AIED 2024 CONFERENCE July 8-12, 2024

25th international conference on artificial intelligence in education - recife, brazil and virtually, hosting forthcoming aied conferences, expressions of interest for aied 2025 and 2026 conferences are now open., international aied society, aied is interdisciplinary community at the frontiers of the field of computer science, education and psychology..

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

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artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

Call for Papers

Aied 2024 general call for papers (main track), the 25th international conference on artificial intelligence in education (aied 2024) will take place between july 8-12, 2024 in recife, brazil..

The AIED 2024 theme is  “AI in Education for a World in Transition”

Abstracts due: January 29, 2024; Papers due: February 5, 2024

Education has always been about creating opportunities for people to develop new skills, competencies, and productive attitudes. Education goes beyond simply communicating knowledge and aims to teach individuals analytical and critical thinking, social skills, and human values, thus preparing them for society. 

Rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have created opportunities not only for personalized and immersive experiences but also opportunities for ad hoc learning by engaging with cutting-edge technology continually, extending classroom borders, from engaging in real-time conversations with large language models (LLMs) to creating expressive artifacts such as digital images with generative AI or physically interacting with the environment for a more embodied learning. 

As a  result, we now need new approaches and measurements to harness this potential and ensure that we can safely and responsibly cope with a world in transition. It is now evident that in order to move forward in terms of AIED practice, we need to consider AI Literacy and AI policy. Furthermore, in the past new technological advancements typically led to broadening social gaps. We envision that the triad of AIED, AI Literacy, and Fair, and Ethical AI will play a fundamental role in this world in transition and be the drivers for shaping meaningful changes in pedagogical practice, educational policies, and regulations. 

This year’s theme for AIED is "AIED for a World in Transition". The conference aims to explore how AI can be used to enhance the learning experiences of students and teachers alike when disruptive technologies are turning education upside down. The conference seeks to stimulate discussion of how AI can shape education for all sectors, how to advance the science and engineering of AI-assisted learning systems, and how to promote broad adoption. Engaging with the various stakeholders – researchers, educational practitioners, businesses, policy makers, as well as teachers and students – the conference will set a wider agenda on how novel research ideas can meet practical needs to build effective intelligent human-technology ecosystems that support learning in new, complex, and unknown scenarios. 

AIED 2024 will be the 25th edition of this conference series. The AIED Society organises the AIED conference and is aimed at advancing science and engineering of intelligent human-technology ecosystems that support learning. The conference will be the latest of a longstanding series of international conferences, known for high quality and innovative research on AI-assisted systems and cognitive science approaches for educational computing applications. AIED is ranked A in CORE (top 16% of all 783 ranked venues) , the well-known ranking of computer science conferences. AIED 2024 solicits empirical and theoretical papers particularly (but not exclusively) in the following lines of research and application:

AI-assisted and Interactive Technologies in an Educational Context : Data-driven processing techniques  (educational data mining, deep learning, machine learning); Knowledge representation and reasoning; Generative AI; Semantic web technologies; Multi-agent architectures; Tangible interfaces, Wearables; Natural language processing and speech technologies; Virtual and augmented reality.

Modeling and Representation : Models of learners, including open learner models; facilitators, tasks and problem-solving processes; Models of groups and communities for learning; Modeling motivation, metacognition, and affective aspects of learning; Ontological modeling; Computational thinking and model-building; Representing and analyzing activity flow and discourse during learning; Representing and modeling psychomotor learning.

Models of Teaching and Learning : AI-assisted tutoring and scaffolding; Motivational diagnosis and feedback; Learner engagement; Interactive pedagogical agents and learning companions; Agents that promote metacognition, motivation and positive affect; Adaptive question-answering and dialogue, Data-driven modeling (educational data mining, deep learning, machine learning,...); Learning analytics and teaching support, Learning with simulations; Explainability of models for teaching and learning.

Learning Contexts and Informal Learning : Game-based learning; Collaborative and group learning; Social networks; Inquiry learning; Social dimensions of learning; Communities of practice; Ubiquitous learning environments; Learning through construction and making; Learning grid; Lifelong learning; Learning in informal settings (museum, workplace, etc.); Learning in the physical space; Learning of motor skills.

Evaluation : Studies on human learning, cognition, affect, motivation, engagement, and attitudes; Design and formative studies of AIED systems; Evaluation techniques relying on computational analyses.

Innovative Applications : Domain-specific learning applications (e.g. language, science, engineering, mathematics, medicine, military, industry, sports and more); Scaling up and large-scale deployment of AIED systems.

Equity and Inclusion in Education : Socio-economic, gender, and racial issues; AI-assisted techniques to support students from under-resourced schools and communities; Sponsorship, scientific validity, participant’s rights and responsibilities, data collection, management and dissemination.

Ethics of AI in Education : Explainability, transparency, accountability, and responsible AIED; learner consent and opt out; surveillance and privacy; the impact of AIED on teachers, learners and classrooms; teacher empowerment and student agency; the community’s responsibility for commercial applications; AIED ethical  frameworks and principles for application.

AI Literacy : Skills and knowledge that enable individuals to understand, use, and critically evaluate AI; Definitions of AI literacy;  Learning to use AI; Developing a basic understanding of how AI works; Learning to communicate and collaborate with  AI;  learning to live with AI, Understanding limitations and problems of AI.

AIED for Development : Focuses on leveraging AI technology to address and improve various aspects of development in societies and education, particularly in low and middle-income countries; AIED Divide; AIED Unplugged; Low-cost solutions; Low-tech solutions; Frugal Innovation; Jugaad Innovation.

Explore Design, Use, and Evaluation of Human-AI Hybrid Systems for Learning : Research that explores the potential of human-AI interaction in educational contexts; Systems and approaches in which educational stakeholders and AI tools build upon each other’s complementary strengths to achieve educational outcomes and/or improve mutually.

Online Learning Spaces : Massive open online courses; Remote learning in k-12 schools; Synchronous and asynchronous learning; Mobile learning; Active learning in virtual settings; Video-based learning; Mixed reality and learning.

Human-AI Partnership : Shared decision making between systems and users that promote agency and improve learning.

AI in Ed for Theory : Using bottom-up and top-down approaches to analyze data in order to inform learning theories and gain better understanding of the socio-cognitive nature of learning.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The AIED Society values diversity, equity, and inclusion (and related principles under this broad umbrella) as essential and fundamental values for the AIED community to uphold. Thus, in AIED 2024, we encourage authors to:

Write with care toward inclusive language (e.g., understanding identify-first vs. person-first language, gender neutral language, appropriate demographic categories and terminology, and avoiding the conflation of distinct dimensions such as race and ethnicity, or sex and gender).

Report methodology including descriptions of sample characteristics  (e.g., demographic data), any procedures for inclusive and representative sampling, any barriers to inclusive and representative sampling, and the ethical issues addressed both in the research methodology and the AIED approaches or tools being researched. For example, it is important to report the strategies used to control or reduce bias against populations of any kind (e.g. benefit or bring prejudice to a particular gender, race, or people with different economic status) when collecting, using, or aggregating data both for the research and for the AIED approach or tool being researched.

Consider how their theoretical frameworks and findings are related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. For example, authors may discuss how these issues influence key assumptions, hypotheses, and methods.

Address implications or appropriate interpretations of their findings with respect to diversity, inclusion and equity.

Submission Instructions

We invite submissions, full or short papers, to the main track:  

Full paper submission : Full papers should present integrative reviews or original reports of substantive new work: theoretical, empirical, and/or in the design, development and/or deployment of novel concepts, systems, and mechanisms. Full papers will be presented as long oral talks. Papers submitted as a full paper may be accepted as a short paper.

Short paper submission : Short papers are expected to describe novel and interesting results to the overall community at large. The goal is to give novel but not necessarily mature work a chance to be seen by other researchers and practitioners and to be discussed at the conference. Short papers will be presented as short oral talks.  

Submissions must follow Springer policies on publication (including policies on the use of AI in the authoring process): .

Please note that presenters of papers accepted to the main conference are expected to be on-site to give their presentations and to interact with the audience. An online streaming option will be set-up for remote observers. Scholarships are available for researchers who lack funding to present at the conference. 

Papers accepted to the conference must have a unique author registration (i.e., one registration per paper). 

Authors should note that unlike previous AIED conferences, there will be NO downgrade path from main track submissions to posters. Authors whose main track submissions are not accepted either as full or short paper are encouraged to revise and consider the late-breaking results track or workshops. 

Review Process

All submissions will be reviewed by three members of the  program committee, followed by a metareview conducted by a senior member of the program committee (all double-masked) to meet rigorous academic standards of publication. Papers will be reviewed for relevance, novelty, technical soundness, significance and clarity of presentation. It is important to note that the work presented should not have been published previously or be under consideration in other conferences of journals. Any paper caught in double submission will be rejected without review. The review process is documented in detail at .

The review process will be double-masked, meaning that both the authors and reviewers will remain anonymous. To this end, authors should:

Eliminate all information that could lead to their identification (names, contact information, affiliations, patents, names of approaches, frameworks, projects and/or systems)

Cite own prior work (if needed) in the third person

Eliminate acknowledgments and references to funding sources  

Data collection, reporting, and analysis

Authors should be clear and specific about the composition of human-sourced data. Who were the participants? What was the distribution of gender, race, ethnicity, or related variables? If corpus data or training data were sourced from humans, a similar description could be offered. 

Skewed or non-representative samples would not necessarily trigger a "reject" decision, but authors should acknowledge the demographic imbalances and discuss the potential impact on data, results, or conclusions. A more compelling paper would describe steps taken to generate an inclusive and representative sample (this is basic science, but often overlooked for convenience). 

Authors are encouraged to discuss/justify how demographic variables are included in the analyses. If they are not included or "covaried out" please justify. If they are included, what are the assumptions? Are there "categorical effects"? Are the effects of different demographic variables independent, interdependent, or intersectional? What valid conclusions can be drawn? What erroneous conclusions need to be avoided or tempered?

Authors should demonstrate some awareness of how ethical issues (including but not limited to equity, inclusion, accessibility) impact their data, methods, tools, approaches, products, and findings. How are different demographic groups or communities differentially connected to the work? People who are developing educational technologies need to think about access and use, for example. Corpus analyses need to address the impact of skewed/exclusive datasets and potential outcomes (e.g., algorithmic bia s).

Submission Procedure and Publication of Accepted Contributions

All submissions must be in Springer format. Papers that do not use the required format may be rejected without review. Authors should consult Springer’s authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include their ORCIDs in their papers. Submissions are handled via EasyChair .

Accepted AIED 2024 papers for the main track will be published by Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), a subseries of Lectures Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).  Paper lengths for the main track submissions are as follows:

Full papers (14 pages including references; for a long oral presentation)

Short papers (8 pages including references; for a short oral presentation)

Important Dates (full and short papers, main track)

Abstracts due: January 29, 2024

Papers due: February 5, 2024

Notification of acceptance to authors: March 13 , 2024 

Camera-ready paper due: April 29, 2024

All deadlines are anywhere on earth (AoE). Please adhere to these deadlines as there will NOT be any extensions to the above dates for full and short submissions to the main track of the conference.

Organising Committee

General chairs.

Olga C. Santos, UNED, Spain

Ig Bittencourt, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil

Program Co-chairs

Andrew Olney, University of Memphis, USA

Irene-Angelica Chounta, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Zitao Liu, Jinan University, China

Local Chairs

Rafael Ferreira Leite de Mello, CESAR and Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil

Taciana Pontual, Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

Teaching and learning with ai:  A Sharing Conference Between Educational Practitioners Happening in Orlando, FL 85ºF July 22-24, 2024

Join others from around the world to discuss the impact of artificial intelligence on teaching and learning in colleges and universities. Subscribe for Event Updates


The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning , the Division of Digital Learning , and the UCF Libraries at the University of Central Florida have partnered to present the 2nd annual Teaching and Learning with AI conference.

