Empty Mirror

a literary magazine

10 places to find reviewers for your self-published book

How to find reviewers for your self-published book

But before we get to that – and before you start to contact reviewers – it’s important to understand how to contact them.

What to do:

1. Do your research. Only contact reviewers who are interested in reviewing the type of books you have written. (See below for some good places to find the right reviewers.)

2. Read their review policy. Do they only want e-books, or printed books? What genres are they currently interested in reading? Are they currently accepting new books for review? Check out their rules, and follow them.

3. Write a personalized email to the potential reviewer. No one likes to get a form letter, or spam. Use a salutation, and their name – not just “Hi” or “Dear reviewer,” but rather, “Dear Jane Smith” or at least “Dear Jane.” If there’s no personal name listed, use their username.

Tell the reviewer who you are, how you found them, a little bit about your book, when it will be published. Tell them that if they’re interested, you’d be glad to send them a copy. Specify what format the book will be in (which ebook format, printed book, or if they will have a choice). Thank them for their time and consideration, and say that you look forward to hearing from them. Then sign it, with your full name.

Don’t forget the subject line, either: emails with the subject “Review Inquiry” or “Review Request” will get a better response as they make it easy to identify what your message is about.

Here’s how to write an excellent review query.

4. Before sending your email, spell-check and proofread. Errors leave a poor impression and make the reviewer less likely to accept your book. They’ll figure your book is full of typos, too.

5. The ultimate purpose of a review isn’t to please you. Books with reviews do tend to sell better. However, it’s important to understand that reviewers ultimately aren’t written for the author’s benefit. They’re written for the potential reader to give them enough information so that they can make a purchasing decision.

What not to do:

1. If they do accept the book, don’t expect the reviewer to guarantee a review. Reviewers don’t accept books they have no intention of reviewing, but sometimes they may not be able to – or wish to – eventually review it. That’s OK. They’re not the only reviewer out there. Move on.

2. Don’t expect, or ask for, a positive review. No reviewer can promise this. Any reviewer worth approaching has integrity and will always post an honest review, whether one star or five. (As people’s opinions will naturally vary, there’s often something fishy when books have only five-star reviews, anyway.)

3. Don’t ask the reviewer to promise a review to be published on or near a particular date. (Do feel free to tell the reviewer the date of your book’s publication.) Please understand that most reviewers have a big stack of books to review. Reviews take more time than you might think. The reviewer reads the book – maybe more than once – takes notes, then writes and posts the review. You’re asking them to do at least several hours of work for you, on their own time, for free. And they’re not doing it for money, but rather for the love of books, and of reviewing.

This is why you can’t expect a promise of a review by a certain date (or even at all). It’s understandable that you’re anxious for the reviews to start rolling in, but just hang tight, keep soliciting reviews, and one day you’ll have a bunch of them.

4. Never offer payment for a review. All an honest reviewer will accept is the book itself. Don’t offer a bribe! Paid reviews are not allowed on any reputable websites and can get the reviewer – and sometimes yourself – in a world of trouble, and banned from review websites.

5. Don’t expect an answer to your query. I know – that almost seems unreasonable, doesn’t it, not to expect the reviewer to reply. The reason that some don’t reply is that many reviewers – especially popular and highly-ranked ones – get so many review queries that it takes too much time to reply to them all. So, they wind up only replying to those they have an interest in reviewing.

6. If a potential reviewer declines to review your book, take it graciously. Don’t ask why, try to change their mind, or pester them. Stay on good terms – reply briefly with thanks for their time and consideration. Who knows, perhaps they’ll review your next book.

7. After a review is published, don’t comment on the review . Not even if you disagree with it. Even if the reviewer says something terribly wrong, even factually wrong. Even if they say it’s the best book they’ve ever read. Or the worst! Commenting can make you look petty, overbearing or argumentative, and can turn potential readers against you, ensuring they never read your book. Just. Don’t. Do. It. Ever. ( Here’s why. )

10 places to find reviewers for your books.

OK. Now that you understand how to approach reviewers, how do you find them?

1. Amazon’s “Meet Our Authors” Forum

Amazon has “Meet Our Authors” forum where you can introduce yourself, and also ask for reviews. There are various genre-specific threads too.

Update: Amazon has shut down all of their forums. They suggest that you visit Goodreads instead, where it’s easy for authors to interact with readers. (Amazon owns Goodreads.) See #4 on this list for more about Goodreads.

2. Amazon’s Top Reviewers

Amazon ranks its reviewers according to a variety of criteria and publishes the list. You can go through the list to look for those reviewers who review books in your genre. It will take some time. Those reviewers who include an email address or website in their profile are usually open to being contacted regarding potential reviews. (Some are not.) Before emailing, read their reviews of books in your genre. Pay close attention to any review guidelines which are included in the reviewer’s profile.

TheCreativePenn has a great blog post on getting Amazon reviewers to review your book .

3. Peruse the Amazon book pages

Check out other books similar to yours, and see who’s reviewed them. Look on these reviewers’ profiles to see if they’re open to review offers, as described above. If so, contact them.

4. LibraryThing & Goodreads

On LibraryThing , people catalog, review, and discuss books. The site also functions as a social networking site and is a great place for authors to connect with potential readers. There are lots of things you can do to get the word out about your book here. One of them is to find reviewers.

LibraryThing offers the “Member Giveaway” – where you can give out your own books. Ebooks and printed books are equally welcome. You set a number of available books to offer, and people will enter a drawing to win them. Usually there are more people who sign up than available books, so there is a drawing at the end of the giveaway period.

Though those who receive your books are not required to review your book, you can let it be known that you hope they do. LibraryThing reviewers can post their reviews on that site, but some often post their reviews elsewhere, such as Amazon.com and Goodreads.

Goodreads is similar to LibraryThing, but bigger. Only publishers can give away books for free there, but you can still find potential reviewers through their groups , some of which are dedicated to connecting authors with reviewers. (Use the group search box to find them.) Before posting review opportunities, be sure to check that the rules of the particular group allow it.

5. Social networking sites

Search for people who review your genre of book on Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites, and start making connections. Much has been written elsewhere on how to connect with people on these sites, so that’s all I’ll say about it here.

Turn to Google to find bloggers who review books similar to yours. Try various searches such as the name of your genre (e.g. YA, poetry, American history, vampire fiction) followed by one of these phrases: book blog, book blogger, book reviews, book review blog, book review blogger. Try various combinations and think of some of your own, investigate the results, and you’re bound to come up with some good ones.

7. Services which connect authors and reviewers

There are quite a lot of specialized websites which will make your book available to reviewers. Here are a few we know of:

The Bookbag . Publishes book reviews on their site, with links to the books on Amazon.

4226 Spruce St . Makes it easy for authors of Kindle books to connect with Amazon reviewers. Free.

8. Reviewer directories and lists

The Book Blogger List . A categorized directory of book reviewers, organized by genre, which makes it easy to locate potential reviewers for your book. Free.

Book Reviewer Yellow Pages (formerly Step By Step Self Publishing). Offers an online directory of book reviewers. It’s free, but they also offer paid Kindle and paperback versions.

List of literary / poetry review publications (many print-based)

9. Ask other authors

Ask other authors you’re acquainted with – either on or offline – who reviewed their book, and who they think you should get in touch with. Most authors are very willing to share their experiences and recommendations. When writing to a reviewer, be sure mention that your fellow author recommended that you contact them.

10. Look close to home & offline

There are plenty of local, offline sources for reviews, too:

  • local daily or weekly newspapers
  • school newspapers
  • organization and company newsletters
  • contact local indie bookstores to see if they know of any local reviewers

11. (yeah, forget 10 – we’re turning this baby all the way up to 11!) The Indie View

The Indie View has a great list of reviewers in a number of genres. They also spotlight reviews and authors. Check it out.

don’t forget us

You know, if your book is arts-related nonfiction, or has anything to do with the Beat Generation, you might check out our very own review policy . We don’t accept many books for review – but you never know until you try! We also sometimes publish author interviews and book excerpts.

Summing up…

That’s all for now. If you have suggestions about getting reviews, please leave a comment. And stay tuned for more articles about promoting your self-published books!

Empty Mirror publishes new poetry, criticism, essays, book reviews, and art every Friday.

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Pat Sutton says

March 4, 2020 at 11:53 am

Denise, thank you, Your comments and explanations will save me time on how to find a reviewer and what to expect.

Antonio Chevalier says

October 11, 2020 at 3:47 pm

You need to pay for The Bookbag. Publishes book reviews on their site, with links to the books on Amazon.

Empty Mirror says

November 8, 2019 at 4:50 pm

There’s also a directory of over 300 reviewers, sorted by posting frequency, at https://indiestoday.com/reviewers-list/ . Thanks to Dave Allen for pointing out this resource!

Derrick Washington says

October 31, 2019 at 7:13 pm

Hi, Denise, I just want to say thank you for sharing this information. I have been searching online where to find book reviewers, and your blog answered, pretty much, all of my questions. Once again, thanks.

Bruce Miller says

October 16, 2019 at 2:36 pm

Excellent article and we enjoyed reading it. It is very comprehensive and useful. Well done!

We review books. We are retired people in New Zealand and we are amazed at the creativity and original ideas people have. It’s like sitting in a school class with students raising their hands and announcing amazing creative ideas! We love it. But we only review books we like. No erotica, but most everything else. We’ve done hundreds of reviews. Check us out > https://www.teamgolfwell.com/free-book-reviews.html

Julian Hardy says

July 1, 2019 at 8:44 pm

Denise Thank you for your insightful website. I have recently self-published a book on KDP/Amazon. After doing some research about reviews/reviewers, I found the Artisan Book Reviews website. Is it worthwhile using such services as those provided by Artisan Book Reviews (as they are quite costly). Also, I’m assuming such paid reviews do not contravene Amazon’s review rules. Is this true? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards Julian

Denise says

July 29, 2019 at 11:07 am

It’s true that paid reviews are forbidden by Amazon and can’t be posted there by the reviewer.

However, you can post them yourself with your book information on your book’s page. They can also be useful for use on your website and promotional materials.

Thomas Juarez says

May 4, 2019 at 8:16 am

Thank you for the quick reply! While searching through other parts of your website I found someone I made a connection with. Finally gaining some traction (I think).

Awakening Cocijo will be making a book tour to test its worthiness!

May 3, 2019 at 9:24 am

I have recently self published on Amazon, currently Amazon is having an issue tracking my book sales and I am falling in the ratings. I made them aware of some of the recent purchases, they know there’s a problem and they are looking into it…I have faith in them!

In any case, it has been very difficult to find reviewers that are available in the next 3-4 months. It’s been frustrating to say the least.

I paid for the editing of my book so that I would have a polished product. I was hoping this would make my book more attractive to buyers and/or reviewers. I would be more than happy to provide a pdf or kindle copy to potential reviewers.

The book is called Awakening Cocijo and is available only on Amazon. It is a metaphysical fiction book centering on the Zapotec empire and a current attempt (fictional, of course), to awaken Cocijo…the god of lightening and rain.

May 3, 2019 at 2:13 pm

You might try getting reviews via Goodreads (you can even give away free books/ebooks in Goodreads’ Member Giveaway). That might give you some reviews in shorter than three or four months.

If you’re on social media, you could try giving some copies away for review that way.

Celeste says

April 26, 2019 at 10:55 am

Thanks Denise! I’m going to network as best I can, which means helping other authors with their efforts, too. I joined Goodreads so I could post reviews and hopefully boost the sales of books that I enjoy reading.

April 22, 2019 at 7:57 pm

Denise, thanks for the quick follow-up.

I believe it’s far too time-consuming to find reviewers on Amazon, considering that many of them don’t have contact info available. It’s probably better to invest time and effort in building a network, e.g., through Goodreads and Bookbub. I’m an introvert, so it makes me cringe to think of having to actively pursue getting followers. Otherwise my novel is likely to die on the vine after it’s published, no matter how good it is.

April 25, 2019 at 11:40 am

That’s certainly a valid objection and there are other methods of getting reviews. I wish you success with your novel!

April 21, 2019 at 4:28 pm

This article is dated March 6, 2014, so perhaps something has changed as far as finding book reviewers on Amazon. I went to the Amazon Top Customer Reviewers listing. There are 10,000, with zero indication as to what they review. To find that out, you have to click on each name one by one, then scroll through their reviews to see (1) if they even review books, and (2) what genre of books they review. With 10,000 reviewers, you may be able to go through that list in, oh, let’s say a year. And of course it changes daily so you’ll need to keep a list of whose reviews you looked at.

If someone knows of a better way, I’m all ears. Otherwise, I think Amazon is doing its best, as always, to make things difficult.

April 22, 2019 at 1:34 pm

Yes, you do have to look at each reviewer individually — there’s no list with email addresses included. So, it’s usually best to find books similar to yours, see who’s reviewing them, and get in touch those with contact information (email, website, or even a Google-able name) on their profile. It does take some detective work, for sure.

Diane Fadden says

April 10, 2019 at 6:12 pm

Indiebook review is a scam operation. Buyer beware.

roy tawes says

August 25, 2018 at 10:43 am

Denise- Iasked for a personal review. Never heard back, but I see you’re using my complimentary comments for this website. Just give me a simple yes or know

August 29, 2018 at 10:53 am

Congratulations on the publication of your book! It sounds fascinating.

EM’e review guidelines are here: https://www.emptymirrorbooks.com/empty-mirror-review-policy

Guidelines in short: Due to time constraints, I’m only able to accept very few books for review. I’m looking for specific types of non-fiction and am unable to review fiction, poetry, or memoir.

Unfortunately, due to the volume of book review requests received and that fact that I’m the only one here, I’m only able to reply to those I intend to review. I regret that I’m not able to respond to all.

Comments are voluntary and are not “used” for anything. They can be deleted by request. I did leave the link in your previous comment so that others could check out your book!

best wishes, Denise

Tyrell Perry says

August 19, 2018 at 12:13 pm

Great intel. This newly published author will be putting it to use.

Wilburson says

July 2, 2018 at 6:30 am

This is such useful information Denise, which I have added to my growing information pile on getting reviews. Thanks for taking the time.

Vishal Sharma says

April 6, 2018 at 11:14 pm

Hey Denise, Thanks for sharing such awesome tips loved it. It was very useful for me.

Roy lawson tawes MD , FACS says

January 10, 2018 at 2:22 pm

Very helpful information for INDIE authors.Thank you. I like your considerate style.

