• Resume Tips

Download Your LinkedIn Resume: How-To Guide

Ken Chase profile pic

11 min read

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Learn how to download your LinkedIn resume when you need it!

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need a copy of your resume, but are too far away from home to access it? There’s nothing more frustrating than not having vital job search tools on hand when you need them most. The good news is that there is an easy solution. You just need to know how to download your LinkedIn resume.

In this guide, we’ll examine some common questions people ask about their resumes and LinkedIn, including:

Can LinkedIn aid you in your job search?

How do i upload my resume to linkedin, how do i download my linkedin resume, should i use a linkedin resume, what about linkedin resume builder, how should you create a resume to upload to linkedin.

Before we explain how to use LinkedIn to manage resumes, it might be helpful to consider how this social media platform can be used as a job search tool. As the globe’s premier digital social network for professionals, LinkedIn has roughly one billion members, from more than 200 countries around the world. More than 75 million of those users are C-suite executives and other decision-makers. About 230 million of those users are in the United States.

With those numbers in mind, it’s easy to understand why LinkedIn is viewed as such a great job search tool. The site provides a platform for professionals to complement their resumes with well-optimized profiles that highlight the type of value they can offer to prospective employers. 

It also offers its own job board, encompassing a wider array of industries and open positions. In addition, you can use LinkedIn to apply for those positions quickly via the site’s Apply Now feature.

Of course, the best way to apply for jobs through LinkedIn is to upload a copy of your professional resume to the site. For newcomers to LinkedIn, this process can be a bit complex – especially if you’re not used to navigating this feature-rich platform. That’s why we’ve compiled this simple, step-by-step walkthrough that you can use to upload your finished resume to your LinkedIn account.

1.     Create your resume

This is obviously the first and most important step in the process. Take the time to craft a professional resume that you’re proud to send to prospective employers.

Related reading : How to Make Your Resume Stand Out in 2024

2.     Save your file in the right format

LinkedIn resume uploads can be in either Word (.doc or .docx) format or in PDF format. However, it’s important to remember that most online resume submissions will be scanned by applicant tracking systems before they ever get to a human hiring manager. While the best ATS software can read most common file formats, you may want to stick to the standard Word document format – which can be read by all resume scanning programs.

You should also be careful about how you name your resume. The goal here is to create a filename that makes it easy for hiring managers to locate your resume if it’s stored in a folder with other applicants. All you need to do is use a filename that includes your name and the word resume. If you like, you can also include the desired job title. 

For example:



Alternatively, you can use your first initial and last name, along with the word Resume. Sometimes, that option can be the best way to name your file – especially if you’re including a long job title. Of course, you should always pay attention to the job description and any instructions the employer provides for resume submissions. If those instructions provide a preferred file-naming convention, use it.

3.     Upload the document to your LinkedIn account

Once you have your properly formatted resume file, it’s time to upload it to your LinkedIn account. To accomplish that goal, start by logging into your account. Then follow the steps outlined below:

Click the “Me” icon at the top of your profile page

Click on “Settings and Privacy”

Click on Data privacy” at the left side of the Settings page

Scroll down and click on “Job application settings” under Job seeking preferences

On the “ Resumes and application data ” page, there’s a button that says, “Upload resume.” Click on that button, locate the desired resume file on your computer, select the file, and click “Open.”

Once you’ve completed that final step, LinkedIn will upload your selected resume file. At that point, you can use your saved resume to apply for jobs through LinkedIn. You can also turn on the “Share resume data with recruiters” button to enable recruiters to access resume information about your experience and skills whenever they come across your profile.

Now that you have a saved resume on LinkedIn, it’s time to answer our original question: How do I download my LinkedIn resume? 

Fortunately, the process for downloading a saved resume from LinkedIn involves a similar process. Just follow these simple steps:

Log into your account and click on the “Me” icon on the top row of the page

Select “Settings and Privacy”

Click on the “Data privacy” option at the left side of the page

Scroll down until you see “Job application settings” and click on that option

That will bring up the same “Resumes and application data” page, with the “Upload resume” button

You should see your saved resume above that button, along with three dots to the right of the file

Click on those three dots to bring up options to either delete or download your saved resume

Click “Download” to receive a copy of your saved resume file

If you search the internet, you’ll come across a wide array of articles providing tips to help you create a resume from your LinkedIn profile. The idea behind these articles is that you can use built-in LinkedIn features to basically convert your LinkedIn profile into a resume. 

Before we discuss the pros and cons of using this option, here are the steps you would use to create that resume:

Begin by going to your LinkedIn account’s profile page.

Click on the More button on that page.

Click “Save to PDF.”

After you select that option, LinkedIn will create a PDF of your profile page and download it to your computer. Simple, right?

Of course, when you open the file and examine it, the first thing you’ll likely notice is that it doesn’t look like your standard resume – and with good reason. While it will include your contact information, a summary, experience, and skills, it won’t deliver the same type of narrative that you can achieve with a compelling professional reason. 

But why is that?

The reason is simple: your LinkedIn profile page is not designed to serve as a resume. Instead, it is designed to support your professional social media presence and your job search efforts as a complement to your professional resume. 

Just as important, it’s unlikely that your LinkedIn profile page is going to be tailored to fit every job you seek during your career. As a result, any resume you try to create from your profile is going to be far less effective than a traditional resume tailored to each desired position.

LinkedIn also offers a desktop access feature for some members called Resume Builder. This feature allows users to upload their existing resumes to the site and build a resume that can be used to apply for jobs through LinkedIn. 

Alternatively, users can have the Resume Builder construct a resume based on information in their profile. The site advertises this feature as a quick and simple way to create a resume.

However, most resume experts would recommend relying on a more traditional resume creation process, for several reasons:

You should avoid using your LinkedIn profile to create a resume since the result won’t be tailored to your desired position’s job posting

If you already have an existing resume to upload to Resume Builder, you’ll usually be better served by focusing on tailoring that document to fit your desired role

LinkedIn’s own description of Resume Builder acknowledges that it’s not the best tool to use if you’re seeking executive roles or any position where you’re facing strong competition

Basically, there appear to be no valid reasons for choosing this option for your resume creation needs. Even when LinkedIn recommends that serious professionals not use this offering, it’s a safe bet that there are better ways to create your resume.

If Resume Builder isn’t the best option for creating a resume, what is? 

In most instances, you have two main options to create a resume that you’ll be proud to upload – and eventually download – from LinkedIn. You can create your own resume from scratch or use a resume writing service to get a truly compelling, professional job search tool.

Creating your own resume

If you opt to craft your own resume, we have some tips to get you started – as well as a library of helpful resources you can use to guide you through every step of that process. 

Let’s start with the basics.

Choose a resume format and structure

Here, we recommend sticking with the most popular resume format – the reverse chronological resume. That will highlight your work experience in reverse chronology, starting with your most recent or current position. 

As for structure, stick to the most essential resume sections to make your document easy to navigate, including:

Contact information . These details go right at the top of your resume and should include your full name, location (city and state), phone number, email address, and LinkedIn URL.

Resume headline . This should be a single line of text that includes your desired job title and descriptive language that highlights your experience and specialty. For some examples of great resume headline titles, check out our guide, What Is a Good Resume Title in 2024? (+30 Examples) .

Resume profile . The profile paragraph is a 3 to 5-sentence summary of your qualifications and potential value as an employee. Our guide, Understanding and Creating a Resume Profile , can help you learn how to create a compelling summary that can capture any hiring manager’s attention.

Core competencies . Your core competencies section is where you list your most relevant skills. You can create this list of bullet point skills by reviewing the job posting for skill keywords and adding other core skills from the job description. Then, round out your list of nine to twelve skills by adding other relevant hard and soft skills that you possess.

Professional experience . Your work experience should be listed in this section, in reverse order. Always include the job title, company name, and dates of employment – as well as four to six-bullet-point achievements that include real numbers that quantify the value your efforts created for your employers. For more tips, check out How to Show Your Work Experience on Your Resume: Full Guide.

