How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Good Resume (ChatGPT Resume Guide)

Learn how to write a resume that’s tailored to the company’s job description from scratch using ChatGPT, including examples of the best prompts.

how to create a resume on chatgpt

You can use ChatGPT to create a resume. First, mention that you’re looking to write a resume for a particular role. Next, tell ChatGPT to ask you everything it needs to know to write a resume based on your professional background. Answer its questions. Mention previous job titles, skills, and qualifications. For accuracy, refine the output so that it reflects your actual work history. Afterward, copy and paste the company’s job description into ChatGPT and ask it to tailor your resume. Lastly, put everything into a resume builder for a professional format.

Knowing how to use ChatGPT to write a resume means entering the right prompts. 

Make it clear that you’re looking to write a resume for a certain role. Then, detail your professional background (and even send the company’s job description) first so that the language model can have some guidance on the type of resume to create. 

This guide walks you through how to use ChatGPT to write a resume from scratch. The first output will likely be far from perfect, but still, it’s a tool that can speed up the entire process. 

On the other hand, ChatGPT could end up being a double-edged sword since it’s all about coming up with your own prompts, refining them, and optimizing the format yourself. So even though ChatGPT can help with brainstorming, you might end up in a loop of analysis paralysis since it’ll still require multiple iterations. 

An AI resume tool like ours, Rezi AI, uses the same technology as ChatGPT except it’s dedicated to generating outputs based on the best resume practices. 

Complete your resume immediately with Rezi AI Resume Builder . Watch your resume write itself—tailor your resume to the job description automatically and get suggestions on the top skills to include. And the design and layout? It will always stay perfect. Just pick one of our 15+ free resume templates .

how to create a resume on chatgpt

Why You Should (or Shouldn’t) Use ChatGPT to Write a Resume

Why you should use ChatGPT to write a resume: 

  • Efficiency. ChatGPT can draft an entire resume for the role you’re applying for in seconds. 
  • Tailoring. You can tailor your resume faster by sending ChatGPT the job description rather than manually reviewing the entire thing yourself. 
  • Ideas. Overcome writer’s block by asking ChatGPT the type of responsibilities, duties, and achievements to highlight, as well as how to articulate them. 

Why you shouldn’t use ChatGPT to write a resume: 

  • Not 100% accurate. AI may overstate qualifications. Double-check to ensure all information reflects your professional background. 
  • Generic outputs. Without proper guidance or prompts, ChatGPT might draft a resume that anyone else in your field could use. 
  • No formatting. ChatGPT can help with writing a resume, but not so much when it comes to formatting a resume. 

Use Rezi AI to create your resume and skip this guide

Imagine ChatGPT on steroids for writing a resume—that’s Rezi AI. 

Here’s how to not just write, but create a tailored ATS resume with our AI resume builder: 

  • Complete the initial form by entering a few details such as the company’s job description, the field you’re applying for, and your experience level. This guides our AI writer to ensure its output aligns with your professional background.
  • Fill out the provided fields for every resume section, like adding your full name in the contact details section.
  • When writing bullet points describing a previous role in the work experience section or an additional section, enter the job title. Next, click “Generate Bullet” and our AI Bullet Point Writer will write sentences based on your background and resume best practices.
  • For your resume summary, you can use our AI Resume Summary Generator . Enter the job position and skills you want to highlight, then click “AI Writer Ready.” 
  • Finish up and preview your resume. Once you’re happy with everything, hit the download button. 

And you’re all done—no need to worry about formatting or what the best prompts are. 

Every one of our resume designs and layouts have been carefully created to meet ATS standards, meaning that they’ll always pass any company’s resume scanner. This is something you can’t be sure of when making a resume on your own on a Word document or when using other run-of-the-mill resume builders that are too heavy on visuals. 

With Rezi, all you have to do is click a button to generate outputs that match your background and follow the best practices. 

You can get started with Rezi for free. 

If you’re still dead set on using ChatGPT, and you’re determined to enter the prompts yourself, keep reading.

How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Resume From Scratch

‍ This is how to use ChatGPT to write a resume: 

  • State you’re looking for help to write a resume for a particular job position. Then, tell ChatGPT to ask you the most relevant questions about your career. This way, the tool will be able to draft a resume that’s more personalized to you and your background.
  • Answer ChatGPT’s questions as best as you can. If you’re unsure about anything, you can ask for clarification in the same thread. 
  • Refine every single section generated by ChatGPT. Get ChatGPT’s assistance with this by using specific prompts such as, “rewrite the bullet points for the [Job Title] entry and emphasize XYZ achievements.”
  • Copy and paste the company’s job description into ChatGPT. Next, ask ChatGPT to tailor your resume to the job description . 
  • Read through all information to make sure everything accurately reflects your employment background. 
  • Put everything into a resume builder like Rezi for a professional ATS format.
  • Or, format your resume yourself using MS Word, Google Docs, or other word processing software of your choice. Make sure the layout is clean and elegant.
  • Save your resume as a PDF , unless the job description explicitly requires another file format.

This process of using AI tools, whether they’re focused specifically on resumes like Rezi AI or capable of performing general writing tasks like ChatGPT, can feel liberating. One of our Reddit users in our community even mentioned that: 

“The AI tools are amazing. The AI bullet point suggestions and AI Summary writer are lifesavers. My resume is leaps and bounds improved now.” 

While all sounds promising, don’t be surprised if you’re not fully satisfied with the first few outputs. It may take a few times before you get something that you feel happy enough to use as a foundation. 

If at any point you’re not pleased with the results as you’re following this guide, hit the generate button again. 

1. Describe Your Current Situation to ChatGPT

ChatGPT is revolutionizing writing , but it can’t read minds. It needs a little direction. 

Describing your current situation helps ChatGPT create not just any random resume, but a resume that aligns more with your background. 

Now, don’t get me wrong—the first draft won’t be perfect. You’ll have to double-check and replace certain details to ensure that they’re an accurate representation of your particular skills and experiences (more on that later).

Here’s how to describe your situation to ChatGPT: 

  • Start by mentioning that you need help writing a resume for a particular job title. 
  • Specify the job title you’re applying for. 
  • Tell ChatGPT to ask you the top 3–5 questions for it to be able to draft a resume based on your background and the position you’re applying to (this way, the first draft won’t be too far off). 

In the screenshot below, you’ll see an example of this for a content manager position:

ChatGPT resume prompt example

2. Answer ChatGPT’s Questions

After sending the first prompt, ChatGPT will reply with a few questions like this: 

ChatGPT questions to answer for a ChatGPT resume output that aligns with your background

Now, the next step is to answer each of these questions as best as you can. 

If you’re unsure, you could always ask ChatGPT within the same (or a new) thread for further clarification to help you answer any of the questions. For example, if you don’t know what your main achievements were in a previous role, ask ChatGPT for a list of the most common types of resume achievements for said position. 

Going off on what ChatGPT has asked me, here are my example answers: 

Work experience:

  • Previous roles include: content manager at company ABC (2020–2023), senior content writer at company DEF (2018–2020), and content writer at company XYZ (2017–2018). 
  • As a content manager, my main responsibility was overseeing the planning, creation, and distribution of content across various platforms. As senior content writer, my main responsibility was to create engaging content aligned with the content strategy and mentor junior writers. As a content writer, my main duty was to research, write, and edit content (articles, blog posts, website copy) following a brand voice and style guide.
  • Content manager achievements include increasing website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates. Content writer and senior content writer achievements include writing content that increased traffic and helping the company get featured on reputable publications like Forbes and getting lots of social shares. 

Skills and expertise:

  • Content management, SEO, copywriting, project management, email marketing, social media
  • Ahrefs, ClickUp, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Data Studio, HubSpot, 

Education and certifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree in English literature, obtained from Harvard University
  • I have a Google Analytics certification

Key projects and results:

  • I once led a content strategy that boosted website traffic and the number of leads. I had created a content strategy and managed a content marketing budget of $10,000/mo budget, and also was responsible for hiring freelance writers to go from creating 4 articles per month to 12 articles per month.
  • Metrics include doubling organic traffic, achieving page 1 rankings on Google, and seeing a 72% increase in leads.  ‍

Professional development and affiliations:

  • Apart from the certifications mentioned above, I don’t have any formal affiliations with content management or content writing organizations.

After answering, hit enter. 

3. Refine Every Resume Section 

At this point, you should have a first draft of your resume by ChatGPT. Following on from our example, here’s what that might look like: 

Sample ChatGPT resume

Although it’s not perfect, I’m pretty impressed with the output. 

Once you have this, the next step is to fill in the blanks and refine every resume section to ensure that all details are accurate. 

Whenever there’s anything you want to add or remove, but you’re not sure how, you can always ask ChatGPT within the same thread. An example of this could be, “During my time as [Job Title] at [Company] in [Dates of Employment], I actually did [Specify any tasks, duties, or accomplishments]. Could you please add this in?”

Below, I’ll share what to look out for when going through each of these sections. If you want inspiration as you’re following through this, check out our library of resume examples here . 

And if you want an easier way to improve your bullet points, use our AI Bullet Point Editor —here’s how it works: 

  • Highlight the bullet point that you want to refine. 
  • Hit the “Rewrite Bullet” button.
  • You’ll receive up to three suggestions—select the one you like the most. 

Boom, that’s it! 

Otherwise, continue reading for how to use ChatGPT to edit your resume . 

Work experience section

The work history section should present your career timeline and growth, as well as the impact you had in previous companies.

  • Consider whether any results mentioned can be specified using numbers.
  • Include timeframes to further specify duties or results. 
  • Edit certain details to reflect your actual experience. 
  • Use alternative action verbs that provide a more vivid description of your contributions. 
  • Add any extra bullet points for other relevant responsibilities. 

If you remember specific achievements or duties that haven’t been included, ask ChatGPT to add these in and refine them from there. 

Education section

The education section is where you list all formal academic qualifications. 

  • Confirm if all details here such as the degree title, location, and year of graduation are correct.
  • Add any further information, like your GPA (only add it if higher than 3.5 and only if you’ve graduated less than 5 years ago).
  • If you don’t have much work experience, mention any relevant minors, honors, academic achievements, or relevant coursework.
  • If you’re an established professional, only listing your degree, school name, and graduation date will do. 

Skills section

Prioritize the most relevant competencies in the skills section. Never lie and include anything that you can’t prove you’re adept in.  

  • Put skills in categories (such as “soft” and “technical” skills) for readability. 
  • Optionally, include your proficiency level in brackets for certain skills for clarification. 
  • Add other relevant skills that haven’t been mentioned. 
  • Remove skills listed by ChatGPT that you’re not actually confident in. 
  • Mention any industry tools or software you’re capable of using. 

Additional sections

Use extra resume sections to reinforce your credibility. Tell ChatGPT about any significant side projects, qualifications, or experience that you’d like to showcase. 

  • If an additional section has been included, go through all the details and make sure the bullet points accurately depict what you did. 
  • If there are no additional sections in the original draft, consider adding one (or a few). Extra sections help you further highlight your areas of expertise and skills. Examples of other sections include certifications, projects, awards, and more. 

Summary section

The first resume summary that ChatGPT generates might not be the best representation of your strengths. In this case, clarify your career highlights and expertise, and then ask ChatGPT to refine your intro based on this. 

  • Make sure the areas of expertise highlighted are a genuine reflection of your professional strengths. 
  • Emphasize how you can uniquely contribute and how your work background is compatible with the job requirements. 
  • Ensure your summary is concise and only up to three or four sentences long. 

Have little to no work experience or changing career fields? Go for a resume objective statement instead of a summary. 

4. Ask ChatGPT to Tailor Your Resume to the Company’s Job Description

A generic resume will get overlooked. Tailoring your resume means highlighting skills and experiences that directly align with the job description. It shows you've taken the time to understand the company’s needs and how you can contribute. This means you’re way more likely to get an interview callback.

Companies don’t want to receive a resume that’s meant for anyone. They only look at resumes meant for them. 

If your resume comes across as an application that can be used for any other organization, you won’t make it past the applicant tracking systems (ATS) . 

Now, the reason I suggest using ChatGPT to tailor your resume after you refined everything and not earlier on is so that you have a general resume for a particular job title. 

Here’s what you need to do to make sure it’s built not just for a certain job title, but also for a certain company:

  • Use resume keywords . 
  • Prioritize showcasing achievements that prove you’re capable of fulfilling the role. 
  • Emphasize tasks and responsibilities related to the primary job requirements. 
  • List skills, tools, and frameworks that employers expect you to be proficient in. 

With a general resume, you can now easily tailor it for different companies you’re applying to by using ChatGPT. 

Here’s exactly how to tailor your resume using ChatGPT: 

  • Copy and paste the job ad into ChatGPT. Then, ask ChatGPT to provide you with a list of keywords, skills, achievements, and responsibilities that employers want to see in your resume. 
  • Ask ChatGPT to add some of the top keywords into your resume naturally. 
  • Make ChatGPT adjust your summary section and focus on your most relevant strengths based on the job description. (You may also ask ChatGPT if it has any questions for you to clarify so that it can provide you with an accurate output.)
  • Request ChatGPT to emphasize certain skills, tasks, and achievements for different resume sections. 
  • Tell ChatGPT to reorganize your bullet points and prioritize sentences that align most to the company’s hiring expectations.
  • Request ChatGPT to reorganize your skills section based on the job description. 
  • Ask ChatGPT if there are any particular experiences or additional sections worth considering to further tailor your application.  

Alternatively, use a resume keyword scanner to know what keywords from the job description are of highest priority. Then, copy and paste this into ChatGPT and ask it to embed these keywords into your resume.

5. Double-Check Everything

Typos and inconsistencies can ruin your resume. 

Here’s your checklist to make sure your resume is good to go: 

  • Verify all information. Since ChatGPT generated a bulk of your resume (and even though you refined everything), be sure that all details are factually accurate. This includes contact information, employment details, and so forth. 
  • Proofread everything. Ensure no grammar and spelling mistakes. Read it to yourself aloud to catch any awkward phrasing. 
  • Review all the keywords you’ve added and see if where you put them fit in naturally. 

Another tip is to get feedback from either a career coach or a resume checker . I’m more fond of the latter, considering the costs of a career expert. 

6. Put Everything Into a Resume Builder for a Professional ATS Resume Format

Even after having the perfect resume written using ChatGPT, you’ll still need a professional format. 

If you’ve been using a Word document, the format can look tacky once downloaded as a PDF .

Now, you have two options. You can either: 

  • Make all formatting changes manually yourself (I suggest going through our resume format guide in this case)
  • Put everything into a resume builder like Rezi where everything is done for you, so then you’ll have a resume that you can immediately submit. 

Here’s how to put everything into Rezi AI: 

  • Choose one of our ATS-compliant templates here .
  • Copy and paste your ChatGPT resume into the provided fields per section. 
  • Head over to the “finish up & preview” tab to see how your resume looks.
  • Make any micro adjustments if necessary, such as increasing font size.
  • Download your polished resume in the file type you need, e.g., as a PDF.
  • Edit the file name using your first and last name, such as “Astley-Cervania-Resume.pdf.” 

The Best ChatGPT Prompts to Write a Resume

Here’s a compilation of some of the best ChatGPT resume prompts: 

  • “I'm building a resume for a [Job Title] position. My previous job positions were [Job Title], [Job Title], and [Job Title]. My areas of expertise are in [Skill] and [Skill]. Can you please help me write a resume for [Job Title] position and highlight my strengths?”
  • “Here’s a draft of my resume for [Job Title]: [copy and paste your resume]. Can you tell me how I can make it more impactful and tailored to the position I’m applying for?” 
  • “Here’s a draft of my resume for [Job Title]: [copy and paste your resume]. Could you tailor it to this job description: [copy and paste the job description]? I also want you to tell me what changes you made and how those changes improve the success rate of my resume.” 
  • “Can you please write powerful resume bullet points for my previous job position as [Job Title] and emphasize my skills in XYZ and achievements in ABC?”
  • “I don’t have many quantifiable accomplishments in my work experience. Can you please suggest ways to reframe certain bullet points to clarify the value and impact I made in previous roles?”
  • "I held a [Job Title] position at [Company] but it wasn’t directly related to the [Job Title] role I'm currently applying for. Can you please help me tailor my experience to highlight transferable skills relevant to this position?"
  • “Based on my work experience and the job description, can you suggest what skills I should list in the skills section of my resume?”
  • "I’m struggling to write a concise and impactful resume summary. Can you help me write one that highlights my track record, strengths, career highlights, and unique value proposition for a [Job Title] position?"

Let’s recap everything discussed on how to use ChatGPT to write a resume: 

  • State that you’re trying to write a resume for a specific job position, and then tell ChatGPT to ask you questions about your background, so the output isn’t entirely random. 
  • Answer all questions provided by ChatGPT to the best of your knowledge. If you’re unsure about any particular question, you can ask ChatGPT in the same thread for clarification. 
  • Edit the entire resume by sections, starting with the work experience.
  • Ask ChatGPT to tailor your resume to the company’s job description—copy and paste the job ad into ChatGPT.
  • Double-check everything, making sure all details are factually correct.
  • Put everything into Rezi for a professional ATS resume format. 

And there you have it! 

AI tools can make your life easier when it comes to writing a resume. Although ChatGPT is an option, you’re better off using an AI tool (like Rezi ) that’s specifically designed to help you build the perfect resume.

How do you improve your resume with ChatGPT?

Copy and paste the company’s job description into ChatGPT. Then, ask ChatGPT how to improve your resume based on not only the best practices, but also based on the job description. For a more targeted and detailed approach, have ChatGPT review your resume by sections, starting with your work experience. 

How do you update your resume with ChatGPT?

Describe your current situation. Tell ChatGPT that you’re looking to update your resume for a particular job position. Next, copy and paste your resume into ChatGPT and then tell it to ask you the top questions it has for it to update your resume. After answering the questions ChatGPT gives you, it’ll come back to you with an updated version of your resume. At this point, double-check everything is factually correct. You can also ask ChatGPT to give you suggestions on how to further improve your resume for a stronger application. 

Can ChatGPT write a resume?

Yes, ChatGPT can write a resume. It’s all about giving it the correct prompts. However, don’t solely rely on ChatGPT. You’ll still need to check and edit everything, but it can speed up the process. 

How to get access to ChatGPT?

Head over to this website and sign up for an account to get access to ChatGPT. 

How to upload a resume to ChatGPT?

Click the attach file icon and upload your resume. However, this only works when you have access to the premium version of ChatGPT. If you’re using ChatGPT-3, you’ll have to copy and paste your resume into the prompt instead. 

Can ChatGPT rewrite my resume?

Yes, ChatGPT can rewrite your resume and help you make it more impactful. Simply enter the prompt, “Can you rewrite my resume and make it more impactful for a [Job Title] position?” From there, verify all the details generated and make sure everything is an accurate reflection of your professional background.

Rezi is an ai resume builder to help you to create a resume that os sure to check the boxes when it comes to applicant tracking systems : Rezi Review by Ashley

Astley Cervania

Astley Cervania is a career writer and editor who has helped hundreds of thousands of job seekers build resumes and cover letters that land interviews. He is a Rezi-acknowledged expert in the field of career advice and has been delivering job success insights for 4+ years, helping readers translate their work background into a compelling job application.

  • Services & Software

How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Resume

Already got your AI-assisted cover letter on hand? We walk you through the steps of creating a resume, too.

how to create a resume on chatgpt

If you've just graduated college or you're looking for a new job, a solid resume can get your foot in the door. Unlike a cover letter, which has to be tweaked for every new application, your resume only needs to be updated every year or two to showcase your skills, experience, education, honors and references. 