It’s a long shot to request a personal review, but you mentioned an interest in the Beat generation that spawned the hippies in the ’60s. I just published my sixth novel, RECALL that deals with the topic . Returning to San Francisco from Vietnam where I served as a flight surgeon, I witnessed the cultural revolution up close and personal. I tried to capture that turbulent era in my historical narrative. You might find it interesting and enlightening. I’m getting good early reviews , but not from anyone of your professional stature. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.So why not ask you?

If you have any interest, please consult my website: RLawsonauthor.com. All the information you require to make a decision is available there, including blogs. Maybe we will find an intellectual connection. Life never follows a straight path, Stranger things have happened. I love writing and hope someone influential in the literary field will promote my work.

Thank you for your consideration. You sound like a nice person in your responses above, trying to help aspiring writers. We need guidance, It’s a maze to navigate.

Brad Foster says

January 3, 2018 at 4:06 am

No worries, Denise – thanks anyway and careful of that perilous tower of books! :)

January 2, 2018 at 6:48 pm

HI Denise – thanks for this post! I noticed that the link to Amazon’s “Meet Our Authors” is defunct – this is what I get: “Our Discussion Boards feature has been discontinued.

Amazon would like to thank the members of this community for contributing to the discussion forums. As we grow and evolve, we encourage you to explore Goodreads Groups for book discussions and Spark for other interests. For device questions and help, please see our new Digital and Device Forum.”

I will try the other tips, though I haven’t had much luck so far with the Amazon Top Reviewers (reminds me of my dating years, when I got completely ignored! ). Say, if you wanted to review my newest e-book, I’d be happy to send you a free copy. No pressure – thanks again and I hope one — if not more — of your points help me out!

January 2, 2018 at 9:08 pm

Hi Brad — Thanks for the update about the Amazon forums. I’d heard about that but had forgotten to update this list. I really appreciate the reminder.

Top reviewers are tough — you really have to find the ones who are into your genre, and Amazon has begun making it tougher to find contact information for them (although email links still appear on individual profiles).

Wish I could help with your book, but I don’t typically read e-books, and my reading stack is perilously tall. But I wish you much success with it!

Cristina G. says

October 21, 2017 at 3:02 am

Gold dust. Thank you so much. I am working on a few new books and I need reviews. Blessings to you and to those who invest their valuable time reading and reviewing our lifetime work.

August 8, 2017 at 8:31 am

Thanks, Denise, for your helpful information.

June 12, 2017 at 3:55 pm

This site looks nice but there are two issues with it: – The reviewer lists can’t be accessed without completing a third-party offer. – Kaspersky shows a warning about a phishing link when the site is loaded.

If you would like to talk about this, please email me. Denise

May 15, 2017 at 6:51 pm

Thanks Denise for a cohesive listing of what to do. It’s early days for me in the world of marketing my children’s mystery novels, so it’s really helpful. Many thanks.

May 15, 2017 at 7:34 pm

Cathy, I’m so glad to hear that you found this article helpful. I wish you much success with the novels!

Indira Sahay says

April 9, 2017 at 9:54 am

Thank you for your reply. I shall certainly take up some of your suggestion

April 8, 2017 at 11:42 am

I was looking for interested reviewers for two Sociology books written by my late husband which remained unpublished when he passed away last year.the first one is already printed and the second one is being got ready for printing. this will take about three months. As the books are academic I would like to send them to academics with similar interests. What do you suggest?

Layla Rose says

March 20, 2017 at 7:03 pm

What a great find. I did some freelance publicity work for an author recently, and as a writer myself, it was sobering to see what it takes as an indie author. So much work. And having a disability which is difficult to manage really slows me down. So I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me.

Walter Stoffel says

March 3, 2017 at 1:23 pm

In part helpful ,in part confusing. Denise, you suggest steering clear of Amazon Top Reviewers(they’re touchy) yet you link to Creative Penn article that outlines process for contacting those same top reviewers.

Lanre Ayanlowo says

February 28, 2017 at 1:41 am

Hello, i have two self published books. Can you please help me publish them traditionally?

March 3, 2017 at 3:13 pm

I wish I could help, but Empty Mirror is just an online magazine; we don’t publish books. I may be able to answer some questions for you, but can’t recommend any particular publishers.

Tom Turkington says

February 21, 2017 at 7:16 pm

Thank you, Denise, so much. As a first-time author and technophobe besides, I’ve despaired of generating any sense of direction in my efforts to get my book into the hands of unbiased readers. Your suggestions are clear, concise and orderly, and likely the jumpstart I’ve needed. Were my book concerned with the arts or the Beats, I’d try to hoist it upon you, but no: it’s a 120,000-word chronicle of the first eighteen years of my life. Trying to make an asset of living in the past. Thanks for your push in the right direction(s).

Marcus De Storm says

January 1, 2017 at 2:36 pm

Thank you Denise for this information useful as a Self Published Author. As it is difficult to find genuine information and where to go to get my book reviewed. This has helped me very much.

January 1, 2017 at 2:37 pm

I’m glad you found the article useful, Marcus! I wish you much success with the book!

Mdu Rohtak says

November 18, 2016 at 5:33 am

Excellent tips, and thanks for the shout-out.

Sheree W. Davis says

November 17, 2016 at 7:52 am

Denise, Thanks for this wonderful check list! I’m a new self-published author and am grateful for the wisdom you are willing to share! God Bless! ~Sheree W. Davis

Johnb9 says

June 8, 2016 at 5:18 am

Thanks so much for the article.Much thanks again. Great.

ferris robinson says

May 2, 2016 at 5:11 am

Denise, Thank you so much for this informative and detailed post! So helpful! And I really appreciate the heads-up on commenting on reviews – I had no idea! I feel like I should be writing them a thank you note for taking the time to read my book, and taking even more time and energy to review it! Thanks for all you do for writers!

January 13, 2016 at 6:56 am

Hi Denise, great article, thanks. Quick question – when do you suggest author start asking for reviews? How long before the publish date – or after the publish date? Thanks.

Alec Stone says

August 20, 2015 at 6:14 am

Hi, don’t forget about reviews-easy.com.

This service is doing all the work for you. You only have to register and search the Amazon the reviewers by categories, products they review or by personal details. Then, a list of reviewers with contact details will be generated and you can download it. Then you can send personalized emails to all of them or do what you want with that data.

August 20, 2015 at 7:25 am

Alec, thanks for the suggestion. I have mixed feelings about Reviews Easy. I haven’t used it myself, but from a brief look at their website, it certainly appears to make it easy to search for Amazon reviewers.

Maybe too easy. I don’t enjoy reading e-books and don’t review them. That fact is stated very clearly on my Amazon profile. And yet, authors very often email to ask me to review their e-books. Some of these authors have told me that they were referred to me by Reviews Easy, and they’ve been surprised that I have no interest in e-books.

It seems that somehow Reviews Easy is leading authors to believe that I want to read e-books. (But since I haven’t used the site, I am not sure how or why this is happening.)

The site may be a good resource. But authors who choose to use it should double-check the reviewers’ profile information and preferences!

Thanks again — Denise

Tim Williams says

August 2, 2015 at 5:06 am

after reading everything that i’ve read i find myself asking …why self publish it seems like more of a pain in the ass then what it’s worth . i mean is this he only way to to go ? i write because i like to write not to share. the only reason publishing has come up is cause everyone that reads my book won’t stop bugging me about it . anyone hit me up cause i don’t see the benefit . thanks

August 3, 2015 at 1:06 pm

Most authors self-publish because they want their work to be read. But there’s no sense in publishing if you don’t feel compelled to.

While most people who write never publish, some of those still have a few books printed for themselves, family and friends who have expressed an interest. It’s an option. And, in that case, you needn’t bother with arranging for reviews, or with other promotional methods.

Others wish to reach a wider readership so look into either traditional or self-publishing, and eventually spend time promoting their book.

If you fall into the latter category, then self-publishing may be for you. But if you don’t, just keep writing for the love of it — and ignore those who pressure you.

all best, Denise

Rena George says

April 10, 2015 at 11:35 pm

Thank you for such a helpful, informative post, Denise. Authors really do need to put in the work to find approachable reviewers – and be prepared to overcome disappointments. Most reviewers are so overburdened that they have closed their lists for the foreseeable future. However the more potential reviewers an author can contact, the greater the chance of success. Perseverance is the secret, I think.

April 11, 2015 at 3:44 pm

Hi Rena, Thanks for your comment. I’m happy to hear that you found the post helpful.

Unfortunately I’m one of those reviewers who is often full-up on books to be reviewed…but I try to make time if just the perfect book is offered. There just isn’t enough time, though, to read – and review – everything I would like to.

Thanks again! Denise

Erik D. Weiss says

March 9, 2015 at 5:47 pm

Thanks, Denise! This is a fantastic little guide, great for new writers like me, eager to get my two fiction books out there. This is great advice, and you’ve inspired me to get to work getting my books reviewed and more visible!! Erik

March 9, 2015 at 7:32 pm

Erik, I’m so glad to hear you found the guide to reviews helpful. Good luck in finding reviewers! – Denise

J Haeske says

January 20, 2015 at 1:56 pm

If I only had known then what I know now… Thanks for that, Denise.

Molly Gambiza says

January 11, 2015 at 6:49 am

Thank you very much for taking your time to share this helpful information. That’s very generous of you. I am after honest reviews for my book A Woman’s Weakness. Now you have given me the directions, the ball is in my hands.

January 11, 2015 at 11:07 am

Glad we could help, Molly! Good luck with the book reviews!

christynathan930 says

September 24, 2014 at 5:28 am

Thanks for the great information and also for great tips too, and now I also check my book reviews.

James Jean-Pierre says

September 8, 2014 at 10:58 am

Thank you for this post, this list will definitely boost up my reviewer count.

August 10, 2014 at 7:55 am

I published my book in may, overlooking the need for a review. Since the time I must have approached 200-300 bloggers/sites for review unsuccessfully. any advice to get a free review? regards, jt

Denise Enck says

August 10, 2014 at 8:43 am

Congratulations on the publication of your book! Getting reviews is definitely a challenge. Without having seen your book or query email, I’m not sure why you haven’t had positive responses to your review query. But a lot depends upon the particular reviewers contacted, and how they are chosen.

First, do your research to find reviewers who review the types of books you write, and who are currently accepting books for review.

For example, I’m a reviewer; I clearly state on my review page here on Empty Mirror that I review Beat Generation and art-related books, do not review fiction, and am not accepting more books for review for the next few months. However, almost every day I receive review queries from authors who didn’t bother to read that; they offer me books about knitting, fantasy fiction, memoirs, guitar chords, children’s books, cooking, and more. I receive a lot of these, and most of them are deleted without reply.

There are websites which categorize book bloggers/reviewers by the genres they review; those can be really helpful in finding the right reviewers. Or go to Amazon and see who has reviewed similar books to yours, and see if they have an email address on their profile.

Second, sometimes it’s in the way that you approach the reviewer. Many queries I’ve received have been very impersonal, had spelling errors (doesn’t bode well for the book), were poorly written, required me to click a link to find out about the book, or wanted me to download free from Amazon on a particular day. Make it easy for the reviewer – address them by name if possible, give a brief synopsis of the book, tell where and when it’s available and in what formats. Don’t require the reviewer to do additional work to find out the basics about your book.

(However, include a link to Amazon – or wherever the book’s sold – so they can investigate more if they want to.)

Your query should contain everything necessary for the reviewer to make a decision.

Also – make sure the book is in good shape and ready for review. Sometimes, before accepting an already-published book for possible review, I’ll read the sample on Amazon to see if it appeals to me. If I find excerpts full of typos, formatting errors, or awkward writing, I won’t accept the book.

It’s harder to find reviewers for some genres than others. For example, fiction, YA and children’s book reviewers are plentiful (though often overburdened); reviewers for non-fiction, art and poetry are a little trickier to find.

But some of it is just timing, and a little bit of luck. Most reviewers get lots of queries and have to turn down even books that sound really enjoyable to them due to time constraints. But following the tips above can give you better odds.

You might also take a look at our article, “How to write an excellent review query” – https://www.emptymirrorbooks.com/publishing/how-to-write-an-excellent-book-review-query

Good luck, JT! If you have further questions, just let me know – I’d be really glad to help. all best, Denise

November 27, 2014 at 1:10 am

Hello Denise, I have a question is that any website which can give all the details of ebooks like how much ebooks are sale and in which with reviews because if any tool provide all of these things in one place it will be really helpful for many publishers.

selfpubber says

April 22, 2014 at 6:06 pm

I’ve used https://www.selfpublishingreview.com/ and it worked out pretty well. It’s a paid review, but it wasn’t a shill review (i.e. overly nice).

February 26, 2014 at 9:13 pm

I’ve used easybookreviews.com a few times. If you are willing to review other books in return it is a guaranteed way to get some (honest) reviews.

I’m also going to try story cartel but my books are already in kdp so I can’t have them available for free anywhere else at the moment. Also, story cartel aren’t amazon verified purchase reviews.

February 27, 2014 at 11:40 am

Thanks for the tip, Emily!

Be careful though, if you’re posting those reviews on Amazon. Amazon doesn’t allow reviews by “reviewing circles” (groups of people who review each other’s books) and has been known to revoke reviewing privileges for those caught doing it.

Gerard Thomas says

November 6, 2013 at 1:02 pm

OMG! I’m so happy now you’ve mentioned everything from A-Z.

Lenita Sheridan says

November 1, 2013 at 9:49 pm

This really helped me. I already got one “yes.” You might tell people to put “Review Request” in the subject line, otherwise they might get ignored the way I did when I put “possible book review?” I learned the hard way, but one website fortunately told me what to do, so I changed my tactic from then on.

November 1, 2013 at 10:04 pm

That’s a great idea, Lenita! Thanks so much. I’ll edit the article to include that. I’m glad you got a good response!

@IolaGoulton says

July 7, 2013 at 6:05 pm

10 ways to find book reviewers (and some useful links) #writing #reviews

June 30, 2013 at 11:35 pm

https://storycartel.com/ is another resource for authors to connect with reviewers.

July 1, 2013 at 8:36 am

Thanks Iola. I hadn’t heard of this one before, but I just checked it out – great resource! – Denise

@marqjonz says

May 28, 2013 at 3:50 am

@Phaedra4Real says

April 2, 2013 at 11:09 am

Dan’s right, great write-up.

ChaoticReader says

April 2, 2013 at 11:02 am

Great article on how and where to find reviewers for your book. https://t.co/wtpNTZszk5

Vennie Kocsis says

March 27, 2013 at 4:32 am

This was so very informative. Thank you for providing these resources for us budding authors.

