construction business plan in pakistan

How to Start a Construction Business in Pakistan?

  • Published: 16 May , 2023
  • Last Updated on: 29 March , 2024

Construction is one of the most critical industries in Pakistan. It refers to building or infrastructure, residential, commercial, and other monumental structures.

There are big names in the private construction sector in Pakistan, setting the standard high. These private construction companies do everything from skyscrapers to stadiums, buildings, and homes with quality, innovation, and excellence. Some well-known companies in Pakistan's construction industry include:

  • Izhar Group of Companies
  • Descon Engineering Limited
  • FWO (Frontier Works Organization)
  • Habib Construction Services
  • NESPAK (National Engineering Services Pakistan)
  • ECC (Engro Corporation Limited)
  • Emaar Pakistan

Pakistan’s construction sector accounts for almost 20% or up to 380 billion PKR in GDP and employs around 30% of its workforce. This means you have plenty of opportunities to get involved with the construction business if you want to start your own construction company in Pakistan.

Here we will talk about starting private construction business, rapidly boosting the real estate sector, and how to start your own construction firm in Pakistan. 

Steps to Starting a Construction Business in Pakistan

To start a construction business in Pakistan, you must first identify the proper business structure for your company. This can be done by consulting an authority or accountant specializing in small businesses and startups. Pakistan has top construction companies to look to, and you can also be one of them.  

Here are some of the factors that you must study when developing your business plan:

Define your business goals

Define your business goals, vision, and mission statement. What do you want to accomplish with your business? What are your long-term and short-term goals? This will provide you with a straight path and focus on how to start and grow your business.

The business plan will help you assess the feasibility of your business and attract investors.

Market analysis

Conduct a thorough market analysis to identify your services' demand, target market, and competition. You should also consider the local regulations and licensing requirements for starting a construction business in your area.

Register Your Business

Before starting your construction business in Pakistan, know how to register your business with the relevant authorities. This includes recording your business name, obtaining a national tax number (NTN), registering with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), and obtaining necessary permits and licenses.

Obtain Funding

Starting a construction business requires significant capital investment. You can secure financing through different avenues, including banks, investors, and government loans. You should develop a comprehensive financial plan and seek financing accordingly.

Hire a Team

For a construction company to operate successfully, it must have a proficient and knowledgeable workforce comprising various specialists such as architects, engineers, construction managers, and laborers.

You should hire a competent team to execute your business plan and meet your client's needs.

Establish a Supply Chain

A construction business requires a reliable supply chain for materials and equipment. Therefore, you should establish relationships with suppliers who can provide quality materials and equipment at reasonable rates.

Services and pricing

Define the services you will offer and set the pricing strategy for each. Your pricing should be competitive but also profitable for your business.

Determine how much capital you will need to start your construction business. This includes equipment, supplies, labor, and other expenses. You should also consider how you will finance your business, whether through loans, investors, or personal savings.

Marketing and sales

Develop a marketing and sales strategy to promote your business and attract customers. This includes creating a website, advertising, networking, and building relationships with potential clients.

Operations and management

Define your business's organizational structure, the team's roles and responsibilities, and how you will manage your business operations. This includes developing policies and procedures, managing finances, and tracking progress toward your goals.

Risk management

Identify potential business risks and challenges and develop a plan to mitigate them. This includes managing safety risks, project delays, and other unforeseen circumstances.

By considering these factors when developing your business plan, you can set yourself up for success and increase your chances of achieving your goals.

Profit Margin in the Construction Business in Pakistan

The construction industry in Pakistan has been growing in recent years, driven by increased demand for housing and infrastructure projects. 

In terms of profit margins in the construction industry, the average profit margin is approximately 6%. However, this figure can vary depending on the type of construction business. 

For example, land subdivisions have the highest margins at 8.7%, while commercial and industrial buildings have a lower margin of 2.1%.

Therefore, if you want to start a house construction business in Pakistan, consider the current growth in the industry and the government's support for the Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme . 

Additionally, it is vital to keep in mind the average profit margin of approximately 6% and to be aware that this figure can vary depending on the type of construction business.

Project Size

The size of the project is one of the significant factors determining the profit margin in the house construction business in Pakistan. 

Large projects tend to have higher profit margins due to economies of scale, allowing builders to purchase materials and labor at lower rates. However, smaller projects have lower profit margins as builders may charge higher prices to compensate for their overheads and labor costs.

Complexity of Project

The project's complexity is another crucial factor that can affect the profit margin of the house construction business in Pakistan. A more complex task will require additional expertise, resources, and time, leading to higher overhead costs. As a result, the profit margin may decrease due to higher prices.

The project's location also plays a vital role in determining the profit margin of house construction business in Pakistan. Projects in urban areas tend to have higher profit margins due to higher demand and accessibility to resources. 

In contrast, projects located in rural areas may have lower profit margins due to lower demand and limited access to resources.

Overhead Costs

Overhead costs such as office rent, salaries, transportation, and utilities can significantly impact the profit margin of the house construction business in Pakistan. Therefore, these costs should be minimized to maximize profits.

Labour and Material Costs

Labour and material costs are the most significant expenses in the house construction business in Pakistan. The cost of labor depends on the skills and experience of workers. The cost of materials depends on the quality and availability of materials. Builders should purchase materials and labor at reasonable rates.

Why Should You Opt for Construction Business? 

The benefits of starting a construction business include:

Being Your Own Boss 

You can set your hours and work from home or anywhere else that suits you best! You are not answerable to anyone but yourself!

High Demand

The construction industry in Pakistan is overgrowing, and there is a high demand for housing, infrastructure projects, and commercial buildings. Starting a construction business can provide ample opportunities to take on projects and grow your business.


The construction industry can be highly profitable, with potential profit margins ranging from 10% to 20%. With proper planning and execution, a construction business can generate revenue and profits.

Job Creation

Starting a construction business can help create jobs and contribute to the economy. You can provide employment opportunities for skilled and unskilled laborers, engineers, architects, and other professionals.

Financial Stability 

Construction companies tend to make good profits because people always need buildings or houses built, whether the residential or commercial property (like commercial buildings). 

As long as people are living on Earth and want homes/buildings, then they'll need someone who can help them out by providing services such as design & build projects where they take care of all aspects, including planning permission applications right up until the completion date when the site is handed back ready for occupation again.

Tips for Running a Successful Construction Business in Pakistan

  • Developing solid relationships with clients and contractors.
  • Setting realistic expectations for your clients.
  • Keeping up with industry trends and regulations.
  • Staying organized and on top of paperwork, like permits, licensing, etc.

This way, you can focus on running the business rather than worrying about red tape or getting fined by government agencies because they found something missing from your file cabinet! 

Investing in your construction company's right tools and equipment is essential so you don't have to hire outside help at every turn. This will save money in the long run (and make it easier for everyone involved). 

Finally, safety comes first! Ensure all employees follow proper safety practices at all times - this includes wearing hard hats when necessary and taking other precautions such as wearing goggles when working around chemicals or sharp objects such as saws/screwdrivers/etc.

Construction Industry - Growing Sector

The construction industry in Pakistan is a growing sector with a lot of potential for entrepreneurs. 

Despite these challenges, the home construction business in Pakistan is expected to continue to grow in the coming years, driven by a growing population, increasing urbanization, and favorable government policies aimed at boosting the construction industry.

With the proper infrastructure, technology, and training investments, Pakistan's private sector construction industry can drive economic growth and development more significantly.

Starting your own construction business will allow you to make money and help people who need houses or buildings built.

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How to build a construction company: A Comprehensive Guide

How to build a construction company: A Comprehensive Guide

Starting a construction company can be an exciting and rewarding for those passionate about building and construction. However, like any business, it requires careful planning, dedication, and a clear understanding of the industry. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore what a construction company does, whether a construction company can create a website, and how construction companies can earn money in Pakistan.

Building a construction company from the ground up can be a challenging yet rewarding venture. To embark on this journey, aspiring entrepreneurs must follow a comprehensive guide to ensure success. Firstly, a solid business plan is essential. This plan should outline the company’s objectives, target market, services offered, and financial projections. Obtaining the necessary licenses and permits is crucial to operate legally. Assembling a skilled and dedicated team of professionals, including project managers, engineers, and skilled laborers, is vital for delivering high-quality work. Building a network of reliable suppliers and subcontractors is equally important to ensure a smooth construction process. Establishing a strong online and offline presence through marketing and branding efforts helps in attracting potential clients. Proper financial management and accounting practices enable the company to stay financially stable and profitable. Emphasizing safety protocols and providing training for employees helps maintain a safe working environment and minimizes accidents. Adhering to industry regulations and staying updated with the latest construction technologies and trends ensures the company’s competitiveness and growth. With determination, strategic planning, and dedication, aspiring entrepreneurs can successfully build and run a thriving construction company.

What Does a Construction Company Do?

A construction company is a specialized firm responsible for various aspects of the construction process. From residential and commercial buildings to infrastructure projects, construction companies are crucial in turning architectural plans into reality. Their primary responsibilities include:

What Do Construction Company Actually Do?

  • Project Planning and Management : Construction companies are involved in detailed project planning, which includes budgeting, scheduling, and resource allocation. Effective project management ensures construction projects are completed within the specified timeline and budget.
  • Site Preparation and Foundation Work : Construction companies prepare the site by clearing the land and laying the foundation before construction begins. This involves excavation, grading, and ensuring a stable base for the structure.
  • Building Construction : The core function of a construction company is to oversee the actual building construction. They work closely with architects, engineers, and subcontractors to ensure that the project adheres to the approved plans and meets safety standards.
  • Finishing and Interior Work : Once the main structure is complete, construction companies handle finishing touches, such as installing doors, windows, electrical systems, plumbing, and interior design elements.
  • Quality Control and Safety : Ensuring quality construction and adhering to safety regulations is paramount for construction companies. They conduct inspections and quality checks at various project stages to maintain high standards.
  • Project Handover : After completion, construction companies hand over the project to the client, ensuring all necessary documentation and legal formalities are completed.

Can a Construction Company Create a Website?

In today’s digital age, online presence is essential for businesses, including construction companies. A construction company can and should create a website to showcase its services, portfolio, and expertise. Here’s why a website is crucial:

construction business plan in pakistan

  • Credibility and Trust : A professional website instils confidence in potential clients. It is a digital business card, showcasing the company’s credentials, completed projects, and client testimonials.
  • Reach a Wider Audience : With a website, a construction company can reach a broader audience beyond its physical location. This can lead to new opportunities and clients from various regions.
  • Showcase Portfolio : A website provides an excellent platform to display completed projects, highlighting the company’s capabilities and expertise.
  • 24/7 Accessibility : Unlike a physical office, a website is accessible round the clock. Prospective clients can learn about the company and its services at any time that suits them.
  • Accessible Communication : Websites often have contact forms or chat options that enable potential clients to reach out and inquire about services conveniently.

Creating a website may require the expertise of web developers and designers. It’s crucial to ensure the website is visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimized for mobile devices to provide the best user experience.

Can a Construction Company Earn Money in Pakistan?

Yes, construction companies can earn significant revenue in Pakistan due to the country’s ongoing infrastructure development and increasing demand for residential and commercial properties. Here are some key factors that contribute to a construction company’s earning potential in Pakistan:

  • Growing Real Estate Market : Pakistan’s real estate market is continuously expanding, with rising demand for residential and commercial properties. Construction companies can capitalize on this demand by undertaking various construction projects.
  • Infrastructure Development : The Pakistani government’s focus on infrastructure development, such as roads, bridges, and public facilities, creates ample opportunities for construction companies to secure contracts and generate revenue.
  • Population Growth : Pakistan’s population growth drives the need for new housing and commercial spaces, presenting a steady stream of projects for construction companies.
  • Urbanization : The trend of urbanization in Pakistan has led to the development of new cities and residential areas, requiring the services of construction companies.
  • Foreign Investments : Foreign investors increasingly show interest in the Pakistani real estate market, providing construction companies with the potential for international partnerships and projects.

However, it’s important to note that the construction industry is competitive, and success requires offering high-quality services, maintaining a solid reputation, and continuously adapting to market trends.

Building a construction company in Pakistan is an opportunity-filled journey that requires careful planning, expertise, and adaptability. Construction companies are vital in developing infrastructure and properties, contributing to the nation’s growth. Creating a website allows construction companies to showcase their portfolio and expertise to a broader audience. With the country’s ongoing development and growing real estate market, construction companies have the potential to thrive and earn substantial revenue in Pakistan’s dynamic business landscape.

  • How do I start a construction company in Pakistan? Starting a construction company in Pakistan involves registering the business, obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, and developing a comprehensive business plan.
  • What types of projects can a construction company undertake in Pakistan? A construction company in Pakistan can undertake a wide range of projects, including residential and commercial buildings, infrastructure development, and renovation projects.
  • Is it essential to have prior experience in construction to start a construction company? While previous experience in construction can be beneficial, it’s not mandatory. Hiring experienced professionals and partnering with experts in the industry can compensate for the lack of direct experience.
  • How can a construction company stand out in a competitive market? A construction company should focus on delivering high-quality work, meeting deadlines, offering competitive pricing, and maintaining solid relationships with clients and stakeholders to stand out.
  • Are there government incentives for construction companies in Pakistan? The Pakistani government may offer incentives, tax breaks, or subsidies for construction companies involved in specific projects, such as affordable housing or infrastructure development.

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Starting a successful construction company can be a challenging task, but with the right approach and dedication, it can be a highly rewarding venture. The construction industry in Pakistan has been experiencing steady growth over the years, with several  top construction companies in Pakistan  leading the way in the sector. In this blog, we will take a closer look at how to start a successful construction company, with a focus on the  best construction company in Pakistan  – GFS Builders & Developers.

Conduct Market Research:

Start by conducting market research to identify the demand for construction services in your area. This will help you determine the type of services you should offer and the target market to focus on. You can also research other construction companies in Karachi to identify their strengths, weaknesses, and strategies.

Create a Business Plan:

A business plan will serve as a blueprint for your construction company. It should include your company’s mission, vision, target market, pricing strategy, marketing plan, and financial projections. It is also important to include a section on how you plan to conduct a complete home inspection before starting any construction project.

Register Your Business:

Register your construction company with the relevant government authorities and obtain all the necessary licences and permits to operate legally.

Build a Team:

Hire a team of experienced professionals, including architects, engineers, project managers, and construction workers. You should also invest in training and development programs to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Establish a Brand:

Establish a brand for your construction company that reflects your values, vision, and mission. This will help you stand out from other construction companies in Karachi.

Building a Successful Construction Company in Pakistan:

Before we delve into the specifics, it is essential to understand that starting a construction company requires a lot of planning, dedication, and hard work. It is not an overnight process, and it will require a significant investment of time, effort, and resources. However, with the right strategy, it is possible to build a successful construction company in Pakistan.

How Market Research Can Help Start a Successful Company:

The first step towards starting a successful construction company is to conduct extensive research. This includes researching the market demand for construction services in your area, identifying potential clients, and studying the competition. In Pakistan, the construction industry has been growing rapidly, with a focus on infrastructure development, commercial buildings, and residential construction. This presents an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to start a construction company.

Crafting a Comprehensive Business Plan for Your Construction Company:

Once you have conducted your research, the next step is to develop a business plan. A business plan is a roadmap that outlines the objectives, goals, and strategies for your construction company. It should include a comprehensive market analysis, financial projections, marketing plan, and management structure. A well-written business plan will help you secure funding and guide you in the early stages of your construction company.

The Crucial Role of a Talented and Diverse Team in Starting a Construction Company:

One of the most critical components of starting a construction company is to have the right team. The team should include experts in various fields, including construction, architecture, engineering, project management, and accounting. It is also essential to have skilled and experienced workers who can deliver quality workmanship. Hiring the right team is crucial to the success of your construction company.

The Importance of Quality Tools and Equipment in the Construction Industry:

Another essential aspect of starting a successful construction company is to have the right equipment and tools. The construction industry requires a variety of equipment, ranging from heavy machinery to hand tools. It is important to invest in quality equipment and tools to ensure that your construction projects are completed efficiently and effectively.

Leading the Way in Quality Construction Services:

GFS Builders & Developers is one of the best construction companies in Pakistan, with a proven track record of success. The company has been providing construction services for over two decades and has completed several high-profile projects. GFS Builders & Developers prides itself on its commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction.

Key to Building a Successful Construction Company:

To start a successful construction company like GFS Builders & Developers, it is important to prioritise quality and customer satisfaction. Building a strong reputation for delivering high-quality workmanship and exceptional customer service will help your construction company stand out from the competition.

Evolving Trends and Technologies in Construction:

In addition to quality and customer satisfaction, it is also important to stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies. The construction industry is constantly evolving, and it is important to stay ahead of the curve. This includes investing in green technologies, implementing new construction methods, and adopting the latest project management software.

Effective Marketing for a Successful Construction Company:

Marketing is another critical component of starting a successful construction company. It is essential to develop a comprehensive marketing plan that includes branding, advertising, and public relations. Building a strong online presence through social media, websites, and online directories can help you reach a wider audience and generate more leads.

A Successful Construction Company in Karachi:

One of the most successful construction companies in Karachi is  GFS Builders & Developers . They are known for their high-quality construction services, complete home inspection, and attention to detail. You can learn a lot from their business strategies and incorporate them into your own business plan.

