50 Latest Environment IELTS Topics

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IELTS Charlie

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IELTS Model Essay: Environmental Problems

IELTS Model Essay Environmental Problems

In this post, I’m going to write an IELTS Writing Task 2 model essay in response to this question about environmental problems fromĀ  Cambridge 14 (Academic) :

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the lossĀ of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are moreĀ important environmental problems.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own Ā knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

First of all, I’ll take you through my 4 Step Approach to essay planning :

  • Analyse The Question
  • Decide My Position
  • Generate My Ideas
  • Develop My Ideas

Step 1: Analyse The Question

The first thing to do is analyse the question. One way of doing this is toĀ ( VERY carefully ) simplify the question. In this question, I thinkĀ  the simplified question is this:

What is the most important environmental problem?Ā  Is it species loss…or something else?

We can also simplify the 2 views:

View 1: species loss is the main environmental problem.

View 2: there are “more important” ones.

What might these “more important” environmental problems be? Global warming comes to my mind.

Step 2: Decide My Position

So, what do I REALLY think about this issue? In other words, what’s my position on this issue?

I think species loss is a major problem, but I think global warming is the more important one. However, I think the two problems are linked: my understanding is thatĀ global warming will lead to species loss anyway; if global warming causes species loss, it makes sense that global warming is the bigger problem.

Step 3: Generate My Ideas

Next, I need to generate some ideas for this essay .

I must also remember that the question is asking about environmental PROBLEMS, not solutions.

View 1: species loss is main environmental problem.

Well, I agree it’s important. Why do I think this?

  • important to protect species – we share the world – moral obligation
  • also loss of species affects humans (e.g. affects food chain, loss of fish in seas means less food for us)

View 2: there are “more important” problems.

I think global warming is a more important problem. Why do I think this?

  • danger that global warming will escalate and lead to runaway warming
  • ultimately this will lead to species loss anyway

Step 4: Develop My Ideas

Next, I’m going to develop my ideas using a logical structure . This will give me a clear essay plan.

Introduction :

  • species loss a major concern, but is it main one?

Body Paragraph 1Ā 

  • Main Idea: moral obligation to protect species
  • Explanation: loss of species is permanent, future generations
  • Example: dodo

Body Paragraph 2

  • Main Idea: loss of species affects humans
  • Explanation: food and drugs

Body Paragraph 3

  • Main Idea: global warming is more important
  • Explanation: runaway heating will lead to more problems, including species loss
  • Example: polar bears
  • both are important, but global warming will cause species loss, so Ā it’s the most important problem.

I decided to write 2 separate paragraphs in my discussion of the first idea – it seems more logical to do this.

So, all I need to do now is expand these notes into full sentences and link them together ! While I write, I must, at all times, remember my position: species loss is an important problem, but global warming is even more important, and they are also linked.

So here’s my essay:

My Model Essay

The loss of natural habitats, in part due to intensive agriculture and industrial-scale mining in some parts of the world, as well as urbanisation, has put the survival of many species of plants and animals under threat. While this is certainly a major concern, is this the most pressing environmental problem that we should deal with?

I certainly feel that humanity has a moral obligation to safeguard the survival of different species of fauna and flora. The loss of any species is permanent and means that future generations will not be able to appreciate the wonders of a diverse natural world. For example, the tragic extinction of the dodo is something which we still lament even today.

Moreover, it can affect us detrimentally too. Many herbal remedies are derived from plants, and so the destruction of rainforests could easily have a negative effect on the production of medicinal drugs. In addition, we are part of a natural food chain, so the loss of animals, such as fish, means we will have less food in the future.

Ultimately though, there is a far wider problem that needs to be addressed: global warming. As a result of emissions of greenhouse gases, such as CO2 and methane, global temperatures are rising and we risk seeing runaway heating. This will lead to a number of problems, including flooding, extreme weather and drought, but also the extinction of species. Indeed, polar bears are already struggling to survive because of the loss of polar ice caps due to rising temperatures.

In other words, working to safeguard the survival of the natural world without tackling global warming would be entirely ineffective, so it’s not really a case of which one is more important: all environmental issues are ultimately interconnected, and so we need to take a holistic approach to the issue.

My Comments

Task response: had I just argued that global warming was more important than species loss, it would be good enough for a Band 7 or 8 for TR, but I went further: I argued that both problems are important, and that they are linked. It’s a more developed position, and I think worthy of a Band 9. But explaining this position requires some advanced language, so it’s tricky for many students to do well.

Vocabulary : I desperately wanted to use the phrase “flora and fauna” somewhere! (If you don’t know it, fauna = animals, flora = flowers. There’s also a lot of natural collocation in this essay, and these phrases have precise meaning:

  • intensive agriculture
  • industrial-scale mining
  • under threat
  • the most pressing environmental problem
  • has a moral obligation to
  • herbal remedies

There’s some repetition of words: loss, survival and species are repeated, but this is not a problem. I’ve tried to paraphrase where appropriate (e.g. “natural world” instead of “species”).

Overall, the essay uses “natural and sophisticated control” of vocabulary, with no errors (as far as I can tell!) so it’s at a Band 9 level.

I hope you like my model essay. Remember, it is only ONE possible response out of an infinite number of possible responses to this task. If you want to read more about this topic, here’s a great article by The Guardian newspaper about the loss of insects .

Read some more IELTS essay questions .

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ielts environment essay

About the author

Charlie is a former IELTS Examiner with 25 years' teaching experience all over the world. His courses, for both English language learners and teachers, have been taken by over 100,000 students in over 160 countries around the world.

5 thoughts on “IELTS Model Essay: Environmental Problems”

Where is conclusion ? I think conclusion is mandatory to complete the essay without sum up or conclusion it will affect on overall band score, from task achievement no one can get good band score.

The conclusion is in the final paragraph, which starts “in other words”. It probably would be clearer if I’d started it “in conclusion”, but I used a different discourse marker to improve the flow of the essay.

Great essay Charlie

Thank you very much for your generosity.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Environment Band 9 Essay: Samples & Tips

How to write an environmental essay for IELTS band 9 Click here for an environmental sample essay, outline vocabulary score perfect marks in IELTS writing task 2!

8/24/2023 3 min read

ielts environment essay

In the ever-evolving landscape of language proficiency tests, IELTS Writing Task 2 stands as a crucial component for assessing a candidate's ability to express ideas coherently and effectively. Especially in the context of environmental concerns, this task assumes a significant role. This article delves into the nuances of crafting a Band 9 essay for IELTS Writing Task 2, offering valuable samples and insightful tips.

Understanding IELTS Writing Task 2

What is ielts writing task 2.

IELTS Writing Task 2 is a pivotal component of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. It requires candidates to write an essay in response to a given prompt. This task assesses their ability to present arguments, provide evidence, and express ideas logically and coherently within a formal essay structure.

The Importance of Environment-related Topics

In recent years, environmental issues have garnered global attention, making them a common theme in IELTS Writing Task 2 prompts. The ability to discuss and analyze these topics effectively not only showcases language proficiency but also awareness of crucial global matters.

The Structure of a Band 9 Essay

Introduction: setting the stage.

The introduction sets the tone for the essay. It should succinctly introduce the topic, provide background information, and present a clear thesis statement that outlines the essay's main points. For instance, when addressing an environment-related prompt, the introduction could highlight the significance of environmental preservation and its relevance to society.

Body Paragraphs: Articulating Key Ideas

The body paragraphs delve into the essay's core arguments. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence, followed by supporting evidence and examples. Ensure a logical flow between paragraphs, allowing the essay to unfold seamlessly. If discussing environmental challenges, you might explore topics like climate change, pollution, and resource depletion.

Conclusion: Summarizing the Argument

The conclusion summarizes the key points made in the essay and restates the thesis in a nuanced manner. It should not introduce new ideas but instead provide a sense of closure. When concluding an essay about the environment, you might emphasize the urgency of collective action and highlight potential solutions.

Sample Essays for Environment Topics

Essay sample 1: climate change mitigation.

Climate change remains one of the most pressing global challenges. To mitigate its impact, governments must enact stringent policies to reduce carbon emissions. For example, imposing carbon taxes on industries and promoting renewable energy sources can pave the way for a sustainable future.

Essay Sample 2: Balancing Economic Growth and Environmental Protection

The dilemma between economic growth and environmental conservation requires delicate balancing. Developing nations can embrace eco-friendly technologies to minimize industrial harm. By fostering green entrepreneurship, countries can nurture both economic prosperity and environmental integrity.

Tips for Achieving a Band 9 Essay

Develop a clear thesis statement.

Your thesis statement should present a concise overview of your essay's main argument. It guides the reader and anchors your writing.

Coherence and Cohesion Matter

Ensure a seamless flow between sentences and paragraphs. Use transitional phrases to connect ideas and enhance readability.

Vocabulary and Lexical Resource

Incorporate a diverse range of vocabulary to avoid repetition. Precise and sophisticated word choices elevate the quality of your essay.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Display mastery over grammar and sentence structure. Varied sentence lengths and types showcase your language proficiency.

