10 Latest and Hilarious Chinese Memes You Need To Know

10 Latest and Hilarious Chinese Memes You Need To Know

Chinese memes are taking China by storm and making us all laugh. 

They are an integral part of internet culture in China, providing a window into the country's unique sense of humor. To learn Chinese and to be more integrated with its culture, you should learn about the most commonly used memes and Chinese internet slang .

We will look at some of the latest Chinese memes, where they originated from, and what makes them so hilarious. We'll also explore the forms and origins of this ultimate collection of Chinese memes.

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Origins of Chinese memes: Using Chinese characters and Chinese tones

One notable feature of Chinese memes is the use of Chinese characters. It brings multiple interpretations depending on context. Addiontlally, using different Chinese tones also gives the words and phrases different interpretations and adds depth to the memes.

Using memes for humorous or exaggerated statements has become a staple in Chinese humor. They can range from silly to insightful, and they serve as a way for Chinese netizens to connect and express themselves. Creating Chinese memes nowadays is easy because of the availability of online meme makers . Chinese memes provide a unique and entertaining form of online communication by using Chinese characters, tones, and meme expressions.

Presentation of Chinese memes: Using 表情包s ( biǎo qíng bāo ) or 梗s ( gěng )

Chinese internet users are passionate adopters of "emoticon packs," or 表情包, and "meme material," or 梗. 表情包 are colorful, expressive images that often feature cartoon characters and serve to convey a wide range of emotions online.

On the other hand, 梗 refers to a specific type of meme that revolves around a joke, punchline , or cultural reference.

表情包 and 梗 duck

Both 表情包 and 梗 is used with this image of a duck, DailyView

Both 表情包 and 梗 are frequently used in online conversations and social media posts providing a fun and entertaining way for Chinese internet users to express themselves and connect. 

These popular expressions of internet culture have become an indispensable part of daily life for many in China and continue to grow and evolve as technology advances.

Top 7 Latest and Hilarious Chinese Memes You Need To Know

1. 四次元少女 ( sì cì yuán shǎo nǚ ) — 4d girl .

四次元少女, or "Four-Dimensional Girl," is a popular Chinese meme featuring a picture of a girl with a surprised or exaggerated expression, and it is often used to express disbelief or amazement.

The name "Four-Dimensional" refers to the idea that the girl can see and understand things beyond the typical three dimensions of our physical world.

That's not to say they have superpowers, but they're usually just extra quirky, which netizens find endearing. This meme has become a staple of Chinese internet culture and is widely used in online conversations and social media posts.

4D girl

Kpop Group Blackpink's Jisoo has always been called the "4D girl" for her quirky acts, Korea Star Daily

2. 感情伤害 ( gǎn qíng shāng hài ) — emotional damage

emotional damage

The emotional damage from being 1-inch away from 6 feet, Clinic Med

Emotional damage is a common theme in Chinese memes and is used playfully and humorously.

The idea is that the person has experienced some emotional trauma, often depicted as a physical injury. This concept is used to inject lighthearted humor into everyday situations, making even the most mundane things seem funnier.

For example, a meme might show a person who is "emotionally damaged" after being rejected by a crush but can still laugh at the situation. 

These types of memes resonate with Chinese netizens as they offer a lighthearted way to approach sensitive or difficult topics.

3. 芭比Q了 ( bā bǐ Q le ) — barbie Q

barbie Q

芭比Q了 meme with a blurry Kumamon in the background, Girl Style

The original meaning of "Barbie Q" is BBQ, an abbreviation of “Barbecue.”

BBQ is a fun way of cooking and grilling. Usually, food on skewers is placed on the charcoal grill until they are fully cooked. After that, sauces are smeared on top for flavoring.

In a Chinese meme context, “barbecue” means “to be mentally and physically drained.” When someone says "Barbie Q," they say they are mentally and physically exhausted. It can also mean that something was screwed up by accident.  

This famous meme represents the despair, and panic one feels once one realizes how the situation has worsened.

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4. 葛优躺 ( gé yōu tǎng ) — Ge you slouch

Just let me rot away like this gif

Original scene of Ge You "Just let me rot away like this" in I Love My Home, new.qq

“Ge You Slouch” (葛优躺) Géyōu tǎng refers to the actor Ge You's posture sitting on a sofa in the 1993 sitcom "I Love My Home (我爱我家)."

In one of the episodes, Ji Chunsheng (played by Ge You) was brought to another character's home, where he ate, drank, and slept for days. This meme is also commonly thought to have inspired "lay flat culture."

His crude and unrefined posture has gained popularity, with many youngsters relating to this slouching posture.

