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IELTS Cambridge 17 Essay: Taking Risks in Professional and Personal Lives

by Dave | Cambridge 17 | 4 Comments

IELTS Cambridge 17 Essay: Taking Risks in Professional and Personal Lives

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay from the new Cambridge IELTS 17 book of past test papers on the topic of taking risks in professional and personal lives.

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It is important for people to take risks, in both their professional lives and personal lives.

Do the advantages of taking these risks outweigh the disadvantages?

Some would argue that taking risks, both in terms of one’s private life and one’s working career, is advantageous overall. I am generally in agreement with this contention due to the potential for advancement and growth.

Firstly, risk-taking can expedite one’s career goals. Many workers decide early on that they are content with their position in society and therefore often fail to actualize their potential. Others, however, attempt various business enterprises and transition from field to field in order to find a good match. Although this may lead to short-term setbacks, in the long-term such ambitious individuals are far more likely to become very successful in life. Assuming that these risks are taken early in one’s career, there is a strong likelihood that they will eventually profit the risk-taker in question.

Moreover, an individual who takes risks will also develop more mature personal relationships. In more conservative countries, many young people do not begin to have serious romantic relationships until after university. The result of this is that they are often immature and it can lead to poor and naive choices in terms of marriage and parenting. In contrast, a person who takes risks in their personal life and enters into various relationships throughout high school and university will become a better judge of character. Their allegedly risky behavior can then serve as the foundation for personal growth and increased maturity.

In conclusion, taking risks can be a catalyst for tremendous growth and is therefore advisable. The disadvantages of risk-taking can also be mitigated in most contexts by not being inordinately reckless.

1. Some would argue that taking risks, both in terms of one’s private life and one’s working career, is advantageous overall. 2. I am generally in agreement with this contention due to the potential for advancement and growth.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Firstly, risk-taking can expedite one’s career goals. 2. Many workers decide early on that they are content with their position in society and therefore often fail to actualize their potential. 3. Others, however, attempt various business enterprises and transition from field to field in order to find a good match. 4. Although this may lead to short-term setbacks, in the long-term such ambitious individuals are far more likely to become very successful in life. 5. Assuming that these risks are taken early in one’s career, there is a strong likelihood that they will eventually profit the risk-taker in question.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.
  • Short sentences can make your writing clearer.

1. Moreover, an individual who takes risks will also develop more mature personal relationships. 2. In more conservative countries, many young people do not begin to have serious romantic relationships until after university. 3. The result of this is that they are often immature and it can lead to poor and naive choices in terms of marriage and parenting. 4. In contrast, a person who takes risks in their personal life and enters into various relationships throughout high school and university will become a better judge of character. 5. Their allegedly risky behavior can then serve as the foundation for personal growth and increased maturity.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Add as much information as you can and make sure it links logically.
  • Finish the paragraph strong.

1. In conclusion, taking risks can be a catalyst for tremendous growth and is therefore advisable. 2. The disadvantages of risk-taking can also be mitigated in most contexts by not being inordinately reckless.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

Some would argue that taking risks , both in terms of one’s private life and one’s working career , is advantageous overall . I am generally in agreement with this contention due to the potential for advancement and growth .

Firstly, risk-taking can expedite one’s career goals . Many workers decide early on that they are content with their position in society and therefore often fail to actualize their potential. Others, however, attempt various business enterprises and transition from field to field in order to find a good match . Although this may lead to short-term setbacks , in the long-term such ambitious individuals are far more likely to become very successful in life. Assuming that these risks are taken early in one’s career , there is a strong likelihood that they will eventually profit the risk-taker in question .

Moreover, an individual who takes risks will also develop more mature personal relationships . In more conservative countries , many young people do not begin to have serious romantic relationships until after university. The result of this is that they are often immature and it can lead to poor and naive choices in terms of marriage and parenting. In contrast, a person who takes risks in their personal life and enters into various relationships throughout high school and university will become a better judge of character . Their allegedly risky behavior can then serve as the foundation for personal growth and increased maturity .

In conclusion, taking risks can be a catalyst for tremendous growth and is therefore advisable . The disadvantages of risk-taking can also be mitigated in most contexts by not being inordinately reckless .

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

taking risks making decisions that are not always safe

in terms of concerning

private life personal lives

working career jobs

advantageous overall good in general

I am generally in agreement with this contention I mostly agree

due to because of

potential possible

advancement moving forward

growth becoming a better person

risk-taking making risky decisions

expedite make faster

career goals pursue a good job and career path

decide early on choose from the beginning

content satisfied with

position job

fail to actualize don’t fully achieve

attempt try

business enterprises jobs and businesses

transition from field to field move from job to job

good match good fit

short-term setbacks drawbacks right away

ambitious individuals people with big dreams

are far more likely to become greater chance they will

Assuming given that

risks are taken doing risky actions

strong likelihood good chance of it

profit what you get/earn

risk-taker person who takes risks

in question being discussed here

develop change

mature personal relationships better interactions with others

conservative countries traditional nations

serious romantic relationships boyfriends, girlfriends, partners, etc.

The result of this is that the consequence is

immature not mature, childish

poor not good

naive innocent

enters into various relationships throughout have many different relationships during

better judge of character understand people better

allegedly it is assumed that

serve as the foundation for are the basis for

personal growth how a person changes and gets better

increased maturity growing as a person

a catalyst for tremendous the cause of big

advisable a good idea

mitigated weakened

contexts situations

inordinately reckless very risky


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

ˈteɪkɪŋ rɪsks ɪn tɜːmz ɒv   ˈpraɪvɪt laɪf   ˈwɜːkɪŋ kəˈrɪə   ˌædvənˈteɪʤəs ˈəʊvərɔːl aɪ æm ˈʤɛnərəli ɪn əˈgriːmənt wɪð ðɪs kənˈtɛnʃən   djuː tuː   pəʊˈtɛnʃəl   ədˈvɑːnsmənt   grəʊθ rɪsk-ˈteɪkɪŋ   ˈɛkspɪdaɪt   kəˈrɪə gəʊlz dɪˈsaɪd ˈɜːli ɒn   ˈkɒntɛnt   pəˈzɪʃən   feɪl tuː ˈækʧʊəlaɪz   əˈtɛmpt   ˈbɪznɪs ˈɛntəpraɪzɪz   trænˈzɪʃ(ə)n frɒm fiːld tuː fiːld   gʊd mæʧ ʃɔːt-tɜːm ˈsɛtbæks æmˈbɪʃəs ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəlz   ɑː fɑː mɔː ˈlaɪkli tuː bɪˈkʌm   əˈsjuːmɪŋ   rɪsks ɑː ˈteɪkən   kəˈrɪə strɒŋ ˈlaɪklɪhʊd   ˈprɒfɪt   rɪsk-ˈteɪkə   ɪn ˈkwɛsʧən dɪˈvɛləp   məˈtjʊə ˈpɜːsnl rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps kənˈsɜːvətɪv ˈkʌntriz ˈsɪərɪəs rəʊˈmæntɪk rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps   ðə rɪˈzʌlt ɒv ðɪs ɪz ðæt   ˌɪməˈtjʊə   pʊə   nɑːˈiːv   ɪn tɜːmz ɒv   ˈɛntəz ˈɪntuː ˈveərɪəs rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps θru(ː)ˈaʊt   ˈbɛtə ˈʤʌʤ ɒv ˈkærɪktə   əˈlɛʤdli   sɜːv æz ðə faʊnˈdeɪʃən fɔː   ˈpɜːsnl grəʊθ   ɪnˈkriːst məˈtjʊərɪti ə ˈkætəlɪst fɔː trɪˈmɛndəs   ədˈvaɪzəbl ˈmɪtɪgeɪtɪd   ˈkɒntɛksts   ɪˈnɔːdɪnɪtli ˈrɛklɪs

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

Some would argue that t________________s , both i____________f one’s p_____________e and one’s w______________r , is a_____________________l . I_________________________________________________n d______o the p_________l for a_________t and g_________h .

