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Personal lesson notes and assignment solutions for the openSAP course - Python for Beginners.

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openSAP Course: How to Build Chatbots with SAP Conversational AI

openSAP Course: How to Build Chatbots with SAP Conversational AI

Many companies are still struggling to meet customer and employee expectations in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Customer experiences were affected as service centers were unable to cope with the huge spike in calls due to lockdown restrictions. Some companies failed to provide a new vision of the workplace to employees who were forced into a new way of working, along with the technology necessary to fulfill new requirements.

The world is now conversational, and chatbots have proven effective at delivering high-quality customer and employee experiences. The new openSAP course How to Build Chatbots with SAP Conversational AI teaches learners how to create an enterprise-ready chatbot from scratch through step-by-step tutorials, leveraging the different capabilities of the platform.

Using SAP Conversational AI, organizations can address common challenges in employees’ day-to-day work, leading to improvements in efficiency, productivity, and engagement, and allowing employees to focus on unanticipated, non-routine, creative, and other higher-order work goals.

SAP Conversational AI is an end-to-end chatbot-building platform that enables users to train, build, connect, and monitor chatbots in a single interface. With low-code connections to SAP and non-SAP solutions, a world-class multilingual natural language processing technology, and embedded analytics tools, chatbots built with SAP Conversational AI are able to guide users to the right content, answer FAQs, and automate tedious tasks.

Over a six-week period, participants will have the chance to get hands-on practice in building their own chatbot for both customer and employee experience scenarios and benefit from best practices and tips from SAP experts. Throughout the course, users will learn how to train a chatbot, create conversational flows, connect the chatbot to communication channels, and monitor its usage. The course will also cover how to leverage the collaborative features available on the platform to create chatbots as a team.

How to Build Chatbots with SAP Conversational AI starts October 20, and only a valid email address is needed to sign up. The main target group is developers interested in building their own chatbots, but the course is open to everyone interested in learning about SAP Conversational AI.

Experts will be on hand in the discussion forum to answer any questions that may come up during the course, and participants can earn a certificate if they complete the weekly assignments and final exam before the deadlines.

Enroll and find out more on the openSAP website .

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(Please see the update from later the same day as I posted this, at the bottom.)

Don’t get me wrong, the openSAP initiative is excellent, free learning materials of high quality? Yes please and thank you! This instills a passion in me (and I’m sure many others) for (a) learning more and (b) trying to attain the highest achievement. In the case of openSAP, this means trying to attain high marks in the assignments.

Unfortunately, the question and answer sections of the weekly assignments sometimes get in the way of that, in that the questions and / or answers are ambiguous. The current openSAP course “ Build Your Own SAP Fiori App in the Cloud “, has great content but the questions are dubious. Here are a couple of examples, that we’re discussing on Twitter right now :

In the assignment for Week 2, there is the following question, with the 4 possible answers thus:

Within the context of SAP HANA Cloud Platform, where do applications run? (a) In the HANA Database (b) Inside the cockpit (c) In an SAP HANA Cloud Platform account (d) On the SCN community page of SAP HANA Cloud Platform

The officially correct answer has been marked as (c). But an account is not somewhere where code can be run . It’s not an execution environment. It’s an accounting, configuration, billing artifact. It’s the credentials, the units of computing allocated and allowed, it’s the sets of permissions for access to features and subscriptions and so on. It’s not an execution environment. So there’s no way that anything can  run in the SAP HCP  account. The nearest correct answer as far as I could see is (a). But that’s not entirely accurate. However, the ambiguity of this question and the possible answers force me to choose “the nearest that makes sense” which is (a), as (c) can certainly  not be correct.

Another example is in the assignment for Week 3, where there’s the following question and 4 possible answers:

Which end-to-end application development phases are currently supported by SAP Web IDE? (a) Prototyping, developing, testing, deploying, and extending (b) Requirements management, prototyping, developing, testing, deploying, and extending (c) Prototyping, developing, functionality testing, A\B testing, deploying, and extending *(d) Developing, testing, deploying, and extending *

The officially correct answer has been marked as (d).