Education . For your education section, keep it simple. List your degree, the name of the school, and your graduation date. You can also include details about your coursework and other details if they help to bolster your qualifications. Read our article, How to List Education on Your Resume (+Examples) , for more information.

When in doubt, get professional resume assistance

While almost anyone can create a basic resume, the best way to supercharge your job search and career advancement is to rely on a professional resume writing service – like ZipJob. Our professional resume writers have the experience, industry knowledge, and resume writing expertise you need to ensure that the resume you upload to LinkedIn makes the right impression on any employer or recruiter who reads it!

Make sure you always have access to your LinkedIn resume

Since it’s impossible to know when an opportunity will appear, it’s important to always have access to your job search tools at a moment’s notice. By learning how to download your LinkedIn resume, you can ensure that your resume is always just a few digital clicks away!

Do you know how to download your LinkedIn resume but still aren’t sure if that resume is sending the right message to prospective employers? Get your free resume review from our team of experts today!

Recommended reading:

How to Get Your Resume Past the ATS Scans (2024 Updated)

How to Add LinkedIn to Your Resume (+ Key Examples)

24 LinkedIn Profile Tips to Make You Stand Out in 2024

Ken Chase, Freelance Writer

During Ken's two decades as a freelance writer, he has covered everything from banking and fintech to business management and the entertainment industry. His true passion, however, has always been focused on helping others achieve their career goals with timely job search and interview advice or the occasional resume consultation. When he's not working, Ken can usually be found adventuring with family and friends or playing fetch with his demanding German Shepherd. Read more resume advice from Ken on  ZipJob’s blog .

Person working on laptop outside. ZipJob Branded.

Our resume services get results.

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How to Download Your Resume from LinkedIn (3 Easy Ways with Steps)

Sarah Colley

3 Key Takeaways

  • LinkedIn offers two in-app ways to download your profile as a PDF resume.
  • One of the most common issues when downloading a resume directly from LinkedIn is formatting.
  • Teal’s AI Resume Builder features an easy way to import your LinkedIn profile page to create and optimize your resume.

Some companies include an option to import your LinkedIn profile for your job application. Aside from being sub-optimal for job seekers looking to position themselves as the ideal candidate for the job, this resume import feature along with the "easy apply" option (for jobs posted on LinkedIn) is not standard for job applications.

The majority of online applications still ask for a PDF upload of your resume, because it’s the format they're most familiar parsing within their ATS (Applicant Tracking System).

That's because in-house recruiters often use a tool to scan resumes for specific keywords that align with the job listing. Which means:

  • You need to customize your resume to line up with each job posting.
  • You need to have a PDF resume file . 

To use your existing resume, and not have to go through the hassle of creating one from scratch, you can use one of three methods to download your resume from LinkedIn:

Looking to download your resume from LinkedIn quickly? Try Teal's Resume Builder LinkedIn to Resume feature.

How to Download Your Resume from LinkedIn

To clarify, LinkedIn isn’t a resume. 

Sure, it has your work history and the option to attach a resume, but it will not suffice for most applications without major edits. You can’t simply copy-paste your LinkedIn profile page URL and move on.

That said, there are a few easy ways to upload pre-existing work experience data from LinkedIn to save you time and energy.

Method 1 (easiest): Teal's LinkedIn to Resume feature

Downloading your LinkedIn profile from LinkedIn itself is easy too. More on that method later.

But what makes Teal the “easy method” is it requires only one click, and you get additional features you’ll need before sending out that resume—particularly, customization, ATS compatibility, and keyword matching.

Here’s a step-by-step guide for converting your LinkedIn profile to a resume with Teal:

  • Sign up for a free account with Teal. 
  • On the first page, you’ll see a three-step process for getting started, including "Save a Job", "Import your Resume", and "Apply for Jobs."
  • Select "Import your Resume" and a pop-up window appears. 
  • Navigate to your LinkedIn profile and select "View Profile" in the top right corner and grab the URL. Copy and paste the URL into the input bar on the pop-up in Teal. Hit “Import your LinkedIn profile."

how to download resume from linkedin

That’s it! It’s essentially just grabbing your LinkedIn profile URL and putting it in the right field. Once uploaded, Teal organizes the data into sections you can shift around, select and deselect, edit, and so on.

Teal resume template

It doesn’t just create an ATS-friendly resume straight from LinkedIn by checking it against keywords you should use for a particular job title. Nor does Teal simply make a resume that looks professional.

Teal's Matching Mode feature checks the job listing you’re applying for, and makes it simple and easy to customize your resume to match that posting.

If you already have a Teal profile and need to reimport your LinkedIn profile, you can:

  • Click on the “Resume Builder” tab on the left sidebar.

Teal resume builder

  • Hit the “Menu” tab next to the “New Resume” button.
  • Tap “Import Resume or LinkedIn” from the drop down menu.

upload resume from linkedin

  • Append or overwrite your information.

replace previous profile sections

How is Teal better than creating your own resume from scratch?

If you’ve ever created a resume from scratch —and if you’re here it’s likely because you’re avoiding doing that very thing—you know how long it takes.

You don’t know what keywords to use, unless you carefully comb the listing yourself. You have to painstakingly adjust your resume, research best formatting, and adjust for every single job listing.

And, don’t forget, you may not know if recruiters are even reading your resume correctly because you may not understand whether or not your resume is ATS compatible (tip: no images!).

Method 2 (fastest): Linkedin to PDF format

There are actually two processes for downloading your resume as a PDF file from LinkedIn. Both are simple and quick. The first is just two easy steps:

  • Click on your LinkedIn profile, and select “More” in your profile header.
  • Click “Save PDF”

dropdown menu linkedin

This method is perhaps the easiest, and LinkedIn even adds a nice side bar of color for a little flair. 

LinkedIn to pdf

While it is nice to have a resume automatically created with formatting and a summary, it doesn’t exactly read like a resume. 

The summary is too long, and being that it’s a PDF, it’s not easy to edit without doing a conversion first. And conversions of PDFs don’t always retain their formatting. You might end up doing more work in the long run than you would simply making a resume from scratch, or uploading it to Teal.

Method 3 (longest): LinkedIn to Resume Builder to PDF format

The second option LinkedIn offers is five steps.

  • Log in to LinkedIn and click the “Jobs” tab (suit case icon on mobile).
  • Select “Resume Builder" from the sidebar.

linkedin resume builder

  • A pop-up will appear. Click “Create from profile."
  • The page will refresh and you’ll see another pop-up asking you to type in or select your desired position. Enter and click “Apply."

job description keywords

  • Hit "Download resume as PDF" to save it to your computer.

how to download resume from linkedin as pdf

You should see the PDF file in the downloads folder of your computer. If you go back to the resume builder tab, you’ll also see recent resumes there, in case you need to easily download it again.

While this is designed to be as easy as possible, there are some downfalls to directly downloading or saving your resume from LinkedIn. 

Common issues when downloading your resume from LinkedIn (and how to avoid them)

The biggest downfall of downloading your resume directly from LinkedIn is the formatting.

How you input your information into LinkedIn matters as it will appear the exact same way on your resume file.

Note: If you want to optimize your LinkedIn profile to appear in more job searches by hiring managers for a particular job, Teal's Chrome extension includes a free LinkedIn Profile Reviewer. Learn more: LinkedIn Profile Review with a Chrome Extension ).

In fact, if you don’t create your LinkedIn profile exactly like you would a resume, you’re guaranteed to need changes to your PDF file for it to appear professional and be parsed correctly by the ATS.

Beyond that, there is the fact you’re downloading a PDF version of your resume. So, if you do want to make some changes, you’re going to have to convert it into a word processing file format first, or purchase the premium version of Adobe Acrobat. 

Companies will not reach out and ask for another resume. They will simply exclude you from the candidate pool. 