Firstly, r__________g can e_________e one’s c__________s . Many workers d______________n that they are c_______t with their p________n in society and therefore often f____________e their potential. Others, however, a_______t various b__________________s and t___________________________d in order to find a g_________h . Although this may lead to s________________________s , in the long-term such a____________________s a_______________________________e very successful in life. A___________g that these r________________n early in one’s c_______r , there is a s_____________d that they will eventually p______t the r___________________________n .

Moreover, an individual who takes risks will also d__________p more m______________________s . In more c____________________________s , many young people do not begin to have s___________________________s until after university. T_________________________t they are often i____________e and it can lead to p____r and n____e choices i________________f marriage and parenting. In contrast, a person who takes risks in their personal life and e____________________________________t high school and university will become a b_________________r . Their a__________y risky behavior can then s_______________________________r p___________________h and i________________y .

In conclusion, taking risks can be a____________________________s growth and is therefore a__________e . The disadvantages of risk-taking can also be m__________d in most c______________s by not being i____________________s .

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic by watching from YouTube below and practice with these activities :

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :

  • How important is it for people to set goals?
  • Do people set different goals at different stages of life?
  • Are personal goals more important than professional goals?
  • What sort of goals do young people today set?
  • Are people becoming more pessimistic about their life goals?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related IELTS essay topics below:

Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always good.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

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I see that you mentioned the demerit of taking risks in career aspect, but why did you not discuss the demerits in terms of personal life in your second body paragraph?


There is only so much space and it isn’t necessary in order to fully support my opinion – I can just say that this reason is overwhelmingly more important.

Is that clear, Ailes?


Hi According to your other post, the advantage outweigh disadvantage question needs both sides of topic.

which one is the correct instruction?

It isn’t absolutely necessary though I would advise it.

The exception is in cases like this question where there is personal and professional – then it makes sense to choose one side so that the development in manageable.

Is that clear?

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Band-9 Samples: It is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and their personal lives. Do you think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages?

This post contains ideas and band-9 sample essays for the Cambridge IELTS 17 Academic Writing Task 2 Test 1 topic:

“It is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and their personal lives. Do you think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages?”

Brainstorming Phases

It’s advisable for you to attempt writing your own essay utilizing these ideas, examples, synonyms, advanced vocabulary, and proposed structures prior to examining any band-9 model essays.

Advantage & Disadvantage Ideas


  • Building resilience to face future challenges
  • Encouraging innovation in the workplace
  • Promoting adaptability to changing circumstances
  • Achieving greater success by seizing opportunities
  • Expanding comfort zones for personal development
  • Boosting self-confidence through accomplishment
  • Fostering a growth mindset in individuals
  • Cultivating leadership skills by taking initiative
  • Learning from failures to improve performance
  • Broadening perspectives by embracing the unknown


  • Endangering personal safety or health
  • Facing legal consequences from uncalculated risks
  • Wasting time and resources on unsuccessful endeavors
  • Encountering high levels of stress and anxiety
  • Lowering morale when risks don’t pay off
  • Compromising long-term stability for short-term gains
  • Exposing oneself to public criticism or ridicule
  • Neglecting important obligations or responsibilities
  • Overlooking viable alternatives for safer options
  • Reinforcing a pattern of reckless behavior

Real-Life Examples To Make Ideas Clearer

Favoring advantages:

  • Steve Jobs dropped out of college and co-founded Apple, revolutionizing the tech industry.
  • Bill Gates left Harvard to co-found Microsoft, which became a cornerstone of the computer software industry.
  • Nurses and doctors took risks to treat COVID-19 patients, saving countless lives during the pandemic.
  • J.K. Rowling persisted through multiple rejections, ultimately creating the successful Harry Potter series.
  • Elon Musk invested his personal fortune in SpaceX and Tesla during a financial crisis, leading to groundbreaking achievements.
  • Nelson Mandela endured imprisonment while fighting against apartheid, ultimately becoming South Africa’s first black president.
  • The Wright Brothers’ aviation experiments led to the creation of the first powered airplane, revolutionizing transportation.
  • Richard Branson’s numerous business ventures and record attempts have made him a symbol of entrepreneurial risk-taking.
  • Colonel Sanders founded KFC at the age of 65, proving that age is not a barrier to success.
  • Reed Hastings co-founded Netflix, taking risks in the media industry and changing the way we consume entertainment.

Favoring disadvantages:

  • The 2008 financial crisis was partly due to risky investments by banks, leading to widespread economic turmoil.
  • The collapse of the dot-com bubble in 2000 resulted from risky investments in unprofitable internet companies, leading to widespread financial losses.
  • The failed launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, due to rushed production and battery issues, resulted in significant financial and reputational damage for the company.
  • Many people who risked their health by not following COVID-19 guidelines contributed to the spread of the virus and overwhelmed healthcare systems.
  • The 2019 Boeing 737 MAX crashes, caused by risky design decisions and inadequate safety measures, led to the loss of 346 lives and extensive financial and reputational damage for Boeing.
  • The collapse of Enron in 2001 was partly due to risky and fraudulent business practices, leading to massive job losses and financial ruin for many shareholders.
  • Risky behavior, such as drunk driving or extreme sports, can lead to severe injuries or fatalities.
  • A person quits their stable job to travel the world, only to return home with depleted finances and difficulty finding employment.
  • Risky financial decisions, such as investing in cryptocurrency without proper research, have led to significant financial losses for some investors.
  • A parent decides to homeschool their child without proper resources, leading to gaps in the child’s education and social development.

Synonyms To Vary Your Language

Take risks:

  • Example: In order to achieve success, individuals must engage in risk-taking by stepping out of their comfort zones and exploring new opportunities in both their professional and personal lives.
  • Example: By choosing to venture forth and try new things, people can discover hidden talents and develop new skills that lead to personal growth and career advancements.
  • Example: When individuals make bold decisions, such as starting their own business or relocating to another country, they open themselves up to a world of possibilities that can ultimately result in a more fulfilling life.
  • Example: As people undertake hazards like investing in a startup or pursuing an unconventional career path, they learn valuable lessons and develop the resilience needed to overcome future challenges.
  • Example: Sometimes, it is necessary to gamble on an idea or opportunity, even if the outcome is uncertain, as the potential rewards can outweigh the possible downsides.
  • Example: Those who court danger by taking on high-stress jobs or participating in extreme sports are often able to develop a greater sense of self-confidence and mental strength.
  • Example: By being willing to put their reputation or financial security at stake, individuals can pursue their passions and achieve goals that may have once seemed unattainable.
  • Example: When people take bold steps like making a significant career change or ending an unhealthy relationship, they demonstrate their determination to create a better life for themselves.
  • Example: As individuals take daring actions, such as quitting a stable job to pursue a freelance career or signing up for a challenging physical event, they can experience personal growth and a sense of accomplishment.
  • Example: When people engage in peril, they often develop a deeper understanding of their own capabilities and limitations, allowing them to make more informed decisions in the future.