March 27, 2013 at 11:16 am

So happy to hear you found it helpful! I wish you all the best with your book! – Denise

Rinelle Grey says

March 6, 2013 at 8:38 pm

A very extensive list of resources, I’ll be trying some of these.

One you missed is Goodreads. There are several forums that have dedicated space to helping authors find reviewers. Make sure you check that this is OK though, some groups encourage it, some dislike it.

March 6, 2013 at 9:24 pm

Thanks, Rinelle. I’ll add it. Unlike LibraryThing, GoodReads’ giveaways are only through publishers rather than authors, which is why I left it off the list. But I forgot about the forums! So I’ll add it to the list. Gracias. – Denise

Established in 2000 and edited by Denise Enck, Empty Mirror is an online literary magazine that publishes new work each Friday.

Each week EM features several poems each by one or two poets; reviews; critical essays; visual art; and personal essays.

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  • “Art has side effects,” I said.


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The latest and best book reviews, news and literary commentary. A quick search on google for book review sites and the search results would take a month of Sundays to trawl through. The self-publishing phenomenon shows little sign of abating and for the majority of authors, the pursuit of informative and unbiased book reviews is an essential element of their book marketing strategy. At BookViral we have been reviewing books since 2002 . We are proud to be recognised as one of the best book review sites and when it came to the redesign of our website it was important to us that we held true to our original vision. To provide critical book reviews that readers could trust. But what is a book review and more to the point why do some reviews carry more weight than others. You might think it something of a silly question. Book reviews in their thousands are posted to the likes of Amazon on a daily basis but for book review websites to really inform potential readers they have to be much more than a simple thumbs up. That’s why at BookViral we do so much more than simply review a book………… READ MORE


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We appreciate the positive feedback shared by our happy customers and want new clients to look at these reviews and get a clear idea about our writing services.

Satisfied Customer - Five Star Rating

"Reading a book and writing a descriptive review for it is quite overwhelming. Thankfully, I have these expert writers by my side who make this writing challenge smoother and hassle-free for me. Their effective novel reviews are always on point and precisely sum up the whole story for the readers."

"I was once assigned a nonfiction book to read and share my descriptive written response. Due to lack of time, I had no other option but to get help from these professional writers. I must say they offer the best review and consultation services for books in UK. It feels like they have literally scanned every single word."

"I appreciate the quick response and instant help from your writing team. I needed someone to write a short story review for me that is 100% genuine. Unlike other service providers, they do read the book thoroughly. My review was meticulously written and structured perfectly. Plus, the delivery was on time."

"Whenever I need a review article from a book critique, I turn to these experts. They have provided insightful reviews for most of my novels, and all of them have gone to be the classic bestsellers. Paying close attention to their feedback about your story can save your book from becoming a flop release."

"When I asked them for the first time to make a book review for me, I really had no idea how good their service would turn out to be. They literally surprised me with their quick results. The review was professionally written and had all the major details about the book. The teacher liked my review the most."

"As an author, review and consultation services for books can come in handy when you need a second opinion about your write-up. This is the best team of review writing experts in London because they compose a 100% honest and detailed review and charge a rather economical price for their services."

"I don't understand how a student can take out so much time from their busy schedules to read a book and write a descriptive review for it. I used to struggle with it, but once I acquired a review writing service for books from this site, my life changed forever. Now, they are my go-to place for such writing tasks."

"I find it extremely difficult to write a book review in English as an assignment. Reading so many pages, storing so much information, and then articulating all of that into words is one hell of a challenge. These writers have entered my life as a blessing in disguise and took all my worries away of writing quality reviews."


Book reports need a description of the plot and some more details about the characters. However, a review requires a greater set of details presented in a specific format. If you want to skip this hassle, then avail our review writing services right now.

Compelling & Informative Book Reviews In UK That Guarantee Excellence

Hire british writers who review your book like a critique.

We can be the ideal partner for an author whether they need book writing services or review writing assistance. We have book writing experts who can provide detailed, unbiased, and crystal-clear opinions about your manuscript. If the story is good to go, then we will compose a positive review that you can use in your book. However, we will also tell you if your write-up has room for improvement.

Book Review Writers In UK Who Are Pros At Assessing Manuscripts

We have skilled professionals with years of experience in reading and analysing books of all kinds for students and authors. If your teacher has asked you to write a book review in English and you have no idea how to complete that task, then we have a perfect solution for you. Hiring our book review writing experts can save you from the hassle and compose a mind-blowing critique article on your behalf.

Hire British Reading Enthusiasts Who Love Writing About Books

Students have a misconception that a review of a book is nothing but just an elaborated summary of the story. However, in reality, a book review article critique is a way more complex thing that not every student can master. Our book review and consultation services present a critical commentary on the story's theme and its messages. The teacher will feel that author himself has written the review.

Story Review Writing In UK That Is Light On Everyone's Pocket

Students who are struggling to write book reviews can get help from our experienced writers, who have been doing story review writing for over a decade. We keep our services reasonably priced so students of all financial backgrounds can afford our literary reviews. You can challenge our team with any deadline. They will always deliver a comprehensive review within your desired timeline.

What is book review writing, and why do I need it?

The writer focuses on covering all the main aspects of a story in their reviews. In academics, this task is assigned to practice careful analytical reading while authors need to service to get a critical analysis of their manuscript. We are a bunch of passionate Britishers who love reading and writing about books and can write a perfect review for you.

How much does a book review cost? Are your rates cheaper?

We are different from those online platforms that charge you a hefty amount just to write a review of a book. For us, customer satisfaction comes above everything else. We receive tons of "write my book report for me" requests from new and existing customers who want impactful reviews for there books at fair, reasonable and cheap pricing.

Do you know how to write a book review in UK with no plagiarism?

Do not consider us an ordinary review writing firm. We have specialist book writing experts who know the importance of unique and original content. Unlike other firms who copy-paste information to compose a review, we give every manuscript a thorough read and then carefully follow our book review writing format to write content from scratch.

Where can I send my book for review to get quick results?

Whether you want quick feedback for your recent publication or a detailed review for a book that was assigned by the teacher with a short deadline, we are always here to help. Our extremely quick and professional review services for books can easily beat the clock and complete your project well within the given timeframe.

What are the things that you include in a book review?

The review writing format for books can be different for every writer, but the details covered in it are mostly similar. We start with a summary of your book and outline its main contents. In the next step, the strengths and weaknesses of your story are covered, followed by an assessment or detailed evaluation of the whole manuscript.

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Best Paid Book Review Sites for Authors

Paid book review sites

Reviews are the lifeblood of your book’s success. Getting them is vital throughout your author journey, starting from before until long after you launch your piece of writing. Paid services are, of course, well aware of this fact. There are so many to choose from, so if you’re wondering what the best paid book review sites are, keep reading!

Dozens and dozens of companies are happy to take your money in exchange for the promise of landing you some good reviews.

With the many book review sites out there, you might be wondering which one should you choose.

Not All Paid Book Review Sites Are The Same

You can easily find plenty of companies out there that promises reviews in exchange for dollars. But, as much as you’d want them to be, not all of them will turn out effective. In fact, you may come across some that aren’t even legit.

Rather than take you through all the options available, I’ll share the tried-and-tested ones we use to help get your search narrowed down.

Here at Book Launchers, we use:

  • BookSirens, and
  • Booksprout for our authors.

Now, you might be thinking, “ A review is a review. So why so many different sites for the same thing?”

Well, if you haven’t noticed, paid book review sites aren’t all the same. Your book category, overall strategy, goals, and who you’re targeting are essential aspects to consider before going with a review company.

Still, every review site has the same ultimate goal: increase your exposure, find new readers for your book, and bump up those review counts.

Not all sites can make sense for every author. The best course of action would be to pick those that best suit your unique needs.

Here are the four best paid book review sites you can rely on for non-fiction authors, each with its distinctive features.

#1 goodreads.

Goodreads is the most popular review site in the publishing industry today. It remains the top on-line community for book lovers and authors alike.

Amazon runs it, so it boasts some perks for authors with books in the Amazon database.

Right through the site, you can claim your profile and earn a badge that verifies your identity. You’ll also be able to access a wealth of statistical information on your books listed on KDP.

So, how do you know if Goodreads is the way to go? Well, if you want your book to go viral and gain as much exposure as possible, Goodreads could be your ticket.

Here, the strategy is to get people to add your book to their virtual bookshelves, and of course, leave some reviews on it.

This way, your book gets raised visibility. Other users can now see it in their friends’ feeds, giving it a much better chance to be added to their reading list.

Think of it as like playing a giant book-fueled game of telephone with 80 million people.

Speaking of games, did you know that we have an entire YouTube channel dedicated to guiding authors like you to create an excellent self-publishing game plan. Check it out, and if you like what you see, let’s see how fast you can smash that subscribe button.

Back to our topic, you can also run a giveaway on Goodreads, a surefire way to get book reviews. It’s something we do regularly for our clients.

All active giveaways are listed on the giveaway section of the website. Your fans can link to it and encourage their friends to enter the giveaway.

Here’s a video dedicated entirely to helping you get all the goods you can get on Goodreads.

#2 NetGalley

Next up on the paid book review site list is NetGalley. NetGalley is a service that delivers digital Advanced Reader Copies, better known as ARCs.

This service provides ARCs of your book to professional readers. We’re talking about reviewers, media, journalists, bloggers, librarians, booksellers, podcast hosts, and many others.

These professional readers use NetGalley to access digital copies of your book, making it an effective marketing tool not just for your book but for your entire brand as an author.

It allows your work to be made available to people who want to read it in their professional capacity.

A NetGalley promotion offers your ARC three months to be highlighted in their database’s recently added and read now sections. The promo also lets you showcase your book to the sections specific to your title’s categories.

By opting for this promo, all users will see your book listed on the NetGalley website.

There’s a lot more to NetGalley when it comes to figuring out if it’s the right one for you.

To help you out, we have a video that goes into all the details of this review site. We also dive deep into costs because it can be pretty expensive and may not be worth it for all books. Stick to the end of this video to make sure if this review site is for you.

The following two on this list are similar to NetGalley. These two book review sites also deliver your ARC copy to both readers and reviewers. But, they focus more on getting your ARC securely to reviewers, bloggers, and your book army.

#3 BookSirens

BookSirens boasts over 10,000 readers across various genres with an average review rate of 75%, making it an attractive site to get book reviews.

The high average review rate is because their users are vetted and accepted as serious book reviewers. Before users can get approval to join BookSirens, they must have posted at least 20 starred ratings on Goodreads.

How this works is that you first need to send your book to the BookSirens team for evaluation. They will then confirm if it is a quality book – something that they want to offer to their users. Once approved, they will add your book to its appropriate category where users can discover it, download the ARC, and start reading.

A remarkable feature of BookSirens, which leads to their 75% success rate, is that readers can only download one ARC at a time. They can’t download a new ARC until they finish reading and reviewing their active one.

This feature is pretty cool for authors because your advanced reader is much less likely to ghost you without leaving a review. And they’re entirely focused on one book at a time.

BookSirens will also give you a direct link that you can send to your book army. So, those folks can hop on over there and securely download their ARC for free.

You also have the option of choosing whether your reviews are posted on Goodreads, Amazon, or both. Now if you’re wondering about getting book reviews from your book army (And how to keep them from being removed) – check out this article .

#4 Booksprout

Booksprout is another option to consider if your main priority is a prelaunch review push.

Similar to BookSirens, Booksprout is a review site that automates the delivery of your ARC to over 40,000 users.

Their average review rate is around 79%. Even your book army will find it challenging to beat that.

Before you get all excited, we’ve been testing this one for some time, and we’re getting mixed results.

Self-Publish and Succeed , well after launch, got four reviews from a single Booksprout listing. Yet, the other books we tested did not bring any results.

Right now, we’re playing with it to figure out whether it’s a timing issue, a topic, or something else.

We’ve experienced the same thing with BookSirens. My book wasn’t even accepted by them for their reviewers. So, I only used BookSirens for ARCs, but some authors from our client base have gotten good reviews.

BookSirens Vs. Booksprout

So what’s the difference between the two paid review sites? Which one is better for you? Let’s discuss the main differences between BookSirens and Booksprout:

  • Booksprout focuses on getting reviews by a specific date, while BookSirens focuses on getting a particular number of reviews.
  • On BookSirens, you can post your book and have the reviews roll in for as long as your little heart desires. But on Booksprout, your reviewers have a time limit to read and write their review.
  • Booksprout also limits the number of reviewer downloads depending on your subscription level. The more money you spend on their service, the more downloads you can do.
  • BookSirens is a fee-per-book service, letting you choose the number of downloads from as little as 5 to as many as 250.

On the plus side, you can request Booksprout reviews posted on up to eight different sites rather than just Goodreads or Amazon. They include options like Kobo, Apple Books, Google Books, and even BookBub.

Whether you go with BookSirens, Booksprout, or both, these two book review sites are easy to use. They’re effective if you need a little help building up your audience.

If this is your first book or your book army looks a little sparse on the prelaunch battlefield, one of these two review sites, or maybe both, could be your answer.

Now that you know some of the best sites that can help you get book reviews in bulk, maybe it’s time to get in touch with us. See what we can do to help you take off even further, even months post-launch.

Here at Book Launchers we help authors like you in every stage of the self-publishing process. Whether you write the book yourself or with our help, we’re with you every step of the way.

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Top 10 Paid Book Review Sites That Can Springboard Your Career

by admin | Oct 25, 2017 | Uncategorized | 10 comments

Top 10 Paid Book Review Sites That Can Springboard Your Career

Reviews are a crucial part of an author’s book marketing strategy. In today’s digital age it has become quite common for readers to post book reviews on sites. These include Goodreads, Amazon and Barnes and Noble. However, there are still a lot of authors who scramble for professional reviews from credible sources.  For this reason, many successful authors have utilized paid book review sites at some point in their career. It might be hard to believe with all of the criticism surrounding paid book reviews, but it’s a fact!

10 Paid Book Review Sites

New authors, indie authors in particular, depend on paid book reviews to spread the word about their books. Because it is much more difficult for indie authors to get noticed, paid book review sites can be appealing. If you are a newbie and are struggling to organically attract the interest of popular reviewers, ChatEbooks suggest that you invest in the following paid book review sites to help you get the word out.