In Conclusion:

Starting a successful construction company requires a lot of planning, dedication, and hard work. It is essential to conduct extensive research, develop a comprehensive business plan, hire the right team, invest in quality equipment and tools, prioritise quality and customer satisfaction, stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, and develop a comprehensive marketing plan. By following these steps, you can start a successful construction company like GFS Builders & Developers, one of the best construction companies in Pakistan.

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How To Open Construction Company In Pakistan

How To Open Construction Company In Pakistan


Opening a construction company in Pakistan involves a few steps and some general requirements. Firstly, you must register your business and then obtain a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the relevant local authorities. You also must ensure all of your licenses are up to date and in keeping with the laws of Pakistan. Additionally, it is important to have the right combination of skills and experience when setting up a construction business; the industry is competitive and knowledge and efficiency must be of the highest quality. Furthermore, there are the financial considerations such as initial capital and budgeting for the business and its first project.

To open a construction company in Pakistan, start by deciding what type of construction business you would like to set up. It is important to choose an area of focus for your company that you are knowledgeable and experienced in; for example, focusing on residential or commercial building, or a specialty such as interior design and project management. Once you have a plan in place and the appropriate licenses, you can then apply for funding from a bank or other financing agency. You will also need to hire staff for the business and register for tax before obtaining a No Objection Certificate from the local authorities. In addition, you should prepare an advertising strategy to promote your business and ensure that you have appropriate IT systems and document control processes in place.

One of the most significant risks associated with setting up a construction company in Pakistan is that of financial instability. It is important to be aware of the potential risks of failed projects, delays in payments, and other financial risks. Similarly, you need to account for any other unexpected costs that may be incurred throughout the process. Additionally, you must make sure that all local regulations and laws are followed to the letter to avoid any potential penalties or prosecution. It is also worth considering the potential for reputational damage if your company is perceived as responsible for any safety violations or negligence.

How To Open Construction Company In Pakistan

In order to ensure a successful construction business in Pakistan, it is essential to have expertise in multiple areas. Firstly, you must be knowledgeable and experienced in the area of construction itself; this will include industry regulations and laws, project management, and other aspects of the business. Additionally, it is important to have a financial acumen, project management skills, and expertise in marketing. This will ensure that the projects are completed efficiently, cost-effectively, and on-time, and that the company’s reputation remains intact.


Setting up a construction company in Pakistan offers a range of opportunities, not only for the company but also for employees. The industry is ever-growing, and with the massive potential for development in Pakistan, there is huge potential for businesses to be successful. Additionally, there are opportunities for individuals to gain valuable experience and develop their skills in a wide range of areas. The construction industry offers a diverse range of roles and positions, including project management, design, building, and engineering.

One of the major advantages of setting up a construction company in Pakistan is that costs are generally lower than in other countries, which is beneficial for businesses. Additionally, there is a low rate of taxation that makes it more attractive for businesses to invest. The labour force in the country is also extremely well-trained and highly skilled, ensuring that any project is completed with the highest level of efficiency and accuracy. Furthermore, there are a number of incentives offered by the government, such as grants and tax breaks, to businesses in the construction industry.

When setting up a construction company in Pakistan, it is important to evaluate all potential risks and consider the most appropriate solutions to ensure a successful business. In addition to obtaining the correct licenses and permits, it is vital to have an effective business plan in place that outlines how the company intends to operate and the likely profits and costs. Another key solution is to ensure that you have access to capital and funding to cover the initial expenses and any related costs. Additionally, it is important to have a reliable team of skilled, qualified, and experienced staff in order to ensure a high level of productivity and accuracy.

Environmental Sustainability

How To Open Construction Company In Pakistan

As part of establishing a successful and responsible construction business in Pakistan, it is important to practice environmentally-sustainable building and construction methods. This includes focusing on reducing energy and water usage, recycling materials whenever possible, and utilizing renewable sources of energy. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the impact that construction can have on the environment and local communities, and ensure that any disruption is kept to a minimum. Furthermore, the company should have rigorous policies in place to monitor and review environmental performance on an ongoing basis.

Technological Advancement

The construction industry in Pakistan is rapidly evolving and becoming increasingly reliant upon technology. This includes the use of 3D printing, drone surveying, and other advanced software and hardware. The use of such technology helps to reduce time and labour costs, as well as increase accuracy and safety. Additionally, the companies should invest in digital documentation and tracking systems in order to ensure that projects are delivered on time and with maximum efficiency. Companies should also regularly review and update their technologies in order to remain up-to-date and competitive.

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Wallace Jacobs

Wallace Jacobs is an experienced leader in marketing and management. He has worked in the corporate sector for over twenty years and is a driving force behind many successful companies. Wallace is committed to helping companies grow and reach their goals, leveraging his experience in leading teams and developing business strategies.

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How to Grow a Construction Company in Pakistan?

construction business plan in pakistan

A businessperson aims to grow the business in order to reach the maximum audience for gaining profits. However, making the right decisions to let your business reach the ultimate climax is a difficult journey.

It can be seen all around the world that there are numerous successful businesses that are known and their right strategies along with consistency have helped them to grow and sustain.

In Pakistan, as the real estate sector is booming, there is also a huge edge in the construction industry as well.

This brings advantages to the entire economy while also facilitating other SMEs based on it, ultimately safeguarding the government against challenges of inflation and unemployment.

The most competitive scenario occurs when it is to reach the end-user effectively and diversify the reach of your company among an ocean of available options.

ProProperty, in this regard, has devised this article aiming at the growth of construction companies by identifying key areas of the gap to integrate with the market effectively.

Here are a few thoroughly researched proactive strategies to assist you in maximizing the growth of your construction company.

Placing an on-site advertising board

construction business plan in pakistan

Place a signboard with your company’s name and logo in front of the construction projects you have completed.

The people will come to know which company is responsible for the amazing work.

Moreover, don’t forget to mention the active mobile number for responding to an outreached client. This can help you as one of the best advertisement and market strategies.

Customization of the Sign Board

construction business plan in pakistan

It is not only the important aspect of placing a signboard, but rather you must also take charge of the customization of that board.

It must be clear, appealing, and to the point. Your address, contact number, and company’s name with logo play an important role.

Try to use readable colors and clear fonts with a proper size.

Making a Website

construction business plan in pakistan

If you own a construction company and you lack a website, then you are lagging behind in your business. Your website creates a bridge between you and your client.

It must be addressing all the issues and questions a client wants to check.

Make sure that after you create a website, take insights from others, and try to test it as a client yourself to examine what issues your client will face while visiting your website.

This way you will customize your website according to the client’s demands. Don’t forget to add links to other social media sites.

Your portfolio will play an important role in the form of pictures, videos, and descriptions.

Stand Out in your Facilities

construction business plan in pakistan

Be the one who can stand out while talking to a client. In this fast-progressing world as there are many issues that human beings face.

You must be able to at least provide solutions to those.

For instance, electricity is going to be one of the major issues in the future, then, the solution to it is the installation of solar panels without sticking to the traditional methods.

Give credentials to your clients about it and try to convince them so they can feel comfortable working with you.

Target a Limited Area

construction business plan in pakistan

It is suggested to try to grow in a limited area first as it will help you gain maximum connections.

Once you achieve sustainability in one area then you can move to other places as well.

You can manage all the aspects easily and can take your future clients for visits where multiple projects can be presented with proof which will help you gain trust.

Specialize in one Niche

construction business plan in pakistan

It would be great for you to take one type of projects such as the construction of houses or any other building of your interest. Their construction demands are different from each other.

For instance, a house is constructed with a different mindset however a mosque is constructed with another. Specializing in one niche will help you grow while gaining maximum experience to show it to your clients.

Create Social Networks

construction business plan in pakistan

Your network creation is the most important thing to look forward to gaining maximum business. Get in connection with people, architects, sellers, dealers, and others.

They can recommend you to their clients creating a domino effect for your publicity.

Opt for Digital Marketing

construction business plan in pakistan

In the world of technology, if you are not a tech believer in your business then it’s going to be a major drawback in your success.

Market your business digitally by creating videos and posting daily and consistently. It will require a small investment, but it can help you gain maximum profit even if you successfully achieve one project out of the basic investment.

Don’t be afraid of it and take a step forward.

Strong Working Team

construction business plan in pakistan

Create a team that has the experience and will to work for you. If you have to micro-manage your work and team, then it can be a hindrance to the success of your business.

It is really important to grow a business with a strong team.

Be Consistent

construction business plan in pakistan

Growing your construction company is a time taking process. While starting it, make sure that you have to remain consistent.

You must not lose your spirits because if you will remain consistent you will definitely be rewarded, regardless of the fact that in the beginning, you have to search rigorously for projects, and it will take a realistic time frame.

Don’t Compromise on the Quality of Work

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If any of your clients cannot pay for the quality work, then don’t take that project as it will abash you for the rest of your life and you might lose many projects that are on your way.

Your mistake will be only to accept a project where your client could not pay for standardized work, and it can cost the future of your business. Therefore, strictly follow quality, standard, and perfection in whatever you do.

Business Visiting Cards

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You must have your business cards with all the details clearly mentioned. Wherever you grow try to provide those business cards to people. If in the future they will have to work with you, your business card will help them find you.

Don’t take Incomplete Projects

construction business plan in pakistan

If you are going to take an incomplete project, there can be various hidden problems in it.

You do not know how the previous company has worked on it, so any lacking on their part will contribute to the downfall of your business as the project completion will be attributed to you.

Learn About New Skills

construction business plan in pakistan

An owner is the one who has to struggle the most to make sure that the business grows successfully. Don’t rely on your team completely instead have a check on them and their work.

Learn new skills to train your team and to fulfill any lacking in the project. This hard work will pay off for sure.

We have listed all the important aspects that could bring remarkable results in giving a name and fame to your construction company.

These techniques also demand smart work, rationality, and intelligence at every step, a blend of which will help you grow with sustainability.

Businesses do outperform their competitors; all you need is to understand the ground realities and true needs of the people, identify market gaps and hook the right strategy with the right intensity.

This is what the real estate sector demands and that’s how you can survive efficiently in this business.

Great post! Thanks for sharing this information. I gained quite a lot of knowledge after reading your blog thank you. construction rate in lahore

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Construction Business in Pakistan

Home >> Blog >> Construction Business in Pakistan

Aug 16, 2021 | Real Estate

Construction Business in Pakistan


Construction Business in Pakistan is ever-booming with the current facilities the Government provides. The construction industry has witnessed a sharp positive trend in its growth. Consequently, the house construction business in Pakistan has also been uplifted. In the present condition, when Prime Minister Imran Khan takes a personal interest in uplifting the economy, the construction sector is the center of his interest.

So, starting a construction business in Pakistan is considered the most favored. The government’s efforts and overall business-pro environment ensure a high profit margin in the construction business in Pakistan. Sky Marketing brings you some crucial information about this industry, and after going through the content, you will be convinced to start a construction business in Pakistan.

Pakistan is the 5 th most populous country in the world with a 20 crores population and with more than a strong, around 40 million skilled labor force. With the increasing population, there is a growing demand for housing in the real estate sector, bringing the construction boom. Additionally, the CPEC has been one of the most significant factors contributing to the construction boom in Pakistan. Several exemptions given to the construction sector are listed below:

  • The construction sector is recognized as an industry
  • An optional “fixed tax regime” from the tax year 2020 and onwards for builders and developers has been introduced on the income
  • Exemption of withholding tax on the purchase of building materials
  • Exemption of Capital Gains Tax
  • Banks to increase credit for financing the housing & construction sector

Following are 10 Steps to build a construction business in Pakistan:

  • Come up with a concrete business plan
  • Find a prime location for your office
  • Hire a professional legal team
  • Get a comprehensive understanding of Tax requirements
  • Get an understanding of Insurance for your startup
  • Secure finances for your business
  • Develop contacts with suppliers, business associates, contractors, government officials, and other related contacts
  • Hire the best team to run your operations
  • Dedicate an advertisement and marketing budget
  • Allocate budget for software and website development

The growing construction business has now become convenient in Pakistan. The requirement for IT in the real estate sector has become an imminent part of the industry. Property business owners in Pakistan have realized that this is a digital era, and technology in the industry could be helpful. The need for IT technical staff has also increased manifold.

Housing societies are also keenly interested in using digital platforms and other IT methods for marketing, such as Park View City Islamabad , ICHS Town , University Town Islamabad , B-17 Multi Gardens , and Rudn Enclave Rawalpindi . Sky Marketing brings you the best 12 tips to grow your construction business in Pakistan as follows:

1. Build a Highly Qualified Team:

In the real estate construction business, your tea is everything about growing your business. You will have to hire dependable and qualified IT professionals and other skilled employees. You might also have to retain the best employees by giving them incentives, bonuses, and high salaries to stay and serve for longer periods of time.

2. Manage Business & Lead your Team:

Your employees are your everything; they look to you to lead and guide them. This is why you should act and perform as a qualified leader. You will have to manage all the aspects of your team. Good decisions by you will boost your team’s morale.

3. Invest in Your Construction Business:

If you want to earn more from your business, investment is the key to success. Keep a small profit for yourself and the business; the rest should be invested back into the business for optimum growth.

4. Be Precise to be Profitable:

It is considered not enough to earn more from your construction business. If you take more projects, make sure that they are profitable. Increasing work and getting less profit does not make sense.

5. Word of Mouth:

Word of mouth is considered highly valuable in the real estate construction business and is one of the most effective marketing methods. Encourage your clients to recommend you to others. Offer some discount on recommendations to grab as much attention

6. Polish your strength:

Play to your strengths and improve your weaknesses. A company can only reach new heights if it learns from its and others` mistakes. You know how to use your strengths to lead the company.

7. Grow your Network:

One of the best manners to grow your network is to join several social groups and care for your customers. Be active and let your clients know that you are the only company that cares most for them. This way, your primary clients will recommend you to others while growing your network.

8. Quality Matters:

Tread carefully in this highly competitive industry. Your competitors observe every move of your business, and a single mistake could prove to be your last mistake. Your main bonding with clients is due to the delivery of high-quality services. Your company’s reputation depends upon the quality service or projects that you offer at the best rates possible. Your top-quality service is the major point that will keep you ahead of the game.

9. Consider Change:

Adapt to the rapid changes in this rapidly advancing world. Adapt to adopting new and better improvements that will enable you to offer your customers something different and the best. Remember, some changes are better.

10. The best customer Care:

Pleasing your customers is always a good idea to remain ahead of your competitors. Once you start prioritizing your clients, the bond will prove to be highly beneficial. If you give importance to your customers, they will cherish your goodwill.

11. Be Perceptive:

A good business takes care of customers’ needs. If you perceive clients’ needs, a strong bond will be built that competitors cannot break.

12. Work Smarter:

We make several decisions in a day, but only those that prove highly successful and smart are wise. The rest are lost or prove to be less productive, while some prove to be counterproductive. Several real estate businesses, such as Blue World City, Taj Residencia, Mall of Islamabad, and Capital Smart City, have worked harder and smarter to achieve unprecedented success.

Sky Marketing is a well-known real estate company that has invested in several construction business companies and can provide you with many top construction business ideas for 2022. For your convenience and information enhancement, we are offering top construction business ideas for 2021 as follows:

  • Cement Production Plant
  • Cement Block Production Plant
  • Cement distribution business
  • Ceramic tile and distribution
  • Block & Brick manufacturing plant
  • Fly Ash manufacturing plant
  • Providing bricklaying service
  • Real estate broker
  • Construction project management
  • Electric work at construction sites
  • Security item provision for construction projects
  • Plumbing services
  • Landscaping services
  • Property repair services
  • Gravel and Sand distribution
  • Property development services
  • Pre and post-construction services
  • Marble & tile manufacturing plant
  • Manufacturing of doors used in the building
  • Woodwork in buildings
  • Construction of construction site safety equipment
  • Offering interior decoration services
  • Outdoor decoration services
  • Painting services
  • Furniture repair & maintenance services
  • Floor cleaning & stain removal
  • Aluminum manufacturing plant
  • Architectural services
  • Rental business of construction equipment
  • Offering carpeting services
  • Construction consultancy
  • Roof and window cleaning & maintenance
  • Installation & maintenance of air-conditioning & heating equipment
  • Marble cutting and polishing plant
  • PVC pipe manufacturing facility
  • Stone crushers
  • Stone Polishing
  • Building material
  • Concrete manufacturing and supply facility
  • Paving services
  • Solar Panel manufacturing & distribution facility

Skymarketing is one window to your every need in the real estate sector. If you want to buy your dream property in Islamabad and Rawalpindi, contact us now, and we will guide you to the best options. Here are some tips to enhance your pool of knowledge on how to start a construction company?

First, develop a solid construction company business plan and apply it to its full potential. Pakistan has become one of the most suitable countries, and construction is a high-growth industry. It is pertinent to mention that many small business industries are directly or indirectly connected to the construction business.

Construction business comprises several sectors such as:

  • Buildings : Residential and commercial
  • Industrial : Heavy engineering, medium & large scale public projects, roads, bridges, etc.
  • Infrastructure : Mills, power plants, refineries, chemical plants, several facilities, etc.

Following are some factors that you may consider:

  • You need to list down what skills you have and how you can play them
  • What are the pros & cons of starting a construction business in your area or in the area where you want to begin?
  • List down the best areas for the construction business
  • Who could be your potential customers?
  • What legal terms you would have to fulfill for the business
  • What equipment you may need to purchase
  • How will you manage tasks, and how to achieve annual and monthly goals?
  • How to come up with a solid plan and how to execute it

Your construction will work better if you initially stick to one niche and later adopt other niches in the construction business, but only if you can afford it.