Time Management is Key

Allocate sufficient time to planning, writing, and revising. Rushing through any of these stages can compromise the essay's quality.

Practice Exercises to Enhance Skills

Exercise 1: brainstorming environment essay ideas.

Engage in brainstorming sessions to generate ideas on various environmental topics. This practice fosters creativity and prepares you for diverse prompts.

Exercise 2: Outlining Your Essay Effectively

Master the art of outlining by organizing your thoughts into a coherent structure. A well-structured outline accelerates the writing process.

Expert Insights from IELTS Tutors

Advice on enhancing vocabulary.

Read extensively to expand your vocabulary repertoire. Engage with different genres to encounter diverse words and phrases.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Beware of repetitive language, vague arguments, and poor time management. Addressing these pitfalls enhances your essay's quality.

Importance of Environment-related Topics

The global relevance of environmental issues.

Environmental problems transcend borders. Proficiency in discussing such topics prepares candidates for international communication and cooperation.

Addressing Environment in Academic Essays

Professors value students who can tackle contemporary issues in essays. Environmental discussions exhibit critical thinking and relevance to societal challenges.

Crafting a Band 9 essay for IELTS Writing Task 2 demands a blend of language proficiency and insightful analysis. By understanding the essay's structure, practicing essential skills, and embracing expert advice, candidates can confidently navigate environment-related prompts and make meaningful contributions to the ongoing global conversation on environmental sustainability.

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Environment essay questions for IELTS

Here you can find common IELTS essay questions for "Environment" topic.

Climate change is a big environmental problem that has become critical in last couple of decades. Some people claim that humans should stop burning fossil fuels and use only alternative energy resources, such as wind and solar power. Others say that oil, gas and coal are essential for many industries, and not using them will lead to economic collapse.

What is your opinion?

Support your point of view with relevant examples.

Influence of human beings on the world's ecosystem is leading to the extinction of species and loss of bio-diversity.

What are the primary causes of loss of bio-diversity?

What solutions can you suggest?

The planet's population is reaching unsustainable levels, and people are facing shortage of resources like water, food and fuel.

To what consequences may overpopulation lead?

In your opinion, what measures can be taken to fight overpopulation?

Production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases has a heating effect on the atmosphere and results in global warming.

Why global warming is considered one of the most serious issues nowadays?

How can this problem be solved?

Forests produce fresh oxygen and participate in regulating climate. But every year tree cover of our planet is lessening due to deforestation.

What are the primary causes of deforestation?

To what results may it lead?

Pollution of air, water and soil has become critical in last years and it takes millions of years to recoup.

What are the main causes of pollution?

How can we tackle this problem individually and globally?

Nowadays genetically modified food is widespread all over the world. While proponents of GM crops ensure that these foods are safe for human consumption and help to increase food supplies, others argue that their effects on health have not been studied long enough.

Describe pros and cons of genetically modified foods.

Water pollution has been an increasing problem over the last few decades.

What causes water pollution?

How can we prevent this problem?

The air we breathe has a major impact on our health and the environment. However, the air pollution is constantly growing and at current levels it can be fought only globally. That is to say, individual efforts to improve air quality will not give any results, and it's solely responsibility of our governments to reduce air pollution.

Do you agree or disagree?

Atomic energy is becoming more and more popular energy source. However, some people argue that nuclear power puts life on the Earth to danger.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Environment Band 9 Essay: Samples & Tips

  • Updated On December 14, 2023
  • Published In IELTS Preparation šŸ’»

Non-native speakers looking to work, migrate or study in an English-speaking country need to appear for IELTS to establish their English proficiency. This exam is accepted by more than 11,000 institutions worldwide. 

Table of Contents

One of the most common queries that aspirants have is- How to score a band 9 in IELTS writing task 2? Apart from this, several candidates are confused about its level of difficulty. The following sections will attempt to answer this question. It is a detailed overview of all sections of the environment essay IELTS band 9 and how to tackle it expertly. In addition, we have added a section on vocabulary for writing task 2. 

IELTS Writing Task 2 Environment Band 9

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What is IELTS Writing Task 2? 

Most students find scoring in IELTS writing task 2 to be challenging due to the time constraint. In this task, students are expected to write an essay of 250 words in 40 minutes. They must present a clear response to a statement given and address all parts of the task. However, candidates must also present different points of view and justify their opinion.  They must summarise all the necessary details and identify solutions to the problem to attain a high band score. Moreover, students must prepare very well for this section as it accounts for 66% of oneā€™s score.  Furthermore, they will be marked on four criteria: 

  • Lexical Resource – This assesses oneā€™s ability to use a wide range of vocabulary and paraphrase the information. Here, the candidate is expected not to use repetitive words or phrases. 
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy – This assesses the range of grammar one uses. These include the usage of compound and simple sentences and punctuation. 
  • Coherence and Cohesion – This criterion tests the studentsā€™ ability to present their ideas logically. Transition, usage of cohesive devices, formation of paragraphs all are taken into consideration. 
  • Task Response – This assesses oneā€™s ability to answer the question correctly. Here, candidates must present hisher opinions and substantiate them with examples. 

How to Approach Writing Task 2? 

There are primarily five types of essay in IELTS writing task 2: 

  • Opinion 
  • Advantage and Disadvantage 
  • Problem, Cause and Solution 
  • Discussion 
  • Double Question 

The key to nailing IELTS writing task 2 band environment 9 is following a systematic process. First and foremost, studentsā€™ need to understand the type of question asked and if it is from the list mentioned above. After that, they need to identify the keywords in the question and follow the instructions diligently.  Secondly, students can write in bullet points and elaborate these in the answer sheet. This is a part of structuring the answer and can help in time management.  Thirdly, they must structure the essay into paragraphs. One must begin with an introduction that states the opinion, followed by a topic and supporting sentences in two or three paragraphs. Lastly, they must summarise the points stated in the body paragraphs.  Remember that the introduction and title must be linked as it shows the flow of ideas. This is a part of the task achievement criteria. Furthermore, students can also make use of linking devices to connect the introduction and title. For example, they can begin with ā€˜The main cause of thisā€™ or ā€˜The main factor isā€™.  Last but not the least, one must utilise a wide range of clauses. Some of them are underlined below: 

  • In contrast 
  • Additional information 
  • Consequence 
  • Cause 
  • Effect 
  • Purpose 

Students must also keep questioning themselves like,

  • ā€˜What points should I include in the topic sentences?ā€™
  • ā€˜What examples go with the fact that I already mentioned?ā€™ 
  • ā€˜What do I mean by this statement?

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Environment Band 9 Essay: Samples & Tips

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Environment Band 9 Essay: Samples & Tips

Vocabulary for Writing Task 2 

Candidates must use a wide range of vocabulary as this accounts for 25% of the overall band score. Usage of cohesive devices is equally important. However, they must not be overused as that can hamper the overall band score.  One can begin by stating their point of view in the introduction to respond to the question in IELTS writing task 2 band environment 9. They can start by: 

  • It may seem that 
  • The essay will show that 
  • The essay will argue that 
  • To examine this problem, the essay will highlight both this and that 
  • First, this essay will state this and secondly, it will talk about that 
  • It appears that 

One can use these transition words while writing the topic sentence: 

  • For example 
  • For instance 
  • However 
  • Conversely 
  • In addition 

In the primary paragraph for IELTS writing task 2 environment vocabulary, candidates can use: 

  • I strongly opine that 
  • I strongly disagree with the given topic 
  • I think 
  • My opinion is 
  • In my view 

For the second paragraph in writing task 2 essay, one can focus on phrases such as: 

  • Some people think that 
  • According to many 
  • Some people believe that 
  • On that one hand 
  • Many are of the view that 

For the third and fourth paragraph, sticking to the below-mentioned phrases are beneficial: 

  • Moreover 
  • Furthermore 
  • Consequently 
  • Apart from that 
  • Most people believe that 
  • Last but not the least 
  • Whatā€™s more 

However, just using these phrases is not all. Candidates must also make use of collocations. These are generally two or three words that are placed in a sentence together. For example, ā€˜To make the bedā€™, ā€˜To catch a coldā€™, To do homework, ā€˜To come on timeā€™ sounds natural.  However, one cannot write ā€˜To do the bedā€™ as this sounds grammatically incorrect.  One can pair: 

  • Adverb + Adjective 
  • Adjective + Noun 
  • Noun + Noun 
  • Noun + Verb 
  • Verb + Noun 

Moreover, to learn collocations, candidates can refer to ā€˜English Collocations in Useā€™.  It is instrumental and can help in widening the vocabulary.  Remember, redundancy must be avoided and hence can resort to using synonyms of the given words such as: 

  • Advantages- benefits
  • Disadvantages- drawbacks 
  • Many- plenty, numerous, a large number of 
  • Some people- several 
  • Some people think that- some people argue that hold the view of the opinion believe 
  • Children- Youngsters 
  • Teenagers- Adolescents 
  • Interesting- engaging entertaining 
  • Increased- dramatically, surge, rise 
  • Go to work- commute 

Sample Questions with Answers for Environment Topic 

The environment essay IELTS band 9 is one of the most common topics that come in IELTS . However, many students do not feel the need to prepare this as they find it as one of the most straightforward topics. Consequently, this approach results in losing marks. That is why we have underlined below samples and answers that students can refer to and practice before their exam. 