This event is open to educational practitioners in colleges and universities from around the U.S. and world.

The Teaching & Learning with AI conference aims to discuss how to use AI tools effectively in instruction and support. By joining this conversation, you can help shape the impact of artificial intelligence in both teaching and learning.

The 2nd annual Teaching and Learning with AI conference will be held July 22-24, 2024.

who is the teaching & learning with AI conference for?

Teaching & Learning with AI is designed for instructors, higher education professionals, librarians, researchers, and policymakers who are interested in exploring the potential of AI in higher ed across the higher education landscape. If you want to learn more about how you can leverage AI to improve learning outcomes, research, services, and operations, then this is a must-attend event.

This conference is for faculty, staff who support faculty, librarians, and administrators who are on the front lines of teaching. Your voices are needed to shape the future of using AI in teaching and learning.

There are different ways to leverage the power of AI through generated text, images, and products.

And if you work with students, it’s important to understand and discuss how to use these tools to shape the future of teaching and learning across college campuses.

This conference will have a diverse group of experts and thought leaders who will share their insights, ideas, and experiences with using AI in their courses and beyond.

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

How is this ai conference different from others?

There are plenty of other conferences surrounding the discussion of AI in higher education. But those conferences spotlight the technical development of artificial intelligence or the use of AI on the back end to improve student outcomes.

This conference specifically focuses on the use of AI in the classroom as experienced by faculty members.

You’ll be able to hear ideas, and contribute your own, to topics like instructional strategies, faculty support, academic integrity, policy, and ethical considerations.

ai is disrupting higher education: what can/should you do about it?

Whether you’re a teaching faculty member, educational developer, instructional designer, instructional technologist, librarian, or administrator, the role that AI will play in the future of higher education is sure to affect you.

You know that students and faculty across the country are embracing its power to both embolden and disrupt the status quo. How you handle it as an educator can prove difficult. That’s why it’s imperative to connect with one another and have frank conversations about harnessing the power of AI to improve faculty and student success.

The main conference centers discussion around the myriad of ways AI impacts teaching and learning methods in the following themes:

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

  • Pedagogical Approaches to Incorporate AI in Teaching and Learning
  • Digital Learning and Online Instruction
  • Supporting Faculty
  • Academic Integrity
  • Instructional Design
  • Assessment and Evaluation Methods
  • Teaching Models

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

  • AI Applications in the Classroom Besides ChatGPT
  • Student Success and Retention
  • Administrative Tasks, e.g., scheduling, enrollment management
  • Student Conduct and Behavior Management
  • Ethical Considerations of AI Usage
  • Institutional Policies and Regulations
  • Global Perspectives on AI in Education


The General call for proposals is now closed. Notices of acceptances were distributed after February 23, 2024.

The Library Track call for proposals is also now closed. Notices of acceptances will be distributed after April 12, 2024.

For any questions regarding proposals, please contact us at [email protected] .


The following colleges and universities will be represented at the conference through the presentations and poster sessions presenters.


Registration is now open! All attendees, including presenters, are required to register. There will NOT be a virtual option for attending.

Prices (before Eventbrite fees) and registration deadlines are as follows:

  • Presenters: $350
  • Early Bird: $375 (ends May 10, 2024)
  • Regular Registration: $400 (ends July 15, 2024)

Subscribe for email notifications and stay up-to-date with the latest exciting updates and announcements about this event! Don’t miss out on a thing – sign up now and be the first to know.

Important Dates

General proposals open.

General proposals for the conference become available to the public.

General Proposals Close

Deadline for submitting general proposals to the conference.

Registration Opens

Registration for the conference opens.

Library Track Proposals Open

Proposals for the Library Track become available to the public.

Notice of General Acceptances

Applicants of general proposals will be notified of the status of their proposals to the conference.

Library Track Proposals Close

Deadline for submitting Library Track proposals to the conference.

Notice of Library Track Acceptances

Applicants of library track proposals will be notified of the status of their proposals to the conference.

Early Bird Registration Closes

The extended deadline for Early Bird Registration, which offers discounted prices for attendees.

Regular Registration Closes

The deadline for Regular Registration, after which prices will increase.

Conference Begins

The dates of the conference itself.

Agenda at a Glance

Monday, july 22, 2024, tuesday, july 23, 2024, wednesday, july 24, 2024, keynote – josé antonio bowen.

Headshot of José Antonio Bowen

José Antonio Bowen has been leading innovation and change for over 40 years at Stanford, Georgetown, and the University of Southampton (UK), then as a dean at Miami University and SMU and as president of a USN&WR most innovative college until 2019. He now runs Bowen Innovation Group L.L.C. , and does innovation, pedagogy, and D&I consulting and training in both higher education and for Fortune 500 companies including AT&T, Chevron, Pfizer, Toyota, and Walmart.

As a scholar, Bowen holds four degrees from Stanford University (in Chemistry, Music, and Humanities), has written over 100 scholarly articles, was editor of the Cambridge Companion to Conducting (2003), and an editor of the 6-CD set, Jazz: The Smithsonian Anthology (2011). He received a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship and in 2010, Stanford honored him as a Distinguished Alumni Scholar.

His books on teaching include Teaching Naked (2012) winner of the Ness Award for Best book on Higher Education; the sequel, Teaching Naked Techniques: A Practical Guide to Designing Better Classes with G. Edward Watson (2017); Teaching Change: How to Develop Independent Thinkers using Relationships, Resilience and Reflection (2021, Johns Hopkins University Press); and his most recent, Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning with C. Edward Watson (2024, Johns Hopkins University Press).

Before the conference, check out his previous videos to learn more. We look forward to his opening keynote address, Teaching and Thinking with A.I.

Closing – Flower Darby

Headshot of Flower Darby

Flower Darby is an international speaker that celebrates and promotes effective teaching in all modalities to advance equitable learning outcomes for all students. She’s an Associate Director of the Teaching for Learning Center at the University of Missouri. Prior to that, she held roles such as Assistant Dean of Online and Innovative Pedagogies, Director of Teaching for Student Success, and Senior Instructional Designer. These roles have allowed her to build on her experience teaching in person and online for over 27 years in a range of subjects including English, Technology, Education, Leadership, Dance, and Pilates. In her current work and publications, Darby empowers faculty to teach inclusive and equity-focused classes in all modalities.

Her recent books include The Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching (2023) and Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes (2019). Don’t miss out on her closing session, Small Teaching with AI: Motivating Ourselves and Our Students with Manageable Moves .


Event location.

The Teaching & Learning with AI conference will be held at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel at the Entrance to Universal Orlando .

Universal tickets

As a registered attendant for the event, you have access to special pricing for Universal Orlando.


Orlando is a metropolitan city full of activities, restaurants, and hotels. Check out the list of contracted hotels, things to do, and more.

Catch Up on What You Missed: Review Past Conferences

Dive into our archives to witness inspiring guest speakers, learn from prestigious institutions in attendance, and download the conference agendas that encapsulate years of insightful discussions and valuable experiences. Revisit these past events to gain fresh perspectives and discover the evolution of ideas in the realm of education and AI.

Thank you to this year’s sponsors!

Pearson Logo

Sponsorship Opportunities:

We are expecting 800+ participants this year. There are four levels for sponsoring the Teaching & Learning with AI conference.

Sponsorship Benefits:

SILVER – $750

  • Listed in the agenda as an event sponsor
  • Recognized on the event website with company hyperlink.
  • It is expected that Silver sponsors will not attend the event in person; if they wish to attend, they must separately also follow the standard registration process (and will not be given space at the vendor expo).

GOLD – $1,000

  • Listed in the agenda as an event sponsor at the gold level
  • Recognized on the event website with company hyperlink
  • Mentioned as a Gold sponsor in at least two emails to participants before the conference (sponsor may supply a message of up to 100 words, and may include hyperlinks and/or graphics).
  • Thanked in the newsletter distributed after the event
  • Acknowledged at the start of the Keynote (onscreen and verbally)
  • You may bring 1-2 tablecloths, display items for your table, and swag to give away to attendees.
  • Can offer one 25-minute workshop at the conference.
  • Full conference registration (in addition to the vendor expo) for one company representative. Additional representatives must separately follow the standard registration process

PLATINUM – $2,500

  • Listed in the agenda as an event sponsor at the platinum level
  • Mentioned as a Platinum sponsor in at least two emails to participants before the conference (sponsor may supply a message of up to 100 words, and may include hyperlinks and/or graphics)
  • Can offer two 25-minute workshops at the conference (must be separate topics). Unlike other sponsor presentations, those offered by platinum sponsors will be specially credited in the agenda with their platinum sponsorship status.
  • Full conference registration (in addition to the vendor expo) for up to two company representatives. Additional representatives must separately follow the standard registration process.
  • Will receive a list of institutions represented by participants at the conference one week before the event
  • One week after the event, will receive a list of the names of conference attendees who did not opt out, with institutions and email addresses included

DIAMOND – $5,000

  • Listed in the agenda as an event sponsor at the diamond level
  • Mentioned as a Diamond sponsor in at least two emails to participants before the conference (sponsor may supply a message of up to 100 words, and may include hyperlinks and/or graphics)
  • Can offer two 25-minute workshops at the conference (must be separate topics). Unlike other sponsor presentations, those offered by diamond sponsors will be specially credited in the agenda with their diamond sponsorship status.
  • Full conference registration (in addition to the vendor expo) for up to three company representatives. Additional representatives must separately follow the standard registration process.
  • Listed in agenda as a sponsor of a specific plenary address or other plenary event (e.g., meal, reception, etc.)
  • Can provide a five-minute introduction of company/product at the start of the sponsored event

Graphic that shows a basic layout of the hotel to show where coffee, break tables, and the sponsors would be located during the conference.

To the left is a brief mock-up to help illustrate the location of the Vendor Expo. This area is located towards the center of the conference breakout rooms within Seminole C. This area is a “Recharge” room for attendees to grab coffee, network, and visit sponsors.

Please reach out to us at [email protected] for pursuing a sponsorship.


  • Anita Gabbard, Program Director for the Division Strategy and Engagement
  • Athena Hoeppner, Discovery Services Librarian, Library Track Co-Chair
  • Wendy Howard, Director of the Pegasus Innovation Lab, Co-Chair
  • Samantha Richardson, Communications Specialist I at the Pegasus Innovation Lab
  • Nicole Stahl, Project Coordinator II at the Pegasus Innovation Lab
  • Laurie Uttich, Instructional Specialist at the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
  • Rachel Vacek, Associate Dean for Technology & Digital Strategies, Library Track Co-Chair
  • Kevin Yee, Director of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, Co-Chair

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

  • Call for Papers
  • Registration
  • Keynote Speakers
  • Invited Speakers

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

Submission topics' information -  CFP Flyer

We sincerely invite contributions to 2024 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education Technology (AIET 2024). AIET 2024 conference will take place in Barcelona, Spain during July 29-31, 2024. Topics of interest for submission include as following:

Learning Contexts and Informal Learning: Educational games and gamification; Collaborative and group learning; Social networks; Inquiry learning; Social dimensions of learning; Communities of practice; Ubiquitous learning environments; Learning through construction and making; Learning grid; Lifelong, museum, out-of-school, and workplace learning

Inequity and inequality in education: socio-economic, gender, and racial issues. Intelligent techniques to support disadvantaged schools and students. Ethics in educational research: sponsorship, scientific validity, participant’s rights and responsibilities, data collection, management and dissemination

Design, use, and evaluation of human-AI hybrid systems for learning: Research that explores the potential of human-AI interaction in educational contexts; Systems and approaches in which educational stakeholders and AI tools build upon each other’s complementary strengths to achieve educational outcomes and/or improve mutually

Online and distance learning: massive open online courses; remote learning in k-12 schools; synchronous and asynchronous learning; mobile learning; active learning in virtual settings

Evaluation in the Context of Education Technologies: Studies on human learning, cognition, affect, motivation, and attitudes; Design and formative studies of AI education systems; Evaluation techniques relying on computational analyses

Innovative Applications: Domain-specific learning applications (e.g. language, science, engineering, mathematics, medicine, military, industry); Scaling up and large-scale deployment of AI education systems

Intelligent and Interactive Technologies in an Educational Context: Natural language processing and speech technologies; Data mining and machine learning; Knowledge representation and reasoning; Semantic web technologies; Multi-agent architectures; Tangible interfaces, wearables and augmented reality

Intelligent Techniques to Support Disadvantaged Schools and Students, Inequity and Inequality in Education: Socio-economic, gender, and racial issues. Ethics in educational research: sponsorship, scientific validity, participant's rights and responsibilities, data collection, management and dissemination

Modelling and Representation: Models of learners, including open learner models; facilitators, tasks and problem-solving processes; Models of groups and communities for learning; Modelling motivation, metacognition, and affective aspects of learning; Ontological modelling; Computational thinking and model-building; Representing and analyzing activity flow and discourse during learning

Models of Teaching and Learning: Intelligent tutoring and scaffolding; Motivational diagnosis and feedback; Interactive pedagogical agents and learning companions; Agents that promote metacognition, motivation and affect; Adaptive question-answering and dialogue, Educational data mining, Learning analytics and teaching support, Learning with simulations

Attention Please!

