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Tourism Essay: Topics, Writing Tips, & Essay Samples [2024]

Do you like traveling?

Adventures, meeting new people, and trying local foods are always exciting.

Tourism can be different, involving various purposes and characteristics. Besides just relaxing, you can travel on business, to improve your health or help the locals. Tourism has also changed significantly due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, we will discuss the types of traveling and think of how to write about them. You will find writing prompts for an essay on tourism, writing samples, and over 100 topics.

Let’s begin our journey!

📋 Tourism Essay Prompts

  • 🛫 137 Tourism Topics
  • ✍️ Tourism Essay Samples

Traveling might involve enjoying new sights, seeking career and educational opportunities, or pursuing other goals. There are countless reasons for people to travel.

Here are different types of tourism and their main features.

Essay on Tourism during Pandemic

Lockdowns and restrictions made it hard for many companies to provide their services successfully. The sphere of tourism experienced one of the biggest hits. In 2020, the number of tourists worldwide went down by 84%. You can discuss the changes and their effects in your paper. 

As a result, representatives of the field had to invent new rules. Rules should’ve protected the industry from the crash and made traveling safe. Some include obligatory vaccination or taking a COVID-test, limiting the number of people in a plane, and the requirement to wear face masks. You can discuss these precautions in your essay on tourism.

The number of tourist arrivals.

Niche Tourism Essay

Niche tourism is a definition of specific types of tourism that meet particular needs.

We will describe some examples of niche tourism below.

  • Leisure Tourism The primary goal of such travel is to rest and have fun. It might be your vacation or just a small break from daily life. Most of the things you do during leisure tourism is for pleasure.
  • Business Tourism It means you still work with or without getting paid for your trip. Traveling to meetings, conferences, or international events connected with your work are all examples of business tourism.
  • Wellness Tourism It is all about maintaining or enhancing your physical, mental, and social wellbeing. You can do it with sports, alternative medicine, healthy nutrition, meditation, and other activities.
  • Medical Tourism Mostly, the primary purpose of this travel is to get medical or dental procedures at a lower price. Also, some tourists might look for alternative medicine that is not legal in the United States.
  • Cultural Tourism Cultural tourism is about immersing in the culture of the place you visit. This might include local cuisine, traditions, features of a society, spiritual and historical heritage, arts, modern lifestyle, etc.
  • Ecotourism Ecotourism is sustainable traveling that includes taking care, observing, and preserving nature or local communities. It should minimize all the negative impacts on the environment and contain educational or interpretation features.

The picture provides six examples of niche tourism.

Tourism Seasonality Essay

Seasonal tourism means that some destinations are more attractive to tourists due to weather conditions or other factors during a particular season.

For example, most Mediterranean countries become popular destinations when the temperature is high enough to swim in the sea. Some places do not depend on the weather, but there are still more tourists during the summer and winter holidays.

Here are the matters you can discuss in your paper:

  • Employment of the locals.
  • Environmental impact of tourism.
  • Businesses and countries’ economies.
  • Peak seasons and their frequency.

Digital Nomadism Essay

Digital nomads are people who travel to various places and continue working remotely.

They choose extended stays instead of short trips and are not attached to any specific place. As more and more people select remote jobs during the pandemic, we will see more and more digital nomads over the years.

Space Tourism Essay

Space traveling is only an evolving industry with possible growth in the next decade. Blue Origin , owned by Amazon, and Virgin Galactic have already launched multiple private suborbital flights.

Describe the economic, scientific, and other benefits of space travel. Discuss the prospects, opportunities, and risks of the industry.