With the state of the job market, mass layoffs, and shift to the gig economy, investing time now to create an epic resume will pay off. Your resume is the first touch point you have with a prospective employer, but if staring at a blank page and trying to write about yourself is discouraging, then let artificial intelligence do the legwork. 

AI Atlas art badge tag

ChatGPT , the breakout generative AI tool, can help you with the best practices of resume writing and speed up the process. If there's one thing AI is good at, it's synthesizing, structuring and summarizing information. And once you have your resume, you can use it to create a custom cover letter . 

You can use a free version of ChatGPT or pay $20 per month for added features like the  most recent models , priority access during peak usage, and image generation. 

If you're struggling to condense career highlights over decades into two pages, read on.

Creating a resume from scratch

Set yourself up for success by doing some preparation. ChatGPT needs context, otherwise it'll spit out generic content that's sometimes even wrong . I started by researching reporter resume templates and jotted down notes about past experience, education and accomplishments. 

Then to find out what ChatGPT needs, just ask. "Can you write me a resume?" was my first prompt, and ChatGPT conveniently told me all the information to input so it could get to work. 

ChatGPT Resume Format

I replied with all my information, outlined like this, and attached my preferred format: 

Here is my professional summary: [paste]  Here is my work experience: [paste]  Here are my major clients: [paste]  Here is my education: [paste]  Please generate a list of skills based on my experience and format my resume like the example below: [paste template]

ChatGPT does a great job of organizing information into a cohesive format, but I wanted to change it so it flowed a little better (it put my education before my experience, making it look at first glance like I didn't have any experience). 

Please reorganize the following sections in this order: 

  • Contact Details 
  • Summary 
  • Experience 
  • Major Clients 
  • Skills 

Looking good.

ChatGPT Resume 1-1

Keep your info less sensitive

You'll see that I didn't give the chatbot my contact details to add to the resume. I prefer to keep my sensitive information out of the model to avoid any future data breaches or unnecessary risk, so I'll add my email, phone number and address myself in the final version. 

When reviewing ChatGPT's draft, I noticed two issues: 

  • My 10 years as a full-time freelancer needed to be fleshed out, by adding noteworthy projects and long contracts. 
  • The skills list was way too long. 

Back in ChatGPT I wrote the following:

Please add two contract roles under Freelance Reporter and Writer in the experience section. 

Freelance Reporter at NerdWallet, August 2022 - present. Tasks: Writing personal finance advice articles, providing insights and strategies to educate and empower everyday consumers in Australia. Topics include credit cards, travel points, frequent flyer programs, BNPL, credit scores, money management, and more.

Freelance Reporter at Decential, September 2022 - present. Tasks: Reporting on the people, projects and protocols in the world of web3. Cover news, interview founders, write deep dive features and commentary, and cover in-person events and conferences.

Then, instead of reducing the skills list, I asked that it be arranged in two columns. The chatbot put the info into a table, which I didn't like, so I asked that it be removed. 

Skills Table

ChatGPT still had a hard time with it. I asked it again to present the info in two columns, with a space in between but without a table or borders. You can highlight a section and reply specifically there. 

Skills List

But it still didn't work, so I stopped wasting time and did it myself directly in the document. 

Final tweaks

Before I made my final tweaks, I asked ChatGPT to provide a short list of suggestions for how to improve my resume. It gave me some solid advice -- like highlighting achievements, quantifying results, tailoring my resume to a specific job, adding keywords and making my professional summary more concise -- but take it with a grain of salt. 

For example, my professional summary shows my narrative abilities and doesn't take up much real estate. I did, however, add a section for notable projects.  

Though some advice was relevant, like adding metrics to achievements and starting each bullet point with a strong action verb, the others weren't necessary. For instance, I didn't want to make my profile more concise, because that's where I show off my narrative ability for writing jobs. When using artificial intelligence, always trust your human instinct. 

Last, I wanted to get it down from four pages to three, so I arranged my major clients into two columns and reduced the skills list. You can see the final version of my AI-created resume below.

Once ChatGPT is done with the nitty gritty, you can add the finishing touches yourself. I'll drop in my logo and byline hyperlinks, then it's good to go!

For more AI tips, check out  how to use Midjourney to create custom wedding invitations  and how to use AI-powered Grammarly to do all of your editing . For news and hands-on reviews of gen AI tools  ChatGPT ,  Copilot ,  Gemini  and more, check out CNET's  AI Atlas  hub.

ChatGPT's final resume for me:

Final Resume 1

Editors' note: CNET used an AI engine to help create several dozen stories, which are labeled accordingly. The note you're reading is attached to articles that deal substantively with the topic of AI but are created entirely by our expert editors and writers. For more, see our  AI policy .

How-To Geek

How to use chatgpt to craft a resume for any job.


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Key Takeaways

  • Use ChatGPT to analyze job descriptions and identify key skills and requirements.
  • Let ChatGPT create an initial draft of your resume and edit it to add personal details and make it more refined.
  • ChatGPT can help optimize your existing resume by identifying important qualifications and providing tips for improvement.

Putting together a stand-out resume is crucial when you want to make a stellar first impression on potential employers. However, crafting a resume that actually showcases your skills and accomplishments—without reading like a boring, cookie-cutter document—can be tricky. This is where ChatGPT comes in handy.

We used the free version of ChatGPT (GPT 3.5) for illustrations throughout this piece. While it's decent, we expect you’ll get better results using the premium version of ChatGPT (GPT 4).

Use ChatGPT to Analyze the Job Description

First, copy and paste the entire job description for the role you’re applying for directly into ChatGPT. This will give it the inside scoop on exactly what the employer seeks. Ask ChatGPT to scan through the wording and pull out the key skills, requirements, and responsibilities that it notices.

Let’s assume I was to apply for the role of digital marketing manager that I found on LinkedIn. I tried to have ChatGPT analyze the job description by prompting it: “Based on the job description below, please identify and highlight the key skills and requirements the employer seeks in bold.” ChatGPT did just as I requested—determining the most essential qualifications and competencies sought by the employer.

Job description for digital marketing manager entered in ChatGPT

Next, I gave ChatGPT a hypothetical professional background for the next exercise. I laid out a few years of experience as a digital marketing manager at previous companies, key projects I led, big wins for clients, and all the usual résumé checklist items—just to set the table with a sample candidate profile. Armed with that, I told ChatGPT: "Based on my work history as a digital marketing manager below, do I meet the requirements for this position?" Putting it to the test to see how I'd stack up.

Feeding ChatGPT a hypothetical background to craft a resume

After crunching my background side-by-side with the job description details, it looks like I didn’t completely knock it out of the park. ChatGPT responded along the lines that my experience sounded pretty relevant but asked me to fill in a few gaps to get the full picture before it could make the call. It wanted more info on things like confirming if I directly managed a marketing team before, providing my current geographical location, and elaborating on my experience with remote collaboration tools and team communication.

ChatGPT response indicating more information needed to determine if candidate meets requirements for digital marketing manager role

No problem! I quickly padded it with some made-up details about the senior team I supposedly managed and the collaboration tech I'm skilled in. For good measure, I threw in Austin as my location. ChatGPT came back, acknowledging I seem qualified enough now with that extra context.

ChatGPT's response to providing additional details

Create a Resume from Scratch with ChatGPT

Here's the fun part. I let ChatGPT take a first pass at writing my resume. I prompted it to: “craft a resume that fits the job I’m applying for based on the information I provided before.” And it definitely took a first crack at it. ChatGPT put together a chronological resume, organizing my hypothetical background into nicely formatted sections: professional summary, work experience, education, skills, and additional information.

ChatGPT-crafted resume based on prompting

Obviously, to protect my personal information, I didn't provide ChatGPT with any real specifics like my name, address, contact details, etc. The last thing you'd want is your data to get stored on some server to train algorithms without your permission! So, for privacy's sake, it’s best to feed it career details only. Once you like the outcome, you can edit and polish ChatGPT's draft, adding specifics like your personal details and tweaking anything that needs finesse (outside of ChatGPT, though). Use your human judgment to perfect the end result.

Screenshot of snippet of a ChatGPT-crafted resume

You Can Use ChatGPT to Strengthen Your Existing Resume

If you already have a resume you want to improve, you can use ChatGPT to help you polish and optimize it. Copy and paste your resume and the job description into ChatGPT. This will give it the information that it needs to work with. Then, tell ChatGPT to scan your resume and the job description and identify the key skills and requirements the employer seeks. You can prompt it with something like: “ChatGPT, here’s my resume: [Insert Resume] and here’s the job description [Insert Description]. Now, identify the most important qualifications, skills, and requirements the employer is seeking. Then give me some tips to tweak my resume to really highlight and optimize it for those key things they want.”

Prompting ChatGPT to refine an existing resume

ChatGPT will dig into all that info and give you back some great pointers on little tweaks you can make, key stuff you should emphasize, or areas where you should elaborate on your experience. It can help you reshape things so your resume looks like the perfect, personalized fit for what they’ve asked for in a job listing.

ChatGPT tips to refine an existing resume

ChatGPT Can Optimize Your Resume to Be ATS-friendly

Applying for jobs at big corporations can feel like tossing a message in a bottle into the sea these days. Your precious resume often has to run through an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), which is basically an automated software bouncer that decides if you get to talk to a human recruiter or not. These ATS bots scan all incoming resumes, looking for specific skills, keywords, experience levels, etc., based on what the hiring manager is looking for. It’s how big companies deal with the tsunami of applications flowing in.

The problem is that many resumes never make it past ATS because they don’t have the exact key phrases the system’s programmed to find or aren’t formatted in a way it can easily scan. All that time crafting a personal, eye-catching resume for nothing.

Luckily, ChatGPT can jump in to help make sure your resume makes it through screening. Just copy/paste your resume text into ChatGPT and ask it to “review my resume to determine its compatibility with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS).” It’ll ping back the key skills and experience you’ll want to emphasize in your resume and any industry lingo and job requirements to work into the text so all the bots recognize you as having what they are scanning for.

Asking ChatGPT to determine if a resume is ATS compatible

Make the changes ChatGPT suggests so everything the hiring manager cares about is clear and optimized for ATS friendliness. Do a once over yourself to polish the language and convey your awesome personality.

ChatGPT providing recommendations on optimizing a resume for applicant tracking systems (ATS)

ChatGPT is more than just a resume builder. It's also a friendly companion that can help you with various aspects of your job search, such as preparing for interviews, writing cover letters, negotiating salaries, and more. Just make sure to put your own human spin on any final output it gives you.

  • Cutting Edge

How To Use ChatGPT To Write a Resume: The Full ChatGPT Resume Guide

Writing a resume can be daunting, particularly for those with varying skill sets; not everyone finds it easy to translate their achievements into written words. This only gets harder when you’re writing a resume for a new career and aren’t sure how to stand out.

Fortunately, this is one area where emerging artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT are a big help. 

Is it cheating? No! Just as we use software to check spelling and grammar, AI tools serve a similar purpose, if a bit more advanced. These tools can highlight your strengths and make your resume pop. 

But the key to getting it right is using the tool in such a way that you can lean into its strengths. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll look at how you can use AI to craft an impressive ChatGPT resume that will increase your chances of landing that dream job.

We’ll cover:

  • Should you use AI to write a resume?

Step 1: Determine your aims and target audience

Step 2: identify the key sections of your resume, step 3: craft nuanced prompts, step 4: refine and review outputs, step 5: engage chatgpt in dialogue, step 6: compile your chatgpt resume, step 7: tailor your chatgpt resume for each application, step 8: final amends.

  • Key takeaways

Ready to explore the world of AI-assisted ChatGPT resume writing? Let’s dive in.

1. Should you use AI to write a resume?

The idea of using AI to craft a resume might sound futuristic, but it’s a practice that’s gaining traction for several good reasons. 

First of all, this new technology makes the possibility of AI-assisted resume writing possible in the first place. But “assistance” is the keyword here—despite the hype, ChatGPT is not a magic bullet that will generate a perfect resume with a single command.

Instead, you’ll need to learn how to use the tool in a way that saves time and effort while ensuring you still contribute to creating a carefully crafted document.

Here are a few benefits of using AI in resume writing:

  • Customization: If you have an existing resume that’s more or less ready to go, ChatGPT can help you tailor it for different job roles. For example, by creating a prompt that includes an existing resume with text from a new job ad, ChatGPT can recommend how best to highlight your suitability for the new position.
  • Writing support: Writing not your strong suit? ChatGPT can help speed up the process. While you should avoid simply using its output as is, ChatGPT is excellent for ideas generation and first drafts, allowing you to meet application deadlines without compromising on quality.
  • Meeting technical requirements: Many recruiters now use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to detect keywords and phrases relevant to the role. They’ll use these to filter out resumes that don’t match. ChatGPT can help you choose the right keywords and phrases to increase your chances of making it through the ATS.
  • Support and guidance: If you’re stuck on what to write, ChatGPT can also act as a guide, asking questions that will help you think differently about how to frame your achievements, skills, and experiences in relation to the job you’re applying for. But more on this later.

How not to use ChatGPT 

Although ChatGPT is a great tool, and there is a lot of hype about what it can do, it’s also good to be aware of its shortcomings. 

For instance, ChatGPT is trained using large amounts of text data. On paper, this sounds good. However, it also means the tool is inclined to use words or phrases that appear more commonly in its training data. 

As a result, ChatGPT’s output can sound generic, lacking a personal touch or creative flair. 

This might be acceptable for some use cases, but if you’re using it to write a ChatGPT resume that stands out, you’ll need to keep this in mind.

Furthermore, relying on AI-generated suggestions without careful review can often lead to inaccuracies. Imprecise prompts, for example, will cause ChatGPT and similar tools to  “hallucinate” or “fill in the gaps” with plausible-sounding nonsense. 

Remember this and check the output accordingly if you’re using it to inform your work.

The key takeaway here? AI tools should complement your resume-writing skills, not replace them entirely. 

2. How to use ChatGPT to write a resume

Creating a standout resume requires careful consideration, especially during a career change or in a competitive industry like tech or IT. 

Your resume should, therefore, effectively showcase your skills and highlight why you’re suited to the job you’re applying for. 

This is where the concepts of “prompts” and “outputs” in ChatGPT come into play. The key to getting the most useful output lies in using nuanced prompts that act as guiding instructions, shaping the direction of the tool’s response. 

Initially, try crafting prompts that capture your unique experiences, and don’t worry if it requires a little trial and error! 

The main thing is not to simply accept the first output you receive but to critically review and hone the content as required.

We’ll take you through some steps you should consider following to portray yourself in the best possible light. Where relevant, we’ll include examples of good and bad prompts so you can see the difference in practice.

The biggest mistake people make when using ChatGPT is to assume the tool knows everything. This is a fair assumption, but remember, despite being called “artificial intelligence”, it’s not intelligent in the same way that we are!

As such, before diving into a ChatGPT resume writing session, ensure you have a clear idea of the job you’re applying for and the specific skills relevant to the role. 

Read the job description and see what you can learn about the company culture. You can do this by looking at their website or reading reviews on sites like Trustpilot (for customer reviews) and Glassdoor (for employee feedback). 

This knowledge will not just help you create prompts that guide ChatGPT to generate more suitable responses but will give you the insights you need to ensure that these responses are accurate.

Next, your resume should have clear sections, each highlighting different aspects of your professional background. You can, of course, ask ChatGPT to suggest some of these for you, but the common ones are:

  • Contact details: Name, phone number, email address, and city.
  • Personal summary: A brief overview of your career goals and what you can bring to the job.
  • Skills: A list of technical and soft skills you have that are relevant to the role.
  • Work experience: Details of current and previous jobs, including—where relevant— responsibilities, achievements, and measurable results as evidence of your success.
  • Education: Your educational background, including degrees, courses, or online certifications you might have completed.
  • Additional sections: Depending on the job and your background, you might include sections outlining your awards, publications, or volunteer projects you’ve worked on.

From here, feed your desired sections into ChatGPT and ask it to produce a resume template for the job you’re applying for. 

As we’ve learned by playing with the tool, it helps to specify that it shouldn’t populate the template with any information. This will avoid the tool “hallucinating” or using made-up facts. 

You can then use this template to develop your ChatGPT resume, section by section.

As mentioned, the key to getting the best output from ChatGPT is crafting appropriate prompts and breaking tasks down into smaller chunks. 

Resist the temptation to ask ChatGPT to write the whole resume in one go!

Be specific and provide context about your experiences, achievements, and skills. 

You can also specify instructions such as “use action-oriented language”, or “use language that would resonate with a tech industry recruiter”. You get the idea. 

The main thing is to experiment with different prompts and then choose the outputs that resonate best with you.

Perhaps you want to start with your personal summary.

Here’s an example of a sub-optimal prompt for the “personal summary” section and the corresponding output:

“Write a basic summary for my resume explaining why I’m suited to a job as UX Designer”

Initially, this first output looks pretty good. But as you read more closely, you’ll realize it’s pretty generic-sounding and doesn’t say anything special about why you are suited to the role. 

By contrast, here’s an example of a good (albeit fictional!) prompt for the “personal summary” section:

“Write a 100-word resume summary for a role as UX Designer at software design company Hyperdyne Systems. Highlight my experience as a software engineer at Weyland-Yutani Corporation, where I improved the efficiency of the company’s xenomorph detection software by 30%. Focus on transferable skills and mention that I did a UX Design certification with CareerFoundry. Please use active language.”

The second output—although imperfect—includes all the important information provided in the prompt. 

While it still needs some editing to flow better, match the role, and add some personal flair, it’s a vast improvement on the first output, which—while cosmetically well-written—is vague and repetitive. Remember: you will only get out of AI tools what you put into them. 

Continue this approach for each section. 

Learn more: How to Create a Winning UX Design Resume

Once you’ve got ChatGPT’s responses, refine them. Make sure each one matches your preferred style and the job requirements. 

Initially, you might find the tool making up information. If that happens, it means you need to provide more context and content. 

This could involve editing your initial prompt or directly editing the autogenerated output for accuracy. Make sure you’re happy that the information flows logically and that there’s nothing erroneous.

Stuck? Sometimes when writing a resume, even with the help of an AI tool, the biggest challenge lies in knowing which skills to highlight and how these can be valuable to a new employer. 

This problem is even worse if the AI tool starts making up information, which is actually quite common. One solution is to engage ChatGPT in a dialogue. 

For example, if you’re transitioning from marketing to UX design, look at the job description. 

Perhaps an essential skill is “coding”. Then you could use the following prompt: “I’m stuck writing my resume. Can you suggest the sorts of accomplishments I should be highlighting to showcase my coding skills?” 

As you can see, this partial output offers some helpful suggestions for writing your resume, all without “hallucinating”. While you don’t have to use all (or any) of the ideas that ChatGPT gives you, they can certainly spark new avenues of thinking!

The next step is to compile all the sections generated by ChatGPT into a cohesive resume.

One option is to place edited content from ChatGPT into an existing template. 

Another is to copy and paste each section into a word processor before formatting and proofreading it.

Whichever approach you choose, stick to a clean, professional layout and use a font that’s easy to read. 

Pay attention to bullet points, headings, and spacing to ensure you create an aesthetically pleasing document that is not more than two sides long.

Once you’ve got your initial draft resume, you’ll have done most of the hard work. Nicely done!