Papers out of scope, missing affiliations, missing email addresses, a high similarity to other publications and language deficiencies will immediately be rejected!

Pub lication

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

All accepted and registered papers of AIET 2021, 2022 & 2023 have been published in Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies successfully and indexed by Ei compendex and Scopus.

Related  Links

  • Program Overview
  • Conference Venue
  • Workshop: ICTEM 2024
  • Latest News

Important  Dates

May 30, 2024, submission deadline.

Both full papers and abstracts can be submitted, but the abstracts can not be published.

June 20, 2024

Notification deadline.

You will receive the final decision on acceptance or rejection.

June 30, 2024

Registration deadline.

The Camera Ready should be submitted with other required documents.

Copyright © 2024 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education Technology

AI + Education Summit: Advancing Human Learning with AI Technologies

Event details.

Agenda Speakers

Virtual Poster Session

Building on the success of its first edition in 2023, the 2024 summit was hosted again by the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) and the Stanford Accelerator for Learning . The summit brought together Stanford faculty and students along with leaders and participants from academia, industry, civic society, PK-12 education, and government.

As AI technologies continue to rapidly evolve, and new opportunities and challenges emerge in education, the AI+Education research community showcased the latest AI research and solutions for key education challenges, examining how AI technologies (e.g., large language models, computer vision, and AR/VR) can advance learning through new pedagogies and assessments, new in-person or virtual classroom designs, new support mechanisms for teachers and students, and more. The summit addressed how AI can transform teaching and learning in an ethical, equitable, and safe manner; what metrics of assessment, fair evaluation, and overall regulatory framework are required to deliver these qualities; and how to build AI for education and with educators.

Watch the Recordings

Event Hosts & Organizers:

James Landay

James Landay

Anand Rajaraman and Venky Harinarayan Professor, School of Engineering, Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University; Denning Co-Director (Acting) of Stanford HAI


Daniel Schwartz

I. James Quillen Dean and Nomellini & Olivier Professor of Educational Technology at Stanford Graduate School of Education, Stanford University


Isabelle Hau

Executive Director, Stanford Accelerator for Learning


Glenn Kleiman

 Senior Advisor, Stanford Accelerator for Learning

Ahmad Rushdi

Ahmad Rushdi

Senior Manager of Research Collaborations

Join the conversation on the official Twitter account of the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI, advancing AI research, education, policy, and practice to improve the human condition.

Stay connected with the Stanford Accelerator for Learning community.

Table of Contents

January 2024 ai conferences, february 2024 ai conferences, march 2024 ai conferences, april 2024 ai conferences, may 2024 ai conferences, june 2024 ai conferences, july 2024 ai conferences, august 2024 ai conferences, september 2024 ai conferences, october 2024 ai conferences, november 2024 ai conferences, december 2024 ai conferences, wrapping up: find your artificial intelligence events for 2024, artificial intelligence conferences: the no. 1 guide to ai events in 2024.

Chaviva Gordon-Bennett

There is no denying that artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize industries worldwide. Each year, AI becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives, impacting everything from business operations to healthcare advancements.

To stay at the forefront of AI’s evolution, it’s essential to participate in gatherings that bring together the brightest minds in the field. Welcome to our comprehensive guide to the top AI events in 2024, where we’ve curated an unmissable list of AI conferences that will fuel your knowledge and passion for all things AI.

Is your event missing from this page?  Be sure to fill out our  Feature Your Event Page  form!

ultimate guide to AI chatbot prompts for event professionals

There you have it, the complete list of events covering all things AI on the internet. This collection of tech events and conferences is designed to help you better navigate the massive tech events space and find the ones that best fit your professional goals.

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Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

February 20-27, 2024 | Vancouver, Canada

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

  • AAAI-24 Photos
  • Accommodations & Travel
  • Lunch with a Fellow
  • Onsite Childcare
  • Registration and Visa Information
  • Student Scholarship and Volunteer Program
  • AAAI-24 Paper Awards
  • AAAI-24 Program Overview and Schedule
  • AAAI-24 Invited Talks
  • AAAI-24 Panels
  • AAAI-24 Technical Program
  • Bridge Program
  • Demonstration Program
  • Diversity & Inclusion Activities
  • Doctoral Consortium Program
  • EAAI-24 Program
  • IAAI-24 Program
  • Journal Track
  • New Faculty Highlights Program
  • Student Abstracts and Poster Program
  • Senior Member Presentation Program
  • Tutorial and Lab Forum
  • Undergraduate Consortium Program
  • Workshop Program
  • AAAI-24 Sponsors
  • Become a Sponsor
  • AAAI Code of Conduct for Conferences and Events
  • Ethical Guidelines for AAAI-24 Reviewers
  • Policies for AAAI-24 Authors
  • Publications Ethics and Malpractice Statement
  • Conference Organizers
  • Main Technical Track
  • Special Track on AI for Social Impact
  • Special Track on Safe, Robust and Responsible AI
  • Diversity and Inclusion Activities
  • Doctoral Consortium: Call for Proposals

EAAI-24 Call for Participation

  • IAAI-24 Call for Participation
  • New Faculty Highlights
  • Senior Member Presentation Track
  • Student Abstract and Poster Program
  • Undergraduate Consortium

Important Dates for Authors

Note: all deadlines are “anywhere on earth” (UTC-12)

Abstract deadline: August 31, 2023 at 11:59 PM UTC-12 (anywhere on earth)

Paper deadline: September 10, 2023 at 11:59 PM UTC-12 (anywhere on earth)

Notification date:   December 9, 2023

Camera Ready deadline : December 19, 2023

Symposium dates:   February 24-25, 2024 (co-located with AAAI-24)

EAAI-24: The 14th Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence invites AI educators and researchers to share and discuss advances in AI education.

EAAI website:

Submission types

EAAI-24 has a main track and four special tracks. All submissions are subject to double-blind review. All accepted submissions are to be presented at the symposium.

Chair: Fred Martin (UT San Antonio), Narges Norouzi (University of California Berkeley), Stephanie Rosenthal (Carnegie Mellon University)

The main track invites a broad range of papers on teaching AI and teaching with AI. Submissions may be framed as research papers or as experience reports. Potential topics include:

  • The design of an AI curriculum, course, or module.
  • The development or use of a tool or resource to teach AI.
  • The impact of a pedagogical or mentoring technique on AI students.

Special Track: AI for Education

Chairs: Collin F. Lynch (North Carolina State University), Effat Farhana (Vanderbilt University)

Educational domains provide unique task areas and challenges for AI, and they provide unique opportunities for positive impacts. This special track invites research on advances in AI applied to educational tasks and domains including novel student models, intelligent learning environments, automated assistants, and instructional support.

Submissions should be framed as research publications consistent with the general call.

Special Track: Resources for Teaching AI in K-12

Chairs: Dave Touretzky (Carnegie Mellon), Christina Gardner-McCune (University of Florida)

This special track invites papers on the development and use of resources to support K-12 AI education. Examples include online demos, software tools, and structured activities. Submissions should follow the standard EAAI format for an academic paper and include the following: description of the resource; target age group; setup and resources needed; AI concepts addressed; expected learning outcomes; and (if possible) implementation results. Online demos and software tools should be accompanied by brief video walk-throughs.

Special Track: Mentored Undergraduate Research Challenge: AI for Accessibility in Communication

Chair: Rick Freedman (SIFT)

This special track invites papers addressing the AI for Accessibility in Communication Mentored Undergraduate Research Challenge ( ). The objective of this year’s challenge is to perform and publish research on the development or application of AI that makes sharing information more approachable and inclusive. The broader purpose of EAAI mentored undergraduate research challenges is to encourage undergraduate students to experience the full life-cycle of AI research through the guidance of a mentor familiar with the research life-cycle.

Submissions should be framed as research papers, with at least one undergraduate (including community college) student author and at least one mentor (faculty or Ph.D.-holding) author.

Special Track: Model AI Assignments

Chair: Todd Neller (Gettysburg College)

This special track invites assignments for AI classes. Good assignments take a lot of work to design. If an assignment you have developed may be useful to other AI educators, this track provides an opportunity to share it. Model AI Assignments are kept in a public online archive.

This track has special submission instructions ( ).

Review criteria

Submissions will be reviewed for:

  • Relevance to the track
  • Significance to the intended audience
  • Engagement with prior work
  • Novelty of contributions
  • Technical soundness
  • Clarity of presentation
  • Evaluation of claims/results (as applicable)
  • Engagement with questions of ethics/inclusivity (as applicable)

For  empirical studies , we suggest that authors consider making use of one of the reporting standards in the SIGSOFT Empirical Standards document ( ). Submissions not making use of the reporting standards will not be penalized. Although we always aim for high standards in empirical research, specifically making use of the SIGSOFT Empirical Standards criteria is not in any way mandatory. Every paper is considered on its own merits; deviation from the guidelines may sometimes be desirable. Authors may indicate in their submission the category that they have chosen as most appropriate for their work and follow the respective checklist to ensure that their submission fulfills the required standard. The standards will also be suggested to reviewers as a basis for their decision. 

Submission Instructions

All submissions (including supplementary materials) must be anonymous for double-blind review.

Instructions for paper submissions (all tracks except Model AI Assignments, which have their own format):

  • Papers should be up to 7 pages long, plus up to 2 pages of references.
  • Use the AAAI-24 Author Kit
  • For supplementary material follow the  AAAI-24 Supplementary Material Guide . 
  • Submit papers via EasyChair ( ).

EAAI-24 will not consider any paper that, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published or accepted for publication in a refereed journal or conference. Once submitted to EAAI-24, papers may not be submitted to another refereed journal or conference during the review period. These restrictions do not apply to unrefereed forums or workshops without archival proceedings.


Correspondence may be sent to EAAI at [email protected] .

EAAI-24 chairs

Marion Neumann (Washington University in St. Louis, USA)

Stephanie Rosenthal (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA)

Privacy Overview


2024 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education

*  Conference Overview *

The intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Education represents a burgeoning field of research and innovation, with profound implications for the future of learning and teaching. The Artificial Intelligence and Education International Academic Conference serves as a pivotal platform for scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners from around the globe to converge, exchange ideas, and explore the multifaceted dimensions of AI in education.

* Key Themes *

1. **AI-Enhanced Learning Environments:** Delve into the integration of AI technologies to optimize learning environments, personalize instruction, and foster adaptive learning experiences.