🛫 137 Tourism Essay Topics

Take a look at our selection of topics on all types of travel:

  • What is the place of your dream? Explain your motivation.
  • Contemporary tourism business growth in the UAE.
  • Describe your best traveling experience.
  • Forecasting Taiwan’s medical tourism.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of traveling alone.
  • The intercontinental hotels group: hospitality management.
  • What dangers might you face due to cultural differences as a tourist?
  • How would your life be different without traveling?
  • Hotel industry performance & environmental consciousness.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of traveling with family.
  • What popular destinations are overrated? Explain your position and include your experience.
  • Radisson Blu hotel quality management.
  • What should people do to become a part of sustainable tourism?
  • Is there any difference between a traveler and a tourist?
  • Paris major tourist attractions: artwork, architecture, sceneries.
  • What are the ways for the traveling industry to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Obscuro business in the tourism market.
  • What do you need to know if you travel to Africa for the first time?
  • Customer service department management on the example of Etihad Airways.
  • How to spend less money without losing your comfort while traveling?
  • WeChat e-marketing tool prospects in the tourism industry.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling in a van?
  • How to plan your time wisely on a short trip?
  • International hospitality development: how do hotels and restaurants use marketing principles?
  • What are the pros and cons of tourism for the environment?
  • The prospect and constraint of ecotourism in Malaysia.
  • Why is tourism important for the world economy?
  • Branding Abu Dhabi as a tourist destination.
  • What European countries depend on tourism the most?
  • Airline industry and customer satisfaction: how to deliver quality service?
  • Would you rather spend on clothes or on traveling?
  • What are the most critical factors that define a good traveling experience?
  • Restaurant review on a business trip.
  • The most well-known destinations for medical tourists from the United States.
  • The international tourism hotel for elderly service: Internal marketing practices.
  • Why do you travel? Describe your goals and motivation.
  • What are the things you need to consider when choosing a traveling destination?
  • Studying abroad: how to maintain a good environment between domestic and international students?
  • How can you use your traveling experiences in daily life?
  • Total logistics costs and strategic planning in tourism.
  • What is the essential life lesson traveling has taught you?
  • Descriptive analysis of Pacific Palms Hotel, Los Angeles.
  • What kind of traveling suits you the best and why?
  • The role of gastronomy in tourism development.
  • How to survive jet lag and recover after a long flight?
  • As an ecotourist, what place would you choose to visit?
  • Comparative analysis of two vacation destinations: Dubai and Cape Town.
  • How did digitalization change our traveling experiences?
  • What are the possible outcomes of time traveling?
  • Effects of ecotourism on Eskimos in Canada.
  • Is space-traveling a safe experience for ordinary people?
  • The impact of social media on the tourism industry.
  • What role does traveling play in your life?
  • What are three things essential for all tourists?
  • Emirates Airlines: operations and high quality of one of the most luxurious airlines.
  • Describe the worst experience you had while traveling.
  • Empowering leadership practices and job satisfaction in tourism.
  • If time travel was possible, what epoch would you choose to visit?
  • Tourists’ trends in the Albaha region in Saudi Arabia.
  • What is your favorite transport for traveling and why?
  • Comparison of all-inclusive hotels in Turkey and Greece.
  • Internal marketing practices of the international tourism hotel for elderly service.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of seasonal tourism?
  • Human resource management in the Saudi tourism sector.