The official download materials for this week contain, as usual, a complete transcript of all the units, the slides, and the videos. This is great in itself. Unfortunately, the official transcript records exactly what the instructor said, which is (starting at 00:02:22, bold emphasis mine):

*And we do so by covering the end-to-end application development lifecycle with one tool. And when we refer to the end-to-end application lifecycle development, we start from the prototyping of the application , then the development, the testing on the different devices of course, the packaging and the deployment into different application landscape and then later on after we released the application, also the extension of the application in order to customize it and make it suitable for the different scenarios and**customers. *

The slide related to this section looks like this:


See that tiny couple of words in a footnote in the bottom left? They say “*future innovation”. The instructor didn’t mention this, so if you didn’t see the slide or were watching on your smartphone (which I was) where it was too small to see, but were nevertheless intensely listening to her, and then reading the transcript to double check the facts, you would not have noticed this.

Now call me old fashioned, but if the transcript says that prototyping is supported, then I take it that prototyping is supported. But I don’t just take the transcript’s word for it … I do prototyping in the SAP Web IDE. I don’t use the Powerpoint-based kit, I build simple views in XML either by hand in the coding editor, or sometimes with the layout editor. So practically speaking, the SAP Web IDE does support prototyping, regardless of what is or is not said.

The challenge is not the course itself, the content, as I said, is great. The challenge is setting clear questions with unambiguous answers. Here are two occasions (and there have been others, on other openSAP courses in the past) where this is not the case.

I’m passionate about learning and sharing knowledge, and being the best I can be. Something like this where incorrect answers are given as the officially correct answers, does make me somewhat sad.

But one thing’s for certain: If you’re reading this and not participating in the course, head on over there right now and catch up with these great learning opportunities!

Update 21:30 on the same day:

Now this is worth shouting about. Around 3 hours after I took part in the discussions on Twitter this morning and published this post, the regular weekly “Welcome to Week N” email arrived in my inbox as usual. But what was special was this section:

Weekly Assignments: Problematic Questions in Weeks 2 and 3 *Week 2: Within the context of SAP HANA Cloud Platform, where do applications run?**Week 3: Which end-to-end application development phases are currently supported by SAP Web IDE?**In both these cases, we realized that the questions were slightly misleading. You can * find more information on the discussion forums for weeks 2 and 3. To ensure fairness toall our learners, we will assign full points for these questions to all learners who took the weekly assignments. Your scores will be adjusted at the end of the course.

This is the openSAP team directly and pretty much immediately addressing our concerns and worries, within a few hours . I cannot commend the openSAP team enough for this. Not primarily for addressing the issue (issues arise in all manner of contexts, that’s normal), but for being ultra responsive and in touch with the participants of the course directly .

Other MOOCs, heck, other educational institutions in general, please take note. The openSAP team shows how it’s done .

Generative AI is in the news, for good and bad reasons. Listen to SAP Board Member Julia White discuss how to unleash the power of Generative AI in Cloud ERP systems with Richard Howells. They discuss some of the best use cases, and the importance of implementing accurate, relevant, and responsible AI throughout a business without disrupting operations.

opensap assignment answers

Guest Speaker: Julia White, Chief Marketing & Solutions Officer and Executive Board Member at SAP

Julia is one of the 7 leaders who make up the senior leadership team at SAP, called the Executive Board. SAP is the global technology leader in enterprise applications and the most valuable company headquartered in Germany. In her role, White leads the product value propositions and go-to-market approach, global marketing, communications, and government affairs. She is also the executive sponsor for Pride@SAP, Black Employee Network, and Business Women’s Network groups at SAP.

Julia joined SAP after spending 20 years at Microsoft. Most recently she led product marketing for Microsoft Azure, helping grow the business to become the world’s second largest public cloud. Prior to this, she spent 8 years within the Office division where she was instrumental in leading the shift from an on-premises technology to establishing Office 365 as the leader in cloud productivity services. Julia has a bachelor’s degree from Stanford University and a master’s in business administration from Harvard Business School.

opensap assignment answers

Host: Richard Howells, SAP

Richard Howells has been working in the Supply Chain Management and Manufacturing space for over 30 years. He is responsible for driving the thought leadership and awareness of SAP’s ERP, Finance, and Supply Chain solutions and is an active writer, podcaster, and thought leader on the topics of supply chain, Industry 4.0, digitization, and sustainability.