The best way to solve the worldā€™s environmental problem is to increase the price of fuel.  To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words. 

Today, the Earth is facing a massive threat in the form of a climate crisis and it is believed by many that the most efficient way to tackle the world’s environmental issue is by augmenting fuel prices. Conservationists would deem this method to be effective and I agree with this notion; however, up to an extent, as it heavily impacts the livelihood of the poor people. On the one hand, it is a potent solution to increase the rate of crude commodities like oil since that would force people to try alternative methods of transportation and in turn reduce their carbon emissions. Fostering the habit of cycling and carpooling for instance could be the go-to method. The Netherlands is one such country to have adopted the systemic approach by inflating the fuel prices thereafter urging the nation to take up cycling and subsequently becoming a greener nation. Additionally, it would also discourage people from purchasing automobiles that run on petrol or diesel and encourage them to switch to electric vehicles.  On the other hand, the obvious reason why a hike in fuel rates would not be a better solution for humanity is that it could worsen poverty. People with meagre incomes and daily wage earners would have a hard time saving their salary for their basic needs if their travelling expenses increase. Besides, the fuel price determines the market prices of other essential commodities, and increasing the price can affect poor and middle class families. If this practice were to take place in India, for instance, there would be a spike in the number of families struggling to afford food and household essentials.  In conclusion, increasing the price of petrol can certainly help reduce environmental pollution to some degree ; however, I feel that educating people about the ill effects of the overuse of natural resources and encouraging them to use alternative methods would be a better solution in handling this issue as it will not further deteriorate the life of the poor.

Tips to Write Writing Task 2 

Discussed below are some tips to help improve your IELTS scores: 

Analyse the question carefully 

First and foremost, students must understand the question that is being asked. One must differentiate between the different types of essays. 

Practice brainstorming 

The examiner will be grading based on vocabulary and the ability to organise their ideas. To do this, one must brainstorm and develop ideas in a short time. Therefore, it is always best to write down the keywords associated with the concept and explain those with examples. 

Style the essay 

It is important to follow the academic word list and implement them in the essay. In addition, candidates must use linking devices as mentioned above. 

Prepare a study plan 

Students must strategise an effective study plan that caters to their requirements and needs. Following this plan will help them crack the IELTS exam.  


The key to success in IELTS is practice, practice and practice. Candidates can download sources from the internet and look at sample questions. This will polish their English language skills. 

IELTS Writing Task 2 Environment Band 9

The writing task is one of the most challenging areas of the IELTS exam. However, this comprehensive guide on IELTS writing task 2 band environment 9 will allow candidates to prepare for the said question easily and more efficiently. Students aspiring to pursue a foreign degree abroad can now finance their dreams with ease due to Leap Scholar. It provides financial assistance in the form of education loans with simple and flexible terms to help students fulfil their dream of studying abroad. 

1. Is 7.5 a good score in IELTS?

Ans: Yes, 7.5 is a desirable score in IELTS. It indicates that the candidate has a good command over the English language.

2. By when can I get my result?Ā 

Ans: It depends on the type of IELTS taken. If it is computer-based, you will get the result in 3 to 5 days. If you have opted for pen and paper mode, the result will be available after 13 days from taking the exam.Ā 

3. Who owns IELTS?Ā 

Ans: The British Council, Cambridge Assessment English and IDP: IELTSĀ  Australia Ā jointly own the test.

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Sample environment writing topics for task 2

Home Ā Ā»Ā  IELTS writing task 2 questions Ā Ā»Ā  Sample environment writing topics for task 2 Ā Ā Ā  Ā 

Task 2 writing can be the hardest skill for many candidates and we are here to help!

Writing task 2 academic questions are challenging for many students because itā€™s difficult to predict what question types might come up from the many possible task 2 topics. However, a task 2 related to the environment is very likely and practising writing task 2 topics on the environment will definitely help you be better prepared for the test.

Environmental issues and climate change have always been an interesting and polarising topics in our world and every student will have an opinion on them based on their own life experiences.

We have plenty of environment task 2 questions below based on IELTS Cambridge and British Council/IDP official materials to support you with your task 2 IELTS writing preparation.

What about the first sentence of the question?

Remember that with task 2 statements (the first sentence of the question) you are not required to write a paragraph about them, just paraphrase the statement as the first sentence of your introduction. Writing task 2 questions expect you to focus on the parts of the question with question marks but a lot of candidates get confused and start writing about the wrong thing.

Should there be a general line on environment for task 2?

Not at all, all environment-related task 2 questions are somewhat flexible, and you are not required to answer your IELTS essay in a certain way or be an expert. The best way to tackle a task 2 on environment is to write about what you know ā€“ for example, if you are in India, what environmental issues are affecting your region? Overuse of plastic, pesticides, climate change and global warming and the impact on farming and animal life?Ā 

Take some time to look at the environment writing task 2 questions below and think about how you might answer each one, and what topic-specific vocabulary you might use. Remember, as well as talking about environmental problems, writing task 2 may require you to discuss potential solutions.Ā 

Sample Environment task 2 IELTS topics/questions

  • Environmental issues such as climate change have always been an international problem because governments are not imposing harsh punishments against offenders. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Support your answer with specific reasons and examples.
  • Managing global environmental issues should be handled by one organization on a global scale. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
  • Many agricultural lands are being converted into commercial centres. How does this affect the environment and peopleā€™s lifestyle? Discuss this situation and provide suggestions to address these issues. Support your answer with specific reasons and examples.
  • Many efforts have been made by countries to address challenges concerning the environment but the situation has not improved. What are the possible reasons for environmental degradation? Are there any solutions to combat this problem? Support your answer with specific reasons and examples.
  • Nowadays, it is possible to move ocean creatures from their natural habitat at sea and have them relocated to marine parks for the purpose of education and entertainment. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? Explain your reasons and support them with specific examples.
  • The government should close companies that produce toxic waste materials without their own waste treatment facility in order to protect the environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
  • Many believe that companies behind oil and gas production promote new boundless opportunities while others fear the results from their intrusion in nature. Discuss possible reasons, results and solutions.
  • Why do we need to prevent the extinction of animal life if the extinction of creatures like dinosaurs and dodos was caused by natural processes? What is your opinion about this?
  • People produce more carbon emissions and garbage than in the past. Explain how it is affecting us and the measures that could be taken to address the situation. Provide specific examples and explanation to support your answer.
  • In modern times, some species of animal life are slowly disappearing. Do you think that it is acceptable l for species to become extinct? What are the possible reasons and consequences of this extinction? Provide reasons and examples to explain your opinion.
  • Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Protecting the Environment from air pollution is the responsibility of the government. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
  • Do you agree or disagree that the world was a better place decades ago than it is today? Why do you think so? Give specific details and examples to support your answer.

Summary: Ā Sample environment topics for task 2Ā 

The environment task 2 IELTS questions above give a good overview of the different topics you may need to write about in your IELTS essay. If you have more knowledge about increasing populations, climate change, carbon emissions or animal life and an animal species under threat, you can discuss these with relevant examples if it fits into your topic.

We have more information on IELTS writing at the IELTS Podcast. Want more help with writing task 2 on environment with answers? For an introduction on how to start IELTS writing task 2 click here .

For an introduction on how to start IELTS writing task 2 click here .

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How to Crack Environment Essays For IELTS Writing Task 2? A Guide to Enhance Your Writing Skills

The environment essay for IELTS writing tasks 2 is a nightmare to many students. Aspirants have to write a 250 words essay in approximately 40 minutes. It is very important to maintain the quality of the essay while the candidates must aim for finishing it up within time.

The aspirant has to keep calm, focused and manage his/ her time perfectly to get closer to achieving his/ her desired Band score in the IELTS examination. Good hold on the English vocabulary is also very important for writing great content for the writing task.

The aspirant must be careful enough to avoid any silly mistake or grammatical error while he/ she might try to finish the writing within time.Ā 

A Guidance on Environment Essay for IELTS

The environment essays genre is one of the topics you can expect in your writing task 2. The essay will focus on different aspects related to the environment. Instead of being overwhelmed, it is better to be prepared.Ā 

Look through the main ideas and questions that can be expected. Probably, read up a little more on the subject. Most importantly, always maintain a relevant list of phrases, keywords, and observations to add in your essay. It is essential to have a trusted mentor to guide you along with this task.

Focus on Topics

The natural environment has now become a global concern. Every economy is trying to find a way to secure future generations or life on earth. The trending topics on environment essays will require insight and depth as you put your points forth. Following are the few topics related to the natural environment that you could consider.

