.

Office Computers

Found in workplaces, these machines handle tasks such as document processing, communication, and data management to keep businesses running smoothly.

Industrial Computers

In the world of manufacturing and automation, you’ll find industrial computers. They play vital roles in controlling processes, robots, and machinery.

Mobile Computers

Portable devices like smartphones and tablets fall into this category. They allow users to surf the web, communicate, and perform tasks while on the move.

Specialized Computers

Designed for specific purposes like gaming, graphic design, or video editing, these computers are equipped with high-end hardware and specialized software to excel in their niche.

Server Computers

Servers are dedicated computers serving other devices, offering services like security, databases, and websites to users.

Classification of Computers According to Functionality

Computers come in various forms, and they can be categorized based on functionality.

  • Analog Computers : These computers work with continuously changing physical quantities to solve problems. They are commonly used in situations that require real-time data processing and control, such as scientific experiments and industrial processes.
  • Digital Computers : Digital computers process discrete, non-continuous data and are versatile devices used in a wide range of fields for handling digital information. They are probably the most common type of computer you encounter in everyday life.
  • Hybrid Computers : Hybrid computers combine the strengths of analog and digital computing technologies to handle both continuous and discrete data processing. They find applications in areas like signal processing and control systems.
  • Server Computers : Server computers are specialized machines set up to provide services to clients. Examples include security servers, database servers, and web servers. They are essential for managing networks and delivering online services.
  • Workstation Computers : Workstations are high-performance computers designed for individual users. They typically run multi-user operating systems and are used for tasks like gaming, productivity, and multimedia editing.
  • Personal Computers (PCs) : PCs are small, self-contained computers designed for personal use. They are incredibly versatile and can be used for a wide variety of tasks, from gaming to productivity and multimedia consumption.
  • Microcontrollers : Microcontrollers are small, energy-efficient computers often used in embedded systems. They aren’t usually employed as standalone devices but play crucial roles in controlling various electronic devices and appliances.
  • Smartphones : Smartphones are portable devices that combine the functionalities of a phone, computer, and other tools like cameras and music players. They are designed for on-the-go communication, internet access, and multitasking.
  • Supercomputers : Supercomputers are incredibly powerful machines used for complex and intensive computational tasks. They find applications in fields like quantum mechanics, weather forecasting, climate research, and simulations for industries such as oil and gas exploration.

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Flynn’s Classification of Computer Architecture

Classification of computers refers to grouping different types of computers based on certain criteria. One widely recognized method is Flynn’s classification of computer architecture , introduced by Michael Flynn in 1966. This classification sorts computers based on the combination of instruction and data streams they process.

There are four primary according to Flynn’s classification of parallel computers

Single Instruction Stream, Single Data Stream (SISD)

This is the most basic and widespread computer architecture. It involves a single processor executing one set of instructions on one set of data in a step-by-step manner.

Single Instruction Stream, Multiple Data stream (SIMD)

This design is tailored for parallel processing, greatly enhancing performance for specific tasks like image processing. In this setup, one set of instructions is processed simultaneously across multiple data sets by several processors.

Multiple Instruction Stream, Single Data Stream (MISD)

This is a rare architecture where multiple sets of instructions are applied to a single data set. Its practical use is limited.

Multiple Instruction Stream, Multiple Data Stream (MIMD)

Highly adaptable for various applications, this architecture allows multiple processors to work on different sets of instructions and data concurrently.

Apart from these, other computer architectures exist, like analog computers , optical computers, quantum computers, cell processors, DNA computers, and neural nets .

The selection of a specific architecture depends on the application’s unique requirements. Flynn’s classification is a handy framework for understanding these diverse architectures.

Classification of Computers By Purpose

Computers are broadly divided into two main types based on purpose: general-purpose computers and specific-purpose computers .

General-Purpose Computers are designed to handle a range of tasks and can store various programs. This category includes familiar devices like personal computers, laptops, and tablets. They are versatile, suitable for use in different environments like offices, educational settings, and homes. However, they may not be as fast or specialized as specific-purpose computers.

Specific-Purpose Computers are tailored for a specific function, making them more efficient and faster for particular tasks. This category is ideal for complex scientific and engineering work. Examples include supercomputers and embedded systems.