What Will You Require in Your Business Plan?

As you have just read, what factors will you need to consider in your construction business? This is where a concrete, solid business plan may decide the fate of your business. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages of your plan with great care. Following are some of the sectors that you might want to cover in your construction company business plan:

Summary : This will be an overview of what you will do and how you will do the tasks such as:

  • Intro : Describe in detail the company`s goals, mission, and vision
  • Services : What services you will be offering by solving a specific problem of customers
  • Market : A detailed analysis of the industry of your market

Mission : A statement of why your business has existed and what services make it distinguished

Company Summary : Your construction business title, entity, and where operations will be located. The requirements of the business, assets, liabilities, expenditures, and investment

Safety : Discuss the current safety issues and how your organization will carry out the operations in the safest manner while following the rules & regulations

Services : A broader explanation of the tasks you will dedicate and what makes it better than the competition.

Application : Target the potential customers of your services and work on them

Analytic Summary : List the statistics, data, and financial numbers that reflect your comprehensive understanding of the industry locally and nationally. Demonstrate the market conditions that make your construction business an excellent investment with a promising future.

Market Segregation : Show the history of your target market and mention wherein the industry you could outperform.

Strategy and implementation summary : Mention who your target clients are and how you will be able to secure their precious business

Forecast of Sales : Clearly show a projection of monthly and annual sales for the first three consecutive years.

Marketing Strategy : Define your marketing strategy and tell your clients you mean business! Also, mention the network’s growth and strategy.

Personal Plan : Outline in detail the expected personal numbers and costs, including employees, sub-contractors, and other services

Financial Plan : A detailed analysis of projected financials that may include:

  • Projected cash flow : For at least the first consecutive 12 months of operation
  • Break-even analysis : For the first consecutive 12 months to project the progress
  • Projected Profit & Loss : The plans for the potential loss periods and how the organization will strive for profits
  • Projected Balance Sheet : This shows the assets for three years, liabilities, and capital to indicate the net worth
  • Appendix : Detailing other information, tables, or other relevant data showing the sales, forecasts, interest ratios, sales, cash flows, etc.

Planning the inception of your construction business is not easy, but once you immaculately perform it, the detailed business will pay off in the long term. Know your weaknesses and strengths, your niche, and how to play around strengths while improving your weaknesses. Keep updated with the industry’s new trends.

Sky Marketing is not just a real estate company but, in fact, a company that flawlessly takes care of your dreams.

We present you the seven ways to build a construction business as follows:

  • Give priority to customer service
  • Know your niche
  • Keep a keen eye on market trends
  • Be adaptive
  • Stay active in the market
  • Grow your network
  • Be disciplined

To give you an idea of how you can learn from several other construction companies and start your own, here we are listing the Top10 construction companies in Pakistan:

  • Sardar Group of Companies
  • Habib Construction Services
  • AH Group of Companies
  • Jaffar Group
  • Bahria Town Pvt Ltd.
  • Habib Rafique Limited
  • ZKB Engineering & Constructors
  • National Highway Authority
  • Frontier Works Organization
  • Pakistan Engineering Services
  • Defense Housing Authorities

Sky marketing always offers the best in the market; it is a name of trust and transparency. You may be thinking of registering a construction company in Pakistan. We bring you a detailed guide for registering a construction company in Pakistan :

Construction Business in Pakistan


The government supports construction businesses in Pakistan. According to studies, the construction industry in Pakistan is expected to grow around 3% in 2021, following a decline of 6.1% in 2019. PM Imran Khan announced Rs. 30 billion packages for the Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme to uplift the process. A decrease in the sales tax and several incentives were also introduced and continued in the following years.

It was also observed that due to the positive construction environment in the country, 389 projects worth Rs. One hundred fifty-seven billion were registered. With the present circumstances, the industry is expected to grow 4.7 to 5.2 % from 2022 to 2025.

construction business plan in pakistan

Sky Marketing

SkyMarketing is a trusted & reputed real estate marketing company in Islamabad, Pakistan. With more than 20 years of experience in the industry, SkyMarketing has established itself as a trusted name, offering comprehensive real estate investment services. Our expertise are now not limited to marketing only, we are now an established name in Real estate development. We pride ourselves on our commitment to integrity, innovation, and customer satisfaction, striving to create seamless and successful real estate experiences for all our clients.

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Business Wire

The outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has further exacerbated the weaknesses in the Pakistani construction industry, which had already recorded contractions in 2018 and 2019.

The government had initially restricted activity in the construction industry amid the lockdown restrictions imposed to contain the pandemic; however, in mid-April 2020, it allowed the industry to resume operations. The construction industry in Pakistan is expected to expand by 3% in real terms in 2021, following a decline of 6.2% in 2019.

To support the construction sector, and boost employment and economic output, Prime Minister Imran Khan announced a construction stimulus package in April 2020. The package includes a fixed tax rate for the construction industry, a subsidy worth PKR30 billion (US$191.5 million) for the Naya Pakistan Housing Scheme, a decrease in sales tax and incentives for builders to construct affordable housing. I

n addition to this, those who invest in newly constructed buildings will be exempt from declaring their source of income until June 2022. Under the new law, tax on low-cost housing construction under the Naya Pakistan Housing and Development Authority was reduced by 90%, advance tax on the sale of property was reduced from 10% to 5%, one-time capital gain tax was exempted on houses and flats, and zero withholding tax is applied to all construction material except steel and cement.

According to government estimates, as of early December 2020, 389 projects worth PKR157 billion (US$1 billion) have registered with the government to take advantage of the tax benefits enacted in the construction package.

Although the publisher expects the construction industry to expand in 2021, a downside risk to the industry's outlook in the short term could arise from the recent rise in COVID-19 cases and a subsequent tightening of restrictions to control the outbreaks. The financial weakness of the country could further dampen growth in the industry's output. According to the Ministry of Finance, the country's debt-to-GDP ratio increased from 86.1% at the end of June 2019 to 87.2% at the end of June 2020. However, the government plans to reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio to 78% by 2024, by increasing revenue mobilization and reducing expenditure.

Industry growth is expected to improve, registering annual growth in the range of 4.8-5.3% between 2022-2025, supported by investment in China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) infrastructure projects. Growth will also be supported by investments in transport, electricity, housing, telecommunication, and industrial infrastructure projects. To support industrialization, the Pakistani Government is creating Special Economic Zones in the country. Moreover, to address the housing shortage, the government aims to build five million housing units during 2019-2023.

This report provides detailed market analysis, information, and insights into the Pakistani construction industry, including:

  • The Pakistani construction industry's growth prospects by market, project type and construction activity
  • Critical insight into the impact of industry trends and issues, as well as an analysis of key risks and opportunities in the Pakistani construction industry
  • Analysis of the mega-project pipeline, focusing on development stages and participants, in addition to listings of major projects in the pipeline.
  • Historical (2016-2020) and forecast (2021-2025) valuations of the construction industry in Pakistan, featuring details of key growth drivers.
  • Segmentation by sector (commercial, industrial, infrastructure, energy and utilities, institutional and residential) and by sub-sector
  • Analysis of the mega-project pipeline, including breakdowns by development stage across all sectors, and projected spending on projects in the existing pipeline.
  • Listings of major projects, in addition to details of leading contractors and consultants

Key Topics Covered:

1. Construction Outlook

2. Construction Industry: At-a-Glance

3. Latest News and Developments

4. Project Analytics

5. Construction Market Data

For more information about this report visit

construction business plan in pakistan Laura Wood, Senior Press Manager [email protected] For E.S.T Office Hours Call 1-917-300-0470 For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call 1-800-526-8630 For GMT Office Hours Call +353-1-416-8900

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  • Aug 3, 2023

Crafting Your Business Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide for Pakistani Entrepreneurs

Starting a business in the burgeoning tech industry of Pakistan requires meticulous planning and a robust strategy. One of the vital tools that will guide your startup's journey is a well-crafted business plan. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating a compelling business plan, tailored to the Pakistani tech landscape.

1. Executive Summary

Begin with an executive summary, which provides an overview of your business. It should include your mission statement, basic information about the company, and a snapshot of future plans.

2. Industry Analysis

Analyze the tech industry in Pakistan, focusing on current trends, market size, and competition. Identify your target market and highlight how your business fits within the landscape. Porter's Five Forces model can be useful in this regard.

3. Description of the Business

Detail the nature of your tech business. Include the problem you aim to solve, the technology you'll employ, and how it aligns with the needs of the Pakistani market.

4. Products and Services

Outline the products or services you will offer. Provide specifications, applications, and how they meet the specific needs of the market. Reference the Technology Adoption Life Cycle if necessary to explain your innovation's place in the market.

5. Marketing and Sales Strategy

Develop a marketing strategy that is cognizant of the unique characteristics of Pakistan's tech consumers. Highlight your sales process, advertising, PR, and market positioning. You can use the 4 Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) as a framework here.

6. Operational Plan

Detail the daily operations of your tech startup. Include your location, facilities, equipment, processes, and any other operational aspects. Consider the local laws, regulations, and cultural norms that may affect these operations.

7. Financial Plan

Create a comprehensive financial plan, considering the economic conditions in Pakistan. Include projected income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and capital expenditure budgets. Consider referencing the Efficient Market Hypothesis to explain your financial assumptions and projections.

8. Management and Personnel

Describe the management structure and key team members. Highlight how their experience and skills are suited to the tech industry in Pakistan.

9. Risk Analysis

Identify potential risks, including market risks, operational risks, and financial risks. Assess how they can be managed or mitigated.

10. Appendices and Supporting Documents

Include any additional documents, charts, or graphs that support your business plan.

11. Social Responsibility and Ethical Consideration

Pakistan's tech industry is not only about profits but also social responsibility and ethical considerations. Outline how your business will adhere to ethical standards and contribute positively to society.

Creating a business plan that is attuned to the tech industry in Pakistan requires a deep understanding of the local market, legal landscape, and cultural context. Utilize frameworks like Porter's Five Forces, the Technology Adoption Life Cycle, and the Efficient Market Hypothesis to inform and enrich your plan.

Remember, a business plan is not a static document but a dynamic tool that should evolve with your business. Regularly revisiting and updating it can keep your tech startup on course and responsive to the ever-changing Pakistani tech scene.

Porter, M.E. (1979). "How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy." Harvard Business Review .

Moore, Geoffrey A. (1991). "Crossing the Chasm." HarperBusiness .

Fama, E. (1970). "Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work." The Journal of Finance .

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Industry Analysis - Pakistan

Construction industry of pakistan.

The construction industry is an important sector of Pakistan as it has multiple backward and forward linkages to other industries. The economic analysts of the country also forecast a possible potential in the industry that could drive strong economic growth in Pakistan given adequate policies are devised. This article evaluates the economic significance of the construction/architecture industry in Pakistan, specifically Sindh. It will also evaluate the contribution of the industry to Pakistan and Sindh’s GDP, and its share in the labour force. Moreover, the article also analyzes the issues faced by the industry before and after the global pandemic and the government policies in response.

Contribution of the Industry in terms of GDP

According to the Pakistan economic survey, the construction industry accounts for 2.53% of the gross domestic product (GDP) of the country. According to the 2017 census, the annual population growth rate of the country is 2.4% which indicates a strong need for households and infrastructure. Moreover, the studies also suggest that more than 60% of other industries have linkages with the construction sector. The construction industry also accounts for almost 30-35% of direct and indirect labour participation. This implies the significance of the industry for the socio-economic development of the country. Currently, Pakistan offers great potential in the construction industry with Vision 2025 including mega projects, such as the construction of dams and expressways that would not only provide possible employment opportunities but also enhance GDP per capita and subsequently help reduce poverty in the country. Business Monitor International (BMI) research has also provided a healthy growth outlook for the industry and forecasted a growth rate of 9.1% over the time period of 2016-2025. In the case of Sindh, data from 2015 shows that the GDPPC of the Sindh (at constant prices) has been more than the national average and the gap has somewhat been increasing over time as reported. However, the construction industry accounts for only 2% of Sindh’s economy.

Labour Force Participation

Pakistan has a growing population of 207 million people with a labour force participation rate of 51.6%. All persons who are of age 10 or above are considered to be employed in the labour force. The analysis will focus on the construction industry to highlight an approximate estimate of the employment generated in the architecture industry since exclusive data on the architecture industry is not available. Pakistan’s construction industry employs over 7.61% of the total industry division with a glaring divide between male and female employment of 7.56% and 0.05%, respectively. Pakistan Council of Architects and Town Planners (PCATP) reports that the ratio of architects per thousand heads of the population in Pakistan is 0.03.

Sindh has a total population of approximately 48 million people with a labour force participation of 52.34%. Sindh’s labour force has a stark divide between the male and female populations with 36.75% and 15.59%, respectively. Sindh’s construction industry employs over 6.20% of the total employed with females only making 0.06% of the employed population in the industry. Out of the 6.20%, managers, professionals, and technicians make up 0.13%, 0.07%, and 0.03%, respectively. Employment trends have remained constant since 2006 with insignificant changes.

Challenges Faced by the Industry

Labourer working.

The key challenges revealed in the survey were that the majority of the participants said that there is a lack of effective built environment legislation and weak regulations, and some of the participants said that there is a lack of respect and recognition of the profession. Moreover, surveys also show that there is a common practice of changing construction plans by non-professionals. Therefore, these responses show that the government needs to promote the importance of architectural design in urban and rural development. This also reveals how the government lacks implementation of design and planning in construction buildings which later resulted in congested cities and rural development.

Furthermore, it was highlighted in the survey that a minuscule 7% of architectural professionals were aware of the Paris agreement on climate change but support for the implementation of the Paris agreement initiative in PCATP was fifty-fifty. Therefore, it shows that there is a dire need for awareness among the industry professionals to meet the modern standards and deal with emerging climate problems. Moreover, there is insignificant data on the architecture industry.

Impact of COVID-19

The impact of COVID-19 brought to light many issues that are currently faced today in the construction and architecture industry of Pakistan. With the outbreak of the virus and the large population of the country, there has been a rise in the poverty rate which has brought about a prominent class divide between the privileged and the underprivileged. The lower-class population of the country is not catered to since they are not given the same resources as the rest of the population. There has been a lack of facilities to cater to the lower class and with the ongoing pandemic, there has been more government intervention where the government has decided to increase the funding of this industry so as to provide for every class. The current COVID-19 situation has given the architectural industry an opportunity to improve living conditions not just for the lower class but the population of the country altogether. Additionally, there have been a large number of people who were laid off as a direct result of COVID-19 and still are jobless.  According to the survey conducted by PCATP, 33% of employees were laid off permanently while 42% were laid off temporarily. The sample took into account town planners and architects based in Pakistan and gathered data based on the current situation.

Pakistan has a fast-growing population with rising demands for better infrastructural development in the country. The country has faced uncontrolled growth and improper town planning in urban centres. COVID-19 has negatively impacted employment in the architecture industry. In the case of Sindh, there is insignificant data available on the architecture industry. Therefore, a great deal of primary research into this subject area is required.

Authors: Usman Adil, Muhammad Aqib Yousuf, Kahuda Suleman, Fatima Akhai.


  • Ahmed, R. U. (2008). Assessment of Pakistani Construction Industry – Current. PBSRG. Housing and Construction. (n.d.). Retrieved from Invest Pakistan:
  • Husain, T. (2017, 10 23). Pakistan’s construction industry – The hot cake for foreign investors. Retrieved from Express tribune:
  • PBS. (2018, 1 1). Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. Labor Force Statistics.
  • “PCATP Survey of Profession in COVID-19 Crises 2020.” Https://
  • Salman, Peerzada. “What Will Post-Covid-19 Karachi Look like, Surmise
  • Master Architects., 18 May 2020,
  • Sindh: Public Expenditure Review. South Asian Region.
  • Image credits: and

construction business plan in pakistan


  • Blog Details

Construction Business in Pakistan: A Guide to Success in 2023

Construction Business in Pakistan: A Guide to Success in 2023

Table of Contents


Over the past years, Pakistan has witnessed remarkable growth in its construction industry, driven by a rapidly developing economy and a booming population. Entrepreneurs seeking to tap into the rising demand for housing and infrastructure projects now have an excellent opportunity to start their own construction businesses in the country. This comprehensive guide aims to provide essential steps and insights to help you kickstart a successful construction venture in Pakistan.

Overview of the Construction Industry in Pakistan

Before embarking on the journey of starting a construction business, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the current state of the industry in Pakistan. The construction sector plays a pivotal role in the country’s economic development, creating employment opportunities, facilitating infrastructure growth, and attracting foreign investments. With a population exceeding 200 million and significant initiatives such as the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the demand for competent construction companies has soared to new heights.

Importance and Potential of Starting a Construction Business

The significance of starting a construction business in Pakistan cannot be overstated, given several key factors. Firstly, the housing industry is experiencing a surge in demand, creating an urgent need for reliable and reputable construction companies. Moreover, the government’s initiatives, such as fixed tax regimes, capital gains tax exemptions, and increased credit availability from banks, have made the construction industry even more appealing for entrepreneurial ventures.

