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Free Amazon Keyword Research Tool – A guide to Amazon Keyword Research

Nadica Naceva

If you've ever created website content, you will understand the importance of search engine optimization (SEO) to your online success. If your content isn't visible, nobody will see it, regardless of how good or valuable it is. The same applies to your products on Amazon, because like Google, Amazon is a gigantic search engine. Therefore, you need to ensure that your Amazon listings include all the important keyword phrases that searchers are likely to use in their Amazon research. In this guide, we'll lead you through how to use SEO tactics to ensure that your products become visible to your target Amazon customers.

Even if you are an expert at using SEO for Google, you will notice some differences when optimizing for Amazon. This is because people behave differently on Amazon than what they do when making more general searches on the web. If they are at the point of making an Amazon search, they most likely want to buy a product. On the other hand, Google searchers can be at any stage in the purchasing cycle, or indeed simply be researching for academic purposes, with no intention of buying anything at all.

Amazon Keyword Research Tool (+ Free Guide to Optimize Your Keywords):

Free amazon keyword tool, amazon's search algorithm, the importance of amazon keywords, think carefully about your product's title, use product details to include other important keyword terms, add additional "hidden" keywords, ways to do amazon keyword research, frequently asked questions.

Influencer Marketing Hub, in collaboration with Helium 10 , now offers a free tool for Amazon keyword research. You can use it to find opportunities for products to sell on Amazon, as well as the ways that people search for your existing products. Discover high-volume and highly relevant keywords for Amazon.

When you know the searches people make, it's easy to create content and copy that stands out from the crowd. As a result, you should be able to boost organic traffic to your products, as long as they are relevant to the actual searches people make on Amazon.  

All you have to do is input a seed keyword or ASIN to uncover thousands of competitive and relevant search terms.

Amazon uses a proprietary search algorithm, which they call the Amazon A10 algorithm. They have only recently updated to this from its predecessor, Amazon A9. The new Amazon A10 algorithm gives more weight to buyer searches compared to Amazon A9, which tended to encourage users to purchase more profitable products. This means that the algorithm now tends to offer the searcher more relevant products than previously.

However, despite the improvements of Amazon A10, it is still important to remember that the primary purpose of the algorithm is to sell stuff – not necessarily to offer the best choices for the searcher. 

If you want your products to appear in Amazon searches, you need to think in the same way that searchers do. For example, if you list eyewear you sell on Amazon as "spectacles," but people actually search for "glasses," people will not see your products. That's why effective keyword research is so important. Without quality keywords, your product listings and marketing campaigns will be horribly misaligned compared to actual searches.

Therefore, you need to understand the terms potential customers use when searching for products such as yours on Amazon.

It's also crucial that you focus on relevant Amazon keywords. Some firms focus too much on keyword numbers and target high-volume terms. This is fine if these searchers want a product like yours. However, it is pointless to target people who wouldn't be interested in your products.

You will want to think about the individual words people use, often in longer phrases. When you optimize for Amazon, you will want to ensure that you include all the important keywords, regardless of the order people use them and the words they combine in a search.

Amazon doesn't take into account word frequency, either. As a result, you will gain nothing by repeating a word multiple times across your product title, description, and the backend of your Amazon account. Indeed, if you repeat words, you are wasting potential keyword terms.

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One of the most important places to use relevant Amazon keywords is in your product's title. It is Amazon's equivalent of an H1 tag on a website or blog page. 

Most people who search for a product on Amazon scan product titles. They don't make an effort to read detailed product descriptions unless a product's title sounds like it might meet their search requirements. 

Indeed, if a product title is long, many people will only scan the first part of the title. So, you need to make it very clear what your product is in the first few words of the product title, adding additional relevant keywords after that.

Your title should include the following features: brand name, product type, key features in a few words, size, color, and quantity if relevant. These are the things for which searchers will be scanning.

how to do keyword research on amazon

However, you can't make the product title too long. Don't try old-fashioned keyword stuffing, trying to come up with every variation on a term. Firstly, Amazon's algorithm is more intelligent than that. It has a good idea of common synonyms for product features. Also, mobile users in particular only have so much screen space, and if your product title is too long, it will disappear from view. 

Once you have perfected your product title, write the copy for your product details. You have more space available here, so you can use many of the other keyword terms you couldn't fit into your product title. But again, you want your text to sound sensible, flow well, and not appear as keyword stuffing. 

Use product details to expand on your product's best features. Include bullet points to emphasize features and to ensure you use text economically. Your product details should expand on your title, answering any possible questions they may have.

Ideally, you should use your best copywriting skills for your product details. You need to make your product sound enticing without exaggerating its features while pushing a potential customer to make a purchase today. This is doubly important if you have much competition on Amazon. You need to establish your point of difference to your competitors in your product details.

While you are perfecting your product details, make sure that you include a series of high-quality product images , preferably taken from different angles, depending on your product. Sure, your imagery is not directly related to the keywords you use, but it makes the work of your copywriters easier if people can visualize your product, giving them fewer unanswered questions.

Not all Amazon keywords will be apparent to people using an Amazon page. As a seller, you will find a section in the backend of your Amazon account headed "Keywords." This page asks for Search Terms, Platinum Keywords, and "Target Audience." 

You can add additional keywords here that will be invisible to consumers. In doing so, you are giving Amazon additional information about your product, so again, make sure that you only include relevant terms. This is an ideal place to include those keywords that you believe could result in positive searches, but you can't realistically fit in your listing. They may be terms that have a more tangential connection. 

Sellics has suggested ten rules for these "hidden" keywords:

  • Don't exceed the 249-character limit (technically a limit of 249 bytes, and some characters take up two or three bytes)
  • Use only relevant search terms and key phrases
  • Cover all possible keywords but avoid repetition
  • Use hyphens to match different spelling variants
  • Don't use the 'platinum keywords' field for words
  • Avoid brand names, irrelevant, and 'filler' words
  • Don't include product names, ASINs, or UPC codes
  • Separate keywords with spaces instead of commas
  • Other punctuation marks should also be omitted
  • Never use offensive vocabulary or false claims

By the way, the Platinum Keywords category will be irrelevant for most people. This is because Amazon set it up for Platinum Merchants to structure their storefront. So any terms you use there will not affect your SEO or search ranking.

There are several ways you can carry out your Amazon keyword research, depending on your budget and the time you are prepared to put into the process.

1. Using Our Free Amazon Keyword Research Tool

As we have referred to above, the Influencer Marketing Hub has collaborated with Helium 10 to offer a free Amazon keyword research tool. This makes an excellent starting point to help determine some of the best keywords you should target and incorporate into your product listings.

You can find relevant keywords by either inputting a seed keyword or an ASIN. 

2. Begin Typing a Term into the Amazon Search Bar and Take Notice of Their Keyword Suggestions

This method is very similar to a common way people find popular search terms on Google. Both Amazon and Google come up with suggestions when you enter part of a search term. These suggestions are usually popular searches, and if they are relevant to your product, they're worth adding to your product details.

3. Use an Amazon Keyword Research Tool

We have created a list of Amazon Listing Optimization Tools that you can use to help you find suitable keywords for your listings. Our list includes:

  • Viral Launch
  • Seller.Tools
  • MerchantWords
  • JungleScout
  • ManageByStats: Wordsmith
  • Seller SEO: Listing Lightning
  • AccelerList
  • SixLeaf Product Listing Optimization

4. Use the Expanding Keyword Approach

You begin this approach by using any keywords you already know and want your product to rank. You then expand on these terms to find longer phrases that potential customers are likely to use.

Begin by brainstorming the different terms that a customer is likely to use to find your product. Then think about how else they would describe the benefits of your product.

Then you can use one of the keyword tools we've mentioned above to find additional keyword phrases to expand on the terms you've selected. Some of the tools, like Helium 10, include frequency counters to indicate the popularity of a search term.

Once you have found additional high-frequency keyword terms, you can use them in your product titles, descriptions, and as "hidden" keywords. 

5. Focus on Complementary Products to Your Product

You might have noticed how Amazon regularly includes a section on its pages showing items that are "Frequently Bought Together." These are complementary products that work well in tandem.

Therefore, if you have any obvious complementary products, make sure you include relevant keywords in your product details (and hidden keywords). For example, if you sell laptop cases, you will want Amazon to suggest your cases as products frequently bought alongside laptops. People may not be looking for a laptop case when they buy a laptop, but they will often decide to add one to their purchase when they see one included in Amazon's recommendation.

6. Focus on the Keywords Your Competitors Use

When using our Free Amazon Keyword Research Tool, one of the options you have is to type in an ASIN and base your keyword search on that. Amazon gives each product they sell an ASIN - Amazon Standard Identification Number. Therefore, each product's ASIN is unique.

By entering the ASIN of a competitor's product, you can discover the keywords for which they rank well on Amazon. If they perform well for a term, and you also sell a competitive and relevant product, then you have the potential to rank well, too, hopefully taking some of their future sales.

You will find ASIN tools included in many of the Amazon keyword research tools we have mentioned above.

What is the best Amazon keyword tool?

These are the best Amazon keyword tools for sellers in 2021: Helium 10 SellerApp Viral Launch Seller.Tools MerchantWords JungleScout ManageByStats: Wordsmith Seller SEO: Listing Lightning AccelerList SixLeaf Product Listing Optimization

What tool is Amazon keyword research?

Amazon keyword tools help you identify all relevant keywords for your product to maximize the visibility in search. If you want your products to appear in Amazon searches, you need to think in the same way that searchers do. Without quality keywords, your product listings and marketing campaigns will be horribly misaligned compared to actual searches.

How do you search for keywords on Amazon?

To search for keywords on Amazon, type in the first 1-3 letters in Amazon or Google. You will see some of the top relevant results drop down in the search menu. These manual searches will give you ideas for keywords for your Amazon products, but it can be labor intensive.

How do I use Amazon keywords?

When you have your Amazon keywords, you will want to include the keywords in the title as well as other product fields. When you use Amazon keyword research tools, make sure to type in relevant titles or topics and pull up keywords for your Amazon listing.

What is Amazon keyword?

Every day, millions of people use Amazon for online shopping to find products to buy. Amazon keyword tools can help you figure out relevant keywords to use in your Amazon listing to optimize the product.

how to do keyword research on amazon

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The Essential 10-Step Guide to Amazon Keyword Research

Learn how to leverage the power of amazon keyword research to win the buy box and skyrocket your ecommerce sales.

  • Amazon Keyword Research
  • Selling On Amazon
  • March 8, 2024

CANOPY Management

A dramatic imagined view of heaven with an Amazon building at the center and fields of words in the foreground

For entrepreneurs, finding new ways to stand out on Amazon’s crowded marketplace has been an ongoing challenge. With millions of sellers vying for the attention of consumers, the battle to capture and retain customer interest has never been more intense. 

That’s why it might be hard to believe that the heart of this battle is often focused on just a few simple words. 


Creating a powerful Amazon keyword research strategy is not just about how to find keywords. It means unlocking the secrets of customer search behavior, understanding the language of your potential buyers, and positioning your products where they can be easily discovered. 

It’s a blend of art and science, requiring a deep dive into data, trends, and the ever-changing dynamics of the Amazon ecosystem.

This 10-step guide is designed for both new and experienced sellers on Amazon’s platform who aim to master the intricacies of keyword research.

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1. Understand Your Product and Target Audience

Understanding both your product AND target audience forms the cornerstone of any successful Amazon keyword research strategy. 

What makes your product unique? What are its advantages over competitors? Each feature, benefit, and solution your product offers can lead to a set of keywords that potential buyers might use when searching for items like yours on Amazon.

To begin, conduct a thorough analysis of your product.

How does it make the user’s life easier or better? What pain points does it address? This exercise will help you articulate your product’s value proposition clearly.

Next, turn your focus to WHO will be buying your product.

Start by putting a face on your prospective buyer. Creating buyer personas can be incredibly beneficial here. A buyer persona is a profile of your ideal customer, based on research and information about your current customers. 

Consider demographics, behavior patterns, motivations, and goals. Being specific helps you find the right keywords for your customers’ searches. Tailor your research to match their language and queries.

You Need to Align Your Language

Understanding your target audience also means knowing how they speak about your product details  and the problems it solves. This alignment is crucial for keyword relevance. 

For instance, if your product is a high-tech, eco-friendly water bottle, your target audience might be environmentally conscious consumers, outdoor enthusiasts, or health and wellness advocates. The keywords they use might include terms like “sustainable water bottle,” “BPA-free water bottle,” or “water bottle for hiking.”

By aligning your product’s characteristics with the needs and desires of your target audience, you’ll be able to identify a set of highly relevant keywords. Use keywords that appeal to your buyers to help them find your products on Amazon among many others. 

This step helps you plan your keyword research to boost visibility and sales on the platform by targeting specific keywords.

A stylized image of a potted plant on a wooden table that is growing keys i and leaves

2. Identify Seed Keywords

Finding seed keywords is the first step in creating an Amazon keyword strategy that reaches your target customers effectively. These initial keywords are broad terms that closely relate to your product’s main category or function. 

These keywords are the starting point for finding more specific words that shoppers are searching for.

What are Seed Keywords?

Consider seed keywords as the initial, broad strokes that outline the primary landscape of your product market on Amazon. If you sell natural skincare products, your main keywords could be “natural skincare,” “organic face cream,” or “eco-friendly skincare.” 

These terms generate a lot of Amazon search volume, yet closely aligned with the core offering of your product. Seed keywords allow you to cast a wide net in the initial phase of your research.

Why Start With Seed Keywords? 

The beauty of starting with seed keywords lies in their ability to open doors to a wide range of related terms and phrases. By analyzing these broad terms, you can uncover variations, synonyms, and related phrases that potential customers might use. 

This exploration leads to a more diverse set of keywords that encompasses a broad spectrum of customer search behavior.

To identify effective seed keywords, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are the main categories my product fits into?
  • How would I describe my product in two to three words?
  • What problems does my product solve, and how might customers search for these solutions?

At this stage, the goal is to establish a strong foundation, not to narrow down your focus. Tools like Amazon’s autocomplete feature, competitor analysis, and keyword research can help you find more seed keywords.

A stylized image of an internet autocomplete feature

3. Take Advantage of Amazon Autocomplete

If you want to find top Amazon keywords, why not use one of the most powerful free tools that Amazon itself has built? 

Utilizing Amazon’s Autocomplete feature is like tapping directly into the collective mind of Amazon’s massive customer base. When you type your seed keywords into the Amazon search bar, the platform automatically suggests additional keywords and phrases. It will also give you a very good idea of the terms search volume on Amazon.

These suggestions are not random. They are based on real searches done by Amazon users. This can help you find long-tail keywords that are relevant to your product.

To make the most out of Amazon’s Autocomplete:

  • Pay close attention to the nuances in the autocomplete suggestions. Even small differences can signal unique customer needs or preferences.
  • Look for patterns in the autocomplete suggestions that could indicate popular subcategories or features within your product niche.
  • Consider the intent behind the autocomplete suggestions. Are customers looking for specific types of your product, or are they seeking information related to it?

By carefully looking at and organizing these autocomplete suggestions, you can create a better keyword plan for your website. This strategy will not only help you understand what your potential customers are looking for but also allow you to tailor your product listings to meet those specific searches.

A stylized image of a bunch of people and technology as well as the Amazon logo

4. Check Competitor Listings

Analyzing the listings of top competitors on Amazon is another strategic move to refine your keyword strategy and improve your product’s visibility. Analyze competitors’ titles, bullet points, and product descriptions to learn which keywords are effective in your industry. This helps improve your own content. 

This process involves uncovering the factors that help them rank high and engage customers effectively.

When focusing on competitor listings, take a very close look at the following attributes:

Amazon Product Titles

Note the structure and phrasing used in the titles. Competitors often place the most valuable keywords at the beginning of the title to capture both customer attention and search algorithm favorability.

Amazon Bullet Points

Bullet points are prime real estate for keywords on Amazon. They very clearly highlight features and benefits, and incorporate specific terms that potential buyers might use to search for products. Analyze how competitors naturally integrate keywords while emphasizing their product’s unique selling points.

Amazon Product Descriptions

Detailed product descriptions give competitors more opportunities to include extra keywords that may not fit in titles or bullet points. Look for thematic keywords, descriptive phrases, and problem-solving terms that resonate with target customers.

Additionally, pay attention to:

Customer Questions & Answers

This section can reveal indirect keywords or phrases that customers use when inquiring about aspects of the product. It offers a direct line to customer concerns and the specific language they use.

Customer reviews can be a goldmine for keywords, especially when it comes to describing the product in everyday language, pointing out its benefits, and how it compares to expectations. Keywords found here are particularly valuable because they reflect genuine customer experiences and satisfaction drivers.

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5. best amazon keyword research tools.

To further refine your keyword research, take advantage of specialized Amazon keyword tools. These tools provide valuable insights into search volume, competition levels, and keyword relevance. They can help you discover new relevant keywords you may have overlooked and analyze historical data and trends to inform your strategy. 

When it comes to finding the best Amazon keywords, there are several powerful tools available. Here are three tools that can help you identify top keywords for Amazon.

Jungle Scout 

Jungle Scout is one of the most popular and comprehensive Amazon keyword search tools on the market. With its user-friendly interface and extensive features, Jungle Scout makes it easy to discover high-performing keywords for your product listings.

Key features:

  • Keyword Scout: This feature allows you to uncover relevant keywords based on a seed keyword, along with valuable metrics such as search volume, estimated sales, and competition levels.
  • Keyword Rank Tracker: Monitor the performance of your keywords over time and track your product’s ranking for specific search terms.
  • Competitor Analysis: Analyze your competitors’ listings to identify the keywords they are targeting and gain insights into their strategies.

Helium 10 

Helium 10 offers a number of tools for researching Amazon keywords. It has many features to improve your product listings and increase your visibility.