Remember, though, when applying for jobs, customization is key. For each job application, tailor your resume to the company culture and job description. 

Fortunately, ChatGPT can help here, too. 

With the right prompt, you can ask it to generate a new version of your resume that matches the requirements of that job. 

Input the new job description (or, better yet, take each section of the job description and each corresponding section of your resume) and ask the tool to combine them. 

You might not always be happy with the output, but you’ll at least have something to work from. If you’re writing a cover letter , you can use a similar approach.

(Be sure to check out our full guide on how to write a cover letter using AI , too.)

Before submitting your resume, step away from the AI tools! Proofread it thoroughly to catch any grammatical errors or typos. 

These often sneak in during the editing process. It’s also important to check that the content of your resume is factually accurate, uses the right language conventions, and so on. 

The main thing is to present a polished and professional document that will entice potential employers.

While a human pair of eyes should always be the last to look over your resume, one option is to input your document into ChatGPT and ask it to assess areas for improvement. 

Use your judgment here, though—using “leading” prompts that ask for suggestions might encourage ChatGPT to suggest changes that aren’t really necessary. 

Nevertheless, it can’t hurt to give it a shot in case it spots an obvious mistake that you missed.

Most importantly, always—always—make sure you get a friend or colleague to read over your resume before submitting it.

ChatGPT is a great tool but it won’t always detect subtle nuances or mistakes that a human being might be able to spot right away.

3. Key takeaways

There you have it! In this post, we’ve learned how you can use ChatGPT to craft a resume that catches the eye of recruiters.

Incorporating ChatGPT into your resume-writing process can be a powerful way to enhance your offering. 

But it’s still crucial to use your judgment to ensure the final product accurately represents you and your qualifications and doesn’t include “hallucinated” information.

The main takeaways from this article include:

  • Use AI as a complement: ChatGPT is not a replacement for your own skills but it is valuable for offering guidance and structure.
  • Use precise prompts: Specific prompts lead to more relevant outputs. Break your resume into sections and use AI to help you with one at a time.
  • Engage in dialogue: Stuck? Then engage ChatGPT in a conversation about the problem. See if it can inspire you to think differently about your skills.
  • Personalization matters: Tailor your resume’s language and tone to reflect the needs and industry language used by each employer you are applying to.
  • The human touch is vital: While AI excels at generating content, a human set of eyes is essential for editing, refining, personalizing, and proofreading.

Ultimately, if you see working with ChatGPT as a form of collaboration, you’ll soon be on the way to creating a career-changing resume that will be a powerful tool in pursuing exciting new opportunities! 

But don’t rely on it to do everything; that’s not what it’s there for. To learn about all the ways AI can be used to get your dream job, read our guide on how to use AI for your job search .

And to learn more about leveraging AI tools in the modern working world, check out the following posts:

  • The 20 Best AI Tools for Digital Marketing
  • ChatGPT for UX Design: The Top 15 Prompts
  • 6 AI Programming Tools You Should Know in 2024

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How to use ChatGPT to build your resume


Graduation season is here, which means students will be in a frenzy of applying for jobs to secure their first role out of college. Whether you're seeking to launch your career or have been in the labor market for decades, there's one thing we can all agree on -- creating a resume that attracts the eye of recruiters is a challenge.

How to use ChatGPT to write:  Cover letters  |  Code | Excel formulas | Essays  

As if landing a job that aligns with your qualifications and expectations wasn't difficult enough, you also have to sum up all of your professional experiences and strengths in one application -- the heart of which is the CV or resume. 

A resume is meant to be a concise one-page document highlighting your academic, professional, and leadership achievements, which is just as difficult as it sounds. Finding the right words to summarize what you have done in a role for an extended period in three bullets is difficult, but Open AI's  ChatGPT can make the resume-building process a breeze.

How ChatGPT can help build your resume

You can use ChatGPT to generate ideas and bullet points for your role from scratch, or to refine and optimize your current points that are not hitting the mark. Beyond bullet points, the AI tool can help you answer questions about putting together your resume. Here is how to get started.

Side note:  We are using ChatGPT, but you can use any AI chatbot -- there are plenty of capable AI chatbots to choose from .

1. Choose a resume template

ChatGPT will help you with the text in your resume, but you'll need to pick a template before you get started. The program you're using to write the resume -- such as Google Docs, Microsoft Word, or Canva -- will likely have a resume template already.

Also: What is ChatGPT and why does it matter? Here's what you need to know

A quick Google search for resume templates will also bring up hundreds of editable templates you can import into your program of choice.

2. Sign in to ChatGPT (optional)

On April 1, 2024, OpenAI stopped requiring you to log in to ChatGPT. You can now access ChatGPT simply by visiting ChatGPT's website . However, if you want to take advantage of certain perks, such as being able to revisit the chat later, I recommend signing up. If you want to tweak your bullets at a later date, you won't have to start from scratch and can pick up where you left off.

Also:  How to save a ChatGPT conversation to revisit later

Signing up is easy. All you have to do is go to OpenAI's ChatGPT homepage and create an account by creating an OpenAI login or using your existing Google or Microsoft account. ChatGPT is free, so the sign-up process is simple, requiring no credit cards or obscure information. 

3. Add text

If you want ChatGPT to generate text for your resume from scratch, all you have to do is ask. 

Whether you want it to generate your professional summary or an individual bullet, ask it directly. For example, I asked ChatGPT, "Can you write a short, professional resume summary about my role as a tech reporter?" Within seconds, it generated what you see in the screenshot above.

Also: 6 helpful ways to use ChatGPT's Custom Instructions

Although ChatGPT can create content ready to be copied and pasted into a resume, you should tweak the text so it is personalized to your experiences and doesn't look like a chatbot wrote it.

Employers want to learn about what makes you unique. Without your assistance, the chatbot will only have access to generic content about your role. You can also use the Custom Instructions feature to share some details about your role and interests that ChatGPT can reference to output the text. 

4. Use ChatGPT to revamp your text

Whether you fill out the template yourself before using ChatGPT's assistance or have an existing resume you want to enhance, ChatGPT is a great resource for polishing up text. 

All you have to do is copy and paste your text and ask ChatGPT to make it better. 

Also: The best AI chatbots: ChatGPT and other interesting alternatives to try

For example, I asked ChatGPT, "Can you make this resume bullet sound better: I write stories about technology." Within seconds, it pushed out an elaborate bullet point that incorporated a professional tone and made that simple sentence more complex, as seen in the screenshot above.

Once you get your result, you can always tell ChatGPT to tweak it further with prompts like, "Make it shorter" or "Can you include [additional details]?" 

How much does it cost for ChatGPT to write my resume?

ChatGPT is currently free to use regardless of what you use it for, which includes resume-building assistance. 

How can ChatGPT help me with my resume?

ChatGPT can generate text for different parts of your resume, including your professional summary and individual bullet points for each experience.

Also:  How to nail the 'Do you have any questions for me?' part of the interview

The chatbot can also help enhance your current resume by optimizing your text. If you have any questions about how to format your resume and what to include, ChatGPT can give you some answers.

What should I put in my resume?

Ideally, you want a resume to highlight all your career accomplishments. This can include any educational, professional, and leadership experiences that are meaningful to you. You should also include as much detail about your unique experiences to make you stand out from other applicants.

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how to create a resume on chatgpt

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Home » How to Use ChatGPT to Write Resume: Step-by-Step Guide [2024]

How to Use ChatGPT to Write Resume: Step-by-Step Guide [2024]

How to Use ChatGPT to Write Resume: Step-by-Step Guide

ChatGPT is the new buzz everyone’s talking about. One use case of this tool is to write resumes.

With the right methods and techniques, ChatGPT can help you build a perfect resume, depending on the job you’re applying for. But it’s not just generating AI content, copy-pasting it in your resume, and submitting it. It’s a lot more than that.

In this article, you’ll discover the benefits of using ChatGPT for resume writing, how to use it the right way, and the limitations of the whole process.

The Benefits of Using ChatGPT for Resume Writing

How to use chatgpt as a resume builder, tips for effectively utilizing chatgpt for resume writing, what are the limitations of using chatgpt for resume writing, wrapping up, #1. follows best resume writing practices.

When asked to act like an expert, ChatGPT follows the best practices for writing a professional resume. You can use it to learn and improve your resume writing skills.

For instance, when we asked ChatGPT to rewrite the achievements section content, it changed paragraphs to bullet points and led each bullet point with an action verb.

Why did it do so?

Resume experts suggest using an “action verb” when describing your achievements as a good practice. Likewise, ChatGPT includes necessary, quantitative information highlighting your experience and skill set. Eventually, helping you write professional resumes from scratch.

#2. Saves Time

When you’re on a job hunt, time is of utmost importance. So is having a tailored resume that fits the job description. However, writing a resume from scratch is intimidating and time-consuming.

Let’s not forget those innumerable modifications every time you apply to a new job opening. 

ChatGPT helps create professional-looking resumes within minutes. Its powerful algorithms are excellent at weaving words and providing suggestions to align your resume with the job role.

All it asks is to input the job description, add relevant information, and let AI do the heavy lifting. 

#3. Tunes Your Resume to the Opportunity

ChatGPT provides tailored resumes specific to the job description. The AI extracts relevant keywords and content from the job description you provide as input. It then crawls its vast directory to adjust the response based on the specifics of a new role.

So rather than making 100s of tweaks to your generic resume template, you can get a custom-made, highly targeted resume quickly and easily.

#4. Get Feedback to Improve Your Resume

When it comes to resumes, ChatGPT can critique everything: your writing style, grammar errors, job-specificity, and more. It’s a great AI-powered tool to get feedback and improve your resume. 

#5. ATS Friendly Writing

Over 99% of Fortune 500 companies use the Application Tracking System (ATS) regularly in their hiring process. The system is in place to scan resumes for keywords and details fitting the job description and then shortlist the most deserving candidates for the next hiring round. 

Luckily, ChatGPT can easily modify resumes for different industries, positions, and experience levels. Based on the JD, the AI adds relevant keywords to the response, ensuring that your resume can easily ethically bypass application tracking systems, of course.

However, it’s a good practice to review ChatGPT-generated content for blunders. AI is fast but not perfect. 

With the recent ChatGPT update, there are two ways to use ChatGPT to build a resume:

  • Converse normally with ChatGPT and build a resume step-by-step.
  • Use GPT to build a resume (only available for ChatGPT Plus or Team subscribers).

Let’s start with the first method.

👀 Note: We’re using Team-GPT to do Method 1.

Method 1. Have Normal Conversation with ChatGPT to Build a Resume

For this method, we are taking an example of a candidate looking for a s oftware engineering role in a fintech startup .

Here’s the chat link:   

Step 1. Define Your Career Objective

Defining career objectives isn’t just about telling ChatGPT what job you’re looking for; it’s more than that. 

You must provide AI with information like the specific industry you’re job hunting in, the type of company you want to work at (startup, scaleup, mid or large companies), and job role nuances.

When ChatGPT has all this information, it can give you a precise, relevant output.

Here’s how to approach this step:

  • Be specific about the role you’re looking for. Instead of telling ChatGPT, ‘I want a job in tech,’ specify the exact designation, ‘I am looking for a role as a software engineer.’
  • Mention the industry you want a job in. A software engineer in the e-commerce industry will require a different skill set than a software engineer in a fintech company.
  • Mention the type of company you want to work at (startups, scaleups, enterprises) and mention any other special requirements you might be looking for.

Goal: I am looking for a mid-level software engineering position focusing on back-end development at a fintech startup. Help me construct a resume that highlights my relevant skills and experiences for this specific role.

Context: I have experience with Python and Ruby on Rails and have worked in agile development teams. 

how to create a resume on chatgpt

What ChatGPT has given me, for now, is a template with my skills explained.

Let’s move on to the next step.

Step 2. Detail Your Professional Background

After defining your career objectives, educating ChatGPT about your background must be your next step.

What does this involve?

A deep dive into your skills, experience, and educational background. This will give ChatGPT a clear understanding of the relevance between the job you’re looking for and your past experience.

Here’s how to do it:

  • Start by listing the skills that are most relevant to the job you’re looking for. For a software engineering role, highlight your technical abilities (programming languages, tech stack, etc) and soft skills.
  • Share specifics about your professional journey so far, the projects you’ve worked on, companies you’ve worked with, challenges you faced, and more.
  • Tell ChatGPT about your educational background and highlight all the achievements you have so far.

Following my goal to secure a mid-level back-end software engineering position at a fintech startup, I need advice on presenting my professional background. 

Context: I have 5 years of experience with Python and Ruby on Rails and a Bachelor’s in Computer Science. I have played a pivotal role in a cross-functional team developing a payment processing application that increases company revenue by 20%. 

Goal: How should I structure these details in my resume to highlight my suitability for the role I’m targeting?

how to create a resume on chatgpt

ChatGPT has now refined the resume and made it more personalized.

Step 3. Organize Resume Structure and Content

The structure and content of your resume are crucial for making a strong first impression. It must be intuitive and highlight your strengths in a way that aligns with your job target. 

For a role in a specific sector, like a fintech startup, understanding how to present your information can significantly impact the reader’s perception.

Here are the things you must do when finalizing your resume structure and content:

  • Choose between chronological, functional, or a combination resume format based on what best showcases your experiences in relation to the fintech software engineering role you’re targeting.
  • Your summary statement is the first thing a recruiter will see and read. Ensure you hook the recruiter right from the start. In this case, your summary statement must resonate with the fintech sector’s needs, emphasizing your relevant skills and experiences.
  • Determine what order of sections (skills, work experience, education, projects, etc.) looks best.
  • Reflect on the job description and the conversation about your background. Use this to infuse your resume with keywords and phrases that are relevant to the job and industry, ensuring it passes through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and catches the recruiter’s eye.

Based on my goal to land a mid-level back-end software engineering role in a fintech startup, and considering my 5 years of experience with Python and Ruby on Rails, plus my involvement in a significant project that boosted company revenue – how should I structure my resume? 

Specifically, how can I craft a compelling summary that highlights my expertise in fintech, and in what order should I arrange the sections to showcase my relevant skills and experiences best?

how to create a resume on chatgpt

Step 4. Final Touches and Reviews

The process of refining the resume is complete. You can now export this resume and fill in all the personal information.

We’d suggest you read your resume word by word and edit it wherever you feel a human touch is required.

Submitting an AI-generated resume without reviewing it won’t get you through round one.

Method 2. Leverage GPT

👀 Note: This method is only for people subscribed to ChatGPT Plus or Teams plans.

ChatGPT has launched a store that has several GPTs in it . 

What are GPTs?

GPTs are smaller and more personalized versions of ChatGPT that ChatGPT users have trained to do very specific tasks like building resumes, learning how to cook, how to write short-form posts, and more.

You can either train a GPT on your own or use GPTs from the store that OpenAI has integrated with ChatGPT Plus and the Team interface.

how to create a resume on chatgpt

To get started, you can just search for the term ‘resume’ in the top search bar and click on the GPT you want to use.

how to create a resume on chatgpt

Once you click on the GPT you want to use, you see an interface similar to ChatGPT, but it will give you short pre-built prompts to get the ball rolling.

You can also write a custom prompt in the Message box, but for this example, let’s use a preexisting prompt.

how to create a resume on chatgpt

I clicked on ‘Build Your Dream Resume Now.’

The GPT requested us to upload the current resume for it to analyze, so we did that.

how to create a resume on chatgpt

ChatGPT analyzed the resume and then moved on to give tips for making the resume better.

how to create a resume on chatgpt

It then followed up with a question: Would you like to try improving a specific section based on these suggestions, or would you prefer more detailed advice on a particular part of your resume?

The good thing about using GPT for resume-building is that it asks you questions that are needed to build a personalized, stunning resume.

Here are some tips for using ChatGPT effectively in helping you write resumes. 👇

Tip #1. Write a Great Summary

Being specific will generate better responses for you. Make sure your prompts are specific to the job role and carry impressive details about you. Highlight your skills, achievements, and other notable mentions to add weight to your resume. 

Here’s a prompt by Rob Wilson , author at Wall Street Journal, that helped him generate an impressive resume:

“Write a resume for me. I am the co-author of the first best-selling book on conversational AI, Age of Invisible Machines. I’m also the CEO and co-founder of and the owner of UX Magazine. Previously, I founded EffectiveUI, one of the world’s first user-centered design agencies, which was acquired by Ogilvy/WPP. Before working in design and technology, I was a sound editor for Warner Bros.”

Tip #2. Use Role Play to Your Advantage

Ask ChatGPT to act as a recruiter or resume reviewer. This way, you train the AI to synthesize information the right way. As a result, you get detailed-oriented feedback as if coming from the experts themselves.

I want you to act as a resume expert. I’m uploading my resume with the job description, and I want your feedback on improving my resume for this particular job. Include feedback on the following points:

  • What sections should I add/remove from my resume?
  • How do I make my resume easy to read and scan?
  • What kind of action verbs should I choose?
  • Any grammatical mistakes or bad sentence fragments you can identify?

how to create a resume on chatgpt

Tip #3. Use AI as an Enhancer, Not a Writer

ChatGPT can help update and modify the content in your resume so that it aligns with the job description. It can further enhance the content for better readability, consciousness, and impactfulness. 

But remember, writing complete resumes with ChatGPT and submitting them to the recruiter is against the ethics and also low-quality work. AI just can’t match human-resume writing quality as it lacks emotions and the touch of personalization and styling humans bring to the table.

I need your help modifying the experience section in my resume and aligning it with a job description. I’m providing the resume content and pasting the JD below:

Here’s the Experience section I wrote: [insert experience section from your resume]

And here’s the job ad I’m applying for: [insert job description]

how to create a resume on chatgpt

Chat link:  

Tip #4. Always Double-Check GPT Generated Content and Suggestions

No matter how optimized your prompts are, it’s important to review and edit AI-generated responses. It’s normal for ChatGPT to hallucinate and make up things on its own, leading to incorrect information.

To prevent this from happening, leverage AI only for generating the first draft. And then edit them with personal expertise. If things go as planned, the end results can make the recruiters happy.

#1. Limited Word Input Capacity

ChatGPT has an upper limit of 2048 characters , around 300-450 words per input. Anything after that gets truncated. The problem arises for industries like social media, legal, and ed-tech, where the length of a job description can be 750 words .

This creates a significant challenge if you’re looking to personalize resumes based on the job description. Of course, you can identify and input the key details in your prompt, but that’s another task in your bucket. 

#2. Lacks Human Touch

When compared to AI, humans are any day better at sounding like humans. Even though ChatGPT is good at following the best practices for resume writing, it’s still crucial to cross-check the information AI gives for accuracy. 

Meanwhile, make sure you edit the AI content to sound as if a human wrote it. Since there’s a boom in AI-generated resumes, companies have started using AI detectors as an add-on to their Application Tracking Systems (ATS).

#3. ChatGPT Has Its Own Biases

ChatGPT is not an independent thinker. In fact, not even a thinker. 

ChatGPT responses revolve around the data it is trained upon. Sometimes, the response may unintentionally reinforce gender stereotypes. 

This raises concerns about potential bias or subjective content when using AI for resume writing.

Even ChatGPT feels this way:

how to create a resume on chatgpt

That’s why it’s essential to review and modify generated content for fair and unbiased language. 

#4. Frequent Hallucinations

ChatGPT is trained on limited data. However, it’s stretched to unexpected use cases. Eventually, the AI hallucinates to generate a response to your query.