  • The impact of global warming. This issue about the environment includes noise pollution, and different other environmental pollution. You can also show statistics here for highlighting the impacts.Ā 
  • The harsh impact of consumerism on the environment. Here the sufferings of the natural environment can be talked about.
  • Developing and developed economies and their individual roles in protecting the climate. Talk about how countries are spreading awareness.
  • The illegal import and export of leather and other animal body parts.
  • Natural disasters and if there is a way to combat their destruction.
  • Man Made destruction through nuclear weapons.
  • Vegetarianism or non-vegetarianism.
  • Disturbance in the ecological balance.

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Previous and Probable Questions Based on Environment Essay for IELTS Writing Task 2

  • Climate change is an urgent issue and it is believed that the utilization of fossil fuels should be stopped and alternative energy resources should be used instead. It is however believed that oil, gas, and coal are indispensable. What is your opinion? Support your point of view with relevant examples.
  • Forests are abundant in oxygen, fertility and animal habitation. The rise of population and consumption has led to deforestation. What are the primary causes of deforestation? To what results may it lead?
  • It is believed that the importance given to wildlife by the government weighs higher, and other important issues go unnoticed. Do you agree or disagree ?

Some More Questions from Environment Essay

  • Some people think that international car-free days will help in reducing fuel usage and air pollution. Others believe there is an effective alternative to this. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?
  • With growing urbanization and concentration of population in the cities, these places are losing their natural beauty spots. Are there any benefits in protecting these spots? How can this be solved?
  • Global warming is one of the biggest threats to our environment at present. What causes global warming? How can we prevent it from growing further?

Other Important Question on Environment Includes

  • Water pollution is now on a rise, recycling is of little help. What causes water pollution? How can we prevent this problem?
  • Atomic energy is one of the most popular sources of energy at present. However, most believe nuclear power is dangerous to human and natural life. What is your opinion?
  • Global environmental protection is the responsibility of rich nations and not poor nations. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?

Lexical Resource for Education Genre

This will help you maintain a list of phrases, keywords, terms to express observations and trends.

  • Emissions; conservation; climate change; solar power
  • To be under threat: to be in danger of becoming extinct
  • Endangered species; environmentally friendly; fossil fuels
  • Global warming; environmental pollution; humanitarian Aid
  • Human activities; natural disaster; poaching; pollution levels
  • Toxic waste; wildlife conservation; deforestation; save our environment
  • To be extinct; a threat to the human race; chemical consumption
  • Industrial waste; land mining; environmental policies
  • Sustainability; responsible living; ecological balance
  • Optimum utilization of natural resources; recycling waste; upcycling

Important Factors to Get Better Score

Understand the exam format:.

No matter which exam you are preparing for, this part is completely unavoidable. To score better in any paper or exam, it is absolutely necessary to have detailed knowledge about the exam pattern.

More and More Practice:

There is no harm in practising more. Get hold of some practice sets and keep practising as much as you can.

Compact Writing:

No matter how many creative ideas are roaming inside your head, you must remember not to write too much. Time management is the key to better score here so manage it smartly and write accordingly.

Also Read: How to Improve Pronunciation for the IELTS Speaking Questions? Tips to Boost Your Preparation

Keep the things mentioned in this article in your mind while you are preparing for the exam and keep practising with a timer beside you because as you already might know that in exams like IELTS, time plays a big role. Hopefully, this article will help you in achieving your desired Band in the IELTS examination. All the best!

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IELTS Essay, topic: Environmental problems

  • IELTS Essays - Band 7

Nowadays environmental problems are too big to be managed by individual persons or individual countries. In other words, it is an international problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

ielts environment essay

Lately, many presentations, conferences and international summits are held to deal with waste treatment, recycling, and soil and water contamination. joint efforts and consolidation can only help in the mutual war the ongoing environmental disaster. For instance, governments should offer support to companies and organizations, involved in manufacturing, industry or agriculture in order to find environment-friendly approaches. These could be special law regulations, recycling programs, helping courses in order to implement ISO certificates and many more.

However, the influence of individuals over environment should not be ignored. If we do not that our planet is our home, we will never be able to take care of it. We have to contribute every day to the preservation of nature and environment. For example, always remember to save energy by switching off lamps, computers and everything that we do not use. Our next obligation is to separate waste and throw bulk only in the designated areas. Driving vehicles can also be environment friendly. For example, we have to avoid accelerating the engines too rapidly or using the air conditioning in the country, where it would be better to save energy and simply open the windows.

To sum up, environmental problems should be handled by local and international authorities as well as individuals. Every single person should take care of the environment, moreover we have to bring up our children to be conscious citizens of a clean and preserved planet.

This is a very good essay, a Band 7+ candidate. The structure of this essay and sentences is correct as well as the spelling and punctuation. Good job!

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Environmental Problems And Solution Essay : IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample & Tips

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Updated on 31 January, 2024

Mrinal Mandal

Mrinal Mandal

Study abroad expert.

Mrinal Mandal

Attempting the IELTS writing task 2 environmental problems and solutions essay? A minimum word count of 250 is compulsory, and you should complete this task in 40 minutes. You will get an essay topic to give an opinion, summarize information, outline major issues or identify solutions for relevant problems. 

While writing the problem of pollution IELTS essay, it must be accompanied by examples, arguments, and logical reasons. Read your instructions carefully before starting. Structure your essay beforehand and decide what you wish to say about the topic. Be clear about the paragraph count that you want and your conclusion. Here are some samples to help you.

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Go through some samples that will help you frame a good essay:  

Question:   Many people think that environmental problems are too big for individual citizens to fix. In contrast, others feel that the government cannot solve them unless individuals take constructive actions. Discuss both perspectives, and let us know what you think.  


There are pressing environmental problems that the world faces today. Some believe that they are outside the ambit of individuals to solve, while others believe that unless people step up, the governments will be unable to solve them either. This essay will discuss both these views before concluding. 

The argument is heavily tilted towards individual citizens lacking the material resources and social networks to fix long-standing environmental problems. There are several facets towards solving environmental issues, notably those concerning the administrative, governmental, regulatory, authoritative, law and order, and legal domains. For instance, manufacturing units keep releasing poisonous gases into the atmosphere while polluting rivers with toxic materials. Individuals cannot possibly combat these instances. People may argue that every stakeholder can step up and pressure the authorities and companies to take proactive steps. However, this is not a feasible solution since these companies are largely under the ownership of businesses and funds that only seek profits and do not prioritize the environment. 

It leads to the natural deduction that solving environmental problems is the joint responsibility of public stakeholders and the government. The authorities should offer legal and administrative support towards curbing pollution and other environmental issues. If any individual wishes to notify the authorities of something harmful in their region, then steps should be taken to streamline this provision as much as possible. Governments may consider setting up pollution control bodies, desks in every administrative office, random environmental inspections at manufacturing units, fines and legal provisions for a rule violation, and similar steps. 

Hence, the above premise supports the argument that the government can't fix everything unless there is sustained pressure from a section of society and individuals. The responsibility seems to veer directly towards individual actions collectively harnessed to pressure legislative and administrative mechanisms to fix prevalent issues. The combined initiatives of citizens and authorities will be the most effective solution for solving environmental problems. However, this does not mean that individual responsibility takes a backseat until there is government support. Individuals can contribute in numerous smaller ways towards ecological preservation. (Words: 360)


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Question:   Some citizens feel that the biggest environmental issue currently is the loss of animal and plant species. Some think that there are bigger ecological issues worth addressing. Discuss both perspectives, and let us know what you think.  

Many people feel that there are bigger environmental issues and potential disasters that should be tackled first. In contrast, others believe that the loss of particular animal and plant species is the biggest threat at the moment. Despite the first argument having some merits, I agree that the loss of biodiversity through the vital plant and animal species is the biggest environmental issue we face today. 

Natural disasters have increased worldwide, and scientists cite climate change as the major reason. Many experts argue that the temperature increase, especially across oceans, has led to a higher risk of blizzards, hurricanes, cyclones, and tsunamis. There are multiple natural disasters, including the devastating cyclones  Aila and  Amphan,  which struck India periodically over the last two decades. The biggest tragedy of the entire century was arguably the 2004 tsunami that destroyed Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, causing innumerable deaths, serious injuries, loss of property and homes, livelihood risks, and unimaginable damages. 

The key reason animal and plant species have to be safeguarded are the growing number of endangered species on the planet over the last few decades. Take the example of polar bears, who mostly reside in the Arctic, where they currently face threats due to the prolonged melting of the ice caps. Polar bears may completely become extinct by 2100, as per forecasts. It will have a chain effect on the Arctic ecosystem and other animals in the endangered category, such as narwhals and seals. It is only a single example of global warming and how it impacts the lives of plant and animal species. 

In my opinion, biodiversity loss is the biggest threat faced by the environment today. Citizens, action groups and governments, should find ways to collaborate and take positive steps towards preserving endangered wildlife and plants along with their ecosystems. It is because biodiversity is the bedrock of natural growth, maintenance, and evolution. Governments should simultaneously look at ways to lower carbon emissions, the usage of fossil fuels, and other factors causing climate change and deadly natural consequences. (Words: 353)

In conclusion, addressing environmental problems requires a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand and a commitment to implementing practical solutions. Essays on environmental problems and solutions for IELTS Writing Task 2 should not only highlight the urgency of these issues, such as climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss, but also emphasize the effectiveness of solutions like renewable energy adoption, conservation efforts, and sustainable practices. By critically analyzing these topics, candidates can demonstrate their awareness, analytical abilities, and language proficiency. Furthermore, such essays encourage a global discourse on environmental stewardship, underscoring the need for collective action and innovative approaches to safeguard our planet for future generations. As we move forward, it is imperative that we all contribute to these solutions, embodying the change needed to address the environmental challenges that face us today.