  • Magnet is a tool that gives you lots of useful keywords based on one main keyword. It also shows you information like how often the keyword is searched for and other related keywords.
  • Cerebro: Analyze your competitors’ listings to uncover their keyword strategies and identify high-performing search terms.
  • Frankenstein: Easily manage and organize your keyword lists, removing duplicates and prioritizing the most effective terms.

Merchant Words 

Merchant Words is a dedicated Amazon keyword research tool that focuses on providing accurate search volume data and keyword insights.

  • Keyword Research: Access millions of real Amazon search terms and discover keyword opportunities based on search volume and relevance.
  • ASIN Plus: Enter a competitor’s ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number) to uncover the keywords driving their success and identify gaps in your own strategy.
  • Keyword Multiplier: Expand your keyword list by generating variations and long-tail keywords based on your seed terms.

When using these tools, start by entering your primary keyword or a competitor’s ASIN to generate a list of relevant search terms. Analyze the provided metrics, such as search volume and competition levels, to prioritize the keywords with the highest potential. Consider the relevance of each keyword to your product and target audience, and incorporate them naturally into your product title, bullet points, and description.

Remember, while these tools provide valuable insights, they should be used in conjunction with your own understanding of your product and market. After all, you will know your product best.

Regularly monitor and refine your keyword strategy based on performance data and market trends to ensure ongoing success.

A dramatic valley with a stylized green winding path snaking through it

6. Incorporate Long-Tail Keywords

Incorporating long-tail keywords into your Amazon product listings is a critical step and will not just help your product show up in more relevant searches, they also attract more targeted, ready-to-buy audiences.

At the same time, these keywords, typically longer phrases that are very specific to what you’re selling are less competitive than more generic, short-tail keywords.

Long-tail keywords allow you to capture the attention of shoppers who know exactly what they want. For example, instead of targeting “yoga mats,” a highly competitive keyword, you could target “eco-friendly non-slip yoga mat for hot yoga.” That search term is far more likely to have fewer competing products and attract shoppers who are looking for that exact product. 

This specificity makes your product a perfect match for their search, increasing the likelihood of a purchase.

Long-tail keywords also tend to reflect a user’s position further down the purchase funnel. While someone searching a broad term may be in the early stages of research, a shopper using a specific long-tail term is likely closer to making a buying decision. By optimizing for these keywords, you’re not just aiming for higher visibility; you’re targeting visibility to the right kind of buyer – one with a higher intent to purchase.

To effectively incorporate long-tail keywords into your listings:

Research and Identify

Use a keyword research tool to identify long-tail keywords with sufficient search volume and low competition. Look for phrases that precisely describe your product’s features, benefits, and uses.

Optimize Listing Elements

Integrate these keywords into your product title, bullet points, and description in a natural and readable manner. Ensure that the inclusion of these keywords does not detract from the quality and clarity of your content.

Monitor Performance

Keep an eye on the performance of your listings after incorporating long-tail keywords. Tools that track keyword rankings and sales data can help you understand which keywords are contributing to increased traffic and conversions.

A stylized image of a golden balance type scale against a blue background. The balance is weighing assorted keys

7. Analyze Keyword Relevance

Analyzing the relevance of your chosen keywords to your product is a critical Amazon SEO step that cannot be overstated. Adding highly relevant keywords ensures that your product is discovered by the right audience, thereby enhancing the likelihood of conversions. 

Using irrelevant keywords might temporarily increase traffic but will almost certainly lead to poor conversion rates. It’s also going to create a poor experience for the shopper, increasingly a determining factor on Amazon’s algorithmic adjustments. 

Keywords must accurately reflect what you are selling. Every keyword associated with your product listing should directly relate to the item’s features, benefits, or use cases. This relevance is crucial not only for ranking purposes but also for meeting customer expectations. 

When customers click on your product listing, they have certain expectations based on the keywords they searched. If your product does not match these expectations because of irrelevant keywords, it results in dissatisfaction, poor reviews, and ultimately harms your brand reputation on Amazon.

A stylized image of four different paths each leading to a different ecommerce destination

8. Consider Search Intent

Search intent refers to the underlying goal a user has when typing a query into a search engine. Understanding whether customers are seeking information, comparing different products, or are ready to make a purchase can significantly influence the effectiveness of your keyword strategy.

Informational Intent

Some searches are performed by users looking for information. For example, a customer might search for “best yoga mats for beginners” to gather knowledge before making a decision. For these types of searches, focus on keywords that position your product as a solution within informative content in your listing or a related blog post hosted on your Amazon storefront.

Comparative Intent

At this stage, customers are comparing options between different products. Searches might include terms like “yoga mat vs. exercise mat” or “thick yoga mat reviews.” Tailoring your keywords to include comparative phrases can help capture the attention of customers who are closer to making a purchase but are evaluating their options.

Transactional Intent

This intent signifies that a customer is ready to buy. Searches are likely to be product-specific and may include terms like “buy eco-friendly yoga mat online” or “discount on thick yoga mats.” Use transactional keywords in product titles and bullet points to attract shoppers with high intent to buy.

To effectively tailor your keyword strategy to match search intent, you should:

  • Research customer personas to understand what questions your target audience may have during their buying process.
  • Analyze search query patterns by using keyword research tools and Amazon’s search bar suggestions. This will help you find keywords related to different types of intent.
  • Regularly check and change your keywords using data and feedback to make sure they match what your audience is searching for.

A stylized view of a spotlight shining down on a brown Amazon cardboard box

9. Optimize Your Amazon Listing

It should go without saying, but for Amazon sellers, nothing is more important than listing optimization.

To improve visibility on Amazon and attract the right audience, include the chosen keywords in every part of your listing. Make sure the keywords are present in the title, bullet points, product description, and backend search terms.

This will help your product show up in relevant searches and increase the chances of reaching your target customers. By optimizing your listing with the right keywords, you can improve your overall visibility and sales on Amazon. 

A balanced approach to keyword integration involves strategically placing keywords in your product title, bullet points, description, and backend search terms. This ensures that your listing is not only discoverable but also appealing to potential buyers.

The title is the most crucial part of your listing for keywords. It’s the first thing customers see. Your title should include the most important keywords that accurately describe your product, such as brand, product type, key features, and benefits. 

Utilize bullet points to highlight the key features and benefits of your product, integrating keywords in a way that feels natural and informative. This section is not just for SEO; it’s also where potential buyers look to understand what sets your product apart. 

The description offers more space to expand on your product’s features, tell your brand’s story, and include additional keywords. Use this area to weave in keywords organically while focusing on providing valuable information to the customer. 

Amazon has a special section for sellers to add keywords that don’t fit in the main product listing. It helps improve search results. These backend search terms are invisible to shoppers but are indexed by Amazon’s search algorithm. Use this space to include synonyms, alternate spellings, and related keywords that you couldn’t fit into the title, bullets, or description.

Don’t keyword stuff! If you wouldn’t put it in the front end of your listing, don’t try to hide it in the backend.

A stylized view of the profile of a man looking through a telescope out at the sea with the sun setting on the horizon

10. Monitor and Adjust Your Strategy

Amazon’s search trends and consumer behaviors can shift due to various factors, including seasonality, market demands, and emerging competitors. To ensure your products continue to rank well and meet sales objectives, it’s crucial to keep a pulse on how your keywords are performing and make strategic adjustments as necessary.

Set a schedule to regularly analyze your keyword performance. This involves checking your product’s search ranking for targeted keywords, tracking sales data, and monitoring click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates for your listings. Tools provided by Amazon, like Brand Analytics, or third-party software, can offer valuable insights into these metrics.

Stay informed about changes in consumer search behavior and market trends. Use keyword research tools to identify emerging keywords or phrases that can help you capture new search traffic. Incorporating trending keywords into your listings can improve visibility and attract more potential buyers.

Use the data gathered from your performance reviews to refine your keyword strategy. This could mean replacing weak keywords with stronger ones. It could also involve updating listings to highlight features or benefits that customers care about. Additionally, products may need to be adjusted to better meet market demands.

Consider A/B testing different elements of your listings, such as titles, bullet points, or images, to see how slight changes can impact your search visibility and conversion rates. Testing allows you to make informed decisions based on actual customer responses to your optimizations.

How Canopy Management Can Help

Mastering the art of keyword research on Amazon is more than a strategy—it’s the cornerstone of achieving visibility and driving sales in the highly competitive online marketplace.

Success on Amazon isn’t just about having the best products; it’s about making sure they’re seen by the right people at the right time. If you’d like to stand on the shoulders of giants, reach out to the pros at Canopy Management .

With an 84% average year-over-year profit growth for our partners, over 2 billion dollars managed, and a 99.1% partner retention rate, Canopy is the quiet force behind some of the most successful sellers on Amazon.


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How to Perform Keyword Research for Amazon Products: A Comprehensive Guide

Keyword research is a critical component of selling products on Amazon. The right keywords can make or break a product’s visibility and sales potential. In this publication, we’ll explore how to perform keyword research for Amazon products to help you optimize your listings and increase your sales.

Step 1: Brainstorming Keywords

The first step in keyword research is brainstorming. You’ll want to think of all the possible keywords that someone might use to search for your product. This can include general keywords related to your product category, specific keywords related to your product features, and even long-tail keywords that are more specific to your product.

To start brainstorming keywords, consider the following:

  • Your product category: What words are commonly associated with products in your category?
  • Product features: What are the main features of your product? What adjectives would you use to describe your product?
  • Use cases: How will customers use your product? What problems does your product solve?
  • Competitor keywords: What keywords are your competitors using?

Once you’ve generated a list of potential keywords, it’s time to move on to the next step.

Step 2: Use Amazon Search Suggestions

One of the best ways to find new keywords is to use Amazon’s search suggestions. Amazon’s search algorithm suggests keywords based on what people are searching for on the platform. To use Amazon search suggestions, follow these steps:

  • Go to and start typing in a keyword related to your product. For example, if you’re selling yoga mats, start by typing “yoga mats” into the search bar.
  • As you type, Amazon will suggest additional keywords related to your search term. Make note of any relevant keywords that come up.
  • Repeat this process for all of the keywords on your list.

Amazon Search Suggestions

Step 3: Use Amazon’s Search Terms Report

Another helpful tool for keyword research on Amazon is the Search Terms Report. This report shows you the actual search terms that customers have used to find your product. To access the Search Terms Report, follow these steps:

  • Go to your Amazon Seller Central account.
  • Click on the “Reports” tab.
  • Click on “Advertising Reports.”
  • Select “Search Terms” from the drop-down menu.
  • Set the date range for the report.
  • Analyze the report and make note of any new keywords you haven’t used yet.

Step 4: Use Keyword Research Tools

In addition to Amazon-specific tools, there are a variety of keyword research tools that can help you identify relevant keywords for your Amazon product listings. Some popular options include:

  • SellerRise Keyword Hunter : Leverage Keyword Hunter to build a semantic core and discover money keywords for your listings.

When using keyword research tools, keep in mind that the results may not always be relevant to Amazon specifically. Be sure to prioritize keywords that are likely to be used by Amazon customers.

SellerRise Keyword Hunter

Step 5: Prioritize Your Keywords

Once you have a list of potential keywords, it’s time to prioritize them. Not all keywords are created equal, and some will be more important than others for your specific product. Here are some factors to consider when prioritizing keywords:

  • Search volume: How often are people searching for this keyword on Amazon?
  • Competition: How many other sellers are using this keyword? Are there any top-ranked listings using this keyword?
  • Relevance: Is this keyword highly relevant to your product?
  • Sales potential: Is this keyword likely to lead to sales for your product?

By considering these factors, you can prioritize your keywords and ensure that you’re using the most important keywords in your product listings.

Step 6: Optimize Your Listings

Once you’ve identified your priority keywords, it’s time to optimize your Amazon product listings. Here are some key areas to focus on when optimizing your listings:

  • Product Title: Your product title should include your most important keywords and accurately describe your product. Keep in mind that Amazon limits product titles to 200 characters, so make sure to prioritize your most important keywords.
  • Bullet Points: Use your bullet points to highlight your product’s key features and benefits. Incorporate your keywords where appropriate, but don’t sacrifice readability for the sake of keyword stuffing.
  • Product Description: Your product description should provide additional details about your product and its benefits. Incorporate your keywords where appropriate, but again, focus on creating a clear and engaging description.
  • Backend Search Terms: Amazon allows you to include additional keywords in the backend of your product listings. Use this space to include any relevant keywords that you weren’t able to include in your title, bullet points, or description.

Step 7: Monitor and Adjust

Keyword research is an ongoing process, and it’s important to monitor your listings and adjust your keywords as needed. Here are some tips for ongoing keyword optimization:

  • Monitor Your Rankings: Keep an eye on where your product listings are ranking for your target keywords. If you’re not ranking as high as you’d like, consider adjusting your keywords or optimizing your listings further.
  • Track Your Sales: Pay attention to which keywords are leading to sales for your products. If certain keywords aren’t generating sales, consider swapping them out for new keywords.
  • Analyze Your Competitors: Keep an eye on what keywords your competitors are using and adjust your strategy accordingly. If a competitor is outranking you for a certain keyword, consider optimizing your listing for that keyword or finding a new, less competitive keyword to target.

In conclusion, keyword research is a critical component of selling products on Amazon. By taking the time to brainstorm relevant keywords, using Amazon-specific tools, prioritizing your keywords, and optimizing your listings, you can improve your product’s visibility and increase your sales potential. Remember to monitor your listings regularly and adjust your keywords as needed to stay competitive on Amazon. With these strategies in mind, you can set your Amazon product listings up for success.

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Amazon SEO: 7 ways to improve your product’s search rankings product search results with the #1 product highlighted

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Here’s a guide to Amazon SEO, with tips for researching keywords and optimizing product offers to connect with more customers.

When done right, Amazon search engine optimization (SEO) can be a win-win for sellers and customers alike. Effective optimization can boost sales while helping shoppers find the products they want. This guide will cover:

  • What Amazon SEO is
  • How SEO works in the Amazon store
  • Ways to improve your rankings

What is Amazon SEO and why does it matter?

Amazon search engine optimization (SEO) refers to a number of strategies you can use to improve product and brand visibility in Amazon search results. For example, you can conduct keyword research and add search terms to product titles and descriptions. You can also tweak photos and adjust price points to organically move up in search results and generate more sales.

Let’s dive into the details of how to improve your selling potential and connect with more customers through SEO.

How Amazon SEO works: 5 components

Here’s a quick overview of how customers find products in the Amazon store.

1. Amazon search box

Customers find products by typing a term or phrase into the Amazon search box and browsing through results. There’s also a drop-down menu of departments like Pet Supplies and Sports & Outdoors .

2. Search filters

Customers refine a search by using different filters like delivery day, customer reviews, and price. The Amazon homepage also has links to Best Sellers , New Releases , Movers & Shakers , and other collections.

3. Search results page

The Amazon search engine results page shows product offers to customers so they can compare prices, shipping options, and other factors.

4. Amazon sales rank

The Amazon Best Sellers list shows the most popular products in the Amazon store based on real-time sales. Best Sellers Rank is a metric that indicates how well a product is selling within featured categories.

5. Sponsored Products and advertising

Cost-per-click ads like Sponsored Products and other forms of ecommerce marketing can help offers rise through search results, stand apart from the competition, and capture the attention of customers.

Learn more about Amazon advertising

7 ways to improve search rankings and boost sales

1. conduct keyword research.

What words and phrases are customers using to find products like the ones you offer? Which keywords should you be targeting in your product titles, descriptions, and ads in order to drive sales? Do some keyword research to find out.

There are many different ways to perform keyword research. Here are a few strategies:

  • Type a variety of keywords into the Amazon search box . Mine the suggestions in the drop-down menu for ideas, then compile a comprehensive list of keywords that could be valuable for your offers.
  • Take a look at your competition. Scan competitor offers for words and phrases that might enhance your content.
  • Use SEO tools to dig into keywords, discover related phrases, explore demand, and find data to guide your strategy. Product Opportunity Explorer is one tool you can use to identify top search terms and trends in Amazon customer search volume.

While performing research, think in terms of “short-tail” and “long-tail” keywords.

  • Short-tail refers to words and phrases that tend to be broad in terms of search intent, such as “furniture” or “shoes.” They might have high search volumes along with high competition.
  • Long-tail refers to a more specific words and phrases like “water resistant lawn furniture” or “vegan leather brown loafers.” These queries might be less popular, but they could enjoy higher sales conversion rates because their search intent is more specific.

Try to use a mix of short- and long-tail keywords in your product content. Remember, short-tail keywords can have high visibility but might be harder to rank for, while long-tail phrases might increase conversions but have lower search volumes.

2. Craft high-performing product titles

Product titles are a great place to use the primary keywords you identify through your keyword research.

To craft concise and compelling titles, put yourself in the customer’s shoes and think about the most important details they want to know. The product title is an appropriate place to highlight:

  • Product type
  • Descriptive information like color or size

For example, the title “Good Sleep Collection, Pillow Cases (Blue, Set of 2)” will likely perform better than “Blue Pillow Cases” because it includes the brand name (Good Sleep) and product line (Premium Collection) along with details about the material and other key attributes.

Keep in mind the Amazon product title character limit is 200, and we recommend no more than 60. Include only the most important keywords to capture the attention of your intended customer. Don’t worry—you’ll have a chance to add more keywords in other parts of the product detail page like the product description, which we’ll cover next.

3. Create informative product descriptions

The product description is an opportunity to use secondary keywords to expand on features and benefits, helping customers find and evaluate your products. Here are some examples of the types of details you might want to mention in a product description:

  • Care instructions
  • Warranty information

Have you heard of keyword stuffing? It refers to repeating or overusing keywords in an effort to help a product rank in search results. Keyword stuffing can create a poor customer experience and hurt your rankings. Instead, focus on writing naturally and provide the information your audience is seeking.