Key Steps to Starting a Construction Business in Pakistan

  • Market Research and Feasibility Analysis: Begin by conducting comprehensive market research to gain insights into the local construction landscape. Evaluate the demand for various types of projects, identify market gaps, and analyze potential competitors.
  • Developing a Business Plan: Craft a well-rounded business plan that outlines your vision, mission, and goals. Include a detailed analysis of your target market, strategies for acquiring projects, financial projections, and marketing plans.
  • Securing Funding: Determine the financial resources required to launch your construction business. Explore various options, such as self-financing, seeking investors, or applying for business loans. Present your compelling business plan to potential investors or financial institutions to secure funding.
  • Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Register your construction business and ensure compliance with all legal and regulatory obligations. Obtain the necessary licenses and permits from relevant authorities. Seek guidance from legal professionals or business advisors to navigate through local laws.
  • Building a Competent Team: Assemble a team of skilled professionals who will contribute to the success of your construction business. Hire qualified project managers, architects, engineers, and administrative staff. Invest in training and development programs to enhance their skills and expertise.
  • Acquiring Equipment and Resources: Procure the essential equipment, tools, and machinery required for construction projects. Identify reliable suppliers and negotiate favorable terms. Consider both purchasing and leasing options based on the specific needs of your business.
  • Marketing and Networking: Develop a robust marketing strategy to promote your construction business. Build a strong network of industry contacts, establish partnerships with suppliers and contractors, and leverage digital platforms to showcase your expertise and attract potential clients.
  • Project Acquisition and Execution: Participate in the bidding process for construction projects and prepare compelling proposals that highlight your capabilities and competitive pricing. Execute projects efficiently, ensuring high-quality workmanship, adherence to timelines, and effective project management.
  • Focus on Customer Satisfaction: Prioritize customer satisfaction by delivering projects on time, within budget, and upholding the highest quality standards. Foster long-term relationships with clients, provide exceptional customer service and promptly address any concerns or issues.
  • Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Stay updated with the latest industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices in the construction sector. Invest in continuous professional development to enhance your skills

By following these key steps, you can lay a solid foundation for your construction business in Pakistan and increase your chances of long-term success.

Section 1: Understanding the Construction Industry in Pakistan

construction business in Pakistan

The construction landscape in Pakistan offers a plethora of opportunities for entrepreneurs. This section provides a comprehensive understanding of the construction industry in Pakistan, including its current state, growth potential, the demand for housing and infrastructure projects, government initiatives, and the competitive landscape.

Overview of the Current State of the Construction Industry

The construction industry in Pakistan encompasses various sectors, such as residential, commercial, and infrastructure projects. It holds a significant position in the country’s economy, contributing to job creation and economic growth. Recent years have witnessed substantial growth in the industry, driven by factors like population growth, urbanization, and increased investments in infrastructure development.

Key Trends and Growth Opportunities in the Market

Several key trends shape the construction industry in Pakistan, creating growth opportunities for businesses. Sustainable construction practices, including energy-efficient designs and the use of eco-friendly materials, are gaining prominence. Technological advancements, such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Prefabricated Construction Systems, are revolutionizing project efficiency and timelines.

The market presents promising growth prospects across multiple sectors. The demand for residential projects is on the rise, driven by population growth, urban migration, and the need for affordable housing solutions. Commercial projects, such as office spaces, retail centers, and hospitality establishments, cater to the expanding business environment and consumer market. Infrastructure development, including transportation networks, power plants, and public facilities, offers lucrative opportunities for construction businesses.

Foreign investments, particularly through initiatives like the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), have significantly impacted the construction industry. CPEC has facilitated the development of large-scale infrastructure projects, attracting both local and international companies to participate in these ventures.

Analysis of the Demand for Housing and Infrastructure Projects

The demand for housing projects in Pakistan continues to escalate due to population growth and urbanization. Major cities are witnessing a surge in housing demand, particularly in the middle-income housing segment. Infrastructure development projects, such as roads, bridges, power plants, and public facilities, also play a vital role in meeting the country’s growing needs. The government’s commitment to infrastructure development, supported by public-private partnerships, provides a favorable environment for construction businesses to thrive.

Government Initiatives and Policies Supporting the Industry

The Pakistani government actively promotes the construction industry through various initiatives and policies. These include tax incentives, subsidies, and efforts to streamline regulations and improve the ease of doing business. Infrastructure development, especially through projects like CPEC, receives considerable government support, strengthening the industry’s growth potential.

Examination of the Competitive Landscape and Potential Challenges

The construction industry in Pakistan features a diverse competitive landscape, comprising established players and new entrants. Established companies bring expertise, experience, and resources, contributing to their market share. However, innovative approaches and niche market focus can provide opportunities for new entrants as well.

While the industry offers significant prospects, it also presents challenges. Regulatory complexities, including approval processes and compliance requirements, can pose obstacles to project execution. Another challenge is the availability of skilled labor, requiring businesses to invest in training and development. Additionally, accessing project financing and securing funds for construction projects may be challenging, requiring careful financial planning and partnerships with financial institutions.

By gaining a thorough understanding of the construction industry in Pakistan, entrepreneurs can make informed decisions and seize the abundant opportunities available for their businesses.

Section 2: Preparing for Your Construction Business

Before launching your construction business in Pakistan, it is vital to undertake comprehensive market research and feasibility analysis. This involves gathering data on the current state of the construction industry, identifying market trends, and assessing the demand for housing and infrastructure projects. Through careful analysis, you can uncover potential opportunities, understand competition, and anticipate challenges. Additionally, conducting a feasibility analysis enables you to evaluate the viability and profitability of your business concept.

Defining your business vision, mission, and goals:

Clearly defining your business vision, mission, and goals is crucial for establishing a solid foundation and guiding your construction business. Your vision statement should articulate your company’s long-term aspirations and direction, while the mission statement encompasses the purpose and values that drive your business. Setting specific and measurable goals will help you track progress and remain focused on achieving your objectives.

Identifying your target market and niche:

Identifying your target market and niche is pivotal for effective marketing and business strategy. Determine the specific demographic, geographic, and psychographic characteristics of your ideal customers. In the construction industry, you may consider targeting residential or commercial clients, securing government contracts, or specializing in areas such as infrastructure development or green building. By finding a niche or specialization within the construction sector, you can differentiate your business and attract clients seeking specific expertise.

Developing a solid business plan with financial projections:

Developing a robust business plan with accurate financial projections is essential for the success of your construction venture. A comprehensive business plan serves as a roadmap for your operations and aids in communicating your vision to potential investors or lenders. It should include an executive summary, company description, market analysis, organization and management structure, marketing and sales strategies, and financial projections. Ensure that your financial projections are realistic and grounded in thorough research..

Securing funding and exploring financing options:

Securing funding and exploring various financing options are critical steps in launching a construction business. Assess your financial requirements based on your business plan and explore different avenues for financing. Personal savings, investments from partners or venture capitalists, and business loans from financial institutions are common options. Additionally, investigate government programs or grants that support small businesses in the construction industry. Presenting a well-prepared business plan and demonstrating the potential for profitability will enhance your chances of obtaining funding.

Registering your construction business and complying with legal requirements:

Registering your construction business and complying with legal requirements are essential to operate legally and safeguarding your business interests in Pakistan. Consult the relevant authorities, such as the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) or the Registrar of Companies, to understand the registration process and fulfill the necessary documentation and licensing requirements. Adhere to tax regulations, acquire any required permits or certifications, and ensure compliance with health and safety standards applicable to the construction industry.


In conclusion, preparing for your construction business involves conducting market research, defining your business vision and goals, identifying your target market and niche, developing a comprehensive business plan, securing funding, and complying with legal requirements. By investing time and effort in the preparatory phase, you can position your construction business for success and navigate the industry’s challenges effectively. Adapt your strategies as the market evolves, and always prioritize delivering quality service to your customers.

Section 3: Setting Up Your Construction Business

Setting up a construction business in Pakistan requires meticulous planning and preparation. This section explores the essential steps involved in establishing your construction business. These steps include establishing a physical office or opting for a virtual setup, procuring necessary equipment, tools, and machinery, assembling a skilled and competent team, hiring qualified professionals and workers, implementing effective project management systems and processes, and prioritizing safety and quality control measures.

1. Establishing a Physical Office or Opting for a Virtual Setup:

While a physical office is not essential in today’s digital age, it can enhance your company’s credibility and professionalism. If you choose a physical office, consider factors such as location, space requirements, and lease agreements. Alternatively, a virtual setup allows remote work and facilitates online communication with clients and team members.

2. Procuring Necessary Equipment, Tools, and Machinery:

To execute construction projects efficiently, it is essential to acquire the required equipment, tools, and machinery. This may include construction vehicles, power tools, safety equipment, surveying instruments, and computer software for project management and design purposes. Assess your project needs and budget to determine the necessary equipment and invest in reliable, high-quality tools.

3. Assembling a Skilled and Competent Team:

The success of your construction business hinges on the expertise and skills of your team members. Recruit individuals with relevant experience and qualifications in the construction industry. This may encompass architects, engineers, project managers, supervisors, and skilled laborers. Conduct thorough interviews, check references, and verify qualifications to ensure you hire the right individuals for each role.

4. Hiring Qualified Professionals and Workers:

In addition to building a competent team, it is crucial to hire qualified professionals to handle specialized tasks such as accounting and legal matters. Engage professionals who have expertise in the construction industry to provide guidance on financial management, legal compliance, and contractual matters. When hiring workers, prioritize individuals with the necessary skills and experience for various construction tasks.

5. Implementing Effective Project Management Systems and Processes:

Efficient project management is vital for the smooth operation of your construction business. Establish robust systems and processes to plan, execute, and monitor projects effectively. This includes defining project timelines, allocating resources, managing budgets, and establishing communication channels. Utilize project management software and tools to streamline workflows and ensure transparent collaboration among team members.

6. Prioritizing Safety and Quality Control Measures:

Safety and quality are paramount in the construction industry. Develop and implement comprehensive safety protocols to protect workers, mitigate risks, and adhere to regulatory requirements. Establish quality control measures to monitor and ensure the delivery of high-quality construction projects. Regular inspections, adherence to industry standards, and continuous training programs contribute to maintaining safety and quality excellence.

By following these essential steps in setting up your construction business, you can lay a solid foundation for success. Remember to adapt your strategies to changing market conditions, stay updated with industry best practices, and consistently deliver exceptional service to your clients.

Section 4: Acquiring Projects and Contracts

Acquiring projects and contracts are vital for the growth and success of your construction business in Pakistan. In this section, we will explore effective strategies to build industry contacts, promote your business, bid on projects, negotiate contracts, and foster long-term client relationships.

  • Building a Network of Industry Contacts and Relationships:
  • Attend industry events and conferences to connect with potential clients, contractors, suppliers, and industry professionals. These gatherings provide excellent networking opportunities.
  • Join professional organizations related to the construction industry. Participate in their events, workshops, and seminars to expand your network and gain access to valuable resources.
  • Collaborate with architects, engineers, subcontractors, and other professionals to leverage their expertise and establish fruitful partnerships.
  • Engage in online networking through platforms like LinkedIn. Join relevant groups, contribute to discussions, and demonstrate your knowledge to enhance your reputation.
  • Marketing and Promoting Your Construction Business Effectively:
  • Develop a strong online presence with a professional website that showcases your services, past projects, and expertise. Optimize your website for search engines to improve visibility.
  • Utilize digital marketing strategies such as SEO, pay-per-click advertising, and content marketing to increase online visibility and attract potential clients.
  • Leverage the power of customer referrals by encouraging satisfied clients to recommend your services. Consider implementing incentives or rewards for successful referrals.
  • Bidding on Projects and Preparing Winning Proposals:
  • Stay informed about upcoming projects by monitoring government tenders, public announcements, and industry publications. Focus on projects that align with your company’s capabilities and expertise.
  • Prepare comprehensive proposals by thoroughly understanding project requirements, accurately estimating costs, and outlining your construction plan. Highlight your unique selling points and past successes.
  • Emphasize your value proposition, showcasing your track record, expertise, and ability to deliver quality work within the specified timeframe and budget.
  • Negotiating Contracts and Agreements:
  • Thoroughly review contracts and agreements before committing. Pay close attention to the scope of work, payment terms, timelines, and dispute resolution mechanisms. Seek legal advice if necessary.
  • Engage in open and transparent negotiations with clients to reach fair and mutually beneficial agreements. Clearly communicate your expectations while being willing to compromise on certain terms.
  • Managing Client Expectations and Building Long-Term Relationships:
  • Maintain regular and transparent communication with clients throughout the project. Provide updates, address concerns promptly, and ensure clients are aware of any changes or challenges.
  • Strive to deliver high-quality work within agreed-upon timelines and budget. Consistently meet or exceed client expectations to establish a reputation for reliability and professionalism.
  • Leveraging Technology and Online Platforms for Project Acquisition:
  • Implement project management software to streamline construction processes, track progress, manage documents, and collaborate effectively with clients and team members.
  • Explore online platforms and marketplaces tailored for the construction industry. These platforms facilitate connections between contractors and potential clients, simplifying the bidding and proposal process.

By following these strategies, you can enhance your chances of acquiring projects and contracts for your construction business in Pakistan. Building strong relationships, effective marketing, utilizing technology, and delivering exceptional results will set you apart in a competitive market and lead to profitable opportunities.

Section 5: Executing and Managing Construction Projects

Executing and managing construction projects requires effective planning, resource management, adherence to regulations, and robust monitoring and control mechanisms. In this section, we will explore strategies to plan and schedule projects, procure necessary permits and licenses, manage project budgets and resources, hire subcontractors and suppliers, ensure compliance with safety and regulatory standards, and implement effective project monitoring and control mechanisms.

  • Planning and Scheduling Projects Effectively:
  • Clearly define project objectives, scope of work, deliverables, and timelines to establish a solid foundation for planning and scheduling.
  • Develop a detailed project plan that outlines tasks, dependencies, and timelines for each project phase. Consider using project management software for efficient progress tracking and schedule management.
  • Allocate resources wisely, considering labor, materials, equipment, and subcontractors. Ensure resources are allocated based on project requirements and availability to facilitate smooth execution.
  • Create a realistic project schedule that includes start and end dates for tasks, milestones, and critical paths. Account for potential risks and uncertainties by incorporating contingency plans into the schedule.
  • Procuring Necessary Permits and Licenses:
  • Research local regulations to understand the legal requirements and permits relevant to construction projects in Pakistan. Identify the specific permits and licenses needed, such as building permits, environmental clearances, and safety certifications.
  • Engage with regulatory authorities and government departments to obtain the necessary permits and licenses. Follow the required procedures, submit the required documentation, and ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements.
  • Managing Project Budgets and Resources:
  • Develop a detailed budget that encompasses all project costs, including labor, materials, equipment, subcontractors, permits, and overhead expenses. Monitor and control expenses throughout the project to ensure adherence to the budget.
  • Track project costs by implementing a robust system for regular monitoring. Compare actual costs against the budgeted amounts and analyze any variations. Take corrective actions if needed to prevent cost overruns.
  • Optimize resource management to maximize productivity and minimize waste. Monitor resource allocation, track material usage, and ensure timely procurement of materials and equipment to avoid delays.
  • Hiring Subcontractors and Suppliers:
  • Establish a prequalification process to evaluate subcontractors and suppliers based on experience, qualifications, financial stability, and track record. Select reputable and reliable subcontractors and suppliers who can meet project requirements.
  • Clearly communicate project expectations, quality standards, timelines, and deliverables to subcontractors and suppliers. Have well-defined contracts or agreements in place to ensure mutual understanding and accountability.
  • Monitor subcontractor performance regularly and provide feedback to ensure adherence to project plans and quality standards. Address any issues or conflicts promptly to maintain project progress and quality.
  • Ensuring Compliance with Safety and Regulatory Standards:
  • Develop a comprehensive safety management plan that outlines safety policies, procedures, and protocols. Ensure all workers and subcontractors adhere to safety regulations and use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Conduct regular safety inspections to identify and mitigate potential hazards. Address safety concerns promptly and implement necessary corrective actions to maintain a safe working environment.
  • Stay updated with the latest safety and regulatory standards in the construction industry. Ensure compliance with local building codes, health and safety regulations, and environmental guidelines.
  • Implementing Effective Project Monitoring and Control Mechanisms:
  • Establish project milestones and set measurable targets for each phase. Monitor progress regularly against these milestones to ensure the timely completion of key deliverables.
  • Implement a system for regular progress reporting, providing stakeholders with weekly or monthly updates on project status, issues, and risks. This enables informed decision-making and proactive management.
  • Develop effective change management processes to handle project scope, schedule, or budget changes. Evaluate the impact of proposed changes, obtain necessary approvals

Section 6: Scaling and Growing Your Construction Business

Scaling and expanding a construction business involves strategic planning, effective management, and a commitment to continuous improvement. To help you grow your operations, consider the following strategies:

  • Strategies for Expanding Business Operations:

a. Increase capacity:

Assess your current resources, including labor, equipment, and infrastructure, to determine if you have the capability to handle larger projects or multiple projects concurrently. Consider investing in additional resources or forming strategic partnerships to enhance operational capacity.

b. Geographic expansion:

Explore opportunities to expand your business into new geographic markets. Research regions with high construction demand and growth potential. Establish local contacts, familiarize yourself with regulations, and adapt your strategies to meet the specific needs of each market.

c. Strategic alliances and partnerships: Collaborate with other construction companies or subcontractors to combine resources, expertise, and networks. Forming strategic alliances can provide access to new markets, distribute risks, and leverage complementary strengths.

  • Diversifying into New Markets and Services:

a. Identify emerging market segments: Analyze industry trends and identify emerging opportunities in the construction sector. Consider diversifying into niche markets or specialized segments that align with your expertise or offer significant growth potential. For example, you could focus on green building practices, renovations, or infrastructure projects.

b. Expand service offerings: Broaden your range of services to cater to a wider customer base. If you primarily focus on residential construction, consider offering commercial construction services or property development. This diversification can open up new revenue streams and help mitigate risks associated with market fluctuations.