2. **Intelligent Tutoring Systems:** Explore the design, development, and deployment of intelligent tutoring systems that leverage AI algorithms to provide tailored, responsive guidance to learners.

3. **Data Analytics and Educational Insights:** Discuss methodologies and best practices for leveraging big data analytics and machine learning algorithms to derive actionable insights into student learning behaviors, performance trends, and instructional efficacy.

4. **Ethical Considerations in AI Education:** Examine the ethical implications surrounding the use of AI in educational contexts, including issues of data privacy, algorithmic bias, and equitable access to AI-driven educational resources.

5. **AI for Educational Assessment and Evaluation:** Investigate the role of AI in streamlining assessment processes, enhancing the validity and reliability of educational evaluations, and facilitating competency-based learning frameworks.

6. **Innovative Pedagogical Approaches:** Showcase innovative pedagogical models and teaching strategies empowered by AI technologies, including gamification, simulation-based learning, and collaborative virtual environments.

7. **AI in Special Education and Inclusive Learning:** Explore how AI applications can be tailored to support diverse learners, including those with disabilities or special educational needs, promoting inclusivity and accessibility in educational settings.

*Conference Format: The conference will feature keynote presentations by eminent scholars and thought leaders in the field, alongside paper presentations, panel discussions, and interactive workshops. Participants will have the opportunity to network with peers, forge collaborations, and gain insights into the latest advancements shaping the future of AI-enabled education.

* Target Audience *

- Researchers and Academics in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Education, Computer Science, Psychology, and related disciplines.

- Educators, Teachers, and School Administrators seeking to harness AI technologies to enhance teaching and learning outcomes.

- Industry Professionals involved in the development and deployment of educational technology solutions.

- Policymakers, Government Officials, and NGOs interested in shaping policies and initiatives at the intersection of AI and education.

Join us at the Artificial Intelligence and Education International Academic Conference to explore the transformative potential of AI in shaping the future of education and empowering learners worldwide.

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

Call For Papers

· Artificial Intelligence Applications in Education

· Data-Driven Learning Analytics and Personalized Education

· Artificial Intelligence in Educational Assessment and Measurement

· Ethical and Privacy Issues

· Educational Evaluation and Accreditation

· Innovative Pedagogical Methods

· AI in Special Education and Inclusive Learning 


All papers of ICAIE2024 will be published in the Conference Proceedings, which will be submitted to EI and Scopus for indexing.

Organized by


Copyright©   ICAIE 2024

2024 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Education (ICAIE 2024)

ICARA 2023

Keynote Speakers

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

September 28-30, 2024 | Tokyo, Japan

Welcome to the official website of 2024 6th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Education (WAIE 2024) , which will be held in Tokyo, Japan during September 28-30, 2024.

WAIE is an annual event which aims at a key theme on Artificial Intelligence and Education. WAIE 2024 is intended to provide a stimulating forum for researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners to present their latest research findings, ideas, developments and applications in all aspects of Artificial Intelligence and Education. WAIE 2024 will include keynote addresses by eminent scientists as well as plenary, special and regular presentation sessions. Peer review of all the papers will use a blind process and acceptance will be based on quality, originality and relevance.

We welcome submissions concerning any branch of the Artificial Intelligence and Education, and their applications in education, and other subjects. The subjects include Artificial intelligence algorithms in education, Artificial neural networks in education, Knowledge Science and Knowledge Engineering, Educational robotics, Intelligent virtual reality based learning systems, etc, and their applications. ( More topics )

 Notification! WAIE will adopt all available social media methods, such as online/video presentation, etc, besides the regular presentation styles (oral & poster). The online/video presentation session will be arranged accordingly. Authors who cannot travel to Tokyo due to some sort of restriction can participate by submitting a recorded presentation and connecting at the time of their session on Zoom. For more information about online/video presentation, please contact conference secretary via: [email protected] .

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

Conference Proceedings

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

Submitted papers will be peer reviewed by the conference committees and international reviewers. Accepted papers of WAIE 2024 after proper registration and presentation will be published into Conference Publishing Services (CPS), and submitted to IEEE Xplore™ for indexing by Ei Compendex and Scopus Index, and other indexing services.



Important dates, submission guideline.

1. Word: WAIE2024-Template.docx Latex:

2. Prepare your manuscript in English. Please ensure that your manuscript does not contain grammatical and language errors.

3. All third party work included in your paper should be properly acknowledged with referencing.

4. The manuscripts should be submitted as a PDF document in .pdf format.

5. Upload your paper to Electronic Submission System on or before the deadline.

1. Full-paper-Template Download (Presentation & Publication)

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artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

IoT Magazine

List of top 24 ai conferences in 2024 and 2025.

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As the field of artificial intelligence (AI) continues to rapidly evolve, conferences play a pivotal role in bringing together experts, researchers, practitioners, and industry leaders to explore the latest trends, innovations, and applications in AI technology. These gatherings serve as platforms for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and networking, fostering advancements and driving progress in the field. In this comprehensive list, we highlight 27 AI conferences globally, each offering unique insights and opportunities for businesses and senior executives to stay at the forefront of AI innovation. From AI World Congress 2024 to specialized summits focusing on healthcare, finance, retail, education, and ethics, these events cover a wide range of topics and themes, catering to diverse interests and industries. Whether you’re seeking to gain practical insights, engage with thought leaders, or showcase your AI initiatives, these conferences provide valuable opportunities to immerse yourself in the dynamic world of artificial intelligence

  • AI World Congress 2024
  • Date: May 30-31, 2024
  • Location: London, United Kingdom
  • Description: AI World Congress 2024 brings together global leaders, innovators, and experts in artificial intelligence to explore the latest trends, technologies, and applications shaping the future of AI across industries. With keynote presentations, panel discussions, and networking opportunities, the conference offers insights into AI-driven innovation and its impact on businesses and society. Link

2. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)

  • Date: July 9-15, 2024
  • Location: Seoul, South Korea
  • Description: ICML is one of the premier conferences on machine learning, bringing together researchers, practitioners, and experts from academia and industry to present and discuss the latest developments in machine learning algorithms, theory, and applications. The conference features workshops, tutorials, and keynote lectures by leading experts in the field. Link

3. AI Expo Europe

  • Date: September 12-13, 2024
  • Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Description: AI Expo Europe is a leading conference and exhibition focused on artificial intelligence technologies, applications, and strategies for businesses. The event features keynote presentations, panel discussions, and workshops covering topics such as AI in enterprise, AI ethics, and AI-driven innovation. Link

4. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

  • Date: February 12-17, 2024
  • Location: Vancouver, Canada
  • Description: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence is a premier international conference on artificial intelligence research and practice. The conference features technical paper presentations, invited talks, and tutorials covering various aspects of AI, including machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, and computer vision. Link

5. AI World Forum

  • Date: April 8-10, 2024
  • Location: Toronto, Canada
  • Description: AI World Forum is a global conference that brings together industry leaders, policymakers, and experts to discuss the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence. The event features keynote speeches, panel discussions, and networking sessions, focusing on AI innovation, ethics, and governance. Link

6. Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)

  • Date: December 9-14, 2024
  • Location: Montreal, Canada
  • Description: NeurIPS is a leading conference on machine learning and computational neuroscience, attracting thousands of researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals from around the world. The conference features workshops, tutorials, and paper presentations on topics such as deep learning, reinforcement learning, and neural network models. Link

7. Applied Machine Learning Conference (AMLC)

  • Date: May 15-17, 2024
  • Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
  • Description: AMLC is a practitioner-focused conference that explores the practical applications of machine learning and AI in business and industry. The event features case studies, hands-on workshops, and expert panels covering topics such as AI-driven decision-making, predictive analytics, and machine learning deployment. Link

8. Deep Learning Summit

  • Date: August 20-22, 2024
  • Location: San Francisco, California, USA
  • Description: Deep Learning Summit brings together leading researchers, entrepreneurs, and innovators in deep learning and artificial intelligence. The conference features presentations, workshops, and networking opportunities focused on cutting-edge research, applications, and trends in deep learning algorithms and methodologies. Link

9. AI for Good Global Summit

  • Date: June 17-19, 2024
  • Location: Geneva, Switzerland
  • Description: AI for Good Global Summit is a leading international event that explores the potential of artificial intelligence to address global challenges and promote sustainable development. The summit features discussions, workshops, and projects focusing on AI applications in areas such as healthcare, education, environmental sustainability, and humanitarian aid. Link

10. Healthcare Innovation Summit

  • Date: November 5-7, 2024
  • Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA
  • Description: Healthcare Innovation Summit is a premier conference that brings together healthcare professionals, technology innovators, and industry leaders to discuss the latest trends and strategies for driving innovation in healthcare. The summit features keynote presentations, panel discussions, and networking sessions focusing on topics such as AI in healthcare delivery, digital health technologies, and patient engagement. Link

11. AI in Finance Summit

  • Date: October 1-3, 2024
  • Location: New York City, New York, USA
  • Description: AI in Finance Summit explores the applications of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the finance industry. The summit features expert presentations, case studies, and panel discussions covering topics such as algorithmic trading, risk management, fraud detection, and customer analytics. Link

12. Future of Work Summit

  • Date: September 25-27, 2024
  • Description: Future of Work Summit explores the impact of artificial intelligence, automation, and digital technologies on the future of work and employment. The summit features thought-provoking discussions, keynote presentations, and workshops covering topics such as AI-driven workforce transformation, digital skills development, and the future of remote work. Link

13. AI in Retail Summit

  • Date: April 22-24, 2024
  • Location: Paris, France
  • Description: AI in Retail Summit explores the transformative potential of artificial intelligence in the retail industry. The summit features presentations, case studies, and panel discussions on topics such as personalized marketing, supply chain optimization, customer experience enhancement, and retail automation. Link

14. AI in Education Summit

  • Date: August 5-7, 2024
  • Location: Sydney, Australia
  • Description: AI in Education Summit explores the role of artificial intelligence in transforming teaching and learning in educational settings. The summit features presentations, workshops, and demonstrations on topics such as adaptive learning systems, intelligent tutoring, educational data analytics, and AI-driven curriculum design. Link

15. AI Ethics Summit

  • Date: November 12-14, 2024
  • Location: Berlin, Germany
  • Description: AI Ethics Summit addresses the ethical, social, and policy implications of artificial intelligence technologies. The summit features discussions, debates, and workshops on topics such as algorithmic bias, data privacy, fairness, accountability, and transparency in AI systems and applications. Link

16. International Conference on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (ICRAI)

  • Date: June 8-10, 2025
  • Location: Tokyo, Japan
  • Description: ICRAI is a premier conference that brings together researchers, engineers, and practitioners in robotics and artificial intelligence to present and discuss the latest advancements and innovations in the field. The conference features technical paper presentations, workshops, and exhibitions covering topics such as robotics, machine learning, computer vision, and human-robot interaction. Link

17. AI Expo North America

  • Date: September 23-24, 2025
  • Location: Santa Clara, California, USA
  • Description: AI Expo North America is a leading conference and exhibition focused on artificial intelligence technologies, applications, and strategies for businesses. The event features keynote presentations, panel discussions, and workshops covering topics such as AI in enterprise, AI ethics, and AI-driven innovation. Link

18. IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI)

  • Date: August 12-15, 2025
  • Location: Barcelona, Spain
  • Description: ICAI is a prestigious conference organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) that focuses on advances in artificial intelligence research and applications. The conference features paper presentations, tutorials, and workshops covering topics such as machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, and autonomous systems. Link

19. AI in Healthcare Summit

  • Date: April 7-9, 2025
  • Description: AI in Healthcare Summit brings together healthcare professionals, researchers, and industry leaders to explore the latest applications and advancements in AI technology within the healthcare sector. The summit features keynote presentations, panel discussions, and workshops covering topics such as medical imaging, predictive analytics, and personalized medicine. Link

20. AI for Business Conference

  • Date: May 20-22, 2025
  • Description: AI for Business Conference is a premier event for business executives, decision-makers, and technology leaders seeking to harness the power of artificial intelligence to drive innovation and growth. The conference features case studies, best practices, and expert insights on topics such as AI strategy, implementation, and ROI optimization. Link

21. AI and Data Science Conference

  • Date: November 3-5, 2025
  • Description: AI and Data Science Conference brings together data scientists, AI researchers, and industry practitioners to explore the latest developments and applications in AI and data science. The conference features keynote presentations, hands-on workshops, and networking sessions covering topics such as machine learning algorithms, big data analytics, and AI-driven decision-making. Link

22. AI Ethics Summit

  • Date: October 8-10, 2025

23. AI in Retail Summit

  • Date: July 15-17, 2025

24. AI Expo Asia

  • Date: November 17-18, 2025
  • Location: Singapore
  • Description: AI Expo Asia is the region’s leading conference and exhibition dedicated to artificial intelligence and its applications across industries. The event features keynote speeches, panel discussions, and technology showcases covering topics such as AI innovation, adoption, and impact on business and society. Link

In conclusion, the lineup of AI conferences for 2024 and 2024 offers a diverse array of opportunities for businesses and senior executives to immerse themselves in the latest advancements, trends, and applications in artificial intelligence. From the AI World Congress 2024, a flagship event showcasing global AI leadership, to specialized summits focusing on healthcare, finance, retail, education, and ethics, these conferences provide invaluable platforms for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and networking. By participating in these conferences, attendees can gain practical insights, engage with thought leaders, and explore new opportunities to harness the transformative power of AI technology in their respective industries.