Here’s a good rule of thumb for product descriptions: if you use a key phrase once, you probably don’t need to use it again. Refer to your research and try to use keyword variations, weaving in as many valuable phrases as possible while ensuring they make sense in context

Watch: Intro to product detail pages

4. Highlight key details with bullet points

The bullet point section on a product detail page can be another opportunity to use keywords effectively, balance the level of detail you’re providing, and enhance the customer experience.

When crafting bullet points for product page, choose the most important details you want to stand out. Highlight a product’s design, illustrate special features, or explain unique uses. Think about it from the customer’s point of view and highlight related terms or features they might be looking for in the product.

When formatting bullet points, start with a one- or two-word description, then offer an explanation in 100 characters or fewer. Use fragments (no need for full sentences) and capitalize the first letter of each bullet. Using these tips to craft great bullet points can help your product stand out to customers.

5. Add back-end search terms

You can add keywords to a product’s catalog data. These keywords are not visible to customers, but they can still help a product rank for specific searches.

To add search terms for a product:

  • Log in to your Amazon Seller Central account.
  • Under Inventory in the main menu, go to Manage All Inventory.
  • Find the listing where you want to add backend keywords and click Edit .
  • Click the Product details tab.
  • Enter your keywords in the Generic keyword field.

Use this section as a spillover for keywords you want to include if you run out of room or if they don’t fit naturally in other parts of the product detail page. Include synonyms, abbreviations, and alternative names for products, but avoid redundant or irrelevant terms.

When entering back-end keywords, use all lowercase letters and separate words with spaces only. You can also skip articles and prepositions.

Learn more about using search terms effectively

6. Showcase high-quality product images

Images can convey key information about a product to customers that can be difficult to communicate with words alone. Use the following best practices for product photography:

  • Include a variety of shots showing the product from different angles.
  • Highlight key features.
  • Make sure images are clear, focused, and well-lit.
  • Use plain white backgrounds.
  • Have the product fill 85% or more of the frame.

Research best practices for professional product photography based on the type of product you want to offer, such as clothing or jewelry .

When adding images to your product detail pages, make sure you’re making the most of the “alt-text” , which provides another opportunity to optimize SEO and help your product appear in search results. Alt-text isn’t visible on the product detail page, but it describes the image to visually impaired customers and is ranked by search engines. Alt-text should be a simple sentence describing the image that includes 1-2 keywords.

7. Adjust product prices to drive sales

Adjusting your list price to stay competitive can improve your product ranking and increase sales. To find your pricing sweet spot, try the following:

  • Consider your costs (including shipping costs) and calculate your margins to make sure you can make a profit. The Revenue Calculator can help you estimate profits and margins for a products by fulfillment method.
  • Research your competitors. Take a look at prices for similar products to get a sense for the range of appropriate price points.

You can also use Amazon’s Automate Pricing feature to automatically adjust prices across your inventory.

Learn more about Automate Pricing

Other Amazon tools for growing sales

SEO is just one of the many ways you can attract customers. You might also explore earning positive reviews or offering faster delivery through Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) , a fulfillment option that allows you to ship products into Amazon’s fulfillment network and outsource packing, shipping, customer service, and returns.

You can also turn to resources like Seller University or Strategic Account Services for additional support.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you improve amazon ranking, what are some amazon seo tools.

  • Amazon Brand Analytics
  • Product Opportunity Explorer
  • Manage Your Experiments

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Home » Amazon Deep Dives » Amazon Keyword Research Explained

Amazon Keyword Research Explained

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Mina Elias

  • June 3, 2023

The Complete Guide To Amazon Keyword Research

Struggling to stand out in the vast Amazon marketplace? Mastering keyword research is key. As an e-commerce seller, you may recognize its importance but feel lost on where to start or how it can truly impact your PPC success.

Our comprehensive guide demystifies Amazon keyword research, offering actionable strategies that elevate your sales and PPC performance—your blueprint for digital marketing triumph awaits.

Why is Amazon Keyword Research Important?

Unlocking the potential of your Amazon listings begins with strategic keyword research. It’s not just about getting seen; it’s about connecting with customers, outshining competitors, and driving sales without breaking the bank on ads. Let’s dive into how smart keyword choices can elevate your business:

  • Boost Product Visibility: Imagine a customer searching for that perfect item you offer. With well-researched keywords peppered throughout your product titles and descriptions, you’re guiding them straight to your doorstep. This isn’t just SEO—it’s making sure shoppers find exactly what they need: your products.
  • Cultivate Organic Traffic: When customers land on your page naturally, that’s organic traffic in action—no ad spend required. By targeting search terms they use most often, you climb up the rankings and become their go-to choice, all while keeping advertising costs at bay.
  • Gauge Customer Needs: Keywords are like a window into buyers’ minds—they reveal desires and dilemmas alike. Tap into this goldmine to align what you sell with what they seek, crafting spot-on marketing messages that resonate deeply and drive conversions.
  • Maintain Your Competitive Edge: The marketplace teems with options; standing out is key. Through meticulous keyword optimization, claim your niche or lead the pack—even amidst fierce competition—and watch as customers consistently pick you over others.
  • Fine-Tune Advertising Campaigns: Every dollar counts in advertising. Sponsored Brands , among other tools offered by Amazon, thrive when fueled by top-performing keywords identified through diligent research—maximizing ROI has never been smoother.
  • Analyze Performance for Growth: The market evolves; so should your strategy. Keep tabs on trending searches to ensure relevance and refine tactics using performance data from cutting-edge tools—a proactive approach to staying ahead of the curve.

In essence, mastering Amazon keyword research is less about guesswork and more about precision—a targeted effort that connects products to people seamlessly while fostering growth every step of the way.

Unveiling the Secrets of Amazon Keyword Mastery: PPC vs. SEO

Dive into the art of keyword discovery on Amazon, where each term is a stepping stone to success. Whether you’re navigating the immediate impact of PPC or building an enduring presence with SEO, understanding their unique paths is crucial.

  • PPC: In the realm of Pay-Per-Click, we chase high-performance keywords that promise visibility and conversions—think instant sales boosts and strategic ranking leaps through savvy ad placements.
  • SEO: For Search Engine Optimization, it’s about crafting organic listings that climb search ranks naturally, drawing in traffic and sales over time for sustainable brand growth.

The Focus Is Key

  • PPC: Here we target conversion-rich keywords with solid ROI potential; this includes both popular terms and niche long-tails—even competitor brands—to cast a wide net for maximum effect.
  • SEO: Our lens zooms in on relevant keywords ripe with search volume yet low in competition—a delicate balance aimed at optimizing every product detail from titles to backend tags for organic excellence.

Action Plan:

  • In PPC, : Keywords become our arsenal for tailored ad groups and smart bidding tactics. We stay agile, refining our approach based on real-time data to keep ads performing at their peak.
  • In SEO, : These same words weave seamlessly into product narratives—from compelling titles to engaging descriptions—always fine-tuning based on performance metrics to maintain top rankings organically.

The Cost of Competition Matters

In PPC  competitive keywords mean higher costs per click; thus we seek a harmony between sought-after terms and those hidden gems that cost less but still deliver results. In contrast, while fierce competition can make SEO rankings more challenging to achieve there are no direct costs tied to keyword rivalry here—it’s all about strategy without the price tag.

In essence, whether your aim is quick wins via paid ads or cultivating lasting visibility through organic reach understanding these nuances will sharpen your Amazon marketing edge. Remember as you embark on either path—the right keywords can illuminate your way forward driving not just traffic but meaningful engagement that translates into tangible business growth. Let’s harness them wisely!

Mastering Amazon Keyword Research: Your Path to Visibility and Sales

The Complete Guide To Amazon Keyword Research

Unlock the potential of your product listings with strategic Amazon keyword research—a cornerstone for success in a marketplace as vast as Amazon. Let’s dive into the most effective tactics that can elevate your visibility and drive sales.

  • Tap into Auto-Suggestions: Begin with what’s at your fingertips—the search bar. As you type, observe how it anticipates customer queries, offering a goldmine of popular terms directly from shoppers’ minds.
  • Analyze Competitors: Next, scrutinize top sellers in your niche. Their titles and bullet points are treasure troves of proven keywords; emulate their strategy while carving out your unique edge.
  • Leverage Tools: Equip yourself with cutting-edge tools like Helium 10 or Jungle Scout. They’re not just about numbers; they reveal trends and untapped opportunities within reach.
  • Mine Customer Reviews: Here lies raw insight—words straight from buyers’ hearts. Sift through reviews to weave those genuine phrases into your listing narrative.
  • Pursue Long-Tail Keywords: Don’t overlook these gems! Specificity is key here; long-tail keywords may attract fewer eyes but promise higher conversion rates due to their targeted nature.

Incorporating these methods creates a symphony of relevance for both algorithms and customers alike. Keep an ear to the ground for shifting trends, refine continuously, and watch as organic traffic flows seamlessly towards your products on Amazon’s bustling stage.

How to Research Keywords for Amazon PPC Campaigns

Embarking on an Amazon PPC campaign is akin to setting sail in the vast ocean of e-commerce. Your compass? A well-researched set of keywords that guide potential customers straight to your products. Let’s dive into a streamlined approach for uncovering these golden phrases:

  • Begin at home base: Your product listing holds a treasure trove of initial keyword ideas. Scrutinize your title, bullet points, and descriptions—these elements should be rich with terms that not only define your product but also resonate with shoppers.
  • Leverage Amazon auto-suggest: The search bar isn’t just for buyers; it’s a window into trending searches. Observe the suggestions as you type in primary keywords; these are clues pointing towards what consumers seek.
  • Spy on competitors: Peek at top listings within your niche. What words do they use? Identify both shared and unique terms—they’re invaluable for positioning your ads amidst fierce competition.
  • Harness specialized tools: Digital aids like Helium 10 or Jungle Scout offer insights beyond basic intuition, revealing data-driven gems such as search volume and competitive analysis—crucial for fine-tuning your keyword arsenal.
  • Categorize strategically: Sort keywords by relevance—from brand-specific to problem-solving descriptors—to craft ad groups that hit the mark with precision and purpose.
  • Maintain momentum: Post-launch, keep a vigilant eye on performance metrics through Amazon Advertising reports. Adaptability is key; prune lackluster keywords while nurturing those driving results.

In essence, successful Amazon PPC campaigns hinge upon continuous research and refinement—a dynamic dance between seller savvy and consumer trends. Embrace this rhythm, and watch as visibility soars alongside sales!

How Amazon Search Differs from Google Search

Navigating the digital landscape requires a keen understanding of how search engines like Amazon and Google tailor their services to user needs. While both are titans in their realms, they diverge sharply in purpose and mechanics—a distinction that savvy marketers must grasp.

  • Purpose: At its core, Google casts a wide net, aiming to connect users with information across websites, news platforms, and multimedia. Contrast this with Amazon’s laser focus on guiding consumers through a sea of products towards a purchase—each platform’s results reflect these distinct missions.
  • Ranking factors: The intricacies of ranking well on each platform could fill volumes; however, it boils down to this: Google weighs site credibility and content richness heavily while Amazon zeroes in on product relevance and sales performance. Mastering these nuances can make or break your online visibility.
  • Search intent: Understanding user motivation is key—Google caters to informational quests as much as shopping sprees. Meanwhile, Amazon shoppers arrive with wallets at the ready, making transactional keywords your golden ticket here.
  • Advertising: Advertising prowess varies too; Google Ads span an extensive network beyond search results alone. In contrast, Amazon Advertising hones in on buyers amidst their decision-making process within its own ecosystem—an advertiser’s dream for conversion rates.
  • Indexing: Lastly, indexing strategies differ vastly; where Google scours the web at large for diverse content types, Amazon meticulously catalogs product details. This calls for tailored SEO tactics—product-centric for Amazon versus broader approaches for Google optimization.

In essence, thriving across both platforms means adapting strategies to align with each one’s unique algorithmic heartbeat—from keyword research to SEO practices—and leveraging their differences to your advantage.<p

High Volume Keywords vs. Long Tail Keywords in Amazon PPC

In the dynamic world of Amazon PPC, striking the right balance between high-volume keywords and long-tail keywords is akin to conducting an orchestra—each plays a pivotal role in harmonizing your advertising strategy. Whether you’re aiming for widespread visibility or niche market penetration, understanding these keyword types will fine-tune your campaign’s performance.

High-Volume Keywords:


  • A surge of traffic awaits with high-volume keywords, casting a wide net that can captivate countless shoppers and amplify clicks leading to potential sales spikes.
  • Their broad appeal expands your reach, elevating product exposure and engraving brand recognition across vast consumer landscapes.


  • An arena of fierce competition emerges here; many sellers vie for these popular terms, potentially inflating bid costs while jostling for prime ad real estate.
  • Beware the allure of quantity over quality—generic terms may attract lookers more than buyers, diluting conversion rates amidst a sea of casual browsers.

Long-Tail Keywords:

  • Navigate through less contested waters with long-tail keywords where specificity reigns supreme, often yielding cost-effective bids and coveted ad positions.
  • Precision targeting means attracting consumers whose search intent aligns closely with your offering—expect higher conversion rates as a reward for relevance.


  • Traffic trickles rather than flows with long-tail phrases due to their specialized nature; yet diversifying your keyword portfolio can bridge this gap effectively.
  • Meticulous research paves the way to uncovering golden long-tail opportunities—a task demanding ongoing attention but promising rich rewards for those who master it.

Your journey through Amazon PPC need not be solo. Embrace both high-volume symphonies and long-tail sonatas within your campaigns. By doing so, you’ll orchestrate an advertising masterpiece that resonates with audiences far and wide—and converts them into loyal patrons of your brand.

Final Thoughts

Dive into the world of Amazon PPC with a strategic blend of keyword types at your fingertips. Imagine casting a wide net with high-volume keywords to capture attention and build brand presence—this is your visibility powerhouse. Now, pair that with the precision of long-tail keywords, designed to hook in those ready-to-buy customers, enhancing conversion rates while keeping costs in check.

  • Visibility meets efficiency: High-volume keywords expand reach; long-tail counterparts drive conversions.
  • Cost-effective campaigns: Targeted long-tail phrases often mean less competition and lower ad spend.
  • Brand building: Broad terms help establish market presence and customer awareness.

The art lies in striking the perfect harmony between these two approaches. Test, measure, refine—let this be your mantra as you fine-tune your campaigns for peak performance. With each adjustment comes greater insight into what resonates with shoppers on their path to purchase. Your goal? A symphony of clicks, impressions, and sales—all playing together in perfect concert.

In essence, let’s not just play the game; let’s master it by leveraging both keyword strategies to elevate our Amazon PPC success story!

Amazon Keyword Research FAQs

How can amazon sellers track the performance of their keywords.

Amazon sellers can track the performance of their keywords by using tools such as Amazon Advertising Tools. This gives information about how their keywords are performing, what keywords are getting more clicks, and more.

How can sellers use the Amazon search bar for keyword research?

Amazon sellers can use the Amazon search bar to search for keywords and related phrases that are relevant to their products. This helps them discover which words are successful and what customers are looking for when they search Amazon.

How do I research keywords for free?

You can research keywords for free on the Amazon website by looking for the automated search suggestions that pop up when you search for an item, or you can use a free AI keyword research tool that can find keywords for you to use.

How many keywords should I use for Amazon?

While you are allowed to have 1000 keywords in your listing, the usual recommended amount is much lower: only about 50. Try keeping it between 35-60. A listing that is stuffed with keywords might do well on the search results page but probably won’t look appealing to customers.

How should Amazon sellers optimize their keyword strategies?

Amazon sellers should optimize their keyword strategies by thoroughly researching words and phrases that are related to their products and have high search volume. They should also create a list of target keywords that can be used for their Amazon product listing.

How should sellers identify and target long-tail keywords?

Sellers can identify and target long-tail keywords by researching and analyzing customer reviews, competitor listings, and related words and phrases. They should also use keyword research tools such as Amazon Keyword Research Tools and other similar tools.

How should sellers update their keyword research?

Amazon sellers should update their keyword research on a regular basis, since trends and customers’ preferences change over time. As a result, sellers should continuously be monitoring and optimizing their keyword strategies.

Is keyword research the same as SEO?

Keyword Research leads to SEO, but is not in itself SEO. Keyword research lets you understand which keywords your target audience are likely to be searching for. Once this is known, including volume, how competitive the search terms are etc, you can then decide for which keywords to “SEO” for.

What are “golden keywords” on Amazon?

Golden keywords are normal keywords that are underrated and underserved. This means that there are things that people search for, but these particular phrases are used as keywords less compared to other phrases – which is what makes it ‘golden.’ To identify golden keywords, you should find keywords with a low monthly search volume and have only a few listings.

What are rich keywords?

Rich keywords have a high volume that will add a high value to your listing and help it rank on top. Do not confuse rich keywords with keyword-rich content because the latter just means any type of content with many keywords.

What are the 4 types of keywords?

The four types of keywords are long-tailed, short-tailed, questions, and intent-targeting. They’re pretty easy to understand: short-tailed keywords only consist of a couple of words, usually between 1 to 3. An example would be ‘bed sheets.’

What is keyword research?

Keyword research is the process of discovering words and phrases that customers type into search engines – like Amazon – when they are looking for products like yours.

What is the benefit of analyzing competitors’ listings?

Analyzing competitors’ listings can be helpful for Amazon sellers as it gives insightful information about the keywords and phrases that are successful for other brands. It also helps to ensure that their products do not have the same keywords.

What is the importance of using keyword match types?

Match types are important to Amazon sellers because they help determine which keywords are being used in searches and how Amazon’s algorithms will rank listings in search results. Sellers should use different match types to target different kinds of customers.

What methods can Amazon sellers use to do keyword research?

Amazon sellers can use various methods to do keyword research such as manually researching popular keywords, using Amazon’s search bar, analyzing competitors, and using keyword research tools.

Where can I do keyword research?

You can research Amazon keywords in multiple places, including the Amazon website. You can use the suggested keywords that show when you search for an item on Amazon or one of the many keyword tools available on the internet. These tools are easier to use than manually finding keywords, but the results may need to be refined a bit before you can use the keywords.

