• Entry Level Cybersecurity Resume Example

Resume Examples

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  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
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Common Responsibilities Listed on Entry Level Cybersecurity Resumes:

  • Monitor and analyze network traffic for suspicious activity
  • Develop and implement security policies and procedures
  • Perform vulnerability scans and penetration tests
  • Monitor and respond to security incidents
  • Perform regular security audits
  • Implement security controls to protect systems and data
  • Configure and maintain firewalls and other security devices
  • Research and recommend security solutions
  • Train users on security policies and procedures
  • Monitor compliance with security policies
  • Develop and maintain security awareness programs
  • Investigate security breaches and recommend corrective actions

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Entry Level Cybersecurity Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented security awareness training program for 100+ employees, resulting in a 25% decrease in security incidents caused by human error.
  • Conducted regular security audits and vulnerability scans, identifying and addressing 50+ security vulnerabilities and reducing the risk of cyber attacks by 40%.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement security controls and configure firewalls, ensuring compliance with industry standards and protecting sensitive data.
  • Monitored and analyzed network traffic for suspicious activity, detecting and responding to 20+ security incidents and minimizing the impact of cyber attacks on the organization.
  • Researched and recommended security solutions, leading to the implementation of a new endpoint protection system and reducing the risk of malware infections by 50%.
  • Performed penetration tests on critical systems, identifying and addressing 10+ vulnerabilities and improving the overall security posture of the organization.
  • Investigated security breaches and recommended corrective actions, leading to the implementation of new security controls and reducing the risk of future incidents by 30%.
  • Developed and maintained security policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with industry standards and reducing the risk of regulatory fines by 25%.
  • Performed regular vulnerability scans and penetration tests, identifying and addressing 30+ security vulnerabilities and improving the overall security posture of the organization.
  • Security awareness training
  • Security audits
  • Vulnerability scanning
  • Firewall configuration
  • Network traffic monitoring
  • Incident detection and response
  • Security solution research
  • Endpoint protection
  • Penetration testing
  • Security breach investigation
  • Security policy development
  • Compliance management
  • Risk assessment and mitigation
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Cyber threat intelligence
  • Intrusion detection and prevention
  • Encryption and data protection
  • Access control management
  • Security incident management
  • Security tool implementation and management

Top Skills & Keywords for Entry Level Cybersecurity Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Network Security
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Penetration Testing
  • Incident Response
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
  • Firewall Configuration and Management
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention
  • Risk Assessment and Management
  • Security Auditing and Compliance
  • Cryptography
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Security Operations Center (SOC) Operations

Soft Skills

  • Attention to Detail
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Communication Skills
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Adaptability
  • Time Management
  • Critical Thinking
  • Customer Service
  • Ethics and Integrity

Resume Action Verbs for Entry Level Cybersecuritys:

  • Investigated
  • Implemented
  • Collaborated

Generate Your Resume Summary

entry level cyber security resume with no experience sample

Resume FAQs for Entry Level Cybersecuritys:

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  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Entry Level Cybersecurity job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

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Related Resumes for Entry Level Cybersecuritys:

Entry level it manager, entry level system administrator, fresher cybersecurity, fresher network engineer, it security analyst, it support specialist, junior system administrator, cybersecurity analyst.

Cyber Security Resume Guide (+ Examples & Templates)

Cyber Security Resume

When applying for cyber security jobs, you want to stand out, and one way you can do this is by creating a compelling cyber security resume.

This helps you showcase your skills, experience, and certifications in a clear and organized manner that highlights your qualifications for the position.

But what if you have no experience? How can you leverage other skills and experience to help you land that job? Fret not, we’re here to help!

In this article, we’ll briefly discuss three types of cyber security resume examples and show you how to create one if you have no experience.

We’ve also interviewed an expert on the subject, who’ll give his insights on how to properly convey your experience and skills.

Next, we’ll provide you with a cyber security resume sample that you can use to help you build your own. We’ll discuss writing a cover letter and the do’s and don’ts of using AI to help with the process.

Let’s begin.

Three Types of Cyber Security Resumes

A cyber security resume is a collection of your work experience, education, skills, and achievements. It’s a snapshot of your qualifications and lays the groundwork for potential employers to assess your suitability for a position.

There are various ways to present yourself to potential employers, and we'll examine three of them.

LinkedIn is an important place to create and maintain an online professional presence, as it allows you to create a profile that goes beyond a standard resume.

Unlike a static resume, your LinkedIn profile can be easily updated as you gain new experiences, acquire new cyber security skills, or achieve new accomplishments. It can be a great place to build your brand.

At its core, LinkedIn is a powerful networking platform on which you can create connections and develop professional relationships with other cyber security professionals.

By maintaining an up-to-date and compelling LinkedIn profile, you can effectively present yourself as a strong candidate and enhance your career prospects.

Personal Websites as a Portfolio

Another excellent way to showcase your skills is through a personal website or online portfolio.

This allows you to demonstrate any projects you have worked on to potential employers. These can include practical labs such as a virtual hacking lab  or a Security Operations Center (SOC) simulation. The possibilities are endless.

A personal website showcases your understanding of cyber security concepts and skills through various forms of content creation, such as blogging, videos, tutorials, or walkthroughs.

With a well-crafted personal website, you can showcase significantly more than a LinkedIn profile or resume typically allows. You can go deeper into your projects and showcase your problem-solving abilities.

Traditional CV

While the other two forms are equally important, the traditional resume is still the one employers want to see when you apply for jobs.

A traditional resume can be considered an “elevator pitch” that aims to get the hiring manager to look at your website or LinkedIn profile and hopefully contact you.

It’s a great way to summarize your skills. Plus, each resume can be tailored to the cyber security job description, allowing you to highlight your most relevant experience and qualifications for that particular position.

This can significantly increase your chances of standing out to potential employers and landing an interview.

Creating a Cyber Security Resume With No Experience

How do you create a cyber security resume without experience? This is a question asked by many trying to break into this field. So, what should you include in your resume?

You need to leverage the skills you already possess. Focus on highlighting the skills you’ve gained from other jobs, certifications, labs, etc.

Additionally, consider including any relevant certifications and projects you have completed that demonstrate your interest and knowledge in the cyber security field.

Before we discuss the soft skills you should have and how to include non-work experience on your resume, let’s briefly discuss what sections you should include.

According to Ken Underhill , the number one best-selling author of Hack the Cybersecurity Interview , you should include the following sections and information on your resume.

1. Contact Information

Contact information should appear first. Use an email address solely dedicated to job applications . This enhances privacy, making it easier to identify and manage job-related emails, even if they inadvertently land in the spam folder.

Underhill also recommends using a virtual phone number service like Google Voice  (free in the US) or similar alternatives in other countries. This further protects your privacy.

Avoid including your physical address on your resume. Hiring managers do not need this information during the initial screening process.

You can include a link to your LinkedIn profile and another to your GitHub or personal website. Underhill suggests you use a maximum of two links to avoid over-cluttering this section. This allows potential employers to easily access your professional online presence and learn more about you.

The cyber security resume summary section should be a maximum of three sentences  corresponding to the position's responsibilities.

Avoid providing an extensive life story. The summary should be concise and focused on highlighting your relevant qualifications for the specific role you're applying for.

The summary should clearly outline who you are as a professional and why you're a strong match for the role, emphasizing the key skills and accomplishments that make you an ideal candidate.

Next, include a list of skills, emphasizing three to five of them . Most people include too many skills irrelevant to the job they are applying for. Ensure the skills are aimed at the specific job you’re applying to.

4. Experience

In the experience section, you should emphasize your results and practical implementations. You don’t need to include ten bullet points per job. As long as it provides value and not fluff, even one is going to be fine.

Your goal is to show your value to the company you’re applying to.

Underhill suggests that instead of saying, “I scanned for vulnerabilities using Nessus,” you can say: “ I performed a vulnerability scan using Nessus  on Linux servers to identify and prioritize vulnerabilities. I then determined a mitigation strategy and finally created a report on this strategy for those vulnerabilities."

Here, you show that you understand the process of conducting a vulnerability scan, analyzing the results, and addressing any identified vulnerabilities. This adds much more value.

“You could frame it as if you were addressing a hypothetical situation in a real organization. Say you pretended you were part of a healthcare organization conducting a vulnerability scan.

Detail the steps you took, the vulnerabilities you discovered, and how you would recommend mitigating them. This approach not only showcases your technical skills but also your problem-solving abilities and how you can contribute to a potential employer's objectives.” –   Ken Underhill

What about the experience from jobs that are not related to cyber security? How do you convey to an employer that you’re the right candidate?

Again, Underhill suggests you show how to provide value using experience from other jobs: “Everyone's got that transferable skill; it's just that people don't know how to flesh that out, really.”

You’ve most likely followed some process to complete a task in your previous jobs. So, use this as a bullet point.

He gave us a great example of working at Burger King. Instead of saying that you made cheeseburgers, you should say, “I followed the company procedure  to create a cheeseburger for customers and ensured that the cheeseburger met our quality guidelines .”

Underhill says that putting these bullet points on your resume shows a potential employer that you understand how to follow a process and can likely follow different ones, too.

“Showing that value, showing those bullet points, showing specifically how what you can do actually applies to the real world or gives value to a company in the real world.”

The right way and the wrong way to list experience

Capitol City Hospital - Triage Nurse - 2018 - 2023

Burger King - Line Cook - 2016 - 2018

5. Education and Certifications

Education and certifications should come next, emphasizing practical applications. In this section, you can list any degrees, diplomas, and certifications you have earned.

Once again, you can show value to an employer by briefly talking about a project you may have worked on in school and relating that to the real world. Maybe you encountered a problem on one of the projects, but you came up with a solution to solve it.

Ensure that relevant certifications you've achieved in cyber security are highlighted on your resume. Industry-recognized certifications are increasingly important, with 90% of hiring managers who prefer hiring people with certifications.

Choose relevant and trusted certifications for your intended career path, such as Security+ or OSCP, which is crucial for gaining credibility.

List them out and try to relate what you learned to something tangible. For example, if you’ve listed Security+ , add something about what you learned and how you’ve implemented it.

Maybe you created a website and had to install an SSL certificate. This is where your knowledge of public key infrastructure, something learned in Security+ , can be directly applied and showcased.

By providing specific examples of how you have utilized your certifications or education, you can demonstrate knowledge and skills to potential employers. This can set you apart from other candidates who may simply list their degrees and certifications without showing how they’ve been put into practice.

According to Underhill, most people do not include this type of information. “That's what most people are missing on their resumes and on their LinkedIn.”

The right way and the wrong way to list education and certifications

CompTIA Security+

B.S. in Nursing

6. Professional Achievements

If you’ve written blog posts or articles or created content on YouTube, don’t list every piece individually.

Instead, summarize your contributions to cyber security knowledge under the professional achievements section.

You might say, "I contributed to [X] online publications on topics ranging from [Topic A] to [Topic B], demonstrating a commitment to advancing cyber security awareness and education.”

This strategy enables you to recognize your contributions without drawing attention away from your qualifications and skills.

To enhance the visibility of your work, ensure that your LinkedIn profile is updated with links to your publications or, if applicable, a portfolio website.

Soft Skills

Soft skills critical in cyber security roles include communication, problem-solving, and attention to detail.

These skills are essential for effectively collaborating with team members, analyzing complex security risks, and accurately documenting security breaches.

In addition to the above skills, other soft cyber security skills include creativity and innovation, adaptability, flexibility, leadership, and management. These skills are crucial in finding, responding to, and mitigating cyber attacks.

Consider highlighting these skills by incorporating relevant examples into your resume's summary or experience sections.

To learn more about soft skills in cyber security, see Soft Skills for Cyber Security (Employers Want to See) .

Remember to focus relevant soft skills to the career you’re pursuing. There is no precise list, but consider some of the following for these entry-level roles .

Cyber Security Analyst

  • Analytical thinking: The ability to sift through large amounts of data looking for anomalies, identifying real threats from false alarms.
  • Communication:  The ability to write clear reports and explain complex issues, and articulate clear recommendations for prevention or mitigation.
  • Problem-solving: The ability to quickly understand and solve an issue under time constraints; thinking on your feet.
  • Attention to detail: Possessing a keen eye to stop threats hidden in large amounts of data.
  • Teamwork:  The ability to work well with others, share information, support colleagues, and collaborate with other departments.

Junior Penetration Tester

  • Curiosity and a learning mindset: The desire to investigate different possible routes to your goal, research services to see if there are vulnerabilities, and the drive to continually learn new technologies.
  • Creativity: Thinking outside the box, looking for less than obvious solutions.
  • Persistence and patience:  The ability to deal with sometimes tedious processes, deal with dead-ends and setbacks calmly, and try multiple approaches.
  • Communication and writing skills:  The ability to write clear reports for both technical and non-technical audiences, detail your methodologies and steps clearly enough for others to follow, and suggest remediations in a way that’s easy to understand.
  • Ethical integrity:  Being trustworthy with sensitive information and adhering to ethical and legal guidelines.

Security Auditor:

  • Attention to detail: Being able to meticulously review policies, procedures, and security controls. Able to look beyond the surface for vulnerability and compliance issues.
  • Communication skills: Once again, the ability to clearly explain your findings, write detailed reports, and make your recommendations clear to non-technical audiences such as management and clients.
  • Ethical integrity: Also relevant here, as you will be handling sensitive information and must be trusted to keep in confidential, as well as remain impartial and conduct all audits honestly and objectively.
  • Analytical thinking: The ability to successfully review information and interpret results, then make actionable recommendations based on your findings.
  • Adaptability:  As IT is constantly changing, the skill to keep up with new technologies and threats is vital. This is the ability to learn these things and adjust your auditing techniques accordingly.

Non-Work Experience

If you have no experience in cyber security, you need to include non-work experience to highlight your skills.