Classification of Computers by Generation

Over the years, the evolution of computers has been categorized into distinct generations, each defined by major technological breakthroughs. This is a brief summary of how computers have been classified by generation:

  • First Generation (1940-1956) – Vacuum Tubes: This era was characterized by the use of vacuum tubes in computer circuitry and magnetic drums for memory storage. These first-generation computers were massive, occupying entire rooms, and incurred high operational costs. They operated on machine language, the most fundamental programming language for computers. The ENIAC and UNIVAC are prominent examples from this period.
  • Second Generation (1956-1963) – Transistors: The second generation witnessed the transition from vacuum tubes to transistors. This change led to computers that were more compact, quicker, more dependable, and energy-efficient. They utilized assembly language and advanced programming languages such as FORTRAN and COBOL. Key models from this era include the IBM 7094 series and the CDC 1604.
  • Third Generation (1964-1971) – Integrated Circuits: Marking the third generation was the invention of integrated circuits, which allowed for the placement of numerous transistors on a single silicon chip. This innovation resulted in further miniaturization and enhancement of computer power and efficiency. Operating systems were introduced during this period, facilitating the simultaneous running of various applications. Noteworthy models include the IBM 360 series and the PDP-8.
  • Fourth Generation (1971-Present) – Microprocessors: The advent of microprocessors, embedding thousands of integrated circuits on a single silicon chip, heralded the fourth generation. This era is significant for the emergence of personal computers (PCs), making computers more affordable and widely available. Examples from this generation include the Apple II, the IBM PC, and contemporary laptops.
  • Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond) – Artificial Intelligence: Currently, the focus of the fifth generation is on developing computers capable of processing and understanding natural language, equipped with artificial intelligence and neural network capabilities. This generation is still evolving, with ongoing advancements in quantum computing, machine learning, and AI-powered technologies.

Classification of Computer Memory

Computer memory is grouped into two main types: primary memory and secondary memory. Primary memory, also called internal memory, is where data and programs needed by the CPU during a program’s execution are stored. This type of memory is divided into two parts: random-access memory (RAM) and read-only memory (ROM). RAM is a kind of memory that can be both read from and written to, and it’s temporary, meaning it loses its data when the power is off. ROM, on the other hand, is permanent and can only be read from.

Secondary memory, often referred to as external memory, is where data and programs not currently being used are kept. This memory is categorized into three types: magnetic disks, optical disks, and flash memory.

Classification of Computer Network

Computer networks come in different types depending on how big they are and what they’re used for. Here are the main kinds:

Personal Area Network (PAN) : This is a small network, usually just around one person’s work area. It can reach up to 100 meters. It’s for hooking up things like your computer, phone, or tablet that are close to you.

Local Area Network (LAN) : This network is for a small place, like one building or a campus. It’s great for linking computers and gadgets in offices, schools, or homes.

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) : This one is bigger and can cover a whole city or a big campus. It joins several local networks in that area.

Wide Area Network (WAN) : This network is the biggest, stretching over cities, countries, or continents. It links local and metropolitan networks and is used for talking over long distances.

There are also other types of networks like Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) , Campus Area Network (CAN) , and Storage Area Network (SAN) . Each of these has a special job and helps with different kinds of communication.

Classification of Digital Computer

Digital computers can be grouped into different types based on their size, how fast they are, and how much memory they have. We see classification of digital computer mainly in four types: microcomputers , minicomputers , mainframe computers , and supercomputers .

Microcomputers are compact and affordable, designed for just one person. This category includes everyday devices like desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Minicomputers are a bit larger, supporting several users at once, and offer more power than microcomputers but less than mainframes.

Mainframe computers are powerful machines used by businesses for big tasks like managing financial transactions and data in sectors such as banking and insurance. They handle large volumes of information. The most powerful among these classifications are supercomputers . They perform extremely fast calculations and are key in fields that need a lot of data processing, such as scientific research and engineering.

Classification of Computers Software

Computer software can be divided into two primary types: system software and application software .

System software is the kind that manages and runs the computer. It works with the hardware and is necessary for the computer to operate. This software acts as a base for application software. Examples of system software are operating systems like Windows or macOS, drivers that connect hardware like printers, language processing tools, and utility programs that help in maintenance.

Application software , on the other hand, is used for doing specific tasks. These include programs like Microsoft Word for writing, Excel for spreadsheets, databases for storing data, software for creating graphics, and video games. Application software comes in different forms: general-purpose software for common tasks, special-purpose software for specific needs, and custom-made software designed for particular users.

FAQs on Classification of Computers

What are the names of dried fruit.

Dried fruits include raisins, apricots, dates, figs, and prunes. These are some examples of dried fruits.

What is a good dry fruit?

Almonds are a good dry fruit. They are nutritious and tasty. Other good options include walnuts and pistachios.

Which dry fruit is best for weight loss?

Almonds and walnuts are good for weight loss. They are low in calories and provide healthy fats and protein.

Which dry fruit is costly?

Saffron is one of the costliest dry fruits. It is known for its unique flavor and aroma, but it can be expensive.

How many dry fruits eat daily?

It's best to eat a small handful of mixed dry fruits daily for their health benefits. About 1-2 ounces is a good daily portion.

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Classification of computers | type of computer.

By Dinesh Thakur

Computers differ based on their data processing abilities. They are classified according to purpose, data handling and functionality.