  • If a tourist wants to see your town, what would you recommend them to do?
  • Sustainability and responsible tourism in Dubai.
  • The positive and negative effects of traveling on the human mind.
  • Abu Dhabi’s brand as a tourists’ destination.
  • How are traveling experiences different for adults and children?
  • Tell about the traveling experience you will never forget.
  • Strategies employed by Fairmont Mayakoba Riviera Maya Resort management.
  • What do you need to know to make traveling easier?
  • Medical tourism in Tunisia and Morocco.
  • How does knowing foreign languages help while traveling?
  • The positive and negative effects of tourism for a country.
  • How do airlines satisfy customers? Emirates Airlines case study.
  • What is the riskiest thing you have done while traveling?
  • Terrorism effects on tourism in the United Kingdom.
  • How has world tourism changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • What do you feel when you get home after traveling?
  • The influence of globalization on tourism in France.
  • Describe the longest journey that you made while traveling.
  • Concepts of tourism in the UAE.
  • How to make your traveling less harmful to nature?
  • Why do people tend to spend more money while traveling?
  • Human resource management as a core success factor in airlines industry.
  • What are the famous tourist destinations that you would not like to visit?
  • The Hong Kong tourism industry.
  • Describe your first traveling experience in a foreign country.
  • Location planning for tourist attractions.
  • The evolution of tourism as an industry.
  • Innovations in the tourism sector: hospitality management.
  • How does seasonal tourism affect the economy of a country?
  • How does hospitality differ in different cultures?
  • Intercultural communication and staff in tourism.
  • Are low-cost airlines harmful to the environment?
  • H1N1 in the elderly and its impact on the tourism industry.
  • The reasons why traveling is always a good topic for discussion.
  • What are the easiest ways to save money while traveling?
  • The UAE hotel industry: quality management strategies.
  • Is traveling a luxury or a natural need of a human?
  • What are the main dangers of traveling for a developing country?
  • Taiwan: Tourism industry for the elderly.
  • What is the most exciting thing about traveling to you?
  • The typical types of tourists in the United States.
  • Environmental management in the hospitality industry.
  • Lifehacks for students: the things to need to know to travel smartly.
  • The reasons why you should study a country’s culture before you visit it.
  • Effects of tourism industry innovation on elderly care.
  • How to become a digital nomad and combine tourism and work?
  • The most exciting professions in the tourism industry.
  • American Airlines’ environment and strategies.
  • Top of the most useful mobile applications for tourists.
  • Indian and Hungarian medical tourism.
  • Do geography lessons help you in real life when you travel?
  • Innovations and changes in the hospitality industry.
  • What is the best traveling destination to heal your soul?
  • Emirates Airlines customer need analysis.
  • How do you see the future of the space tourism industry?
  • Would you like to work in tourism? Why or why not?
  • The sex tourism industry in Thailand.
  • How to know that you need to visit a new place?
  • Have you ever wanted to move to a place you’ve visited before?
  • The Ritz-Carlton Hotel quality management system.
  • Discuss the ecological effects of seasonality on seaside areas.
  • Influenza in the elderly and tourism demand in Asia.
  • What is the next place you want to see and why?
  • Would you like to try space traveling?
  • Medical tourism in Jordan and international competition.
  • What are the prevalent stereotypes about American tourists?
  • The potential for community-based ecotourism development.
  • Where would you like to go on your honeymoon?
  • If you had unlimited money and time, where would you go?
  • Causes and effects of employee turnover in hospitality industry.
  • Why do people want to travel to new places?
  • What precautions ensure your safety while traveling alone?
  • Health services and medical tourism in Taiwan .