For instance, when ChatGPT is used for writing resumes, you’d find AI assuming things that are far from reality. This also increases the risk of sharing flawed information with recruiters. 

Hence, it’s recommended that you fact-check ChatGPT’s content before you submit your resume to the recruiters.

Using AI to write and edit resumes is an effective practice everyone should leverage. It fastens your resume writing process and gives you feedback on your existing resume. What’s more,  use it to draft a resume template based on the job description.

But where AI can be a boon, using it blindly can backfire badly. Remember to always review any information AI gives you and edit the resume for personalization.

With the right balance between AI and human expertise, it’s possible to build a resume recruiters would love.

About the author

how to create a resume on chatgpt

Iliya Valchanov

I teach data science and AI to 1.2M students on Udemy. I'm co-founder of 365 Data Science, 3veta, and Team-GPT. My work is mostly focused on helping people and organizations adopt AI.

Can you afford to skip on AI adoption?

How to Create a Killer Resume With ChatGPT in 6 Simple Steps

how to create a resume on chatgpt

ChatGPT is a versatile, time-saving tool that has been helping businesses in numerous ways since its launch in 2022. So, it should come as no surprise that ChatGPT can also assist with one of the most widely deplored professional tasks – building a resume.

Whether you feel uncomfortable writing about your strengths and accolades or simply don’t have the time to write a tailored resume for each job you apply for, using ChatGPT can be a great way to jumpstart the writing process, or give your existing document a bit of a makeover.

If you’re interested in using AI to streamline your job search, we outline how the chatbot can be used to create a resume that stands out from the crowd. We also include prompt examples and screenshots from ChatGPT, to guide you along every step of the process.

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Create a Competitive Resume With ChatGPT in 6 Simple Steps

Writing or updating a resume with ChatGPT is simple, as long as you know what you’re doing. Follow the steps below to create a resume, tailored to the job you’re interested in.

  • Gather your information
  • Open ChatGPT and craft your first prompt
  • Enter your personal experience
  • Enter information about the job description
  • Enter information about the hiring company
  • Edit and refine your resume

1. Gather your information

Before you even open ChatGPT, we recommend having all of your important information at hand. This will prevent you from switching between tabs when crafting your prompt, and will also make it easier for you to refine your resume in later stages.

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The type of information you prepare will depend on you and the position you are applying for. However, as a general rule of thumb, we recommend covering the following categories.

  • Contact details – This will include your mobile number, professional email, and address if relevant
  • Education – Write down your education history, including the names of the institutions you studied at, your majors or subjects, your grades, the dates of graduation, and any other relevant information.
  • Work experience – If you have one, make sure you have a copy of your current resume to hand. If not, compile information from your previous jobs, including your responsibilities, and information about the companies.
  • Certifications – If you have any certifications or qualifications that are relevant to your role, or make you seem like more of a credible candidate, gather this information and think about how these achievements can be leveraged to improve your hiring potential
  • Skills – This is a good time to summarise your best hard and soft skills too. However, be as specific as possible and make sure you only write down skills that relate to your prospective role.

2. Open ChatGPT and craft your first prompt

Once all your information is at hand, open ChatGPT and create an account if you haven’t already. Then, craft an introductory prompt requesting ChatGPT to build you a resume. We’d also recommend asking the chatbot to avoid using overused or cliche terms in your opening prompt to prevent your resume from looking like a carbon copy.

If you’re stuck for inspiration, here’s an example prompt:

I am writing a resume and I need your help. You are going to act as a professional resume writer, and are going to avoid using cliche terms. Do you understand?

After you’ve entered this prompt, ChatGPT will ask you for your following experience.

how to create a resume on chatgpt

3. Enter your personal experience

Now it’s time to make your resume personal. Use all the information you compiled in the first step, and feed it into your next prompts for ChatGPT. You have two options here. You can either paste your entire current resume into ChatGPT or highlight the most important bits in the prompt, to keep things succinct.

Here’s an example of a prompt you could create below. We chose to break the prompt into different chunks but feel free to format the input how you like.

I am going to give you my personal information so you can make sure the resume reflects my personal experience and qualifications. I am a [Insert Current Job Title), with a degree in [Insert Course] from [Insert Name of Institition], which I graduated from in [Insert graduation date] with a [Insert Your Final Grade]. Since graduating, I’ve worked as a [Insert Previous Position] for [Insert Name of Previous Company] between [Insert Dates]. My main responsibilities at GoodContent included [Insert Main Responsibilities]. In my current role in [Insert Name of Current Company], I [Insert Current Responsibilities]. I have a number of hard and soft skills including [List Skills]. I also have a certification in [Insert Certifications]. Write my resume.

how to create a resume on chatgpt

4. Enter information about the job description

Unless you’re creating a multi-purpose resume that you’re planning to tailor to specific job descriptions down the line, this is a good time to add more context about the job you’re planning to apply for. You can do this by simply pasting the job description into the chatbot, as we did in the example prompt below.

I am applying for a job as a [Insert Job Title]. I am going to provide you with the job description I am going to apply for. Can you read this carefully? [Insert Full Job Description]

For best practice, we’d recommend including as much information in this step as possible. However, if some details in the job description don’t apply to you as much as others, you can choose to leave these out.

how to create a resume on chatgpt

5. Enter information about the hiring company

To make sure your resume is as targeted as possible, you should enter more information about the company itself next.

We’d start by telling ChatGPT exactly what you’re going to do. Let it know you’re going to be providing it with more information about the company that’s hiring, and then enter basic information about the company, including its name and core function. You can also paste information from the ‘About Us’ page on the company’s website, to make your prompt as rich as possible. Use the example prompt below for inspiration.

Now I’m going to provide you with more information on the company that’s hiring, so you can make sure my resume is tailored to their pain points and hiring needs. The company name is [Insert Name of Company] and their central mission is as follows: [Insert More Informatio About the Company]. The website’s about you page is as follows: [Insert Company’s ‘About Us’ Page]

how to create a resume on chatgpt

6. Edit and refine your resume

After completing these steps, ChatGPT will have created a rough resume for you. While it may look decent, now is a good time to give it a read over, and identify areas that could be improved upon.

  • Edit the format – ChatGPT can only generate text outputs, so you’ll have to format the resume yourself. The way you format the document is up to you, but for scannability purposes, make sure all the key information is bullet-pointed.
  • Use active tense – Ensure your resume uses the active tense as much as possible, especially when speaking about your current work experience. This will make you appear more confident, and will grab the attention of the reader.
  • Check the content – ChatGPT does a good job of building a resume based on the content you provide. However, if you think the resume should place more emphasis on certain experiences or skills, don’t be afraid to craft new prompts to achieve this.
  • Watch out for generic language – ChatGPT has a habit of creating generic-sounding responses. To make sure your resume has a human touch, comb through the copy and substitute cliche, or frilly terms with something less formulaic.
  • Add contact details – Once you’re happy with the result, add the personal contact details you prepared in the first step.
  • Choose a template – Paste the ChatGPT-created resume into a template of your choice. Make sure that this template is appropriate for the industry that you are applying within, and avoid models that are too stylized and complicated. If you don’t want to pay for a template, you can choose a free one with platforms like Canva and Indeed.

Consider Using a Dedicated AI Resume Builder

ChatGPT does an excellent job at creating resumes, especially if you’re armed with useful tips and tried-and-tested prompts. Also, a massive perk of the platform is that it’s completely free to use too, which is a huge boon if you’re looking to save money during the job search.

However, if you’re willing to invest in your professional future, AI-enabled resume builders let you create and edit resumes in even fewer steps, and offer far more useful features than ChatGPT. Most AI resume builders will ask you to input your qualifications and experience, and then take care of everything else, saving the hassle of entering different prompts.

Aside from generating and refining text, lots of AI resume builders format and design your document too, eliminating the need to switch between platforms. After researching the best options on the market, we decided that Zety Resume Builder is the best due to its impressive range of templates and intuitive “final summary” feature.

There are loads of great pieces of software to choose from, though. Compare the best platforms in our guide to the best free and paid resume builders .

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How to create a resume with ChatGPT

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What’s ChatGPT?

How to write a resume using chatgpt, chatgpt prompt example, tips for using chatgpt, land your next job with ai.

Even strong writers struggle to find the right words to fill a blank page. But when that blank page is a draft of your resume, you need to find a way to jumpstart the writing process — especially if your job search has a ticking clock.

When drafting your resume, it’s paramount to choose each word carefully. After all, it’s likely the first touchpoint between you and hiring managers. A well-written resume sets a strong foundation for your candidacy and might just be what persuades a company to invite you for an interview. 

Not everyone is a natural wordsmith. That’s okay. Instead of staring down the blinking text cursor pondering action verbs and compelling skills , try delegating some work to artificial intelligence (AI). That’s right: you can ask a robot to help you write your resume.

AI tools can analyze a job posting, brainstorm ways to tailor your experience to the role at hand, and keep language professional and efficient. But AI chatbots like ChatGPT are far from perfect, so copy-pasting an AI-generated resume word-for-word isn’t the best use of this tool. To create an effective ChatGPT resume, you must learn to leverage AI for its efficiency while maintaining your unique voice. 


ChatGPT is a natural language processing tool developed by OpenAI . The AI language model can understand and generate human-like conversations because it draws from a data set developed by human AI trainers and approved online content.

ChatGPT has various professional abilities, including summarizing reports, drafting emails, and breaking projects into to-do lists. Likewise, it can work as a cover letter generator, help you prepare for interview questions , and brainstorm how to represent your personal branding. 

When it comes to crafting the perfect resume to land your dream job, ChatGPT is capable of assisting with:

Choosing a resume template and guiding the overall structure

Providing industry-appropriate suggestions based on your relevant skills, work experience, and know-how

Drafting an objective or summary statement that highlights your best qualifications

Analyzing the position’s requirements and identifying your key competencies

Suggesting ways to include education , certifications, and extracurricular activities to show off your soft skills

Inserting industry-specific keywords and terminology to optimize your resume for applicant tracking systems

Writing concise and engaging descriptions about your previous roles to showcase accomplishments and professional growth

To write a resume using ChatGPT, you must provide the chatbot with a prompt (the instructions you tell the AI to elicit your desired response). But crafting the perfect prompt takes careful thought and consideration — it’s not as simple as asking the program to spit out a resume.

Here’s how to create a resume prompt for ChatGPT: 

1. Prepare your information

Start by compiling all of your professional information. Jot down the following details about you:

  • Full contact details, including a professional email address and phone number
  • Work experience, relevant skills, and a brief description of your roles and responsibilities and the key achievements in each role. Provide metrics for work achievements, if possible.
  • Education information, including years of study, degree(s), certifications, and any honors or awards
  • Skills relevant to the job postings’ requisites and responsibilities
  • A copy or key highlights of the job posting, including the description of the role, ideal candidate, and company culture

2. Begin the prompt 

With your information handy, build out the prompt. Start by providing the chatbot with the information shared in the post for the open position. 

I need help drafting my resume. Please emphasize my most relevant education, experiences, and skills to align with the job requirements and responsibilities in the job description. Here’s a copy/summary of the posting: [Insert job posting] .

3. Insert your personal details

Next, include the personal and professional information you assembled in step one. It’s key to organize these details in a way that’s easy for the chatbot to read and understand. To avoid errors, separate your contact details, skills, education, experience, and extracurriculars into different sections. Use concise paragraphs and bulleted lists to explore each section in greater depth. 

This is the personal information I’d like to include in my resume: 

Contact information: Include your name, phone number, email address, and any other relevant professional platforms (such as a LinkedIn profile or portfolio website).

Work experience: Summarize your relevant professional experience while keeping things concise. When deciding how far back to go , we suggest leaving out jobs from more than 15 years ago and roles irrelevant to the open position. 

Education: State the year you graduated, your degree(s), the institution(s) you studied at, and any academic accomplishments. These include an impressive GPA, scholarships, and relevant certificates.

Extracurriculars and achievements: Share any work or experiences relevant to the position in and out of the professional world. Volunteering, industry awards, and special projects all qualify.

4. Provide pointers

Finally, establish additional guidelines to help you meet the hiring company’s expectations. This is also a great opportunity to ask the chatbot for additional assistance in areas of writing you struggle with. For example:

Tell me: How should I organize this resume?

Suggest 15 action verbs with use case examples to describe my accomplishments and work experiences

Provide me with a list of 10 other valuable soft skills for this role

Rewrite this section using professional language

Provide me with two options: a functional resume and a chronological resume

Create three options for a possible personal brand statement or resume summary that leverages my best skills against the job’s top requisites

Based on my resume, what are 10 transferable skills I possess that would benefit me in this position?


To help you visualize an effective prompt, here’s a sample. You may choose to edit it based on your specific job search.

I need help drafting my resume. Here’s the job description: “Junior Public Policy Analyst at Center for Public Policy. Seeking a highly motivated and intellectually curious Junior Public Policy Analyst to join a dynamic team. You’ll be working with senior analysts, researchers, and policymakers.  


Collect and analyze data, review literature, and stay up-to-date on relevant policy developments

Develop research reports, policy briefs, and recommendations

Support senior analysts in providing workshops, consultations, and open forums


Bachelor’s in political science, economics, or a related field

Proven research and analytical skills

Ability to synthesize complex information 

Strong time management, organization, and attention to detail

Can work independently and collaboratively

We are a think tank committed to conducting and shaping public policy with a high impact on national policymaking. Our team is dedicated to evidence-based analysis, ethics, and transparency.”

These are the personal details I’d like to include:

Contact information: Jane Smith, (XXX) XXX-XXXX, [email protected]

Work experience: I was an assistant consultant for Policy Innovation Lab from 2019 to 2022. I was promoted to Junior Consultant in 2021. I assisted in researching and drafting policy recommendations for funding non-profit organizations focused on sustainable community economic growth. I also became proficient in both qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods.

Education: I earned a BA in Economics from the University of Washington, where I studied from 2015 to 2019. I graduated summa cum laude. I also have a minor in Spanish. 

Skills: I have excellent time management skills , am highly organized, and possess strong attention to detail . I enjoy working alone and contributing in a team environment. I’ve developed my active listening skills , am a strong writer, and feel passionate about research.

Certifications and training: I received a Certificate in Public Policy from Harvard Kennedy School in 2020.  

Achievements: I consulted on two policy briefs for an acting senator, both of which were successfully drafted into law.

Please provide me with engaging action verbs to describe my accomplishments. Help me brainstorm the best soft skills for a junior public policy analyst and leverage my skills and experience to fit the requirements in the job description. 

Here’s an example of ChatGPT’s response to this prompt:

how to create a resume on chatgpt

While ChatGPT can help you write or improve your existing resume, the technology is best used as a tool to complement your work. It’s not a replacement for a career coach , resume builder , or professional resume writer. That said, if you use it correctly, the chatbot can get you close to a final product.

Once you finish writing out the prompt, follow these six tips to optimize ChatGPT’s response:

Provide all relevant information: You can think of ChatGPT as an assistant who needs to be onboarded. The more information you provide, the more likely it is to build a resume that’s accurate and truthful about your potential. Take stock of your most valuable work experiences, skills, education, and certifications, and lay them out clearly in your prompt. 

Have a conversation: AI chatbots like ChatGPT were developed to have back-and-forth conversations in plain language. To get the best results, collaborate with the chatbot and request multiple interactions of its answers when necessary. Ask for clarification, provide feedback, and play around with the requisites you provided to refine and improve the resume in real time. Note that, at the time of writing,  ChatGPT has a limit of 50 questions within a 4-hour time frame.

Use AI as a starting point: ChatGPT’s suggestions are just that: suggestions. The results can’t replace your knowledge about your experience and capabilities — you're the expert on what you have to offer. Use its answers as inspiration and modify them to reflect your unique worth. To add another layer of humanness to your AI-generated resume, consider working with a career coach to identify the unique strengths and experience you would bring to the role. Together, you and your coach can refine the draft into the best possible version of your resume.

Double-check everything: ChatGPT wasn’t designed as a resume builder. It pulls from the information you provide and the content it’s trained on, which means it isn’t all-knowing. Ensure all industry-relevant skills, experiences, and know-how are represented accurately so no incorrect claims slip through the cracks.

Proofread the writing: ChatGPT can make grammar errors, produce awkward phrasing, or miss critical stylistic details for different types of resumes . These simple errors can cost you a job interview . They show a lack of professionalism and attention to detail, which potential employers may associate with your performance. Always proofread for mistakes and adapt the language to sound natural. 

Ask ChatGPT what it needs: If a prompt isn’t working as you’d hoped and you’re not sure why, you can always ask. Inquiring, “What additional information does ChatGPT need to help me build my resume?” allows the chatbot to highlight the essential resume elements you might be missing. 


Artificial intelligence is a new and exciting advancement. Now that chatbots are widely available for anyone to use, you can leverage this technology to speed up the job application process and stand out to recruiters. 

Remember that you likely won’t get a perfect ChatGPT resume on your first try, but don’t give up. Gathering the most accurate information, writing a prompt that’s clear and specific, and refining the results to your needs will put you one step closer to a winning application. 

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

Best work accomplishments to list on your resume (with examples)

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how to create a resume on chatgpt

Microsoft 365 Life Hacks > Writing > Using ChatGPT to write resumes and cover letters

Using ChatGPT to write resumes and cover letters

Job hunting can feel like a job of its own, which is why some are using ChatGPT to write resumes and cover letters. Learn how AI can make the process of creating these documents easier as well as its limitations.

A photo of the ChapGPT Prompts screen

ChatGPT has become a popular choice for all kinds of content creation . Here’s what you need to know about using ChatGPT for your resume or cover letter.

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Should I use AI in my job search?

The process of searching for a new job is rarely easy. Not only are you constantly checking job boards to find positions that both interest you and fit your skillset, but you’re also updating your resume and cover letter with every new application and editing these documents to suit each potential employer.

Using AI like ChatGPT for your job search can help you if you’re truly stumped for how to express your thoughts. Of course, it isn’t foolproof, either. Because this technology is so new, its output won’t be entirely accurate, and is no substitution for putting in the work yourself. The AI does the best it can with the information it’s given, which means it’s up to the job seeker to be both specific and accurate when inputting prompts, and to make any necessary adjustments to achieve a specific result.

If you plan to use ChatGPT for resume writing or crafting a cover letter, make sure you have a solid understanding of how to write both documents. After all, they’re a potential employer’s first impression of you; if you’re not well-represented because you relied on AI instead of your own skills, you’re not likely to get the job. ChatGPT can be useful for helping you come up with new ways to talk about your relevant skills and experience, but your personal touch is what will really make your resume and cover letter stand out.

Tips for writing a resume and cover letter

Whether you’re editing existing documents or starting from scratch, here are some tips to make sure that your resume and cover letter can help you make a good first impression.

  • Use simple, professional formatting. Use a template to ensure that you’re delivering something that makes you look your best and is easy to read.
  • Less is more. A busy resume can feel overwhelming for a recruiter. Show results where you can and leave off any unnecessary details.
  • Proofread. Even if you’re using ChatGPT to help you with your job search, you’ll still need to look over the results to not only make sure that the content is accurate, but that it’s grammatically correct and sounds like you.
  • Insert yourself. Make sure that your resume and cover letter are representative of you and not a chatbot. Your own personality should shine through, even if you’ve used AI to help you put things together.

At the end of the day, recruiters want to learn about you and whether you’re a good fit for a job. The best way for you share that information with them is with a well-written cover letter and a resume that’s easy to read .

What are the drawbacks of using ChatGPT to write a resume or cover letter?