Through his indulgence and unorthodox actions, they relieve pressure and his emotions during a time when life is becoming more stressful, work is becoming more demanding, and it's becoming harder to earn a living.

5. 退!退!退!( tuì ! tuì ! tuì! ) — Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!


退!退!退!meme, Clinic Med  

This meme is about the mannerisms of a local auntie during a quarrel, stamping their feet while making fencing moves with her hands and shouting, "Retreat! Retreat! Retreat"! The action is similar to expelling evil spirits.

退!退!退! originated from a viral video showing an auntie running an illegal food stall. When confronted by the parking space owner, she responded by stamping her feet and displaying a shoving action.

This hilarious scene, captured by a Chinese netizen, encapsulated the essence of a typical rural aunt's argument and became a widely loved meme.

6. 真香 ( zhēn xiāng ) — true fragrance

真香 meme

真香 meme, originating from this scene in "X-change," xinhuanet

Wang Jingze burst into fame from his participation in the reality show “X-change.” Wang Jingze was born into a wealthy family, and at the beginning of the show, it is clear that Wang Jingze is an arrogant, rebellious, and spoiled boy.

Wang Jingze's initial behavior is the setup for the show's next act, where his parents send him to live with a poorer rural family to teach him humility and appreciation.

At first, he wouldn't eat a bite of rice from his exchange family in Yunnan, but in the end, he changed his mind and took a bite of the food and said, “真香 .” 

This act was endearing and heartwarming to the audience since he finally changed for the better.

7. 德安杰洛 德内罗表情 ( dé ān jié luò dé nèi luó biǎo qíng ) — D’Angelo Dinero smirk

D’Angelo Dinero smirk

D'Angelo Dinero's smirk after a win, tenor

D'Angelo Dinero, aka "The Pope," is a WWE wrestler who has left a lasting impact on Chinese meme culture through his iconic grin.

His facial expression, made after defeating a rival, has been immortalized in countless pictures and meme GIFs widely used in online communication.

Only the most knowledgeable Chinese meme experts would truly understand the magnitude of Dinero's popularity.

This grin has become a symbol of confidence, often paired with drawings, cartoons, or statements to express boldness and pride.

Whether he's breathing heavily and looking serious or breaking out into a proud grin, Dinero's expression has captured the hearts of Chinese social media users and has become a widely used meme.

Cartoon meme imitating D’Angelo Dinero’s expression

Cartoon meme imitating D'Angelo Dinero's expression , sohu

8. Let's eat Chicken feet!

turkey? nah. chicken feet? yes

Turkey? Nah. Chicken feet? Yes!, TutorABCChinese

Commonly known as chicken feet in the West, this dish's Chinese name 鳳爪,  fèngzhuǎ.  While scary-looking at first, this is truly a feast for the senses and a delicacy worth exploring.

Chicken feet originates in China around the Zhou Dynasty . Cooking and eating  chicken feet not only uses every part of an animal  but also contains nutrients such as  collagen, protein, calcium, and phosphorus .

Don't judge a book by its cover; don't knock it till you try it. Truly something to try when you see this dish.

9. Hot water meme 多喝热水

hot water will cure anything

Hot water will cure anything, Pinterest

If you've done a homestay in China or lived in China for long enough, then you know about this  strange habit .

This meme claims drinking hot water can cure almost any ailment or health issue. Headache? Drink hot water. Stomach ache? Drink hot water.

Definitely a favourite ones of ours.

10. Adding Er, Er, Er—儿儿儿 to every word

salt bae meme sprinkling 儿

Beijing dialect meme, Reddit

To anyone who's been to Beijing or the North-Eastern part of China, then you know they know.

This accent adds the 儿 or the "er" sound to words. For example:

To work: 上班 ( shàng bān ) becomes 上班 儿  ( shàngbān  er )

Girl: 女孩 ( nǚ hái ) becomes 女孩 儿  ( nǚ hái ér )

A little: 一点 ( yīdiǎn ) becomes 一点 儿  ( yīdiǎn er )

An easy language habit to pick up on.

Frequently asked questions

What are memes called in chinese.

There are many translations of memes in Chinese. There's "表情包" ( biǎo qíng bāo ) which can be translated as an emoji package. There's also "迷因" ( mi yin ) or "模因" ( mo yin ).

What is that chinese meme face?

chinese meme faces

Chinese meme faces, Know your memes

They are similar to Western rage comic memes, such as the troll face or the forever alone guy. These Chinese meme faces hold a special place in Chinese online communities.