✍️ Essay on Tourism – 2 Samples

And here are a couple of essay samples to get a general idea of the essay about tourism.

Tourism in Pakistan Essay

The British Backpacker Society marked Pakistan as the best adventure destination of 2018 . It might not be a prominent place for a vacation, but it is definitely worth attention. Pakistan is an attractive traveling destination for cultural tourism and nature lovers. While Pakistan’s potential in tourism is just developing, it is an excellent opportunity to visit a beautiful and not overcrowded place. Pakistan’s mountain ranges are rich with spectacular views, flora, and fauna. Various activities are available for tourists that will let you interact with nature. Everyone can find something to do depending on their preferences. You can choose from extreme sports such as mountain climbing and white water rafting or quiet time spending such as fishing and birdwatching. Located in South Asia, Pakistan is home to Indus Valley Civilization various dynasties. This country was part of several empires that made its cultural legacy unique. Pakistan is also a country where several UNESCO world heritage sites are located. Some of them are Historical Monuments at Makli, Thatta, Rohtas Fort and Taxila, Archaeological Ruins at Moenjodaro, and Buddhist Ruins of Takht-i-Bahi. Avoiding big crowds and long queues is one of the advantages of traveling to Pakistan. Enjoying virgin nature and seeing sights without any distractions is something that many tourists look for. This country is not on everyone’s bucket list. That is why your experience of visiting Pakistan becomes unique and sacred. Being among the firsts to discover something worthy is always a pleasure. Pakistan is a perfect traveling destination for those who like to explore nature and enrich their cultural knowledge. If you are a fan of unusual places and beautiful scenery, Pakistan will win your heart.
Space tourism might have sounded like a fantasy a couple of decades ago. While it is still not a cheap adventure, progress makes it more and more accessible to people. Space tourism has massive potential as a business and stimulus to scientific progress and new career opportunities. Virgin Galactic, Space X, Blue Origin, Orion Spain, and Boeing already offer commercial travel to space for recreational purposes. Each of them hopes to launch suborbital flights regularly, making it a profitable business. Virgin Galactic experienced growth in demand by 15% for suborbital flights in autumn 2021, selling a seat for $450,000. As we can see, space tourism is a promising and highly lucrative sphere. With such wealthy and innovative companies leading the market, there is no doubt that scientists will have more opportunities to conduct experiments in space . The central aspect of any space travel is power generation, making it so expensive. Space tourism might become more affordable with advancements and research on this issue. The development of space tourism also means that there will be new jobs and careers. Some of them might be completely new. Others might be like regular jobs but with adjustments and special training. For example, doctors, nurses, fitness trainers, or excursionists. These and many other professions will require special or additional education to function in space tourism successfully. Space tourism is a dream that has become a reality in the 21 st century. As for now, not so many people can afford it, but there will be more opportunities available with the development of the sphere. Rising demand stimulates the growth of companies offering space tours as well as the science and job market expansion.

Essays on tourism may seem too easy to write. However, until you have identified your topic, you cannot know how complicated is this task.

Use our free essay topic generator for more tourism essay ideas. Our expert team is also ready to help you with any kind of assignment 24/7 – feel free to contact us .

Now we wish you lots of inspiration and adventurous trips!

Tourism Essay for Students and Children

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500+ Words Essay on Tourism

Tourism Essay – Tourism is a major economic activity that has developed significantly over the years. It’s an activity that can be recognized in both developed and developing nations. In general terms, tourism is the movement of a person from one place to another to visit and mesmerize the beauty of that place or to have fun. Moreover, the concept of traveling is considered a luxury and only people with higher income can afford this luxury.

Tourism Essay

The Growth of Tourism

Earlier our ancestors used to travel by sea routes as it was a convenient and most affordable medium but it was time taking. Due to, technological advancement we can now easily travel to any place without wasting time we can travel thousands of miles within a few hours. Technological advancement has shrunk the earth into a global village. Besides, the modern modes are much safer than the modes that our predecessors used.

Effect of Tourism on a Country

For any country, tourism generates a lot of money especially a country like India. Due to the Taj Mahal (one of the seven wonders of the world) every year the government raise a huge sum of revenue. Also, because of tourism other industries also bloom. Such industries include transportation, wildlife, arts and entertainment, accommodation, etc.

Moreover, this ultimately leads to the creation of job and other opportunities in the area. But there are some drawbacks too which can affect the lifestyle and cultural value of the country.

Importance of Tourism

Traveling is a tiring and difficult thing and not everyone is able to travel. But at the same time, it’s a fun activity that takes your tiredness away. Travelling adds flavor to life as you travel to different places that have a different culture and lifestyle. Also, it’s an easy way to learn about the culture and tradition of a place. Besides, for many areas, tourism is their main source of income.

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India- A Tourist Attraction

The Taj Mahal is not the only destination in India that attract tourist. Likewise, there are hundreds of tourist destination that is spread over the Indian plateau. India has a large variety of Flora and Fauna. Besides, the equator divides the geographical land of India into almost two equal halves that make India a country where six seasons occurs.

Moreover, in almost every city of India, there is a historical monument made by the rulers in their time period.