According to purpose, computers are either general purpose or specific purpose. General purpose computers are designed to perform a range of tasks.  They have the ability to store numerous programs, but lack in speed and efficiency. Specific purpose computers are designed to handle a specific problem or to perform a specific task. A set of instructions is built into the machine.

According to data handling, computers are analog, digital or hybrid. Analog computers work on the principle of measuring, in which the measurements obtained are translated into data. Modern analog computers usually employ electrical parameters, such as voltages, resistances or currents, to represent the quantities being manipulated. Such computers do not deal directly with the numbers. They measure continuous physical magnitudes. Digital computers are those that operate with information , numerical or otherwise, represented in a digital form. Such computers process data into a digital value (in 0s and 1s). They give the results with more accuracy and at a faster rate. Hybrid computers incorporate the measuring feature of an analog computer and counting feature of a digital computer . For computational purposes, these computers use analog components and for storage, digital memories are used.

According to functionality, Type of computers are classified as :

We’ll be covering the following topics in this tutorial:

Analog Computer 

 An analog computer (spelt analogue in British English) is a form of computer that uses continuous physical phenomena such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities to model the problem being solved.

Digital Computer

 A computer that performs calculations and logical operations with quantities represented as digits, usually in the binary number system

Hybrid Computer (Analog + Digital)

 A combination of computers those are capable of inputting and outputting in both digital and analog signals . A hybrid computer system setup offers a cost effective method of performing complex simulations.

  On the basis of Size: Type of Computer

Super Computer 

The fastest and most powerful type of computer Supercomputers are very expensive and are employed for specialized applications that require immense amounts of mathematical calculations. For example, weather forecasting requires a supercomputer . Other uses of supercomputers include animated graphics, fluid dynamic calculations, nuclear energy research, and petroleum exploration.

The chief difference between a supercomputer and a mainframe is that a supercomputer channels all its power into executing a few programs as fast as possible, whereas a mainframe uses its power to execute many programs concurrently.

Mainframe Computer

A very large and expensive computer capable of supporting hundreds, or even thousands, of users simultaneously. In the hierarchy that starts with a simple microprocessor (in watches, for example) at the bottom and moves to supercomputers at the top, mainframes are just below supercomputers. In some ways, mainframes are more powerful than supercomputers because they support more simultaneous programs. But supercomputers can execute a single program faster than a mainframe.

Mini Computer 

A mid sized computer. In size and power, minicomputers lie between workstations and mainframes . In the past decade, the distinction between large minicomputers and small mainframes has blurred, however, as has the distinction between small minicomputers and workstations. But in general, a minicomputer is a multiprocessing system capable of supporting from 4 to about 200 users simultaneously.

Micro Computer or Personal Computer

• Desktop Computer : a personal or micro-mini computer sufficient to fit on a desk.

• Laptop Computer : a portable computer complete with an integrated screen and keyboard. It is generally smaller in size than a desktop computer and larger than a notebook computer.

• Palmtop Computer/Digital Diary /Notebook /PDAs : a hand-sized computer. Palmtops have no keyboard but the screen serves both as an input and output device .


A terminal or desktop computer in a network. In this context, workstation is just a generic term for a user’s machine (client machine) in contrast to a “server” or “mainframe.”

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Dinesh Thakur

Dinesh Thakur is a Freelance Writer who helps different clients from all over the globe. Dinesh has written over 500+ blogs, 30+ eBooks, and 10000+ Posts for all types of clients.

For any type of query or something that you think is missing, please feel free to Contact us .

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Analog computers

Mainframe computer.

  • Supercomputer
  • Minicomputer
  • Microcomputer
  • Laptop computer
  • Embedded processors
  • Central processing unit
  • Main memory
  • Secondary memory
  • Input devices
  • Output devices
  • Communication devices
  • Peripheral interfaces
  • Fabrication
  • Transistor size
  • Power consumption
  • Quantum computing
  • Molecular computing
  • Role of operating systems
  • Multiuser systems
  • Thin systems
  • Reactive systems
  • Operating system design approaches
  • Local area networks
  • Wide area networks
  • Business and personal software
  • Scientific and engineering software
  • Internet and collaborative software
  • Games and entertainment
  • Analog calculators: from Napier’s logarithms to the slide rule
  • Digital calculators: from the Calculating Clock to the Arithmometer
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  • The Difference Engine
  • The Analytical Engine
  • Ada Lovelace, the first programmer
  • Herman Hollerith’s census tabulator
  • Other early business machine companies
  • Vannevar Bush’s Differential Analyzer
  • Howard Aiken’s digital calculators
  • The Turing machine
  • The Atanasoff-Berry Computer
  • The first computer network
  • Konrad Zuse
  • Bigger brains
  • Von Neumann’s “Preliminary Discussion”
  • The first stored-program machines
  • Machine language
  • Zuse’s Plankalkül
  • Interpreters
  • Grace Murray Hopper
  • IBM develops FORTRAN
  • Control programs
  • The IBM 360
  • Time-sharing from Project MAC to UNIX
  • Minicomputers
  • Integrated circuits
  • The Intel 4004
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  • The IBM Personal Computer
  • Microsoft’s Windows operating system
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  • Embedded systems
  • Handheld digital devices
  • The Internet
  • Social networking
  • Ubiquitous computing

A laptop computer

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Technical insides of a desktop computer

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A laptop computer

A computer is a machine that can store and process information . Most computers rely on a binary system , which uses two variables, 0 and 1, to complete tasks such as storing data, calculating algorithms, and displaying information. Computers come in many different shapes and sizes, from handheld smartphones to supercomputers weighing more than 300 tons.