Here’s what a downloaded LinkedIn resume looks like using the five simple steps above: 

linkedin resume

There are other downfalls, too.

If you don’t have a premium LinkedIn subscription (which starts at $29.99/ month for a LinkedIn Premium Career membership), you can’t choose which sections appear in your downloaded resume. 

linkedin section

Lastly, LinkedIn has only made downloading your resume possible if it’s in English. This makes it a very limited tool for a good chunk of LinkedIn users. 

How to customize your LinkedIn-downloaded resume for every application (and why)

If you’re looking at the example above, or you’ve already downloaded your resume from LinkedIn, you’ve probably noticed the formatting isn’t great.

That’s just one reason to customize your resume, but there’s a much larger and more important reason:

You need to tailor your resume to every job. It’s time consuming. It’s painstaking. It feels like a full-time job by itself. But customizing your resume to fit the job listing is the best way to improve your job search.

Because hiring managers are filtering resumes by specific keywords and qualifications in their application trackers to look for required skills and past experiences.

Now you’re thinking, “but if I just write down everything I did within that job, it should automatically work, right?"

Maybe. But you don’t want to bank on maybe. They may be looking for your skillset but looking for synonyms of the skills you listed. You want to increase your chances of outshining the competition for that role. One way to do that is to ensure you’re the best match.

How do you customize your resume for each job at scale?

There are several things you need to do to tailor your resume for each opportunity:

  • Scan the job descriptions for any keywords, phrases, or tasks that particularly jump out. Naturally incorporate these throughout your resume.
  • Research your potential employers for any language they commonly use, targets they want to hit, industries or customers they speak to that you may have experience working with, etc.
  • Adjust the language to be more action based, personalized, and of course, inclusive of keywords used in the job description.

It sounds like a lot, and it really can be if you don’t have the right tools in place.

Teal's Matching Mode feature speeds up the process by identifying the keywords to include for each job, then helping you naturally weave them into your resume.

When using Teal’s AI Resume Builder, each bullet point and section of your resume become moveable objects. You can select or deselect, and organize each sentence to your liking, to create your resume.

What makes this a time saver is that you can ask its AI to instantly write and rewrite several sentences or bullet points to summarize work you’ve done throughout your career, and simply select the ones you need to match the job listing.

profile section linkedin

For instance, you might be applying for a Content Director position at a company that requires some experience in content production and social media. The next application might also be for a Content Director position, but they may be looking for more reporting experience. 

You could have experience in all of the above, and create bullet points within both your LinkedIn profile and the Resume Builder. The latter allows you to shift those points around, and exclude or include only what’s relevant to recruiters.

Ready to use Teal’s LinkedIn to Resume feature and start customizing your resume with Teal’s AI Resume Builder? Sign up for Teal for free .

Frequently Asked Questions

Can i customize the format of my resume after downloading it from linkedin, will downloading my resume from linkedin include my entire profile information, is it possible to download my linkedin recommendations along with my resume.

how to get resume from linkedin app on iphone

Sarah Colley

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Easy Steps to Download LinkedIn Resume for Job Seekers

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Did you know that you have the option to download your resume from LinkedIn? LinkedIn has made it quite simple to generate a resume from your profile. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to download your resume.

Table of Contents

A step-by-step guide to downloading your resume from linkedin, preparing your linkedin profile for resume download, best practices for linkedin resume download, final thoughts, frequently asked questions.

To download your resume from LinkedIn, please follow these steps:

  • Sign in to your LinkedIn account and go to your profile page.
  • Click on the “More” button below your profile picture. It looks like three horizontal dots.
  • Select the “Save to PDF” or “Save as PDF” option from the drop-down menu. This option may vary depending on your device or browser.
  • Once the PDF is generated, a download prompt will appear. Choose a location on your computer where you want to save the PDF. Click “Save” or “Download” to start the download process.
  • The default file is a PDF, but with Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can change the file type to other formats.
  • You can now access it whenever you need to share or print your resume.

screenshot of how to download your resume from linkedin

And there you go, you have downloaded your resume from LinkedIn!

Some limitation are:

  • You can only download your resume on your desktop, not your smartphone. 
  • A PDF can’t be edited on the document.  

screenshot of LinkedIn resume PDF example

Remember that the downloaded PDF may have different formatting than your original resume. Review and make any necessary adjustments before sharing it with potential employers.

Remember that a PDF of your LinkedIn profile can’t replace an optimized resume.

Before you download your resume, optimize your LinkedIn profile . Ensure that your experiences, skills, and endorsements are up-to-date.  An optimized LinkedIn resume helps you stand out among other professionals. It increases your chances of getting the attention of recruiters and potential employers.

Build an impressive LinkedIn profile

You need an impressive LinkedIn profile to show your value to potential employers. Create an eye-catching headline that shows your skills. Make sure it grabs the interest of possible employers or recruiters. Then, give a summary that displays your unique strengths. Show off your main achievements and career aims.

Add relevant skills

Add important skills to your profile to make it stand out and attract the right job offers. LinkedIn lets you list many skills, so pick the ones that match your career field and job goals. Be specific and include both technical and people skills. Use a LinkedIn optimization tool like Jobscan to see which skills you should add to your profile based on the jobs you want to apply for. This helps recruiters and managers notice you more. 

Get endorsements and recommendations

Getting endorsements and recommendations can make your profile more believable. Ask your connections to vouch for your skills. This shows that other professionals back you up. Reach out to past coworkers, bosses, or clients. Ask them to write recommendations about your strong points and successes. Getting these testimonies gives potential bosses a better idea of what you can do.

Review your LinkedIn resume before downloading

Before you download your resume, check it for any mistakes or mismatches. Read through each part. Make sure things like dates, certificates, and employers are correct.

Optimize your LinkedIn resume for ATS

Employers use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) systems to search resumes for specific words. Add important keywords to your LinkedIn resume to get noticed and pass ATS checks. Look at job postings in your area and find common words. Use these words in your resume. This can make your resume more visible and help you get interviews.

For a simpler option, Jobscan’s premium features include LinkedIn Optimization . You can easily optimize your LinkedIn resume, then compare it to job descriptions that you’re applying for. It helps you update your LinkedIn profile quickly so you don’t miss out on the attention of recruiters.

Here’s an example of how Jobscan scores your LinkedIn profile so you know where to make improvements.

screenshot of the linkedin optimization report by jobscan showing the score and basic info section

99 percent of Fortune 500 Companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Optimize your LinkedIn resume with relevant keywords to make it stand out and pass ATS scans.

Update your LinkedIn resume

Update your LinkedIn resume as you progress in your career and gain new experiences. Review your profile. Make sure it shows your most recent achievements, certifications, and skills.

Use keywords in your LinkedIn resume

Keywords are important for making your LinkedIn resume more visible in searches. Consider words that employers would search for.  Focus on your headline, summary, job descriptions, and skills sections. Using keywords can boost your profile’s visibility in search results. This will improve the likelihood of getting noticed by recruiters and hiring managers.

Make your LinkedIn resume stand out

Use these best practices to make your LinkedIn resume stand out from the competition:

  • Use a professional and appealing profile picture that portrays you.
  • Craft a compelling LinkedIn headline that reflects your professional brand and expertise.
  • Write a captivating LinkedIn summary that highlights your key achievements and career aspirations.
  • Use bullet points and concise language to convey your skills and experiences.
  • Include quantifiable achievements and results to showcase your impact in previous roles.
  • Add multimedia elements, such as presentations or portfolios. This will provide evidence of your abilities.
  • Seek endorsements and recommendations from colleagues, supervisors, or clients to enhance your credibility.

Knowing how to download a resume from LinkedIn can simplify your job search process. LinkedIn offers a wealth of tools and features to help you craft a compelling resume that stands out. With some effort and the right strategies, you’ll be on your way to landing your dream job.

That’s it for our comprehensive guide on downloading your resume from LinkedIn. Now that you’re equipped with this knowledge, it’s time to put it into action. Happy job hunting!