Advanced Vocabulary

  • Example: While taking risks is important, individuals must exercise prudence to ensure they are not jeopardizing their well-being.
  • Example: Perseverance is necessary when taking risks, as it enables individuals to overcome challenges and ultimately achieve their goals.
  • Example: Avoiding risks can result in stagnation, limiting one’s potential for advancement and self-improvement.
  • Example: Taking risks can often serve as a catalyst for personal and professional growth, pushing individuals to explore new paths.
  • Example: Demonstrating fortitude when confronting risks can help people to develop resilience and adaptability.
  • Example: Striking an equilibrium between taking risks and maintaining stability is crucial for long-term success.
  • Example: The gratification derived from taking risks and overcoming challenges can significantly boost one’s self-esteem.
  • Example: Embracing risks can lead to serendipitous discoveries and opportunities that might not have been encountered otherwise.
  • Example: Adopting an intrepid mindset can empower individuals to take risks and seize opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • Example: Taking risks can provide the impetus needed for individuals to break free from their comfort zones and explore new avenues.

Advanced Phrases & Collocations

  • Example: To achieve success and innovation, it is essential for individuals to venture into the unknown both in their careers and personal lives.
  • Example: Pursuing uncharted territory can lead to the discovery of new ideas and opportunities for growth.
  • Example: Those who are willing to face challenges and take risks often reap the rewards in the long run.
  • Example: It is crucial to assess and mitigate the risks before making any significant decision.
  • Example: Stepping out of one’s comfort zone can lead to valuable learning experiences and personal growth.
  • Example: Taking risks allows individuals to seize opportunities that might otherwise be missed.
  • Example: Embracing uncertainty in both personal and professional aspects of life can lead to greater adaptability and resilience.
  • Example: Before embarking on a risky endeavor, it is necessary to contemplate the ramifications to make an informed decision.
  • Example: Treading unexplored paths can offer valuable learning experiences and open up new opportunities.
  • Example: Taking risks and learning from setbacks can lead to personal growth and increased resilience.

Suggested Essay Structures

Below are suggested essay structures of various tones.

Structure 1: Neutral


  • Introduce the topic by paraphrasing the statement.
  • Provide a brief overview of the two opposing views (advantages and disadvantages of taking risks).

Body Paragraph 1: Advantages of taking risks

  • Introduce the main advantage of taking risks in both professional and personal lives.
  • Elaborate on the main advantage and explain why it is beneficial.
  • Present a secondary advantage related to the main advantage.
  • Explain the secondary advantage and its contribution to the overall benefits of taking risks.

Body Paragraph 2: Disadvantages of taking risks

  • Introduce the main disadvantage of taking risks in both professional and personal lives.
  • Elaborate on the main disadvantage and explain why it is detrimental.
  • Present a secondary disadvantage related to the main disadvantage.
  • Explain the secondary disadvantage and its contribution to the overall drawbacks of taking risks.
  • Summarize both views without taking a stance.
  • Provide a closing statement that emphasizes the significance of considering the advantages and disadvantages of taking risks in one’s professional and personal life.

Structure 2: Favoring Advantages

  • Paraphrase the topic statement.
  • Provide a brief overview of the advantages and disadvantages of taking risks.
  • Agree that the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages.
  • Introduce the main advantage of taking risks.
  • Elaborate on the main advantage, explaining its significance.
  • Introduce a secondary advantage of taking risks.
  • Elaborate on the secondary advantage, explaining its significance.
  • Emphasize the positive impact of taking risks on personal and professional lives.

Body Paragraph 2: Addressing the disadvantages of taking risks

  • Acknowledge the main disadvantage of taking risks.
  • Explain the main disadvantage, but provide a counterargument to demonstrate why it is not as significant as the advantages.
  • Reiterate the importance of taking risks despite the potential drawbacks.
  • Reaffirm that the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages.
  • Summarize the main points of both body paragraphs.
  • Offer a final thought or call to action, encouraging individuals to embrace risks in their personal and professional lives to promote growth and development.

Structure 3: Favoring Disadvantages

  • Disagree that the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages.

Body Paragraph 1: Disadvantages of taking risks

  • Introduce the main disadvantage of taking risks.
  • Elaborate on the main disadvantage, explaining its significance.
  • Introduce a secondary disadvantage of taking risks.
  • Elaborate on the secondary disadvantage, explaining its significance.
  • Emphasize the negative impact of taking risks on personal and professional lives.

Body Paragraph 2: Addressing the advantages of taking risks

  • Acknowledge the main advantage of taking risks.
  • Explain the main advantage, but provide a counterargument to demonstrate why it is not as significant as the disadvantages.
  • Reiterate the importance of caution and careful decision-making despite the potential benefits of taking risks.
  • Reaffirm that the disadvantages of taking risks outweigh the advantages.
  • Offer a final thought or call to action, encouraging individuals to prioritize safety and well-considered choices in their personal and professional lives to minimize negative consequences.

Band-9 Sample Essays

Below are band-9 model essays of various tones and structures.

Sample 1: Neutral

The propensity to engage in ventures that entail potential hazards is an intrinsic aspect of human nature. Some individuals assert that embarking on precarious undertakings, in both vocational and private spheres, is of paramount importance. This essay will delineate the merits and demerits associated with risk-taking, ultimately demonstrating that the advantages are commensurate with the disadvantages.

On one hand, proponents of embracing uncertainty posit that it fosters innovation and personal growth. In the professional realm, it is often the individuals who dare to challenge conventional wisdom and explore uncharted territories that contribute to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements. For instance, entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk and his ventures in electric automobiles and space exploration exemplify the potential rewards of taking calculated risks. Similarly, in the personal sphere, confronting fears and stepping out of one’s comfort zone can lead to the development of new skills and the cultivation of resilience. Engaging in activities such as public speaking or traveling to foreign countries can enhance an individual’s adaptability and self-confidence, thus enriching their lives.

Conversely, critics of taking daring actions argue that it can lead to adverse consequences and potential losses. In the occupational domain, imprudent decisions made by executives or employees can result in financial losses, reputational damage, or even the collapse of established businesses. The bankruptcy of Enron, a once highly-regarded energy company, exemplifies how reckless risk-taking can have catastrophic consequences for all stakeholders. Likewise, in the personal sphere, engaging in hazardous activities or making impulsive decisions can have dire ramifications, such as physical injuries, emotional turmoil, or strained relationships. As such, maintaining a sense of caution and prudence is crucial in mitigating these potential pitfalls.