Many people throughout history are credited with developing early prototypes that led to the modern computer. During World War II, physicist John Mauchly , engineer J. Presper Eckert, Jr. , and their colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania designed the first programmable general-purpose electronic digital computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC).

What is the most powerful computer in the world?

As of November 2021 the most powerful computer in the world is the Japanese supercomputer Fugaku, developed by RIKEN and Fujitsu . It has been used to model COVID-19 simulations.

How do programming languages work?

Popular modern programming languages , such as JavaScript and Python, work through multiple forms of programming paradigms. Functional programming, which uses mathematical functions to give outputs based on data input, is one of the more common ways code is used to provide instructions for a computer.

The most powerful computers can perform extremely complex tasks, such as simulating nuclear weapon experiments and predicting the development of climate change . The development of quantum computers , machines that can handle a large number of calculations through quantum parallelism (derived from superposition ), would be able to do even more-complex tasks.

A computer’s ability to gain consciousness is a widely debated topic. Some argue that consciousness depends on self-awareness and the ability to think , which means that computers are conscious because they recognize their environment and can process data. Others believe that human consciousness can never be replicated by physical processes. Read one researcher’s perspective.

Computer artificial intelligence's impact on society is widely debated. Many argue that AI improves the quality of everyday life by doing routine and even complicated tasks better than humans can, making life simpler, safer, and more efficient. Others argue AI poses dangerous privacy risks, exacerbates racism by standardizing people, and costs workers their jobs leading to greater unemployment. For more on the debate over artificial intelligence, visit .

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computer , device for processing, storing, and displaying information.

Computer once meant a person who did computations, but now the term almost universally refers to automated electronic machinery . The first section of this article focuses on modern digital electronic computers and their design, constituent parts, and applications. The second section covers the history of computing. For details on computer architecture , software , and theory, see computer science .

Computing basics

The first computers were used primarily for numerical calculations. However, as any information can be numerically encoded, people soon realized that computers are capable of general-purpose information processing . Their capacity to handle large amounts of data has extended the range and accuracy of weather forecasting . Their speed has allowed them to make decisions about routing telephone connections through a network and to control mechanical systems such as automobiles, nuclear reactors, and robotic surgical tools. They are also cheap enough to be embedded in everyday appliances and to make clothes dryers and rice cookers “smart.” Computers have allowed us to pose and answer questions that were difficult to pursue in the past. These questions might be about DNA sequences in genes, patterns of activity in a consumer market, or all the uses of a word in texts that have been stored in a database . Increasingly, computers can also learn and adapt as they operate by using processes such as machine learning .

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Computers also have limitations, some of which are theoretical. For example, there are undecidable propositions whose truth cannot be determined within a given set of rules, such as the logical structure of a computer. Because no universal algorithmic method can exist to identify such propositions, a computer asked to obtain the truth of such a proposition will (unless forcibly interrupted) continue indefinitely—a condition known as the “ halting problem .” ( See Turing machine .) Other limitations reflect current technology . For example, although computers have progressed greatly in terms of processing data and using artificial intelligence algorithms , they are limited by their incapacity to think in a more holistic fashion. Computers may imitate humans—quite effectively, even—but imitation may not replace the human element in social interaction. Ethical concerns also limit computers, because computers rely on data, rather than a moral compass or human conscience , to make decisions.

Analog computers use continuous physical magnitudes to represent quantitative information. At first they represented quantities with mechanical components ( see differential analyzer and integrator ), but after World War II voltages were used; by the 1960s digital computers had largely replaced them. Nonetheless, analog computers, and some hybrid digital-analog systems, continued in use through the 1960s in tasks such as aircraft and spaceflight simulation.

essay on classification of computer

One advantage of analog computation is that it may be relatively simple to design and build an analog computer to solve a single problem. Another advantage is that analog computers can frequently represent and solve a problem in “real time”; that is, the computation proceeds at the same rate as the system being modeled by it. Their main disadvantages are that analog representations are limited in precision—typically a few decimal places but fewer in complex mechanisms—and general-purpose devices are expensive and not easily programmed.