Unlock the potential to increase your reach on LinkedIn. Optimize your profile with the Jobscan LinkedIn Optimization tool .

Downloading your resume from LinkedIn provides many benefits. You can share, upload and format your resume according to your preferences.

Yes, LinkedIn provides the functionality to download your resume. With LinkedIn’s Resume Builder or the “Save to PDF” feature, you can download a version of your resume. This allows you to save it as a file on your device, which you can access and share whenever needed.

To download your resume from LinkedIn using the Resume Builder, follow these steps: 1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and navigate to your profile. 2. Click on the “Me” icon at the top of the homepage. 3. Select “View profile” from the drop-down menu. 4. Below your profile photo, click on the “More” button. 5. Choose “Save to PDF” to open LinkedIn’s Resume Builder. 6. Review and customize your resume as desired. 7. Click on the download icon or the “Save” button to save the resume as a PDF file on your device.

When LinkedIn says “resume download,” you get a copy of your resume in a downloadable format. This lets you save it as a file on your computer or device. By downloading your resume, you have a portable version that you can share or upload.

To download your resume from LinkedIn to your iPhone, you can follow these steps: • Open the LinkedIn app on your iPhone and log in to your account. • Tap on your profile picture or the “Me” icon at the bottom right corner of the screen. • Scroll down to the “Featured” section and locate the resume you want to download. • Tap on the resume, and it will open in preview mode. • At the top right corner of the screen, tap on the share icon (a square with an upward arrow). • Choose “Save to Files” or a similar option depending on your installed apps. • Select the destination folder to save the resume on your iPhone. • Tap “Save” to download the resume to your device. Check the downloaded file on your preferred device. Confirm the successful download of your resume.

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Updated to add new graphics and information about Jobscan’s LinkedIn Optimization tool.

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Kelsey is a Content Writer with a background in content creation, bouncing between industries to educate readers everywhere.

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How to download your resume from your LinkedIn profile in 4 simple steps

  • You can easily download your resume from your LinkedIn profile to print out a copy or save it to your computer. 
  • LinkedIn allows you to download your profile in the format of a resume to save yourself time from further editing.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

LinkedIn offers many features to optimize your professional networking opportunities. 

One of the best ways to take advantage of LinkedIn is to download your LinkedIn profile as a resume, eliminating the stress and time it takes to craft the perfect resume on top of your already-immaculate LinkedIn profile. 

It's even easier than it sounds to download your resume from LinkedIn. 

Here's how.

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1. From your LinkedIn home page in a web browser on your Mac or PC, click on your name or profile icon. 

2. Click on "More…," then "Save to PDF" in the drop-down menu. 

3. The resume will appear as a PDF file download in the bottom of your internet browser's window. Click on the file to open it. 

4. Your resume will appear in a new tab. From here, you can print the document by clicking the Print icon in the upper right corner (represented by the image of a printer), or save it to your computer by clicking the Download icon next to the Print icon (represented by a downward-facing arrow and horizontal line). 

If you chose to save your resume, type in a name for the file and click "Save." The document will be saved as a PDF by default unless you change the file type by clicking on the drop-down menu next to "Save as type:" and select a different file type. 

how to get resume from linkedin app on iphone

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how to get resume from linkedin app on iphone

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How to download resume from LinkedIn with mobile app

Downloading resume from official LinkedIn app as PDF is not supported as of now. However, you can use our app ResponsiveCV to download a resume from LinkedIn as a PDF. Official site allows just to download only limited sections, but our app downloads your complete profile including projects, skills & accomplishments . It serves as a complete CV for any job you are applying for & a free LinkedIn resume builder.

Don’t delay sending your profile to that opportunity just because you didn’t have a perfect resume done, use this method and send your profile instantly in less than 2 minutes.

UPDATE: MARCH 2021 ResponsiveCV iOS & Android APP works 100% now. Kindly update to the most recent version V3.0.0 to download your resume from LinkedIn as PDF & APP

Step 1: Install app from play store or iOS Store Version 3.0.0

Install our app ResponsiveCV from the iOS store or from the android store, just use your phone scanner app to scan below QR codes below to install the mobile app.

how to get resume from linkedin app on iphone

Step 2: Open app and press “Connect with LinkedIn” button

Connect with LinkedIn using your LinkedIn username/password.

Step 3: Press “Make Resume from LinkedIn” button

Press Make resume from LinkedIn button to download PDF

Step 4 : Press “Download PDF” button

Download PDF to Local Storage (or) send PDF to email

Now your LinkedIn resume is downloaded to the your mobile device in PDF format. You can also choose to download in word format by pressing the Download Word button.

You can choose many templates from the gallery and choose to download a LinkedIn resume in that customized resume template.

As you see in the image below your LinkedIn profile picture also gets downloaded and automatically attached to the template. You can choose to show or not in the resume from settings.

A simple 30 second process to create printable, shareable resume from linkedin

Convert your LinkedIn profile to a website before sending PDF via email.

Sending resume a PDF has several shortcomings. Instead, attach a domain to your online CV such as YourName.com .

Example CV Website created from LinkedIn profile in 2 simple steps.


See how your website looks in social share mediums after attaching domain name.

Your CV shared on Whatsapp

Learn Why you need a website?

Also, see how to do Linkedin Profile Optimization from a recruiters eyes.

How to do LinkedIn profile Optimization →

A CV is an Art. We help you paint it with your personality, passion & purpose.

The goal is to build a CV that SHOWS who you are & what you are capable of achieving.

how to get resume from linkedin app on iphone

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How to quickly generate a resume from your linkedin profile.


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I paid for google's drive storage. here's why i don't regret it, i won't use a vpn without these 6 features, quick links, how to generate a resume from your linkedin profile, generate a customized resume from your linkedin profile, bonus tip: download other linkedin members' resumes.

If you already have your work experience listed on your LinkedIn profile, it's easy to get the site to automatically generate a resume for you. Here's how to do it.

All LinkedIn profiles include a button to download the profile as a PDF . This PDF is basically your resume, containing all the experiences you've listed on LinkedIn. This includes your academics, work experiences, and everything else that you have on your profile.

Related: What Is a PDF File (and How Do I Open One)?

To download this quick resume, first, open LinkedIn in a web browser on your computer. When LinkedIn opens, click your profile icon at the top of the site and select "View Profile."

Click "View Profile" on the LinkedIn site

On the profile page, right beneath your profile picture, click the "More" option, and select "Save to PDF."

Select "Save to PDF" on a LinkedIn profile page

In a few moments, your browser will start downloading your resume PDF from LinkedIn.

Downloaded LinkedIn resume in a web browser

That's all there is to generating a quick automatic resume from LinkedIn, but you might not want to send it exactly as it is to potential employers. In that case, check out the section below.

The resume that you downloaded above includes all the information that you have on your LinkedIn profile. If you want to add, edit, or delete certain sections of the resume, use LinkedIn's resume creation tool. It lets you choose what sections you want to include in or exclude from your resume. When you're happy with the result, you can download it as a PDF to your computer.

To start building your custom resume, open LinkedIn in your web browser. On LinkedIn, click your profile icon at the top-right corner and select "View Profile."

On the profile page, in the section at the top, select "More," and then click "Build a resume." This launches LinkedIn's resume creation tool in your browser.

Select "Build a resume" on a LinkedIn profile page

In the "Select a Resume" pop-up that appears, click the "Create From Profile" button at the bottom.

Click "Create from profile" in LinkedIn's "Select a resume" box

In the following box that says "Choose your desired job title," click the "Job Title" box, and then enter your current job title. Then, select a title from the suggested options and click "Apply" at the bottom.

Enter a job title on LinkedIn's "Choose your desired job title" box

You're now on LinkedIn's resume creation tool screen. Here, you can add and exclude whatever information you want in your resume. To add or remove a section in your resume, click the pencil icon next to a section on the page.