In conclusion, the act of taking risks encompasses both advantageous and disadvantageous outcomes. While it may foster innovation and personal growth, it can also result in detrimental consequences if not approached with caution and discernment. Therefore, it is essential for individuals to strike a balance between embracing calculated risks and exercising prudence, thereby optimizing their chances of success in both their professional and personal endeavors.

(340 words)

Sample 2: Neutral

In the contemporary world, the notion of embarking on ventures fraught with uncertainty, both in one’s occupational and private spheres, has garnered considerable attention. This essay will endeavor to explore the merits and demerits associated with taking risks, ultimately demonstrating that the potential benefits and drawbacks are equally valid.

On the one hand, the advantages of engaging in perilous undertakings are manifold. Firstly, it is through risk-taking that groundbreaking innovations and advancements are often achieved. Without individuals willing to challenge the status quo, the world would be plagued by stagnation and hindered progress. For instance, numerous technological breakthroughs, such as the invention of the internet, were only realized due to the audacity of their creators in pursuing uncharted territories. Secondly, the gratification derived from overcoming obstacles and achieving success in risky endeavors can be immense. This personal satisfaction can lead to an increased sense of self-worth and self-confidence. To illustrate this point, one need only consider the bravery of healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nurses and doctors took substantial risks to provide care for infected patients, ultimately saving innumerable lives and earning widespread admiration for their courage.

Conversely, the disadvantages of embracing hazardous ventures cannot be understated. Primarily, the potential for failure and loss is an ever-present reality when taking risks. And, the consequences of such setbacks can be devastating, leading to financial ruin, emotional distress, and even physical harm. For instance, entrepreneurs who allocate their entire savings into a startup may not only confront insolvency but also experience constant anxiety and depression should the company prove unsuccessful. Another drawback of engaging in risky behavior is the potential harm to others and the community at large. One glaring example of this is the many people who jeopardized their health by disregarding COVID-19 guidelines, which ultimately contributed to the spread of the virus and overwhelmed healthcare systems.

In conclusion, the merits and detriments of engaging in precarious pursuits are equally significant. While risk-taking can lead to groundbreaking innovations and personal gratification, it is also fraught with the potential for failure and the accompanying repercussions. It is essential for individuals to weigh these factors carefully before embarking on risky endeavors in both their professional and personal lives.

(366 words)

Sample 3: Favoring Advantages

In a world replete with opportunities and challenges, it is often posited that individuals should court danger in both their professional and personal spheres. This essay will argue that the benefits of embracing risk far outweigh the drawbacks, by examining the potential for growth through fortitude and the serendipitous nature of many successes.

Firstly, when individuals put their security at stake, they cultivate resilience and adaptability, which are indispensable qualities in today’s ever-changing world. For instance, a professional who is not afraid to change career paths or assume new responsibilities is more likely to develop a diverse skill set and accumulate invaluable experiences. These qualities, in turn, enhance employability and personal satisfaction. A sterling example of this is Colonel Sanders, who founded the ubiquitous fast-food chain KFC at the age of 65. His willingness to embark on a new venture at an advanced age demonstrates that chronological limitations are not insuperable barriers to success. At a time when most people would have been content to rest on their laurels, Sanders’ intrepid spirit enabled him to build an enduring legacy.

Moreover, numerous groundbreaking achievements are unanticipated by-products of embracing risk. As individuals delve into unexplored realms, they uncover unforeseen discoveries and auspicious encounters, which possess the potential to profoundly alter their life trajectories. For instance, Apple, co-founded by the visionary Steve Jobs, catalyzed a paradigm shift in personal computing and mobile technology by boldly defying conventional norms and design tenets. Had Jobs refrained from undertaking such audacious endeavors, trailblazing products such as the iPhone and iPad may have never materialized. Analogously, within the sphere of personal lives, adopting a courageous disposition can foster the establishment of enduring friendships or romantic partnerships, which might have been impeded by an excessively circumspect approach.

However, it is important to acknowledge the potential pitfalls of risk-taking. One major disadvantage is the possibility of failure, which can lead to financial loss or emotional distress. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that failure is an integral part of the learning process, and individuals who are resilient can harness their experiences to refine their strategies and ultimately achieve success. Furthermore, the negative consequences of taking risks can often be mitigated with thorough research, planning, and preparation, allowing individuals to make informed decisions.

In conclusion, the benefits of accepting unpredictability in both professional and personal aspects of life surpass the potential drawbacks. By nurturing resilience and welcoming serendipitous opportunities, individuals can unleash their full potential and achieve remarkable success. In a world that favors the bold, the rewards of embracing risks are manifold and should be pursued by everyone.

(430 words)

Sample 4: Favoring Advantages

Undoubtedly, venturing into the unknown is an inherent aspect of human nature, as people often explore new horizons in both their vocational and private spheres. The crux of the debate lies in ascertaining whether the benefits of embracing such precarious endeavours supersede the potential drawbacks. In this essay, I will argue that the advantages of taking risks indeed outweigh the disadvantages, as risk-taking often leads to personal growth, innovation, and better problem-solving skills.

First and foremost, it is essential to consider the role of risk-taking in fostering personal development. When individuals confront challenges and uncertainties, they are compelled to step out of their comfort zones and adapt to new situations. This adaptation process results in the acquisition of new skills and experiences, which enrich an individual’s life and enhance their resilience. For instance, relocating to a foreign country for work or study purposes may entail numerous difficulties, such as language barriers or cultural differences. However, overcoming these obstacles would ultimately contribute to a person’s emotional and intellectual maturation.

Furthermore, risks often serve as the catalyst for innovation and progress in the professional realm. When entrepreneurs, scientists, and inventors embark on ventures fraught with uncertainty, they drive the advancement of technology, medicine, and other fields. History is replete with examples of such risk-takers, including the Wright brothers, who persevered despite the numerous failures they encountered in their quest to develop the first powered aircraft. Their determination and willingness to assume risks ultimately revolutionized transportation and paved the way for modern aviation.

Admittedly, engaging in perilous pursuits may entail undesirable consequences, such as financial loss or personal injury. Nevertheless, the potential negative outcomes are frequently mitigated by careful planning and preparation. By conducting thorough research and seeking expert advice, individuals can minimize the hazards associated with risk-taking, thus maximizing the likelihood of a favourable outcome.

In conclusion, while there are undoubtedly potential disadvantages to embracing adventurous pursuits, the benefits of such undertakings far surpass the detriments. Engaging in calculated risk-taking not only fosters personal growth and innovation but also enhances an individual’s ability to navigate the complexities of life. As such, society should encourage individuals to be bold and venture into uncharted territory, as this will ultimately lead to a more profound and fulfilling existence.

(373 words)

Sample 5: Favoring Disadvantages

In the contemporary milieu, the significance of embracing uncertainties and venturing into the unknown has emerged as a crucial aspect of both professional and personal spheres. While proponents of risk-taking argue that it fosters innovation and personal growth, this essay posits that the detriments associated with such endeavors tend to overshadow their potential benefits.

To commence with, the primary disadvantage of assuming risks is the potential for catastrophic consequences. In the realm of professional undertakings, business entities that embark on audacious ventures without adequate planning can suffer irreversible financial and reputational damages. For instance, the infamous collapse of dot-com bubble in the early 2000s, which was primarily attributed to adventurous investment strategies in unprofitable internet-based companies, not only led to the loss of billions of dollars but also tarnished the credibility of numerous corporations. Similarly, in personal life, engaging in hazardous activities such as extreme sports or high-stakes gambling can result in severe physical injuries or financial ruin, thereby jeopardizing an individual’s well-being.