  • Investing in Professional Development and Training:

a. Enhance skills: Invest in professional development and training programs for your employees to enhance their skills and knowledge. This may include technical training, project management certifications, safety certifications, and leadership development programs. Skilled and competent teams are more likely to deliver high-quality projects and contribute to business growth.

b. Develop leadership skills : Foster leadership development within your organization to effectively manage and lead your expanding team. Invest in leadership training programs for key personnel to ensure they possess the necessary skills to oversee projects, manage teams, and make strategic decisions.

  • Building a Strong Reputation and Brand Image:

a. Emphasize quality: Prioritize high-quality workmanship and maintain excellent standards to build a strong reputation in the construction industry. Focus on quality control, utilize superior materials, and adhere to safety standards to ensure customer satisfaction and positive referrals.

b. Effective customer relationship management: Foster strong relationships with your clients by providing exceptional customer service. Communicate effectively, address concerns promptly, and surpass customer expectations. Positive customer experiences contribute to your reputation and lead to repeat business and referrals.

  • Leveraging Technology and Innovation for Growth:

a. Adopt construction technology: Embrace technological solutions such as project management software, Building Information Modeling (BIM), and drones to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and improve collaboration. Technology can optimize resource allocation, track project progress, and reduce costs.

b. Encourage innovation and sustainability: Stay updated on industry trends and innovations. Embrace sustainable construction practices and consider incorporating eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient designs. Being at the forefront of innovation can differentiate your business and attract environmentally conscious clients.

  • Tracking and Analyzing Key Performance Metrics:

a. Establish performance metrics: Define key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to your business objectives, such as project profitability, customer satisfaction, on-time delivery, and employee productivity. Regularly track and analyze these metrics to identify areas for improvement and measure the success of your growth strategies.

b. Data-driven decision-making: Utilize data and analytics to make informed business decisions. Implement systems to collect and analyze project data, financial data, and customer feedback. This will provide valuable insights into project performance, identify bottlenecks, and guide future growth initiatives.

Remember, scaling and growing your construction business requires careful planning, adaptability, and a customer-centric approach. Continuously evaluate market trends, monitor industry developments, and refine your strategies to stay competitive and seize growth opportunities.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively scale and expand your construction business, capitalize on new markets, enhance your reputation, and leverage technology and innovation for sustainable growth. Keep in mind that success in the construction industry relies on maintaining a strong focus on quality, nurturing client relationships, investing in your team’s skills, and utilizing data-driven decision-making.

As you navigate the path of growth, always stay attuned to the evolving needs of the market and be willing to adapt your strategies accordingly. With strategic planning, efficient management, and a commitment to excellence, you can achieve long-term success and establish your construction business as a leader in the industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the legal requirements for starting a construction business in pakistan.

Starting a construction business in Pakistan requires compliance with specific legal requirements. These include registering your business with relevant authorities, obtaining necessary permits and licenses, and adhering to labor and safety regulations. Seeking guidance from legal professionals or business advisors can provide detailed information on the specific requirements.

How can I finance my construction business in Pakistan?

There are several financing options available for construction businesses in Pakistan, such as bank loans, venture capital, partnerships, and personal savings. It is advisable to create a comprehensive business plan with financial projections to present to potential lenders or investors.

What qualifications or certifications are required to start a construction business?

While there are no specific qualifications or certifications required to start a construction business in Pakistan, having relevant knowledge, experience, and expertise in the construction industry is highly beneficial. Acquiring certifications or licenses in specialized areas such as project management, construction safety, and quality control can enhance your credibility and competence.

How do I find potential clients and projects for my construction business?

Networking plays a crucial role in finding potential clients and projects in the construction industry. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and establish connections with architects, engineers, real estate developers, and government agencies. Additionally, leveraging online platforms and property portals like can provide a wide range of project opportunities and collaborations.

What are the common challenges faced by construction businesses in Pakistan?

Common challenges faced by construction businesses in Pakistan include intense competition, skilled labor shortages, fluctuating material costs, bureaucratic hurdles, project delays, and regulatory compliance. However, by staying informed, adapting to market dynamics, building strong relationships, and maintaining a focus on quality and efficiency, these challenges can be effectively managed.

How can I ensure the quality and safety of my construction projects?

Ensuring the quality and safety of construction projects is paramount. Implement robust quality control measures, adhere to international construction standards, and conduct regular inspections and tests. Employ qualified professionals, provide training to your workforce, and collaborate with reliable suppliers and subcontractors to maintain high-quality standards. Implement comprehensive safety protocols, provide personal protective equipment (PPE), and conduct regular safety audits to ensure a safe working environment.

Is it necessary to have prior experience in the construction industry to start a business?

While prior experience in the construction industry can be advantageous, it is not mandatory. With proper market research, a solid business plan, and access to experienced professionals, you can start a construction business even without direct industry experience. Building a competent team and seeking advice from industry experts are essential steps to compensate for any lack of personal experience.

What are the growth prospects for the construction industry in Pakistan?

The construction industry in Pakistan has significant growth prospects due to the increasing demand for housing, infrastructure development, and urbanization. Government initiatives such as the construction of low-cost housing and development projects like CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) offer immense opportunities for construction businesses. The industry’s potential for growth is further amplified by the country’s growing population and the need for modern infrastructure.

How do I handle project delays and unforeseen circumstances?

Project delays and unforeseen circumstances are common in the construction industry. Effective project management and proactive planning are essential in handling such situations. Build contingency plans, maintain open communication with clients and stakeholders, and promptly address issues to mitigate delays. Additionally, having a skilled and flexible workforce, maintaining good relationships with suppliers, and closely monitoring project progress is vital to minimizing the impact of unforeseen circumstances.

What are the key factors to consider when hiring subcontractors and suppliers?

When hiring subcontractors and suppliers, consider factors such as their experience, track record, reputation, financial stability, and ability to meet deadlines. Request references, review past projects, and conduct thorough due diligence to ensure you engage reliable and competent subcontractors and suppliers. Clearly define contracts, maintain regular communication, and foster a collaborative relationship to promote successful partnerships.

What are the essential steps to manage project costs effectively?

Managing project costs effectively is crucial for the success of a construction business. Start by creating a detailed budget that includes all expenses, from labor and materials to equipment and overhead costs. Regularly monitor and track expenses throughout the project, identifying areas where costs can be reduced or optimized. Implement cost control measures, negotiate favorable contracts with suppliers, and explore options for bulk purchasing to lower material costs. Additionally, employ efficient project management practices to minimize delays and avoid unnecessary expenses.

How can I ensure compliance with environmental regulations in the construction industry?

Environmental compliance is becoming increasingly important in the construction industry. To ensure compliance with environmental regulations, stay updated on relevant laws and regulations governing construction activities. Implement sustainable construction practices, such as using eco-friendly materials, optimizing energy efficiency, and minimizing waste. Consider obtaining certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) to demonstrate your commitment to environmental responsibility.

What role does insurance play in the construction business?

Insurance is essential for protecting your construction business from potential risks and liabilities. It is recommended to have various types of insurance coverage, such as general liability insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, and professional liability insurance. These policies can provide financial protection in case of accidents, property damage, or legal claims. Consult with an insurance professional to assess your specific needs and obtain appropriate coverage.

How can I effectively manage subcontractors and maintain good relationships?

Managing subcontractors is crucial for the smooth operation of construction projects. Start by selecting subcontractors with a good track record and clear communication. Clearly define expectations, scope of work, and project timelines in written contracts. Maintain regular communication, provide necessary support and resources, and promptly address any issues or concerns that may arise. Building positive relationships based on trust and mutual respect will contribute to successful collaborations and project outcomes.

How can I stay updated with industry trends and advancements?

Staying updated with industry trends and advancements is vital for the growth and success of your construction business. Subscribe to industry publications, participate in relevant conferences and seminars, and join professional associations related to the construction industry. Networking with peers and industry experts can provide valuable insights into emerging trends, technological advancements, and best practices. Additionally, follow reputable online sources, research new construction methods, and explore innovative technologies that can enhance your business operations.

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Top 12 Construction Companies in Pakistan

by ahblog · Published April 14, 2021 · Updated February 2, 2024

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What does Construction mean?

Construction is the process to build something. Construction word comes from “construct” which means to build something. Building roads, castles, Dams, or houses are some examples of constructing something. In engineering terms and conditions construction meant different elements in one place. It depends on the project as well, because before starting construction every company needs to do Construction planning. This is the most important part of the construction. Let’s talk in detail about Construction planning. You can also read about shopping malls in Islamabad .

What is Construction Planning?

Before we start anything we need to have set and planned what to do and how to do it. For this purpose, we need to create strategies, decisions, and directions then we can start building something great. We must also know How to register a construction company in Pakistan . Construction planning all depends on ethical possibilities and firm decisions. Every project has its own master plan and a schedule to perform all activities. Every schedule had its final date on which a construction company needs to finish the project. Otherwise, clients put huge penalties on companies. There is a big list of Construction Companies in Pakistan. We are going to list down the top 12 construction companies in Pakistan. Get to know about Schools in Peshawar

1. Sardar Group of Companies

Sardar Group - Construction Companies in Pakistan - Ahgroup-pk

Sardar Group of Companies is renowned construction firm in Pakistan. The constructers are known for delivering mega commercial and residential projects all over the Pakistan. From real estate investment planning, to constructing ultra-modern high-rise or housing societies the Group has only delivered the best.

SGC is famous construction company in federal capital for developing Centaurus Mall. The luxury retail mall has become landmark of the city. Apart from Centaurus other famous projects of the constructer group are; Taj Residencia, Movenpick, and Pak Gulf Pvt Ltd. Read our blog Universities in Peshawar

2. Habib Construction Services

Habib Construction Services - Construction Companies in Pakistan - Ahgroup-pk

Habib Construction Services (HSC) is known for its large and complex infrastructure projects. They provide the best Construction planning and one of the most reliable Construction Services in Pakistan. It pursues to provide international-level techniques to clients to lie in between the top construction companies in Pakistan. Company most of the time provides its construction services in building highways, flyovers, motorways, bridges, buildings, airports, and dams. HSC headquarters is located in Plot No. 299, Street 3, I-9/3 I 9/3 I-9, Islamabad. Get to know about Private and Government Hospitals in Peshawar

3. AH Group of Companies

AH Group of Companies - Construction Companies in Pakistan - Ahgroup-pk

AH Group of companies aim to become one of the largest Construction Company in Pakistan. With its dedication, transparency, and quality services, AH Group of companies is listed among the best real estate companies in Islamabad . AH Group of Companies is one the top listed companies for providing the best Construction Planning and is also known for its way of execution. The headquarters of AH Group is located in Umer Building, Jinnah Avenue, Blue Area Islamabad. AH contractors aims to provide the best construction services in Pakistan. AH Group is highly motivated to introduce new techniques of construction in real estate industry. Also providing its services for enhancing the originality of the construction sector of Pakistan. The very first launched by AH Group of companies was 091 Mall in Peshawar. AH Group is specialized in constructing luxury residential markets, Shopping Mall and infrastructure projects. Have a look our blog Shopping Malls in Peshawar

4. Jaffer Group

Jaffer Group - Construction Companies in Pakistan - Ahgroup-pk

Jaffer group was founded in the year 1948 in Karachi. It is specialized in different businesses in Pakistan that includes agriculture, Engineering, Fertilizers and Commodities, and construction. Company had almost 1000 employees across all of its offices located in Pakistan. It also worked internationally as a subcontractor with Shimizu, Tobishima, Encorp (USA), and Taisei Corporation in Japan. Jaffer Group had also collaborated with different overseas companies and completed several projects that include, Housing Complex, Haripur, Honda Car Factory, Lahore, and Khanpur Dam Water Reservoirs, Islamabad. The Headquarters of Jaffer Group is near Block B, Jinnah Ave, G 6/3 Blue Area, Islamabad. Read about Housing Societies in Islamabad

5. ZKB Engineers and Constructors

construction business plan in pakistan

ZKB Constructors lies somewhere in between the list of construction companies in Pakistan. It is known because of its infrastructure projects that the company had done before. Company is providing different services that include construction, engineering, and consultancy. In the early years, the company was just operating from Balochistan but now because of fast development in the construction sector the company is operating country-wide. The company specializes in constructing dams, roads, bridges, flyovers, and buildings. The company office is on street 11 I-9/2, Islamabad. Get to know about Colleges in Peshawar

6. Hassan Construction

construction business plan in pakistan

Hassan construction is a company with a diverse background. and listed as one of the Best Construction Companies in Pakistan. The Company has highly qualified and experienced staff in the construction market. It is registered with PEC (Pakistan Engineering Council) and listed in C4 Class. It also provides the inside work like rock or marble, Roof ceilings, glass erection cover, and divider treatments. Company had skilled management staff with 360 coverage of trained construction labor. It is becoming a leading platform to provide the best Construction Services in Pakistan. Get to know about Hotels in Peshawar

7. NESPAK (National Engineering Services Pakistan)

NESPAK - Construction Companies in Pakistan - Ahgroup-pk

National Engineering Services Pakistan, also known as NESPAK is a Pakistan-based one of the best designing consultancy associations in Africa and Asia region. It is specialized in providing the services of construction, consulting, management, and engineering. It was founded by the Government of Pakistan in 1973. Its headquarters is located in Lahore, capital of the Punjab province of Pakistan. The company is managed by a board of directors, a chairman, a managing director, and 11 more managing directors. Also read about best restaurants in Peshawar .

The main motive of NESPAK was to replace the foreign advisor and become an independent consultancy for providing the best Construction Services in Pakistan. The company expanded its operations not just in the Asia region as well as in the Africa region and completed 450 construction projects globally. That’s the reason it has been listed as one of the best construction companies in Pakistan.

Roughly estimated, NESPAK has taken 3651 projects out of which 3125 are domestic projects and 526 are international projects situated in Iran, Iraq, Bangladesh, Bahrain, Benin, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Qatar, Libya, Nepal, Nigeria, and Oman. NESPAK works with the contribution of NHA, FWO WAPDA, and PWD in a lot of energy projects in Pakistan. Whenever the government of Pakistan launches a project it has always something to do with NESPAK, when it comes to implementation, management, and construction planning. NESPAK services are spread in different sectors. We have listed down some of them: Get to know about Travel Agencies in Peshawar

  • Oil, Gas, and Petrochemical
  • Environment
  • Public Health Engineering
  • Architecture and Planning
  • Communication
  • Water Resources Development and Dam Engineering
  • Building Information Modeling
  • Structure design
  • Information Technology (IT) and GIS
  • Construction Management

NESPAK has done a lot of projects with great construction planning, outstanding management, and state-of-art infrastructure with a cumulative cost of $243 billion. Some of the top projects done by NESPAK are mentioned below:

  • Lahore Metro – $1.65 billion
  • New Islamabad Airport – $800 million
  • Neelum–Jhelum Project – $4 billion
  • Karachi Nuclear Power Plant – $ 9.5 billion
  • Farah River Dam Project – $500 million
  • Expansion of Salalah Airport – $893 million

NESPAK has managed 15 small dam projects in Western Saudi Arabia at a cost of $128 million. These all state-of-art projects and providing the best construction services in Pakistan are the reason for making NESPAK one of the best construction companies in Pakistan. Read our blog Real Estate Projects in Peshawar

8. NHA (National Highway Authority)

NHA - Construction Companies in Pakistan - Ahgroup-pk

National Highway Authority is working under the supervision of the Ministry of communications Pakistan. It was created in 1991 by the act of parliament for, development, repairing, operation, planning, and maintenance of national highways and some other crucial strategic roads. NHA incorporates 39 highways which include expressways, highways, motorways, and strategic routes. These well-maintained and connected highways have become a significant asset for tourism companies in Pakistan , facilitating smoother access to some of the country’s most captivating destinations. These roads hold the 80% traffic load of the country. NHA Headquarter is located in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan. NHA aims to provide an efficient, modern, safe, secure, and clean transportation system. This makes the NHA to be listed among the top 10 construction companies in Islamabad and Pakistan. Some of the core duties of NHA are mentioned below:

  • Solicit tolls on Motorways, National Highways, Strategic Roads, and Expressways.
  • Research and development
  • Acquire land following legal procedures
  • Gain plants, machinery, instruments, and materials needed for its management
  • Case studies, surveys, experiments, and technical researches
  • License facilities on roads under its control

The vision of NHA is to ensure national integration via a safe, secure, and reliable national highways and motorway network for the economic development of Pakistan. Get to know about Historical Places to visit in Peshawar

9. Frontier Works Organization (FWO)

FWO - Construction Companies in Pakistan - Ahgroup-pk

Frontier Works Organization, also known as FWO, was established on 31 October 1966 by the military engineering organization of Pakistan. Since it was established, the organization is credited for the construction of roads, tunnels, bridges, and dams in Pakistan on the behalf of the civilian government of Pakistan. Currently, FWO is commanded by Major-General Kamal Azfar. FWO objectives that are associated with projects are:

  • Construction
  • Military engineering

The main project done by FWO was the design and construction of the Karakoram Highway also known as KKH. In the year of 1960, the Govt of China and Govt of Pakistan ordered the construction of a highway that links China and Pakistan. This task was assigned to the Pakistan army. Thus, in the summer of 1966, a military organization was established for the construction of the 805-kilometer long Karakoram Highway. Also check out famous deserts of Pakistan .

