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167 Top Criminology Dissertation Ideas

Criminology Dissertation Ideas

Are you taking criminology in college, and it is time to work on your dissertation, but it appears challenging? Many university students get stuck even before starting, but there is no need to worry because we are here to hold your hand. The first, and we must emphasize, most crucial step, is picking the title of your dissertation. So, how do you select the right criminology dissertation topic?

The best title should be unique, interesting, and have ample resources to help you craft a paper that will impress your professor and the assessment committee. To make selecting the best easier, we have picked the hottest 167 criminology dissertation ideas for you. Keep reading to identify the preferred option and use it as it is or tweak a little to fit your preference.

Criminology Dissertation Ideas on Terrorism

  • Religious ideologies: Can they be a source of terrorism?
  • Analyzing the relationship between media and terrorism.
  • Political tensions: Are they to blame for the ever-growing number of militias on the globe?
  • Comparing the trends of terror in the 19 th and 20 th centuries: A literature review.
  • What are the leading causes and motivations of terrorism?
  • Analyzing literature on identity theft and social media.
  • What motivates women to join ISIS?
  • Comparing male and female serial killers: What are the main differences?
  • How does the US respond to terror threats?
  • The US efforts to combat terror after the 9/11 attack: Are they effective?
  • Was the US justified in killing Osama Bin Laden instead of taking him to court?
  • Comparing two known terror networks of your choice in different countries.
  • Terrorism from the viewpoint of international law.
  • Islamic charities: Are they the main sources of finance for terrorists?
  • Are recent attacks by Hamas and Israel acts of terrorism?

Criminology Dissertation Ideas about Drugs

  • Analyzing the relationship between people of various backgrounds and police.
  • What are the most effective methods of preventing drug trafficking internationally?
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of drug courts.
  • Reversible and irreversible impacts of drug abuse.
  • People incarcerated for drug abuse: What are the impacts on their children?
  • Club culture: How does it enhance drug abuse in the society?
  • Preventing drug abuse in society: Which is more effective between voluntary learning and mandatory examination?
  • Reviewing the harm done to society by drugs.
  • Comparing the impacts of cannabis and alcohol on a person’s behavior.
  • The most abused drugs and their effects on societal behavior.
  • Cannabis and deviant behavior among youths: What is the relationship?
  • Cannabis legalization: Is it a good idea? What should we expect in the coming years?
  • Drug use and youth arrests: A case study of Paris, France.
  • Comparing drug court operations in the UK and USA.
  • War on drugs in the US: Can it solve the problem of drug abuse and crime?
  • Drug testing in school.
  • The influence of drugs on sexual assaults.
  • Prostitution: A study of the main risk groups in the UK.
  • Drug traffic tracking strategies used in the UK.
  • Drug abuse in prison cells: What are the causes and effects?

Criminal Law EPQ Questions

  • Harassment in school and workplace: What are the main strategies adopted to address the problem in the UK?
  • Homicides: A review of motivations that make people kill.
  • Are the strategies adopted by your state enough to counter juvenile delinquency?
  • What is the relationship between crime in Texas and people living with mental disorders?
  • Domestic violence: What are the rights of victims?
  • How can the marginalized get access to justice? A case study of the Netherlands.
  • A study of the main types of robberies reported in the US in the 20 th century.
  • Arson investigations: How do investigators determine whether the fire was deliberate or accidental?
  • What is the relationship between substance abuse and poor schooling?
  • What causes addiction among cannabis users?
  • What is the effectiveness of witness programs in criminal justice? A closer look at the International Criminal Court (ICC).
  • Robbery: What are the main risk groups, methods of prevention, and prosecution?
  • What is the effectiveness of the International Criminal Court in achieving its mandate?
  • Should employers check an all applicants’ criminal history during recruitment?
  • The extradition law in the United States: Is it fair?
  • Maximum-security prisons: Are they justified or simply cruel?
  • A study of incarcerated parent’s responsibilities. How do they cope?

Masters Dissertation Ideas for Criminology

  • Death penalty in the justice system: Is it effective in crime prevention.
  • The rising rates of mass shootings in the US: What are the main causes?
  • Studying the impact of genocidal acts on the cohesiveness of society.
  • Police shootings: Comparing top three cases in the US and the UK.
  • Sex offenses: Which are the main risk groups, prevalence, and prevention efforts?
  • How corruption affects the social, political and economy of a country.
  • Why are most crimes in the US and UK mainly committed by the youths?
  • US vs. China’s criminal justice system: What are the main differences?
  • Are the current US laws on criminology effective?
  • A review of the British criminology curriculum: What needs to be improved?
  • Analyzing the relationship between education levels and crime levels in a country of your choice.
  • What is the relationship between ownership of guns and law violations?
  • Law enforcement and criminology: What are the differences?
  • Does racial abuse of international students and immigrants motivate them to join criminal gangs?
  • Using culture to mold responsible citizens: A case study of communities in Georgia, Europe.

Forensic Psychology Dissertation Ideas

  • A comprehensive analysis of competence to stand trial concept and its application in the UK.
  • The age of criminal culpability: A review of the effectiveness of this idea in criminal justice.
  • The ethics of death penalty: A review of the literature.
  • Studying the mind of a criminal on death row: What goes in the mind of a person on a death row hours before execution?
  • Should the death penalty be used on juveniles?
  • What are the chances that a person on death row can change into a law-abiding citizen?
  • How does memory impact eyewitness testimony?
  • Analyzing the strategies used by the justice system to evaluate the reports of eyewitnesses.
  • Methods used in the UK to protect eyewitnesses.

Criminology Dissertation Ideas Mental Health

  • What role do guardians play in crime prevention in society?
  • A review of criminological theory in the US justice system.
  • A comprehensive analysis of how persons exposed to alcohol perform in different areas of their lives.
  • Sexual violence use as a weapon of armed conflict: A literature review.
  • Drug abuse and media: Should media that promote the use of hard drugs be controlled?
  • How effective are the methods used in rehab to counter drug addiction?
  • A review of delinquent cases among immigrant teenagers in the UK.
  • Why do college students engage in cases of arson?
  • Evaluating how prejudice motivates violence.
  • Is it possible to remain neutral in mental criminal case trials?
  • Is it possible to eliminate the problem of drug abuse and related crime?
  • Solitary confinement for drug traffickers: What are the implications?

Criminology Dissertation Ideas UK

  • How does the UK government respond to terror threats?
  • Rehabilitation centers in the UK: What roles do they play in addressing crime?
  • Racial stereotyping and crime in the UK: What is the relationship?
  • A discourse evaluation: How has coronavirus shaped crime in the UK?
  • Do urban settings in the UK act as breeding grounds for criminals?
  • A critical review of the police force and crime in the UK.
  • Interrogation by police officers: How does it work?
  • A study of the main categories of crime in the UK.
  • A review of the latest innovations in experimental criminology.
  • Identify theft in the UK: What are the main consequences for perpetrators?
  • Online child predators: How effective are the UK laws in protecting children?
  • Is it possible to have a crime-free society?
  • Which crime has a greater impact on society in the UK? Comparing street crimes and white-collar crimes.
  • A review of the main principles applied in crime prevention in the UK justice system.

Controversial Criminology Dissertation Topics

  • The less explored world of male rape in the society.
  • Abortion: Should it be categorized as a crime?
  • Parental separation: How does it result in future violence?
  • Information sharing technology: How does it help fight the problem of terrorism?
  • Back lives matter campaigns: Were they marred with violence instead of search for justice?
  • Coronavirus has accelerated crime in the society more than any other time in the past.
  • Do prisons help to correct bad behavior for the incarcerated?
  • Facebook helps to encourage more negative behavior than promoting socialization.
  • Domestic violence: Who suffers more between men and women?
  • Human trafficking has one main role of sexual exploitation.
  • On domestic violence, the law is subjective on males.
  • The government should increase the age limit for citizens to acquire national IDs.
  • Social media is the main source of moral panic in society.
  • Music is a major contributor to crime in society.

Criminology Dissertation Ideas on Domestic Violence

  • Theoretical perspectives on domestic violence.
  • Applying the control balance theory in domestic violence.
  • Popular culture and domestic violence: Are they related?
  • The effects of homelessness on domestic violence: A case study of Texas.
  • A review of cross-cultural perspectives on domestic violence.
  • Comparing the rates of domestic violence in the US and India.
  • Trends of domestic violence in Spain.
  • Analyzing the main legal issues for women who are victims of domestic violence.
  • A review of domestic violence within the military families.
  • Analyzing police decision-making factors when dealing with domestic cases.
  • Male victims of domestic violence: Why do most of them opt to keep quiet and stick with abusive partners?
  • Mothers who kill: What are the motivating factors?
  • Postpartum depression and domestic violence: How are they related?

Interesting Criminology Dissertation Titles

  • Comparing the impacts of crime to those of natural disasters: A literature review.
  • Is the education system in the globe failing in shaping good morals?
  • A review of sexual aggression by women in ASIA.
  • Acquainting rape perpetrators on bail terms: Is it acceptable? What does the law say?
  • Regulating prostitution in the society: Is it enough to reduce crime?
  • Corruption comes from limitations.
  • A study of the connections between law violation and family status.
  • Prostitution regulation: Can it stop crime?
  • Use of expert testimony in domestic violence cases.
  • Should we ban police from carrying guns in public?
  • How does systemic bias impact criminal justice?
  • Genetics: A comprehensive review of illegal researches and associated dangers.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of street lighting in reducing crime.
  • What role do psychometric assessments play in criminal justice?
  • Is crime rate related to neighborhoods? A literature review.
  • How has counterfeiting changed with the development of new technologies?