You should include any labs you have or are working on. These can consist of Python  or Vulnhub labs or a self-directed lab analyzing PCAP files with Wireshark . You can also include relevant skills you've learned while using these.

To learn about other labs you can include on your resume, read The 10 Best Cyber Security Labs for You .

You can also explore voluntary roles: participating in Capture the Flag (CTF) contests , bug bounty hunting , and internships are all effective ways to gain practical cyber security experience .

These should be documented as achievements in your education or experience section or a section dedicated to your projects, such as “Professional Projects,” and will show your understanding of the concepts and tools used.

For example, if you’ve completed a StationX course on Nmap, don’t simply say you did the course. Say, “I finished the Nmap course and learned to scan for open ports and services on a target machine. I also practiced interpreting Nmap output to identify potential vulnerabilities. If I were working for your company, I would apply this knowledge to regularly scan our network for vulnerabilities and ensure our systems are secure from potential cyber threats."

You can do the same for CTFs, volunteer work, or projects. For example, if you’ve set up a SOC lab at home, ensure you relay the skills learned and how you would use them to help the company.

Underhill says that this is a little more work, but it sets you apart from everyone else.

What Does an Effective Resume Look Like?

To construct an effective resume, start with your contact information. Exclude your physical location but include a professional email and possibly a LinkedIn profile link.

In crafting your summary, focus on articulating who you are as a professional, your core competencies, and how these relate to the job at hand. If the job description emphasizes specific soft skills or technical abilities, mention these in your summary if they apply to you.

For example, you might say, "Recent graduate with a strong foundation in network security principles and a keen interest in threat analysis. Demonstrated ability to apply problem-solving skills in a team-based capstone project focused on developing a secure network architecture."

In the experience section, provide specific examples of how your work has added value, moving beyond simple task descriptions to emphasize outcomes and real-world applications of your skills. For education and certifications, focus on projects or practical applications of what you've learned rather than listing courses or general achievements.

Remember, the goal of your resume is to showcase your potential as a valuable addition to the team, not just to list your past responsibilities or achievements. – Ken Underhill

Ken’s Cyber Security Resume Tips

Here are some other tips that Underhill shared with us to help you create a great resume.

  • Create a master resume : Compile a comprehensive resume with every job, skill, certification, education, and project.
  • Customize for each application : From your master resume, create a tailored version for the job you’re applying for by trimming down content to align closely with it.
  • Length can vary : Don't restrict your resume to one page. A few pages are acceptable, especially to showcase self-learning and your experience.
  • Treat your resume as a sales page : Approach your resume as an opportunity to capture interest. Think of it as selling your time and potential to employers for the chance to interview you.
  • Address career gaps with a sabbatical : If your career has gaps, label these periods as sabbaticals. Use this space to explain any self-learning or skill development you took during this time.

Entry-Level Cyber Security Resume Sample

Now that we’ve discussed what you should include on your resume, let’s look at a sample resume that will give you a visual representation of the order in which the sections should be best displayed.

Remember, you’re in charge of the resume’s look and feel, and you can find many templates online or through Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

This resume example is designed for those without direct cyber security experience. It focuses on effectively presenting non-IT work, certifications, and indirect cyber security experience through self-learning.

Cyber security resume page 1

You can find a wide selection of cyber security resume templates LaTeX format here . See how to combine these with AI in the video below.

Resume Templates

Writing a Cyber Security Resume Cover Letter

You’ve created your resume—great. Now it’s time to pair it with a well-crafted cover letter.

Don’t overlook the importance and significance of a cover letter when applying for a job, especially if you are transitioning into cyber security from a different background.  

A cover letter that demonstrates your genuine interest in the position and the organization can help you connect personally with the hiring manager. But what’s the best way to structure it, and what should it include? Let’s take a look.

Your cover letter should contain four paragraphs, each with a different focus:

  • Introduce yourself and state the position you're applying for. Share why you're excited about this opportunity and the company. Did their latest project catch your eye? Mention that. It shows you've done your homework, and you're not just blasting out applications.
  • Here's where you talk about yourself—but stay professional. If you're transitioning from another field, this is gold. Highlight transferable skills. Did you manage IT projects, handle data, or lead teams? Those experiences matter. Tell them how these roles have prepared you for a   career in cyber security . Share a compelling story or achievement that illustrates your skills and drive.
  • Look at the job description. Identify key problems or goals the company faces. Now, align your skills and experiences with their needs. If they're looking for someone with strong problem-solving skills, describe when you solved a tough problem. Make it clear you're not just looking for any job—you're looking for this job.
  • End with enthusiasm. Reiterate your excitement about the opportunity and the value you'd bring to the team. Invite them to contact you for an interview, and say you're looking forward to discussing how you can contribute to their success. Be confident but not pushy.

A professional closing, like "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your name, adds the finishing touch.

Additional Tips:

  • Customize It : No two jobs are the same, so no two cover letters should be either. Tailor each letter to the job and company.
  • Keep It Concise : Aim for one page. Hiring managers are busy. Make their job easy.
  • Proofread : Spelling and grammar mistakes can hurt your chances. Double-check your work. Better yet, have someone else take a look.

Your cover letter is your spotlight moment. Use it to show why you're not just a great candidate, you're the right one.

Do's and Don'ts of Using AI in Resume Building

With the advent of AI chat technologies such as ChatGPT , Google Bard, Microsoft Copilot , and others, getting help building your resume has never been easier.

There are, however, do’s and don’ts when using these, and we’ll highlight them below.

You should now have everything you need to create a solid cyber security resume. You’ve seen what to include and which items to highlight.

You’ve learned how to pair your resume with a cover letter and how you can use AI to help you along the way.

If you’re looking for more tips to succeed in cyber security, consider joining the StationX Accelerator  program today and take your career to the next level with our large selection of courses, roadmaps, mentors, and more.

entry level cyber security resume with no experience sample

How to Use LinkedIn to Find Jobs

entry level cyber security resume with no experience sample

Interview Skills - How to Interview for Cybersecurity Jobs

entry level cyber security resume with no experience sample

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Richard is a cyber security enthusiast, eJPT, and ICCA who loves discovering new topics and never stops learning. In his home lab, he's always working on sharpening his offensive cyber security skills. He shares helpful advice through easy-to-understand blog posts that offer practical support for everyone. Additionally, Richard is dedicated to raising awareness for mental health. You can find Richard on LinkedIn , or to see his other projects, visit his Linktree .

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5 Cyber Security Resume Examples for the Job in 2024

Stephen Greet

Cyber Security

Cyber Security

Best for senior and mid-level candidates

There’s plenty of room in our elegant resume template to add your professional experience while impressing recruiters with a sleek design.

Resume Builder

Like this template? Customize this resume and make it your own with the help of our Al-powered suggestions, accent colors, and modern fonts.

Cyber Security Resume

  • Cyber Security Resumes by Experience
  • Cyber Security Resumes by Role
  • Write Your Cyber Security Resume

As a cyber security expert, you’re the shield that guards networks and systems from dangerous threats. Your in-depth knowledge helps you prevent attacks before they’re even a blip on the radar, and thanks to your keen eye for detail, you monitor networks and respond to incidents promptly and effectively.

You’re no stranger to battling malware, DDoS attacks, or zero-day vulnerabilities—but making an AI resume and writing an effective cover letter that highlights all of your strengths is a whole different ballgame. 

Just like you’re an expert in your field, we know a thing or two about applying for jobs, and we’re here to help. Our cyber security resume examples and resume tips will help you land more interviews and advance your career.

or download as PDF

Cyber security resume example with 10+ years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Detail specific threats you’ve addressed or security measures you’ve implemented.
  • Make mention of the specific security frameworks and systems you’re familiar with and be clear about how they were used in your previous positions.
  • If you hold any cyber security certifications, include these to highlight commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest in the field.

Cyber Security Intern Resume

Cyber security intern resume example with research experience

  • Look back to your practical projects that directly relate to the position you are applying for. From there, show what you learned, and you’re ready to use in real-work setting.

Entry-Level Cyber Security  Resume

Entry-level cyber security resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Talk about the specific projects related to cyber security you’ve been a part of to demonstrate your knowledge and enthusiasm for the field.
  • And include certifications. Even entry-level ones can help demonstrate your dedication and commitment to a career in cyber security.

Cyber Security Engineer  Resume

Cyber security engineer resume example with 9 years of experience

  • While quantified achievements will do you good here, adding a certification in your area of specialization will get you closer to be hired. See how Ezekiel successfully deploys his certificate in information systems security in his application.

Cyber Security Analyst Resume

Cyber security analyst resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Most of the time, when people include a summary statement, they do so to their own detriment! Unless you’re gonna take the time to be specific to the job you want and speak to your greatest successes without repeating what you’ve already said in your resume, it’s best to just leave it out.

Related resume examples

  • Data Engineer
  • Network engineer
  • Software Engineer

Adjust Your Cyber Security Resume to Match the Job

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

Organizations depend on your skills to protect them from various threat actors, so you’ll have a lot to talk about in this part of your resume. The key is to be as specific as you can and stay far, far away from generic terms like “hard worker.”

Seeing as your job is entirely based in IT, zone in on those technical skills . List software, cyber security frameworks, and, of course, the programming languages you’ve mastered. Don’t forget to mention your knowledge of networks, malware, and various system vulnerabilities.

Unless you’re in a leadership position such as CISO, soft skills can be reserved for the “work experience” section

Need some ideas?

15 popular cyber security skills

  • Security Auditing
  • Firewall Administration
  • Threat Intelligence
  • Crisis Management

entry level cyber security resume with no experience sample

Your cyber security work experience bullet points

Between setting up new firewalls, responding to incidents, and carrying out cyber security audits to pinpoint potential vulnerabilities, it’s safe to say you’ve got your hands full. However, in a job like yours, it’s better to focus on the bigger achievements rather than on the daily grind. 

Why? It’s simple—as a cyber security expert, your work is why your company can keep running seamlessly, with no risk of data leaks and the monetary losses that come with them. Your effectiveness is directly tied to the success of your organization.

Regardless of the extent of your experience, use this part of your resume to talk about the things you’re proud of, be it improving response readiness or minimizing impact. Rely on data to make your claims stand out as the stellar accomplishments they truly are.

  • Highlight instances where your work decreased malware incidents and mitigated risks.
  • Show that you know how to act quickly that by talking about cutting down response times.
  • Threat modeling and risk assessment are crucial, so don’t forget to include those metrics in your resume: how many threat models have you created? What kind of an increase in threat prevention were you able to achieve?
  • Make sure to refer to specific technologies where applicable; for example, say that you upgraded Cisco ASA firewalls and the throughput boost that this brought on.

See what we mean?

  • Implemented a comprehensive log monitoring and analysis system, cutting incident response time by 32%
  • Developed comprehensive antivirus and anti-malware strategies, decreasing malware incidents by 41%
  • Conducted vulnerability assessments using Nessus, reducing risk exposure by 74%
  • Spearheaded the implementation of a LogRhythm SIEM platform, enabling a 23% speed boost in detecting potential threats

9 active verbs to start your cyber security work experience bullet points

  • Implemented

3 Tips for Writing an Entry-Level Cyber Security Resume

  • Even if you’re just starting out, it’s important to fill your resume with relevant skills and work experience bullet points. If this is your first job in cyber security, simply talk about the projects you’ve worked on during your education, such as leading a student group to create a comprehensive incident response plan.
  • Don’t list every cyber security-related skill you can think of—pick the things you know you’re good at. Stick to around 10 skills and swap them around based on the job description . For instance, if there’s an emphasis on monitoring traffic, discuss how you used Wireshark to troubleshoot networks in the past.
  • Aside from your education, be it in college or at a cyber security bootcamp, you may have obtained some extra certifications—throw them in! Adding certs like the CompTIA Security+, CFR, or CEH can enhance your resume .

3 Tips for Writing a Cyber Security Resume if You’re Experienced

  • If you’re a pro in a specific area of cyber security, such as threat analysis, incident response, or penetration testing, make sure to emphasize that in your resume. This is especially helpful if the job you’re applying to is in the same field as your expertise.
  • Cyber security is in a constant state of flux, with new threats and methods cropping up all the time. Show that you’re always keeping up by mentioning recent certifications, contributing to open-source security projects, or attending events like the Black Hat USA.
  • While you shouldn’t put down “teamwork” as a skill, you should still mention instances of cross-departmental collaboration. Mention times when you worked with other experts, such as colleagues from the IT, legal, or software engineering departments, and highlight any impactful projects that resulted from these partnerships.

You can, but you don’t have to. The only way to benefit from it is to tailor it to the job, mentioning the company and role by name. Highlight your proficiencies, such as network monitoring or malware detection.

Spotlight the skills that are relevant to both careers as well as your education. For instance, if you previously worked as a nurse, you can highlight the attention to detail required when administering medication and compare it to needing to scan complex lines of code when programming in Python.

Take the time to give further explanation of any gaps and why changing careers is in the interest of the company when you write your cyber security cover letter .

The reverse-chronological format is the way to go. Start with your most recent cyber security job and then work your way back. Omit roles that aren’t relevant to the job and instead add a section for your projects to keep things related to the cyber security field.

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11 Entry Level Cyber Security Resume Examples for 2024

Breaking into cyber security starts with a good entry-level resume. This article lays out clear examples and strategic tips. You'll learn to highlight your skills, education, and any relevant experience. We'll guide you through crafting a resume that speaks to hiring managers directly, in a language that resonates with the cyber security industry. Expect straightforward advice that puts you on the right path to your first cyber security job.

Portrait of Liz Bowen

  • 06 Jun 2024 - 1 new section (small companies vs large corporates) added
  • 29 May 2024 - 1 new resume template (Entry Level Cybersecurity Specialist) added
  • 21 May 2024 - 1 new section (Choosing strong action verbs) added

  Next update scheduled for 19 Jun 2024

Here's what strong entry-level cyber security resumes share.