Click the pencil icon next to a section on LinkedIn's resume creation tool screen

The site will open a box with your selected section in it. Here, you can modify the contents of your section and click "Save" at the bottom of the box to save your changes. Or, you can click "Delete" to remove this section from your resume altogether.

Select "Save" to save changes made to a section on LinkedIn's resume creation tool screen

When you've finished editing your resume, click "Preview" at the top of the LinkedIn site to preview your resume.

Click "Preview" to preview the resume made with LinkedIn's resume creation tool

If you're happy with the result, click "More" at the top of the LinkedIn site, and then select "Download as PDF." This will download your resume as a PDF to your computer.

Select "Download as PDF" to download the resume made with LinkedIn's resume creation tool

You're all set.

In addition to the ability to download your own resume, you can also download other LinkedIn members' resumes. You don't need to be connected with a member to be able to download their resume, but there's a limit of 200 downloads for others' resumes. (You can download your own resume an unlimited number of times, though.)

To download someone's profile, first, open their profile on LinkedIn . On the profile page, right beneath the cover image (the large image at the top of the page), click the "More" option, and then select "Save to PDF."

Click "Save to PDF" on a LinkedIn member's profile page to download their profile

Your browser will start downloading a PDF resume of your selected LinkedIn member.

Related: How to Use the LinkedIn Resume Assistant in Microsoft Word

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How to Download a LinkedIn Resume on PC and Mac

Last Updated: October 25, 2022 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Melody Godfred, JD and by wikiHow staff writer, Rain Kengly . Melody Godfred is a Career Coach, Entrepreneur, and Founder of Write In Color, a full-service resume and career development company that specializes in developing compelling personal narratives and brands. With over ten years of experience, Melody has worked with clients at entertainment and media companies including Apple, Disney, Fox, Netflix, Riot Games, Viacom, and Warner Bros, among others. The Muse invited Melody and Write In Color to serve as one of its 30 trusted career counselors (out of 3,000) to provide one-on-one coaching and resume services to the platform's more than four million active users. Melody earned a JD from Loyola Marymount University and BS from the University of Southern California. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 56,271 times.

Do you want to download a resume from LinkedIn? LinkedIn can automatically compile information from a user's profile into a professional resume in PDF format. You can easily export your or another user's LinkedIn resume in a few simple steps. This wikiHow will show you how to get a LinkedIn resume by using a desktop browser on PC and Mac.

Things You Should Know

  • You will only be able to download a LinkedIn resume on a desktop browser.
  • To download a resume, go to a LinkedIn profile. Click "More" then "Save to PDF".
  • You can save your own resume by going to your profile. Click "More" then "Save to PDF".

Step 1 Go to https://www.linkedin.com...

  • If you are not already logged in, enter your login information in the field at the top of the screen and click Sign in .

Step 2 Type a user's name in the search field.

  • Results will load as you type.
  • You can input your own name to find your profile page , or click your profile icon located on the left of the home page.

Step 3 Click on the user's name.

  • If the user has a common name, be sure you have the right person.

Step 4 Click on the More option.

  • The PDF resume will open when it has finished downloading.
  • You can find your download in your computer's default save location. This is usually the Downloads folder.

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  • ↑ https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/a541960/save-a-profile-as-a-pdf?lang=en

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Melody Godfred, JD

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Welcome professionals! The key to getting in is getting started. Begin your career journey with LinkedIn today. Are you searching for the right job opportunities to advance your career? LinkedIn is one of the largest social networking apps for online job searches that also provides content that can help you grow. Build your resume, nurture your professional relationships, connect with recruiters, and apply for your next job. You can establish job alerts for local or remote positions, expand your network of business contacts, stay informed about the latest industry news, read articles, and stay up-to-date with companies and industry leaders to enhance your workplace and career- builder experience. Get business insights before you apply for the job, including company information and job responsibilities. Then quickly and safely apply to any position through the LinkedIn app with your resume or professional profile. Why You’ll Love the LinkedIn App: - Job search and recruiting: Research companies you’re interested in and find positions suited to your skills, then apply to a new job with your LinkedIn profile or resume. - Resume builder: Create your online resume, showcase your experiences, and highlight your skills to enhance your career opportunities. - Business news: Get relevant news delivered to you and join the conversation. - Professional network: Create your profile, update your resume online, and make connections. LinkedIn App Features: JOB SEARCH • Find jobs and connections through your LinkedIn network. • Search for opportunities and set up job alerts for companies that are currently hiring. • Job openings: Submit job applications across a wide range of professions and secure interviews for your dream job. • Find local jobs in your area or online opportunities that let you work from home. • Job App: Easily apply for jobs and set up job alerts for any full-time or part-time jobs you might be interested in. BUSINESS NEWS AND INSIGHTS • Stay up-to-date by following business news and company content from related industries. • See what your connections are saying in posts and conversations. • Share articles and newsworthy topics with your LinkedIn community and business contacts. SOCIAL NETWORKING • Utilize LinkedIn's profile-building tools to enhance your connections and expand your social network for career growth. • Connect with members from across the globe on the world's largest social network. BUILD YOUR BUSINESS COMMUNITY • Easily find groups or communities that share your interests on LinkedIn. • Network on the go: Connect with new contacts and industry experts. • Follow companies, top voices, and professionals. • Social networking for businesses: Gain new opportunities through showcasing your company or product. RESUME AND PROFILE • Job finder: Apply for jobs using your LinkedIn profile. • Social network: Build your professional profile and make business connections. • Resume: Create your online CV and use it as a resume for job applications. Whether you're seeking new job opportunities, aiming to expand your business network, or staying updated on the latest business news and industry buzz, LinkedIn has you covered. Want to make the most of LinkedIn? Upgrade to a Premium subscription for exclusive tools. We ask for a few permissions when you use this app. Here’s why: http://linkd.in/1l0S8Y - LinkedIn members have the option to verify their identity by securely uploading a government ID and/or taking a live selfie using certain trusted partners. For more information about the data collected by our trusted partners through this process and the periods for which it will be retained, see: https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/answer/a1359065

Version 9.1.396

We want you to have the best possible LinkedIn experience. This update contains bug fixes and improvements to ensure the app’s continued speed and reliability.

Ratings and Reviews

171.7K Ratings

Love LinkedIn! But the app…

Update: LinkedIn heard my prayers and fixed my app. I no longer get kicked out when trying to send direct messages, and the app works generally faster. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to utilize this awesome app to its fullest potential again! Let me start out by saying that LinkedIn has changed my life in so many positive ways. I found my new career through the app, and started down a journey of positive personal development when I rejoined the platform. Hence the four stars. I needed to take one star away because, at least in the app, it almost always crashes and boots me out when I try to send a Direct Message to someone. I end up needing to go in and retype the message 2-3 times before it will send without crashing and closing out. I know plenty of other people are experiencing the same problem, because they post about it. Please fix this issue, I love this platform for so many reasons, but this is frustrating! Thank you in advance for your attention and all that you do to make LinkedIn the wonderful place that it is! Update: my app has worked perfectly since the last update. No more getting booted out when sending DMs. Thank you LinkedIn!

Developer Response ,

We appreciate you taking the time to reach out. We'd like to take a closer look at this. Can you please contact us directly with these details here: https://lnkd.in/iOS Thanks! -SM

Better as a creator

LinkedIn was okay until I became a creator. It takes courage to post but over time, like 3-6 months, it becomes easier. At that point it becomes a lot more fun and now I look forward to using LinkedIn and this app every day. Not sure what to write? Use the 2 year, 2 day, or even 2 hour rule (credit Nicolas Cole). Just post what you would have benefited from had you known it 2 years ago, 2 days ago, or even 2 minutes ago! Developers: thanks for your work on the app!! First request: wish the scheduled posts could be edited. Second request: wish commenting was just better organized for conversations. Like replying to a reply to a reply. Also wish that the best answers/comments filtered to the top. Would draw you in as a user to know that the first comments are the most valued by the community (when there are dozens of comments and you don’t want to sift through them all). Again thanks though for the great app!