Criminology Dissertation Ideas about Prisons

  • Forced labor among prisoners: Is it a good method of correction?
  • Why is drug violence a problem in many US jails?
  • A review of prison gangs in a prison of your choice.
  • Training correctional officers in the UK: How effective is the training in enhancing the efficiency of correctional facilities?
  • A review of the efforts used to address child molesters in prison.
  • A review of study programs offered in prisons.
  • Healthcare system in the UK prisons: Is it effective?
  • A review of police corruption in prisons: Comparing the prisons in the 19 th and 20 th centuries.
  • What are the main causes of high recidivism in the US?
  • How do women end up in prisons? A review of common causes.
  • Prisons through the UK history.
  • How well are inmates prepared for re-entry into the society after serving jail terms?
  • Racial profiling in the US prisons.
  • Aggressive behavior: How is it related to criminal tendencies?
  • Comparing human trafficking in the modern and classic worlds: What are the main differences?
  • Comparing women’s recidivism rates in the US to those of Australia.

Knife Crime Dissertation Titles

  • Knife crime in the US: Applying the criminology theory.
  • Comparing knife crimes in Europe and Asia
  • What are the motivating factors for knife criminals?
  • Knife laws in the US: Analyzing the effectiveness of the pocket knife rules & laws.
  • Comparing the knife rules of the United States to those of the UK.
  • A review of knife crimes trends in the 21 st century.

Criminology Dissertation Help by Best Writers a Click Away

Now that we have looked at the best titles, from terrorism dissertation ideas to criminology topics on drugs, have you picked the preferred option? If “yes,” you are one step in the right direction. However, the next step of writing the dissertation is longer and requires a deep understanding of criminology. You also need excellent writing skills, time, and access to all the required resources. If you do not have the combination of all the above, which happens regularly to most students, you have a way out – seeking help from the best writers online. Our custom writing service stands taller than others because we have top-notch ENL writers who stop at nothing in ensuring clients get high grades. They have a lot of experience in the discipline and can work on any topic, from criminology and psychology dissertation ideas to terrorism-related topics. Again, they are fast and can easily beat even the toughest deadline. Our service is also cheap. Do not let the criminology dissertation stress you in any way – our expert can help you complete it professionally and fast too!

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thesis topics on criminology

200 Best Criminology Research Topics For Students

Criminology studies crime, criminal behavior, and the criminal justice system. Picking a good research topic is essential. It should match your interests and help us understand crime and how to prevent it.

There are many types of criminology research topics to choose from. You could look at criminal behavior, crime prevention, the justice system, theories about crime, or new issues like cybercrime. This guide will help you pick a research topic and get excited about criminology research. We’ll look at different topic ideas across criminology.

Whether you’re interested in why people commit crimes, how to stop crimes, the courts and jails, theories about crime, or new issues like internet crime, this guide will help you find a good research topic. Let’s explore criminology research topics and find great research ideas together! 

What are Criminology Research Topics?

Criminology research topics involve studying crime, criminals, and the justice system using scientific methods. This includes looking at:

  • Why crimes happen
  • Patterns in criminal behavior
  • How crime impacts people and communities
  • How the justice system, like police, courts, and jails, work
  • Theories about the causes of crime
  • Ways to prevent crimes
  • New types of crimes like internet crime
  • How crime is different in various times and cultures
  • How crime affects victims
  • What the public thinks about crime
  • Ideas for improving crime laws and policies

Criminology Research Topics For Students

Here are over 200 criminology research topics for students categorized into different subfields of criminology:

General Criminology

  • The significance of restorative justice programs in decreasing recidivism rates.
  • Exploring the role of genetics in criminal behavior.
  • The impact of socioeconomic status on crime rates.
  • Analyzing the relationship between drug policies and crime rates.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of community policing in reducing crime.
  • Analyzing the role of mental health in criminal behavior.
  • Understanding the link between poverty and crime.
  • Exploring the use of technology in crime prevention.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for offenders.
  • Investigating the role of media in shaping perceptions of crime and criminals.

Criminal Justice System

  • The influence of mandatory minimum sentencing laws on crime rates.
  • Exploring racial disparities in the criminal justice system.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of plea bargaining in reducing court backlogs.
  • Investigating the role of forensic evidence in criminal investigations.
  • Examining the ethics of using informants in criminal investigations.
  • Understanding the influence of incarceration on families and communities.
  • Exploring the role of prosecutorial discretion in shaping criminal justice outcomes.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of probation and parole programs.
  • Investigating the use of body cameras in policing.
  • Examining the role of juries in the criminal justice system.

Crime Prevention

  • Exploring the effectiveness of gun control policies in reducing violent crime.
  • Analyzing the impact of CCTV cameras on crime rates in urban areas.
  • Investigating the role of environmental design in crime prevention.
  • Examining the effectiveness of school-based anti-bullying programs.
  • Understanding the link between unemployment and property crime.
  • Exploring the role of parenting in preventing juvenile delinquency.
  • Analyzing the efficacy of early intervention programs for at-risk youth.
  • Investigating the impact of neighborhood watch programs on community safety.
  • Studying the role of social media in facilitating or preventing cyberbullying.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of drug education programs in schools.

Juvenile Delinquency

  • The effect of family structure on juvenile delinquency rates.
  • Studying the role of peer pressure in juvenile offending.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of diversion programs for juvenile offenders.
  • Investigating the link between childhood trauma and later delinquent behavior.
  • Examining the role of schools in preventing juvenile delinquency.
  • Understanding the influence of media on juvenile behavior.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of mentoring programs for at-risk youth.
  • Analyzing the impact of juvenile curfew laws on crime rates.
  • Investigating the role of substance abuse in juvenile offending.
  • Studying the efficacy of rehabilitation programs for juvenile offenders.
  • The impact of dark web marketplaces on illicit drug trade.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of cybersecurity measures in preventing cyber attacks.
  • Analyzing the role of cryptocurrencies in facilitating money laundering.
  • Investigating the link between online gaming and cyberbullying.
  • Examining the effectiveness of law enforcement responses to cybercrime.
  • Understanding the role of social media in cyberstalking cases.
  • Exploring the impact of data breaches on consumer privacy.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of international cooperation in combating cybercrime.
  • Investigating the role of artificial intelligence in cybercrime detection.
  • Examining the legal and ethical issues surrounding hacking and hacktivism.

White-Collar Crime

  • The impact of corporate culture on white-collar crime.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of regulatory agencies in preventing corporate fraud.
  • Analyzing the role of whistleblowers in exposing corporate misconduct.
  • Investigating the link between executive compensation and financial fraud.
  • Examining the effectiveness of corporate compliance programs.
  • Understanding the role of technology in facilitating white-collar crime.
  • Exploring the impact of globalization on white-collar crime.
  • Analyzing the role of government oversight in preventing financial crimes.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of anti-money laundering measures.
  • Examining the psychological profiles of white-collar offenders.

Terrorism and Counterterrorism

  • The impact of globalization on terrorism.
  • Exploring the role of ideology in terrorist recruitment.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of counterterrorism strategies.
  • Investigating the link between poverty and terrorism.
  • Examining the role of social media in terrorist propaganda.
  • Understanding the psychology of terrorism.
  • Exploring the impact of state-sponsored terrorism.
  • Analyzing the role of intelligence agencies in preventing terrorist attacks.
  • Studying the effectiveness of border security measures in combating terrorism.
  • Examining the ethics of targeted drone strikes in counterterrorism efforts.


  • The impact of victim-blaming attitudes on reporting rates of sexual assault.
  • Exploring the psychological effects of victimization.
  • Analyzing the role of victim support services in aiding recovery.
  • Investigating the link between domestic violence and homelessness.
  • Studying the effectiveness of restorative justice practices for victims.
  • Understanding the role of trauma-informed care for victims.
  • Exploring the impact of victim compensation programs.
  • Analyzing the prevalence of revictimization among survivors.
  • Investigating the role of victim-offender mediation in reducing trauma.
  • Examining the experiences of marginalized victims within the criminal justice system.

Gender and Crime

  • The impact of gender stereotypes on sentencing outcomes.
  • Exploring the link between masculinity and violent crime.
  • Analyzing the role of gender in shaping criminal opportunities.
  • Investigating the prevalence of intimate partner violence against men.
  • Examining the experiences of transgender individuals within the criminal justice system.
  • Understanding the role of gender in white-collar crime.
  • Exploring the intersection of race, gender, and crime.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of gender-responsive programming for female offenders.
  • Investigating the link between gender identity and hate crimes.
  • Examining the role of gender in criminal victimization experiences.