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How to keep our environment clean essay?

As human beings, we are blessed with a beautiful and nurturing environment. However, it is fast being reduced to shreds owing to the negative impact of our destructive and careless actions. Out of our greed, selfishness and carelessness, we are steadily destroying the environment brick by brick. The rising incidence of natural calamities throughout the world and growing emissions are only two indicators of what is to come if we do not mend our ways. I strongly feel that communities, Governments and individuals should take more concrete steps towards keeping their immediate environments clean and in good shape. 

We should enhance our environments by planting more trees and encouraging others to do the same, especially the future generations. We should also advocate legal regulations that ban usage of plastic in order to preserve our future ecosystems and oceans. We should reuse our plastic bags and not dispose them. We should gradually switch towards paper bags as well. 

We should also use more public transportation and reduce electricity and water consumption. I believe that with responsible steps, we can ensure a cleaner and healthier environment for the upcoming generations.

How to protect the environment essay?

Our environment refers to our ecosystems, communities, surroundings and our living conditions. However, it is now on its way towards being endangered owing to the callous actions of Man for greed and profit. Milking natural resources to the point of exhaustion, we have already been chipping away at the natural environment bit by bit. I believe that all is not lost however and we can start taking pro-active steps towards safeguarding our environment. 

We can start with more tree plantation since green cover is the only solution towards combating the impact of natural calamities, flooding and reducing the artificial  heat island effect that major global cities are suffering from. More oxygen will also ensure better quality of life in the bargain. We can also endeavor to protect natural habitats, urban forests and other natural ecosystems including water bodies. We should also conserve forests with dedicated initiatives and awareness programs. A lot has to be done at the Government level in this regard. 

Other measures include waste management, zero-tolerance policies for littering, soil conservation and preventing pollution. In this way, we can all work together to protect what is left of our environment in order to combat future calamities and destructive occurrences, while ensuring the sustainability of life itself on the planet.

How to save our environment essay?

Saving the environment is imperative in the current scenario. The word  save assumes immense significance here, since we have already managed to destroy large parts of our environments and natural habitats owing to greed, conspicuous consumption and politics. 

We can start by emphasizing more tree plantation and conservation of existing natural habitats and ecosystems. We should take steps towards reducing carbon emissions and footprints, while switching to electric mobility, cutting down on water waste and managing solid waste carefully. We should eliminate plastic usage in order to save our oceans. 

Forest and soil conservation are also essential for saving the environment for the future. Solar and wind energy should be promoted as the new-age formula for environmental conservation. Recycling and reusing is also the way to go with regard to conserving natural resources. With these positive steps being implemented by environmental organizations and authorities worldwide, we can attempt to save our environment, leaving it intact and sustainable for future generations.

How I care for the environment everyday essay?

As human beings, we are all governed by a set of fundamental duties and responsibilities to ourselves, our families, society and the environment. We are all entrusted with responsibilities to leave behind a sustainable environment for upcoming generations instead of defiling it and leaving behind the planet in a hazardous state. 

At my end, I try to take various pro-active steps towards caring for my environment. I try and plant trees as often as I can, not just in proximity to my residence, but also throughout my community, by organizing tree plantation drives. I gift saplings to my loved ones and acquaintances. I also reuse plastic bags at home while avoiding the usage of new ones. I use paper bags for my shopping as much as possible. I regularly volunteer for beach and park clean-up drives in my locality while also spreading awareness amongst children and younger generations. I try and use lesser water and encourage my family members to do the same. I also buy sustainable seafood and have cut down on my consumption of electricity. 

These are some small ways through which I care for my environment. I firmly encourage others to do the same. We only have one planet and it is time that we stopped taking it for granted.

How do humans affect the environment essay?

Over centuries, human beings have adversely impacted the environment, especially with a rapid growth in population, housing and societal requirements, along with widespread urbanization and industrialization. 

Human beings have contributed towards large-scale deforestation and elimination of precious forest cover throughout the world for housing, industries, profitable enterprises and other purposes. Industrialization and consumerism have become a lethal cocktail that has led to increasing usage of plastic that chokes up our oceans and causes pollution, more toxic emissions with an increase in vehicles and burning of fossil fuels and contamination of soil and water through harmful chemicals. 

As human beings, we have also managed to destroy the tender ecological balance through misuse and exploitation of natural resources for profits. Littering and careless waste disposal have also hurt the environment along with wildlife extinction and biodiversity losses. Last but not the least; we have also contributed towards soil erosion, higher radiation and noise pollution. These are the catastrophic ways in which we have harmed the environment. Decades of restorative measures are required to reverse these damages to an extent.

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Mrinal Mandal is a study abroad expert with a passion for guiding students towards their international education goals. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering, earned in 2018. Since 2021, Mrinal has been working with upGrad Abroad, where he assists aspiring students in realizing their dreams of studying abroad. With his expertise and dedication, he empowers individuals to navigate the complexities of international education, making their aspirations a reality.

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IELTS Writing 2 Topic: Environmental problems are too big to be managed by individual person or individual country

Courtney Miller

Updated On Jan 19, 2023

ielts environment essay

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IELTS Writing 2 Topic: Environmental problems are too big to be managed by individual person or individual country

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Just as the environment is a crucial part of our existence, environment essays or topics related to the environment are also part and parcel of the IELTS Writing module.

The essay writing section of the IELTS Writing module can be a difficult task for many IELTS aspirants. Thus, it is vital that you polish your essay writing skills before attempting the IELTS.

Given below is a sample IELTS environment essay that requires you to present your opinion. In order to provide insight into how the essay can be answered, two model answers have been given along with it.

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Opinion essay (Agree/Disagree)


Paraphrase the topic of the essay.

Give an insight into the topic and state your opinion.

Paragraph 1- What would happen actually in case the people of a nation are trying their utmostĀ to protect the environment while others lift no hand to do this and even unremittingly release industrial waste in the hope ofĀ fast-growing industrialization? That is the reason why to rescue our beloved environment, governments of all nations are required to implement a joint effortĀ by following international regulations.

Paragraph 2- In the context of industrialization, the economy of each country isĀ  reaching its heights, Ā especially in the third world countries with theirĀ  overheating economies. Ā Hence, rarer would these governments prioritize environmental pollution, while caught in the economic race with other countries, if the Ā radical international intervention Ā was not imposed.

Another example is that the radioactivity Ā fromĀ  nuclear plants, Ā as a consequence of the unexpected earthquake in Japan, is infectious, threatening the survival of people domestically and species across the nation. The issue would be muchĀ  exacerbated Ā as other neighbouring nations are Ā ignorant of Ā this, and by this, they are, in fact, harming their own destinies as well.

Sum up the essay by concluding it with the underlying idea of the essay.

Sample Essay

The environment is at high risk , which is an undeniable truth when people, today, are facing an ever-increasing occurrence of natural disasters from the tsunami, greenhouse effects, earthquakes to global warming. It is believed that these consequences are the result of not a single nation, but the globe, and thus, it is time for the whole world to be responsible for this issue. I strongly agree with this idea.

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First, each person is an active agent to protect the environment. With each tree planted by an individual, greenness is widespread, and the environment will be saved eventually. What would happen actually in case the people of a nation are trying their utmost to protect the environment while others lift no hand to do this and even unremittingly release industrial waste in the hope of fast-growing industrialization ? That is the reason why to rescue our beloved environment , governments of all nations are required to implement a joint effort Ā by following international regulations and setting up global treaties to limit the amount of pollution discharged by each country, for example, Kyoto.

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Second, in the context of industrialization, the economy of each country is reaching its heights, especially in the third world countries with their overheating economies. Hence, rarer would these governments prioritize environmental pollution, while caught in the economic race with other countries, if the radical international intervention was not imposed. Another example is that the radioactivity from nuclear plants, as a consequence of the unexpected earthquake in Japan, is infectious, threatening the survival of people domestically and species across the nation. The issue would be much exacerbated as other neighbouring nations are ignorant of this, and by this, they are, in fact, harming their own destinies as well. The action to lend technological support from developed nations to developing ones, for instance, the environment-friendly assembly line , is one of the effective remedies to reduce pollution caused by untreated industrial waste.

Finally, when it comes to the issue of the overwhelming disappearance of endangered animals, which leads to ecological imbalance , by no means can a nation combat this radically devoid of global support . Specious fishes in the ocean across different countries in a continent are culled uncontrollably by a group of people in a specific location for the sake of profit. It is by dint of drastic international law on prohibiting the exploitation of rare species that our natural animal kingdom is less intimidated . According to social surveys, annually, international teams of conservationists have caught global thieves who endeavoured to kill these animals for illegal trading .