Furthermore, the unpredictability associated with risk-taking can give rise to considerable stress and anxiety, negatively impacting an individual’s mental health. For instance, professionals such as stock traders or startup founders often face immense pressure to achieve success, which can lead to burnout and cause depression. Likewise, in the personal domain, individuals who perpetually pursue risky endeavors may experience strained relationships with their loved ones due to the emotional turmoil wrought by their actions.

Nonetheless, it is crucial to acknowledge that taking calculated risks can reap substantial rewards. In the professional context, companies that embrace innovation and disrupt established industries often yield considerable financial success. For example, Tesla’s initial foray into the electric vehicle market, which was fraught with skepticism and uncertainty, has culminated in the company’s meteoric rise and global recognition. Moreover, on an individual level, venturing outside one’s comfort zone can engender personal growth and foster resilience.

In conclusion, while the merits of embracing risk in one’s professional and personal life cannot be entirely discounted, the potential for devastating repercussions and the associated psychological strain render the disadvantages more prominent. It is thus imperative for individuals and organizations alike to exercise prudence and discernment when considering whether to embark on hazardous endeavors, thereby striking a equilibrium between reward and risk.

(375 words)

Sample 6: Favoring Disadvantages

In the contemporary epoch, individuals often seize the opportunity to tread unexplored paths in their pursuit of success and self-actualization. The impetus to take risks in both professional and personal spheres is a widely debated topic. While some argue that such bold endeavors can lead to significant advancements, this essay posits that the disadvantages of engaging in perilous activities often overshadow the potential benefits.

To begin with, the professional sphere is rife with examples of risks leading to catastrophic outcomes. One salient instance is the ill-fated launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. In an effort to outpace its competitors, the company rushed the production process, which resulted in battery defects and subsequent device explosions. Consequently, Samsung faced not only massive financial losses but also irreparable damage to its reputation. This case exemplifies the perils of embarking on high-stakes endeavors without thoroughly contemplating the ramifications, as it can jeopardize the long-term success of an organization.

Similarly, in the personal domain, individuals who take risks without proper forethought often face detrimental consequences. Consider a parent who opts to homeschool their child without adequate resources or expertise. Although their intentions may be noble, this decision could lead to significant gaps in the child’s education and hinder their social development. This scenario underscores the importance of prudence in personal decision-making, as the repercussions of hasty actions can have lasting negative effects on an individual’s life.

On the other hand, proponents of risk-taking might argue that it can serve as a catalyst for growth and innovation. While it is true that venturing into the unknown can occasionally yield positive outcomes, as evidenced by the success of companies like Apple and Netflix, it is crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the inherent drawbacks. As illustrated by the Samsung fiasco and the homeschooling example, the costs associated with taking risks can be immense, both in terms of financial and emotional well-being. It is therefore essential for individuals and organizations to exercise caution when contemplating risky ventures, ensuring that they are well-prepared and informed before embarking on such undertakings.

In conclusion, although risk-taking can occasionally pave the way for innovation and success, it is imperative to recognize the potential perils, as these may substantially outweigh any prospective rewards. The examples discussed earlier serve as cautionary tales that demonstrate the importance of prudence in both professional and personal contexts. Ultimately, the disadvantages of engaging in perilous activities tend to surpass the advantages, emphasizing the necessity for meticulous deliberation and preparation when confronted with high-stakes decisions.

(418 words)

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Ielts essay # 1276 - it is important for people to take risks in professional and personal lives, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, it is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and their personal lives. , do you think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages.

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Importance of Taking Risks in Life

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take a risk essay ideas

Taking Risks Conception Essay

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It is a well-known fact that taking risks can result in two things: success of failure. Some people say that taking risks brings to new very important findings, for example, in sports or science; others argue that taking risks can cause failure or even death, for example in finance or everyday life.

Some say that taking risks is inherent in people, and other people claim it contradicts instinct of self-preservation. To my mind, taking risks is a bit of all mentioned above, but there is no doubt that for each person taking risks is not the same.

I think that taking risks is an important and inevitable part of our lives; we all take risks, major or minor. I agree that if people want to succeed and achieve more they have to risk, at least, from time to time, or as Schwalbe puts it – to try something new (Schwalbe). I assume that all the athletes take risks to establish their records; they are likely to “40-30-30 Rule”, where 30 is the degree of the risk (Schwalbe).

This risk rule really works in sport and science, since all the experiments are a kind of risk; scientists take risks and get their results. To my mind, Schwalbe is right pointing out that the most of people regret on what they haven’t done rather on that they did. So in terms of getting rid of one’s regret a person needs to follow own instincts.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to admit that sometimes taking risk may cause very negative results; therefore it is necessary to be reasonable. I am impressed with the example provided by Ropeik about the woman who was afraid to fly because of terrorist (Dreifus). This woman decided to drive several states, and she died in a car crash.

In this case the woman should have think about the degree and possibility of risk in cars and planes. Regarding the fact that planes are the safest means of travelling, and the fact that possibility of terroristic act repeating wasn’t big, this woman should have gone by plane. This proves that there are some cases where thoughtful reasoning is needed.

Here I should stress that thoughtfulness is necessary in medicine where people’s lives are concerned. Doctors should carefully consider all the consequences and then make decisions. Doctors are not the only people who should be concerned about health; people should mind their health themselves. Every risk here should be thought over thousands of times to make no harm to oneself or somebody else.

At this point I would like to return to my statement that each person has his/her notion of risk. Someone may think that it is very risky to ride a bicycle, someone may be afraid to take a risk and visit another country or even unfamiliar place. I am sure that a person who goes in for extreme sports, may be very conservative in food and will never “take a risk” to taste some exotic dainty (here I don’t some religious or health restrictions, of course).

To my mind these humble risks can be taken, and there is something that can inspire people to take such kind a risk, this is an example of other person. For instance, in case with food, a person can see that other people taste that, so he/she can also try it; this person tries and, of course, starts trying to find those stupid reasons preventing from such pleasant experience. After this, I am sure, the person will continue taking such kind of risks.

As for me, I can’t say that I risk all the time. I can’t even provide any example of my big risk; I suppose my risks are still in future. I know that I am not afraid to take risk; at least I haven’t met some difficult situation when I was to risk.

Here I’d like to mention my friend, who is afraid of speaking. I can’t say she doesn’t talk at all, but she is not a public speaker, and she will never speak on something she is not sure about, and if she is asked something she doesn’t know thoroughly she just keeps mum. My friend is afraid of making mistake.

To my mind this is not right, for everyone knows if we don’t make mistakes will never learn. In this connection I would like to cite Carrol admitting that “failure is a good thing” (Carroll). Though, I wouldn’t agree that “success is boring” (Carroll). I’d rather admit that people should try to improve even successful things. A good example of this is Carrol’s daughter who seeks for the further development (Carroll).