Race and Crime

  • The influence of racial profiling on policing practices.
  • Exploring the link between race and sentencing disparities.
  • Analyzing the role of systemic racism in contributing to crime rates.
  • Investigating the prevalence of hate crimes against racial minorities.
  • Examining the experiences of Indigenous peoples within the criminal justice system.
  • Understanding the impact of racial segregation on crime.
  • Exploring the intersection of race, poverty, and crime.
  • Analyzing the role of race in shaping perceptions of criminality.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of diversity training for law enforcement.
  • Examining the experiences of racial minorities as crime victims.

Policing and Law Enforcement

  • The influence of body-worn cameras on police behavior.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of predictive policing algorithms.
  • Analyzing the role of police discretion in shaping law enforcement outcomes.
  • Investigating the prevalence of police brutality and accountability measures.
  • Examining the impact of community-oriented policing initiatives.
  • Understanding the role of police unions in shaping department policies.
  • Exploring the use of technology in crime mapping and analysis.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of de-escalation training for police officers.
  • Investigating the role of implicit bias in police interactions.
  • Examining the impact of police militarization on community relations.

Criminal Behavior Theories

  • The impact of strain theory on understanding criminal behavior.
  • Exploring the role of social learning theory in juvenile delinquency.
  • Analyzing the influence of biological theories on criminal behavior.
  • Investigating the relevance of rational choice theory in explaining white-collar crime.
  • Examining the role of labeling theory in shaping criminal identities.
  • Understanding the impact of control theory on crime prevention strategies.
  • Exploring the intersection of feminist theory and criminology.
  • Analyzing the relevance of routine activities theory in cybercrime.
  • Investigating the role of social disorganization theory in understanding neighborhood crime.
  • Examining the influence of psychoanalytic theories on criminal profiling.

Comparative Criminology

  • The impact of cultural differences on crime rates.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of different legal systems in combating crime.
  • Analyzing the role of globalization in transnational crime.
  • Investigating the prevalence of human trafficking in different regions.
  • Examining the effectiveness of drug policies in different countries.
  • Understanding the impact of political instability on crime rates.
  • Exploring the role of corruption in facilitating organized crime.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in different cultural contexts.
  • Investigating the prevalence of honor crimes in different societies.
  • Examining the role of religion in shaping attitudes towards crime.

Environmental Criminology

  • The impact of urban design on crime rates.
  • Studying the significance of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED).
  • Analyzing the role of natural landscapes in preventing crime.
  • Investigating the impact of lighting on crime in public spaces.
  • Examining the role of surveillance in deterring criminal activity.
  • Understanding the influence of architecture on criminal behavior.
  • Exploring the impact of weather on crime patterns.
  • Analyzing the role of public transportation in facilitating crime.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of neighborhood revitalization efforts in reducing crime.
  • Examining the influence of housing policies on neighborhood safety.

Criminal Profiling and Forensics

  • The impact of offender profiling on criminal investigations.
  • Exploring the reliability of forensic evidence in court.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of DNA databases in solving cold cases.
  • Investigating the role of forensic psychology in criminal profiling.
  • Examining the ethics of using familial DNA searching.
  • Understanding the limitations of eyewitness testimony in court.
  • Exploring the use of forensic linguistics in criminal investigations.
  • Analyzing the role of digital forensics in cybercrime investigations.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of geographic profiling techniques.
  • Examining the impact of forensic anthropology on missing persons cases.

Drugs and Crime

  • The influence of drug legalization on crime rates.
  • Exploring the role of drug trafficking organizations in organized crime.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of harm reduction strategies in reducing drug-related crime.
  • Investigating the link between substance abuse and property crime.
  • Examining the impact of drug courts on recidivism rates.
  • Understanding the role of addiction in driving criminal behavior.
  • Analyzing the impact of drug policy on marginalized communities.
  • Investigating the prevalence of prescription drug abuse and crime.
  • Examining the role of drug treatment programs in reducing criminal recidivism.

Human Trafficking

  • The impact of globalization on human trafficking patterns.
  • Exploring the role of organized crime in human trafficking networks.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of anti-trafficking laws and policies.
  • Investigating the link between human trafficking and other forms of exploitation.
  • Examining the role of technology in combating human trafficking.
  • Understanding the experiences of human trafficking survivors.
  • Exploring the intersection of migration and human trafficking.
  • Analyzing the role of demand in driving human trafficking.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of victim identification and support programs.
  • Examining the impact of cultural attitudes on human trafficking.

Organized Crime

  • The impact of globalization on the expansion of organized crime networks.
  • Exploring the role of cybercrime in organized criminal enterprises.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of law enforcement strategies against organized crime.
  • Investigating the connection between organized crime and terrorism.
  • Examining the role of corruption in facilitating organized crime activities.
  • Understanding the structure and hierarchy of organized crime groups.
  • Exploring the impact of drug trafficking on organized crime syndicates.
  • Analyzing the role of money laundering in legitimizing criminal proceeds.
  • Investigating the use of violence and coercion in organized crime operations.
  • Examining the role of technology in disrupting organized crime networks.

Prisons and Incarceration

  • The influence of mass incarceration on communities of color.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in prison.
  • Analyzing the role of privatization in the prison industrial complex.
  • Investigating the link between mental illness and incarceration rates.
  • Examining the impact of solitary confinement on mental health.
  • Understanding the experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals in prison.
  • Exploring the effectiveness of reentry programs for ex-offenders.
  • Analyzing the role of education and vocational training in reducing recidivism.
  • Investigating the prevalence of overcrowding in prisons.
  • Examining the ethics of for-profit prison systems.

Restorative Justice

  • The impact of restorative justice practices on victims and offenders.
  • Exploring the role of community involvement in restorative justice processes.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of restorative justice in cases of intimate partner violence.
  • Investigating the cultural considerations in implementing restorative justice.
  • Examining the role of restorative justice in addressing historical injustices.
  • Understanding the impact of restorative justice on recidivism rates.
  • Exploring the role of restorative justice in cases involving juvenile offenders.
  • Analyzing the challenges of implementing restorative justice in rural communities.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of restorative justice in cases of hate crimes.
  • Examining the ethical considerations of restorative justice practices.

Factors To Consider When Selecting a Criminology Research Topic

Here are some factors to consider when picking a criminology research topic:

  • Importance – Choose a topic that matters today, is socially important, and will add useful information to criminology. Look at issues people are talking about in the media.
  • Interest – Pick a topic you find really interesting and will enjoy researching. Your excitement will show in your work.
  • Doable – Make sure the topic can be researched well in the time you have, with the data you can access, and follow ethical rules. Avoid topics that are too broad.
  • New – Try to provide new insights or a fresh viewpoint. Look at existing research to find gaps you can help fill.
  • Meaningful – Choose a topic that can potentially improve criminological knowledge, theory, or practice importantly.
  • Methods – Match the topic to research methods you know or want to learn, like statistical analysis, interviews, etc.
  • Sources – Consider access to articles, datasets, people to interview, etc. Can you find good information sources?
  • Audience – Keep your intended readers in mind. Adjust the scope and approach to give useful information to academics, policymakers, practitioners, etc.

Tips for Conducting Criminology Research

Here are some tips for doing criminology research:

  • Get organized – Make a plan for your research steps and deadlines. Keep your notes, sources, and documents in order.
  • Review existing research – Read and analyze other studies about your topic to find gaps, debates, and theories to build on.
  • Choose suitable methods – Pick research methods like surveys, interviews, field studies, or crime data analysis that match your research questions.
  • Follow ethical rules – Get approval for your research plan. Protect participant privacy and anonymity.
  • Find quality sources – Use scholarly journals, crime databases, court records, and trustworthy sources for good data and information.
  • Analyze data carefully – Use appropriate qualitative or statistical techniques to analyze your data and draw valid conclusions.
  • Make persuasive arguments – Interpret your findings to make evidence-based arguments that address your research questions.
  • Write clearly – Use academic but understandable language. Explain terminology. Use an organized structure.
  • Note limitations – Identify limits of your methods, data sources, and ability to determine causation. Suggest future research.
  • Proofread thoroughly – Check for typos, grammar issues, consistent formatting, and complete citations.
  • Share your research – Present at conferences, publish articles or apply findings to inform criminology practice.

Final Remarks

To wrap up, our journey through criminology research has been an exciting exploration of the complex world of crime and solutions. We’ve discovered exciting areas like criminal behavior, prevention, the justice system, and theories by seeing how important it is to pick the right topic.

Remember, your research can help shape real-world policies and practices. As you explore this changing field, connect with experts, use reliable sources, and follow your curiosity. 

A criminology is a powerful tool for positive change, and your work can impact our understanding of crime. Keep exploring, stay curious, and let your criminology research journey unfold! I’m glad we could explore these meaningful topics in a straightforward, easy-to-grasp way.

thesis topics on criminology

Criminology Dissertation Ideas for Students

When students enter university, few of them consider what dissertation they will write. They’re mostly focused on everyday tasks like essays, but since the necessity to select topic and investigate is inevitable, sooner or later, this question is going to gain urgency. Criminology is a unique subject.

Whether you’re studying it at the University of Surrey or Stirling, the final year will be tough. Some are going to require online dissertation help . But before getting professional assistance, one must look through diverse criminology dissertation ideas and decide which suits better. The more you like it, the more you’ll feel engaged in writing, meaning that chances at getting an excellent grade are going to grow. Let’s take a look at newly available criminology topic prepared by our professionals in this field.

criminology dissertation ideas

Topics on 6 Major Divisions of Criminology

We’ve divided this vast area into six main topics, each having a number of suggestions. Check them and see what criminology dissertation titles you find interesting. We’ll start with two widest general sections.