Put it simply, without the worldā€™s attempt, the environment is definitely in danger , as a result of pollution and the vast disappearance of key animals to balance our ecology.

Band 9 Sample Essay

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Owing to the rapid urbanization and sky-rocketing industrialization the deterrent of the environment, too have proliferated. The by-products of development have been seen corroding the layer of the environment and in the wake of it, environmental degradation has become too gigantic to cope up with. I strongly second with this opinion and in the subsequent paragraphs, this essay shall elucidate the same.

The menace of pollution has become too massive and brobdingnagian that it is not the matter to be vested in the hands of an individual or a nation, in particular, and it is indeed a high time that the world recognizes and takes apposite measures to check the same. International agencies and associations donā€™t just need to be formulated but diligently executed too. Rapid industrialization has rather become arch-rival to our environment and is subjected to be treated by the collective and collaborative efforts of all the nations as it is in the best of interest of the world. The ozone layer depletion, for instance, is a bane for Earth.

Although various acts have come into the picture owing to the alarming and devouring monster of pollution like the Environmental protection act of 1986 and the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974, etc., the process of environmental annihilation has not been rescinded rather has been exacerbated in the last few years. Be it water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution, environment and our natural habitat has been obliterated from all the aspects and if international consortia donā€™t wake up to the ailing planet, the loss would never convalesce again.Ā 

Though some might say that it is an individual responsibility of the nations that are undergoing the solemn loss and threat of environmental denigration, the status of red alert is not country-specific and pollution doesnā€™t have physical boundaries that it would be hovering over a specific region and hence it needs to be tackled co-operatively.

Conclusively, the wound of pollution canā€™t be overlooked and ignoring that would be a clear invitation for the grave peril in the future and the only way to halt its pace would be to denuding it from its very establishment and taking environmental preservation seriously.

Bonus Question:

Environmental issues have always been an international problem because governments are not imposing harsh punishments against offenders. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Support your answer with specific reasons and examples.

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Practice IELTS Writing Task 2 based on Essay types

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The Environment Topic for Writing Task 2

While some people consider global warming to be the most pressing environmental problem which we have at the moment, others believe that deforestation has a more devastating impact on our world. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
The government should reduce the amount of money spent on local environmental problems and instead increase funding into urgent and more threatening issues such as global warming. To what extent do you agree?
With increasing populations and ever growing urban centers, many countries are losing their natural beauty spots. What benefits are there to protecting places of natural beauty? How can this be solved?
Although many people value their public parks, this space could be better used for other purposes such as residential areas for the ever growing population or to develop business and boost economies. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this?
With deforestation, urban development and illegal hunting, many animal species are becoming endangered as they lose their habitat and some are even threatened to the point of extinction. Do you think it is important to protect animals? What measures can be taken to deal with this problem?
Global warming is one of the biggest threats to our environment. What causes global warming? What solutions are there to this problem?
Both governments and individuals are spending vast amounts of money protecting animals and their habitat. This money could be better spent dealing with fundamental issues in society such as poverty and health care. To what extent do you agree?
As a result of growth in some urban centers, the environment in those cities is deteriorating. How could this issue be tackled by both the government and individuals?
Some people think that current environmental issues are global problems and should therefore be dealt with by the government while others believe that these problems can only be tackled by individuals. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.
Global environmental issues are the responsibility of rich nations not of poorer nations. Do you agree with this opinion?
While many people believe that global environmental problems should be dealt with internationally rather than domestically. What is your opinion?
Ā Many animals are being hunted to the brink of extinction in order to fulfill the demand and greed of mankind for decorative purposes as well as for other reasons such as traditional medicine. How could this be solved?

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Environmental Problems are becoming a Global Issue - IELTS Essay

Environmental Problems Are Becoming A Global Issue - IELTS Task 2 Band 9 Sample Essay - IELTS Luminary

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Model Essay 1

In an era where environmental degradation transcends borders, the proposition that these challenges necessitate a global response is gaining traction. I staunchly advocate for international cooperation to address these concerns, particularly focusing on the pivotal roles of technological innovation and global policy reform.

The crux of the matter firmly resides in the universal nature of environmental problems; pollution, climate change, and the alarming loss of biodiversity do not recognize national boundaries. This inescapable global interconnectivity necessitates a unified approach to fervently foster technological innovation and cross-border collaborations. For instance, the development, widespread dissemination, and adoption of renewable energy technologies from one nation can significantly reduce carbon footprints globally. The success stories of solar energy advancements in Germany and wind energy in Denmark serve as beacons, exemplifying how collective technological strides can benefit the global community immensely. This synergy not only accelerates the transition to green energy but also vividly demonstrates the power of shared knowledge, resources, and collective determination in combating environmental issues.

Moreover, the steadfast implementation of comprehensive, robust global policies is indispensable and urgently required. International agreements like the Paris Accord not only exemplify the potential of collective action in mitigating climate change but also highlight the vital importance of unity and shared goals. However, the effectiveness of such agreements critically hinges on their stringent enforcement and the unwavering commitment of all parties to adhere to agreed-upon standards and objectives. The introduction of global carbon pricing, for instance, could serve as a tangible, impactful measure to encourage countries and corporations alike to pivot towards more sustainable practices, making environmental responsibility a cornerstone of their operations. Such forward-thinking policies underscore the necessity of a cohesive, integrated strategy, emphasizing that isolated efforts, while commendable, are patently insufficient in the face of a looming global environmental crisis.

In conclusion, the argument for a global approach to solving environmental problems is compelling and, in my view, non-negotiable. The symbiosis of technological innovation and comprehensive policy reform on a worldwide scale stands as our best hope for a sustainable future.

Model Essay 2

As our planet faces escalating environmental crises, the contention that these challenges demand a global solution is increasingly pertinent. I firmly concur, emphasizing the crucial roles of international environmental stewardship and educational initiatives.

Firstly, global stewardship, through collective governance and international cooperation, is imperative for managing and mitigating environmental issues effectively. The catastrophic deforestation in the Amazon, for instance, is not a solitary concern for Brazil but a pressing global one, affecting biodiversity and climate worldwide, necessitating immediate global attention and action. International collaboration can lead to the adoption of sustainable management practices that respect both local and global needs comprehensively. The establishment of transnational conservation areas and the provision of international funding for innovative sustainable development projects can serve as illustrative examples of how unified efforts yield substantial environmental benefits. These actions not only mitigate local issues but also contribute significantly to global environmental health, showcasing the efficacy and necessity of a united, concerted approach.

Additionally, global educational initiatives play an indispensable and pivotal role in solving environmental problems by promoting global consciousness. Knowledge and awareness about environmental conservation need to transcend borders to foster a universally eco-conscious populace, ready to take action. Initiatives like UNESCOā€™s Education for Sustainable Development program illustrate the unparalleled potential of education to equip individuals worldwide with the understanding and skills to live more sustainably, fostering a culture of care for the environment. By embedding comprehensive environmental education in global curricula, we can cultivate a generation capable of making informed decisions that benefit the planet, instilling a deep-rooted sense of environmental stewardship across diverse communities.

In conclusion, the argument for addressing environmental issues through a global lens is not only logical but necessary. The synergistic impact of international environmental stewardship and educational initiatives underscores the potential of collective action in ushering a sustainable future.

Model Essay 3

In the face of escalating environmental challenges, the debate over whether these issues require a global or localized approach has intensified. I wholeheartedly endorse the view that only through a concerted global effort can we effectively tackle these crises, underscoring the necessity for global environmental governance and shared technological innovation.

Central to this discourse is the imperative for establishing a global environmental governance framework. Such a framework would enable countries to collaboratively address issues that transcend national boundaries, such as climate change and ocean pollution. For example, the depletion of the ozone layer was effectively countered through the global cooperation mandated by the Montreal Protocol. This success story illustrates the potential of collective action in resolving environmental threats that no single nation can combat independently. By pooling resources and expertise, nations can implement large-scale conservation projects and enforce regulations that have far-reaching positive impacts on the planetā€™s ecological balance.

Equally critical is the role of shared technological innovation in mitigating environmental problems effectively and sustainably. The rapid dissemination and adoption of clean energy technologies across borders are absolutely essential for significantly reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. Notably, initiatives like the International Solar Alliance, spearheaded by India and France, underscore how collaborative efforts in technology transfer, financial investment, and knowledge sharing can facilitate the widespread adoption of sustainable energy solutions worldwide. Such innovative partnerships not only expedite the crucial transition to renewable energy sources but also bolster economic development and resilience in regions that are most vulnerable to the devastating impacts of climate change, promoting global sustainability.

In conclusion, the resolution of environmental issues necessitates a global strategy that combines effective governance with technological collaboration. By uniting in our efforts, we harness the collective power necessary to safeguard our planet for future generations.

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ielts environment essay

IELTS Problem/Solution Essay Sample 1 ā€“ Environment

In this post, we will look at a problem/solution Ā essay Ā example from the IELTS writing task 2 test. Students often ask if the questions are repeated year after year and the answer is no, but the topics are. There are so many questions written each year, you may find your practice answering various questions on different topics. For example, you could write essays to answer questions about education or the environment, which benefits you because you learn vocabulary associated with those topics and develop ideas that can help you in your writing test.