To my mind, taking risks is essential for the whole humanity. It is impossible to imagine where we could be now if our ancestors didn’t risk to tame fire. All these great and little risks lead people to new discoveries, new opportunities. I think people should take risks and start something new; they can’t just sit and talk about achievement of others, they should take a chance and risk, leaving one’s fear behind, without being afraid of failure, because failure will only show the right way to go and succeed.

Works Cited

Carroll, J. “Failure Is A Good Thing.” NPR. 2006.

Dreifus, C. “A Conversation With/David Ropeik; The Fear Factor Meets Its Match.” The New York Times . 2002.

Schwalbe, M. The 40-30-30 Rule: Why Risk Is Worth It . The 99 percent Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, July 9). Taking Risks Conception.

"Taking Risks Conception." IvyPanda , 9 July 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Taking Risks Conception'. 9 July.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Taking Risks Conception." July 9, 2018.

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It is Important for People to Take Risks, Both in Professional and Personal Lives - Task 2 Band 9

Updated: Apr 10

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

It is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and their personal lives.

Do you think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

Task 2 Band 9 Essay Sample (Take Risks both in Professional and Personal Lives)

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Model Essay 1

Navigating through life's myriad challenges requires a balance of prudence and daring. The crux of this discourse lies in whether the benefits of taking risks overshadow the potential drawbacks. This essay posits that the rewards of risk-taking, particularly in fostering innovation and personal growth, significantly outweigh the inherent disadvantages.

In the professional realm, embracing risk is fundamentally synonymous with the relentless pursuit of innovation and leadership. Consider the origin stories of numerous tech giants; their early days are replete with instances where calculated risks catalyzed groundbreaking innovations, propelling them to dominance in their respective industries. Google's early investment in a revolutionary algorithm to rank web pages transformed the dynamics of how information is accessed and shared, exemplifying how risk-taking is absolutely indispensable in pioneering significant change. Moreover, the willingness to venture into uncharted territories equips individuals with unparalleled resilience and adaptability, skills paramount in navigating today's rapidly evolving job market.

On the personal front, taking risks is undeniably pivotal in cultivating a deeply fulfilling life. It encourages individuals to boldly step out of their comfort zones, thereby facilitating significant personal growth and self-discovery. For instance, the decision to relocate to a new country for work or education, though daunting, opens up invaluable avenues for cultural exchange and broadening one's perspectives. Such enriching experiences significantly enhance one's character, fostering a profound sense of independence and self-efficacy. Furthermore, confronting fears and embracing the inherent uncertainty of life can lead to a more adventurous and vibrant existence, filled with compelling stories worth sharing and celebrating.

In conclusion, while risk-taking is inherently fraught with the potential for failure, the advantages it brings, both professionally and personally, are invaluable. It is the catalyst for innovation, personal growth, and resilience. Thus, despite the possible setbacks, the act of taking risks is a fundamental driver of progress and personal fulfillment, underscoring its predominant benefits over the disadvantages.

Sample Essay 2

In the tapestry of life, the threads of risk-taking are interwoven, playing a pivotal role in shaping both our professional and personal landscapes. This essay contends that the merits of embracing risks far surpass the potential drawbacks, particularly in the realms of career advancement and personal fulfillment.

Professionally, risk-taking is synonymous with innovation and progress. Consider the realm of entrepreneurship, where individuals like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos embarked on ventures fraught with uncertainty. Musk’s investment in SpaceX, despite initial failures, revolutionized space travel, exemplifying how risk-taking can lead to epoch-making breakthroughs. Similarly, in the corporate sphere, employees who embrace risks by spearheading novel projects or adopting untested strategies often find themselves climbing the career ladder more swiftly. These instances demonstrate that while risk can entail the possibility of failure, its absence might result in stagnation, a far more insidious threat to professional growth.

In the personal domain, risk-taking often manifests in the pursuit of meaningful relationships and life experiences. Venturing into new social circles or initiating significant life changes, like relocating for a dream job or pursuing a passion, can lead to profound personal growth and happiness. For example, the decision to study or work abroad, though daunting, often results in expanded worldviews and lifelong connections. Thus, the risks we take in our personal lives, while potentially exposing us to vulnerabilities, are instrumental in crafting a rich, fulfilling life narrative. However, it is essential to acknowledge that risk-taking, devoid of prudence, can lead to adverse outcomes. The key, therefore, lies in calculated risks – those informed by careful consideration and sound judgment.

In conclusion, the act of taking risks, when approached with foresight and balance, predominantly tilts the scales towards positive outcomes. The amalgamation of professional courage and personal audacity not only paves the way for groundbreaking achievements and enriching life experiences but also ignites the spark of innovation and personal growth, making it an indispensable element in the odyssey of human success and satisfaction.

Sample Essay 3

The act of taking risks is often seen as an essential stepping stone towards success in both one's personal and professional life. While such actions can lead to uncertain outcomes and potential setbacks, the rewards that can be reaped when risks are taken judiciously often far surpass the potential downsides. This essay will argue that the advantages of risk-taking, when approached wisely, generally outweigh the disadvantages, providing a catalyst for personal growth, fostering resilience, and encouraging innovation.

Risk-taking, though potentially leading to adverse outcomes, can also be the catalyst for substantial rewards and advancements. The potential ramifications are hard to deny: an individual choosing to abandon a secure salaried job for an entrepreneurial venture, for instance, may find themselves in a precarious situation of financial instability, affecting their mental well-being and family life. High-risk activities such as skydiving or mountaineering could also lead to severe physical injuries due to the inherent risks involved. Simultaneously, however, an excess of caution and predictability can inhibit personal and professional growth. A complacent employee, despite dissatisfaction in their current role, may see their motivation for self-improvement dwindle and miss opportunities for career progression.

In the realm of personal relationships, those limiting themselves to a narrow social circle might stunt their emotional growth. Conversely, those willing to broaden their social horizons often cultivate empathy, resilience, and a more expansive perspective on life, which is particularly beneficial in societies where social interactions are somewhat constricted. It's crucial to note that risk-taking does not imply recklessness; it often involves careful assessment, robust decision-making, and resilience - invaluable life skills. An iconic example is Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX. Known for his calculated risk-taking, Musk ventured into the risky domain of private space travel, investing personal capital, overcoming significant challenges, and ultimately revolutionizing the aerospace industry.

In conclusion, while risk-taking can indeed pose certain threats, its advantages, when approached thoughtfully, significantly outweigh the potential hazards. The willingness to step out of one's comfort zone, coupled with strategic planning, offers broad benefits, from career advancements to enriched personal relationships.

Sample Essay 4

Some contend that taking a risk has more advantages than disadvantages for both individuals and professions. Although it sacrifices security and predictability, I am certain that choosing hazardous alternatives has benefits that outweigh the drawbacks since it opens up new chances.

Risk-taking may have a negative impact on your finances as well as your physical health, whether it be through unforeseen injuries, car accidents, or spending money on exciting travel destinations. Even if you want to take risks in business, there are times when doing too many risky things might end up costing you too much money to keep going. If your carelessness results in an accident that injures you or another else, you may be held liable for any damages. This will not only deplete your current budget but also increase the cost of your car insurance in the future. Unjustified risk-taking may have additional negative effects on your money. Some people take a risk by deciding not to budget or live within their means. Impulsive spending and extravagant purchases could at first seem adventurous and daring, but they will gradually undermine one's riches and self-respect over time.