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

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artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

AI and Education 2024 Workshop

Artificial Intelligence and Education: International regulation for the Human Rights

Welcome to our workshop:, “ ethical ai and education: the need for international regulation to foster human rights, democracy and the rule of law “.

Join our interactive discussion and exchange in the half-day workshop at the International AIED Conference 2024 in Recife, Brazil!

Together with you, we want to discuss ethical questions around AI and Education (AI&ED) and the need for its regulation to guarantee human rights!

Join our interactive workshop at the AI&ED Conference 2024

Friday, 12th of July 2024

The hybrid workshop will take place in Recife (Brazil) as well as online.

It is the continuation of our successful Workshop at the International AIED Conference 2023 that took place in Tokyo (Japan).

Workshop objectives

The workshop intends to achieve these learning objectives:

  • To explore potential guidelines for trustworthy and ethical AI usage and to critically assess their structure and usage scenarios
  • To develop ideas around personal future ramifications (including trustworthiness and ethical implications) and AI usage in education, and to collate, present and discuss these
  • To explore in group work and in the plenary how legal regulations and guidelines for trustworthy and ethical AI usage can be developed and designed, in particular related to legal and organizational requirements
  • To identify methods for dealing with the quick changing developments in AI, providing a legal framework that is flexible but also appropriately effective

Therefore, these guiding aspects will be addressed:

  • How can we develop and implement legal and organizational requirements for ethical AI introduction and usage?
  • How can we keep and maybe even strengthen human rights, democracy, digital equity and rules of law through AI-supported education and learning opportunities?
  • And how can we involve all educational levels (micro, meso, macro) and stakeholders to guarantee a trustworthy and ethical AI usage?

Main focus will be on the legal and organizational requirements to achieve a regulation in the fields of AI and Education (AI&ED). Basis will be the work and activities of the Council of Europe (CoE) and its appointed AI&ED Expert Group and in particular its initial report. All these open and urgent issues will be discussed and next steps in relation to these requirements and goals will be defined.

Workshop background

It is obvious and demanded from latest publications, studies and events that Artificial Intelligence (AI in education and beyond) requires legal and organizational regulations.

Therefore, the Council of Europe (CoE) took action as it is the international organisation founded in 1949 to uphold human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe. Currently, it has 46 member states (19 more than the European Union), with a population of approximately 675 million.

In 2021, the CoE established an Expert Group to investigate, and propose a legal instrument for, the application (AIED) and teaching (AI Literacy) of AI in education. The project, entitled, “Artificial Intelligence and Education” (AI&ED), is working towards developing an actionable set of recommendations for Member States, helping ensure that the application and teaching of AI in education is for the common good.

To that end, the CoE AI&ED Expert Group have researched and written an initial report (“AI and Education. A critical view through the lens of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.”) and undertaken a survey of Member States, both of which have been designed to inform the project and to stimulate further critical debate. Currently the CoE AI&ED Expert Group is working on the analysis of the survey and developing the legal instrument as international convention.

All workshop organizers are members of the CoE AI&ED Expert Group and contributed to the CoE Expert Conferences “Artificial Intelligence and Education” held by the CoE in Strasbourg on 18th / 19th of October 2022 and on 21st / 22nd of November 2023. To establish the context, in advance of the workshop, the CoE Expert Group’s initial report will be shared with the workshop participants.

Workshop history

This workshop is the continuation of the very successful workshop held at the AIED 2023 Conference in Tokyo, Japan, to allow ongoing updates and awareness raising on the important topic of ethical AI&ED as well as direct communication and discussions for contributions to the current Council of Europe (CoE)’s development of an international regulation as binding law in Europe and design of comprehensive AI literacy tools. For more information see the website of the Workshop 2023:

Meet the Organizers

Christian M. Stracke (University of Bonn, stracke [at]


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CEU Library

AMICAL 2024 conference

by Ivett Molnar | May 20, 2024 | Library Display , News , Research Tips

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

This  conference takes place online   27-30 May and 3-6 June 2024 . It will feature presentations and discussions on topics such as the use of artificial intelligence in education, its impact on libraries and teaching methods, and strategies for faculty and student success in the digital age. It is particularly relevant for faculty developers, instructional designers, academic technologists and librarians. AMICAL is an association of 28 American-style universities located in 20 countries. It was founded in 2004. AMICAL works together on common goals for libraries, technology and pedagogy at its member institutions. It offers events and resources to advance learning through collaborative development of libraries, learning technologies and curricular resources. This year CEU Library will give a presentation on how the Media Hub helps academics reach broader audiences with the Podcast Workshops, as alternative medium to the traditional channels, lead by Jeremy Braverman, Media Hub Head and Media & Visual Education Specialist and Thomas Aichinger, Audio Education Specialist . Registration is free for CEU members and you can view the schedule here .

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International Conference on Data Science & Exploration in Artificial Intelligence Bengaluru, India | 3 rd & 4 th July, 2024


Selected & Extended Papers of the Conference will be published in Scopus & Web of Science Indexed Journals

                                                  Best Papers Awards and Recognitions

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CODE-AI Discover the forefront of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at CODE-AI 2024, hosted by Manipal Institute of Technology, (MIT-BLR). This dynamic international conference showcases the latest advancements and ethical considerations in these intertwined fields, offering unparalleled networking opportunities and cutting-edge research insights. Don't miss this essential event to shape the future of AI and Data Science.

About MIT-BLR The Garden City of India, Bengaluru, is now home to a new engineering institution, “MIT Bengaluru”, the latest constituent unit of Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE). MAHE is recognized as a deemed-to-be university since 1993 and has been accorded the status of Institute of Eminence (IoE) by MHRD, Government of India. Over the years, MAHE has transformed itself into a centre of excellence that offers knowledge to about 33000+ students from 67+ nations, ably supported by 2500 faculty and almost 10000 support and service staff.


Academic Partner

University of Information Technology and Sciences The University of Information Technology and Sciences (UITS) is a beacon of academic excellence, specializing in technology and sciences education. Renowned for its innovative approach, UITS provides a dynamic learning environment that integrates theoretical knowledge with practical skills. With cutting-edge facilities and a distinguished faculty, the university offers a top-tier education. Emphasizing research, UITS encourages students and faculty to engage in groundbreaking projects, contributing to advancements in various fields. The institution's global perspective is evident through its diverse student body and international collaborations, preparing graduates to thrive in a rapidly evolving technological landscape. UITS stands as a hub for cultivating critical thinking and creativity, empowering students to make impactful contributions to the world.


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Event Location Bengaluru, often referred to as the "Silicon Valley of India," is a vibrant and bustling metropolis located in the southern state of Karnataka. Known for its thriving IT and technology industry, the city is a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship. Bengaluru also boasts a rich cultural heritage, with historic landmarks, diverse cuisine, and a pleasant climate that has earned it the nickname "Garden City of India." It is a dynamic and cosmopolitan city that seamlessly blends tradition and modernity, making it a major center for business, education, and culture in India.

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  • Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has quickly become one of the biggest and most controversial topics in education. Is this use a threat or an asset to teaching and learning? Gain insights to how educators can best utilise this technology in the classroom.

10 September 2024 | Rendezvous Melbourne

AI Education in the News

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Join us on 10th September at the Rendezvous Hotel Melbourne for the highly demanded AI in Education Conference, coming to Victoria after its success in NSW.

This event gathers educators, researchers, and policymakers to explore the transformative role of Generative AI in education. Discover how AI can enhance teaching, streamline school operations, and benefit students. Engage with industry leaders, gain valuable insights, and network with peers.

To amongst the first the receive the official agenda release, early bird discount register your interest below

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Key Topics include:

  • Generative AI and Education: Explore the transformative role of AI in shaping the future of education and its potential to enhance learning experiences.
  • Policies around the Use of AI: Delve into the existing and evolving policies governing the integration of AI in educational settings and the implications for educators and students.
  • Integrating Generative AI into the Classroom: Explore case studies and success stories of AI integration in classrooms, highlighting best practices and lessons learned.
  • Regulating the Use of AI: Discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with regulating the use of AI in education, ensuring responsible and ethical implementation.
  • Concerns and Challenges with AI: Address the potential dangers that educators may face in adopting AI and explore solutions for mitigating risks.
  • Generative AI Assisting Teachers: Examine how AI can serve as a valuable ally to educators, supporting and enhancing their roles in the classroom.
  • Federal & State Governments Review of the AI Framework: Stay updated on the latest developments in the federal government’s approach to AI in education and its implications for educational institutions.
  • Generative AI outside of the classroom: Explore how schools can use generative AI to transform school operations, streamline administrative tasks, and enhance overall school efficiency.
  • Safe, Ethical, and Responsible Use: Discuss the importance of ensuring the safe, ethical, and responsible use of AI in educational settings to protect the interests of both educators and students.
  • The Benefits of Using AI: Evaluate the tangible benefits of incorporating AI in education and identify opportunities for optimizing its positive impact.
  • How students are Using AI: Insights into how pupils are leveraging and integrating AI into their educational experiences.

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

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AI in Education Conference 2023

We want everyone who comes to our events to have a great experience. This code explains our expectations and rules, which includes general good practice behaviour, and how to report anything witnessed or experienced that goes against them. Read our Event Code of Conduct here .

10 Sep 2024

Rendezvous Melbourne 328 Flinders St, Melbourne VIC 3000 (03) 9250 1888

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artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

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(AIET 2024) 2024 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education Technology

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Jul 29-jul 31, 2024, barcelona, spain, submission deadline, may 30, 2024, [email protected],, +86-18381008370, description.

  • Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning

Illinois Online Higher Education Symposium

professor teaching students in a high-tech classroom space

Towards Online Excellence

November 8, 2024 free virtual conference.

Organized by Illinois Public Universities

Pre-Register Today for Updates & Reminders!

Click the "Pre-Register" button above to register online.

Online Registration is Now Closed

To attend, please call 815-753-0595 or email [email protected]

Links to download session resources and handouts are available below

Institute to Be Fully Online

Due to a number of factors, such as the risk for the speaker to travel while COVID case numbers are rising in much of the country, the Teaching Effectiveness Institute will now be delivered fully online as opposed to in-person with a live streaming option. Information about how to participate in the online session will be sent to registered participants.