What is the Chinese panda meme called?

making chinese panda meme

The making of the Chinese panda meme, Know your memes

The Chinese panda meme is part of 表情 ( biao qing ), which can be translated as facial expressions. The base panda, also called Biaoqing Panda or 熊猫人表情包.

Iconic facial expressions such as Choi Sung-kook's face from the film Three Kims or Elijah Samuel Burke's smirk are used on top of the panda.

When you learn Chinese, you should also learn about the country and culture. Chinese memes are a great way for you to learn Chinese naturally.

Chinese memes are a funny, intriguing, and amusing aspect of Chinese culture that showcases their wit and humor. From witty wordplay to comical screenshots from the most popular TV show or memes that are just plain weird but funny, Chinese memes demonstrate the boundless imagination and creativity of the Chinese people.

So, if you're seeking a lighthearted look into Chinese culture or want a good laugh, don't hesitate to explore the world of Chinese memes — it's guaranteed to bring a smile to your face!

Jing You  is a Chinese native who grew up in the Fujian province and soaked in the Chinese culture while living with her grandparents. She later moved to Singapore to pursue further education. However, she has always been passionate about the Mandarin language despite being in an environment that speaks English predominantly. She was involved in multiple Mandarin and Chinese culture programmes in schools, and brought this passion forward by tutoring elementary school students Mandarin in her adulthood.

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15 Funny Memes About Learning Mandarin Chinese

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Learning Chinese can sometimes feel like an uphill battle and a daily test of your commitment. 

It's important to have fun and enjoy the learning journey, so we made these silly memes all about learning Chinese.

Take a look, have a laugh, feel their truth! Then get back to the lessons !

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One of the many secret pleasures of studying Chinese is when you overhear native speakers having a conversation in Mandarin and understand!

At some point on your learning journey, you WILL have this moment and it feels great... almost like having a super-power!

homework chinese meme

The promise of technology is that we won't have to spend so much time trying to learn a language like Chinese.

Not only does that miss so much of the joy and personal growth from learning this amazing language, it's frankly just not true... at least not yet!

Google Translate is a great tool for looking up words, but it's not a substitute for actually learning Chinese  Native speakers can always spot when someone is just copying from Google Translate... so don't be that person! 

Take the time to really learn and understand Chinese... it's an incredible journey that gives you an invaluable skill.

homework chinese meme

One of the critical milestones learning Mandarin: ordering Chinese food ... in Chinese!! I challenge you to test your Chinese language skills and go to a Chinese restaurant (or do take out/delivery) and place your order in Mandarin. You can do it!

Before you do, check out this live hangout Yangyang and Jason did, "How to Read a Chinese Menu 101". It will blow your mind how easy it is - even for beginners - to read a Chinese menu with just a few Chinese characters :

It will totally take your Chinese restaurant game to the next level, and seriously impress anyone dining with you - and the restaurant employees!

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Don't WASTE your time on the Internet: USE it!

When you pull out your phone, instead of scrolling through endless, depressing social media feeds, spend that time learning Chinese! 

It just takes a couple minutes to watch a lesson, go through your 'Up for Review' flashcards , or take a lesson quiz or two. That kind of regular, on-the-go practice helps form the connections in your brain to speak and understand Chinese!

homework chinese meme

We even made this handy infographic about Chinese word order you can print out and stick on your mirror or keep in your pocket for reference:

homework chinese meme

Once studying Chinese becomes part of your daily routine, you really come to love the feeling of completing the days study session -- and adding another day to your Study Streak !

Studying for a few minutes in the morning can give you a feeling of accomplishment and confidence for the rest of your day. 

Likewise, studying at night gives you extra satisfaction and a reward after a busy day. You deserve a little time for self-care, and studying Chinese gives you a great outlet for personal growth!

homework chinese meme

Studying Chinese - or ANY new language - you have to take joy in exploring something totally different and unfamiliar. You're doing this to open your mind, right?

Think of learning to pronounce Chinese like learning an instrument: at first making these sounds is difficult and might feel unnatural, but with daily practice you are guaranteed to improve.

Most importantly: don't be afraid to make mistakes! Even being a little embarrassed can be helpful - as you'll likely never make the same mistake again!

homework chinese meme

homework chinese meme

Is YOUR love of Mandarin getting pretty serious?? 

We added the Study Streak stat on your homepage to help you stay motivated and encourage you to study every single day.

Even if you only have a few minutes to watch a lesson, listen to an audio review , or go through your "Up for Review" flashcards , it's better than skipping a day.