But going with the tried-and-true method is the most boring option. When you travel, staying with the herd will enable you to see the traditional, well-travelled locations. If you adopt other people's business or dating approaches, you'll develop a regular clientele. However, taking risks forces you to step outside of your comfort zone and use your imagination. When you take a chance, you have to come up with novel ideas and capture novel opportunities. By putting yourself in uncommon situations, taking chances enables you to develop unanticipated relationships. For instance, you typically are ignorant of how good two unrelated things may be unless you can combine them.

In conclusion, I still think that grabbing chances is far more productive and profitable in the long run, even though adopting a risk-taking attitude could have detrimental impacts on one's health and wealth.

Sample Essay 5

The choices that individuals make in their lives have far-reaching consequences. Taking risks can have a significant impact their career and personal relationships. In this essay, I will discuss as to why risk-taking is more beneficial than harmful in our lives.

There are multiple advantages in taking risks, both in our professional as well as personal lives. With respect to our work, this leads to better innovation, unexpected discoveries and technological disruptions. For example, venture capitalists invest in fledgling start-ups with the expectation of giving rise to next big thing like Facebook, Amazon. Without the inherent risk involved in making these decisions, we would not have today’s great technological giants. In our personal lives too, taking a leap of faith can be fruitful in finding a suitable life companion and making new friends. The current array of dating and social networking apps certainly embody an element of risk. Although meeting strangers via these can be disconcerting to many, it increases our chances of creating more meaningful relationships. Therefore, these positive aspects surely merits people to take risks in their lives.

However, the downsides to risk-tasking also do exist. In the professional setting, risk can play the role of a double-edged sword in many instances. Investing by taking on additional risk in unproven companies can possibly result in sizeable monetary losses. Indulging in risk-taking behaviour can also negatively impact our personal lives. It can lead to bodily injuries, self-harm, substance abuse and addictions. This is most evident in our youth who are driven by peer pressure to experiment with risky activities such as gambling, speeding while driving and consumption of harmful drugs.

In conclusion, even though there are certain disadvantages to taking risks, I think the advantages outweigh them. It plays an important role in people’s personal and professional lives enriching their careers and relationships. The lost opportunities without risk-tasking are unimaginable.

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Essay Samples on Risk Taking

Risk-taking is a fundamental aspect of human nature. It’s an inherent part of progress, innovation, and achievement. By pushing the boundaries of what is known and venturing into uncharted territories, individuals have propelled themselves and society forward. Taking risks involves a willingness to confront uncertainty, face challenges, and overcome obstacles. It requires resilience, adaptability, and a belief in one’s own abilities.

Writing a College Essay About Taking Risks

A college essay about taking risks provides a unique opportunity to delve into the multidimensional nature of risk-taking. In your essay you can:

  • explore different types of risks, such as intellectual, emotional, physical, or social risks.
  • examine the motivations behind risk-taking and the potential rewards and consequences that accompany it.
  • discuss how risk-taking can lead to personal growth, expanded horizons, and the development of essential life skills such as decision-making, problem-solving, and resilience.
  • explore the challenges individuals face in assessing risks, weighing potential outcomes, and making informed decisions
  • analyze the role of risk-taking in entrepreneurship, scientific breakthroughs, artistic endeavors, and personal relationships.

To craft an exceptional essay on “Risk Taking,” begin by reflecting on your own journey. Recall moments when you dared to challenge the status quo, overcome fears, and make bold choices. Share anecdotes that highlight your resilience, determination, and ability to embrace uncertainty. Consider the lessons you learned along the way and how they shaped your character and worldview.

To enhance the depth of your taking risks essay, include relevant research findings, expert opinions, and statistical data. Support your arguments with credible sources and demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Conclude your essay with a thought-provoking summary that leaves readers inspired to embrace risk-taking and embark on their own transformative journeys. Encourage them to consider the balance between calculated risks and reckless behavior, emphasizing the importance of learning from both successes and failures.

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Best topics on Risk Taking

1. Definition Of Heroism As A Self Deserving Act

2. The Role of Technical Workers in Theatre Industry

3. The Book Report – The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine

4. Risk Taking of Commercial and Retail Bank

5. Influences of Risk Taking Behaviors During Adolescence

6. Effect of Terrorism on Risk Taking and Investment Decision

7. Outcomes Of Locus Of Control Among Drug Abusers: Role Of Perceived Social Support

8. Risk Factors Of Stress In The Workplace

9. The Health Risk Factors Of Lack Of Proper And Regular Fuel Availability

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Essay on Taking Risks In Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Taking Risks In Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Taking Risks In Life

What is risk-taking.

Risk-taking is a part of life. It involves doing something that is uncertain or has a chance of leading to a negative outcome. Taking risks can be scary, but it can also lead to great rewards.

Why Take Risks?

There are many reasons why people take risks. Sometimes, we take risks to achieve something that we want, such as a new job or a better education. Other times, we take risks to avoid something that we don’t want, such as a bad grade or a broken relationship.

Benefits of Risk-Taking

Taking risks can have many benefits. It can help us to learn new things, grow as people, and achieve our goals. Taking risks can also make life more exciting and adventurous.

Risks of Risk-Taking

Of course, taking risks also has some risks. We might not achieve what we want, or we might even experience negative consequences. However, the potential rewards of risk-taking often outweigh the risks.

How to Take Risks Safely

250 words essay on taking risks in life, taking risks in life.

Taking risks is a part of life. There are few things worth doing that don’t involve some risk. Also, the bigger the risk, the bigger the potential reward. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of any risk before you take it. As there are times when it’s better to play it safe.

Calculated Risks vs Uncalculated Risks

Risk can be calculated or uncalculated. Calculated risks are those where you take the time to assess the situation and make an informed decision. Uncalculated risks are those where you jump in without thinking. In general, it is wise to take calculated risks rather than uncalculated risks. Of course, there are some cases where it is necessary to take uncalculated risks, but these should be the exception rather than the rule.

Always Have a Backup Plan

You should always have a backup plan in place before you take a risk. This means having a plan for what you will do if things don’t go as planned. Having a backup plan will help you to feel more confident about taking risks, knowing that you have a safety net to fall back on.

Learn from Your Mistakes

It is important to learn from your mistakes when you take risks. This means taking the time to reflect on what went wrong and how you can avoid making the same mistake in the future. Learning from your mistakes will help you to become a more effective risk-taker.

Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

Taking risks means that you are going to fail sometimes. This is a natural part of the process. Don’t be afraid to fail. Instead, learn from your failures and move on.

500 Words Essay on Taking Risks In Life

Why should you take risks in life.

Taking risks is a part of life. It involves stepping outside of your comfort zone and trying something new. While it can be scary, taking calculated risks can lead to big rewards, such as personal growth, new experiences, and increased self-confidence. It can also help you to overcome your fears and develop resilience.

How to Take Calculated Risks

Taking risks doesn’t mean making impulsive decisions or acting recklessly. Instead, it means carefully weighing the potential pros and cons of a situation and making an informed decision about whether or not to take the risk. Here are a few tips for taking calculated risks:

Benefits of Taking Risks

Taking risks is a part of life. It can be scary, but it’s also essential for personal growth and success. By taking calculated risks, you can open yourself up to new experiences, learn and grow as a person, and build confidence. So don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and take a risk every now and then.