Quantifying Impact With Metrics : Good resumes show clear impact with numbers. They include reduced risk percentages , increased system uptime , attack simulations conducted , and security patches applied .

Match Skills With Job Description : You should include skills on your resume that you have and are mentioned in the job description. Some common ones are firewall management , intrusion detection , cryptography , security auditing , and threat analysis .

Up-to-date Industry Certifications : Staying current is crucial. Mention certifications like Certified Ethical Hacker or CompTIA Security+ to show that you're a well-prepared candidate.

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Entry Level Cyber Security Resume Sample

Find out how good your resume is.

ummm here it is

Placement of education section

Put your education section at the top of your resume if you are new to cyber security. This will show your latest and most relevant learning. If you have cyber security certifications or have studied related topics, highlight these first. It tells employers that you have the knowledge needed for this kind of work.

If you have done internships in cyber security, list them under your education. This way, you link your learning to real work. It helps employers see how you have applied your skills in a work setting.

Emphasize security clearances

If you have any security clearances, put them on your resume. This is more important for cyber security jobs than most other fields. It lets employers know you can handle sensitive information.

Also, if you have been part of any cyber security clubs or groups, list these in an additional section. It shows your interest and dedication to this field beyond just your studies.

Ideal resume length

Keep your resume concise. You are starting a career in cyber security, so focus on showing your most relevant skills and experiences. Aim for one page to make it easy for hiring managers to see your fit for the role quickly. This will show you can prioritize and highlight how your skills match the job needs.

Your education in IT or related fields, internships, and any certifications like CompTIA Security+ or Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) should be visible on the first page. If you have worked on projects or have hands-on experience, even in a lab setting, make sure these are included. These details are more important than a long list of unrelated experiences.

Junior Cyber Security Analyst Resume Sample

Highlight relevant technical skills.

In your skills section, list technical abilities that match the job you want. For cyber security, skills like knowledge of firewalls, understanding of different operating systems, and basic coding are good to list. Show any hands-on experience with security tools or software.

If you have completed relevant projects, even in school, describe them briefly. Details like these show employers that you can apply your skills in practical tasks, which is key for cyber security roles.

Cyber Security Engineer Resume Sample

Beat resume screeners.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) can be the first hurdle you face when applying for an entry level position in cyber security. Understanding how these systems work will help you get your resume noticed.

Make sure your resume has the right keywords. Look at the job description for the entry level cyber security role and use the same words in your resume. For example, if the job description mentions 'network security', make sure you include 'network security' in your resume.

Use a simple format. ATS can have trouble reading fancy fonts or layouts. Stick with a standard resume format and a clear font like Arial or Times New Roman. Here are some points to keep in mind:

  • Include specific skills like 'firewall administration' or 'incident response' to show you have the knowledge needed for the job.
  • Highlight any relevant projects or coursework if you lack job experience. This could be class projects or personal projects that show your skills in cyber security.

Cyber Security Consultant Resume Sample

Match your skills to the job.

When you apply for a job in cyber security, show you have the skills they want. Read the job post and use the same words they do to describe your abilities. This makes it clear you are a good fit for the role.

  • List any programming languages you know, like Python or Java, to show you can handle the technical parts of the job.
  • Talk about any security tools you have used, such as firewalls or antivirus software, to show you understand how to protect against threats.
  • If you come from a different job, point out any experience managing sensitive data or following safety rules.

Entry Level Cyber Security with Network Security specialization Resume Sample

Show, don't list your duties.

If you're crafting your entry-level cyber security resume, remember to focus on your achievements rather than just listing your duties. Your resume should demonstrate how your actions have added value or solved problems in past experiences.

For example:

  • Instead of writing 'Responsible for installing security software,' you can show impact with 'Enhanced system security by installing and configuring advanced firewall software, resulting in a 30% decrease in potential vulnerabilities.'
  • Swap 'Monitored network traffic' with 'Identified and mitigated 15 security risks per month through diligent network traffic analysis and reporting.'

By showcasing your accomplishments, you make it clear to hiring managers how you can contribute to their teams. Use metrics and specific outcomes to make your results stand out.

Information Security Specialist Resume Sample

Choosing strong action verbs.

When crafting your entry-level cyber security resume, it's crucial to use action verbs that show your skills and experiences. Good verbs can bring your activities and achievements to life. They make it clear what you did and how well you did it. As you write about your past work, internships, or projects, think about what verbs will help you stand out.

Here's a list of action verbs that you can use in your resume. These words are good for describing the important work you have done. They can help show that you are ready for a job in cyber security. Remember to use past tense for jobs you no longer do and present tense for your current job.

  • To show your skill in protecting systems, use secured , shielded , defended , fortified , safeguarded .
  • If you've worked with others on projects, include verbs like collaborated , partnered , contributed , coordinated , engaged .
  • For tasks related to system analysis, use evaluated , analyzed , investigated , assessed , diagnosed .
  • When explaining how you've improved systems, choose enhanced , optimized , upgraded , streamlined , refined .
  • To describe your hands-on technical work, verbs like implemented , configured , deployed , automated , integrated are effective.

Cybersecurity Incident Responder Resume Sample

Key skills for cyber security roles.

When building your entry-level cyber security resume, focus on the specific skills that show you're prepared for the challenges in the field. You'll want to highlight your technical abilities in a dedicated skills section, which can help you pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that scan for relevant keywords.

  • Network security
  • Firewall administration
  • Incident response
  • Knowledge of cybersecurity frameworks like NIST
  • Vulnerability assessment
  • Encryption techniques
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tools
  • Understanding of operating systems , both Windows and Linux
  • Programming languages , like Python or Java
  • Identity and access management (IAM)

Remember, you don't need to have every skill listed, but you should include those most relevant to the job you're aiming for. Tailor your resume to showcase the skills that align with the job description. For example, if the job focuses on network security, ensure skills like firewall administration and vulnerability assessment are prominent.

If you have completed any relevant projects, either through coursework or on your own, mention these under a 'Projects' section, and link the skills you've listed to the work you've done. This gives a practical demonstration of your abilities, making your resume stand out to hiring managers.

Cybersecurity Risk Analyst Resume Sample

Quantify your achievements.

Using numbers to show your impact helps hiring managers see the value you bring. In cyber security, even at an entry level, you can demonstrate how you've made a difference. Think about times you've helped improve security or efficiency.

Here are some ways to reflect your impact:

  • Include percentage increases in system security after you implemented new protocols.
  • Show number of security breaches you identified and resolved.

Consider any project where you've played a role, even in a learning capacity. Maybe you contributed to reducing the response time to threats or increased the number of secure transactions . If you're unsure of exact numbers, estimate based on your contributions. For example:

  • If you worked on a team that improved software security, estimate the percentage of vulnerability patches you were involved in implementing.
  • For projects that enhanced data protection, mention the amount of data you helped to secure.
  • Did you assist in training? Include the number of people you trained and any feedback scores to show effectiveness.
  • If you've been part of a monitoring team, share the frequency of security checks you conducted.

Remember, numbers stand out to hiring managers. They make your experience tangible and show the clear impact of your work.

Entry Level Cybersecurity Specialist Resume Sample

Small companies vs large corporates.

If you are targeting small companies or startups like Darktrace or CrowdStrike , highlight your adaptability and willingness to learn. Mention how you can wear multiple hats and quickly take on new responsibilities. For example, you could say, 'Adaptable to diverse cyber security tasks in dynamic environments.'

For larger companies like IBM or Symantec , focus on your technical skills and certifications. Include specific tools or systems you have experience with, such as, 'Proficient in using Splunk for threat detection and response.'

  •   Security Analyst Resume Examples
  •   Cyber Security Resume Examples
  •   Security Engineer Resume Examples
  •   Security Manager Resume Examples
  •   Cyber Security Analyst Resume Examples
  •   Entry-Level Cybersecurity Resume Examples
  •   Cybersecurity Resume Examples
  •   Cybersecurity Analyst Resume Examples

Quick links

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Cover Letters and Resume Samples

Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Resume Sample (+Tips)

Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Resume Sample Banner

Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Resume Writing Tips

An entry-level cyber security analyst resume should highlight what an applicant can do, despite a lack of experience.

It is important to highlight all your skills and qualifications that are important for this role.

For instance, you will need to mention your ability to use statistical analysis to identify fraud.

In addition, any specific academic accomplishments and internships should be mentioned.

A resume sample for an entry-level cyber security analyst position is provided below for your guidance:

Related Post: Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Cover Letter Sample

Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Resume No Experience Sample

Cyril Chandler 903 Red Road, Colorado Springs, CO27834 (000) 351-9587 [Email]


OBJECTIVE A technically savvy individual with a deep interest in providing technology defense incident response. Eager to support ABC Company in various technology areas. Competent in executing, drafting, and maintaining operating procedures and incident reports.

EDUCATION Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science Colorado Springs Technical School, Colorado Springs, CO – 2021 Major: Cyber Security

ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS • Represented the college in 3 states, as part of a technical outreach program. • Constantly made it to the top of the Dean’s list, due to an exceptional academic record. • Played an invaluable part in upping the security of the school system, as a result of which confidential data was saved from cyber attacks.

PROFESSIONAL SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE • Statistical Analysis • Process Improvement • Quality Assurance • Approach Devising • Transaction Analysis • Malware Analysis • Routine Reviews • Alerts Review • Penetration Tests • Intrusion Detection


Cyber Security Intern RCS Corporation, Colorado Springs, CO Jan 2022 – May 2022 • Identified malware and intrusion issues. • Conducted initial research based on analytic experienced. • Examined alerts from various security monitoring tools. • Monitored, investigated, and reported incidents of suspicious activity. • Identified potential risks, such as virus and malware attacks, and hacking. • Assisted with implementation of countermeasures, as well as mitigating controls. • Provided and developed the forensic capability to enhance response to the investigation. • Fixed detected vulnerabilities, in order to maintain high-security standards. • Developed and implemented country-wide best practices. • Assisted in designing new security systems. • Monitored identity and access management, in addition to monitoring for abuse of permissions. • Generated reports for both technical and non-technical staff. • Analyzed security breaches to determine the root cause of problems.

Excellent professional references are available

Final Thought

When writing a resume for an entry-level cybersecurity analyst position, you must concentrate on your most relevant skills gained through education, projects, and internships.

Even though your skills will be limited at this point, you have to make an effort to highlight them.

  • 6 Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Interview Questions & Answers
  • 6 Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Resume Objective Examples
  • Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Cover Letter No Experience
  • Cyber Security Specialist Resume Summary | 5 Examples

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Cybersecurity Resumes & Guide

Whether you are new to the game or a seasoned Cybersecurity Specialist, you need a strong Cybersecurity resume to secure the job you want. Our Cybersecurity Resume samples will assist you in writing the perfect resume that captures any hiring manager's attention.

This cybersecurity resume guide will show you:

  • Information security resume examples better than 9 out of 10 other resumes.
  • How to write a cybersecurity resume that lands more interviews.
  • Tips on how to include skills and achievements into your resume.
  • How to describe your experience to get the cybersecurity jobs you want.

What you can read in this article

Cybersecurity Resume Examples

(Free resume sample downloads (pdf's) are at the bottom of this page)

Cybersecurity Specialist Writing Guide

What to highlight in a cybersecurity resume.

Hiring managers and potential employers are very busy individuals and do not have time to read every resume in absolute detail. If you do not make your most attractive information easy to find, it will likely be overlooked, and your resume will be tossed aside. Every Cybersecurity Analyst’s resume needs to include a strong list of professionally presented experience and skills. Below are examples of how this can be achieved:

  • Be Specific!

When writing your experience section, remember that it is far more important to “show” rather than just “telling.” Every bullet point in your resume’s experience section needs to count. This can be achieved by mentioning the impact you had in your previous positions. Make sure a concrete example accompanies every point.

  • Not just logical, but chronological too!

The trick to creating a capturing experience section is to select which of your experiences to include and how to order them. It is best to keep them chronological, starting with your most recent position, and working backwards. Do not include any experience that is irrelevant to this field.

  • Cause and Effect – Tell them how you made a difference!

Resume skills that you have not quantified are likely to get ignored and can even count against you. Focus on concrete numbers that demonstrate your ability as a Cybersecurity Analyst. So, instead of “Implemented system recovery procedures,” rather write “Implemented 200 system recovery procedures to minimize losses should an attack occur.”  Resume action words such as the ones above really stand out and leave a strong impression.

  • Finally, A Demonstrated Passion for Learning

A passion for learning is crucial due to how rapidly the field of Cybersecurity is evolving. This trait can be demonstrated through participation in professional conferences and career achievements that highlight show your willingness to learn and improve.

Cybersecurity Resume Objectives

A Cybersecurity resume may have certain generic sections to every resume you write. However, this is not one of those sections. You should rewrite this section for every resume you create and tailor it to reflect exactly what the job description is looking for.

More often than not, potential employers want to see that you have the basic skills needed to handle Cybersecurity Specializing work. The easiest way to impress them from the start is by opening your application with a well-written Cybersecurity Specialist resume summary.

This section is placed at the top of your resume to provide a quick, digestible overview of your most valuable skills as a Cybersecurity Specialist. Employers love this, as it saves them the time of searching through your resume looking for the information they need. This means that you need to grab their attention from the very beginning to ensure they keep reading. Adding hard numbers will add further valuable proof to your statements. 

Alternatively, a Cybersecurity Specialist’s resume objective brings your skills to the foreground and allows the recruiter to see why you are the perfect candidate. Resume objectives work best for applicants with limited professional experience. An objective statement in an entry-level cybersecurity resume tells the agency your career goals. Like the summary, use relevant experience, skills, and achievements to beef it up.

Example Resume Objectives:

Objective example 1.

“Persistent, detail-oriented cybersecurity analyst with 4+ years’ experience with government security software contractor. DoD security clearance. Identified the 2017 Kluxnet virus, saving over 32,000 computers from destruction.”