Why is keyword research important for Amazon sellers?

Keyword research is important for Amazon sellers because having the right keywords in your listing enables users to find your products easily. This helps you to attract more customers and increase sales.

Mina Elias | Trivium Co. CEO & Founder

Mina Elias, “The Egyptian Prescription,” is the CEO of Trivium Group. A chemical engineer turned Amazon seller, he mastered Amazon PPC advertising, investing personally. His insights, shared via YouTube and podcasts, led to Trivium’s global recognition. Today, Mina is a leading figure in the Amazon PPC space.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Keyword Research for Amazon in 2023

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Amazon sells over 12 million products , so ensuring your product can be found can be quite a daunting task.

When you consider that there are 1.6 million active sellers and on average 355,000 new sellers join Amazon every year, the idea of being found amongst these looks near impossible.

However, with the right keyword research, an understanding of which product fields are most important and a plan to continuously improve your keywords can put you ahead of the rest.

Amazon’s Search Algorithm

Before we get into the technicalities of keyword research, let's get an understanding of how Amazon’s search algorithm works.

The moniker for their algorithm is A9. Jeff Bezos regularly mentions how he wants Amazon to be the most customer-focussed company on the planet and the Amazon search bar helps achieve this.

When a potential customer enters a keyword into the box here are the four main factors that determine which products show:

  • Cart – products that have been added to the cart more frequently are prioritised
  • Reviews – items that have positive ratings are more likely to be shown
  • Conversion Rate – Amazon looks at how well a product has converted compared to how many page views it has had
  • Relevance – a crawler will look at the title, image, keywords and product description on your page and then will rank your product accordingly

If you have just started selling then the first three on this list can be tricky. However, the relevance point is where we can see some big wins.

That is where SEO is very important, if you get your keywords optimised then the other three elements will follow.

Just look at Amazon SEO like this:

  • Keyword Research
  • Optimised Product Listing
  • Improve Rankings
  • Better Visibility
  • More Revenue

The principle of Amazon SEO is exactly the same as ranking in Google. If you’re on page 2 or 3 then you can forget getting any sales.

When you consider that 2 out of 3 people conduct their search for an Amazon product via the search bar then it shows how important SEO is.

Which Amazon Product fields are most important?

Before we get to keyword research let’s dive into what fields we will be conducting the keyword research for and a few tips to make sure you nail it.

Product Title

  • Contain important information including benefits and any unique selling points
  • 80 characters areideal. Amazon rewards titles that are concise
  • If longer, make sure the first 70 characters are the most important as this is the cut off for mobile
  • Don’t be subjective. Avoid vague statements such as “Popular” or “Best Seller”

how to do keyword research on amazon

Read more about product titles for Amazon .

Bullet Points

  • Highlight the top 5 features, including any specifications and warranty information
  • Only 3 bullet points will show on mobile, so make these the best ones
  • 200 characters are ideal for each bullet

how to do keyword research on amazon

Read more about bullet points for Amazon .

Production Description

This should complement the bullet points above and will show in the same place. It’s important to remember:

  • Not duplicate the bullet points
  • Tell a story about your product

Read more about product descriptions for Amazon .

How to do keyword research for Amazon

Now down to business, which are the best ways to conduct keyword research for your products? Below we have listed 5 simple methods to get your products shown.


Yes, there are plenty of great Amazon keyword tools, of which we’ll mention one later, but you can’t beat the Amazon search bar to get you started.

Just type your seed keyword into the search bar. From here you will receive the most popular keywords related to that. Open a spreadsheet and make a note of these.

how to do keyword research on amazon


Are your competitors on Amazon? If you’re unsure just type their name into the search bar and you can then check out their seller account.

Check out the following on their page:

  • What keywords are they using?
  • Which products have the best reviews?
  • Do they have an ASIN?

If there is an ASIN number for the product and you sell the same one. Enter the number into the search bar and see what keywords others are using for it.

how to do keyword research on amazon


Another great free way to conduct keyword research is to check the following titles on a product page:

  • Frequently bought together
  • Products related to this item
  • Compare with similar items

Frequently bought together is a great place to start. Check which products Amazon suggests and use the keywords of those products in the bullets of your main products description.

how to do keyword research on amazon

Check out your reviews and those of your competitors. Are there any keywords that they use to refer to the product you are selling?

Take this example for a Smart TV. One of the highest-rated reviews mentions several apps and devices that work with the TV. Work these into your product descriptions as they are clearly important.


As mentioned earlier, there are many keyword research tools that you can pay for to help with Amazon. One that we highly recommend is Sellzone .

Sellzone is powered by Semrush who has 12 years of experience in keyword research, so you already know you’re in good hands.

In a nutshell, Sellzone allows you to:

  • Identify the most popular keywords for your product on Amazon
  • Find easy wins and gaps in keywords to quickly win search visibility
  • Strategise and collate all your keywords

This is all possible through Sellzone’s Amazon Keyword Wizard . First off you enter your seed keyword and Sellzone will return phrases based on their volume and the amount of competition for it.

how to do keyword research on amazon

From here you can select whether you want to see a broad, phrase or exact match.

  • Broad – this is the widest range possible and can take your keywords and place them in any order
  • Phrase – shows exactly the words you entered by in any order
  • Exact – keywords have to be in the exact order that you entered them

As mentioned earlier the biggest benefit of Sellzone is that you can identify “low hanging fruit”. This means high volume keywords with low competition.

Using the filters you can adjust the levels and then export the keyword list to use in Amazon.

You can further exclude keywords, let’s say your coffee maker wasn’t small you could remove all mentions of “mini” or “miniature”.

how to do keyword research on amazon

After you have done this, there is also some additional functionality to show the most frequent search teams that appear.

In Amazon when listing a product you have the option to add “Search Terms” which are hidden from your product page. So what you will want to do is remove all the filters on your list and select the “Search Terms” button.

You will then be presented with the most used terms. Sellzone will automatically cap it at 249 characters as per Amazon’s guidelines. It will also remove any instances of numbers as this doesn’t pass Amazon guidelines, as well as singular/plural forms of words already used in another form, stop words, subjective and temporary words, special symbols, etc. Summarizing, everything that Amazon would count as superfluous.

how to do keyword research on amazon

This is really useful from Sellzone, as not only are you getting the most searched for terms related to your product, but you’re removing so much admin time.

In order to use the filters and to export the keywords you need to be on a paid plan which starts at $50 a month.

There is a free plan available which offers the following:

  • Split Testing – unlimited use to A/B test titles, product descriptions, images and price points
  • Keyword Wizard – 100 keywords total and up to 3 seed keywords per day
  • Traffic Insights – unlimited overview reports on competitor tactics. Also gain insight in to which external traffic channels could be most profitable
  • Listing Quality Check – fix content errors and incomplete listings. Check all your products abide to Amazon’s guidelines to avoid suspension

If you want to trial the paid plan there is a 7-day free trial, be aware that all results are for the US Amazon Marketplace only at this point.

How to continuously improve your Amazon keywords

Once you have done all the above, you may think that you can now just sit back and watch the sales flood in.

Keyword research isn’t a one off job and you need to be continuously monitoring their performance.

Sellzone’s Listing Protection can help with this. You will be sent an SMS or email if there is an issue with your listing to minimise any losses in sales.

Your products will be monitored 24/7, this includes the effectiveness of your keywords and any adjustments in your search visibility.

how to do keyword research on amazon

If you have any additional budget for advertising, it’s worth considering Amazon PPC as this can help your keyword research and in turn boost your SEO.

Also SEO and benefit PPC, if you follow all the instructions highlighted above then you your product pages are correctly optimised. Which means your PPC campaigns will rank well, as they are placed based on relevance.

6 key points for your keywords

When conducting your research it’s worth noting what Amazon doesn’t allow, or doesn’t like.

  • Repetition – this isn’t the early 00’s and the old black hat SEO tactic of repeating your most keyword isn’t going to help
  • Capitals – capitalising letters, or not, will have no impact on the success of your keywords
  • Singular or plural – you don’t need to add both e.g “TV” and “TVs” isn’t necessary. Amazon will show your product for both
  • Misspellings – a tactic used in Google ads is to bid on slight misspellings of words, this means they are have a cheap CPC and a high intent. Amazon matches misspellings so to the right spelling so this tactic is fruitless
  • Accents/Umlaute – ü will be matchd to ue, so there is no need to add both
  • Compound words – if there are spaces in words then you will need to include them with and without. For example you would need to add foot ball and football

If you’re just starting up with Amazon then relevance is absolutely critical for your product listings. You can’t yet rely on add to carts, reviews or conversion rates, so optimisng your pages is vital.

As we’ve established there are a number of free ways to achieve this via the search bar and by checking competitor activity. However if you want to take your keyword research to the next level, by identifying low hanging fruit and carrying out continuous improvement then you shouldn’t look further than a third-party tool such as Sellzone .

Compare the best ecommerce platforms

how to do keyword research on amazon

Richard Protheroe

Content Marketer at Veeqo. Veeqo allows you to link your Amazon Seller Central account with your other sales channels to better manage your inventory and shipping.

Comments 2 Responses

Is sellzone specifically built for Amazon? Or can it be used for generally e-commerce keywords research?

It’s built for Amazon only. You can use Semrush for keyword research.

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Amazon SEO Keyword Research: 3 Proven Methods

A comprehensive, targeted Amazon keyword list helps you optimize your product listings. Here are 3 ways to do Amazon SEO keyword research.

how to do keyword research on amazon

Search is the primary way people find products on Amazon, so being indexed and ranked for as many relevant keywords as possible is crucial to your success as a seller.

However, hasty keyword research can lead to much frustration and limit the ability of your optimization to improve overall profitability and sales volume.

If you are not indexed for the correct words, being found by your customers will be difficult at best. As competition has become fiercer over recent, thorough keyword research that includes both long- and short-tail items can play a massive role in overall sales and profitability on Amazon.

This means that you need to be targeting more than just 10–25 keyword phrases to drive product sales.

In this article, you’ll walk through the basic keyword strategy for Amazon and discover three ways to farm the keywords that can bring you the most relevant, eager buyers.

While some products or marketing strategies require more advanced techniques for keyword research, these fundamentals can help you maximize your rankings on Amazon.

Basic Keyword Strategy for Amazon

Keywords behave differently on Amazon than on Google. Once you’ve indexed for words that make up the longer keyword phrases your customers might enter into the search bar, you can focus on ranking, which looks at keyword phrases.

For organic Amazon SEO, think of individual words that make up longer phrases. Then, when you’re optimizing your PPC campaigns and launch plans, you’ll think in terms of keyword phrases.

This means that when optimizing for Amazon , we want to ensure we’re including individual keywords, regardless of the order or grouping the customer might type in the search bar for organic Amazon SEO.

It is also important to know that for Amazon SEO, frequency is not a ranking factor.

Therefore, repeating the same keywords multiple times throughout your title, bullets, and back-end search terms is not going to send a stronger signal to Amazon that your item is a correct match for the customer’s search.

Amazon primarily looks at conversion history, while several other factors also play a role.

Now, let’s dig into three keyword research techniques you can use to improve your Amazon strategy.

1. Expanding Keyword Approach

The first and most basic way to identify keywords for Amazon is to use the expanding keyword approach.

This process works best for beginners, new-to-category products, or products that don’t have successful, closely related competitors already on Amazon.

Here, you begin with the keywords you already know you want your product to rank and index for.

You expand on them to identify longer keyword phrases that might be typed in by more relevant customers and, at the same time, have less competition, making it easier to rank.

The process for the expanding keyword approach is as follows:

Brainstorm All Potential Words That Could Be a Good Fit for Your Listing

Look at your product and think about how customers would describe it if they didn’t know your brand name or listing title.

  • Think about how a customer would find your product if they couldn’t remember your brand or product name.
  • Look at the words and use cases you put on your packaging.
  • How would a customer describe the uses and benefits of your product?

Run the Words Through a Keyword Research Tool

After you’ve brainstormed as many words as possible, we can now use any of the popular keyword research tools on the market to expand your results.

A beta keyword tool with the Expanding Keyword Approach.

As you enter your original keyword phrases into the tools, you’ll find additional keywords that help make up longer keyword phrases.

For example, if you type in a Star Wars shirt, then the program will generate a list of additional keyword phrases, such as [funny Star Wars shirt] or [Chewbacca Star Wars shirt].

Run the Expanded Keyword List Through a Frequency Counter

Once you’ve farmed the expanded keywords, then you want to use a frequency counter like Helium 10 Frankenstein, Merchant Word’s Keyword Explorer, or Write Words (which is free).

High search frequency is an indication that the word is being used more often.

We use frequency as an indicator of relevancy; additionally, it helps us identify keywords that make up the largest number of keyword phrases.

Write Your Title & Bullets

Now that you have a list of individual keywords to incorporate into your listing, you can begin to write your title and bullets.

Incorporate as many keywords as possible while focusing the content on conversion.

2. Competitor Keyword Approach

This method looks at what keywords competitors or closely related ASINs are already ranking for. We’re studying what is already working for our competitors to ensure we’re not missing sales opportunities.

This method utilizes any program that offers a well-tested reverse ASIN tool. This type of tool analyzes a particular ASIN or product detail page on Amazon and determines which keywords are already ranking well for that listing.

Because Amazon’s primary factor in ranking is conversion history, we can make an overgeneralized assumption that if a listing is already ranking well for a particular keyword phrase, then that keyword phrase should generate sales for that listing.

Here’s your process for the competitor keyword approach.

Start at Your Favorite Reverse ASIN Tools

Our favorites are Merchant Words Page 1 Products and Helium 10’s Cerebro. The process itself will slightly differ depending on the tool you’re using, but the overall approach is the same.

I’m just highlighting two tools we extensively use, but there are many options in the Amazon space that are great to use for this approach.

Once you’ve selected the tool, you’ll be using the following:

Merchant Words

  • Identify the most relevant keyword for your product and enter it in the tool’s PA (Page 1) search bar. You’ll receive a list of ASINs related to that keyword.
  • Select the ASINS that are the most relevant match for your product.

Enter your ASIN, and then select “Get Competitors.”

Or, add ASINs that are closely related and rank well for important keywords.

Tool to select relevant competitors and ranking keywords.

It is important, regardless of the tool you’re using, that you select only the most relevant ASINs.

If you select ASINs that are only broadly related, you’ll find irrelevant keywords that won’t be usable in composing a top-selling listing.

Locate the Frequency Counter and Arrange In Descending Order

Scan the results for the most relevant keywords.

Make sure to remove irrelevant words. If you find many, look at the ASINs you selected.

Once you’ve removed irrelevant keywords from the list, add these individual words into a frequency counter and incorporate the remaining results into your listing copy and backend structured data. Prioritize the higher-ranked relevant words on the frequency counter.

Note: For this approach, products that have multiple keyword profiles can be especially challenging.

If you consider a Star Wars T-shirt with one of the new characters on it versus a mug with the classic Chewbacca image, the fan base is different, the keywords for each trilogy are different, and the keywords related to the product medium (T-shirt versus mug) will be different.

So even though they might seem like related products, the keyword profiles of each product will be significantly different.

We generally limit our search for these reverse ASIN searches to keyword phrases that rank on page 1 or within the first 25 positions. This allows us to eliminate many irrelevant keywords that a product might be ranking for but that do not generate many product sales.

3. Layered Keyword Approach

For products with multiple keyword profiles such as a Star Wars T-shirt or mug, sometimes layering both techniques is necessary to ensure you’re getting all the relevant keywords without farming unnecessary, irrelevant words.

This is especially true for products that have a unique selling proposition or a special feature that your competitors do not.

If you only use the competitor keyword approach for these types of products, you will miss all the keywords that are related to that unique selling proposition.

That’s why the layered keyword approach is the more comprehensive option of the three.

The process for the layered keyword approach is as follows.

Start with the Expanding Keyword Methodology

Save your results in a text file, a collection in Merchant Words, or Helium 10’s Frankenstein.

All three are valid ways to store and build out your keyword research list.

Implement the Competitor Keyword Approach

Keep in mind that if you have a product that has two kinds of profiles, like in the Star Wars t-shirt example, you’ll need keyword research regarding T-shirts and keyword research around the character and franchise of that Star Wars character.

Add the Results

Now, add the results from the Competitor Keyword approach to your farmed keyword list from the Expanding Keyword methodology.

Make sure to remove any irrelevant words, just as you did before.

Run the Expanded Keyword List Through the Frequency Counter

After you have the combined list, we’ll use the frequency counter on it to identify the higher-ranking words from both methods.

Key Takeaways

In closing, layering both techniques allows a more complete profile. However, depending on the product and your level of expertise in keyword research, any of these research approaches will help you make sure that you’re integrating highly relevant keywords that can help you bring in additional traffic.

A reverse ASIN tool.

These techniques can also be used to determine what keywords are already in your existing listing to determine if your product is not selling because it is not indexed for as many keywords as your competitors are.

Helium 10 has a great tool called Scribbles. It enables you to upload your farm keyword list, and as you write the title and bullets, it crosses off the words you have included in your keyword research as you type. This is great if you are writing your original copy.

It is also helpful if you want to do keyword research on a product that you have already optimized. You can check to see if the most relevant keywords have already been integrated, or if you need to rewrite some of that content.

Always keep in mind that keywords on Amazon are indexed throughout the page.

While the title and bullets are most important, structured data and even reviews and conversion history can play a role in the words that you are indexed for.

As we are doing keyword research on Amazon, we always want to prioritize highly relevant keywords first, then consider frequency in search volume.

Amazon has strict guidelines on each area of the product detail page, including how long titles and bullets can be before they stop indexing.

That is why it is so important that you edit and optimize your list and focus on your most relevant keywords instead of trying to index for an infinite number of keyword phrases.

Last but certainly not least, keep your potential customer in mind with a balanced approach. Maximize the number of keywords in your listing without sacrificing that your customers get the information they need on whether this product is right for them.