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Taking Risks Essay | Is Taking Risks Good Or Bad?, An Essay On Risk  

January 10, 2022 by Prasanna

Taking Risks Essay: People often fear risks, especially when it comes to things like finances, relationships and career choices. Moreover, studies have shown that people are more likely to be worried about risks in the future than they are excited about opportunities. This is because it is difficult for humans to think in probabilities and statistics, so we tend to overestimate how bad things could potentially happen. However, taking risks can actually be a good thing, provided you do your research and weigh the alternatives carefully. Furthermore, you will need to find your risk threshold and you’ll be able to make decisions easily.

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What Is A Risk?

Risk is the probability of an (unpleasant) event happening and the severity of the result if it does happen. To elaborate, the word “risk” can be defined as any situation or factor that might lead to loss or injury. Some people have a negative view of risks and see them as things that will lead to loss, injuries, death and destruction, while others are more accepting of risks and see them as opportunities to learn new things. In most cases though, risks can be unsettling, and the outcomes depend on the circumstances

Who Are The Beneficiaries Of Taking Risks?

For many people, taking risks can be a rewarding experience. For others, taking risks can be dangerous and hazardous. In any case, the benefits of taking risks are often debatable because the possible consequences of them are not always certain and depend on the individual in question. If a risk taken leads to an outcome that someone else is happy with, then it’s considered good. But if the risk leads to an outcome that someone else isn’t happy with, it becomes a risk that isn’t worth taking and people will view you as having poor judgment. This causes fear of risk. Fear of risk in people’s lives can be attributed to many things but the two main causes are a lack of understanding or a lack of confidence. People who have a hard time understanding the potential outcomes of a risky decision will naturally be more hesitant to take the risk. People with low self-esteem may also be hesitant to take risks because risk can often lead to failure, which would lead people with low self-esteem to fail as well.

Interestingly, research has shown that when people are given information on probabilities and statistics, they tend to become less fearful of risks: In a study conducted by behavioral scientists, participants were informed on the risks of ATVs and their safety features as well as the probability of an accident happening. They found that when people were given information on probabilities and statistics, they tended to become less fearful of risks. In other words, statistics and probability are a necessary part of any risk assessment even if they are difficult to comprehend. Fear often comes from not being able to grasp the probability of a risk happening, so if we can help people understand these concepts better, they will be more comfortable with risks.

Is Taking Risks Good Or Bad?

Sometimes, it is better to take risks after carefully analyzing situations. For example, if you put your savings into the stock market and the market crashes, you lose money. But if you invest in the stock market and the market is currently down, then you might make some profit. The keyword to understand here is “calculated risk” – everything that we do has some risks, but thoroughly analyzing and then acting accordingly minimizes the amount of risk.  We also see some risks where it is necessary to take risks. If a company is not performing well, the owners will lose money.

Benefits Of Taking Risks

Risks come in all shapes and sizes and we often face decisions about whether we should take the risk or not. It’s difficult to predict what will happen and so it can be hard to work out what the likely benefits of taking a certain type of risk might be. The best way to understand the potential benefits of a risk is to look at historical examples. But even then, there might be many factors that can significantly affect the outcome of a decision.

There are a few benefits to risk-taking. First, there is a higher chance of succeeding if you take a risk. Second, taking risks can make your life more exciting and less stagnant. Third, risk-taking can lead to happiness. These are just a few examples of the benefits of taking risks in life. However, the benefits of risk-taking are not always obvious. Some people believe that the lack of proper planning increases the chances for failure. Others argue that taking risks is essential in order to find success because it forces you to be innovative and to think outside the box. Risk-taking is a result of multiple factors such as personality, cognitive ability, and temperament.

Generally, a person who is willing to take risks is often more successful, and even if they are not, they can learn from their failures. Regardless, taking a risk can be very hard because you never know what is going to happen. Some people might say that failure will make you stronger and teach you greater humility, while others might believe that this idea is a myth. A person might decide to take a risk for a huge reward, or they might decide to take a different path that they are comfortable with in order to avoid the possibility of failure. In other words, it is important for someone who wants to take a risk to think about the potential consequences before doing so.

The benefits of taking risks in business: The benefits of taking risks in business are limitless. Taking risks in business allows entrepreneurs to explore new and untested avenues with the potential for huge gains. It also encourages innovation, spurs creativity, and cultivates a sense of adventure in employees that can be infectious within an organization. A willingness to take risks shows that you’re not afraid of failure and that you have confidence in your abilities. A willingness to take risks is a sign of confidence in your abilities to succeed and failure is often a matter of perception. As long as you’re prepared to take risks, you’re taking the first step towards capitalizing on opportunities that will benefit your company.

The benefits of risk taking for personal development: Taking risks is one of the best ways to develop your skills. Not only are you learning how to handle different challenges, but you also learn more about your ability to adapt. In other words, taking risks can be terrifying, but it’s one of the best ways to sharpen your skills. It’s not about being risk-free, it’s about taking calculated risks that are within your comfort zone. These risks can give you the opportunity to learn new skills and get valuable experience that will help you in the future.

Taking Risks Essay in Life

Conclusion on Taking Risks Essay

Risk-taking is an important part of any endeavor. You can’t succeed without taking risks. Moreover, taking risks is an important aspect of life. Risk-taking pushes us to achieve things we never thought we could do and it makes the world a more challenging and exciting place. It allows us to learn and grow in ways that we may not have otherwise. There are many reasons why taking risks is important, but one of the most significant ones is that it allows for learning, growth, and development in ways that you may not have experienced otherwise. However, taking risks can have some devastating consequences. Hence, before taking a risk, it is important to weigh the pros and cons to ensure that you are making a carefully calculated decision.

FAQ’s on Taking Risks

Question 1. What are examples of taking risks?

Answer: These are examples of taking risks: – Investing your money into a company that you think will grow skyrocketing over time. – Taking a job that pays less but is more fulfilling for you. – Moving across the country for a relationship with someone you love.

Question 2. Why do people take risks?

Answer: Humans are hardwired to take risks. This is because the brain’s reward system is activated by many kinds of risk. These can range from taking a chance on a new type of food, to bungee jumping. Whatever the risk, if it pays off, it can be addicting and make you want more of the same type of thrill again.

Question 3. How should we take risks?

Answer: It’s hard to take risks. Some people are born risk-takers, while others are more cautious. However, the decision of how to take risks is individualized and should be made based on circumstances.

Question 4. How taking risks can lead you to a better life?

Answer: The idea of taking risks and chances is not one that many people would naturally want to take. That said, it is something that can lead you to a better life. Taking risks and chances in life will give you the opportunity to grow and learn, which can lead you to a better future than following a safe path.

Question 5. What is taking risks in life?

Answer: Taking risks in life is an important part of living. It can lead to success or failure. If you take risks, you might fail and make mistakes. But if you don’t take any risks, you’ll never know what could have been if you did.

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Home / Essay Samples / Life / Hero / Risk Taking

Risk Taking Essay Examples

Examining the link between adolescent brain development and risk taking from a social-developmental perspective.

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