After the construction of KKH, the organization started working with the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC). In 1986, FWO had assigned the task of construction of a dump nuclear waste management plant at the Baghalchur Facility. The project was completed in the same year. In 1980 FWO had another task, with the contribution of another military organization named Special Development Works (SDW) to construct tunnels at Chagai, Balochistan.

Which was preparation for the Chagai-I nuclear test that was later carried out on the 25th of May, 1998. Both organizations FWO and SDW were also present at the time of the second nuclear test at the Kharan desert in Balochistan which is one of the famous desert of Pakistan. These all are the reasons why FWO is considered to be at the top position in the list of construction companies in Pakistan. If you love to travel read our blog Picnic Spots in Islamabad 

10. Pakistan Engineering Services (PES)

PES - Construction Companies in Pakistan - Ahgroup-pk

Pakistan Engineering Services, also known as PES is a private limited company that specializes in providing consultancy services on the project startup to the completion stage. The company was founded in 1973 and covers the services of construction planning, feasibility studies, construction supervision, pre-feasibility studies, environmental impact assessment studies, formation of tender reports, tender evaluation, commissioning, helping the client in the award of contracts, and trial service. The company has skilled and experienced teams of professionals that is the strength of the company. PES is specialized in diversified fields that include:

  • Thermal & Hydro Power Engineering
  • Irrigation Systems
  • Water Conservation
  • Economic and Financial Studies
  • Construction of Public / Utility Buildings    
  • Water Resources Development
  • Dams Construction
  • Environment and Public Health Engineering
  • Power Transmission & Distribution

The company headquarters is located in Lahore, the capital of the Punjab province of Pakistan. Because of the company’s hardworking team and fulfilling the deadlines of projects PES has made an outstanding layer for being one of the best Construction Companies in Pakistan for offering the best Construction Services in Pakistan.

11. Crescent Construction Corporation

Crescent Construction Corporation - construction companies in pakistan - ahgroup-pk

The mega construction company stands among in the list of top construction companies in the country. It has built reputation for delivering high-quality projects, dedicate team and professional friendly attitude towards customers. The company started the construction journey in 1995 as a small venture and within short time of 28 years it has become one of the giants in construction business.

The construction company aims to deliver the projects that are high in quality, offer complete customer satisfaction, smooth efficiency in running business and safety of the consumers. With delivery of many projects on time the constructers have become trusted brand in private and public sectors in Pakistan.

12. Living Standards Construction and Renovation Company

Living Standards Construction and renovation - construction companies in pakistan - ahgroup-pk

The next construction firm in our list is Living Standards Construction and Renovation Company. The constructers are reputed name in the sector for delivering one-stop solution to all construction problems. Therefore, it stands high in the list of best construction companies in Pakistan.

Living standards Constructers aim to deliver what its name says; i.e., luxurious living standards for all. The company specializes in various sectors including renovation, construction and maintenance of the real estate.

Living Standards Construction and Renovation Company has competent and experienced team of architects, engineers, interior designers and technical staff striving to meet the construction needs of the every customer.

Particularly, if we debate on real estate companies in Pakistan and building construction processes, it can describe as the designing, building, transformation of the land, area, or building. With the upgrade and necessity of investors and residents, Construction Companies in Pakistan have been increasing rapidly. But as we know, multiple construction companies are maintaining sharp boundaries in various forms. Let us suggest you the opportunity, which will not only be concentrating on trustworthiness and concrete construction, but we will also suggest you the construction planning and best construction company according to your budget. Because of the economical crises and limited job options, the best way to grow financially is to invest in real estate. For this purpose, we have conducted an analysis and deeply researched the market and business development of Real Estate. Also get to know about Famous Restaurants in Islamabad  

Frequently Asked Questions About Construction Companies in Pakistan

  • What is the biggest construction company in Pakistan? In the list of construction companies in Pakistan, Jaffer group, AH group of companies, and Frontier Works Organization (FWO) appear in the top 10 construction companies in Pakistan. Among the three, the swift progress and success chart of the AH group of companies depicts that it is going to be the biggest construction company in Pakistan.
  • Which company is best for construction? With several successful contemporary projects onboard, the AH group of companies is undoubtedly the best construction company. The company is expanding its network outside Pakistan and will soon be enlisted among multinational construction companies in Pakistan. Regarding road construction companies in Pakistan, NHA is the best for constructing roads, motorways, etc.
  • Is the house construction business profitable in Pakistan? Yes, the house construction business is profitable in Pakistan. Since rapid urbanization and development have significantly increased, the demand for real estate projects. However, getting NOCs and fulfilling other formalities could be tedious and lengthy.
  • What are the categories of construction companies in Pakistan? The categories of construction companies in Pakistan are eight including; C-A, C-B, C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5 and C-6. The categories are specified according to their registration with PEC.

If you are a resident of Peshawar city then, you must read our blog about the top construction companies in Peshawar that are known for building outstanding shopping malls, restaurants in Peshawar, and hotels in Peshawar.

We have seen the real estate and construction industry of Pakistan is developing so fast. So we have mentioned the Best Construction Companies in Pakistan which are becoming the largest source of development in Pakistan. The government is taking steps to provide core value to the construction industry to promote the economy. The government is providing a professional degree in the construction & development industry of Pakistan. This degree of construction & development industry is very effective on Pakistan’s economy. Investment in real estate is one of the best options if you believe in ROI (return on investment). So these are the Best Construction Companies in Pakistan which we have mentioned above.

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  • Business Ideas in Pakistan
  • Real Estate Marketing Ideas
  • Famous Places to visit in Peshawar
  • Forex Trading in Pakistan
  • Things To Know About Cryptocurrency
  • Online Shopping Websites in Pakistan
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  • Places to Visit in Islamabad
  • Universities in Islamabad

Tags: best construction companies in Pakistan Construction companies construction companies in Pakistan construction planning construction projects real estate top construction companies in Pakistan

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39 Small Business Ideas in Pakistan to Start in 2024

Home » Lifestyle » 39 Small Business Ideas in Pakistan to Start in 2024

Having a secondary source of income is always a good way to manage your finances. Depending on your expenses, it may also help you increase your saving, giving you greater freedom to follow your dreams. So, if you are also on the hunt for a doable side hustle to increase your income without quitting your day job, this blog is for you.  Here we have rounded up 39 business ideas in Pakistan that are best suitable for small-scale investors.

39 Best Small Business Ideas in Pakistan to Start in 2024

Now, without further ado, let’s begin with our list of the best startup ideas for 2023. 

Real Estate Investment

real estate investment idea

Real estate market is touted as one of the most lucrative investment avenues in Pakistan — and rightly so. The value of properties in many major cities across the city has sky-rocketed in recent years. Those who have invested in credible and well-located projects have already set their eyes on short-term and long-term capital gains. 

Expected Returns on Lucrative Real Estate Projects

Keeping in view the upward price trends, real estate investors can enjoy up to 60-70% capital gains and a rental yield of around 7-8%. If you want to learn more about the ROI and rental yield in real estate , check out these blogs.

Technically, it is not one of those business ideas in Pakistan that require small investment, but with a few tricks, you can increase its affordability factor. Wondering how? Keep reading to find out.

Tips to Make an Affordable Real Estate Investment

Have a limited amount to invest in one go? Don’t worry! Here are some interesting tips and affordable property investment options for you to explore.

Go for Properties with Easy and Flexible Payment Plans

You’d be surprised to know that you can invest in some under-development property projects for as low as PKR 10,000 a month. In such projects, you can book your desired property with a down payment of around PKR 100,000-150,000. However, it is important to only invest in real estate projects. They might cost you a little more, but your investment will definitely be in safe hands.’s New Projects portal has plenty of interesting options available for property investors. All you have to do is to select your desired city and start exploring lucrative investment opportunities around you. Also, projects marketed and sold by ensure reliability and profitability to both short-term and long-term investors.

Search for a Low-Cost House for Sale

Buying a newly constructed house with a limited budget is still possible. Yes, you read it right. So, to help you find some budget-friendly property options, the experts of have compiled listings of low-cost houses available in major cities across Pakistan, including Karachi , Lahore and Islamabad . Investing in a low-priced residential unit is probably the best way to make an affordable real estate investment. 

Buy and Renovate/Remodel an Old House

If the structure of the property has deteriorated, it might’ve already lost a good chunk of its real estate value. Depending on your interest, you can invest in such properties and restore them to earn profit. Buy a property that is in bad shape, renovate or remodel it, according to its condition, structure and market demand. 

Narrow down your search to old and small-sized houses to make your property hunt easier. Keep a budget of around PKR 30-40 lakh in mind. Make sure to avoid these renovation mistakes while working on your project. 


Can you start dropshipping in Pakistan? Well, the answer to this question is a definitive yes. In fact, it is one of the best low-cost business ideas in Pakistan that doesn’t require large up-front capital. You can easily run and manage a dropshipping business in your spare time. 

Here’s How Dropshipping Business Works

With a dropshipping business model, you can easily run your entire business from your laptop. The only thing that needs a lot of research is identifying the top-selling products.

Everything becomes easy once you are done with that step. You can fetch the required products, use affiliate marketing to promote your products, ship orders, and offer customer support. You can manage all these business operations while sitting on your couch.

Now, let’s find out how to set up a dropshipping business in Pakistan.

Step-By-Step Process to Start Dropshipping in Pakistan

In recent years, dropshipping has become a popular option for start-ups. The business model requires small capital to get up and running. Also, setting it up is also easy. Here, we’ll elaborate on the entire process in a few simple steps, take a look!

  • Set up your online store

To set up your e-commerce store, you have to get a third party involved. You’ll come across many dropshipping platforms in Pakistan suitable for small businesses. Some of the most popular ones include

Shopify : an easy-to-use platform for setting up online stores. The portal is famous around the world. Using Shopify, you can make use of different themes and templates to build your online store.

Daraz : It’s a name that needs no introduction. You can easily start your dropshipping business in Pakistan with this popular portal. You’ll be keeping the profit on your product while paying its wholesale price to Daraz. The entire process is automated.

AliExpress : AliExpress dropshipping follows the same traditional dropshipping business model, which makes it quite convenient for new businesses. Copying the product from the AliExpress market, deciding on your own markup/profit margin and shipping it to your customers directly from your store. 

Amazon : Another option to consider for aspiring dropshippers in Pakistan. However, setting up an Amazon store isn’t easy. Owing to the questionable track record of many Pakistani sellers, Amazon has put stricter policies in place for local dropshippers. It could immediately block your account upon negative feedback. Dropshipping at Amazon is highly popular around the world, but since it has very strong customer-centric policies, running an Amazon e-store from Pakistan is currently a bit too risky.

  • Choose the type of products for your e-store

Do market research to decide on the supplies for your dropshipping store. Get in touch with a suitable supplier of your desired products. Once you’ve selected your supplies, you can simply post the products on your store with your own offer price. 

  • Gaining Customer Base

Social media platforms are a good way to market your dropshipping business nowadays. You can promote your products/services on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and/or LinkedIn, depending on the nature of your business. Target your audience online for a higher conversion rate. With the latest metrics, make sure to reach out to the relevant audience to convert your visitors into leads and eventually, customers.

Increase Your Dropshipping Knowledge

Before you jump into the field and start handling things practically, equip yourself with as much dropshipping knowledge as possible. You can also Hire an expert to run your business for you, but it wouldn’t be a long-term solution. Also, if you don’t know the functionalities involved in drop shipping, you’d always depend on others to guide you. 

From developing and designing your e-commerce platform to marketing it, you should know at least a little about everything. Of course, you won’t be able to do everything yourself, but having technical know-how about every aspect of your business would make a lot of difference.

Investing Money in a Dropshipping Business in Pakistan

Thinking of starting your own business venture with a small amount of money? Dropshipping would be a great option for you. The minimum amount of money you’ll need to invest in dropshipping in Pakistan is around PKR 100,000. It would be enough to put your product/services on the market. 

Restaurant/Coffee Shop

coffee shop idea

Pakistan is a country of foodies. In many cities around the country, the best outing spots for families are usually local restaurants and coffee shops. It is not necessary to open a fancy eatery or cafe to make it successful. 

The very first thing you can do is to reach out to other people running similar businesses. They may be in your social circle or professional network. If not, then you can use Facebook groups and communities to post your questions/queries to fetch relevant information. 

How to Set Up a Restaurant or a Coffee Shop

Opening a coffee shop is one of the most feasible small business ideas in Pakistan. Here’s how to get started

Business Plan: Are you willing to skip your business plan because you think “it’s too much work”? Don’t do that. Having a business plan in place is crucial for each stage of setting up and running your coffee shop or small restaurant business in Pakistan.

Select a Suitable Location: Go for popular business locations in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and other major cities in Pakistan. Keep a monthly rent expense of around PKR 30,000-100,000 in mind, depending on your location. 

Required Staff: Wondering how many staff members you’d need for your coffee shop business? Ideally, there should be around 5 workers assigned different tasks. 

Business Hours: Most people like having their coffee before going to work early in the morning. So, try to open your shop at 8 am in the morning and close it at around 10.30 to 11 pm. The closing time for your business may also depend on its location and permission from authorities.

Supplies and Equipment: You cannot run your coffee shop without these two elements. Reach out to coffee wholesale suppliers. They may offer you fine-quality coffee at reasonable prices. Also, use your friend circle or groups on social media to look for people selling slightly used coffee shop equipment. It would be a good way to save some money.

Deciding the Menu: Come up with an interesting coffee shop menu. Offer different types of freshly brewed coffee, such as Espresso, Mocha, Cappuccino, Latte, Cold Coffee, etc. Also, add an interesting variety of sides to your menu like doughnuts, sandwiches, pastries, and cookies. Try to buy these confectionaries from a high-end bakery in bulk quantities. You can also collaborate with them to use their brand name. They may offer you their products in bulk quantities at wholesale rates. Make sure your menu is visible to people passing by. It is a good way to attract customers.

Market Your Coffee Shop: Once you have set up everything, your next goal is to grow your business. Use different types of conventional and online marketing tactics. You can also collaborate with food delivery companies like FoodPanda, Careem and Bykea. 

Coffee Shop Investment in Pakistan

Here’s a breakdown of the investment required for starting a coffee shop business in Pakistan.

You need to set aside a budget of up to 10 lacs for starting your venture. This amount covers your initial rental expenses, security, renovation/remodelling, equipment, advertising budget and backup plans, among other expenses. 

For a more detailed breakdown, refer to the table below:

Print-On-Demand T-Shirts

sell customized t shirts

If you are looking for a low-cost startup idea in 2023, then get started with the print-on-demand t-shirt business. It is another form of dropshipping business model. However, in this business, your focus should be on customizing products as per your customers’ requests. 

Along with t-shirts, you can also sell caps, smartphone cases, hoodies, tote bags, and other types of accessories. Using memes and witty slogans on your products would be a good way to attract new customers, especially teenagers.

How to Start Your Print-On-Demand T-Shirt Business in Pakistan

  • First of all, you’ll need a graphic designer. If your design skills are good, you wouldn’t need one. Otherwise, you’d need to hire one. Check for platforms like Fiverr, Upwork and LinkedIn.
  • Buy plain t-shirts in bulk quantities. It would be cheaper and result in more profit. 
  • Make sure the fabric of your t-shirts is good. It is important for your brand’s credibility.
  • Use platforms like Facebook, Instagram and other online marketplaces to market and sell your products.

Fish Farming

According to a recent survey, fish farming is among the fast-growing food production segments in the world. As the name suggests, it is the process of breeding and raising marine animals commercially. Let’s show you how this business model works.

How to Start Fish Farming in Pakistan

  • Identify the right type of fish and other edible aquatic species.
  • Keep in mind the preferences and choices of your target market.
  • Dig a pond if you have soil around your home or arrange water containers.
  • Other equipment you’ll need include water pumps, fish graders, aeration devices, and water testing tools, among other things.
  • Also, keep in mind that seafood in Pakistan is best sold in winter, so harvest accordingly.

Urban Farming

urban farming business

Urban farming is a great low-investment business in Pakistan. You can set up an urban farm in your backyard, lawn or terrace or any other outdoor space. Once you’ve grown your own fruits and vegetables, you can eat them or sell them at a local store. With consistent farming habits, you can turn it into a profitable business, specializing in any particular local produce. 

How to Set Up an Urban Farm in Pakistan

  • Dedicate an outdoor space, which is properly landscaped and not infected with pests.
  • Use pesticides if necessary before setting up your organic garden.
  • Select fruits and vegetables for harvesting that can grow well in your region. 
  • Take urban farming workshops, if possible, to properly take care of your harvest.
  • Make sure to plant some flowers to attract pollinating bees that naturally improve the quality of your crops.

Poultry Farming

Counted among the most popular small business ideas in Pakistan, poultry farming is an integral part of our agriculture sector. It employs more than 1.5 million people in the country. A poultry farming business can be about chicken breeding/hatchery or meat production. However, setting up a hatchery business is more convenient than meat production. 

Poultry Farming Investment in Pakistan

A lot of sources on the internet quote that starting a poultry farm business in Pakistan requires a large investment. Well, we’d like to say otherwise in this regard. Don’t buy a large piece of land, it’s the most common mistake people make. Many investors assume starting big would yield more profit.

Everyone knows the volatility of the agricultural sector these days in terms of prices. It would be wise to begin your venture with a small investment. You can set up a small-scale hatchery business by investing PKR 100,000 at first. 

Once your operations are streamlined, your livestock is performing well and you are making profits, you can go for expanding it by putting in more capital. 