Do not keyword stuff just to get more traffic; you can always add whatever keywords didn’t naturally flow in the copy in your structured data and backend keywords.

Indexing for keywords is only the first step. Once you have a keyword-rich product detail page, the next step is to use a combination of advertising, clippable coupons, and other legitimate ways of driving traffic and converting sales to show Amazon that your product is a good fit for those keywords.

More Resources:

  • 5 Strategies Every Amazon Seller Should Be Following Today
  • Amazon’s Search Engine Ranking Algorithm: What Marketers Need to Know
  • Ecommerce Marketing: The Definitive Guide

Image Credits

All screenshots taken by author, July 2021

Robyn is the owner of both Best From The Nest and Marketplace Blueprint is an Amazon expert. Robyn has been ...


How to Do Amazon Keyword Research

Solo entrepreneurs have made millions on Amazon with minimal effort leveraging the FBA service, making this one of the most appealing ways to start a business on a budget. Or, maybe you already have a thriving company and want to tap into a new channel on Amazon.

Either way, you’ll quickly discover that competing on Amazon can be pretty expensive if you’re selling a product that others are as well. Those who can afford to max out their PPC budget will dominate, while others will find themselves spinning their tires, struggling to capture any sales.

That’s why effective Amazon listing optimization, or Amazon SEO, is such an important piece of the puzzle. By positioning your listing ahead of your competitors in the organic search engine results pages (SERPs), you can earn sales without bidding on keywords. Your profitability will soar.

So, follow along as we walk you through a masterclass on how to do Amazon keyword research using our free SEO tools here at KeySearch. You can effortlessly uncover the top keywords for your niche and set yourself up for success in just a few clicks.

Get started today and find out what makes our Amazon keyword research tool the #1 choice!

What is Amazon Keyword Research?

Before we get into how to do keyword research for Amazon, let’s take a step back and cover the basics. What is Amazon keyword research in the first place, and why is it so important when you could just pay for PPC?

Explanation of Keywords in General

Keywords are the building blocks of any search-based platform, whether it’s Google, YouTube, or in this case, Amazon. These are the words and phrases your ideal customer types into the search bar to find your product.

For example, a customer looking for running shoes might type “men’s running shoes,” “lightweight running shoes,” or “best running shoes for flat feet.” These keywords guide the search engine in displaying the most relevant products or content to the user.

In more simple terms, the strategic use of keywords throughout your seller account and more specifically, your listings, ensures your product is showing up anytime a customer might be trying to find it. But how does it happen? It’s all about A9.

Unpacking A9: Amazon’s Algorithm

Amazon’s search algorithm, known as A9, determines the ranking of products in search results. Understanding how A9 works is the foundation of effective keyword research and optimization. Here are some factors that influence A9:

  • Relevance: Using precise and relevant keywords in your product title, description, and backend search terms can significantly enhance your product’s visibility.
  • Sales Performance: Products with higher sales are more likely to rank higher. Amazon wants its users to have the best possible experience and assumes that showing popular products with proven customer satisfaction will deliver that experience.
  • Customer Reviews and Ratings: Positive reviews and high ratings contribute to better rankings. They show Amazon the product is trustworthy and well-received by customers.
  • Product Price: Competitive pricing can influence rankings, as Amazon wants to offer customers the best value. This doesn’t mean that the lowest price will inevitably get you position 1 rankings, though.
  • Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Conversion Rate: High CTR and conversion rates signal that a product is popular and relevant, boosting its position in search results.

As you can see, A9 is designed in a manner that prioritizes user experience. So if you just focus on creating an excellent product, pricing it right, and delivering on your promises, surely you’ll start to gain organic rankings, right?

Not quite. Unfortunately, you do need to “game the system” to a certain degree. That’s why effective keyword research, and the subsequent optimization efforts, are so important.

Why Keyword Research for Amazon Cannot Be Overlooked

Strategically incorporating the right keywords throughout your listings will help you earn more organic sales, driving up revenue and profit simultaneously. It’s really that simple.

Here are a few reasons why learning how to do Amazon keyword research is a great use of time and resources:

  • Increased Visibility: Just like with any search engine, using the right keywords ensures your product appears in relevant search results. This drives more traffic to your listings.
  • Higher Conversion Rates: Targeting specific and relevant keywords means attracting potential buyers who are more likely to purchase your product. This results in higher conversion rates and more sales. As you now know, a higher conversion rate means higher rankings – your efforts will start to compound and create a “snowball” effect.
  • Competitive Advantage: It’s no secret that selling on Amazon is competitive, and margins are slim. By identifying and targeting keywords that your competitors might be overlooking, you can capture a larger share of the market.
  • Improved ROI: Unlike paid advertising, which requires ongoing investment, effective keyword use can continuously drive organic traffic and sales. Your costs will come down while your revenue goes up, giving you profit to invest in new product SKUs or simply reap the fruits of your labor.

How to Do Amazon Keyword Research: Tips on Finding Hidden Gems to Earn More Organic Revenue

All this sounds great – where do you sign up? Look no further than KeySearch. Our tool is trusted by small and large sellers alike for its reliability, ease-of-use, and affordability. We’ll walk you through how to do keyword research for Amazon using our suite below!

Get Set Up With a KeySearch Account

Learning how to do Amazon keyword research is effortless with KeySearch, a powerful SEO tool that simplifies keyword research. It’s an essential addition to your Amazon selling toolkit. You get a comprehensive suite of features that help you uncover valuable keywords, assess their potential, and optimize your listings effectively.

With KeySearch, you can analyze search volume, keyword difficulty, and relevance, allowing you to make informed decisions about which keywords to target.

KeySearch pulls data from various sources, including Amazon’s own autosuggest results, to provide accurate and up-to-date insights. You gain a competitive edge by identifying keywords that other sellers might overlook, helping you capture more organic traffic and drive sales.

The tool is user-friendly and cloud-based, so you don’t need to download any software. Its intuitive interface ensures that even those new to SEO can navigate and use it effectively.

There are so many different ways you can find keywords through our database of 12 tools, from our LSI keywords to long-tail keywords , using our free keyword grouping tool , or even using our niche finder to get started on the platform.

You even get access to tools like rank tracking, competitor analysis, backlink checking, duplicate content finder , and more to assist with executing your SEO strategy. If you’re selling your products on other platforms, we’ve got tools for those too – like our Pinterest keyword tool , Etsy keyword research , eBay SEO tool , and even YouTube keyword tool .

We’re proud to have helped tens of thousands of sellers optimize their listings and start driving more organic traffic, and thus, sales. Many of our tools are free, too, so you can hit the ground running ASAP.

So, create your account with KeySearch today as we walk you through how to do Amazon keyword research below, starting with finding a seed keyword.

Enter a Seed Keyword Associated With Your Product

A seed keyword is a broad term closely related to your product. This is your starting point – think about the primary function or main characteristic of your product.

For example, if you’re selling ergonomic office chairs, your seed keyword could be “ergonomic chair” or even just “office chair.” This term serves as the foundation for your keyword research, allowing you to uncover more specific and related keywords. Be as broad as possible, as you’ll have more opportunities to sort through this way.

Assess Opportunities Based on Difficulty, Search Volume, and Relevance

Enter your seed keyword into the KeySearch tool and be sure you’ve set your filter to pull data from Amazon specifically – this will offer far superior insights than typical tools that only pull from Google.

Once you have your list of keywords from KeySearch you can evaluate them based on these three metrics:

  • Difficulty: KeySearch provides a difficulty score, usually ranging from 0 to 100. Lower scores mean it’s easier to rank, while higher scores indicate more competition. For new sellers, targeting keywords with lower difficulty scores (under 30) can provide quicker wins and help build momentum. You can learn more about using our keyword difficulty tool here .
  • Search Volume: Higher search volume means more potential traffic. However, high-volume keywords often come with higher competition. Find a balance between search volume and difficulty. Keywords with moderate to high search volume and manageable difficulty are ideal targets. If you just go with the most trafficked keywords, you may find yourself spinning your tires and never even finding your way to the first page.
  • Relevance: Even if a keyword has high search volume and low difficulty, it’s useless if it doesn’t accurately describe your product – customers won’t click through, and you know that CTR is an essential ranking factor for A9. The keywords you choose must be highly relevant to your product’s features and benefits. This ensures the traffic you attract is genuinely interested in your product, leading to higher CTR and conversion rates.

What makes KeySearch so great is you can set filters for difficulty and volume to narrow down your list of opportunities. From a relevance perspective, you’ll simply need to use your best judgment and think critically about whether or not a keyword actually makes sense.

When in doubt, plug the keyword in and see what products come up – are they the same ones you sell or similar? Great! If not, the keyword intent may not match what you sell.

You can start to build up a list of primary and secondary keywords at this point. Primary keywords are the main focus of your product listings, while secondary keywords support and enhance your primary keywords.

For example, if “ergonomic office chair” is your primary keyword, secondary keywords might include “comfortable office chair,” “adjustable office chair,” and “office chair for back pain.” Other great long-tail variations include color variations (gray ergonomic office chair), price (ergonomic office chair under $500), etc.

Find More Keywords Through Competitor Analysis

There are a few other ways you can find good keyword opportunities for Amazon beyond keyword research tools like KeySearch – one of the best is to replicate what’s already working for other sellers in your niche.

Look for the best-selling products in your category with high sales, excellent reviews, and strong visibility. Examine their product titles, bullet points, and descriptions, taking note of the keywords used repeatedly.

Better yet, use our competitor analysis function to plug in a URL for a competitor’s product and see what it’s actually ranking for. This will show you not just keywords but also search volume, difficulty, and more.

Utilizing Amazon’s Autosuggest Feature

We mentioned that KeySearch relies on Amazon’s autosuggest feature to find good keyword opportunities. While using autosuggest alone won’t offer nearly the same insights as KeySearch, it’s a good starting point if you want to quickly find long-tail variations.

Start typing your seed keyword into Amazon’s search bar and you’ll notice Amazon will generate a list of suggested searches related to your keyword. Those are keywords others are actively searching for.

For instance, typing “ergonomic chair” might yield suggestions like “ergonomic chair for office,” “ergonomic chair with lumbar support,” and “ergonomic chair for back pain.”

Use these suggestions to expand your keyword list. You can repeat this process with different variations of your seed keywords to gather a comprehensive list of potential keywords.

See What You’re Already Ranking For on Google

You may already be ranking for high-quality keywords lower in the SERPs without knowing it – simply infusing these keywords in your listings can serve as quick wins.

Connect your Amazon listings to Google Search Console to see which keywords are driving traffic to your product pages. This tool provides detailed data on search queries, impressions, and click-through rates.

Pull PPC Data

There’s no getting around it, part of competing on Amazon is paying to play. We’ve found that A9 rewards sellers who bid on keywords and maintain a consistent PPC budget. It makes sense when you think about it – sponsored listings show up at the top of the page and will have higher click-through rates, after all.

But beyond driving traffic and sales, paying for sponsored features also gives you access to valuable keyword data. Use Amazon’s advertising reports to analyze the performance of each keyword. Identify which keywords are driving the most sales and have the highest ROI.

Then, simply incorporate the high-performing PPC keywords into your product listings that have already proven effective in driving sales.

Optimizing Your Amazon Listings and Seller Account After Performing Keyword Research

There you have it, how to do Amazon keyword research! Now what? Actually finding keywords is only half the battle. You need to optimize your listings accordingly to start driving organic traffic. We’ll cover all the different places you should put these keywords below.

Product Title

The product title is without a doubt the most important piece of the Amazon SEO puzzle. It’s one of the primary ranking signals for A9 and also influences CTR.

Make sure your primary keyword is at the beginning of your title. This helps both Amazon and potential customers quickly understand what your product is about. For example, “Ergonomic Office Chair with Lumbar Support.”

After that, you can include essential features and benefits that make your product stand out, or use the extra character count to infuse long-tail keyword information. This could be material, size, or unique attributes. For instance, “Ergonomic Office Chair with Lumbar Support, Adjustable Armrests, Mesh Back.”

While it’s important to include keywords, don’t sacrifice readability. Ensure the title makes sense and is easy to read. Keyword stuffing can lead to a spammy title and turn off potential buyers.

Product Description

The product description is your opportunity to really sell the customer on your product, and it’s also a place to infuse more keywords. Write a detailed, engaging description that highlights the benefits and features of your product to persuade potential buyers.

Integrate your primary and secondary keywords naturally within the description. Just like with the title, don’t overstuff keywords. Instead, focus on providing valuable information that answers potential customer questions. You can check keyword density through KeySearch to make sure you’re not overdoing it.

Always include a call to action (CTA) somewhere towards the end of your description. This could be anything from “buy now” or “add to cart” to something more compelling like “put pain in the past today” if you sell an ergonomic office chair.

Bullet Points

Amazon also gives you a few bullet points to describe your product, and we encourage you to use these as a means of incorporating secondary keywords that you may not have managed to get into your title or description.

Like the title and description, this is also an opportunity to highlight the most important features and benefits of your product. Each bullet point should focus on a different aspect, such as comfort, durability, or unique features.

Make sure each bullet point is concise and to the point. Avoid lengthy sentences and focus on delivering key information quickly, otherwise, the user won’t bother reading.

Other Places to Put Keywords

There are a few other places you can put keywords to supercharge your Amazon SEO efforts, including:

  • Backend Search Terms: These are not visible to customers but help Amazon understand what your product is about. Use this space to include additional relevant keywords that didn’t fit naturally in other parts of your listing.
  • Subject Matter and Intended Use: This helps Amazon categorize your product accurately, increasing its chances of appearing in relevant searches.
  • Brand and Other Attributes: Ensure that the brand name and other attributes (like color, size, and material) are filled out with relevant keywords. This improves product visibility for specific searches.

You should also continue to bid on your most important keywords. The idea is that if you drive sales from a certain keyword, A9 will look at that as a ranking signal. As frustrating as it may be feeling as if you have to pay to play on Amazon, it’s part of the game!

Tracking Rankings Over Time

It’s important that you monitor your rankings over time and see how certain keywords are performing. You can set up rank tracking in KeySearch in just a few clicks.

You can also gather this data directly from Amazon. Regularly review performance metrics such as search term reports, conversion rates, and click-through rates. These metrics can provide valuable insights into which keywords are driving traffic and sales.

Based on the data, continually adjust and optimize your listings. Add new keywords, refine your titles and descriptions, and ensure your listings remain relevant and competitive.

Just be sure you’re giving your listings some time to be reviewed by A9 before making changes. We suggest at least a week between changes.

Closing Thoughts on How to Do Keyword Research for Amazon

That does it for our guide on how to do Amazon keyword research. This is a key component of any selling strategy, allowing you to show up for the most important search terms and drive organic sales, bringing costs down and profits up.

We hope you feel confident in using KeySearch as part of your Amazon selling strategy. See how it works firsthand today – plug a seed keyword into our search bar and discover the low-hanging fruit that you’re currently missing out on.

Want to see how our solution stacks up to the competition? We’ve created comparison guides to help you see where we have an edge:

  • KeySearch vs Ahrefs
  • KeySearch vs Ubersuggest
  • KeySearch vs Semrush
  • KeySearch vs SE Ranking

Otherwise, the only thing left to do is create your KeySearch account and transform your Amazon SEO efforts. Don’t let your listing get lost in the SERPs – dominate your niche with our tools today!

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Author:  Dan

I'm the creator and CEO of Keysearch. I've been working in SEO & internet marketing for over a decade now. In that time I've created many tools aimed at helping people and businesses make the most of their internet presence. Our goal at Keysearch is to make a top of the line suite of SEO tools at an affordable price for everyone!

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How to Do Amazon Keyword Research


Keyword research is a crucial part of a successful Amazon business. Making the effort to know what customers are searching for will help you properly assess a product’s revenue potential before you start selling it. Keywords are equally as important once your products are live. By adding keywords to your listings and PPC ads, you improve the chances of people finding your products, thus increasing your sales in the process.

In this post from AMZScout, you’ll learn how to do Amazon keyword research and see how a successful Amazon seller goes about the process to generate more traffic and sales.

My Story as an Amazon Seller

My name is Aftab, and I'm an online retailer and manufacturer of beds and mattresses. Me and a couple of my buddies started selling on Amazon over eight years ago and the platform remains one of our best sales channels to this day.

Our business originally operated as a small physical shop selling outerwear, home furniture, and other products. Over time, we decided to sell through online channels in hopes of reaching more customers. We started on eBay, then gradually started listing products on Amazon as well. As we started to find success, we shifted our focus to the mattress niche and began manufacturing beds and mattresses. Since then, we’ve been manufacturing our own products and we even have a showroom.

While we’ve had great success on Amazon, selling on the marketplace wasn’t always a straightforward or easy process. In the early stages of our business, it was more difficult to figure out what products were in demand and what customers were looking for. Fortunately, there are now powerful tools to help uncover the best products and keywords on Amazon.

Why is Amazon Keyword Research Important?

Keyword research tells you what search terms customers use when looking for products on Amazon. Implementing these keywords in your listing helps to make your product rank higher in Amazon search results. In turn, higher rankings allow you to get more people to your products, and ultimately more sales. This is vital to a healthy long-term business as it helps you keep your marketing costs down and your margins high.

To give you an idea of what you can accomplish with sound keyword research, here is the listing for one of my more successful products.

Amazon product listing for a memory mattress

I first started selling this product in 2021. As you can see, this item has already received a good amount of reviews and positive feedback on the listing. Below, you can see a breakdown of its sales over this period.

AMZScout chart showing the relationship between sales growth and product ranking for a memory mattress

The total sales for this product increased almost tenfold in the course of a year. This growth was accomplished because the product quickly moved up the rankings for several keywords.

I was able to get this product to rank for important search terms because of the work I did using an Amazon keyword research tool. This specialized software helped me find keywords while also showing me how often different keywords are searched. I used this information to know how to best set up my listings and product selection to maximize the number of visitors that land on my products.