Digital computers

In contrast to analog computers, digital computers represent information in discrete form, generally as sequences of 0s and 1s ( binary digits, or bits). The modern era of digital computers began in the late 1930s and early 1940s in the United States , Britain, and Germany . The first devices used switches operated by electromagnets (relays). Their programs were stored on punched paper tape or cards, and they had limited internal data storage. For historical developments, see the section Invention of the modern computer .

During the 1950s and ’60s, Unisys (maker of the UNIVAC computer), International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), and other companies made large, expensive computers of increasing power . They were used by major corporations and government research laboratories, typically as the sole computer in the organization. In 1959 the IBM 1401 computer rented for $8,000 per month (early IBM machines were almost always leased rather than sold), and in 1964 the largest IBM S/360 computer cost several million dollars.

These computers came to be called mainframes, though the term did not become common until smaller computers were built. Mainframe computers were characterized by having (for their time) large storage capabilities, fast components, and powerful computational abilities. They were highly reliable, and, because they frequently served vital needs in an organization, they were sometimes designed with redundant components that let them survive partial failures. Because they were complex systems, they were operated by a staff of systems programmers, who alone had access to the computer. Other users submitted “batch jobs” to be run one at a time on the mainframe.

Such systems remain important today, though they are no longer the sole, or even primary, central computing resource of an organization, which will typically have hundreds or thousands of personal computers (PCs). Mainframes now provide high-capacity data storage for Internet servers, or, through time-sharing techniques, they allow hundreds or thousands of users to run programs simultaneously. Because of their current roles, these computers are now called servers rather than mainframes.

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Generations of Computers – Computer Fundamentals

Generations of Computer : The modern computer took its shape with the arrival of your time. It had been around the 16th century when the evolution of the computer started. The initial computer faced many changes, obviously for the betterment. It continuously improved itself in terms of speed, accuracy, size, and price to urge the form of the fashionable day computer. 

Basic Terms Related to Computers

The basic terms related to generations of computers are listed below.

  • Vacuum Tube: Vacuum tubes have the functionality of controlling the flow of electronics in a vacuum. Generally, it is used in switches, amplifiers, radios, televisions, etc.
  • Transistor: A transistor helps in controlling the flow of electricity in devices, it works as an amplifier or a switch.
  • Integrated Circuit (IC): Integrated circuits are silicon chips that contain their circuit elements like transistors, resistors, etc.
  • Microprocessors: Microprocessors are the components that contain the CPU and its circuits and are present in the Integrated Circuit.
  • Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU is called the brain of the computer. CPU performs processing and operations work.
  • Magnetic Drum: Magnetic Drum is like a cylinder that stores data and cylinder.
  • Magnetic Core: Magnetic cores are used to store information. These are arrays of small rings.
  • Machine Language: Machine Language is the language that a computer accepts (in the form of binary digits). It is also called low-level programming language.
  • Memory: Memory is used to store data, information, and program in a computer.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence deals with creating intelligent machines and behaviors.

Phases of Computer Generations

This long period is often conveniently divided into the subsequent phases called computer generations.

  • First Generation Computers (1940-1956)
  • Second Generation Computers (1956-1963)
  • Third Generation Computers (1964-1971)
  • Fourth Generation Computers (1971-Present)
  • Fifth Generation Computers (Present and Beyond)
Generations of Computer     Time-Period          Evolving Hardware              
First Generation 1940s – 1950s Vacuum Tube Based
Second Generation 1950s – 1960s Transistor Based
Third Generation 1960s – 1970s Integrated Circuit Based
Fourth Generation 1970s – Present Microprocessor Based
Fifth Generation Present – Future Artificial Intelligence Based

Before the generation of computers, we used calculators, spreadsheets, and computer algebra systems, mathematicians and inventors searched for solutions to ease the burden of calculation. 

Below are the 8 Mechanical Calculators before modern computers were invented.

  •  Abacus (ca. 2700 BC)
  • Pascal’s Calculator (1652)
  • Stepped Reckoner (1694)
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First Generation Computers

The technology behind the primary generation computers was a fragile glass device, which was called a vacuum tube. These computers were very heavy and really large. These weren’t very reliable and programming on them was a tedious task as they used low-level programming language and used no OS. First-generation computers were used for calculation, storage, and control purpose. They were too bulky and large that they needed a full room and consume a lot of electricity. Punch cards were used for improving the information for external storage. Magnetic card used . Machine and assembly language is developed.

Examples of some main first-generation computers are mentioned below.

  • ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, built by J. Presper Eckert and John V. Mauchly was a general-purpose computer. It had been cumbersome, and large, and contained 18,000 vacuum tubes.
  • EDVAC: Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer was designed by von Neumann. It could store data also as instruction and thus the speed was enhanced.
  • UNIVAC: Universal Automatic Computer was developed in 1952 by Eckert and Mauchly.