How to Start a Poultry Farming Business in Pakistan

  • Once you have decided on the capital and type of poultry farming business, you need to look for the necessary resources.
  • Set up a suitable environment for the animals where they’ll be living and breeding.
  • You’ll have to buy livestock and take care of their feed. Get in touch with people who already own and run a poultry farm to get useful and practical advice. 
  • Make sure to get your chickens vaccinated to protect them from seasonal viruses and diseases. Don’t invest in low-cost and untrusted doses of vaccination, they may be harmful to your animals. 
  • Keep a regular check on the health of your chickens. They may easily get sick because of the changing weather conditions and pass on germs virally to other animals. Don’t hesitate and call a vet immediately if need be.
  • Also, it is crucial to maintain ideal temperatures if you want your livestock to thrive.

Beauty Salon

salon business idea

Setting up a beauty salon requires more capital than many other startup ideas in Pakistan. To make your salon business a profitable stream of income, you should have good beautician and communication skills. Hire experienced staff members. Train them, if necessary. Depending on your PR, you can also ask online influencers and internet celebrities to market your salon. In return, you can offer them free services.

Things You Need to Set Up a Beauty Salon

  • The very first thing you need is a work permit and authorization from the local authorities for opening up a salon.
  • Start with a few basic services if you have a limited budget. 
  • Once your business starts getting customers, you can then expand your service menu to attract a wider audience.
  • Do a survey of other salon businesses in your area and make sure to offer services at competitive rates.
  • Have interior arrangements and invest in the right salon equipment.
  • Distribute pamphlets and brochures, and use social media to market your business.

Publish an E-boo k

If you have good creative writing and research skills, you can use them to publish your very own eBook. It is far easier and cheaper than publishing a physical copy. It is also among the best online business ideas in Pakistan. 

E-Books are now a part of a rapidly growing industry where people are making a lot of money. You’ll come across a large audience of avid readers who prefer digital publications because they are cheaper and more easily accessible. 

The reason we have included eBook publication in small business ideas in Pakistan is pretty obvious. The production and distribution costs of ebooks are quite lower than the physical ones. So, it is an easy place for aspiring writers to get started.

As an ebook writer, you can use tools like Visme, Jasper AI and Canva to begin your venture. Most of these tools offer free basic plans to help you start things off. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to publish and distribute your eBook. 

How to Publish Your E-Book in Pakistan

E-book publishing has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry. You can also benefit from it while living in Pakistan. The process is very simple and elaborated below:

  • First of all, select your niche and identify your target audience.
  • Pick a topic (either fiction or non-fiction) that’ll help your book stand out.
  • Take as much time as you need to write and edit your book. Make sure you’re giving out your best.
  • While putting it up on Amazon, Daraz or other similar online marketplaces, write a description that catches the attention of online users. It’s not like you’re summarising your book, instead, you give your prospective readers a reason to buy it.
  • Make sure to upload a nice cover for your eBook. No matter what, people will always be judging a book by its cover.
  • If your book gets successful, you can earn up to $1000 per month.

Offer Online Courses

online tutoring business

Do you have skills and expertise in any particular field? If yes, then all you need is online tutoring skills to start earning money. You can use platforms like Skype, Google Meets or any other similar live chat portals to offer online classes. For notes and other course materials, you can create files in PDF format. 

How to Start Online Tutoring Business in Pakistan

  • The best part about online tutoring is that you don’t need any particular degree or level of education. 
  • Use word of mouth, social media groups, paid online marketing and classified ads to promote your business.
  • Make sure the knowledge you are conveying is actually helping people.
  • It would be good to become an affiliate of a recognised university or an online education platform.
  • Giving certifications and accreditation will increase the level of credibility of your tutoring business.

Graphic Designing

With some knowledge of art and the internet, you can easily learn graphic designing. There are many free and paid courses available these days. For free courses, you can simply check YouTube. Channels like GFXMentor would be a great source of learning for you.

On the other hand, with paid courses, you can easily get certifications upon completion. It would be a plus, but you need to have really good skills. Once you have attracted a few clients, you can turn it into a fully-fledged business by hiring more resources. It is one of the best online business ideas in Pakistan with a small investment.

To upload your portfolio online, you can use world-famous platforms like Behance and Dribble for free. Having a good portfolio would be a great way to start things for a graphic artist and designer.

E-commerce Website

e-commerce business

Do you want to run your own store but don’t have the resources and budget to set it up physically? Don’t worry. Everything is possible in the online world. There are many e-commerce websites nowadays that are earning well. You can set it up too. 

The only major investment in the entire business model would be the creation of a website. However, you can manage your stock in the later phase as per the demand.

How to Start an E-commerce Business in Pakistan

  • The process is very simple. Create a website using the most popular e-commerce web development platforms, such as WooCommerce, Shopify, etc. 
  • You can either focus on single or multiple categories of products on your website. It would certainly impact the business model of your business.
  • There are many courier companies or ride-sharing companies that can be contacted to arrange deliveries.
  • To market your business, you can use brochures, online ads, Facebook groups and other social media platforms. The way you promote your e-commerce website depends on the nature of your business. 

It is another great online business idea for people with good writing skills. There are many different online blogging platforms like or Google’s Blogger. Using such online portals will help you get started for free. Many bloggers these days are using affiliate marketing tactics to earn money. 

Useful Tips to Start Blogging 

  • The aforementioned free blogging platforms will help you create a blog and get started.
  • You need to focus on your niche and come up with enticing topics to attract the online audience.
  • Knowledge of search engine optimization and marketing is very important for a blogger.
  • Once you have pulled enough readers, dedicated followers and subscribers, you can start focusing on affiliate marketing.
  • A successful blogger can earn anywhere between $1000-2000 a month. 

Vlogging is another form of blogging. The only difference is that you’ll be using videos instead of text to reach out to your desired audience. Vlogging needs more skills and effort. You need to be good at making video scripts, capturing videos and editing them later. The more interesting your video is, the more it’ll attract viewers.

The most popular platform used by vloggers today is YouTube. It is free to use and you can post any content you want, in line with YouTube policies for published content. Make sure not to copy videos from other channels or repost them. The last thing you would want on your YouTube channel is a copyright strike. If your channel is running successfully on YouTube, you can earn between $750-1500 a month. 

Food catering is also one of the most popular business models in Pakistan. The main thing that works in the catering business is public relations. You can start by serving in private gatherings and small events. 

Once your venture has established a good reputation, you can extend your services to catering corporate parties and popular events. To market your business, you can use platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Word of mouth would also make a big difference in terms of promoting your catering services.

How to Start Catering Business in Pakistan

  • You need to have cooking and communication expertise to start a catering business. 
  • Along with these basic skills, you also need a space for your setup. A kitchen, an office and probably a storage space would work.
  • You can also outsource different catering equipment, if need be.
  • It would be good to only make necessary investments at the beginning and try not to splurge.
  • If your catering services start getting famous, consider expanding to attract a wider audience.



Photography is probably the best business idea in Pakistan for people with photography and editing skills. This business also works best for those with good PR. However, you can always create and upload a portfolio on social media and relevant websites. This will help you showcase your work to your potential clients. 

How to Start Photography Business in Pakistan 

  • All you need is a good professional camera and the latest editing software. Due to such minimal requirements, it is considered one of the best small business ideas in Pakistan.
  • You can be a freelance photographer at the beginning. Once you have enough experience and a customer base, you can set up a studio.
  • A person with good photography skills and experience can earn up to PKR 60,000 a month. 

Don’t have a budget to open a restaurant? Fret not. You can go for the option of a food cart or a food truck. The most basic type of business model in this regard is a fries cart. However, in recent years, the concept of street food and food carts has become very popular. 

Food kiosks and trucks have become an important part of street culture around the world. Even in Pakistan, you’ll see them in popular markets and commercial districts of big cities like Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. So, setting up a food cart is a thriving business idea, if properly executed. 


freelancing in pakistan

Ever since the emergence of high-speed internet and mobile technologies, freelancing in Pakistan is booming. If you want to be a freelancer and work for your clients remotely, you should develop a certain set of skills. For example, you can be a writer, graphic designer, web developer or digital marketing expert. 

Now let’s talk facts about the freelance industry in Pakistan and its exponential growth. As a country of youth, Pakistan is rubbing shoulders with many other countries in terms of increasing global competition for remote workers. If we take a look at stats from FY 2021-22, the local remote working sector reportedly made a staggering $400 million dollars at an unprecedented growth rate. 

Considering the market’s rapid growth, freelancing is one of the best small business ideas in Pakistan. Want to start off your remote working journey on the right foot? Follow these steps. 

How to Start Freelancing Business in Pakistan

  • Focus on Your Expertise: Whether you are planning to freelance part-time or want to make it your full-time income stream, focus on your skills. Create and showcase the best of your work to your prospective clients as a writer, graphic designer, digital marketer or whatever expertise you have.
  • Pick Your Clients Wisely: As a freelancer, you’ll have the privilege to be your own boss. It also means that you’ll have the liberty to pick your clients. It would be great to start offering your services to someone you know or use credible resources to find work. Don’t hesitate in spreading the word in the circle of your friends and acquaintances to let people know about the services you are offering.
  • Create a Portfolio to Showcase Your Skills: Want to increase your client base in the freelancing industry? Create a portfolio that stands out. Journo Portfolio , WordPress , Canva , Behance and Adobe Portfolio are some of the free-to-use platforms for uploading your portfolio. You can also make use of LinkedIn, which allows you to link all your portfolios with your professional profile.
  • Be a Part of Popular Remote Working Websites: Set up an account on Fiverr, Freelancer, Upwork or any other popular freelancing platform. You’ll see plenty of jobs matching your skillset, but getting work on these remote working websites isn’t easy. Create a profile that sets you apart from other freelancers. Keep sending proposals on job postings. In the beginning, try to offer your services at the lowest possible yet justifiable rates.
  • Use Other Online Platforms to Get Work : There are other marketplaces and social media groups where freelancers in Pakistan can find work. For example, Facebook has multiple groups dedicated to writers, graphic designers and other types of online experts. Join them and pitch your profile to get work. 
  • Capitalise on Your LinkedIn Profile: Gone are the days of conventional CVs as now recruiters majorly use LinkedIn for headhunting. The same goes for finding remote workers and freelancers. If your employer doesn’t have any issue with it, you also turn on that “open to work” option on LinkedIn.
  • Have a Dedicated Workstation: Once you have properly transformed your freelancing skills into a steady source of income, think of setting up a dedicated workstation. It would allow you to be more productive with fewer distractions. You can set up a home office if you have enough space. On the other hand, if freelancing is your full-time job, you can consider renting a desk in dedicated co-working facilities like Daftarkhwan, The Hive, COLABS, and Kickstart, among others.
  • Set up a payment gateway : If you are working for a local client, you can easily use any digital wallet services or inter-bank transfers. On the other hand, if someone hires you from abroad, you may need to make an account on PayPal, a globally acclaimed payment merchant. No, it is not available in Pakistan, but there are some workarounds. Check out these tips to create and use a PayPal account in Pakistan and its popular alternatives .

Travel Agent

Are you passionate about travelling? Becoming a travel agent would be a great low-risk business idea for you. You can help people with ticketing processes, visa applications and tours. Having knowledge and expertise about travelling to different countries would be a major plus. 

Travel agencies in Pakistan also offer Haj and Umrah packages and guidance. You can also become an affiliate of an immigration consultancy. The scope of this business is pretty vast in the country.

How to Set Up a Travel Agency Business in Pakistan

  • To run a tourism business in Pakistan, you need to get a travel agency license first.
  • Once you are all set to open a travel agency legally, you need to focus on the list of services you will offer.
  • You can run your business alone but it would be great to have a collaborator. Like other public dealing businesses, the success of a tourism agency also greatly relies on PR.
  • Have an active social media presence and keep updating your audience with new pictures and videos of their desired destinations. 
  • Offer all-in-one travel packages at competitive prices to attract more customers, especially during peak tourism seasons.

Organic Beauty Products

organic beauty products business

If you have an interest in dermatology and skin care items, then selling organic beauty products would be an ideal side hustle for you. To start off as an organic skincare entrepreneur on the right foot, make sure to do your research thoroughly. Learn about the skincare and dermatological problems of your target audience, so you can offer them products accordingly.

It is important for you to hone your organic formulation skills. Do product testing to find out more about their potential outcomes before offering them to your customer. To make your venture a success, spread the word. Try to grow your following on social media organically and via marketing. You can also collaborate with internet celebrities and influencers to promote your business. 

Set Up a Co-working Space

The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the world around us. It has significantly impacted our work-life balance. Remote working has become a common thing and many companies are now hiring employees who work for them remotely. 

This has made setting up a co-working space a pretty lucrative business idea in Pakistan. You can either buy or rent out a commercial unit to set up a co-working space. Even if you have a few spare workstations in your office, you can turn them into a co-working space. 

How to Open a Co-working Space in Pakistan

  • First of all, look for a suitable location to start your venture.
  • Come up with a fully-equipped setup, if there is enough space.
  • Have meeting rooms, conference halls, cubicles and separate offices.
  • Make sure to install a vending machine, water dispenser and coffee machine.
  • Including a separate cafeteria and a game room would be a plus.

Collect Antique Items

collect antique items

Many people have a passion for gathering antique handicrafts and artefacts and storing them as a collection. If you also have a similar passion, you can transform it into a profitable business. Antique collectibles may be worth a lot of money because they are a part of human history. 

You can buy or collect antique items and sell them to enthusiasts at higher prices. It is one of the most feasible low-cost business ideas in Pakistan. Once you have figured out a way to find the right items, you can also start an antique store. 

By selling a single unique artefact to the right buyer, you can easily make thousands of rupees. It could be a very lucrative business for people with the know-how of antiques. Use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to get the attention of a wider audience.

Online Clothing Store

Selling apparel is one of the most popular eCommerce niches. In fact, it is also among the best low-investment business ideas in Pakistan. Depending on your budget, you can create your own label or go selling items from other popular clothing brands. 

There is also an ever-growing demand for used imported clothes or export items that are rejected due to minor defects. Make sure to pick only the products that are in good shape. Take examples of brands like and Export Leftovers (shortened as Elo). Places like Lunda Bazaar (Light House Market) and Shershah Godowns in Karachi are where you can easily find imported clothing items and accessories in bulk at wholesale rates. 

Here are some of the basics you should know before setting up your online clothing business.

How to Start Online Clothing Business in Pakistan

  • Before starting your business, it’s a great step to carry out a competitive analysis of your target market.
  • Select the target audience for your business. You can sell menswear, womenswear or unisex clothing items and accessories. 
  • Also, instead of investing in a website, first set up your store on free-to-use platforms like Facebook and Instagram to analyse the response from your target market.
  • To grow your business, offer discounts and promotions on the launch of your store or while introducing a new product.
  • If you are selling items from other clothing brands, make sure you have obtained their consent.
  • Make it easy for your customers to connect with you. Use the messaging platforms of Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp to connect with your customers.
  • Offer refund and exchange policies for valid reasons to increase the credibility of your store.

Sell Mobile Accessories

mobile accessories business

Moblie accessories are among the most selling items on the internet these days. To set up an online mobile accessory store, no hefty investment is required. You can sell them on different marketplaces like the ones available on and Make sure the accessories you are selling at your store are in demand if you want to generate profit. 

How to Start Online Mobile Accessory Business in Pakistan

  • With just a few accessories and a free online marketplace, you can start your venture and test things out. It is one of the best online business ideas in Pakistan with small investment.
  • Don’t limit the availability of your products to one platform. Put them on OLX and Facebook marketplaces simultaneously and also create a Facebook page under your brand’s name.
  • Pick a catchy brand and logo along with a tagline to highlight your business among netizens.
  • Once your business has enough customer base, you can start expanding your product offerings. Include gadgets along with accessories.

Set up a Co-living Space

With constantly increasing property rents, the concept of co-living spaces is also on the rise in Pakistan. These accommodations are ideal for students, expats and working professionals. Co-living spaces usually offer separate and shared accommodations. An ideal co-living space should include all basic facilities.

To set up a co-living space, find a property located in business centres and commercial districts. Such areas usually have educational institutions and corporate enclaves, which means more potential walk-in customers. For the convenience of the residents, you can also offer add-on amenities like a WiFi connection, activity area, gymnasium, etc.

Car Pooling

car pooling business

When your car is a 5- or  7-seater vehicle, why go to the office alone? Why not start generating profit from your driving skills? In this era of mobile devices, carpooling has become more convenient than ever before. 

Amid rising inflation, fuel saving has become crucial and carpooling is the best way to do it, not for you but also for others around you. You can also start a pick-and-drop service if you have spare time, helping people with their commuting needs. It would be a good source of a second income.

How to Start Car Pooling Business in Pakistan

  • Start by spreading the word in your social circle that you want to carpool.
  • It would be good to offer your services to people who share the same route.
  • Decide on rates that you want to charge every individual sharing a ride with you.
  • Sign up on famous ride-hailing apps if you want to earn more or start a pick-and-drop service.
  • Car pooling/ride-sharing is a great low-investment business idea in Pakistan for people who have some spare time and good driving skills.

Become an Online Fitness Trainer/Instructor

If you know how to take care of your health and have a lean body, become a fitness trainer. Of course, it is that easy in today’s world. No, you won’t need to buy any physical space to offer your services, you can simply offer them online. Let’s find out how you can get to your goals and start earning money.