Below, I will walk you through the exact process that I follow when I perform keyword research, using one of my live products as an example.

How to Do Amazon Keyword Research: A Tutorial

When you want to start selling a product on Amazon, you need to begin your research by determining how popular the product is. There are several ways to do this. Let's take a look at how to do Amazon keyword research using a few different strategies.

1) Find Suggestions in the Amazon Search Field

The simplest way to look for keywords on Amazon is the autocomplete suggestions on the marketplace website. When you start to enter a search into the search field, Amazon will pull up a list of keywords that include what you’ve typed into the field. Below is an example of a search for the phrase “mattress”. In it, you can see modifiers for all sorts of specific items including mattress covers, toppers, and protectors.

Amazon search query for the term "mattress"

This method will give you a starting point for uncovering new keyword ideas, but it will not provide data or insights into the demand for the terms. For this, you’ll need a dedicated Amazon keyword research tool.

2) Use Amazon Keyword Search

After you get your initial set of keyword ideas, the next step in your keyword research is to check the monthly search volume for your target terms. This will give you an idea of the demand for a particular type of product. It will also help you forecast how many sales you can expect to get if you were to rank for the keyword.

For my keyword research, I use the AMZScout Keyword Search tool. Below is how you can use the tool to check a keyword’s monthly search volume:

  • Open the Keyword Search tool and enter the seed phrase to research.
  • The tool will return a list of matching terms. Next to each term, you’ll see its estimated Amazon keyword search volume. This metric indicates how many times shoppers search that particular phrase each month.
  • Review the results.

Search query for the term "mattress" in AMZScout's Amazon Keyword Search tool

In this image, you can see my research for the seed phrase “mattress”. The results provide some interesting terms worth analyzing further. For example, the term “memory foam mattress” has a good search volume and could make for a potential niche item.

The keyword data provided by Keyword Search gives you an understanding of a product’s popularity. Items with higher sales naturally tend to have a higher search volume. In addition to assessing demand, you can also use the results to narrow down product ideas.

3) Use Reverse ASIN Lookup

AMZScout's Reverse ASIN Lookup feature is a tool for finding the ranking keywords for any listing on Amazon. It is incredibly useful for conducting fast keyword research as you can enter a top-performing competitor product to quickly see all the relevant terms that it ranks for. Here is how to use the Reverse ASIN Lookup tool:

  • Open the Reverse Lookup tool and enter the ASIN that you want to research.
  • Review the results. After you enter a search, the tool will give you a list of all the search terms that the product ranks for.

Below is an example of a reverse ASIN lookup for a memory foam mattress that I discovered in my earlier research. In the results, there are a variety of keywords with decent search volume that the product ranks for.

Search query in AMZScout's Reverse ASIN Lookup tool

Next to each keyword, you’ll see its monthly search volume along with some other helpful metrics:

  • Organic Rank Page: This metric shows the results page where the product ranks for the keyword. For example, an Organic Rank Page of “1” means that the ASIN appears on the first page of organic results.
  • Organic Rank Position: This metric shows the precise position where the product appears in the search results.
  • Sponsored Page: This metric shows the page where the item appears for Sponsored Product ads.

To use the search terms discovered with the Reverse Lookup tool, I like to export the keywords to a .csv file. I typically repeat this process with other ASINs and compile my research to create one comprehensive list of potential keywords.

As you build a list of master keywords, you’ll need to go through the list to determine which terms have the best potential and which should be prioritized. For this, I recommend segmenting the search terms into the following categories:

  • Primary Keywords: These are the search terms that will drive the most value to your business. You should prioritize these terms when creating your listings and advertising campaigns.
  • Secondary Keywords: These search terms are relevant but not the core keywords related to your products. They should be included in your listings where appropriate.
  • Backend Keywords: These are search terms that are relevant to your products but that may not be worth adding to your listing. You’ll add these keywords to the backend product editor for the ASIN.

After you determine the main keywords to target, you’ll then need to decide how to use them. This is an important step if you hope to successfully rank for the terms.

How to Use Your Target Keywords

Amazon ranks products based on how effectively it believes they will sell. The marketplace wants to sell as many products as possible and will thus rank the products that best match the searcher’s intent for each query.

To signal that your products are a good match for what shoppers are looking for, you need to add your target keywords throughout your listings. Here is where you’ll want to add your keywords:

  • Title: Adding keywords to your title tells Amazon that your product matches the intent of the search term. You’ll only have room to add a couple of keywords max to your product titles so it’s key to know which terms are most important to your business.
  • Description: Your product description is where you explain the benefits of your products. It is an important place to add your keywords as Amazon will scan the listing to understand the nature of the product.
  • Bullet points: Amazon bullet points appear towards the top of product listings beneath the price and specifications. In many ways, bullets are more important than your description in explaining the benefit of your products to customers. Adding keywords to this part of your listing will maximize your chances of ranking for the terms.

In addition to adding your keywords to your listings, you’ll also want to use them in your PPC campaigns . When you go to create a paid ad campaign, Amazon will let you select the search terms to target with your ads. By adding your target keywords, you can ensure that your products appear on the results pages for those searches.

You’ll need to pay each time someone clicks one of your Sponsored Products, but this is an effective way to get targeted visitors to your listings while you wait to rank organically for the keywords.

How to Track Keyword Rankings

After you launch your product and optimize your listing, it is essential to track your rankings and SEO performance. This will let you know if your strategy and optimization efforts are working. If you find that you’re not ranking well for your target terms, you can then make adjustments to your listings to help improve your rankings.

I track my products’ SEO rankings using the AMZScout Keyword Tracker. The tool is easy to set up and gives me a solid overview of where each of my items is positioned for the primary keywords that I'm targeting. You can have the software track your rankings every 1, 3, 6, 12, or 24 hours. For each search term, there are metrics for ranking page, ranking position, and a number of competing products. Plus, there is a chart showing how the ranking has changed over time.

Looking at the Results

An Amazon keyword research strategy takes time to implement. But, once you start to gain momentum, the results can be substantial. By adding my target keywords throughout my listings and advertisements, I’ve been able to get my products to appear at the top of search results for many key queries. This increased exposure has directly led to an increase in sales across my collection.

To give you an idea of how SEO success can scale over time, here are my sales numbers over the past few years:

  • 2017-2018: 2,652 orders
  • 2018 – 2019: 4,675 orders
  • 2019 – 2020: 4,566 orders
  • Over the past year: 9,453 orders

As you can see, our sales have progressively increased, more than doubling over the past year. Our goal is to reach 10,000 orders per year, which we are close to achieving. To fulfill this objective, we will continue to look for relevant keywords and optimize our listings to drive more organic visitors to our products.

Discover Your Top Keywords on Amazon Today

Keyword research is essential to selling successfully on Amazon. Once you know the best keywords to target, you can make sure that your listings are optimized to bring in the most traffic. If you want to make the process easier, I highly recommend using specialized Amazon research tools. Doing so will provide you with valuable search data. Plus, you can easily track your rankings to ensure you’re getting the desired results.

Illustration of mobile phone with text, "Don't miss Amazon updates" above button with text, "Get newsletter"

Originally published on May 25, 2022, updated March 11, 2024

This post is accurate as of the date of publication. Some features and information may have changed due to product updates or Amazon policy changes.

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A puzzle representing Amazon Keyword Research

Introducing Keyword Scout – Amazon Keyword Research Made Easy

Greg Mercer

Greg Mercer

May 17, 2018

Amazon PPC , Amazon SEO , Product Marketing , Product Research , Selling on Amazon

how to do keyword research on amazon

Huge news, Freedom Builders! There’s no more guesswork when it comes to Amazon PPC and HSA (headline search ad) keywords. Jungle Scout’s adding a powerful, new Amazon keyword research tool to the mix! It’s like having a marketing crystal ball for your Amazon FBA products.

Check out the benefits of this hot new tool:

  • Get hundreds of keyword suggestions from a keyword or competitor ASIN.
  • Know the exact and broad search volumes for high-converting keywords.
  • Estimate how many daily Jungle Scout promotional giveaways are needed to rank your product.
  • Learn suggested bids for Amazon PPC and HSA ads (PPC coming week of May 21).
  • A Jungle Scout plan includes all of this!

Learn more about Jungle Scout

The old way of performing Amazon keyword research is dead…

Many of you know the story of how I started selling my own private label products on Amazon FBA. Back then, there weren’t any Amazon product research tools like Jungle Scout to help me figure out my estimates. I had to do the work by hand using an Excel spreadsheet and a hack known as the “999 trick.”

Five years later, Jungle Scout has a team of expert data scientists and a healthy AWS bill to produce the world’s most accurate Amazon sales data with AccuSales™ .

But when it came to predicting Amazon costs, I’d just give people rules of thumb; or send them over to a keyword tool like Google or other similar tools out in the market. Essentially, I was still telling people to “build excel spreadsheets” and “do this hack.”

There had to be a better way…

Introducing Keyword Scout.

That’s why my team of data scientists and my expert Amazon seller staff put their heads together to come up with the perfect Amazon keyword research tool: Keyword Scout.

how to do keyword research on amazon

Keyword Scout is part of Jungle Scout ’s suite of tools. So, if you’re already signed up, put your credit card away.

It’s already included in the deal!

How do I use Keyword Scout for my Amazon keyword research?

Just like all of our tools here at Jungle Scout, we wanted to ensure that Keyword Scout was not just powerful, but easy to use, too.

Here’s how you can use Keyword Scout to find profitable keywords in 10 seconds or less:

  • Login to Jungle Scout . 
  • Click the Keyword Scout menu button at the top of the screen. 
  • Enter your product’s keyword or ASIN and hit enter. You can also specify a category for your search.
  • Keyword, alphabetically.
  • Exact Match Search Volume . This is the number of times this exact keyword is searched for on Amazon in the past month.
  • Broad Match Search Volume . This is the number of times this keyword and any related keywords such as synonyms, phrases, etc. are searched for on Amazon in the past month.
  • Dominant Category . This is the Amazon category where products related to the selected keyword are found most often.
  • Recommended Giveaway . For your product launch promotions using Jungle Scout, this clues you in on how many units of this product to giveaway daily.
  • HSA Bid. These are the estimated headline search ads bids for the selected keyword.
  • Exact PPC Bid . This is the exact bid to win 90% of keyword bids on Amazon.
  • Broad PPC Bid . This is the broad bid to win 90% of keyword bids on Amazon.
  • Relevancy Score.  This is the score ranging from 1 to 100
  • Export the keywords as a CSV (spreadsheet) file.
  • Add the keywords into your Amazon listings and sponsored products campaigns .

how to do keyword research on amazon

Presto! The mystery is over! That’s how you can find out what your most relevant and profitable Amazon keywords are.

How does Keyword Scout help launch products?

Keyword Scout isn’t just your best tool for Amazon keyword research, but it helps with promotional giveaways, too. To the right of the Dominant Category is the Recommended Giveaway column. This column tells you the suggested number of units that you need to giveaway daily on Jungle Scout. And that’s not even the best part!

Jump Scout’s keyword targeting technology ensures that you rank for top keywords on Amazon. Combine that with the recommended giveaways and your Amazon promotions, and watch as your product starts ranking in the Top 5 in as little as 30 days.

Here’s a quick run down of how to launch a new Amazon product using Keyword Scout and Jungle Scout:

  • Using Keyword Scout, determine the top keywords that you want your product to rank for.
  • Create an Amazon promotion discounting your product.
  • If you don’t already have one, get a Jungle Scout account .
  • Create a listing for your Amazon product promotion
  • Watch as your promotion goes live.

It’s that simple!

But if you aren’t already using Jungle Scout for product promotions and discounts, click on the button below to learn more.

What else can Keyword Scout do?

Estimate your amazon ppc and hsa costs in advance..

Often, new and aspiring sellers will ask us how to calculate Amazon PPC and HSA costs in advance. With the help of Keyword Scout, it’s now simple! Simply review the keywords and see what the costs are.

Here’s a tip: Amazon conversion rates (that’s the percentage of people who view your product listing and purchase your product) tend to be between 10-15% for products priced under $40. So you can estimate the ACoS (advertising cost of sale) for your Amazon product by first multiplying the keyword’s suggested PPC or HSA cost by 10 (for 10% conversion rate) or 6.67 (for 15% conversion rate) then dividing that number by your product’s target sales price.

For example, if the keyword bamboo stick has a suggested PPC bid of $0.75, at a 10% conversion rate and a sales price of $19.95, your ACoS should be roughly 37.50%. At a 15% conversion rate it will be about 25%.

Discover how many shoppers are searching for products like yours every month.

You probably know how to do effective product research already, using Jungle Scout to estimate the average sales volume per month. But now that you’ve got Keyword Scout in your repertoire, you can see just how many searches are being done with related keywords!

This gives you a huge advantage, because now, not only can you estimate how well products are selling on Amazon using Niche Hunter or Extension, but you can also see how much room in the actual market there is for new sellers.

“But Greg, Keyword Scout is not the first Amazon keyword research tool!”

Great point! It’s just the first accurate , quick and easy-to-use Amazon keyword research tool that returns high-quality keywords. We would have loved it if someone else built Keyword Scout first, so we wouldn’t have needed to do it ourselves! 🙂 But what we found, and what our customers told us, was that the other Amazon keyword research tools on the market were seriously lacking.  

To start, their data was inaccurate. The competition estimates Amazon search volumes using Google or Bing data. This probably goes without saying, but those sources tend to lead to very poor quality data.  

People go to Google to search how to do something, while people go to Amazon to search for something to buy. The intent of the user is very different and, therefore, the search phrases and volumes are greatly different.

The other huge problem with the competition’s Amazon keyword research tools is their search results are largely made up of the Amazon autocompletes.  

For example, if I were to type in “bamboo sticks”, our competitors’ returns are usually words like this:

Basic keywords generated by Amazon keyword research

Finding NEW keyword ideas

These keywords are kind of decent (trying to be nice here), but they all include the words marshmallow and sticks! That means I could just bid for “marshmallow sticks” in broad match and I would show up for all of those results.

It has given me ZERO new keyword ideas. 🙁

Now let’s take a look at the results in Keyword Scout, for the same seed keyword, Marshmallow Sticks:

List of phrases generated by Amazon keyword research

Wow! Big difference.  

For one, there are 1,293 results instead of 96, and it includes a lot of new keyword ideas that are actually relevant to my product. People use marshmallow sticks for camping, s’mores, fire pits, etc., so these are all excellent keywords to include in my listing! 

Our competitors’ tools wouldn’t have listed these keyword alternatives.  

Keyword Scout is for Amazon sellers, by Amazon sellers.

One big thing you’ll always hear us say at Jungle Scout is that we don’t simply “talk the talk”… we “walk the walk”, too. Therefore, when we set out to build an Amazon keyword research tool, we knew we had to make one that sellers actually cared about.

To make that happen, I held over 100 interviews with actual sellers, both on my team and outside of Jungle Scout. The plan? To find out what you, the seller, want. I wanted to make sure that your needs were included in the final product.

Additionally, Keyword Scout is one of the first Amazon keyword research tools made specifically for Amazon keyword research. While Google Keyword Tool and are great for planning, neither tool gives you the raw data and bid values for Amazon keywords.

How does Keyword Scout get its data?

The search volume values come straight from Amazon. Seriously.  

These aren’t search volume “estimates” like our competitors use. These are actual search volumes, straight from the source. There is nobody else that has more accurate data; this is as good as it gets!

For the recommended giveaway values, these are derived from helping tens of thousands of sellers launch products on Jungle Scout .  

We’ve helped sellers launch their products through giveaways and can now estimate how many giveaways would be required to rank in the top three spots for a respective keyword.  The number of giveaways shown in Keyword Scout is what would be required for the first 7-7 days to achieve the top three spots.

This value is, of course, an estimate because individuals factors like conversion rate, price, quality of listing, etc. would all come into play. But, it still acts as a great guiding star!

How can I get Keyword Scout to help with my Amazon keyword research?

Keyword Scout is part of Jungle Scout ’s suite of tools. If you aren’t familiar with Jungle Scout, here are the other tools included with a subscription (tools vary based on the plan you purchase), in addition to Keyword Scout:

  • The Product Tracker . Stalk your competitor’s products, follow sales trends, macro trends, price changes and more. Plus, it integrates with Extension.
  • The Product Database . Looking for an easy way to sort and filter Amazon’s massive product catalog? The Product Database does just that. You can sort products by category, price, ratings, revenue, and more!
  • The Niche Hunter . Want a fast and easy way to find hot-selling Amazon products, without spending hours combing through Amazon’s catalog? Check out the Niche Hunter. Included with Jungle Scout, this tool has helped thousands of sellers find high profit products in a jiff!

Leanr more about Jungle Scout

Read what people are saying about Jungle Scout.

If you’re new to Jungle Scout, you should probably learn why we server more Amazon sellers than any of our competitors combined.

Check out these testimonials!

“My team loves Jungle Scout as it is the best Amazon software out there. I love Jungle Scout’s creator, Greg Mercer. He has a teacher’s heart. (Greg) doesn’t just create a tool. He educates his users all about succeeding on Amazon and using Amazon as a tool for personal success.” – Robert Kiyosaki, entrepreneur and best-selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad
“Jungle Scout is the ONE tool I can not live without. There’s ways to use it that simply blow you away once you realize the power of what they can do for your business. A must-have tool for any Amazon seller!” – Scott Voelker, The Amazon Seller Podcast

For Amazon keyword research and more, we’re here to help! 

One of the things I’m most proud of with this company is how we’ve got a full-time staff of Amazon expert customer success specialists to help our customers. This team of 20+ rock stars works around the clock, 24-hours a day, 365 days per year, to answer all of your Jungle Scout and Amazon selling questions.

On average, 97% of people who talk to our support team give us great ratings!

Start your Amazon keyword research off right! 

We’re very excited about Keyword Scout – our powerful Amazon keyword research tool – and we hope you are, too. Already, for the folks who are a part of the Jungle Scout team of expert sellers, this fun tool has been a total game-changer. Myself included!