NIU is proud to be partnering with all Illinois public universities to offer the inaugural Illinois Online Higher Education Symposium, bringing together thought leaders and practitioners with expertise in online teaching and learning from across the state of Illinois to discuss the latest trends in online learning--from pedagogy to technology.

This free virtual conference will be held on November 8th, 2024 and welcomes all those who learn, teach, develop, support, or administer online education.

Target Audience (Presenters and Attendees)

Higher education instructors who teach online, online leaders or administrators, instructional designers, instructional technologists, and anyone interested in online learning. While the focus is on Illinois, we invite anyone from anywhere to participate.

Purpose of the Event

  • Showcase exemplary virtual educational practices
  • Collaborate and communicate with the community of online and digital educators
  • Discuss current trends and disruptions in online environments
  • Share online teaching practices unique to Illinois' history, geography, and demography

Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum

Thursday, august 11, 1 - 4 pm.

Outside the formal dimensions of learning lies a curriculum rarely discussed: the hidden curriculum of how to be an effective student in higher education. This curriculum is not carefully laid out in college catalogs, and it may seem obvious to experienced faculty and instructors, but it can be a barrier to student success, particularly for first-generation students. When we uncover it for our students, we can create a more equitable learning environment. In this session we will discuss aspects of higher education's hidden curriculum and how you can help students to become more effective learners.

Register Now!

Motivating and Engaging Students

Friday, august 12, 9 am - noon.

Research on learning is clear: we learn more when we are motivated and engaged, but it is unrealistic to expect that all students are excited to learn in every course. When we encounter students who seem uninterested or even apathetic toward course content and assignments, there are ways we can motivate, excite and even inspire students to learn. This is more challenging than ever given how exhausted we all are as we emerge from the pandemic, so this session is an opportunity to explore how you, even in these difficult times, can make classroom learning a more meaningful experience for students.

Small Teaching: From Minor Changes to Major Results

Time - time am.

While large and complex teaching innovations can be exciting and effective, research from the learning sciences suggests that a few small, manageable changes can improve learning in almost any type of course, from traditional lectures to flipped classrooms. In this session, you will learn practical strategies that can have a positive impact on student learning and consider how you might apply them in your upcoming courses.

Present at Inaugural Symposium

We are seeking proposals that showcase our vibrant statewide higher education online community. For this inaugural event, we hope to schedule sessions about teaching online, designing online, hybrid, or HyFlex courses, and administering or leading online programs. The conference aims to improve online teaching and learning in Illinois and beyond.

Proposals will be reviewed by other educators who will provide feedback.

  • April 22, 2024: Accepting submissions
  • June 30, 2024: Deadline for submissions
  • August 2, 2024: Notification of acceptance
  • October 1, 2024: Conference schedule released
  • October 25, 2024: Deadline for flash talks, pre-recorded sessions, and digital materials
  • November 8, 2024: Symposium

Themes to Consider

  • Leading by Example: Visionary Leadership in Online Education
  • Leadership Strategies for Online Learning Excellence
  • Designing for Online Learning: Pathway Building for Multi-modal (e.g. Traditional, Workplace Learning, Accelerated Programs, and Micro-credentials)
  • Online Pedagogy – Examples of Engaging Practice
  • AI Influences on Online Learning – Practices to use AI
  • Supporting Online Faculty, Students, and Technologies
  • Innovative Hybrid/HyFlex Teaching and Learning Strategies

Review Criteria

Proposals will be reviewed using the following criteria:

  • Clarity: The proposal is written clearly and professionally.
  • Relevance: The session’s topic is relevant and of current interest to those who teach, administer, support, research or lead online education.
  • Significance: The session will make a notable contribution to the knowledge and/or practice of online education.
  • Completeness: The proposal adequately describes what will occur during the session (not just describing the background and importance of the topic).
  • Alignment: The proposal aligns with one or more of the conference topics.

Step 1: Download and Complete the Proposal Template

Step 2: Submit Your Proposal

Organizing Committee - Illinois Chief Online Learning Officers

  • Lisa J. Anderson , Director, Office of Online Learning, University of Illinois
  • Michel Bellini , Director, Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, University of Illinois
  • Craig Engstrom , Director, Center for Teaching Excellence, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
  • Michael Gillespie , Director of Faculty Development and Innovation, Eastern Illinois University
  • Michele Gribbins , Director, Center for Online Learning, Research and Service, University of Illinois-Springfield
  • Wenhao David Huang , Associate Head, Education Policy, Organization and Leadership, University of Illinois
  • Nikki LaGrone , Director, Center for Teaching and Learning, Governors State University
  • Anthony Piña , Chief Online Learning Officer, Illinois State University
  • Jason Rhode , Associate Vice Provost for Teaching, Learning, and Digital Education, Northern Illinois University
  • Ian Szechowycz , Director of Digital Spaces, Western Illinois University
  • Mary Walker-Ettling , Director, Online Services and Educational Outreach at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
  • Susan Wegmann , Director, SIUC Global, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Featured Speaker

artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

Keynote: Ray Schroeder UPCEA Senior Fellow UIS Professor Emeritus Personal Website

Presentation: "Artificial Intelligence in Online Learning"

Online learning continues to be the preferred mode of delivery of higher learning to adult and professional students. The advent of Artificial Intelligence tools and agents have become available to enhance the delivery of learning online. They promise to make our online programs more efficient, effective and flexible for lifelong learning. We will examine the opportunities that these advanced, smart technologies offer and the potential they provide to further extend and expand our online learning programs.

A nationally respected and connected leader in higher education online learning, Ray Schroeder is senior fellow of UPCEA, the online and professional education association, and professor emeritus at the University of Illinois Springfield (UIS). With 50 years on the faculty and administration at the Urbana and Springfield campuses of the University of Illinois, Ray is the recipient of numerous national awards and citations for individual excellence and leadership from many associations and entities, including the Sloan Consortium (OLC), US Distance Learning Association, American Journal of Distance Education, Illinois Council for Continuing Higher Education, University of Wisconsin, and University of Illinois. In 2023, Ray received the honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters degree from UIS in 2023 and became the first recipient of the UPCEA Leadership Award for the Advancement of Digital Learning (now renamed the Ray Schroeder Leadership Award for the Advancement of Digital Learning). He is the author of book chapters, articles, widely read blogs, and social media feeds on news and research in online learning/educational technology. Ray is a noted speaker, consultant, researcher, and author on online learning, emerging educational technologies, and technology-enhanced learning topics.


In this opening keynote, Dr. Michael Wesch, Kansas State University, will share his experience using video to transform pedagogy and engagement in his online courses. The techniques have proven so effective and popular with students that they have inspired a radical revision of his in-person teaching as well. Dr. Wesch's hope is that we can not only thrive through this particular cultural moment, but perhaps many of you, like him, will find a love for online teaching and the lasting effect may be better online programs and courses for students who simply cannot join us on our campuses.

Michael Wesch is the creator of the Teaching Without Walls video series which includes the top ranked YouTube video for college online teaching.  The New York Times listed him as one of 10 professors in the nation whose courses "mess with old models" and added that "they give students an experience that might change how they think, what they care about or even how they live their lives."  His videos have been viewed over 20 million times, translated in over 20 languages, and are frequently featured at international film festivals and major academic conferences worldwide.  Wesch has won several major awards for his work, including the US Professor of the Year Award from the Carnegie Foundation, the Wired Magazine Rave Award, and he was named an Emerging Explorer by National Geographic.  He is also co-creator of and author of The Art of Being Human , a free and open textbook alternative for Introduction to Cultural Anthropology.

Planning is key to creating a video that has a powerful impact on teaching and learning. This session will address audience analysis, learning objectives, content planning, scripting, and other factors required for successful video development. Plan to achieve results!

You don't need expensive equipment to record video. This session will review techniques for recording video using your smart phone or webcam. You will practice recording a simple video that could be used to increase your presence in any course. Record your presence!

Note: All are welcome to the event. However, to complete the "hands-on" activity, participants will need to have a recording device, such as a smart phone or web cam, and recording app on the device.

Simple editing tools can be used to improve video content and enhance the viewers' experience. This session will review the process for completing simple edits using tools such as Kaltura Editor. Edit for impact!

Note: All are welcome to the event. Participants may choose to edit the video they created during the earlier session or use a video provided by the CITL, which will be available in the resources for the event.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Taking video to the next level :   storytelling , engagement ,   pedagogy , and   social justice  .

Laura Vazquez

Laura Vazquez received her Ph.D. in Radio, TV and Film from Northwestern University and has been teaching media theory and production courses in the Department of Communication at Northern Illinois University for 20 years. She currently chairs the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women and is also the Undergraduate Director for the Department of Communication . Dr. Vazquez is also the president of the University Film and Video Association .

Vazquez is a documentary filmmaker who has produced several social issue documentaries on topics such as domestic violence and the courts, poverty and homelessness among various populations, sexual assault on college campuses and the politics of healthy food. Her most recent film Think Globally, Act Locally , premiered in October 2015 at the 12th International Pascal Conference in Catania, Italy. It has screened in several festivals including Big Muddy, National Communication Association Social Justice film series and the Illinois International Film Festival. Recently she participated in a multi-institution $200,000 grant from the Wyncote Foundation to oversee the production of student made films on sexual assault on college campuses.

Videos can be produced for different purposes. During this session, you will learn how to select different video approaches to align with teaching and learning goals. We will also discuss how to use student-produced videos for assessments. Align for high impact!

Rich multimodal course content may include quality images, audio and video recordings. This session will include a review of strategies for enriching video by effectively using multimodal content aligned with course goals. Multimodal mashup for teaching and learning!

The final session of the Institute will include a showcase of work created by participants during the 2-day period. The Institute will conclude with a discussion of lessons learned and next steps. Teaching Effectiveness Institute videopalooza!

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Full agenda for emerging tech dialogues: artificial intelligence in higher education.

Join Chief Information Officer  Ben Maddox  for a free, full day symposium where faculty, staff, researchers, and students from the New York campuses can all share ideas for using artificial intelligence tools in teaching, learning, research, and daily tasks. The following information provides additional details about each session or poster.

This article applies to: Artificial Intelligence (AI) , Collaboration Tools

On This Page

Host and keynote presenter backgrounds, poster descriptions, breakout session descriptions.

On May 29, 2024, Chief Information Officer  Ben Maddox  is hosting a free, all-day symposium where faculty, staff, researchers, and students from the New York campuses can share ideas for using artificial intelligence tools in teaching, learning, research, and daily tasks. In addition to engaging keynote speakers, local colleagues will present posters and lead breakout sessions to showcase how they are implementing these tools or exploring applications for AI in their teams and responsibilities.

This page displaying full agenda details acts as a supplement to the event page , where you can register to attend the symposium. In person registration is closed, but we still have some empty spots in the online audience. Registration for online participation ends at noon ET on Tuesday, May 28, 2024. Zoom details will be provided to all registered online participants by the end of the day on May 28. 