Benefits of Tourism

Tourism not only benefits the government but also the people that live in the local area. It also creates a business as well as employment opportunities for the local people which ultimately help the government to earn income.

Benefits Due to Tourism

As we know that tourism contributes a lot to the revenue of the country. Also, the government uses this income for the growth and development of the country. Likewise, they construct dams, wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, Dharamshala and many more.

In conclusion, we can say that tourism is a very productive activity both for the tourist and the government. As they support each other simultaneously. Also, the government should consider improving the conditions of the country as more and more number of tourist visit their country.

Above all, tourism is one of the fastest-growing industry in the world that has changed the scenario of the world.

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Essay on Tourism

Students are often asked to write an essay on Tourism in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Tourism

Introduction to tourism.

Tourism is the act of traveling to places outside our usual environment. It’s a fun activity that allows us to explore new cultures, cuisines, and landscapes.

The Importance of Tourism

Tourism is vital as it boosts a country’s economy. When tourists visit, they spend money on accommodation, food, and attractions, supporting local businesses.

Types of Tourism

Tourism can be categorized into different types, like adventure tourism, eco-tourism, and cultural tourism. Each type offers unique experiences.

The Impact of Tourism

While tourism has economic benefits, it can also harm the environment if not managed properly. It’s essential to promote sustainable tourism.

250 Words Essay on Tourism


Tourism is a significant global industry, contributing to socio-economic growth and cultural exchange. It’s a complex phenomenon, encompassing a wide range of activities that facilitate human movement and interaction across different geographical locations.

The Economic Impact of Tourism

Tourism is a key driver of economic growth. It stimulates local economies by creating jobs, attracting investments, and fostering entrepreneurial activities. The multiplier effect of tourist spending can significantly impact the host community, generating income that can be reinvested in local infrastructure and services.

Social and Cultural Implications

Tourism also has profound social and cultural implications. It fosters understanding among different cultures, promotes peace, and enhances global cooperation. However, it can also lead to cultural erosion if not managed sustainably. The commodification of local cultures for tourist consumption can undermine their authenticity and integrity.

Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable tourism is a concept that balances the needs of tourists with those of the host community and the environment. It seeks to minimize the negative impacts of tourism while maximizing its benefits. This involves managing tourism in a way that respects local cultures, protects the environment, and promotes socio-economic development.

In conclusion, tourism is a double-edged sword. While it offers numerous economic and social benefits, it also poses significant challenges. As such, it’s crucial to adopt sustainable tourism practices to ensure the long-term viability of tourism destinations and the well-being of host communities.

500 Words Essay on Tourism

Tourism, a multifaceted industry, is an amalgamation of experiences, services, and activities that tourists engage in while traveling outside their usual environment. It is a crucial sector that contributes significantly to the global economy and cultural exchange, fostering mutual understanding among diverse cultures.

Tourism is an economic powerhouse, generating billions of dollars in revenue and creating millions of jobs worldwide. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, it contributed to 10.4% of the global GDP and supported 319 million jobs in 2018. The influx of foreign currency bolsters the host country’s economy, leading to infrastructure development, job creation, and increased local business opportunities.

Socio-cultural Impact of Tourism

Tourism also has a profound socio-cultural impact. It fosters cross-cultural understanding, promotes peace, and helps preserve local traditions and customs. Tourists learn about different cultures, traditions, and ways of life, leading to a broader perspective and better global understanding.

Environmental Impact of Tourism

However, tourism also has environmental implications. While it can lead to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage sites, irresponsible tourism can cause environmental degradation. Over-tourism and lack of proper waste management systems can lead to pollution, habitat destruction, and loss of biodiversity. Therefore, sustainable tourism practices are crucial for the preservation of our planet’s resources.

Future of Tourism

Role of technology in tourism.

Technology plays a pivotal role in the tourism industry. It has transformed the way we travel, making it more convenient and personalized. From online booking platforms to virtual reality tours, technology enhances the tourist experience and streamlines industry operations. Furthermore, technology aids in promoting sustainable tourism by providing data-driven insights to manage tourist footprints better.