If you want to build a successful Amazon FBA business and crush it with Amazon PPC, then do yourself a huge favor and subscribe to Jungle Scout today.

Get Keyword Scout with Jungle Scout today!

Greg Mercer

Founder at Jungle Scout. Loves all things FBA. Amazon Data Nerd. Caffeine Enthusiast. Happiness Fanatic. Tweet him @mercer_greg

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Find Great Keywords Using Amazon Autocomplete


Keyword Tool for Amazon

Millions of people use Amazon for online shopping to find and buy products that they like. If you are an Amazon seller, you might wonder - how do I figure out what are those products? The answer is - Keyword Tool.

Keyword Tool uses Amazon autocomplete (or search suggestion feature) to generate a large number of relevant keywords that can be used for Amazon listing keyword optimization or any other purpose. Whether you are an Amazon affiliate or Amazon FBA seller , Keyword Tool can help buyers find your products easier.

You can use Keyword Tool absolutely free. However the paid version of Keyword Tool - Keyword Tool Pro provides on average 2 times more Amazon keywords in comparison to the free version. It will also give you access to many other useful features that will make your keyword research process much easier and faster.

You can read more about Keyword Tool Pro subscription on this page .

how to do keyword research on amazon

Why Use a Keyword Tool for Amazon

Amazon is the largest online shopping marketplace in the world visited by nearly 200 million people every day. It has more than 100 million Amazon Prime members and netted over US$170 billion in sales in 2017. And this is why this e-commerce giant is a gold mine for Amazon FBA sellers and Amazon affiliates.

Can you imagine if you are able to capture the attention of just a small percentage of the millions of visitors on Amazon? It is not easy but definitely possible. Amazon is a great place for sellers, but it is also highly competitive. You need to start by selling good products. Then, you need to start promoting it.

The best way to increase your chances of getting a sale is by making sure that your products can be easily searched and found on Amazon. You will need to use relevant keywords and optimize your Amazon listing well. When your Amazon product is optimized well, more shoppers will be able to easily find your Amazon page. And this increases your chance of getting many sales.

This can be easily done with Keyword Tool for Amazon. Just enter a keyword related to the product you are selling and Keyword Tool will give hundreds of Amazon search terms and show you how often people are searching for them.

How Does Keyword Tool Generate Keywords for Amazon Optimization

Keyword Tool helps you to generate relevant long tail keywords using Amazon search suggest function. When you start typing in the Amazon search box, you will start seeing search suggestions. Amazon uses sophisticated algorithms to predict what products would be the best match for the entered keyword.

Keyword Tool uses this Amazon feature to generate hundreds of long-tail keywords for Amazon keyword optimization in seconds. Keyword Tool takes the seed keyword that you specify, places it into the Amazon search box and appends it with different letters and numbers.

Then, Keyword Tool pulls all the keyword suggestions generated by Amazon and presents it to you in a straightforward and elegant manner. All the processes happen behind the scenes and take mere seconds.

How to Do Amazon Keyword Research Using Keyword Tool

Keyword Tool provides keywords that are pulled from different Amazon websites around the world. Before doing the keyword search, you will need to select the Amazon regional website that interests you and select a language that you would like to use.

Keyword Tool offers sets of letters and numbers in different languages. The tool will take a set of symbols that corresponds to the language that you have selected and use it to generate keyword suggestions.

To start the search you will need to provide a seed keyword that will be used to generate the Amazon keywords for you. After clicking enter, you will be able to see hundreds of long tail keywords that are pulled from Amazon within seconds. You can easily copy the generated keywords and use them for any other purpose you have in mind.

How to Choose Amazon Keywords

Keyword Tool presents Amazon keywords in exactly the same order as they were pulled from the Amazon autocomplete. Usually, Amazon will place more relevant and popular keywords above the less popular keywords. Keyword Tool Pro, however, goes even further and pulls estimated search volume data for the generated keywords.

Depending on your requirements, this will allow you to pick either more or less popular keyword suggestions. Unfortunately, Amazon does not provide keyword search volume data. That is why Keyword Tool presents estimated search volume for Amazon keywords to help you understand their relative popularity.

How to Use Amazon Keywords and Get More Visits to Your Product Pages

Competition is fierce on Amazon. It is often an uphill task to get visibility to your store and compete with thousands upon thousands of competitors. Sellers that operate large stores on Amazon and have more marketing budget to spend, can easily promote their brand and products through Amazon ads.

On the other hand, if you are a startup or a solo entrepreneur doing Amazon FBA, you might not be able to spend much money on marketing. Instead, you will need to be smart and optimize your Amazon store to get organic clicks to your product listings.

To do this, you can use Keyword Tool to get Amazon keywords related to your products. Once you get a list of Amazon search terms with high search volumes, you can start inserting them at appropriate sections. The most important places to include the keywords are in your Amazon product and category sections. Make sure they are optimized for Amazon algorithm but also easily understood by a human reader.

Once you have optimized your store with relevant Amazon keywords, sit back and watch as you get more free, organic visits to your Amazon store than you ever have.

Frequently Asked Questions

⭐ does keyword tool support amazon categories, ⭐ does keyword tool support different amazon markets, ⭐ how to see the number of searches for amazon keywords, ⭐ how does keyword tool generate amazon keywords.

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Amazon Keyword Tool

Free Amazon Keyword Tool

how to do keyword research on amazon

Compatible with: Amazon

Check out the full version of our Amazon keyword tool (Magnet) by signing up for free!

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Input a seed term (i.e. football) or an ASIN to uncover thousands of related terms (i.e. football gloves, whistler football, etc.)

Benefits of Magnet

Eliminate the guessing game and make informed decisions with Magnet!

  • Identify high-volume / low-competition keywords to validate product opportunities
  • Leverage our filtering mechanisms to really hone in on qualifying criteria (i.e. sales, volume, paid and organic competitors, etc.)
  • Compile a high-quality list of hyper-relevant keywords for Amazon PPC and SEO

Benefits of Amazon Keyword Tool

Search Volume & Sales Data

Get a full view of estimated monthly search volume, search volume trends, and the number of sales each keyword generates!

CTR & CVR Data

With Amazon Brand Analytics (ABA) connected to your Helium 10 account, you can now see click share and conversion share data for each keyword!

Uncover data on the suggested PPC bid amount along with the number of sponsored ads to figure out if it’s a viable keyword target for Amazon PPC!

Competitor Data

See how many competitors rank for a keyword to gain a quick understanding of how competitive a term is. Don’t forget to use our Magnet IQ score to see the ratio of search volume vs the # of competing products!

Helium 10’s Full Suite Pricing

A plan for every seller's experience level

Save up to 25% per month when billed annually.

Billed annually

Get Started with Magnet

Amazon keyword selection can make or break your overall sales

  • Search Volume, Search Trends, & Sales
  • CTR & CVR with ABA Enabled
  • PPC Bid Recommendations & # of Sponsored Ads

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keyword research

3 minute read

How to Find Top Organic Keywords for Niche Products on Amazon

#383 – Amazon Keyword Research Masterclass – Part 1

41 minute read

#383 – Amazon Keyword Research Masterclass – Part 1

7 Mistakes New FBA Sellers Make

10 minute read

Amazon Keyword Tips: 7 Mistakes New FBA Sellers Make

What is keyword research for amazon.

Amazon keyword research is the process of locating search terms (keywords) your target audience is actively typing into Amazon’s search engine, which you can then incorporate into your product listing to position your product to rank well on Amazon’s search engine for that search term (called Amazon Search Engine Optimization (SEO)) or leverage as keyword targets in Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns.

Why Is Keyword Relevance So Important on Amazon?

Keyword relevance refers to the context behind why someone is typing a specific phrase into Amazon’s search engine. If you’re selling soap that’s shaped like a football and one of your keywords is simply ‘football,’ the user searching for ‘football’ likely won’t be interested because they’re looking to buy an actual football, not soap. In that case, the keyword ‘football’ has little to no relevance for your product listing. You can discover search intent by plugging a keyword into Amazon’s search engine and analyzing the top (non-sponsored) products. If the results aren’t similar to your product offering, chances are it’s not a viable keyword opportunity.

How Many Keywords Does Amazon Allow?

There’s no limit to the number of keywords you can incorporate into your product description, but there is a limit to the number of back-end / hidden keywords you can have. The number of back-end keywords is limited to 250 bytes (text length in terms of pixels), which is roughly equivalent to 40 keywords. Letters and numbers count as a byte, while spaces do not. Typically, 250 bytes equates to 250 characters, except in the case of letters with accents or foreign language characters. Helium 10 also has a ‘Subject Matter’ field within Listing Builder so that you may input additional keywords that will be applied to the listing directly on Amazon, which other tools on the market do not offer.

How Do I Find Trending Keywords on Amazon?

If you have Amazon Brand Analytics, you can sync your Amazon account with your Helium 10 account to discover trending keywords within our ‘ABA Top Search Terms’ tab in Black Box.

How Do I Know What Keywords to Use on Amazon?

In order to select the best keywords for your listing, you should look for: keywords that are relevant to your product listing (first and foremost), keywords with high search volume, high keyword sales, high click share and conversion share, low competition (in terms of the number of competing products), a high Magnet IQ score, low number of sponsored ASINs, and low PPC bid costs. All of these metrics are available within Helium 10’s Magnet tool. In terms of keyword relevance, you can use the ‘Phrases Containing’ filter on Magnet to hone in on keywords with specific words in them.

What Are Amazon Style Keywords?

Style keywords appear in the left-hand navigation to enable potential customers to sort through the search results by ‘style’. To add these to your back-end, log in to your Amazon seller central account and click ‘Manage Inventory’. From there you can find your listing, select the ‘Edit’ button, the ‘Keywords’ tab, and you are all set to enter style keywords in the search terms field.

What Are Golden Keywords on Amazon?

Golden keywords are keywords with strong potential for your product listing, but are under-leveraged by the competition. You can find these golden keywords by applying keyword filters within Magnet (i.e. greater than 100 in search volume, phrases containing the stem phrase, competing products less than 200, etc.).

What Are Hidden Keywords on Amazon?

Hidden keywords (keywords you add to a product listing on the back-end which don’t appear on the front-end for users to see) are visible in the “Search Terms” area under the “Keywords” tab on the product listing builder page.

Is There a Free Amazon Keyword Tool?

Helium 10 offers a free Amazon keyword tool embedded on this dedicated landing page (a limited demo of Magnet), but we highly recommend signing up for a free account with Helium 10 to gain access to all of our data within Magnet.

Which Amazon Keyword Research Tool Is the Most Accurate?

Helium 10’s Amazon keyword research tool (Magnet) processes billions of data points each day and has the largest database of keywords on the market, making it one of (if not THE) most accurate tool out there.

Additional Benefits of Helium 10

Solutions for Every Seller

how to do keyword research on amazon

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If you’d like to try out Helium 10’s free Amazon keyword tool for yourself, sign up to check it out online today!

The Details

How to Conduct Amazon Keyword Research With Helium 10’s Amazon Keyword Tools

The tactics below are inspired by the information Bradley Sutton (our Director of Training and Chief Evangelist) presented during a recent Amazon Keyword Research Masterclass . These tactics could potentially generate thousands of dollars in additional revenue for your Amazon business, so be sure to check out these tactics and try them out for yourself!

Tactic #1: Identify Keywords That Competing Products Rank For

The first tactic involves identifying your direct competitors’ products, collecting their ASINs, and running them through Cerebro (our reverse ASIN lookup tool ) to see all of the keywords those products rank for. Within Cerebro, you can apply various filters (Exclude variations, Match Type = Organic, Search Volume > 100, Keyword Sales > 10, Phrases Containing ‘coffin shelf, coffin shelves’, Competing Products < 1,000, Sponsored ASINs < 100, Organic Rank between 1 and 50, etc.) to start narrowing down the field, however we recommend focusing on keyword relevance at this stage and not worrying too much about all of the other data (that can be addressed further down the line). As you come across relevant keywords, checkmark them and add them to a new list.

Tactic #2: Check Search Volumes Averages, History, and Trends

Now that you have a long list of keywords that are hyper-relevant to your listing, it’s time to start cleaning the list by focusing in on the metric that matters most, which is search volume. There’s a finite amount of space where you can incorporate keywords into your listing (whether it be the title tag, product description, back-end keywords section, etc.), so you’ll need to narrow down the list to only include keywords with the highest potential to generate sales.

What you can do is pull up the list you created, and start to hone in on 4 primary metrics (search volume averages, search volume history, search volume trends, and keyword sales). Within the ‘Search Volume’ column of Cerebro, click on the graph icon next to the Search Volume and review their search trends. Look at the trends over the last year and last couple of years to see which ones offer more stability and overall higher volume levels. Also look at whether the keyword’s search volume is trending upwards over time (by checking all time data). And finally, take a look at the keyword sales estimates to hone in on ones with the highest potential.

For ones that have seasonal spikes but didn’t make the cut, you could build out a spreadsheet with those keywords and the specific months those keywords experience spikes so that you can run Amazon PPC ads during those months.

Before we conclude this tactic, we should note that there’s no magic number you should be looking for when it comes to minimum search volume levels (whether it be 1,000, 500, or even 100 monthly searches). The key here is identifying all of the keywords that are hyper-relevant to your listing and comparing them against each other rather than comparing them to every keyword on Amazon. If you’re still in the product research phase, this could be helpful to determine whether or not it’s worth selling a specific product, but if you’ve already chosen a product and ordered inventory, you need to work with what you’ve got.

Tactic #3: Reverse Engineer Your Competitors’ PPC Keyword Strategies

Within Cerebro, you can copy your competitors’ PPC keyword strategy by leveraging our various filters to hone in on what they’re doing. For instance, if you’d like to see all of the keywords that your competitor is targeting on Sponsored Ads, simply change the ‘Match Type’ to ‘Sponsored Product’. From here you can get a strong pulse on their overall keyword strategy (i.e. broad match, phrase, or exact match) and use that to inform your own strategy. If you see that their product is crushing it within Xray, and you see that they’ve really honed in on 10-20 specific keywords with an exact match type for their keywords, you could bypass all the time and energy they invested into dialing in their strategy and simply emulate it. You can also use it to see where their strategy might be missing the mark by identifying additional keywords that are hyper-relevant with strong search volume and low competition with good keyword sales.

Side Note – If you’d like to drill down further and take a look at the keywords they rank in the top 10 for, you can change the ‘Sponsored Rank’ filter to be between 1 and 10 to get a pulse on the main keywords driving traffic for them via Amazon PPC.

We also include a ‘Suggested bid’ column to let you know how much you can expect to spend per click, which you could then leverage to calculate your expected monthly PPC costs (Keyword Volume * Expected CTR * Suggested bid = Monthly PPC Costs Per Keyword) and add them all up (across all of the keywords for that product) to figure out if you need to adjust your product pricing strategy to remain profitable (while still remaining competitive in terms of price).

Last thing to note in this section is the number of Sponsored ASINs. Ideally you’d find keyword opportunities that meet all of your core criteria, but also have a low level of competition in the Sponsored Ads section of Amazon Search. You can validate this by looking at the ‘Sponsored ASINs’ column within Cerebro and Magnet to get a pulse on this. If you find a handful of good keywords with a low level of competition, that means you could likely lower your cost per bid and still rank on Page 1 of Amazon Search.

Tactic #4: Find Long-Tail Keyword Opportunities

A long-tail keyword is a keyword that generally contains 3 or more words in it. Rather than going very broad with keywords that don’t accurately describe exactly what your product is (i.e. nightstand), it’s generally recommended that you find those longer tail opportunities that will also be less competitive with higher relevance (i.e. nightstand with charging station). People that are typing very broad terms into Amazon tend to be those who are simply browsing, while others looking for something very specific tend to be those who are more interested in buying within a shorter timeframe (buyer intent). Within Magnet and Cerebro, you can adjust the word count to contain 3 or more words to start honing in on those longer tail keywords.

Beyond the ‘Word Count’ filter, you can also check the ‘Word Frequency’ box (below the filter section within Cerebro and Magnet) to see how often a specific word occurs within the list of keywords that were generated to find some common themes. From here, if you find that the keyword list is still all over the place and you want to hone in on keywords that only include a specific word (i.e. nightstand, nightstands, night stand, night stands, night table, night tables, bed table, bed tables, bedstand, bedstands, bed stand, bed stands, etc.) , you can apply that filter in the ‘Phrases Containing’ section. On the contrary, if there’s specific keywords you’d like to exclude because they contain irrelevant phrases or phrases you can’t compete for (i.e. an illegal drug or another company’s brand name), you can add them into the ‘Exclude Phrases Containing’ section.

Tactic #5: Find Keyword Targets That Are Low-Hanging Fruit

The quickest and easiest hack to rank well for a specific keyword is to find keywords that your competitors don’t incorporate within their product listings’ title. Within Magnet and Cerebro, you can navigate over to the ‘Title Density’ column to quickly see the number of competitors who include that specific keyword in their own title. It’s not guaranteed, but if you’re the only one with that specific keyword in the title, there’s a very strong chance your listing will skyrocket to the top 10 results for that keyword very quickly.

Keep in mind that you shouldn’t use this as the only qualifying criteria for selecting a keyword; if it passes all of the other criteria (i.e. hyper-relevant to your listing, high volume, upward trajectory of search volume growth over time, a strong number of keyword sales, etc.) but there’s 20+ competitors with that keyword in their title tag, you may still want to target it, but go into it with the expectation that it’s going to take some additional work (achieving a high sales velocity through Amazon PPC , a high number of 5 star ratings through the Amazon Vine Program , etc.) to get into the top 5-10 positions. You can also use the Cerebro Product Rank (CPR) number to further inform your strategy, which estimates the number of units you’d need to sell in order to rank for that specific keyword on Page 1 of Amazon’s search results.