Prison & Society Topics

The perception of prisons and prisoners in society has always been a subject of hot debate. As you are choosing dissertation topics dealing with social aspects of criminal offenders, remember about narrowing your ideas down to include a single social element. See these examples to help you start writing:

  • Portrayal of prisons in the media.
  • Should schoolchildren have visits to prison as a part of the school curriculum?
  • Mental health issues and serial killer personalities.
  • Breaking down negative stigma regarding ex-prisoners and social work.
  • Is prison punishment justified for economic or political crimes?
  • HM Prison Wandsworth Effectiveness: Control, Crime, Punishments
  • Barriers between Prisoners & Free People: Dual Review
  • Thin Line between Free Life and Prison
  • How do Ex-Prisoners Adapt to New Life?
  • Adaptation Period in Prison: Factors of Difficulties & Success

Crime & Justice Topics

When a crime is committed, people often think of the existing criminal justice system which has numerous flaws and benefits, depending on who reviews it. Choosing your dissertation topic on justice is not an easy task, which is why consider checking criminal justice dissertation ideas:

  • Prevention of crimes with the help of education and volunteering work.
  • The management of prison overcrowding.
  • Gang activity control and reporting systems: evidence vs official reports.
  • Drug legislation and insufficient punishment.
  • Video games violence and serial killer cases.
  • History of Death Penalty, Its Meaning
  • Illegal Acts That Attract Insufficient Punishment
  • Crimes in that Result in Overly Harsh Punishments
  • Alternative Means of Punishments: Comparisons of International Systems
  • Validity of Putting Education Before Prison

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Ethnicity and Race Topics

Many of us know that some crimes taking place contain racial or ethnic elements. While these crimes have decreased lately, they are still widely discussed to help people avoid them and address every issue that comes up. Here are several ethnicity and race dissertation topics:

  • Racial inequality vs South Africa.
  • Law violations among ethnic minorities in Wales.
  • Cyberbullying crimes and ethnicity factor.
  • How does media contribute to the birth of hatred based on racial principles?
  • Sports and legal consequences of racial conflicts.
  • Race-Fuelled Lawlessness: 2015-2022
  • Laws that Could Reduce Crimes Based on Ethnicity
  • Minorities Representation Prisons
  • Murders Across English Cities based on Race & Ethnicity
  • Changes in Ethnicity: Relation to Crime over the Last Ten Years

Crime and Social Inequality

It is a popular belief that social access to welfare and one’s financial state always lead to either a higher or a lower criminal activity rate. While it is not proven scientifically due to insufficient sample groups, students may explore this field of science to bring innovations and new insight.

  • Does the lower-income situation in the family lead to an increase in crime rates?
  • Workplace violence towards female workers and sexual assault crimes.
  • Discrimination in grammar schools & learning disabilities.
  • Do people in rural areas have more social responsibility regarding law violations?
  • Social comparison crime rates and knife crimes among the teen population of Liverpool vs Manchester.
  • Murders Committed by Low & Middle-Class Representatives: A Comparison
  • London Divided into Sectors: Class Separation and Violence
  • Correlation between Public Resources & Felony Control
  • Does Low Income Cause Violence?
  • Discrimination: Its Impact on Violence

Activism & Riots Ideas

It is way too easy to cross the line between social campaigns and law violations as the group of people gathers together to protest. It often leads to riots and violence. Explore related criminology dissertation topics below and change them a little bit to fit your thesis statement:

  • The Black Lives Matter social movement branch.
  • The role of Instagram and Facebook influencers in social riots.
  • Media bias of television networks in coverage of riots.
  • The limitations of social activism: when responsibilities fail to work.
  • The use of nationalistic slogans and knife crimes during social-based riots.
  • Successful Riots & Their Consequences
  • Riots that Caused Many Crimes
  • Verge between Activism & Crimes
  • When Social Mobility Masks Crimes: Cases & Impact
  • Causes for Riots & Most Typical Kinds of Violence Committed as Their Result

Topics about Police

A successful work of criminology specialists always involves police officers, which is why choosing your policing dissertation ideas/police dissertation ideas must be approached with great care and without bias. After all, it is your research of both sides that matters.

  • How can police body cameras help decrease police violence?
  • Difference in behaviours of police officers in villages vs large cities.
  • Can children’s books have a positive impact on attitude to police among teenagers?
  • Male vs female police officers: why gender is not always significant.
  • Police work differences between and Canada.
  • Praise & Complaints about Police: Truth and Myths
  • Right of Police to Use Weapons & What It Results In
  • Crimes Commited by Police: Imprisoned Officers
  • Criminology Network of Police Officers
  • What Makes Criminology Investigation Successful: New Factors

If you’re still searching for other options, consider looking through a similar field. Check dissertation topics in finance or economics dissertation topics . Crimes happen in these spheres, too, and maybe you’ll locate the one that stirs your interest there. Remember, authentic interest in a theme is already a big guarantee of future success.

Criminology Dissertation Tips

Criminology dissertation represents one of the most complicated types of work even for those students who pursue their Criminology or Forensic Sciences degrees. Coming next, Psychology, Law, and Nursing also relate here. Therefore, students must consider the following rules as they start:

  • Research similar works dealing with your subject. Always consult with your academic advisor.
  • Narrow things down to become more focused on a certain problem that your criminology dissertation explores.
  • Provide new information and mention case studies to provide more samples for your methodology.
  • Include statistical information and comparisons, especially if using qualitative methodology.
  • Provide counter-argument sections to make your research unbiased.
  • Choosing your topic, avoid controversial subjects if you are not ready to deal with them.

Most importantly, always discuss every aspect with your academic advisor to avoid accidental plagiarism or copyright infringement issues as you are dealing with a plethora of information and citations.

Psychology and Criminology Connection

Regardless if you study Criminology or Psychology, these two fields of science always go hand in hand, especially when forensic analysis of mental health aspects must be done. You might already have seen it in various TV series or shows, yet take time to explore criminology and psychology dissertation ideas:

  • Psychology aspects of domestic abuse reporting.
  • The fear factor and analysis of child victims of crimes.
  • Psychology of gambling and the apprehension of punishment.
  • Male vs female perception of serial killer crimes.
  • PTSD and military violence analysis.
  • Are there typically crimes?
  • Attitude to alcohol-related crimes vs the United States.
  • Psychology of a drug dealer.
  • How can good psychological skills help prevent bullying?
  • Abuse of leadership in the workplace: moral and legal responsibilities.

Explore these topics to see how criminal studies always relate to psychology as one explores what has fueled the crime and what mental aspects have been involved.

Masters and Ph.D. Criminology Dissertation Ideas

Dealing with Criminology Master’s dissertation ideas, you can still choose basic Criminology topics. The difference lies in the depth of your research and the ways how you approach your methodology.

  • Police strategies on self-control and stress management in emergency situations.
  • Female prisons and sexual violence cases: analysis and prevention methods.
  • Religious discrimination in society.
  • Parental responsibilities monitoring: ethics and limitations.
  • Interrogation of child abuse victims.
  • Police bias in responding to emergency calls.
  • Negative perception of police officers: the role of media and newspapers.
  • Marginalization among police officers in Wales.
  • Does technology lead to being anonymous: cyberbullying and online gambling.
  • Post-prison life rehabilitation methods.

Argumentative Criminology Dissertation Topics

Argumentative dissertation topics in criminology must present some argument or make an assumption regarding whether something is possible. Using argumentative topics, make your opinion clear.

  • Religious beliefs and terrorism cases in Northern Ireland.
  • Are political crimes worse than economic violations?
  • Do men and women suffer differently from domestic abuse?
  • Mental abuse in the workplace vs physical abuse.
  • Are immigrants to blame for the terrorist attack cases?
  • Can police officers remain unbiased when dealing with male vs female offenders?
  • The media portrayal of serial killers: pros and cons.
  • School education and prevention of drug-related crimes.
  • Should prisoners be allowed to vote and participate in politics?
  • Social work as an alternative to imprisonment: Norway’s example.

Controversial Criminology Dissertation Topics

Remember that controversial criminology dissertation topics are not for everyone because it means facing disturbing topics that require exploring not only your position but the negative side of things as well.

  • Reporting male rape differences: community stigma.
  • Black Lives Matter: did the police really have their say in this case?
  • Covid-19 related crimes: are they financial or moral?
  • Bias towards female child abusers: social aspects.
  • Social media as justification of psychological online crimes.
  • Rap music as a contributor to knife crimes and violence.
  • Do we evaluate terror attacks based on what media shows us?
  • Are children unbiased when they report domestic violence threats?
  • Prevention of terrorism methods between and the USA.
  • Do serial killers have morals?
  • What topics may be chosen when I write a criminology dissertation?

You can consider anything from police violence and social injustice to social campaigns, prisoners, and domestic violence. Basically, anything that involves Criminology can be handled by our experts as you compose your dissertation. Just place your order and we shall assist you right away.

  • How to Choose a Criminology Dissertation Subject?