Tourism is a dynamic and complex industry with far-reaching economic, socio-cultural, and environmental impacts. While it brings numerous benefits, it also presents challenges that need to be addressed responsibly. The future of tourism lies in sustainable practices and leveraging technology to enhance the tourist experience while preserving our planet’s resources. As global citizens, it is our shared responsibility to promote and practice responsible tourism for the benefit of our global community and future generations.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

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Tourism Essays

Process improvement proposal at joshua tree national park, sustainable eco-trip in portugal, strategic business plan for a tourism services startup: unlocking potential in the uk business and tourism management sector, empowering journeys: the benefits of solo female travel, from pilgrimage to tourist playground: analysing the diversification of the saudi arabia tourism sector, airbnb’s international expansion: a critical evaluation of growth strategies, must see in northern ireland., modern tourism at medieval historical sites, ecotourism in costa rica, an overview of the critiques of wellness from an equity-group perspective, sustainable seafood practices and their impact on tourism in the maritimes, world of dark tourism, the impact of tripadvisor’s pictorial reviews on consumer booking intention, impacts of covid-19 on tourism, identifying and managing risks for wilderness expeditions canada, essays on tourism.

Tourism is such a universal way for many countries to be able to generate revenues for themselves. There are actually some countries or areas out there that rely primarily on tourism. Tourism is such a huge deal because it’s a form of escapism for many.

It’s an event that people will do on their holidays and take time off to explore the unknown. It’s a way to integrate into a culture different from one’s own and experience it briefly. This rich experience is very fulfilling for many hence the mass popularity of this trade. There are also various types of tourism which can also be an essay topic.

You can simply go to a different destination and explore the cultural aspect or go for some fun and relaxation in a tropical paradise. There are also new types of tourism out there such as eco-tourism which is focused on still having a fantastic time but being a bit more mindful when it comes to the environment itself.

How do you actually write an essay on tourism?

There’s no shortage of topics, and you can choose from a style that’s informational, such as the different types of tourism, to a more business-oriented option, looking at the economics of tourism and how it is critical for some areas.

You can also examine how tourism continues to change, especially with recent events and how important technology has become in our daily lives. How will tourism change in the future or will it remain relatively the same? This is also a deep area to explore and examine.

As always with these types of essays it’s best to not make them opinionated. Make sure to stick to the facts out there. Also prepare as much as possible before the first word is written. Otherwise you’re going to end up veering off track very soon.

Here are a variety of essay topics to weigh up:

• What is Tourism? • The Economic Impact of Tourism • The Different Types of Tourism • The Challenges Facing the Tourism Industry • The Benefits of Tourism for Local Communities • The Challenges of Sustainable Tourism • The Future of Tourism

And if you are stuck and don’t know what to add to your paper, essay samples on this page may help you to solve this issue and complete your assignment receiving the desired result!

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Tourism: Current and Future Trends Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Tourism trends, importance of understanding demographic trends, opportunities and challenges, facility management, perspective.

The modern tourism and hospitality business is significantly being influenced by demography, and it is posited that it will characterize the future of the area. Current demographic patterns will influence the demand for tourism and the choice of the workforce, which will impact how the industry operates, is structured, and how it will develop in a sustainable manner.

Furthermore, the tourism sector has to know what, why, how, and when something will occur, the repercussions, and the strategies that should be employed to exploit the benefits and play down the risks that these changes will bring. Tourism is quickly gaining a global dimension as people have a higher purchasing power, allowing them to tour cross-border destinations.

The World Travel & Tourism Council report shows that there were one billion international tourists in 2012. It also found that the global tourism and travel industry earned $2.057 trillion in direct global contribution to the gross domestic product in the same year, and it is estimated that this figure will grow to $3.0 trillion in 2022 (Fuller, 2013).

The industry has as well shown remarkable growth in the United States, as it accounted for $438.6 billion of the gross domestic product in 2012, and expectations are that it will rise to $628.5 billion in 2023.