1. Kirkus Indie Reviews

One of the more popular paid book review sites online, Kirkus is known for using professional reviewers. Because of their reputation, they are able to charge authors as much as $500 for 250-word book reviews (librarians, journalists, business executives, etc.) with a turnaround time of seven to nine weeks. When using Kirkus, you are primarily paying for the name that the brand brings to the table.

paid book review sites SPR

Opinions surrounding this book review site vary. However, they do provide a relatively cheap $69 review package designed to deliver quick exposure. With a decent social media following, SPR delivers when it comes to speed, cost and marketing opportunities.

paid book review sites Best Thrillers

3. BestThrillers

Authors looking for a keen eye that understands thriller and mystery will appreciate this website.  BestThrillers not only offer free book reviews. They also offer $99 paid review services that posts reviews on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. This site specializes in providing book reviews for the thriller and mystery genre.

paid book review sites Indie Reader

4. IndieReader

An established online resource for indie authors, IndieReader claims to be the most cost-effective of paid book review sites around.  Their current rate is $100 for a 300-word review. The website’s reviewers have a concise understanding of the industry which in turn empowers them to provide very constructive criticism.

paid book review sites Foreword Reviews

5. Foreword Reviews

Foreword has a firm foundation and a solid reputation when it comes to paid book review sites. Their service is reliable and their website is busy but also clean. The only downside is that they don’t offer many extras, especially with regards to marketing and exposure.

paid book review sites Reader Views

6. ReaderViews

ReaderViews has a variety of reviewing service packages that are designed to appeal to authors with budgetary constraints. Expect to spend between $119 and $499 for book reviews, many of which are posted to audience-specific websites. 

7. RT Book Reviews

This site’s lofty $425 price tag for book reviews might scare some people away. However, this magazine has been around since the 1980s and is therefore a name that people know and trust. RT Book Reviews carry weight because they are written by accredited and trusted reviewers. 

paid book review sites Publishers Weekly

8. Publishers Weekly

Once you register your book with this website, you can sign up and pay for a variety of services in addition to book reviews. Publishers Weekly tends to excel when it comes to marketing. They feature their book reviews in their magazine, newsletters, and social media channels.

paid book review sites Net Galley

9. Net Galley

You will spend $399 to get professional readers to not only read your book but to review and recommend it from one location. Book reviews can come from bloggers, booksellers, librarians and even professional book reviewers. You have to first pitch your book to these professional readers before you can receive the book reviews you desire.

paid book review sites BlueInk Review

10. BlueInk Review

This service favors books whose publication has been achieved in part through the efforts and financial contributions of the author. They favor indie authors and accept submissions from outside the United States. Expect to spend an estimated $500 for fast track (4 to 5 weeks) book reviews.  

A word of caution- Do NOT use paid book review sites that you haven’t first investigated and done your due diligence. Book reviews from websites with a bad reputation could actually do more harm than good to your credibility as an author. So take the time to explore every single book review website that piques your interest before trusting it with your book.

book review services uk

User Review


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I recently had “KindleBook Review post their comments on a work of mine and though I didn’t agree with the general critique of one reviewer, I found their reviews (two of them) to be objective and well considered.

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I am a veteran author with several romance novels to my credit. Recently, I tried https://usabookreviewers.com and I must say that I am impressed with their services. I received 20+ in-depth reviews for my book and I am more than pleased !

Did you find this review helpful? Yes (4) No

' src=

It is so difficult for new authors to get noticed, whether they’ve written a traditionally published book or through a publisher like Lulu or Amazon. I’m hesitant to use a paid book review site, but it’s better than paying for someone to give you a positive view (that’s as sketchy as it gets). I think the best way would be to solicit reviewers who might be interested in your book.

' src=

Wow, I actually didn’t know about this. Though I haven’t any current plans to write a book as of the moment, it’s still at the back of my mind and I think about it from time to time. This will definitely come in handy when the time comes. I think it would be justifiable if the site prices more than others, if they do delivery more valuable service! It would also help that we actually find others with huge influence or social media following (with a good reputation of course) to read our book. That’s what they always say, when you a good network, you can go places!

' src=

oh I’m so glad I found this post. I didnt know about these services. Im definitely going to check them all out and see what I can afford. Super excited about this!! Bookmarked it!

' src=

Yeah I wouldnt want a paid positive review I would want my reviews to be genuine which I believe these sites do. Ive heard of a few of them and they seem legit to me.

[https://usabookreviewers.com] is the main reason that I had over two hundred ratings and a hundred and fifty reviews on Goodreads on Risuko’s publication date.

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Second Opinion

A colleague of mine suggested finding a few different places and getting my book reviewed because it’s always good to have a second opinion. I’m just really afraid of what they might say about my book because even I don’t think it’s that good. Everyone else has told me it’s great though so I don’t know if they’re just being nice or I’m being too hard on myself.

Did you find this review helpful? Yes No

' src=

Perfect Timing

I wrote a short story that I have been looking to get reviewed so this is perfect timing! I am going to check into each one of these places, most sound like exactly what I was looking for which is great. Thanks for this list of honest review sites. They are hard to find online since so many places want to scam you.

' src=

Great, but what if.....

I have just had my 5th book released and, for the first time, am being more serious at promoting and marketing my work. I researched quite a boat load of reviewers willing to review my book for free (most obtained from Goodreads.com). The reason for this decision was made because, being retired on a limited income, I simply cannot afford the fees charged by services like those listed here, and others I found online.

This seems to be the hardest hurdle for authors I have encountered — having the financial resources to devote to promotion/marketing. Thankfully I entered into writing without any delusions of making a large number of sales. My main aim is to endeavor to have as many people simply pick up my books to read because they sound interesting. So I do as much online promo as possible without draining my bank.

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Write With Light Publications

Top 5 Book Review Sites Every Author Should Submit To

Top 5 Book Review Sites Every Author Should Submit To

Written By Write With Light Publications, LLC

0 comment(s), october 13, 2021, don’t rush your book.

We can’t say it enough and yet we see it happen all the time.

When on the verge of publishing a book, we see one big mistake happen, especially if the author is rushing the publication process of their book.

Many times, we see them write, edit and then publish, giving no time or space to properly market or get the word out about their book.

So how is a reader supposed to find your book if it’s not even out there yet? How will they see it without proper awareness?

Authors who self-publish for the first time (usually) are missing a crucial piece to the publishing process: Submitting their book to book review sites.

Why Do I Need to Submit My Books for Review?

Top 5 Book Review Sites Every Author Should Submit To

Submitting your book to review to a good review source can help you leverage your book before it’s even launched.

Having people review your book from these five book review sites we are talking about later, even if the reviews are positive or negative, can be powerful.

There are a few reasons all authors should be submitting their book for review.

  • You can gain quality reviews
  • Create awareness for your book
  • Book reviewers could possibly share your work with others (word of mouth marketing)
  • Can influence readers to pre-order your book
  • It’s free marketing!

Although sharing your work with others to get their opinion on your book is daunting, it’s still a necessary step to take before you even publish. Don’t forget this crucial step in the publishing and promotion process if you don’t want to sabotage your book .

How Long Does the Review Process Take?

The review copy process can take some time, which is probably why a lot of people skip the process. But if you want a good quality review from a quality source, you need to take the time to fit a book review process into your book publishing timeline.

The review copy process can take anywhere from 3-4 months. So why is that?

A majority of book reviewers and credible book review sites require at least 3-4 months after submission and before launch to review your book.

Reviewers get a lot of inquiries and a lot of books, some of which they give to two different readers for review. If they choose your book for review you need to give them 3-4 months to review it.

The downside is, you just have to be patient.

When Should I Submit My Books For Review?

Top 5 Book Review Sites Every Author Should Submit To

If you’re finished writing your book, we highly recommend getting it edited by a professional before handing it off to reviewers.

Before you even submit your books for review, edit your book. Period.

Even if you have an amazing cover with a captivating synopsis, it will mean nothing if you send a book in with a wealth of mistakes roaming freely.

Reviewers will not read through your book if there are mistakes. Only send your book out for review when it is 100% ready.

Who Should I Be Submitting Books to For Review?

If you do decide to work this book review timeframe into your schedule, there are five sites you can get started with, some of which are free and some of which are paid.

So the top 5 book review sites you absolutely should at least consider,

  • Publisher’s Weekly
  • Write With Light Publications

We’ll explain all of them and their benefits below!

It’s also important to keep in mind that there are multiple other avenues for getting book reviews including having bookstagrammers on Instagram review your work, or sending it out to other smaller publications that would fit your niche.

For now, we’ll just cover some of the essential sites that will give you actual reviews without you having to ask freelance book reviewers.

Kirkus (Paid)

Kirkus has been around since 1933 and was founded by Virginia Kirkus. Back then, she realized there was a need for book reviews not backed by the publisher themselves. Seeing this need, she started a business that would give writers the book reviews they need while also allowing American booksellers to buy products backed by unbiased opinions.

As far as book review sites go, Kirkus is one of the most prestigious and trusted book reviewers in the business and offers an unbiased assessment of your book—which could be negative or positive. But their outstanding reviews come at a price. That being said, the review is worth it to many.

Here are some of the prices for Kirkus Reviews:

  • Traditional Reviews: Costs $425 for a 250-word review.
  • Expanded Reviews: Costs $525 for a 500-word review.
  • Picture Book Reviews: Cost $350 for a 200-word review.

All of the reviews are turned around in 7-9 weeks but can be expedited for an additional fee. After receiving your review, you can add some of the best quotes to your product listings on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other sites to help promote the book.

You also have the option to publish your review on Kirkus if you like what they have to say. If you do choose to publish it, Kirkus may consider your review for publication in their magazine which reaches 50,000 users.

If you’re ready to get your book reviewed, visit Kirkus to get started .

Booklife (Paid)

To receive another guaranteed book review for a price, you can also choose Booklife .

Booklife is an extension of the popular site, Publisher’s Weekly, and provides publishing advice and assistance to find authors.

Booklife is usually great for indie authors who need a great review from a reputable source. It is also slightly less in cost than Kirkus.

A Booklife review costs $399 for 300 words.

Authors will get their review back in an estimated 4-6 weeks. The one downside of submitting for review with Booklife is there is a word count limit. Only books 100,000 words are less can be considered for a review.

The upside is the review with be featured on Booklife’s website and Publisher Weekly’s website. To learn more about the submission guidelines and get reviewed, visit Booklife’s Review FAQs page .

Reedsy (Paid)

Probably one of our favorite places to get books reviewed is Reedsy .

We love this site because it is so affordable and you get an honest book review from a professional book reviewer. See a Reedsy book review for one of our authors!

Like Booklife and Kirkus, you will get a quality book review but at a much lower price and it is guaranteed. Reedsy can also be synced with Goodreads, which allows your reviewer to publish their review before the book even launches.

Authors who choose to get their books reviewed with Reedsy will spend only $50 per book for a lengthy review from a frequent book reviewer.

The great thing is, your book is available to be reviewed by anyone who is interested. Additionally, you can contact the reviewers to ask them to review your book

On Reedsy, your book can only be reviewed once, although, we really wish they would allow more, especially if other reviewers want to take a peek.

Publisher’s Weekly (Free)

Like we mentioned earlier, Publisher’s Weekly is associated with Booklife, which is a paid review service.

Publisher’s Weekly, however, is a free review service , which will bring a smile to most indie authors who are on a tight budget with marketing.

The one downside of submitting a book review to Publisher’s Weekly is your review is not guaranteed. Publisher’s Weekly reviewers take a very slim amount of submissions for review, which means they take the elite when it comes to books.

If your book is chosen for review by Publisher’s Weekly, you’ve probably got yourself a great book. Although there is no guarantee for a book review, it’s worth submitting anyways.

To get your book reviewed with Publisher’s Weekly, check out their submission guidelines .

Write With Light Publications (Free)

We know we have a long ways to go to be as great and revered as websites like Publisher’s Weekly and Kirkus. But hey! We all have to start somewhere!

At Write With Light Publications, we have a deep desire to help indie authors get their books out there in the world. One of the best ways to do that is to read your book and give you a quality review.

Our reviews are completely free to you as long as you follow our strict guidelines.

To learn more about our book reviews, check out our submission guidelines !

New More Publishing Help?

Write With Light Publications offers a variety of publishing services that are intended to support indie authors with their self-publishing endeavors.

If you’re feeling lost with marketing, publishing, or even creating your book, consider getting some assistance from us!

You can see more about our services here .

Publishing Services at Write With Light Publications, LLC

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It's strange, the things that make you feel that this is the book for you. Before I started reading , I visited the author's and there's a picture of a slice of chocolate cake on the homepage. I don't eat cakes and desserts - but I wanted that cake viscerally. (There's a recipe in the book, which I'm avoiding with some difficulty!!) Then I started reading the book and I was told to make a mess of it. Notes in the margins are sanctioned. You get to fold down the corners of pages. You suspect that smears of butter would not be a problem. I this book already.


Around here, we're big fans of children's author Rob Keeley. He's a ball of happy positivity, he understands children, and he writes for their pleasure and enjoyment, not to lecture or hector.

The series is one of his greatest achievements. It's a sequence of ghost stories centring on Ellie, a stalwart young girl who can cope with anything the spirit world throws at her, and Edward, a spoiled lordling and the first spirit Ellie encounters


Elk and Mab are best friends, or more than that even, their friendship is a once in a lifetime connection. They meet as children one day on a trip out but unfortunately they don't get each other's contact details at the time. But then chance brings them back together, and they are inseparable. Something has happened though, something terrible and tragic, and now they must work through their grief, and their friendship, together.


Meet Kit. Like most of the people in his world, it seems, he is an avid fan of Dungeon Running – the sport where a team of warrior, mage and healer enter specially prepared, century-old, magical mazes, and race to the exit, perhaps bothering with the treasure or the big bad and the points they grant you along the way. Unfortunately for Kit, the only thing he's seen of the latest race on the inn TV equivalent is that one team has been retired, eaten, and a new trio of questors is needed. Possibly very unfortunately indeed for Kit, he has taken to the goading from the token bully of his world and stumbled into declaring he'll enter as a team. What chance does this friendless, muscle-free-zone have in actually managing that, and how could he possibly hope to succeed?


I was instantly intrigued by the premise of this novel – an organised crime syndicate in the north of England run by a Muslim woman. The fact that it was the second in a series I hadn't read didn't stop me – I've jumped midway into a few series before (on page and screen) and it needn't be a hindrance if it's good enough. And that wasn't a problem here. Vengeance swiftly brings you up to speed, and I never felt lost.


During location filming for his 1970's sitcom 'Floggit and Leggit', leading man Edward Lowe stumbles across the dead body of a woman on the edge of a reservoir. The police seem happy to assign it as an accidental death, but something about the whole thing bothers Lowe, and he enlists the help of a fellow actor, John Le Breton to help him investigate matters further. They travel across the country during their days off filming, uncovering more possible murders and, seemingly, a link to death during the Second World War. But is there really a link between the deaths? And will they manage to uncover who is responsible before more people lose their lives?