It’s a great networking and learning app.

LinkedIn overall is a great app. I have found great people on there and connected with them to build my network. Also, the learning courses on the site are on par with sites like Coursera, Udemy, etc. I will say that it’s very noticeable sometimes when they change up the algorithm and show me things I’m not interested in, or topics that are meant to spark a negative reaction, but that’s social media for you. One of my biggest complaints is their job section. I’ve applied at over 1000+ jobs through there site, and the furthest I have ever made was “so and so viewed your resume/profile”, or recruiters that ghost me, so I continue to stick with Indeed on that matter. While LinkedIn is great for networking, I do feel putting a face with a name on LinkedIn can work against POC as I have been ghosted many times by recruiters or companies once they view my profile. For example, I talked via email with Company A, Company A LOVED my resume…..then I see someone who works from Company A view my profile…..I get a rejection email a few hours later. Not saying this to trash the app, only telling my experience, but overall, I still would recommend folks to get a LinkedIn page.
Hi There, Thanks for taking the time to review the LinkedIn app, also thanks for the 5-star rating, We'll be sure to share your feedback with our product team. If there's anything you'd like to add to your feedback, please don't hesitate to email us at https://lnkd.in/dn46W2CR Thank you! IR

App Privacy

The developer, LinkedIn Corporation , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

Data Linked to You

The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:

  • Financial Info
  • Contact Info
  • User Content
  • Search History
  • Identifiers
  • Sensitive Info
  • Diagnostics

Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


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How to Upload Resume in LinkedIn Mobile App

Uploading your resume to your LinkedIn profile is a great way to make it stand out. You can easily highlight your professional experience and skills. We’ll walk you through the process of using the LinkedIn mobile app to upload your resume in this guide.

How to Upload Resume in LinkedIn Mobile App

Table of Contents

Method 1: Uploading Resume via Profile Section

Follow these steps to directly upload your resume through the profile section on LinkedIn:

  • Open LinkedIn and tap on your profile icon in the top left corner.
  • Tap on Settings and then on Data privacy .
  • Scroll down to Job seeking preferences .
  • Tap on Job application settings .
  • Tap on the Upload resume button.
  • Choose the necessary file and the file will be uploaded automatically.

Tap on the Upload resume button.

Method 2: Uploading Resume via Job Application

You can easily apply for jobs on LinkedIn by uploading your resume directly during the job application process by following these steps.

  • Open LinkedIn on your device.
  • On the bottom tap on Jobs .
  • Choose the job you want to apply for.
  • Tap on the Easy Apply button.
  • Fill in your required information in the beginning.
  • When prompted to upload your resume tap on Upload resume .
  • Tap on Next and finish the rest of the job application process.
  • Once done tap on Submit .

Tap on Upload resume | How to Upload Resume in LinkedIn Mobile App

Where Is My Resume on LinkedIn App?

Here are a few ways by which you can navigate to your resume on LinkedIn :

  • Using the settings app navigate to Data privacy , scroll to Job application settings , and tap on it. Your resume will be available there for viewing and downloading after it has been uploaded.
  • You can navigate to the jobs you have applied for and tap on the Submitted resume option to view the resume that you uploaded while applying for the job.

Tap on the Submitted resume option to view your resume

Also Read: How to Remove Resume from LinkedIn

This guide shows you how to use the LinkedIn mobile app to upload and manage your resume which will improve the visibility of your profile to networking contacts and prospective employers.

Please feel free to leave a comment if you need any help or if you have any questions. For more helpful advice on maximizing your LinkedIn presence stay tuned to TechCult.

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When you visit our website, we will use cookies to make sure you enjoy your stay. We respect your privacy and we’ll never share your resumes and cover letters with recruiters or job sites. On the other hand, we’re using several third party tools to help us run our website with all its functionality.

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10 Best Resume Apps for iPhone & Android in 2023

Klára Červeňanská — Content Manager / Writer

Anyone looking to create a beautiful resume on the go may wonder what the best resume apps for iPhone and Android are in 2023.

Choosing the ideal resume app can be tough — it’s a crowded market with hundreds of apps to choose from.

Luckily, we did the research so you don't have to and selected 10 of the best resume-building apps for both iOS and Android that let you customize, edit, and export your resume with ease. We have also included their key features and capabilities. 

All of these apps include free features that make it easy and affordable to create a resume that takes you one step closer to landing a career of your dreams — all of that on your phone.

Without further ado, here are the 10 best resume apps that are available for iOS and Android in 2023.

Best Resume Apps for iPhone & Android

1. Kickresume: AI Resume Builder

Available for: iOS & Android

Pricing: Free (premium features from $5/month)

Top feature: AI Resume Writer powered by GPT-3 model that writes the content for you

Kickresume's AI Resume Builder app is a highly-rated resume app used by more than 1,800,000 job seekers (and counting). With more than 35 expertly-designed templates to choose from, you can create a resume that perfectly matches your professional persona and career goals.

What's more, the Kickresume app now includes a GPT-3 powered AI Resume and Cover Letter Writer , that lets you use AI to write your documents. This feature can help with your writer's block as well as save you precious time.

And if you need even more help with writing, the Kickresume Autopilot feature comes to the rescue. It lets you assemble a resume from 20,000 pre-written job or industry-specific phrases for more than 3,200 job positions, including marketing, technology, IT, retail, or science, and many more. 

Plus, you can create more than a million combinations with many different customizable templates allowing you to adjust anything from typography styles and colors of the design elements, all the way through page format. 

Here’s an overview of the additional features the Kickresume app has to offer:

  • 1,500+ job-specific resume samples to get you inspired
  • 20,000 pre-written job or industry-specific phrases
  • 4 free templates with no additional purchase necessary
  • 33 premium templates available via subscriptions
  • Proofreading services (for an additional fee)
  • CV and resume writing guides

The Kickresume app stores all documents in the cloud, allowing you to pick up where you left off on your desktop, iPad, tablet, or another mobile device. 

Best Resume Apps for iPhone & Android

2. Canva: Design, Photo & Video 

Pricing: Free (premium features from $12.99/month)

Top feature: Creative templates designed by graphic designers

Canva is a well-known graphic design platform that offers a variety of tools for creating social media posts, infographics, posters, and — of course — resumes.

Along with the web app, Canva also offers a mobile app available for both iOS and Android . In this app, you can access many of the same features available on the desktop version, including thousands of pre-customized resume templates.

With a focus on graphic design, Canva’s resume-building tools can be great for job applicants in creative fields.

If you need some help with writing, you can easily share your resume with a friend, colleague, or professional editor. Canva’s tools enable live collaboration so you and the other person can access the document simultaneously.

Canva has a whole host of free features and tools that can help you create a great resume. However, if you want to go the extra mile, you'll probably need to upgrade to Canva Pro.

The additional features available when making a resume with Canva mobile app include:

  • Free graphic elements for a designer touch
  • Easy upload for your own photos and logos
  • The Canva background remover tool is great for resumes that include a professional headshot

Canva syncs its mobile and desktop versions when using them online, allowing you to work between the two as needed.

Best Resume Apps for iPhone & Android

3. Microsoft Word

Pricing: Free (subscription from $6.99/month)

Top feature: Mobile-optimized templates, formats, and layouts

When it comes to desktop word-processing apps, few are as well-known as Microsoft Word.

But did you know Microsoft Word also has a mobile app for both iPhones and Android phones?

Microsoft Word mobile app offers 2 basic resume templates which you can later customize however you want.

It also lets you sync documents between your phone and computer, allowing you to write on the go.

Plus, you can download the MS Word app separately or you can download the larger Office Mobile app that includes Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.

Additional features you can find in the MS Word mobile app include:

  • Simplified sharing
  • Copy-and-paste tools that retain your document’s format (for pasting into an email)

You can access a few basic writing and editing features of the Microsoft Word app and view documents for free through the mobile app. However, to use the full version you need to log in with a Microsoft account and subscribe to Microsoft 365.