This growth is attributed to a considerable change in customer demographics with a rising population of baby boomers and middle-class segments who can afford to travel for leisure. Moreover, statistics show that Asians form a significant proportion of travelers in modern-day tourism.

These changes have necessitated the need to study trends in tourist demographics in order to anticipate a swing in client preferences and develop products that meet these tastes. This is a discussion of current and future trends of tourist demographics and the challenges and opportunities they present to the tourism industry.

Travel and leisure patterns have changed over the years in several ways. For example, international tourism is gaining popularity as people desire to see more than what their country has to offer.

Records show that most of the guests who visit the United States are from Western Europe and Asia as shown in 2007 documentations where, 45.6% of all the arrivals were from Western Europe, while 26.9% were from Far East Asia (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2007). Furthermore, it is reported that in the same year, the average age of male leisure travelers was 42 years while that of females was 38 years.

The proportion of visitors from Western Europe and Asia was 43.2% and 26.6% respectively in 2010, which illustrates that the number of European tourists fell while that of Asians rose over the three year period. In addition, the average age of male travelers was 42 years and that of females was 37 years (U.S. Department of Commerce, 2010).

The rise in the number of Asian guests is an indicator that these countries are significantly impacting the global tourism industry as countries like China and India record a strong middle class, which is estimated to be approximately 600 million people in 2015. Experts also predict that, by 2030, the middle-class population in China will have grown by about two billion people.

Indonesia also anticipates that about 60 million people will join this group in the next couple of years (Fuller, 2013). Consequently, it is believed that there will be a higher demand for leisure travel, as the middle class is considered a strong indicator of travel intent, ability, and desire.

Additionally, analysts argue that baby boomers will form a critical component of the tourism industry, as it is projected that they will have a higher disposable income, and will be more youthful and determined to travel than their predecessors (Boksberger, Sund, & Schuckert, 2009). The above statement is explained by the fact that it is estimated that this age group will own about 60% of the nation’s wealth in the United States by 2015.

In addition, they will account for 40% of total spending in the same period and it is assumed that they will spend a substantial amount of time traveling after retirement (Deloitte, 2010).

Though boomers are likely to catapult the travel sector, the younger populace aged between 20 and 50 years is also keen on traveling albeit on cheaper budgets. Moreover, players in the business should also focus on this market because it has shown a desire to tour and are flexible to participate in a range of fun activities.

It is apparent that demographic trends in the tourism industry in the United States and globally will change extensively in the next few years. This change means that service providers must develop product offerings that appeal to the changing clientele in order to attract repeat customers.

Consequently, it will be essential to understand the cultural differences that come with these changes and efforts made to ensure that visitors feel comfortable while on vacation.

Some of these efforts include sensitizing staff to tolerate the different cultures, offering meals from different parts of the world, and employing multi-lingual tour guides. Besides that, it is essential to make sure that the leisure activities provided are suitable for the diverse market segments. Additionally, it will be vital to develop sustainable strategies that help businesses attract and retain different groups.

The current and future demographic trends of travelers present several opportunities for the hospitality industry for players who can package the products to take advantage of the expectations of the different segments. For instance, senior tourists are likely to be thrilled by cruise- related activities because they are, quiet, and are less risky.

In contrast, generation x and y may be more inclined to engage in precarious and social activities such as excursions. It is also imperative to consider the changing factors such as more holiday periods, intention to combine leisure travel with work, shorter vacations, preference for a participatory vacation and discretionary tourism, among other factors.

Secondly, younger travelers have access to information, which influences their choice of destinations and activities. They have become sophisticated clients who want value for money so they are deemed to be experience-oriented rather than destination-oriented. There is an opportunity to transform the market by offering customized holidays and providing personalized services, allowing visitors to take on a more active role during their trips.

All this information can be posted online to make it easily accessible and where possible allow for electronic booking, which has become a favorite travel option for the tech-savvy.