It seemed like an open-and-shut case. A man, covered in mud and blood - and carrying a knife, comes into the police station shouting that he hasn't killed the man. A body at the bottom of a freshly dug grave at Swanton Morley church - he's been stabbed to death. DCI John Tanner is just back from his honeymoon, which coincided with the birth of his daughter Samantha. You would think he'd be grateful for an easy answer but the words 'perverse' and 'John Tanner' were made for each other. He's sleep-deprived to the point of falling asleep at work but he's determined to keep going - probably because he can't get any sleep at home.


I was tempted to read after enjoying Adam Kay's first book , a glorious mixture of insight into the workings of the NHS, humour and autobiography. promised the same elements but moved from physical problems to mental illness and the work of a psychiatrist. I did wonder whether it was acceptable to be looking for humour in this setting but the laughter is directed at a situation rather than a person and it is always delivered with empathy and understanding.


Anuri spent her childhood on display to the world, thanks to her step-mother Ophelia's increasingly popular presence on social media, where she posted every step of Anuri's childhood for sponsorships and influencer deals and, basically, monetary gain. Now Anuri is in her twenties and she is slowly trying to regain her confidence and to get her life back, suing her step-mother to take down the content about her. Anuri is battling alcoholism, failing to start her PhD, undergoing therapy and secretly abusing people online and receiving money from them for doing so. Most importantly, she is desperately worried about her little sister, who is the new focus of Ophelia's online empire. Can she save her sister, and perhaps herself and her relationship with her father at the same time?


It's September 1973 in Hicks, California. Hicks is a Mojave desert town of a few thousand people with its nearest neighbours of LA and Las Vegas both a significant drive away. Not much happens in Hicks. A silver mine and a defence contractor are the main local employers but otherwise, there's not much of note other than dive bars and Joshua trees. Life is quiet, until....


Will's life is difficult, in a multitude of ways. He is bullied because he has 'the wrong shoes', he has the wrong shoes because his dad can't work and doesn't have enough money for even the most basic of things like food, and his dad can't work because he lost his job at the college, was working a cash-in-hand job on a building site and had an accident. Throw into that mix the fact that his mum and dad are separated, and Will's life seems bleak in every direction. And yet, he still has a tiny amount of hope. He is good at art, and clings to the moments of joy when he is drawing, that feel like a light at the end of a long, dark tunnel.


There are few greater joys than a book which lives up to a compelling premise. And this is one of them.


Former Metropolitan Police detective, Jake Johnson, has settled into his rustic life at Little Sky. There’s perhaps a little uncertainty about the future of his life with his vet girlfriend, Livia and her daughter Diana, as moving in together would mean a lot of compromise: does Jake give up his off-grid and relaxing life to move in with Livia or does Livia move to Little Sky despite her reservations about whether or not this is the future she wants for herself and her daughter? For the moment they’re enjoying life in the present and putting the future on the back burner.


Builders were demolishing an old house in Norwich - the site was going to hold seventy-five 'luxury' apartments - when they discovered the bones of a child beneath a doorway. There was no skull. Was this a ritual killing or murder? Inevitably, Dr Ruth Galloway finds herself working with DCI Harry Nelson. It's difficult as Ruth knows, but Nelson doesn't, that she is pregnant with his child as a result of the one night they spent together some three months ago. Her condition will be obvious before long, not least because Ruth is prone to sudden bouts of sickness.


It's unusual for anyone from the Hardie family to approach the police. Neither side likes or has any respect for the other. But Davie Hardie is struggling in prison and he's prepared to tell the police where the body of a missing person is buried and who was responsible for her death. This person, he promises, is someone big and it will be worth the police doing what he wants. And what he wants is to be transferred to an open prison to serve the remainder of his sentence and to get an early parole date. Not much to ask, is it? The new Deputy Police Constable doesn't think so and she's even prepared to do the other thing that Hardie demanded - make certain that DS Max Craigie and anyone who works with him is kept well away from what's happening.


It's sixteen years since nine-year-old Rosalie Marshall disappeared from her bed one summer night. She was never found and the investigation ground to a halt. Now, her mother, Helena, and her father are dead in their bed. Initially, it looks like a straightforward murder/suicide but there's something about the positioning of the bodies that makes DS Maeve Kerrigan and her boss DI Josh Derwent suspicious. What looked as though it was going to be an open-and-shut case is now a complex double murder. Kerrigan is convinced that the explanation lies in Rosalie's disappearance: others (such as Derwent's boss, Una Burt) are less convinced.


Edward Jevons is a working-class young man, obsessed with his upper-class friends, Robert and Stanza. Robert's a theatre director. He's also self-obsessed, demanding, handsome and entitled and uses Edward to run errands for him. Edward has been in love with Stanza since their university days - and he's drunkenly confided how he feels to Robert. Most men in Robert's position would stay away from Stanza or tell Edward that a relationship had begun between them but he's not like most men: Edward is left to stumble upon the two of them kissing in a dark passageway.


When a man is found crucified on the top of a hill in Nuneaton, DCS Kat Frank finds herself assigned to the case alongside her sidekick, the AI detective Lock. It's their first live case together, having previously been very successful with several cold cases. But when there is a second body found crucified a few days later, Kat is suddenly struggling with a potential serial killer and a very high profile case that draws a lot of unwanted attention to their AI Future Policing project. Will they be able to solve the case in time, or will Kat find herself taken off the case and, potentially, out of a career?


Olivia, Laura and Anjali met on the first day of medical school and their friendship would keep them inseparable for a quarter of a century. Olivia is ruthlessly ambitious, which is a bonus when you aim to be a cardiothoracic surgeon. Laura is a perfectionist and a trauma doctor. Anjali is the free spirit of the group and she becomes a GP. When we first meet them they're at a drug and alcohol-fuelled party and it's going to end in tragedy. We don't know who suffered the tragedy or the consequences. Twenty-five years later there will be an eerily similar event that will impact the three friends. This time, it's their teenage children who are involved.


If you were to bring up an image of a city banker in your mind, you're unlikely to think of someone like Gary Stevenson. A hoodie and jeans replaces the pin-stripe suit and his background is the East End, where he was familiar with violence, poverty and injustice. There was no posh public school on his CV - but he had been to the London School of Economics. Stevenson is bright - extremely bright - and he has a facility with numbers which most of us can only envy. He also realised that most rich people expect poor people to be stupid. It was his ability at what was, essentially, a card game which got him an internship with Citibank. Eventually, this turned into permanent employment as a trader.


It's twenty years since Freya Lockwood has been back to the English country village where she grew up. She's back now because of a request for help from her beloved aunt, Carole. Freya's former mentor and Carole's close friend, Arthur Crockleford, is dead and the circumstances seem suspicious, to say the least. Arthur was the reason why Freya had not been back to the village: Arthur, she feels, let her down badly. Even though they were in business together as antique hunters, she has not felt able to be near the man or pursue the profession she loved. After the split, she worked in a cafe, met and married James (on the rebound from the love of her life, who was murdered) and Freya and James have now divorced.


I've heard it said that 'technology' is what happens after you're eighteen. Well, I must confess that there have been more than a few decades of technology in my lifetime. I've kept up reasonably well with what's advantageous to me but I'm left with the feeling that it's all getting away from me. Some of it is - frankly - quite frightening. Of course, I could research the possibilities and the probabilities and end up down rabbit holes without really understanding whether I'm reading someone who knows what they're talking about or the latest conspiracy theorist. I needed people I knew I could trust and who could deliver information in a way I could understand.


The Hotel Arcadia is a luxury hotel in an unnamed city that has suddenly been violently taken over by a terrorist group. Hiding from the terrorists who are rampaging through, killing everyone on site, there is Sam, a wartime photographer and Abhi, the hotel manager. As Abhi continues to try to care remotely for the residents who are still alive in the hotel, he forms a bond with Sam who refuses to be cowed by events, and keeps on venturing out of her room to try to capture what's happened through her photography. Although they only ever talk over the phone, their friendship grows as Abhi tries to help her keep safe and they both wait to see if they will be rescued before they are discovered by the terrorists.


It's 1979 and Margaret Thatcher is Prime Minister. (A woman? I mean, honestly...) She's not what's worrying Miv's family, though. Women have been disappearing. Well, they've been murdered, but to have 'disappeared' doesn't sound quite so frightening. Miv's upset because she's overheard that her father wants to move the family 'Down South'. When you're from Yorkshire, Down South is a frightening, foreign place, best avoided. For Miv, the move would mean leaving her best friend, Sharon, and she'll do anything to prevent that. She's not worried about the dangers or that her Mum's stopped talking - to anyone.


Charlotte Salter was expected at her husband's fiftieth birthday party but never turned up. Her children, sons Niall, Paul and Ollie and her daughter, Etty. are all worried but - strangely - her husband, Alec, is not. Shortly afterwards, Etty and Greg, find the body of Greg's father, Duncan Ackerley, in the river. It was an easy assumption for the police to make that Duncan had murdered Charlie and then committed suicide when he couldn't stand the guilt. The Salter children are not convinced but there's little else they can do but get on with their lives and wonder about what really happened.


We tend to think of Maria Callas as Greek, but she was born to Greek parents in Manhattan, New York, in December 1923 and only moved to Athens when she was thirteen. Her original surname was Kalogeropoulos but her father changed it to 'Callas' to make it more manageable in the States. When she was back in Athens - supposedly so that she could get appropriate training for her voice - she was raised under the Nazi occupation by a mother who mercilessly exploited her and made no secret of her preference for her elder sister, Jackie.


Lucas and his friends are all booked in for a movie marathon at their local cinema, a place that has the nickname of 'The Black Hole'. All big movie fans, they're looking forward to lots of exciting films, and many, many snacks! However, as the movie starts, they very quickly realise that something about this new film format is very different, and they are swept up into an adventure they couldn't even imagine. But as they lurch from one film genre to the next, can they figure out what on earth is going on? Will they ever get back to the cinema, and to their real lives?


Rosevear, a remote and partially forgotten island, survives on luring ships into the rocks and plundering the wrecks. Mira, like her mother before her, is one of the seven who swim out to survey the ruins – rescuing any survivors and any treasure that lies within. But when the Council Watch lays a trap to end the wrecking, they capture the island's leader and Mira's father. Desperate to save him from death, Mira makes a bargain with a wreck survivor who is as charming as he is secretive and with only coordinates to guide her, she sets off in search of a family secret that lies buried deep in the sea. With only nine days to unearth what might save her father, as her journey takes her from the watched streets of foreign islands to the heart of the smuggler's territory, Mira must be determined to stop at nothing to save the future of her home and the ones she holds most dear.


Things have been a bit sticky for the Earthlings. AI and automation have been proceeding apace, often replacing jobs they're paid to do and other tasks that took time to accomplish. Just as they were beginning to get used to all this technological change and starting to think of other, new ways to spend time, along came an awful pandemic. Life was pretty much shut down and, along with it, all the many daily social interactions on which they depend so heavily.


Timothy Wyndham wants nothing more than to be different from his father, a drunk and chronic underachiever whose dreams of being exceptional at any of his artistic passions all failed miserably and who had endless crises of self confidence. So Tim applied himself to his studies, cultivated his abilities rather than his daydreams and set himself high but achievable ambitions.

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Independent Book Review wants you to read indie. Books that you’ve just got to hear about are being published by indie presses and self-publishers every day, but you might not see many of them on the shelves of your local bookstore. Why? Because they weren’t published by the Big Five. And you know what? We think that kind of sucks.

In april 2018, we started ibr to encourage more readers to find their way to indie books. bold, independent thinkers are publishing incredible books that don’t fit the mold of the big five, but instead of collecting dust, they’re being published by passionate, bookish people who believe that there are more than five ways to write a damn good book. in addition to publishing reviews and book lists, we celebrate indie bookstores with city-roundups, and we provide author services to help authors improve their manuscripts and get their published books into the hands of more readers..

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Written by S. Kalekar January 28th, 2019

16 Magazines Accepting Books for Review

These are literary and other magazines and websites that accept books for review. So if you’re an author looking to promote your fiction, poetry, or nonfiction book, these are places that could review your work; some of them also have author interview sections. Sending a book doesn’t guarantee a review, however, and they often review only specific kinds or genres of books, so make sure you check out their guidelines and the website/magazine for the kinds of books they review. These magazines do not charge authors for the reviews they publish, or they have fee-free options.

Publishers Weekly Books must have US distribution to be considered. They review nonfiction, fiction, mystery/thriller, science fiction/fantasy/horror, romance/erotica, poetry, comics, and lifestyles (cooking, gardening & home, health & fitness, or parenting). Children’s titles have their own guidelines, as do Canadian books. They consider self-published books for review via BookLife , which also has a services directory for advertising, marketing and others for Indie authors. They do not review audiobooks, textbooks, technical manuals, reissues or new editions unless 60% or more of the content is new, reference books, books of strictly regional interest, travel guides, media and game tie-ins, journals, coloring books, devotionals and prayer books, or playscripts and dramatic works. There is a specific lead time for galleys/books/bound manuscripts to be sent before publication, in the guidelines. Details here .

Neon Books Neon Books is a UK-based independent publisher, working with authors anywhere in the world, and producing a small number of chapbooks, pamphlets and other ephemera each year – they lean towards literary and slipstream writing, with a preference for the magical realist and the extremely odd. They also have one of the longest-running independent literary magazines in the UK, and a review blog. They accept small press books, poetry, novellas, collections, anthologies and anything that is a bit in-between for review on their blog. If authors/publicists like to have something reviewed on the blog, they should send a query. Details here .

The Quarterly Conversation This is a magazine that publishes book reviews, essays, and interviews that address literature from original and provocative perspectives – they do not publish fiction or poetry. They review fiction and nonfiction, so long as the books are of literary and/or cultural value. They are especially interested in books that have been translated into English, and particularly in works translated from traditionally neglected nations or languages. They are also interested in out of print works of literature that have recently been brought back into print. They ask publishers to ideally submit books prior to publication, but they run reviews of titles up to a year old. Details here .