Leveraging AI like ChatGPT to write your resume or cover letter does have a few pitfalls:

  • This AI is very new technology and is certainly not foolproof. It’s constantly being tested and adjusted due to its newness.
  • It may accidentally generate inaccurate statements due to its limited knowledge of the world after 2021.
  • If you’re not proofreading carefully, you may gloss over some major errors. ChatGPT may generate content that is biased or harmful and it’s on you to catch those statements and not use them in your resume or cover letter. The AI may also repeat information between sections of a generated resume.
  • The AI works with the information it’s given. The quality of the output depends entirely on the quality of the input.
  • If you’re not specific enough when entering your prompts, you will get vague, generalized output. Similarly, if your prompt is poorly formatted, the AI may not understand what you’re asking for.
  • ChatGPT may embellish some of your accomplishments. While it may be tempting to leave these in place, it’s never a good idea to lie about what you have and have not done.

This AI is not a replacement for doing the actual work yourself, but it can be a useful tool during the process of looking for a new job. Only you can truly know what you’ve achieved through your work and life experiences, and you’re the one who is best suited to crafting any type of resume or cover letter.

Entering resume and cover letter prompts into ChatGPT

The goal of using ChatGPT to write your resume or cover letter is to lessen the stress of creating these documents. But that doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. You still must give the AI very clear instructions about what you want it to generate.

Prompts for using AI to write a resume

You can use AI to review an existing resume and provide feedback or tailor your resume to a specific posting. Make sure you ask very clear questions about what you’re looking for, as well as providing very clear guidance to the AI about what its role is. In both scenarios you’ll need to include your resume in its entirety, but if you’re looking for tailored edits, you should also include the job posting.

Prompts for these scenarios might look like:

  • I am going to provide my resume and want you to act as a reviewer and provide feedback on it. How can I make it more readable? Are there any action verbs I should use? Am I using too many buzzwords?
  • I will provide you with a job description for a position I am applying for. Understand the key points and requirements for this role and summarize them. Then review my resume and provide feedback on how to tailor it for this job.

These might seem overly specific but if you’re not specific enough, you won’t get the response you’re looking for.

Prompts for using AI to write a cover letter

When using ChatGPT to work on your cover letter for a specific job, you’ll need to provide:

  • Your resume
  • The job description of the role you’re interested in
  • Information about what kind of tone you’d prefer

You can also ask the AI to review your cover letter for readability and help you get through a bout of writer’s block.

Prompts for these sorts of asks might look like:

  • Write a cover letter for a [position] role at [Company] in a professional tone. Use my resume and the job description as a reference.
  • I want you to review my cover letter for readability and relevance to a job post. I will share the job post as a reference. Tailor my cover letter for the job referenced in the post and adjust wording to make it more relevant.

These prompts may feel awkward to write, almost as though you’re explaining something to a small child. But the clearer and more specific you are, the more pleased you’re likely to be with the results.

While AI like ChatGPT is making some waves on the tech scene, it doesn’t totally replace human writing and editing skills, especially when it comes to resumes and cover letters. It certainly has value but comes with a few caveats. Use ChatGPT with caution, and don’t forget to keep an eye out for grammatical errors .

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ChatGPT Resume: How to Use ChatGPT for a Resume w/ Prompts

Stephen Greet

How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Resume

  • ChatGPT Resume Prompts

Should You Use ChatGPT to Write Your Resume?

  • ChatGPT Resume Writing Tips

ChatGPT Resume FAQs

Times are a changing. And the way you can build a resume (and at record speed, we might add) is changing, too, with the help of ChatGPT.

ChatGPT has quickly become a household name, but if you’ve been living in the Dinosaur Age, here are the basics: It’s an advanced AI that can understand and generate human-like text based on your prompts, meaning you can get it to do things for you!

We assume you don’t love writing resumes, which is why you’re curious about a ChatGPT resume. Stay tuned—we’ve got your roadmap for how to use ChatGPT to write a resume.

Recruiters and job seekers on yellow laptops review and discuss job description requirements

Let’s be real: Resume writing can be tedious. Worse yet, every resume you send out should be tailored to the job, so it’s not a one-and-done kind of thing.

With the aid of ChatGPT and a top-notch resume template , you can cut back on the hassle without resorting to sending cookie-cutter resumes to every employer. This strategy can save you time and energy and inspire you when you need help with how to emphasize your skills the right way.

Not sure how to get started? We’ve got you.

how to create a resume on chatgpt

Come to the ChatGPT table prepared

If there’s one key to creating a ChatGPT resume, it’s to be extra specific with your requests. (Coincidentally, that’s also the key to a good resume .)

Without a precise prompt, ChatGPT will still give you a response, but it often won’t be what you’re looking for. It might be vague, overly wordy, or too generic.

However, if you feed the AI the correct ingredients, the final dish is bound to turn out much better.

Here are some of the things ChatGPT needs to know to help you with your resume:

  • Job title and description: For most jobs, ChatGPT already has a rough idea of what you do, but it helps to narrow it down in a paragraph or two.
  • Your achievements and daily tasks: From winning employee of the month to spearheading a successful merger, tell ChatGPT your career highlights.
  • Skills and certifications: Give ChatGPT a list of your skills, including hard skills like software or tool proficiency.
  • Educational background: This can be useful but isn’t always necessary, as you may not be mentioning school outside of a separate little section in your resume template .
  • Keywords from the job description: Read the job description carefully and ask ChatGPT to incorporate some of the keywords—this often means the required skills or duties.

how to create a resume on chatgpt

Using ChatGPT for resume job description bullet points

The job description bullet points are what you want to emphasize about your past or current roles. It’s not so much what you do every day, such as “marketing strategy,” but it’s more about what you’re most proud of and how you impacted the companies where you worked.

But how do you go from point A to point B and then C? It’s simple: Just ask ChatGPT to help.

  • Pick an achievement or responsibility: Do this separately for each point—ChatGPT tends to do better if you don’t ask it to do too many things at once. Example: “Managed a team.”
  • Prompt ChatGPT to enhance or elaborate: Be specific. Ask ChatGPT to include relevant keywords from the job description and which aspects of the role you want to emphasize.

You might get something like:

Managed a team of sales associates, leading to an increase in sales.

You don’t have to stop here—you can, and should, tweak this by yourself, but it often helps to ask follow-up questions.

  • Ask for more details: Mention a technology or a skill that you used to achieve this.

To that, ChatGPT may come back with:

Managed a team of sales associates, using Lean Six Sigma to optimize workloads for efficiency, leading to an increase in sales.

But that’s still not enough.

  • Focus on impact: Ask ChatGPT to quantify the results. Make sure to tweak the results so that they’re fully relevant to your job.

The final bullet point should now look something like this:

Managed a team of 10 sales associates, using Lean Six Sigma techniques to optimize workloads for efficiency, effectively increasing upselling by 19%.

You could also cut back on the back-and-forth with ChatGPT and use our quick resume builder , which uses AI to suggest bullet points suited to your role.

Our tool will also give you some handy resume tips to make it even better. After these tweaks, recruiters will be fighting over you, and that’s an enviable position to be in!

how to create a resume on chatgpt

Writing a summary or career objective with ChatGPT

A career objective is useful if your experience is limited, but as a veteran, you’ll want to brag a little in an impactful summary . Using AI can help you with both.

To make a personalized resume summary or objective, let ChatGPT know a little more about you. Spill the beans about your experience, skills, the company you’re applying to, and the job description to let the AI decide what’s important (or you can tell it yourself).

Next, specify whether this is for a resume objective or a summary. For an objective, ask ChatGPT to focus on your career aspirations. For a summary, focus on—you guessed it—your top achievements.

It’s a good idea to ask ChatGPT to revise things one by one, such as restricting the length of the summary, including skills from the job listing , or making the language more natural.

A ChatGPT resume objective

Here’s what a well-crafted prompt with a few follow-ups can get you in the way of a career objective:

Ready to leverage my expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and Angular at Intel, I aim to progress into a senior engineering role with a focus on mastering web and user interface development. Eager to excel in fast-paced environments and contribute to innovative solutions, I’m ready to learn from Intel’s top engineers to deepen my knowledge of client processors and accelerate my growth.

A ChatGPT resume summary

Now, a summary. Don’t forget to guide ChatGPT toward focusing on your past achievements and how they can translate to real-world gains for your next employer.

Your friendly neighborhood AI may come up with something like this:

With 15 years of diverse experience in personal training, including gym and football coaching, I’m ready to meet the demands of a rigorous fitness environment. At Planet Fitness, I aim to leverage my experience, including spearheading a gym loyalty program that boosted customer retention by 19%, to lead the Personal Training Department toward new heights of success and client satisfaction.

You’ll often have to tweak this yourself before pasting it right at the top of your chosen resume outline .

how to create a resume on chatgpt

Polishing your ChatGPT Resume

So, you’ve fed ChatGPT your life story, and you’re now officially a ChatGPT resume writer.

Is your finger now hovering over the “Send” button in your email client of choice? It might be tempting, but don’t do it yet!

First, run through our checklist of resume tips to consider right before takeoff.

  • Just like you wouldn’t want to read purely AI-generated content, neither do recruiters. Check whether your resume has a unique voice and writing style that aligns with your own.
  • For some jobs, adding hobbies/interests , certifications, or a link to your portfolio can be a great idea. Consider expanding your resume to include those for a bit of pizzazz.
  • Check your resume for active voice, the use of helpful metrics, filler words, and more, saving you both time and stress.
  • Don’t let a silly typo be the reason you get a “No.”
  • Picking the right resume template can make the difference between getting shortlisted and getting ghosted. Make sure your resume is clean, easy to follow, and limited to a single page to maximize your chances of success.

Finally, writing a resume is necessary, but it’s a good idea to also include a personalized cover letter. This shows the employer you care, and if you write a good cover letter , it’ll emphasize not only your skills but also how much you fit that particular company’s culture.

ChatGPT Resume Prompts for Best Results

Coworkers discuss career documents on BeamJobs' platform behind them

ChatGPT is a mighty helpful tool, but it’s not without fault. For instance, it can veer off-topic or use a LOT of words to say very little. Neither have any place in your resume, but don’t worry—we’ll show you how to make the most of your everyday AI companion.

Let’s go over everything you need to know to prompt ChatGPT into making you an amazing resume.

how to create a resume on chatgpt

ChatGPT prompts for job achievement bullet points

Here’s the first prompt that opens the door to efficient dialogue with ChatGPT:

I’m a software engineer with seven years of experience and skills in back-end development. I want you to write me a work experience bullet point that relates to one of my tasks in a previous role, which was building an intelligent search functionality.

And here’s what ChatGPT comes back with:

ChatGPT creates a software engineer job achievement bullet point for resume

Why this ChatGPT prompt works

  • Notice how the prompt is specific from the get-go? That’s the way to get useful responses from ChatGPT. Make sure to include your job title and the skill or achievement you want to focus on.

This next prompt can help you get even more specific:

Enhance this bullet point with a mention of a technology that helped me achieve this. The job description emphasizes Python, Django, and C++, but you should only use what’s relevant to my achievement.

ChatGPT generates the following:

ChatGPT write a resume job achievement bullet point that includes Python and Django

  • Work experience bullet points work best when they tell the full story, combining your achievements with your resume skills .

While the mention of technologies is crucial, ChatGPT did its usual thing and went a little off-base. This prompt will help you bring it back on track to achieve the perfect bullet point:

Tweak this bullet point to focus on impact, including quantifiable metrics. Limit it to a single sentence that explains what I did, how I did it, and the impact that my work has had. Use active voice throughout and do not use first person.

And boom. ChatGPT gets back on the train track:

ChatGPT improves software engineer resume bullet point by eliminating wordiness

  • It cuts out the unnecessary fluff from the previous iterations and shines a light on your achievements.

how to create a resume on chatgpt

ChatGPT prompts for a resume summary or objective

The key to getting the perfect resume objective or summary out of ChatGPT is to provide it with plenty of guidance from the get-go:

I’m a physical therapist with three years of experience, and I am applying to Massage Envy as a massage therapist. Craft me a targeted career objective that mentions the company name and emphasizes my skill in mobility therapy.

ChatGPT complies with our request:

ChatGPT write a career objective for a physical therapist

  • With this prompt, ChatGPT accurately pinpointed the skills the employer cares about , and that’s without extra guidance!

This next prompt is what you should use if you’re a seasoned pro in need of an engaging summary:

Craft me a targeted career summary for a software engineer specializing in AI technologies, highlighting innovation and problem-solving skills. I’m applying to work at Nvidia and have in-depth knowledge of CUDA cores and GPU architecture.

Not bad, ChatGPT, not bad:

ChatGPT writes a resume summary for a software engineer

  • You don’t have to write the resume summary yourself, but if you imagine it in your head and let ChatGPT make it come to life, it’ll turn out a lot better than if you just let the AI wing it.

If you’re generally happy with the outcome and just want ChatGPT to make it sound better, try this prompt:

Improve the summary to make it less wordy. Get rid of inconsequential terms and focus on my experience using active voice. Include a key achievement (writing a GPU programming framework). Maximum two sentences for the whole summary.

ChatGPT seems to love wordiness, but with a little push, it’ll get in line:

ChatGPT improves on a resume summary by eliminating wordiness

  • Remember that once you’re done chit-chatting with ChatGPT, there will always be room for improvement. Give your resume a once-over and tweak the summary as needed!

how to create a resume on chatgpt

ChatGPT prompts to perfect your resume

To make your resume better than ever, consider using this prompt:

Rewrite this job achievement to highlight the impact on team efficiency: ‘Responsible for leading a team to implement a new project management software.’ Include quantifiable metrics and the name of the software, Asana.

ChatGPT rewrites a resume job achievement bullet point to make it more concise

  • Adding the mention of quantifiable metrics is how you make your work experience points go from “nice” to “amazing,” showing recruiters what you’re capable of.

If you’re at a loss when it comes to filling out your skills section , let ChatGPT be your inspiration:

I’m a digital marketer. The job description asks for experience in social media, marketing campaigns, and relevant SEO tools. Write me a bullet point list of 10 relevant skills, including software and marketing techniques. Two to three words per skill.

ChatGPT delivers. Just make sure whatever skills you add from ChatGPT are truly skills you’re versed in:

ChatGPT writes resume skills for a digital marketer

  • You can ask ChatGPT for even more skills, but stop at around 10 in your resume to keep it clutter-free.

No work experience? No problem!

Write me a career objective for a college student applying to work at Best Buy. I’m good with computers and know how to use MS Office. Emphasize that I’m eager to learn and grow within the company. Keep it concise at a maximum of two sentences, and use active voice.

This is how ChatGPT can help elevate your resume:

ChatGPT writes a career objective for a college student applying at Best Buy

  • If you’re not happy with the quality of the outputs, ask ChatGPT to reword, use shorter words, or stay on topic.

Job seeker works on blue laptop, holding hand to head in question of how to build job application

It’s clear that ChatGPT resume writing has its merits, but should you trust the AI to handle your resume? There’s almost no reason not to, but be mindful of a few things.

There’s no beating around the bush—ChatGPT turns resume writing from a chore to a quick stepping stone toward landing a job. Some employers, particularly those in the AI or tech space, may embrace that you’ve used ChatGPT to speed up the process. Other employers, however, might not see it in the same light.

Aside from the above, the perks of using ChatGPT for your resume include:

  • It’s a lot quicker
  • It helps if you lack inspiration
  • It’s fairly accurate about most jobs
  • It has a large knowledge base, including thousands of roles

Nothing is perfect, especially not ChatGPT. The downside is that once you’ve seen enough of its writing, it’s glaringly obvious and easy to spot. It’s not as easy as feeding it the job description and pressing “Generate.”

Here are some reasons why you should be wary:

  • ChatGPT can have its preconceived ideas, and it tends to go on and on
  • It sounds like AI and will never truly replicate your voice
  • Some employers will be adamant that you have written your own resume free of AI
  • ChatGPT still makes errors

Our 3 Best ChatGPT Resume Writing Tips

Recruiter points with yellow chalk to job skills and qualifications list on blackboard

Having followed our guide, you’re now quite the ChatGPT prompt engineer! These final three tips will make sure your resume stands out from the crowd and gets you that job.

  • ChatGPT for resumes is more of a baseline than the finished product. Once you’re done working with it, go over everything, revise it to make it sound more natural, and then analyze it all with a resume checker . This gives you a top-notch resume with far less work than writing it from scratch.
  • ChatGPT will come up with relevant skills and achievements based on your job, but remember to only include metrics and accomplishments that you can back up with experience. Interviewers may ask you to elaborate on any and all parts of your resume.
  • Provide ChatGPT with as much information upfront as you can, including your skills, achievements, current and past roles, education, and the job description. A detailed prompt will give you a useful response, while a short and vague question produces subpar replies.

Job seeker holds letters "F-A-Q" to ask about writing resumes, cover letters, & other job materials

For a bite-sized guide to using ChatGPT to write a resume, check out our quick FAQs.

Tackle each part of your resume separately, tailoring your prompts to match the task. Give ChatGPT a lot of context as to what you do and the job you’re applying for, then ask it to write a job experience bullet point, a career summary/objective, or even a skills list.

If you’re not happy with the response, rephrase your question or ask it to fix something, such as the wording or the length of the response.

It’s often easier to use an AI-based resume checker instead of ChatGPT for this. However, you can either paste each section one by one into ChatGPT and ask it for detailed feedback or give it specific prompts, such as, “Improve this job bullet point to focus on ROI.”

Copy and paste the job description into ChatGPT to give it a good idea of what you’re looking for. Next, share some details about your background and ask it for help with specific parts of your resume. Asking it to write the whole resume at once usually produces very lackluster responses.

Use detailed prompts that direct the AI toward what you want it to do. Simply saying, “Write me a resume for a caregiver,” won’t give you a high-quality resume.

Instead, use a specific prompt, such as, “Write me a personalized career summary for a caregiver with 15 years of experience. Mention my expertise in ADLs and how this can contribute to the role at Sunset Valley Homes.”

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Create a Resume Using ChatGPT


Welcome to an innovative approach to crafting your resume. By the end of this guide, you’ll be familiar with this amazing tool, and you’ll also be equipped to use it to its fullest potential to create a standout resume.

ChatGPT is one of the groundbreaking advancements in the world of artificial intelligence. It’s an AI (Artificial Intelligence) developed by OpenAI, designed to generate human-like text based on the prompts it receives. Think of it as having a virtual assistant who’s always ready to help you with your writing tasks, and in this case, assist in sculpting a professional resume.

We use ChatGPT to create a resume for the following reasons:

Efficiency: Crafting a resume can be time-consuming, especially if you’re unsure where to start. ChatGPT can provide instant suggestions, saving you hours of pondering over wording or structure.

Quality: With the right prompts, ChatGPT offers high-quality content that matches industry standards.

Customization: Every job and industry are unique. ChatGPT can be directed to cater to specific job roles, ensuring your resume stands out in a pile.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to harness the power of ChatGPT for your resume. From gathering your information, structuring your resume, and customizing it for specific roles, to adding that final polish. Let’s get started.

Gathering Information

Before we jump into the magic of ChatGPT, it’s crucial to have a clear picture of the content we want to feature on our resume. This step is akin to a chef gathering all the necessary ingredients before starting to cook. And just as in cooking, the quality and organization of our ingredients—or in our case, information—can make a significant difference in the result.