Useful Links:

  • Download transcript
  • To learn more attend the virtual Rise into the Future Event on September 26th

Follow Us on Social Media:

  • Julia White: LinkedIn , Twitter
  • Richard Howells: LinkedIn , Twitter
  • SAP SAP S/4HANA Cloud ERP: LinkedIn , Twitter

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opensap assignment answers

AI tutors are quietly changing how kids in the US study, and the leading apps are from China

opensap assignment answers

Evan, a high school sophomore from Houston, was stuck on a calculus problem. He pulled up Answer AI on his iPhone, snapped a photo of the problem from his Advanced Placement math textbook, and ran it through the homework app. Within a few seconds, Answer AI had generated an answer alongside a step-by-step process of solving the problem.

A year ago, Evan would be scouring long YouTube videos in hopes of tackling his homework challenges. He also had a private tutor, who cost $60 per hour. Now the arrival of AI bots is posing a threat to long-established tutoring franchises such as Kumon, the 66-year-old Japanese giant that has 1,500 locations and nearly 290,000 students across the U.S .

“The tutor’s hourly cost is about the same as Answer AI’s whole year of subscription,” Evan told me. “So I stopped doing a lot of [in-person] tutoring.”

Answer AI is among a handful of popular apps that are leveraging the advent of ChatGPT and other large language models to help students with everything from writing history papers to solving physics problems. Of the top 20 education apps in the U.S. App Store, five are AI agents that help students with their school assignments, including Answer AI, according to data from on May 21.

There is a perennial debate on the role AI should play in education. The advantages of AI tutors are obvious: They make access to after-school tutoring much more equitable. The $60-per-hour tutoring in Houston is already much more affordable than services in more affluent and academically cutthroat regions, like the Bay Area, which can be three times as expensive, Answer AI’s founder Ric Zhou told me.

Zhou, a serial entrepreneur, also suggested that AI enables more personalized teaching, which is hard to come by in a classroom of 20 students. Chatbot teachers, which can remember a student’s learning habits and never get grumpy about answering questions, can replace the private coaches that rich families hire. Myhanh, a high school junior based in Houston, said her math grades have improved from 85 to 95 within six months since using generative AI to study.

For now, AI tutors are mostly constrained to text-based interactions, but very soon, they will literally be able to speak to students in ways that optimize for each student’s learning style, whether that means a more empathetic, humorous, or creative style. OpenAI’s GPT-4o already demonstrated that an AI assistant that can generate voice responses in a range of emotive styles is within reach.

When AI doesn’t help you learn

The vision of equitable, AI-powered learning isn’t fully realized yet. Like other apps that forward API calls to LLMs, AI tutors suffer from hallucinations and can spit out wrong answers. Answer AI tries to improve its accuracy through retrieval augmented generation (RAG), a method that fine-tunes an LLM with certain domain knowledge — in this case, a sea of problem sets. But it’s still making more mistakes than the last-generation homework apps that match user queries with an existing library of practice problems, as these apps don’t try to answer questions they don’t already know.

Some students are aware of AI’s limitations. Evan often cross-checks results from Answer AI with ChatGPT, while Myhanh uses Answer AI in an after-school study group to bounce ideas off her peers. But Evan and Myhanh are the types of self-driven students who are more likely to use AI as a learning aid, while some of their peers may handily delegate AI to do their homework without learning anything.

Answer AI

For now, educators aren’t sure what to do with AI. Several public school districts in the U.S. have banned access to ChatGPT on school devices, but enforcing a ban on generative AI outright becomes challenging as soon as students leave school premises.

The reality is, it’s impossible for teachers and parents to prevent kids from using AI to study. It’s hard to discern whether a student has learned to solve a math problem by heart based on the answer they write, and detecting when essays have been written with AI is (so far) heavily flawed , too. So it may be more effective to educate kids on the role of AI as an imperfect assistant that sometimes makes mistakes rather than prohibit it completely.