We also have fun monthly Study Streak Challenges , with rewards like free Yoyo Chinese courses and promo codes for students who keep up their study streak for an entire month. 

homework chinese meme

Ever wondered how people type in Chinese, when there are thousands of Chinese characters? We got you covered! After reading this article , you'll be able to start typing Chinese characters right away, which is a actually a great way to help you practice character recognition.

homework chinese meme

OK, we don't REALLY recommend you skip your Chinese class! But we DO recommend you try learning with us! Our structured curriculum guides you from level zero to fluency, with clear explanations and interactive reviews.

You'll be making progress WAAAAAY beyond your classmates!

homework chinese meme

To speak Chinese and be understood, you can't skip studying the tones! If you're still struggling with tones, maybe it's the way you've been taught! Check out this video and look at tones in a whole new light: 

Practicing tones until they start to feel natural when you first start studying Chinese will give you the foundation for the rest of your Mandarin learning journey!

homework chinese meme

Learning Chinese isn't just about gaining a practical skill: it's a journey that will change the way you see the world!

When you study Chinese, you unlock your own potential, literally improving your memory and focus and giving yourself a whole new perspective!

That's it for this fun collection of Chinese learning memes!

If you're not already studying Mandarin with us, we hope you'll check out our Beginner Conversational Course ! You can check out the first 20 lessons for free to see how our program works and decide if you want to take the full course. 

You've got nothing to lose, so start now with Lesson 1 !

If you're not a beginner, you can also try the first units of our Intermediate and Upper Intermediate conversational courses , or our Chinese character courses for FREE. See how we can help you take your Chinese to the next level!

Let us know your favorite meme in the comments below!

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That funny Chinese homework assignment... now with context!

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DUDE! I'm the teacher who made that essay assignment back in the spring of 2008. I was teaching an English/Chinese dual language self-contained class, but the school administration didn't care about the program much more than for the bragging rights of having it, so they didn't hold true to the format. They would constantly throw newcomers from China into my classroom (even though my class had another 50% more students than the other classes at that grade level) because I speak Chinese (and thus can understand them if they happen to speak Mandarin...which they don't always...apparently the kids would have been a burden on the ESL teacher...) Anyway, my class rocked at math and science, because they're pretty universal, but history and language could be hell. I was supposed to teach this unit on westward expansion in the 1800's to these recent Chinese immigrants who had no way to connect or care about what happened in eastern America 150 years ago. They were uprooted and living in the ghetto, next to a big Hispanic area down in Brooklyn, NY. There was the clash of Latino gangs and Chinese mafia, and an awful lot of racism. My students told me about the Hispanic kids calling them names, and said they were intimidated and made to feel unwelcome when their families tried shopping on Hispanic 5th Ave. (The Chinese stores and restaurants are on 8th Ave.) So, I started thinking, what if, instead of teaching the story of European immigrants who came to America and pushed west, why not teach the story of Asian immigrants who settled in the West and pushed east? It would cover some Chinese history, which they might care about, while still technically covering the general goals of the original unit. Meanwhile, we could hit on topics like racism and hard living conditions that they could relate to.
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Red panda

Cao Cao Rice Bowl

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Red panda

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“good night” in chinese.

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At Sinomemes.com, we believe that the best part of internet culture is its community. That’s why we’re inviting you to contribute your favorite Chinese memes and be a part of our growing collection. 

How to Submit Your Meme:

  • Find Your Meme : Choose the meme you want to share. Make sure it’s relevant to Chinese internet culture and that you have the right to share it.
  • Provide Context : Help us and other users understand your meme by including a brief explanation. Tell us its origin, meaning, and why you think it’s great.
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17 Homework Memes That Tell It Like It Is

Because the only one that really likes homework is the dog.


Homework—love it or hate it, it’s a universal experience for most teachers (and students). And while both sides of the homework debate have merit, why not just accept it and have a good laugh? Here, 17 of our favorite homework memes.

1. Dang, they’re on to us.

17 Homework Memes

2. Pulling. Hair. Out.

17 Homework Memes

3. Life is hard.

Willy Wonka

4. Listen to Yoda.

Yoda from Star Wars

5. The REAL reason teachers give homework.


6. Can I get a witness?

Willy Wonka 2

7. Homework as dirty word?

homework chinese meme

8. Making a clean getaway.

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9. Teacher reality.

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10. Oh yeah, we know that look.

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11. Help me understand.

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12. If they ask me one more time…

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13. Another teacher reality.

Nobody ever

14. Umm, umm, umm.

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15. Parenting reality.

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16. Say what?!?

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17. It’s not my fault, really.


What are your favorite homework memes? Link us up in the comments!