Identifying Essential Resume Components

Here are the fundamental sections we’ll be focusing on:

Personal Information: This includes your name, contact number, email address, and LinkedIn profile or personal website if you have one. Remember, unless specifically required for the job (like in the case of some government positions), you should avoid including sensitive information such as your home address, credit card information, social security number, or marital status.

Career Objective or Summary: A concise statement about your career goals or a brief overview of your professional background.

Education: Detail your academic achievements, starting from the most recent. This can include formal education, online courses, workshops, or seminars you’ve attended.

Work Experience: List your relevant job roles, responsibilities, and notable accomplishments. We’ll be focusing on the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to make our descriptions impactful.

Skills: Highlight specific skills that pertain to the job you’re applying for. This can range from technical proficiencies to soft skills.

Certifications: Have you taken any additional courses or certifications that stand out? This is the section where they shine.

Projects or Portfolios: Especially for those in creative or technical fields, showcasing relevant projects can give you an edge.

References: While it’s becoming less common to include references directly on resumes, it’s good to have them on hand. A simple “References available upon request” can also suffice.

Tips for Collecting and Organizing Your Information

Documentation: Gather all your certificates, letters of recommendation, and any other relevant documents. Digitalize them, if possible, for easy access.

Brainstorming: Before jotting everything down, take a moment to reflect on your career journey. Sometimes, accomplishments or significant tasks might not be evident on the surface.

Chronology: Organize your information chronologically, starting with the most recent. This makes it easier to input and ensures you don’t miss out on anything.

Relevancy: Tailor your information based on the job or industry. Not every achievement or skill might be relevant for every application.

Be Authentic: It’s tempting to embellish, but always stick to facts. Authenticity ensures that you can confidently discuss every aspect of your resume during interviews.

Having all this information ready will make the next stages smoother and more efficient. In the upcoming sections, we’ll delve into how we can transform this gathered data into a polished resume with the help of ChatGPT.

Getting Started with ChatGPT Prompts for Resumes

Now that we have our information organized, we can dive into the exciting world of ChatGPT. Using this AI tool efficiently boils down to how effectively we prompt it. Think of it as providing clear instructions to someone who’s assisting you.

Structuring Your Initial Prompt

In the beginning, it’s essential to set the stage for ChatGPT. A well-structured initial prompt will give ChatGPT a clear direction and help it generate relevant content. Here’s a template to start:

Importance of Being Specific and Detailed with Your Prompts

ChatGPT is a powerful tool, but its efficiency lies in the clarity of the prompts. General or vague prompts might yield generic outputs. For instance, instead of simply asking, “Help me with my Work Experience section,” be more specific:

This detailed prompt aids ChatGPT in crafting a more tailored and impactful description for your resume.

Examples of Starter Prompts for Resume Creation

Personal Information:

Career Objective:

These prompts serve as starting points. As we progress through each section, we’ll delve deeper into crafting more nuanced prompts to capture the essence of your professional journey.

Remember, the prompts act as a guide for ChatGPT. The clearer and more detailed they are, the better your resume’s content will be. With this foundation, we’re now ready to tackle each section of the resume in depth.

Section 3: Crafting Each Resume Section with ChatGPT

Let’s explore using ChatGPT to craft each specific section of our resume. Here’s how we’ll guide ChatGPT to produce content that shines in every segment.

A. Personal Information

While it might seem simple, presentation matters. An organized header grabs attention.

Example prompt for generating personal information section:

Customizing for different styles: Depending on the style of the resume or the region you’re applying in, you might want variations. For instance, if applying in Europe, you might include a professional photo.

B. Career Objective or Summary

Distinguish between an objective (what you hope to achieve) and a summary (a brief overview of your experience).

Crafting a compelling prompt for this section:

C. Education

Different educational backgrounds require unique representations.

Prompt examples for various education backgrounds:

For a college degree:

For online courses:

D. Work Experience

This is where we get to showcase our professional journey.

Construct detailed job descriptions:

Highlighting achievements and responsibilities:

Remember, achievements quantify your impact, while responsibilities showcase your role. Lead with achievements where possible.

Choosing relevant skills is critical to making it past automated resume filters.

Prompting for skill endorsements or elaborations:

F. Certifications

Here, we showcase any added qualifications that can give us an advantage.

Listing certifications with dates:

G. References

While not always necessary, it’s good to be prepared. When deciding on including references or the phrase “References available upon request” consider that for most modern resumes, the latter is preferred unless the employer explicitly asks for references.

Styling and Formatting Tips

Now that we’ve crafted the content, let’s ensure our resume is visually appealing and easy to read. Remember, recruiters often skim resumes in a matter of seconds, so presentation matters as much as content.

Using ChatGPT to Suggest Formatting or Style Enhancements

ChatGPT can provide insights into modern and industry-specific formatting styles. For instance:

Common Resume Formats and When to Use Them

Chronological: Lists your work history in reverse chronological order (most recent to oldest). It’s suitable for those with a strong work history in a specific field.

Functional: Focuses on skills and qualifications. Ideal for those with gaps in their work history or changing industries.

Hybrid: A mix of chronological and functional, highlighting relevant skills while also showcasing a chronological work history.

When crafting with ChatGPT, specify which format you’re leaning toward so the AI can structure the content accordingly.

Tailoring Your Resume’s Style to the Job or Industry

Different industries have varying preferences. A graphic designer’s resume will look vastly different from that of a financial analyst.

Reviewing and Refining

With the primary content and style in place, it’s essential we take steps to refine and perfect our resume. A polished document conveys professionalism and attention to detail, traits valued in any role.

Importance of Proofreading

While ChatGPT is highly accurate, it’s crucial to double-check every detail. Typos, grammatical errors, or inconsistencies can detract from the hard work we have put into crafting our content.

Using ChatGPT for Feedback or Suggestions on Refining Content

Leverage ChatGPT’s potential to get feedback on certain sections. For instance:

Additional Tools and Methods to Ensure Accuracy

Consider integrating third-party proofreading tools or apps. Tools like Grammarly, Hemingway Editor, or even a trusted peer review can help catch an inaccuracy, ensuring your resume is error-free and coherent.

Customizing Resumes for Specific Roles

A “one-size-fits-all” resume approach is not strategic in today’s competitive job market. To increase our chances of landing that dream job, we need to tailor our resume to match specific roles. Let us walk through this fine-tuning process.

Tailoring Content Based on the Job Description

Always start by carefully reading the job description. Highlight keywords, required skills, and responsibilities. These insights should guide our customization.

For example:

How to Prompt ChatGPT to Suggest Alterations for a Target Role

Use the job description to guide ChatGPT in refining content. For instance:

Examples of Customizations for Various Industries

Tech Roles: Highlight specific programming languages, frameworks, or project methodologies. Mention any collaboration with cross-functional teams or leadership in tech projects.

Creative Roles: Emphasize unique design projects, collaborations, or any recognition received. Consider linking to an online portfolio.

Healthcare Roles: Detail specific experiences with patient care, medical equipment, or any specialized training/certifications.

Sales & Marketing: Showcase achievements in numbers, such as sales targets achieved, campaigns led, or growth metrics influenced.

By tailoring our resume with specifics from the job description, we ensure alignment between what the recruiter is looking for and what we present.

Exporting and Saving Your Resume

Once we have fine-tuned our resume, the final step is to export and save it in a format that is widely accepted and professional. Here is how we can do that.

Converting the Content to a Document Format

While crafting our resume within a chat interface offers flexibility and rapid iteration, we need to transfer it to a more universally accepted format for applications.

Text to Document: Copy the finalized content from ChatGPT’s responses and paste it into your favorite word processor, such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs.

Formatting Adjustments: Ensure that during the transfer, no formatting inconsistencies have occurred. Adjust headers, bullet points, and spacings as needed.

Regardless of the tool chosen, ensure the final export is typically in a PDF format. This ensures that the formatting remains consistent regardless of where or how it is viewed.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Together, we have embarked on a journey that transformed a daunting task – creating a professional resume – into a structured and interactive experience. We leveraged the capabilities of ChatGPT to:

Gather essential information , ensuring every critical component of a resume is included.

Craft personalized content for each section , from showcasing personal achievements to detailing professional experiences.

Style and format the resume to make it visually compelling and in line with industry standards.

Customize our approach to align with specific roles, ensuring we resonate with the exact needs of potential employers.

Export and save our work in universally accepted formats, ready to be shared and appreciated.

As we move forward, it is crucial to keep our resume updated, ensuring it evolves as we do professionally. This dynamic document is a testament to our journey and capabilities. With this newfound knowledge and a polished resume, we are all set to step confidently into the job market.

Here is to new opportunities and successes that lie ahead. Best of luck to each of us in our professional pursuits!

To learn more about using ChatGPT to develop your resume, check out this case study: Streamline Resume Creation with Generative AI Case Study .
To see what else you can do with ChatGPT (or generative AI in general), check out some of the topics covered in the articles located here: AI Articles .

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Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

How to Use ChatGPT for Resume Writing: Steps and Examples

RC Team

Artificial intelligence isn’t just a far-off science fiction idea; it’s now part of our everyday lives.

You might even be wondering how this technology can help you if you’re looking for a new job. 

Well, did you know that you can use AI for the job application process?

The best way to speed up getting hired is to create a resume with ChatGPT and an AI resume builder .

It may seem challenging to use AI, but if you have the right information before getting started, you can write your resume in minutes .

To help you out, in this article, we’ll be going over the following ChatGPT resume writing topics:

  • What ChatGPT is and what it’s capable of
  • Benefits of using ChatGPT to write your resume
  • Best ChatGPT prompts to use (instructions)
  • Steps to use the AI tool to build your resume

We’ll also explain how you can take advantage of our AI-powered resume builder . By combining ChatGPT and our AI tool, you can create a resume perfectly tailored to your position .

What Is ChatGPT and What Can It Do? 

While you’ve probably heard about ChatGPT on the news or social media by now, you may not know what the OpenAI tool does. 

Which is totally fine! We’ll break it down for you . 

In a nutshell, ChatGPT is an AI tool that’s changing the way you tackle everyday tasks and challenges. Here’s what it can do specifically :

  • Understand and generate text : ChatGPT can comprehend your questions and respond in a conversational tone.
  • Be versatile : ChatGPT’s wide range of capabilities ensures it can assist you across various tasks, such as answering a trivia question and, yes, helping you write a resume.
  • Learning from Interaction : The more you use ChatGPT, the better it tailors its responses to meet your needs.

When it comes to your job search, incorporating ChatGPT-powered tools for resume writing can be a game-changer.

Benefits of ChatGPT for Resumes

Taking advantage of ChatGPT as a resume writer offers several advantages that can significantly enhance the quality of your application. 

  • Personalized content creation : ChatGPT can quickly generate sections of your resume, such as work experience and skills.
  • Efficient research : AI tools can research the company and position, ensuring your resume aligns with the employer’s expectations and highlights the most relevant qualifications.
  • Less time working on your resume : You can avoid writer’s block and create resume sections in no time. 

However, be careful as there are some drawbacks. You should always use it with an AI resume editor designed to create job applications. 

While tools like ChatGPT or Gemini AI significantly aid resume creation, a fully automated process might not look natural or use the best industry-specific keywords . 

Here are tips to have a balanced approach :

  • Use ChatGPT to generate a strong base for your resume, including various sections tailored to your career.
  • Personalize the AI-generated content with our builder to match your industry and qualifications.

The Best ChatGPT Prompts for Resume and Job Advice

The answers you get from ChatGPT are only as good as the prompts (instructions) you give. 

You’ll need good prompts to write resumes and to help you throughout the hiring process. 

Keep in mind that ChatGPT isn’t just for crafting resumes; it’s a versatile tool that can assist you in the different and important parts of your job search. 

Here are some effective ways to use ChatGPT prompts for comprehensive job search assistance:

  • Analyzing job descriptions : To ensure your application aligns with a job’s requirements, ask ChatGPT, “How does my resume match this job description?” This can help identify gaps or areas for improvement.
  • Online profile optimization : Enhance your LinkedIn with ChatGPT by asking, “How can I improve my LinkedIn profile for [INDUSTRY]?” ChatGPT can suggest changes to make your profile more attractive to recruiters.
  • Interview preparation : Generate AI interview questions before meeting with an employer to practice. For example, “Generate mock interview questions for a [JOB TITLE] position.” 

Below, you can review an example of how a ChatGPT prompt and response will look .

Prompt : Based on this job description, how can I showcase my project management skills more effectively on my resume?

Answer :  Analyze the job description for keywords and phrases related to project management, such as ‘team leadership,’ ‘project delivery,’ and ‘budget management.’ Then, tailor your resume to include a ‘Project Management Highlights’ section. Here, detail specific projects relevant to the job description. For instance, you might write, ‘Directed a cross-functional team of 12 in the successful launch of a new software platform, completing the project 3 weeks ahead of schedule and under budget by 20%. This demonstrates your direct alignment with the job’s requirements and showcases your ability to lead, manage budgets, and deliver projects efficiently.

How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Resume: Step-by-Step

Around 54% of Americans believe that AI can improve writing content , according to Forbes . However, if you ignore certain steps, your resume will lose a lot of quality. 

Follow the steps below to speed up the resume writing process and ensure a good result from the AI tools you use .

1. Tailor Your Resume to Job Responsibilities

Start by using ChatGPT to align your resume with the job you’re eyeing. You should focus on the job description and ask ChatGPT to highlight your achievements with data based on the position’s responsibilities. 

Doing this lets you make your resume speak directly to what employers are looking for.

2. Craft a Compelling Professional Summary 

Your professional summary is your resume’s quick introduction. To draft a stand-out resume, you can create a professional summary with AI by asking ChatGPT.

Experiment with generating multiple versions to find the perfect summary that encapsulates your professional narrative. Remember, a resume summary shouldn’t be longer than several sentences.

3. Generate a Customized Cover Letter 

With the job description and your tailored resume in hand, use ChatGPT to draft a cover letter that complements your application. 

Cover letters are still a useful tool in 2024 and AI can help you write yours .   Make sure your AI cover letter highlights why you’re the ideal candidate and that you are motivated.

4. Edit Where Necessary and Finalize 

Examine all the suggestions and text generated on ChatGPT and select the most impactful content for your resume. Then, combine the AI-generated content with your personal touch , ensuring it mirrors your unique experiences and career path.

Also, use our AI resume builder to help you make any necessary adjustments to the layout and formatting to ensure your resume is professional and polished.

How to Use ChatGPT to Update Your Resume

ChatGPT can be a great assistant for those looking to breathe new life into an existing resume . 

By acting as an AI resume analyzer, ChatGPT can review your resume and offer suggestions for ways to improve it . Here’s how to utilize it:

  • Upload your resume to ChatGPT
  • Ask ChatGPT to identify areas that need more clarity 
  • Ask for suggestions to make your resume more appealing to potential employers
  • Apply changes

How to Use ChatGPT With Our AI Resume Builder

To help guarantee that your resume is optimized to the fullest, add your ChatGPT-generated text with our AI Resume Builder . 

This will provide more specific suggestions and customizations that fit the job opening. 

Here’s how to make the most of these tools together :

  • Generate AI-driven content : Start by using ChatGPT to draft sections of your resume, such as the professional summary, work experience, and skills.
  • Insert text into our builder : Take the AI-generated text from ChatGPT and input it into our AI Resume Builder. 
  • Receive tailored suggestions : Get suggestions specifically designed to tailor your resume to your target position or sector.
  • Customize and optimize : Use the builder’s features to customize your resume, adjusting colors, fonts, and layouts.

By following these steps, you’ll save time and effort , receive expert guidance, and create an impressive application.

Key Takeaways

If you use AI correctly, you can make landing a new job a breeze , especially if you’re not sure where to begin. 

However, to use artificial technology correctly, it’s important to remember the tips we’ve mentioned in this article , such as:

  • Use the right prompts to get better results
  • Have ChatGPT analyze job descriptions 
  • Take advantage of AI to prepare your cover letter
  • Generate interview questions to prepare for when you meet the hiring manager
  • Customize AI-generated content with our builder 

Pair ChatGPT with our editor and resume templates to ensure you’re 100% ready to land your dream job!

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Can ChatGPT Write Your Resume? 10+ Prompts You Can Test Right Now

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In This Guide:

Writing your resume with chatgpt.

ChatGPT resume writing prompts

ChatGPT’s gray areas and limitations

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You'd have surely been the joke of the party if you had told someone in 2013 that you held within your hand a tool that could:

  • write love letters to your significant other;
  • hint at the secret ingredient of Coca-Cola, and at the same time;
  • debug your Python code.

Yet, our 2024 reality welcomes a new sheriff in town!

Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer or ChatGPT is a chatbot that can do all that and even more.

ChatGPT is scary good. We are not far from dangerously strong AI.

Elon Musk, founder, CEO, and chief engineer of SpaceX; angel investor, CEO, and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; owner and CEO of Twitter, Inc.; founder of The Boring Company; co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI; and president of the philanthropic Musk Foundation.

Launched as a prototype in November 2022, ChatGPT is a free large language model (a type of AI) that can:

  • create, translate and synthesize texts;
  • keep up their end of the conversation;
  • help you write your resume ;
  • perform other NLP (natural language processing) tasks.

…the best artificial intelligence chatbot ever released to the general public.

Kevin Roose, technology columnist, The New York Times, " The Brilliance and Weirdness of ChatGPT "

ChatGPT uses machine learning algorithms and massive amounts of digital data to produce life-like responses

The chatbot was created by the startup, Open AI. The Wall Street Journal notes that OpenAI is in talks about selling existing shares to interested investors, valuing the company at $29 billion.

ChatGPT is on the crest of the wave. Even though the chatbot itself can't review the number of registered accounts, various industry professionals are experimenting with it.

A New York Times article even disclosed that Google feels “alarmed” due to the potential of ChatGPT. More specifically, how large language models could replace search engines.

If that doesn't hint at the future, we don't know what does.

This leads us to a couple of our main points, which you’d find out more about in this article:

  • Can you use ChatGPT to write your resume for you?
  • What are ChatGPT writing prompts?
  • Eight ChatGPT prompts to improve your resume right now;
  • Emails, cover letters , and interviews turned into a piece of cake with ChatGPT;
  • What are the existing gray areas and limitations of this chatbot?

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Producing a resume to get you hired for the role is a never-ending story. One that takes up so much time and effort that some candidates may give up.

That's where ChatGPT comes in. Use its strengths to synthesize and write in a systematic and articulate style.

ChatGPT is best used when you:

  • are looking for details about the more common jobs;
  • need to shine among competitors;
  • decide on finally overcoming your writer's block.

What is more, ChatGPT can provide you with relatively life-like answers. So, consider implementing it within these three stages.

Resume reviews and re-rewrites to find out:

  • popular certifications ;
  • top keywords related to the job description;
  • skills , responsibilities, and requirements for the role.

Mock interviews to practice:

  • answering job-specific, technical questions;
  • shining light on your soft skills ;
  • using the STAR (situation, task, action, result) as proof of your capabilities.

Cover letter writing to produce a more succinct and stylized copy.

But before you get too far ahead of dreaming about how ChatGPT writes your whole resume, here's a heads-up.

Even though ChatGPT is a very powerful tool, it's still being developed and has some gray areas. Consider using a dedicated AI resume builder to make sure you are getting the best experience and efficiency out of AI.

The AI can't yet replace other resources you may need to write your resume, cover letter, or email.

It's a fantastic tool for reworking individual experience items and also learning the basics of writing for entry-level roles. But we'll get into more details below.