Necessary Fiction They publish book reviews each Monday, a featured short story each Wednesday, a contribution to their Research Notes series each Friday, and occasional interviews, essays, and other surprises. They are especially interested in reviewing fiction from independent publishers, with a moderate emphasis on short story collections, novellas and translations. Self-published authors are welcome to submit their books. Their focus is on literary fiction for adult readers, broadly defined, and they say they probably aren’t a good fit for books in other genres or for younger readers. For their Research Notes series, they invite the author of a recent book of fiction to reflect on the “research” behind it, and for their Translation Notes series, they invite translators of literary fiction to write about the process of bringing a book into English. Publishers, authors, or publicists wanting to submit a book for consideration are asked to query. Details here .

The Malahat Review This magazine publishes reviews of Canadian-authored books of poetry, fiction, and literary nonfiction in every issue, apart from fiction, nonfiction, poetry and translations. They rarely publish articles and interviews. Publishers and authors may send copies of their new titles by mail for potential review. Email announcements of new titles are also welcome. They say that they receive over 200 books every year; between 25 and 38 of them are reviewed. Details here .

Strange Horizons They publish in-depth reviews of speculative art and entertainment, especially books, films, and television, three times a week. They normally cover new works, although they do occasional features on older works. They are especially interested in reviews of worthy material that might not otherwise get the exposure it deserves, and in reviews of works that push traditional genre boundaries. They ask those wishing to submit a review copy to query by sending a short description of the work over email. They accept both physical and electronic review copies and try to match reviewers with the work. Details here .

Existere Journal of Art and Literature This biannual journal of art and literature publishes artwork, poetry, short plays, short stories, postcard/flash fiction, art and literature reviews, critical essays, interviews, sketches, photos, etc. They receive books for review and books to be considered for any forthcoming issue should arrive at their office no later than two months before the deadline for each issue, in order for them to have time to give it a look and write a review. Details here .

Book Reporter The majority of the reviews on their website are fiction. They review bestsellers, debut authors, contemporary fiction, historical fiction, mysteries, thrillers, some fantasy/science fiction and some romance. They also review nonfiction, newsworthy books, biographies and memoirs. They generally do not review how-to, self-help, medical/health, religion, or travel guides. They review self-published books on a select basis – these must be available with wide distribution offline as well as online. They rarely cover ebook-only titles. Besides Bookreporter.com, The Book Report Network is comprised of other online book review and author feature sites, including ReadingGroupGuides, where authors/publishers can provide their guides for a fee, as well as: — 20SomethingReads (includes, but is not limited to, new age, contemporary fiction, women’s fiction, humor/satire, memoirs and gift books); — Teenreads (largely fiction for teens aged 12-18, some nonfiction, select self-published titles, rarely ebooks); — Kidsreads (typically fiction for children aged 6-12, some nonfiction, and on a select basis, select self-published books, rarely ebooks, and books for slightly younger readers, though not picture books – they do have a monthly round-up of picture books, but these are not reviewed); — GrapicNovelReporter (graphic novels, can review books or galleys)

Typically books are reviewed within three months of publication. Details here .

QBR the Black Book Review They are dedicated to books about the African experience. Their website says, “In its pages you will find fiction, nonfiction, poetry, children’s books, health and lifestyle management, writers from Africa and the Caribbean–the whole of the Diaspora, the whole of our experience. How do you know who the newest authors are? How do you know what to read? Do you still wait for second hand “word of mouth” recommendations for the books you read? How do you know which books are good for your children? QBR is your reliable source for what is current in Black books.” QBR also produces the Harlem Book Fair, held annually in New York City and throughout the US. They have paid author promotion services but the reviews (books for review selected at their discretion) are free. Details here .

London Review of Books This magazine publishes some of the world’s best writers, and publishes book reviews, reportage, poems, reviews of exhibitions and movies, ‘short cuts’, letters and a diary. They accept books for review. They cannot review ebooks. Details here .

New York Review of Books This prestigious magazine publishes essays and reviews of books and the arts, including music, theater, dance, and film, and they accept books for review. When a book is reviewed, they send copies of the review to the book’s publisher. Details here (click on the ‘Editorial’ tab under Frequently Asked Questions).

filling Station This is a literary and arts magazine publishing innovative poetry, fiction, nonfiction (creative and critical nonfiction, reviews, articles, interviews, live event reviews, photo essays, etc). The magazine is produced in Canada and their mandate is to support emerging writers. They will generally not accept reviews of non-experimental literature unless the review itself is experimental – they are looking to engage with and draw attention to literature that pushes the boundaries of genre, form, methodology, style, etc. They provide an address for those wishing to submit books for review, and say that filling Station is interested in works of experimental or otherwise innovative poetry, fiction and nonfiction. They also provide an email address if writers or publishers wish to query about the books that fS seeks to review before sending in review copies. Details here .

Ethos Literary Journal This is a bi-annual literary journal of fiction, nonfiction, as well as book and film reviews. Their website says that the journal aims to “reflect the truest ethos of the current times – the quintessential yet varied, fast-diversifying yet emblematic, “spirit,” so to speak, of the exciting post-modernist times we are living in.” They ask publishers or authors wishing to submit books for review to query first over email with details of the book, and they may request a copy or two. Details here .

Hippocampus Magazine This is a magazine of nonfiction and creative nonfiction, and they have certain fee-free submission periods and categories for writers. They review new memoirs, creative nonfiction anthologies and craft books. If writers/publishers would like them to consider an upcoming/recent book for review or for an interview, they should send an email query, or post the books to them for review. They do not review self-published titles, or books that are exclusively available online. Details here .

Identity Theory This is an online magazine that publishes short fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, as well as book and film reviews. They also have a social justice section and blog. They ask those wishing to send a review copy to contact them for an address to send copies to. Details here .

EcoLit Books This is a community passionate about books with environmental and animal rights themes, supported by Ashland Creek Press. They review literature relating to environment and animal rights in all genres, from fiction to poetry to nonfiction. They consider queries only from publishers, for receiving books to review. Details here .

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We have curated a large book blogger list so you have the necessary information at your fingertips to craft a personalized and relevant book pitch to book bloggers. These bloggers have opted-in to be in our directory , so they are expecting your email.

Here are some tips to optimize your response rates:

  • Address them by their first name. Bonus points if you also peruse their blog and find something in common to break the ice.
  • Mention how your book ' s genre fits into their reading preferences. For example, don ' t send your mystery novel to horror book review blogs . Send it to mystery book review blogs instead.
  • Provide them a format of your book that they will actually read.

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You can further narrow down the search results based on whether the blog is currently open to review requests, is a free book review site, is an ebook blog, is open to self-published authors, and cross posts their book review on Amazon and Goodreads. Best of all, we keep every site ' s preferences up to date, so you can be confident that you are not missing out on potential leads.

We surveyed ~100 indie authors and publicists and learned that the average indie author spends between 6-24 hrs contacting book reviewers to review their book. Our search tool will reduce your time investment considerably, so you can win back your time and do what you do best — write! And best of all, it is free :)

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The Best Ebook Subscription Services for Every Kind of Reader

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Man reading on tablet on couch next to three dogs

What to Consider How to Choose an Ebook Service

Scribd app shown on mobile devices

Best Overall Everand Read more

Audible app on smartphone surrounded by books

Best for Audiobooks Audible Read more

Libby app shown on mobile devices

Best Free Service Libby by OverDrive Read more

Ebooks have not swept away traditional tomes the way streaming services for music, movies, and TV shows have slashed sales of discs. Physical book sales are booming , but ebooks and audiobooks have a dedicated, appreciative audience. If you love to read, an ebook subscription service is a great way to discover new titles, find recommendations, and read more indie books. We tried out several of the most popular options, delving into their available libraries, apps, and features to determine the best ebook subscription services and audiobook subscriptions for different people.

When you finish reading, check out the Best Streaming Services for movies and TV shows or the Best Music Streaming Apps for some tunes.

Updated December 2023: We added Spotify Premium for audiobooks and updated Scribd, which is now called Everand.

Special offer for Gear readers: Get a 1-year subscription to WIRED for $5 ($25 off) . This includes unlimited access to WIRED.com and our print magazine (if you'd like). Subscriptions help fund the work we do every day.

What to Consider

While an ebook subscription might sound ideal, you should take some time to consider the pros and cons of each one. These digital reading services are often billed as the equivalent of Netflix or Spotify for books, and there are similarities, but ebook subscriptions also have some unexpected restrictions.

Content : All ebook subscription services offer limited libraries of ebooks. (This is where the Netflix comparison is useful.) They may boast more than a million titles, but that total doesn’t necessarily include any works by your favorite authors; none of the services we tested had a single title by Cormac McCarthy, for example, though some had audiobooks of his works.

The big five publishers (Penguin Random House, Hachette, Macmillan, HarperCollins, and Simon & Schuster) dominate the bestseller charts in the US but have had limited dealings with ebook subscription services so far. Current best-seller lists are not well represented, and the modest list of mainstream hits that appears mostly comprises older titles. Whatever service you are considering, we advise browsing the available library of ebooks and audiobooks before you commit.

Reading Habits : If you only read one or two books a month, you might be better off buying popular titles, recommendations from trusted friends, or works by your favorite authors. That way, you get to choose the best ebooks and keep them. With ebook subscriptions, you lose access the moment you stop subscribing, and the library of available books can change at any time without notice.

Voracious readers who are happy to try new and unfamiliar authors will likely get the most value from ebook subscriptions. But while these services are typically described as unlimited, they often do have hidden limits. This is where they differ from services like Spotify and Netflix. With Scribd, for example, the available library is reduced when you hit opaque limits.

Support : Make sure the devices you like to read on are supported. Most ebook subscription services offer apps for Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac, at a minimum. Languages, accessibility, and extra features like search vary, so do your research to make sure the app supports your needs. Sadly, many ebook readers, like Kindles, are not compatible with ebook subscription services other than their manufacturer’s offering. 

Audiobooks : Unlike ebook subscription services, some audiobook services offer a monthly credit system that allows you to buy audiobooks you can keep, even if you stop subscribing. Others offer apparently unlimited access to a streaming library, but there are often hidden limits that narrow your choice for that month after you’ve listened to an audiobook or two. Consider also the maximum bitrate for audio streams, as this differs from service to service and can impact the quality of your audiobook.

Best Overall

With an enormous, varied library, Everand (previously known as Scribd) is the best ebook subscription service for most people. You can read or listen via your browser on any device or use the Android or iOS apps, which are clearly laid out, fully configurable, and make for a pleasant reading experience. I had no trouble finding intriguing titles, and there’s a solid mix of classics, best sellers, indie books, and even some Originals. Progress syncs across devices, so you can pick up where you left off. You can download ebooks to read offline. Everand also includes podcasts, magazines, sheet music, and audiobooks. The subscription includes Scribd, which is now a document repository where people can upload whatever they like.

On the downside, there are limits to your monthly reading. Frustratingly, the rules are not clear. If you hit the limit, access is restricted to a smaller subset until the next month begins, and some titles are labeled  Available Soon . While the formatting for ebooks is generally good, some magazine formatting is poor. Everand has also raised prices twice since I first tried it and scrapped the perks program that gave you additional subscriptions to services like  Curiosity Stream . It is also harder than it should be to  cancel Scribd , and you don't get a warning when your free trial ends, so set a reminder.

Cost : 30-day free trial, then $12 per month

Best for Audiobooks

This slick audiobook subscription service boasts countless titles covering modern best sellers, classics, and much more. There’s also a sizable collection of exclusive Audible Originals and podcasts. With the new Audible Plus subscription, you get unlimited access to more than 11,000 titles and a 30 percent discount on everything in the Audible store. Upgrade to Premium Plus at $15 per month ($150/year) to get one credit per month to spend on an audiobook of your choice, but you get to keep whatever you buy even after your subscription ends. Audible works on Amazon’s Kindle e-readers, Fire tablets, and Alexa devices , but there’s also an app for Android, iOS, and Windows, and you can use the Cloud Player on Macs. The audiobook quality is the best I have tested (up to 64 kbps), the service is easy to configure, and progress syncs across devices.

The new Plus subscription makes Audible more affordable, and offers a more traditional subscription model where you can listen as much as you want but you do lose access when you stop paying. The pricey Premium Plus plan is the previous membership model, and you can also opt for a two credits per month plan at $23 per month ($230/year) now.

Cost : 30-day free trial, then from $8 per month

Best Free Service

Many public libraries support OverDrive’s Libby app, enabling you to use your library card to check out ebooks or audiobooks. Borrowing is on the rise , thanks to Libby's wide selection, easy-to-use service, and, of course, the fact that it doesn't cost a penny. We have a guide on how to get free ebooks with your library card to help you get started. Some libraries also offer magazines and comic books, though the formatting isn’t always great. The Libby app is quite basic, but it has a solid feature set and you can configure it to suit your needs.

Unfortunately, the titles you want are not always available. The choice depends on what your library offers and how popular things are with other readers. You also borrow titles for a limited period, just like a regular library book, and other people can request titles, which means you can’t always renew them.

Cost : Free

★  Alternatives : Project Gutenberg is a great place to find free classic ebooks, and Librivox offers many audiobooks in the public domain, although the quality on these websites can vary wildly.

Two iPhones displaying Libro.fm app homepages

Audiobooks Alternative

With an expansive library of more than 400,000 audiobooks, Libro.fm offers classics, new releases, and everything in between. A monthly subscription gets you one audiobook credit every month and a 30 percent discount on everything in the store, and you keep any purchases even after your subscription ends. There are two big reasons to opt for Libro.fm as your audiobook service; firstly, the service supports local booksellers (you can pick a store) and splits the profit from your purchases. The second enticement is the expert curation from booksellers, so you get tailored recommendations just like you would in-store. There are Android and iPhone apps, and the audiobooks you buy are DRM-free, which means you can listen to them on any device, and you don’t have to use the Libro.fm app.

This is a relatively expensive service, but the price has been reduced since I tested and the service has rolled out internationally. While the overall choice is impressive, it isn’t quite as big as Audible’s and Libro.fm lacks a library of titles for free unlimited listening. You will find frequent promotions and sale events, though.

Cost : $12 per month

Smartphones displaying Spotify Audiobooks

Audiobooks and Music

Spotify tops our best music streaming services guide with slick performance, handy music discovery algorithms, and an expansive library of over 100 million tracks and 5 million podcasts. To sweeten that pot further, Premium subscribers in the US, UK, and Australia can now access a library of more than 200,000 audiobooks and listen for up to 15 hours a month as part of their existing subscription. Open the audiobook hub, and you will find many best sellers (Spotify says 70 percent of bestselling titles) and titles from the big five publishers alongside audiobooks from independent publishers and authors. As with music, there are curated recommendations, categories, and playlists.