If you already have a Microsoft 365 subscription, all you need to do is download the app and log into your account to access your subscription features.

Best Resume Apps for iPhone & Android

4. Google Docs

Pricing: Free 

Top feature: Ability to edit the document offline

The Google Docs mobile app is a great tool, allowing you to access synced documents from any device — including your iPhone or Android.

With a variety of design elements and writing features, Google Docs is optimized for both desktop and mobile use .

One of the key advantages of Google Docs is that you can use it to edit and share Microsoft Word documents as well. When creating a resume, this means you can utilize a Word template, upload the template to Google Docs, and then edit it from your mobile device without losing the formatting (although it doesn't work perfectly every time). 

Alternatively, the Google Docs app also has its own selection of 5 well-designed resume templates. These can later be customized to suit your preferences.

Key features you can take advantage of in the Google Docs mobile app include:

  • Live collaboration and document editing
  • Easy sharing and permission-granting features
  • Many file export formats (.docx, .pdf, .odt, .rtf, .txt, etc.)
  • Ability to work offline

Plus, if you choose to get a Google Workspace subscription, you can also gain access to unlimited version history, allowing you to track changes made from the document’s inception and return to earlier versions of the document as needed. 

The Google Docs mobile app is free to use but does require a Google account to access.

Best Resume Apps for iPhone & Android

5. Quick Resume Pro

Pricing: Free (in-app purchases $0.99 - $99.99)

Top feature: Customizable resume sections

With basic and straightforward resume designs, Quick Resume Pro creates a resume for you automatically using your professional details. All you need to do is enter the information you want to be included and the app will get to work.

This app can be used on iPhones, iPads, and Android devices. However, a desktop version isn't currently available.

Being a solely mobile app, Quick Resume Pro has a very user-friendly interface and a 3D Touch function .

Other features you can access via Quick Resume Pro include:

  • 7 PDF resume styles
  • Resume copy-saving tools
  • Dropbox, email, and printing capabilities
  • Unlimited resumes to create and save

Quick Resume Pro also offers all of the typical resume sections every resume needs. These include your basic personal information, a job applicant profile, a job objective, education, experience, skills, languages, awards, and interests.

The app is free to download with premium features available as in-app purchases.

Best Resume Apps for iPhone & Android

6. Resume Builder by Nobody

Available for: iOS

Pricing: Free (in-app purchases $2.99 - $29.99)

Top feature: Ability to create unlimited versions of your resume for free

Resume Builder by Nobody is available as both a desktop and a mobile app, but only for iOS.

This app offers you more than 20 different resume templates with customizable designs. The customizable elements of this app’s templates include colors, text size, line spacing, section spacing, and margins.

Plus, you can use the preview tool to ensure your resume looks great once printed.

Additional features offered by this app include:

  • Assisted writing with subtle prompts
  • A flexible resume editor tool
  • Easy access to all resume sections 
  • Cloud storage

With the free version of Resume Builder by Nobody, you receive one template, access to the Resume Editor tool, unlimited exports, and the ability to create unlimited versions of your resume.

For the upgraded version, you can pay monthly or make a one-time purchase for access to many great extra features. These include access to all templates, advanced customization, augmented reality previews, additional sections, photos, and more.

Best Resume Apps for iPhone & Android

7. Resume Builder: PDF Resume App

Top feature: Professional resume writers are available to help within the app on-demand

Resume Builder: PDF Resume App is the mobile app offered by Resume.com.

Available for both iPhones and Androids, this app offers a library of more than 125 resume samples for specific jobs to help you get inspiration.

Plus, you receive in-app suggestions for how to optimize and perfect your resume from professional resume writers. These professionals are also available to help within the app on-demand.

Other essential features of Resume Builder: PDF Resume App include:

  • Tailored resume suggestions and step-by-step instructions
  • Professionally-designed templates
  • Template customization
  • Free PDF downloads
  • No paywalls or third-party ads

Resume Builder: PDF Resume App is completely free to use with no in-app purchases.

Best Resume Apps for iPhone & Android

8. Perfect Resume

Available for: iOS  

Top feature: Export your resume data as JSON or load from JSON

Developed by Tersacore, Perfect Resume is a newer resume-building app on the market available for iOS only. 

Though some minor tweaks are still required, the app is overall highly rated and is completely free to use.

You can add all the essential sections you need to your resume, including personal details, contact info, experience, degrees, courses, publications, skills, and languages.

Additional features you can access via Perfect Resume include:

  • PDF files with custom metadata and configuration
  • JSON export capabilities
  • 20 different color schemes
  • Privacy-focused policies with no data collection

However, to use Perfect Resume, you'll need to have iOS 15.0 or newer.

Best Resume Apps for iPhone & Android

Top feature: Easily add images, movies, audio, tables, charts, and shapes.

Pages is Apple’s native app for word processing, document creation, and collaboration. Having said that, it's not available for Android.

Being Apple’s own product, Pages typically comes pre-downloaded on most Apple devices . This app can sync across different Apple devices as well, including the iPhone, iPad, and Mac. Pages can also be used on a non-Apple PC when using iWork or iCloud.

Pages isn't solely a resume-building app. It's similar to Google Docs and Microsoft Word, as it offers various templates for all kinds of documents. The templates found in Pages are highly customizable and include a variety of design elements, colors, and formatting options.

Some of the advanced tools available through Pages include:

  • Collaboration features, such as comments and threaded conversations
  • Bookmarks for linking from one part of a document to another
  • You can even draw and annotate using Apple Pencil on supported devices

On Pages, you can export your document as both a PDF file and a Word file, allowing you to open, view, and edit your document in Microsoft Word if needed.

Best Resume Apps for iPhone & Android

10. LinkedIn

Available for: iOS & Android  

Pricing: Free (premium subscription from $29.99/month)

Top feature: Use your professional profile as an online resume

Though the LinkedIn mobile app isn't technically a full-service resume-building app, it does offer handy features for building an online resume on its platform.

This online resume can be used to apply to jobs directly through LinkedIn. As one of the top professionally-oriented social media platforms, LinkedIn is a great place to find employment opportunities.

Apart from filling out all the necessary information that employers seek on your LinkedIn profile, you can also have former employers and colleagues rate your skills, leave testimonials, and connect with people hiring in your industry.

Plus, having a LinkedIn profile to include in your contact information section on a resume can be very advantageous. 

Find out your resume score!

Resume Analytics

Key takeaways

Using a resume-building mobile app allows you to create a professional resume anywhere and at any time.

However, no matter which app you choose, it’s crucial to know how to write an effective resume that not only catches the eye but also ultimately lands you the job. 

To help you with that, we compiled expert resume guides to get you on the right track to create the perfect resume.

Klára Červeňanská — Content Manager / Writer

Klára Červeňanská

Klara recently graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she got an opportunity to write full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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How to write a professional resume summary [+examples], how to put your education on a resume [+examples], how to describe your work experience on a resume [+examples], let your resume do the work..

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Whether you're looking for a new job, want to expand your professional network, make new connections, or connect with former colleagues, LinkedIn is the go-to professional network to find the right people and opportunities. Before you start looking for any of these, having a complete and up-to-date profile is paramount.

While LinkedIn lets you showcase your experience, skills, and education in a structured manner, it's sometimes better to share a personalized resume to convey your experience how you want and set yourself apart from others. You can share your resume with your network for anyone to see or add it to your LinkedIn account for future job applications. Whichever option you prefer, the process is easy and can be completed from any device, including your phone, Android tablet, computer, and even on a Chromebook . Here's how to get started.

How to upload your resume to LinkedIn for future job applications

When it comes to searching for job openings and applying, LinkedIn makes the process seamless by allowing you to filter according to your criteria and simplifying the overall application process. However, things are even simpler when your resume is loaded on your LinkedIn profile, and you don't have to search for it during the application process. Uploading your resume in advance to use for job applications is easy and can be completed both from your computer and mobile phone.