Vacuum Tube

Vacuum Tube

Characteristics of First-Generation Computers

Characteristics Components
Main electronic component Vacuum tube.
Programming language Machine language.
Main memory and magnetic drums.
Input/output devices Paper tape and punched cards.
Speed and size Very slow and very large (often taking up an entire room).
Examples of the first generation IBM 650, IBM 701, ENIAC, UNIVAC1, etc.

Second Generation Computers

Second-generation computers used the technology of transistors rather than bulky vacuum tubes. Another feature was the core storage. A transistor may be a device composed of semiconductor material that amplifies a sign or opens or closes a circuit.

Transistors were invented in Bell Labs. The use of transistors made it possible to perform powerfully and with due speed. It reduced the dimensions and price and thankfully the warmth too, which was generated by vacuum tubes. Central Processing Unit (CPU), memory, programming language, and input, and output units also came into the force within the second generation.

The programming language was shifted from high level to programming language and made programming comparatively a simple task for programmers. Languages used for programming during this era were FORTRAN (1956), ALGOL (1958), and COBOL (1959).


Characteristics of Second-Generation Computers

Characteristics Components
Main electronic component Transistor.
Programming language Machine language and assembly language.
Memory Magnetic core and magnetic tape/disk.
Input/output devices Magnetic tape and punched cards.
Power and size Smaller in size, had low power consumption, and generated less heat (in comparison with the first-generation computers).
Examples of the second generation PDP-8, IBM1400 series, IBM 7090 and 7094, UNIVAC 1107, CDC 3600, etc.

Third Generation Computers

During the third generation, technology envisaged a shift from huge transistors to integrated circuits, also referred to as IC. Here a variety of transistors were placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors. The most feature of this era’s computer was speed and reliability. IC was made from silicon and also called silicon chips.

The computer programs was designed to make the machine work. Operating system was a program designed to handle a machine completely. Because of the operating system machine could execute multiple jobs simultaneously. Integrated circuits were used to replace many transistors used in the second generation.

A single IC has many transistors, registers, and capacitors built on one thin slice of silicon. The value size was reduced and memory space and dealing efficiency were increased during this generation. Programming was now wiped out Higher level languages like BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code). Minicomputers find their shape during this era.

Integrated Circuit

Integrated Circuit

Characteristics of Third-Generation Computers

Characteristics Components
Main electronic component Integrated circuits (ICs).
Programming language High-level language.
Memory Large magnetic core, magnetic tape/disk.
Input/output devices Magnetic tape, monitor, keyboard, printer, etc.
Examples of the third generation IBM 360, IBM 370, PDP-11, NCR 395, B6500, UNIVAC 1108, etc.

Fourth Generation Computers

In 1971 First microprocessors were used, the large-scale of integration LSI circuits built on one chip called microprocessors. The advantage of this technology is that one microprocessor can contain all the circuits required to perform arithmetic, logic, and control functions on one chip. LSI placed thousands of transistors onto a single chip.

The computers using microchips were called microcomputers. This generation provided even smaller size of computers, with larger capacities. That’s not enough, then Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) circuits replaced LSI circuits. The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971, located all the components of the pc from the central processing unit and memory to input/ output controls on one chip and allowed the dimensions to reduce drastically. VLSI placed several hundred thousand transistors on a single silicon chip. This silicon chip is known as the micro processor.

Technologies like multiprocessing, multiprogramming, time-sharing, operating speed, and virtual memory made it a more user-friendly and customary device. The concept of private computers and computer networks came into being within the fourth generation.



Characteristics of Fourth-Generation  Computers

Characteristics Components
Main electronic component Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) and the microprocessor (VLSI has thousands of transistors on a single microchip).
Memory semiconductor memory (such as , etc.).
pointing devices, optical scanning, keyboard, monitor, printer, etc.
Examples of the fourth generation IBM PC, STAR 1000, APPLE II, Apple Macintosh, Alter 8800, etc.

Fifth Generation Computers

The technology behind the fifth generation of computers is AI. It allows computers to behave like humans. It is often seen in programs like voice recognition, area of medicine, and entertainment. Within the field of game playing also it’s shown remarkable performance where computers are capable of beating human competitors.

The speed is the highest, size is the smallest and area of use has remarkably increased within the fifth generation computers. Though not a hundred percent AI has been achieved to date but keeping in sight the present developments, it is often said that this dream also will become a reality very soon.

To summarize the features of varied generations of computers, it is often said that a big improvement has been seen so far because of the speed and accuracy of functioning care, but if we mention the dimensions, it’s been small over the years. The value is additionally diminishing and reliability is increasing.