May 29, 2024 9:30am-4:00pm Eastern Daylight Time

  • 9:30am – Mingle, sign-in, coffee  - The Park Atrium (beverages and snacks will be refreshed throughout the event, until 5pm)
  • 10am – Opening remarks  and introduction by Ben Maddox  - Statler Auditorium
  • 10:15am – Keynote Speaker   Kavita Bala  - Statler Auditorium
  • 11:30am – Lunch and Poster Sessions - The Park Atrium; each in-person poster presenter will also cycle through the online audience Zoom room so everyone has a chance to hear and discuss their content.
  • 1:00pm – Keynote Speaker  Clay Shirky  - Statler Auditorium
  • 2:10pm - Remarks and Afternoon Updates  by Ben Maddox - Statler Auditorium
  • 2:30pm and 3:20pm – Break-out Sessions;  all sessions will be accessible to both in person and online participants. Locations included with break-out session descriptions below.
  • 4:00-5:00pm – Informal Gathering   - The Park Atrium
  • Ben Maddox - Chief Information Officer for Cornell's Ithaca campus and Cornell Tech, Maddox earned his doctorate in higher education management from the University of Pennsylvania, his M.A. in education and cognitive science from New York University, and his B.A. in political science from Baylor University. In addition to his role at Cornell, he is also an adjunct instructor  and doctoral advisor at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. His academic work focuses on intersections of systems: people, organizations, and technology --particularly how technology, innovation, leadership, and learning fuel change. Prior to his role at Cornell, Maddox was serving as NYU's chief academic technology officer, capping off his 13 years in leadership roles for NYU's New York and Abu Dhabi campuses.
  • Kavita Bala - Dean of Cornell Bowers College of Computing and Information Science and Professor of Computer Science. In January 2024, Bala delivered the keynote address opening a Harvard/MIT Symposium on the impact on education of generative AI (GAI). A question-and-answer session follows Bala’s keynote presentation. Read more about Bala's keynote address in the IT@Cornell news story .
  • Clay Shirky - NYU’s Vice Provost for AI and Technology in Education as well as an American writer, consultant, and teacher on the social and economic effects of Internet technologies. A question-and-answer session follows Shirky’s keynote presentation. Read more about Shirky's keynote address in the IT@Cornell news story .

Each in-person poster presenter will also cycle through the online audience Zoom room so everyone has a chance to hear and discuss their content.

  • Description: AI/ML computing and consulting support services available to Cornell faculty,  students, and staff and project examples.
  • Description: For the past year, the English Language Support Office (ELSO) has been exploring the ethics and effectiveness of the use of generative AI by international graduate and professional students for academic writing. During this poster presentation, we will share what we have learned and how our program has responded, as well as resources we developed to assist graduate writers and their faculty as they navigate these new technologies.
  • Description: Learn about the more robust cloud environment rolled out in 2023 for easier use and flexible options tied to your research needs. Hear about advanced options being designed in the cloud for work with research data requiring dedicated restricted environments.
  • Description: Tired of entering passwords and reaching for your phone to log in with your Cornell NetID? Learn about a new way to log in with a touch or a smile.
  • Description: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is likely to have a profound impact on education. This poster session will focus on a variety of use cases for how AI might be used across the educational environment, as well as highlighting ethical and policy considerations surrounding its use.
  • Description: BALM is a specialized language model for querying RDF knowledge graphs using SPARQL, akin to text-to-SQL applications. The graph comprises static physical/logical topology data, near real-time values of HVAC key performance indicators, and selected trend data. It supports Cornell University's aim to reduce utility costs and carbon footprint.
  • Description: An augmented reality model of a linear accelerator, accessible via QR code and smartphone, has been developed to facilitate medical physics and radiation oncology training, particularly in low-to-middle-income countries. Key components are precisely modeled for 3D printing, allowing for hands-on educational engagement and detailed spatial exploration of the accelerator's elements.

Description: Sharing of tips, tricks, and personal experiences from working with stakeholders in Ithaca-based units and Weill Cornell Medicine/Qatar, inclusive of situations where transmitting, storing, and/or processing of high-risk data may be necessary.

All sessions will be accessible to both in-person and online participants.

2:30pm Sessions

  • Rob Vanderlan, Cornell Center for Teaching Innovation, Executive Director
  • Amy Cheatle, Cornell Center for Teaching Innovation, Instructional Designer
  • Becky Lane, Cornell Center for Teaching Innovation, Associate Director for Learning Technologies
  • Abstract: This session explores the challenges and opportunities that come with integrating generative AI technologies into teaching environments at Cornell. 
  • Facilitator: Jason Woodward, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
  • Abstract: We’ll present on our successes and failures exploring emerging technology to help us find deeply buried valuable documentation in a sea of unstructured documents. Come take part in this interactive discussion so we can hear what has and hasn’t worked for you, and to brainstorm on future explorations.
  • Shelley Stuart, Cornell IT, Communications Professional
  • Carlyn Chatfield, Cornell IT, Technical Communicator

Abstract: Now that you’ve heard about Generative AI, try your hand at it! This prompt-a-thon session will give you the opportunity to explore Microsoft Copilot Enterprise , available on most web browsers. You’ll start with a topic and a goal for a creative, no-risk entrée to learning how to interact with Copilot, then share experiences with all participants at the end.

New to writing prompts or uncertain about participating? Explore examples in the Prompt Library created by one of the facilitators.

Laura Landphair, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business

  • Tony Damiani, Cornell IT Enterprise Service

Abstract: The Connect360 initiative at the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business was launched to streamline their data analytics environment. This project was a collaboration between the SC Johnson College IT and CIT, merging a vast array of skills such as business expertise, project management, UX experience, data analysis and modeling, and infrastructure expertise. Their objective was to consolidate data from multiple sources into a real-time dashboard, thereby enhancing decision-making capabilities for college leaders. The partnership also resulted in the creation of a resource planning dashboard designed to manage course demand and faculty availability. The successful collaboration has set the stage for more joint projects in the future.

  • Phil Robinson, Cornell University Library IT, Director of Software Development
  • Sara Chintomby, Cornell University Library IT, Application Developer
  • Shinwoo Kim, Cornell University Library IT, Digital Preservation Technical Lead and Application Developer
  • Matt Connolly, Cornell University Library IT, Full Stack Applications Developer
  • Scott Ross, Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine IT, Assistant Director
  • Fermin Romero, Cornell Office of Student and Campus Life, IT Infrastructure and Application Development Manager
  • Phil Williammee, Cornell Office of Student and Campus Life, Senior Applications Programmer
  • Lightning rounds by several Cornell IT units will discuss the pros and cons of AI coding assistance tools such as GitHub Copilot, Devin, Microsoft Copilot Enterprise, ChatGPT, and AWS AI features.
  • Are there other tools on the horizon that show promise? Such as AskCodi, Codiga, others?

3:30pm Sessions

  • Dan Villanti, Cornell IT Security Office, IT Security Solutions Architect
  • Meryl Bursic, Cornell IT Security Office, Senior IT Security Engineer
  • Abstract: When you have an exciting new tool in your kit, it's tempting to use it on just about everything. Join us for a practical discussion on how to balance enthusiasm for generative AI while discerning responsible and appropriate use.
  • Toby Ault, Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Marty Sullivan, Cornell College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, PhD student and DevOps Engineer
  • Zach Jacques, Cornell Research Administration Information Services, Director
  • Ayham Boucher, Cornell Research Administration Information Services, Lead Data Engineer
  • Abstract: We will discuss our early experiments in using Generative AI to assist administrative staff with their workloads while handling confidential data. This session will include practical case studies using a secure private chat tool to demonstrate Generative AI's capabilities and its potential benefits for the administrative workflows.
  • Amie Patchen, Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Public and Ecosystem Health, Lecturer
  • Kim Scholl, Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine, Master of Public Health Program, Writing and Academic Support Specialist

Abstract: This presentation will include an overview of challenges generative artificial intelligence (GAI) poses to teaching critical thinking, an example of a core critical thinking skill and instructional strategy from the field of Public Health, and breakout groups to brainstorm core skills and instructional strategies from other fields. The goal will be to spark and share ideas that can be used across courses.

To share feedback about this page or request support, log in with your NetID

At Cornell we value your privacy. To view our university's privacy practices, including information use and third parties, visit University Privacy .

Microsoft Debuts 'Copilot+' PCs With AI Features

Microsoft Debuts 'Copilot+' PCs With AI Features


Copilot logo is seen in this illustration taken May 20, 2024. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration

By Max A. Cherney

SEATTLE (Reuters) -Microsoft on Monday debuted a new category of personal computers with AI features as it rushes to build the emerging technology into products across its business and compete with Alphabet and Apple.

At an event on its campus in Redmond, Washington, Chief Executive Satya Nadella introduced what Microsoft calls "Copilot+" PCs, saying that it and a range of manufacturers would sell them, including Acer and Asustek Computer.

Microsoft launched the laptops as its shares trade near record highs following a Wall Street rally driven by expectations that AI will fuel strong profit growth for the company and its Big Tech rivals.

Able to handle more artificial-intelligence tasks without calling on cloud data centers, the new computers will start at $1,000 and begin shipping on June 18.

The ability to crunch AI data directly on the computer lets Copilot+ include a feature called "Recall." "Recall" tracks everything done on the computer, from Web browsing to voice chats, creating a history stored on the computer that the user can search when they need to remember something they did, even months later.

The company also demonstrated its Copilot voice assistant acting as a real-time virtual coach to a user playing the "Minecraft" video game.

Yusuf Mehdi, who heads up consumer marketing for Microsoft, said the company expects that 50 million AI PCs will be purchased over the next year. At the press event, he said faster AI assistants that run directly on a PC will be "the most compelling reason to upgrade your PC in a long time."

Global PC shipments dipped about 15% to 242 million last year, according to research firm Gartner, which suggests Microsoft expects the new category of computers to account for around one-fifth of all PCs sold.

"People just need to be convinced that the device experience alone justifies this entirely new category of Copilot+ machines,” said analyst Ben Bajarin of Creative Strategies.

Microsoft's new "Copilot+" computer marketing category that highlights AI features is reminiscent of the "Ultrabook" category of thin-form Windows laptops that Intel promoted with PC manufacturers in 2011 to compete against Apple's MacBook Air.

Microsoft executives also said that GPT-4o, the latest technology from ChatGPT maker OpenAI, will "soon" be available as part of Copilot.

Microsoft also introduced a new generation of its own Surface Pro tablet and Surface Laptop that feature Qualcomm chips based on Arm Holdings' architecture. It also introduced a technology called Prism that will help software written for Intel and AMD chips run on chips made with Arm technology.

Microsoft showed its new devices in action against an Apple device, showing photo editing software from Adobe running faster on the Microsoft device. Apple earlier this month showed a new AI-focused chip that analysts expect to be used in future laptops.

After Intel's processors dominated the PC market for decades, Qualcomm and other makers of lower-power Arm components have tried to compete in the Windows-PC market.

The Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite chips include a so-called neural processing unit designed to accelerate AI-focused applications, such as Microsoft's Copilot software.

Microsoft held the product event a day before its annual developer conference.

Microsoft aims to extend its early advantage in the race to produce AI tools that consumers are willing to pay for. Its partnership with OpenAI allowed it to jump ahead of Alphabet as they race to dominate the field.

Last week, OpenAI and Alphabet's Google showcased dueling AI technologies that can respond via voice in real time and be interrupted, both hallmarks of realistic voice conversations that AI voice assistants have found challenging. Google also announced it was rolling out several generative AI features to its lucrative search engine.

Windows PC makers have been under increasing pressure from Apple since the company launched its custom chips based on designs from Arm and ditched Intel's processors. The Apple-designed processors have given Mac computers superior battery life and speedier performance than rivals' chips.

Microsoft tapped Qualcomm to lead the effort to move the Windows operating system to Arm's chip designs in 2016. Qualcomm has exclusivity on Microsoft Windows devices that expires this year. Other chip designers such as Nvidia have efforts under way to make their own Arm-based PC chips, Reuters has previously reported.

(Reporting by Max A. Cherney in Seattle; Additional reporting by Yuvraj Malik in Bengaluru and Stephen Nellis in San Francisco; Editing by Noel Randewich and Matthew Lewis)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

Tags: South Korea , artificial intelligence , United States , Taiwan , United Kingdom , Europe

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artificial intelligence in education conference 2024

The 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2024) will take place between July 8-12, 2024 in Recife, Brazil and virtually.

The AIED 2024 theme is  “AI in Education for a World in Transition”

Abstracts due: January 29, 2024; Papers due: February 5, 2024

Education has always been about creating opportunities for people to acquire new skills and competencies. However, Education goes beyond simply communicating knowledge and instead, aims to teach individuals analytical and critical thinking, social skills, and human values thus preparing them for a democratic society.

Rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have created opportunities not only for personalized and immersive experiences, but also opportunities for ad hoc learning by engaging with cutting-edge technology continually, extending classroom borders, from engaging in real-time conversations with large language models (LLMs) to creating expressive artifacts such as digital images with generative AI or physically interacting with the environment for a more embodied learning. 

As a  result, we now need new approaches and measurements to harness this potential and ensure that we can safely and responsibly cope with a world in transition. It is now evident that in order to move forward in terms of AIED practice, we need to consider AI Literacy and AI policy. FurthermoreWe envision that the triad of AIED, AI Literacy, and Fair, and Ethical AI will play a fundamental role in this world in transition and be the drivers for shaping meaningful changes in pedagogical practice, educational policies, and regulations.

This year’s theme for AIED is "AIED for a World in Transition." The conference aims to explore how AI can be used to enhance the learning experience of students and teachers alike when disruptive technologies are turning education upside down. The conference seeks to stimulate discussion of how AI can shape education for all sectors, how to advance the science and engineering of AI-assisted learning systems, and how to promote broad adoption. Engaging with the various stakeholders – researchers, educational practitioners, businesses, policy makers, as well as teachers and students – the conference will set a wider agenda on how novel research ideas can meet practical needs to build effective intelligent human-technology ecosystems that support learning in new, complex, and unknown scenarios.

AIED 2024 will be the 25th edition of the International AIED Society. The AIED Society organises the AIED conference and is aimed at advancing science and engineering of intelligent human-technology ecosystems that support learning. The conference will be the latest of a longstanding series of international conferences, known for high quality and innovative research on AI-assisted systems and cognitive science approaches for educational computing applications. AIED is ranked A in CORE, the well-known ranking of computer science conferences. 

AIED 2024 solicits empirical and theoretical papers particularly (but not exclusively) in the following lines of research and application:

AI-assisted and Interactive Technologies in an Educational Context: Natural language processing and speech technologies; Data-driven processing techniques  (educational data mining, deep learning, machine learning,...); Knowledge representation and reasoning; Generative AI; Semantic web technologies; Multi-agent architectures; Tangible interfaces, Wearables; Virtual and augmented reality.

Modeling and Representation: Models of learners, including open learner models; facilitators, tasks and problem-solving processes; Models of groups and communities for learning; Modeling motivation, metacognition, and affective aspects of learning; Ontological modeling; Computational thinking and model-building; Representing and analyzing activity flow and discourse during learning; Representing and modeling psychomotor learning.

Models of Teaching and Learning: AI-assisted tutoring and scaffolding; Motivational diagnosis and feedback; Learner engagement; Interactive pedagogical agents and learning companions; Agents that promote metacognition, motivation and positive affect; Adaptive question-answering and dialogue, Data-driven modeling (educational data mining, deep learning, machine learning,...); Learning analytics and teaching support, Learning with simulations; Explainability of models for teaching and learning.

Learning Contexts and Informal Learning: Game-based learning; Collaborative and group learning; Social networks; Inquiry learning; Social dimensions of learning; Communities of practice; Ubiquitous learning environments; Learning through construction and making; Learning grid; Lifelong learning; Learning in informal settings (museum, workplace, etc.); Learning in the physical space; Learning of motor skills.

Evaluation: Studies on human learning, cognition, affect, motivation, engagement, and attitudes; Design and formative studies of AIED systems; Evaluation techniques relying on computational analyses.

Innovative Applications: Domain-specific learning applications (e.g., language, science, engineering, mathematics, medicine, military, industry, sports and more); Scaling up and large-scale deployment of AIED systems.

Equity and Inclusion in Education: Socio-economic, gender, and racial issues; AI-assisted techniques to support students from under-resourced schools and communities; Sponsorship, scientific validity, participant’s rights and responsibilities, data collection, management and dissemination.

Ethics of AI in Education: Explainability, transparency, accountability, and responsible AIED; learner consent and opt-out; surveillance and privacy; the impact of AIED on teachers, learners and classrooms; teacher empowerment and student agency; the community’s responsibility for commercial applications; AIED ethical frameworks and principles for application.  

AI Literacy: Skills and knowledge that enable individuals to understand, use, and critically evaluate artificial intelligence (AI); Definitions of AI literacy;  Learning to use AI; Developing a basic understanding of how AI works; Learning to communicate and collaborate with  AI;  learning to live with AI, Understanding limitations and problems of AI.

AIED for Development: Focuses on leveraging AI technology to address and improve various aspects of development in societies and education, particularly in low and middle-income countries; AIED Divide; AIED Unplugged; Low-cost solutions; Low-tech solutions; Frugal Innovation; Jugaad Innovation.

Explore Design, Use, and Evaluation of Human-AI Hybrid Systems for Learning: Research that explores the potential of human-AI interaction in educational contexts; Systems and approaches in which educational stakeholders and AI tools build upon each other’s complementary strengths to achieve educational outcomes and/or improve mutually. 

Online Learning Spaces: Massive open online courses; Remote learning in k-12 schools; Synchronous and asynchronous learning; Mobile learning; Active learning in virtual settings; Video-based learning; Mixed reality and learning.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The AIED Society values diversity, equity, and inclusion (and related principles under this broad umbrella) as essential and fundamental values for the AIED community to uphold. Thus, in AIED 2024, we encourage authors to:

Write with care toward inclusive language (e.g., understanding identify-first vs. person-first language, gender neutral language, appropriate demographic categories and terminology, and avoiding the conflation of distinct dimensions such as race and ethnicity, or sex and gender).

Report methodology including descriptions of sample characteristics  (e.g., demographic data), any procedures for inclusive and representative sampling, any barriers to inclusive and representative sampling, and the ethical issues addressed both in the research methodology and the AIED approaches or tools being researched. For example, it is important to report the strategies used to control or reduce bias against populations of any kind (e.g. benefit or bring prejudice to a particular gender, race, or people with different economic status) when collecting, using, or aggregating data both for the research and for the AIED approach or tool being researched.

Consider how their theoretical frameworks and findings are related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. For example, authors may discuss how these issues influence key assumptions, hypotheses, and methods. 

Address implications or appropriate interpretations of their findings with respect to diversity, inclusion and equity.

Submission Instructions

We invite submissions, full or short papers, to the main track: 

Full paper submission: Full papers should present integrative reviews or original reports of substantive new work: theoretical, empirical, and/or in the design, development and/or deployment of novel concepts, systems, and mechanisms. Full papers will be presented as long oral talks. Papers submitted as a full paper may be accepted as a short paper.

Short paper submission: Short papers are expected to describe novel and interesting results to the overall community at large. The goal is to give novel but not necessarily mature work a chance to be seen by other researchers and practitioners and to be discussed at the conference. Short papers will be presented as short oral talks.  

Submissions must follow Springer policies on publication (including policies on the use of AI in the authoring process): .

Papers accepted to the conference must have a unique author registration (i.e., one registration per paper); registration should match onsite and remote presentation format.

Authors should note that unlike previous AIED conferences, there will be NO downgrade path from main track submissions to posters. Authors whose main track submissions are not accepted either as full or short paper are encouraged to revise and consider the late-breaking results track or workshops. Note that due to the nature of the submission type, posters are to be presented physically at the conference; no remote presentation of posters will be allowed.

Review Process

All submissions will be reviewed by three members of the  program committee, followed by a metareview conducted by a senior member of the program committee (all double-masked) to meet rigorous academic standards of publication. Papers will be reviewed for relevance, novelty, technical soundness, significance and clarity of presentation. It is important to note that the work presented should not have been published previously or be under consideration in other conferences of journals. Any paper caught in double submission will be rejected without review. The review process is documented in detail at .

The review process will be double-masked, meaning that both the authors and reviewers will remain anonymous. To this end, authors should:

Eliminate all information that could lead to their identification (names, contact information, affiliations, patents, names of approaches, frameworks, projects and/or systems)

Cite own prior work (if needed) in the third person

Eliminate acknowledgments and references to funding sources 

Data collection, reporting, and analysis

Authors should be clear and specific about the composition of human-sourced data. Who were the participants? What was the distribution of gender, race, ethnicity, or related variables? If corpus data or training data were sourced from humans, a similar description could be offered.

Skewed or non-representative samples would not necessarily trigger a "reject" decision, but authors should acknowledge the demographic imbalances and discuss the potential impact on data, results, or conclusions. A more compelling paper would describe steps taken to generate an inclusive and representative sample (this is basic science, but often overlooked for convenience).

Authors are encouraged to discuss/justify how demographic variables are included in the analyses. If they are not included or "covaried out" please justify. If they are included, what are the assumptions? Are there "categorical effects"? Are the effects of different demographic variables independent, interdependent, or intersectional? What valid conclusions can be drawn? What erroneous conclusions need to be avoided or tempered?

Authors should demonstrate some awareness of how ethical issues (including but not limited to equity, inclusion, accessibility) impact their data, methods, tools, approaches, products, and findings. How are different demographic groups or communities differentially connected to the work? People who are developing educational technologies need to think about access and use, for example. Corpus analyses need to address the impact of skewed/exclusive datasets and potential outcomes (e.g., algorithmic bias).

Submission Procedure and Publication of Accepted Contributions

All submissions must be in Springer format. Papers that do not use the required format may be rejected without review. Authors should consult  Springer’s  authors’ guidelines and use their proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include their  ORCIDs  in their papers. Submissions are handled via  EasyChair .

Accepted AIED 2024 papers for the main track will be published by Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), a subseries of Lectures Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).  Paper lengths for the main track submissions are as follows:

Full papers (14 pages including references; for a long oral presentation)

Short papers (8 pages including references; for a short oral presentation)

Important Dates (full and short papers, main track)

Abstracts due: January 29, 2024

Papers due: February 5, 2024

All deadlines are anywhere on earth (AoE). Please adhere to these deadlines as there will NOT be any extensions to the above dates for full and short submissions to the main track of the conference. 

The other tracks have different deadlines, they will be announced in the corresponding CFPs. We will announce further details for other tracks and sessions within AIED 2024 including:

Blue Sky: position papers envisioning the future of AIED

WideAIED: papers on research and ideas toward widening participation in AIED (e.g. by social scientists).

Invited papers from the International Journal of AIED

Late-breaking results papers 

Practitioners and Industry track 

Doctoral Consortium

Interactive events (e.g. demos)

Organising Committee

General Chairs

Olga C. Santos, UNED, Spain

Ig Bittencourt, Federal University of Alagoas, Brazil

Program Co-chairs

Andrew Olney, University of Memphis, USA

Irene-Angelica Chounta, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Zitao Liu, Jinan University, China

Local Chair

Rafael Ferreira Leite de Mello, CESAR and Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil


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  4. AIET 2024

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  5. Call for Papers

    The 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2024) will take place between July 8-12, 2024 in Recife, Brazil. ... AIED is ranked A in CORE (top 16% of all 783 ranked venues), the well-known ranking of computer science conferences. AIED 2024 solicits empirical and theoretical papers particularly (but not ...

  6. 2024 National Conference on Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education

    Registration for the National Conference on Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education Conference (GenAiEdu 2024) is now open. Registration cost. The conference starts with optional workshops on Monday 22nd January, with the main conference taking place on Tuesday 23 - Wednesday 24 January.

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    Teaching and learning with ai: A Sharing Conference Between Educational PractitionersHappening in Orlando, FL 90ºFJuly 22-24, 2024. Join others from around the world to discuss the impact of artificial intelligence on teaching and learning in colleges and universities. The Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, the Division of Digital ...

  8. AIET 2024-Call for Papers

    We sincerely invite contributions to 2024 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education Technology (AIET 2024). AIET 2024 conference will take place in Barcelona, Spain during July 29-31, 2024. Topics of interest for submission include as following:

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