Objective Example 2

“ University IT graduate with cybersecurity background and hundreds of classroom hours in automation, cloud safety, and digital forensics. Looking to leverage my newly minted top-secret security clearance and 4.0 GPA to become the next network security engineer at Astoria Tech. “

Objective Example 3

“A talented individual with an information technology background. A strong desire to grow technical skills and the ability to learn new technologies swiftly. Hopeful for a Cybersecurity Analyst position at Boeing, coming with a 2year internship experience, superb communication aptitude, and proficiency in all Microsoft Office tools, as well as high attention to detail.”

Objective Example 4

“Organized and an excellent communicator with a bachelor’s degree in Cybersecurity. Looking to obtain a Security Analyst – Cybersecurity Operations position to apply a deep understanding of Networking, attack vectors, Cybersecurity, and OS’s. Coming with six years of cybersecurity experience.”

Resume Hack: On any cybersecurity resume, the resume objective or summary goes at the top. However, it does not mean that you must write it first! Save it for the end, so you have the rest of your resume to support your heading statement.

Employment History

Information Security Analysts and Cybersecurity jobs in the US will grow by a whopping 29% between 2019–2029. That is more than 29,000 new people for you to compete against. You, therefore, need to ensure that your resume is in a class of its own. Below are examples of how you can really make your resume stand out:

Senior Cybersecurity Specialist at G4S

February 2017 – December 2022

  • Monitored organizational networks for security breaches and investigated any violations.
  • Prepared reports which documented security breaches and the extent of damage caused by breaches.
  • Conducted penetration testing and located vulnerabilities within systems before they could be exploited.

Cybersecurity Intern at Investec

February 2014 – January 2017

  • Listened to client concerns to determine the best method of defending WordPress sites from attack.
  • Scanned sites for malware and security risks regularly.
  • Quarantined and removed any security issues found.

Cybersecurity Specialists are found in almost every industry imaginable, with considerable variation in their role purposes and KPI’s. Despite this, employers look for and expect specific skills and qualities from applicants.

Job Duty Samples

A cybersecurity specialist at the entry-level stage (0-2 years experience) may:.

  • Tasked with different testing tools.
  • Required to use different design techniques (e.g., OO. Top-down, structured analysis, component-based design), and tools.
  • Monitor desktop and email security.
  • Design and deploy Enterprise Security technologies and solutions, e.g., Firewalls, IDS/IPS, SIEM, malware detection and analytics, and vulnerability scanning.
  • RBC HR philosophy, principles, direction, policies, and guidelines

A Cybersecurity Specialist at the mid-career stage (2-4 years experience) may:

  • Provide cybersecurity and risk management mission support.
  • Provide high-quality is written, and verbal communication support for cybersecurity and risk management issues.
  • Interface with cybersecurity subject professionals to gather inputs and develop policy analyses and reports.
  • Provide planning, logistics, documentation, and execution support for public-private cybersecurity and risk management meetings and events.
  • Engage in public and private collaboration efforts to enhance cybersecurity capabilities within the energy sector.
  • Coordinate with both internal and external partners to assess stakeholder needs and increase program effectiveness.
  • Track, report, and address requests relating to public-private collaboration efforts and cybersecurity programs.
  • Understand the cybersecurity frameworks and practices for critical infrastructure sector (preferably energy sector) protection.
  • Able to work in a fast-paced environment, and workload to achieve goals.
  • Multitask and prioritize according to changing circumstances.

A Cybersecurity Specialist at an experienced/advanced stage (4-6 years experience) may:

  • Evaluate architectural designs and implement security-focused tools and services such as firewalls, intrusion detection & prevention systems.
  • Define secure build standards across Windows, Unix, and other common operating systems.
  • Provides Subject Expertise.
  • Conduct security risk assessments on both new and current CIB applications and infrastructure.
  • Utilize the appropriate security diagnostic tools.
  • Assist with the development and interpret security policies and procedures.
  • Support the execution of Cybersecurity projects, whether providing SME knowledge or solution design assistance.
  • Assist in the coordination and implementation of appropriate Cybersecurity governance, metrics collection, and reporting capabilities.
  • Partner with SMEs and stakeholders such as Cybersecurity Leadership, Corporate Cyber and Information Risk and Technology, and business teams.
  • Work with diverse IT and business teams to assist in remediating identified issues effectively and efficiently.
  • Demonstrate a track record of currency maintenance with technological trends and available security solutions in the marketplace.


As a Cybersecurity Specialist, your success is often measured in data. Therefore, it is crucial to add hard numbers to your resume to quantify your accomplishments and provide much-needed authentication. Adding concrete numbers to your resume helps further illustrate your accomplishments to potential employers. Any networks you have created or any teams you have trained are examples of information you can include in your resume. Tell them what you are proud of.

This section is where you can really impress the reader. Wherever you can quantify your accomplishments and provided evidence of your hard work, it may be impossible to quantify every statement; however, we will show how you maintain a high standard.

Below are examples of FLAT, BORING, and BLAND statements which is not the aim:

  • Successfully secured and monitored over websites 
  • Identified new viruses and malware 

Now let’s crack it up a notch!

  • Successfully secured and monitored over 70 websites with no major attacks.
  • Identified over 400 new viruses and malware in under three years.

Most employers spend a considerable amount of time reading through this section, and it can often be the make or break between you landing an interview or not. It may not be the largest section, but it is vitally important to correctly list all the information.

If you graduated within the last three to five years, make sure your education section is either in line with or above your experience section. Include the date you graduated or the range of years you were at school as well as any honors you received and your GPA, if it was over 3.4.

If you have multiple advanced degrees, such as a master’s or Doctoral degree, rank them with the highest degree first. If it has been longer than five years since you graduated, it is better to list your experience above your education section. You really want the reader to focus on your extensive experience.

If you have not graduated, or never will, still include an education section. Simply list the name of the institution, degree type, and when you are expecting to graduate. Hiring managers typically identity management systems—if you do not have the right permissions, a passage will not be given.

Expected Graduation: 2021 – Master’s Degree Majoring in Cybersecurity (Cyber Operations Concentration) Excelsior College, Albany, NY

Relevant Coursework: Computer Forensics, Cryptography, Risk Management, Web Architecture, Security Defense Countermeasures , Cyberattacks and Defenses, , Access Control and Intrusion Detection Technology

2016-2018 – BS in Cyber Forensics and Information Security at Cornell University. Brooklyn, NY

Relevant Coursework:, Cyber Crime, Database Security, Ethical Hacking, Vulnerability Analysis, National Security, Malware Analysis, Network Intrusion Detection , Penetration Testing, Network Forensics 

Skills & Keywords

In most cases, your resume will be passed through an Automated Tracking System (ATS), which will scan your resume for specific keywords. To ensure that the system shortlists your resume, you need to include keywords from the job description. This will guarantee that the AtS will highlight your resume, and it is more likely to be seen by an actual person.

When listing your skills, refrain from mentioning any skills that are not relevant to the field. Furthermore, soft skills are just as important as hard skills, be sure to add them so that the reader can form a good idea of what type of employee you will be.

Below, we have given examples of how to list your skills on a Cybersecurity resume:

Make a list of all the programming languages, database management technologies, and other technical skills you have had experience with. A Skills Matrix is a smart approach to combining technical and interpersonal skills in an organized, attractive manner.

Data AnalyticsTime ManagementData Security & Information Lifecycle Mgmt
ProgrammingAccountabilityDatacenter Security
Cloud SecurityInterpersonal SkillsEncryption & Key Mgmt
EncryptionWorks Well Under PressureGovernance & Risk Mgmt
Malware Analysis App & Interface Security
Risk AnalysisAttention to DetailAudit Assurance & Compliance
Python ScriptingProblem-SolvingBusiness Continuity Mgmt & Operational Resilience
Intrusion DetectionCollaboration & TeamworkChange Control & Configuration
Secure Software DevelopmentTime ManagementSecurity Incident Mgmt, E-Discovery & Cloud Forensics
Incident ResponseManagement SkillsSupply Chain Mgmt, Transparency & Accountability
SIEM ToolsComputer SkillsThreat & Vulnerability Mgmt
Secure Software DevelopmentCritical ThinkingIdentity & Access Mgmt
Automation/DevOpsDecision MakingInfrastructure & Virtualization
Security AnalysisTechnical SkillsInteroperability & Portability
Risk MitigationAnalytical and Diagnostic SkillsMobile Security

Qualifications & Certifications associated with Cybersecurity Specialists

Optional Extras for Cybersecurity Resumes

  • Security Clearances – The most demanding cybersecurity equire a security clearance. If you already have security clearance status from your time in the military service, for example, you are one long step ahead of the others!
  • Certifications – For most cybersecurity pros, certifications are often weighed more heavily than 4-year degrees.
  • Volunteer Work – Volunteered to help the local adult care facility get past their ransomware attack? You are not only seen as awesome, but it adds great experience to your cybersecurity resume.
  • Languages – IT companies are global companies. Set yourself apart by adding knowledge of a second language to your resume.

Cybersecurity Resume Example Downloads

Downloads are in Pdf-file format, and free. The examples have been made with the resume builder of Resume.io,accessible trough the blue ‘Create My Resume' buttons below. The tool lets you download all template designs from one master document. They have a free cover letter builder as well, that combines the resume formats. One free download is included for every sign up from our page!

Cybersecurity Resume

Cybersecurity Resume (0).pdf

Cybersecurity Specialist Resume

Cybersecurity Resume (1).pdf

Cybersecurity Resum

Cybersecurity Resume (2).pdf

Cybersecurity Resume Example

Cybersecurity Specialist Resume (4).pdf

Cybersecurity Resume Example

Cybersecurity Resume (6).pdf

Cybersecurity Resume Example

Cybersecurity Resume (3).pdf

Cybersecurity Resume Example

Cybersecurity Specialist Resume (5).pdf

Cybersecurity Resume Example pdf

Cybersecurity Resume (7).pdf

Cybersecurity Resume Example pdf

Cybersecurity Resume (8).pdf

Cybersecurity Specialist Resume

Cybersecurity Resume (10).pdf

Cybersecurity Resume Template

Cybersecurity Resume (12).pdf

Cybersecurity Resume Example

Cybersecurity Resume (9).pdf

Cybersecurity Specialist Resume

Cybersecurity Resume (11).pdf

Cybersecurity Resume Example

Cybersecurity Resume (13).pdf

Creative Cybersecurity Resume

Cybersecurity Resume (14).pdf

Cybersecurity Resume

Cybersecurity Resume (16).pdf

Cybersecurity Resume Example

Cybersecurity Resume (15).pdf

Cybersecurity Resume

Cybersecurity Resume (17).pdf

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  • Resume Examples
  • Engineering Resumes

13 Cyber Security Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

It’s certainly become increasingly clear that cyber security professionals are essential in 2023. the news has been littered with headlines of major security breaches at companies both large and small with the associated damage measured in dollars. cyber security professionals are in demand and will be for the foreseeable future. here are some ways to target your resume, complete with examples and tips specific to this growing industry..

Hiring Manager for Cyber Security Roles

  • - CompTIA Security+
  • - Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
  • - Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)
  • - Certified Information Systems Manager (CISM)
  • - Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)

Cyber Security Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Cyber Security Analyst
  • Cyber Security Engineer
  • Cyber Security Consultant
  • Cyber Security Specialist
  • Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst
  • Junior Cyber Security Analyst
  • Cyber Security Intern

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Cyber Security Resumes

Cyber Security Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Related Engineering Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 13: Cyber Security Analyst Resume Example

A cyber security analyst anticipates cyber attacks to prevent them from harming the IT infrastructure. They protect computer networks, corporate data, and hardware devices from these cyber attacks. Hence, they will evaluate vulnerabilities by performing tests and configuring tools with antiviruses. A data breach is one of the main concerns in big corporations, so it would be a good idea to mention your breach prevention skills in your resume.

A cyber security analyst resume template including relevant techniques.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Cyber Security Analyst resume in 2024

   demonstrate you are up-to-date with the latest cyber security trends..

Cyber attacks have become more sophisticated over time, so you need to be aware of the latest cyber security techniques to protect the IT infrastructure. Your employer might expect you to be prepared for rising issues that may affect their networks.

   Indicate your knowledge of cloud security.

These days most companies rely on cloud services to store their data because it’s more accessible, secure, and efficient. However, even the cloud has vulnerabilities. This is where you can use your expertise to protect their data. It’s important to mention this in your resume because cloud security is highly in-demand in this field.

Indicate your knowledge of cloud security. - Cyber Security Analyst Resume

Skills you can include on your Cyber Security Analyst resume

Template 2 of 13: cyber security analyst resume example.

A cyber security analyst is a professional who works to protect a company from cyber security hardware and software attacks. In addition to typical IT tasks like ensuring the organization’s software is up-to-date and monitoring networks for potential attacks or security risks, they also educate employees in other departments about potential security risks and how to avoid them. The best security analysts are also researching new security threats to stay ahead of constantly changing threats. This resume effectively shows a mid-level cyber security professional’s ongoing growth and specialization. They have an excellent foundation with a computer science degree, obtained a cyber security specialization certificate, and applied it to their career path. Since the analyst wants to specialize in government and private security, it’s extremely effective to list their security clearance front and center.

Cyber security resume which highlights core cyber experience

   Demonstrate specialized, cyber-specific skills in multiple roles

One aspect of cyber security is dealing with outside regulatory agencies to ensure standards are being met. You should always note when you’ve had to work with these agencies or standards (e.g. the Department of Energy, HIPAA, etc.) as they increase your value in these niches.

Demonstrate specialized, cyber-specific skills in multiple roles - Cyber Security Analyst Resume

   Highlight transferable skill sets in early experience

If you have some roles that were foundational to your knowledge of cyber security, but not necessarily in the field, you can highlight the skills that you used in that role that helped to develop your knowledge of cyber security before you became a specialist.