It must be something that motivates you for research and something that you know well. It is recommended to narrow things down a little bit and play with the alternate wording to fit your thesis statement. You should discuss things with your academic advisor and remain unbiased as you research.

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Preparing your thesis proposal

For your Thesis Proposal, you will prepare a written document that includes an Introduction section and a Methods section . 

Introduction : includes the problem to be studied, theory that is guiding the research/review of current literature, relevance of the work, and specific study hypothesis. Your introduction should demonstrate the expertise you've developed in your research area, but also be more than just a summary of the articles you've read. Your introduction should be a compelling narrative about the research trails you followed, how they build up to your study hypothesis, and why your research study is original and important.

1. Follow the steps outlined under  Identify Research Gaps  to identify a research gap in the literature

2. Go to  Start Finding Sources ,  Search Databases , and  Browse Journals  to find journal articles for your research area.

3. Go to Analyze Your Articles and  Use Your Sources  to analyze and evaluate your sources and use them to build your hypothesis and arguments for your research study.

4.  Use your  Map of the Literature   (scroll down to Step 3 from the landing page)   to help structure your introduction and avoid  unconscious plagiarism . 

Step 1: Get started by considering your central thesis question of your proposed thesis study

Step 2: Identify the information that you want to use from your sources

  • What key information, issues, theories, approaches, evidence, and/or arguments will help you address and build your thesis study?

Step 3: Identify relationships, links, and common themes

  • What relationships and links do you see between the information you want to use from each of your sources?
  • What common themes and arguments can you build from the information and evidence in your sources?

Step 4: Arrange themes and arguments

  • How can you arrange your themes and arguments hierarchically and sequentially so that they logically build towards a compelling evidence-based about your proposed thesis study?

Research Methods : includes proposed subject recruitment, measures to be used, procedures to be follow, and proposed data analysis plan. These should be based on the methods used in the articles that you read and discussed in your Introduction section.

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  • Next: Identify Research Gaps >>
  • Last Updated: May 2, 2024 5:43 PM
  • URL: https://guides.umd.umich.edu/crj

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thesis topics on criminology

Criminology is the study of crime, criminal behaviour, and the legal system that deals with crimes. The study of crime covers its causes, types, and responses. It's a valuable field with many career opportunities, especially as crime rates continue to rise globally. Students and researchers must explore quality criminology dissertation ideas for their research.

Criminology Dissertation Examples

Premier Dissertations has produced a list of new dissertation topics in criminology for 2024 .

If you would like to choose any topic from the list below, simply drop us a WhatsApp or an Email .

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How Can You Select the Best Criminological Research Questions?

Choosing the best criminology research ideas and questions is important for a successful study. Start by thinking about crime-related areas that interest you the most, such as cybercrime or juvenile delinquency. Explore research questions in criminology related to current societal issues. Get advice from professors, look for recent articles, and ensure your chosen topic aligns with your passion and the potential to contribute valuable insights to the field through interesting criminology thesis ideas .

Review Our Full List of Latest Research Topics  

For more criminology thesis topics, please keep checking our website as we keep adding new topics to our existing list of titles. GOOD LUCK!

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Home > Dissertations, Theses & Capstones Projects by Program > Criminal Justice Dissertations

Criminal Justice Dissertations

Dissertations from 2024 2024.

The Construction of Victimhood in Human Trafficking Intervention Courts , Lauren Moton

Online Communities and Offline Criminal Justice: The Digital Fallout of Major Criminal Incidents , Jacqueline M. Scott

Dissertations from 2023 2023

Unlocking Potential: The School-to-Prison Pipeline for Students with Disabilities , Navena F. Chaitoo

Quality Management and Oversight of Texas Forensic Science Service Providers , Sarah P. Chu

Investigating Key Risk Factors Across Violent and Non-violent Extremists in the United States , Leevia Dillon

Extremism in America: Explaining Variations in Ideologically Motivated Fatal Violence , Celinet Duran

The Punitive Laboratory of Neoliberalism: A Cross-national Examination , Beth A. Fera

Bearer Negotiable Instruments: Addressing a Financial Intelligence Gap and Identifying Criminogenic Weaknesses , Hollis B. Kegg

Understanding Victim-Offender Overlap Among Youth in Custody in the United States and Taiwan , Tzu-Ying Lo

Police Academy Attrition Rates: A Long-Term Analysis of Female Candidates in California, Texas, Wisconsin, Arizona, and New Jersey , Shamus W. Smith

A Multifaceted, Non-Militarized Approach to Security Dynamics in Protected Areas: From Foot Patrols, to Tourism, and Local Communities , Monique Sosnowski

Evaluating the Effect of CCTV on Crime Occurrence and Case Clearances in Fayetteville, North Carolina: A Microsynthetic Control Quasi-Experiment , Amanda L. Thomas

Typologies of Battering: Uncovering Patterns of Coercive Tactics Used by Abusive Men in a Mixed Methods Study , Abbie L. Tuller

Dissertations from 2022 2022

Mitigating the Harm of Public Mass Shooting Incidents Through Situational Crime Prevention , Emily Greene-Colozzi

A Study of the Punishment of Crimes by US Federal Legislators from 1798 to 2016 , Kenneth J. Grossberger

Where Gunshots Turn Fatal: A Geographic Examination of the Spatial Patterning of Gun Violence , David Hatten

Fatal and Non-Fatal Police Shootings in the United States, 2015: An Examination of Open-Source Data , Yuchen Hou

Blurring the "Bright Line": Examining Age-Related Differences in Jail Incarceration Outcomes Using a Resources-Challenges Model of Emerging Adulthood , Olive F. Lu

Santa Bruta—Home of El Indio Muerto: The Colonial–Carceral City’s Attempt to Eliminate the “Mexican Problem” , Amy A. Martinez

The Application of Electron Backscatter Diffraction to the Forensic Analysis of Minerals , Tiffany J. Millett

Scientific Development of an Integrated Workflow for Latent Print, Questioned Document, and DNA Processing of Paper Evidence , Ashley Morgan

Tablets as a Vehicle for Imprisoned People’s Digital Connection with Loved Ones , Andrea Mufarreh

Aging on Parole: An Empirical Analysis of Reentry, Reintegration, and Life Satisfaction , Angela Silletti Murolo

LGBTQIA+ Individuals’ Encounters with Police: Contextual Factors, Help-Seeking, and Service Needs , Max Osborn

The Microscopical Evidence Traces Analysis of Household Dust and Its Statistical Significance as a Definitive Identification Technique , Stephanie Polifroni

Credible Messengers: An Exploratory Analysis of What Makes Them "Credible" , Jason Szkola

The Economic and Demographic Dynamics of Pretrial Justice , Christopher Thomas

Elements of Social Disorganization and Environmental Criminology: A Spatial Analysis of Homicides in Villa Nueva, Guatemala , David J. Topel

CPTED and the City: The Impact of Privately Owned Public Spaces on Crime in Manhattan , Julia von Ferber

Dissertations from 2021 2021

Exploring the Overlap, Saliency, and Consistency of Environmental Predictors in Crime Hot Spots: A Remote Systematic Social Observation and Case-Control Examination , Nathan T. Connealy

Evaluation of the Potential of Automated SEM-EDS Analysis for the Discrimination of Inorganic Soil Particles , Anna S. Duggar

The Different Components of Active Shooter Incidents: Examining the Co-occurrence of Offender and Incident Characteristics , Jeffery R. Osborne

From Rulay to Rules: Perceptions of Prison Life and Reforms in the Dominican Republic’s Traditional and New Prisons , Jennifer Peirce

Redlining, Neighborhood Decline, and Violence: How Discriminatory Government Policies Created Violent American Inner Cities , Richard Powell

The Victims’ Voices: A Routine Activity Approach to Jail and Prison Victimization , Victor St. John

Examining Probation and Judicial Adherence to the NYC Disposition Matrix , Susruta Sudula

Dissertations from 2020 2020

Living in a World of “Stop, Question and Frisk” and “Trespass Enforcement”: Black and Latinx Youth Engaging in Police Reform in New York City , Jeanene Lee Barrett

Spheres of Identity: Theorizing Social Categorization and the Legitimacy of Criminal Justice Officials , Kwan-Lamar Blount-Hill

Collective Healing: A Restorative Justice-Based Response to Sexual Abuse , Delene Bromirski

Examining Racial and Ethnic Disparity in Prosecutor’s Bail Requests and Downstream Decision Making , Connor Concannon

Thrown off Course: School Suspension and Its Consequences for Students’ Educational Trajectories and Outcomes , Celina Cuevas

Doing Discipline Different: Evaluating the Implementation of Restorative Justice as An Alternative to Punitive Discipline in New York City Public Schools , Virginia Diaz-Mendoza

A Study of Police Officers with Military Service Backgrounds Compared to Police Officers without Military Service: Can Military Veterans Interact and Properly Engage the Public? , John F. Hussey

Investigations of Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Corruption in the Public Sector: A Survey of Organizational and Software-Based Aids and Obstructions , Lawrence Kom

Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Scale for Measuring Public Confidence in the Criminal Justice System , Jimin Pyo