AI-Based Computers

AI-Based Computers

Characteristics of Fifth-Generation Computers

Characteristics Components
Main electronic component Based on artificial intelligence, uses the Ultra Large-Scale Integration (ULSI) technology and parallel processing method (ULSI has millions of transistors on a single microchip and the Parallel processing method use two or more microprocessors to run tasks simultaneously).
Language Understand natural language (human language).
Size Portable and small in size.
Input/output device Trackpad (or touchpad), touchscreen, pen, speech input (recognize voice/speech), light scanner, printer, keyboard, monitor, mouse, etc.
Example of the fifth generation Desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.

FAQs on Generations of Computer

1. what are the 5 types of generation of computer.

The five generations of computers are: 1. First Generation (1940s-1950s): Characterized by vacuum tubes and punched cards. Examples: ENIAC, UNIVAC. 2. Second Generation (1950s-1960s): Transistors replaced vacuum tubes, allowing smaller and more efficient computers. Introduction of high-level programming languages. Examples: IBM 1401, IBM 7094. 3. Third Generation (1960s-1970s): Integrated circuits (ICs) replaced transistors, leading to smaller and faster computers. Introduction of operating systems. Examples: IBM System/360, DEC PDP-11. 4. Fourth Generation (1970s-1980s): Microprocessors brought computing power to individual users. Introduction of personal computers. Examples: IBM PC, Apple Macintosh. 5. Fifth Generation (1980s-Present): Focus on parallel processing, artificial intelligence (AI), and natural language processing. Development of supercomputers and expert systems. Ongoing advancements in AI and machine learning. Examples: IBM Watson, Google’s DeepMind.

2. What is Gen Z technology?

Gen Z technology encompasses the digital tools and platforms that define the experiences of individuals born roughly between the mid-1990s and early 2010s. This generation is characterized by its seamless integration of smartphones, social media, online collaboration, and video content into daily life, shaping their communication, learning, and entertainment habits.

3. What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence in machines. It involves programming computers to think, learn, and perform tasks that traditionally require human intelligence, such as problem-solving and decision-making. AI encompasses subfields like machine learning and natural language processing, with applications ranging from virtual assistants to autonomous vehicles.

4. What was the First Computer?

The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), completed in 1945, is widely regarded as the first electronic general-purpose computer.

5. Who is Known as the Father of Computers?

Charles Babbage is known as the Father of Computers for his pioneering work on the concept of a programmable mechanical computer in the 19th century.

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Eng 101 oer: classification.

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Learning Objectives

  • Determine the purpose and structure of the classification essay.
  • Understand how to write a classification essay.

The Purpose of Dividing & Classifying

The purpose of  classification  is to break down broad subjects into smaller, more manageable, more specific parts. We classify things in our daily lives all the time, often without even thinking about it. Cell phones, for example, have now become part of a broad category. They can be classified as feature phones, media phones, and smartphones.

Smaller categories, and the way in which these categories are created, help us make sense of the world. Keep both of these elements in mind when writing a classification essay.

The Structure of a Division/Classification Essay

The classification essay opens with an introductory paragraph that introduces the broader topic. The thesis should then explain how that topic is divided into subgroups and why. Take the following introductory paragraph, for example:

When people think of New York, they often think of only New York City. But New York is

actually a diverse state with a full range of activities to do, sights to see, and cultures to

explore.  In order to better understand the diversity of New York state, it is helpful to

break it into these five separate regions: Long Island, New York City, Western New York,

Central New York, and Northern New York.

The thesis explains not only the category and subcategory but also the rationale for breaking it into those categories. Through this classification essay, the writer hopes to show his or her readers a different way of considering the state.

Each body paragraph of a classification essay is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subcategories. In the previous example, then, each region of New York would have its own paragraph.

The conclusion should bring all the categories and subcategories back together again to show the reader the big picture. In the previous example, the conclusion might explain how the various sights and activities of each region of New York add to its diversity and complexity.

Writing a Division/Classification Essay

Start with an engaging opening that will adequately introduce the general topic that you will be dividing into smaller subcategories. Your thesis should come at the end of your introduction. It should include the topic, your subtopics, and the reason you are choosing to break down the topic in the way that you are. Use the following classification thesis equation:

topic + subtopics + rationale for the subtopics = thesis.

The organizing strategy of a classification essay is dictated by the initial topic and the subsequent subtopics. Each body paragraph is dedicated to fully illustrating each of the subtopics. In a way, coming up with a strong topic pays double rewards in a classification essay. Not only do you have a good topic, but you also have a solid organizational structure within which to write.

Be sure you use strong details and explanations for each subcategory paragraph that help explain and support your thesis. Also, be sure to give examples to illustrate your points. Finally, write a conclusion that links all the subgroups together again. The conclusion should successfully wrap up your essay by connecting it to your topic initially discussed in the introduction. 

Classification Essays

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Student Sample Essay

Types of Higher Education Programs

Today’s students have many choices when it comes to pursuing a degree: four-year programs, two-year programs, large or small classroom settings, and even daytime or evening classes. With all the different options to consider, potential students should learn about the different types of colleges so they can find a school that best fits their personality, budget, and educational goals.