Highlight transferable skill sets in early experience - Cyber Security Analyst Resume

Template 3 of 13: Cyber Security Engineer Resume Example

A Cyber Security Engineer plays a vital role in protecting an organization's computer networks and systems from various threats. When preparing a resume for this role, it's important to showcase your technical skills and experience in defending against cyber attacks, as well as staying up to date with the latest industry trends. Companies looking for Cyber Security Engineers are particularly interested in professionals with relevant certifications, hands-on experience with different tools and technologies, and a deep understanding of cyber threats and vulnerabilities. In this rapidly evolving field, it's crucial to demonstrate your adaptability and ability to learn new skills. Employers are on the lookout for candidates who can proactively identify and mitigate security risks, as well as those who can collaborate effectively with team members across different departments. In your resume, focus on highlighting your technical knowledge, problem-solving abilities, and any accomplishments that demonstrate your expertise in cyber security.

A Cyber Security Engineer's detailed resume showcasing certifications, relevant experiences, and technical skills.

Tips to help you write your Cyber Security Engineer resume in 2024

   showcase relevant certifications.

In the cyber security field, having industry-recognized certifications such as CISSP, CEH, or CompTIA Security+ can significantly boost your credibility. Make sure to highlight these certifications prominently on your resume, along with any training or courses you've completed.

Showcase relevant certifications - Cyber Security Engineer Resume

   Emphasize hands-on experience with tools and technologies

Employers want to know that you're proficient with the tools and technologies used in the field, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and vulnerability scanners. Detail the specific tools you've worked with and any successful projects or initiatives you've led or contributed to that used these technologies.

Emphasize hands-on experience with tools and technologies - Cyber Security Engineer Resume

Skills you can include on your Cyber Security Engineer resume

Template 4 of 13: cyber security engineer resume example.

In some ways, you can think of a cyber security engineer as a higher-level cyber security analyst. A cyber security engineer performs many of the same tasks but is working at a higher level on the network as well as more strategically. Often, they’ll use tools like penetration tests to see where the vulnerabilities are in their system and are the architects of programs to combat them. They’re usually the go-to person for creating and explaining security procedures and protocols of a company. As an applicant with 10+ years of relevant experience, this job seeker is right to focus more on their impressive job experience, letting the skill box become secondary. He or she allocates more space to their recent experience, which brings together their technical skills with their ability to manage teams. This puts them in competition for top-tier jobs roles, like a chief information security officer (CISO).

Cyber security engineering resume has specific keywords to get past ATS

   Great use of descriptive data to back cyber security achievements

You should always support your claims of success with data, which is particularly accessible in the cyber security industry as you’re the one reporting it to the company. Whenever possible, if you can make this data tell a story of change focused on impact. For example, instead of saying, “identified x bugs,” you would instead say, “identified x bugs which lead to an y% increase in productivity.”

Great use of descriptive data to back cyber security achievements - Cyber Security Engineer Resume

   Descriptive skill set box to offset ATS (applicant tracking system) filters .

Resumes these days are almost always run through an automated program to narrow the number of resumes they read. As a cyber security professional, you can tailor this skill box to jobs you apply to quite easily. As a bonus, in an industry so focused on certifications and demonstrable skill sets, because you’ve already listed the baseline skills in a clear, direct way, you can utilize your job experience section to display particular successes.

Descriptive skill set box to offset ATS (applicant tracking system) filters. - Cyber Security Engineer Resume

Template 5 of 13: Cyber Security Consultant Resume Example

As a cyber security consultant, you'll play a crucial role in helping organizations to protect their data and systems from cyber threats. In recent years, the demand for skilled professionals in this area has surged, making it more important than ever to ensure your resume stands out. Remember, as a consultant, not only are you showcasing your technical expertise, but you'll also need to demonstrate strong communication and problem-solving skills. With cyber security being a rapidly evolving field, it's crucial to emphasize your adaptability and demonstrate your ability to stay up-to-date with industry trends. Hiring managers will be looking for candidates who are proactive, capable of identifying potential vulnerabilities, and skilled at devising comprehensive solutions.

Cyber security consultant resume sample

Tips to help you write your Cyber Security Consultant resume in 2024

   display relevant certifications.

Your resume should clearly indicate any industry-recognized certifications you hold, such as CISSP, CISM, or CEH. These credentials demonstrate a commitment to ongoing professional development and establish your credibility as a cyber security expert.

Display relevant certifications - Cyber Security Consultant Resume

   Highlight experience with specific tools

As a cyber security consultant, you'll be expected to work with various tools and platforms. Your resume should showcase your experience with relevant tools like intrusion detection systems, SIEM, or vulnerability scanners, calling out specific instances where you've used them effectively.

Highlight experience with specific tools - Cyber Security Consultant Resume

Skills you can include on your Cyber Security Consultant resume

Template 6 of 13: cyber security consultant resume example.

Cyber security consultants perform many of the same functions as cyber security engineers, but they are hired (either as agencies or individuals) to work for clients. Often this means that they’re evaluating systems for vulnerabilities, setting up a new and functional system, and then leaving the client to maintain the system with internal personnel. Cyber security consultants represent a unique skill set in the industry. Because they are hired from outside of the organization in need, they have to have equally high standards in their ability to work with diverse companies, understanding and communicating with those they often don’t have long-term relationships with, and in their wide but deep technical expertise, which allows them to recognize problems efficiently and in different settings. Unlike other roles in the cyber security industry, consultants are constantly proving their worth (just as a freelancer would).

Cyber security consultants resume who has consulted on different cyber projects

   Strong use of technical action verbs

If you scan just the first word of each of these bullet points, they each have a different descriptive and action verb which is technical and highlights a core cyber security skill set. This gives your writing energy and (in combination with data points) places you in the active role in all of your work.

Strong use of technical action verbs - Cyber Security Consultant Resume

   Show both the width and depth of cyber security.

Sometimes applicants worry that general skill sets are a negative. If you are a consultant, the opposite is often true. As long as you can show that you were successful in your diverse roles in the same industry (which this resume does), you can show the accrual of skills in different areas, which ultimately proves you are an expert.

Template 7 of 13: Cyber Security Specialist Resume Example

A cyber security specialist is responsible for protecting the IT infrastructure. They perform vulnerability scanning to identify weaknesses in the system. Additionally, they create policies and educate employees, so they use computer hardware and software safely. As a cyber security specialist, you should have excellent testing skills and knowledge of antiviruses. Therefore, it is worth mentioning those skills on your resume.

A cyber security specialist resume template prioritizing technical skills.

Tips to help you write your Cyber Security Specialist resume in 2024

   highlight your penetration testing skills..

Penetration testing is a cyber security technique used for detecting vulnerabilities in websites and computer systems. Basically, it simulates a cyber attack to evaluate how strong the IT infrastructure is against these vulnerabilities. It is a highly used skill in cyber security, so it’s definitely worth mentioning it in your resume.

Highlight your penetration testing skills. - Cyber Security Specialist Resume

   Indicate your malware analysis and mitigation skills.

A cyber security specialist’s job doesn’t end with detecting vulnerabilities. They also need to implement solutions to protect the system. That’s why mitigation skills are so important in this role. Some cyber security analysts are also proficient at data recovery techniques which are used when data has been corrupted due to cyber attacks.

Indicate your malware analysis and mitigation skills. - Cyber Security Specialist Resume

Skills you can include on your Cyber Security Specialist resume

Template 8 of 13: cyber security specialist resume example.

A cyber security specialist is integral to the creation of networks. They are less focused on training fellow employees for vulnerabilities and are more focused on system-wide security threats and incursions. As such, they are most important when a company is setting up their network in the first place. At first glance, this resume looks very similar to the third resume example. Both are great examples of employees with 10+ years experience and advanced degrees. However, this resume highlights the job seeker’s ability to work well within an organization. They highlight excellent technical skills, but also their ability to train employees within the company on new security threats.

Cyber security specialist resume which prioritizes recent jobs and includes a job title

   Includes job title to work with ATS (applicant tracking system) filters.

Just like the skill box, including the job title that you’re seeking will help defeat ATS filters as you have a matching job title to the one you're applying to (i.e. cyber security specialist). As an exercise, it will also function as a way to focus the data you put on your resume. You use this as the topic, and make sure that all data concretely supports this job title and experience.

Includes job title to work with ATS (applicant tracking system) filters. - Cyber Security Specialist Resume

   In older job roles, only includes the most impressive examples of job performance.

When you’ve been in your current job role as long as this person has (approximately nine years), you should focus most of your time and attention on what you’ve done in that role. Absolutely, your previous job experience matters, but you should keep only a few of the best examples of how you succeeded in those roles. Old cyber security achievements also often become out of date so prioritize your more recent achievements.

Template 9 of 13: Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Resume Example

As an entry-level cybersecurity analyst, you'd be expected to monitor and protect an organization's computer systems and networks from potential threats. With the increasing number of cyber attacks and data breaches, this role is crucial in maintaining the company's security and reputation. When crafting your resume, it's essential to showcase your skills and knowledge in information security, as well as your ability to adapt to new technologies and industry trends. A successful resume for this role should demonstrate your relevant coursework, internships, or certifications and highlight your problem-solving skills. Employers often value practical experience, so include examples of projects you've been involved in and illuminate how they helped you develop your cybersecurity skills.

Entry-level cybersecurity analyst resume example

Tips to help you write your Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst resume in 2024

   focus on relevant technical skills.

As an entry-level cybersecurity analyst, be sure to highlight your technical skills, such as knowledge in programming languages (Python, C++), operating systems (Windows, Linux), security frameworks (NIST, ISO), and any tools or software you're familiar with (Wireshark, Metasploit).

Focus on relevant technical skills - Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Resume

   Include certifications and projects

Employers in the cybersecurity field often look for certifications, such as CompTIA Security+ or Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), which showcase your commitment to the industry. Additionally, mention any personal or academic projects that demonstrate your hands-on experience with security concepts and tools.

Include certifications and projects - Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Resume

Skills you can include on your Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst resume

Template 10 of 13: entry level cyber security analyst resume example.

An entry-level cyber security professional has not specialized in any of the above career roles, of course. Often they come from a computer science background, though some programs are starting to offer cyber security-specific degrees. As this is an entry-level resume, it’s entirely appropriate that the educational experience is listed first. However, this resume also lists excellent hands-on experience in both cyber security internships and volunteer projects as well as extra curricular activities. The skills section also rounds out experience with skills that aren’t necessarily related, but could certainly be useful (i.e. language skills). Most of all as an entry-level professional, you want to show that you have been eager to learn and apply yourself to the cyber security industry.

Entry level cyber security analyst resume which prioritizes education and is tailored to security roles

   Add university projects to bolster relevant technical/security experience.

While you may have limited professional experience, there are several ways you can demonstrate your interest in and growth in your intended career. Even if you feel the experience isn’t as technical as you’d like -- in this case, they started a cyber security-related society -- it shows your motivation to integrate with the cyber security community. (Hopefully that networking leads you to some job prospects as well!)

Add university projects to bolster relevant technical/security experience. - Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Resume

   Highlights leadership roles in extracurricular activities.

As above, showing that you’ve not only joined organizations but attempted to gain leadership in those organizations shows your motivation to get involved in the cyber security community. You also demonstrate that, in addition to technical skills, you’re looking to develop your leadership and team-building skills over time.

Highlights leadership roles in extracurricular activities. - Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Resume

Template 11 of 13: Junior Cyber Security Analyst Resume Example

A junior cyber security analyst is tasked with maintaining the security of a company’s network. Tasks you can expect include identifying points of risk or weakness in the system, creating threat protocols, monitoring the company’s networks, and updating the company’s firewall. To succeed in this role you need to have a very good understanding of IT and cyber security. Recruiters will be looking to see a degree in a related field or certifications in the same. As this is normally an entry-level position, you can expect to work under a senior cyber security analyst, so good communication and interpersonal skills will also be expected. Being able to show recruiters, in your experience section, that you are experienced in working with teams, will also be very beneficial to your resume. Here is a successful resume sample.

A junior cyber security analyst resume sample that highlights the applicant’s qualifications and skills.

Tips to help you write your Junior Cyber Security Analyst resume in 2024

   use cyber security keywords throughout your resume..

Your resume needs to read like it belongs to someone well-versed in all things cyber security. An effective way to do this is by using cybersecurity keywords. Examples of these keywords include ‘intrusion detection system’, ‘virus’, and ‘authentication infrastructure’. Take a look at the keywords this applicant has used in their resume.

Use cyber security keywords throughout your resume. - Junior Cyber Security Analyst Resume

   Develop a technical cyber security skills section.

This position is very technical and your skills section should reflect that. Populate your skills section with the cyber security functions you have experience with, such as ethical hacking and penetration testing, and include the areas of cyber security that you are knowledgeable about, like network security and cyber defense.

Develop a technical cyber security skills section. - Junior Cyber Security Analyst Resume

Skills you can include on your Junior Cyber Security Analyst resume

Template 12 of 13: junior cyber security analyst resume example.

A junior cyber security analyst is someone who protects a company’s networks, hardware, and software from dangerous cyber-attacks. In this role, you will support the cybersecurity team with several tasks, like monitoring the networks for potential threats, updating software, implementing firewalls and encryption methods, and educating employees about how to keep their online data secure. To get a job as a junior cyber security analyst, you’ll need strong technical skills and a sense of curiosity about how technology — and particularly cyber security — works. Most recruiters and hiring managers often look for this technical skill set in your past roles, so, like in the following example, include any IT-related experiences or educational background in your resume. Any additional certifications or courses related to cyber security will also look great for the role.

A junior cyber security analyst resume that features past experience in information security admin and systems engineering.

   Highlight relevant cyber security experience from other roles

To land a junior cyber security analyst role, relevant and cross-functional experience is crucial. You should include all relevant experiences you have as they relate to the field, even if they were in different roles. Detailing projects where you have implemented new security measures, performed data back-ups, reduced cyber threats, or coded diagnostic utility tests will be effective for showcasing your cyber security skill set.