Chinese dominance

As of May, the two most popular AI helpers in the U.S. are both Chinese owned. One-year-old Question AI is the brainchild of the founders of Zuoyebang, a popular Chinese homework app that has raised around $3 billion in equity over the past decade. Gauth, on the other hand, was launched by TikTok parent ByteDance in 2019 . Since its inception, Question AI has been downloaded 6 million times across Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store in the U.S., whereas its rival Gauth has amassed twice as many installs since its launch, according to data provided by market research firm Sensor Tower. (Both are published in the U.S. by Singaporean entities, a common tactic as Chinese tech receives growing scrutiny from the West .)

opensap assignment answers

The success of Chinese homework apps is a result of their concerted effort to target the American market in recent years. In 2021, China imposed rules to clamp down on its burgeoning private tutoring sector focused on the country’s public school curriculum. Many service providers, including brick-and-mortar tutoring centers and online study apps, have since pivoted to overseas users. The U.S. is unsurprisingly their most coveted international market due to its sheer size.

The fact that tutoring apps are likely to be using similar foundational AI technologies has leveled the playing field for foreign players, which can overcome language and cultural barriers by summoning AI to study user behavior. As Eugene Wei wrote in his canonical analysis of TikTok’s global success,”[A] machine learning algorithm significantly responsive and accurate can pierce the veil of cultural ignorance.”

The reliance on the same group of LLMs also makes it hard for these study apps to differentiate solely on the quality of their answers. Some of the legacy players, like Zuoyebang and Photomath, can use a combination of generative AI and search in their extensive libraries of problem sets to improve accuracy. Newcomers will need to find alternative ways to set themselves apart, like enhancing user personalization features.

“An AI agent needs to proactively engage with students and tailor its answers to individual learning needs,” said Zhou. “A raw language model isn’t a ready-to-use AI agent, so we try to differentiate by fine-tuning our AI to teach more effectively. For example, our AI bot would invite students to ask follow-up questions after presenting an answer, encouraging deeper learning rather than just letting them copy the result.”

Updated to correct text that stated AI can be used to detect essays written using AI: It cannot.

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Join this free online course to learn about data science. The course will introduce you to the fundamentals of data preparation, predictive modeling, data science, and the deployment and maintenance of models in a business environment following a tried and tested project methodology.

Course information

Course summary.

In 2012, Harvard Business Review named data science the "sexiest job of the 21st century." Why are data scientists in such demand these days? The answer is that over the past decade, there has been an explosion in the data generated and retained by companies, and they need to leverage and exploit it. Data scientists are the people who make sense out of all this data and figure out just what can be done with it.

If you’re interested in learning about data science, this course will introduce you to the fundamentals of data preparation, predictive modeling, data science, and the deployment and maintenance of models in a business environment following a tried and tested project methodology.

In the first week, we’ll cover the fundamental challenges of business problem understanding and identifying the appropriate analytical approach. In the second week, we’ll cover data preparation, selecting variables, and data encoding. Weeks three and four will introduce you to a wide range of algorithms such as decision trees, regression, neural networks, basket analysis, and simulation. Week five explains how we evaluate the performance of our models and the approaches we take to improve them. In week 6, you’ll learn about model deployment and maintenance, and we’ll debunk some common myths.

Data science is a complex subject to understand, but in this course you’ll learn about the fundamental principles, look at how the algorithms can add value to your business, and we’ll demystify the complex processes. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to be a data scientist.

Here is what some participants are saying about the course:

" Much Thanks to Stuart and all in team who assisted. Loved Stuart's Passion and non-technical way of teaching. Very Good Course - much more than a Introduction " Read the original post

" Great foundation into Data Science & AI. Thanks openSAP and the Instructor, this was a very good course to take and broaden my insight into the field." Read the original post

" Good Data Science Introduction. Thanks Stuart for your brilliant session. It makes me understand more skill and tech used in DS area. I feel I come back to university and listen to my professor's class." Read the original post

" Excellent Course. I enjoyed the course and the facilitator, well presented." Read the original post

" Thank you a bunch. I liked the way the course was delivered. Very informative and helpful. Thank you for the references." Read the original post

" This course provided more than a basic understanding of the data science concepts supported by very good links to both paid and free material to support further steps of the data science journey. " Read the original post

Course Characteristics

  • Starting from: June 15, 2021, 09:00 UTC. ( What does this mean? )
  • Duration: 6 weeks (3-4 hours per week)
  • Final exam: July 27, 2021, 9:00 UTC – August 04, 2021, 9:00 UTC
  • Course language: English
  • How is an openSAP course structured?