We hope that you found these tactics useful and have begun to see the incredible value that our Magnet and Cerebro tools bring to the table! For more information on how to do Amazon keyword research like a pro, be sure to check out Bradley’s 3 part Masterclass series ( Part 1 , Part 2 , and Part 3 ) on the Serious Sellers Podcast !

Amazon Keyword Tool

  • Comma Separated Values (.csv) file
  • CSV for Excel (.csv) file
  • Tab Separated Values (.tsv) file

Keyword Filters

Keywords by word frequency.

Identify words that are frequently used within the list of keywords and uncover trending topics by analyzing the frequency of each word.

Keyword Search

Amazon Keyword Tool

Uncover the most popular Amazon keywords to optimize your product listings and drive more sales.

Amazon Keyword Tool

Amazon Keywords - Effortlessly Find the Hottest Keywords.

Finding the right keywords is essential for optimizing your Amazon listings and reaching your target audience. The Amazon Keyword Tool helps you discover the hottest keywords and most relevant keywords to target in your product listing content and PPC campaigns.

  • Generate thousands of the most popular Amazon keyword suggestions in mere seconds, saving you hours of tedious manual research.
  • Find highly relevant Amazon keywords and the top Amazon keywords being used as search phrases by real customers.

Hot Keyword

Amazon Keyword Tool Features

  • Uncover the most popular keywords with our Popularity Score ranging from 0 to 100, allowing you to prioritize highly relevant keywords for maximum impact.
  • Spot trending topics with Hot Keywords , highlighted by a fire icon, to capitalize on the latest buying trends.
  • Optimize your product titles and descriptions with the identified Hot & High-Scoring Keywords , attracting more qualified buyers searching for those specific Amazon keyword terms.
  • Filter the list of keywords to quickly identify the most relevant keywords by Popularity Score, Difficulty, or 14 other filters.
  • Effortlessly export your results and download your keyword research in a .CSV file for further analysis.

Amazon Keyword Dominator

Use Hot Keywords to Boost Amazon Rankings & Sales

  • Increasing your product visibility by targeting relevant Hot keywords, you can improve your product ranking in Amazon search results, making it easier for potential customers to find your products.
  • Drive more traffic to your listings increasing your chances of conversion and boosting your sales
  • Boost your conversion rates by targeting long tail keywords with high purchase intent, you can increase the chances of converting views into sales.
  • Save time and effort. The Amazon Keyword Tool streamlines the Amazon keyword research process, saving you valuable time and effort.

Amazon Keywords - Refine your Search

Refine your search using various filters, including department selection and search modes (Normal, Broad, Precise) to target exactly what you need.

  • Target the right marketplace by choosing from 21 different Amazon Marketplaces to target specific regions and languages.
  • Refine your search and select a specific department to focus your keyword research on relevant product categories.
  • Choose your search mode : Normal, Broad, or Precise to tailor your results to your specific needs.

Amazon Keyword Tool Keyword Search Input

Dominate 21 Global Amazon Marketplaces

Unearth hidden opportunities by researching keywords across all major Amazon marketplaces, including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, and more. Tailor your strategy to specific regions and languages, ensuring you reach the right audience, wherever they are.


Go Beyond Amazon SEO with Keywords By Word Frequency

The Amazon Keyword Tool doesn't stop at just the basics. We delve deeper to uncover a treasure trove of comprehensive backend keywords the can be found by analyzing the keywords by word frequency. These hidden gems are crucial for outmaneuvering the competition and maximizing your listing's potential.

By optimizing your keywords beyond the surface and using the keywords by word frequency , you'll not only save hours of tedious time analyzing the keywords, but also gain a significant advantage over competitors who rely solely on basic keyword strategies. This translates to increased visibility, higher conversion rates, and ultimately, skyrocketing sales. Don't settle for the ordinary – unleash the full potential of your listings with the Amazon Keyword Tool.

Save hours of time finding backend Amazon keywords by downloading all the keywords in a list of unique words with the frequency count - perfect for ordering backend keywords from most popular to least by using the frequency count, higher is better.

Amazon Keyword Frequency

Best Amazon Keyword Tool for 2024

Leverage our Amazon keyword research tool to quickly find and generate thousands of Amazon listing keywords.

Use the best keyword research tool for Amazon and eliminate the struggles of Amazon keyword research. Skip spending hours trying to find the right Amazon keywords for your Amazon listing.

Find 1,000+ Amazon keywords in real-time directly from Amazon in a few minutes or less. Quickly find thousands of the best Amazon SEO keywords with just a few easy steps.

Get Started with the Amazon Keyword Tool in 4 Easy Steps

  • 1 Choose Your Target Market. Select the Amazon marketplace relevant to your product and audience. You can choose from 21 different marketplaces, allowing you to tailor your research to specific regions and languages.
  • 2 Enter Your Seed Keyword. Think of a broad term related to your product and type it into the "Seed Keyword" field. This sparks the tool's search for relevant keywords.
  • 3 Refine Your Results with Search Modes. Experiment with different search modes (Normal, Broad, Precise) to find the best fit for your needs.
  • 4 Analyze & Implement. Once you've identified relevant keywords, analyze their popularity score, difficulty level, and relevance to your product. Integrate high-scoring and hot keywords.

Remember: Don't be afraid to experiment with different keyword combinations and utilize the various features of the Amazon Keyword Tool to uncover the long tail Amazon keywords that will propel your listings to the top of search results.

Stop searching, start dominating.

The Amazon Keyword Tool is your key to unlocking the full potential of your Amazon SEO and your porduct listing.

Amazon Keyword Guides

If you are look to get the most out of our Amazon Keyword Tool - we highly recommend reading all of our Amazon keyword guides.

Amazon SEO Guide

Start using the Free Amazon Keyword Tool today and take your Amazon SEO to the next level.

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Export keywords to a .CSV, .CSV for Excel, or .TSV file.

Export to a .CSV, .CSV for Excel, or .TSV file.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Keyword Research

Richard Fong, CEO +Founder, SEO Analyst

To conduct effective keyword research The process of finding and analyzing search terms that people enter into search engines. , start by brainstorming relevant topics and understanding the search intent The purpose behind a user’s search query. behind them. Use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google Keyword Planner to verify search volume and analyze competition. Remember to incorporate long-tail keywords Longer, more specific keyword phrases that are less competitive and often more targeted. to capture specific user intent and enhance your rankings The position at which a website appears in the SERP. . Don't forget to track trends with Google Trends A tool to analyze the popularity of search queries over time. and generate content ideas using AnswerThePublic. Balancing high and low search volume keywords Words or phrases that users type into search engines to find information. is key for a broad reach and manageable competition. Regularly update your keyword list based on performance metrics Key indicators used to measure the effectiveness of affiliate marketing efforts, such as clicks, con... and stay on top of algorithm changes for the best outcomes.

Key Takeaways

  • Brainstorm relevant topics and verify search intent and monthly search volume.
  • Conduct competitor analysis Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of competitors’ SEO strategies. to identify long-tail keywords with lower competition.
  • Use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google Keyword Planner for in-depth keyword insights.
  • Balance high and low search volume keywords to maximize reach and manage competition.
  • Regularly update keyword lists based on performance metrics and trends.

Keyword Research Basics

Keyword research is the cornerstone of any successful SEO strategy, helping you identify the popular search terms people use on search engines like Google and Bing. By understanding the basics of keyword research , you can shape an effective SEO marketing strategy that boosts your website's visibility and drives targeted traffic.

Start by grasping key concepts such as search volume , keyword difficulty , and search intent . Search volume tells you how often a keyword is searched, while keyword difficulty indicates how hard it's to rank for that term. Understanding search intent—what users are looking to achieve with their search—helps you choose keywords that match what your audience needs.

Tools like Google Search Console A tool by Google that helps monitor and maintain your site's presence in search results. and Ahrefs are invaluable for this process. Google Search Console is a free tool that can provide insights into the keywords bringing traffic to your site. Ahrefs, though a paid tool, offers an in-depth analysis of keyword difficulty and search volume, helping you refine your keyword strategy.

Always consider user intent when selecting keywords. By focusing on quality keywords that align with user needs, you'll enhance your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts and improve your website's ranking on search engines.

The Research Process

The Keyword Research Process

Initiating the research process involves brainstorming relevant topics and expanding them with customer phrases to develop a thorough keyword list . Start by identifying what your audience is searching for, then list potential keywords. This initial list forms the foundation for conducting keyword research.

Next, verify search intent by analyzing search engine results for each keyword. Aligning your content with user intent assures users find what they're seeking, reducing bounce rates. Check the monthly search volume (MSV) to gauge keyword popularity. Balance high MSV keywords with less competitive ones for a strategic approach.

Competitor analysis is essential. Examine what keywords your competitors are using and identify gaps in their strategies. This helps you find less competitive long-tail keywords to enhance your keyword list. These longer, more specific phrases often attract more targeted traffic.

Stay updated on algorithm changes using tools like Google Analytics A web analytics service offered by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. , Google Trends , and SEMrush . These tools provide valuable data for maintaining your keyword rankings and adapting your strategies. Effective keyword selection combines understanding search intent, analyzing competition, and ongoing adjustments. By following these steps, you'll create a strong keyword strategy that drives relevant traffic and improves your site's visibility.

Essential Tools

When it comes to keyword research, tools like Ahrefs , SEMrush, and Google Keyword Planner are indispensable. These platforms offer The specific product or service being promoted by affiliates. insights into search volume, keyword difficulty, and competition, helping you identify high-value keywords. Leveraging a mix of free tools like Ubersuggest and Keywords Everywhere alongside advanced paid options can greatly enhance your SEO and marketing strategies.

Top Free Tools

For effective keyword research without breaking the bank, several excellent cost-free tools can assist you in achieving your SEO objectives. One of the best keyword research tools available is Google Keyword Planner . This no-cost tool provides keyword suggestions, search volume statistics, and competition levels , making it essential for complimentary keyword research.

Ubersuggest is another potent tool that offers keyword recommendations, search volume measurements, and keyword complexity ratings to enhance your SEO strategies.

AnswerThePublic aids in generating content concepts by visualizing search queries as inquiries, prepositions, and comparisons, providing a distinctive perspective on the keywords you should focus on.

Keywords Everywhere is a user-friendly browser extension that showcases search volume, CPC, and competition information directly on search engine result pages, enabling you to acquire valuable insights without departing from your search engine.

Google Trends delivers insights into keyword popularity trends over time and geographical areas, assisting you in planning your content more efficiently. By utilizing these tools, you can collect extensive data and make informed decisions about the keywords you target, all without spending a penny. Immerse yourself in these complimentary resources to optimize your content and enhance your search engine rankings.

Advanced Paid Tools

While free tools provide a solid foundation for keyword research, advanced paid tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush elevate your efforts to a new level. These advanced tools offer in-depth capabilities that are necessary for thorough keyword research and competitive analysis. By leveraging Ahrefs and SEMrush, you gain valuable insights into keyword difficulty and search volume , enabling you to identify which keywords are worth targeting.

Ahrefs and SEMrush excel in competitor analysis , allowing you to see what keywords your competitors are ranking for and how you can outperform them. This information is vital for finding profitable keywords that can drive traffic and sales. Additionally, these tools help you optimize your PPC campaigns by providing data on keyword performance and cost-per-click.

Moreover, Ahrefs and SEMrush enable you to track your keyword rankings over time, giving you a clear picture of your SEO progress. They also offer robust backlink analysis , helping you understand your link profile and find opportunities for improvement.

Best Tool Combinations

To attain the finest outcomes in keyword research , combining Ahrefs and Keywords Everywhere proves to be an important strategy. By leveraging these tools together, you can gain extensive insights and data that are vital for effective keyword analysis and optimization.

Ahrefs stands out with its advanced keyword research capabilities, providing detailed keyword data that helps you understand the competitive landscape . It offers a wealth of information, including keyword difficulty, backlink profiles , and search volume metrics . This allows you to conduct thorough keyword analysis and make informed decisions about keyword selection .

On the other hand, Keywords Everywhere excels in enhancing keyword discovery by offering real-time search volume metrics directly in your browser. This tool is perfect for quickly identifying trending keywords and gaining immediate insights into their performance. The ease of access to search volume metrics can greatly enhance your keyword optimization efforts.

Using a tool stack of Ahrefs and Keywords Everywhere ensures you cover all bases in your keyword research strategies. Ahrefs' detailed keyword data combined with Keywords Everywhere's real-time insights provides a powerful toolkit for effective and efficient keyword research. This combination enhances both the depth and breadth of your keyword discovery and optimization processes, guaranteeing strong results.

Search Volume Insights

When you understand search volume , you can gauge how often a keyword is searched, which helps you identify high-demand topics. Focusing on long-tail keywords with lower search volumes can also attract more targeted traffic with less competition. Balancing these insights is key to refining your keyword strategy effectively.

Understanding Search Volume

Understanding search volume is crucial for effective keyword research and SEO strategy. Search volume indicates how many times a keyword is searched within a specific period, providing critical insights for keyword selection and targeting. High search volume keywords can attract significant traffic but come with fierce competition. On the other hand, low search volume keywords may face less competition but can limit your potential audience reach.

To make the most out of search volume insights, consider these points:

  • Balance: Striking a balance between high and low search volume keywords guarantees you reach a broad audience while maintaining manageable competition levels.
  • Trends: Analyzing search volume trends helps you understand seasonal variations and changing search behaviors, aiding in keyword optimization.
  • Popularity: Knowing keyword popularity assists in creating content that resonates with your audience and aligns with their search intent.

Importance of Long-Tail

Amidst the complexity of keyword research, the significance of long-tail keywords can't be overstressed. These keywords, consisting of three or more words, are essential for capturing specific user intent . While they often have lower search volume, they bring in higher conversion The completion of a desired action by a referred user, such as making a purchase or filling out a fo... rates due to their relevance. This makes them a goldmine for attracting targeted traffic and qualified leads.

One of the key advantages of long-tail keywords is their lower competition . Since fewer businesses target these specific search queries, you have a better chance of ranking higher in search results. This can greatly enhance your SEO performance, leading to more organic traffic Visitors who come to a website through unpaid search engine results. .

Long-tail keywords also provide valuable insights into what users are specifically looking for, allowing you to tailor your content effectively.

Understanding Search Intent

Understanding Search Intent

Understanding the concept of search intent is essential for anyone looking to optimize their content effectively. Search intent refers to the reason behind a user's search query, whether it's for informational, commercial, or transactional purposes. When you understand search intent, you can tailor your content to meet user expectations and increase engagement The interactions that users have with a brand’s content on social media. .

Different types of search intent require different keyword strategies to reach your target audience effectively. Here are three main types of search intent:

  • Informational Intent: Users are looking for information or answers to questions. Your content should be informative and educational.
  • Commercial Intent: Users are researching products or services. Create content that compares, reviews, or showcases benefits.
  • Transactional Intent: Users are ready to make a purchase. Optimize your content for conversions with clear calls to action.

Building Keyword Silos

Recognizing search intent is just the beginning; now, let's focus on building keyword silos to enhance your SEO strategy. Keyword silos involve organizing related keywords into themed content clusters . This method boosts your SEO performance by helping search engines understand your site's topical authority. By grouping content around specific themes, you can make your website more relevant and valuable to users.

Creating keyword silos also improves internal linking Links that connect different pages on the same website. and user navigation . When you link related articles within a silo, you not only guide visitors through a logical content flow but also distribute page authority across your site. This internal linking structure can notably improve keyword rankings over time.

Aligning your keyword silos with different search intent types—informational, commercial, and transactional—ensures you cater to diverse audience needs . For instance, an informational silo might include how-to guides, while a commercial silo could focus on product comparisons . This strategic organization makes it easier for search engines to index your content, ultimately boosting your site's authority.

Strategic Implementation

To effectively implement your keyword research strategy, start by identifying target keywords that align with your business niche A specific segment of the market targeted by affiliates to promote products or services. and audience interests. Use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google Keyword Planner to analyze search volume, competition, and trends. This will help you understand which keywords are most relevant and have the best potential for driving traffic.

Align your keywords with different search intent types—informational, commercial, and transactional—to tailor your content and marketing strategies effectively. This guarantees that you're meeting the needs of your audience at various stages of their journey.

Regularly update and refine your keyword list based on performance metrics and industry trends. Monitoring your keyword rankings and conducting competitor analysis will allow you to stay ahead in search engine results pages (SERPs).

To keep your keyword strategy effective, follow these steps:

  • Analyze Search Volume and Competition: Use keyword research tools to identify high-volume, low-competition keywords.
  • Match Keywords with Search Intent: Guarantee your content addresses the specific needs and questions your audience has at different stages.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly check performance metrics and industry trends to refine your keyword list and maintain SEO effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you do keyword research step by step.

To do keyword research, brainstorm relevant topics, and expand them with customer phrases. Verify search intent by analyzing search results. Use tools like Google Analytics The systematic computational analysis of data or statistics to gain insights and support decision-ma... . Stay updated on trends and regularly refine your keyword list.

What Are the 3 Steps to Keyword Searching?

To start keyword searching, brainstorm relevant topics and keywords for your niche. Then, tools like Google Keyword Planner can be used to discover search volume and competition. Finally, analyze search intent to guarantee your content matches users' needs.

What's the First Thing You Should Do Before You Start Doing Keyword Research?

Before you start keyword research, you should define your business goals and target audience. This guarantees your keyword selection aligns with your objectives and reaches the right people, setting a strong foundation for your SEO strategy.

What Is a Good Way to Create Effective Keywords?

You can create effective keywords by understanding your audience's needs. Use tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs to analyze search volume and competition. Focus on long-tail keywords and guarantee they match user intent for better engagement.

You've got the tools and insights to master keyword research. By understanding search intent and using essential tools, you can pinpoint the best keywords for your content. Don't forget to explore search volume and build keyword silos to organize your strategy. Now, it's time to implement your findings and elevate your SEO game . With these steps, you'll drive more traffic and achieve greater success. So, get started and start optimizing!


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