The shift in tourism demographics also creates prospects for forging alliances to derive synergy from each other. For instance, the middle class and affluent travelers would prefer to have an airport and hotel transfer services rather than having to arrange their own transport. Moreover, they would like tour operators to plan their itinerary and they are willing to pay a premium to avoid the inconveniences that come with self-planning for a vacation.

This new demand requires players to work together to ensure they deliver top-notch services to create delight and attract repeat business and referrals.

Unfortunately, the demographic changes have a downside. For example, the surge in baby boomer population comes with additional costs as this age group may require special treatment because of its fragile nature.

As a result, service providers with limited resources may opt to steer away from this market, and miss out on the returns that it can generate. On the other hand, a swell in the number of international visitors means that firms have to invest heavily in hiring and training multicultural staff to increase customer satisfaction. Lastly, there may be a need to forge partnerships to derive synergy; however, it is not easy to do so with competitors.

The process of management of a hospitality facility has multiple layers and very complicated infrastructure. Like any other type of business tourist business is oriented towards the maximization of revenue potential. This is done through the representation of new branches and services to the facility and exploring the range of benefits and activities the facility can provide for the customers.

This is why the statistical knowledge of the needs of potential clients is crucial. The success of the facility management lies in the accurate monitoring of the kinds of tourists using the services of the facility and the modern cost policy.

Contemporary customers have access to the information, which influences their expectations of the quality of services distributed by the facilities; this is why training a qualified staff is an important part of the management success.

The modern world is tightly connected to the technologies and the Internet. This is why every contemporary hospitality facility has to be equipped with a powerful IT team and the best software needed to provide predictive management based on diagnostics and planning.

It is highly important to keep an eye on all the modern newly developed trends within the business and quickly adopt all the changes, because the potential customers are most likely to be interested in the most modern services, so their choices of the facilities will be based on their levels of preparation for the season and on their abilities to please even the most spoiled customers.

There are various types of people traveling, and they have various demands, yet the hospitality facilities have to offer certain types of services that will never stop being popular. Such services are good, comfortable and clean accommodations, diverse and fresh meals, and a broad range of beverages. These are the aspects of the facility management that need the most of attention.

The tourism and hospitality sector is growing at a remarkable rate locally and globally. Analysts attribute this growth to demographic changes such as a strong global middle class, a rise in the number of senior tourists, and a rise in the number of international travelers. This shift means that the sector needs to understand current patterns, anticipate future trends, and understand the opportunities and challenges that they present.

Nevertheless, the most important thing for tours and hotel operators is to formulate strategies and tactics that will grow their competitive advantage because only those that can foresee and plan for new trends will survive in the trade.

Boksberger, P., Sund, K., & Schuckert, M. (2009). Between Past, Present and Future – Implications of Socio-demographic Changes in Tourism, Trends and Issues in Global Tourism , 29-36. Web.

Deloitte. (2010). Hospitality 2015: Game Changers or Spectators ? 1-26. Web.

Fuller, E. (2013). Impact of the World’s Travel/Tourism Industry Adds Up To More Than A Walk On The Beach, Forbes . Web.

U.S Department of Commerce. (2007). Profile of Overseas Travelers to the United States: 2007 Inbound . Web.

U.S Department of Commerce. (2010). Profile of Overseas Travelers to the United States: 2010 Inbound . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, March 26). Tourism: Current and Future Trends. https://ivypanda.com/essays/tourism-current-and-future-trends/

"Tourism: Current and Future Trends." IvyPanda , 26 Mar. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/tourism-current-and-future-trends/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Tourism: Current and Future Trends'. 26 March.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Tourism: Current and Future Trends." March 26, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/tourism-current-and-future-trends/.

1. IvyPanda . "Tourism: Current and Future Trends." March 26, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/tourism-current-and-future-trends/.


IvyPanda . "Tourism: Current and Future Trends." March 26, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/tourism-current-and-future-trends/.

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