Course Content

Week 1: Business and Data Understanding Week 2: Data Preparation Week 3: Modeling (1) Week 4: Modeling (2) Week 5: Evaluating Model Performance Week 6: Deployment and Maintenance Week 7: Final Exam

Target Audience

Anybody with a basic understanding of data, data analysis, and simple mathematics.

Further Learning

Further Learning pic

Course contents

I like, i wish:, final exam:, enroll me for this course.

This course was rated with 4.44 stars in average from 1436 votes .

Certificate Requirements

  • Gain a Record of Achievement by earning at least 50% of the maximum number of points from all graded assignments.
  • Gain a Confirmation of Participation by completing at least 50% of the course material.

Find out more in the certificate guidelines .

This course is offered by

Stuart clarke.

Stuart Clarke

Stuart Clarke is a chief consultant with Global Consulting Delivery, Analytics and Insight, focusing on predictive analytics and data science.

He has specialized in operational research, data science, predictive analytics, and advanced analytics for over 25 years, working extensively in the telecommunications, retail, utilities, and financial services sectors.

At SAP, he provides predictive analytics consultancy, developing and implementing predictive models for SAP customers and delivering POCs for customers and prospects. He also holds introduction courses for SAP Predictive Analytics and deep-dive technical sessions to SAP customers, partners, and internals, world-wide.


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  1. Generative AI at SAP

    I also did it. I completed the openSAP course "Generative AI at SAP". This free online course offers insights into the practical value of artificial intellig...

  2. sambelony/OpenSAP-Python-Exercises-Solutions

    Languages. 100.0%. My OpenSAP Python course solutions. Contribute to sambelony/OpenSAP-Python-Exercises-Solutions development by creating an account on GitHub.

  3. Frequently Asked Questions

    You can sort posts on the discussion forum based on Most Recent Activity, Latest Questions, and Best Voted Answers First or search for keywords. Weekly Assignments: ... Peer assessment is a process where learners grade the assignments of their peers and give feedback. openSAP uses peer-grading for assignments that need human evaluation.

  4. Generative AI at SAP ️

    đź””Enroll for free: for this free online course to learn about the value of different types of artificial intelligence (AI...

  5. SAP-samples/abap-platform-rap-opensap

    This repository offers optional hands-on exercises for the free openSAP Course Building Apps with the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model (RAP). Please note: The information will be made available in the sections below at the beginning of the relevant week during the live course periode. Live course period: October 19, 2020 - December 1 ...

  6. Generative AI at SAP

    Course assignment: You can take the course assignment at any time whilst the course is open. Course closure: December 20, 2023, 9:00 UTC; ... openSAP is SAP's free learning platform for everyone interested in learning about SAP's latest innovations and how to survive in the digital economy. openSAP Enterprise MOOCs are complete courses, and ...

  7. Guidelines for the Record of Achievement

    This will help you avoid losing points as choosing incorrect answers will result in points being deducted from your overall score. § 5 Issuing the Record of Achievement. openSAP collects the results from weekly assignments, peer-graded assignments, and the final exam.

  8. Assignment Week 1

    Assignment Week 1 _ Find Your Path to SAP S_4HANA _ OpenSAPAssignment Week 1 _ Find Your Path to SAP S_4HANA _ OpenSAPAssignment Week 1 _ Find Your Path to SAP S ...

  9. Assignment Week 4

    Assignment Week 4 _ Introduction to SAP HANA Administration _ OpenSAP - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Assignment Week 4 Introduction to SAP HANA Administration

  10. Leveraging SAP S/4HANA Cloud with SAP Central Business ...

    All self tests, weekly assignments and final exam questions of the respective openSAP course are listed here. !!!The answers-side only contains CORRECT answers. It is possible that questions appear twice. The answers might be different though!!!