Audiobooks have been available for individual purchase through the Spotify web player for a while now, and you can still buy books that aren’t included in the Premium subscription (there are around 375,000 titles in total). If you’re already paying for Premium, this will be a nice extra, but there are some limitations to the audiobook service. Your 15 listening hours per month do not carry over, and for folks on Duo or Family plans, only the plan manager gets the 15 hours. You can purchase 10 top-up hours of listening for $13, to be used when your 15 monthly hours run out. Unused top-up hours can carry over from month to month and are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase.

Cost : One-month free trial, then from $11 per month

Kindle Paperwhite

Best for Kindles

If you prefer to read on one of Amazon’s Kindles , Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited subscription offers seamless access to countless ebooks. While there are some popular titles and classics on offer, the bulk of the library is self-published and indie titles; best-selling authors generally only offer their back catalogs. Kindle Unlimited also includes some popular magazines, and many of the ebooks support Audible Narration. The service works beautifully on Amazon’s Kindle or Fire devices, and the Kindle app for iOS, Android, Mac, or PC is fully configurable, easy to use, and syncs across devices. You can borrow up to 20 titles at a time and simply return one to check another out.

Although there’s a wide choice of ebooks on Kindle Unlimited, I often struggled to find something I wanted to read. The collection is frustratingly difficult to browse and lacks a good recommendation system. Best-selling authors and big publishers are largely absent from the platform, so you may have to take a chance on new and unfamiliar writers (though that can be a good thing). If you’re already a Prime subscriber, check out Prime Reading for a curated list of around 1,000 free titles (sadly, the Kindle Lending Library has been discontinued).

Cost : 30-day free trial, then $10 per month

Kobo Eclipsa 2E ereader tablet on a desk next to a laptop and plants

For Kobo Owners

If you don’t want a Kindle, we think  a Kobo is the next best thing . The Kobo Plus subscription service is now available in the US, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and parts of Europe. It currently boasts more than 1.3 million ebooks and around 100,000 audiobooks. You can use a Kobo e-reader or the slick Kobo app for Android, iOS, Windows, or Mac, and syncing across devices works perfectly. There is genuinely no limit on the number of ebooks you can read.

While the library offers a wide choice, new releases and mainstream authors are thin on the ground, and romance and thriller titles dominate. There are also some comics and graphic novels, but you won’t find magazines on Kobo Plus. The subscription comes in three tiers: Kobo Plus Read is just ebooks for $8 a month, Kobo Plus Listen is just audiobooks for $8 a month, but you can get Kobo Plus Read & Listen for $10 a month. The combo is the best deal. It is like Kindle Unlimited and Audible Plus, though the selection is smaller. Kobo does also offer a separate one-credit-for-$10-a-month deal on audiobooks that you can keep.

Cost : 30-day free trial, then $8 per month

Illustration of Epic ebook platform app with book titles

Best for Kids

Perhaps the largest platform dedicated to kids aged 12 and under, Epic has an interesting mix of content that includes more than 40,000 ebooks. There are some classics, a few entries from popular series, and books from big publishers like HarperCollins and Macmillan, including many educational books. There’s also a decent selection of comics and a few videos and audiobooks. We particularly liked the “read to me” option on some ebooks with voice acting, sound effects, and text that highlights as you read. Both the web interface and the mobile apps are slick and offer reward badges to encourage kids to read more. Parents can easily track their child’s progress and browse by topic. We also appreciate the free access for elementary schools in the US.

While there are well-known titles, many classics are absent. Popular series, such as Diary of a Wimpy Kid , are incomplete (Epic only has the first book in this long series). Some of the titles are of dubious quality, so while it’s safe to let your kids browse, you may find they spend a lot of time reading cartoon and video game tie-ins. The bite-sized videos, covering things like animal facts and recipes, could be a double-edged sword if you’re trying to encourage reading.

Cost : Epic Family is $12 per month or $60 per year and provides access to everything

24Symbols mobile apps shown on mobile devices

Best for Recommendations

Finding ebooks you want to read is an issue for every subscription service we tested. They tend to promote a small subset of their content, making it tricky to find titles that satisfy specific tastes. If you don’t want to spend ages browsing, recommendations are vital. That's what makes 24symbols worth a look. You can read as many ebooks as you like each month, but you only get access to one audiobook. The choice is quite good, with plenty of classics, some older books from big-name authors, and some indies. What elevates 24symbols is the social aspect. You can create bookshelves and follow other readers to find curated lists of suggestions, much like Spotify playlists.

Ebooks are the focus, and I found the audiobooks section quite limited. There are no magazines or other kinds of content. I also found that some of my searches, such as “Irvine Welsh,” only returned foreign language versions of his works, which was disappointing. Compared to some of our other recommendations, the 24symbols web interface and mobile apps are clunky.

Cost : $9 per month

★  Another Alternative : With TBR: Tailored Book Recommendations , you can pay $16, fill out your interests and recent books you enjoyed, and get an email with three recommendations tailored just for you from an expert bibliologist. 

ComiXology app shown on mobile devices

Best for Comic Books

While there are a few graphic novels on some ebook subscription services, the choice tends to be limited. By far the best option for comic book fans, ComiXology Unlimited gives you access to thousands of comics and graphic novels from all of the major publishers, including DC, Marvel, and Dark Horse. The website and mobile apps are straightforward and sync progress across devices. While you can read on a smartphone, you are better off with a good tablet , laptop, or desktop to enjoy the high-resolution art. The Unlimited service is a great way to discover new comics, and the app recommends titles the more you use it.

Sadly, while ComiXology Unlimited has a wide range, it lacks depth in places. Many series are incomplete, which can be hugely frustrating and leave you with little choice but to buy specific titles to fill the gaps, though they are, at least, discounted. The iOS app doesn’t include the store, so you have to go through the browser to buy titles there. Because Unlimited is within the larger ComiXology website, it can be tricky to navigate and find titles that are included in your subscription. It is only available in the US.

Cost : 30-day free trial, then $6 per month

★ Alternatives : Marvel Unlimited ($10 per month or $69 per year) carries thousands of Marvel titles with new issues landing three months after release, while DC Universe Infinite ($8 per month or $75 per year) is a similar service for DC fans.

MacBook and iPhone displaying Hoopla logo and app homepage

More Ebook Services We Like

Here are a few other ebook and audiobook services worth checking out.

BookBeat : For folks in the UK or Europe, BookBeat is a slick audiobook service with a decent choice and a unique subscription model. After 30 days or 30 hours of listening (whichever comes first) your free trial is over and it costs £6 a month for 20 hours, £10 a month for 50 hours, or £15 a month for 100 hours.

Hoopla : This is another free service that ties in with your local library to make it easy to borrow ebooks, audiobooks, comics, movies, TV shows, magazines, and even music.

Akoobooks : With a focus on African talent, this service offers audiobooks at very reasonable prices and includes content for kids.

Blinkist : Focusing on topics like parenting, career, mindfulness, money, and personal development, this service condenses core insights from nonfiction books and serves them up in 15-minute chunks for $13 per month.

Reading IQ : A kids library with more than 5,000 titles organized by age, Reading IQ offers a good mix of fiction and nonfiction for $8 per month ($40/year).

Storytel : This Swedish service offers ebooks and audiobooks in various markets from India to Brazil to Belgium. Subscriptions start from around €10 per month, but differ from country to country. Storytel has also partnered with Spotify and owns Audiobooks.com in the US.

BookBub : Sign up for free to get alerts on discounted ebooks with this service. You can specify genres and authors you are interested in and get daily or weekly emails with links to buy heavily discounted ebooks.

Bookmate : While it boasts a large library of ebooks, audiobooks, and comics, many are out of copyright. There's a seven-day free trial, then it costs $10 per month, but the choice is not as varied as with Scribd.

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The 6 Best Ebook Subscription Services, Compared

Ebook subscription sites allow unlimited reading for a flat monthly fee, similar to Netflix and Spotify. Should you subscribe? Which site is best?

Internet subscription services offer unlimited streaming of media for a flat monthly rate, offering some of the best entertainment value around. But what about an internet subscription for literature?

Ebooks subscription services have been around for a while now, and if you're an avid reader, you're missing out if you don't use one. These are the best eBook subscription services that will satisfy your need to read.

Are Ebook Subscriptions Worth It?

Some scoff at the idea of paying a monthly fee to read books. Sure, if you aren't a big book reader, to begin with, then you probably won't benefit much from subbing to an ebook subscription service.

Before you decide on an online book subscription, the three most important questions to ask yourself are:

  • How many books do you read per month?
  • Which genres do you prefer to read?
  • Which ebook devices do you have available?

If you rarely read, you probably can't justify the monthly fees. If you read in obscure genres, you may not find anything interesting. And depending on which devices you have or where you live, you may not even be able to use some of these services.

Regardless, you should always check your local public library first. Most libraries offer free ebook rentals, which is best for one-off readers. Obscure genre readers and readers who prefer new releases are often better off buying ebooks as and when they want them.

But for those who fall somewhere in the middle, or if you want to read more books , ebook subscriptions can be extremely worthwhile. Here are the best ebook subscription services that are worth checking out.

Scribd homepage screenshot

Scribd was originally launched as a service for publishing academic papers, and it exploded in popularity in 2009 when Scribd first inked a deal to sell ebooks. Since then, Scribd has been one of the best places to purchase user-submitted papers and retail books.

In 2013, Scribd launched its subscription service, which granted users access to Scribd's entire library for a monthly fee. The best part is that you get access to magazines, newspapers, and audiobooks in addition to Scribd's massive collection of books.

Scribd has introduced several new features, including personalized recommendations, offline reading, and a mobile app.

One of the most exciting features is Scribd Originals, which are exclusive books and audiobooks that are only available on Scribd. These original titles are written by popular authors and cover a wide range of genres, from mystery to memoir.

  • Price: $10/month for unlimited reading
  • Free Trial: Yes, 30-day free trial
  • Selection: Over one million ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines
  • Books Per Month: Unlimited
  • Platforms: Web, Android, iOS, Kindle Fire, Nook devices
  • Regions: Worldwide, though some ebooks are unavailable in some regions

2. Kindle Unlimited

Kindle unlimited homepage screenshot

Kindle Unlimited offers the largest selection of ebooks for a moderate price but also comes with free unlimited audiobooks with Audible narration. You can seamlessly swap between reading eBooks and listening to audiobooks. Better yet, it also lets you browse the latest issues of popular magazines.

Unfortunately, the ''Big Five'' publishing houses (Penguin Random House, Macmillan, HarperCollins, Hachette, and Simon & Schuster) have all declined to participate. This is one of the reasons why some people think Kindle Unlimited isn't worth the money , as you may not be able to find some of the ebooks you want to read.

  • Platforms: Web, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, Kindle Fire
  • Regions: Available in most major countries

Some exciting new features Amazon has introduced for Unlimited subscribers include Whisper sync for Voice, which allows users to switch seamlessly between reading and listening to audiobooks, and X-Ray, which provides additional information about characters, places, and other elements in books.

3. Bookmate

Bookmate eBook Subscriptions

Bookmate is a mobile reading app with an accompanying ebook-reading subscription. Since its launch in 2010, Bookmate has seen tremendous success in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). So much so that it has expanded to Scandinavia, Singapore, Indonesia, and parts of Latin America.

Two unique aspects of Bookmate include its social element (follow friends to see their feeds and bookshelves) and the fact that you can upload your own EPUBs and FB2 eBooks and sync them across all your devices.

  • Free Trial: No
  • Selection: Over 1.8 million books
  • Platforms: Web, Android, iOS, Windows Store
  • Regions: N/A

Users can create reading lists, share reviews and recommendations, and join book clubs. The social reading platform creates a community of readers, which can help discover new titles and discuss books with like-minded individuals.

4. 24symbols

24symbols eBook Subscription Service

24symbols is the only service on this list that offers a discounted rate for a one-year subscription, essentially making it the cheapest option by a significant amount. If you're looking for value, you'll find it here.

In addition to having an expansive collection of fiction and nonfiction books, it also offers comics and graphic novels. Upon signing up to the site, you'll also get access to 24symbols' active community of readers.

  • Price: $9/month or $90/year for unlimited reading
  • Selection: Over one million ebooks and audiobooks
  • Platforms: Web, Android, iOS, Kindle Fire, BlackBerry

The platform is designed to provide an intuitive user experience, with an easy-to-use interface that allows you to search for and find books quickly. The premium plan also includes the ability to read books offline, which is a great feature if you like to read on the go.

5. Kobo Plus

Kobo plus new homepage screenshot

Kobo Plus is an ebook subscription service that offers access to over 300,000 titles for a monthly fee. One of the most exciting new features is the integration with the Kobo eReader devices.

Kobo Plus subscribers can easily access their reading materials on their Kobo devices without having to download books manually.

Despite the regional limitations, the service has seen resounding success, so if you live in either country, it may be the best option.

  • Price: $10/mo for unlimited reading
  • Selection: Hundreds of thousands of eBooks and audiobooks
  • Platforms: Web, Android, iOS, Kobo devices
  • Regions: Canada, Australia, Belgium, Italy, France, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and Portugal.

Kobo Plus has introduced a personalized reading list feature that recommends books based on your reading history and preferences. With its new features and integration with Kobo devices, Kobo Plus continues to improve the user experience and offer more value to its subscribers.

6. ComiXology Unlimited

Comixology Ebook Subscription Service

ComiXology Unlimited is a subscription service for digital comics, offering access to over 25,000 comics, graphic novels, and manga titles for a monthly fee. If comics are more your thing, there's an unlimited ebook subscription for that too. ComiXology was purchased by Amazon in 2014 and has since grown exponentially.

With ComiXology Unlimited, you'll get access to thousands of comics from DC, Marvel, Dark Horse, Image, and many more. But if you're more of a Marvel fanatic, you might want to read our article pitting ComiXology vs. Marvel Unlimited .

  • Price: $6/month for unlimited reading
  • Selection: Over 25,000 digital comics
  • Platforms: Web, Android, iOS, Kindle Fire
  • Regions: The United States

The service is also available as an add-on to Amazon Prime for an additional $5.99/month, allowing Prime members to access ComiXology Unlimited for a discounted price.

Which Is the Best Ebook Subscription Service?

As far as plans go, Scribd is the best option overall. It's an affordable service with a wide selection of ebooks. Plus, it isn't boycotted by the Big Five publishers, and it's available worldwide with partial restrictions for some regions.

Bookmate and Kindle Unlimited are solid ebook subscription services if you don't like Scribd. They're both priced the same, and while Kindle Unlimited has the larger selection, it's only available in some countries. 24symbols is a strong runner-up to Bookmate.