How to Become an Online Fitness Instructor

  • Set up an account on Instagram, Facebook or YouTube about your fitness services.
  • Upload live videos containing exercising, diet plan and tips to attract the audience.
  • As an online fitness coach, divide your services into free and paid memberships.
  • Restrict some of your core services and products to premium members.
  • Ask people to sign up for paid memberships to gain access to all of your services.
  • A successful online fitness trainer can earn up to $4,000 a month.

Vacation rentals

vacation rental

Ever wonder how to invest in a vacation property? You can not only use it for your own leisure but also make money from it, especially during the tourist season. Pick a suitable location for your investment property. You can even look for a summer home located in the northern areas of Pakistan.

Your vacation property near a famous tourism spot can generate a rental yield of up to 8%. It may also enjoy high real estate appreciation down the road. If your vacation rental business thrives, you can also consider diversifying your property portfolio.

How to Start Earning Money from Vacation Rentals in Pakistan

In today’s world, the biggest source for reaching out to people is the internet. With the availability of world-leading platforms like and Airbnb in Pakistan , you can easily list your vacation property to attract renters. 

How to List Your Vacation Property on Airbnb in Pakistan

Here’s how to list your vacation property on

  • Access the OLX app on your mobile phone.
  • Click on the sell button with a plus icon
  • Select the category of your ad. You’ll need to click on the “property for rent” option.
  • Select “Vacation Rentals – Guest Houses” from the list.
  • You can upload up to 12 photos in your ad. The more photos you upload, the more prominent your vacation property will become to ad viewers.
  • Provide all the required information about your property in the given fields.
  • Set a justifiable rental rate for your vacation property and post your ad. 
  • Your ad will go live in a matter of minutes and you’ll get an email notification.

The process of creating a listing on Airbnb involves a few steps elaborated below.

  • Visit and create an account. Sign-up with your details using a pop-up window. You can use your Gmail or Facebook account to sign-up.
  • To create a listing, fill out the basic descriptions of your property, such as address and in-house and nearby amenities.
  • There is a list of questions that you may have to answer while listing your vacation rentals on Airbnb. 
  • While filling out the details, you also have to specify if your property is a home, hotel or shared accommodation.
  • Your property location and its verification on the map are also a part of the process.
  • If your offered rental space has facilities like a swimming pool, gym, and laundry area, among other things, don’t forget to mention them.
  • Put up a few good photos of your vacation property. While taking photos, focus on bedrooms, bathrooms, outdoor space, and other prominent features.

Sell Handicrafts

handicraft business

If you have carving, beading or calligraphy skills, you can earn money from them by selling your handicrafts. Handicrafts of Pakistan are famous all around the world. To start your handicraft business, you don’t have to set up a shop or something like that. Instead, you can simply start from an e-commerce platform.

How to Sell Handicrafts Online in Pakistan

  • Start by listing your products on online marketplaces like OLX and Facebook.
  • Keeping in view the response of your customers, you can also set up an e-commerce website.
  • You can also list your products on Amazon for international exposure.
  • Upload high-quality photos to highlight your products in front of your potential customers.
  • If you are selling a variety of products, divide them in categories.
  • Come up with a unique brand name for your online setup.

Babysitting Services

If you can take good care of infants, toddlers and young children, you can start offering babysitting services. You need to spread the word about the services you offer among your contacts or social circle. 

While taking care of the little ones, you can also offer them tutoring services and charge for them separately. It would be a good side hustle, especially for students to take care of their basic expenses. Nannies and babysitters in Pakistan usually earn around PKR 35,000 a month on average.

Yoga classes

Woman meditating during yoga class

People who are good at self-care, self-regulation and meditation skills can easily start offering yoga classes. It is among the most popular low-investment business ideas in Pakistan for students and young professionals alike.

You don’t have to quit your day job to offer yoga classes. Instead, you can set your schedule in the after-hours or early in the morning. Don’t have a budget to set up a studio? Fret not. You can easily start your wellness venture online on YouTube, Facebook or any other free online broadcasting media.

How to Start Yoga Classes

  • Yoga classes can be offered in a spare room, terrace or any other outdoor space in your home. 
  • If you are short on space, you can simply offer your classes online.
  • Tell your family, friends and other people in your community about your new wellness venture.
  • Use different social media platforms and groups to spread the word.
  • Make sure to offer demo classes to let people know about the benefits of signing up for your services.
  • Having an online audience means you can easily expand your reach to an international audience.

Virtual Event Planner

If you have good organisation, networking and management skills, you can utilise them in event management. Yes, event management can now also be done virtually, thanks in part to advanced technology. 

After the Covid-19 pandemic, hosting events online has become pretty common around the world. Virtual event planners manage webinars, online conferences, virtual trade shows, podcasts, and other similar events. Successful virtual event management can let you earn up to $1,000 a week.

Become a Real Estate Agent

Become a real estate agent

Becoming a real estate agent is also a lucrative business idea in Pakistan with small investment. You can either set up an agency or offer your services individually. However, the best way to multiply your income as a real estate agent in Pakistan is by becoming a Zameen Affiliate.

By marketing high-end projects, you’ll get a chance to diversify your portfolio. Associated with Pakistan’s No.1 property website, Zameen Affiliates have the opportunity to represent top-notch investment opportunities. Currently, 34,000+ affiliates around the world are using the Propforce website and application and are earning hefty commissions.

How to Become a Real Estate Agent in Pakistan

  • Depending on your scope and planning, you can either open an agency or become an independent real estate agent.
  • Sign up for the Zameen Affiliate Programme to reach a wider audience as an agent.
  • You can easily visit the Propforce website or download the app to get started.
  • Zameen Affiliates’ earnings are based on commissions that may vary from project to project.
  • On the basis of the frequency of work, real estate agents can more than PKR 100,000 a month.

Local Grocery Store

Setting up a local grocery store is also among the most popular cheap business ideas in Pakistan. You need to have basic accountancy and public dealing skills to manage a shop. You can either buy a shop or look for a rental space for your business.

If you are going for a larger setup, look for a location with high foot traffic. You can also offer your products on online marketplaces. It will allow you to have more than one stream of revenue for your business. Also, try to offer free delivery on large orders to facilitate your customers.

Retail Kiosk at a Shopping Mall

mall kiosk

Want to start a retail setup on a small scale but looking for high exposure? Consider setting up a kiosk in a shopping mall or a commercial centre. Such places have a high footfall usually all year round. Investing in a kiosk or a cart is usually cheaper than buying or renting an entire retail outlet. You can start selling anything you want or have expertise in. For example, handicrafts, antique items, clothing items, mobile accessories, etc. 

How to Set Up a Mall Kiosk

  • The very first step is about deciding what to sell.
  • Locate a mall where you can set up your kiosk
  • The next step is to pitch your business idea to the mall management.
  • It would be a wise idea to start small and expand once you start getting a good response.
  • Come up with a brand identity and market your business online.

Logistics Company 

Long gone are the days when you have to put in a heavy investment to start your own logistics company. With the presence of the latest technology, you can start your shipment business with limited resources.

There are many e-commerce ventures these days that rely on delivery services to keep their operations running. You can reach out to them and tell them about your business. Make sure to offer special discounts and promotions when starting your business.

How to Set Up a Logistics Business in Pakistan

  • For setting up a logistics company, you need to get a dedicated contact number, probably with a PABX system.
  • Create a website and a mobile application to facilitate your customers.
  • It would be ideal for your website and mobile app to have a shipment tracking mechanism.
  • Get in touch with an insurance company to offer insured services to customers.
  • Hire a fleet of experienced drivers/riders.
  • You can manage your operations remotely but having an office would be a plus.
  • Having a physical presence would also increase the credibility of your logistics company.

Website and App Development

The scope of website and app development is increasing day by day. In fact, it has become one of the most thriving business ideas in Pakistan. Many tech enthusiasts are earning well by offering these services on-site or remotely. 

Learning such skills is not easy because the competition is high. However, if you have a passion to learn and improve, you could get a hang of things with time. For people having the right skills and experience, the field is very lucrative. A running website and app development business can earn thousands of dollars a month.

There you have it — our comprehensive guide on 39 low-cost business ideas in Pakistan.

For more informative lifestyle and property pieces, stay tuned to Zameen Blog. If you have any queries or feedback, reach out to us at [email protected] .

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Remembering Bob Woolmer: a story of immortal friendship

It wasn’t just another Saint Patrick’s Day. On a gloomy afternoon in Kingston, Jamaica, the Ireland cricket team did the unthinkable — they not only beat Pakistan but also knocked out them of the ODI World Cup in the Caribbean.

Except for the sombre Pakistan team and fans, the rest of the cricketing fraternity was jubilant as most people are after an underdog’s triumph.

Bob Woolmer and Inzamamul Haq chat after Pakistan’s shock defeat against Ireland, Jamaica, March 17, 2007.—AFP/File

On that day and night of mixed feelings, the Pakistan team’s head coach at the time was found dead in his hotel room in Jamaica, just a few hours after facing a shocking defeat against Ireland by 3 wickets.

It’s been seventeen years since Bob Woolmer left this world, but Kobus Olivier still feels the lingering pain of losing his mentor and friend.

“I will never forget that. It knocked me off my feet. I was in a state of shock for quite a few days,” Olivier said.

Olivier is a cricket nomad from South Africa — after hanging his boots as a player he worked as a teacher and coach in different parts of the world including Kenya, the Netherlands, Dubai, and Ukraine.

When war broke out between Russia and Ukraine, Olivier had to flee Kyiv with his four dogs and currently, he’s based in Zagreb, Croatia.

Some bonds are immortal — ‘Bob’ and ‘Kobus’ had one such fellowship.

Pakistan team members at a memorial service for Bob Woolmer in Kingston Jamaica, March 21, 2007.—AFP/File

Olivier was incredibly close to Woolmer.

“I was in Cape Town at that time. I was in my office at the University of Cape Town when calls started coming through. It was all over the headlines that Bob had passed away in the West Indies. It was terrible. It was just an unreal feeling,” Olivier said.

“A couple of days after his death I spoke to Garry Kirsten, Daryll Cullinan and Jonty Rhodes; they were all in absolute shock,” he said.

“I thought afterwards, probably that’s how Bob would’ve liked to go. I can’t see him an old pensioner sitting in the garden, he passed away doing what he loved most in his life,” he added.

Woolmer and Olivier had a very special friendship that went back many years.

Olivier was ten years old when Woolmer first came to South Africa as a young Kent 2nd XI player to gain experience.

As a young pro, he visited South Africa to coach during the off-season in England and also went to Olivier’s school in Johannesburg.

Bob Woolmer shakes hands with Mohammad Asif.—AFP

“I will never forget that, we were at a cricket practice at our Auckland Park Primary School when Bob came to coach our teacher. He was wearing cricket whites and a Kent 2nd XI sweater with the Kent horse at the front and underneath the horse, there was a tree which later on I came to know that it represented 2nd XI. Bob had a Gray-Nicolls kit,” Olivier said.

“I had never seen Gray-Nicolls before — the guys I used to see wore County pads and Zenith gloves. It was the first time that I saw all matching Gray-Nicolls kit,” he said.

It wasn’t just the kit that had an impression on Olivier; Woolmer also had a Kent cricket coffin with a Kent horse printed on it as well.

“It had wheels and he was pulling it that made such an impression on me, it was incredibly impressive for a 10-year-old boy,” he said.

Woolmer coached for a season and he used to visit the school nets in the afternoon.

“I was hanging on his lips and that’s when I decided to become a professional cricketer one day, it became my dream. The other kids wanted to be firemen and policemen, but I used to tell all my friends that I wanted to become a cricketer.”

Years later Olivier was at the Stellenbosch University, playing in their 2nd XI and rubbing shoulders with the likes of Pieter Kirsten, Garth Le Roux, Eddy Barlow and Kepler Wessels who played for the same university.

Bob Woolmer is surrounded by Yasir Hameed, Shoaib Akhtar and Shahid Afridi ahead of the first Test against Australia, Perth, December 15, 2004.—AFP/File

“Out of the blue, one day I got a call from Bob,” he recalled.

“He got my number from the university. He was retired but still played club cricket for Avendale at one of the townships,” he added.

At the time Woolmer was doing development work with coloured kids and he used to get overseas players every season, mostly Kent players including Mark Benson, and Alan Igglesden to play for the multi-racial club Avendale.

“He phoned me and asked me if I could play for Avendale Cricket Club. He gave me the opening position in the premier league and said it is better than 2nd XI so I joined the club and opened the batting with Bob,” Olivier said.

“It was a wonderful experience, we talked about the days he coached me at the Auckland Park Primary School and now we were opening the batting together at club level,” he said.

“It was quite funny, I have the utmost respect for him and always called him Sir when we were running between the wickets and I would say ‘yes sir’, he said: [Stop calling me ‘sir’, just say ‘yes Bob, no Bob’] but it was so instilled in me,” he added.

Olivier believes that Bob Woolmer and Eddie Barlow had an immense influence on his humble cricket career, especially ‘Bob’ who had a huge impact on his development as a cricketer.

Woolmer chats with Inzamam during Pakistan training ahead of the one-day series. Lahore, December 8, 2005.—AFP/File

“I was only good in one thing in my life: I could play cricket and Bob’s coaching made all the difference.”

Woolmer lived in Pinelands in the suburbs of Cape Town with his son and wife. Olivier often used to visit his house.

“His study was full of cricket books and memorabilia,” Olivier recalled.

“We had a little plan to start a business together. He said the future of cricket is in T20. At the time, the format had just started and a few of the counties were playing T20 warm-up games,” he said.

“Bob had the vision and said that’s where the money’s going to be, women and children will come and watch. Bob predicted all that long ago before other people,” he said.

Woolmer was interested in organising pre-season warm-up games for English counties in Cape Town, the weather was perfect, the facilities were good — two ovals with floodlights, and not to mention he had connections in Warwickshire and Kent counties.

He planned to bring a few county teams there for ten days and play two games in a day.

“One day he called me and said: ‘Come to my house we need to talk.’ He said: ‘We have to shelve the idea because I’ve just been appointed the national coach of Pakistan.’ I was one of the first people who he told that. He had about two weeks to get himself over to Pakistan.

Bob Woolmer shares a light moment with his new charges, July 2004.—AFP/File

“We kept in regular contact whenever Bob had a break and he was in Cape Town we would meet for a coffee or tea, sit and chat, he told me about the unbelievable talent in Pakistan cricket, and he said you’d go to a net session and they get some net bowlers into to ball to Pakistan Test batters,” he said.

“There would be one or two fast bowlers, some little leggie, and with a little bit of coaching, they could all go and play Test cricket,” he said.

“He said he has never seen a country with such raw talent as these young Pakistani cricketers. He couldn’t talk enough of the talent in Pakistan,” he said

“He had a huge impact on the South Africa cricket team,” he said.

Bob Woolmer, Shaun Pollock and Alan Dawson celebrate South Africa’s victory in the Commonwealth games, 1998.—AFP/File

“I’ve never met Pakistan players, but I believe he had the same impact on the Pakistan team as well. They always had great bowlers but in Bob’s time Pakistan batters flourished under his coaching.”

Woolmer did have an impact on Pakistan players including the likes of Younis Khan, Shoaib Akhtar, Mohammad Yousuf, Mushtaq Ahmed, and Inzamamul Haq.

Ask them about the best coach they’ve worked with and they will all say Bob Woolmer. And they have nothing but praise for him.

“He was not just a well-liked but a well-loved coach and a peoples’ person. Not one player he coached and didn’t touch his life. The players got really close to him and he wasn’t just a cricket coach for them,” he said.

Mohammad Sami and Bob Woolmer share a light moment in the swimming pool, Trinidad, March 7, 2007.—AFP

“He always inquired about if you had a problem at home, Bob would ask you what was wrong and he was like a father figure or an elder teacher. He had this personal relationship with all the players,” he said.

Woolmer was always busy with new theories and ways to do new things.

“He was always developing as a coach, even later in his life he was still developing as a coach. He was inventive, years ahead of his time. Bob stood out in a way because of his vision. He was years ahead of anyone else in cricket.”

In the 1999 World Cup in England, South Africa captain Hansie Cronje and fast bowler Allan Donald wore earpieces on the field in their opening game against India, but during the drinks break the match referee asked both players to remove them.

“That was just typical Bob,” he said.

“Cricket was his passion. I called him ‘Mr Cricket’. I know later on Michael Hussey and other guys were called by that name, but to me, Bob is Mr Cricket. He lived for cricket, whenever you talked to him, in seconds the conversation would go to cricket.

“When people took T20 for fun he told me that this is going to be the future of cricket. I listen to many modern-day coaches and I have a lot of respect for them, but Bob had so much more knowledge.

“He was at another level. He was like a walking cricket encyclopedia. You could ask him anything about cricket and he didn’t have to think, it just rolled off the tip of his tongue.

“You meet players and coaches; they come and go, but Bob is one you never forget. I see him as the best coach cricket ever had. Bob would’ve been the best T20 coach in the world.

“It suited his style of coaching, looking for new ways and new shots to score. If he was alive now, especially with T20 cricket and new innovations, this would’ve been so unbelievable for him to be involved right now.”

Bob Woolmer and Younis Khan shares a light moment during training.—AFP

“I do miss him,” Olivier said. And he’s not the only one.

The West Indies and USA are jointly hosting the T20I World Cup which starts on 2nd June and it will bring back some sad memories for cricket fans in Pakistan.

The author is a cricket journalist published in The Cricketer , Dawn , and BBC Sport among others.

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