For now, let's focus on those ChatGPT prompts.

ChatGPT prompts: writing, reviewing, and enhancing your resume, cover letter, and job application

What are chatgpt prompts.

ChatGPT's prompts are conversation starters: the information you input, which is most often a question or a request.

This chatbot would never ghost you - in a few seconds, it responds in a human-like manner.

Here's a rule of thumb to remember about ChatGPT prompts.

Keep in mind

ChatGPT is not a psychic looking into a crystal ball.

It's up to you to provide the appropriate resume details, as the quality of the generated output depends on the quality of your input.

The more specific information you provide, the more specific answers you'd get. ChatGPT will try, but it can't fabricate your whole work history.

Only you know what you've achieved as a result of your experience.

ChatGPT can rather take your writing (in narrative form) and output texts, tailored based on the prompts you've entered.

So when using this chatbot to write a good resume, you should:

  • be thoroughly detailed and specific;
  • explain your experience to provide context;
  • ask clarifying questions to fill in the gaps.

The texts generated by ChatGPT should be your starting point.

It's up to you to improve your resume by:

  • adjusting and reviewing the outputs for accuracy (and professionalism)
  • editing, proofreading, and double-checking
  • asking for a second pair of eyes to look over your resume
  • adding your personal touch to stand out

Without further ado, let's dive right into a couple of useful prompts you can use to write your resume!

Using ChatGPT to review your resume

When training any AI to synthesize information, you need to start from the very beginning. That is, to assign specific roles to the chat participants.

In this case, ChatGPT should act as a resume reviewer, responsible for providing feedback on

  • Whether you have all the necessary resume sections ?
  • Is your resume easy to understand?
  • Would you need to add more achievements?
  • What about the types of action verbs ?
  • Finally, the keyword quantity: are the buzzwords provided enough?

Here's what your prompt would look like:

I want you to act as a resume reviewer. I will provide you with my resume, and you look provide me with feedback on it. Include feedback on the following points: - What appropriate sections to add for making my resume more readable. - How to make my resume easier to scan. - What kind of numbers and results can I add to my resume. - What type of action verbs should I choose. - Am I using too many buzzwords and how to replace them, if so. Do you acknowledge?

Your role would be to thus paste your resume. In this case, we've included:

  • Header - name, current job title, and email;
  • Education - all relevant degrees, institutions, locations, start-end dates, and any extra information you deem would be necessary for ChatGPT to understand your background;
  • Experience - start and end dates, company description, a narrative about what you did with a focus on skills and achievements;
  • Certificates - include all;
  • Technical Skills - as a list;
  • Soft Skills - with a focus on the outcomes of using the skills;
  • Most Proud Of - looking at the big picture achievements for the business;
  • Various resume sections - to shine a more detailed light on your experience.

#1chat gpt generated resume.png

ChatGPT didn't disappoint. Check out its synthesized responses below:

It noted that skills, certifications, and relevant professional memberships would be "beneficial" additions to your resume.

As well, a summary or objective - to put your "professional experience, skills, and career goals" in front and center - are always a good idea.

To ensure readability, the resume needs to have:

  • clear and consistent formatting with bullet points
  • action verbs at the beginning of the experience bullet points to showcase your responsibilities and accomplishments
  • bold or italicized texts to highlight important details
  • numbers or results in other resume sections (e.g. education or skills)
  • balanced use of buzzwords to demonstrate industry expertise

There was an overall assessment and recommendations for a couple of tweaks.

We wanted to get the most out of the ChatGPT experience, and that's why we followed up with these questions.

Just FYI, I have added Tech Skills and Soft Skills section above. Should I rename them or not?

ChatGPT recommends that we should personalize these headlines to ensure that they reflect our particular skill set.

Do I also have to include a summary or objective or not?

ChatGPT notes summaries and objectives are optional but good to have as they give recruiters (and the ATS) a snapshot of your skills and professional goals.

More so, summaries and objectives help candidates to stand out amongst their competitors.

As a reminder:

  • Summary statements - three-to-five sentences that shine a light on your most relevant and/or impressive achievements. Zooming in on your experience, skills, and qualification.
  • Objective statements - have a similar format, but prioritize your career goals. You're aiming to align your unique skill set to the role you're applying for.

Whatever you decide, remember to always tailor your summary or objective to the position you're applying for.

Can you tailor one for me, please?

In just a couple of seconds, the chatbot was ready for us. With a reminder that these are just examples and that they need to be further personalized to reflect your professional journey.

Find out the summary and objective statements ChatGPT came up with below:


Test it for yourself to see ChatGPT’s recommendations. Read on to find out more about how to write the skills and summary sections of your resume with ChatGPT.

Tailor your resume to the job description with ChatGPT

Let's look at another scenario. What if you've found that dream job you'd really like to apply for? You have your resume ready…

… now it's time to tailor it with ChatGPT!

Start off with a prompt that once more specifies the roles.

You'd expect ChatGPT to assess the job description with a focus on these possible three key requirements:

  • years of experience
  • position name.

Asking the chatbot to thus provide you with feedback on how adequate your resume would be for the job you're applying to.

I'm going to provide you with a job description for a job I'm interested to apply for. You're going to read the job description and understand the key requirements for the position – including years of experience, skills, position name. After that I'm going to give you my resume. You'll go over it and provide feedback based on how tailored my resume is for the job. Do you understand?

You'd hence have two responsibilities.

First would be to input the full job advertisement that includes:

  • company description
  • information about the opportunity
  • responsibilities
  • requirements
  • compensation and other benefits

ChatGPT would take the time to synthesize this input, providing you with concise information about the position you're applying for and the role's main responsibilities.

You'd find out details about the ideal candidate with a focus on

  • soft / hard skills
  • preferred experience
  • salary range and benefits package.

Next, you'd have to paste your resume.

Here's the prompt you can use:

Now I'll give you my resume. Provide feedback on how I can tailor it to the above job post. Here's my resume: [PASTE FULL RESUME TEXT HERE]

Make sure to include all relevant details, including

  • Industry Expertise

#1chat gpt generated resume 2.png

Here's what ChatGPT understood about the position.

Mandatory soft skills are experience with project management, good communication skills, and the ability to work effectively in a fast-paced (and highly collaborative) environment.

Additional experience in managing legal documents is desirable.

The main recommendations for this resume were to strongly emphasize project management experience, work with legal documents, and soft skills.

ChatGPT reminded us to include specific examples of how the candidate has:

  • successfully communicated and collaborated with multiple stakeholders;
  • managed competing priorities and tight deadlines;
  • worked in different time zones.

Regarding the education section, it noted that more details would make an even better impression (e.g. degree and majors , relevant coursework , and other educational activities).

Finally, it reminded us to include all languages the candidate is fluent in, as it might be desirable for this job.

Asking ChatGPT to rephrase your experience or for synonyms

We all know how important action verbs are, especially when talking about your professional experience. But sometimes candidates do struggle with making their resumes more illustrative of their achievements.

We’ve got you covered, let’s look at how ChatGPT can:

  • rephrase your experience items;
  • substitute verbs with more actionable synonyms.

Rephrasing your resume experience

Starting with this writing prompt that you can use to bring the action to the very front of your resume:

I'm writing my resume and I want to make it sound better. Can you go over my Experience section and make it sound more actionable?

  • • Received product feedback from customer interviews
  • • Planned out the product roadmap
  • • Presented market assessments to executives
  • • Collaborated with the marketing and development teams

You'd then need to paste in the details about the job you're applying for.

Don't forget to include any relevant information:

  • about the company
  • what is the role about
  • what you need to be successful
  • what's it in for you
  • and job type

Use this writing prompt:

Here's the Experience section I wrote: [PASTE FULL RESUME EXPERIENCE TEXT]

And here's the job ad I'm applying for: [PASTE FULL JOB AD]

ChatGPT then takes each experience bullet point and aligns it with the preferable job experience.

You'd see that each experience bullet is structured using the following formula:

“Action verb + skill + outcomes”


This information looks really professional, but it may not be accurate. ChatGPT fills in the blanks and sometimes makes things up along the way.

Including more actionable verbs

Here’s another alternative - what if you want to substitute the verbs you’ve used to make them sound more ready-to-go?

We suggest this ChatGPT resume prompt:

I'm sharing my Experience section on my resume. Please re-write it using actionable synonyms. [PASTE FULL RESUME TEXT]

Make sure it’s followed by once again with the whole picture of your experience item, which you’d like to have edited. We’ve used the same example as above.

Wondering what the ChatGPT output looks like?


Both of these prompts are a great starting point to help you gain a better understanding of resume writing structures and editing. But, it's entirely up to you to make your resume sound more personalized.

Synthesis by ChatGPT: creating both resume summaries and objectives

Summarizing texts is one of ChatGPT’s superpowers. Use it to create a catchy resume summary or objective to highlight your strengths.

We’ll use one of the previous resume examples with the following writing prompt:

I'm going to share with you my resume. Go over it and create two examples: one of a resume summary and one for a resume objective. Here's my resume: [PASTE FULL RESUME TEXT]

The more professional details you include within the prompt, the more likely the AI will be to learn about your specific achievements and strengths.


ChatGPT has created a wonderful base for you. If you decide, you can ask it to re-write the summary and objectives to provide you with alternatives.

Just don’t forget that ChatGPT does crash from time to time and it may wipe out all your current chats.

So ensure that you have all the summaries and objectives safely stored somewhere within a Google Doc or an MS Word file.

ChatGPT to improve the email you’d attach your resume to

Emailing your contacts.

We can't emphasize the importance of networking within the recruitment process.

As new job opportunities could come across to you from the most unexpected places.

Do you want to make a good first impression on an acquaintance, asking them to help you with your job search?

Use this ChatGPT trick/ prompt:

I'm going to provide you with an email I wrote. The email is about me, sending my resume to a distant friend who works at a company I want to join. Provide feedback on how I can improve it. Here's my email: paste full email text

Get inspired by one of our basic Enhancv templates.

Hey {NAME}!

It was great seeing you at {PLACE OF MEETING}. I hope work is treating you well today.

You mentioned something about {COMPANY NAME} hiring a {JOB POSITION} and I’d love to apply! I’m sending you my resume for your consideration. Find attached the appropriate files.

During my time at {PREV COMPANY} as a {PREV JOB POSITION} I carried out various communications projects, formed strategies, managed drafts, and editorial materials, established the company presence, amended legislation, a list of accomplishments, etc.

My most significant contribution to the company is that we achieved an increase of 55% within a year, thanks to my strategic and operational decision-making.

The opportunity you mentioned closely matches my field, which is why I am grateful to you.

Thanks for forwarding my resume.

Kind Regards, [Your given name]

ChatGPT recommends we should make this email more specific to the role we'd like to apply for by including

  • a clear and relevant subject line;
  • a sentence (or two) describing what you talked about when you met your contact and why you decided to send your resume across;
  • instead of just listing what you've achieved, show how these accomplishments make you the ideal candidate for the job;
  • contact details and a call to action (e.g. "I would appreciate the opportunity to further discuss my qualifications with you. Please let me know if there is a good time for us to speak.");
  • a more formal salutation.

Emailing recruiters

Once again, we start our chat by helping the AI imagine the scenario.

A ChatGPT writing prompt when sending your resume out to hiring managers is:

I'm going to provide you with an email I wrote. The email is about me, sending my resume to a recruiter from a company I want to join. Provide feedback on how I can improve it. [PASTE FULL EMAIL TEXT]

This is the email we wrote to get the attention of hiring managers:

Subject: [POSITION] - [MY NAME]

Dear Hiring Manager, I am very interested in applying for the [POSITION] that is listed on [COMPANY].

I've attached my resume and cover letter.

If there's any additional information you need, please let me know.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Sincerely, FirstName LastName Email Phone LinkedIn

ChatGPT really enjoyed how straight to the point our email was, but recommended to

  • Include the recruiter's name in the greeting for more personalized communication;
  • Show why you're a good fit by describing how your experience aligns with the role you're applying for;
  • Double-check the spelling and grammar;
  • Keep the subject line short and specific to the role;
  • Instead of listing your contact details, include a professional signature with all the relevant information;
  • Request the recruiters to contact you if they happen to have further questions or queries.

The chatbot even optimized our version:


Adapting your cover letter to your resume with ChatGPT

Formal tone of voice.

ChatGPT can surely come in handy when writing your cover letter , especially if you need help with tailoring it to align with your resume.

Imagine that you want your cover letter to sound a bit more sophisticated and refined.

We used this ChatGPT prompt to produce a more formal cover letter:

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I will provide you with my resume, and you will generate a cover letter to complement it. I want the cover letter to have a formal, professional tone, as I will be applying to a corporation. Do you acknowledge?

Once ChatGPT understood its tasks, we followed up with these commands:

My preferred job will be [at Home Depot/ company name / as a Lead Analyst / role /, Finance Business Services/department/]. Here's a job description: paste full job advert text

And here is my resume: paste full resume text

Once again, make sure you paste in the full job description and all the text that makes up your resume.

#1chat gpt generated resume (1).png

With a little more personalization to demonstrate achievements and further why this candidate would be perfect for the role, this ChatGPT structure could work wonders:


Informal tone of voice

There are cases when you would want your cover letter to sound more casual.

For example, if you're applying for a startup or SME (small and medium-sized enterprises), where you know the company culture is more friendly.

ChatGPT has you covered:

I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I will provide you with my resume, and you will generate a cover letter to complement it. I want the cover letter to have a more informal tone, as I will be applying to a startup. Do you acknowledge?

The "I will be applying to a startup" can be substituted with specifics about the company you're applying for.

Find below the resume, which we pasted in ChatGPT with these two prompts:

Ok, here's my resume: [PASTE FULL RESUME TEXT]

And here's the job title and company: [PASTE FULL JOB AD TEXT]

Do you like the informal cover letter ChatGPT created for this candidate?


Acing your interviews with ChatGPT: practice giving STAR-format answers

You probably can't believe it, and neither could we when first heard about it. But, yes, ChatGPT can also help you get ready for your interview.

We all know those standard questions which interviewers tend to ask. What is more, you could use ChatGPT to also provide you with a list of some of the most popular questions they may ask for your specific role.

To these questions, hiring managers expect you to structure a response using the STAR method.

Where you describe the:

  • Tasks at hand
  • Actions you undertook
  • Results you achieved.

Practice the STAR method with these ChatGPT prompts.

Here's my resume. If you've understood my background, say "understood". [PASTE FULL RESUME TEXT]

Once ChatGPT comprehends your experience, it's time to practice with the following prompt:

Now, can you write me a sample answer (based on my resume) which follows the STAR format : [WRITE INTERVIEW QUESTION]

In our example, we've used this popular interview question:

"Have you ever had to develop a new skill on the job? Tell me about your approach to the learning process."

A few moments later, ChatGPT's provided us with this answer.

Situation: with a little background and definition of what the actual problem was


Tasks: showcasing the thought process and research, alongside soft skills .


Action: detailing step-by-step the relevant actions, supplemented once again with skills


Results: it's a numbers game!


Changing your resume for different audiences with ChatGPT

For the next examples we have used this resume to demonstrate how it could be targeted to suit three specific audiences:

resume writing with chat gpt.png

Presenting your resume to a recruiter

It's often that resumes are analyzed by recruiters who may not have the same technical understanding as candidates.

That's why it's vital to simplify your experience by making it more understandable to the general audience.

Of course, that is without losing the chance to highlight your strengths ( keywords ) and responsibilities.

ChatGPT can also do that for you. Use this prompt to make your resume more comprehensible for the general audience:

Here's my resume. I'm afraid it's too technical for a recruiter. Re-write it so it's more accessible to recruiters: [PASTE FULL RESUME TEXT]

Check out how these three resume sections have been edited:


Professional Experience


Resumes for C-level executives

In some cases, you may need to make your resume a bit more technical to impress readers (in the example below, we've referred to C-level executives).

Save time tailoring your resume by pasting this ChatGPT prompt:

Here's my resume. It's going to be reviewed by a C-Level executive and I'm afraid it's not technical to capture their attention Re-write it so it's more actionable and it shows my capabilities better: [PASTE FULL RESUME TEXT]

Pay attention to how ChatGPT re-wrote these three sections:


Impressing potential direct managers

Same person, three different resumes: can it be done in a few minutes?

Yes, it can, with ChatGPT!

Here's how the chatbot rephrased these resume sections; to be read by the candidate's potential direct manager.


Experiment with this ChatGPT writing prompt:

Here's my resume. It's going to be reviewed by the direct manager for the position and I'm afraid it doesn't communicate my value clearly enough. Re-write it so it shows how I'm the right person for the job and how I'll add to the team. [PASTE FULL RESUME TEXT]

ChatGPT’s gray areas and limitations?!

As much as you'd like to believe it, ChatGPT isn't all sunshine and rainbows.

Even though the buzz around this chatbot is massive, remember that this tool has been around for just three months. What is more, all users are currently using a demo version/ free research preview that is being further developed.

So, yes, there are some gray areas concerning this all-powerful AI.

ChatGPT can lead communication (by mirroring and assessing data), but it can't think instead of you (at least, yet).

When chatting with this large language model, remember to bring about your creativity, judgment, and details of your experience so that your resume writing experience is an effective one.

Without further ado, check out these seven ChatGPT gray areas and how you could address them.

  • ChatGPT isn't perfect.

The chatbot was trained on a large dataset that includes information up to 2021. Meaning that it doesn't have the most up-to-date information regarding some roles and their specifics.

ChatGPT may also produce typos from time to time, so make sure you double-check spelling and grammar, and that the output text actually makes sense.

Remember that due to the large amounts of traffic it may crash, so always ensure that you've backed up the texts you'd like to use.

OpenAI's model is still in its infancy: imagine what it would be able to do in just a few months' time.

  • Sometimes ChatGPT doesn’t understand a prompt.

Here are the sort of questions it struggles with:

  • Unclear or vague ones;
  • Requiring a personal opinion or subjective judgment;
  • Real-time information or access to external resources;
  • Complex logical or mathematical reasoning;
  • Poorly formatted prompts that contain grammar errors or are written in a way that is difficult to understand.

Specifically, about that personal opinion topic, ChatGPT can't make those final judgments for you regarding which roles you should emphasize and which ones you'd leave out of your resume.

  • ChatGPT can repeat the content between resume sections.

Do you have a friend who never thinks before he speaks? Well, this model is sort of like your friend, as it never self-edits what it produces.

Meaning, it can repeat similar experience bullets in different sections, etc.

This can sometimes be of benefit to you, as some recruiters tend to skim over your resume, without diving too much into the nitty-gritty details.

  • If you tailor a resume from a job description, ChatGPT has the tendency to repeat the text in your resume 1:1.

When assessing your resume, recruiters expect to see a narrative that makes sense and shows that you can replicate your past successes within a new environment.

They don't need to preview their job advert, regurgitated as a generic response by an AI.

Always remember to customize ChatGPT's output text to best suit your professional story. As well, you can always ask the chatbot to regenerate a response, thus providing you with an alternative.

  • ChatGPT embellishes achievements.

Yes, ChatGPT is capable of hallucinations. That is when a large language model outputs nonsense or incorrect information.

It also has the tendency to make things up as it goes to fill resume gaps.

We advise you to use ChatGPT to re-write or edit your current resume. If you start from scratch, this may lead to plenty of confusion along the way.

  • If you want it to use specific/technical language, ChatGPT tends to use repeatable language.

What's more, this AI doesn't know precisely how your work has impacted the business and the context of your achievements.