And while Kobo Plus shows promise, its regional restriction makes it all but useless for most of the world. Lastly, ComiXology Unlimited is best reserved for avid comic book readers.

If you want to add more ebooks to your collection, just keep in mind that you don't necessarily need a subscription. Plenty of sites offer free ebook downloads that you should definitely take advantage of.


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A growing number of states accept documents notarized online, making it a convenient and efficient option. If you need documentation notarized for use in the United States, we strongly suggest that you research whether the state in which your documents will be filed accepts documents notarized remotely. Please note that the U.S. Embassy in London and the U.S. Consulates General in Belfast and Edinburgh cannot complete an electronic notary or provide guidance on the subject.

Legalization through the British system (apostille)

If you need notarization services urgently, you can consider the British system for legalization. Documents notarized in this way are acceptable for use in the United States as they comply with the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents. Notarization under this system is a two-step process:

Step 1: Have your documents signed in front of a Solicitor or Notary Public. You can locate one near you using the Notary Society’s website.

Step 2: Have the documents legalized by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) by means of an apostille (the official term for the legalization certification).

UK public records such as birth, marriage and death certificates, probate documents, and documents certified by court officials and the Patent Office and Companies Registration Office can be legalized by FCDO.

Visit the UK government’s website for more information and guidance.

Before you decide to try to book an appointment for a notary service at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate, it is vital that you check whether or not we are able to notarize your type of document.

Documents that we CAN notarize

Affidavit/sworn statement.

Before you attend your appointment, make sure that you understand the contents of the document. The Consular Officer cannot explain documents to you, assemble documents, or provide legal advice on their preparation. If your documents are not ready for signature, you will be required to book and attend a new appointment.

Therefore, it is important that you bring your documents fully completed, assembled and ready for notarization with instructions from the end user in the state of jurisdiction and without any missing pages. Do not sign the document.

Example of a Sworn Statement/Affidavit form (PDF 84Kb)

Certification of U.S. Savings Bonds

Visit savingsbonds.gov for general information and a Savings Bonds calculator.

You cannot present U.S. Savings Bonds for immediate payment while you are abroad. You must execute a request for payment in the presence of a qualified witnessing official and then mail the bonds to the appropriate authority in the United States to request that a dollar check (cheque) is mailed to you.

You can execute a request for payment at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Services are by appointment only. You must present the unsigned bonds at your appointment or FS Form 1522. You will be asked to show your passport as proof of identification. If the name in your passport differs from that on the bond, you must also present evidence of the name change, such as a marriage certificate.

After your signature has been witnessed, the bonds should be forwarded for payment to the United States. It can take up to three months for receipt of payment. Visit the Department of Treasury’s website for information about how to send the signed and certified bonds to the Treasury Retail Securities Site in the United States.

Tax information

If you are a U.S. citizen: Prepare a signed statement to be sent to the United States with the bonds. This statement should include your passport number, date and place of birth, country of residence, and the name and address of the authority to which you pay taxes.

If you are a citizen of a country with a tax treaty with the United States (such as the United Kingdom): You should complete IRS FORM W-8 to claim exemption from the U.S. tax on the bond(s) interest and send the form to the Treasury Retail Securities Site in the U.S. along with the bonds. Visit the Department of Treasury’s website to obtain IRS Form W-8 and more information.

Financial or real estate transaction documentation (such as assignment of lease, bill of sale, closing affidavit, disbursement instructions, grant, or warranty deed)

Therefore, it is important that you bring your documents fully completed, assembled and ready for notarization. Do not sign the document.

Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) Form W-7

If you are applying for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) and need to have your identification verified before sending your application to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the United States, this service is available through IRS authorized acceptance agents or by attending an appointment at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

Services at the Embassy and Consulates are by appointment only and appointment availability is extremely limited. No emergency appointments are available.

If you attend an appointment at an Embassy or Consulate, you must bring your passport and a good quality color photocopy of the biographical data page of your passport (the page with your photograph).

For specific information about ITIN, please contact IRS directly.

Letter or form that I will sign during the appointment

Power of attorney, statement of consent for your child's passport application (ds-3053).

When a child under the age of 16 applies for a U.S. passport service, the child and both parents are typically required to appear in person. If you are not able to attend their passport appointment in person, you may submit a notarized Statement of Consent, Form DS-3053.

Services at the Embassy and Consulates in the UK are by appointment only. When you attend your appointment, you must present your government-issued photo I.D. (such as your U.S or foreign passport, driving license or military I.D) together with the Form DS-3053.

There is no fee for this service.

True copy of a U.S. passport

A consular officer can take a true copy of a U.S. passport. Anyone can present the passport to be copied, provided that they have an appointment. The appointment must be made in the name of the person attending.

You must bring the passport and a good quality color photocopy of the biographical data page of the passport (the page with the photograph). If you are attending on behalf of someone else, make sure you also bring your own form of photo ID such as your passport or driver’s license.

Before you attend your appointment, make sure you are in possession of the correct IdenTrust forms. Consular Officers can only execute IdenTrust forms that require notarization by a notary public. If the form requires an Authorized DoD Employee we will be unable to provide a notarial service and you will be required to reschedule your appointment.

Apostille or legalization of a U.S. birth, marriage, divorce or death certificate

U.S. Embassies and Consulates do not have the authority to affix an apostille to U.S. documents so please do not book an appointment for this.

The Secretary of State in the state where the document was issued is authorized to affix the apostille on a U.S. birth, marriage or death certificate. You can find the contact details you need with a quick online search. The apostille will officially authenticate the signature and seal of your state issued certificate for use in another country party to the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents.

Certified copy of academic credentials

The Embassy and Consulates cannot provide this service so please do not book an appointment for this. You should contact the issuing educational institution for guidance. More information can be found on the Department of State’s website.

Criminal background check

The Embassy and Consulates cannot provide this service so please do not book an appointment for this.

Click here for information about how to obtain an FBI Records check, a UK Police certificate, or fingerprinting services in the UK.

Medallion signature guarantee

A consular officer cannot perform a Medallion Signature Guarantee (which is a financial institution’s guarantee that an investor’s signature is genuine as well as its acceptance of any liability for any forgery within the securities transfer instruction). Please do not schedule an appointment for this.

For more information, see the Securities and Exchange Commission’s website.

General questions about Medallion Signature Guarantees should be directed to the SEC’s Office of Investor Education and Assistance, by email to [email protected] , by phone at 1-800-SEC-0330, or by mail to 100 F Street, NE, Washington, D.C., 20549-0213.

The following firms provide Medallion Signature Guarantees:

The U.S. Embassy London assumes no responsibility or liability for the professional ability or reputation of, or the quality of services provided by, the following persons or firms. Inclusion on this list is in no way an endorsement by the Department of State or U.S. Embassy London. Names are listed alphabetically, and the order in which they appear has no other significance.
  • Financial institutions in the United Kingdom that are connected to U.S. or Canadian banks may be able to offer a Medallion Signature Guarantee to existing customers.

Finders International 8 Vestry Street, London, N1 7RE 0207 490 4935 [email protected]

Fraser and Fraser, International Probate Researchers 39 Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8EH 0207 832 1400 [email protected]

IWC Probate & Wills Suite 3, 1st Floor, 9-13 Bocking End, Braintree, Essex, CM7 3AJ 0208 150 2010 [email protected]

Lester Aldridge LLP Russell House, Oxford Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8EX 0120 278 6161 [email protected]

Redmayne Bentley LLP 139 Commercial Road, Ashley Cross, Poole, Dorset, BH14 0JD 0120 271 4456 [email protected]

Share Data Limited 1A South Street, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1NR 0140 327 1170 [email protected]

Title Research LTD Spectrum House, Bond Street, Bristol, BS1 3LG 0345  872 7600 [email protected]

Obtain copies of U.S. vital records (certified copies of birth, marriage, divorce or death certificates)

The Embassy and Consulates cannot provide copies of U.S. vital records so please do not book an appointment for this.

Click here for information about how to order a certified copy of a birth, marriage or death certificate.

  • Notary services incur a fee of $50 per consular seal. Please bear this in mind if you have multiple documents that need to be notarized, or if your document requires multiple signatures from a consular officer. For example, if your documents require the Consular Officer to sign and acknowledge your signature three times, you will be charged $150.
  • There is no fee for certifying Form DS-3053 (Statement of Consent in connection with a child’s passport application).

Click here for a list of accepted payment methods

  • Credit/Debit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express) – card transactions are in U.S. dollars and you may be subject to additional fees applied by your payment card provider.
  • An International Money Order to the exact U.S. dollar amount made payable to the “United States Disbursing Officer” issued within the last five months.
  • A Banker’s Draft drawn in U.S. dollars only on a bank in the United States made payable to the “United States Disbursing Officer” issued within the last five months.
  • Cash (either in U.S. dollars or British pounds) if you are attending an appointment at the Embassy in London or the Consulate General in Belfast. It is not possible to pay by cash if you are applying for a notary service at the Consulate General in Edinburgh.

We are not authorized to accept personal checks (cheques).

Appointment availability is extremely limited. If no appointments are available when you first check the online calendar, keep checking for newly released and cancelled appointments. Make sure you use the arrow key to check future months.

We do not operate a wait list and we cannot offer emergency appointments. If you need a notarial service urgently and no appointments are available, see the information at the top of this webpage about alternative notary options.

How to book a notary appointment

Do not book a separate appointment for your witnesses or co-signatories.

Notarials including ITIN and PTIN appointments can only be booked through the online calendar. It operates in real-time on a first-come, first-served basis. The calendar shows all available appointments, including any new appointments and any appointments released due to cancelations. No appointments are available on evenings, weekends, or U.S. or UK public holidays.

As we do not operate a wait list and no emergency appointments are possible, we will be unable to respond to any questions about appointment availability or requests for appointments by telephone, social media or email.

When scheduling a notarial appointment, including ITIN/PTIN and certified copies of U.S. passports, please select “Request notarial and other services not listed above”. If you select passport services or birth abroad services, we will not honor the appointment and you will be asked to schedule a notarial appointment.

When booking your appointment, you must include contact details, such as your email address and phone number, or your appointment may be canceled.

  • If you are in England or Wales, click here to check the Embassy London notary appointment calendar.
  • If you are in Northern Ireland, click here if you need to request a notary appointment to take place at Consulate General Belfast for an urgent reason.
  • If you are in Scotland, click here to check the Consulate General Edinburgh notary appointment calendar.

Remember: You will not be sent an appointment booking confirmation email or appointment reminder emails so it is vital that you make note of the appointment date, time and password at the time of booking.

The appointment calendars listed above are for notary services only.

  • If you require a visa interview appointment, please click here for visa application instructions.
  • If you need to apply for a U.S. passport or citizenship service (including CRBA), please click here.

If your document requires witnesses, you should not book a separate appointment for them. See the section below to arrange for them to accompany you to your appointment. However, if you have a spouse or relative that requires their own notary service, they will need to book a separate appointment – they cannot share your appointment.

How to arrange for witnesses/co-signatories to accompany you

If you are not sure if your document requires witnesses after reading any associated instructions, contact your legal adviser.

Embassy and Consulate staff and customers cannot act as witnesses, so if your document requires witnesses, you will need to arrange for them to accompany you to your appointment.

Once you have booked your notary appointment, please contact us to provide your full name, the full names of your witnesses/co-signatories, and the date and time of your appointment:

  • Click here to arrange for witnesses/co-signatories to accompany you to an appointment booked for Embassy London.
  • Click here to arrange for witnesses to accompany you to an appointment booked for Consulate General Belf ast.
  • Email [email protected] to arrange for witnesses to accompany you to an appointment booked for Consulate General Edinburgh.

Each witness/co-signatory must bring a form of photo ID, such as their passport or driver’s license.

You and your witnesses/co-signatory must not sign the documents that you need notarizing until you are directed to do so during the appointment.

How to prepare for your appointment, what to take with you, and directions

Please click on the type of document that you are having notarized from the list in the ‘Documents that we CAN notarize’ section above for guidance.

  • Bring the document(s) to be notarized, an accepted payment method, and your passport or other government issued photo ID such as your driver’s license.
  • The name on the document to be notarized must match the name on your photo ID. We will not be able to notarize a document in a different name.
  • Any witnesses will need to bring their photo ID.

Remember, you must read your document carefully before attending your appointment as it is vital that you understand what you will be signing.

You (and your witnesses if applicable) must not sign the document(s) that you need notarizing until you are directed to do so during the appointment.

You should plan to be at the Embassy or Consulate for approximately 90 minutes. The exact time will vary depending on the circumstances of your case and cannot be guarantees in advance.
  • Allowed and prohibited items and directions to Embassy London
  • Allowed and prohibited items and directions to Consulate General in Belfast
  • Allowed and prohibited items and directions to Consulate General Edinburgh

How to cancel a notary appointment

If you cannot attend your appointment, please cancel it as soon as possible so that the appointment can be released for someone else.

  • Click here to cancel an Embassy London notary appointment
  • Click here to cancel a Consulate General Belfast notary appointment
  • Email [email protected] to cancel a notary appointment booked for Consulate General Edinburgh.

Disclaimer – Footer This is the official website of the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in The United Kingdom. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein.

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  • Driving and transport
  • Driving licences

Tell DVLA you've changed address: step by step

You must update your driving licence, vehicle log book (V5C), Direct Debit for vehicle tax and other details when you move home. You do not need to tell us if you move temporarily (for example you’re living away at university) if we can still contact you at your permanent address.

You can still drive while you wait for your new documents to be sent to you.

Step 1 : Update your driving licence

You must update your provisional or full driving licence when you move.

  • Change the address on your driving licence

Step 2 : Update your vehicle's log book (V5C)

You must update a vehicle's log book if you're the registered keeper.

  • Change the address on your vehicle's log book

Step 3 : Update your Direct Debit

If you pay for your vehicle tax by Direct Debit, you need to tell DVLA when you change address.

  • Phone DVLA to tell them you've moved

Step 4 : Update your personalised number plate documents

If you have a private registration number and it's not on a vehicle, you must update your V750 or V778 documents.

  • Update your personalised registration documents

Step 5 : Update your trailer registration certificate

If you have a trailer and want to continue taking it abroad, you must register it to your new address.

  • Change the address on your trailer registration certificate

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  27. Notary Services at the US Embassy in London and our Consulates

    Services at the Embassy and Consulates in the UK are by appointment only. When you attend your appointment, you must present your government-issued photo I.D. (such as your U.S or foreign passport, driving license or military I.D) together with the Form DS-3053. There is no fee for this service.

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