Practising writing IELTS task 2 essays Ā on a range of topics is a great way to learn new vocabulary for those topics, but also to practice your essay structures . You begin to develop your ideas around those topics, thinking of examples and giving your opinions.

If you would like to learn how to structure a problem/solution essay Ā please click the button below >

Take a look at the IELTS essay example Ā below >>

Numerous progressing nations encounter massive complications with the condition of their water and air from both manufacturers and commercial factories. Firstly, this essay will discuss the issue of water and air contamination and secondly, it will suggest answers to this.

On the one hand, abuse of the environment is one of the main dilemmas in the world today.Ā  Some industrial companies toss their chemical and garbage wastes into nearby bodies of water like rivers, lakes and the ocean, which affects the creatures and plants in the water. Red tides are often encountered and because of this, the availability of some seafood is affected. In addition, exposure to different kinds of diseases brought about by both water and air pollution increases rapidly. For example, a study by The WHO reported that in 2016 almost 80% of the water surrounding The Philippines was contaminated with biochemicals that had been leaked from industrial companies.Ā 

On the other hand, this may be the consequence of a country trying to develop its economy but there are answers to the problems. Strengthening the laws to protect the environment should be one of them because as long as there are consequences, they would not commit a crime like illegal dumping. The government should inflict severe fines and jail terms to those who are found to be destroying the environment with their toxic waste.Ā For example, The Environmental Department in the Philippines reported in 2017 that 90% of industrial companies who were found to be over the limit of waste removal were fined heavily and closed.

In conclusion, the destruction of our natural resources and increased exposure to health risks are the main problems. The government and the companies involved should work together in order to solve these difficulties.

(Word count ā€“ 291 / Band score 8)


  • Task Achievement Ā ā€“ The essay provides an answer to the question asked, supported by relevant examples.
  • Coherence and Cohesion Ā ā€“ The answer has been divided into clear logical paragraphs and each main body paragraph only has one main idea. There are cohesive links between the main body paragraphs .
  • Lexical Resource Ā ā€“ There is evidence of a wide range of vocabulary, with no errors in the text.
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy Ā ā€“ The answer has no grammatical errors. The sentences have a wide range of structures.Ā 

We hope you found this post useful in helping you to study for the IELTS Test . If you have any questions please let us know in the comments below or on the Facebook page.

The best way to keep up to date with posts like this is to like us on Facebook , then follow us on Instagram and Pinterest .Ā If you need help preparing for the IELTS Test, join the IELTS Achieve Academy and see how we can assist you to achieve your desired band score. We offer an essay correction service, mock exams and online courses.

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Recent Most Popular 100+ IELTS Essay Topics of 2024

The one-hour writing portion of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) consists of two tasks, task 1 and task 2, which evaluate your vocabulary, grammar, word count, collocations, and capacity to create complicated sentences sparingly and effectively.

It is crucial to realise that the IELTS Academic and General Training Tasks have different essay subjects. IELTS Academic Task 1 requires you to create a report using a graph, diagram, or chart; in contrast, IELTS General Training Task 1 requires you to write a letter. Essay writing is the second task in both the General and Academic modules. Although the themes for essays in each module may vary, the approach to producing essays is always the same.

To determine the Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 and Task 2 scores, examiners consider the following factors: Task Achievement, Task Response, Coherence, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, and Lexical Resource.

Table of Content

Latest IELTS Essay Topics for 2024

Environment, personality, global consumerism and business., essay types for ielts, opinions essay, discussion essays, advantages and disadvantages question essays, direct questions essays, ielts writing task 2 preparation tips, how should the ielts writing section task 2 essays be answered, first, read and comprehend the question, arrange the answer, write a strong introduction in step three, carefully select the primary content.

Most IELTS essay topics center around current affairs and global events. The following listicles contain some IELTS essay writing topics. Additionally, practicing the sample essay questions is one of the best strategies to get ready to answer essays in the IELTS Writing section. Below are the topic categories and essay writing examples to assist students searching for the newest IELTS essay topics:

Students searching for the newest IELTS essay themes can find assistance with the following topic categories and essay writing samples:

Environmental Crisis: One of the most often asked IELTS topics is the environment essay (band 9). But since this is one of the most specialized topics and might cost you points, many students don’t think they need to prepare for it.

Global Warming: Questions about general conversation subjects like deforestation, global warming, the greenhouse effect, and climate change are frequently included in the speaking and writing areas of the IELTS exam.

Sustainable Energy: Writing an essay might be a difficult chore if you are not familiar with its structure and topics. Each sentence needs to make sense and be constructed such that it conveys information and a clear picture. If you write your essay off-topic, you can lose points. Nuclear power and sustainable energy are contentious issues, therefore being knowledgeable about them will set you apart from your peers.

Fossil Fuels: The topics for IELTS essays in writing assignment 2 typically revolve around subjects that are commonly discussed in the everyday lives of applicants. The substitution of renewable energy sources for nonrenewable fuels is one such issue.

Hobbies: “Hobbies” appears frequently in both the Speaking and Writing Task 2 sections of the IELTS exam. Examinees should find this to be a straightforward, mark-fetching topic with minimal obstacles.

First impressions matter a lot in terms of personality as IELTS examiners read hundreds of essays every day and have limited attention spans. Therefore, it is crucial that you start your IELTS essay correctly and give a strong first impression.

Fashion : Often featuring worldwide themes, fashion is one of the best subjects to hone your public speaking abilities.

Education: The IELTS Essay on Education is one of the hardest assignments, with erratic questions throughout the test. Education: The Significance of Extracurricular Activities and School Values. Opinion-driven, these education essay topicsā€”such as the value of leisure activitiesā€”evaluate students’ capacity to articulate their knowledge and abilities in a meaningful way.

Government and Society: If you’re planning to take the IELTS exam, you should familiarize yourself with as many topics that are common to Writing Task 2. Government and society is one such frequent IELTS exam theme that you should be familiar with.

Ideal Society: To strengthen their writing and vocabulary skills and raise their overall band score, applicants should practice answering sample questions and practicing essay responses for the Ideal Society IELTS essay.

IELTS writing task 2 frequently features essays on social media. Keeping the word count within reason and being aware of several approaches to the topic are the easiest ways to tackle a social media IELTS essay band 9 or related topic.

Worldwide Trade: The IELTS exam has included global business as one of its themes over the years. In order to properly respond to a question on such a topic, your response must include all relevant details, arguments, justifications, opinions, and supporting proof.

The functions of management and leadership are crucial in any organization. You should always write an essay that answers the query while writing on such subjects.

Language Barriers and Foreign Culture : IELTS Writing Task 2 frequently addresses the themes of foreign languages and culture. Share your thoughts on these subjects.

Sports and kids: Sports are a recurrent motif throughout the essay, and the text should never stray from the major ideas.

Health Obesity: In IELTS writing task 2, essays about overweight people are frequently assigned. Overweight may also be discussed in relation to obesity, current trends in children’s and adults’ health, and other related subjects.

The themes for IELTS essays are typically divided into different sections.

Any of the following essay types may be seen on the IELTS exam:

You are required to provide your thoughts on the assigned topic in this essay genre. Naturally, having prior knowledge of frequent topics that are popular in the IELTS exam is the ideal method to score highly in such essays.

Examples of Questions

  • Nowadays, most teenagers have a smartphone. Give your thoughts so that we may talk about the benefits and drawbacks.
  • In recent years, crime novels and TV shows have gained a lot of popularity. What thoughts do you have regarding these criminal dramas?
  • Developing countries frequently need aid from other countries. While some think that guidance and practical support would be more helpful, many feel that financial assistance should be provided. Talk about your thoughts on both of these points of view.
  • While some people think industries are to blame, many people think cars are the main source of pollution in cities. Describe the opposing viewpoints and offer your own.
  • A common belief is that the government ought to provide financial assistance to those who engage in the arts. Others think they should look for different sources. Give your thoughts and discuss each point of view.
  • Some people think that perseverance, commitment, and drive are the keys to success in life. Many people, however, think that other crucial elements, such as wealth and good looks, determine success. Give your thoughts and discuss the two points of view.
  • Government funding of programs aimed at finding extraterrestrial life is a popular belief. But some think that governments ought to concentrate on global problems that still need to be solved. Talk about both points of view and offer your own.

In the context of discussion essays, candidates must present arguments in favor of or against each issue. These are the most typical essays that can be seen on the IELTS exam.

  • Many people think that living in a large city has more benefits than living in a rural area. Do you think this is correct or incorrect?
  • More than any other element, an individual’s age group determines their shopping behavior. Do you think this is correct or incorrect?
  • In industrialized nations, the number of overweight children and adolescents is rising. For most developed nations, this is a serious issue. Describe this issue’s causes and effects.
  • One fantastic invention that benefits everyone on the planet is the internet. However, there are a number of problems with regard to personal data control and security. Do you think this is correct or incorrect?
  • People who are exposed to advertising are less likely to be creative and more likely to act and appear alike. Do you think this is correct or incorrect?
  • Many times these days, parents plan extra classes for the weekends or even after school. Do you think this is even remotely helpful? Or are you of the opinion that the education offered in schools suffices?
  • There are others who think that abolishing the death penalty is a good idea. Do you think this is correct or incorrect?