Highlight relevant cyber security experience from other roles - Junior Cyber Security Analyst Resume

   Showcase your technical skills relating to cyber security

Take stock of any technical skills you have certifications in or are proficient in. Since this is a junior role, companies will be looking to see that you have the education and skills that will allow you to thrive early on. Highlighting specialized proficiency knowledge in penetration testing, cryptography, encryption, vulnerability assessments, and network security, whether in a professional or academic context, will often catch the eye of potential employers and hiring managers.

Showcase your technical skills relating to cyber security - Junior Cyber Security Analyst Resume

Template 13 of 13: Cyber Security Intern Resume Example

Securing a cyber security internship, though challenging, is a fantastic way to join the profession. As an intern, the tasks you will perform will depend on your skill level and your capabilities. If you are well qualified the tasks you can expect include testing the security system, responding to minor breaches, monitoring the system for security events, etc. You may not have years of experience in the field so populate your resume with any cybersecurity or IT experience, even if it includes projects in college. Your qualifications and skills section will be especially important for this position. Here is a recruiter-approved resume sample.

A cyber security intern resume sample that highlights the applicant’s certifications and related experience.

Tips to help you write your Cyber Security Intern resume in 2024

   include all cybersecurity-related certifications..

Because you will most likely not have years of experience, recruiters will be keen to see what qualifications you have in the field. Gaining certifications in cyber security will show recruiters that you are more qualified and skilled than your competitors and that you are driven and passionate about the profession.

Include all cybersecurity-related certifications. - Cyber Security Intern Resume

   Update your tools section periodically.

I.T. is evolving at such a fast rate that there are constantly new types of cyber security threats and new software designed to prevent them. Make sure your resume always includes the newest industry-standard tools in the profession. Not including key tools might prevent you from bypassing ATS filters.

Update your tools section periodically. - Cyber Security Intern Resume

Skills you can include on your Cyber Security Intern resume

We spoke with hiring managers from top cybersecurity companies like Symantec, McAfee, and Palo Alto Networks to get their insider tips on what makes a strong cyber security resume. Here's what they shared:

   Highlight your technical skills

Hiring managers want to see the specific technical skills you bring to the table. Instead of simply listing the skills, show how you've applied them.

  • Conducted penetration testing using Kali Linux to identify vulnerabilities in client systems
  • Configured and maintained Cisco ASA firewalls to protect company network
  • Developed Python scripts to automate security tasks and improve efficiency

Avoid being too general or vague, like this:

  • Familiar with various security tools
  • Knowledge of programming languages

Bullet Point Samples for Cyber Security

   Show your impact with metrics

Quantify your achievements to show the impact you've made in previous roles. This helps hiring managers understand the scope of your work.

  • Implemented security measures that reduced data breaches by 40%
  • Managed security for a network of 1,000+ devices
  • Responded to and resolved 50+ security incidents per month

Compare that to generic statements without any context:

  • Improved security posture
  • Handled security incidents

   Demonstrate your problem-solving abilities

Cybersecurity professionals need to think critically and solve complex problems. Use your resume to showcase your problem-solving skills in action.

Spearheaded a project to implement a new SIEM system. Analyzed the company's security needs, evaluated various solutions, and successfully deployed the chosen system, improving our ability to detect and respond to threats.

Focus on the thought process behind your actions, not just the end result.

   Include relevant certifications

In the cybersecurity field, certifications hold a lot of weight. They show that you have the knowledge and skills needed for the job. Some top certifications to include:

  • CompTIA Security+
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
  • GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC)

Make sure to list the full name of the certification and the year you earned it.

   Tailor your resume to the job description

Each cybersecurity job is unique, so it's important to customize your resume for each application. Look for key skills and requirements in the job description and make sure to highlight those on your resume.

For example, if the job heavily emphasizes cloud security, focus on your experience with:

  • Securing AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud environments
  • Implementing cloud access control policies
  • Monitoring for threats in the cloud

Leave out less relevant details to keep the focus on what matters most for that specific job.

   Showcase your communication skills

Cybersecurity isn't just about technical skills. You also need to be able to communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical audiences. Demonstrate your communication abilities through examples like:

  • Created and delivered security awareness training to employees
  • Presented findings from security audits to executive leadership
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement security solutions

Avoid using too much technical jargon or acronyms that might confuse the reader. Instead, explain concepts in clear, concise language that anyone can understand.

Writing Your Cyber Security Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. include your name, email, and phone number.

Your header should always include your full name, professional email address, and phone number. This allows hiring managers to easily identify and contact you.

Here's a good example of a header format:

  • [email protected] | 123-456-7890

Avoid using unprofessional email addresses like:

  • [email protected]

2. Include a link to your LinkedIn profile

In today's digital age, having a strong LinkedIn presence is crucial for cyber security professionals. Include a link to your LinkedIn profile in your header to make it easy for hiring managers to learn more about you and your experience.

Here's an example of how to format your LinkedIn URL in your header:

  • linkedin.com/in/johndoe

3. Consider including your security clearance

If you have an active security clearance, consider including it in your header. Many cyber security roles require a certain level of clearance, so highlighting yours upfront can help you stand out to hiring managers.

John Doe [email protected] | 123-456-7890 linkedin.com/in/johndoe Security Clearance: Top Secret/SCI

However, avoid including your clearance if it's not relevant to the role you're applying for. For example:

  • Security Clearance: Confidential (for a role that requires Top Secret)


A resume summary for a cyber security professional is an optional section that provides a brief overview of your qualifications, experience, and career goals. While a summary is not required, it can be a valuable addition to your resume if you have extensive experience in the field or are making a career transition. However, it's important to avoid using an objective statement, as they are outdated and not effective in today's job market.

When writing your cyber security resume summary, focus on highlighting your most relevant skills, certifications, and achievements. Use specific examples and metrics to demonstrate your value to potential employers. Keep your summary concise and tailored to the job you're applying for.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Cyber Security resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Cyber Security resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Cyber Security Resume Summary Examples , or Cyber Security Resume Objective Examples .

1. Highlight your expertise and specializations

In your cyber security resume summary, emphasize your specific areas of expertise and specializations. This helps employers quickly understand your strengths and how you can contribute to their organization. For example:

  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) with 5+ years of experience in network security, vulnerability assessments, and incident response.
  • Cybersecurity analyst specializing in threat detection, malware analysis, and security automation using tools like Splunk and Ansible.

Avoid generic statements that lack specificity, such as:

  • Experienced cyber security professional seeking a challenging role.
  • Skilled in various aspects of cyber security.

2. Quantify your achievements with metrics

To make your cyber security resume summary more impactful, include quantifiable achievements that demonstrate your value. Use metrics to showcase the scope and impact of your work, such as:

  • Implemented a comprehensive security awareness training program, reducing phishing incidents by 60% across a 500-employee organization.
  • Conducted over 100 penetration tests and identified critical vulnerabilities in web applications, resulting in a 95% remediation rate.

Avoid vague statements that don't provide concrete evidence of your accomplishments, like:

  • Improved the company's security posture.
  • Identified and resolved numerous security issues.

3. Tailor your summary to the job description

To increase your chances of passing applicant tracking systems (ATS) and catching the attention of hiring managers, tailor your cyber security resume summary to the specific job you're applying for. Incorporate keywords and phrases from the job description, while ensuring your summary still reads naturally. For example:

Results-driven cybersecurity analyst with 3+ years of experience in SOC operations, SIEM management, and incident response. Proficient in using Splunk, QRadar, and ELK stack to monitor, detect, and respond to security threats. Seeking to leverage my expertise to protect XYZ Company's critical assets and enhance its security operations.

Avoid using a generic, one-size-fits-all summary that doesn't address the specific requirements of the job, such as:

Cybersecurity professional with experience in various security domains. Skilled in multiple tools and technologies. Looking for a challenging role in a dynamic organization.


Your work experience section is the heart of your cyber security resume. It's where you'll highlight your most relevant and impressive cyber security experiences. Aim to tailor your bullet points to the job description, and focus on showcasing your impact and results.

1. Highlight your cyber security achievements

Instead of just listing your day-to-day responsibilities, focus on your key achievements in each role. Whenever possible, quantify your impact with metrics.

Compare these two bullet points:

  • Responsible for conducting vulnerability assessments and penetration testing
  • Conducted 50+ vulnerability assessments and penetration tests, identifying and remediating 100% of critical vulnerabilities before production deployment

The second bullet point is much stronger because it uses specific numbers to convey the scale and impact of the work.

Not sure if your bullet points are conveying your true impact? Try running your resume through Score My Resume . It'll analyze your resume on key criteria that hiring managers care about, like use of metrics and active language.

2. Showcase your technical skills

Hiring managers want to see that you have the technical chops for the job. Make sure to weave in mentions of the specific cyber security tools, technologies, and methodologies you've used.

Here are a few examples:

  • Expertise in security tools such as Nessus, Burp Suite, Wireshark, and Metasploit
  • Proficient in SIEM tools including Splunk and IBM QRadar
  • Experience with OWASP Top 10, NIST 800-53, and CIS Top 20 security frameworks

Just be sure to tie your technical skills back to your achievements and impact. Avoid just listing skills without context.

Want to be sure your resume highlights the right technical skills for each job? Try our Targeted Resume tool. It analyzes your resume against a job description to ensure you have the skills and keywords employers are looking for.

3. Demonstrate your communication skills

Cyber security professionals often need to communicate complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders. Use your bullet points to show that you have this key skill.

For example:

  • Presented quarterly security updates to executive leadership, translating technical risks into business impact
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement security controls, ensuring alignment between security, IT, and business objectives

Notice how these bullets showcase the ability to communicate and collaborate with diverse audiences.

Remember, the best cyber security professionals are not just technical experts, but also effective communicators and collaborators. Highlighting your soft skills can help you stand out from other applicants.

4. Highlight any security certifications

Security certifications, such as CompTIA Security+, CISSP, or CISM, can be powerful trust signals on your resume. If you have any relevant certifications, be sure to mention them in your work experience bullets.

For instance:

Utilized knowledge gained from CISSP certification to lead a company-wide security awareness training program, reducing phishing click rates by 50%

This bullet not only mentions the CISSP certification, but also ties it to a concrete achievement, making it even more impactful.

If you don't yet have any security certifications, consider pursuing one that aligns with your career goals. Many employers will even sponsor certification training for strong candidates.


Your education section is a key part of your cyber security resume. It shows hiring managers that you have the knowledge and training required for the job. Here are some tips to make sure your education section is effective and helps you stand out:

1. Put your degree first

If you have a degree related to cyber security, make sure to list it first in your education section. This could be a bachelor's or master's degree in computer science, information technology, or a similar field.

Here's an example of how to format your degree:

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science University of XYZ, City, State Graduation Date: May 2020

If you have multiple degrees, list them in reverse chronological order, with the most recent one first.

2. Include relevant coursework

If you're a recent graduate or have taken courses specifically related to cyber security, consider listing them under your degree. This can help showcase your expertise and training.

  • Courses: Network Security, Cryptography, Ethical Hacking, Computer Forensics

However, avoid listing basic or irrelevant courses like this:

  • Courses: Introduction to Programming, English 101, Art History

3. Highlight your certifications

Certifications are highly valued in the cyber security field. If you have any, make sure to include them in your education section. Some common ones are:

List the full name of the certification, the issuing organization, and the date you earned it. For example:

CompTIA Security+ Certification CompTIA, June 2021

4. Keep it brief for senior roles

If you're a senior-level cyber security professional with many years of experience, your education section should be brief. Hiring managers will be more interested in your work history and accomplishments.

Here's an example of what to avoid:

Master of Science in Information Technology ABC University, City, State Graduation Date: May 2005 Courses: Data Structures, Algorithms, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Database Management GPA: 3.8/4.0

Instead, keep it short and simple like this:

M.S. Information Technology, ABC University

Action Verbs For Cyber Security Resumes

Each of your achievements and bullet points on your cyber security resume (specifically in your work experience) should start with an action verb. The action verbs here are examples of strong action verbs you can use when writing your cyber security resume. Notice how these action verbs are relatively technical and related to engineering. These help you highlight your technical skill sets. Don’t repeat action verbs more than two times on your resume - use different verbs to highlight different experiences.

Action Verbs for Cyber Security

  • Strengthened
  • Troubleshooted
  • Restructured
  • Implemented

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Cyber Security Resumes

Skills for cyber security resumes.

When writing your resume for a cyber security role, remember to research the role and include core skills that are relevant to the specific position you are applying to. This ensures your resume is well targeted to the role and also ensures that your resume makes it past the resume screening stage. To help you get started, here are some hard skills from cyber security job postings. Try to only include keywords that are relevant to the role. You can also consider adding these skills to a Skills section on your resume. If you go for this kind of section, always remember to tailor your resume’s skills section to the specific job you apply to.

  • Cybersecurity
  • Information Security
  • Penetration Testing
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Network Security
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Incident Response
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Cyber Defense
  • Information Security Management
  • Threat & Vulnerability Management
  • Data Privacy
  • Cloud Security
  • Identity & Access Management (IAM)
  • Python (Programming Language)
  • Security Audits
  • Cryptography

How To Write Your Skills Section On a Cyber Security Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

Skills Word Cloud For Cyber Security Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Cyber Security job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Cyber Security Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Frequently asked questions on cyber security resumes, how do i write a cyber security resume with no experience, what should i put on my cyber security resume, how do i improve my cyber security resume.

Developed a Python Script that automatically identified and isolated over 300 malicious applets, leading to a 45% increase in the division’s productivity.”

What are the most important skills required on a cyber security resume?

Other engineering resumes.

A well-structured resume for IT Infrastructure Manager showcasing technical proficiency and leadership skills.

Network Engineer

An example of a Senior Network Engineer's resume showcasing certifications and project management skills.