Uploading your resume to LinkedIn from your computer

Applying and searching for jobs often requires you to sit down and focus, which is easier to do at your desk and using your computer. Here's how to load your resume to your LinkedIn account to use it for future applications:

  • Using your favorite web browser, navigate to LinkedIn .

The LinkedIn top bar on desktop

  • In the menu to the left of the screen, click Manage application settings .
  • Turn on Save uploaded resumes and answers to application questions .

The LinkedIn job application settings on desktop

  • Give your resume a clear name when uploading it. You can have several resumes on your LinkedIn account. Then, when applying for a job, select the most appropriate one for the job you're applying for.
  • To maximize your chances of recruiters contacting you, turn on Share your resume data with all recruiters .

Uploading your resume to LinkedIn using your mobile device

To get started, download the LinkedIn app on your smartphone and log in to your profile, or create one if you haven't already. The steps are the same whether you use an iPhone or an Android handset.

  • Open the LinkedIn app on your mobile device.
  • Tap the Jobs icon in the lower-right corner.
  • Tap the ⋮ overflow menu in the upper-right corner. It's between the Search jobs bar and the messages icon.
  • Tap Manage application settings .

The LinkedIn app showing the jobs section

  • Give your resume a clear name before uploading it. You can add several resumes to your LinkedIn account. When applying to a job, select the most appropriate one for the job you're applying for.

Regardless of the method you choose, your resumes remain available both on desktop and mobile, which means you can load your resume from your computer and later find it when applying for a job from your phone.

How to upload your resume to your LinkedIn profile and share it publicly

While resumes are mostly made to be shared when applying for jobs, they're also a summary of your professional experience, your background, your skills, your education, and more. It makes sense to feature your resume on your LinkedIn profile so that your connections and potential recruiters can see it. Featuring your resume on your LinkedIn profile is easy and can be done from your smartphone or computer.

Featuring your resume on your LinkedIn profile from your computer

As with the previous steps, it makes more sense to upload your resume from your laptop or desktop computer, as it's most probably likely stored there already.

  • Click your profile picture or Me in the top bar.

The LinkedIn Add profile section where you can upload your resume

  • Select your resume, give it a title, and write a short description explaining that it's your resume or a summary of your experience.
  • Click Save .

In addition to your resume, you can use the featured section to share work samples or other items you'd like to showcase on your profile.

Featuring your resume on your LinkedIn profile from your smartphone

It's also possible to complete this process on your mobile phone, but you can't share an actual document, and you must export your resume into an image or take a screenshot of it.

  • Tap your profile picture .
  • Under your profile picture and your name, tap Add profile section .
  • Under the Recommended section, click Add Featured .

The LinkedIn Add to profile section showing the types of documents that can be added to your profile page

  • Select the image or screenshot of your resume, give it a title, and write a short description explaining that it's your resume or a summary of your experience.

In addition to your resume, you can use the featured section to share work samples, certificates, and other items you'd like to showcase on your profile.

Showcase your experience

If you're looking for a new job and want to make the application process faster, loading your resume to LinkedIn is something you should do, as you'll always have it handy. Otherwise, it's a good idea to feature it on your profile if you want to share it publicly and attract recruiters.

While LinkedIn is an excellent way to find opportunities and get in touch with people, it may sometimes be overwhelming. If you want to take a break from LinkedIn, deleting your profile is also easy.

  • Applications
  • Guides & How-Tos

how to get resume from linkedin app on iphone

4 Best Ways to Upload Your Resume to LinkedIn in 2022

person in blue business suit with brown leather bag walking through city, looking up from phone and smiling

OK, you don’t want a long intro. You just want to know how to upload your resume to LinkedIn. You’ve probably already scrolled to the steps below. So without further ado, here are the four ways you can upload your resume to LinkedIn and advice on when (and if) you should use each method.

How to upload your resume to LinkedIn with an “Easy Apply” job application

This is probably the most common way you’ll be uploading your resume to LinkedIn. It’s also the smartest way. Your chances of getting to the next round for an opening you’re qualified for are much higher if you tailor your resume to each job. This method allows you to upload a tailored resume for each posting you apply to.

Click the “Easy Apply” button on the job posting.

  • Under the “Resume” field, click on the oval “Upload resume” button. (You may need to click “Next” in the bottom right corner if the “Resume” field isn’t on the first page.)
  • If you’ve previously uploaded a resume, LinkedIn will automatically select it. Click the gray “x” on the right side of the file name, and you’ll be given the option to select or upload another resume.
  • Select the correct resume using the file picker that appears.

Note: If there’s no “Easy Apply” option for the job, clicking “Apply” will take you away from LinkedIn, and resume upload instructions will vary.

How to upload your resume to LinkedIn with a job application from the LinkedIn app

  • Select the correct resume from the list of files that appear.

When you should upload your resume to with an “Easy Apply” application

  • Any time you choose to use LinkedIn’s Easy Apply option

How to upload your resume to LinkedIn for future applications

This method will make your resume file available to select for any jobs you may apply to on LinkedIn going forward.

Here’s how to do it:

  • From any page on LinkedIn, click on the “Jobs” icon on the top bar.
  • On the left bar, click “Application settings.”
  • Under “Manage your resumes,” click on the oval “Upload resume” button.

How to upload your resume to LinkedIn for future applications from the app

  • From any page on LinkedIn, click on the “Jobs” icon on the bottom of the screen.
  • Next to the “Search jobs” field, click on the three dots.
  • Select “Application settings” from the menu that appears.

When you should upload your resume for future applications

  • If you’ve already tailored a resume, but for whatever reason need to submit your application at a time when you won’t have access to your resume file
  • If you’ve decided not to tailor your resume for every application, and want to be able to apply to jobs on the go

How to upload your resume to your LinkedIn profile

If you want to upload your resume to your LinkedIn profile , you’ll need to do it separately. You won’t be able to select files you’ve used for applications. Here’s what to do:

  • On your LinkedIn profile, click the “Add profile section” button at the bottom of the first profile block.
  • Click on “Recommended.”
  • From the expanded list, click on “Add featured.”
  • On the “Featured” page, click on the plus (+) sign.
  • Select “Add media.”
  • Select your resume using the file picker that appears.
  • Write a title and short description for your resume file.
  • Click “Save.”

How to upload your resume to your LinkedIn profile from the app

You can’t currently upload a file to your profile using the LinkedIn app. You have the option to upload a photo, but you should always upload your resume as a Word document or PDF file rather than an image.

When you should upload your resume to your LinkedIn profile

Honestly, uploading your resume to your LinkedIn profile isn’t necessary. I know I sound like a broken record, but any resume you upload to LinkedIn won’t be tailored to a specific job . If someone visits your profile and wants general info about your qualifications, they already have access to all the information on your resume and more without having to download any files.

How to upload your resume to LinkedIn for a LinkedIn post

Posts appear on your connections’ and followers’ LinkedIn “Feeds,” which are front and center on the LinkedIn home page. If you want to incorporate your resume into a post:

  • Click “Start a post” in the field at the top of your Feed.
  • Select the page icon at the bottom of the window that appears. (“Add a document” will appear when you hover over it.)
  • Select “Choose file,” “Dropbox,” or “Google Drive.”
  • Add a title to your document.
  • Click the “Done” button.

How to upload your resume to LinkedIn for a post from the app

  • Tap the plus (+) sign “Post” icon at the bottom of your screen.
  • Select the “Add a document” option from below the text box.
  • Select your resume from the list of files that appear.
  • Tap “Next” at the top right of the screen.

When you should upload your resume to LinkedIn for a post

  • If you’re  asking your LinkedIn network or a LinkedIn professional group for help  or leads in your job search, you can help them help you by making it easy for them to download your resume

how to get resume from linkedin app on iphone


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