Students are required to discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of a certain topic in this kind of essay. These essays assess your ability to create arguments and how well you can express yourself in English so that your opinions are as clear and consistent as possible.

  • Many places have benefited immensely from international tourism. Significant worries have been raised, though, regarding how it may affect the local population and ecology. Are there more drawbacks to foreign travel than advantages?
  • Recently, legislation restricting employees’ daily working hours have been passed in some countries. Describe the impact that this will have, if any, positive or negative.

The themes for this kind of essay will be given to the students as direct questions, to which they must respond with their own ideas and experiences.

  • In the past, going shopping was a common household chore. Today, though, it’s more of a pastime. Does this pattern seem promising?

Since they can communicate in English really well, many students think they don’t need to prepare much. It’s true that the IELTS test is difficult. Actually, the test could be challenging for native English speakers as well. Candidates should thus begin their preparation for this portion as soon as possible and should follow a strict and thorough approach.

  • Start studying for the IELTS at least six months in advance of the date you plan to take the test, and be sure to dedicate some time each day to each of the four components.
  • For both writing tasksā€”especially writing task 2ā€”select writing themes and make an effort to write about them every day. Keep an eye on the clock; you have one hour to finish both assignments.
  • Allocate a substantial amount of time to acquire new words and review grammar. Structured thinking comes next, which enables you to express your ideas in a logical manner. Keep clarity, rationality, and lucidity in mind when you write.
  • Since any topic could be included in the second IELTS writing task, you should broaden your ideas. Examine all available materials, including books, magazines, and internet resources, to increase your vocabulary and level of understanding. Moreover, practice as many mock.

To successfully improve their essay-writing skills in the Writing portion, students might use the following strategies:

To succeed in assignment 2 essays, you must first thoroughly read and comprehend the question. Candidates typically respond to the question without fully comprehending what is asked of them. It is important for candidates to thoroughly examine the question, determine its type, and attempt to pinpoint its keywords. Lastly, before attempting to respond, they should comprehend the instructions completely.

Students must organize the format of their answers after they have a firm understanding of the question. This will enable candidates to arrange their thoughts and create a concise and coherent response.

The essay’s opening should provide a summary of the main points of the paper. Make sure your opening effectively summarizes the main points of the essay.

The crucial section of the essay is the main body, where you have to include all the information that is required. Make sure to support your ideas with relevant information, examples, and explanations. After finishing, a suitable conclusion must be provided

Also Read: IELTS Exam: 8 Weeks Study Plan IELTS Writing Task 2: Format, Sample, Tips IELTS Academic vs General Tests – What’s the Difference? IELTS Eligibility 2024: Check Minimum Age Limit, Qualification & Score Required

IELTS Essay Topics- FAQs

What is the best way to do well in ielts writing task 2.

Task Response, Cohesion & Coherence, Lexical Resource, and lastly Grammatical range and accuracy are the four primary performance criteria for IELTS Writing Task 2. Make sure you adhere to these four standards when preparing by using appropriate reference materials and practice questions.

Which are the most often requested questions in IELTS Writing Task 2?

In IELTS Writing Task 2, there are various question categories to choose from, such as: Problem/Causes, Opinion, Advantage/Disadvantage, and Discussion of Views.

Which major themes underlie the questions in IELTS Writing Task 2?

A few of the overarching topics are Crime & Punishment, Art, Business, Environment, Food, Health, and more. For question framing, concepts and subjects are grouped under these major themes.

Does the IELTS Writing component require the usage of complicated words?

A further benefit is having a strong vocabulary. However, it’s not appropriate to firmly insert challenging words into phrases. Your phrases should flow naturally and be appropriate for the meaning and situation you’re in.

How can one generate concepts for IELTS Writing Task 2 (2024)?

To come up with ideas for IELTS Writing Task 2, the simplest methods are to look at sample essays, search for ideas on Google, speak with experts, watch movies, ask yourself some questions about the subject, and come up with primary concepts from particular examples.

In IELTS Writing Task 2, how many errors are permitted?

If you write a strong essay overall, the examiner will ignore one or two faults. Nevertheless, committing more errors than that could result in a worse IELTS band score.

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    This article contains The best way to solve the world's environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel sample essays. Given below is a real IELTS Writing Part 2 Essay question. We have provided sample essays as well as an essay outline so that you can practice writing your own!

  11. IELTS essay Environment

    Environment This blog teaches you how to write essays on the topic of the environment. It includes the following: šŠšžš² š•šØšœššš›š®š„ššš«š²: Biodiversity: the variety and variability of life on Earth, which is vital for ecosystem resilience and adaptability. Conservation: the action of conserving something, especially nature, to prevent its degradation or ...

  12. IELTS Essay: Environmental Damage

    Analysis. 1. Environmental damage has become a pressing issue in numerous countries worldwide. 2. The main causes of this problem relate to human expansion and industry and must therefore be tackled by relevant authorities and corporations. Paraphrase the overall essay topic. Write a clear opinion.

  13. IELTS Writing Task 2 Environment Band 9 Essay: Samples & Tips

    The environment essay IELTS band 9 is one of the most common topics that come in IELTS. However, many students do not feel the need to prepare this as they find it as one of the most straightforward topics. Consequently, this approach results in losing marks. That is why we have underlined below samples and answers that students can refer to ...

  14. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Environment Topics

    Summary: Sample environment topics for task 2. The environment task 2 IELTS questions above give a good overview of the different topics you may need to write about in your IELTS essay. If you have more knowledge about increasing populations, climate change, carbon emissions or animal life and an animal species under threat, you can discuss ...

  15. How to Crack Environment Essays For IELTS Writing Task 2 ...

    The environment essay for IELTS writing tasks 2 is a nightmare to many students. Aspirants have to write a 250 words essay in approximately 40 minutes. It is very important to maintain the quality of the essay while the candidates must aim for finishing it up within time.

  16. IELTS Essay, topic: Environmental problems

    To sum up, environmental problems should be handled by local and international authorities as well as individuals. Every single person should take care of the environment, moreover we have to bring up our children to be conscious citizens of a clean and preserved planet. This is a very good essay, a Band 7+ candidate.

  17. IELTS Agree/Disagree Essay Sample 9

    Instructor Feedback on IELTS Agree/Disagree Essay Sample: Environment. Task Achievement - The essay provides an answer to the question asked, supported by relevant examples. Coherence and Cohesion - The answer has been divided into clear logical paragraphs and each main body paragraph only has one main idea. There are cohesive links between ...

  18. Environmental Problems And Solution Essay

    IELTS Writing Task 2 Environmental Problems Essay Samples - 1. Go through some samples that will help you frame a good essay: Question: Many people think that environmental problems are too big for individual citizens to fix.In contrast, others feel that the government cannot solve them unless individuals take constructive actions.

  19. IELTS Writing 2 Topic: Environmental problems are too big to be managed

    Given below is a sample IELTS environment essay that requires you to present your opinion. In order to provide insight into how the essay can be answered, two model answers have been given along with it. Nowadays, environmental problems are too big to be managed by individual person or individual country. In other words, it is an international ...

  20. The Environment Topic for Writing Task 2

    The Environment Topic for Writing Task 2. While some people consider global warming to be the most pressing environmental problem which we have at the moment, others believe that deforestation has a more devastating impact on our world. Discuss both sides and give your opinion. The government should reduce the amount of money spent on local ...

  21. Environmental Problems are becoming a Global Issue

    Discover how to master IELTS Writing with our Band 9 sample essay, addressing how environmental problems are becoming a global issue. Learn key strategies and insights to tackle the pressing topic of why "environmental problems are becoming a global issue", with expert analysis and examples. This essay is a must-read for anyone aiming to understand and articulate the global scope of ...

  22. IELTS Writing Task 2 : Environment ( Causes and Solutions Essay)

    Across the globe, the automobile industry is booming, despite the fact that many people believe cars are damaging the environment. The following essay will discuss why this is occurring and what can be done to control the situation. Cars continue to be manufactured these days because they are the most popular, comfortable, and efficient form of ...

  23. IELTS Problem/Solution Essay Sample 1

    IELTS Problem/Solution Essay Sample 1 - Environment. In this post, we will look at a problem/solution essay example from the IELTS writing task 2 test. Students often ask if the questions are repeated year after year and the answer is no, but the topics are. There are so many questions written each year, you may find your practice answering ...

  24. Recent Most Popular 100+ IELTS Essay Topics of 2024

    Below are the topic categories and essay writing examples to assist students searching for the newest IELTS essay topics: Students searching for the newest IELTS essay themes can find assistance with the following topic categories and essay writing samples: Environment. Environmental Crisis: One of the most often asked IELTS topics is the ...