Security Manager

A well-structured resume for an Information Security Manager position.

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Cyber Security Resume Guide

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  • UAT Tester Resume Guide
  • Cyber Security Analyst Resume Example
  • Cyber Security Engineer Resume Example
  • Cyber Security Consultant Resume Example
  • Cyber Security Specialist Resume Example
  • Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Resume Example
  • Junior Cyber Security Analyst Resume Example
  • Cyber Security Intern Resume Example
  • Tips for Cyber Security Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • All Resume Examples
  • Cyber Security CV Examples
  • Cyber Security Cover Letter
  • Cyber Security Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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Click here to directly go to the complete cyber security resume sample

“Cyber Security is much more than a matter of IT.” -Stéphane Nappo

Likewise, getting a cybersecurity job is much more than applying for a job with a generic resume.

Unless you write a customized cybersecurity resume, your chances of getting selected for the job is pretty low.

You need to frame the perfect cybersecurity resume that can make you stand out amongst every other average applicant for the recruiters to shortlist you for the targeted job.

And, by the end of this blog, you will be able to write a job-winning cybersecurity resume.

Table of Content:

  • What are the roles and responsibilities of a cyber security professional?
  • What is the average salary of cyber security professionals?
  • How to professionally write a cyber security resume?
  • What sections to use in cyber security resume?
  • How to frame your experience on cyber security engineer resume in the best manner?
  • How to write a perfect cyber-security resume header?
  • Why cyber security resume profile title is necessary and how to write it?
  • How to provide the correct details in the personal information section of your cyber security resume?
  • What is the best way to compose a resume summary or objective to give an overview of your resume and mention the achievements of your career?
  • What are the additional information you need to include in the cyber security resume

Here are some of the related profiles you can look into:

  • Entry Level Cyber Security Resume
  • Security Analyst Resume
  • Cyber Security Certifications
  • Front End Developer Resume
  • Java Developer Resume

Roles & Responsibilities of a Cyber Security Professional

As organizations are going into an online business atmosphere, the requirement of cyber security professionals is more than ever. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , we will see a 31% increase in job demand for an information security professional from 2019 - 2029.

The typical cyber security job description is:

  • Monitor the cloud environment and look for malicious activities
  • Set up user access controls systems and monitor user access for ensuring the security
  • Conduct regular security audits for identifying security Vulnerabilities.
  • Configure patch management protocols for updating software automatically
  • Configure vulnerability management system throughout the cloud system
  • Set up and follow disaster management protocols at the time of problems & ensure complete data recovery

Cyber Security Salary


According to Payscale.com , the average salary of a cyber security professional is $76,575 per year.

Glassdoor.com says the average base pay of a cyber security professional is around $1,00,706 in the United States

How to Write a Professional Cyber Security Resume?

You need to follow three stages of resume writing to curate an impeccable cyber security engineer resume religiously.

The three stages of resume writing are given below:

  • Stage 1 : Master Cyber Security Resume
  • Stage 2 : First Draft of Cyber Security Resume
  • Stage 3 : Final Draft of Cyber Security Resume

1. Master Cyber Security Resume

The master resume is your folder wherein you need to list all the details of your professional experience, education, certifications, awards and recognitions, internships, training, contact and personal information, etc.

You need to gather every detail even though you may not need them in your current cyber security resume sample. Always keep in mind that your master folder can be used for the following time frame:

Resume writing in the present : The master folder helps you find all the required information in one place. Thus making sure that you do not miss out on mentioning any important details on your security resume.

Resume update in the future : For any future updates of your cyber security resume sample, you can find the required details in your master folder. This saves you time and avoids looking for scattered pieces of information.

2. First Draft of Cyber Security Resume

In the second stage of resume writing, you need to frame the first draft of your cyber security resume.

You have to compose the following sections as part of your second stage:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Professional Experience
  • Certifications (if any)
  • Awards & Recognition (if any)
  • Additional Information (if any)

Do keep in mind that every standard section must be framed, whereas the optional sections can be framed only when required.

3. Final Draft of Cyber Security Resume

The final stage of writing your cyber security entry level resume requires you to compose the following two sections:

Key Skills : Create this section in the last second step of security resume-writing. All you have to do is create a separate "key skills" section of your resume. Then identify your most significant skills from the professional experience section of your resume and objectively place them out in this section.

Summary/Objective : Create this section in the last step of resume-writing. You need to give an overview of your cyber security resume, and it can be done by composing a resume summary or objective. If you have fewer than 3 years or no work experience, compose a resume objective. Else, compose a resume summary for your resume.

Every stage can help you focus on the important factors that can make your security resume-writing a hassle-free experience.

Follow them religiously, and you can end up creating the perfect junior cyber security analyst resume to make the recruiters give you the required shortlist.

Cyber Security Resume Sections

Every resume consists of various sections that communicate the different aspects of your educational and professional experience, including many other details.

Listed below are the standard and traditional sections of a cyber security resume that you need to frame at all times:

  • Summary/Objective

Here is a list of all those sections which are optional and can be framed only when required or needed to enhance your cyber security resume for freshers :

  • Awards & Recognitions (if any)

Learn more about resume sections on Hiration's 2023 Guide to sections in a resume .

Cyber Security Resume: Professional Experience

Just as resume writing requires three stages to cover all the aspects of your resume, the professional experience section requires the following factors:

  • STAR Format
  • Frame Points
  • Bucketing & Bolding

1. STAR Format

The STAR format is an important factor that can help you communicate your professional experience to the recruiters in an effective way.

STAR stands for the following points:

  • S stands for the Situation : context of your professional contributions to an organization.
  • T stands for the actual Task : that was assigned to you as a professional.
  • A stands for the Action : that you performed to execute the task assigned for a specific job profile.
  • R stands for your action's Result : or outcome in the form of an achievement figure.

2. Framing Points

Let us look at the two cyber security resume examples given below to understand why your points should be framed and how to incorporate them in your cyber security intern resume:

Cyber Security Resume Example 1:

"As a cyber security professional, I assisted the information security infrastructure for 30+ major components in my previous organization. I also Assisted in the weekly technical analysis, consulting, designing, and review of products. Multiple vulnerability scanning technologies while identifying new techniques and tools we conducted by me to ensure up-to-date means of cyber security. The evaluation of the existing technical issues was effectively managed by me. It was done by identifying innovative solutions to broaden any security challenges. I was also responsible for rendering assistance in managing various projects by consulting with various corporate teams. 3 Junior Application was assisted by me with vulnerability remediation governance and requirements. Effectively coordinated with 4 Senior System Engineers and Cyber Operations teams to research attack surfaces. Successfully executed ad hoc for the entire organization and supervised priority tracking enterprise vulnerability scanning activities."

Cyber Security Resume Example 2:

Rendered assistance to the information security infrastructure for 30+ major components Assisted in the weekly technical analysis, consulting, designing, and review of products Conducted multiple vulnerability scanning technologies while identifying new techniques and tools Evaluated existing technical issues by identifying innovative solutions to broad any security challenges Rendered assistance in managing various projects by consulting with various corporate teams Assessed 3 Junior Applications with vulnerability remediation governance and requirements Coordinated with 4 Senior System Engineers & Cyber Operations teams to research attack surface Executed ad hoc for the entire organization and supervised priority tracking enterprise vulnerability scanning activities
Framing Points Paragraph 
Improved readabilityDifficult to read
Communicate your potential in minimum wordsUse unnecessary linking words

In conclusion, with the help of the above two cyber security resume examples, we advise you to always frame your points and avoid writing bulky paragraphs.

Grouping & Highlighting

Let us look at the two cyber security resume examples given below to understand why you should apply bucketing and bolding in your framed points and how to incorporate them in your security resume:

Rendered assistance to the information security infrastructure for 30+ major components Conducted multiple vulnerability scanning technologies while identifying new techniques and tools Evaluated existing technical issues by identifying innovative solutions to broad any security challenges

Consulting & Technical Analysis

With Grouping & Highlighting No Grouping & Highlighting
Easy to read and comprehend your work experience points
Equal emphasis on all the details
Recruiters can miss out on important informationHolds the recruiters' attention to relevant information

Also, use power verbs to start your points to have more impact on your professional experience statements.

In conclusion, you should always list your points under unique buckets and bold the most significant highlights of your career to raise your chances of being shortlisted.

Implement what you have learned from the above cyber security resume example to draft a kick-ass resume for yourself.


Also Read: How to compose the work experience in your resume?

Cyber Security Resume: Header

The header of your entry-level cyber security resume can help you stand out among other applicants and make it easier for the recruiters to keep track of your security resume.

Here are the points that need to be followed to frame the perfect cybersecurity resume header:

  • It should be written in the topmost part of your security resume.
  • Do not write "CV" or "Resume" as the heading of your resume
  • It should be written in the largest font size.
  • It should be written in 16-20 font sizes .
  • There should be a single space between your first and last names.
  • In case you have a middle name, only the initial of your middle name followed by a period should be written between your first and last name.
  • Example: Mindy Becky Iglesias should be written as Mindy B. Iglesias.

There is more about this section on Hiration’s 2023 Guide To Writing The Perfect Resume Header to help you frame the perfect header for your cyber security intern resume.

Refer to the snapshot of the perfect header from a cyber security resume sample :


Also Read: How to Write a Perfect Resume Header in 2023?

Cyber Security Resume: Personal Information

An ideal personal information section should contain the details of your:

  • Contact Number
  • Email Address
  • Current Location
  • Designation
Hiration Pro Tip : Including details like gender, passport details, date of birth, etc., depending on the country you are targeting. In the Mideast, for instance, these details are required, but not in the US. Scan the hiring norms for the country you are targeting before you include (or don't include) these details.

1. Contact Number

Your contact number can make the recruiters get in touch with you in case of any likely shortlist. Moreover, some recruiters may even want to interview you directly over the phone.

Hence, you need to provide your contact number through which the recruiters can easily get in touch with you.

Below are some tips you need to keep in mind while adding contact number in resume:

  • Mention your country’s ISD code as a prefix before your contact number
  • Add a plus sign (+) right before the ISD code
  • Add a space in the middle of the phone number for increasing readibility
  • Eg : +1 27460 17367

Note: If you have 2 or more mobile numbers, only add the active mobile number on which you are available 24x7.

If the recruiter cannot get in touch with you, there is no point in giving out your contact number in your details. Hence, be sure that you are writing it correctly in your cybersecurity resume.

2. Email Address

You need to have an official email ID through which you can email your resume to the recruiters .

Avoid giving out a fancy or made-up email id in the resume. It can make you seem unprofessional.

Example: [email protected] or [email protected]

Your email address should have your real name to maintain a professional approach at all times.

Example : [email protected] or [email protected]

3. Current Location

Providing your current location in your cybersecurity resume is important. It should be farmed by keeping the following points in mind:

  • Strictly avoid mentioning your house number, locality name, street number, etc., because the recruiters do not require those pieces of information.
  • Mention your current city and state if you are looking for a job in your own country
  • If you are applying for a job in another country, then you can mention your city and country of residence.

Also Read: How to compose your contact information in 2023?

Take a look at the sample cybersecurity resume below for a visual understanding of the personal information section:

: +1 64308 50302
: Boston, US

Have a look at the snapshot below taken from the cyber security resume sample drafted on our resume builder to give you a picture of how you should be writing your personal details in your cybersecurity resume:


4. Designation: Profile Title

The recruiters can recognize your professional identity through your profile title. It ideally communicates the following facts:

  • Your current designation.
  • Your functional industry.
  • Your level of seniority in your line of work.

Frame a professional profile title by following the below-given guidelines:

  • Write it as the second-largest text in your cybersecurity resume.
  • It should ideally be written in 14-16 font size.

Here is our cyber security resume sample for you to get a better understanding of how an ideal profile title looks like:


Cyber Security Resume: Key & Technical Skills

The recruiters use the ATS to pick only the suitable ones, and you need to rank high on the ATS.

Your key skills section is the perfect section wherein you can use the keywords used by the recruiters in the job description.

  • Read the job description carefully and identify the skills that are required for the job.
  • Simply scan through your professional experience section and choose the most specific skills that you possess as a professional.
  • Tally both and pick matching key skills from both lists.
  • Create a separate key skills section on the cybersecurity resume and highlight the key skills in that section.

Also, make sure that every skill you highlight is justified in your professional experience statements.

Here are some common information security analyst skills for a cyber security resume:

CyberSecurity Resume Key Skills
Security Incident Management SIEM Management
Security Audit Analytics & Intelligence
Firewall/IDS/IPS Skills Intrusion Detection
Application Security Development Mobile Device Management
Advanced Malware Prevention Digital Forensics
Data Management Protection Identity & Access Management
CyberSecurity Technical Skills
Wireshark Kali Linux
John the Ripper Metasploit
Cain and Abel Tcpdump

Learn how to effectively curate this section by going through Hiration's 2023 Guide on what skills to put on a resume .

Here is another cyber security resume sample showcasing the perfect key skills section:


Cyber Security Resume Summary

A cybersecurity resume summary needs to be framed to give an overview of your junior cyber security analyst resume.

Given below is a list of what you should follow to write a perfect cyber security resume summary:

  • Write your summary at the end to easily decide what to put in your cybersecurity resume summary and what points to skip.
  • Pick only the highlights of your career from the professional experience section.
  • Try and include the keywords used by the recruiter in the job listing.
  • Write a cybersecurity resume summary that does not exceed 4 lines. But if you have extensive years of experience, then an exception can be made for 5 lines.
  • Compose a cyber security resume summary only if you have work experience of over 3 years.

Given below is a career snapshot from our cyber security resume sample showcasing the ideal cyber security resume summary section:


Also Read: How to write a resume summary in 2023?

Cyber Security Resume Objective

An objective should be composed for your entry-level cyber security resume if:

  • you have no work experience.
  • you have very limited work experience of fewer than 3 years.
  • you are a fresh graduate writing an entry-level resume.