Always re-write your resume after you've completed using the prompts to capture all the tiny details that make you the professional you are today.

  • ChatGPT may not be ideal for non-traditional career paths.

Let's say you want to make a dramatic career change. Or that you've changed about six or seven jobs in the past two years. Perhaps, you're an entrepreneur looking to get back to the office.

When you paste your full resume, ChatGPT will shine an enormous spotlight on your "red flags" (e.g. gaps in work history or ever-changing roles).

In this case, it may be wise to use it to help you with re-writes of individual elements, rather than the whole resume.

Key Takeaways

  • ChatGPT can be used as a clever instrument in resume writing, helping you to stand out and overcome your writer's block;
  • The quality of ChatGPT's output depends on the quality of your input, so make sure you elaborate by providing it with all the relevant details;
  • You could use ChatGPT to review and re-write (synthesize and rephrase) your resume or specific sections;
  • This chatbot is amazing at targeted communication: from tailoring your resume for a specific job or audience to emails and cover letters with different tones of voice;
  • Use ChatGPT to practice answering interview questions with the STAR method;
  • ChatGPT is still in its infancy and has some gray areas, so don't fully rely on it to re-write your resume: instead, use your sound judgment to add a personal touch.

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Level up your resume using chatgpt in a few minutes.

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Level up your resume using ChatGPT in a few minutes

Your resume should be exceptional. It should grab attention, compel someone to keep reading and make them believe you’d be perfect for the role they have available. Recruiters receive thousands of applications for every posting, so standing out is imperative if you’re going to land an interview. You don’t need ChatGPT to create your entire resume, but it can certainly take it to the next level and keep you ahead of the competition.

Creating an exceptional resume is considerate. It helps the recruiter out. It frees the busy entrepreneur from wondering if you’ll be a good fit. Of course, it’s not enough to have a great resume, you have to show up and do the work to ratify your claims. Your resume gets your foot in the door and it’s up to you to prove you’re worth keeping. Here’s how to improve that all-important document to make sure it doesn’t let you down.

5 ways you can utilize ChatGPT to improve your resume

1. improve the formatting and structure.

Even to the most seasoned hiring manager, a big block of text can seem daunting. If your resume contains lengthy paragraphs, it’s unengaging and unappealing and something needs to change.

Use ChatGPT to optimize the format and structure of your resume. Paste in the content and ask for suggestions on organizing the sections, improving the visual layout, or making it more reader-friendly. If it’s friendly to the reader, it’s helpful to your job search. Don’t miss this step out.

Here’s an example prompt: "Please review my resume and suggest any improvements to the formatting and structure. I want it to be visually appealing and easy to read." Then paste your words and see what suggestions the large language model makes.

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Best 5% interest savings accounts of 2024, 2. enhance the content.

It’s highly likely you’re too familiar with your resume. It’s been dug out of your files haphazardly every time you want to apply for a role. Perhaps you wrote it years ago and have only made minor changes. Overlooking the basics will cost you recruitment success, so be prepared for a complete overhaul.

Ask ChatGPT to enhance its content. Ask it to help you refine the descriptions of your past roles, highlight your key accomplishments in a better way, and provide recommendations for incorporating relevant keywords and phrases.

Use this prompt: "Can you review my work experience section and suggest ways to make it more impactful? I want to highlight my achievements and emphasize the skills that are most valuable to employers." And provide details of the type of role you are after. When you have a response, ask it to refine the content to sound like you , and replace those tired sections with fresh ones.

3. Refine the skills and qualifications

You know that your skills and qualifications are relevant for the role, that’s why you’re going for it in the first place. But you’re one resume in a pile of hundreds. You cannot expect the recruiter to connect the dots. Make it easy for them by spelling it out.

ChatGPT can help you here. Ask it to refine the skills and qualifications section of your resume. Ask it for help articulating and prioritizing your skills, to make sure they align with the requirements of the position.

Use this prompt: "I have a long list of skills, but I'm not sure which ones to prioritize. Can you help me choose the most relevant skills for the position I'm targeting? My skills are [list of skills] and the position requires [requirements of role]" ChatGPT’s strength is language, and that’s what needed here. The language of your experience should match the language of their requirements. Make that happen with this simple prompt.

4. Make the summary more compelling

Many roles require a covering letter, or at least an opening statement. Don’t let these components detract from what is now a solid resume. Your opening statement or covering letter should be compelling and concise. It should capture your professional identity and career aspirations and help the recruiter or business owner picture you in the role.

Use ChatGPT for feedback and suggestions on what you have so far. You might already be there with the content, but need it delivered in a slightly better way. Here’s where ChatGPT reworks your words to be reader-friendly and easy to digest, for frictionless application to the role of your dreams.

Use the prompt: "Could you please review my summary statement and make it more captivating? I want it to immediately grab the attention of hiring managers." Then paste your summary, see what comes out, and give further direction to adjust the tone up and down. Consider the formality, the friendliness and how direct you want to be. Match the vibe of the company you’re applying to for maximum points.

5. Proofread and spot errors

For an entrepreneur or hiring manager with a high attention to detail, one spelling error could cost you an interview. They see a misplaced apostrophe or typo and assume that you don’t care. They assume you overlook details and that the role isn’t important to you. They project this mistake forward, and predict that you’ll show the same lack of care in the role. They’ll throw your application in the bin and never email you back.

Enlist ChatGPT as your proofreading assistant to stop this from happening. It can find grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and language improvements. It can provide suggestions for clearer wording, concise phrasing, and enhance the overall readability of your documentation.

Here’s the prompt: "Please proofread my resume and suggest any improvements to grammar, spelling, or language usage. I want to make sure it's error-free and professionally written." Then paste your resume and see what it finds. Breathe a sigh of relief when the LLM spots errors you would have overlooked.

Use ChatGPT to help secure your next role

These five steps will help get you through the recruitment process, then it’s up to you to prove you’re the real deal. By leveraging ChatGPT's capabilities and using really good prompts, you can get valuable insights and recommendations to refine and improve your CV or resume, increasing your chances of making a positive impression on potential employers and landing your dream gig.

Jodie Cook

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The real way to write your resume using ChatGPT

Edit: check out the follow up post, "The Real Way to write your cover letter using ChatGPT" -

Most people that suggest using ChatGPT for resume writing use very simple prompts like “Create a resume for a head of recruiting at a tech company.” 

This works, but it results in very generic answers that sound correct but aren’t really specific to your experience or your needs. 

The better way to use ChatGPT is to have it improve your resume by understanding what makes a good resume and giving you suggestions on improving your own. 

Take this example from SGPT, which takes bullet point notes and turns into a “ STAR ” resume section:

 Given these suggestions, you can then further improve your resume by including additional details. 

To try this yourself, you can copy the prompt above into chatGPT, or you can try STAR Method Resume Draft here- . 

How to Use ChatGPT to Write Your Cover Letter

Alli Tunell

3 key takeaways:

  • How to use AI in your job search
  • How to use ChatGPT to write your cover letter
  • A faster way to use AI to write (and customize!) your cover letter with Teal's  AI Resume Builder

ChatGPT and AI are taking the internet by storm! 

At this point, you’ve probably heard of it, are a little unsure of it, and you can’t quite pin down how you’ll be able to use it to your advantage in your job search. 

In this article, you'll learn about one of the most helpful ways to use ChatGPT in your job search—writing your cover letter. So let's dive in and explore what ChatGPT is, how to use it in your job search, and what prompts you should use to get the best results. We’ll even showcase examples of the best cover letters we asked ChatGPT to create.

Watch the video below, and read on to learn how to write the perfect cover letter with the help of ChatGPT in a matter of minutes.

What is ChatGPT? 

ChatGPT is a remarkable new AI-powered chatbot. Short for Chat-based Generative Pre-trained Transformer, ChatGPT uses advanced natural language processing (NLP) to quickly and accurately generate human-like conversation in any given context.  

All you have to do is feed it relevant prompts like “Write my cover letter using my resume below as a reference,” and it will create a beautifully crafted and relevant draft just for you.

How can I use artificial intelligence in my job search?

There are a ton of ways you can use ChatGPT in your job search. You can use ChatGPT to write your resume , optimize your LinkedIn profile, write your resume achievements, craft a letter of interest, and so much more. 

The fantastic part about ChatGPT is that it allows you to automate the cumbersome aspects of your job search, which gives you more time to be strategic about your application process. With the help of AI, you can craft personalized resumes and cover letters for every job you apply for.

Additionally, Teal recently launched an integration with ChatGPT inside our AI Resume Builder that allows you to fully leverage AI with your resume and cover letter.

Here's how:

  • ‍ Generate professional summaries that are tailored to individual jobs
  • Write resume achievements that showcase your biggest career wins
  • Generate full cover letters in seconds that are compelling

Create your Teal account and start taking advantage of AI enhance your resumes and cover letters.

Not only will these assets be created quickly and easily with the help of AI, but they’ll also be crafted using your previous work experience and the job description you’re applying for.

Things to consider when using ChatGPT in my job search

When using ChatGPT during your job search, it’s essential to consider the potential drawbacks. 

ChatGPT is still a new technology that is consistently being tested and reiterated. Currently, the platform is told to decline inappropriate requests but claims on its site that it may still sometimes produce harmful instructions or biased content. 

Also, it may accidentally generate incorrect information and needs to gain more knowledge of the world and events after 2021. When using ChatGPT, we suggest that you proceed with caution and, to be extra careful, assess the company's privacy policy to ensure you feel OK with how they use personal data.

Lastly, it is still vital to have real conversations with recruiters to stand out as a qualified candidate - in this case, ChatGPT cannot replace an actual conversation. Use your own writing for one on one contact as much as possible.

How to use ChatGPT to write your cover letter 

To get started, simply Google “ChatGPT,” access the OpenAI website, and sign up for a free account. All you need is an email address, Google account, or Microsoft account - it's easy and doesn't take more than a few minutes. Best of all, both the website and app are free to use. 

Once you’ve logged in, follow the steps below to create an AI-powered cover letter.

  • Go to "Matching Mode" in your Teal AI Resume Builder and select one of the jobs from your Job Application Tracker to focus on.
  • Go to the "Job Description" tab and scroll to the "Responsibilities" section. Copy the responsibilities.
  • Head to ChatGPT and enter this prompt: "Write my cover letter for X role at Y in a conversational tone, using the job responsibilities below as a reference.” 
  • Press "Shift" + "Enter."
  • Paste the responsibilities below that prompt.
  • When you get your result, save it in a separate area (again, Teal’s AI Resume Builder is an excellent option for this), then click "try again" to generate two more versions. Remember to save ChatGPT’s response each time.
  • Sort through the options, pull what you like from each generated version, make sure it accurately reflects your experience, and finalize a cover letter you love. 

And remember, while you can do this task individually on ChatGPT for each job application process you move through, there is a better and more efficient way to generate customized cover letters.

ChatGPT cover letter writer

Teal's free, AI-powered software simplifies cover letter creation. 

Instead of toggling between job descriptions and your resume achievements, streamline your workflow with Teal. 

With Teal, not only can you track job postings, but you can also create customized AI-generated cover letters (and professional summaries and resume achievements!) for each one instantly—in one centralized location.

Pulling the details from your resume and any saved job description, the Teal AI Resume Builder ensures every cover letter you create is not only tailored to a specific role but also consistently reflects the skills and qualifications of your resume. Learn more about our AI Cover Letter Generator tool.

Ready to try it yourself?

Teal helps you track all your job postings and job applications and allows you to create customized resumes and cover letters for each one instantly.

The video below showcases the steps for using Teal's AI to create your personalized cover letter directly inside the app without needing prompts or a separate ChatGPT account. 

Sign up for free to start customizing your cover letters, and transform your job search. Track, apply, and personalize all in one place.

@teal_hq Cover letters refuse to go away. But that doesn’t mean they have to take up so much time. Here’s how to use Teal’s Resume Builder with new AI features to create a custom, tailored cover letter in under 30 seconds. #jobsearch #jobsearchhelp #coverletter #coverlettertips #jobsearchhacks #chatgpt #ai #artificialintelligence #techjob #jobsintech #jobseeker #findajob #jobapplication #jobhunt #careertok ♬ original sound - Teal | Your Career Growth Tool

The best ChatGPT prompts to use for cover letters

The best way to see beneficial results from artificial intelligence is by putting in the actual legwork. You cannot expect AI to do everything for you at the click of a button. ChatGPT only works well with help and strategic direction from an actual person. 

That’s why thoughtful prompts are SO necessary. The input you give ChatGPT influences the quality of output you receive. The more detailed suggestions you provide, the more likely it will be able to customize the outcome for you. 

Below are four ChatGPT prompts for writing cover letters that we love. If you’re looking for even more prompts, check our ChatGPT resume prompts and ChatGPT cover letter prompts articles. 

We suggest personalizing these to your experience, the companies you’re applying with, and the job title you’re applying for.

  • "Write a conversational cover letter for a job application as a [position] at [company] using my resume below as a reference."
  • "Draft a persuasive cover letter in 150 words or less highlighting my qualifications and enthusiasm for the [position] at [ company] using my resume achievements below." 
  • "Create a compelling cover letter that explains why I am the best fit for the [position] at [company]. Write the cover letter using the StoryBrand Framework."
  • "Compose a professional cover letter demonstrating how my abilities align with the requirements for the [position] at [company]. Use the information below as a guide." 

In each of these prompts, the creator is expected to provide context like a job description and resume achievements or a professional summary to see the best possible outcome. You'll see above that we also directed ChatGPT to write a cover letter with 150 words or less. We noticed that most of the cover letters it created were a bit verbose, so we suggest using that word count limit for each out.

Below, you'll see an example of a cover letter that ChatGPT created for us on the spot using one of the prompts above!

how to create a resume on chatgpt

Benefits of using AI to write your cover letter

Incorporating AI into your cover letter writing process offers a range of benefits that can significantly improve your job application efforts.

Save time and accelerate your job applications: Using AI for cover letter creation will save hours of meaningful time by quickly drafting an initial cover letter, allowing you to apply to more jobs efficiently.

Tell a consistent story: Using AI to write your cover letter ensures you craft a seamless and compelling narrative effortlessly because your cover letter aligns with your career journey, resume details, and the specific requirements of any job you apply for.

Customize content for each application: Easily customize your cover letter for each job application. AI can analyze job descriptions and tailor your letter to match specific requirements and keywords, boosting your chances of grabbing attention.

Get compelling insights: AI provides valuable tips on the best skills and achievements to emphasize, conveying the right amount of enthusiasm, and showcasing your unique value to potential employers.

4 ChatGPT cover letter hacks

Rather than struggling with traditional methods, these ChatGPT cover letter hacks are additional alternatives that make AI valuable in your application toolkit.

Seamlessly integrate company culture: Instead of spending hours perusing a company's website to demonstrate your fit, provide ChatGPT with information about culture and values by copying and pasting the website content along with instructions to seamlessly integrate these elements into your cover letter—showcasing your alignment with the organization.

Generate attention-grabbing opening lines: Skip the struggle of finding the perfect opening line by having ChatGPT create attention-grabbing and personalized opening lines that immediately engage hiring professionals and convey your enthusiasm for the position.

Create a storytelling framework: Task ChatGPT with outlining a storytelling framework for your cover letter. (For example, a problem-solution framework or the challenge-action-result framework). Provide key points about your experiences, challenges, and achievements, and direct AI to organize these into a compelling narrative for your cover letter.

Write a personalized cover letter:  A personalized cover letter is highly encouraged for your job search. It showcases to the hiring manager that you've researched the company and the position you're applying for and are genuinely interested in the job. Include the job description and your resume in your input to create a cover letter that sets you apart from other applicants.

Write your cover letter with AI today

In a market where customization is key, AI is the tool you need to save time while maximizing your impact.

With the Teal  AI Resume Builder , you're not just writing cover letters but creating tailored content that reflects your resume's strengths and aligns with the job description of any role you apply for—all within one intuitive platform. No toggling between programs, no copying and pasting, just alignment and efficiency in one central location.

Simplify cover letter creation and amplify your impact with Teal now.

Additional ChatGPT Job Search Resources

  • How to Write Your Resume with ChatGPT
  • 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume
  • 14 ChatGPT Cover Letter Prompts for Your Job Search
  • How to Use ChatGPT to Prepare for Your Job Interview 
  • How to use ChatGPT for Job Applications

Frequently Asked Questions

Can chatgpt write a cover letter.

Yes! Cover letters are an excellent use case for ChatGPT. Writing a tailored cover letter based on each particular job you apply to is a smart tactic. But unfortunately, it takes far too much time.

With the help of AI tools ChatGPT and Teal, job seekers can now write a cover letter instantly that showcases their key skills and why they are the right person for a position.

Want to write an AI cover letter without worrying about multiple programs or files? Try Teal's Cover Letter Generator ! 

Should I use ChatGPT for my cover letter?

Yes! It's perfectly OK to use AI tools like ChatGPT for your cover letter. However, it's important to remember that you should always review and customize AI-generated content to match your unique skills and experiences. While ChatGPT can save you time by generating initial content, human review and personalization are the key to ensuring your cover letter effectively represents you and your qualifications.

Can employers tell that ChatGPT generated my cover letter?

It's highly unlikely an employer would know that you used ChatGPT to write your cover letter—as long as you take the time to review and customize the content. AI tools create generic drafts, but you know your experiences and qualifications best. There are now tools that can test for it (like GPT Zero), but we doubt people will use them often.Carefully editing the letter to reflect what makes you a unique candidate in your own authentic voice is key. With your personal touch, your cover letter will shine through as genuinely as if you wrote it from scratch yourself. So use AI as a time-saver, but make the end result distinctly your own.

Can ChatGPT write cover letters?

Yes! ChatGPT can write multiple cover letters. In fact, you can use it to write a tailored cover letter for each unique job you apply for. Just make sure to include your resume and the job description for the best output.

Want to skip the steps and write your cover letter with AI? Try Teal's Cover Letter Generator ! 

how to create a resume on chatgpt

Alli Tunell

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  1. How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Good Resume (ChatGPT Resume Guide)

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  4. How to Use ChatGPT to Write Your Resume

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  5. How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Resume

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  17. How to Use ChatGPT to Write A Resume

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    Here are the steps you can follow: Copy the job description of the position you are applying for and paste it into the ChatGPT prompt box. Provide some context to ChatGPT about your current resume. For example, you could say, "I have a resume that I would like to tailor to this job description.".

  21. How to Use ChatGPT for Resume Writing

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    Press "Shift" + "Enter." Paste your resume into ChatGPT. When you get your result, click "try again" to generate two more versions. Pull your favorite phrases from each option and create a cohesive, reflective, customized, and eye-catching resume summary. Paste the final summary into the tailored resume you plan to use.

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    Imagine that you want your cover letter to sound a bit more sophisticated and refined. We used this ChatGPT prompt to produce a more formal cover letter: I want you to act as a cover letter writer. I will provide you with my resume, and you will generate a cover letter to complement it.

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  26. ChatGPT

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  27. The real way to write your resume using ChatGPT : r/jobsearchhacks

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  29. How to Use ChatGPT to Write Your Cover Letter

    Go to the "Job Description" tab and scroll to the "Responsibilities" section. Copy the responsibilities. Head to ChatGPT and enter this prompt: "Write my cover letter for X role at Y in a conversational tone, using the job responsibilities below as a reference.". Press "Shift" + "Enter."

  30. Using ChatGPT can make recruiters think you're sending them a ...

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