Examining the Contextual Effects of Racial Profiling, and the Long-Term Consequences of Punitive Interventions: Testing Labeling Theory with the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health Data , Margrét Valdimarsdóttir

Dissertations from 2019 2019

Employment Duration and Attrition of Federal and State Inspectors General in the United States , Frank Chen

Challenges in Measuring Firearm Prevalence: A Test of Cook's Index Across The Rural–Urban Continuum , Noah R. Cypher

A Study of Factors Influencing Hiring Decisions in the Context of Ban the Box Policies , Ronald F. Day

A Study of the Impact of the Physical Properties of Blood on the Interpretation of Bloodstain Patterns in Forensic Investigations , Ira S. DuBey

Neighborhood Ecology and Recidivism: A Case Study in NYC , Sarah Picard Fritsche

Behavioral Effects of Restrictive Housing on Prisoners , Mijin Kim

The Ferguson Effect in Contemporary Policing: Assessing Police Officer Willingness to Engage the Public , Christopher Mercado

Municipal Police Under Federal Control: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Title 42 U.S.C. Section 14141 Negotiated Settlements , Jason W. Ostrowe

Identity Shifts Among Cis- and Trans- Females Who Sell Sex on the Streets of New York City , Amalia S. Paladino

The Evolution of Mara Salvatrucha 13 and Barrio 18 : Violence, Extortion, and Drug Trafficking in the Northern Triangle of Central America , Pamela Ruiz

A Media Distortion Analysis of Mass Shootings , Jason R. Silva

Police Officers and College Education: The Association of Police Officer College Education and the Level of Force Used by a Police Officer in Gaining Compliance in Arrest Situations , John Vespucci

Exploring the Structural Effects on the Lethal Violence at the U.S. Counties under the Situational Action Theory: An Application of Multivariable Spatial Regression Model , Yunho Yeom

Dissertations from 2018 2018

Contemporary Archaeological Looting: A Criminological Analysis of Italian Tomb Robbers , Marc Balcells Magrans

The Social Construction of Protest: Print Media Coverage of the 2004 Republican National Convention and the 2011 Occupy Wall Street Protests in New York City , Kirsten Christiansen

Forensic Analysis of Fiber Dyes via Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy , Mircea A. Comanescu

Against Criminalization and Pathology: The Making of a Black Achievement Praxis , Charles M. Green Sr.

Moral Mode Switching: From Punishment to Public Health , Stephen Koppel

Assessing the Outcomes of a Jail-Based Substance Abuse Treatment Program: A Quasi-Experimental Approach , Laura Lutgen

An Analysis of Successful and Unsuccessful Terrorist Assassinations: Informing Counterterrorism Through Situational Crime Prevention , Marissa Mandala

Process Evaluation of Terrorism Amnesty and Reintegration Program, and Perceptions of the Program within Kenya Police , Resila Onyango

The Phenomenon of Match-Fixing in Soccer: A Plague Without a Cure? , Nikolaos Petropoulos

Gender and Terrorism: A Homeland Security Perspective , Diana Rosa Rodriguez-Spahia

An Examination of the Relationships Between Stressors, Correctional Burnout, and Job Outcomes , Erin Rogers

Global Pretrial Detention Use: A Cross-National Analysis , Martin Schönteich

Dissertations from 2017 2017

Prescription Opioid Misuse: Initiation, Sources of Supply, and the Role of Medical Providers , Alexandra Harocopos

Investigating the Risk Factors of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Among Korean Immigrant Women in America , Chunrye Kim

Seaport Vulnerability to Criminal Networks: A Mixed Method Approach to Measuring Criminological Vulnerability in the Top 30 U.S. Container Ports , Leonid Lantsman

The Advanced Spectroscopic Analysis of Organic Gunshot Residue and Explosives , Jennifer M. Leonard

The Fear Factor: Exploring the Impact of the Vulnerability to Deportation on Immigrants' Lives , Shirley P. Leyro

Hatred Simmering in the Melting Pot: Hate Crime in New York City, 1995-2010 , Colleen E. Mills

Genealogy of the Concept of "Hate Crime": The Cultural Implications of Legal Innovation and Social Change , Roslyn Myers

Masculinity and Disproportionate Risk of Contact with the Criminal Justice System: Findings from a Select Sample of Low-Income Black Males in New York City , Michael G. Pass

Procedural Justice for Youth: Discrepancies in the Provision of Defense Counsel for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System , Emily K. Pelletier

Individual Levels of Bias and Immigration Policies in the United States: A Test and Extension of the Dual Processing Model of Bias , Lorraine Phillips

Patriarchy and Varieties of Violence Against Women: A Contextual Analysis , Margaret Schmuhl

The Financial Crisis and White-Collar Crime: An Examination of Brokerage-Failure and Its Link to Ponzi Schemes , Marie Springer

Local Immigration Enforcement Entrepreneurship in the Punishment Marketplace , Daniel L. Stageman

Understanding Resilience Strategies Among Minor-Attracted Individuals , Allyson Walker

Should We Talk?: Examining Individual and Aggregate Level Predictors of Mediation Selection at the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board , Cynthia-Lee Williams

Dissertations from 2016 2016

Calling Campus Police: A Test of Procedural Justice and Unresponsive Bystander Models , Michael Francis Aiello

Looking Upstream: A Sociological Investigation of Mass Public Shootings , Joel A. Capellan

Examining Victimization in South Korea 1993-2010: A Comparative Application of Ecological Theories of Crime , Jisun Choi

Mandated Anger Management from the Perspective of Violent Offenders , Cory M. Feldman

Gender Roles, Social Control and Digital Piracy: A Longitudinal Analysis of Gender Differences in Software Piracy Among Korean Adolescents , Riccardo Ferraresso

Traumatic Stress, World Assumptions, and Law Enforcement Officers , Douglas William Green

Cops in Court: Assessing the Criminal Prosecutions of Police in Six Major Scandals in the New York City Police Department from 1894 to 1994 , Kevin E. McCarthy

Selling National Security: Journalism, Political Actors, and the Marketing of Counterterrorism Policy , Nicole M. Napolitano

Help-Seeking Latina Victims of Domestic Violence and the Programs That Serve Them in New York City , Yolanda Ortiz-Rodriguez

Bullying Prevention in New York City Public Schools: School Safety Agents' Perceptions of Their Roles , Gabriel R. Paez

Characteristics of Newly-hired Members of the New York City Police Department as Predictors of Subsequent Job Performance , Francis E. Spangenberg

Sex Differences in Stress, Burnout and Coping in Emergency Medical Service Providers , Celia R. Sporer

When Human-Leopard Conflict Turns Deadly: A Cross-Country Situational Analysis , Julie S. Viollaz

Dissertations from 2015 2015

Homeland Security and Community policing: Shift in Federal Funding Post Sep. 11: From Community Policing to Homeland Security , Mohsen S. Alizadeh

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80 Criminal Law Research Topics

FacebookXEmailWhatsAppRedditPinterestLinkedInEmbarking on a journey in Law Research Topics of academic exploration through research topics in Criminal Law is an exciting endeavour for students pursuing undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral degrees. The realm of Criminal Law offers a captivating landscape for in-depth investigations that span from legal intricacies to societal implications. Choosing the proper research topics is […]

Criminal Law Research Topics

Embarking on a journey in Law Research Topics of academic exploration through research topics in Criminal Law is an exciting endeavour for students pursuing undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral degrees. The realm of Criminal Law offers a captivating landscape for in-depth investigations that span from legal intricacies to societal implications. Choosing the proper research topics is paramount, as they determine the trajectory of your thesis or dissertation and shape your contribution to the evolving field of law. In this article, we delve into a comprehensive array of compelling research topics, catering to varying degree levels, to inspire and guide aspiring legal scholars in their pursuit of impactful research.

Criminal Law, often called “Penal Law,” “Criminal Justice,” and “Criminal Legal System,” encompasses the set of rules and regulations governing acts considered offences against the state or society. It dictates the consequences for individuals guilty of committing these offences, including penalties and sanctions.