  11. Getting Started with SAP Business ByDesign Flashcards

    Which of the following statements about the flexibility of SAP Business ByDesign is true? Solution adaptation enables customers to adapt SAP Business ByDesign to new requirements during system usage. All self tests, weekly assignments and final exam questions of the respective openSAP course are listed here. !!! The answers-side only contains ...

  12. GitHub

    Personal lesson notes and assignment solutions for the openSAP course - Python for Beginners. About. Personal notes and assignment solutions for the openSAP course - Python for Beginners. Resources. Readme Activity. Stars. 1 star Watchers. 2 watching Forks. 0 forks Report repository Releases No releases published.

  13. Inside SAP S/4HANA Cloud

    openSAP Podcasts provide knowledge from members of the SAP ecosystem, including SAP employees, partners, and customers. Choose topics relevant for your business or personal interests. Stream or download episodes with Apple Podcasts, Spotify, TuneIn, or directly from openSAP.

  14. New OpenSAP Conversational AI Course

    A new conversational AI course on openSAP covers how to create an enterprise-ready chatbot from scratch. Learn more about the platform. ... Experts will be on hand in the discussion forum to answer any questions that may come up during the course, and participants can earn a certificate if they complete the weekly assignments and final exam ...

  15. openSAP Experiences

    Unfortunately, the question and answer sections of the weekly assignments sometimes get in the way of that, in that the questions and / or answers are ambiguous. The current openSAP course "Build Your Own SAP Fiori App in the Cloud", has great content but the questions are dubious. Here are a couple of examples, that we're discussing on ...

  16. Free SAP Training

    openSAP delivers innovative learning for everyone with expert-led content, made for you by SAP. Learning is lifelong, and with our free online learning available globally, you can upskill wherever and whenever you need it. openSAP Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) leverage tried and trusted classroom concepts, with digital enhancements ...

  17. Question asked in the OpenSAP Assignment #1 is not answered in videos

    Search Questions and Answers . 0. Former Member . Jun 03, 2013 at 04:29 PM Question asked in the OpenSAP Assignment #1 is not answered in videos or on slides ... Follow RSS Feed Hi everyone, I am not trying to cheat or anything, but I am currently doing the assignment of OpenSAP HANA Dev cours, week #1. There is this one thing that I think isn ...

  18. Episode 16: Unleashing the Power of Generative AI for Cloud ERP with

    Host: Richard Howells, SAP Richard Howells has been working in the Supply Chain Management and Manufacturing space for over 30 years. He is responsible for driving the thought leadership and awareness of SAP's ERP, Finance, and Supply Chain solutions and is an active writer, podcaster, and thought leader on the topics of supply chain, Industry 4.0, digitization, and sustainability.

  19. Building Apps with the ABAP RESTful Application Programming Model

    Join this free online course to learn how the ABAP RESTful Application Programming (RAP) Model offers a new programming model for ABAP development, regardless of whether you want to start from scratch or reuse existing business logic. **Please note:** There is additional learning material related to the topic of this course available on the [SAP Learning site I Learning Journey Practicing ...

  20. AI tutors are quietly changing how kids in the US study, and the

    Of the top 20 education apps in the U.S. App Store, five are AI agents that help students with their school assignments, including Answer AI, according to data from on May 21.

  21. Guide Your SAP S/4HANA Project to Success (Repeat)

    The openSAP platform will be discontinued in July 2024. ... We'll answer some of the most common questions and present demos of some of the available Innovations to help you to prepare for your journey to SAP S/4HANA. ... Course assignment: You can take the course assignment at any time whilst the course is open. Course closure: July 22, 2021 ...

  22. Getting Started with Data Science (Edition 2021)

    Course Details. Announcements. Join this free online course to learn about data science. The course will introduce you to the fundamentals of data preparation, predictive modeling, data science, and the deployment and maintenance of models in a business environment following a tried and tested project methodology. Self-paced since August 4, 2021.