One type of higher education program for students to consider is a liberal arts college. These schools tend to be small in size and offer a range of undergraduate degrees in subjects like English, history, psychology, and education. Students may choose a liberal arts college if they want a more intimate classroom setting rather than large lecture-style classes. Students may also consider a liberal arts college if they want to gain knowledge from a variety of disciplines, rather than focus on a single area of study. Many liberal arts schools are privately owned, and some have religious affiliations. Liberal arts schools can come with a hefty price tag, and their high cost presents an obstacle for students on a tight budget; moreover, while some students might appreciate a liberal arts school’s intimate atmosphere, others might encounter a lack of diversity in the student body. Still, students seeking a well-rounded education in the humanities will find liberal arts colleges to be one option.

Universities, another type of higher education program, offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees. Usually universities are larger than colleges and can accommodate tens of thousands of students in many different majors and areas of study. A large student body means that class sizes are often larger, and some classes may be taught by graduate students rather than professors. Students will feel at home at a university if they want a focused academic program and state-of-the-art research facilities. While some universities are private, many are public, which means they receive funding from the government, so tuition is more affordable and some even offer discounted in-state tuition for state residents. Also, universities attract many international students, so those looking for a variety of campus cultural groups and clubs will appreciate a greater sense of diversity among the student body. Universities can be overwhelming for some, but they are the right fit for students who seek research opportunities and academic studies, especially in the fields of mathematics and science.

Community college is a type of higher education program popular with students on a limited budget who want to take college courses but may not know what they want to major in. Most schools offer degrees after two years of study, usually an associate’s degree that prepares students to enter the work force; many students choose to study at a community college for two years and then transfer to a four-year college to complete their undergraduate degree. Like liberal arts schools, classes are small and allow instructors to pay more attention to their students. Community college allows students to live at home rather than in a dormitory, which also keeps costs down. While some young people might not like the idea of living at home for school, many adults choose to attend community college so they can advance their education while working and living with their families.

Online universities are another type of higher education program that are gaining popularity as technology improves. These schools offer many of the same degree programs as traditional liberal arts colleges and universities. Unlike traditional programs, which require students to attend classes and lectures, online universities offer greater academic flexibility and are a great option for students wishing to pursue a degree while still working full time. At online universities, students access course materials, such as video lectures and assessments, remotely using a personal computer and are able to speed up or slow down their progress to complete their degree at their own pace. Students may attend classes in the comfort of their own home or a local library, but students hoping for the social community of higher education might not enjoy this aspect of higher education.

With so many colleges and universities to choose from, it may be difficult for a student to narrow down his or her selection, but once a student knows what he or she is looking for, the process may become much easier. It is very important for students to learn about the different types of higher education programs available before making their selections.

essay on classification of computer

Key Takeaways

  • The purpose of classification is to break a subject into smaller, more manageable, more specific parts.
  • Smaller subcategories help us make sense of the world, and the way in which these subcategories are created also helps us make sense of the world.
  • A classification essay is organized by its subcategories.

This is a derivative of  WRITING FOR SUCCESS  by a publisher who has requested that they and the original author not receive attribution, originally released and is used under CC BY-NC-SA. This work, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License .

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An Analysis of Image Classification Using Wavelet-Based Autoencoder Architecture and Extreme Learning Machine

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Since subsampling does not take place in image dyadic wavelet transform at each level, image representation in dyadic wavelet domain compared with wavelet series reconstruction is very redundant and part of disturbance of image dyadic wavelet ...

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Computer Science > Machine Learning

Title: gspect: spectral filtering for cross-scale graph classification.

Abstract: Identifying structures in common forms the basis for networked systems design and optimization. However, real structures represented by graphs are often of varying sizes, leading to the low accuracy of traditional graph classification methods. These graphs are called cross-scale graphs. To overcome this limitation, in this study, we propose GSpect, an advanced spectral graph filtering model for cross-scale graph classification tasks. Compared with other methods, we use graph wavelet neural networks for the convolution layer of the model, which aggregates multi-scale messages to generate graph representations. We design a spectral-pooling layer which aggregates nodes to one node to reduce the cross-scale graphs to the same size. We collect and construct the cross-scale benchmark data set, MSG (Multi Scale Graphs). Experiments reveal that, on open data sets, GSpect improves the performance of classification accuracy by 1.62% on average, and for a maximum of 3.33% on PROTEINS. On MSG, GSpect improves the performance of classification accuracy by 15.55% on average. GSpect fills the gap in cross-scale graph classification studies and has potential to provide assistance in application research like diagnosis of brain disease by predicting the brain network's label and developing new drugs with molecular structures learned from their counterparts in other systems.
Subjects: Machine Learning (cs.LG); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI); Social and Information Networks (cs.SI)
Cite as: [cs.LG]
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