A List Of Potential Research Topics In Criminal Law:

  • Evaluating the role of neighbourhood characteristics in juvenile delinquency.
  • Cybercrime legislation and enforcement in the UK: recent developments and challenges.
  • Exploring the validity and reliability of eyewitness testimonies in court.
  • Economic crimes amidst the pandemic: fraud, scams, and legal responses.
  • Investigating the role of forensic evidence in wrongful convictions.
  • The legal status of non-state actors in international criminal law.
  • The role of forensic psychologists in assessing criminal responsibility.
  • The ins and outs of criminal informants: legal and ethical considerations.
  • Investigating the relationship between gang membership and criminal behaviour.
  • Examining the criminalization of homelessness: legal and social dimensions.
  • Assessing the legality and morality of lethal autonomous weapons in law enforcement.
  • Legal responses to online hate speech and incitement to violence.
  • Terrorism financing and legal frameworks: a comparative study.
  • The role of criminal law in combating wildlife trafficking.
  • Examining the rights of victims in criminal proceedings: a comparative study.
  • Examining the relationship between socioeconomic status and access to legal representation.
  • Mental incapacity as a defence in criminal proceedings: legal and ethical considerations.
  • The intersection of cybercrime and international law: challenges and solutions.
  • Revisiting the legal and social implications of decriminalizing prostitution.
  • Pandemic-induced changes to police practices and accountability mechanisms.
  • The impact of gender bias in sentencing: a comparative study.
  • A comprehensive review of restorative justice practices in criminal law.
  • Analyzing the intersection of mens rea in criminal law and the intent element in contract law .
  • A critical analysis of legal approaches to white-collar crime: lessons learned.
  • Online disinformation and the law: combating false information during health crises.
  • Examining the effectiveness of UK’s knife crime prevention strategies.
  • Examining the constitutional challenges of digital searches and seizures.
  • Reviewing the effectiveness of victim rights in criminal proceedings.
  • Exploring the influence of media trials on the right to a fair trial.
  • Juvenile waiver to adult court: legal and social implications.
  • UK’s approach to juvenile justice: rehabilitation vs. punishment.
  • The role of international criminal tribunals: a decade in review.
  • The legality of racial and ethnic profiling in law enforcement.
  • Legal and ethical implications of brain-computer interface technology in criminal investigations.
  • Police powers and stop and search practices in the UK: a human rights analysis.
  • Reviewing the legality and ethics of predictive policing algorithms.
  • Analyzing the impact of gun control measures on violent crime rates.
  • The use of predictive policing algorithms and civil liberties.
  • The impact of technology on criminal modus operandi: a decade of change.
  • COVID-19 and the criminalization of health-related behaviour: a comparative study.
  • The intersection of immigration law and criminal law: due process and deportation.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of mental health courts in diverting individuals from the criminal justice system.
  • The influence of COVID-19 on sentencing practices: rehabilitation vs. punishment.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of hate crime legislation in combating bias-motivated offences.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of drug courts in reducing recidivism.
  • Analyzing the impact of restorative justice practices on recidivism rates.
  • Genetic evidence and criminal liability: challenges and prospects.
  • Environmental crimes and legal responses: a case study approach.
  • The role of criminal law in addressing environmental pollution and corporate accountability.
  • Exploring corporate liability in cases involving white-collar crime and business law .
  • Remote court proceedings and access to justice: challenges and innovations.
  • Sentencing disparities in the UK: exploring racial and socioeconomic factors.
  • Public health measures and criminal law: balancing individual rights and public safety.
  • The legal and ethical implications of DNA phenotyping in criminal investigations.
  • Rethinking drug offences: alternatives to incarceration for nonviolent drug offenders.
  • An empirical study on jury decision-making biases in high-profile cases.
  • Reviewing the evolution of plea bargaining: efficacy and ethical considerations.
  • Legal and ethical challenges of using brain imaging in criminal cases.
  • Restitution vs. incarceration: a comparative study of white-collar crime sentencing.
  • Analyzing the application of the insanity defence across different jurisdictions.
  • Police use of force: balancing officer safety and civilian rights.
  • Examining the impact of body-worn cameras on police accountability and citizen perceptions.
  • The role of international criminal tribunals in accountability for mass atrocities.
  • Digital privacy rights in the age of surveillance: balancing national security and individual liberties.
  • A decade of cybercrime legislation: lessons for future policy.
  • Balancing national security and civil liberties: UK’s counterterrorism laws.
  • Contact tracing and privacy concerns: legal and ethical considerations.
  • A comparative review of mental incapacity defences in criminal cases.
  • Investigating the use of solitary confinement and its psychological effects on inmates.
  • The evolving landscape of UK’s surveillance laws: privacy and data protection.
  • The impact of technology on modus operandi and criminal investigation.
  • The effectiveness of domestic violence protection orders in preventing recidivism.
  • The impact of COVID-19 on prison conditions and inmate rights.
  • The role of UK’s Serious Fraud Office in corporate criminal investigations.
  • The relationship between substance abuse and criminal behaviour: evidentiary and policy considerations.
  • Plea bargaining and access to justice: a critical analysis.
  • Hate crimes in the UK: legal framework and challenges in prosecution.
  • Police accountability mechanisms: independent oversight and civilian review boards.
  • Exploring the ethical implications of police use of AI in criminal investigations.
  • Sentencing disparities for crack cocaine vs. powder cocaine offences.

In this compilation, we have provided various research topics in Criminal Law tailored to different academic levels. These topics offer a springboard for undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral students to dive into the complexities of criminal justice systems, legal precedents, and the ethical dimensions of law enforcement. Remember, the chosen topic should resonate with your academic interests and aspirations, setting the stage for an enriching research journey that contributes to the ever-evolving landscape of Criminal Law.

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Thesis MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice

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How to write a Criminology Essay (A Full Guide for Students)

Writing a criminology essay is one of the most satisfying assignments you will have in college. Majorly, criminology is an exciting subject that makes you want to inquire further and compose papers explaining, solving, or analyzing various criminological issues while applying criminological theories or theoretical frameworks.

As a cross-disciplinary field, criminology examines crime from a social view. It entails the study of how laws are made, the nature, causes, and extent of crime, and the efforts by various authorities to address and control crime via the juvenile and criminal systems. Majorly, when undertaking criminological writing, you use criminological theories drawn from social sciences such as psychology, sociology, political science, and economics. They also draw from other humanity subjects such as history, philosophy, ethics, and biology. When writing a criminological essay, it is important to differentiate criminology from criminal justice. Majorly, since criminology is a sub-discipline of sociology, your writing must portray a sociological perspective.

Given the interdependence of criminology on other disciplines or subjects, you will undoubtedly be assigned essays on various topics. Yours is to demonstrate that you can research and discuss the topics academically. Let’s dig deeper into how to write an excellent criminology essay.

Steps for Writing an Essay on a Criminology Topic

Some of the common criminology topics include causes and factors influencing crime, measures and procedures to combat and manage crime, the link between ethnicity/race and crime, social prevention, criminological theories, terrorism, human and drug trafficking, technology and crime, cybersecurity, punishment, the criminal justice system, the role of genetics and psychology on crime, etc.

Regardless of your chosen topic, here are the steps to write the best criminology essay that a professor will read and give you the highest possible grades.

Step 1: Understand the Assignment

Read and understand the prompt or instructions before doing anything else on the criminology essay assignment. You can only write a great essay when you know what you are addressing.

As you read the instructions, try to understand the types of topics you are expected to handle. If there is a list of criminology topics you have been assigned to choose, select a topic you can manage regarding research and the time allocated for the assignment.

A successful criminological essay must address the essay question from the body to the conclusion. Therefore, when reading the instructions, pay close attention to signal words such as analyze, describe, explain, criticize, evaluate, compare and contrast, critically analyze, or explore.

If you are required to address a specific area or theory, understanding these task words or phrases will tell you what to do, which defines the scope of your essay.

Brainstorm ideas that come to mind as you read the essay question and use tools such as concept maps, mind maps, and freewriting to record this information.

Step 2: Research the Essay Question

With an understanding of what is required of you in the essay, your next step is to conduct preliminary research. The assumption here is that you have gone through the process of choosing a good topic .

Because by now you have deconstructed the essay question, you need to delve deep into research to understand it better and organize your answer.

You need to look into scholarly and non-scholarly resources for your research.

The non-scholarly resources are for your personal understanding of the dynamics of the topics. However, you can only cite and reference scholarly sources such as Journal articles, organizational and government publications, and books. You can make use of online databases with criminology research articles and resources.  You can check government websites and law enforcement agency publications to establish the best evidence to use when addressing your arguments in the essay.

Organize resources with the same ideas and take shorthand notes when undertaking the research. You can also use tables to prioritize the ideas and sketch what you want your final paper to look like.

If you need to use any theoretical or conceptual frameworks in the criminological essay, research them further and take relevant notes. Do the same for criminology theories and other concepts that you come across during research.

With the research, you should be able to formulate your thesis to include rational arguments. A strong criminological essay must have a defensible thesis supported by evidence. To have an effective thesis statement, ensure it is clear, concise, and easy to understand. It should also be complex enough to allow you to defend it and relevant to the topic.  Ensure it has two to three arguments supported by facts and evidence and a counterargument if that fits.

Step 3: Plan and Organize

Once you have understood the instructions, essay questions, and other dynamics, you must construct your response to the prompt or question. Although you might have brainstormed when researching, there is no harm in doing it all over again.

You can achieve this in many different ways. Visual approaches like concept maps, mind maps, or tables can be used.

A perfect way to do it is to start from what you know to the unknown. You should list the main concepts at the center of the page and use arrows to show the related concepts and ideas. You can, for example, explore the criminological theories, sociological theories, concepts, theoretical constructs, and ideas that relate to the central themes you have selected for your essay.

You can also organize the literature you have read during the research into categories to formulate a good response without losing yourself. For this, you can use online citation management tools such as Zotero.

Step 4: Outline your Essay

The structure of the essay guides how you will prioritize and present ideas. It should be divided into an introduction, the main body, and a conclusion.

In the introduction, ensure you feature the opening sentences (hook), background statement, signposts, and thesis statement.

The main body should have several paragraphs, each having a topic sentence, a series of supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence that transitions the paragraph to the subsequent sentence.

The conclusion should tie everything together, offer closure to readers, and present solutions and recommendations.

When outlining, you can use the alphanumeric, decimal, or full-sentence outline essay outline formats , depending on what your intentions are. The full-sentence format cuts down writing time and inspires confidence when you are writing.