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Kobe bryant helicopter crash costume at chinese comic con sparks outrage, kobe bryant comic con goer wears helicopter crash costume ... sparks outrage.

A man who attended a recent comic convention in China wore a Kobe Bryant helicopter crash costume to the event ... and, as you can imagine, it's sparked a ton of outrage here in the States.

The unidentified person created the crass and offensive ensemble for the festival in Hangzhou ... using plastic bottles, cardboard and a No. 24 Bryant Lakers uniform for the piece. He also capped it off with a Kobe Bryant mask.

Somehow, as he walked through the venue with it all strapped to his person ... other attendees seemed OK with it.

In fact, as the man recreated the horrific January 26, 2020 tragedy on a sidewalk outside the event ... one Comic Con goer snapped pictures of it -- while a crowd of others seemed to giggle nearby.

As video of it all made its way to social media, however, there weren't many laughing.

Fans of Bryant have become enraged ... with most slamming the disturbing imagery as gross and insulting.

As you know, the copter wreck claimed the lives of Bryant and his daughter, Gianna -- as well as seven others. It rocked not just the NBA world -- but society as a whole.

Tributes to the Mamba and his daughter -- as well as the other victims -- cropped up all over the country. The Lakers unveiled a statue honoring the legend too -- and have plans to erect several more over the next few years.

Kobe was just 41 years old.

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Wang is among a record 11.58 million university graduates who face a tough job market. It is still struggling from last year’s strict “zero-Covid” lockdowns as well as crackdowns on the technology and education sectors, which are usually key hirers.

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Temple visits are up 310 per cent so far this year compared to 2022, according to travel booking platform Trip.com. While it did not give overall numbers or pre-pandemic comparisons, the platform said roughly half the visitors were born after 1990.

“The threshold for employment keeps rising,” said Chen, a 19-year-old who was praying for her career prospects at the famous Lama Temple in Beijing, despite being years away from graduation.

“The pressure is overwhelming,” added Chen, who gave only her surname for privacy reasons.

The fifth of young Chinese without jobs among a highly-educated generation is a record. Improving their prospects is a major headache for authorities, who want the economy to create 12 million new jobs in 2023, up from last year’s 11 million.

“There is a serious oversupply of university graduates and their priority is survival,” said Zhang Qidi, a researcher at the Centre for International Finance Studies, who added that many had resorted to ride-sharing or delivery jobs.

The economy has been recovering since Covid-19 curbs were lifted in December, but the hiring is being led by the pandemic-battered catering and travel industries, which offer poor wages for low-skilled roles.

China’s education and human resource ministries did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Chinese schoolchildren turning to ChatGPT to slash homework time

The number of master’s and PhD graduates in Beijing exceeds undergraduates for the first time, education authorities said.

Job and academic anxieties were “understandable”, the state-backed Beijing Daily said in an editorial in March. “However, young people who really pin their hopes on the gods and Buddhas when under pressure are also clearly going astray.”

Many have taken to social media to compare themselves with a century-old literary figure, Kong Yiji. The unemployed alcoholic scholar is from a 1919 story by the author Lu Xun. Kong believed himself too highly educated to take up menial jobs.

The meme has gone viral as users question the value society places on education if it does not guarantee them a fulfilling career.

In the coastal province of Zhejiang, a 25-year-old with a master’s degree who has applied for 10 jobs a day on average since February said she felt, like Kong, “restricted” by her education.

“I don’t believe I will ever find my ideal job,” said the urban planning graduate, who spoke on condition of anonymity to protect her job prospects. “I’ve seen a psychologist a few times because I was very anxious and depressed.”

She said the only offers she had received paid 2,000 yuan to 3,000 yuan (US$290 to US$435) a month or had “unreasonable” overtime requirements and she refused.

“If I didn’t have these qualifications, I could totally become a sales assistant in a mall and be much happier.”

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Yang Xiaoshan, a 24-year-old economics postgraduate in Beijing, settled for the job of a bank teller after 30 interviews. She is relieved not to follow Kong’s jobless fate, but still feels unsatisfied.

“It’s not that I despise customer service, but I think it’s a waste of my knowledge,” said Yang.

State broadcaster CCTV has scolded those drawing comparisons with Kong. “Kong Yiji fell into difficulties ... because he couldn’t let go of his scholarly airs and was unwilling to change his situation through labour,” it wrote on messaging app Weibo.

The comment drew angry replies. “Why, instead of helping private enterprises develop, do you blame 11.58 million graduates for not taking off their scholar gowns?” read one post that drew more than 300 “likes”.

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