Avoid making the mistake of listing your demands in an objective. Instead, mention what you can do to contribute towards an organization to achieve its targets and goals.

The role of your cyber security resume objective is to make the recruiters recognize your skills as a professional. You need to convince the recruiters that you are the perfect candidate they looking for.

Also Read: How to write a professional resume objective in 2023?

Cyber Security Resume: Education

You need to provide the details of your educational qualification as it can help you communicate the level of your knowledge to the recruiters.

There is a specific requirement of educational qualification for every job profile, so make sure that you provide yours.

The education section of your entry-level cyber security resume should ideally consist of the following factors:

  • Name of the school/university you have attended.
  • Name of the courses you have pursued.
  • The location of your school/university.
  • Enrollment and graduation dates in the month & year format.

You can take a look at the below-given cyber security resume sample showcasing the ideal education section for your resume:


Also Read: How to list your education information on resume in 2023?

Cyber Security Resume: Certification

The certification section is also an essential part of the cybersecurity resume, along with the education section.

When including the certification in the cybersecurity resume, here are the elements you need to add:

  • Name of the certification
  • Name of the accreditation body
  • Date of certification & expiry date in the month & year format.

Here's is an ideal format of writing the certification section in a cyber security resume:

{(Certification Name) | (Certification Body) | (Date of Certification - Date of Expiry)}

Here are a couple of entry level cyber security certifications for your reference:

  • CompTIA Network+
  • CompTIA Security+
  • CompTIA CySA+
  • CompTIA Linux+
  • ISACA CSX Cybersecurity Fundamentals Certificate
  • GIAC Information Security Fundamentals (GISF)

Also Read: How to list your certifications on resume in 2023?

Cyber Security Resume: Additional Information

Additional information is related to all those details related to the languages you speak, productive hobbies you keep, or any other information that relates to your field of work.

Below are a list of additional information you can add in your resume:

  • Hobbies & Interests
  • Volunteer Experience
  • Publications & Research

Refer to the cyber security resume sample given-below and frame the perfect additional information section on your resume:


Cyber Security Cover Letter

A cyber security cover letter will help your resume stand out among 100+ resumes in front of the recruiter.

Here are steps to write a perfect cyber security cover letter:

  • Ensure to use similar formatting and fonts in the resume and cover letter
  • Do not go beyond one page for the resume cover letter. The ideal word count for a resume cover letter is 400-500 words.
  • Complete the entire cyber security cover letter within 2-3 paragraphs.
  • Start the first paragraph of the cyber security cover letter with your years of experience & certifications.
  • Address the cover letter to the recruiter by their name.
  • Always ask the recruiter for an interview at the end of your cover letter

Cyber Security Resume Sample

  • Consulted and rendered assistance for major components of the information security infrastructure
  • Assisted in the technical analysis , designing, consulting and product review of security components
  • Aided with multiple vulnerability scanning technologies and packages while identifying new tools and techniques
  • Evaluated & assessed existing technical issues by researching & identifying innovative solutions to broad security challenges
  • Rendered assistance in managing components of various projects to completion & consulting with various corporate teams
  • Assisted 2 Junior Application & System Engineers with vulnerability remediation governance and requirements
  • Coordinated with 3 Senior Application & System Engineers and Cyber Operations teams to conduct attack surface research
  • Executed ad hoc and priority tracking enterprise vulnerability scanning activities across the organization
  • Maintained and monitored the enterprise Data Loss Prevention (DLP) solution while administering DLP environments
  • Monitored & responded to alerts generated from tool while working with vendors to render assistance in DLP technology
  • Configured policies and gained in-depth knowledge on following the incident response process via event escalations
  • Responded to escalations via the Incident Response team and assisted the Cyber Security team in Live VAPT
  • Implemented the strategies to perform VAPT activities on networks, web servers, websites and mobile applications
  • Informed clients networks and websites about the vulnerabilities while aiding the Security Development team in patching
  • Detected intrusion & deployed software technologies like C, C++, PHP, Perl, Java & Shell while performing malware analysis
  • Managed and administered operating systems while working on virtualization software and networking
  • GPA: 4.0/5.0
  • Languages : English and Japanese

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i make a cyber security resume with no experience.

Below are the steps you need to take when creating a cyber security resume with no experience:

  • Understand the job description
  • Decide a professional and readable resume design
  • Write the resume header with all relevant information
  • Add a resume objective on top
  • Add your education information
  • Add any projects, or community activities you have under the education section
  • List your relevant skills
  • And add some other sections such as language, hobbies & interests.
  • Send the resume to the recruiter in PDF format

What are some cyber security resume keywords and skills?

Given below are some cyber security resume keywords you can add in your resume:

Hard Skills Soft Skills
Risk Analysis Interpersonal Skills
Malware Analysis Collaboration
Cloud Security Communication
Automation Time Management
Risk Mitigation Efficiency
SIEM Tools Problem Solving
Incident Response Perception
Programming Attention to Detail
Data Encryption Accountability
Intrusion Detection Analytical Skills

Key Takeaways

  • Always write your name as the resume header to maintain your resume's unique identity and avoid writing "Resume" or "CV."
  • Provide your personal information as per the requirements of the hiring guidelines.
  • Compose a resume objective if you are a fresher or someone with less than 3 years of work experience or changing careers.
  • A resume summary is to be composed only if you have more than 3 years of professional experience.
  • Frame one-liner bullet points to write your work experience and ensure starting each point with a suitable power verb.
  • Provide the dates of your professional experience or education in the " date & month " format.

Now that we have reached the end of this blog using all the cyber security resume examples and information security resume samples that we have provided in this blog, it can help you write a great resume.

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] , and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

entry level cyber security resume with no experience sample

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  1. Entry Level Cybersecurity Resume

    Here's an example of a recent graduate's resume objective for an entry level cybersecurity specialist role: Data-driven and detail-oriented cybersecurity specialist. Recently graduated from Arizona State University with a bachelor's degree in Computer Science. Highly proficient in vulnerabilities and risks in networks.

  2. Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst

    Use our Targeted Resume tool to ensure your resume includes the right keywords and skills for the specific cyber security analyst job you're applying for. 2. Highlight any relevant projects or internships. As an entry level candidate, you may not have extensive professional experience in cyber security.

  3. 3 Entry-Level Cyber Security Resume Examples for 2024

    Sample entry-level cyber security work experience bullet points. Since you're just starting your career in cyber security, you may feel like you're a little lacking in work experience. Don't worry—you have many more talking points than you think. ... Top 5 Tips for Your Entry-Level Cyber Security Resume. Tailor your resume to each role.

  4. Cyber Security Resume Examples (Also for Entry-Level)

    An entry-level resume can use security accomplishments from other jobs. You can also use volunteering or freelance work. See these entry-level cyber security analyst resume examples with no experience: Say the job wants monitoring, working with clients, and lowering malware threats. Entry-Level Cyber Security Resume Job Description [Sample ...

  5. How To Write an Entry-level Cybersecurity Resume in 7 Steps

    Here are the steps to compose an entry-level cybersecurity resume: 1. Decide on the format. First, decide how you want to arrange and format your resume. For entry-level positions, a chronological format can be best, listing work experience in reverse chronological order from most recent to earliest. As you select a template or design your ...

  6. Entry Level Cybersecurity Resume Example

    Here are some keywords and action verbs you should consider incorporating into your resume: 1. Technical Skills: Mention specific cybersecurity tools, software, and programming languages you are proficient in, such as Python, Java, C++, Wireshark, Metasploit, Nmap, Snort, or Kali Linux. 2.

  7. Entry Level Security Analyst Resume: The 2023 Guide with 10 ...

    Here's an entry level cyber security analyst resume sample illustrating the ideal resume header for your resume: Small things like text size, margins, and formatting matters! ... Fresh graduates with no work experience + entry-level security analysts with less than 3 years of work experience should write an objective statement.

  8. Cyber Security Resume Examples + Template for 2024

    The objective statement on a entry-level cyber security resume tells the agency your career goals. Like the summary, use relevant experience, skills, and achievements to beef it up. Here are two cyber security analyst resume sample objectives: Entry-Level Cyber Security Resume With No Experience Samples: Resume Objective

  9. Entry Level Cyber Security Resume: 2022 Guide with 10+ Examples

    Entry Level Cyber Security Resume Example 1. Tested both layer 1 and 2 while implementing services at layers 1, 2, and 3 as required. Administered technical validations while testing and repairing CAT5E/CAT6 copper, including Multimode 62.5.

  10. 4 Cyber Security Resume Examples & Writing Tips for 2024

    Here are some cyber security hard skills for a cyber security resume: Network security. Intrusion detection systems (IDS) SIEM platforms (e.g., Splunk, ArcSight) Vulnerability assessment tools (e.g., Nessus, Qualys) Endpoint security. Firewall configuration and management. Encryption technologies.

  11. Cyber Security Resume Guide (+ Examples & Templates)

    This resume example is designed for those without direct cyber security experience. It focuses on effectively presenting non-IT work, certifications, and indirect cyber security experience through self-learning. You can find a wide selection of cyber security resume templates LaTeX format here.

  12. 5 Cyber Security Resume Examples for the Job in 2024

    3 Tips for Writing an Entry-Level Cyber Security Resume. Every experience is important Even if you're just starting out, it's important to fill your resume with relevant skills and work experience bullet points. If this is your first job in cyber security, simply talk about the projects you've worked on during your education, such as ...

  13. 11 Entry Level Cyber Security Resume Examples for 2024

    Breaking into cyber security starts with a good entry-level resume. This article lays out clear examples and strategic tips. You'll learn to highlight your skills, education, and any relevant experience. We'll guide you through crafting a resume that speaks to hiring managers directly, in a language that resonates with the cyber security industry. Expect straightforward advice that puts you on ...

  14. How to Write a Cybersecurity Resume (Step-by-Step with Examples

    Step 1: Create a cybersecurity resume template. One of the most important characteristics for any resume to have is readability. Hiring managers want to find the information they need quickly and easily. You can find plenty of free and paid cybersecurity specialist and cybersecurity analyst resume templates online.

  15. Cyber Security Analyst Resume: 2023 Guide with 15+ Examples

    An optimized cyber security entry level resume; An optimized entry level cyber security resume with no experience; Use your name as your cyber security analyst resume header. Most professionals tend to write a generic 'resume' or 'CV' to label their resume. If you have been doing this, it's time to undo this resume blunder. It's time to stop it ...

  16. How To Write a Cybersecurity Resume (With Template and Example)

    Here are some steps you can follow to write a cybersecurity resume: 1. Create a header. The first step is to write a clear header at the top of the page, using an easy-to-read font and white space, that includes your full name and contact information. You might include your full home address or just your city and state.

  17. Your Quick How-to Guide for Writing an Entry Level Cybersecurity Resume

    3. Add your Work Experience. Entry-level cybersecurity resumes usually include some kind of experience. This could have been from a volunteer position, an internship, or a year or two of experience in another company. You should include your most recent experiences first then add your earlier experiences after them.

  18. Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Resume Sample (+Tips)

    Entry Level Cyber Security Analyst Resume No Experience Sample. Cyril Chandler. 903 Red Road, Colorado Springs, CO27834. (000) 351-9587. [Email] CYBER SECURITY ANALYST. OBJECTIVE. A technically savvy individual with a deep interest in providing technology defense incident response.

  19. 27 Cybersecurity Resume Examples for 2024

    An objective statement in an entry-level cybersecurity resume tells the agency your career goals. Like the summary, use relevant experience, skills, and achievements to beef it up. Example Resume Objectives: Objective Example 1 "Persistent, detail-oriented cybersecurity analyst with 4+ years' experience with government security software ...

  20. 13 Cyber Security Resume Examples for 2024

    An entry-level cyber security professional has not specialized in any of the above career roles, of course. Often they come from a computer science background, though some programs are starting to offer cyber security-specific degrees. As this is an entry-level resume, it's entirely appropriate that the educational experience is listed first.

  21. Cyber Security Resume Examples and Tips to Get You Hired

    1. A cyber security resume gives you increased chances of getting an interview: Cyber security is a highly competitive field, so a strong resume is essential for getting your foot in the door. A well-written resume that highlights your skills and experience will make you more likely to be selected for an interview. 2.

  22. Cyber Security Resume: The 2023 Guide with 10+ Samples & Examples

    Given below is a career snapshot from our cyber security resume sample showcasing the ideal cyber security resume summary section: Also Read: How to write a resume summary in 2023? Cyber Security Resume Objective. An objective should be composed for your entry-level cyber security resume if: you have no work experience.

  23. How does my entry level cyber security resume look?

    One for Network Security and another for general networking and another for helpdesk types of jobs. Further, you list yourself as a recent graduate of a recent cyber security. If you took a computer course, you should be upfront with that instead of making it sound as if you attended a university (four yr college).

  24. 9 Entry-Level Cybersecurity Jobs Worth Considering

    Entry-Level Cybersecurity Jobs. Here are the most common entry-level cybersecurity roles to consider if you want to become a security specialist: Information Cybersecurity Analyst. An Information Cybersecurity Analyst safeguards computer networks and systems. They monitor, detect, and respond to cyber threats, ensuring data protection.

  25. 10 Cybersecurity Jobs: Entry-Level and Beyond

    With a high school diploma or GED, you'll likely need between four and seven years of relevant experience on your resume. Most cybersecurity professionals enter the field after gaining experience in an entry-level IT role. Here are a few of the most common entry-level jobs within the bigger world of cybersecurity. 1. Information security analyst

  26. 430+ Resume Examples for Any Job or Experience Level

    Strong Professional Summary This resume opens with a compelling summary that highlights the candidate's experience and achievements. This introduction effectively helps attract the interest of galleries or potential clients. Detailed Artistic Experience Exhibitions and commissions are some of the most relevant achievements for a working artist. By creating separate sections for these ...