After the outline, take a break. It is an important part of the writing process . You can then resume writing the paper with confidence and speed.

Step 5: Write the Essay

A criminology essay comprises the introduction, main body, and conclusion.

The introduction should be clear, concise, and coherent. It should include one or two opening sentences ( attention-getters ) that identify the essay's purpose and the question that your essay addresses.

Related Reading: Main Parts of an Introduction Paragraph.

Give brief background information on the topic or subject so that your readers can identify what your essay is about.

Also, outline how you are approaching the essay topic by signposting the ideas in your essay. Finally, round up the introduction by fronting your core argument in the paper – the thesis statement, in one or two sentences.

Each topic sentence in the essay's body should signal a new main idea connected to the thesis. Ensure that you support the ideas using definitions, examples, criminological perspectives, logic, reasoning, statistics, and materials from other sources.

Immediately after the facts, conclude the paragraph and transition to the next. Repeat the process until you have exhausted the body section, then transition to the conclusion.  Include academic words and phrases in your essay to make sense and have a good flow of ideas.

As you write the body paragraphs, follow the PEEL/TEEL format . Other formats, such as the MEAL plan , can also suffice. You should have a scholarly engagement with the sources, which means critically reading and writing answers that make sense.

Related Readings:

  • Types of body paragraphs
  • How many paragraphs make a good essay.
  • Steps and tips for the best body paragraphs.

Finally, write the conclusion of the essay . It should be 10% of the entire word count.

Include one or two conclusion closing sentences that summarize the arguments in the essay and provide closure to your readers. You can also reflect on the main points and present your counterargument , then refute it by giving a rebuttal.

You should also restate the thesis to help your readers link ideas from the introduction and the body. Refrain from including any new ideas in the essay at this point.

Step 6: Revise and Edit

After writing the essay, you need to take a break. The length of your break depends on the deadline. The longer it is, the longer your break should be.

After the break, read the essay aloud to spot any mistakes, omissions, and errors. Reread it slowly as you pay attention to the sentence, paragraph, and essay structures.

Check your essay for grammar. You can use software such as Grammarly or Ginger software to ensure it is grammatically sound. There is no chance for spelling mistakes because you want a high-quality criminology essay. As you check all these, check the in-text citations and references.

Also, countercheck the plagiarism score to ensure you are submitting a paper with the lowest or no score. Your paper should be as exciting and engaging as possible. If there are areas you have made subjective opinions, find means to make them objective. You can submit the paper in the best format (PDF, PPT, Google Doc, or Word document) only when you have addressed everything.

Useful Tips When Writing a Criminology Essay

A criminology essay can be persuasive, expository, analytical, historical, or comparative. Regardless of what type of arguments you are presenting, here are some best essay tips to consider.

  • Work on your essay as soon as possible to avoid the last-minute rush.
  • Revise and review the class readings and notes on concepts related to the topic. Check your class notes for examples your professor or instructor used.
  • Every paragraph should portray maturity in writing using transition words, effective word choice, and the best presentation.
  • Avoid run-on sentences. Instead, use a mix of short and long sentences.
  • Don’t just describe; compare the insights on the same concepts by different authors while noting your stance objectively.
  • Don’t ignore any counterarguments. If you are convinced of counterarguments against your thesis, present them, then give a well-supported rebuttal.
  • Your essay should offer a solution to a criminological issue. Therefore, ensure that you state your recommendations in the conclusion based on the main points in the body.
  • When writing the body of the criminology essay, weave in sociological, religious, political, legal, and psychological points of view. Using different perspectives helps you to demonstrate your writing prowess.
  • Give concrete examples and be analytical in your presentation of facts. Never use direct quotes unless allowed, but they should be limited.
  • When giving criminological evidence, ensure it has an economic, political, sociological, and psychological foundation. You can use both qualitative and quantitative data to elucidate your main arguments.
  • You can format the paper in APA, ASA, MLA, Harvard, Vancouver, or Turabian format. Follow the guidebook recommendations when formatting and structuring the paper. You should maintain consistency throughout the paper.
  • Ensure you have a good understanding of a theory before applying it. For instance, if you are writing a paper based on Rational Choice Theory or Conflict theory, research the theory, understand it, then apply it to the context of your essay topic.
  • Write in an active voice because it ensures the conciseness and liveliness of your essay.
  • Present facts chronologically without confusing the readers. The points in your essay should flow into one another.

Now that you know, ….

When writing an essay or paper for a criminology course, you must bring the best out of yourself. Naturally, a criminology essay will explore different criminological concepts while attempting to find solutions. Check out our respective guides to related essays:

  • How to write a persuasive essay.
  • Steps and tips for writing a perfect synthesis essay.
  • Steps for analytical essay writing.
  • How to write an argumentative essay.

Also, check out our famous list of criminology and criminal justice topics to get topics and ideas you can use for your criminological paper.

If you want to hire the best essay writers, we assure you that ordering an essay from our website will be the best decision you will ever make in your academic journey. We have polished and erudite writers who understand criminology in and out. Go to our homepage, fill out the order form, and get the best paper you dream of writing. We allow you to access and chat directly with the writer so they can weave in your ideas and suggestions for a personal touch on the final essay.

Check out our sample essays:

  • Theories of victimology essay sample.
  • Kassin-Wrightsman method of false confession essay.
  • An essay about anomie theory

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    For your Thesis Proposal, you will prepare a written document that includes an Introduction section and a Methods section.. Introduction: includes the problem to be studied, theory that is guiding the research/review of current literature, relevance of the work, and specific study hypothesis.Your introduction should demonstrate the expertise you've developed in your research area, but also be ...

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    Best Thesis Topics in Criminology For 2024. Topic 6: An Analysis of the Causes of Juvenile Delinquency: A Criminological Examination. Topic 7: Examining the Relationship Between Mental Health and Criminal Behaviour: A Criminological Investigation. Topic 8: An Evaluation of Community Policing as a Crime Reduction Strategy: A Criminological Analysis.

  8. Criminal Justice Dissertations, The Graduate Center, CUNY

    Elements of Social Disorganization and Environmental Criminology: A Spatial Analysis of Homicides in Villa Nueva, Guatemala, David J. Topel. PDF. CPTED and the City: The Impact of Privately Owned Public Spaces on Crime in Manhattan, Julia von Ferber. Dissertations from 2021 PDF

  9. PDF The Process and Problems of Criminological Research

    The Process and Problems of Criminological Research. I. n this chapter, you will learn that one source of the motivation to do research is crimino- logical theory. In criminology, as in any other science, theory plays an important role as a basis for formulating research questions and later understanding the larger implications of one's ...

  10. 80 Criminal Law Research Topics

    Embarking on a journey in Law Research Topics of academic exploration through research topics in Criminal Law is an exciting endeavour for students pursuing undergraduate, master's, or doctoral degrees. The realm of Criminal Law offers a captivating landscape for in-depth investigations that span from legal intricacies to societal implications.

  11. Regis University ePublications at Regis University

    This Thesis - Open Access is brought to you for free and open access by the Regis University Student Publications at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Regis University Student Publications ... schools of criminology at the time and how they depict female offenders. By doing so, Naffine (1987) shows the ...

  12. Thesis MSc Criminology and Criminal Justice

    2018 •. Born Free: The Experiences of Motherhood in Prison and the Rights of the Child to Family Life By Marie Campion BA A study presented to the School of Law, University College Dublin in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Student Number: 05786665 Word Count ...

  13. How to Write a Criminology Essay: Steps, Tips, and Useful Insights

    Step 1: Understand the Assignment. Read and understand the prompt or instructions before doing anything else on the criminology essay assignment. You can only write a great essay when you know what you are addressing. As you read the instructions, try to understand the types of topics you are expected to handle.

  14. Thesis Topics and Titles

    Factors Affecting Criminology Interns' Work Performance at a National College of Science and Technology Academic Stress Level of Criminology Interns in an National College of Science and Technology The Success in the Criminology Licensure Examination as the Foundation for Improvement at One private institution in the Philippines

  15. PDF Trends and Issues in Victimology

    tied to specific disciplines like criminology or law. That of course means a loss of control at one side and that might be deplored. The disappearance of the disciplinary focus was deplored when the observed separation from victimology and criminology became obvious. This is no longer the case. Are the authors all victimologists? Not at all.

  16. Criminology Project Topics and Materials

    Criminology project topics and materials for undergraduate and post graduate students. Research project paper, seminar topics, proposals, titles, ideas and materials are available for dissertation, thesis and essay in Criminology department. Find below the list of research project topics for Bsc, Msc and Phd Criminology students.

  17. Criminological Research 2 (Thesis And Writing And ...

    Criminological Research 2 (Thesis And Writing And Presentation) - CRIMINOLOGY 8 - Studocu. University. Southern Philippines College. Criminological Research 2 (Thesis And Writing And Presentation)

  18. Thesis Topics For Criminology Students In The Philippines

    Thesis Topics For Criminology Students In The Philippines - 100% Success rate offers a great selection of professional essay writing services. Take advantage of original, plagiarism-free essay writing. Also, separate editing and proofreading services are available, designed for those students who did an essay and seek professional help with ...